text,book,chapter,verse,cleaned,target somebody pray today pray today pray today pray today isaiah 54 verse one says sing o barren you who have not,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 14 ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 here is what the lord is telling,ephesians,2,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 and they came near genesis 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,genesis,45,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 4 throughout the first 10 chapters of proverbs more is said about this problem in the life of children than any of the,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 the tigris and euphrates river. joshua 24 tells us abraham actually came out of a family of idol to worshipers.,joshua,24,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 1 natural disaster you could say then job arose verse 20 tore his robe shaved his head fell to the ground and,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 the theology of martyrdom and looking at the slain lamb in revelation five i really appreciate being here it's a,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 the other group in job chapter 12 verse 22 we read these words job writes he uncovers mysteries,job,12,22.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 22 seen zion and then to the sisters you had a word to sisters from esther 1 peter chapter 3 we read you sisters,1 peter,3,1.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 1 and night on tonight's shared knowledge proverbs 19 7 all the brethren of the poor do hate him,proverbs,19,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 7 our reading today comes from the old testament isaiah 44 verses 6 through 8. and the word says,isaiah,44,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 6 find the devil suddenly entering in genesis chapter 3 on that happen between verses 1 and 2 when god created the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 look at jeremiah chapter one in jeremiah chapter one or reading from verse 7,jeremiah,1,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 7 he says for example i read in the law romans 7 verse 7. remember this this is after romans 6 14,romans,7,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 7 rewards in hebrews chapter 6 and verse 10 the scripture goes further to establish,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 gone over and gone through you've given us ephesians 6 about the armor powerful truths and now we ask again that you,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 the house today we're looking at james chapter 5 james chapter 5 i'm reading here i'm reading here from verse 5 14 he,james,5,5.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 5 and after they had then taken ie there's this place here in joshua 8 but first we're going to read from,joshua,8,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 1 85 year old abba habert amos testified that he couldn't walk for two years,amos,1,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 1 will speak to you what is the message in revelation revelation chapter 1 i john was in the island of patmos and i,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 of the apostle paul personally today i it is acts chapter 20 opposite not really homeira,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 friend of shiloh 2021 for unusual revelation in the name of jesus father grant assets,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 it is at that point at that moment that god then said in genesis 22 16 by myself i have sworn so this is what hebrews is,genesis,22,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 16 as the brightness of the former man daniel 2 f3 and they turn many many to righteousness,daniel,2,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 3 grace to help in time of need that's hebrews 4 16. how are you ever going to boldly,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 i'm reminded uh that in in the book of jude chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaks about how,jude,8,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 18 start so we can all be reminded where we are here so a revelation 2 starting at verse 12 let me read down through verse,revelation,2,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 12 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at genesis chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 verse 7 judges chapter 2 verse 7,judges,2,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 7 god had it written recorded back in genesis 4 here it's been taken up again in the,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 let's make it stronger acts two two and six paraphrased and suddenly there came a son from heaven as,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 approach you have to find that balance so romans 14 is very interesting on this topic of judging romans 14 is based on,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 very important in what we have to do first of them is proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,proverbs,22,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 22 it will transform your life tonight in revelation chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 18,revelation,18,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 4 name and in revelation chapter 2 verse 10. revelation chapter 2 verse 10 for how long are we expected to be faithful,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 somebody will shout him in there acts chapter 17 verse 13 acts chapter 17 verse 30 and,acts,17,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 13 that is to be revealed to us and in verse 19 of romans 8 for the creation waits with your eager,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 now now let's shift curious to revelation chapter 12 we have the original star,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 11 verse 14 it says in titus chapter 2 verse 14,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 it pays to be a good exception if you read genesis chapter 6 from verse 1 to 8,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 that's the prison that men are in but in romans chapter 8 and verse 2 romans chapter 8 and verse 2 the great apostle,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 they're really special targets and genesis of course is one of them jonah is another and so is daniel,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of acts of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,acts,4,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 16 correct well then i'm not going to turn to him in genesis 5 verse 3 he said adam became a father of a son let's do it,genesis,5,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 3 life in jesus name ephesians chapter 2 we're looking at mercy,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 now he said there are evil workers philippians 3 1 to 3 he said we have dogs beware of e walker,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that genesis chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 sense of their sinful condition as defined in isaiah 1 and because they don't know the wretched condition,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 church and then of course a famous verse at a revelation 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 command to the create commission we're looking at isaiah chapter 58 i'm reading from verse 1.,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 with men are possible with god is that all no jeremiah 32 17. jeremiah 32 the concluding part of verse,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 to get to know him proverbs 2 says if you call out for insight and raise your voice for,proverbs,2,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 2 verse 1 rejoicing and giving god all the glory the book of psalms chapter 92 and verse 1 psalms chapter 92 and verse 1 the,psalms,92,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 92 verse 1 like to just take a moment if i could just to read from galatians chapter 5 and particularly the couple of verses i,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 love this it's absolutely amazing so now as we continue the rest of daniel of at least daniel 11 the part we'll cover,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 now we are ambassadors for christ now improve proverbs starting number 17,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 fool daniel 6 1 5 they could not find anything against him,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in isaiah 58 3.,isaiah,58,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 3 church today be aware of it so this is what the book of revelation when we go through these seven letters were,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 usually conquered because the bomb said in isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 as i've it was seven you know we profession against,isaiah,54,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 conscience in the voice of god talking to your spirit proverbs 20 verse 27 proverbs 20 verse 27 maybe we are in 3 food,proverbs,20,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 27 we pray in psalms 68 and in verse 31 psalm 68 verse 31 the bible said princess shall,psalms,68,31.0,1.0,psalms chapter 68 verse 31 for that grace chapter 11 of acts acts 11,acts,11,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 11 first of all the law of the holy spirit in romans 8 2 it says the law of the spirit,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 the fruit of the spirit you read in galatians 5 23 self to control and let me tell you this also,galatians,5,23.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 23 continuing on with our bible study series going through the book of james i already have the videos for chapter 1,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 serpent lifted up in the wilderness isaiah 53 and all the way to the son of righteousness in malachi it was all,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 was around him you remember in acts chapter 16 in themselves having a spirit of divination,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 coming to daniel uh chapter seven to our seventh message,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 this scripture is fulfilled in your ears isaiah 61 good news to the poor sight to the blind etc so jesus,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 by the way false prophets will never reach jeremiah 23 hey bi what is this i'm getting rid of this book because it,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 their scriptures concerning what they would do to their own messiah daniel daniel prophesied in chapter 6 in,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 freedom is coming upon your life tonight i'm looking at james chapter 5 and we're reading from verse 11. james chapter 5,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 god our father wants us to have the best genesis 32 tells us and abram was very rich in cattle in,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 the context here obviously in in this chapter in romans 13 at least the immediate context this exhortation this,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 come in jesus name james chapter four,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 so if you're at level 2 but changing your job isn't really an option right now then just a change of mindset can,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 pride begins let me show you that verse in ezekiel 28 if you already know it well and good for the benefit of those,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 in isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,isaiah,8,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 3 and you remember what paul said in that philippians chapter 3 about this he said and i've got hold of,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 why did you see that elijah must come forth let's go to malachi i'm coming back to that much hugh chapter 17 but we,malachi,17,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 1 revelation chapter 21 verse 10 to 11 revelation chapter 21 must end to a level john the revelator described,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 all the days of your life that's what god told joshua it was god who said so they had shouted one big alleluia don't,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 of exodus jesus is the passover lamb in exodus chapter 12 verse 23 we read for the lord will pass to smite the,exodus,12,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 23 yesterday no i'm now 99 years old we should read genesis 18 uh go there for me,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 in jesus name we are praying the bible says in zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 he says ask the lord,zechariah,10,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 when you dig in very well i dare you to do so read numbers 14 in numbers what's in front of us one you will see how,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 interesting is when you start to look in hebrews 9 there's a lot of this type and shadow talking about the earthly realm,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 first reference to the coming savior the coming lord genesis chapter 3 genesis 1 and 2 record the creation genesis 3 the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 for the good of his children romans 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 look at verse 20 though noah daniel and job one each as i leave says the lord god,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 i've done it myself in colossians in chapter four,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 8 37 romans 8 37 the word says nay in all these things,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 serving the the various kings of the throne the throne of babylon daniel by the time we get here to chapter 5 is,daniel,5,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 1 mentioned in chapter four of colossians chapter four of colossians verse ten aristarchus my fellow prisoner sends you,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 them everybody was thinking about what will be my strategy two of them james and his brother,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 glorification without him according to paul romans chapter 8 verse 9,romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 and verse 22 genesis chapter 8 verse 22 the bible says while the earth remained,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 "secondly, it's a fellowship issue. go back to what we said in hebrews 10 verse 24, ""we are called to stimulate one another to",hebrews,10,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 what should be the result of our serving the lord let me turn to romans chapter 6 here we see you,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 read the scripture um proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 always point to isaiah 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is called paleo al to kubra beyond sar shalom,hebrews,9,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 5 the sight of god when looking at genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 genesis chapter 2 verse 7.,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 is the influx of multitudes into the church in micah chapter 4 verse 1 and verse 2 is about in the last,micah,4,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 1 rebellion of korah so the third example he draws from numbers chapter 16 cora was a leader among the israelites and,numbers,16,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 1 [music] in hebrews chapter 2 the book of hebrews chapter 2 we're reading from,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 expectations increase i remember the book of acts chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 uh on verse seven of from the sixth romans eighth from verse six except for to be carnally,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 god of trouble isaiah said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that,isaiah,1,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 7 presence how by the blood of jesus this is hebrews 10 verse 20 by a new and living way open for us through the,hebrews,10,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 2 god says send these men they were sent forth by the holy spirit acts chapter 20 the holy ghost raising up overseers let,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 prophecy um said about him numbers chapter 24 verse verse 17,numbers,24,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 24 verse 17 in closing therefore according to galatians chapter 6 and verse 9,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 was to be taken outside the gates of the city hebrews 13 11 and 12 says jesus suffered outside the gate and that's,hebrews,13,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 11 have you not read your bible have you not read revelation 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 fact for decades he is a tyrant but it says in daniel 4 and 1,daniel,4,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 1 of psalms psalm 62 psalm 62,psalms,62,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 62 verse 1 on that in ephesians chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend,ephesians,3,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 18 jesus name acts of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 17. here is her confession isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon,isaiah,54,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 cease from among you ezekiel 34 number 25 and that this is pictured as,ezekiel,34,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 25 from us one trait joshua one from us one trait that joshua was a messenger a messenger of forces in a single day when,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in exodus who was miriam moses sister,exodus,39,39.0,1.0,exodus chapter 39 verse 39 what happened in malachi we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,malachi,1,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 6 testament romans chapter 8 verse 28 which says in the king james and we know that all things work together for good,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 need in order to live a successful victorious life ephesians chapter one verse three says this praise be to god,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 keep on looking come back to hebrews chapter 12,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 gonna be praying consigned a spirit of wisdom bible says in proverbs 24 verse 3 bible says a wise man is strong a man of,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to daniel now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,daniel,6,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 19 therefore god made an oath to him the abrahamic covenant genesis 12 that his seed would be blessed it was a reward,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 the land they divide the land how by lots in joshua 15 and following the signing of inheritance in numbers 26,joshua,15,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 1 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified genesis 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,genesis,42,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 18 the bible says it in the book of jeremiah verse 29 verse chapter 29 sorry verse 11,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 apostle paul was probably tested for a period of 10 years from acts chapter 9 where he was converted to acts chapter,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 word of yahweh is our life moses says the same thing in deuteronomy 32 as he speaks to the children of israel,deuteronomy,32,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 1 nebuchadnezzar do you know what bill shazer thinks of daniel you're just one of those prisoners my,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 from the new testament we see peter in acts after three verse 12 there was this and when peter saw it,acts,3,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 12 oh raja harakiri akaka ji hoon ameri america eric window baba isaiah soda you nevada allah dear one oppa somewhere oh,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 mentioned in hebrews 11. so whenever you read hebrews 11 and these fantastic things that people did,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 himself if it satisfied and he wrote in ecclesiastes 2 everything i wanted i took i never said no to myself i gave in,ecclesiastes,2,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 1 attention to the humble proverbs chapter 1 i mean psalm 13 8 verse 6 psalm 138 verses,psalms,138,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 138 verse 6 over recent weeks we've dealt a lot with daniel daniel chapter one do you remember how he would not defile,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the acts of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 intercontinental jeremiah chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore,ephesians,4,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 mean to me and you and how i live every day turn to ephesians chapter one ephesians chapter one,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 the authorities out there they don't have any problem with genesis 12 and following they're big problems 1 through,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of psalms 22 and verse 30,psalms,22,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 3 to those who obey him deuteronomy 20 you see in verse 1 we have laws concerning warfare when you go,deuteronomy,20,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 1 verse 4. james 4 4 as a child of god we,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in daniel chapter 1 21,daniel,1,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 21 a secret here is the secret in romans chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans,romans,4,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 16 him leslie from genesis chapter 31 verse that is 41 verse 37 and the thing was good in his,genesis,31,47.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 47 will have authority over others that's why the bible says in james 5 the prayer of a righteous man avails much why is,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 march 7th 2021 that god allowed my son ezekiel to enter the world,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 explain why you're doing this i think exodus 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,exodus,13,9.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 9 11 to 14 of ezekiel 37 then he said son of man these bones represent,ezekiel,37,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 11 of the old testament known as the minor prophets were halfway through now micah is number six out of the twelve his name,micah,1,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 1 says in verse 26 james 1 26 let me paraphrase it if a man thinks for a woman that he's a,james,1,26.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 26 spirit came the day of pentecost god gave revelation concerning man being three parts and,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 that woman later in genesis chapter 35 she died during labor and you remember the case,genesis,35,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 1 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement proverbs chapter 12 a reading from verse 4,proverbs,12,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 4 israel in babylon happened when daniel understood by books in daniel chapter 9 and in verse 2 the,daniel,9,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 2 lead upon him by looking at jeremiah chapter 18 jeremiah,jeremiah,18,18.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 18 calls on the name of the lord it's genesis 12 and then in genesis 22 god says hey get yourself going up to the,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 and we do sacrifice his son to him since the days of ezra had on king of asha which brought us up either but zero,ezra,1,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 1 place of grace in the place of grace in the place of grace romans 5 paul says in this grace we stand we live this is,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 that fast to spoken prophet of all the major prophets isaiah 56 prayer i want to show you what's happening in the,isaiah,56,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 1 illustration there's a city okay same idea in acts 20 the the immediate responsibility for us elders is watchmen,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 "someday they will look on the one they pierced and mourn for him as an only son, zechariah 12.",zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 and this is part 13 of our series on daniel and we have seen that this series is,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 prophetic packages of the year in numbers 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,numbers,14,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 24 eagerly paul goes on to say in romans 8 for in this hope we are saved,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 that is all for haggai chapter 2 and for the book of haggai let me know in a comment down below any takeaways or,haggai,2,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 1 and his faithfulness to all generations psalms 9 verse 1 says i,psalms,9,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 1 you get an idea of that is turn to galatians in chapter four in galatians chapter four,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few psalms psalm 69 70,psalms,69,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 69 verse 7 chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 12 jeremiah our reading from verse 12 jeremiah,jeremiah,18,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 12 pinky to promise boutique this is your scripture that's on there that's romans 12 and 1 and so dear brothers and,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 great it's only about two hundred years after the prophecy of zechariah that alexander the great came and you,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 of commitment in true ministers let's look at acts chapter 16 verse 8 acts chapter 16,acts,16,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 8 ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in joshua 10 from verse 12 to 14,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 and if you read exodus chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,exodus,17,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 8 other kids after jesus was born matthew 13 55 actually calls out james specifically i'll just give you that,james,13,55.0,1.0,james chapter 13 verse 55 where our obedience stops deuteronomy 28 and verse to 14.,deuteronomy,28,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 14 heart of god is all through the scriptures the prophet isaiah and isaiah chapter 30 tells us that god cried out,isaiah,30,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 james in chapter 4 is not just here he find that all over scripture james chapter 4 paul says sorry james says,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 on the life we have lived let me show you this verse in ephesians two ephesians two i hope you are,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 it in james 1 and verse 25 he said he that looks that looks in the,james,1,25.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 25 this in judges 4 31 where it talks about deborah how the piece that they had,judges,4,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 31 work of flesh in a book of romans i think romans 7 he identified that although his spirit you want to,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 remember him? the ethiopian eunuch in acts 8 who came to worship because he was a proselyte to judaism.,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 hallelujah the bible says in colossians chapters chapter one i'm going to read from verse,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 worse before i finish acts of the apostles in chapter 10 in acts chapter 10 and we're sorry i'm sorry,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 sons married women from moab one was ruth and the other was orfa,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 can we say allowed unbelieving amen daniel 12 3 and wwes shall shine as the brightness of the firemen and they don't,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 jesus mighty name we prayed amen joshua 4 24 6 that all the people of the head,joshua,4,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 24 cannot have a bad idea for you that's why romans 8 and 28 says for we know,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 chapter 23 in numbers chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 9 hebrews 2 verse 9 but we see jesus,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 we've learned so far and i love this i think that romans 12 will stand out to you and you'll remember it better maybe,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 run away from you look at it in james chapter 5 james chapter 5 i'm reading here from,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 be reminded of god's word in the book of james chapter 4 and verse 2,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 the second conclusion which is that they are still sinful for some people romans 14 makes it very clear even though maybe,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 stubbornness in romans chapter 1 if you guys want to write it down romans 1 verse 26 talks about how god says the more and,romans,1,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 26 8 that the spirit of god cries out within us same about romans 8 verse 15 about father it's dad this is one of the great,romans,8,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 15 no piece of the lamb could be left. exodus 12 verses 4 and 43 to 46 indicate that they had to eat the whole lamb.,exodus,12,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 4 accompanied by a season of temporary discomfort hebrews 12 and verse 2 for the joy that was set before him he,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 found in daniel chapter 8 daniel 11 and here in daniel 12 when it begins to talk about the time of,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 dead is like this when in the case of faith james says in chapter 2 that faith without works is dead,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 zest from the bible says in romans 12 10 we should be,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 satan and his darkness that famous passage ephesians chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,ephesians,6,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 6 devil with it he cannot answer the written would have gone in ephesians 6 17 paul says take the sword of the,ephesians,6,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 17 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,daniel,7,22.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 22 headed by the fear of the lord deuteronomy 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,deuteronomy,10,12.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 12 that's the reason why we're here it says in isaiah chapter 48 reading from verse 17 isaiah chapter 40,isaiah,48,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 with them so haggai 2 6. now we're just about done folks but hang with me the coming glory,haggai,2,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 6 and heard learning to his lips in proverbs chapter 18 verse 20 proverbs 18 20 a man's belly shall be,proverbs,18,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 at ephesians 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 that we shall walk in them in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 1 romans chapter 5,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 you will not be friends in compromise proverbs chapter 28,proverbs,28,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 "he's referring to the interpretation of the story in genesis 6 offered in the popular jewish work called 1 enoch, where the sons of god are interpreted to refer to angels",genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 looking at this one guy did a really good job this david winning a visit to corinth and he was,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 there's an expectation i believe it's isaiah 63 there's an expectation he's expecting because god's talking,isaiah,63,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 1 because they said yeah this this deuteronomy 22 11 it's very difficult to understand but then they started talking,deuteronomy,22,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 11 to have been rich once and then become poor proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,proverbs,23,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 a sin. romans 13 verse 13 is listed with vices. galatians 5 verse 21 it is listed with vices; 1,galatians,5,21.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 21 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read ephesians chapter one from verse three to four official one,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 spirit of wisdom that's an isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,isaiah,11,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 but how do you understand the fear of the lord proverbs two three through five says if you cry out for discernment so,proverbs,2,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 2 verse 3 as we look at the few verses here ephesians chapter one thank you jesus i trust that the holy,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 release it tells us in galatians chapter 3 but searching christ has redeemed us,galatians,3,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 3 roots then jesus started with prophet isaiah he moved to prophet micah in matthew 5 verse 2 jesus said in meter 5,matthew,5,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 2 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about galatians 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,galatians,1,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 13 so you will cry and i will not listen zechariah 7 verse 13 and that's why for every divine,zechariah,7,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 13 a next levels encounter with your word isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 the bomb of gilia the bible says in the book of isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 but he was wounded for our,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 in your life everything will bow ecclesiastes chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8,ecclesiastes,8,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 1 and it's called the psalms explorer psalms explorer okay and here's here's psalms explorer so we know there's 150,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 ones who live by faith so it describes those who walk by faith james chapter 5 speaks of the righteous man,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 we will read verses 21 through 25. james one 21 therefore put away,james,1,21.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 21 in and this is really something that can be seen in light of hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 sometimes when you read words in,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 grow up spiritually in fact we're told over in ephesians 4 14 we should no longer be,ephesians,4,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 14 james version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,romans,5,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 3 yeah people died for the gospel people died for the gospel in acts chapter 5 uh when you read verse 41 the,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in isaiah 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for,isaiah,65,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 22 no no no this is this is who he is acts 10 19 and while peter was pondering the vision,acts,10,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 19 talked about her so let's catch up a little bit on ruth kristen would you read us ruth 1 8 to 18,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 diana one thing i learned is that genesis is not just the beginning of the bible but it's also the foundation of,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 seven very important teach your children watch your words proverbs says teach your children to be careful how they,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 and her little boy that was born ishmael in genesis chapter 16 we read about hagar,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 dragon in verse 3. in revelation 12 3 satan is pictured like a great dragon,revelation,12,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 3 because god is the creator and so god is asking job one question after another to help job understand that god fashioned,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 because god hasn't changed me you might be denying philippians 2 13 because philippians 2 13 says that god is,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 and then to angels and to men in ephesians chapter 3 we're looking at verse 9,ephesians,3,9.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 9 i'm the guy in the back i felt like isaiah in isaiah chapter six you know in isaiah 6 and when he's he's the only guy,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 deliberate in choosing your people ephesian ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 through 12 says this,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 "were in the music department...one in ten. in exodus 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",exodus,15,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 2 knows what he's talking about because in his in exodus 20 verse 1 to 6 x over 17 verse 1 to 6 that father has brought,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 breaking in gathering of multitudes philippians chapter 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 and god took him you read that in hebrews 11 5 also hebrews 11 5,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 of the spirit and substitute anything else. turn to jeremiah chapter 2 for just a moment. there are a couple of sections of jeremiah,jeremiah,2,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 1 when you go again to the book of acts 2 where the fulfillment of the joel 2 scripture was shown in the book of acts,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 indomitable family the indomitable family my tax is in the book of genesis i'm reading to you genesis chapter one,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 employing them james 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,james,2,15.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 15 our priority in proverbs chapter 4 at verse 7. he said wisdom is the principal thing it,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 use of you more than ever before in jesus name philippians chapter three philippians chapter three and i'm,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 god that leads us to this piece of god just brethren right here in ephesians we have it let's look at chapter 2 we're,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 as we see luke is the eagle isaiah 40 31 says that those that wait upon the lord shall,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 11 verse 21 to 22 joshua 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in,joshua,11,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 21 you want to read about the night of job you can find it in job chapter one from verse thirty to two job chapter two verse,job,1,32.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 32 jeremiah 15 reading from verse 11 jeremiah 15 11 as we look at all these promises the,jeremiah,15,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 11 with artis is taking place in the hearts of many of you tonight proverbs 15 if you have your bibles turn there i'm,proverbs,15,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 1 if not total elimination in the book of james chapter 1 verse 6 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom,james,1,6.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 6 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions romans 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,romans,8,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 18 and this is in the book of ephesians the first chapter ephesians chapter one,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 are called to live i'm going to look at romans 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 god's lying if he doesn't hebrews 30 4 warns god carefully warns us as husbands,hebrews,30,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 30 verse 4 support for dominion serving in his power in hebrews chapter 13 looking at verse 15,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 you because my time is first one colossians 1 chapter 10. foreign,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 thing in isaiah 53 8 listen to what isaiah said by oppression and judgment he the messiah is taken away same,isaiah,53,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 8 victory on the cross the whole point of hebrews 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,hebrews,3,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 4 says is reliable it's true in deuteronomy chapter 7 he's called the faithful god that could literally be,deuteronomy,7,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 "and covered his face with spit."" perhaps he went to daniel 9 and reiterated to them the wonderful prophecy of 69 weeks",daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 enough people debate on genesis 2 i think they all talk about genesis 3. but when you get to genesis 3,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 but the council of the lord shall stand in isaiah 9 6 isaiah 9 says his name shall be called wonderful,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 answer the bible says in the book of philippians 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 is and what faith is not i want you to first read with me in hebrews 11 look at verse 1,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 a minute and tie it with what we've already seen in acts chapter 11 the church at antioch was started because of,acts,11,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 1 verse 14 to 16 romans 9 from verse 14 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have,romans,9,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 14 radioactive all the world's fresh water drinking supply and revelation 16 says there's going to be an earthquake that,revelation,16,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 1 addiction breaking satanic addiction the bible says in the book of galatians chapter 5 verse 24,galatians,5,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 24 god this is genesis chapter two we can read it god gave,genesis,2,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 2 account of moses in exodus chapter 17 exodus chapter 17 and verse 11 beginning it says and it came to pass when moses,exodus,17,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 11 that person does to me can be a burden to me well the bible says in galatians bear one another's burdens and so,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 of his resurrection number two the revelation of his resurrection,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 mixes it there's a good illustration in acts two men of israel says peter on the day of pentecost his theology was so,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 genesis chapter 40 if you read from verse one to the end genesis 40 from verse one to the end,genesis,40,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 40 verse 1 okay job chapter fourteen and we're looking at verse four job chapter 14 a to to reading from verse four who can bring,job,14,4.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 4 you are raising the dead you say really oh proverbs 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 let me give you an example of that let's turn to acts chapter 2 what a description of the early church we get,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 strong with it the bible says in proverbs 12 27 says a lazy man does not roast,proverbs,12,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 27 you know the apostolic successes chapter 2 of hebrews the foundation of the gospel signs wonders miracles divers,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so ruth says uh and she said to her uh all that you,ruth,1,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 5 know were dropped in my spirit i won't forget amos 3 to 3 can two work together except they be agreed and i told god at7th,amos,3,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 3 romans chapter 8 verse 19 to 22 romans 8 verse 19 to 28 you see the groaning of creation,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this genesis chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,genesis,39,39.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 39 any sin that is willful but that's not the context of hebrews 10 i don't believe at all like i'm,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 life we're looking at romans chapter 6 verse 6 again,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 chapter 14 and verse 14 it says even if noah daniel and joe were there they would only be able to save themselves,daniel,14,14.0,1.0,daniel chapter 14 verse 14 of tongues in titus chapter 2 verse 14 the peculiar people of the lord who gave himself for,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 evil that somebody did to me i'm saying in hebrews 12 i will not remember it that means i,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so hebrews chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,hebrews,6,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 9 my favorite verse in this chapter is daniel chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared,daniel,3,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 3 the verse that gary mentioned also in acts 1 verse 8 and then apply it to the three layers that we have already shared with,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of ezekiel here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,ezekiel,11,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 17 and the word of the lord by sound doctrine look at chapter 2 of titus titus chapter 2 and we're looking at,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 [applause] look at daniel chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 16 daniel chapter 2 we're,daniel,2,16.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 16 god and that's the great message of romans 8 he says ye are not in the flesh would to god we could say that of,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 it's found in who you know hebrews 13 5 says let your way of living be without,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 live at a static level of faith in romans 1 we saw that the gospel is the power of god unto salvation to everyone,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 the last day started when jesus arrived and you can see that from hebrews 1 1. god after he spoke long ago to the,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 except in the sense of james 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 philippians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 it says do all things,philippians,2,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 14 and you can hear i'm just reminded of i believe it's isaiah 59 where the lord says is not my ear heavy that i cannot,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 faith to deliver maximally in romans chapter 12 verse 11,romans,12,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 11 what more do you see and genesis chapter 22 you see that marvelous alter,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 19 1995 maybe 100 million registered voters so those numbers are huge so yeah it's realizing that something must be,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 them knowledge and ski in all learning and wisdom and daniel had understanding innovation as for these four children if,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 as a loving father who says in isaiah 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,isaiah,49,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 i said to change a lot of things in your life deuteronomy chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 25 deuteronomy chapter 11 and,deuteronomy,11,25.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 25 are talking about is you know proverbs 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 and power the great wonders and miracles among the people look at romans chapter 15,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 day when god told him you know when the people are asking for water and numbers chapter 20 and the people cried out for,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 the preceding chapter that wasn't the one look at it there in revelation 21 from vast word that is why the,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 depart for evil i mean from evil in proverbs chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,proverbs,14,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 26 and now it is absolutely new we see this truth in hebrews 10 25 not forsaken the assembling,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 engaging winner to rise daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 and there they'll be wise shall shine as the,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 um genesis chapter six yeah um one thing that's worthy of note in,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 works so now let me go to james 2 21. and keep in your mind if this is the first time,james,2,21.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 21 he is indeed a faithful god he gave me a job i never expected what i could not achieve in five years,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity malachi 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that,malachi,2,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 6 prison you know the story in acts of apostle chapter 16,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 us in the name of jesus in proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,proverbs,7,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 one is coming from james a married way joshua james the marathon he said that this afternoon i walked into the program,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 this in deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,deuteronomy,32,16.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 16 seen in revelation 1 the things which are,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 so 500 years later the curse pronounced by joshua was worked out in that man who rebuilt the city,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 read it from the beginning to the end joshua 7 and read joshua chapter 8 when you get home read the two together,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 preach this and i'm moving through romans and i gotta deal with romans 7 or i'm moving through ephesians and i've,ephesians,7,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 7 verse 1 "in chapter 25 and 47 of his prophecy, guilty of selling jewish slaves, according to amos chapter 1 verse 9, this was a vile, vile,",amos,1,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 9 from day one i was preaching from galatians 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 vote journey sabbat days correct 10 points according to acts 1 youth province 3 question seven,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 i will punish all that oppress them jeremiah chapter 33 jeremiah 33 i'm reading from verse 6 healing plus,jeremiah,33,6.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 6 ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 ezekiel chapter one verse one ezekiel said the heavens opened and i,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 rewrite history because in isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 the bible says god confirms the word of,isaiah,44,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 god killing you and you can't outrun god genesis 5 verse 5 all the days that adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years you,genesis,5,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 5 going to break out as this northern army is destroyed so we see in ezekiel 39 we see in zechariah chapter 12 and 13 we,ezekiel,39,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 39 verse 1 to follow him five years later than god called me to leave my job and i quit it i'd given up honor in the world then i,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text hebrews 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 on this first sunday of the month of july proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 look for the one characteristic in first timothy 3 and titus 1 that is a function and it says skilled in teaching if he's,1 timothy,3,1.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 1 according to proverbs chapter 9 verse 10 proverbs never stir and they did it they taught them the fear of the lord they,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 worthy of god look at revelation chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 4,revelation,3,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 4 three are you actively making plans to sin in the future proverbs chapter 6 says there are six things the lord hates,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 he got additional a job nobody in those days he said he has six,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 one 12 to 13 and daniel to 23 to 24 that gratitude,daniel,23,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 23 verse 1 life this life is over we're crossing over come to revelation chapter 2 in revelation chapter 2 were looking at,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 i read proverbs chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,proverbs,10,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 27 testament so as we come back to ephesians chapter four let's go look at it,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 to worship is taken from the book of psalms chapter 112 and we are reading beginning from verse,psalms,112,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 112 verse 1 our work and our labor of love hebrews 16. in luke 21 1 to 4 he saw that woman cast at,luke,21,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 21 verse 1 israel has failed but then in malachi chapter 1 he says but,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 and so how did god deliver abraham the genesis 12 verse 82 tells us pharaoh called abraham and said what is this,genesis,12,82.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 82 effect of the fall and so you see in revelation 21 and 2 it's for all eternity so what makes you so worried,revelation,21,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 2 genesis chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 38 to 44 genesis 41 32 44 pharaoh was lifting up joseph and he said to him,genesis,41,38.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 38 proverbs chapter 30 we're looking at verses 24 and 25 proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 there before seeks which are,proverbs,30,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 chapter 6 of amos verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint,amos,6,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 6 we see this in daniel 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is,revelation,13,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 11 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard exodus 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 is in response to our obedience in the book of james chapter 1 and verse 25,james,1,25.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 25 remaineth genesis 8,genesis,1,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 25 why did god forbid the eating of blood well deuteronomy 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the,deuteronomy,12,23.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 23 one another i will not permit us collusion 3 13 colossians 3 13 forgiving one another because one of the,colossians,3,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 13 india as to how to build the church ephesians 5 and verse 25 referring to a smooth one but i'm thinking of the,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 wise unto that he said proverbs 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight,proverbs,9,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 12 so there is a contention acts 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 the next door neighbor to timothy titus 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 shame us but rather to heal us james 5 16 says confess your sins to one another,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 encounter with your word revelation chapter 3 verse 8 i know thy works i have set before the,revelation,3,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 8 day when i was reading the scriptures in isaiah 49 that was my daily portion sitting in a train coming from kgf with,isaiah,49,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 non to israel israel nations as well the third use is proverbs 27 18. it does not represent the fig tree here,proverbs,27,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 18 actually mixed up with one another for example in leviticus 19 verse 18 we read do not bear a grudge or seek revenge which,leviticus,19,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 verse 10 he accuses them he deceives the whole world revelation 12 verse 9 and he accuses believers in revelation 12 verse 10,revelation,12,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 9 i say chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 has some very deep meanings,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 got us through during that time the book of psalms is full of songs that are just like psalm 121 where the psalmist just,psalms,121,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 121 verse 1 enemies exodus chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,exodus,8,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 16 to say in galatians chapter 6 1 to 5,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 of god james 1 says perfect law of god is like a mirror so you're looking to god's word,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 understanding in the name of jesus chanter the bible says in isaiah 11 again he says the spirit of the lord,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 you honey don't worry you don't need the job which one would you choose,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 in our text for the convention jeremiah 29 the verse,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 and keep going from strength to strength in romans chapter 1 verse 17 the word says,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 because he had just committed the murder but by the time we get to exodus chapter 7,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 subscribe button alright well let's all grab our bibles and turn to exodus chapter 20 the title of my message is,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 jeremiah 29 and verse 12. jeremiah 29 verse 12 the bible says then shall you call upon me and you,jeremiah,29,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 understand i think are calling as women and and our fallenness as women genesis chapter 3 is where you have the sin the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 there that doesn't apply to anyone and you say praise the lord deep revelation of bible this one is deep,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 verse eight in acts chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 14 and then the cart came into the field of of joshua of bechamesh and stood there,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of acts 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,acts,18,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 18 of king solomon a memory verse is taken from the book of jeremiah 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 the question and one way to support this idea is to go to james chapter 1 verse 23 and read on a bit into verse 25 now,james,1,23.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 23 lastly today let me read hebrews chapter eight from verse seven,hebrews,8,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 to righteousness lastly romans 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 discouraged so in maya chapter 8 nehemiah said unto his people go and eat,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 in revelation chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember,revelation,12,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 5 "to mind that says this in such a wonderful way, in ezra chapter 7 and verse 10 it tells us about ezra.",ezra,7,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 1 uh amen can be stronger this morning acts 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 i want to show you in acts chapter 2 is acts 2 verse 36 when peter's addressing this crowd of people from various places it,acts,2,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 36 and moses we are told about moses in hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 that by faith moses forsook,hebrews,11,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 of deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 of engagement the bible says in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 14 down to verse 18 we are told,ecclesiastes,9,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 14 chapter one isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel then daniel chapter one my message this morning may,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 to 48 we read ezra chapter 23 verse 4 in all these,ezra,23,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 4 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in hebrews 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 you'll see in romans we'll go go back to that verse in romans 8 but he says that when his glory is,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 jesus himself says don't defend yourself so i take a lesson of that from acts chapter 7 when stephen's presenting,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 the bible reading today is taken from judges chapter 4 from the start to the end,judges,4,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 1 beginning from detriment through corinthians to peters to psalms and we ended in second corinthians chapter six,psalms,6,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 1 the bible says in the book of deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 1 if you hacking diligently to the voice of,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 through the world under prophetic mantle amen can be stronger in acts chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 he said god wrote special,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the revelation of the provision of a lamb from the time of,revelation,12,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 5 verse reads in hebrews 9 18 reads this is why even the first covenant,hebrews,9,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 18 expect to receive the promise first thessalonians 5 18 hebrews chapter 10 and verse 36,hebrews,5,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 18 saw it first in deuteronomy 10 20. you shall fear,deuteronomy,10,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 2 that scar i'm talking about the end like there's a real god up there revelation 4 and 5 says he,revelation,4,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 5 of a few of them just to set it in your mind in romans chapter 1 verse 15 he says so for my part i am,romans,1,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 15 from the lord of hosts who dwell in the mount zion isaiah 8 18. uh psalm 21,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 and season the bible tells me in the book of daniel chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 and their lives have not got that revelation you are the one next in line that light,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 three and i'm reading from verse seven philippians chapter three the same fears that the people of old had the same fear,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 look at the light of nehemiah you can read all of that nehemiah chapter 1 chapter 2.,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 a pretty thing ezekiel chapter 39 verse 17 talking about a prophecy,ezekiel,39,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 39 verse 17 we're told in acts of the apostles chapter 7 i acts chapter 7 looking at verse 23 and he when he was full 40,acts,7,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 23 engaging the wisdom from above in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 testament paul would write this in colossians 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,colossians,2,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 16 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers ezekiel reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 the the the passages from hosea chapter 4 through 14. and,hosea,4,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 14 and then in philippians chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 is recorded four times there in chapter one and here joshua is you know he's already a fighting man we,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 not lamentations 322 cry out to god o house of israel cry out to god are is my way,lamentations,322,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 322 verse 1 begin to enjoy financial fortune in haggai chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,haggai,1,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 3 lifestyle we're told in revelation chapter 3 verse 3 revelation chapter 3 when,revelation,3,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 3 Joshua 31 verse 7 through to 8. a mercy called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all,joshua,31,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 31 verse 7 this combines there's two illusions here this is to daniel 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 that day ezekiel 37 has been fulfilled and the nation israel,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 draw yes and not giving a chance to you know proverbs 25 i think it is says that wisdom or counsel in the heart of man is,proverbs,25,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 1 colossians colossians chapter 1 colossians chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 13 colossians,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 godly utter and that takes us to genesis 7 to 8. genesis 7,genesis,7,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 7 verse 1 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from jeremiah chapter 7 and verse 11.",jeremiah,7,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 11 our infirmities and bare our sicknesses a quotation from isaiah 53 now when jesus saw the great multitudes about him,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 out is pertinent to all of us in this room because let's remember proverbs 18 i believe it is that we're going to,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 live by faith you know the bible says in romans chapter 1 the righteous shall live by faith which is a lot of,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 right we've already looked at it in james 3 4 adulterous this reading is called the heart,james,3,4.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 4 portraying who gorge is look at genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it says and god said let us make man in our,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 portion there that really helps me in that revelation and after it and isaiah 6 and it kind of compares to the scene,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 be saved and in that scripture does romans chapter 10 13 14 15 and 70 talking about how are they going to be,romans,10,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 13 there's some problems with the interpretation here and galatians 4 verse 24 if we back up two verses we can,galatians,4,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 24 lift up our voices together we are praying father by the revelation of your word hasting the fulfillment of the 2022,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 rich illusion here to a passage in the third chapter of the bible genesis chapter 3 remember that adam and eve,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 lord says it says here in romans 12 i appeal to you therefore brothers,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and interfere lord i need your help and james 5 16 james 5 16 says the effectual,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 i feel like daniel sometimes when the angel said daniel i heard you on day one but it took me 21 days because the,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 exalted to safety it's a lot coming your way today look at chapter 9 job chapter nine and i'm reading from verse 10 it,job,9,1.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 1 the scriptures and we are searching the scriptures together in genesis chapter 24,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 upon the disciples and by the time you get to acts chapter 5 and you read it from verse 12 to 16,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 world has seen up to that point and then you have in ephesians 5 the mystery of the church as christ's bride,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 world my name was in god's mind before genesis 1 1 before he created the heaven and the earth my name was in god's mind,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 of christ here in genesis chapter 14 in melchizedek king of salem brought out bread and wine,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 call it the temptations of jesus give me a new king james version matthew chapter 4 quickly quickly matthew chapter 4.,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 reading from verse 25 deuteronomy chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,deuteronomy,33,25.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 when is it that it's justified so i talk about that in romans 13 from a while back,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 difference in the new here's another verse from isaiah chapter 30 verse 18 goes like this,isaiah,30,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 18 joy in the holy ghost the bible says in galatians chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 22. but the fruit,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 heaven's viewpoint come up here revelation 4 1 and let me show you things from heaven's viewpoint,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 you know the bible says in james one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 my bible this morning so i was reading through genesis 29 and 30 and then,genesis,29,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 29 verse 1 the our past is not remembered verse 17 hebrews 10 17. and right now,hebrews,10,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 17 repent the one that sits upon the circles of the world the one that judges kings and princes the one that causes,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 frosty's because life is spiritual romans 8 verse 6 says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 always attract oppositions from the peat of hell deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 24 god unveiled his plan,deuteronomy,2,24.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 24 he wanted a holy people in isaiah 43 for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 i would like to think that he had a good idea of isaiah 53 and he had a great clear vision of what all those sacrifices that he was making,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in acts 2 and verse 40 thing,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 from max acts of the apostle chapter 2 move to acts chapter 3,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 help other people and making them better look at first acts chapter 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos,acts,18,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 24 and when we love the church we will do what jesus did as we read in ephesians 5 christ loved the church and gave himself,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 that root you can read about this in in romans actually i'll read it for you in romans chapter 15 where we started,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 the children of israel out of egypt in exodus chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,exodus,4,17.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 17 wash tosspot go spill refiners making us ready for his coming look at revelation chapter 7 and you will see that anyone,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 in the name of jesus in isaiah 55 verse 3 isaiah 55 has three,isaiah,55,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 3 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to esther chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,esther,7,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 9 god and what the bible tells us in revelation chapter 12 actually because the bible is not necessarily in,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 that's an important statement there now then we come to isaiah 9 verse 6 speaking of messiah and it says the,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 jesus can you lift up a voice and begin to declare isaiah 60 and verse 4 says lift up your eyes all around and see,isaiah,60,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 4 chapter 46 jeremiah 46 yes i think it was 25 46 25,jeremiah,46,25.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 46 verse 25 we did proverbs 15 verse 1 and then we also read um the book of proverbs 25 and verse 15 but let's say proverbs 15 verse,proverbs,15,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 1 jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at philippians chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 and look at this in galatians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 in galatians chapter 5,galatians,5,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 7 suffering in the world in acts 28 the bible reads this is verse 8 it happened that the father of publius,acts,28,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 8 belonging to christ in galatians chapter 3 verse 27,galatians,3,27.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 27 and look at isaiah chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35,isaiah,35,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 35 verse 5 today beautiful people our verse is ephesians chapter 5 verse 30 which says for we are members of his body point,ephesians,5,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 king chapter three and verse 11 the kings joshua and other kings came together and they were looking for a,joshua,3,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 11 the steadfast firmness in the better covenant hebrews chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein,hebrews,6,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 17 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28 the bible says,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 ruddy and he's eating a red bowl of stew he gets nicknamed in genesis 25 verse 30 edom meaning red thus all of esau s,genesis,25,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 3 he'll be israel the same principle throughout scripture but in genesis 17 god wanted to teach this to abraham in a,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 which i'd like to point out to you ephesians 3 paul says that,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 to always have your conscience acts 24 16 that's void of offense both towards god and towards man hearing,acts,24,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 16 the reason why has brought to here jacob said the lord will be my good in genesis 35 genesis 35 something happened several,genesis,35,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 1 powerful he told them this in acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 he told them you'll be witnesses in all,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 bringing together several passages of scripture daniel 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 tells us how,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 said it's deliverable by faith hebrews i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 is going to cost you something philippians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 uh right into the ephesians ephesians ephesians 4 and verse 5 he speaks about the the wrong baptism,ephesians,4,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 5 of revelation turn there if you would revelation 12 and i'm just gonna cherry to pick some verses here that give,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 one mouth to watering offer vert kingdom a divorce in 2010 i lost my job and after made accessible attempts to secure,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 who you are according to romans 8 according to the revelation of god you are a god hater,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 us to just quickly go into scriptures ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 because faith comes by hearing the the word same passage romans 10 so for weeks or even months,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 what isaiah the prophet said way back in isaiah 53 4 that he took our infirmities and carried,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 first and in the book of philippians 4 19 philippians 4 19 he said my god,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 bible makes it very clear in the book of psalms chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,psalms,100,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 100 verse 4 so we continue in our study on the book of hebrews and we're in uh chapter nine and we need to start with verse eleven,hebrews,9,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that judges the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the,psalms,58,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 58 verse 11 ourselves it's not as bad that's a genesis 3 type of sin,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 created being because in genesis 3 you read about satan,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 proverbs chapter 24 proverbs and chapter 24 and verse 30 proverbs 24 30 it says i passed by the field of the lazy person a,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 hebrews chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4,hebrews,2,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 have a comment to add in my two cents worth micah 6 verse 8,micah,6,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 8 "chapter four, verse 28 that he permitted, it says in acts 4 verse 28, god, i've got this right",acts,4,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 28 quote and it's here in verse 12 of romans 15 it says and again isaiah says there shall be a root of jesse and he,romans,15,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 12 "oh many things, but for me it is best embodied in philippians chapter 2 verse 14, quote verse ""do everything without complaining.",philippians,2,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 14 this in genesis 39 when he was tempted by mrs potiphar he also says no one here,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 asked and he asked for wisdom come to james chapter one james chapter one,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 gospel he said in acts chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,acts,26,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 22 relationship with our sheep listen to uh hebrews 7 verse 7 which says this remember your leaders those who spoke to,hebrews,7,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 7 carry creative power demonstrating genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 to 31 god said god saw god said god saw god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 says in in revelation chapter 4 verse 11 thou art worthy oh lord,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 and he's talking about the world james 1 22 to 25 and you know,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 church of multitude isaiah 11 verse 9 the bible said and the earth,isaiah,11,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 9 something has to change in my life in proverbs 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 revelation chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,revelation,19,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 6 i've come to do thy will o god psalm 40 i delight to do thy will in hebrews 10 it became i do thy will oh that's what's,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 deeds of the flesh no person will be justified before god in ephesians 2 salvation is by grace through faith not,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 4 acts chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4.,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 allow that email philippians 2 and verse 10 that are the name of jesus,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 nation resulting in a new dawn can i say lord don't believe in amen job 34 29 when he giveth quietness who then can,job,34,29.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 29 is what i'm trying to say tonight according to what we saw here in daniel chapter 10 when you reform was 13,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 satan wanted to attack but what we learn in job and chapter 1 something that satan says,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 him that's so there's a the whole bible is there in genesis chapter 1 the whole message of the bible starts with,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 jeremiah 44 11. why what is jeremiah 44 11 about jeremiah 29 11 is the promise god made,jeremiah,44,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 44 verse 11 it says among the indictments chapter 5 of isaiah verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil,isaiah,5,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 2 before i read psalm 1. lord give me the best reading of the psalms i've ever had and psalm 1 this morning,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 carried about with divers and strange doctrines hebrews 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,hebrews,13,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 in james chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21,james,1,21.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 21 water baptism it's a picture of the old man buried romans 6 that old man is the egyptian army they didn't have to lift a,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 revival joel chapter 2 and verse 23,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 the tree of life and take it because it says here in genesis 3 god put some angels with flaming swords in front of,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 i never forget i remember when i saw this for the first time acts 1 verse 1 luke wrote the book of acts and he says,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 not on your own understanding proverbs 3 5 you are leaning on the understanding of god allowing him,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 you belong now ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 further establishes this,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 sorry romans 16 1 to 2 he said i commend you fabel our sister which is a servant of,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 fervently committing yourself to your life's calling ecclesiastes 5 verse 24 he shall not much,ecclesiastes,5,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 24 "end of romans 11 is the capstone of an entire section on salvation, starting in romans 1 all the way to the end of romans 11.",romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 then there is like apology about something genesis chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 oppressed and deliver them from the hand of the wicked that psalms 82 but here's why the church has an issue with that,psalms,82,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 82 verse 1 night numbers 13 26 to 33 and numbers 14 verse 1 to 10,numbers,13,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 26 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith acts 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,acts,2,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 38 ever revelation chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 19 verse 6,revelation,19,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 6 and i will see you back here next week for esther chapter three bye,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 empire that's what i believe the fourth kingdom of daniel 2 and daniel 7 is the roman empire,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 16 our reading from verse 34 acts chapter 16 reading from verse 34 and when he had brought,acts,16,34.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 34 reading from verse 24 daniel had interpreted the dream that the second dream now of a nephite nation,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 read the same genesis 26 verse 16 genesis 26 verse 16 a bible says abimelech,genesis,26,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 16 hero do it yeah because james 1 22 says you can be a hero another doer it's time to,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 is john the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,zechariah,1,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 "people violate that.  in leviticus 10 is the story of nadab and abihu, the sons of aaron, who took their respective",leviticus,10,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 1 and and that could you know that could be the fulfillment of isaiah 17 chapter 1,isaiah,17,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 17 verse 1 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him ephesians 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,ephesians,5,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 this i will do that james chapter 3 verse 5 james 3 5 just one word can cause,james,3,5.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 5 in the entire bible genesis 19 it's a story that only needs to be read,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 in jesus name we are praying hebrews chapter 9 verse 8 he said the only god,hebrews,9,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 8 because the scripture cannot be broken romans chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 couldn't have done that before revelation 13 says the antichrist would do that jesus warned of these days the,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 with his two cool labors called aquila and priscilla in acts chapter 11. a little paul moved on,acts,11,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 1 moved the chapter heading 1 verse further galatians chapter 4 verse 21 tell me you who want to be under law do,galatians,4,21.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 21 acts 2 and maybe a reading of acts 6 and then james 2 and james 5 to say that there are things that we can do,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 of transformation in a new nature look at genesis chapter 35,genesis,35,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 1 destroy particularly through the sexual area danger number four revelation chapter three the danger of seeking a,revelation,3,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 3 said he doesn't matter to me whether i'm poor or rich philippians 4 for i can handle both but 99% of believers don't,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 realm of solid food and strong meat hebrews chapter 5 when you read from verse 12 hebrews chapter 5 from verse 12,hebrews,5,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 power of sin and the power over it in romans 7 7 through 8 he says yet if it had not been for the law i would not,romans,7,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 7 bellies the bible verse it talks explicitly about this as in philippians 3 their god is their stomach their god,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 mummy. leviticus chapter 13 and 14 lays out a very long and careful prescription for determining,leviticus,13,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 1 return of the messiah in glory in zechariah 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,zechariah,14,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 3 just remember that ephesians 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 tone around order of multitude this year acts chapter 2 in verses 1 to 4 the bible says and when the day of,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 reading from verse age he tells us in verse age of hebrews 11 it says by faith abraham when he was called to go out,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 are enjoying this study thank you so much for going through esther chapter 3 with me and i will see you back here,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 told them in the book of acts of the apostle chapter 1 verse 8,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 took time to listen to god so habakkuk in chapter one is questioning he's challenging god he's,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 something that women do and the reason why i said that is because in genesis one of the one of the the things that,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 stop psalms 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god isaiah 40 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 from the earth before pre to tribulation now in chapter four here in revelation verses 1 and 2 let me read it again we,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 something about the parents james chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 says god is the father of lights,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 you that verse and just by the way romans 2 comes before romans chapter 6 how is it you missed it okay i'll show,romans,2,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 6 point of covert 19 otherwise we've missed our one job well is it from the lord and you know understanding is it,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 in isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,isaiah,11,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 11 you should read for homework right romans 4 abraham believed and was justified apart from works he just,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 "of the law are cursed."" now that sums up paul's teaching in galatians 3 and 4.",galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 sin so that's tha is that that romans 7 battle that paul is talking about yeah exactly,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 verse 29 to 35. exodus 34 29 to 35 you will see that after moses had cut a glimpse of god,exodus,34,29.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 29 are you offended supports are you offended in romans chapter 16 verse 70 romans 16 verse 17,romans,16,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 16 that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of romans and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself,romans,8,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 21 after all in hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews 10 verse 5 when the lord jesus christ was to come into the world the,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=km_j6dyfxdw habakkuk chapter 1 the burden which habakkuk the prophet did see oh lord how,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 galatians chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,galatians,3,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 3 he is god the coming judge the judge of all the earth genesis 18 verse 25 the judge of all the earth who shall give,genesis,18,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 25 for your sake in the name of jesus isaiah 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,isaiah,54,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 14 and that takes place as we maintain our love for god romans chapter 8 and verse 28 all things work together for good to,romans,8,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 8 and restrained the prophets madness and then you see something similar in jude verse 11 says woe to them these false,jude,1,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 11 things that should come to me easily in deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,deuteronomy,8,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 8 of thanks hebrews chapter 9,hebrews,9,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 9 important so the bible says in colossians 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 referring to an account that is found in numbers chapter 25 it follows the three chapters we've been looking at over the,numbers,25,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 25 king james version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,2 corinthians,12,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 and you better have all nice little five stars right there joel steen type sermons in order to you got that one too,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at the passage in daniel you'll see there are also,daniel,1,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 13 money so hebrews 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body,hebrews,10,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 who can be against us he went further in romans 8 at 7. romans 8 at,romans,8,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 7 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and romans 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",romans,4,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 24 that's what the bible tells us according to james chapter 1 verse 15 sin entered,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 26 proverbs chapter 14 verse 26 the bible says,proverbs,14,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 14 can i hear uncharted loud amen ephesians chapter 6 and verse 19 said and for me that all trans may be given,ephesians,6,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 6 tell you god here in ephesians 1 paul is praying saying,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 the borrowers to turn to proverbs 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,proverbs,22,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 7 revelation chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 d saul so correct ten points two 21 21 recite psalms 127 verse,psalms,127,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 127 verse 1 time for personal supplication in joshua chapter 21 verse 45. the scripture says they are filled not,joshua,21,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 21 to say more than that revelation turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,revelation,12,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 12 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on acts 10 38 i said,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 trials and many are of many kinds consider you that's the james chapter one verse two,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 through chapter 8 verse 6 so hebrews chapter 7 a reading from verse 23,hebrews,8,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 so that's why in hebrews 39 hebrews 39,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 chapter five i'm reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 we're looking at the second pillar,ephesians,5,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 5 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in joshua chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore,joshua,24,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 24 believe we should open this week again from the book of acts chapter 1 from verse 8 it says but you shall,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 and this comes through knowing him see philippians in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 3 have your bibles we are going to be in hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 just two verses today and a very familiar,hebrews,12,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 12 verse 29. acts chapter 5 verse 29 he says then peter and the other apostles,acts,5,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 5 as we reach verse 5 of exodus chapter 19 exodus chapter 19,exodus,19,19.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 19 first of all you have israel here you have the samaritans in acts chapter 8 you have the gentiles and that's where,acts,8,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 8 amen isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,isaiah,8,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 8 the lord before then i read to you from proverbs 3 verses 9 nineteen honor the lord with a,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 of the fruits of the spirit cited in galatians 5 are peace and patience the writer of hebrews simply wrote you have,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 law for example in romans chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,romans,8,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 8 for the sake body it helps us in exodus chapter 15,exodus,15,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 15 about abraham excuse me about the burning bush passage in verse 30 of acts chapter 7 now when forty years had,acts,7,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 7 in demonstration joshua chapter 3 verse 5 in joshua chapter three verse five here he says that joshua sage unto,joshua,3,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 3 and then open this visitor open your bibles to genesis chapter 26 reading from us 12,genesis,26,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 26 will turn to the lord in jesus name look at acts chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19.,acts,11,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 11 if you want to see that what paul said romans chapter 5 i'm going to go to romans chapter 5 where paul,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 by your hands in acts chapter 14 and,acts,14,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 14 is used also in revelation 16. in ezekiel 38 when god judges those,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 just to preach the gospel it says in romans chapter 1 reading from verse 14 romans chapter one,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in romans chapter 6 verse 23,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 history of the birth of the early church in acts chapter one jesus has a laughing conversation with,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in ezekiel chapter 36 verse 27,ezekiel,36,36.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 36 "no sabbath has ever been required. colossians 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",colossians,2,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 16 amen psalms 1 1 8 23 this is the lost doing it is marvelous in our eyes please rise,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 fact this is the case with the prophet ezekiel chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 you have an expression there in hebrews 10 29 doing death fight to the holy spirit,hebrews,10,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 of transformed disciples under his lotion look at daniel chapter 1 verse 8. in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 daniel,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 doesn't necessarily take them away look at galatians 5 verse 16 through 17 so i say live by the spirit and you will,galatians,5,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 16 there'll be no more wild animals you read in isaiah and chapter 11 about that day when christ will reign on the earth,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 dual citizenship that's why paul wrote in romans 13 let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in colossians chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 be thankful that's what he says colossians 3 15 be thankful that's an imperative he,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 this look at this acts of the apostle chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7. look at 18,acts,14,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 7 for noble purposes and some for common use romans 9 22 21 the creator fashioned the two sexes differently and this is a,romans,9,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 22 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in joshua chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,joshua,6,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 6 and after this the judgment hebrews 9 27,hebrews,9,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 and yet god himself was not taken by surprise in genesis 41 where we read in this hour of famine there was a man,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 revelation 16. if you have your bible still open there to revelation 16. look at verses 16,revelation,16,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 16 bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in micah chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is,micah,7,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 18 daniel 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,daniel,10,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 12 to remember going forward as for structure for esther chapter three there is actually only one subheading for this,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 those who oppose him as he does to the egyptians in the exodus and then verse 7 he says i will take you to be my people,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 above all things jeremiah 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 genesis uh um genesis chapter six yeah um one thing that's worthy of note in,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 head again and of course by the time you read genesis 41 from verse 1 to 44,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 his son made of a woman made under the law galatians 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore,hebrews,2,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 to great summer you need the weapons of warfare defined to rust in ephesians chapter six you must be trained for war,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 down and study the law so i think really when you look at this galatians 3 18 verse it's really speaking to that that,galatians,3,18.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 18 device to get the word of god book of nehemiah we're going to begin in chapter 1 now father god in jesus name lord,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 word of jerusalem and we are told in jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 to 11 we received a news and in the image of the,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 face is that titus 1 i think this titus 2.,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 a blessing according to hebrews 7 verse 7 hebrews 7 verse 7.,hebrews,7,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 7 matters not what you are today it is how you end so no more said in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 the system of as it is,ecclesiastes,7,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 the real experience of the child of god in jesus in revelation chapter 21 we're reading from verse 27 revelation,revelation,21,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 21 prepared for you in closing romans chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17.,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 people if you can accept genesis 1 1 you can accept the rest of the bible,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of romans so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,romans,11,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 2 of fire in acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 x to 1 to 4 on the day of pentecost the early,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and all living things that's what genesis chapter 1 verses 21 and 27 said,genesis,1,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 21 wrote the book of acts right luke wrote acts as well and in acts 515 he uses the exact same word and he's talking about,acts,5,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 15 out of him and it goes back to ham do you remember in genesis chapter 9 we read about the,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in revelation 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 leave him alone exodus 21. from verse 1 to 5.,exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 thoughtfully you repent thoroughly ezekiel chapter 18 what reading from the starchy,ezekiel,18,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 18 so i was reading in acts i've been in the book of acts this morning i was in acts 15 i'm just looking down at my,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 the holy spirit produces in us uh in isaiah 11 even before the birth of christ,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 3 he speaks of all his the things he could glory in philippians 3 verse 4 the last part if anyone else thinks he's got,philippians,3,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 4 us to the question okay now let's draw it back to romans 13 oh no one or anything except to love one,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 you exodus chapter 14 verse 13 fear not he said to moses god said to moses fear not,exodus,14,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 13 that book says the law cannot justify us and in galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 as revealed in scripture and that faith scripture says hebrews 11 is an anchor we see it in hebrews 11 it's an anchor,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 when you read genesis 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here acts chapter eight first four verses they say,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 thing in the world is water so my paraphrase of hebrews 10 29 is those who treat the blood of christ like,hebrews,10,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 companionship and dominion over animals of all types for romans 8 says not only man but all creation waits with eager,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 there will be no captivity in our lives in jeremiah chapter 43 jeremiah 43 i'm reading from verse one,jeremiah,43,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 43 verse 1 promised for you turn with me regulations now galatians in chapter 3 and verse 13 and 14 this is an amazing,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 to genesis chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 genesis chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 and there it says and the lord god,genesis,2,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 16 saving you from that challenge over your head titus 2 13 looking for that blessed hope and the,titus,2,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 13 in acts chapter tapas alligator from verse 1 to 8 a significant of acts chapter 3 apostle irrigator,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 proverbs 2 17 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure,proverbs,2,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 2 verse 17 paul the apostle did not remain in romans chapter seven he crossed over to chapter eight your cross over,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 a blessing that's what god told you abraham in genesis 12 verse 2 he said i'll bless you i'll make of you a great,genesis,12,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 2 and the holy spirit proverbs says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a,proverbs,25,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 28 almighty in jeremiah 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how mighty is he said the old i'm the god of,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 deal see beautiful the bible says in proverbs chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it,proverbs,10,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 23 find expression isaiah chapter 29 verse 11 it says the vision of all is become,isaiah,29,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 11 about to read it loud and clear genesis 12 now,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 again and again and reinforcing its importance acts 2 42 is a summary statement of life,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 strong drink is religion the same proverbs chapter 23 from 19 to 20 the rabble makes us understand,proverbs,23,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 19 reminds me of revelation chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,revelation,5,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 8 desperately wicked who can even know it proverbs 28 26 he who trusts in his own heart is a fool,proverbs,28,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 26 the fact that jesus is lord is clear listen to ephesians chapter 1 the passage we looked at a few weeks ago,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 truth in the name of jesus jeremiah chapter 3 verse 15 says,jeremiah,3,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 15 man he lived a sinless life he tasted death for every man hebrews 2 tells us acts tells us you killed the author of,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 for others look at the bus 24 again hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 it says let us consider one another consider this a,hebrews,10,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 what the bible is telling us quickly let's see the same jeremiah i want us to see chapter 2 now,jeremiah,2,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 1 persistence now you know the story of daniel 2 daniel chapter 6 and verse 10.,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 right now yes it's for you micah 7 7 and 8.,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 in jesus name ephesians ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3 and i'm reading from,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 gog is a title of a military leader we read in ezekiel 38 that he is of the land of magog he is a russian this is a,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 healing that man and what happens in isaiah 42 well let me give you some specific points of correspondence okay,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 chapter 1 verse 24 jude chapter 1,jude,1,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 24 with chapter 11 like i am every person who is named in the book of hebrews chapter 11 was told what to do by god,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that young people under 30 years yeah turn with me to numbers chapter 24 verse 17 in the middle of that verse it,numbers,24,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 24 verse 17 one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is philippians 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 28 to 30 genesis 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time,genesis,16,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 28 womb i've already set you to your future acts of the apostle chapter 15 verse 18,acts,15,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 18 for this gathering that we're in is in colossians 1 verse 23 if,colossians,1,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 23 lord the lord says to the people in isaiah's time isaiah chapter 3 he says listen to this i saw it and chapter 3,isaiah,3,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 3 verse 1 shall flourish like the palm tree and then in isaiah 29 the book of isaiah 29 verse 17 he said is it not yet a little,isaiah,29,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 17 quoted scripture it is written it is written when you look into ephesians chapter 6 and you see how paul urges us,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 the falsehood of messengers isaiah chapter 5 i say chapter 5,isaiah,5,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 5 really ephesians 4 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and evil speaking be put,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 out colossians chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 25,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 draw near to god and he will draw near to you this james chapter 4 you can all turn in your bibles there,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 please i'm sorry okay ephesians 3 he said that whereby when you read read,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 intercessor day and night hebrews 7 25 he prays for god's people,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 in church hebrews 10 verse 25 the word commands not,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 and the people of god said amen revelation chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,revelation,5,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 9 do a lot of reading verse 1 through 15 of ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 through 15.,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 so if you read annie james chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,hebrews,2,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 11 holy spirit and in in the disobedience never in isaiah chapter 63 is one that i just found in an attic to this because,isaiah,63,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 1 businesses and genesis 39 on and on most important characteristic of a,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse genesis 716 that jumps out to you see if you can,genesis,7,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 7 verse 16 and making him clean look at micah chapter six micah chapter six and we're reading from verse,micah,6,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 1 and revelation 21 and 22 everything else in the bible in between genesis 1 and 2 and revelation 21 and 22 is filled with,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 we came to church and i loved it in hebrews 11 the chapter of great faith it talks about men talks about men who,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 everything that god wants me to do philippians 4 13.,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 suffering these things are opposed to his goodness james 1 17 tells us every good gift in every perfect gift is from,james,1,17.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 17 an excellence in your academic work and beside that in proverbs chapter 19 verse 2 the bible says it is not good that a,proverbs,19,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 2 "familiar with the one in luke. we're familiar with the commission in acts chapter 1, the lord sending us to the ends",acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 i'm reading from the new king james version ezekiel chapter 22 now beginning at verse 23 god is,ezekiel,22,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 23 our reading from verse 13 this is yours tonight jeremiah 29 reading here from mr china it says,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 leviticus 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,leviticus,26,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in genesis 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24,genesis,37,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 23 that i put on the wall and was about ephesians 5 18 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 reach for the stars ephesians chapter 3 and verse 16. he will grant unto you according to,ephesians,3,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 18 of days my message here and this last message from daniel chapter 12 listen to the title tonight the pathway,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 revelation chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has created all things that were created on,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 end of this chapter in our verse 26 joshua laid an oath on them at that time he put this oath on them they've clearly,joshua,1,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 26 there's a fool who says that there's no god and what does it say there in romans 1 claiming to be wise what they became,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 "will be cursed because you can't do it."" and james 2 verse 10 says, ""if you offend in one point, you're guilty of violating all of it.""",james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 read about a red dragon with seven heads and ten horns in daniel you're going to read about four beasts coming out of the,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 long to say to see you you know there are times when you will see paul in acts 15 said to barnabas let us go back to,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 don't represent that but but anyhow isaiah 60 verse 13 it says the glory of lebanon shall come to you the cypress,isaiah,60,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 13 were never ashamed after the holy spirit came upon them in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost.,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 particular problem and in the book of psalms psalm 1,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 acts of the apostles track of what gina a medium from verse 7 acts chapter 7 chapter 14 verse 7 and there and there d,acts,14,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 7 from verse 1 to 19 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 19. i will pick just one,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 bible text from isaiah 54 verse 1 to 3. isaiah 54 verse 1 to 3 which says sing oe barren,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 that's taken from the book of philippians chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 for mercy we are going to cry for mercy because romans 9 15 and 60 says he said to moses how we are messing with,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in colossians 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,colossians,1,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 24 at me i'm the warm of the doors i'm not worthy revelation chapter three now revelation chapter three,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 thanks it tells us in colossians chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling,galatians,1,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 2 what god is able to do and the bible says in romans chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 now you must underline this in your bible romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 see the the church of ephesus in revelation chapter one through three when jesus preaches to the seven,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 modeling godly character ephesians 6 4 tells us in the bible,ephesians,6,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 lot to me as well but today we're gonna be looking at romans chapter 9 i don't think that this passage teaches,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 gathering of multitudes philippians chapter 2 verse 10 says that at the name,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 forerunner of the savior lord jesus christ very important verses malachi chapter 4 verse 5 behold i will send you,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 and we understand that when it comes to romans 12 where we are to present our bodies like,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 surrenders without struggle the bible says in isaiah chapter 5 and verse 26,isaiah,5,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 generation genesis 26 let me open there quickly so i can run through this genesis 26,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 your words can i hear bigger amen numbers chapter 23 and verse 19 says,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 one thing that i take comfort in is that proverbs 31 30 says,proverbs,31,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 3 acts the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,isaiah,28,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 21 and ezekiel chapter 28. in isaiah chapter 14 we're told more about his rebellion,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 ephesians chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm,ephesians,2,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 and that is located according to scriptures in ephesians 1 20 to 21 he said,ephesians,1,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 2 us if i begin with an account from the book of daniel chapters 8 through 10. so that's the passage we've been looking at,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 that jesus spoke about yes he turned to proverbs chapter 7 in proverbs chapter 7,proverbs,7,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 1 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line proverbs 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,proverbs,17,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 7 and remain faithful daniel chapter 6 verse 4 daniel 6 they look at the life of daniel,daniel,6,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 4 pray that prayer very well in the book of isaiah 59 1 to 2 the bible says god's hands,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 to verse 20 in you bring this to a close he animal the king hezekiah and isaiah the prophet son of a up straight about,isaiah,1,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 2 in jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 to 19 jeremiah 1 17 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight,jeremiah,1,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 revelations of the seven 16th to 17th revelation 7 16 to 17 and the seventh point is that when we get to heaven,revelation,7,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 16 31 deuteronomy chapter 31 i'm looking at verse 23,deuteronomy,31,23.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 23 for us as believers in revelation but one verse seven look at the emphasis here on the immediate,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 with them and by the way this is after acts 13 and 14 when paul and barnabas made their first missionary,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 growth isaiah 5 1 to 13 everything that will make you the envy,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 god of all possibilities open your bible to jeremiah 32. jeremiah chapter number 32,jeremiah,32,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 1 servants under the elements of the world look at galatians chapter four i'm reading from verse one,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 prayer daniel chapter three showed us the picture of sheddark,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 good but all things together work together romans 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 god hates them in malachi chapter 2 it says god hates divorce,malachi,2,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 1 thee prepare to meet their god o israel amos chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 jewish tradition actually says that if you guys remember the story from exodus chapter 17 i'll reference in just a,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 this question of punishing those who have done wrong in romans 13 in speaks of the authority god is given to,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 revelation 12 11. revelation 12 11 i read and they overcame by the blood of,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 hebrews chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 and we'll read the whole chapter 13 verses,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 from our covenant father abraham isaiah chapter 51 from verses one two three,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 of god that we can see in jeremiah chapter 51 jeremiah 51,jeremiah,51,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 51 verse 1 open our bibles to the book of ephesians chapter 6,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 hosea he is judgment but also the faithful husband and we read in hosea chapter 4 verse 3 therefore shall the,hosea,4,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 3 to disobey right the romans 13 says all authority is given by god and if the authority tells,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 of how god has acted out in our lives in joshua chapter 4 they did this joshua said to them pass on before the,joshua,4,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 1 amen amen now proverbs 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 time to vote proverbs 29 verse t pro3nphet 20 never to say so when the right choice in,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 verse 18 to 19. romans chapter 8 marika suzy,romans,8,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 18 church with divine vengeance ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,ephesians,6,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 because it's written in that passage in hebrews 13 5 and 6. because it says there,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 and full authority of our renin regime shortly in hebrews chapter 7,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 8 this is explained like this the righteous requirement of the law romans 8 4 is now fulfilled inside us who do,romans,8,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 4 "and this is just a great paragraph, deuteronomy four. deuteronomy four is actually the center",deuteronomy,4,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 from numbers chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,numbers,8,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 23 is taken from revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,revelation,12,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 7 spirit um isaiah 57 here's another verse verse 15,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 written the book of judges starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and,judges,17,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 14 give me your help over 23 26 proverbs 23,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 um oh no exodus 33 20. sorry we're going forward now but um,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 also a platform for the upgrade of faith jude verse 20 says he said that you know building up yourself upon your most holy,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 with god and power with men that's what he said in genesis 32 to him power with god,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 arise because that's not their home god said in ezekiel 37 at a certain time my people you're like dry bones scattered,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 7 revelation 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation,revelation,22,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 14 about the messiah in isaiah 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised and rejected by men,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 flee james chapter 4 verse 6 to 8 resist the devil he'll flee from you,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 text the text for the uh lecture which is um james chapter 5 verse 13 to 18 first kings king chapter,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 by time you get to acts chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 behold your god so we come to verse 10 in isaiah chapter 40 what are we to behold about our god,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 they are subtitled like mine is i'm read reading from the new king james the first part of chapter 12 is,james,12,1.0,1.0,james chapter 12 verse 1 many questions we get on hebrews 10 and this is a different one than probably the typical,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 colossians chapter 2 excuse me colossians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 10,colossians,2,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 9 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation jeremiah 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,jeremiah,1,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 3 for the back of fools so the bit is like a rod james 33 if we put bits into the mouths of horses if we put bits into the,james,33,1.0,1.0,james chapter 33 verse 1 look at ezekiel chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for,ezekiel,14,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 "verses in chapter 12 that address this. romans 12, verse 14 verse ""bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.""",romans,12,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 14 i will revelation chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter 6,revelation,19,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 6 just just like i rightly said you know the bible says in the book of daniel chapter 11 it says they don't know that,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 for the believers psalm 50 numbers five and six gather my sins together unto me,numbers,5,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 1 but god had the almighty that his ominous science art no ii know in isaiah chapter 40 either 42 f250 have 40 to 50,isaiah,40,42.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 42 just couldn't believe this is there in the book of jeremiah i believe chart 8 verse 20 it says the harvest is past and,jeremiah,8,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 2 you know i want to read psalms 127 from verse 3 to 5 which says,psalms,127,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 127 verse 3 top in his adventure on the earth deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,deuteronomy,28,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 13 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of acts 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,acts,9,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 31 great white throne judgment everything changes in revelation 20 verse 11. we'll get to there,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 all their sins galatians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of ephesians 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 all the strange gods are gone look at genesis chapter 25 verse 5 and the journey,genesis,25,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 5 yes a new creature now with christ look at ephesians chapter 2 and were looking at verse 6,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 of us because we think we're in control proverbs 16 9 says we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps,proverbs,16,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 9 in isaiah chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 [music] joshua chapter one is where we're going to be and uh because we are still in,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 to these texts i've already mentioned philippians chapter 2 where it says therefore god has highly exalted him why,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 in jesus name romans chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4,romans,4,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 21 central in it reading from revelation 19 and verse 4. and the four and twenty elders on the,revelation,19,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 4 can we say amen to that in the book of isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 the security we're talking about in a proverbs chapter 19 proverbs,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 jesus was doing which was embedded in isaiah 52 53 and you show that then then where is,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 two hours revelation chapter 5 i just want you to see what i mean,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 points to jesus christ i don't know if you knew that or not right from genesis 3 all the way through god had one plan,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 you gain supernatural access to revelation now in general 31 number 34 let's close,revelation,31,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 31 verse 1 the sons of levi and not only that there was a law in numbers 4 verse 15 which said that even the sons of levi were not,numbers,4,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 15 concerning me acts chapter 1 reading from verse 16 acts chapter 1 reading from verse 16 men,acts,1,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 16 increases the number of disciples naturally will continue to multiply acts chapter 6,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 as i've studied the bible galatians 6 galatians chapter 6 i think was verse 9 and i want to share,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 above god's word which is exactly what genesis 3 tells us this our sin nature is going to be we would rather believe,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 40 verses 1 to 5. the lord said to job shall a fault finder contend with the almighty,job,40,1.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 1 it's very very important that we are within this context the same daniel chapter 10,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 things he did we don't know a lot of it and then as he's about to depart in acts chapter 1 verse 6 it says therefore when,acts,1,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 6 20 to acts 13 from verse 22 22 god said i found a man,acts,13,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 22 clear the same thing malachi chapter 4 when the heart is burning like an over and,malachi,4,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 1 and answer prophesied about it look at joel chapter 2 and you'll see that these prophets of,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 isaiah chapter number 46 verses 9 through 11 isaiah 46 verse 9 through 11 i paraphrase it says for i am god and,isaiah,46,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ revelation chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,revelation,11,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 15 obtained beloved god is a jealous god exodus 20 verse 5 and his sensitivity as he sees our motives as he sees our,exodus,20,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 5 heard a good argument against this against using romans 11 6 to you know refute,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 you in the book of isaiah today and i looked at isaiah chapter 1 of course and know isaiah chapter 3 rather and verse 1,isaiah,3,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 3 verse 1 repent and deal with the sea of rebellion romans 3 verse 23 224 pass mercy first john 1 verse 9 if we confess our sin is,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 give you this judge's chapter h i'm reading from verse 4 judges chapter 8,judges,4,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 8 given the date then daniel chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,daniel,8,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 2 story is found in huber's 11 and also in the book of genesis i here in hebrews 11 we read these words about him starting,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow hebrews out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",exodus,2,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 11 isaiah 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 canaan's land in the land of victory and here the lord says in leviticus 26 verse 13 i am the lord your god who brought,leviticus,26,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 13 final day god's mercy verse 13 james 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 the first one is that when god speaks it is not only for your benefits in exodus 3 when god spoke to moses extra surah 2,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 how somebody's following me today in daniel chapter 1 when you read from verse 19 the bible,daniel,1,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 19 bricks. genesis 11 says nothing about the importance of people over bricks.,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka romans 11 22 says behold,romans,11,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 22 hebrews 8. hebrews 8 he found fault with that first covenant,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 isaiah 44 reading from verse 28 isaiah chapter 44 and we're reading from verse 28,isaiah,44,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 28 elevationng.org praise god let's close by declaring psalms one one two three it will be this i apologize it's not,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 one must repent before he can be forgiven acts chapter 2 38 to 41 you must act,acts,2,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 38 minutes can we turn in our bibles to to genesis chapter 1 and let's go to a couple of things here now now this this,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 10. ecclesiastes 10 17.,ecclesiastes,10,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 7 deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter,deuteronomy,11,26.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 26 he declares the end from the beginning and then in jeremiah 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 christ in acts chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 so he doesn't need you to produce fruit but he has ordained now go to ephesians chapter 2,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 you expect it's not what happens because it depends on the individual in genesis chapter 4 verse 1 genesis 4 verse 1,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 they had followed god's wisdom in leviticus 18 they would have heeded the warning not to commit incest and they,leviticus,18,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 1 spirit nehemiah chapter 1 verses 1 to 11 nehemiah chapter 2 verses 1 to 8 you don't know how much can happen to you,nehemiah,2,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 1 thank you jesus i'm going to open isaiah isaiah 55 11.,isaiah,55,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 let's have a look in verse 30. ephesians 5 13. it says,ephesians,5,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 13 generation of israelites when you read numbers chapter 13 the bible says god asks moses to send out,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 lord god of israel you find it scattered throughout the psalms you find it in other places like first kings chapter 1,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 not even one to the israelites numbers 22 and 23 nine chances the tenth time he said no,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 where is it written a numbers 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6,numbers,9,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 4 colossians 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,colossians,3,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 18 ephesians in chapter 3 and there paul speaks about this ephesians in chapter 3 if you turn to verse 3 seasons chapter 3,ephesians,3,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 philippians chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 dominion physically in acts chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 ox5 14 to 16,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of leviticus verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter,leviticus,20,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 words also now in james and chapter 1 in james chapter 1 it says here and let's apply this to the situation we are in,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in the book of ephesians 5 and verse 8 ephesians 5 and verse 8 the bible makes us to,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 warfare it says here um we're looking at daniel 11 but if you go back to the previous chapter and to,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 assurances of survivor without god whereas proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 says,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 he was caught up to the third hmmm and in revelation 1270 says the man child will be caught up into the air and,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 who love god let me show you the romans 8 28 of the old testament,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 i'll quit but i believe if you read jeremiah 5 that jeremiah 5 is a prophetic word for,jeremiah,5,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 1 hath redeemed us from the curse of the law galatians 13 but,galatians,13,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 13 verse 1 taking our text from ruth chapter one from verse 1 to 6 the book of ruth chapter 1 from this 1 to 6 now it came,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 they are mine haggai chapter two verse eight a guy two verse eight,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 and i'm reading here from verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 in this church isaiah chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 before we see them open your bible to the book of colossians 3 verse let's look at verses 2 to 5. colossians,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 draw this from acts 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,acts,7,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 44 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that romans 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,romans,2,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 11 mind james chapter 2 verse 20 james 2 verse 20 he said but we don't know of a man that faith without works is dead,james,2,2.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus name deuteronomy chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,deuteronomy,20,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 8 going to grant you total deliverance look at revelation chapter 7 and in verse 15 therefore a day before the,revelation,7,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 15 deeper level and we have what we call revelation in matthew 16 verse 13 to 17 matthew 16 13 to 17 jesus christ as his,matthew,16,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 13 chapter two jonah asked for his life to be saved in chapter four jonah asked for his life to be taken in chapter 2 he,jonah,2,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=69gn9zmxmoq i'm going to begin reading in ephesians 4 verse 30 we're gonna read five verses,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 "all over the mediterranean world of asia minor. and that leads to a discussion in acts 15 about, wait a minute, how does this work.",acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 because of the ignoring deported contestant number four ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 to 8 is the bible text for,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 joseph if you read genesis 37 from verse 2 to 11,genesis,37,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 2 life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh romans 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must,romans,8,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 13 in the book of jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 church this year isaiah 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,isaiah,49,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 again i think this is most instructive eager ephesians 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 and this is why i included this part of the scripture in it in genesis 11 let's just go back really quick to 31,genesis,11,31.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 31 that's the message in romans 1 and romans 2 romans 1 is about the godless sinner and romans 2 is about the,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 and to elijah look at hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 holy god the holy spirit proverbs 29 verse 1 proverbs 29 verse 1 he says the one who is often reproved,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 multiplication this coming sunday that a man can be louder acts 13 44 and the next about they came amongst your city,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 that my old man was crucified with him as well romans 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 and he shall reign forever and ever but he got there from philippians 2 5 to 11. amen deadly,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it proverbs chapter 28 and verse 13.,proverbs,28,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 water huh shaylee let's get up thirsty to services so james 5 but here's what happens when i talk about this issue,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 reaction hebrews chapter three sorry not hebrews romans chapter three this is the very introduction to the gospel,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 they would not repent and so god in genesis chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,genesis,19,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 24 back to proverbs 30 and look at each element one more time real quickly,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 listen to me look at me it's the last part of galatians five and six,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 strong city their contention and like the bars of akasha proverbs 18 verse 19 i believe the context of this verse,proverbs,18,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 19 don't be unfaithful to your wife don't commit adultery and in malachi chapter 2 there are a few exhibitions of not being,malachi,2,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 1 abacus chapter 2 verse 4 we went into that romans 1 17 the joshua lived by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy,deuteronomy,30,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 becomes a murderer they go into multiple marriages you read in genesis chapter 4 they go into music and as you have the,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 believers do we read from hebrews revelation chapter 12 and verse 11 and they overcame him,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 high and is put in another way in acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 8 it says you shall receive power after that the holy,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 over judgment james 2 and verse 13 mercy of god triumphs over judgment i,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 worshipers psalms chapter 102 at verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for,psalms,102,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 102 verse 13 by serving others and now we look at acts chapter 22 starting in verse 1 and this will bring,acts,22,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 22 verse 1 and you will praise the lord in jesus name in james chapter five james chapter five,james,5,5.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 5 reading there from verse 19 romans chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,romans,2,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 19 your look at acts chapter 15 i'm reading from the street there acts chapter,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 because you're made of dust verse 19 genesis 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,genesis,3,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 19 this is like two in one it's taking from ephesians 5 22 and 25 the rule of love says that the,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 we find my favorite chapter of the bible romans 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 remarkable that isaiah 53 is so packed with so many details about christ,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 complete obedience is disobedience an alliance of era in the book of acts of the apostles chapter 5 1 to america it,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 long on the earth yo llevo me lil durk i sort of a sequin ephesians 6 that is repeated in the new covenant for the,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 i'm coming now to romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,romans,8,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 22 everlasting light we've taken our tell from isaiah chapter 60 19 to 21 isaiah 16 19 to 21,isaiah,16,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 19 first point and we're gonna look at daniel chapter seven here in my five points we're gonna,daniel,7,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 5 the morning to stand before god in genesis chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and,genesis,19,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 27 there's so much discussion and debate about romans 7 but we know it,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 vegetarian diets put it up genesis 1 verse 29 genesis 1 verse 29 and god said seek already together one to go,genesis,1,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 29 the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in genesis chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh isaiah 53 when you read from verse five as after,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 thought you'll see amen to that acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter tayna acts chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 "an article in a recent book called the gospel according to isaiah 53 , that is very interesting. granted that only about ten percent of jews",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 27. let's take a bibles and open to daniel chapter 7 from verse 13 daniel 7 13,daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 and you overcome him by the blood of the lamb revelation 12 11. so we have the blood,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 the powerful thing about our confession of faith when you go back to genesis 1 and verse 1 the bible says that god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 them whoa whoa whoa whoa just as isaiah does in isaiah 5 first the judgment parable comes about the,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 and i want us also to hear the good news in deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that,deuteronomy,4,31.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to ephesians 2 and the first half is basically going to be,ephesians,2,23.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 23 things which were told her from the lord deuteronomy chapter 18 and verse 21 to 22,deuteronomy,18,21.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 21 may end his life in total apostasy from god james 1 14 to 15 as the blessedness of the man is great,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 this book philippians chapter 2 verse 29 i want to give you,philippians,2,29.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 29 the age and gender specific teaching that would follow is summed up in titus 2 verse 1 but as for you teach what,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 that you can be totally cleansed and be available for god isaiah 1 16 gave some instruction on self to cleansing,isaiah,1,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 16 showed me the truths about overcoming sin romans 6 verse 14 was in my bible from 1959 but i never understood it till 1975,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 will be displayed on the screen for ease of reference psalms chapter 1 verses 1 to 3 blessed are my for i walk not in,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 because revelation chapter 1 verse 18 revelation 1 verse 18 says i am the alpha and the omega the one who was who is and mr.,revelation,1,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 18 he has put wheels under it rejoicing bringing in the sheaves with him ezekiel 21 and verse 27 i will overthawn,ezekiel,21,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 21 verse 27 question 20 20 what service did nehemiah perform for king ato zexus,nehemiah,20,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 20 verse 2 when you look at that scripture very closely in numbers 11 it didn't say that the wind went and then the,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 yeah every demonic interference we saw that in daniel 10 and verse 13 so i'm not making this up the bible says the,daniel,10,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 13 look unto him the more you look like him when you look at genesis chapter 30 from verse,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 romans 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,romans,3,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 4 it's of the devil isaiah 56 i feel like holy ghost about to wind me,isaiah,56,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 1 that's hidden in this chapter of james five but james isn't just giving it away no no,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 3. proverbs 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life,proverbs,13,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 3 back to hebrews chapter two and i'm reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 when you keen at verse 9 it says but we,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved acts of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,acts,17,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 17 evelyn anyways so then you get to deuteronomy 43 right they backslide god reaches out and embraces gentile people,deuteronomy,43,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 43 verse 1 show you one of the characteristics of wisdom in james chapter 3 and james chapter 3 it speaks about wisdom in,james,3,3.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 3 that god is sending through that boy in isaiah chapter 55 3 isaiah 55 verse 3 incline your ear and,isaiah,55,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 3 when you read exodus chapter 14 and you can read your chapter exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 1 genesis chapter 1 28,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 from galatians chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 so part of the blame i'm not exaggerating you read genesis 3 that's exactly what adam did refused to take,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 just looking at this passage specifically james to verse 14 through 26 so here's where i encourage you guys,james,14,26.0,1.0,james chapter 14 verse 26 name let me show you one verse of scripture in isaiah chapter 28 verse 12 good,isaiah,28,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 12 showed up after i caught a word in hebrews chapter 13 and verse 5 in a particular service when we got home that,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 i want us to look at it again read with me joshua chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,joshua,1,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 5 believer it tells us in acts chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,acts,4,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 31 proverbs 24 27 proverbs 24 and verse 27. prepare their work,proverbs,24,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 27 you've experienced his strength in getting you through isaiah 40 says but those who wait on the lord they will,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 famine in philippians 4 verse 15 down to verse 19 we're made to understand that it is,philippians,4,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 15 the way back to king james but new king james alright and beginning in verse 1,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 yielding to the holy spirit be yielding to the holy spirit romans chapter 6 romans chapter 6 romans chapter 6 verse,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 but the soul is not right genesis chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,genesis,25,33.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 33 and i'll make my words known unto you proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 if you won't turn it can never be your,proverbs,1,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 is what jesus is saying relates to revelation chapter 18 and he called out a mighty voice fallen fallen as babylon,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 that the law of the lord is perfect it is without error that as proverbs 30 says every word of god is pure we have,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 questions so proverbs 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,proverbs,11,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 14 this morning was from genesis so this morning i was in genesis 21 and 22 psalm 6 proverbs 3,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 so you know genesis 15 genesis 17 abram kept talking to god about one,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 to be forgiven for all your sins through what through the isaiah 53 sacrifice of the one who will die for the many of,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 will grant you great grace let's look at hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,hebrews,4,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 come back and close on revelation 17 but let's read the first six verses,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 in lamentations three which is a post script in the book of jeremiah he says they hunted me like a bird they,lamentations,3,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 personal supplication the bible says in james chapter 5,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 interceding is very important daniel 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,daniel,9,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 5 slow to anger galatians 3 it we must put away anger and rot,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 isaiah 54 1 this is an amazing approach by paul isaiah 54 1 is long after abraham isaac ishmael sarah sinai where,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 chapter 11. in daniel chapter 11 we read verse 32 daniel 11 32 the last,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 we will serve the lord when you leave that with job job 22 28 in a,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 1. look at psalms chapter 2 from verse 1 to 3.,psalms,2,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 1 axe the early church we see them fasting acts chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,acts,13,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 13 global impact genesis 22 verse 18 and in thy seed shall all the nations of their heart be,genesis,22,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 18 then you look at all of those blessings listed in isaiah chapter 58 and verse 6 to 14.,isaiah,58,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 14,ecclesiastes,3,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 you know we're looking at verse 15 it says by him,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 authority and there's lots of examples of this one example is in daniel 3 when nebuchadnezzar passed a decree a law,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 lampstand in exodus 25 next we see it in zechariah 4 that we're going to deal with this morning and then,exodus,25,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 1 19 galatians 1 15 to 19 as soon as he was converted,galatians,1,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 15 wrote first john second john third john and revelation the reason why we're gonna read in 1st john chapter 3 the,1 john,3,1.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 1 joy isaiah 51 verse 11. i want us open our bible to isaiah 12 3. isaiah 12 3. the bible said therefore with joy you,isaiah,51,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 11 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=y to x6o30pawq joshua chapter one please if you go there with me joshua chapter one my,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 timothy about the mystery of the faith and in the end of the book of romans chapter 16,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 walking in those same footsteps and i can follow him and in philippians 3 paul says further he says not only me,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 ministry quite many psalms listed for us in the hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 so in fact as you stand back from ezekiel 38 and look at chapter 37 which of course is the famous dry bones vision,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 of the condition of the heart look at zechariah zechariah chapter 7,zechariah,7,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 7 the wise shall inherit glory proverbs 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 essentially these three verses summarize a story that goes from genesis chapter 12 to genesis chapter 50.,genesis,12,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 5 yeah are you getting what i'm saying galatians chapter 5 when you read from verse 22 also said on the fruit of the,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 today and this is in job chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,job,5,19.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 19 proverbs chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,proverbs,22,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 11 seeking to mitigate paul's harshness have read the passage in romans 1 as condemning not homosexuals generally but,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 understand god takes no pleasure in judging people god says in ezekiel 33 11,ezekiel,33,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 11 in the bible is found in that section. but in isaiah chapter 41 we can look at the contrast between god and all other deities.,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 service and ministry in the church in romans chapter 12,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 don't receive grace because here it says james 4 verse 6 god gives grace only to the humble,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 template or discipline in eating proverbs 23 from 20 through to 21st disciplined in eating talks about being,proverbs,23,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 2 exalted is in philippians in chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 it's very interesting to see that when god sent,philippians,2,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 2 morning and when your light breaks forth what happens isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 to 3 arise shine for your light is calm and,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 firstly i needed to understand something that according to malachi chapter 2 verse 16,malachi,2,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 16 if you look at daniel 4 verses 20 uh,daniel,4,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 2 lost the battle in daniel i mean romans chapter 4 verse 19 and 20 talking,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 to ross last week so we look at um philippians chapter 4 verse 4 which is our memory verse i hope someone,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 teaches we're not under the law yet in romans 13 he endorses lethal force being used by government,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 it is time to give our offering the bible says in galatians chapter 7 7 and 8 galatians 6 7 8,galatians,7,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 7 verse 7 bible says in proverbs 11 verse 30 proverbs 11 verse 30 said he that winners souls,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 i invite your prayerful consideration to the book of hebrews chapter one verse number one through three,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 we generate faith the faith would generate answers to our prayers in james chapter one number six is a let him ask,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 this money if you choose god then proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,proverbs,10,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 chapter 1 verse 8 revelation 1 verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega,revelation,1,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 8 never a moment that you are me alone he said to us in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 agricultural sector we have joseph in genesis chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was,genesis,41,54.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 54 this morning exodus chapter 12 and verse 12 paraphrase that i'll pass through the,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 name of jesus leviticus 25 leviticus 25 21 commanded blessings,leviticus,25,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 21 romans romans chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 25 romans chapter 3,romans,3,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 25 then you've got a little bit of pride let's go to isaiah 66 we read in verse 1 thus says the lord again,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 away it shall it shall come to pass job 19 verse 25,job,19,25.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 25 oh no we're not since what i'm showing you in genesis 3 is what happens all through church,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 the importance of the local church you see i believe in acts chapter 9 the verses we've just read,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 because as unstable as water genesis chapter 14 verse 123 thou shalt not accept,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of micah chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,micah,3,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 8 this jesus is a son given to mankind isaiah 9 6 is a gift,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 you love them i know in proverbs 14 and this is talking to the the moms really but,proverbs,14,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 and let's start from there tonight ezekiel i mean isaiah chapter 14 isaiah chapter,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 to scatter the flock of christ in this church this year in ezekiel 34 25 the lord promised to make with us a,ezekiel,34,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 25 i said chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah 40 31 they that wait upon the luxury new death strength,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 boundaries so in genesis 1 you have blessing in genesis 2 you have,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 got three simple points for you in this revelation chapter 12 and we're going to carry on,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 in ezekiel 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,ezekiel,36,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 6 happened the original saying in genesis chapter 3 in the gallery of egypt you will see,genesis,3,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 3 verse 17 and verses 18 and 21 in revelation chapter 21 and she had a great and high wall with 12 gates,revelation,21,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 18 three released to the tango proverbs 12 22 man mills the coffin and the earth,proverbs,12,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 speak no more to me of this matter deuteronomy 3 26 god said that's enough and moses prayed,deuteronomy,3,26.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 26 high on chapels higher and in romans chapter 12 verse 1 we must present ourselves holy and acceptable,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 your relationship now in the book of proverbs chapter 13 verse 20,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 williams is going to read for us exodus 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready,exodus,35,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 35 verse 3 something get your bibles and go to genesis chapter 26 verse one through six,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 [applause] galatians chapter 3. we're looking at verses 13,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 running to the second one but before the second one the time in exodus chapter 1 verse 6 and it's when a pharaoh that,exodus,1,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 6 look at jeremiah chapter 18 we're reading from verse 7 jeremiah chapter 18 we're reading from verse 7 at what,jeremiah,18,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 7 desire to wish gave you had yeah let me go to the book of joel chapter 1 verse 10 god speaks him in that verse where he,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 phrase the flesh in galatians in chapter 5,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 messengers chapter 14 of the same revelation 6 to 13 and we looked lastly at the last harvest the last harvest of,revelation,6,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 13 doing fine remember proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17,proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 i read from verse 23 hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,10,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 23 forever exodus 24 the glory of the lord dwelt on mount sinai and the cloud covered it six,exodus,24,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 1 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in philippians 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,philippians,1,25.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 25 to take a little time on it ephesians 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,ephesians,6,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 14 house of prayer you'll see what image of that temple in jeremiah chapter eh jeremiah chapter 7 other reading from,jeremiah,7,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 1 and the government of praise for the spirit of heaviness isaiah 61 and verse 7 to appoint to them that mourn in zion,isaiah,61,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 7 them jesus's parables different than isaiah 5 in this exact way,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 his will is still set to do evil in ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 we are told because the judgment upon,ecclesiastes,8,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 analyze and particularly the the the passage in hebrews chapter 4 verse 7 that we dealt with on thursday night,hebrews,4,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 7 but then the second contact that he had with god in exodus chapter 19 from verse one to nine,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 not a father christmas god in jeremiah 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done,jeremiah,33,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 2 the confidence we have is from the scripture psalms chapter 5 verse 2 and 3 hacking on to the voice of my cry my,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 "judah specifically. isaiah 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification",isaiah,5,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 7 and yet it's not god's will uh in the story of in genesis 16 abraham and sarah they had suffered a delay and that delay,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 4. in ephesians chapter 3 verse 4 whereby,ephesians,3,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 4 i know you're christians then you open them with me to revelation chapter 5 i'd like to read the passage that i'll be,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 it says behold,ezekiel,18,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 chapter 2 we're looking at verse 11 philippians chapter 2,philippians,2,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 11 promises by faith but notice how this promise is referred to in hebrews in chapter 6 in hebrews chapter 6,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 him it's in revelation chapter 19 where it speaks about the wedding,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 remembered and recalled that episode of jahangir let us look at genesis chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7,genesis,49,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 7 she says here uh those who restrict the meaning of galatians 3 28 to an abstract or eschatological meaning meaning like,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" romans 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",romans,10,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 3 god can bring good uh out of it romans 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 to increase your faith and so our story comes from the book of numbers chapter 13 where moses sends out these twelve,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 closing remarks and then i'll take my c james chapter four verse seven first imperative he says submit,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 siege he says that the destruction decreed that's what he says in isaiah 10 he says and the destruction decreed,isaiah,10,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 1 uses that picture of the day eternity is at hand in his drawing nearer hebrews says the same thing in chapter 10 let us,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 apostles acts of the apostles chapter 4 and we're reading from verse 3 1,acts,4,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 3 testimony can raise the debt can read the story in acts of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41,acts,9,39.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 39 what is the use of a strong spirit well the bible tells us in proverbs 18 from verse 14.,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 on earth for thirty three and a half years in acts 1 verse 1 it says the first account of theophilus is this is,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 it's also seen daniel chapter 8 chapter 8 a meeting from verse 15 daniel chapter 8 and reading from verse 15 he is saying,daniel,8,15.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 15 itself is very very dangerous proverbs 6 25 do not desire,proverbs,6,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 25 and he had a good harvest in genesis 26 i'm reading from verse 12 genesis 26 from verse 12 then isaac sold he planted,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 joshua three verse one two five the bible says then joshua rose up in the morning and they set out from acacia,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 21 of revelation verse,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 "when the apostles preach, they preach the old testament in acts 2, acts 3, acts 4, acts 7, acts 8, on and on, acts 10, 13 and on and",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 bible so if you have yours go ahead and pull it out and turn to philippians 1 if you don't have a bible on you that's,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse romans chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 boaz is a picture of christ ruth remember in the story we talked about in chapter three what does she do,ruth,3,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 1 consecration to achan's sin in joshua 7 causing the defeat of joshua in the city of i in a new testament jesus said it is,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 god had been staring in my heart um over the last season it's from zechariah 10 1.,zechariah,10,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 seven letters and seven churches by jesus christ in revelation 2 and 3 i'll leave that to you as an exercise that,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 he who was spoken of by the prophet isaiah 700 years earlier chapter 40 when he said the voice of one crying in the,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 christ it says here in ephesians 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith,ephesians,1,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 8 "it means a heart renunciation. in the greek both here in hebrews 11 and also in luke, they forsook all to follow jesus.",hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 absurdity of the thought really we go on in isaiah chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,isaiah,55,55.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 55 he places it in the center of the people and then he says this in exodus 32 4 and 5 these are your gods o israel who,exodus,32,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 4 romans chapter 8 verse 28 romans 8 verse 20 says all things work together for good,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 under your feet in jesus name in romans chapter 14 reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 can find it here first titus chapter 2 14. this is such an,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 building of these local assemblies that eventually when you come to revelation 21 and 22 you find the new giroux,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us romans 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,romans,4,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 23 looked in in the bible to make sure that's where it was it was proverbs 24 verse 27 and it says prepare your,proverbs,24,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 27 jesus laid down his own life isaiah 53 says he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at revelation 22 2 in the middle of its street on either,revelation,22,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 2 want to point out to you which is very significant turn with me to genesis chapter 16 i told you i would show you,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 through acts chapter 2 in acts chapter 2 we're reading from verse 37,acts,2,37.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 37 chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4. the bible says where the word of the king is there is,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in genesis chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,genesis,24,34.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 34 intelligence and wisdom in daniel chapter 5 again daniel is brought before the king,daniel,5,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 1 you are submerged immersed under water when we come to romans chapter 9 we are seeing the spiritual teaching of water,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 advice number one pride and arrogance pride and arrogance proverb proverbs chapter 14 12.,proverbs,14,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 amen isaiah chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 praying we're still praying the bible says in hebrews chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14,hebrews,9,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 13 the vast majority of articles about obedience to government and romans 13 has been written in 2020,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 offends the gospel offends and rightly so and i believe that psalms 23 what we just read can be dangerous at funerals i,psalms,23,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 1 let me give you a couple of uh scriptures here exodus 23 i sort of like this uh little rule that,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 never heard about that one from john whatever i did not hear from jonah i'm not going to accept he was limited,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 1 reading from verse 14. in galatians chapter 1 verse 14 and profited in the jewish religion,galatians,1,14.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 14 see in the life of herod in the book of acts chapter 12 from verse 21 to 23,acts,12,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 21 in him the bible says in the book of isaiah chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be,isaiah,43,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 2 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about joshua and then we come to verse 32 like a great,joshua,1,32.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 32 spirit it could also refer to the seven virtues of the holy spirit in isaiah chapter 11 verse two i'll just read it,isaiah,11,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 amen now the uncle scripture is exodus chapter 12 and verse 23 he said and when,exodus,12,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 23 proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me,proverbs,8,36.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 because punishment against,ecclesiastes,8,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 taken from the book of hebrew hebrews chapter 2 verse 18 hebrews chapter 2 verse,hebrews,2,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 18 that even at this our time in jesus name chapter 9 of acts acts chapter 9 we're reading from verse 3 1 acts,acts,9,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 3 and verse 12 genesis chapter 26 and verse 12. the bible says then isaac sold in that land,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 ark as a messenger is that correct genesis 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,genesis,8,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 7 few things mentioned in philippians alone in philippians 2 it says if you work out what god is working in you this,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 stronger this morning acts chapter 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people and,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 hosea chapter 3 verse 4 and 5 we find out why hosea was saying something negative about sacrifice he says for the,hosea,3,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 4 of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death romans 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 we all know that those verses in jeremiah chapter 17 it says blessed is the man jeremiah 17,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 it's that kind of favor that makes you experience what the bible says in isaiah chapter 45 when it says that i will,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 by the words of god hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 in hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 statement genesis 2 and 3. we've talked about genesis 1 in the last session how god,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in romans 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,romans,8,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 23 you to do ephesians i'm sorry philippians 1 and 6 says that he that started the work in you will complete it,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 so we stand this morning for the reading of god's word we'll be in hebrews chapter five,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 example of a mad woman telling her husband to commit suicide in job chapter 2 verse 9 look at all this happening you,job,2,9.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 9 that's why i wanted to go to ezekiel if you'll turn then out in ezekiel chapter two we we see a pattern in the kingdom,ezekiel,2,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 1 their place joshua 24 are we there i read from verse 14.,joshua,24,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 14 you right back here next week for galatians chapter 2 bye [music],galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 verse 18 first john 2 18 and a bible passage revelation chapter 13 1 to 9 revelations 19 13,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 standing before you oh now in acts chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts,acts,9,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 33 acts chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine,acts,15,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 9 chapter four exodus origami when i asked moses to throw down,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 colossians in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 they were living right if you go look at amos amos 610 amos was a shepherd he came to judge many many many people,amos,6,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 1 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of jeremiah jeremiah 29,jeremiah,29,29.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 29 reading from bostena ephesians chapter 6 we're looking at verse 10,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 holy spirit if we keep reading through acts 2 we could see that the holy spirit caused,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 never changes the bible said in the book of genesis chapter 21 beginning from verse 1,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 isaiah 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,isaiah,11,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 6 the sodom and gomorrah story in genesis 19 is designed as a perverted inversion of the sons of god in the women in genesis 6. because it is humans and spiritual beings involving sex in a destructive way.,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 once on or before may 1st 2021. deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 that it's a real picture of confusion revelation 9 verses 7 & 8 yeah it's these demon locusts in the last days and,revelation,9,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 7 right before hosea daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,daniel,7,7.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 7 galatians 1 but if i'm wrong you go with galatians 1 what actually says my commentary does not establish the truth,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 product of a revelation in romans 12 and verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen acts 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 so back to genesis and if you're you're somewhat new you can start in genesis 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 let's quickly open to the book of isaiah isaiah chapter 59 isaiah 59 i read from one,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 well in all things not answering again it tells us in colossians chapter 3,colossians,3,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 3 from verse 5 hebrews 11 5 by faith enoch was translated,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in numbers 12 6 to 8,numbers,12,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 6 sons of god romans chapter 8 and verse 19. this means that every child of god is,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 miracles signs and wonders revelation 13 13 to 14 says,revelation,13,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 13 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in isaiah 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,isaiah,46,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 3 micah if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12,micah,3,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 12 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4 are the slightest challenge,numbers,11,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 4 god who works in you paul says in philippians 2 both to will and to work for his good pleasure it's god who works,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 7 verse 10 proverbs 17 and beyond there makes him a woman with the attire of an adult,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 identification of jesus with the suffering servant of isaiah 53 now that's the big picture so let's go to,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 column and that is because you hate people who rebuke you so proverbs 9 verses 8 and 9 says do not correct a,proverbs,9,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 8 up a little bit okay let's get more context then we'll show james 221 and why this is,james,2,21.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 21 can't take away sin. hebrews 10 repeats it; they can't take away sin.,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 building up yourselves on your most holy faith jude 20 praying in the holy ghost,jude,20,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 1 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in acts chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,acts,5,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 5 students i'm looking at genesis chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and,genesis,33,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 9 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 your family your community would send you to the priest and leviticus 13 gives a long list of prescriptive tests that,leviticus,13,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 1 1 27. colossians 1 27. already,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 story in chapter five of genesis look at their story in genesis chapter chapter 6 look at their story in in psalm 14 look,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 apostles acts of the apostles chapter 14 acts of the apostles of the four chena a medium from vós trene,acts,14,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 1 healing for the sick body chapter 23 of exodus exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 in romans chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 periods of time are prophesied predicted and given to us in daniel first of all in daniel chapter 12 verse,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 the tree of life not in front of the tree of knowledge genesis 3 verse 24 there were this more than one cherubim means,genesis,3,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 24 in the name of jesus quickly can we open our bible to isaiah chapter 54 verse 10,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 resurrection let's come back to revelation chapter 21 and verse 4 revelation chapter 21 reading from verse,revelation,21,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 4 i commend you unto god paul said in acts chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 6 chapter 7 stephen preached christ he preached christ hallelujah acts chapter 8 acts chapter 8 praise god which is,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 faith will not walk with a fake life in jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 bending my soul in exodus chapter five you can read it from verse one to the,exodus,5,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 1 it takes humility to receive it that's it you remember james 4 6 god receives the proud but he gives,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 into this church this coming sunday acts chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 you are living look at chapter three titus chapter three reading from verse one but put same image to be subject,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 that you now live you live by the faith of the son of what local galatians chapter two were reading from verse 20,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 [applause] isaiah 65 and verse 24 well start from 20,isaiah,65,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 24 destruction of sodom and gomorrah back in genesis 19 or even the destruction of edom that isaiah talks,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 and i want to show you another verse in acts 20 how we finish dear brothers and sisters,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 chapter 3 or whatever the case may be esther is a little bit different because again it is a historical narrative and,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 28 verse 10 uh and this is god's word concerning you deuteronomy due to my chapter 28 and verse 10 and the bible,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems,proverbs,14,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 this is omniscience hebrews 4 13 says there is no creature hidden from his sight and all things are,hebrews,4,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 according to job chapter 38 from verse 8 to 11 job 38 proverbs 8 to 11,job,38,8.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 8 accursed hebrews chapter 12,hebrews,12,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 12 acts chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 obadiah chapter 1 of badaya chapter one i'm reading from verse 17 obadiah chapter 1 verse 17.,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 shall not the judge of all the earth do right genesis 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,genesis,18,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 25 while looking at genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from,genesis,33,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 9 will just be coming at the back of your mind you remember romans 10 11 for scripture i have written it there's no,romans,10,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 11 phones romans 11 36 oh dear i think my uh i think my eldest,romans,11,36.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 36 right non to jewish people proverbs 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people,proverbs,22,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 27 just just my cynical view but hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 which we dealt with,hebrews,3,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 his temple my body his temple romans 12 1 says that i beseech you by the mercies of god,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 how did ezekiel 36 27 he said and i will put,ezekiel,36,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 27 will fear no evil you find it isaiah 45 7. what's isaiah 45 7 say,isaiah,45,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 7 with knowledge and understanding jeremiah chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,jeremiah,3,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 15 and my people shall never be ashamed romans 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 the counsel of his will that all things do as thomas watson says romans 8 28 is god's divine cordial working all things,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 not responsible for evil and when we read in revelation chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,revelation,6,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 9 it out the best but the let me find it here philippians chapter 3 it's it's basically in the esv it reads,philippians,3,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 3 [applause] exodus 10 21 to 23 here is it,exodus,10,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 10 verse 21 15 which is one of our tests we also read ezekiel chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,ezekiel,28,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 2 read acts 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,acts,2,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 17 christians disagree on this topic of how you interpret genesis 1 like there's still believers the genuineness of a,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 know what to do pray about it say lord just give me wisdom romans 12 gives a really important insight into how to,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 so um alright i have a lot of favorite bible verses but i really like um psalms 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not,psalms,23,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 1 go astray proverbs 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 paul in his letter to romans wrote in chapter 8 verse 29,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 hebrews 11 3 and hebrews 1 3 hebrews 1 3,hebrews,11,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 four hundred and thirty years is exactly what exodus 12 verse 40 says; and it was four hundred and thirty years after the final declaration,exodus,12,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 4 for the salvation of the multitudes of people i died for in hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 john chapter 14 verse 3 john 14 3 then at revelation the second face with the saint to be,revelation,14,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 3 i know him genesis 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing,genesis,18,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 17 you see this is because the bible tells us in the book of hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 and verse 2. hebrews 10 verse 1,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 about this at the very end of jude jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,jude,22,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 22 uh for for for the the ephesians church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your,ephesians,1,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 that's another scripture there's another scriptures ephesians 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 in galatians chapter 2 verse 5 to whom,galatians,2,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 5 reading from verse i'm reading from verse 14 isaiah chapter 54 reading from verse 14,isaiah,54,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 14 weeks the largest section of the book of revelation is right here between chapter 6 and 18,revelation,6,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 18 and then look at isaiah chapter 59 isaiah chapter 59 we're reading from verse,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 i have good news for you you see in exodus chapter 5 verses 1 and 2 exodus,exodus,5,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 1 let's read from god's word in the book of psalms 34 and verse 10 psalms chapter 34 and verse 10.,psalms,34,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 1 in the place of memra in the plains of memra genesis 18 to and he bowed himself to the ground and said my lord verse 13,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 will obtain it tells us in romans chapter 10 verse 9.,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 abomination that causes desolation in daniel 9 27 and he is referring to something,daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 and and when prophet aza was prophesying here in uh in isaiah 34 is actually started out by using uh you know using,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 and terms are used in different ways so the term sons of god in job 1 6 is referring to angels,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in acts 10 9 to 16,acts,10,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 9 welcomed and forgiven and this is why hebrews 4 16 says let us therefore come,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 of excellence i love that scripture in proverbs 31 29 see many daughters has done well,proverbs,31,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 29 the kind of results you should get proverbs chapter 6 number 6 through 11 proverbs 6 from verse 6 to 11 say hey,proverbs,6,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 lot of our time as nebuchadnezzar i have referred to jeremiah 27 in past videos but i want to again read another,jeremiah,27,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 1 the credit for themselves and are proud now daniel chapter 5 jumps ahead in the chronology of daniel,daniel,5,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 1 waiting for the returning lord in james chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be,james,5,7.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 7 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of romans 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,romans,1,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 24 old testament saints that are listed here in hebrews chapter 11 that they all have finished in one sense of the word,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 joshua chapter 3 joshua chapter 3 in joshua chapter 3 is the famous story,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 he is the unchangeable changer according to malachi chapter 3 verse 6. malachi chapter 3 verse 6.,malachi,3,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 6 through his prophets in hebrews chapter 13 verse oh okay matthew chapter eight and verse,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 himself when you open your bible to hebrews 12 you'll read about this race and the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 this vision is explicitly and literally exactly as it appears in fact in ezekiel one we're told very carefully that this,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 already pre to committed himself into that look at genesis chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 in numbers chapter 11 verse 1 numbers 11 1 and when people complained it displaced,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 on the grace of god and that grace will be so strange in your life acts chapter 4,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 keep looking at it because we want to obey it completely philippians 2 14 and 15 do all things without grumbling or,philippians,2,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 14 these mirrors were used to turn to this washing device that's james 1 it talks about the mirror so very interesting,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of romans he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,romans,1,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter two and three in colossians in fact paul,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 his promises to us and you know you know one of my favorite passages revelation 21 that talks about all of this is,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 chapter five but let's look at this in romans chapter seven in the next chapter,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 my brother open your bible yes it's part of your prayers isaiah 43 we are waiting for you open it to isaiah chapter 43,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to galatians 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,galatians,5,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 13 amen look at the promise of god for your life in isaiah 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,isaiah,45,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 including you is based or is found in revelation chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 chapter 5 verse 4 and joshua in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 promises come to pass. in genesis 32 jacob was about to meet his brother esau,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 like when he showed up to abraham in genesis 18 he told abraham he said i am the almighty god is there anything too,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 is for a moment that's right job 20 verse 5 an even more frightening is job 15 verse 34 job 15 verse 34 it,job,20,5.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 5 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in proverbs chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,proverbs,8,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 2 message that is for me you know he says in acts chapter 2 that when the spirit came upon the the disciples they spoke,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 in the prophecy of ezekiel god says in ezekiel 14 and verse 13 and 14 he says if a country sins against me and so,ezekiel,14,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 13 don't know how to answer that question jeremiah 32 verse 17 he said oh lord god you've made heaven sue media and just,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 expectation in the book of proverbs 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end,proverbs,23,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 um the third thing is justification by faith so galatians 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might,galatians,3,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 24 any fighting deuteronomy chapter 28 verses one and seven deuteronomy 28 from verse one to seven he says that,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 conspired against him in genesis 37 verse 18 when he was sent with that on an era to,genesis,37,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 18 [applause] in deuteronomy 11 verse 11 we saw a land hidden with treasures but the,deuteronomy,11,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 11 wrong romans 1 16 1st corinthians 9 24 to 25,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 conditions in december 28 deuteronomy 28 verse 43 says,deuteronomy,28,43.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 43 give glory to your father who is in heaven we read in revelation chapter 1 about this lamp stand that john saw in,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah where is that isaiah chapter 9 i read the sex,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 to become what god wanted to be he said in jeremiah 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 of pride isaiah chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,isaiah,17,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 17 verse 11 [music] let's turn today into the book of joel joven chapter one,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses acts 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with,acts,22,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 22 verse 25 him he stood out walking with god has never been the norm since genesis 3 since the fall and what happened in,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 spoke to the lord face to face because we read in deuteronomy 34 there was never a prophet like moses who spoke to,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 you fall proverbs 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,proverbs,24,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 16 spirit then is a manifestation of the first is first let's look at acts chapter 5 acts chapter 5 verse 28 that,acts,5,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 28 11 genesis in chapter 11. praise god,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 is god almighty the next passage is in isaiah at chapter 46 and i invite you to,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 verse 25 he said he will descend that's his job he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further,job,1,25.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 25 in god's word grab your bibles and turn with me to isaiah chapter 35 i've got my mark with both my ribbon and my post to it,isaiah,35,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 35 verse 1 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have genesis 19 36 to 37,genesis,19,36.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 36 something is happening to your faith look at james chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,james,2,18.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 18 ephesians 5 6 and 5 10 shows that danger ephesians 5 6 says let no one deceive you with empty words and ephesians 5,ephesians,5,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 6 rule um verses 13 to 15 this proverbs 31 woman she not only does work but seems to take,proverbs,31,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 13 our inner man in the book of ephesians 3 verse 16 the word of god tells us there ephesians,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 in the same way the bible also talks about rules of bitterness in hebrews chapter 12 when you read from verse 12,hebrews,12,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 12 number six we forgive to avoid discipline james 2 13 judgment will be merciless to one who has,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 depended on sometimes one godly man all told the church in ephesus in acts 20 i know what's going to happen after i,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 assist you in this we still have our bibles open at ephesians 1 and i know how to invite you,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 wash them away from you number six cost blessings malachi chapter 2 verse 2,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 more thing tonight before we um continue is that scripture in job 33 that says there is a spirit in man and,job,33,1.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 1 what is going to happen in the future verse 27 i daniel was overcome and lay sick for days then i got up,daniel,1,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 27 book of acts in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says but peter kept on knocking you know so,acts,12,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 16 has now come and look at acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter 4 and we're reading from verstappen one,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 capital of greece was athens and it says in acts 17 and verse 21 that all the people in athens,acts,17,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 21 everything you give me the result genesis chapter 32 from verse 9 to 10 genesis 32 from verse 9 to 10.,genesis,32,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 9 from that swine because here in hebrews 11 he tells us about,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 extent of the devastation coming upon the world isaiah chapter 30 in verse 30,isaiah,30,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 3 that means if you want your children to grow up properly start with ephesians 5 33,ephesians,5,33.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 33 not otherwise see in the old testament this is what moses said in deuteronomy in chapter 8,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 two things stand out look at amos 5 21 amos 5 21,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 end of the ends of the earth phrases like in genesis 11 1 we can see referring to all of the people on earth,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 today revelation 20 and luke chapter 16 revelation 20 luke 16 the title of my,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 his cross isaiah here chapter 53 750 years before he was born david in psalm 22,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 and father we thank you in jesus name now isaiah chapter 40 is written by prophet of god now god is speaking,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 verse 26 daniel chapter 4 verse 26 says daniel is speaking to king nebuchadnezzar and he says your kingdom,daniel,4,26.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 26 proverbs chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,proverbs,29,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 22 verse deuteronomy 22 this isn't a passage i really wanted to do like a deep dive on,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 holy spirit you say that in romans chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 17 jeremiah 32 we're reading from verse 17 our lord god behold that was made,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 in proverbs chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 it says about the berean christians in acts 17 that even when the apostle paul preached they as it were told him well,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 be taking our memory verse from the book of galatians chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 so uh we're going to be going through the book of romans together and not the entire book but particularly chapter 1,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 but today will be in acts chapter 19 ninja poster original,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 abide i said i will abide i said you will abide chapter 19 oh proverbs verse 23 it says the fear of the lord,proverbs,19,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 23 "of the period of the tribulation. i believe that from revelation chapter 3 and verse 10, from 1 thessalonians 4, 1 corinthians",revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 2 reading from verse 1 ephesians chapter 2 the swan are you a secret kinder or a,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 go straight to the word of god genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 psalm 124 just a few psalms over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,psalms,124,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 124 verse 8 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank galatians chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 "his face.” this actually first appeared, not in deuteronomy 25 – that’s where it’s kind of codified.",deuteronomy,25,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 25 verse 1 blossoming wherever you are planted job 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse acts seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 of god you want to light up your world titus chapter 2 from verse 13 to 14 titles 2 13 to 14,titus,2,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 13 them these things isaiah said when he saw his glory that is from isaiah 6 we won't go back there to read it but it's,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 can i hear you scream the loudest amen romans chapter 8 and verse 37 says nay in all these things we are more than,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 here's the challenging part he actually went genesis 12 4 says so abram,genesis,12,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 4 can you make it louder and stronger titus 1 10 and 11 paraphrased the bible says for there are many unruly and vain,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 our memory verse is from psalms chapter 19 verse 7.,psalms,19,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 7 chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to acts chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning,acts,1,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 28 them and will guide them to springs of water isaiah 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the,isaiah,55,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 12 foundation but beloved after the the appeared to them in genesis 18 god and his representatives we don't hear from,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 that's why you find in isaiah chapter 6 from verse 1 to 3 isaiah 6 from verse 1 to 3 that,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of proverbs chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul,proverbs,11,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 versions that omits it it just has verse three and then it numbers verse five and you're looking right now like there is,numbers,1,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 5 and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in malachi chapter 2 malachi chapter 2,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 anywhere throughout this year zechariah chapter two and verse eight thousand the lord of hosts after the,zechariah,2,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 we'll rise up to give our tithes an offering in malachi chapter 3 and in verse 10,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 christ is formed in our converts the bible tells us in the book of colossians 4,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 but the world hates the diagnosis of genesis 3 man hates the first part of the gospel and this is the first part,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 believe i believe in hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 for the whole city let's come back to acts chapter 8 and i'm looking at verse 5,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 there are some people who believe that turn in your bible to hebrews chapter 2 hebrews chapter 2,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 inhabitants of nineveh respond it says in jonah chapter 3 then word came to the king of nineveh he arose from his throne,jonah,3,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 3 and verse 1 here this morning oh foolish galatians who hath per which you and listen,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 shine forth and what we must continue to do if our light would shine isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 to 3. the book of,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 the wrong spot um philippians 4 and i'll tell you here's a here's a i think a biblical coping,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 and peace shall be with you philippians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,philippians,4,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 7 your will overcome i will overcome look at romans chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,romans,12,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 17 genesis chapter 20 genesis chapter 20. and abraham journeyed from thence toward,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 we'll be reading romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 to you in fact i'll give you time to turn their turn to leviticus 25 leviticus 25 and what we're about to do,leviticus,25,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 1 in the book of acts chapter 3 2 we must be desirable anyone that will,acts,3,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 2 you see god pour out his spirit on everybody in acts chapter 2 but then along the line you begin to see,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 now that is why we are admonished in jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16. to follow their example if they prayed,jeremiah,6,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 that's prayer that's prayer philippians chapter 4 in verse number 6 the bible says paul,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in isaiah 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 you will find this one in the book of joshua god told joshua in joshua chapter 1,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 of chapter 1 and it is the revelation of jesus christ this is not the revelation of john this is the revelation of jesus,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 i want we gotta read scripture carefully philippians 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in joshua chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,joshua,7,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 7 stand why because he's the author of marriage genesis chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 deborah says uh esther 4 and 14 i'm loaded i'm just going to tell you this right now,esther,4,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 14 not required we get this from acts 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,acts,10,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 15 work acts of the apostle chapter 3 [music],acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 hannah and blessed her and her husband with a son also in exodus 15 and also in numbers chapter 11 we see moses once,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 experience with the holy spirit in the book of galatians chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 7 this is what the word of,galatians,4,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 6 response is to do as paul said in romans 12 1 in view of the mercies of god i beseech you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 reigns the lord almighty reigns deuteronomy 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,deuteronomy,10,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 14 whereas in the same ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 in ephesians 2 verse 13 a bible says if you are in christ you,ephesians,2,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 ministry of sharing hospitality look at acts chapter 16 acts chapter 16 and verse 16 and it came to pass as we went,acts,16,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 16 bible speaking very clearly tells us in the book of psalms chapter 150 and verse 6,psalms,150,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 150 verse 6 is caption time the currency of life ephesians 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days,ephesians,5,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 16 look at acts chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,acts,14,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 14 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in isaiah 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part,isaiah,45,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 because the wages of sin do you know that bible verse in romans 3 the wages of sin is,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 watch it because the bible says in genesis 3 1 that the serpent is a crafty being right and so we have to make sure,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 the strong man the book of isaiah chapter 49 i begin to read from i read verse 24 and,isaiah,49,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 24 in romans chapter 8 verse 19 romans chapter 8 verse 19 the word of god is clear,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 came down on anointed worship or look at acts chapter 2 and verse 11,acts,2,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 11 righteousness notice also what god said to jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,jeremiah,30,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbud1a9n6ag jonah chapter 1 now the word of the lord came unto jonah the son of amity saying,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 kept him and delivered her in isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 during righteousness bible says in romans chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 title when he was talking to isaak in genesis 26 verse 24 genesis 26 verse 24 he said i am the god of your father,genesis,26,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 24 been tamed by james chapter 3 but the tongue no man can control but the holy spirit can and,james,3,3.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 3 companionship of god in the book of acts chapter 18 verse 9 and verse 10 we have a picture painted,acts,18,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 9 need for salvation and that's going to be romans 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the,romans,3,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 2 from verse 17 to 37 4 psalms 17 from verse 17 to 37 you discover that in this case of david,psalms,17,37.0,1.0,psalms chapter 17 verse 37 our verse of the month is from psalms 24 verse 1 it says,psalms,24,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 24 verse 1 and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction proverbs 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 this story so it's worth going back and reading judges 4 and 5 to get acquainted with it but let me just give it to you,judges,4,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 1 verse 2. proverbs 26 2 like a flitting sparrow,proverbs,26,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 sometimes brings possession proverbs 18 verse 21 proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says death,proverbs,18,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 it's alone or as one and so genesis 2 21 and 22 we have what's called the splitting of the atom,genesis,2,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 21 god or the devil so as we read joshua chapter one our message,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 verse 13 philippians chapter 4 verse 13,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 passages of scripture today hebrews chapter 11 and genesis 13 hebrews 11 and genesis 13 and the title of my message,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 the app is available faithfully searchable says seen it in ephesians chapter 4 reversal on omashu mama billy,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant job 14 7 to 9.,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 [applause] in philippians 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 hebrews called forerunner not found anywhere else in the whole bible hebrews 6 20 one who has gone away ahead of me,hebrews,6,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 2 might walk worthy walking worthy of your vocation ephesians 4 deals with that walking worthy of the gospel philippians,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed romans chapter 6 reading from verse 18,romans,6,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 18 note isaac was obedient to god genesis 26 from verse 1 to 6 genesis 26 from verse,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 care less about anything spiritual and so hebrews 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 from roth through him in romans chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 properly genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13 genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13. the bible says,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 might have missed the first time let me read us leviticus 23 verse 28 and you shall not do,leviticus,23,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 28 8 acts chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,acts,5,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 8 have another perspective and now you find in the book of numbers numbers chapter 30 reading from verse 20 sees,numbers,30,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 2 in genesis chapter 41 genesis chapter 41 when lukina acts verse 15. here pharaoh at siena,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 and do it in time ecclesiastes chapter three one two eight ecclesiastes chapter three one to eight let me quickly cap it,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 so if you would like to turn in your bibles to acts chapter 27 acts chapter 27 that's where we are,acts,27,27.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 27 servants we are admonished in titus chapter 2 in invested not to lining that word,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 but shem shall be the promotion of fools proverbs 3 35 so glory is the heritage of the wise not shame and reproach,proverbs,3,35.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 bible says in the book of proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23 let me read from here he,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 of the lord says in the book of isaiah chapter 43 and verse 6,isaiah,43,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 6 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in romans chapter 8 verse 37,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 how jesus is still doing here today look at the hebrews chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 our reading from verse age,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 god hardened pharaoh's heart and that was in exodus 9 12 the passage the verse you gave the lord harden the heart of,exodus,9,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 9 verse 12 lebanon and down then to the river of egypt is what genesis 15 talks about which is the nile river and a little bit,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 each gate is made of a single unique pearl revelation 21 21 do you see what god is doing the easement he's merging,revelation,21,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 21 of sins revelation chapter 1 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from verses 5 and 6,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 so the bible says in genesis 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,genesis,22,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 3 you know when where moses was singing in exodus chapter 15 he said god is glorious in holiness,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 you understood it but you need grace and there are two verses in james 4 verse 7 and 1 peter 5 verse 5 it says god gives us grace to,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 will come look at ezekiel chapter 12 reading from verse 25 ezekiel ezekiel please open your bible ezekiel,ezekiel,12,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 septuagint is suspect in isaiah 53 in particular for reasons i'll get to later in this,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 two other practical things as i close james chapter five real quickly i wanna make a pointy edge with these,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 to be evaluated at judgment day look at that james chapter 2 we need to follow james logic here scripture fights to,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 over the ark which holds the testimony exodus 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,exodus,25,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 22 some others jeremiah or one of the prophets on daniel 15 he says unto them but whom say ye that i am in verse 16,jeremiah,15,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 1 now we come to these especial cena of jesus acts chapter 9 acts chapter 9 verse 27 in acts chapter 9 verse 27,acts,9,27.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 27 8 verse 13 gives us commentary on with a meaning of jeremiah 31 this prophecy of the new covenant remembered,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 thanksgiving because thanksgiving gives us peace just like for philippians 4 6 that i read thanksgiving gives us peace,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 christian life colossians 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 your word in isaiah 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,isaiah,14,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 3 in genesis chapter 12 from verse 1 to 3 genesis 12 from verse 1 to 3. he has spoken to abraham before but all,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 overcome evil rather what in context i think romans 12 is saying is don't let the sins of others trigger your sin,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 by the holy ghost which is given to us romans 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 your life is in the book the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord i,hebrews,10,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 7 the veil and we have a revelation one moment of christ where we have a daniel on all fours moment before god,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 blessed and that is to be a blessing in genesis 13 i was 1 to 5 genesis 13 elvis want to find the bible says that god,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 heavens and the earth then i want to tell you something else in genesis 1 it's very important for you to know that,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 when you read genesis 30 from verse 1 to six genesis 13 from verse one to six,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia exodus chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,exodus,30,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 30 verse 6 fight against israel in both ezekiel 38 and revelation 16. and there's some great similarities in ezekiel 38 it,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 do it for us for every one of us look at romans chapter 1 verse 16,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 shine isaiah 42 16 and i will bring the blind by a way that they knew not i will lead,isaiah,42,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 16 wonderful expressions new covenant expressions zechariah for it says here and verse 6 it won't be by your power or,zechariah,1,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 6 your strength is in me it's in the power of my spirit within your life in acts chapter 27 that was in weakness that,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 romans chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 through the book of genesis from starting from genesis chapter 12 to genesis 15 genesis 17 also genesis 22,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 to worship god to serve god is choice if you want what did joshua told him joshua 24 chapter 24 please somebody,joshua,24,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 1 remember the same paul said in philippians 3 verse 1 to 11 philippians 3 from verse 1,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 hold up to your heavenly father proverbs 14 28 and it honors me i will honor,proverbs,14,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 members give room to the devil ephesians 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore,ephesians,4,27.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 27 the lord look at philippians chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 i'm quoting from genesis 2 but when god said those words in genesis 2,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 that our bearing will be from zechariah 2 verse 5,zechariah,2,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 5 and in verse 14. titus chapter 2 verse 14 who gave himself,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 book of james chapter 1 verse 25 the book of james chapter 1 verse 25 it says but he who looks into the perfect law of,james,1,25.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 25 labor of the foolish wearys them the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 10,ecclesiastes,10,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1 it's how it is ezekiel 18 20 says the sins of of an individual are never punished in his,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 more about heaven in fact paul told us in colossians 3 since you've been raised with christ,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 david jeremiah romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 about the word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 sins we already thought of that and then ephesians chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has,ephesians,2,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 in isaiah 66 verse 15 the lord is the avenger he puts on garments of vengeance isaiah 59 says ezekiel 25 verse 17 to my wrath and,ezekiel,25,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 25 verse 17 is called in hebrew chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews 12 29 the consuming fire when you read georges chapter 15,hebrews,12,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 in jesus in revelation chapter 21 we're reading from verse 27 revelation 21,revelation,21,27.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 27 cannot do that come true the new testament in romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 24 our,romans,2,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 24 going to pass in philippians 3 from verse 13 to 14 philippians 3 13 to 14,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 habakkuk chapter 1 the learners put to habakkuk they look around animations look and be suppressed from do something,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 month in jesus name our text will be from genesis chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac,genesis,26,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 18 scripture for our talk is in proverbs 4 verse 7 the bible says,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 psalms chapter 47 and we are reading together psalms chapter 47 verse 1 beginning we are reading responsibly or,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 you are bound to succeed in genesis chapter 26 from verse 1 to 40 genesis 26 from verse 1 to 14 isaac wanted to,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 inside your heart or looking at acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter 24 and i'm reading from,acts,24,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 1 who will have advanced his kingdom tonight i wanted to join in acts of the apostles chapter 12 acts of the apostles,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 solomon was extremely wise and in ecclesiastes 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 take heed the less you fall ephesians 6 10 to 13 ephesians verse 10 to 13 says hey you are not wrestling,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering ecclesiastes chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 away we're going to go right through the scripture starting with genesis chapter 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 of observation you want to in line with romans 14 you want to do it under the lord and if you don't do it,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 philippians chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,philippians,2,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 2 the utterly consumed terrors in proverbs chapter 28 verse 8.,proverbs,28,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 8 thinking the curse still seems active today genesis 3 17 to 19 and 8 21. um let me quickly just find out what,genesis,3,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 17 blessing upon abraham and next in genesis chapter 14 because it said blessed be abraham of,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 "regeneration. romans 5 says, ""god has shed his love abroad in our hearts.""",romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 from before the foundation of the world you were predestined ephesians 1 says your names are written down,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 monetary blessings upon our lives genesis 22 we saw how god took isaac to the altar,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven acts chapter six,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 we don't believe it as it says and then in chapter 2 in romans chapter 2 he goes on to speak about the guilt,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 perdition the antichrist the beast of revelation 13 will be revealed whom the lord will,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 ordained for this prophetic season hebrews 12 29 for our god is a consuming fire shall we please rise to our feet as,hebrews,12,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 according to ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made you a watchman,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 become a blessing in order that galatians 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,galatians,3,14.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 14 characterized by fire and i want you to see them in acts chapter 2 please acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 17,acts,2,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 17 so simba started there and he says in verse 30 of the proverbs 11 the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life the,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 antichrist be formed in you galatians 4 19. we travail to pass them we travel to see them established and as,galatians,4,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 19 resemble for prayer the bible says in acts chapter 20 verse 35,acts,20,35.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 35 wonderful and counselor but in isaiah 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 in the name of jesus and now we saw the story of coin esther esther 4 16 to 17,esther,4,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 16 coming hallelujah ephesians chapter 5 i'm going to read verses 15 through 17 and the message,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 everything in this book from genesis 1 verse 1 to revelation look back god says not to the nation tonight but to you,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 words in this passage in james and i'm in james chapter one,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in hebrews chapter 10 verse 16,hebrews,10,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 16 "but notice that we were foolish to verse 3 titus 3 verse 3 to that we were disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts, pleasures, spending",titus,3,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 3 like you're deceived um what i recommend is just what galatians 6 said earlier galatians 6 verse 1 is you just guard,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 let me just look real quick and see what it says here nehemiah 9 so first off background for you guys,nehemiah,9,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 1 proverbs 18 11. proverbs 18 11. the rich think their wealth,proverbs,18,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 11 "it is the most notable one in scripture. revelation 19...revelation 19 verse 11, this describes the same event, the son of man coming",revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 and god hears this he hears the grumblings from these people in numbers chapter 14 and god declares he says that,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 by the architect of the ages hebrews 11 16 hebrews 11 16,hebrews,11,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 16 [music] philippians 4 breath six,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 that is why in verse 15 of ephesians 1 paul prays the prayer we're going to look at next time,ephesians,1,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 of how to live that's another thing look at hebrews chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 7 hebrews chapter,hebrews,13,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 natural zion how do i know look at hebrews chapter 12 he says you are not coming to the mount that might be,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 beforehand that you should walk in them ephesians 2 10 says that and then you're going to die i'm going to die we're just,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 mighty name of jesus revelation chapter 12 verses 11 the bible says i a high rate of physical and,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 describe in revelation chapter 21 there are very various ways heaven is described,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 of nisan you had passover which we see exodus 12 but what a great example to us of being under the blood under the,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 know he saw the the incompleteness of man in genesis 2 18. that was the first problem god encountered in creation he,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 time and this was right after in genesis chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,genesis,3,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 14 glory be to jesus lastly today in acts chapter 19 uh when you read from verse 2,acts,19,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 2 the book of romans 18 sorry romans 8 the book of romans 8,romans,18,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 18 verse 1 amen leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be,leviticus,6,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 and for those that are not used to it psalms chapter 1 verses 1 to 3 and i want you to declare it after me let's go,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 we had another graphic picture in joshua the high priest in zechariah chapter 3 and verse 125,zechariah,3,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 1 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is acts chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the,acts,2,37.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 37 population illustrates that now in joshua chapter 5 we have what we might call the prescription for faith this,joshua,5,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 1 god's visitation exodus chapter 19 verse 10 and verse 11 the lord speaking unto moses he said go,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 was she immediately ran and said can i verse exodus chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,exodus,2,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 7 "the first actual text we're going to deal with is isaiah 53 and we'll do that in a few weeks, around the time of shepherds conference,",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 he said in verse 18 joseph said unto them genesis 42 verse 18 joseph said unto them that thought,genesis,42,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 18 that that paul would have used here in romans in romans chapter 1,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 should say israel during this time so let's read on daniel 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,daniel,11,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 5 be saved where's repentance in that ephesians 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 number of things and i want to read you ephesians 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 of jesus and his answer would have been i'll read it to you mrs. romans one the wrath of god is revealed from heaven,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 to observe the law it never comes up in acts 2 let me read some scripture to support this acts 2 5 it talks about the,acts,2,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 5 wills nor of him who runs these things go together romans 10 verses 2 & 3 this is the one who's willing and running for,romans,10,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 2 rebelled against god just like cora did and god said in genesis 3 19 you'll eat bread by the sweat of your brow until,genesis,3,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 19 oh because of this paul said in philippians 3 13 to 15 philippians 3 13 to 15,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 according to his riches in christ jesus jeremiah 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17,jeremiah,17,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 5 and breakthroughs this coming sunday can i hear the loudest amen exodus 23 20 says behold i send,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 this story can be found in the very first old testament book of genesis chapter 24 from verse 1 to 22 god,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 was preaching on daniel chapter three shadrach meshach and abednego,daniel,3,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 3 i will glorify them and they shall not be small isaiah 54 verse 1 down to verse 3,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 will work with time deuteronomy chapter 30 and verse 19. i call heaven an earth,deuteronomy,30,19.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 the devil is defined as a dragon more in revelation 12 than any other chapter,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 dealings with god in proverbs 13 15 the kingdom said good understanding,proverbs,13,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 15 or subject to your husband's and then in colossians 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the,colossians,3,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 18 verse 11 they saw god abraham genesis 18 the lord appeared to him to abraham,genesis,18,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 11 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of romans 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 right and something instructive also was mentioned in galatians 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,galatians,2,21.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 21 verse 12 the bible tells us they are proverbs 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of,proverbs,8,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 12 if you're a student of prophecy you'll know that daniel 7 you know paired up with the prophetic,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 and god is going to come the text of isaiah 64 is a cry for god to do just that break into history,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 your own inheritance in jesus matchless name we pray now galatians chapter 4 makes us know that there's an,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 tell you when you are discouraged go to isaiah chapter 40 to 66 at least you know where to turn in the bible almost,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 as one of the most,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 hardened obstinate in chapter 7 of zechariah verse 11 it says but he refused to,zechariah,7,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 11 changed her name to sarah genesis 17 15 to 16 genesis 17 15 to 16 which means mothers of nation mother of nation in,genesis,17,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 15 start in hebrews chapter 1 let me read us hebrews 1 verse 10 through 12 you lord lay the foundation of the earth,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 is coming your way tonight welcome to hebrews reading from chapter 6,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 in jeremiah 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i will answer you and show you,jeremiah,3,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 3 to give god your best even as we quickly read exodus 35 verse 4 and 5 and verse 10 exodus chapter 35 verse 4 and 5 then,exodus,35,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 35 verse 4 reminded of god's word in the book of james chapter four verse two he said you have not because you ask not,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 brand new this is consistent with jeremiah 31 that says it was a new covenant coming and jesus comes and,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 chapter 2 malachi chapter 2 is not a contract this is a covenant somebody give me the,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 a lot of time the bible says in ephesians chapter five look carefully than how you walk not,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 husbands means you need to respect them ephesians 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his,ephesians,5,33.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 33 for as you think it in his heart so is he proverbs 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in james four verse four,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 standeth forever proverbs chapter 19 versus one in proverbs chapter 19 reading from verse 21 there are many,proverbs,19,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 and that brings immense comfort the next verse is daniel 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of,daniel,4,35.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 35 you have christ according to hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 galatians 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 i i i i sense right now that someone is experiencing an ezekiel 37 moment where it looks like the valley of dry bones is,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 read is ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and also ephesians 1 verse 4 so we declare in the name of jesus that,ephesians,1,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 and a nation to be born at once isaiah 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,isaiah,66,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 7 each and every one of us he was speaking about jeremiah in jeremiah chapter one he said before i,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 when you begin to study you find in ezekiel 27 that they're caught up in the world trade,ezekiel,27,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 27 verse 1 verses so you need to sort of keep peace with me i'll start from verse 4 hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 curses it is to keep us in one place but i want to tell you it says in jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the plans that i have,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 take you there in philippians chapter 3 verse 20 for a conversation is in heaven a,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 heartless spineless people we're coming to numbers chapter 14 reading from verse 1 and all the,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 if the faith is dormant if the faith is devilish look at james chapter 2 in james chapter 2 all these would,james,2,2.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 2 at verses 6 & 7 in acts chapter 1 here we are after the death and resurrection of jesus christ,acts,1,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 6 making wise the simple so that's some 19 numbers seven or eight,numbers,7,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 1 in isaiah 54 and jeremiah 3 and ezekiel 16 in hosea chapter 2 the nation of israel is often,isaiah,54,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 3 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior acts chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,acts,11,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 15 and true holiness had dominion over see had power over sin akka colossians chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 and i'm,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 are the sheep of his pasture for he has said hebrews 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 nozzle in the morning he cried with a lamentable famous aunt oh daniel and i can speak i said to daniel or daniel 7,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 when looking at ephesians ephesians ephesians chapter 6 prolonging your days extending your days,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 give the sinner what the sinner deserves romans 2 4 says he exercises,romans,2,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 4 chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 25 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 yet i supposed it necessary to say to you i,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 third thing you need to know today is in daniel 12 and verse 3 it says those who are wise,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the memory verse was taken from the book of psalms 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee,psalms,9,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 6 this this is the heart of god jeremiah chapter 2 verse 1 moreover the word of the lord came to me saying go,jeremiah,2,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 1 coming to acts chapter 9 verse 15 acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the lord said unto him go,acts,9,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 15 chapter 6 zechariah is referred to as the branch but but in chapter 3 it feels like it's,zechariah,6,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 1 of jerusalem in closing turn to revelation 21 verse 16. book of revelation is full of pictures,revelation,21,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 16 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord titus chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,titus,2,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 13 why do i say this the bible says in genesis 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 which i'm going to read quickly to you daniel chapter 12 verse 3. in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the bible,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 5 don't ever be fraudulent again don't make money fraudulently jeremiah 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 as a heart,jeremiah,17,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 this morning let's read as our text romans chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16.,romans,6,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 16 obtained all the promises hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12.,hebrews,6,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament james in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 for healing we are praying for healing the book of acts of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 unbelievers as will later be used in ephesians chapter 3,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 17 verse 11 jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,jeremiah,17,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 consider romans chapter 9 verse 10 to 13 romans 9 10 to 13 where god says jacob i loved,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 and that our works will not save us and romans 4 here's how we're saying we're saved by faith,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 your mind in jesus but here's here's four colossians chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,colossians,2,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 8 scare them because they know deep inside man man is not an atheist romans 1 tells us that no matter what they say they're,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 get something done we're looking at ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 reading from verse,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 power and the blood of jesus in jesus mighty name we pray amen in isaiah 61 from verse 1 the bible says the spirit,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 very end in jesus name acts chapter 5 verse 41 acts chapter 5 verse 41,acts,5,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 41 your plans frustrated plans are frustrated proverbs 15 22 proverbs 15 22 without consultation,proverbs,15,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 22 ratified by christ now today according to hebrews chapter 1 i mean chapter 7 verse 128,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 an answer here look at philippians 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,philippians,1,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 9 for god with divine authority in chapter 1 jeremiah says the last lord god i don't know how to speak i'm a youth the,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 in this second lesson our memorial was taken from ephesians chapter five and twenty while above us it was taken,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in malachi chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 somebody say a louder amen proverbs chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 angel no the first mention of an angel is in daniel chapter 8 and then he appears again in daniel,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 move on to acts chapter five by the end of acts chapter 5 after that second,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 one final word. turn to revelation 19 to to revelation 19. an angelic visitor comes in a vision to john,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 things speaking of those who do the same kind of sins in romans 1 it's god's judgment not not just his disapproval i,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 what that kind of prayer means hebrews 13 10 we have an altar,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 i am more than a conqueror romans chapter 8 verse 37.,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 there's healing for the soul as well healing for the soul jeremiah chapter 30 i will look here in about 15 jeremiah,jeremiah,30,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 15 that will break every yoke in jesus name isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27,isaiah,10,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 over all that will be ministering at shiloh 20 21 open up unusual revelation thereby imparting grace on all,revelation,20,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 21 very little of the power of jesus blood revelation chapter 12,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 "that is his resurrection. that takes us back again to romans chapter 1 and verse 4, ""he was declared the son of",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 multitudes this coming sunday exodus chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 knowledge and deals with knowledge ecclesiastes chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 we're looking at,ecclesiastes,8,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 8 saints and the kingdom the stone the mountain that we see in daniel 2 is revealed in daniel 7. it is the son,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 out of the book of the law and read isaiah 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 i like that second corinthians 4 7 new king james session,2 corinthians,4,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 yearning for the more that god wants to do with us romans 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 in romans chapter 5 verse 20 romans 5 20 moreover the law enter that the offense might abandon,romans,5,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 2 from the apostle apostolic admonition it tells us in ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four look at the,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 to you john 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15.,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 verse 1 colossians chapter 3 verse 1,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 they are humble they produce humility the book of james chapter 4 he says god resisted the proud,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 stuff but isaiah 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,isaiah,53,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 7 [music] if you go back to exodus 28 exodus 29 exodus 39 you'll see that that sash is,exodus,28,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 28 verse 1 paul has an amazing parallel in ephesians 1 7 where he says in christ,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 and the lord is calling everybody in isaiah chapter 45 verse 22 says look unto me and be safe all the ends of the,isaiah,45,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 22 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 a repeated concept in the old testament one place you find it is in leviticus 18 5 he says you shall therefore keep my,leviticus,18,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 5 had isaac been doing before he met his bride genesis 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,genesis,24,62.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 62 well they profess to know him they deny him in their works titus 1 16 people can profess to know god,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 and then the next passage is in ephesians ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 and there it says praying always with,ephesians,6,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 bible says in james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 knowing this that the trial of your faith worked,james,1,3.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 3 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 glory glory glory to god isaiah chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,isaiah,22,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 but as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children isaiah 66 verse 7 to 8 acts chapter 6 verse 4 we,isaiah,66,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 7 capital t what is coming up on the earth revelation 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question,revelation,6,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 18 "there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in acts 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive",acts,2,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 41 christ proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you didn't say if you were single,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 heart desires let's remember his word to us in isaiah chapter 38,isaiah,38,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 38 verse 1 powerful that god is holy isaiah 6 verse 1 in the year the king uzziah died if you,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 answer just comes into clear summation form in the new testament in romans and in the old testament in isaiah 53 isaiah,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 faith this passage the scripture in deuteronomy chapter 6 here's the heart of it hear o israel the lord is our god,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers jeremiah 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees,jeremiah,29,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 chapter 7 and we're looking at verse 9 revelation chapter 7 verse 9 he said after this i beheld and low a great,revelation,7,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 9 important is that worry is useless notice what he says here in philippians 4 do not be anxious about anything but,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 and all that ezekiel 36 37 i will build my church it will keep,ezekiel,36,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 37 to more more and god will establish your desired healing james 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 experienced the storm and shipwreck in acts 27 that describes so graphically in fact,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 ephesians 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 important word it shows up five times in three short chapters in titus it's the greek word whoo yeah i know who gi know,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 the church of christ why because in that same isaiah chapter 60,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 take it very seriously the last prayer point in this section in isaiah chapter 42 in verse 1 isaiah chapter 42 1 behold,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 "galatians 3 with ephesians 5. in ephesians 5, be being kept filled with the spirit, and the results are all laid out",galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 happened verse 4 joel 1 4. now i recognize if you have a king james version you may get some words like,joel,1,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 4 jeremiah 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 i see him doing yours tonight in the name of jesus,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 going to happen in daniel chapter 3 we we see three men who know what worship is not only what,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 bibles at verse 10 in verse 10 it says now when daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 apostles chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8 acts 3 1 to 8 went up beggar was asking peter for,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 verse 1 to 28 exodus 14 1 to 28 when the children of israel found,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 10 that's what paul talks at first corinthians 10 romans 14 colossians 2 and elsewhere if thou put the brethren,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 person is finished that's why romans chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 genesis chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was shining forth in the economic sector of,genesis,41,54.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 54 begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 faith without faith the scripture says it is impossible to please god hebrews 11 verse 6. it says but without faith it,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 things in hebrews chapter three and i'm i'm gonna i'm cutting across the,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 were created to be god's image bearers but here in genesis chapter 3 we see that this image is tarnished because of,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 of patmos in revelation chapter 1. i did from verse 1 the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 house in genesis 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 naito 40 sarah was hopeless humanly speaking there was no hope at,genesis,18,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 9 reading from verse 18 romans chapter 6 we're looking at verse 18,romans,6,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 18 my name and i realized when i read this verse in ephesians chapter five i'd like to show you,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 no not one romans 3 10. he that covereth his sins shall not,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 god it has ability to keep it in the book of philippians chapter one verse six philippians one,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 father and mother and that's repeated in ephesians chapter 6 as well,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 reading from verse age it says in philippians chapter 3 verse and i count all things but laws for the,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at revelation 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,revelation,22,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 2 we look into these topics today through daniel 9 that you will just speak to our hearts today how good it is to be in,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 way left their nets and follow him galatians 1 15 and 16 we saw the response of,galatians,1,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 15 from the bottom of his heart in genesis 27 that we we took a text from from verse 1 to 4 genesis 27 was,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 and the fire shall try every man's work of what source it is revelation chapter 20 verse 12 tells us and i saw the dead,revelation,20,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 12 that the grace of god was upon us in job 31 job says i have made a covenant with my,job,31,1.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 1 verse 5. in hebrews 11 verse 5 by faith enoch was translated by faith,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 and that is why if you look at what uh proverbs chapter 16 verse 9 probably chapter 16 verse 9 says,proverbs,16,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 9 haven't noticed before so in acts chapter 1 x raptor1 verses 3 through 5 it says about jesus he,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 in the mighty name of jesus christ revelation chapter 15 we see that song and a son on a son in heaven okay,revelation,15,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 15 verse 1 breaking in gathering of multitudes philippians 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every knee,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at genesis chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12,genesis,19,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 12 promised returning chapter 30 a meeting from verse 6 in deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 and the lord thy god will,deuteronomy,30,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 fountains of the deep broke open the bible says in job 38 who shut up the sea with doors when it break forth when it,job,38,1.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 1 passed in front of moses and said in exodus 34 i am the lord i am the lord the merciful,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 is like a beast lion or a bear you know daniel seven verse four five one like a leopard verse six,daniel,7,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 4 of god. now daniel tells us about this event. let's go to daniel 12 and i want you to see,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 saved through faith faith is the mechanism romans 5 8 but god demonstrate look at listen to this scripture god,romans,5,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 8 the last scripture we are looking at is genesis 37 and genesis 50 50,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 he's called messiah at least one other time he's called prince in isaiah 55 for prince and commander but this is the,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 gracious purposes such as in exodus 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a visit from god was always monumental,exodus,1,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 6 now go to the last three chapters of the bible last three chapters of revelation come to revelation 20. this is the third,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 are you alive well the other people say you're elijah jeremiah one of the prophets he said who you say that i am,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 the king of babylon it says it right in isaiah 14 you know and you know so nebuchadnezzar is kind of a type of that,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 the full wave of the glory of god look at romans 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 you realize that god exists well the bible says in romans 1 that all of creation right is proof that god exists,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 he wants to i mean he said in revelation chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 20 says i stand at,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 the book of jeremiah chapter 29 from verse 11 jeremiah 29 11. it says for i know the thought that,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 achieving what do you mean in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts of the apostle chapter 2 from verse 1 to,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 acts 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,acts,15,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 18 you'll be well enlisted and in psalms 68 by this level says the lord gave the word,psalms,68,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 68 verse 1 dick stick this microphone fraser hebrews 12 verse 5 to 11 and you have forgotten the exhortation which,hebrews,12,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 the old harmon of god as you see in ephesians 6 11.,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 except that when you now read galatians 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christian,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 something very similar to what he said to the galatians uh in galatians chapter three right at,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 prophecy we find it in revelation 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,revelation,21,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 2 the terminator chapter 8 and verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18. hear what the word says but thou shalt,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 is not just taxes romans 13 6 says for because of this why because of what because the,romans,13,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 6 "be able to cover all the passages with regard to this, but isaiah 13 looks at this day of the lord, as its called, day of the lord is",isaiah,13,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 1 what is required look at this four of the scripture isaiah 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see,isaiah,16,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 4 cause your blessings so we are bound to give thanks malachi 2 1 2 3.,malachi,2,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 1 if you look with me for a second at romans 14 just go back to romans 14. i apologize to flip back there,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 would be that long into the future isaiah again chapter 30 where we started verse 15 for thus saith the lord god the,isaiah,30,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 15 career there's obviously a precedent set for that an example for that in proverbs 31 but what i'm talking about is,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 but here's the title of my message comes from ecclesiastes 3 there is an appointed time for everything a time to,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 and then in exodus chapter 10 verse 21 to 23 exodus 10 21 to 23 he performed the miracles of darkness that is so,exodus,10,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 10 verse 21 glory be to jesus james chapter 4 gave chapter four from verse one,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 sea and when you read acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 you discover that the only,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in hebrews 6 13,hebrews,6,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 13 to you jesus tells his church in revelation 2 don't fear what you're about to suffer behold the devil is,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 his blood because in revelation chapter 12 from vast entry level revelation 3 from verse 10 to 11 the bible says do,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 romans 13 it's because their authority represents god romans 13 tells us that governmental power comes from god and,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 made all things according to genesis chapter 1 verse 1 genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created the heavens,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,isaiah,57,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 the tree when you read verse one very instructive at isaiah 53 and verse one i wanted to follow me very carefully this,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 aaron davis has been reminding us of that by taking us to revelation 21 but how should we live as we wait for,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 see i pray for enlighten in our eyes the bible says in ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 to verse 1 and verse 18,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 thing anyhow let's just read it in context right romans 12 verses 1 & 2 and try to pick up what it's saying right i,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 world and everybody said amen look at hebrews chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,hebrews,6,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 6 repentance hosea chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,hosea,14,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 2 your habit in jesus name well look in our arch numbers chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8,numbers,13,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 8 day without reading that revelation from psalm 19. verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect,psalms,19,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 7 verse 2. ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 it much better considering the fact that the bible says in proverbs chapter 21 verse 1,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 various locations where they are let's see together revelation chapter 2,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 romans 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile,romans,6,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 11 brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of proverbs 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a,proverbs,22,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 3 lesson all right genesis chapter 1 and and let's very quickly look,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 blood that makes atonement for the soul come to leviticus chapter 17 leviticus chapter 17 were reading from verse 11,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 41 from verse 10 to 14 isaiah 41 from verse 10 to 14. three times in very few verses,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 that has his words and obeys them says in proverbs chapter 7 i believe in verse 1 it says,proverbs,7,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 1 verse 13 and then in the very last verse of this chapter verse 19 habakkuk closes his prayer by saying to the choir master,habakkuk,19,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 1 to revive the heart of the contrite one isaiah 57 verse 15 you can be seated he will come to revive you if you are,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 i believe you are praying ephesians chapter 1 from verse 15 wherefore also after a heart of you,ephesians,1,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 and we'll read from verse 26 through the end of the chapter hebrews chapter 10 reading from 26 through the end,hebrews,10,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 to fulfill and in galatians 3 verse 24 it says the law has become our tutor to lead us to,galatians,3,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 24 every day but not everybody listens john listen into revelation 1 he says i heard god's word like a trumpet,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 said in the name of the lord jesus so romans chapter eight i'm going to pray the final prayer tonight romans,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 11 to 13 ephesians 4 11 to 13 it tells us there are some who are apostles,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 chapter 13 in revelation chapter 13 verse 11 remember now this individual and this,revelation,13,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 11 10 hebrews chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's,hebrews,10,37.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 nothing is too hard for god zechariah chapter 12 which is one verse of about 30 to 40 verses in the bible,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 you want to please god it goes right to isaiah 58 it's like don't just stop eating the food but take the money that,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 triumph of god to centered faith in genesis 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,genesis,39,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 21 but the blessing did not conclude with abraham here on the earth in galatians 3 verse 13 and 14 christ has redeemed us,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 8 from verse 14 down to 19. romans chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 word has gone out the bible says in isaiah 55 verse 11 isaiah 55 verse 11 he says my word that goes forth from my,isaiah,55,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one,ephesians,4,32.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 because it's real it's out there again the full armor of god of ephesians chapter 6,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 and not have time for him in the book of proverbs 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,proverbs,23,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 26 which makes much of him just like we saw in philippians 1 20 and 21 when you enjoy,philippians,1,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 2 counted for the scene nothing could be clearer in all scripture galatians 4 25 and 6 this agar is sinai in arabia and,galatians,4,25.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 25 "a language, was it not? go back to acts 2 for just a moment. the day of pentecost had come, they were together",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 daniel chapter 2 listen as i close and it says in daniel 2 42,daniel,2,42.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 42 [music] in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 and luke wrote in the book of acts of apollo chapter 10 verse 38,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 chapter 3 when looking at acts verse 3. it tells us in ephesians chapter 3,acts,3,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 3 "genesis 1. so, genesis 1, the pre to creation state to yeah to is described in genesis 1 verse 2. and it is described with the collage of images.",genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we bear a son and when you come to genesis 21 what abraham and sarah thought would be an impossibility became,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 what the bible says about thumas in ephesians 4 31 is the bible says put away,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 what did we see in the last chapter daniel 4 37 god is able to humble those who walk in pride,daniel,4,37.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 37 understand jesus pardon me revelation according to revelation 14 it's at the feet of jesus,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 with our call to worship from psalms 24 psalms 24 we shall be written responsibly as our custom is from verse,psalms,24,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 24 verse 1 3 in verse 7 ezra chapter 3 verse 7 they give money also unto the,ezra,3,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 7 childhood james chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,james,3,16.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 16 we can be ready for the coming of the lord revelation chapter 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 twitch so isaiah 40 verse 12 says god has measured the waters in the,isaiah,40,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 12 one all the king's 30 and one chapter 13 now joshua was old and stricken in years and the lord said unto him thou art old,joshua,13,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 1 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in acts chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,acts,2,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 23 carry you through look at joshua chapter one a meeting from verse three joshua chapter one verse 3 every place the soul,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 and a cult idol of the old testament we read in jeremiah 718 the children gather would the father's kindle fire and the,jeremiah,7,18.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 18 clear jesus is not an angel he's greater than the angels hebrews 1 and i would say absolutely but we often use the word,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 back to sort of what dana was talking about in her passage from romans 8 where she's talking about good,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 in the book of hebrews chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste,hebrews,12,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 7 the last verse for today will be read by jaina acts chapter 9 verse 36 to 42.,acts,9,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 36 chapter 2 reading from verse status 7 acts chapter 2 worried him from the status 7 the passion for priceless,acts,2,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 7 testimony of two or three you know in numbers 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god,numbers,15,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 3 god himself said let there be light and there was light genesis 1 3 and like you know that,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 again gave them up you see that three times invert in these verses in romans chapter 1 god gave them up god gave them,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 before august 1 2021. make it a stronger one deuteronomy chapter,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 about the story of sarah was in genesis chapter 16 verse 1 to 4 genesis system was wonderful when she discovered that,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 the one in genesis 12 every believer can enjoy the one in genesis 22 you must end it,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 today in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 i had to renew my mind with this word in romans 12 it says in 2 it says that we have to renew our minds and we can't we,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in romans chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,romans,12,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 13 obvious is it look at the little pecker ruth it's very interesting remember in chapter two it,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 who'll just tell them what the truth is god help us again that's why james says in chapter 4 of the book of james you,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 "from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, acts 1 verse 8 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and",acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 what's one argument against jesus being identified by isaiah 53 is i'll actually i'll give you two one of them is hey,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 not those who are subdued titus 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 over general's preferential treatment the bible says concerning daniel in daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible,daniel,6,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 3 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in numbers 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,numbers,14,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 28 saved me life is a race in hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 the bible tells us it says having therefore seen,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 verse 2. can you guys turn with me can everyone turn to genesis 1 2 if you don't know where genesis 1 2 is,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 read this one acts 8 acts 16 8 to 10 acts 16 8 to 10,acts,16,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 8 the lord bless you richly when looking at romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12,romans,12,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 12 all of a sudden you had a lot of preachers preaching from revelation chapter 8 verse 11 that it was,revelation,8,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 8 verse 11 no effect james chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 billion,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 you remember that wonderful passage in isaiah 6 when isaiah saw the glory of the lord,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 positive side of this and i want to turn to romans chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 against temptation every day james 4 7 james 4 7. he said you should i mean,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 in chapter 24. i want to read that same genesis chapter 24 another pattern there,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 back and forth between genesis 5 and hebrews 11 adds this word to that comment it says by faith enoch was taken,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 fact here they are now deuteronomy 6 is part of what the jews call,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 6 12 years ephesians 6 12 say children obey your parents to the lord for this,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 chapter 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of,proverbs,21,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 foundation paul said in the book of philippians 3 and verse 10,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 even but jesus revolved him straight straight away by quoting deuteronomy 6 verse 16 you shall not tell the lord,deuteronomy,6,16.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 16 don't take this topic lightly brings us back to proverbs 4 do not forsake my law do not forsake it keep my commandments,proverbs,4,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 1 my second read in this morning's from ephesians chapter 5 and i'll read from verse 15 to 20 efficient step 250,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 "give us a little time."" that brings us to daniel chapter 2 verse 17.",daniel,2,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 17 point in this section in isaiah chapter 42 in verse 1 isaiah chapter 42 1 behold my servants whom i upon,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 incomplete to complete the bible tells us in philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 he said,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 of egypt but brother he did not start there he didn't study in genesis 37 1 to 11 genesis 37 1 to 11 joseph started by,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 in us as in romans 8 16,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 industrious look at this in genesis chapter 41 reading from verse 56 and the famine was,genesis,41,56.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 56 was doing this in my quiet time and was just reading through exodus 32 and then just took,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 by jewish law. leviticus 21 verse 5 explicitly forbid the jews to make any kind of cuttings in their,leviticus,21,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 5 god we thank you for your spirit that verse of zechariah 4 6 sticks out to me it is not by might,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 short period of time to like his father in genesis 26 verse 12 to 14 jealousy 26 verse 12 to 14 co to op transferred him so,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 of course eve i'm not talking about her as a wife as she failed in genesis 3 but as a mother she became a mother in,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 not the only time that relief was sent to jerusalem and judea and romans chapter 15 it says this also at present,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of genesis chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,genesis,22,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 2 16 revelation chapter 16 verse 15 behold i come as i see,revelation,16,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 15 seen well genesis 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 marginalize uh make their life difficult um romans 13 has this phrase that that the rulers don't use terror for good,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 you know what happened to jesus's family in acts 1 it says when they the brethren were,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 19 romans chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19. it says in verse 19 now,romans,3,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 19 "blessing is beginning.” proverbs 13 puts it this way, “trouble chases the",proverbs,13,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 1 could uh think about exodus again chapter 19. so on the one hand in chapter three,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 rejected look at malachi chapter 2 and verse 13 malachi chanted you were reading from verse 13 it season this of,malachi,2,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 13 3 9 acts chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,acts,2,39.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 39 ezekiel chapter 36 looking at verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 i will read him from verse 25,ezekiel,36,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 25 or not romans 11 36 for from him and through him and to him are all things all things,romans,11,36.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 36 the verse in james i wanted is in the 18th verse of james chapter 1 1.,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 us revelation 21 1 to 5 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 68 18 you ascended on high now obviously in ephesians 8 it says he ascended on high he led a host of captives psalm 68,ephesians,8,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 8 verse 1 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it acts 17 verse 30 s talking about god having,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 name james chapter one i'm reading from verse five james chapter 1 verse 5,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 of the flock shall be scattered that's from zechariah chapter 13 and verse 7,zechariah,13,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 7 recite it together after the count of two esther chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,esther,8,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 17 all that god has done for us and all that god is still doing romans chapter 12 reading from verse one,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 "going to go. revelation chapter 6, and as i said, revelation 6 through 19 gives us all of these terrible",revelation,6,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 19 prophesied in daniel 11 the angel revealed to daniel concerning the rise of the antichrist,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 in joshua 1 he said joshua be strong and courageous then he went on to say do not be afraid,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 galatians chapter 6 verse 16 galatians 6 verse 16 and as many as walk,galatians,6,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 16 unto god that is the lesson we need to learn look at verse 1 of genesis chapter 46,genesis,46,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 46 verse 1 chapter 12 1 to 8 acts 12 1 to 8 you when you read that story very well,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 souls into this church acts chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 so atonement involves foregiveness in leviticus 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,leviticus,16,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 3 thank you flora can you explain what the sevenfold spirit is in revelation 1 for i'm super confused thank you so much i,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 will not dis will not destroy you jeremiah chapter 31 a meeting from verse 11 jeremiah 31,jeremiah,31,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 11 in a deceit do the work of god in this city jeremiah 48 verse 10 doing the work of the,jeremiah,48,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 48 verse 1 there is no one else back in deuteronomy chapter 6 some very important instruction was,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 number one we are to watch vigilantly romans 13 11 and do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 shut the mouth of the lion and kept the lions from tearing daniel apart in psalm 91 god said he would give his angels,psalms,91,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 91 verse 1 father not a father christmas god jeremiah chapter 33 verse 20 to 21,jeremiah,33,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 2 that thou leave us and act stage and look at ephesians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 1,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 year jeremiah 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,jeremiah,13,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 13 verse 19 came to a place of desperation i want you to see that first of all in exodus chapter 2,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 god is number one christ is number one give me a good amen revelation chapter two,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 job notice it says here in exodus 3 it says but moses said to god who am i that i,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 going now so uh let's conclude the numbers we're going one two three four five six seven,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 second chapter in the whole bible genesis chapter 2 and the scripture says that god said it,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong james 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,james,1,3.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 3 with us tonight before we sleep galatians 6 9. the bible says and let us not be weary,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,hebrews,3,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 wish i had more time here because matthew knew the context of isaiah that he's quoting he's quoting isaiah 53 the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 in the nature of the two from verse 20 to 21 daniel to 20 to 21 the bible made it clear that power and wisdom belong to,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 reformers you will be like that i say chapter 50 ah isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 cry out loud,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 but the key thing here that i want to make mention in revelation chapter 13 is that the beast of the earth otherwise,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 in james chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 discover in chapter four so yet jonah was saved from the jaws of death himself on repentance,jonah,4,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 11 you and when you read romans chapter 12 verse 2,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 the righteousness that is in christ philippians 2 says it this way be blameless and pure children of god who,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 meant to do isaiah 54 um i know um it's very common scripture,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 how do you teach marriage if you don't have genesis 1 to 11. how has the church taught generations again or many of our,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the scripture the book of revelation chapter 2 the church of ephesus,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 god says what the enemy is doing to you you can sing jeremiah 16 17. he said god says for my eyes upon,jeremiah,16,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 16 verse 17 danny chapter 6 from was one to the end daniel spent a whole night in the den of lions and he came out alive it was a,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 locking up their property in acts 4 the church was family the more the pressure got on the more,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 in genesis chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 the bible says is anything too hard to the lord,genesis,18,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 14 yes your province 4 questions 16 16 what does hebrews 1 1 and 2 teach about divine revelation hebrews,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 that i was there more place found for him in heaven revelation 12 verse 7 to 11 that there was there any more place,revelation,12,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 7 don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 hebrews 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace,hebrews,13,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 from the plans of god for my life and abram said no strife in acts 15 we saw the same strike strong argument uh,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 in exodus chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 away sins that seems like a connection isaiah 111 doesn't it i don't delight in those sacrifices consequently when,isaiah,111,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 111 verse 1 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in james that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 the bible tells us in the book of psalms proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 proverbs 13 20 he says he said he that,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 of his true messengers. jeremiah 28 verse 9 says that a true prophet is the one whose predictions come true.,jeremiah,28,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 28 verse 9 taste of the power of the age to come we see that in hebrews 6 and yet it's not genuine people can experience,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 the devil will not be known but it says something in revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 15 he said,revelation,22,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 15 have exodus okay verse 26 genesis 50 26 and in the book of exodus but not so in the joseph smith translation there are,genesis,50,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 26 2 and in acts chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 acts,acts,2,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 14 then what are the benefits that we are going to have in the book of hebrews chapter 2 in hebrews chapter 2 i want to,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 of the church we're looking at revelation chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,revelation,3,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 7 lastly tonight isaiah 32 verse 15 scripture says unto the spirit is power up on us from on,isaiah,32,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 15 some bad mistakes you know the story of israel in genesis 27 israel made a bad mistake he sold his,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 about that kind of got me there may be indications in genesis 1 and 2 that wasn't meant to be taken that,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 forward in georges chapter 6 verse 12 judges 6 12,judges,6,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 12 with a godly thought notice what paul says in philippians 4 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true now let's,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 just for a moment back in the old testament in the book of judges chapter 21 of the twelve tribes benjamin had,judges,21,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 1 the same term hebrews 5 5 you are my son at the end of the of the,hebrews,5,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 5 they were living in hope that one day they would romans 4 talks about the hope of abraham the scripture talks a lot,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 let's look at it open your telescope up to revelation chapter 4 it's great stuff great stuff the center of the universe,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 and there he was in jail. and acts 12 tells us the church began to pray.,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 and it is written in the bible in deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 6 deuteronomy 6 56,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 and i will return to you says the lord of hosts hosea 5 i will return again to my place until they acknowledge their,hosea,5,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 1 line and the book of acts chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11 verse 15 i think we just do one act 11 verse 15 bubbles's,acts,11,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 15 give you their lunch but now let's see what happened numbers chapter 22,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 you see the progression matthew 4 through 7 the revelation of the king matthew 8 through 10 the rise,revelation,4,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 7 a control it controls even donkeys numbers chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,numbers,22,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 21 they might have each more abundantly we're looking at romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 timothy 2 15. access to revelation an application of oneself to eat we,1 timothy,2,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 15 13 reading from verse 8 hebrews chapter 13 now reading from verse 8 it says jesus,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 commission with the day of pentecost in acts 1 in acts chapter 2 and i want you to think of something in or astounding,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 of the apostle john as we find him in revelation chapter one on the isle of patmos,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 some quiet time with the lord at the end of the day isaiah said in isaiah 26 9 with my soul i have desired you in the,isaiah,26,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 9 but the opposite of that it says in james chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 proverbs chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son my daughter to you attained to my,proverbs,4,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 flesh and blood and came like us have you seen this hebrews chapter 2 since we the children share in,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 be proud well all you gotta do is read hebrews 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 strong that's how strong it is we looked at the book of acts church acts chapter 2 yesterday do you realize those guys,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 life was clean when he looked at his inner life he says in romans 7 i found all types of desires there which are,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 of our heart in romans chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to isaiah chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,isaiah,6,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 9 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in job chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,job,31,29.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 29 could be saved as we've been going through the book of hebrews one of the things that i'm sure you should have,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 in the world through holiness were coming to revelation chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation,revelation,2,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 11 and he is faithful meaning what according to habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3,habakkuk,2,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3 accomplishments can come from the least likely people so here we are in hebrews 11 with an amazing collection of,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 whom he has sent see he's not god i went right to hebrews 1 and i said the father calls the son,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 is what brings suffering into our lives look at isaiah chapter 59 i'm reading from verse one there isaiah,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in james chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,james,3,17.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 17 it was not achieved by his human power amen in acts 13 9 to 11 the bible records that then saul,acts,13,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 9 are your thoughts philippians 4 8 philippians 4 8 is a finale product in the book of them,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 so everybody is different it goes on in ephesians six and it says be careful how you walk not as unwise,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 genesis chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,genesis,14,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 18 this obviously fulfills the scripture in zechariah chapter nine verse nine which says rejoice greatly o daughter of,zechariah,9,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 from what they were called to do in verse 42 of acts 2 they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrines,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 thought you understood um in psalm sorry isaiah chapter 51 would be an appropriate chapter to look,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 there was still this happiness and joy because paul writes in philippians 1 21 for me to live is christ and to die is,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 quotation from proverbs and it says vengeance is mine i will repay romans 12 verse 19 never take your own revenge,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 everlastingly in punishment and in torment but even daniel saw this in daniel 7 11 i kept looking because of,daniel,7,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 11 replaced by pure joy philippians 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 week for ephesians chapter three bye ============================================================================================,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 first place i want you to go is just this simple text in jeremiah 86 because i think it's so captures what we're,jeremiah,86,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 86 verse 1 about rich people in chapter five so james for 13 come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such and such,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 justified first you have to be righteous and see romans chapter 5 verse 1 therefore having been justified by faith,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 that whatever he said came to pass in ezekiel 37 and i went to look for that for three,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 these passengers you know it all in ephesians 5 the husband is the head of the wife,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 which is the second dead jude has only one chapter in verse seven jude,jude,1,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 7 to christ so i want you to turn in your bibles to ephesians chapter 2 verse 19. i'm going to read verse 19 to 22 those,ephesians,2,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh isaiah 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my,isaiah,55,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 jeremiah 7 so that was jeremiah 11 i believe in jeremiah 7 again it's reiterated as for you do not pray for,jeremiah,11,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 11 verse 1 when god spoke to moses from the burning bush in exodus chapter 3 and god called moses to go back to egypt to be the,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 "the righteous man shall live by faith.'"" that comes from the prophet habakkuk in chapter 2 in the old testament.",habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 because we see that way back here in genesis 12 but then it gets better the promises of god are so good let's turn,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing acts chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,acts,3,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 16 let's look at hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 in the name of jesus in the book of isaiah 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,isaiah,53,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 24 yourselves to prayer it said in colossians 4 2 with alert mind and a,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 deliver james chapter 5 verse 14 and verse 15. is anyone sick among you let him call,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 i'm looking at genesis chapter 3. genesis chapter 3 i'm still coming back to romans chapter,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 and you are gonna stand before that god and like uh hebrews 10 says this if we go on,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 should we evangelize the jews yes and according to romans 11 seems summer being saved now and maybe,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at romans 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,romans,10,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 13 as proverbs 29 verse 18 he said where there is no revelation,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 and i must show it to you it's in hebrews chapter 3 and verse 13.,hebrews,3,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 13 verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and we're reading from,jeremiah,30,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 joseph dreamed genesis chapter 37 from verse 5 to 11 genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11 the first,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 with ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 1. who,ecclesiastes,8,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 1 up on that verse there in joel 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess,joel,2,32.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 32 notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to daniel as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the,daniel,1,16.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 16 engagement of the fruits of your leaves now proverbs started in numbers two the word says a master eat good by the,numbers,2,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 1 let me recap because i'm closing now we started from philippians 3 12 to 14 talking about why am i moving,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 first a word to you married women paul says in ephesians 5 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the lord for,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 where's god you know this well isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 isaiah 66 verse 1 tells us,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 but i'm having to break down in his glasses acts chapter 12 verse 1 now about that time herod the king stretched,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 seraphim in isaiah chapter 11. and in isaiah 11 the seraphim that order of angels,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 prayers family matters anybody have those issues proverbs 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,proverbs,14,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 26 and and if if you look at let's look at revelation chapter 21 because of our time,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 has and still always has a remnant in romans 11 for here the whole world goes to bail in romans 11 for he says i have,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 supernatural breakthroughs in proper in proverbs chapter 1 and verse 23 he said torn at my reproof and i will pour my,proverbs,1,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 dichotomy i want to share this with you in hebrews chapter 1 hebrews chapter 1 of course in verse 1 it begins with god,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 number two exoros chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,exodus,15,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 15 clouds to meet the lord in the air revelation 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 that were we maintain our salvation through our righteous deeds romans four verses four through five it says this,romans,4,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 4 an effective servant for you set your mind colossians 3 1. you have been raised up with christ,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 to overcome now you connect this with romans 6 14 which is a well to known verse for all of us,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 walls of your heart deuteronomy 28 and verse 18. so it's not bad it's just in one area,deuteronomy,28,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 18 hallelujah in romans chapter 9 verse 16 we are told there is that it's not of him that will,romans,9,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 16 you the apostle paul in galatians chapter 1 uh,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 all the days of your life now in genesis 3 15 there is held out this,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 a corset lifeless sacrilege look at romans chapter 2 we're looking at verse 22,romans,2,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 22 to god that's exactly what happened the book of acts chapter 2 a group of people just like you and i went into an upper,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 [music] for tonight we're gonna be in joshua chapter eight and uh also deuteronomy 27,joshua,8,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 1 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of colossians chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 sinner and transfer to you proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 proverbs 13 verse 22 since the the wealth of sinners are laid,proverbs,13,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 to moses and if you want to follow me i'm going to read from deuteronomy chapter 7,deuteronomy,7,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 42 exodus 12. 40 to 42,exodus,12,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 4 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in colossians chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 "by the way, peter in his sermon in acts 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",acts,3,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 2 read the scriptures ezra 3 verse 19 as erdos 34 5 to 10 god called his name in the scriptures and the glory,ezra,3,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 19 parallel in to deuteronomy 4 and so on and the promises that are given are,deuteronomy,4,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 i believe it's the one recorded in acts 15. it's the one recorded in acts 15. so go to acts 15.,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 enlightens the eyes of the heart ephesians chapter 1 he unveils our faith so beholding the glory of the lord we,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 grace that makes great james chapter four verse six but he gave it more grace wherefore he,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 [music] romans 8 verse 31 what so we then say to these things if god be for us who can be,romans,8,31.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 31 in our life what are we supposed to do in such situations philippians 4 6 says be anxious for nothing but in every,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 day of sanctification it also sin acts chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 18. in acts 26 18 to,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 ingredients of a revival experience or when a man meets god isaiah chapter six in your bible tonight if you turn their,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 devices 10 years before john was given the revelation 10 years before the new testament,revelation,10,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 10 verse 1 into this world to be a man brothers and sisters in philippians chapter 2 he says he who is equal with god one with god,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 from it in philippians chapter 2 just to continue to see how consistent scripture,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 are room in the past but what do you get at the end of the legs in daniel chapter 2,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 all through eternity it tells us revelation chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,revelation,2,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 11 offer our personal issues unto god the bible says clearly isaiah 58 and verse,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 verse 28. job 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 children of god the saints of god in acts chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 reality specifically the text that is prompting this whole series is james 4 verse 8 just the first 11 words at least,james,4,8.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 8 paul we read about him in another letter colossians in colossians chapter 4 verses 7 through 9 let me read this to,colossians,4,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 7 [music] very much after 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 to 5 says even before he formed you in acts,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 4 spirit 2 24 and that's in confirmation of isaiah chapter 50 3 and verse 4 and 5.,isaiah,50,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 3 that was eso always out there so in genesis 25 this was what ensued from verse 29.,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 matthew 25 hell was created for these angels and in revelation chapter 20 he read that finally the devil and all,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 jesus name look at philippians chapter 4 verse 12 philippians chapter 4 we're reading from,philippians,4,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 12 to get ready for just looking at a couple of these verses here hebrews chapter three verse five now moses was,hebrews,3,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 5 of truth in acts 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 with reverence and with godly fear hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 when it's acceptable it becomes,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 out wondering what does this mean and it is very interesting and so daniel chapter 7 and revelation 13 do talk,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 was only evil all the time that's in genesis 6 we're looking to jeremiah this week but from jeremiah,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 know your children should know exodus chapter 20,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 obedience to parents galatians 3 20. children,galatians,3,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 2 anyways i was reading isaiah 43 and isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and when you,isaiah,43,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 2 romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 13 romans 9 10 to 13 the bible says before esau and jacob,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 "he is your true master. in colossians 3 we find the same emphasis, verse 22, ""slaves, in all things obey those",colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in revelation chapter 13 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage,revelation,13,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 16 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful proverbs 11 30 and daniel 23,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to judges to highlight the spiritual confusion and,judges,17,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 21 i think we already know that genesis chapter 1 verse 5,genesis,1,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 5 the world we're we're to oh there's ephesians i was in ephesians one and um,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and there in verse 6 daniel tells us that he saw this man clothed in linen,daniel,7,6.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 6 version has spoken to me very much in these days genesis chapter 6 genesis chapter 6 this is a little over a,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 question someone asks is did moses enter heaven we already hit on that hebrews 11 by faith he kept the passover and,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 quickly romans chapter 8 beginning from verse 19 and we see the picture that god has,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 your miracle in jesus name come with me now to romans chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 6 romans,romans,5,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 6 "broken and that they might be taken away. what is prompting this is deuteronomy 21 verse 22 and 23, it's a text in the old testament",deuteronomy,21,22.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 22 and i read another verse of scripture ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 10 and from the message translation,ecclesiastes,10,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1 of service that is not acceptable leviticus chapter 22 i'm reading from verse,leviticus,22,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 1 one person like a nehemiah like an ezra one person like an evan roberts,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 super chat so answer your question question opinion from acts 15 1 which is often under the radar and,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 jonah chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,jonah,1,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 2 danielle refused to compromise in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 daniel 1 verses i'm not going to,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 section in romans 12 a new section of romans and while it's a crude analogy because we've had a lot of god's mind,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 the one that god has decided to favor because it romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 the bible says we are more,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 goes into the synagogue and he begins to read out of it isaiah 61 and he says the spirit of the lord is upon me see over,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 mitchell i had a question regarding genesis 3 after adam and eve take of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 ghost yours in jesus name romans chapter 4 verse 19 and being not weak in faith,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 things that i want you to know the first one being galatians 5 verse 16 but i say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify,galatians,5,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 16 in numbers chapter 20 sorry numbers chapter 13 when moses,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 when i did a series this was early on i don't know what years i did on ezekiel 18 and i said the big problem with,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 only twice in all the bible both times in the book of judges once right there in chapter 11 verse 40 that you don't,judges,11,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 4 washed away by the precious blood first john 1 7 to 9 first job 1 7 to 9 and,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 we see also from scriptures in the book of exodus chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,exodus,3,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 7 one is prayer prayer must start it in acts chapter 16 we see the paul the practice of paul that great successful,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 to the word of god here this morning to ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 reading an article recently where the author said galatians 2 20 i am crucified with christ and is no longer i,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 all right you guys ready all right open up to romans chapter 8 starting in verse 12 today we're going to be talking about,romans,8,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 12 it makes sense that when you go back here to joshua chapter 8 that when joshua has these stones that,joshua,8,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 1 again here romans 8 18 the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to,romans,8,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 18 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 judicial hardening we have romans 1 which is in the same context as romans 9 it's in the same book right relating to,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 we we see another scene we could be reading in exodus chapter 12 and we'd be reading uh how each of the,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in genesis 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,genesis,18,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 19 just come up every week for the last several weeks hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 lord jesus is the fulfillment one more let's look in acts chapter 15 this is where james is giving his interpretation,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 belong to the father of the son and the holy spirit listen to ephesians 4 verse 1 therefore i the prisoner of the lord,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 the word of god is meat for men meat for men hebrews 5 11 to 14.,hebrews,5,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 criticized him because he had married this non to israeli woman in numbers 12 1 and said,numbers,12,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 1 say please genesis 26 from verse 26 to 33 genesis 26 from verse 26 to 33 they will come i,genesis,26,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 26 romans chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 8 romans chapter 10,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 church for life exodus 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 and we have a glimpse don't we at the end of chapter 7 of acts where he sees the son of man standing at the right,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 in exodus chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,exodus,20,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 3 not just outstanding but standing out in the same daniel chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3,daniel,6,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 3 lord shall not luck any good thing the solution is in the word of god jeremiah 15 verse 16 your man 15 16 since the words we,jeremiah,15,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 what the scripture says in genesis 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,genesis,25,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 21 cross it's offensive to them and even galatians 5 i want to bring this up to some people that might be,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 come to the end of the story in revelation chapter 12 says the saints conquered the,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 galatians chapter one it's us in the galatians galatians chapter one look at vastena for do i now persuade men or god,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 a precious crime a priceless crown it says in james chapter one that's what blessed,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 more and more and more in a couple verses proverbs 13 15 i want to read this proverbs 13 15 hard is the way of,proverbs,13,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 15 worship this morning i want you to open again to exodus chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,exodus,15,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 11 thinking to produce a good life in the book we read proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 for us ii think x it is a you are what,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 16 we can see in context how all things are being used in colossians 1 for by him all things were created in heaven,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 own you can get help where need be moses in exodus 18 1 chose able men who feared god to lead,exodus,18,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 18 verse 1 just a little preview when we hit romans 9 romans 9 is it poses that are familiar with calvinism romans 9 is one of the,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 now that is the ultimate last moment it says in ephesians in chapter four that before the sun sets you must forgive,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 grab jesus at that point proverbs 27 6 may connect to this very thing here where it says faithful are,proverbs,27,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 6 "the same thing we saw, didn't we, in the book of acts in chapter 16 where a demon to possessed girl is spreading the word about paul that",acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 god the bible says very clearly deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 11,deuteronomy,28,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 11 no hope job chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 i would actually support this real quick let me go there with romans 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah,romans,11,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 25 likeness of man acts 14 11. the same acts 14 chapter 19 and 20 it,acts,14,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 11 four in order that this was what went over in galatians 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,galatians,5,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 16 the 21st of revelation where peace reigns again chapters 21 and 10,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 higher so you need to know because it is written hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 verse 6,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 i said that should not be your end amen revelation revelation chapter 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 so there's a lot going on around us but ephesians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god is strong,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 i will read from verse 9 through 2 verse 11 philippians chapter 2 beginning from verse 9,philippians,2,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 11 matthew 16 verse 17 gave you this revelation and i am the christ the son of the living god the word revelation,matthew,16,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 17 god handle them as in obadiah 1 verses 4 to 14 the loyalty will be,obadiah,1,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 4 go now verse 4 please verse 4. genesis 27 4 i'll make me go to three go to three please twenty seven three,genesis,27,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 4 and watch what happens acts chapter 2 well let's go to acts chapter 1. i'm sorry acts chapter 1,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 even for this opportunity to show romans chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 literally chapter 18 deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 the lord thy gosh will race up,deuteronomy,18,15.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 enlightened that your eyes will get light that's what he said in ephesians 5 that your heart will be enlightened get,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 this moment our first passage for prayer is isaiah isaiah chapter 40 verse 27,isaiah,40,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 27 happiness to be in the presence of the lord and with his people proverbs 8 verse 34 wisdom speaks personified and,proverbs,8,34.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 34 for you notetakers i want you to look at romans chapter 3 and verses 13 through 18. listen to how,romans,3,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 13 not like that you have a path to plea look at acts of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king james version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord,james,33,17.0,1.0,james chapter 33 verse 17 and the bible says we have come to the blood of sprinkling hebrews 13 that speaks better things the blood is,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 own flesh as we read in james chapter one we are also attempted by satan from the,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 1 verse 21 james chapter 1 verse 21 james chapter 1 verse 21 the message translation says,james,1,21.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 21 the book of ephesians ephesians chapter 4 and we'll pick it up in the verse 27 and,ephesians,4,27.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 27 spiritual awakening but then i read passages like amos 9 13 and it really gives me hope,amos,9,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 13 with a whisper are separated chief friends proverbs 11 verse 30 promise promise 1113 iturbi era privilege sick i mean,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 four in galatians chapter 4 he says in verse 13,galatians,4,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 13 partnership within don't forget isaiah 55 from verse 8 to 9 tells us clearly his thoughts are not,isaiah,55,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 such a way that everything that we see that's why romans 12 investors says and don't be conformed to this world,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 i'll add uh isaiah 13 10 is the closest to the words of jesus in mark 13 24.,isaiah,13,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 1 comfort for triumphant saints in heaven let's go back to revelation chapter 7,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 so if you go with me to the book of jeremiah chapter 31 that's where we're going to begin this evening,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 all through this year psalms 89 and verse 20 the bible says i have found david my servant with my holy,psalms,89,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 89 verse 2 so how shall we evaluate ourselves philippians in chapter two this is the way to evaluate ourselves,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 your legacy for example that is a man with gisela genesis chapter 5 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 5 26 or 27 he lived for,genesis,5,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 26 after that to isaiah 61 the same exact words are now in first,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 when you read from verse 10 exodus 14 we're going to pray about,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 jeremiah i read him from verse 7 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from verse 17,jeremiah,30,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 to damning our traditions look at galatians 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,galatians,3,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 3 hand but when you read exodus chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,exodus,12,29.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 29 and the text is taken from we have job from chapter 25,job,25,1.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 1 it again and he is the one who has allah say in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 tells us that is the,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 if you have your bible if you don't i'll read it to you numbers chapter 21 verse 4 and the rejoined from mount all,numbers,21,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 4 he rested you don't need to turn there but the reference is genesis 2 2 and i'll read it to you it says and on,genesis,2,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 2 are still praying in that line proverbs chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he,proverbs,18,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 24 mean if you're living out these commands in titus chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and,titus,2,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 2 heaven so what did the sons of korah saying psalms 8411 they want to be in the courts of the lord because the lord,psalms,84,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 84 verse 11 redemption is ordained by god as an eaglet in the book of deuteronomy chapter 32 beginning from verse 9 the,deuteronomy,32,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 9 grounded in god's word we're going to the old testament ezekiel chapter 37 if you have your bibles and i'm gonna be,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 certain things could make them unclean given leviticus 5 verses 2 through 6 and leviticus 11,leviticus,5,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 name amen proverbs 8 verse 1 does not wisdom call does not understanding raise her voice,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 understand what is happening in romans 8 28 and we know that all things work,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 he was flowing in very strange revelation ephesians 3 1 to 5 and 8 to 11 second corinthians chapters 12 and verse,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 that's not how the feasts were outlined in leviticus 23 the two feasts are mentioned separately,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 genesis chapter 1 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 1 verse 26 to 27 were made in his own image today that's why i stopped because,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 reasons the reason behind what the devil did with job i mean god allowed it to happen but satan had said this in job 2,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 and nobody could keep it hebrews chapter 8 this is the covenant,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 expecting god to do something genesis 15 tells a story about the man abram and he was having a conversation,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 anything because you know that philippians started 4 19 philippine 490,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 genesis chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 hallelujah the bible says in proverbs 23 18 for surely there is an end,proverbs,23,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 is a prayer along that line taken from philippians chapter 1 verses 9 through 11 we just changed the words to,philippians,1,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 9 aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us james 1 21 lay aside all filthiness,james,1,21.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 21 persians so now we see the prophecy from daniel chapter 2,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 a miracle to your nation today in exodus chapter 12 verse 1 to 36 exodus 12 verse 1 to 36,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 or also called the son of perdition in new king james that's 2 thessalonians 2. he's referred to as the foolish shepherd,2 thessalonians,2,1.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 of that from romans chapter 3 i have come short you and you and i,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 called numbers in proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 the bible said,proverbs,14,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 acts chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,acts,15,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 36 never sinned against god in all of this suffering job 122 and all of this job did not sin nor charge god with wrong,job,1,22.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 22 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and genesis 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,genesis,35,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 5 coming sunday isaiah chapter 5 and verse 26 says he will lift up an insight to the nations,isaiah,5,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 25 damage at its peak and isaiah tells us in isaiah chapter 13 reading from verse,isaiah,13,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 1 equals glory to jesus paul the apostle says in romans 8 verse 16,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 deuteronomy chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,deuteronomy,30,19.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving genesis chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,genesis,8,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 23 what the lord has for us it says this in romans 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,romans,13,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 "everyone has a part to play. ephesians four, 16 says, ""he makes the whole body",ephesians,4,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 16 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8,proverbs,11,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 desirable increase i'm coming to chapter 9 of proverbs proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 it says give instruction to a wise man,proverbs,9,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 unhappy you are not sorrowful the their action in acts of the apostles chapter 16 verse 25 iakhs of the,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 in genesis chapter 39 from verse 1 to 9 genesis 39 from verse 1 to 9 when,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 say louder amen isaiah 50 and verse 4 paraphrase the lord had given me the tongue of the,isaiah,50,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 4 this is well worth an exercise the proverbs chapter 1 verse one of solomon son of david king of israel given that,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 revival doesn't it let's grab our bibles and turn to daniel chapter 6 and the title of my message is angels and the,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at hebrews chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 praise the lord the book of acts chapter 10 verses 38 and 39,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 and verse nine in verse one it says foolish galatians oh thoughtless galatians,galatians,1,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 9 of no effect chapter 13 of hebrews and verse 20,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 ephesians chapter four i'm reading from verse 18. ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 18 having their,ephesians,4,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 18 in the next six weeks as well this is daniel 7 where we are tonight but as we go,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 that only that which cannot be shaken might remain proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 says will you set your eyes on that,proverbs,23,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 in numerous nations in genesis chapter 35 verse 11 and god said unto him,genesis,35,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 11 complained bitterly against moses in in exodus chapter 16 when you read from from uh from verse,exodus,16,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 1 on the dry ground hebrews 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of,hebrews,11,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 29 through the cross revelation 13 8,revelation,13,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 8 word of god job chapter 23 verse 12 said i have esteemed the word of his mouth more than,job,23,12.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 12 "and as i pointed out, in specific terms in revelation 6 through 19. when you see these things happen, including",revelation,6,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 19 "we were there actually at the jerusalem council."" to recorded in acts 15 when the apostles were gathered together to ""we were there at that",acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 in prayer romans 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,romans,12,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 12 in proverbs chapter 21 proverbs 21 proverbs 21,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 clouds zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 asking of the lord in time of lettering and the,zechariah,10,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 333 jeremiah 33 verse 3. jeremiah 33 33 verse 3.,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 we i want us to open our bibles to romans chapter 12 from verse 1 to 3. romans chapter 12,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 in jesus name we have given thanks verse 3 ephesians 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and the father of our,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 they're like like do you read acts 15 you know like read the scripture read the bible,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 tabernacle of david will be reestablished by quoting amos nine eleven and twelve and so it goes on but,amos,9,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 11 divinity in humanity how do i know this in genesis chapter one,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 he is so described by peter in 2 peter. he is so described in revelation 22 verse 16 as the son of righteousness.,revelation,22,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 16 have higher spiritual meanings we can see in galatians 3 they are actually chastised by paul for trying to perfect,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 sanctification that's why we are told in the book of acts chapter 26 and verse 18 he said to open their eyes to turn them,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 the provisions of the kingdom of god much more in hebrews 2 verse 3 he said how shall we escape if we neglect so,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 i want you to shout it loud and clean job chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,job,29,17.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 17 god himself in deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,deuteronomy,30,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 critical for us to behave like a christian in our relationships so romans 12 from verse 9.,romans,12,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 9 the saints and please turn to the book of romans romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,romans,8,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 21 that is what will be in exodus chapter four,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 turn your bible to jeremiah 29 jeremiah 29 and verse 11. i'm teaching very briefly on the demands,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 in jesus name i wanted to hear an amen in philippians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,philippians,3,17.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 17 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture isaiah 1 18 the lord says,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 yeah second chronicles 20 joshua you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah,2 chronicles,20,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 16 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 and we're going a bit further,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 down through the 18th verse so nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 it shall be in that day this is from zechariah 12 that i will seek to destroy all the,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 when this word rest was used before in chapter 2 ruth speaking sorry and,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 few verses right at the end of chapter 2 as daniel gives the,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 for envy and then were told in isaiah chapter 26 isaiah chapter 26 and i'm reading here from verse 10 let,isaiah,26,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 1 day that you eat of it you shall surely die and then ask me turn to genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 6 it says genesis,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 blessing will pay any price for that if you read genesis 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly,genesis,27,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 5 "of months that when you now open the book of acts after chapter 1 begins, they start to make sense out of the old testament.",acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 that power will be upon your life in jesus name acts of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 god says and if you don't repent how about ephesians chapter 2 where he says to the church of ephesus if you,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 in this first service from the book of psalms chapter 47 and we shall be reading responsibly from,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 justification is by faith i believe that romans chapter 4 chapter 5 i firmly believe justification is not by,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 you will see the story more so deuteronomy 32 that i'm reading 5 50 verse 52 yet thou shalt see the land,deuteronomy,32,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 5 hand nor to the left move thy foot from evil in proverbs 2 verse 13 speaks of those who leave the,proverbs,2,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 2 verse 13 i think it is the greatest miracle in hebrews 11 but god succeeded in breaking a proud man to teach him like you're,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 have you ever heard of the holy spirit were you in that group from acts 19 we never even heard there was a holy spirit,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 [applause] i want you to turn with me to isaiah 53 and i was,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 here one more way that this is unified unit unifying if you look at ephesians 3 verse 11 right at the end it says christ,ephesians,3,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 11 on or before may 1st 21 deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 earth proverbs chapter 8 verse 15 and 16. the mission of the spirit of wisdom,proverbs,8,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 15 when god was speaking to joshua in the book of uh joshua chapter one he said only be strong and,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 a god of speed he is a god of speed romans chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,romans,9,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 28 in proverbs chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person,proverbs,17,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 24 us and then through us to other people restore unto me habakkuk chapter 3 oh lord i've heard your speech and i was,habakkuk,3,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of hebrews 12 11 talking about jesus,hebrews,12,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 in jesus name a good church amen revelation chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 something that's come to my mind recently is that in revelation 6 when the seals begin to open the first few,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 they said but the oldest book in the bible job says job 25 5 look to the moon,job,25,5.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 5 i can't hear you very well look at galatians chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter,galatians,4,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 16 scenario that the bible spoke about in daniel 2 600 years ago and in the book of,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 strength and my redeemer job 4 4 job 4 4 there was upholding him that was,job,4,4.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 4 in genesis chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,genesis,30,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 22 antichrist revelation 13 begins with these 10 world leaders politicians do you know what,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 and out of church tomorrow sunday psalms 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom,psalms,105,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 13 hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 a meaning from verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to,hebrews,10,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 who alone is worthy in revelation chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 name of the lord let me give you one last verse psalms 125 i want to take this promise home,psalms,125,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 125 verse 1 esther chapter 2 from verse 5 to 17 esther 2 5 to 17 and under the topic we asked,esther,2,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 5 grievous ways and in hebrews 11 he gets mentioned in the hebrew hall of faith as,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in the name of the lord jesus book of romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 colossians 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 let the church say louder amen acts verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,acts,1,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 6 you cannot be delivered from others and look at what isaiah 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim,isaiah,6,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 16 chapter 26 verses 8 and 9. isaiah chapter 26 verses 8 and 19 in the way of the,isaiah,26,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 8 shall give account of himself to god revelation chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and it's just the title of this lesson exodus 15 verse 3 says the lord is a man of war,exodus,15,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 3 you but i'll read it to you numbers 12 verse 3 in the king james version says now the man moses was very meek,numbers,12,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 3 of operation by all means this coming sunday jeremiah chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,jeremiah,20,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 20 verse 9 14 26 and number 4 bringing wisdom is proverbs 9 verse 10 proverbs 9 verse 10 now if you missed all these verses we can go back,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 it is impossible to sin when you are under grace romans 6 14 is clear and jesus has shown us the way by which,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 the law by wisdom has founded here proverbs 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones,proverbs,3,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 erelua can you read that revelation 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 know revelation chapter 9 you know revelation chapter 19 rather verse one the bible says after this thing i had a,revelation,9,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 1 make you go this is surely god and i believe we've got it here in ruth chapter 2 i believe we've got providence,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 feel like there's some impact here he's reading habakkuk 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 of us the apostle paul wrote in galatians 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in acts chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said,acts,13,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 21 peter's preaching verse 23 acts 2 in his pentecost sermon this man speaking of the lord jesus,acts,2,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 23 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel look at verse 17,joel,1,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 17 leviticus 19 we read a number of these things he judges them for sexual sins he judges them for bestiality homosexuality,leviticus,19,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 1 the glory can be missing so i want you to turn to exodus chapter 25 you know this is the instruction that god gave,exodus,25,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 1 exodus chapter 3 verse 1 to 3 exodus chapter 3 verse 1 to 3 now moses kept the flock of jethro his,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 hold our very lives even as daniel said there in daniel 523 even the breath of our lives held in the palm of your hand,daniel,5,23.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 23 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in hebrews 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,hebrews,8,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 12 colossians if we look at chapter 2 from verse 6 colossians chapter 2 from verse 6 as ye have therefore received christ,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 i think it's in acts acts six or seven i think it's both chapters,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 and the bible say god remember him in genesis chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,genesis,14,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 14 up with human wisdom all you get is more foolishness romans 1 says they rejected god they became fools,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 i'm gonna really disappoint you now ezekiel 38 and 39 um the last chapters of ezekiel,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 "he holds back evil. when romans 1 takes effect and god abandons a society, that restraint is lessened.",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 upon you and give you peace and philippians 2 3 and 4. i pray aaron,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 in other words the man on the red horse in zechariah one what is he is he a man is he a prophet is he a demon he is an,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 say louder amen acts chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 okay i'd like to have you turn in your bibles to ephesians chapter 5 we sang the song earlier oh church arise as is,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,ephesians,4,32.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 repent according to ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water the book of psalms chapter one verse one two three,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 the faith of abraham and of course in hebrews 11 you have all the heroes of faith and abraham is among them and so,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 your portion he said to ross in jeremiah 30 and verse 19 to 21.,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 for the conversion of the lost joel chapter 2,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 through the whole thing but if you read isaiah chapter 5 many times he says these words woe unto,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 in jeremiah chapter 31 31 to 33 jeremiah is prophesying about the redemption,jeremiah,31,31.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31 knowledge okay okay so according to joshua 180 said learn this water let the world not,joshua,180,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 180 verse 1 given in the bible this is the theology of baptism romans 6 but there are two illustrations and given off baptists and,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 purposeful partnership we're looking at genesis chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 18. in,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 way down to verse nine haggai chapter two verse three to verse nine,haggai,2,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 3 let's what are the details genesis 27 will help us genesis 27 you can read it from verse 26 to 29,genesis,27,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 26 which most christians don't think of it says in ephesians 5 verse 30.,ephesians,5,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at james 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 name acts chapter 1 verse 8. i acts chapter 1 verse 8,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 the bible speaking in exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel,exodus,25,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 2 and that he is going to assert his reign over israel by dying in jerusalem by becoming the suffering servant king of isaiah 53 who dies for the sins of israel and then the shocking idea it gets explored in the next story as jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this romans chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very,romans,4,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 4 with your prayers the bible says in james chapter 5 verse 13 to 15 james 5 13 to 15,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 before pharaoh in genesis chapter 41 and he gave an advice and counseled the king,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 in bringing people way back in exodus chapter one he intimidated egypt with multitudes,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 five of daniel does that make sense you're nodding like it does okay daniel seven verse one daniel had a dream with,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 5 verses 7 and 8. james chapter 5. verses 7 and 8.,james,5,7.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 7 in colossians talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 okay and he's going to come again but there it tells us in acts chapter 1 that that when he had said,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 "man might know his creator. in verse 22 of genesis 8 says, ""while the earth remains, as long as this earth is here,",genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 look at revelation chapter 12 verse 11 revelation chapter 12 we're reading from verse 11. in revelation chapter 12 verse,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 character of god sin is defined for us in romans chapter 3 in a very familiar verse says having come,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 long after you have been here proverbs 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,proverbs,29,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 17 everyone from his neighbor in romans chapter 2 verse 21 here the lord is,romans,2,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 21 "god. and, of course, in romans 12 verse 1 and 2 it says nothing about music.",romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 listen to the dream i had from god last night now jeremiah 23 if it doesn't get any more practical than that i don't,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 women too should contribute are you coming as a liability look at proverbs 31 woman now who said you can't have,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 faithful now for how long look i mean revelation 2 verse 10 fear none of those things which god shall suffer suffer may,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 "ephesians 5 verse 8 and 9, ""walk in light."" ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16, ""walk in wisdom."" third john 3 and 4, ""walk in truth.""",ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 look at the book of proverbs chapter 14 the book of proverbs chapter 14 i want you to open your bible there,proverbs,14,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 14 what do we read in genesis 1 every day take some time to read genesis 1 slowly not right now but when you're at home,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the evil of your duties and they were told in acts chapter 3 reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvlxvzy2kxq i want to turn to ephesians in chapter 4 and we read from verse 30 he since 4 verse 30,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 will pour out my spirit in these days this is joel 2 28 and 29. this is exactly what happened,joel,2,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 28 verse 6 to 9. malachi chapter 1 verse 6 to 9 the lord was speaking there to the priest,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 jesus the positive words of faith we're looking at romans chapter 10,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 4 revelation chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,revelation,8,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 8 verse 4 from our church in jesus name romans chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,romans,16,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 17 these biblical principles standing and firm acting like men zechariah 1117 woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts,zechariah,11,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 17 god made a plan for your life and it says in ephesians and chapter 2 and verse 10,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 everybody one last verse james chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment,james,2,13.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 13 and rich and it'll be for his glory and to use genesis 12 that's not just drawing a principle out of a text right,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 walking with god there are many others let's look at malachi chapter 2 malachi chapter to a medium from verse 4,malachi,2,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 4 single the very first one is we know from ecclesiastes 3 if there's a season under the sun for everything you guys,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 as he pleases deuteronomy 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,deuteronomy,32,39.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 39 hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of acts chapter 2 and verse 47,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 importance of heart in what we do genesis chapter 18 beginning from verse one quickly to,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 i definitely think that along with the colossians 2 passage um you know about um i would have to say,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 our verse of the month is from the book of proverbs chapter 3,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 over men rules righteously and rules in the fear of god proverbs 20 28 loyalty and truth preserved the king and he,proverbs,20,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 28 pursuing and seeking to save that which was lost acts chapter 20 verse 24,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 opposed to the fruit of the spirit that you find in galatians chapter 5 just just listen to this the fruit of the,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 entrance of the tomb and went away so like it was prophesied in isaiah 53 also his his death and his burial were with,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 man if back in ephesians 4 you don't need to turn back there but the old man we're,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 eschatology or salvation and then you could you could be part of acts 29 movement it's a reform movement a lot of,acts,29,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 29 verse 1 said abram as for me my covenant is with you genesis 17 verse 1 to 4 and then the bible tells us immediately abraham,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 there there's a simple sort of summary statement in philippians 1 11 i think that tell you what it is,philippians,1,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 11 james james 1 14 giving us a concept of sin,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 sending the really smell and lastly genesis 22 the toughest one of all sacrificing isaac,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 really the verse i wanted ah no exodus 23 there we go i'm like wait a minute um okay exodus 23,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 word of god james chapter 4,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 a mark of the covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh philippians 3 3 we are the true circumcision cutting,philippians,3,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 3 in acts chapter 8 from verse 26 to 38 acts 8 26 to 38 philip was having a wonderful wonderful,acts,8,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 26 and they have nothing to do again revelation 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,revelation,2,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 14 at the time i was reminded of a passage in hebrews 12 which talks about the importance of looking to jesus the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 chose not to oh that's interesting so exodus 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of,exodus,32,28.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 28 22 and psalm 28 and some of those other psalms and so father i pray lord i pray that you'd equip,psalms,28,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 28 verse 1 the book of genesis genesis chapter 21 genesis 21 if you read through proverbs,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 the cross have been slain the enmity thereby in a colossians chapter 1 reading from verse 19.,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 brings us right in to the very last days of what the bible says it says in daniel chapter 2 that when these ten,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 he'll protect you from them let's look at romans chapter five romans chapter five i read from verse,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 is on the lord's side this week in jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 19 said,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 genesis 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16.,genesis,28,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 16 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in acts 20 and verse 32,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 and then not too long after that according to acts chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 word of god that way we commit god to deliver his path without fail in james chapter 1 beginning from verse 22 james,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 you better believe i'll be spending again a lot of hours on hebrews 6 to try to offer,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 chapter 8 romans 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 there shall be weeping and nation of tears look at amos chapter 6,amos,6,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 1 increasing city without walls zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 and he said unto him wrong speak to these young man,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 foreign hebrews 2 3 said how shall we escape from the horrors of this similar natural,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 to the ephesians the epistle of paul the apostle to the ephesians ephesians 2,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 was going to be crucified and like it says in galatians 4 in the fullness of time,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 specifically said in colossians 2 6 the fullness of deity dwells,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 began to describe the archangel that he created so in ezekiel chapter 28 we find a very detailed description of this,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 because like i'm only going off of what acts 10 and acts 2 you know but what about all the actual let's get out of,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 exodus in exodus chapter 3 here god was talking to moses,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 let's start praying and that brings us to acts 12 because it's a classic chapter on how to face difficulty,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 and paul has a lot to say about that of course in romans 9 10 and 11. then i took the cup at the lord's hand,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 and if you read daniel chapter one from verse 1 to 20 daniel 1 from verse 1 to 20 a bible tells us about some,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 self in genesis chapter 28 verse 15 and behold i am with thee and i will keep,genesis,28,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 15 this morning let's remember his word to us in jeremiah 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 all we have ever known acts chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 to be encouraged and inspired by these different people here in hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 holy look at leviticus chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,leviticus,20,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 7 have not the holy spirit is none of his romans 8 9. so the fact that the spirit has taken up residence in us,romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in ephesians chapter two first three verses once again,ephesians,2,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 3 in second corinthians no does paul refer to acts 9 to teach us that god,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 look at acts chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 21 acts chapter 2 verse 31 and it shall come to pass that whosoever,acts,2,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 31 confirming the word everywhere in the book of acts chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,acts,14,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 3 remember god sees it the bible says in jeremiah 17 10 i the lord saw the heart i tried the reigns able to give every,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 if we go contrary to his command according to job chapter 9 verse 4 and second chronicles chapter 20 verse,job,9,4.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 4 our souls in god and it's hebrews 11 verse 6,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ou4ba4_iju in revelation chapter 2 verse 20 it says but i have this complaint against you,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 now and now but actually being brought to ephesians 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,ephesians,6,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 6 romans 7 let's open to romans 7. romans 7 we are going to read romans 7,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh romans 8 3. so what was it that was rent,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 i want to take my uh text from isaiah chapter 54 from verse one to four isaiah 54 from verse verses one,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 revealed look at chapter 11 verse 27 of hebrews it says by faith he forsook egypt,hebrews,11,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 body of jehovah's witnesses teaching that the king of the north in daniel 11 represents the russian government and,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 that's where you can begin to i mean read this kind of scripture galatians 5 and 16 and you walk in the spirit and,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 chapter 41 of genesis we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,genesis,41,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 3 in the old covenant hebrews 9 9. the old covenant is only a symbol of,hebrews,9,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 9 went to the month of transfiguration with peter james and john luke chapter nine,james,9,1.0,1.0,james chapter 9 verse 1 thank you i can take your seeds we're coming to hebrews chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 1 hebrews,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 taking notes here's point number one the proverbs 31 wonder woman is priceless and quite rare,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 "as being there, but he is commended. listen to verses 10 and 11, colossians 4 verse 10 and 11.",colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 now may the god of peace this is hebrews 13 20 and 21 may the god of peace who brought again,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 food they were not supposed to eat and leviticus 11 they were not as important as not committing murder and not,leviticus,11,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 1 you have as a use of this generation the book of habakkuk chapter 2 from verse 2 to 3,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 the dead and the first occurrence occurs in genesis 37 by jacob he assumes that his son who,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 acts chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 3 acts chapter 8,acts,8,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 3 biblical encouragement that we are going to find from galatians chapter one and as a side note i actually did an entire,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 minutes or whatever but you know colossians chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in genesis chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,genesis,28,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 2 turn from all these things and then after that comes james 5 14 to 15 it says when you know it with all,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 the bible in scripture who are the sons of god the nephilim in genesis chapter six it is a weird passage,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 acts chapter 2 i want you to see the last verse of acts chapter 2 this is the early church,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 acts chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,acts,26,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 19 chapter 22 revelation 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly my reward,revelation,22,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 12 beginning of matthew 7 judge not lest you be judges this whole discourse on judging removing the plank from your eye,matthew,7,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 1 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to isaiah 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you,isaiah,53,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 13 "qualities listed in 1 timothy 3 verse 1 through 7, and titus chapter 1 verses 6 through 9, and specifically known for being in subjection",titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 and by your words you we'll be condemned proverbs 20 to 11 this is a beautiful verse that i love i,proverbs,20,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 11 of the apostles he also was used mightily but has a look at romans chapter 15 romans chapter 15 in a medium,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 will contend for the doctrines and the faith of christianity galatians 1 we aware this is the famous passage it uses,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 christ came when the creator himself colossians 1 and an hebrews you know says jesus is the exact representation,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 our lives and the other verse award in malachi chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,malachi,1,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 11 in fact the bible went further in that romans chapter 9 by time you get to verse 16 he says it's not of him that we,romans,9,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 16 for believers crazy things like that it says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 how much severe punishment do you think,hebrews,10,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 "evil of father or mother is to be put to death."" that's right out of exodus 20 verse 12, ""honor your father and mother,"" one of the ten commandments,",exodus,20,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 12 yet how did they do it they started praying you know in acts chapter 16 says pop play pray they,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 and hymn that causes you i will becomes genesis 12 3 jesus the righteous one causes,genesis,12,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 3 shall live by faith says romans 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 i still hear pages turning so i'll wait revelation 19 15 now out of his mouth goes a sharp,revelation,19,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 15 well he gave us days in revelation 12. he gave us months in revelation 13 and,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 hebrews 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 in the book of jeremiah 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21,jeremiah,30,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 21 to someone who is good in his sight whereas and we are looking at exodus two verse when you see,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 correct anything and weary truthfulness there it will lie in romans chapter 14 romans chapter 14 i'm reading from verse,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 don't know jonathan nelson or something okay so ephesians 4 i believe it's do not allow any corrupt communication,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him proverbs 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in,proverbs,18,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 13 saint now paul addresses such brethren as he did here in romans 16 at the end of several epistles,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 multitudes into this church this year isaiah 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,isaiah,49,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 the wicked assyrian capital of nineveh in jonah 3 1 to 10 we're told that the word of the lord came to jonah the second,jonah,3,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 1 chapter three um i guess i'll start with ezekiel 33 starting verse 1,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 connected to us in you know in a way and us as humans in genesis 1 when god creates adam and eve when he creates,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 strength look at chapter 48 isaiah chapter 48 i say chapter 48,isaiah,48,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 1 baptized acts 2 verse 40 41 that day the day of pentecost acts 2 verse 41 three thousand people were converted and,acts,2,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 41 these familiar words i therefore the prisoner of the lord ephesians 4 implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 to annoy the most holy it tells us in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 10 romans chapter 5 verse 10 for if we if,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 god by the time of but father i was talking to him verse 7 of genesis 39 and it came to pass after these things that,genesis,39,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 7 what does the promise state in genesis chapter 22 verse 16 to verse 18. the bible says,genesis,22,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 16 to refute me let's go to them now so james chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps,james,2,11.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 11 there to guide and to lead us to guide and to lead us proverbs three verse five and verse six and verse seven,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 thanks to god we heard earlier from romans 1 the wrath of god were being revealed from heaven,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody job 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,job,38,14.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 14 and bringeth reproach proverbs 19 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father do you,proverbs,19,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 13 working everything out for our good scripture says for we know romans 8 and 28 we know that all things work together,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 1 6 to 22 job 16 to 22 we saw a man that called job which was the most successful in the,job,16,22.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 22 hallelujah now in chapter seven of hebrews he said when you give your tithe,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 information now joshua two verse two to seven some two,joshua,2,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 7 it spring the issues of life and then proverbs 4 23 so keeping your heart here this idea is about,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 ezekiel 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,ezekiel,14,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 6 rejoicing and baptism that was the order in acts this big theme of gospel joy just like in luke 15 acts would parallel,luke,15,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 1 1 so much for an introduction as we go into the book of joshua chapter 1 and verse 1 we read here after the death of,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 in your life in jesus name and look at romans chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free,romans,6,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 18 so we'll pick up here in romans 9 verse 25 it says as he says also in hosea according the old testament book of,romans,9,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 25 and signs and wonders begin to take place acts 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 responsibility in isaiah 52 verse 1 to 3 awake awake put on that strength,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 in romans chapter 8 and verse 1 and 2 romans 8 reservoir now no condemnation to them which are in the in christ jesus,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 how these things work if you go to ephesians chapter two in verses two and three,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 with the full assurance of faith hebrews chapter 10 and verse 22 so when we come to god,hebrews,10,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 22 degradation this is where he bears our curse on the tree galatians 3 that the humility is is actually overwhelmingly,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 jeremiah in isaiah isaiah like if you read isaiah 40 and you read all the chapters around isaiah,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 someone dies and what does he say in ephesians 2 you were dead in your trespasses and sins,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 whoa what you do when you're in covenant colossians 3 galatians ephesians philippians colossians had elated tell,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures isaiah chapter 14 verse 21,isaiah,14,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 21 god that hurts your walk hosea 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,hosea,4,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 11 companion by the way when he wrote colossians he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 swearing or blaspheming james 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,james,5,12.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 12 really maybe some of you remember a sermon i did on ezekiel 3 and the watchmen months months back,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 genesis chapter 30 from verse 1 to 2 genesis 30 from us 1 to 2 and 10 22 to 24 genesis 30 verse 1 to 2 and 23 to 24 we,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 in the states in michigan and as soon as she read deuteronomy 18 she just melted in the heap of tears and she said oh god,deuteronomy,18,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 1 saved and established in the faith and jude chapter 1 verse 22 to i know some have compassion making the,jude,1,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 22 and that is it psalms 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,psalms,119,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 119 verse 11 it's all within the context of jesus in in this first part of hebrews 1 being the agent of,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 anointing and our text will be from deuteronomy chapter 28 from verse 1 to 4 deuteronomy 28,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 that is where our hope is at brethren it says in hebrews 13 20 now may the god of peace,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 in christ in hebrews chapter 3 from verse 1 hebrews 3 verse 1 wherefore holy brethren,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 it's important to know that in romans chapter 1 it describes the terrible,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 unchanging this sure right well i think about james chapter 5 when it says the effective fervent prayer of the,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 it's knowing that i know who god is and i believe god and i trust god proverbs 3 5 and 6 talks about trust in the lord,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 starting a family together now earlier he argued that romans 1 was saying be true to your own sexual,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 jesus enough of telling stories in romans chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says for,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 of my favorite verses acts 17 verse 30,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 before adam there was an eden in genesis chapter 1 verse 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 god they start to everybody why because from chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 the word of god says clearly love is a,proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 is that proverbs chapter 10 is a wise son,proverbs,10,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 1 manifestation of divine visitation in acts chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,acts,1,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 14 it is an iron based and the iron beast of daniel 2 and daniel 7 appears again in the new,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 that is really deep romans 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from,romans,8,38.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 38 they had to come back and so in romans chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,romans,4,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 16 oppression no wonder in the book of isaiah 40 49 26,isaiah,40,49.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 49 little people proverbs 24 verse number 10 the bible says if you fail in the day of adversity,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 hebrews chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 25 hebrews chapter 12 ah were reading from verse 25 in verse 25 it,hebrews,12,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 25 a few verses there that we go to ephesians chapter 2 and then we go to ephesians chapter 6 we're ready tonight,ephesians,2,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 he's almighty you know that's why i started with genesis 1 god's standard this is the way your computer is,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with job verse 3 he was,job,32,3.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 3 whom is the arm of the lord revealed isaiah 53 verse 1 it takes faith to engage the hand,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter 8 verse 19,proverbs,8,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 19 chapter 3 verse 22 romans chapter 3 verse 22 for all are saying and caution the glory of god,romans,3,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 22 a lot of emulation we can emulate him philippians 2 5 to 8 philippians 2 5 to 8 biblical,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 because jesus is going to quote jonah as well and jonah also quotes psalm 42 and so there's all,psalms,42,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 42 verse 1 "it's part of who he is. isaiah 43 verse 3, ""for i am the lord your god, the holy one of israel, your savior.""",isaiah,43,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 3 context because that's what you missed when you're reading romans 15 is the context it's sometimes paul makes the,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 from verse 1 to 11. acts chapter 3,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 let's look at what bible says first in the book of proverbs chapter 8 18 number 10,proverbs,8,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 18 defeats the enemy you remember the story in acts chapter 18 when paul was in ephesus there were seven sinners of the,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest philippians 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 let me read the scripture to you from exodus chapter 6,exodus,6,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 1 of death he has the keys of death and of hell and look at revelation chapter 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 illumination if you look read um revelation 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,revelation,21,23.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 23 god used to raise jesus from the dead in ephesians chapter 2 he says and you hath he quickened,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 minded um james one being double minded and help my unbelief,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 thank you very much now let's go to genesis chapter 21 and i'm reading from verse 1 to 7 genesis 21,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 his might in us ephesians 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 verse 1 to 22 daniels 1 to 22 when they true daniel into the dead of,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 them out something like paul saying in romans 9 i'm willing to be a curse for the sake,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 relationship right in acts 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas,acts,15,39.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 39 passage and described in detail in revelation 6 to 18 and that's the day of the lord breaking out on earth now we,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 government in revelation chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,revelation,12,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 5 beyond expectations genesis chapter 1 verse 28.,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet he took our infirmities and,isaiah,8,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 17 how do you answer a catholic who uses revelation 12 to argue mary's queenship thank you for your work you have helped,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 saying here to abraham and isaac and to jacob and notice what he says galatians 3 and verse 8 and the scriptures or the,galatians,3,8.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 8 isaiah 55 whoever thirsts john 7 revelation 22 21 and 22 it's it's kind of this,revelation,22,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 21 miracles at stratton i tina a meeting here from bus 11 acts chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrought special miracles by,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 romans chapter 8 reading from botswana romans chapter 8 verse 1 it says,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 class of more than enough also in genesis 19 genesis chapter 19 lord entertained to angels angels who,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 "which paul proclaims is true in his own heart. when he gave testimony in acts 23 and 24, he said again twice, ""i have a clear conscience.",acts,23,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 1 chapters of isaiah are in a sense about the old covenant and then isaiah 40 through 66 interestingly enough is,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 before in romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 16 romans 19 to 16,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 them out of the land of captivity but for caleb and joshua one,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 what did they omit there look at leviticus chapter 19 verse 18.,leviticus,19,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 will become part of this one body look at romans chapter 6 reading from verse 3,romans,6,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 3 miracle we're going to see beginning in numbers 11 that god begins to respond differently to their murmuring and their,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 you think jeremiah 3 3 says you have the forehead of a talking to israel,jeremiah,3,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 3 and in breaking of bread and in prayers acts 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 of life no wonder paul the apostle said in philippians chapter 4 and verse 13 i can do all things through whom,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 tell me job joel we're looking at joel chapter two joel chapter two,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 just like christ according to that philippians 2 5 philippians 2 5 it is an humble mind,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 tonight we're coming to galatians chapter 3 you can see now galatians chapter 3 our reading from verse 13,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 and many happy returns in romans chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,romans,12,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 5 that they were to never murmur and complain remember that in in philippians chapter 2 do all things without,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 yeah it says in ephesians chapter four so i could read that verse like this,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 daniel chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 shadrach meshach and abednego were bound,daniel,3,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 19 concerning you and me and he said in hebrews chapter 10 and in verse 36 for ye have need of patience,hebrews,10,36.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 together this one world religion and as revelation 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,revelation,18,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 4 than the greatest in your family in genesis 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35,genesis,24,34.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 34 today definitely speaks right to it isaiah chapter 50 verse 4 we can start with that and i want to give you very,isaiah,50,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 4 that ends up in a pronunciation on david in judges chapter 9 verses 1 to 21. gideon's son jotham tells a parable to the,judges,9,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 1 clean hat to god and renew a right spirit within me ezekiel chapter 36 in ezekiel chapter 36,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 god chose us to bring us to equality deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 47 to 48.,deuteronomy,28,47.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 47 give consideration to that because the reality is when you go back to genesis chapter one this this after the likeness,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 scriptures but beginning with proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7. listen carefully there's a,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 then i have a commentary genesis 1 to 11 it's different sort of commentary it's a family commentary,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the world today in romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 experience in life in the book of proverbs 24 18 but the part of the just is as the,proverbs,24,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 18 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in romans 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,romans,15,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 29 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per exodus 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and,exodus,12,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 15 the second group of people that i see in the context of jude 22 is someone that the bible refers to as,jude,22,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 1 love me and walk in my purpose for your life romans 8 28 everything,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 i just one more before we move on here james chapter 2 go to hebrews and after hebrews you've,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 makes man in his image this is my view right genesis chapter one god makes man in his image,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 of god i give you an example judges 50 verse 14 to 15 judges 15 14 to 15 the bible said they brought some say,judges,50,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 50 verse 14 jesus mighty name we pray amen jeremiah 1 19 the bible says and they shall fight against thee but they,jeremiah,1,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 19 already in jesus name ephesians ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now unto him that is able to do,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 loud amen romans chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 to live pure and why is that so amos chapter 3 verse 3 tells us can two work together except,amos,3,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 3 beyond and acts chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 looks like and he starts out by saying in hebrews 11 verse 1 now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 with chapter 9 verse 1 i'll give you a jiffy to turn romans nine verse one i'm telling the truth in,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 tooth which by the way is exodus 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,exodus,21,24.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 24 network and your network uh let's start off from acts of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 helped me the most was in isaiah chapter 6 that when isaiah looked up and saw the holiness of god that's when he saw his,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 biggest blessing shout hallelujah pablo said in isaiah chapter 12 and verse 13,isaiah,12,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 13 or maybe you feel like john in the vision of revelation chapter 1 where he sees christ and he says i fell,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 prayers in zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 "the arrival of the monarch, to straighten out things as isaiah 40 verses 3 to 5 describes this, ""a voice in the wilderness, prepare",isaiah,40,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 now let's turn back to ephesians 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,ephesians,5,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 5 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in romans chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,romans,13,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 13 since inception the turn deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 race looking unto jesus you know that verse i go hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 let us run this race looking at the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 at the completion of the tabernacle exodus chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,exodus,40,34.0,1.0,exodus chapter 40 verse 34 before the lord hebrews 10 25 says never in your life shall you,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 they will not go empty you remember exodus 3 7 to 10 i've seen the affirmation of my,exodus,3,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 7 wisdom giver james 1 says if any of you lacks wisdom ask of god,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 services this year in acts chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 that zechariah 9 9 to 12 may be fulfilled for in zechariah 9 9 to 12 it says rejoice greatly o daughter of,zechariah,9,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 exodus 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday ezekiel 36 and 37 thought said the lord god thou yet for,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 job 42 10 the lord turned the captivity of job and when did he do that when he prayed for his friends it happened in,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 look at romans chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6 22 now being made free from sin burning,romans,6,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 22 and from his roots a branch will spring up and in your bibles in isaiah 11 1 1 the word branch is capitalized it is a,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 the children of israel in exodus chapter 2 verse 23 to 25,exodus,2,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 23 the end times speaking of a church in revelation 2 verse 4 we read these words nevertheless i have somewhat against,revelation,2,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 4 round about the throne it says revelation chapter 4 and verse 3 and he that such was to look upon like a jasper,revelation,4,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 3 the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 looking at romans chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says,romans,8,34.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 34 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section isaiah 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your,isaiah,59,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 2 and this i'll be closing with this philippians chapter four now remember remember who's writing this,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 again let's read from the scriptures genesis uh chapter 11 i hope you're not in all the scriptures because these are,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 you have not learned anything else from genesis chapter one something happened as i told you let me coach you that will,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to acts of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,acts,4,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 31 the crowd you got to be alone it says genesis 32 24 jacob was left alone and god met with him i have noticed some,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 all right but here's the idea guys if you daniel 77 weeks really is not a good,daniel,77,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 77 verse 1 babylon and the other thing in revelation 18 is babylon is it's filled with demons it says in verse,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 verse 25 proverbs 11 25 says the liberal soul shall be made fat,proverbs,11,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 was very much like what's described here in acts chapter 2 and what we had for each other,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 in jesus and that's what it comes to us as well hebrews 12 it says here let us follow the example of jesus let us run,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 they are operating it amen habakkuk 2 4 the judge shall live by his faith,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 like the acts that the bible described in acts chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 and before you go to bed tonight like just open the word of god open romans 12 again and read on through those verses,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 romans chapter 9 yes romans 9 17 it says for the scripture says to the pharaoh for these,romans,9,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 17 courageously boldly lifting up our voices with strength colossians 3 says let the word of christ dwell in you,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 joseph in egypt we know in genesis 41 so the advice was good in the eyes of pharaoh and in the,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 i mean the story we mentioned earlier on in acts chapter 3 from verse one to eight acts chapter,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 9 to 21 romans 12 9 to 21 and when he took me,romans,12,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 9 leave your father's house and leave your relatives and come genesis 12 1. but we read about what actually happened,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 james says it all are you ready hold on to your seats james chapter 1 verses 1 to 6 in the message,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 it there's an existence there is a closest god god has said in acts 17 to be near to every one of us there's an,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 going to see any divine agenda delivered in genesis chapter 22 beginning from verse 1 to 5,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 of judgment specifically they're called acts of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 how he wants to relate with man in genesis 3 if you look at it from verse 8 and they heard the voice of the lord,genesis,3,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 8 but what i'm going to say now as we move to genesis 2 is that the relationship of humans to creation is the focus of,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 judgment god visits in wrath like in exodus 32 sometimes god visits for gracious purposes such as in exodus 4 or,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 jesus and this gives us more reason to think the child in isaiah 7 is actually fully talking about the child in isaiah,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 and we're going to do this backwards look at genesis 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,genesis,37,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 2 no wonder the bible says in the book of isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 it says who everyone as long as you're tested come,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 verse 9 isaiah 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call,isaiah,58,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 9 [applause] in acts of apostle chapter 23 it shall possibly originally,acts,23,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 1 the output of our outreaches in 2015. now acts 3 26 i read out a long time i read it fasting,acts,3,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 26 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in genesis 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,genesis,15,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 16 year haggai 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the,haggai,1,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 14 kill him as well in acts chapter 12 and you continue through the book of acts and you see the same persecution arises,acts,12,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 12 paul continues here in ephesians get back to ephesians five quick you think well james how can you know,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 to give to us in exodus chapter 2 the children of israel cried out and they sighed and,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 the head of the church. in ephesians 4 he says it again to to christ is the head of the church.,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 that's so we're gonna be this evening exodus chapter 12 we're a start in verse 1 so you got your bibles exodus 12 verse,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 makes anyone a member of god's own family and hear what he said in daniel 727 and all and the kingdom and dominion,daniel,7,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 27 polluted like the world that follow up is not effective in james chapter four verse four yeah adulterers and,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 be so familiar to the people. there are some who believe that titus chapter 3 verses 4 to 7 has all the earmarks of a,titus,3,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 4 completed everything changed chapter 13 of the book of acts chapter 13 tells us in no uncertain terms in verse 44 the,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 are we valuing others above ourselves philippians chapter two says this do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 he tells us in philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 kingdom god all the way from genesis chapter one to revelation last page of the bible and then talk about babylon,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 and in revelation chapter 22 reading from verse 17 revelation chapter 2 22 verse 17,revelation,22,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 17 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 well tears are mentioned twice in revelation 21 and that's fascinating to me anytime there's,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 heavenly places and sickness has no access to that place ephesians 6 10 to 14 finally my brethren be strong in the,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is leviticus chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,leviticus,19,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 28 now i want you to look at something you recognize that romans 14 we often think of romans 14 there's a whole,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 accept sacrifice of praise jeremiah 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,jeremiah,17,26.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 26 of the harvest acts 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women,acts,4,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 4 at isaiah chapter 34 you this was jesus saying but,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 changes for the better before them now today we want to look at james chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good,james,1,17.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 17 verse 14 jude chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 chapter 12 we're looking at verses 1 until romans chapter 12. we're looking at verse 1,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one daniel 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 know and one of those prophecies specifically on the list is deuteronomy chapter 18 and chapter 34 the idea that,deuteronomy,18,34.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 34 let me close this charge by these from revelation chapter 2 chapter 22 and,revelation,2,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 22 the poor and then when you go to james chapter 5 you'll see another division between,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 to ramp up and go a little fast here. but i know you remember the story of exodus chapter 32 because it's the story of the golden,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 by love in the new creature in galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 5,galatians,5,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 5 of the kingdom demands faith to deliver romans 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 be hard on you so keep the people threatened the people remember in acts chapter 4 the disciples when they went,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 and not you should be acts 1 8 is very clear it doesn't say after you get power you,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 requirement of the law and then in romans 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 wonder say loud amen isaiah 45 is one two three paraphrase he said don't say the law to cyrus,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 well look at isaiah 58 undoubtedly some of you are familiar with this but isaiah 58,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 verse james 1 14 so let me read it like that,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 supplication of the great revelation says let's come to revelation chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 9.,revelation,6,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 9 can be deceived by others ephesians 5 verse 6 is one of a number of references that tell us that we can,ephesians,5,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 6 growing in the book of romans chapter 12 verses 2 romans 12 verses 2 he said and be not confirmed to this word but be he,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 governor without election nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be,nehemiah,5,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 guys bear the sword in vain in romans 13 is talking about,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 appear together mercy is first except in galatians 6 and 16 because you absolutely cannot,galatians,6,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 16 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at acts chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 genesis chapter to be from verse 1 to 7 genesis 3 thank you father a law says there be someone listening to,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only titus chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only,titus,1,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 15 this morning if you would turn to the book of habakkuk one of the minor prophets and i want to look at how to,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 reading from verse 28 in verse 28 galatians chapter three there is neither jew,galatians,1,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 28 your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know romans 1 20 for since the creation of the world his,romans,1,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 2 down proverbs 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it,proverbs,3,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 back to balaam in numbers chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,numbers,31,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 31 verse 31 isaiah 10 please see them isaiah chapter 10 verse 24 amid verse 27 27 he said and it shall come to pass in,isaiah,10,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 24 was still in the navy and god spoke to me through isaiah 49 and called me to his service and one of the verses there,isaiah,49,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 god had already told adam in genesis 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree,genesis,2,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 16 go be powerful if we go to genesis 2 verses 18 through 22 when he says it's not good for,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 and thus he overcame in acts chapter 4 they gathered together for prayer they cried out to god they,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 for you and you have only to be still deuteronomy 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes,deuteronomy,20,4.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 4 conquer with him i'm looking at romans romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 power hebrews 1 3 arise and shine because,hebrews,1,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 13 now i'm speaking to you gentile so remember romans 7 he talks to the jews specifically here he talks to the,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 doesn't contradict it so if it says in romans 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 to know your creator and become more like him romans 8 from verse 12 to 13 leaving translation i want to connect,romans,8,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 12 king usa king uzziah died isaiah never saw god in all his glory second chronicles 26 from verse one to,2 chronicles,26,1.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 26 verse 1 conversion and notice this is a verse about faith hebrews 10 38 but my righteous one shall live by faith,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 actually thinking except that scripture has recommended philippians chapter 4 that whatever is good whatever is no,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 world the apostle paul in romans chapter 1 says and you're familiar with these,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 to go out and narrow and strong that's in numbers 14 and then at the end of numbers 15 you see a small little story,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 others in proverbs 11 14 it says where there is no counsel the,proverbs,11,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 14 happen by the power of god so that is haggai chapter one for further study i want to look at chapter one verse two,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 the kingdom of god now chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 verse 22,ephesians,4,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 read those two chapters sometimes genesis 13 and 14 his attitude to money abrahams and here was the same man,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 either see also romans in chapter 13 roma but if you know man you got there was,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 of healing for the sick in exodus chapter 15 reading from verse 26 look at the,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 little bit quicker but genesis 1 opens with this genesis 1 1 in the beginning who,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10 god tells what's going to happen at the,isaiah,46,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 now let's go to to galatians two verse twenty he said for i am crucified with,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 have to stay immersed in the lord now um as i said in galatians 5 to 22 the from the spirit is love joy peace,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 and more blessed to you the bible says it gives more grace james 5 6,james,5,6.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 6 um and there's there's three verses that you can take note of ezekiel 38 14 uh 38 16 and 38 18. in ezekiel 38 14 it,ezekiel,38,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 14 will you please turn to revelation the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,revelation,22,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 2 chapter 2 reading from verse 26 philippians chapter 2 verse 26 for he launched after you all,philippians,2,26.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 26 the notes blame james chapter 1 verse 26,james,1,26.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 26 abundantly in jesus name proverbs chapter 24 in proverbs chapter 24,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 seated we open the bibles to exodus chapter 14 from verse 21,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 unfamiliar place just as they did in the book of acts chapter 27 and we are fearing as a society as many people are,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 the bible tells us there very clearly he said isaiah 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 so if i look at where the shema shows up in scripture it's deuteronomy 6 it's where jesus pulled it from but,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 revelations 7 and verse 15 revelation 7 and 15. just another little description there as i,revelation,7,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 15 theme that's found throughout jeremiah 229 wherefore will you plead with me,jeremiah,2,29.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 29 genesis 5 if you're reading through genesis in genesis 5 we read about enoch he was the seventh generation from adam,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 philippians chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse eight to ten i want you to just stay,philippians,3,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 8 acts chapter 15 in particular also in colossians and galatians and things like this and i think that we're not under,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 philippians 4 verse 19 the bible says my god shall supply all your needs not some,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3mteovtywe genesis chapter 2 audio home your comedy i've been on patrol and urge to get out,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 and they were wicked and this is this is their crime repeatedly jeremiah 9 13 they forsaken my law that i set,jeremiah,9,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 13 thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 matthew chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of,daniel,9,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 24 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in genesis 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 in the presence of you all acts of the apostles chapter 5 the heavenly prince acts chapter 5,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 i think it's john chapter 21 gives me revelation chapter 21 all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 32 isaiah 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out,isaiah,32,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 15 it wasn't like that was the galatians look at galatians chapter 1 verse 7 it is which is not another,galatians,1,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 7 look at acts chapter at chapter 13 a meeting from versace age acts chapter 13 a' was such ease be it known unto you,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 a couple of examples elijah was a man with a nature like ours james 5 17. he was just like us it says remember,james,5,17.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 17 spirit proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs 17 verse 22 says a merry heart,proverbs,17,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 concentrating on his creative power genesis chapter one if you read verse one you know there was nothing,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 for believers access to the throne of god in hebrews 12 14. the bible says follow peace with,hebrews,12,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 24 attend to my words proverbs 4 22 22 give ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep,proverbs,4,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 22 your plan that's what's written in proverbs 21 5 the new living translation version,proverbs,21,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,hebrews,8,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 13 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so hebrews chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,hebrews,11,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 13 in jonah chapter 1 you can read the book read the entire book of jonah beautiful reading,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 the blasphemy okay and do that so we're hopeful towards them hebrews six does speak it seems of a of a no return,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 earth by your mighty power jeremiah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 him in the prison genesis 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,genesis,32,39.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 39 the apostles peter on the day of pentecost back in acts chapter 2 verse 31 is speaking about the death of christ,acts,2,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 31 now joel chapter 3 verse 10 joel chapter 3 verse 10 beat your plowshares,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 "offering."" now the testimony of hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4 is that abel is a model of faith.",hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 in our generation and if you turn to ephesians in chapter six,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 you remember live anika i'll quote the scripture give it its romans nine where paul prays were the most amazing but i,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 jeremiah 1 17 17 to 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight against you,jeremiah,1,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 his word to us genesis chapter 32 and verse 24 genesis 32 24,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 40 nights moses exodus 34 he was there with the lord 40 days 40 nights he neither ate bread nor,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 into a fresh sight i'm gonna go to philippians chapter 3 i'm gonna lay these texts on top of each other and i'm,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 follow with me here this morning judges chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord,judges,6,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 11 zechariah chapter 2 and verse 4 zechariah 2 4 6. he said unto him wrong,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 you have yourself and then that word will perfect them colossians chapter one i'm reading from verse 28 colossians,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 it very well when stephen preaches that great sermon in acts chapter 7 it's worth noting again he,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 power but by my spirit says the lord the struggle of romans 7 is a person trying to live romans 6 without the help of the,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 that night in exodus 15 verse 8 exodus 15 verse 8 he says breathe on the water and the water froze,exodus,15,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 8 of silence dark age but what happened as we look into the book of malachi chapter 4 verse 2,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture proverbs 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom,proverbs,1,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 11 16. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 11 to 16 uh i read it from the new king james,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 things in common and they had a verse for it acts 244 so when i visited them but you know they didn't believe in the,acts,2,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 44 open that's in the book of revelation also in isaiah 22 verse 22 he talked about the key of,isaiah,22,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 but he has a different audience so in romans when paul in romans 1 and in first corinthians chapter 6 when he,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 when christ was crucified and she's the mother of joseph and james two boys named joseph's and james these are both,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 romans chapter 12 verse 6 start from romans chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 verse 6 we,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 because proverbs 24 verses 3 to 4 proverbs 24 3 4 says true wisdom a house is built,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 that's you i got a verse for you romans 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,romans,2,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr_qkme25rw i invite you to turn to deuteronomy 29 and i hope you will because we're going,deuteronomy,29,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 1 attention back to it and i want us to just pray it one more time in acts 16 where i read you know we read about the,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 anointed and used of god and wonder how can it be we saw in numbers 24 that god is not a man that he should lie in i the,numbers,24,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 24 verse 1 forward exodus 14 15 assessing his ways,exodus,14,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 15 by looking at titles chapter 2 reading from verse 11 titus chapter 2 verse 11 it says the grace that brings,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 got to continue to know how to do proverbs 17 10 a rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding then a hundred,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 "she believed judgment was coming, and in joshua chapter two she said to the two spies,",joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him so we get to hebrews chapter 11 this is a great hall of faith,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in deuteronomy 29 29 that really just helped clarify,deuteronomy,29,29.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 29 you read acts chapter five unless i never said anything i never opened my mouth oh yes,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 chapter number 13 acts chapter 13 verse number 22 acts chapter 13 verse 22 and the new king james,acts,13,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 22 psalm 37 job asked the same questions and his friends of course didn't help because,psalms,37,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 1 the bible exactly hebrews 8 verse 12 one of the blessings of the new covenant the lord says,hebrews,8,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 12 please turn in your bibles today to the book of exodus chapter 15 and let's read again our title text for this series,exodus,15,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 15 1000 generation in psalms david always says psalm 103 verse 17,psalms,103,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 103 verse 17 be also romans chapter 12 verse 2 says that we should not be conformed unto this world,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 romans chapter 4 is the chapter open your bible i'm going to look at romans 4 for a little bit tonight,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 walls of that garrison it comes in you know it's ephesians 2 there we are lying in the power of the evil one how does it,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 he stayed with god to the end in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 he proposed as a child not to corrupt himself with,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 the works of darkness it says over in ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 also a spiritual decision proverbs chapter 22 verse 7 may you never forget this scripture for,proverbs,22,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 7 he can do it within 24 hours because in genesis chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 1 to 44,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 sinned against the lord has founded nehemiah chapter one the mi hears about the destruction of jerusalem he hears,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in deuteronomy 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be,deuteronomy,33,25.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through philippians chapter 2 verse 28,philippians,2,28.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 28 in all excuse me ephesians 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 bear with me talkative next proverbs 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said,proverbs,10,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 19 cramming it into seven proverbs chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,proverbs,9,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 doctrine look at chapter 2 of titus titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,titus,2,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 7 it was it was so fun you know it reminds me of proverbs 31 her children rise up and call her blessed,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 thanking him for protecting sweet ezra and hebrews 12 is what came to mind and suddenly the dots between those 40 days,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 pretty clearly i'll just pick this one romans 5 19.,romans,5,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 19 14 verse 9 and the companion of fools shall be destroyed god says proverbs 13 b20 a companion of fools you choose your,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 the word of god tells us in the book of isaiah chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people draw near to me with their mouth,isaiah,29,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 13 what we step into in our tomorrow isaiah 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,isaiah,29,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 11 welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in jeremiah 29 7. we are called to care about what's,jeremiah,29,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 7 verse 28 isaiah 40 verse 28 he said there's no such chain misunderstanding,isaiah,40,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 purposeful commitment to god with abiding faith we're looking at hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that's a title that comes from the book of daniel chapter 7 which identifies the messiah he is given authority to execute,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 verse well it's just the whole thing actually genesis 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature in isaiah 60 verse 22 the lord has promised us a,isaiah,60,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 22 down to the things that happen in the first century they're galatians one is a good example of this,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 why our texts will be taken from matthew,hebrews,13,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 church allow that email isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase,isaiah,49,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 disappointment let me let me start out tonight by reading from romans chapter 5 from the three to five from the new king,romans,5,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 3 that has not been known in the past in revelation 17 there is mystery babylon,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 letter you have that beautiful example of from ezekiel same time period chapter 9 the lord is bringing his hammer on his,ezekiel,9,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 1 will deliver you but when we come to daniel 6 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 then the king arose very,daniel,6,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 19 doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves james warned in 1 chapter 1 verse 22 and hereby we do,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 this earth tempted exactly like me says in hebrews chapter 2 that he was made like his brothers in everything just,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 non to believers in the tribulation we read in revelation 16 9 they were seared by the intense heat,revelation,16,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 9 there's been a particular genesis attack genesis 3 attack on the authority of god's word in this era of history and is,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 exodus chapter 7 verse 1 exodus 7 verse the almighty god said i have made thee a god,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 their agenda i scott dear agenda the people genesis chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible,genesis,15,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 2 to become the devil how many times only two according to revelation chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,revelation,2,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 11 verse 8. acts chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 abraham and in genesis chapter 12 god says this the lord said to abram leave your native,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 probably became even more meaningful to you during that time uh found in isaiah 43 and i just want to read these verses,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 that we're talking about in jeremiah chapter 31 in a season of terrible difficulty for the people of,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 faith plays such an important role abram did a great job on that uh yesterday i believe it was hebrews 11 1. now faith,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 and tired of his defeated life he read romans chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,romans,7,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 7 is that because the act of the covenant is tried tested and true numbers chapter 17,numbers,17,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 1 is i would like to go but only do not go far away exodus 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything,exodus,8,28.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 28 is for the good we're coming to ezekiel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel,ezekiel,11,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 need for god because nehemiah prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant,nehemiah,1,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 5 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 daniel it says and in his state shall stand up,daniel,11,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 21 go on in the society let us look at the book of proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 it says see as thou a man,proverbs,22,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 the waters upon the darkness it hovered in genesis 1 verse 2. so yes god the father god the son god the holy spirit,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 as i conclude in isaiah 61 and verse 2,isaiah,61,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 2 psalm 45 7. and acts chapter 13 and verse 52 he said acts 13 52 and disciples who are,acts,13,52.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 52 romans 5 and verse 12 in the new king james version it says therefore just as true one man sin entered into the word,romans,5,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 12 tell you how that really plays out today and the next part in acts chapter 12 is really going to drive this,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 danger with disconnected life and i picked that out from joshua chapter seven in the chapter 7 we read about a,joshua,7,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 7 through me you see because in genesis chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will,genesis,28,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 28 house from the farm he was sold out as a slave but genesis chapter 39,genesis,39,39.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 39 refuge that's the term that we're getting in hebrews numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,numbers,25,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 28 those sinful people in ezekiel chapter 17 chapter 24 you have ezekiel,ezekiel,17,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 1 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in revelation chapter 6 reading from verse 15,revelation,6,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 15 a lie and a publicity together if you read revelation 22 verse retail revelation consumer sweetie if we are,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 proverbs chapter 4 proverbs chapter 4 i'm reading here from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son,proverbs,4,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 2 a loophole to step into ephesians 4 verse 26 that we read be angry but say no don't let the sun go,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 what are their alternate views of genesis 5. one alternate view is that this is based,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 so he goes joshua one verse nine this is my comment,joshua,1,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 9 low in most countries of the world the job opportunities are low in most parts of the world kobe 19 is a problem so,job,19,1.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 1 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 want you to study isaiah chapter 61 from the beginning to the end isaiah chapter 61 one to the end god bless you i will,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 presentations of the evidence they need something intellectual but romans 1 tells us that man's problem is not most,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 believed to ignites hope in the book of romans chapter 4 verse 17 and 18. look at what the word,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 this coming sunday in acts chapter 10 verse 3 the angel of the lord appeared to,acts,10,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 3 "they also should have known what isaiah said in isaiah chapter 43 where...chapter 53, i'm sorry, that great chapter on the messiah.",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 deuteronomy chapter 34 we will read the first six verses deuteronomy chapter 34 begin with verse 1 and moses went up,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 five it is king the death of a righteous person is gained philippians 1 21. for to meet to live is christ and to die,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 see him the way he is described in revelation 21 so let's look at revelation 21 now we can just kind of,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 pastor john's messages and what phil johnson preached from from philippians 3 we could kind of summarize in one,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 [music] exodus chapter 3 exodus chapter three from the swine to,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 shall be jeremiah chapter 17 verse i 11 verse 10 the heart of man is deep,jeremiah,17,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 then after that the end part of revelation chapters 21 and 22 describe a new heaven and a new earth because the,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 their enemies but you know it's really interesting in deuteronomy 1 2 this is what it says it says when god was taking,deuteronomy,1,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 2 we read as you turn to the last two verses of ecclesiastes 12 what is the conclusion of everything the conclusion,ecclesiastes,12,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 1 and if you take a trip to heaven in revelation chapter 5 everybody around the throne is singing,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 neither will he spare you he can cut you off so humble yourself romans chapter 12 in knew of this fantastic gospel and,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and you don't get to know his name and a guru in proverbs 30 says if only i knew then i could know god,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 that he does not fall that god is saving from death remember in james chapter 1 we read that in japan,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 forsake us neither will he forget us in isaiah chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said,isaiah,44,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 21 "verses 12 to 15, and exodus 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",exodus,10,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 10 verse 21 reading isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is,isaiah,52,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 dating process now let's flip over to romans 12 real quick into romans 12 and 2 this is why it's so important we renew,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 ask and you will receive when james 4 says that you do not have because you do not ask,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 written the just shall live by faith all right next one galatians of the three verse 11,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 find where we're supposed to go beginning sources and god said genesis 11 you know that's in the bible god said,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 new converts that must be discipled jeremiah 12 5 says if you've run with the footmen and they have where'd you,jeremiah,12,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 of disobedience ezekiel 18 24 to 25 you'll be doing righteousness you turn,ezekiel,18,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 24 and the second half is for everybody then they have become judges of the word of god no 1 corinthians 11 the first,1 corinthians,11,1.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 don't count the seventh the lord penned in book of revelation chapters two and three the major doctrinal ones are,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 mighty name we are prayed there is a story in genesis 38 we are still praying,genesis,38,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 38 verse 1 according to in the case of all the apostles look at acts of the apostles were looking at chapter 9,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 "to eternal glory. so we have been looking at romans 8 to refocus on the holy spirit, to fully embrace him in",romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 what paul did in romans chapter two you said in romans chapter two you who say you shall not steal do you steal you say,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 god and man are separated there is a veil between god and man genesis 3 we said recorded the story of the divorce,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 jesus and whatever for jesus hebrews chapter 13 reading from verse 8 hebrews,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 the most untapped resource in the body of christ and it's right here in romans 5 14 15 14 excuse me,romans,5,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 14 "he is the creator."" that's what colossians 1 says. that's what it says throughout scripture.",colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 significant how many of you know the exodus 19 comes before exodus 20 does everybody know that okay you're ready to,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 "its pastor is a church that is yet imperfect. the apostle paul in philippians 3 said, ""not as though i have attained...""",philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 thank god for that look at job chapter 29 reading from verse 12 of job chapter 29,job,29,12.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 12 ignorance in the word of god it says in isaiah chapter 4 my people are destroyed through lack of knowledge ok that's the,isaiah,4,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 1 demons but acts 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure,acts,20,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 29 misery bondage sickness loss calamity evil occurrence zephaniah 3 19. zephariana 319 says the niv and energy,zephaniah,3,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 19 of the scripture we read earlier glory be to jesus the book of james chapter 1,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 you will see your health bounce to back praise the lord right now genesis 3 verse 8 you will not be able to go there,genesis,3,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 8 because you know sometimes like again in that passage in romans 8 sometimes we don't know what to pray,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 you must or we must always control your tongue james 3 james 3 chapter we are going to see the,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 that were happening there but when you read acts of apostle chapter 3 verse 8,acts,3,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 8 filmed it tells us in jeremiah chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse,jeremiah,23,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 23 9 hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 it says but we see jesus was made a little lower than,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 you need these things he has promised philippians chapter 4 verse 19 that he will meet all of our needs according to,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 revelation chapter 13 he's mentioned as the beast in revelation 13 he is going to come on the world scene first as a,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 every human being on earth is a zero and also daniel 4 verse 35 i haven't finished daniel 4 verse 35 not only he counts god,daniel,4,35.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 35 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at hebrews chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,hebrews,3,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 2 of his success he told us in the book of psalms 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7,psalms,71,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 71 verse 7 and here's what the bible says about him in hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 to 26 it was by faith that moses when he grew,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 meet on this earth so but think about two sentences in genesis 12 verse 2 i will bless you the greatest blessing god,genesis,12,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 2 maybe for you six seven for me what romans 6 7 he that is dead is freed from sin i'm tired of bondage i'm tired of,romans,6,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 7 so it was fulfilled daniel chapter 2 verstappen said,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 that like what they were looking at last night in isaiah 63 64 deuteronomy 28 psalm 80,isaiah,63,64.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 64 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in acts 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,acts,24,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 16 because in joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 land acts chapter 20. verse 32 and now i commend you unto god,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 who engage in the works of the flesh galatians chapter 5 22 verse 21 galatians five 22 21 the abominable unbelieving,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 verse 16 where we got a team for this old teaching series uh romans 1 16 and 17 for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from daniel chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 amen let me comment from this angular in romans chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says that the,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 a greater amen acts chapter 5 reading from bastardi age and now i see unto you refrain from,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 before the fall and right here in this point in the story in esther chapter 5 when haman comes home and devises this,esther,5,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 1 is the ultimate definition of faith you know hebrews chapter 11 it tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that's chapter four so open your bible to ephesians chapter four and i want to read the opening six,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 verse five romans chapter four reading from verse five,romans,4,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 5 and then you may please visited deuteronomy chapter 28. deuteronomy chapter 28,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and job 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every,job,19,25.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 25 you'll agree what we saw already in revelation four and five although we didn't look into five,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 collusion chapter three from verse five colossians three from verse five new living translation says so put to death,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in genesis chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 people and the sheep of his pasture and look at deuteronomy chapter 10 while reading from verse 12 we're following,deuteronomy,10,12.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 12 the bible says in romans chapter 1 verse 17,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 be saved and then he come to know the lord acts of the apostles chapter 13,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 multiplication not addition multiplication because in genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18,genesis,22,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 15 it's taken from job chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,job,1,13.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 13 is like a stubborn goat it's also seen ezekiel chapter 34 ezekiel chapter 34,ezekiel,34,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 affect you because you are not alone infrastructure level verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5 that we will good let's say that,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 society to keep on growing and growing and it tells us in genesis we're looking at chapter 1 verse 27 genesis chapter 1,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 chapter eight from verse five to eight acts chapter eight verse five to eight the bible says then philip went down to,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis chapter 17 verse when god told ibrahim i am the all sufficient god,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 i will not forsake you hebrews 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 with ephesians 6 which is a battle passage where it tells us to take on,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 of the trial here tonight in this message on daniel chapter six,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 there's much more than that see ephesians 1 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 one too it's awesome yeah i mean romans say 28 is so true right he causes all things to,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 proverbs 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost,proverbs,21,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 17 15 or proverbs 16 verse 24 says kind words are like honey sweet to the taste and,proverbs,16,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 24 does the bible said when we are saved now in romans chapter 10 verse 9 he said if we confess with your mouth that jesus,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 so here is a word in philippians chapter 2 where it says in verse 13,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 we're talking about we looked at daniel we looked at ezekiel we've looked genesis chapter 5 with psalm 22 isaiah,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 in genesis chapter 41 verse 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talked about joseph there was,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 so by the time we go to acts chapter 4 by 6 to 14 acts for 6 to 14 it was equal to c2 the elders of israel if you are,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 in the lord in jesus name hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews chapter 3 verse 14,hebrews,3,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 your what says in acts 19 11 that,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 i want us to declare psalms 1 verses one two three let's go,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 pentecost when three thousand got baptized that romans six was not even written and even after it was written,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 they shall they offering be acceptable as in former times malachi chapter 3 1 to 3 the holy ghost is the refined as fire,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 further let's go back to genesis chapter 11 genesis 11 verse 27 now these are the generations of terah and you see what,genesis,11,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 27 priests and we shall reign on earth bible passage genesis chapter 1 26 to 28 that was when god said let us make man,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 what is to say when you read isaiah chapter 61 from verse 1 to 3. isaiah 61 from verse,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 60 oh sorry isaiah 61 we'll read from verse 1 we only read verse 1 in isaiah,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 chapter 12 uh isaiah chapter 12 from from uh verse three down to six isaiah,isaiah,12,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 3 james chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17,james,4,17.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 17 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god romans chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 came to come before god in his thoughts isaiah 66 2 says it's that second half of that verse but to this one i will,isaiah,66,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 2 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in revelation 114 the way they're using it he's two,revelation,11,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 4 revelation to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw,isaiah,12,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 3 no wonder the bible makes us to understand in hebrews chapter 6 beginning from verse 16 and down to,hebrews,6,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 16 louder amen moses in deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 9 told the children of israel,deuteronomy,7,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 9 said no no no i rebuke you in the name of jesus in james chapter 4 verse 7 james for myself on the bible says if,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 titles chapter 3 we're reading from verse 5. in titus chapter 3 verse 5 not by walks of righteousness,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 my name is ayadel watobi and i'm going to recite in ephesians chapters 1 and 2 from the right standard version,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 the beast that kills the best genesis 49 are we there and get up call unto your sons and say,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 job chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the,job,1,5.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 5 check out isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 says in job chapter 2 verse 4 let me paraphrase i've studied man for a,job,2,4.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 4 hello amen zechariah 12 10 and i will pour upon the house of david and upon the inhabitants,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 going and another testimony i want to share with you is also from uh isaiah that is from chapter 49 and that also,isaiah,49,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 romans eight you know they say the romans say he said the spirit of christ is in you the spirit of god is in you,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 on gog and the nations the end of ezekiel 38 is awesome because the nations will know that god,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of james on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,james,4,5.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 5 in your life in jesus name in isaiah chapter 55 i read from verse 10 i say chapter 55,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 riches in glory by christ jesus philippians four last nineteen and as he is spiritual if you read the story that,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 a literal israel not a spiritualization or something like that now turn to acts chapter 3 and in acts 3 i think maybe,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 pours forth speech it's speaking you remember what we saw in romans chapter 1 that they're left without an excuse why,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 through all this crisis you know the bible says in isaiah 60 uh when when you read from verse one said i write shine,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 faith romans 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 in jesus name we have prayed romans chapter 2 verse 13 says for not the hearers of the law are just,romans,2,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 13 during a sunday service as i was preaching through romans 7 and using the passage of paul wrestling with why do i,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 uh credit righteousness to abraham's account genesis 15 6. now two chapters later he,genesis,15,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 6 and sisters and that's why romans 1 begins with creation,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 what is message that moses preaches in the book of deuteronomy 34 chapters i'm getting you ready to go,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 hates and then here's one from proverbs proverbs 17 and verse number three the refining pot is for silver and the,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of revelation before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,revelation,1,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 19 the victors revelations of the 21 verse 7 revelation 21 verse 7 who are those people that could sit in that evil oppresses,revelation,21,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 7 of the fruit of a man's action jeremiah 17 verse 10 he says i have the lord such the earth,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5xlq3hl6qi deuteronomy 6 verse 2 that thou mightest fear that thou mightest fear the lord,deuteronomy,6,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 2 if you believe he said louder amen how about isaac in genesis chapter 26 and verse one the bible tells us,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 give up that habit please turn to isaiah 58. isaiah 58 the lord says,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 learned that a path for us was faithful in colossians 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful,colossians,4,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 9 contain narrative literature narrative and then the final six chapters daniel 7 through 12,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 quotes this verse and then he quotes leviticus chapter 19,leviticus,19,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 1 is daniel in daniel 10 daniel refused to take no for an answer and,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 round up jude there's only just one chapter verse six,jude,1,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 6 when i was preaching through the book of philippians and uh we came to chapter 4 verse 6,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 good message to go and and listen to from micah 6 8 from pastor andy okay i'm gonna,micah,6,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 8 the eyes of god and we read that in deuteronomy 18 then there are the sins of occultism there is terrible much of,deuteronomy,18,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 1 two three it will be displayed on the screen for ease of reference psalms chapter one verses one two three let's,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 listen to these words of moses in deuteronomy 6 write these commandments and i've given you today on your hearts,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 bible's in the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 12 and i will read,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 bless the lord o my soul look at some for isaiah 44 reading from verse 28,isaiah,44,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 28 of pride isaiah chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,isaiah,17,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 17 verse 11 things more become new equally philippians 2 12 to 13. we are for my beloved as he has also,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 chapter 29 we're looking at verse 11 isaiah 29 11 and the vision of all is become,isaiah,29,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 11 in acts chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,acts,8,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 26 new when did that happen in your life and then he tells us in romans chapter 10 verse 10 for what the heart,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 but rather it is a choice it's a choice that you make joshua 24 verse,joshua,24,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 1 because only a generation passed after joshua made that statement when we read in judges 2 10 but another generation,judges,2,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 1 11 1 and 9 in numbers 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you,numbers,11,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 4 "well it is in one place in the old testament, daniel 7 verse 13 and 14, the only time the son of man ever refers to messiah.",daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 matthew 8 which is a quotation from isaiah 53 verse for that was not fulfilled on the cross like i said,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 prophecy that spoke about tongues was in isaiah 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with,isaiah,28,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 11 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage joel chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,joel,2,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 25 that god would vindicate him he was very sure of that job chapter 23 in verse 10 he says but he know it the,job,23,1.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 1 first came here one of the things that i i wanted us to do was go to isaiah 58 and go to,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 we committed hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 to 8. and that will keep the windows of heaven,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 or a glorious destiny we are very familiar with that romans chapter 8 verse 29 to 30.,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 perform it ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 ezekiel chapter 12,ezekiel,12,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 just dis turn back to isaiah 5 there just a minute turn back to isaiah 5 you know we started out in isaiah 5 we were,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 sanctification we're like it says in proverbs 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 in the last days let me show you a verse in daniel and chapter 11 and daniel chapter 11 we read,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 is only coverable until god says ooh in isaiah chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19,isaiah,43,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 18 only problem is dan's a trumpet too again the word of the lord ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1.,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 new and then like one or two verses in psalms and proverbs each and so i was in john chapter 19 did i just say that i,psalms,19,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 1 related to christ but let's let's read on jeremiah 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation,jeremiah,18,8.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 8 baba says face such lucas's tompa if is ephesians 6 verse 10 the doctrine o queen on inkosi nasir montini are you,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 makes a difference numbers 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 of these two doctrines. romans 9 and 10. chapter 1 through 8 is paul explaining the,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 the bible speaking clearly tells us in james 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 you and so if you think about the example of philip in the book of acts um i think chapter five or six i'm sorry,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 in a world wind to heaven again it says in psalms 68 17 the chariots of god,psalms,68,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 68 verse 17 say let us therefore label hebrews chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest,hebrews,4,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 11 when he may be found call upon him when his name isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,isaiah,55,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 that we know so much about from the book of daniel and in daniel chapter 2 a couple of,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 man of power of love and absent mind amen and proverbs 28 1 says the righteous as both as a lion,proverbs,28,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 james one tells you a double to minded man received nothing from god james three tells you you speak blessings of cursing,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 [music] revelation chapter 17 revelation chapter 17,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 you grow a wisdom at the summit colossians chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 never god's will intention and he never condones it god's will is genesis 2 24 for this sake a man shall leave his,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 the future he chose us in christ before genesis 1 verse 1 right at the beginning and he placed us in christ or something,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 do it now in galatians chapter 6 galatians galatians chapter 6 9 to 10 this is what he said 9 to 10 and let us,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 but belief without behavior in the case of james chapter 3 belief without confession without saying something,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 through your life in jesus name amen now welcome to hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 philippians 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 of faith the power of faith look at hebrews chapter 11 reading from botswana now faith is,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 wisdom is characterized in proverbs chapter 8 as a person,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that exodus 23 verse 25 and 26,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 comes for the power of the holy spirit over in the book of isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 here another director not for,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 light matthew chapter 12 verse 40 it speaks about jonah in the whale's belly in the sea monsters belly for three days,jonah,12,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 4 you won't be able to make it in in romans 8 when it talks about we know that all things work together for,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 be finally preserved in philippians chapter 1 verse 10,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 the gospel james one of the least one of at least three james is referred to in the new testament the jewish historian,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 there in psalms 26 i wash my hands and innocent and go around your altar o lord if we,psalms,26,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 26 verse 1 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in isaiah 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old,isaiah,53,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 7 obey your parents ephesians 6 1 what does that mean submit to authority whatever,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 of the shepherd he is all sufficient hebrews chapter 13,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 fire to go down even in leviticus chapter 6 verse starting the bible says the fire,leviticus,6,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 1 six don't quote me on that but i believe it was in daniel chapter six somewhere around there where they the daniels,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 keep and guide our heart that is in proverbs chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 gentiles are fulfilled which you can you can relate this to possibly to romans chapter 11 where where paul says that,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 and the glory we see the same thing in acts 2 verses 1 & 2 when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 ought to be righteous in fact we are told in revelation chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. revelation chapter 19,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 thou shall not have any other god with me exodus 20 4 5,exodus,20,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 4 revelation fire list back up to revelation 4 just to get this incredible context john now john was the longest,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 what you should do with your mouth ephesians 4 15 ephesians 4 15,ephesians,4,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 15 to be sent into captivity and king jehoiakim we read about in jeremiah 36 was the second to last king before the,jeremiah,36,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 36 verse 1 which is in us paul talks about it a lot in romans 7 as we already said now we had looked at the contrast between the,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 is somebody saying they want fear amen revelation chapter 12 and verse 7 and 8 and there was war in heaven michael and,revelation,12,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 7 habakkuk chapter 2 verse four ibaka to was four romans 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17 galatians 3 verse 11 galatians 3 verse 11 and,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 of your destiny let's open our bibles to the book of james chapter 4 and we are going to read verses 13 and 14 the book,james,4,13.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 13 of egypt in jeremiah chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,jeremiah,2,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we're reading from verse,proverbs,22,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 1 pray a party to isaiah 58 10 and 11 you want to say father please satisfy me not,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in genesis chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,genesis,20,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 3 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in revelation chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,revelation,2,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 7 pregnancy it is what proverbs chapter 23 and verse 18 the expectation of the righteous shall,proverbs,23,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 he is the great high priest who intercedes for his people right hebrews 2 17 and 18.,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 and knowledge to men of understanding daniel chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 in all aspects of this commission numbers 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 freedom and come in and deal with us in acts chapter 2 they were the church was formed by the baptism of the spirit,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 important reminds me of paul's life in acts 20 when people's how paul you don't want to,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 against us in galatians chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,galatians,3,14.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 14 to have the mastery as cheer on in hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 1. hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 1,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 there wasn't death before but by time you get to genesis chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,genesis,4,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 8 where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 daniel speaking here in verse 31 you o king were,daniel,2,31.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 31 to be saved acts of the apostles chapter 3,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 the grace of god to abound say god forbid god forbid that's romans 6 1 you cannot continue with god and,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 that's why you find in the second verse of genesis chapter 1 the earth became void and empty the earth become,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 world changers we are occurring from the book of romans chapter 1 verse 11,romans,1,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 11 able to get hold of my crime revelation 3 11 revelation 3 talks about when you hold fast you'll be,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 there was a prophecy genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,genesis,15,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 13 in this sign notice joel 2 11 the lord utters his voice,joel,2,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 11 burning burning bonnie isaiah chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of,isaiah,4,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 4 where the fulfillment of the joel 2 scripture was shown in the book of acts 2 when the day of pentecost came and the,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 let me help someone this morning acts chapter 4 and verse 16 acts 4 16 the bible says what shall we do to this man,acts,4,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 16 the bible said in romans chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 of peter because we discovered by time we got to acts chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 in genesis 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24 joseph had a dream referred to his,genesis,37,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 23 the same milk of the word were told in acts chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2,acts,2,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 14 a final day ezekiel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 a meeting from verse,ezekiel,11,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 1 when you get to esther chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,esther,7,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 9 "in 2 chronicles 36 verse 14 and 15, you see in the days of jeremiah and ezekiel, they are prophesying to judah and to israel under the tyranny of",2 chronicles,36,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 36 verse 14 talks about this and i want to know what the bible says about it proverbs 31 verses 4 through 7 it says it is not for,proverbs,31,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 4 and that can lead to death as seen in genesis 32 7 we can also note this down to in first,genesis,32,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 7 it we also saw in james 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 of heaven comes down to affect the entire world it starts in revelation 4 which is the throne room the very,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 who work hard will prosper in proverbs 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,proverbs,29,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 22 husband dies romans 7 to then she's free so if while her husband is living he's talking about,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 fruit of the spirit for example in galatians 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 that scripture back on the screen for me isaiah 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 dies on a cross he rises from the dead and then we just read it in acts chapter one forty days he appears on earth and,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 in that place you know it had an effect on them in fact in philippians 1 i won't read it now but he says he tells the,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 as a church since the year began zephaniah 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly romans chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like,romans,11,36.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 36 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again genesis 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,genesis,13,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 18 that's what jacob said in chapter 28 of genesis and so the next time,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 number four very very important focus on jesus revelation 19 verse 10 tells us the essential nature of prophecy and,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 16 deuteronomy 16 for read together verse 1 16 verse one tells us,deuteronomy,16,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 1 he began to write and he said i believe daniel 11 was only history written after the,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 thoughts that i think are valuable look at what jude 3 says beloved although i was very eager to write to you about our,jude,3,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 1 this judgment seat again in leviticus 16 15 to 17,leviticus,16,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 15 then such a person cannot see god genesis chapter 6 in genesis chapter 6 we're reading from,genesis,6,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 6 he said in matthew 10 do you know that if you love your job or your money more than jesus jesus' you're not even worthy,matthew,10,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 1 that we need to run from let's pick up reading in ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave the apostles the prophets,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 proverbs chapter 16 at verse 16 tonight proverbs chapter 16 and verse 16. how much better is it to get wisdom than,proverbs,16,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 16 when the wicked rule the people mourn in isaiah chapter 61 and,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 babylon is got two things about babylon revelation 17 getting involved with politics and,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 their attitude during it it's in nehemiah chapter 7 and i have too much tonight to study through it but it's,nehemiah,7,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 1 who is uh you know always prepared to succeed isaiah 55 from verse 10 55 understand you can put that up for me,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 there because i have denied by heart but will turn their there in ezekiel 16 there is a condemnation of israel and,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 daniel went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,daniel,1,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 3 in about the flood please turn back to ezekiel 13 please i want to show you how this,ezekiel,13,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 1 verse 19 to 24 galatians 5 19 to 24 he begins to explain the things that happen when you,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 and we're reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,hebrews,2,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams genesis 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible,genesis,20,36.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 36 let's look at it together deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 29.,deuteronomy,29,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 1 promises of god yes and amen deuteronomy chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,deuteronomy,33,25.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 be born speaking lies in ephesians chapter 2,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 he preached on one of his messages on prayer isaiah 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the,isaiah,62,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 we're told that in ezekiel 39 now we're told here in zechariah 14 sorry sakura chapter 12 that right on the back of,ezekiel,39,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 39 verse 1 in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4. the bible said,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 parts genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 the bible,genesis,18,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 9 we need to have a fear of the lord in order to come to him also in philippians chapter 2 12 says therefore my beloved,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 chapter 3 were looking at four six hebrews chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,hebrews,3,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 6 between jew and gentile now notice also another thing look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 10 what's happening is we've got,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of job 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 you give in abundance you will get back in abundance here proverbs chapter 3 verse 10 says so shall thy bands be,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 belly of the fish it's used in isaiah 44 23 to refer to the created earth,isaiah,44,23.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 23 in proverbs chapter 17 verse night proverbs 17 the bible said anyone who covers is,proverbs,17,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 17 has proved true in my life proverbs 11 25 says this he in second half of proverbs 11 25 is he,proverbs,11,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 relationship between the ezekiel 9 passage and revelation 7 like how to how they work together i don't know off the,ezekiel,9,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 1 repented and they were saved here's an example in ezekiel chapter 18 verse 30 god speaking to israel he says therefore,ezekiel,18,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 3 with him romans 6 satan was defeated on the cross colossians 2 and hebrews 2 and here's another thing that happened on,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 so prayer is classified as label in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 11 and verse 12,romans,12,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 11 wrong way patience hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 tells us we follow the prophets who through faith,hebrews,6,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 everyone so died for his old iniquity jeremiah 31 verse study i cannot believe that god will pass judgment upon our,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 many others to christ and to this church romans 8 30. over whom it did predestinate them he also called on whom,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 and that means titus 2 applies to you and by titus 2 we mean titus 2 verses 3 through,titus,2,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 3 is i'll listen to a couple sermons specifically on colossians 2 and then maybe follow that church's series,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 all human blessings flew in ephesians chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 was worth the wait proverbs 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,proverbs,8,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 27 guard rails around you jude 20 says beloved praying in the holiest building,jude,20,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 1 where the epistles begin romans chapter 1 paul verse 1 identifies himself as the,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 for you on what you should do next proverbs 1115 says whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely,proverbs,11,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 15 chapter without utilizing that word isaiah 13 and verse 11 i will punish the world for,isaiah,13,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 nor of their stealing sins turn to chapter 16 of revelation revelation chapter 16,revelation,16,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 1 problem should never been to to baptism it should have been immersed and so romans chapter 6 says that we were immersed in,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 the death of the righteous reading from numbers chapter 23 verse 10 and i just want to read the last half of,numbers,23,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 1 your offerings and your bond sacrifices it's a commandment numbers 10 10. so in case you came along with your,numbers,10,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 1 from the wrath he was gonna bring onto them another one joel chapter 2 these are all similar they're all about human,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 i think they learnt it from god proverbs chapter 11,proverbs,11,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 is for your glory in isaiah chapter 61 from verse one to three isa 61 from verse one to three,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 and i go back to the name of god that he pronounces over in exodus 34 o the lord the lord god merciful and,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 the future messiah dying for our sins and that's isaiah 53 it says that he was oppressed and,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 the mother's womb had already died genesis chapter 21 from verse 1 to 7 genesis 21 from verse 1 to 7.,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 it's an offering of fellowship i'm galatians 3 verses 27 and 28 says this for as many of you as were baptized into,galatians,3,27.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 27 ignorant of the resurrection that will take place job chapter 19 reading from verse 25 i know that my redeemer liveth,job,19,25.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 25 its blood to ensure that protection before we turn to exodus 12 let me just read a sentence from 1st corinthians,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 4 6 to 7 philippians 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 the way you should praise him several things up for example in acts chapter 16 verse 25 to 34 at 16 25 to 34 when paul,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 is there a promise for me to believe and there are promises right here in isaiah chapter 40 for us to believe here they,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 through me being dead to self and alive to god in galatians 6 and verse 14 the bible tells us therefore the apostle,galatians,6,14.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 14 are you a disciplined person in the book of genesis chapter 27 we read about the the story of um,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter acts 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he,acts,21,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 21 verse 8 this retreat and begin to operate as god when you read exodus 7 1 god spoke to moses and said i have made you god unto,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 as a king he is a political leader in daniel 7. sorry daniel 9 he is called the prince,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 there um but what we see in this passage revelation 20 verses 7 through 9 it's really,revelation,20,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 7 paul told us in that philippians 3 13 to 15. he said brethren i can't not myself to,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 6 in deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,deuteronomy,30,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 important this for you say this for me acts chapter 10 verse 44,acts,10,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 44 here's what scripture says in hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14.,hebrews,3,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 to genesis chapter 17 i reserve until anything genesis everything anything genesis 17 17 through 218 then deborah,genesis,17,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 17 ephesians 5 from verse 25 to 27 ephesians 5 4 25 to 27 made it clear crisis coming back,ephesians,5,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 4 "but it isn't just satan's plot to kill jesus, as we heard peter say from acts 2 to it is god's predetermined plan.",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 that was the transformation of all transformations look at philippians chapter 3 just a couple more of these,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 of your heart then there's romans chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 was dealing with his difficulties in chapter 19 job says my relatives stay far away,job,19,1.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 1 like you to turn to that and a close hebrews chapter 6 to unchangeable things the holy spirit says through the writer,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeknndbtaps turn into acts chapter 9 here this morning acts chapter 9 and i,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 occasions he gathered his brothers around in genesis 37 and he said guys i've had a dream i had,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 chapter 4 verse 2 hebrews 4 verse 2 says is there a people who hear the word of,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 you to give light to the heart isaiah 49 verse 6 isaiah 49 verse 6 i will also give you,isaiah,49,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 6 can i hear the loudest amen jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual jeremiah 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,jeremiah,50,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 50 verse 17 capital city of heaven and that final abode of his children revelation 3 12 calls it again the city of my god the,revelation,3,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 12 the new living translation let's start from there today habakkuk chapter two uh from verse two down to five in a new,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 according to the missionary prophecy of isaiah chapter 53 when you read from verse 1 who has believed our report unto,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 for us there's more information on the same story in deuteronomy 9 so in deuteronomy 9 we hear a little more,deuteronomy,9,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 9 verse 1 in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost they were just sitting there,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 knowledge romans chapter 10 verse 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 turn with me to the book of romans romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then,romans,13,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 4 the law entered talking about the law of moses romans 5 the law entered that sin might increase not as the jews thought,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 backwardness three no more rene's number one this is you exodus chapter 23 exodus chapter 23,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 but of spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies that's ephesians 6 and so we have to constantly be looking,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 isaiah chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,isaiah,12,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 3 the grace i wanted to pray according to acts that are one verse eight that says you will receive power when the holy,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 that we live in this way all the time turn with me now to acts 24 in acts 20 for me read about paul giving,acts,24,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 1 exodus 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,exodus,24,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 2 and then when you read genesis chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible,genesis,9,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 2 second character was abraham himself in genesis 18 this is 18 when you read i think from verse 1 the bible says that,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 the most important chapter is definitely isaiah 53 where we see the lamb the lamb that is led before the shira's sheared,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 we have sinned it is ownership it is daniel chapter 9 same prayer saying petitioner when he saw and understood,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 time ago appropriate that healing today by declaring it in your life exodus 23 25 and 26 he said and you shall serve,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 we are going to read galatians 5 19 to 21 galatians 5 verses 19 to 21 i,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 you know in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 prepared for every good work isaiah 14 1 isaiah 41 15 says behold i will make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 flood please reduction i said to please ephesians 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,ephesians,1,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 let's look at this together colossians as you know is a wonderful colossians 1 especially is a wonderful,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 voice of the lord our god jeremiah 6 10 they cannot listen behold the word of,jeremiah,6,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 1 die romans 5 19 romans 5 19 god didn't want anyone to die,romans,5,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 19 he was honest about it and he cries out in romans 7 says oh wretched man that i am who shall,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 i will trust in you you will see that in the book of psalms chapter 56 verse 3,psalms,56,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 56 verse 3 advance the common judgments we had the story in genesis chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,genesis,18,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 17 were to read the book of daniel chapters 9 and 10 you will find out that daniel was a man like you and i who embarked on,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 trying to say right if i got you right is this now when man fell in genesis chapter three,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 here's your homework assignment if you want to read isaiah 59 verse 2 starting in verse 20 and just keep on reading right,isaiah,59,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 2 9 6. isaiah 9 6 says his name will be called and it lists these things,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 trial money of victory for example in genesis chapter 32 you can read the whole story from verse 1 to the end,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 when he said we look at acts chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,acts,21,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 21 verse 12 in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse exodus 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point,exodus,22,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 22 verse 16 which workers by love it tells us in galatians chapter 6 reading from verse 15 galatians chapter,galatians,6,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 15 "now if you want the details of that, you read revelation 6 to 19 and you have the details. then at the end of that period of time, verse",revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 other god for the lord whose name is jealous is a jealous god deuteronomy 4 for the lord your god is a consuming,deuteronomy,4,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 "the one who sought him. and then proverbs 8 verse 17 says, ""those who diligently seek me will find me.""",proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 this chapter alone. isaiah 53 then becomes a summary of the gospel in the sense that it is a summary of what,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 hallelujah proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7. the decision to contend for superior,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 the first martyr in the christian church we first hear about stephen in acts chapter 6,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 in business but look at god's description of job in job chapter 1 and verse 8 and 9. this is,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 here's eve's pride genesis 4 verse 1 eve conceived and she gave birth to,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 praise god i said praise god exodus chapter 10 exodus chapter 10,exodus,10,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 10 verse 1 supernatural growth requires prayer acts 13 44 the next sabbath day,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 10. esther chapter 1 verse 10 the story of esther chapter 1 verse 10 on the seventh,esther,1,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 1 chapter one i'm reading from verses galatians chapter one and we're reading from verse six one,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 find it in ephesians 5 you can find it in colossians 3 don't be deceived let no one deceive you with empty words,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 good works that you're equipped for okay proverbs 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,proverbs,30,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 5 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 performance of his promise performance of his promise in genesis chapter 18 it will be a good thing to read from verse,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 us to heaven we're looking in attacks of the apostles chapter 20 acts of the apostles chapter 20 and i'm reading to,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 he got to the top i mean by time you read genesis chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50,genesis,50,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 15 of consistency worship on the altar of prayer in genesis 24 verse 1 he said abraham was old and well,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 nothing created that wasn't created by him in genesis 1 it says god created in the beginning god created in john 1 it,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 actually when i read hebrews chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,hebrews,12,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 13 from verse 1 to 10 ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 10. you know this story is a story of the,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 revelation chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 genesis chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and,genesis,30,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 2 that i was going to speak on chapter 4 and if you watched my philippians bible study with me series you might remember,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 you philippians 2 12 and 13 says work out your salvation,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 this is messiah in isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 here it says there shall come forth a road,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 just study the passage then we'll look at the debate deuteronomy 24 one through four says when a man takes a wife and,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 fact the kind of god that we have when you get to the end of romans 10 somebody open up to romans 10 and i want you to,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of exodus chapter 39 verse 13,exodus,39,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 39 verse 13 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read joshua chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible,joshua,10,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 11 actually use the word martyr acts chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus name in most chapter 4 amos chapter 4 children of israel they never learned their lesson they,amos,4,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 1 but god leader james chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,james,1,16.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 16 it you know proverbs 9 10 says the fear of the lord this type of fear of god is the,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 thanks philippians 4 verses be careful for nothing but with prayer,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 authority abusers and control for genesis chapter 1 i will read from verse 26 can you put that scripture up for me,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 a living if while her husband is living romans 7 3 she is joined to another man she shall be called an adulteress,romans,7,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 3 we will obey the lord acts chapter 11 reading from verse 21 acts 11,acts,11,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 21 judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in habakkuk 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 gentleness and goodness look at galatians chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 12. acts chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,acts,12,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 12 renewed right i mean verse 2 of romans 12 says be renewed,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 they flee seven weeks in exodus chapter 14 from verse 1 to 28 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28 when,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 we're in for the best of time in proverbs 21 and verse 22 the word said,proverbs,21,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 22 christ that was his downfall so in isaiah 40 we are told five times he wanted something more he wanted to be,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 became pregnant she began to mock sir but my time will go to genesis 21 from verse 1 to 7 genesis 21 from verse 1 to,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 argument it's not a bad argument the problem is lacks its context romans six half of romans seven and romans eight,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 over to him romans chapter 2 verse 4 romans 2 verse 4 tells us don't you know that the goodness of god is required to lead,romans,2,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 4 the lord referred me to this verse in ephesians five christ loved the church and gave himself for it and those,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 thanks for his faithfulness in every department of our lives in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 you think about i know that this passage in isaiah 66 was written about israel but if when you think about the israel,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 too were looking at acts chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,acts,3,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 14 where is the first prophecy genesis chapter 3 if i remember right you will the serpent will bruise,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 turned renew our days as of old lamentations 5 verse 21 turn us again oh god,lamentations,5,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 21 same word which is the same yesterday today and forever according to hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 engage your heart in the book of jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,jeremiah,30,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 21 spouse from responding we saw a job two attempts two attempts he was on one side of the door she was,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 as the glory of god passes by so in exodus 33 it says moses says please show me,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 in chapter 5 you have a definitive chapter in the book of deuteronomy because chapter 5 is a repetition of the,deuteronomy,5,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 1 of all things do you realize in revelation chapter 17 it talks about the end history of a,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 have a hard heart it's impossible proverbs 29 and 1 it says he that being listen this carefully often reproved,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 male and female he created them if this is the final painting genesis 2 shows us some of the brush strokes,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 you have the genesis 11 moment and the genesis 11 moment is interesting because because you've got because you've got,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 the new covenant in in the old testament by part of the bible proverbs chapter 24 and verse 17 says don't rejoice when,proverbs,24,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 17 colossians chapter 3 in verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says some whatsoever ye do do it,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 reading from verse 15 romans chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,romans,1,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 15 can show you don't have too much time but by the time you read exodus chapter 3 if you refer was made to tell exodus,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 life romans chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading from verse 17 as it is reaching i had,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 jesus in this season baba says the book of isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked,isaiah,45,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 the lord jesus christ look at chapter 10 in romans chapter 10 from verse 1.,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 christendom about entering into rest and yet hebrews 4 1 says we must be afraid,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 remains a rest for god's people hebrews 4 1 let us fear,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 christendom about entering into rest and yet hebrews 4 1 says we must be afraid,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 remains a rest for god's people hebrews 4 1 let us fear,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 you steady in the name of the lord jesus abraham trusted god so much genesis 22 when you read from verse one to five,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 the importance of hearing god's voice like in genesis 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,genesis,1,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 11 four legged thing in the new testament too like a thing romans 15 16. romans 15 16,romans,15,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 16 amen is slow amen all right isaiah chapter number 45 and verse number one,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 through him there's a future sense to our salvation philippians 3 our citizenship is in heaven and from it we,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 god be with you the bible says romans 6 14 if you have grace upon you sin cannot,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 and formidable foundation conviction look at the book of acts of apostles chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 hand of god here's another heaven rule sighting in verse 9 of daniel 1. god had granted daniel kindness and,daniel,1,9.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 9 subscribe if you haven't yet and i will see you back here next week for james chapter 4 bye,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 both romans and galatians will read from chapter one romans will do chapter one verse 1. we'll look at the second part,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 to fulfillment in life the book of ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15 says ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15,ecclesiastes,10,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15 more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius reached the den after daniel had spent the night in the dan darius was anxious,daniel,6,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 2 god answer this prayer hallowed be your name ezekiel chapter 36 and would look at just let's look at two,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 split sentence prophecy between zechariah 12 john 19 and revelation 1 i do believe it's possible that we will,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 one two three go our memory verse is taken from romans chapter 15 verse four and it says,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what romans in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,romans,8,36.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 36 can read it on your home from first one to sixteen acts of opposed to 9 1 to 16 i will read to first 9 quickly and so,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 [music] ephesians ephesians 4,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 verse 20 age joshua the son of known,joshua,1,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 2 psalm 105 13 to 15 ephesians 1 number 13 in whom you are us he also trusted after,ephesians,1,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 so i'll read hebrews 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house,hebrews,10,21.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 21 cleansing there is no any other means acts of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,acts,4,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 12 absolutely not romans 3 what advantage then has the jew or what,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 just because we cover all the context for the book of ephesians and also go through chapter one which,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 according to george chapter 28 verse 28 job 28 verse 28 it will become easy for me to depart from evil many times when,job,28,28.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 28 when he died for us we died in him romans 6 5 we have been united with him in a death,romans,6,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 5 testament there's only one required fast according to leviticus 16 29 to 31,leviticus,16,29.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 29 into the trap instruct yourself read proverbs 27 23 proverbs 27 23 you need to take care number two i'm talking,proverbs,27,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 23 that there will be people born during the millennial kingdom described in revelation 20 and laid out by the prophets of the old,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 certificate of divorce it's in deuteronomy 24 you can read in the first four verses there but i want to show you,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 covenant but all we are we can be blessed by it says he romans 8 verse 14 romans 8 verse 14,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 when we consider the story of joseph in genesis 39 all that he had been through finally got,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 a great need in proverbs chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's,proverbs,27,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 thought of my church like acts chapter 13 verse 1 in acts chapter 13 verse 1 it talks about this church in antioch that,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in hebrews 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 and without that light you can't see a real increase genesis chapter one when you read from verse one at the beginning,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 encountered god through his word in isaiah 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 the most high johnny chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 tells us that the most high rules in the affairs of man,daniel,4,25.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 25 okay once again we are in paul's epistle to the ephesians chapter 4 i want to read four verses chapter 4 verse 31 let,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 revelation 17 says and in revelation 17 you have the whole understanding of this,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 you are still praying opening our bibles to james five hallelujah,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 let me show it to you the romans 8 28 of the old testament is found in genesis chapter 50.,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 tells us what we need to do i isaiah chapter 62 i'll read verse verse six and okay verse six number,isaiah,62,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 has done he shall die again that relates exactly to what we saw here in james 2 in galatians 5 if you trust in your,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 he will touch you again in jesus name look at philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 to galatians 6 and verse 3 if anyone thinks he's somebody,galatians,6,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 3 daniel chapter 4 verse 8 and at the last daniel came in before me whose name was bishop shazam,daniel,4,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 8 to a wonderful life in the holy spirit in between is romans 7 he's not going backwards he's going forwards romans 7,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 helper that's not an inferior position you read in genesis chapter sorry john's gospel chapter 14 you read that,john,14,1.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 1 historical events recorded for us in genesis chapter 3 where a certain thing happened what was that thing that,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 that in mind i'm now looking into the book of numbers and in chapter 13 if you've got your,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 the bible says in leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 leviticus 17 verse 11 he said the life of the,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 but the rest is the story of evil numbers 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,numbers,12,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 3 this earth he says i now in colossians 1 24 i now rejoice in my,colossians,1,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 24 they don't even understand this anymore ephesians 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,ephesians,5,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 you higher it will leave you where you are in revelation chapter 3 verse 17 to 18 revelation 3 verse 17 2 verse 18 he said to some,revelation,3,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 17 let's close uh this morning by declaring psalms one one two three i want to let's go bless am i if i walk not in the,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 grace through faith ephesians 2 says we're very familiar with that romans chapter 3 not by works but by faith,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 matthew's gospel and verse 11 right after the revelation of the lord's resurrection in verse 8 of matthew 28 it,matthew,28,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 28 verse 8 sinful desires and last but not least in jude chapter 1 verse 20.,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 a loud amen acts 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 relate to god on any issue of concern james 5 16 tells us the essential father and prayer of the,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 verse 22 in colossians chapter 3 verse 22 sermons obey in all things look at that,colossians,3,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 22 "when these three, what we called the three men visit abraham to oh! to in genesis chapter 18. we are told in genesis 19 that two of them are angels. and they sat down and abraham made them a meal and they ate together under a tree. hmm.",genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 ministries and they are finally at rest isaiah 57 verse 1 the message bible [applause],isaiah,57,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 1 he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile ephesians in him you also when you heard the word of truth the,ephesians,1,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 divine presence in exodus chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 14 exodus chapter 43 our reading from verse 14 and,exodus,43,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 43 verse 14 illogical of messiah we see that and then in zechariah 11 zechariah is told to become a shepherd now he's not a,zechariah,11,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 1 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,hebrews,9,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 good and evil then we read in genesis 3 excuse me when the woman saw listen to this that the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 return to the gorge of bessel look at genesis chapter 31 verse 13 in such one verse 13 i am the god of,genesis,31,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 13 the glory of god in human form according to hebrews chapter 1 he is the exact representation of god he's the image of,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 number two longing for god's reviving longing for god reviving hebrews chapter three verse two,hebrews,3,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 2 will because in genesis 18 verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 / 70 to 90 god said concern abraham he said i know abraham,genesis,18,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 17 and so i want to look back at deuteronomy chapter 6 at the beginning what does it say it says in verse 5 it,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 tells us don't just listen to the word but do what it says james chapter one and two,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in numbers chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 32 numbers chapter 22,numbers,22,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 32 spirit ephesians chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 for example in acts chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 the bible tells us,acts,13,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 21 single good thing see that verse in romans chapter seven see what i'm trying to say is unless you,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 the second thing it is this is in galatians 3 29 by the way right and if you're all christ then you are abraham's,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 it must be done jeremiah chapter 1,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 least of all the saints he says here in ephesians 3 because he was aware of how much he had,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children ephesians 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,ephesians,6,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 collusions chapter 3 a reading from verse 12 colossians chapter 3 verse 12,colossians,3,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 12 himself did not know all the meaning of it like romans chapter 6 verse 4 says but he knew that jesus said you must be,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 tirelessly in our stewardship in the kingdom galatians chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. and look what the scripture says here,galatians,6,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 7 when they put this whole burnt offering on the altar leviticus in chapter 9 it says here aaron slaughtered the bull,leviticus,9,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 1 god go back there please colossians 1 and verse,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 time we got we still got a few minutes turn to ephesians chapter five because i want you to see something here,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 says i will walk who can hinder me revelation chapter 3 verse 78 revolutions women were seven races he,revelation,3,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 7 compete satan's captives chapter 13 of arts acts chapter 13 a meaning from verse 6 away,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 blocked out but god leader james chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james,james,1,18.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 18 assumption the bible is full of things like that what about joshua now in the in the book of joshua chapter 10 we all,joshua,10,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 1 is why he did this in verse 22 of to hebrews chapter 9 and almost all things are by the law purged or blood and,hebrews,9,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 together as we come to daniel chapter 6 here and we've been,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 fail but we trust that god is bigger and greater than all that proverbs 21 says the king's heart is in the lord's hand,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 brethren can we open to the book of psalms 103 verse 2 psalm 103 verse 2,psalms,103,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 103 verse 2 mentality first i mean galatians 2 20 galatians 2 20.,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 and 17 verse 16 job 42 16. after this leave job how long,job,42,16.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 16 and we're looking at it from verse 1 exodus chapter 3 verse 1 that was escaped the flock of jezreel,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 you have confession again 21st verse leviticus 16 and 21 and aaron shall slay both his hands upon the head,leviticus,16,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 1 back to the very beginning i want to go to back to eden back to genesis chapter 2 there's there's an there's an image,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 romans chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14 now we're reading from verse,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 believer growing in the world according to colossians 3 verse 16 let the word of christ dwell in you richly there will,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 is in proverbs 10 15 proverbs 10 15 say the rich man wealth,proverbs,10,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 one to another you see that in esther chapter 9 in phase,esther,9,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 1 discomfort or insecurity for a season genesis seven and verse three that i read earlier on bible says now israel,genesis,7,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 7 verse 3 8 romans chapter 8 verse 19,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 because i was supported by sending churches from the states acts chapter 13 but two or three of those churches as,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 reminded of god's word in proverbs 11 verse 24 and 25 there is he that scatters and yet,proverbs,11,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 apostles chapter three acts accept the apostles chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 19,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 genesis 22 classic dangerous surrender in genesis 22 god came again after,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 intercedes on behalf of his church hebrews 2 17 identifies him as a merciful and faithful high priest,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 matthew 3 10 say and now also the acts is laid at the root every tree they are buried for no,matthew,3,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 1 as god remember noah in the book of genesis 8 1 genesis 8 1 he will remember you for good under the,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in genesis 34 reading from verse six,genesis,34,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 34 verse 6 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously acts chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 of corrupters the perverseness of characters by looking at revelation chapter 2,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 to the word of god in the book of ephesians chapter 4 and i read,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 to everything there's a season ecclesiastes 3 says time to every purpose under heaven,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 prophecy let me show you from ezekiel again in ezekiel chapter 19 it's speaking about,ezekiel,19,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 19 verse 1 the kingdom as it concerns us the book of psalms chapter 30 the last verse verse 12 being psalms chapter 30 verse,psalms,30,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 30 verse 12 license to kill and the son of righteousness according to malachi chapter 4 first to malachi chapter 4,malachi,4,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 1 united in adam listen to what paul writes here romans chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man,romans,5,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 12 of the bible you'll see a subtitle in acts 2 which says the believers form a community or something similar the,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 practical application in in a few moments in romans chapter 12 very well to known verse verse 2 do not be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 message on man yeah some of you have genesis for you mean victory over sin as mentioned in genesis chapter 4,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 you are entering your place in destiny proverbs 4 verse 11 down to verse 13. i take john's version he said take,proverbs,4,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 11 "final antichrist do? revelation 13 says, here's his abomination, ""in his vision was granted power to give breath",revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 genesis 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding,genesis,18,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 2 come to an end the book of psalms chapter 7 and verse 9 oh let the wickedness of the wicked come,psalms,7,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 9 woman it's the holy spirit according to romans 8 who delivers us from the power of sin and from the law of sin and death,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 without forgiveness for the bible says in ecclesiastes 3 15 god requires,ecclesiastes,3,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 15 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse 13 exodus chapter 12 and we're reading from verse,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 whether you believe there is a god who's watching all this job has made a statement once in job chapter 23 and i,job,23,1.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 1 important character three entire chapters here in the book of numbers numbers 22 23 and 24 and a part of,numbers,22,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 23 paul tells us about this incredible suit of ammo in the book of ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 to 18.,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 hebrews 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,hebrews,11,37.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 37 seriously how many believers compare what we read in matthew 24 with genesis chapter 6 and see how terrible this sin,genesis,6,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 6 governing authority talked about in romans 13 1 with all that that its role demands,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 the definition of the promised land you can see that in deuteronomy 1124 the land originally promised to the,deuteronomy,11,24.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 24 to move for example in acts chapter 13 proverbs 6 to 13,proverbs,6,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 13 b plan a was his plan and it depended on the father's now let's look exodus 12 21 then moses called for all the elders of,exodus,12,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 21 exhorted valley in jesus name there is also a value of destruction in daniel chapter 16 to 17,daniel,16,16.0,1.0,daniel chapter 16 verse 16 dominion in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 god created them male and female and he,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 if you turn to hebrews in chapter 11 we read there that hebrews 10 sorry since therefore brethren hebrews 10 verse 19 we have,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 to christ exodus 24 3 you shall have no other gods,exodus,24,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 3 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 ephesians chapter 2 verse 5,ephesians,2,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmhcx9cv6xm go with me to the book of acts chapter 8 please if you will acts chapter 8 and as,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 in all things this is the essence of colossians chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,colossians,1,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 15 purposes of the heart then each one will have his commendation from god or romans 12 verse 17 to 19 repay no one evil for evil,romans,12,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 17 present comfort that i found at the end of james to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 the bible never forbids self to defense psalms chapter 144 verse 1. some chapter 144,psalms,144,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 144 verse 1 job chapter 11 job chapter 11 and i'm reading here from verse 13. he says,job,11,13.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 13 one of them is just saying uh you know his explanation of romans 11 6. and it fits like it this works on roman,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 isaiah chapter 45 isaiah 45. i was tarrying from vaswan,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 yeah according to isaiah chapter 10 and verse 12 he said break up your follow ground,isaiah,10,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 12 because exodus chapter 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 promise you you just do my will never be sick again they said,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 through the book of titus today's video we're gonna be in titus chapter three which is the final chapter,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 it is being renewed romans 12 1 to 2. let's move to romans 12 two,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 an important two when you begin to deny that genesis 1 to 3 is literal and to be taken literally you know what,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 given several it's just that we don't get them by importing exodus 21 into the background of jesus's statements and,exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 and god said that is not my will for you another scripture proverbs 37 and one the wicked borrows but does not pay back,proverbs,37,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 37 verse 1 that i think is important it's in hebrews 12 14. it says pursue peace with all men and,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 grace and the lord will make us triumphant one last verse romans chapter 8 and read flows romans chapter 8 this,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 remember this lord had told abraham in genesis chapter 12,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm ephesians 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it,ephesians,5,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 instruction that is given as i read to you in deuteronomy 6 was imposed upon them. and if i can just play off of that for a minute,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 lauda amen revelation chapter 3 verse 7 jesus speaking said i am he that is true he,revelation,3,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 7 this is so important isaiah chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12.,isaiah,46,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 8 amen amen all right so the bible says in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 type of quiz me next week and i should probably learn acts chapter 10 before that quiz me so yeah i'm gonna be seeing,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 18 eight is there right at the end they're being told jeremiah is speaking to the king right up at the end,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit romans chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know hebrews 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility,hebrews,12,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 3 and then when in genesis chapter one verse one genesis chapter one verse one says in the beginning god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 now in romans chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god she reserves his sovereignty,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 it's a risk joshua chapter 20 in verse 126 the appointed cities of refuge,joshua,20,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 12 genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again,genesis,33,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 9 intent jesus repeats he quotes genesis 2 in matthew 19 and in mark chapter 10,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 happen i want you to read it the book of joshua joshua chapter 1,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 generally represents an unclaimed spirit in revelation 16 verse 13 it says and i saw three unclean spirits,revelation,16,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 13 a revelation of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,revelation,1,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 9 ezekiel 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are,ezekiel,22,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 8 moment of your life in jesus name isaiah chapter 41 we're looking at verse 10,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 where's four years later in that in daniel in chapter 4 verse 30 nebuchadnezzar said when he looked at,daniel,4,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 3 of his fullness have we all received grace for grace it tells us in ephesians chapter 3,ephesians,3,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 genesis 39 yeah genesis 39 from verse one yes,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in proverbs as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs,proverbs,1,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 2 passage that's in exodus chapter 4 verses said verses 19 all through 26,exodus,4,19.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 19 but it's one of the sermons of moses in deuteronomy chapter four. and this is just a great,deuteronomy,4,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 now you have a job it's not over yet the bible says the following thing in romans 11 chapter verse 28 to 32 concerning the,romans,11,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 28 i'll tell you something about that jacob this is genesis 32 24 sometimes it's very difficult for god to get you alone,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 will and dig into that all right so here we are in james chapter 1 i did look through it to make sure there were no,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 hold something back we're not trusting god malachi 38 this is the old testament malachi 38 will a man robbed god like,malachi,38,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 38 verse 1 in the name of our lord jesus christ and then in colossians chapter one reading from verse 12 colossians chapter,colossians,1,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 12 romans 7 14 in bondage under sin romans 8 21 slaves to corruption and in this condition we can do nothing,romans,7,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 14 power and the glory of god as you read in ezra chapter 33 verse 14 to 23 their power so there is power in the presence,ezra,33,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 33 verse 14 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire acts chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,acts,2,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 3 34 says proverbs 14 34 righteousness assaulted a nation,proverbs,14,34.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 34 chapter 29 verse 4 through 17. job said here as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god does upon,job,29,4.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 4 you get rewards the bible says in hebrews 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 we call it vision we call it aspiration in proverbs chapter 18 open your bible quickly to proverbs,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 wouldn't happen you know how the lord described it in haggai one like putting things in a bag with holes yes i love,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 then it is a curse genesis chapter 3 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 3 from verse 17 to 19.,genesis,3,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 17 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 to romans 8. there's the battle of romans 7 in there man that was some powerful stuff in,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 in this church ezekiel 34 and i will make with them a covenant of,ezekiel,34,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 remember we read on monday morning from jeremiah chapter 9 this is what the lord says,jeremiah,9,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 1 bottles live because according to isaiah chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise psalms 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,psalms,100,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 100 verse 4 sinner because you see james 4 17 says anyone who knows what to do and doesn't do it,james,4,17.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 17 good there's none righteous no not one romans three there's none who understands there's none who seeks after,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 overcome it the tenth commandment in exodus chapter 20 was the one commandment nobody could keep i don't,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 discover that baroness can even cause people to consider suicide in genesis chapter xxxi wanted to genesis 30 verse,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 limits in acts chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,acts,19,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 2 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle paul a man that had deep revelation of jesus listen apostle paul had revelation,revelation,1,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 17 "but being full of the holy spirit,"" to verse 55 of acts 7 to ""he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at",acts,7,55.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 55 times and seasons ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 1 to every season to everything there is a,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 that is inside of it that's why in psalms chapter 62 verse 5 the bible says my soul weight died only,psalms,62,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 62 verse 5 four i will read from verse seven deuteronomy chapter four,deuteronomy,4,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 the door and knock and i'm going to go to the word of god and in revelation chapter 3,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 in um the anchor scripture still remains romans chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 instagram exist at my rcc to radio on three titus at my our security on facebook is www.facebook.com four slash,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 deadly poison isn't it interesting paul in ephesians 4 is speaking about how we are recreated the new men and you know,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 for i say we're looking at isaiah chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,isaiah,6,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 7 memory verse is also ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 that is how powerful the word of god,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 of the outlet things that we learn in isaiah 53 how do you see this as pointing to jesus right so if the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 because his name is the only name that saves the bible declares in acts chapter 4 verse 12 there's no other name under,acts,4,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 12 upon the world as outlined between revelation 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your,revelation,6,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 18 is so wonderful 30 40 years later in revelation chapter 2 this become very worldly so worldly that the lord tells,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 world jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,jeremiah,15,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 "the snake off. verse 6 of acts 28, “they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly",acts,6,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 28 elders in the context of ezekiel 14 elders come to the prophet ezekiel because,ezekiel,14,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 1 chapter 5 james chapter 5 i read from verse 19 james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren,james,5,19.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 19 you had your half it anymore am i talking to someone go to jeremiah chapter 17 let me show you something i,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 yeah chris what do you mean by that in hebrews chapter 4 18 the writer to the hebrews is,hebrews,4,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 18 and they're dealing with and in james 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy,james,3,16.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 16 have to actually confess with your mouth that jesus lord that's that's romans 10 verse 9 and 10 that's that's what this is,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 in jesus name we are praying genesis chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,genesis,26,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 25 characters wisdom from james chapter 3 we saw the character of god's wisdom the wisdom,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 beginning before deuteronomy 28 it's a setting up of the nation of israel and god is kind,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 it takes prayer in the book of colossians 4 verse 12 the bible says apophas who is one of you,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 the passage and the ruler's rejection i think hebrews 6 and in matthew 19 there's a similarity in that there both,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 now go right back to the book of esther isaiah chapter 7 verse 10 esther 7 10.,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 first who is the god of abraham when if you read genesis chapter 12 verse 1 to 3 genesis 12 1 to 3,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 at these 21 verses in the book of obadiah so let's just jump in obama chapter 1 verse 1 the vision of obadiah,obadiah,1,1.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 1 this is a quote from proverbs 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6,proverbs,3,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 11 and the holy spirit now lives in you and romans 6 says at least seven times you are dead,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 from the dominion of a holding pattern galatians 3 in verse 13 says that christ has redeemed us from the cross of the,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 the price is to obey in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 sons this is such an honorable privilege romans 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,romans,8,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 17 perhaps we better look at the scripture there in zechariah chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he,zechariah,12,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 2 us with might in our spirit man ephesians 3 16. to be strengthened with might in our,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 that i have to have my eyes open to and in revelation chapter 4 i wanted to point out these two things as we sit on,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 even in daniel 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know,daniel,1,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 17 we're going to read a few verses from the book of numbers chapter 20 and verse 7,numbers,20,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 7 on my heart for 2019 is this expression in hebrews chapter 6 which says we must press on to perfection god doesn't want,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 we're going to be hindering people romans 16 25 now to him who is able to strengthen you,romans,16,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 25 you samples of what the prophets say about this event the back in ezekiel chapter 21 a couple of verses verses 26,ezekiel,21,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 21 verse 26 in daniel chapter 10 from verse 1 to 14 daniel 10 from verse 1 to 14 daniel prayed for 21 days,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 you see carol chapter 18 i'm reading from biscotti ezekiel chapter 18 we reading here from biscotti it says that,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 the bread the bible says and join us in the book of hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 hebrew 10 25 that we should not forsake,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 the word worship comes in the bible is in genesis 22 verse 6. sorry verse 5.,genesis,22,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 6 shall be established unto you so god has given up james 4 7 james 4 7 submit yourself therefore,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 believes he allowed a man proverbs chapter 11 number 30 he that winneth souls is wise shall rise on our,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 it's by the foreknowledge of god right from genesis chapter 3 verse 15,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 you lost your amen there revelation chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 amen isaiah 44 verse 3 for i will pour water upon him that is,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was romans 8 24 all things work together for good to,romans,8,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 24 "and he tells his entire kingdom, you can read about it in daniel 4 verse 34. let me say one last thing",daniel,4,34.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 34 revelation chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 6,revelation,21,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 6 god's like your descendants will all come through isaac and then in genesis 22 and you've got to read this fresh if,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 grief at the end of daniel chapter 10 daniel says then the one with a human,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 fairly easily i think if you just read isaiah 53 people are like yeah that's about jesus like it seems to be clearly,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 fake frailty or to renounce arguments luke tells us in acts 18 that the apostle continued to argue,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 through the son of god in isaiah 33 beginning at verse 21 after after verse 20 talks about this kingdom,isaiah,33,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 21 to do it i mean one one of the things you don't see in hebrews 21 is you don't say prayer no the author of,hebrews,21,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 21 verse 1 and the judgment was deserved in verses 20 to 22 of ezekiel 16. this is what god says to them through the,ezekiel,16,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 2 despite affliction look at verse 13 of galatians chapter 4 you know i was through infirmity of the flesh,galatians,4,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 13 mark 1 verse 1 in the beginning excuse me in the beginning i went to genesis or john i don't know which one it just says,mark,1,1.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 1 tell you this scripture says there in one of those early psalms i think it's psalm 3 he's the lifter of our head you,psalms,3,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 1 it be given him from heaven romans chapter 9 verse 16 romans chapter 9 verse 16 so then it is not of him that,romans,9,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 16 faith and let me also read to you romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 says what shall we say,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 reality of wisdom from above the spiritual makes clear the book of james of the three from verse 15 down to verse,james,3,15.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 15 where they can switch daniel chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me galatians 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,galatians,5,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 15 and unity deuteronomy 28 in verse 1,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 are serving them treat them as superior to philippians 2 says consider all others everyone is more important than,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 and i from everyone revelation chapter 14 reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 14 we're eating from verse 4 and,revelation,14,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 4 truth with your neighbors or members of another verse 26 of ephesians 4 be angry and do not sin,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 tomorrow sunday psalms 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,psalms,105,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 13 was also of the tribe of levi and he wrote twelve of the psalms and so psalm 73 is one of those psalms so let's read,psalms,73,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 73 verse 1 topless thank you we thank the lord for the question brethren of acts in a third john and in verse 2 says beloved i wish,3 john,1,1.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 3 we read a little expression there in hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3 called so great a salvation our,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 fact i loved how i put it we saw it at the end of acts chapter 10 last time how peter commanded them to be baptized he's,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 way of salvation to say what paul did in galatians 1 that if anybody preaches another gospel let them be anathema,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 but you can see the difference because when you turn to revelation chapter seven,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 to understand the context of isaiah 8 in order for us to get to isaiah 9. and don't worry i'm not going to preach,isaiah,8,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 1 so really it's it's about he's talking about the revelation 12 sign being the star the 12 stars above the woman's head,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of colossians chapter 4 and verse 2,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 this is something also we have heard through the years genesis chapter 18 when god was about to destroy sodom and,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 postponed jonah chapter 3. from verse 1 to 10. jonah chapter 3 from,jonah,3,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 1 let's do it with the understanding of the word of god in the book of psalms chapter 145 verses 18 and 19 psalm 145,psalms,145,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 145 verse 18 some people that knew how to run the race of life well and it's hebrews 12 and i want you to turn there with me and,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 the cross that god highly exalted him philippians 2 the true life of the church has no,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 how jesus expressed it in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 jesus was about to leave,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree jeremiah chapter 1 11 and 12.,jeremiah,1,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 11 upon your children tonight and georgie's 15 was 11 to 15 judges 15 verse 11 through 15 household enemies,judges,15,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 11 listen to this therefore behold this is god speaking in hosea 2 i will allure her and bring her into the,hosea,2,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 1 job chapter 14 verse 7 and 9. job 14 verse 7 and 9. for there is off of a,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in revelation 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 to need to be very conscious in colossians chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 were talked in verse 18 of that same acts chapter 4 and they called them,acts,4,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 18 isaiah 3 12 he's a prophet contemporary to isaiah and he points about he talks about the,isaiah,3,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 3 verse 12 i want to see this verse in closing let's turn to galatians and chapter 3,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 reagan points that out in his book daniel 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until,daniel,12,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 4 "to the scripture and said, ""work is a command, six days shall you labor,"" exodus 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god.",exodus,20,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 11 verse 12 acts chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 her own hands this is from proverbs 14 verse 1. so think about it,proverbs,14,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 god said in his word in the same proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 36 he said it is,proverbs,8,36.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 one and verse number eight acts of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 place let's go to ephesians we use ephesians chapter six and i'm going to read verses 12 to 18.,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 romans 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and,romans,15,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 5 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndeadb0gtzc zechariah chapter 1 in the 8th month in the second year of darius came the word,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in philippians chapter 4 verse 19,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 61 and verse 10 isaiah 61 and verse 10 we are told there the lord speaking,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 watch this go to genesis 12 1 and the lord has said to abram,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 yours in jesus name in colossians chapter two colossians chapter two i'm reading here from verse,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 he's gonna actually fix the problems galatians 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3,galatians,1,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 3 jerusalem acts chapter 20 reading from verse 20 in acts chapter 20 verse 20 how i gave back,acts,20,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 2 doesn't get grace that it cannot mean unmerited favor james chapter 4 it tells us that grace has to be merited not,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 when we are fed what's the result jeremiah reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,jeremiah,1,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 3 exodus the second chapter if you will please exodus 2 now folks we're going to go through a lot of scripture today,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 how that happened but i'm not going to get into that but in isaiah chapter one through five isaiah has a lot to say to,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 of spiritual battles and our memory verse was taken from nehemiah 9 6,nehemiah,9,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 6 "and they would know how severe it is from genesis 6 and 7, god drowned the whole world except for eight souls.",genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 colossians 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them,colossians,3,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 19 marriage is created it isn't until we get to genesis chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 warning from him and ezekiel was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 will please him i'm reading from galatians chapter one galatians chapter one,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in philippians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16,philippians,3,16.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 16 in acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 acts 5 from verse 1 to 11 the church of god was young,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 [applause] in exodus chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4 god said to the children of,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to galatians 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 8 the bible makes us to understand acts chapter 8 and we look at it from verse 5. the bible says that,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 the rise of tyrants what we see in exodus chapter one and we're looking at the context of the birth of moses one of,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 spotted lives in james chapter one i'm reading from verse,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 existence that's what it means romans 4 17 says he collects those things that be not,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 romans chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16. the scripture says romans chapter 6,romans,6,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 16 through christ's sacrifice ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 all right look at me and quote it hebrews 8 verses 8 through 12 quote in full the new covenant prophecy of,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 john joshua 10 from verse 10 to 12. joshua prayed and told the son to stand still,joshua,10,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 1 acts chapter 3 he made the lamb to work move on to acts chapter 4,acts,3,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 3 verse one genesis chapter 19 verse one it says in verse one genesis chapter 19 and there,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 he promises that james 4 10,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 blessed before birth in genesis 49 verse 8 to 10 genesis 49 verse 8 to 10,genesis,49,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 8 fall flat in the name of jesus the bible says in job chapter 5 in verse 12 the bible says he disappointed the devices,job,5,12.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 12 amen number chapter number 23 numbers 23 from verse 19 19 to 23,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 prophets did say that about the messiah in isaiah 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 means to labor to the point of exhaustion and revelation 2 and 2 jesus says to the church i know thy,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in haggai 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,haggai,1,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 4 oh yeah you slide that down i'm going to genesis and i'm going to chapter 9 and and and the sons of noah,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 the book of the prophet ezekiel the book of the prophet ezekiel chapter 24 chapter 24.,ezekiel,24,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 1 closed we're in the ballpark hmm and there's genesis three language all over this right yeah well it's one of those,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 unbelief so it's a position and it's in christ think of that verse in romans 8 37 tremendous book of romans that,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 recite that while our text is taken from revelation chapter 5,revelation,5,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 5 number two is our tongue james chapter 3 1 to 18 number three is our actions,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 thanksgiving to the lord dance and clap your hands and also read isaiah chapter 6 1 verse 1 to the hand it is well with,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 there then we'll put it in better perspective philippians philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 and we,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 so you don't need to retaliate that's the lord's business again romans 12 vengeance is mine i will repay which,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 it tells us in hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 did say tyler is you suggest that deuteronomy 22 is about specifically rape,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 "godliness takes on human flesh. in romans 1 the apostle paul begins his great epistle with these words, ""paul, a bondservant",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 was typifies way back in the book of genesis he starts off in like genesis chapter 4 and you know that it says,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 frequently about the heavenlies so let me conclude with ephesians in ephesians in chapter 2 it says that jesus when we,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 deceiving themselves james 1 26,james,1,26.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 26 details as we go through some not only romans 13 but we'll talk about some other passages as well that talk about,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 [music] onwards ephesians 6 verse 10 to 18 and speaks about our,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 team we call that our care team our deacon ministry so that's where in acts chapter six the deacon ministry begins,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 and my favorite apologetic i have to say ok so let me let me get into romans 1 this is the the third video i'll share,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 you jesus thank you lord my look at what the bible says in genesis 37 verse nine,genesis,37,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 9 joseph's sanctification and servitude in a godly way we're looking at genesis chapter 45,genesis,45,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 1 recklessly hijack whatever we want the principle i get from genesis 12 is the blessing on abraham is meant for,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 service are called to worship is taken from the book of psalms chapter 47 and we are reading from verse 1.,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 christians he says that christ may dwell in your heart when you read ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 that christ will,ephesians,3,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 christ as lord philippians 2 10 says at the name of jesus christ,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 and gave himself for me when he says were crucified with christ romans chapter 6 tells her the same thing,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12 and here we're reading from verse 17,romans,12,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 17 11. there's something we call everlasting joy isaiah 51 verse 11 i want us open our bible to isaiah 12 3,isaiah,51,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 11 happen nehem nehemiah 1 house is great nehemiah 2 this is awesome nehemiah 3 what lots of names,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 i put away childish things and totally galatians four verse one you remember we said we quoted that scripture which,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 "if you want more information on the sheep gate, go to nehemiah chapter 3 verse 1 and start there and nehemiah mentions the sheep",nehemiah,3,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 1 three creatures let's look at that before we see what they said job chapter 42 the lord said in verse 7 the last,job,42,7.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 7 in the first section i would say this chapter six where isaiah sees the throne of the lord and his commission to serve,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 that was a testimony of joseph in genesis 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,genesis,50,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 2 could better be accomplished through ephesians 5 where the solution is that husbands self to sacrificially love their,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 isaiah the verse i quoted just now in isaiah chapter 33 zion is a picture of the true church and,isaiah,33,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 1 here now let's look at james 2 21. what does james say james says was not abraham our,james,2,21.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 21 as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle job 29 verse 4.,job,29,4.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 4 book of joshua we'll be in chapter eight but i'm going to start in deuteronomy chapter 27.,joshua,8,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 1 loud amen zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 and in isaiah chapter 6 there's a story where isaiah has this vision of the glory and of the grandeur of the majesty,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in leviticus 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,leviticus,5,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 18 satan lucifer ezekiel chapter 28 ezekiel chapter 28,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 your body the word that paul uses here in romans chapter 6 is baptizo,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in romans chapter 12 verse 2,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 created that numbers 11 the lord came down in a cloud and spoke to moses and took some of the,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 that's going to still his wrath you do not want to read ephesians chapter one with all of its glories about god,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 acceptable in the sight of the lord in isaiah chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,isaiah,1,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 15 from verse 4 to 3 1 jeremiah 1 4 5 the bible says,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 21 to 22 nothing flies like favor genesis 39 1 to 5 nothing flashlight favor,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 well in revelation in the book of revelation what we get um and i think you said revelation 4,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 why was abraham tested genesis chapter 22 read it from verse 1 to 18,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 chapter one verse 5 philippians 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,philippians,1,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 5 material things we have is for the niche of the whole body acts chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 nehemiah said you know paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 he says,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 bush the very day if you read exodus chapter 4,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 texts about the wrath of god are spread throughout the new testament romans 1 romans 2 roman three romans 4 romans 5,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 or advantage act chapter five one two eight acts chapter five one two eight and an hour sapphira,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 is the same in proverbs 21 16 the word says the man that wanders out of the way of,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 the ten commandment commitment with a promise and as a exodus 20 verse 12 that's old news for most of you lack of,exodus,20,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 12 we are reading verse 4 in the book of proverbs 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life,proverbs,15,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 4 over the world i'm looking at ephesians chapter 2 verse 16,ephesians,2,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 16 i wanted to pray this morning the bible says in acts chapter 13 verse 36 it says for david after he had served his own,acts,13,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 36 because they had no root they withered away the you letter to the romans chapter 11,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in genesis chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,genesis,19,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 27 the devil knows he knows the bible he knows isaiah 59 from verse one to two isaiah 59 from verse one to two,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 we have the victory in jesus name romans chapter 12 verses 1 until romans chapter 12 we're looking at verses 1,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 15. jonah received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,jonah,8,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 11 earth today ephesians 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 come i said my time has come i said my time he must come zechariah chapter four zechariah chapter 4 a meeting from verse,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 then i want you to put your name in that very verse of scripture acts 10 and verse 38 hallelujah can we try that this,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 sufficient guaranteed soccer against the greatest subplant look at hebrews there i'm reading from chapter 2 and we're,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ romans 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 cells this year jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 from verse 19 acts of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,acts,11,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 19 supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 let me tell you what the bible says in romans 8 28 every single thing that happens in your life will work for your,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 you want to do but on daniel 10 is the story of daniel praying and he was asking the,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 you verse 32 romans 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,romans,8,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 32 the concept we've been looking at in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 mouth wide and i will feel it it says jeremiah 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 i said they are all defeated jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20,jeremiah,15,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 2 is set in the time of the judges we've talked about this in the video for chapter one,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 discipline our children is a very wise thing bible says in hebrews in chapter 12,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 sounds miserable doesn't it turn to galatians chapter 3 and verse 13.,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 kept giving me his word from isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 to 21 and chapter 58 verse 11 he said you are,isaiah,48,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 and do my prophet noah ephesians 1 number 13 we are sealed with the holy ghost of,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view isaiah 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of,isaiah,30,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 15 sinner galatians 3 26 for you are all sons of god,galatians,3,26.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 26 this killer is identified in proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 proverbs 26 2 a killer,proverbs,26,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 you go there you'll go with the key in your hands look at ezekiel chapter 22 and i'm reading from verstappen there,ezekiel,22,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 1 name actually sposa philippians chapter 2 verse mentor 11 phillipians true was made to eleven the,philippians,2,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 11 god speaking to us now look at it in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 think about the promises that he said in,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 god's word the bible says abraham believed god in genesis 15 and it was countered unto him for righteousness,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 brings us to justification romans chapter 3 22,romans,3,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 22 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of proverbs 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,proverbs,23,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 to our high places in life we read that now habakkuk chapter 3 and then the whole of that chapter is,habakkuk,3,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 jesus restored back to us colossians chapter 2 verse 13 all the way to verse 15. colossians,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 deals with here in in romans 14 and so i'm going to take three main points,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 savior because the bible tells us in in colossians 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 my best to diligently be in the word in acts chapter 17 paul he comes to this town called berea,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 even tonight in jesus name joshua chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14,joshua,14,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 1 reading there from chapter 4 verse 19 jeremiah 4 verse 19 my powers my powers i am pinch at my very heart my heart,jeremiah,4,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 4 verse 19 ever it is now and here's what hebrews 10 25 says let us not give up,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 lisa is going to read to you from hebrews 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she,hebrews,11,31.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 31 a memory bias is ecclesiastes 9 verse 10 ecclesiastes 9 by saying you say whatever your aunt finds to do do with,ecclesiastes,9,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 1 of who he is isaiah 43 3 for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior,isaiah,43,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 3 and priests revelations of the finest a revelation to provide verse 10 we are seated with christ as kings and priests,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 unto him solution will come because he said in philippians chapter 2 9 to 11,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 look at the proverbs chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter,proverbs,8,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 19 priorities straight and so let's not miss the wisdom of proverbs chapter 30 more important than your money situation,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 purpose and the purpose was purchasing people here we are in exodus chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 stay there for to the,exodus,6,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 6 find that all over scripture james chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,james,4,5.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 5 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 [music] in exodus chapter 2 from verse 23 to 25,exodus,2,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 23 clearly who you paradise in your life in philippians chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking,philippians,3,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 19 that a son that sleeps in the harvest is one that causes him proverbs chapter 10,proverbs,10,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 1 come to that but here it says in hebrews 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 will come to pass in genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 god bless you consider we're coming to hebrews chapter 10 in hebrews chapter 10 i'm reading from,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 romans romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,romans,17,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 17 verse 4 i'm reading from deuteronomy chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,deuteronomy,22,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 by your corresponding deeds and action praise a lot hebrews 11 7 noah believed what god told him,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 it's the isaiah 6 moment when god calls isaiah into his presence in a crisis time of judgment in the nation jeremiah,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 you would help us and what an amazing promise it is lord in hebrews 4 lord we are so grateful that we have a high,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 if you believe he said loud amen in deuteronomy chapter 28 verse one and verse two,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 that word all the way back to its roots which was in sodom and gomorrah genesis 19,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 that makes it alive if is a man of decision have you heard of daniel in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 it says but,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 1 zechariah 1 3 and jeremiah 24 7. i'm going to end this on jeremiah 24 7. i hope you guys know where you are i,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 victory that only he can give in proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 the lord says turn at my rebuke and surely i'll,proverbs,1,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 in jeremiah 17 about a tree which has got its roots going into the,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 who can make that claim it is a god as the god of all flesh hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12,hebrews,12,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 to the cursed tree as it says in galatians chapter 3 christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 they won't fly again the bible says in philippians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 12 philippians 2,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 the apostle paul says in chapter 1 of ephesians that when god exalted him he seated him verse 20 at his right hand in,ephesians,1,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 2 and this is the scripture that comes to me isaiah isaiah 54,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 coming out of a vacuum actually the prophet isaiah said now if you know isaiah isaiah 60 is a magnificent,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 good understanding procure's favor proverbs 13 verse 15 but the way of the transgressor is hard,proverbs,13,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 15 complete restoration in jesus name look at isaiah chapter 57 i say a chapter 57 a meeting from was for china i said,isaiah,57,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 1 verse 13 colossians chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 synergic connection of all members in the body romans chapter 12 verse 5 so we be many,romans,12,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 5 fellow is actually born again in romans chapter 6,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 exodus 32,exodus,7,32.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 32 verse 3 genesis 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 watch out for read you can read about it in daniel chapter 12 chapter 11 really read daniel 9 11 and 12 10 why not you,daniel,9,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 11 contained in ordinances amazing statement again in colossians 2 verses 13 through 17 really if we were to read,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 about antichrist we've already said in daniel chapter 11 that it covers a period of time of 365,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 come because there have been chickens there'll be tremblings acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4.,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying ephesians after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it,ephesians,1,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 man may fail but god cannot the bible said to us in hebrews chapter 6 verse 13,hebrews,6,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 13 now and he says in malachi chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and in verse 8 and in verse 9,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 only not only gave him the right hand of fellowship we read about in galatians 2 but that peter even this is this blows,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 church together galatians 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 in philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 opening there i want us to pray revelation 12 this will just be a starting point for us father i pray that,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 one from verse four to five jeremiah one four to five he said,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 four times habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 seven verse one ecclesiastes 7 verse 1. you will wonder what,ecclesiastes,7,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 1 flyers genesis 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,genesis,3,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 5 numbers chapter 18. numbers chapter 18,numbers,18,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 1 said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at romans chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 chapter 6 daniel chapter six wrong goes one two five,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 will give you light ephesians 5 17 ephesians 5 17 don't be unwise but under,ephesians,5,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 17 god's child that is all for galatians 3 i loved studying this chapter and i can't wait,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 event isaiah 53 5 he was wounded,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 in fact whatever is not of faith is sin romans 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 multiply in your life in jesus name titus chapter 2 a meeting from verse 11 for the grace of god that brings,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 on to you i mean if you make a reference to scriptures in genesis chapter 14 from verse 20 the bible says that,genesis,14,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 2 deliver his soul from hell now shall deliver his soul from hell proverbs 23 verse 14 hebrews 12 verse 7 hebrews 12,proverbs,23,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 14 fully he was declaring himself as paul says in romans 1 for to be the son of god with power and that drew everybody,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 about this sin offering leviticus 627 it says whatever touches its flesh this offering shall be holy so,leviticus,6,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 27 that that chapter very key chapter romans 8 we get our nature as a son of god and by the holy spirit and,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 prayed scripture says in romans 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,romans,8,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 13 salvation and our memory verse was taken from romans chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 the bible said in jeremiah 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,jeremiah,3,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 3 been going around making land since this man began isaiah 32 verse 17 the walk of righteousness shall be peace,isaiah,32,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 17 from daniel chapter 7 daniel chapter as we continue with this series we're,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 which again i don't feel like it's real in mine i mean i look at romans nine i i totally enter into romans 10 1 but,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 show you in proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 proverbs chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 1 proverbs,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 good things joshua 21 verse 45 they are fair not ought,joshua,21,45.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 45 most famous passages in all the bible in philippians chapter 2 but he starts off with the humility of christ and having,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 can i have a believing amen acts chapter 2 verse 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was noise abroad,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 my son jonathan is going to bring a message from acts chapter 9 in a few moments but this is a moment where we're,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 what it says in daniel chapter 12 and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book,daniel,12,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 4 lord were looking at romans chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and were eating here from verse 9 the people were to convince,romans,3,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 3 of genesis 1 1 genesis 1 1 in the beginning god so my father is god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 speak on his behalf you can look at scriptures in jeremiah in verse or chapter 23 you can look at,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 [applause] james chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 james 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a,james,3,5.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 5 nothing let not that man think he will receive anything from the lord james chapter one why not switch it and come,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 book of job again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he,job,28,12.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 12 he said now let's go to isaiah 14. let's look at isaiah 14 here and let's read that,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 you know he would turn the tide because in isaiah 38 from verse 1 to 19 i started it from verse 1 to 19,isaiah,38,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 38 verse 1 what are you it will help you tonight look at hebrews chapter 4 i meet him from verse 14 hebrews chapter 4 i will,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 hands of them that's what joshua did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,joshua,1,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 15 forevermore yes god created you for his glory isaiah 43 verse 7 says god speaking every one who was,isaiah,43,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 7 doesn't that mean the west? you remember that the image in daniel 2 of the final world empire had two legs and the,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 verse 17 in hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 church say lord amen isaiah 59 and verse 19 paraphrased when the enemy shall come in,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 message in this series and i need to sink in very well genesis 27 and verse 24 you know the story if you have read a,genesis,27,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 24 christ and this church lady may be louder daniel 12 and verse 3 the scripture says and betta be wise shall,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 so please turn with me to the book of revelation the last chapter chapter 22 revelation,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 because they'll just cut you off let's look at acts 10 and this is something that peter says in a different story,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 with chapter 22 for me but in this book god can give us revelation which affects our life so i don't know what the,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 will be fulfilled in your life if ephesians chapter 6 i'm reading from verse 5,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 the law stirs up...what?...sin stirs up sin. go back to romans 3 and you will be reminded of that.,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving philippians chapter 4 verse 6,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 ephesians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 and we're reading here from verse 20 it,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 does not proceed from faith is a sin romans 14 speaks so there's a reality as christians that we need to do something,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 door for sacrificial service we're looking at revelation chapter three,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 tightening is just old testament stuff no it's not in genesis chapter 14 abraham tied to melchizedek moluccas the,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 submission philippians chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 moving your tree every time you get offended psalms one they shall be like those tree that's planted by the rivers,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 ezekiel 36 hallelujah ezekiel 36 from verse 24 to 27 i'm gonna read it,ezekiel,36,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 24 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, revelation 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",revelation,2,26.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 26 if you struggle with flesh and blood ephesians 6 and 12 ephesians 6 12,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 us right we have a god of isaiah 40 says he gives power to the faint,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 who follow the lamb wherever he goes in revelation chapter 14 and verses one two five,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 this church this prophetic season acts chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 yep absolutely and it will jeremiah 23 16 backs this up it says thus says the lord,jeremiah,23,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 16 you bless is blessed this is back in numbers chapter 22 here verse 6 and he whom you curse is cursed,numbers,22,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 6 and when we understand that is daniel did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,daniel,9,9.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 9 in this church amen can be stronger in daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 said and they,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 don't there is no shame i promise genesis chapter 1 looking at verse 3 and i'm gonna read a couple verses after,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 2021 make it louder and stronger deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says clearly here the lord god of,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 appreciate what he does for you so the wonder woman the proverbs 31 girl loves her husband a number for this,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 can't conceive of a god of love being angry romans 1 tells us this is not just old testament for the wrath of god is,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 we're looking at china in chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19 in acts of the apostle chapter 3,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 and not everybody does isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 these two passages to refer to satan himself then we get a little,isaiah,14,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 28 following and somebody shout acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter 14 acts of the apostles of the four chena a,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 to zerubbabel in chapter four of zechariah we see that zechariah is bringing a,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 didn't know when messiah came into the world and began to recite isaiah 61 in the synagogue the spirit of the lord is,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 our closing charge uh by taking the book of uh from the book of psalms chapter one verses one two and three it we will,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 to us not only to believe on christ but to suffer for christ philippians 3 said we counted joy to be to share in the,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 philippians chapter 3 from 7 to 11 philippians 3 verse 7 2 verse 11 force i critique everything i have i just want to know,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 around the world because of deuteronomy chapter 24 and verse 5,deuteronomy,24,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 5 relationship seeing that scripture in romans 14 another version tells us that you know the kingdom of god is not a,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 thing which uh ezekiel said about daniel listen to this in ezekiel 28 we read about the origin,daniel,28,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 28 verse 1 end from the beginning isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,isaiah,46,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 and verse eight teresaurus deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 8 the lord shall command the blessing upon,deuteronomy,28,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 8 "thank you for showing us christ, even here in genesis chapter 3; for he is the one who gave his life that we might have our guilt",genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 in proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like,proverbs,25,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 in proverbs in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,proverbs,3,34.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 34 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 26 ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 26 prescription for reviving a dead church let's go back again to revelation chapter 3,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but genesis 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,genesis,12,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 4 what paul is talking about now philippians 4 verse 10 i rejoice in the lord greatly that now at last your care,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 i don't wanna be deceived now back in philippians chapter 3 he says in verse 2,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 above all other people is mentioned in hebrews 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have,hebrews,1,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 9 jesus was crying out in prayer jesus was in anguish in prayer hebrews 5 7 says during the days of jesus life on earth,hebrews,5,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 prayers and in closing we are going to look at two passages romans chapter 8 verse 26,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 of christ the apostle writing uh in the book of hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 and 20 put it this way,hebrews,10,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 in romans 4 don't go to james yet spazzy people slow down romans 4.,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 and everybody said amen all right chapter 11 of revelation let me just read the first five verses that's about,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 of jesus i want you to look into the bible isaiah chapter 16 from verse one that popular passage says from verse one,isaiah,16,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 1 god this romans chapter 3 verse 23 in chapter 6 verse 23 it says the wages of,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 your messages god bless you so our closing charge psalms chapter 1 verses one to three blessed are mine for our,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 28 and 29 romans 2 28 29 for he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that,romans,2,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 29 it did not last for long because by the time you come to revelation chapter 2 and 3 which is just about,revelation,2,23.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 23 drives me to find him more i will find him more because james 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that,james,4,8.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 8 in your life this we take talk take us to the book of exodus exodus chapter 17,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 jesus name in colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,colossians,3,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 17 actions to take yourself out of the cleansing waters now the galatians one of the things that,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 when it's perverted nathan was mentioning in romans chapter one that downward spiral is sexual impurity,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 "let me read to you how it was soon after the day of pentecost acts chapter 2 when 3,000 people were converted and we read",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 here that both husbands and wives are called to this philippians 2 type of humility,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 one two three for ease of reference it will be displayed on the screen psalms chapter one verses one two three let's,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of ezra chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from,ezra,7,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 6 understand ruth chapter 1 and verse 20. can you put it up for me rule chapter 1 and verse 20,ruth,1,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 2 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at deuteronomy chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,deuteronomy,33,25.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 were gonna trace the theme of the kingdom god all the way from genesis chapter one to revelation last page of,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 only israel and babylon ezekiel 38 they're going to mention more nations,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 at all times you are never left alone you are never left alone hebrews chapter 13 and verse 5 and 6,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 they know what they use either they bring in the psalms seven times three days 21 times three,psalms,7,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 1 guardrail number two resist the devil resist the devil james 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 says resist the devil and he will flee,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 everlasting father prince of peace that's isaiah 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 began ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be,ecclesiastes,3,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 prepare the way for the fire of the lord in isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the,isaiah,40,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 he walked with god and god took him but before god took him hebrews 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed romans 10 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 testament references in the book of romans alone when paul preaches to the corinthians the gospel chapter 15 first,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 bounty fully for example in malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 3 was 10 that,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 you know who gave understanding to daniel and the same gabriel that appeared in luke chapter 1,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of revelation dealing with the events that are going to be coming,revelation,6,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 18 basically that this love fulfills the law it says verse 8 romans 13 oh nothing to anyone except to love one another for,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 point of pure and generous gifts you know provost bob says in proverbs 11 24 says there is he that scatter and yet,proverbs,11,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 pray and it's interesting the word that is used there in isaiah 59 for he wondered could be translated astonished,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 you've seen that verse since turn to the psalms psalm 100,psalms,100,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 100 verse 1 ministering to the southern kingdom i'm gonna read here from joel chapter one and then we're gonna skip and read a,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 not casually hebrews 11 6 that diligently seek him you might be in a table but,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 of the remedy by the unfaithful we're looking at ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 command of god and he said in malachi where we just read now verse 10 malachi 3 10 bring ye,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 well proverbs chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as,proverbs,24,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 13 will bring those answers ephesians chapter 1 17 to 19 as paul writes to those people that he's,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 we can turn in your bibles there zechariah chapter 14 verse 16. then it'll come about that any who are,zechariah,14,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 16 you've already read about we've read isaiah 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 in the case of some deformity they need to be reminded of exodus 4 11 where god says who makes,exodus,4,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 11 in every one of our lives in jesus name look at acts chapter one and i'm reading from verse 4 acts chapter 1 reading from,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 hands deuteronomy 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,deuteronomy,26,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 8 verses here exodus 18 now i know the lord is greater than all gods because in this affair,exodus,18,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 18 verse 1 his flock jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 established romans 1 11 he said in philippians 1 7 you are all,romans,1,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 11 in 1 timothy 2 verse 5 he is the man christ jesus. in hebrews 2 verse 17 he was made like his brethren in all things.,1 timothy,2,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 5 in line with the holy spirit i think it is ephesians 1 13 okay ephesians 1 13 that says,ephesians,1,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 new body that is fit for eternity and it's like jesus in some way philippians 3 verses 20 and 21 it along the same,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 sarah in the book of genesis chapter 18 sarah in the book of genesis chapter 18 when the lord sends his angels to come,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 he said in uh the book of philippians chapter four and if you all,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 out of that evils in revelation chapter 18 in revelation chapter 18 a medium from was for revelation chapter 18 verse,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 into the sinner's heart revelation 3 speaks about the church that had locked him out,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 you even the devil cannot be against you james chapter 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 so if you saw me turn to god you resist,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 deuteronomy 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,deuteronomy,2,36.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 questions and again you see it in revelation chapter 20 full circle with a tree of life yeah,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 church for their restoration and breakthroughs in obadiah chapter 1 and verse 17 he said but upon,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 it'll be in the coming of the son of man now if you read genesis chapter 6 i don't have time to go there but you,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 verse 24 acts chapter 20 verse 24 it says let me back up to verse 22 and,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 what you got um yeah this is a good one in revelation um i think they mean 21 when it refers to,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in proverbs 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,proverbs,10,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 12 it says speaks about the riches of his glory in ephesians 1 verse 18 and in chapter 2 verse 7 it says here,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 going to leave this church he says in revelation 2 5 i'm gonna if you don't listen to me repent i'm gonna,revelation,2,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 5 them exodus 12 came he brought them out of egypt,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 this actually comes jesus quote here comes from deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 11. he's quoting,deuteronomy,15,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 1 ourselves what then on the other hand what is true well james chapter one gives us the answer to that as well in,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 and his evil agents how did that happen turn to romans chapter 1 and i want to rehearse for you,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 have expectation expectation in proverbs 23 and verse 18 the bible says surely there,proverbs,23,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 i think that jude talks a little bit about this at the very end of jude jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22,jude,22,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 1 of honor bible says trust in the lord with all your heart proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 trust in the lord with all,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 now as i mentioned the english standard version says in this verse proverbs 31 verse 25 she laughs at the time to come,proverbs,31,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 25 from ancient times the things not yet done isaiah chapter 46 verse 10 he says concerning you he will fulfill his good,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 is the spirit of heaviness heaviness isaiah chapter 61 and verse 3,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 and the watchmen months months back ezekiel 33 if i say to the wicked a wicked one you shall surely die and you,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 always fresh i don't know that i'm so familiar with you he says in revelation chapter 5 how in heaven will the others,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 what they're doing is engrave error romans 10 1 brothers my heart's desire and prayer to god for them is that they,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 abundantly in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi 3 verse 8 to 10 is promised,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 "it was the head of the world. and actually in genesis 2, when it talked about the one river",genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 myself and philippians 2 verse 4 makes it even harder,philippians,2,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 4 to your life and ministry i will reverse in revelation 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,revelation,21,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 5 exclamation finally bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh in genesis 2 23 emphasizes the man's recognition that,genesis,2,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 23 "service to the lord. all right, let's shift now, from daniel 12 over to luke 12, luke 12.",daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 acts of the apostle chapter 4,acts,4,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 24 this story at least let's pick it up from genesis chapter 13,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 revelation chapter 17 'ah looking at verse age revelation chapter 17 a reading from verse age the beast that,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 engenders the following one from isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 it is called the oil of joy what do they call,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 tonight in isaiah chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,isaiah,58,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 9 the great promises of the bible look at revelation 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and,revelation,21,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 4 desires for us then we'll also be looking at job chapter 36,job,36,1.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 1 a reuben among them look at it in genesis chapter 37 genesis chapter 37,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 it's a bride but there's something else in the book of ephesians it's called in ephesians 2 19 the church the local,ephesians,2,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 and even a cuss in deuteronomy chapter 11 as 16 to 17 the autonomy level 60 to 70,deuteronomy,11,16.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 16 if people have offended you release them ephesians 4 26 episode 426 ephesians 4 31 to 32,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 is a because of you the wind will blow in revelation chapter 2 verse 7 the bible says let him that has ears to hear,revelation,2,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 7 answer to lazy people bible says in galatians 6 and verse 9 let us not be weary in well to doing,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 zephaniah chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,zephaniah,1,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 17 doing nothing no hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 is a tremendous,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 for lack of thanksgiving james or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,jeremiah,13,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 your bibles i'm gonna start at judges 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,judges,16,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 16 taken from the book of revelation revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,revelation,22,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 16 a sister and it yeah i'll just read the account in acts chapter 16 verse 11. we boarded a boat at troas and sailed,acts,16,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 11 god is saying i forbid you in this know if you go back to deuteronomy chapter 8 where moses is recounting to the next,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 the bible tells us again remember in the book of psalms chapter 56 verse 4 and verse 10 in god i will praise his word,psalms,56,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 56 verse 4 because christ has delivered us from the curse galatians 3 13 christ became a curse for us on the,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 jesus name ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 what is secretly slim,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 about they must be able to say like it says in hebrews 13 the lord is my helper or sick i will never be afraid what can,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 verse 20 genesis chapter 20 ah verse 20 and jacob vouched,genesis,20,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 2 there is a link between poverty and sale proverbs chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors,proverbs,30,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 15 it tells us in jeremiah chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 38,jeremiah,32,38.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 38 here but let me let's read it verse 5 of judges 4 she used to sit under the palm of deborah between rama and bethel in,judges,4,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 5 the law look at romans if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 look at jude chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude,jude,20,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 2 demons must disappear why philippians 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man ephesians 4 verse 20,ephesians,4,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 2 seating of his son on his throne in the other psalms some 89 psalm 132 then down in verse 34 he goes to psalm 110 the,psalms,132,34.0,1.0,psalms chapter 132 verse 34 is one of the easiest ways to translate or understand this word advocate romans 8 1,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed genesis 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical,genesis,9,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 6 is one reference in the book of acts acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,acts,16,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 14 and chapter 4 verse two of the same revelation chapter four verse one he said and this,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 attributes of the humility in amos chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,amos,3,33.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 33 and there's an understanding that god brought to my attention in joshua 23 verse 10 he says one man of you shall,joshua,23,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 1 his goodness in your life in jesus name acts chapter 27,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 chapter 1. there's only one chapter in jude but we're just going to say jude 1 that he preached about god so let me,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 very similar the other story takes place in exodus chapter 17 and god had provided water from a rock in that,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 ishmael and hagar had to depart genesis 21 and god there's a consistent pattern here and god heard,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 15 you ready for this galatians chapter 1 verse 15 but when it pleased god who separated me from my,galatians,1,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 15 you can make it stronger and louder acts chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 shall have destruction just one day i like it james one night he said let everyone,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 to honor her and proverbs 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,proverbs,27,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 18 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom colossians chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,colossians,1,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 13 the redeemer that lived and it's our advocate in hebrews chapter 4,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 brother can i read that one more time proverbs 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,proverbs,18,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 24 scripture says now i said to you galatians 4 verse 1 that the hair as long as is a child does not differ at,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 circumcised refers to being under the law another thing we learned numbers the number 2 thing we learned is that jesus,numbers,2,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 1 our bible in the book of isaiah chapter 1 isaiah 1 verse 18 tells us the come now and let us reason together saith the,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 but you know the rest of the story by the time we go to genesis danny chapter 6 4 19 to 28,genesis,6,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 4 all we still beware and you know according to job chapter 42 from verse 12 to 17 job 42,job,42,12.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 12 "that is you just read a bible verse that condenses genesis 6, 7, 8 and 9...in that sense, it is a very cryptic verse, it assumes that you",genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what romans 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,romans,7,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 14 he looked away from him he went down to the river in hebrews chapter 10 35 to 39 if you read in king,hebrews,10,35.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 god spoke through the prophet in hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 hebrews 1 verse 1 go u at sundry times,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 in between judges six and judges seven i was praying,judges,6,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 1 daniel 8 daniel 9 daniel 11 and daniel 12. jesus also refers to the great,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 to receive to become sons of god and according to romans chapter 8 verse 14,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 the word of god tells us in the book of psalms 69 and verse nine he said there that the zeal of the house has eaten me,psalms,6,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 9 the bible tells us in the book of proverbs 18 and verse 1 he said a man through desire separated himself,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 let me give you one last verse hebrews and chapter four one of the things we have taught in cfc,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 moment hebrews 2. verses 3 and 4 how shall we escape,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 in acts in conclusion in acts chapter 12 41 to 43 says that they have gladly,acts,12,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 41 verse 2 to 3 hebrews 12 verse 2 to 3,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 of jesus amen in the book of acts uh chapter 12,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 15. exodus 59 what's the topic of our,exodus,59,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 59 verse 1 strength of the confidence they are all proverbs 21 and verse 22. a wise man scaled the city of the mighty,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 the moment anxiety steps in you have to make the wrong decisions ephesians chapter 4 and verse 26,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 of prompt obedience now let's check genesis 12 and 1 to 3 no premonition god showed up to abraham,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 we know in ezekiel chapter 3 you know the story of dry bones,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 incredible times the scripture does say in ephesians 5 16 the days are evil the days were evil in,ephesians,5,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 16 so when you're running a conflict learn to listen proverbs 18 13 says only a fool answers a matter before he's heard,proverbs,18,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 13 chapter 8 verse 22 acts chapter 8 reading from verse 22 repent therefore,acts,8,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 22 there's a little story that's recounted here in proverbs 24. proverbs 24 verse 30.,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 the life and that life that is divine is he in the branch galatians 3 verse 20 the initial truth was twenty,galatians,3,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 2 for me to walk in that is all for ephesians chapter two comment down below letting,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 let me conclude as we read that scripture romans chapter 6 number 6 romans 10 please romans 10 verse 6.,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 over the next 10 minutes in daniel chapter 6. daniel chapter 6,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 they flow through you're just different acts chapter 12 verse 21,acts,12,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 21 if god wants to send a ninja you will what the bible says is philippians 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle romans 1 verses 19 to 20.,romans,1,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 19 into every human mind according to romans 2 we have the law of god written in the heart and part of that law is the,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 purpose acts 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 understands your sorrow and your tears we read that prophecy from jeremiah 31 thus says the lord,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 testament to how it interprets these things so turn to hebrews chapter 5 it comes up briefly in hebrews 5 we're,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 don't have to do any those things anymore yeah i mean philippians was at philippians 3 paul talks about how he is,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 i playing around the periphery ephesians 6 from 10th watts finally my brother's be strong in the lord and in,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 focused on the bible says in hebrews chapter 12 in hebrews chapter 12 i reading from verse 1 the bible told us,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 with all he says we're looking at colossians chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 not start that practice from now jeremiah 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,jeremiah,15,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 19 and brothers in christ listen to hebrews 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,hebrews,10,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 14 remarkable thing and look what it says in acts chapter 2 16 peter stands up and he preaches and we know that 3 0 get,acts,2,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 16 look at romans chapter eight,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 it's not even there anymore proverbs 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who,proverbs,21,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 29 mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in isaiah chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the,isaiah,17,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 17 verse 14 quite amazing breaking of bread is mentioned twice in acts chapter 2 after the day of pentecost but like everything,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read genesis chapter 2 verse 15,genesis,2,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 15 human nature he cannot please the lord romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 "no, because destructive things happen. and then in proverbs chapter 21 verse 17, ""he who loves wine will not become rich.""",proverbs,21,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 17 until finally we read the last verse together psalms 103 bless the lord o my soul,psalms,103,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 103 verse 1 that was romans 7 i'm sorry romans 14 verse 7 to 12. you know we must all appear,romans,14,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 7 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know exodus 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,exodus,16,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 3 salvation who was smitten for us struck for us isaiah 53 tellers wounded bruised abused for our salvation strike the rock,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 please understand proverbs 11 and verse 24 one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to,proverbs,11,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 he writes to the church in galatia in galatians chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 actually forgiveness comes as he gets from christ look at acts chapter 5 we're reading from verses 30 and 21,acts,5,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 3 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of ephesians in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 proverbs chapter 8 proverbs chapter 8 the blessing of the lord comes on whom,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 truth i will teach in romans chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,romans,2,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 6 1st 2021 deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 dressed some of you need to go to ephesians six and ten every day if they you know what god i'm going to,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 is the first household baptism passage right acts 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,acts,10,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 44 very powerfully you know asked question like that that doesn't work revelation chapter 2 verses 22 and 23 let me read,revelation,2,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccpnermuby and then verses 19 and 20 of ephesians 6 our witness in the world is affected by,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 no way he can do it because you're under divine protection paul says in romans 8 i am persuaded me neither death nor life,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 sorry that's not the verse uh zechariah 13 7 excuse me this is uh after,zechariah,13,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 7 we could also point to things like the thief on the cross um in acts 10 i could look at cornelius who was clearly 100,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 jesus name in exodus chapter 23 long life everybody say long life long life,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 chapter 2 we're reading from verse 44 acts chapter 2 verse 44 and all that believes,acts,2,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 44 who in acts 19 were filled with the spirit he says again in ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the spirit our people who,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 look at genesis chapter 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 the almighty god,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 1 isaiah chapter 43,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 "the humble are quick to understand their inadequacies. the apostle paul says in the colossians letter, chapter 1 verse 29, ""i labor, i work to the",colossians,43,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 43 verse 1 talking about a little bit here today revelation chapter 5 st. john was on the island of patmos and the lord opens his,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 jesus went on a 40 to day fast for revelation 40 days,revelation,40,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 40 verse 1 he said we should open to the book of acts chapter 3 verse 6. i opened to that book when i opened i,acts,3,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 6 we need to bear one another's burdens in galatians chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this,galatians,6,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 2 from verse 11 to 14 hebrews chapter 5 11 to 14,hebrews,5,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 and when you have done the will of god according to hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,hebrews,10,36.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 the bible says that he that we need soul will shine like the farmer meant daniel chapter 12 verse 3,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 true god. now go back for a moment to daniel chapter 12 because there's more specificity here.,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 standard against him isaiah 59 verse 19 ever present helper,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 look at genesis chapter 39 verse 10 genesis chapter 39 verse 10 and it came to pass as she speak to joseph day by,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me,genesis,28,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 2 17. in romans chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 so mightily that if you read genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8,genesis,32,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 3 reverence her husband ephesians 6 children obey your parents in the lord,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 spirit it's in fulfillment of isaiah 8 verse 18 i and the children,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 does not rule over us we are going higher and higher and romans 8 we come to a wonderful life in the holy spirit,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 docile isaiah 11 6 says the wolf will romp with the lamb,isaiah,11,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 6 disappear why philippians 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 john in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11.,revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 of a course from genesis 15 numbers 13 to 16.,numbers,15,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 1 our way we see scriptures giving us a command in proverbs chapter 4 and verse it says my son,proverbs,4,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 1 behind them the children of israel found themselves now in exodus chapter 14 in a place where they were hopelessly hemmed,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 you'd like to turn there let me encourage you to do that hebrews 7 verse 1 so we see melchizedek in genesis 14 we,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 decorations isaiah 61 verse 10 another,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first jeremiah 24 and verse 7.,jeremiah,24,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 24 verse 7 the light of life that's the proper walk of faith it tells us in galatians chapter 2,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 8 of deuteronomy and verse 18 says deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18 but thou shalt remember the lord that,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 and balaam the bible says in verse 5 of numbers 23 it says then the lord put a word in,numbers,23,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 5 sins turn to chapter 16 of revelation revelation chapter 16 and uh let me read here,revelation,16,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 1 accomplish more in unity therefore ephesians 4 and mastery efficient,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 16 32 proverbs 16 32 already quickly proverbs,proverbs,16,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 32 dealing with before then i think you need to read revelation chapter 12 and verse 10,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 peace with everyone around you look at colossians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 13. it says for bearing one,colossians,3,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 13 matthew 4 verse 16 came to me and i'm actually going to be in isaiah 9 but let's just read matthew 4 verse 16 in passing the reason,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 want to suggest to you that acts 2 is a kind of solemn assembly that in a sense has given up on the,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 is that in chapter 8 god does not physically take ezekiel back to jerusalem but he takes ezekiel to,ezekiel,8,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1 answers to prayers in proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone,proverbs,28,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 tons of detail so the general complementary approach is that genesis 2 and 3 these are the accounts okay the,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 what is the fruit of christ well paul gives us 9 in galatians 5 22 to 23. he talks about the fruit of the spirit,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 job job chapter 13 and job in its setting in the bible is not,job,13,1.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 1 that was the cry of the great apostle paul in philippians chapter 3 when he read from verse 12 he realized that,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 love does here in romans 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 our bible passage for today is taken from numbers chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8,numbers,8,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 23 proverbs chapter 3 verse 10 and the amplified version proverbs chapter 3 verse 10 it says this it says um,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 your young not be barren in the land exodus 23 and verse 26. supernatural fruitfulness,exodus,23,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 26 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in hebrews chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,hebrews,10,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 23 please it's the last verse of exodus 32 and the verse 14 of exodus chapter 33 the message title is when someone,exodus,32,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 14 haggy eye you probably don't turn there very often haggai chapter one,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 and over again you want to have a proverbs 31 will you write it down you claim it you proclaim it but let's ask,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 [music] romans chapter eight there,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 chapter 12 and read a few verses there but in daniel chapter 11 there's this reference here to a king but this king,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 with a son also in exodus 15 and also in numbers chapter 11 we see moses once again praying for food and water,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 women need to learn and need to be mentored in titus chapter 2 titus chapter a true woman passage exactly the,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 cries out within us i think it's worth 16 or something in romans 8 which says abba father and the actual translation,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 have to be humble with regards to that about titus chapter one he must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 that's in revelation chapter two paul's letter what we know is ephesians is the first letter,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 talk like caleb and we're told in numbers chapter 13 verse 30 and caleb's chilled the people,numbers,13,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 3 is another kind of fire daniel chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 the people who went to true,daniel,3,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 19 in the next few minutes romans chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 that this god is awesome the bible says in isaiah chapter 46 verse 10 that it declares the end,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 sovereignty in the book of daniel and today she comes to daniel chapter 3 when interestingly enough daniel isn't in the,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 confessed and on dependency on confessed and no repentance see in genesis 49 3 to 4 genesis 49,genesis,49,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 3 you often heard me say acts 1 verse 1 there are two things i learned from that,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 lives the word of god may exclaim romans chapter 8 31 if god be for you who can,romans,8,31.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 31 what the scripture says in the book of acts chapter 26 and verse 8,acts,26,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 8 get to the tournament 33 verse 17 deuteronomy 33 verse 17 the bible tells us that ephraim has,deuteronomy,33,17.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 17 together ephesians chapter 6 in the families in israel in the days when paul and jesus,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god romans 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 of earth purified seven times james chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom,james,3,17.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 17 minister isaiah 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect,isaiah,26,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 pray for a great mantle genesis 49 10 the scepter shall not depart from judah pray and tell the lord,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 on or before november 29 2020 let your mm break limits ezekiel chapter 36 verse 37 thought says the lord,ezekiel,36,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 37 just standing as i read these verses romans 11 the three through 36 would you stand with me,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 something like that will happen let's look at isaiah chapter 34 verses one to,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,daniel,9,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 24 called the man of god it was also used in the book of judges chapter 30 verses six and seven to describe an,judges,30,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 30 verse 6 for me but that's fine so let's go to acts chapter 1 and verse 5.,acts,1,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 5 philippians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 that's in hebrews 3. and hebrews chapter a 10 it talks about it again not,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 the answer in romans in chapter 12 romans chapter 12 where the word words worship in the spirit comes one of the,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 main philosophers in mentions here in acts 17 epicureans and stoics two very different philosophers translation the,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 be sober it tells us in philippians chapter 2 verse 3,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 "a man. in acts 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",acts,10,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 42 a moment and in proverbs chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs,proverbs,19,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 5 a third question and for this one i want you to turn to hebrews chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 familiar coming right,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in acts 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,acts,15,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 2 number number one rather number one the indisputable revelation of god on heaven look at revelation chapter 21,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 we will intercede for the land daniel chapter 9 he will intercede for enemies,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 journey with the part that the holy spirit has given to you or galatians two verse two said i went in response to a,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 jesus name jeremiah reading from verse 8 jeremiah chapter 30 when you came at,jeremiah,30,8.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 8 but it comes out through the eyes pride is in the heart but proverbs chapter 6 says,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 path verse 7 of proverbs 3 says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and,proverbs,3,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 these children of god in daniel chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,daniel,39,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 39 verse 5 he will not depart from it proverbs 22 6 condition with the promise,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 together here um and i'm going to read to us joshua 2 1 to 4 and there's some cities in joshua,joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 or do i trust in the help of man proverbs 29 tells us that the fear of man,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 it's certainly a miniature full declaration the gospel so is isaiah 55 6 to 7 the essence of all biblical,isaiah,55,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 adversaries there are many adversaries but there's still a solution ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 for we do not wrestle,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 of god or talking about the word of god and in that ephesians 6 that we read,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 on the word of god hebrews chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 predestined me romans 8 29 and you also to become conformed to the image of,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 when he got converted and met with god in daniel 4 verse 35 listen to it and see if it is not one of the most,daniel,4,35.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 35 there's no one else beside him deuteronomy 4 35 that's also in isaiah 45 21.,deuteronomy,4,35.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 35 the devil job 14 14 job chapter 14 14 b the bible says all,job,14,14.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 14 we're reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 11 reading from verse 15 for if,romans,11,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 15 again in the name of jesus in acts chapter 4 when they went and prayed the spirit of might came upon,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 this is how he responded to god's prophecy through isaiah he says in verse 19 of second kings 20.,2 kings,20,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 19 ephesians chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4. tells us,ephesians,2,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 covenant deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 background in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 genesis 12 1 2 3 country total and i will show you in,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 me well good for you a active obedience every person mentioned in hebrews 11 was given a task and they did it why do you,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 because john quoted two times from isaiah once from isaiah 53 and once from isaiah 6 verse 10 so here's the isaiah 6 verse 10,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 with supernatural multiplication jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 in the precious name of the lord jesus so romans 8 and verse 35 he said who shall separate us,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 day is a mistranslation for many i believe in revelation one is the day of the lord not sunday that it's talking,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 take acts chapter 16 read the story from verse 16 to 34 acts 16 4 verse 16 to 34 paul was minding his own business a,acts,16,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 16 thank you holy spirit you know the bible says in ephesians chapter one uh from verse 18 he says that uh it was a prayer,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 after abraham had driven him away in genesis chapter 21 uh from verse 14 and abram rose up early,genesis,21,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 14 nations in the last days now i have a particular for genesis chapter 12 and it's about a man called abraham abraham,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 all symbols say so let's go to acts now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how,acts,10,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 28 the dead he spent forty days on earth actually says in acts chapter 1 giving convincing proofs now during the forty,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 all the nakedness and being buffeted and all that we see that in romans 8 again 35 to 37 we have just read faithfulness,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 turning away completely let there be a transformation and that's what acts of the apostle chapter 3 verse 19 says he,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 redeemer isaiah 54 verse 4 fear not,isaiah,54,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 4 in fact in these verses that we read in romans 5 the entirety of humanity is pressed in the unity we have very little,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 now let's watch revelation 22 number 16 jesus introduced himself as the bride and the morning,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 in proverbs 8 it says i was,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 you know what the scripture say the book of james about 5 by 16 it says no confess your trespasses,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 let me show you what i mean i'm looking at numbers chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 29,numbers,11,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 29 yesterday book of galatians galatians chapter 6 and verse 17 it says from now on,galatians,6,17.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 17 [music] and when you now get to genesis 28 from verse 10 to 19,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 want to show the faith that was in joshua in our company moon trombley karim numbers 13 numbers 13 but he,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 we pray in acts chapter 2 verse 37 the bible says now,acts,2,37.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 37 notice what is linked hand in hand if you look at proverbs 11 and 20 to the verses that talk about getting the,proverbs,11,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 chapter 1 reading from verse 21 philippians chapter 1,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 over the past 40 years your women can turn things around romans 1 verse 8 first i thank my god,romans,1,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 8 dimension of blessing job 36 and verse 11 he said that if they obey and save me,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 even now at this present hour the atonement look at colossians chapter 1 is something here for you,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 job 1 123 job 29 4 to 17 and joe 42 10 to 14,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 the devil will be afraid of you james 4 7 says resist the devil and he will flee not walk away he will,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 23 i do want you to go to jeremiah 3 as well,jeremiah,3,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 1 what a wretched man i am but now philippians 2 13. god is not walking us through christ,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 proverbs 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man,proverbs,18,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 from godly lies as you come and you have looked at revelation chapter 5,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 talk to captains from sunglass jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 he'll tell him i will seven times read exodus 6 start universe 6 therefore say to the people of israel,exodus,6,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 1 here on this earth it wouldn't be gain no to be with christ jude 24 says now to him who is able to keep it from,jude,24,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 1 yes called us to do that's why he says in acts chapter 1 meaning from bus h acts chapter 1 reading from verse 8 but,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 goal when you read daniel chapter six from verse one to three daniel six from verse,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 "an all to consuming devotion to prayer. colossians chapter 4 is a good illustration of this, epaphras who is one of your number,",colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 in philippians 2 from verse 5 to 12 philippians 2 from verse 5 to 12. the bible says he humbled himself,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 have ever known this year acts chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 chapter 28 and here were irina from verse 58 deuteronomy chapter chapter 28 verse 58 if thou will not observe to do,deuteronomy,28,58.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 58 jesus mighty name we pray the bible says in isaiah 59 from verse 1 he said behold the hands of the lord is,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 old to new testament this is a completed revelation that's why jude in jude 3 it says that,jude,3,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 1 "in the future israel will be saved. romans 11 says, ""all israel will be saved."" there's coming salvation to the jewish people,",romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 original earth that was created in genesis 1 verse 1 there was an eden that was destroyed and became corrupt genesis,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and worth dying for romans 3 10 and 11 says this there is none righteous no not one there is none,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 between men and women that are very important and then genesis 3 the the interpretation of the fall that,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see daniel they are telling the king explaining this dimension of wisdom he,daniel,30,23.0,1.0,daniel chapter 30 verse 23 just paul our savior isaiah 53 tells us was a man of,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 two to year to old can sing it and it's ephesians 4 32 and it says be kind one to another tenderhearted,ephesians,4,32.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 careful it says in ephesians chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,ephesians,5,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 you read that in hebrews 11 5 also hebrews 11 5 genesis 5 24 every child of god you are called to,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 for you in jesus name in lesson chapter 15 verse 6 exodus 15 6 where moses was praising god for,exodus,15,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 6 writing along with john's into galatians chapter six and one,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn,deuteronomy,2,3.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery galatians 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came,galatians,4,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 4 reading from verse 13 philippians chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 that quote is isaiah isaiah 28 verses 11 through 12. this is literally in the same context as,isaiah,28,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 11 let's take a stab at it we're looking at isaiah chapter 66 verses 22 and 23 and we'll see this may,isaiah,66,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 22 end of the book of numbers the tribe of levi numbers 23 000. so 23 0 are going to be,numbers,23,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 1 and uh you know paul um wasn't paul or james i'm sorry finishes up by saying in chapter one you,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 do not even the public can sow numbers 40 age be there for perfect even as your father which,numbers,40,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 40 verse 1 they rejected salvation and they went into perdition in jeremiah chapter 6 a reading from verse 16,jeremiah,6,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 and the land now let's go to genesis 4 let's see what there is,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 it will be fruitful and we're looking at exodus chapter 34 i'm reading from verse 2 exodus chapter,exodus,34,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 2 joy in the book of psalms 42 5 why are thou cast down o my soul david,psalms,42,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 42 verse 5 society that takes pleasure in wickedness titus 3 3 defines it as being enslaved to various lusts and pleasures,titus,3,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 3 with god's laws you say how do you know that i know that from romans chapter 8 it says that very explicitly the mind,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 was on easter morning in revelation chapter 1 verse 18 revelation whopper city jesus christ say,revelation,1,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 18 revelation closes that these words revelation 12 22 6 then he said to me these words are faithful and true and,revelation,12,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 22 "modern vernacular. but in genesis 26 verse 6, 7, 8 and 9, it describes isaac and it says, ""he was sporting with his",genesis,26,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 6 to be in debt see what it says there romans chapter 13 romans chapter 13 verse 9 you shall not murder you shall,romans,13,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 9 morning hallelujah in the book of isaiah chapter 54 two two three says enlighten the,isaiah,54,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 2 to enter those 600 0 people hebrews 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,hebrews,3,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 "cost. come down in to ephesians chapter 4 and a very powerful portion of scripture, we'll",ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 one of the things i want to share is found in james chapter 3 if you turn with me to james chapter 3.,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 the rookie filled in for me but uh but we're here in verse 10 of joshua chapter four,joshua,4,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 1 little more said about that messenger in malachi 4 5. i'm going to send you elijah the prophet,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 so speaking in tongues as mentioned mark 16 acts of the apostles chapter 2 chapter 10 chapter 19 and then in the,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 is a skepta of righteousness the bible tells us in isaiah 32 verse 1. a king must reign in righteousness,isaiah,32,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 1 the priority of your life in jesus name hebrews chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 shall be given to him deuteronomy 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,deuteronomy,19,21.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 21 light james 2 verse 17 substituting doing the will of the,james,2,17.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 17 nations was approaching 100 the wife approaching 90 and then in genesis 17 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 17 verse 1 20,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 miracle power of the lord in jesus name isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18,isaiah,57,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 you we're told in acts 14 through many tribulations,acts,14,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 1 disobedience to god just like balaam did in numbers chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,numbers,22,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 32 be exact and detailed that you know this is the war connected to ezekiel 37 and the spiritual revival of israel why does,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 that isaiah 34 from which the book of revelation is quoting concerning the lake that burneth with fire and,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 did a great job on that uh yesterday i believe it was hebrews 11 1. now faith i even think i put those up this,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 provided for in proverbs 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,proverbs,13,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 25 "daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. daniel who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would",daniel,6,22.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 22 in the book of acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 when they were going to bring we are,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 diligent let us be diligent verse 11 hebrews 4 verse 11 concluded this that is we diligent enter into that rest holy,hebrews,4,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 11 jesus himself in jeremiah chapter 33 3 you know what he says,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 perfectly righteous judge who always does right revelation 19 to his judgments are true and righteous his,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 job 2 728 job 2728 letting george read first aid because of the time,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 against the global crusade job chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 northern mv know one another it tells us in ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 i'm reading from,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 at least ephesians 5 so read through all of ephesians 5 again out loud and take your time i'm,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of titus he is my partner,titus,8,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 23 her head she dishonours her husband actually in proverbs 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,proverbs,21,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 9 redeemed in jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 these issues that's the main point in romans 14 don't divide on these issues so we're gonna talk about the issues go,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 proverbs 31 mentioned again in the psalms this virtuous woman is the woman that you ought to desire to be and a guy,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 hunters and fishes of the lord hunters and fishes of the lord jeremiah chapter 16 verse 16,jeremiah,16,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 16 verse 16 let me just read this scripture in leviticus 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall,leviticus,27,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 27 verse 24 and being led by the spirit of god in isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,isaiah,48,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 for context so galatians 6 1 brothers if anyone is caught in any,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 look at this now in mark chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,revelation,14,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 25 to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in ephesians 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 chapter five ecclesiastes chapter five reading from verse two ecclesiastes chapter five reading from verse two it,ecclesiastes,5,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 2 chapter 12 verse 6 romans 12 6 reading from living bible this is what he said god has given,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 jehovah and we will please turn to book of revelation chapter 1 verse nine revelation chapter 1 verse 9,revelation,1,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 9 makes people alive colossians 2 13 he made you alive spiritual resurrection,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 daniel 8 and it is mentioned in daniel 8 and 21,daniel,8,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 21 mean by virgins it says in revelation chapter 14 and verse 4,revelation,14,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 4 four james chapter one two to four new king james my brethren can't eat or joy when you fall into various trials,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in revelation 5 is the title deeds of the earth who is worthy that's why john is,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 the morning and they were teaching the people acts chapter 17 verse 6 the latter part of acts,acts,17,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 6 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 20,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 age and proverbs 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's isaiah 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",isaiah,66,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 22 other people isaiah 26 3 says you lord give true,isaiah,26,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 in 214 all right james 2 14. the debate with james is,james,2,14.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 14 to the lord back in leviticus chapter 26 we have some promises that god made he said you,leviticus,26,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 1 sunday isaiah 54 15 behold they shall surely gather together but,isaiah,54,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 15 a witness in the house psalms chapter 103 verses 1 and 2 tells us bless the lord all my,psalms,103,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 103 verse 1 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told jeremiah to by his uncle's line just to mention you,jeremiah,32,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 7 verse 17 to 24 isaiah chapter 65 verse 17 to,isaiah,65,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 17 until they repent and return to him he goes on in hosea 13 to say i am the lord your god it was i who knew you in the,hosea,13,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 1 of my pain with you hebrews chapter six verses four through six,hebrews,6,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 of jesus isaiah 42 understand i release the power of god in the mighty name of jesus,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 jeremiah 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 we're looking at james chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,james,1,2.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 2 i'm reminded of the creation story so if you read genesis 1 when god would set out the heavens and the earth and,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 paul wrote in the book of philippians chapter 3 verse 10 philippians 3 10,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 water we snare souls or proverbs 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 it was cain when adam sinned god did not curse him you read genesis 3 he cursed the ground,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 to understand this i want to go to a story a true story in the book of acts chapter 15 so if you keep a marker and,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 2 genesis 32 genesis 32,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 he says we will come back again that's not a lie it's hebrews 11 verses 17 through 19 that actually share that i'll,hebrews,11,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 17 thus in isaiah chapter 64 was 8 isaiah 64 was it is your departure we are but the clay must be yielded to the,isaiah,64,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 8 everything in colossians chapter 3 and verse 8 in a somewhat parallel,colossians,3,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 8 if you haven't already make sure to check out my philippians 1 video because i went into all of the context of this,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 all have been there but that when i was speaking on ephesians 6 this is one of the first times i preached and i instead,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 and he began to teach the book of galatians chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 seed tonight let's read from his word proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10.,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 the land you are entering chapter seven deuteronomy to possess it and clears away,deuteronomy,7,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 apostles see galatians 1 8 to 9 for that,galatians,1,8.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 8 shaking everything will be shattered it says in joel chapter 2 i believe you're opening your bible,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 with what they what they know of god in romans 1 it says that god gave and in romans 2 that god has given the,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 inside the categories of the truth. jeremiah 23 says the same thing. jeremiah 25 says the same thing.,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 we began to see the shadow of antichrist in daniel 11 he was not the antichrist he was not the,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 and you are tied down by sickness he will lose you in acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8 acts chapter 3 from verse 1,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 to do that one your duty jesus name nehemiah chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20,nehemiah,2,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 2 moment in leviticus 17 verse 11 which is the passage i quoted earlier leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 for the life of,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 the lesson in this and the first time we see a fig trees in genesis chapter 3 and verse 7 adam appeared sinned and lost,genesis,3,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 7 when you search for me with all of your heart jeremiah 29 what so when you search for god with all of your heart,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 is it money that gives you satisfaction equality chapter 5 verse 10 ecclesiastes 5 verse 10 say hey,ecclesiastes,5,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 1 i would have you to turn in your bibles to ephesians chapter 4 yes i want to deal with that negative aspect of being,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 he has the power to save acts chapter 4 verse 12 acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither neither is yet salvation,acts,4,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 12 next to those verses i just read there you can write revelation 6 verses 12 to 17 revelation 6 verse 12 to 17 those,revelation,6,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 12 strength but by the time you look at isaiah chapter 40 verse 31,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 testimonies this year isaiah 51 11 therefore the redeemed of the lord shall return now rise you are,isaiah,51,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 11 to show you the verse in deuteronomy from which jesus quoted in deuteronomy in chapter 8,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 fruits of the spirit as the bible describes it in the book of galatians chapter 5 is the fruit of some one is,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 you're free look at ephesians chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 11 put,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 that's exactly what's happening here in daniel chapter 10 this is a record of the final vision god gave to daniel and,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts 2 verse 1 to 4 dramatic changes happened in the life,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 years ago and you can't say that about homosexuality in romans 1 we need to remove you we need to get rid of those,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 we're not under him on the will romans 8 we are children of god and if children than,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 14 verse 15 romans chapter 14 reading from verse,romans,14,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 15 here see the price that paul paid in order to come to this see philippians in chapter 3 i've often thought about this,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular acts 19 and verse 10,acts,19,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 9 we are at daniel 11 and we're gonna be starting in verse 2 and he says daniel 11 to it says and now i will tell you the,daniel,11,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 2 praise him in the midst of his people hebrews 5 says it this way who in the days of his,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 fulfillment of a prophecy in isaiah chapter 50 and verse 7 and i'm going to give you verse 6 so,isaiah,50,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in acts 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 in daniel chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,daniel,6,16.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 16 it came to pass after these things verse one of genesis 22 after god after abram waited 25 years,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 their faith in christ but then god in ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 and worshiping with other believers that's what ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 says i see the question,ephesians,5,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 the book of james chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,james,4,17.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 17 and the bible passage that supported that is ephesians 1 7 also in him we have redemption through his,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 this very promise totally about jesus in abraham in genesis 12 abraham is called specifically to leave,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 to the explosive growth of this church acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 instead of governor says administrators and among these three governors daniel is one and he selected as one of the,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 66 from verse 7 to 8 isaiah 66 before she travail,isaiah,66,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 7 the book of bloomer six seven and eight romans chapter 6 chapter 7 and chapter 8 make sure you do it and the lot of ever,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 the way through chapter sancha one of jeremiah jeremiah chapter such a wand and i'm reading here from verse 11 for,jeremiah,1,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 11 in hebrews it says here in hebrews then chapter 4,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and then a chapter opened to his life he obeyed god again in genesis chapter 17 another chapter opened to his life,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 second death revelation chapter 20 i believe but if you're born twice,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 know why god exalted jesus christ it says in philippians in chapter 2 and verse philippians and,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 in the battle he doesn't just do this for daniel hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,hebrews,1,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 nothing drafts a man like that but faith god cannot lie that's not genesis chapter one,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 pharaoh made a new chief are also in genesis chapter 41 verse 44 with genesis e od coconino gucci as i can leave your,genesis,41,44.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 44 god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in isaiah 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their,isaiah,55,45.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 45 he preached for miriam and they were told in numbers chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,numbers,12,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 3 the spirit of grace and of supplication in romans chapter 8 verse 26 and in verse 27 romans 8 26 likewise,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 look romans 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,romans,11,33.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 33 in fine linen and fared sumptuously that's king james four this guy was living large,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 sinise's which is also used in chapter 2 in colossians which speaks of clear analysis and decision making in applying,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 engaging the integrity of god the bible says in titus chapter 1 and verse 2,titus,1,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 2 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus ecclesiastes 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 of your book i think you read that in exodus 32 and paul in numbers chapter 9,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 it before this time let's look at peter's revelation a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,matthew,16,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 15 um that's the radical thing we miss in romans 13 there is that we owe government we actually,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 divine and sovereign purposes in exodus chapter 9 the lord allowed an infectious skin disease to sweep over,exodus,9,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 9 verse 1 the lord exodus 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,exodus,13,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 2 now over to the book of habakkuk jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 genesis chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,ephesians,2,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 "chapter 3 that really does define this. philippians chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",philippians,3,18.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 18 you and lamentations 5 21 turn us back to you o lord and we will be restored,lamentations,5,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 21 his son about uh isaiah 53 that speaks of the death and resurrection of the messiah,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 your disgrace your shame is there according to isaiah 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 those promises he gave in deuteronomy chapter 28 that many people have not received christ has come,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 chapter 15. and in that revelation chapter 15 it introduces us to the seven angels,revelation,15,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 15 verse 1 in that we pray as we continue through romans 11 you give us wisdom to understand the relationship between the,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 12 to 13 romans 6 12 to 13 he said let not sin there foreign in your mother body,romans,6,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 12 feel it in jesus name we're coming to romans chapter 4,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 you don't use uh will diminish and the bible says in romans 5 and verse 5,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 his missionary journeys and it's recorded in details in acts chapter 19 and 20 he spent more time in ephesus,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 with you psalms 125 folks you got to memorize this first,psalms,125,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 125 verse 1 verse 4 romans chapter 12 verse 4 for just as each of us,romans,12,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 4 in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 genesis 2 verse 1 god said to abraham get out of your country i mean genesis,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. isaiah 5 27 please go down there,isaiah,5,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 27 in james chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17,james,3,17.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 17 chances there's one final movement in our story look at jonah chapter 2 verse 10 so god spoke to the fish in it,jonah,2,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 1 a seminar was like got in one i'm telling you the truth isaiah 53 verse 4 i'm going to skip how useless starting,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 between worse one and two is described later on in isaiah 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became,isaiah,14,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 2 broken curses and covenant genesis 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,genesis,49,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 3 you're missing i once spoke on this isaiah chapter 58 and the title of the message was when,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 uh galatians talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,james,1,19.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 19 okay yes a few of us got it correctly romans 15 4,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 as you well know in the opening 19 chapters of genesis a sweeping look at 2 0 years of,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 god still not the same as the holy spirit in the book of acts chapter 2 did jesus not say and you shall do the works,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 because we're going to read together romans chapter 12 from verse 1 and 2. if you have it in your bibles let's read,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 intervention we see again israel addressee exodus chapter 15 1 to 19 there were two songs the easter sun,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 himself with any so let me see where we're going acts chapter 1 and verse 13.,acts,1,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 13 from their labors and their works do follow them revelation 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,revelation,14,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 13 of blessings genesis chapter i mean deuteronomy 28 please december 28,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 indescribable peace even in the mists of uncertainty according to philippians chapter 4 and verse 7 he said and the,philippians,4,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 7 we all shall arrive safely in jesus name the book of psalms chapter 1 verses 1 2 and 3 but in particular verse 2 you see,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 jada will read esther 2 verse 15 to,esther,2,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 15 as a day of visitation and summing it up revelation 16 14 calls it the great day of god almighty,revelation,16,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 14 left you a moment ago verse 4 ephesians 6 do not provoke your children to anger,ephesians,6,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 scripture says and revelation chapter 13,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 year zechariah chapter 8 verse 23 but i pray it can come to pass,zechariah,8,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 23 are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the hebrews they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy,psalms,119,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 119 verse 24 meets man genesis chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 verse 7,genesis,12,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 7 isaiah 41 you can go look up all kinds of things here's a good one psalms 8077 all my springs are in our in thee all my,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 god's children the sons that believe and become god's children galatians chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children,galatians,3,26.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 26 looking at james chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 14 james chapter 3 verse 14 but she have beta and win and,james,3,14.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 14 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talks about joseph,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 anger ephesians 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 sweeping it under the rug romans 2 verse 12 how do they explain this one i haven't heard all their explanations,romans,2,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 12 drink which fulfilled yet another messianic prophecy in psalms 69 and 21 but there was someone else that gave,psalms,69,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 69 verse 21 let's go ahead and watch it look at here in acts 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were,acts,1,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 9 need to and that's what ephesians chapter 6 12 is making us to understand,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 1 ephesians 2 verse 1 says all sinners are dead,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 in the book of genesis chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 be led by the holy spirit so let's go to exodus 13 i just want to give you guys some backstory now the israelites were,exodus,13,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 1 there's week you spend all day on just that wood that one section in isaiah 42 i think it's really neat we has the law,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 when you many of you know the story of acts chapter 10 you have this gentile unbeliever named cornelius,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in acts chapter 2 verse 42,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 10 verse 3 in chapter 10 verse 3 of romans it says for thee the jews were still as blind as i was,romans,10,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 3 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done genesis 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,genesis,2,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 2 be awesomely blessed our verse of the month is from psalms chapter 34 verse 8 it says,psalms,34,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 8 conquerors romans 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 when we get to the new testament we'll start to see like from genesis 2 to several examples throughout the,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 all proverbs chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his,proverbs,14,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 2 ministered in nashville 20 21 open up for unusual revelation thereby imparting grace on all participants in,revelation,20,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 21 genesis 21 19 is non to existent i want to read another verse in genesis which is not there and that's genesis chapter 18,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 war is truth proverbs 12 22 says deliver my soul o lord from lying lips and from a,proverbs,12,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 built the first altar to the lord genesis 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible,genesis,12,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 7 17 romans chapter 10 verse 17 the bible,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 romans 1 tells us oh the gentile and then romans to the jews also wicked and in romans 3 in case you missed the point,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 are genesis 3 20 adam named his wife eve which means life spring,genesis,3,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 2 two our reading from verse nine titus chapter two,titus,2,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 9 in this church acts chapter 6 verse 7 the word of god increased the number of disciples,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 want me to do consecration we looked the other night at the end of their romans chapter 11 from him and through him and,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 recon that reconciliation demands repentance acts chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 mandy please go ahead but read first esther two best eight to ten hello mandy,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 glorifies him exodus chapter 33 verse 10 and all the people saw the cloudy pillar,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 verse 17 ephesians 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith,ephesians,3,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 father a man who according to genesis chapter 14,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 you are under judgment now the text says in acts 24 that felix was frightened and that is an essential part of gospel work,acts,24,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 1 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out james chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,james,2,24.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 24 for you and in verses 25 and 26 of jeremiah 32 jeremiah said this is his test you said,jeremiah,32,25.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 25 miss the coming of the lord purposeful preparation for the rapture hebrews chapter 9 verse 28 so christ was once,hebrews,9,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 28 literally is a goodbye visit let's pick this up and acts chapter 20 i mean a start in verse 16 paul had decided to,acts,20,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 16 in chapter one come to chapter one of revelation and in verse 15 he talks about his feet,revelation,1,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 15 to use christianity for its own benefit in revelation 18 it is money the money is the other the,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 acts chapter three i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repeat,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 evening again god forbid in our lives in jesus name we're looking at hebrews chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 30,hebrews,11,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 growth because we discovered in the book of isaiah 66 and verse 8 itself as soon as zion travailed she,isaiah,66,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 8 i will destroy it but if there are three men in that country ezekiel 14 14 noah daniel and joe,ezekiel,14,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 14 down through the ages there's mean genesis 3 attacks but they manifest themselves in different ways in,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 7 verses 2 and 3 and what you will read in ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 in matthew chapter 4 they know the bible as well and so james is saying you know it's not enough for us as christians to,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 let me also read to you romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 says what shall we say to these things,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 acts 27 verse 13 to 26 acts 27 from verse 13 to,acts,27,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 13 right now i think that in this passage in james 2 where he mentions us being justified by works,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 do you do look at this james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren if any of you do hear from the truth,james,5,19.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 19 encapsulated by that realm hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 says true faith we understand that the whole world,hebrews,11,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in isaiah chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,isaiah,4,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 14 11. whenever i people talk about hebrews 11 i said never forget the last verse,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 are and what does the bible say in the 22nd chapter of the revelation and verse number 18 if you add on to god's word,numbers,18,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 1 serving he was serving in obedience genesis chapter 12,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 in the old testament in exodus chapter 29 i'll just read one verse from there,exodus,29,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 29 verse 1 we've been in jeremiah 23 and i'm going to go back to jeremiah chapter 5 because i don't want you to go away from here,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 hold firm look at hebrews chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 reading from verses it tells us there in hebrews chapter 3,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 verse 7 hebrews 8 7,hebrews,8,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 didn't have it and the bible says oh no man anything romans 13 8. so i say it's more important to read,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 in ezekiel 38 he talks about pestilence in revelation 16. he talks about plague in ezekiel 38 he talks about great,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 resurrection from the dead and all that it says even in acts 17 i went when paul preached that in athens all,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 him in works titus 1 verse 16 and many other verses but sadly shaw's only remorse was,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of proverbs 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,proverbs,11,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 for my enemy the prophet ezra was a good man yet he prayed in ezra chapter 10 verse 1 now what ezra was praying and,ezra,10,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 1 give up and there's nothing you've done exodus 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8.,exodus,17,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 8 subscribe if you haven't yet i will see you right back here next week for james chapter 5 bye,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 it's also reiterated by the prophet isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,isaiah,62,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 becomes brighter and brighter moses gazed on him in exodus 33 when you read from verse 17 to 23 moses,exodus,33,17.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 17 power so romans 3 23 for all have sinned and come short,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 great land of promise and plenty and blessing romans chapter 5 verse 6 for while we were still weak,romans,5,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 6 of righteousness job chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,job,28,7.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 7 prayer seriously job 42 10 said and the lord upon the captivity of job,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 oblivious to it and we need someone to point it out to us so proverbs 18 the first person i believe there's idea in,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 acts chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 1 to 8 acts of the apostles chapter three from was one to eight now peter and john,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 you're going to reign in jesus name and look at romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17,romans,8,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 17 here's the history these simple statements of genesis 3 14 and 15 they present us with a comprehensive,genesis,3,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 14 galatians galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email isaiah chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,isaiah,14,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 31 verse one to the end judges 16 one to the end you saw what happened,judges,16,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 1 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god proverbs 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 so you see john is talking about something that happened before genesis 1 verse 1.,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 was referred to by jesus christ in matthew 17 elisha in luke 4 and isaiah in matthew 15 and of course jonah is the,matthew,17,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 17 verse 1 a very complicated man however he is mentioned in hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 final test so year against they grumbled and i saw that in know numbers 14 when this passage is described this incident,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 genesis chapter 5. genesis chapter 5 i will read with from verse 22,genesis,5,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 22 dealing with this subject called destiny for example in romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 13 romans,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 but that's where you have to start romans 1 32 all after all the lists of immorality,romans,1,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 32 our lives in ephesians chapter 5 reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 osmonds love your wives even as,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 verse 20 philippians chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at exodus chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 redeemer will come in jesus name and look at it look at job chapter 3 verse 20 wherefore is light given to him that,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 here of the testimony be the doer of testimony james chapter 1 and verse 25 whosoever looked into the,james,1,25.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 25 the covenant positions you in general in genesis 26 when you read verse 1 to 3,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 daniel 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 2. in ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 it says for my grace are ye saved through faith,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 cannot certify that uh i'm going by james 5 number 16 um,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 22 it says that samson's hair had grown again and in judges 1628 we are told that samson is praying again he used to,judges,16,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 28 verse 5 to 11 acts 12 from verse 5 to 11. when the angel came and the doors opened,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbft2eugllc but if you eternally to the acts of the apostles acts chapter 3 one verse which,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 message praise god join me your bibles in the book of uh exodus 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'll be reading,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 children made it numbers chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,numbers,14,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 31 revelation chapter one i'm reading from verse five revelation chapter one verse five and from jesus christ,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 the bible tells us clearly proverbs chapter 21 verse 23 proverbs 21 verse 23 he says,proverbs,21,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 23 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to genesis 5 24,genesis,5,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 24 them or at least some of them we are told in jeremiah chapter four and three and this jeremiah speaking,jeremiah,4,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 4 verse 1 with money don't ye even to me with all your art deuteronomy 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,deuteronomy,4,29.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 29 kinds of stuff he's talking about stuff in genesis and exodus in leviticus and clear prophecies in isaiah in psalm 22,psalms,22,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 1 church and we first hear of stephen in acts chapter 6 he is known,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 nations that have come against him and come against israel in revelation 19 verse 11 john writes now i saw heaven,revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 spiritual truths or spiritual things hebrews chapter 8 really speaks to this,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 chapter three i'm reading from gospel revelation chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,revelation,3,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 4 he knew that christ will come from genesis chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 spiritual character godliness purity virtue holiness obedience ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 put on the full armor,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 crown of life spoken of in james 1 12 if you endure temptation and persevere,james,1,12.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 12 and paul that great man of god said in romans chapter 8 verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 in job chapter 1 and verse 6 job chapter 1 and verse 6. there was a day when it says the sons of,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 chapter one from verse one to fall genesis one want to fall when god created the heaven and the earth and the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 refusing in order to do something evil in exodus 1 the egyptian mid why are told that they're to kill these,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 concerning what he did in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 that is good that's what i expect how do we do that in isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40 we're looking at verse,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 talking of god's love covenant with man john 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,john,3,16.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 16 the end everlasting life in galatians chapter 5,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 are others are fenced out exodus 40 42 29 exodus 14 14 to 29 the people of israel pass to the rescue cover so i,exodus,40,42.0,1.0,exodus chapter 40 verse 42 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14,hebrews,9,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 going to look like this what is described in the bible in revelation chapter 7 john says these words after,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 this as job 2 and we know the story of job job was wracked with all sorts of hardship and unimaginable pain there are,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 flesh and dwelt among us fully human galatians 4 tells us that god sent forth his son,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 the most haha the demon exodus 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a man of war he knows how to fight the,exodus,15,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 3 your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in job chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business,job,42,15.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 15 in 2nd samuel 7 he is the son of david though in isaiah 11 verse 10 it says he is the root of jesse david's father in matthew,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 "that's why when you come to chapter 2 verse 1, the writer of hebrews says, ""for this reason,"" because of who this message comes from, ""we",hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. job said who is he that i did counsel without,job,42,3.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 3 romans romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 holy kingdom look at that again in ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now,ephesians,2,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 ephesians chapter one again it says in verse 4 of ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 according as he hath chosen us in him,ephesians,1,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 you better believe there are such walls around us right now we read in hebrews chapter 1 the angels are ministering,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick proverbs 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,proverbs,13,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 12 he was singled out for a miracle why because in romans chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16,romans,9,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 14 the savior acts chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 without action list of frustration eventually proverbs 14 23 the message translation,proverbs,14,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 23 ezekiel chapter 36 in ezekiel chapter 36 a medium from verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 it tells us in,ezekiel,36,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 25 sickness affliction james chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 he's mentioned in isaiah 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about,isaiah,46,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 11 well before we go to acts 2 that's very familiar let's go to acts 19 1 to 6 all right uh we can start at verse,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of isaiah chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43,isaiah,43,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 18 in the book of proverbs 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith colossians 4 12 we're told of a performance he said he,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 called satan which means adversary and job 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 the events that happen you know through the book of acts and from 63 ad all the way to here we are 2014 you know all,acts,63,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 63 verse 1 exodus 32 sometimes god visits for gracious purposes such as in exodus 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 death or harm all uses of the word save in james 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,james,2,14.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 14 there is natural and general revelation it's spoken about in romans 1 you can read it paul literally says we are,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 god addicted worshipper of god genesis chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12,genesis,12,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 7 for most in ephesians chapter 6 was saying finally my brethren preachers brothers,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 romans 14 for somebody who may be looking for a scripture romans 14 21 22 and 23 new congenital version he said it,romans,14,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 21 that we find in proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 results through the fruit of his sleeves proverbs 13 verse 2 watch,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 in jesus name joshua 24 15 let's read this morning briefly as a,joshua,24,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 15 and the purpose is to edify the church in uh zechariah chapter one reading from verse 3 it,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 represents carelessness searing our conscience is titus 1 15. to the pure,titus,1,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 15 back up to romans 8 verse 1 and what i want to do now is read romans 8 verse 1 all the way through 13 or 14 excuse me to give us,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 you will not borrow in jesus name we're looking at job chapter 22 job chapter 22 we're looking at,job,22,1.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 1 people will live super long lives isaiah 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,isaiah,65,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 2 proverbs chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters,proverbs,5,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 15 light i want you to turn with me that hebrews 12 for a minute and hear the rest of the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 lord has put on our inside philemon chapter 1 and verse 6 says that the sharing of your faith one,philemon,1,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 6 earth that's genesis 1 28. genesis 2 and 8,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 from chapter eight and i normally use king james i'm going to use a different translation for these,james,8,1.0,1.0,james chapter 8 verse 1 "you can't sink lower than that. i always think about philippians chapter 1, turn to it, as an illustration of one who",philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 touched by them he was sick it says he was acquainted with sickness in isaiah 53 but he never died of it he had to,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 forget chapter 16 the whole book of leviticus is only about jesus christ one of my,leviticus,16,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 1 side ladder unbelieving amen genesis 44 no man can come to me except the father,genesis,44,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 44 verse 1 looking unto jesus like it says in hebrews 12 verse 1 and 2 we will endure till the end without failing without,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 perfect forgiveness if jesus forgives israel see romans 11 shouldn't we in our marriages be forgiving all the time i,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 clear to you this was the case in genesis chapter 40 when there was a cup bearer who was in prison with joseph he,genesis,40,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 40 verse 1 name look at acts of the apostles chapter 16 and i'm reading from verse 25 acts,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 verse 9 and 10 the writer of the book of acts was saying that they were about to go into,acts,1,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 9 those verses are taken from all you find romans 9 by the way is this god's answer to job almost word perfect the whole of,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 kingdoms he very well could have skipped that and went right to hebrews 12 1 therefore since we are surrounded by,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 in other words he doesn't grow old in fact his name according to daniel chapter 7 verse 9,daniel,7,9.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 9 longer philippians chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26,philippians,1,22.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 22 you will notice again if you go further to acts of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,acts,4,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 31 command demons to get out like you read about in acts chapter 19 from verse 13 to 17 in the name of jesus the power,acts,19,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 13 inviteth a tomato that's proverbs 32 verse 1. one of my favorite proverbs he,proverbs,32,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 32 verse 1 this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um exodus chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus,exodus,20,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 23 amen ezekiel 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,ezekiel,34,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 25 and especially verse number three isaiah 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game job doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,job,42,5.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 5 gluttony as a sin philippians chapter 3 it speaks about those whose god,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 after jesus this is long after jesus right in hebrews 11 we read about this kind of stuff there was it was god who,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 the lampstands but here i want to go a bit further in revelation chapter 1 reading from verse 12 to the end of the,revelation,1,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 12 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in esther chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,esther,1,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 14 the truth it happened to the galician believers in galatians chapter 1 galatians shanta wanna and i'm reading,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in genesis chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto,genesis,19,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 16 of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace hebrews 4 16 that we may obtain mercy,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 according to daniel chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,daniel,4,25.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 25 backslidden they have just been filled with the spirit in acts chapter 2 in a powerful mighty way a lot of men who are,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 of israel for the encounter he had packed for them exodus 19 from verse 4 to 6.,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 god that's where our story picks up daniel 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,daniel,6,16.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 16 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=gab6m6akcoi please open your bibles up to romans chapter 12 romans 12 and we're really,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 pure devotion to jesus christ so when i compare that with the record in genesis chapter 3 of how that's what is,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 in romans chapter 5 verses 6 to 8 romans 5 6 to 8 the bible says for when we were still without strength,romans,5,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 6 i look at the reasons the scholars give for why they date daniel 8 and then i look at reasons why i don't think those,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 first place i'll read it to you ephesians chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 "it's a fellowship issue. in hebrews 10 it says, ""forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some",hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 difference whatsoever galatians chapter 2 and i'm going to look at three four verses here,galatians,2,3.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 3 stronger this morning isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 the longer chapters in the book of psalms and we're look at the first 15 verses here and it's a historical psalm,psalms,1,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 15 in deuteronomy 21 says now deuteronomy 28 1 says now it shall call to pass,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 god today for everyone in jesus name in isaiah chapter 57 i'm reading verse 16. it says i will not contain forever,isaiah,57,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 16 there's someone new at the controls and and back there in romans 6 we looked at it several weeks back it's to bring the,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 thing that god gave me is in the book of ezekiel chapter 22 verse 30.,ezekiel,22,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 3 that fight these battles for you exodus chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,exodus,12,31.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 31 they become more sinful in their very inner person because romans 1 it says that over and over again it says they,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 fade off the pages of the bible after numbers 13 we don't we don't see them referenced again so we're not really,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 came the result was seen in acts chapter 2 and verse 41,acts,2,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 41 "is.  romans 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",romans,1,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 2 hardinged pretenders we're looking at exodus chapter 14 verse 3 of the children of israel they are,exodus,14,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 3 he's opened your eyes mercifully to give you hope we read in genesis 21 from verse 1 to xx of hagar despair and,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 by finding out what it is not it's a return to the book of proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 proverbs 3 35 where,proverbs,3,35.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 church acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 and i'm reading from verse 11 hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 satan was cast out of heaven because of pride we read about in isaiah 14 we read in ezekiel 28 pride led to satan's,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 amen now isaiah 32 and verse 15 says until the spirit is poured upon us from on,isaiah,32,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 15 in an abased blighted live look at genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it tells us there and god said let us,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 isaiah chapter 40 we're looking at verse verse 31 it says in chapter 14 of isaiah and in verse 31 is talking about the,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 i wanted to show you in hebrews is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 and it echoes what paul talks about in galatians 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 hearts unto you submit yourselves therefore unto god james chapter 4 reading there from verse 7 submit,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 marriage the bible in malachi 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 worship him on this special day go back to leviticus 12 that i read a little bit ago this is a young couple this is a,leviticus,12,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 1 remarkable conviction of sin on the day of pentecost acts chapter 2 says that it was if they were cut to the heart and,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 um but let's let's read on acts 16 15. after she was baptized in her household,acts,16,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 15 children are gone and it says in job 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,ezekiel,36,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 25 first you just pray uh the bible says in acts chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 you see that all three mentioned in philippians 2. let this mind be new which is in christ jesus,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 verse 16 one person has come james five seven left on that person,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 make waves in life in isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,isaiah,30,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 because it says it more than once revelation 3. revelation 3 11,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 this is very much the same as what we just read in daniel 11 that he's dishonoring the gods of his,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 so the same reference joshua 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 and greater than that of the old testament it tells us in romans chapter 3 and reading from verse 24 it is being,romans,3,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 24 when a man dies his soul goes to appear before god ecclesiastes 12 verse 7 and the spirit returns to god that gave it,ecclesiastes,12,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 next class genesis 22 and verse 1 the bible tells us and it came to pass,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 life look at hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 nine it says but we'll see jesus you will see him tonight,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 because he promoted him that's why in exodus 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 and the starting point for knowing more about the bible is proverbs 3 6. it says in all your ways acknowledge him,proverbs,3,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 6 gonna read from verse three and we're gonna pray along this line ephesians chapter four from verse 3,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in acts 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19,acts,2,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 8 the physician makes an incredible statement in acts 17 luke says that god made all people,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 our churches since this year began acts chapter 5 verse 42 the scripture says and daily in the temple and in,acts,5,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 42 you know you know what we do we go to over to ephesians chapter 2 and verse is eight and nine and we love to quote it,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 you another example philippians in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 someone is engaging this morning we are set to see acts 13 we're enacted in our midst this month,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 upon you until you turn i can pour proverbs 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,proverbs,1,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 praise god in isaiah 66 and verse one to three,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 very clearly so deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 2 the lord our god made a covenant with us in,deuteronomy,5,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 2 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to acts chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,acts,1,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 2 and they could see and said so he is a good man i love the passage in isaiah 42 that our lord quotes in matthew 12,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in genesis 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to,genesis,80,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 80 verse 17 what the bible is in isaiah 34 or 33 sorry from verse one isaiah 33 from verse one it's a wall to deed as,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 the crowns are delivered only at the end revelation 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 "the end, the consummation of creation. colossians 1 says that nothing was created without him.",colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 "https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=thsd1yfkcjo i want you to turn in your bible to hebrews chapter 11 and as we look through this chapter,",hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 there's like eight more all right david ezekiel 37 verse 24 says my servant david shall be king over them and they,ezekiel,37,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 24 is hard to find it's hard to find proverbs chapter 8 lays out a most interesting presentation,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 he takes pleasure in the sun he delights in the sun isaiah 42 behold my chosen in whom,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 14 from verse 1 to 28 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 chapter 5 verse 11. james 5 verse 11 behold we consider those,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 19 verse 17 says for proverbs 19 17. he that happened upon the poor landed unto the lord,proverbs,19,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 17 basically on the choice of individuals in the book of deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and,deuteronomy,13,19.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 19 somebody shouted believe in amen quickly genesis 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 of the decoration of himself in revelation chapter 1 why is it because no church local church can contain or,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 they're not galatians 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are,galatians,6,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 4 we're going to be praying again from the book of philemon philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not,philemon,1,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 6 deuteronomy chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an,deuteronomy,4,4.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 4 and freeness in genesis chapter 12 verses 23 verses 2 to 3 and genesis chapter 17 verses 1 to,genesis,12,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 23 to be consistent james one hms one it says a double to minded man is unstable in all,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 but we do not love our lives unto death we overcame him we overcame him proverbs 18 and 21 it says death and life are in,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 verse 31 hebrews 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor,hebrews,13,31.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 31 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in isaiah chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,isaiah,12,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 12 but before you come tonight make sure you study the book of job chapter 15. job chapter 15 study it not reading it,job,15,1.0,1.0,job chapter 15 verse 1 compassion and faithfulness this is what jeremiah writes here in lamentations 3 and we would do well to hold on to these,lamentations,3,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 chewing me up and so he said i come to the book of proverbs one day and i read this proverb but a gift given in secret,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 how can you worry when colossians chapter 1 verse 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 but when i humble myself before him like james wrote in james chapter 4 when you read from verse 7 down to 10 it says,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in colossians chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,colossians,3,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 9 holiness that were presented before the lord in jude chapter 1 verse 19 it says these media who separate,jude,1,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 19 the word of god always and put it back according to joshua chapter 1 verse 3 also they need to also have the fear of,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 "to his deity given on the pages of holy scripture. philippians 2 says, ""he was in the form of god but thought it not""...in the morphe of",philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 free friends one of his friends sofa he mentioned in joel chapter 11 verse 7 job chapter 11 verse 7 canst thou by,joel,11,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 7 where we've been so hebrews chapter 9 reading from 6,hebrews,9,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 6 as compact revelation chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,revelation,2,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 9 christ on the essence of the harlot was in romans 11 the last verse the next verse after that ignore the,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a daniel the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5,daniel,1,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 5 in the vision the first angel in revelation chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly,revelation,14,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 6 duet that proclaims the strength of god in delivering his people judges chapter 5 goes all the way for 31 verses this,judges,5,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 31 "sake of reaching the chosen. titus 1 same thing, ""to preach to the chosen so that they could hear and believe.""",titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 daniel the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own,daniel,9,7.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 7 feasts are given to them together here in exodus 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,exodus,12,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 15 in fact the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 19 ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 is a money and threat all,ecclesiastes,10,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 19 behind you i don't see anything it's all gone in lamentations 3 it says his mercies are new every morning what does,lamentations,3,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 about them in numbers 35 i'll give you a second to go there if you want numbers 35 verse 10 so the cities of refuge were,numbers,35,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 35 verse 1 rebelled against god isaiah 14 tells us satan wanted the number one spot,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 and that's how the lord picks us out now we turned in numbers and chapter four not one i'm just picking out a few,numbers,4,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 1 not being separated it's so real and what i'm about to say in romans 9,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 defeat is consult deuteronomy chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 8. reading from verse 17.,romans,8,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 17 there is no barrier between you and i it says in  genesis 27 isaac was an old man he was a patriarch   and he wanted to bless his son he was about to ,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 daily joshua chapter 1 verse 8 joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says this book of the law,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 look at verse 17 there in verse 17 jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17,jeremiah,1,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 scripture that's how it feels but i mean this is again this is genesis one and two and three stuff where i'm like i've,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and that is in the final chapter of proverbs proverbs 31 suffers a little bit because everybody,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 we find him saying so again in philippians 1 21 for me to leave is christ,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 says here in verse three ephesians three three by revelation what i never got in a bible school or from any preacher it,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 we live in hope. romans 8 talks about that. we live in hope.,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 majesty in heaven i'm quoting from hebrews 4 and hebrews 8 there listen listen to me in acts chapter 2 and you,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 "go, it took me one entire year to go through romans 9, 10 and 11. and i would say, honestly, about three months",romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 should they inquire the dead on behalf of the living look at leviticus 19 give no regard to mediums and familiar,leviticus,19,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 1 and this is what i mean hallelujah amen ezekiel 37 it shows us a picture the prophet ezekiel was taken in the spirit,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 in genesis 19 1 to 25 genesis 19 1 to 25 when god declared judgment,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 verse 1 acts 14 verse 1 and it came to pass in iconium,acts,14,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 1 verse 19 james 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe,james,2,19.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 19 looking at romans chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at genesis chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,genesis,5,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 22 it says here in genesis 50 verse 17 [music],genesis,50,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 17 question there is merit to changing our mind right that's romans 12 we're transformed by the renewing of our,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 reference to uh ezekiel 37 just kind of brings to my mind,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 in the new testament so if that were being written today genesis 6 i think we've read it like this does the demons,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 gonna be a little pushback i would always point to isaiah 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is,hebrews,9,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 6 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of job and what was the boast of god he said,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 2 he refers to jesus as the lord of glory wow james verse the word brother the lord of glory and,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 when philip saw this man reading from isaiah 53 he says do you understand what you're,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 they began to pray you see in that first six chapters of acts they're learning the power of his name you see them,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 canela revelation 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving,revelation,2,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 4 coming in tonight praise god hebrew hebrews chapter 12 i read from verse one and two,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 more struggles in jonah chapter 2 and verse 9 and 10 jonah still had his breath in the belly,jonah,2,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 11 i'll read verses 1 2 and 3 hebrews 11 verses 1 2 3,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 you're gonna find satisfaction and fulfillment isaiah 55 6 seek the lord while he may be found call upon him,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 the name that they are their profane we are coming to psalms 74 so i'm 74 i'm reading from verse 18 so i'm 74 we're,psalms,74,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 74 verse 18 fat revelation chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to,revelation,22,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 17 say it is the light that azula see in genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 if they seal on omashu mama billina masha mama b from proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 his endeavor za manga z singing,proverbs,12,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 the hand isaiah chapter fifty nine verse one.,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 smart we read about not in exodus but we read in acts chapter 7 that how moses was at the age of 40 i wanted to read,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 romans 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 he said so then faith comment by hearing and hearing the word,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 looking around because revelation 12 is a description of a war in heaven who would ever think,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 live on like that in ecclesiastes chapter 5 16 ecclesiastes chapter 5 we're looking at,ecclesiastes,5,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 16 unfortunately it's not coated in ephesians 4 but here's some good advice for you what you should do when you're,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 until david came remember daniel 11 the end part of that jesus said,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 you'll read the story of joseph in genesis 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14,genesis,41,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 13 in leviticus chapter 6 and verse 12 leviticus chapter 6 and verse 27 meanwhile,leviticus,6,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 27 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in jeremiah 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,jeremiah,29,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 acts 6 verse 8 that we,acts,6,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 8 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony romans 8 35 to 38.,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 interestingly enough this is jesus probably referring to isaiah 53 it's important that jesus himself for first,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in romans chapter eight verse seven and eight that,romans,8,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 7 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of genesis 2 21 to 22,genesis,2,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 21 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9. he went and married,genesis,28,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 8 blessed god and then in acts 20 24 the gospel of the grace of god,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 have a foundational truth about marriage in ephesians 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and,ephesians,5,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 she said again i will show you oh this is good go to genesis 22. i got one more i stare and got to my texture,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 genesis chapter two genesis chapter two verses seven and eight and the lord god from man of,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 "and to make that indelibly clear, go to verse 8 in philippians 4 verse ""finally, brethren to "" listen, here's the last word on this "" to whatever",philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 they crucified the lord of glory look at hebrews chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 6,hebrews,6,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 6 think paul got that analogy he got it from borrowing from leviticus chapter one verse nine,leviticus,1,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 1 determine whether you even have them around you malachi 3 16 the bible says then those who fear the lord,malachi,3,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 16 valley they may find him themselves exodus 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,exodus,6,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 6 divorce in haggai chapter 1 and verse 14 the bible tells us there it says the,haggai,1,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 14 romans chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,romans,3,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 26 coming sunday deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 prophets they speak the word but if you go down in acts chapter 8 verse number 5 and 6 it says and philip,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 ecclesiastes chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 keep on rejoicing so that also at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice with exaltation chapter 5 verse 1,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 that i think i want to make today revelation 3 beginning with 14 to the angel of the church in laodicea,revelation,3,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 14 you have revealed matthew 11 verse 25 you have revealed the word revelation again to babes babes have got one quality that,matthew,11,25.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 25 you are accepted of god in acts chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,acts,10,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 15 one keep defrauding you of your price yeah colossians 2 let no one keep defrauding you of your price by,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 natural healing generally speaking but but paul has no shame in philippians 2 of saying epaphroditus he was sick,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 listening to the prayer of david in the book of psalms the prayer of david in the book of psalms psalm 28 verse 1,psalms,28,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 28 verse 1 isaiah definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 dispute that so romans 8 doesn't force it on us in other passages seem to refute it so,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 41 verse 18 isaiah 41 verse 18 say i will open rivers,isaiah,41,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 18 hebrews 10 does the same thing remember hebrews 10 says things like this let us draw near let us hold fast,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 jude chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,jude,1,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 3 retirement age will be easy proverbs 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,proverbs,21,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 2 recovered look at jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 if thou is,jeremiah,12,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 romans romans 15 we then that are strong ought to bear,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 verse 27 hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men,hebrews,9,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 to be taken away in jesus name genesis chapter 20. in genesis chapter 20,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 james chapter 3. i'm reading now from verse nine in james chapter three point number two the deceitfulness,james,3,9.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 9 at the end of every several days deuteronomy 15 verse 1 shall make a religion,deuteronomy,15,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 1 looked there or in eyes that when isaiah looked there in isaiah 6 the pillars of heaven were shaking from the sound of,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 will be open for you in jesus name a look at romans chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 in romans,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 produces kindness the bible says in galatians chapter 6 verse 7 that whatever we saw we will reap and then it,galatians,6,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 7 is coming your way in jesus name joshua now chapter 23 is set his love upon me set your love upon,joshua,23,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 1 40 day fasts such as exodus 34 deuteronomy 9 and,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 galatians 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 but the fruits of the spirit is love joy peace,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 joshua 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 12. we'll talk about that more when we get to revelation 11 and then the last point number five is,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 church this week a better eman in acts chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,acts,26,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 22 includes the fourth and final vision that daniel was given now today as we look at chapter 10 we'll see that the,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 i will show you when abraham got there my god got prospered in genesis 12 in genesis 35 he told jacob jacob arise,genesis,12,35.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 35 the saints the saints of the work of the ministry remember in acts 4 the apostle said look we give ourselves to prayer in,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 god cannot forget you isaiah 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15.,isaiah,49,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 14 anymore and so beloved in revelation chapter 5 john saw the lamb of god this precious,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 and in the last letter of the book of jude he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god,jude,1,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 21 they are all in the new testament colossians chapter 3 verses t pollution to free system and hebrews,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 what else he's a refining fire as we see in malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 he will sit and refine as the purifier,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 well to the promises we've received in romans 8 if god's for me working all things,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 genesis chapter 1 verse 1 genesis 1 verse 1. it says in the beginning god created the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we don't neglect gathering together as saints isaiah 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,isaiah,58,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 13 and his family come off the ark in genesis chapter 9 verse 6 god says whoever sheds man's,genesis,9,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 6 marketable or palatable doesn't taste good but it is powerful romans 16 it is the pat 116 it is the power of god for,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 in jesus name numbers chapter 21 numbers chapter 21 i'm reading here from,numbers,21,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 1 foreign genesis 3 1 and the substant was most of two than,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 universe from nothing he says that in hebrews 11 the would the things that are seen was from the word of god they were,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 babylon is called the great the book of revelation jerusalem is called the holy in chapter 21 what's the difference,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 there's way more data than that right so we also have like romans 1 assuming in romans 9 that talks about the not only,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 "goes on all the time.  romans 1 is describing all of human history, men reject the true god and worship false",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 is the hope to which he has called you or go further ephesians 4 13 we see that christ gave gifts to men and he gave,ephesians,4,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 13 look at this acts chapter 10 acts chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 c ecclesiastes 4 16 or d joshua 1 8 20 joshua 1 8 final answer has locked in option d as his answer joshua 1 8 and,ecclesiastes,4,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 16 everybody said amen all right ruth chapter 2 we started this book study last week so i'm going to,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 the saw in genesis chapter one,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 that will be able to pray for you galatians chapter 6 verse 2 says carry each other's burdens and in this way you,galatians,6,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 2 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel acts 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,acts,13,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 8 taste of the powers of the age to come it says taste in hebrews chapter 6 you better believe it,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 run with the energy and the power of the spirit isaiah chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray,isaiah,40,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 the way hebrews 10 it speaks about somebody who keeps on sinning hebrews 10 and verse 26 i remember when you read a,hebrews,10,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 when in revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 you read the lord told john,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 generations ephesians in chapter 3 and verse by verse three by a revelation that was,ephesians,3,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 the story of modern modakai 2 in esther chapter 6 10 to 11 as,esther,6,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 1 apostle paul in philippians 4 8 to 7. finally brothers and sisters whatever is true,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 17 to 19. genesis chapter 3 17 to 19 i read,genesis,3,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 17 i mean what what do we find out later in romans 9 who's ultimately in charge about whether you face destruction or,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 and the love of god will not be in your heart in galatians chapter 5 verse 22,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in jeremiah 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11,jeremiah,24,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 24 verse 11 important thing in the world in in genesis chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,genesis,40,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 40 verse 5 continue the thought process of the book of romans 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at,romans,3,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 9 separation between them so ephesians 1 galatians in the book of acts lots of places in the new testament we see this,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and no one can show here is the destined authority of christ look at isaiah chapter 22 and we're looking at verse 22,isaiah,22,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 faithfulness gentleness control against such there is no law galatians 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 for the fruits of the,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 of jesus isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 jesus gave them more power than by the chapter 5 of acts of the apostles multitudes multitudes began to troopers,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 what the problem is these millennials read genesis 1 and guess what they think they're hearing it say that it was all,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 how he fought it let me show you in other words hebrews 5 7.,hebrews,5,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 inherit the promises hebrews 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,hebrews,6,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 somebody needs to take your medication in revelation 20 verse 14 it says then death and hades were cast into the lake,revelation,20,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 14 see their own sin and the next thing that happened or isaiah was a sin was cleansed away in isaiah chapter 6 so,isaiah,6,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 6 "be like. genesis 19, sodom and gomorrah, two wicked cities characterized by homosexuality, lust",genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 "and when they do that, and when they do that, romans 1 comes into play verse ""the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 moderate and to god esther 2 to 10 esther 2 to ten she fasted and prayed three days through,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,genesis,26,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 14 and he held on to this particular promise in genesis chapter 12 from verse one two three genesis chapter,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 verses 15 to 19. isaiah chapter 57 verses 15 to 19,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 and romans chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 that parenting is designed to provide in chapter 30 of proverbs verse 11 there is a kind of a man who,proverbs,30,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 11 association proverbs chapter 1 from verse 10 to 19 proverbs chapter 1 from verse 10 to 19 a,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 many passages i could turn to but i'm going to start with ephesians chapter five so turn there with me if you would,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 opened the books too what did jeremiah say that daniel opened his books too in jeremiah 25 verse 12 jeremiah 25 verse,daniel,25,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 25 verse 12 christ there are certain blessings when you are a righteous man james chapter 5 says,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 and so we see here this idea god god is reasonable the ezekiel three is not painting this idea that if i go into the,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 hypocritical world hypocritical world james chapter 1 verse 26,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 version then i'll still read other versions isaiah chapter 61 i want to read from verse one to three,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 give you so many gifts and look at this lovely word from daniel verse 17 when,daniel,1,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 17 in chapter 5 of james he says this he warns self to appointed judges and of course the only place that most,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 are going to take a text from the book of ephesians chapter 5 and from verse 22,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 and barnabas to a special work that's in acts chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called,acts,13,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 2 when you read ezekiel chapter 37 1 to 14 a that ezekiel 37 1 to 14 is the story of dry bone in the valley,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 here is what's mentioned in isaiah chapter 11 turn with me to isaiah 11 as i chapter 11 please turn in your bibles,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 esv here calls it the grain offering so leviticus 2 chapter 2 verse 1 it says when anyone brings a grain offering as,leviticus,2,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 1 looks like have we failed to train them have we failed to obey titus two because if we haven't done this then we really,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 world with a flood he said in genesis chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,genesis,9,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 12 jesus living out deuteronomy 6 before it's so obvious now that you've shown it to us,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 proverbs 18 10 proverbs 18 10 says the name of the lord is a,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 through the period of the lockdown jeremiah chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,jeremiah,17,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 7 i build that case um let's look at acts chapter 10 not acts 19 that's a whole different all right so here in acts,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 well there must be something wrong and according to james chapter 5 verse 16 james,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 great job soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,ephesians,6,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of romans 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's,romans,11,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 29 thank you for this in jesus name galatians chapter 3 beginning at verse 1 paul foolish galatians who has bewitched,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 obtaining the book look at verse 11. revelation chapter 5 verse 11 and i beheld,revelation,5,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 11 faithful interpretation of god's revelation number two the fearless interpreter of,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 right answer look at least ask your children like this ass in genesis 17 verse 1 happy god in genesis 1 it says,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 possibility to be killed all of a sudden i stumbled on hebrew was 14 hebrews to 14 and 15 by his death christ liberated,hebrews,14,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 14 verse 1 in christ and then we come to verse 5 of acts chapter 16. so the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily,acts,16,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 5 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith jude verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,jude,1,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 3 going to put it up hebrews 11 1. you're not supposed to see it you guys,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 scripture where you read philippians chapter four all right from verse six,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 human effort he must be born from above now quickly back to galatians 4 so the jerusalem above is free free from the,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 transform in philippians 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 different aspect but ephesians chapter 2 14 to 16,ephesians,2,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 you remember who the hymn when there he was talking about in revelation 12 yesterday who's the hymn,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 before the people going on a journey going on a journey numbers chapter 10 the journey,numbers,10,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 1 people is the kings oh no proverbs 14 28 i need that who knows me i will honor,proverbs,14,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 i'm sorry removing the plank first from your own eye romans 14 for who are you to judge another servant who are you to,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 to me if you don't have a bible there nehemiah chapter 9 verse 19 yes thou in thy manifold moses that's it that's it,nehemiah,9,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 19 jesus mighty name we pray we are told in acts chapter 19 verse 11,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 lamb memory verse revelation chapter 19 verse 9,revelation,19,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 9 him to be your helper well coming back to revelation chapter 5 now we see that jesus is depicted as a,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 next video so let's read about this outer gate in exodus chapter 27 verse 16 it says for the gate of the court there,exodus,27,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 27 verse 16 chapter 29 and we're reading from verse 11. in jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the source that i seek toward,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 could select a few that would be able to get through this often arena so james chapter 1 verse 27 pure and undefiled,james,1,27.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 27 irrigation and the cycle continues in job 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in,job,26,8.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 8 beyond i have said before this verse 8 revelation 3 8 and opened up,revelation,3,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 8 himself a bible passage was taken from hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 to 28,hebrews,9,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 in jesus mighty name we have prayed the book of acts of apostle chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 to start with exodus 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,exodus,7,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 3 more about repentance specifically with regards to ezekiel 33 we're going to talk about two forms of righteousness,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 why am i telling you that what am i reading that to you look at philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 experiences uh let's start in genesis 28 with the story of jacob we're not going to read,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 individually but as a church when you turn to the book of revelation chapter one you see the church is fiction and,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 and we know that to be true because if take a look at revelation chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 man noah imagine if it was written in genesis 6 but god found nobody would you be alive today no that's why i,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 their house proverbs 27 and afterwards build a house,proverbs,27,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 1 condemnation and conviction in christ paul writes in romans 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 verse number 19. isaiah 43 verse number 19.,isaiah,43,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 and we usually close our service from the book of psalms chapter 1 verses 1 to 3 it will be displayed on the screen,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 your joy is coming in exodus chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,exodus,15,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 15 declare it before god can confirm it isaiah 44 26 isaiah 44,isaiah,44,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 scriptures we are told in philippians 1 and verse 4 again upon the apostles speaking by the,philippians,1,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 4 also wrote psalm 72 and some 120 7 he wrote the book of ecclesiastes and song of solomon proverbs is a goldmine,psalms,72,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 72 verse 7 we're looking at galatians chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 down god put the latter down to him genesis 10 the phrase babel is used for the,genesis,10,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 10 verse 1 above all the heavens that he might fill all things hebrews 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 coming generation proverbs 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 amen amen verse 27 verse 27 of that same scripture exodus 14 verse 27 says so as the sun began to,exodus,14,27.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 27 verse and talk about some amazing beautiful truths of god in romans 8 so picking up where we left off last week,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 actually sets this entire story in motion these 42 chapters where job is enduring this suffering and his friends,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 i mean you can even read it and i just read in isaiah 59 they're sinners cut them off from god they have no,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 "name of the lord jesus to that's recorded in acts 19 to and then stayed for three years, three years.",acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 self to controlled titus 1 mature christian men who teach younger man titus 2 are to be self to controlled,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 about alleluia ha revelation chapter 9 where we take matters from revelation chapter 19 from verse 1 to 6,revelation,9,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 1 "off this earth in the blink of an eye numbers chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're",numbers,25,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 9 who teach you the word follow their faith hebrews 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,hebrews,13,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 the filemage to the flesh that's what it says in galatians chapter 6 verse 7 be no deceived they'll see it it will never,galatians,6,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 7 said in isaiah chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,isaiah,28,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 16 children in genesis chapter 19 in verse 26 genesis chapter 19 here he tells us in verse 26,genesis,19,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 26 we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to ephesians 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can,ephesians,5,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 5 that's confidence unusual confidence in acts chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 look at the prayer that the panthers began to pray in colossians 4 12 look at it he said a prophet who is one of you,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 that can make anything happen in one day in exodus chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,exodus,12,41.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 41 and they will relocate in jesus name in james chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw now to god and we draw,james,4,8.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 8 in the mighty name of jesus the book of isaiah 22 22 says and the king of the house of david will,isaiah,22,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 amen you know the word of god in jeremiah 29 11 says what that they thought that god,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 i will i will i will revelation chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter,revelation,19,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 6 from isaiah 49 by paul and barnabas listen to what they say acts 13 46 then paul and barnabas grew bold,isaiah,13,46.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 46 hebrews chapter 12 the writer of the book of hebrews was recounting how is a lead,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 what are you seeking knowledge about it was in question that daniel realized he said in daniel chapter nine verse,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 6. ecclesiastes 11 from verse 4 to verse 6.,ecclesiastes,11,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 4 identified with the people that's what you want you to see in lamentations verse 9 the people of jerusalem defile,lamentations,1,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 9 they see it really the light comes on but romans 1 20 is huge i did choose the english standard version,romans,1,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 2 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in exodus 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,exodus,19,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 5 that god has given us in the church now we shift gears to nehemiah 8 in a new person emerges he's been there all along,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 on the cross isaiah 53 verses 4 through 6. and yet he,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 understanding being enlightened opened attorney ephesians 1 verse 18 that our god may lighten our eyes literally open,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 hope that is not baseless you know romans 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 see the fruits in galatians 5 22 to 3 to 23 he's mindful of spiritual things,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 let's open our bible to the book of proverbs chapter 3 proverb chapter 3,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 advertise the failures of those elders you read revelation the first three chapters read it out can you picture,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 don't take too seriously but it says here in colossians chapter 4 and verse 6 let your speech always be with grace,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 cautions from the book of book of acts three cautions from acts eleven what a caution is you know what a caution is,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 "pastor? you go to 1 timothy 3, you go to titus 1, and it lays it out.",1 timothy,3,1.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 1 into clear summation form in the new testament in romans and in the old testament in isaiah 53 isaiah 53 is the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 we need the love of jesus now my friends we see in the twelfth verse deuteronomy 10 and 12 what does god require of you,deuteronomy,10,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 1 ebook of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 we start reading from verse 14 to 16,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of genesis 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",genesis,12,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 11 glimpse i think of jesus joshua chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is,joshua,5,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 13 whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom daniel 1 4 and calling in knowledge and understanding,daniel,1,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 4 you will see it in the text i read to you in daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to 2 daniel 6 1 to 2.,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 upon him from heaven by the holy spirit fulfilling isaiah 61 and equipping him with a fullness to go forth and minister,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 verses 18 to 29. hebrews 12 verse 18 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched,hebrews,12,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 18 getting another opportunity ephesians 3 talks about being strengthened through the spirit in your,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 12 hebrews chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,hebrews,12,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 the season ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at,ecclesiastes,8,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6 and i will i will hand with this the the story of esther in esther chapter four when you read from esther chapter one,esther,4,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 1 everywhere and those great things happen we're told in acts chapter 9 verse 32 acts chapter 9 verse 32 and it came to,acts,9,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 32 power the power of the holy spirit very important and when we go to acts chapter 2 we also see that the holy ghost came,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 "that comes out so powerfully here. paul in romans 5 says, ""he dies and makes his life a ransom at the proper time, at the",romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 you in an usual dimension today in jesus name romans 8 and verse 28 romans 8 and 28 with a song that we sang this morning,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 without that sense of his provision you think about the apostle paul in acts chapter 23 and verse 11 god is saying,acts,23,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 11 and his very answer gives away his heart jeremiah chapter 5 if you keep a marker in first kings 18 so you don't have to,jeremiah,5,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 1 another as god in christ forgave you now let's jump to ephesians 5 the first two verses there therefore be imitators of,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 kingdom in deuteronomy chapter 2 and verse 36 we have this record from arawa which is,deuteronomy,2,36.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 experienced and it's isaiah 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,isaiah,58,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 13 fifth offering is what we read in leviticus five which is a guilt offering and here it talks about not only sin,leviticus,5,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 1 reality in christ but it was after these things in genesis 15 that the word of the lord came to abraham in a vision the,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 adam in genesis chapter 3 verse 8 it says and then they heard the sound of the lord,genesis,3,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 8 message translation from the message translation proverbs 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible,proverbs,19,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 angels protect acts five acts 12 the angels deliver daniel nine acts 12 the angels dispatch answers to prayer,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 supernatural health proverbs 17 22 says in very hard do it good like medicine,proverbs,17,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 yielding let's look at romans chapter 6,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 dead that's where we're at in ephesians 1 verse 20. god has demonstrated this,ephesians,1,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 2 different purpose revelation chapter 4 verse 1 a voice spoke to the apostle john and says come,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 we're in art series that were calling world changers based on hebrews 11 that is a collection of great men and women,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 on sabbath and that brings us back to leviticus 23 let me read to us leviticus 23,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 antichrist career number one is his revelation let's look at verse six and you know what restrains him now,revelation,1,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 6 [applause] isaiah chapter 33 and verse 6 the word says wisdom and knowledge shall,isaiah,33,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 6 our salvation so it all comes back to hebrews 10 for since the law has but a shadow of,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 most high ecclesiastes chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 praise is the evidence in james chapter 5 13 the word of god tells us there he said is any mary,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 prophets of the namaste proverbs chapter 9 verse senses the knowledge of the holy is understanding,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 overcame that's why jesus is called the forerunner turn with me to hebrews hebrews and chapter 6 hebrews chapter 6,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 shipwrecked we read about one of them in acts 28 but apparently he was shipwrecked three times now why in the,acts,28,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 1 i'm going to read the passage from ephesians 2 1 to 5 and then i'll read another,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in genesis 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in,genesis,5,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 21 all about when you see these things happen joel 1 and 2 call for a solemn assembly september,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 we must also move from habakkuk 1 to habakkuk 2 to habakkuk 3. there's a progression,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 somebody believes he allowed amen in acts chapter one number eight is everybody shall receive power after the,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 and prophesying about that you read that in joel chapter 2 we come to it later and here a woman whose husband was a,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 beyond acts 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 verse 1 and that book of colossians is not just talking of living just a long life like,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 we're looking at daniel chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,daniel,10,18.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 18 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in nehemiah chapter 9 verse 21 yay,nehemiah,9,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 21 neighbor as yourself but in quoting leviticus 19 18 what jesus is doing is he's summarizing the,leviticus,19,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 booklet and we starting from revelation chapter 16,revelation,16,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 1 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of judges chapter 15 four to five judges 15,judges,15,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 4 how will we lay a hold of this hope we read already in that verse in hebrews 6 that we might have strong,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 without age amen chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 7. remember we're talking about,ephesians,4,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 7 but let's take our bible as we go to genesis chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 fear of the lord or if you look at proverbs chapter 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 address it in numerous ways an extended series from ezekiel chapter 18 a series of blog articles on the grace to you,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 the devil accuses believers it says here he accuses believers revelation 12 verse 10 day and night he works 24 hours seven,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 jehovah genesis 22 pull it off for me 13 and 14.,genesis,22,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 13 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane isaiah 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,isaiah,53,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 with morning god will bless you today genesis chapter 8 genisys,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 look at our memory verse again which is from philippians chapter 4 verse 5.,philippians,4,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 5 is very amazing okay here's another one in ephesians in chapter one,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 while to to go through all of that and i want to encourage you to read genesis 28 and 29 30 this week you can get caught,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 there's a verse colossians 1 verse reads like this for this reason also since the day,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 world proverbs 29 18 says without a progressive vision we dwell,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 promises to give us a future to give us a hope isaiah 65 god says to the eunuchs who keep my sabbath those who have,isaiah,65,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhxyzxohipi in philippians chapter 1 verse 1 he says paul and timothy servants of christ,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 back again and read from verse 9 verse 9 genesis chapter,genesis,1,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 9 interesting and fascinating prophesy prophecy by daniel there in chapter 9 of the book of daniel,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading job 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,job,32,8.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 8 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now when is your miracle when is your,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 now we get it isaiah 45 israel shall be saved by the lord with an everlasting salvation,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 i will also quickly read from book of psalms 8 i'm reading from the message translation,psalms,8,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 1 are the ways of death proverbs chapter 14 and verse 12 is also repeated verbatim chapter 16,proverbs,14,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 through the the ritual of offering up to him up to god the bible says in genesis 22 god did all this to test abraham when,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 with me to this the other words i want to show you romans chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,romans,14,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 14 point about proverbs 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,proverbs,8,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 27 gracious leo the malice aside ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 ephesians,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 disappear but even then my faithful love for you will remain isaiah 54 verse 10 he says that but the mountains may move,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of acts in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,acts,2,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 41 because at the beginning of chapter 8 ezekiel actually gives us the timeline and when you translate when he says this,ezekiel,8,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1 aware of remember what paul said philippians 1 20. it's an incredible statement he said,philippians,1,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 2 romans 5 and 17 can you put it on the screen for me new king james version says for if by one man's offense,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 charge and with a magnetic clip from the book of psalms chapter 1 verses 1 to 3 for the benefit of our guests it will be,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth micah chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,micah,6,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 2 well it's the book of life of the lamb who was slaughtered revelation 13 tells us it's a record of all jews and,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 so let me read you acts 19 9 and 10. after three months it says,acts,19,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 9 discern there's a verse in hebrews 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 in daniel chapter 9 and verse 2 he said i daniel understood by books in other words the,daniel,9,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 2 is what that calling looked like in genesis chapter 12 verse 1. now the lord had said to abram get out,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is acts chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 acts here if you're still if you're in acts chapter four flip over to acts chapter six,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 sexual purity turn to ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 chapter 19 your increase has come say my increase has come in proverbs chapter 19,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 what we refer to as prophecy in isaiah chapter 46 and verse 10 he said declaring the end from the,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 day in history and then there was one christian among them who said in joshua chapter 10 we know that the sons to,joshua,10,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 1 "mental assent to jesus, not enough, not enough. ""the devils believe and tremble,"" james 2 says.",james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 soldier said like a commodity for 20 pieces of silver genesis 37 verse 28 genesis 37 verse 28,genesis,37,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 28 free let my people go that they will stop me exodus five exodus seven examples,exodus,5,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 1 enter haman we get his bio in esther chapter 3 verse 1.,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 the the story of uh jonah jonah chapter one you can read it from,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 be to jesus so isaiah chapter 61 uh the scripture tells us there,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 something every single day number three is to renew your mind romans 12 verse 2 says to not be conformed to the pattern of,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 but here's a wonderful promise for everybody philippians 4 and verse,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 jeremiah 23 says the same thing. jeremiah 25 says the same thing. these were false teachers who were saying,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 amen genesis 32 25 and when he saw that he prevailed not,genesis,32,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 25 chapter 1 says therefore those who are in christ you have to go back to romans 6 and 7 those who are in christ for,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 galatians 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 38,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of hebrews chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 pentecost but somewhere around acts 9 or acts 13 or according to bollinger,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 chapter 3 in malachi chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 10 malachi chapter 3,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 and the power of his resurrection romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 genesis chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,genesis,50,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 15 the leviticus chapter 26 and we'll begin reading in verse 16 leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and i want you to see and i,leviticus,26,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices hosea 14 verse 2.,hosea,14,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 2 in chapter 5 and verse 14 what happened to nehemiah who mobilized the people of god he became a governor there are,nehemiah,5,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 i want to go today to romans chapter 1. we did romans chapter 1 not too long ago but we did some other verses,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 as contained in god's word jeremiah 29 verse 11 he says i know the thoughts i have towards you,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and leave your will look at proverbs chapter 3 verse 33 proverbs chapter 3 verse 33,proverbs,3,33.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 33 daniel chapter 1 verse 8 again but daniel proposed in his search in the secret of his heart without anybody,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 next thing he says in exodus chapter 35 verse 5 he says now also give a contribution to build my,exodus,35,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 35 verse 5 god is promising according to that jeremiah 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,jeremiah,30,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 the book of acts of the apostle chapter six i read from verse one acts of the apostle chapter six from verse one,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 ability compare that with romans 12 6 having gifts,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 in this church psalms 23 verse 2 he makes me to lie down in green pastures please rise with,psalms,23,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 2 what is the fruit of our mouth hebrews chapter 13 number 15 hebrews 13 15 by him therefore,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 to fear god that is is the beginning of wisdom or as proverbs 11 says with the humble is wisdom that's number one a,proverbs,11,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 genesis 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him,genesis,39,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 21 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,proverbs,28,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 verse that we read in ephesians chapter 6 verse 12,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 they are offended in ephesians 6 and verse 19.,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 scholars today promote this objection on isaiah 45 7 where it says god created evil i have a,isaiah,45,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 7 so the first question you're going to have to ask yourself is this proverbs 31 woman is she a found woman or is she an,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 this year and acts chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 and i said in the bible specifically in jeremiah 27 when israel had done wrong,jeremiah,27,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 1 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to proverbs 26 verse 2.,proverbs,26,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 you're gonna find something really shocking genesis 50 ends after only 26 verses,genesis,50,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 26 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of amos chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from genesis chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 now take note of something i wanted to see in this scripture acts chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 13. i want you to see,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 and i'm going to say a prayer and we'll get into the world ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 and 10. ecclesiastes 4 verse 9,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 and the fruit of goodness that were beer is saying in philippians chapter 1 meaning from pastina that because when,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 this is recorded for us actually prophetically in revelation chapter 18 in the 24 verses of that chapter and,revelation,18,24.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 24 and also he's a pastor in charge of province acquiring proverbs 5. and i'm trusting god that this 10,proverbs,5,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 1 is because you've allowed that so why be the romans one individual who they worship the creature rather,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam genesis 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,genesis,12,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 11 we'll watch to see what he will say unto me and so he's got to listen isaiah 54 and 5 says the lord god to give me the,isaiah,54,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 5 and it's pedophilia but it it's not if you look at romans chapter 1 before verses 26 and talk 27,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 wishes hallelujah now um psalm 34 psalms 34 18 and the message translation says if your heart is broken,psalms,34,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 18 might be the bible says in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 religious garments what about those well we see those in acts chapter 4 it manifests through unbelievers in a more,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 perhaps we could just turn on a little bit just turn with me still in genesis to chapter 41,genesis,41,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 1 quotes genesis 2 24 in first corinthians 6 and ephesians chapter 5. so we see it in the old testament as god's original,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 but acts 19 is where we're going to be we left off in acts 18 last time,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 children is honor your father and mother ephesians 6 interprets it as children obey your parents because that is the,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 in the way we think proverbs 23 verse 7 very popular now with people,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in romans chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 his word to us micah 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 tell us why we are here on earth let's go back to revelation 4 verse 11. they say you're worthy o lord to receive,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 and verse 13 which is one of my favorite verses jeremiah 29 13. the lord says you will seek me and find,jeremiah,29,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 unto me and jerusalem judea samaria and the uttermost parts now here in acts chapter 8 verse 1 this is about six,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 i'm having trouble understanding the morality of deuteronomy 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but,deuteronomy,22,28.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 28 into this church this coming sunday acts chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 jumping i mean you know the story in acts chapter 3,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 how do i know and why do i say so proverbs 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,proverbs,18,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 22 shared he's gonna tell him hey i'm not a god and actually if you go back to acts believe it's acts 14 he he's proclaimed,acts,14,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 1 escape that's what you see look at hebrews chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 here in ezekiel 48. you can trace them back to genesis 10. what is genesis 10 it is the history of all mankind just,genesis,10,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 10 verse 1 time to go to the king of kings for wisdom james one says if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask god ask god ask,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 james 1 13 to 15 how do we reconcile with what james wrote here let no one say when he is,james,1,13.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 13 we must serve god with good will in ephesians six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there,ephesians,6,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 7 job chapter 42 job was sick job had lost a lot lost children,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 "and by the way, when you have pilate and herod agreeing, you have two witnesses and deuteronomy 19 says, ""truth has to be confirmed by the",deuteronomy,19,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 1 can do no also shall your seed be genesis 17 from verse 1 to 9 genesis 17 from verse 1 to my god made all manner of,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 water baptism romans chapter six does not deal with water baptism and i'll show it to you in,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 do whatever you want to do tax of the apostles chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 verse 38 states of god anointed jesus of nazareth,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 name i know isaiah 9 6 isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 of encounters with your word acts chapter 1 verse 3 says to whom also he showed himself alive after his,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 amen daniel chapter 9 verse one to four,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 one more time colossians chapter 2,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 is mentioned by paul in philippians chapter 3 is no longer this physical cutting off,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 are the children of promise i mean we we're the children no promise galatians 4 28.,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 genesis chapter 20 th reading from verse 15 in genesis chapter 20 gauge reading from verse 15 and behold i am with the,genesis,20,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 15 colossians 4 and verse 6 says let your speech nick and james version corinthians 4 6 let your speech always,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 "now in order to illustrate to us what real faith looks like, paul in romans 4 picks a model of faith and somewhat surprisingly the",romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 all right so my question is this what it gots say in isaiah 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily devotional of monday,isaiah,49,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 8 temptation james 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been,james,1,12.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 12 boundary says we must honor what kind of countries this ephesians chapter 5 were reading from verse 11. ephesians chapter,ephesians,5,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 and the lord jesus christ look at ephesians chapter five we're reading from verse one ephesians,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 his own delight in it jeremiah 32 41 says and i will rejoice over them to do them good and i will,jeremiah,32,41.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 41 good beginning let's go to the story of ruth here for a moment ruth chapter one and the first thing i want you to see is,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 31 i've read from verse one through to five exodus 31 from verse one to five i wanted to pray in the name of,exodus,31,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 31 verse 1 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now revelation chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,revelation,3,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 14 interesting thing you read in the book of hebrews chapter 11. it's a very very interesting hebrews 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 oh now in acts chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,acts,9,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 33 one or two examples let's take joshua in joshua chapter 1 verse 1 to 8 joshua won't want to eat they almighty go to,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 men and women were added to the church by acts 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in hebrews chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 and what happened they were in one accord acts chapter 5 verse 12,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 your church established your kingdom in the earth genesis chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,genesis,14,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 18 encourage you through the course of this series to be reading isaiah chapter 40 for yourself perhaps choosing particular,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 truths isn't it look at philippians philippians 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 by compromise but paul is very clear about this in ephesians chapter 4 that we have a unity of the spirit the fact,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 proverbs 21.,proverbs,20,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in genesis chapter 41 and verse 14.,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 life he still gets mentioned in hebrews chapter 11 in the great hall of faith,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 of the gospel listen to what it says in hebrews 2 10. it was fitting for him speaking of,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 it's gonna continue straight down to our generation daniel 2 finishes with this stream and this,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 how can he take peace away if there isn't peace there remember zechariah 1 when the horses went out to investigate,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 ezekiel 45. i laugh because ezekiel 45 very challenging passage uh section of,ezekiel,45,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 45 verse 1 i'm going to read from verse 1 so philippians chapter 3 reading from this one speaking from verse 8 finally my,philippians,3,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 8 understand deep effects please take your bible as we look at daniel chapter 2. open your bible to daniel chapter two,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 i even can be louder in psalms chapter 23 verse two he said he maketh me to lie down in green,psalms,23,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 2 towards the end of his life we read in acts 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash,acts,20,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 3 eager for a leap a target now see daniel six for what it says daniel hardness we were in the parameter then the,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 verse 7 in romans chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us,romans,14,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 7 corinthians 12 he empowers in acts 1 verse 8 and he fills in acts chapter 2 verse 4 this is your comforter are you hearing,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 hebrews hebrews chapter 6. april 6 i'll read verse 11.,hebrews,6,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 11 they are encompassed with trials isaiah 28 number 21 and 22,isaiah,28,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 1 remembered or come to mind isaiah 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,isaiah,66,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 22 that kind of reminding ourselves and then ephesians 5 15 puts it this way see then,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 and like paul says he saw coveting of every kind in him romans chapter 7 and if i'm not saying that coveting of every,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 beginning too that's ephesians 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,ephesians,1,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 habakkuk chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,habakkuk,1,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 i believe jesus would have asked them did you not read in the psalms and psalm 22 that the messiah would have to be,psalms,22,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 1 just not to hear from god and according to romans chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 the bible says faith comes by,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, genesis 50 verses 19 to 21.",genesis,50,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 19 they do with daniel chapter two in the days of the toes,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 were the cause of it so that's accidental homicide and in numbers chapter 35,numbers,35,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 35 verse 1 our substitute romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6 in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6,romans,5,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 6 talking about our faith in different ways and when we look at romans chapter 12 also,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 essentially evaporated water but even in job 26 it says he binds up the waters in his thick clouds,job,26,1.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 1 see and so god loves to intervene what does james 4 7 tell us resist the devil and he will flee,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 jesus god proved this in isaiah i think it's 57 isaiah 57 if i'm wrong it's okay but,isaiah,57,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 1 is a gift from god to serve your needs and those of your children proverbs 31 literally enhances everything that is,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 and that's their proof text is revelation 21. in chapter 11 he says the following,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 keep enlightened intellectual prowess now jack daniel 1 and verse 17.,daniel,1,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 17 the new testament people do inner as well come to acts of the apostles chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 preaching the word of the lord with many others also let's come true acts of the apostles chapter 5 and i'm reading from,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 now we're looking at romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 the valley of dry bones my wife spoke about it earlier ezekiel 37,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 upon your life look at deuteronomy chapter 28 determine chapter 28,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 rejoice in hope of the glory of god ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 sensitive galatians 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,galatians,5,25.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 25 romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 that's random galatians galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 sin separates us from god isaiah 59 is the lord's arm too short,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 marked and avoided now paul said in romans 16 17 romans 16 17,romans,16,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 17 in the days of old and that's what james quotes in acts 15 in dealing with the future,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 from matthew 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in,matthew,2,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 15 verses 11 to 17 if you have your bibles please turn with me to leviticus chapter 24,leviticus,24,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 11 "this theory obviously has insurmountable difficulties. it is one of those romans 1 illustrations, ""professing themselves to be wise, they became",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 so these are the three times they come here we are leviticus 23 that's where you're gonna want to kind of camp out,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing james one six and seven you don't get no you can cry from,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 had blessed him in all things genesis 24 verse one the other one is genesis 18 verse one to,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 just the first six verses of uh revelation chapter 20 and uh tonight we're gonna pick up at verse,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 yes he was why though why simple answer james 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are,james,5,17.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 17 you a verse written for believers turn with me to hebrews in chapter 3 in hebrews in chapter 3 we read like this,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in genesis exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,exodus,15,6.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 6 kill him now something different happens so god tells him in jeremiah 19 verse 1 no longer will they be this soft,jeremiah,19,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 19 verse 1 word of god there is no limit romans 11 33 all the depths both of the riches,romans,11,33.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 33 again in our midst we need to pray as they did in acts chapter 4 jesus you see the threatenings stretched out your hand,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 master's brother's daughter unto his son and we're told in james chapter one reading from verse 5 it says,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 [music] if you ever bibles turn to acts we left off at acts i believe it was chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 adoption comes in paul talks about in ephesians 1 we adopt people out of sympathy because they're in need of,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 i cast it out of every life this morning ephesians 2 2 the spirit which now works in the,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 mighty name we prayed a man the bible says in philippians 2 9 he said,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 look at ezekiel ezekiel chapter 2 in ezekiel chapter 2 reading here from verse six,ezekiel,2,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 1 dependable we've been listening to nancy demos walgenmuth teaching from isaiah 40 in the series behold your god,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 parent no boss and for that matter no person proverbs 20 verse 1 one says the king's heart there's like channels of waters in,proverbs,20,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in james chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,james,3,14.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 14 activities of the world it tells us in revelation chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 the sorrow and the weeping of the beloved i'm coming back to revelation chapter 5,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 it tells us in romans chapter 16 and we're reading from verse 3 romans chapter 16 verse 3 greece persilla and,romans,16,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 3 it's a dead work and the bible says in hebrews 6 verse 1 we must repent of dead works we're not called here to force,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 as you call on the name of jesus ecclesiastes 3 1 paraphrase to everything there is a season your season,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 isaiah 8 80 you may be seated isaiah 8 18 tells us something that is pronounced,isaiah,8,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 8 chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 7 acts chapter 14 verse 7 and there the preached the gospel,acts,14,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 7 about it and even knowing but if we don't do what romans 12 says and that's first let's not be conformed to this,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and that is to be found in the book of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 it's an old song,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and daniel peoples in his heart,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 with him we see this in isaiah 10 24 to 27,isaiah,10,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 24 the book of judges the book of judges judges chapter 1 now judges is describing the backslidden state of,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 and a time to heal a time to break down a time to build up and deuteronomy 32 verse 39 god declared i kill and i make,deuteronomy,32,39.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 39 and earning means not grace that's what romans 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 a real definite experience with the lord look at exodus chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 3 it says there unto,exodus,33,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 3 the children of god so i'm going to jump to romans 8 19. so the spirit is the one that leads us and once we have been led,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 healing let's keep going isaiah 30 and 26 and then we're gonna get to the passes i know you're thinking,isaiah,30,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 that meant that's mentioned again in revelation 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,revelation,16,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 12 [music] ezekiel 14 verse 14 though these three men,ezekiel,14,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 14 to say that is also part of sound doctrine certainly it says in titus 2 about how older women and younger women,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 resisted the proud but given grace to the humble that is in james 4 6 how can we ignore this great need of,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied galatians three five the spirit is supplied and works,galatians,3,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 5 something they had walked through the air they experienced in exodus chapter 15 let's go through it together,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 if you just read romans 8 2 without going through romans 7 i can tell you in jesus name you have,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 in different places in the bible the end of malachi 4. matthew chapter 17 at the transfiguration,malachi,17,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 1 jeremiah is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few,jeremiah,23,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 23 never take god by surprise now what's the message of isaiah 53 i want to break it into,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 therefore sometime between the events of genesis one at genesis 3 there must have been this rebellion in the angelic world,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 entrepreneurship and our bible text is taken from genesis chapter 30,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 the percent evil look at that verse for again galatians chapter one who gave himself for,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 assess it and to maximize it daniel said in daniel chapter 11 verse 32,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 people to give unto me we're looking at romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 11,romans,12,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 11 our memory verse shall be taken from the book of proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 him up to a certain point exodus 24 13. joshua was the only one who got to see a little bit,exodus,24,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 13 is justified by the blood of jesus romans 5 8 justified much more than,romans,5,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 8 thank you jesus ezekiel chapter 11 and verse 1 we are going to use this to pray,ezekiel,11,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 1 world says in romans chapter nine and verse six it is not of him that run it,romans,9,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 6 holy spirit it's my constant prayer ephesians 5 18 means be continuously filled with the holy spirit,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 hebrews chapter 10 warns us about that in hebrews 10 again we've read the expression the blood of the covenant,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 this from exodus chapter 23 verse 25 to 26 and i believe those words in the night,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 church and louder email isaiah 54 and verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together,isaiah,54,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 15 pleasure and he did it by drinking ecclesiastes two three i thought i'll cheer myself,ecclesiastes,2,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 3 wisdom that wisdom you have if you read romans chapter 13 now that you're to obey,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 enact the apostles chapter 2 reading from verse 22 acts chapter 2,acts,2,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 22 before you can possess your possession obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 vadaya 1 17 say body upon mount zion,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 business i like proverbs 10 and 4. let's just skip over there real real quick,proverbs,10,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 1 walks in love in ephesians chapter 5 reading from verse 1,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike romans 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,romans,5,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 2 to christ god gives us the power to be a new people again romans chapter 6 beginning at verse 1 paul said what,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 desperation our grave we saw earlier in the book of isaiah chapter 44 verse 3,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 and we will be getting back into our galatians series as we continue with galatians chapter 2 but until then i'll,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to job 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu,job,11,3.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 3 for abraham to become important like we read in romans 4 for his body to become dead,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 the king whosoever of our life can die we have to be like isaiah in isaiah chapter 6,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 "philip in acts, chapter 8. and after he had been reading isaiah 53 and didn't understand it, and philip explains",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 no peace isaiah 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,isaiah,48,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 22 and the spirit are constantly at war read romans 5 romans 6 romans 7. read the last half of first corinthians,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 i want him you know like like those first believers in acts 2 when they heard the message,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 show you a few examples but as you read the book of isaiah beginning in about chapter 40 through the end of isaiah,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 remade it that's what you read in genesis 1 the first day he did something the second day did something and every,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 call to commitment of the book of deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 5 thou shalt love the lord thy god will all,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to acts chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 you have to ask yourself am i a woman amaya proverbs 31 woman or am i'm trying to like dip over into a world a little,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 coming sunday can we say amen to that in the book of acts of apostle 2 verse 6 and 41 and when this was not abroad the,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 refers loud and clear hebrews 4 16 let us therefore,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 their enemies and then in chapter 16 of judges the bible makes us to understand that he fell in love with a woman that,judges,16,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 1 analogy really with with hot and cold in romans chapter 14 but there's also some other places as well let me skip down,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 paul said let us also walk in the spirit galatians 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,galatians,5,25.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 25 you to look out for these signs because jesus was quoting from isaiah 61 when he said the spirit of the lord god is upon,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 daniel 12 3 he said if only,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 14 and we're reading from verse 31 isaiah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,isaiah,14,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 31 "and at that name, everyone is to bow. that is why in ephesians 1 it says he is the lord over all things, over all things who",ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and we're reading from verse seven galatians chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,galatians,5,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 7 it says about sorry colossians chapter 2 i'm sorry colossians chapter 2 verse 13 to 15 it talks about,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 sickness and disease is in his blood leviticus 17 11. the life of the flesh,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 tonight as we engage in prayers the scripture says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 it says let us,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 do you believe completely in the literal interpretation of genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2?,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you will obey god now look at our example abraham genesis chapter 12 god calls this man to you know sometimes we,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 house fellowship my text is taken from acts chapter 2 verses 46 to 47 acts chapter 2,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 thanks ezra 3 verse 10 and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple,ezra,3,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 1 sin listen to numbers 12 9 through 12 to see what happened,numbers,12,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 9 is that most common for your effort to produce results in romans chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 the,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 righteousness to use the words of paul in romans 3 24 are by his grace,romans,3,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 24 that's double payment well then there it is it's in ephesians two the bible is clearly teaching that there is a double,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 as christians and those three things james captures here between verses 1 through 7 of james chapter 4,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 then get back so that's referencing hebrews six right it talks about how it is,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 to the pastor's area and immediately psalms 18 45 dropped in my spirit which says the strangers fade away and come,psalms,18,45.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 45 that end abstain from all appearance of evil james 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 we are talking about born to shine isaac was blessed before he was born genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 genesis 12 1 2 3,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 his ways james one he says whosoever looks into the perfect law of liberty and,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 "it is a critical thing. ""how will they hear without a preacher,"" romans 10 says, ""and how will they preach if they're",romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 everyone to know it is described in isaiah 14 and we can learn something from that isaiah chapter 14 as i said,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 and verse 17. daniel 1 17. that's for these four children,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 where there is no vision that people do what perish jeremiah 1 5. the bible is very clear about this,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in titus chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,titus,3,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 3 pride was the fundamental sin of satan in isaiah 14 it's highlighted that where satan says i will exalt my throne above,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 according to isaiah 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing through the water it will be there with,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 every child of god in proverbs 4 18 it said that the path of the just the journey of the just is,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 like numbers chapter two i'm just scrolling through some of the numbers the arrangement of the camp when you,numbers,2,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 1 today to read genesis 37 genesis 39 and genesis 40. it chronicles the story of joseph and it helps us see the places,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 see it unfold as we go 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 ezekiel 18 verse beginning at verse 30 therefore i will,ezekiel,18,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 3 made white let's turn to revelation 7 and verse 13.,revelation,7,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 13 gain access to the wisdom of god deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 6 the word of god tells us he said this is your,deuteronomy,4,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 6 okay let's uh grab our bibles and turn to acts chapter 26 the title of my message is the almost christian,acts,26,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 1 the wiser we have the better we live romans 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 open here to the book of acts the act of the apostles and in chapter 21 um,acts,21,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 21 verse 1 verse in chapter 35 of the book of isaiah this highway is going to run through all these islamic nations and,isaiah,35,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 35 verse 1 to walk humbly with my god in isaiah chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15,isaiah,33,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 15 promises of god found in revelation 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their,revelation,21,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 4 from sin why did he bother good question the answer everybody memorizes ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 they're coming everybody,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhew5ms8fva acts chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each of,acts,2,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 38 earthly or secular messiah to them let's look ahead here at acts 12 and just read a little bit about,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 busy and the bible tells us in proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this,proverbs,22,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 24/7 around the throne we know that from revelation 4 and 5 they will praise him for all of eternity,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jj6f1kyfo0 isaiah 52 verse 9 break forth into joy,isaiah,52,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 9 attention if you really recognize that hey there are things from genesis 15 that were given for me,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 it is associated with purpose ecclesiastes chapter 3 from verse one to eight,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 sin he does not win kits in as we saw in romans 1 he does not uncontested or unaddressed sin has to be,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 why the public passage was taken from james chapter 1 12 to 16. in the bible the word temptation,james,1,12.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 12 from me he says here in zephaniah 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the,zephaniah,2,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 consuming alcohol now i want you to go to proverbs chapter 23 for a moment,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 from 19 to 26 joshua chapter 7 19 to 26,joshua,7,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 19 "that. turn to zechariah 12, zechariah chapter 12. zechariah comes 500 years before christ, maybe",zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 you tonight in jesus name revelation chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 17 and the spirit and the,revelation,22,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 17 the falsehood of messengers isaiah chapter chapter 5 isaiah chapter 5,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 let's look at some of the verses here exodus 16 and as soon as aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the people of,exodus,16,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 1 bring into it period but let me read real quick on psalms 134 out of the depths i cry to you o lord o lord hear,psalms,134,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 134 verse 1 and listen god answered prayer it says in isaiah 37 36 and the angel of the lord,isaiah,37,36.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 37 verse 36 god and so atheists believe this but romans chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,romans,1,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 18 god did not curse adam i want his return to genesis 4 and it says here genesis chapter 4 god told cain when he killed,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 of god colossians chapter 3 verse 16 in colossians chapter 3 verse 16 it says let the word of christ dwell in,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 second chronicles chapter 20 verse 20 joshua had said all these great mighty warriors are,joshua,20,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 2 exodus chapter 1 from verse 15 to 16 exodus 1 15 to 16 somehow the devil knew,exodus,1,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 15 give priority to the altar genesis 13 verse 14 to 18 genesis 13 14 to 18 whenever,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 let's make it stronger and louder acts 2 2 and 6 and suddenly there came a sun from heaven as of a russian mighty,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 times it is referred to as the day of vengeance revelation 6 17 calls it the great day of his wrath,revelation,6,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 17 to respond to us when we call on him remember the bible tells us in hebrews chapter 6,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 so we give attention to the role of the holy spirit from acts 1 and verse 8 you know where jesus said but you shall,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 of egypt but that did not qualify him to serve god acts chapter seven stephen says that moses was mighty in words and,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 strength nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 and the joy of the lord brings you,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 quoted three times in the new you better take heed to it in romans and chapter 1 and verse 17 we read romans,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 well in hebrews chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 power in acts chapter one you shall receive power,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 in proverbs 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,proverbs,21,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 22 promised back in chapter 7 emmanuel god with us and isaiah wants us to know more about this promised son this messiah,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 because when genesis 1 said in the beginning god created the heaven and earth,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 few things i want you to take note of from the passage that we just read acts 27 and i want you to make a deliberate,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 and he meant for it to be shown listen to these words from acts chapter 4 truly in this city,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 "to satisfy or please god. ephesians 2 says, ""you're dead in trespasses and sins.""",ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 analogy out of this by referring to what james tells us in james chapter four,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 and to angels and to men it tells us in philippians chapter one reading from verse 29 philippians,philippians,1,29.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 29 that the almighty god did in creation it says it in genesis chapter number 1 verses 1 through 3 genesis 1 verse 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 government now listen romans chapter 13 is clear respect governing authorities,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 well romans 1 we've talked about it romans wrote one wrath god gave them over,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter tayna acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet spake these,acts,10,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 44 more difficult so in chapter two when esther is chosen king we just hear about how the king has such favor,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 you give an example so let's look at this particular example deuteronomy 28 13 and you said thank you for your,deuteronomy,28,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 13 joseph he said in genesis 49 jose was a fruitful vine,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 we can always ask from god according to that james 1 5 that say if any of us,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 "after we cover some initial groundwork. now, before we look at isaiah 53 and then go from there, i want you to understand that",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 if you'll take your bibles and go to revelation 19 where almost bringing revelation to a,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 romans chapter 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17. galatians chapter 3 verse 11,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 the pathway of prosperity and increase in the book of isaiah chapter 48 chapter 48 48 from verse 17 i mean one,isaiah,48,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 you'll be restoring welcoming sudan were coming to genesis chapter fourteen a restorer a restorer in a chapter 40,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 in jesus name galatians galatians chapter 6 i read from verses 9 and 10,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 isaiah 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you,isaiah,3,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 3 verse 14 the companion that never fails we're looking at joshua chapter one joshua chapter one i'm reading from,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 limits daniel chapter 2 verse 21 he giveth wisdom unto the wise,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 "moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, deuteronomy 31 verse 14, ""'behold, the time for you to die is",deuteronomy,31,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 14 function of liberality the same proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,proverbs,11,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 i said with you will rejoice looking at romans chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 we're going to find it twice in the book of isaiah it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and,isaiah,10,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 their salvation allow that email isaiah chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,isaiah,5,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 2 humble ourselves and believe that god's laws are his laws and not our own isaiah 66 2 says this god honors the one who is,isaiah,66,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 2 verse two exodus chapter five verse two the bible says and pharaoh said,exodus,5,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 2 as i delivered them to you it helps us in ephesians chapter 4,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 chapter 11 we read i was 32 daniel 11 verse 32 the last part the people who know their god will be strong,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 lips he cursed himself ezekiel had the same experience in the vision of chapter one,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 proverbs chapter three verse five proverbs chapter three i was looking at verse 5,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 church for life say loud amen zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 and verse 12,zechariah,9,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 is if lying revelation 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8,revelation,21,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 8 chapter 3 and verse 125 and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the lord and clothed,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 heal a whole family in genesis chapter 20 1 to 18 genesis 21 to 18 there was a king,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 and not just preach and go away in jeremiah 20 we read that people laughed at jeremiah's message,jeremiah,20,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 20 verse 1 to worship is taken from the book of psalms chapter 47 and we are reading together psalms chapter 47 verse 1,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 my hand have gotten me this wealth he says in deuteronomy 9 do not say in your heart,deuteronomy,9,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 9 verse 1 galatian chapter five 1 galatians chapter 5 verse 1 stand fast therefore in the liberty,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 this that these servants fulfilled some conditions in revelation chapter one and in verse four b it says grace be unto,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 romans chapter 8,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 is emphasizing where we have read in romans chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call,romans,1,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 14 the first thing you read in the bible in genesis 1 is a wedding and then you come to the new testament in the first,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the book of genesis 1 1 genesis 1 1 in the beginning god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ctjrrabok0 so titus three chapter three i want to speak this morning on avoiding heretics,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 in the book of romans chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one will be declared righteous in god's,romans,3,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 2 of scriptures to fail in numbers chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 what does this mean everything we're reading about here in isaiah 52 and isaiah 53,isaiah,52,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 19 genesis 15 4 to 5 and genesis 17,genesis,15,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 4 galatians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 a reading from verse 1,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 when he started doing the work beginning from acts chapter 2 by the time we got to acts chapter 5,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 marketplace i want us to open our bibles to proverbs 22 1. proverbs 22 verse 1,proverbs,22,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 1 son that's one of the primary purposes that's in romans 8 again verse 29 just the verse right after my favorite which,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 israel could walk through on dry ground in exodus 17 moses was told to take his staff a similar instance to this one 40,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 there is no fear of god before his eyes romans 3 verse 18. there is no fear of god,romans,3,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 18 jeremiah 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17 and verse 5.,jeremiah,17,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 5 and haven't done all to stand praise god ephesians 6 10 to 12. for witness not against flesh and blood,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found ruth and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,ruth,2,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 5 do you know i believe this prophecy this first daniel 12 1 fits in with revelation chapter 12 that we,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 your amen can turn things around zechariah chapter 2 verse 5 for i say the lord will be unto her the wall,zechariah,2,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 5 shiloh 2020. job 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,job,34,29.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 29 might be very familiar with is in the book of acts chapter 16 and this is the experience of paul and silas and many of,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 towering power over terrible problems look at this in proverbs chapter 18 and i'm reading from verse 10 proverbs,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 hebrews chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews 11,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 four hebrews chapter two we're looking at verse four,hebrews,2,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 reading from verse 24 genesis chapter 2 we're looking at verse 24 therefore shall a man,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 you've gone too far and so in genesis chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too,genesis,6,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 5 faith and he used that faith we read in acts here in acts 3 12 that peter sung his,acts,3,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 12 job chapter 1 verse 7 7 to 12 verses 7 to 12 and job chapter 2 verses 1 to sis job chapter 2 verses 1 to see he said to,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 who do you think in the 14 chapters of hosea who do you think jose who do you think oh god who do you think hosea,hosea,14,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 1 masterpiece i'm gonna be fine but are y'all at philippians 2 if you're not a philippians 2 by now we just get your,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 that are listed in the book of revelation chapter two and three in colossians in,revelation,2,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 3 be involved as well as as well as other things amen isaiah it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,isaiah,14,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 17 galatians chapter five galatians 5 open your bible open your bible let's read together,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 one thing a gal trained say after wrongly concluding that genesis 2 has no authority difference between adam and,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 unbelief romans 11 20 talks about the horrible tragedy of israel's unbelief revelation,romans,11,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 2 it's like okay be strong in his strength it's kind of like romans 8 13 that says if by the spirit you put to,romans,8,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 13 of righteousness the faithful city joel chapter 2 in joel,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 beloved we will look at our text from exodus chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 rocket about seeking whom it may devour and in revelation chapter 12 from verse 9 to 10 revelation 12 9 to 10,revelation,12,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 9 of them know most of them all of them and some 37 numbers 18 19 the lord knoweth the days of the upright and,numbers,18,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 19 person the bible tells us in james chapter 3 verse 16,james,3,16.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 16 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in nehemiah 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,nehemiah,13,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 23 acts of the apostles chapter 19 i'm reading from verse 8 acts chapter 19 verse 8 and when he went into the,acts,19,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 8 land and as we do so let's be reminded of god's word in deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18 you shall remember the lord,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 read it to you it occurs three times in the isaiah 53 passage verses five six and eleven so here's isaiah 53 verse 5 but he,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 commitment look at chapter 2 of acts i'm reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2 verse 14,acts,2,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 14 to our text again in hebrews chapter 12 from verse one hebrews chapter 12 from verse one wherefore,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 home with many mansion is a settled home institute own in hebrews chapter 11 verse 16 he brews a level system but now,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 and every year they go back and say the same thing romans in chapter 1 and then chapters 8 to 11 and,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 at proverbs chapter 18 verse 22 proverbs chapter 18,proverbs,18,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 22 also in the book of acts of the apostles acts chapter 3 and verse 1 look at what the bible says acts 3 1 the bible says,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in hebrews 10 20 that he made a way,hebrews,10,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 2 not natural but spiritual reading from ephesians chapter 6 and verse 10 ephesians chapter,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 desperately wicked and who can know it jeremiah 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 that have come in to hear it today in jesus name hebrews chapter 10 we must find our strength again beginning at,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 i'll see you tomorrow stronger nehemiah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 4,nehemiah,1,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 4 many years ago but i want us to turn back to the book of acts chapter 7 as we have read together tonight already from,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 in genesis 1 chapter genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and here it says in verse 12 37 james believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,matthew,12,37.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 37 this is your necessary food take heed therefore unto yourselves acts 20 and 28 and to all the flock over,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 and the renewing of the holy spirit that's titus 3 and verse 5. this is what paul again refers to as,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 chart this coming sunday can we say amen to that in the book of acts of apostle 2 verse,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 of righteousness will arise verse 2 of malachi chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 we knew and here's why here's what daniel 7 says and behold one like the son of man coming with the clouds of,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 lord begins to rumble it's like the war machine of revelation starting to move as we see it in chapter 4 and 5 of,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 and i'm reading from verse 24. isaiah chapter 65 are you there,isaiah,65,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 24 how you move from negative emotions to positive philippians chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 children of israel and the word of god tells us in the book of galatians 3 and verse 29,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 that's what umpiring is what the bible is saying to us there in colossians 3 15 is that the peace of god will serve to,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 habakkuk chapter 2. habakkuk chapter 2 in the seventh month in the,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 that a man can turn things around zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 verse three psalms chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,psalms,5,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 3 this is how he uses the body in ephesians 4 we read in verse 7 to each,ephesians,4,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 7 i said praise god the book of psalms chapter 96 verses 7 and 8,psalms,96,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 96 verse 7 has already called us in isaiah chapter 8 verse 16 and if this is the reason for this,isaiah,8,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 16 just read chapter 3 that's tattooed in joshua chapter to domesticate very interesting they say,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 verse 10 ephesians chapter 6 we read from verse 10. finally my brethren,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already daniel 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 2022 there must be a podgin two or three scriptures psalms chapter 15 verse 1 to 5 and we're going to read this together,psalms,15,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 1 look at acts chapter 14 i'm reading from buster in their acts chapter 14,acts,14,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 1 and the interest of his kingdom now let's rewind a little in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 god said let now let,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 let patients have it's let patients do its job that's number three well what is the definition of patients well i'm glad,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 that in jesus name look at chapter three chapter three of galatians so foolish galatians verse one who has bewitched,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 on the mount of transfiguration again peter james and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,james,9,28.0,1.0,james chapter 9 verse 28 what i just want to be careful here just because we see numbers here being used in matthew 1 17 doesn't mean,numbers,1,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 17 when looking kill acts chapter 7 reading from verse 51,acts,7,51.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 51 and i'm reading here from verse 8 ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 before darkness came and you read genesis chapter one from verse one two three genesis one from verse 1 totality,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 nevertheless it was not i but the grace of god that was with me romans 15 18 god forbid that i would speak of anything,romans,15,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 18 as contained in the law of god and that's romans 2 and 20. but more for say a form of godliness,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 in jude i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,jude,1,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 3 number five variable of the expression of the job the lord is aimed to fruitless efforts,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 verse of no works the gospel without any works ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness romans 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,romans,1,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 4 in philippians in philippians chapter 3 verse philippians chapter 4 verse 13. he said i can do all things through christ,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to position ourselves with thanksgiving in the book of colossians 4 and verse 2 god's word declares to us,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 the sunday services opened it up to isaiah 40 and i've been camped in that chapter ever since in fact i'm in a new,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of genesis chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 the flesh philippians 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,philippians,3,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 3 scripture okay so if you look at the proverbs 31 woman guys the proverbs 31 woman was the plug okay,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 i said we're taking the first prayer from ephesians chapter one reading from verse number three,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 let the word of christ dwell in you richly colossians 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 god move with fear and beat another hebrews 11 7 by faith not being word of god of things,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 saints those who've of the faith you've gone before us to read about in hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 him than they are the storm because they're getting a revelation that this is the awesome majesty of the one who is,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 winner supernaturally there by trajan orders to christ and discharge zechariah chapter 8 and in verse 23 tossed a lot,zechariah,8,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 23 you as well jeremiah 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord told him a certain principle if you want,jeremiah,15,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 19 together let's be present in james chapter 4 james writes these words in verse 8 come,james,4,8.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 8 hebrews chapter 7 hebrews chapter 7 and we'll go from verse 11 through verse,hebrews,7,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 11 paul was had intercessor ephesians 1 16 to 23 colossians 1 9 to 12 the result of intercession,ephesians,1,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 hebrews chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 they found the ancient words of zechariah um chapter 8 verses 16,zechariah,8,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 16 one is ruth it releases this month and so we'd always heard that ruth was this great,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 what are you going to steal from me what philippians 4 verse 4 unit 1 4 verse 4 turns out that the only joy did,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 would soon take me away chapter 33 wherefore job i pray thee hear my speeches and hearken to all my words,job,33,1.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 1 the book of daniel chapter 10. let's see the book of daniel chapter 10 daniel 10. book of daniel chapter 10 and we're,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 acts chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of revelation revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us,revelation,19,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 15 you the things that we grow tomorrow revelation chapter 4 verse 1. come up on your watch,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 example philippians chapter 3 let me read to you it says in verse philippians 390 and,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 verse 26 in james chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man,james,1,26.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 26 all jokes but if you look at isaiah 61 and verse 1 down the line that is the ministry of,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 this a million times fear god proverbs 14 27 fear of the lord is a life to giving,proverbs,14,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 27 happening here genesis 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah,genesis,16,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 6 tribulation persecution will be manifest in chapter six of the book of revelation we see that as well again just going,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 part two of daniel is kings and kingdoms here from daniel chapter two we don't have time to read it all i've,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 joshua chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long,joshua,18,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 3 your finger right there don't lose that place in ephesians but look at isaiah 60 let's let's go over,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 to heaven at least they thought they did and in romans 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul,romans,11,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 28 "that 84 psalms were not fit to sing, and he asks people to jettison those psalms because they're full of curses.",psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 finished it is finished it is finished hebrews chapter 2 from verse 14,hebrews,2,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 grace because sin will not rule over me romans 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 that's what comes turn with me to genesis and chapter 12 and you'll see what the blessing of abraham is i never,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 this is this is the simple stuff so ephesians 5 puts it this way therefore be imitators of god as beloved,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 is deuteronomy 29 verse 1 is in hebrew deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 69 in other words it's the end of the previous,deuteronomy,29,69.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 69 rebuild to restore he even quotes a passage from isaiah 63 the spirit of the lord is upon me,isaiah,63,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 1 is unfailing arm is arm that is able to deliver you acts of the apostles chapter 13,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 nurturing new churches for growth acts chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,acts,14,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 21 transgenerational and impact god brought it to light in exodus chapter 30,exodus,30,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 30 verse 1 look at galatians chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 the first time that the word grace appears in our english bibles is genesis 6 8,genesis,6,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 8 criticisms are unforgiving and revengeful jeremiah chapter 20 verse 10 they are all forgiving and revengeful,jeremiah,20,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 20 verse 1 14 philippians 14 do all things without murmuring and disputing that he may be,philippians,14,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 14 verse 1 he lost permanently is bet right genesis 25 genesis 25 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 and look at what he said in the in a,genesis,25,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 29 it must come from a heart of joy and rejoicing in psalms chapter 92 verse 1,psalms,92,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 92 verse 1 colossians chapter one our reading from verse 13. colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 13 of us shall give account of himself to god revelation chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 chapter one romance of the one verse 28 to 31 romans chapter 122 that one forgive the list of characteristic of,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 you are delivered praise the lord jeremiah chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the,jeremiah,15,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 21 he'll give each you in philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 9 philippians chapter 2 looking at,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 troop shall be established isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 mediator of the new covenant hebrews chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,hebrews,12,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 i am backing on from today which is the 21 days of fasting verse 6 of isaiah 58 he said is this not the fast that i,isaiah,58,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 it also means political revolt and if you read romans 13 apostasia can in fact mean both things,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 psalm 90 by the way is the only psalm that moses wrote most of the psalms were written by david,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 reading through this romans 9 script this romans 12 scripture again and again you know one thing i set myself,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power acts 26 18 to open the eyes,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 that same the last verse i mean last phrase of that james chapter one uh if you're just joining we're reading james,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 evidence that he's going to be a gentile remember in daniel 7 it says that fourth beast,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 single day three times a day as far as daniel was concerned,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 here from verse 16 to 19 16 to 20 21 where the lord tells jeremiah how he is to prophesy in verse 16 he says lord i,jeremiah,1,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 16 to acts 18 there there are more as you would expect but in acts 18 24 a jew named apollo's an alexandrian by birth,acts,18,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 24 number five maintain pure thoughts thoughts proverbs 23 7 tells us as a man think in his heart so is he,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when micah says be a father and a priest to me he means,micah,1,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 7 acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 [music] the fourth chapter of deuteronomy verse 24 for the lord your god is a,deuteronomy,1,24.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 24 something else notice here in daniel daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,daniel,7,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 2 because of him and the bible tells us in genesis 13 and verse 13 verse 10 and verse 13 it tells us,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 this god is not the temperature the holy spirit is not the tempter james one says god temps no man god cannot be tempted,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 "11 who are men of humility, hezekiah, manasseh, josiah, job, ezekiel, isaiah, jeremiah and more.",jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 in the name of jesus christ in psalms 119 verse 18,psalms,119,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 119 verse 18 hebrews chapter six hebrews chapter six and i'll read that very statement to you,hebrews,6,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 6 was in the ship to the sea to lighten the load but jonah had gone down verse 15 he goes down into the sea,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 ephesians 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,psalms,51,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 51 verse 11 heaven philippians 3 21 in other words the jewish,philippians,3,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 21 the promise attached to that is and i'm gonna direct your paths james for seven and eight another example it says,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 when we get into the book of isaiah we see beginning in isaiah 41 that israel is called god's servant but this is,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 for living a good life these rules can be found in exodus chapter 20 from verse 1 to 21,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 has to be where god makes his name well in deuteronomy 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the passover sacrifice within,deuteronomy,16,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 5 plainly and surely number three we're looking at numbers chapter 14 numbers chapter 14 we're reading from,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 you god is leading me hallelujah joshua 5 again verse 13 now joshua ghost is moving in i remember the menís thesis,joshua,5,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 13 church we should be saying lord these are the last days acts 2 verse 17 18 must be becoming true and the purity of my,acts,2,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 17 the word of god isaiah chapter 55 the book of isaiah chapter 55 we are reading from verse 6 what did god says dear to,isaiah,55,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 his arriving in darkness the prophet amos wrote in chapter 5 verse 20,amos,5,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 2 chapters and set of verses that's commonly referred to is in hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 thee well looking at proverbs chapter 10 verse 27 proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolonged,proverbs,10,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 27 partners luke 5 10 simon's location in the book of acts in chapter 10,luke,5,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 1 um over you and the prayer that was said over rebecca in genesis chapter 24 from verse 59 to 60. uh and the bible says in,genesis,24,59.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 59 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues romans 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,romans,2,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 8 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up jonah they threw him into the sea,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 thinks this is still gonna happen so genesis 32 24 it says and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 has to come back pray the scripture pray isaiah 6 pray john 15 i'm gonna release a resource for this call,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 pick it up from verse 36 genesis chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,genesis,41,36.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 36 i will not lose that revelation chapter 3 a meeting from verse 17 in revelation,revelation,3,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 17 chapter 6 verse 1 amos chapter 6 reading from verse,amos,6,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 1 in the name of jesus so we look at isaiah 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,isaiah,24,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 24 verse 2 will judge you according to your words in proverbs chapter 24 please open your bible again proverbs chapter,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 deception is alive remember an anion sapphira at chapter 5 1 to 10 acts chapter 1 chapter 5,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 shall be blessed number one miracle job via kingdom advancement endeavours i joined this,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 instantly restored celebrate jesus jeremiah additional for 20 years has had discomfort in the,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 terribly tough for me and my family all effort to get another job filled in one of the services,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 thing that adam and eve were told in genesis 1 have children have families how can we do what god has called us to,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 grace he knew himself to be an ambassador in ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 and for me it wasn't pray for me that,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 his holiness and brightness and shattered job no he didn't mention one word about his holiness isn't that,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 is lukewarm in revelation 3 and let's look at the passage together,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 god in ephesians 4 .,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 and a good example it um is the one the genesis chapter 4 verse 10 where abel's blood cried,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 online but now in acts of the apostle chapter five,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 this church isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 associate yourself all ye people and you,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 malachi and it will be malachi chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and that's where we're going to pray on i,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 sin philippians 4 8 now dear brothers and sisters one final thing fix your,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 revelation chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,revelation,3,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 15 and that's what happens when we confess the word of god according to romans 10 and verse 10 where the heart man,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 relates to this and it says here in daniel 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular,daniel,12,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 11 in the description of the millennial temple in ezekiel 40 it's angels who measure the millennial temple,ezekiel,40,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 40 verse 1 the world through the sun in hebrews 1 1 to 2 is using the word through,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 with the things that are good for us you can read james 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,james,1,17.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 17 of provision for his ears we're coming to romans chapter 8 in romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 feast he said but when his heart was lifted up verse 20 of daniel 5 and his mind hardened and pride he was deposed,daniel,5,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 2 demystify what that road is all about in isaiah 11 verse 1 he said,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 thereby drawing many more to this church zechariah 8 and verse 23 in those days it shall come to pass,zechariah,8,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 23 "the gift of the spirit."" and paul and the author to the hebrews cites these two passages",hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 father hebrews 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 and this time around we shall be praying our personal supplication philippians chapter 4,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 know that we come back to reign with him so does revelation 20 as we'll see a king will reign righteously and princes,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 loves her husband and number four this woman of proverbs 31 loves her family look at verse 13.,proverbs,31,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 13 so what do we learn from this number one revelation reveals the events of the last days,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 this morning to church as we read together psalms chapter 47 psalms chapter 47 from verse 1 to the,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 there you're not a witness so think of ephesians 3 10 as an amplification of acts 1 8 acts 1 8,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 3 13 to 15 philippians 3 13 to 15 philippians,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 righteous study a to to the to answer proverbs 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added,proverbs,15,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 28 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in genesis chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 living in the best of times you believe he said louder man zechariah chapter 2 verse 4,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 not even romans 6 says he took our old man and put it to death on the cross,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 saying to her in verse 3 what is it queen esther what is your request it shall be given to you even up,esther,1,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 3 "it's a book that i did on the holy spirit. but listen to romans chapter 8 and verse 9 verse ""however, you are not in the flesh but in",romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 killed but we read in hebrews 11 40 verse 39 sorry all of these,hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 candlestick when you read in revelation chapter 1 verse 20 that the seven candlesticks,revelation,1,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 2 verse 23 very important script i want us to read together tonight romans 6 verse 23 please can we projected i want i want,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 god in ephesians 2 18 paul writes that through christ we have our access in one,ephesians,2,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 so we're going to be praying from the book of romans chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,romans,15,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 13 or let's see next week something else happened acts four four yeah now this time you better,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 lasting happiness or proverbs 24 13 my son eat honey,proverbs,24,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 13 the bible says in isaiah 42 8 god speaking through the prophet isaiah i am the lord that is my name and my glory i,isaiah,42,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 half to brother of our lord says in book of james look james 1 if you claim to be,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 galatians 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,galatians,5,14.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 14 to 42 so that's the broad outline of the book of job first of all is this discussion between,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 christ taught there and actually the early church meant there in acts 5 so gentiles were no doubt present in the,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 james chapter 4 verse 13 here's the sorry before we go to james four you remember there was a woman called,james,4,13.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 13 kingdom in the this is a vision given to ezekiel verse 2 of chapter 40 he brought me into the,ezekiel,40,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 40 verse 2 it's the immutable justifier of humble souls in james chapter 4 reading from verse saves but he giveth more grace he,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 tonight it is confirmed in jesus name hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 a meaning from verse,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 evangelist by the time we saw him in acts 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the,acts,21,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 21 verse 8 god is omini present jeremiah 23 24 he says can anyone hide himself,jeremiah,23,24.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 24 or 11 sorry i should know that um so hebrews 11 i'm scanning through just looking for the verse on rahab i can't,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 chapter 4 malachi chapter 4 prophecies about him malachi,malachi,4,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 1 and then the rest i will be picking as we proceed in the teaching job chapter 22 are reading from verses 1 to,job,22,1.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 1 13 and that will be charissa charissa you'll be reading acts chapter 4 verse 13 and you also read acts chapter 2,acts,4,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 13 long to suffering gentleness goodness mentioned in galatians 5 that's for everybody this is the fruit of the,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 this guy's this guy's teaching sounds just like you're teaching from romans from romans 9 is is that,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 without fear romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,romans,8,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 15 in the glory of the power of god bible says in acts chapter 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power ability,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 beginning of miracles of science of wonders look at acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8 actually from verse 1,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 with your word isaiah chapter 43 at verse 19 behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring,isaiah,43,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 i'm going to start my message with a reading from the book of genesis chapter 3,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 instance in exodus chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,exodus,2,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 11 bible says in the book of genesis 35 verses 5 that as they joined it as at that time,genesis,35,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 5 leviticus is very early on in the old testament right after exodus so get yourselves to leviticus 23 i'm going to,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 this is not david look at verse 29 of acts 2 brethren i may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch david that,acts,2,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 29 [applause] zechariah chapter three and verse chapter eight sorry and verse,zechariah,3,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 8 and in breaking of bread and in prayers acts 2 42 let's take it again more lively this time around,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 international utah life convention in psalms 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to,psalms,105,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 13 something better and being made perfect that is what these hebrews 11 people could not have and that is what god has,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 redemption exactly so in genesis 3 15 he tells us that he is going to send a savior,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the phantom of the opera but i was also thinking about ephesians 4 verse 29 which says let no corrupting talk come,ephesians,4,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 chapters now in chapter 3 the prophet habakkuk prays and he has a simple cry of his heart and i think it's the cry of,habakkuk,3,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 if we want to know how wondrous he is read genesis chapter 14 and you will see when the enemy captured,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 of the cause of the kingdom for this week in the book of psalms 57 and verse 2 he said i will crown to,psalms,57,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 57 verse 2 come and yet somebody remains aloof in hebrews 2 verse 1 he says i will stand upon my,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 starting with verse 25 romans chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,romans,3,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 25 god we become the children of god look at james chapter 5 verse 19. in james chapter 5 reading from verse 19 brethren,james,5,19.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 19 jesus represented when you get to the 13 chapters of nehemiah we're seeing that nehemiah is rebuilding the wall but what,nehemiah,13,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 1 different thing now if we go to genesis to exodus 24 8,exodus,24,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 8 they will say that's what they're gonna say you began a bubo can finish the job they will say verse that one says if a,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 do but what he has done titus chapter titles chapter 3 we're reading from,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 6 verse 12 ephesians 6 by stripe amen efficient sticks,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 isaiah 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have,isaiah,10,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 12 look at acts chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were,acts,2,37.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 37 it mean to walk with god we've seen that enoch walked with god genesis 5 when others didn't he swam upstream and we've,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 we want to continue our study in genesis we have got as far as genesis 24 be more or less finished with the life of,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 ever how genesis 17 four five four two five north bones,genesis,17,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 4 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola genesis 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 to revelation chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the,revelation,3,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 14 in psalms 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,psalms,27,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 4 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of genesis continuing with the creation account a,genesis,2,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 2 little emotional even just reading the book of acts chapter nine and then just seeing the common theme that god has,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 our ways as believers we should please god proverbs 16 verse 7 says if a man's way pleases the lord,proverbs,16,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 7 obedience prompt obedience like what we saw in genesis chapter 12 when god called abraham come out of your people,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 our exposition of the first two chapters of hebrews while i have a moment while you're,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 unwavering sins we're looking at revelation chapter three revelation chapter three we're looking,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 bible said that she went and sat genesis chapter 21 verse verse 14. so abram rose early in the morning and took,genesis,21,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 14 the seven churches are part of this section of revelation chapters 2 and 3. seven actual churches.,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 22 of revelation in chapter 22 of revelation is telling us about the reign of the lord he says,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 sin because it will make it casualty in numbers 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,numbers,32,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 23 that at the altar it cannot please the lord fully we're told in isaiah chapter 2,isaiah,2,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 understands you new king james version in the margin of verse 14 reads like this renders knows,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 41 i want you to turn peace with me to isaiah 41 when we have praying to god to crying out to him to,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 what the bible says is philippians 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 wealth and glory so read with me in daniel chapter five beginning in verse one,daniel,5,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 1 from here genesis chapter 12 verse one called him and genesis chapter 24 and verse one the,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 greatly by the time you read genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 26,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 more speak continuing parables in proverbs but i shall show you plainly of the father verse 26 at that day he shall,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 wraps it up for philippians 2 so that is all for philippians chapter 2 i hope that you guys learned from this bible,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 back to you romans chapter 12 and i'm reading from verses one,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 have hard work and to appreciate what has been given to you numbers 1820 the lord said to aaron this is the the,numbers,18,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 2 genesis 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,genesis,3,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 8 to lose their vote on you revelation 12 11. revelation 12 11,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 peace look at what daniel sent of to nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 and verse 29 this is daniel speaking,daniel,2,29.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 29 "and in prisons, there's no way to restitution. in the old testament, exodus 21 and 22, a thief could work to give back what he had",exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 is heirs he acts second kings 26 10 to 16 king air saw an,2 kings,26,1.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 1 relationship with god deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 very simple we are all familiar with this exodus 23 verse 256 thou shall serve the lord thy god and he,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 expansion of the vision in daniel chapter 2. now he goes back to the same four,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 we're reading from verse 17 ephesians 4 reading from verse 17,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 i'll show you one verse first of all romans 8 and verse 9.,romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 city so as i said last week the book of revelation has bookends of blessing it begins in chapter one with a blessing it,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 worker who is not a worshipper here's what can happen revelation 2 to i know your work to your labor your patience and,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 who love me proverbs chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17.,proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 praise the name of the lord and that will take us to the book of proverbs chapter 13,proverbs,13,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 1 comfort in in mixing this science with the amazing things of god is psalms 1815 you can tell me if you think i'm taken,psalms,18,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 15 my vex my vesture the prophecy of his crucifixion look at zechariah chapter 12,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 that's okay it ties in um and it is i see it as like ephesians six fiery darts from um the devil,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 every of this agenda never becomes a relationships genesis 1977. lord in 1977 i came across,genesis,19,77.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 77 you're just losing rewards but any who's pergamum revelation chapter 2 verse 16 therefore repent if not i will come to,revelation,2,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 16 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to job job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 fruitfulness exodus 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 the role of the holy spirit he helps our infirmity romans 8 26 with groanings,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 devil is called the deceiver of the whole world in verse 9 revelation 12 verse 9 the whole world he deceives but he does,revelation,12,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 9 in this direction paul says the same thing listen to this colossians 3 5 put to death therefore,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 very important when the bible was talking to us in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas have one a tenement is if,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're reading from verse 18.,acts,3,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 18 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich genesis 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,genesis,24,34.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 34 acts 2 to the jews in acts 4 he reaffirms that it's jesus and jesus alone that brings,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 find the most interesting question jeremiah 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before,jeremiah,33,31.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 31 revelation chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 verse 27 has this to offer and they,revelation,21,27.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 27 will go to genesis chapter 39 florida from verse 1 to 9 genesis that knife reverse one tonight when all of a sudden,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 god created time we see it at creation genesis 1 2 tells us that the earth was without form and void,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 sickness or the arrest the one who located job remember him remove all his affliction he seen,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 to shave in the mighty name of jesus isaiah 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,isaiah,54,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 4 telenosis who can bring a clean thing out of an anti to node not 100 what job and is prince escena the same that man is,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 1 deuteronomy he gave it to joshua saying i'll never leave you nor forsake you,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 in christ jesus so if you're there in romans chapter 15 find verse 13,romans,15,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 13 and establish this divine principle proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,proverbs,14,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 23 before let's look at it i'm looking at acts of the apostles and i'm reading from chapter 2 acts of the apostles,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 outside the can hebrews chapter 13 jesus suffered outside the camp hebrews 13 verse 12 he wasn't crucified inside jerusalem he,hebrews,13,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 front to and to center issue in the book of romans long before we get to romans 3 it's a continual issue throughout,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 when you read from verse 12 down to 14 romans chapter 8 verse 12 down to 14.,romans,8,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 12 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from genesis 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 philippians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4. i want to see as we learn to pray,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 would have to say that jesus life was a failure to go by numbers because at the end of three and a half years of the,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 says here the tongue is like a fire the last part of verse 6 james 3 6 the tongue is of fire the last part of our,james,3,6.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 6 circumcised genesis 17 1 2 4 repeated in leviticus circumcision russ was required there were a number of reasons for it,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to joshua hey what a great leader you are,judges,8,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 22 let him hear what the spirit now revelation 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,revelation,2,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 7 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in jeremiah chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 choose you know in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12.,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 if i can back up now to the to the deuteronomy one passage because this is similar in deuteronomy one right and,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 for us would be psalm 2 esther chapter 3 verse 1 to 6 esther chapter 3 verse 1 to 6.,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 and our songs take three forms at least some of them are psalms says psalms,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 me in hebrews 12 what is it says our church we,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 dark threads of providence and it's very important the little becca ruth is one of the shortest books in our entire,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 pull them out we'll find another example in daniel chapter 6,daniel,6,6.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 6 and be perfect in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis chapter 17 verse 1 it says when abram,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 to god turn to isaiah 56 isaiah 56.,isaiah,56,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 1 brought about light in creation in genesis 1 3 can say let there be light in a heart,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 that cannot feel genesis chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis and we're looking at this in verse 14 is,genesis,18,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 14 thing here in revelation 17 that this this woman is pictured like a this,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 from 16 let's start reading from 16 isaiah 43 from 16 he said those says the lord which maketh a way,isaiah,43,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 14 jude alludes to that in june chapter one reading from verse 12 jude chapter one reading from verse 12 these are sports,jude,1,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 12 but a humble mind philippians chapter 2 and verse 5. let this mind be in you,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 area but know it even gets worse look at genesis 37 again drop down to verse 5 one night joseph had it,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that galatians 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 see all 150 psalms right here or i can categorize the psalms by genre okay these are the praise psalms and by,psalms,15,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 1 in revelation chapter 2 verse 10 revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verse 10,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 in jesus mighty name we have prayed in the book of proverbs chapter 25 verse 25 if they's like cold water to attest his,proverbs,25,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 25 become a child of god that is number one acts of apostle 11 26 say and when he had found him he brought him unto,acts,11,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 26 of the dead he holds the keys he holds the keys we see this in revelation chapter 9 this is in the context of the,revelation,9,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 1 times of my life i was losing my job at 42 years old i,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 sanctified in you i'm going to do this in ezekiel 36 he says that and he says he says i will,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 this earnest desire to want to in all things build his galatians 1 10 says if i were still trying to please men i,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 provoking the angels of god in ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 because i know from my dad that in genesis chapter 14 from verse 17 to 20 genesis 14 from verse 17 to 20 my dad,genesis,14,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 17 operation by all means and beyond in titus chapter 1 verses 10 and 11 we read,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 are clearly defined clearly black or white isaiah says in chapter 5 verse 20 woe to those who call,isaiah,5,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 2 to your face or maybe in the comments section of a youtube video ecclesiastes chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 is our target,ecclesiastes,7,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 21 hear anything daniel 9 2 we thought the revelation of daniel,daniel,9,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 2 god genesis chapter 5 verse 22,genesis,5,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 22 here this morning as we read from ephesians 2 the centrality of christ,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 [music] ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,ephesians,2,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 know exodus 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is,exodus,15,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 11 and thou shalt stretch upon their high places jeremiah chapter 15. jeremiah chapter 15 we're,jeremiah,15,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 1 it's not sin to sleep ecclesiastes 5 is 12 says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet because you know,ecclesiastes,5,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 is the most high most high ecclesiastes chapter five verse eight,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 he called all the elders of the church in ephesus in acts 20 verse 17 personally i'm a tiara,acts,20,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 17 of jericho you know you know this story reads joshua chapter 5,joshua,5,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 1 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in isaiah 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,isaiah,49,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 8 is the most high most high ecclesiastes chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 have not seen in isaiah 61 we generally deal with the first three verses,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 second example the bible tells us in the book of genesis chapter 17 verse 10 down to 13 that the lord appeared to abraham,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 worn the page out the call of the page romans 8 verse 28 that's all they know what does it say here in isaiah 4 verse 13,isaiah,4,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 13 "heaven is marked by worship. the best glimpse of heaven, found in revelation 4 and 5, marks worship as the dominant feature",revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 reality of your expectation the bible says in proverbs 4 23 he says guard your heart with all diligence because out of,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 yours lord this is what he wants you see to surrender to him romans six seven six thirteen says to yield yourselves to god,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 difficulties or trouble john starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 he said we should open to the book of acts chapter three verse six i open to that book when i opened i see,acts,3,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 6 your destiny you will radiate your glory in the mighty name of job that the descent time of god is 1 20 it will be,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this romans 2 verses 28 and 29,romans,2,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 28 gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential acts chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in,acts,9,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 26 read the scripture did jeremiah 33 and verse from verse 20 jeremiah 33 from verse 20. the bible says thus says the,jeremiah,33,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 2 with your academics well the bible says in james chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5 that if anybody lack wisdom,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 the end of jeremiah 23 i've gone back to jeremiah 5 and now i'm going to come back to the beginning of jeremiah,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son hebrews 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,hebrews,12,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 straightforward if we're not consistent look at deuteronomy chapter read him from verse 6,deuteronomy,1,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 6 the lord if you turn to isaiah chapter 6 when when,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 aware of the details of what's going on in my life job 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,job,34,21.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 21 earth and in the weather on the earth on that day the beginning of my revelation timeline had two of the most powerful,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 let me show the consecration of a woman we're looking at ruth chapter one rules chapter one,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 let go job chapter 42 verse 10 joe prayed for his friends even though,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 being portrayed here so let's just look back at exodus 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of,exodus,25,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 22 nice hawaii that's what the lord told him it on our direction are in genesis chapter 2 are the army under the armor,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the word of the king is there is,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 i'm taking my text from revelation chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,revelation,1,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 12 did you know that it says in ephesians 6 the only commandment with the promise attached to,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 verse 8 then god started to speak god was not talking to isaiah ladies and gentlemen there were just conversations,isaiah,1,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 8 more sending people to eternity prematurely in isaiah chapter 2 verse 4,isaiah,2,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 else besides him the end of that phrase that's deuteronomy 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4,deuteronomy,4,35.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 35 from verse 9 to 17 revelation chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,revelation,7,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 7 and running waters out of their own well proverbs 5 15. sex is the cement that consummates your,proverbs,5,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 15 the holy spirit when people see i mean you take acts chapter 2 as the initial deposit of that promise well when they,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 who becomes the chief cornerstone. in daniel 2 he is identified as a stone cut out without hands that smashes the nations,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 most now is the plague of frogs so when you read exodus chapter 8 about the plague of frogs i look at this chapter,exodus,8,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 1 christ click with me here in ephesians 6 and 10. it says,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 we lost a general but we moved philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 verse 32 proverbs 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy,proverbs,1,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 peculiar people serious for good work in revelation chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,revelation,21,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 7 daniel chapter 2 from verse 1 to 13 daniel 2 from verse 1 to 13. the next thing is the king slept,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 it down ezekiel 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as,ezekiel,33,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 11 from genesis 17 as we look into abraham's covenant consciousness genesis 17,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 now let's look at his character vain were coming to genesis chapter five and i'm looking at verse one the character,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 i'd like you to open your bible to genesis chapter 20 and verse 3 that is the law of anybody holding any,genesis,20,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 3 word the lord gave us when we started cfc malachi 1 verse 11 you remember very clearly speaking on this and almost one,malachi,1,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 11 encouragement because we we don't just have to read acts chapter 2 and say wasn't that wonderful god came down i,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of hebrews 3 and verse 4,hebrews,3,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 4 within glory be to jesus isaiah chapter 11 let's see the effect of the anointing,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 texts together revelations 13 8 ephesians 1 verse 5 and 6 ephesians 5 verse 25 to 27 i draw the,revelation,13,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 8 have this eternal salvation so that whole list in hebrews 10 they have saving faith in something i would i,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 says in verse 23 he kept entrusting himself to the one who judges righteously,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 hope of eternal life romans 3 says the same thing so salvation is by grace,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 in revelation chapter 7 verse may revelation 7 verse 9 the bible said he said i look and before was a great multitude,revelation,7,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 9 but uh as we read in numbers 14 1 to 4 it says this then the whole community,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 found in god's character now one of the themes in his letter to titus is that god is a god who saves and let me just,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 the spirit of the lord came upon jetta meet him from judges chapter 14 doji is for tina a meaning from verse 5 they,judges,14,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 1 refuge in joshua chapter 20 verse 1 to 4 the bible tells us how that cities of refuge,joshua,20,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 1 to a world of supernatural tone around romans chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 things that got old adam and eve in genesis chapter 1 if you don't believe it he talked about sex to adam and eve,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 every sin they will commit listen to hebrews 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course,hebrews,7,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 27 if you remember we had read the scriptures from genesis chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation romans 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 tribulation comes that that's revelation 4 and 5. but revelation 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 and i'm justifying it constantly and that's why in proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 listen to this now he says turn at my,proverbs,1,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 hath forsaken the earth chapter 8 is interesting in that ezekiel was taken by the spirit on a strange trip from,ezekiel,8,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1 proverbs 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,proverbs,21,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 2 were very angry that he preached on jonah the one guy specifically said i was so angry with your dad you know why,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 it's only real christians but in romans chapter 12 verse 3 it says that god hath dealt or given,romans,12,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 3 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct jeremiah 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 2 galatians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 2 it says and i went up,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 in isaiah chapter 55 8 to 9 isaiah 55 89 the bible said my ways are not your ways my thoughts,isaiah,55,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 the same exact phenomenon the holy spirit's coming that they saw in acts 2 because god was saying,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 the indwelling power of the holy spirit ezekiel 18 now you won't understand this message until we get a little further,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 to war after the flesh what are we warning with ephesians 6 and verse 12 will wrestle not against flesh and blob,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 will buy everything jeremiah we're reading from chapter 9 jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23,jeremiah,9,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 i'll share two scriptures very briefly in genesis chapter 8,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 supernatural powers well verse 12 daniel chapter 2 because of this the king became violently angry,daniel,2,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 12 nature in job 15 16 god speaks of how filthy is man which drinketh iniquity,job,15,16.0,1.0,job chapter 15 verse 16 what does it say james chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 and zerubbabel now not the joshua of the days of moses but in zechariah chapter four,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 dignity ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 16 then said i wisdom is better than,ecclesiastes,9,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 16 an un unseen invisible level if you've turned to genesis 28 i want you to read with me the encounter one,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 god daily joshua one hates you must meditate he talks about meditating upon the word,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 and so what i wanted to get to was in genesis 25 i think we can put it up there and i was going to go through,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 continued to do and teach see acts 1 1 [music],acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 we kid into extra dose 23 verse 26 and also for me personally it was proverbs 23 18 you know the expectations of the,proverbs,23,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 26 don't understand it fully in the old testament in jeremiah chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,jeremiah,4,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 4 verse 4 [music] let me just close yet with romans chapter five few verses,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 the same kind of fear and confusion that concluded acts 2 and 1. now if you look at your bible you'll see,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 at times is to reject the truth the scripture tells us in romans 1 that those who are ungodly deliberately,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 do his work well maybe a glimpse of sanctification in romans 8 turn to romans 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 paul will not locate sin in that new self in chapter 6 of romans paul says this,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 i'm reading from verse 22 acts chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel,acts,2,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 22 the first three chapters of the bible genesis chapter one to three is like a complete story,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 glory bear to jesus paul writing the book of romans chapter 8 lastly and verse 35,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 well the bible the bible talks about it is titus 2 yeah like being the keeper of the home yeah cannot be confused and,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 it was oppressed and afflicted isaiah 53 verse 7 and 8. it was oppressed and afflicted when he,isaiah,53,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 7 any problem there to sound a trumpet nehemiah 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the,nehemiah,4,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 18 because they'll all leave and go philippians 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 finish so strong so well colossians chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,colossians,3,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 22 season say louder amen acts 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in,acts,5,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 42 the doom of nineveh was foretold all through the scripture isaiah talks about it in chapter 10 chapter 17 18 and 30,isaiah,10,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 1 like in genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14. he visited abraham i said he came himself,genesis,1,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 18 john on the isle of patmos later and over in revelation 22 17 jesus said when he met john on the,revelation,22,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 17 as well so in hebrews chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 it says but we see him,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 going to be with you to empower you he reminds them in acts 1 8 just before ascending the holy spirit will come upon,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 in high places let's look at ephesians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 something else at 19 verse 3 in in the book of acts at least peter peter gets to philip i and he meets one,acts,19,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 3 for example in genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 he says in the beginning,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 when the lord is warning the people of israel deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the,deuteronomy,8,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 11 god knows your presence and god knows your future in jeremiah 1 5 the bible says before i,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 right don't throw away the confidence but hebrews 12 do throw away every weight,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 temple in verse 28 of chapter 44 of isaiah that saith of cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all,isaiah,44,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 28 have not obeyed diligently the voice of the lord our god deuteronomy 28 verse one and two,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 happening on earth that's found in revelation 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,revelation,6,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 9 christ with clear conscience it says in galatians chapter 1 verse 20 now the things which i write unto you,galatians,1,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 2 brethren do you remember what happened there in acts chapter 2 it's not jesus didn't just say to them,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and if you read romans chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 jesus mighty name we pray amen jesus told the disciple in acts of the opposed to chapter one from verse,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 is god the only god i think it's in jude one that same passage we were looking at earlier,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 so against that backdrop so revelation 5 9 genesis 12,revelation,5,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 9 the context carefully in the book of daniel 9 verse 24 227 you'll see that there are only 483 years that are accounted,daniel,9,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 24 and so it's making reference later in hebrews 9 that christ because the types and shadows of,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k714tf4oce and then going to acts chapter 6 i also want you to go to hebrews 11,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 throughout all generations look at daniel chapter seven,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 let's open our bible to isaiah 34 from verse one come near you nations,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 he talks to job and said this is wrong that which le who said is right job chapter 42 then zou bonds the lord and,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 in that nature passage from verse 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 a bible tells us the reason why lions could eat him was,daniel,6,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 19 christ jesus romans 8 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 that if a man is worth his weight the bible says in psalms 128 that his wife ought to be like a fruitful vine,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 6. exodus 6 all background to the i am names of jesus,exodus,6,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 1 chapter four so in chapter four we have one subheading and it is esther agrees to help the jews and so we're gonna see,esther,4,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 1 i want you to look at the judge we're reading from verse 12 of jude chapter one,jude,1,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 12 giveth and taketh away and in jeremiah 27 we have an example where the way god takes away israel's,jeremiah,27,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 1 connection between the two passages zechariah jeremiah is the word potter so he goes and he's looking at the potter,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 forever and ever that is not annihilation the lake of fire isaiah says is a fire isaiah 66 that will not,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 thought proverbs 23 verse 29. [music],proverbs,23,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 29 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from revelation chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,revelation,1,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 17 answer you say this is not god's final plan because revelation 21 4 says he will wipe every tear from our eyes,revelation,21,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 4 sarah genesis chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,genesis,18,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 11 based on these doctrines i mean what doctrine is in uh romans 3 or romans 3 what's one of the first things it does,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 what said it jeremiah 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs,jeremiah,17,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 that sign and that's wonder isaiah chapter 8 verse 18,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 verse 22 and 23 jude 1 22 to 23,jude,1,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 22 "himself, under omniscient holy scrutiny. that's why james 3 says, ""stop being so many teachers, for theirs is a greater condemnation.""",james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 in proverbs chapter 24 please open your bible again proverbs chapter 24,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 you know in isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 isaiah 66 verse 1 the almighty god said heaven is my truth,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at jeremiah chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a,jeremiah,1,18.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 18 will be with us till the end of a journey in jesus mary jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to,jeremiah,15,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 1 king of kings and lord of lords as his word is been read philippians chapter 3 as a familiar passage and then we begin,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 and now as we come to chapter nine once again we find daniel pray now just give you a breakdown of the chapter so you,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 when the secret of god was upon my tabernacles job 29 and verse 5 when the almighty was here,job,29,5.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 5 it he jesus name we pray a proverbs chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,proverbs,26,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 27 old testament remember hebrews 11 verse 40 which says god has provided something better for us,hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 whereby one may edify another hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 genesis chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,genesis,28,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 2 and we saw there now they should respond numbers 13 verse 20. he he just made multiple statements whether the people,numbers,13,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 2 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 hebrews 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,2 corinthians,12,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 i was turned proverbs 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,proverbs,11,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 17 i said to our team today i said according to jeremiah 17 and verse 10 i don't know that i saw the heart and i,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 conclusion to that colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 1. in colossians chapter 3 verse 1 if he then be reason,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 wisdom daniel chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 and so immediately without consulting god abraham went to egypt genesis 12 10 and when he came back from egypt you,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 the bow isaiah 64 verse 1. he said all that doubt would just run the heavens and,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom proverbs one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to,proverbs,1,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 3 fathership can you read for us please joshua 1 verses 1 to 3 [music],joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 because i celebrated christmas well romans 14 is for you to write the one who observes the day observes it in,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at acts chapter 8 verse 22,acts,8,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 22 you in jesus name and look at hebrews hebrews chapter 7,hebrews,7,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 22 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat acts 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,acts,10,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 13 version so we're going to read that together this morning philippians 3 and verse 12 from the,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there philippians 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 and 3 in both those chapters he who overcomes the revelation 2 verse 7 he who overcomes he who overcomes he overcomes,revelation,2,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 7 25 he said in galatians chapter 2 and verse 20 he said,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 carrying forward in romans chapter 8 it says there is now there is therefore now no condemnation,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 the suffering for departure from the lord in jeremiah chapter 2 we're looking at verse 19 jeremiah,jeremiah,2,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 19 "don't we? the other jericho, the joshua 6 jericho. you remember jericho.",joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 i may add another piece to this in job 19 we see that job thought he had a future resurrection job 19 it's actually,job,19,1.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 1 talks about how to face adversity in habakkuk 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 are inadmissible to the kingdom of god in the revelation chapter 22 verse 15 by motives of describes it vividly there,revelation,22,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 15 on the screen hebrews 12 and 24 hebrews 12 and 24 it says unto jesus it was talking about,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 i hope you all know where it is psalms proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11,ecclesiastes,8,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 prophetic season acts 2 46 to 47 paraphrased and they continued,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 creation got created in the six days you know the story when you get to genesis three there's a huge curse pronounced,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 in this church this year ezekiel 34 and verse 25 and i will make with them a covenant of,ezekiel,34,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 25 because you see over and over over 20 times in the book of leviticus it says this lamb shall be without blemish and,leviticus,1,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 1 trend did not continue like that in the book of genesis chapter 25 verse 32 he stole this birthright,genesis,25,32.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 32 [music] first revelation 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,revelation,1,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 12 paul's epistle to the ephesians chapter 1 ephesians chapter 1 verses 19 to 23.,ephesians,1,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 19 are dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom chapter 9 itself of proverbs is an allegory,proverbs,9,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 1 5 says a person's days are determined yet in isaiah 38 god extends hezekiah's life it almost,isaiah,38,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 38 verse 1 happening here very unusual after all of this from zechariah chapter 8 to chapter 14. you have all in the prophecy,zechariah,8,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 14 psalms and it's interesting about the psalms they were written actually as five books you'd have to ask jewish,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way jeremiah 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,jeremiah,23,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 3 a minute alright romans chapter 4 verse 1 now we get to abraham what then shall we say it,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 you don't need to have uh to huh but mothers in proverbs 31 it took the mother to tell lemuel the woman,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 3 jesus in the old testament the third preachment acts 4 jesus in the old testament do you doubt the pattern well,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says colossians 1 23 continue,colossians,1,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 23 unstoppable in your adventure again romans i mean john 14 21 the word says whosoever has my,romans,14,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 21 of the year numbers 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,numbers,14,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 24 1977 i had this gift from god deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 47 and 48,deuteronomy,28,47.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 47 tribulation the next time we hear about this word is in chapter 11 of revelation where it says the spirit of antichrist,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 isaiah chapter 32 isaiah chapter 32 verse 1 behold a king will reign righteously and princes will,isaiah,32,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 1 friend if you will either one of these would replace titus on crete in order that titus could join,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 of of of uh of verse 4 genesis 4 new leaving translation quickly,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 and one of them had enough common sense i think was joshua the king of judah he said is there a prophet in this land,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 in other passages we could be reading in ephesians for example in chapter 2 and verse 6 which tells us plainly,ephesians,2,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 acts chapter chapter 7 i will look in at verse 19 i acts chapter 7 verse 19 the same deal,acts,7,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 19 with name hebrews 11 6 he is a rewarder,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 amen because in revelation chapter 2 verse 10 revelation chapter 2 verse 10,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 the bible tells us in the book of proverbs 3 verses 9 and 10 proverbs 3 9 10 6 under the law without substance and,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 he has put him to grief isaiah 53 verse 10. this is not random evil this is,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 and with us collectively as a church in isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,isaiah,14,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 24 the family good works on the job daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,daniel,5,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 12 zephaniah ends and now we move to the book of haggai hang on is a small little book with two chapters and haggai was,haggai,2,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 1 oh yeah yeah the scripture says in numbers chapter 6 and number chapter 6 if you start,numbers,6,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nrzgy0bljy acts chapter 9 here this morning and my message the power of regeneration,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 in the heavenly places in christ ephesians chapter one and verse three every single blessing of the holy spirit,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 and they got healed someone was seven numbers cemetery someone was seven verse 20 and then in luke chapter 5 verse 17,numbers,5,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 17 in time and thus the the message of hosea his life and his ministry occurs between second kings 14 and 20 so you,2 kings,14,1.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 1 you know what your part in that is philippians chapter 3 verse 20,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 this world to become a man then we finally in philippians chapter 2 he who was one with god emptied himself to,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 by keeping company with abraham over in genesis chapter 13 from verse 5 to 6.,genesis,13,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 5 generations jesus so that was what colossians 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,colossians,1,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 13 the bible says something in the book of isaiah chapter 64 verse one it says all that thou would this ruin the heavens,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 not a nation is going to be an unaffected by this and in fact isaiah 28 talks about those who make a covenant,isaiah,28,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 1 these various trials because he says in james 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life,james,1,3.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 3 when you take that history in genesis 1 to 11 and you understand it correctly then you,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 that happened before genesis 1 verse 1 so before genesis 1 verse 1 when god looked into way into the future of,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the book of the prophet isaiah the book of the prophet isaiah chapter 59 behold the lord's hand is not shortened that it,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 your house in exodus 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,exodus,3,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 7 in the flesh cannot please go look at romans chapter 7 humans chapter 7 a meaning here from verse 14,romans,7,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 14 "ezekiel chapter one verse one. ezekiel chapter one verse one. on the 38th year, the bible",ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 "children, supporting their husbands. titus 2 lays their responsibilities out, ""being keepers at home,"" but leadership in the church",titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at hebrews chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 i'll see you there in jesus name and look at look at revelation revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 i wanted to give you um two words one in hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35.,hebrews,10,35.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 interesting how there are two churches in the book of revelation that are found to be faithful that are not given any,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 righteousness and good deeds you can read romans 6 19. talking about,romans,6,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 19 festival type behaviors initially we see it at exodus chapter 12 but then they were to commemorate it every year and it,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 the kingdom of god according to romans 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 we actually looked at kelly exodus 21 verse 4. the bible says even it will be,exodus,21,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 4 promises those are the things uh that's why the bible says in hebrews 11 the faith is the substance of things over,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 this sinful world daily we read in ephesians 5 verse 25 that christ loved the church and gave himself for it that,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 revelation chapter 22 of the last chapter of the bible revelation chapter 22 a meeting from verse 15 revelation,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read galatians 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 web and his net his hook that pulls you in as james always you know james one talks about this lure,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 genesis chapter 19 genesis chapter 19 and there came two angels to sodom at,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 even when it doesn't look like it is working romans 8 and 28 for we know that all things work together for the good of,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 every day you can read all about god's armor in ephesians chapter 6 from verses 10 to 18 where paul tells us about this,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 somebody i got one more verse to leave you then i'm gonna pray proverbs 18 and verse number 10 says the name of the,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 in jesus name numbers chapter 21 numbers chapter 21,numbers,21,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 1 acts chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 and giving his testimony and in acts 24 14 he said this i admit it to you o king felix,acts,24,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 14 and that's from acts 17 apologetics david wood did a super good job with that video i do recommend you watch it,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 said look at what he said in that genesis in the book of genesis chapter 21 look at what he said i like,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 antichrist or the beast of revelation it actually says in revelation 19,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 numbered by the time we got to exodus chapter 40 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28 pharaoh was drowned and from the day,exodus,40,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 40 verse 14 11 verse 7 bent to perpetual backsliding jeremiah 8 verse 5 my people my people have committed two evils two evils they,jeremiah,8,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 5 now there is a very clear allusion to isaiah 45 23 when,isaiah,45,23.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 23 back to ethiopia and he's got a scroll and the scroll is of isaiah and he's reading the scroll from isaiah 53 isaiah,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 long discourse this is a long discourse numbers 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he,numbers,22,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 23 said in numbers 14 verse 11 i want you to see numbers 14 verse 11,numbers,14,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 11 seven in acts of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst,acts,4,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 7 people don't understand that the the bible says in romans 6 your old man was crucified with christ on the cross and,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 elijah ezekiel he said prophesy to the dry bones that is ezekiel chapter 37 verse 10,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 make us to be shining in the order of proverbs 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory,proverbs,24,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 18 that's why a person is supposed to be a pastor if you read in ephesians 4 if you were to turn there with me i'll,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 issue of sin sin will always be a singer hebrews one named sin will always be a single one prayer local to break the,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 seek ye me in vain in hebrews chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision hebrews 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,hebrews,10,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 this particular time he's on to them and he says they're in ezra 4 verse 3 but zerubabbel and joshua and the rest of,ezra,4,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 3 "and like the scapegoat of the day of atonement to leviticus 16 to carrying them away, and that reference is made several times, as you know,",leviticus,16,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 1 after the holy ghost is come upon you acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 messiah is the theme of the opening section of some of isaiah 42 and the opening section of isaiah 49.,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 let me read that verse philippians 3 13 one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 wants to talk to you look at romans chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 concern ourselves with right now chapters 2 and 3 revelation where jesus dictates seven letters to seven churches,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 know he just has the text he wants revelation 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the,revelation,1,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 8 but acts chapter 6 verse 7 tells you that stephen did his job so well and his witness was so full of the,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 it this is isaiah 43 bring my sons from afar my daughters,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16. [music],genesis,15,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 13 but it's tall about something else in hebrews 11 by faith moses when he was come to years or he grown up,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new romans 10 verse 13.,romans,10,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 13 and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in daniel 11 32 they that know their god,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 no advance at all. job 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,job,10,21.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 21 special jews redeemed if you go to revelation chapter 7 revelation chapter 7 we are told about,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 we go um the two passages we're gonna be in is numbers 21 and john 3 those are our two chief passages tonight so let's,numbers,21,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 1 look at exodus 19 5. foreign,exodus,19,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 5 children of israel vemos a poem in a bay albanese rael i want to read deuteronomy chapter 33 para que llama demon / amisha,deuteronomy,33,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 1 come as destruction from the almighty joel 2 verse 11 the day of the lord is great and very terrible verse 31 of jer of,joel,2,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 11 genesis 17 4 to 6 genesis 174 to see he changed the name of abraham to,genesis,17,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 4 the way he should be served according to deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 to 5,deuteronomy,6,4.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 your most learn look at proverbs chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to,proverbs,9,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 the bible says in exodus chapter 14 from verse 13 exodus 14 13 the bible says and moses,exodus,14,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 13 what we are seeing let's go to the book of proverbs 22 verse 4 proverbs 22 4,proverbs,22,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 4 okay the memory verse first revelation chapter 20 verse 6,revelation,20,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 6 it up for us and we need to hear ruth chapter two uh verses one through seven all right,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 what is before hebrews 12 obviously hebrews 11 what's hebrews 11 we call it the heroes hall of faith it's,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 scriptures we've read and if i could just remind you again romans 3 romans 4 was read through romans 3 and 4 and,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 right very quickly can we turn in our bibles to the book of genesis chapter 37 genesis chapter 37 genesis 37 and i will,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 people with me to give you an example how we should serve the lord in acts chapter 21 we read about this time wendy,acts,21,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 21 verse 1 law jesus will rescue us from this as we get later into romans 6 and we see that we will not be under the law we'll be,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 there's a battle being going on since genesis 3 between god's word and man's word and you know what evolution has,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 very clear jeremiah 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 this is god speaking to james fadel it says i know,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 to go to the city ecclesiastes 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,ecclesiastes,10,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15 hebrews chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,hebrews,2,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 generation and it's renewed right here in genesis chapter 5 god's instruction to joshua to do this,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 somebody believe he said loved a man in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 need we think surely they've learned their lesson now next chapter exodus chapter 16. this is all within two,exodus,16,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 1 are ordained for fulfillment in ezekiel chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,ezekiel,12,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 working with god by putting his word to work in acts chapter 2 verse 1 the bible says they were all,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 reading from verse 7 ephesians 1 verse 7 in whom,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 of god in your lives in the name of jesus the book of isaiah 48,isaiah,48,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 1 jeremiah 1 in 7 let's look at 1 in 6 first listen jeremiah talking and jeremiah was known as the weeping,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 first chapter 29 verse 18 the first part proverbs 29 18 where there is no vision the people cast,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 pleasant and verse 4 of acts chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 future history you see this prophecy in daniel 8 it does,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 it is not over yet micah 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 be holy okatee chapter 33 leviticus 7 sanctify yourselves therefore be holy sanctify,leviticus,33,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 33 verse 1 are facilitators of the outbreak of revelation and why is that so in second corinthians chapter four and,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 across this gem in the passion translation of acts chapter 11 verse 26 it says together saul and barnabas,acts,11,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 26 may get him rich it is the blessing of the lord proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 is my witness,proverbs,10,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. isaiah chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,isaiah,66,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 6 knowledge is guaranteed revelation then comes in places and as genesis 22 14 you know that one very well and the name of,genesis,22,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 14 reading on verse 12. hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 this is what it says,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 parts of the story is in esther chapter five leading into esther chapter six when heyman is returning home from the,esther,5,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 1 hebrews chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2. reading here from verse 4,hebrews,2,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 and when we you know when we look at romans 13 and what it says about how you know,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 "face of absolute possibility. so back to verse 12, hebrews 11, ""therefore there was born even of that one man and him",hebrews,11,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 12 in genesis 39 verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 as a prisoner he became the chief of all,genesis,39,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 19 going forward and the scripture says in numbers chapter 14 verse 25 before i read that to you let me explain,numbers,14,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 25 and the bass of io isaiah 45 1 to 3 he goes before the land,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 lord will answer your prayer and look at colossians chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians,colossians,3,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 17 wanted to notice something in verse 7 you know of of zechariah chapter four he says,zechariah,4,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 thank you haggai chapter one in the second year of king darius on the,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 stood true to the lord through many years see this other version job and chapter 23,job,23,1.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 1 read in john chapter 20 is more powerful than genesis chapter 1 this is the greatest manifestation of power in this,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 term weak in the faith took me a really long time to get this but romans 14 it describes the person who's weak in the,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 isaiah 10 for just a minute check this out woe to those god says through isaiah woe to those who make unjust laws woe to,isaiah,10,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 1 very great excitements in the book of isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us,isaiah,43,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 9 cells all through this year acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 will if you all remember it is there in numbers chapter 23 company will normally like a telugu thrombus 5 3 level si can,numbers,23,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 1 the hebrews 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 see what paul says in philippians 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 that we began to ring i gave to you leviticus 26 on the seven levels and read that each night that we looked at,leviticus,26,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 1 acts chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after,acts,15,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 36 everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so ruth is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i,ruth,1,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 17 biblical principle it says this in ephesians 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put,ephesians,4,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 and you know what am i going to do i've been at this job for 10 20 30 years i can't just leave it there's so much,job,10,2.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 2 in the prosperity of those who are savviness interest in job statuses verse 11 he said if you obey our service,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 pure behavior these are things we've been talking about in titus two and then he says verse three here at first peter,titus,2,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 3 but um stephen a man full of god's grace this is acts 6 and 8 performed amazing miracles and signs amongst people um but,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 to that job all right and let's go back to job 29 for for a couple of minutes right i want us,job,29,1.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 1 result is speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody with your,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 fact is that's almost exactly like romans one yeah anybody who doesn't walk in the,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 manifestation that you will do the same i feel like better daniel that no one could translate the purpose,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 "and in malachi 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 sliders make him i am reading from chapter 6 verse 3 nehemiah chapter 6 verse 3 and i say messengers unto them,nehemiah,6,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 3 to create your future deuteronomy 28 and verse 1 if you delegate to my voice observe to do what,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 he kills a crime for us in heaven two scriptures here again acts 26 22 paul,acts,26,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 22 verse 31 hebrews 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only,hebrews,31,31.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 31 verse 31 you to open your bible up to the book of hosea and i want to gift you first of all two verses that it's going to lay,hosea,1,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 1 prophetic mantle acts 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in romans 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,romans,1,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 18 fidence now let me move on to chapter 23 in verse 5 & 6 where we read jeremiah prophesize about the coming of jesus,jeremiah,23,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 5 say loud amen ezekiel chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,ezekiel,34,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 25 but you never committed your life to him or james says in james chapter 1 don't be just a hearer but a what,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 believe he said loud amen ephesians 2 6 the bible tells us there look at this he said and he has raised,ephesians,2,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 i want us to quickly open our bible to isaiah chapter 61 and we want to read from verse one to,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 "womb and children aren't conceived. on the positive side, genesis 17 says in verse 16, ""god said to abraham...'i will bless her,",genesis,17,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 16 to nine hours let's say that in ecclesiastes 12 512 said the sleep of a laboring man is,ecclesiastes,12,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 5 don't know i and and here is the answer romans 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god all have,romans,32,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 32 verse 3 to tell you when i put my two weeks noticing at my full to time job it took faith,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 typological connection i don't think proverbs 8 isn't jesus,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 that righteousness in our daily lives romans 8 an israelite who persistently disobeyed his parents was not privileged,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 romans 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 the ground he said go tell him to watch in jonah seven times and his flesh will come back,jonah,7,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 1 when it comes to wisdom in the book of ephesians 1 17 the word of god says that the god of our lord jesus christ,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 chapter 5 because it spells it out ephesians 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,ephesians,5,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 5 made colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from a search in colossians chapter 3 worrying from verse 13 it says in verse,colossians,3,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 13 about how the israelites crossed jordan and the lord said to joshua in verse 7 this day i will begin to exalt you,joshua,1,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 7 spirit of holiness in 1st peter 4 the spirit of glory in revelation 1 he's the sevenfold spirit repeating the,1 peter,4,1.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 1 a man of god be a one who knows god be a woman of god in joshua in the book of judges we read about 13 judges that god,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 that i love hebrews 12 and 15. notice what it says,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 brothers when they found out that he was alive we are in genesis chapter 45 and verse 1 and i read,genesis,45,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 1 so we have to give value to it in proverbs 4 and verse 20 the word of god tells us they're my son attend to my,proverbs,4,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 2 reading from verse 19 james chapter 2 verse 19 it says in james chapter 2 verse 19 thou believe us that there is,james,2,19.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 19 territory in genesis chapter 34,genesis,34,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 34 verse 1 spirit of god if you study the book of leviticus you will find that there are two silver trumpets mentioned there they,leviticus,1,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 1 last week we read uh from uh the the story in genesis uh the book of genesis 25 about you know um esau and and and,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 see how unlike him i am like you know it says isaiah chapter 6 he says when he saw the glory of the lord he saw hardly,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 no he's given us a job and part of our job is to preach the gospel part of our job is to feed one another,hebrews,6,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 shoemaker says can you elaborate on hebrews 6 4 is it referring to backsliding or,hebrews,6,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 uh let me refresh your memory i think it was due to deuteronomy chapter 11 where i'm quoting from if i'm not mistaken,deuteronomy,11,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 1 through all 39 books of the bible i'm just gonna give you a few samples exodus chapter 12 is the story of the passover,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 should not swear at all in that james 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,james,5,12.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 12 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in psalms chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,psalms,28,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 28 verse 5 and we will take texts for this evening from the book of proverbs chapter 24 when you read in verse 14. in the new,proverbs,24,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 14 so jesus is calling us to forgive micah 6 8 says he has shown you o mortal what is good and what does the lord,micah,6,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 8 people see the church like that ephesians 4 here's the fifth thing the church is,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 found all the way through of the book of deuteronomy one of the key words in the book of deuteronomy is obey another the,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 romans it goes on to say in romans 13 1 that the authorities that,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 spirit given fruit of love fruit of the spirit galatians 5 verse 22 the first one is love isn't it love this is the,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 genesis chapter 25 genesis chapter 25 then again abraham took a wife and her,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 11 which doesn't come out in second peter 2 but it does come out in proverbs 26 that's the advantage of comparing,proverbs,26,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 1 revelation 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation 22 14,revelation,22,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 14 in 2019 and that's why the bible says in the book of daniel chapter one it says as for these four,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 eventually crushed him gassed him genesis 9 verse 25 i was sitting with a man a preacher in new york who had a,genesis,9,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 25 side up in jesus name let's look at the man in genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33,genesis,33,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 1 songs in this country america america god shed his grace on thee jeremiah was called into a secret place verse 17 that,jeremiah,1,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 god will give us his power his gifts but isaiah 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,isaiah,42,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 be praying for me revelation chapter 5. from verse 1 to 5.,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 and everywhere else on the earth philippians 3 our citizenship is in heaven our citizenship is in heaven our,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 them individually daniel chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,daniel,10,7.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 7 we are built together it says in ephesians 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together,ephesians,5,9.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 9 limitation of the hold of sin that is why romans chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 tells us there is therefore now no,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 its rain job chapter 37 and verse 22 is that fair weather coming out of the not with god,job,37,22.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 22 "as you know, he has given us an explicit account of the creation of the universe in genesis chapters 1 and 2.",genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 verse 16 ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 holy spirit is that he does good it says in acts chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 condense this down the second point here from daniel chapter 7,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at jeremiah reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5,jeremiah,5,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 3 our prayer focus today is holiness hebrews chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,hebrews,1,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 9 a prophet and he talked to the two disciples likely about deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 18 and there it says i,deuteronomy,18,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18 the more applicational side of the book of ephesians and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,ephesians,4,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 16 promise so and and hebrews chapter 11 when we get there finally it's going to speak about,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 if you don't obey him deuteronomy the autonomy chapter 11 verse 17.,deuteronomy,11,17.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 17 revelation 6 and there's no point me teaching or preaching on revelation 6 and the four horses,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 for hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 hebrews and everyone faith is the substance of the tea hoped for the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 on the basis of his service the bible says concerning him in exodus chapter 11 and verse 3 that the man moses became,exodus,11,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 11 verse 3 testament passage is speaking from isaiah 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,isaiah,10,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 22 this is massive power as he in the words of isaiah 63 also treads out the winepress of his wrath.,isaiah,63,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 1 back up for you to make sure you're with me here in deuteronomy 24 it says the first husband she finds no favor in his,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 even though he wage there was nothing to that he was chapter 1 ruth chapter 1 reading from verse 14 here were told,ruth,1,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 14 extended to the lost and the captivated of this world paul says in romans chapter 12 and verse 1 i beseech you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 righteousness in proverbs chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of,proverbs,8,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 2 judgment but instead that's exactly what it looks like revelation 610 it says they cried out with a loud voice o,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 the memory verse today is from the book of genesis chapter 22 verse 2,genesis,22,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 2 defined by that there's a compounding reality and that is explained in romans chapter 1 because in romans chapter 1 we,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 not his grace he's really under the old covenant still let me turn to galatians in chapter 4 and verse 1 a child he may,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 "in leviticus 9, god appears in light. in exodus verses 7 to 10, god appear s to israel as light.",exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 born again are going to see this and isaiah talks about this in verse 4 and he shall judge among the nations he,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 that you read in hebrews 11. one big difference is this,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 packaged for everyone that is a child of god that is why we are told in ephesians 4 verse 1 it says that we are to walk,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 "not to stand...in the temple devoted to god. chapter 12 of daniel repeats this in detail, that he will come, two thirds of the jews",daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 destroyed and never to be habited again again if you go to revelation 18 you see the destruction of babylon there the,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 [music] chapter 2 revelation chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 predestination now in romans chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 this whole thing goes wrong because the moment people come to romans chapter six i don't know how many,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 what jesus said now here's another example in genesis 14 still the same test of finances,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 we've written quite a bit of the verses genesis 26 verse 1 to 6 and 12 to 14 genesis 26 1 to 6 and then 12 to 14 and,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 our prophet what came forth very strong in isaiah 7 and verse 1 to 9.,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 the multi the disciples were multiplied and then we find in in acts chapter 12 that the word of god,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 doesn't hurt to read forward revelation chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,revelation,17,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 4 we live and we thank you for it in jesus name jeremiah chapter 13 beginning of verse 11 for as the sash clings to the,jeremiah,13,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 13 verse 11 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so jeremiah 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 acceptable unto god while looking at revelation chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,revelation,19,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 6 in our sin we're going to fear the lord and jonah wait in june chapter 3 verse 4 john chapter 3 verse 4 where to judah,jonah,3,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 4 spirit of wisdom and revelation colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 up i'm standing down there and he comes up here and he opens the bible to joel chapter 2 and begins to read about,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 thoughtfully alright let's get into this one a little more zechariah 11 is the passage he's quoting so the context of,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 read the new leaving translation if if you follow me um philippians 3 from verse 12 he says,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 to 32 genesis 39 from verse 1 to 32 it was the wife,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 be relations galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 the administration of the fullness of time it's called in ephesians 1 10 god's sovereign moment the significant hour in,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 most important two words excuse me romans 8 20 might be the most important words we know actually for we write for,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 at it when you get home in genesis 25 and verse 29 through verse 34.,genesis,25,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 29 righteous life now let's go back to philippians chapter 1 that was just a little review from last time with few,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 suffering for being an evil doer ecclesiastes 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,ecclesiastes,8,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 13 good because romans 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 sword and then you're likely familiar with proverbs 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,proverbs,18,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 and here we have it again so in galatians chapter 4 paul says but now that you have come to,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 took off his sandal this is what we just read in deuteronomy 25 one man took off a sandal and gave it to,deuteronomy,25,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 25 verse 1 not his wife and they'll be one flesh you know what jesus quoted from genesis chapter one male and female in genesis,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 mighty name of jesus proverbs 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,proverbs,26,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 27 statement that could be said after any command all right let's look at james with that in mind does verse 17,james,17,3.0,1.0,james chapter 17 verse 3 and verse 30. acts chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 the early history of the church and yet we read a very remarkable thing in acts chapter one this was at the end of jesus,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in galatians chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,galatians,2,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 4 you asked because exodus chapter 12 verse 35 says this and the people of israel did as,exodus,12,35.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 35 in other communities in every community all over the world in romans chapter 1 verse 16 i am not ashamed,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 our proverbs in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,proverbs,16,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 28 somebody shout out the word covenant thank you god bless you malachi chapter 2 we're looking at verse 14.,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 and here we're reading from verse 18. romans chapter 4 verse 18 we encased hope,romans,4,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 18 they corrupt others they corrupt others proverbs 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,proverbs,15,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 2 first chapter that i ever memorized along this line was james chapter 1 now one of my struggles with temptation and,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 this description of christ here revelation 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were,revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 back to proverbs and find out what proverbs tells us chapter 3 verse 11 my son do not reject the discipline of the,proverbs,3,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 11 i am the least in in romans 7 he says he's a wretched man,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 sitting duck you're going to study the armor of god next time ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 to 18 and also paul's closing,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 " to [tim] the law as stated in deuteronomy 15 is stating an ideal, like a true north.",deuteronomy,15,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 1 and uh it exists after death we get that picture in revelation chapter 6 verse 9 with martyred souls being under the,revelation,6,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 9 in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 10 ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 10 say now not what is the cause,ecclesiastes,7,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 1 these five men they are five men mentioned in chapter four of colossians chapter four of colossians verse ten,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 is a military book in exodus chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war,exodus,15,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 3 and as we do that i like somebody to open their bibles to the book of psalms psalm 124,psalms,1,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 24 that the believer must not be a brawler and look at titus chapter 3 our reading from bosworn,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 romans chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21,romans,4,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 21 joined together let no man put a sunday we're coming back to ephesians chapter five,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 want to make them all in with the whole isaiah through malachi 17 books these are probably and let me just encourage,malachi,17,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 1 eyes represent in the bible what are they symbolic of according to zechariah chapter 4 and verse 10 eyes represent,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 unbelievable tongues we're coming to james chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with,james,3,13.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 13 this church that amen can be stronger and in acts chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,acts,13,48.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 48 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh isaiah 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 or drinking of blood the bible forbids it leviticus 7 26 the bible tells us that you shall not,leviticus,7,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 26 implication number two here's hebrews chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's,hebrews,13,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 17 make an ungodly request mostly said in numbers 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,numbers,11,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 15 and the bible promised in isaiah chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7,isaiah,61,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 7 this was verse 14 matthew 4 to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet the land of zebulun and the land,isaiah,4,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 14 may your expectation be triggered afresh in the book of hebrews chapter 11 beginning from verse one to three the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 isaiah chapter 55 and i'm reading from verse 10 isaiah chapter 55 verse 10 for the rain comes down,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 that's not that's not got a relationship in the first place okay psalms 40 and 8 um this is jesus talking he's saying i,psalms,40,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 40 verse 1 is finished and that enabled paul to say in romans five by one man's obedience the many will be appointed righteousness,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 it is the word of god the bible says in ephesians chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,ephesians,6,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 17 is the church flip over to ephesians chapter four and you see this connection between christ,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 how do we put this together now i also have micah chapter 7 verse 6 because this is what he is quoting,micah,7,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 6 philippians 2 5 to 8 philippians 2 5 to 8 biblical humility he's not believing once said,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 chapter 72 jeremiah chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 the fiery ducks one of my favorite passages is ephesians chapter six,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 testament in various forms the bible tells us in joshua chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,joshua,5,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 13 hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 book of hebrews 11 1 fate is the substance of the things hoped for,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 message from romans 11 the last verse from god through god and to god are all things,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 how do you know that? because what joel 2 prophesied has started to come to pass.,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 i will read two versions of the bible jeremiah chapter 5 verse 26 i read king james version,jeremiah,5,26.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 26 eyes can see it will be given unto you genesis 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 little bit but i want to help this person so i'm going to go to romans one and see if i can suss out a better,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 "to speak in a known human language. listen to acts 2, verses 7 and 8, ""they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not",acts,2,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 7 last week so hebrews chapter 1 verse 1. god who at various times in various ways,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 on the theme our inheritance our inheritance ephesians chapter 1 we'll begin reading at verse 11.,ephesians,1,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 11 actuality it was a covenant sign back in genesis 17 and following but it's become a different kind of idiom here in the,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 and joshua chapter 8. you see in joshua chapter 1 god promised joshua from verse 1 to 8 there,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 from verse 12 to 16 the god bless the latter hands of job more than his beginning,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 don't let delay cause you to doubt god's ability to follow through and isaiah 55 there's a verse that in some ways is,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 you that yet i'm telling you i'll read it to you colossians chapter 3 verse 6. on account,colossians,3,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 6 obey the law the more we disappointed in the book of romans chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one,romans,3,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 2 we close look at proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 i'm watching for your proverbs chapter,proverbs,17,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 it was getting revelation directly from god that then came matthew 26,revelation,26,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 26 verse 1 so my ears really perked up to the numbers that he was speaking of he talks about the numbers five one five and,numbers,5,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 1 the same thing is repeated in micah 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,micah,4,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 2 his servant psalm 105 verse 42 moses the servant of god deuteronomy chapter 34 and verse 5.,deuteronomy,34,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 5 numbers chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,numbers,27,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 27 verse 22 there's more to the whole story here what's the sign of jonah what is he talking about well matthew chapter 12 we,jonah,12,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 1 "and the good news is, according to the opening of judges, judges chapter 2 and verse 7, is a good word.",judges,2,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 7 they shall be my people familiar words from ezekiel 37 i'll make a covenant of peace with them,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 look at chapter 6 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 6,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 life to him or james says in james chapter one don't be just a hearer but a what,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in the same genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 god said to abraham in blessing i will,genesis,22,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 15 lord in hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we are told in verse 35,hebrews,10,35.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 to romans chapter 10 and we're looking at verse 9 romans chapter 10,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 all god lied we must be careful here we must be careful here to note that isaiah 34,isaiah,34,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 1 you know what happened verses later in verse 9 and the lord said to paul acts 18 9 the lord said to paul one night in,acts,18,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 9 opening of the gospel to the gentiles for the first time in the book of acts four years into the early church now the,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 do in his wisdom jeremiah 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,jeremiah,9,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 amen awesome god you take your time and read from genesis 26 um verse 1,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible james chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles,james,4,11.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 11 lord when looking at galatians chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 20 it says i i'm crucified what christ i,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 who want to humiliate us i can relate with isaiah 54 17 isaiah 54 17,isaiah,54,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 floor with my hands on jeremiah 31 and i quoted the new covenant over and,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 in the spirit in revelation chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,revelation,17,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 3 fully pursuited and nothing will change them again by galatians chapter 4 verse 19 my little children of whom i travail,galatians,4,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 19 says i haven't laid hold of it all yet verse 13 philippians 3 verse 13 but there's only one thing i do in my life a,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 and then genesis 25 from verse 8 he went,genesis,25,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 8 which shall not be taken away from her proverbs 22 verse 6 proverbs,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 believe in the deity he spends one full chapter in chapter 1 in hebrews to say he's god many many things he says he's,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 of god if you have a bible turn with me to colossians chapter 3 she trusts in the peace of christ let me,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 we can make it louder and stronger psalms chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,psalms,84,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 84 verse 7 so it doesn't say in acts 9 that he went directly to jerusalem he didn't go,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 then next in the things of the physical when we talk about sacrifices romans chapter 12 verse,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 my judgment age was as a robe and he died look at chapter 27 job chapter 27 reading from verse 5 god forbid that,job,27,5.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 5 preeminate value while looking at him we're looking at jonah chapter 2 and verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,jonah,2,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 9 by the power in the name of jesus obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 this is the month of deliverance,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 happen there is a path for us in colossians chapter 4 verse 12.,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 which cost you something genesis 22 there is no limit to what i'll do for you abraham all the families,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 would turn to jeremiah chapter 12 and let's look at what god said to jeremiah when he had a similar situation and,jeremiah,12,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 12 verse 1 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord proverbs 31 30,proverbs,31,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 3 coming to you hebrews hebrews chapter 11 in hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 towards our lord jesus christ acts chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,acts,26,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 19 one word of their failure is mentioned in hebrews 11 why because they were forgiven and god gave them a second,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 question number 46 what is the bible text for friday september 27 genesis 1 verse 1 to fight 44 question number 44 is him,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 away many had done that chapter six there was a wholesale exodus of people who were called disciples who,exodus,6,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 1 the playlist is down below that's where we go through genesis and we look at chapters one two and three in particular,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 telling you this morning listening to judges three through five or six thinking about the times in which we,judges,3,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 1 christ in whose name we do pray okay we are in the epistle to the colossians chapter 3 the first half of that chapter,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 belongs is in the middle and then you go on to revelation chapter 5 and john was weeping because no one could open the,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 check this out also when you look there at revelation 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,revelation,1,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 14 crucified on the cross with christ romans 6 is very clear the flesh galatians buying is what those who are,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 the lord verse 13 to 15 comes before joshua this is jesus appearing in a vision and joshua's thinks that is the,joshua,1,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 13 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with job chapter 42 verse 2.,job,42,2.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 2 through this year acts chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 enemies will become afraid of you if you read exodus chapter 12 when you get to a new career do chapter but you,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 stars isaiah 8 9 and 10 paraphrase associate yourselves or ye people and you shall be,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 book of judges we see with ephraim in judges chapter 3 they helped ashud to deliver the nation when you come to,judges,3,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 8 22 acts chapter 8 reading from verse 23 to repent,acts,8,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 22 me in pieces with walls words come break into pieces proverbs 18 4,proverbs,18,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 4 truthfulness in all your communication but come to ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 and that she puts on,ephesians,4,24.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 5. listen then i daniel looked and behold there stood other two two other angels,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 on these very verses out of out of ephesians chapter four just about laying aside putting off just doing what,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 you know i used to think when i read genesis 3 that eve sort of went to the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 1 you have naomi beginning to speak to ruth and send,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 magnified which take pleasure in the prosperity of his people job 36 11 gave us a condition if you are willing to,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 provide the covering for sinners maybe he went into genesis 4 or 4 and said that,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of acts 9 19 or chapter 9,acts,9,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 19 how this whole thing comes together in in revelation and in in the end so revelation chapter 17 and i'm just,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 comes to reign and then we are going to be resurrected after him in philippians chapter 3 verse 20 philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 am alive for evermore unhappy of hell and of state revelation chapter 1 verse 18 thank you very much the world charter,revelation,1,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 18 apostles they preach the word but if you go to acts chapter number 2 from verse 16 and 17,acts,2,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 16 talking to individuals today the bible says in the book of hosea chapter 12,hosea,12,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 1 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of galatians chapter 5 verse 24.,galatians,5,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 24 going on here but look at verse 8 with daniel therefore i was left alone sometimes,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 of signs and wonders don't forget we are told in romans chapter 8 and verse 19 that the endless expectation of the,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 nino numbers chapter 6 and verse 24,numbers,6,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 24 the milk will still be there that's why in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis chapter 17 verse when god told,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 close god will give you today jesus man in acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 11 acts chapter 3 verse 1 to 11 a bible,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 and the picture of heaven is wonderfully outlined in revelation 21 uh to 22. third,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 might flow down at thy presence that's isaiah 64. from verse one how will you let the,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 transported to the heavenly places this ephesians chapters 1 2 3 is the foundation allowed god to lift you up to,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and god is the embodiment of wisdom daniel chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 20 to 22 is the one who gives,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 thrown into a chaotic condition and that's genesis 1 and 2 we dealt with that to subdue the earth to the needs of,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 field more paul says in romans 8 that creation is groaning he says,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 was made we're also told over in colossians 1 16 by him all things were created things in,colossians,1,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 16 then peter jiri states the same point by quoting proverbs 11 31 and he changes some of proverbs 11 31 he says and if,proverbs,11,31.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 31 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,proverbs,28,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 marriage of the lamb when he verse 19 or revelation one is verse 21 chapter 20 verse chapter 21 and 22 that which is in,revelation,20,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 21 come these are the fruit of the spirit according galatians 5 and 22 it was hospitable it served those men as if,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 will never hold their peace see in verse 1 isaiah said he will never hold his peace and he will never take rest until,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 proverbs in proverbs 30 verse 8 it the writer says give me neither poverty nor riches,proverbs,30,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 8 revelation chapter 1 in verse 19 revelation 1 verse 19 writes the sins which thou has seen and the,revelation,1,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 19 book of isaiah chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 as well as we acts chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15,acts,13,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 15 chapter 4 13 to 16 james chapter 4 13 to 16 emphasis about the future god's own the,james,4,13.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 13 may be new so let me repeat it turn to hebrews in chapter 8 this well to known passage that we often caught in relation,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 go ahead and pull it out and turn to habakkuk chapter three verse one a prayer of habakkuk the,habakkuk,3,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 book of acts all right jeremiah is a good one isaiah i enjoyed it,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 a night should be remembered i come to exodus chapter 12. exodus chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 1,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 about the rest in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 genesis chapter 1 verse 28,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 that god may be all in all that's what ephesians is closes with as a climactic part of chapter 1 and that's,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 2 and 3. the reference in verse 25 comes out of isaiah 34.,isaiah,34,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 25 this is his name son the theme of hebrews 1 is the absolute superiority of the son of god,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 save you write this down please genesis 1 says and god said verse 3 verse 6 and,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 to these combinations of three look at first one jude a servant of jesus christ and brother of james to those who are,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 this very obvious condensation of what was in acts chapter 10 shows that peter just didn't pull the trump card of his,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 reading from verse 28 acts of the apostles chapter 20 reading here from verse 28,acts,20,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 28 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,deuteronomy,11,27.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 27 god's attributes and nature in isaiah chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him,isaiah,40,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 17 does not end my continuous demand for his assistance in acts chapter 4 the bible tells us in verse 33 that they had,acts,4,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 33 as the only way out the bible says in joshua chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be,joshua,1,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 9 the vine brought to god. judges 9 makes reference to wine being an enjoyable drink.,judges,9,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 1 god. go back to ephesians 1 where this is made abundantly clear.,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 finger in 1st corinthians 4 and then hold that and we'll go to romans chapter 14 i want to read the last verse martyn,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 the other scriptures that we have looked at so hebrews chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,hebrews,6,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 18 look at isaiah 58 undoubtedly some of you are familiar with this but isaiah 58 and and then one of the primary listen,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 it becomes purer gold job chapter 23 verse 10 job 23 verse 10 job said,job,23,1.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 1 joseph genesis 39 was not he was confronted with immorality,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read exodus 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,exodus,17,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 5 of that promise made hundreds of years earlier in micah micah chapter 2 has another similar promise and he shall,micah,2,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 1 can see that in romans 4 10 we can see that in hebrews 2 10 don't have time to go there for the sake of time just write,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,ezekiel,11,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 redeemed us from the curse of the law ephesians 1 6 he says we have been,ephesians,1,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 6 through people in fact we're told over in romans 10 14 how can they call on him unless they've,romans,10,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 14 perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in philippians 4 and verse 6,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 voices up in a great hallelujah chorus in revelation 19 now when we think of singing hallelujah saying praise the,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 aren't no you don't do that but in effect you do romans 1 25 says they treated the truth about god for a,romans,1,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 25 you don't have daniel one in place you won't have the rest of daniel in place if you can't do this,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 persevering messengers rewarded let's come back to nehemiah chapter one a meeting from verse,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 become more aware of his presence job put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,job,42,5.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 5 a world of darkness outside of light he said in isaiah chapter 16 arise shine as your light comes,isaiah,16,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 1 gotten your back looking at the book of isaiah chapter 32 verse 15,isaiah,32,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 15 the entire chapter that's a whole song about what happened in judges four there is one phrase about barrick in,judges,4,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 1 brotherly lord in honour preferring one another it helps us in colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 12 for,colossians,3,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 12 i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from ephesians chapter one,ephesians,1,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 2 few things that we need to look about and just like the book of ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 to 12. efficient want,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right acts 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be,acts,20,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 31 2021 can i hear a bigger amen jeremiah 13 verse 19 says and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,13,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 13 verse 19 so god is doing a new thing in your life yeah you know in isaiah 43 he says we should forget the former things and we,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 hallelujah amen in jeremiah chapter 32 jeremiah 32,jeremiah,32,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 1 in isaiah 37 and 36 isaiah and king hezekiah go to prayer the enemies are coming against them,isaiah,36,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 36 verse 1 1st thessalonians 3 8 and then philippians 4 1 stand firm we looked at ephesians 6 the armor of the believer,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 over to proverbs chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version,proverbs,13,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 all right ebuka says that's what proverbs 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 is good or evil in deuteronomy chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12,deuteronomy,2,12.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 12 that we encounter in daniel chapter three and i believe this is a message for those that live in,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 this is a toxic idea to the real unity of the church in romans 15 5 now may the god who gives perseverance and,romans,15,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 5 of what is before it is too late in genesis chapter 21 genesis 21 from verse 14 to 21 genesis 21 from was 14 to 21,genesis,21,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 14 time without sin unto salvation philippians chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,philippians,3,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 14 alright so now paul now goes into a shorter little section in in romans 5 about,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 together please our memory verse is taken from galatians chapter 5 verse,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 so he when in the beginning of the bible in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 testament and so i encourage you to read hebrews 11 because it talks about the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 right decision abraham same thing god painted the vision genesis chapter 17 comes out said look up how many can,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 but now let's continue with nancy now at this point in our account in habakkuk chapter 1 habakkuk is deeply disturbed,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and titus 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",titus,1,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 3 isaiah 66 and verse 1 isaiah 60 season 1 says he's seated in the heavens,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 the earth is my full stream isaiah 66 verse 1 isaac 66 verse 1. isaiah in syria he,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 [music] so philippians 2 and i read the new living translation,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 really bad as relevance can be proverbs chapter 4,proverbs,4,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 1 and he has come accounted the promise galatians 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 let us be serious super having put on there we go back to ephesians 6 again i tell you going spend a little more time,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 his name according to romans 9 17 exodus 1 to 2 says and the lord said unto moses go in unto pharaoh,romans,9,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 17 had not yet receive the anointing but acts chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse that starts and,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 15 down to verse 28. judges 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,judges,20,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 15 "by his wounds we are healed."" that, of course, is borrowed from isaiah 53. peter also said in 1 peter 3 verse 18, ""he died,",1 peter,3,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 18 said what is in acts chapter 1 verse 8. acts chapter 1 verse 8 i know that of it you shall receive power when the holy,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 romans chapter 12 well before that i should show you romans 8 because then only you'll understand this verse in,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 revival in acts chapter 5 verse 42 when the revival broke out in the upper room,acts,5,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 42 of their labor that you're laboring with an expectation here in ecclesiastes 2 verse 18 now this is solomon writing,ecclesiastes,2,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 18 we're reading from verstappen seven romans chapter eight we're reading from verstappen seven it's,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on isaiah 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say,isaiah,22,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 18 purposes one thing's about one thing about romans 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 is the one who called the disgracer of darkness the bible says in colossians chapter 3,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 i want to pray for these on stage as you read in the book of numbers chapter 11,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,deuteronomy,32,39.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 39 the uh finally the um the idea is in romans 11 6 it says hey yeah,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,isaiah,40,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 50 verse 7 isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me,isaiah,50,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 romans 1 paul calls himself a slave philippians 1 he calls himself a slave titus 1 he calls himself a slave james,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 seven reasons why we are one and i'm not going to deal with ephesians 4 this morning one of those reasons he gives in,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 esther as well that when this edict is put out in esther chapter 3 that the jews are going to be destroyed the jews,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 so much for all the hard work you do okay let's go to acts 13 48 and you might think i'm a calvinist but i'm,acts,13,48.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 48 revelation chapter 12 revelation chapter 12 i read there in verse 10 revelation 12 verse 10 the bible says and i heard a,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 please help us open our bibles to the book of genesis chapter 8 from verse 1 to 9 and from that bible verse we saw,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to acts 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're,acts,23,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 16 chapter 24 and i'm reading from verse 27 proverbs chapter 24,proverbs,24,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 27 and says he's proud of it but you know what back to revelation chapter 13,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 good romans 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in jeremiah chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about,hebrews,5,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 sees it on the outside then you come to acts chapter three and verses 13 through 15 peter is preaching once again and,acts,3,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 13 and active force hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 look at what,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us in the book of second james chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 and violated scriptures such as to name only a few proverbs 18 the power of life and death are in the tongue matthew 12,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 chapter 10. hebrews chapter 10 verse 11 and 12 and 13. the very first,hebrews,10,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 11 rod of god swallows up the rods of the magician in our body in exodus of the seven verse 10 to 12 we have this,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 people we call outstanding because the bible says in daniel chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,daniel,6,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 3 testimonies in this prophetic season isaiah 51 11 are preached therefore the redeemed,isaiah,51,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 11 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers,ephesians,3,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 or at best rotten spiritual fruit galatians 5 tells us what the fruits of the spirit are right love joy peace,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in hebrews chapter 4 verse 2,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 look at ecclesiastes chapter 8 reading from verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the words of a king is,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 latter days if you just go over to deuteronomy 31 just turn to 31 all rather back to 31 20 look at verse 24,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed james chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,james,5,17.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 17 over the people all the same he said if you read ecclesiastes chapter 2 he said all my wisdom remains,ecclesiastes,2,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 1 just said that all throughout the entire book of esther god's name is not mentioned one time but although his name,esther,1,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 1 when you read from verse 6 down to 11 proverbs 6 and verse 6 down to 11 it says go to the hands you slogan consider,proverbs,6,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 praise god now if you look at philippians chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,philippians,3,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 8 and this is something we've got to be very careful you know there's romans chapter 1 warns a little bit about this,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 how these things work if you go to ephesians chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in daniel chapter 2 verse 22,daniel,2,22.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 22 now go to the book of james we're going to learn james this week and if your kids are up 83 they're able to read they,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 ministry two things that stand out when you look at the book of isaiah it was a time of spiritual apostasy because of,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 exactly submit means but let's look at romans 13 this is you know one of the key things that you'll be sharing or,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 for you right now romans 8 32 he despaired not his own son,romans,8,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 32 does is based of the words of the book it tells us in isaiah chapter 34 verse 16,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 "i find verse 12 interesting there in exodus two. it says, ""he looked this",exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 to the people of god always that is why proverbs 16 12 says it is an abomination,proverbs,16,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 12 "he hangs the earth on nothing."" and gravity is even indicated, go to job 38 for a minute, verses 31 and 32...job 38 verse 31",job,38,31.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 31 leficicle chapter 17 we're looking at verse 11 leviticus leviticus chapter 70 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 2013 by papa over again with ezekiel tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,ezekiel,7,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 7 verse 14 here's the thing brethren don't forget the context of ephesians 5 15 16 17 don't forget the context what paul is,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 i believe what's happening is what romans 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,romans,16,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 2 hand to help others a woman that's like a proverbs 31 woman if we want to be that we have to understand that god,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 this text is jeremiah 18 the vessel that he made of clay,jeremiah,18,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 1 other places how about how about over in ephesians chapter 2 what does it say there it it says over there we are dead,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 can we say amen to that in the book of philippians 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every name shall bow of things,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 principles by which paul lived it says in hebrews chapter 11 that by faith,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 the land and they came across a particular king in genesis chapter 20 it was abraham coming across a king whose,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 desolate jeremiah 46 10 for this is the day of the lord god of hosts a day of vengeance,jeremiah,46,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 46 verse 1 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on romans 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,romans,10,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 14 "of the spirit. in titus chapter 3 it says in verse 5, ""he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we",titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 and he became the ruler at the end of the day nehemiah disciplined himself chapter 4 verse 23,nehemiah,4,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 23 language verse 11 hebrews 9 when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to,hebrews,9,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 let's make it loud and stronger isaiah 9 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it had lighted upon israel,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 he makes a promise malachi chapter 3 from verse 17 they shall be mine says the lord of,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 knowledge of god they are untouchable untouchable romans 11 33. how powerful is the wisdom from above we,romans,11,33.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 33 chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which i preach that the,revelation,2,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 2 to 10 isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 to 13 and romans chapter 8 verse 29 to 31.,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 a book that has a lot of war in it in genesis chapter 15 verses 12 to 16. this is what we read,genesis,15,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 12 deuteronomy 28 it is not the message of ephesians 13 which says we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 to when i'm filming esther one i will also try to read esther one every day leading up to that and that's not doing,esther,1,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 1 eight nine ten times throughout the book of acts of different place different places different times don't have time,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 i want to draw your attention back into the first chapter of ephesians and i i want us to look at verses 11,ephesians,1,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 11 about esau and dwelling too close says in hebrews 12 15,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 that has destroyed so many things proverbs 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,proverbs,26,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 jesus name revelation chapter 2 verse 25 revelation 2 verse 25,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 to inductive bible study and i'm going to type in uh romans 12 1 and 2.,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 shall not be disappointed romans 4 17 romans 4 17,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 because in the same chapter here in ephesians chapter one it all we it also clearly identifies human,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 them acts chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,acts,11,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 15 of substitution proverbs chapter 11 verse 8.,proverbs,11,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 "the advance of acts chapter 19 we're going on, what's happening in acts chapter 19? extraordinary miracles of healing being wrought",acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 because we know that the word of god brings light in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 3,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 "earth, to the nations. in isaiah 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",isaiah,45,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 5 the lord himself promised us that if we would do that joshua 1 8 if you meditate in it day and night you may observe to,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 what happened to lord's wife let's look at this let's look at this genesis chapter 19 genesis chapter 19,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is isaiah 34 4. the fig tree here represents global,isaiah,34,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 4 area i touched on at the last session but ephesians 5 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and,ephesians,5,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 whole first part of jeremiah 1 jeremiah explains,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 bring the book and let's unite together as one man isaiah chapter 52 in isaiah chapter 52 i'm reading from verse 8. the,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 true god and the true revelation of the wisdom of the true god proverbs 25 these also are proverbs of solomon in which,proverbs,25,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 1 uh genesis chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,genesis,30,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 23 god said it you did it alignment with the commandment of god deuteronomy chapter 28 verse one to two if you'll,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 let's open your bibles to jude chapter 1 verse 20. jude chapter 1 verse 20 chapter 1 verse 20 i'll be uniform the,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 anyone to glory in his presence and look at revelation chapter three we're looking at verse 17,revelation,3,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 17 abominable they are rejected by the lord they are reprobates why romans chapter 1 verse 28 in romans chapter 1,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 romans chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other,romans,9,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 8 genesis chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater,genesis,1,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 16 i will get there you'll get there in jesus name revelation chapter 22 we're looking at revelation,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 god did with them and then the the last one i'll mention is in jeremiah 31 god talks about the new covenant which jesus,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 i walk in my inheritance according to deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 10 to 11,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 with the spiritual food which is the word of god we're looking at romans chapter 10,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 almighty ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 ecclesiastes 5 verse 8 causing,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 you can query him daniel chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,daniel,4,34.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 34 in the lower realm of life if you read revelation chapter four verse one you hear,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 and chapter eight joshua chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,joshua,8,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 7 encourage and build others up such a powerful way to use our tongue ephesians 4 you know this verse but again this is,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 i will give unto you two in jesus name we're looking at proverbs chapter 10 verse 27,proverbs,10,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 27 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 6 for to be carnally,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 and shame that is really true proverbs chapter 23 verses 29 to 34. i already says,proverbs,23,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 29 don't let you go we go for you exodus 12 verse 12 and 13.,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 10 and after 65. joshua chapter 14 caleb said these words,joshua,14,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 1 her and so he does but a very interesting verse in genesis 20 is 2016 because as this king abimelech releases,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 you're being at corinth before that's in acts of the apostles chapter 19 verse 1 and i want you to go back,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 says in chapter 2 this significant verse picture job it says he took a piece of broken pottery from the ash heap in,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 in action chapter 16 from verse 25 to 26 acts 16 25 to 26,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 redemption was sealed isaiah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 the bible tells us in the book of proverbs of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,proverbs,13,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 15 and gomorrah the two nations there genesis 19 1 to 29 everything and everybody there,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 will the church say amen isaiah chapter 13 i'm reading from perceived how ye,isaiah,13,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 1 revelation chapter 2 verse 11 revelation chapter 2 verse 11 he that has an ear to hear,revelation,2,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 11 this was the story of jacob until you come to genesis 32 24 to 31 genesis 32,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 uh but i i left off a few weeks ago in genesis 18 and the sermon uh i want to encourage you to watch it we've been,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 of november 2020 according to proverbs 18 verse 10 the name of the lord is a strong tower,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 and so when in judges chapter 14 from verse 1 to 6 judges 14 from verse 1 to 6.,judges,14,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 1 we're reading from verse 1 jeremiah hurry up jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 can i begin to read,jeremiah,42,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 with the exodus story that's in nehemiah nehemiah chapter 9. 40 years you sustained them in the wilderness and,nehemiah,9,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 1 have prayed the bible says in the book of acts chapter 19,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 this dream but when you check chapter 39 of genesis verses 2 and 21 genesis 39,genesis,39,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 2 the bible tells us that we shall in the good of the land isaiah 119 if we are willing and obedient,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 the obedience it is in the obedience isaiah 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 step to take they step forward to take anymore now in isaiah chapter 30 let's connect on verse 29 the bible says now,isaiah,30,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 it's quite a bit of reading upfront but then we'll dive into it together exodus 19 verse 1,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 pentecost or the feast of schiavone in acts chapter 2 makes illusion here paul stayed at ephesus longer than he did any,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of genesis 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,genesis,4,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 26 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in acts 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run,acts,16,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 11 daniel chapter 11 that night 11 we're looking at verse 32 in daniel 11 at verse 32,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 do you know what paul writes in galatians chapter 4 24 looking back to genesis and this story of sarah and,galatians,4,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 24 jesus name deuteronomy chapter 28 i'm reading from verse one deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 and it shall come to,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at hebrews chapter 13 verse 7,hebrews,13,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 church and then she quotes philippians 1 1 to all god's holy people in christ jesus at,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 shown to servants of yours it's from genesis 30 to 10. lord we come to you with prayers today,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 and and if god is but in revelation 6 it goes with the title,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 you've got these 12 gates in in in revelation and the 12 apostles and all that,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 okay go to acts go to acts go to go ahead acts chapter eight so we're gonna fly over seven very important chapters,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 [music] let's read a verse in hebrews in chapter seven,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god romans 8 26 in the same way the spirit helps us in,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 heart now regarding confidence let's look at james chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 emphasis so i'm going to read the opening 15 verses of colossians 3 just to set it in your mind and then make a,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you exodus chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,exodus,12,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 5 but there are things you need to do he said to abraham in genesis chapter 17 verse 1,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 proverbs 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it,proverbs,25,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 27 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in proverbs chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,proverbs,23,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 2 thinks of mothers we're looking at proverbs 31 which is a description of what the bible calls a virtuous woman in,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 colossians chapter 4 were eating from verse 5 colossians chapter form reading from verse 5 it says walk in wisdom,colossians,4,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 5 why in philippians 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,matthew,4,33.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 33 exaltation above emmanuel's enemies we're coming to psalms 69 verse 4 did that hate me,psalms,69,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 69 verse 4 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in hosea chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,hosea,10,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 12 in exodus chapter 17 from verse 1 to 7 exodus 17 from verse 1 to seven when the lord told moses,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 isaiah 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,isaiah,41,32.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 32 sufficiency for proverbs 20 27 proverbs 20 27 say it that giveth unto the poor shall not,proverbs,20,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 27 i heard revelation chapter 1 verse 10 are not only those who work in the,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 genesis chapter 8 verse 22. um i'll read the be part genesis 8 and verse well it's just the whole thing,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 you to acknowledge your iniquity look at this lovely verse in jeremiah chapter 3 it's a great verse it's a tremendous,jeremiah,3,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 1 the winepress will be full and the vats will overflow see joel chapter 3 when the lord will punish the world for,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 to see god eternally finally revelation chapter 22 eternal benefit revelation chapter 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 14 genesis 18 was metro 14 when god said sarah who have a child at the age of 90,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 want to read you isaiah 53. here's part of how he was broken isaiah 53 verse 7,isaiah,53,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 7 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because haggai can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 make the lame walk acts of the apostle chapter 3 [music],acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 realized that there is power in your tongue the bible says that in in james 3 it says that look even a mighty ship is,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 way through god is the god of all people in fact genesis 1 the creation account one of the major emphasis in genesis 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 closing of this age but the second mentioning in revelation 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,revelation,21,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 22 inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at romans chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also,romans,1,27.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 27 god cares for us but listen to this beginning in verse 12 of isaiah 40 who has measured the waters in the hollow of,isaiah,40,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 12 incorruptibility of divine doctrine deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2 in deuteronomy,deuteronomy,32,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 2 the impact of the world in the book of ephesians chapter 6 and verse 19.,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 exodus exodus chapter 23 dedication in exodus chapter 23 i read from verse 25 extras 23 verse 25 and ye shall serve,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 is because it's a certain to happen as if it already had happened isaiah 53 as another great example of this prophetic,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 model for that and that is the lord himself in philippians 2 it says that he being equal with god eternally as a,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 reasonable service hallelujah romans 12 and verse one,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 the things that god is calling them to do i can think of the story in numbers chapter 13 when moses sent out 12 spies,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 as you come in jesus name before then study the book of job chapter 16 job chapter 16 study it's not reading it,job,16,1.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 1 chapter 14 and verse 7 job 14 and verse 7 as i started to sing the holy spirit,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 with power acts chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 remember what we saw in that book of exodus 23 and verse 25 i will take sickness away,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in ephesians 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,ephesians,4,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 21 there today nehemiah 4 4 hear our god,nehemiah,4,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 4 and 8 jerry maria chapter 51 verse 53 job chapter 20 verse 6 and then we we went further,job,51,53.0,1.0,job chapter 51 verse 53 your bibles to put book of proverbs at the for the book of proverbs at the forum i'm gonna read from verse 5 prove,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 supernatural breakthrough isaiah 45 verse 123 he said cyrus i've held your hand and,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 the main verse i want us to hover over is acts chapter 9 verse 15. i read it already but acts chapter 9 verse 15,acts,9,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 15 dwell in your hearts through faith ephesians 3 16 17 it's not that's at the back of paul's,ephesians,3,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 builders builders for god of course genesis 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,genesis,14,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and i am ready for you to teach me awesome well open your bibles to hebrews 10 and while you're finding that,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 the promised healing for the sick body chapter 23 of exodus exoros chapter 23 and we're looking at,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this isaiah 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,isaiah,53,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 7 plagues caused by demonic forces in revelation 11 another part of the prophecy of the tribulation two,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 die this is this is this was in genesis chapter 21 listen to genesis chapter 16,genesis,21,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 16 come down genesis 8 22 while the art remained see time and harvest,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 him he appeared unto him on the road to damascus in acts chapter 26 verse 16 and said i have appeared unto thee for this,acts,26,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 16 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham,exodus,4,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 5 worry we'll explain as we go along ezekiel chapter one you know my sister to in to law before she got saved try,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 greet one another in fact you read in acts chapter 20 about the elders of the church in ephesus who came to meet with,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 18 genesis 17 from verse 15 to 18 when god spoke to him about him see,genesis,17,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 15 verse 17 again isaiah 54 17 said no weapon fashion against you shall prosper,isaiah,54,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 something to convey great here it says in romans 13 and verse 1 rome apollomon dramedy i don't want drama salome here,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in genesis uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,genesis,12,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 4 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,zechariah,9,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 what's his name isaiah when isaiah saw the vision in isaiah chapter 6,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 encounters with light jeremiah 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,jeremiah,3,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 15 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 chapter 40 the word that came to jeremiah from the lord after that nebu zaradon the captain of,jeremiah,40,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 40 verse 1 when he departed out of iran philippians 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 from all sin acts chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 upon his own life in acts chapter 4 look at it acts chapter 4 in verse 29 we are told,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 in the name of jesus that's why i said in zechariah 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,zechariah,8,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 23 [music] isaiah 57 i know the lord god will help me,isaiah,57,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbrubjt5wk4 hebrews chapter 6 well let's again read from chapter 5 verse 12,hebrews,5,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 genesis chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35 abraham who was this very special friend became great because,genesis,24,34.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 34 don't make them mad there is a parallel statement colossians 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that,colossians,3,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 21 exodus chapter 3 from verse 1 to 15 exodus 3 1 to 15 when god wanted to discuss the,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 it's not the royal crown you know in revelation 19 jesus has a diadem on his head that is a royal,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 jesus birth was prophesied in the old testament micah chapter 5 verse 2 says this but you bethlehem though you are,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 and the third comfort for forever uh isaiah chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed,isaiah,33,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 2 desert oh lord move by the crowd in exodus chapter 3 verse 1 he was at the back side of the desert,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 this is why i pick up again in colossians five and i'm going to do a couple of things in one if i have the,colossians,5,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 1 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you acts chapter one from verse four to five,acts,1,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 5 was the one who created this problem for them the lot fell on jonah and this too was a miracle in verse 15,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 for strengthened body and bearers in genesis chapter 49 we have from verse 13 he says,genesis,49,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 13 and you see a shame chapter 22 of revelation revelation 22 verse 7 behold,revelation,22,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 7 important now let me show you an example of wrong jealousy flip over to numbers 13 numbers 11 numbers chapter 11 we'll,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 yeah you know jen wilkin writes one of our first chapters she's such a good job and she said she revealed kind of to me,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 for the bible he has given to us from genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to revelation chapter 22,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 moses at the back of the desert in exodus chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3,exodus,3,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 14 fulfilling its function that's what we read in ephesians 4 16. the body is built by what every joint,ephesians,4,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 16 and yet did they forget isaiah 9 there will be no more gloom for her who was in anguish,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 the messiah 600 years before christ in daniel chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write,daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 scripture but it's really clear if you will look in the book of acts turn over to the book of acts chapter 17 and there,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 you will find the genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 or tells you what happened when isaac,genesis,27,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 22 the lord no the bible says in proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 verse 21 he says,proverbs,18,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 "spirit. when he came out of the grave, romans 1 says, ""he was declared to be the son of god, verse",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 listen to this when they had entered the city acts chapter 1 verse 13 they went up to the upper room where,acts,1,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 13 wonders isaiah chapter 7 verse 14. talking about jesus in prophecy he said the lord,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 book of acts actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that,ezekiel,2,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 7 very quickly because your battle is not natural the bible says in ephesians chapter number 6 verse 12 ephesians,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 his coming i want you to look at revelation chapter 5 reading from verse 9 and verse 10 revelation chapter 5,revelation,5,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 9 additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in isaiah 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily,isaiah,49,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 8 in this church this coming sunday acts 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 you are the firstborn of my father romans 8 15 romans 8 15 says i also,romans,8,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 15 you said it was at a well in the land of media and was that correct exodus 2 16 to 21,exodus,2,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 16 in the understanding of god's word now paul continues here in ephesians get back to ephesians five quick,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=_agceidxmyq all right hebrews uh chapter five i'm going to start reading in four but we're,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 god allowed satan to test job i want you to see a verse in jeremiah in chapter 20 before we move further,jeremiah,20,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 20 verse 1 protected rules until ruth even got married and became one of the great,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 a few years ago from ephesians chapter 3 verse 10 i want to share with you that verse,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 can you say believe in amen isaiah 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,isaiah,5,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 come from god it says in romans 8 that the holy spirit comes in and,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 chapter 53 is when isaiah writes about how he was pierced for our transgressions he was,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 that i just put it is is is a scripture in isaiah 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 ah he rose from the dead after calvary pizza who now see in acts chapter three from the swan treat acts 3 verse 1 to it,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in revelation chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,revelation,12,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 7 and it says in luke 4 and verse 17 the book of the prophet isaiah was given to him,isaiah,4,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 17 at what god has for your life in my life in romans 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 you know there's something i like to do with that verse romans 10 and 14 that i read earlier,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 performance of his promises performance of his promises genesis 21 1 to 2 genesis 21 1 to 2,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 and do all that you're commanded deuteronomy 28 and verse 1 he will set you on high above all the nations of the,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 recompensing in evil in retaliation in romans chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,romans,12,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 17 rise again it tells us in acts chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should,acts,26,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 23 quoted here and i'm gonna read that to you as well the context of isaiah 9 is that there is this future light for the,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 understand where the power of prayer lies word awards chapter 4 verse 1 james where the wars and fights come from,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 the church to repent you don't leave that go to revelation chapter 2 in chapter 3 and see whom he asks to repent,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 that you used for your glory that you mentioned in hebrews 11 the great hall of faith,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 reading that maybe that whole chapter of hebrews 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance,hebrews,12,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 13 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his job he was happy they brought these people,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 us that when jesus had talked with his disciples and told them in that acts chapter number one verse three telling,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 the other verse i want to read is from romans 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in esther chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,esther,4,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 15 agree with that there's nothing i cannot do jeremiah 32 verse 27 the remote attitude was when said behold am the,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 let's read that james chapter 5. oh sorry james 3. who among you verse 13 is wise and,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in romans 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and,romans,10,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 17 have no might he increases strength isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 the prophet micah said but truly unfollower by the,isaiah,40,29.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 i know my covenant and abide with it daniel 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 prophet let's look at hosea chapter 12 hosea chapter 12.,hosea,12,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 1 love god with the multitude of sins according to proverbs 10 verse 12 rather it means we act prudently knowing first,proverbs,10,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 12 isaiah 25 7 to 8 i want you to read with me isaiah 25 verse 7 to 8 and 9.,isaiah,25,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 25 verse 7 who sometimes made wrong decisions we read about that in genesis 12 and genesis 20. but first peter 3 comments,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 and i'll obtain my crown ephesians 1 and verse 18 says the highest of the understanding being,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 upon the earth for one thousand years and zechariah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,zechariah,14,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 it's the same holy spirit praise god so let's read from romans chapter 8 and we should read the first two verses,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible tells us that noah had three,genesis,9,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 2 acts chapter 2 this is a part of our new series in the book of acts but let's start with prayer father as we open your,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and copy them proverbs 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 the bible says,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 awareness spiritual environment awareness in ezekiel chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,ezekiel,22,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 3 as long as the lord lives that is a type of swearing and making an oath jeremiah 12 says to swear by my name as the lord,jeremiah,12,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 12 verse 1 history just three one in the era of moses and joshua two in the era of elijah and elijah the new testament era,joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 coming again in daniel's prophecy chapter 7 daniel had a vision i saw in the night visions and behold one like,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 upward you'll be approached in jesus name it tells us in jeremiah chapter 17 jeremiah chapter 17 i'm reading from,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 joshua but never forget is you come to the book of joshua that this chapter chapter 6 that the heart of the book,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 proverbs 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 myself many times and to others also you know it says here in deuteronomy 13 you must know this verse very very important,deuteronomy,13,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 turn to god and i got the answer in joshua 24 verse 15 joshua 24,joshua,24,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 15 am with you always to the end of the age luke 24 and acts chapter 1 also include accounts of statements about the great,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 going to give you again the book of hosea chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of,hosea,4,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 8 we are and yet did not sin never fell he was made like us hebrews 217 in all things he was tempted like us in all,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 and through the word of god now for a moment over to colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 now i come to number four and this is in joshua chapter three verses three and five,joshua,3,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 3 revelation which means that the message of our lord to his church in revelation 2 and 3 is still absolutely critical in,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers,deuteronomy,20,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 8 a man called a fat frog titus let me show you that passage in philippians chapter 2 it's wonderful to compare,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 hebrews chapter four a meeting from verse two hebrews chapter four,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 if you think you can go against god let me read from revelation chapter 6 verses 15 and 16 and the kings of the earth and,revelation,6,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 15 you see okay ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 12 ecclesiastics 7 verse 12 says,ecclesiastes,7,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 12 name we're looking at exodus chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 9,exodus,32,9.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 9 "in job he preached 159 sermons. in isaiah he preached 123 sermons and so, and so, and so.",job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 and that that would be one mistake thinking proverbs is how it always always happens the other mistake would,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 give god thanks just as noah did in the book of genesis chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided,genesis,8,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 2 song of solomon in psalms 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,psalms,27,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 4 come down here to a shocking chapter one verse here in isaiah 64 and verse 10 well i've heard preachers again so you,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 commentary on the first 12 verses of proverbs chapter 3 it's for discipline that you and derek god deals with you as,proverbs,3,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 12 actually it's so wonderful that these psalms follow one another just like this of course you understand,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in leviticus 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn,leviticus,23,32.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 32 john sees four horsemen it's an image from the book of zechariah chapter one and they symbolize times of war conquest,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 2 and verse 20. galatians chapter 2 from verse 20 says i have been crucified,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 just as upset intersting we need people interceding isaiah 62 on your walls o jerusalem i have appointed watchmen all,isaiah,62,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 1 brother okay all right well i turn to romans six please romans 6,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 eight distinct points in this chapter chapter three when james comes to chapter three he goes into this in,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 and tortured and afflicted but now colossians 1 13 said he has translated you,colossians,1,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 13 4 to 5 second corinthians 4 17 and colossians 2 14.,colossians,4,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 17 tested positive for hiv i held on to god's word in isaiah 53 verse 6 verse 5,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 ephesians 2 verse 10. so that walks look at also james chapter 2 it also starting from verse 20 to 23 there about he says,ephesians,2,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 want to have the mastery as cheer on in hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse one,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 that will cause them besetting sins hebrews chapter 12 entry from verse 1 and 2 therefore we also since we have,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 truth hurts doesn't it psalms 23 says i will dwell in the house of the lord forever i will dwell in the,psalms,23,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 1 in jesus mighty name we pray tonight we're looking at philippians chapter two,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 they can look at you that's what the bible tells us in ephesians 5 31 and 32 that your marriage is meant to be a,ephesians,5,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 37 verse 18 genesis 37 18 the bible made us to understand,genesis,37,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 18 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 philippians 1 8 philippians 1 8,philippians,1,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 8 do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me ruth chapter 1 and verse 6.,ruth,1,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 6 almighty god said in exodus 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 of him right at the end of chapter 1 of genesis you get some glimpses throughout genesis 2 but primarily the window that,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder genesis 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,genesis,28,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 12 he's a spiritual jew romans chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,romans,2,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 28 main emphasis in colossians is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the,colossians,2,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 9 strengthened look at this verse of scripture hebrews chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7,hebrews,5,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 verse 10 please turn with me to galatians chapter 1 verse 10 galatians 1 verse 10 says the last part if i try to,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 into this church this coming sunday acts chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 the same rights romans 5 and 10 tells me that i'm reconciled back to god romans 8 15 and,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 before that break the allah's said genesis 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,genesis,2,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 23 and then one of my favorites here daniel chapter 5 it's the next verse 21 daniel says to the persian king belshazzar,daniel,5,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 21 connected to him colossians 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 you're familiar with the story so deuteronomy 131 judging the older generation look what he says about the,deuteronomy,131,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 131 verse 1 know that would emily holy suv in revelation chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 keep going daniel now also sees a resurrection in the future verse 2 many of those,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 and just to help us humble ourselves ruth and i confess to one another you don't have to do that always,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 now i want us to begin to examine this in the book of philippians chapter 2 which i have as my uncontext for this,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 question dealing with melchizedek the the first time he shows up is in genesis 14 this is where he shows up and he and,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 "be found by him in peace."" james 3 verse ""righteousness and peace are inseparable."" hebrews 12 speaks of the peaceful fruit of",hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. he says if you are still connected to the living,ecclesiastes,9,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 because in verse 13 it's introduced by joshua was by jericho he's on his way to jericho he's almost there,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 3 he says christ who is our life galatians 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 and we're reading from verse 6 it's sending us now to the acts and it tells us in chapter 6 verse 6 it says go to,acts,6,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 6 his power now as you read that account in exodus chapter 19 it looks like god displayed,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 like they came together down in colossians 1 24 i say that's going to be helpful,colossians,1,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 24 preach for a little while on one of them namely isaiah 64 for which perhaps better than any of those three or four,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 genesis chapter 22 from verse 7 to 14 genesis 22 7 to 14 isaac said to his,genesis,22,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 7 inquiries make inquiries make inquiries jeremiah 33 and verse 3,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 to give you five points for the now to ism of the gospel romans chapter five verse one we see our first,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 now listen isaiah 51 verse 123 hacking unto me oh ye that love righteousness he does,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 say loud amen acts chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 your portion as chapter 16 numbers eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,numbers,16,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 8 gonna show them now also in scripture in jeremiah in isaiah isaiah like if you read isaiah 40 and,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 1 to 3 genesis 12 from verse 1 to 3 he may declare,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 chapter 65 and i'm reading from verse 24 isaiah chapter 65 are you there verse 24 are you there and it shall come,isaiah,65,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 24 manifestation acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 can just put your faith in jesus and acts chapter 10 43 here's what peter says to cornelius he says to him to,acts,10,43.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 43 which believeth in jesus let's look at chapter four romans chapter four reading from verse five,romans,4,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 5 and paul answers no romans 11 25 a partial hardening has come upon israel,romans,11,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 25 got it it's philippians chapter 1 verses 23 to 25.,philippians,1,23.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 23 spirit has gathered them isaiah 34 16. whatever that book contains god said so,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 than to receive us 20 numbers 35 we provoke supernatural blessings by,numbers,35,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 35 verse 1 moses song exodus 15 3 and what they said is this the lord,exodus,15,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 3 saying so today we're going to continue our series in james chapter 3 as we talk about how to tame our tongues that's,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 motives of god notice what exodus 30 and 9 says these priests were given specific,exodus,30,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 30 verse 1 have found yeah colossians 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 transformed us so we can be one look at jeremiah chapter 32 in jesus 32 i'm reading from verse 39,jeremiah,32,39.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 39 will you guide me and lead me in this that is what god asks of us in jude chapter 1 verse 24 it says all glory to,jude,1,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 24 because they didn't like what it said because in isaiah 53 where the septuagint seems to agree with the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 believe to a life of worship is not having a right heart psalms 96 nine worship the lord and the beauty of,psalms,96,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 96 verse 9 read them you need to i love the book of acts as a whole if you access one of my favorite books and all the bible because,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 you need to understand i want to go back to leviticus chapter 12 and let you know what the law of god required when a,leviticus,12,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 1 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of ephesians chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity isaiah chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said,isaiah,29,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 13 an attack on the word of god i call it the genesis 3 attack and the genesis 3 attack manifests,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 eat in jesus name the bible tells us deuteronomy 28 verses 1 and 2,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 will prosper you will notice that in genesis 32 if you reading from verse 1 to 6 genesis 32 from verse 1 to 6,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 to turn into a wandering season you see it says in verse 1 deuteronomy 8 every commandment which i command you today,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 2nd kings chapter 5 we're gonna read the story of nahum and naaman was a syrian general from from syria believe it or,nahum,5,1.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 1 that becomes a promise yeah a promise in the book of galatians chapter 3 verse 13 the bible talks about what christ did,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 individual it's true for a nation in genesis 15 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 15 12 to 14,genesis,15,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 12 time this intercession and supplication time on jeremiah 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 since we are surrounded by all this list of old testament saints in hebrews 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 you can't you you can't imagine isaiah and isaiah 6 in that scene,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 come and in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 the bible says when the day of pentecost,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 baptist and others elijah still others jeremiah or one of the prophets,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 joshua chapter 3 verse 7,joshua,3,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 7 devil is a person all you got to do is go back to genesis 3 listen it wasn't just a force,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 and whatever your mind fixes on manifests itself in our lives hebrews 11 15 tells us this if they'd been mindful,hebrews,11,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 15 ways and according to the fruit of his viewings hebrews chapter 4 reading from verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,hebrews,4,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 of it beautifully genesis 8 22 and then,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 this world and the bible is very clear on those issues let's read in jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11. jeremiah 17 11.,jeremiah,17,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 11 local chapter of revelation chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them,revelation,3,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 9 beyond acts 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 another take his office that's footage in acts chapter 1 from verse 16 to verse 20 so we know,acts,1,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 16 in the wonder of regeneration in isaiah chapter 28 reading from verse 10 i say,isaiah,28,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 1 five i'm reading from verse five to eight revelation five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,revelation,5,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 5 direction before them just some people acts 11 verse 20 says who would start one of the greatest churches literally,acts,11,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 2 it's not by power this one is a job for the spirit the spirit,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 deuteronomy joshua 24. actually joshua 23 i'm sorry 23 chapter,joshua,23,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 1 the essence of this passage so let's go to numbers chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,numbers,11,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 11 went to jerusalem so there are seven basic things that came against nehemiah when he sought to do the well they,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 you will not look back in jesus name acts chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,acts,11,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 21 in malachi chapter 3 16 to 18. malachi 3 16 to 18 the bible said that they fear the lord,malachi,3,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 16 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of acts of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 have happened to you i want to let's go to romans romans five some of you guys are getting tested right now and it's,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 i read verse hebrews 3 14 but exalt one another daily,hebrews,3,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 to the age everything will turn around well leukina chapter 42 of job chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 6,job,42,42.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 42 the knowledge of who christ is jeremiah chapter 15 a meeting from verse 16.,jeremiah,15,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 the hearts of the companions the people that were near him daniel chapter one perceived daniel,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 but brethren listen listen to these verses in proverbs 8 you may be familiar with proverbs 8 the whole chapter wisdom,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 don't have so much time so we're going to take the the numbers in batches so the first three questions can we take,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 of prayer in the psalms we see psalm 40 verse 8 these words i delight to do your will,psalms,40,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 40 verse 8 then you notice in acts chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that,acts,7,54.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 54 now joy is a fountain of strength nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 10 neither be ye sorry for yourself,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception ecclesiastes 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are,ecclesiastes,9,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 3 you know for example uh if somebody would say well ephesians 2 8 9 says that we're saved by grace through faith right,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 that's what the bible refers to in the book of hebrews chapter 6 when it talks about the good word of god the good word,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 from verse 17 obadiah chapter one we're reading from verse 17,obadiah,1,1.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 1 my life is protected the name you have look at that proverbs 18 and verse,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 look at romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 you needn't turn here with me but i'm turning into hebrews chapter 8 of course in the new testament,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 reading from verse 25. the bible says in verse 25 exodus 14 verse 25,exodus,14,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 25 learner while looking at jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16. in jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16. those says that lord stands,jeremiah,6,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 you know genesis or give me a second to sync data genesis 1 from verse 1 totally the necessary to me a second indicator,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 6 who gave himself who gave himself a ransom for all for all daniel 9 daniel 9 verse 26,daniel,9,26.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 26 "heed to my words,"" listen everybody. and then he gives his text, joel chapter 2, verses 28 to 32.",joel,2,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 28 on cross i said are you there let's look at romans chapter 8 we're reading from verstappen seven,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 say louder amen titus chapter 1 verse 10 and verse 11. he said there are many unruly and vain,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in daniel chapter five it says this night your soul is,daniel,5,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 5 to understand yeah that's true genesis chapter 3 an unfortunate incident happened,genesis,3,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 3 is good for everybody to memorize but it's a famous verse it's romans 3 23 and it says for all have sinned,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 lecture 3 is taken from revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12,revelation,12,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 7 meditation now when you hear meditation what comes to your mind in joshua chapter 1,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 seven we are trying to understand god's ways acts in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32,acts,7,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 32 god the following are some undeniable acts of god at covenant university number one infrastructure in 20 years by,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 if my life has been exciting there's a great word verse in proverbs 14 i think we're supporting in the living bible,proverbs,14,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 how consistent scripture is titus chapter 2 is talking about things that are proper,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 god seeing him for god to have professed that job is an honest man in job chapter 1,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 i began to seek god about this i found the answer in romans in chapter 12 romans chapter 12 where the word words,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 joel chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,joel,2,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 7 see the same thing going on here jeremiah chapter 10 and i'm reading from verses one and two cheer in my,jeremiah,10,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 1 it so that's that's majority that's what we get in leviticus chapter 7 or chapter 8 about the,leviticus,7,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from psalms chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,psalms,23,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 3 also will always be fulfilled numbers chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at genesis chapter one verse two right you know if,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 and a secure place isaiah 55 verse 20 isaiah 55 verse 20. you have to take me to affirm an ak place i have listened to,isaiah,55,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 2 of it in a later in a later message but isaiah 2 2 to 4 says now it shall come to pass in the last days,isaiah,2,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 don't understand bible says also also proverbs 20 27 that that the spirit of man is the candle of the lord can do of,proverbs,20,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 27 constantly warned against that listen to romans 16 17 urge you brother and keep your eye on those who cause,romans,16,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 17 chapter 2. in malachi chapter 2 it says why did god make you husband and wife,malachi,2,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 1 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in romans 3. how on earth like in what,romans,22,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 22 verse 3 to ensure delivery of what you say ecclesiastes chapter five number six he said i sent a nation to go before you,ecclesiastes,5,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 1 proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen isaiah 14 and verse 27,isaiah,14,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 27 and the details matter in leviticus 16 aaron was instructed to go behind the veil on the day of,leviticus,16,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 1 verse 9 in verse 9 and when james and peter sivas,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 from verse 11 to 17 acts 19 11 to 17 the bible says god performs special,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 doing a job you can be doing such an important job that you work 10 hours a day,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 no matter the trial no matter the persecution they cannot be shaken romans chapter 8 verse 38 to 39 romans chapter,romans,8,38.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 38 job however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a,job,27,5.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 5 genesis chapter 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 number one,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 about bearing with one another right colossians 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,colossians,3,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 13 pick up on some of that stuff uh proverbs 24 13 as i close this,proverbs,24,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 13 of christ's return look at revelation chapter 16 we're reading from verse,revelation,16,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 1 of prophecy he has to understand by reading daniel 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,daniel,9,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 2 diligence and proverbs 29 19 prophet mega body proof chapter 22 29 proverbs 22,proverbs,22,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 suffering and his death. and he probably ended up in isaiah 53 talking about the suffering servant who dies as a,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 must overcome so let's go and see what jesus did again go back hebrews 4 and 15 jesus was tempted in all points as we,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and the voice of them that make mary jeremiah 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 hour is my judgment come isaiah chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,isaiah,21,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 21 verse 9 own people i think that's very significant in genesis 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,genesis,42,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 18 i want to take that passage in ephesians that we've been memorizing ephesians chapter 3 i want us to go through that,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 abraham has had a long journey and now in genesis 18 he finds himself he has prospered he's got quite a household now,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 we're not gonna have that and so this is it for esther chapter two once again if you enjoyed this video please be sure to,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 want you to realize is god's heart is not to condemn romans 310 there is none that are righteous no not one there is,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 like some determinist suggests about proverbs 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,proverbs,16,33.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 33 supposed to obey the law of moses either for salvation or sanctification acts 15 answers both you realize now why it,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 not only that the prophet spoke about it prophet isaiah spoke about it in isaiah chapter 14 in verse 9 verse 15,isaiah,14,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 9 of jeremiah chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and,jeremiah,10,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 23 personal way about 10 years ago and when i had read isaiah 6 a million times but this one particular,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 in jesus name we pray in genesis chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 1 genesis,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 bible describes some winners as wise read that in book of proverbs chapter 11 verse 30 which is our memory verse for,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 payment exodus 3 and verse 22 there they plundered the egyptians,exodus,3,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 22 i've been around long enough to know this people love round numbers right so they want to say like well 2000 years,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 end of verse 23 but kept entrusting himself to him who judges righteously the hardest thing for us in life i think,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 to move you in the right direction philippians 2 and verse 13 the bible says for it is god that is at work,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 might be saved and let's turn now to romans chapter 11 reading from bastatina,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 us now in romans chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 galatians in chapter 3 galatians chapter 3 we read we know that many things happened on the,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 12 and ephesians 1 colossians 3 and also hebrews 12 that the church is an empty called the body of christ it's a unity,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 is unseen paul says it this way in ephesians 6 we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against the cosmic,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 as we look at the story we're going back to genesis now chapter 15 in genesis chapter 15 it says and he said unto,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 but eight years later when the jewish zealots rose up against the romans one of the first things they did was burn,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 his son made of a woman made under the law galatians 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,galatians,4,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 4 for you when i read in romans 7 about the function of the law in galatians about,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king james version and what does it say,james,14,26.0,1.0,james chapter 14 verse 26 so i really do suggest you know just reading through genesis 22 and just seeing the beauty of the types and,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 but the same bible tells us in hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews 12 29 that this god,hebrews,12,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 when he says the length of your days he's referring to genesis 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,genesis,6,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 3 acts of the apostles chapter 19 it tells us from verse 13 acts chapter 19 reading from verse 13 it says then,acts,19,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 13 people in the bible that are called first look at jeremiah chapter 17,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 in genesis chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10 it is recorded that you,genesis,1,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 9 of james james chapter 5 verses 1 through 6 is a very interesting portion of,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 of all men this is an important verse romans 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends,romans,12,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 18 during 2019 annual convention the lost step into my case and i got a job in november 2009 t let's somebody shout,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at isaiah chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou,isaiah,62,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 4 and verse 6. god who said in genesis 1 let the light shine out of darkness,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god leviticus 26 15 15 to 16,leviticus,26,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 15 those eaters so in the book of malachi we read in malachi chapter 1 as to why god finally rejected the israelites he,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 "and they operated with a delegate authority. for example, peter in acts chapter 3 heals the lame man.",acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 this issue is as you continue that same preachment acts 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,acts,1,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 21 the will of god in hebrews chapter 10 you have an insight into what happened in heaven,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 let me show you a couple of them in romans 12 and verse 3 through the grace paul says through the,romans,12,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 3 and her adornment so too it talks about lucifer in ezekiel 28 that he had all these precious stones as,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 yeah true but i think that we will see both i mean hebrews 1 3 says that the son jesus is the,hebrews,1,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 enviable destiny genesis 26 and i love this one verse 12 to 14 isaac sowed in that land,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 daniel would say happen rather david would say have mercy,psalms,51,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 51 verse 2 if you read genesis 39 7 to 12 genesis 39 7 to 12 enemy wanted to corrupt the life of joseph through adultery true,genesis,39,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 7 life in the garden there's also one described in revelation in the new in the new jerusalem and in the city that,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 "and in proverbs 8 and verse 27, that might be a verse just to point to you, proverbs 8 verse 27, ""when he established the heavens, i",proverbs,8,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 27 fasted let's say the book of exodus chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,exodus,18,18.0,1.0,exodus chapter 18 verse 18 then that was god's instruction blessings for them from genesis 1 26 27 and i wanted to listen to me very well,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 because proverbs chapter 3 5 to 6 proverbs 3 5 to 6 it's a trust in the lord with all thy,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 all through this year allow that email acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased and they continued daily,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 reporters justified he has also glorified romans 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ,romans,8,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 3 coming revelation 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 mankind had only vegetable plant to based foods it was in genesis 9 verse 3 put it up that god permitted somebody say,genesis,9,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 3 we're not guaranteed tomorrow this is why the bible says in hebrews 4 7 today if you hear his voice do not,hebrews,4,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 7 to talk a lot about that key verses romans 8 verse 16 17 our future glory in the kingdom is because of our identity in,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,hebrews,4,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 collusion 1 27 colossians 1 27 christ in you the hope of,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 thine enemy what does the scripture say even the old testament look at proverbs chapter 24,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 of believers heirs of god it says in that galatians chapter 4 verse 7,galatians,4,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 7 the greatest display of holiness is not isaiah chapter six no sir the greatest display of the,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 question to you is related to a couple of different bible passages jeremiah 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 form genesis 1 says that the earth wasn't it wasn't a state or in fact,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 seeker of truth and here we read about it in acts 16 verse 14 paul says as she listened to us the lord,acts,16,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 14 let's look at the blessings of abraham you will find them breaching in genesis chapter 12 from verse 1 to 3 genesis 12,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 going through the book of galatians in today's video we'll be in galatians chapter 3 and if you've been following,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 attention has been drawn to this world colossians chapter 2 and verse 18 let no one keep defrauding you of your price,colossians,2,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 18 but jesus chooses him jesus picks him and watch what happens acts chapter 2 well let's go to acts chapter 1. i'm,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 again when you look at you mention this to mike in revelation 20 verse 7 through 9 this is something that's brought up as,revelation,20,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 7 5 14 15 14 excuse me romans 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk,romans,15,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 14 know it will happen from tonight look at the philippians chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only,philippians,1,27.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 27 in our church humility it says about jesus in philippians in chapter 2 let me show you that before coming here,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me,jeremiah,29,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 really found stephen and moses in the book of exodus i think it's exodus 34 moses when he comes off mount sinai his,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 verse 1 to 3 many of us have memorized in the king james version but i want to look at another version,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 earth you'll notice in verse one that the prophet zechariah is awakened as a man is awakened out of his sleep and the,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 delivered for our fences and was raised again for our justification romans chapter 5 reading from verse 1 therefore,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 in luke 4 when he reads my zaiah 62b isaiah 61 verse 1 and 2 he stops at a comma close the book and says this is,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 without blemish and without sports let's come to hebrews chapter 7. i read him from verse 25,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 coming to you this in exodus chapter 15 verse 26 and said,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 children obey your parents in the lord for this is right ephesians 6 1 and we taught him that obedience is,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 his marvelous life and that's what romans 8 tells us and that's why he says but we're saved by hope it does not yet,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 have to believe that he knows what's best for you now jeremiah 29 11 is one of my favorite passages and it's often,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 will see a turnaround i'm reading from the book of james chapter three let me quickly read from verse 13.,james,3,13.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 13 feed on it you meditate on it and that's why the bible says in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 2. it says be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 8 and verse 12 zechariah 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,zechariah,8,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 12 "personally protected by god. romans 8 says, ""no one can lay any charge against god's elect, it's god that justifies.""",romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 armor we're real he trusted and divided his boys proverbs chapter 24 provost treatises professor alpha treatises true,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 the bible says in romans chapter 1 verse 28 romans chapter 1 verse 28 he said because men refused to retain,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 whether to individuals or traination ezekiel 33 from verse 8 to 9 ezekiel 34 verse 8 to 9.,ezekiel,33,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 8 that it's purposeful manipulation of the numbers i think it is in addition to that one of the other hypotheses is that,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 and then almost an identical um proclamation is given in acts chapter 2 or i say identical,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 complaining is expressed this way in numbers chapter 11 it says then the egyptians who had come with them began,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 hi mike do you think ecclesiastes 321 should be used to determine,ecclesiastes,3,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 21 fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in acts 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much,acts,18,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 13 verses 10 and 13 isaiah 28 verses 10 and 13 he said when the word of the lord comes,isaiah,28,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 1 proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,proverbs,10,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 how am i doing on time i che okay okay philippians 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,philippians,4,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 11 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of ezekiel for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,ezekiel,14,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 the earth for their possession the book of psalms chapter two and verse eight,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 it's going to be 17 to 21 ephesians chapter 4 and,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 psalms psalms 15 1 to 5 he said lord who shall abide in the tabernacle who,psalms,15,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 1 written in prisons ephesians colossians filamin and philippians when you read those four letters remember they were,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 child in the way it should go proverbs 22 6 when he's old he will not depart from it,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 a day praise the lord daniel chapter six and verse 20 the king cried,daniel,6,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 2 who loved god so much paul in philippians chapter 3 verse 7 to 14,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 yes oh yes isaiah 6 8 says something he said and i heard the voice of the lord saying who,isaiah,6,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 you about it because it's important in the 10th chapter of hebrews hebrews 10 and verse 26 if we go on sinning,hebrews,10,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 it's official and unchanging galatians 1 paul appeals to the galatians to use their knowledge of the once given gospel,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 because you have escaped look at this exodus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 needs to show up in how we live so verse 12 of colossians 3 says so as those who have been chosen of god holy and beloved,colossians,3,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 12 [applause] that's why in malachi chapter 3 from verse 8 to 12 malachi chapter 3,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 god he says god you have put a hedge around him job chapter one you have,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 we share his spiritual eternal life. this is the language of ephesians 1 where we read about all those spiritual blessings.,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 commission in the book of acts of the apostle chapter 20,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 your ability to lead in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 in the midst of his people it says in genesis chapter 3 and verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 mighty name or pray worried him from acts of the apostles chapter 20 and i'm reading from verse 26 acts chapter 20,acts,20,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 26 wanted to bless somebody out there so colossians 1 again 21 and 22 in the esv and you who once were alienated and,colossians,1,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 21 in revelation chapter 20 verses 1 and 2 revelation chapter 20 verses 1 & 2 here the serpent is clearly identified and it,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 three of our collation series we're still in galatians chapter one but we're gonna finish that up we're looking at,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 and giving thanks let me turn with you please turn with me to philippians in chapter 2 philippians 2,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 abide abide in him hebrews chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your,hebrews,10,35.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 said to us that malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 10 that we the offering that we give our tithes,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 in pursuit of the vision believing the bible tells us in the book of habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 i will stand upon,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 23 the bible tells us this hebrews 10 19 to 23,hebrews,10,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 get to that hold up now in other words i want us to look at is romans chapter 12 and it's verse 19 and it says beloved so,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do romans 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,romans,8,38.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 38 with this local body paul says in galatians 1 he says to the churches of galatia and so that paul does view there,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 that i break the hold of anxiety and worry over my life as philippians four six and seven says it clearly lack a,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 in romans 8 anybody know romans 8 28 amen thank you romans 8 28 wonderful verse you must know that let's read it,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 doing is sin uh what i'm gonna say is this is that first off romans 14 23 wasn't actually talking about your,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 cannot be rewarded hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 the bible says having therefore received,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 the poorer and we started with genesis chapter one verse one,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we're reading from verstappen five and verse 36 isaiah chapter 37 we're reading from verse,isaiah,37,36.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 37 verse 36 witchcraft paul was writing in galatians chapter 3 from verse 1 he said all free galatians,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 romans 5 and a thermos romans 5 verse 1 would they be the same message see i would probably,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 shelf you will not have a single one that has genesis 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore,genesis,50,31.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 31 pivot verse in the entire book of ephesians because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any,ephesians,4,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 6 remain persuaded them to continue in the grace of god chapter 11 acts 11 verse 23,acts,11,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 23 katie it's a lot of good things in deuteronomy it all happened at about 40 days it's an awesome book it's an,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 17 if you're still in deuteronomy 22 you can flip to deuteronomy 17. but here he says if he does what's evil,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 own eternal glory. ephesians chapter 1 to look at it for just a moment to talks about all that we have in,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from acts chapter 9 verse 22.,acts,9,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 22 are extremely time sensitive in genesis i think genesis 29 when,genesis,29,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 29 verse 1 for living a good life these rules can be found in exodus chapter 20 verses 1 to 21,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 going to take first genesis chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts 2 from verse 1 to 4,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 3 a meeting from verse 13 galatians chapter 3,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 verses 6 and 7 isaiah chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 your prophetic word isaiah chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 acts of the apostles chapter 6 acts of the apostles chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse two acts of the,acts,6,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 2 are you and who told you as we see this in the second half of genesis chapter 3 we should realize that this is,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 of the substitute the couch was each there romans 6 age now if we be dead with christ our substitute,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 the temple in acts chapter 3 verse 1 the bible tells us how that peter and john were on,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 with me that's gonna he was joined to the lord is one spirit isaiah says be clean you who bare the vessels of the,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 in our bible we've got um romans 8 28 do you know that verse don't you,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 24 proverbs proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,proverbs,24,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 14 hebrews chapter 5 and you read from verse 8 in hebrews chapter 5 verse 8 though he wear a son yet lenny obedient,hebrews,5,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 8 purifies and refine the bible st. malachi chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 genesis chapter 28 genesis chapter 20 each it was a joint heir with abraham and isaac your joint,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 today psalms 47 verse 1. you're worried that peter you'll come dean clap your hands,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 world the word of god declares in proverbs 23 verse 18.,proverbs,23,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 again and again amen the bible says in deuteronomy 20 13 that you shall be the head and not,deuteronomy,20,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 13 direction into the new testament and you find yourself in the book of james over in chapter 3 james is talking about the,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 be two contrasting approaches to reading the revelation one on the vertical and the top let's say the top with x axis,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 god wrote romans 13 3 for the rulers are not a terror to good works,romans,13,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 3 of praise acts 2 46 and 47. and their continuing daily which one are,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 verse 11 jude chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,jude,1,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 11 version this is the original 1611 king james version um if you can make it as big as possible,james,16,11.0,1.0,james chapter 16 verse 11 verse 17 esther 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women,esther,2,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 17 mentally proverbs 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey,proverbs,22,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 24 the whole realm now by this time in the account daniel is over 80 years of age he could well,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 in proverbs chapter 17 proverbs 17 the bible said anyone who covers is i mean he,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 foundational text in the book of exodus exodus is one of my favorite books of the bible family that it's interesting,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 "jews, and by the way, the book of acts will give you the story of this, acts 4, 5 , 8, 12, 13, 21, 22, 25, 26, you'll have in all",acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 say louder amen acts chapter two verse two number six when the holy ghost came on the day of,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 when they say god separated us by race they mean well you know acts 17 it tells us that god has determined the allotted,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in deuteronomy five nine the sins of the fathers or,deuteronomy,5,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 9 at joshua chapter one i'm reading from verse three joshua chapter one verse three every place the soul of your food,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 glory it tells us in hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 your seat belts because here we go okay colossians chapter 1 verse 15 speaking of christ who is the image of the,colossians,1,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 15 the other two points that i wanted to show you in moses exodus chapter 35 it's a surprising first thing that god,exodus,35,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 35 verse 1 because daniel said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,daniel,1,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 11 at job chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see,job,42,2.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 2 because he was a spirit but you can see him in genesis 2 lived in the fourth dimension,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 "spirit to filled life. now look at colossians 3 for a moment...colossians 3, and we see that instead of be being kept",colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 revelation chapter 6 revelation chapter 6 were looking at verse 12 in revelation chapter 6 reading from verse 12 and i,revelation,6,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 12 later on in chapter 26 of the book of isaiah we read this prophecy that god will keep,isaiah,26,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 1 one of the blessings of fasting is outbreak of revelation lord show me the things that i do not,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 but i held on to my god he said in joshua chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as,joshua,14,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 11 consider filling in acts chapter 6 verse 1 to 5 acts 6 1 to 5 one of the qualifications of lily was that he was a,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 it doesn't satisfy ecclesiastes 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are,ecclesiastes,4,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 15 the dead 17th chapter of the book of acts and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 blessings ezekiel 36 27,ezekiel,36,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 27 call it a hairdresser story sometimes genesis five reminds me of a hairdresser story you got a really dig down and hang,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 meantime we don't live in genesis 1 and 2 and we don't live in revelation last couple of chapters there we live right,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to be helpful to him when he's in corinth in acts chapter 18 he uses his ability as a tent maker to,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 14 romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as alleged by the spirit of,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 cyrus soros and yet yet isaiah in the bible in chapter 44 and verse 28,isaiah,44,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 28 in the name of jesus christ in jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12. we saw the impact of this wisdom god has,jeremiah,10,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 against the jealousy of god in exodus 34 verse 14 so for thou shall worship no other god,exodus,34,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 14 verse 31 isaiah chapter 14 verse 31,isaiah,14,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 31 doing that all the time no you're not and galatians 6 is one passage i'll go to,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 number one the word number two prayer number three hebrews 10 hebrews 10,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 coming to you we're coming to prophecy in proverbs and we're coming to chapter six proverbs,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 philippians chapter 1,philippians,1,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 15 2021 in isaiah chapter 45 and verse 1 and 2 thus saith the law to his anointing i,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 and i'm reading from verses one and two romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 i beseech you there for,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 grace that he does in our hearts let's look at ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four i'm reading from,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 from verse 6 to 12 job 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 hallelujah while i was here to recover from that job a new contract of over five million,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 cow you owe them a cow or two right okay under exodus right there's this eye for an eye equal it's it what,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 but when it comes to love isaiah 49 15. he says i love you,isaiah,49,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 say louder amen in acts chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 and you have samuel who are also judges but in the book of judges there are 12 that are mentioned the ones in capital,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 bearing fruit unto death it says in romans 6 we were practicing sin we were slaves of sin but now the law was,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 um in ephesians 5 that talks about,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 this is the little that we know the bible says in deuteronomy chapter 34 that moses was not allowed to go into,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 learn god also said this to joshua in joshua one i mean,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 becoming like i say number three is beginning like ruth and then number four is belonging,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 nation there and so far i believe your revelation he looked after to us verse 14 looked at the to verse 14 that this,revelation,1,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 14 shall be wise proverbs 13 verse 20 you can't be walking with the only wise,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 here in genesis sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven,job,1,16.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 16 seven the book of acts addressing who is the book of acts addressing,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 in fact it is a recurring theme in the book of revelation if you go back to chapter four,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 verses 5 & 6 romans chapter 15 verses 5 & 6 now the god of patience and consolation,romans,15,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 5 bring darkness proverbs 20 verse 20 whosoever curses his father or his,proverbs,20,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 2 he wields. but hebrews 2 said christ destroyed satan who had the power of death.,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 to the lord this is what god required exodus 13 every firstborn belonged to the lord again we see their devotion to,exodus,13,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 1 and the bible says we must not strive with men we do not ephesians 6 12 says we do not strive with human beings i,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 ancient voices i'll prove it to you in the scriptures in the book of jeremiah chapter 35 talking about the recoveries,jeremiah,35,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 35 verse 1 but true revival will come listen to these words from isaiah 55 verses 10 and 11 for as the rain and the snow come,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 mourn please turn your bible with me to romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 that jesus read in luke in isaiah 61 from verses one to four i'm not i'm not going to read one and two,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 when it comes to the followers of jesus notice the contrast in revelation 14 verse 1 i looked and the lamb was,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 understand it to hear that conviction to in acts of the apostles chapter 26 walking honestly,acts,26,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 1 do you know the supreme descriptions of jesus in hebrews 1 colossians 1 john 1 do you worship him for who he is,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 leviticus 23 i'm going to read us leviticus 23 1 through 2. the lord spoke to moses,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 come in so the blindness is lifted we've already seen from romans 11 not 10 and 9 all three chapters that this blindness,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 we come to one of the more familiar stories in all of the book of daniel next to i suppose the story of daniel,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 whole of jeremiah chapter 44 is a very long 30 verses of jeremiah chapter 44 it is,jeremiah,44,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 44 verse 1 emphasizing you must do this when it says for example in ephesians 4 let me give you one example,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 testament in exodus chapter 4 you remember when moses was coming to answer,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 prayed amen the bible says in exodus 12 13 and the blood shall be to you for a,exodus,12,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 13 not give any we see whatsoever to hesitate in jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah chapter 1 worried him from verse 6 it,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 and a new earth in which righteousness dwells revelation 21 1 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 13 to 15. exodus chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,exodus,33,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 13 beneath in genesis chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his,genesis,50,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 15 arrest our attention for instance in numbers chapter 12 there's a passage on moses that i think it's very arresting,numbers,12,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 1 every situation of my life and i believe that that is one reason why romans chapter 12 many of us are familiar,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 read about christ like this to patients 1 jesus christ has been placed ephesians 1 verse 21 above all real authority power,ephesians,1,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 21 of god we're coming to hebrews hebrews chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 my notes there sorry guys i'm i'm extremely human so galatians 4 13 paul the apostle,galatians,4,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 13 probably the most well known of the psalms psalm 23 it's the lord is my shepherd it begins that way but there's,psalms,23,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 1 him joshua 23 so take diligent heed to yourself love the lord proverbs 21 the,joshua,23,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 1 that kind of behavior titus 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 as james 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 the lord said to moses to do something for joshua deuteronomy 3 but charge joshua and,deuteronomy,3,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 1 that's one of the reasons why i picked romans was because it's going to give this foundational deep deep,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 more grace to do that in jesus name look at romans chapter 4 we're reading from verse 12,romans,4,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 12 to them with me if you would i'm going to look at hebrews chapter 11 in deuteronomy chapter 34. again,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that's why we'll come back to hebrews now hebrews chapter 10 that's why he could say all the things,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 exhortation to watch matthew 24 watch 25 watch acts 20 watch first corinthians 16 be on the alert first peter 4 watch,matthew,24,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 24 verse 1 the life of a real changed person is look at zechariah chapter eight zechariah chapter eight you must be,zechariah,8,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 1 mighty name we pray in isaiah 7 verses five to seven,isaiah,7,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 5 expected to be an altar of answers in jeremiah 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 they shall run and not grow weary and walk and not faint isaiah 40 31. as we learn the verses of the bible,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 revelation chapter 5 from verse 1 to 10 revelation 5 from verse 1 to 10 because it has been decreed reuben will not,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 get to all of them but the great thing is if you don't know what to do in james 1 it says if you lack wisdom to ask god,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 eluded with the peace of god philippians chapter four from verse four to seven,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 galatians reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,galatians,5,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 24 which is found in the first six verses of deuteronomy chapter nine that sermon was followed in chapter 10 by a sermon,deuteronomy,9,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 9 verse 1 a person that's what you see in genesis 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,genesis,28,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 12 bureaucracy of formalities of religion or doctrine galatians chapter 1 11 to 12 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle,galatians,1,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 11 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in revelation 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,revelation,20,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 12 destiny every child of god is created for relevance romans chapter 8 and verse 19.,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 has given to you take it that you fulfill it in acts chapter 9 verse 36 the bible says david after he has served,acts,9,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 36 hard situation to answer that prayer in daniel chapter 6 we know about daniel being put in the den of lands because,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 40 to 42 that will show you the secret psalms 105 42 42 the people asked and he brought quills,psalms,105,42.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 42 part of the bible it's all the way up in ezekiel chapter 28 actually,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 between now and the coming of the lord and in revelation chapter 22 verse 10 revelation 22 verse 10 and he says unto,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 think peter healed uh raise the dead in acts 9 chapter verse 40 but did the apostles ever feed the 5 0 no,acts,9,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 4 goes through the gospels and then we also see in the book of acts in in the book of acts 1 3 it says to whom,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 in the book of james chapter one two to four james chapter one two to four new king james my brethren can't eat,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in the time of noah to apply because the whole earth did says in genesis 6 had become corrupt does a god of love wipe,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in galatians 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 freedom and liberty that they revolted against the romans um let's look at one of the key figures that led this revolt,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 to prayer and the ministry of the world and we are told in acts chapter 6 that the word of god increased and the,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 look at chapter 41 genesis 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 trust god hebrews 3 tells us for who having heard rebelled,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 and upon thy seed forever that's the quote he quotes there from deuteronomy 28 46,deuteronomy,28,46.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 46 somebody says are you sure esther in esther chapter 2 verse 17 esther 217 was a slave,esther,2,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 17 and brought the order of mexico from genesis chapter 14 and brought it into the new testament,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 reference deuteronomy 34 10 where it says it wasn't joshua there was no prophet risen yet so the people in,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 those who love me then he went on to say in the same proverbs chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8,proverbs,8,35.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 35 "sanctifies us, and, one day, glorifies us. we're given then an amazing and rich revelation of his gracious, violent, explosive power",revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 chap the last time we teach ephesians chapter four and then this morning ephesians five um,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 now if you open with me to the book of acts 27 the bible describes an interesting situation there,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 our anchor is from the book of matthew chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,acts,7,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 7 name together and look at ephesians chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,ephesians,5,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from ezekiel chapter 36 verse 27,ezekiel,36,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 27 did you hear when i read it to you in numbers chapter 21 look to the lord,numbers,21,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 1 this one is referring to total unbelievers he's telling us in romans chapter 8,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 store uh and over in jeremiah 1 5. jeremiah says i knew you before excuse me the,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 chapter 3 verse 6 he said i am the lord i change not it is written in hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 he brusatte in verse,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 than any other portion of the old testament in fact isaiah 53 is the heart of hebrew writings it is the prophetic,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 the lord and did not obey his voice jeremiah 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god,jeremiah,42,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 42 verse 21 of christ in this church this year acts chapter 2 verse 6 and verse 41 i paraphrase says,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 chapter 4 and let me read a portion numbers chapter 4 please then the lord spoke to moses and to,numbers,4,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 1 restoration isaiah chapter one isaiah chapter one,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 in jesus name in philippians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 verse 33 acts chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted,acts,2,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 33 the second vision and prophecy that zechariah received was three months later than the first prophecy he had a,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at jeremiah chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,jeremiah,6,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 wars this year acts chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 book of hebrews chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to daniel chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up,daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 to this prophecy if you go and read daniel 13 it's confusion it's not like the rest of,daniel,13,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 13 verse 1 romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 32 romans chapter 8,romans,8,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 32 abraham genesis chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,genesis,22,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 23 see why as i feel this is how we should understand it romans 8 29 says there for those whom he foreknew he also,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 hebrews chapter 10 we're reading from verse 38 hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 "revelation of god in creation, and he is, so that he is without excuse, romans 1 says. and if the sinner is held responsible for",romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 and they shall be my people that's a quote from jeremiah 31 and the timeline right so here's abraham about 2000 bc,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen leviticus chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,leviticus,2,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 13 things this is clearly taught in scripture james 4 2 puts it this way you have not because you asked not which,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 name has a question hebrews 5 9 says jesus was perfected when he became the author of salvation,hebrews,5,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 9 iii think of exodus 33 34 i think of lamentations chapter 3 there's more of it in the psalms all the,exodus,33,34.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 34 known to us here on earth and so we read in romans chapter 8 verse 35,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 about the future kingdom it's promises jeremiah 24 for i will set my eyes on them for good and i will bring them,jeremiah,24,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 24 verse 1 i don't have time to you read that in acts chapter 12 sometimes and,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 shorty hebrews 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better,hebrews,7,22.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 22 return and be healed in isaiah 6. actually so isaiah 6 doesn't say god doesn't,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 same mind and in the same judgment look at ephesians ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four i'm reading here,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 but a pleasure in them that during james chapter 3 we're reading from verse 14.,james,3,14.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 14 word of god and that's why jeremiah chapter 23 verse 9,jeremiah,23,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 9 passage that kari took us to in a previous session let's go to genesis 12 this would have been mordecai's,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 you know in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 this is said over and over again in the new testament philippians 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 you'd like to read it on your own um the context of genesis 1 and 2 is the best place to look for the meaning behind the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the first place that's eternal life and romans 8 nothing shall separate us from the love of god in christ jesus nothing,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 feet in acts chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor,acts,13,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 5 chapter 12 verse 3 we have matthew chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13,colossians,12,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 3 the word of god job chapter 14 verse 14.,job,14,14.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 14 4 we're looking at verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,hebrews,4,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 go forward and they went exodus chapter 14 and verse 15. the lord said to the muslims we are,exodus,14,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 15 for his goods to edification look at verse 3 romans chapter 15 verse 3 for evil christ pleased,romans,15,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 3 eternal life john 10 i give them eternal life and they will never perish romans 2 says for those who seek glory and honor,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 ways i want to read it carefully proverbs 19 verse 3 the foolishness of man perverteth his,proverbs,19,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 3 of nehemiah chapter six it says now it happened and this is nehemiah writing that when send ballet tobiah gesham the,nehemiah,6,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 1 merciless and heartless criticism the bible says in ephesians 4 29 to 32 say let no corrupt,ephesians,4,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 amen the bible says in romans 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 in deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 from arawa which is by the brink of the,deuteronomy,2,36.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 judgment remember revelation is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 a better salvation so on and so forth so basically hebrews 4 is like hey why would you want to go,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 touch on one last heresy and when you mention the book of hebrews it's one thing that will be repeated,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 them and miracles they confirmed in your life romans chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 from verse one colossians chapter 3 we're reading from verse 1,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 authorities and defeated them and hebrews in chapter 2 and verse 14 it says he became like us that through,hebrews,2,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 read about in daniel chapter 6 but in the land's den an angel from the lord,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 12 hebrews 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,hebrews,1,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 12 on your behalf isaiah 53 1 who had believed our report,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 amos 1 1. so here here you are the words of amos so that we know that's who wrote the,amos,1,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 1 ultimately be a slave to god now this verse actually comes from ephesians chapter one verse seven although there,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 across our harvest field a better amen exodus chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 read some of those things about his life in job 31 saying i'll make a covenant with my eyes,job,31,1.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 1 individual in that he serves to be one of the last of the judges before the period of the monarchy starts in israel,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 lecture is taken from the book of philippians chapter 3 and verse 10 the book of,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 suspended for your people number two we saw the story of joshua in joshua 10 13 joshua 10 13. he was,joshua,10,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 13 the ultimate end of the gospel romans 16 20. now in ephesians also ephesians is a wonderful book that,romans,16,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 2 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to galatians 3 5. i can't shake this verse,galatians,3,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 5 with one idea it was written late daniel was written in the second century after the things happened,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night daniel luke and i danielle,daniel,12,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 5 would go on some missionary journeys with paul in acts chapter 11 it says that he was filled with the holy spirit,acts,11,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 1 acts 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,acts,17,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 28 again we're not saved by works were saved by grace through faith romans chapter 4 again in romans chapter 10,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 "could be twenty years of age. according to numbers 8 verse 24, levites could be 25 years of age.",numbers,8,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 24 look at it that they the people in revelation 7 were standing before the throne and,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 description of the coalition's advance ezekiel 38 15 and 16 then you will come from your place out of the far north you,ezekiel,38,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 15 in fact the word of god declares in zechariah 3 and verse 8 he said concerning joshua day that,zechariah,3,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 8 many to christ and this church this year acts chapter 16 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia whose heart the lord,acts,16,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 14 romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,romans,8,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 2 be like that and how miserable it is for us this is romans chapter 1 where god even talks about how he turned,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 are driven there is no software to this proverbs 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,proverbs,22,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 28 baptism of repentance and when the apostle paul acts 19 met certain people in ephesus who were not baptized in the,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 question could be based on genesis chapter 2 verse 7 genesis 2 verse 7 yes i could be,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 wonderful man of god and he came down here we read in exodus 32 and he saw these people worshiping the golden cough,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 in jerusalem but judea samaria and to the ends of the earth in exodus chapter 40 we see the account of moses building,exodus,40,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 40 verse 1 lot's house and in leviticus 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in,leviticus,18,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 the other one is a life to long journey according to romans 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this word but be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 so paul speaks in romans 8 the redemption of the body,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 19 verse 7 and verse 8 revelation 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 that's unclean and the lord responds to him by saying in acts 10 do not call unclean what god has cleansed all those,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 let's go back to ephesians 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ,ephesians,4,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 until i see him face to face isaiah chapter 33 [music],isaiah,33,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 1 verse 1 proverbs 21 verse 1 that the king's heart is in the heart of the almighty,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 don't have unbelief the word said in genesis 18 14 god asked,genesis,18,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 14 18 genesis 50 from verse 15 to 18 the brothers of joseph came and fell,genesis,15,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 18 on that it is still going on we're coming back to acts of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 than what god's doing let me read a few more of these jeremiah 26 3 perhaps they will listen and everyone will turn from,jeremiah,26,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 26 verse 3 believe god that you might know the hope of his calling in ephesians 1 that means high priest he ever lives to pray for,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 who's just come to the lord to start in romans 1 and just be saturated with those 11,romans,1,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 11 they can resist the ocean jeremiah 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity,jeremiah,5,22.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 22 development destroyed by fire we're looking at james chapter 3. in james chapter 3 we're reading from,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 the only qualification is romans 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 nowadays about the word rhema and lagos let's go to ephesians 6 and i can give you guys a few thoughts on it,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 to revelation chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it ephesians 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 he shall praise him as i do this day isaiah 13 verse 19 whosoever has the son of god has life so,isaiah,13,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 19 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote acts 2 4. i've spent my life,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 somebody said bigger amen isaiah chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations,isaiah,5,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 and was in hell they will be resurrected to come to the tribunal in revelation 20 and then sentenced to the final lake of,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 though the context of isaiah 60 is isaiah 59 where it says everything we've just been talking about truth has fallen,isaiah,60,59.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 59 of abraham you know in the book of genesis 18 19,genesis,18,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 19 the multitudes increase in acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 because we have an example like that in the bible you know exodus chapter 8 exodus chapter 8 from verse 1 to 11.,exodus,8,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 1 fit the occasion craig's going to get to colossians 4 eventually has let your speech always be gracious seasoned with,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now romans chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 you'll do it and the lord will bless you in jesus name well coming back to psalms 37 verse 3 it says,psalms,37,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 3 look at it chapter 2 joshua sent two men to spies into the land go view the land,joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 reading from verse 15 galatians chapter 1 verse 15 but when it please god,galatians,1,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 15 peter and john going to the temple you read in acts chapter three of the day of pentecost it's always two by two and,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 because he cried to god in exodus 33 from verse 18 to 23 exodus 33 from verse 18 to 23 he said god thank,exodus,33,18.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 18 chapter 4 talks about moses initial reluctance he felt the job was too big for him but god gave him assurance and,job,4,1.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 1 the world uh james chapter four you adulterous people do you not know,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 reading from verse 20. galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 partnership with our maker look at romans chapter 8 reading from verse 16 and verse 17,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 original gift of speaking in tongues we see in acts chapter 2 where you have a group of christians who were speaking,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 the earth was without form right so genesis 1 1 just says god created the heavens and the earth but in,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 drought of summer turned me to joel book of joel the first chapter verse 9 the meat offering and the drink offering is,joel,1,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 9 if you open your bibles with me to the book of isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 look at acts of the apostles chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7,acts,14,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 7 favor exodus 4 22 and 23 and then,exodus,4,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 22 succeed any longer in jesus name colossians chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,colossians,4,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 5 year say loud amen isaiah chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had,isaiah,50,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 4 john chapter 16 and verse 33 second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 22,galatians,16,33.0,1.0,galatians chapter 16 verse 33 by the time we got to number chapter 11 from verse 10 to 25 numbers 11 verse 10 to 25 he had the anger had grown,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 just borrow a live from yesterday uh proverbs 18 21 says death and life are in the power,proverbs,18,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 in spiritual places ephesians chapter 6 talks about this that may hinder the prayer or the answer,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 joy in the lord isaiah 29 delight in the fear of the lord isaiah 11 pleasures in the presence of the lord psalm 16,isaiah,29,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 1 what's our heart like desperate incurably wicked right jeremiah 79 and of good conscience conscious that to,jeremiah,79,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 79 verse 1 from judah because that same prophecy in genesis 49 says a scepter will not depart from judah until messiah comes,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 is is this galleo and the bema seat so in acts 18 i read to you when galileo was pro council of aca the,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by galatians chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote romans 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 jesus mighty name now in esther chapter six the bible describes,esther,6,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 1 christian the third one on my list is ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 king's way in so many ways it's tragic deuteronomy 17 verse 16 the people wanted a king remember that he shall not,deuteronomy,17,16.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 16 in jesus name while looking at revelation chapter three i'm reading from gospel,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 god the next one says um just yesterday i had an interview for a dream job and i prayed to be favored to be the favorite,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 patient does not take it well then he's not going to be cured philippians 2 which says,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 he eats it to the bottom in fact it's translated in revelation 19 21 by the word and english gorged you don't like,revelation,19,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 21 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from jeremiah let him who boasts boast in the lord and,jeremiah,1,31.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 31 righteous godly people are standing in revelation 15 is a beautiful contrast it says here about those who overcame who,revelation,15,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 15 verse 1 let's see what we can learn together acts 17 is basically the story of the apostle paul bringing the gospel to the,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 "they knew them by name. in acts chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",acts,11,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 19 with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 simply employing human agents here's a fascinating thing in genesis chapter 12 when god told abraham that every place,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 astray isaiah 53 we all as sheep have gone astray we've turned everyone to his own,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 it takes everything away look at that in acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 verse 1. this is one of 11 psalms written by the sons of korah,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 harvest is a son that causes shame proverbs 20 verse 4,proverbs,20,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 4 that long life is there in jesus name look at proverbs chapter 3 proverbs chapter 3,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 had sets here verse and when they had brought them this is let's see here acts 5 and when they had brought them they,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 is what confessed dominion that domino is established in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6. he won anyway,ephesians,2,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 name in jeremiah chapter 5 verse 22 jeremiah chapter 5 and we're reading from verse 22 a perpetual decree don't,jeremiah,5,22.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 22 revelation and i want to read in the book of galatians chapter two um galatians chapter two all right um paul,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 holy so that's a paraphrase of the back half of isaiah 13 so instead of being intimidated by enemies simply regard as,isaiah,13,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 1 what does that mean i'm glad you asked proverbs 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 that hear thee in hebrews chapter 13 verses 8 and 9 hebrews chapter 13 but say jesus christ the same,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 couple and for the lovely wife that you gave to me chapter 13 of joshua says now joshua's was old in advanced in years,joshua,13,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 1 he gives perfect gifts for example in james chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 lord by themselves it says in romans chapter 5 verses 1 until therefore being justified by faith we,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at acts chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,acts,2,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 3 linda ronstadt let me tell you what the bible says listen to this romans 7 18 for i know that in me paul says that,romans,7,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 18 jesus and if god before us romans 8 31 who can be against us,romans,8,31.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 31 to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of romans chapter 12 universe 2 it says be,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 his sermon i love that story but now we come to acts chapter 20 where paul is giving his final words to the leaders of,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 hazard come to the podium in isaiah chapter 55 11 and 12 isaiah 55 11 and 12 so shall my word be,isaiah,55,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 looking at between ezekiel 38 and revelation 16 are not necessarily two distinct wars,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 healed i came for people who are hunting yeah in isaiah 53 masonic prophecy about jesus day is said to to appoint to them,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 also recover your dreams on fisher in genesis chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who,genesis,2,44.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 44 i said tonight in your life ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 i'm going to explain why it is true that in revelation chapter 20 it talks about how and books plural were opened,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 we will come to chapter 4 in the book of genesis and i would like to just mention again something about the purpose for,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 and day and night shall not see now in philippians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,philippians,4,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 15 who is living in darkness and like i said in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light,genesis,1,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 3 romans chapter 6 verse 14. i'm sorry where i got romans 6 14 romans 8 16.,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 i am reading revelation of the one that's for revelation one for i believe you have your bible there if you have,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 verse 14. now i'll start from verse 13 joshua 4 and verse 13,joshua,4,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 13 your oppressors in the mighty name of jesus exodus 14 40 says,exodus,14,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 4 you're the devil your adversary prowls around for sure but romans 8 says that my flesh my selfish will hates god so i,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 general apostasy or defection in the letters to the churches in revelation 2 and 3 there were churches that defected,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 without divine inheritance look at that in genesis chapter 33. genesis 3 and in verse 9 and israel,genesis,33,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 9 look at them carefully romans 12 1 to 2. i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna test you guys to see if you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 that wisdom and isaiah prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,isaiah,11,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 3 one is a personal walk with god ephesians 1 i pray paul says that you may be,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 nine how many aussies appear in the book of revelation red white,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 chosen isaiah 6 talks about a remnant a tenth that will be the faithful so there are,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 that sabbath god and him that servant him no malachi 3 17 and 18 and then chapter four verse one and two he said,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 that's why the bible tells us in proverbs 18 16. it is the gift of a man that maketh room for him,proverbs,18,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 16 20 exodus 23 20 behold i sent angel before thee to keep thee,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 to try to fix what's wrong in society that same chapter of romans 1 gives us our mandate paul says i'm not,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again revelation chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,revelation,7,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 13 "the ministry that we talked about with regard to romans 8 and the holy spirit. but now, we are at a point to begin to find",romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 they're about 300 years and during that period you know you read malachi chapter one and you see israel had drifted away,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 ephesians chapter 1 instead of these psalms it's amazing how many christians live in the old covenant so the lord is,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 thing with what we have read in ephesians 6 12 and this assembly should know that the,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 according to his purpose some people know only romans 8 28 they don't know the next verse,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 scripture yep okay okay so everybody's looking at daniel chapter 8 and daniel has a vision and he sees two beasts he,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 testament verse not in old testament verse romans chapter 2 i don't think any of you would ever quote this verse to a,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 of a priceless redemption look at hebrews chapter 12 verse 2,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 pray genesis chapter 26 from verse one two three we see an,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 romance providence and romance reading from ruth chapter three then naomi her mother,ruth,3,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 1 resist the devil for me the lord says in james 47 you resist the devil or it says god will not allow you to be,james,47,1.0,1.0,james chapter 47 verse 1 the bible let me show you the last promise in the bible revelation 22 the last promise in the bible is in,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 tender words that they comfort us in our sin so let's look at zephaniah chapter one they're gonna have it up on the,zephaniah,1,1.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 1 salvation in the bible you will find it also in romans 3 and philippians 3 it originates with the grace of god,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 what guilty of all of it back to galatians 3 where we read verse 10 as many as are of the works of the law are,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 before you go look at acts chapter 10 a meeting from verse 38 acts chapter 10,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 and that's echoed all through isaiah 34 ezekiel 25 then 35 that will an imminent one that we looked at in the previous,ezekiel,34,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is jeremiah do this is scripture remember so verse 32,jeremiah,36,32.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 36 verse 32 i'm reading from verse 5. deuteronomy chapter 22 we're looking at verse 5,deuteronomy,22,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 he gave them his name look at them using the name acts chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,acts,3,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 6 verse 17. in colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,colossians,3,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 17 almost like this um as i said the the numbers 613 almost like mystical like,numbers,6,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 13 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1yue3ic2qg in deuteronomy 11 verse 26 we read behold i sit before you i sit before you,deuteronomy,11,26.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 26 the lord he is near ezekiel 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn,ezekiel,36,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 9 associate with that person praise the lord so the bible ends in proverbs 23 to has advised that we put a knife to our,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 to take the earth back from satan was looked at revelation 13 the beast and the false prophet are the ones that we,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in james chapter one verse six,james,1,6.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 6 let us say louder amen proverbs 11 and verse 30 he that winners soul is wise please rise up on your feet,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 justified by the law of moses romans chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,romans,3,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 19 persevere i mean even in the very text that was read in hebrews was it hebrews 2 it says right there at the,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 underline that word it must you of isaiah 51 alone alone i called him alone i'm going to refer back again to 1973,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 with a shout of grace grace to it that's zechariah chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,zechariah,4,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 amen said long time battles the bible says in isaiah 10 27 that shall come to pass,isaiah,10,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 "let's look at this second group now. hebrews 11 verse 35. others were tortured,",hebrews,11,35.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 35 family in fact in deuteronomy 23 an interesting little,deuteronomy,23,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 1 everyone from that second death look at hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,hebrews,2,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 a minister in the book of job chapter 36 eli was talking he said i thought old age would,job,36,1.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 1 and nothing can stop him because in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 71 he said to,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 holy ground how holy was the ground where exodus chapter 4 from verse 1 to 20 exodus 4,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 7 hebrews 11 7 it says by faith noah be warned of god of things not sin,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of acts chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 example in daniel chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,daniel,3,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 13 and the attics are you follow mortensen but then by isaiah 40 the bible is not talking about god calling me as an,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 it is for a group of people verse 28 romans 8 28 who love god that means who love god more than they,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 after a fall to rise again in joshua chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after,joshua,8,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 26 that this evening let's be reminded of god's word in genesis chapter 8 and verse 22 he said as long as the earth,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 amen philippians chapter 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every knee,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 welcome into hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 in the nation's so submission to secular authority is ordered by god romans 13 1 and 2 that we just read the authorities,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 courageously boldly lifting up our voices with strength colossians 3 says let the word of christ dwell in you,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 face a future that is worse than dead in hebrews 10 26 it is described if we sin,hebrews,10,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 abraham is an example he called him out in genesis chapter 12 1 to 3 called him down came back to him in,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 so the romans 14 deals with this kind of interplay between what if i feel bad but,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 starts off in different direction proverbs 17 24 david was focused on this goal,proverbs,17,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 24 you a couple of them revelation chapter 13 verse a goes like this revelation chapter 13 verse 8 god is talking about,revelation,13,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 8 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray jeremiah 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,jeremiah,29,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 "3. and in philippians 2 he calls it, ""working out your salvation which god has wrought on",philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 hebrews chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 the scripture says in nehemiah chapter eight let's start at verse six ezra bless the lord the great god all the,nehemiah,8,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 6 that is the key to transformation in isaiah chapter 51 the bible tells us beginning from verse one to three,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 proverbs chapter 3 verse 18 even god almighty the great i am,proverbs,3,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 18 our lives hebrews 11 1 i mean 11 6 and then isaiah 53 1,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 the truth the men and women of faith named in hebrews 11 were people of action god spoke and they obeyed how,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 10 that's who we are and he said to them in malachi chapter 2 1 and 1 to 2 malachi chapter 2,malachi,2,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 1 the law by name and if you just read ephesians 2 if you study nothing else but ephesians 2 it will help you to,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 e all wise god in jude 1 25 told the only wise god our savior be glory a majesty dominion,jude,1,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 25 arm of god praise the lord i want us to read this jude 1 6. then we round up,jude,1,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 6 think we develop that brain it tells us in hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full,hebrews,5,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 word proverbs 4 20 to 22 says my son give attention to my words,proverbs,4,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 2 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom proverbs 1 5. proverbs 9 9,proverbs,1,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 5 captivity in the book of exodus he promised them his external three,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 [music] jesus and as you're turning to romans chapter 8 as you're turning to romans,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 chapter 14 verse 12 in romans chapter 14 verse 12 so then,romans,14,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 12 that he may depart from hell beneath proverbs 15 24 the dead are there,proverbs,15,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 24 the scripture like abraham a dedicated patriarch genesis 2 1 to 4 dedicated peter what of nehemiah with a burning passion,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 when you cry because isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2. isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 made it clear,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 gifts it tells us in romans chapter 1 verse 11 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 11 it says,romans,1,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 11 ezekiel 37 ezekiel 37 from verse one the hand of the lord was upon me,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 paul said something very similar in romans 13 where he said oh nothing to anyone,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 the time to favor her ye the set time is come and in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and our text will be hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12.,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 guinness refresh a memory and mind and it's refresh or spirit with isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 fallen to auskey child,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 god they must bring honor to god the bible says in colossians chapter 3 and verse 22 he said that born servant obey,colossians,3,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 22 says held captive to do his will or how it says it in ephesians 2 following the course of this world following the,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 their good deeds isaiah 1 19 says if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 45 19. further what isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to,isaiah,49,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 some of these challenges to come at us see what the bible says in ephesians chapter 3 verse 10 to 11 of the niv he,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 renew your mind he said in romans 2 romans 12 2 be transformed by the renewing,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in genesis 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,genesis,15,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 15 prophets jonah jonah chapter 3,jonah,3,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 1 without you're looking at a bible i mean ephesians chapter one and two and i want to say again everything i just,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in genesis 27 when you read verse 20,genesis,27,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 2 jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up proverbs 1717 says a friend loves at all times,proverbs,17,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 17 that he had that kind of temper read exodus chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,exodus,32,17.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 17 what he does not want us to access his revelation just knowing what john chapter 1 verse 1,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 give a few examples but from colossians 3 6 on this issue all right so uh 3 to 6 the the greek is,colossians,3,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 6 himself a people for his own possession passionate for good works romans 6 says you were slaves of sin you have now,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 god was with we're looking at acts chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 yeah that's verse 14 colossians 4 14 along with luke demas and luke luke was the closest,colossians,4,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 14 the forgiveness and salvation of the justified he tells us in the romans reading from chapter three and we're,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 three now first fruits unto god let's come to revelation chapter 14,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 just psalm 19 here's galatians 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 judgment in revelation 20 verses verse 12 says there'll be a,revelation,20,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 12 and other prisoners at sea according to acts 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,acts,27,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 14 all things i can do all things through christ who strengthens me colossians chapter 2 colossians chapter 2 i'm,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 one reading from verse 12 colossians chapter one,colossians,1,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 12 look at chapter 3 revelation chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 we shouldn't treat anyone that way matter of fact it says here in ephesians chapter 4 get rid of all bitterness rage,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 you find your name maya after esther after job name chapter four,job,4,1.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 1 causes say and bringeth reports on that home in that family proverbs 19 verse 26 he that wasteth his father you say,proverbs,19,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 26 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity acts 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,acts,13,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 3 but looking at deuteronomy again deuteronomy we're looking at chapter 8 deuteronomy,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 abraham that we all reference genesis chapter 12 i read the new king james version the bible says now the lord had,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 you it's a tooking of himself and we understand from genesis chapter one genesis chapter 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we recognize that there are exceptions to that and we go to acts chapter four and we see the,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 he had a yuna struggle in his life as he depicted in romans chapter 6 and 7 and brothers and sisters i believe we all,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 verse 19 revelation that wamba's 19 with this book of revelation from chapter 1 to chapter 22 has three natural,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 translates to life brought out of bondage by grace galatians chapter 5 verse 1.,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 tonight you'll find this early in acts chapter 16 at 60 very different about 25 paul,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 for you micah 7 verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 i will understand and like they do in revelation 19 appreciate god's judgment one day one day i will look and i will,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 see it in the future again reading from nehemiah chapter 2 and verse 9,nehemiah,2,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 9 speaks to give instruction genesis that one must 11 genesis 31 11 and the angels of god spoke to me in a dream that's,genesis,31,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 11 now praise god proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 the word of god makes it very clear,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 philippians 4 8 philippians 4 8 finally my brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 amongst the works of the flesh in galatians 19 galatians 5 19 to 21,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 ah here it is ah genesis 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,genesis,19,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 24 step into that but it's not just the pastor's job we women as titus 2 says should be so willing so available and,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 [music] ephesians chapter 2 says that we have been saved by grace through faith unto,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 something has changed notice that in genesis 3 it says you're now god put a flaming sword in front of,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 luke chapter 6 verse 12 through 13 sorry leviticus rather leviticus 6 verse 12 to 36 clearly the fire on the altar must,leviticus,6,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 way i've done it and so in acts 2 as we see the church,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 [music] go to psalms 34 1 to 10 when you haven't shout amen,psalms,34,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 1 it tells us and cheering maya chapter 33 and i'm reading from versailles jeremiah chapter 33 and we're looking at each him,jeremiah,33,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 1 among the people then we're in a revival acts chapter 8 beginning from verse 5 philip went down to samaria,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 that we're expecting great things from the lord in ezekiel 34 26 the bible says and i will make them,ezekiel,34,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 26 is the great physician himself the one who said in exodus 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 whole council i'll give you the hebrew roots points in acts 15 and then i'm gonna respond to those points,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to acts chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,acts,1,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 6 the bible we've been able to establish from the leviticus 17 that the blood is important is not life,leviticus,17,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 1 what i'm saying yeah because the bible says god to jonah this is why we should go and immediately jonah was three,jonah,1,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 3 let's say go on to our alphabets a abandon your sins we're looking at job chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse 21,job,22,21.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 21 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living proverbs chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,proverbs,13,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 17 israel that's why such detail is given in ezekiel 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,ezekiel,38,39.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 39 the fifth and final verse that i chose is romans 8 verse 1 which says for there is now no condemnation for those who are,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 reading this direction so revelation chapter 16 look with me at verse 12 to 16.,revelation,16,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 12 what you expect to have as good a genesis chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,genesis,1,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 12 you think his suffering was important and isaiah 53 seems to talk about various aspects of his suffering not,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 yours become so poor that he has to sell part of his property leviticus 25 25 if a countryman of yours become so poor,leviticus,25,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 25 live by that let me give you an example in deuteronomy chapter 28 we see something of the blessings and curses,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 marked by righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit romans 8 speaks of 18 times paul spoke about the holy,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 spend the rest of our time and in ezekiel there are two places we're going to be in ezekiel chapter 3 but in,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 over satan synagogue he tells us in isaiah isaiah chapter 49 verse 23 in isaiah chapter 49,isaiah,49,23.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 23 all thanksgiving have you ever read how often that the evil those in romans chapter 1 they didn't give god thanks,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 others let us look at romans chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and,romans,10,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 4 that he was given a name that was above every other name read it philippians chapter 2 from verse 5 to 11 philippians,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 again the book of ezra coincides with the book of haggai we see this in ezra chapter 4 verse 4 this is what ezra says,haggai,4,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 4 thereby attracting many more to christ it brings about eruption of revelation isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 is this not,isaiah,58,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 heat rises to slaughter the enemy isaiah 64 verse 1 and 2 all that down with us rent the heavens and come down,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 but ephesians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and verse 15.,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 the book of ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 his brother and slew him he killed him hebrews 11 verse 4 records that by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent,hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 similar sentiments in colossians chapter 3 and ephesians 5 we are commanded to praise christ by name to speak of his,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 isaiah 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other,isaiah,43,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 13 like can you guys just get to that place ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 let me read it from here it says bless,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 and to the gentiles amen hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 16,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 is supposed to be a type of the messiah so hebrews 11 verse 23 actually i kind of covered this one so i'm going to move,hebrews,11,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 23 lord and in jeremiah 17 he was going through the exact,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 god that's why the in the book of hebrews the writer says this in hebrews chapter 3,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 this will just be a standalone study on ephesians 4 and so i want to kind of give some context to,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 about is flushing like after the massage in james chapter 4 verse 6 it says but he gives more grace that is why,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 someone ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 11 tells you the story of a valley of dry,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of romans and i remember when we got to verse 8,romans,1,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 8 and that brings us to the second commandment verse 4 of exodus 20 don't make for yourself a carved image now you,exodus,20,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 4 first corinthians 14 pure conduct philippians 1 colossians 1 and then finally we said when you bring someone,2 corinthians,14,1.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 1 behavior daniel 4 34 says at the end of that period i nebuchadnezzar,daniel,4,34.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 34 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in proverbs 11 14 and 24,proverbs,11,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 14 purpose your destiny revelation chapter 4 verse 11,revelation,4,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 11 want to actually go to a old testament scripture here isaiah 5 that talks about god being in search of,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 kings reign by wisdom proverbs 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so,proverbs,8,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 15 because god is sifting god is shaking the book of hebrews chapter 12 we'll get to that,hebrews,12,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 the god of all flesh hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new kingdom's version is furthermore,hebrews,12,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 back to you romans chapter 12 and i'm reading from verses one and 2 romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 the,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life proverbs 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his,proverbs,13,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 3 and the source of truth is the word of god paul reminds us in ephesians 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 yes meadows please no but you four kings what does that mean look at ecclesiastes chapter eight ecclesiastes chapter 8 and,ecclesiastes,8,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 1 as i close tonight i challenge you to look at genesis 42 and even go on into genesis 43 and watch,genesis,42,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 1 probably know it it goes like this romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 things from here in in the book of job one last verse before we finish,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 somebody say solutions proverbs 25 verse 25 proverbs 25 verse 25 he says as,proverbs,25,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 25 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in romans 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 delivering and so we see here in judges um chapter 15 from verse 14.,judges,15,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 14 are going to know in fact we read here in acts chapter 4 the members of the council were amazed when they saw the,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 i just feel like i'm honoring deuteronomy 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would,deuteronomy,6,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 "us, fully divine. isaiah later in chapter 9 added this, ""a child will be born to us, a son will be given to",isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in romans 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 opposed to part which is how it was used in genesis 1 at the creation of the entire earth the truth of genesis 1 is,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 barnabas first of all we see barnabas in acts 4 36 to 37 we see him again in 11 22 acts 11 22 and we see him all throughout,acts,4,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 36 going to be something a lot better than that so isaiah 49 1 gives us the second servant song,isaiah,49,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 when it was sold into slavery in genesis 39 from verse one to six genesis 39 from verse one to six,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 do we find faith in the vision go back to zechariah chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,zechariah,4,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that acts 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,acts,20,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 17 coming to you hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 and i'm reading from personality 7,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 and thou shalt have plenty of silver job 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god,job,22,21.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 21 most notable names in all of scripture hebrews chapter 11 this is known as the faith chapter stretches into the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that shows that you're partial and we read in acts 10 the story of cornelius,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 you're being too sensitive david you're taking this too far daniel 221 says god changes times,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 pilgrims so it is with us were called pilgrims hebrews chapter 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 he wants to find fault this weed is not as one example verse twelve revelation through 12 to the end to the leader of,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in romans chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 the mercy of god can rewrite your story in genesis 27 when you begin to write read from 6 to 36 genesee 27 6 to 30,genesis,27,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 6 uproots mountains number three nehemiah chapter 2 verses 4 all through to,nehemiah,2,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 feel god has asked me to share we are in the book of isaiah chapter 21 and verse 6.,isaiah,21,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 21 verse 6 amen let's look at the book of genesis genesis 4 4 to 5 and eben,genesis,4,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 4 from um esther chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,esther,10,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 3 says in one acts 20 21 there are only two messages i preach,acts,20,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 21 understanding daniel is also an example in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel,daniel,1,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 17 time of my temptation let me read that again in hebrews chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,hebrews,2,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 18 this is acts 16 4 5 decrees for to keep,acts,16,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 4 we have been told it's deuteronomy chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.,deuteronomy,5,32.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 32 women's ministry in a local church designs a titus two ministry trains titus two leaders and facilitates,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 because the passage that i quoted from titus chapter 2 says he gave himself that he might purify his own special,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 of testimony the format of testimony genesis 17 17.,genesis,17,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 17 principles for only living this is how we practice righteousness romans 12 verse one and two that i read earlier,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 is what i speak by the way jonah in chapter 2 borrowed i think from this very,jonah,2,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 1 it to help the poor hebrews 13 6 13 16 sorry,hebrews,13,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 in colossians chapter 2 reading from verse 7 colossians chapter 2,colossians,2,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 7 made themselves filthy vile and he restrained them not proverbs 13 verse 24 correct,proverbs,13,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 24 they had this celebration and this is what it says in ezra 3 chapter 3 11 it says and they sang,ezra,3,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 11 move on i want us to meet mordecai quickly we're gonna be back in esther chapter 2,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 acts chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15,acts,13,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 15 paul accepted this calling and in romans chapter 1 he says this chapter 1 verse,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 impossible thing but i want you to see in genesis 11 how they did this and you'll see from,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 isaiah isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says,isaiah,58,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 5 to be ephesians 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,ephesians,4,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,deuteronomy,18,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 9 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in isaiah 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,isaiah,28,23.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 23 straight now remember i read you earlier right from isaiah chapter 40 the opening and then down in verses 9 and 10 isaiah,isaiah,40,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 9 god delivers me from this body right romans 15 i mean sorry first corinthians 15 talks about it it said consider this,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 place at the end of revelation chapter 3 and at the beginning of revelation chapter 4,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 little finally perfect in the image of god see the progression in genesis 1 this is the message of the bible in a,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 "every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, romans 12, starting in verse four it says,",romans,12,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 4 believer we are being redeemed from the course of the law according to galatians 3 and 13 but at ways you can open doors,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 understand that they are as i quoted earlier romans 13 1 servants of god the powers that be are ordained of god and,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 they've been there for thousands of years these words i'm reading in isaiah 66 they've been there for,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 hebrews chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 lord sorry proverbs 1 7 proverbs 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 want to read from the book of acts we're gonna go acts 9 and 1 we're gonna read about saul who turns out to be paul now,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 joshua you see because when you read the numbers chapter 13,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 was that way too because the whole story of balaam is recorded in numbers chapters 22 to 24 so you can go back and,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 six i'm reading from verse five isaiah chapter six verse five,isaiah,6,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 5 family my tax is in the book of genesis i'm reading to you genesis chapter one very common passage that all of us will,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in exodus chapter 23 verse 25.,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 their concern let's come back to revelation chapter 6 and bastiana,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 genesis chapter one one two three genesis chapter one one two three that's the series my father and a lot of,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 paul said in in philippians 3 verse 5 and 6 i was a hebrew of hebrews as to the law a pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the,philippians,3,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 5 the leader said brother zack doesn't it say in acts 2 44 that all those who believed,acts,2,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 44 when he declared himself the messiah james was not a believer in fact in one instance in the gospel,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 the king after he repented he says in daniel 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,daniel,4,35.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 35 you have a couple scriptures like in the ezekiel passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,ezekiel,22,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 3 genesis 1 that's really the truth in genesis 1 now do you think god 1/2 created man so,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 identity of the new man in galatians chapter 2 galatians chapter 2 verse,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 together from daniel chapter six and in daniel chapter six i'm gonna,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 product of the month checkmate galatians chapter 3 that's the product of the month,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 breakthrough the book of deuteronomy chapter 34 deuteronomy chapter 34 i want to quickly,deuteronomy,34,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 1 he was also a nobody in four summer chapter 16 proverbs 1 to 13 fourth semester 16 from verse 1 to 13,proverbs,16,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 1 we renew the mind let me start at a scripture found in the book of psalms 46 verse 10 and this is what it says it,psalms,46,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 46 verse 1 kingdom for one thousand years revelation chapter 20 verse one to six that's about taught us about that that,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 all of the systems of this world jesus is going to come back again in daniel chapter 7 we read of the fifth kingdom,daniel,7,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 5 chapter 3 13 to 18 daniel 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,daniel,3,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 13 to you but i want you to hear them again romans 12 romans 12 very beloved portion of,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 verses 26 and 27 where daniel speaks about the prince of the people that shall come,daniel,1,26.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 26 the phone mention the name of jesus you'll be healed i come into your acts chapter 4 look at the result of that,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 in all areas of life psalms 110 from verse 1 to 3 paraphrased the lord,psalms,110,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 110 verse 1 the to the two steps that people do to say there's no evidence for the exodus one they ignore the biblical date of the,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 you say really oh proverbs 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 he multiply i will multiply him the result is that according to genesis 24,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again titus chapter 3 verse 5,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 hello there amen zephaniah 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee he is mighty,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the first thing pastor tyler talked about last week acts chapter 9 is paul's conversion on the road to damascus,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 that has a human thinker,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 right to reject the authority of the wife it says in ephesians 6 and 1 children obey your parents,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 israel to the rest so they came to exodus 15 and began to praise god to sing,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 to them let's use this opportunity and there is a verse in scripture in psalms um chapter 9 verses 9 and 10.,psalms,9,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 9 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is job 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,job,42,2.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 2 other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 psalms 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me,psalms,16,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 7 afterwards built thine house that you ecclesiastes chapter 9 a meeting from verse 10 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10,ecclesiastes,9,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 1 the lord your god it says again in deuteronomy 24 that when you bring the harvest in,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 to elect people to salvation ephesians 1 blessed be the god and father of our,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 restoration restoration isaiah chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,isaiah,1,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 26 i'm going to know this morning look at exodus chapter 23 i'm reading from verse 20 extra most chapter 23 a meaning from,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 because that comes from malachi we'll go there next malachi 1 you'll want to turn there in your bibles malachi chapter 1,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 from verse 32 to 42 acts 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,acts,9,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 32 and we have a wonderful scripture in acts chapter 1 verse 8 and their dreams but you shall receive power when the,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 it was the glory of god's people in deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 5 through 8 moses,deuteronomy,4,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 5 you know and do not do do you have a proof text for that yeah james 120 to be doers of the word and not hearers only,james,120,1.0,1.0,james chapter 120 verse 1 sinners to repentance he introduced himself as that position that jeremiah prophesied about in jeremiah chapter 8,jeremiah,8,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 1 god speaks loudness at the end habakkuk chapter two verse one two three,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 we're coming now to colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 30 jeremiah 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells,jeremiah,30,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 god we learn from hebrews 11 verse 6 and hope does not disappoint us romans hammers in chapter five but a faith hope and love,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 it in romans 11 paul is talking about initial salvation and which parts of,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 to free you of that the third one hebrews 10 hebrews 10 36 it says this you need listen you need to,hebrews,10,36.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 a title type thing i have a problem with this because if you read genesis 14 we have lots of guys who it says they're,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 um but there's more so isaiah 45 22 it says turn to me and be saved all the ends of,isaiah,45,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 22 not coming down praise god yet so you guys like in this hebrews 11 pretty neat stuff there's more so,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 psalms 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin,psalms,16,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 13 let's look at our last two commandments exodus chapter 20 verses 16 and 17 can we have angela at the group please,exodus,20,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 16 when looking at verse 10 it says in romans chapter 3 verse 10 as it is reaching where is it written,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 you can't kill somebody's already dead galatians chapter 2 verse 20 valishia 2 verse 24 say i am crucified with christ,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 why why did he die turn with me to galatians chapter one [music],galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 "as anywhere, by the prophet zechariah. in zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10 we read this, looking at the future, ""i will pour",zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 giants daniel chapter 12 verse 3 death that be wise shall shine as the brightness of,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 and the book of romans 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,romans,1,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 18 reading from verse 8 philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,philippians,2,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 8 jonah's angry and that's what he's angry about in this passage jonah 4 9 he's mad about the plant because the plant gave,jonah,4,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 9 makes you know and all this makes you think of romans 9 but who are you o man to answer back to god,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 of christ on the earth explicitly and exactly as revelation 20 describes it and that in that one to thousand year reign of christ on,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 it's difficult to understand in romans chapter 9 speaks about the sovereign choice of god of his people,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 one the book of jonah in chapter one,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 and everywhere proverbs chapter 17 17 proverbs chapter 17,proverbs,17,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 17 you're healed in jesus name look at jeremiah chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah,jeremiah,17,14.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 14 imputed in your life in jesus name in philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 and this is for somebody in particular genesis 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 fulfillment by the way of ezekiel 36 and 37. for 2500 years from 586 bc until 1948,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 "things, even the deep things of god."" i think whenever i read that of romans 8 verse 26 and 27 where it talks about the spirit making",romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 chapter 5. so you can turn with me before we go back to revelation james chapter 5 tells me,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 description of the day of atonement found in leviticus 23 and there's a little nugget there you,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 giving back to a child in isaiah 66 verse 7 and 8 before she travailed she brought forth,isaiah,66,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 7 in daniel chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal,daniel,12,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 4 wickedness deceit and he records this in jeremiah 9 verses 17 and 18. let me read it to you,jeremiah,9,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 17 of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of jeremiah 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made,jeremiah,31,31.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31 goes on outside of the body of christ if we go to daniel chapter 2 and i'm not going to put it up on the screen but you,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 that's exactly what paul the apostle did look at ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3 we're looking at,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 and here we read of something that is even earlier than genesis chapter 1 verse 1 this is actually the first verse,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 now even as he is pure isaiah chapter 30 verse 26 is talking about the glory of,isaiah,30,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 26 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in acts chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,acts,19,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 15 to the church the bible tells in the book of acts 4 and verse 4,acts,4,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 4 romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 just read to you revelation 22 11. you wrongdoers,revelation,22,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 11 um finally let's just open to ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 10,ecclesiastes,10,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1 of the gospel the good news of christ everything paul calls women to in titus 2 living a godly life an exemplary life,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 this is a powerful word from a man who had revelation in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 desperately sick but proverbs 4 23 says the springs of life flow,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 from ethiopia and we read in acts chapter 8 verse 39 after he,acts,8,39.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 39 the company you keep in the book of proverbs chapter 13 verse 20. proverbs chapter 13 verse 20.,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 to amos chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,amos,4,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 6 the spiritual meaning of that sabbath the bible says in colossians 2 that the sabbath was only a shadow of what is,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 in the church of christ we're looking at galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8,galatians,2,8.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 8 genesis 49 read from verse 1 let's open the bible to genesis 49 i'm speaking to you on the beast,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 we're not getting into that today in the book of genesis chapter 12 verses 1 to 3 genesis,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 then i back up to verse one hebrews chapter 2 verse for god also bearing witness both were,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 in jeremiah chapter 8. verse 22. jeremiah 8 22. he said is there no bombing gilead,jeremiah,8,22.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 22 prayer he in the by the name of jesus spirit of revelation 4 oh pour my life down in the mighty name of jesus christ,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 tonight yeah genesis 13 from verse 14 bible talks about the encounter of abraham are,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 um i will supply all your needs that's philippians 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages,philippians,4,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 19 unto you it tells us in acts chapter 2 and we're reading from verstappen 7 acts chapter 2 we're reading from verse 37,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 walk with god ephesians 3 17 to be filled uh first first of all ephesians 2 6 he has raised us up with him,ephesians,3,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 god of the proper interpretation of the word of god let's come back to james chapter three james chapter three and,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 the origin in genesis chapter 1 verse 1 genesis 1 verse 1 the bible says,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle hebrews chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,hebrews,5,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 you look through the same book of galatians he says verse 25 but now that faith has come we are no longer under a,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 and as we do his wisdom to engage the admonition of scriptures in ephesians 5 20 where we are told to say giving,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 verse 27 daniel chapter 4 reading from verse 27 is,daniel,4,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 27 two names that is related to jesus in that passage revelation 19 11 to 16 in that passage at the end verse 16 he says,revelation,19,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 11 is going to be central it says in zechariah chapter nine and nine listen he speaks about his first coming and,zechariah,9,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 1 it also says the same thing in revelation chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,revelation,12,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 9 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to genesis chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,genesis,50,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 19 nature all of that so i see what i think is a key concept in romans twelve verses one and two key for the christian life,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 happening here is there some kind of a new revelation coming to man and the four corners of the sheet just simply,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 the blessing that we read about in genesis 1 is replaced with a curse man and woman who were created to live,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 praise the lord i want you to turn to revelation chapter 6 here tonight with me as we continue with this bible study,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 or what is lame in malachi 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness,malachi,1,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 13 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of revelation reading from verse 7,revelation,22,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 7 [music] god's word speaking in job 36 11 says if they obey,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness proverbs 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,proverbs,27,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 5 2 that relates to this evidential apologetic stuff hebrews 2 3 it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 maybe the best way to start explaining it is to have you turn to romans 5 romans chapter 5 and here it jumps out,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 and it all starts when you're born proverbs 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,proverbs,22,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 15 and we're reading from verse 12. galatians chapter 4,galatians,4,12.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 12 i'm going to read from colossians 1. colossians 1 from verse 9. he says for this course with also,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 control of all of this and he's revealing in daniel 2,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 genesis 39 from verse 1 to 6 genesis 39 1 to 6 as a slave he became chief of forced,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 and it's not consensual i've heard genesis 19 sodom and gomorrah that the lord wasn't angry at the act of,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in james 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 along we'll be looking at acts chapter 18 and a little bit into acts chapter 19.,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 said in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light and there was light in james chapter 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 place of authority listened to colossians 1 18. he is the head of the body of the church he is the beginning,colossians,1,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 18 proverbs 4 18 proverbs 4 18 but the path of the jaws,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 in him if you also read romans 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says therefore,romans,5,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 18 chapter 14 verse 13 in revelation chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,revelation,14,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 13 listen to this key verse galatians 3 5 does he who supplies the spirit to you,galatians,3,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 5 romans 12 2 romans 12 2 be not conformed,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 this grieves me you know what you need to spend time in romans chapter six there's got to be a burial verse three,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 or the fella from music lab is godzilla ephesians 2 verse 8 ephesus i act by grace are you saved through,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 vision we're looking at romans chapter one i meet from verse 13 romans chapter one,romans,1,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 13 excessive chapter 12 verse 7 ecclesiastes 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn,ecclesiastes,12,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 between this verse and the one we just read in joshua 6. jesus is coming back for us,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 "1 thessalonians, 1 corinthians, romans 13, colossians 4. watch and pray, watch and pray, be on the",romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 as the layout is concerned jesus said in acts 18 he said you shall be my witnesses speaking to the disciples you,acts,18,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 1 book of hebrews and one to pass has really been began to stick with me in hebrews is in hebrews chapter 1 which is where,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 go to one corinthians in chapter there's a lot more in isaiah 51 i would encourage you to,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 peek a little bit of spiritual sleep solomon's hidden proverbs 6 a little sleep a little slumber a little folding,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about romans 6 7 and 8.,romans,6,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 7 university in 2013 and all efforts to secure a good job proved abortive,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,proverbs,11,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 he has a question,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 watching that's the great question today in proverbs 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,proverbs,21,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 2 are we one of them and galatians chapter five,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in acts chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,acts,20,35.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 35 romans 12 6 6 7 and 8 romans 12 6 7 and 8 was talking to us about the fact that,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 it shall speak and hebrews chapter 10 and verse 23,hebrews,10,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 23 could decide to carry out that and enforce it my arms and then in zechariah 14 the lord says concerning jerusalem,zechariah,14,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 1 of god impacted romans chapter 14 10 and 30 romans 14 verse 10 entity it we impact knowledge number 5 it will cause you to,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 and then in ephesians chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,ephesians,6,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 perish the bible tells me proverbs i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever touched,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 the lord's and the fullness thereof haggai chapter 2 verse 8 i got chapter 2 verses silvus mine said,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 spirit to seal us to eternal glory as paul says in ephesians 1 the whole trinity has designed the plan chosen,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 to life and it is the resurrection being told in all of creation which romans 1 tells us all of creation is telling us,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 just want to say one more thing in romans in joshua 13 1 joshua was old and advanced in years and the lord says,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 and to give his life a ransom for many hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 to appropriate it so when you find scriptures like isaiah 53 and verse 5 first peter 2 and 24,isaiah,53,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 comes back really this is a prayer that was first prayed in isaiah 64 isaiah 64 1 and 2 says oh that you would rend the,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 you know in joshua chapter 10 10 to 14 joshua 10 10 to 14 at 85 he got the monkey,joshua,10,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 1 going to look up that verse actually it's exodus chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have,exodus,9,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 9 verse 15 our explain and bring this to a close the bible says in proverbs 24 i think understand is that if you fail in the,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 now i have to note this by the time you get to the another minor prophet nahum that's that's 150 years later nahum is,nahum,1,1.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 1 numbers 18 20 is a lovely verse in the book of numbers you read there about the lord telling air,numbers,18,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 2 is there not a cause in philippians 1 17 paul says knowing that i am put here or sat here for the,philippians,1,17.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 17 chapter 10 in romans chapter 10 we're reading from verse,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 that is desperately wicked that is why in ezekiel 36 from verse 24 to 26,ezekiel,36,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 24 him abraham my servant praise god hallelujah amen isaiah 41 verse 8,isaiah,41,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 8 link between light and joy you want a biblical support esther chapter 8 from verse 15 to 16 esther chapter 8 from,esther,8,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 15 because she was afflicted with barriness to such an extent genesis 31 genesis 31 rachel rushed to jacob give me a child,genesis,31,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 1 on every side in acts chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,acts,14,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 3 some patterns that had been prescribed. the law required back in leviticus 24 that anyone who was stoned be stoned outside the,leviticus,24,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 1 ezekiel was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter,ezekiel,18,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 has visited in his anger he says in a job 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,job,35,16.0,1.0,job chapter 35 verse 16 in esther chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady,esther,5,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 2 of 1 corinthians are different than those of acts 2. paul himself speaks of different kinds of,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 immediately and not only that he said in hebrews eight well i will not remember your sins anymore so if i take,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 and move things around yeah uh in exodus 14 it was the issuing the blue queens,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 the book of daniels daniel chapter six daniel chapter six i will read from verse one,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 [music] james chapter 1 and i'm going to read the,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 reading from verses 4 and 5 galatians chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,galatians,2,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 4 come again this promise is personalized because it says in acts chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up,acts,1,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 11 particular well if you go with me to genesis 49 i want you to turn there because i want you to see this in,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 is what defines that man's reality proverbs 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart,proverbs,27,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 23 remember mount sinai exodus chapter 19 where the law was given,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 praise the lord and you remember the book of esther 2 extra 14 6 the reason why,esther,2,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 6 son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure job 25 6 it says how much less a man who is,job,25,6.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 6 of lies and half truths right and of course in ephesians verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of,ephesians,12,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 12 verse 6 life of character life of integrity will yield good success joshua chapter one and verse number eight it said this book,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 his top most requirement the jeremiah 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,jeremiah,7,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 23 " to yeah to so, he sees genesis 6 and 19 as perverted inversions of each other. and notice in that story in sodom lot",genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 be solution in genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 3. genesis,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 account but right her view of galatians 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 proverbs chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17. don't forget that he said clearly you,proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 of god you give to those lunch marks in proverbs chapter 22 verse 28 proverbs 22,proverbs,22,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 28 his body read hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews chapter 10 verse 5.,hebrews,10,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 do before that they celebrate passover in the book of joshua chapter five when josiah reforms the nation and they have,joshua,5,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 1 eternity it tells us revelation chapter two revelation chapter two,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 look at job chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,job,34,31.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 31 annihilation the lake of fire isaiah says is a fire isaiah 66 that will,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 gathering of more teachers allowed amen in job 37 of our study to verse 22 is a fair way that comment out of the north,job,37,22.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 22 come out of our mouths and so this is a big issue in proverbs chapter 5 verse 1 my son give attention,proverbs,5,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 1 turn with me to james in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if,james,1,26.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 26 [music] the pastor in charge of you proverbs 1 assistant pastor in charge of religion,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 right and i will now i will not forget you absolutely deuteronomy chapter 8 talks about do not forget the lord,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 spot on awesome um so yeah um so in genesis chapter 49 jacob's on his deathbed he's about to,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 and as we do that we're reminded from the book of psalms 34 and verse 1 the word of god declares i will bless,psalms,34,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 1 let's commit ourselves in in proverbs chapter 16 the bible says the preparation of the,proverbs,16,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 1 paul goes on to say in the very next verse romans chapter 12 verse 1 i appeals to you therefore brothers by the,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and duplicity of lawless undependable tongues james chapter three we're looking at verse 9.,james,3,9.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 9 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to romans chapter one we're reading from verse 3,romans,1,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 3 answered and i'll just show you that in a moment in hebrews and chapter five it's always been a,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 unto god god's word says in the book of psalms 62 and verse 5 i will,psalms,62,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 62 verse 5 every verse but if you get an overall picture of romans you'll be able to fill in the blanks romans chapter 7 speaks,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 because the lord has rejected them romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,romans,1,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 28 comfort upon mount zion that is why the word of god declares to us in isaiah chapter 42 verse 21 down to verse 23,isaiah,42,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 21 that in your heart it is done it cares at hand was the case in genesis chapter eleven pick it off from us one but verse,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 look at ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,ecclesiastes,11,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 4 terrible if i read to you jeremiah 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6,jeremiah,17,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 5 obstacles to miracles daniel 16 daniel 16 daniel 16,daniel,16,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 16 verse 1 throughout these years i've loved the truth of isaiah 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,isaiah,45,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 3 we find the angel that came to daniel in chapter 10 is continuing his message to daniel,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 the law is not a faith the works in philippians chapter 2 are works of faith works that are not of faith our works of,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 that's why god gives us dual and multiple elders turn to acts chapter 20 in acts chapter 20 paul is telling the,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 is penal and substitutionary but the strongest case will be isaiah 53 that in the old testament and that's going to be,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 in exodus chapter 4 verse 10 to 17 exodus for 10 to 17 when god was sending moses to have faced pharaoh moses toward,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 majestic faith elijah is not found in hebrews 11 if i thought he written hebrews 11 hardly put anybody in it that,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 what if we truly were filled with christ and his light i think of romans chapter 12,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 that upheld god in high esteem genesis 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 haid hedge is down now turn to me to proverbs seven and we're going to we're going to shift gears here and start,proverbs,7,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 1 one prayer point and we are done colossians chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of isaiah chapter 8 and verse 16.,isaiah,8,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 16 this is why here's clip 18. paul says in romans 2 glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good for,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 under a speech look at verse 14 of that hebrews chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,hebrews,2,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 family okay uh so god's family going back to that acts chapter two that we're reading we saw actually two,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 us in the heavenly places ephesians 2 verse 6 and that's why it says in colossians chapter 3 if you are risen with christ,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 all over the old testament okay and in isaiah chapter 11 and chapter 42 the prophet isaiah would prophesy about,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 and the land to possess us possession obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 even as we know that our kingdom,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 then he goes immediately to arabia and acts chapter 9 kind of references this this is from the year like 34 to 37 but,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 anything would be our god in that book of deuteronomy chapter 5 bucks on red you see that determining chapter five,deuteronomy,5,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 1 in fact when they're threatened in the book of acts peter himself is the one who leads the prayer after they get,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 out of water genesis chapter 2 verse 10 test me so genesis chapter 2 verse 10.,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought numbers 23 and verse 23,numbers,23,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 23 consider exodus chapter 40. read the story from verse 1 to 28 exodus 14 from verse 1,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of genesis chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,genesis,18,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 2 tama the story is found in genesis 38 and you can read it at some point,genesis,38,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 38 verse 1 he'll enlarge our capacity you see 32 years ago joel and i could never handle what's going on in our life today it,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 his grace will purify you isaiah chapter 6 isaiah chapter 6,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 day of wrath the day of wrath and revelation in romans two and the great day of god almighty they knew what the,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 right so let's go ahead and unpack that like i said esther 7 is a major turning point in the story if this was a movie i,esther,7,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 1 i'll give you my personal conviction it says here is a verse in exodus in chapter 12 and verse 40 which says that,exodus,12,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 4 romans chapter 15 verse 4 romans 15 4 everyone makes mistakes yet not everyone learns from them,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 you're distracted i want to go to genesis 11 and i'm gonna turn there to 11 are you distracted that's closed doors,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 "that's what peter said. revelation 20 says it, 21 says it, 22 says it.",revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 some say it was just titus in 70 a.d titus himself walked into the temple this is all we get from josephus is that,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 the last chapter of luke 24 is all about his resurrection and then in acts 2 is the birth of the church it's the,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 resurrection of condemnation and john the beloved in the book of revelation chapter 20 and verse 12,revelation,20,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 12 will become a standing kingdom daniel 12 3 you can become a star your stature,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 destination god has determined for us in romans 8 verse 29 that we should be conformed to the image of jesus christ,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 war against their soul or colossians 3 put to death therefore what is earthly in you,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 and we said that in genesis 14 we read the story of mercy deck for the,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 right with what bible says in the book of philippians 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 in our life was destroyed so and the bible said in revelation chapter 1 verse 5 to 6 revelation chapter 1 was fight to,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 verse 16 acts chapter 3 verse 16. and his names through faith in his name,acts,3,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 16 numbers that he was speaking of he talks about the numbers five one five and listen you can hear how those numbers,numbers,5,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 1 a acts chapter 20 reading from verse 35 acts chapter 20 seek the expansion of the kingdom of god seek the,acts,20,35.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 35 some context for you from the book of haggai now to look at structure so in chapter one which we're going to be,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 we're the ones that disqualify ourselves half the time and in romans chapter 6 verse 26 that says for the wages of sin,romans,6,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 26 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,jeremiah,9,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 19. here's the romans 8 28 genesis 15 20. you,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 of the types that represent him and that's actually important hebrews one will eventually get there but it,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 experience growth in acts chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said they were together in one accord,acts,1,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 14 acts one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 perfectly predicts the payment of thirty pieces of silver isaiah 53 spoke of his sacrificial death by the by paying the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 he didn't just decide it now ah time will not help me look at hebrews hebrews chapter number four,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and you get a picture of it in the book of ezekiel i think it's 9 through 11 if i remember right it,ezekiel,9,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 11 ourselves anymore we're seeking of the people that jesus died for in romans chapter 14 reading from verse 7 it says,romans,14,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 7 is something we all should know by heart joshua 1 8 this book of the law,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 somehow luke knows but jesus never did somehow jesus quotes isaiah 49 but doesn't read two verses prior like is,isaiah,49,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 2 of all events in our lives it says in daniel chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,daniel,2,22.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 22 now the bible says in acts chapter one verse 8.,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 years put him into his body resurrect him and revelation 20 says he'll stand before god in the day of judgment why,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 they declared the same thing listen to jeremiah 11 4 listen to my voice,jeremiah,11,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 11 verse 4 time will not permit tonight but when you read uh read hebrews chapter 12 and i think verse 16,hebrews,12,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 16 at malachi chapter 3 malachi malachi chapter,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 persecution again but this time ending up in martyrdom acts 6 11 says they persuaded men to lie about stephen,acts,6,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 11 devil so in ezekiel 28 we read because he was so gifted not only that on top of all,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 i'm so grateful to god thank you jesus psalms 9 1 and 2 says i will praise you o lord with my whole heart i will tell,psalms,9,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 1 walls are torn down and he prays to god and nehemiah chapter 1 and then he goes to the king in nehemiah chapter 2 and he,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 courage and commitment in the ministry acts chapter 5 verse 29 in acts chapter 5 verse 29 then peter and the other,acts,5,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 29 at all they are at the edge untrue the lord look at this image chapter 2 acts of the apostles chapter tube and we're,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 your time is different for god's time athleticism chapter 3 verse 11 ephesians chapter 3 verse 11,ephesians,3,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 11 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy 8 verse 18 says he's the one who gives you the,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 forward the holy spirit stopped them acts 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped,acts,16,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 6 scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in revelation chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i,revelation,7,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 9 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased revelation 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,revelation,22,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 19 jesus is my senior brother he is a firstborn in a family romans chapter 8 verse 29.,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 that people will come into the new covenant which is this see hebrews in chapter eight what it says about this,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 genesis 16 genesis 16 we see that the book of genesis 16 um the chapter there opens,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 you see this this joshua said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,joshua,24,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 15 words is dead also i want you to look at titus chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so romans seven four says therefore my brethren you also,romans,7,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 4 you his will as is the new covenant promise in hebrews 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,hebrews,8,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 11 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 need revival we need renewing we need restoration isaiah 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 heavens and all hosts in them nehemiah 9 through 6 you put 9 to 6 genesis 1 is not as clear are the hosts,nehemiah,9,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 6 chapter 10 of acts acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet speak these words,acts,10,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 44 revelation that prophecy is the reason they could not believe for isaiah said again and here's a quote from isaiah 6,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 leviticus 26 i also will do this unto you we even,leviticus,26,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and kind of tying everything i just said isaiah 56 isaiah 56 there's a warning but don't worry there's encouragement,isaiah,56,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 1 least 12 maybe maybe maybe more than that i don't know the exact numbers i don't care to actually but we have,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 not the rich man glory in his riches it tells us in galatians chapter 5,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 he died and obtained for us revelation 5 12. power,revelation,5,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 12 from this week's message be warned okay it is james chapter four so it's not exactly,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 james chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,james,3,17.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 17 been a christian now for six years and i still haven't found out who leviticus is well leviticus of course is not a man,leviticus,1,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 1 35 16 to 20 genesis 35 16 to 20 she died drawing child labor,genesis,35,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 16 with reverence for christ which by the way is where we started in titus 2 older women be reverent in behavior i,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 i've seen this one a lot so what's the revelation passage revelation chapter 1 i believe it's,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 six i was found blameless he testified before a high priest in acts chapter 23 and verse 1 i have lived with a,acts,23,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 1 incorrect the answer is c proverbs 12 verse next question question 8,proverbs,12,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 8 the whole understanding we're going to start in the book of genesis chapter one and there's no other place to start uh,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the sons of god i do lean towards thinking these sons of god in genesis 6 are angelic beings that is my that is my,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 will you please turn to the last book of the bible revelation revelation chapter 14 we will read from,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 glimpse of heaven but listen carefully revelation 21 8 but for the cowardly,revelation,21,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 8 what it says in zechariah 3 and 1 and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord,zechariah,3,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 1 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in colossians chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 israel in numbers 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4,numbers,11,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 4 3 we are going to read from 17 psalm 219 genesis 3 and unto adam he said before that as,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 i'm not going to preach from romans 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,romans,8,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 4 i wanted to see what he said about romans 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 no you say what about one faith okay look at romans chapter 3 because we're gonna see that in paul's mind same thing,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 from 17 to 25 and you compare ai 8 which acts chapter 12 from verse 1 to 11 acts chapter 12 verse,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 verse 3 says this verse to continue in prayer same thought as acts 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly they were doing it,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 commands from romans chapter 12. three simple commands if you want to overcome,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 through this prophetic season in acts chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 none of us will be disappointed on that day revelation 16 15 behold i come,revelation,16,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 15 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in romans chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,romans,7,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 15 habakkuk chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 to remind us about daniel in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,daniel,6,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 12 correction reverses for beneficial quiet time and we're looking at jeremiah chapter 7,jeremiah,7,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 1 that you say lord i must have these look at hebrews chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14,hebrews,13,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 accelerated progress because in esther chapter 2 from verse 15 to 18 esther chapter 2 from verse 15,esther,2,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 15 to as many as well as given him yagi be everlasting life acts chapter 10 piscotty age acts chapter 10 verse 30,acts,10,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 3 answer that question i want you to look at philippians chapter 2 philippians chapter 2.,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 used when he said i am were the same words that god used in exodus 3 verse 14 when he said to moses i am and those two,exodus,3,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 14 you to where you are today for example in exodus chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10 exodus chapter 2,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 are watching or will watch this this recording and i want to go to ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 this is my my last,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 self to control there's others love p.m. in galatians 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 this city but things did not go as planned look at jonah four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city,jonah,4,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 5 and then another 40 years came let's read up from exodus chapter 3 from verse 1. another cycle came another 40,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 eventually you find when you come to revelation chapter 21 22 then you find here is the consummation of all the,revelation,21,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 22 fairly and so i i don't like i look at isaiah 3 12 and i think i don't think this has a lot to say about the topic,isaiah,3,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 3 verse 12 verse 24. isaiah chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say,isaiah,33,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 24 remember very well when i was 17 because joseph was 17 in genesis 37 when his story was written,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 "offered a sacrifice to god, a picture of him. i'm sure he went to genesis 22 and said that the ram caught in the bush who substituted",genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 in our hearts jeremiah 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 who were the anakites uh in genesis chapter six is the first time were introduced to them,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 argument's interesting but that's genesis 1 and genesis 1 and genesis 2 are very,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the book of philippians 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 about that even in the old testament it says in proverbs chapter 23 proverbs 23,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 from verse 1 to exodus chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from,exodus,4,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 2 how they get mother god smuggled into romans 1 here's what they say from their website god created all living things,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 this is what god said what happened zechariah 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,zechariah,12,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 provoking the angels of god in ephesians chapter 4 verse 30,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 with uh yeah it's like that isaiah 53 we quoted earlier versus four to five,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 to add yes um it just also takes me back to the book of joshua in verse 8 which says,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 and god offers choice to adam and eve and we see in genesis 3 satan comes along and he lies and he distorts what,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 known it's the fulfillment of malachi look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 others and that is a very greatest it's one of the calling in the book of isaiah 61 verse 1 said the anointing of the,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 create the wonders of habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 2 to 19 in your life,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 god as we see from the book of jeremiah jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah chapter one we start reading,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 in the philippians chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let,philippians,1,27.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 27 i'm sure if i asked you in 2 0 years of history since acts chapter 2 what revival took place in the streets of,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 from grace it says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the just,hebrews,10,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 3 show you another story esther turn with me to esther chapter 2 as the test esther chapter 2 esther is a,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 resolved in what is going on and we see this in judges 8 with gideon these men were upset that gideon was,judges,8,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 1 but we don't want to miss it and in hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 the man inside the grace of god look at romans chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,romans,5,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 17 for you uniqueness of how to put can you pray in the name of jesus um exodus chapter 31 i've read from verse one,exodus,31,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 31 verse 1 but you know almost 20 times in the book of hosea you get the word whoredom,hosea,1,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 1 but it didn't last long both in isaiah 10 and in isaiah 29 one word gets added to the phrase in a,isaiah,10,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 1 far so in genesis 3 we find out that it's an innocent animal exodus 12 we find out,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 let's say i don't believe in amen zephaniah 3 17 the lord god the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 coming to you that is coming to me in isaiah chapter 28 verse 10 isaiah please,isaiah,28,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 1 order philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 my prayer for the psf,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 people of israel in exodus chapter 5 verse 1 exodus chapter 5 verse 1,exodus,5,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 1 turn your bible with me to galatians chapter 6 galatians chapter 6.,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 god religion then consider it today for example in exodus chapter 3 verse 1 to fine thank you father,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth romans 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in romans 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and,romans,1,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 12 chapter 20 we're looking at verse 10 revelation chapter 20 and we're reading from verse 10,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 the beginning of wisdom proverbs 19 the fear of the lord is the beginning,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 unto the end in jesus name revelation chapter 17 verse 14 revelation,revelation,17,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 14 consider when making decisions and in proverbs 4 you can read wisdom is the main thing wisdom is the principle,proverbs,4,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 1 barnabas to go out to preach the gospel and send them a mission acts chapter 13 verse one now there were in the church,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 the good work that god is doing in you in philippians 1 and verse 6 he says he who has begun this good work a good work,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 mood that could accept it the cosima hebrews 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,hebrews,13,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 and thank god your pentecost has come joel chapter two joel chapter two reading from bastoghe,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 the seventh commandment he's quoting exodus chapter 20 verse 14. so jesus is saying you've heard it,exodus,20,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 14 because he can the application is faith remember romans 1 through 4 even into 5 is all about establishing that i simply,romans,1,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 4 cost he said in philippians 3 verse 10 that i may know him,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 out of the familiar in genesis chapter 12 and called him to go on a journey,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 faith your conviction your confidence only on the cross of christ ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 13. in,ephesians,2,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 he states the basic principle here in galatians 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 and then the sanctification we're looking at malachi chapter 3 reading from verse 3,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 name we pray god bless you we're coming to you isaiah chapter 53,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 signs of the majesty and power of god paul said in the book of romans that everyone stands before god one day,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 reward ephesians 2 8 to 10 clarifies this when it says that god saved you by his grace,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 shiloh's is somebody saying amen job 37 and verse 22 fair weather comet out of the north with,job,37,22.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 22 powerful and effective i think is very funny when you read acts chapter 17 and you find the seventh sense of the hype,acts,17,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 7 that's what we're talking about here in romans 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 [music] amos chapter 3 and verse 3 the second two world together i said to be agreed,amos,3,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 3 said whatever is you know let's look at philippians 4 8 right quick philippians 4 8,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 scriptures just follow me in esther chapter one time will not permit to get into it's a whole,esther,1,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 1 met for a week so we can read that in zechariah chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,zechariah,14,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 16 [applause] numbers 23 and verse 20. this is the word of the lord,numbers,23,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 2 is declare or confess the word of god continually romans 10 and verse number 10 talks about confessing the word said,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 walk of god with man was resumed in chapter 3 of genesis the initial triumph of the serpent,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 around testimonies can we say amen to that in the book of ephesians 1 verse 3 blessed be god and father of our lord,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in romans chapter 11 verse 22 romans,romans,11,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 22 forever and ever so proverbs 11 30 plus proverbs 3 35 equals daniel 12 3. so you can remove the scriptures,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 verse 11 specifically oh ye afflicted isaiah 4 verse 11 tossed with tempest and not comforted he said,isaiah,4,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 11 unsatisfied in the nation all around us exodus chapter 8 verses 1 to 4 a plague of frogs came into the nation now these,exodus,8,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 1 bible makes it clear to us in the book of hebrews 11 verse 6 it tells us there that without faith it is impossible to,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 and that is that you know in hebrews chapter 12 when you read verse 23 and 24 hebrews 12,hebrews,12,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 23 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done romans 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 chronicles in the presence of the king okay so that is esther chapter two now let's go ahead and unpack it a little,esther,2,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 1 together you tell me what you are going through galatians 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ,galatians,6,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 2 and the camp theme here that i'm on joshua 7 i believe verse 10 so the lord said to joshua get up why do you lie,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 4 and i'm reading from verse 14. hebrews chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 14,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 to just to give you a glimpse i say chapter 66 verse 1 isaiah 66 verse 1,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 and as you approach the end of the book like judges 20 it's just at its worst at its lowest,judges,20,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 1 i playing around the periphery ephesians six from tenth verse finally my brother's be strong in the lord and,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 have to do you have to speak to the mountain and in acts 10 we know of jesus of nazareth through god anointed with,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 guide from ezekiel 38 and 39 here is the resurrection of russia,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 of what leads to supernatural prosperity the bible says in isaiah chapter 4 verse 6 so cf over 6 he said the people my,isaiah,4,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 6 wants you to profit all right um god says in isaiah 25 verse 3 he says i will show you the treasures of,isaiah,25,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 25 verse 3 sufficiency of christ welcomed into romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and we're reading from verse were eating,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 uh turley detest it now again we know the scripture in romans 3 that says all have sinned and come short of the glory,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 if you look at what the bible tells us in genesis 12 in verse 4 abraham departed genesis 17 god says,genesis,12,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 4 when you read proverbs chapter number 29 verse 18 proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 in the king james translation it says this,proverbs,29,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 want to consider this in our verses if you just got here galatians 6 we're in galatians chapter 6 first i,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 that power shall die go quickly to genesis 3 23 to 24 therefore the lord god sent,genesis,3,23.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 23 the spirit of pride hosea chapter five verse five and six hosea chapter five verse five and six he,hosea,5,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 5 tree yields its fruit in its season jeremiah 17 says it does not cease to bear fruit so these are clear,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 of wisdom and here it says we were at philippians chapter 2 verse 12 if you remember,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 he told joshua in joshua chapter one from verse one to eight joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 gabriel told mary that her child would sit on the throne of david in acts 15 the pivotal event in the early church,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 "the first offering that was introduced in leviticus chapter 1 verses 1 to 9, the burnt offering was called the ascending offering",leviticus,1,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 1 show you one incident in joseph's life or maybe two in genesis in chapter 37 we read the joseph's brothers were very,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 today and i want you to turn if you will to acts chapter one and let's look for just a moment at what is happening here,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 1 that paul came to lystra acts 16 verse 1 and there was a disciple there called timothy,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 personalities in his plan revelation 16 13 says and i saw three unclean spirits,revelation,16,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 13 now let's go back over there uh paul verse 11 by the way galatians 1 paul said i'm not preaching the gospel,galatians,1,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 11 offering and i want to read from proverbs chapter 3 verse 9,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 how did it happen even in daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to the end daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 see some of the problem here in galatians 4 24,galatians,4,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 24 found in him daniel possessed kingdom righteousness daniel had kingdom revelation daniel chapter 2 verse 28,revelation,2,28.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 28 redemption from slavery look at hebrews chapter hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 legally speaking the devil's a defeated foe but if ephesians 4 if i live with anger and wrath and,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 joshua was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,exodus,33,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 11 give me a rousing amen acts chapter 26 a meeting from verse 18 acts chapter 26,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 portia i'm going to have you flip to isaiah and gail if you can read us ezekiel 16 8 through 14,ezekiel,16,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 8 will be flowing out numbers 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,numbers,23,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 9 them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart jeremiah 15 number 16. when god's word begins to,jeremiah,15,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 in genesis 41 when you read from verse 37 genesis 41 verse 37 the bible says so,genesis,41,37.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 37 furthermore we discover in the book of ephesians 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 can these ezekiel can these bones live ezekiel 37 can these bones live and he says lord you know he didn't know,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 can't get any further into understanding all that then what is in revelation and then just real quick in chapter 4 when,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 in jesus mighty name afraid a man the bible says in isaiah 60 from verse 1 isaiah 62 13 from verse 1,isaiah,60,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 13 please yes ezra chapter 3 verse 1 to 5,ezra,3,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 1 and verse 15 exodus 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,exodus,33,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 15 and into all of mankind romans 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,romans,5,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 12 faithful proverbs 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,proverbs,28,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 2 them now we're gonna go on now to romans 7 because romans 7 is one of the key passages to people i've had people in me,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 that your search will be rewarded look down to verse 32 proverbs 8 and now o sons wisdom is still speaking listen to,proverbs,8,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 32 route that what paul wrote there in ephesians 5 and 15 some people take offense,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 assured of the end result hebrews 14 be rest assured of the end result,hebrews,14,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 14 verse 1 sighting in verse 9 of daniel 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,daniel,1,9.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 9 and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience acts 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about,acts,24,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 16 in the midst of his people in zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 both for satan and his angel now in colossians chapter two verse 10 the bible says,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 yeah now can you walk us through ephesians 6 verse 9 and i'll read it to us in the,ephesians,6,9.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 9 market the day i was planning to film ruth chapter four and then we had several appointments that day so i,ruth,4,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 1 people and animals alike. proverbs 12 says that godly people care for their animals.,proverbs,12,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 1 meaningful let us look at the book of ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 a closer since chapter 9 verse 10 whatsoever thy,ecclesiastes,9,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 1 some forgiveness somewhere in james chapter four james chapter four talk about people who have selfish,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 tonight in jesus name i want you to look at acts chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 2 acts chapter 3 verse 2 and a,acts,3,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 2 mighty name we pray amen the isaiah 61 from verse 4 now he said and,isaiah,61,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 4 realities of heaven my mind aligns with divine purpose and divine will isaiah 55 verse 19 and 11 says my ways are not,isaiah,55,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 19 fools so don't be an enemy of god romans 8 7 to 8 romans 8 728 because the,romans,8,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 7 bible in love isaiah 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice,isaiah,59,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 4 and the body of christ in ephesians four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 16 about the last part of,ephesians,4,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 16 and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in james chapter 4 and verse 2,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew hebrews 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,hebrews,13,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in numbers 18 19,numbers,18,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 19 many of you are well acquainted with this but beginning in exodus chapter 32 you will recall that moses was called up,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 let's begin reading at verse 12 of revelation 1 he said and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being,revelation,1,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 12 bible talks about then jonah 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and,jonah,4,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 11 see this pharaoh in fact hardens his own heart in exodus chapter 8 verse 15 32 and 34 three times ferrule hardens his,exodus,15,32.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 32 at circumcision in the old covenant well looking at deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6,deuteronomy,30,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 where's god you know this well isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 isaiah 66 verse 1,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 chapter 42 verse 10 the bible says and the lord turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends also the,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 to withstand and then again in lamentations 1 18 uh the prophet jeremiah said i rebelled,lamentations,1,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 18 of the followers baptism in the spirit acts chapter one look at verse one the former thing is,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 earnestly and faithfully seek him obey him proverbs 10 verse 4,proverbs,10,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 4 ruling from there another scripture that i'll read very quickly isaiah 66 1 this is what the lord says heaven is my,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 be overcome in jesus name the book of isaiah chapter 43 let us hear what the law says,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 and they are forgotten the resting place look at zechariah chapter 10,zechariah,10,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 in hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 the bible said,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 be sadness brokenness mourning what does james tell us in james 4 6 to 10 weep mourn,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 we would make you be peaceful it says in ezekiel 13 and 10 because even because they have seduced my people,ezekiel,13,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 1 no one here shall be overthrown hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 1 to 4 why this fight,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 the lord will bring you out of it look at isaiah chapter 51,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 every marital siege with your word isaiah 34 16 seek ye out of the book of the lord and,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 be beaten down isaiah chapter 30 universe 31 that had been smiting you with the road i decreed,isaiah,30,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 a god of addiction and multiplication deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11 he said the lord god of your fathers,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel revelation 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,revelation,21,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 12 promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of judges one uh we've got the record that judah,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 unto us a child is born unto us a son is given isaiah 9 and the jews of jesus day felt that the messiah would be the son,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 fully just as i also have been fully known proverbs 12 a wise man is he who listens to counsel you get above counsel,proverbs,12,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 1 full of eyes it says in chapter revelation 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,revelation,4,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 8 accountability and our bible text is in the book of romans chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,romans,14,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 12 zachariah writes about this specifically turn to zechariah chapter 12 and i'm gonna move a little quickly here this,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 at that time what said i prayed for them look at it in acts chapter 15 i mean actually apostate chapter 15 here he,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 so i encourage you write it down proverbs three five and six and then go look it up in your bible later or write,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 look at galatians chapter three galatians chapter three you know what to be reading hebrews the,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 spirit of the holy gods is in thee then daniel whose name was bell deshazer was astonished for one hour his thoughts,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 bible says in jeremiah chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 from verse 8 daniel chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 james chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it,james,1,2.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 2 give acts chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 package a better imam proverbs 11 has started the fruit of the righteous is the tree of life,proverbs,11,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 described can you think of maybe like ephesians 22 maybe how he's described he subscribed as the prince of what the,ephesians,22,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 22 verse 1 amen i want you to look into the book of exodus chapter 14. verse 15 and the lord said unto moses,exodus,14,15.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 15 bridge in exodus chapter 12 we're going to read that again exorcist chapter 12,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 and let's ask our engagement this morning from scripture psalms 57 verses 2 and 3. the scripture declares i,psalms,57,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 57 verse 2 verse 11 in revelation chapter 3 we're looking at verse 11,revelation,3,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 11 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,isaiah,48,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 into the king's presence remember that remember that in esther five when it became time for esther to go into the,esther,5,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 1 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of acts two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 according to hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on jesus christ,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 peace with god look at this romans chapter 5 the blood that makes the atonement atonement for your soul,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 why should you destroy yourself ecclesiastes 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise,ecclesiastes,7,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 16 that was what was balans problem he it says there what we read in numbers chapter 24 that he lifted up his eyes,numbers,24,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 24 verse 1 it makes it very clear ephesians chapter one from verse um,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 happened and i was there now we will turn to jeremiah 30 and see what he has to say about the period of the return of,jeremiah,30,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 1 be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is exodus chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus,exodus,15,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 2 and eternally chapter 28 verse 7 deuteronomy 28 verse 7 made it clear that even if they try to execute their,deuteronomy,28,7.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 let me direct your attention to colossians excuse me to titus chapter 2 and i'm just going to cut right to the,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 they planted churches in asia minor do you remember revelation chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 to the churches to,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 i'm reading here from verse 5 i acts chapter 8 reading from verse 5,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 listen to me very very carefully in acts chapter 2 something happened,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 he did not want to take advice proverbs 13 1 a wise son hears his father's instruction but a scoffer does,proverbs,13,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 1 amen allah cost open our bibles to the book of hebrews chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 look forward to that day the writer of hebrews 9 he describes christians or those who are eagerly awaiting the,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 but timothy was different we read in philippians it says in verse 21 all seek their own,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty proverbs 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,proverbs,12,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 24 john 14 he's called the spirit of truth in romans 5 we're told that the holy spirit pours out the love of god within,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 belly of the fish three days and three nights chapter 2 van jonah prayed unto the lord his god out of the fish's belly,jonah,2,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 1 exodus chapter 14 verse 21 exodus 14 21. exodus 14 21 i read,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 number one you will hear a voice in genesis 18 verse 10 god visited the braga monsieur,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 likeness and so we have the account in genesis 1 that says let us make humankind and then,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and wash you of all of your sins even like it talks about in ezekiel 16 one of the greatest love chapters in the bible,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 they belong to god in ezekiel 16 we read a couple of weeks ago,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 churches retirement homes and all over the place different places proverbs chapter 3 steve would you read loud and,proverbs,3,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 13. in acts chapter 13 in verse 2,acts,13,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 2 uh sorry romans 12 18 not 16 romans 12 18 if possible you know there's no such command in the,romans,12,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 18 among or many of them on cubicle now in proverbs chapter 10 verse 5 proverbs 10 5,proverbs,10,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 5 resist drawing you also to ezekiel ezekiel chapter 38 the word is so powerful because this is the truth but i,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 both as a commission and as individuals jeremiah 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i'll answer thee i'll show the great and,jeremiah,33,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 1 the answers so your joy philippians 4 6 alongside with,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 it shall be cleared off in the name of jesus habakkuk chapter three verse five and verse six,habakkuk,3,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 5 the bible speaking to us in the book of job chapter 36 and verse 11.,job,36,11.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 11 thank you sir thank you can you turn the bible to malachi chapter 3,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 a meeting from verse 11 jeremiah 1 verse,jeremiah,1,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 11 the harvest in love for christ romans 12 9 let love be without dissimulation,romans,12,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 9 praise and thus honor the god who is its subject which is what ephesians 1 tells us we were chosen in christ before the,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 than that here at proverbs 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,proverbs,1,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 15 disciples of christ in this church psalms 94 verse 1 oh lord god to whom vengeance belonged oh god to whom,psalms,94,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 94 verse 1 entering the rest that we need in him for our souls in hebrews 4 3 it says for we who have believed do,hebrews,4,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 today in jesus name colossians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 1 colossians chapter 3 we're looking at verse one it,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 die the day came and you turn in your bibles there to genesis 5 and you see this reality death came it's like for,genesis,5,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 1 he gave us very early in our marriage in leviticus 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,leviticus,26,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 9 time the bible says in job chapter 8 and verse 7,job,8,7.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 7 the question entirely but it does relate to romans 12 which you mentioned here in parentheses i didn't read it but you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 okay stay with 12 now genesis 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 ourselves this month jeremiah 30 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 look really quick at colossians chapter 4 colossians chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 be wise in the way you act toward outsiders,colossians,4,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 5 28 genesis 32 24 to 28 he changed the name of jacob to israel,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 was it behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 i won't curse god i know that my redeemer liveth you know in isaiah 59 19 it says when the enemy shall,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 though daniel 3 i mean daniel 6 3 to 5 then this daniel began distinguishing,daniel,6,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 3 flock amen well okay not hebrews hebrews chapter 10 chapter 8 in hebrews chapter age were,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 about here in revelation 12 has not happened yet this is still in the future but at this,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 psalm 22 provides detail. isaiah 53 provides detail. zechariah 12 provides detail.,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 on earth you read that in the first few verses of genesis 6 now angels don't have sexual ability and the only way,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 "on the 12 tribes, 12 tribes from jacob. then the other one, deuteronomy 32, is a long prophetic forecast",deuteronomy,32,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 1 member look at verse 4 romans chapter 12 verse 4,romans,12,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 4 of all those sins that the bible listed in galatians 5 but lord you can produce in us,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 begins to break in upon us of moses it said there in hebrews 11 he endured as seen,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 battle to the strong isaiah 14 17 also says this is what the lord says your redeemer the only one of,isaiah,14,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 17 i don't believe number one enemy of america ezra channel many of america's god i'm scared the desert views that,ezra,1,1.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 1 because of restoration now joel chapter 3 verse 10,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 isaiah saw isaiah saw as ayah saw as a chapter 2 verse 1 which isaiah saw concerning judah and jerusalem the war,isaiah,2,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 [music] psalms 107 verse 1 says give thanks to the lord,psalms,107,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 107 verse 1 filled well there are a lot of evidences in ephesians 5 and 6 but let me just read a couple of verses that say when,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 you should move on to jerusalem no does paul refer to acts 9 to show us that we should sacrificially love the,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 all right and in philippians chapter 2 really in the whole book of philippians he,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 description and declaration of christ the lord let's go back to revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 2 i'm going,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 reading from verse 9. romans chapter 10 verse 9 that he,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 in john 16 it says he convicts us of sin in romans 8 it says he leads us to god in first,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 genesis chapter 21 from verse one to seven genesis 21 from verse one to seven sarah said,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 have time to go through all of it but galatians by the 19 to through the spirit is love peace joy comfort it's,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 read from verse one to six and i'll read also from galatians three uh maybe from verse one to seven genesis 16 from verse,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 23 7 proverbs 27 as he thinket so,proverbs,27,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 1 public clear god slaughtered him go to chapter 12 for the book of acts he said his straightforce is how to prevent,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love hebrews chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 time for offering according to proverbs 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 we are told in the word where the word of the king is there is power revelation in chapter 1 in verse 5 verse 5 he said,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 a rod will come out who is this rod revelation chapter 5 and verse 6. the bible says and i beheld in the midst of,revelation,5,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 6 verses 6 and 7 isaiah chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 in their lives revelation chapter 2 verse 7.,revelation,2,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 7 let the church say louder amen isaiah chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of,isaiah,15,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 15 verse 4 on houses we used to build he did the worst job and i told him the job was worth zero,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 will help you to serve in righteousness in hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 hebrews 12 28. that was seen that we,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 wrath being poured out most people when they come to revelation they begin reading from revelation 6 the,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 not wealth we are not in deuteronomy 28 no we are in the new covenant,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 your choice it's up to you what you're going to do then in isaiah 55 and verse 6 isaiah says come on seek ye the lord,isaiah,55,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 exodus chapter 3 if you will turn your bibles there with me in exodus chapter 3 here's the background,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 turn to isaiah 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3.,isaiah,56,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 3 like it's described in in verse 22 of the book of galatians it says you can either yield to your old,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 eighty to nine so what happens after that well chapter three of genesis let's call this act the fall the fall creation fall,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 and previously i've showed why that is reference to isaiah 53 but let's just look at,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 that we see in the bible is pride we read in ezekiel chapter 28 now the reason i mention the characteristic of,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 in scripture that's significant so when i look at ephesians 6 i'm just saying all that,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 feed my sheep in other words go after deuteronomy 6 like i did you shall bind them as a sign on your,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 married to another he moves raised from the dead so we can say here in romans 6 and 7 we see three marriages for,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 ideas and number four it would take away their soul we take away all the psalms after the liberty is achieved god also,psalms,4,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 1 an overcomer being in order of revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 3 be an overcomer be,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 for today genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 elder so eldership when we see this in acts chapter 13 we begin to see five men who raised up,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 let's make it louder and stronger acts chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 god and then there's another prophecy in exodus exodus chapter 12 verse 46 and it says in one house shall it be eaten that,exodus,12,46.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 46 truth in romans 9 paul even quotes from malachi jacob have i loved esau have i hated and in in romans 9 paul says do,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of,deuteronomy,32,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 13 indeed revelation chapter 13 from verse 11 to 18,revelation,13,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 11 commandment of god the lord commanded it the lord commanded it isaiah 58 the law commanded it praise the lord,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 fullness of time for your nations will come and when you read exodus chapter 12 the same exodus chapter 12 if you read,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 verse 15 you know we've already considered in romans 6 this great truth that paul kept on speaking about in the,romans,6,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 15 awareness of the throne of god over in revelation 17 it says so he carried me away,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 it shall be like a hit in the desert jeremiah chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,numbers,17,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 5 "again, that's why i say genesis 3 explains why people reject genesis 3, because they are disobedient to god.",genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 except they agree and according to proverbs chapter 6 16 proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. now,proverbs,6,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 and to get serious here i use the king james on the last three,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 that's the word of the lord come out numbers chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 reading from verse 26 numbers chapter 16,numbers,16,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 26 number five you need to decrease decrease in job 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 your amen can be stronger in daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 said and death that be wise shall shine as,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the book of jed in your bibles to the book of genesis chapter 12. genesis chapter 12 i'm going to read,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 begin to pay the price of time in the name of jesus in galatians chapter 4 when you read in verse 1 to verse 2 the,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 plan for your life and according to jeremiah 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,jeremiah,20,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 20 verse 11 beat him up a little bit that didn't work acts chapter 7 stephen is brought before a group of these leaders in,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 background true acts of the apostles chapter 16 in chapter 15,acts,16,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 15 uphol but my point is those words that speech psalms 106 he spoke rashly with his lips he spoke unadvisedly with his,psalms,106,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 106 verse 1 perseverance in christ acts chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 have this seven full redemptive package in revelation 5 12. everybody in this church knows that,revelation,5,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 12 which is different from the old covenant hebrews 8 verse 8 and 9. the three parts of the,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 in principle not as a pattern we see a new testament similarity in acts chapter five you might remember the story of,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 joel verse 16 he goes on to quote that now all of joel's prophecy from joel 2 won't be fulfilled until the millennial,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 you. now in ephesians 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11.,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 critique of corrupted temple worship dr macarthur referenced ezekiel 8 just a couple days ago and it is a stunning,ezekiel,8,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1 contained the tongue but i'll tell you right here in ephesians 4 we're not talking about what man can do we're,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 philippians 4 and verse 15. now you philippians know that in the beginning of the gospel,philippians,4,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 15 there's zero doubt that jesus reads isaiah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,isaiah,53,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 12 [applause] in genesis 24 from verse 1 to the end genesis 24 of us want to the end the,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 is this psalm 35 romans 15 27 please roman 15 27,romans,15,27.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 27 daniel 7 daniel 7 is like the prophetic visions passage in daniel there's a bunch of prophecy happening in daniel at,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 scripture is very very important when you first see prayer in genesis 4 26 it was only after men realized he was,genesis,4,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 26 of that is is is a very fundamental proverbs 24 21 i wish we had posted this during our,proverbs,24,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 21 bereans what they do the bereans in the book of acts chapter 17 we read about these bereans paul the apostle that,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 revelation chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 revelation chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 and all the bible recitations spanning from,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 in jesus name now here's the scene of judges chapter seven it's a it's a period of time in the past where god's,judges,7,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 1 bones i'm reminded of what joseph said in genesis chapter 49 and genesis chapter 50 listen he said god will,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 five thousand in acts chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 christ remember galatians 3 13 galatians that it said,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 needs to explain my dream and my vision daniel 2 verses 20 and 21 20 said daniel answered and said blessed be the name of,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 is start with the right mindset and colossians chapter 3 verse 1 and 2 i think you have,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 this is praying to hit a kingdom target isaiah chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,isaiah,62,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 and wisdom look at the first part of exodus chapter 34 and investing and he said behold america,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 tonight job chapter 14 from verse 7 to 9 it says for there is hope of a tree if it's be,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 up there we are enemies with god romans 5 10 but god demonstrated his own love toward us and that while we were,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 about jeremiah and the bukit nezzer gave orders 3911 about jeremiah and told the captain of his bodyguard take him verse,jeremiah,39,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 39 verse 11 testament word which is the equivalent of joshua 15 no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your,joshua,15,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 1 when the spirit moved and hovered and brooded over the waters to revelation 22 which says what the spirit and the bride,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 longer sacrifice the best of what you have malachi that's all in malachi verse chapter 1 verse 6 to 9 you sacrifice the,malachi,1,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 6 think we also refer to job chapter 14 verse one that it should not be surprising there,job,14,1.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 1 one true pride proverbs 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says,proverbs,29,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 23 i will you please turn to romans romans chapter 11,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 our texas exodus 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,exodus,15,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 22 theory serpent and scorpions you will you know from numbers chapter 21 verse 6 fairy serpent and scorpions evil beasts,numbers,21,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 6 was still growing it also awesome deuteronomy in in acts chapter 6 reading from verse 7. seek the promise he admit,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 nehemiah 1 46 nehemiah 1 4 to 6.,nehemiah,1,46.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 46 h reading from verse 13 proverbs chapter 20 h i'm reading from verse 13 it says in,proverbs,20,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 13 new heaven passages just the verse isaiah 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,isaiah,65,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 17 bible let's go to this message tonight daniel chapter 2,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 keep your eyes fixed on him. that is why we're told in hebrews 12 that we should be looking,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 believe i could show all of these from ephesians 5 submission is the divine calling of a wife to honor and affirm,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 with you ephesians chapter two from verse five to six ephesians two five to six say we are,ephesians,2,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 there romans 6 is not a gospel it's a principle,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 over all the nations but notice in revelation 12 he's not on the earth,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 bring you down if you look at verse 1 of of nehemiah chapter six it says now it happened and this is nehemiah writing,nehemiah,6,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 1 early that's kind of early right genesis 5 24 it says enoch walked with god,genesis,5,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 24 through the name of jesus for ministry and you will see from acts chapter three silva and good have i known,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 scroll it is sealed as evidence one open one sealed and so in revelation 5 when you see the sealed book with seven seals,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 of there as soon as it will get out of there actually as you look at ephesians chapter 6 ephesians chapter 6 reading,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 your god that enemy cannot win in the battle for example in numbers chapter 16 and you can read story from the,numbers,16,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 1 and second peter and jude all allude to that from genesis chapter six all right let's take one that was texted,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 about listen in genesis 36 and 8 it says thus dwelt esau,genesis,36,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 36 verse 8 and buried him that you can find in genesis chapter 4 11 to 12,genesis,4,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 11 out of the words of salvation isaiah 12 3 amazing treasures loaded,isaiah,12,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 3 interceding for our families and i read from joshua chapter 24 and verse 14 and 15 joshua 24 verse 14 and 15. this was,joshua,24,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 14 genesis chapter 8 from verse 20 to 22 genesis 8 20 to 22 spoke about,genesis,8,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 2 god gave a very simple instruction genesis 26 from verse one to 3 don't go down to egypt stay here,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 psalm 22 this passage in the book of psalms written a thousand years before christ shows up,psalms,22,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 1 that word is truth it tells us in ephesians chapter five reading from verse 26,ephesians,5,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 26 you can have that word turn with me to isaiah 50 this is exactly how jesus lived and this is exactly how you can,isaiah,50,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 1 to achieve things that don't glorify god in acts 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,acts,23,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 12 understand that romans 14 verse 17 says romans 14 and verse 17 says the kingdom of god is not eating,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 you from hebrews hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 when the writer of hebrews was talking about melchizedek it says in hebrews 7 3,hebrews,7,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 going to read this to you for times sake if you don't mind amos chapter 2 verses 10 to 16 here's what the lord says i,amos,2,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 1 i told you all of us are going to be reading together exodus 32 uh 32 verses 31 today,exodus,32,31.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 31 it is also written in the book of deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 23,deuteronomy,33,23.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 23 of the fatherless now let's listen to what he said in job chapter 22 then in verse 5,job,22,5.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 5 your evil imagination look at verse 11 genesis chapter 6 verse 11 the earth also,genesis,6,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 11 ransom for all who gave himself a ransom for all daniel 9 verse 26 the messiah shall be cut off but not for himself not,daniel,9,26.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 26 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture galatians 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 self to sacrifice self to sacrifice when looking at ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 us must love your wives even as,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 over the top okay so i'm gonna take romans 12 1 and 2 a familiar passage that you know imma hit enter,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and this evening we'll speak about water baptism so let's read hebrews chapter 6 verses 1,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 look at chapter 11 acts chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 11 verse 19 now,acts,11,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 19 job 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 one more time in jesus name acts the book of acts chapter 4 is a story of two disciples peter and john going into the,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 we also know that our god is perfect james chapter 1 verse 17 james chapter 1 verse 17 tells us that every,james,1,17.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 17 "it's the opposite. the whole message of hebrews 11 is that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the",hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 to desu your teachers in isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40,isaiah,40,29.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well romans 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,romans,4,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 5 that of nothing he brought water out of the rock exodus 7 3 verse 1 to 6,exodus,7,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 3 is this not the fact that i've chosen isaiah 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,isaiah,58,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 oh god and in the book of psalms psalm 119 verse 105.,psalms,119,105.0,1.0,psalms chapter 119 verse 105 that's what he's talking about um proverbs 27 6 faithful are the wounds of a friend,proverbs,27,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 27 verse 6 at verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 and walk in love,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 that's not going to do right now you can understand hebrews hebrews 12 i read it this morning i jot it down he endured,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 this most likely to be transformed to a fruitful woman in genesis 18 verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 verse 1 to 14,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 responded to god's warning of judgment and they came to joel to to god in joel chapter 2 verses 12 through 17 and,joel,2,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 12 actually about the beauty of marriage so look at ephesians chapter 5 and verse 29,ephesians,5,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 29 um so when we we uh we look at say job 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,job,28,24.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 24 two corners to read verse number 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 when he answers prayer according jeremiah 29 11 he says the thoughts that i think towards you are not thoughts of,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 if you can relate take heart because jesus followed the deuteronomy 6 vision to the letter,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 judges chapter 21 and we're reading from verse 21 judges chapter 21 verse 21 and see,judges,21,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 21 might approach us here is some help make yourselves students of the psalms pick up some of these things if if one,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 you're preaching ephesians 4. 8 to 11. but only those who truly crave,ephesians,4,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 8 coast be canaan now in genesis 9 we read that no awoke from his wine and knew what his younger,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 the heavens the lord's mage the heavens is the creator of all in isaiah chapter 14,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 8 9 which we all know so well but ephesians 2 4 but god being rich in mercy,ephesians,2,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 verses 14 to 16. he says listen to this job stand still and consider the wonders of god,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 reason to youth okay we're going to come to that in the book of proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 i'm reading from new century,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i acts chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,acts,8,34.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 34 """i'm going to send you a comforter,"" what the king james called the comforter, was that he was saying i'm going to send you the one",james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 mercy somebody shouted amen acts of the apostles chapter 26 verse 18 acts 26 reading from verse 18 here paul,acts,26,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 18 and those kinds of things so let's read first in romans 13 and then i'll make a few more,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 to have dominion you see that remember that we're a touch in genesis chapter 1 and it was 28 it says now you may deema,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah is saying he died in our place romans chapter 5 the apostle paul says that he demonstrated god demonstrated,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 view the biblical view of baptism is found in romans chapter six verses don't you know that as many of us as were,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 read matthew 4 verse 16 in passing the reason i'm going to be in isaiah 9 is because that's where this comes from but matthew,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 virus and there's so much hope and i and i and i allow romans 14 to speak to this issue many of you know my background,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 your glitch of the victory in jesus name philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 to me no on the contrary look at hebrews chapter 12 verse 10. you can write that,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 i think you just casually read romans 14 you see that we're not under,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 reading from verse 7 romans chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,romans,7,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 7 benediction taken from the book of psalms chapter one verses one two three um it will be displayed on the screen,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 into which defilement will never enter in chapter three of genesis the walk of god with man was,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 how it connects to the old testament to isaiah 5 in particular i think that's significant,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 salvation in romans 3 23 4 have sinned and come short of the glory of god all,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 so let's go ahead we're going to go into genesis 22 the sacrifice of isaac who was abraham's only son this is the son,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 even if we're led like sheep to the slaughter that's romans 8 even though we're led like sheep to,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 interesting verse why is it we why is genesis 126 say we and there's a few options people throw,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 because the bible tells us in philippians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 philippians chapter 2,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 he was prepared the way for christ as we have read in isaiah chapter 40,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 from them that work uprightly proverbs 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23,proverbs,19,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 daniel and uh i think it's in hosea one says that israel be as a speckled bird and the,hosea,1,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 1 the prayers of his people now the first thing that comes to my mind is exodus chapter 32 when god was getting ready to,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 as a child of god hebrews chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews 1 13 to 14 angels are ministering spirits,hebrews,1,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 13 verses 17 and 18 mark 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more,mark,16,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 17 brothers and i think this really relates to hebrews chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,hebrews,2,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 "this is what paul had always taught. now, galatians is a very fast to paced, brief book, just six chapters.",galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 disciplines his children in fact he says in hebrews 12 every are not disciplined you're not a real child of god every,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 well i want to encourage you to go to acts chapter 10 and there's an actually interesting story here that starts in,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 prepared themselves in romans 11 20 it says because of unbelief,romans,11,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 2 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,hebrews,9,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in hebrews 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their,hebrews,8,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 11 genesis 27 let me read it from was 22 to 29 genesis 27 verse 22 to 29 the story actually began in verse 1 the from verse,genesis,27,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 22 similar that's why it appears that it's a military campaign in ezekiel 38 that culminates,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 make your request known unto god philippians 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 doors now ephesians 5 and verse 8. the word says for ye were sometimes,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 a bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,ecclesiastes,9,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 instruction despiseth his own soul proverbs 15 verse 32 and he that being often reproved he that being often,proverbs,15,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 32 the most important thing if you read zechariah very very carefully chapter 14 says the behold the lord will come and,zechariah,14,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 1 chapter 10 began with the last vision of daniel chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 is the,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 even god works genesis chapter one from day one to day six what did god do,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 can somebody say big amen to that and i started out from job 14 tonight for somebody to see that it is possible,job,14,1.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 1 it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. isaiah chapter 45,isaiah,45,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 terah died and then genesis 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much,genesis,12,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 4 reading from numbers 23 from verse 19 to 23 numbers 23 from verse 19 to 23 in the name of god has commanded you to be,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 in his words in genesis chapter 28 verse 15,genesis,28,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 15 to just remind us that there's hebrews 12 after hebrews 11. when you turn the page to hebrews 12.,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of esther chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,esther,9,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 5 or contemplation on a particular matter we are told in the book of genesis chapter 24 and verse 63 that isaac went,genesis,24,63.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 63 abide and remain with us in jesus name we're looking at acts of the apostles chapter 17,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 [applause] acts chapter 8. verse 5 to 8 acts of the apostles,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 mighty name we pray amen joshua chapter 6 verse 1 says now jericho was truly shot up,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 i'll tell you why paul tells us in philippians chapter three he talks there about,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 through a few pr a few passages here acts chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,acts,4,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 23 11 1 look at what the bible says here hebrews 11 1. now faith is the substance of things hold for the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 "he had no fear of death itself because he knew that he, as revelation 1 puts it, had the keys of death and hell.",revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 "sense. in isaiah 5 we have a series of woes, a series of severe condemnations.",isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 a prayer of habakkuk the prophet on shiggin off most people believe that was,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 something to happen it happens easily zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 axi of the lord reign in the time of lettering,zechariah,10,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 and rebellious act you see that in the book of jeremiah 5 verse 23,jeremiah,5,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 23 that god favored however how did he get there how did daniel serve god number one darnell serve god,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 chapter 9 he saw one to third of humanity was destroyed revelation and chapter 9 and we read this in verse 18,revelation,9,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 18 the second verse the second phrase is in verse 8 he made up his mind daniel not to define himself he decided that i am,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 "truth, disseminating doctrine. james 5 verse 16 says we are to be praying for one another...praying for one another.",james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 given to him before he got on the ship kristan acts 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,acts,23,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 23 verse 11 sorcerer acts chapter 10 verse 8 to 12. it was resisting the deputy from here in the,acts,10,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 8 besides you or why paul could say in philippians 1 21 to depart and be,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 point parenting is a blessing there are three times in the proverbs where it talks about a son making a father's,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 from nehemiah i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,nehemiah,1,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 8 respected pastors in the modern church but he's right god's working in genesis 2 with his hands and that should lead us,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 pentateuch how they had the word of god that genesis excellence leviticus numbers and deuteronomies the first five,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 portion and stability proverbs 2018 plans are established,proverbs,20,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 18 verse 9 verse 10 philippians 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,philippians,3,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 9 and we need to comprehend that right shows for mission look at ephesians chapter officials chapter 2 and i'm,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 tomorrow sunday psalms 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,psalms,105,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 13 shy about using your table of contents for habakkuk it's one of the minor prophets kind of in the middle of your,habakkuk,1,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1 [music] let's quickly read from exodus chapter 7 from verse 10 to 12 exodus chapter 7,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 be justified by the words you speak that is part of james chapter 2 the works that we do include the words we speak,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 a messenger from god which we know jesus indeed was but not only that in exodus chapter 3,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 19 be in the book of isaiah 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 romans 13. well romans 13 is pretty broad right like what it what it actually says let's,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 and a bigger soul winner in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 in daniel 12 3 the bible says and they that be,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 faith without walks is dead james chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,james,2,18.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 18 god says in isaiah 1 was my team isaiah chapter 1 was night as it were one first nineteen if ye be,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of acts chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover,acts,7,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 7 he'll come again and then as well come to revelation chapter one the last of the books of the new,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 we find that account in excellence i mean ezekiel chapter 48 then verse,ezekiel,48,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 48 verse 1 with you he told joshua in joshua chapter one from verse one to,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 says in the book of philippians 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 out of the words of salvation daniel chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 labor to comprehend some of the harder parts of romans 9 i don't want to dodge them and i encourage you guys drink you,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 hope you'll read with us revelation 21 1 to 5 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 the mother so is their daughter ezekiel 16 verse 4 jeremiah 32 verse 8 there so is kindness under thousands and,ezekiel,16,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 4 eternal life acts 17 to false custom he went in to them and for three sevenths reasoned,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 to crush him. and isaiah 53 says he was wounded for our transgressions.,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 romans chapter 8. romans 8 verse 6,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 actually get to the bottom of all of this but if you go back to zechariah i know one of the books that we don't read,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 responded at times if you go to acts chapter 13 we know that acts 13 is the first chapter where barnabas and saul,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 gabriel you see we do see that again in daniel chapter 9 where we looked at last week we see the,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 and the tree of knowledge of good and evil now in genesis 3 having been given that setting here is the description of,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 i think you know this that in romans 1 where we see that god's wrath,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 is the altar of answers to prayer god's word says in jeremiah 33 and verse 3,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 romans 14 and let each respect the other person's view that he mentions in romans 14 don't force the other person to,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 i love those five words in verse two of habakkuk chapter two and the lord answered me,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 son for unto us a child is born isaiah 9 6 says,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 mean really power that makes him the almighty in jeremiah 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 for 30 years in nazareth there's a verse in acts chapter 1 verse 1,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 that's what god we are talking about psalms 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,psalms,29,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 29 verse 4 hand of god deliver supernaturally hebrews 11 and verse 6. the bible says,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 who have preached to us they are flying towards genesis 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of ephesians 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,ephesians,3,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 pulpit like this to talk about the power of god given in the book of acts chapter 2 and when they how they went out and,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 will just point out to you verse 17 says the prophecy of isaiah saying he himself took our infirmities and carried away,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 that had been given 400 years earlier from malachi saying the son of righteousness will,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him hebrews chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 men to be seen as the heads even though ephesians says that they are later on and that's no one no one says,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 body in colossians chapter two it's called the body of sins of the flesh,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 and isaiah tells us in isaiah chapter 29 isaiah chapter 29 we're looking at verse 11 isaiah 29,isaiah,29,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 11 brother of james if you notice in chapter 1 verse 1 it says jude a bondservant of jesus christ and brother,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 means your spirit you look at romans chapter 8 and verse 26 and 27,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 god can do anything james 1 6 to 8 james 1 6 3 said a double to minded man cannot receive,james,1,6.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 6 up by lion wow just amazing things not to get diverted isaiah talks and i see at 22 1 through 6 the valley of vision,isaiah,22,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 1 meditate the word is revelation paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 worthwhile for us to refer back to hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in the mighty name of jesus we were looking at joshua chapter one joshua chapter one i'm reading over here from,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 happen now we back up for a second and go remember romans 9 10 and 11 are about jewish people are about israel and,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 romans the epistle of paul the apostle to the romans romans 11 why then hath god cast away his people,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 "go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of daniel 12. ""two wings of the great eagle were given to",daniel,12,14.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 14 the glory that i am instituted in the life of man what does that mean romans chapter 8 verse 11 now listen very well,romans,8,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 11 jeremiah 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 it uses the word earth in multiple ways in the same chapter genesis 1 but you can read it on your own and look at the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 face us in this day in romans chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,romans,11,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 11 bible study tonight and hold our bible study in joshua chapter one because i want to,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 through the prophet of god isaiah definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 jacob genesis chapter 32 we see this episode,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 in the new testament acts 2 20 in this passage second thessalonians 2 2 and second peter 3 10,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 so if you have a bible uh we're going to be in genesis 28 today when i think about,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 in the house of priscilla and aquila romans chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5,romans,16,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 3 and and the unders and the season uh the book of daniel um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,daniel,2,22.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 22 access by one spirit unto the father it helps us in isaiah chapter 57 isaiah chapter 57 the sinner,isaiah,57,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 1 all things keep working together for your good romans 8 28. i'm from today everything about you at home at work in,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 so with that said the mark of the beast well that comes from revelation 13. revelation 13 you can begin reading in,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 matthew 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 out i want to do this exodus 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,exodus,20,17.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 17 you look at the ten commandments however when you look back here at deuteronomy 27 and 28,deuteronomy,27,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 27 verse 1 sister and mother that's who my spiritual family is romans 8 13 and 14 he says if you're living with the spirit,romans,8,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 13 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of genesis 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 to genesis chapter 3 verse 1 that is indeed what the bible says the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 city church of a national church visible while looking at revelation chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 1 unto the,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 will commit this scripture in to on to us tonight jude jude verse from verse 20 from verse 20 now let's start from verse,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 and i'm reading here from verse 11. in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw a great white,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 is committed i want you to notice how committed ruth is to her mother to in to law naomi it says here in verse 16 and 17,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 from god was in a crisis genesis chapter 28 from verse 10 to 22 genesis 28 from verse 10 to 22.,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 chapter 23 from verse 8 joshua 23 8 cleave unto the lord but cleave unto the lord,joshua,23,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 8 human society is the family the family deuteronomy 6 god says teach his law to your children,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 something that we shall receive gained james of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our,james,1,6.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 6 and all this is are just a prelude to daniel 11 and 12 we won't take i just want to give you that glimpse there is,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 okay let's read genesis chapter 21 1 to 7,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 so verse 27 is really saying beginning at genesis and going all the way to malachi jesus,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 what you need to understand within the context of the entire book in joel chapter one through joel chapter 1 verse,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 it is a manifestation of satanic oppression in the book of psalms chapter 68 and verse 6,psalms,68,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 68 verse 6 quotes from that very chapter verse 8 and from isaiah 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been,isaiah,53,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 8 the tree of life until when in revelation chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,revelation,22,22.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 22 lover is indestructible indestructible daniel chapter three we come across the experience of the three,daniel,3,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 3 must believe that he's able to do it ephesians 3 20 says noun to him,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 and for the stranger i am the lord your god again it says in deuteronomy 10 18 he does execute judgment or,deuteronomy,10,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 18 just trying to help we'll help what were those in romans 14 you could say they're trying to help too what were,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 follow up in romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,romans,1,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 9 he said he prospered daniel 6 28 he said daniel prospered in the reign of darius,daniel,6,28.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 28 hope for you job 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,job,14,7.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 7 this is parallel to the second seal in revelation chapter six,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 meaningful to you isaiah chapter 40 i'm reading from the new king james version if you're pulling that up on your cell,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 generational so can the impact of disobedience so in esther chapter 3 we talked about haman and sort of his,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 this perspective on the whole episode in genesis chapter 50 verses 19 and 20 the brothers are afraid of joseph once the,genesis,50,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 19 says in verse 13 but those are outside god judges so it's not like they're going to get away with anything god will,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 it's available praise the lord it is real look at titus chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 initially created with harmony and so in genesis one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 scripture has changed my life romans chapter 10 verse 9,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 right genesis 1 verse 26 we see that god made man in his image according to his,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 wonderful verse in isaiah 45 which i love which says isaiah 45,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 ezekiel chapter 48 a meeting from verstappen five ezekiel chapter,ezekiel,48,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 48 verse 1 note one is it's kind of just cool to get the context because james is writing to people who would have understood,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 11 verse 36 romans chapter 11 verse 36 for of him that is of our lord jesus and,romans,11,36.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 36 so how to it's not a one to day job hour two you are going to america and you don't,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 creation together um it's entirely about the deity of jesus so yeah revelation 22 13 should be paired with revelation 1,revelation,22,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 13 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell ephesians 1 14 in him you also,ephesians,1,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 14 says the time has come when you should have been father's hebrews chapter 5 but you're not father's you're beams i,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 set of people who receive baptism of the holy ghost in the book of acts chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 he's sin the his of the lord isaiah chapter 7 verse,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 of conversion laid out add to that colossians 3 for just comparative,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 in hebrew chapter 7 from verse 1 to 3 hebrews 7 1 to 3,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 5 verse 22 to 24 ephesians 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's joshua 1 8.,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 against the altar at sinai i'll read to you this is ezekiel 36 26 and 27 i will give you a new heart and i will put a,ezekiel,36,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 and so the law of god abraham said i've sworn to the lord genesis 14 22 he's the possessor of heaven and earth,genesis,14,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 22 i am saved look at romans chapter 10 reading from verse 9. it says that if,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 mind the kana mind in romans chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,romans,8,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 6 in his letter to titus here's what he does in titus 2 and 11. he says for the grace,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 is james chapter 3 james chapter 3 verses 13 to 18 i read,james,3,13.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 13 and god knows unhumble us oh here it is philippians 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a,philippians,4,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 12 this power during his time here on earth but hebrews 13 8 promises us that he had not changed so yeah he healed while he,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 otherwise you'll be holding hands with the accuser of the brethren revelation chapter 12 and verse 10 the accuser of,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 go to that the same verse 14 job chapter 14 verse 14 it says this if a man dies shall it leave again,job,14,14.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 14 a wonder to my world the anchor is isaiah chapter number eight and verse 18. the recommended books of the month,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in romans 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 but they did beat them instead yet we see in acts 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they,acts,5,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 41 what does that mean look at exodus chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 you're making up your mind i'm going to do,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 "powerful demons in positions behind governments, such as ezekiel 28, isaiah 14, daniel 9 and 10.",daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 "in my life."" in exodus 15 moses was leading the israelites to",exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 will i will but it's not gonna be just now i would say this read colossians read colossians 4 chapters take you 20,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 2 that is a very famous chapter philippians 2 that describes the spiritual realities of christ's,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 find ourselves at chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5. and this becomes for us a high point,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 how many even know that they're found in exodus 20 and deuteronomy 5. how many know about the two tables of,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 already but you know when the people sinned against god in the book of exodus chapter 32 and god sent moses down from,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 and acts 15 20 8 says for it seemed good to the holy,acts,15,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 2 building in isaiah 28 16 listen very carefully it says therefore thus saith the lord,isaiah,28,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 16 book of genesis chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,genesis,39,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 9 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of isaiah chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to,isaiah,61,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 4 every day god wants to speak to you that's the message in genesis 1 whether you hear it or not whether you,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the testifier is elizabeth benjamin give jesus a began number two miracle job my husband was made redundant in september,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 followed him not only peter and andrew look at james and john in verse 21 it says i'm going on from this is solved,james,1,21.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 21 all of the effect and power of that ephesians chapter 2 and verse one i'm going to give you a different scripture,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 power of continuity you know what paul said in acts 26 verse 22 acts 26 verse 22,acts,26,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 22 for joy nehemiah chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy,nehemiah,8,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 8 chapter 2 verse 20 esther was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 two years after they left egypt they came to this place in numbers in chapter 13,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 and what i decorate your life proverbs 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,proverbs,23,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 26 advancement of his agenda romans chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 7 verse 8 the bible says for every one that acts it receiveth he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 i'll oh you're not there okay zechariah 7 12. in this verse it says they made their hearts diamond,zechariah,7,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 12 "his hands and his feet will be pierced. seven hundred years before, the prophet isaiah says that he will be pierced not for his own",isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 the spirit so take a look at the beginning of ephesians chapter 4 we'll start in verse 4 here paul says,ephesians,4,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 4 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. revelation 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",revelation,6,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 12 his own sister and brother had come to accuse him in numbers 12 verse 1 saying why did you marry a non israelite woman,numbers,12,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 1 changed course and that's where they went acts 16 11 says we ran a straight course to samuel thrace,acts,16,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 11 two times hebrews would never have been written for one sin,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 look at what he said for the word of god is quick,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 choices moses successor joshua summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,joshua,24,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 15 ones proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 29 he says yes i am a man,proverbs,22,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 direct proverbs 4 7 proverbs wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all their,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 i said you'll be more zealous than those people look at romans chapter 10 and i'm reading from verse 2 romans chapter 10,romans,10,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 2 god's promise you know bible tells us in psalms 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,psalms,12,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 6 transform we are told in the book of isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 to 3 he said arise shine for thy light is come and,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 you call him father that's verse 17 when you pray to god who judges all people by the same standard,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 and 14. i'm reading from the new king james version of the bible deuteronomy chapter 28 i begin from,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 both as a commission and as individuals isaiah chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,isaiah,58,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 9 people who are stuck at a job not for them i've been on my job for two years and can't stand it i know it's not for,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 rest on those who kneed down in prayers acts 4 31 acts 4 31 i read,acts,4,31.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 31 adding to that confusion hebrews 13 4 marriage is to be held in an honor among all,hebrews,13,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 might be a better way of saying it genesis 4 cain rose up against abel his brother and killed him,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 fulfill them in your life in jesus name in philippians chapter 4 verse 18. but i have all and about i am full,philippians,4,18.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 18 romans 11 6 that if it's grace it's not works you can't mix them go to galatians just read and study the book of,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 it seems in romans chapter 9 verse 1. romans chapter 9 verse 1 it says i paul the apostle i the one that is,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 remarkable way but let me point something out joel chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 desire for good health proverbs 14 19 the evil bow before the good,proverbs,14,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 19 if you sell your property give a tithe to god no you see that passage in acts 5 before you sold it it was yours god,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 just a fact it's no excuse but it's a fact paul in acts 15 verse 39 read that the contention were so sharp between him,acts,15,39.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 39 goods but in ezekiel chapter 28 there's something very strange that goes on,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 but it's the three pastoral epistles as they're called person activity titus and philemon that are the fast flow epistles,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 there's an element of this in the scripture in deuteronomy 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil,deuteronomy,1,39.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 39 7 numbers chapter 12 verse 7 and verse 8,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 we have to pray we're still praying i want us to read you know from galatians this morning galatians chapter one and,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 let us might him with the tongue jeremiah 18 verse 18 literally come and let us destroy him what the devil has,jeremiah,18,18.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 18 person who this sermon was for just like in acts 15 2 that we read you are strengthened,acts,15,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 2 don't lie ever again proverbs 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,proverbs,19,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 22 21 and therefore israel of divinity and when israel was defeated joshua said why and the lord said their sin in the camp,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 zealous of good works look at hebrews chapter 9 verse 26,hebrews,9,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 26 do well if you embrace them that's a 2 to 1 chapters in the book of proverbs if you read one per day at the end of this you,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness exodus 23 25 and 26 god's word declares he said you,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time james chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 have a permanent enjoy ecclesiastes chapter 2 26,ecclesiastes,2,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 the easier to give into slanderous comments james forces do not speak evil against one another brothers think of,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 affairs of men in the book of james chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 you can see them god bless you i'm coming to ezekiel chapter 34 ezekiel,ezekiel,34,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 love with which he loved us and here's the deathblow to moralism ephesians chapter 2 while we were yet dead in our,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 reading from verse 26 to 28. genesis chapter 1 from verse 26,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 thought by thought hopefully this passage romans 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,romans,3,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 21 for example in joshua chapter 11 verse 22 joshua 11 verse 22 the bible tells us that or during the time of joshua the,joshua,11,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 22 genesis 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14 when the servant was saying and it came,genesis,41,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 13 the world that is what we call revelation ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 plan of god is unveiled through vision in habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 1 to 3 the word of god declares to us i will,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 that's context for isaiah so come back to isaiah chapter 54 this isn't a passage i don't think i've ever heard,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 to acts chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9,acts,9,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 6 of these three takeaways from this little acts 5 bible study was most encouraging to you thank you so much for,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 acts like i want to read just a real short passage to you it's an acts chapter four they continue on you're,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 oh thank you jesus the bible said in jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 it is a must the bible says in the book of habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 my worst problems was this little story in numbers 22 for some reason i just fixated on,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 that's why paul the apostle speaking in philippians 4 verse 4 said what rejoice and again i say rejoice,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 matthew 15 now did we see in romans 1 that's a judgment of god is on those who practice such,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 enochs world we see in the next chapter of genesis we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse,genesis,6,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 5 genesis 21 1 to 2 genesis 21 verse 1 to 2 before that story in genesis chapter 18,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 i can have it that's why he asked for it genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 god of surprise in isaiah 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing,isaiah,43,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 many many more note that the revelation we celebrate is the one we can manifest,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 uh if i wasn't so tired i probably uh james 2 25 in the same way was not also rahab the,james,2,25.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 25 god a bit of discipline right lastly the bible says in ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 say blessed be the god of at father of,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 from getting saved this year revelation chapter 12,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 so paul says it right there in colossians 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 "when somebody had a need, somebody would sell something to chapter 2 of acts to and they'd distribute it to those who had need.",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 the household and then in genesis 39 from verse 22 23 genesis 39 22 23 it was truly to prison he got into,genesis,39,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 22 unto us for to you a child is born isaiah the prophet when he prophesied about this scene in luke chapter 2 he,luke,2,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 1 at newport and among others his name in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 is the praise of peace the praise,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 strong assurance of faith and it'll be done romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 a meeting here from verse 17 as it is,romans,4,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 7 revealed who gets to know this glory spoken about in isaiah who gets to walk in this in luke chapter 2 and verse 8,isaiah,2,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 8 okay throughout human history god has always had a remnant that's isaiah 6 that there is a remnant there is the,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 i want to go into the expressions of the job of the lord meaning that the joy of the lord has an expression number one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 act number one is the narrative daniel 1 through 6. act 2 is the prophetic,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 filled with the spirit again so between acts 2 and acts 4 peter was filled with the spirit three times at least which,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and in building the body of christ romans 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will,romans,12,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 2 god it was joshua that went with him in exodus 32,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 and when you look at the prophecy of isaiah isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 are made on the author of sacrifice philippians chapter 4 verse 15 to 19. you philippians know also that in the,philippians,4,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 15 but you'll understand that as i read verses 15 to 17 ephesians 5 15 to 17. therefore be careful how you walk,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 but there was one problem daniel didn't have any skeletons in his closet daniel didn't have any scandals or any things,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 something that i hope impacts you acts chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,acts,13,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 46 or female in the galatians passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 holy moses other privilege yet in spite of forward acts chapter 20 in spite of order in chapter 20 from verse 10 see,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 fire in the pulpit isaiah 10 27 this is where it comes from it shall come to pass in that day that,isaiah,10,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 off i don't want to discount genesis 2 it's the inspired word of god and it's,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 winning like like the example we have in the book of nehemiah i believe in nehemiah chapter 4 verse 10 where the,nehemiah,4,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 1 jesus christ in our chapter 1 verse number 4 acts chapter 1 verse number 4 jesus commanded his disciples to wait,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 the bible says in amos chapter 3 verse 8 amos chapter 3 verse 8. this is,amos,3,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 8 you go from verses one to four genesis 17 verses one to four now something is in this particular passage,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 and one more verse in romans chapter 15 about jesus life romans 15 it says verse three christ did not please,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 council comes to you in acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,acts,11,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 23 abraham god the favor of god genesis 18 3 genesis 183 abraham found favor with god,genesis,18,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 3 settle down in this church for life zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 down to verse 12 says as for thee also,zechariah,9,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 what the spirit says unto the churches you will not lose your reward revelation chapter 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 other not ours isaiah 55 is it says for my thoughts are not your,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 passages that we have read together but especially from the book of exodus in chapter 3 but from god's perspective and,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 virtue of contentment philippians 4 1 therefore my beloved brethren whom i,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 mystery of the blindness it's from romans chapter 11 and we're going to try and ask ourselves why was there a,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 of our organization and in romans reading romans chapter 13 verses 1 verses 4 and five that's,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 wine he gets tithe to buy abraham all this neat stuff and then psalms psalm i think it's a 103 speaks of melchizedek,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 savior jesus the christ amen so some 37 is another of the many psalms written by king david david of course the man of,psalms,37,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 1 real look at titus chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 in jesus name open the lord look at colossians chapter 1 verse 21 golucius chapter 1,colossians,1,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 21 place to god be all the glory number four good news again job vacancies exist in the commission for,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 survey and just look at some words here amos 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,amos,1,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 2 isaiah 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of genesis 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,genesis,4,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 17 there's no chapters it's just the book of jude jude 12 baby verse 12 these are spots in your love feasts so he's,jude,12,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 12 down from the eye from the ivory tower of pride isaiah chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13,isaiah,17,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 17 verse 11 23rd chapter of exodus the 23rd chapter of exodus and verse 31,exodus,23,31.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 31 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in exodus 34 reading from verse 3 it says,exodus,34,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 3 now if you'll turn with me in your bibles to the book of proverbs chapter seven i want to share with you a message,proverbs,7,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 1 powerful section in romans 8 about those whom christ justified,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 no one tried to stop him that is the book of acts 28 chapters amazing things took place there and that,acts,28,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 1 "we read in the first verse of chapter 2 of the book of acts these words, ""when the day of pentecost had fully come, they were all",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 follow him and they all according to revelation 19 will be thrown forever into hell the lake of eternal fire this,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 remove ungodliness from jacob israel will be saved in the future romans 11 says they are elect they are beloved,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 tonight in jesus name in hebrews chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 testament in hebrews in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 chapter 6. ephesians chapter 6. i'm just going to read the opening four,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 daniel 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down,daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 paul of course comments on it in galatians 2 but he sent a titus on a special diplomatic,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 of the lamb the blood of the son of god acts of the apostles chapter 20 acts chapter 20,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 here's what's going to happen i'm fulfilling isaiah that spoke 700 years ago and he's leading it all up to here,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 parents ephesians six was one two three efficiencies one two three tells us that,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 from verse 13. in philippians chapter 4 when looking at vastatina,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 "of other believers, but rather to consider others better than ourselves, as philippians 2 puts it.",philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 died when he was about 17. and this is one of those psalms that he wrote when he was a very old man,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 here are people this cloud is people in hebrews 12 right hebrews 11 is the hall of faith abraham,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 you know the motto of this church in hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 and as i was coming through the book of ezekiel i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is,ezekiel,16,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 2 he knows each all look at chapter 3 revelation chapter 3 verse 1. and unto the angel of the church his son,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought jeremiah 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i,jeremiah,17,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 13 signed a decree that no one could pray to any god except him well daniel prayed anyway,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 bible due to romans 28 1 and 30 deuteronomy 28 1 and 30,romans,28,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 28 verse 1 "guess where his parting word came from? isaiah 6 verses 9 and 10, ""go to this people and say you will keep on hearing and will",isaiah,6,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 9 psalm 96 that's quoted over there in hebrews that they won't enter his rest,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 abraham had faith exercise faith in genesis chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,genesis,15,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 6 amen my message this morning forged in the fire it says in isaiah chapter 48 and verse 10 behold,isaiah,48,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 48 verse 1 in genesis chapter 22 verse 15 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 god changed what he said in genesis 12,genesis,22,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 15 verse 6 malachi chapter 3 verse 6 i am the lord i change a lot,malachi,3,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 6 and i'm sorry that i'm not doing a good job of um of dealing with one corinthians 13 but i,1 corinthians,13,1.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king james version talks about this transformation,2 corinthians,3,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 help you is as you read the book of proverbs each i mean one chapter a day you need,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 and you know i think it's in here in ephesians chapter four it says till we all come to the unity of,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 and when god sends his word is what cannot fall to the ground in isaiah chapter 55,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 joshua chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14 i'm reading here from verse six we're,joshua,14,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 6 "visibly. in fact, revelation 1 verse 7 says, ""every eye will see him.""",revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 striking of the shepherd but when you look at zechariah 13 7 it's worded slightly differently awake o,zechariah,13,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 7 the rapture will take place number one after that the great revelation number two,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 examples of where god stilled storms one of them would be in the life of jonah jonah wondrous 5 verse 15 story in 16 when,jonah,5,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 15 which includes sickness galatians 6 17 from hell's fault let no man trouble me,galatians,6,17.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 17 garden disraeli and egypt chapter 1 verses 5 and 7 james 1 verse 5 to serve a bible says don't worry if i wanted,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 judges chapter 13. from verse 1 to 25 judges 13 1 to 25 go through the mother,judges,13,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 1 open your bibles if you will please to the old testament text of ezekiel 18 21 through 22,ezekiel,18,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 21 moses do moses at multiple points one in exodus 32,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 burden malachi 1 this is the burden of the word of the lord to israel through malachi,malachi,1,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 1 and you have to make a choice hebrews 11 from verse 24 to 27 hebrews 11 from verse 24 to 27,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 life preserving him we're in genesis chapter 45 i don't wish to repeat the story of,genesis,45,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 1 the book of isaiah as as 61 i love to to read a scripture there from isaiah 61 you'll get an understanding of what i'm,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 i brought to you earlier there is none like you in exodus chapter 8,exodus,8,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 1 wrath on the unrighteousness is revealed in verse 18 of romans 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,romans,1,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 18 something the job in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6,job,39,5.0,1.0,job chapter 39 verse 5 so that's chapters 1 through 3 of revelation and that's what we're focusing on right now and among the,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 how high can god lift you why don't you ask joshua in joshua chapter one from verse one to eight,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of genesis 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,genesis,41,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 14 revelation chapter 2 verse 11 revelation 2 verse 11 revelation 3 verse 6 revelation 36 revelation 3 verse 13,revelation,3,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 6 as god did from his word hebrews chapter four um,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 blemish holy and without blemish in revelation 21 1 to 2 you read of a holy people coming,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 preserved until we see it again appearing in revelation chapter 22 so we only got through one letter but at least,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 into eternal life there is no end to it revelation 14 9 and a third,revelation,14,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 9 reproof for correction for training in righteousness in titus the apostle in chapter 1 verse 13 said this testimony,titus,1,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 13 when jesus comes according to philippians 3 21 then he's going to subject all things to himself but until,philippians,3,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 21 all of us are holy if we go to ephesians 1 we're all holy in christ,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 fellow israeli came from judah verse 2 and nehemiah you see here has a concern hananiah this man who came did not offer,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 abound in hope through the power of the holy ghost that's romans 15 and about 13. it is the place of hope is jesus,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 it's the of jesus remember moses / in exodus 33 show me that glory i think what he expected to see was thunder and,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 all knowledge peace that passes all knowledge philippians 4 number seven peace that passes all knowledge and the,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it malachi 2 14 the lord,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 which is in genesis chapter 22 i'm going to read just one verse verse 5.,genesis,22,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 5 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in romans 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,romans,6,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 19 god's presence and so as i said earlier the book of joel consisted of only three chapters yet it was written as a wake to up,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 i watched the conscience video um and romans 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 exodus 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 just by lifting up his hands at all,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 wisdom a new source of guidance philippians 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 please be seated in genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 the bible told us that in the beginning,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you know that sorry revelation 3 19 revelation 3 19 those whom i love i,revelation,3,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 19 15 to 16 genesis 21 15 to 16 is the story of,genesis,21,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 15 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 22 galatians chapter 5,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 get greater glory when you look at acts chapter 5 from verse 17 to 25 acts 5 from 17 to 25 and you compare ai 8 which,acts,5,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 17 christ that the apostle john saw when he was in exile as daniel was in exile on the isle of patmos and in revelation 1,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 we're taking the memory verses from the from galatians five 22 and 23 it goes those,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 heart to pray and for 21 days and the bible says daniel from the first day from the first day you set your heart to,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to genesis chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29,genesis,29,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 29 verse 17 singing with grace in your heart to the lord is it interesting colossians 3 16 says,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 three days and three nights that fish was god's mercy for jonah that fish was god's mercy for jonah number two,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 men for instance well we we had the story of apollo's in acts 18 verse 26 remember that apollo's spoke and and and,acts,18,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 26 is the servant of god matter of fact in acts chapter 4 when the people of god prayed following the miraculous release,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 chapter 7 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,ecclesiastes,7,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 17 we have heard the reputation of god and in joshua 2 verse 11 she adds this is a declaration coming from her,joshua,2,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 11 in acts chapter 2 reading from verse 30 age acts chapter 2 reading from verse 38 and then peter said unto them repent,acts,2,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 38 can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of daniel chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 other bibles that were printed up until 1611 and then the king james version of the bible came out in 1611 and that was,ignore,1,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 1 verse 1 being filled with the holy spirit you read in romans in chapter five i believe this is the primary mark,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 of the crossing of jordan god said to joshua in joshua chapter 3 and you can read the story from verse,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 ii romans chapter 4 were eating from verse 20 romans chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of taking,romans,4,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 2 are divisive avoid them romans 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,romans,16,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 17 have eternity because of what he has done for us as paul tells us in romans 8 but if christ is in you then even though,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 love is the fulfilling of the lord romans 13 10 and when the law is fulfilled,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 and jesus said after that the holy ghost has come upon you acts one and eight you shall receive power and you shall be,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 lola we mark the beginning of your eyes in genesis 37 the necessary gucci from verse 5 to 11 as they can see coca to cola,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to isaiah isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,isaiah,43,43.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 43 they did a research and they could not find anything amazing what daniel chapter 6 verse 28 verse 5 sorry and,daniel,6,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 5 like we said before according to galatians 5 and 22 the holy spirit wants to produce the things that,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 god will bring them back and so we know exactly where daniel was reading and in our bibles it's from chapter 29 you,daniel,29,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 29 verse 1 possessed i told you in joshua one that you are the one who distribute the land to the,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 the time you move into ruth chapter two and ruth herself found herself in the field of the man called boaz she walked,ruth,2,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 1 going to read it in romans eight now take them to romans after eight and let's close there romans,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 eternity onto my eyeballs next to revelation 21 in my bible i've written these words,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 in the mighty name of jesus after the order of acts of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesus,acts,9,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 11 "you're coming by law. and according to romans 3 verse 20, ""by the deeds of the law no one will be justified.""",romans,3,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 2 the second time he's saying don't strike it speak to it but in numbers 20 here is what happens so moses took the rod from,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 brightness of the firmament according to daniel chapter 12,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 just a couple of comments about the second word there in galatians 5 which is joy common word what about its nature,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 are looking at this money is psalms one and two in someone we are focusing on the declaration of god's,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 yourself to be teachable humble acts of kindness and i will explain something to you about jesus one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 preaching i did for many many years turn yourself around now ezekiel was one of those many old testament prophets,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 philippians 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 really wanted to you could binge on all of aaron's teachings on leviticus in one day well in each season of the deep well,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 number three for jesus christ jude is practically a preacher's dream,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 5 from verse 7 to 8 romans 5 from verse 7 to 8 he said why we were yet sinners,romans,5,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 7 shows my weakness but if you just have acts 9 and you're just reading there,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 see a little bit of the perversion of lot time and sodom luke turn to genesis 19 genesis 19 two angels came to sodom,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 come to us staring us for the race that is ahead the scripture says in ezekiel chapter 2 and verse 2,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 jerusalem that's zechariah chapter 14 in zechariah 14 you have a besiegment of israel that is antichrist army that's,zechariah,14,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 1 or a victim look at chapter 3 in chapter 3 it tells us acts chapter 3 verse 19 and it says repent ye therefore and be,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 is there not a cause according to galatians chapter 6 verse 7 here it says verse 7,galatians,6,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 7 understand you test for yourself when we begin to read revelation chapter 6,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 and my experience of my own battle with sin and the first one is philippians 2 12 and 13.,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 irreproachable judge of ho chi sinners he tells us in hebrews chapter 12 verse 23 to the general assembly and church of,hebrews,12,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 23 plan out the universe in order to get acts 4 28 to happen,acts,4,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 28 made powerless satan who had the part at hebrews 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the,philippians,2,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 14 because the bible is very clear in romans chapter 13 verse 1 that we are to submit ourselves to the governing,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 us to understand in the book of acts acts chapter 10 in the book of acts chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 spiritual battle of reaching children and i'd like to go to ephesians chapter 6 because it is a battle when you go get,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 to just go ahead and pray tonight as i read from the book of isaiah chapter 33 verse 22,isaiah,33,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 22 lord god turn back to ezekiel 14 please i don't remember you remember something,ezekiel,14,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 1 you assurance of your own salvation i'm just gonna read from paul here romans seven starting with verse 14 he says for,romans,7,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 14 based on that if you were to ask luke to give a title to the acts of the apostles based on that one verse what title do,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 proud but gives grace to the humble and that magnificent description in isaiah 2 or says the lord of house has a day,isaiah,2,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 which brings us a very crucial point isaiah 55 verse 10. isaiah 55 verse 10 says god gives seed,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 longer be denied of your portion in jesus name in philippians chapter 3 and verse 10,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 certainty secondly and again this is right before we get in galatians chapter one you're calling flows out of who you,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 it was in daniel chapter 5 when after the the fourth king as daniel 25 that where there was a handwritten war at,daniel,25,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 25 verse 1 will give them is the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's colossians 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 having met him on the road to damascus and just a verse from acts chapter 9 and i'm reading it from a different,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 like one of the books i like is jeremiah specifically jeremiah 23 is talking about the false prophets of those days,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 go unto the father ephesians chapter 4 we're reading from verse 21 ephesians chapter 4,ephesians,4,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 21 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen revelation chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 a wise man can overlook an offense proverbs 19 11. they avoid strife,proverbs,19,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 11 cried out in the book of romans we have a scripture book of romans 7 verses 23 to 24. says,romans,7,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 23 a message now in romans chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 this i want to direct your attention to the fifth chapter of romans romans chapter five where we have the answer to,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 promise of the father and in acts 2 in galatians 3 it is called a promise in other words you receive it by faith do,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in revelation chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,revelation,18,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 4 gateway to next level of church growth in jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 conditions met by abraham in genesis chapter 12 from verse one you will see the,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 idolatry romans 1 20 to 22 22 to 23 says this,romans,1,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 2 want to be deceived so now i want to turn you to romans chapter 9 which is one of those chapters,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 identify with christ openly say amen romans 1 16 form not ashamed of the gospel of christ,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 about cyrus that i mentioned in isaiah chapter 44 and chapter 45. this is what it says at the,isaiah,44,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 1 should be a guiding point on this road hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews 13 verse 5 let your conversion i mean,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 there was a man in the land of uz whose name was job in this that man was perfect and upright and one that feared,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 gotten to the gentiles i'm sure the lord would have gotten the job done but because of the obedience of one man,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 we read of one of those prophecies in isaiah which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was,matthew,8,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 17 and as we do so today i want us to be reminded of god's word in jeremiah 33 and verse 3. he said call unto me i will,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 with the holy spirit and that will lead you it says in ephesians 5 into a life of praising god and thanksgiving and,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 name really from worrying from hebrews chapter 12,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 on you and that's the development of it so leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and no two verses that uses that seven times,leviticus,26,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and the first part he made he read in genesis 1 24 and 25 all the animals on the earth,genesis,1,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 24 in such pure order that his very enemies could not reprove him in any one job his tender treatment of dr heath,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 number two thing we discovered about nehemiah was that he was a man ready to die for a cause,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the heart like it says in hebrews 13 you know this verse hebrews 13 and verse 9 in the middle of that verse it says,hebrews,13,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 to the part in acts 740 is where we're out in the book of acts the path of idolatry acts 740,acts,7,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 4 revelations chapter 1 verse 23 colossians chapter 1 we're looking at verse 23 it says if he continue in the,colossians,1,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 23 the church continues to grow joel chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,joel,1,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 12 just listen to these words from the prophet isaiah in 44 chapter 44 verse 1 here now o,isaiah,44,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 1 conflict between nations conflict is one of our big problems now i'm genesis chapter 4 i believe god is giving us,genesis,4,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 1 obviously israel is regathered in the land as ezekiel 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray,ezekiel,37,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 11 jonah three and three this time that jonah obeyed the lord's command and went to nineveh a city so large it took three,jonah,3,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 1 an assurance that if he has spoken definitely he will perform for isaiah 46 verse 11 isaiah 46 verse 11 saying,isaiah,46,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 11 overcome in your speech let me show you colossians and chapter four,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 paragraph at the end of deuteronomy 11 is hyperlinked to the first paragraph,deuteronomy,11,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 1 through psalm 134 four of those psalms are by david it tells us that they're by david one is by,psalms,134,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 134 verse 1 power into two separate powers six in revelation 13 the beast of the sea has seven heads and ten horns with ten,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 you'll be flying with wings as ego in exodus 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 we pray amen when we read from psalms 150 psalms 150.,psalms,150,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 150 verse 1 looking at genesis chapter 49 i'm starting with verses 1 until genesis chapter 49 verses 1 and 2 and jacob,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 so read the scripture carefully every single hebrews 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 speak to separate brother family romans chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 the six and number six it will bring the,romans,12,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 6 going to fight the battle for you and that's what we say in exodus and chapter 14 i was 14 that,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 followed in genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 because abraham,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church leviticus said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,leviticus,20,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 26 "the building of the body. the lord in ephesians 4 gave to the church apostles, prophets, teaching pastors, evangelist",ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 jubilee brings if you read the book of leviticus chapter number 25 you see that jubilee brings rest jubilee brings,leviticus,25,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 1 proverbs 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty,proverbs,23,11.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 11 to really pay attention he says in revelation 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,revelation,16,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 15 get some real expertise in the book of daniel these are three books that satan hates because they bear fruit for the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 it's not just about what we do it's about who we're becoming when titus 2 discipleship begins it is unstoppable it,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 before august 1 2021 deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 sums there are five books of psalms that this psalm 103 is part of for psalms that closed book for they're all calls,psalms,103,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 103 verse 1 a tremendous victory but by the time we'll go to joshua chapter 7 almost immediately after the great victory in,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 say louder a man jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 we are told in chapter 6 of daniel that daniel in verse 12 verse 20 he said the king said daniel servant of the,daniel,6,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 12 know the bible said in the book of psalms someone won nine in the nate 98 or so said forever god rewarded cetera,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 i had three accidents in lagos good job if he takes care of your body go back,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,exodus,33,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 11 greedy for unjust gain indeed to them ezekiel the preacher you are nothing more than one who sings love,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 this experience with god well i think again isaiah this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,isaiah,6,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 9 that's where he got the courage proverbs 28 1 says the righteous are as bold as a lion and we need to remember,proverbs,28,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 verse 28 in acts chapter 5 verse 28 saying,acts,5,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 28 toward god or turning away from him galatians 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,galatians,1,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 6 daniel verse 17 we are two there concerning daniel that concerning these individuals daniel,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of the brethren in revelation 12 he's called a deceiver of the whole world,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 and the bible says in jeremiah 17 jeremiah says that the heart is wicked and deceitful above all else who can,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 beautiful beautiful that's just zechariah 99 so this was in the mind of the jew they knew that this was about,zechariah,9,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 when god promised jeremiah that have other you a prophet in jeremiah 1 5 i order you a prophet,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 still very i was still a rookie on the job and part of the training and the induction meant we had to go from one or,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 2021 make it stronger and louder deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 multitudes of people and he honors back those who engage in doing so proverbs 14 28,proverbs,14,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 14 to 17 jeremiah 2 14 to 17 is israeli servant is he homelessly,jeremiah,2,14.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 14 showed up to isaac genesis 26 and verse 1 you shall not go down to egypt,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 and then to angels and to men in ephesians chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,ephesians,3,9.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 9 redeemer but no action look at james chapter 2. james chapter 2 verse 17 even so peace if it had not works is,james,2,17.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 17 the earth you see from the opening chapter of the bible from genesis chapter one he wants you fruitful he,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 isaac took definite steps let me let me just let's read from genesis 26 and verse 12 then isaac soared in the land,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 but where is that temple stephen said in acts chapter 7 the most high no longer dwells in,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 in quadratic normal questions were just normal acts 8 14 17 i'm giving you evidence this is,acts,8,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 14 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what ephesians 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,ephesians,2,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 for me look at romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 price for that sanctification hebrews chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,hebrews,13,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 13 all things god okay hebrews 12 verse 2 it says that jesus this is just after hebrews 11 right says jesus is the founder and,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 his mind to function we know it says in isaiah 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts,isaiah,55,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 starting in philippians 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy,philippians,3,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 21 households headed by non to christians like the four mentioned in romans and he mentions these verses not to mention the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 because of my love and like it says about leaders in hebrews in chapter five applies to all of us,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 there's eight distinct visions that zechariah receives eight different visions,ignore,0,8.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 8 about a very different subject and then here in titus chapter 3 it's only used once the word regeneration,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 kept on pouring adding more and more the bible says also in malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 2 he was saying,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 daniel chapter 7 chapter 8 9 and 11 and revelation chapter 13 he's mentioned as the beast in revelation 13 he is going,daniel,13,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 13 verse 8 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of hebrews and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,hebrews,3,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 going to go to jeremiah and take a look at that and i'm going to jeremiah 27 uh verse 5 through,jeremiah,27,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 5 we haven't understood that word in genesis i'm sorry john 12 he who hates his own life his self to life,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 that is what the bible tells us in romans chapter 8 and verse 28 that all things work together for good to them,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 says daniel chapter 11 verse 32,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 so something i learned from the enduring word commentary is that haggai spoke these words 66 years after the temple,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 wrestled with in genesis 32 you see i will not let you go,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 metaphor in john 1 seems more more literal in genesis 1. and um the uh and the light as well,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 12 exodus 7 prophecy to 12 the bible tells us that moses stood before pharaoh true,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 like that of a child hebrews 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 verse 6. without faith it is impossible to please,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 of god thank god for you you turn in your bibles to the book of romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 the letter of,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 throughout the centuries and the third woman was the woman here in revelation chapter 12 he represents the church had,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 hebrews 11 says that hebrews 11 the faith that god is giving you,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 isaiah chapter 44 i'm eating from boston isaiah chapter 44 20 it says he feedeth on ashes,isaiah,44,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 2 we're going to give him thanks ephesians 3 and verse 20. the bible says now to him who is able to do,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 that verse jesus was made lower than the angels you read in hebrews chapter 2 can you order someone who's above you man,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 name we pray amen jesus told the disciple in acts of the apostle chapter 1 verse 8,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to malachi chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,malachi,3,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 16 kind of slavery seen in early america for example consider exodus 21 16 it says whoever steals a man and sells him,exodus,21,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 16 are the two wires that need to touch romans chapter 10 we believe in our heart and we confess with our mouth you,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 read a portion from even chapter six so open your bible to romans chapter six this is going to be a very important,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 all right hebrews real quick hebrews quick and then i want to establish hebrews 4 and 12. i want to,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and by christ it is dominated by christ when you begin to read ephesians chapter one you are,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 it says then you are saying that's in romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 and now it says,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 that one was my snot was the old matt is the most haha the demon exodus 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a,exodus,15,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 3 "one of the great stories of a runaway slave is the book of philemon in the new testament, right?",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and bones the tribes of israel but in judges 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,judges,9,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 2 about hebrews chapter 2,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 morally or doctrinally to lead them astray and so now here we are at romans 16 verse 19 he just finished the,romans,16,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 19 again and again just go to titus 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,titus,1,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 6 in jesus name i want to start with the book of isaiah in isaiah chapter 1,isaiah,1,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 1 may god not bypass you in jesus name james chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw near to god,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 stimulates joy proverbs 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,proverbs,17,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 strangers in the heartless kingdom were looking at ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 12 it says that at that time,ephesians,2,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 on god's word there's another verses in proverbs 25 verse 2 which said it is the glory of god to conceal a matter and,proverbs,25,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 2 how many messages and studies i've heard um on romans chapter six teaching on water baptism,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 has said genesis chapter 6 god says in the third verse,genesis,6,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 3 tomorrow is all right that your tomorrow is sure in the name of jesus in isaiah chapter 40 the bible make us to,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 know how to do it ephesians 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 to me jeremiah 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,jeremiah,37,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 37 verse 2 when he got to that lad god bless him in genesis chapter 35 verse 1 the lord told,genesis,35,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 1 levitical choirs sang these psalms on the 15 steps going from the outer court of the women in the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 daniel 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,daniel,3,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 17 and jesus precious name isaiah 65 and verse 8. and then we pray,isaiah,65,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 8 second best or third best or tenth best it says about jesus in romans 15 and verse 3 romans 15 and verse 3 it says,romans,15,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 3 chapter 6 tells her the same thing romans chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 6. it says knowing this,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 where we're all together like in the book of acts when they were all together in chapter 2 and they were all together,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 respectfully before you in romans 6 and verse 11 we find these words,romans,6,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 11 verse 8 ephesians 5 verse 8 i saw one who was once darkness,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday ezekiel chapter 36 and verse 37 says,ezekiel,36,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 37 welcome to your season of multiplication jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 itself paying significantly more money and better job title in her city sounds great right only one catch i own,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's acts 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,1 corinthians,10,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 2 nomicon zz tompa now before kaaba condon our men na benza our manga in revelation 22 verse 15 it says outside all the dogs,revelation,22,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 15 or to the lake of fire that is as we read in the future revelation 20 the devil and his demons will be cast into,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 hardly know where you are and that can happen and i'll tell you this hebrews 3 talks about the deceitfulness of sin and,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 those two references romans 2 and revelation 2 but tribulation throughout scriptures,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in daniel chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 comes up in the book of acts it's it's it's it's nowhere not just in acts 15 it doesn't come up here when when the issue,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is ezekiel 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,ezekiel,6,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 9 could do well we would go straight to james chapter 2 and we would say well faith without,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 why has god preserved joel these three chapters now if i were to guess you can correct,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 "and you're in the spiritual dada category. and, of course, ephesians 4 says you're tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind",ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 believers we discover in the book of exodus chapter 34 verse 28 to 30 we find moses comment down from the mountain of,exodus,34,28.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 28 verse 24 isaiah 65 24,isaiah,65,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 24 the book of acts chapter 28 acts chapter 28 and i will begin to read from verse 1,acts,28,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 1 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look actually exodus 4 i think since then moses said to the lord oh,exodus,4,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 11 but i'm gonna drive this home the apostle says to the colossians again let no one disqualify you insisting on,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the bible and put in a gap between genesis 1 1 and 1 2 and invented the gap theory who's heard of the gap theory,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 scorpions look at ezekiel ezekiel chapter 2 in ezekiel chapter 2,ezekiel,2,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 1 our hearts must be set in the book of hebrews chapter 6 and verse 11. the bible makes us to,hebrews,6,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 11 very tall order as tall as from 20 10 0 judges this year very tall order,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 these are the two things we need revelation of the holy spirit power of the holy spirit revelation of the holy,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that's the holy spirit the holy spirit then comes on believers in acts chapter 2. but in john chapter 14 jesus,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 "turn to zechariah 12, zechariah chapter 12. zechariah comes 500 years before christ, maybe 150 or so years after isaiah, they've gone",ignore,0,5.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 5 that jesus after he ascended up into heaven ephesians 4 he it says in verse 410 he ascended to,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 happen and you know what proverbs 20 verse 12. proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 says,proverbs,20,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 as they were coming together in the book of acts acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of,acts,2,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 42 that which you expect or anticipate james chapter 2 and verse 18 is a faith without walks,james,2,18.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 18 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice james chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,james,4,7.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 7 will show you read exodus chapter 12 from verse 1 to 36 exodus chapter 12,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 if a prophet says something verse 22 deuteronomy 18 last verse verse 22,deuteronomy,18,22.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 22 this beautiful passage jesus is it's as though isaiah 50 this third of the sermon songs is,isaiah,50,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 1 plan and so the bible says here uh in romans 7 8 that the spirit of god constantly reinforcing reminds us it,romans,7,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 8 "of nations. in daniel chapter 4 and verse 17, a familiar setting.",daniel,4,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 17 that's in um isaiah let me read that verse if you can turn to isaiah 29,isaiah,29,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 1 philippians chapter 4 verse 6 read for let's go to five and six philippians 4 verse 5 so then your gentleness be known to all,philippians,4,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 5 are gods you come back to exodus chapter 19 and you look at verse four,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 in 70 a.d. when the romans destroyed the temple. god knows what tribe they're in and god will,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 he gave himself not only for our sins galatians 1 4 but to rescue us from this present evil world,galatians,1,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 4 i need to know that of a truth you will in esther chapter 9 esther chapter 9,esther,9,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 1 called why i changed my view on daniel chapter 8 and why i no longer hold it or,daniel,8,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 1 only appears one time in the entire bible it's right here in revelation 16 16,revelation,16,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 16 because he wrote about 50 percent of the book of psalms the sweet samis of israel,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 verse 12 in hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,hebrews,13,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 in nehemiah chapter 2 and here's nehemiah going about his business you know for three months he has been,nehemiah,2,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 1 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 isaac i'm looking at genesis genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,genesis,22,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 7 and the sixth verse romans chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 proverbs chapter 6 i'll read from verse 6 to 11 from the new king james version chapter 6 to 11,proverbs,6,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 does it mean when it says let us run this race looking unto jesus hebrews 12 verse 1 and to the author and finisher,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 healthy in jesus name and look at acts chapter 27,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 and heritance among them which are sanctified by face that is in me acts chapter 5 reading from bastaki acts,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 is a father is an example to his children job 31 verse 1 i made a covenant with my eyes that i should,job,31,1.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 1 himself in job chapter one verse seven when god asks him,job,1,7.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 7 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve genesis 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,genesis,4,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 4 verse 3 permission to take life job 121 now the biblical we want to look we want,job,1,21.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 21 problem is lacks its context romans six half of romans seven and romans eight are probably the most triumphant,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 [music] zechariah chapter 12 and i could i could take you to a number of places,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray acts 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 fulfillment of your destiny in ecclesiastes chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 enemy an enemy lamentations 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a,lamentations,2,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 standing up ezekiel chapter 3 ezekiel chapter 33 they parallel one another,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 acts chapter 18 in acts chapter 18 verse 9.,acts,18,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 18 verse 9 all that have been reaching concerning him go to genesis chapter 3 reaching concerning me and go to exodus reaching,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 number one is continuous flow of revelation continuous flow,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 unto death one of course hebrews six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,hebrews,6,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 numbers chapter 20 from verse 1 to 12 numbers 20 from verse 1 to 12. he had been laboring for god,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 harvesters out of the believer in the book of isaiah chapter 41 and verse 15,isaiah,41,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 15 that is against you to conquer you and that's what he's saying in jeremiah 27 5 to 7 he's making it very clear,jeremiah,27,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 5 one ephesians chapter one are you going to be praying for yourself this season we,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 from the beginning isaiah 46 9 to 10,isaiah,46,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 after 17 he you as knowledge spares his words proverbs 29 do you see a man hasty in his words too quick to talk there is,proverbs,29,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 1 now our memory verse is taken from philippians 3 20. um but our homeland is in heaven and we,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 hope look throughout they'll say and jeremiah especially jeremiah 23 and 24 and throughout he's talking about you,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 can be skated all through so i'm going to read from genesis chapter 3,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 "look at philippians, chapter 2. philippians 2 is the explanation of this. it says he existed in the morphē of god.",philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 covenant and then a little further on in isaiah chapter 60 it's a very solemn statement which may shock some of you,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 baptized in the holy ghost and they went out there to speak so you you read acts of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 38,acts,2,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 38 jesus said in acts 1 wait until you receive power from our,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 2021 say louder amen jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 us in galatians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6,galatians,5,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 6 up to verse 27 in revelation chapter 21 we were reading just now,revelation,21,27.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 27 if you want to see how serious sin is just think of genesis 3 what happened when one man sinned with,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 directly isaiah 34 16 seek out of the book of the lord read none of these shall fail,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts james 4 8 purify your hearts,james,4,8.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 8 and of course you can't say they never heard because romans 1 says they start out without excuse,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 the stoil in romans chapter 8 verse 12 therefore brethren,romans,8,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 12 second chronicles 4 5 do the different numbers usually this kind of thing i'd have to,2 chronicles,4,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 because it is not by power nor by might according to zechariah chapter 6 and in chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 say clare 4 6,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 unto the lord proverbs chapter 23 in proverbs chapter 23 i was going to say it,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 with the person earlier today was ephesians so in ephesians 4 this is a really popular verse that a lot of,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 so comes from genesis 17 right so in genesis 17 he institutes he being god institutes a,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 concerning you say lord amen hebrews 10 36 let's read together now everybody want,hebrews,10,36.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 helping people who were poor now clearly naomi and ruth are poor these are two women who've come back,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 we even covered that last week hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,hebrews,12,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 mature ephesians chapter 4 that we may no longer be,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 "hope for the future. so chapters 4 through 10, hosea explores the causes and effects of",hosea,4,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 1 christ exodus 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,exodus,23,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 26 is what jericho yes they come to jericho so we're there in john and joshua five entering the promised land and remember,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of peace shall bear was you or come to your colossians chapter 3 we're eating from verse 15 colossians,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 for fruitfulness you must create room for it i read in a bible verse isaiah 54 verse 123 he says cry out loud but he,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 we're going to be praying about that romans 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 unto men once to die the bible says in hebrews 9 27 and after that the judgment,hebrews,9,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 with faith we can pray for revival that's what habakkuk did look at what it says there in chapter 3 verse 2 it,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 17 and verse 18 thank you jesus ephesians 1 17 and 18. it tells us there it says that the god,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 i mean genesis 37 from verse 16 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 16 to 28 the brothers of,genesis,37,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 16 so you rejoice in god this is the key to rejoicing it's in philippians 4 for you might have missed this when you read,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 chapter 44 hallelujah isaiah chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,isaiah,44,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 2 know the verse so i'd like to turn to it in romans chapter 8 it says here he who did not spare his own son where's 30 to,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 and that's what romans 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 proverbs 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,proverbs,19,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 shall all be made alive we know this is the great truth that is taught in romans chapter five to be in christ means,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 us away look at romans chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,romans,9,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 13 phrase the time is near revelation 22 10 says the time is at hand a lot of people have taken,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in romans 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,romans,4,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 13 all right we've talked to that picture let's go back to ephesians chapter six i hope i've succeeded in,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 believers in isaiah chapter 43 verse 25 isaiah chapter 43 verse 25,isaiah,43,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 25 don't allow it so i want someone to pray look look at what philippians chapter three verse that is talking about paul i,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 all costs and make himself available in the presence of god ephesians 4 30 says,ephesians,4,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 reading romans 7 know ye not brethren for i speak to them that know the law how that,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 the scripture says have faith in god hebrews 11 and verse 6 he said without,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 moses taught bitter water to sweet exodus 15 verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 when the children of israel go to amara,exodus,15,22.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 22 chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king james version the bible says the next day john saw,james,1,29.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 29 the evidence of thing not saying hebrews chapter 11 verse one in second convention five seven second,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 quick to listen slow to speak and even slower to anger proverbs 18 verse 2 says these words fools have,proverbs,18,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 prophetic season in zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10 said and i will pour upon the house of,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 be seven years well if you look at the book of daniel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,daniel,9,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 24 scriptures we're going to look at galatians 5 19 through 20,galatians,5,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 19 government we'll read revelation 13 and we have a word from the lord that,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 in life in acts of the apostle chapter 31 to 8 act 3 1 to 8,acts,31,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 31 verse 1 if they gang up against you they will fall for your seat deuteronomy 28 verse 7 literally me 24/7,deuteronomy,28,7.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 i have up there in the video so genesis 3 when you get to genesis 3 we get the idea of the curse and the,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 in remade bodies but the passage they quote is revelation seven verses four through eight which is not talking about,revelation,7,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 4 live in the fear of the lord always proverbs 23 17 and for them fear of the lord,proverbs,23,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 17 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 of the abomination of desolation 927 daniel speaks about the seven to year period that is going to yet come that,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 see it and you could look at this passage but in romans 9 through 11 you two is not individuals it is,romans,9,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 11 now in genesis chapter 17 look at 10 genesis chapter 17 verse 10 see how costly abraham obedience was,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 from verse three it says in revelation chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,revelation,3,36.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 36 jeremiah and we move on to the prophet ezekiel so this week it is jeremiah 41 through 45.,ezekiel,41,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 41 verse 1 themselves in philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 21 philippians chapter 2 eating from verse 21 here paul,philippians,2,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 21 chapter eight i'm reading from verse 5 chapter h of acts of the apostles chapter 8 verse 5 then philip went down,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 the bible says in proverbs 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 apostles chapter 20 verse 33 acts of the apostles chapter 20. our reading from verse 33 it says in,acts,20,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 33 three kind up on the hill or mountain and and joshua is its leading the army down here in the valley and and as long,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 and for everyone that's why it says in romans chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 luke 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,luke,5,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 17 which is taken from the book of ephesians 4 2 3 it says with all loneliness,ephesians,4,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 2 in the book of isaiah chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 48 the grass with that the flower faith,isaiah,40,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 8 no more hiding you know in isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 isaiah 60 verse 1,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 on destroying the church the followers of the way back in acts chapter nine and he has an encounter with the resurrected,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 conflict first ask can i overlook this can i overlook this offense proverbs 19 says good sense makes one slow to anger,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 "just listen to this, starting in verse 19 of lamentations 3. ""remember my affliction in my wandering, the",lamentations,3,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 19 i'm reading in the word of god in egg ezekiel chapter 34. and in verse 26 and i will make them,ezekiel,34,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 26 you see because isaiah 66 verse 1 66 verse 1,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 way back in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 are angels they are our co to invisible co to liberals the reapers revelation chapter 14 from 14 to 16 we see,revelation,14,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 14 christ before our dated time before the world began it says in titus chapter 1 verse 2,titus,1,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 2 companion the companion that never fails were looking at joshua chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there,joshua,1,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 5 nehemiah 3 8 some were perfumers nehemiah 3 8 merchants 332 they were rulers workers,nehemiah,3,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 8 circumstances in the book of isaiah chapter 53 and verse 1 he said who has believed our,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 edition ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,ephesians,4,31.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 comes up let's look at it it's found in colossians 3 somewhat a parallel account or parallel teaching to what we have in,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 by his word we had turned to ezekiel 18 please ezekiel the eighteenth chapter please pray for our team spread all over,ezekiel,18,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 1 name amen so we're gonna look in a moment at genesis 45 genesis 50 but just in case some here are new christians and,genesis,45,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 1 proverbs chapter 24 verse number 10 proverbs chapter 24 and verse number 10 prove us 24 and verse number 10 who,proverbs,24,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 1 earth in romans chapter 12 verse 1 romans 12 verse 1 he say you have to present your body a living sacrifice you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 acts 26 15 to 18 acts 26 15 to 18.,acts,26,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 15 heaven we're looking at revelation chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,revelation,22,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 14 what's today's date 26 ezekiel 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb,ezekiel,36,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 and that's something that we read also in romans and chapter read in romans chapter 8 it says there in verse 26 in,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 plain obedience to the all not father genesis chapter 45 we're looking at verse 3 and joseph sage,genesis,45,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 45 verse 3 teaching and admonishing one another with psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart to the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 is destiny and take them into a promised land but i the opponent in exodus chapter 3 the bible says from verse one,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 remarkable way it says in verse 14 or 15 but he that is spiritual judges all things have you ever heard in the church,ignore,0,14.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 14 he said a daniel 1 8 that i want it the bible said,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 just open this book there's a passage in ecclesiastes that i also love ecclesiastes chapter 5,ecclesiastes,5,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 1 ii chronicles chapter 12 verse 1 second chronicles 12 12 1 and daniel chapter 4 verse 30 to 32.,daniel,4,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 3 from verse 17. genesis chapter 20 verse 17 there's healing the ceiling but there's more,genesis,20,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 17 the future commandment is malachi 3 10 bringing all the tithes into the storehouse,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 it again so it's taken from galatians 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 understand the old testament is clear on this in deuteronomy 10 14 and 15 behold to the lord your god belong heaven and,deuteronomy,10,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 14 don't give up and see the vision through and that's what ruth is i have been waiting for this moment for two years,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 exodus now in fact i encourage you turn to exodus starting in exodus 4 i will flip through several in order several,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 like bestiality verse 24 then of leviticus 18 do not defile yourselves by any of,leviticus,18,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 24 opportunities don't waste opportunity ephesians 5 16 episode 5 16 the bible said it give me the time,ephesians,5,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 16 have faith have faith because in galatians 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,galatians,3,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 2 creative abilities that's what i read in hebrews 12 that everything created will be shaken even the heavens will be,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 mum oh you don't believe me genesis chapter 27,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 one why i'll be better i'll handle this better why why lord job is longing in his cry of why he's longing for relief,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 say likewise romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also affect our,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 [music] genesis 41 46 .,genesis,41,46.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 46 by your word acts chapter 2 verse 6 when this was noise abroad the multitudes came,acts,2,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 6 called the queen of heaven in jeremiah chapter 7 verse 16 to 18,jeremiah,7,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 16 us he leads us what sealing has talked about in ephesians one the spirit leading us is spoken about in romans,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 describe the afterlife is found in revelation chapter 2 and it could literally be translated the,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 defined in unintentional sins both in the new testament hebrews chapter 10 as well as,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 must be about my father's business romans 12 verse 11 it says not slothful in business but fervent in spirit 7 the,romans,12,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 11 here i'm here son i'm here daughter he is on the inside so ephesians chapter 3 verse 26 now on to him that is able to,ephesians,3,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 26 the bible talks about besetting sin in hebrews 12 1 say the sin which don't don't easily beset us amen,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 um you know the parallel genesis 1 is in the beginning god created the heavens,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 uh see him we'll saw that in revelation chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 integrity and you can read malachi chapter 1 verses 2,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 body so let's take it this way um satan attacked job and one of the ways he did this was he created these boils,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 later after my baptism the lord told me to quit my job in the navy and come out to serve him it was one work but if i,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 chapter 1 reading from verse 28 colossians 1 28 whom we preach warning every man whom we preach one in,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,exodus,33,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 13 father back in joel 2 and emphasized in acts 1 even he was promised by the lord jesus in john 16 just before the famous,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 inequities and now we're looking at titus chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 huge huge deal in acts chapter 19 paul's in ephesus like the romans they saw this we know maybe more so than the household,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 god job chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,job,23,16.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 16 without support or blameless it tells us in jude chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,jude,1,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 23 the room with this problem what is proverbs 10 say in the multitude of words sin is not lacking you talk too,proverbs,10,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 1 reading the four gospels and even what peter says in acts 3 when he's preaching about,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in exodus chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27,exodus,10,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 10 verse 21 you know this early genesis 39 verse 7 to 16 genesis 13 / 7 to 16 a bible said when the wife of potiphar began to show,genesis,39,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 7 eye or cutting off an arm hebrews 12 says let us lay aside the sin and the weight that so easily besets us,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder exodus 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,exodus,15,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 11 read josh 15 exodus 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their,exodus,13,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 2 amen romans romance 12,ignore,0,12.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 12 pandemic of all time bible says in romans 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 you in jesus name in jeremiah chapter 42 jeremiah chapter 42 he said you know the secret of your protection the secret of,jeremiah,42,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 we don't cultivate sin on the inside. james says in james 1 that lust conceives on the inside and produces sin.,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,ecclesiastes,7,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 9 filth just like ezekiel 16 or he just describes israel as being in their blood,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture job chapter 22 verse 29,job,22,29.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 29 daniel i want thee to be distinguished look at that daniel again chapter 1 was aged,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 and the crowd wasn't there and then you shared from job 26 which makes me tear up because it says and,job,26,1.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 1 the bible makes us to understand in the book of exodus chapter 7 beginning from verse 10 all the way to,exodus,7,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 7 verse 1 romans chapter 13 i'm reading from verse one romans chapter 13,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 there and he became a leader there and he got into trouble you read in genesis 14 witness some other king came and,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 13 romans 9 10 to 13. the bible may declare that when the,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 the cross and the second thing he did on the cross verse 15 colossians 2 15. he disarmed the rulers and authorities,colossians,2,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 15 foundation isaiah 59 12 i'm sorry 59 1 to 2,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 the old testament in isaiah chapter 5 isaiah was a prophet and he was probably the holiest man in israel at that time,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 our lord we shall reign look at revelation chapter five what reading from verse 10,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 we must live peaceably with all men also in philippians chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,philippians,2,14.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 14 proverbs chapter 30 yes i think it does this is what job complained about though is that he,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 without a heart for god in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13 the bible says let us now hear,ecclesiastes,12,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13 but they shall not prevail against you that is jeremiah chapter 1 they shall fight against thee,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 just turn to him in prayer you will see it in philippians chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 the power of god we can do all things in zechariah chapter four,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 verse 15 genesis 1315 is good to read from last 14 to 15,genesis,13,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 15 now the first time we hear of the apostle paul is in acts chapter 8 stephen the deacon had been filled with,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 prophets then in acts 15 and 32 and judas and silas being prophets,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 revealed look what paul said in galatians chapter 1,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 52 isaiah chapter 52 isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 awake awake put on thy strength of zion,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 so let's read the way he describes that verse 23 philippians 1. i am hard pressed between the two my desire is to,philippians,1,23.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 23 but anyway 50 times in the book of revelation seven is mentioned so it could refer to the completeness or the,revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to genesis 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,genesis,32,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 5 faithfulness gentleness self to control against such there is no law galatians 5 and verse 22 someone wants to declare,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 word daniel chapter 6 verses 19 to 23 we know the end of the,daniel,6,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 19 heavens open but in malachi chapter number 3 the people were commissioned to give and god,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 this church age period and in the book of revelation as jesus then begins to dictate you'll notice in chapters 2 & 3,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 god but in genesis 17 verse 1 god appeared to him as abraham if we,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 i came all the way to let somebody know isaiah 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,isaiah,16,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 14 we can make it louder and stronger isaiah 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,isaiah,41,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 15 so he went in the power of that word and also according to acts chapter 1 verse 8 that says and ye shall receive,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 "structure would seat about 24,000 people well you've probably read in acts chapter 19 of the great revival that",acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 could short of taking jobs life so that's chapters 1 & 2 job passes those tests and the satan is exposed as,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 that will be done on earth as it is done in heaven in romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6 it says knowing this that,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 hi mike i love your ministry um thanks me too it seems in genesis 1 god created humanity and blesses them then later in,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 disciples ephesians 1 17 makes it clear that he is the spirit of,ephesians,1,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 find a scriptural basis for everything ephesians 4 it says i want to put two verses together and the two,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 let that man turn things around deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 but if you eternally to the acts of the apostles acts chapter 3 one verse which is a thematic verse it's a topical verse,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 isn't it jacob isaiah 14 verse 12 and revelation let me just go to these two passages start with isaiah 14 verse 12 how are,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 why be what the bible says in philippians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 for romans chapter 6 verse 1 romans chapter 6 verse 1 what shall we say then,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with isaiah 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,isaiah,14,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 24 3 from verse 1 to 6 exodus 3 proverbs 1 to 6,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 testimony genesis 42 verse 18 but i fear god,genesis,42,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 18 actually quite the opposite god tells us in philippians 4 to present our requests to him but i do think that in these,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 it is wisdom to fear god psalms 121 verse 10 he says the fear of,psalms,121,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 121 verse 1 gentiles the same way pizza was sent to the jews according to galatians chapter 2 from 7 to 9 galatians to 7 to 9 when,galatians,2,7.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 7 8 verse 11 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,ecclesiastes,8,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 today's conversation beautiful people versus ephesians chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever,ephesians,5,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 29 to be filled acts 8 and verse 17 acts 8 number 17. then they did their hands on them,acts,8,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 17 two number three you might be filled with all spiritual understanding acts chapter 20 and verse 32,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 you make that up how do you make up isaiah 53 psalm 22 i and what i'm saying is we have all these different arrows,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 everything i just said which i think is faithful to ephesians 1 faithful to second corinthians 3 verse 18 faithful to john,2 corinthians,3,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 journey in jesus mary jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20,jeremiah,50,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 50 verse 2 without fear you'll serve the lord without fear romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15,romans,8,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 15 takes up in luke chapter 4 at the introduction of his ministry from isaiah chapter 61 that jesus omits,isaiah,4,61.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 61 say loud amen isaiah 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing,isaiah,43,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 route of our fornication revelation chapter 14 thank you very much god bless you we,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 and that is what is in the mind of the apostle paul as he writes in romans 3 through 5. to present this great treatise on the fact,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 the sound that i heard from there because in amos amos chapter five it's as this god says away with the noise of,amos,5,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 1 jonah chapter one in jonah chapter one we're reading from verse,jonah,1,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 1 "in fact, the very reason that god gave those tests in deuteronomy 13 and in deuteronomy 18, was so that old testament saints could",deuteronomy,13,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 after the order of joshua in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was,joshua,34,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 34 verse 9 psalm 22 and they show these other various passages in acts chapter 17 again we have the bereans the brees a,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 and he looked at them he said there was a day that george mueller died romans 613 all on the altar all on the altar,romans,6,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 13 the power of heaven upon your life look at acts chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 non to negotiable in the school of prayer in the book of hebrews chapter 10 the bible puts it this way to us,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 day without faith habakkuk chapter 2 and verse one two four he said right the vision,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in exodus 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 that god's plan still remains the same look at jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 open your bible please jeremiah,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 that's what i want to talk about i'm going to be in proverbs 1 for a minute i'm going to be in james 1,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 because he ask not james 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 okay so acts chapter one let's read those scriptures from verse six,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 we're gonna get down to the birthright in genesis 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,genesis,25,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 29 if you read isaiah 7 all the way through isaiah 9 maybe 10 you're going to see that there's a,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen romans chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 ministering the gospel and there was great revival there when you read acts 19 and 20 and see what happened in,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 of just doing it god's way and i remember in isaiah chapter 58 i i would read this back in those days,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 in one in the service of the lord in your focus unlike nehemiah the man in the chapter,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 creation god separated the dry land from the seats and then genesis 1 verse 10 says and god saw that it was good and,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 financial difficulties that's why in acts 4 32 and it talks about how the early church pooled their resources,acts,4,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 32 letter of jude just before revelation he says here jude says i verse 3 i was about to write to you about our,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 you genesis 27 verse 30 to 33. genesis 27 32 33,genesis,27,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 3 says you know just imagine this it says in hebrews chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 10,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 is malachi chapter 3 verse 6 malachi 3 6 for i am the lord i change not therefore yes sons of jacob,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 happened in genesis 18 verse 12 14 genesis 18 verse 12 14 that when god decided to pay brahimi visit he turned,genesis,18,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 12 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said proverbs 14 17 says he that is true to agree,proverbs,14,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 17 divine watchers daniel chapter 4 verse 13,daniel,4,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 13 of the glorious sun on the throne we're coming to revelation chapter four and i'm reading from verse nine,revelation,4,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 9 of and i saw with hannah but go with media babich because james chapter one so so tonight i'm taking time to show,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 welcome to acts of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,acts,2,43.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 43 as other places check out hebrews 7 they'll keep you busy all night just thinking about it,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 his own life is not free he's a slave and that's why paul says in romans 6 you were slaves to sin,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 everything give thanks that's written in ephesians 5 it's written in 1 thessalonians 5.,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 24 christ bore our sins in his body on the tree isaiah 53 6 god has laid on him the iniquity,isaiah,53,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 chapter 24 joshua's after the book of deuteronomy joshua 24.,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 our english term deacon the deacon ministry begins in acts chapter 6 because some of the greek christians,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 lift herself up exodus 21 verse 126. we find that the year of jubilee for,exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 church the description of acts chapter two that's what i love,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 of christ's atonement the bible said in colossians chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 the mind of christ philippians 2 1 to 11 philippians 2 1 to 11 he said let this mind be you,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 him colossians 3 15 to 17 what a vision,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 yah way that that's what seems to be very very clear then in genesis 1924 adding another interesting thing into,genesis,19,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 24 "and sidon, two idolatrous pagan cities, because of the revelation of jesus that they had. well he's back in a very familiar place, and",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and the word of the lord said in ephesians 4 25 that we need to say the truth,ephesians,4,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 this note that one of the ways revelation comes knocking on your door is through,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 days will not bring you down look at daniel chapter 11 we're looking at personality two in,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 to have everything that goes with it joel 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,joel,2,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 25 penetrating knowledge of our ways it tells us in jeremiah chapter 17,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 testament proverbs 26 answer each person according that you,proverbs,26,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 1 deuteronomy in chapter 21 i think it is it says in verse 18 deuteronomy 21 18 if a man has a stubborn or rebellious,deuteronomy,21,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 18 more than once in the recent past exodus chapter 34 the account begins in chapter 33 when,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 obvious cases again that test wouldn't be necessary that's given in leviticus 13 in less than obvious cases it was,leviticus,13,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 1 abraham genesis 32 and i see it shallow the families of the,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 our memory verse is taken from the book of colossians chapter 2 verse,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 "not the apostle james. there were two in the apostles, james the son of zebedee, the brother of john, and james",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 with someone binding and breaking those curses it says again in galatians 4 and 4,galatians,4,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 4 and sensitive isaiah 51 numbers one two three i cannot to mend you that follow after,isaiah,51,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 51 verse 1 of things on the street in the name of jesus romans 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping,romans,2,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 11 spirit with all prayer and supplication colossians 42 continued steadfastly in prayer be watchful in it with,colossians,42,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 42 verse 1 it's wonderful for example if you consider genesis chapter 32,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 going to be an encouragement and then we'll have as hebrews 6 18 says we'll have strong encouragement,hebrews,6,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 18 for god to avenge and then later revelation 16 verses five and six it's like god answers them it says and i,revelation,16,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 5 fourth video and last week i said that james chapter 2 can be broken up into two sections in verses 1 through 13,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in isaiah 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba,isaiah,49,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 24 we should not go joseph joshua and caleb were the only two who went and they stood up against joshua,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 in the book of acts acts chapter 16 yesterday acts chapter 15 um acceptance 16 verse 16 to 18 access to 16 to 18 for,acts,16,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 16 um looking at jeremy jeremiah 29 and that's why it's not reading properly jeremiah 9,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 depths i love what paul said in philippians chapter 3 from verse 10 i read the amplified version he says and,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 verse 16 and from the old king james translation for which cause,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 translated sea monster he may have been a custom design fish just for jonah that only exists at one time whatever it was,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 we read from verse 15 to 17 ephesians 5 from 15 to 17.,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 number ten praise the lord next sunday at fifth of nahum 19th june 2022 shall be our covenant day of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 a few days several days ago on this issue exodus 24 and i'll tell you about my own journey on this,exodus,24,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 1 the greatest stories of all time but look how james starts his epistle james chapter 1 verse 1 james a bond servant,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 caught up to genesis 24. genesis 24 is a bride for isaac so abraham told his servant to,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 come up against jerusalem this verse in zechariah 12 is taught about a specific,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 that right you're alive from the dead amen that's what we saw in ephesians 2 and your members as instruments of what,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 into these four chapters in the latter part of isaiah chapters 40 49 53 and 65,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 we know that god is one there's actually uh it might be in hebrews there's a verse that says that,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 are going to share their building blocks for family based on romans 12 so you don't want to miss out yeah go ahead and,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 but in genesis chapter 50 from verse 15 to 22 genesis 50 15 to 22,genesis,50,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 15 transfiguration and he went with peter james and john and the rest of the disciples nine of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 4 chapter in at 11 verse 4 even a death hebrews 11 verse 4 says a bell was still exercising dominion because he gave a,hebrews,11,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 god the scriptures the bible the original formula genesis 2 18 tells us that god himself said,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 have learned as i have memorized this verse 14 and 15 ephesians chapter 3 that passage we've been memorizing for this,ephesians,3,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 curse of god and go back to the book of galatians the curse of god is in verse 10 of chapter 3 cursed is everyone who,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 i cannot attain onto it it tells us in romans chapter 11 but starting three romans chapter 11,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 hebrews chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is,hebrews,3,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 13 tower and on it are often how do you have dominion genesis 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may,genesis,1,26.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 26 let's make it louder than that ephesians chapter 6 and verse 19 and for me that all trance may be given unto me,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 it god's word also declares in revelation 11 and verse 15 that the kingdoms of this,revelation,11,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 15 season isaiah 41 and verse 15 behold i will make thee a new trap threshing,isaiah,41,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 15 relationship to his pleasure for his will for his purpose hebrews chapter 2 verse 10 for it was fitting for him,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 pass away and behold all things become new in ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of,ephesians,4,23.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at philippians chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 hands of nebuchadnezzar in 586 bc so in this vision the lord is showing ezekiel things happening back in his homeland,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 chapter 28 and we're reading from verse 1 deuteronomy 28 reading from verse 1 and it shall,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 it applies here so ephesians 4 26 in this passage we have instruction,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 the righteousness of god in him if you also read romans 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says,romans,5,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 18 brother sister hope has come look at hebrews chapter 6 and we're looking at verse 18,hebrews,6,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 18 revelation chapter 22 i read verse 16 revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent,revelation,22,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 16 heaven that's why it says there's no god let's look at daniel chapter 2 our reading from verse 18.,daniel,2,18.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 18 fulfilling this matter of the first fruit he is fulfilling the numbers of the overcomers so one day when the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 forever of the lord in jesus name colossians chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,colossians,4,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 14 of the book of ezekiel what drove me there was ezekiel 37 and a prophet said as i was commanded,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 in jesus mighty name we pray in proverbs 14 and verse 34 right shortness has started the nation,proverbs,14,34.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 34 god's love charity heaven's love in our heart look at deuteronomy chapter 10,deuteronomy,10,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 1 image of god acts 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other,acts,4,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 12 me read joshua 3 beginning in verse 1 then joshua rose early in the morning and they set out from acacia grove and,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 a new season starts and a new season will start in your life genesis chapter 50 verse 24,genesis,50,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 24 times hebrews i'm looking at chapter 6 hebrews chapter 6,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in revelation 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 man paul says in philippians 3 17 be followers together of me,philippians,3,17.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 17 we are once again carrying on with our study in ephesians fijians chapter 5 is where we're gonna be today verses three,ephesians,5,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 be a wise son in the name of the lord jesus proverbs 10 and verse 4 uh uh five especially verse five he who gathers in,proverbs,10,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 4 impact of the sins of their parents exodus chapter 20 says the lord your god punishes the children for the sin of the,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 us to get the holy spirit to draw nearer then according to ezekiel 37 was one to tell ezekiel 37 one to tell suddenly dry,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 exodus 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 he's reflective in proverbs 16 32 whoever is slow to anger is better than,proverbs,16,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 32 broader relationship with christ a few scriptures on that romans nine however you are not in the flesh,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 daniel chapter two and again in daniel chapter seven we saw that the roman,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 mission those words the great revelation were coming back to matthew chapter 24 and he's his point,matthew,24,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 24 verse 1 powerful illustration romans 12. you have the very same word chapter 12,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 every one of us in jesus name in hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,hebrews,3,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 are you still with me today that's why the bible says in romans 8 and verse 28 for we know that all things,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 explosive growth of this church say loud amen acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 acts romans chapter five,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 things discussed romans chapter 12 we will consider 1 to 21,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 understand hebrews brings out the same thought yep to to verse 10 for it was fitting for him,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 also one of the presidents from under zone um by the name joshua oil will also be charging us with prayer,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of the world in jesus name by looking at ephesians chapter 4 and reading from verse,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 are found in the book of daniel they're found in daniel chapter 8 daniel 11 and here in daniel 12,daniel,8,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 11 need to be careful about the modern form of idolatry like we read in colossians 3 convergesness,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 revelation chapter 21,revelation,21,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 8 all right romans chapter 14 from verse 17 romans 14 17 the bible says for the kingdom of god,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 gospel of his son look at romans chapter 1 verse 9 in romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with,romans,1,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 9 otherwise you will vomit in proverbs 25 the same proverbs 25 verse 27,proverbs,25,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 27 profession he hears the kind of falsehood as saints titus chapter 1 verse 16 in titus chapter 1 verse 16,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 that and more in today's study of obadiah i'm gonna read here first 15 verses look at your bibles with me verse,obadiah,1,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 15 we know this for two reasons hebrews 4 15 said jesus was tempted in all points as we act yet without sin,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 propositional truth sound doctrine sound doctrine you get to titus chapter 2 and we are instructed as those who have been,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 because he is the one in philippians 4 verse 13 declare i can do all things,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 take actions that are based on revelation hallelujah professor 1 verse 32,revelation,1,32.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 32 the word of god i'll finish with this in philippians chapter three go back to that i already read verse 12 paul had a,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 god does do is he's going to tell habakkuk in chapter 2 how to live when life doesn't make sense but he doesn't,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 very text came to them isaiah 44 3 and they began to plead with god,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 land so in hebrews chapter 3 sliced up a couple verses here starting,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 name acts of the apostles chapter 5 a meeting from the starting 9 acts of the apostles,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 was taken from daniel 2 verse 21 and and daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 wrought of god that will come upon evil men turn your bible to romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i want us to read from,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 mouth and began at the same scripture isaiah 53 and preached unto him jesus get to christ,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 back in genesis when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,romans,5,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 12 get the same verb. the term is translated in ephesians as submit as we saw in verse 21 in a general sense.,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and wisdom is essential look at proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 on your you can write it down in proverbs chapter 26 verse 7,proverbs,26,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 7 hallelujah can i ask that you open to the book of daniel chapter 2 verse 10 and 11.,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 in jesus name we pray amen genesis 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to,genesis,50,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 2 i'm reading from verse chapter four reading from verses 23 and 24 ephesians chapter 4 verses,ephesians,4,23.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 is time for them to harvest in the book of judges chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the,judges,6,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 2 you a love with everlasting love in romans chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,romans,5,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 8 says numbers chapter 14 and verse 1 to 10. now verse 24,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 verse 1. long before genesis 1 verse 1 long before the angels were created,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 chapter one reading from verse seven in titus chapter one verse seven it says,titus,1,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 7 the seven epistles that jesus included in revelation chapters two and three the three prison epistles ephesians,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 to offer from scriptures we are told in the book of isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 the bible tells us there it says for,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 romans chapter 10 romans chapter 10 i'm reading here from verse 1. romans chapter 10 verse 1 is this brethren my,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 not miss the rapture in jesus name revelation chapter 14 we're reading from verse 12 revelation,revelation,14,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 12 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw to aq5ppgkk open your bible to ephesians 4 and we have been in ephesians 4 for a,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 second year of darius the king so 23 days have gone by since haggai first speaks to the people and now the people,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 on philippians 24 again but we're going to read verses 1 through 11 philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 11 therefore,philippians,21,11.0,1.0,philippians chapter 21 verse 11 this word is used 20 times in our bible 15 times in the psalms and seven times just in psalm 119 the word,psalms,119,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 119 verse 1 to the uh to zechariah now we're looking at hebrews chapter two and we're reading from verse 2,hebrews,2,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 come in boldly before the throne of grace hebrews 4 that we may receive grace and upturn obtain mercy,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and that i will see him he saw him you will see him proverbs chapter 23 proverbs,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 sought for the king let me take us to verse 5 where we meet esther now there was a jew in susa the citadel whose name,ignore,0,5.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 5 it came to pass that the lord spoke unto joshua the son of noah moses minister saying first two,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in jeremiah chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 in the book of psalm psalms number 124 look at verse 7 there,psalms,124,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 124 verse 7 seen isaiah 8 beginning in verse 6 speaks to two categories of people,isaiah,8,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 6 chapter 11 of hebrews hebrews chapter 11 i were reading from verse age hebrews 11 reading from verse age he tells us in,hebrews,11,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 coming to isaiah chapter 8 i say chapter 8,isaiah,8,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 1 the capacity of god is failure proof ezekiel chapter 12. and verse 25 ezekiel 12 of verse 25 for i am the lord,ezekiel,12,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 and his agents in the book of ephesians chapter 6 verse 12.,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 exodus chapter 5 exodus chapter 5 who read verses 1 & 2 exodus 5 1 & 2 and afterward moses and aaron went in and,exodus,5,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 1 in romans chapter 4 reading from verse 3 romans chapter 4 reading from verse 3. and what shall and,romans,4,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 3 done for us i've read to you in exodus chapter 12 the lamb for the nation now welcome to,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 deuteronomy chapter 33 we're looking at verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 33,deuteronomy,33,3.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 3 you know hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 says you look unto jesus focus on him,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 son in luke chapter 15 and like jonah did taken jonah took this incredible calling of god on his life and he was,jonah,15,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 1 that's in you than he that's in the world and that goes right into acts 2 when the day of pentecost had fully come,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 reading in hebrews this morning and it says that in hebrews 9 it talked about the first tabernacle and that the,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 the moon revelation 21 and 23 you see in creation in genesis chapter 1 and 2 god said let there be light at the end there,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 number two keep a good conscience by the way that's acts 2 verse 25 and number two,acts,2,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 25 undeniable answers to prayer look at jonah chapter two we're looking at verses 6 and 7 it was six i went down to,jonah,2,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 6 listen to me the devil will always want to cover your style from shining isaiah 25,isaiah,25,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 25 verse 1 people look at colossians chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 paul said in romans 7 what a wretched man i am he wasn't thinking of some that he was,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 that is a fundamental divine condition exodus chapter 19 10 to 11 in the old testament,exodus,19,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 1 resulting in the influx of multitudes can i hear the loudest amen philippians chapter 2 verse 10 says,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 keep quiet in the church already if you read titus chapter 2 the women who are matured who know the,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 "why would he do that? because he believed this, hebrews 11 says verse he believed that if isaac died, god would",hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 we'll go to acts chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,acts,11,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 19 have you guys join us live on instagram we are going to be in exodus chapter 2 so without further ado let's turn to,exodus,2,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 2 verse 1 look at exodus chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto,exodus,6,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 6 verse 13 acts 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,acts,11,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 23 maybe too often but my favorite scene revelation chapter one john is there getting a tour of heaven he's there,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 the book of acts 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,acts,17,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 28 isaiah was speaking to the fathers in isaiah 53 who was he talking to the fathers about a messiah who was to come,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 we see that peter was filled with the holy spirit acts chapter four peter for the first time filled with the holy,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 that's from ephesians chapter one all right ephesians chapter one this is a prayer that um paul sent to the,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah chapter 1 the book of isaiah chapter 1 in verse 16,isaiah,1,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 16 so that we don't are not deceived in this area hebrews 5 sorry matthew 5,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 what is written in the book of revelation here's the second one in chapter 14,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 verses revelation chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the,revelation,6,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 3 the beginning of wisdom proverbs 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 honesty just a couple of verses along that line proverbs 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,proverbs,17,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 7 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but acts chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 6 proverbs chapter 8 verses listen for we speak,proverbs,8,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 6 give your life to god isaiah 43 tells us the lord says remember not the former things nor the,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 romans chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5 we read of the church in the house of,romans,16,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 3 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of exodus chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,exodus,16,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 14 of both the living and the dead on judgment day acts 1042 says he is the one appointed by god again notice that,acts,10,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 42 part of the russia prophecy the resurrection of russia ezekiel 38 and 39.,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 pray tonight i referred to esau in genesis 27 after he had sold his birthright,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 well according to james chapter 5 verse 17 james 5 17 there has been no reign in the land for,james,5,17.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 17 6 verse 12 what the bible says in ephesians chapter 6 verse 12,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 faith well as we come to the end of habakkuk we're in the last paragraph really of chapter three and habakkuk is,habakkuk,3,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 that is the attitude of the martyrs in revelation six in the fifth seal who are under the altar,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 continuing with our series from lockdown to live you know our text faced acts of the apostles chapter three from verse 1,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in genesis chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,genesis,34,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 34 verse 2 verse 16 at the angel continue to describe what jonah will look like and many of the children of israel shall,ignore,0,16.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 16 take your bibles and look with me in titus chapter number two titus chapter number two,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 but habakkuk chapter one the burden which the prophet habakkuk had or saw oh lord how long shall i cry and you,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 verse 5 jeremiah chapter number 1 verse 5 when jeremiah was coming face to face with his assignment for life and he was,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 discretion a management of the family let's look at genesis chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,genesis,47,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 47 verse 13 my boss was constantly taunting me that i was too old to get another job or a better one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 established he instituted a weekly sabbath let's look at leviticus 23 3. six days shall work be done but on the,leviticus,23,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 3 to be a vital part of it in daniel chapter 11 from verse 1 through to verse 35 we actually have a,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 can the church say louder amen psalms 102 and verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to,psalms,102,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 102 verse 13 overflowing blessing genesis chapter 12. from verse 1 to 3 genesis 12 verse 1 to 3,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 reminded of the story of peter in romans 16 where uh jesus asked who am i,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 and it's a mess when god speaks these words aaron could you read habakkuk 1 verse 5 i'd be honored look among the,habakkuk,1,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 says in jeremiah 14 god says the people love to wonder,jeremiah,14,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 14 verse 1 leads and understands the book of revelation you will see account of it yes a lot of 24 sailing me enough god,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that our god is the city taking god the bible tells us in the book of acts 13 and verse 44,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 reprobates when lukina some seven verse 11 it says god judges the righteous and god is angry or the weak age every day,judges,11,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 1 the bible so she knew by heart as a young girl genesis to deuteronomy the four gospels the song of solomon for,ignore,0,4.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 4 in your life there will be peace isaiah chapter 9 we're reading from,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 "that's probably conservative. amos weighed in on the destruction of tyre. turn to amos chapter 1 verse 9, ""thus says",amos,1,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 9 proverbs 21 verse 1 proverbs 21 verse 1 that the heart of a king,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 change dramatically again isaiah in the 63rd chapter verse 1 who is this who comes from edom with the,isaiah,63,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 1 you tried verse 12 all right revelation 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly,revelation,22,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 12 don't lose that place in ephesians but look at isaiah 60 let's let's go over there and look at that therefore as,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in judges chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,judges,16,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 6 collusions 2 we have colossians 2 13 to 14 and you've been dead in your sins and,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 him in acts chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after,acts,8,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 26 that becomes our message i love how this starts in the book of acts peter stands up on the day of pentecost in acts 2 22,acts,2,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 22 multitudes and acts chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word joshua 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 the spirit of heaviness in the book of isaiah chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,isaiah,61,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in deuteronomy 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",deuteronomy,14,28.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 28 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in isaiah chapter 66 number seven and eight,isaiah,66,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 7 be spiritual so if we live in the spirit galatians 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,galatians,5,25.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 25 and then plus the revelation and judah 1 and james roth 1 appalled the apostle the lord revealed,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 conform you to the image of jesus christ romans chapter 8 look at the text and verse number 28 and we know that all,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 let us cleanse ourselves hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 without the savior how can you look at hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,hebrews,3,19.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 "which is in the paradise of god."" if you turn to revelation 21 and 22, the tree of life is in heaven.",revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 maybe one other quick glimpse in chapter 10 of hebrews i love this this is one of my favorite stories,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 which you send your promise that's why it says in jeremiah 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 name we pray in jeremiah 29 and verse 7 the bible says,jeremiah,29,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 7 rather in unity with each other every one of these according to numbers 13 to had leadership ability they weren't they,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 not always sleeping hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 verses tells us god is a rewarder,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 genesis 32 27 genesis 32 27 reveals that he is the god of possibility,genesis,32,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 27 opposite he had a yuna struggle in his life as he depicted in romans chapter 6 and 7 and brothers and sisters i believe,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 the power to promote power belongs to god so that even though ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesia sees 8 verse,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 want it anymore and then he says but i'm laying aside this weight hebrews 12 says lay aside the weight and the sin that so,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 welcome look at acts of the apostles chapter 8 acts of the apostles chapter 8 and we're reading from verse,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 so it's clear in the bible in deuteronomy 12 31 that human sacrifice was a pagan,deuteronomy,12,31.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 31 somebody to destroy in proverbs chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter,proverbs,6,26.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 26 reviewing just this morning in ezekiel chapter 16 and what a picture here of the sovereign love of god for us,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 good things to those who ask you and then ephesians chapter 1 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 [applause] ephesians 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 oh pastor you don't know how many enemies i have according to acts chapter nine from verse one to six acts nine,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 have washed genesis chapter 1 verse 38 you have enterprise genesis 1 verse 28 the verses are god bless them and there is,genesis,1,38.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 38 even in the new testament 70 a.d the romans came to jerusalem and as far as we know hundreds of thousands,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 when i was doing my monumentation on sunday i read the book of job chapter one and the only thing i could know just,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 if my stripes have been made oh according to isaiah 53 as i prophesied it meant as a freezer is one of the very,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 behavior behaviors romans 7 24 sort of let me try to answer this,romans,7,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 24 the lord had to say about that turn over to about deuteronomy 29 bitter on a 29 now chapter 30 is where i want to go,deuteronomy,29,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 1 and god blessed adam and eve when he created them verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 and listen to this he said be fruitful and,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 but the other thing we see here is in revelation 12 11 please look here they overcame,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 so start in genesis 1 2 3 get ready for genesis 4 next week and i also want to encourage mainly for,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 title the friend of god the french of god we're told in isaiah chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but,isaiah,41,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 8 jeremiah or one of the prophets so let's go back now to jeremiah what's the point of identification,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 thing the bible said to us in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs 4 23 keep the heart,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 from the depth of our hearts in philippians 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 19 worried him from verse 17 leviticus 19 and we reading from verse 17 it says in verse 17,leviticus,19,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 17 into our services tomorrow sunday in exodus chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 and now they're still up under the curse until exodus 32 verse 23 to 30,exodus,32,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 23 from god philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 vineyard is who god as it was god in isaiah 5 who are the tenant farmers who are the vine growers the georg boy they,isaiah,5,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 he determined when he was going to live philippians chapter 1 verses 22 and 23 he was talking to his children in the,philippians,1,22.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 22 joe just one thing among others in job and chapter 31,job,31,1.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 1 to be chosen to be the one who would have fulfilled isaiah 9 6 behold a virgin will conceive and,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 of the people we counsel with have been involved in this way in deuteronomy chapter 18 we have eight areas of the,deuteronomy,18,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 1 jada and joshua jada ubonu 939,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 jeremiah chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,jeremiah,30,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 thing and had understanding of the vision in those days i daniel was morning three full weeks i ate no,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 infected eyes that he had because he says in galatians 4 that he told the galatians you were ready to pull out,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in joel 2 17 where it says let the priests who,joel,2,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 17 my intention this morning to call to your attention romans 9 10 and 11 left in praying thinking over it i realized,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 in the ongoing operation change of story isaiah chapter 8 verses 9 and 10 associate yourselves with ye people and,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 somebody shout hallelujah hebrews three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,hebrews,3,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 2 let him ask of god well the context of that we know in james 1 is in trials so maybe we're perplexed,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 to revelation chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those,revelation,2,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 8 who will be destroyed proverbs 29 4 the king gives stability to the land,proverbs,29,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 4 from my hand or exodus 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes,exodus,4,11.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 11 we don't mean you can do nothing in romans chapter 8 and verse if we live after the,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 darkness that is so cold that it hurts zechariah 14 12 says and this shall be the plague with which the lord will,zechariah,14,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 12 chapter three verse one it says in hebrews chapter three looking at verson it says wherefore holy brethren holy,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 it's in the scripture genesis chapter 19 um i will not be able to go there but please find time to read,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 no more coming to romans chapter 6 romans chapter 6,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 reality but it is not new it is not new after the fall in the book of genesis genesis chapter 3 the curse of sin was,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 didn't go before the king until he was fasted esther didn't go before the king till three days of fasting moses fasted,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 look at the manifestation of such a gift in acts chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 6 in acts chapter,acts,3,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 6 promise we're coming to acts chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11,acts,11,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 15 not ready to eat solid food the food of righteousness hebrews in chapter 5 he speaks about that to christians who,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 in another passage he says let me show you this verse in philippians chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 revelation the bible says in revelation chapter 5 and verse 10 that he has made us a,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 scripture i want to share with us is jeremiah chapter 29 11 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it's,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 that job and his three friends are wrestling with in the book of job why is it that a good and all to powerful,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 without a census numbers are important to god when they got the two fish and five,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 god spoke to him then we read in you know in hebrews 11 about moses moses believed because he had promises he,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 demonstration of that in one of the most wonderful psalms psalm 22 which our lord quotes on the cross a,psalms,22,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 1 chapter 5 and acts of the apostles chapter 12. no prison could hold peter,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 are sexual link you have to know if you read galatians 3 you understand it very well galatians 3,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 i think it was a pre to incarnate appearance of jesus abraham in genesis 14 tithe to melchizedek before the law,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 question 25 question 25 listen very closely to your question ephesians 6 10 says,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 before this time i have been without a job for 20 months i applied for for several interviews,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 how yeah lloyd i need a good wife i just need a new car a new job and you give me a chinese renewal i'm almost 40 when i'm,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 before pharaoh the bible says in verse 38 to 41 of genesis chapter 41 he says and pharaoh said to his servant can we,genesis,41,38.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 38 allowed and the thing is repeated twice in exodus in leviticus 25 is that you can't take dominion over a,leviticus,25,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 1 reconciliation and release from thereof romans chapter 5 verse 10,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet ephesians 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,ephesians,4,32.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 5 to 7 genesis 22 5 to 7 stay here with the donkey yep stay here,genesis,22,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 5 holy spirit let me say that again the struggle of romans 7 as a person is trying to live out the truth of romans 6,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 chapter one and i'm reading from the sabre numbers age revelation chapter one verses 7 and 8 behold he cometh with the,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 time this is a test to see if you really trust him in deuteronomy chapter 8 god is still testing the people of israel,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 husband you respect him you recognize him and you love him look at ephesians chapter 5,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 he said she what she says to her husband in job chapter two with all the boils on top from top to,job,2,1.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 1 they are wicked and you can go to romans chapter 3 there's none righteous no not one,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 by such a great cloud of witnesses relating back to revelation 1 talking about behold when jesus is coming in the,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 too it will penetrate every community in jesus name in romans chapter 10 verse 13 for whosoever,romans,10,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 13 so he goes joshua 1 verse 9 this is my command,joshua,1,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 9 would do to their own messiah daniel daniel prophesied in chapter 6 in chapter 9 verse 6 that the messiah shall,daniel,9,6.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 6 nobody lives good enough lives i mean that's what romans 2 says if you patient endurance if you always seek,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 our god is a god of speed in isaiah chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,isaiah,16,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 22 greater glory in genesis chapter 16 from verse 1 to 5 genesis 16 1 to 5 when sarah that she can no longer have a,genesis,16,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 1 the spirit in the book of galatians chapter 5 we are told among the fruit of the regenerated spirit is,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 season i'm going to be reading from romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a bit of a long reading from verse 14 and 15,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 bring forth fruit look at romans chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6,romans,6,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 22 as the word day is used that way in genesis chapter two there's no reason why it,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 what do we hear we hear the voice of love's sin singing over us zephaniah 3 that's the voice of god singing over me,zephaniah,3,1.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 1 going to put it in the hands of god because over in romans 12 19 it says never take vengeance into your own hands,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 glory great is this mystery of godliness turned back to hebrews in chapter two you know after he is proved that jesus,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 christ jesus so that emphasis is there in the book of acts and then number 12 is uh,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 i start to wrap this all up this morning in ephesians chapter 4 i'll maybe two more things to say and i'll wrap it up,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 god bless you i can sit down we're coming into galatians chapter 3 with him christ,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 60 and verse 1 to 3 the book of isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 to 3 it says arise shine for your light is come,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 19 ax and see the glorious time.com revelation chapter 19 ah reading from verse 7 he relationship a 19 verse 7 it,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 you for coming to hinata lord with us let's go very quickly to isaiah chapter 60 i'm going to read from verse 1 to 2,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 of greats i will be the greatest it's based on daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to 3,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 sin against god read that verse all of us must remember it genesis chapter 39 when the woman came to joseph with great,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 4 ecclesiastes 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,ecclesiastes,5,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 4 you find it in deuteronomy 12 judges 17 judges 21 proverbs 12 and proverbs 21 you find this familiar sentence every,deuteronomy,12,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 1 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 joel chapter 1,joel,1,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 15 seen him neither no not him hebrews chapter 7 reading from verse 25,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 heaven rules right look at daniel 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,daniel,6,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 2 summon to recognize potential this was what paul was writing about in ephesians 1 and verse 18 when it talks about our,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 to be testified in due time he is our mediator look at hebrews chapter 8,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 check the book of genesis chapter 19 from verse 5 because of our time you see something,genesis,19,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 5 this is a common interpretation of the four first horsemen of revelation is that,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 transformation in genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 about that okay proverbs 15 29 the lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the,proverbs,15,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 29 when he had to face a greater exam in genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 new heaven and a new earth in genesis 1 the darkness he called night,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 always worshiping god every opportunity had he built an altar for god genesis 12 verse 70 genesis 12 a solution the,genesis,12,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 7 and you do that through jesus christ ephesians 3 talks about this that we're children of wrath all of us children of,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 and this church this coming sunday acts chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,acts,16,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 14 "they never believe. read the record of acts 2 through 7, jerusalem never believes.",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 surprise i'm not sure you pay attention to genesis 25 verse 1 genesis 25 as one saves abraham was old and well stricken,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 when the time will come just like ecclesiastes chapter three says uh from verse one down to three there's a time,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 5 verse 33 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 33 never the less,ephesians,5,33.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 33 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 that hear thee look at galatians chapter 5 verse 22 nourished,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 they didn't have permanent permanent permanent liberation ezekiel chapter 22 ezekiel chapter 22 i'm reading to you,ezekiel,22,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 1 and so i asked him have you read revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 what does it say,revelation,2,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 3 can we have a look in yemi read for us acts chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy,acts,2,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 4 a time it tells us in hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we're reading from verstappen in hebrews,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 mind in hell turning back to revelation chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,revelation,4,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 2 saints ephesians 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's,ephesians,3,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 18 you will be given and james in his letter says this in james in chapter 4 and verse to the last,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry philippians chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,philippians,3,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 13 don't have a link below for a full video teaching on this topic james chapter 2 it's in the video description or it will,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 of the pieces got stuck at the bottom of romans chapter six all blessing man that i am who shall deliver me and he said,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 happened starting with the first ones we read about these in leviticus 23 that's we've kind of been doing a survey of,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 fathers of the faith or mothers of the faith in hebrews 11 and how we should follow their example,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 romans chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 1. romans chapter 10 verse 1 brethren my heart's desire and pray to god,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 for advancement in isaiah 45 verse 1 exact 45 months seduct said the lord to his anointing,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 were preaching the gospel in acts of the apostle chapter 16 and in verses 25,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 were going to read it together all of us jeremiah 32 verse 27 are we there,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 life romans chapter 6 and verse 4. it enables believers to work in the,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 secret of spiritual strength the bible says in colossians 1 and in verse 9,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 what that man said i i mean genesis is the book of genesis 20,genesis,20,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 20 verse 1 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of joshua chapter 6 verse 26,joshua,6,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 26 according to romans chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 where i was going and was carried into heaven look at hebrews chapter 1 verse 3. hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 who being,hebrews,1,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 so novices then the butler and the baker was five of genesis 14 what landed baker of the king of egypt who are confined in,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 you read from verse 1 to 3 in the new king james version the bible says now act of the apostle 13 verse 1 it says,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 right and that the word for ball that we do see in isaiah 22 18 he says i'm gonna throw you like like a like a ball is he,isaiah,22,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 18 chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah 728 jeremiah 10 8 jeremiah 17 2330 verse 14 32 verse 33 35 verse 13,jeremiah,10,8.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 8 what the lord has told us and he tried to explain it in revelation 21 and 22 but it's it's pretty,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 let me give you another example ezekiel 37 and i know this is,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 it says colossians 1 verse 16 and i want you to listen to me very well,colossians,1,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 16 ezra or could it be that there is an interlude in ezra 4 verses five through twenty three,ezra,4,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 5 reading from verse 15 romans chapter 1 were reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 1 verse 15 so as much as in me,romans,1,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 15 all under sin all have sinned romans 3 23 says and finally god now,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 by fire.” daniel 7 says the same thing. micah 1 says the same thing.,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 up into heaven you see that pattern into heaven into heaven and then acts chapter one we're reading from verse,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 healing him but read acts of the apostle chapter 9 from verse 10 to 25 acts 19 to 25,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 [applause] welcoming to psalms 37 verses 1,psalms,37,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 1 chapter 25 verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21 proverbs 25,proverbs,25,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 21 writes so let's look at romans for a second in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 14 paul has this instruction for,romans,12,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 14 and you know the reason why first corinthians starting numbers one two three,1 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 and personal accountability that's why it is written in hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12 be,hebrews,6,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 no sabbath has ever been required colossians 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer,colossians,2,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 16 there be light and we're talking about now genesis 1 is the one who has shone in our hearts to give us the light and,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 is earth shaking god hear what he said in daniel chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,daniel,6,25.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 25 [applause] if you read genesis 27 from verse 1 to 33 genesis 27 from verse,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 jacob about joseph genesis 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,genesis,49,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 2 outstanding example of a godly young man it's timothy 1 philippians 2 verse 19 i hope in the lord jesus to send timothy to you,philippians,2,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 19 discourage one another and tear each other down does it then over in hebrews 10 24 it says let's consider how we may,hebrews,10,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 light in genesis chapter one verse two talk to us,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 like genesis chapter 13. genesis 18 verse 16 and i will make thy seed,genesis,18,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 16 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of numbers chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,numbers,6,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 23 49 genesis 49,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of habakkuk chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 by saying people who are made in the image of god in genesis 9 there are consequences for what is done to a,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 it is a long range race in the book of hebrews chapter 12 and verse 1 the bible says we have a great,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 they we themselves they weary themselves to commit iniquity jeremiah 9 verse 5 which drinketh iniquity like water job,jeremiah,9,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 9 verse 5 which was without form android dead and the first thing that god said in genesis 1 was light be and the first thing god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 that god created sex in genesis chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says god made man,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 before they pass over we're looking at exodus chapter 12,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 done in the past with other topics at some point in hebrews maybe when we hit chapter six or four or ten,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 solution acts of the apostles chapter 2 here's the solution to this problem acts of the apostles chapter two they were,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and were created ephesians chapter one in him we have obtained an inheritance having been,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 i speak to myself read hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2.,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 well deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,deuteronomy,1,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 6 look at ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 under a curse but under the blessing uh according to galatians uh you know chapter three you you you know that,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 we see that abraham was a product of his encounter with god genesis chapter 12 verse 1 to 4 and the lord said to,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 man is yet there is something he seen in the life of moses in numbers chapter 12 verse 3 to 8 number chapter 12 verse 32,numbers,12,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 32 focus on him genesis chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 the devil so do we need to be jealous yeah titus 2 says he gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness to,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 call upon the name of the lord for the apostles say in philippians chapter 2 verse 16 holding forth the word of life,philippians,2,16.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 16 make those choices is outrageous now starting from book of acts chapter 1 in the very chapter 1 we find the first,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 dead here in abraham's family abraham romans 4 19. the deadness of sarah's womb,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 the earth and according to the book of psalms 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he,psalms,8,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 4 come to give it for you are treasured by god treasured by god deuteronomy 14 god told his people the lord has chosen you,deuteronomy,14,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 1 james chapter 5 verses 19 and 20 where james says if you see your brother uh sinning and,james,5,19.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 19 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in isaiah 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,isaiah,43,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 21 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of deuteronomy 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these,deuteronomy,6,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 8 and yet in acts of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said,acts,8,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 5 jesus name in colossians chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,colossians,3,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 12 the one who is truly godly look at philippians chapter 3 when looking at verse 6,philippians,3,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 6 11 verse 21 to 22 joshua 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anakin's everywhere except in gaza,joshua,11,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 21 now colossians 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 power to rescue you philippians chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 "though he was perfect. christian baptism comes then later in acts 2 where peter preachers and says, ""okay, now",acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 worshiper of god nebuchadnezzar how does daniel 3 finish it finishes like chapter 1,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 to give your seed tonight praise god genesis chapter 8 and verse 22 the word of god is very clear about this,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 as we have the revelation of christ we also have the revelation of god's purpose in ephesians 3 beginning in,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 world because of sin will be lifted we're told in romans 8 19 all creation is waiting eagerly for the,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 in ezra chapter 8 verse 21 look at what the bible tells us there it says ezra chapter 8 verse 21 he says at the river,ezra,8,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 21 shall live by their faith now when you come down to hebrews chapter 11 and you just read through those those awesome,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in the book of isaiah 38 isaiah 38 verses 1 to 9 isaiah 38,isaiah,38,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 38 verse 1 lying to the holy spirit he just lets people go on romans 1 he gives them over to do what ought not to be done and he,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 that we just read about a moment ago in deuteronomy 24 she gets divorced she marries another guy is that,deuteronomy,24,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 have persecuted israel the bible says in joel 3 verse 2 i will gather all the nations and bring them,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 that worse when we were studying the psalms it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice,psalms,50,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 50 verse 23 and restores health quickens our mortal bodies romans 8 and verse 11 the bible makes clear to us,romans,8,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 11 receive us for the glory of his father ephesians 1 verses 3,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 compared the heart of man to his stone jeremiah 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 you read that there is no way no way you can see emerging hominids in genesis one i need to ask you,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 is made of pure gold revelation 21 21 revelation 21 21,revelation,21,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 21 more watchfulness more holiness hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 10,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 would god do this well let's take a look at revelation chapter 20,revelation,20,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 2 they were created through jesus jesus is the topic of colossians 1 there in 1st corinthians 8 verse 6,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 will go without fulfilling the assignment is meant for isaiah 55 10 11 and 12.,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 ad it's in 50 80 it's in 40 ad it's in the book of acts chapter 5 in chapter 10 and chapter 15 in chapter 2 chapter 30,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 when god revealed that to me from hebrews chapter seven verse one to eight reading when you get home,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 demanded by ezra they're jews who married pagan women and then in nehemiah 13 we have something similar but it's a,nehemiah,13,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 1 bible and study the words of god in joshua 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 son himself he here validates hebrews one and one because god didn't stop at sending the,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 wasted in jesus mighty name we pray a man isaiah 59 verse 96 when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the,isaiah,59,96.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 96 to chapter 46 verses one through four because in 46 one through four isaiah contrasts the true god yahweh the god,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 according to the word of the lord in isaiah chapter 25 verse 6 to 8 he said the lord of hosts,isaiah,25,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 25 verse 6 of james chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 if i will choose to truly repent of them ezekiel 18 20 to 24,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 you are still healed what does the bible say hebrews 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 understand it you remember that as we read in chapter 14 of the psalms there is none that understands there is,psalms,14,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 1 daniel chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 from verse 20 to the bible says he changes times and,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 spirit is sent to minister for us we shall be honest of salvation hebrews chapter 1 verse 14.,hebrews,1,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 show himself to be sufficient for you because in genesis 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 the bible says our god is g over,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 after the family was in bed sitting there with my bible pouring over romans chapter six and seven and eight and and,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 we're looking at verse five it says in jeremiah chapter psyche and we're reading here,jeremiah,5,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 5 you're doing this the first one is in jeremiah chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,jeremiah,40,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 40 verse 3 of my head at that moment well genesis 1 it says that the trees are made on day 3 right in this six to day,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 willing to drop everything and go see james in chapter 4 is not just here he find that all over scripture james,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 jeremiah 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,jeremiah,22,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 22 verse 16 and that's why we don't get salvation romans chapter 10 verse 10. if you've read it you probably have already,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 from the day acts chapter 20 verses 20 and 21 acts,acts,20,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 2 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,revelation,14,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 4 the new testament what happens in hebrews chapter eight verse 13 he brings us out and i'll just read it to you he,hebrews,8,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 13 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and joshua and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,joshua,1,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 15 wisdom proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs 1 verse 32 made it declare,proverbs,1,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 conviction look at romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 if you see that next um verse we are still reading from hebrews 13 from verse 5 and verse 6 he says so,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 there but when you read genesis 19 12 to 13 genesis 19 12 to 13,genesis,19,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 12 leader said at the beginning in malachi chapter 4 verse 2,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 chapter 17 of acts acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17,acts,17,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 11 the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the,psalms,31,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 31 verse 23 by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38,galatians,3,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 11 look at um acts chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,acts,4,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 13 shall not be says the lord for six of amos 7 the lord changed his mind about this this too shall not be said the lord,amos,7,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 6 things and desperately wicked the mind we see that right here in romans chapter 8 the mind is affected people mind only,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 a defining congregation you see as we look at acts of the apostles chapter 2,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 to the words of the apostle paul in colossians chapter 1 colossians chapter 1 here the holy spirit pulls together,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 "all through scripture. ""don't be like children"" to ephesians 4 to ""tossed to and fro, and carried about by every wind",ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 christian parent and listen to what deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7 says deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7,deuteronomy,6,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to advance the name of christ jeremiah 31 33 but this is the covenant which i,jeremiah,31,33.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 33 chinese we're looking at exodus chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,exodus,15,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 23 and so here is what god told moses numbers chapter 21 verse 8 and the lord said unto moses,numbers,21,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 8 because this is a bible study grab your bible and turn to exodus chapter 20 and the title of my message is the heart of,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 jael is sung about in this in the following song in judges 5 as being like a big hero in israel,judges,5,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 1 acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 the bible tells us there acts 2 verse 46 and 47,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 one can receive anything from him hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 is going to be the angle that i'm teaching from when we look at revelation chapter 20,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 then is there is separation from the world it tells us in james chapter one james chapter 1 and here we're reading,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 it can reap a whole city like we saw in acts chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 jesus and it's transformational while we're in the book of titus when you come to chapter 3 you see this stated again,titus,3,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 1 greater sense and that's in revelation revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,revelation,19,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 7 marriage obey the owner's manual obey the owner's manual in exodus 25 and verse 40 god was charging,exodus,25,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 4 it doesn't jettison the first dream you know genesis chapter number 30 chapter number 37 in verse number 9,numbers,37,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 37 verse 9 lifestyle of grace the lifestyle of grace and we're going to be in titus chapter 2 this morning let me just say,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 and in verse 19 that is the saving gospel in acts chapter 3 and in verse 19 he says,acts,3,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 19 chapter 33 isaiah jeremiah ezekiel,jeremiah,33,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 1 that god said to job when he wrote the controversial romans 9 verse 14 what shall we say then is there,romans,9,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 14 vigorous life life full of vitality for example deuteronomy 34 verse 7 literally 34 verse 7 tells us that at the age of,deuteronomy,34,7.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 7 will reign forever actually daniel told us in chapter seven,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 i thought i'd just read it right here jeremiah 3 19. i said this is god speaking,jeremiah,3,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 19 chapter 23 verse 4 jeremiah chapter 23 we're reading from verse 4,jeremiah,23,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 4 in isaiah 45 which i love which says isaiah 45 and verse 15. please remember this all,isaiah,45,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 15 and verse 23 romans chapter 6 verse 22 but now being made free,romans,6,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 22 proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 7 verse 22 says there is a blessing of the lord maker to reach,proverbs,10,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 more exactly i'm going to start with ezekiel 36 verse 16 moreover the world of the lord came to me saying son of man,ezekiel,36,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 16 deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 to 40 deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 to 40 he he said the basic thing is that before,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 after he created him very important god said to man in genesis 1 28 be fruitful and multiply and fill the,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 in israel and then finally the final servant song isaiah 53 it's one person in israel that,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 i'm going to tell you four of them now before you go and pray exodus chapter 4 from verse 1 to 8,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 isaiah chapter 25 we're reading from verse one isaiah 25 verse one oh lord thou art my,isaiah,25,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 25 verse 1 don't need to turn there revelation 20 we have the great white throne judgment,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear,ecclesiastes,5,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 in isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord,isaiah,14,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 24 although when you read leviticus 18 22 to 23,leviticus,18,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 encourage you to do that hebrews 7 verse 1 so we see melchizedek in genesis 14 we see him in hebrews 7 and we're going to,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 this boy will be king joshua if already from joshua chapter 1 verse 1,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 prophets now don't worry we're getting back to the jeremiah chapter 29 in just a second but notice it says here in,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 have seen correctly i will hasten my word jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 10 to 12,jeremiah,1,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 ordination exodus 20 verse 8 was what you want exodus 28 verse 41 god told moses want to set,exodus,20,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 8 most high 28 times 19 of them in the book of psalms this title first occurs in genesis 14,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 of nineveh to repent what he says is this this is in jonah chapter 3 verse 4 he says yet forty days and nineveh will,jonah,3,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 4 how did the new testament describe what happened actually in jude chapter one look at it in jude chapter one in verse,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 immeasurable possibilities we're looking at jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17 here jerry maya chapter 30,jeremiah,32,17.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17 the theology of the christmas story is philippians chapter 2 now while you're turning to chapter two i will just,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 god is promising judgment from the prophet malachi and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read,malachi,3,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 16 as well this is a great place to just put your bookmark in proverbs 24 3 and let's begin to pray earnestly,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 this woman could do but she came to god and god made away in genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 verse 1 to 40,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 when you read genesis chapter 26 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 26 from verse 1 to 14,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 servants be obedient to them,ephesians,6,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 5 corinthians chapter 11 or ephesians chapter 5 or first corinthian,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 presence and i'm going to read from exodus chapter 33 the strength to sustain exodus 33 12 to sustain her,exodus,33,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 12 read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506 of genesis 14 joseph's in the midst of all that he was,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 acknowledge to god dine iniquity jeremiah 3 verse 13 declare thou that thou mayst be justified as i 43 verse 26,jeremiah,3,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 13 but that's mentioned in james chapter 4 james 4 it says here's another definition of sin is the,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 on my life and what he wants me to do um let's look at romans 6 and 4. we died and we are buried with christ by,romans,6,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 4 tort through christ it tells us in romans chapter 3 verse 24 romans chapter 3,romans,3,24.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 24 formally in the days of samuel we're told that by peter in acts chapter 3 when he says all the prophets from,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 god he was one of those men of old in hebrews 11 verse 1 and 2 he was the first one of those men of old who believed god the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 that's hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 we can turn there just so that you know hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 i've given you a,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 i am strong in the lord isaiah the prophet would write in isaiah 40 29 to 31,isaiah,40,29.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 is made available in the name of jesus the bible says in the book of acts of 10 38 he says how god anointed jesus of,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 subscribe button all right revelation chapter one the title of my message is,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here proverbs 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,proverbs,19,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 3 it's one of the mysteries of scriptures hebrews chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 every week act the parts out all right let's grab our bibles and turn to jonah chapter 3 and luke chapter 15,luke,1,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 1 sins all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god romans 3 23 and 24 but they have been cleansed in the blood,luke,15,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 1 zephaniah i'm reading from chapter two zephaniah is near the edge of the old testament sephinae,zephaniah,2,1.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 1 a treasure of god roman chapter 6 verse 23 romans 6 23 he says the wages of sin is death,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 at this season so i want to remind us of a precious verse in james chapter 1 verse 12.,james,1,12.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 12 "in the six to day creation of genesis 1 to its consummation in the new creation of revelation 21 and 22, and all the stops along the way.",revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 god's spirit why do we say so in romans chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 the fire in isaiah 43 2 the lord said when you pass through the waters,isaiah,43,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 2 and so he tells us all about himself in revelation chapter one i'm gonna read verses 1 to 2 then i'll,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 be a man what does it say in hebrews 12 14. as much as it lies in us to follow peace,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 faith and things for me to aspire to proverbs 31 you know the proverbs 31 the virtuous woman,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 sun and the moon because in joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 end we need his grace hebrews chapter 12 and verse 28,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 [laughter] lean proverbs 3 5 and 6 a favorite to us you've got to memorize this one,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 i think of that passage in isaiah chapter 6 where the prophet isaiah was given a glimpse into the throne room of,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 you know the passage but let me just remind you of it quickly genesis chapter 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 i want to proceed to protest and let's quickly look at ephesians chapter four i want to read,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 but he says in verse 20 romans 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,romans,7,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 2 in the fear of god in the name of jesus galatians chapter 5 verse 1 he says stand fast therefore in the liberty that,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 want to burn it into our hearts romans 5 verse 1 look at verse 2 we have acts we have also obtained access by faith into this,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 be used for the drink offering in judges and chapter 9 verse 13 there's a comment about wine cheers,judges,9,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 13 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 tells us that if you,ecclesiastes,9,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 there with a man on it and here in zechariah chapter one we have a man riding a red horse and it's,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 up i said you'll feel you are romans chapter 8 the promise of fullness by the excelling of christ,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 "us, but still present. turn in your bible to romans 6 and let's look at this as a starting point for our understanding...romans",romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 commander of the naval forces exodus 14 if you read it from the beginning to the end and then you,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us hebrews 12 1,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 as the bible says in prosperity in proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 the,proverbs,1,32.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 land we can fight the giants and they warned all night i think it says numbers 14 and then they said let's appoint a,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 genesis 30 genesis 15 he came back to him in genesis 17 from verse 1 he assured,genesis,30,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 15 church for their salvation isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign,isaiah,5,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 some 5. psalms five i read,psalms,5,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 1 in designing the seasons and the times from genesis 1 when god said let there be light god established boundaries for,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 foe accuses the jews of having sawn isaiah in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,hebrews,11,37.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 37 what we read in verses 10 and 11 from ezekiel 33 when they come to grips with the weight of their sin it's so crushing,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 this area what i'm going to do is stop teaching in proverbs this week i think we'll pick up next week with proverbs 16,proverbs,16,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 1 you are going to get to your destination exodus chapter 32 verse 26 exodus chapter 32 verse 26 recalls that moses,exodus,32,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 16 ordained concerning noah the bible tells us in the book of hebrews chapter 11 and verse 7 he said that by faith noah moved,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 the turn had last to a beginning in genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 god told,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 resurrection opened up for both the colossians and for us today and then in chapter four we're going to continue,colossians,4,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 1 and now in heaven his witness and his revelation is forever true revelation 19 then i saw heaven opened,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 unlimited in wealth genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 and,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 other is a fellowship that brings progressing live romans chapter 12 in romans chapter 12 a reading from verse,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 believed our report and not to whom is the arm of the lord revealed isaiah 53 verse 1,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia galatians chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 elijah in the book of james chapter five the bible records it in detail,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 anything else and so isaiah let me close with isaiah 57 15 for thus says the high and lofty one,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 of all i do think that the end of acts chapter 2 is a backdrop for acts chapter six,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid romans 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,romans,6,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 15 second point gladness and gloominess at christ's second coming in revelation chapter 1 and in verse 7 revelation,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 joseph in genesis chapter 50 from verse 15 to 20,genesis,50,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 15 explain how atonement was made by aaron in numbers 16 since it doesn't seem like a psa numbers 16 let's go to that,numbers,16,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 1 if you give up the doctrine of creation it all starts with genesis 1 through 11. can i steal that is that copyrighted,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 must at 10 to 15 where paul showed us all these when you read hebrews chapter 12,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 you this will totally change your view of revelation 6 and you know what it will set aside many,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 idioms used all through romans 6 verse 14 isaiah 59 james for elsewhere a blow through the,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 today as we make our hearts attentive to the words from your word in ezekiel chapters 8 and 9.,ezekiel,8,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1 him through him as the son he was that enough but there's super to marv hebrews 1 to it's cool because you see this thread,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 verse 2. the bible speaking says speak unto the children of,exodus,25,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 2 most important passages in my life philippians chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,philippians,1,22.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 22 you know what happened in joshua chapter 10 10 to 14 joshua 10 10 to 14 at 85 he got the monkey,joshua,10,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 1 "behind your back."" isaiah 43 verse 25, ""i, even i,"" says god, ""i am the one that wipes out your transgressions",isaiah,43,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 25 us to do in james 2 starting in verse 14. what good is it my brothers if someone,james,2,14.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 14 to destroy mankind in the flood when you read genesis 6 it says it grieved god leaving includes tears grieving includes,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 i'm reading from verse one ephesians chapter five our reading from verse one,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 somebody the trembles at my word we read in the book of malachi we show you that verse in malachi chapter 3 this is the,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 the prison epistles visions philippians and colossians but we're going to explore these three that were written,philippians,1,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 1 with me be imitators of me as i am of christ proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 it says wait on the lord i say wage on the lord it says in isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 can we say believe in amen zephaniah 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 his love being poured out in our hearts by the holy spirit that's what romans 5 says it means literally shed abroad and,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 god as a church of multitudes isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 to 3 he said the mountain of the lord's house will be,isaiah,2,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 whole bible from genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to revelation chapter 22 verse 21. you are accepting the whole word of god,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 5 reading from verse 4 in galatians chapter 5 verse 4 it says christ has,galatians,5,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 4 approach unto in acts chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22,acts,22,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 22 verse 6 suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy hebrews 13 warns us it says lest any of you should be hardened through,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 some of the qualities and some of the titles in shuttle 1 revelation chapter 1 look at verse 8 it says revelation,revelation,1,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 8 one the perfect pattern of dancing without loss we're coming to exodus chapter 15.,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 in proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 holiness he had dominion over see yet power over sin lokah colossians chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 and i'm reading,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 genesis chapter 2 uh verse 24 and 25 genesis 2 24 and 25 can you pull that off for me genesis 2,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 you read the word spirit spirit spirit romans 8 is talking about life in the spirit and when we come into this life,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 he prepared the body through a woman the book of hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10 5,hebrews,10,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 day of the lord comes next chapter and final chapter of joel verses 14 and 15 multitudes multitudes in the valley of,joel,1,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 14 guilty proverbs chapter 28 verse 20. and he had to grow some cost,proverbs,28,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 2 they can reduce a man to nothing numbers chapter 22 from verse one to six number 22 from verse one to six when,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 chapter 12 says never take your own revenge revelation romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,ecclesiastes,2,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 he says in proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 is a riches can make themselves wings and fly away,proverbs,23,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies hebrews 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked,hebrews,10,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 genesis 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water,genesis,26,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 19 talk to you guys and so i read daniel 1 and 2. it's all i had time for daniel 1 2.,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 "they will make the confession that is here in isaiah 53; these will be their words. and let's just go to our text, verses 4 to",isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 book of records look at revelation chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,revelation,20,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 12 issue that's a bad rule that's the galatians 328 silver bullet it's a it is,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 "with this because i don't want you to be confused. in romans chapter 11 verse 2, ""god has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.""",romans,11,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 2 joseph it tested joseph listen to genesis 50 20. i mean all this is is finished and joseph is,genesis,50,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 2 describes the born to again person in hebrews 6 like this i want you to look at verse 4 and 5 just for invitin that's,hebrews,6,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 within you it is very vibrant very real it says in revelation 4 and 6 speaking about these four creatures again and in,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 knowledge of your enemy knowledge of your enemy colossians 2 verse 15 commercial 250 having this half principalities and,colossians,2,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 15 to fight a battle or endure the unknown likewise ephesians 6 calls the believer to put on the armor of god in order to,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 to lift up the name of jesus let's observe hebrews in chapter four hebrews in chapter 4,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 today in jesus name james chapter 1 a meeting from the spy james shot what was five if any of you lack wisdom let him,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 in the first chapter of his great book. or the fear that isaiah experienced in chapter 6 when he had a vision of god high and lifted,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 and there are many but i just want to give you a basis here in colossians chapter 1 colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 all the next thing he says in acts chapter one,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 openly allow thy email romans chapter 1 and verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 in genesis 37 from verse 18 to 28 genesis 37 18 to 28 the brothers of joseph,genesis,37,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 18 7 from verse 13 to verse 14. looking back to description we see daniel having a night vision and he saw one like a son,daniel,7,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 13 many clever people can explain it but who has got revelation on it i'll tell you the one who does give,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 happens through believing the truth let me show you this in ephesians chapter one if you have your bibles and you want,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and would minister our hearts in jesus name everyone said amen galatians chapter five i want everyone to go to,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 hello there amen job 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,job,34,29.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 29 the book of genesis i'm going to go to genesis uh three and four in a few minutes i'm gonna go uh some other,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good james chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,james,4,17.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 17 in the hero's hall of faith here in hebrews 11 were not perfect people.,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 to say in philippians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but i have i have all and i am band and i am,philippians,4,18.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 18 and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours revelation chapter 22 verse 7,revelation,22,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 7 defer as we would to any other believer philippians 2 considering others better than ourselves that's how you treat each,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 people do it tells us in jeremiah chapter 6 jeremiah chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 10,jeremiah,6,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 6 verse 1 psalm 55 is where we're going to be and i've asked you to turn to joshua tonight because my message is going to tie into,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 it's been the bedrock of our life together what is the covenant hebrews chapter 8 just a few verses starting at,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 amen we talked about this on sunday now he's quoting from zechariah chapter 12 verses 10 and 11 and zechariah,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 j from romans 12 verse 1 bec from al our own funda see james gray from reverend james gray oh a barroom party worse,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into romans that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,romans,12,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 21 paul had turn with me to acts of the apostles in chapter 24,acts,24,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 1 established in the lord verse 12 philippians chapter 1 but i want you to know brethren that the things which,philippians,1,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 12 from the father we can check out romans chapter 11 verse 7,romans,11,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 7 to not punish sin romans 12 19 says this beloved do not avenge yourselves,romans,12,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 19 now let's see something in chapter 31 of numbers verse 16 chapter 31,numbers,31,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 31 verse 16 that's exactly what happened and we see this in esther 9 1 that literally says on the very day when the enemies of the,esther,9,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 1 in several passages in the old testament is a ezekiel hosea jeremiah i think it's in zechariah 2 as well not talking right,zechariah,2,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 1 is possible for christians to commit adultery in a spiritual sense in james chapter 4 and verse 4 james says,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 except by prayer and fasting in isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 beginning he says this is what god has chosen as,isaiah,58,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 looking at jerry maya chapter 15. in jeremiah chapter 15 we're reading from verse 16 we look at the word of god,jeremiah,15,16.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 in mind when he created it and in genesis 2 and 18 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 that love and and he uses it in his argument in romans 8 32 and he says look if god would not spare his own son if he,romans,8,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 32 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,exodus,12,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 3 the rocks are thrown down by him the prophet zephaniah wrote in chapter 1 neither their silver nor gold will be,zephaniah,1,1.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 1 does it truly mean to be blessed my mind immediately went to romans chapter four,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 which is called beautiful and remember in acts chapter 4 it tells us this man was over 40 years old so i don't know,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 a su hija hema you will live your not perish acts chapter seven were reading from pasta t7 acts chapter seven verse,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 who says is ruth 4 verses 5 through 6 typologically connected with galatians 3,ruth,4,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 5 we'll find out in revelation 22 revelation 22 revelation 22 were read from verse 13 revelation 22 verse 13 and,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 escape if neglect so great a salvation hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3 that's where they escape,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 that my mouth shall not transgress it tells us in acts chapter 11 verse 23 acts 11 reading from verse,acts,11,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 23 careful in genesis chapter 49 verse 4 jacob said to reuben he's first born,genesis,49,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 4 evangelious evangelism is concerned in numbers chapter 13,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 forest many people are surprised when they actually read genesis 3 to discover there's no mention of an apple in that,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 cho chose you and we're told in ephesians 1 4 he loves us and because of this,ephesians,1,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 sorrow in my heart for my brethren for the people of israel romans 9 1 paul cried my heart's desire and prayer,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 need to be stable it says in joshua chapter 24 verse 14 it says now therefore fear the lord and,joshua,24,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 14 to be testified in due time look at titus chapter 2 verse 14 is done this all for you it's not this all for me,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 our text will be taken from psalms 126 verse 1 to 6 psalms 126 verse 1 to 6. while we are opening our bibles the,psalms,126,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 126 verse 1 into testimonies and and take the prayer points isaiah 58 11 the lord will guide you continually,isaiah,58,11.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 11 the supreme example of meekness and don't forget what we read in philippians chapter 2,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 christ that's a positional term ephesians chapters one through three kevin i recommend you check that out,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 i want to read a passage to you out of hosea chapter 6,hosea,6,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 1 "like the sun verse matthew 13 verse 43. daniel 12 says, ""those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars.""",matthew,13,43.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 43 chapter 2 are the army under the armor genesis 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,matthew,13,43.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 43 second test the bible tells us in job chapter 42,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 it starts with satan in isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 their doctored faithfulness to god two of them had a testimony in hebrews chapter three one to two and five,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 when the lord made this verse a reality for me isaiah 50 verse 4 not this one but last week's verse,genesis,50,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 4 for refusing to sin against god in genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23.,genesis,39,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 19 him carrying you in exodus chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4,exodus,19,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 4 and you go to revelation 17 in revelation 12 you have a woman who prophetically symbolically is israel you,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=squyo4dcbge revelation chapter 5 is my my favorite passage in the bible i know preachers,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 your mindset will change look at what we we see in ephesians chapter 4. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 21 he says if so be,ephesians,4,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 21 the genesis chapter 3 verse 15 genesis chapter 3 verse 15 then 6 chapter 3 verse 15.,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in james chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,james,1,17.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 17 is written here in james chapter 5 james chapter 5 verse 11 james was one of these um you know i think he,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 if god arises the blockage will come down if you read joshua chapter 5,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 no no but we will serve the lord and verse 22 so joshua said to the people you are witnesses against yourselves,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 i'm sorry acts chapter two acts chapter 2. let's read together,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 who is born again is not covetous and here's the reason why hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 that i love in zephaniah and chapter 2 and verse 3.,zephaniah,2,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 amen and amen and amen amen now colossians 3 and verse 23 we're still praying we're still praying we're still,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 hallelujah everybody feels safe and they can talk praise god proverbs chapter 12 verse 15 new living translation says,proverbs,12,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 15 only one in the scripture but it's certainly a articulate one proverbs 31 from 10 to the end in his letter to,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 takes us back we've already been in genesis 3 but it takes us back there because the reality is what do i need to,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 front and told me to do good things and one more thing it says in ephesians in chapter 1 ephesians 1 verse 18 i prayed,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 moses died because god took his life jeremiah 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,jeremiah,51,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 51 verse 13 let me read again verse 16 and 17 of romans chapter 1 which trish read to us just a few minutes ago,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in philippians in chapter 3 verse 17.,philippians,3,17.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 17 it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in hebrews 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of,hebrews,10,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 bible one is called the judgment seat of god the father that is in revelation chapter 20 where no believers are,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 that condition by the apostle paul in romans 8 7. the mind of the flesh,romans,8,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 7 year is 120. genesis 6 3 is and the lord said my spirit shall not,genesis,6,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 3 we are ordained to live forever you know in ezekiel 18 verse 20 he said this soul,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 the epistle of paul the apostle to the romans romans 1 paul a servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 else you have to do jeremiah 1519 this is what the lord spoke to me when i was asking him this,jeremiah,15,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 19 and and learning sitting at the apostles feet daily acts 42 right breaking of bread and prayer and all,acts,42,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 42 verse 1 chapter 5 in fact you may want to turn to hebrews because we're going to look at several verses there in this session,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 subject to damage but colossians 3 1 to 2 colossians,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 3 11 the judge shall live by faith hebrews 10 38 now the jew shall live by faith but,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 james i gotta read these verses to you james chapter one verses two through four,james,1,2.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 2 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in acts 13 44 we are told,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 know how to go about it in proverbs 21 22 the bible says a wise man,proverbs,21,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 22 little then you can go to romans 8 1 there is no condemnation,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 he did you couldn't find a fault in genesis chapter 79 reading from verse 9 genesis 39,genesis,79,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 79 verse 9 tremendously ezekiel chapter 36 he tells us number one,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 may be so i'm not going to argue about that acts chapter 10 this is the first one,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the psalms listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,psalms,9,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 9 the second coming look at titus chapter 2 titus chapter 2 and we're reading from the search in titus chapter 2 reading,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 years old he writes in ephesians in chapter three remember he was the least of the,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 and that happened all the way back you read in genesis chapter one when the earth was formless and void god had to,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the life of the believer because hebrews 1 14 tells us are not angels ministering spirits,hebrews,1,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 first in daniel 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i,daniel,4,7.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 7 you can all be seated well let's grab our bibles and turn to proverbs chapter 31 and my special mother's day message,daniel,4,7.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 7 of such men in exodus chapter 18 the the moses was to select some men,exodus,18,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 18 verse 1 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of psalms chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the,psalms,50,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 50 verse 14 this application stuff of how to live the christian life and then romans 13 continues instructions and applications,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 those references in your mind but let's start in numbers 25 verse 1 while israel lived in shitty,numbers,25,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 1 a warning to young girls you young girls read genesis 34 and see the problems that dina caused for her father and,genesis,34,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 34 verse 1 so we're gonna look at that i've already shared with you genesis 17 there's other genesis 13 other places like god's,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 [music] but in acts 16 it says here paul was planning,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 i'll begin here in a moment of ezekiel chapter two and three ezekiel chapter two and three uh,ezekiel,2,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 1 three isaiah 61 from verse one to three he says,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 by the spirit of god in ephesians chapter 5 15 to 17,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 as king nebuchadnezzar learned the hard way in daniel chapter 4 you may lose your sanity,daniel,4,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 1 hebrews chapter 2 we're reading from verse 3 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 3 how shall we escape if we,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 these genesis one two three four five you know and all that to genesis 12 all that,genesis,1,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 2 various times in the last few months but i want you to see it again isaiah 58 now go to the old testament isaiah 58,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 hilltop and move into the monti spiritually for example philippians chapter 3 verse 4 to 6 philippi until ii,philippians,3,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 4 himself is praying on your behalf hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 says proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says,proverbs,10,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 this is how they did it in daniel's day daniel 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,daniel,3,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 4 the patience and readiness of the saints it says revelation chapter 14 verse 12,revelation,14,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 12 there's we all have questions about hebrews 6 so there's a lot here but just to mention here's a little bit of what,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 verse 12 genesis 26 verse 12,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,colossians,3,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 17 goodness of god there is a verse in romans 11 which says behold the goodness and the severity of god and we can see,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 don't have the opportunity for that in job chapter 38 it says the angels were present at the time of creation but so,job,38,1.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 1 pastor's life and the answer to that starts in scripture 1st timothy 3 titus 1 lists things like a one to woman man that,1 timothy,3,1.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 1 first james 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 i mean you can read that in acts chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,acts,11,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 2 barrenness in the land isaiah 35 1 to 2. everyone,isaiah,35,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 35 verse 1 our text it's philippians 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 been taught the graces that make them loving people and proverbs 30 verse 15 adds to that description this most,proverbs,30,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 15 18 he said blessed are you simon son of jonah it's a flesh and blood does not reveal this to you but my father uh in,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 even further back in our bibles all the way to genesis 22 and let me tell you or remind you of,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 god of hope this there's actually several times in romans 15 where called the god of something so romans,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 of scripture little things of scripture reading from proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 just four verses here tonight as we,proverbs,30,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from isaiah 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne,isaiah,46,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 3 we have the list of spiritual gifts in romans 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12,romans,12,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 3 whole book of isaiah because the difference between the presentation of one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 story in ezekiel chapter 37 3 to 5 ezekiel 37 3 to 5 when god himself called ezekiel,ezekiel,37,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 3 like first corinthians 10 or romans 15 you know the apostle likes to tell us why the old testament was,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 a prophecy by prophet micah in the book of micah chapter four verse one and two i'll quickly read it says now it shall,micah,4,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 1 acts chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 these creatures that we have just read about in ezekiel chapter one are cherubims,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of hebrews says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",hebrews,10,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 14 like david isaiah 64 and verse 4 says for since the beginning,isaiah,64,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 4 believed and were baptized the ethiopian eunuch later read isaiah 53 had the gospel preached to him he believed and,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 medium from bastaki hebrews 11 castrati by face the walls of jericho fell down,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 their detriment proverbs 16 18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit,proverbs,16,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 18 blessings and answers to prayer and in jacob ansari in genesis chapter 32 we see that he finally meets with esau and,genesis,32,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 1 from that place of truth philippians 4 8 to 9 says it this way keep putting into,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 the book of romans 12 14 2 to 16. we have second timothy chapter 2,romans,12,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 14 understand the same as as job didn't but i still choose to trust in you you know job for like 30,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 were not portraying that picture you know that paul talks about in ephesians 5 of christ and the church you know they,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 governor tom wolf kurt's favorite bible verse is proverbs 31 8. speak up for those who can't speak,proverbs,31,8.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 8 and we heard the word saying romans 6 14 saying,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 uses this expression to refer to god's word acts 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,acts,20,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 32 which calls the righteous to go astray into an evil way proverbs 28 verse 10 and taketh away the righteousness of the,proverbs,28,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 they could say judas you know son of james that's one way of differentiating him from the other judas but another one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 heavens open over your life walk into 2017 with revelation knowledge all through the month of december,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and i want to share her story with you today leviticus chapter 15 verses 25 through 27 i call this the read through,leviticus,15,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 25 man the bible says in romans 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 humility weaving its way through the book of daniel verse 38 wherever people live or wild,ignore,0,38.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 38 proverbs 18 10. is anybody there proverbs 18 10 because i want to congratulate you for,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 might be hard now but i love hebrews 11 it says faith is the substance of things hoped for and,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 special events so when you are reading chapter 14 of the book of revelation it is very hard,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 can't miss that listen to what it says in genesis 1 god said let us make man in our image after our likeness,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 12. revelation chapter 22 from verse 1 to 12.,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 understanding will keep our souls we're told in colossians chapter three um the peace must be there in our marriages,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 want to do is say oh he's an apostle yeah you go to ephesians chapter 4 and you will find that apostles and prophets,ephesians,4,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 4 he went through the ten commandments and right here in deuteronomy 6 he is teaching the people how they will move,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 god of this commission our confidence is from jeremiah 33 verse 3,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 let me explain now there is a passage in ephesians 5 that i want to read where this idea of a wife submitting to her,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 seeking the lord so don't fall into this this is over proverbs the writer of proverbs 30 says god please don't let me,proverbs,30,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 1 the mouth of paul the philippians church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 jesus christ so we're going to turn to revelation 9 mental revelation 11 then to revelation 16 and see what the word,revelation,9,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 1 both as a commission and as individuals jeremiah chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer you,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that jonah chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,jonah,2,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 9 matthew 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,matthew,5,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 6 proverbs 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,proverbs,21,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 22 that greatness starts with self to leadership in proverbs chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,proverbs,6,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 have your bibles you can turn to proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 and i believe one of the areas that god has,proverbs,3,19.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 19 sort of segregates that out same thing sort of applies in ezekiel 33 because you're going to see as we go through the,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 are still required to ask him in prayer jeremiah 33 and verse 3 tells us,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 as dictated by the holy ghost we go to the book of numbers numbers chapter 23,numbers,23,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 1 circumstances and people here it is daniel 4 35 all the people of the earth,daniel,4,35.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 35 shall receive anything from god james 1 6 and 7. in the name of jesus grace for prompt response to every word,james,1,6.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 6 of our hearts jeremiah 29 13 says in sincerity and truth one corinthians 5 verse 8 and not,jeremiah,29,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 after getting saved and one time just at a deeper revelation god said quit wearing week and that was at a time when,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the conversion of sinners to sons in galatians chapter four verse five,galatians,4,5.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 5 so many stories changing james chapter 1 and verse 13 to 15 we have this illustrated one more time,james,1,13.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 13 them last week and i asked you to reach the remaining one from whom uh galatians chapter 5 22 to 26 there's a very,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 obeyed circumcise every melbourne genesis 18 he obeyed give me isaac genesis 22 he obeyed and then god began,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 can you go with me to exodus chapter 14. exodus 14 we're going to be taking our reading from verse 25.,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 malachi 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,malachi,2,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 6 amen you put your bible with me as we read isaiah chapter 61 together isaiah 61 together,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 in acts of apostle chapter 12 acts of apostle chapter 12 the lord had given a mandate to the,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 this context let me read the context jeremiah 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not,jeremiah,5,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 5 verse 3 if you ever say something like that who are you to be mad at god romans 9 says who in the world do you think you are to,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 in the mighty name of jesus amen deuteronomy 27 says the lord shall cause the enemies,deuteronomy,27,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 27 verse 1 you the whole verse there from hebrews 12 it says seeing that we're surrounded by such a great cloud,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water job nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,job,38,16.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 16 lot of scriptures all right romans 14 and verse 17. so this,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 that verse 18 again romans chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our,romans,16,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 18 bible tells us that there at the cross and colossians 2 he cancelled the record that contained the charges against us he,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in hebrews 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 chapter 1 in james chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,james,1,22.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 22 without evidence so hebrews 11 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it all began in exodus chapter 3 this is where moses has been in the,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 "you, the only true god. hosea 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, ""for i desired mercy and not sacrifice,""",hosea,6,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 6 and we read that you would i rose up in jeremiah 44 4 i've got most of these verses marked in,jeremiah,44,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 44 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpt5pcftlfa you were in daniel chapter 9 daniel chapter 9 and the title of my message is,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 from the dead and a future judgment revelation talks about this revelation 20 then i saw a great white,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 loose colossians chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 it's god interested in that in 2019 sure is he interested in giving you a job we need to do a job to earn a living,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 to triumph over the enemy in our test esther chapter 8 in verse 8 right here also the jews as,esther,8,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 8 position and the encouragement i'm going to share in this video comes from exodus chapter 33 so we're going to be doing a,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 you will that worship god we read about them in isaiah 6 1 where it says in the year the king uzziah died i saw the lord,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 that's partaking of the holy spirit coming back to hebrews 6 the fourth thing mentioned there is tasting the,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 reading from verse 6 in hebrews chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,hebrews,8,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 god so mighty is to say this listen to it closely isaiah 63 9 and all their afflictions,isaiah,63,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 63 verse 9 he said is any merry let him sing james chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing,james,5,13.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 13 fashion came up with a novel way to do that and it was going to genesis chapter 11 and the story of the tower of babel.,genesis,11,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 11 verse 1 threatening to kill peter in acts 12 5 it says peter therefore was kept in prison,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 let me show you one verse there in romans chapter 3 there,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 things is this beautiful verse in jeremiah 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 you know the story of joseph genesis 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,genesis,37,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 5 chapter 7 acts of the apostles chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 55 acts chapter 7,acts,7,55.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 55 to the dark deprivative bestiality which god condemned in leviticus 18 23 and 24,leviticus,18,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 3,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 there are several people that carry this film in the bible joshua was one of them joshua chapter 8,joshua,8,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 1 in genesis chapter 18 proverbs 1 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14. to abraham and sarah let there be light,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 bad plans bad designs bad intentions bad motives james 1 sin conceives in the heart,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 "and they're still asking this question 40 days after the resurrection because in acts chapter 1, after 40 days of being instructed",acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 pray and you say amen today we're coming to revelation chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so hebrews 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 heard about the tree of life since genesis chapter 2 but it reappears at the end of revelation in revelation 22,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 into what we're studying today in chapter six esther chapter six only has one subheading and i just like to read,esther,6,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 1 hearts revelation chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,revelation,3,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 12 appointed and apportioned i'm reading the book of job 23 13 and 14 job 23 13 and 14. so that is what is,job,23,1.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 1 work in your life in jesus name acts chapter 10 i'm reading from versatility age acts,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 here and we can we can couple this with more information from romans 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ,romans,15,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 8 little later and maybe he could change god's mind and so in deuteronomy chapter 3 it says this please let me cross the,deuteronomy,3,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 1 recitation and memory were seized from revelation chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 revelation chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 and,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 eradicated from the church here's what it says romans 16 17 i urge you brethren take,romans,16,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 17 god now we come to the finale revelation 22 20. he who testifies to these things,revelation,22,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 2 says there have to be multiple witnesses deuteronomy 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of,deuteronomy,19,15.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 15 along with the women and mary mother of jesus acts 2 verse 1 when the day of pentecost come they were all together in one place,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 your life in jesus name galatians chapter 3 i'm reading from versatility galatians chapter 3 and,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 mocking him dancing for them but when you now come to genesis 16 28 to 30,genesis,16,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 28 somebody the bible talks about uh in the book of romans chapter 4 and verse number 17 uh it,romans,4,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 17 you remember whether it becomes it comes between the book of judges and one samuel either side of this book if you,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 we have in the new testament in fact romans chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,romans,4,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 4 that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage ephesians 5 and verse 18.,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 times and it it helped that actually i've been going through the psalms and and studying each one specifically i've,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 romans chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's,romans,5,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 19 jesus christ he is identified in verse 5 jesus christ this is the revelation of jesus christ,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 to take responsibility that as one of the elders i'm not doing my job faithfully,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 born of a woman there's no greater than john the baptist is a job departed is it is a big one betty either decide the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 amen exodus 3 7 to 8 and the lord said i've seen the,exodus,3,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 7 buy a loaf of bread for one penny i'm joel i thought you said by this time next year,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 says in ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 ephesians chapter 4 verse let no corrupt communication,ephesians,4,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 laid on him the iniquity of us all isaiah 53 verse 6 says that he he might be just and the justifier that he might,isaiah,53,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 financially and he wants us rich etc james doesn't seem to believe that the half to brother of jesus he says in james 1,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 listen as a disciple that word we read in isaiah 50 he says the lord god has opened my ear,isaiah,50,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 1 now you see a similar statement there colossians and chapter three similar words worse if verse 1 if you,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 that and as we do it we want to quote scripture why because isaiah 55 says god speaking as the rain comes down and the,isaiah,55,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 1 and establish their liberty right now acts 10 and 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 important coming from the throne of god we're looking at genesis chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 18,genesis,14,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 18 jesus name revelation chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in ephesians 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 the devil also speaks about it in revelation 12 revelation 12 10.,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 one more time colossians chapter 2 verse 7,colossians,2,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 7 read it again hebrews 4 verse 14 saying then that we have a great,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 in jesus name amen in psalms 1 3 6 4 the bible says to him,psalms,1,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 3 god from the heart ephesians chapter 6 and verse 6,ephesians,6,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 6 provision of food that god gives unto us in acts chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the,acts,27,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 33 amen look at the promise of god for us in isaiah 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in,isaiah,55,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 14 like it was and the second half of genesis chapter 3 where we were in our last session we are also told about,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 word sing in the bible is seen in genesis chapter 31 where accuses jacob of stealing his daughters,genesis,31,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 1 that scripture you go to um judges chapter 7 and you read from i think from round one to eight you see,judges,7,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 1 praise the lord let's see the book of esther chapters 4 and verse 16.,esther,4,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 16 our way through this really important text. romans chapter 13. the opening statement of verse 1 is what we,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 produces the fruit of love and now look what galatians 5 6. same book a few verses earlier in christ,galatians,5,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 6 12 we've talked about paul already john the apostle the revelation we have been reading,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 "he was a pharisee himself. in acts 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of",acts,22,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 22 verse 3 verses 11 to 12. the jeremiah sr421 verses 11 to,jeremiah,4,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 4 verse 21 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then acts chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of psalms chapter 62 and verse 5.,psalms,62,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 62 verse 5 and i'll tell you the story by just reading a portion of acts 15. verse one some men came down from judea,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 loose into danger dangerous thing to live loose we lose things proverbs between 918 where there is no vision the,proverbs,9,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 18 1 hebrews 12 1 there are sin that easily be said,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 means to kill to execute used in the old testament leviticus chapter 7 proverbs to psalm 37 verse 4 an official death penalty,proverbs,37,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 37 verse 4 in an unusual manner his fire is activated how do i know isaiah chapter 64,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in james 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 chapter 17. and in exodus 17 joshua leads the israelites,exodus,17,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 1 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from exodus 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from,exodus,34,29.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 29 others let me first of all show you isaiah chapter 11 we all want to become like jesus christ,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 there are many promises like that in book of deuteronomy chapter 28 if only 28 is a chapter that promises israel,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 by treasure is chill march joel chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,joel,2,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 21 so we must look at the example of others we are told in romans 15 4 that these things are written for our examples,romans,15,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 4 god wants to do and produce in our lives and in exodus chapter 12 onwards we read about the deliverance of the israelites,exodus,12,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 1 amen as we continue our prayers let god be god isaiah 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and,isaiah,55,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 look at that verse that joshua 5 9 said then the lord said to joshua this day this day this day i have rolled away the,joshua,5,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 9 i want what does it say in acts 1 8 why does god give his power,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 listen let me show you a version proverbs 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,proverbs,8,34.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 34 in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in romans chapter 7 verse 15 he said but,romans,7,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 15 said concerning the redeemed in ephesians 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,ephesians,2,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 multitude of councilors there is safety that is proverbs 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the,proverbs,11,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 14 we look at acts chapter 4 reading from verse 18 acts chapter 4 verse 18 and they called them and they commanded,acts,4,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 18 daniel so i hope you've been reading through the book of daniel but when you get to chapter 11 read it in the context,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 revelation of the cup that jesus drank for you he gave me that revelation it's one of the results i mean i when i was,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 behind moses said to them in exodus he said exodus 14 14 the lord will fight for you all you have to do is be still,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 because satan uh also known as lucifer was once a high to ranking angel ezekiel 28 says,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 a place called carter's barnea in the book of deuteronomy chapter 1 set from carter's barnea you'll walk for 10 11,deuteronomy,1,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 christ i'll read proverbs 20 verse 12,proverbs,20,12.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 one another men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own person the,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 if you have your bibles with you please turn with me to proverbs 18 and verse 14 and let's read it together,proverbs,18,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 accountability probably one of the best reasons i took the job at sadler college and the different things that we're,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 race in which we had to look under jesus hebrews 12 verse 1 and 2 verse 1 let us run with endurance the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 company and the bible tells us in the book of acts in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,acts,12,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 16 chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 ruth chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 ruth gave birth to obed,ruth,4,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 13 the lord isaiah chapter 40,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 babylon as the person that the rough goat represents daniel h 21 says that the rough goat represents,daniel,21,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 21 verse 1 scriptures in romans for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,romans,16,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 23 let me show you one verse of scripture in isaiah chapter 28 verse 20 good,isaiah,28,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 28 verse 2 of the word of god for us today colossians chapter 3 therefore since you have been raised up with christ keep,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 us to read a bible text from the book of ruth chapter one,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 god is on our side these are like bread he read numbers chapter 13 and 14 it's like eating bread it's not at all,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 almost blowing open the new covenant where isaiah 40 talks about john the baptist saying prepare a way for the,isaiah,40,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 four points of sin again in the book of genesis the conscious decision to defy the word of god for our lives and the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 10 reading from verse 9. in romans chapter 10 verse 9 look at this our salvation comes our redemption comes,romans,10,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 9 he saw the glory of god and the bible said in exodus 34 the following chapter exodus 34 from,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent hebrews 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he,hebrews,9,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 say laodin haggai chapter 1 and verse 14 he said the lord stared at the heart of,haggai,1,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 14 praise the lord then we want to decree in psalms 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,psalms,67,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 67 verse 4 accomplishing what it has gone out to do you see in genesis when it happened it happened i told you genesis 1 in a,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 nothing about there's a fascinating story in daniel chapter 10 where a mighty angel appears before the,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in revelation 22 verse 16.,revelation,22,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 16 the spirit of love to sustain our love for god against all odds romans 5 5 before god he said approaching our heart,romans,5,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 5 "version of myself. but today we're in daniel chapter one and chapter two,",daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 people started to read the bible and apply what leviticus 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,leviticus,13,46.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 46 go into this new season look at sam jonah 20 when you read verse 2 uh uh david was praying a prayer there,jonah,20,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 20 verse 2 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in colossians 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,colossians,3,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 14 with that dark backdrop we come to isaiah 9 which tells us more about the sun that was,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 chapter 4 if you'll turn there with me hebrews chapter 4 verse 16,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 7 ephesians verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives,ephesians,7,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 7 verse 18 at one time were enemies of god turn with me to colossians the first chapter colossians is right after ephesians the,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 to be quick here chapter 49 of genesis uh reads like this um this,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 it home so what do we learn about rahab in joshua chapter 2 verse 1 and joshua the son of none sent two men,joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 the man joshua chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking,joshua,7,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 21 him nehemiah chapter 4 verse 1 nehemiah chapter four verse one but it,nehemiah,4,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 1 twelve stars and of course there were bring us to genesis chapter 37 you remember how joseph dreamed a dream and,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 isaiah 6 verse 8 who will go for us,isaiah,6,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 29 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 29,ecclesiastes,7,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 29 from him proverbs chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,proverbs,25,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 21 of a sudden i can't there it goes philippians chapter 4. let's read together from verse six,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 name of jesus revelation of the 12 12 says therefore rejoicing heaven,revelation,12,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 12 result of private interpretation colossians 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in,colossians,3,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 22 that jesus christ is the son of god acts chapter 16 i read him from verse 30 and brought them out,acts,16,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 3 and i will read first from proverbs 4 7. proverbs 4 7. proverbs 4 7 says wisdom is the principal,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 welcome to you for the reading now the book of the prophet isaiah the book of the prophet isaiah chapter 32 behold,isaiah,32,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 1 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wjl4cuqgtc the apostle paul then in ephesians 5 says among you that is among you,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 we're in romans how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,romans,13,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 4 heavenly gift so if we go to ephesians chapter 2 verse 8,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 the real if he uh or hebrews 5 14 said the mark of maturity,hebrews,5,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 increased interesting you'll see up there joel joel chapter 1 and chapter 2 i spend some time in this week it's,joel,1,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 1 in chapter 14 verse 9 this is the very last book of the book he says hosea says who is wise,hosea,14,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 9 that he'd be born of a virgin isaiah 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27,daniel,7,14.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 14 all that away and it makes me just want to keep my arms open like the proverbs 31 woman keep my arms open to my husband,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 um so in romans 2 it talks about,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 through the advocate awake look at romans chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 jeremiah i'm going the wrong way i'm going to go to jeremiah and take a look at that and i'm going to jeremiah 27,jeremiah,27,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 27 verse 1 exodus ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 to 24 ezekiel 18. 2024 the soul that say that it shall die the,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 just like in many corrupt courts judges do this is samuel sons and remember samuel was the one who rebuked,judges,1,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 1 thousand man died in the desert over 40 years less to caleb and joshua were allowed to go into the land but even,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 every positive change in the life of a believer is revelation steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he,revelation,3,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 18 the promises to israel are still remain in romans nine it talks about the the future uh,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 joy in job 28 from verse 1 to 7 job 38 from verse 1 through 7,job,28,1.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 1 job job was a businessman a great one in his days,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 verse of scripture i'll use to to do this it's in romans chapter 15,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 and it says right here isaiah 33 verse 5 the lord is exalted he dwells on high and he has filled,isaiah,33,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 5 getting out of hand now in romans chapter 15 we read romans chapter 15 on sunday,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 it's a physical location on earth and if my understanding of ezekiel is right in ezekiel 28 we read about the king of,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 a few verses before until i memorized the whole chapter of jeremiah 31 and it saved my life,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 i will just wait till my father is dead so he ran and then in genesis 28 verse 10 to 16,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in colossians 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,colossians,2,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 14 since the year began a better amen psalms 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,psalms,118,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 118 verse 23 similar you don't need to look at it but just remember romans 15 5 paul says now may the god of patience and comfort,romans,15,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 5 they have not repented look at this this is surprising look at jeremiah chapter 41 in kirimaya chapter 41 i were reading,jeremiah,41,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 41 verse 1 defeated romans chapter 8 verse 31 romans 8 31 says if god is for us who can be against us,romans,8,31.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 31 ephesians 6 and verse 19. ephesians 6 19 if you come please turn it on if you are there,ephesians,6,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 86 years old when uh edgar had ishmael and in genesis 17 from verse 1 there the bible says,genesis,17,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 1 important about confessing that jesus is lord in in romans chapter 10 when i when i first got saved i was i you know been,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 he finds god job chapter 23 are you from verse 3,job,23,3.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 3 morning acts chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,acts,5,42.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 42 clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints so revelation 19 there paints this picture,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 themselves or second guess themselves in jeremiah chapter one when you read from verse five then uh god called jeremiah,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 your bibles to hebrews chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,hebrews,13,17.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 17 taking our closing charge our closing charge is taken from the book of psalms the first three verses and for the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of exodus we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38,exodus,50,38.0,1.0,exodus chapter 50 verse 38 lastly at night ephesians 4 26 is another good time,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 with a gift with something you know colossians 160 they created everything for himself,colossians,1,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 6 [music] isaiah 26 verses 3 to 4 in the amplified says,isaiah,26,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 confronts satan in revelation chapter 12 he's mentioned again war breaks out in heaven and,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 by our words will be justified or condemned ephesians 4 let know and wholesome word proceed out of your mouth,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 1 to 12 exodus tv plus 1 to 12 god gave moses a unique very cool,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 screen right now praise god proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 god's word says to us very clearly proverbs 3,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives ephesians 5 25 says love your wives and,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of hebrews shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter,hebrews,4,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 6 it's really distracting me a promise fulfilled in acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 13,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 abilities he had stood among the strongest of his peers in acts chapter 22 and verse 3 paul describes his former,acts,22,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 22 verse 3 down and destroy their enemies and in an exodus chapter 15 you find the first time singing is mentioned in the bible,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 number one service to god when we look at romans that chapter 12 where we read our text,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 rituals in deuteronomy chapter six the lord said verse 5 you must love the,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 in genesis chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 it says is anything,genesis,18,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 14 that's interesting i noticed also the seeking is involved in salvation isaiah 55 verse 6 through 7 seek the lord while he,isaiah,55,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 he said to him i have appointed he said he said in that jeremiah 1 5. he said before,jeremiah,1,5.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 and this isn't an exhaustive study about ruth but really look into i have a link down here as we get into this one,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 in the name of jesus so that i can stand according to ephesians 6 11 oh yes aha give it to me hold on give it to me hold,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 warned his generation he said behold the lord comes jude verse 14 behold alert lord comes this is not his first coming,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 this morning ephesians 1 ephesians 1 um it's a prayer of paul and i'd like us to read together from verse,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 way to chapter 25 in genesis and then the rest of the old testament,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 coming sunday isaiah chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an end them to the nation,isaiah,5,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 2 romans chapter 5 we're reading from verse 8 romans chapter 5 we're looking at verse 8 but god,romans,5,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 8 and that they would look on him the jews one day in the future zechariah saying whom they pierced,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 the same for others that i've done for you that's what the end of ezekiel 36 is all about thus saith the lord god i will,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 but one bumbling says in philippians 2 8 he humbled himself,philippians,2,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 8 without corrupt conversation look at ephesians chapter four reading from verse 21,ephesians,4,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 21 number 15 i really from the new king james version it says and if it seems evil,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in revelation chapter 22 verse 17,revelation,22,17.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 17 makes the lord sick but he loved them anyway look at revelation 3 verse 14. to the angel of the church of the,revelation,3,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 14 system do you know what this is this is daniel chapter 2 listen as i close and it says in daniel,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 is a function of outstanding distinction according to acts 11 26 acts 11 26 christians were so called,acts,11,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 26 re to empowerment number four a touch of refining refining it happened to isaiah he said i'm unclean and then the life,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 because in chapter 19 of the book of revelation jesus comes back right and destroys all kings,revelation,19,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 1 romans chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 the external but it says here in the last verse of hebrews 11 don't ever read hebrews 11,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 under any spell of baroness deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people,deuteronomy,7,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 14 arrange ourselves regarding humility james 4 and it's interesting that the bible says that it's not as if the devil,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 of the apostles chapter four our reading from verse 12 ah acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither is there salvation in,acts,4,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 12 god is aware in isaiah 17. in i mean that particular isaiah 40 27,isaiah,40,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 27 and then your profession you lost one job and you want to get another job but you have given up you depend now on,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 your testimony's gonna be i was dead and now i'm alive by the power of god isaiah chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33,isaiah,23,33.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 23 verse 33 i'm reading from the new living translation acts chapter 10 it says in caesarea there lived a roman army,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 says in philippians in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,philippians,2,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 8 now you make me want to preach when the bible says in ephesians chapter 1 it says that you and i are chosen somebody,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 of the old testament one from uh the psalms and the other from job both of which,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 for example in exodus chapter 14 from verse 10 to 14 exodus 14 10 to 14,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 and to see why we'll read about the fifth feast in leviticus 23 23 to 25,leviticus,23,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 23 jesus is lord isaiah might not imagine that one day the holy god will pronounce,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 abram said to the holiest saba was two of genesis 24 abram said to the audience servant of his house who ruled over all,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 proverbs chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,proverbs,11,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 remember what he says at the end it says in hebrews 13 3 remember those who are in prison,hebrews,13,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 3 the apostle chapter 8 while looking at verse 4 acts of the apostle chapter 8,acts,8,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 4 somebody shout oh romans chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,romans,8,32.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 32 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in jeremiah 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,jeremiah,8,6.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 6 do you know that that our greatest pursuit as paul says in philippians 3 that we may,philippians,3,2.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 2 jesus name we're looking at revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 12 and behold i come,revelation,22,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 12 abby who i love and adore and i'm obsessed with her if you watched james 1 you saw her at the very end of the video,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 he prepared the body through a woman and the book of hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10,hebrews,10,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 god that will be put to shame that's romans 10 11 and so be it in your life in the mighty name of jesus we have come,romans,10,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 11 not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of god romans 3 what advantage then hath the jew or what profit is,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 where there's no sanctification ephesians 2 for by grace you've been saved verse 8,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 movement and he was on drugs and then one day written in the psalms you in the psalms that jesus would die and he saw,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 seemingly random or chance events in our lives proverbs 16 verse 33 the lot is cast into the lap but it's every,proverbs,16,33.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 33 according to daniel his kingship was given in daniel 5 31 and in daniel 9 1 we read about darius,daniel,5,31.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 31 adultery and what it says in romans sorry john 83 the scribes and pharisees brought a woman,john,8,3.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 3 number one spiritual landmarks in acts chapter 5 verses 1 to 11 acts chapter 5 verses 1 to 11,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 dream is true and its meaning is certain so daniel says that there would arise four major kingdoms after the head which,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 it's all characteristic of the children of the devil proverbs 19,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 how can this happen come with me to proverbs chapter 23 proverbs,proverbs,23,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 1 genesis chapter 18 when you read from verse 1. i'm going to read that genesis chapter 18,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 what sin the privity it sets us free supernaturally it tells us in ephesians chapter 5 and i'm reading sorry first,ephesians,5,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 look at some examples in scriptures colossians chapter 4 and verse 12 we are told concerning a performance he said a,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 why not warm to another in genesis chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,genesis,29,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 29 verse 13 with regard to children the creation mandate in genesis chapter 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to go to isaiah 53 now as you're finding isaiah 53 whether on your little device your phone your computer or however you,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 by their purity we're told in the book of romans in revelation chapter 14 verse 4 this a day which will not,revelation,14,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 4 verse 2 the bible says i went up by revelation a man of revelation can never be stagnated,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 strange fiery baptism their minds would go back to scriptures like malachi chapter 3 where the lord is,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 "55 a.d. luke wrote the book of acts around 60 a.d., five, maybe a few years after that, so maybe",acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 even in deuteronomy 22 10 what does deuteronomy 22 10 says it says do not yoke together an oxen ana,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 the just shall live by faith look at galatians chapter 3 galatians chapter 3 you know what to be reading,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 to jesus isaiah 43 25 god says,isaiah,43,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 25 them in job 16 job 16 before pray,job,16,1.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 1 christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of ephesians 5 for instance husbands,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 to they specifically cite first corinthians 11 11 3 and ephesians 5 23 both about male headship in relation to,ephesians,5,23.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 the whole story of job in one sentence nothing about job god is full of compassion and merciful,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 analogy be made in chapter 16 of ezekiel but this just like a plant that this plant grows,ezekiel,16,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 danced to the nearest basket god bless you washes you did a very great job last year you do a greater one this year,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 instances of the key to your life hebrews 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,hebrews,11,26.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 26 are not answered and i want you to turn to daniel chapter 10 daniel chapter 10 why our prayers are not answered why,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 see the lord face to face look at proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 but the path,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 consecrated to the lord micah chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13.,micah,4,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 13 unclean rags in isaiah 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like,isaiah,64,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 6 exercise with god's warned in the book of acts about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,acts,24,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 16 james and chapter 2 james chapter 2 sorry james chapter 4,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 right where you are right now is orchestrating an exodus four experience a burning bush experience,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 her by putting her needs above your own philippians 2 says don't be selfish don't live to make a good impression on,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 seen in these words by the author of hebrews hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the,hebrews,2,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 proverbs 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put,proverbs,20,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 20 verse 18 glad that he is a savior isaiah 60 16 you will know that i the lord are your,isaiah,60,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 16 uh chapter 12 acts 12. in the book of acts 12.,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 conclusion job chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,job,17,9.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 9 night you see that in deuteronomy 28 it is for us to gain victory over the,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 covenant gospel was like that she turned to deuteronomy 28 which is the classic chapter on what i call the health and,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 leviticus 9 i'm sure you've memorized leviticus 9 who hasn't but leviticus 9 as you well know what,leviticus,9,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 1 that's why the money is kept with you zechariah 1 17 to 21. money can provide food for the hungry,zechariah,1,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 17 men in battle in just a few days in judges 20 the people went to bethel and set weeping before the lord and fasted,judges,20,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 1 i am redeemed for the top topmost stop and the anchor is deuteronomy chapter number 32 from verse 9 to 14.,deuteronomy,32,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 9 the apostles chapter 20 and we're looking at verse 26 acts of the apostles chapter 20,acts,20,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 26 acts of your apostles it's one of my favorite verses acts 17 and verse 30.,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 god for every one of us in daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 the word of god tells us there he said,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 hebrews chapter 5 when looking at verse 7 look at this who in the days of his,hebrews,5,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 reading about the church in its beginnings and you get to acts chapter four and i was reading this passage,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 so turn in your bibles to romans chapter four,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 the fighting in exodus 24 when god told moses to come up to mount sinai to receive the,exodus,24,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 24 verse 1 his father to in to law jethro the bible says in exodus chapter 3 when you read from verse 1 and the new living translation,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 don't know we are received and so in genesis 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the,genesis,21,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 6 anything well romans 5 emphasizes the exact opposite of this right god demonstrated,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 "god is truth and every word of god is true. titus 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",titus,1,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 2 new king james ess another help king james is another comforter not book it the one who sucks you out in my,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 flesh and blood against rather than paris ephesians 6 12 rules of the darkness of this world,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 things he was tempted like us in all things hebrews 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 in life proverbs 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,proverbs,22,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 maximize it by the time we go to genesis 33 from verse one to nine genesis 33 from verse,genesis,33,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 1 i do not own anymore but what is it that's being sacrificed in romans 12 verse 1 it's not it's not just you it's,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 immediately dry up we see the fire can scorch and reboot but god sends in joel chapter 2 verse 25 this where he sends,joel,2,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 25 we need revival we need renewing we need restoration isaiah 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,isaiah,57,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 57 verse 15 [applause] in ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 he tells us that our redemption has been,ephesians,1,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 year and he said wind just carry me that does not look like what happened genesis 15 yeah when was the wooden god and say,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 and if you have done the job because i believe that you must use one finger,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 questionable interpretations i find uh in romans where one particular view gets,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 after lord departed from abraham what followed genesis chapter 13 14 to 17 after lord,genesis,13,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 14 the spirit of christ he doesn't belong to christ romans chapter 8 and then there's baptism in,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 resurrection exaltation of christ isaiah 9 isaiah 53 the end of the chapter daniel 2 daniel 7 zechariah 2 zechariah,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 that do is good we're looking at proverbs chapter 19 verses 2 and 3 and here we see that they do not have,proverbs,19,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 2 verse 3. acts chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,acts,5,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 3 given to it but the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in,ignore,0,3.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 3 i mean look at it either 48 i mean isaiah 40 28 please have you not known,isaiah,40,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 and then 22 to 24 genesis 30 verses 1 and 2 and 22 to 24,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 to see the power of god preach the gospel romans chapter 1 romans chapter one yes we can see that,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 you are not in true state of repentance let's go back to james 13 and let's see the proposition that he gives to us in,james,13,1.0,1.0,james chapter 13 verse 1 prophetic advantage i'll quickly read from the book of numbers chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 verse 26,numbers,11,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 26 "back forces of darkness. one time, joshua and his men were in a valley fighting the",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that will of god in such a complete manner of philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 13 philippians,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbwzeb6bp0m let's turn again to romans five the title of my message is how to have peace,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 for example let me just read it to you in the book of ezekiel chapter 36 therefore say to the house of israel,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 because he was perfect no in the same philippians 3 he says i'm not perfect how can a man who's not perfect say,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 michael is identified with the resurrection of israel back in daniel 12 gang or twelve one two three talks about,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 formless but the heart was shapeless and and formless you know genesis 1 verse one the house was it was without it was,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and my message the power of regeneration acts chapter 9 reading from verse 1 to verse 9 this morning acts,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 in revelation there's about 130 in revelation some are extremely clear others need explained but,revelation,1,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 3 in bringing the parent to a place of fruitfulness isaiah 54 that we read isaiah 54 verse 1 2 3 god delights in,isaiah,54,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 1 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ galatians chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 christ malachi chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 to verse 6 isaiah chapter 53 we're looking at it from verse 4 reading,isaiah,53,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 encounter services this coming sunday zephaniah chapter 3 on the 17th the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,zephaniah,3,1.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 1 and this is what the bible tells us in the book of acts chapter 4 verse 20 they said we cannot speak of the things,acts,4,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 2 conversations in relationships something happened in the book of genesis chapter 3 that anytime i think about it it's you,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 hand of him who sits on the throne of revelation chapter 4 is the title deed to the earth the one after the living,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 and there's a balance there let me show you another verse in ephesians chapter 2 where we see this balance again verse,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 because he's the same one that wrote romans 7 and says that when uh when he learned about do not,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 this greek word pharmaca is also used in revelation chapter 18 for that great city,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 the almighty and when you get to revelation 22 verse 13 revelation 22 13 say i am the alpha of,revelation,22,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 13 of hebrews chapter 12 when it says keep your eyes fixed on jesus,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 next in isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind,isaiah,30,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 performance in colossians 4 12. one of you laboring family laboring,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 which is such an amazing book full of so much wisdom if you go to proverbs 16 verse 24.,proverbs,16,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 24 know it's the wages of our sin from romans 6 verse 23,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord philippians 2 philippians 2 i read 8,philippians,2,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 8 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith romans 14 23 is dead,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 "an enemy will come and build a barricade. that's exactly what the romans did in 70 a.d. second, verse 43, ""surround you.""",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "in daniel 7 to and they are familiar with that passage to you have the opening verses of daniel 7 identify all the powers of the world, all",daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 in the precious name of jesus hebrews chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 number five here joel holmberg says hi pastor mike i grew up lutheran,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 on this particular day i was just studying chapter 19 of proverbs and so i'm just reading through it i'm,proverbs,19,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 19 verse 1 created in order to suit his purpose colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 he is the governor among the nations we're looking at isaiah chapter 9,isaiah,9,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 no the lord in the new covenant acts chapter sorry hebrews chapter eight but all shall know me so there's no need for,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 of fasting that's not much time left you can read on your own nehemiah chapter 9 verses 1 and 38.,nehemiah,9,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 1 the site and he was impressed he gave me another job he paid me my balance he paid me this 100 percent i delivered,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 other day while we were at the conference in romans 8 it says who hopes for what he sees but if we hope for what,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 something and in romans chapter 1 we are told that the lie the lie of the devil,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 that okay here it is hebrews 1 10. lots of debate on this passage if,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 here's some of the passages ezekiel 32 7 joel 2 10 joel 2 31 joel 3 15 amos 8 9 isaiah 13 10. um isaiah 34 verse 4 and,ezekiel,32,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 32 verse 7 chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading from,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 the day is coming when you will see what daniel the prophet spoke about that's daniel 9,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 this morning and i hope that you brought them acts chapter six years ago as you're turning there i,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 let's read from god's word the bible says in zechariah chapter 8 and verse 12 zechariah chapter 8 and verse 12. it,zechariah,8,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 12 them have stayed nehemiah is one of the ones that have stayed,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 say john the baptist some say elijah and others jeremiah or one of the prophets the reason is because they saw his,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "we are the true worshipers who draw night, as hebrews 10 says, and do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.",hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 make it louder amen acts chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 thy reward shall return upon thine own head and then in the book of jonah the next book the prophet was three days and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 one lifetime hebrews the writer of hebrews says in hebrews 9 27,hebrews,9,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of psalms chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear,psalms,25,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 3 all right so keep those bibles open right here in judges 4 as we dive in a bit deeper,judges,4,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 1 hallelujah isaiah chapter 6 very quickly verse 22 isaiah 60 he says your sun shall no longer go down,isaiah,60,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 22 too hard for me jeremiah 32 and verse 27,jeremiah,32,27.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 comments questions observations then ecclesiastes 728 from that verse about um what does it,ecclesiastes,7,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 28 perfection hebrews six verse one that's been the model of our church and of all of us,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 see transformation take place in our lives numbers 14 13 says why is the lord talk taking us to this country only to,numbers,14,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 13 want to show you now take you back into daniel to daniel chapter 7,daniel,7,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 1 where we read earlier on ephesians 4 29 he said let no corrupt communication proceed,ephesians,4,29.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 level of success as a christian i learned that from james chapter 1 verse through two through four i learned,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 24 ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 and that she put on the new man which chapter god,ephesians,4,24.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 love of god. you can go back to the prophets like jeremiah 31 and read about the love of god.,jeremiah,31,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 look at it here in ephesians 4 ephesians 4 are you following me please,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 that not of yourselves it is the gift of god look at acts chapter 15 acts chapter 15.,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 in joshua chapter 1 from verse 1 to 8 joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8. god said clearly,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 this week god will help us in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in romans chapter 6 i think verse 14,romans,6,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 14 about those words but if you think about it isaiah 6 the passage we read today is also an apostolic calling to some sense,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 same passage as last week again verse 5 through 11 hebrews chapter 5 reading 5 through 11.,hebrews,5,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 you also it's in your bible so it's for you as well jeremiah 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord,jeremiah,15,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 19 passage that we often caught in relation to the new covenant hebrews chapter eight this new covenant verse eight,hebrews,8,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 so in the same eternal me 28 was 13 deuteronomy 28 verse 13 after he said hearken diligently to his voice in verse,deuteronomy,28,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 13 it's called the peace offering here in the leviticus chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,leviticus,3,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 2 everyone to repent please remember this reference acts chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 please single mistake in genesis 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,genesis,25,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 29 "but more than that, it used again in the old testament and only those two places verse in proverbs 7 verse 21 to and there it is translated seductive",proverbs,7,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 21 let's put our bible to that passage isaiah 54 14 and 15 a righteousness shall now be established,isaiah,54,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 14 defense romans 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,romans,8,31.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 31 number one middle of verse seven it's a revelation an unveiling when the lord jesus is,ignore,0,7.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 7 number one revelation is the machinery of recovery not discovery write this down i am not,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 he woke up one day i said god thank you for the job but is this what you send me to the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 most this was 3 heaven day yes past a time you get to exodus chapter one and you can read it from,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 tell me your bibles today in the book of romans chapter eight and i'll read from verse 14.,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 needless to say nothing is done without golf in this so the fire jude chapter 1 verse 16 verse 20 amos chapter 1 i will,jude,1,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 16 i'm not a rocket scientist this is very clear how bad do we want it but proverbs five four but in the end in the end an,proverbs,5,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 4 and verse 12 where the queen mother was recommending daniel to you know bear shaza and,ignore,0,12.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 12 things about god you can read about that in revelation chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,revelation,13,6.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 6 fulfill the law he's writing the gentiles and galatians he says if you love the whole laws fulfilled in one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 on to esther and her people esther chapter 8 verse 8 he says write your soul for the jews as,esther,8,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 8 epiphanes and okay uh broad overview daniel 11 is the most complex literally the,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 shine unto them we're looking at james chapter four verse four in james chapter four,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 verse 13 the book of james chapter 1 verse 13.,james,1,13.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 13 cherry to pick some verses here that give you the overall idea from revelation 12 or 17 then the dragon became furious,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 gonna read a few verses if you're still there in daniel 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just,daniel,9,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 5 19 of those times it's in this book of romans it's an important word in the book of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says,ecclesiastes,9,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 you about berea from thessalonica verse chapter 17 verse 10 acts 17 10 the brethren sent paul and silas away by,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in numbers 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,numbers,14,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 24 mentioned in the bible was in the book of genesis 1. genesis 1 verse 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 8. isaiah chapter 32 i'm going to read verse 8. isaiah,isaiah,32,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 8 daniel 1 8 i quoted earlier on daniel 1 8 when you stop desiring you stop experiencing,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 for the future i'm coming back to this genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33,genesis,33,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 1 the rock music coming out of the pet of hell in in revelation 9 we see that these lucas have men's faces but women's,revelation,9,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 9 verse 1 they are helpless this let's look at isaiah chapter 45 isaiah 45,isaiah,45,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 1 god was saying to me you know in math in um not matthew now genesis genesis 13 how many of us recall that in genesis 13,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 later on down through here but in romans chapter 1 17 we know that the righteous shall live by faith,romans,1,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 17 fate in god's hands it reminds you of what job says in job 13 verse 15 even if he kills me,job,13,15.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 15 example in genesis 15 verse 1 genesis 15 verse 1 yes sir to abram that was what his name,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 sin i know that's not what we want to hear but it is in the bible micah 6 13 through 15 says therefore i wind you i,micah,6,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 13 about what's right and what's wrong and now where are we we're in isaiah 5 20.,isaiah,5,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 2 he with whom he had walked a little earlier with peter james and john those three,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 of god this is what we're told in philippians chapter 2 he died he suffered he died he died a cruel death,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 anything because you know that philippians started forever 19 philippians 40,philippians,40,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 40 verse 19 number one miracle mount watherin palm sweating international job make that bigger for jesus,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 who would delivered it and it's done clear then in judges chapter 10 verse 10 and 15 that we have discussed ammonia,judges,10,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 1 you eat of it you shall surely die and then aspie turn to genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 6 it says genesis chapter 3,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 will perfect them colossians chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 chapter 2 verse 19 the bible said the secret was revealed to daniel in the night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see,daniel,2,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 19 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in revelation 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,revelation,20,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 14 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing psalms or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,psalms,1,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 2 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. isaiah chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty,isaiah,49,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 24 but boaz did have all three he had the right to pursue ruth and again he went about it the right way,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 bible says in psalm in genesis i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord,genesis,15,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 4 instead of reckless when i was your foe you your love still fought for me romans chapter five you've been so so good to,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 and my direction of my life changed said from ephesians 6 12 if you want to overcome satan,ephesians,6,12.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 genesis chapter 27 genesis chapter 27 and it came to pass,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 discerned and the unbeliever cannot understand it as it says in romans 8 as well and we're saying no no that's not,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 bible and jesus using it in the new testament to think of numbers 1819 it's as an everlasting covenant of salt,numbers,18,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 19 what god said in deuteronomy 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 10 sir you shall be above only you won't be beneath you,deuteronomy,28,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 13 program the bible tells us in the book of job chapter 8 verse 7 that though your beginning may be small,job,8,7.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 7 verse one to the end joshua six from verse one to the end god gave instructions,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 old testament without which i enjoy is there in exodus 23 and you can read it later on if you like verse 4 and 5 but,exodus,23,4.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 4 looking at genesis chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 22 genesis chapter 5 verse 22 and enoch walked with god at i,genesis,5,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 22 and so if they're if this is true if this is even what this and isaiah 66 in any way are are pointing to if those,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 we're close look at it real quick genesis 5 verse 3 when adam and leah 130 years he became of the father of a son,genesis,5,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 3 bible verse it should be powerful deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 6 he said,deuteronomy,33,6.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 6 that's why why is it so important you think about acts chapter 2 verse 41 it says 3 0 souls what if you had 3 0,acts,2,41.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 41 leads to action james 2 the half to brother of jesus says you say,james,2,1.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 1 as a nation stronger amen proverbs chapter 29 and verse 2. before we get on our feet,proverbs,29,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 29 verse 2 imply insatiableness show is never full the proverbs tell us it's rendered grave 31 times but that's,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 testimony can also heal loneliness root 4 14 to 17 ruth 4 14 to 17 you can see the case of naomi naomi,ruth,4,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 14 children of god john 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,john,1,12.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 12 who the lord looks what does isaiah 66 2 say this is the one whom i will,isaiah,66,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 2 the bible where you are please speak your bible and read revelation 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and,revelation,22,13.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 13 unto them the whole council of god acts chapter 20 we're reading from,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 through with that decision isaac dog aware genesis 26 the bible says they came and they did what they,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 as we saw in reuben genesis 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,genesis,49,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 3 then you have proved that to believe james 2 18 show me your faith without your words i show you my faith by my,james,2,18.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 18 above james chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17.,james,3,17.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 17 there is not one and so it seems to me that what job is saying is that he's sort of like doomed from birth he's born,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 i said we will not abide in darkness romans chapter 13 in romans chapter 13 i'm reading from,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 they turned him over to the romans and that's exactly what the romans did. they were hoping that he would be the one,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 analysis of the bible and that begins right now we're looking at genesis chapter 1 through 3 today and we're,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the season another church of servants he tells us in galatians chapter four reading from boston but he is under,galatians,4,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 1 most toys wins i think of a rejected worship in amos chapter 6 if you have a marker in amos please you can go there,amos,6,1.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 1 literal 24 to hour day so hebrews chapter 1 says today i've begotten you hebrews chapter 3 and 4 several times speaks of,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 judges them that's why in our text in the in the book of psalms psalm 7 verse 11 he says god,psalms,7,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 11 but the reason it's it's well there's one more example i think in revelation chapter 11.,revelation,11,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 1 is she paul's leader right in romans 16 is she paul's leader um,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 come against it listen let me come to my message this morning deuteronomy chapter 2 and verse 1,deuteronomy,2,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 1 must be your food jeremiah 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i,jeremiah,15,6.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 6 wisdom into your life based on james chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 5 the almighty god,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 and don't forget romans 8 28 but for we know that all things,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 pentecost was fully come from verse 1 of acts chapter 2 there's something remarkable that happened there,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 and onwards in the mighty name of jesus as psalm 51 said daniel david also prayed,psalms,51,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 51 verse 1 we're looking at chapter three of ephesians and we're looking at verse two ephesians chapter 3 our reading from,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 verses like this in the psalms and in other parts of scripture arlene mentioned one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 okay there's acts 5 12. now let's look at acts 14 3,acts,14,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 14 verse 3 desolation of the temple and the sacrifice daniel refers to that as the abomination of desolation in chapter 11,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 to righteousness proverbs chapter 11 from verse 30 the fruit of the righteous,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 another but when we look at the book of genesis chapter 12,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 despise not thou the chastening of the lord hebrews 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,hebrews,12,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 and there are weeds that's why the bible tells us in romans chapter 6 verses 11 and 12,romans,6,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 11 the wisdom and grace of god well verse 13 then daniel was brought before the king the king said to him are,ignore,0,13.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 13 season and abram sleep before the lord and so in the book of genesis as it relates or in the first five books early,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey romans 6 verse 16 hooroo,romans,6,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 16 that must be put in place to experience outbreak of revelation don't forget we are told in the book of ephesians 1,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 is found in his book the unseen realm and it's it's based off in deuteronomy 32,deuteronomy,32,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 1 into exodus 25 you need to go back into zechariah chapter four and as you see and understand what this golden lamp,zechariah,4,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 it says colossians chapter 4 and verse 12.,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 misappropriate perfect example being exodus chapter 21 and it says this when a man strikes his slave male or female,exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 there's a universal indictment in the book of romans chapter 1 verse 18 for the wrath of god,romans,1,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 18 clearly here tonight please turn with me to revelation chapter 5 not revelation 6 but to revelation,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 for earnest seekers of heaven it tells us in hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 but without faith,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 but the first book he has translated his book of psalms so it's a psalm 18 because today's 18th and i did a word,psalms,18,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 1 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 we're reading from verse,proverbs,9,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 first five books of moses all the prophets means all the way to malachi so verse 27 is really saying beginning,ignore,0,27.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 27 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things zechariah 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,zechariah,1,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 2 the book in revelation chapter 7 and what is revelation chapter 7 verse 9 for example i believe it is,revelation,7,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 9 over to the new testament you go to galatians chapter 5 you find the fruit of the spirit what's,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 name amen now isaiah chapter 58 is spoken to the most religious people,isaiah,58,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 and david wrote so many psalms one of the psalms that we just read at the beginning psalm 139 was written by david,psalms,13,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 9 love scientists i love them on her wall was proverbs 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 that acquires the truth that sets free proverbs 23 23 is a buy the truth and sell it lord,proverbs,23,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 23 says in genesis chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 every situation genesis chapter 35 genesis chapter 35 i read from verse 5 and the joining and the terror of god,genesis,35,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 35 verse 5 again i want you to go to the hope i want you to go to psalms there's hope psalm 107 you know i don't preach a hard,psalms,107,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 107 verse 1 to these men to the sorcerer's isaiah 4710 for thou has trusted in your wickedness that we said none steered me,isaiah,47,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 47 verse 1 the nations in the world and this verse is found in ezekiel chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,ezekiel,14,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 13 to undo what he had done the day they came in genesis in exodus 32 from verse 25 to 26,exodus,32,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 25 when we are repentant we find that in joel 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,joel,2,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 12 going to make us richer than we are ever been this reading proverbs chapter 3 verse 9.,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 verse 18. romans chapter 4 verse 18 we kissed hope believes in hope,romans,4,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 18 through 15 as well so it says send them on their way when paul is telling titus to send these people on their way it,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 have heard this verse before but i want to read james 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am,james,1,13.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 13 but you can do anything else and he went out job satan went out in job chapter 2 verse 7 and smote job,job,2,7.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 7 painful immediate painful physical consequences chapter 23 of proverbs verse 13 do not hold back discipline,proverbs,23,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 13 serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses hebrews 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 [music] it was a work that sarah had in genesis chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,genesis,18,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 2 few jobs in the bible one of them is fun in genesis 46 verse 13 was the grandson of jacob the son of issachar one of the,genesis,46,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 46 verse 13 of the flesh the lust of the eyes in the pride of life and that's why james in chapter 1 says sin conceives as lust in,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 and i also find it in scripture turn with me to romans 14 and verse 17. very important verse,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in acts 20 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to,acts,20,65.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 65 and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it romans 8 28 we know that's how it begins,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 to the glory of the father he tells us in ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 one i'll do this one i'll read verse 1 acts 8 verse 1 um just a minute let me find it,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 chapter one verse seven ephesians 1 verse 7 in whom we have,ephesians,1,7.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 looking at acts of the apostle chapter 8 acts of the apostle chapter 8,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 damnation proverbs 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the,proverbs,5,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 5 verse 22 from verse 1 to 10 ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 10,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 in need james chapter 2 15 to 16. james chapter 2 15 to 16 with so much poverty in the world,james,2,15.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 15 united with him in his death and verse 11 of romans 6 then says therefore count yourselves,romans,6,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 11 me passion translation of proverbs 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,proverbs,24,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 understanding of god's word to us jeremiah 33 and verse 3 says it very clearly call unto me,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 this timing laid out in scriptures in numbers chapter one interestingly we have them,numbers,1,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 1 the god of all flesh hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,hebrews,12,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 do their own version of it and here's what happens in acts chapter 5 starting in verse 1.,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 escape from eternal judgment on the positive side paul says in romans chapter 10 that salvation comes to those,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 we're in this series the heavens rule from the book of daniel it says in daniel 4,daniel,4,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 1 chapter 10 verse 38 acts chapter 10 acts chapter 10 verse 38 says how god anointed jesus of,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 no uh exodus talks about the blood being applied on the doorpost leviticus 17,leviticus,17,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 1 and i could be wrong here but i think ezekiel maybe of all the prophets the one who is in in more ways than others a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you revelation chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,revelation,21,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 4 two chapters that i want to look at today one is romans 14 and one is first corinthians 8.,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 when he was tempted and i say i want to do the same thing it says in g hebrews chapter five jesus christ verse seven,hebrews,5,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 is that the name of jesus can protect proverbs 18 10 says the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous runs,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 and that is why we see the results 30 years later in revelation chapter 2. the lord says you've left your first,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 for the word of god has said it in romans 10 11 that there is no one that put his trust in god that will be put to,romans,10,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 11 feel that that's really referring into one job that a pastor can't be a pastor without being a teacher some people,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 uh that i believe are so relevant right now uh the first one being revelation chapter 13.,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 can i'm paralyzed you in your brain with me to proverbs forever 21 covers 21,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 and this morning i'm reading out of the niv and this is proverbs 12 25 it says this anxiety weighs down the,proverbs,12,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 12 verse 25 religious system revelation 17 and an economic financial system revelation 18 the two are put together,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 ezekiel chapter one verse one ezekiel chapter one verse one ezekiel said the heavens opened and i saw,ezekiel,1,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 what will happen you are recreated look at ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 first century read what the elder in ephesus was like read revelation chapter 2 chapter 3 five out of the seven,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 says as i've briefly written you already ephesians 2 he's talking about how we're saved by grace through faith apart from,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 apply to israel nationally now if that's the case hebrews 6 might be saying,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,galatians,5,24.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 24 being lord of your life once again in romans 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 verse 6 hebrews 12 6 a bible says whomsoever he loves,hebrews,12,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 6 in the temple at one point in the book of acts paul he's the apostle of liberty right he's like hey we're not under the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and beyond all the mysteries of genesis 2 24 has made himself one flesh with her one,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 that you say lord i must have this look at hebrews chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14.,hebrews,13,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 which happened in 1948 this is what ezekiel predicted in the 6th century bc and it has come to pass in some of your,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 knowledge of god so when when you read ephesians chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,ephesians,1,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 because in ephesians chapter 2 we're told that we are built upon the foundation of the,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 "he will reign for a thousand years on earth, as revelation 20 tells us. at that time he will fulfill all earthly kingdom",revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 this before we leave joel joel chapter 2 23 for he has given the former reign moderately and he will,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 thanks jonathan i would say one of the mistakes with revelation is when you try to understand too much of it too fast i,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 probably ought to turn to this and in deuteronomy 18 verse 15 the lord your god will raise up,deuteronomy,18,15.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 for each of our lives jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 he said i know the thoughts i have towards you,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 just shall live by faith i'm looking at romans chapter one romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 "push them away, get away from them. like jude 23 talks about, you're going to get your garments stained, or you're going",jude,23,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 23 verse 1 help and for your heart too numbers 14 verses 20,numbers,14,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 2 triumphant power of an undying faith in hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 the book of nehemiah chapter 1 the words of nehemiah the son of hokulea and it came to pass in the month kiss liu in,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 so i've done 21 days i prayed and there's no revelation go and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 read the millions and billions of years into genesis 1 you know what number they want to read in the number that for the,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 crosses have no effect on our lives numbers 23 and verse 8 how shall i cross whom god has not,numbers,23,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 8 "he is powerful. and also, romans 2 says that the law of god is written in the heart of every man and there",romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 proverbs chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,proverbs,11,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service acts 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,acts,10,38.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 38 we are waiting for our direction isaiah chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day,isaiah,2,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that daniel is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",daniel,9,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 27 things but listen to what the word of god tells us in romans chapter eight verses 26 27 once it just give me your,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 in all details look at eight of hebrews hebrews chapter age were looking at verse five and it says,hebrews,8,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 5 don't do that and you know what this seems entirely consistent with isaiah 60 listen to it again,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood acts 20 28 says was the blood of god,acts,20,28.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 28 colossians chapter 3 verse 23 in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 assyrians and this city was built the scripture tells us in genesis chapter 10 right around the time of the tower of,genesis,10,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 10 verse 1 now verse 9 and when james cephas peter and john who seemed to be police,james,1,9.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 9 our verse of the month is from the book of isaiah chapter 55 verse 9 it says,isaiah,55,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 9 acts 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,acts,16,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 6 habits and that links up with what the first verse recorded in romans 6 which is the fruit of our service is,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 in the bible but a very good one will be daniel chapter six you know the story,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 looking at hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 but in isaiah 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign when his son shall be born,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 earthquake of deliverance like we read in acts chapter 16 verse,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 part of easter and i want to read from isaiah chapter 52,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 jeremiah 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7,jeremiah,8,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 11 this he says paul says in ephesians 4 5 that there's only one faith,ephesians,4,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 5 recognized him as their leader and daniel had that faith we read in verse 12 he says to the kings authority there,ignore,0,12.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 12 on the earth to walk genesis chapter 2 7 to 8 genesis 2 7 to 8,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 heading out to war he's one of the judges of israel right he's heading out to war and he makes a vow to god he's,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 chapter seven eight excuse me romans chapter eight verse seven,romans,8,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 7 sorry and in in thessalonica the same thing in galatians he uses the same word in galatians 1,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 abimelech and the entire city genesis 24 17 so abram prayed he prayed unto god and god healed,genesis,24,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 17 daniel 6 19 to 22 god had to rescue daniel from the uh from the jaws and the claws of the lions,daniel,6,19.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 19 to kill us with us to consider joshua joshua chapter 6,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 our diseases any bible you have you'll see right there it says isaiah 53 for that he has scared away our diseases,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 we have all heard of justification by faith romans chapter 4 we have all heard of justification by faith that produces,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 i'll show you this word used in another context think it will help romans 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 the second verse he quotes is is here in verse 10 of romans 15 a says and again he says rejoice o gentiles with his,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 and verse 5 exodus 35 verse 5 the bible says take ye from among you an offering unto,exodus,35,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 35 verse 5 speak to us from it's from the psalms psalm 50 psalm 50.,psalms,50,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 50 verse 1 engages god's ability for delivery ephesians chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 precious revelation 21 1 to 3 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 back in genesis 1. god is found in genesis 1 creating our world filling it with life and populating it,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of acts of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 touch it he killed him and what he said in joshua 3 the ark is coming your way,joshua,3,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 1 with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from isaiah 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting,isaiah,59,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 2 who loves me and gave himself for me in romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 christ has done for me in acts 15 they took this letter and they sent it to churches here these guys,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 peace today had to be in isaiah 26 3 isaac 23 now will keep him in perfect peace with,isaiah,26,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 thought john 2 thought john 2 deuteronomy 8 18. let me read that thought john 2. the,deuteronomy,8,18.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 of sales in this prophetic season acts chapter 2 and verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 5 we are to be filled with the spirit speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 when you get to genesis chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so,genesis,33,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 8 verse 1 uh it's not it's i'm reading a new king james version it says oh everyone who tests come to the waters,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 people who returned to build so let's look at nehemiah four verse seven when sanbalar and tobiah and the arabs the,nehemiah,4,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 7 none shall want her mates the lord fulfills his word in isaiah 34 16 for that lady,isaiah,34,16.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 34 verse 16 yeah how have you been transformed lately you know james chapter one when you read from verse 23 down to 25 speaks,james,1,23.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 23 one the manifold mercy for the recovery of the sick when you came at nehemiah chapter 9 i read from verse 19. i want,nehemiah,9,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 19 she must build up and plant verse 11 then the lord said to me look jeremiah what do you see and i replied i see a,ignore,0,11.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 11 something you know about romans 12 the laws of the body of christ romans 8 is about the individual life,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to genesis chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,genesis,22,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 16 and then when she got to the well in genesis 25 she met a man that she didn't know you know and the man asked for help,genesis,25,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 1 i used to be young earth creationist in genesis 1 uh two um and other related passages and i,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 me for a moment ezekiel 37 there's a beautiful picture there there's a little booklet which,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 the testosterone in church titus 1 10 and 11 for there are some unruly and vain,titus,1,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 1 time times and half a time so to simplify daniel is told the four empires would arise from the earth the first,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 powerful as stephen did in this sermon i want you to listen to acts chapter 7 verses 51 to 53 this is the mic drop,acts,7,51.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 51 can i hear you scream the loudest email daniel chapter 2 and verse 21 i paraphrased says,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of isaiah 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",isaiah,40,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 13 we have robbed them and then we come under the course of zechariah chapter 5 verse 4.,zechariah,5,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 4 in you and one of the fruit of the spirit in you galatians 5 and 22 is self to control,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 for our scripture reading this morning let's turn to galatians chapter 6 will read the first 10 verses i'll read the,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 life why is there no acts 29 cuz your acts 29 we're acts 29 and the work of the church,acts,29,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 29 verse 1 just to refresh our hearts so here's some examples one thing is in romans chapter 6 in fact the whole all of,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 hebrews chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 the uniqueness of x alina leadership hebrews,hebrews,5,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 doesn't understand temptation god cannot be tempted the bible says in james 1 but he was not a high priest who cannot,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 chapters that deal with the life of paul in the book of acts out of 17 of them nine of them are devoted to his arrest,acts,17,9.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 9 according to romans chapter 8 verse 27 romans 8 29 romans 8 verse 29 the bible says he,romans,8,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 29 won't go into the detail of it but that this is a reference to isaiah 53 12. he poured out himself to death and he,isaiah,53,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 12 maintain godly standards maintain godless standards colossians chapter 3 and verse 2 makes it very,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 that we spoke about on sunday was hebrews chapter four verses one and two it says therefore,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 mankind's longevity and drug severe by genesis 12 man word had begun to die at maybe hundred or something but no,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 now look what happens here. look at exodus 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,exodus,13,17.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 17 i want to point to revelation sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together psalms 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,psalms,8,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 26 god led romans 8 and verse 14. says for as many as are led by the spirit of god,romans,8,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 14 and don't forget the promise of deuteronomy 31 8 or he says i will never never,deuteronomy,31,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 things were created through him and for him listen this is colossians 1 the next verse 17 and he is before all things and,colossians,1,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 17 it's just not required right that's just your conscience issue that's what romans 14 is all about,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 ever in genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26 genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26,genesis,25,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 21 in that blessing is also abundance tremendous prosperity he said in genesis 27 verse 28 genesis 27 verse 20 he said,genesis,27,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 28 name galatians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 "and six months from the occasion of john 8, they're going to get their wish and the romans are going to crucify him.",john,8,1.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 1 for the flesh to gratify its desires notice there in romans 13 paul distinguishes between some acts of the,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 here from verse 9 philippians chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,philippians,4,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 9 romans chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 romans 8 15 to 17 everything that god has just like jesus christ you can lay,romans,8,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 15 heart god's word tells us in revelation chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 with a grain of salt you now can remind him of colossians chapter 4 verse 6 which says let your speech be always,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 we're reading from verse nine ecclesiastes chapter four reading from verse nine it says two are,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in matthew 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,galatians,16,17.0,1.0,galatians chapter 16 verse 17 would you open your bibles to the book of genesis genesis chapter 1 genesis chapter 1 my plan is,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 said we're gonna do it and you if you know your history later when the romans come to attack the jews many uh two,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the point where at 16 she worked at a job as a shift manager taco bell was going to college at the same time and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 know that god never cursed man no turn with me to genesis chapter 3 to understand something in scripture we got,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 god's promising and he remember in romans 4 i better give you these verses for those that are taking notes you may,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 "a census. when the romans required a census so they could collect that one denarius tax from everybody,",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of the man of god in acts chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 back to him hallelujah the testifier is esther t one more time let's celebrate god with a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 intellectually when you read genesis chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,genesis,2,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 19 jeremiah 8 7 and in the beginning of hosea chapter 4 they do not know the thoughts of the,jeremiah,8,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 8 verse 7 for in jesus mighty name would pray amen the book of colossians 4 verse 2 says that continue in prayer and do same with,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 away by this wonderful woman called ruth and it's stand to be understood ruth was such a one of courage i mean how many of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the last part in philippians 3 he talks about some people philippians 3 and verse 19 some people whose god is their,philippians,3,19.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 19 another name for agape love is the perfect love of liver liberty james 1 25 says whosoever look at into the perfect,james,1,25.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 25 not touring and following them up and yet he had been without job for one year and suddenly as he entered into his,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 paul had the same idea when he wrote over in philippians 3 this one thing i do,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 can test whether we got revelation as well in hebrews in chapter 11 we read like this moses had been in pharaoh's,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 was no more room for the painters hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 to 17. no room,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 verse 5 numbers 21 reading from verse 5 and the people,numbers,21,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 5 especially as we plan for 2021 you can reach either through the numbers on the screen or by email to counseling at,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 can't help but go anywhere am i thinking but to genesis 22 when the most horrible of all situations occurs a man is told,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 and i that's why i began in singapore with isaiah with psalm 51 the cry of david blot out my,psalms,51,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 51 verse 1 moses one is exodus 15 verses 1 to 4 the other is deuteronomy 32 verse 42 the theme in both those songs is the same,deuteronomy,32,42.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 42 yet the later end shall yet greatly increase job chapter eight number seven i've tried to watch those folks climbing,job,8,7.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 7 life number one you have eternal pardon eternal pardon romans 6 23 romans 6 23 1st john 5 11. first john 5 11,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 easy for him i want to show you a verse in hebrews in chapter 5 which tells us jesus how he faced temptation he was,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 now verse 14 we're entering the scene in acts chapter 4 when the order of the day the,acts,4,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 14 remember see this very interesting in genesis 3 verse 1 how does the devil come,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 verse 6 i got james mark picture somewhere on these little tags james is really he's a good preacher when you,ignore,0,6.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 6 she laughed and according to romans chapter 4 from verse 8 to 21 romans 4 8 to 21,romans,4,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 8 hundred pieces of silver each according to judges sixteen plus five,judges,16,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 5 verse 19 revelation chapter 3 reading here from verse,revelation,3,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 19 in verse 27 committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 shall live by his faith and he said it four different times habakkuk 2 verse 4 the jaws shall live by faith,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 [music] in isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 to 4 you will see in the year that king,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 that evasive marriage that voice in genesis 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,genesis,5,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 2 isn't it amazing that the lord hides himself john shared from acts 17 that the lord has fixed times and places for,acts,17,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 1 that will eventually come to pass the bible says in joel chapter 3 and if chapter 2,joel,3,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 1 28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield habakkuk said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons,habakkuk,3,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 19 i'm totally behind you in acts chapter 8 verse 1,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 there's different ways of approaching this i have a video on daniel 9 if you just just google daniel 9 and my name,daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram genesis 18 verse 19,genesis,18,19.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 19 three what biblical babylonian king cast daniel into the lion's den for praying to god in defiance of a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 moses used it 650 times the word day used in genesis 1 is the same as it's used elsewhere in,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 17 another chapter opened to his life he obeyed god in genesis 22 and another chapter opened to his life,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 god about your fruitfulness in genesis chapter 49 25 genesis chapter 49 25 the bible says evil by the god of thy father,genesis,49,25.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 25 further replication of cells in this prophetic season jeremiah 13 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed,jeremiah,13,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 13 verse 19 freemasonry is a false religion and the bible says in the book of exodus chapter 23 that we cannot have false religions,exodus,23,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 1 not be like that in jesus name hey look at look at these in acts chapter 7 acts chapter 7 the pattern and the poverty of,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 over us now notice our passage notice ephesians 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,ephesians,6,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 there is room for repentance room to repent esther chapter 1 verse 10.,esther,1,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 1 and not have time for him proverbs 26 23 and verse 26,proverbs,26,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 26 verse 23 chapter 12 verse 11 revelation 12 11 and overcame him by the blood of the lamb,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 don't fall and explode in fact if all you had was the acts chapter one information you'd be like he fell and it,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 is because our salvation is eternal paul says in ephesians 1 for that before god even created the world he looked down,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 i'm reading from verse 1 in chapter 13 of deuteronomy verse 1 it says if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer,deuteronomy,13,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 wisdom is the builder of all things hebrews 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,hebrews,3,4.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 4 let's grab our bibles and turn to revelation chapter 3. revelation chapter 3 and the title of my message is it's,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 sit there till jesus comes no it's a race hebrews 12 verse 1 let us run this race verse 1 looking unto jesus okay,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 only faith jude 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 some applications here that are not found back there in exodus chapter 20 and again the exhortation is oh that,exodus,20,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 1 authority of christ it tells us in revelation chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 7 it says,revelation,3,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 7 yeah another lady told me that she got a job in two weeks and these are multinational,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 as we trust him for newness isaiah 32 15 it says until the spirit is poured upon us from one eye,isaiah,32,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 32 verse 15 the new testament in romans chapter 1 galatians chapter 3 and hebrews chapter 10 the righteous will live by faith it,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 acts which is why you and i must give thanks to god according to isaiah chapter 43 verse 21,isaiah,43,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 21 face the earth in the heaven that revelation 20 verse 11 and they cried they cried to the mountains they cried,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 10 if ephesians 6 verse 10 he said finally my brethren be strong in the lord,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 men take like the issue upset now let us go back to genesis chapter 3 and we're going to read this account of what,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 about him to joe satan there's no one like him on the earth job 1 verse 8 who fears god job must,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 improve on the gifts in proverbs chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,proverbs,9,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 just a filter system right when we look at philippians 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,philippians,4,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 8 verse 3. ephesians chapter 3 we're looking now at verse 3,ephesians,3,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 of course he built another altar in genesis 22 verse 9 genesis 22 verse 9,genesis,22,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 9 you look up it comes in zechariah 9 12 the burden of the word of the lord,zechariah,9,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 12 faith in the finished walk of christ romans 3 let's go to 23 down,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 "seminary or church, ""what do you believe about genesis 1 and 2?"" there are 106 colleges in this association",genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the old testament we see it in the new testament deuteronomy 7 9 says therefore,deuteronomy,7,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 9 god invites us to be like habakkuk we all have our questions uh habakkuk himself himself had four complaints,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 deuteronomy 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,deuteronomy,24,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 9 letter to christians to remind them of their calling all right romans chapter 13 submission,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 unto me jeremiah 30 verse 19 to 21 a church of giants psalm 87 verse one to,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 god's word is masterfully ordered in leviticus 23 god outlined his calendar of redemption,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 produces the fruit and we know in galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 verse 20. exodus 23 and verse 20. by little and little i would drive them,exodus,23,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 2 one because james after all that gives her with the world foreign enmity with god,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 another place because it grew so fast you know acts 2 says that god adds to our numbers,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 have now the dominion we have look at hebrews chapter two reading from verse six,hebrews,2,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 6 that's the commandment we have been given from genesis chapter 2 and genesis chapter 3,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 reject the word of god for themselves we pick up in jeremiah 36 beginning at verse 1 in the fourth year of jehoiakim,jeremiah,36,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 36 verse 1 chapter 4 we're reading from verse 17 ephesians 4 reading from verse 17 the yes i say therefore,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 abdominally christo's the bible says in revelation 20 that the books will be opened and everything we,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 immersed in qatar seeker world in the book of revelation really put a negotiation see this is about 65 years,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 but in the book of proverbs 18 verse 10 proverbs 18 verse 10 the bible says that divine protection,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 but let's read it again galatians 5 22 and bible says but the fruit of the,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 the bible speaking in psalms 114 114 of psalms from verse 1 to 11 to 7 everybody together want to go when israel went out,psalms,114,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 114 verse 1 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,philippians,2,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 9 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in acts 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters,acts,3,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 18 will do more in your life it tells us in ephesians chapter 5 verse 26,ephesians,5,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 26 now let's go to ezekiel 36 turn with me to ezekiel 36. it's a rather long reading but i do,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 the christian life is like a race the hebrews 12 says that let us run this race looking unto jesus you know that,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 [applause] i mean in acts of the apostles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 our strength from,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 we don't have the time i'll take you to revelation 21 and show you how you'll be judged the bible says that the dead,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 where he is at you should be involved in that proverbs 21 13 whoever closes his ear,proverbs,21,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 hand for this he said is he that was spoken of by the prophet isaiah who said the voice of one crying in the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 when you read acts chapter 12 from verse 1 to 11 acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 11 the bible tells us that when peter,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 they are going to trade in souls and in revelation 18 it says one of the things they trade in is the bodies of men,revelation,18,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 18 verse 1 spirit are truths like um i am a child of god in romans eight we we get this that,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 it but i love this because we're told in genesis 8 god remembered noah maybe he wondered sometimes lord uh you,genesis,8,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 1 yes christ is the promise and as i told you on tuesday the book of hebrews consists of the two parts all the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 things one of the best bible verses you can memorize is philippians 4 verse 6 through 8 this is one that i have,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 the blood of the lord revelation chapter one verse five,revelation,1,5.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 5 your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 isaiah chapter 43 verse 21 these people,isaiah,43,21.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 21 galatians 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 what was god saying,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 actually saw jesus my answer is going to be the reason why i believe in genesis chapter 14 that a guy who appears in,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 about isaiah 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,isaiah,43,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 13 tonight genesis chapter 30 verses 1 and 2,genesis,30,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 1 lord and better amen acts chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 outside with pitch hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,hebrews,11,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 and yet he says in this world in revelation chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 amen you will not miss your reward galatians 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 the epistle of paul the apostle to the romans romans 15,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 magnifying the lord look at acts chapter 10 verse 44 acts,acts,10,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 44 years old now then he writes in ephesians 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1,ephesians,3,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 8 dominion is guaranteed dominion is guaranteed genesis 27 29 37 genesis 27,genesis,27,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 29 and pastoring like this and in ephesians 4 11 and he himself gave some to be apostles,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 want to show you something turn in your bibles to revelation chapter 12 revelation chapter 12 i thought okay,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 and i'm reading from verse 15. revelation chapter 11 verse 15 and the seventh angels,revelation,11,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 15 the lord's expectation from us philippians 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have,philippians,12,16.0,1.0,philippians chapter 12 verse 16 church this coming sunday say louder amen acts chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 it says and suddenly there,acts,2,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 2 prosperously all through this year in genesis chapter 41 verse 38 to,genesis,41,38.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 38 better woman in him a better woman encouraged the proverbs 31 top a woman yes that's what our goal is and so i,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 scripture and especially here in this passage in romans 4 all through the 11th chapter of hebrews is that god is,romans,4,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 1 listening to or supporting sending to unbelievers philippians chapter 2 verse 15 says live clean innocent lives as,philippians,2,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 15 in the description in the book of ezekiel chapter seven that we have for seven that we read,ezekiel,7,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 7 verse 1 with god exodus 33 verse 18 to 23,exodus,33,18.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 18 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,exodus,15,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 16 i such of the 33 and i'm reading from verse 24 isaiah chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 24 it tells us in,isaiah,33,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 24 10 ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 10 the bible tells,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 encounters with light jeremiah 3 15 and 16 the word says,jeremiah,3,15.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 15 whoever that he wills according to romans 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 look at job chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,job,34,21.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 21 by making the right choices if you read the book of hebrews chapter 23 to 29 the bible says that by faith,hebrews,23,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 23 verse 1 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law genesis 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,genesis,5,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 5 verse 22 very important when the bible was talking to us in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 newness and greater meaning is is is in isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 isaiah 59 verse 19 the bible says so when they,isaiah,59,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 to we don't offend any words or wise intelligent things hebrews 12 all right nine to 13 is good you'll go back over,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter 10 just to let you know,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 before moses was born to write what god revealed him of genesis 1 the creation before god singling out a single man to,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 hebrews chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 and we will begin in verse 13 but let's read,hebrews,3,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 13 increasing in acts chapter 2 numbers 46 act of apostle chapter 2,numbers,2,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 1 still given to the humble and what does grace do well hebrews 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,hebrews,13,8.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 is to rain down mercy ephesians chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4.,ephesians,2,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 and if you view that without peculiarity and you look at romans 1 then you will see his point you'll be like see,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 making this promise if you look at hebrews 13 here verse or he just talks about god will judge he,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 my brother my sister and my mother look at galatians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 4 galatians,galatians,2,4.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 4 "present condition, and that is precisely how paul uses it in romans 7. look at romans 7 for a moment because this",romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 in your time praise god again proverbs chapter 14 and verse 28.,proverbs,14,28.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit romans 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 destroyed yeah that's proverbs 30 number 20. i started out by talking about that for,proverbs,30,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 30 verse 2 is a servant in job chapter 1 we read verse 8,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 people israel so let them know chapter three of joel verse nine proclaimed this among the nations prepare a war rouse,joel,3,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 9 and book phenomenon with the bible every day deuteronomy 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,deuteronomy,32,47.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 47 as the scripture said out of his heart one translated king james says out of his belly that means his innermost being,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 what we read in daniel chapter 10 verse 1 he says in those days i daniel had mean morning for three entire weeks i,daniel,10,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 1 will of god who will obtain the promised hebrews 10 36 don't you ever stop giving thanks the day you stop giving tongues,hebrews,10,36.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 the just one and as you look at acts chapter 3 reading from verse 14 acts,acts,3,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 14 and verse 20 and 21 and i can answer joshua and said indeed i have sinned against the lord god of,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 starting place and that goes back to really genesis chapter 3 right yeah where even adam are walking with god,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 not want us to gather in malachi chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11,malachi,3,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 11 that's a problem so romans 10 and then as we read on verse five he says for moses writes,romans,10,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 5 cooperating together ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some,ephesians,4,11.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 honest proverbs 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 places of worship that they built so you read in acts chapter 7 verse 44. our fathers and this is,acts,7,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 7 understand these things about being born again and you have ezekiel 36 that clearly teaches the new birth you don't,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 and as jesus ascended back into heaven in acts chapter 1 as the disciples stood gazing into heaven two angels appeared,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 in joshua in joshua 7 1 to 12,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 things i want to talk about so look with me at joshua chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,joshua,3,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 6 that's the church. paul prays in ephesians 1 that we would understand this.,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives ephesians chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,ephesians,5,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 so the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse 19 that money answers all things,ecclesiastes,10,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 19 a louder email philippians chapter 2 and verse 10 that are the name of jesus,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 lands all lands ezekiel chapter 20 and verse 6.,ezekiel,20,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 6 way restored that's key now lead zechariah 7 verse 2 now the people of bath el bethel bethel was 11 miles north,zechariah,7,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 2 unbelievers know god they recognize god romans 1 said because they refuse to acknowledge god,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 in daniel my understanding daniel 11 daniel 12 is that there's these sacrifices taking place and then the,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 quick progression through that book can i teach the book of hebrews in five minutes we'll see if i can so let's,ignore,0,5.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 5 answer i verse 3 see god the holy one just like isaiah i see god his brilliant splendor fills,isaiah,1,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 3 [applause] in jeremiah 42 1 to 6 there's these people and children of,jeremiah,42,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 let's shout a loud amen in isaiah chapter 41 and verse 15 said behold i will make thee in new sharp,isaiah,41,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 15 closely the bible tells us there romans 5 9 and 10 he said much more than being now justified by his blood we,romans,5,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 9 that marriage is to prove to provide hell genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,genesis,2,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 18 this is god working in daniel in these three years daniel became a young man,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 name of jesus christ acts 13 44 dimension the entire city the entire villages oh god rushing into,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 text every morning for his first five days on his new job down in north carolina is there somebody you don't,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 to the level of fruit and you'll find out the galatians after five,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 one of those places hebrews 11 is the great chapter of people of faith we thought about abel,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 language as the prophet isaiah looks to the future day of the lord in joel chapter 2 we have a brief passage that,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 looking at romans chapter one we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter one reading from verse 28,romans,28,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 28 verse 1 put to death only be strong and of a good courage chapter 2 and joshua the son of nun sent out of him two men,joshua,2,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 1 i am reading from the book of deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 24.,deuteronomy,4,24.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 24 when that spirit of excellence came upon daniel and sheriff mr they were said to be 10 times better,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 there's going to be this universal age of 30. now why 30. in numbers chapter 4 you could not enter priestly service,numbers,4,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 1 "and that's the book of jonah, when jesus says, ""as jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days.""",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 tells us in philippians chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 throughout scripture and other examples of this is genesis 50 verse 20,genesis,50,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 2 now in the 16th chapter of the book of acts and verse 1 reads like this then came he to derb and to lystra so,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 to 28. deuteronomy chapter 12 of chapter 11 from verse 12.,deuteronomy,11,12.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 12 praise also keeps church growing that's part of it jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,jeremiah,30,19.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 gowell is used 23 times in the book of ruth and proportionally because ruth is only,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 peter and acts 2 peter and acts 3 peter and acts 10 at cornelius house paul in antioch pisidia acts 13 when they almost,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 amen hebrews chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 who keep the words of the prophecy of revelation that's verse seven behold i am coming,revelation,1,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 7 on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 it is the world of the law to john in revelation when he was talking to the seven churches,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 character spotless character in him acts of the apostles chapter seven and i'm reading there from verse,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to genesis chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,genesis,6,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 5 do not be bound together with unbelievers is drawn from deuteronomy 22 10.,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 look at leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 leviticus 19 18,leviticus,19,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 it in their lives uh according to what we read in acts 4 and verse 13 there they saw the effect of it in their lives,acts,4,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 13 acts 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at,acts,1,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 14 concerning marriage guarantees a history experience in marriage hebrews 1 3 tells us,hebrews,1,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 you danielle danielle daniel chapter 12 we're reading from daniel chapter 12 we're looking at verse,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 and she did in acts chapter 20 paul raised eutychus i might have to use this have access to,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 2 to 7 genesis 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,genesis,21,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 2 call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression james 5 3 i read that one and look at it,james,5,3.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 3 you an opportunity to be great again in ezekiel 37 verse 1 to 10 is the greater seven from verse one to ten in the story,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 the details so i'll just say this in joshua seven um they take out this this this foreign,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by galatians chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,galatians,5,22.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 22 we see jerusalem as their capital now after ezekiel 37 is ezekiel 38. is that not a profound,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 power genesis 9 says that whoever sheds man's blood by man should his blood be shed,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 spiritually spiritually born again hebrews 12 looking to jesus the founder and,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 must throw it out now aside from the fact that revelation two or three two and three are not like the opening of,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 in in in the big in the big book of psalms the the first six chapters is this crying out to god this this you,psalms,6,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 1 to the new testament we're looking at romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 29 romans chapter,romans,2,29.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 29 philippians 4 3 i don't know if we have that one up there for philippians 4 13 actually i can do all things through,philippians,4,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 3 in this whole universe what happened genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 in the beginning the hand god created heavens,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in proverbs chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he,proverbs,2,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 2 verse 25 arrived in the upper room job 33 verse 21 to 22 25 his flesh was consumed a way that he,job,33,21.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 21 amen praise the lord let's quickly read that galatians 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up,galatians,2,11.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 11 protects them so to speak exodus 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,exodus,12,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 13 not the sins of my youth it's one of the psalms that david remember not the sins of my youth well you know we always,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 first semester 67 in new life in new king james version for the lord does not see,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of multitudes prophecy from isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 to 3,isaiah,2,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 the others of the church verse 14 of james let him prove over him anointing with oil in the name of the,james,1,14.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 14 description of this man's dedication in the book of philippians 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 kingdom and it's on the earth it is some concept in the book of daniel chapter 2 there are five kingdoms mentioned,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 sacrifice in the sacrifice of love look at philippians chapter 4 meaning from was 15 philippians chapter 4 verse 15,philippians,4,15.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 15 ultimate advantage malachi chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 prayer jeremiah chapter 33 i read from verse 3 he said call unto me and i will answer,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 do this is exodus 410 but moses pleaded with the lord oh lord i'm not very good,exodus,4,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 4 verse 1 please join me as we wrap up genesis chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,genesis,31,37.0,1.0,genesis chapter 31 verse 37 our exhortation from this morning jeremiah 3 21 and 22,jeremiah,3,21.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 21 man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in acts chapter 9 26 to 43,acts,9,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 26 acts chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse that starts and said after he was anointed the same man,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 it says the blessings of the lord makes one rich and he adds no,proverbs,10,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 22 have to fear anything or anyone else as we read in job chapter 5 you shall not fear destruction when it,job,5,1.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 1 crucified to the world it tells us in romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,romans,6,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 6 about talking about and discussing the wrath of god romans 1 talks about that the wrath of god is revealed against,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 it's not what we're reading about in ezekiel 38 is a military campaign,ezekiel,38,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 1 buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us acts 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and,acts,20,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 2 in the book of proverbs in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,psalms,74,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 74 verse 2 this morning in march 2020 i lost my job due to the pandemic,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 wanting to know more about my father and he directed me to job chapter 38 from verse 1 to 4,job,38,1.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 1 stay away from that or what about in judges 16 do you remember how samson the anointed of god,judges,16,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 1 let it become your experience from now but look at the secret psalms 5 verse 12 psalms chapter 5 verse 12 for thou o,psalms,5,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 12 for his people in isaiah chapter 46 the word of god declares he said,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 life only a dead crystal does that revelation chapter 1 verse 4 john to the seven churches which are in asia grace,revelation,1,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 4 experienced without passing the test the bible says in proverbs 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 daniel 10 12 from the first,daniel,10,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 10 verse 12 adam and eve the first humans disobeyed and rebelled against god in genesis chapter 3 disobedience and sin entered,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 all things of christ less life christless life look at ephesians chapter 4 verse 17.,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 draw water that is spiritual drink exodus 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,exodus,17,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 5 word of god says in ephesians 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,ephesians,5,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in genesis 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 in our sin and then it says in deuteronomy 29 that there's a man who is is a drunkard,deuteronomy,29,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 1 going to add too much to it because james says it all are you ready hold on to your seats james chapter 1,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 verse 1 to 11 from numbers 20 from verse 1 to 11 it is possible for god not only to bring,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 dissimulated love against brotherliness look at romans chapter 12 verse 9 let lord,romans,12,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 9 say that together our memory verse is taking from jude verse 3 anybody that can read it to us from the,jude,3,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 1 hey this is about this is about christ in acts 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,acts,13,35.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 35 another one circumcision this is a private communication between james and myself,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience james 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,james,1,3.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 3 that jesus is the messiah because here comes the spirit listen to isaiah 11 1 a shoot will spring from the stem of jesse,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in acts 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,acts,10,35.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 35 chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our daniel series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens,daniel,11,12.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 12 pair every day and i would try to like sew it up but i don't get my proverbs 31 one loan because they kept busting open,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 to those people romans chapter 10 in romans chapter 10 people are going to be saved see what happens here romans,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 their lives and may they be able as hebrews says one day to give account with great joy because we have heeded,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 your destiny deuteronomy 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 13 says,deuteronomy,28,13.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 13 darkness and in sin which is to lie in ephesians the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 city whose whose builder and maker is god as we read in hebrews 11 today so we counter the the political entities in,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in romans chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,romans,2,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 4 against your captors here what he said exodus 12 verse 12 for i will pass through this,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 but that's the blessing and the revelation as the apostle paul so rightly said in romans 8 i am convinced,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 you can see this from genesis 2 revelation but it's probably most pronounced in ephesians 5 31 and 32,revelation,5,31.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 31 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in judges chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,judges,16,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 2 isn't it easy to forget ecclesiastes 12 it's the last chapter in ecclesiastes and by this stage solomon,ecclesiastes,12,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 1 that's where that's how vision starts philippians 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,philippians,2,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 13 and it responds with obedience you guys are in acts chapter 13 go up to just the earlier part of the chapter up to verse,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 previous passages your life is hidden with christ so the author of hebrews goes on in verse 22 says but,ignore,0,22.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=54qoz25bmj0 in acts 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they,acts,17,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 6 even in the classroom he cannot see he do job well he can only see the one that's very close to him he can only see,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 happens in acts 2 i'm going to act like you know something of acts and this isn't totally new to you here so when,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 operation change or story isaiah 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves oe people and you shall be broken in pieces,isaiah,8,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 of course in reality i believe the principle the heartbeat of titus 2 is so much simpler than that i have a little,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 right here in a nutshell uh nope there it is the outline of acts the author is luke himself the one that wrote the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 is a small minority joshua and caleb that were right two people were right,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 mute he has he goes by dkk right if damie syria can read acts chapter eight verse one to three,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 the book of isaiah isaiah chapter 10 verse 17,isaiah,10,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 17 ties it to genesis 1 and 2. he teaches it in ephesians it's taught in first peter three it's taught in other places,1 peter,3,1.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 1 thousand years after he made man in the time of noah it says here that genesis 6 verse 5 the lord saw the wickedness of,genesis,6,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 5 you are sister because the pie who says in deuteronomy 32 verse 22 31 the economy 32 22 31 he said we are fighting,deuteronomy,32,22.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 22 who can make all things possible because he is more than enough look at hebrews chapter 7 reading from verse 25 hebrews,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 and not just hang around waiting for it philippians 3 12 to 14 paul said,philippians,3,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 12 god realization i want to talk to you tonight from isaiah chapter 6 about the ingredients of a revival experience or,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 so it's no big deal deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 understanding of god as a great healer exodus chapter 15 and verse 26 god said i am the lord that he let thee,exodus,15,26.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 26 no wonder paul cry in romans chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,romans,8,35.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 35 for his wondrous works in our lives in the book of psalms 26 7 that i may publish with the voice of thanksgiving,psalms,26,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 26 verse 7 misleading it's rendered hell 31 times in the king james version it's the place of the disembodied spirits,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "(laughing) roman, or philippians 1 verse 12. romans, where did that come from?",philippians,1,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 12 with me to another verse before i come back to genesis and dodson deuteronomy and chapter 8 deuteronomy in chapter 8,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 by the gods of all might look at job chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27,job,22,27.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 27 before you ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 tells us that the end of the matter,ecclesiastes,7,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 because they say there's a pronouncement of rejection look at isaiah chapter 4 o see a chapter for a meeting from bo6,isaiah,4,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 4 verse 6 joshua chapter one and verse eight we have a very brief session joshua chapter one,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 promised you see because god made a promise in jeremiah chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,jeremiah,3,22.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 3 verse 22 heart it says also in hosea 10 and 12 so do yourselves in righteousness reap and,hosea,10,1.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 1 of isaiah specifically a set of passages in isaiah chapter 13 and 24 which described the,isaiah,13,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 13 verse 24 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxlstmgrjuu the book of judges chapter 8 and verse 4 the last words of the text field yet,judges,8,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 4 that answers prayer as we answer you in jeremiah 33 and verse 3 god said call unto me and i will answer thee,jeremiah,33,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 for his coming in revelation chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 reading from verse 15 is still telling,revelation,16,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 15 love for the church according to ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also,ephesians,5,25.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 she had become his god in genesis chapter 19 we find another story,genesis,19,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 1 prayers that job is pray japanese pray five prayer points,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that stuff that was our little puns so yeah in exodus 16 where the manna first appears it's described as there's,exodus,16,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 16 verse 1 there's not such a fantastic song in acts chapter 2 [music],acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 first pregnancy was a miscarriage now the lord gave me this scripture psalms 27 and 14 says wait for the lord be,psalms,27,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 14 broke out in the upper room this was the experience verse 46 acts 2 46 the bible said,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 but it's actually referring to the lost jeremiah 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 and i'm going to go to a few more scriptures in hebrews chapter 11 and i'm going to look very very quickly at,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 thought was here one way he dropped jeremiah without a wife putting him in deep pits he put he taught paul without,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that's what happened to jesus philippians chapter 2 beginning from verse 5 down to verse 11. he said let,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 had promised them the victory joshua 6 is much like the seven feasts like all of scripture,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 is available the bible says in hebrews chapter 7 verse 25,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 these the wrath of god is coming that's the background to colossians 1 to 3 all the salvation all the,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 as you have spoken in my ears so will i do unto you numbers 14 26 to 36,numbers,14,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 26 satan goes after god i'll show you two places job chapter 1 you don't have to turn to it satan shows up in heaven and,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 upon me he said ask ask look at jeremiah jeremiah chapter 29 jeremiah 29 and i'm reading to you from,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 and we're reading from verse 27 hebrews chapter 11 reading from verse 27,hebrews,11,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 9 15 to 16 acts 9 15 to 16 hear what the word says but the lord,acts,9,15.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 15 now paul is the one that god's going to use but here we are in acts chapter 9 we're going to look at chapter 10 and 11,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 you are criticizing because the bible says in ephesians 4 verse 15 official 415 deter you will not begin to speak,ephesians,4,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 15 and recite from memory of chapters 1 through 11 of the revelation jason nightingale has a ministry called,revelation,1,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 1 we are praying finally we want to pray romans chapter 8 verse 19 romans 8 verse 19 the annex expectation of creation,romans,8,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 19 and he carries that pattern through here in leviticus 23 inviting his people into that same rhythm,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 there's nothing left for you okay so who's that being said hebrews 6 who is this about um is this about,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 restless in my spirit for the next level as my job responsibilities did not match my pay and title in early 2022 i felt,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 in your bible what i'm going to show you now isaiah chapter 33 isaiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 24 searches 3 24,isaiah,33,24.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 33 verse 24 missionary journey acts of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,acts,4,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 36 people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous acts 812 but when they believed philip,acts,8,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 12 i say believe me say loud amen zechariah chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because,zechariah,7,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 13 know the bright morning star in the previous passage which was isaiah 14 it was just called oh day star son of the,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 knowing notice what it says here in revelation chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the,revelation,20,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 4 name ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all,ephesians,6,16.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in proverbs 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 level in jesus name that's why it says in romans chapter 12 reading from verse 1 it says i beseech you therefore,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 what we think every time proverbs 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time,proverbs,23,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 "this is the truth i live. job 32 verse 1, ""then these three men ceased to answering job because he was righteous in",job,32,1.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 1 was the pastor was preaching yesterday he read that place uh isaiah chapter 53 verse,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 deserved to get but he says i'm going to give you mercy for it lamentations 3 23 it's a famous verse,lamentations,3,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 23 into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right james 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm,james,1,13.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 13 chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 revelation 37 to 8 he said when i open no man can,revelation,3,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 7 concerning when he wants you to leave that job that one job i worked at it was really really high,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 basically create a monster out of god and i'll tell you it is romans 10. it is right in the context of romans 9,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 so they didn't believe in him right yet james one of his brothers he becomes a an apostle a leader in the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 look at genesis chapter 37 genesis chapter 37 genesis chapter 37,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 romans road well uh and scripture doesn't say memorize the romans read it doesn't say wear one of those bracelets,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 ministers that lies jeremiah 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,jeremiah,23,32.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 32 of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time revelation chapter 11 reading from verse 18.,revelation,11,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 11 verse 18 and it is in act let me find it real quick acts 19. so in acts 19 let's read this together,acts,19,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 1 be summed up this way god seeking after man this is what you see here in genesis 3 after adam and eve fail the past this,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 beamers was in the lord philemon philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,philemon,23,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 23 verse 24 "for example, you might want to try to convince someone of romans 2 which says that you are storing up for yourself wrath in the day of",romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it exodus 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you,exodus,14,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 14 of offence both towards god and man acts 24 16 we need to exercise ourselves we need to build up our faith,acts,24,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 16 church days coming sunday in exodus chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of,exodus,12,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 12 and you're and you're getting triggered by romans 14 23 i all i can say to you is that paul,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 every child of god but how can we gain access to that inheritance in obadiah verse 17 the bible says upon mount zion,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 sacrum we read in verse 15 per diamond rosen verse 13 joshua and his troops crushed the army of emilich putting them,ignore,0,15.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 15 right after exodus so get yourselves to leviticus 23 i'm going to read us leviticus 23 1,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 yesterday acts chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,acts,6,7.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 7 nearly christian plays his case with god isaiah 18 verse 1 it says come now and let us resist together say the lord,isaiah,18,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 18 verse 1 one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs all of these things are activities of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 situations in genesis chapter 18 from verse 22 to 33,genesis,18,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 22 ministry of reconciliation and in proverbs chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire,proverbs,13,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 17 that there will be the mercy of god will speak for us in the name of jesus isaiah 41 says but the lord we have mercy that,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 people genesis chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible said concerning does a simple as for you,genesis,15,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 2 of you have dropped out but so we start with genesis 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,genesis,1,11.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 11 who's writing down and hebrews 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,hebrews,12,29.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 or think wow somebody who was yet to leave nigeria already got a job in the uk two days before his arrival he got,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 18 21 and 25 genesis 1 4 10,genesis,1,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 4 her wake to up call let's go to chapter four now verse 10 esther told hot tots to go back and relay this message to,esther,4,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 1 is good when you read genesis chapter 1 verses 4,genesis,1,4.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 4 because he chose he became a virtual tour now when you read numbers chapter 34 verse 25 to 30 number 13 25 to 30 you,numbers,34,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 34 verse 25 tells us in james in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,james,2,5.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 5 in genesis chapter 18 genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9 to 14,genesis,18,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 9 verse it's a very lovely worse for me in isaiah 53 have you noticed it as i'm 53 one of the first statements you know,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 it's about those relationships very much like colossians and ephesians but notice in verse 3 older women are to be,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 in the uh in proverbs chapter 1 this i'm going to translate it from the,proverbs,1,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 we do what paul encouraged the believers to do in philip in ephesians 6 we take up the shield of faith,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 and give every warship an encounter of a lifetime numbers 11 31 the bible says that when to wind from the lord it got,numbers,11,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 31 safety for daddy and his family proverbs 21 verses 1 says the earth is prepared against the day,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 upon that whole nation micah chapter 3,micah,3,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 1 out until he leads justice to victory taken from isaiah 42 what does that mean the lord does not blow out a flickering,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 you read verse two and then we get all the way to the end verse 9. psalms chapter 47 verse 1 oh clap your hands,psalms,47,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 1 if you kind i wanted to put out on the screen isaiah chapter six and verse number one,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 forgot where ephesians is ephesians chapter 2. we're going to read verses 1 through 10,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,proverbs,11,24.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 open your bible with me to the book of proverbs proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,proverbs,14,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 23 from verse 27 proverbs chapter 24 we're looking at verse 27 prepare thy work without,proverbs,24,27.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 24 verse 27 things like that like romans 7 25 with romans 8 1. let's read them together or the last,romans,7,25.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 25 is that they prosper bible says in genesis chapter 26 verse 12 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that isaac,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that they will stop me exodus five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,exodus,5,7.0,1.0,exodus chapter 5 verse 7 according to certain principles for example he says in proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,proverbs,8,17.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 zechariah chapter three the book of zechariah chapter three from verse one i want to read something very quickly it's,zechariah,3,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 1 however if we remember romans 3 10 we remember the old testament also says,romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 will never be evangelized never be evangelized but any ephesians 4 it says that the gifts were given for the,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 extract there are 32 times in this prayer that daniel uses the first person plural,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 money is not for sale in acts chapter 8 from verse 13 to 20 acts 8 from verse 18 to 20 there was a sorcerer who said he,acts,8,13.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 13 jeremiah in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,jeremiah,22,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 22 verse 13 holy leviticus 25 i am the lord your god who brought you,leviticus,25,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 1 reading from verse 17. in romans chapter 8 looking at verse 17 it says and if children,romans,8,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 17 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that romans chapter 4 it says and therefore,romans,4,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 22 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in acts 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 so let's take it as a responsibility scripture says in james 5 19 to 20 james 5 19 20 my brothers and,james,5,19.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 19 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also jude that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 time reaching in genesis of four times reaching in genesis chapter 22 a 14 whatsoever things were reaching our full,genesis,22,14.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 14 orientation ecclesiastes chapter 3 from the first verse ecclesiastes chapter 3 from the,ecclesiastes,3,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 10 ecclesiastes 10 verse 10 says wisdom is profitable to direct,ecclesiastes,10,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1 continue to be supernaturally met zephaniah 3 and verse 17 the lord i god in the midst of this mighty he will save,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 i have made you a god unto pharaoh he became a god in exodus chapter 11 and verse 3,exodus,11,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 11 verse 3 chapter four and we're looking at verse 3 in romans chapter 4 verse 3 it says what for what says the scripture abram,romans,4,3.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 3 deuteronomy one passage because this is similar in deuteronomy one right and deuteronomy 139 we read that that god,deuteronomy,1,39.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 39 forgave me and there's a verse here from ephesians 4 i'm going to read so let me pull that up,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 it's so crying out to god that when john looked there or in eyes that when isaiah looked there in isaiah 6 the pillars of,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 romans chapter 8 a reading from verstappen 7 romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 these wonders to perform for example when you read exodus chapter 14 and you can read your chapter exodus 14,exodus,14,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 1 for me look at job as we bring everything to the conclusion job chapter 17,job,17,1.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 1 he just demolished amman about two seconds later james james mackendrick the time was going so well,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 it says in verse 10 and the lord turned the captivity of job the lord told when he accepted,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 christ in jesus mighty name we amen in philippians chapter four that passage is so loaded but vastness said,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 for the future go to the ant it says in proverbs 6 and see how the ant prepares for winter,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 8 daniel 1 daniel proposed it has to be an individual decision,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 delivered the job in two to three days in a week i delivered his job and he was happy,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of romans 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head,romans,3,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 13 will and if god succeeds in doing that same thing will happen as in genesis 1 what god says happens or gods has,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 verse is connected to the last week of daniel a period of seven years and yet here's,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 go back to the beginning esther chapter 10 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 3,esther,10,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 3 afraid to trust god a man named jonah in jonah chapter 1 verse 2 all through to jonah chapter 2,jonah,1,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 2 remember this wonderful verse acts 17 and verse 30 acts chapter 17 and verse 30 it says here that god overlooks the,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 caps of the old testament he is the great i am of exodus chapter 3 he is the one who came to deliver his people came,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 your life he wants to put a song there proverbs chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,proverbs,3,21.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 21 romans 12 and we know it's also know in romans 10 that our weapons are not of the flesh anymore we don't want the,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 somebody believes he allowed amen isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,isaiah,5,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 5 verse 26 you know that chapter 13 of revelation talks about the antichrist who is the antichrist,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says,hebrews,10,37.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 a church let me turn you to isaiah chapter 66 isaiah 66 we read here and the lord says he's talking about,isaiah,66,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 in one of its worst conditions ever and if we know the story of jeremiah he was the last prophet before israel went into,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the next screen each other ephesians 5 21 submitting to one another out of,ephesians,5,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 chapter 34 and verse 5. if you consider my servant job job the greatest businessman of his day,job,34,5.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 5 eloquence of men but on the power of god hebrews chapter 12 verse number two we don't look to men we look unto jesus the,hebrews,12,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 13 romans chapter 10,romans,10,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 13 the same thing happens in hebrews and it happens in galatians in all three of these letters,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 question like i asked in the book of isaiah chapter 6 and verse number 8 oh sure go for us who shall we send,isaiah,6,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in colossians 3 and verse 12,colossians,3,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 12 they deny him in their works titus 1 verse 16 professing to know god they deny him in works in their works,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 people it tells us in exodus chapter 19 and we're reading from verse 5 exodus,exodus,19,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 19 verse 5 this morning galatians chapter one and verse six galatians chapter one and verse six relations one and verse six,galatians,1,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 6 the seals thereon and isaiah tells us in isaiah chapter 29 isaiah chapter 29 we're looking,isaiah,29,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 1 eat the king's food in chapter three the three hebrews were thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to worship,hebrews,3,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 question about who he has in mind when he uses this term but look at ephesians 1 to grace to you and peace from god our,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 the final lamb and another scripture verse 37 zechariah 12 10,zechariah,12,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 daniel chapter 1 at the end of the time that,daniel,1,18.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 18 it can give specific instruction about any issues of life in acts chapter 9 when you read from verse 10,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 of whom the world was not worthy. hebrews chapter 11 is the hero's hall of faith.,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 there that be wise,daniel,12,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and that alone is what results in true salvation romans 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 rejoice philippians 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 the bible talks about devilish wisdom james chapter 3 from verse 13 to 16 james 38 13 to,james,38,13.0,1.0,james chapter 38 verse 13 minutes left and in our remaining time i want you to turn with me to romans chapter five because what i want to do,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 it's not to try to get people to be in the revelation 7 crowd [music],revelation,7,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 7 verse 1 i don't know what knowledge of god isaiah had before isaiah chapter 6 the first five chapters,isaiah,6,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 every day and as i have often said genesis chapter 1 tells us one thing that god spoke every,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 clearly stated and i'll read them both deuteronomy 28 verses 1 and 2.,deuteronomy,28,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 anger and controlling his emotions but then again in numbers chapter 20 the people were complaining that they didn't,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 with their sin look at galatians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 they came to mara that's verse 23 of exodus 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,exodus,15,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 23 empowering us in in the same book of acts here if you're still if you're in acts chapter four flip over to acts,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to james chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 obeying the word of god in jesus name acts chapter 4 reading from verse,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 but let's just read to begin with in romans 13 and verses 1,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 job chapter 11 verse 18 job chapter 11 verse 18 tells us that when you have hope you have security,job,11,18.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 18 she killed anyone who got in her way now what does revelation 17 say she writes in on what is she paired with her,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 is 49 years who received the command it was nehemiah and he is going to see the rebuilding of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 our mind to turn back to the thicks of the world it helps us in hebrews chapter 10 reading from verse 38 hebrews,hebrews,10,38.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 why i do that tonight when we come to daniel chapter 11 many bible teachers many authors,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 we draw strength from scriptures colossians chapter 4 and verse 2. the scripture declares,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 of partially equipped complacent students i'm looking at genesis chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis,genesis,33,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 9 in chapter three daniel wasn't in the furnace,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 proverbs chapter 3 was made to tell proverbs 3 verse 9 to take follow the lord with your substance and with the first,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 in the name of jesus christ acts 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that,acts,19,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 11 whatever does not come from faith is sin hebrews 11 6 without faith it is impossible to please,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 consequences of sin we know this from romans 3 23 all have sinned all have fallen short of,romans,3,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 23 are dear sisters in christ in uh in hebrews 8 it says about the new covenant now,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,ephesians,2,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 speak to us from is from isaiah chapter 44 and verse 3 isaiah chapter 44. verse 3 i,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 is a god who does not lie so isaiah chapter 7 when you read verse 14,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen proverbs 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 on to me and what two old dean were told in jeremiah chapter 51 the lord is saying we're going to escape,jeremiah,51,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 51 verse 1 one of my favorite verses comes out of colossians which says that we can be taken captive,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of jesus let us open to genesis chapter 49. genesis 49 i read from one,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 the wind came from his nose series you don't believe me read exodus chapter 15,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 um in acts chapter 27 remember paul is on the ship and the,acts,27,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 27 verse 1 writing to the ephesian christians he says here in ephesians 1 he says you guys are great believers,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 connect to night time scripture says in the book of isaiah chapter 12 verse 6 say cry,isaiah,12,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 12 verse 6 years of my life so far one closing worse before i finish acts of the apostles in chapter 10 in acts chapter,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 fought will be formed in vain in colossians chapter 1 verse 28 collusions chapter 1,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 gallows appears nowhere in the book of esther it's the word eighths hmm it appears four times in this connection,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 same word for witnesses revelation chapter 2 jesus speaking of antipas he says antibus my faithful,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 no he would he was he would sleep on the job he had one of those weird jobs where he would just go up he was like in a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and it shall come to pass afterwards and then peter says in acts chapter 2 this is that which was prophesied by the,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 on issues of concern you better do that in isaiah 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,isaiah,26,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 26 verse 9 of the world the kings of the earth in verse nine who have committed acts of immorality and live sensuously,ignore,0,9.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 9 the last two chapters of daniel is taken up with us and i want you to notice all,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 divine wisdom the wisdom of god is the vital key proverbs 21 and verse 22 tells us,proverbs,21,22.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 22 like apostle paul said in romans chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,romans,8,38.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 38 participants worked on project images and did a great job editing them this great one from demi cole another,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 first of all in acts of the apostles in chapter 4 in acts of the apostles chapter 4 when peter was preaching and,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to jude 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 was slain for us so i think if the the essence of the message of revelation 5 is the the worthiness of christ,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" amos again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",amos,8,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 9 quick to listen i'm slow to speak bible says in james 2 90 said be swift to hear but slow to respond that's what the,james,2,9.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 9 justified romans 5 9. who are the justified,romans,5,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 9 the journey in jesus name jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,jeremiah,15,2.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 15 verse 2 the lord said to the man called joshua joshua 1 8 he said the book of the law,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 the first example we look at is the example of nehemiah neymar chapter 2 beginning from verse 1,nehemiah,2,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 1 this way in james chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom,james,1,5.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 5 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more isaiah 30 26,isaiah,30,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 26 concerning you in jesus name isaiah chapter 46 i'm reading from verse 10.,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 my prayer today is that for each one of us the same grace that was upon nehemiah the same grace upon elijah,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 jesus name may god give me light daniel chapter 1 just one verse,daniel,1,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 1 name of jesus father you did it before in acts of apostle 13 44,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 8 to 10 exodus chapter 12,exodus,12,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 8 to know the lord in jesus name acts of the apostles chapter 8 acts of the apostles chapter 8,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 you are named after christ according to acts chapter 11 verse 26 that's 11 verse 26 and so you already,acts,11,26.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 26 came sickness voice from head to toe and finally job said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to,job,13,15.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 15 conviction we take our closing charge from the book of psalms the first three verses and uh for the benefit of our,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 expectation will always set the pace for divine manifestation in hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,hebrews,1,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 9 and he wants satan to be crushed under my feet romans 16 20. and therefore i see myself ephesians 2 6,romans,16,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 2 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 philippians 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,philippians,2,12.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 12 praise the lord god is jealous exodus 25 when we talk about god being jealous,exodus,25,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 1 scripture tonight is job chapter number 42 job chapter 42 and i quickly read verses 10 to 17 jo 42,job,42,1.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 1 14. in james chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 person through reproaches hebrews 10 33 and tribulations and thus you became a,hebrews,10,33.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 33 eagerness with which you sought to get a job when you didn't have one that eagerness was there to pursue jesus and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 if you still are in the book of acts it's go to acts chapter 5 and verse 32 this is peter preaching on,acts,5,32.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 32 looking at daniel chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,daniel,4,36.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 36 and there's many other verses in jeremiah where he addresses that 2 13 my people have committed two evils,jeremiah,2,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 2 verse 13 the almighty god will answer for you danielle daniel chapter we're reading from verse 24,daniel,1,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 24 well the second time or at least this time in in in numbers 25,numbers,25,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 1 same time listen to what god's plan was and haggai we know in chapter one he said you're,haggai,1,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 1 on the screen right now praise god exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,exodus,25,2.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 2 will not pass away before this persecution and in ad 70 titus when you remembered and raped at all city until,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 life because ezekiel 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,ezekiel,37,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 7 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was daniel brought in before the king,daniel,1,13.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 13 the elevation chart let's go we we take our closing time from psalms chapter one and from verses one to three we,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 "described as the beast in revelation 13, and introduced originally in daniel chapters 2, 7, 8 and 11.",daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 why hebrews 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,hebrews,2,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 by faith do you know that chapter hebrews 11 it talks about noah talks about abraham it talks about moses it,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 all things are being redeemed all of creation romans 8 groans being subject to the bondage of,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 now he finds out how stupid it was go to exodus to verse 13 this is new living translation again the next day well,exodus,13,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 1 in verse 18 of that same summer 19 sorry acts of the apostle chapter 19 verse 18 and many that believed came,acts,19,18.0,1.0,acts chapter 19 verse 18 in all details and i will come back to you revelation chapter 2 verse 10 revelation chapter 2 verse 10 you're,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 serpent lifted up in the wilderness all referring to christ and isaiah 53 servant of god would be sacrificed and,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 example when he was talking to a whole congregation in revelation chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the,revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 every one of them shall keep multiplying buoyantly in the spirit and in numbers lift your voice therefore and pour out,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 it's the whole spectrum that's what's in view here so again we have like isaiah 52 jesus is gonna be killed as a,isaiah,52,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 52 verse 1 of over 100 over my previous job somebody celebrate jesus this morning,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 without shame we're looking at acts chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,acts,26,22.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 22 then the very next day i was reading through deuteronomy chapter 8 and it's talking about how one of the purposes of,deuteronomy,8,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 1 look at ourselves in these last days in romans 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and,romans,8,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 22 not enough wine what about the internal problems you think peter and james young fellows aged 30 had victory over dirty,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and those who practice lying revelation 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,revelation,22,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 15 this feels familiar this moment in acts 4 feels familiar it reminds me of another time i was,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 to form and then god will be angry with his name look at revelation chapter 2 we're reading from verse,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 1 to 3 daniel 6 from verse 1 to 3 a bible spoke about a king,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 he was not a man of integrity up to that time look at what he says in romans chapter 7 verse 15. for that which i do,romans,7,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 15 question is this and god said to in isaiah 41 verse 10 as read from the open apis daily devotional of thursday august,isaiah,41,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 41 verse 1 watchmen elders as watchmen and we're ultimately going to end up in ezekiel chapter 3 but i want to start in the new,ezekiel,3,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 people okay so if you understand that it says in genesis 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,genesis,10,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 10 verse 2 lamentations 3 the lord's mercies are renewed every morning and romans 12 be transformed by the,lamentations,3,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 "no one cared. and that's exactly what isaiah says will happen. as for his generation, the people alive at",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 their grave in jude chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,jude,1,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 22 and and just speaking over his children uh genesis chapter 49 i see you know was about to exit he invited him i said look,genesis,49,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 1 out what is called the fear of god in fact proverbs 1 7 says the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 of a story judges chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was,judges,6,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 11 instructions that god has said proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man,proverbs,14,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 14 word of god verse 9 in nehemiah who was the governor and ezra the priest and scribe and the,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 that just so that you can underline it go back and look at it later exodus chapter 34,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and colossians 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 scriptures the apostle paul really was hitting that good in colossians 2 you know in christ we find the fullness,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 some over the years of thought these were possibly two different psalms that we're just bunched together but the more,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 you read about him in acts chapter 15 from verse 37 to 40 acts 15 from verse 37 to 40. and they tell us,acts,15,37.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 37 we read in ephesians 4 in colossians 1 about walking worthily in philippians 3 walking in unity in ephesians 4 walking,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 satan's strategy to stop the church in acts 7 only served to advance the church in acts 8 don't you love this satan,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 jesus in the millennial ring um in acts chapter 1 it says and while staying with them,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 isaac the quality blessing and in genesis 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,genesis,37,31.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 31 in chapter 10 reading from verse 1 romans chapter 10 looking at verse 1 the concern he had,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 alongside wine and titus 2 3 even says of older ladies they're not to be those who are much,titus,2,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 3 on the isle of patmos as in as the book of revelation was coming to a close in revelation 22,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 was crazy you know and so this is the first mention of james in fact one of the early church writers said that when,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 afternoon how do we do that habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 2 3 i will set me upon my watch i will sit upon the,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 the garden of eden and the bible says in genesis 1 28 that he blessed them the first statements that would come out,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 us in chapter 26 verse 16. acts of the apostles chapter 26 reading from verse 16,acts,26,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 16 against aaron numbers 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live,numbers,14,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 28 the people complain and it displeased god numbers 11 1 because god had it,numbers,11,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 1 festive season ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 i paraphrased says but come near,ezekiel,9,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in genesis 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,genesis,25,29.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 29 example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in romans 24 from verse 19 to 22,romans,24,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 24 verse 19 that will be able to say like the apostles in acts chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 i will hasten after my word to perform it so the word god spoke in genesis 1 is still chasing you,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 40 years isn't that a fantastic miracle you read in the psalms psalm 105 106 that their clothes never wore out for 40,psalms,105,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 105 verse 1 paul gives us the formula for this in philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. familiar verses probably to many of you,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 happen ephesians 2 4 god being rich in mercy out of the great,ephesians,2,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 the voices that are speaking for god and numbers 14 one says all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 with the fear of god 17 proverbs 17 the fear of the lord is the beginning of,proverbs,17,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 1 loving a conversation it was yeah but it reminds me of proverbs 28 13 he who covers his sin yes that's the truth,proverbs,28,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 i'm taking this from the slain lamb that we will see in revelation chapter 5 i'm going to be going somewhat expository,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 before the last day comes thank you very much in deuteronomy chapter 32 deuteronomy chapter 32,deuteronomy,32,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 1 women of god we read about in hebrews 11 that persevered in light of that fact in this great cloud of,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in isaiah chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 today our custom is to close our services from the book of psalms chapter one and verse is one two and three for,psalms,1,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 6 when daniel knew that the document had been signed of this order being given,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 of darkness to be reserved for judgment it also says in jude 6 and the angels who did not keep their proper domain but,jude,6,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 1 romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 13 romans 9,romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 these last days proverbs 8 and verse 15 by me king's reign and princes decree justice,proverbs,8,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 15 together commandment number six you must not kill exodus 20 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is,exodus,20,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 13 darkness the word is light isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 he said god sent a word into jacob and it has,isaiah,9,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 someone in the choir place job 27 verse 5 and 6 god forbid that i should justify you till i die i will not,job,27,5.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 5 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true hebrews chapter 11 verse 5.,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 so in john 1 1 it references a phase that is used in genesis 1 1 in the beginning so when the beginning actually,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you read that um in ezekiel 28 how did this person this being that was,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 them male and female he created them and you know further down in genesis 2 and 3 we see,genesis,2,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 1 other things and i actually was called to do a job one day at it was at a sale i was following someone i would do,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 settle down in this church for life zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the,zechariah,9,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 "of desolation, that is described in detail as to what it will be in daniel 9 and in daniel 12, and there's even an illustration of it",daniel,9,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 1 the bible we've been able to establish from the leviticus 17 that the blood is important is the life,leviticus,17,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 1 taking the place of israel or he meant like this daniel thing where he is the one coming to establish the kingdom of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 very clear well we learned that from galatians 2 also back in the early part of galatians you remember this chapter 1,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 there will come a point when god's wrath will be released isaiah said you felt secure you said no one sees,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 james or john which you're right which is why i want you to look in acts chapter 8 because it's where it gets,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 chapter 4 you see what the scripture says there about abraham romans chapter 4 from verse 18,romans,4,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 18 chapter 14 romans chapter 14 i read from verse 17 the kingdom yes of,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 chapter 22 what were reading deuteronomy actually took place before this time,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 but don't forget after romans 8 verse 28 is romans 8 verse 29 profound insight right but what is 829 says it says whom he,romans,8,28.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 28 genesis chapter 22 everything we need is provided in this revelation of the name of course look at genesis chapter 22 a,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 in the name of jesus amos chapter 5 from verse 8 to 9 and i i want this to be scriptures that will,amos,5,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 8 if you remember what we covered in daniel chapter two and again in daniel chapter seven we saw that the,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 "is, for his glory. romans 11 ends with this, ""for from him and through him and to him are all things, to",romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 evil physically and spiritually if you read your bible in isaiah chapter 54 verse 17,isaiah,54,17.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 what pride and high mindedness james chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four,james,4,6.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 6 in jesus mighty name we pray amen in the book of psalms 40 verse 3 the bible says,psalms,40,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 40 verse 3 here for in just a little while basically uh daniel says there break it up into three sets the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 i want you to turn with me to the book of daniel as we come to part two of this bible study in the book of daniel,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and you know in joshua chapter one god kept telling joshua be bold and courageous only be bold when he says,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 god answered them in acts chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 was the wood from a tree so galatians 3 verse 13 you're on your way to deuteronomy 21 violations 3 verse 13 right it says christ,galatians,3,13.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 13 as we worship god tonight with our seed deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,deuteronomy,28,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 8 remained unsold from acts 5 4 it was yours nobody asked you to sell your house,acts,5,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 4 your two hands receive grace for prompt response to every revelation of the truth,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 to do in verses 14 through 16 of deuteronomy 17 moses lists five things that israel's,deuteronomy,17,14.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 14 "now that's why young christians are so vulnerable, and it says in ephesians 4 when you're young in the faith, you're tossed and carried about",ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 important chapter in this connection hebrews first of all the last words of hebrews 11 hebrews 11 is a great chapter,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 something about that yeah the in uh in exodus uh 13 actually is as part of the the feast of unleavened bread,exodus,13,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 1 that's what he called close heaven the bible told us in deuteronomy 23 and the heaven over the earth shall become brass,deuteronomy,23,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 1 spirit now let me give an example of this in the old testament daniel 12 we're actually read the entire chapter,daniel,12,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 1 you judge yourself please learn that lesson from genesis 3 whoo here's another man who listened to the devil,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 oh yes oh yes oh yes in jesus mighty name we pray amen isaiah 54 verse 14 say in righteousness shall thou be,isaiah,54,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 14 well right so i wanted to go with me your bibles the book of genesis genesis chapter 12 we're going to take,genesis,12,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 1 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,hebrews,13,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 pattern you want to be challenged and to be like somebody like this look at acts after 7,ignore,0,7.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 7 in the house of god in hebrews chapter 5 hebrews chapter 5,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 references and i want to hear those pages turning daniel chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some,daniel,2,2.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 2 straight before them joshua judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,judges,6,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 2 place of abode somehow he must have understood proverbs 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,proverbs,23,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 supports other mentions stars and crowns in the same verse is revelation chapter 12 verse 1. where talks on eschatology,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 prayer tonight for acts 13 44 order of experience multitudes of men and women flowing into,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 and we'll have we'll have um christian leaders one his name's daniel masay he's a former muslim he's come,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that's why god says in hebrews 12 15 it says see to it that no one fails to,hebrews,12,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 but let me quote the exact scripture in isaiah 11 it is talking a prophecy about jesus,isaiah,11,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 lying low but i met on isaiah 43 and told god i wanted a quick and painless delivery,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 we were scared but obeyed in faith that is how my journey to getting a job started three weeks later on the 21st of,ignore,0,3.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 3 so mightily that if you read genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8. when,genesis,32,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 3 plurally witnessing for the redeeming lord in acts of the apostles chapter 26 i'm reading from verse 16 acts chapter,acts,26,16.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 16 has the ability to break just like your word in psalms 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,psalms,29,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 29 verse 5 so before you dependent on somebody to create a job for you now you need to create one for yourself,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 a book and the bible was telling us in romans 20 a lot of things about let's go there,romans,20,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 20 verse 1 the apostle chapter 2 by time you get to verse 14 of acts chapter 2 where you what you see was a peter,acts,2,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 14 ignoring a central teaching so that being said let's start isaiah 53 we're gonna start in isaiah 52 and the reason,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 becoming cynical won't you join us philippians 2 as brother kp helps us steer clear of cynicism now how many,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 spirit with one mind striving together for the face of the gospel romans chapter 10,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 follow as i skip through selected verses in the chapter so jeremiah chapter 23 and verse 9 my heart within me is broken,ignore,0,23.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 23 you see when you read ruth chapter 1 from verse 8 to 18 ruth 1 verse 8 to 18 is not just,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 and we're reading from verse,ezekiel,11,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 romans chapter 12 reading from verse 14 romans chapter 12 verse 14 bless them which persecute you,romans,12,14.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 14 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um isaiah 22 and verse 22,isaiah,22,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 other in everything let me show you what the bible says in ephesians 4 we want to find a scriptural basis for,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 notice in this passage of scripture in numbers 11 5 times they say oh for egypt oh for egypt what they're really longing,numbers,11,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 5 praise god please turn with me in your bibles we're going to ephesians chapter 4 and colossians,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 you probably knew isaiah 53 or parts of it it's to some extent the climax of,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 girls your field and amassed what the holy ghost in fact were told in romans chapter 8 verse 9 he that has not the,romans,8,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 9 from the fellowship proverbs chapter 21 verse 16,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 well i have my own conviction the church will go through this revelation because jesus said it very clearly in matthew 24,matthew,24,1.0,1.0,matthew chapter 24 verse 1 god and then in jude verse 5 there is the deception of unbelief and jude reminds us of the sin of unbelief he,ignore,0,5.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 5 good shepherd in hebrews chapter 13 verse 20 he's called the great shepherd in 1 peter,hebrews,13,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in revelation revelation 21 verse 7,revelation,21,7.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 7 attack on the word of god i call it the genesis 3 attack and the genesis 3 attack manifests,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 foreign so hebrews chapter 11 as we continue our study on the book of,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 till one day god opened my eyes to read romans 14 and verse 17.,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 what he has done in deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 12 we are cautioned he said beware lest you,deuteronomy,6,12.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 12 study that's kind of the direction we're coming from so here we are romans 15 22 let's begin reading and again you can,romans,15,22.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 22 you can you can hear the word and believe not hebrews 4 to the word that we heard was the same word that they,hebrews,4,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 believe that psalm 95 is quoted by the author of hebrews in hebrews chapter 1 you know what he says there he says but,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 like in jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,jeremiah,1,4.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 but there's an even more explicit statement in acts 28 where paul has just arrived in jerusalem.,acts,28,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 1 when you look at this story of the children of israel in exodus chapter 1 verse 8 to verse 11. you will see now,exodus,1,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 8 to look at they knew about these books and so here the prophet malachi in malachi chapter 3 verse 2 he warns of,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 and then number five is outright saying in isaiah 59 verse 1 to 2 he tells us that the hands of the lord are not,isaiah,59,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 59 verse 1 transgressor is hard in proverbs chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that,proverbs,21,16.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 16 is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in jeremiah 23 and verse 29,jeremiah,23,29.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 29 right all right now in chapter 3 galatians 3 you see these foolish galatians,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of colossians chapter 2 verse 14,colossians,2,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 14 knowledge we have not even scripted the surface in ephesians 3 10 bible speaks about his many sided wisdom that his,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 everyone who partakes only of milk hebrews 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,hebrews,5,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 13 he was insane. they used a word that is also used in acts chapter 12 and translated this way.,acts,12,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 1 will increase each one can have both revelation and realization of divine,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 a life of peace philippians 4 6 and 7. the bible tells us be anxious,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 here today we are presently in the church age that's revelation 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,revelation,1,3.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 3 the floor and i was my head joshua was coming that day and ah this is one of christmas,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, genesis 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate",genesis,17,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 24 this book when we come here to the book of nahum this is what happened here 125 years earlier jonah comes into nineveh,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 thoughts and then we pray deuteronomy chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19.,deuteronomy,30,19.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 said uh romans 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us,romans,5,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 8 later the story of melchizedek it tells us in genesis 14 that melchizedek was the king of salem salem,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 and it will land in different ways because we're individuals romans 14 gives us plenty of space for different,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 kingdom god will not be mocked you have romans chapter 1 where the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 isaiah 40. first 29 isaiah 40 first 29 you give a power to defend,isaiah,40,29.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 couple of verses for an opening this morning and so hebrews chapter 11 the last two verses therefore since we,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 ungodliness and unrighteousness and in my romans verse by verse study which i have online we really labor on these two,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 because i want us to pray this morning genesis 26 when isaac encountered the lord the same,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 the ninth hour but this is what joel spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29,joel,2,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 28 chapter 12 tells us reading from verse 4 in daniel chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel,daniel,12,4.0,1.0,daniel chapter 12 verse 4 let's look at isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18,isaiah,1,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 any promises just yet because i'm not having decided so galatians 325 says but now that faith has come we are no longer,galatians,3,25.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 25 the word of god makes it very clear and specifically in isaiah chapter 1 and verse 19 isaiah 119 the scripture says,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 no yeah chapter 16 sorry genesis chapter 16 verse 15 this is referring to the birth,genesis,16,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 15 like and it's prophetic which i like but but joel chapter 2 does tell us that in the last days god will pour out his,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 judgment hebrews 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god,hebrews,9,27.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 clear about this leviticus 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 the bible is speaking in psalms chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the,psalms,47,47.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 47 tonight and i don't know if you are the one maybe you look into it psalms 126 from verse one to three it says when the,psalms,126,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 126 verse 1 that's an important well and now if we go back over to genesis 24 you remember when abraham servant went off to get a,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven amos said it this way surely the lord god will do,amos,3,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 7 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in romans chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,romans,1,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 4 to attack all three of them i mean the minute you say you can do a daniel fast and this is not something you announce,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that done what kind of faith will get that done galatians chapter 2 reading from versatility in galatians chapter 2,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 which we can't understand when we look at jesus life in philippians in chapter 2 it says in verse 5 have this attitude,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 maintain peace and serenity philippians 4 6 and 7 it says to us there be anxious be careful be concerned,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 there and then it jumps right to abraham and the deuteronomy 32 world view is basically when the sons of god in,deuteronomy,32,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 1 of this drink in the feast that he made for the judges system one something did was someone,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "of the messiah. and elijah, according to malachi chapter 3 and chapter 4 was to come to the earth just",malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 is standing before felix was the judge there in acts 24 paul is standing as a criminal there he tells him acts 24,acts,24,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 1 is your strength nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 10 the joy,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 determine his confession paul was able to say in philippians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,philippians,4,18.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 18 up with you ecclesiastes 8 11 says because sentence against an evil work is not executed,ecclesiastes,8,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11 well the story i mentioned to you about exodus in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,exodus,14,21.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 21 heavy to handed on that and i'd have to kind of just back off in romans 14 and let people do what they want to do the,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 proverbs proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 said the fear of the lord is the beginning of,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 isaiah 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite,psalms,51,66.0,1.0,psalms chapter 51 verse 66 sanctify sage chapter 7 of jeremiah reading from verse 3,jeremiah,7,3.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 3 the bible says in exodus chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up,exodus,17,8.0,1.0,exodus chapter 17 verse 8 this seems to be the clear teaching of galatians and the guys i talked to we're like yeah that's a tough one and i,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 galatians chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,galatians,1,15.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 15 we move on genesis 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god,genesis,1,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 27 have two keys here isaiah sees god and sees god's glory keep that in mind and in verse 4 and the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and james chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 verse 32 of ephesians chapter five ephesians 5 and verse 32 the bible says this is a great great,ephesians,5,32.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 32 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9,jeremiah,17,9.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 was a place where decision makers sat in proverbs 31 number 23 the prophet 31 woman was praised that our husband,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 that interesting their hearts your heart romans two their heart heart hearts but because of your stubbornness and your,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 acts chapter one let's look at acts chapter one verses from verse nine acts chapter one,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 completely was something his story is in judges chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,judges,13,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 14 believing like moses well looking at hebrews chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 24,hebrews,11,24.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of genesis and we're reading from verse 27,genesis,42,27.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 27 help you to understand that turn turn to ephesians 1 again and i have to kind of edit myself as i go here but maybe we'll,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 on the issue of vision proverbs chapter 28 and chapter 29 and verse 18.,proverbs,28,29.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 29 gave them all trance a bible passage acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 "times of disobedience, they were cursed. deuteronomy 30 is a very important chapter, by the way, because there’s a promise here",deuteronomy,30,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 1 reading from the new living translation james chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow,james,1,4.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 4 on judah chapter 13 of ezekiel and you remember ezekiel prophesied to god's people about more judgment to come verse,ezekiel,13,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 1 stars and for life habakkuk 3 2 o lord i have had thy speech and was afraid oh lord revive thy,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 my own life to realize okay romans 1 through 11 all that god has done god mentioned 153,romans,1,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 11 the lord is like guard your heart and it reminds me of proverbs 4 and 23 it says guard your heart because out of it flows,proverbs,4,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 what peter writes in 1st peter chapter 2 here's what paul says in romans 13 verse 1 let every soul be subject to the,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 shout hallelujah job chapter 8 verse 6 and 7 job chapter 8 says if you were pure and upright surely now he would,job,8,6.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 6 of israel whom you shall serve joshua 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord,joshua,24,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 15 ensuring that the church keeps growing from glory to glory acts chapter 2 and verse 47,acts,2,47.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 47 with our bodies and our minds prepared as we read in romans 12 verse 1 and 2 and then in 1st peter chapter 2 peter,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 receive the promise i'm going to switch to go quickly to galatians 3 and we're going to hop around a little,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in genesis 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the,genesis,37,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 28 know the end result of daniel 6. it's daniel and the lions then but did you ever notice how this one verse becomes,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 verse 12 to 14 all over the earth walking in the revelation zechariah all over the earth,zechariah,12,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 14 and getting under the mission of my husband and if you read in ephesians 5 and 22 it says wives submit yourselves,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 now we are going to into a very serious session now joshua chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 when you when you think about what heaven you know in revelation it gives us a glimpse of heaven in chapter 21 it,revelation,21,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 1 the gentleness of christ and you know the fruit of the spirit in galatians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 what must,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at romans chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,romans,1,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 21 is the same god today and is the same god forever according to hebrews 13 is so that same god can still do all things,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in acts 25 20,acts,25,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 25 verse 2 five isaiah chapter 40 verse 1 5. isaiah chapter 14 verse 4 5 it says,isaiah,40,4.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 4 would stop these choirs would stop and sing one of these psalms on each of those steps it's possible although there,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 disobeyed the power of rome concern proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,proverbs,13,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 2 elephants also in job chapter 4 17 he asks he said shall mortal man be more just than god,job,4,17.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 17 actually quote one of the minor prophets the book of micah he said yeah he's supposed to be born in bethlehem oh okay,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 these platforms today i needed to stand on these scriptures isaiah 54 and verse 13 all your children shall be taught by,isaiah,54,13.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 54 verse 13 he fulfilled what ezekiel prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,ezekiel,27,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 27 verse 4 god which is in christ jesus our lord ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 now back up to verse 12 that we should be to,ephesians,1,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 know who he is something like 14 times in this book of haggai he put something sneaky in there that i think we just,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 philippians chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,philippians,2,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 6 he's talking about two different things so romans i'm going to try and answer this quickly,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 life acts 13 and verse 48 and when the gentiles had this they were,acts,13,48.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 48 hand and fire consumed the offering it didn't taste it but in genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 when abram invited,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 but i am zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 says speak to this young man saying jerusalem,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 no you won't have to wait till you die proverbs 22 uh second corinthians rather second corinthians chapter 6 from verse,proverbs,22,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 1 danny chapter 6 look at verse 10 daniel chapter 6 and verse 10 how did he serve,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 take your bible go all the way to the end revelation 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,revelation,21,9.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 9 can recite that now memory verse philippians chapter 4 and verse 4,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 establishment in this church proverbs 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 crystal clear on that i read earlier from hebrews 10 an old testament statement to just shall live by faith,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 can help us read proverbs 18 20 to 21 proverbs 18 20 to 21 can you hear me from the fruit of his mouth a man's,proverbs,18,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 verse 25 job chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,job,3,25.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 25 words that the author of hebrews says that to whom verse 18 hebrews chapter 3 verse 18 to whom did he swear that they,hebrews,3,18.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 18 praise joyful worship speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing making,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 make it to the very practical of yes i have lost my job or i have been cut back so i really try to separate those two,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 related to revelation chapter 12 is isaiah chapter 14 which is which is one of our tests for this,revelation,12,14.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 14 that's no fellowship numbers a reading from chapter 12 numbers chapter 12 and we're reading from verse,numbers,12,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 1 where a man called agabus prophesied something about the future acts chapter 11 and acts chapter 21 and if you i,acts,11,21.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 21 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider hebrews 11 verse 11 through faith,hebrews,11,11.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 and when you live you lose your blessing ruth refused to leave now me charges chapter 1,ruth,1,1.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 1 of the father now according to romans chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,romans,8,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 16 i thought you'll see amen to that acts of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter 10 acts chapter 10,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 authority of god himself acts chapter 7 verse 38 in acts chapter 7 verse 30 age the ss he that was in the,acts,7,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 3 worldly so worldly that the lord tells the ephesian church in revelation 2 you have left your first love what happened,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of proverbs 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force,proverbs,10,15.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 for the church let's look at one more thing romans 12 12 jump past acts go to romans romans 12 12 some general,romans,12,12.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 12 this in revelation chapter five we read about,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 another scripture is found in the book of acts chapter five verses one through three the story of ananias and sapphira,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 rise to be saying father by the revelation of your word testing the fulfillment of the 2021,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the important thing is that they may be saved by coming back to romans chapter 10,romans,10,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 10 verse 1 and that joseph had a dream we are told in genesis chapter 37,genesis,37,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 37 verse 1 persistently you did not listen jeremiah 7 23 obey my,jeremiah,7,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 7 verse 23 he was heard because he feared it says in hebrews five seven as our high priest today who came to earth to become a man,hebrews,5,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 49 15 isaiah 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee,isaiah,49,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,ecclesiastes,8,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 us completely entirely and holy and micah says it's as if you cast our sins into the depths of the sea yeah three,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 video are we right about the trinity hebrews 1 is calling jesus yahweh i believe so that being said it's,hebrews,1,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 your healing acts chapter 3,acts,3,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 3 verse 1 thank you for worshiping the lord we have been talking now about hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 for a couple,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 galatians 3 verse 29. galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,galatians,3,29.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 29 according to your faith beat unto you but in hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 he says faith is the substance of things,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 a messianic expectation that is based on deuteronomy 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to it,deuteronomy,18,15.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 part and there is god's part our job is to pray god's job is to answer first kings 18 36 look at that with me,1 kings,18,36.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 36 all the ants that shared blood exodus 21 12. all that trust in men,exodus,21,12.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 12 genesis 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride proverbs chapter 16 verse 18 says,proverbs,16,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 18 is wise proverbs 11 30 and the why shall they hear the glory,proverbs,11,3.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 ephesians chapter 2 and then we go to ephesians chapter 6 we're ready tonight as we study a blade from the book of,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 while looking at romans chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 1 romans chapter 5 and we're reading here from verse 1,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 anybody says anything against the god of daniel he will be born today one day,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 for me i just have to get in it so i'll get in it in isaiah chapter 53 because,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 that's what we do in ephesians 5 8 paul said you were formerly,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 [applause] we are in the book of numbers in essence in it is one of the books of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "all this effort to quench their own thirst on our own terms is killing us. yeah! the biblical prophet ezekiel described israel in exile as a pile of dry bones, scattered in the desert valley. but, he said, one day god will pour out his own life presence,",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of romans 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do,romans,11,6.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 6 is inimity against god romans 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after,romans,8,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 5 iniquity all the transgression of men that you'll find in jude chapter 1 verse 14 15 and 16 and now he turned and he,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 to ezekiel 33 for the day is near even the day of the lord is near joel 2 verse 1 the day of the lord is coming it is at hand,joel,2,1.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 1 in revelation chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music],revelation,3,2.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 2 second corinthians revelation chapter 5 verse [music],revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into ephesians 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,ephesians,5,22.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 when the battle is already over exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 tells us,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 give to you tonight in jesus name look at this in ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 i'm reading from verse 25. he,ezekiel,36,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 1 mind is bad cos is a strong word bad thoughts this is james one lust conceiving in the heart fornications,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 abraham read genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 1 to 14,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 nine the bible says that his power is excellent job job 37 23,job,37,23.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 23 but the reason i had you turn over to colossians is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,colossians,3,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 9 if you turn to ephesians in chapter 6 ephesians chapter 6 it says the different four relationships in the home,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 section leviticus 737 after explaining all the sacrifices it then summarizes and it,leviticus,7,37.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 37 of the resurrection there then finally i turn to acts chapter 7 and let's read one more little passage where stephen,acts,7,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 1 the new testament of the old testament the end of all divine revelation will come and then one final,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 first time it's no forever if the no becomes a yes the on trouble numbers 22 plus 1 to 35 numbers 20 to 1 to 35 a,numbers,22,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 1 broadening it in every life in jesus name romans chapter 12 reading from verse one i beseech you,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 of the church. like phoebe in romans 16 who was a woman who was called a deacon.,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 [music] proverbs chapter 4 verse 18. the path of the justice,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 shocked me after that call for which i had applied i got the job so two jobs in one night i just said it was,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 found in james 2 14 to 17. i love that james just he perfectly illustrates this for us he perfectly,james,2,14.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 14 in hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 hebrews 12 1 and 2. make it border please,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 can have the salvation of the lord were coming to genesis at the foundation genesis chapter 15,genesis,15,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 1 law deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 59 the bible tells us there he said and the,deuteronomy,28,59.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 59 now let's go to genesis chapter 21 and i'm reading from verse 1 to 7 genesis 21 from verse 1 to 7 and the lord visited,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 of the of the work he did in acts chapter 15 where we read before in verse 36 acts chapter 15,acts,15,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 36 reverence you know what he did when noah in reverence it says here hebrews 11 sent he prepared an ark he decided here,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 and i'll show you that go back to genesis chapter one it's just an amazing way to look at it through the eyes of,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 it will give health to your marriage that's proverbs chapter 4 verses 20 to 22,proverbs,4,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 2 him but within that circle there was an inner circle peter james and john they're the three that got to witness,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 voting but as we see in daniel 2 21 it is god that sets up,daniel,2,21.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 21 in our midst and the others in show you a verse in daniel chapter 11 which is particularly referring to the last days,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 exactly like he loved jesus that was a great revelation from john 17 23 i can show you the verse you can,john,17,23.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 23 still sinners and he tells it as the end of romans chapter 3 verse 21 to 22 to 23,romans,3,21.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 21 this is yours say this is mine revelation chapter 3 verse 4 it says,revelation,3,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 4 look at philippians chapter 2 we're reading from the stream philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 for her attractiveness. proverbs 31 talks about the beautiful clothing,proverbs,31,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 31 verse 1 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift romans 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,romans,6,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 13 the sons of god and another verse which i wanted to show you in hebrews is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please revelation chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,revelation,3,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 21 book of zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in philippians 1 23 to 25.,philippians,1,23.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 23 jeremiah was so angry it says in jeremiah 36 that he sat down and rewrote his,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 evangelical the concept that was given in romans chapter 7 was that we can never have victory in holiness,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 amen jesus name the bible says in galatians 17 that from elsewhat,galatians,17,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 17 verse 1 by faith philippians 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto,philippians,3,9.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 9 speak about the depth of his love for us he spoke about a mother see isaiah 49 . he speaks of himself as a father who,isaiah,49,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 1 of god in chapter 10 of ephesians 3 they manifold with some of god,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 get to daniel chapter 5. daniel chapter 5,daniel,5,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 5 verse 1 through victory all the way through chapter sancha warned of jeremiah jeremiah chapter such a one and i'm,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 revelation chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,revelation,16,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 16 verse 15 we're on the threshold of seeing what they saw right there in acts because we're finding out about being one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 you remember in the prophecy of daniel daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 just just think amos one do we're gonna do just a fast survey and just look at some words here,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 number one is led by the spirit galatians 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we,galatians,5,16.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 16 mouth joshua chapter 6 and verse 10 says but joshua commanded the people you know when he talks about about it was the,joshua,6,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 1 my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations that is isaiah 56 7. let me talk about that briefly isaiah,isaiah,56,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 56 verse 7 power of obedience in genesis chapter 26 from verse 1 to 6 genesis 26 from verse 1 to 6,genesis,26,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 1 his life the god of the bible is a god who speaks and what we see in genesis chapter 1 is that every day he spoke,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 philippians chapter two i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 it says let this mind be in you which,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 how's this so my journey is previously thinking genesis 1 i'm not sure what to think of it and then i get i encountered,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 house in the book of psalms 65 and verse 4 he said blessed is the man that thou,psalms,65,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 65 verse 4 [music] revelation chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,revelation,20,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 11 hebrews chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 and it i read from then from verse 14 people chapter 4,hebrews,4,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 one of the things when it comes to revelation knowledge is,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 there but um yeah verse verse 31 is from leviticus 19 18. i mentioned that because a lot of people,leviticus,19,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 that galatians 6 verse 1 he says brethren even if a man is caught in any trash pit,galatians,6,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 1 time in genesis 14 you know what happened,genesis,14,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 14 verse 1 for conscientious sins in all things we're coming to titus chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 7,titus,2,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 7 down in this church for life zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 and 12 paraphrase as for thee also by the blood,zechariah,9,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 a loved one or you know perhaps like you lose a job or something like that all sorts of things,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 greater offering listen to leviticus 23 verse 10 again speak to the people of israel and say to,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 from strong's concordance it means an additional one ruth means someone who is an addition to someone else you know,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 want you to be careful when you go in look at deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 10 and following here's what he says to,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 and we're going to get to that in chapter 7 of hebrews now i hope i haven't got you confused already,hebrews,7,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 verse 1 and acts chapter 2 verse 46 in acts chapter 2 verse 1 for example,acts,2,46.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 46 a sin let me take you to a passage that talks about this ephesians 4 26 if in ephesians 4 26 same author paul so,ephesians,4,26.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 this prophecies are conditional in jeremiah chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,jeremiah,18,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 7 i quoted in a session a few sessions ago from hebrews chapter 10 but let me pick up that passage again because i think it,hebrews,10,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 now it says in acts chapter 16 verse 25 and at midnight,acts,16,25.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 25 galatians 2 20 tells us much about this romans 6 2 living by faith romans 1 17 and during tries with christ to like,galatians,2,2.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 2 for you to reconcile you to your creator in ephesians 2 13 paul says but now in christ jesus you who once were far off,ephesians,2,13.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 life in acts chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were,acts,13,48.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 48 [music] acts chapter 16 let me encourage you if you're just joining us to turn to that,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 thing right in ephesians continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says,ephesians,5,8.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 romans chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time,romans,13,11.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 11 the power from our possessed pentecost acts chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,acts,1,8.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 8 proverbs chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 you lose on this and it says in revelation chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,revelation,20,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 15 mercy and numbers chapter number 14 verse 18 numbers chapter 14 verse 18 it says the lord is long suffering and,numbers,14,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 18 ephesians chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,ephesians,1,3.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 "example, book one has, right at the center, a collection of poems, psalms 15 through 24, that opens and closes with a call to",psalms,15,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 1 more than 40 shiloh's in impact isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 says that confirmed the word of his servant,isaiah,44,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 you'll see that little phrase six times in the book of habakkuk this is the cry of a desperate man it's,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of romans. look at 8 of romans for a minute. and this is just kind of the introduction.,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 abraham is a model of hospitality genesis 18 and so pleads both in the story to the hospitality of abraham as,genesis,18,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 1 we are not borrowing 100 it's not new so it's not a function of numbers we didn't come out of that we were never,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel chapter one,daniel,1,17.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 17 please take your bible please and let's say nehemiah chapter 8. and we want to reverse 10,nehemiah,8,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 "and having done everything to stand firm."" hebrews chapter 12 tells us the christian life is a race.",hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 um one of the things that i love it's from the book of job at the beginning of the book of job,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 nature of the book itself of luke now luke wrote luke and acts same author and he says here in verse 1 in as much as,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 is physician also that can also heal the sick jeremiah age 22 so i want to,ignore,0,22.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 22 false prophecies jeremiah 23 again therefore says the lord,jeremiah,23,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 23 verse 1 confession together please don't forget proverbs 11 and 24 the world of the generals grows larger,proverbs,11,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 11 verse 1 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of isaiah 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,isaiah,44,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 3 spouse is another pillar pulling together malachi to 13 to 15 he says that,malachi,13,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 15 the uncle scripture we've used for this teaching series is job 22 21 to 25 our queen now that i said with god and,job,22,21.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 21 chapter 3 reading from verse 6 it tells us there in hebrews chapter 3 reading from verse 6 it says but christ as a son,hebrews,3,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 3 verse 6 gone from your life because in ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 6 reading from verse,ephesians,3,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 6 and our world we've got to build what isaiah 35 calls a highway of holiness and that means that there's some changes,isaiah,35,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 35 verse 1 more moves when you read genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14,genesis,26,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 12 "independence is sectarian, and it's different than peter's and james and john, the three leading apostles.""",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 it says about the remnant that ian spoke about in revelation 14 who stand with the lamp up on mount zion revelation 14,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 [music] thank god for the lives of daniel hola one day and do you say knee coming up,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 awake here tonight isaiah 42 as their 42 isaiah obviously the prophets all understood the mind of god,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 they never taught me what it says in revelation 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes,revelation,3,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 21 judge no we are not one another's judges not even in this church,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the new testament epistles recognize this ephesians 2 you are dead in sins,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 pray the way we should really pray romans 8 26 say likewise,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 from verse five proverbs chapter three and we're reading from verse five,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 testimony and be blessed number one miracle job via prophetic declaration i have been unemployed and went and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 read please three let's read please zechariah 9 9 praise god rejoice greatly oh daughter,zechariah,9,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 says god said to moses i will be merciful unto whom i be,romans,9,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 15 [music] we're going to esther chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 1 after,esther,3,1.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 1 "is the cornerstone. acts 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",acts,4,11.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 11 terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because isaiah the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and,isaiah,55,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 is luke 15 and i love hosea's simple instructions in hosea he says this return to the lord how do you do that,luke,15,1.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 1 all right so we're gonna start in ephesians chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 and it talks about there's one body and,ephesians,4,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 6 and his love is wonderful but according to hebrews chapter 12 verse 6,hebrews,12,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 6 and the lord has sent us to destroy each were told in isaiah chapter 37 isaiah chapter 37,isaiah,37,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 37 verse 1 the mine because we have the mind of christ i thank you in judges 5 20 it says they fought from heaven oh god let,judges,5,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 2 or not but i want to turn your attention to revelation 17 specifically let's see here verse 12,revelation,17,12.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 12 the peace the psp's and that is in the philippians chapter 4 verse 7 philippians 4 verse 7 the peace of god,philippians,4,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 7 you are going to pray again the bible tells us in jeremiah chapter 17,jeremiah,17,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 17 verse 1 colossians chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23 he talks about the blood of his cross,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 right there we just get righteous by faith as i said in romans 1 and then in romans 5 and you can turn back turn to,romans,1,5.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 5 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do jeremiah chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,jeremiah,44,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 44 verse 23 prime ministers and presidents and proverbs 21 1 says the king's heart is like a stream of,proverbs,21,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 21 verse 1 forth he's reading proverbs 4 on the seventeenth he's reading proverbs 17 for 28 years and he read also psalms and old,proverbs,4,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 1 society romans 13 we are to recognize the authorities are designed by god,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was exodus 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and,exodus,34,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 3 20 seconds you know just the wrong job back back and the guys are already flat yeah,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 and he became accuser of brethren revelation 12 10 revelation 13 because he was the originator of pride,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 and romans chapter 12 verse 1 philippians 3 7 to 8 but what things were gained to me,romans,3,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 7 "standing in front of him. now this vision, it's recalling the story about the creation of humans in genesis chapter two where god made humans out of dirt and divine breath.",ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 yeah excellent okay let's start with exodus uh we just did a podcast and a hope one live stream,exodus,1,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 1 verse 1 more people in us and you satisfy themselves in their numbers there is only one test as far as i can see and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an ephesians 320 work that is beyond what these women,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 obey him romans chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by,romans,15,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 19 platform for divine intervention in isaiah chapter 64 and verse 1 he said all that that would have,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 james chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,james,5,15.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 15 [music] the memory verse is from genesis 21 verse 102,genesis,21,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 21 verse 1 failure proof in joshua chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,joshua,21,45.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 45 17 verse 8 the bible says now it came to pass verse 8 of number 17 new king james version it says now it came to pass,ignore,0,8.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 8 glorify him psalms 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,psalms,100,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 100 verse 4 because it is written in philippians 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 that we have in our lives let's read together hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. therefore,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 this job interview will be the one that will give me the job that i want only to be disappointed again,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 deceive us from the truth look at galatians 5 verse 8,galatians,5,8.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 8 number one is the deprivity of vain glory in hypocrites look at philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 3. in,philippians,2,3.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 3 created the heavens and the earth genesis 1 1 first verse of the bible first verse of the gospel of john all,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 1 through the beginning of verse nine to the church providence,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 our amen can be stronger this morning joshua 18 and verse 3 how long are you slack to go,joshua,18,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 3 all to be testified in due time while looking at ephesians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 1,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 for six years was fully restored second i got a job immediately after my worldview program,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 you in jesus name isaiah chapter 46 i'm reading from verse 10.,isaiah,46,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 46 verse 1 worship for themselves daniel humbled himself and he resolved to worship no one other,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 deuteronomy chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 2 deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2,deuteronomy,32,2.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 2 chapter 15 verse 23 to 25 exodus 15 23 to 25 at mara there was the river that was,exodus,15,23.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 23 and god has blessed him in all things genesis 24 verse 1 so abraham stood alone look to abram your father,genesis,24,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 1 your conquer in jesus name jonah chapter 8 our reading from bastard verstappen,jonah,8,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 1 genesis chapter one genesis chapter one you know last week we read genesis chapter one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the completion of it and verse 16 of exodus chapter 40 thus moses did according to all that the,exodus,40,16.0,1.0,exodus chapter 40 verse 16 and prayed and gave thanks remember philippians 4 6 remember first peter 5 7 he prayed,philippians,4,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 6 life look at acts chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1,acts,1,4.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 4 all things of christless life christless life look at ephesians chapter 4 verse 17. this i say therefore and testify in,ephesians,4,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 "christ to and we'll see that in a moment. but in jeremiah 32 it's important to note that this covenant, this new covenant, is",jeremiah,32,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 1 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about jeremiah 50 and 6 my people,jeremiah,50,6.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 50 verse 6 the arrows from getting them and those romans fighting together in one war they killed an army that outnumbered them,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 from verse 24 daniel chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,daniel,8,24.0,1.0,daniel chapter 8 verse 24 that even those who are depending upon the law look at romans if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 crucifixion and the scripture said in zechariah and psalm 22,zechariah,1,1.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 verses 14 to 15. joshua 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,joshua,24,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 14 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read romans 14 23 and it says um,romans,14,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 23 is stronger louder amen isaiah 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard,isaiah,30,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 3 massive problem with far to reaching consequences. but also you're going to read in genesis 6 that noah found grace in the eyes of the lord.,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 "2. he's reading jeremiah the prophet and in jeremiah chapter 25 and jeremiah 29, jeremiah says",jeremiah,25,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 25 verse 1 testament there are prophecies in the old testament we'll look at one in joel in a moment uh but also jesus spoke a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 having a tude and then the same word is used in deuteronomy 615 which jesus is clearly quoting in matthew 4 7 and luke,deuteronomy,6,15.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 15 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put romans 13 verse 4 up on the screen,romans,13,4.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 4 christian service that happened in the book of acts 13 fasting as a sign of repentance that's,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 we cannot have here is the perfection we can have hebrews 9 and 9 the old testament could not make a worship of,hebrews,9,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 9 resist the building of the church in ezra chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 the word of god tells us there,ezra,4,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 23 of burdens according to isaiah 10 verse 37 isaiah 10 37 the anointing breaks every yoke,isaiah,10,37.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 10 verse 37 him before and what we read in the book of acts chapter 20 verse 24 it says but i do not count my life of any value nor,acts,20,24.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 24 and he said for example in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 i said chapter 9 verse 6 oh,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 daniel chapter six let's look at it life of daniel dan a chapter six from verse one daniel lived in the kind of,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 daniel chapter 6 in verse 10. let's look at prayer life of daniel daniel was a man given to prayer in daniel chapter 6,daniel,6,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 1 scandalous but it worked ruth landed herself a mr. boaz the two of them got married and lived happily,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the undoubles the bible tells us in the book of daniel chapter 3 how that the three hebrew boys shadrach meshach and,daniel,3,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 3 verse 1 is babylonian corrupt the harlot christianity described in revelation 17 which is going to be burnt up and,revelation,17,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 17 verse 1 the work and in the kingdom of god in acts of the apostles chapter 13,acts,13,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 1 told him moses uh i think in exodus is it exodus 18 or so he said moses you,exodus,18,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 18 verse 1 promise you i'd share a little bit out of proverbs 7 so let's take a look here real quickly i'm going to have to kind,proverbs,7,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 7 verse 1 what's happened after a few years in revelation chapter 2 to this church in ephesus he says there,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 they didn't give him the honor they were like those in romans 1 hardening their hearts,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 church a ladder and believe in amen acts chapter 6,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 jesus name and looking at hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more shall,hebrews,9,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 verses whole section from ephesians 5 verse 21 all the way to ephesians 6 verse 9.,ephesians,5,21.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 the bible as the antichrist if you look again here at daniel chapter 11 where we've started our study in the at the,daniel,11,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 1 god is god's wisdom proverbs 4 7 the word of god says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get,proverbs,4,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 one day according to revelation chapter 20 from verse 1 to 3 revelation 20 from verse 1,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 according to his purpose jeremiah 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 memory verse is taken from the book of james chapter 5 and verse 16 be that's the second part of that,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 let's be reminded of god's word in numbers chapter 10 and verse 10 the bible tells us there,numbers,10,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 1 there's a good righteousness and there's a bad righteousness and ezekiel 33 does a really nice job sort of playing these,ezekiel,33,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1 amen here this morning ephesians chapter one our message the centrality of christ an,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 dreams that daniel interprets in the second half daniel has visions four of them that an angel interprets so,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 we are going to pray with that promise of god in isaiah 61 verse 5 isaiah 61 verse 5 says and strangers shall stand,isaiah,61,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 5 it's a life transformational thing ezekiel 37 and verse 10. and i prophesied,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 the lord they demonstrated it look at genesis chapter 22 reading here from verse 1,genesis,22,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 22 verse 1 pick up on this verse this comes from romans 8 as well it says that the creation is groaning,romans,8,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 1 and the need for god the need for god and dependence of god the two psalms we are looking at this money,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 it is banned in leviticus 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,leviticus,26,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 6 christ who strengthens me all things philippians 4 and verse 13. he said don't look at me as,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 makes you to injure but the church in acts 2 that had to remain perseverant over the internal working of the church,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 5 reading from verse 1 romans chapter 5 reading from verse 1 therefore be justified by faith we are,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 example for us to follow so in romans uh sorry hebrews 11 you see this wonderful verse which i've often,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 "i'm done. hosea the prophet, chapter 4 verse 17, ""ephraim or israel is joined to idols, let them alone.""",hosea,4,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 17 the message translation proverbs 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk,proverbs,14,23.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 23 verse 10 revelation chapter 5 verse 10 and has made us unto our god make us,revelation,5,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 5 verse 1 the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man proverbs 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what,proverbs,16,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 16 verse 25 your life in jesus name jeremiah chapter 29 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 it says the answer he call upon me and you shall,jeremiah,29,12.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 "and that's where we pick up. we're in nehemiah 10. point number one if you're taking notes,",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 punishment it contributes to its own death the context now of romans 12 and 13 shows that the vengeance which is for,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,ecclesiastes,9,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 18 that is the created order and that's why colossians 3 18 says it's fitting now look at first peter chapter 3.,colossians,3,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 18 genesis 18 this is 9 to 13 genesis 18 versus 9 to 13,genesis,18,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 18 verse 9 he said exodus 14 14 the lord will fight for you all you have to do is,exodus,14,14.0,1.0,exodus chapter 14 verse 14 of their sins before god at the great white throne judgment revelation chapter 20. i want to say verses 11 through 15,ignore,0,11.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 11 tradition of apple soup or infests in galatians 1 she says i love you so removed from him that called you into,galatians,1,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 1 i don't know but the actual 30 pieces of silver that's outlined in zechariah 11 verses 12 and 13 prophetically spoken of,zechariah,11,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 you remember the bible said in the book of romans chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,romans,3,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 2 shared his testimony of how god restored this job after 20 years i came into that testimony and then the,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 to the galatians galatians 3 o foolish galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth,galatians,3,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 1 christ isaiah 42 and verse 19 he said who is blind but my servant who is deaf as my,isaiah,42,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 19 in life in proverbs chapter 4 and verse 18 the scripture declares but the part of the,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 light at the end of the tunnel if you just did one verse a week from titus you do the whole book in a year or jonah,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 heaven rules heaven rules look at verse 5 then i daniel looked and two others these were angels were standing there,daniel,1,5.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 5 high he'll be beside the way where the paths meet she takes her stand proverbs 120 says it this way will wisdom calls,proverbs,1,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 2 said in 1 corinthians 11 and in philippians 3 follow me,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 and that's a great word for me in my own ministry colossians and chapter 1 he says in verse 28 we proclaim christ,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 of the things that will make you an exceptional student then in genesis chapter 39 you look at the life of,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 believe it's going to be exact now let's look at the end in revelation 14 then i looked and behold a lamb standing on,revelation,14,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 1 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean hebrews 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,hebrews,11,6.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 in jesus name ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1. in ecclesiastes chapter 10,ecclesiastes,10,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 1 fire is for purification malachi chapter 3 verse 3 those of you who want to go high pay,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 god was to speak to john the apostle in revelation chapter four and he said to him,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 were pretty and she was sharing my experience how she got this job but the job took are like two steps i,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 paul the apostle says in the book of philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 god is the presence and provision of god is so good colossians chapter 3 verse 5 says and let the peace of christ rule or,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at galatians chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel,galatians,1,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 6 our services this year acts 13 44 the next birthday came almost the whole city to hear the word of god,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 in all details look at chapter 8 of hebrews hebrews chapter 8 we're looking at verse,hebrews,8,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 that's wisdom that can be from above proverbs 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,proverbs,17,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 17 verse 14 day she tells abram in genesis 16 and verse 2. see the lord has prevented me from bearing,genesis,16,2.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 2 alone i actually wasn't alone and i mean i i spent a lot of time in isaiah 43 where god says when you walk through the,isaiah,43,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 philippians chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 go and set it right james says that you read james chapter 3 he says you speak,james,3,1.0,1.0,james chapter 3 verse 1 apostle wrote to the roman christian in romans chapter 18 verse 37 in all those things we are more than control through,romans,18,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 18 verse 37 prophecy about himself but in genesis 50 verse 24 it says and joseph said to his brothers i'm about to,genesis,50,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 50 verse 24 would you could make many arguments as if romans 1 16 all the way up here to romans 11 36 that that in those chapters,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 that ricky pickering says mike what does it mean in genesis 6 verse 5 and the the phrase from genesis 6 5 is that the lord,genesis,6,5.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 5 pathway or roadmap roadmap to greatness genesis 39 1 to 6 genesis 31 to 6.,genesis,39,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 1 which cannot be altered romans 8 26 to 27 so we have that opportunity made the,romans,8,26.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 26 stop halfway in the book of galatians 4 verse 19 upon the apostle speaking,galatians,4,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 19 everywhere to repent acts 17 30. god now commanded all men everywhere to repent,acts,17,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 17 verse 3 keep a finger in first corinthians 14 i just want you to see in acts chapter 2 when,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 our petition was granted in the book of psalms 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,psalms,44,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 44 verse 3 where the lord tells john revelation 4 1. come up here come up higher,revelation,4,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 4 verse 1 a very short verse found in verse 13 of genesis 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it,genesis,16,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 16 verse 13 all right there wasn't a gentile that got saved until acts chapter 10. so for the first 10 years the early,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 reading here from some reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 still,ephesians,2,14.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 inspired by god to pen the mosaic law all the way back in genesis chapter 9 and i'll read it to you this is after,genesis,9,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 9 verse 1 whether it's a tithe or animals or anything here it is romans chapter 12 verse 1,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 jesus in jesus mighty name we prayed amen isaiah 61 from verse 1 say the spirit of the lord,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 delivered hebrews 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,hebrews,10,23.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 23 you turn in your bibles with me to genesis chapter 13 genesis chapter 13 the bible was speaking to the man called,genesis,13,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 1 this morning isaiah 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives,isaiah,49,25.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 49 verse 25 to use and that is joshua chapter 10 from verse 12,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 with this part of my message um but in isaiah chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,isaiah,7,14.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 to the ethiopian enoch was an orchestration of the holy spirit in acts chapter 11 when you read from verse 10,acts,11,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 11 verse 1 21 when he waved bye to bye to something the enemy finished the job all these days god has been asking you,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of the olivet discourse and the one that actually was destroyed by the romans in 70 ad the third temple will be,ignore,0,7.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 7 a bible tells us in genesis chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,genesis,19,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 19 verse 3 because the egyptians themselves drowned he's faithful in genesis chapter 28 from verse 10 to 15 genesis 28 from,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 recite it not to read please quickly thank you okay can we open to genesis chapter 25 verses 33,genesis,25,33.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 33 morning the first one miscarriage lost job but at the same time,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the lamb be holy for i am holy james chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will,james,1,18.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 18 no that's why it says in james 5 he says think of job verse 11. it's not a fairy tale,james,5,11.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 11 their conversation will be what's in one theory hebrews 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,hebrews,13,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 that matter all of the people in hebrews 11 no record,hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 schemes but our people for himself and ruth and i have had impressed upon us titus to 11 through 14 which we will now,ignore,0,11.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 11 to be set it's used in chapter one of hebrews where it says that the son of god is the the hupa stassi's of god he,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 give pharaoh a nurse of peace genesis 41. 15 and 16.,genesis,41,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 15 again in jesus name look at acts of the apostles chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 33 acts,acts,4,33.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 33 should give such people is the same thing here in daniel 4 27 break away from your sins do,daniel,4,27.0,1.0,daniel chapter 4 verse 27 shout hallelujah in the book of hebrews chapter 10 and verse 7 the word of god tells us there,hebrews,10,7.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 7 stayin in god's word we focus on here on galatians chapter 6 verse 9 it's our theme verse that we're gonna,galatians,6,9.0,1.0,galatians chapter 6 verse 9 unrighteousness romans 1 the most fearful chapter in the bible but you find out that god tells us,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 hold you accountable james 5 also says confess your sins,james,5,1.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 1 number two you need to meditate meditate joshua 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 exist between the two i quoted to you from romans chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,romans,6,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 23 okay i'm going to deliver you from egypt his promise was in exodus chapter 3 i will take you out of egypt and bring,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 backtrack there as we think back to daniel chapter 2 we think of that fourth kingdom,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 and so yet breathing out threatenings in acts chapter 9 where we've come to hear this morning,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 utter fear philippians chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,philippians,2,5.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 5 must be minimal double of that of 2019. a loud email to that ezra chapter 8 verse 21 to 23 then i proclaim a fast,ezra,8,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 21 message from exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus chapter 12 when reading from verse 3,exodus,12,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 3 happening around us in romans chapter 13 the apostle paul writes,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in leviticus 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,leviticus,17,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 18 i mean for example in genesis chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10,genesis,1,9.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 9 our faith is energized in ephesians 6 and verse 10 he said be strong in the lord and in the power of,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 three are read from verse 17 and 18 from the new king james version he said now the lord is that spirit,ignore,0,17.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 17 chapter 1 verse 16 in romans chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 here um in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 15 paul writes see then that you walk,ephesians,5,15.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 for absence from the bridegroom's book in heaven revelation chapter 21 verse 27,revelation,21,27.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 27 it might be the case it might not be the case i'm not saying galatians 3 28 proves the complementarians are right,galatians,3,28.0,1.0,galatians chapter 3 verse 28 much i'm not done there's more i could do more that we're doing you in acts chapter 10 peter goes to cornelius,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 neymar in the scriptures in the book of nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 to 11 we come across this man who was the cop,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 and we are going to be taking our test from romans chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and,romans,8,18.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 18 i would uh i i will read from from the book of isaiah uh azam 42,isaiah,42,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 judges chapter 16 from verse 18 to the end judges 16 18 to the end that's the case of something,judges,16,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 18 business fervent his spirit hebrews 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith,hebrews,6,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 seven weeks is seven sets of seven years which according to leviticus chapter 25 is 49,leviticus,25,49.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 49 you want to get them from where they are to where they ought to be acts chapter 28 reading from verse 23 it tells us it,acts,28,23.0,1.0,acts chapter 28 verse 23 and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will,isaiah,1,19.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 do so please be reminded of the word of the lord in genesis chapter 8 and verse 22 genesis 8 22 this is while the earth,genesis,8,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 8 verse 22 chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 hebrews 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 open up the bible at the very beginning in the book of genesis and within the first three chapters you,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 granted unto you supernaturally esther 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,esther,9,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 5 because this is yours see this is mine revelation chapter 3 verse 4 it says the vow has a few names even in saudis,revelation,3,4.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 4 in the story i told you earlier on genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,genesis,32,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 32 verse 24 instead their words are recorded for us in the book of acts chapter 4 and verse 29 when they said lord consider their,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 of the whole sacrificial system. they don't even understand isaiah 53 at all. and they have decided what the rest of the,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 10 down to 17 genesis 28 from verse 10 down to 17. genesis 28 from verse 10 down to,genesis,28,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 28 verse 1 without power god's word has power hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 read to you from the living hebrews 4 verse 12 said,hebrews,4,12.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 to get an alarm and an alarm that works but acts 20 verse 17 paul here in context ii now from my lead us he sent,acts,20,17.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 17 count it all joy when you meet trials james one when others revile you and persecute you rejoice and be glad,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 shall search for me with all your heart jeremiah 29 verse 13. if ever i said to a call,jeremiah,29,13.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 verse 4 you'll see the use of the word minister there look at your bible romans chapter 13,romans,13,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 1 after god gave him victory over pharaoh in the book of exodus chapter 15 verse 1 exodus chapter 15 verse 11 you will sing,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 "from christianity 144,000 which is revelation 12,000 from every 12 tribe of israel who followed the lamb wherever he",ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 them but the in captivity look at verse 43 in a romans chapter 7 verse 23 it says what i see i'm not a member,romans,7,23.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 23 that subordination of a woman only shows up if it ever shows up in genesis 3 after the fall as part of the curse what,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 see if i can find it real quick it was in ephesians 2 i believe it was two hours are we sorry i love this stuff i,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in proverbs 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light,proverbs,18,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 faith what is that mean well look with me numbers 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of,numbers,13,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 2 the face of the waters okay and then is it interesting isaiah 40 22 said the circle of the earth,isaiah,40,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 22 verse 19 acts 20 19 summon the lord with humility and many tears and try which happened to,acts,20,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 19 name is not mentioned with the other four judges in hebrews 11 32 but barrick is mentioned,judges,11,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 32 was written and was written from the prophecy of isaiah in isaiah 61 from verse 1 and in luke 4 verse 18 he said and in,isaiah,61,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king james for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,james,14,28.0,1.0,james chapter 14 verse 28 is healthy for you spiritually because you see in ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18,ephesians,5,18.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 miracles received in every service zephaniah 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 because it is god's business to take vengeance on people not ours romans and chapter 12 says never take your own,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 full holding this baby her grandson through ruth and boaz and if you remember at the end of our chapter one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 resulting in the influx of multitudes can i hear a louder man philippians chapter 2 verse 10 says that at the name,philippians,2,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 1 between belief and obedience in john 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,james,2,14.0,1.0,james chapter 2 verse 14 so you're warned not to be partakers with them turn them over to ezekiel 34 please,ezekiel,34,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 overcomers for instance here you'll find in revelation chapters 2 and 3 these churches existed towards the end of the,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 i will reign look at romans chapter 16 20 romans chapter 16,romans,16,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 2 in tiatera the church in thiatera revelation chapter 2 18 to 29 revelations 2,revelation,2,18.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 18 do have some missouri guys here glen and malachi we've got three of us here at least but now i'm gonna let keith daniel,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 natural the message could have been something like proverbs 3 verse 5 through 6 saying trust in the lord with all thy,proverbs,3,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 look real quickly here in your bibles at daniel 7 verse 11 daniel says i watched then because of the sound of the pompous,daniel,7,11.0,1.0,daniel chapter 7 verse 11 book of isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18. i read from the amplified version of,isaiah,8,18.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to genesis 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,genesis,27,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 3 verse 16 hebrews chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,hebrews,10,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 10 verse 16 we'll work your way backwards from malachi zechariah hey guys after i have a cook habakkuk chapter 2 he has a,habakkuk,2,1.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 and jeremiah sank down into the mud in lamentations three which is a post script in the book of jeremiah,lamentations,3,1.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 in romans chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god james chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,james,4,3.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 3 jahangir let us look at genesis chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,genesis,49,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 49 verse 7 back to a few portions of scripture back to exodus 25 zechariah chapter 4,exodus,25,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 25 verse 1 the bible tells us in the book of zechariah chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not,zechariah,7,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 13 and tell you this when paul opens up in the book of romans chapter 1 the first thing he preaches is the,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 is available in the on the all time revelation which is the church of christ in colossians chapter 1 and verse 12,colossians,1,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 12 critical thinking and two special revelation through jesus and the bible which can be historically proven,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 word of god the word from god's mouth it says in isaiah of 50 that he awakens my year morning by morning morning through,isaiah,50,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 1 there's a lot of scripture coming for james 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 or with love in a spirit of gentleness or ephesians chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important,ephesians,6,4.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 you know i read in the book of isaiah these words from isaiah chapter 50 verse 7,isaiah,50,7.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 reading from jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 answered in jesus name we pray galatians chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,galatians,1,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 1 verse 6 learns to work hard and earns respect even before kings it says in proverbs 22 well there's a number 9 lesson teach,proverbs,22,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 1 righteousness proverbs chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,proverbs,8,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 18 toward the end of the old testament in the book of zechariah god pleads three times for his people to return to truth,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 what's it like what's likely to happen romans chapter 12 verse 1 romans 12 verse 1 he said,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 number two diablo if you are not humble you will crumble james 4 verse 10 james 4 verse 10 you need to humble yourself as long as,james,4,1.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 1 and courageous than all others in every generation daniel prophesied in chapter 11 verse 32 that in the last days they,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 them it is done in jesus name romans chapter 16. romans chapter 16 we're looking at verse,romans,16,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 16 verse 1 that causes him proverbs 4 and verse 5 either gathers in summer,proverbs,4,5.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 5 that is one that rejects him proverbs 1 7 says this fools,proverbs,1,7.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the cross and one of the central passages is in philippians 2 through 8 who though he was in the form of god,philippians,2,8.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 8 not a single day of my life is boring like it says in proverbs 14 verse 14 the living bible says the godly man's,proverbs,14,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 14 verse 14 verse 7. genesis chapter 2 verse 7.,genesis,2,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 7 33 numbers chapter 35 okay,numbers,35,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 35 verse 1 of the leaves now proverbs 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,proverbs,18,2.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 2 don't you ask joshua in joshua chapter 1 from was want to eat joshua chapter 1 from was want to eat bible tells us that,joshua,1,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 1 know from exodus it took 40 years there's a main passage that or main,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 heard about it numbers 14 the parents of this generation had believed that majority,numbers,14,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 1 philippians chapter three and i'm reading from verse seven philippians chapter 3 verse 7 but what things were,philippians,3,7.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 7 he is out of god's presence isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 in isaiah chapter 64 verse 1,isaiah,64,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 64 verse 1 the outside they will only get riddles and that's consistent with isaiah 6 9 and 10 which is referred to in verse 12,isaiah,6,9.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 9 for years the lord's been using this passage of scriptures from acts 20 and to speak to my heart about the,acts,20,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 20 verse 1 to personalize the dominion mandate genesis chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them,genesis,1,28.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 28 you to pray today according to this scripture in isaiah chapter 30 verse 20. he said,isaiah,30,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 30 verse 2 the word of god now in romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 and here's the basis on which paul pleads in romans 12 by the mercies of god,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 and that's why we are told in the book of haggai chapter three we are told there by six down to verse,haggai,3,1.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 1 drink daniel chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and,daniel,1,15.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 15 chapter first chapter of james 21 and 22 therefore,james,21,1.0,1.0,james chapter 21 verse 1 chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 10 from verse 10 it says and,genesis,33,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 33 verse 1 acts 4 we've been in the book of acts acts 4 i'm reading from the new king james version now as they spoke to the,acts,4,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 1 rain why because job 22 28 job 22 28 he said thou shall also decree a thing,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 positive consequences for instance in verse 15 of genesis 3 you have the first messianic prophecy we don't have to wait,genesis,3,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 15 will heal the wound in the name of jesus a tax review we can see all that job lost just in one day,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 like a human but he became positionally like a human the son of man in job 25 verse 6 we have another statement that i,job,25,6.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 6 his appointed time you know he said in isaiah chapter 16 verse 22 that last verse he said a little one shall become,isaiah,16,22.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 16 verse 22 trained for one job any longer because your job won't exist in a few years you're going to be,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 means of sinners they can be mistaking for one daniel 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said,daniel,1,8.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 8 god wants it to be in our life now so colossians and chapter 3 we read [applause],colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in acts chapter 5 reading from verse 12,acts,5,12.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 12 from verse 25 hebrews chapter 7 we're reading from verse 25,hebrews,7,25.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 romans 12 9 romans 12 9. bible says,romans,12,9.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 9 usually do taken from two chapters of daniel daniel chapter 2 and chapter 4,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 and our bible reference today will be taken from the book of isaiah 40 verse 31,isaiah,40,31.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 to my father and your father and i was reading in hebrews this morning and it says that in hebrews 9 it talked about,hebrews,9,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 know we'll have to make do okay in genesis 1 god creates him in genesis 2 god forms him in genesis 1 god said it,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 we talk about ananias and sapphire that's acts 5 acts 12 herod is smitten by the angel of the lord for,acts,5,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 1 taking uh different insights from romans chapter 14 verse 17 romans verse 14 verse 17 where the bible says that for,romans,14,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 17 suits like if you're at the beach and if you're a model and that's your job that's a tough one i think that you also,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 all your heart and with all your soul and then jeremiah 29 you will seek me and find me when you seek for me with,jeremiah,29,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 1 and if he hears anything new anything challenging if he hears about acts chapter 2 when the people were sitting,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 time to rejoice philippians chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you,philippians,4,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 4 both as individuals and as a commission isaiah 44 verse 26 our god confirms the words of his servant,isaiah,44,26.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 44 verse 26 earth and none can stay his hand or say to him what have you done job chapter 12 he makes nations great and he destroys,job,12,1.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 1 heart the law of god written in the heart romans two every human being has the knowledge of right and wrong written,romans,2,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 1 and at that point the lord reminded me of james 5 14 where it says,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 spiritual battle therefore in ephesians 6 verse 10 to 18 it says put on the full armor of god so,ephesians,6,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 now that is a lot of overflowing you know when you read philippians chapter four,philippians,4,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 1 and you've got a hell waiting on you isaiah 29 you surely shall not die you just eat,isaiah,29,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 1 a shame to call them brethren hebrews chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 i'm reading from,hebrews,13,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king james bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,james,16,11.0,1.0,james chapter 16 verse 11 agenda began in 2015. from the book of zephaniah 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 old testament here are some examples exodus 21 but if a man willfully attacks another to kill him by,exodus,21,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 21 verse 1 very often but right there he did and in the same way in genesis chapter 1 god opened up his mouth and spoke,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 that was what habakkuk was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 read you several phrases the lord is the true god jeremiah 10 10 and then these verses from the psalms this god his way,jeremiah,10,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 1 it takes him from fear to faith we're looking at chapter 2 of habakkuk verse 4 and we saw that there were two,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 it's mentioned three other times about caleb in the between the book of numbers and deuteronomy,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 a half years because capernaum in hebrews from two hebrew words khoffart meaning village and nahum his name so it,ignore,0,2.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 2 and when god told him i'm going to destroy these people exodus 32,exodus,32,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 1 two ways his ways is acts moses knew his ways the children of israel knew his axe knowing,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 is critical in hebrews chapter 6 if you're still in hebrews flip back to chapter 6.,hebrews,6,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 "holy spirit, we couldn't fulfill the law. romans 3 says none righteous, no not one, none that does good, none that seeks god,",romans,3,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 3 verse 1 and then the joy of the lord will be your look at acts chapter 15 i'm reading from the street there acts,acts,15,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 1 are the wise shall i inherit glory proverbs 3 35 and the multitude of people is the kings,proverbs,3,35.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 his godly ones they are preserved forever it's in proverbs chapter 4 and verse 18 that we read this but the path,proverbs,4,18.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 retirement not your 401 not your not your boss not your job god can take everything away from you and he says now,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 can you help us on me joshua to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,genesis,17,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 22 the lord's control we're looking at acts chapter nine reading from verse six acts chapter nine,acts,9,6.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 6 turn in our bibles to ephesians chapter 1,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 numbers chapter 20 from verse 1 to 13 numbers 21 to 30 so all the days of moses water just kept on cropping up,numbers,20,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 1 seen yet noah if you go back to chapter 6 of genesis and read his history you find that noah found grace in the eyes,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 actually repents this is what jonah says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 struggle in your twenties if this is not fundamentally established james chapter 4 verse 4 you are dull tresses do you,james,4,4.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 4 get this setting for this crisis in the second chapter of genesis verses 8 and 9 where we read these words and the lord,genesis,2,8.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 8 acts chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen,acts,6,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 5 in romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 verse 37 in all these things we are more than,romans,8,37.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 37 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing proverbs 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're,proverbs,13,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 13 verse 4 chapter 3 this is the sixth message first message we were in genesis 3 we looked at dogmatic assertions the second,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 i also kept reminding god of the covenant of service according to exodus 23 25 and god showed up hallelujah,exodus,23,25.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 25 engaging that is why paul the apostle said in the book of philippians chapter 3,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 this morning we're opened up to deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 4 through 9. we're going to read together,deuteronomy,6,4.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 that were not forgiving god says in exodus chapter 20 verse 5 if you are familiar with the,exodus,20,5.0,1.0,exodus chapter 20 verse 5 isn't it i can see again alright jonah chapter 2 verse 1 then jonah prayed to the lord his god from,jonah,2,1.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 1 33 ezekiel chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely,ezekiel,20,33.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 33 before god and the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 said,hebrews,4,16.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 and the afterlife look at verse 21 philippians 1 still for me to live is christ and to die is,philippians,1,21.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 21 our two generations so it's a transgenerational revelation it's not a church doctrine it will be there forever,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the power from on high habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 14 the scripture says for the earth shall be,habakkuk,2,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 amen the family of rehabilites in the book of jeremiah 35 praise the name of the lord we have,jeremiah,35,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 35 verse 1 i'll start reading from verse one ezekiel 28 from verse one yes open your bible to ezekiel 28 verse,ezekiel,28,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 1 don't know romans 15 may the god of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such,romans,15,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 1 because in joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when joshua asked,joshua,10,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 12 not able to do anything philemon chapter 1 verse 14 it's only one chapter he said but without thy mind,philemon,1,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 14 i loved earlier in our service today i read from colossians chapter 1 and i would draw your attention back to that,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to revelation chapter one verse eight,revelation,1,8.0,1.0,revelation chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 3 in verse 14 and in do in verse 1 jude verse 1 to the servant of jesus cry and program jude what they that are,jude,1,1.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 1 to the great day of the lord. you go through revelation 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,revelation,6,19.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 19 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me proverbs i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,hebrews,4,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 inspiration he wrote three thousand proverbs and a thousand and fifty songs,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 of the glory of the grace of god ephesians 1 6 1 12 114,ephesians,1,6.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 6 now we go back into the book of exodus and we read in exodus chapter 13 the whole instance where god delivered the,exodus,13,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 13 verse 1 cold water is to test the soul and proverbs 25 verse 25 right he says so it's a good news of a far country would,proverbs,25,25.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 25 verse 25 testament prophets most of them from the book of isaiah and one writer has said these stanzas these titles form a,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "which he was the ruler. in leviticus chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",leviticus,27,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 27 verse 3 point he's driving to it verse 27 let's read on isaiah also cries out concerning israel now he's quoting isaiah about,ignore,0,27.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 27 love is at the end of chapter three in ephesians now to him who is able to do exceeding,ephesians,3,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in exodus 12 verse 13 we all know the passover,exodus,12,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 13 the lord ezekiel 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,ezekiel,36,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 36 verse 25 prayer james 4 2 you have not because you ask now stand to your feet everybody,james,4,2.0,1.0,james chapter 4 verse 2 bible tells us in isaiah chapter 8 we ourselves in isaiah chapter 8 the same isaiah the chapter 8 of his,isaiah,8,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 8 verse 1 things so here isaiah 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,isaiah,14,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 when you read from verse 15. uh isaiah 43 from from verse 15 said i am i am the lord your,isaiah,43,15.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 43 verse 15 romans 14 talks about the sabbath specifically in colossians and 1st corinthians as well that we're not we're,romans,14,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 14 verse 1 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,romans,1,15.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 15 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of colossians 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",colossians,1,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 5 the second verse of isaiah 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,isaiah,66,2.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 66 verse 2 just look at lucifer's fall in ezekiel chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,ezekiel,28,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17 here we have in joshua chapter 3 verse 7 and the lord said unto joshua this day,joshua,3,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 7 "withhold it from another. and paul in romans 9 says, ""you can't question god's right to do this.",romans,9,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 9 verse 1 boldness it takes courage yeah in genesis 13 and verse 12 the bible says abraham dwells in the land of canaan and,genesis,13,12.0,1.0,genesis chapter 13 verse 12 chapter three i'm reading from verse one revelation chapter three,revelation,3,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 1 faith faith foundation for a favored family in genesis chapter 24 verse 7 and the lord god of heaven which,genesis,24,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 24 verse 7 because love covers a multitude of sins colossians 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,colossians,3,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 14 with them and the son he never miss something you see in revelation chapter 15 verses 1 & 4 of 1 to 4 revelation 15,revelation,15,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 15 verse 1 you have philip being transported by the spirit of god in acts 8 up to meet a certain person for the salvation of that person.,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 "the elite, the intellectuals, the philosophers."" and by the way, verse 20 alludes both to isaiah 19 verse 12, and isaiah 33 verse 18 and the supposed wise",isaiah,19,12.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 19 verse 12 and become a new man in hebrews 13 15 it says therefore let us,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 to redeem us read as isaiah 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,isaiah,53,3.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 3 right in as we read deuteronomy 6 1 to 9 i want you to look for three things,deuteronomy,6,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 1 from um esther chapter 10 verse 3 and mordecai the jew was next onto the king as aseros,esther,10,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 3 for the colossians chapter 1,colossians,1,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 1 home that before we leave your god will answer because in genesis chapter 30 verse 22 to 24,genesis,30,22.0,1.0,genesis chapter 30 verse 22 let's see let's see what bible says in genesis chapter 25 um verse 21,genesis,25,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 21 reading from verse 2. acts of the apostles chapter 6 we're reading from verse 2,acts,6,2.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 2 the next one is faith and we see that clearly in in hebrews chapter 11 verse 5,hebrews,11,5.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 there's more than this um but in acts 10 right so if uh we look at well,acts,10,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 10 verse 1 at least all fears every two vision we see in the book of exodus chapter 3 how moses received vision from god in,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the subcontinent jude was killed with errors when he refused to,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 disciple acts chapter 16 a disciple is really converted and born again and you,acts,16,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 1 unto the lord look at exodus chapter 32. in exodus chapter 32 a meeting from verse 18,exodus,32,18.0,1.0,exodus chapter 32 verse 18 chapter 2 we read from verse 24 and 25 genesis chapter 2 from verse 24 and 25 can you help me ask your neighbor one,genesis,2,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 2 verse 24 shame god will never put to shame his people isaiah 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself,isaiah,50,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 50 verse 5 lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of ephesians verse 17 that christ lives in us by,ephesians,3,17.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 dismayed deuteronomy chapter 31 verses 7 and 8 and moses called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all israel,deuteronomy,31,7.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 7 that so you can open your bible to the opening chapter of philippians and i'll just draw you down to verse 27 of,philippians,1,27.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 27 our sins according to revelation chapter 12 verse 10 to 11 revelation trevor's 10 to 11 that blood is he around giving us,revelation,12,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 1 somebody shot with me prayer works james chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a,james,5,17.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 17 and faith we're told in acts chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus,acts,5,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 3 something we are to do and going back to that statement i brought up in hebrews 12 consider him who endured such,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 years genesis 29 18 to 30. in culture intended couples get to know,genesis,29,18.0,1.0,genesis chapter 29 verse 18 those choices number two people can respond to general revelation general revelation creation and conscience is,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 others you know that love is not genuine in deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 determines verse 5 god says,deuteronomy,6,5.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 at this time is just like the prayer that isaiah prayed in isaiah chapter 6 when you read verse 8 there he said here,isaiah,6,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 have to practice righteousness bible says in ephesians the two in verse number 10 for we are his workmanship,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 amen beloved if you open your bible to joshua chapter 6 verse 26 and joshua i adjourned them at,joshua,6,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 26 thank you look at isaiah chapter 14. 28 as they are not known,isaiah,14,28.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 28 hebrews chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible tells us there very clearly hebrews 2 and verse 3 how shall we escape,hebrews,2,3.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 plain and simple or even jesus in revelation 2 is speaking to the seven churches five of whom he rebuked saying,revelation,2,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 1 who was told that the general level of prophetic revelation in the church was about 65 percent accurate at this time.,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 "acceptable worship.  hebrews 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 acts 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,acts,5,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 5 verse 14 scripture isaiah 45 verse 5 i am the lord and there is no other apart from me there is,isaiah,45,5.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 45 verse 5 make tremendous power available dynamic in its working james chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version,james,5,16.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 16 him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit genesis chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for,genesis,12,7.0,1.0,genesis chapter 12 verse 7 10. deuteronomy 22 10 gives a prohibition and here it is you shall not plow with,deuteronomy,22,1.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 1 verse 1 ephesians 2 verse 1 says all sinners are dead,ephesians,2,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 holy in the meantime titus 2 says the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation to all men,titus,2,1.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 1 him said behave the same way in genesis chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,genesis,15,32.0,1.0,genesis chapter 15 verse 32 the case of isaac in genesis 26 verse 16 genesis 26 verse 16 the bible says and i've been blessed unto isaac,genesis,26,16.0,1.0,genesis chapter 26 verse 16 by the enemy but jeremiah writes up a document then listen to what he does in chapter 32 the,jeremiah,32,1.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 32 verse 1 season micah 4 1 but in the last days it shall come to pass,micah,4,1.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 1 so the scripture when you when you read malachi chapter 3 verse 10 and 11 uh message translation niv good news,malachi,3,1.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 1 chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4 romans 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 in a dirty vessel you can't do that hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 without holiness without sanctification no man,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 covert 19 in prophecy so i get this call from daniel and he says he told me who it was i said well i,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 a covenant keeping god deuteronomy chapter seven and verse nine deuteronomy chapter seven and verse nine,deuteronomy,7,9.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 9 step out and serve philippians 1 6 being confident in this very thing,philippians,1,6.0,1.0,philippians chapter 1 verse 6 misunderstood by builder in job 25 1 through 6,job,25,1.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 1 to restore and rebuild jerusalem daniel 9 25 know therefore and understand,daniel,9,25.0,1.0,daniel chapter 9 verse 25 the word of god gives a clear answer in jeremiah chapter 18 verses 7 & 8 which especially applies to christians if at,jeremiah,18,7.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 18 verse 7 three days after you are gone where will i get another job he said i will pay you,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the bible says it says in the book of ephesians chapter one that when you accept christ that you're,ephesians,1,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 in jesus name we have prayed ezekiel chapter 37 the bible says the hand of the lord came upon me and,ezekiel,37,1.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 like james was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,acts,12,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 12 verse 5 chapter one paul instructs titus to rebuke the false teachers,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 on or before august 1st 2021 deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,deuteronomy,1,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 eve to tempt her look at what he said in genesis 3 3 it said god had said god did not only say god commanded he,genesis,3,3.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 3 here as you go through exodus and numbers you see there were three major seasons of travel for the israelites the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 the latter part of verse 23 daniel system and you have praised the gods of silver and gold bronze and iron,daniel,1,23.0,1.0,daniel chapter 1 verse 23 satan is mentioned satan appears in the book of job satan appears in genesis chapter 3 and said nagaina appears in,genesis,3,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 3 verse 1 the presence of the lord and that from romans 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,romans,8,38.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 38 similar to the prologue of the gospel of john. it has echoes of genesis chapter one and proverbs chapter eight. john speaks of,proverbs,8,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 moses his face was glowing so in exodus chapter 34 we read about this moses face glows and god seems to,exodus,34,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 34 verse 1 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,jeremiah,29,11.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 jerusalem notice what it says it says in revelation 22 through the middle of the street of the city also on either side,revelation,22,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 22 verse 1 conquering the mighty giants through the almighty we're coming to numbers chapter 13,numbers,13,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 1 to acts chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,acts,15,36.0,1.0,acts chapter 15 verse 36 you suppress it this is what paul talks about in romans chapter 1 we suppress the truth and,romans,1,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 1 minutes before we wrap this up so the bible says in the book of isaiah 60 um from verse one he says arise shine for,isaiah,60,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 deuteronomy 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,deuteronomy,26,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 8 sometimes they start like small things just like acts chapter 6 where we read little complain a little grumbling,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 canaan land praise god god was speaking in zechariah chapter 8 and verse 12 says,zechariah,8,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 12 tonight can i answer to read from the book of hebrews chapter 6 chapter 2 rather,hebrews,6,2.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 6 verse 2 serve with faith serve in faith romans chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of god through,romans,4,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 2 gonna send someone to you and it's gonna be the holy spirit and then in acts chapter 2 he told him to go wait in,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 that very chapter verse 8 and from isaiah 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed to,isaiah,53,8.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 8 from all other religions all most of them in that in that in genesis 1 was 1 we see that number 1 god is creator that,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 life he gives his testimony in philippians 3 10 i want to know him more,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,proverbs,3,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 i'm reading here from first one reading here from aswan hebrews chapter two reading from verse 1 therefore we ought,hebrews,2,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 the deacons in acts chapter 6 to fix the problem has now,acts,6,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 6 verse 1 bible teaches from cover to cover genesis to revelation that you and i ought to fear god it says in psalm 147,psalms,147,1.0,1.0,psalms chapter 147 verse 1 promise will come to pass so when we get to genesis chapter 17 1917 and it in genesis 17 and it in genesis 17 17,genesis,17,17.0,1.0,genesis chapter 17 verse 17 the spirit in titus chapter 2 verse 14,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 are the ways of death in jeremiah chapter 10 verse 23 we are told there it is not in a man that,jeremiah,10,23.0,1.0,jeremiah chapter 10 verse 23 glory in romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 romans chapter 2 verse 7 to them,romans,2,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 2 verse 7 blood of jesus and with the fire of god revelation 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,revelation,12,11.0,1.0,revelation chapter 12 verse 11 stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in job chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 ephraim you can read the story in genesis 48 verse 13 to 20 genesis 42 verse 13 to 20 when he was brought with,genesis,48,13.0,1.0,genesis chapter 48 verse 13 church and upon all who heard these things this is found in acts chapter 2 then fear came upon every soul and many,acts,2,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 1 lesson five lifestyle of righteousness memory verse is in job chapter 17 verse 9 says the righteous shall hold on his,job,17,9.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 9 revelation chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,revelation,3,15.0,1.0,revelation chapter 3 verse 15 and i read to you from verse um one hebrews 12 verse one we are four sin we also are compassed about we so,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 attention plague number 2 is found in exodus 8 1 2 2 an invasion of frogs the lord told moses to go back to pharaoh,exodus,8,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 8 verse 1 x's all of those different examples um at the burning bush moses at exodus 3 joshua and joshua 1 gideon and judges 6.,exodus,3,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 3 verse 1 what this means remember the dream in daniel chapter 2 first the head is made of gold then the,daniel,2,1.0,1.0,daniel chapter 2 verse 1 but you know there's a there's an interesting verse i think in galatians chapter five,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 cannot enter into heaven look at revelation chapter 21 revelation chapter 21,revelation,21,21.0,1.0,revelation chapter 21 verse 21 [applause] and god said in deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,deuteronomy,8,11.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 11 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in romans 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,romans,8,17.0,1.0,romans chapter 8 verse 17 let me read you the key text this is acts chapter 4 verses 27 to 28. the saints are praying truly in this,acts,4,27.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 27 chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33 rather prophet isaiah talks about this coming day of christ this day when the,isaiah,23,33.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 23 verse 33 his sleeves now what is the fruit of sleeves hebrews 13 15,hebrews,13,15.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 15 of heights what do you think it was or maybe take them to romans 11 where paul talks about the jewish people in,romans,11,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 11 verse 1 is saved ever he must bear our sins i was so glad again to hear isaiah 53 he must be wounded for our transgressions,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 good we're coming to ezekiel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 transformed,ezekiel,11,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 daily such as she received in the book of acts chapter 16 the bible tells us in verse 5,acts,16,5.0,1.0,acts chapter 16 verse 5 but let me read it to you the bible says in the book of exodus chapter 28 from verse one to four it says god was,exodus,28,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 28 verse 1 say loud amen philippians 3 understand that i may know him and the power of his resurrection,philippians,3,1.0,1.0,philippians chapter 3 verse 1 spirit very very important opposed to portuguese in the same galatians chapter five i want us to go to that place,galatians,5,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 1 [laughter] hebrews 11 1 to 6 [applause],hebrews,11,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 genesis 25 from verse 21 to genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26 made this clear,genesis,25,21.0,1.0,genesis chapter 25 verse 21 the last 25 years than any time since the book of acts they're beginning to turn to the lord now thousands of,acts,1,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 1 of god giving us the promised land little by little exodus 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by,exodus,23,3.0,1.0,exodus chapter 23 verse 3 criticized and turned against moses we read in exodus 15 he cried unto the lord when hezekiah received a threatening,exodus,15,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 15 verse 1 begins in three rounds of self to discipline so hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 therefore we have so great the,hebrews,12,1.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 you look at that verse one the way of introduction of job it means that god put off first the heart,job,1,1.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 1 quickly to exodus exodus 33 exodus 33,exodus,33,1.0,1.0,exodus chapter 33 verse 1 ephesians chapter 3 in ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading here from verse 20,ephesians,3,2.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 on or before november 29 2020 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,isaiah,14,27.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 27 east of the lord you will content engaged all that local colossians chapter 2 in galatians chapter 2 were,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 revelation chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,revelation,2,25.0,1.0,revelation chapter 2 verse 25 so that's what i learned today in genesis 6 as i was reading the bible,genesis,6,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 6 verse 1 seals thereon and isaiah tells us in isaiah chapter 29 isaiah chapter 29 we're looking at verse,isaiah,29,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 29 verse 1 name in romans chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19,romans,4,19.0,1.0,romans chapter 4 verse 19 28 hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom,hebrews,12,28.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 theme of the convention is wonderful and the bible tells us in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6,isaiah,9,6.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 was reading on judges chapter not judges joshua chapter 7 and i don't know if you ever read that story about aiken aiken,joshua,7,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 1 fire and brimstone for revelation 20 10 says the devil that deceived them was cast into the,revelation,20,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 20 verse 1 commitment to the follow to up of the redeemed galatians chapter 4 reading from verse 19.,galatians,4,19.0,1.0,galatians chapter 4 verse 19 bathing in seven essential oils like esther but i'm still out here i have roofed and,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times proverbs 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,proverbs,22,6.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 testament a little later in the book of acts acts chapter 8 we encounter the ethiopian,acts,8,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 8 verse 1 great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue proverbs 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we,proverbs,15,4.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 15 verse 4 leads us to a final one to which is an eternal perspective colossians chapter three,colossians,3,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 1 in genesis chapter 41 genesis chapter 41 we're looking at acts verse 15. here pharaoh,genesis,41,15.0,1.0,genesis chapter 41 verse 15 in verse 23 of the same scripture numbers 23 and verse 23 it says to us there i have received he said sorry,numbers,23,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 1 in which to deceive that's been established look at hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 hebrews,hebrews,13,9.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 worldly ways on short to turn to colossians 2 colossians 2 you know what happens to a heart when,colossians,2,1.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 1 so it was separated the word says proverbs 18 1 through desire a man having separated himself intermediate,proverbs,18,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 somebody say bigger amen acts chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,acts,13,44.0,1.0,acts chapter 13 verse 44 i didn't get one from the numbers i had a very good day genesis 16 and 17,numbers,16,1.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 1 water that would spring forth and so in isaiah we read about that well it was at this feast in john 7 it says now that in,john,1,1.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 1 there be light part 7 we'll be reading from acts of the apostles chapter 9 from verse 1 to 6,acts,9,1.0,1.0,acts chapter 9 verse 1 guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain romans as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and,romans,12,7.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 7 you are god's own so you are god that's why the book of philippians chapter two i think verse four it says that even,philippians,2,4.0,1.0,philippians chapter 2 verse 4 if you're so attached to what they say you're like in james 1 it says a double minded man is unstable in all of his,james,1,1.0,1.0,james chapter 1 verse 1 11 is at the exodus when they didn't have time to leaven the bread and so they ate,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 this is simply saying that that the the statement in genesis 1 is a god created and then creation day 1 when did day 1,genesis,1,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 1 verse number two okay number one romans chapter 12 says i beseech you therefore brethren,romans,12,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 12 verse 1 honorable lie of grace in ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 2,ephesians,2,5.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 in jesus name look at daniel daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,daniel,11,32.0,1.0,daniel chapter 11 verse 32 through daniel that i've got about 490 total years,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 when you read genesis 42 verse 6 genesis 42 verse 6 and joseph was the governor over the,genesis,42,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 42 verse 6 broken and by that passion from nehemiah chapter one,nehemiah,1,1.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 i could see it coming right away the judges chapter 4 please if you go there judges chapter 4 i'm gonna begin at,judges,4,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 1 there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three proverbs 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity,proverbs,10,9.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 10 verse 9 paul understood that intercession was more than atonement look at romans chapter 5 romans chapter 5 familiar,romans,5,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 5 verse 1 around numbers 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him,numbers,14,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 24 jesus for that number two miracle job via prophetic instruction and praise,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 though these three men noah daniel and job were in it they should deliver but their own souls,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 obedience paul said in acts 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,acts,26,19.0,1.0,acts chapter 26 verse 19 and verse 27. job 22 and verse 27 it says you will make your prayer to him,job,22,27.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 27 amen revelation 13 10,revelation,13,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 13 verse 1 daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible tells us there he said then this daniel was prepared,daniel,6,3.0,1.0,daniel chapter 6 verse 3 hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,hebrews,4,13.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 acts chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,acts,4,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 4 verse 29 inheritance has any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and of god isaiah chapter 65,isaiah,65,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 65 verse 1 that's why the bible says faith walked by love galatians chapter 5 and verse 6. so the ground from which your faith can,galatians,5,6.0,1.0,galatians chapter 5 verse 6 operation change of story revelation chapter 14 verse 14 verse 16. and i look on behold a white cloud and,revelation,14,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 14 verse 16 separated from one another ephesians 2 19 says you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow,ephesians,2,19.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 my kid play sorry try again later so look okay look at ephesians turn to ephesians 4 and let's look at this,ephesians,4,1.0,1.0,ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 now i like that because if you read isaiah chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31,isaiah,40,29.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 person it was a faithful man in genesis chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22,genesis,39,6.0,1.0,genesis chapter 39 verse 6 and think that that was some fulfillment of this this is this is after isaiah and i'm going probably not in 70 ad when,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 unto uncleanness but unto holiness hebrews 12 14 hebrews 12 14 follow peace with all men and holiness,hebrews,12,14.0,1.0,hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 surroundings we'll be taking the text from proverbs chapter 6,proverbs,6,1.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 6 verse 1 is the lord of lords according to revelation 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,revelation,19,16.0,1.0,revelation chapter 19 verse 16 in galatians chapter 2 and paul writes about it to the church of galatians made it public this is not just a private,galatians,2,1.0,1.0,galatians chapter 2 verse 1 off and we carry you up in jesus name deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 8 the trumpet 26 2016,deuteronomy,26,8.0,1.0,deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 8 astray like a lost sheep he's living in romans 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,romans,7,2.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 2 19 then went the secret then was the secret revealed unto daniel in a ninth vision then daniel blessed the god of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 from sexual sin you can do it philippians 4 verse 13 you can't do,philippians,4,13.0,1.0,philippians chapter 4 verse 13 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference james 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,james,5,14.0,1.0,james chapter 5 verse 14 god because he doesn't have ability to change in numbers 23 19 numbers 23 19 he said god is not a man,numbers,23,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 19 authority of scripture however um you know jude quotes from the book of enoch i i believe it's verse nine or ten,ignore,0,9.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 9 1 from verse 13 to 21 job 1 from verse 13 to 21,job,13,21.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 21 sabbath as you as you look from leviticus 23 and you go to psalm 95 we find that there's a prophetic element to,leviticus,23,1.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 expectations these guys had aspirations in fact they are at some point joshua for uh the the number two position that,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 going to show you who's in charge here so you look for example in revelation chapter 6 i looked and behold,revelation,6,1.0,1.0,revelation chapter 6 verse 1 it's that's when the miracles come what happened in the book of acts as soon as they lifted up their voice with one,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 another and the word all men even as we do towards you romans chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15,romans,15,13.0,1.0,romans chapter 15 verse 13 proofs but it says that while he was doing this acts chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,acts,1,3.0,1.0,acts chapter 1 verse 3 it there but i also want to remind you that the book of acts was written over about 30 years so we think things were,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 people that we encounter something great in genesis 27 jacob aaron encounter was an encounter,genesis,27,1.0,1.0,genesis chapter 27 verse 1 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's proverbs 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,proverbs,28,13.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 in your life everything will bow ecclesiastes chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8.,ecclesiastes,8,1.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 1 looking at acts chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,acts,2,29.0,1.0,acts chapter 2 verse 29 the final blow is the blood mark the blood mark the blood mark in exodus chapter 12 and verse 13 the bible says,exodus,12,13.0,1.0,exodus chapter 12 verse 13 name acts chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51,acts,7,51.0,1.0,acts chapter 7 verse 51 because it's uh it's multifaceted but in romans chapter one starting with verse 16,romans,1,16.0,1.0,romans chapter 1 verse 16 of olives notice what zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 says about the day of the lord it says,zechariah,14,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 paul said in the way we dig for heresy acts 24 verse 14 so what shall you pray the god of my fathers,acts,24,14.0,1.0,acts chapter 24 verse 14 nevertheless he lands and chapter three now the word of the lord came to jonah the second time saying arise go to,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 that it gets confusing because looking at isaiah chapter seven it seems to suggest that after two or three right,isaiah,7,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 7 verse 1 based and in isaiah chapter 14 we have the story of lucifer,isaiah,14,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 14 verse 1 chapter 14 judges chapter 14 the position itself does not make us,judges,14,1.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 1 bones proverbs 18 14. lift up your two hands and celebrate the bondu of joy that,proverbs,18,14.0,1.0,proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 chapter six reading from verse one romans chapter 6 reading from verse 1,romans,6,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 6 verse 1 a place of possessing our possessions joshua chapter 18 verse 1 to 3 very quickly if we have that let's have it on,joshua,18,1.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 1 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in ezekiel 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,ezekiel,9,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 3 of goodness that's what he does the commandment in in romans 7 is called good it is good the law is good and so,romans,7,1.0,1.0,romans chapter 7 verse 1 she wasn't aware of it so we'll pick up esther chapter four verse eight through twelve only they basically i don't know,esther,4,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 8 people we're looking at judges chapter 5 verse 13 then,judges,5,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 13 for sin and i'm pretty sure he went to isaiah 53 aren't you and told them he was the one wounded for their,isaiah,53,1.0,1.0,isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 sixth day we read in genesis 1 24 that he made the animals,genesis,1,24.0,1.0,genesis chapter 1 verse 24 deuteronomy for our the fifth book of moses deuteronomy four in the old testament and the,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 well i mean let's look at it let's look at it romans 13 8.,romans,13,8.0,1.0,romans chapter 13 verse 8 to this quest my people have committed two great evils jeremiah too they have forsaken me the fountain of,ignore,0,1.0,1.0,ignore chapter 0 verse 1 very important when the bible was talking to us in leviticus chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,leviticus,1,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 18 god about your fruitfulness in 1 kings chapter 49 25 genesis chapter 49 25 the bible says evil by the god of thy father,1 kings,49,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 49 verse 25 say loud amen leviticus chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,leviticus,34,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 34 verse 25 exclamation finally bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh in 1 corinthians 2 23 emphasizes the man's recognition that,1 corinthians,2,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 23 full of eyes it says in chapter 2 kings 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,2 kings,4,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 8 men and women were added to the church by luke 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,luke,6,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 7 tort through christ it tells us in matthew chapter 3 verse 24 romans chapter 3,matthew,3,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 24 is good or evil in zephaniah chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12,zephaniah,2,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 12 chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up by 2 samuel and communicated unto them that gospel which i preach that the,2 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 and for the stranger i am the lord your god again it says in matthew 10 18 he does execute judgment or,matthew,10,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 18 the bible speaking in 2 samuel chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel,2 samuel,25,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 2 toward god or turning away from him amos 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,amos,1,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 6 pull them out we'll find another example in haggai chapter 6,haggai,6,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 6 [music] 2 john 14 verse 14 though these three men,2 john,14,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 14 i'm coming now to ecclesiastes chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,ecclesiastes,8,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 leviticus chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said,leviticus,1,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 3 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water amos nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,amos,38,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 38 verse 16 addiction breaking satanic addiction the bible says in the book of colossians chapter 5 verse 24,colossians,5,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 24 knowledge of your enemy knowledge of your enemy john 2 verse 15 commercial 250 having this half principalities and,john,2,15.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 15 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness habakkuk 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,habakkuk,27,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 27 verse 5 it is banned in 1 kings 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,1 kings,26,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 6 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in mark chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,mark,20,35.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 35 of peter because we discovered by time we got to ezekiel chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,ezekiel,5,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 12 look at 1 peter chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude,1 peter,20,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 2 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant psalms 14 7 to 9.,psalms,14,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 7 not casually 3 john 11 6 that diligently seek him you might be in a table but,3 john,11,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 6 judges 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water,judges,26,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 26 verse 19 pleasant and verse 4 of 1 kings chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went,1 kings,8,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 4 three creatures let's look at that before we see what they said zephaniah chapter 42 the lord said in verse 7 the last,zephaniah,42,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 42 verse 7 i will trust in you you will see that in the book of nehemiah chapter 56 verse 3,nehemiah,56,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 56 verse 3 dragon in verse 3. in 1 kings 12 3 satan is pictured like a great dragon,1 kings,12,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 3 main emphasis in jude is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the,jude,2,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 9 too were looking at zechariah chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,zechariah,3,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 14 the flesh lamentations 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,lamentations,3,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 3 6 verse 12 what the bible says in 2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12,2 timothy,6,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 thanks for his faithfulness in every department of our lives in joel chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,joel,5,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 2 to heaven at least they thought they did and in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul,song of solomon (song of songs),11,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 28 with this part of my message um but in 2 john chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,2 john,7,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 14 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 at the end of the time that,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 joel chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,joel,3,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 15 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote nehemiah 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,nehemiah,8,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 28 jesus christ in our chapter 1 verse number 4 philemon chapter 1 verse number 4 jesus commanded his disciples to wait,philemon,1,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 4 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8. romans 8 verse 6,song of solomon (song of songs),8,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 6 the one who is truly godly look at colossians chapter 3 when looking at verse 6,colossians,3,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 6 isaac i'm looking at 2 timothy genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,2 timothy,22,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 7 instances of the key to your life john 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,john,11,26.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 26 crown of life spoken of in 1 timothy 1 12 if you endure temptation and persevere,1 timothy,1,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 12 year 1 peter 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,1 peter,13,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 19 suspended for your people number two we saw the story of 3 john in joshua 10 13 joshua 10 13. he was,3 john,10,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 13 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to,1 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 jude 27 let me read it from was 22 to 29 genesis 27 verse 22 to 29 the story actually began in verse 1 the from verse,jude,27,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 27 verse 22 in 2 chronicles chapter 1 from verse 1 to 8 joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8. god said clearly,2 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 1 john chapter four a meeting from verse two hebrews chapter four,1 john,4,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 2 wrong 3 john 1 16 1st corinthians 9 24 to 25,3 john,1,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 16 in the name of jesus and now we saw the story of coin luke esther 4 16 to 17,luke,4,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 16 "by the way, peter in his sermon in zephaniah 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",zephaniah,3,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 2 the word of god gives a clear answer in titus chapter 18 verses 7 & 8 which especially applies to christians if at,titus,18,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 7 "of the spirit. in mark chapter 3 it says in verse 5, ""he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we",mark,3,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 5 a person that's what you see in titus 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,titus,28,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 28 verse 12 this year and philemon chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,philemon,2,47.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 47 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power jude 26 18 to open the eyes,jude,26,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 26 verse 18 verse 25 he said he will descend that's his philemon he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further,philemon,1,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 25 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you micah chapter one from verse four to five,micah,1,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 5 the other scriptures that we have looked at so numbers chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,numbers,6,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 18 worship this morning i want you to open again to joshua chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,joshua,15,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 11 in ruth chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,ruth,30,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 30 verse 22 has the ability to break just like your word in 1 peter 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,1 peter,29,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 29 verse 5 john was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,john,33,11.0,1.0,john chapter 33 verse 11 to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in philemon 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift,philemon,2,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 8 chapter 5 verse 3 2 corinthians 728 jeremiah 10 8 jeremiah 17 2330 verse 14 32 verse 33 35 verse 13,2 corinthians,10,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 8 from verse 9 to 17 1 chronicles chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,1 chronicles,7,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 7 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness john 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,john,1,4.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 4 it also says the same thing in nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,nehemiah,12,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 coming to nahum chapter 9 verse 15 acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the lord said unto him go,nahum,9,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 15 no matter the trial no matter the persecution they cannot be shaken 2 john chapter 8 verse 38 to 39 romans chapter,2 john,8,38.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 38 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in nahum 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,nahum,20,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 12 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character nahum chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,nahum,12,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 14 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from job chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,job,7,13.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 13 is this not the fact that i've chosen jude 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,jude,58,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 58 verse 6 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,2 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 meditate the word is 1 kings paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,1 kings,1,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 17 verse 17 again jonah 54 17 said no weapon fashion against you shall prosper,jonah,54,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 54 verse 17 to 2 peter of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,2 peter,4,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 31 sun and the moon because in zechariah chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,zechariah,10,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 12 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in 1 samuel chapter two first three verses once again,1 samuel,2,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 brought about light in creation in haggai 1 3 can say let there be light in a heart,haggai,1,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 3 2 peter chapter 1 of badaya chapter one i'm reading from verse 17 obadiah chapter 1 verse 17.,2 peter,1,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 17 of god giving us the promised land little by little micah 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by,micah,23,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 3 through the prophet of god habakkuk definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,habakkuk,1,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 19 number of things and i want to read you 1 chronicles 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,1 chronicles,3,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 16 verse 32 2 kings 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy,2 kings,1,32.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 32 reading philemon chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is,philemon,52,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 52 verse 7 your plans frustrated plans are frustrated leviticus 15 22 proverbs 15 22 without consultation,leviticus,15,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 22 the lord 2 john 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,2 john,36,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 25 verse 2 to 3 2 corinthians 12 verse 2 to 3,2 corinthians,12,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 4 verse 2 jude 4 verse 2 says is there a people who hear the word of,jude,4,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 2 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is colossians chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,colossians,19,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 28 bible and study the words of god in hosea 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 that you can be totally cleansed and be available for god 1 timothy 1 16 gave some instruction on self to cleansing,1 timothy,1,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 16 famine in nahum 4 verse 15 down to verse 19 we're made to understand that it is,nahum,4,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 15 has the ability to break just like your word in colossians 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,colossians,29,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 5 [music] chapter 2 lamentations chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,lamentations,2,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 25 let that man turn things around job chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,job,1,11.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 11 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to haggai 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,haggai,27,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 3 jonah 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,jonah,24,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 2 and the sixth verse 1 peter chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with,1 peter,6,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 6 and this is for somebody in particular haggai 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,haggai,26,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 26 verse 12 "were in the music department...one in ten. in 1 corinthians 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",1 corinthians,15,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 2 into this church this coming sunday titus chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,titus,2,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 2 and 1 corinthians wrote in the book of acts of apollo chapter 10 verse 38,1 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 what does the promise state in joshua chapter 22 verse 16 to verse 18. the bible says,joshua,22,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 16 1 kings chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,1 kings,3,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 5 to enter those 600 0 people 2 chronicles 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,2 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 world with a flood he said in nahum chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,nahum,9,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 12 into this church this coming sunday esther chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in habakkuk 114 the way they're using it he's two,habakkuk,11,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 5 we're reading from verse 8 romans chapter 5 we're looking at verse 8 but god,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 church this week a better eman in 2 john chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,2 john,26,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 22 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in 2 corinthians 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,2 corinthians,12,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 chapter 14 and verse 7 luke 14 and verse 7 as i started to sing the holy spirit,luke,14,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 7 this is yours say this is mine ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 4 it says,ecclesiastes,3,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 4 in leviticus chapter 17 verse night proverbs 17 the bible said anyone who covers is,leviticus,17,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 17 forward in georges chapter 6 verse 12 2 peter 6 12,2 peter,6,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 12 looking at 2 kings chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says,2 kings,8,34.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 34 thought malachi 23 verse 29. [music],malachi,23,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 29 abraham had faith exercise faith in leviticus chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,leviticus,15,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 6 husbands means you need to respect them 2 peter 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his,2 peter,5,33.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 33 expectations increase i remember the book of esther chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,esther,5,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 12 from me he says here in ecclesiastes 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the,ecclesiastes,2,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 3 with the things that are good for us you can read 1 chronicles 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 our anchor is from the book of philemon chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,philemon,7,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 7 everyone to repent please remember this reference judges chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,judges,17,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 3 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but 1 timothy 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,1 timothy,12,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 4 bible says in the book of habakkuk chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23 let me read from here he,habakkuk,4,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 23 habakkuk 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water,habakkuk,26,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 26 verse 19 verse 7. esther chapter 2 verse 7.,esther,2,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 7 it takes prayer in the book of jonah 4 verse 12 the bible says apophas who is one of you,jonah,4,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 12 no wonder the bible makes us to understand in lamentations chapter 6 beginning from verse 16 and down to,lamentations,6,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 16 and the first part he made he read in philemon 1 24 and 25 all the animals on the earth,philemon,1,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 24 7 job verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives,job,7,18.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 18 verse 2. can you guys turn with me can everyone turn to ezekiel 1 2 if you don't know where genesis 1 2 is,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 the end times speaking of a church in micah 2 verse 4 we read these words nevertheless i have somewhat against,micah,2,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 4 in the book of 1 corinthians in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,1 corinthians,74,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 74 verse 2 others you know that love is not genuine in habakkuk chapter 6 verse 5 determines verse 5 god says,habakkuk,6,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 5 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king 2 thessalonians bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,2 thessalonians,16,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 11 loud amen 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,1 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 way down to verse nine 1 thessalonians chapter two verse three to verse nine,1 thessalonians,2,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 acceptable in the sight of the lord in 3 john chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,3 john,1,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 15 2 john chapter 3 from 7 to 11 philippians 3 verse 7 2 verse 11 force i critique everything i have i just want to know,2 john,3,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 7 the bible speaking clearly tells us in ezekiel 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,ezekiel,4,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 2 forward in georges chapter 6 verse 12 mark 6 12,mark,6,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 12 christ john 42 and verse 19 he said who is blind but my servant who is deaf as my,john,42,19.0,1.0,john chapter 42 verse 19 after the order of ezra in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was,ezra,34,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 34 verse 9 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from 1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 27,1 thessalonians,36,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 27 testament there's only one required fast according to jonah 16 29 to 31,jonah,16,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 16 verse 29 you're gonna find something really shocking nahum 50 ends after only 26 verses,nahum,50,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 50 verse 26 place of authority listened to song of solomon (song of songs) 1 18. he is the head of the body of the church he is the beginning,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 to go to the city 1 timothy 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,1 timothy,10,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 15 john 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and,john,15,5.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 5 till one day god opened my eyes to read haggai 14 and verse 17.,haggai,14,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 17 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,habakkuk,3,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 9 thought esther 23 verse 29. [music],esther,23,29.0,1.0,esther chapter 23 verse 29 thoughts and then we pray jonah chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19.,jonah,30,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 30 verse 19 will not dis will not destroy you 3 john chapter 31 a meeting from verse 11 jeremiah 31,3 john,31,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 31 verse 11 coming generation obadiah 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,obadiah,22,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 6 verse 9 verse 10 1 timothy 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,1 timothy,3,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 2 peter chapter 2 from verse 5 to 17 esther 2 5 to 17 and under the topic we asked,2 peter,2,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 5 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues 1 thessalonians 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,1 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 reading from verses 4 and 5 1 john chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,1 john,2,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 4 if a prophet says something verse 22 joshua 18 last verse verse 22,joshua,18,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 22 mark chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,mark,2,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 6 [music] nahum chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,nahum,2,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 6 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in ezekiel chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,ezekiel,12,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 12 your testimony's gonna be i was dead and now i'm alive by the power of god titus chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33,titus,23,33.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 33 failure proof in judges chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,judges,21,45.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 45 in 1 john chapter 41 genesis chapter 41 we're looking at acts verse 15. here pharaoh,1 john,41,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 41 verse 15 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in micah chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,micah,1,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 17 is taken from 2 john chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,2 john,12,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 7 aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us john 1 21 lay aside all filthiness,john,1,21.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 21 confirming the word everywhere in the book of psalms chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,psalms,14,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 3 about the word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of 2 peter chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god,2 peter,4,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 12 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in esther chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,esther,16,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 2 scriptures but beginning with 1 corinthians chapter 23 and verse 7. listen carefully there's a,1 corinthians,23,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 7 "truth, disseminating doctrine. 2 chronicles 5 verse 16 says we are to be praying for one another...praying for one another.",2 chronicles,5,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 16 abraham had faith exercise faith in 1 peter chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,1 peter,15,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 6 god handle them as in jude 1 verses 4 to 14 the loyalty will be,jude,1,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 4 in titus chapter 8 from verse 26 to 38 acts 8 26 to 38 philip was having a wonderful wonderful,titus,8,26.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 26 2 john 8 and it is mentioned in daniel 8 and 21,2 john,8,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 21 into this church this coming sunday zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 somebody shout oh 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,1 samuel,8,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 32 and verse 27. john 22 and verse 27 it says you will make your prayer to him,john,22,27.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 27 day without reading that 1 peter from psalm 19. verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect,1 peter,19,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 19 verse 7 and jesus precious name luke 65 and verse 8. and then we pray,luke,65,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 65 verse 8 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased jude 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,jude,22,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 19 questions so 2 kings 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,2 kings,11,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 14 yesterday book of haggai galatians chapter 6 and verse 17 it says from now on,haggai,6,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 17 chapter 10 of joel acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet speak these words,joel,10,44.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 44 improve on the gifts in leviticus chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,leviticus,9,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 9 power to rescue you nahum chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,nahum,2,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 9 amen beloved if you open your bible to esther chapter 6 verse 26 and joshua i adjourned them at,esther,6,26.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 26 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 1 timothy 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,1 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,2 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 speak to separate brother family zechariah chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 the six and number six it will bring the,zechariah,12,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 6 us to do in 2 samuel 2 starting in verse 14. what good is it my brothers if someone,2 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 must be minimal double of that of 2019. a loud email to that matthew chapter 8 verse 21 to 23 then i proclaim a fast,matthew,8,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 21 established he instituted a weekly sabbath let's look at 2 kings 23 3. six days shall work be done but on the,2 kings,23,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 3 together commandment number six you must not kill 1 timothy 20 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is,1 timothy,20,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 13 this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um lamentations chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus,lamentations,20,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 23 are called to live i'm going to look at habakkuk 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,habakkuk,8,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 14 power and the glory of god as you read in malachi chapter 33 verse 14 to 23 their power so there is power in the presence,malachi,33,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 14 they would not repent and so god in nahum chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,nahum,19,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 24 leviticus of the apostles chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're reading from verse 18.,leviticus,3,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 18 numbers 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,numbers,16,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 6 so the bible says in john chapter 10 and verse 19 that money answers all things,john,10,19.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 19 the bible tells us that we shall in the good of the land joshua 119 if we are willing and obedient,joshua,1,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 19 beyond expectations 2 kings chapter 1 verse 28.,2 kings,1,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 28 because ezra chapter 3 5 to 6 proverbs 3 5 to 6 it's a trust in the lord with all thy,ezra,3,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 5 a wise man can overlook an offense 1 chronicles 19 11. they avoid strife,1 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 christian life job 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't,job,2,6.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 6 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a 2 chronicles the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5,2 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 further replication of cells in this prophetic season haggai 13 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed,haggai,13,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 19 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by,2 corinthians,8,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 14 retirement age will be easy habakkuk 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,habakkuk,21,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 2 saying here to abraham and isaac and to jacob and notice what he says zephaniah 3 and verse 8 and the scriptures or the,zephaniah,3,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 8 paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in 1 peter chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16,1 peter,3,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 16 1 chronicles 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down,1 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 section amos 737 after explaining all the sacrifices it then summarizes and it,amos,7,37.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 37 you can see this from jude 2 revelation but it's probably most pronounced in ephesians 5 31 and 32,jude,5,31.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 31 multiply in your life in jesus name 1 kings chapter 2 a meeting from verse 11 for the grace of god that brings,1 kings,2,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 11 might be the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,1 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 with a gift with something you know 2 thessalonians 160 they created everything for himself,2 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 numbers chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 3 acts chapter 8,numbers,8,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 3 employing them john 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,john,2,15.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 15 attention has been drawn to this world 1 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 18 let no one keep defrauding you of your price,1 chronicles,2,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 1 corinthians chapter 22 from verse 7 to 14 genesis 22 7 to 14 isaac said to his,1 corinthians,22,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 7 i said chapter 40 verse 31 hosea 40 31 they that wait upon the luxury new death strength,hosea,40,31.0,1.0,hosea chapter 40 verse 31 nevertheless it was not i but the grace of god that was with me zephaniah 15 18 god forbid that i would speak of anything,zephaniah,15,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 15 verse 18 light 1 john chapter 12 verse 40 it speaks about jonah in the whale's belly in the sea monsters belly for three days,1 john,12,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 4 for me look at john chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,john,8,28.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 28 from verse 32 to 42 ezekiel 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,ezekiel,9,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 32 thoughtfully you repent thoroughly mark chapter 18 what reading from the starchy,mark,18,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 18 headed by the fear of the lord luke 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,luke,10,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 12 malachi chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the,malachi,1,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 5 or the fella from music lab is godzilla job 2 verse 8 ephesus i act by grace are you saved through,job,2,8.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 8 praying we're still praying the bible says in philemon chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14,philemon,9,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 13 and thou shalt have plenty of silver 1 peter 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god,1 peter,22,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 21 short period of time to like his father in titus 26 verse 12 to 14 jealousy 26 verse 12 to 14 co to op transferred him so,titus,26,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 26 verse 12 verse 14 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,song of solomon (song of songs),1,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 going to put it in the hands of god because over in 1 john 12 19 it says never take vengeance into your own hands,1 john,12,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 19 remembered or come to mind titus 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,titus,66,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 66 verse 22 unto the lord look at nahum chapter 32. in exodus chapter 32 a meeting from verse 18,nahum,32,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 18 expectations increase i remember the book of 2 samuel chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,2 samuel,5,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 12 it we also saw in micah 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen esther chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,esther,3,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 17 jesus name 1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccpnermuby and then verses 19 and 20 of hosea 6 our witness in the world is affected by,hosea,6,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 19 was the wood from a tree so micah 3 verse 13 you're on your way to deuteronomy 21 violations 3 verse 13 right it says christ,micah,3,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 13 tonight in jesus name in joshua chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,joshua,13,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 8 1 chronicles chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 verse 27 has this to offer and they,1 chronicles,21,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 27 presence and i'm going to read from zechariah chapter 33 the strength to sustain exodus 33 12 to sustain her,zechariah,33,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 12 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found micah and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,micah,2,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 5 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell jude 1 14 in him you also,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 [music] in psalms chapter 2 from verse 23 to 25,psalms,2,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 23 love for the church according to joel 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also,joel,5,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 25 this issue is as you continue that same preachment ecclesiastes 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,ecclesiastes,1,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 21 answer you say this is not god's final plan because titus 21 4 says he will wipe every tear from our eyes,titus,21,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 4 "guess where his parting word came from? ecclesiastes 6 verses 9 and 10, ""go to this people and say you will keep on hearing and will",ecclesiastes,6,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 9 says here the tongue is like a fire the last part of verse 6 philemon 3 6 the tongue is of fire the last part of our,philemon,3,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 6 reading from verse i'm reading from verse 14 1 samuel chapter 54 reading from verse 14,1 samuel,54,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 54 verse 14 our churches since this year began haggai chapter 5 verse 42 the scripture says and daily in the temple and in,haggai,5,42.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 42 produces the fruit and we know in psalms chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 so here is a word in 2 kings chapter 2 where it says in verse 13,2 kings,2,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 13 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in 2 corinthians chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,2 corinthians,20,35.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 20 verse 35 and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in habakkuk 11 32 they that know their god,habakkuk,11,32.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 32 time reaching in zephaniah of four times reaching in genesis chapter 22 a 14 whatsoever things were reaching our full,zephaniah,22,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 14 forsake us neither will he forget us in jude chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said,jude,44,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 44 verse 21 let's go ahead and watch it look at here in zephaniah 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were,zephaniah,1,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 9 yesterday book of 1 kings galatians chapter 6 and verse 17 it says from now on,1 kings,6,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 17 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at amos chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,amos,15,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 26 positive side of this and i want to turn to jude chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,jude,8,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 3 listen to this key verse lamentations 3 5 does he who supplies the spirit to you,lamentations,3,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in joel 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,joel,61,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 61 verse 3 restoration restoration 1 thessalonians chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,1 thessalonians,1,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 usually conquered because the bomb said in joel chapter 54 verse 17 as i've it was seven you know we profession against,joel,54,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 54 verse 17 yeah chris what do you mean by that in 2 chronicles chapter 4 18 the writer to the hebrews is,2 chronicles,4,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 18 [applause] joel chapter 8. verse 5 to 8 acts of the apostles,joel,8,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 5 uh nahum chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,nahum,30,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 23 so let's take it as a responsibility scripture says in amos 5 19 to 20 james 5 19 20 my brothers and,amos,5,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 19 was preaching on joshua chapter three shadrach meshach and abednego,joshua,3,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 3 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 psalms chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,psalms,9,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 14 four in order that this was what went over in nehemiah 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,nehemiah,5,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 16 blossoming wherever you are planted 1 samuel 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,1 samuel,36,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 11 [applause] in micah chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4 god said to the children of,micah,19,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 4 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen jude chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 enact the apostles chapter 2 reading from verse 22 1 peter chapter 2,1 peter,2,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 22 name we're looking at philemon chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 9,philemon,32,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 32 verse 9 and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in 2 john chapter 2 verse 22,2 john,2,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 22 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 corinthians 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,2 corinthians,11,37.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 37 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of luke 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,luke,3,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 14 your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know 2 john 1 20 for since the creation of the world his,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 verses 14 to 15. zephaniah 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,zephaniah,24,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 14 whoever that he wills according to colossians 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,colossians,9,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 15 to be ezekiel 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,ezekiel,4,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 22 "is.  1 samuel 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",1 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 is for the good we're coming to habakkuk chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel,habakkuk,11,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 19 hallelujah 1 thessalonians chapter 6 very quickly verse 22 isaiah 60 he says your sun shall no longer go down,1 thessalonians,60,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 60 verse 22 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night 3 john luke and i danielle,3 john,12,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 5 because he chose he became a virtual tour now when you read esther chapter 34 verse 25 to 30 number 13 25 to 30 you,esther,34,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 25 have your bibles you can turn to zechariah chapter 3 verse 19 and i believe one of the areas that god has,zechariah,3,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 19 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in 2 john chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,2 john,20,35.0,1.0,2 john chapter 20 verse 35 because it's uh it's multifaceted but in psalms chapter one starting with verse 16,psalms,1,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 16 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in matthew chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,matthew,6,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 4 people we call outstanding because the bible says in zephaniah chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,zephaniah,6,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 3 in the same way the bible also talks about rules of bitterness in jude chapter 12 when you read from verse 12,jude,12,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 12 came down on anointed worship or look at esther chapter 2 and verse 11,esther,2,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 11 verse 11 specifically oh ye afflicted luke 4 verse 11 tossed with tempest and not comforted he said,luke,4,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 11 the same milk of the word were told in 1 corinthians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2,1 corinthians,2,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 16 galatians 6 verse 16 and as many as walk,song of solomon (song of songs),6,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 16 question 20 20 what service did 1 chronicles perform for king ato zexus,1 chronicles,20,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 20 verse 2 chapter 23 from verse 8 2 timothy 23 8 cleave unto the lord but cleave unto the lord,2 timothy,23,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 8 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in 1 john chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,1 john,8,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 28 holy spirit you say that in 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,2 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 succeed any longer in jesus name haggai chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,haggai,4,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 5 who loved god so much paul in amos chapter 3 verse 7 to 14,amos,3,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 7 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at jonah chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 beamers was in the lord 2 corinthians philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,2 corinthians,23,24.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 24 you assurance of your own salvation i'm just gonna read from paul here ruth seven starting with verse 14 he says for,ruth,7,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 14 united in adam listen to what paul writes here micah chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man,micah,5,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 12 your relationship now in the book of ezra chapter 13 verse 20,ezra,13,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 2 worshipers 2 thessalonians chapter 102 at verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for,2 thessalonians,102,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 102 verse 13 to nine hours let's say that in judges 12 512 said the sleep of a laboring man is,judges,12,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 5 strengthened look at this verse of scripture 2 corinthians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7,2 corinthians,5,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 out of the words of salvation 2 timothy chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom,2 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 what did they omit there look at numbers chapter 19 verse 18.,numbers,19,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 18 glory it tells us in 3 john chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in 2 corinthians 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,2 corinthians,1,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 4 present comfort that i found at the end of obadiah to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,obadiah,5,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 11 excessive chapter 12 verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn,song of solomon (song of songs),12,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 7 i'll give you my personal conviction it says here is a verse in haggai in chapter 12 and verse 40 which says that,haggai,12,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 4 get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of haggai chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear,haggai,25,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 25 verse 3 waiting for the returning lord in leviticus chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be,leviticus,5,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 7 flyers 2 chronicles 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,2 chronicles,3,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 5 as the bible says in prosperity in judges chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 the,judges,1,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 32 and a nation to be born at once john 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,john,66,7.0,1.0,john chapter 66 verse 7 okay yes a few of us got it correctly 1 peter 15 4,1 peter,15,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 4 here from verse 9 2 john chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,2 john,4,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 9 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in song of solomon (song of songs) 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,song of solomon (song of songs),49,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 49 verse 8 barnabas first of all we see barnabas in hosea 4 36 to 37 we see him again in 11 22 acts 11 22 and we see him all throughout,hosea,4,36.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 36 faith luke 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith,luke,1,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 17 girls your field and amassed what the holy ghost in fact were told in amos chapter 8 verse 9 he that has not the,amos,8,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 9 and god knows unhumble us oh here it is 2 timothy 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a,2 timothy,4,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 12 their faith in christ but then god in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,2 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 world and everybody said amen look at obadiah chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,obadiah,6,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 6 purpose your destiny judges chapter 4 verse 11,judges,4,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 11 example in nahum chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,nahum,3,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 13 and verse 15 jonah 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,jonah,33,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 33 verse 15 feasts are given to them together here in 2 thessalonians 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,2 thessalonians,12,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 15 example when he was talking to a whole congregation in judges chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 chapter one verse 5 1 chronicles 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,1 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 and the people of god said amen obadiah chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,obadiah,5,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 9 lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,lamentations,26,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in titus chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,titus,2,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 12 description of the coalition's advance 1 john 38 15 and 16 then you will come from your place out of the far north you,1 john,38,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 38 verse 15 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise leviticus 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,leviticus,100,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 100 verse 4 is the lord of lords according to colossians 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,colossians,19,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 16 let me show you what i mean i'm looking at ecclesiastes chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 29,ecclesiastes,11,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 29 in jesus mighty name we have prayed in the book of philemon chapter 25 verse 25 if they's like cold water to attest his,philemon,25,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 25 verse 25 matthew chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,matthew,10,38.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 38 2 samuel chapter 7 chapter 8 9 and 11 and revelation chapter 13 he's mentioned as the beast in revelation 13 he is going,2 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 11 to 14 of ruth 37 then he said son of man these bones represent,ruth,37,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 11 check this out also when you look there at 1 peter 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,1 peter,1,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 14 sorry that's not the verse uh 1 samuel 13 7 excuse me this is uh after,1 samuel,13,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 7 and this church this coming sunday haggai chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,haggai,16,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 14 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of micah chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,micah,16,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 14 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of haggai 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,haggai,9,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 31 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 esther 10 12 from the first,esther,10,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 12 something that i hope impacts you esther chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,esther,13,46.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 46 reigns the lord almighty reigns joshua 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,joshua,10,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 14 to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers joel 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees,joel,29,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 29 verse 13 instances of the key to your life obadiah 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,obadiah,11,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 26 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of zechariah 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",zechariah,40,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 40 verse 13 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in joel chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,joel,1,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 4 at verses 6 & 7 in 3 john chapter 1 here we are after the death and resurrection of jesus christ,3 john,1,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 6 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from obadiah chapter 9 verse 22.,obadiah,9,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 22 "man might know his creator. in verse 22 of ecclesiastes 8 says, ""while the earth remains, as long as this earth is here,",ecclesiastes,8,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 needs to explain my dream and my vision joshua 2 verses 20 and 21 20 said daniel answered and said blessed be the name of,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 and knowledge to men of understanding numbers chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,numbers,2,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 21 night nehemiah 13 26 to 33 and numbers 14 verse 1 to 10,nehemiah,13,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 26 i can have it that's why he asked for it micah 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17,micah,13,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 14 law for example in psalms chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,psalms,8,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 8 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 habakkuk chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,habakkuk,12,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 retirement age will be easy 1 timothy 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,1 timothy,21,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 21 verse 2 reading from verse 6 in 2 kings chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,2 kings,8,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 6 justified by the law of moses nahum chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,nahum,3,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 19 this is like two in one it's taking from 1 samuel 5 22 and 25 the rule of love says that the,1 samuel,5,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 22 of encounters with your word 1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 says to whom also he showed himself alive after his,1 peter,1,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 of operation by all means this coming sunday joel chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,joel,20,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 9 verse 3. psalms chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,psalms,5,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 3 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise philemon 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,philemon,100,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 100 verse 4 we must serve god with good will in psalms six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there,psalms,6,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 7 your life is in the book the bible says in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord i,1 corinthians,10,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 7 habakkuk 2 17 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure,habakkuk,2,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 17 no peace jude 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,jude,48,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 48 verse 22 read the same micah 26 verse 16 genesis 26 verse 16 a bible says abimelech,micah,26,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 16 axe the early church we see them fasting lamentations chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,lamentations,13,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 13 verse 13 place of authority listened to 1 timothy 1 18. he is the head of the body of the church he is the beginning,1 timothy,1,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 18 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen leviticus 14 and verse 27,leviticus,14,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 27 deliver his soul from hell now shall deliver his soul from hell nehemiah 23 verse 14 hebrews 12 verse 7 hebrews 12,nehemiah,23,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 14 we need to bear one another's burdens in 1 peter chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this,1 peter,6,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 2 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in 2 timothy 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24,2 timothy,37,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 37 verse 23 and verse nine in verse one it says foolish 1 peter oh thoughtless galatians,1 peter,1,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 9 soldier said like a commodity for 20 pieces of silver 2 thessalonians 37 verse 28 genesis 37 verse 28,2 thessalonians,37,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 28 thus in 1 peter chapter 64 was 8 isaiah 64 was it is your departure we are but the clay must be yielded to the,1 peter,64,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 64 verse 8 colossians chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,colossians,12,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 3 and for everyone that's why it says in ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1,ezekiel,1,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 don't understand it fully in the old testament in 1 timothy chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,1 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 let's open your bibles to psalms chapter 1 verse 20. jude chapter 1 verse 20 chapter 1 verse 20 i'll be uniform the,psalms,1,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 2 very text came to them 1 john 44 3 and they began to plead with god,1 john,44,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 44 verse 3 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of job chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,job,2,4.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 4 thee prepare to meet their god o israel 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,2 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 he prepared the body through a woman the book of jude chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10 5,jude,10,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 5 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh 2 thessalonians 8 3. so what was it that was rent,2 thessalonians,8,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 3 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation judges chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians,judges,2,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 8 the most haha the demon zephaniah 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a man of war he knows how to fight the,zephaniah,15,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 15 verse 3 the same thing is repeated in zephaniah 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,zephaniah,4,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 2 [music] zechariah chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,zechariah,20,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 11 comfort in in mixing this science with the amazing things of god is joel 1815 you can tell me if you think i'm taken,joel,18,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 15 man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in 2 peter chapter 9 26 to 43,2 peter,9,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 26 tonight 2 corinthians chapter 14 from verse 7 to 9 it says for there is hope of a tree if it's be,2 corinthians,14,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 7 anyone to glory in his presence and look at john chapter three we're looking at verse 17,john,3,17.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 17 verse 17 again ezra 54 17 said no weapon fashion against you shall prosper,ezra,54,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 54 verse 17 in 1 timothy 39 verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 as a prisoner he became the chief of all,1 timothy,39,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 39 verse 19 and give every warship an encounter of a lifetime 2 corinthians 11 31 the bible says that when to wind from the lord it got,2 corinthians,11,31.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 31 through the period of the lockdown psalms chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,psalms,17,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 17 verse 7 because in 1 corinthians chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when joshua asked,1 corinthians,10,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 dealings with god in 1 john 13 15 the kingdom said good understanding,1 john,13,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 15 failure proof in 1 john chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,1 john,21,45.0,1.0,1 john chapter 21 verse 45 and his love is wonderful but according to philemon chapter 12 verse 6,philemon,12,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 6 despise not thou the chastening of the lord 2 peter 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,2 peter,12,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 5 this look at this leviticus of the apostle chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7. look at 18,leviticus,14,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 7 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear,2 timothy,5,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 12 2 samuel chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 2 thessalonians chapter 4 it says and therefore,2 thessalonians,4,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 22 our texas nahum 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,nahum,15,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 22 because the scripture cannot be broken 2 john chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,2 john,8,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 28 the house today we're looking at numbers chapter 5 james chapter 5 i'm reading here i'm reading here from verse 5 14 he,numbers,5,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 5 where is it written a numbers 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6,numbers,9,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 4 okay stay with 12 now leviticus 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,leviticus,26,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 12 you his will as is the new covenant promise in 2 john 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,2 john,8,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 11 cold water is to test the soul and 2 samuel 25 verse 25 right he says so it's a good news of a far country would,2 samuel,25,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 25 you remember in the prophecy of ezekiel daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,ezekiel,11,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 32 go astray 1 john 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,1 john,22,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 6 growing in the book of joshua chapter 12 verses 2 romans 12 verses 2 he said and be not confirmed to this word but be he,joshua,12,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 2 of 2 timothy we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38,2 timothy,50,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 50 verse 38 where they can switch 1 chronicles chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,1 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 the bread the bible says and join us in the book of joshua chapter 10 verse 25 hebrew 10 25 that we should not forsake,joshua,10,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 25 amen amen verse 27 verse 27 of that same scripture zephaniah 14 verse 27 says so as the sun began to,zephaniah,14,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 27 god of this commission our confidence is from zechariah 33 verse 3,zechariah,33,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 3 spirit lamentations chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,lamentations,5,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 18 verse 9 verse 10 hosea 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,hosea,3,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 9 bible says in psalm in 2 timothy i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord,2 timothy,15,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 4 cleansing there is no any other means matthew of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,matthew,4,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 12 the bible is speaking in john chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the,john,47,47.0,1.0,john chapter 47 verse 47 the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in joel five nine the sins of the fathers or,joel,5,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 9 now look what happens here. look at 2 john 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,2 john,13,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 17 he knew that christ will come from joel chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about,joel,3,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 15 it down joel 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as,joel,33,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 33 verse 11 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday 2 samuel chapter 36 and verse 37 says,2 samuel,36,37.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 36 verse 37 the children of israel in hosea chapter 2 verse 23 to 25,hosea,2,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 23 the world that is what we call ruth ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,ruth,1,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 17 glorify him luke 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,luke,100,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 100 verse 4 look at this now in 1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,1 corinthians,14,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 25 one true pride 2 john 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says,2 john,29,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 29 verse 23 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in nahum 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,nahum,13,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 5 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read joshua 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,joshua,2,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 8 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good 3 john chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,3 john,4,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 17 wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible luke chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles,luke,4,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 11 righteousness to use the words of paul in song of solomon (song of songs) 3 24 are by his grace,song of solomon (song of songs),3,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 24 else besides him the end of that phrase that's micah 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4,micah,4,35.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 35 and we're reading from verse 2 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 jesus enough of telling stories in ezekiel chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says for,ezekiel,8,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 19 mediator of the new covenant 1 timothy chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,1 timothy,12,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 22 read it again 2 peter 4 verse 14 saying then that we have a great,2 peter,4,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 14 redeemer 2 timothy 54 verse 4 fear not,2 timothy,54,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 54 verse 4 it down numbers 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as,numbers,33,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 11 this is how he responded to god's prophecy through colossians he says in verse 19 of second kings 20.,colossians,20,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 19 in the old testament we see it in the new testament luke 7 9 says therefore,luke,7,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 9 i came all the way to let somebody know song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,song of solomon (song of songs),16,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 14 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in 1 kings chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,1 kings,8,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 2 evangelist by the time we saw him in 3 john 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the,3 john,21,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 8 i came all the way to let somebody know micah 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,micah,16,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 14 yet the later end shall yet greatly increase 1 corinthians chapter eight number seven i've tried to watch those folks climbing,1 corinthians,8,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 7 glimpse of heaven but listen carefully numbers 21 8 but for the cowardly,numbers,21,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 8 against us in numbers chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,numbers,3,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 14 beneath in 3 john chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his,3 john,50,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 50 verse 15 luke ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 because punishment against,luke,8,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 11 upon you until you turn i can pour jonah 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,jonah,1,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 23 supernatural growth requires prayer psalms 13 44 the next sabbath day,psalms,13,44.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 44 a loud amen 1 kings 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,1 kings,5,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 14 and i'll obtain my crown mark 1 and verse 18 says the highest of the understanding being,mark,1,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 18 look at um habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,habakkuk,4,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 will you guide me and lead me in this that is what god asks of us in titus chapter 1 verse 24 it says all glory to,titus,1,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 24 humble ourselves and believe that god's laws are his laws and not our own ruth 66 2 says this god honors the one who is,ruth,66,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 66 verse 2 surrenders without struggle the bible says in judges chapter 5 and verse 26,judges,5,26.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 26 2021 make it stronger and louder 2 chronicles chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god,2 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 important thing in the world in in 1 corinthians chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,1 corinthians,40,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 5 something has to change in my life in joshua 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,joshua,24,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 3 28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield ecclesiastes said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons,ecclesiastes,3,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 there's zero doubt that jesus reads 2 kings 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,2 kings,53,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 53 verse 12 blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of ruth chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul,ruth,11,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 25 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 2 thessalonians chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,2 thessalonians,34,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 2 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in 2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 17,2 corinthians,22,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 17 chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to malachi chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning,malachi,1,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 28 came sickness voice from head to toe and finally malachi said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to,malachi,13,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 15 straightforward if we're not consistent look at nehemiah chapter read him from verse 6,nehemiah,1,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 6 opportunities don't waste opportunity john 5 16 episode 5 16 the bible said it give me the time,john,5,16.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 16 the tree of life until when in nahum chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,nahum,22,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 22 in this sign notice ezra 2 11 the lord utters his voice,ezra,2,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 11 1 timothy chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,1 timothy,57,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 57 verse 18 wisdom into your life based on song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 5 the almighty god,song of solomon (song of songs),1,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 standing before you oh now in ruth chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts,ruth,9,33.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 33 with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at nehemiah chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou,nehemiah,62,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 62 verse 4 long discourse this is a long discourse amos 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he,amos,22,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 23 reading from verse 15 nahum chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,nahum,1,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 15 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of nahum chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,nahum,1,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 17 long after you have been here malachi 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,malachi,29,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 29 verse 17 gonna read a few verses if you're still there in habakkuk 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just,habakkuk,9,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 5 so much for all the hard work you do okay let's go to jude 13 48 and you might think i'm a calvinist but i'm,jude,13,48.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 48 i'm not going to preach from 1 thessalonians 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,1 thessalonians,8,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 4 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and habakkuk 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,habakkuk,35,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 35 verse 5 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do 1 timothy 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,1 timothy,8,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 38 confirming the word everywhere in the book of 1 samuel chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,1 samuel,14,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 3 [applause] in zechariah 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,zechariah,3,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 7 by the holy ghost which is given to us numbers 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,numbers,5,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 5 where is it written a habakkuk 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6,habakkuk,9,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 4 to say more than that 1 kings turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,1 kings,12,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 12 our text it's 1 peter 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my,1 peter,2,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 12 you can make it stronger and louder 2 kings chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now,2 kings,2,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 6 holy spirit is that he does good it says in job chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,job,10,38.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 38 for believers access to the throne of god in 2 chronicles 12 14. the bible says follow peace with,2 chronicles,12,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 24 because he cried to god in 2 corinthians 33 from verse 18 to 23 exodus 33 from verse 18 to 23 he said god thank,2 corinthians,33,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 33 verse 18 verse 19 numbers 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe,numbers,2,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 19 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,1 chronicles,3,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 8 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to 1 kings chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about,1 kings,5,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 12 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of luke 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,luke,23,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 5 and my direction of my life changed said from philemon 6 12 if you want to overcome satan,philemon,6,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 12 your choice it's up to you what you're going to do then in 1 corinthians 55 and verse 6 isaiah says come on seek ye the lord,1 corinthians,55,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 55 verse 6 miracles received in every service 1 samuel 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,1 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 grow up spiritually in fact we're told over in ezra 4 14 we should no longer be,ezra,4,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 14 see and so god loves to intervene what does lamentations 4 7 tell us resist the devil and he will flee,lamentations,4,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 let him hear what the spirit now 2 peter 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,2 peter,2,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 7 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to colossians chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,colossians,7,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 9 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich 2 chronicles 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,2 chronicles,24,34.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 24 verse 34 i will read two versions of the bible ezekiel chapter 5 verse 26 i read king james version,ezekiel,5,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 26 god cannot forget you 1 chronicles 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15.,1 chronicles,49,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 49 verse 14 turn to ruth 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3.,ruth,56,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 56 verse 3 purifies and refine the bible st. song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,song of solomon (song of songs),3,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 from the lord of hosts who dwell in the mount zion zechariah 8 18. uh psalm 21,zechariah,8,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 18 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at 2 kings chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,2 kings,6,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 16 over men rules righteously and rules in the fear of god 2 john 20 28 loyalty and truth preserved the king and he,2 john,20,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 20 verse 28 a covenant keeping god obadiah chapter seven and verse nine deuteronomy chapter seven and verse nine,obadiah,7,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 9 god today for everyone in jesus name in amos chapter 57 i'm reading verse 16. it says i will not contain forever,amos,57,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 57 verse 16 the importance of hearing god's voice like in nehemiah 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 to nine hours let's say that in 1 chronicles 12 512 said the sleep of a laboring man is,1 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 looking at habakkuk chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says,habakkuk,8,34.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 34 [music] let me just close yet with titus chapter five few verses,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 anyone to glory in his presence and look at amos chapter three we're looking at verse 17,amos,3,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 17 unto death one of course 1 samuel six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,1 samuel,6,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 4 gotten your back looking at the book of 1 peter chapter 32 verse 15,1 peter,32,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 32 verse 15 despise not thou the chastening of the lord hosea 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,hosea,12,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 5 every sin they will commit listen to nehemiah 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course,nehemiah,7,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 27 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to micah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 things i want to talk about so look with me at amos chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,amos,3,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 6 and this is for somebody in particular 1 chronicles 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,1 chronicles,26,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 12 amen look at the promise of god for us in joshua 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in,joshua,55,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 55 verse 14 obey him 1 corinthians chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by,1 corinthians,15,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 19 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified titus 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,titus,42,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 42 verse 18 anyways i was reading ecclesiastes 43 and isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and when you,ecclesiastes,43,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 43 verse 2 promises of god found in matthew 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their,matthew,21,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 21 verse 4 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in 1 timothy 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,1 timothy,6,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 i said we're taking the first prayer from zechariah chapter one reading from verse number three,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 of praise job 2 46 and 47. and their continuing daily which one are,job,2,46.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 46 show you one of the characteristics of wisdom in colossians chapter 3 and james chapter 3 it speaks about wisdom in,colossians,3,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 3 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of jude 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,jude,8,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 29 about 2 peter 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,2 peter,43,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 43 verse 13 in mind when he created it and in 1 timothy 2 and 18 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i,1 timothy,2,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 18 was to be taken outside the gates of the city 1 timothy 13 11 and 12 says jesus suffered outside the gate and that's,1 timothy,13,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 11 she wasn't aware of it so we'll pick up 1 chronicles chapter four verse eight through twelve only they basically i don't know,1 chronicles,4,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 8 that very chapter verse 8 and from obadiah 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed to,obadiah,53,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 53 verse 8 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 this is not david look at verse 29 of 3 john 2 brethren i may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch david that,3 john,2,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 29 the nations in the world and this verse is found in psalms chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,psalms,14,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 13 nehemiah chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,nehemiah,2,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 6 verse joshua 1 14 so let me read it like that,joshua,1,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 14 we can always ask from god according to that amos 1 5 that say if any of us,amos,1,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 5 in the book of ruth chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one will be declared righteous in god's,ruth,3,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 2 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in 2 peter chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,2 peter,1,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 14 prophets they speak the word but if you go down in mark chapter 8 verse number 5 and 6 it says and philip,mark,8,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 5 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's philemon 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,philemon,28,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 13 why in psalms 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,psalms,4,33.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 33 we need to have a fear of the lord in order to come to him also in john chapter 2 12 says therefore my beloved,john,2,12.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 12 he said we should open to the book of joel chapter 3 verse 6. i opened to that book when i opened i,joel,3,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 6 about the messiah in obadiah 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised and rejected by men,obadiah,53,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 53 verse 3 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at ecclesiastes chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,ecclesiastes,15,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 26 but god leader nahum chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,nahum,1,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 16 home that before we leave your god will answer because in 2 samuel chapter 30 verse 22 to 24,2 samuel,30,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 30 verse 22 happen judges 2 4 god being rich in mercy out of the great,judges,2,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 4 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 3 john listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,3 john,9,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 9 for today 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,2 timothy,1,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 just remember that esther 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,esther,5,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 15 with a shout of grace grace to it that's mark chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,mark,4,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 7 obtaining the book look at verse 11. habakkuk chapter 5 verse 11 and i beheld,habakkuk,5,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 11 to be song of solomon (song of songs) 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,song of solomon (song of songs),4,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 22 live in the fear of the lord always 2 john 23 17 and for them fear of the lord,2 john,23,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 17 conclusion ezekiel chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,ezekiel,17,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 9 people it tells us in habakkuk chapter 19 and we're reading from verse 5 exodus,habakkuk,19,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 5 and 3 in both those chapters he who overcomes the hosea 2 verse 7 he who overcomes he who overcomes he overcomes,hosea,2,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 7 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,1 samuel,3,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 16 obviously israel is regathered in the land as titus 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray,titus,37,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 37 verse 11 tell me your bibles today in the book of ezekiel chapter eight and i'll read from verse 14.,ezekiel,8,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 14 wants to talk to you look at ezra chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,ezra,8,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 14 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word zechariah 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,zechariah,1,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 merciless and heartless criticism the bible says in jude 4 29 to 32 say let no corrupt,jude,4,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 29 out i want to do this leviticus 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,leviticus,20,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 17 time and this was right after in numbers chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,numbers,3,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 14 testament in various forms the bible tells us in 1 timothy chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,1 timothy,5,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 13 15 which is one of our tests we also read ecclesiastes chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,ecclesiastes,28,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 28 verse 2 we'll go to malachi chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,malachi,11,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 19 partnership within don't forget joel 55 from verse 8 to 9 tells us clearly his thoughts are not,joel,55,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 55 verse 8 going to grant you total deliverance look at 1 samuel chapter 7 and in verse 15 therefore a day before the,1 samuel,7,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 15 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is 1 chronicles 34 4. the fig tree here represents global,1 chronicles,34,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 34 verse 4 are still praying in that line mark chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he,mark,18,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 24 person who this sermon was for just like in haggai 15 2 that we read you are strengthened,haggai,15,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 15 verse 2 joel 27 verse 13 to 26 acts 27 from verse 13 to,joel,27,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 27 verse 13 attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of micah 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 before that break the allah's said colossians 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,colossians,2,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 23 for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it song of solomon (song of songs) 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you,song of solomon (song of songs),14,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 14 in the lord in jesus name lamentations chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews chapter 3 verse 14,lamentations,3,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 14 sword and then you're likely familiar with lamentations 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,lamentations,18,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 18 verse 21 sin because it will make it casualty in 2 corinthians 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,2 corinthians,32,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 32 verse 23 this year and nahum chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,nahum,2,47.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 47 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to matthew chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 with your prayers the bible says in zephaniah chapter 5 verse 13 to 15 james 5 13 to 15,zephaniah,5,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 13 now i come to number four and this is in 2 timothy chapter three verses three and five,2 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 seven weeks is seven sets of seven years which according to psalms chapter 25 is 49,psalms,25,49.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 49 let's read from god's word the bible says in zechariah chapter 8 and verse 12 zechariah chapter 8 and verse 12. it,zechariah,8,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 12 through this year psalms chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,psalms,2,46.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 46 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,1 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning zechariah chapter 3 and verse 14,zechariah,3,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 14 reading from verse 13 habakkuk chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,habakkuk,2,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 13 hand nor to the left move thy foot from evil in 1 corinthians 2 verse 13 speaks of those who leave the,1 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 his body read 2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews chapter 10 verse 5.,2 chronicles,10,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 5 god answered them in mark chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,mark,4,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 29 reading from verse 25 nehemiah chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,nehemiah,33,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 33 verse 25 amen you will not miss your reward nehemiah 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,nehemiah,6,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 9 joel chapter 8 verse 28 romans 8 verse 20 says all things work together for good,joel,8,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 28 of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of malachi revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us,malachi,19,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 15 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 2 john chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,2 john,14,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 31 second best or third best or tenth best it says about jesus in colossians 15 and verse 3 romans 15 and verse 3 it says,colossians,15,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 3 way down to verse nine luke chapter two verse three to verse nine,luke,2,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 3 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in mark 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,mark,1,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 4 with faith we can pray for revival that's what nehemiah did look at what it says there in chapter 3 verse 2 it,nehemiah,3,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 2 lamentations chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,lamentations,19,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 11 a real definite experience with the lord look at 1 peter chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 3 it says there unto,1 peter,33,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 3 christ and this church lady may be louder zechariah 12 and verse 3 the scripture says and betta be wise shall,zechariah,12,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 this is praying to hit a kingdom target joshua chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,joshua,62,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 62 verse 6 why be what the bible says in amos chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him,amos,2,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 9 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in malachi uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,malachi,12,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 4 look at john chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,john,14,14.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 14 this is so important 1 kings chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12.,1 kings,46,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 46 verse 8 of honor bible says trust in the lord with all your heart titus chapter 3 from verse 5 trust in the lord with all,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 without the savior how can you look at numbers chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,numbers,3,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 19 that's you i got a verse for you colossians 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,colossians,2,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 4 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time 3 john chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,3 john,5,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 16 still given to the humble and what does grace do well titus 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,titus,13,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 8 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers,colossians,3,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 14 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in 1 kings 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,1 kings,17,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 18 become a child of god that is number one judges of apostle 11 26 say and when he had found him he brought him unto,judges,11,26.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 26 i want us to look at it again read with me 2 timothy chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,2 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 the word of god now in jonah chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,jonah,8,37.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 37 known to us here on earth and so we read in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 35,2 chronicles,8,35.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 35 the lamb be holy for i am holy mark chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will,mark,1,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 18 and the book of 1 peter 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,1 peter,1,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 18 our petition was granted in the book of 2 kings 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,2 kings,44,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 44 verse 3 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in 2 kings 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,2 kings,49,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 49 verse 8 them individually 2 peter chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,2 peter,10,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 7 it starts with satan in ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,ecclesiastes,14,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 12 now we come to these especial cena of jesus 2 timothy chapter 9 acts chapter 9 verse 27 in acts chapter 9 verse 27,2 timothy,9,27.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in 1 kings chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,1 kings,31,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 31 verse 29 that is against you to conquer you and that's what he's saying in jonah 27 5 to 7 he's making it very clear,jonah,27,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 27 verse 5 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture psalms 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,psalms,6,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 9 walking with god there are many others let's look at 1 thessalonians chapter 2 malachi chapter to a medium from verse 4,1 thessalonians,2,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 this church that amen can be stronger and in jude chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,jude,13,48.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 48 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, ezra 50 verses 19 to 21.",ezra,50,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 50 verse 19 another name for agape love is the perfect love of liver liberty micah 1 25 says whosoever look at into the perfect,micah,1,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 25 love does here in 1 samuel 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each,1 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 3 11 the judge shall live by faith 1 timothy 10 38 now the jew shall live by faith but,1 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 our anchor is from the book of colossians chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,colossians,7,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 7 chapter 14 and verse 14 it says even if noah joshua and joe were there they would only be able to save themselves,joshua,14,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 14 greatly by the time you read mark 26 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 26,mark,26,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 12 would you could make many arguments as if esther 1 16 all the way up here to romans 11 36 that that in those chapters,esther,1,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 16 inequities and now we're looking at haggai chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave,haggai,2,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 14 non to believers in the tribulation we read in micah 16 9 they were seared by the intense heat,micah,16,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 9 don't take too seriously but it says here in ezra chapter 4 and verse 6 let your speech always be with grace,ezra,4,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 6 the bible speaking in zephaniah chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel,zephaniah,25,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 25 verse 2 jesus name song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 ruth chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of,ruth,32,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 13 pivot verse in the entire book of titus because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in micah 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,micah,3,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 5 in habakkuk chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,habakkuk,5,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 11 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word 1 samuel 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,1 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 good we're coming to joel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 transformed,joel,11,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 19 2 samuel was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,2 samuel,33,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 33 verse 11 while looking at ecclesiastes chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from,ecclesiastes,33,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 9 not start that practice from now 1 john 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,1 john,15,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 19 2 kings chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,2 kings,2,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 26 people is the kings oh no 2 john 14 28 i need that who knows me i will honor,2 john,14,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 28 beautiful beautiful that's just 2 kings 99 so this was in the mind of the jew they knew that this was about,2 kings,9,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 9 i just feel like i'm honoring philemon 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would,philemon,6,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 6 and god took him you read that in 2 thessalonians 11 5 also hebrews 11 5,2 thessalonians,11,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 5 ensuring that the church keeps growing from glory to glory 1 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 47,1 chronicles,2,47.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 47 nation there and so far i believe your 2 thessalonians he looked after to us verse 14 looked at the to verse 14 that this,2 thessalonians,1,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 14 you are god's own so you are god that's why the book of luke chapter two i think verse four it says that even,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 the real if he uh or 1 kings 5 14 said the mark of maturity,1 kings,5,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 14 to give god your best even as we quickly read zechariah 35 verse 4 and 5 and verse 10 exodus chapter 35 verse 4 and 5 then,zechariah,35,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 35 verse 4 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and ruth and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,ruth,1,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 15 heaven so what did the sons of korah saying colossians 8411 they want to be in the courts of the lord because the lord,colossians,84,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 84 verse 11 the impact of the world in the book of numbers chapter 6 and verse 19.,numbers,6,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 19 example when he was talking to a whole congregation in hosea chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the,hosea,3,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 2 they shall run and not grow weary and walk and not faint ezekiel 40 31. as we learn the verses of the bible,ezekiel,40,31.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 40 verse 31 and his family come off the ark in 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 god says whoever sheds man's,1 samuel,9,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 all symbols say so let's go to song of solomon (song of songs) now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how,song of solomon (song of songs),10,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 28 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody haggai 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,haggai,38,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 38 verse 14 1 chronicles chapter 11 that night 11 we're looking at verse 32 in daniel 11 at verse 32,1 chronicles,11,32.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 32 bible makes it very clear in the book of zechariah chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,zechariah,100,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 100 verse 4 justified by the law of moses joshua chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,joshua,3,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 19 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry 1 peter chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,1 peter,3,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 13 mean if you're living out these commands in joel chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and,joel,2,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 2 left you a moment ago verse 4 1 chronicles 6 do not provoke your children to anger,1 chronicles,6,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 4 2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems,2 peter,14,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 wrong 1 kings 1 16 1st corinthians 9 24 to 25,1 kings,1,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 16 on or before august 1st 2021 ezra chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,ezra,1,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 11 kept giving me his word from matthew chapter 48 verse 17 to 21 and chapter 58 verse 11 he said you are,matthew,48,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 48 verse 17 and day and night shall not see now in 2 peter 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,2 peter,4,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 15 to enter those 600 0 people 2 timothy 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,2 timothy,3,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 19 me passion translation of ezekiel 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,ezekiel,24,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 3 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in job 3 and verse 12,job,3,12.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 12 do we find faith in the vision go back to esther chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,esther,4,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 4 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in 2 samuel 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,2 samuel,4,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 13 there is no fear of god before his eyes obadiah 3 verse 18. there is no fear of god,obadiah,3,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 18 mean by virgins it says in psalms chapter 14 and verse 4,psalms,14,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 4 is wise micah 11 30 and the why shall they hear the glory,micah,11,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 3 verse 2 to 3 3 john 12 verse 2 to 3,3 john,12,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 2 tonight can i answer to read from the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 6 chapter 2 rather,1 thessalonians,6,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 2 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in ezekiel 10 9 to 16,ezekiel,10,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 9 very important when the bible was talking to us in malachi chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas have one a tenement is if,malachi,1,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 18 "visibly. in fact, judges 1 verse 7 says, ""every eye will see him.""",judges,1,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 7 thoughtfully you repent thoroughly zephaniah chapter 18 what reading from the starchy,zephaniah,18,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 18 pull them out we'll find another example in matthew chapter 6,matthew,6,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 6 from verse 24 nehemiah chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,nehemiah,8,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 24 all the nakedness and being buffeted and all that we see that in matthew 8 again 35 to 37 we have just read faithfulness,matthew,8,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 35 jude chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,jude,3,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 26 "earth, to the nations. in nehemiah 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",nehemiah,45,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 45 verse 5 2 chronicles 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,2 chronicles,26,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 26 verse 8 parts 1 john chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 the bible,1 john,18,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 9 what i just want to be careful here just because we see 1 corinthians here being used in matthew 1 17 doesn't mean,1 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 spirit amos chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,amos,5,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 18 this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament mark in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment,mark,2,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 13 blessings ezra 36 27,ezra,36,27.0,1.0,ezra chapter 36 verse 27 christ 2 john chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,2 john,4,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 5 god the scriptures the bible the original formula 1 kings 2 18 tells us that god himself said,1 kings,2,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 18 verse 27 1 chronicles 32 verse 27 he has a question,1 chronicles,32,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 27 together commandment number six you must not kill 1 samuel 20 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is,1 samuel,20,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 13 as i've studied the bible obadiah 6 galatians chapter 6 i think was verse 9 and i want to share,obadiah,6,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 9 verse 5. in 2 peter 11 verse 5 by faith enoch was translated by faith,2 peter,11,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 5 that were happening there but when you read jonah of apostle chapter 3 verse 8,jonah,3,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 8 for you in jesus name in lesson chapter 15 verse 6 obadiah 15 6 where moses was praising god for,obadiah,15,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 6 reading from verses 4 and 5 jonah chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,jonah,2,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 4 bible describes some winners as wise read that in book of colossians chapter 11 verse 30 which is our memory verse for,colossians,11,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 3 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 joshua 12 3 he said if only,joshua,12,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 3 now i come to number four and this is in luke chapter three verses three and five,luke,3,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 3 verse 1 chronicles 1 14 so let me read it like that,1 chronicles,1,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14 you call him father that's verse 17 when you pray to god who 2 thessalonians all people by the same standard,2 thessalonians,1,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 that of nothing he brought water out of the rock 1 kings 7 3 verse 1 to 6,1 kings,7,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 3 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in haggai 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,haggai,15,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 15 verse 2 collusion 1 27 titus 1 27 christ in you the hope of,titus,1,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 27 into this church this coming sunday john chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 that meant that's mentioned again in ruth 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,ruth,16,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 12 now the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter one verse 8.,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 which believeth in jesus let's look at chapter four nahum chapter four reading from verse five,nahum,4,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 5 the mine because we have the mind of christ i thank you in psalms 5 20 it says they fought from heaven oh god let,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 provided for in 2 kings 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,2 kings,13,25.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 25 god is promising according to that 2 john 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,2 john,30,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 30 verse 17 thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 1 corinthians chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of,1 corinthians,9,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of obadiah chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,obadiah,2,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 4 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,2 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray 2 corinthians 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,2 corinthians,29,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 12 one can receive anything from him titus 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,titus,11,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 6 by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god 2 samuel 8 26 in the same way the spirit helps us in,2 samuel,8,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 26 1 peter chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,1 peter,15,36.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 36 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers colossians reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 your testimony's gonna be i was dead and now i'm alive by the power of god 3 john chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33,3 john,23,33.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 33 the counsel of his will that all things do as thomas watson says ruth 8 28 is god's divine cordial working all things,ruth,8,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 28 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in mark four verse four,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ,1 corinthians,12,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 for me but that's fine so let's go to jude chapter 1 and verse 5.,jude,1,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 5 to get an alarm and an alarm that works but jude 20 verse 17 paul here in context ii now from my lead us he sent,jude,20,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 17 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to 1 timothy chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,1 timothy,7,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 9 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from hosea chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,hosea,23,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 3 seating of his son on his throne in the other 2 chronicles some 89 psalm 132 then down in verse 34 he goes to psalm 110 the,2 chronicles,132,34.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 132 verse 34 a message now in 3 john chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god,3 john,9,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 15 it we also saw in habakkuk 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,habakkuk,4,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 6 and when we understand that is jonah did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,jonah,9,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 9 bureaucracy of formalities of religion or doctrine 2 corinthians chapter 1 11 to 12 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle,2 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 happen and you know what zechariah 20 verse 12. proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 says,zechariah,20,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 12 2 samuel 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him,2 samuel,39,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 39 verse 21 spirit malachi chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,malachi,5,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 18 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in ecclesiastes 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,ecclesiastes,12,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 12 otherwise you will vomit in lamentations 25 the same proverbs 25 verse 27,lamentations,25,27.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 25 verse 27 for example in habakkuk chapter 11 verse 22 joshua 11 verse 22 the bible tells us that or during the time of joshua the,habakkuk,11,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 22 and they're dealing with and in 1 peter 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy,1 peter,3,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 16 delivered esther 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,esther,10,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 23 from the new testament we see peter in lamentations after three verse 12 there was this and when peter saw it,lamentations,3,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 12 chapter 9 he saw one to third of humanity was destroyed john and chapter 9 and we read this in verse 18,john,9,18.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 18 christ it says here in ruth 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in nehemiah 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily,nehemiah,49,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 49 verse 8 amen beloved if you open your bible to nahum chapter 6 verse 26 and joshua i adjourned them at,nahum,6,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 26 for believers access to the throne of god in leviticus 12 14. the bible says follow peace with,leviticus,12,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 24 keep and guide our heart that is in zephaniah chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,zephaniah,4,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 23 made themselves filthy vile and he restrained them not habakkuk 13 verse 24 correct,habakkuk,13,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 24 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well micah 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,micah,4,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 5 and in breaking of bread and in prayers joel 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,joel,2,42.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 42 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola psalms 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,psalms,37,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 5 of 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,2 thessalonians,1,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 14 to christ habakkuk 24 3 you shall have no other gods,habakkuk,24,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 24 verse 3 in 3 john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good,3 john,1,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 6 what i'm saying yeah because the bible says god to jude this is why we should go and immediately jonah was three,jude,1,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 3 children of god 2 samuel 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,2 samuel,1,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 12 sin because it will make it casualty in 2 chronicles 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,2 chronicles,32,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 32 verse 23 how do we put this together now i also have titus chapter 7 verse 6 because this is what he is quoting,titus,7,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 6 is good when you read 2 john chapter 1 verses 4,2 john,1,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 4 so paul says it right there in joshua 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,joshua,3,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 23 lecture 3 is taken from 2 corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12,2 corinthians,12,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 mood that could accept it the cosima joel 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,joel,13,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 9 and peace shall be with you matthew chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,matthew,4,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 7 the bible speaking clearly tells us in micah 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,micah,4,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 2 long discourse this is a long discourse 2 chronicles 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he,2 chronicles,22,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 23 if you don't obey him 2 timothy the autonomy chapter 11 verse 17.,2 timothy,11,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 17 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing jonah chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,jonah,3,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 16 away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be,1 peter,1,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 2 exercise with god's warned in the book of esther about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,esther,24,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 24 verse 16 what happened in john we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,john,1,6.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 6 and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours leviticus chapter 22 verse 7,leviticus,22,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 7 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in 1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,1 corinthians,4,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 32 chapter 44 hallelujah ecclesiastes chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,ecclesiastes,44,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 44 verse 2 that he may depart from hell beneath joel 15 24 the dead are there,joel,15,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 24 is amos the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,amos,1,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 18 men and women were added to the church by 1 timothy 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,1 timothy,6,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 7 faith and he used that faith we read in judges here in acts 3 12 that peter sung his,judges,3,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 12 because he promoted him that's why in luke 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28,luke,14,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 21 his top most requirement the ruth 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,ruth,7,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 23 2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's,2 corinthians,5,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 god handle them as in mark 1 verses 4 to 14 the loyalty will be,mark,1,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 4 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in leviticus 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,leviticus,25,29.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 29 and his family come off the ark in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 god says whoever sheds man's,1 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 jesus name ezra of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 of god you want to light up your world 1 timothy chapter 2 from verse 13 to 14 titles 2 13 to 14,1 timothy,2,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,ecclesiastes,1,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 21 and especially verse number three obadiah 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,obadiah,61,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 61 verse 3 amen and amen and amen amen now 1 samuel 3 and verse 23 we're still praying we're still praying we're still,1 samuel,3,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 23 2 kings chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,2 kings,2,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 6 read please three let's read please ecclesiastes 9 9 praise god rejoice greatly oh daughter,ecclesiastes,9,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 9 chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king 1 corinthians version the bible says the next day john saw,1 corinthians,1,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 29 a day praise the lord 2 thessalonians chapter six and verse 20 the king cried,2 thessalonians,6,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 2 verse 3 2 timothy 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,2 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 somebody shout hallelujah 1 peter three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,1 peter,3,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 2 testimonies in this prophetic season mark 51 11 are preached therefore the redeemed,mark,51,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 51 verse 11 verses 14 to 15. psalms 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,psalms,24,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 24 verse 14 verses 26 and 27 where 1 corinthians speaks about the prince of the people that shall come,1 corinthians,1,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 check the book of 1 kings chapter 19 from verse 5 because of our time you see something,1 kings,19,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 5 we have in the new testament in fact ecclesiastes chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,ecclesiastes,4,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 4 we see also from scriptures in the book of haggai chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,haggai,3,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 7 what happened in titus we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,titus,1,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 6 at this time is just like the prayer that 2 samuel prayed in isaiah chapter 6 when you read verse 8 there he said here,2 samuel,6,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 8 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in 3 john chapter 6 reading from verse 15,3 john,6,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 15 that my mouth shall not transgress it tells us in haggai chapter 11 verse 23 acts 11 reading from verse,haggai,11,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 23 jonah chapter 3 verse 19 proverbs chapter 3 verse 18 even god almighty the great i am,jonah,3,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 18 he fulfilled what joshua prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,joshua,27,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 27 verse 4 of god i give you an example jonah 50 verse 14 to 15 judges 15 14 to 15 the bible said they brought some say,jonah,50,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 50 verse 14 2 timothy chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,2 timothy,3,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 15 go be powerful if we go to 1 samuel 2 verses 18 through 22 when he says it's not good for,1 samuel,2,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 18 was the wood from a tree so joel 3 verse 13 you're on your way to deuteronomy 21 violations 3 verse 13 right it says christ,joel,3,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 13 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you nahum chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,nahum,12,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 5 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is nahum 34 4. the fig tree here represents global,nahum,34,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 34 verse 4 1 chronicles chapter 3 he made the lamb to work move on to acts chapter 4,1 chronicles,3,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 3 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 jonah 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have,jonah,10,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 12 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me 1 john 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,1 john,5,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 15 how you move from negative emotions to positive zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 because it is written in leviticus 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do,leviticus,4,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 13 hour is my judgment come 1 thessalonians chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,1 thessalonians,21,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 9 turn to god and i got the answer in john 24 verse 15 joshua 24,john,24,15.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 15 girls your field and amassed what the holy ghost in fact were told in 1 john chapter 8 verse 9 he that has not the,1 john,8,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 9 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision philemon 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,philemon,10,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 19 threatening to kill peter in 1 chronicles 12 5 it says peter therefore was kept in prison,1 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 somebody to destroy in joel chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter,joel,6,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 26 i believe what's happening is what amos 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,amos,16,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 2 initially created with harmony and so in micah one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just,micah,1,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 28 reading from verse 8 2 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,2 kings,2,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 8 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of 1 kings and i remember when we got to verse 8,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference nahum 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,nahum,5,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 14 prophecy that spoke about tongues was in 1 john 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with,1 john,28,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 28 verse 11 book of 2 thessalonians actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that,2 thessalonians,2,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 when a man dies his soul goes to appear before god joel 12 verse 7 and the spirit returns to god that gave it,joel,12,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 7 transform in matthew 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh,matthew,3,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 12 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to 1 corinthians 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,1 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 and when you have done the will of god according to joshua chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,joshua,10,36.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 36 on or before november 29 2020 ezekiel chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,ezekiel,14,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 27 indeed habakkuk chapter 13 from verse 11 to 18,habakkuk,13,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 11 [applause] and god said in 1 john chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,1 john,8,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 11 more exactly i'm going to start with 1 chronicles 36 verse 16 moreover the world of the lord came to me saying son of man,1 chronicles,36,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 36 verse 16 jonah chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,jonah,10,38.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 38 why be what the bible says in ruth chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him,ruth,2,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 9 we must live peaceably with all men also in 3 john chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,3 john,2,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 14 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in 2 chronicles 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,2 chronicles,15,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 2 resisted the proud but given grace to the humble that is in hosea 4 6 how can we ignore this great need of,hosea,4,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 6 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,zephaniah,4,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 related to colossians chapter 12 is isaiah chapter 14 which is which is one of our tests for this,colossians,12,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 14 4 spirit 2 24 and that's in confirmation of zephaniah chapter 50 3 and verse 4 and 5.,zephaniah,50,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 50 verse 3 refuge that's the term that we're getting in nahum numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,nahum,25,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 28 she says here uh those who restrict the meaning of 2 timothy 3 28 to an abstract or eschatological meaning meaning like,2 timothy,3,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 28 you see this this 2 thessalonians said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,2 thessalonians,24,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 15 wars this year nehemiah chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost,nehemiah,13,44.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 44 so you will cry and i will not listen 2 john 7 verse 13 and that's why for every divine,2 john,7,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 13 chapter 1 verse 24 1 peter chapter 1,1 peter,1,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 24 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in mark 13 44 we are told,mark,13,44.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 44 this experience with god well i think again 2 thessalonians this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,2 thessalonians,6,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 9 the family good works on the esther daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,esther,5,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 12 1 27. 1 samuel 1 27. already,1 samuel,1,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 27 christians he says that christ may dwell in your heart when you read obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 that christ will,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 the bible tells us in the book of second mark chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world,mark,1,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 22 church for their salvation malachi chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign,malachi,5,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 26 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love zechariah chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,zechariah,4,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 14 just couldn't believe this is there in the book of 1 chronicles i believe chart 8 verse 20 it says the harvest is past and,1 chronicles,8,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 2 king titus version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,titus,12,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 7 said it's deliverable by faith mark i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4,mark,2,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 4 17. here is her confession 1 kings chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon,1 kings,54,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 54 verse 17 for mercy we are going to cry for mercy because mark 9 15 and 60 says he said to moses how we are messing with,mark,9,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 15 in our life what are we supposed to do in such situations 1 timothy 4 6 says be anxious for nothing but in every,1 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 the 2 kings 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,2 kings,2,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 17 they do with 1 timothy chapter two in the days of the toes,1 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual psalms 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,psalms,50,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 50 verse 17 this is a toxic idea to the real unity of the church in john 15 5 now may the god who gives perseverance and,john,15,5.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 5 the message translation mark 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk,mark,14,23.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 23 in titus chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 the bible says is anything too hard to the lord,titus,18,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 14 not want us to gather in job chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11,job,3,11.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 11 be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is philemon chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus,philemon,15,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 2 retirement age will be easy obadiah 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,obadiah,21,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 2 life look at zephaniah chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1,zephaniah,1,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 4 because they say there's a pronouncement of rejection look at 1 corinthians chapter 4 o see a chapter for a meeting from bo6,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 so we give attention to the role of the holy spirit from job 1 and verse 8 you know where jesus said but you shall,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 something is happening to your faith look at hosea chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,hosea,2,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 18 knowledge of god so when when you read 1 chronicles chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,1 chronicles,1,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 yes he was why though why simple answer john 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are,john,5,17.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 17 in malachi chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold,malachi,4,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 29 and pastoring like this and in micah 4 11 and he himself gave some to be apostles,micah,4,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 11 in habakkuk chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,habakkuk,5,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 11 into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right 2 timothy 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm,2 timothy,1,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 13 conform you to the image of jesus christ matthew chapter 8 look at the text and verse number 28 and we know that all,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 "of the spirit. in lamentations chapter 3 it says in verse 5, ""he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we",lamentations,3,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 and knowledge to men of understanding song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,song of solomon (song of songs),2,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 21 come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery 2 john 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came,2 john,4,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 4 draw this from 1 samuel 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,1 samuel,7,44.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 44 wickedness deceit and he records this in 2 chronicles 9 verses 17 and 18. let me read it to you,2 chronicles,9,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 17 return of the messiah in glory in 1 corinthians 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,1 corinthians,14,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in hosea 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,hosea,8,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 17 19 be in the book of ezekiel 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like,ezekiel,59,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 59 verse 19 to be lamentations 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,lamentations,4,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 22 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard 2 peter 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,2 peter,23,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 25 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's joel 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",joel,66,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 66 verse 22 a day praise the lord 1 kings chapter six and verse 20 the king cried,1 kings,6,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 2 there's no one else beside him titus 4 35 that's also in isaiah 45 21.,titus,4,35.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 35 said uh jude 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us,jude,5,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 8 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in ecclesiastes chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,ecclesiastes,6,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 6 chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 12 jonah our reading from verse 12 jeremiah,jonah,18,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 12 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that song of solomon (song of songs) is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",song of solomon (song of songs),9,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 27 we also know that our god is perfect mark chapter 1 verse 17 james chapter 1 verse 17 tells us that every,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 expectations increase i remember the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,2 thessalonians,5,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 christ jesus 1 peter 8 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the,1 peter,8,35.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 35 he said a 1 peter 1 8 that i want it the bible said,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 any problem there to sound a trumpet philemon 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the,philemon,4,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 18 for lack of thanksgiving joel or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,joel,13,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 15 "he was a pharisee himself. in 2 kings 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of",2 kings,22,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 3 tells us in joshua in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,joshua,2,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 5 chapter 12 says never take your own revenge 2 chronicles romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking,2 chronicles,12,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 19 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 judges 10 12 from the first,judges,10,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 12 sarah ezekiel chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,ezekiel,18,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 11 thought 1 thessalonians 2 thought john 2 deuteronomy 8 18. let me read that thought john 2. the,1 thessalonians,8,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 18 warned his generation he said behold the lord comes jude verse 14 behold alert lord comes this is not his first coming,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 ability compare that with ezekiel 12 6 having gifts,ezekiel,12,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 6 that only that which cannot be shaken might remain ezekiel chapter 23 verse 5 says will you set your eyes on that,ezekiel,23,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 5 yours become so poor that he has to sell part of his property 2 samuel 25 25 if a countryman of yours become so poor,2 samuel,25,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 25 reading from verses 4 and 5 colossians chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,colossians,2,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 4 looking at psalms chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,psalms,10,38.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 38 succeed any longer in jesus name mark chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,mark,4,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 5 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true 1 peter chapter 11 verse 5.,1 peter,11,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 5 in malachi 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,malachi,21,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 22 and god knows unhumble us oh here it is leviticus 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a,leviticus,4,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 lot's house and in joel 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in,joel,18,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 22 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's habakkuk 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",habakkuk,66,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 66 verse 22 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to ruth chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter,ruth,5,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 14 watch out for read you can read about it in nehemiah chapter 12 chapter 11 really read daniel 9 11 and 12 10 why not you,nehemiah,9,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 11 the man philemon chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking,philemon,7,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 21 voting but as we see in micah 2 21 it is god that sets up,micah,2,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 21 "just listen to this, starting in verse 19 of ruth 3. ""remember my affliction in my wandering, the",ruth,3,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 19 time the bible says in jude chapter 8 and verse 7,jude,8,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 7 why should you destroy yourself jonah 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise,jonah,7,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 16 i mean you can read that in 1 peter chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,1 peter,11,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 2 of israel whom you shall serve zephaniah 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord,zephaniah,24,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 15 finished it is finished it is finished 2 kings chapter 2 from verse 14,2 kings,2,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 14 and i'm reading here from verse 20 mark chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse,mark,3,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 2 hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity joshua chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said,joshua,29,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 13 and become a new man in luke 13 15 it says therefore let us,luke,13,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 15 with someone binding and breaking those curses it says again in luke 4 and 4,luke,4,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 4 i will destroy it but if there are three men in that country 1 kings 14 14 noah daniel and joe,1 kings,14,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 14 do whatever you want to do tax of the apostles chapter 10 verse 38 matthew 10 verse 38 states of god anointed jesus of nazareth,matthew,10,38.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 38 known it's the fulfillment of malachi look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 our texas matthew 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,matthew,15,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 22 here's the challenging part he actually went 1 peter 12 4 says so abram,1 peter,12,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 4 society to keep on growing and growing and it tells us in lamentations we're looking at chapter 1 verse 27 genesis chapter 1,lamentations,1,27.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 27 of christ in this church this year haggai chapter 2 verse 6 and verse 41 i paraphrase says,haggai,2,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 6 "abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, ezekiel 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate",ezekiel,17,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 24 follow with me here this morning luke chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord,luke,6,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 11 to live pure and why is that so 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 tells us can two work together except,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 bring darkness jonah 20 verse 20 whosoever curses his father or his,jonah,20,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 20 verse 2 as well this is a great place to just put your bookmark in zechariah 24 3 and let's begin to pray earnestly,zechariah,24,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 24 verse 3 where we read earlier on jonah 4 29 he said let no corrupt communication proceed,jonah,4,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 29 who keep the words of the prophecy of colossians that's verse seven behold i am coming,colossians,1,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 7 in the nature of the two from verse 20 to 21 3 john to 20 to 21 the bible made it clear that power and wisdom belong to,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve colossians 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,colossians,4,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 3 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come,2 chronicles,4,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 16 wonderful expressions new covenant expressions ruth for it says here and verse 6 it won't be by your power or,ruth,1,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 6 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of 1 thessalonians 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",1 thessalonians,40,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 40 verse 13 but timothy was different we read in habakkuk it says in verse 21 all seek their own,habakkuk,1,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 21 extent of the devastation coming upon the world leviticus chapter 30 in verse 30,leviticus,30,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 30 verse 3 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more leviticus 30 26,leviticus,30,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 30 verse 26 at nehemiah chapter 18 verse 22 proverbs chapter 18,nehemiah,18,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 18 verse 22 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore,2 chronicles,4,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 25 no piece of the lamb could be left. 1 peter 12 verses 4 and 43 to 46 indicate that they had to eat the whole lamb.,1 peter,12,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 4 determine his confession paul was able to say in 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,1 thessalonians,4,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 18 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me 1 thessalonians i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,1 thessalonians,4,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15 is there not a cause in habakkuk 1 17 paul says knowing that i am put here or sat here for the,habakkuk,1,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in malachi 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be,malachi,33,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 25 spirit is sent to minister for us we shall be honest of salvation matthew chapter 1 verse 14.,matthew,1,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 14 beyond expectations joel chapter 1 verse 28.,joel,1,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 28 it wasn't like that was the 1 peter look at galatians chapter 1 verse 7 it is which is not another,1 peter,1,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 7 so here is a word in colossians chapter 2 where it says in verse 13,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 we pray in ecclesiastes 68 and in verse 31 psalm 68 verse 31 the bible said princess shall,ecclesiastes,68,31.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 68 verse 31 my judgment age was as a robe and he died look at chapter 27 1 chronicles chapter 27 reading from verse 5 god forbid that,1 chronicles,27,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 27 verse 5 22 it says that samson's hair had grown again and in ezekiel 1628 we are told that samson is praying again he used to,ezekiel,16,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 28 from roth through him in nahum chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10,nahum,10,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 17 inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at jonah chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 by the architect of the ages lamentations 11 16 hebrews 11 16,lamentations,11,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 16 the impact of the world in the book of judges chapter 6 and verse 19.,judges,6,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 19 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of ezekiel for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,ezekiel,14,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 8 verse 11 1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,1 thessalonians,8,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 11 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 1 timothy chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,1 timothy,12,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 15 the god of all flesh mark chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new kingdom's version is furthermore,mark,12,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 9 the children of israel out of egypt in 1 chronicles chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,1 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 on the issue of vision mark chapter 28 and chapter 29 and verse 18.,mark,28,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 28 verse 29 the end times speaking of a church in 2 kings 2 verse 4 we read these words nevertheless i have somewhat against,2 kings,2,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 4 the bible says it in the book of haggai verse 29 verse chapter 29 sorry verse 11,haggai,29,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 29 verse 11 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to nahum chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,nahum,3,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 12 jesus and if god before us 2 samuel 8 31 who can be against us,2 samuel,8,31.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 31 chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 7 psalms chapter 14 verse 7 and there the preached the gospel,psalms,14,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 7 gonna read a few verses if you're still there in john 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just,john,9,5.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 5 god cares for us but listen to this beginning in verse 12 of 1 kings 40 who has measured the waters in the hollow of,1 kings,40,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 40 verse 12 deal see beautiful the bible says in zephaniah chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it,zephaniah,10,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 23 you in jesus name and look at ruth hebrews chapter 7,ruth,7,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 22 chapter five 2 timothy chapter five reading from verse two ecclesiastes chapter five reading from verse two it,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 i'll see you tomorrow stronger lamentations chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 4,lamentations,1,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 4 what happened in 1 timothy we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,1 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 wishes hallelujah now um psalm 34 ruth 34 18 and the message translation says if your heart is broken,ruth,34,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 18 2 thessalonians chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,2 thessalonians,8,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 14 replaced by pure joy joel 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 the saints and please turn to the book of zephaniah romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,zephaniah,8,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 21 brings us to justification amos chapter 3 22,amos,3,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 22 because you're made of dust verse 19 numbers 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,numbers,3,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 19 a life of peace 1 john 4 6 and 7. the bible tells us be anxious,1 john,4,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 6 get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of esther chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear,esther,25,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 25 verse 3 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in lamentations chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,lamentations,16,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 6 word of god hosea chapter 23 verse 12 said i have esteemed the word of his mouth more than,hosea,23,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 12 knowledge of god so when when you read esther chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,esther,1,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 18 job chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,job,10,22.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 22 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 2 kings 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,2 kings,3,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 17 the bible says that he that we need soul will shine like the farmer meant 2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 3,2 corinthians,12,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 3 in judges 41 when you read from verse 37 genesis 41 verse 37 the bible says so,judges,41,37.0,1.0,judges chapter 41 verse 37 will deliver you but when we come to 1 timothy 6 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 then the king arose very,1 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 name of jesus 1 thessalonians of the 12 12 says therefore rejoicing heaven,1 thessalonians,12,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 12 the mercy of god can rewrite your story in nehemiah 27 when you begin to write read from 6 to 36 genesee 27 6 to 30,nehemiah,27,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 27 verse 6 god job chapter 5 verse 22,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 this in 2 samuel chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,2 samuel,32,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 16 garden disraeli and egypt chapter 1 verses 5 and 7 nahum 1 verse 5 to serve a bible says don't worry if i wanted,nahum,1,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 5 ordained for this prophetic season zechariah 12 29 for our god is a consuming fire shall we please rise to our feet as,zechariah,12,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 29 given to him before he got on the ship kristan job 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,job,23,11.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 11 and in building the body of christ obadiah 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will,obadiah,12,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 2 one of them is just saying uh you know his explanation of 1 john 11 6. and it fits like it this works on roman,1 john,11,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 6 8 verse 11 habakkuk chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,habakkuk,8,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 11 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in 1 kings 1 23 to 25.,1 kings,1,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 23 welcome to your season of multiplication 2 thessalonians 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,2 thessalonians,30,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 19 the crowns are delivered only at the end ezekiel 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast,ezekiel,3,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 11 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year 2 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,2 corinthians,6,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 like ezekiel was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,ezekiel,12,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 5 eyes can see it will be given unto you john 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,john,13,14.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 14 1 samuel 4 8 philippians 4 8 finally my brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever,1 samuel,4,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 8 chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and 3 john chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 3 john 1 8 i quoted earlier on daniel 1 8 when you stop desiring you stop experiencing,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 things he was tempted like us in all things habakkuk 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,habakkuk,4,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 15 first pregnancy was a miscarriage now the lord gave me this scripture colossians 27 and 14 says wait for the lord be,colossians,27,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 27 verse 14 and we're reading from verse 2 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 on or before august 1st 2021 2 peter chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,2 peter,1,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 11 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise joshua 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,joshua,100,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 100 verse 4 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of obadiah jeremiah 29,obadiah,29,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 29 the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in 2 corinthians 12 verse 13 we all know the passover,2 corinthians,12,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of 1 peter 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,1 peter,1,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 24 that's what god we are talking about 2 peter 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,2 peter,29,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 4 reminds me of 1 kings chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,1 kings,5,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 8 in christ jesus so if you're there in jonah chapter 15 find verse 13,jonah,15,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 13 from the depth of our hearts in 2 timothy 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and,2 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 god that will be put to shame that's 2 samuel 10 11 and so be it in your life in the mighty name of jesus we have come,2 samuel,10,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 11 we're looking at 1 thessalonians chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,1 thessalonians,10,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 18 world says in zephaniah chapter nine and verse six it is not of him that run it,zephaniah,9,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 6 uh if i wasn't so tired i probably uh matthew 2 25 in the same way was not also rahab the,matthew,2,25.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 25 draw water that is spiritual drink ezra 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,ezra,17,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 5 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to micah chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,micah,3,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 16 love scientists i love them on her wall was 2 corinthians 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,2 corinthians,4,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 23 the bible tells us this numbers 10 19 to 23,numbers,10,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 19 the crowd you got to be alone it says luke 32 24 jacob was left alone and god met with him i have noticed some,luke,32,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 32 verse 24 the other group in ezra chapter 12 verse 22 we read these words job writes he uncovers mysteries,ezra,12,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 22 not start that practice from now zephaniah 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,zephaniah,15,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 15 verse 19 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in joshua 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,joshua,3,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 5 clearly who you paradise in your life in luke chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking,luke,3,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 19 let's make it louder than that 2 kings chapter 6 and verse 19 and for me that all trance may be given unto me,2 kings,6,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 19 that i just put it is is is a scripture in philemon 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,philemon,61,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 61 verse 3 oh now in leviticus chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,leviticus,9,33.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 33 by faith haggai 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38,haggai,3,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 11 is caption time the currency of life ruth 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days,ruth,5,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 16 back to balaam in 1 john chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,1 john,31,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 31 verse 31 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell 2 john 1 14 in him you also,2 john,1,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 14 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read joshua 14 23 and it says um,joshua,14,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 23 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 samuel 50 and 6 my people,1 samuel,50,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 50 verse 6 survey and just look at some words here john 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,john,1,2.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 2 and this comes through knowing him see obadiah in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,obadiah,3,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 3 [applause] 1 john chapter 3. we're looking at verses 13,1 john,3,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 13 for in jesus mighty name would pray amen the book of psalms 4 verse 2 says that continue in prayer and do same with,psalms,4,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 2 that very chapter verse 8 and from ezra 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed to,ezra,53,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 53 verse 8 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of malachi chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,malachi,16,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 16 verse 14 the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 from verse 13 exodus 14 13 the bible says and moses,song of solomon (song of songs),14,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 13 we know this for two reasons colossians 4 15 said jesus was tempted in all points as we act yet without sin,colossians,4,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 15 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in micah 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,micah,20,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 12 in 1 peter i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,1 peter,1,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 column and that is because you hate people who rebuke you so hosea 9 verses 8 and 9 says do not correct a,hosea,9,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 8 are going to take a text from the book of john chapter 5 and from verse 22,john,5,22.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 22 jonah 5 6 and 5 10 shows that danger ephesians 5 6 says let no one deceive you with empty words and ephesians 5,jonah,5,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 6 already in jesus name titus ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now unto him that is able to do,titus,3,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 2 titus in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,titus,22,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 13 obtained beloved god is a jealous god colossians 20 verse 5 and his sensitivity as he sees our motives as he sees our,colossians,20,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 5 the next door neighbor to timothy joshua 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of,joshua,2,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 14 through a few pr a few passages here song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,song of solomon (song of songs),4,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 23 in the midst of his people in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is,2 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 and this church this coming sunday matthew chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,matthew,16,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 14 the end times speaking of a church in 1 peter 2 verse 4 we read these words nevertheless i have somewhat against,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of job 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",job,40,13.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 13 the most untapped resource in the body of christ and it's right here in 1 corinthians 5 14 15 14 excuse me,1 corinthians,5,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 in jude chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that,jude,14,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 21 on that it is still going on we're coming back to 2 chronicles of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,2 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 through me being dead to self and alive to god in 1 thessalonians 6 and verse 14 the bible tells us therefore the apostle,1 thessalonians,6,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 14 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told psalms to by his uncle's line just to mention you,psalms,32,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 7 1 thessalonians 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters,1 thessalonians,4,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 8 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of psalms 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,psalms,36,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 36 verse 11 "they knew them by name. in 1 peter chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",1 peter,11,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 19 he's reflective in zephaniah 16 32 whoever is slow to anger is better than,zephaniah,16,32.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 32 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the amos of the provision of a lamb from the time of,amos,12,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 5 god for every one of us in obadiah chapter 12 and verse 3 the word of god tells us there he said,obadiah,12,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 3 things about god you can read about that in obadiah chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,obadiah,13,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 6 the kingdom of god now chapter 4 jude chapter 4 verse 22,jude,4,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 22 habakkuk james 1 14 giving us a concept of sin,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 network and your network uh let's start off from hosea of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in 2 timothy 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light,2 timothy,18,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 2 ever how 2 chronicles 17 four five four two five north bones,2 chronicles,17,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 4 binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one,1 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 in the book of ecclesiastes 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you,ecclesiastes,2,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 5 prophecy we find it in amos 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,amos,21,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 2 45 19. further what 3 john chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to,3 john,49,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 49 verse 15 turn with me to the book of judges romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then,judges,13,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 4 god is promising according to that zephaniah 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,zephaniah,30,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 30 verse 17 shall live by faith says joshua 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and,joshua,1,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 17 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1yue3ic2qg in zephaniah 11 verse 26 we read behold i sit before you i sit before you,zephaniah,11,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 26 be relations zechariah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 day without reading that jude from psalm 19. verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect,jude,19,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 7 of jude chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,jude,1,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 11 amongst the works of the flesh in job 19 galatians 5 19 to 21,job,5,19.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 19 actually use the word martyr 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the,1 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 obedience paul said in 2 kings 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,2 kings,26,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 19 somebody say a louder amen colossians chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,colossians,11,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 3 all symbols say so let's go to 1 john now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how,1 john,10,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 28 say let us therefore label amos chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest,amos,4,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 11 to be 1 corinthians 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,1 corinthians,4,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 22 what pride and high mindedness 1 kings chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four,1 kings,4,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 6 i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in 2 chronicles chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he,2 chronicles,2,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 25 [music] it was a work that sarah had in 1 corinthians chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,1 corinthians,18,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 2 in demonstration 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 in joshua chapter three verse five here he says that joshua sage unto,2 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 moses taught bitter water to sweet 1 john 15 verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 when the children of israel go to amara,1 john,15,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 22 testament passage is speaking from esther 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,esther,10,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 22 the lord he is near ruth 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn,ruth,36,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 36 verse 9 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture obadiah 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,obadiah,6,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 9 verse 19 malachi 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe,malachi,2,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 19 one true pride 1 samuel 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says,1 samuel,29,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 29 verse 23 pandemic of all time bible says in malachi 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the,malachi,3,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 23 4 song of solomon (song of songs) 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,song of solomon (song of songs),5,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 4 the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of psalms chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover,psalms,7,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 7 by your hands in titus chapter 14 and,titus,14,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 14 supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness jude 23 25 and 26 god's word declares he said you,jude,23,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 23 verse 25 himself did not know all the meaning of it like haggai chapter 6 verse 4 says but he knew that jesus said you must be,haggai,6,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 4 will of god who will obtain the promised john 10 36 don't you ever stop giving thanks the day you stop giving tongues,john,10,36.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 36 so mightily that if you read 1 samuel 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8. when,1 samuel,32,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 32 verse 3 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in leviticus four verse four,leviticus,4,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 4 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in 2 samuel chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,2 samuel,6,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 6 closely the bible tells us there 2 samuel 5 9 and 10 he said much more than being now justified by his blood we,2 samuel,5,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 9 do it for us for every one of us look at nehemiah chapter 1 verse 16,nehemiah,1,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 16 too hard for me esther 32 and verse 27,esther,32,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 27 guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain 2 peter as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and,2 peter,12,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 7 verse 24 1 chronicles 65 24,1 chronicles,65,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 65 verse 24 something the 1 john in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6,1 john,39,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 39 verse 5 vigorous life life full of vitality for example philemon 34 verse 7 literally 34 verse 7 tells us that at the age of,philemon,34,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 34 verse 7 4 to 6 malachi 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4 are the slightest challenge,malachi,11,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 4 during righteousness bible says in 1 chronicles chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,1 chronicles,6,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 4 15 or esther 16 verse 24 says kind words are like honey sweet to the taste and,esther,16,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 24 is if lying 1 kings 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8,1 kings,21,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 21 verse 8 in this second lesson our memorial was taken from colossians chapter five and twenty while above us it was taken,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 lord were looking at 1 thessalonians chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and were eating here from verse 9 the people were to convince,1 thessalonians,3,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because ecclesiastes can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,ecclesiastes,2,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 8 and let's ask our engagement this morning from scripture john 57 verses 2 and 3. the scripture declares i,john,57,2.0,1.0,john chapter 57 verse 2 this from luke chapter 23 verse 25 to 26 and i believe those words in the night,luke,23,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 25 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of ruth chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,ruth,20,32.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 32 to know your creator and become more like him luke 8 from verse 12 to 13 leaving translation i want to connect,luke,8,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 12 blessed god and then in titus 20 24 the gospel of the grace of god,titus,20,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 24 oh god and in the book of colossians psalm 119 verse 105.,colossians,119,105.0,1.0,colossians chapter 119 verse 105 to walk humbly with my god in colossians chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15,colossians,33,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 15 your bibles to ruth chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,ruth,13,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 17 a moment and in 1 john chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs,1 john,19,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 5 your word in 2 john 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,2 john,14,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 3 to get ready for just looking at a couple of these verses here leviticus chapter three verse five now moses was,leviticus,3,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 5 appear together mercy is first except in 2 john 6 and 16 because you absolutely cannot,2 john,6,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 16 the last verse for today will be read by jaina 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 36 to 42.,2 corinthians,9,36.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 36 this before we leave 2 chronicles joel chapter 2 23 for he has given the former reign moderately and he will,2 chronicles,2,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 23 according to his purpose 2 corinthians 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,2 corinthians,29,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 11 obedience paul said in 2 samuel 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,2 samuel,26,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 19 of righteousness joshua chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,joshua,28,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 7 look at ourselves in these last days in joel 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and,joel,8,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 22 for i say we're looking at 2 samuel chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,2 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 over the past 40 years your women can turn things around micah 1 verse 8 first i thank my god,micah,1,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 8 there wasn't death before but by time you get to 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,1 timothy,4,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 8 knowledge and deals with knowledge joel chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 we're looking at,joel,8,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 8 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to job chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,job,50,19.0,1.0,job chapter 50 verse 19 tomorrow sunday 1 samuel 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,1 samuel,105,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 105 verse 13 habakkuk 28 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9. he went and married,habakkuk,28,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 8 in haggai chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,haggai,6,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 16 obadiah chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter,obadiah,11,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 26 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture 1 chronicles 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,1 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 yeah every demonic interference we saw that in 1 chronicles 10 and verse 13 so i'm not making this up the bible says the,1 chronicles,10,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 13 2 samuel chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,2 samuel,10,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 22 of scriptures to fail in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,song of solomon (song of songs),23,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 19 festive season 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 i paraphrased says but come near,2 samuel,9,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 esther 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,esther,2,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 12 4 malachi chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4.,malachi,8,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 4 reading from verse 28 mark of the apostles chapter 20 reading here from verse 28,mark,20,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 28 life he still gets mentioned in hosea chapter 11 in the great hall of faith,hosea,11,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 11 on this first sunday of the month of july 3 john chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,3 john,3,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 9 look at 1 corinthians chapter one in jeremiah chapter one or reading from verse 7,1 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 looking at job chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,job,10,38.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 38 comes for the power of the holy spirit over in the book of haggai chapter 57 verse 15 here another director not for,haggai,57,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 57 verse 15 something else notice here in 2 samuel daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,2 samuel,7,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 2 four in order that this was what went over in 2 thessalonians 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,2 thessalonians,5,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 hope that is not baseless you know ezekiel 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,ezekiel,5,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 5 so he goes jude 1 verse 9 this is my command,jude,1,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 9 the same milk of the word were told in 1 samuel chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2,1 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 he gave them his name look at them using the name leviticus chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,leviticus,3,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 6 our ways as believers we should please god zephaniah 16 verse 7 says if a man's way pleases the lord,zephaniah,16,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 7 in 214 all right joshua 2 14. the debate with james is,joshua,2,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 14 the leader said brother zack doesn't it say in hosea 2 44 that all those who believed,hosea,2,44.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 44 so he when in the beginning of the bible in 1 john chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the,1 john,1,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 3 the patience and readiness of the saints it says philemon chapter 14 verse 12,philemon,14,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 12 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of joel chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,joel,4,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 12 must be your food amos 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i,amos,15,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 6 "let's look at this second group now. 2 thessalonians 11 verse 35. others were tortured,",2 thessalonians,11,35.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 35 c 1 timothy 4 16 or d joshua 1 8 20 joshua 1 8 final answer has locked in option d as his answer joshua 1 8 and,1 timothy,4,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 to a world of supernatural tone around 2 peter chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know,2 peter,8,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 28 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of nahum chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,nahum,11,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 6 hearts 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,2 corinthians,3,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 sin because it will make it casualty in 1 john 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,1 john,32,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 23 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things leviticus 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 oh now in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,song of solomon (song of songs),9,33.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 33 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of 2 corinthians 2 21 to 22,2 corinthians,2,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 21 society that takes pleasure in wickedness ruth 3 3 defines it as being enslaved to various lusts and pleasures,ruth,3,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 3 justified by the law of moses amos chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,amos,3,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 19 study that's kind of the direction we're coming from so here we are ezekiel 15 22 let's begin reading and again you can,ezekiel,15,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 15 verse 22 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 zephaniah 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,zephaniah,11,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 37 doctrine look at chapter 2 of esther titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,esther,2,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 7 to be filled 2 chronicles 8 and verse 17 acts 8 number 17. then they did their hands on them,2 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 weeks the largest section of the book of job is right here between chapter 6 and 18,job,6,18.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 18 said concerning the redeemed in 2 thessalonians 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,2 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 song of solomon in malachi 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,malachi,27,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 27 verse 4 god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in 1 samuel 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their,1 samuel,55,45.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 55 verse 45 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in zephaniah 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,zephaniah,28,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 28 verse 23 number one is the deprivity of vain glory in hypocrites look at esther chapter 2 reading from verse 3. in,esther,2,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 3 day of the lord comes next chapter and final chapter of song of solomon (song of songs) verses 14 and 15 multitudes multitudes in the valley of,song of solomon (song of songs),1,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 the blood of the lord 1 chronicles chapter one verse five,1 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 you tonight in jesus name joshua chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 17 and the spirit and the,joshua,22,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 17 says in luke in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,luke,2,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 8 i mean look at it either 48 i mean lamentations 40 28 please have you not known,lamentations,40,28.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 40 verse 28 i'm reading here from verse 5 i zechariah chapter 8 reading from verse 5,zechariah,8,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 5 this obviously fulfills the scripture in ezra chapter nine verse nine which says rejoice greatly o daughter of,ezra,9,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 9 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 1 kings 12 11 talking about jesus,1 kings,12,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture titus chapter 22 verse 29,titus,22,29.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 29 he died and obtained for us song of solomon (song of songs) 5 12. power,song of solomon (song of songs),5,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 12 if you think you can go against god let me read from 2 kings chapter 6 verses 15 and 16 and the kings of the earth and,2 kings,6,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 15 are inadmissible to the kingdom of god in the hosea chapter 22 verse 15 by motives of describes it vividly there,hosea,22,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 15 but one bumbling says in haggai 2 8 he humbled himself,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in song of solomon (song of songs) 58 3.,song of solomon (song of songs),58,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 verse 3 things one of the best bible verses you can memorize is 2 kings 4 verse 6 through 8 this is one that i have,2 kings,4,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 6 a repeated concept in the old testament one place you find it is in 1 timothy 18 5 he says you shall therefore keep my,1 timothy,18,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 5 reminded of god's word in mark 11 verse 24 and 25 there is he that scatters and yet,mark,11,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 24 council comes to you in 2 peter chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,2 peter,11,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 23 power matthew 1 3 arise and shine because,matthew,1,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 3 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular job 19 and verse 10,job,19,9.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 9 you a love with everlasting love in luke chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,luke,5,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 8 his top most requirement the 1 kings 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,1 kings,7,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 23 moses died because god took his life john 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,john,51,13.0,1.0,john chapter 51 verse 13 9 6. lamentations 9 6 says his name will be called and it lists these things,lamentations,9,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 6 an excellence in your academic work and beside that in joel chapter 19 verse 2 the bible says it is not good that a,joel,19,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 19 verse 2 and they have nothing to do again micah 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,micah,2,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 14 wars this year judges chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost,judges,13,44.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 44 to 1 kings chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those,1 kings,2,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 8 to ezekiel chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,ezekiel,4,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 6 malachi chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,malachi,2,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 25 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god nehemiah 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,nehemiah,10,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 17 sins we already thought of that and then 2 chronicles chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has,2 chronicles,2,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 13 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here habakkuk 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,habakkuk,19,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 3 1 samuel romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,1 samuel,4,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 17 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,nehemiah,1,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17 understand numbers chapter 1 and verse 20. can you put it up for me rule chapter 1 and verse 20,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 of who he is 1 peter 43 3 for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior,1 peter,43,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 43 verse 3 reading there from chapter 4 verse 19 colossians 4 verse 19 my powers my powers i am pinch at my very heart my heart,colossians,4,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 19 minister 1 thessalonians 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect,1 thessalonians,26,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 3 house from the farm he was sold out as a slave but 1 chronicles chapter 39,1 chronicles,39,39.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 39 verse 39 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done 2 kings 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 1 corinthians 22 and verse 30,1 corinthians,22,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 3 5 verse 22 to 24 song of solomon (song of songs) 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,song of solomon (song of songs),5,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 22 that power shall die go quickly to 2 kings 3 23 to 24 therefore the lord god sent,2 kings,3,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 23 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased 1 thessalonians 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,1 thessalonians,22,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 19 can you help us on me 2 kings to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,2 kings,17,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 22 but he says in verse 20 leviticus 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,leviticus,7,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 2 upon you until you turn i can pour habakkuk 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,habakkuk,1,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 23 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 1 john 6 verse 8 that we,1 john,6,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 8 seen malachi 8 beginning in verse 6 speaks to two categories of people,malachi,8,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 6 1 peter chapter 12 verse 6 start from romans chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 verse 6 we,1 peter,12,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 6 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of 2 timothy 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,2 timothy,3,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 14 over to 1 peter chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version,1 peter,13,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 22 full of eyes it says in chapter colossians 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,colossians,4,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 8 again when you look at you mention this to mike in ruth 20 verse 7 through 9 this is something that's brought up as,ruth,20,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 7 5 verse 22 to 24 malachi 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,malachi,5,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 22 depart for evil i mean from evil in ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,ecclesiastes,14,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 26 this he says paul says in 2 chronicles 4 5 that there's only one faith,2 chronicles,4,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 i'll oh you're not there okay matthew 7 12. in this verse it says they made their hearts diamond,matthew,7,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 12 nehemiah chapter one and verse eight we have a very brief session joshua chapter one,nehemiah,1,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 8 was taken from ruth 2 verse 21 and and daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and,ruth,2,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 21 who can be against us he went further in lamentations 8 at 7. romans 8 at,lamentations,8,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 7 your words can i hear bigger amen 1 chronicles chapter 23 and verse 19 says,1 chronicles,23,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 19 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so 1 kings chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,1 kings,6,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 9 the bible said in 2 samuel 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 from day one i was preaching from luke 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,luke,3,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 13 the morning to stand before god in zephaniah chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and,zephaniah,19,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 27 2 john chapter two and three in colossians in fact paul,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 tells us in 1 kings chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,1 kings,2,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 5 to revive the heart of the contrite one titus 57 verse 15 you can be seated he will come to revive you if you are,titus,57,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 57 verse 15 we have the list of spiritual gifts in jude 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12,jude,12,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 3 is going to cost you something nehemiah chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,nehemiah,3,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 7 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote 2 john 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,2 john,8,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 28 die this is this is this was in malachi chapter 21 listen to genesis chapter 16,malachi,21,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 16 path verse 7 of joshua 3 says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and,joshua,3,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 7 you want to read about the night of jude you can find it in job chapter one from verse thirty to two job chapter two verse,jude,1,32.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 32 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 malachi 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,malachi,22,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 16 before god and the book of esther chapter 4 verse 16 said,esther,4,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 16 this look at this 1 thessalonians of the apostle chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7. look at 18,1 thessalonians,14,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 7 right there we just get righteous by faith as i said in 2 thessalonians 1 and then in romans 5 and you can turn back turn to,2 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 the memory verse was taken from the book of titus 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee,titus,9,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 6 experienced without passing the test the bible says in 2 corinthians 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,2 corinthians,4,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good habakkuk chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,habakkuk,4,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 17 above all the heavens that he might fill all things 2 chronicles 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,2 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 chapter 44 hallelujah jonah chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,jonah,44,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 44 verse 2 everything you give me the result 2 chronicles chapter 32 from verse 9 to 10 genesis 32 from verse 9 to 10.,2 chronicles,32,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 32 verse 9 fasted let's say the book of titus chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,titus,18,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 18 you are going to get to your destination matthew chapter 32 verse 26 exodus chapter 32 verse 26 recalls that moses,matthew,32,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 32 verse 16 all things god okay 1 kings 12 verse 2 it says that jesus this is just after hebrews 11 right says jesus is the founder and,1 kings,12,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 2 because it's uh it's multifaceted but in habakkuk chapter one starting with verse 16,habakkuk,1,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 16 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at jude chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,jude,12,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 2 from him joshua chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,joshua,25,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 25 verse 21 in the book of 1 samuel chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 48 the grass with that the flower faith,1 samuel,40,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 40 verse 8 church with divine vengeance psalms chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,psalms,6,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 16 in zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 there that be wise,zechariah,12,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this 2 corinthians 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,2 corinthians,53,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 53 verse 7 psalms chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 32 romans chapter 8,psalms,8,32.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 32 the other verse i want to read is from zephaniah 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,zephaniah,12,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 19 i mean for example in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10,2 timothy,1,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 anyways i was reading hosea 43 and isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and when you,hosea,43,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 43 verse 2 israel in 3 john 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4,3 john,11,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 4 and it says in matthew 4 and verse 17 the book of the prophet isaiah was given to him,matthew,4,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 17 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found obadiah and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,obadiah,2,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 5 talks about how to face adversity in 1 timothy 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,1 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 what does it say 2 peter chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,2 peter,4,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 7 being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying 2 samuel after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it,2 samuel,1,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 16 you have as a use of this generation the book of 1 corinthians chapter 2 from verse 2 to 3,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 resurrection of condemnation and amos the beloved in the book of revelation chapter 20 and verse 12,amos,20,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 12 be seven years well if you look at the book of nahum chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,nahum,9,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 24 chapter 12 tells us reading from verse 4 in ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel,ecclesiastes,12,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 4 9 15 to 16 ecclesiastes 9 15 to 16 hear what the word says but the lord,ecclesiastes,9,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 15 edition 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,2 samuel,4,31.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 31 seated we open the bibles to 2 john chapter 14 from verse 21,2 john,14,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 21 27. let's take a bibles and open to nehemiah chapter 7 from verse 13 daniel 7 13,nehemiah,7,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 13 somebody the bible talks about uh in the book of micah chapter 4 and verse number 17 uh it,micah,4,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 17 the evil of your duties and they were told in colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent,colossians,3,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 19 nehemiah chapter 3 from 7 to 11 philippians 3 verse 7 2 verse 11 force i critique everything i have i just want to know,nehemiah,3,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 7 doctrine look at chapter 2 of 2 kings titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,2 kings,2,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 7 will obtain it tells us in philemon chapter 10 verse 9.,philemon,10,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 9 in jesus mighty name afraid a man the bible says in 3 john 60 from verse 1 isaiah 62 13 from verse 1,3 john,60,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 60 verse 13 unto the end in jesus name philemon chapter 17 verse 14 revelation,philemon,17,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 14 financial difficulties that's why in 1 john 4 32 and it talks about how the early church pooled their resources,1 john,4,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 32 go now verse 4 please verse 4. lamentations 27 4 i'll make me go to three go to three please twenty seven three,lamentations,27,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 27 verse 4 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read 1 samuel 14 23 and it says um,1 samuel,14,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 23 circumstances and people here it is zephaniah 4 35 all the people of the earth,zephaniah,4,35.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 35 in the way we think joel 23 verse 7 very popular now with people,joel,23,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 7 that becomes a promise yeah a promise in the book of zechariah chapter 3 verse 13 the bible talks about what christ did,zechariah,3,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 13 us to just quickly go into scriptures job chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,job,5,18.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 18 year ruth 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the,ruth,1,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 14 demons must disappear why 3 john 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 in song of solomon (song of songs) i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,song of solomon (song of songs),1,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 3 this was verse 14 zephaniah 4 to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet the land of zebulun and the land,zephaniah,4,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 14 the family good works on the zephaniah daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,zephaniah,5,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 remarkable way but let me point something out amos chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign,amos,2,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 23 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in numbers chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,numbers,28,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 9 laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that 2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12,2 samuel,26,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in 1 peter chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,1 peter,19,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 19 verse 15 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,2 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 habakkuk chapter 2 uh verse 24 and 25 genesis 2 24 and 25 can you pull that off for me genesis 2,habakkuk,2,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 24 "you're coming by law. and according to ecclesiastes 3 verse 20, ""by the deeds of the law no one will be justified.""",ecclesiastes,3,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 2 make it louder amen 1 kings chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,1 kings,6,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 7 thinking the curse still seems active today habakkuk 3 17 to 19 and 8 21. um let me quickly just find out what,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 there's some problems with the interpretation here and colossians 4 verse 24 if we back up two verses we can,colossians,4,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 24 sickness affliction 2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,2 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 4 and i'm reading from verse 14. mark chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 14,mark,4,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 14 sin i know that's not what we want to hear but it is in the bible nehemiah 6 13 through 15 says therefore i wind you i,nehemiah,6,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 13 there's some problems with the interpretation here and job 4 verse 24 if we back up two verses we can,job,4,24.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 24 exist between the two i quoted to you from nahum chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,nahum,6,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 23 when you get to 1 john chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so,1 john,33,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 8 of life no wonder paul the apostle said in judges chapter 4 and verse 13 i can do all things through whom,judges,4,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 13 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is ezra 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,ezra,42,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 42 verse 2 between belief and obedience in job 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,job,2,14.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 14 chapter 29 and we're reading from verse 11. in titus 29 verse 11 for i know the source that i seek toward,titus,29,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 29 verse 11 i said tonight in your life ezra chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom,ezra,1,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 7 the bible says in zechariah chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up,zechariah,17,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 8 of sins malachi chapter 1 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from verses 5 and 6,malachi,1,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 5 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation micah chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians,micah,2,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 8 your ability to lead in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,nehemiah,1,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 26 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me ecclesiastes 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,ecclesiastes,5,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 15 me passion translation of philemon 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,philemon,24,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 24 verse 3 in lamentations chapter 55 8 to 9 isaiah 55 89 the bible said my ways are not your ways my thoughts,lamentations,55,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 55 verse 8 christ jesus luke 8 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the,luke,8,35.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 35 the savior 1 peter chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,1 peter,17,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 17 verse 3 read the new leaving translation if if you follow me um 2 kings 3 from verse 12 he says,2 kings,3,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 12 philemon chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 rise again it tells us in john chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should,john,26,23.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 23 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 2 samuel listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,2 samuel,9,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 9 scripture for our talk is in 2 chronicles 4 verse 7 the bible says,2 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 not like that you have a path to plea look at 2 chronicles of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,2 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 2 kings 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,2 kings,15,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 26 standing before you oh now in ezra chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts,ezra,9,33.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 33 how did zephaniah 36 27 he said and i will put,zephaniah,36,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 36 verse 27 anger ezekiel 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,ezekiel,4,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 26 this year and 2 peter chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,2 peter,2,47.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 47 3 john 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,3 john,2,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 6 final day god's mercy verse 13 ezra 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,ezra,2,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 13 all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in 1 peter 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11,1 peter,24,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 24 verse 11 4 chapter in at 11 verse 4 even a death zephaniah 11 verse 4 says a bell was still exercising dominion because he gave a,zephaniah,11,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 4 yet the later end shall yet greatly increase joel chapter eight number seven i've tried to watch those folks climbing,joel,8,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 7 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that zephaniah is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",zephaniah,9,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 27 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" nahum again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",nahum,8,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 9 lamentations chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter,lamentations,11,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 26 and tired of his defeated life he read zechariah chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,zechariah,7,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 7 it's taken from habakkuk chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,habakkuk,1,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 13 few jobs in the bible one of them is fun in habakkuk 46 verse 13 was the grandson of jacob the son of issachar one of the,habakkuk,46,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 46 verse 13 that upheld god in high esteem nehemiah 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,nehemiah,41,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 14 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says 1 samuel 1 23 continue,1 samuel,1,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 23 wisdom lamentations chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him,lamentations,2,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 21 the spirit of heaviness in the book of ezra chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,ezra,61,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 61 verse 3 in job chapter 8 from verse 26 to 38 acts 8 26 to 38 philip was having a wonderful wonderful,job,8,26.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 26 curses it is to keep us in one place but i want to tell you it says in colossians 29 verse 11 for i know the plans that i have,colossians,29,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 11 in jesus name we pray amen luke 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to,luke,50,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 50 verse 2 1 kings chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again,1 kings,33,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 33 verse 9 to give your seed tonight praise god esther chapter 8 and verse 22 the word of god is very clear about this,esther,8,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 22 welcome to your season of multiplication 3 john 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,3 john,30,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 30 verse 19 i think we already know that ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 5,ecclesiastes,1,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 5 it tells us in 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,1 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 i will amos chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter 6,amos,19,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 6 paul in his letter to colossians wrote in chapter 8 verse 29,colossians,8,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 29 reading from verse 15 psalms chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,psalms,1,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 15 i told you all of us are going to be reading together 2 john 32 uh 32 verses 31 today,2 john,32,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 32 verse 31 you lose on this and it says in amos chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,amos,20,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 15 the word of god tells us in the book of nehemiah chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people draw near to me with their mouth,nehemiah,29,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 29 verse 13 in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 anybody know romans 8 28 amen thank you romans 8 28 wonderful verse you must know that let's read it,song of solomon (song of songs),8,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 28 acceptable unto god while looking at micah chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,micah,19,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 6 to become what god wanted to be he said in ruth 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,ruth,29,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 11 with supernatural multiplication nehemiah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall,nehemiah,30,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 30 verse 19 what pride and high mindedness habakkuk chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four,habakkuk,4,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 6 obadiah chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and,obadiah,30,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 2 tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in ruth chapter five it says this night your soul is,ruth,5,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 5 him leslie from zephaniah chapter 31 verse that is 41 verse 37 and the thing was good in his,zephaniah,31,47.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 31 verse 47 an answer here look at judges 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,judges,1,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 9 to more more and god will establish your desired healing 2 peter 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,2 peter,5,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 13 but i am 1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 says speak to this young man saying jerusalem,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 obedience to parents hosea 3 20. children,hosea,3,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 2 heaven we're looking at ecclesiastes chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,ecclesiastes,22,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 14 title the friend of god the french of god we're told in matthew chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but,matthew,41,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 41 verse 8 line and the book of 2 timothy chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11 verse 15 i think we just do one act 11 verse 15 bubbles's,2 timothy,11,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 15 specifically said in haggai 2 6 the fullness of deity dwells,haggai,2,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 6 [music] first ecclesiastes 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,ecclesiastes,1,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 12 the real experience of the child of god in jesus in 2 timothy chapter 21 we're reading from verse 27 revelation,2 timothy,21,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 21 verse 21 the tree of life not in front of the tree of knowledge ruth 3 verse 24 there were this more than one cherubim means,ruth,3,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 24 apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 2 thessalonians of the apostle chapter 4,2 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 i'm reading from verse 5. amos chapter 22 we're looking at verse 5,amos,22,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 5 god's spirit why do we say so in 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,2 thessalonians,8,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 26 in the church of christ we're looking at 2 samuel chapter 2 reading from verse 8 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8,2 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 cease from among you micah 34 number 25 and that this is pictured as,micah,34,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 25 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at ezekiel 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,ezekiel,22,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 2 you have christ according to 1 peter chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on,1 peter,12,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 2 turn to habakkuk 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3.,habakkuk,56,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 56 verse 3 the victors revelations of the 21 verse 7 ecclesiastes 21 verse 7 who are those people that could sit in that evil oppresses,ecclesiastes,21,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 7 are watching or will watch this this recording and i want to go to ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 17 this is my my last,ecclesiastes,3,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 17 services this year in 1 samuel chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,1 samuel,13,44.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 44 another as god in christ forgave you now let's jump to leviticus 5 the first two verses there therefore be imitators of,leviticus,5,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 a blessing according to nahum 7 verse 7 hebrews 7 verse 7.,nahum,7,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 7 as a nation stronger amen philemon chapter 29 and verse 2. before we get on our feet,philemon,29,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 29 verse 2 god's promise you know bible tells us in 1 timothy 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,1 timothy,12,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 6 coming sunday can we say amen to that in the book of 1 thessalonians of apostle 2 verse 6 and 41 and when this was not abroad the,1 thessalonians,2,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 so if you read annie 2 corinthians chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,2 corinthians,2,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 why do i say this the bible says in lamentations 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 not start that practice from now joshua 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,joshua,15,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 19 to christ so i want you to turn in your bibles to nahum chapter 2 verse 19. i'm going to read verse 19 to 22 those,nahum,2,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 19 master's brother's daughter unto his son and we're told in philemon chapter one reading from verse 5 it says,philemon,1,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 5 of what leads to supernatural prosperity the bible says in job chapter 4 verse 6 so cf over 6 he said the people my,job,4,6.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 6 as we saw in reuben titus 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,titus,49,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 49 verse 3 people started to read the bible and apply what ezra 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,ezra,13,46.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 46 another take his office that's footage in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 from verse 16 to verse 20 so we know,song of solomon (song of songs),1,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 bible and jesus using it in the new testament to think of zephaniah 1819 it's as an everlasting covenant of salt,zephaniah,18,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 19 daily judges chapter 1 verse 8 joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says this book of the law,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 in all things this is the essence of 2 peter chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,2 peter,1,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 15 never god's will intention and he never condones it god's will is 1 thessalonians 2 24 for this sake a man shall leave his,1 thessalonians,2,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 24 chapter 2 are the army under the armor philemon 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,philemon,13,43.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 43 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of ecclesiastes of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,ecclesiastes,10,38.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 closely the bible tells us there colossians 5 9 and 10 he said much more than being now justified by his blood we,colossians,5,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 9 4 habakkuk 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,habakkuk,5,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 4 limits in philemon chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,philemon,19,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 2 it's not even there anymore nahum 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who,nahum,21,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 21 verse 29 approach unto in psalms chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22,psalms,22,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 6 to understand yeah that's true leviticus chapter 3 an unfortunate incident happened,leviticus,3,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 no effect matthew chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 billion,matthew,1,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 22 of my favorite verses esther 17 verse 30,esther,17,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 3 lamb memory verse zechariah chapter 19 verse 9,zechariah,19,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 9 numbers chapter one again it says in verse 4 of ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 according as he hath chosen us in him,numbers,1,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 4 verse 12 joel 26 verse 12,joel,26,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 12 just a filter system right when we look at 2 samuel 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,2 samuel,4,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 8 circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on matthew 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say,matthew,22,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 18 word of god there is no limit 1 thessalonians 11 33 all the depths both of the riches,1 thessalonians,11,33.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 33 company and the bible tells us in the book of 2 chronicles in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,2 chronicles,12,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 16 wisdom is the builder of all things micah 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,micah,3,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 4 yeah are you getting what i'm saying malachi chapter 5 when you read from verse 22 also said on the fruit of the,malachi,5,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 22 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,song of solomon (song of songs),1,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 17 above nahum chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17.,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 he lost permanently is bet right 2 peter 25 genesis 25 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 and look at what he said in the in a,2 peter,25,29.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 25 verse 29 through malachi chapter 2 in acts chapter 2 we're reading from verse 37,malachi,2,37.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 37 was she immediately ran and said can i verse colossians chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,colossians,2,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 7 even in amos 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know,amos,1,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 17 yeah true but i think that we will see both i mean ruth 1 3 says that the son jesus is the,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 find that all over scripture ezra chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,ezra,4,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 5 "were in the music department...one in ten. in 2 chronicles 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",2 chronicles,15,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 2 chapter 8 and verse 12 luke 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,luke,8,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 12 relates to this and it says here in 1 thessalonians 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular,1 thessalonians,12,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 11 given the date then lamentations chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,lamentations,8,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 2 are driven there is no software to this colossians 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,colossians,22,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 28 and we're reading from verse 2 zechariah chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous habakkuk 812 but when they believed philip,habakkuk,8,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 12 verse 2. can you guys turn with me can everyone turn to 1 thessalonians 1 2 if you don't know where genesis 1 2 is,1 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 chapter 4 we're reading from verse 17 2 timothy 4 reading from verse 17 the yes i say therefore,2 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in 1 thessalonians chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,1 thessalonians,7,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 7 19 be in the book of john 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like,john,59,19.0,1.0,john chapter 59 verse 19 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god zechariah 26 15 15 to 16,zechariah,26,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 26 verse 15 with a gift with something you know john 160 they created everything for himself,john,1,6.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 6 verse 13 matthew chapter 4 verse 13,matthew,4,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 13 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to 1 samuel 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you,1 samuel,53,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 53 verse 13 how do i know and why do i say so ezekiel 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,ezekiel,18,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 22 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us zechariah 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,zechariah,4,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 23 across our harvest field a better amen amos chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,amos,12,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 12 he states the basic principle here in 2 timothy 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,2 timothy,3,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 28 hour is my judgment come colossians chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,colossians,21,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 21 verse 9 actually about the beauty of marriage so look at 2 timothy chapter 5 and verse 29,2 timothy,5,29.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 29 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in 3 john 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,3 john,25,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 25 verse 29 spirit then is a manifestation of the first is first let's look at luke chapter 5 acts chapter 5 verse 28 that,luke,5,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 28 17. here is her confession titus chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon,titus,54,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 54 verse 17 sometimes brings possession 1 timothy 18 verse 21 proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says death,1 timothy,18,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 21 yesterday haggai chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,haggai,6,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 7 marked and avoided now paul said in ruth 16 17 romans 16 17,ruth,16,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 17 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to 2 samuel 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you,2 samuel,53,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 53 verse 13 says ruth chapter 11 verse 32,ruth,11,32.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 32 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 corinthians 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your,1 corinthians,59,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 59 verse 2 we can make it louder and stronger jude 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,jude,41,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 41 verse 15 in the spirit in habakkuk chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,habakkuk,17,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 17 verse 3 he got to the top i mean by time you read 1 peter chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50,1 peter,50,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 50 verse 15 synergic connection of all members in the body ezra chapter 12 verse 5 so we be many,ezra,12,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 5 conquerors esther 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,esther,8,35.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 35 beloved we will look at our text from job chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21,job,14,21.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 21 is a because of you the wind will blow in jude chapter 2 verse 7 the bible says let him that has ears to hear,jude,2,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 7 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel 3 john 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,3 john,21,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 12 example in 2 john chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,2 john,3,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 13 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in malachi 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,malachi,15,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 29 maintain peace and serenity luke 4 6 and 7 it says to us there be anxious be careful be concerned,luke,4,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 6 that is inside of it that's why in 2 timothy chapter 62 verse 5 the bible says my soul weight died only,2 timothy,62,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 62 verse 5 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verses 19 and 20 where james says if you see your brother uh sinning and,2 thessalonians,5,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 16.,1 peter,8,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 16 and in verse 19 that is the saving gospel in colossians chapter 3 and in verse 19 he says,colossians,3,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 19 chapter 14 verse 12 in philemon chapter 14 verse 12 so then,philemon,14,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 12 and the love of god will not be in your heart in nehemiah chapter 5 verse 22,nehemiah,5,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 22 too were looking at judges chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,judges,3,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 14 to the pastor's area and immediately joel 18 45 dropped in my spirit which says the strangers fade away and come,joel,18,45.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 45 but god had the almighty that his ominous science art no ii know in hosea chapter 40 either 42 f250 have 40 to 50,hosea,40,42.0,1.0,hosea chapter 40 verse 42 that sabbath god and him that servant him no jude 3 17 and 18 and then chapter four verse one and two he said,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 and that brings us to the second commandment verse 4 of joshua 20 don't make for yourself a carved image now you,joshua,20,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 4 a wise man can overlook an offense 1 john 19 11. they avoid strife,1 john,19,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 11 focus on him 1 john chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the,1 john,2,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 18 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of song of solomon (song of songs) before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,song of solomon (song of songs),1,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 19 very clear 2 peter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 this is god speaking to james fadel it says i know,2 peter,29,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 11 pull them out we'll find another example in joshua chapter 6,joshua,6,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 6 twitch so 2 thessalonians 40 verse 12 says god has measured the waters in the,2 thessalonians,40,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 40 verse 12 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 1 kings 22 and verse 30,1 kings,22,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 22 verse 3 about jude 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,jude,43,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 43 verse 13 and my people shall never be ashamed 2 kings 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,2 kings,8,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace ezra 4 16 that we may obtain mercy,ezra,4,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 16 your will overcome i will overcome look at esther chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,esther,12,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 17 step out and serve obadiah 1 6 being confident in this very thing,obadiah,1,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 6 apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 2 timothy of the apostle chapter 4,2 timothy,4,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 24 things which were told her from the lord haggai chapter 18 and verse 21 to 22,haggai,18,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 21 christ 1 thessalonians 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,1 thessalonians,23,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 26 time without sin unto salvation numbers chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,numbers,3,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 14 you see the progression 2 chronicles 4 through 7 the revelation of the king matthew 8 through 10 the rise,2 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 age and 1 corinthians 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,1 corinthians,13,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 go forward and they went jonah chapter 14 and verse 15. the lord said to the muslims we are,jonah,14,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 15 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at lamentations chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,lamentations,33,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 25 faithfulness gentleness control against such there is no law 2 timothy 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 for the fruits of the,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 if not total elimination in the book of matthew chapter 1 verse 6 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 not casually 2 kings 11 6 that diligently seek him you might be in a table but,2 kings,11,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 6 different aspect but job chapter 2 14 to 16,job,2,14.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 14 strangers in the heartless kingdom were looking at john chapter 2 reading from verse 12 it says that at that time,john,2,12.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 12 that i think i want to make today 1 chronicles 3 beginning with 14 to the angel of the church in laodicea,1 chronicles,3,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit amos chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,amos,10,38.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 38 the season nahum chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at,nahum,8,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 6 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in joel chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,joel,8,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 28 his own delight in it 2 corinthians 32 41 says and i will rejoice over them to do them good and i will,2 corinthians,32,41.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 32 verse 41 we read from verse 15 to 17 hosea 5 from 15 to 17.,hosea,5,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 15 in the name of jesus christ 2 kings 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that,2 kings,19,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 11 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid 1 peter 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,1 peter,6,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 15 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,lamentations,4,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) in proverbs 30 verse 8 it the writer says give me neither poverty nor riches,song of solomon (song of songs),30,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 8 correct well then i'm not going to turn to him in leviticus 5 verse 3 he said adam became a father of a son let's do it,leviticus,5,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 3 remembered or come to mind 2 chronicles 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,2 chronicles,66,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 66 verse 22 redemption was sealed philemon 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised,philemon,53,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 53 verse 5 word of god and that's why joel chapter 23 verse 9,joel,23,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 9 midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one 2 thessalonians 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood esther 20 28 says was the blood of god,esther,20,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 28 in our sin we're going to fear the lord and 1 thessalonians wait in june chapter 3 verse 4 john chapter 3 verse 4 where to judah,1 thessalonians,3,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 4 victory on the cross the whole point of song of solomon (song of songs) 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,song of solomon (song of songs),3,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 4 we're going to be praying again from the book of lamentations philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not,lamentations,1,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 6 through chapter 8 verse 6 so zechariah chapter 7 a reading from verse 23,zechariah,8,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 7 now let's turn back to 1 john 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,1 john,5,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 5 what you expect to have as good a zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,zephaniah,1,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 12 and other prisoners at sea according to 2 john 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,2 john,27,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 27 verse 14 limits in micah chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,micah,19,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 2 determine whether you even have them around you 1 samuel 3 16 the bible says then those who fear the lord,1 samuel,3,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 16 luke 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,luke,3,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 8 very powerfully you know asked question like that that doesn't work 2 john chapter 2 verses 22 and 23 let me read,2 john,2,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 22 into our services tomorrow sunday in 1 john chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,1 john,12,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 12 nation resulting in a new dawn can i say lord don't believe in amen job 34 29 when he giveth quietness who then can,job,34,29.0,1.0,job chapter 34 verse 29 i just feel like i'm honoring 3 john 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would,3 john,6,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 6 business fervent his spirit obadiah 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith,obadiah,6,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 12 1 corinthians chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,1 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 and they were wicked and this is this is their crime repeatedly 2 corinthians 9 13 they forsaken my law that i set,2 corinthians,9,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 13 now praise god jude chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 the word of god makes it very clear,jude,3,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 9 your destiny obadiah 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 13 says,obadiah,28,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 28 verse 13 recite that while our text is taken from joel chapter 5,joel,5,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 5 verses 11 to 12. the jude sr421 verses 11 to,jude,4,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 21 and all living things that's what luke chapter 1 verses 21 and 27 said,luke,1,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 21 outside the can judges chapter 13 jesus suffered outside the camp hebrews 13 verse 12 he wasn't crucified inside jerusalem he,judges,13,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 12 time without sin unto salvation leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,leviticus,3,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 his name according to zephaniah 9 17 exodus 1 to 2 says and the lord said unto moses go in unto pharaoh,zephaniah,9,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 17 in the story i told you earlier on joshua 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,joshua,32,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 24 we are waiting for our direction john chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 and the voice of them that make mary 1 kings 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,1 kings,30,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 30 verse 19 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle john chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,john,5,14.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 14 that if a man is worth his weight the bible says in haggai 128 that his wife ought to be like a fruitful vine,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 essentially these three verses summarize a story that goes from joshua chapter 12 to genesis chapter 50.,joshua,12,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 5 it's an offering of fellowship i'm titus 3 verses 27 and 28 says this for as many of you as were baptized into,titus,3,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 27 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ malachi chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,malachi,11,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 15 just couldn't believe this is there in the book of malachi i believe chart 8 verse 20 it says the harvest is past and,malachi,8,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 2 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this malachi chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,malachi,39,39.0,1.0,malachi chapter 39 verse 39 looking at 1 john chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,1 john,2,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 29 at it when you get home in ruth 25 and verse 29 through verse 34.,ruth,25,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 29 flood please reduction i said to please luke 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,luke,1,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 13 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in esther chapter 4 verse 19,esther,4,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 19 suffering for being an evil doer ruth 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,ruth,8,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 13 and whatever your mind fixes on manifests itself in our lives job 11 15 tells us this if they'd been mindful,job,11,15.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 15 changes for the better before them now today we want to look at 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good,2 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 i cast it out of every life this morning zephaniah 2 2 the spirit which now works in the,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 joel 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,joel,41,32.0,1.0,joel chapter 41 verse 32 that means if you want your children to grow up properly start with 1 samuel 5 33,1 samuel,5,33.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 33 ezra chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,ezra,2,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 2 amos chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,amos,5,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 24 2 peter 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,2 peter,5,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 6 admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to jude 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're,jude,23,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 23 verse 16 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth 1 peter 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,1 peter,8,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 28 sometimes brings possession zechariah 18 verse 21 proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says death,zechariah,18,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 21 very important in what we have to do first of them is 1 corinthians chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,1 corinthians,22,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 22 characterized by fire and i want you to see them in 1 samuel chapter 2 please acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 17,1 samuel,2,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 17 are ordained for fulfillment in haggai chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,haggai,12,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 25 in the battle he doesn't just do this for nahum hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,nahum,1,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 14 heaven rules right look at job 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,job,6,2.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 2 deceive us from the truth look at titus 5 verse 8,titus,5,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 8 the presence of the lord and that from 2 corinthians 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,2 corinthians,8,38.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 38 verse 9 and 10 the writer of the book of 2 peter was saying that they were about to go into,2 peter,1,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 9 dead here in abraham's family abraham ezra 4 19. the deadness of sarah's womb,ezra,4,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 19 in habakkuk 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,habakkuk,21,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 22 we're looking at china in chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19 in 1 samuel of the apostle chapter 3,1 samuel,3,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 19 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way 1 kings 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,1 kings,23,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 3 "god is truth and every word of god is true. numbers 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 there's healing for the soul as well healing for the soul 1 thessalonians chapter 30 i will look here in about 15 jeremiah,1 thessalonians,30,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 15 this is how they did it in daniel's day job 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,job,3,4.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 4 loud amen 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,2 chronicles,1,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 verse five job chapter four reading from verse five,job,4,5.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 5 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is 2 peter 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,2 peter,42,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 42 verse 2 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of 2 john and i remember when we got to verse 8,2 john,1,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 8 prophecy we find it in 3 john 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,3 john,21,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 2 world john chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,john,15,16.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 16 they corrupt others they corrupt others philemon 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,philemon,15,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 2 produces the fruit of love and now look what titus 5 6. same book a few verses earlier in christ,titus,5,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 6 our mind to turn back to the thicks of the world it helps us in ezekiel chapter 10 reading from verse 38 hebrews,ezekiel,10,38.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 38 god we thank you for your spirit that verse of zephaniah 4 6 sticks out to me it is not by might,zephaniah,4,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 6 out what is called the fear of god in fact song of solomon (song of songs) 1 7 says the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom,song of solomon (song of songs),1,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 7 basically on the choice of individuals in the book of judges chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and,judges,13,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 19 reagan points that out in his book 1 timothy 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until,1 timothy,12,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 4 laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12,song of solomon (song of songs),26,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 verse 12 most important passages in my life 1 john chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,1 john,1,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 22 looking at 1 peter chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 22 genesis chapter 5 verse 22 and enoch walked with god at i,1 peter,5,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 22 which you send your promise that's why it says in jonah 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will,jonah,33,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 33 verse 3 us in the name of jesus in ezra chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,ezra,7,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 12 edition song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,song of solomon (song of songs),4,31.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in esther chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,esther,10,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 12 we draw strength from scriptures 2 samuel chapter 4 and verse 2. the scripture declares,2 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 god knows your presence and god knows your future in leviticus 1 5 the bible says before i,leviticus,1,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 5 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle 2 john chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,2 john,5,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 14 repent according to job chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 read this one 1 thessalonians 8 acts 16 8 to 10 acts 16 8 to 10,1 thessalonians,16,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 8 children of god jude 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,jude,1,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 12 gracious purposes such as in 1 john 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a visit from god was always monumental,1 john,1,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 6 rejoice in hope of the glory of god esther chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 without fear you'll serve the lord without fear nahum chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15,nahum,8,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 15 "is the cornerstone. joshua 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",joshua,4,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 11 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 37,1 samuel,8,37.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 37 14 to 39 2 chronicles 41 14 to 39 the bible talks about joseph,2 chronicles,41,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 41 verse 14 he said a 2 peter 1 8 that i want it the bible said,2 peter,1,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 8 esther 4 18 proverbs 4 18 but the path of the jaws,esther,4,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 18 manifestation of divine visitation in matthew chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,matthew,1,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 14 [applause] i mean in 1 thessalonians of the apostles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 our strength from,1 thessalonians,12,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 5 met for a week so we can read that in psalms chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,psalms,14,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 16 doesn't contradict it so if it says in esther 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,esther,6,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 23 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says john chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,john,3,2.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 2 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is lamentations 34 4. the fig tree here represents global,lamentations,34,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 34 verse 4 the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies 2 thessalonians 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked,2 thessalonians,10,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 25 to your face or maybe in the comments section of a youtube video leviticus chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 is our target,leviticus,7,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 21 "oh many things, but for me it is best embodied in lamentations chapter 2 verse 14, quote verse ""do everything without complaining.",lamentations,2,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 minister micah 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect,micah,26,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 3 students i'm looking at hosea chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and,hosea,33,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 33 verse 9 the one who is truly godly look at micah chapter 3 when looking at verse 6,micah,3,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 6 love for the church according to jonah 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also,jonah,5,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 25 after a fall to rise again in 2 corinthians chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after,2 corinthians,8,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 26 one too it's awesome yeah i mean psalms say 28 is so true right he causes all things to,psalms,1,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 28 "is.  matthew 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 and we're going to do this backwards look at 1 kings 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,1 kings,37,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 37 verse 2 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put 2 peter 13 verse 4 up on the screen,2 peter,13,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 4 oh god and in the book of colossians psalm 119 verse 105.,colossians,119,105.0,1.0,colossians chapter 119 verse 105 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good numbers chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,numbers,4,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 17 your amen can turn things around 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 for i say the lord will be unto her the wall,1 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,song of solomon (song of songs),2,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 2 "moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, ezekiel 31 verse 14, ""'behold, the time for you to die is",ezekiel,31,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 31 verse 14 christian life 1 timothy 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't,1 timothy,2,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 6 [applause] 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey,1 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 before the lord jonah 10 25 says never in your life shall you,jonah,10,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 25 2 corinthians chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an 1 thessalonians 320 work that is beyond what these women,1 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 by the spirit of god in 2 peter chapter 5 15 to 17,2 peter,5,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 15 talking of god's love covenant with man 3 john 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,3 john,3,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 16 guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain numbers as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 but the rest is the story of evil hosea 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,hosea,12,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 3 shine haggai 42 16 and i will bring the blind by a way that they knew not i will lead,haggai,42,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 16 one reading from verse 12 habakkuk chapter one,habakkuk,1,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 12 from him zephaniah chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,zephaniah,25,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 25 verse 21 you lost your amen there hosea chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i,hosea,3,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 11 chapter one verse 5 2 kings 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,2 kings,1,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 5 in the world through holiness were coming to nehemiah chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation,nehemiah,2,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 11 that greatness starts with self to leadership in 2 kings chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,2 kings,6,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 6 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in john 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,john,46,3.0,1.0,john chapter 46 verse 3 3 john 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,3 john,11,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 23 anything because you know that malachi started 4 19 philippine 490,malachi,4,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 19 be proud well all you gotta do is read lamentations 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,lamentations,4,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 15 a treasure of god roman chapter 6 verse 23 jonah 6 23 he says the wages of sin is death,jonah,6,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 23 in colossians chapter 5 verse 20 romans 5 20 moreover the law enter that the offense might abandon,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 they won't fly again the bible says in judges chapter 2 from verse 9 to 12 philippians 2,judges,2,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 9 presence how by the blood of jesus this is judges 10 verse 20 by a new and living way open for us through the,judges,10,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 2 by faith zephaniah 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto,zephaniah,3,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 9 meditate the word is jude paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,jude,1,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 17 once on or before may 1st 2021. esther chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 worship this morning i want you to open again to philemon chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,philemon,15,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 11 been going around making land since this man began 1 corinthians 32 verse 17 the walk of righteousness shall be peace,1 corinthians,32,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 17 god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in numbers chapter 36 verse 27,numbers,36,36.0,1.0,numbers chapter 36 verse 36 say loud amen ecclesiastes chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,ecclesiastes,34,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 34 verse 25 to know your creator and become more like him joshua 8 from verse 12 to 13 leaving translation i want to connect,joshua,8,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 12 verse 2. can you guys turn with me can everyone turn to numbers 1 2 if you don't know where genesis 1 2 is,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 son that's one of the primary purposes that's in colossians 8 again verse 29 just the verse right after my favorite which,colossians,8,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 29 growth because we discovered in the book of 1 samuel 66 and verse 8 itself as soon as zion travailed she,1 samuel,66,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 66 verse 8 [applause] philemon chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey,philemon,1,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 5 to 28. 2 timothy chapter 12 of chapter 11 from verse 12.,2 timothy,11,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 12 says in the book of psalms 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,psalms,2,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 9 to psalms 18 there there are more as you would expect but in acts 18 24 a jew named apollo's an alexandrian by birth,psalms,18,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 24 heaven rules right look at 2 peter 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,2 peter,6,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 2 their enemies but you know it's really interesting in leviticus 1 2 this is what it says it says when god was taking,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 and i want to share her story with you today psalms chapter 15 verses 25 through 27 i call this the read through,psalms,15,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 25 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at haggai chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,haggai,11,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 24 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per song of solomon (song of songs) 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and,song of solomon (song of songs),12,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 15 we are waiting for our direction ecclesiastes chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 people look at esther chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,esther,3,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 23 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of zephaniah chapter 15 four to five judges 15,zephaniah,15,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 15 verse 4 well i mean let's look at it let's look at it amos 13 8.,amos,13,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 8 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now 2 john chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,2 john,3,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 14 has proved true in my life jonah 11 25 says this he in second half of proverbs 11 25 is he,jonah,11,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 25 because christ has delivered us from the curse matthew 3 13 christ became a curse for us on the,matthew,3,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 13 in this church joshua chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves,joshua,8,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 9 into eternal life there is no end to it titus 14 9 and a third,titus,14,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 9 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,song of solomon (song of songs),1,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 3 who can make all things possible because he is more than enough look at haggai chapter 7 reading from verse 25 hebrews,haggai,7,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 25 earth that's matthew 1 28. genesis 2 and 8,matthew,1,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 28 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things lamentations 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,lamentations,1,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 2 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in 1 thessalonians 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,1 thessalonians,13,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 23 in the next few minutes haggai chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17,haggai,10,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 17 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 2 timothy chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,2 timothy,53,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 53 verse 3 everlasting father prince of peace that's 2 samuel 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two,2 samuel,9,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 employing them 1 timothy 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,1 timothy,2,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 15 pass away and behold all things become new in nehemiah chapter 4 reading from verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of,nehemiah,4,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 23 is taken from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,song of solomon (song of songs),12,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 7 saints judges 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's,judges,3,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 18 lamentations the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,lamentations,28,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 21 coming sunday ezra chapter 5 and verse 26 says he will lift up an insight to the nations,ezra,5,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 25 by jewish law. malachi 21 verse 5 explicitly forbid the jews to make any kind of cuttings in their,malachi,21,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 5 "they knew them by name. in ruth chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",ruth,11,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 19 i believe what's happening is what luke 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,luke,16,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 2 reality specifically the text that is prompting this whole series is 1 peter 4 verse 8 just the first 11 words at least,1 peter,4,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 8 perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in ruth 4 and verse 6,ruth,4,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 6 met for a week so we can read that in zephaniah chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,zephaniah,14,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 16 settle down in this church for life 2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the,2 chronicles,9,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 11 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with haggai 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,haggai,14,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 24 holy look at haggai chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,haggai,20,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 7 to a world of supernatural tone around jude chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 church say lord amen ruth 59 and verse 19 paraphrased when the enemy shall come in,ruth,59,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 59 verse 19 the church continues to grow habakkuk chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,habakkuk,1,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 12 we kid into extra dose 23 verse 26 and also for me personally it was hosea 23 18 you know the expectations of the,hosea,23,26.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 26 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed 1 timothy chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,1 timothy,5,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 17 the same milk of the word were told in habakkuk chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2,habakkuk,2,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 of operation by all means this coming sunday jonah chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,jonah,20,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 20 verse 9 be sober it tells us in philemon chapter 2 verse 3,philemon,2,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 3 are the ways of death 1 peter chapter 14 and verse 12 is also repeated verbatim chapter 16,1 peter,14,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 12 look at the 1 john chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter,1 john,8,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 19 stand why because he's the author of marriage 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,1 chronicles,2,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 canaan's land in the land of victory and here the lord says in 1 timothy 26 verse 13 i am the lord your god who brought,1 timothy,26,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 13 portia i'm going to have you flip to nahum and gail if you can read us ezekiel 16 8 through 14,nahum,16,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 8 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,1 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 is emphasizing where we have read in judges chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call,judges,1,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 14 god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit hosea 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want,hosea,14,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 17 in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of obadiah chapter 4 and verse 2,obadiah,4,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 2 engage your heart in the book of jude chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,jude,30,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 30 verse 21 you know for example uh if somebody would say well colossians 2 8 9 says that we're saved by grace through faith right,colossians,2,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 8 believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving 2 kings chapter 4 verse 6,2 kings,4,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 6 faith will not walk with a fake life in jude chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is,jude,17,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 9 how did 2 kings 36 27 he said and i will put,2 kings,36,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 36 verse 27 like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and,1 samuel,4,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices 1 john 14 verse 2.,1 john,14,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 2 open your bible with me to the book of ecclesiastes proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,ecclesiastes,14,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 23 4 to 5 second corinthians 4 17 and 1 corinthians 2 14.,1 corinthians,4,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 this jesus is a son given to mankind 1 kings 9 6 is a gift,1 kings,9,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 6 that your search will be rewarded look down to verse 32 1 samuel 8 and now o sons wisdom is still speaking listen to,1 samuel,8,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 32 multitudes into this church this year ecclesiastes 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,ecclesiastes,49,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 49 verse 25 the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name jonah chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant,jonah,12,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 7 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what matthew 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,matthew,2,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 5 expect to receive the promise first thessalonians 5 18 micah chapter 10 and verse 36,micah,5,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 18 prepared themselves in 2 corinthians 11 20 it says because of unbelief,2 corinthians,11,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote 2 peter 2 4. i've spent my life,2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 peace today had to be in 2 chronicles 26 3 isaac 23 now will keep him in perfect peace with,2 chronicles,26,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 26 verse 3 lamentations chapter 20 th reading from verse 15 in genesis chapter 20 gauge reading from verse 15 and behold i am with the,lamentations,20,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 15 you assurance of your own salvation i'm just gonna read from paul here 1 chronicles seven starting with verse 14 he says for,1 chronicles,7,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,1 timothy,9,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 24 for i say we're looking at jonah chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,jonah,6,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 7 you've already read about we've read john 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,john,14,12.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 12 12. hosea chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,hosea,12,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 12 he says for example i read in the law ruth 7 verse 7. remember this this is after romans 6 14,ruth,7,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 7 thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures zechariah chapter 14 verse 21,zechariah,14,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 21 sinner because you see philemon 4 17 says anyone who knows what to do and doesn't do it,philemon,4,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 17 we look at leviticus chapter 4 reading from verse 18 acts chapter 4 verse 18 and they called them and they commanded,leviticus,4,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 18 so i'll read ecclesiastes 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house,ecclesiastes,10,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 21 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of esther he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,esther,1,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 5 everyone from that second death look at colossians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,colossians,2,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 14 the essence of this passage so let's go to 3 john chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,3 john,11,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 11 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 joshua 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,joshua,3,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 17 look at 1 peter chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,1 peter,4,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 17 ezekiel 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,ezekiel,3,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 18 you're being too sensitive david you're taking this too far 1 thessalonians 221 says god changes times,1 thessalonians,2,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 21 astray like a lost sheep he's living in joshua 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,joshua,7,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 2 faith without faith the scripture says it is impossible to please god mark 11 verse 6. it says but without faith it,mark,11,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 6 tonight yeah 3 john 13 from verse 14 bible talks about the encounter of abraham are,3 john,13,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 14 the king after he repented he says in 1 kings 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,1 kings,4,35.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 35 suffering in the world in job 28 the bible reads this is verse 8 it happened that the father of publius,job,28,8.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 8 in this church amen can be stronger in 1 peter chapter 12 and verse 3 said and they,1 peter,12,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 3 of a story 1 samuel chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was,1 samuel,6,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 11 your life he wants to put a song there obadiah chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,obadiah,3,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 21 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law haggai 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,haggai,5,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 22 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience 1 timothy 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of 1 timothy says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",1 timothy,10,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 14 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in amos chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,amos,24,34.0,1.0,amos chapter 24 verse 34 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 chronicles 50 and 6 my people,1 chronicles,50,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 50 verse 6 thee prepare to meet their god o israel ezra chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,ezra,4,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 12 testament passage is speaking from zephaniah 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,zephaniah,10,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 22 it takes him from fear to faith we're looking at chapter 2 of 2 john verse 4 and we saw that there were two,2 john,2,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 4 of it beautifully john 8 22 and then,john,8,22.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 22 people started to read the bible and apply what jonah 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,jonah,13,46.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 46 all right hosea chapter 14 from verse 17 romans 14 17 the bible says for the kingdom of god,hosea,14,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 17 astray like a lost sheep he's living in joshua 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,joshua,7,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 2 but you'll understand that as i read verses 15 to 17 obadiah 5 15 to 17. therefore be careful how you walk,obadiah,5,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 15 to redeem us read as esther 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,esther,53,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 53 verse 3 in the book of leviticus chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains,leviticus,8,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 22 in jonah chapter 4 reading from verse 3 romans chapter 4 reading from verse 3. and what shall and,jonah,4,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 3 for you right now nehemiah 8 32 he despaired not his own son,nehemiah,8,32.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 32 8 37 jonah 8 37 the word says nay in all these things,jonah,8,37.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 37 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put zechariah 13 verse 4 up on the screen,zechariah,13,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 4 our bible passage for today is taken from john chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8,john,8,23.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 23 of commitment in true ministers let's look at 1 john chapter 16 verse 8 acts chapter 16,1 john,16,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 16 verse 8 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 2 corinthians do this is scripture remember so verse 32,2 corinthians,36,32.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 36 verse 32 children made it 2 john chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,2 john,14,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 31 purpose obadiah 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,obadiah,1,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 it also says the same thing in 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,2 timothy,12,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 9 number two you need to meditate meditate mark 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,mark,1,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 8 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in lamentations 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,lamentations,8,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 22 the book of ezra chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,ezra,6,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 12 my judgment age was as a robe and he died look at chapter 27 job chapter 27 reading from verse 5 god forbid that,job,27,5.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 5 cannot certify that uh i'm going by ezra 5 number 16 um,ezra,5,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 16 will be flowing out 2 kings 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,2 kings,23,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 9 coming sunday 1 chronicles chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 of zechariah chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,zechariah,1,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 at circumcision in the old covenant well looking at luke chapter 30 verse 6,luke,30,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 6 sanctify sage chapter 7 of amos reading from verse 3,amos,7,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 3 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick esther 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,esther,13,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 12 to restore and rebuild jerusalem nahum 9 25 know therefore and understand,nahum,9,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 25 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to 3 john 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,3 john,5,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 13 so the bible says in malachi 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,malachi,22,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 3 on that it is still going on we're coming back to 1 thessalonians of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 of the glory of the grace of god luke 1 6 1 12 114,luke,1,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 6 and you see a shame chapter 22 of luke revelation 22 verse 7 behold,luke,22,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 7 numbers chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,numbers,29,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 29 verse 22 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 ruth chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,ruth,9,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 14 that was what zechariah was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,zechariah,3,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 17 have your bibles you can turn to joel chapter 3 verse 19 and i believe one of the areas that god has,joel,3,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 19 have faith have faith because in colossians 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in job chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,job,33,13.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 13 be taking our memory verse from the book of obadiah chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 headed by the fear of the lord philemon 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,philemon,10,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 12 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of ruth 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,ruth,44,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 44 verse 3 the tree of life until when in 2 thessalonians chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,2 thessalonians,22,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 22 chapter 2 we're reading from verse 44 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 44 and all that believes,1 samuel,2,44.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 44 in philemon 66 verse 15 the lord is the avenger he puts on garments of vengeance isaiah 59 says ezekiel 25 verse 17 to my wrath and,philemon,25,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 25 verse 17 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again 1 thessalonians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,1 thessalonians,7,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 13 and my direction of my life changed said from 2 chronicles 6 12 if you want to overcome satan,2 chronicles,6,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 hearts malachi chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,malachi,3,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 12 their agenda i scott dear agenda the people 1 kings chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible,1 kings,15,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 2 spirit 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,1 timothy,5,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 18 belonging to christ in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 27,ezekiel,3,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 27 and this is for somebody in particular amos 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,amos,26,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 12 and into all of mankind micah 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,micah,5,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 12 "go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of 3 john 12. ""two wings of the great eagle were given to",3 john,12,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 14 amen ezra 32 25 and when he saw that he prevailed not,ezra,32,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 32 verse 25 be seven years well if you look at the book of luke chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,luke,9,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 24 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen 2 samuel 14 and verse 27,2 samuel,14,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 27 biblical principle it says this in luke 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put,luke,4,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccpnermuby and then verses 19 and 20 of 1 john 6 our witness in the world is affected by,1 john,6,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 19 righteousness leviticus chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,leviticus,8,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 19 verse 17 says for psalms 19 17. he that happened upon the poor landed unto the lord,psalms,19,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 17 fulfilling its function that's what we read in job 4 16. the body is built by what every joint,job,4,16.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 16 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in micah chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,micah,12,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 12 reading from verse 24 1 corinthians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 24 therefore shall a man,1 corinthians,2,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 24 is the first household baptism passage right jude 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,jude,10,44.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 44 under a speech look at verse 14 of that 2 chronicles chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,2 chronicles,2,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 14 testimony can raise the debt can read the story in esther of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41,esther,9,39.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 39 find the most interesting question 2 corinthians 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before,2 corinthians,33,31.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 33 verse 31 mighty name of jesus ruth 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,ruth,26,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 27 again and again and reinforcing its importance 1 corinthians 2 42 is a summary statement of life,1 corinthians,2,42.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42 that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied 3 john three five the spirit is supplied and works,3 john,3,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 5 2021 say louder amen 1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving,1 thessalonians,30,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 19 of nehemiah chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,nehemiah,1,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 14 will bring those answers 2 samuel chapter 1 17 to 19 as paul writes to those people that he's,2 samuel,1,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 17 other kids after jesus was born job 13 55 actually calls out james specifically i'll just give you that,job,13,55.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 55 look at um matthew chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,matthew,4,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 13 although when you read joshua 18 22 to 23,joshua,18,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 22 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in 2 kings that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody,2 kings,1,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 5 i said with you will rejoice looking at john chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of matthew chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the,matthew,50,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 50 verse 14 of the harvest malachi 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women,malachi,4,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 4 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in nahum chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,nahum,12,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 15 new heaven passages just the verse judges 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,judges,65,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 65 verse 17 cells all through this year hosea chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,hosea,2,46.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 46 to honor her and habakkuk 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,habakkuk,27,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 27 verse 18 binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 toward god or turning away from him psalms 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,psalms,1,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 6 words that the author of numbers says that to whom verse 18 hebrews chapter 3 verse 18 to whom did he swear that they,numbers,3,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 18 to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in 1 samuel 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift,1 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um 2 kings chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus,2 kings,20,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 23 i want we gotta read scripture carefully mark 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,mark,4,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 19 characterized by fire and i want you to see them in joshua chapter 2 please acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 17,joshua,2,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 17 restoration restoration jude chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,jude,1,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 26 came down on anointed worship or look at micah chapter 2 and verse 11,micah,2,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 11 chapter 3 a meeting from verse 13 amos chapter 3,amos,3,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 13 why not warm to another in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,song of solomon (song of songs),29,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 13 and many happy returns in 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,2 kings,12,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 5 church and louder email lamentations 54 and verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together,lamentations,54,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 54 verse 15 gentleness and goodness look at lamentations chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love,lamentations,5,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 22 can we have a look in yemi read for us numbers chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy,numbers,2,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 4 somebody shout oh 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,2 chronicles,8,32.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 32 multitude of councilors there is safety that is colossians 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the,colossians,11,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 14 flyers jonah 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,jonah,3,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 5 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year 2 samuel chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,2 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola nehemiah 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,nehemiah,37,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 37 verse 5 what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride 3 john chapter 16 verse 18 says,3 john,16,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 18 in our hearts matthew 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,matthew,17,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 17 verse 9 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so haggai says uh and she said to her uh all that you,haggai,1,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 5 welcomed and forgiven and this is why 1 kings 4 16 says let us therefore come,1 kings,4,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 16 face us in this day in jonah chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,jonah,11,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 11 away it shall it shall come to pass jonah 19 verse 25,jonah,19,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 25 brotherly lord in honour preferring one another it helps us in malachi chapter 3 reading from verse 12 for,malachi,3,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 12 1 timothy chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will,1 timothy,12,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 5 with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from luke 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting,luke,59,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 59 verse 2 when we are repentant we find that in jude 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,jude,2,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 12 and the third comfort for forever uh amos chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed,amos,33,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 33 verse 2 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to luke job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,luke,1,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 8 the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man mark 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what,mark,16,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 25 we are told in chapter 6 of judges that daniel in verse 12 verse 20 he said the king said daniel servant of the,judges,6,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 12 name let me show you one verse of scripture in hosea chapter 28 verse 12 good,hosea,28,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 28 verse 12 everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so song of solomon (song of songs) is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i,song of solomon (song of songs),1,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 17 back to balaam in 1 john chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,1 john,31,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 31 verse 31 abacus chapter 2 verse 4 we went into that titus 1 17 the joshua lived by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall,titus,1,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 17 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 the question and one way to support this idea is to go to micah chapter 1 verse 23 and read on a bit into verse 25 now,micah,1,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 23 in the name of jesus so we look at titus 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,titus,24,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 24 verse 2 the main verse i want us to hover over is titus chapter 9 verse 15. i read it already but acts chapter 9 verse 15,titus,9,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 15 your relationship now in the book of 1 kings chapter 13 verse 20,1 kings,13,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 2 god this jonah chapter 3 verse 23 in chapter 6 verse 23 it says the wages of,jonah,3,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 23 i'll show you this word used in another context think it will help haggai 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to,haggai,13,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 8 from 2 timothy i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ou4ba4_iju in zephaniah chapter 2 verse 20 it says but i have this complaint against you,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 the bible says in psalms chapter 3 verse 8 amos chapter 3 verse 8. this is,psalms,3,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 8 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in colossians chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,colossians,9,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 23 testimonies this year habakkuk 51 11 therefore the redeemed of the lord shall return now rise you are,habakkuk,51,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 51 verse 11 in fact the word of god declares in 1 john 3 and verse 8 he said concerning joshua day that,1 john,3,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 8 chapter 12 tells us reading from verse 4 in ruth chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel,ruth,12,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 4 that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage zechariah 5 and verse 18.,zechariah,5,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 18 according to his purpose lamentations 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,lamentations,29,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 11 and being led by the spirit of god in zephaniah chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,zephaniah,48,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 48 verse 17 reading from verse 28 malachi of the apostles chapter 20 reading here from verse 28,malachi,20,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 28 [music] nehemiah 14 verse 14 though these three men,nehemiah,14,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 14 because it's written in that passage in joshua 13 5 and 6. because it says there,joshua,13,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 5 2 john chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16. the scripture says romans chapter 6,2 john,6,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 16 different thing now if we go to 2 timothy to exodus 24 8,2 timothy,24,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 24 verse 8 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come,2 timothy,4,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 in amos in philippians chapter 3 verse philippians chapter 4 verse 13. he said i can do all things through christ,amos,3,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 13 darkness the word is light 1 john chapter 9 verse 8 he said god sent a word into jacob and it has,1 john,9,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 8 prayed scripture says in 2 kings 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,2 kings,8,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 13 has said 2 john chapter 6 god says in the third verse,2 john,6,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 3 lifestyle we're told in luke chapter 3 verse 3 revelation chapter 3 when,luke,3,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 3 on the dry ground ruth 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of,ruth,11,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 29 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in lamentations 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,lamentations,28,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 23 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 2 kings chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,2 kings,11,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 these habakkuk one two three four five you know and all that to genesis 12 all that,habakkuk,1,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 2 fear of the lord or if you look at 1 samuel chapter 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,1 samuel,1,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 7 so he goes 2 corinthians 1 verse 9 this is my command,2 corinthians,1,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 1 kings 37 to 8 he said when i open no man can,1 kings,3,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 7 the importance of hearing god's voice like in mark 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,mark,1,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 11 2 peter chapter 2 excuse me colossians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 10,2 peter,2,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 9 with your academics well the bible says in 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5 that if anybody lack wisdom,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 i'm reading from verse 22 john chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel,john,2,22.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 22 for your sake in the name of jesus john 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,john,54,14.0,1.0,john chapter 54 verse 14 chapter 24 and i'm reading from verse 27 jonah chapter 24,jonah,24,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 27 and his agents in the book of 2 kings chapter 6 verse 12.,2 kings,6,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 12 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 2 samuel 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,2 samuel,13,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 2 uh see him we'll saw that in mark chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only,mark,1,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 7 toward god or turning away from him joshua 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,joshua,1,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 6 i'm coming now to obadiah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,obadiah,8,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 22 now even as he is pure zechariah chapter 30 verse 26 is talking about the glory of,zechariah,30,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 30 verse 26 year 2 timothy 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the,2 timothy,1,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in 2 john 10 20 that he made a way,2 john,10,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 2 20 to song of solomon (song of songs) 13 from verse 22 22 god said i found a man,song of solomon (song of songs),13,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 22 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god matthew chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,matthew,4,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 3 dismayed zechariah chapter 31 verses 7 and 8 and moses called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all israel,zechariah,31,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 31 verse 7 desire for good health 1 corinthians 14 19 the evil bow before the good,1 corinthians,14,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 19 said whatever is you know let's look at 1 peter 4 8 right quick philippians 4 8,1 peter,4,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 8 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it ezra 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,ezra,6,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 5 mighty name of jesus luke 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,luke,26,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 27 when he departed out of iran 2 timothy 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,2 timothy,3,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 12 1 kings chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,1 kings,3,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 17 1 thessalonians 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,1 thessalonians,32,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 27 with the things that are good for us you can read mark 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about lamentations and then we come to verse 32 like a great,lamentations,1,32.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 32 pursuing and seeking to save that which was lost mark chapter 20 verse 24,mark,20,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 24 stuff but haggai 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,haggai,53,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 53 verse 7 have a foundational truth about marriage in psalms 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and,psalms,5,31.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 31 the bible said in jude chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,jude,4,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 19 love does here in john 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each,john,13,8.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 8 look at that verse that joshua 5 9 said then the lord said to joshua this day this day this day i have rolled away the,joshua,5,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 9 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out zechariah chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,zechariah,2,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 24 the capacity of god is failure proof zechariah chapter 12. and verse 25 ezekiel 12 of verse 25 for i am the lord,zechariah,12,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 25 his son made of a woman made under the law colossians 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore,colossians,2,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 14 to the pastor's area and immediately hosea 18 45 dropped in my spirit which says the strangers fade away and come,hosea,18,45.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 45 that wisdom and numbers prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,numbers,11,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 3 chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 12 ezra our reading from verse 12 jeremiah,ezra,18,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 18 verse 12 from the father we can check out titus chapter 11 verse 7,titus,11,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 7 no yeah chapter 16 sorry nehemiah chapter 16 verse 15 this is referring to the birth,nehemiah,16,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 15 confirming the word everywhere in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,1 corinthians,14,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of 2 kings continuing with the creation account a,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 we can make it louder and stronger ecclesiastes 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,ecclesiastes,41,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 41 verse 15 verse 9 verse 10 ecclesiastes 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,ecclesiastes,3,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 9 becomes brighter and brighter moses gazed on him in judges 33 when you read from verse 17 to 23 moses,judges,33,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 17 tonight in jesus name in 1 samuel chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,1 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 heaven that's why it says there's no god let's look at ezra chapter 2 our reading from verse 18.,ezra,2,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 18 the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in ezra 12 verse 13 we all know the passover,ezra,12,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 13 uh 1 samuel talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,1 samuel,1,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 19 with your word judges chapter 43 at verse 19 behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring,judges,43,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 43 verse 19 i was turned ruth 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,ruth,11,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 17 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that 2 peter 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,2 peter,20,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 17 and there in verse 6 matthew tells us that he saw this man clothed in linen,matthew,7,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 6 see transformation take place in our lives 1 chronicles 14 13 says why is the lord talk taking us to this country only to,1 chronicles,14,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 13 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 15 four to five judges 15,2 thessalonians,15,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 4 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from zechariah let him who boasts boast in the lord and,zechariah,1,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 31 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few numbers psalm 69 70,numbers,69,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 69 verse 7 let that man turn things around titus chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,titus,1,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 11 jada will read titus 2 verse 15 to,titus,2,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 15 prepared for you in closing 1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17.,1 chronicles,8,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 16 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to 2 john 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,2 john,5,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 13 it's found in who you know hosea 13 5 says let your way of living be without,hosea,13,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 5 recite it together after the count of two haggai chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,haggai,8,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 17 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean habakkuk 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,habakkuk,11,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 6 over satan synagogue he tells us in 1 john isaiah chapter 49 verse 23 in isaiah chapter 49,1 john,49,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 49 verse 23 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in titus chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,titus,19,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 27 directly 2 samuel 34 16 seek out of the book of the lord read none of these shall fail,2 samuel,34,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 34 verse 16 that answers prayer as we answer you in ezekiel 33 and verse 3 god said call unto me and i will answer thee,ezekiel,33,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 3 as the brightness of the former man 2 corinthians 2 f3 and they turn many many to righteousness,2 corinthians,2,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 3 now and he says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and in verse 8 and in verse 9,2 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 before the lord 2 peter 10 25 says never in your life shall you,2 peter,10,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 25 in the next few minutes philemon chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17,philemon,10,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 17 [music] joel chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,joel,2,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 6 "well it is in one place in the old testament, 1 john 7 verse 13 and 14, the only time the son of man ever refers to messiah.",1 john,7,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 13 something else notice here in 2 timothy daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,2 timothy,7,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 2 very important in what we have to do first of them is habakkuk chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,habakkuk,22,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 22 he died and obtained for us luke 5 12. power,luke,5,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 12 how can you worry when ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you,ecclesiastes,1,27.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 27 now look what happens here. look at colossians 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,colossians,13,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 17 testament paul would write this in 1 timothy 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,1 timothy,2,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 16 so read the scripture carefully every single song of solomon (song of songs) 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,song of solomon (song of songs),4,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 15 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to jude chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29,jude,29,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 29 verse 17 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in job chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,job,3,9.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 9 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in zephaniah 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",zephaniah,14,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 28 statement that could be said after any command all right let's look at 2 john with that in mind does verse 17,2 john,17,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 17 verse 3 declare it before god can confirm it luke 44 26 isaiah 44,luke,44,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 44 verse 26 is wise psalms 11 30 and the why shall they hear the glory,psalms,11,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 3 chapter one verse seven job 1 verse 7 in whom we have,job,1,7.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 7 exercise with god's warned in the book of 1 chronicles about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,1 chronicles,24,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 24 verse 16 testimony can raise the debt can read the story in zechariah of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41,zechariah,9,39.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 39 deceiving themselves matthew 1 26,matthew,1,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 26 the wiser we have the better we live malachi 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,malachi,12,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 2 to as many as well as given him yagi be everlasting life 1 kings chapter 10 piscotty age acts chapter 10 verse 30,1 kings,10,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 3 amos 18 11. proverbs 18 11. the rich think their wealth,amos,18,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 11 god chose us to bring us to equality 1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 47 to 48.,1 corinthians,28,47.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 47 they never taught me what it says in habakkuk 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes,habakkuk,3,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 21 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in 1 timothy 22 verse 16.,1 timothy,22,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 16 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 corinthians 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your,1 corinthians,59,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 59 verse 2 the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in john 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to,john,80,17.0,1.0,john chapter 80 verse 17 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve 2 timothy 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,2 timothy,4,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 3 is for a moment that's right 2 thessalonians 20 verse 5 an even more frightening is job 15 verse 34 job 15 verse 34 it,2 thessalonians,20,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 5 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the habakkuk listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,habakkuk,9,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 9 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in haggai chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,haggai,4,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 15 yes he was why though why simple answer 2 samuel 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are,2 samuel,5,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 17 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in 1 corinthians chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,1 corinthians,24,34.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 24 verse 34 to hosea chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you,hosea,3,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 2 matthew chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,matthew,10,38.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 38 verse 12 micah chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,micah,5,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 12 so when you're running a conflict learn to listen titus 18 13 says only a fool answers a matter before he's heard,titus,18,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 13 of spiritual battles and our memory verse was taken from habakkuk 9 6,habakkuk,9,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 6 song of solomon in 2 corinthians 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,2 corinthians,27,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 27 verse 4 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise joshua 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,joshua,100,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 100 verse 4 chapter 8 2 john 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,2 john,8,35.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 35 die 3 john 5 19 romans 5 19 god didn't want anyone to die,3 john,5,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 19 in all excuse me philemon 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 uh for for for the the psalms church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your,psalms,1,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 15 and then in 2 kings chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,2 kings,6,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 16 interceding is very important lamentations 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,lamentations,9,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 5 dominion physically in lamentations chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 ox5 14 to 16,lamentations,5,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 14 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to nahum chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,nahum,50,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 50 verse 19 came down on anointed worship or look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 and verse 11,song of solomon (song of songs),2,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 11 nehemiah 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,nehemiah,14,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 6 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god leviticus 26 15 15 to 16,leviticus,26,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 15 purpose your destiny haggai chapter 4 verse 11,haggai,4,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 11 encounters with light colossians 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 one prayer point and we are done zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,zephaniah,1,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 9 answer i verse 3 see god the holy one just like haggai i see god his brilliant splendor fills,haggai,1,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 3 and here it says in verse 12 37 ezekiel believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,ezekiel,12,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 37 our inner man in the book of leviticus 3 verse 16 the word of god tells us there ephesians,leviticus,3,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 were going to read it together all of us 1 thessalonians 32 verse 27 are we there,1 thessalonians,32,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 27 for believers crazy things like that it says in philemon chapter 10 verse 29 how much severe punishment do you think,philemon,10,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 29 we'll watch to see what he will say unto me and so he's got to listen nehemiah 54 and 5 says the lord god to give me the,nehemiah,54,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 54 verse 5 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 zephaniah 26 i also will do this unto you we even,zephaniah,26,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 26 verse 16 awareness spiritual environment awareness in 2 kings chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,2 kings,22,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 3 numbers chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,numbers,13,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 5 we're looking at nehemiah chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,nehemiah,5,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 19 stronger this morning zephaniah chapter 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people and,zephaniah,2,47.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 47 in other communities in every community all over the world in haggai chapter 1 verse 16 i am not ashamed,haggai,1,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 16 [music] chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,nehemiah,2,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 25 this he says paul says in colossians 4 5 that there's only one faith,colossians,4,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 5 enact the apostles chapter 2 reading from verse 22 2 peter chapter 2,2 peter,2,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 22 to the church the bible tells in the book of joel 4 and verse 4,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 hosea 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,hosea,41,32.0,1.0,hosea chapter 41 verse 32 we find him saying so again in zephaniah 1 21 for me to leave is christ,zephaniah,1,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 21 the context carefully in the book of zechariah 9 verse 24 227 you'll see that there are only 483 years that are accounted,zechariah,9,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 24 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things 1 thessalonians 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,1 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 self in 2 john chapter 28 verse 15 and behold i am with thee and i will keep,2 john,28,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 28 verse 15 with all he says we're looking at 2 thessalonians chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter,2 thessalonians,1,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 28 it again so it's taken from mark 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,mark,5,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 22 care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from esther 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne,esther,46,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 46 verse 3 and after this the judgment numbers 9 27,numbers,9,27.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 27 beyond philemon 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day,philemon,13,44.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 44 from judges 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in,judges,2,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 15 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again 1 thessalonians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,1 thessalonians,7,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 13 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew nehemiah 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,nehemiah,13,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 4 and god took him you read that in ezra 11 5 also hebrews 11 5,ezra,11,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 5 wisdom a new source of guidance amos 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things,amos,4,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 13 come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery hosea 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came,hosea,4,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 4 conditions in december 28 matthew 28 verse 43 says,matthew,28,43.0,1.0,matthew chapter 28 verse 43 of offence both towards god and man 1 peter 24 16 we need to exercise ourselves we need to build up our faith,1 peter,24,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 24 verse 16 that's wisdom that can be from above lamentations 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,lamentations,17,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 17 verse 14 throughout these years i've loved the truth of numbers 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,numbers,45,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 45 verse 3 a loud amen 1 kings 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,1 kings,5,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 14 apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter jonah 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he,jonah,21,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 8 every child of god in mark 4 18 it said that the path of the just the journey of the just is,mark,4,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 18 through chapter 8 verse 6 so numbers chapter 7 a reading from verse 23,numbers,8,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 7 you can't kill somebody's already dead judges chapter 2 verse 20 valishia 2 verse 24 say i am crucified with christ,judges,2,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 2 praise the lord and you remember the book of obadiah 2 extra 14 6 the reason why,obadiah,2,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 6 verse 22 and 23 2 samuel 1 22 to 23,2 samuel,1,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 22 1 john chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,1 john,19,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 11 our petition was granted in the book of nahum 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,nahum,44,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 44 verse 3 be a man what does it say in colossians 12 14. as much as it lies in us to follow peace,colossians,12,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 14 scripture joshua 45 verse 5 i am the lord and there is no other apart from me there is,joshua,45,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 45 verse 5 5 verse 22 to 24 esther 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,esther,5,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 22 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in micah 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",micah,14,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 28 like 1 timothy chapter 13. genesis 18 verse 16 and i will make thy seed,1 timothy,18,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 16 is one reference in the book of joel acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,joel,16,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 14 and now they're still up under the curse until numbers 32 verse 23 to 30,numbers,32,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 23 all of the systems of this world jesus is going to come back again in micah chapter 7 we read of the fifth kingdom,micah,7,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 5 in 1 peter chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord,1 peter,14,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 24 "they knew them by name. in 2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",2 kings,11,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 do it now in malachi chapter 6 galatians galatians chapter 6 9 to 10 this is what he said 9 to 10 and let us,malachi,6,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 9 king john version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,john,12,7.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 7 four in 2 chronicles chapter 4 he says in verse 13,2 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 no sabbath has ever been required zephaniah 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer,zephaniah,2,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 16 verse 33 obadiah chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted,obadiah,2,33.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 33 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth ruth chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,ruth,6,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 2 power to rescue you 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,2 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 as hosea 29 verse 18 he said where there is no revelation,hosea,29,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 18 called satan which means adversary and joshua 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,joshua,1,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 6 at verses 6 & 7 in 2 chronicles chapter 1 here we are after the death and resurrection of jesus christ,2 chronicles,1,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 lord were looking at obadiah chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and were eating here from verse 9 the people were to convince,obadiah,3,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 3 corinthians 12 he empowers in zechariah 1 verse 8 and he fills in acts chapter 2 verse 4 this is your comforter are you hearing,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 joshua 1 17 17 to 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight against you,joshua,1,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 17 is 2 timothy chapter 3 james chapter 3 verses 13 to 18 i read,2 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 chapter 3 verse 22 philemon chapter 3 verse 22 for all are saying and caution the glory of god,philemon,3,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 22 the power of heaven upon your life look at titus chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,titus,1,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 4 question like i asked in the book of ruth chapter 6 and verse number 8 oh sure go for us who shall we send,ruth,6,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 8 evangelist by the time we saw him in job 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the,job,21,8.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 8 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king amos bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,amos,16,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 11 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 lamentations chapter 1,lamentations,1,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 15 joshua chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son my daughter to you attained to my,joshua,4,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 17 will deliver you but when we come to 2 chronicles 6 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 then the king arose very,2 chronicles,6,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 19 down from the eye from the ivory tower of pride 2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13,2 corinthians,17,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11 righteousness and good deeds you can read amos 6 19. talking about,amos,6,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 19 you'll be flying with wings as ego in amos 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,amos,19,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 4 give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again ruth chapter 3 verse 5,ruth,3,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 5 going to take first habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 chapter number 13 2 samuel chapter 13 verse number 22 acts chapter 13 verse 22 and the new king james,2 samuel,13,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 22 to song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,song of solomon (song of songs),4,31.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this 1 peter 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,1 peter,53,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 53 verse 7 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again obadiah chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,obadiah,7,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 13 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and luke 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",luke,1,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 3 is a servant in 1 samuel chapter 1 we read verse 8,1 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 2 kings 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 it says about sorry ecclesiastes chapter 2 i'm sorry colossians chapter 2 verse 13 to 15 it talks about,ecclesiastes,2,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13 and in building the body of christ lamentations 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will,lamentations,12,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 2 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 2 chronicles 14 17 says he that is true to agree,2 chronicles,14,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 17 job chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,job,2,2.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus in micah chapter 21 we're reading from verse 27 revelation 21,micah,21,27.0,1.0,micah chapter 21 verse 27 and the purpose is to edify the church in uh 2 peter chapter one reading from verse 3 it,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 the bible tells us in the book of second 1 samuel chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world,1 samuel,1,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 22 here in 1 john sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven,1 john,1,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 16 product of a amos in romans 12 and verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be,amos,12,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 2 reagan points that out in his book 2 john 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until,2 john,12,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 4 make tremendous power available dynamic in its working 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version,2 thessalonians,5,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 salvation and our memory verse was taken from 2 john chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,2 john,10,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 9 good works that you're equipped for okay 1 timothy 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,1 timothy,30,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 30 verse 5 closely the bible tells us there ezekiel 5 9 and 10 he said much more than being now justified by his blood we,ezekiel,5,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 9 really 1 thessalonians 4 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and evil speaking be put,1 thessalonians,4,31.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 31 to be in debt see what it says there job chapter 13 romans chapter 13 verse 9 you shall not murder you shall,job,13,9.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 9 also recover your dreams on fisher in lamentations chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who,lamentations,2,44.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 44 and we're reading from verse 27 habakkuk chapter 11 reading from verse 27,habakkuk,11,27.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 27 discretion a management of the family let's look at leviticus chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,leviticus,47,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 47 verse 13 all things keep working together for your good 1 thessalonians 8 28. i'm from today everything about you at home at work in,1 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 look at this titus chapter 10 acts chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38,titus,10,38.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 38 that's why why is it so important you think about malachi chapter 2 verse 41 it says 3 0 souls what if you had 3 0,malachi,2,41.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 41 god's children the sons that believe and become god's children ezra chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children,ezra,3,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 26 you give an example so let's look at this particular example numbers 28 13 and you said thank you for your,numbers,28,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 13 participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in philemon 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba,philemon,49,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 49 verse 24 from me he says here in 1 corinthians 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the,1 corinthians,2,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 3 up on that verse there in philemon 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess,philemon,2,32.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 32 verses so you need to sort of keep peace with me i'll start from verse 4 jude chapter 11,jude,11,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 4 2 peter chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,2 peter,5,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 2 verse 19 matthew chapter 3 reading here from verse,matthew,3,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 19 here but let me let's read it verse 5 of leviticus 4 she used to sit under the palm of deborah between rama and bethel in,leviticus,4,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 5 prophetic mantle micah 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to,micah,19,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 11 right we've already looked at it in 1 peter 3 4 adulterous this reading is called the heart,1 peter,3,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 4 why do i say this the bible says in 3 john 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 verse 20 luke chapter 20 ah verse 20 and jacob vouched,luke,20,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 2 magnified which take pleasure in the prosperity of his people 1 corinthians 36 11 gave us a condition if you are willing to,1 corinthians,36,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 36 verse 11 when he may be found call upon him when his name 2 corinthians chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,2 corinthians,55,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 55 verse 6 even for this opportunity to show 3 john chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,3 john,15,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 4 a rod will come out who is this rod numbers chapter 5 and verse 6. the bible says and i beheld in the midst of,numbers,5,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 6 chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our nahum series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens,nahum,11,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 12 nahum chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of,nahum,32,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 13 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know mark 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,mark,16,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 3 "earth, to the nations. in mark 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",mark,45,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 45 verse 5 blood of jesus and with the fire of god 1 samuel 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,1 samuel,12,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 11 say louder amen in esther chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of,esther,6,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 7 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen nahum chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,nahum,2,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 13 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's zechariah 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,zechariah,10,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 2 down through the 18th verse so esther chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from 2 chronicles chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,2 chronicles,7,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 and then in 1 corinthians chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in amos 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,amos,13,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 5 vegetarian diets put it up 1 corinthians 1 verse 29 genesis 1 verse 29 and god said seek already together one to go,1 corinthians,1,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 29 god said in his word in the same obadiah chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 36 he said it is,obadiah,8,36.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 36 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in job chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 3 john 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,3 john,5,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 14 services this year in habakkuk chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,habakkuk,13,44.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 44 delivered john 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,john,10,23.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 23 you fall malachi 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,malachi,24,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 16 esther in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,esther,22,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 13 between belief and obedience in ezekiel 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,ezekiel,2,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 14 apostle paul in psalms 4 8 to 7. finally brothers and sisters whatever is true,psalms,4,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 8 come to that but here it says in ruth 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,ruth,4,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 15 2013 by papa over again with 2 chronicles tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,2 chronicles,7,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 that they will stop me zechariah five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,zechariah,5,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 7 why 1 thessalonians 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,1 thessalonians,2,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 and the book of malachi 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,malachi,1,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 18 faithfulness gentleness control against such there is no law 3 john 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 for the fruits of the,3 john,5,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 22 i'm reading from verse 22 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel,1 chronicles,2,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 22 fasted let's say the book of mark chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,mark,18,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 18 that's why the bible tells us in 2 timothy 18 16. it is the gift of a man that maketh room for him,2 timothy,18,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 16 on every side in zechariah chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,zechariah,14,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 3 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of joel and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,joel,3,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 12 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in 1 samuel 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,1 samuel,5,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 19 of god you give to those lunch marks in 1 john chapter 22 verse 28 proverbs 22,1 john,22,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 28 and not have time for him in the book of lamentations 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,lamentations,23,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 26 chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and titus chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse,titus,4,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 2 against the altar at sinai i'll read to you this is zephaniah 36 26 and 27 i will give you a new heart and i will put a,zephaniah,36,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 36 verse 26 of god giving us the promised land little by little mark 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by,mark,23,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 3 to personalize the dominion mandate colossians chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them,colossians,1,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 28 reach for the stars joel chapter 3 and verse 16. he will grant unto you according to,joel,3,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 18 and verse 12 ezekiel chapter 26 and verse 12. the bible says then isaac sold in that land,ezekiel,26,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 12 verse three colossians chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,colossians,5,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 3 rest on those who kneed down in prayers lamentations 4 31 acts 4 31 i read,lamentations,4,31.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 31 what does it say 1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,1 peter,4,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 all their sins micah 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,micah,3,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 13 17. in numbers chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,numbers,14,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 17 in the book of psalm 2 corinthians number 124 look at verse 7 there,2 corinthians,124,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 124 verse 7 of what leads to supernatural prosperity the bible says in jude chapter 4 verse 6 so cf over 6 he said the people my,jude,4,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 6 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in jonah chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,jonah,3,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 17 when he may be found call upon him when his name hosea chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,hosea,55,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 55 verse 6 us away look at john chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,john,9,13.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 13 without blemish and without sports let's come to obadiah chapter 7. i read him from verse 25,obadiah,7,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 25 gathering of more teachers allowed amen in habakkuk 37 of our study to verse 22 is a fair way that comment out of the north,habakkuk,37,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 37 verse 22 was worth the wait joel 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,joel,8,27.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 27 all through eternity it tells us nehemiah chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,nehemiah,2,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 11 i wanted to see what he said about haggai 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,haggai,8,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 28 you've already read about we've read 2 chronicles 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,2 chronicles,14,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 12 instruction despiseth his own soul leviticus 15 verse 32 and he that being often reproved he that being often,leviticus,15,32.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 32 paul's epistle to the 1 samuel chapter 1 ephesians chapter 1 verses 19 to 23.,1 samuel,1,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 19 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in 2 kings chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,2 kings,32,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 32 verse 17 purifies and refine the bible st. zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 dimension of blessing 2 samuel 36 and verse 11 he said that if they obey and save me,2 samuel,36,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 36 verse 11 i mean look at it either 48 i mean mark 40 28 please have you not known,mark,40,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 40 verse 28 he fulfilled what ecclesiastes prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,ecclesiastes,27,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 27 verse 4 stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in 1 samuel chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou,1 samuel,22,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 28 life of character life of integrity will yield good success 2 samuel chapter one and verse number eight it said this book,2 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 disobedience to god just like balaam did in malachi chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,malachi,22,32.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 32 commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in mark chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one,mark,4,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 32 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us lamentations 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,lamentations,4,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 the ten commandment commitment with a promise and as a joel 20 verse 12 that's old news for most of you lack of,joel,20,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 12 8 esther chapter 8 verse 19,esther,8,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 19 the family good works on the nahum daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,nahum,5,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 12 in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse 3 john 716 that jumps out to you see if you can,3 john,7,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 16 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children jonah 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,jonah,6,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 4 plain obedience to the all not father 1 chronicles chapter 45 we're looking at verse 3 and joseph sage,1 chronicles,45,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 45 verse 3 37 verse 18 joshua 37 18 the bible made us to understand,joshua,37,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 37 verse 18 god's spirit why do we say so in 2 kings chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,2 kings,8,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 26 luke chapter 3 in ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading here from verse 20,luke,3,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 2 but god had the almighty that his ominous science art no ii know in 3 john chapter 40 either 42 f250 have 40 to 50,3 john,40,42.0,1.0,3 john chapter 40 verse 42 verse 12 numbers chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,numbers,5,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 12 well esther chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,esther,1,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 6 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also ezekiel that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 heaven that's why it says there's no god let's look at 2 john chapter 2 our reading from verse 18.,2 john,2,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 18 the one that god has decided to favor because it ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 the bible says we are more,ecclesiastes,8,37.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 37 2 kings chapter 16 from verse 18 to the end judges 16 18 to the end that's the case of something,2 kings,16,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 16 verse 18 means to kill to execute used in the old testament titus chapter 7 proverbs to psalm 37 verse 4 an official death penalty,titus,37,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 37 verse 4 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's judges 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,judges,28,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 28 verse 13 "by his wounds we are healed."" that, of course, is borrowed from 2 kings 53. peter also said in 1 peter 3 verse 18, ""he died,",2 kings,3,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 18 of no effect chapter 13 of 2 peter and verse 20,2 peter,13,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 2 in the book of psalm lamentations number 124 look at verse 7 there,lamentations,124,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 124 verse 7 as the bible says in prosperity in malachi chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 the,malachi,1,32.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 32 hero do it yeah because 2 peter 1 22 says you can be a hero another doer it's time to,2 peter,1,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 22 that one was my snot was the old matt is the most haha the demon haggai 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a,haggai,15,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 15 verse 3 why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent psalms 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he,psalms,9,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 14 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at nehemiah chapter one verse two right you know if,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 example in micah chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,micah,3,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 13 reading from verse 13 1 samuel chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,1 samuel,2,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 13 he stayed with god to the end in judges chapter 1 verse 8 he proposed as a child not to corrupt himself with,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read esther 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 not required we get this from 2 kings 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,2 kings,10,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 15 person the bible tells us in 2 peter chapter 3 verse 16,2 peter,3,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 16 of christ in this church this year luke chapter 2 verse 6 and verse 41 i paraphrase says,luke,2,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 6 antichrist be formed in you ezra 4 19. we travail to pass them we travel to see them established and as,ezra,4,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 19 i commend you unto god paul said in lamentations chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace,lamentations,20,32.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 32 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 1 peter 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,1 peter,1,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 look at psalms chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6 22 now being made free from sin burning,psalms,6,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 22 philemon chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,philemon,30,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 19 is a god who does not lie so lamentations chapter 7 when you read verse 14,lamentations,7,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 14 against aaron mark 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live,mark,14,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 28 say loud amen zephaniah 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing,zephaniah,43,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 43 verse 19 literally chapter 18 ezra chapter 18 verse 15 the lord thy gosh will race up,ezra,18,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 18 verse 15 obadiah chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen,obadiah,6,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 5 through this year 2 kings chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,2 kings,2,46.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 46 do it for us for every one of us look at colossians chapter 1 verse 16,colossians,1,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 16 titus in proverbs 30 verse 8 it the writer says give me neither poverty nor riches,titus,30,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 30 verse 8 believe i believe in ezra chapter 13 verse 8,ezra,13,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 8 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith 2 corinthians 14 23 is dead,2 corinthians,14,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 23 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into numbers that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,numbers,12,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 21 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in colossians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,colossians,15,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 15 thereby drawing many more to this church nehemiah 8 and verse 23 in those days it shall come to pass,nehemiah,8,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 23 verse 6 ecclesiastes 12 6 a bible says whomsoever he loves,ecclesiastes,12,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 thereby drawing many more to this church 3 john 8 and verse 23 in those days it shall come to pass,3 john,8,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 23 understand the old testament is clear on this in 2 kings 10 14 and 15 behold to the lord your god belong heaven and,2 kings,10,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 14 daily such as she received in the book of amos chapter 16 the bible tells us in verse 5,amos,16,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 5 turn with me to 2 thessalonians in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if,2 thessalonians,1,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 chapter 24 and i'm reading from verse 27 2 john chapter 24,2 john,24,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 24 verse 27 the face of the waters okay and then is it interesting 2 kings 40 22 said the circle of the earth,2 kings,40,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 40 verse 22 this was verse 14 lamentations 4 to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet the land of zebulun and the land,lamentations,4,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 14 life look at 1 john chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1,1 john,1,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 4 your prophetic word habakkuk chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,habakkuk,9,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 8 the same term job 5 5 you are my son at the end of the of the,job,5,5.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 5 if you look at 2 chronicles 4 verses 20 uh,2 chronicles,4,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 2 gentleness and goodness look at obadiah chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love,obadiah,5,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 22 christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of jude 5 for instance husbands,jude,5,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 25 because they'll all leave and go haggai 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,haggai,2,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 12 great 1 samuel soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,1 samuel,6,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 15 but in jonah chapter 50 from verse 15 to 22 genesis 50 15 to 22,jonah,50,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 50 verse 15 in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse psalms 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point,psalms,22,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 16 of a few of them just to set it in your mind in zechariah chapter 1 verse 15 he says so for my part i am,zechariah,1,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 15 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 2 peter 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,2 peter,12,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 12 and verse eight teresaurus 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 8 the lord shall command the blessing upon,1 samuel,28,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 8 verse 18 to 19. 2 peter chapter 8 marika suzy,2 peter,8,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 18 in jesus name we are praying micah chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,micah,26,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 25 concerning you say lord amen colossians 10 36 let's read together now everybody want,colossians,10,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 36 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity 1 timothy 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,1 timothy,13,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 3 except in the sense of 2 thessalonians 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,2 thessalonians,5,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 for noble purposes and some for common use luke 9 22 21 the creator fashioned the two sexes differently and this is a,luke,9,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 22 himself a bible passage was taken from matthew chapter 9 verse 15 to 28,matthew,9,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 15 let's say go on to our alphabets a abandon your sins we're looking at 1 corinthians chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse 21,1 corinthians,22,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 21 this earth he says i now in ezra 1 24 i now rejoice in my,ezra,1,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 24 god is god's wisdom matthew 4 7 the word of god says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get,matthew,4,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 7 "they knew them by name. in lamentations chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",lamentations,11,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 19 if you just read leviticus 8 2 without going through romans 7 i can tell you in jesus name you have,leviticus,8,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 2 of the father now according to leviticus chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,leviticus,8,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 16 is a military book in leviticus chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war,leviticus,15,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 3 very clear titus 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 this is god speaking to james fadel it says i know,titus,29,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 29 verse 11 recompensing in evil in retaliation in ezra chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,ezra,12,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 17 28 to 30 luke 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time,luke,16,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 28 5 from verse 7 to 8 matthew 5 from verse 7 to 8 he said why we were yet sinners,matthew,5,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 7 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in joshua 6 13,joshua,6,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 13 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in 1 kings chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says,1 kings,10,37.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 37 and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood lamentations 20 28 says was the blood of god,lamentations,20,28.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 28 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in matthew 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24,matthew,37,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 23 can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of esther chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons,esther,2,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 21 let the church say louder amen haggai verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 the scripture says in 2 corinthians chapter eight let's start at verse six ezra bless the lord the great god all the,2 corinthians,8,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 6 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell colossians 1 14 in him you also,colossians,1,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 14 to just go ahead and pray tonight as i read from the book of nahum chapter 33 verse 22,nahum,33,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 22 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in habakkuk 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,habakkuk,15,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 2 operation change of story obadiah chapter 14 verse 14 verse 16. and i look on behold a white cloud and,obadiah,14,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 16 faithful nehemiah 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,nehemiah,28,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 2 in 1 john chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 as one of the most,1 john,4,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 23 3 john chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,3 john,11,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 24 to receive to become sons of god and according to amos chapter 8 verse 14,amos,8,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 14 without support or blameless it tells us in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,1 thessalonians,1,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 23 network and your network uh let's start off from 2 chronicles of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,2 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 need to and that's what 1 corinthians chapter 6 12 is making us to understand,1 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 at what god has for your life in my life in 1 samuel 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,1 samuel,8,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 29 your house in 3 john 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,3 john,3,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 7 joshua 1 46 nehemiah 1 4 to 6.,joshua,1,46.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 46 terrible if i read to you micah 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6,micah,17,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 5 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read nahum 14 23 and it says um,nahum,14,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 23 reading from verse 15 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 15 but when it please god,2 chronicles,1,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 15 zechariah 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,zechariah,21,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 2 in the church of christ we're looking at 2 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 8 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8,2 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 relationship with god jude chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and,jude,6,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 5 to remind us about 2 timothy in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,2 timothy,6,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 2 corinthians chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews 11,2 corinthians,11,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 5 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ 2 corinthians chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,2 corinthians,11,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 15 of how to live that's another thing look at mark chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 7 hebrews chapter,mark,13,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 7 the book of esther 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,esther,17,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 28 of the glorious sun on the throne we're coming to 1 john chapter four and i'm reading from verse nine,1 john,4,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 9 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift zechariah 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,zechariah,6,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 13 of the apostles chapter four our reading from verse 12 ah obadiah chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither is there salvation in,obadiah,4,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 12 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth 2 john 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,2 john,8,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 28 the face of the waters okay and then is it interesting joel 40 22 said the circle of the earth,joel,40,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 40 verse 22 verse 14 judges chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,judges,1,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 14 you verse 32 mark 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,mark,8,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 32 further let's go back to 1 samuel chapter 11 genesis 11 verse 27 now these are the generations of terah and you see what,1 samuel,11,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 27 about esau and dwelling too close says in joel 12 15,joel,12,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 15 jude chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an,jude,4,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 4 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what ruth 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,ruth,7,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 14 own people i think that's very significant in hosea 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,hosea,42,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 42 verse 18 you know what happened verses later in verse 9 and the lord said to paul zephaniah 18 9 the lord said to paul one night in,zephaniah,18,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 9 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote haggai 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,haggai,8,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 28 an excellence in your academic work and beside that in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 2 the bible says it is not good that a,1 thessalonians,19,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 2 diligent let us be diligent verse 11 joshua 4 verse 11 concluded this that is we diligent enter into that rest holy,joshua,4,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 11 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of obadiah chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,obadiah,3,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 8 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 2 kings chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,2 kings,5,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 15 let's begin reading at verse 12 of 2 peter 1 he said and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being,2 peter,1,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 12 how somebody's following me today in nahum chapter 1 when you read from verse 19 the bible,nahum,1,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 19 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also 1 thessalonians that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,1 thessalonians,2,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 toward god or turning away from him haggai 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 matthew ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 to 24 ezekiel 18. 2024 the soul that say that it shall die the,matthew,18,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 18 verse 2 don't make them mad there is a parallel statement 3 john 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that,3 john,3,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 21 kingdom in 1 peter chapter 2 and verse 36 we have this record from arawa which is,1 peter,2,36.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 36 you know in 2 kings chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special,2 kings,19,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 11 reading there from chapter 4 verse 19 2 corinthians 4 verse 19 my powers my powers i am pinch at my very heart my heart,2 corinthians,4,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 19 top in his adventure on the earth 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,1 samuel,28,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 13 for you right now john 8 32 he despaired not his own son,john,8,32.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 32 who can be against us he went further in 3 john 8 at 7. romans 8 at,3 john,8,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 7 what the scripture says in hosea 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,hosea,25,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 25 verse 21 it is banned in luke 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,luke,26,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 6 in the battle he doesn't just do this for leviticus hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,leviticus,1,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 14 law for example in john chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,john,8,8.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 8 from their labors and their works do follow them esther 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,esther,14,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 13 replaced by pure joy matthew 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 just psalm 19 here's 1 peter 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 more struggles in hosea chapter 2 and verse 9 and 10 jonah still had his breath in the belly,hosea,2,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 9 we're reading from verse 15 in 2 peter chapter 11 reading from verse 15 for if,2 peter,11,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 15 chapter 9 he saw one to third of humanity was destroyed joel and chapter 9 and we read this in verse 18,joel,9,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 18 6 in joshua chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,joshua,30,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 30 verse 6 this experience with god well i think again ecclesiastes this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,ecclesiastes,6,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 9 why be what the bible says in leviticus chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him,leviticus,2,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 9 message from micah chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus chapter 12 when reading from verse 3,micah,12,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 3 no peace 2 kings 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,2 kings,48,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 48 verse 22 lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at lamentations reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5,lamentations,5,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 3 the lord look at john chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our job series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens,job,11,12.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 12 morning hallelujah in the book of 1 samuel chapter 54 two two three says enlighten the,1 samuel,54,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 54 verse 2 children made it 3 john chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,3 john,14,31.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 31 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior esther chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,esther,11,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 15 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at 2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 22,2 corinthians,8,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 22 praise is the evidence in numbers chapter 5 13 the word of god tells us there he said is any mary,numbers,5,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 13 first chapter 29 verse 18 the first part mark 29 18 where there is no vision the people cast,mark,29,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 18 in this second lesson our memorial was taken from joshua chapter five and twenty while above us it was taken,joshua,5,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 2 the spirit of heaviness in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,1 chronicles,61,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 61 verse 3 and worshiping with other believers that's what ruth chapter 5 verse 19 says i see the question,ruth,5,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 19 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in 2 chronicles chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,2 chronicles,1,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14 headed by the fear of the lord 2 corinthians 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,2 corinthians,10,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 look at our memory verse again which is from 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 5.,1 timothy,4,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 5 commentary on the first 12 verses of numbers chapter 3 it's for discipline that you and derek god deals with you as,numbers,3,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 12 israel that's why such detail is given in 2 corinthians 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,2 corinthians,38,39.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 39 matthew chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,matthew,50,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 50 verse 15 chapter 5 verse 11. 2 samuel 5 verse 11 behold we consider those,2 samuel,5,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 11 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to colossians chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,colossians,22,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 16 here today we are presently in the church age that's 2 john 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 verse 6 2 kings chapter 3 verse 6 i am the lord i change a lot,2 kings,3,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 6 background true 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter 16 in chapter 15,2 corinthians,16,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 15 ecclesiastes chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible tells us that noah had three,ecclesiastes,9,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 2 1 john chapter 14 verse 3 john 14 3 then at revelation the second face with the saint to be,1 john,14,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 3 through me being dead to self and alive to god in hosea 6 and verse 14 the bible tells us therefore the apostle,hosea,6,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 14 operation change of story song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 14 verse 16. and i look on behold a white cloud and,song of solomon (song of songs),14,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 16 3 john 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,3 john,16,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 6 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in psalms chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,psalms,4,32.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 32 thereby drawing many more to this church 1 samuel 8 and verse 23 in those days it shall come to pass,1 samuel,8,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 23 loud amen psalms chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall,psalms,2,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 4 clouds to meet the lord in the air 2 chronicles 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given,2 chronicles,1,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,song of solomon (song of songs),2,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 7 chapter five i'm reading from verse 25 nehemiah chapter 5 verse 25 we're looking at the second pillar,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 actually mixed up with one another for example in amos 19 verse 18 we read do not bear a grudge or seek revenge which,amos,19,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 18 he is so described by peter in 2 peter. he is so described in 1 chronicles 22 verse 16 as the son of righteousness.,1 chronicles,22,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 whoever that he wills according to 1 kings 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,1 kings,9,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 15 8 to 10 haggai chapter 12,haggai,12,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 8 esther the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,esther,28,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 21 not just outstanding but standing out in the same judges chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3,judges,6,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 3 what god said in jonah 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 10 sir you shall be above only you won't be beneath you,jonah,28,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 28 verse 13 church this year 1 peter 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,1 peter,49,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 25 there wasn't death before but by time you get to judges chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,judges,4,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 8 of egypt in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,song of solomon (song of songs),2,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 3 1 chronicles 12 6 6 7 and 8 romans 12 6 7 and 8 was talking to us about the fact that,1 chronicles,12,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 6 happening here ruth 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah,ruth,16,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 6 world judges chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,judges,15,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 16 approach unto in lamentations chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22,lamentations,22,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 6 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and joshua peoples in his heart,joshua,1,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 8 pregnancy it is what joel chapter 23 and verse 18 the expectation of the righteous shall,joel,23,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 18 too it will penetrate every community in jesus name in joshua chapter 10 verse 13 for whosoever,joshua,10,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 13 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 2 chronicles 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,2 chronicles,27,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 5 sin because it will make it casualty in habakkuk 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,habakkuk,32,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 23 holy spirit you say that in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,song of solomon (song of songs),5,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 5 somebody say bigger amen 2 samuel chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,2 samuel,13,44.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 44 and verse 28 and 29 nehemiah 2 28 29 for he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that,nehemiah,2,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 29 happened verse 4 numbers 1 4. now i recognize if you have a king james version you may get some words like,numbers,1,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 4 seen in these words by the author of leviticus hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the,leviticus,2,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 1 chronicles chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,1 chronicles,8,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 13 edition ezekiel chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,ezekiel,4,31.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 31 zechariah chapter 3 verse 23 in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily,zechariah,3,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 23 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of malachi 3 and verse 4,malachi,3,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 4 holy spirit is that he does good it says in 2 john chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,2 john,10,38.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 38 look at judges chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto,judges,6,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 13 heart now regarding confidence let's look at job chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as,job,1,5.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 5 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in 2 thessalonians 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,2 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 built the first altar to the lord psalms 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible,psalms,12,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 7 give a few examples but from ezekiel 3 6 on this issue all right so uh 3 to 6 the the greek is,ezekiel,3,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 6 malachi chapter 13 verse 4 hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 why our texts will be taken from matthew,malachi,13,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 4 earth 2 peter chapter 8 verse 15 and 16. the mission of the spirit of wisdom,2 peter,8,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 15 in the ongoing operation change of story john chapter 8 verses 9 and 10 associate yourselves with ye people and,john,8,9.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 9 loose mark chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,mark,3,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 5 like ezekiel chapter 13. genesis 18 verse 16 and i will make thy seed,ezekiel,18,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 16 bottles live because according to 2 peter chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17,2 peter,14,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 surrenders without struggle the bible says in nehemiah chapter 5 and verse 26,nehemiah,5,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 26 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in haggai 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,haggai,8,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 17 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 luke 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,luke,4,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 2 saving you from that challenge over your head 2 chronicles 2 13 looking for that blessed hope and the,2 chronicles,2,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 13 students i'm looking at zephaniah chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and,zephaniah,33,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 33 verse 9 that i think is important it's in haggai 12 14. it says pursue peace with all men and,haggai,12,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 14 the bible says it in the book of 2 thessalonians verse 29 verse chapter 29 sorry verse 11,2 thessalonians,29,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 11 members give room to the devil 2 john 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore,2 john,4,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 27 provision of food that god gives unto us in judges chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the,judges,27,33.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 33 us away look at psalms chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,psalms,9,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 13 chapter 5 verse 11. 1 peter 5 verse 11 behold we consider those,1 peter,5,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 11 i mean for example in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10,2 peter,1,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 9 and verse 27. leviticus 22 and verse 27 it says you will make your prayer to him,leviticus,22,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 27 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle psalms chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,psalms,5,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 14 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of 2 timothy chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,2 timothy,18,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 2 and 17 verse 16 micah 42 16. after this leave job how long,micah,42,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 42 verse 16 can we have a look in yemi read for us ezra chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 conditions in december 28 2 john 28 verse 43 says,2 john,28,43.0,1.0,2 john chapter 28 verse 43 rise again it tells us in haggai chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should,haggai,26,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 26 verse 23 the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of john chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover,john,7,7.0,1.0,john chapter 7 verse 7 house in psalms 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 naito 40 sarah was hopeless humanly speaking there was no hope at,psalms,18,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 9 you'll be flying with wings as ego in 2 samuel 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,2 samuel,19,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 4 critical for us to behave like a christian in our relationships so haggai 12 from verse 9.,haggai,12,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 9 for me look at numbers chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,numbers,8,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 28 [applause] in amos chapter 1 verse 4 he tells us that our redemption has been,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 passage that's in colossians chapter 4 verses said verses 19 all through 26,colossians,4,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 19 what you should do with your mouth nahum 4 15 ephesians 4 15,nahum,4,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 15 in lamentations chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you,lamentations,3,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 9 please join me as we wrap up zephaniah chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,zephaniah,31,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 31 verse 37 then there is like apology about something ezra chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,ezra,4,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 4 let us cleanse ourselves 2 samuel chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,2 samuel,12,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 14 the bible says in job chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up,job,17,8.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 8 they said but the oldest book in the bible jonah says job 25 5 look to the moon,jonah,25,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 25 verse 5 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now numbers chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,numbers,3,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 14 4 and i'm reading from verse 14. nehemiah chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 14,nehemiah,4,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 14 we even covered that last week job chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,job,12,11.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 11 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of joel 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,joel,44,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 44 verse 3 know he saw the the incompleteness of man in ezekiel 2 18. that was the first problem god encountered in creation he,ezekiel,2,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 18 "chapter four, verse 28 that he permitted, it says in amos 4 verse 28, god, i've got this right",amos,4,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 28 listening to or supporting sending to unbelievers ruth chapter 2 verse 15 says live clean innocent lives as,ruth,2,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 15 of scriptures to fail in jonah chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,jonah,23,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 19 this is yours say this is mine 2 peter chapter 3 verse 4 it says,2 peter,3,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 4 your amen can turn things around 1 john chapter 2 verse 5 for i say the lord will be unto her the wall,1 john,2,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 5 the ten commandment commitment with a promise and as a jude 20 verse 12 that's old news for most of you lack of,jude,20,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 12 from roth through him in micah chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10,micah,10,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 17 to achieve things that don't glorify god in philemon 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,philemon,23,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 23 verse 12 "oh many things, but for me it is best embodied in 1 john chapter 2 verse 14, quote verse ""do everything without complaining.",1 john,2,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 14 the morning to stand before god in malachi chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and,malachi,19,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 27 to the people of god always that is why amos 16 12 says it is an abomination,amos,16,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 12 luke james 1 14 giving us a concept of sin,luke,1,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 14 church for life joshua 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,joshua,23,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 2 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of 1 thessalonians 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference 1 samuel 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,1 samuel,5,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 was made we're also told over in obadiah 1 16 by him all things were created things in,obadiah,1,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 16 in jesus name zephaniah galatians chapter 6 i read from verses 9 and 10,zephaniah,6,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 9 very important when the bible was talking to us in joshua chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas have one a tenement is if,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 aware of remember what paul said 1 corinthians 1 20. it's an incredible statement he said,1 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 intellectually when you read micah chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,micah,2,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 19 apostles chapter three 1 peter accept the apostles chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 19,1 peter,3,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 19 name has a question 2 timothy 5 9 says jesus was perfected when he became the author of salvation,2 timothy,5,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 9 stop halfway in the book of 1 peter 4 verse 19 upon the apostle speaking,1 peter,4,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 19 that if a man is worth his weight the bible says in 3 john 128 that his wife ought to be like a fruitful vine,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 retirement age will be easy 1 timothy 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,1 timothy,21,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 21 verse 2 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to titus chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,titus,18,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 9 giving back to a child in titus 66 verse 7 and 8 before she travailed she brought forth,titus,66,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 66 verse 7 the priority of your life in jesus name colossians chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,colossians,13,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 2 once on or before may 1st 2021. esther chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 to live pure and why is that so joel chapter 3 verse 3 tells us can two work together except,joel,3,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 3 are talking about is you know ezekiel 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,ezekiel,29,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 18 in the name of jesus in the book of 2 john 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,2 john,53,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 53 verse 24 find expression psalms chapter 29 verse 11 it says the vision of all is become,psalms,29,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 29 verse 11 1 samuel chapter 14 verse 21 exodus 14 21. exodus 14 21 i read,1 samuel,14,21.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 21 he's gonna actually fix the problems 2 chronicles 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 feel like there's some impact here he's reading ruth 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,ruth,3,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 2 right and something instructive also was mentioned in john 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,john,2,21.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 21 three released to the tango hosea 12 22 man mills the coffin and the earth,hosea,12,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 22 people started to read the bible and apply what nahum 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,nahum,13,46.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 46 god and so atheists believe this but hosea chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,hosea,1,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 18 and so the law of god abraham said i've sworn to the lord nahum 14 22 he's the possessor of heaven and earth,nahum,14,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 22 where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 2 timothy speaking here in verse 31 you o king were,2 timothy,2,31.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 31 heaven 2 john 3 21 in other words the jewish,2 john,3,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 21 gateway to next level of church growth in joel chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,joel,30,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 19 righteousness notice also what god said to jude chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,jude,30,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 30 verse 7 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is ruth chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the,ruth,2,37.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 37 and book phenomenon with the bible every day leviticus 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,leviticus,32,47.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 32 verse 47 god of surprise in 1 corinthians 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing,1 corinthians,43,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 43 verse 19 lord and better amen philemon chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,philemon,13,44.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 44 go now verse 4 please verse 4. nahum 27 4 i'll make me go to three go to three please twenty seven three,nahum,27,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 27 verse 4 said in 2 peter chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,2 peter,28,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 28 verse 16 voting but as we see in titus 2 21 it is god that sets up,titus,2,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 21 new heaven passages just the verse joshua 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,joshua,65,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 65 verse 17 who's just come to the lord to start in micah 1 and just be saturated with those 11,micah,1,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 11 missionary journey lamentations of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,lamentations,4,36.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 36 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his joel he was happy they brought these people,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 are driven there is no software to this 1 kings 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,1 kings,22,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 22 verse 28 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in judges 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,judges,1,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 4 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. 2 corinthians chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty,2 corinthians,49,24.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 49 verse 24 coming sunday 2 timothy chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an end them to the nation,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 it will be fruitful and we're looking at obadiah chapter 34 i'm reading from verse 2 exodus chapter,obadiah,34,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 34 verse 2 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 2 chronicles who was miriam moses sister,2 chronicles,39,39.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 39 verse 39 somebody believes he allowed amen in micah chapter one number eight is everybody shall receive power after the,micah,1,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 8 so we're going to be praying from the book of jonah chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,jonah,15,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 13 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to hosea 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,hosea,1,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 2 1 chronicles 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,1 chronicles,2,36.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 36 danger with disconnected life and i picked that out from 2 john chapter seven in the chapter 7 we read about a,2 john,7,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 7 in 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 prophets did say that about the messiah in leviticus 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,leviticus,53,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 53 verse 3 micah was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,micah,33,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 11 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in nehemiah 13 44 we are told,nehemiah,13,44.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 44 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers esther reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,esther,1,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 2 as they were coming together in the book of zephaniah acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of,zephaniah,2,42.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 42 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in 1 kings 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,1 kings,8,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 23 turning away completely let there be a transformation and that's what 1 john of the apostle chapter 3 verse 19 says he,1 john,3,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 19 contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 1 john 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite,1 john,51,66.0,1.0,1 john chapter 51 verse 66 ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,ecclesiastes,11,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 8 i'm having trouble understanding the morality of jude 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but,jude,22,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 28 his servant psalm 105 verse 42 moses the servant of god mark chapter 34 and verse 5.,mark,34,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 34 verse 5 against aaron joshua 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live,joshua,14,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 28 of the fatherless now let's listen to what he said in 2 peter chapter 22 then in verse 5,2 peter,22,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 22 verse 5 by your corresponding deeds and action praise a lot obadiah 11 7 noah believed what god told him,obadiah,11,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 7 verse 2. 1 john chapter 5,1 john,5,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 2 good things titus 21 verse 45 they are fair not ought,titus,21,45.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 45 chapter 12 verse 6 job 12 6 reading from living bible this is what he said god has given,job,12,6.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 6 from verse 13 to 16 2 samuel 15 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16. [music],2 samuel,15,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 13 when you read obadiah 42 verse 6 genesis 42 verse 6 and joseph was the governor over the,obadiah,42,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 42 verse 6 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,song of solomon (song of songs),2,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 7 mentally matthew 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey,matthew,22,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 24 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of 1 kings says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",1 kings,10,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 14 i want us to look at it again read with me titus chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 in jesus name 1 thessalonians chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,1 thessalonians,20,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 8 ebook of habakkuk hebrews chapter 4 we start reading from verse 14 to 16,habakkuk,4,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 14 parts john chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 the bible,john,18,9.0,1.0,john chapter 18 verse 9 that my old man was crucified with him as well numbers 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,numbers,6,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 6 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now ezekiel chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,ezekiel,3,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 14 is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this 1 chronicles chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very,1 chronicles,4,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 4 and if you read lamentations chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,lamentations,17,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 17 verse 8 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told jonah to by his uncle's line just to mention you,jonah,32,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 7 says here the tongue is like a fire the last part of verse 6 jonah 3 6 the tongue is of fire the last part of our,jonah,3,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 6 enemies malachi chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,malachi,8,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 16 of god giving us the promised land little by little amos 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by,amos,23,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 3 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 12 in the new king james version it says therefore just as true one man sin entered into the word,2 thessalonians,5,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 say louder amen in nehemiah chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of,nehemiah,6,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 7 just read to you micah 22 11. you wrongdoers,micah,22,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 11 chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 luke 30 genesis 15 he came back to him in genesis 17 from verse 1 he assured,luke,30,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 15 a blessing that's what god told you abraham in ruth 12 verse 2 he said i'll bless you i'll make of you a great,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 your prophetic word 2 corinthians chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,2 corinthians,9,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and with us collectively as a church in 2 thessalonians chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,2 thessalonians,14,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 24 so i encourage you write it down 2 samuel three five and six and then go look it up in your bible later or write,2 samuel,3,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 5 1 kings 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so,1 kings,23,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 25 support for dominion serving in his power in ruth chapter 13 looking at verse 15,ruth,13,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 15 [applause] in ruth chapter 1 verse 4 he tells us that our redemption has been,ruth,1,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 4 we are ordained to live forever you know in philemon 18 verse 20 he said this soul,philemon,18,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 2 and when you have done the will of god according to micah chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,micah,10,36.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 36 let me recap because i'm closing now we started from esther 3 12 to 14 talking about why am i moving,esther,3,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 12 god answered them in jonah chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,jonah,4,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 29 hand but when you read haggai chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,haggai,12,29.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 29 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not jonah 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,jonah,10,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 9 chapter 3 verse 22 esther chapter 3 verse 22 for all are saying and caution the glory of god,esther,3,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 22 depart for evil i mean from evil in colossians chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,colossians,14,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 26 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 ezekiel 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,ezekiel,12,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 12 walls of your heart micah 28 and verse 18. so it's not bad it's just in one area,micah,28,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 28 verse 18 manifestation 1 peter chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,1 peter,4,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 29 and as i was coming through the book of 1 john i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is,1 john,16,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 16 verse 2 peace with everyone around you look at zephaniah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 13. it says for bearing one,zephaniah,3,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 13 powerful and effective i think is very funny when you read zephaniah chapter 17 and you find the seventh sense of the hype,zephaniah,17,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 7 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king 2 corinthians version talks about this transformation,2 corinthians,3,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 malachi chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters,malachi,5,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 15 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of job chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,job,11,11.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 11 this is what god said what happened 1 peter 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,1 peter,12,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 3 cooperating together job chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some,job,4,11.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 11 to 2 samuel chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those,2 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 time for offering according to ezra 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord,ezra,3,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 9 1 thessalonians chapter 16 and verse 33 second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 22,1 thessalonians,16,33.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 33 zephaniah 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created,zephaniah,2,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 7 israel in babylon happened when joel understood by books in daniel chapter 9 and in verse 2 the,joel,9,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 2 that meant that's mentioned again in 2 corinthians 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,2 corinthians,16,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 12 that's another scripture there's another scriptures 2 chronicles 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 2 chronicles chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,2 chronicles,2,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 5 to jesus ezra 43 25 god says,ezra,43,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 43 verse 25 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of 3 john in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,3 john,5,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 22 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in amos chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,amos,23,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 2 prayers family matters anybody have those issues joel 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,joel,14,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 26 says in 1 john chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,1 john,32,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 24 moses died because god took his life job 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,job,51,13.0,1.0,job chapter 51 verse 13 book of philemon chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this,philemon,4,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 6 praise also keeps church growing that's part of it 2 peter 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,2 peter,30,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 30 verse 19 love for the church according to joel 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also,joel,5,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 25 it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,1 peter,62,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of mark of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,mark,10,38.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 38 is stronger louder amen joel 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard,joel,30,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 3 i read from verse 23 2 thessalonians chapter 10,2 thessalonians,10,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 23 reading from verse 25. the bible says in verse 25 zechariah 14 verse 25,zechariah,14,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 25 agricultural sector we have joseph in 2 corinthians chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was,2 corinthians,41,54.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 41 verse 54 create the wonders of zechariah chapter 3 and verse 2 to 19 in your life,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 network and your network uh let's start off from 1 thessalonians of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 we're in for the best of time in jonah 21 and verse 22 the word said,jonah,21,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 22 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in mark chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,mark,19,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 27 two number three you might be filled with all spiritual understanding zephaniah chapter 20 and verse 32,zephaniah,20,32.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 32 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to hosea chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter,hosea,5,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 14 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 2 samuel chapter 21,2 samuel,21,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 8 "and to make that indelibly clear, go to verse 8 in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 verse ""finally, brethren to "" listen, here's the last word on this "" to whatever",song of solomon (song of songs),4,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 8 to titus chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 of prayer in the micah we see psalm 40 verse 8 these words i delight to do your will,micah,40,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 40 verse 8 through the cross leviticus 13 8,leviticus,13,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 8 also a spiritual decision judges chapter 22 verse 7 may you never forget this scripture for,judges,22,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 7 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in leviticus chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,leviticus,9,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 9 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but job chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,job,10,38.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 38 sinful desires and last but not least in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 20.,1 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 unto men once to die the bible says in numbers 9 27 and after that the judgment,numbers,9,27.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 27 they never taught me what it says in john 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes,john,3,21.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 21 great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue 2 john 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we,2 john,15,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 4 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in jude chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,jude,4,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 12 surrenders without struggle the bible says in 3 john chapter 5 and verse 26,3 john,5,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 26 experience with the holy spirit in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 7 this is what the word of,1 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 once on or before may 1st 2021. colossians chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,colossians,1,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 11 our churches since this year began zephaniah chapter 5 verse 42 the scripture says and daily in the temple and in,zephaniah,5,42.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 42 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in 2 corinthians 12 6 to 8,2 corinthians,12,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 6 2 kings chapter 2 verse 14 to 17 jeremiah 2 14 to 17 is israeli servant is he homelessly,2 kings,2,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 14 i commend you unto god paul said in zechariah chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace,zechariah,20,32.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 32 stimulates joy 3 john 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,3 john,17,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 17 verse 22 wanted to notice something in verse 7 you know of of matthew chapter four he says,matthew,4,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 7 2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 romans 15 4 everyone makes mistakes yet not everyone learns from them,2 kings,15,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 he's a spiritual jew ezekiel chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,ezekiel,2,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 28 time and this was right after in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,2 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 we have the list of spiritual gifts in mark 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12,mark,12,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 3 this morning let's read as our text 2 timothy chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16.,2 timothy,6,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 16 aware of the details of what's going on in my life 1 thessalonians 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,1 thessalonians,34,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 21 good but all things together work together 2 timothy 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or,2 timothy,8,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 28 will fear no evil you find it joshua 45 7. what's isaiah 45 7 say,joshua,45,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 45 verse 7 something that i hope impacts you nehemiah chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,nehemiah,13,46.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 46 than that here at numbers 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,numbers,1,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 15 agenda began in 2015. from the book of ezekiel 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 anything because you know that nehemiah started 4 19 philippine 490,nehemiah,4,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 19 hands of them that's what 2 peter did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,2 peter,1,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 15 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in 2 thessalonians 10 9 to 16,2 thessalonians,10,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 9 your bibles i'm gonna start at jude 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,jude,16,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 16 the scripture says have faith in god 2 timothy 11 and verse 6 he said without,2 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 about the rest in 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 genesis chapter 1 verse 28,2 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 without forgiveness for the bible says in 1 chronicles 3 15 god requires,1 chronicles,3,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's john 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",john,66,22.0,1.0,john chapter 66 verse 22 by the words of god song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 27 in hebrews chapter 11,song of solomon (song of songs),11,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 27 and it says in obadiah 4 and verse 17 the book of the prophet isaiah was given to him,obadiah,4,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 17 and then not too long after that according to ruth chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,ruth,5,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 14 known to us here on earth and so we read in esther chapter 8 verse 35,esther,8,35.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 35 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do joshua 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,joshua,8,38.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 38 all we have ever known 2 samuel chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the,2 samuel,5,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 jesus mighty name we pray we are told in 2 kings chapter 19 verse 11,2 kings,19,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 11 produces the fruit and we know in philemon chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,philemon,5,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 22 to know your creator and become more like him 2 john 8 from verse 12 to 13 leaving translation i want to connect,2 john,8,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 12 amen philemon 3 7 to 8 and the lord said i've seen the,philemon,3,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 7 right before hosea daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,hosea,7,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 7 we're gonna get down to the birthright in 2 corinthians 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,2 corinthians,25,29.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 29 worship this morning i want you to open again to obadiah chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,obadiah,15,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 11 listen to this when they had entered the city song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 13 they went up to the upper room where,song of solomon (song of songs),1,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 13 2 that relates to this evidential apologetic stuff 2 thessalonians 2 3 it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,2 thessalonians,2,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 this jesus is a son given to mankind amos 9 6 is a gift,amos,9,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 6 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at john chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 coming sunday john chapter 5 and verse 26 says he will lift up an insight to the nations,john,5,25.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 25 from um 2 john chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,2 john,10,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 3 a bible says in 2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,2 thessalonians,9,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 4 clearly who you paradise in your life in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking,1 thessalonians,3,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 the good work that god is doing in you in colossians 1 and verse 6 he says he who has begun this good work a good work,colossians,1,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 6 round up philemon there's only just one chapter verse six,philemon,1,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 6 one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is 2 john 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and,2 john,4,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 6 happening here esther 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah,esther,16,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 6 right before lamentations daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,lamentations,7,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 7 probably ought to turn to this and in esther 18 verse 15 the lord your god will raise up,esther,18,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 18 verse 15 including you is based or is found in psalms chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,psalms,4,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 11 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at 2 timothy chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,2 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 so many stories changing job chapter 1 and verse 13 to 15 we have this illustrated one more time,job,1,13.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 13 deal see beautiful the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it,1 thessalonians,10,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 23 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness amos 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 name job chapter 1 verse 8. i acts chapter 1 verse 8,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 provoking the angels of god in hosea chapter 4 verse 30,hosea,4,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 3 he was not a man of integrity up to that time look at what he says in matthew chapter 7 verse 15. for that which i do,matthew,7,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 15 the old harmon of god as you see in 2 corinthians 6 11.,2 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in ruth 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,ruth,25,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 29 how do i know and why do i say so joel 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,joel,18,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 22 what does it say joel chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,joel,4,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 7 rejoice micah 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 41 verse 18 esther 41 verse 18 say i will open rivers,esther,41,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 41 verse 18 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in 1 corinthians 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,1 corinthians,10,35.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 35 give up and there's nothing you've done joshua 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8.,joshua,17,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 17 verse 8 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 2 samuel 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,2 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him numbers 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,numbers,5,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 3 satan and his darkness that famous passage job chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,job,6,6.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 6 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 zechariah 19 verse 4,zechariah,19,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 4 psalm 124 just a few ezekiel over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,ezekiel,124,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 124 verse 8 and they got healed someone was seven 2 john cemetery someone was seven verse 20 and then in luke chapter 5 verse 17,2 john,5,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 17 with this part of my message um but in 3 john chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,3 john,7,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 14 acceptable unto god while looking at 1 john chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,1 john,19,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 6 answers to prayers in mark chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone,mark,28,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 28 verse 9 god can bring good uh out of it ezra 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 to 2 john of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,2 john,4,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 31 look at 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were,2 chronicles,2,37.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 37 responded to god's warning of judgment and they came to jude to to god in joel chapter 2 verses 12 through 17 and,jude,2,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 12 first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first 2 peter 24 and verse 7.,2 peter,24,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 7 axe the early church we see them fasting ezra chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,ezra,13,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 13 of peter because we discovered by time we got to john chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,john,5,12.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 12 i'll give you my personal conviction it says here is a verse in 1 peter in chapter 12 and verse 40 which says that,1 peter,12,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 4 chapter 2 are the army under the armor 1 kings 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,1 kings,13,43.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 43 journey in jesus mary 2 timothy chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20,2 timothy,50,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 50 verse 2 chapter one verse 5 jonah 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,jonah,1,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 5 because the lord has rejected them habakkuk chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 i will lamentations chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter 6,lamentations,19,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 6 we also know that our god is perfect luke chapter 1 verse 17 james chapter 1 verse 17 tells us that every,luke,1,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 17 a bible tells us in leviticus chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,leviticus,19,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 3 from verse 32 to 42 1 samuel 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,1 samuel,9,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 32 reading from verse 6 in 2 samuel chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,2 samuel,8,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 6 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is obadiah chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,obadiah,20,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 20 verse 24 in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read matthew chapter 2 verse 15,matthew,2,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 15 away it shall it shall come to pass lamentations 19 verse 25,lamentations,19,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 25 chapter 23 the prophet luke or 33 rather prophet isaiah talks about this coming day of christ this day when the,luke,23,33.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 33 and restrained the prophets madness and then you see something similar in 2 timothy verse 11 says woe to them these false,2 timothy,1,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 11 12 ezra 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,ezra,1,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 12 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from esther chapter 36 verse 27,esther,36,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 36 verse 27 of egypt in 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,2 peter,2,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 3 malachi chapter 24 proverbs and chapter 24 and verse 30 proverbs 24 30 it says i passed by the field of the lazy person a,malachi,24,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 3 bible says in the book of 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23 let me read from here he,2 timothy,4,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies 1 chronicles 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked,1 chronicles,10,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 25 intercontinental titus chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 into this church this coming sunday haggai chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 to have everything that goes with it ecclesiastes 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,ecclesiastes,2,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 25 malachi chapter 6 verse 8 isaiah 6 verse 8 who will go for us,malachi,6,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 8 which makes much of him just like we saw in 1 john 1 20 and 21 when you enjoy,1 john,1,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 2 make an ungodly request mostly said in micah 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,micah,11,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 15 god in 1 corinthians 2 18 paul writes that through christ we have our access in one,1 corinthians,2,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus micah 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,micah,4,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 9 according to certain principles for example he says in jonah chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant 1 kings 14 7 to 9.,1 kings,14,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 7 praise also keeps church growing that's part of it 2 timothy 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,2 timothy,30,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 30 verse 19 now verse 9 and when 2 chronicles cephas peter and john who seemed to be police,2 chronicles,1,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 remembered or come to mind leviticus 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,leviticus,66,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 66 verse 22 modeling godly character micah 6 4 tells us in the bible,micah,6,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 4 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives nahum chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,nahum,5,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 2 read please three let's read please 1 samuel 9 9 praise god rejoice greatly oh daughter,1 samuel,9,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 9 i said with you will rejoice looking at zechariah chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,zechariah,1,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 16 that i just put it is is is a scripture in haggai 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,haggai,61,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 61 verse 3 and it says in 2 thessalonians 4 and verse 17 the book of the prophet isaiah was given to him,2 thessalonians,4,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 17 he has put wheels under it rejoicing bringing in the sheaves with him 2 kings 21 and verse 27 i will overthawn,2 kings,21,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 21 verse 27 jesus can you lift up a voice and begin to declare malachi 60 and verse 4 says lift up your eyes all around and see,malachi,60,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 60 verse 4 numbers chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,numbers,40,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 40 verse 8 and he became the ruler at the end of the day 1 john disciplined himself chapter 4 verse 23,1 john,4,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 23 and that is that you know in 2 peter chapter 12 when you read verse 23 and 24 hebrews 12,2 peter,12,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 23 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in john 29 29 that really just helped clarify,john,29,29.0,1.0,john chapter 29 verse 29 engages god's ability for delivery 2 thessalonians chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,2 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 chapter 29 verse 4 through 17. 2 samuel said here as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god does upon,2 samuel,29,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 4 in 3 john in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,3 john,3,34.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 34 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son luke 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,luke,12,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 5 wills nor of him who runs these things go together luke 10 verses 2 & 3 this is the one who's willing and running for,luke,10,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 2 "by the way, peter in his sermon in obadiah 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",obadiah,3,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 2 what the scripture says in ezekiel 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,ezekiel,25,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 25 verse 21 verse 14 to 16 lamentations 9 from verse 14 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have,lamentations,9,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 14 your prophetic word lamentations chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,lamentations,9,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 8 i'm reading from malachi chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,malachi,22,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 5 so paul says it right there in amos 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,amos,3,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 23 amongst the works of the flesh in 2 samuel 19 galatians 5 19 to 21,2 samuel,5,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 19 the evil of your duties and they were told in jonah chapter 3 reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent,jonah,3,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 19 we're going to read a few verses from the book of 3 john chapter 20 and verse 7,3 john,20,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 7 all right you guys ready all right open up to 2 john chapter 8 starting in verse 12 today we're going to be talking about,2 john,8,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 12 furthermore we discover in the book of 1 timothy 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,1 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in numbers 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run,numbers,16,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 11 in the new testament 1 thessalonians 2 20 in this passage second thessalonians 2 2 and second peter 3 10,1 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 giving back to a child in 2 timothy 66 verse 7 and 8 before she travailed she brought forth,2 timothy,66,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 66 verse 7 day she tells abram in john 16 and verse 2. see the lord has prevented me from bearing,john,16,2.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 2 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ nahum chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 obtained beloved god is a jealous god colossians 20 verse 5 and his sensitivity as he sees our motives as he sees our,colossians,20,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 5 men and women were added to the church by titus 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,titus,6,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 7 believe he said loud amen habakkuk 2 6 the bible tells us there look at this he said and he has raised,habakkuk,2,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 6 ephraim you can read the story in 1 samuel 48 verse 13 to 20 genesis 42 verse 13 to 20 when he was brought with,1 samuel,48,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 48 verse 13 all through eternity it tells us 1 timothy chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,1 timothy,2,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 11 glorify him zephaniah 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,zephaniah,100,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 100 verse 4 you can query him 1 john chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,1 john,4,34.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 34 are gods you come back to philemon chapter 19 and you look at verse four,philemon,19,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 4 it's how it is mark 18 20 says the sins of of an individual are never punished in his,mark,18,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 2 us in haggai chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6,haggai,5,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 6 leviticus chapter 6 revelation chapter 6 were looking at verse 12 in revelation chapter 6 reading from verse 12 and i,leviticus,6,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 is good when you read amos chapter 1 verses 4,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 give john chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,john,4,29.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 29 but how do you understand the fear of the lord lamentations two three through five says if you cry out for discernment so,lamentations,2,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 3 those who love me then he went on to say in the same 3 john chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8,3 john,8,35.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 35 there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three colossians 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity,colossians,10,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 9 we're looking at job chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,job,5,19.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 19 back in leviticus when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,leviticus,5,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 12 me passion translation of titus 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,titus,24,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 24 verse 3 look at the manifestation of such a gift in colossians chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 6 in acts chapter,colossians,3,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 6 guilty jude chapter 28 verse 20. and he had to grow some cost,jude,28,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 28 verse 2 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already leviticus 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,leviticus,9,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 27 your life he wants to put a song there esther chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,esther,3,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 21 thanks it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling,2 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 let's shout a loud amen in philemon chapter 41 and verse 15 said behold i will make thee in new sharp,philemon,41,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 41 verse 15 8 nahum chapter 8 verse 19,nahum,8,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 19 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to 2 john 26 verse 2.,2 john,26,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 2 jonah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 favor zechariah 4 22 and 23 and then,zechariah,4,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 22 in john chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith,john,4,19.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 19 of the leaves now lamentations 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,lamentations,18,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 18 verse 2 fate in god's hands it reminds you of what 1 peter says in job 13 verse 15 even if he kills me,1 peter,13,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 15 in you and one of the fruit of the spirit in you nehemiah 5 and 22 is self to control,nehemiah,5,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 22 edition song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,song of solomon (song of songs),4,31.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 in the mighty name of jesus the book of zephaniah 22 22 says and the king of the house of david will,zephaniah,22,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 22 philemon chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,philemon,50,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 50 verse 15 encounters with light zechariah 3 15 and 16 the word says,zechariah,3,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 15 and bringeth reproach matthew 19 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father do you,matthew,19,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 19 verse 13 and leave your will look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 33 proverbs chapter 3 verse 33,2 thessalonians,3,33.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 33 channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of zechariah chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had,zechariah,8,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 22 submission 3 john chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,3 john,2,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 5 so he goes 2 chronicles 1 verse 9 this is my command,2 chronicles,1,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in 1 peter chapter 11 verse 22 romans,1 peter,11,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 22 in which to deceive that's been established look at mark chapter 13 verse 9 hebrews,mark,13,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 9 ecclesiastes chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35 abraham who was this very special friend became great because,ecclesiastes,24,34.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 24 verse 34 that was what jonah was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,jonah,3,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 17 this is what god said what happened haggai 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,haggai,12,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 3 children of god micah 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,micah,1,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 12 repented and they were saved here's an example in 3 john chapter 18 verse 30 god speaking to israel he says therefore,3 john,18,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 3 ordination ruth 20 verse 8 was what you want exodus 28 verse 41 god told moses want to set,ruth,20,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 8 stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in 1 john chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou,1 john,22,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 28 in jesus name we pray amen jonah 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to,jonah,50,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 50 verse 2 now may the god of peace this is matthew 13 20 and 21 may the god of peace who brought again,matthew,13,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 2 this is omniscience jude 4 13 says there is no creature hidden from his sight and all things are,jude,4,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 13 please join me as we wrap up obadiah chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,obadiah,31,37.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 31 verse 37 knowing notice what it says here in joshua chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the,joshua,20,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 4 world 2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,2 chronicles,15,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 16 inherit the promises nahum 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,nahum,6,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 12 it is banned in ezekiel 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,ezekiel,26,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 6 2 timothy 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,2 timothy,10,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 12 like in zechariah chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14. he visited abraham i said he came himself,zechariah,1,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 called the queen of heaven in 1 timothy chapter 7 verse 16 to 18,1 timothy,7,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 16 you 2 timothy 27 verse 30 to 33. genesis 27 32 33,2 timothy,27,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 27 verse 3 faith faith foundation for a favored family in micah chapter 24 verse 7 and the lord god of heaven which,micah,24,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 24 verse 7 now as i mentioned the english standard version says in this verse psalms 31 verse 25 she laughs at the time to come,psalms,31,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 31 verse 25 foreign joel 2 3 said how shall we escape from the horrors of this similar natural,joel,2,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 3 through the world under prophetic mantle amen can be stronger in judges chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 he said god wrote special,judges,19,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 11 your will overcome i will overcome look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,song of solomon (song of songs),12,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 17 a wonder to my world the anchor is obadiah chapter number eight and verse 18. the recommended books of the month,obadiah,8,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 18 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of luke and what was the boast of god he said,luke,1,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 8 to they specifically cite first corinthians 11 11 3 and song of solomon (song of songs) 5 23 both about male headship in relation to,song of solomon (song of songs),5,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 23 message translation from the message translation malachi 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible,malachi,19,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 21 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in 1 timothy 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,1 timothy,43,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 43 verse 21 2 chronicles 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,2 chronicles,16,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 6 cannot do that come true the new testament in ruth chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 24 our,ruth,2,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 24 every situation ezra chapter 35 genesis chapter 35 i read from verse 5 and the joining and the terror of god,ezra,35,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 35 verse 5 now i like that because if you read haggai chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31,haggai,40,29.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 29 gain access to the wisdom of god job chapter 4 verse 6 the word of god tells us he said this is your,job,4,6.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 6 verse 8 judges 5 verse 8 i saw one who was once darkness,judges,5,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 8 watch out for read you can read about it in 2 john chapter 12 chapter 11 really read daniel 9 11 and 12 10 why not you,2 john,9,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 11 let's make it loud and stronger song of solomon (song of songs) 9 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it had lighted upon israel,song of solomon (song of songs),9,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 8 in the book of obadiah 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21,obadiah,30,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 21 read 2 peter 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,2 peter,2,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 17 perish the bible tells me nahum i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever touched,nahum,4,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 15 pandemic of all time bible says in philemon 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the,philemon,3,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 23 book of micah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18. i read from the amplified version of,micah,8,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 18 chapter 8 22 hosea chapter 8 reading from verse 23 to repent,hosea,8,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 22 [music] haggai chapter 3 and verse 3 the second two world together i said to be agreed,haggai,3,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 3 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of ruth two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,ruth,2,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5xlq3hl6qi luke 6 verse 2 that thou mightest fear that thou mightest fear the lord,luke,6,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 2 i'm going to read from lamentations 1. colossians 1 from verse 9. he says for this course with also,lamentations,1,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 9 in that nature passage from verse 19 to 22 joel 6 19 to 22 a bible tells us the reason why lions could eat him was,joel,6,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 19 through the prophet of god joel definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,joel,1,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 19 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to 1 timothy chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,1 timothy,50,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 50 verse 19 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of philemon dealing with the events that are going to be coming,philemon,6,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 18 now verse 9 and when 1 chronicles cephas peter and john who seemed to be police,1 chronicles,1,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 "chapter 3 that really does define this. ruth chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",ruth,3,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 18 for believers access to the throne of god in esther 12 14. the bible says follow peace with,esther,12,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 24 time this intercession and supplication time on nahum 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,nahum,33,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 3 blessing will pay any price for that if you read 3 john 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly,3 john,27,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 27 verse 5 all the ants that shared blood joel 21 12. all that trust in men,joel,21,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 21 verse 12 chapter 44 hallelujah 2 thessalonians chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,2 thessalonians,44,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 44 verse 2 supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see 2 john chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind,2 john,8,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 6 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 nehemiah it says and in his state shall stand up,nehemiah,11,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 21 encountered god through his word in judges 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some,judges,53,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 53 verse 4 prayers family matters anybody have those issues ecclesiastes 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,ecclesiastes,14,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 26 you remember the bible said in the book of haggai chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 it did not last for long because by the time you come to amos chapter 2 and 3 which is just about,amos,2,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 23 chapter 2 we're looking at verse 11 haggai chapter 2,haggai,2,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 11 17 3 john 32 we're reading from verse 17 our lord god behold that was made,3 john,32,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 17 who keep the words of the prophecy of 1 kings that's verse seven behold i am coming,1 kings,1,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 7 actually repents this is what philemon says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,philemon,3,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 9 psalm 124 just a few 2 corinthians over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,2 corinthians,124,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 124 verse 8 testament in various forms the bible tells us in malachi chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,malachi,5,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 13 everything that god wants me to do 2 chronicles 4 13.,2 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 to walk humbly with my god in luke chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15,luke,33,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 33 verse 15 chapter 12 verse 11 2 john 12 11 and overcame him by the blood of the lamb,2 john,12,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 11 jesus mighty name we prayed amen ecclesiastes 4 24 6 that all the people of the head,ecclesiastes,4,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 24 god was with we're looking at ruth chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19,ruth,19,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 19 verse 11 month in jesus name our text will be from john chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac,john,26,18.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 18 where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 1 john speaking here in verse 31 you o king were,1 john,2,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 31 council comes to you in ruth chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,ruth,11,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 23 name let me show you one verse of scripture in hosea chapter 28 verse 12 good,hosea,28,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 28 verse 12 john 15 reading from verse 11 jeremiah 15 11 as we look at all these promises the,john,15,11.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 11 and interfere lord i need your help and 1 chronicles 5 16 james 5 16 says the effectual,1 chronicles,5,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 16 second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in nahum chapter 4 verse 2,nahum,4,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 2 judges 27 let me read it from was 22 to 29 genesis 27 verse 22 to 29 the story actually began in verse 1 the from verse,judges,27,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 22 from verse 6 to 12 esther 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,esther,1,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 6 strength and my redeemer amos 4 4 job 4 4 there was upholding him that was,amos,4,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 4 them jude chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,jude,11,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 15 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well leviticus 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,leviticus,4,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 5 jesus name in mark chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,mark,3,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 17 chapter 1 reading from verse 14. in jude chapter 1 verse 14 and profited in the jewish religion,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 the lord he is near 1 john 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn,1 john,36,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 36 verse 9 2 peter chapter 7 verse 14 isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign,2 peter,7,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 14 reminds me of psalms chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,psalms,5,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 8 number one is led by the spirit 1 kings 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we,1 kings,5,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 16 crucified to the world it tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,2 corinthians,6,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 6 at judges 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,judges,5,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 18 church this week a better eman in 2 john chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,2 john,26,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 22 related to 1 kings chapter 12 is isaiah chapter 14 which is which is one of our tests for this,1 kings,12,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 14 firstly i needed to understand something that according to mark chapter 2 verse 16,mark,2,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 16 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you micah chapter one from verse four to five,micah,1,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 5 analyze and particularly the the the passage in micah chapter 4 verse 7 that we dealt with on thursday night,micah,4,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 7 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jj6f1kyfo0 1 samuel 52 verse 9 break forth into joy,1 samuel,52,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 52 verse 9 as mark 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,mark,5,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 11 bones amos 18 14. lift up your two hands and celebrate the bondu of joy that,amos,18,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 14 verse 28 in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 28 saying,1 thessalonians,5,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 28 that we need to run from let's pick up reading in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave the apostles the prophets,zephaniah,4,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 11 that love and and he uses it in his argument in mark 8 32 and he says look if god would not spare his own son if he,mark,8,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 32 dissimulated love against brotherliness look at 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 9 let lord,2 samuel,12,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 9 testament in various forms the bible tells us in ezra chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,ezra,5,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 13 to a world of supernatural tone around ruth chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know,ruth,8,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 28 see and so god loves to intervene what does 2 chronicles 4 7 tell us resist the devil and he will flee,2 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 of judgment specifically they're called jude of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,jude,12,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 12 verse 5. in mark 11 verse 5 by faith enoch was translated by faith,mark,11,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 5 protects them so to speak 3 john 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,3 john,12,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 13 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in 2 chronicles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,2 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 so mightily that if you read lamentations 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8. when,lamentations,32,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 32 verse 3 because we know that the word of god brings light in colossians chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 3,colossians,1,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 3 chapter 5 because it spells it out ruth 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,ruth,5,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 5 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell job 1 14 in him you also,job,1,14.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 14 how am i doing on time i che okay okay zechariah 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,zechariah,4,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 11 these platforms today i needed to stand on these scriptures jonah 54 and verse 13 all your children shall be taught by,jonah,54,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 54 verse 13 i am strong in the lord matthew the prophet would write in isaiah 40 29 to 31,matthew,40,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 29 in the prophecy of 1 chronicles god says in ezekiel 14 and verse 13 and 14 he says if a country sins against me and so,1 chronicles,14,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 13 [applause] job 10 21 to 23 here is it,job,10,21.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 21 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in 1 timothy 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,1 timothy,25,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 25 verse 29 your seat belts because here we go okay malachi chapter 1 verse 15 speaking of christ who is the image of the,malachi,1,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 15 you are still healed what does the bible say ruth 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13,ruth,13,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 8 29 and verse 13 1 samuel 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me,1 samuel,29,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 29 verse 12 he gave us very early in our marriage in jonah 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,jonah,26,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 26 verse 9 modeling godly character jonah 6 4 tells us in the bible,jonah,6,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 4 predestination now in habakkuk chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified,habakkuk,8,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 29 jude chapter 8. romans 8 verse 6,jude,8,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 6 i'm reading here from verse 5 i mark chapter 8 reading from verse 5,mark,8,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 5 talk like caleb and we're told in ezekiel chapter 13 verse 30 and caleb's chilled the people,ezekiel,13,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 3 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to,2 chronicles,61,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 61 verse 4 let's read that lamentations chapter 5. oh sorry james 3. who among you verse 13 is wise and,lamentations,5,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 13 it spring the issues of life and then zechariah 4 23 so keeping your heart here this idea is about,zechariah,4,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 23 that means if you want your children to grow up properly start with 1 samuel 5 33,1 samuel,5,33.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 33 in hosea chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,hosea,8,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 3 people okay so if you understand that it says in matthew 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,matthew,10,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 2 the end times speaking of a church in job 2 verse 4 we read these words nevertheless i have somewhat against,job,2,4.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 4 unto men once to die the bible says in ruth 9 27 and after that the judgment,ruth,9,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 27 our text it's jonah 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my,jonah,2,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 12 prayers in jude chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,jude,4,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 6 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of zechariah 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,zechariah,18,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 18 23rd chapter of numbers the 23rd chapter of exodus and verse 31,numbers,23,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 31 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from hosea chapter 9 verse 22.,hosea,9,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 22 season 1 kings 41 and verse 15 behold i will make thee a new trap threshing,1 kings,41,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 41 verse 15 our services this year colossians 13 44 the next birthday came almost the whole city to hear the word of god,colossians,13,44.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 44 says i will walk who can hinder me lamentations chapter 3 verse 78 revolutions women were seven races he,lamentations,3,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 7 world with a flood he said in 2 john chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,2 john,9,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 12 killed but we read in zechariah 11 40 verse 39 sorry all of these,zechariah,11,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 4 and whatever your mind fixes on manifests itself in our lives ruth 11 15 tells us this if they'd been mindful,ruth,11,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 15 in 1 peter chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music],1 peter,3,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 2 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to john job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,john,1,8.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 8 darkness and in sin which is to lie in ecclesiastes the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 recon that reconciliation demands repentance joshua chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,joshua,3,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 19 the righteousness of god in him if you also read ruth 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says,ruth,5,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 18 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of psalms chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,psalms,6,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 23 that's what umpiring is what the bible is saying to us there in ecclesiastes 3 15 is that the peace of god will serve to,ecclesiastes,3,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 15 aware of the details of what's going on in my life jude 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,jude,34,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 21 into this church this coming sunday philemon chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses philemon 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful,philemon,4,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 12 what said it ecclesiastes 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs,ecclesiastes,17,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 11 is the altar of answers to prayer god's word says in 1 samuel 33 and verse 3,1 samuel,33,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 33 verse 3 about what's right and what's wrong and now where are we we're in nehemiah 5 20.,nehemiah,5,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 2 jesus mighty name we pray amen job 1 19 the bible says and they shall fight against thee but they,job,1,19.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 19 spirit it could also refer to the seven virtues of the holy spirit in colossians chapter 11 verse two i'll just read it,colossians,11,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 2 their place jonah 24 are we there i read from verse 14.,jonah,24,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 14 reading from verse 18 jude chapter 6 we're looking at verse 18,jude,6,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 18 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out 2 chronicles chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,2 chronicles,2,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 24 most important passages in my life 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,1 thessalonians,1,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 22 will perfect them ezra chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,ezra,1,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 28 got it it's 1 samuel chapter 1 verses 23 to 25.,1 samuel,1,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 23 ever it is now and here's what philemon 10 25 says let us not give up,philemon,10,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 25 chapter 44 hallelujah 1 john chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,1 john,44,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 44 verse 2 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,2 chronicles,4,32.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 32 every positive change in the life of a believer is 2 corinthians steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he,2 corinthians,3,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 hope that is not baseless you know 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 see their own sin and the next thing that happened or mark was a sin was cleansed away in isaiah chapter 6 so,mark,6,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 6 further let's go back to habakkuk chapter 11 genesis 11 verse 27 now these are the generations of terah and you see what,habakkuk,11,27.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 27 it doesn't satisfy nehemiah 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are,nehemiah,4,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 15 with uh yeah it's like that ruth 53 we quoted earlier versus four to five,ruth,53,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 53 verse 4 were preaching the gospel in jude of the apostle chapter 16 and in verses 25,jude,16,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 25 to as many as well as given him yagi be everlasting life ruth chapter 10 piscotty age acts chapter 10 verse 30,ruth,10,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 3 versions that omits it it just has verse three and then it nehemiah verse five and you're looking right now like there is,nehemiah,1,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 5 shall give account of himself to god 2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,2 thessalonians,20,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 11 and i'm reading here from verse 8 2 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,2 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 have a foundational truth about marriage in job 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and,job,5,31.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 31 amos 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,amos,11,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 6 ezra chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,ezra,12,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 3 remain persuaded them to continue in the grace of god chapter 11 nahum 11 verse 23,nahum,11,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 23 everyone to repent please remember this reference zechariah chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,zechariah,17,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 3 agenda began in 2015. from the book of job 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 tonight as we engage in prayers the scripture says in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 it says let us,1 corinthians,4,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 in philemon chapter 41 verse 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talked about joseph there was,philemon,41,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 41 verse 14 paul said in the way we dig for heresy jude 24 verse 14 so what shall you pray the god of my fathers,jude,24,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 14 of thanks colossians chapter 9,colossians,9,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 9 book of records look at lamentations chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,lamentations,20,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 12 will grant you great grace let's look at 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,2 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 let's look at our last two commandments 2 john chapter 20 verses 16 and 17 can we have angela at the group please,2 john,20,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 20 verse 16 again i think this is most instructive eager titus 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,titus,4,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 3 understand god takes no pleasure in judging people god says in 1 timothy 33 11,1 timothy,33,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 33 verse 11 stand why because he's the author of marriage ezra chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,ezra,2,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 18 amen mark chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews,mark,11,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 5 you know that sorry judges 3 19 revelation 3 19 those whom i love i,judges,3,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 19 because he can the application is faith remember john 1 through 4 even into 5 is all about establishing that i simply,john,1,4.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 4 no advance at all. ruth 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,ruth,10,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 21 as compact haggai chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,haggai,2,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 9 and after this the judgment nahum 9 27,nahum,9,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 27 outside with pitch matthew chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,matthew,11,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 7 these various trials because he says in 2 samuel 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 supernatural growth requires prayer 1 timothy 13 44 the next sabbath day,1 timothy,13,44.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 44 waiting for the returning lord in 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be,1 corinthians,5,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts micah 4 8 purify your hearts,micah,4,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 8 your life in jesus name 1 chronicles chapter 29 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 it says the answer he call upon me and you shall,1 chronicles,29,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 12 abimelech and the entire city ecclesiastes 24 17 so abram prayed he prayed unto god and god healed,ecclesiastes,24,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 24 verse 17 and we have a wonderful scripture in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and their dreams but you shall receive power when the,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,2 thessalonians,16,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 15 read please three let's read please habakkuk 9 9 praise god rejoice greatly oh daughter,habakkuk,9,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 9 us in the name of jesus in 1 peter chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,1 peter,7,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 12 now in hosea chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god she reserves his sovereignty,hosea,9,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 15 lamentations chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,lamentations,4,29.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 29 go astray philemon 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,philemon,22,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 6 valley they may find him themselves song of solomon (song of songs) 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,song of solomon (song of songs),6,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 6 because he promoted him that's why in ezra 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28,ezra,14,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 21 verse 4 joshua chapter 12 verse 4 for just as each of us,joshua,12,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 4 says in obadiah chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,obadiah,32,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 32 verse 24 vision we're looking at 1 corinthians chapter one i meet from verse 13 romans chapter one,1 corinthians,1,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 esther chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 a meaning from verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to,esther,10,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 19 moses died because god took his life job 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,job,51,13.0,1.0,job chapter 51 verse 13 saying here to abraham and isaac and to jacob and notice what he says 2 kings 3 and verse 8 and the scriptures or the,2 kings,3,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 8 one of them is just saying uh you know his explanation of 1 samuel 11 6. and it fits like it this works on roman,1 samuel,11,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 6 really 1 peter 4 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and evil speaking be put,1 peter,4,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 31 realm of solid food and strong meat obadiah chapter 5 when you read from verse 12 hebrews chapter 5 from verse 12,obadiah,5,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 12 prophetic packages of the year in 1 corinthians 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,1 corinthians,14,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 24 them and will guide them to springs of water 2 peter 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the,2 peter,55,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 55 verse 12 your most learn look at psalms chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to,psalms,9,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 9 it he jesus name we pray a 1 kings chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,1 kings,26,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 27 you know in judges chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special,judges,19,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 11 that's what god we are talking about zechariah 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,zechariah,29,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 29 verse 4 canaan land praise god god was speaking in 2 john chapter 8 and verse 12 says,2 john,8,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 12 "it's part of who he is. nehemiah 43 verse 3, ""for i am the lord your god, the holy one of israel, your savior.""",nehemiah,43,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 43 verse 3 came sickness voice from head to toe and finally titus said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to,titus,13,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 15 yielding let's look at esther chapter 6,esther,6,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 6 to remind us about 2 corinthians in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,2 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 righteousness notice also what god said to 2 timothy chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,2 timothy,30,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 30 verse 7 "off this earth in the blink of an eye leviticus chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're",leviticus,25,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 9 can the church say louder amen ezekiel 102 and verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to,ezekiel,102,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 102 verse 13 two names that is related to jesus in that passage 2 peter 19 11 to 16 in that passage at the end verse 16 he says,2 peter,19,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 11 lives the word of god may exclaim nehemiah chapter 8 31 if god be for you who can,nehemiah,8,31.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 31 four times 1 john chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,1 john,2,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 4 till one day god opened my eyes to read colossians 14 and verse 17.,colossians,14,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 17 "things, even the deep things of god."" i think whenever i read that of matthew 8 verse 26 and 27 where it talks about the spirit making",matthew,8,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 26 chapter 10 verse 38 joel chapter 10 acts chapter 10 verse 38 says how god anointed jesus of,joel,10,38.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 38 the name that they are their profane we are coming to 1 peter 74 so i'm 74 i'm reading from verse 18 so i'm 74 we're,1 peter,74,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 74 verse 18 hand of god deliver supernaturally 1 john 11 and verse 6. the bible says,1 john,11,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 6 and there's many other verses in 2 chronicles where he addresses that 2 13 my people have committed two evils,2 chronicles,2,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 13 desire for good health 2 john 14 19 the evil bow before the good,2 john,14,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 19 unstoppable in your adventure again zechariah i mean john 14 21 the word says whosoever has my,zechariah,14,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 21 because god hasn't changed me you might be denying ecclesiastes 2 13 because philippians 2 13 says that god is,ecclesiastes,2,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13 somebody believes he allowed amen ruth chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,ruth,5,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 26 amen look at the promise of god for your life in matthew 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,matthew,45,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 45 verse 2 miracles received in every service 2 kings 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,2 kings,3,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 17 the most untapped resource in the body of christ and it's right here in song of solomon (song of songs) 5 14 15 14 excuse me,song of solomon (song of songs),5,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 14 these children of god in 3 john chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,3 john,39,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 39 verse 5 and then numbers 25 from verse 8 he went,numbers,25,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 8 our lives in mark chapter 5 reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 osmonds love your wives even as,mark,5,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 25 this money if you choose god then psalms chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,psalms,10,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 22 he makes a promise colossians chapter 3 from verse 17 they shall be mine says the lord of,colossians,3,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 17 that wisdom and leviticus prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,leviticus,11,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 3 1 27. 2 samuel 1 27. already,2 samuel,1,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 27 of the apostles chapter four our reading from verse 12 ah 2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither is there salvation in,2 kings,4,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 have to believe that he knows what's best for you now matthew 29 11 is one of my favorite passages and it's often,matthew,29,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 11 why should you destroy yourself jude 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise,jude,7,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 16 causes say and bringeth reports on that home in that family 2 corinthians 19 verse 26 he that wasteth his father you say,2 corinthians,19,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 19 verse 26 blessed before birth in matthew 49 verse 8 to 10 genesis 49 verse 8 to 10,matthew,49,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 49 verse 8 mood that could accept it the cosima 2 peter 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,2 peter,13,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 9 this money if you choose god then esther chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,esther,10,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 22 from esther 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in,esther,2,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 15 is a servant in lamentations chapter 1 we read verse 8,lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 prepare the way for the fire of the lord in 2 peter chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the,2 peter,40,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 40 verse 3 that it's a real picture of confusion nehemiah 9 verses 7 & 8 yeah it's these demon locusts in the last days and,nehemiah,9,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 7 chapter one reading from verse seven in 1 samuel chapter one verse seven it says,1 samuel,1,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 7 mind the kana mind in colossians chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,colossians,8,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 6 you know the motto of this church in matthew chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same,matthew,13,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 8 above ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17.,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 abomination that causes desolation in titus 9 27 and he is referring to something,titus,9,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 27 2 chronicles 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so,2 chronicles,23,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 25 tower and on it are often how do you have dominion zechariah 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may,zechariah,1,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 26 determine his confession paul was able to say in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,2 corinthians,4,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 1 john in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,1 john,6,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 5 own people i think that's very significant in 1 kings 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,1 kings,42,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 42 verse 18 2 samuel 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created,2 samuel,2,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 glory be to jesus lastly today in leviticus chapter 19 uh when you read from verse 2,leviticus,19,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 2 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in 1 chronicles chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,1 chronicles,3,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 obviously israel is regathered in the land as 2 samuel 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray,2 samuel,37,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 37 verse 11 something is happening to your faith look at nehemiah chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,nehemiah,2,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 18 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool luke chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,luke,7,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 9 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found amos and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,amos,2,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 5 almighty 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 8 ecclesiastes 5 verse 8 causing,2 samuel,5,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 8 kingdom in the this is a vision given to 2 john verse 2 of chapter 40 he brought me into the,2 john,40,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 40 verse 2 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation 1 kings 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,1 kings,15,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 4 predestined me joel 8 29 and you also to become conformed to the image of,joel,8,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 29 this is so important 1 corinthians chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12.,1 corinthians,46,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 46 verse 8 the word of god now in micah chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,micah,8,37.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 37 2 and in 2 peter chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 acts,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 faithfulness gentleness self to control against such there is no law ezekiel 5 and verse 22 someone wants to declare,ezekiel,5,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 22 because it's written in that passage in 1 peter 13 5 and 6. because it says there,1 peter,13,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 5 never sinned against god in all of this suffering judges 122 and all of this job did not sin nor charge god with wrong,judges,1,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 22 person the bible tells us in malachi chapter 3 verse 16,malachi,3,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 16 let's read that ecclesiastes chapter 5. oh sorry james 3. who among you verse 13 is wise and,ecclesiastes,5,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 13 because in 2 corinthians chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when,2 corinthians,10,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 a micah of the covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh philippians 3 3 we are the true circumcision cutting,micah,3,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 3 paul in his letter to joshua wrote in chapter 8 verse 29,joshua,8,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 29 esther chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an,esther,4,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 4 chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 24 colossians chapter 4 verse 24 and that she put on the new man which chapter god,colossians,4,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 24 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in zechariah 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,zechariah,6,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 19 something has to change in my life in 2 corinthians 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,2 corinthians,24,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 3 verses 18 to 29. amos 12 verse 18 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched,amos,12,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 18 you belong now nahum chapter 5 verse 8 further establishes this,nahum,5,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 8 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle haggai 1 verses 19 to 20.,haggai,1,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 19 gracious leo the malice aside zechariah chapter 4 verse 31 ephesians,zechariah,4,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 31 isaac i'm looking at 1 chronicles genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,1 chronicles,22,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 7 they said but the oldest book in the bible 1 samuel says job 25 5 look to the moon,1 samuel,25,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 25 verse 5 promises of god yes and amen 2 samuel chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,2 samuel,33,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 33 verse 25 employing them 1 peter 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,1 peter,2,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 15 to redeem us read as 1 samuel 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,1 samuel,53,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 53 verse 3 victory on the cross the whole point of 1 kings 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,1 kings,3,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 4 and faith we're told in 2 thessalonians chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus,2 thessalonians,5,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 3 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 1 timothy 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,1 timothy,13,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 2 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of luke chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,luke,11,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 6 and buried him that you can find in 1 samuel chapter 4 11 to 12,1 samuel,4,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 11 we're going to be praying again from the book of joshua philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not,joshua,1,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 6 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in 3 john 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19,3 john,2,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 8 danielle refused to compromise in amos chapter 1 verse 8 daniel 1 verses i'm not going to,amos,1,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 8 4 1 peter 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,1 peter,5,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 4 that is where our hope is at brethren it says in 2 thessalonians 13 20 now may the god of peace,2 thessalonians,13,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 2 destroyed yeah that's psalms 30 number 20. i started out by talking about that for,psalms,30,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 30 verse 2 look at chapter 3 jude chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly,jude,3,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 11 let's look at what bible says first in the book of 2 john chapter 8 18 number 10,2 john,8,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 18 more sending people to eternity prematurely in 1 peter chapter 2 verse 4,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 numbers 14 for somebody who may be looking for a scripture romans 14 21 22 and 23 new congenital version he said it,numbers,14,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 21 from my hand or matthew 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes,matthew,4,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 11 called satan which means adversary and 1 samuel 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,1 samuel,1,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 6 to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers habakkuk 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees,habakkuk,29,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 29 verse 13 which i'm going to read quickly to you ezekiel chapter 12 verse 3. in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the bible,ezekiel,12,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 3 one too it's awesome yeah i mean zechariah say 28 is so true right he causes all things to,zechariah,1,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 28 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in mark chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,mark,24,34.0,1.0,mark chapter 24 verse 34 edition song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,song of solomon (song of songs),4,31.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 shall live by faith says jude 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and,jude,1,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 17 and not just hang around waiting for it 1 samuel 3 12 to 14 paul said,1 samuel,3,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 12 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in zephaniah 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,zephaniah,8,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 6 verse 19 2 kings chapter 3 reading here from verse,2 kings,3,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 19 verse 17 2 john 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women,2 john,2,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 17 and and the unders and the season uh the book of numbers um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,numbers,2,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 22 and signs and wonders begin to take place zechariah 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,zechariah,10,38.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 38 that's taken from the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy,1 thessalonians,4,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 4 luke chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,luke,8,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 28 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,1 corinthians,3,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 that i just put it is is is a scripture in nahum 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,nahum,61,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 61 verse 3 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of 1 john and i remember when we got to verse 8,1 john,1,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 8 reading from the new living translation judges chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow,judges,1,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 4 what god is able to do and the bible says in numbers chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and,numbers,10,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 17 accountability and our bible text is in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,song of solomon (song of songs),14,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 12 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,ecclesiastes,10,38.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 i'm reminded uh that in in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaks about how,song of solomon (song of songs),8,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 18 way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven 2 samuel said it this way surely the lord god will do,2 samuel,3,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 7 without support or blameless it tells us in hosea chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,hosea,1,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 23 desperately wicked who can even know it obadiah 28 26 he who trusts in his own heart is a fool,obadiah,28,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 28 verse 26 the power of heaven upon your life look at 2 corinthians chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,2 corinthians,1,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 4 us that when jesus had talked with his disciples and told them in that philemon chapter number one verse three telling,philemon,1,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 3 with him we see this in habakkuk 10 24 to 27,habakkuk,10,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 24 christ with clear conscience it says in micah chapter 1 verse 20 now the things which i write unto you,micah,1,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 2 also wrote psalm 72 and some 120 7 he wrote the book of luke and song of solomon proverbs is a goldmine,luke,72,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 72 verse 7 world malachi chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,malachi,15,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 16 above all things 2 corinthians 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,2 corinthians,17,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 9 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank ezekiel chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,ezekiel,5,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 22 holy kingdom look at that again in 2 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now,2 chronicles,2,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 19 provoking the angels of god in titus chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,titus,4,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 3 perform it 2 peter chapter 12 verse 25 ezekiel chapter 12,2 peter,12,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 25 a 1 peter of the covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh philippians 3 3 we are the true circumcision cutting,1 peter,3,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 3 chapter 4 13 to 16 micah chapter 4 13 to 16 emphasis about the future god's own the,micah,4,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 13 testament there's only one required fast according to obadiah 16 29 to 31,obadiah,16,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 29 abide abide in him luke chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your,luke,10,35.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 35 accursed 1 kings chapter 12,1 kings,12,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 12 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to nahum hey what a great leader you are,nahum,8,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 22 what pride and high mindedness job chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four,job,4,6.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 6 and he is faithful meaning what according to 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3,1 chronicles,2,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3 judges chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,judges,2,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 7 it did not last for long because by the time you come to amos chapter 2 and 3 which is just about,amos,2,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 23 we have been told it's ruth chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.,ruth,5,32.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 32 before that break the allah's said jude 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,jude,2,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 23 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful 2 john 11 30 and daniel 23,2 john,11,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 3 our prayer focus today is holiness ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,ezekiel,1,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9 of burdens according to ezekiel 10 verse 37 isaiah 10 37 the anointing breaks every yoke,ezekiel,10,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 37 christian the third one on my list is ezekiel chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,ezekiel,3,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 2 enemy an enemy 1 thessalonians 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a,1 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 14. in 3 john chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you,3 john,5,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 14 this dream but when you check chapter 39 of nehemiah verses 2 and 21 genesis 39,nehemiah,39,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 39 verse 2 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on ezra 10 38 i said,ezra,10,38.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 38 of olives notice what matthew chapter 14 verse 4 says about the day of the lord it says,matthew,14,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 4 hilltop and move into the monti spiritually for example obadiah chapter 3 verse 4 to 6 philippi until ii,obadiah,3,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 4 tonight in nahum chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,nahum,58,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 58 verse 9 despite affliction look at verse 13 of haggai chapter 4 you know i was through infirmity of the flesh,haggai,4,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 13 throughout these years i've loved the truth of nahum 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,nahum,45,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 45 verse 3 it he jesus name we pray a amos chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,amos,26,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 27 you know the motto of this church in 1 peter chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same,1 peter,13,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 8 amen praise the lord let's quickly read that amos 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up,amos,2,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 11 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in mark 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,mark,6,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 12 mean by virgins it says in 2 kings chapter 14 and verse 4,2 kings,14,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 4 in other passages we could be reading in 1 chronicles for example in chapter 2 and verse 6 which tells us plainly,1 chronicles,2,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 6 name together and look at 2 john chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,2 john,5,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 19 resemble for prayer the bible says in zechariah chapter 20 verse 35,zechariah,20,35.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 35 happen there is a path for us in amos chapter 4 verse 12.,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 can we say amen to that in the book of hosea chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted,hosea,9,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 8 bible talks about then habakkuk 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and,habakkuk,4,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 11 has already called us in 2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 16 and if this is the reason for this,2 corinthians,8,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 16 you his will as is the new covenant promise in 2 timothy 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,2 timothy,8,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 not able to do anything ezra chapter 1 verse 14 it's only one chapter he said but without thy mind,ezra,1,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 14 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in 2 john 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,2 john,9,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 3 scripture i want to share with us is luke chapter 29 11 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it's,luke,29,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 29 verse 11 now our memory verse is taken from matthew 3 20. um but our homeland is in heaven and we,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 no peace philemon 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,philemon,48,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 48 verse 22 one more time obadiah chapter 2 verse 7,obadiah,2,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 7 on to 1 samuel and her people esther chapter 8 verse 8 he says write your soul for the jews as,1 samuel,8,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 8 over the world i'm looking at nehemiah chapter 2 verse 16,nehemiah,2,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 16 see why as i feel this is how we should understand it matthew 8 29 says there for those whom he foreknew he also,matthew,8,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 29 summon to recognize potential this was what paul was writing about in mark 1 and verse 18 when it talks about our,mark,1,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 18 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning malachi chapter 3 and verse 14,malachi,3,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 14 can you say believe in amen lamentations 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,lamentations,5,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 26 when he departed out of iran amos 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,amos,3,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 12 morning 1 kings chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,1 kings,5,42.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 42 joshua 26 15 to 18 acts 26 15 to 18.,joshua,26,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 15 but the soul is not right 2 corinthians chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,2 corinthians,25,33.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 33 what the scripture says in the book of colossians chapter 26 and verse 8,colossians,26,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 26 verse 8 begin to enjoy financial fortune in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from zephaniah chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,zephaniah,12,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 3 say loud amen 1 chronicles chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,1 chronicles,34,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 34 verse 25 even in ezra 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know,ezra,1,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 17 your time is different for god's time athleticism chapter 3 verse 11 job chapter 3 verse 11,job,3,11.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 11 word of god and that's why 2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 9,2 thessalonians,23,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 9 years 1 thessalonians 29 18 to 30. in culture intended couples get to know,1 thessalonians,29,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 18 began 1 peter chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be,1 peter,3,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 14 divine wisdom the wisdom of god is the vital key haggai 21 and verse 22 tells us,haggai,21,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 22 looking at luke chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,luke,2,29.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 29 line and the book of luke chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11 verse 15 i think we just do one act 11 verse 15 bubbles's,luke,11,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 15 here's the thing brethren don't forget the context of 2 timothy 5 15 16 17 don't forget the context what paul is,2 timothy,5,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 15 in mind when he created it and in lamentations 2 and 18 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i,lamentations,2,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 18 to appropriate it so when you find scriptures like 2 kings 53 and verse 5 first peter 2 and 24,2 kings,53,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 53 verse 5 of operation by all means this coming sunday ezra chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,ezra,20,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 20 verse 9 why 1 chronicles 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,1 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 given the date then 2 john chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,2 john,8,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 2 they rejected salvation and they went into perdition in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 a reading from verse 16,2 thessalonians,6,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 16 in jesus name we have given thanks verse 3 amos 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and the father of our,amos,1,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 3 watching that's the great question today in 1 samuel 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,1 samuel,21,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 2 nahum chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and,nahum,30,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 2 in song of solomon (song of songs) 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,song of solomon (song of songs),36,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 36 verse 6 luke chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,luke,2,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 5 but one bumbling says in lamentations 2 8 he humbled himself,lamentations,2,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 8 now we are going to into a very serious session now 1 peter chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the,1 peter,10,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 12 look at the ruth chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter,ruth,8,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 19 name i know malachi 9 6 isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born,malachi,9,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 6 i was turned 2 corinthians 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,2 corinthians,11,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 17 can help us read philemon 18 20 to 21 proverbs 18 20 to 21 can you hear me from the fruit of his mouth a man's,philemon,18,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 2 that do is good we're looking at leviticus chapter 19 verses 2 and 3 and here we see that they do not have,leviticus,19,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 2 interesting verse why is it we why is haggai 126 say we and there's a few options people throw,haggai,1,26.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 26 i watched the conscience video um and leviticus 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,leviticus,14,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 23 and for the stranger i am the lord your god again it says in habakkuk 10 18 he does execute judgment or,habakkuk,10,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 18 dealings with god in amos 13 15 the kingdom said good understanding,amos,13,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 15 this dream but when you check chapter 39 of joshua verses 2 and 21 genesis 39,joshua,39,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 39 verse 2 cramming it into seven jude chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,jude,9,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 9 i wanted to pray this morning the bible says in jude chapter 13 verse 36 it says for david after he had served his own,jude,13,36.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 36 3 9 john chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,john,2,39.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 39 who engage in the works of the flesh 1 chronicles chapter 5 22 verse 21 galatians five 22 21 the abominable unbelieving,1 chronicles,5,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of psalms of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,psalms,4,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 16 the priority of your life in jesus name numbers chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,numbers,13,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 2 in zechariah 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,zechariah,21,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 22 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together joel 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,joel,8,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 26 end we need his grace 2 timothy chapter 12 and verse 28,2 timothy,12,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 28 2 kings 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile,2 kings,6,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 11 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in ezekiel chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore,ezekiel,24,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 24 verse of no works the gospel without any works 1 peter 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,1 peter,2,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 8 scripture for our talk is in hosea 4 verse 7 the bible says,hosea,4,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 7 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in esther chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,esther,32,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 17 conscience in the voice of god talking to your spirit 3 john 20 verse 27 proverbs 20 verse 27 maybe we are in 3 food,3 john,20,27.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 27 back to zephaniah chapter two and i'm reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 when you keen at verse 9 it says but we,zephaniah,2,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 9 reading from 2 timothy 23 from verse 19 to 23 numbers 23 from verse 19 to 23 in the name of god has commanded you to be,2 timothy,23,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 19 by treasure is chill march joshua chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,joshua,2,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 21 from verse 13 to 16 ezekiel 15 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16. [music],ezekiel,15,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 15 verse 13 as we see 2 john is the eagle isaiah 40 31 says that those that wait upon the lord shall,2 john,40,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 40 verse 31 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of 2 peter jeremiah 29,2 peter,29,29.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 29 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich amos 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,amos,24,34.0,1.0,amos chapter 24 verse 34 blood of jesus and with the fire of god job 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,job,12,11.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 11 titles chapter 3 we're reading from verse 5. in micah chapter 3 verse 5 not by walks of righteousness,micah,3,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 5 well in 2 timothy chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,2 timothy,12,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 15 it in their lives uh according to what we read in matthew 4 and verse 13 there they saw the effect of it in their lives,matthew,4,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 13 you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of haggai 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do,haggai,11,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 6 looking at nahum chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 22 genesis chapter 5 verse 22 and enoch walked with god at i,nahum,5,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 22 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 1 kings of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,1 kings,4,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 16 to start with 2 timothy 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,2 timothy,7,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 3 thank you jesus i'm going to open obadiah isaiah 55 11.,obadiah,55,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 55 verse 11 that's prayer that's prayer obadiah chapter 4 in verse number 6 the bible says paul,obadiah,4,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 ministered in nashville 20 21 open up for unusual 1 timothy thereby imparting grace on all participants in,1 timothy,20,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 21 somebody the bible talks about uh in the book of 2 kings chapter 4 and verse number 17 uh it,2 kings,4,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 17 in their lives ezra chapter 2 verse 7.,ezra,2,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 7 take actions that are based on 3 john hallelujah professor 1 verse 32,3 john,1,32.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 32 and you know the reason why first corinthians starting 2 samuel one two three,2 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 there was a prophecy jonah 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,jonah,15,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 13 important character three entire chapters here in the book of obadiah numbers 22 23 and 24 and a part of,obadiah,22,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 23 moses song ezekiel 15 3 and what they said is this the lord,ezekiel,15,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 15 verse 3 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in psalms chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,psalms,18,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 4 against the jealousy of god in nahum 34 verse 14 so for thou shall worship no other god,nahum,34,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 34 verse 14 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to,2 corinthians,61,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 61 verse 4 harvesters out of the believer in the book of jonah chapter 41 and verse 15,jonah,41,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 41 verse 15 and 8 jerry maria chapter 51 verse 53 ruth chapter 20 verse 6 and then we we went further,ruth,51,53.0,1.0,ruth chapter 51 verse 53 that will break every yoke in jesus name jude chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27,jude,10,27.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 27 whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed 2 peter 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical,2 peter,9,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 6 church of multitude zechariah 11 verse 9 the bible said and the earth,zechariah,11,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 9 that jesus christ is the son of god jude chapter 16 i read him from verse 30 and brought them out,jude,16,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 3 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved 2 peter of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,2 peter,17,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 17 strangers in the heartless kingdom were looking at 1 timothy chapter 2 reading from verse 12 it says that at that time,1 timothy,2,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 12 in micah chapter 41 verse 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talked about joseph there was,micah,41,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 41 verse 14 "acceptable worship.  1 corinthians 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",1 corinthians,13,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 15 he knew that christ will come from lamentations chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about,lamentations,3,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 15 and listen god answered prayer it says in ecclesiastes 37 36 and the angel of the lord,ecclesiastes,37,36.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 37 verse 36 chapter without utilizing that word leviticus 13 and verse 11 i will punish the world for,leviticus,13,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 11 verse 16 ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 16. and his names through faith in his name,ecclesiastes,3,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 16 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel jonah 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,jonah,21,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 12 answered in jesus name we pray 3 john chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,3 john,1,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 6 in 1 samuel chapter 41 verse 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talked about joseph there was,1 samuel,41,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 41 verse 14 from day one i was preaching from ruth 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,ruth,3,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 13 obadiah chapter 22 from verse 7 to 14 genesis 22 7 to 14 isaac said to his,obadiah,22,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 7 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together leviticus 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,leviticus,8,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 26 and it echoes what paul talks about in 2 peter 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,2 peter,3,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 28 word of god says in 2 kings 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,2 kings,5,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 21 scriptures but beginning with ezra chapter 23 and verse 7. listen carefully there's a,ezra,23,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 7 the heart like it says in malachi 13 you know this verse hebrews 13 and verse 9 in the middle of that verse it says,malachi,13,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 9 don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 2 peter 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace,2 peter,13,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 9 offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in ruth 34 reading from verse six,ruth,34,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 6 numbers 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7,numbers,8,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 11 and he said in matthew chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will,matthew,1,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 19 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of 1 kings 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,1 kings,44,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 44 verse 3 this combines there's two illusions here this is to ezra 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,ezra,7,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 13 jonah 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,jonah,5,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 14 beyond expectations psalms chapter 1 verse 28.,psalms,1,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 28 the book of leviticus 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,leviticus,17,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 28 of lies and half truths right and of course in nehemiah verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of,nehemiah,12,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 6 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant 3 john 14 7 to 9.,3 john,14,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 7 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then numbers chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to,numbers,1,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 8 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 3 john chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,3 john,12,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 15 esther 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile,esther,6,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 11 well they profess to know him they deny him in their works leviticus 1 16 people can profess to know god,leviticus,1,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 unbelief ezra 11 20 talks about the horrible tragedy of israel's unbelief revelation,ezra,11,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 2 now i come to number four and this is in ruth chapter three verses three and five,ruth,3,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 3 time for offering according to luke 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord,luke,3,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 9 and they have nothing to do again ezekiel 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,ezekiel,2,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 14 jesus in this season baba says the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked,2 thessalonians,45,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 notice in this passage of scripture in joshua 11 5 times they say oh for egypt oh for egypt what they're really longing,joshua,11,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 5 is something we all should know by heart ezra 1 8 this book of the law,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 mark 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them,mark,3,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 19 1 chronicles chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,1 chronicles,11,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 24 verse 8 obadiah 5 verse 8 i saw one who was once darkness,obadiah,5,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 8 of us the apostle paul wrote in 2 corinthians 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant 1 samuel 14 7 to 9.,1 samuel,14,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 7 and then 1 peter 25 from verse 8 he went,1 peter,25,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 25 verse 8 because he cried to god in micah 33 from verse 18 to 23 exodus 33 from verse 18 to 23 he said god thank,micah,33,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 18 area i touched on at the last session but micah 5 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and,micah,5,31.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 31 faith your conviction your confidence only on the cross of christ malachi chapter 2 reading from verse 13. in,malachi,2,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 13 2 corinthians 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,2 corinthians,21,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 22 see it in the future again reading from habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 9,habakkuk,2,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 9 be used for the drink offering in 2 timothy and chapter 9 verse 13 there's a comment about wine cheers,2 timothy,9,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 13 remember what he says at the end it says in obadiah 13 3 remember those who are in prison,obadiah,13,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 3 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, ecclesiastes 50 verses 19 to 21.",ecclesiastes,50,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 50 verse 19 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's 2 kings 1 8.,2 kings,1,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 minister amos 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect,amos,26,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 3 if you have your bible if you don't i'll read it to you habakkuk chapter 21 verse 4 and the rejoined from mount all,habakkuk,21,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 4 let's make it louder and stronger zephaniah chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 the patience and readiness of the saints it says 1 samuel chapter 14 verse 12,1 samuel,14,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 12 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in 2 john 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,2 john,15,29.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 29 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in joel 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,joel,10,35.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 35 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in joel 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,joel,9,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 3 "by the way, peter in his sermon in jonah 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 from verse 8 jonah chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left,jonah,1,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 8 32 and verse 27 2 chronicles 32 27 was it behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,2 chronicles,32,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 32 verse 27 tirelessly in our stewardship in the kingdom 1 timothy chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. and look what the scripture says here,1 timothy,6,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 7 reading colossians chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is,colossians,52,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 52 verse 7 and paul answers no joshua 11 25 a partial hardening has come upon israel,joshua,11,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 25 when he says the length of your days he's referring to habakkuk 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,habakkuk,6,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 3 at verse 2 2 peter chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 and walk in love,2 peter,5,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 2 fellow is actually born again in nahum chapter 6,nahum,6,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 6 you god is leading me hallelujah 1 corinthians 5 again verse 13 now joshua ghost is moving in i remember the menís thesis,1 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 hosea chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 and the book of 3 john 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,3 john,1,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 18 in colossians chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 32 numbers chapter 22,colossians,22,32.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 32 very important in what we have to do first of them is leviticus chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,leviticus,22,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 22 means of sinners they can be mistaking for one psalms 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 was worth the wait 1 samuel 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,1 samuel,8,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 27 natural disaster you could say then 1 timothy arose verse 20 tore his robe shaved his head fell to the ground and,1 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 jonah chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,jonah,14,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 4 demons but malachi 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure,malachi,20,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 29 our texas psalms 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,psalms,15,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 22 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is 1 timothy chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,1 timothy,19,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 28 i'm reminded uh that in in the book of nahum chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaks about how,nahum,8,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 18 here's what scripture says in leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14.,leviticus,3,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 yourselves to prayer it said in jonah 4 2 with alert mind and a,jonah,4,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 2 the spirit so take a look at the beginning of joel chapter 4 we'll start in verse 4 here paul says,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions nahum 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,nahum,8,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 18 he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here nehemiah chapter eight first four verses they say,nehemiah,8,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 4 god of this commission our confidence is from obadiah 33 verse 3,obadiah,33,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 33 verse 3 encounters with light zephaniah 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,zephaniah,3,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 15 you as well 2 kings 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord told him a certain principle if you want,2 kings,15,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 19 being lord of your life once again in ecclesiastes 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,ecclesiastes,8,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 29 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from amos 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,amos,37,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 37 verse 5 the mouth of paul the ruth church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,ruth,4,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 8 2 thessalonians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,2 thessalonians,8,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 3 of lies and half truths right and of course in haggai verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of,haggai,12,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 6 it's a bride but there's something else in the book of 1 samuel it's called in ephesians 2 19 the church the local,1 samuel,2,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 19 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 2 timothy 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,2 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 said concerning the redeemed in judges 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,judges,2,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 5 we're looking at 2 samuel chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,2 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 zealous of good works look at lamentations chapter 9 verse 26,lamentations,9,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 26 2 kings chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse eight to ten i want you to just stay,2 kings,3,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 8 it before this time let's look at peter's colossians a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,colossians,16,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 15 eradicated from the church here's what it says 1 corinthians 16 17 i urge you brethren take,1 corinthians,16,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 17 philemon chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine,philemon,15,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 9 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 1 kings do this is scripture remember so verse 32,1 kings,36,32.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 36 verse 32 ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine,ecclesiastes,15,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 9 the concept we've been looking at in ruth chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from,ruth,2,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 4 verse 31 jonah 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only,jonah,31,31.0,1.0,jonah chapter 31 verse 31 to really pay attention he says in song of solomon (song of songs) 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,song of solomon (song of songs),16,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 15 a loud amen jude 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,jude,5,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 14 a god of speed he is a god of speed song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,song of solomon (song of songs),9,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 28 thee well looking at 2 timothy chapter 10 verse 27 proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolonged,2 timothy,10,27.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 27 there's no chapters it's just the book of 2 timothy jude 12 baby verse 12 these are spots in your love feasts so he's,2 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 person it was a faithful man in job chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22,job,39,6.0,1.0,job chapter 39 verse 6 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to matthew 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,matthew,27,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 3 can we say allowed unbelieving amen titus 12 3 and wwes shall shine as the brightness of the firemen and they don't,titus,12,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 3 persistently you did not listen 1 peter 7 23 obey my,1 peter,7,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 23 people is the kings oh no zephaniah 14 28 i need that who knows me i will honor,zephaniah,14,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 28 be spiritual so if we live in the spirit 2 kings 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,2 kings,5,25.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 25 proofs but it says that while he was doing this 1 corinthians chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,1 corinthians,1,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 the devil 1 john 14 14 job chapter 14 14 b the bible says all,1 john,14,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 14 he died and obtained for us 1 thessalonians 5 12. power,1 thessalonians,5,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 as a loving father who says in 1 peter 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,1 peter,49,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 15 vision we're looking at mark chapter one i meet from verse 13 romans chapter one,mark,1,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 13 in jesus name we have given thanks verse 3 hosea 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and the father of our,hosea,1,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 3 rule um verses 13 to 15 this psalms 31 woman she not only does work but seems to take,psalms,31,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 31 verse 13 verse three 1 thessalonians chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,1 thessalonians,5,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 3 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in micah 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,micah,15,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 15 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is 1 john 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,1 john,42,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 42 verse 2 foe accuses the jews of having sawn 2 kings in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,2 kings,11,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 37 will obtain it tells us in mark chapter 10 verse 9.,mark,10,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 9 you assurance of your own salvation i'm just gonna read from paul here ecclesiastes seven starting with verse 14 he says for,ecclesiastes,7,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 14 1 thessalonians chapter 36 looking at verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 i will read him from verse 25,1 thessalonians,36,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 25 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in ezekiel chapter 41 and verse 14.,ezekiel,41,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 41 verse 14 you will see your health bounce to back praise the lord right now 2 john 3 verse 8 you will not be able to go there,2 john,3,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 8 chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 19,1 timothy,8,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 19 glorification without him according to paul jonah chapter 8 verse 9,jonah,8,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 9 that's random colossians galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to 1 corinthians isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,1 corinthians,43,43.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 43 verse 43 that a man can turn things around song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,song of solomon (song of songs),3,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 17 people who returned to build so let's look at micah four verse seven when sanbalar and tobiah and the arabs the,micah,4,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 7 of us the apostle paul wrote in 1 john 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 in our bible we've got um numbers 8 28 do you know that verse don't you,numbers,8,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 28 on to you i mean if you make a reference to scriptures in matthew chapter 14 from verse 20 the bible says that,matthew,14,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 2 but the blessing did not conclude with abraham here on the earth in zephaniah 3 verse 13 and 14 christ has redeemed us,zephaniah,3,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 13 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 8 and at the last daniel came in before me whose name was bishop shazam,1 samuel,4,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 8 reigns the lord almighty reigns jonah 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,jonah,10,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 14 christ with clear conscience it says in amos chapter 1 verse 20 now the things which i write unto you,amos,1,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 2 shall live by his faith and he said it four different times zechariah 2 verse 4 the jaws shall live by faith,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 cleansing there is no any other means 3 john of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,3 john,4,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 12 going to be with you to empower you he reminds them in job 1 8 just before ascending the holy spirit will come upon,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 we are waiting for our direction leviticus chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day,leviticus,2,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 hold up to your heavenly father ecclesiastes 14 28 and it honors me i will honor,ecclesiastes,14,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 28 from sexual sin you can do it joshua 4 verse 13 you can't do,joshua,4,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 13 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in haggai chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,haggai,3,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 14 should not swear at all in that obadiah 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,obadiah,5,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 12 5 from verse 7 to 8 haggai 5 from verse 7 to 8 he said why we were yet sinners,haggai,5,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 7 and wisdom is essential look at ezekiel chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,ezekiel,4,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 7 and don't forget matthew 8 28 but for we know that all things,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 church for life say loud amen 3 john chapter 9 verse 11 and verse 12,3 john,9,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 11 it tells us in 3 john chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought 2 chronicles 23 and verse 23,2 chronicles,23,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 23 2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 18 job chapter 11 verse 18 tells us that when you have hope you have security,2 corinthians,11,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 18 look at job chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,job,4,17.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 17 will you please turn to philemon the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,philemon,22,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 2 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because ruth can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,ruth,2,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 8 this in numbers chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,numbers,32,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 16 you grow a wisdom at the summit jude chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you,jude,3,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 16 feasts are given to them together here in 1 samuel 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,1 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 as well this is a great place to just put your bookmark in amos 24 3 and let's begin to pray earnestly,amos,24,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 24 verse 3 god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in joel chapter 36 verse 27,joel,36,36.0,1.0,joel chapter 36 verse 36 but the blessing did not conclude with abraham here on the earth in 1 peter 3 verse 13 and 14 christ has redeemed us,1 peter,3,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 13 one more time jude chapter 2 verse 7,jude,2,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 7 [music] numbers 14 verse 14 though these three men,numbers,14,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 14 number six we forgive to avoid discipline ezra 2 13 judgment will be merciless to one who has,ezra,2,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 13 believe i believe in jonah chapter 13 verse 8,jonah,13,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 8 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in zechariah 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",zechariah,14,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 28 i commend you unto god paul said in mark chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace,mark,20,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 32 unclean rags in habakkuk 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like,habakkuk,64,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 64 verse 6 guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain leviticus as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and,leviticus,12,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 7 round up 1 chronicles there's only just one chapter verse six,1 chronicles,1,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 burning burning bonnie leviticus chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of,leviticus,4,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 4 happening on earth that's found in zephaniah 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,zephaniah,6,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 9 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in zechariah 10 9 to 16,zechariah,10,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 9 your church established your kingdom in the earth mark chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,mark,14,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 18 sons of god ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 19. this means that every child of god is,ecclesiastes,8,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 19 amen 1 peter 44 verse 3 for i will pour water upon him that is,1 peter,44,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 44 verse 3 we read of one of those prophecies in jonah which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 jesus can you lift up a voice and begin to declare 2 corinthians 60 and verse 4 says lift up your eyes all around and see,2 corinthians,60,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 60 verse 4 and that takes place as we maintain our love for god 2 kings chapter 8 and verse 28 all things work together for good to,2 kings,8,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 8 you've gone too far and so in 1 peter chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too,1 peter,6,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 5 are gods you come back to 1 timothy chapter 19 and you look at verse four,1 timothy,19,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 4 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at ruth chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a,ruth,37,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 5 operation change or story philemon 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves oe people and you shall be broken in pieces,philemon,8,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 9 us in esther chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6,esther,5,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 6 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so leviticus 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be,leviticus,11,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 24 drought of summer turned me to luke book of joel the first chapter verse 9 the meat offering and the drink offering is,luke,1,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 9 the bible tells us there very clearly he said 2 thessalonians 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he,2 thessalonians,59,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 59 verse 19 one more time 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7,2 thessalonians,2,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 okay the memory verse first 1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 6,1 thessalonians,20,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 6 from verse 20 philemon chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me,philemon,28,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 2 cramming it into seven 1 peter chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,1 peter,9,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 9 i have made you a god unto pharaoh he became a god in numbers chapter 11 and verse 3,numbers,11,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 3 15 which is one of our tests we also read judges chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,judges,28,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 28 verse 2 okay malachi chapter fourteen and we're looking at verse four job chapter 14 a to to reading from verse four who can bring,malachi,14,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 4 in titus chapter 2 verse 5 to whom,titus,2,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 5 like apostle paul said in 1 john chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,1 john,8,38.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 38 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true leviticus chapter 11 verse 5.,leviticus,11,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 5 verse 31 job chapter 14 verse 31,job,14,31.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 31 the word of god always and put it back according to esther chapter 1 verse 3 also they need to also have the fear of,esther,1,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 3 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about song of solomon (song of songs) and then we come to verse 32 like a great,song of solomon (song of songs),1,32.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 32 needless to say nothing is done without golf in this so the fire 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 verse 20 amos chapter 1 i will,2 chronicles,1,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 name we pray in micah 29 and verse 7 the bible says,micah,29,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 7 our ways as believers we should please god ecclesiastes 16 verse 7 says if a man's way pleases the lord,ecclesiastes,16,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 7 haggai chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,haggai,3,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 7 to 2 peter chapter 10 and we're looking at verse 9 romans chapter 10,2 peter,10,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 9 everywhere to repent hosea 17 30. god now commanded all men everywhere to repent,hosea,17,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 3 judges chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21,judges,4,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 21 seed tonight let's read from his word 1 chronicles chapter 3 verses 9 and 10.,1 chronicles,3,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 9 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in 2 kings chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,2 kings,20,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 3 learned that a path for us was faithful in 1 chronicles 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful,1 chronicles,4,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and earning means not grace that's what john 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um,john,11,6.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 6 seven in esther of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst,esther,4,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 7 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of 2 john 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,2 john,3,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 14 old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 zephaniah 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put,zephaniah,20,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 18 anger 2 chronicles 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,2 chronicles,4,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 26 malachi 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are,malachi,22,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 8 to micah 18 there there are more as you would expect but in acts 18 24 a jew named apollo's an alexandrian by birth,micah,18,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 24 chapter 2 are the army under the armor titus 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,titus,13,43.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 43 to refute me let's go to them now so ezekiel chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps,ezekiel,2,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 11 and it is written in the bible in john chapter 15 verse 6 deuteronomy 6 56,john,6,5.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 5 [music] malachi chapter 3 and verse 3 the second two world together i said to be agreed,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 in psalms chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 of disobedience 2 john 18 24 to 25 you'll be doing righteousness you turn,2 john,18,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 24 makes anyone a member of god's own family and hear what he said in nehemiah 727 and all and the kingdom and dominion,nehemiah,7,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 27 today definitely speaks right to it 2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 4 we can start with that and i want to give you very,2 corinthians,50,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 4 mean by virgins it says in hosea chapter 14 and verse 4,hosea,14,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 4 and we know that to be true because if take a look at matthew chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,matthew,1,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 7 stubbornness in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 if you guys want to write it down romans 1 verse 26 talks about how god says the more and,2 thessalonians,1,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 haggai chapter 2 from verse 5 to 17 esther 2 5 to 17 and under the topic we asked,haggai,2,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 5 number five maintain pure thoughts thoughts habakkuk 23 7 tells us as a man think in his heart so is he,habakkuk,23,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 7 book of 1 kings chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,1 kings,39,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 39 verse 9 he is the unchangeable changer according to ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 6. malachi chapter 3 verse 6.,ecclesiastes,3,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 6 let us cleanse ourselves 1 samuel chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,1 samuel,12,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 14 when he says the length of your days he's referring to psalms 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,psalms,6,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 3 49 15 job 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee,job,49,15.0,1.0,job chapter 49 verse 15 to you 3 john 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15.,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 2 kings chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter,2 kings,11,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 26 yesterday 1 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,1 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 with reverence and with godly fear jonah chapter 12 verse 28 when it's acceptable it becomes,jonah,12,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 28 is the great physician himself the one who said in 1 john 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the,1 john,15,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 26 that scripture back on the screen for me 2 samuel 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,2 samuel,44,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 44 verse 3 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder haggai 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,haggai,28,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 12 do it now in 2 samuel chapter 6 galatians galatians chapter 6 9 to 10 this is what he said 9 to 10 and let us,2 samuel,6,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 9 just just my cynical view but 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 which we dealt with,2 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 one thing that i take comfort in is that 3 john 31 30 says,3 john,31,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 31 verse 3 what he has done in 1 chronicles chapter 6 and verse 12 we are cautioned he said beware lest you,1 chronicles,6,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom 1 chronicles chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,1 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 weeks the largest section of the book of nahum is right here between chapter 6 and 18,nahum,6,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 18 give ezra chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,ezra,4,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 29 nation there and so far i believe your 1 kings he looked after to us verse 14 looked at the to verse 14 that this,1 kings,1,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 14 it doesn't jettison the first dream you know psalms chapter number 30 chapter number 37 in verse number 9,psalms,37,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 9 know it's the wages of our sin from joel 6 verse 23,joel,6,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 23 indescribable peace even in the mists of uncertainty according to 1 corinthians chapter 4 and verse 7 he said and the,1 corinthians,4,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 that night in 2 kings 15 verse 8 exodus 15 verse 8 he says breathe on the water and the water froze,2 kings,15,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 8 i am more than a conqueror 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 37.,2 thessalonians,8,37.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 37 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in 3 john 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,3 john,19,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 5 [applause] look at 1 thessalonians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 16 daniel chapter 2 we're,1 thessalonians,2,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 16 in john chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember,john,12,5.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 5 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so 2 thessalonians chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,2 thessalonians,6,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 9 expected to be an altar of answers in leviticus 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,leviticus,33,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 33 verse 3 intercontinental titus chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 will you guide me and lead me in this that is what god asks of us in 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 24 it says all glory to,1 samuel,1,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 24 everyone from that second death look at job chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,job,2,14.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 14 our exhortation from this morning matthew 3 21 and 22,matthew,3,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 21 let him hear what the spirit now 1 kings 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,1 kings,2,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 7 and to elijah look at 2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,2 corinthians,11,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 5 micah chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters,micah,5,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 15 in jesus name we are praying mark chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,mark,26,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 25 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of jude 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,jude,41,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 41 verse 14 sun and the moon because in job chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,job,10,12.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 12 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. 1 corinthians 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",1 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 reading from verse 7 mark 1 verse 7 in whom,mark,1,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 7 recite it together after the count of two 1 peter chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,1 peter,8,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 17 into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray 3 john 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing,3 john,16,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 25 the terminator chapter 8 and verse 18 zechariah chapter 8 and verse 18. hear what the word says but thou shalt,zechariah,8,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 18 and 3 in both those chapters he who overcomes the mark 2 verse 7 he who overcomes he who overcomes he overcomes,mark,2,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 7 are driven there is no software to this zechariah 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,zechariah,22,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 all of the systems of this world jesus is going to come back again in 2 john chapter 7 we read of the fifth kingdom,2 john,7,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 5 zephaniah chapter 8 a reading from verstappen 7 romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things,zephaniah,8,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 37 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on 2 corinthians 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,2 corinthians,10,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 14 isaac took definite steps let me let me just let's read from nehemiah 26 and verse 12 then isaac soared in the land,nehemiah,26,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 26 verse 12 haggai chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,haggai,28,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 2 transgressor is hard in ruth chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that,ruth,21,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 21 verse 16 person it was a faithful man in colossians chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22,colossians,39,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 39 verse 6 agricultural sector we have joseph in obadiah chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was,obadiah,41,54.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 41 verse 54 chapter 12 verse 3 we have ezra chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13,ezra,12,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 3 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in jonah chapter 4 verse 19,jonah,4,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 19 and hymn that causes you i will becomes ecclesiastes 12 3 jesus the righteous one causes,ecclesiastes,12,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 3 i hope you all know where it is matthew proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11,matthew,8,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 11 your seat belts because here we go okay ruth chapter 1 verse 15 speaking of christ who is the image of the,ruth,1,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 15 lord in john chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we are told in verse 35,john,10,35.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 35 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 matthew chapter 11 and we're reading from verse,matthew,11,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 19 where there's no sanctification hosea 2 for by grace you've been saved verse 8,hosea,2,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 8 i think we already know that philemon chapter 1 verse 5,philemon,1,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 5 being lord of your life once again in ruth 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,ruth,8,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 29 glorify him 1 kings 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,1 kings,100,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 100 verse 4 first you just pray uh the bible says in 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,2 thessalonians,4,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 i watched the conscience video um and philemon 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,philemon,14,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 23 if you look at 2 corinthians 4 verses 20 uh,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 verse 24 2 kings chapter 20 verse 24 it says let me back up to verse 22 and,2 kings,20,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 24 kings reign by wisdom zephaniah 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so,zephaniah,8,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 15 is made available in the name of jesus the bible says in the book of 2 kings of 10 38 he says how god anointed jesus of,2 kings,10,38.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 38 spirit of wisdom and hosea colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it,hosea,1,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 9 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at philemon 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,philemon,10,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 13 look at the book of 2 timothy chapter 14 the book of proverbs chapter 14 i want you to open your bible there,2 timothy,14,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 14 language verse 11 3 john 9 when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to,3 john,9,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 11 in joel chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith,joel,4,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 19 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at haggai chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,haggai,5,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 22 he tells us in colossians chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,colossians,2,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 3 is available the bible says in philemon chapter 7 verse 25,philemon,7,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 25 you have yourself and then that word will perfect them ruth chapter one i'm reading from verse 28 colossians,ruth,1,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 28 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read judges chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible,judges,10,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 11 "by the way, peter in his sermon in hosea 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",hosea,3,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 2 on or before august 1st 2021 nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 and then to angels and to men in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 we're looking at verse 9,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 1 thessalonians chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where,1 thessalonians,8,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 4 you are accepted of god in zechariah chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,zechariah,10,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 15 god will give us his power his gifts but 2 timothy 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,2 timothy,42,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 8 event joshua 53 5 he was wounded,joshua,53,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 53 verse 5 years haggai 29 18 to 30. in culture intended couples get to know,haggai,29,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 29 verse 18 that was a testimony of joseph in philemon 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,philemon,50,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 50 verse 2 and he said in mark chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will,mark,1,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 19 okay once again we are in paul's epistle to the judges chapter 4 i want to read four verses chapter 4 verse 31 let,judges,4,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 31 of it in a later in a later message but 2 john 2 2 to 4 says now it shall come to pass in the last days,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 spirit of wisdom that's an 1 john chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,1 john,11,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 2 the other verse i want to read is from numbers 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,numbers,12,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 19 the savior 1 timothy chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,1 timothy,17,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 3 their agenda i scott dear agenda the people ezra chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible,ezra,15,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 2 tonight can i answer to read from the book of judges chapter 6 chapter 2 rather,judges,6,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 2 theme that's found throughout joel 229 wherefore will you plead with me,joel,2,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 29 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing mark or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,mark,1,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 2 time of my temptation let me read that again in 1 john chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,1 john,2,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 18 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 2 john chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,2 john,14,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 31 well 2 samuel chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as,2 samuel,24,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 24 verse 13 i'm having trouble understanding the morality of 2 timothy 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but,2 timothy,22,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 28 i will not forsake you titus 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,titus,13,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 5 forever of the lord in jesus name 1 chronicles chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,1 chronicles,4,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 14 after a fall to rise again in numbers chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after,numbers,8,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 26 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to ezra 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,ezra,5,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 13 this from 1 samuel chapter 23 verse 25 to 26 and i believe those words in the night,1 samuel,23,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 23 verse 25 not just outstanding but standing out in the same zephaniah chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3,zephaniah,6,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 3 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues 1 timothy 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,1 timothy,2,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 8 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there 1 kings 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,1 kings,4,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 6 it's only real christians but in lamentations chapter 12 verse 3 it says that god hath dealt or given,lamentations,12,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 3 their conversation will be what's in one theory nahum 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,nahum,13,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 7 event 1 chronicles 53 5 he was wounded,1 chronicles,53,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 53 verse 5 from 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,1 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in 1 timothy chapter one verse six,1 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 is called in hebrew chapter 12 verse 29 1 samuel 12 29 the consuming fire when you read georges chapter 15,1 samuel,12,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 29 prayer hosea chapter 33 i read from verse 3 he said call unto me and i will answer,hosea,33,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 33 verse 3 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 malachi 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,malachi,26,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 16 cannot enter into heaven look at zechariah chapter 21 revelation chapter 21,zechariah,21,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 21 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 1 corinthians chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,1 corinthians,14,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 31 do in his wisdom colossians 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,colossians,9,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 23 it is a manifestation of satanic oppression in the book of ezra chapter 68 and verse 6,ezra,68,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 68 verse 6 scriptures we're going to look at amos 5 19 through 20,amos,5,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 19 zechariah chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 26 ephesians chapter 5,zechariah,5,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 26 a message now in zechariah chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god,zechariah,9,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 15 19 1 corinthians chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19. it says in verse 19 now,1 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 god so mighty is to say this listen to it closely nehemiah 63 9 and all their afflictions,nehemiah,63,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 63 verse 9 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 1 corinthians 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,1 corinthians,5,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 get this setting for this crisis in the second chapter of ezekiel verses 8 and 9 where we read these words and the lord,ezekiel,2,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 8 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man 1 samuel 4 verse 20,1 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 today and this is in 1 timothy chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,1 timothy,5,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 19 doesn't hurt to read forward 1 peter chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,1 peter,17,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 17 verse 4 you remember the bible said in the book of zephaniah chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,zephaniah,3,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 2 canela ezra 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 let the church say louder amen 2 kings chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of,2 kings,15,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 honesty just a couple of verses along that line luke 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,luke,17,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 7 so against that backdrop so habakkuk 5 9 genesis 12,habakkuk,5,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 9 amen jonah chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,jonah,40,31.0,1.0,jonah chapter 40 verse 31 scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i,song of solomon (song of songs),7,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verse 9 so it's no big deal 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,1 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 of the father now according to habakkuk chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,habakkuk,8,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 16 yeah every demonic interference we saw that in titus 10 and verse 13 so i'm not making this up the bible says the,titus,10,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 13 replaced by pure joy 1 chronicles 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,1 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 colossians 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,colossians,51,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 51 verse 11 screen right now praise god 1 corinthians chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 god's word says to us very clearly proverbs 3,1 corinthians,3,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is ezekiel chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the,ezekiel,2,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 37 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in amos 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,amos,8,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 12 all their sins psalms 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 "well it is in one place in the old testament, ezra 7 verse 13 and 14, the only time the son of man ever refers to messiah.",ezra,7,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 13 that worse when we were studying the leviticus it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice,leviticus,50,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 50 verse 23 predestination now in 2 kings chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified,2 kings,8,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 29 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from 1 peter chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,1 peter,12,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 3 you're healed in jesus name look at jonah chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah,jonah,17,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 17 verse 14 triumph of god to centered faith in habakkuk 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,habakkuk,39,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 39 verse 21 brotherly lord in honour preferring one another it helps us in ezra chapter 3 reading from verse 12 for,ezra,3,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 12 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in leviticus chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,leviticus,8,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 28 unto god god's word says in the book of philemon 62 and verse 5 i will,philemon,62,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 62 verse 5 absurdity of the thought really we go on in 1 timothy chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,1 timothy,55,55.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 55 verse 55 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to joel job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 "verses 12 to 15, and amos 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",amos,10,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 21 and i'm reading from verse 11 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah,song of solomon (song of songs),11,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 11 what god said in ecclesiastes 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 10 sir you shall be above only you won't be beneath you,ecclesiastes,28,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 28 verse 13 john chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,john,22,11.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 11 if not total elimination in the book of habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom,habakkuk,1,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in psalms chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,psalms,28,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 28 verse 5 moment 2 timothy 2. verses 3 and 4 how shall we escape,2 timothy,2,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 3 you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of 2 peter 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head,2 peter,3,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 13 and that is it 3 john 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,3 john,119,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 119 verse 11 everything that god wants me to do habakkuk 4 13.,habakkuk,4,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 numbers 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,numbers,15,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 26 with knowledge and understanding mark chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,mark,3,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 15 the church continues to grow 2 samuel chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,2 samuel,1,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 12 beloved we will look at our text from psalms chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21,psalms,14,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 21 in jesus mighty name we pray amen in the book of 1 timothy 40 verse 3 the bible says,1 timothy,40,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 40 verse 3 description of the coalition's advance haggai 38 15 and 16 then you will come from your place out of the far north you,haggai,38,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 38 verse 15 things that i want you to know the first one being ecclesiastes 5 verse 16 but i say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify,ecclesiastes,5,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 16 a seminar was like got in one i'm telling you the truth mark 53 verse 4 i'm going to skip how useless starting,mark,53,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 53 verse 4 what god said in 2 timothy 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 10 sir you shall be above only you won't be beneath you,2 timothy,28,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 28 verse 13 titus 15 4 to 5 and genesis 17,titus,15,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 4 how you move from negative emotions to positive 3 john chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,3 john,4,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 6 everyone from that second death look at 1 timothy chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,1 timothy,2,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 14 in action chapter 16 from verse 25 to 26 1 samuel 16 25 to 26,1 samuel,16,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 25 verse 11 psalms chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,psalms,1,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 11 words is dead also i want you to look at 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16,2 chronicles,1,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 verse 8. jonah chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power,jonah,1,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 8 the second verse of 2 john 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,2 john,66,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 66 verse 2 ruth chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,ruth,8,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 3 "man might know his creator. in verse 22 of luke 8 says, ""while the earth remains, as long as this earth is here,",luke,8,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 22 passage that we often caught in relation to the new covenant 2 timothy chapter eight this new covenant verse eight,2 timothy,8,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 8 produces the fruit and we know in haggai chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,haggai,5,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 22 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of nehemiah and we're reading from verse 27,nehemiah,42,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 42 verse 27 limits in jonah chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,jonah,19,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 2 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of 2 john chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,2 john,2,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 4 god killing you and you can't outrun god 1 corinthians 5 verse 5 all the days that adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years you,1 corinthians,5,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 5 of the cause of the kingdom for this week in the book of micah 57 and verse 2 he said i will crown to,micah,57,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 57 verse 2 we're going to be hindering people 1 chronicles 16 25 now to him who is able to strengthen you,1 chronicles,16,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 25 in 2 chronicles chapter 31 31 to 33 jeremiah is prophesying about the redemption,2 chronicles,31,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 31 verse 31 bible says in numbers chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 knowing this that the trial of your faith worked,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 the devil 2 thessalonians 14 14 job chapter 14 14 b the bible says all,2 thessalonians,14,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 14 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in 2 chronicles 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,2 chronicles,6,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 in judges chapter 1 verse 17 to 19 jeremiah 1 17 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of 1 corinthians 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,1 corinthians,1,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 24 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also luke that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 we're going to give him thanks luke 3 and verse 20. the bible says now to him who is able to do,luke,3,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 2 okay yes a few of us got it correctly micah 15 4,micah,15,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 4 and peace shall be with you ecclesiastes chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,ecclesiastes,4,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 7 to need to be very conscious in ezra chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,ezra,3,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 5 we will serve the lord when you leave that with habakkuk job 22 28 in a,habakkuk,22,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 28 pick it up from verse 36 1 corinthians chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,1 corinthians,41,36.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 41 verse 36 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in matthew 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,matthew,1,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 18 of peter because we discovered by time we got to obadiah chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,obadiah,5,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 12 standard against him zechariah 59 verse 19 ever present helper,zechariah,59,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 59 verse 19 of the cause of the kingdom for this week in the book of lamentations 57 and verse 2 he said i will crown to,lamentations,57,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 57 verse 2 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jj6f1kyfo0 titus 52 verse 9 break forth into joy,titus,52,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 52 verse 9 leader said at the beginning in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 spirit 1 john chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,1 john,5,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 18 and a secure place 2 timothy 55 verse 20 isaiah 55 verse 20. you have to take me to affirm an ak place i have listened to,2 timothy,55,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 55 verse 2 after a fall to rise again in ecclesiastes chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after,ecclesiastes,8,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 26 you have as a use of this generation the book of 2 chronicles chapter 2 from verse 2 to 3,2 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at amos chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,amos,12,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 2 i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from nehemiah chapter one,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 and restrained the prophets madness and then you see something similar in titus verse 11 says woe to them these false,titus,1,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 11 go forward and they went 2 kings chapter 14 and verse 15. the lord said to the muslims we are,2 kings,14,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 15 is the spirit of heaviness heaviness haggai chapter 61 and verse 3,haggai,61,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 61 verse 3 thing the bible said to us in 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs 4 23 keep the heart,1 timothy,4,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in 2 peter chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,2 peter,12,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 13 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told 1 chronicles to by his uncle's line just to mention you,1 chronicles,32,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 7 ecclesiastes 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,ecclesiastes,24,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 24 verse 2 god says what the enemy is doing to you you can sing zechariah 16 17. he said god says for my eyes upon,zechariah,16,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 16 verse 17 41 verse 18 esther 41 verse 18 say i will open rivers,esther,41,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 41 verse 18 example in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,1 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 can be deceived by others 1 kings 5 verse 6 is one of a number of references that tell us that we can,1 kings,5,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 6 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in philemon chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,philemon,6,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 6 give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again nahum chapter 3 verse 5,nahum,3,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 5 when the lord is warning the people of israel judges chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the,judges,8,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 11 he said in verse 18 joseph said unto them 1 chronicles 42 verse 18 joseph said unto them that thought,1 chronicles,42,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 42 verse 18 2 thessalonians 1 17 17 to 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight against you,2 thessalonians,1,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 hardened obstinate in chapter 7 of jonah verse 11 it says but he refused to,jonah,7,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 11 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in 2 chronicles that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody,2 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 in demonstration numbers chapter 3 verse 5 in joshua chapter three verse five here he says that joshua sage unto,numbers,3,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 3 we even covered that last week 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,1 samuel,12,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 11 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in 1 peter 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,1 peter,49,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 8 why in ezra 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,ezra,4,33.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 33 by their purity we're told in the book of joshua in revelation chapter 14 verse 4 this a day which will not,joshua,14,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 4 at what god has for your life in my life in 1 timothy 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,1 timothy,8,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 29 persistently you did not listen 2 thessalonians 7 23 obey my,2 thessalonians,7,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 23 obadiah 10 please see them isaiah chapter 10 verse 24 amid verse 27 27 he said and it shall come to pass in,obadiah,10,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 24 lastly at night numbers 4 26 is another good time,numbers,4,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 26 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 obadiah 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,obadiah,26,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 16 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 14. i'm sorry where i got romans 6 14 romans 8 16.,2 thessalonians,6,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 14 when he says the length of your days he's referring to nahum 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,nahum,6,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 3 it again so it's taken from 2 samuel 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,2 samuel,5,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 22 every one of us in jesus name in 2 peter chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,2 peter,3,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 12 i'm reading here from verse 5 i ecclesiastes chapter 8 reading from verse 5,ecclesiastes,8,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 5 yesterday esther chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,esther,6,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 7 watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture 2 thessalonians 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom,2 thessalonians,1,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 11 can i have a believing amen 2 john chapter 2 verse 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was noise abroad,2 john,2,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 6 sanctify sage chapter 7 of 2 corinthians reading from verse 3,2 corinthians,7,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 3 who teach you the word follow their faith judges 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,judges,13,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 7 through the world under prophetic mantle amen can be stronger in 2 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 he said god wrote special,2 thessalonians,19,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that nahum 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,nahum,20,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 17 but let's take our bible as we go to 2 peter chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four,2 peter,4,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 4 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in nehemiah 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,nehemiah,8,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 are others are fenced out haggai 40 42 29 exodus 14 14 to 29 the people of israel pass to the rescue cover so i,haggai,40,42.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 42 him in the prison john 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,john,32,39.0,1.0,john chapter 32 verse 39 victory on the cross the whole point of john 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,john,3,4.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 4 portraying who gorge is look at ezra chapter 1 verse 26 it says and god said let us make man in our,ezra,1,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 26 come as destruction from the almighty 1 chronicles 2 verse 11 the day of the lord is great and very terrible verse 31 of jer of,1 chronicles,2,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 11 the same term 3 john 5 5 you are my son at the end of the of the,3 john,5,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 5 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers jude reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh 1 thessalonians 8 3. so what was it that was rent,1 thessalonians,8,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 3 the book of 2 thessalonians ephesians chapter 4 and we'll pick it up in the verse 27 and,2 thessalonians,4,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 27 it's taken from zephaniah chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,zephaniah,1,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 13 do so please be reminded of the word of the lord in zechariah chapter 8 and verse 22 genesis 8 22 this is while the earth,zechariah,8,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 22 two corners to read verse number 20 luke chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 and with us collectively as a church in jude chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,jude,14,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 24 the lord verse 13 to 15 comes before esther this is jesus appearing in a vision and joshua's thinks that is the,esther,1,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 13 how these things work if you go to 2 chronicles chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3,2 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 great jude soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,jude,6,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 15 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord song of solomon (song of songs) 2 philippians 2 i read 8,song of solomon (song of songs),2,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 8 our text it's malachi 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my,malachi,2,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 12 if you remember we had read the scriptures from haggai chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god,haggai,1,27.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 27 the earth and according to the book of lamentations 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he,lamentations,8,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 4 will bring those answers 2 samuel chapter 1 17 to 19 as paul writes to those people that he's,2 samuel,1,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 17 that a man can turn things around ruth chapter 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 verse 27 2 samuel chapter 4 reading from verse 27 is,2 samuel,4,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 27 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to titus 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,titus,27,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 27 verse 3 verse amos 1 14 so let me read it like that,amos,1,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 14 what you expect to have as good a nehemiah chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,nehemiah,1,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 12 at john chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 it says behold,john,18,4.0,1.0,john chapter 18 verse 4 testament philemon chapter 8 verse 28 which says in the king james and we know that all things work together for good,philemon,8,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 28 the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses numbers 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with,numbers,22,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 25 works so now let me go to 3 john 2 21. and keep in your mind if this is the first time,3 john,2,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 21 in the case of some deformity they need to be reminded of 1 thessalonians 4 11 where god says who makes,1 thessalonians,4,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 life because obadiah 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,obadiah,37,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 37 verse 7 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 that you say lord i must have this look at 1 chronicles chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14.,1 chronicles,13,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 12 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 37,song of solomon (song of songs),8,37.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 37 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found obadiah and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,obadiah,2,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 5 going to look up that verse actually it's leviticus chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have,leviticus,9,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 15 can you help us on me esther to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,esther,17,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 22 feet in job chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor,job,13,5.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 5 chapter 26 verses 8 and 9. 2 samuel chapter 26 verses 8 and 19 in the way of the,2 samuel,26,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 8 heaven rules heaven rules look at verse 5 then i hosea looked and two others these were angels were standing there,hosea,1,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 5 given the date then colossians chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,colossians,8,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 2 it's an offering of fellowship i'm malachi 3 verses 27 and 28 says this for as many of you as were baptized into,malachi,3,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 27 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of 2 kings chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,2 kings,11,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 11 king song of solomon (song of songs) version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,song of solomon (song of songs),12,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 7 the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name 1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant,1 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 this moment our first passage for prayer is 1 peter isaiah chapter 40 verse 27,1 peter,40,27.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 40 verse 27 the bible speaking clearly tells us in 1 timothy 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,1 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 verse 20. ruth 23 and verse 20. by little and little i would drive them,ruth,23,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 2 children of god the saints of god in 1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 zephaniah of your apostles it's one of my favorite verses acts 17 and verse 30.,zephaniah,17,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 3 the spirit in haggai chapter 2 verse 14,haggai,2,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 14 met for a week so we can read that in psalms chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,psalms,14,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 16 and being led by the spirit of god in obadiah chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,obadiah,48,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 48 verse 17 triumph of god to centered faith in jonah 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,jonah,39,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 39 verse 21 in the mighty name of jesus the book of haggai 22 22 says and the king of the house of david will,haggai,22,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 22 summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it 1 timothy chapter 28 and verse 13.,1 timothy,28,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 28 verse 13 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in nahum chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,nahum,19,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 15 the children of israel out of egypt in judges chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,judges,4,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 17 okay stay with 12 now 1 kings 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,1 kings,26,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 12 this book 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 29 i want to give you,1 corinthians,2,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 29 without the savior how can you look at malachi chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,malachi,3,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 19 children made it 2 timothy chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,2 timothy,14,31.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 31 i don't wanna be deceived now back in ezra chapter 3 he says in verse 2,ezra,3,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 2 "verses 12 to 15, and 1 timothy 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",1 timothy,10,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 21 at newport and among others his name in philemon chapter 9 verse 6 is the praise of peace the praise,philemon,9,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 6 brother can i read that one more time joshua 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,joshua,18,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 24 is good for everybody to memorize but it's a famous verse it's 2 timothy 3 23 and it says for all have sinned,2 timothy,3,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 23 amen lamentations chapter 6 verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be,lamentations,6,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 12 1 samuel 8 7 and in the beginning of hosea chapter 4 they do not know the thoughts of the,1 samuel,8,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 7 you know what your part in that is 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 20,2 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 the new covenant in in the old testament by part of the bible song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 24 and verse 17 says don't rejoice when,song of solomon (song of songs),24,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 24 verse 17 amos chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,amos,11,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 8 look at 2 john chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,2 john,34,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 34 verse 21 still given to the humble and what does grace do well ruth 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,ruth,13,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 8 down through the 18th verse so ezra chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,ezra,1,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 11 here from verse 9 2 corinthians chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,2 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 verses 14 to 15. malachi 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,malachi,24,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 14 name look at psalms of the apostles chapter 16 and i'm reading from verse 25 acts,psalms,16,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 25 times it is referred to as the day of vengeance esther 6 17 calls it the great day of his wrath,esther,6,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 17 this way in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom,2 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 "verses 12 to 15, and mark 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",mark,10,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 21 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it ecclesiastes 2 14 the lord,ecclesiastes,2,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14 else you have to do 2 thessalonians 1519 this is what the lord spoke to me when i was asking him this,2 thessalonians,15,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 19 prayers in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 in job chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord,job,14,24.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 24 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in 1 samuel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,1 samuel,36,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 25 zephaniah chapter two and three in colossians in fact paul,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 means of sinners they can be mistaking for one malachi 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 read ruth 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,ruth,2,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 17 been going around making land since this man began zephaniah 32 verse 17 the walk of righteousness shall be peace,zephaniah,32,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 32 verse 17 paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in nahum chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16,nahum,3,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 16 check this out also when you look there at job 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,job,1,14.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 14 judges chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 and we will begin in verse 13 but let's read,judges,3,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 13 with your academics well the bible says in colossians chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5 that if anybody lack wisdom,colossians,1,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 5 1 chronicles chapter 2 excuse me colossians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 10,1 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 and here's what the bible says about him in 2 peter chapter 11 verse 24 to 26 it was by faith that moses when he grew,2 peter,11,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 24 mean really power that makes him the almighty in 2 samuel 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how,2 samuel,32,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 in verse 19 revelation 1 verse 19 writes the sins which thou has seen and the,colossians,1,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 19 do it for us for every one of us look at joshua chapter 1 verse 16,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 example when he was talking to a whole congregation in 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the,1 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 that night in luke 15 verse 8 exodus 15 verse 8 he says breathe on the water and the water froze,luke,15,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 8 so simba started there and he says in verse 30 of the 1 john 11 the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life the,1 john,11,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 3 everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so 3 john is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i,3 john,1,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 17 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 19 to 22 romans 8 verse 19 to 28 you see the groaning of creation,2 thessalonians,8,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 19 ezekiel chapter 3 verse 23 in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily,ezekiel,3,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 23 to honor her and joel 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,joel,27,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 27 verse 18 we're reading from verse nine 2 samuel chapter four reading from verse nine it says two are,2 samuel,4,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 9 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this judges chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,judges,39,39.0,1.0,judges chapter 39 verse 39 your bibles to numbers chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,numbers,13,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 17 because i know from my dad that in philemon chapter 14 from verse 17 to 20 genesis 14 from verse 17 to 20 my dad,philemon,14,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 17 2 chronicles i gotta read these verses to you james chapter one verses two through four,2 chronicles,1,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 2 the scripture says have faith in god habakkuk 11 and verse 6 he said without,habakkuk,11,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 6 look at 2 timothy of the apostles chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7,2 timothy,14,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 7 things i want to talk about so look with me at nehemiah chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,nehemiah,3,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 6 "just listen to this, starting in verse 19 of mark 3. ""remember my affliction in my wandering, the",mark,3,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 19 chinese we're looking at ruth chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,ruth,15,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 23 critical for us to behave like a christian in our relationships so 1 peter 12 from verse 9.,1 peter,12,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 9 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving obadiah chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,obadiah,8,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 23 because 2 peter chapter 1 verse 18 revelation 1 verse 18 says i am the alpha and the omega the one who was who is and mr.,2 peter,1,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 18 majesty in heaven i'm quoting from hosea 4 and hebrews 8 there listen listen to me in acts chapter 2 and you,hosea,4,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 2 the steadfast firmness in the better covenant habakkuk chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein,habakkuk,6,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 17 discretion a management of the family let's look at jude chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,jude,47,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 47 verse 13 us in chapter 26 verse 16. 2 thessalonians of the apostles chapter 26 reading from verse 16,2 thessalonians,26,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 16 chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and 3 john chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here 2 samuel chapter eight first four verses they say,2 samuel,8,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 4 now let's see something in chapter 31 of psalms verse 16 chapter 31,psalms,31,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 31 verse 16 that will be able to pray for you 1 john chapter 6 verse 2 says carry each other's burdens and in this way you,1 john,6,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 2 prayers in john chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 desperately wicked and who can know it jonah 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can,jonah,17,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 17 verse 9 son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure habakkuk 25 6 it says how much less a man who is,habakkuk,25,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 25 verse 6 of earth purified seven times 2 timothy chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom,2 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 reading from verse 2. lamentations of the apostles chapter 6 we're reading from verse 2,lamentations,6,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 2 is taken from 1 timothy chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,1 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 chapter 23 verse 4 lamentations chapter 23 we're reading from verse 4,lamentations,23,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 4 high and is put in another way in zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 8 it says you shall receive power after that the holy,zechariah,1,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 verse 27 1 thessalonians 32 verse 27 he has a question,1 thessalonians,32,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 27 the king after he repented he says in ezra 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,ezra,4,35.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 35 three released to the tango 2 peter 12 22 man mills the coffin and the earth,2 peter,12,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 22 earth by your mighty power joshua 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,joshua,32,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 17 heaven so what did the sons of korah saying 2 samuel 8411 they want to be in the courts of the lord because the lord,2 samuel,84,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 84 verse 11 chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 jonah chapter 5,jonah,5,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 2 will obtain it tells us in titus chapter 10 verse 9.,titus,10,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 9 matthew chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 and we're reading here from verse 20 it,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 every child of god but how can we gain access to that inheritance in habakkuk verse 17 the bible says upon mount zion,habakkuk,1,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 worn the page out the call of the page hosea 8 verse 28 that's all they know what does it say here in isaiah 4 verse 13,hosea,4,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 13 chapter 8 and verse 12 hosea 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,hosea,8,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 12 resemble for prayer the bible says in luke chapter 20 verse 35,luke,20,35.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 35 careful it says in colossians chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,colossians,5,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 3 image of god obadiah 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other,obadiah,4,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 12 zechariah chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 erelua can you read that jude 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,jude,19,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 11 but the rest is the story of evil obadiah 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,obadiah,12,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 3 that end abstain from all appearance of evil titus 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,titus,4,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 2 children of israel and the word of god tells us in the book of 1 kings 3 and verse 29,1 kings,3,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 29 a messianic expectation that is based on 1 samuel 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to it,1 samuel,18,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 18 verse 15 two things stand out look at zechariah 5 21 amos 5 21,zechariah,5,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 21 first in judges 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i,judges,4,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 7 judges chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in judges 3. how on earth like in what,judges,22,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 3 apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter ecclesiastes 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he,ecclesiastes,21,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 8 the matthew 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,matthew,2,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 17 all the strange gods are gone look at 1 timothy chapter 25 verse 5 and the journey,1 timothy,25,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 25 verse 5 in obadiah i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 when we are repentant we find that in 2 timothy 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,2 timothy,2,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 12 church 2 samuel chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,2 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 going to look up that verse actually it's ezekiel chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have,ezekiel,9,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 15 church 1 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,1 corinthians,6,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was joel 8 24 all things work together for good to,joel,8,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 24 going to grant you total deliverance look at 1 chronicles chapter 7 and in verse 15 therefore a day before the,1 chronicles,7,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 15 wars this year jonah chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost,jonah,13,44.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 44 to appropriate it so when you find scriptures like 1 chronicles 53 and verse 5 first peter 2 and 24,1 chronicles,53,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 53 verse 5 understand jude chapter 1 and verse 20. can you put it up for me rule chapter 1 and verse 20,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 hand of god deliver supernaturally job 11 and verse 6. the bible says,job,11,6.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 6 2 chronicles 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,2 chronicles,10,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 12 in leviticus chapter 7 verse may revelation 7 verse 9 the bible said he said i look and before was a great multitude,leviticus,7,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 9 reigns the lord almighty reigns 2 kings 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,2 kings,10,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 14 this i will do that 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 5 james 3 5 just one word can cause,2 timothy,3,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 5 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of zechariah 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,zechariah,9,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 31 at lamentations chapter one i'm reading from verse three joshua chapter one verse three every place the soul of your food,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in 1 john 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",1 john,14,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 28 it doesn't satisfy 1 chronicles 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are,1 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet titus look at verse 17,titus,1,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 17 when he may be found call upon him when his name leviticus chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,leviticus,55,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 55 verse 6 ruth 5 from verse 25 to 27 ephesians 5 4 25 to 27 made it clear crisis coming back,ruth,5,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 4 blocked out but god leader psalms chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james,psalms,1,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 18 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 ezekiel 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,ezekiel,51,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 51 verse 11 luke 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,luke,17,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 28 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in lamentations 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,lamentations,19,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 5 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out zephaniah chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,zephaniah,2,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 24 on the basis of his service the bible says concerning him in habakkuk chapter 11 and verse 3 that the man moses became,habakkuk,11,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 3 on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in numbers chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13,numbers,13,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 5 we can make it louder and stronger 3 john 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,3 john,41,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 41 verse 15 verse 12 matthew chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,matthew,5,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 12 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of john 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,john,3,14.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 14 without shame we're looking at 1 chronicles chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,1 chronicles,26,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 22 when you get to mark chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,mark,7,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 9 a rod will come out who is this rod song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 and verse 6. the bible says and i beheld in the midst of,song of solomon (song of songs),5,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 6 hearts titus chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,titus,3,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 12 and tortured and afflicted but now jonah 1 13 said he has translated you,jonah,1,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 13 proofs but it says that while he was doing this ezekiel chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,ezekiel,1,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 3 he lost permanently is bet right joshua 25 genesis 25 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 and look at what he said in the in a,joshua,25,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 25 verse 29 most important passages in my life leviticus chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,leviticus,1,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 22 so it's clear in the bible in zechariah 12 31 that human sacrifice was a pagan,zechariah,12,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 31 the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 14 from verse 13 exodus 14 13 the bible says and moses,1 thessalonians,14,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 13 in jonah chapter 1 verse 17 to 19 jeremiah 1 17 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts lamentations 4 8 purify your hearts,lamentations,4,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 8 brothers and i think this really relates to joel chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,joel,2,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 17 amen now song of solomon (song of songs) 32 and verse 15 says until the spirit is poured upon us from on,song of solomon (song of songs),32,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 15 i am redeemed for the top topmost stop and the anchor is 1 thessalonians chapter number 32 from verse 9 to 14.,1 thessalonians,32,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 9 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in leviticus chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,leviticus,10,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 23 person is finished that's why obadiah chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,obadiah,9,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 15 reading here from some reading from verse 14 1 samuel chapter 2 reading from verse 14 still,1 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 already pre to committed himself into that look at job chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15,job,3,15.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 15 need to and that's what 1 peter chapter 6 12 is making us to understand,1 peter,6,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 12 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you nahum chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 esther of the apostle chapter 4,esther,4,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 24 verse 20 age luke the son of known,luke,1,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 2 god ezekiel chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,ezekiel,23,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 16 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and ruth 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 it we also saw in micah 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 thing right in habakkuk continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says,habakkuk,5,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 8 of you have dropped out but so we start with john 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,john,1,11.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 11 your church established your kingdom in the earth habakkuk chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,habakkuk,14,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 18 sins we already thought of that and then malachi chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has,malachi,2,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 13 1 timothy chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in,1 timothy,1,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read haggai 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,haggai,17,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 17 verse 5 david 1 john romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day,1 john,13,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 11 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,nehemiah,4,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 the spirit of heaviness in the book of leviticus chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,leviticus,61,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 61 verse 3 for earnest seekers of heaven it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 but without faith,2 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 verse 13 micah chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,micah,2,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 13 32 1 corinthians 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out,1 corinthians,32,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 15 age and 2 samuel 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,2 samuel,13,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 2 in 1 thessalonians chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,1 thessalonians,20,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 3 john chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 the borrowers to turn to 1 samuel 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,1 samuel,22,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 7 24 1 timothy proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,1 timothy,24,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 14 verse 16 2 kings chapter 3 verse 16. and his names through faith in his name,2 kings,3,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 16 shiloh 2020. 2 corinthians 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,2 corinthians,34,29.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 34 verse 29 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in zechariah 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,zechariah,2,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 14 of sales in this prophetic season esther chapter 2 and verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,esther,2,46.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 46 praise the lord then we want to decree in mark 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,mark,67,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 67 verse 4 choices moses successor ezra summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,ezra,24,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 24 verse 15 please it's the last verse of lamentations 32 and the verse 14 of exodus chapter 33 the message title is when someone,lamentations,32,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 32 verse 14 diligence and 2 timothy 29 19 prophet mega body proof chapter 22 29 proverbs 22,2 timothy,22,29.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 29 in the flesh cannot please go look at 1 thessalonians chapter 7 humans chapter 7 a meaning here from verse 14,1 thessalonians,7,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 14 haggai chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,haggai,28,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 2 verse 7 in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us,2 peter,14,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 7 your evil imagination look at verse 11 nehemiah chapter 6 verse 11 the earth also,nehemiah,6,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 11 that mark 9 9 to 12 may be fulfilled for in zechariah 9 9 to 12 it says rejoice greatly o daughter of,mark,9,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 9 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference lamentations 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,lamentations,5,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 14 of god we're coming to matthew hebrews chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews,matthew,2,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 9 6 verse 12 what the bible says in luke chapter 6 verse 12,luke,6,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 12 generations jesus so that was what jude 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,jude,1,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 13 it takes everything away look at that in obadiah chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,obadiah,10,38.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 38 chapter 4 verse 2 john 4 verse 2 says is there a people who hear the word of,john,4,2.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 2 has visited in his anger he says in a titus 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,titus,35,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 35 verse 16 the company you keep in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 20. proverbs chapter 13 verse 20.,1 corinthians,13,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 we see this in 2 corinthians 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is,2 corinthians,13,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 11 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few 3 john psalm 69 70,3 john,69,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 69 verse 7 this in leviticus 4 31 where it talks about deborah how the piece that they had,leviticus,4,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 31 of no effect chapter 13 of 1 kings and verse 20,1 kings,13,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 2 john chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to 2 peter chapter one we're reading from verse 3,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 "were in the music department...one in ten. in 1 samuel 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",1 samuel,15,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 15 verse 2 we're taking the memory verses from the from ruth five 22 and 23 it goes those,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 in life joel 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,joel,22,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 29 and and the unders and the season uh the book of 1 john um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,1 john,2,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 22 well in ezra chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,ezra,12,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 15 victory on the cross the whole point of ezekiel 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,ezekiel,3,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 4 do in his wisdom 1 peter 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,1 peter,9,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 23 shall be wise 2 chronicles 13 verse 20 you can't be walking with the only wise,2 chronicles,13,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 2 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard luke 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,luke,23,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 25 2021 make it louder and stronger nehemiah chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says clearly here the lord god of,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 please single mistake in joel 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,joel,25,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 25 verse 29 and the voice of them that make mary mark 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,mark,30,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 30 verse 19 their faith in christ but then god in 2 john chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 is another kind of fire 1 kings chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 the people who went to true,1 kings,3,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 19 if you don't obey him joel the autonomy chapter 11 verse 17.,joel,11,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 17 in the name of jesus so we look at joshua 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,joshua,24,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 2 awareness spiritual environment awareness in nahum chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,nahum,22,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 3 up with you malachi 8 11 says because sentence against an evil work is not executed,malachi,8,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 11 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of 3 john 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,3 john,1,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 24 unto the lord look at jonah chapter 32. in exodus chapter 32 a meeting from verse 18,jonah,32,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 18 i said we're taking the first prayer from 1 peter chapter one reading from verse number three,1 peter,1,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 book of 1 samuel chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,1 samuel,8,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 8 who keep the words of the prophecy of mark that's verse seven behold i am coming,mark,1,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 7 that hear thee look at zephaniah chapter 5 verse 22 nourished,zephaniah,5,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 22 offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in 2 chronicles 34 reading from verse six,2 chronicles,34,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 34 verse 6 [applause] and god said in matthew chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,matthew,8,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 11 now let's see something in chapter 31 of nahum verse 16 chapter 31,nahum,31,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 31 verse 16 governor without election philemon chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be,philemon,5,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 14 path verse 7 of malachi 3 says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and,malachi,3,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 7 the children of israel out of egypt in 1 samuel chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,1 samuel,4,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 17 we're looking at malachi chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 word malachi 4 20 to 22 says my son give attention to my words,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 ezekiel reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,ezekiel,5,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 24 malachi went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 heavens and all hosts in them habakkuk 9 through 6 you put 9 to 6 genesis 1 is not as clear are the hosts,habakkuk,9,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 6 for me but that's fine so let's go to 2 peter chapter 1 and verse 5.,2 peter,1,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 5 in ezekiel chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 32 numbers chapter 22,ezekiel,22,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 32 the importance of hearing god's voice like in 1 timothy 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,1 timothy,1,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 11 night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see 1 john they are telling the king explaining this dimension of wisdom he,1 john,30,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 23 five thousand in 2 corinthians chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i,2 corinthians,5,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 concerning you and me and he said in joel chapter 10 and in verse 36 for ye have need of patience,joel,10,36.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 36 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard 1 kings 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,1 kings,23,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 25 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to jonah chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,jonah,6,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 5 zephaniah 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,zephaniah,3,29.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 29 a living if while her husband is living 2 samuel 7 3 she is joined to another man she shall be called an adulteress,2 samuel,7,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 3 prophecy that spoke about tongues was in ezekiel 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with,ezekiel,28,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 11 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that obadiah is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",obadiah,9,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 27 enemies zephaniah chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,zephaniah,8,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 16 1 samuel 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed,1 samuel,53,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 53 verse 5 something the lamentations in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6,lamentations,39,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 39 verse 5 of of of uh of verse 4 2 timothy 4 new leaving translation quickly,2 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 and this church this coming sunday 1 thessalonians chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,1 thessalonians,16,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 14 verses 17 and 18 ezekiel 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more,ezekiel,16,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 17 a god of speed he is a god of speed jonah chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,jonah,9,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 28 church zephaniah chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,zephaniah,6,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 7 of wisdom and here it says we were at luke chapter 2 verse 12 if you remember,luke,2,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 12 from verse 24 mark chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,mark,8,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 24 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of 2 corinthians chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,2 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 consequences of sin we know this from 1 thessalonians 3 23 all have sinned all have fallen short of,1 thessalonians,3,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 this is recorded for us actually prophetically in 2 john chapter 18 in the 24 verses of that chapter and,2 john,18,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 24 happened verse 4 3 john 1 4. now i recognize if you have a king james version you may get some words like,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 you are sister because the pie who says in 1 thessalonians 32 verse 22 31 the economy 32 22 31 he said we are fighting,1 thessalonians,32,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 22 recite it not to read please quickly thank you okay can we open to leviticus chapter 25 verses 33,leviticus,25,33.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 33 engages god's ability for delivery 2 chronicles chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 the full wave of the glory of god look at 1 kings 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,1 kings,8,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 26 with us tonight before we sleep lamentations 6 9. the bible says and let us not be weary,lamentations,6,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 9 as well so in 3 john chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 it says but we see him,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty 2 samuel 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,2 samuel,12,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 24 our ways as believers we should please god joel 16 verse 7 says if a man's way pleases the lord,joel,16,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 7 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of job 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,job,11,8.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 8 matthew chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5 we read of the church in the house of,matthew,16,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 3 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in 2 peter chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,2 peter,29,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 11 become a blessing in order that 1 chronicles 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,1 chronicles,3,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 will turn to the lord in jesus name look at 1 samuel chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19.,1 samuel,11,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 11 1 peter 44 reading from verse 28 isaiah chapter 44 and we're reading from verse 28,1 peter,44,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 44 verse 28 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of song of solomon (song of songs) he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,song of solomon (song of songs),1,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 keep and guide our heart that is in 2 thessalonians chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,2 thessalonians,4,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 23 for believers crazy things like that it says in 3 john chapter 10 verse 29 how much severe punishment do you think,3 john,10,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 29 because the lord has rejected them mark chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,mark,1,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 28 him in 1 timothy chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after,1 timothy,8,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 26 amen micah 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,micah,34,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 25 results through the fruit of his sleeves ruth 13 verse 2 watch,ruth,13,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 2 no wonder paul cry in obadiah chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,obadiah,8,35.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 35 this is said over and over again in the new testament matthew 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,matthew,2,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 12 right now yes it's for you esther 7 7 and 8.,esther,7,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 7 must be about my father's business judges 12 verse 11 it says not slothful in business but fervent in spirit 7 the,judges,12,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 11 ah here it is ah 1 chronicles 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,1 chronicles,19,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 24 busy and the bible tells us in joel 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this,joel,22,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 29 you don't use uh will diminish and the bible says in nahum 5 and verse 5,nahum,5,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 5 protects them so to speak joel 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,joel,12,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 13 things but listen to what the word of god tells us in leviticus chapter eight verses 26 27 once it just give me your,leviticus,8,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 26 to the great day of the lord. you go through 1 samuel 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,1 samuel,6,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 19 but the soul is not right ruth chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,ruth,25,33.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 33 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in matthew chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,matthew,3,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 14 it's called the peace offering here in the 2 timothy chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 you see okay 1 john chapter 7 verse 12 ecclesiastics 7 verse 12 says,1 john,7,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 12 your joy is coming in ezra chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,ezra,15,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 15 chapter 1 in obadiah chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,obadiah,1,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 22 and he had a good harvest in ezra 26 i'm reading from verse 12 genesis 26 from verse 12 then isaac sold he planted,ezra,26,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 12 for believers crazy things like that it says in colossians chapter 10 verse 29 how much severe punishment do you think,colossians,10,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 29 the ultimate end of the gospel jonah 16 20. now in ephesians also ephesians is a wonderful book that,jonah,16,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 16 verse 2 it to help the poor malachi 13 6 13 16 sorry,malachi,13,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 6 as judges 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,judges,5,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 11 so there is a contention 3 john 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,3 john,26,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 26 verse 18 otherwise you will vomit in 1 kings 25 the same proverbs 25 verse 27,1 kings,25,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 25 verse 27 the lord john 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,john,13,2.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 2 that is to be revealed to us and in verse 19 of john 8 for the creation waits with your eager,john,8,19.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 19 "a man. in judges 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",judges,10,42.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 42 left you a moment ago verse 4 ecclesiastes 6 do not provoke your children to anger,ecclesiastes,6,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 4 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 2 chronicles 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,2 chronicles,27,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 5 who keep the words of the prophecy of ezra that's verse seven behold i am coming,ezra,1,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 7 from jude chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 19 nehemiah 1 15 to 19 as soon as he was converted,nehemiah,1,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 15 hour is my judgment come 1 samuel chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,1 samuel,21,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 9 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so 1 kings chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,1 kings,6,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 9 all of a sudden you had a lot of preachers preaching from joshua chapter 8 verse 11 that it was,joshua,8,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 11 except in the sense of leviticus 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,leviticus,5,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 16 things i want to talk about so look with me at jude chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,jude,3,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 6 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of 1 corinthians before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,1 corinthians,1,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 round up 2 thessalonians there's only just one chapter verse six,2 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's song of solomon (song of songs) 1 8.,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 jude chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,jude,18,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 2 established joshua 1 11 he said in philippians 1 7 you are all,joshua,1,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 11 god that hurts your walk ezekiel 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,ezekiel,4,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 11 and the bible says we must not strive with men we do not jude 6 12 says we do not strive with human beings i,jude,6,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 12 to ruth chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,ruth,4,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 6 perhaps we better look at the scripture there in jude chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he,jude,12,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 2 have faith have faith because in 1 timothy 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 the essence of this passage so let's go to john chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,john,11,11.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 11 very end in jesus name 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 41 acts chapter 5 verse 41,1 corinthians,5,41.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 41 pivot verse in the entire book of 2 john because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any,2 john,4,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 6 you're going to reign in jesus name and look at titus chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17,titus,8,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 17 so in the same eternal me 28 was 13 leviticus 28 verse 13 after he said hearken diligently to his voice in verse,leviticus,28,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 28 verse 13 he tells us in 1 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,1 peter,2,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 3 i'm going to read from judges 1. colossians 1 from verse 9. he says for this course with also,judges,1,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 9 i will not lose that numbers chapter 3 a meeting from verse 17 in revelation,numbers,3,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 17 this is praying to hit a kingdom target ezra chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,ezra,62,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 62 verse 6 judgment 2 john 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god,2 john,9,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 27 8 37 3 john 8 37 the word says nay in all these things,3 john,8,37.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 37 missionary journey leviticus of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,leviticus,4,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 36 chapter 15 verse 23 to 25 1 john 15 23 to 25 at mara there was the river that was,1 john,15,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 23 it's a bride but there's something else in the book of colossians it's called in ephesians 2 19 the church the local,colossians,2,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 19 to get ready for just looking at a couple of these verses here lamentations chapter three verse five now moses was,lamentations,3,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 represents carelessness searing our conscience is 2 timothy 1 15. to the pure,2 timothy,1,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 15 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in hosea 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,hosea,8,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 22 ruth 28 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9. he went and married,ruth,28,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 28 verse 8 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" job again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",job,8,9.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 9 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of matthew 3 and verse 4,matthew,3,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 4 judges chapter 44 i'm eating from boston isaiah chapter 44 20 it says he feedeth on ashes,judges,44,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 44 verse 2 the conversion of sinners to sons in 2 corinthians chapter four verse five,2 corinthians,4,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 5 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and joshua and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,joshua,1,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 15 verses 11 to 17 if you have your bibles please turn with me to 2 corinthians chapter 24,2 corinthians,24,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 11 and you have to make a choice 1 peter 11 from verse 24 to 27 hebrews 11 from verse 24 to 27,1 peter,11,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 24 colossians chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,colossians,19,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 6 texts together revelations 13 8 matthew 1 verse 5 and 6 ephesians 5 verse 25 to 27 i draw the,matthew,13,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 8 statement that could be said after any command all right let's look at mark with that in mind does verse 17,mark,17,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 3 the bible says in 2 corinthians 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,2 corinthians,23,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 7 the most untapped resource in the body of christ and it's right here in ecclesiastes 5 14 15 14 excuse me,ecclesiastes,5,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 14 house from the farm he was sold out as a slave but hosea chapter 39,hosea,39,39.0,1.0,hosea chapter 39 verse 39 that god created sex in zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says god made man,zechariah,1,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 1 thessalonians chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,1 thessalonians,30,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 17 three and i'm reading from verse seven matthew chapter three the same fears that the people of old had the same fear,matthew,3,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 7 of judgment specifically they're called 1 kings of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,1 kings,12,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 12 and we're reading from verse 27 titus chapter 11 reading from verse 27,titus,11,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 27 in us as in titus 8 16,titus,8,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 16 i wanted to give you um two words one in 2 kings chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35.,2 kings,10,35.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 35 should give such people is the same thing here in zechariah 4 27 break away from your sins do,zechariah,4,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 27 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of joel chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,joel,11,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 6 and as i was coming through the book of jude i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is,jude,16,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 2 loose 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,1 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 somebody believe he said loved a man in lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,lamentations,4,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 deliver nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 and verse 15. is anyone sick among you let him call,nehemiah,5,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in 2 thessalonians 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for,2 thessalonians,65,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 65 verse 22 chapter 4 we're reading from verse 17 amos 4 reading from verse 17 the yes i say therefore,amos,4,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 17 refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at obadiah chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12,obadiah,19,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 12 chapter seven eight excuse me esther chapter eight verse seven,esther,8,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 7 what happened in 1 kings we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,1 kings,1,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 6 top in his adventure on the earth 1 thessalonians chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,1 thessalonians,28,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 13 2013 by papa over again with ruth tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,ruth,7,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 14 heaven that's why it says there's no god let's look at hosea chapter 2 our reading from verse 18.,hosea,2,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 18 wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom 1 timothy one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in 1 timothy 114 the way they're using it he's two,1 timothy,11,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 under a speech look at verse 14 of that zechariah chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,zechariah,2,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 14 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times hosea 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,hosea,22,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 6 malachi 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,malachi,41,32.0,1.0,malachi chapter 41 verse 32 let's see let's see what bible says in esther chapter 25 um verse 21,esther,25,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 25 verse 21 in our life what are we supposed to do in such situations esther 4 6 says be anxious for nothing but in every,esther,4,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 6 year is 120. ezekiel 6 3 is and the lord said my spirit shall not,ezekiel,6,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 3 israel in nehemiah 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4,nehemiah,11,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 4 looked in in the bible to make sure that's where it was it was 1 timothy 24 verse 27 and it says prepare your,1 timothy,24,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 27 because he can the application is faith remember 1 thessalonians 1 through 4 even into 5 is all about establishing that i simply,1 thessalonians,1,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 4 verse 20 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 "to the scripture and said, ""work is a command, six days shall you labor,"" jude 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god.",jude,20,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 11 prophetic mantle 1 kings 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to,1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 peace with everyone around you look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 13. it says for bearing one,2 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 1 kings 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,1 kings,1,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 18 direction before them just some people 2 thessalonians 11 verse 20 says who would start one of the greatest churches literally,2 thessalonians,11,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 2 it doesn't jettison the first dream you know ezekiel chapter number 30 chapter number 37 in verse number 9,ezekiel,37,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 9 we lost a general but we moved 1 john chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the,1 john,3,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 13 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in jonah chapter 66 number seven and eight,jonah,66,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 66 verse 7 jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in joel 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be,joel,33,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 33 verse 25 and at that point the lord reminded me of amos 5 14 where it says,amos,5,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 14 the second verse of 1 kings 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,1 kings,66,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 66 verse 2 has visited in his anger he says in a titus 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,titus,35,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 35 verse 16 tonight in jesus name in 1 samuel chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,1 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 verse 13 hosea chapter 4 verse 13,hosea,4,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 13 1 peter 11 6 that if it's grace it's not works you can't mix them go to galatians just read and study the book of,1 peter,11,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 6 take actions that are based on joel hallelujah professor 1 verse 32,joel,1,32.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 32 husbands means you need to respect them numbers 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his,numbers,5,33.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 33 scripture has changed my life mark chapter 10 verse 9,mark,10,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 9 in job chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,job,5,11.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 11 their place titus 24 are we there i read from verse 14.,titus,24,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 24 verse 14 jonah chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn,jonah,2,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 3 scriptures but beginning with habakkuk chapter 23 and verse 7. listen carefully there's a,habakkuk,23,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 7 learner while looking at 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 16. in jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16. those says that lord stands,1 timothy,6,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 16 praise god now if you look at psalms chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,psalms,3,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 8 the cross and the second thing he did on the cross verse 15 1 chronicles 2 15. he disarmed the rulers and authorities,1 chronicles,2,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 15 uh leviticus chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,leviticus,30,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 30 verse 23 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up 2 timothy they threw him into the sea,2 timothy,1,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 15 believes he allowed a man judges chapter 11 number 30 he that winneth souls is wise shall rise on our,judges,11,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 3 because esther said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 paul told us in that psalms 3 13 to 15. he said brethren i can't not myself to,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 we must live peaceably with all men also in zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,zephaniah,2,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 or with love in a spirit of gentleness or joshua chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important,joshua,6,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 4 heard a good argument against this against using esther 11 6 to you know refute,esther,11,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 6 in judges chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 the bible says is anything too hard to the lord,judges,18,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 14 their agenda i scott dear agenda the people 2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible,2 chronicles,15,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 2 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to mark 26 verse 2.,mark,26,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 2 we kid into extra dose 23 verse 26 and also for me personally it was 3 john 23 18 you know the expectations of the,3 john,23,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 26 restoration restoration nehemiah chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,nehemiah,1,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 26 matters not what you are today it is how you end so no more said in leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 the system of as it is,leviticus,7,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 above all things 2 thessalonians 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,2 thessalonians,17,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 9 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of zephaniah chapter 8 and verse 16.,zephaniah,8,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 16 is one reference in the book of nehemiah acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,nehemiah,16,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 14 believer growing in the world according to matthew 3 verse 16 let the word of christ dwell in you richly there will,matthew,3,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 16 expectations increase i remember the book of judges chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,judges,5,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 12 tested positive for hiv i held on to god's word in joel 53 verse 6 verse 5,joel,53,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 53 verse 5 both as a commission and as individuals ruth chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,ruth,58,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 58 verse 9 going to pass in 1 corinthians 3 from verse 13 to 14 philippians 3 13 to 14,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 redeemer will come in jesus name and look at it look at 2 kings chapter 3 verse 20 wherefore is light given to him that,2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in 1 kings 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",1 kings,2,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 flood please reduction i said to please obadiah 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,obadiah,1,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 13 in ezra chapter 4 verse 19 philippians 4 verse 19 the bible says my god shall supply all your needs not some,ezra,4,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 19 2 kings chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,2 kings,4,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 4 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in ezekiel 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,ezekiel,61,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 61 verse 3 according to his purpose 2 timothy 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,2 timothy,29,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 11 in joshua chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5,joshua,3,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 5 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in 1 timothy 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,1 timothy,1,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 after abraham had driven him away in lamentations chapter 21 uh from verse 14 and abram rose up early,lamentations,21,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 14 life we're looking at 1 john chapter 6 verse 6 again,1 john,6,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 6 towards our lord jesus christ john chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,john,26,19.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 19 in matthew talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible,matthew,3,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 23 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to philemon chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,philemon,18,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 9 when you get to lamentations chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so,lamentations,33,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 8 that's why god says in 1 samuel 12 15 it says see to it that no one fails to,1 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from 1 corinthians 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,1 corinthians,37,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 37 verse 5 "but notice that we were foolish to verse 3 1 peter 3 verse 3 to that we were disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts, pleasures, spending",1 peter,3,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 3 in psalms chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,psalms,30,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 30 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhew5ms8fva 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each of,1 timothy,2,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 38 the beginning of wisdom ecclesiastes 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,ecclesiastes,1,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 7 holiness that were presented before the lord in esther chapter 1 verse 19 it says these media who separate,esther,1,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 19 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in 1 peter 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,1 peter,8,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 12 look at philemon chapter 19 verse 18 leviticus 19 18,philemon,19,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 18 lamentations chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,lamentations,4,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 13 has proved true in my life 2 peter 11 25 says this he in second half of proverbs 11 25 is he,2 peter,11,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 25 this was verse 14 2 john 4 to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet the land of zebulun and the land,2 john,4,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 14 in the battle he doesn't just do this for john hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,john,1,14.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 14 you about it because it's important in the 10th chapter of zephaniah hebrews 10 and verse 26 if we go on sinning,zephaniah,10,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 26 the nations in the world and this verse is found in 1 john chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,1 john,14,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 13 word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of luke chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god is strong,luke,4,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 12 2021 can i hear a bigger amen habakkuk 13 verse 19 says and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,habakkuk,13,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 19 it's not even there anymore song of solomon (song of songs) 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who,song of solomon (song of songs),21,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 verse 29 that's interesting i noticed also the seeking is involved in salvation nahum 55 verse 6 through 7 seek the lord while he,nahum,55,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 55 verse 6 "no sabbath has ever been required. 1 timothy 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",1 timothy,2,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 16 and to the gentiles amen matthew chapter 4 we're looking at verse 16,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,1 peter,1,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 is this not the fact that i've chosen joshua 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,joshua,58,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 58 verse 6 of their labor that you're laboring with an expectation here in malachi 2 verse 18 now this is solomon writing,malachi,2,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 18 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 esther chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,esther,1,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 17 titus chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,titus,27,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 27 verse 22 terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because 1 peter the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and,1 peter,55,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 55 verse 8 his son made of a woman made under the law joshua 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore,joshua,2,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 14 can recite that now memory verse job chapter 4 and verse 4,job,4,4.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 4 says job chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says,job,10,15.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 15 to say in 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but i have i have all and i am band and i am,2 timothy,4,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 18 you are criticizing because the bible says in lamentations 4 verse 15 official 415 deter you will not begin to speak,lamentations,4,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 15 hi mike do you think 3 john 321 should be used to determine,3 john,3,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 21 glimpse i think of jesus colossians chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is,colossians,5,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 13 it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,1 peter,62,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 2 john chapter 11 verse 3 hebrews 11 3 and hebrews 1 3 hebrews 1 3,2 john,11,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 3 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from amos chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,amos,23,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 3 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at 1 john chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,1 john,33,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 25 but timothy was different we read in 1 peter it says in verse 21 all seek their own,1 peter,1,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 21 verse 13 the book of obadiah chapter 1 verse 13.,obadiah,1,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 13 2 samuel chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,2 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 function of liberality the same 1 kings chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,1 kings,11,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 25 not required we get this from nehemiah 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,nehemiah,10,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 15 conquerors 1 thessalonians 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,1 thessalonians,8,35.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 35 sons this is such an honorable privilege 2 chronicles 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,2 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 happening here 1 samuel 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah,1 samuel,16,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 6 in this sign notice ezekiel 2 11 the lord utters his voice,ezekiel,2,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 11 let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in ruth chapter 1 21,ruth,1,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 21 and in the last letter of the book of leviticus he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god,leviticus,1,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 21 approach unto in joel chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22,joel,22,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 6 you can query him colossians chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,colossians,4,34.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 34 5 verse 22 to 24 1 corinthians 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,1 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this numbers 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,numbers,53,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 53 verse 7 the our past is not remembered verse 17 ruth 10 17. and right now,ruth,10,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 17 her head she dishonours her husband actually in job 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,job,21,9.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 9 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony 1 kings 8 35 to 38.,1 kings,8,35.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 35 issue that's a bad rule that's the psalms 328 silver bullet it's a it is,psalms,3,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 28 malachi chapter two and three in colossians in fact paul,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 and we'll read from verse 26 through the end of the chapter haggai chapter 10 reading from 26 through the end,haggai,10,26.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 26 authority of christ it tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 7 it says,2 corinthians,3,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 7 numbers chapter 6 verse 12 through 13 sorry leviticus rather leviticus 6 verse 12 to 36 clearly the fire on the altar must,numbers,6,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 12 theory serpent and scorpions you will you know from hosea chapter 21 verse 6 fairy serpent and scorpions evil beasts,hosea,21,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 6 of the year philemon 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,philemon,14,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 24 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,1 samuel,3,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 and this morning i'm reading out of the niv and this is 1 chronicles 12 25 it says this anxiety weighs down the,1 chronicles,12,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 25 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read 2 john 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,2 john,5,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 19 we can make it louder and stronger micah 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,micah,41,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 41 verse 15 stars and for life 2 samuel 3 2 o lord i have had thy speech and was afraid oh lord revive thy,2 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 across our harvest field a better amen joel chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,joel,12,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 12 paul said in in song of solomon (song of songs) 3 verse 5 and 6 i was a hebrew of hebrews as to the law a pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the,song of solomon (song of songs),3,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 5 yeah now can you walk us through obadiah 6 verse 9 and i'll read it to us in the,obadiah,6,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 9 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is obadiah 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,obadiah,42,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 42 verse 2 and not everybody does ecclesiastes 14 and ezekiel 28 these two passages to refer to satan himself then we get a little,ecclesiastes,14,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 28 8 from verse 14 down to 19. numbers chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,numbers,8,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 14 job chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 covenant 1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god,1 peter,8,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 job 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down,job,9,27.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 27 program the bible tells us in the book of matthew chapter 8 verse 7 that though your beginning may be small,matthew,8,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 7 told them in the book of 1 kings of the apostle chapter 1 verse 8,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 the family good works on the joel daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,joel,5,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 12 to remind us about ecclesiastes in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,ecclesiastes,6,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 12 saying to her in verse 3 what is it queen nehemiah what is your request it shall be given to you even up,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 and the first part he made he read in habakkuk 1 24 and 25 all the animals on the earth,habakkuk,1,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 24 into this church this coming sunday matthew chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,matthew,2,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 the book of 1 peter 12 14 2 to 16. we have second timothy chapter 2,1 peter,12,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 14 for today philemon chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,philemon,1,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 26 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in 2 thessalonians chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,2 thessalonians,12,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 13 i would actually support this real quick let me go there with jonah 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah,jonah,11,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 25 against us in nehemiah chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,nehemiah,3,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 14 we have been told it's job chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.,job,5,32.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 32 somebody to destroy in 1 kings chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter,1 kings,6,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 26 so if you read annie jonah chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,jonah,2,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 11 choices moses successor jude summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,jude,24,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 15 individual it's true for a nation in song of solomon (song of songs) 15 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 15 12 to 14,song of solomon (song of songs),15,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 12 uh john chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,john,30,23.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 23 this description of christ here ezekiel 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were,ezekiel,19,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 19 verse 11 lord will answer your prayer and look at 2 peter chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians,2 peter,3,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 17 always worshiping god every opportunity had he built an altar for god colossians 12 verse 70 genesis 12 a solution the,colossians,12,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 7 we can make it louder and stronger habakkuk chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,habakkuk,84,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 84 verse 7 according to his purpose titus 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,titus,29,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 29 verse 11 somebody shouted believe in amen quickly 2 samuel 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory,2 samuel,26,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 upon his own life in 2 chronicles chapter 4 look at it acts chapter 4 in verse 29 we are told,2 chronicles,4,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29 haggai chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 2 deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2,haggai,32,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 2 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 lamentations 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,lamentations,22,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 6 in esther chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,esther,8,26.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 26 in your time praise god again titus chapter 14 and verse 28.,titus,14,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 28 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 john chapter 21,john,21,8.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 8 concerning what he did in numbers chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in obadiah 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,obadiah,20,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 20 verse 14 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of colossians of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,colossians,10,38.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 38 3 9 1 kings chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,1 kings,2,39.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 39 people will live super long lives 3 john 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,3 john,65,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 65 verse 2 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to malachi chapter one we're reading from verse 3,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 glory bear to jesus paul writing the book of obadiah chapter 8 lastly and verse 35,obadiah,8,35.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 35 all right you guys ready all right open up to 3 john chapter 8 starting in verse 12 today we're going to be talking about,3 john,8,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 12 we're looking at 1 john chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,1 john,5,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 19 verses 5 & 6 ecclesiastes chapter 15 verses 5 & 6 now the god of patience and consolation,ecclesiastes,15,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 5 verse 2 to 3 hosea 12 verse 2 to 3,hosea,12,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 2 encounters with light zechariah 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,zechariah,3,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 15 nehemiah chapter 9 verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 we're reading from verse,nehemiah,9,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 9 the man philemon chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking,philemon,7,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 21 and season the bible tells me in the book of matthew chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,matthew,2,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 21 2 corinthians 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,2 corinthians,2,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 in him the bible says in the book of philemon chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be,philemon,43,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 43 verse 2 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in malachi 11 14 and 24,malachi,11,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 14 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle nehemiah 1 verses 19 to 20.,nehemiah,1,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 19 nino ezra chapter 6 and verse 24,ezra,6,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 24 somebody to destroy in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter,2 thessalonians,6,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 26 3 john romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,3 john,4,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 17 do we find faith in the vision go back to joel chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 look at 2 thessalonians chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,2 thessalonians,34,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 21 of disobedience 2 samuel 18 24 to 25 you'll be doing righteousness you turn,2 samuel,18,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 24 and signs and wonders begin to take place zechariah 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,zechariah,10,38.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 38 "the one who sought him. and then 2 chronicles 8 verse 17 says, ""those who diligently seek me will find me.""",2 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 joshua 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,joshua,19,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 14 early that's kind of early right matthew 5 24 it says enoch walked with god,matthew,5,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 24 let the church say louder amen 1 peter verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,1 peter,1,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 6 wrong way patience philemon chapter 6 verse 12 tells us we follow the prophets who through faith,philemon,6,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 12 abraham had faith exercise faith in luke chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,luke,15,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 6 a control it controls even donkeys 1 corinthians chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,1 corinthians,22,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 21 power ezra 1 3 arise and shine because,ezra,1,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 3 again and again just go to joel 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,joel,1,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 6 [music] first 2 corinthians 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,2 corinthians,1,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 of abraham you know in the book of amos 18 19,amos,18,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 19 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of judges chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the,judges,50,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 50 verse 14 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in numbers 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",numbers,14,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 28 hardened obstinate in chapter 7 of 1 peter verse 11 it says but he refused to,1 peter,7,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 11 what it says in 2 thessalonians chapter 12 and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book,2 thessalonians,12,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 4 our anchor is from the book of ruth chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,ruth,7,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 7 on the screen right now praise god 1 corinthians chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,1 corinthians,25,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 25 verse 2 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to,ezekiel,1,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 you and when you read jonah chapter 12 verse 2,jonah,12,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 2 your bibles to ezra chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,ezra,13,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 17 with supernatural multiplication matthew 30 and verse 19 out of them shall,matthew,30,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 30 verse 19 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed nahum chapter 6 reading from verse 18,nahum,6,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 18 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of nahum chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,nahum,2,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 4 at this season so i want to remind us of a precious verse in 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 12.,1 samuel,1,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 12 and chapter eight 1 corinthians chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,1 corinthians,8,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 7 apostles see colossians 1 8 to 9 for that,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in 2 chronicles chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,2 chronicles,28,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 28 verse 2 services this year in 2 corinthians chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,2 corinthians,13,44.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 44 on the dry ground mark 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of,mark,11,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 29 1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,1 corinthians,57,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 there's a lot of scripture coming for 2 john 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay,2 john,5,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 14 that's you i got a verse for you nehemiah 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,nehemiah,2,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him 2 thessalonians chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore,2 thessalonians,13,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 15 axe the early church we see them fasting nahum chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,nahum,13,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 13 in haggai chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,haggai,53,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 53 verse 3 chapter 12 uh nehemiah chapter 12 from from uh verse three down to six isaiah,nehemiah,12,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 3 in esther chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,esther,6,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 16 "heed to my words,"" listen everybody. and then he gives his text, 1 timothy chapter 2, verses 28 to 32.",1 timothy,2,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 28 in a world wind to heaven again it says in song of solomon (song of songs) 68 17 the chariots of god,song of solomon (song of songs),68,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 68 verse 17 and to give his life a ransom for many 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,1 corinthians,2,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 well in all things not answering again it tells us in matthew chapter 3,matthew,3,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 3 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at 1 john chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,1 john,11,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 24 chapter 1 verse 16 in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed,1 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in joshua chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i,joshua,7,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 9 whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom 3 john 1 4 and calling in knowledge and understanding,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 1 kings the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,1 kings,28,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 28 verse 21 the numbers chapter 3 verse 15 genesis chapter 3 verse 15 then 6 chapter 3 verse 15.,numbers,3,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 15 and this comes through knowing him see 2 john in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,2 john,3,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 3 this is not david look at verse 29 of malachi 2 brethren i may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch david that,malachi,2,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 29 front and told me to do good things and one more thing it says in zechariah in chapter 1 ephesians 1 verse 18 i prayed,zechariah,1,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 "the elite, the intellectuals, the philosophers."" and by the way, verse 20 alludes both to 3 john 19 verse 12, and isaiah 33 verse 18 and the supposed wise",3 john,19,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 12 mighty name we pray in 2 chronicles 7 verses five to seven,2 chronicles,7,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 5 the spirit of pride numbers chapter five verse five and six hosea chapter five verse five and six he,numbers,5,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 5 numbers chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,numbers,28,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 2 that like what they were looking at last night in 1 corinthians 63 64 deuteronomy 28 psalm 80,1 corinthians,63,64.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 63 verse 64 obey the law the more we disappointed in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one,1 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 gonna read from verse three and we're gonna pray along this line 1 thessalonians chapter four from verse 3,1 thessalonians,4,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3 grab jesus at that point numbers 27 6 may connect to this very thing here where it says faithful are,numbers,27,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 27 verse 6 requirement of the law and then in philemon 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one,philemon,13,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 8 two corners to read verse number 20 obadiah chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus name we are praying ruth chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,ruth,26,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 25 so we continue in our study on the book of jonah and we're in uh chapter nine and we need to start with verse eleven,jonah,9,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 11 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in 2 samuel chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,2 samuel,19,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 15 cells this year esther chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,esther,30,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 30 verse 19 the lord's expectation from us zephaniah 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have,zephaniah,12,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 16 look at leviticus chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,leviticus,3,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 13 going to be with you to empower you he reminds them in psalms 1 8 just before ascending the holy spirit will come upon,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us amos 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,amos,4,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 23 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now 1 corinthians chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,1 corinthians,3,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 14 "and as i pointed out, in specific terms in 2 corinthians 6 through 19. when you see these things happen, including",2 corinthians,6,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle paul a man that had deep ezekiel of jesus listen apostle paul had revelation,ezekiel,1,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 17 in the ezekiel chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let,ezekiel,1,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 27 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 john chapter 1,john,1,15.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 15 one prayer point and we are done ecclesiastes chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,ecclesiastes,1,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9 it's called the peace offering here in the habakkuk chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 as he pleases titus 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,titus,32,39.0,1.0,titus chapter 32 verse 39 must believe that he's able to do it psalms 3 20 says noun to him,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of ezra chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,ezra,16,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 14 united with him in his death and verse 11 of judges 6 then says therefore count yourselves,judges,6,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 11 wise unto that he said john 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight,john,9,12.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 12 and nobody could keep it haggai chapter 8 this is the covenant,haggai,8,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 8 all costs and make himself available in the presence of god 1 samuel 4 30 says,1 samuel,4,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 3 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of 1 thessalonians 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,1 thessalonians,8,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 22 god 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22,1 thessalonians,5,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 experienced and it's colossians 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,colossians,58,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 58 verse 13 because god is sifting god is shaking the book of mark chapter 12 we'll get to that,mark,12,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 9 "oh many things, but for me it is best embodied in 3 john chapter 2 verse 14, quote verse ""do everything without complaining.",3 john,2,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 14 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in 1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 21 yay,1 thessalonians,9,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 21 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god 1 thessalonians 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,1 thessalonians,4,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 18 the answers so your joy nahum 4 6 alongside with,nahum,4,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 6 pick it up from verse 36 malachi chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,malachi,41,36.0,1.0,malachi chapter 41 verse 36 say louder amen in nehemiah chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of,nehemiah,6,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 7 and then in colossians chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,colossians,6,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 16 chapter 30 2 john 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells,2 john,30,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 30 verse 17 guilty 1 john chapter 28 verse 20. and he had to grow some cost,1 john,28,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 28 verse 2 4 chapter in at 11 verse 4 even a death ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 says a bell was still exercising dominion because he gave a,ecclesiastes,11,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 4 verse 19 to 24 1 corinthians 5 19 to 24 he begins to explain the things that happen when you,1 corinthians,5,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 straight before them 1 kings judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,1 kings,6,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 2 things he was tempted like us in all things 3 john 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,3 john,4,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 15 what does it say philemon chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,philemon,4,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 7 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven amos chapter six,amos,6,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 7 for in jesus mighty name would pray amen the book of job 4 verse 2 says that continue in prayer and do same with,job,4,2.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 2 psalm 124 just a few 2 john over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,2 john,124,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 124 verse 8 you know that sorry jonah 3 19 revelation 3 19 those whom i love i,jonah,3,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 19 in zephaniah i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so 3 john 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be,3 john,11,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 24 king chapter three and verse 11 the kings ecclesiastes and other kings came together and they were looking for a,ecclesiastes,3,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 our amen can be stronger this morning 1 samuel 18 and verse 3 how long are you slack to go,1 samuel,18,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 18 verse 3 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in 1 corinthians 12 6 to 8,1 corinthians,12,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 6 been taught the graces that make them loving people and 2 corinthians 30 verse 15 adds to that description this most,2 corinthians,30,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 30 verse 15 you have an expression there in ecclesiastes 10 29 doing death fight to the holy spirit,ecclesiastes,10,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 29 just a filter system right when we look at 1 john 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,1 john,4,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 8 satan and his darkness that famous passage zephaniah chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,zephaniah,6,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 6 and duplicity of lawless undependable tongues 1 corinthians chapter three we're looking at verse 9.,1 corinthians,3,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation 2 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians,2 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 when he said we look at esther chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,esther,21,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 12 he looked away from him he went down to the river in job chapter 10 35 to 39 if you read in king,job,10,35.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 35 chapter 5 because it spells it out 2 chronicles 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,2 chronicles,5,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 5 his word to us ezra 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,ezra,7,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 7 book of hosea chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,hosea,39,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 39 verse 9 again i think this is most instructive eager ruth 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,ruth,4,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 3 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in zechariah chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 psalms 36 hallelujah ezekiel 36 from verse 24 to 27 i'm gonna read it,psalms,36,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 36 verse 24 your habit in jesus name well look in our arch 1 kings chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8,1 kings,13,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 8 limits in philemon chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,philemon,19,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 2 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong 2 thessalonians 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 a god of speed he is a god of speed ezra chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,ezra,9,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 28 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful ecclesiastes 11 30 and daniel 23,ecclesiastes,11,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 3 he said is any merry let him sing nahum chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing,nahum,5,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 13 might be the bible says in leviticus chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,leviticus,5,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 number two you need to meditate meditate ecclesiastes 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,ecclesiastes,1,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8 king's way in so many ways it's tragic titus 17 verse 16 the people wanted a king remember that he shall not,titus,17,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 16 listen let me show you a version ezra 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,ezra,8,34.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 34 partnership within don't forget 1 john 55 from verse 8 to 9 tells us clearly his thoughts are not,1 john,55,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 55 verse 8 joel chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,joel,28,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 28 verse 13 replaced by pure joy hosea 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,hosea,3,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 2 15 which is one of our tests we also read nehemiah chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,nehemiah,28,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 2 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 2 timothy 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,2 timothy,13,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 2 testimonies in this prophetic season 2 kings 51 11 are preached therefore the redeemed,2 kings,51,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 51 verse 11 now let's see something in chapter 31 of philemon verse 16 chapter 31,philemon,31,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 31 verse 16 proofs but it says that while he was doing this ecclesiastes chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,ecclesiastes,1,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 3 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,song of solomon (song of songs),50,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 50 verse 15 in joel chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10 it is recorded that you,joel,1,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 9 third thing you need to know today is in nahum 12 and verse 3 it says those who are wise,nahum,12,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 3 11 verse 21 to 22 obadiah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in,obadiah,11,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 21 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in joel chapter 8 verse 37,joel,8,37.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 37 in titus chapter 8 verse 21 look at what the bible tells us there it says ezra chapter 8 verse 21 he says at the river,titus,8,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 21 now you must underline this in your bible colossians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,colossians,8,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 28 second best or third best or tenth best it says about jesus in nehemiah 15 and verse 3 romans 15 and verse 3 it says,nehemiah,15,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 3 leader said at the beginning in ezekiel chapter 4 verse 2,ezekiel,4,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 2 granted unto you supernaturally esther 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,esther,9,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 5 is for the good we're coming to 1 peter chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel,1 peter,11,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 19 of god you give to those lunch marks in job chapter 22 verse 28 proverbs 22,job,22,28.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 28 god hardened pharaoh's heart and that was in micah 9 12 the passage the verse you gave the lord harden the heart of,micah,9,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 12 worship this morning i want you to open again to 1 chronicles chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,1 chronicles,15,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 15 verse 11 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do haggai 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,haggai,8,38.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 38 according to the word of the lord in esther chapter 25 verse 6 to 8 he said the lord of hosts,esther,25,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 25 verse 6 that's 1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 7 we can turn there just so that you know hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 i've given you a,1 chronicles,11,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 7 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me numbers i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,numbers,4,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 15 ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in matthew 10 from verse 12 to 14,matthew,10,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 12 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of 1 peter chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of,1 peter,4,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 12 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in ezra chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,ezra,2,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 12 matters not what you are today it is how you end so no more said in zephaniah chapter 7 verse 8 the system of as it is,zephaniah,7,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 8 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed zechariah chapter 6 reading from verse 18,zechariah,6,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 18 that's prayer that's prayer zechariah chapter 4 in verse number 6 the bible says paul,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 later on down through here but in 1 corinthians chapter 1 17 we know that the righteous shall live by faith,1 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about numbers 6 7 and 8.,numbers,6,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 7 let's take a stab at it we're looking at 3 john chapter 66 verses 22 and 23 and we'll see this may,3 john,66,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 66 verse 22 us with might in our spirit man micah 3 16. to be strengthened with might in our,micah,3,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 16 before you go look at 1 peter chapter 10 a meeting from verse 38 acts chapter 10,1 peter,10,38.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 38 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is esther chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,esther,19,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 19 verse 28 you even the devil cannot be against you micah chapter 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 so if you saw me turn to god you resist,micah,4,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 7 that were happening there but when you read matthew of apostle chapter 3 verse 8,matthew,3,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 8 a corset lifeless sacrilege look at 1 thessalonians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 22,1 thessalonians,2,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 22 reading from verse 19 1 kings chapter 2 verse 19 it says in james chapter 2 verse 19 thou believe us that there is,1 kings,2,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 19 mighty name of jesus haggai 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,haggai,26,27.0,1.0,haggai chapter 26 verse 27 look at this now in numbers chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,numbers,14,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 25 here from verse 16 to 19 16 to 20 21 where the lord tells john how he is to prophesy in verse 16 he says lord i,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 extent of the devastation coming upon the world 2 samuel chapter 30 in verse 30,2 samuel,30,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 30 verse 3 joseph in 1 john chapter 50 from verse 15 to 20,1 john,50,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 50 verse 15 to move for example in nahum chapter 13 proverbs 6 to 13,nahum,6,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 13 your life in jesus name matthew chapter 29 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 it says the answer he call upon me and you shall,matthew,29,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 12 amos chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,amos,5,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 2 chapter 44 hallelujah 2 kings chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read,2 kings,44,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 44 verse 2 thinking to produce a good life in the book we read 1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 7 for us ii think x it is a you are what,1 thessalonians,23,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 7 throughout scripture and other examples of this is micah 50 verse 20,micah,50,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 50 verse 2 sin because it will make it casualty in job 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,job,32,23.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 23 according to philemon chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,philemon,9,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 15 the most untapped resource in the body of christ and it's right here in colossians 5 14 15 14 excuse me,colossians,5,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 14 according to his purpose some people know only 3 john 8 28 they don't know the next verse,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but numbers chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,numbers,10,38.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 38 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in 1 chronicles 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,1 chronicles,15,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 15 verse 2 because it's uh it's multifaceted but in colossians chapter one starting with verse 16,colossians,1,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 16 doesn't contradict it so if it says in joshua 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,joshua,6,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 23 and they have nothing to do again ruth 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,ruth,2,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 14 and that is that you know in matthew chapter 12 when you read verse 23 and 24 hebrews 12,matthew,12,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 23 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has created all things that were created on,2 thessalonians,4,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 in 1 chronicles 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,1 chronicles,36,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 36 verse 6 in jesus name in nehemiah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,nehemiah,3,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 2 miracles signs and wonders 1 chronicles 13 13 to 14 says,1 chronicles,13,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 13 glory it tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,1 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 secret of spiritual strength the bible says in 1 corinthians 1 and in verse 9,1 corinthians,1,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 promised you see because god made a promise in judges chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,judges,3,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 22 in jesus name luke chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,luke,20,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 8 uh amen can be stronger this morning judges 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,judges,13,44.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 44 no advance at all. 2 peter 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,2 peter,10,21.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 21 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean obadiah 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,obadiah,11,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 6 tells us in numbers in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,numbers,2,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 5 through this prophetic season in joshua chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when,joshua,2,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 6 begin to enjoy financial fortune in jonah chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,jonah,1,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 3 "that's probably conservative. 1 kings weighed in on the destruction of tyre. turn to amos chapter 1 verse 9, ""thus says",1 kings,1,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 9 and the bible says we must not strive with men we do not leviticus 6 12 says we do not strive with human beings i,leviticus,6,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual 2 peter 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,2 peter,50,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 50 verse 17 whereas in the same joshua chapter 2 verse 13 in ephesians 2 verse 13 a bible says if you are in christ you,joshua,2,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 13 verse 20 2 timothy chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 20,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 eventually you find when you come to hosea chapter 21 22 then you find here is the consummation of all the,hosea,21,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 22 it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view john 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of,john,30,15.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 15 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of jonah 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,jonah,8,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 22 2 kings chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 verse 27 esther 32 verse 27 he has a question,esther,32,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 27 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong 3 john 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 4 numbers chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,numbers,8,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 4 reading from the new living translation obadiah chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow,obadiah,1,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 4 joel 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,joel,3,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 29 provided for in titus 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,titus,13,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 25 2013 by papa over again with jude tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,jude,7,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 14 a great need in job chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's,job,27,7.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 7 dignity colossians chapter 9 verse 16 then said i wisdom is better than,colossians,9,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 16 like lamentations was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,lamentations,12,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 5 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus 1 corinthians 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,1 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 1 samuel 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,1 samuel,1,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 13 micah 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,micah,2,36.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 36 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,zechariah,1,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 colossians in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,colossians,6,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 5 i came all the way to let somebody know 2 corinthians 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,2 corinthians,16,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 14 by your hands in nahum chapter 14 and,nahum,14,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 14 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so jude 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,jude,29,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 29 verse 11 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 hosea 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,hosea,11,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 6 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in habakkuk chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,habakkuk,10,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 12 of what is before it is too late in esther chapter 21 genesis 21 from verse 14 to 21 genesis 21 from was 14 to 21,esther,21,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 14 amen 1 samuel chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews,1 samuel,11,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 5 in fact the word of god declares in 2 thessalonians 3 and verse 8 he said concerning joshua day that,2 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in nahum chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 engages god's ability for delivery 1 timothy chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 7 2 peter 11 7 it says by faith noah be warned of god of things not sin,2 peter,11,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 7 god can bring good uh out of it ecclesiastes 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 when we are fed what's the result mark reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,mark,1,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 3 that our bearing will be from ezra 2 verse 5,ezra,2,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 5 government in 2 chronicles chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,2 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in 2 peter 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,2 peter,14,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 28 victory on the cross the whole point of malachi 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,malachi,3,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 4 in the ongoing operation change of story amos chapter 8 verses 9 and 10 associate yourselves with ye people and,amos,8,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 9 that's another scripture there's another scriptures 2 chronicles 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 by the architect of the ages 2 corinthians 11 16 hebrews 11 16,2 corinthians,11,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 16 in fact the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 19 ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 is a money and threat all,1 thessalonians,10,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 19 [applause] ezekiel 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,ezekiel,5,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 25 2 that relates to this evidential apologetic stuff 2 corinthians 2 3 it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,2 corinthians,2,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 3 the scripture says have faith in god haggai 11 and verse 6 he said without,haggai,11,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 6 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,2 thessalonians,3,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 9 established in the lord verse 12 1 timothy chapter 1 but i want you to know brethren that the things which,1 timothy,1,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 12 collusions chapter 3 a reading from verse 12 luke chapter 3 verse 12,luke,3,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 12 leader said at the beginning in ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 2,ecclesiastes,4,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 2 called 1 peter in proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 the bible said,1 peter,14,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 28 of healing for the sick in micah chapter 15 reading from verse 26 look at the,micah,15,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 26 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in zechariah 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,zechariah,8,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 17 according to the word of the lord in jude chapter 25 verse 6 to 8 he said the lord of hosts,jude,25,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 25 verse 6 right and something instructive also was mentioned in matthew 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,matthew,2,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 21 1 6 to 22 joshua 16 to 22 we saw a man that called job which was the most successful in the,joshua,16,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 22 he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile zephaniah in him you also when you heard the word of truth the,zephaniah,1,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 13 furthermore we discover in the book of zechariah 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,zechariah,5,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 2 and that means 2 corinthians 2 applies to you and by titus 2 we mean titus 2 verses 3 through,2 corinthians,2,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 3 jude romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,jude,17,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 4 matthew 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water,matthew,26,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 26 verse 19 malachi 2 17 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure,malachi,2,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 17 the fruit of the spirit you read in leviticus 5 23 self to control and let me tell you this also,leviticus,5,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 23 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in 1 kings 25 20,1 kings,25,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 25 verse 2 represents carelessness searing our conscience is job 1 15. to the pure,job,1,15.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 15 ones nehemiah 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 29 he says yes i am a man,nehemiah,22,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 29 darkness the word is light psalms chapter 9 verse 8 he said god sent a word into jacob and it has,psalms,9,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 8 chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 the book of 2 kings 12 14 2 to 16. we have second timothy chapter 2,2 kings,12,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 14 seven in mark of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst,mark,4,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 7 let us say louder amen nehemiah 11 and verse 30 he that winners soul is wise please rise up on your feet,nehemiah,11,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 3 do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 2 kings would say happen rather david would say have mercy,2 kings,51,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 51 verse 2 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in 2 samuel 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,2 samuel,1,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 24 verse 14. now i'll start from verse 13 nehemiah 4 and verse 13,nehemiah,4,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 from ethiopia and we read in malachi chapter 8 verse 39 after he,malachi,8,39.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 39 experienced and it's amos 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,amos,58,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 58 verse 13 6 verse 12 what the bible says in joshua chapter 6 verse 12,joshua,6,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 12 over the past 40 years your women can turn things around 1 peter 1 verse 8 first i thank my god,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 the same thing is repeated in numbers 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,numbers,4,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 2 purposes one thing's about one thing about colossians 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,colossians,8,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 28 1 samuel 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,1 samuel,21,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 22 the children of god so i'm going to jump to zephaniah 8 19. so the spirit is the one that leads us and once we have been led,zephaniah,8,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 19 say louder amen jonah 50 and verse 4 paraphrase the lord had given me the tongue of the,jonah,50,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 50 verse 4 verse 29 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29,song of solomon (song of songs),4,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29 engage your heart in the book of leviticus chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,leviticus,30,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 30 verse 21 accelerated progress because in zephaniah chapter 2 from verse 15 to 18 esther chapter 2 from verse 15,zephaniah,2,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 15 new heaven passages just the verse zechariah 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,zechariah,65,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 65 verse 17 and what i decorate your life luke 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,luke,23,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 26 who engage in the works of the flesh 3 john chapter 5 22 verse 21 galatians five 22 21 the abominable unbelieving,3 john,5,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 22 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also joel that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,joel,2,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 4 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from 1 kings chapter 9 verse 22.,1 kings,9,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 22 leviticus he is judgment but also the faithful husband and we read in hosea chapter 4 verse 3 therefore shall the,leviticus,4,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 3 "and in 1 corinthians 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",1 corinthians,3,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 8 15 down to verse 28. ruth 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,ruth,20,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 15 discern there's a verse in colossians 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 name 2 chronicles chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,2 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 and getting under the mission of my husband and if you read in psalms 5 and 22 it says wives submit yourselves,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to philemon 3 5. i can't shake this verse,philemon,3,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 5 right 2 john 1 verse 26 we see that god made man in his image according to his,2 john,1,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 26 of christ the apostle writing uh in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 10 verses 19 and 20 put it this way,2 chronicles,10,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 19 night 1 corinthians 13 26 to 33 and numbers 14 verse 1 to 10,1 corinthians,13,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 26 the definition of the promised land you can see that in malachi 1124 the land originally promised to the,malachi,11,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 24 that will be able to say like the apostles in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,song of solomon (song of songs),5,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 12 quoted three times in the new you better take heed to it in nehemiah and chapter 1 and verse 17 we read romans,nehemiah,1,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17 the job 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,job,2,17.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 17 starting in joshua 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy,joshua,3,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 21 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from joel chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of hosea chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,hosea,4,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 12 burning burning bonnie philemon chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of,philemon,4,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 4 what does this mean everything we're reading about here in philemon 52 and isaiah 53,philemon,52,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 52 verse 19 be sadness brokenness mourning what does zephaniah tell us in james 4 6 to 10 weep mourn,zephaniah,4,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 6 explosive growth of this church say loud amen luke chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,luke,6,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 7 usually conquered because the bomb said in lamentations chapter 54 verse 17 as i've it was seven you know we profession against,lamentations,54,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 54 verse 17 that's an important statement there now then we come to matthew 9 verse 6 speaking of messiah and it says the,matthew,9,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 6 something every single day number three is to renew your mind haggai 12 verse 2 says to not be conformed to the pattern of,haggai,12,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 2 you fall hosea 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,hosea,24,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 24 verse 16 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 nahum chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,nahum,5,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 15 says in john chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,john,32,24.0,1.0,john chapter 32 verse 24 keep and guide our heart that is in habakkuk chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,habakkuk,4,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 23 you will notice again if you go further to ecclesiastes of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,ecclesiastes,4,31.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 31 6 verse 12 hosea 6 by stripe amen efficient sticks,hosea,6,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 12 their conversation will be what's in one theory titus 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,titus,13,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 7 relates to this and it says here in 1 kings 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular,1 kings,12,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 chronicles 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 chronicles,10,38.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 38 to have everything that goes with it 2 timothy 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,2 timothy,2,25.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 25 plan out the universe in order to get mark 4 28 to happen,mark,4,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 28 let that man turn things around judges chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,judges,1,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 11 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in joshua chapter 22 verse 17,joshua,22,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 17 turn to god and i got the answer in judges 24 verse 15 joshua 24,judges,24,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 24 verse 15 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 with someone binding and breaking those curses it says again in 2 thessalonians 4 and 4,2 thessalonians,4,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 4 kind of slavery seen in early america for example consider amos 21 16 it says whoever steals a man and sells him,amos,21,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 16 verse 16 where we got a team for this old teaching series uh ezra 1 16 and 17 for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of,ezra,1,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 16 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" psalms 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",psalms,10,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 3 before pharaoh the bible says in verse 38 to 41 of obadiah chapter 41 he says and pharaoh said to his servant can we,obadiah,41,38.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 41 verse 38 there was a prophecy colossians 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,colossians,15,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 13 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle paul a man that had deep 1 kings of jesus listen apostle paul had revelation,1 kings,1,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 17 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please jude chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,jude,3,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 21 is the hope to which he has called you or go further jude 4 13 we see that christ gave gifts to men and he gave,jude,4,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 13 that's confidence unusual confidence in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,song of solomon (song of songs),20,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 24 into our services tomorrow sunday in 2 kings chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,2 kings,12,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 12 19 be in the book of mark 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like,mark,59,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 59 verse 19 abide i said i will abide i said you will abide chapter 19 oh judges verse 23 it says the fear of the lord,judges,19,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 23 be a wise son in the name of the lord jesus obadiah 10 and verse 4 uh uh five especially verse five he who gathers in,obadiah,10,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 4 "the elite, the intellectuals, the philosophers."" and by the way, verse 20 alludes both to 1 corinthians 19 verse 12, and isaiah 33 verse 18 and the supposed wise",1 corinthians,19,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 12 engage your heart in the book of 2 john chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,2 john,30,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 30 verse 21 promises of god yes and amen job chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,job,33,25.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 25 hosea chapter 8 a reading from verstappen 7 romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things,hosea,8,37.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 37 around 1 thessalonians 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him,1 thessalonians,14,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 24 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture jonah 1 18 the lord says,jonah,1,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 18 tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right philemon 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be,philemon,20,31.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 31 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in ezra 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,ezra,2,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 14 ultimate advantage esther chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,esther,3,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 17 reality of your expectation the bible says in 1 timothy 4 23 he says guard your heart with all diligence because out of,1 timothy,4,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 reminds me of ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 starting with verse 25 2 peter chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,2 peter,3,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 25 the church continues to grow 2 john chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,2 john,1,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 12 season say louder amen jude 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in,jude,5,42.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 42 that meant that's mentioned again in amos 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,amos,16,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 12 name has a question obadiah 5 9 says jesus was perfected when he became the author of salvation,obadiah,5,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 9 accountability and our bible text is in the book of malachi chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,malachi,14,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 12 their faith in christ but then god in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 satan and his darkness that famous passage obadiah chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,obadiah,6,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 6 know how to do it malachi 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,malachi,5,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 18 here's your homework assignment if you want to read joshua 59 verse 2 starting in verse 20 and just keep on reading right,joshua,59,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 59 verse 2 of egypt in malachi chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,malachi,2,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 3 to remind us about micah in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,micah,6,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 12 "acceptable worship.  ezra 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",ezra,13,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 15 christ i'll read john 20 verse 12,john,20,12.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 12 devil with it he cannot answer the written would have gone in 2 chronicles 6 17 paul says take the sword of the,2 chronicles,6,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 17 in nahum 41 when you read from verse 37 genesis 41 verse 37 the bible says so,nahum,41,37.0,1.0,nahum chapter 41 verse 37 at this time is just like the prayer that joel prayed in isaiah chapter 6 when you read verse 8 there he said here,joel,6,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 8 now over to the book of song of solomon (song of songs) jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,song of solomon (song of songs),2,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 2 that's confidence unusual confidence in mark chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,mark,20,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 24 somebody to destroy in psalms chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter,psalms,6,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 26 there um but what we see in this passage nahum 20 verses 7 through 9 it's really,nahum,20,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 7 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets 1 peter chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,1 peter,48,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 48 verse 17 judges chapter 36 in ezekiel chapter 36 a medium from verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 it tells us in,judges,36,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 36 verse 25 34 says 1 thessalonians 14 34 righteousness assaulted a nation,1 thessalonians,14,34.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 34 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again leviticus chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,leviticus,7,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 13 working everything out for our good scripture says for we know micah 8 and 28 we know that all things work together,micah,8,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 28 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in 2 chronicles 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,2 chronicles,12,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 2 sickness affliction zephaniah chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,zephaniah,5,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 13 what does that mean i'm glad you asked 1 timothy 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to,1 timothy,4,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 7 not like that you have a path to plea look at 2 thessalonians of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,2 thessalonians,3,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 can i hear uncharted loud amen esther chapter 6 and verse 19 said and for me that all trans may be given,esther,6,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 6 chapter 14 and verse 7 mark 14 and verse 7 as i started to sing the holy spirit,mark,14,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 7 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in numbers chapter 22 verse 17,numbers,22,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 17 is one reference in the book of mark acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,mark,16,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 14 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation titus 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,titus,1,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 3 in the obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let,obadiah,1,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of mark chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,mark,18,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 2 amos chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16. the scripture says romans chapter 6,amos,6,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 16 flee 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 to 8 resist the devil he'll flee from you,2 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 4 6 to 7 2 john 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing,2 john,4,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 6 in 1 kings 45 which i love which says isaiah 45 and verse 15. please remember this all,1 kings,45,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 45 verse 15 obtained all the promises zechariah chapter 6 and verse 12.,zechariah,6,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 12 there was still this happiness and joy because paul writes in 2 kings 1 21 for me to live is christ and to die is,2 kings,1,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 21 do so please be reminded of the word of the lord in nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 22 genesis 8 22 this is while the earth,nehemiah,8,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 and that takes place as we maintain our love for god titus chapter 8 and verse 28 all things work together for good to,titus,8,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 8 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in 2 chronicles 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,2 chronicles,1,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 4 this combines there's two illusions here this is to haggai 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,haggai,7,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 13 the family good works on the 2 corinthians daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put,2 corinthians,5,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 12 famine in 1 chronicles 4 verse 15 down to verse 19 we're made to understand that it is,1 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character 2 samuel chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,2 samuel,12,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 14 sun and the moon because in zephaniah chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,zephaniah,10,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 12 as we reach verse 5 of joel chapter 19 exodus chapter 19,joel,19,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 19 verse 19 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of obadiah chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to,obadiah,61,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 61 verse 4 2 corinthians 1 46 nehemiah 1 4 to 6.,2 corinthians,1,46.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 46 actually when i read jude chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,jude,12,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 13 circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on 2 timothy 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say,2 timothy,22,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 18 the word of god i'll finish with this in ecclesiastes chapter three go back to that i already read verse 12 paul had a,ecclesiastes,3,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 12 17 zechariah 32 we're reading from verse 17 our lord god behold that was made,zechariah,32,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 17 okay stay with 12 now micah 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,micah,26,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 12 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again 2 john 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,2 john,13,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 18 in philemon chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 it says is anything,philemon,18,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 14 verse 7 2 peter 8 7,2 peter,8,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 7 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,song of solomon (song of songs),30,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 6 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in jonah uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,jonah,12,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 4 about esau and dwelling too close says in 2 corinthians 12 15,2 corinthians,12,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 15 whoever that he wills according to leviticus 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,leviticus,9,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 15 the bible said in luke 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,luke,3,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 3 why did god forbid the eating of blood well obadiah 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the,obadiah,12,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 23 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with job chapter 42 verse 2.,job,42,2.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 2 for healing we are praying for healing the book of song of solomon (song of songs) of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,song of solomon (song of songs),10,38.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 38 this was the story of jacob until you come to ezra 32 24 to 31 genesis 32,ezra,32,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 32 verse 24 7 esther 11 7 it says by faith noah be warned of god of things not sin,esther,11,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 7 are still required to ask him in prayer 1 peter 33 and verse 3 tells us,1 peter,33,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 3 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in ezekiel chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,ezekiel,2,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 23 instances of the key to your life ezekiel 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,ezekiel,11,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 26 may god not bypass you in jesus name 2 john chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw near to god,2 john,4,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 4 obadiah chapter two i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 it says let this mind be in you which,obadiah,2,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 5 we actually looked at kelly 1 samuel 21 verse 4. the bible says even it will be,1 samuel,21,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 4 "1 samuel 5 verse 8 and 9, ""walk in light."" ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16, ""walk in wisdom."" third john 3 and 4, ""walk in truth.""",1 samuel,5,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 15 sickness and disease is in his blood jonah 17 11. the life of the flesh,jonah,17,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 17 verse 11 lamentations chapter 2 and verse 4 zechariah 2 4 6. he said unto him wrong,lamentations,2,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 "it is the most notable one in scripture. 1 kings 19...revelation 19 verse 11, this describes the same event, the son of man coming",1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 the bible tells us in the book of 2 chronicles of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,2 chronicles,13,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 15 god of trouble joshua said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that,joshua,1,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 7 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka 1 peter 11 22 says behold,1 peter,11,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 22 escape that's what you see look at malachi chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape,malachi,2,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 3 the other one is a life to long journey according to obadiah 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this word but be,obadiah,12,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 2 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in philemon chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,philemon,3,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 9 the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who judges in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the,judges,31,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 31 verse 23 manifestation of divine visitation in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,song of solomon (song of songs),1,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says in zephaniah chapter 1 verse 28 romans chapter 1 verse 28 he said because men refused to retain,zephaniah,1,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 28 there but um yeah verse verse 31 is from jonah 19 18. i mentioned that because a lot of people,jonah,19,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 18 and i'm reading from verse 24. 1 samuel chapter 65 are you there,1 samuel,65,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 65 verse 24 has visited in his anger he says in a ezekiel 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,ezekiel,35,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 35 verse 16 you a love with everlasting love in amos chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,amos,5,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 8 name of jesus father you did it before in ezekiel of apostle 13 44,ezekiel,13,44.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 44 peculiar people serious for good work in john chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,john,21,7.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 7 they came to mara that's verse 23 of haggai 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,haggai,15,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 15 verse 23 verse 24. haggai chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say,haggai,33,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 24 say likewise ezekiel 8 26 likewise the spirit also affect our,ezekiel,8,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 26 the notes blame 1 peter chapter 1 verse 26,1 peter,1,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 26 you have a couple scriptures like in the 1 john passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,1 john,22,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 3 who can be against us he went further in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 at 7. romans 8 at,song of solomon (song of songs),8,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 7 prophets they speak the word but if you go down in 2 kings chapter 8 verse number 5 and 6 it says and philip,2 kings,8,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 5 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to 3 john chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about,3 john,5,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 12 thee well looking at hosea chapter 10 verse 27 proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolonged,hosea,10,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 27 description of the coalition's advance mark 38 15 and 16 then you will come from your place out of the far north you,mark,38,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 38 verse 15 church for life obadiah 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,obadiah,23,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 2 chapter 2 reading from verse status 7 2 peter chapter 2 worried him from the status 7 the passion for priceless,2 peter,2,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 7 people started to read the bible and apply what 1 peter 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,1 peter,13,46.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 46 eventually crushed him gassed him esther 9 verse 25 i was sitting with a man a preacher in new york who had a,esther,9,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 25 bear with me talkative next 2 peter 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said,2 peter,10,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 19 "earth, to the nations. in 3 john 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",3 john,45,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 45 verse 5 prayers family matters anybody have those issues luke 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,luke,14,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 26 the messiah 600 years before christ in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write,ecclesiastes,7,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 13 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please titus chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,titus,3,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 21 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 2 corinthians 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,2 corinthians,51,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 51 verse 11 what the lord has for us it says this in 2 peter 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,2 peter,13,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 5 saying here to abraham and isaac and to jacob and notice what he says numbers 3 and verse 8 and the scriptures or the,numbers,3,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 8 first and in the book of 1 samuel 4 19 philippians 4 19 he said my god,1 samuel,4,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 19 grace that makes great zechariah chapter four verse six but he gave it more grace wherefore he,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 back again and read from verse 9 verse 9 titus chapter,titus,1,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 9 three creatures let's look at that before we see what they said 1 john chapter 42 the lord said in verse 7 the last,1 john,42,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 42 verse 7 verse 16 joshua chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,joshua,10,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 16 we're going to find it twice in the book of 1 chronicles it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and,1 chronicles,10,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 25 that can make anything happen in one day in leviticus chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,leviticus,12,41.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 41 perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in matthew 4 and verse 6,matthew,4,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 6 that meant that's mentioned again in 1 thessalonians 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,1 thessalonians,16,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 12 who teach you the word follow their faith 2 kings 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,2 kings,13,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 7 at the completion of the tabernacle habakkuk chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,habakkuk,40,34.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 40 verse 34 the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in malachi 12 verse 13 we all know the passover,malachi,12,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 13 seed tonight let's read from his word song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verses 9 and 10.,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to micah hey what a great leader you are,micah,8,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 22 the steadfast firmness in the better covenant psalms chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein,psalms,6,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 17 difficulties or trouble esther starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in,esther,1,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 7 and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in 2 corinthians chapter 2 malachi chapter 2,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 and i'm reading from verse 24. ruth chapter 65 are you there,ruth,65,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 65 verse 24 amen amen all right so the bible says in haggai chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above,haggai,4,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 23 terah died and then ezekiel 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much,ezekiel,12,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 4 the knowledge of who christ is esther chapter 15 a meeting from verse 16.,esther,15,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 16 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again job chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,job,7,13.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 13 i am redeemed for the top topmost stop and the anchor is job chapter number 32 from verse 9 to 14.,job,32,9.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 9 we're going to be praying about that 1 timothy 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,1 timothy,14,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 17 you know the story of joseph ecclesiastes 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,ecclesiastes,37,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 37 verse 5 verse 5 malachi chapter number 1 verse 5 when jeremiah was coming face to face with his assignment for life and he was,malachi,1,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 5 according to 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,2 samuel,4,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 25 of righteousness will arise verse 2 of malachi chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 i can have it that's why he asked for it 1 thessalonians 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17,1 thessalonians,13,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 14 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 2 john chapter 8,2 john,8,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 6 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says esther 1 23 continue,esther,1,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 23 joy in the holy ghost the bible says in 2 kings chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 22. but the fruit,2 kings,5,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 22 that's the prison that men are in but in haggai chapter 8 and verse 2 romans chapter 8 and verse 2 the great apostle,haggai,8,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 2 i read joel chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,joel,10,27.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 27 we're reading from verse nine amos chapter four reading from verse nine it says two are,amos,4,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 9 is what confessed dominion that domino is established in ezra chapter 2 verse 6. he won anyway,ezra,2,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 6 looking at 2 peter chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says,2 peter,8,34.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 34 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in philemon 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,philemon,15,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 2 amen 2 corinthians 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,2 corinthians,34,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 34 verse 25 let's make it loud and stronger 1 kings 9 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it had lighted upon israel,1 kings,9,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 8 and we're reading from verse seven john chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,john,5,7.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 7 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven ruth chapter six,ruth,6,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 7 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of haggai 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",haggai,1,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 5 verse number 19. zechariah 43 verse number 19.,zechariah,43,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 43 verse 19 faith to deliver maximally in ezra chapter 12 verse 11,ezra,12,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 11 it spring the issues of life and then philemon 4 23 so keeping your heart here this idea is about,philemon,4,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 23 in this church mark 23 verse 2 he makes me to lie down in green pastures please rise with,mark,23,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 2 so it's clear in the bible in jude 12 31 that human sacrifice was a pagan,jude,12,31.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 31 his top most requirement the john 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,john,7,23.0,1.0,john chapter 7 verse 23 and that's something that we read also in 2 corinthians and chapter read in romans chapter 8 it says there in verse 26 in,2 corinthians,8,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 26 but one bumbling says in john 2 8 he humbled himself,john,2,8.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 8 mighty name of jesus 1 timothy 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,1 timothy,26,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 27 whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed numbers 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical,numbers,9,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 6 draw water that is spiritual drink obadiah 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,obadiah,17,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 5 chapter seven eight excuse me ezekiel chapter eight verse seven,ezekiel,8,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 7 know how to do it psalms 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,psalms,5,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 18 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of song of solomon (song of songs) 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,song of solomon (song of songs),8,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 29 the lord titus 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,titus,36,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 36 verse 25 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in mark chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,mark,36,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 36 verse 25 in high places let's look at matthew chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,matthew,6,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 11 them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart 2 chronicles 15 number 16. when god's word begins to,2 chronicles,15,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 16 all right 2 samuel chapter 14 from verse 17 romans 14 17 the bible says for the kingdom of god,2 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in matthew 2 17 where it says let the priests who,matthew,2,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 17 zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 the book of 2 kings chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,2 kings,6,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 12 in all things this is the essence of ruth chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,ruth,1,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 15 verse 8 titus 11 verse 8,titus,11,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 8 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to 3 john chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29,3 john,29,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 17 psalms 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,psalms,24,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 24 verse 2 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in ezra 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,ezra,14,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 28 it's also reiterated by the prophet 2 chronicles chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,2 chronicles,62,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 62 verse 6 from verse 25 numbers chapter 7 we're reading from verse 25,numbers,7,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 25 in the story i told you earlier on job 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,job,32,24.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 24 quoted three times in the new you better take heed to it in 2 kings and chapter 1 and verse 17 we read romans,2 kings,1,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 hardened obstinate in chapter 7 of mark verse 11 it says but he refused to,mark,7,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 11 fought will be formed in vain in haggai chapter 1 verse 28 collusions chapter 1,haggai,1,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 28 your words can i hear bigger amen 3 john chapter 23 and verse 19 says,3 john,23,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 19 uh 1 john talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,1 john,1,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 19 so prayer is classified as label in the book of 1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 and verse 12,1 kings,12,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 2 peter chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,2 peter,2,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 6 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in nehemiah chapter 2 verse 42,nehemiah,2,42.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 42 numbers chapter 13 verse 4 hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 why our texts will be taken from matthew,numbers,13,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 4 1 timothy chapter one i'm reading from verse five revelation chapter one verse five and from jesus christ,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 bible said that she went and sat colossians chapter 21 verse verse 14. so abram rose early in the morning and took,colossians,21,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 21 verse 14 in joel chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,joel,5,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 11 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in 2 john 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame,2 john,12,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 11 2 john 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,2 john,3,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 18 blessings luke 36 27,luke,36,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 36 verse 27 to the part in 1 john 740 is where we're out in the book of acts the path of idolatry acts 740,1 john,7,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 4 multiplication not addition multiplication because in 1 peter 22 from verse 15 to 18,1 peter,22,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 15 and not you should be zephaniah 1 8 is very clear it doesn't say after you get power you,zephaniah,1,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 8 7 mark verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives,mark,7,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 18 manifestation of divine visitation in job chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,job,1,14.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 14 life because jude 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,jude,37,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 37 verse 7 through this year 3 john chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,3 john,2,46.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 46 and i'm reading from verse 11 mark chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah,mark,11,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 11 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to 2 john chapter one we're reading from verse 3,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 turn with me to the book of jonah romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then,jonah,13,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 4 from verse 17 to 37 4 judges 17 from verse 17 to 37 you discover that in this case of david,judges,17,37.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 37 christ 1 kings 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,1 kings,23,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 26 who can make that claim it is a god as the god of all flesh john chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12,john,12,9.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 9 morning 1 timothy chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,1 timothy,5,42.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 42 i want us to look at it again read with me obadiah chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,obadiah,1,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 5 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation ruth 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,ruth,15,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 4 shame god will never put to shame his people 2 john 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself,2 john,50,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 50 verse 5 they came to mara that's verse 23 of ezekiel 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,ezekiel,15,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 15 verse 23 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of micah chapter 5 verse 24.,micah,5,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 24 "modern vernacular. but in micah 26 verse 6, 7, 8 and 9, it describes isaac and it says, ""he was sporting with his",micah,26,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 6 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to haggai chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about,haggai,5,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 12 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,ecclesiastes,12,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 jude chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,jude,3,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 15 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously ruth chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,ruth,2,42.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 42 tonight in jesus name in malachi chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,malachi,13,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 8 there wasn't death before but by time you get to esther chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,esther,4,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 8 8 that the spirit of god cries out within us same about 2 chronicles 8 verse 15 about father it's dad this is one of the great,2 chronicles,8,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 15 the works of darkness it says over in amos chapter 6 and verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,amos,6,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 11 paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in jude chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16,jude,3,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 16 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what esther 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,esther,2,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 5 should not swear at all in that titus 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,titus,5,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 12 of christ in this church this year esther chapter 2 verse 6 and verse 41 i paraphrase says,esther,2,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 6 to go to the city judges 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,judges,10,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 15 people to give unto me we're looking at luke chapter 12 romans chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 11,luke,12,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 11 temptation amos 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been,amos,1,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 12 darkness and in sin which is to lie in 1 timothy the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,1 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 "it's a book that i did on the holy spirit. but listen to malachi chapter 8 and verse 9 verse ""however, you are not in the flesh but in",malachi,8,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 9 like in 2 timothy chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,2 timothy,1,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 but you know the rest of the story by the time we go to leviticus danny chapter 6 4 19 to 28,leviticus,6,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 4 of operation by all means this coming sunday joshua chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,joshua,20,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 9 god for every one of us in joshua chapter 12 and verse 3 the word of god tells us there he said,joshua,12,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 3 so it's no big deal habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 says in ecclesiastes chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,ecclesiastes,32,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 32 verse 24 authority of god himself luke chapter 7 verse 38 in acts chapter 7 verse 30 age the ss he that was in the,luke,7,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 3 the obedience it is in the obedience ecclesiastes 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,ecclesiastes,1,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 19 say loud amen 2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,2 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 one must repent before he can be forgiven 2 kings chapter 2 38 to 41 you must act,2 kings,2,38.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 38 he eats it to the bottom in fact it's translated in 3 john 19 21 by the word and english gorged you don't like,3 john,19,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 21 our bible passage for today is taken from 2 kings chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8,2 kings,8,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 23 talks about how to face adversity in zechariah 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,zechariah,3,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 17 of god giving us the promised land little by little 1 corinthians 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by,1 corinthians,23,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 3 you that yet i'm telling you i'll read it to you titus chapter 3 verse 6. on account,titus,3,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 6 of truth in 2 john 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans,2 john,2,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 4 thing right in 1 corinthians continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says,1 corinthians,5,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 a loophole to step into 2 kings 4 verse 26 that we read be angry but say no don't let the sun go,2 kings,4,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 26 faith will not walk with a fake life in ezra chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is,ezra,17,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 9 in 1 timothy chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like,1 timothy,25,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 25 verse 11 you remember the bible said in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 determine his confession paul was able to say in colossians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,colossians,4,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 18 in the old testament we see it in the new testament joshua 7 9 says therefore,joshua,7,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 9 chapter 23 in jonah chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should,jonah,23,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 19 chapter 3 13 to 18 malachi 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,malachi,3,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 13 exalted is in 1 samuel in chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 it's very interesting to see that when god sent,1 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 why do i say this the bible says in jonah 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,jonah,1,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 3 compared the heart of man to his stone 2 thessalonians 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,2 thessalonians,17,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 9 manifestation 2 peter chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,2 peter,4,29.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 29 verse 3 1 chronicles 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,1 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 just look at lucifer's fall in hosea chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,hosea,28,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 28 verse 17 may get him rich it is the blessing of the lord matthew chapter 10 verse 22 is my witness,matthew,10,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 22 and we are going to be taking our test from matthew chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and,matthew,8,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 18 chapter 1 reading from verse 14. in philemon chapter 1 verse 14 and profited in the jewish religion,philemon,1,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 14 continue to be supernaturally met obadiah 3 and verse 17 the lord i god in the midst of this mighty he will save,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 well in all things not answering again it tells us in 1 peter chapter 3,1 peter,3,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 3 his word to us zephaniah 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,zephaniah,7,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 7 i'm taking my text from 3 john chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,3 john,1,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 12 the our past is not remembered verse 17 2 peter 10 17. and right now,2 peter,10,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 17 amen look at the promise of god for your life in philemon 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,philemon,45,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 45 verse 2 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular mark 19 and verse 10,mark,19,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 9 is inimity against god ezra 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after,ezra,8,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 5 gonna read a few verses if you're still there in ezekiel 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just,ezekiel,9,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 5 "the one who sought him. and then 1 john 8 verse 17 says, ""those who diligently seek me will find me.""",1 john,8,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 17 is available the bible says in 2 samuel chapter 7 verse 25,2 samuel,7,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 25 to walk humbly with my god in philemon chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15,philemon,33,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 33 verse 15 so i'll read hosea 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house,hosea,10,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 21 12 1 kings 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,1 kings,1,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 12 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation ruth 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,ruth,15,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 4 psalms chapter 3 in ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading here from verse 20,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 reading there from verse 19 micah chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,micah,2,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 19 life 2 thessalonians chapter 6 and verse 4. it enables believers to work in the,2 thessalonians,6,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 4 we're taking the memory verses from the from obadiah five 22 and 23 it goes those,obadiah,5,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 22 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of leviticus continuing with the creation account a,leviticus,2,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 what we step into in our tomorrow zechariah 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,zechariah,29,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 29 verse 11 so paul says it right there in 1 chronicles 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,1 chronicles,3,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 23 12 titus chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,titus,12,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 22 chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to 2 chronicles chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning,2 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 power 2 thessalonians 1 3 arise and shine because,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 transformation in 2 thessalonians 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he,2 thessalonians,32,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 24 17. in mark chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,mark,14,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 17 reading that maybe that whole chapter of amos 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance,amos,12,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 13 killed but we read in lamentations 11 40 verse 39 sorry all of these,lamentations,11,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 verse 23 very important script i want us to read together tonight lamentations 6 verse 23 please can we projected i want i want,lamentations,6,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 23 thank you look at 1 corinthians chapter 14. 28 as they are not known,1 corinthians,14,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 28 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at numbers 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,numbers,22,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 2 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from 2 corinthians chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,2 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of malachi chapter 4 and verse 2,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 is made available in the name of jesus the bible says in the book of mark of 10 38 he says how god anointed jesus of,mark,10,38.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 38 to undo what he had done the day they came in obadiah in exodus 32 from verse 25 to 26,obadiah,32,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 32 verse 25 is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in lamentations 20 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to,lamentations,20,65.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 65 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from ruth chapter 36 verse 27,ruth,36,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 36 verse 27 verse 26 in joel chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man,joel,1,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 26 of his success he told us in the book of lamentations 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7,lamentations,71,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 71 verse 7 spirit it's in fulfillment of psalms 8 verse 18 i and the children,psalms,8,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 18 i am reading from the book of micah chapter 4 verse 24.,micah,4,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 24 reading from verse 2. 1 timothy of the apostles chapter 6 we're reading from verse 2,1 timothy,6,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 2 nahum chapter 4 verse 6 read for let's go to five and six philippians 4 verse 5 so then your gentleness be known to all,nahum,4,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 5 end we need his grace 1 samuel chapter 12 and verse 28,1 samuel,12,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 28 walking with god there are many others let's look at 1 peter chapter 2 malachi chapter to a medium from verse 4,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 consequences of sin we know this from numbers 3 23 all have sinned all have fallen short of,numbers,3,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 23 the importance of hearing god's voice like in job 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,job,1,11.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 11 ecclesiastes chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,ecclesiastes,8,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 13 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this joel chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,joel,39,39.0,1.0,joel chapter 39 verse 39 collusions 2 we have numbers 2 13 to 14 and you've been dead in your sins and,numbers,2,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 13 chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 zephaniah chapter 8 verse 19,zephaniah,8,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 19 by the gods of all might look at habakkuk chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27,habakkuk,22,27.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 27 just a filter system right when we look at ezekiel 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,ezekiel,4,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 8 scripture for our talk is in leviticus 4 verse 7 the bible says,leviticus,4,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 7 anyways i was reading nehemiah 43 and isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and when you,nehemiah,43,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 43 verse 2 that ricky pickering says mike what does it mean in 2 thessalonians 6 verse 5 and the the phrase from genesis 6 5 is that the lord,2 thessalonians,6,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 5 and they have nothing to do again obadiah 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,obadiah,2,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 14 tells us what we need to do i nahum chapter 62 i'll read verse verse six and okay verse six number,nahum,62,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 62 verse 6 people and the sheep of his pasture and look at jude chapter 10 while reading from verse 12 we're following,jude,10,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 12 but that's where you have to start 1 samuel 1 32 all after all the lists of immorality,1 samuel,1,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 32 the man inside the grace of god look at habakkuk chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,habakkuk,5,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 17 the great promises of the bible look at 2 chronicles 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and,2 chronicles,21,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 4 look at nehemiah chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,nehemiah,11,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 4 he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile zechariah in him you also when you heard the word of truth the,zechariah,1,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 13 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god ruth 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,ruth,10,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 17 our memory verse is from 2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 7.,2 chronicles,19,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 7 of all events in our lives it says in job chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,job,2,22.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 22 recon that reconciliation demands repentance 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,2 timothy,3,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 19 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ mark 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,mark,8,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 9 in prayer luke 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,luke,12,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 12 the old harmon of god as you see in leviticus 6 11.,leviticus,6,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 11 and book phenomenon with the bible every day 2 timothy 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,2 timothy,32,47.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 32 verse 47 zephaniah 12 6 6 7 and 8 romans 12 6 7 and 8 was talking to us about the fact that,zephaniah,12,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 6 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to 2 chronicles chapter one verse eight,2 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 that ricky pickering says mike what does it mean in ezra 6 verse 5 and the the phrase from genesis 6 5 is that the lord,ezra,6,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 5 mentality first i mean 3 john 2 20 galatians 2 20.,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart 2 john 15 number 16. when god's word begins to,2 john,15,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 16 book of lamentations chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,lamentations,39,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 39 verse 9 how you move from negative emotions to positive zephaniah chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,zephaniah,4,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 6 2 kings chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,2 kings,8,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 3 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,2 chronicles,3,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 turn with me to 1 corinthians in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if,1 corinthians,1,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 to shave in the mighty name of jesus joel 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,joel,54,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 54 verse 4 water we snare souls or ruth 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of,ruth,11,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 3 you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in luke 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and,luke,10,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 17 his word to us 2 samuel chapter 32 and verse 24 genesis 32 24,2 samuel,32,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 24 as he pleases hosea 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,hosea,32,39.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 39 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" joshua again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",joshua,8,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 9 that upheld god in high esteem mark 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,mark,41,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 41 verse 14 ways i want to read it carefully 2 samuel 19 verse 3 the foolishness of man perverteth his,2 samuel,19,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 3 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in song of solomon (song of songs) 27 when you read verse 20,song of solomon (song of songs),27,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 27 verse 2 number two you need to meditate meditate psalms 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in 2 chronicles revelation 21 verse 7,2 chronicles,21,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 7 already pre to committed himself into that look at ezra chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15,ezra,3,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 15 lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of matthew 9 19 or chapter 9,matthew,9,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 19 creation together um it's entirely about the deity of jesus so yeah 2 john 22 13 should be paired with revelation 1,2 john,22,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 22 verse 13 church for their restoration and breakthroughs in habakkuk chapter 1 and verse 17 he said but upon,habakkuk,1,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 uses this expression to refer to god's word micah 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,micah,20,32.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 32 because he chose he became a virtual tour now when you read luke chapter 34 verse 25 to 30 number 13 25 to 30 you,luke,34,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 34 verse 25 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in leviticus 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",leviticus,14,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 28 thank god for that look at ezra chapter 29 reading from verse 12 of job chapter 29,ezra,29,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 29 verse 12 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at 1 kings chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,1 kings,3,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 2 you can't kill somebody's already dead amos chapter 2 verse 20 valishia 2 verse 24 say i am crucified with christ,amos,2,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 2 few jobs in the bible one of them is fun in colossians 46 verse 13 was the grandson of jacob the son of issachar one of the,colossians,46,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 46 verse 13 amen ezekiel 44 verse 3 for i will pour water upon him that is,ezekiel,44,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 44 verse 3 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" zephaniah again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",zephaniah,8,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 9 okay stay with 12 now 2 john 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,2 john,26,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 12 2 corinthians 25 7 to 8 i want you to read with me isaiah 25 verse 7 to 8 and 9.,2 corinthians,25,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 7 and this is why i included this part of the scripture in it in joel 11 let's just go back really quick to 31,joel,11,31.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 31 deceiving themselves jude 1 26,jude,1,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 26 ruth chapter 16 from verse 18 to the end judges 16 18 to the end that's the case of something,ruth,16,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 18 so in the same eternal me 28 was 13 2 timothy 28 verse 13 after he said hearken diligently to his voice in verse,2 timothy,28,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 28 verse 13 blood that makes atonement for the soul come to joshua chapter 17 leviticus chapter 17 were reading from verse 11,joshua,17,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 17 verse 11 from numbers chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,numbers,8,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 23 john went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,john,1,3.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 3 and they were wicked and this is this is their crime repeatedly haggai 9 13 they forsaken my law that i set,haggai,9,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 13 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god luke chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,luke,4,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 3 above philemon chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17.,philemon,3,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 17 that fight these battles for you job chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,job,12,31.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 31 the journey in jesus name nehemiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,nehemiah,15,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 2 and tired of his defeated life he read ezra chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,ezra,7,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 7 there's an element of this in the scripture in job 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil,job,1,39.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 39 why did god forbid the eating of blood well judges 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the,judges,12,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 23 axe the early church we see them fasting john chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,john,13,13.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 13 she wasn't aware of it so we'll pick up nehemiah chapter four verse eight through twelve only they basically i don't know,nehemiah,4,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 8 bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 and then the next passage is in titus ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 and there it says praying always with,titus,6,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 18 he finds god song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 are you from verse 3,song of solomon (song of songs),23,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 3 what is the fruit of christ well paul gives us 9 in hosea 5 22 to 23. he talks about the fruit of the spirit,hosea,5,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 22 give god thanks just as noah did in the book of matthew chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided,matthew,8,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 2 you understood it but you need grace and there are two verses in 2 timothy 4 verse 7 and 1 peter 5 verse 5 it says god gives us grace to,2 timothy,4,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 7 chapter 3 13 to 18 amos 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,amos,3,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 13 chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 2 kings 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people,2 kings,12,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 14 give song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,song of solomon (song of songs),4,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to 1 samuel chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,1 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 zephaniah chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of,zephaniah,9,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 24 in other words he doesn't grow old in fact his name according to 3 john chapter 7 verse 9,3 john,7,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 9 says there have to be multiple witnesses 2 peter 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of,2 peter,19,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 15 line and the book of mark chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11 verse 15 i think we just do one act 11 verse 15 bubbles's,mark,11,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 15 in 1 corinthians 8 anybody know romans 8 28 amen thank you romans 8 28 wonderful verse you must know that let's read it,1 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of 1 chronicles in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,1 chronicles,5,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in 3 john chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,3 john,12,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 7 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest 2 john 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,2 john,4,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 8 contained in ordinances amazing statement again in john 2 verses 13 through 17 really if we were to read,john,2,13.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 13 you will see your health bounce to back praise the lord right now 1 kings 3 verse 8 you will not be able to go there,1 kings,3,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 8 says in psalms in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 i said you'll be more zealous than those people look at 1 samuel chapter 10 and i'm reading from verse 2 romans chapter 10,1 samuel,10,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 2 i don't wanna be deceived now back in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 he says in verse 2,song of solomon (song of songs),3,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 there was a prophecy joshua 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,joshua,15,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 13 have faith have faith because in 2 kings 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 to me if you don't have a bible there philemon chapter 9 verse 19 yes thou in thy manifold moses that's it that's it,philemon,9,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 19 our bible in the book of judges chapter 1 isaiah 1 verse 18 tells us the come now and let us reason together saith the,judges,1,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 18 jude chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham,jude,4,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 5 you fall 1 samuel 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,1 samuel,24,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 24 verse 16 that's micah chapter 11 verse 7 we can turn there just so that you know hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 i've given you a,micah,11,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 7 that marriage is to prove to provide hell nehemiah chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,nehemiah,2,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 18 a blessing according to haggai 7 verse 7 hebrews 7 verse 7.,haggai,7,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 7 reporters justified he has also glorified ezra 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ,ezra,8,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 3 we read from verse 15 to 17 habakkuk 5 from 15 to 17.,habakkuk,5,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 15 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to 3 john chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,3 john,6,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 5 and a cult idol of the old testament we read in malachi 718 the children gather would the father's kindle fire and the,malachi,7,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 18 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in 3 john 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,3 john,12,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 12 let's look at our last two commandments nahum chapter 20 verses 16 and 17 can we have angela at the group please,nahum,20,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 16 you know this early 1 timothy 39 verse 7 to 16 genesis 13 / 7 to 16 a bible said when the wife of potiphar began to show,1 timothy,39,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 39 verse 7 lifestyle we're told in haggai chapter 3 verse 3 revelation chapter 3 when,haggai,3,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 3 what you expect to have as good a 2 timothy chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,2 timothy,1,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 12 should not swear at all in that 2 john 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,2 john,5,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 12 6 12 years colossians 6 12 say children obey your parents to the lord for this,colossians,6,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 12 at ecclesiastes chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see,ecclesiastes,42,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 42 verse 2 you and when you read 2 john chapter 12 verse 2,2 john,12,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 2 people will live super long lives 2 chronicles 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,2 chronicles,65,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 65 verse 2 he lost permanently is bet right malachi 25 genesis 25 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 and look at what he said in the in a,malachi,25,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 25 verse 29 zephaniah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,zephaniah,57,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 57 verse 18 bring darkness matthew 20 verse 20 whosoever curses his father or his,matthew,20,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 20 verse 2 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,2 thessalonians,2,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 us now in ezra chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not,ezra,1,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 16 somebody shouted believe in amen quickly micah 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory,micah,26,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 12 childhood matthew chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,matthew,3,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 16 become a blessing in order that 2 john 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,2 john,3,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 14 ever how judges 17 four five four two five north bones,judges,17,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 4 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 joshua 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,joshua,51,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 51 verse 11 2 kings chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,2 kings,11,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 24 multitudes this coming sunday 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land,2 kings,12,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 12 zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,zechariah,4,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, esther 50 verses 19 to 21.",esther,50,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 50 verse 19 this year and amos chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,amos,2,47.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 47 chapter 2 verse 20 ecclesiastes was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 we read of one of those prophecies in 2 peter which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was,2 peter,8,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 17 in um the anchor scripture still remains psalms chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,psalms,14,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 17 doesn't contradict it so if it says in 1 thessalonians 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,1 thessalonians,6,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 23 straight now remember i read you earlier right from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 the opening and then down in verses 9 and 10 isaiah,song of solomon (song of songs),40,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 verse 9 1 peter chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater,1 peter,1,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 16 toward god or turning away from him 1 john 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,1 john,1,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 6 time for personal supplication in 2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 45. the scripture says they are filled not,2 thessalonians,21,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 21 stronger this morning micah chapter 9 and verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob,micah,9,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 8 supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see leviticus chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind,leviticus,8,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 6 reading from verse 7 ruth 1 verse 7 in whom,ruth,1,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 7 what happened in jonah we should be started in malachi let's turn there in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 now this is,jonah,1,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 6 in 1 kings chapter 7 verse 29 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 29,1 kings,7,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 29 somebody shout hallelujah 1 kings three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,1 kings,3,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 2 separated from one another esther 2 19 says you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow,esther,2,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 19 from um psalms chapter 10 verse 3 and mordecai the jew was next onto the king as aseros,psalms,10,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 3 that is really deep malachi 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from,malachi,8,38.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 38 since the year began a better amen leviticus 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,leviticus,118,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 118 verse 23 it applies here so job 4 26 in this passage we have instruction,job,4,26.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 26 submission 1 samuel chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,1 samuel,2,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 5 you are accepted of god in 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,2 thessalonians,10,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 15 present comfort that i found at the end of philemon to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,philemon,5,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 11 think peter healed uh raise the dead in 2 peter 9 chapter verse 40 but did the apostles ever feed the 5 0 no,2 peter,9,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 4 divine watchers 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 13,1 samuel,4,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 13 our prayer focus today is holiness 2 john chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,2 john,1,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 9 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this 2 peter 2 verses 28 and 29,2 peter,2,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 28 2 peter chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers,2 peter,3,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 14 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm 2 timothy 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it,2 timothy,5,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 21 is wise ruth 11 30 and the why shall they hear the glory,ruth,11,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 3 is the lord of lords according to 2 thessalonians 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,2 thessalonians,19,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 16 despise not thou the chastening of the lord matthew 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,matthew,12,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 5 you are named after christ according to zechariah chapter 11 verse 26 that's 11 verse 26 and so you already,zechariah,11,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 26 matthew chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,matthew,19,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 19 verse 6 in christ and then we come to verse 5 of haggai chapter 16. so the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily,haggai,16,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 5 3 john 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through,3 john,4,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 13 1 john chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,1 john,4,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 13 blessed before birth in nahum 49 verse 8 to 10 genesis 49 verse 8 to 10,nahum,49,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 49 verse 8 chapter 3 13 to 18 2 samuel 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,2 samuel,3,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 13 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in ezra 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,ezra,61,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 61 verse 3 and here it says in verse 12 37 1 kings believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,1 kings,12,37.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 37 blessing will pay any price for that if you read psalms 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly,psalms,27,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 5 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to matthew chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,matthew,3,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 12 this killer is identified in nahum chapter 26 verse 2 proverbs 26 2 a killer,nahum,26,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 26 verse 2 into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray psalms 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing,psalms,16,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 25 matthew 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17 and verse 5.,matthew,17,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 17 verse 5 prayers and in closing we are going to look at two passages ezra chapter 8 verse 26,ezra,8,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 26 failure proof in psalms chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,psalms,21,45.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 45 they're not 1 kings 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are,1 kings,6,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 4 reading that maybe that whole chapter of nahum 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance,nahum,12,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 13 now we're looking at philemon chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37,philemon,8,37.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 37 it in their lives uh according to what we read in obadiah 4 and verse 13 there they saw the effect of it in their lives,obadiah,4,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 13 first chapter 29 verse 18 the first part psalms 29 18 where there is no vision the people cast,psalms,29,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 29 verse 18 "every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, 1 kings 12, starting in verse four it says,",1 kings,12,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 4 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in john 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,john,20,14.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 14 a loud amen hosea 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,hosea,5,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 14 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in 1 john 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,1 john,5,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 18 all the days of your life now in joshua 3 15 there is held out this,joshua,3,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 15 judgment 2 john 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god,2 john,9,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 27 and his love is wonderful but according to 3 john chapter 12 verse 6,3 john,12,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 6 more here 1 peter 6 verse 20 when darius reached the den after daniel had spent the night in the dan darius was anxious,1 peter,6,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 2 from sin why did he bother good question the answer everybody memorizes 2 thessalonians 2 verse 8 and 9 they're coming everybody,2 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 our prayer focus today is holiness colossians chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 needless to say nothing is done without golf in this so the fire ezra chapter 1 verse 16 verse 20 amos chapter 1 i will,ezra,1,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 16 jesus name job chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from,job,1,5.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 5 to heaven at least they thought they did and in jude 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul,jude,11,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 28 girls your field and amassed what the holy ghost in fact were told in ruth chapter 8 verse 9 he that has not the,ruth,8,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 9 let it become your experience from now but look at the secret leviticus 5 verse 12 psalms chapter 5 verse 12 for thou o,leviticus,5,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 12 you god is leading me hallelujah 2 john 5 again verse 13 now joshua ghost is moving in i remember the menís thesis,2 john,5,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 13 everything i just said which i think is faithful to 1 timothy 1 faithful to second corinthians 3 verse 18 faithful to john,1 timothy,3,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 18 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and psalms peoples in his heart,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 verse 4 john chapter 12 verse 4 for just as each of us,john,12,4.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 4 collusions chapter 3 a reading from verse 12 mark chapter 3 verse 12,mark,3,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 12 and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience job 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about,job,24,16.0,1.0,job chapter 24 verse 16 17 ezra chapter 10 verse 17 the bible,ezra,10,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 17 hosea chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 2 deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2,hosea,32,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 2 this church that amen can be stronger and in philemon chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,philemon,13,48.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 48 world the word of god declares in habakkuk 23 verse 18.,habakkuk,23,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 18 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of zechariah and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,zechariah,3,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 12 to go to the city obadiah 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,obadiah,10,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 15 man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in jude chapter 9 26 to 43,jude,9,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 26 this he says paul says in john 4 5 that there's only one faith,john,4,5.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 5 your what says in leviticus 19 11 that,leviticus,19,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 11 in christ jesus so if you're there in 2 timothy chapter 15 find verse 13,2 timothy,15,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 13 god will give us his power his gifts but 2 peter 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,2 peter,42,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 42 verse 8 relationship right in 1 samuel 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas,1 samuel,15,39.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 15 verse 39 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 2 corinthians 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of,2 corinthians,8,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 12 what the scripture says in the book of joel chapter 26 and verse 8,joel,26,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 8 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of 2 john chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,2 john,9,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 5 you know what happened verses later in verse 9 and the lord said to paul hosea 18 9 the lord said to paul one night in,hosea,18,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 9 he's a spiritual jew haggai chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,haggai,2,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 28 yearning for the more that god wants to do with us lamentations 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an,lamentations,8,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 19 our bible passage for today is taken from 2 peter chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8,2 peter,8,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 23 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of 2 chronicles jeremiah 29,2 chronicles,29,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 29 verse 29 just remember that lamentations 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,lamentations,5,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 15 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed 1 chronicles chapter 6 reading from verse 18,1 chronicles,6,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 18 believers in 3 john chapter 43 verse 25 isaiah chapter 43 verse 25,3 john,43,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 43 verse 25 and if you read 2 peter chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,2 peter,17,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 8 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,1 timothy,2,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 4 important thing in the world in in nehemiah chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,nehemiah,40,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 40 verse 5 of your heart then there's judges chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,judges,12,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 2 ark as a messenger is that correct ezekiel 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,ezekiel,8,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 7 know how to go about it in leviticus 21 22 the bible says a wise man,leviticus,21,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 22 the lord verse 13 to 15 comes before malachi this is jesus appearing in a vision and joshua's thinks that is the,malachi,1,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 13 purposes one thing's about one thing about mark 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,mark,8,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 28 together this one world religion and as mark 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,mark,18,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 4 out i want to do this nahum 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,nahum,20,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 17 start so we can all be reminded where we are here so a ezekiel 2 starting at verse 12 let me read down through verse,ezekiel,2,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 12 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,2 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 through the period of the lockdown hosea chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,hosea,17,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 7 looking at 2 peter chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,2 peter,4,36.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 36 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest ruth 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,ruth,4,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 8 granted unto you supernaturally 2 john 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,2 john,9,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 5 a control it controls even donkeys philemon chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,philemon,22,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 21 thought colossians 23 verse 29. [music],colossians,23,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 23 verse 29 reigns the lord almighty reigns obadiah 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,obadiah,10,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 14 leviticus chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 verse 27 has this to offer and they,leviticus,21,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 27 given the date then habakkuk chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,habakkuk,8,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 2 unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in ezekiel chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and,ezekiel,8,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 9 and when you look at the prophecy of obadiah isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah,obadiah,7,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 14 philemon chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,philemon,9,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 18 right with what bible says in the book of ezekiel 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that,ezekiel,4,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 8 faith what is that mean well look with me joshua 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of,joshua,13,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 2 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading song of solomon (song of songs) 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,song of solomon (song of songs),32,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 8 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's malachi 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,malachi,28,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 28 verse 13 to 28. amos chapter 12 of chapter 11 from verse 12.,amos,11,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 12 world the word of god declares in 2 corinthians 23 verse 18.,2 corinthians,23,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 18 your what says in 2 timothy 19 11 that,2 timothy,19,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 11 you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh amos 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my,amos,55,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 55 verse 11 philemon chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,philemon,12,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 3 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from 1 chronicles chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,1 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 determine whether you even have them around you numbers 3 16 the bible says then those who fear the lord,numbers,3,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 16 church ezra chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,ezra,6,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 7 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew philemon 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,philemon,13,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 4 issue that's a bad rule that's the 1 john 328 silver bullet it's a it is,1 john,3,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 28 and out of church tomorrow sunday 1 john 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom,1 john,105,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 105 verse 13 person the bible tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16,song of solomon (song of songs),3,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16 directly 2 peter 34 16 seek out of the book of the lord read none of these shall fail,2 peter,34,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 34 verse 16 employing them psalms 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,psalms,2,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 15 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,song of solomon (song of songs),8,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 13 for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it 2 corinthians 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you,2 corinthians,14,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 we pray in judges 68 and in verse 31 psalm 68 verse 31 the bible said princess shall,judges,68,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 68 verse 31 desire for good health joel 14 19 the evil bow before the good,joel,14,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 19 confessed and on dependency on confessed and no repentance see in colossians 49 3 to 4 genesis 49,colossians,49,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 49 verse 3 of judgment specifically they're called 2 timothy of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,2 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done obadiah 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded,obadiah,8,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 16 ever how 2 chronicles 17 four five four two five north bones,2 chronicles,17,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 4 now may the god of peace this is zephaniah 13 20 and 21 may the god of peace who brought again,zephaniah,13,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 2 prepared themselves in hosea 11 20 it says because of unbelief,hosea,11,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 2 remaineth colossians 8,colossians,1,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 25 the earth for their possession the book of 2 corinthians chapter two and verse eight,2 corinthians,2,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 in 2 peter chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21,2 peter,1,21.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 21 there today 2 chronicles 4 4 hear our god,2 chronicles,4,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 4 chapter 8 verse 22 zechariah chapter 8 reading from verse 22 repent therefore,zechariah,8,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 22 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in 2 thessalonians 20 and verse 32,2 thessalonians,20,32.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 32 tonight zephaniah chapter 14 from verse 7 to 9 it says for there is hope of a tree if it's be,zephaniah,14,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 7 say likewise obadiah 8 26 likewise the spirit also affect our,obadiah,8,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 26 have heard this verse before but i want to read ecclesiastes 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am,ecclesiastes,1,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 13 in judges i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 be involved as well as as well as other things amen luke it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,luke,14,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 17 we are and yet did not sin never fell he was made like us nahum 217 in all things he was tempted like us in all,nahum,2,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 17 we cannot have here is the perfection we can have 1 chronicles 9 and 9 the old testament could not make a worship of,1 chronicles,9,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 9 of a priceless redemption look at philemon chapter 12 verse 2,philemon,12,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 2 then you notice in 3 john chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that,3 john,7,54.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 54 no piece of the lamb could be left. job 12 verses 4 and 43 to 46 indicate that they had to eat the whole lamb.,job,12,4.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 4 drives me to find him more i will find him more because obadiah 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that,obadiah,4,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 8 hardinged pretenders we're looking at 2 peter chapter 14 verse 3 of the children of israel they are,2 peter,14,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 3 gain access to the wisdom of god 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 the word of god tells us he said this is your,2 chronicles,4,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 word of god that way we commit god to deliver his path without fail in ecclesiastes chapter 1 beginning from verse 22 james,ecclesiastes,1,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 22 what said it 2 timothy 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs,2 timothy,17,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 11 the bible says in haggai chapter 17 verse 11 leviticus 17 verse 11 he said the life of the,haggai,17,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 17 verse 11 repented and they were saved here's an example in job chapter 18 verse 30 god speaking to israel he says therefore,job,18,3.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 3 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in ezekiel 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,ezekiel,1,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 25 god was with we're looking at malachi chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19,malachi,19,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 11 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in malachi chapter 22 verse 17,malachi,22,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 17 home that before we leave your god will answer because in malachi chapter 30 verse 22 to 24,malachi,30,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 30 verse 22 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in job 11 14 and 24,job,11,14.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 14 from verse 6 to 12 2 kings 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,2 kings,1,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 6 obedience paul said in ruth 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,ruth,26,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 19 we are waiting for our direction hosea chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day,hosea,2,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 2 the great promises of the bible look at lamentations 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and,lamentations,21,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 4 chapter 4 we're reading from verse 17 2 chronicles 4 reading from verse 17 the yes i say therefore,2 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 answered in jesus name we pray colossians chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,colossians,1,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 6 and they came near obadiah 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,obadiah,45,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 45 verse 4 was no more room for the painters zechariah chapter 12 verse 15 to 17. no room,zechariah,12,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 15 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 1 kings 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,1 kings,27,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 27 verse 5 you know what the scripture say the book of john about 5 by 16 it says no confess your trespasses,john,5,16.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 16 very quickly because your battle is not natural the bible says in 1 corinthians chapter number 6 verse 12 ephesians,1 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from nahum 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting,nahum,59,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 59 verse 2 the nations in the world and this verse is found in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,2 peter,14,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 13 favor leviticus 4 22 and 23 and then,leviticus,4,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 22 as we saw in reuben 1 kings 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,1 kings,49,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 49 verse 3 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done jude 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 1 samuel 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a,1 samuel,22,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 3 i just feel like i'm honoring jonah 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would,jonah,6,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 6 to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers 2 timothy 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees,2 timothy,29,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 13 all the ants that shared blood obadiah 21 12. all that trust in men,obadiah,21,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 12 very important in what we have to do first of them is haggai chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,haggai,22,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 22 they don't even understand this anymore amos 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses esther 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful,esther,4,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 12 to the great day of the lord. you go through 2 timothy 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,2 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 also wrote psalm 72 and some 120 7 he wrote the book of colossians and song of solomon proverbs is a goldmine,colossians,72,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 72 verse 7 you to give light to the heart malachi 49 verse 6 isaiah 49 verse 6 i will also give you,malachi,49,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 49 verse 6 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in joel chapter 66 number seven and eight,joel,66,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 66 verse 7 job 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,job,11,23.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 23 openly allow thy email 2 peter chapter 1 and verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ,2 peter,1,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 16 image of god jonah 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other,jonah,4,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 12 your ability to lead in lamentations chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,lamentations,1,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 26 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen haggai chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,haggai,5,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 5 leviticus chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,leviticus,8,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 14 but in nahum 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign when his son shall be born,nahum,7,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 14 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again ruth 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,ruth,13,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 18 2021 can i hear a bigger amen 1 john 13 verse 19 says and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,1 john,13,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 19 in 3 john 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i will answer you and show you,3 john,3,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 3 is what defines that man's reality 2 chronicles 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart,2 chronicles,27,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 23 what did they omit there look at haggai chapter 19 verse 18.,haggai,19,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 18 and day and night shall not see now in john 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,john,4,15.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 15 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder joel 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,joel,15,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 11 and the bible say god remember him in ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,ecclesiastes,14,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 14 including you is based or is found in 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,2 thessalonians,4,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 reading there from verse 19 micah chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,micah,2,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 19 in the heavenly places in christ 1 timothy chapter one and verse three every single blessing of the holy spirit,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in joel chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,joel,4,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 14 all through this year allow that email 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased and they continued daily,2 thessalonians,2,46.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 46 the lord himself promised us that if we would do that joel 1 8 if you meditate in it day and night you may observe to,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 11 verse 36 nehemiah chapter 11 verse 36 for of him that is of our lord jesus and,nehemiah,11,36.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 36 in jude chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith,jude,4,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 19 immeasurable possibilities we're looking at numbers chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17 here jerry maya chapter 30,numbers,32,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 17 2021 make it louder and stronger micah chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says clearly here the lord god of,micah,1,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 11 remembered and recalled that episode of jahangir let us look at 2 peter chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7,2 peter,49,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 49 verse 7 6 in esther chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,esther,30,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 30 verse 6 now the bible says in obadiah chapter one verse 8.,obadiah,1,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 thinks this is still gonna happen so 2 kings 32 24 it says and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until,2 kings,32,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 32 verse 24 of wisdom and here it says we were at habakkuk chapter 2 verse 12 if you remember,habakkuk,2,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 12 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 ezekiel 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,ezekiel,1,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 4 1 peter chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,1 peter,3,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 7 and in verse 19 that is the saving gospel in habakkuk chapter 3 and in verse 19 he says,habakkuk,3,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 19 the apostle paul says in chapter 1 of amos that when god exalted him he seated him verse 20 at his right hand in,amos,1,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 2 and greater than that of the old testament it tells us in 2 john chapter 3 and reading from verse 24 it is being,2 john,3,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 24 without support or blameless it tells us in zephaniah chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,zephaniah,1,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 23 those who love me then he went on to say in the same john chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8,john,8,35.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 35 matthew chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,matthew,8,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 6 god we become the children of god look at ruth chapter 5 verse 19. in james chapter 5 reading from verse 19 brethren,ruth,5,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 19 verses 6 and 7 3 john chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,3 john,9,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 6 and the people of god said amen judges chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,judges,5,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 9 walls of your heart nahum 28 and verse 18. so it's not bad it's just in one area,nahum,28,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 18 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in hosea 10 9 to 16,hosea,10,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 9 name let me show you one verse of scripture in 1 samuel chapter 28 verse 12 good,1 samuel,28,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 12 in hosea chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 32 numbers chapter 22,hosea,22,32.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 32 strength but by the time you look at 1 samuel chapter 40 verse 31,1 samuel,40,31.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 40 verse 31 and don't forget the promise of haggai 31 8 or he says i will never never,haggai,31,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 31 verse 8 in the prophecy of ezra god says in ezekiel 14 and verse 13 and 14 he says if a country sins against me and so,ezra,14,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 13 jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter,leviticus,2,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 verse 29 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29,2 thessalonians,4,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 order 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 my prayer for the psf,2 thessalonians,2,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it zechariah 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,zechariah,6,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 5 ecclesiastes chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 meet on this earth so but think about two sentences in 2 chronicles 12 verse 2 i will bless you the greatest blessing god,2 chronicles,12,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 2 verses 17 and 18 micah 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more,micah,16,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 17 watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture judges 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom,judges,1,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 11 chapter 17 verse 11 mark chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,mark,17,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 11 clearly who you paradise in your life in 3 john chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking,3 john,3,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 19 as we worship god tonight with our seed 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,1 samuel,28,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 8 hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity 2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said,2 corinthians,29,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 not want us to gather in 1 samuel chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11,1 samuel,3,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 11 they don't even understand this anymore titus 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,titus,5,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 21 completely was something his story is in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,song of solomon (song of songs),13,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 14 who engage in the works of the flesh micah chapter 5 22 verse 21 galatians five 22 21 the abominable unbelieving,micah,5,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 22 fellow is actually born again in mark chapter 6,mark,6,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 6 seven weeks is seven sets of seven years which according to 1 corinthians chapter 25 is 49,1 corinthians,25,49.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 25 verse 49 world says in 1 samuel chapter nine and verse six it is not of him that run it,1 samuel,9,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 unto me philemon 30 verse 19 to 21 a church of giants psalm 87 verse one to,philemon,30,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 19 you even the devil cannot be against you 2 peter chapter 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 so if you saw me turn to god you resist,2 peter,4,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 7 22 it says that samson's hair had grown again and in 1 samuel 1628 we are told that samson is praying again he used to,1 samuel,16,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 28 welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in 1 samuel 29 7. we are called to care about what's,1 samuel,29,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 29 verse 7 person it was a faithful man in 1 john chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22,1 john,39,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 39 verse 6 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in colossians exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,colossians,15,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 6 what does it say 1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,1 peter,4,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 relationship with our sheep listen to uh 1 kings 7 verse 7 which says this remember your leaders those who spoke to,1 kings,7,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 7 on 2 thessalonians 24 again but we're going to read verses 1 through 11 philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 11 therefore,2 thessalonians,21,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 11 in jesus name jude chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,jude,20,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 8 the word of god gives a clear answer in 2 thessalonians chapter 18 verses 7 & 8 which especially applies to christians if at,2 thessalonians,18,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 7 also a platform for the upgrade of faith 2 chronicles verse 20 says he said that you know building up yourself upon your most holy,2 chronicles,1,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 2 today beautiful people our verse is malachi chapter 5 verse 30 which says for we are members of his body point,malachi,5,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 3 talks about how to face adversity in luke 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,luke,3,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 17 brethren can we open to the book of 2 timothy 103 verse 2 psalm 103 verse 2,2 timothy,103,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 103 verse 2 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you ruth chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 see the fruits in 2 timothy 5 22 to 3 to 23 he's mindful of spiritual things,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 positive side of this and i want to turn to jonah chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,jonah,8,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 3 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me malachi 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,malachi,5,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 15 all right so we're gonna start in ruth chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 and it talks about there's one body and,ruth,4,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 6 remembered or come to mind hosea 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,hosea,66,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 66 verse 22 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in micah 18 19,micah,18,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 19 ability compare that with matthew 12 6 having gifts,matthew,12,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 6 24 2 corinthians proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,2 corinthians,24,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 14 prophets did say that about the messiah in 1 peter 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,1 peter,53,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 53 verse 3 the world that is what we call job ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,job,1,17.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 17 we look at esther chapter 4 reading from verse 18 acts chapter 4 verse 18 and they called them and they commanded,esther,4,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 18 called satan which means adversary and obadiah 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,obadiah,1,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 6 or drinking of blood the bible forbids it leviticus 7 26 the bible tells us that you shall not,leviticus,7,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 26 you lose on this and it says in haggai chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,haggai,20,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 15 somebody say solutions micah 25 verse 25 proverbs 25 verse 25 he says as,micah,25,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 25 verse 25 and then to angels and to men in luke chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,luke,3,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 9 for you notetakers i want you to look at 3 john chapter 3 and verses 13 through 18. listen to how,3 john,3,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 13 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to numbers chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 2 samuel chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,2 samuel,8,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 4 1 john chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,1 john,18,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 2 unto death one of course malachi six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,malachi,6,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 4 relate to god on any issue of concern obadiah 5 16 tells us the essential father and prayer of the,obadiah,5,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 16 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in ezekiel chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,ezekiel,34,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 2 this from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 25 to 26 and i believe those words in the night,song of solomon (song of songs),23,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 25 souls into this church titus chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,titus,5,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 12 probably know it it goes like this 1 samuel 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in,1 samuel,10,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 9 notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to hosea as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the,hosea,1,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 16 "and the good news is, according to the opening of judges, nahum chapter 2 and verse 7, is a good word.",nahum,2,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 7 not a single day of my life is boring like it says in numbers 14 verse 14 the living bible says the godly man's,numbers,14,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 14 first place i'll read it to you 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses,2 thessalonians,6,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 5 damnation titus 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the,titus,5,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 22 i'm not going to preach from jude 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,jude,8,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 4 to become the devil how many times only two according to habakkuk chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,habakkuk,2,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 11 doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves psalms warned in 1 chapter 1 verse 22 and hereby we do,psalms,1,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 22 jesus name and looking at micah chapter 9 verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more shall,micah,9,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 14 here um in philemon chapter 5 and verse 15 paul writes see then that you walk,philemon,5,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 15 the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him nahum chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore,nahum,13,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 15 because 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 18 revelation 1 verse 18 says i am the alpha and the omega the one who was who is and mr.,2 timothy,1,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 18 "psalms 5 verse 8 and 9, ""walk in light."" ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16, ""walk in wisdom."" third john 3 and 4, ""walk in truth.""",psalms,5,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 15 the confidence we have is from the scripture 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 and 3 hacking on to the voice of my cry my,1 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 be involved as well as as well as other things amen song of solomon (song of songs) it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,song of solomon (song of songs),14,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 17 crosses have no effect on our lives luke 23 and verse 8 how shall i cross whom god has not,luke,23,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 8 wonders matthew chapter 7 verse 14. talking about jesus in prophecy he said the lord,matthew,7,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 14 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of 2 peter 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,2 peter,4,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 17 canela ezekiel 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 talking of god's love covenant with man colossians 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 account but right her view of 2 john 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs,2 john,3,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 28 a new season starts and a new season will start in your life habakkuk chapter 50 verse 24,habakkuk,50,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 50 verse 24 but he says in verse 20 malachi 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,malachi,7,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 2 righteousness to use the words of paul in ruth 3 24 are by his grace,ruth,3,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 24 to say more than that 2 chronicles turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,2 chronicles,12,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 12 every one of us in jesus name in jonah chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,jonah,3,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 12 up with you mark 8 11 says because sentence against an evil work is not executed,mark,8,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 11 with men are possible with god is that all no habakkuk 32 17. jeremiah 32 the concluding part of verse,habakkuk,32,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 17 in this church haggai chapter 6 verse 7 the word of god increased the number of disciples,haggai,6,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 7 about him to joe satan there's no one like him on the earth zechariah 1 verse 8 who fears god job must,zechariah,1,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what colossians in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,colossians,8,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 36 and all that joshua 36 37 i will build my church it will keep,joshua,36,37.0,1.0,joshua chapter 36 verse 37 thinks this is still gonna happen so colossians 32 24 it says and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until,colossians,32,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 32 verse 24 7 zechariah 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation,zechariah,22,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 14 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water ecclesiastes nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,ecclesiastes,38,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 38 verse 16 very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture joshua chapter 22 verse 29,joshua,22,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 29 one can receive anything from him 1 samuel 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,1 samuel,11,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 6 holy look at nahum chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,nahum,20,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 7 reading from verse 28 in verse 28 nehemiah chapter three there is neither jew,nehemiah,1,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 28 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to zechariah chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,zechariah,22,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 16 and courageous than all others in every generation joel prophesied in chapter 11 verse 32 that in the last days they,joel,11,32.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 32 adam in joshua chapter 3 verse 8 it says and then they heard the sound of the lord,joshua,3,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 8 on that it is still going on we're coming back to 2 kings of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,2 kings,1,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 number five you need to decrease decrease in 2 peter 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to,2 peter,22,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 22 verse 28 himself in 2 peter chapter one verse seven when god asks him,2 peter,1,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 7 and not have time for him in the book of micah 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,micah,23,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 26 back in nehemiah when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,nehemiah,5,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 12 2 chronicles 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty,2 chronicles,23,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 11 and we're reading from verse 27 nahum chapter 11 reading from verse 27,nahum,11,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 27 2 corinthians 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are,2 corinthians,22,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 8 you are accepted of god in hosea chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,hosea,10,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 15 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at matthew 22 2 in the middle of its street on either,matthew,22,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 2 prayers and in closing we are going to look at two passages psalms chapter 8 verse 26,psalms,8,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 26 power of continuity you know what paul said in 1 samuel 26 verse 22 acts 26 verse 22,1 samuel,26,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 22 1 chronicles in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11.,1 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 i wanted to show you in song of solomon (song of songs) is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,song of solomon (song of songs),12,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 14 sanctification we're like it says in malachi 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared,malachi,4,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 18 path verse 7 of amos 3 says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and,amos,3,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 7 so you will cry and i will not listen 2 timothy 7 verse 13 and that's why for every divine,2 timothy,7,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 13 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of jude 22 and verse 30,jude,22,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 3 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith micah 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,micah,2,38.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 38 give pharaoh a nurse of peace ezra 41. 15 and 16.,ezra,41,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 41 verse 15 today beautiful people our verse is luke chapter 5 verse 30 which says for we are members of his body point,luke,5,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 3 just read to you philemon 22 11. you wrongdoers,philemon,22,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 11 four in 2 corinthians chapter 4 he says in verse 13,2 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 the kind of results you should get 1 chronicles chapter 6 number 6 through 11 proverbs 6 from verse 6 to 11 say hey,1 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who leviticus in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the,leviticus,31,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 31 verse 23 it says wait on the lord i say wage on the lord it says in ezra chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40,ezra,40,31.0,1.0,ezra chapter 40 verse 31 god himself in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,song of solomon (song of songs),30,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 6 different aspect but matthew chapter 2 14 to 16,matthew,2,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 14 was she immediately ran and said can i verse numbers chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,numbers,2,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 7 because they'll all leave and go lamentations 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,lamentations,2,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 12 king 2 peter version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,2 peter,12,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 7 you know what the scripture say the book of joel about 5 by 16 it says no confess your trespasses,joel,5,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 16 and i'm reading from verse 15. 1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 15 and the seventh angels,1 thessalonians,11,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 15 god created time we see it at creation 3 john 1 2 tells us that the earth was without form and void,3 john,1,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 2 it says speaks about the riches of his glory in jonah 1 verse 18 and in chapter 2 verse 7 it says here,jonah,1,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 18 read the new leaving translation if if you follow me um 1 kings 3 from verse 12 he says,1 kings,3,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 12 connected to him matthew 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you,matthew,1,27.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 27 the world that is what we call judges ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 before you go look at 2 thessalonians chapter 10 a meeting from verse 38 acts chapter 10,2 thessalonians,10,38.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 38 this is how they did it in daniel's day micah 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,micah,3,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 4 verse 10 he accuses them he deceives the whole world ruth 12 verse 9 and he accuses believers in revelation 12 verse 10,ruth,12,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 9 identified with the people that's what you want you to see in judges verse 9 the people of jerusalem defile,judges,1,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 9 so it's no big deal luke chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,luke,1,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 11 you have yourself and then that word will perfect them malachi chapter one i'm reading from verse 28 colossians,malachi,1,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 28 not responsible for evil and when we read in john chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,john,6,9.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 9 right ezekiel 1 verse 26 we see that god made man in his image according to his,ezekiel,1,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26 anyone to glory in his presence and look at ruth chapter three we're looking at verse 17,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 honesty just a couple of verses along that line amos 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,amos,17,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 7 other people colossians 26 3 says you lord give true,colossians,26,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 26 verse 3 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in philemon chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,philemon,2,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 23 from verse 11 to 14 leviticus chapter 5 11 to 14,leviticus,5,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 11 temple in verse 28 of chapter 44 of mark that saith of cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all,mark,44,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 44 verse 28 law for example in ezra chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,ezra,8,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 8 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per ezra 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and,ezra,12,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 15 her head she dishonours her husband actually in obadiah 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,obadiah,21,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 9 bible and jesus using it in the new testament to think of judges 1819 it's as an everlasting covenant of salt,judges,18,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 19 he gave himself not only for our sins ruth 1 4 but to rescue us from this present evil world,ruth,1,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 4 to your life and ministry i will reverse in 1 peter 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,1 peter,21,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 5 and god knows unhumble us oh here it is john 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a,john,4,12.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 12 chapter 5 reading from verse 4 in habakkuk chapter 5 verse 4 it says christ has,habakkuk,5,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 4 unhappy you are not sorrowful the their action in 1 chronicles of the apostles chapter 16 verse 25 iakhs of the,1 chronicles,16,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 25 let that man turn things around 2 kings chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,2 kings,1,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 11 now and now but actually being brought to joshua 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,joshua,6,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 6 in malachi 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,malachi,27,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 27 verse 4 about bearing with one another right obadiah 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,obadiah,3,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 13 from verse 19 song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,song of solomon (song of songs),11,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 19 the mouth of paul the haggai church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,haggai,4,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 8 they deny him in their works nahum 1 verse 16 professing to know god they deny him in works in their works,nahum,1,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 16 the verse that gary mentioned also in jude 1 verse 8 and then apply it to the three layers that we have already shared with,jude,1,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 8 down through the 18th verse so 1 kings chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,1 kings,1,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 11 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in 1 timothy 20 and verse 32,1 timothy,20,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 32 1 corinthians was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter,1 corinthians,18,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 4 now look what happens here. look at 1 samuel 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,1 samuel,13,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 17 14 to 39 malachi 41 14 to 39 the bible talks about joseph,malachi,41,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 41 verse 14 looking at leviticus chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,leviticus,4,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 36 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 ruth 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 have not the holy spirit is none of his haggai 8 9. so the fact that the spirit has taken up residence in us,haggai,8,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 9 attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of 2 kings 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving,2 kings,5,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 2 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in 1 kings 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,1 kings,29,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 29 verse 13 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. 3 john 5 27 please go down there,3 john,5,27.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 27 i believe you are praying zephaniah chapter 1 from verse 15 wherefore also after a heart of you,zephaniah,1,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 15 with me to this the other words i want to show you ezra chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,ezra,14,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 14 people started to read the bible and apply what titus 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,titus,13,46.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 46 please turn in your bibles today to the book of 3 john chapter 15 and let's read again our title text for this series,3 john,15,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 15 difference in the new here's another verse from 1 john chapter 30 verse 18 goes like this,1 john,30,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 18 very end in jesus name 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 41 acts chapter 5 verse 41,1 chronicles,5,41.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 41 seven we are trying to understand god's ways 2 peter in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32,2 peter,7,32.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 32 it's alone or as one and so 1 peter 2 21 and 22 we have what's called the splitting of the atom,1 peter,2,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 21 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in mark 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,mark,29,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 13 amen amen now 3 john 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,3 john,29,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 18 related to christ but let's let's read on zephaniah 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation,zephaniah,18,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 8 each gate is made of a single unique pearl 2 thessalonians 21 21 do you see what god is doing the easement he's merging,2 thessalonians,21,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 21 missionary journey hosea of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,hosea,4,36.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 36 this is recorded for us actually prophetically in colossians chapter 18 in the 24 verses of that chapter and,colossians,18,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 18 verse 24 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's 2 timothy 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,2 timothy,10,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 2 i believe you are praying 1 peter chapter 1 from verse 15 wherefore also after a heart of you,1 peter,1,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 15 john chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17,john,4,17.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 17 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia haggai chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,haggai,30,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 30 verse 6 questions so 1 samuel 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,1 samuel,11,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 14 verse 19 1 thessalonians 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe,1 thessalonians,2,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 19 all through eternity it tells us joshua chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,joshua,2,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 11 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane titus 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,titus,53,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 53 verse 6 do in his wisdom john 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,john,9,23.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 23 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read 2 chronicles 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,2 chronicles,5,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 19 manifestation ruth chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,ruth,4,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 29 chapter 2 verse 19 the bible said the secret was revealed to matthew in the night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see,matthew,2,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 19 chapter 8 of ecclesiastes and verse 18 says deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18 but thou shalt remember the lord that,ecclesiastes,8,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 18 chinese we're looking at ruth chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,ruth,15,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 23 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus ruth 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,ruth,4,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 9 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of nehemiah 3 and verse 4,nehemiah,3,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 4 look at this now in philemon chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,philemon,14,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 25 joel called forerunner not found anywhere else in the whole bible hebrews 6 20 one who has gone away ahead of me,joel,6,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 2 say laodin joshua chapter 1 and verse 14 he said the lord stared at the heart of,joshua,1,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 14 also recover your dreams on fisher in nahum chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who,nahum,2,44.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 44 supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see zechariah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind,zechariah,8,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 6 an answer here look at esther 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,esther,1,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 9 the price is to obey in joshua chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in 1 john chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,1 john,5,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 5 will come to pass in numbers 37 from verse 5 to 11,numbers,37,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 37 verse 5 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of ezekiel he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,ezekiel,1,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5 what we are seeing let's go to the book of philemon 22 verse 4 proverbs 22 4,philemon,22,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 4 glory glory glory to god 2 kings chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,2 kings,22,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 22 numbered by the time we got to 2 john chapter 40 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28 pharaoh was drowned and from the day,2 john,40,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 40 verse 14 not always sleeping ecclesiastes 11 6 hebrews 11 verses tells us god is a rewarder,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in nehemiah chapter five it says this night your soul is,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage joshua 5 and verse 18.,joshua,5,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 18 and his love is wonderful but according to 1 john chapter 12 verse 6,1 john,12,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 6 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in 1 kings chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,1 kings,31,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 31 verse 29 you grow a wisdom at the summit 1 john chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you,1 john,3,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 16 and what i decorate your life titus 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,titus,23,26.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 26 is jude the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 instances of the key to your life hosea 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,hosea,11,26.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 26 sinner and transfer to you 2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 22 proverbs 13 verse 22 since the the wealth of sinners are laid,2 chronicles,13,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 22 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of ezekiel 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",ezekiel,12,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 11 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to malachi chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,malachi,6,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 5 think peter healed uh raise the dead in jonah 9 chapter verse 40 but did the apostles ever feed the 5 0 no,jonah,9,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 4 you are accepted of god in ruth chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,ruth,10,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 15 amos 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,amos,5,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 14 changed her name to sarah 2 thessalonians 17 15 to 16 genesis 17 15 to 16 which means mothers of nation mother of nation in,2 thessalonians,17,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 15 year philemon 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,philemon,13,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 19 versions that omits it it just has verse three and then it 1 kings verse five and you're looking right now like there is,1 kings,1,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 5 holy spirit is that he does good it says in philemon chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,philemon,10,38.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 38 jude 27 verse 13 to 26 acts 27 from verse 13 to,jude,27,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 27 verse 13 of the church we're looking at 3 john chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,3 john,3,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 7 a meeting from verse 11 psalms 1 verse,psalms,1,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 11 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already hosea 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,hosea,9,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 27 of pride jude chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,jude,17,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 11 like in obadiah chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,obadiah,1,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 4 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in leviticus chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,leviticus,2,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 23 and 17 verse 16 haggai 42 16. after this leave job how long,haggai,42,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 16 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at hosea chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,hosea,12,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 2 in 1 timothy chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel chapter one,1 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 amos chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time,amos,13,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 11 thee prepare to meet their god o israel 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,1 samuel,4,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 12 the lord he is near psalms 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn,psalms,36,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 36 verse 9 forward mark 14 15 assessing his ways,mark,14,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 15 your young not be barren in the land obadiah 23 and verse 26. supernatural fruitfulness,obadiah,23,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 26 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in nehemiah chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,nehemiah,12,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 15 remained unsold from 2 chronicles 5 4 it was yours nobody asked you to sell your house,2 chronicles,5,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 4 according to certain principles for example he says in psalms chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,psalms,8,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 17 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 2 corinthians chapter 1 at the end of the time that,2 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 will perfect them philemon chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,philemon,1,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 28 grace to help in time of need that's matthew 4 16. how are you ever going to boldly,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked,2 corinthians,16,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 25 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in psalms 22 verse 16.,psalms,22,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 16 habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,habakkuk,12,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 ark as a messenger is that correct esther 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,esther,8,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 7 you'll be flying with wings as ego in mark 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,mark,19,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 4 he said he prospered leviticus 6 28 he said daniel prospered in the reign of darius,leviticus,6,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 28 the sight of god when looking at ezekiel chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 genesis chapter 2 verse 7.,ezekiel,2,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 7 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in titus chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from joel 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,joel,37,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 37 verse 5 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read 2 john 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 outside with pitch esther chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,esther,11,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 7 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year 1 thessalonians chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,1 thessalonians,6,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 7 right before esther daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,esther,7,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 7 god is promising according to that habakkuk 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,habakkuk,30,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 30 verse 17 zephaniah chapter 3 in verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says some whatsoever ye do do it,zephaniah,3,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 23 looking at judges chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,judges,2,29.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 29 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 ezekiel chapter 1,ezekiel,1,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in haggai 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 1 peter 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,1 peter,10,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 12 and the judgment was deserved in verses 20 to 22 of 2 samuel 16. this is what god says to them through the,2 samuel,16,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 16 verse 2 and tired of his defeated life he read 2 samuel chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,2 samuel,7,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 7 for example in lamentations chapter 11 verse 22 joshua 11 verse 22 the bible tells us that or during the time of joshua the,lamentations,11,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 22 reading from verse 28 in verse 28 zechariah chapter three there is neither jew,zechariah,1,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 28 does not end my continuous demand for his assistance in ezekiel chapter 4 the bible tells us in verse 33 that they had,ezekiel,4,33.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 33 christ in joel chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,joel,8,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 4 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular habakkuk 19 and verse 10,habakkuk,19,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 9 it's also reiterated by the prophet mark chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,mark,62,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 62 verse 6 holy spirit it's my constant prayer malachi 5 18 means be continuously filled with the holy spirit,malachi,5,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 18 without age amen chapter 4 1 john chapter 4 reading from verse 7. remember we're talking about,1 john,4,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 7 description of the coalition's advance job 38 15 and 16 then you will come from your place out of the far north you,job,38,15.0,1.0,job chapter 38 verse 15 first you just pray uh the bible says in mark chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,mark,4,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 29 "is the cornerstone. ezekiel 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",ezekiel,4,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 11 law haggai chapter 28 and verse 59 the bible tells us there he said and the,haggai,28,59.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 59 that was a testimony of joseph in job 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,job,50,2.0,1.0,job chapter 50 verse 2 obadiah chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,obadiah,5,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 24 luke chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,luke,28,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 13 why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent haggai 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he,haggai,9,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 14 how do i know and why do i say so leviticus 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,leviticus,18,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in joel 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the,joel,37,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 37 verse 28 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word ecclesiastes 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,ecclesiastes,1,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8 only twice in all the bible both times in the book of nahum once right there in chapter 11 verse 40 that you don't,nahum,11,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 4 sword and then you're likely familiar with micah 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,micah,18,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 21 going to take first habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 do in his wisdom 3 john 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,3 john,9,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 23 boldness it takes courage yeah in 1 peter 13 and verse 12 the bible says abraham dwells in the land of canaan and,1 peter,13,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 12 "but being full of the holy spirit,"" to verse 55 of ezra 7 to ""he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at",ezra,7,55.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 55 say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of jonah 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's,jonah,11,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 29 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to 1 timothy chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,1 timothy,22,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 16 that only that which cannot be shaken might remain habakkuk chapter 23 verse 5 says will you set your eyes on that,habakkuk,23,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 5 and then in ezra chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,ezra,6,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 16 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation esther 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,esther,15,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 4 before you amos chapter 7 verse 8 tells us that the end of the matter,amos,7,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 8 2 thessalonians 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,2 thessalonians,10,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 12 your prophetic word joel chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,joel,9,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 8 is available the bible says in 2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 25,2 thessalonians,7,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 25 amen amen now 2 peter 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,2 peter,29,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 18 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his 2 timothy he was happy they brought these people,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 in quadratic normal questions were just normal jude 8 14 17 i'm giving you evidence this is,jude,8,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 14 8 2 john chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,2 john,5,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 8 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, 1 peter 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",1 peter,2,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 26 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at 2 peter chapter 8 verse 22,2 peter,8,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 22 talks about this and i want to know what the bible says about it numbers 31 verses 4 through 7 it says it is not for,numbers,31,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 31 verse 4 and he's talking about the world 1 samuel 1 22 to 25 and you know,1 samuel,1,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 22 "and the good news is, according to the opening of judges, obadiah chapter 2 and verse 7, is a good word.",obadiah,2,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 7 because christ has delivered us from the curse 1 timothy 3 13 christ became a curse for us on the,1 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to john chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,john,6,9.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 9 look at 1 corinthians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 21 acts chapter 2 verse 31 and it shall come to pass that whosoever,1 corinthians,2,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 31 in the world today in leviticus chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god,leviticus,8,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 14 description of this man's dedication in the book of ruth 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,ruth,1,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 21 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased 3 john 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,3 john,22,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 19 have not the holy spirit is none of his malachi 8 9. so the fact that the spirit has taken up residence in us,malachi,8,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 9 as contained in god's word job 29 verse 11 he says i know the thoughts i have towards you,job,29,11.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 11 disobeyed the power of rome concern micah chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,micah,13,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 2 1 peter chapter 3 from 7 to 11 philippians 3 verse 7 2 verse 11 force i critique everything i have i just want to know,1 peter,3,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 7 with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 2 corinthians 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,2 corinthians,3,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 journey in jesus mary haggai chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20,haggai,50,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 50 verse 2 people it tells us in mark chapter 19 and we're reading from verse 5 exodus,mark,19,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 5 saving you from that challenge over your head ruth 2 13 looking for that blessed hope and the,ruth,2,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 13 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in jonah chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,jonah,32,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 17 honest jonah 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,jonah,1,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 7 number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in nahum chapter 5 reading from verse 12,nahum,5,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 12 4 spirit 2 24 and that's in confirmation of nahum chapter 50 3 and verse 4 and 5.,nahum,50,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 50 verse 3 will you please turn to lamentations the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,lamentations,22,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 2 you his will as is the new covenant promise in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,song of solomon (song of songs),8,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 11 to always have your conscience judges 24 16 that's void of offense both towards god and towards man hearing,judges,24,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 24 verse 16 that fight these battles for you hosea chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,hosea,12,31.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 31 john 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,john,10,12.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 12 grab jesus at that point ruth 27 6 may connect to this very thing here where it says faithful are,ruth,27,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 6 2 john chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,2 john,11,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 24 they had to come back and so in zechariah chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,zechariah,4,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 16 in fact whatever is not of faith is sin jude 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with,jude,14,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 23 you want to get them from where they are to where they ought to be song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 28 reading from verse 23 it tells us it,song of solomon (song of songs),28,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 28 verse 23 function of liberality the same jonah chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,jonah,11,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 25 minutes or whatever but you know 2 timothy chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,2 timothy,3,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 5 chapter 41 of ezra we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,ezra,41,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 41 verse 3 next video so let's read about this outer gate in titus chapter 27 verse 16 it says for the gate of the court there,titus,27,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 27 verse 16 governor without election 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be,2 thessalonians,5,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 afraid to trust god a man named zechariah in jonah chapter 1 verse 2 all through to jonah chapter 2,zechariah,1,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 2 from verse 5 1 corinthians 11 5 by faith enoch was translated,1 corinthians,11,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 5 another as god in christ forgave you now let's jump to 1 peter 5 the first two verses there therefore be imitators of,1 peter,5,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 2 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,zechariah,20,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 wanted to bless somebody out there so habakkuk 1 again 21 and 22 in the esv and you who once were alienated and,habakkuk,1,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 21 your time is different for god's time athleticism chapter 3 verse 11 ruth chapter 3 verse 11,ruth,3,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 11 a hosea of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,hosea,1,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 9 8 zechariah chapter 8 verse 19,zechariah,8,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 19 abide i said i will abide i said you will abide chapter 19 oh lamentations verse 23 it says the fear of the lord,lamentations,19,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 23 this sinful world daily we read in habakkuk 5 verse 25 that christ loved the church and gave himself for it that,habakkuk,5,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 25 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and luke 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",luke,1,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 3 don't understand bible says also also hosea 20 27 that that the spirit of man is the candle of the lord can do of,hosea,20,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 20 verse 27 ever how joshua 17 four five four two five north bones,joshua,17,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 17 verse 4 what does the promise state in 2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 to verse 18. the bible says,2 chronicles,22,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 leviticus 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man,leviticus,18,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 14 i know my covenant and abide with it matthew 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,matthew,11,32.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 32 in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 2 samuel chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says,2 samuel,3,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 12 technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in habakkuk chapter 13 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage,habakkuk,13,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 16 something that we shall receive gained 2 thessalonians of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our,2 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter three and i'm reading from verse seven philippians chapter 3 verse 7 but what things were,ecclesiastes,3,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 7 it's called the peace offering here in the matthew chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 first pregnancy was a miscarriage now the lord gave me this scripture job 27 and 14 says wait for the lord be,job,27,14.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 14 transformation in john 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he,john,32,24.0,1.0,john chapter 32 verse 24 him abraham my servant praise god hallelujah amen 2 kings 41 verse 8,2 kings,41,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 41 verse 8 this dream but when you check chapter 39 of colossians verses 2 and 21 genesis 39,colossians,39,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 39 verse 2 stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou,song of solomon (song of songs),22,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 28 whatever does not come from faith is sin 1 chronicles 11 6 without faith it is impossible to please,1 chronicles,11,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 6 it we also saw in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 but let's read it again john 5 22 and bible says but the fruit of the,john,5,22.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 22 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was song of solomon (song of songs) 8 24 all things work together for good to,song of solomon (song of songs),8,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 24 haggai chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,haggai,4,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 4 speak no more to me of this matter ecclesiastes 3 26 god said that's enough and moses prayed,ecclesiastes,3,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 26 prayers and in closing we are going to look at two passages 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 26,2 thessalonians,8,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 26 exclamation finally bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh in joel 2 23 emphasizes the man's recognition that,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 lastly tonight joel 32 verse 15 scripture says unto the spirit is power up on us from on,joel,32,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 15 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in 1 peter chapter one verse six,1 peter,1,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 6 hey this is about this is about christ in zephaniah 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,zephaniah,13,35.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 35 anyone to glory in his presence and look at zechariah chapter three we're looking at verse 17,zechariah,3,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 17 of all men this is an important verse lamentations 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends,lamentations,12,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 18 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 titus chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,titus,12,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 2 and verse 20. philemon chapter 2 from verse 20 says i have been crucified,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 the world that is what we call 1 john ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,1 john,1,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 17 by faith haggai 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto,haggai,3,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 9 so atonement involves foregiveness in leviticus 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,leviticus,16,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 3 15. amos received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,amos,8,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 11 in high places let's look at zephaniah chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,zephaniah,6,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 11 is the same in 2 peter 21 16 the word says the man that wanders out of the way of,2 peter,21,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 21 verse 16 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here job 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,job,19,3.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 3 time without sin unto salvation esther chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,esther,3,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 14 1 john 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,1 john,24,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 24 verse 9 gospel he said in job chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,job,26,22.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 22 dissimulated love against brotherliness look at jude chapter 12 verse 9 let lord,jude,12,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 9 prepare the way for the fire of the lord in ezekiel chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the,ezekiel,40,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 40 verse 3 whereby one may edify another esther chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,esther,12,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 14 to become the devil how many times only two according to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,song of solomon (song of songs),2,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 11 a message now in ezra chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god,ezra,9,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 15 first of all the law of the holy spirit in nahum 8 2 it says the law of the spirit,nahum,8,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 2 testament there's only one required fast according to nahum 16 29 to 31,nahum,16,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 29 reading from verse 17. in jonah chapter 8 looking at verse 17 it says and if children,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 ezekiel chapter 4 verse 8 and at the last daniel came in before me whose name was bishop shazam,ezekiel,4,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 8 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in 1 kings chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,1 kings,33,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 33 verse 3 right there we just get righteous by faith as i said in 2 peter 1 and then in romans 5 and you can turn back turn to,2 peter,1,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 5 at verse 2 ruth chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 and walk in love,ruth,5,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 2 money is not for sale in job chapter 8 from verse 13 to 20 acts 8 from verse 18 to 20 there was a sorcerer who said he,job,8,13.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 13 doing nothing no obadiah chapter 7 verse 25 is a tremendous,obadiah,7,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 25 in our hearts ecclesiastes 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,ecclesiastes,17,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 9 obadiah chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible tells us there very clearly hebrews 2 and verse 3 how shall we escape,obadiah,2,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 3 everything you give me the result zephaniah chapter 32 from verse 9 to 10 genesis 32 from verse 9 to 10.,zephaniah,32,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 32 verse 9 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at 2 corinthians chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,2 corinthians,1,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 john chapter 1 the book of isaiah chapter 1 in verse 16,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 and jesus precious name lamentations 65 and verse 8. and then we pray,lamentations,65,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 65 verse 8 so the same reference 2 john 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 everything i just said which i think is faithful to mark 1 faithful to second corinthians 3 verse 18 faithful to john,mark,3,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 18 here from verse 9 psalms chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,psalms,4,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 9 deal see beautiful the bible says in mark chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it,mark,10,23.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 23 verse 24 2 samuel chapter 20 verse 24 it says let me back up to verse 22 and,2 samuel,20,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 20 verse 24 sarah judges chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,judges,18,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 11 prophecy we find it in colossians 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,colossians,21,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 21 verse 2 no he's given us a mark and part of our job is to preach the gospel part of our job is to feed one another,mark,6,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 4 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in 1 thessalonians chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,1 thessalonians,13,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 13 zephaniah 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,zephaniah,17,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 28 upon the earth for one thousand years and zephaniah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,zephaniah,14,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 4 integrity and you can read numbers chapter 1 verses 2,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 reading there from verse 19 2 john chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,2 john,2,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 19 about abraham excuse me about the burning bush passage in verse 30 of 1 corinthians chapter 7 now when forty years had,1 corinthians,7,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 7 from verse 24 1 kings chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,1 kings,8,24.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 24 2013 by papa over again with 1 corinthians tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,1 corinthians,7,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 14 are haggai 3 20 adam named his wife eve which means life spring,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 to start with numbers 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,numbers,7,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 3 heaven jude 3 21 in other words the jewish,jude,3,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 21 said in 2 peter 14 verse 11 i want you to see numbers 14 verse 11,2 peter,14,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 11 in the precious name of jesus leviticus chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there,leviticus,12,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 15 the borrowers to turn to 1 corinthians 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,1 corinthians,22,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 7 and he has come accounted the promise joshua 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,joshua,3,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 29 life look at joel chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 nine it says but we'll see jesus you will see him tonight,joel,2,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 9 it will be fruitful and we're looking at nahum chapter 34 i'm reading from verse 2 exodus chapter,nahum,34,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 34 verse 2 are divisive avoid them ezra 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,ezra,16,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 17 zephaniah however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a,zephaniah,27,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 27 verse 5 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 jonah chapter 1,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 it doesn't satisfy 2 timothy 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are,2 timothy,4,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 15 and i want us also to hear the good news in colossians chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that,colossians,4,31.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 31 with supernatural multiplication nahum 30 and verse 19 out of them shall,nahum,30,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 19 and i'll obtain my crown nehemiah 1 and verse 18 says the highest of the understanding being,nehemiah,1,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 4 verse 2 habakkuk 4 verse 2 says is there a people who hear the word of,habakkuk,4,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 2 without shame we're looking at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,song of solomon (song of songs),26,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 verse 22 it wasn't like that was the joel look at galatians chapter 1 verse 7 it is which is not another,joel,1,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 7 ezra 15 reading from verse 11 jeremiah 15 11 as we look at all these promises the,ezra,15,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 11 souls into this church obadiah chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,obadiah,5,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 12 verse of no works the gospel without any works psalms 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 against the global crusade psalms chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,psalms,22,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 28 2013 by papa over again with micah tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,micah,7,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 14 [music] amos 8 verse 31 what so we then say to these things if god be for us who can be,amos,8,31.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 31 filmed it tells us in zephaniah chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse,zephaniah,23,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 23 oh now in jonah chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,jonah,9,33.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 33 and book phenomenon with the bible every day nahum 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,nahum,32,47.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 47 of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to lamentations 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu,lamentations,11,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 3 it is banned in ezekiel 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,ezekiel,26,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 6 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's ruth 1 8.,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 so the bible says in ezekiel 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,ezekiel,22,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 3 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in esther chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,esther,6,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 4 your words can i hear bigger amen 2 timothy chapter 23 and verse 19 says,2 timothy,23,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 19 him in works ezekiel 1 verse 16 and many other verses but sadly shaw's only remorse was,ezekiel,1,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 chapter 12 verse 3 we have ecclesiastes chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13,ecclesiastes,12,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 3 god had already told adam in 1 samuel 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree,1 samuel,2,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 16 return of the messiah in glory in malachi 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,malachi,14,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 3 please understand numbers 11 and verse 24 one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to,numbers,11,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 24 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in obadiah 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,obadiah,17,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 18 verse 25 obadiah 11 25 says the liberal soul shall be made fat,obadiah,11,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 25 a rod will come out who is this rod 2 peter chapter 5 and verse 6. the bible says and i beheld in the midst of,2 peter,5,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 6 so he when in the beginning of the bible in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 and verse 15 numbers 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,numbers,33,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 15 between worse one and two is described later on in 2 thessalonians 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became,2 thessalonians,14,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 2 chapter 6 of mark verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint,mark,6,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 6 canela john 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving,john,2,4.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 4 longer 1 peter chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26,1 peter,1,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 22 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 2 corinthians 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,2 corinthians,12,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 this he says paul says in amos 4 5 that there's only one faith,amos,4,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 5 obadiah chapter 12 romans chapter 12 and here we're reading from verse 17,obadiah,12,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 17 government in luke chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,luke,12,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 5 of esther chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 don't lie ever again 2 peter 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,2 peter,19,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 22 believers we discover in the book of mark chapter 34 verse 28 to 30 we find moses comment down from the mountain of,mark,34,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 34 verse 28 makes the lord sick but he loved them anyway look at luke 3 verse 14. to the angel of the church of the,luke,3,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 14 verse 3 says this verse to continue in prayer same thought as 1 samuel 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly they were doing it,1 samuel,2,42.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 discourage one another and tear each other down does it then over in obadiah 10 24 it says let's consider how we may,obadiah,10,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 24 erelua can you read that numbers 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,numbers,19,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 11 ecclesiastes chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,ecclesiastes,3,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 26 more sending people to eternity prematurely in joshua chapter 2 verse 4,joshua,2,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 4 two to year to old can sing it and it's 1 peter 4 32 and it says be kind one to another tenderhearted,1 peter,4,32.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 32 study that's kind of the direction we're coming from so here we are luke 15 22 let's begin reading and again you can,luke,15,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 22 from the father we can check out 1 peter chapter 11 verse 7,1 peter,11,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 7 these children of god in ruth chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,ruth,39,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 39 verse 5 2 corinthians 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38,2 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 words is dead also i want you to look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16,song of solomon (song of songs),1,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 i read mark chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,mark,10,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 27 you know the bible says in 1 chronicles one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say,1 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 chapter eight from verse five to eight numbers chapter eight verse five to eight the bible says then philip went down to,numbers,8,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 5 salvation and our memory verse was taken from jonah chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,jonah,10,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 9 14. in 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you,2 samuel,5,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in zephaniah 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,zephaniah,13,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 5 defeated joel chapter 8 verse 31 romans 8 31 says if god is for us who can be against us,joel,8,31.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 31 no hope hosea chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall,hosea,14,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 7 in this church 2 peter chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves,2 peter,8,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 9 have 1 chronicles okay verse 26 genesis 50 26 and in the book of exodus but not so in the joseph smith translation there are,1 chronicles,50,26.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 50 verse 26 the man 2 kings chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking,2 kings,7,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 21 and not you should be song of solomon (song of songs) 1 8 is very clear it doesn't say after you get power you,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 i will punish all that oppress them nehemiah chapter 33 jeremiah 33 i'm reading from verse 6 healing plus,nehemiah,33,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 33 verse 6 as a loving father who says in nehemiah 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,nehemiah,49,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 49 verse 15 a sister and it yeah i'll just read the account in 1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 11. we boarded a boat at troas and sailed,1 thessalonians,16,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 11 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in job 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,job,8,12.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 12 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of numbers continuing with the creation account a,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in titus chapter 1 21,titus,1,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 21 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of ezekiel 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,ezekiel,1,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 24 be seven years well if you look at the book of nehemiah chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,nehemiah,9,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 24 we must live peaceably with all men also in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,habakkuk,2,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 we will obey the lord mark chapter 11 reading from verse 21 acts 11,mark,11,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 21 verse 26 in 1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man,1 kings,1,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified amos 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,amos,42,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 42 verse 18 thank you jesus i'm going to open colossians isaiah 55 11.,colossians,55,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 55 verse 11 your most learn look at psalms chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to,psalms,9,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 9 ezra chapter chapter 7 i will look in at verse 19 i acts chapter 7 verse 19 the same deal,ezra,7,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 19 like in habakkuk chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,habakkuk,1,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 4 look at 2 kings chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto,2 kings,6,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 13 psalms 18 this is 9 to 13 genesis 18 versus 9 to 13,psalms,18,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 9 ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,ecclesiastes,4,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 13 somebody say a louder amen micah chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,micah,11,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 3 knowledge of god they are untouchable untouchable 2 samuel 11 33. how powerful is the wisdom from above we,2 samuel,11,33.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 33 will become a standing kingdom joshua 12 3 you can become a star your stature,joshua,12,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 3 on the earth to walk obadiah chapter 2 7 to 8 genesis 2 7 to 8,obadiah,2,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 7 related to christ but let's let's read on job 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation,job,18,8.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 8 before august 1 2021 1 corinthians chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly,1 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 missionary journey ezra of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,ezra,4,36.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 36 law for example in joel chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,joel,8,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 8 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to zechariah 5 24,zechariah,5,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 24 your portion as chapter 16 1 chronicles eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,1 chronicles,16,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 8 identified with the people that's what you want you to see in matthew verse 9 the people of jerusalem defile,matthew,1,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 9 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at joshua 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,joshua,22,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 2 when looking kill ezekiel chapter 7 reading from verse 51,ezekiel,7,51.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 7 verse 51 so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was 2 corinthians 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and,2 corinthians,34,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 34 verse 3 colossians 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,colossians,11,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 23 about this at the very end of obadiah jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,obadiah,22,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 22 2 chronicles chapter 22 i read verse 16 revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent,2 chronicles,22,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 no effect ezekiel chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 billion,ezekiel,1,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 22 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 john chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20,john,3,2.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 2 various locations where they are let's see together lamentations chapter 2,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 again and again just go to ezekiel 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 now as i mentioned the english standard version says in this verse 1 timothy 31 verse 25 she laughs at the time to come,1 timothy,31,25.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 31 verse 25 cleansing there is no any other means psalms of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,psalms,4,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 12 what the scripture says in 1 peter 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,1 peter,25,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 25 verse 21 that book says the law cannot justify us and in malachi 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list,malachi,3,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 11 temptation nehemiah 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been,nehemiah,1,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 12 earth today lamentations 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,lamentations,3,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 you are delivered praise the lord 1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the,1 corinthians,15,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 21 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of hosea 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",hosea,1,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 5 tonight malachi chapter 14 from verse 7 to 9 it says for there is hope of a tree if it's be,malachi,14,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 7 nehemiah of the apostles track of what gina a medium from verse 7 acts chapter 7 chapter 14 verse 7 and there and there d,nehemiah,14,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 7 because he chose he became a virtual tour now when you read leviticus chapter 34 verse 25 to 30 number 13 25 to 30 you,leviticus,34,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 34 verse 25 spirit um zechariah 57 here's another verse verse 15,zechariah,57,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 57 verse 15 one from verse four to five 1 kings one four to five he said,1 kings,1,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 4 "chapter 3 that really does define this. jonah chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",jonah,3,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 18 and if you read 2 samuel chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,2 samuel,17,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 8 read titus 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,titus,2,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 17 christ with clear conscience it says in numbers chapter 1 verse 20 now the things which i write unto you,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 the spirit in ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14,ecclesiastes,2,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14 here now let's look at hosea 2 21. what does james say james says was not abraham our,hosea,2,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 21 wills nor of him who runs these things go together 2 john 10 verses 2 & 3 this is the one who's willing and running for,2 john,10,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 2 ever it is now and here's what esther 10 25 says let us not give up,esther,10,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 25 difference in the new here's another verse from john chapter 30 verse 18 goes like this,john,30,18.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 18 see it unfold as we go 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 hosea 18 verse beginning at verse 30 therefore i will,hosea,18,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 3 almighty god said in ruth 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,ruth,15,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 26 so there is a contention malachi 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,malachi,26,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 18 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in 2 chronicles 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,2 chronicles,15,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 2 6 in joshua chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,joshua,30,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 30 verse 6 so we're going to be praying from the book of ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,ecclesiastes,15,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 13 very quickly because your battle is not natural the bible says in psalms chapter number 6 verse 12 ephesians,psalms,6,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 12 in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse micah 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point,micah,22,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 16 in verse 18 of that same summer 19 sorry habakkuk of the apostle chapter 19 verse 18 and many that believed came,habakkuk,19,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 18 bring forth fruit look at 1 timothy chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6,1 timothy,6,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 22 is good for everybody to memorize but it's a famous verse it's colossians 3 23 and it says for all have sinned,colossians,3,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 23 we look at zechariah chapter 4 reading from verse 18 acts chapter 4 verse 18 and they called them and they commanded,zechariah,4,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 18 needs to show up in how we live so verse 12 of 1 john 3 says so as those who have been chosen of god holy and beloved,1 john,3,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 12 self to control there's others love p.m. in hosea 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness,hosea,5,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 22 without shame we're looking at 1 kings chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,1 kings,26,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 22 jahangir let us look at lamentations chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,lamentations,49,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 49 verse 7 let's make it louder than that 1 thessalonians chapter 6 and verse 19 and for me that all trance may be given unto me,1 thessalonians,6,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 19 also will always be fulfilled 2 corinthians chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,2 corinthians,23,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 19 look at 2 samuel chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,2 samuel,14,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 14 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia judges chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,judges,30,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 30 verse 6 to me habakkuk 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,habakkuk,37,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 37 verse 2 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of ezra for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,ezra,14,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 7 the others of the church verse 14 of habakkuk let him prove over him anointing with oil in the name of the,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 as mark 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,mark,5,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 11 jesus name zechariah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation 2 verse 25,zechariah,2,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 25 this year and psalms chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,psalms,2,47.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 47 made 1 thessalonians chapter 3 i'm reading from a search in colossians chapter 3 worrying from verse 13 it says in verse,1 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right 2 timothy 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm,2 timothy,1,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 13 the main verse i want us to hover over is matthew chapter 9 verse 15. i read it already but acts chapter 9 verse 15,matthew,9,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 15 verse 33 2 peter chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted,2 peter,2,33.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 33 recompensing in evil in retaliation in joel chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,joel,12,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 17 nehemiah 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,nehemiah,32,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 32 verse 27 two our reading from verse nine leviticus chapter two,leviticus,2,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 9 will become part of this one body look at 1 chronicles chapter 6 reading from verse 3,1 chronicles,6,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 3 the counsel of his will that all things do as thomas watson says zephaniah 8 28 is god's divine cordial working all things,zephaniah,8,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 28 which includes sickness joshua 6 17 from hell's fault let no man trouble me,joshua,6,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 17 we even covered that last week titus chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,titus,12,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 11 for healing we are praying for healing the book of 1 peter of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,1 peter,10,38.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 38 take you there in job chapter 3 verse 20 for a conversation is in heaven a,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest ezekiel 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,ezekiel,4,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 8 chapter 25 and verse 2 2 samuel chapter 25 verse 2. the bible speaking says speak unto the children of,2 samuel,25,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 2 explain why you're doing this i think jude 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,jude,13,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 9 the book of 2 corinthians chapter 29 from verse 11 jeremiah 29 11. it says for i know the thought that,2 corinthians,29,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 11 in all things this is the essence of judges chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,judges,1,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 15 description of this man's dedication in the book of psalms 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,psalms,1,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 21 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of jonah of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,jonah,6,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 7 mood that could accept it the cosima 1 peter 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,1 peter,13,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 9 ezra which is why you and i must give thanks to god according to isaiah chapter 43 verse 21,ezra,43,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 43 verse 21 14 and we're reading from verse 31 zechariah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,zechariah,14,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 31 29 and verse 13 2 samuel 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me,2 samuel,29,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 12 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also ezra that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 4 6 to 7 lamentations 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing,lamentations,4,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 6 upon his own life in 1 john chapter 4 look at it acts chapter 4 in verse 29 we are told,1 john,4,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 29 god can bring good uh out of it esther 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,esther,8,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 28 philemon chapter 5 we're reading from verse 8 romans chapter 5 we're looking at verse 8 but god,philemon,5,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 8 we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to 2 john 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can,2 john,5,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 5 acceptable unto god while looking at judges chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,judges,19,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 6 everything i just said which i think is faithful to 3 john 1 faithful to second corinthians 3 verse 18 faithful to john,3 john,3,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 18 that is what the bible tells us in 1 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 28 that all things work together for good to them,1 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 in 1 kings chapter 8 verse 21 look at what the bible tells us there it says ezra chapter 8 verse 21 he says at the river,1 kings,8,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 21 was she immediately ran and said can i verse joshua chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,joshua,2,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 7 colossians on the isle of patmos later and over in revelation 22 17 jesus said when he met john on the,colossians,22,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 17 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ jonah 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,jonah,8,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 9 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in jonah 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 according to zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,zechariah,4,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 and if you read john chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,john,17,8.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 8 was she immediately ran and said can i verse 1 corinthians chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,1 corinthians,2,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 not always sleeping mark 11 6 hebrews 11 verses tells us god is a rewarder,mark,11,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 6 from 16 let's start reading from 16 esther 43 from 16 he said those says the lord which maketh a way,esther,43,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 43 verse 14 quote and it's here in verse 12 of 1 peter 15 it says and again isaiah says there shall be a root of jesse and he,1 peter,15,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 12 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccpnermuby and then verses 19 and 20 of 1 corinthians 6 our witness in the world is affected by,1 corinthians,6,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 i like that second corinthians 4 7 new king amos session,amos,4,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 7 for mercy we are going to cry for mercy because ruth 9 15 and 60 says he said to moses how we are messing with,ruth,9,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 15 say louder a man psalms chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,psalms,30,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 30 verse 19 according to certain principles for example he says in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,2 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 shall receive anything from god nehemiah 1 6 and 7. in the name of jesus grace for prompt response to every word,nehemiah,1,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 6 you look up it comes in 3 john 9 12 the burden of the word of the lord,3 john,9,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 12 limits malachi chapter 2 verse 21 he giveth wisdom unto the wise,malachi,2,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 21 in jesus name in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,song of solomon (song of songs),3,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 look at colossians chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,colossians,34,31.0,1.0,colossians chapter 34 verse 31 say louder a man malachi chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,malachi,30,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 30 verse 19 uses this expression to refer to god's word judges 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,judges,20,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 32 verse 17 job 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 don't there is no shame i promise lamentations chapter 1 looking at verse 3 and i'm gonna read a couple verses after,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 [applause] and god said in john chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,john,8,11.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 11 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more john 30 26,john,30,26.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 26 nehemiah chapter six hebrews chapter six and i'll read that very statement to you,nehemiah,6,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 6 brings us to justification joel chapter 3 22,joel,3,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 22 time this intercession and supplication time on joel 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,joel,33,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 33 verse 3 listen to this key verse 1 corinthians 3 5 does he who supplies the spirit to you,1 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 zechariah 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way,zechariah,22,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 philemon chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore,philemon,4,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 25 and it all starts when you're born habakkuk 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,habakkuk,22,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 15 and many happy returns in matthew chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,matthew,12,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 5 you song of solomon (song of songs) 27 verse 30 to 33. genesis 27 32 33,song of solomon (song of songs),27,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 27 verse 3 under a speech look at verse 14 of that 2 peter chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 42 1 corinthians 12. 40 to 42,1 corinthians,12,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry leviticus chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,leviticus,3,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 13 it wasn't like that was the 3 john look at galatians chapter 1 verse 7 it is which is not another,3 john,1,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 7 "earth, to the nations. in song of solomon (song of songs) 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",song of solomon (song of songs),45,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 45 verse 5 is the hope to which he has called you or go further 1 john 4 13 we see that christ gave gifts to men and he gave,1 john,4,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 13 1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,1 chronicles,26,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 19 only twice in all the bible both times in the book of 2 timothy once right there in chapter 11 verse 40 that you don't,2 timothy,11,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 that has destroyed so many things malachi 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,malachi,26,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 2 purifies and refine the bible st. 2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in amos 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,amos,5,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 12 eluded with the peace of god micah chapter four from verse four to seven,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in nehemiah chapter 41 and verse 14.,nehemiah,41,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 14 to honor her and 1 samuel 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,1 samuel,27,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 27 verse 18 why 1 corinthians 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,1 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to christ 2 chronicles 24 3 you shall have no other gods,2 chronicles,24,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 24 verse 3 the wiser we have the better we live malachi 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,malachi,12,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 2 is a military book in habakkuk chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war,habakkuk,15,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 3 know how to go about it in matthew 21 22 the bible says a wise man,matthew,21,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 21 verse 22 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of mark 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,mark,44,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 44 verse 3 stuff but habakkuk 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,habakkuk,53,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 53 verse 7 from them that work uprightly joshua 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23,joshua,19,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 14 third thing you need to know today is in 2 kings 12 and verse 3 it says those who are wise,2 kings,12,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 3 leficicle chapter 17 we're looking at verse 11 amos leviticus chapter 70 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in,amos,17,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 11 look at jude chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,jude,14,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 14 matthew chapter 14 verse 21 exodus 14 21. exodus 14 21 i read,matthew,14,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 21 over judgment 2 corinthians 2 and verse 13 mercy of god triumphs over judgment i,2 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity 1 timothy 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that,1 timothy,2,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 6 believer it tells us in 1 samuel chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,1 samuel,4,31.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 31 the memory verse today is from the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 2,2 thessalonians,22,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 2 reach for the stars 1 kings chapter 3 and verse 16. he will grant unto you according to,1 kings,3,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 18 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 1 chronicles chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,1 chronicles,14,31.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 31 from their labors and their works do follow them joel 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,joel,14,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 13 he said we should open to the book of lamentations chapter 3 verse 6. i opened to that book when i opened i,lamentations,3,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 6 you can query him jude chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,jude,4,34.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 34 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put habakkuk 13 verse 4 up on the screen,habakkuk,13,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 4 very text came to them 1 thessalonians 44 3 and they began to plead with god,1 thessalonians,44,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 44 verse 3 1 timothy chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 8. reading from verse 17.,1 timothy,8,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 17 mean by virgins it says in haggai chapter 14 and verse 4,haggai,14,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 4 ephraim you can read the story in 2 samuel 48 verse 13 to 20 genesis 42 verse 13 to 20 when he was brought with,2 samuel,48,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 48 verse 13 just come up every week for the last several weeks ezekiel chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,ezekiel,12,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 2 government in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,song of solomon (song of songs),12,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 5 life because esther 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,esther,37,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 37 verse 7 minutes or whatever but you know leviticus chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,leviticus,3,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 5 justified amos 5 9. who are the justified,amos,5,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 9 is a function of outstanding distinction according to 2 kings 11 26 acts 11 26 christians were so called,2 kings,11,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 26 our prayer focus today is holiness 1 kings chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,1 kings,1,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 9 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in 3 john chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,3 john,4,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 14 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in 1 thessalonians 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,1 thessalonians,20,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 12 his son made of a woman made under the law 2 samuel 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,2 samuel,4,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 4 look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,song of solomon (song of songs),14,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 14 five i'm reading from verse five to eight 1 peter five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,1 peter,5,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 5 message from 2 thessalonians chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus chapter 12 when reading from verse 3,2 thessalonians,12,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 3 and the holy spirit 1 samuel says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a,1 samuel,25,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 25 verse 28 prayed scripture says in titus 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,titus,8,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 13 flood please reduction i said to please titus 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,titus,1,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 13 like can you guys just get to that place malachi chapter 1 verse 3 let me read it from here it says bless,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 i wanted to show you in leviticus is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,leviticus,12,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 14 check out jonah chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,jonah,14,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 12 the bible tells us in the book of zephaniah 3 verses 9 and 10 proverbs 3 9 10 6 under the law without substance and,zephaniah,3,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 9 flyers mark 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,mark,3,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 5 name 1 chronicles chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51,1 chronicles,7,51.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 51 we must live peaceably with all men also in hosea chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,hosea,2,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 14 the other scriptures that we have looked at so mark chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,mark,6,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 18 abide abide in him nehemiah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your,nehemiah,10,35.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 35 your ability to lead in haggai chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,haggai,1,26.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 26 and the bible promised in ecclesiastes chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7,ecclesiastes,61,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 61 verse 7 [applause] 2 timothy 10 21 to 23 here is it,2 timothy,10,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 21 is time for them to harvest in the book of mark chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the,mark,6,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 2 where i was going and was carried into heaven look at 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3. hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 who being,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 money so haggai 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body,haggai,10,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 5 fruitfulness job 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,job,23,25.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 25 be used for the drink offering in 2 kings and chapter 9 verse 13 there's a comment about wine cheers,2 kings,9,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 13 we don't neglect gathering together as saints jude 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,jude,58,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 58 verse 13 life number one you have eternal pardon eternal pardon hosea 6 23 romans 6 23 1st john 5 11. first john 5 11,hosea,6,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 23 look luke 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,luke,11,33.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 33 19. here's the 2 thessalonians 8 28 genesis 15 20. you,2 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament 1 samuel in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment,1 samuel,2,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 13 somebody say solutions 1 timothy 25 verse 25 proverbs 25 verse 25 he says as,1 timothy,25,25.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 25 verse 25 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 read for let's go to five and six philippians 4 verse 5 so then your gentleness be known to all,2 timothy,4,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 5 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says 1 peter 1 23 continue,1 peter,1,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 23 amen psalms chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,psalms,8,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 8 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,zephaniah,4,32.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 32 we have in the new testament in fact joel chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 obviously israel is regathered in the land as leviticus 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray,leviticus,37,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 37 verse 11 he knew that christ will come from 2 kings chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about,2 kings,3,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 15 chapter 8 haggai 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,haggai,8,35.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 35 coming sunday 2 chronicles chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an end them to the nation,2 chronicles,5,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 2 can we say believe in amen zechariah 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,zechariah,3,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 17 in your life in jesus name and look at 2 kings chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free,2 kings,6,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 18 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from titus chapter 9 verse 22.,titus,9,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 22 in joel 66 verse 15 the lord is the avenger he puts on garments of vengeance isaiah 59 says ezekiel 25 verse 17 to my wrath and,joel,25,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 25 verse 17 "off this earth in the blink of an eye 2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're",2 corinthians,25,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 9 morning colossians chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,colossians,5,42.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 42 theme that's found throughout 1 john 229 wherefore will you plead with me,1 john,2,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 29 everlasting father prince of peace that's 1 samuel 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two,1 samuel,9,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 6 duet that proclaims the strength of god in delivering his people jude chapter 5 goes all the way for 31 verses this,jude,5,31.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 31 this is a toxic idea to the real unity of the church in 2 samuel 15 5 now may the god who gives perseverance and,2 samuel,15,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 5 you see this this malachi said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,malachi,24,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 15 minutes or whatever but you know 3 john chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,3 john,3,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 5 songs in this country america america god shed his grace on thee philemon was called into a secret place verse 17 that,philemon,1,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 17 i want you to shout it loud and clean hosea chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,hosea,29,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 17 shall not the judge of all the earth do right 2 corinthians 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,2 corinthians,18,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 18 verse 25 multitude of councilors there is safety that is job 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the,job,11,14.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 14 what's today's date 26 1 john 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb,1 john,36,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 36 verse 26 2 timothy 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,2 timothy,15,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 18 so the bible says in nehemiah 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,nehemiah,22,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 3 judges was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter,judges,18,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 4 shoemaker says can you elaborate on colossians 6 4 is it referring to backsliding or,colossians,6,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 4 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in jude chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,jude,33,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 33 verse 3 relates to this and it says here in 1 kings 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular,1 kings,12,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 escape if neglect so great a salvation joshua chapter 2 and verse 3 that's where they escape,joshua,2,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 3 year say loud amen 1 corinthians chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had,1 corinthians,50,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 50 verse 4 because in 1 peter chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when,1 peter,10,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 12 chapter 2 verse 4 joshua 2 verse 4 romans 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3,joshua,2,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 4 already pre to committed himself into that look at colossians chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 can i hear you scream the loudest amen zephaniah chapter 8 and verse 37 says nay in all these things we are more than,zephaniah,8,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 37 man may fail but god cannot the bible said to us in 1 kings chapter 6 verse 13,1 kings,6,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 13 hosea in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,hosea,6,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 5 makes the lord sick but he loved them anyway look at 2 chronicles 3 verse 14. to the angel of the church of the,2 chronicles,3,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 of scriptures to fail in obadiah chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,obadiah,23,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 19 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in 1 peter chapter 6 reading from verse 15,1 peter,6,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 15 now nehemiah 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you,nehemiah,1,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 27 well there must be something wrong and according to 1 peter chapter 5 verse 16 james,1 peter,5,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 16 seek ye me in vain in 1 john chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that,1 john,11,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 6 hold of this we've got to get a hold of it now matthew chapter 3 beginning at verse 14 and unto the angel of the,matthew,3,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 14 understanding of god's word to us joshua 33 and verse 3 says it very clearly call unto me,joshua,33,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 33 verse 3 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know philemon 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,philemon,16,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 3 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in malachi 3 and verse 12,malachi,3,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 12 shall not the judge of all the earth do right 2 chronicles 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,2 chronicles,18,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 25 brings us to justification 1 thessalonians chapter 3 22,1 thessalonians,3,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 22 looking at 1 chronicles chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,1 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 prophetic mantle haggai 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to,haggai,19,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 11 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in 1 kings chapter one verse six,1 kings,1,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 6 have a permanent enjoy leviticus chapter 2 26,leviticus,2,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 26 verse 22 and 23 ezra 1 22 to 23,ezra,1,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 22 but the soul is not right job chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,job,25,33.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 33 here now let's look at hosea 2 21. what does james say james says was not abraham our,hosea,2,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 21 today and this is in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,1 thessalonians,5,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in colossians 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run,colossians,16,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 11 accursed luke chapter 12,luke,12,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 12 is called in hebrew chapter 12 verse 29 2 chronicles 12 29 the consuming fire when you read georges chapter 15,2 chronicles,12,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 29 that's the word of the lord come out lamentations chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 reading from verse 26 numbers chapter 16,lamentations,16,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 26 "it's a book that i did on the holy spirit. but listen to 1 chronicles chapter 8 and verse 9 verse ""however, you are not in the flesh but in",1 chronicles,8,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 9 so we give attention to the role of the holy spirit from 1 chronicles 1 and verse 8 you know where jesus said but you shall,1 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 more moves when you read luke 26 from verse 12 to 14,luke,26,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 12 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is titus 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,titus,6,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 9 at 2 kings chapter 18 verse 22 proverbs chapter 18,2 kings,18,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 18 verse 22 yeah are you getting what i'm saying 2 kings chapter 5 when you read from verse 22 also said on the fruit of the,2 kings,5,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 22 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in jonah 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,jonah,19,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 5 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 philemon 12 3 he said if only,philemon,12,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 3 somebody believes he allowed amen in 1 john chapter one number eight is everybody shall receive power after the,1 john,1,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 8 verse 15 you know we've already considered in mark 6 this great truth that paul kept on speaking about in the,mark,6,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 15 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing 1 john or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,1 john,1,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 2 in chapter 14 verse 9 this is the very last book of the book he says nehemiah says who is wise,nehemiah,14,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 9 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to colossians chapter one verse eight,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 them individually 2 thessalonians chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,2 thessalonians,10,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 7 faith without walks is dead jonah chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,jonah,2,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 18 earth that's 1 chronicles 1 28. genesis 2 and 8,1 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 grace he knew himself to be an ambassador in 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 and for me it wasn't pray for me that,1 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 will of god who will obtain the promised obadiah 10 36 don't you ever stop giving thanks the day you stop giving tongues,obadiah,10,36.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 36 conversion and notice this is a verse about faith malachi 10 38 but my righteous one shall live by faith,malachi,10,38.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 38 i'll tell you something about that jacob this is 3 john 32 24 sometimes it's very difficult for god to get you alone,3 john,32,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 24 unclean rags in amos 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like,amos,64,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 64 verse 6 saying here to abraham and isaac and to jacob and notice what he says psalms 3 and verse 8 and the scriptures or the,psalms,3,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 8 hosea chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 6,hosea,21,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 6 understanding of god's word to us numbers 33 and verse 3 says it very clearly call unto me,numbers,33,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 3 will pour out my spirit in these days this is philemon 2 28 and 29. this is exactly what happened,philemon,2,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 28 the lord and did not obey his voice 1 kings 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god,1 kings,42,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 42 verse 21 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in habakkuk 18 19,habakkuk,18,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 19 and i'm reading here from verse 20 matthew chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 lover is indestructible indestructible ezekiel chapter three we come across the experience of the three,ezekiel,3,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 3 and other prisoners at sea according to ezekiel 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,ezekiel,27,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 27 verse 14 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed lamentations chapter 6 reading from verse 18,lamentations,6,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 18 in obadiah chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you,obadiah,3,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 9 was no more room for the painters 1 john chapter 12 verse 15 to 17. no room,1 john,12,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 15 45 19. further what 2 timothy chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to,2 timothy,49,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 49 verse 15 this is how he uses the body in job 4 we read in verse 7 to each,job,4,7.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 7 damnation 1 kings 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the,1 kings,5,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 22 yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey numbers 6 verse 16 hooroo,numbers,6,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 16 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um 1 kings 22 and verse 22,1 kings,22,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 22 verse 22 bible and jesus using it in the new testament to think of 2 john 1819 it's as an everlasting covenant of salt,2 john,18,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 19 you're just losing rewards but any who's pergamum 1 kings chapter 2 verse 16 therefore repent if not i will come to,1 kings,2,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 16 come to that but here it says in titus 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,titus,4,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 15 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have amos 19 36 to 37,amos,19,36.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 36 the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses obadiah 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with,obadiah,22,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 25 while looking at 1 corinthians chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from,1 corinthians,33,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 33 verse 9 explain why you're doing this i think 1 samuel 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,1 samuel,13,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 9 actually forgiveness comes as he gets from christ look at titus chapter 5 we're reading from verses 30 and 21,titus,5,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 3 today in jude chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the,jude,4,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 12 sword and then you're likely familiar with obadiah 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,obadiah,18,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 21 the beginning of wisdom micah 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,micah,1,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 7 and so i want to look back at haggai chapter 6 at the beginning what does it say it says in verse 5 it,haggai,6,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 5 with uh yeah it's like that 2 timothy 53 we quoted earlier versus four to five,2 timothy,53,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 53 verse 4 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in haggai 10 9 to 16,haggai,10,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 9 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at 3 john chapter one verse two right you know if,3 john,1,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 2 result of private interpretation numbers 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in,numbers,3,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 22 their salvation allow that email 1 samuel chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,1 samuel,5,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 2 advice number one pride and arrogance pride and arrogance proverb zephaniah chapter 14 12.,zephaniah,14,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 12 you another example malachi in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,malachi,4,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 6 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water luke nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,luke,38,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 38 verse 16 nation resulting in a new dawn can i say lord don't believe in amen 2 corinthians 34 29 when he giveth quietness who then can,2 corinthians,34,29.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 34 verse 29 thing that god gave me is in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 30.,ecclesiastes,22,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 3 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in ruth chapter two first three verses once again,ruth,2,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 3 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading 1 thessalonians 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,1 thessalonians,32,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 8 righteousness in titus chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of,titus,8,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 2 he says we will come back again that's not a lie it's 1 thessalonians 11 verses 17 through 19 that actually share that i'll,1 thessalonians,11,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 17 the notes blame jonah chapter 1 verse 26,jonah,1,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 26 portraying who gorge is look at 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 it says and god said let us make man in our,2 samuel,1,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly judges chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like,judges,11,36.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 36 paul gives us the formula for this in 1 chronicles chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. familiar verses probably to many of you,1 chronicles,4,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 okay there's micah 5 12. now let's look at acts 14 3,micah,14,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 3 his top most requirement the titus 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,titus,7,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 23 first in 1 thessalonians 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i,1 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit leviticus chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans,leviticus,8,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 26 covenant but all we are we can be blessed by it says he nehemiah 8 verse 14 romans 8 verse 14,nehemiah,8,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 14 but god leader judges chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,judges,1,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 16 that's what we do in 2 timothy 5 8 paul said you were formerly,2 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 to damning our traditions look at habakkuk 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,habakkuk,3,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 3 year 1 john 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,1 john,13,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 19 and it all starts when you're born 1 corinthians 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,1 corinthians,22,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 15 important this for you say this for me psalms chapter 10 verse 44,psalms,10,44.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 44 we move on psalms 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god,psalms,1,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 27 "you, the only true god. numbers 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, ""for i desired mercy and not sacrifice,""",numbers,6,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 6 powerful he told them this in joel chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 he told them you'll be witnesses in all,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 colossians 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,colossians,22,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 6 mind the kana mind in 2 chronicles chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,2 chronicles,8,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 6 walk with god jonah 3 17 to be filled uh first first of all ephesians 2 6 he has raised us up with him,jonah,3,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 17 repentance esther chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,esther,14,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 2 only faith 2 timothy 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,2 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 is available the bible says in lamentations chapter 7 verse 25,lamentations,7,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 25 proofs but it says that while he was doing this 1 timothy chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 verse five matthew chapter four reading from verse five,matthew,4,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 5 engage your heart in the book of 1 timothy chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,1 timothy,30,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 30 verse 21 conscience in the voice of god talking to your spirit jude 20 verse 27 proverbs 20 verse 27 maybe we are in 3 food,jude,20,27.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 27 chapter 1 in esther chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,esther,1,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 22 it's one of the mysteries of scriptures 1 john chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of,1 john,13,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 15 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in 1 kings chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,1 kings,7,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 15 that like what they were looking at last night in 2 kings 63 64 deuteronomy 28 psalm 80,2 kings,63,64.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 63 verse 64 that condition by the apostle paul in 2 samuel 8 7. the mind of the flesh,2 samuel,8,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 7 have a permanent enjoy 2 kings chapter 2 26,2 kings,2,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 26 let me just read this scripture in jude 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall,jude,27,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 27 verse 24 except that when you now read 1 thessalonians 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christian,1 thessalonians,3,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 29 which you send your promise that's why it says in numbers 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will,numbers,33,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 3 on the mount of transfiguration again peter amos and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,amos,9,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 28 wrote the book of lamentations right luke wrote acts as well and in acts 515 he uses the exact same word and he's talking about,lamentations,5,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 15 happening on earth that's found in malachi 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,malachi,6,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 9 i'm coming now to psalms chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,psalms,8,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 22 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of esther chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,esther,4,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 12 look at the manifestation of such a gift in 2 john chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 6 in acts chapter,2 john,3,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 6 everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so zephaniah is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i,zephaniah,1,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 17 god led 2 corinthians 8 and verse 14. says for as many as are led by the spirit of god,2 corinthians,8,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 14 in that blessing is also abundance tremendous prosperity he said in 2 thessalonians 27 verse 28 genesis 27 verse 20 he said,2 thessalonians,27,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 27 verse 28 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in 1 chronicles 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,1 chronicles,46,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 46 verse 3 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out 2 john chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,2 john,2,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 24 according to 2 john chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,2 john,9,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 15 see transformation take place in our lives 1 peter 14 13 says why is the lord talk taking us to this country only to,1 peter,14,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 13 this judgment seat again in psalms 16 15 to 17,psalms,16,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 15 judges chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 from verse 20 to the bible says he changes times and,judges,2,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 2 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 2 chronicles 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,2 chronicles,15,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 15 you a couple of them 2 john chapter 13 verse a goes like this revelation chapter 13 verse 8 god is talking about,2 john,13,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 8 2 samuel in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,2 samuel,6,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 5 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers 1 kings reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,1 kings,1,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 2 and verse 5 job 35 verse 5 the bible says take ye from among you an offering unto,job,35,5.0,1.0,job chapter 35 verse 5 to desu your teachers in zechariah chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40,zechariah,40,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 40 verse 29 flyers micah 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,micah,3,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 5 gonna be praying consigned a spirit of wisdom bible says in nahum 24 verse 3 bible says a wise man is strong a man of,nahum,24,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 24 verse 3 he fulfilled what ruth prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,ruth,27,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 4 numbers chapter 6 verse 8 isaiah 6 verse 8 who will go for us,numbers,6,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 8 and paul answers no 2 samuel 11 25 a partial hardening has come upon israel,2 samuel,11,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 25 interceding for our families and i read from nahum chapter 24 and verse 14 and 15 joshua 24 verse 14 and 15. this was,nahum,24,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 24 verse 14 as i conclude in 1 kings 61 and verse 2,1 kings,61,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 61 verse 2 according to 2 kings chapter 38 from verse 8 to 11 job 38 proverbs 8 to 11,2 kings,38,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 38 verse 8 christian parent and listen to what 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7 says deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7,1 timothy,6,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 6 we read from verse 15 to 17 1 corinthians 5 from 15 to 17.,1 corinthians,5,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 15 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in 3 john chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,3 john,7,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 15 erelua can you read that joshua 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,joshua,19,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 11 deceive us from the truth look at jonah 5 verse 8,jonah,5,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 8 capital of greece was athens and it says in 2 samuel 17 and verse 21 that all the people in athens,2 samuel,17,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 21 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 5,song of solomon (song of songs),2,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 5 1 corinthians chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,1 corinthians,11,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 25 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of 1 corinthians chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,1 corinthians,6,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 23 praise the lord and you remember the book of habakkuk 2 extra 14 6 the reason why,habakkuk,2,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 6 she says here uh those who restrict the meaning of matthew 3 28 to an abstract or eschatological meaning meaning like,matthew,3,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 28 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in obadiah 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,obadiah,2,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 14 one lifetime 1 kings the writer of hebrews says in hebrews 9 27,1 kings,9,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 27 joshua chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,joshua,1,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 2 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ lamentations chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,lamentations,11,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 15 just look at lucifer's fall in 2 timothy chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,2 timothy,28,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 28 verse 17 ruth chapter 3 verse 19 proverbs chapter 3 verse 18 even god almighty the great i am,ruth,3,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 18 undeniable answers to prayer look at 1 peter chapter two we're looking at verses 6 and 7 it was six i went down to,1 peter,2,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 6 forever and ever so 2 corinthians 11 30 plus proverbs 3 35 equals daniel 12 3. so you can remove the scriptures,2 corinthians,11,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 you are entering your place in destiny 2 corinthians 4 verse 11 down to verse 13. i take john's version he said take,2 corinthians,4,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in jude 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,jude,3,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 14 here today we are presently in the church age that's matthew 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,matthew,1,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 3 a next levels encounter with your word luke chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob,luke,9,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 8 the phantom of the opera but i was also thinking about ezekiel 4 verse 29 which says let no corrupting talk come,ezekiel,4,29.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 29 was she immediately ran and said can i verse 1 kings chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7,1 kings,2,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 7 the provisions of the kingdom of god much more in micah 2 verse 3 he said how shall we escape if we neglect so,micah,2,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 3 "i'm done. zephaniah the prophet, chapter 4 verse 17, ""ephraim or israel is joined to idols, let them alone.""",zephaniah,4,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 17 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17. galatians chapter 3 verse 11,2 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka psalms 11 22 says behold,psalms,11,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 22 church days coming sunday in leviticus chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of,leviticus,12,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 mark chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,mark,9,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 14 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game 2 thessalonians doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,2 thessalonians,42,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 42 verse 5 everybody one last verse psalms chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment,psalms,2,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 13 in ezra chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that,ezra,14,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 21 6 who gave himself who gave himself a ransom for all for all obadiah 9 daniel 9 verse 26,obadiah,9,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 26 numbers chapter 3 in ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading here from verse 20,numbers,3,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 2 that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 3 john 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a,3 john,3,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 5 all through this year 1 timothy 89 and verse 20 the bible says i have found david my servant with my holy,1 timothy,89,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 89 verse 2 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done ezekiel 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity jude 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,jude,13,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 3 i am more than a conqueror 1 john chapter 8 verse 37.,1 john,8,37.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 37 bible verse it should be powerful 2 peter chapter 33 verse 6 he said,2 peter,33,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 33 verse 6 love for the church according to 2 thessalonians 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also,2 thessalonians,5,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 25 reading on verse 12. ezra chapter 4 verse 12 this is what it says,ezra,4,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 12 and they came near song of solomon (song of songs) 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,song of solomon (song of songs),45,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 45 verse 4 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night zechariah luke and i danielle,zechariah,12,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 5 interceding is very important john 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,john,9,5.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 5 but the reason i had you turn over to haggai is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,haggai,3,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 9 in the book of 3 john 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision,3 john,29,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 18 what you expect to have as good a matthew chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,matthew,1,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 12 here and we can we can couple this with more information from nehemiah 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ,nehemiah,15,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 8 to hosea chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9,hosea,9,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 6 worthy of god look at 1 kings chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 4,1 kings,3,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 4 well in zephaniah chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,zephaniah,12,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 15 you said it was at a well in the land of media and was that correct mark 2 16 to 21,mark,2,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 16 according to his riches in christ jesus zechariah 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17,zechariah,17,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 5 sin because it will make it casualty in 3 john 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord,3 john,32,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 23 remaineth esther 8,esther,1,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 25 time to rejoice zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you,zechariah,4,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 proverbs chapter 3 verse 18 even god almighty the great i am,ecclesiastes,3,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 18 there's no chapters it's just the book of 1 peter jude 12 baby verse 12 these are spots in your love feasts so he's,1 peter,12,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 12 out of the words of salvation habakkuk chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom,habakkuk,12,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 for absence from the bridegroom's book in heaven john chapter 21 verse 27,john,21,27.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 27 of scriptures to fail in joel chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,joel,23,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 19 in 1 peter chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person,1 peter,17,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 17 verse 24 you asked because zechariah chapter 12 verse 35 says this and the people of israel did as,zechariah,12,35.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 35 things more become new equally joel 2 12 to 13. we are for my beloved as he has also,joel,2,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 12 of god you want to light up your world nahum chapter 2 from verse 13 to 14 titles 2 13 to 14,nahum,2,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 13 thing in ezra 53 8 listen to what isaiah said by oppression and judgment he the messiah is taken away same,ezra,53,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 53 verse 8 19 ax and see the glorious time.com haggai chapter 19 ah reading from verse 7 he relationship a 19 verse 7 it,haggai,19,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 7 to remind us about 1 john in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,1 john,6,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 12 and we read that you would i rose up in numbers 44 4 i've got most of these verses marked in,numbers,44,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 44 verse 4 just remember that lamentations 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,lamentations,5,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 15 luke chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 cannot be rewarded job chapter 12 verse 28 the bible says having therefore received,job,12,28.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 28 as we saw in reuben ezra 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,ezra,49,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 49 verse 3 that's why the bible says faith walked by love malachi chapter 5 and verse 6. so the ground from which your faith can,malachi,5,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 6 when it comes to wisdom in the book of 1 thessalonians 1 17 the word of god says that the god of our lord jesus christ,1 thessalonians,1,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 age and 1 john 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,1 john,13,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 2 down from the eye from the ivory tower of pride 1 timothy chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13,1 timothy,17,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 11 incorrect the answer is c habakkuk 12 verse next question question 8,habakkuk,12,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 8 them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart 2 samuel 15 number 16. when god's word begins to,2 samuel,15,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 16 shout hallelujah in the book of 2 john chapter 10 and verse 7 the word of god tells us there,2 john,10,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 7 and 17 verse 16 zechariah 42 16. after this leave job how long,zechariah,42,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 42 verse 16 so simba started there and he says in verse 30 of the micah 11 the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life the,micah,11,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 3 in all details look at eight of haggai hebrews chapter age were looking at verse five and it says,haggai,8,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 5 sanctify sage chapter 7 of ecclesiastes reading from verse 3,ecclesiastes,7,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 3 from verse 4 to 3 1 1 john 1 4 5 the bible says,1 john,1,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 4 see what paul says in 1 kings 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13,1 kings,3,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 13 then it is a curse 1 chronicles chapter 3 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 3 from verse 17 to 19.,1 chronicles,3,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 in 1 chronicles chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel chapter one,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 it wasn't like that was the numbers look at galatians chapter 1 verse 7 it is which is not another,numbers,1,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 7 that my old man was crucified with him as well joel 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,joel,6,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 6 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section ezekiel 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your,ezekiel,59,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 59 verse 2 on this first sunday of the month of july haggai chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,haggai,3,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 9 that very chapter verse 8 and from song of solomon (song of songs) 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed to,song of solomon (song of songs),53,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 53 verse 8 here i'm here son i'm here daughter he is on the inside so obadiah chapter 3 verse 26 now on to him that is able to,obadiah,3,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 26 believer it tells us in haggai chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,haggai,4,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 31 2 samuel chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,2 samuel,11,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 6 lola we mark the beginning of your eyes in genesis 37 the necessary gucci from verse 5 to 11 as they can see coca to cola,mark,37,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 37 verse 5 him said behave the same way in titus chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,titus,15,32.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 32 ever it is now and here's what 2 peter 10 25 says let us not give up,2 peter,10,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 25 of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in 2 kings 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters,2 kings,3,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 18 it takes prayer in the book of 2 john 4 verse 12 the bible says apophas who is one of you,2 john,4,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 12 something that we shall receive gained joel of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our,joel,1,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 6 have persecuted israel the bible says in joel 3 verse 2 i will gather all the nations and bring them,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 the answers so your joy 1 peter 4 6 alongside with,1 peter,4,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 6 zephaniah chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 the uniqueness of x alina leadership hebrews,zephaniah,5,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 4 in haggai chapter 1 from verse 1 to 8 joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8. god said clearly,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 redeemed us from the curse of the law matthew 1 6 he says we have been,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 and other prisoners at sea according to ruth 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,ruth,27,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 14 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 corinthians 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 too were looking at habakkuk chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,habakkuk,3,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 14 sighting in verse 9 of 2 thessalonians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,2 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 die this is this is this was in judges chapter 21 listen to genesis chapter 16,judges,21,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 16 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 micah chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,micah,1,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 17 you give an example so let's look at this particular example 1 corinthians 28 13 and you said thank you for your,1 corinthians,28,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 13 of sales in this prophetic season 2 corinthians chapter 2 and verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,2 corinthians,2,46.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 46 in jesus name we are praying 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 he said the only god,1 samuel,9,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 prayed scripture says in 2 corinthians 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,2 corinthians,8,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 13 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,1 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 of the lord says in the book of ezekiel chapter 43 and verse 6,ezekiel,43,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 43 verse 6 every one of us in jesus name in 1 kings chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,1 kings,3,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 12 first a word to you married women paul says in zephaniah 5 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the lord for,zephaniah,5,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 22 glorification without him according to paul ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 9,ecclesiastes,8,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 9 timothy 2 15. access to 2 samuel an application of oneself to eat we,2 samuel,2,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 15 and that brings immense comfort the next verse is 2 timothy 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of,2 timothy,4,35.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 35 came the result was seen in ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 41,ecclesiastes,2,41.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 41 honorable lie of grace in ecclesiastes chapter 2 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 2,ecclesiastes,2,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 5 redeemer but no action look at job chapter 2. james chapter 2 verse 17 even so peace if it had not works is,job,2,17.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 17 ezra chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 romans 8 15 to 17 everything that god has just like jesus christ you can lay,ezra,8,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 15 tell me your bibles today in the book of joshua chapter eight and i'll read from verse 14.,joshua,8,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 14 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in 1 kings chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,1 kings,10,38.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 38 and the interest of his kingdom now let's rewind a little in 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 god said let now let,1 samuel,1,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 say loud amen nahum chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,nahum,34,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 34 verse 25 joel 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way,joel,22,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 28 song of solomon (song of songs) 30 genesis 15 he came back to him in genesis 17 from verse 1 he assured,song of solomon (song of songs),30,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 15 will you guide me and lead me in this that is what god asks of us in john chapter 1 verse 24 it says all glory to,john,1,24.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 24 and there's many other verses in song of solomon (song of songs) where he addresses that 2 13 my people have committed two evils,song of solomon (song of songs),2,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 13 abacus chapter 2 verse 4 we went into that jonah 1 17 the joshua lived by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 micah chapter 7 chapter 8 9 and 11 and revelation chapter 13 he's mentioned as the beast in revelation 13 he is going,micah,13,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 8 1 chronicles in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11.,1 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience 2 kings 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about,2 kings,24,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 24 verse 16 you say really oh nehemiah 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,nehemiah,21,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 21 verse 16 look at ezra chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto,ezra,6,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 13 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of judges dealing with the events that are going to be coming,judges,6,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 18 is available in the on the all time judges which is the church of christ in colossians chapter 1 and verse 12,judges,1,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 12 and we're reading from verse 6 it's sending us now to the matthew and it tells us in chapter 6 verse 6 it says go to,matthew,6,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 6 in closing therefore according to titus chapter 6 and verse 9,titus,6,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 9 if you read 1 john 39 7 to 12 genesis 39 7 to 12 enemy wanted to corrupt the life of joseph through adultery true,1 john,39,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 39 verse 7 your ability to lead in ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,ezekiel,1,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26 i believe what's happening is what amos 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,amos,16,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 2 scholars today promote this objection on joel 45 7 where it says god created evil i have a,joel,45,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 45 verse 7 word the lord gave us when we started cfc nehemiah 1 verse 11 you remember very clearly speaking on this and almost one,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 which most christians don't think of it says in colossians 5 verse 30.,colossians,5,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 3 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love 2 timothy chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,2 timothy,4,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 14 finish so strong so well mark chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,mark,3,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 22 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank jonah chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,jonah,5,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 22 and you're and you're getting triggered by esther 14 23 i all i can say to you is that paul,esther,14,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 23 thereby attracting many more to christ it brings about eruption of judges isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 is this not,judges,58,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 58 verse 6 instruction despiseth his own soul ezra 15 verse 32 and he that being often reproved he that being often,ezra,15,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 32 uh ezra chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,ezra,30,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 23 mighty name of jesus mark chapter 12 verses 11 the bible says i a high rate of physical and,mark,12,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 11 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of nahum 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,nahum,41,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 41 verse 14 first a word to you married women paul says in job 5 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the lord for,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 somebody shout oh 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,1 timothy,8,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 32 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,song of solomon (song of songs),36,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 36 verse 11 of israel for the encounter he had packed for them 2 peter 19 from verse 4 to 6.,2 peter,19,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 4 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of jonah chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,jonah,3,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 8 power of continuity you know what paul said in mark 26 verse 22 acts 26 verse 22,mark,26,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 22 to the great day of the lord. you go through 1 timothy 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,1 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 [applause] in ruth 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,ruth,3,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 7 because of the ignoring deported contestant number four ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 5 to 8 is the bible text for,ecclesiastes,6,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 5 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 3 john 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,3 john,5,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 14 children of god the saints of god in ruth chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,ruth,19,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 19 verse 11 this in 2 samuel chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,2 samuel,32,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 16 we are reading verse 4 in the book of 2 kings 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life,2 kings,15,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 12 to 13 2 samuel 6 12 to 13 he said let not sin there foreign in your mother body,2 samuel,6,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 12 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god joel chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,joel,4,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 3 time for offering according to malachi 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord,malachi,3,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 9 magnifying the lord look at malachi chapter 10 verse 44 acts,malachi,10,44.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 44 for joy psalms chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy,psalms,8,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 8 money so 1 timothy 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body,1 timothy,10,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 5 as a loving father who says in 2 peter 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,2 peter,49,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 49 verse 15 there's much more than that see ezekiel 1 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his,ezekiel,1,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 7 "of nations. in titus chapter 4 and verse 17, a familiar setting.",titus,4,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 17 down and study the law so i think really when you look at this colossians 3 18 verse it's really speaking to that that,colossians,3,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 18 no advance at all. luke 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,luke,10,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 21 speaks to give instruction judges that one must 11 genesis 31 11 and the angels of god spoke to me in a dream that's,judges,31,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 31 verse 11 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick 1 corinthians 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,1 corinthians,13,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 12 it's like okay be strong in his strength it's kind of like 1 corinthians 8 13 that says if by the spirit you put to,1 corinthians,8,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 13 you need these things he has promised joel chapter 4 verse 19 that he will meet all of our needs according to,joel,4,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 19 scripture ruth 45 verse 5 i am the lord and there is no other apart from me there is,ruth,45,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 45 verse 5 scripture has changed my life psalms chapter 10 verse 9,psalms,10,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 9 a couple of examples elijah was a man with a nature like ours ecclesiastes 5 17. he was just like us it says remember,ecclesiastes,5,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 17 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct joel 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,joel,17,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 9 and don't forget the promise of 1 samuel 31 8 or he says i will never never,1 samuel,31,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 31 verse 8 choices moses successor 3 john summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,3 john,24,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 24 verse 15 stimulates joy song of solomon (song of songs) 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,song of solomon (song of songs),17,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 22 number two exoros chapter 15 ezra chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,ezra,15,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 15 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,2 peter,2,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 3 luke chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,luke,26,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 14 a wonder to my world the anchor is 2 thessalonians chapter number eight and verse 18. the recommended books of the month,2 thessalonians,8,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 18 we need to bear one another's burdens in 1 samuel chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this,1 samuel,6,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 2 outside the can joshua chapter 13 jesus suffered outside the camp hebrews 13 verse 12 he wasn't crucified inside jerusalem he,joshua,13,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 12 obadiah chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17. don't forget that he said clearly you,obadiah,8,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 17 lesson five lifestyle of righteousness memory verse is in zephaniah chapter 17 verse 9 says the righteous shall hold on his,zephaniah,17,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 9 the full wave of the glory of god look at micah 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,micah,8,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 26 dealings with god in matthew 13 15 the kingdom said good understanding,matthew,13,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 15 childhood colossians chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 it also says the same thing in 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,2 samuel,12,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 9 to your face or maybe in the comments section of a youtube video 2 timothy chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 is our target,2 timothy,7,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 21 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering job chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,job,4,9.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 9 ezekiel chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,ezekiel,11,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 24 almighty god said in 2 timothy 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,2 timothy,15,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 26 this way in 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom,2 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 without fear philemon chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,philemon,8,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 15 listen let me show you a version job 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,job,8,34.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 34 miracles received in every service philemon 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,philemon,3,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 17 function of liberality the same 1 john chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,1 john,11,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 25 and i from everyone 2 corinthians chapter 14 reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 14 we're eating from verse 4 and,2 corinthians,14,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 4 we are and yet did not sin never fell he was made like us 1 peter 217 in all things he was tempted like us in all,1 peter,2,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 17 continue the thought process of the book of psalms 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at,psalms,3,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 9 in haggai chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17,haggai,3,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 17 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well joshua 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,joshua,4,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 5 for his wondrous works in our lives in the book of malachi 26 7 that i may publish with the voice of thanksgiving,malachi,26,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 7 limits in hosea chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,hosea,19,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 2 are you offended supports are you offended in 1 peter chapter 16 verse 70 romans 16 verse 17,1 peter,16,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 16 verse 16 be saved and in that scripture does ruth chapter 10 13 14 15 and 70 talking about how are they going to be,ruth,10,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 13 looking at 1 kings chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 14 james chapter 3 verse 14 but she have beta and win and,1 kings,3,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 14 micah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,micah,2,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 25 1 kings 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created,1 kings,2,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 7 ruth chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 3,ruth,33,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 33 verse 3 let's what are the details zephaniah 27 will help us genesis 27 you can read it from verse 26 to 29,zephaniah,27,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 27 verse 26 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's titus 1 8.,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 greater sense and that's in malachi revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,malachi,19,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 7 i said with you will rejoice looking at 2 john chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,2 john,1,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 16 in chapter one come to chapter one of ezekiel and in verse 15 he talks about his feet,ezekiel,1,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,song of solomon (song of songs),14,31.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 31 talk to captains from sunglass titus chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21,titus,30,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 30 verse 19 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in jonah four verse four,jonah,4,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 4 and he said for example in zechariah chapter 9 verse 6 i said chapter 9 verse 6 oh,zechariah,9,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 6 zechariah reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,zechariah,5,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 24 what does this mean everything we're reading about here in john 52 and isaiah 53,john,52,19.0,1.0,john chapter 52 verse 19 he preached on one of his messages on prayer lamentations 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the,lamentations,62,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 62 verse 6 bless the lord o my soul look at some for joshua 44 reading from verse 28,joshua,44,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 44 verse 28 peter's preaching verse 23 1 john 2 in his pentecost sermon this man speaking of the lord jesus,1 john,2,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 23 we have in the new testament in fact judges chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,judges,4,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 4 companion by the way when he wrote 2 corinthians he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,2 corinthians,4,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 ezekiel 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 but the fruits of the spirit is love joy peace,ezekiel,5,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 22 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of jude chapter 8 and verse 16.,jude,8,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 16 and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience joel 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about,joel,24,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 24 verse 16 the others of the church verse 14 of habakkuk let him prove over him anointing with oil in the name of the,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of 1 kings chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,1 kings,20,32.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 32 let's have a look in verse 30. 2 corinthians 5 13. it says,2 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 the word of god gives a clear answer in numbers chapter 18 verses 7 & 8 which especially applies to christians if at,numbers,18,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 7 in all aspects of this commission 2 kings 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of,2 kings,23,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 19 christ i'll read 2 peter 20 verse 12,2 peter,20,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 12 colossians 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,colossians,5,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 17 cramming it into seven 1 thessalonians chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,1 thessalonians,9,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 9 because the lord has rejected them amos chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,amos,1,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 28 and then when you read luke chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible,luke,9,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 2 your word in 2 peter 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,2 peter,14,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 3 end from the beginning 2 john chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,2 john,46,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 46 verse 9 that's random ecclesiastes galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 redeemed us from the curse of the law 3 john 1 6 he says we have been,3 john,1,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 6 moses one is 2 chronicles 15 verses 1 to 4 the other is deuteronomy 32 verse 42 the theme in both those songs is the same,2 chronicles,32,42.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 32 verse 42 indeed 2 corinthians chapter 13 from verse 11 to 18,2 corinthians,13,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 11 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in 2 peter 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,2 peter,12,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 6 and moses we are told about moses in jonah chapter 11 verse 27 that by faith moses forsook,jonah,11,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 27 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in nahum chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,nahum,24,34.0,1.0,nahum chapter 24 verse 34 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse malachi chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,malachi,8,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 3 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid 2 kings 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,2 kings,6,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 15 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 hosea 10 12 from the first,hosea,10,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 12 somebody say a louder amen nahum chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,nahum,11,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 3 and a cult idol of the old testament we read in malachi 718 the children gather would the father's kindle fire and the,malachi,7,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 18 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,song of solomon (song of songs),5,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 22 for the word of god has said it in zechariah 10 11 that there is no one that put his trust in god that will be put to,zechariah,10,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 11 this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um ecclesiastes chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus,ecclesiastes,20,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 20 verse 23 refuge that's the term that we're getting in titus numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,titus,25,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 25 verse 28 redeemer 2 samuel 54 verse 4 fear not,2 samuel,54,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 54 verse 4 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of ecclesiastes 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,ecclesiastes,41,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 41 verse 14 jesus enough of telling stories in hosea chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says for,hosea,8,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 19 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at john chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 look at verse 17 there in verse 17 judges chapter 1 verse 17,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 ultimate advantage 2 samuel chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,2 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 but i held on to my god he said in 2 timothy chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as,2 timothy,14,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 11 going to be an encouragement and then we'll have as habakkuk 6 18 says we'll have strong encouragement,habakkuk,6,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 18 when i was preaching through the book of song of solomon (song of songs) and uh we came to chapter 4 verse 6,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 marriage is created it isn't until we get to zechariah chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,zechariah,2,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 24 from day one i was preaching from haggai 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,haggai,3,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 13 judgment 1 chronicles 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god,1 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 accursed 1 timothy chapter 12,1 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 the children of israel in judges chapter 2 verse 23 to 25,judges,2,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 23 in the book of nahum in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,nahum,74,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 74 verse 2 can you say believe in amen psalms 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,psalms,5,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 26 things about god you can read about that in 1 timothy chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,1 timothy,13,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 6 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote zephaniah 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,zephaniah,8,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 28 one reading from verse 12 numbers chapter one,numbers,1,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 12 feed on it you meditate on it and that's why the bible says in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2. it says be,song of solomon (song of songs),12,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture esther 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,esther,6,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 9 this city but things did not go as planned look at esther four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city,esther,4,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 5 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,1 timothy,11,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 this is like two in one it's taking from psalms 5 22 and 25 the rule of love says that the,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 chapter 8 and verse 12 titus 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,titus,8,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 12 13 reading from verse 8 matthew chapter 13 now reading from verse 8 it says jesus,matthew,13,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 8 your oppressors in the mighty name of jesus nahum 14 40 says,nahum,14,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 4 and if you read 2 peter chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,2 peter,17,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 8 when jesus comes according to 2 corinthians 3 21 then he's going to subject all things to himself but until,2 corinthians,3,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 21 joel chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5 we read of the church in the house of,joel,16,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 3 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to 1 samuel isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,1 samuel,43,43.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 43 verse 43 please join me as we wrap up zechariah chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,zechariah,31,37.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 31 verse 37 all we have ever known malachi chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the,malachi,5,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 14 different thing now if we go to mark to exodus 24 8,mark,24,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 24 verse 8 the power from our possessed pentecost zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,zechariah,1,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 11 to 13 2 kings 4 11 to 13 it tells us there are some who are apostles,2 kings,4,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 11 verse 18. 1 john chapter 4 verse 18 we kissed hope believes in hope,1 john,4,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 18 ultimate advantage zechariah chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,zechariah,3,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 17 triumph of god to centered faith in 1 chronicles 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,1 chronicles,39,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 39 verse 21 shall not be disappointed 1 corinthians 4 17 romans 4 17,1 corinthians,4,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 in prayer haggai 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,haggai,12,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 12 obedience to parents 2 chronicles 3 20. children,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 the evil of your duties and they were told in 2 corinthians chapter 3 reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent,2 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 book of 1 kings again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he,1 kings,28,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 28 verse 12 know he just has the text he wants malachi 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 zechariah chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,zechariah,9,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 18 let's go ahead and watch it look at here in 2 timothy 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were,2 timothy,1,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 and i'm reading here from verse 20 1 corinthians chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse,1 corinthians,3,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 2 through me you see because in judges chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will,judges,28,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 28 verse 28 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 2 john 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,2 john,22,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 22 verse 6 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so 2 chronicles seven four says therefore my brethren you also,2 chronicles,7,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 4 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from hosea 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from,hosea,34,29.0,1.0,hosea chapter 34 verse 29 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in obadiah 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,obadiah,13,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 5 and then to angels and to men in obadiah chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,obadiah,3,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 9 of truth in 1 corinthians 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 4 spirit 2 24 and that's in confirmation of ezekiel chapter 50 3 and verse 4 and 5.,ezekiel,50,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 50 verse 3 kingdom in the this is a vision given to obadiah verse 2 of chapter 40 he brought me into the,obadiah,40,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 40 verse 2 chapter 2 chapter 3 job chapter 3 verse 7,job,3,7.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 7 you're free look at colossians chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 11 put,colossians,6,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 11 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so joel chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,joel,6,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 9 return of the messiah in glory in matthew 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,matthew,14,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 3 amen you will not miss your reward haggai 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,haggai,6,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 9 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness obadiah 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,obadiah,27,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 27 verse 5 self to control there's others love p.m. in jonah 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness,jonah,5,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 22 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,song of solomon (song of songs),20,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 3 in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 1 kings chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says,1 kings,3,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 12 jesus name 2 samuel reading from verse 8 jeremiah chapter 30 when you came at,2 samuel,30,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 30 verse 8 luke 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,luke,4,31.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 31 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord amos chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,amos,2,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 13 jesus name in 2 corinthians chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,2 corinthians,3,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 are called to live i'm going to look at nahum 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,nahum,8,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 14 in the vision the first angel in 1 chronicles chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly,1 chronicles,14,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 6 that was what 2 timothy was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,2 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 all joel chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his,joel,14,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 2 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in 2 kings 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,2 kings,1,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 4 jude chapter 4 were eating from verse 5 colossians chapter form reading from verse 5 it says walk in wisdom,jude,4,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 5 and it echoes what paul talks about in 2 samuel 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,2 samuel,3,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 28 from 1 peter chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 joseph dreamed malachi chapter 37 from verse 5 to 11 genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11 the first,malachi,37,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 37 verse 5 lover is indestructible indestructible john chapter three we come across the experience of the three,john,3,3.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 3 if you look at john 4 verses 20 uh,john,4,2.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 2 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time 1 john chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,1 john,5,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 16 there's like eight more all right david 2 thessalonians 37 verse 24 says my servant david shall be king over them and they,2 thessalonians,37,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 24 see some of the problem here in ezekiel 4 24,ezekiel,4,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 24 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of habakkuk chapter 6 verse 26,habakkuk,6,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 26 yeah second chronicles 20 job you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah,job,20,16.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 16 of israel for the encounter he had packed for them amos 19 from verse 4 to 6.,amos,19,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 4 what is the fruit of christ well paul gives us 9 in jonah 5 22 to 23. he talks about the fruit of the spirit,jonah,5,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 22 we see also from scriptures in the book of joel chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,joel,3,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 7 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 2 kings 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,2 kings,1,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 13 yielding let's look at job chapter 6,job,6,6.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 6 reading from verses 4 and 5 1 corinthians chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 long after you have been here 2 peter 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,2 peter,29,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 17 we will obey the lord ezekiel chapter 11 reading from verse 21 acts 11,ezekiel,11,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 21 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in titus 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part,titus,45,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 45 verse 2 to remind us about 2 timothy in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,2 timothy,6,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 god that's where our story picks up colossians 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,colossians,6,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 16 obey him 2 samuel chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by,2 samuel,15,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 19 reading from verse 8 mark chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,mark,2,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 8 reading this direction so 2 corinthians chapter 16 look with me at verse 12 to 16.,2 corinthians,16,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 12 "in 2 chronicles 36 verse 14 and 15, you see in the days of lamentations and ezekiel, they are prophesying to judah and to israel under the tyranny of",lamentations,36,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 36 verse 14 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to titus 3 5. i can't shake this verse,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 out 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,2 thessalonians,4,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 12 reading from verse 15 jonah chapter 1 verse 15 but when it please god,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 according to his purpose song of solomon (song of songs) 29 and verse 11 it says that for i know,song of solomon (song of songs),29,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 11 "and he tells his entire kingdom, you can read about it in ecclesiastes 4 verse 34. let me say one last thing",ecclesiastes,4,34.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 34 flyers jonah 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,jonah,3,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 5 who's writing down and joel 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,joel,12,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 29 morning haggai chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,haggai,5,42.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 42 2 john 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and,2 john,15,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 5 philemon chapter number 46 verses 9 through 11 isaiah 46 verse 9 through 11 i paraphrase it says for i am god and,philemon,46,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 46 verse 9 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving micah chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,micah,8,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 23 and my people shall never be ashamed micah 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,micah,8,37.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 37 2 thessalonians chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,2 thessalonians,18,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 2 the bible tells us there very clearly he said 1 chronicles 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he,1 chronicles,59,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 59 verse 19 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 timothy 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15,1 thessalonians,2,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 the book of 1 john 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,1 john,17,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 28 explosive growth of this church say loud amen 1 samuel chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,1 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 thing that god gave me is in the book of 1 timothy chapter 22 verse 30.,1 timothy,22,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 3 back to amos and find out what proverbs tells us chapter 3 verse 11 my son do not reject the discipline of the,amos,3,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 11 h reading from verse 13 joel chapter 20 h i'm reading from verse 13 it says in,joel,20,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 13 that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in john 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their,john,8,11.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 11 of prophecy he has to understand by reading jude 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,jude,9,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 2 when looking kill ezra chapter 7 reading from verse 51,ezra,7,51.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 51 outside with pitch job chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,job,11,7.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 7 2 john chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,2 john,2,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 4 one the manifold mercy for the recovery of the sick when you came at colossians chapter 9 i read from verse 19. i want,colossians,9,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 19 your plans frustrated plans are frustrated nehemiah 15 22 proverbs 15 22 without consultation,nehemiah,15,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 22 "verses in chapter 12 that address this. 1 thessalonians 12, verse 14 verse ""bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.""",1 thessalonians,12,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 14 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to numbers chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 verse 6 2 peter 12 6 a bible says whomsoever he loves,2 peter,12,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 6 hunters and fishes of the lord hunters and fishes of the lord malachi chapter 16 verse 16,malachi,16,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 16 verse 16 follow with me here this morning 1 kings chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord,1 kings,6,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 11 to the church the bible tells in the book of titus 4 and verse 4,titus,4,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 4 almost like this um as i said the the 2 chronicles 613 almost like mystical like,2 chronicles,6,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 13 according to george chapter 28 verse 28 1 thessalonians 28 verse 28 it will become easy for me to depart from evil many times when,1 thessalonians,28,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 28 my notes there sorry guys i'm i'm extremely human so ezekiel 4 13 paul the apostle,ezekiel,4,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 13 that we need to run from let's pick up reading in matthew chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave the apostles the prophets,matthew,4,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 11 numbers chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,numbers,3,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 2 will because in 2 thessalonians 18 verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 / 70 to 90 god said concern abraham he said i know abraham,2 thessalonians,18,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 17 [music] habakkuk chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,habakkuk,20,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 11 year say loud amen 2 thessalonians chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had,2 thessalonians,50,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 50 verse 4 what does that mean i'm glad you asked nahum 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to,nahum,4,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 7 jude 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 i see him doing yours tonight in the name of jesus,jude,32,27.0,1.0,jude chapter 32 verse 27 follow up in luke chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,luke,1,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 9 truth i will teach in 1 samuel chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,1 samuel,2,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 6 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in numbers revelation 21 verse 7,numbers,21,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 7 nino matthew chapter 6 and verse 24,matthew,6,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 24 and chapter eight leviticus chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,leviticus,8,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 7 at 1 timothy 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,1 timothy,5,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 18 [applause] psalms chapter 8. verse 5 to 8 acts of the apostles,psalms,8,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 5 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,zephaniah,2,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception ezra 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are,ezra,9,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 3 are divisive avoid them nehemiah 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,nehemiah,16,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 17 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in numbers 20 and verse 32,numbers,20,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 32 2 chronicles 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,2 chronicles,29,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 29 verse 11 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do judges 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,judges,8,38.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 38 who have preached to us they are flying towards 2 samuel 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,2 samuel,1,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 28 unstoppable in your adventure again ecclesiastes i mean john 14 21 the word says whosoever has my,ecclesiastes,14,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 21 in habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady,habakkuk,5,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 i don't wanna be deceived now back in titus chapter 3 he says in verse 2,titus,3,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 2 revival in ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 42 when the revival broke out in the upper room,ecclesiastes,5,42.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 42 god was with we're looking at hosea chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19,hosea,19,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 11 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of luke 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,luke,41,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 41 verse 14 this is how he uses the body in hosea 4 we read in verse 7 to each,hosea,4,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 7 and the holy spirit numbers says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a,numbers,25,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 28 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen 1 corinthians chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,1 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 declare it before god can confirm it 3 john 44 26 isaiah 44,3 john,44,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 44 verse 26 find the most interesting question jonah 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before,jonah,33,31.0,1.0,jonah chapter 33 verse 31 32 luke 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out,luke,32,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 32 verse 15 you know i read in the book of luke these words from isaiah chapter 50 verse 7,luke,50,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 50 verse 7 have learned as i have memorized this verse 14 and 15 nahum chapter 3 that passage we've been memorizing for this,nahum,3,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 14 yesterday habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,habakkuk,6,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 bible talks about then 1 chronicles 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and,1 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 it is not over yet 1 john 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,1 john,7,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 7 wisdom is the builder of all things zephaniah 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,zephaniah,3,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 4 all through eternity it tells us 1 peter chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,1 peter,2,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 11 promised for you turn with me regulations now lamentations in chapter 3 and verse 13 and 14 this is an amazing,lamentations,3,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 13 declare it before god can confirm it malachi 44 26 isaiah 44,malachi,44,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 44 verse 26 titus chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me,titus,8,36.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 36 as well so in 1 corinthians chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 it says but we see him,1 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 gotten your back looking at the book of mark chapter 32 verse 15,mark,32,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 15 i told you all of us are going to be reading together zechariah 32 uh 32 verses 31 today,zechariah,32,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 31 unbelief obadiah 11 20 talks about the horrible tragedy of israel's unbelief revelation,obadiah,11,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 2 way restored that's key now lead 1 thessalonians 7 verse 2 now the people of bath el bethel bethel was 11 miles north,1 thessalonians,7,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 2 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by,2 corinthians,8,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 14 because john said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,john,1,11.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 11 jesus name ezra of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 christ who strengthens me all things ruth 4 and verse 13. he said don't look at me as,ruth,4,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 13 know that would emily holy suv in leviticus chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has,leviticus,4,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 11 a bible says in 2 timothy chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,2 timothy,9,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 4 able to get hold of my crime 1 thessalonians 3 11 revelation 3 talks about when you hold fast you'll be,1 thessalonians,3,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 11 suffering these things are opposed to his goodness 2 timothy 1 17 tells us every good gift in every perfect gift is from,2 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,2 chronicles,8,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 3 of christ in this church this year 2 peter chapter 2 verse 6 and verse 41 i paraphrase says,2 peter,2,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 6 there is a link between poverty and sale 1 john chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors,1 john,30,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 15 to righteousness lastly hosea 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in,hosea,8,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 2 so we'll pick up here in lamentations 9 verse 25 it says as he says also in hosea according the old testament book of,lamentations,9,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 25 that sabbath god and him that servant him no 1 thessalonians 3 17 and 18 and then chapter four verse one and two he said,1 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 reading from verse 18 2 john chapter 6 we're looking at verse 18,2 john,6,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 18 to move you in the right direction 3 john 2 and verse 13 the bible says for it is god that is at work,3 john,2,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 13 chapter 12 verse 6 luke 12 6 reading from living bible this is what he said god has given,luke,12,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 6 1 kings chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's,1 kings,5,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 19 is not just taxes 1 peter 13 6 says for because of this why because of what because the,1 peter,13,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 6 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in 1 corinthians chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,1 corinthians,13,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 13 four times 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,2 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 because his name is the only name that saves the bible declares in 3 john chapter 4 verse 12 there's no other name under,3 john,4,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 12 came down on anointed worship or look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 11,ecclesiastes,2,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 11 have no might he increases strength luke chapter 40 verse 29 the prophet micah said but truly unfollower by the,luke,40,29.0,1.0,luke chapter 40 verse 29 and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it 2 thessalonians 8 28 we know that's how it begins,2 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 9 15 to 16 2 chronicles 9 15 to 16 hear what the word says but the lord,2 chronicles,9,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 15 as he pleases matthew 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,matthew,32,39.0,1.0,matthew chapter 32 verse 39 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of john chapter 5 verse 24.,john,5,24.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 24 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what 2 thessalonians 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,2 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 from verse 6 to 12 zechariah 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,zechariah,1,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 6 i will read from verse 9 through 2 verse 11 judges chapter 2 beginning from verse 9,judges,2,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 11 requirement of the law and then in 1 samuel 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one,1 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in ruth chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,ruth,12,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 15 amen the bible says in ezekiel 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,ezekiel,13,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 11 indescribable peace even in the mists of uncertainty according to 2 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 7 he said and the,2 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 their enemies but you know it's really interesting in leviticus 1 2 this is what it says it says when god was taking,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 shame god will never put to shame his people colossians 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself,colossians,50,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 50 verse 5 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation 2 kings 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,2 kings,15,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 praise god now if you look at ruth chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,ruth,3,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 8 so the bible says in 1 samuel chapter 10 and verse 19 that money answers all things,1 samuel,10,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 19 and here it says in verse 12 37 obadiah believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,obadiah,12,37.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 37 you will not look back in jesus name 1 kings chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,1 kings,11,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 21 in the next few minutes joel chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17,joel,10,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 17 for each of our lives matthew chapter 29 verse 11 he said i know the thoughts i have towards you,matthew,29,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 11 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that 1 kings is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",1 kings,9,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 27 where they can switch joel chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already 1 samuel 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,1 samuel,9,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 27 our haggai in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,haggai,16,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 28 13 reading from verse 8 psalms chapter 13 now reading from verse 8 it says jesus,psalms,13,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 8 shelf you will not have a single one that has joel 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore,joel,50,31.0,1.0,joel chapter 50 verse 31 "let's look at this second group now. mark 11 verse 35. others were tortured,",mark,11,35.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 35 not those who are subdued joel 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,joel,2,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 11 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool malachi chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,malachi,7,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 9 being lord of your life once again in ezra 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,ezra,8,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 29 your bibles to matthew chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,matthew,13,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 17 now i like that because if you read job chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31,job,40,29.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 29 through the period of the lockdown jude chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,jude,17,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 7 him said behave the same way in lamentations chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,lamentations,15,32.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 15 verse 32 this is how they did it in daniel's day obadiah 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,obadiah,3,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 4 of your heart then there's leviticus chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,leviticus,12,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 2 and verse eight teresaurus 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 8 the lord shall command the blessing upon,1 samuel,28,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 8 firstly i needed to understand something that according to habakkuk chapter 2 verse 16,habakkuk,2,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 16 just psalm 19 here's 1 chronicles 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses,1 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 follow up in luke chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,luke,1,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 9 doesn't hurt to read forward jude chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,jude,17,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 4 church for their salvation ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign,ecclesiastes,5,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 26 established in the lord verse 12 nehemiah chapter 1 but i want you to know brethren that the things which,nehemiah,1,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 12 and philemon 15 20 8 says for it seemed good to the holy,philemon,15,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 2 among or many of them on cubicle now in hosea chapter 10 verse 5 proverbs 10 5,hosea,10,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 5 builders builders for god of course 2 kings 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,2 kings,14,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 18 god cares for us but listen to this beginning in verse 12 of ruth 40 who has measured the waters in the hollow of,ruth,40,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 40 verse 12 on this first sunday of the month of july numbers chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,numbers,3,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 9 amen amen verse 27 verse 27 of that same scripture nehemiah 14 verse 27 says so as the sun began to,nehemiah,14,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 27 1 samuel of the apostles chapter 19 it tells us from verse 13 acts chapter 19 reading from verse 13 it says then,1 samuel,19,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 19 verse 13 hand but when you read 1 thessalonians chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,1 thessalonians,12,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 29 knowledge is guaranteed micah then comes in places and as genesis 22 14 you know that one very well and the name of,micah,22,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 14 to withstand and then again in malachi 1 18 uh the prophet jeremiah said i rebelled,malachi,1,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 18 carried about with divers and strange doctrines jonah 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,jonah,13,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 9 without the savior how can you look at 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,2 samuel,3,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 19 have heard this verse before but i want to read 2 kings 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am,2 kings,1,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 13 crucified to the world it tells us in 3 john chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,3 john,6,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 6 with me to this the other words i want to show you ruth chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,ruth,14,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 14 are ordained for fulfillment in titus chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,titus,12,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 25 as compact 2 timothy chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,2 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 to redeem us read as joshua 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,joshua,53,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 53 verse 3 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this luke 2 verses 28 and 29,luke,2,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 28 2 kings chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14 now we're reading from verse,2 kings,14,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 17 on every side in 1 john chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,1 john,14,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 3 their agenda i scott dear agenda the people judges chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible,judges,15,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 2 in the mighty name of jesus after the order of ezekiel of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesus,ezekiel,9,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 11 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow 2 samuel out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",2 samuel,2,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 11 more moves when you read 2 samuel 26 from verse 12 to 14,2 samuel,26,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 i watched the conscience video um and colossians 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,colossians,14,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 23 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,lamentations,3,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 thou shall not have any other god with me zephaniah 20 4 5,zephaniah,20,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 4 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by,song of solomon (song of songs),8,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 14 justified by the law of moses hosea chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,hosea,3,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 19 book of records look at habakkuk chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,habakkuk,20,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 12 6 verse 12 luke 6 by stripe amen efficient sticks,luke,6,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 12 have 1 timothy okay verse 26 genesis 50 26 and in the book of exodus but not so in the joseph smith translation there are,1 timothy,50,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 50 verse 26 um over you and the prayer that was said over rebecca in ezra chapter 24 from verse 59 to 60. uh and the bible says in,ezra,24,59.0,1.0,ezra chapter 24 verse 59 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse job chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,job,8,3.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 3 he tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,1 chronicles,2,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3 ecclesiastes chapter 3 in verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says some whatsoever ye do do it,ecclesiastes,3,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 23 that are listed in the book of colossians chapter two and three in colossians in,colossians,2,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 3 your mindset will change look at what we we see in nahum chapter 4. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 21 he says if so be,nahum,4,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 21 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know nahum 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,nahum,16,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 3 respectfully before you in zephaniah 6 and verse 11 we find these words,zephaniah,6,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 11 meditate the word is 2 timothy paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,2 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 headed by the fear of the lord nahum 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,nahum,10,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 12 that i love in haggai and chapter 2 and verse 3.,haggai,2,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 3 give me a rousing amen obadiah chapter 26 a meeting from verse 18 acts chapter 26,obadiah,26,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 18 stimulates joy ecclesiastes 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,ecclesiastes,17,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 22 apostles chapter three judges accept the apostles chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 19,judges,3,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 19 spirit it could also refer to the seven virtues of the holy spirit in 1 corinthians chapter 11 verse two i'll just read it,1 corinthians,11,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord 1 peter 2 philippians 2 i read 8,1 peter,2,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 8 this moment our first passage for prayer is judges isaiah chapter 40 verse 27,judges,40,27.0,1.0,judges chapter 40 verse 27 god's promise you know bible tells us in zephaniah 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,zephaniah,12,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 6 almighty in ecclesiastes 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how mighty is he said the old i'm the god of,ecclesiastes,32,27.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 32 verse 27 turn your bible to micah 29 jeremiah 29 and verse 11. i'm teaching very briefly on the demands,micah,29,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 11 for you to reconcile you to your creator in 1 peter 2 13 paul says but now in christ jesus you who once were far off,1 peter,2,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 13 about this at the very end of song of solomon (song of songs) jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,song of solomon (song of songs),22,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 22 reading from verse 15 ecclesiastes chapter 1 were reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 1 verse 15 so as much as in me,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 paul has an amazing parallel in 1 timothy 1 7 where he says in christ,1 timothy,1,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 you know in amos chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special,amos,19,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 11 20 judges 23 20 behold i sent angel before thee to keep thee,judges,23,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 23 verse 2 for today ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,ezekiel,1,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26 sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in nahum 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn,nahum,23,32.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 32 how these things work if you go to obadiah chapter two in verses two and three,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 destination god has determined for us in haggai 8 verse 29 that we should be conformed to the image of jesus christ,haggai,8,29.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 29 sons this is such an honorable privilege 1 samuel 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,1 samuel,8,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 17 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in jonah 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,jonah,5,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 19 in 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 as one of the most,1 thessalonians,4,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 23 isaac the quality blessing and in titus 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,titus,37,31.0,1.0,titus chapter 37 verse 31 the morning to stand before god in judges chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and,judges,19,27.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 27 to have been rich once and then become poor ezra chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,ezra,23,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 5 give pharaoh a nurse of peace joel 41. 15 and 16.,joel,41,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 41 verse 15 chapter 6 of titus verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint,titus,6,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 6 and not have time for him in the book of jude 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,jude,23,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 23 verse 26 11 1 and 9 in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you,song of solomon (song of songs),11,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 4 "you, the only true god. malachi 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, ""for i desired mercy and not sacrifice,""",malachi,6,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 6 point about malachi 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,malachi,8,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 27 grow up spiritually in fact we're told over in ezra 4 14 we should no longer be,ezra,4,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 14 fat numbers chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to,numbers,22,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 17 testament in zechariah in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,zechariah,11,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 6 some quiet time with the lord at the end of the day esther said in isaiah 26 9 with my soul i have desired you in the,esther,26,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 9 admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to numbers 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're,numbers,23,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 16 the apostle paul says in chapter 1 of leviticus that when god exalted him he seated him verse 20 at his right hand in,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 spirit luke chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,luke,5,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 18 8 job chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,job,5,8.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 8 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, 2 chronicles 50 verses 19 to 21.",2 chronicles,50,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 19 "is the cornerstone. jonah 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",jonah,4,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 11 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. malachi chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,malachi,66,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 66 verse 6 yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey numbers 6 verse 16 hooroo,numbers,6,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 16 say please ezra 26 from verse 26 to 33 genesis 26 from verse 26 to 33 they will come i,ezra,26,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 26 mighty name of jesus 2 timothy 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,2 timothy,26,27.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 26 verse 27 book of jude chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this,jude,4,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 6 jesus christ in our chapter 1 verse number 4 zechariah chapter 1 verse number 4 jesus commanded his disciples to wait,zechariah,1,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 4 that wisdom and john prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,john,11,3.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 3 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of 2 kings 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,2 kings,4,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 26 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to jonah chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,jonah,3,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 16 because the lord has rejected them nahum chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,nahum,1,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 28 says in the book of 2 kings 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,2 kings,2,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 9 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in job 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,job,12,2.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 2 divorce in psalms chapter 1 and verse 14 the bible tells us there it says the,psalms,1,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 14 life esther chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading from verse 17 as it is reaching i had,esther,4,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 17 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior joshua chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,joshua,11,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 15 has given to you take it that you fulfill it in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 36 the bible says david after he has served,1 timothy,9,36.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 36 he is the unchangeable changer according to 1 kings chapter 3 verse 6. malachi chapter 3 verse 6.,1 kings,3,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 6 that my old man was crucified with him as well 1 peter 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,1 peter,6,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 6 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in john 25 20,john,25,2.0,1.0,john chapter 25 verse 2 in the book of 1 chronicles 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision,1 chronicles,29,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 18 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in obadiah chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,obadiah,7,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 15 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 2 thessalonians 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",2 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 ruth chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 meditate the word is 1 john paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,1 john,1,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 17 [music] ecclesiastes 26 verses 3 to 4 in the amplified says,ecclesiastes,26,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 3 referring to an account that is found in philemon chapter 25 it follows the three chapters we've been looking at over the,philemon,25,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 25 verse 25 god chose us to bring us to equality 1 timothy chapter 28 verse 47 to 48.,1 timothy,28,47.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 28 verse 47 the bible tells us in the book of job proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 proverbs 13 20 he says he said he that,job,13,2.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 2 according to zechariah chapter 38 from verse 8 to 11 job 38 proverbs 8 to 11,zechariah,38,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 38 verse 8 i mean matthew 37 from verse 16 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 16 to 28 the brothers of,matthew,37,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 16 to position ourselves with thanksgiving in the book of job 4 and verse 2 god's word declares to us,job,4,2.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 2 at newport and among others his name in lamentations chapter 9 verse 6 is the praise of peace the praise,lamentations,9,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 6 store uh and over in numbers 1 5. jeremiah says i knew you before excuse me the,numbers,1,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 5 here i'm here son i'm here daughter he is on the inside so 1 john chapter 3 verse 26 now on to him that is able to,1 john,3,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 26 says in one ruth 20 21 there are only two messages i preach,ruth,20,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 21 you read about him in malachi chapter 15 from verse 37 to 40 acts 15 from verse 37 to 40. and they tell us,malachi,15,37.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 37 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in 2 corinthians 6 13,2 corinthians,6,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 13 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in 1 corinthians 29 29 that really just helped clarify,1 corinthians,29,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 29 verse 29 things like that like ecclesiastes 7 25 with romans 8 1. let's read them together or the last,ecclesiastes,7,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 25 of numbers chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and,numbers,10,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 23 submission matthew chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,matthew,2,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 5 to job chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 eyes can see it will be given unto you nahum 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,nahum,13,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 14 then you look at all of those blessings listed in 1 samuel chapter 58 and verse 6 to 14.,1 samuel,58,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 58 verse 6 wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles,song of solomon (song of songs),4,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 11 ever how 2 peter 17 four five four two five north bones,2 peter,17,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 4 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that habakkuk chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,habakkuk,2,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 9 a lot of emulation we can emulate him ecclesiastes 2 5 to 8 philippians 2 5 to 8 biblical,ecclesiastes,2,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 5 ii chronicles chapter 12 verse 1 second chronicles 12 12 1 and 1 kings chapter 4 verse 30 to 32.,1 kings,4,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 3 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith 1 john 14 23 is dead,1 john,14,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 23 don't make them mad there is a parallel statement lamentations 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that,lamentations,3,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 21 okay yes a few of us got it correctly leviticus 15 4,leviticus,15,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 4 through the period of the lockdown amos chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,amos,17,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 7 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,song of solomon (song of songs),3,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 13 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in ruth 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,ruth,17,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 17 verse 18 compared the heart of man to his stone obadiah 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,obadiah,17,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 9 unto me numbers 30 verse 19 to 21 a church of giants psalm 87 verse one to,numbers,30,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 19 and shame that is really true 1 john chapter 23 verses 29 to 34. i already says,1 john,23,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 23 verse 29 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in psalms chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,psalms,3,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 17 but when it comes to love obadiah 49 15. he says i love you,obadiah,49,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 49 verse 15 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in hosea chapter one verse six,hosea,1,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 6 provision of food that god gives unto us in nehemiah chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the,nehemiah,27,33.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 27 verse 33 for me look at jonah chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,jonah,8,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 28 verses 6 and 7 titus chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us,titus,9,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 6 like some determinist suggests about titus 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,titus,16,33.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 33 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's jonah 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,jonah,10,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 2 is to rain down mercy luke chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4.,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 verse 16 where we got a team for this old teaching series uh 1 peter 1 16 and 17 for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of,1 peter,1,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 16 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from obadiah chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 counted for the scene nothing could be clearer in all scripture 2 peter 4 25 and 6 this agar is sinai in arabia and,2 peter,4,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 25 in jesus name we are praying philemon chapter 9 verse 8 he said the only god,philemon,9,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 8 of judgment specifically they're called nahum of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,nahum,12,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 12 people okay so if you understand that it says in malachi 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,malachi,10,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 2 among or many of them on cubicle now in judges chapter 10 verse 5 proverbs 10 5,judges,10,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 5 by treasure is chill march psalms chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,psalms,2,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 21 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into matthew that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,matthew,12,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 21 before you job chapter 7 verse 8 tells us that the end of the matter,job,7,8.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 8 "chapter 3 that really does define this. 2 kings chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",2 kings,3,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 18 how these things work if you go to ruth chapter two in verses two and three,ruth,2,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 2 "and in 1 timothy 8 and verse 27, that might be a verse just to point to you, proverbs 8 verse 27, ""when he established the heavens, i",1 timothy,8,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 27 book of 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this,2 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 blood of jesus and with the fire of god 1 john 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,1 john,12,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 11 you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh 1 timothy 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my,1 timothy,55,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 55 verse 11 axe the early church we see them fasting mark chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,mark,13,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 13 verse 12 in jonah chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,jonah,13,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 12 coming sunday can we say amen to that in the book of ezekiel of apostle 2 verse 6 and 41 and when this was not abroad the,ezekiel,2,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 6 here but let me let's read it verse 5 of john 4 she used to sit under the palm of deborah between rama and bethel in,john,4,5.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 5 amos 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man,amos,18,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 14 book of records look at zechariah chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,zechariah,20,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 12 verses 6 and 7 3 john chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,3 john,9,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 6 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in 3 john chapter two first three verses once again,3 john,2,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 3 don't lie ever again colossians 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,colossians,19,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 22 anyone to glory in his presence and look at amos chapter three we're looking at verse 17,amos,3,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 17 and jesus precious name haggai 65 and verse 8. and then we pray,haggai,65,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 65 verse 8 christ colossians 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,colossians,23,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 23 verse 26 11 1 and 9 in joel 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you,joel,11,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 4 our zephaniah in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,zephaniah,16,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 28 god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in ecclesiastes 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their,ecclesiastes,55,45.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 55 verse 45 3 he speaks of all his the things he could glory in judges 3 verse 4 the last part if anyone else thinks he's got,judges,3,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 4 we can make it louder and stronger 1 samuel chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,1 samuel,84,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 84 verse 7 ransom for all who gave himself a ransom for all micah 9 verse 26 the messiah shall be cut off but not for himself not,micah,9,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 26 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed numbers chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,numbers,5,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 17 to righteousness lastly joel 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in,joel,8,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 2 will be fulfilled in your life if zechariah chapter 6 i'm reading from verse 5,zechariah,6,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 5 hands of them that's what ezra did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,ezra,1,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 15 faithful 2 timothy 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,2 timothy,28,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 28 verse 2 on or before november 29 2020 psalms chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,psalms,14,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 27 partnership with our maker look at 2 samuel chapter 8 reading from verse 16 and verse 17,2 samuel,8,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 16 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased psalms 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,psalms,22,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 19 let him hear what the spirit now judges 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,judges,2,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 7 judges chapter 2 reading from verse 14 philippians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 it says do all things,judges,2,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 14 towards our lord jesus christ micah chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,micah,26,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 19 me in pieces with walls words come break into pieces 2 timothy 18 4,2 timothy,18,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 4 chapter 5 verse 3 zephaniah 728 jeremiah 10 8 jeremiah 17 2330 verse 14 32 verse 33 35 verse 13,zephaniah,10,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 8 beyond colossians 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,colossians,13,44.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 44 today and this is in matthew chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,matthew,5,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 19 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to haggai now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,haggai,6,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 19 again and again just go to judges 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,judges,1,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 6 literally is a goodbye visit let's pick this up and 1 timothy chapter 20 i mean a start in verse 16 paul had decided to,1 timothy,20,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 16 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of joel chapter 62 and verse 5.,joel,62,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 62 verse 5 back to john chapter two and i'm reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 when you keen at verse 9 it says but we,john,2,9.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 9 the bible tells us again remember in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 56 verse 4 and verse 10 in god i will praise his word,song of solomon (song of songs),56,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 56 verse 4 6 12 years nahum 6 12 say children obey your parents to the lord for this,nahum,6,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 12 in the name of jesus and now we saw the story of coin luke esther 4 16 to 17,luke,4,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 16 a pretty thing zechariah chapter 39 verse 17 talking about a prophecy,zechariah,39,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 39 verse 17 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick ruth 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,ruth,13,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 12 bureaucracy of formalities of religion or doctrine matthew chapter 1 11 to 12 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle,matthew,1,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 11 and verse 3 we read a little expression there in malachi chapter 2 and verse 3 called so great a salvation our,malachi,2,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 3 of jesus nehemiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,nehemiah,8,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 18 it down nahum 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as,nahum,33,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 11 in 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you,2 samuel,3,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 a god of addiction and multiplication luke chapter 1 and verse 11 he said the lord god of your fathers,luke,1,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 11 baptized colossians 2 verse 40 41 that day the day of pentecost acts 2 verse 41 three thousand people were converted and,colossians,2,41.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 41 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse 2 john seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,2 john,17,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 17 verse 3 look at ezekiel chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,ezekiel,3,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 13 of the leaves now titus 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,titus,18,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 2 look at our memory verse again which is from hosea chapter 4 verse 5.,hosea,4,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 5 takes up in joel chapter 4 at the introduction of his ministry from isaiah chapter 61 that jesus omits,joel,4,61.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 61 in the world through holiness were coming to habakkuk chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation,habakkuk,2,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 11 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in mark 12 6 to 8,mark,12,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 6 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in joel 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,joel,8,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 22 well 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,1 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 at what god has for your life in my life in obadiah 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,obadiah,8,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 29 chapter 16 our reading from verse 34 1 chronicles chapter 16 reading from verse 34 and when he had brought,1 chronicles,16,34.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 1 numbers 1 3 and jeremiah 24 7. i'm going to end this on jeremiah 24 7. i hope you guys know where you are i,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in mark 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,mark,1,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 24 to free you of that the third one mark 10 hebrews 10 36 it says this you need listen you need to,mark,10,36.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 36 ecclesiastes 1 13 to 15 how do we reconcile with what james wrote here let no one say when he is,ecclesiastes,1,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 13 god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit jude chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans,jude,8,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 26 dominion in leviticus chapter 1 verse 28 god created them male and female and he,leviticus,1,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 28 greater sense and that's in judges revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,judges,19,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 7 this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament nehemiah in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment,nehemiah,2,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 13 malachi 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,malachi,3,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 4 of the father now according to ruth chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,ruth,8,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 16 further let's go back to 1 timothy chapter 11 genesis 11 verse 27 now these are the generations of terah and you see what,1 timothy,11,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 27 all their sins 2 john 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,2 john,3,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 13 marked and avoided now paul said in 1 chronicles 16 17 romans 16 17,1 chronicles,16,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 17 and running waters out of their own well 1 samuel 5 15. sex is the cement that consummates your,1 samuel,5,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 15 utter fear joel chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,joel,2,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 5 price for that sanctification ezekiel chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,ezekiel,13,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 13 in the story i told you earlier on haggai 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,haggai,32,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 24 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 john 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,2 john,11,37.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 37 eyes can see it will be given unto you 3 john 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,3 john,13,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 14 of substitution 1 john chapter 11 verse 8.,1 john,11,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 8 exaltation above emmanuel's enemies we're coming to 3 john 69 verse 4 did that hate me,3 john,69,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 69 verse 4 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in mark chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,mark,31,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 31 verse 29 give a few examples but from 2 kings 3 6 on this issue all right so uh 3 to 6 the the greek is,2 kings,3,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 6 hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity john chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said,john,29,13.0,1.0,john chapter 29 verse 13 god and so atheists believe this but hosea chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,hosea,1,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 18 you see this this malachi said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,malachi,24,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 15 jada will read philemon 2 verse 15 to,philemon,2,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 15 accursed 2 corinthians chapter 12,2 corinthians,12,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 enochs world we see in the next chapter of 2 corinthians we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse,2 corinthians,6,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 fat amos chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to,amos,22,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 17 power to rescue you micah chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,micah,2,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 9 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in 1 timothy chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,1 timothy,10,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 12 they did a research and they could not find anything amazing what 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 28 verse 5 sorry and,2 thessalonians,6,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 5 jonah's angry and that's what he's angry about in this passage judges 4 9 he's mad about the plant because the plant gave,judges,4,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 9 of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in joel 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for,joel,6,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 14 recon that reconciliation demands repentance ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,ecclesiastes,3,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 uh for for for the the ecclesiastes church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 together let's be present in ezra chapter 4 james writes these words in verse 8 come,ezra,4,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 8 in the book of joel chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one will be declared righteous in god's,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 and 1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,1 peter,9,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 a moment and in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs,1 thessalonians,19,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 5 2 peter chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 6,2 peter,21,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 21 verse 6 they're not 1 chronicles 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are,1 chronicles,6,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 4 2 john chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,2 john,3,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 26 further replication of cells in this prophetic season ezekiel 13 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed,ezekiel,13,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 19 verse of no works the gospel without any works ezekiel 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,ezekiel,2,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 8 verse 17. in 1 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,1 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 that has destroyed so many things mark 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,mark,26,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 2 an excellence in your academic work and beside that in 3 john chapter 19 verse 2 the bible says it is not good that a,3 john,19,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 2 knowledge of god they are untouchable untouchable 2 chronicles 11 33. how powerful is the wisdom from above we,2 chronicles,11,33.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 33 which is the second dead john has only one chapter in verse seven jude,john,1,7.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 7 if you have your bibles with you please turn with me to 1 john 18 and verse 14 and let's read it together,1 john,18,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 14 sacrifice in the sacrifice of love look at colossians chapter 4 meaning from was 15 philippians chapter 4 verse 15,colossians,4,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 15 church we should be saying lord these are the last days philemon 2 verse 17 18 must be becoming true and the purity of my,philemon,2,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 17 oh thank you jesus the bible said in judges chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,judges,29,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 29 verse 11 make us to be shining in the order of habakkuk 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory,habakkuk,24,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 24 verse 18 reminded of god's word in psalms 11 verse 24 and 25 there is he that scatters and yet,psalms,11,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 24 verse 15 titus 1315 is good to read from last 14 to 15,titus,13,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 15 verse 2 to 3 mark 12 verse 2 to 3,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at philemon chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,philemon,15,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 26 of haggai jesus is the passover lamb in exodus chapter 12 verse 23 we read for the lord will pass to smite the,haggai,12,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 23 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen malachi chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 why not warm to another in matthew chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,matthew,29,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 13 person is finished that's why habakkuk chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,habakkuk,9,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 15 like can you guys just get to that place 2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 let me read it from here it says bless,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 now over to the book of luke jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 forward habakkuk 14 15 assessing his ways,habakkuk,14,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 15 encounters with light judges 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,judges,3,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 15 verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king matthew version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord,matthew,33,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 33 verse 17 upon the earth for one thousand years and zechariah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,zechariah,14,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 more struggles in numbers chapter 2 and verse 9 and 10 jonah still had his breath in the belly,numbers,2,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 9 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do jonah 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,jonah,8,38.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 38 by treasure is chill march psalms chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,psalms,2,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 21 3 john chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,3 john,22,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 11 and we saw there now they should respond malachi 13 verse 20. he he just made multiple statements whether the people,malachi,13,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 2 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so jude says uh and she said to her uh all that you,jude,1,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 5 favor 1 john 4 22 and 23 and then,1 john,4,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 22 actually when i read john chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,john,12,13.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 13 so we'll pick up here in nahum 9 verse 25 it says as he says also in hosea according the old testament book of,nahum,9,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 25 and we're going to do this backwards look at 2 timothy 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,2 timothy,37,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 37 verse 2 is the first household baptism passage right leviticus 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,leviticus,10,44.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 44 heart god's word tells us in zephaniah chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,zephaniah,3,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 2 zephaniah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,zephaniah,4,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 4 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it matthew 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,matthew,6,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 5 as we saw in reuben nahum 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,nahum,49,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 49 verse 3 amos chapter 11 verse 18 job chapter 11 verse 18 tells us that when you have hope you have security,amos,11,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 18 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in 1 chronicles 22 verse 16.,1 chronicles,22,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to 1 kings hey what a great leader you are,1 kings,8,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 22 haggai 7 14 in bondage under sin romans 8 21 slaves to corruption and in this condition we can do nothing,haggai,7,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 14 is supposed to be a type of the messiah so 1 chronicles 11 verse 23 actually i kind of covered this one so i'm going to move,1 chronicles,11,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 23 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of numbers on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,numbers,4,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 5 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in 2 peter 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,2 peter,24,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 16 we're gonna get down to the birthright in habakkuk 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,habakkuk,25,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 25 verse 29 okay yes a few of us got it correctly 2 timothy 15 4,2 timothy,15,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 4 tell us why we are here on earth let's go back to obadiah 4 verse 11. they say you're worthy o lord to receive,obadiah,4,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 11 judges 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14 when the servant was saying and it came,judges,41,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 41 verse 13 that kind of behavior joshua 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared,joshua,2,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 11 fools so don't be an enemy of god luke 8 7 to 8 romans 8 728 because the,luke,8,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 7 scriptures we are told in 2 timothy 1 and verse 4 again upon the apostles speaking by the,2 timothy,1,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 seemingly random or chance events in our lives 1 corinthians 16 verse 33 the lot is cast into the lap but it's every,1 corinthians,16,33.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 33 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in lamentations chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,lamentations,9,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 24 through a few pr a few passages here joel chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,joel,4,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 23 answers to prayers in 1 kings chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone,1 kings,28,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 28 verse 9 into this church this coming sunday 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven,2 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 some of the qualities and some of the titles in shuttle 1 judges chapter 1 look at verse 8 it says revelation,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,2 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 on the screen right now praise god judges chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,judges,25,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 25 verse 2 check out judges chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,judges,14,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 12 from god ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from job chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,job,12,3.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 3 anger nahum 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,nahum,4,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 26 um i will supply all your needs that's 1 thessalonians 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages,1 thessalonians,4,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 19 make it louder amen habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,habakkuk,6,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 luke 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so,luke,23,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 25 i'll give you my personal conviction it says here is a verse in malachi in chapter 12 and verse 40 which says that,malachi,12,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 4 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more esther 30 26,esther,30,26.0,1.0,esther chapter 30 verse 26 nehemiah chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 8. reading from verse 17.,nehemiah,8,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 17 paul said let us also walk in the spirit 1 timothy 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,1 timothy,5,25.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 25 see the fruits in 2 timothy 5 22 to 3 to 23 he's mindful of spiritual things,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 nation there and so far i believe your obadiah he looked after to us verse 14 looked at the to verse 14 that this,obadiah,1,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 14 rocket about seeking whom it may devour and in lamentations chapter 12 from verse 9 to 10 revelation 12 9 to 10,lamentations,12,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 9 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in haggai 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,haggai,10,35.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 35 and as we do his wisdom to engage the admonition of scriptures in amos 5 20 where we are told to say giving,amos,5,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 2 the bible speaking in mark chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel,mark,25,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 25 verse 2 that was a testimony of joseph in micah 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,micah,50,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 50 verse 2 ii 2 chronicles chapter 4 were eating from verse 20 romans chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of taking,2 chronicles,4,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 2 peace look at what 2 chronicles sent of to nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 and verse 29 this is daniel speaking,2 chronicles,2,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 29 verse that we read in ruth chapter 6 verse 12,ruth,6,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 12 he said we should open to the book of 2 kings chapter three verse six i open to that book when i opened i see,2 kings,3,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 6 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, joel 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",joel,2,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 26 the message translation 2 corinthians 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk,2 corinthians,14,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 23 zephaniah chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10 god tells what's going to happen at the,zephaniah,46,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 46 verse 9 many to christ and this church this year titus chapter 16 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia whose heart the lord,titus,16,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 14 on issues of concern you better do that in john 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,john,26,9.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 9 you see this this zephaniah said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,zephaniah,24,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 15 in your life in jesus name and look at psalms chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free,psalms,6,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 18 time the bible says in 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 7,1 peter,8,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 7 beyond expectations 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 28.,1 timothy,1,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 28 i had to renew my mind with this word in zephaniah 12 it says in 2 it says that we have to renew our minds and we can't we,zephaniah,12,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 2 jude isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says,jude,58,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 58 verse 5 unto death one of course hosea six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,hosea,6,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 4 the obedience it is in the obedience zephaniah 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,zephaniah,1,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 19 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified matthew 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,matthew,42,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 42 verse 18 else besides him the end of that phrase that's luke 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4,luke,4,35.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 35 in prayer psalms 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,psalms,12,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 12 well according to 2 john chapter 5 verse 17 james 5 17 there has been no reign in the land for,2 john,5,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 17 should say israel during this time so let's read on ecclesiastes 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,ecclesiastes,11,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 5 paul told us in that 2 timothy 3 13 to 15. he said brethren i can't not myself to,2 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,habakkuk,3,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 14 we're going to give him thanks 2 timothy 3 and verse 20. the bible says now to him who is able to do,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 four hundred and thirty years is exactly what 2 chronicles 12 verse 40 says; and it was four hundred and thirty years after the final declaration,2 chronicles,12,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 4 for as you think it in his heart so is he numbers 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't,numbers,23,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 7 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in amos chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,amos,2,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 4 in 1 chronicles chapter 8. verse 22. jeremiah 8 22. he said is there no bombing gilead,1 chronicles,8,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 22 your life is in the book the bible says in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord i,2 thessalonians,10,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 7 2 thessalonians 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,2 thessalonians,24,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 2 all things keep working together for your good habakkuk 8 28. i'm from today everything about you at home at work in,habakkuk,8,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to psalms 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,psalms,2,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 2 won't go into the detail of it but that this is a reference to zephaniah 53 12. he poured out himself to death and he,zephaniah,53,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 53 verse 12 of encounters with your word lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 says to whom also he showed himself alive after his,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 i will 2 corinthians chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter 6,2 corinthians,19,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 19 verse 6 the same term ecclesiastes 5 5 you are my son at the end of the of the,ecclesiastes,5,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 5 end from the beginning micah chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,micah,46,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 46 verse 9 to achieve things that don't glorify god in 1 corinthians 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,1 corinthians,23,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 12 be born speaking lies in nahum chapter 2,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 there is no fear of god before his eyes malachi 3 verse 18. there is no fear of god,malachi,3,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 18 2 john chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is,2 john,3,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 13 said in 3 john chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,3 john,28,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 16 god and then there's another prophecy in joshua exodus chapter 12 verse 46 and it says in one house shall it be eaten that,joshua,12,46.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 46 repent and deal with the sea of rebellion 1 john 3 verse 23 224 pass mercy first john 1 verse 9 if we confess our sin is,1 john,3,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 23 out of the words of salvation luke 12 3 amazing treasures loaded,luke,12,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 3 of haggai chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and,haggai,10,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 23 all right ebuka says that's what micah 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,micah,3,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 5 all ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his,ecclesiastes,14,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 2 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane micah 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,micah,53,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 53 verse 6 in nahum chapter 6 and verse 12 leviticus chapter 6 and verse 27 meanwhile,nahum,6,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 27 thanks for his faithfulness in every department of our lives in titus chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,titus,5,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 2 right lamentations 1 verse 26 we see that god made man in his image according to his,lamentations,1,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 26 for the good of his children 2 chronicles 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good,2 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 and night on tonight's shared knowledge numbers 19 7 all the brethren of the poor do hate him,numbers,19,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 7 before that break the allah's said joel 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 after a fall to rise again in 1 thessalonians chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after,1 thessalonians,8,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 26 the bible says in hosea chapter 1 verse 17,hosea,1,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 17 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to titus 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,titus,32,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 32 verse 5 and not have time for him in the book of zephaniah 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,zephaniah,23,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 26 and more blessed to you the bible says it gives more grace titus 5 6,titus,5,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 6 up a little bit okay let's get more context then we'll show hosea 221 and why this is,hosea,2,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 21 in the precious name of jesus job chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there,job,12,15.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 15 give priority to the altar esther 13 verse 14 to 18 genesis 13 14 to 18 whenever,esther,13,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 14 read is psalms chapter 1 verse 1 and also ephesians 1 verse 4 so we declare in the name of jesus that,psalms,1,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 4 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of mark chapter 39 verse 13,mark,39,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 39 verse 13 over to him amos chapter 2 verse 4 romans 2 verse 4 tells us don't you know that the goodness of god is required to lead,amos,2,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 4 i'm reading from verse 22 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel,zephaniah,2,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 22 [music] luke chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,luke,20,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 11 that i just put it is is is a scripture in matthew 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,matthew,61,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 61 verse 3 in jesus name in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,1 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 against the altar at sinai i'll read to you this is john 36 26 and 27 i will give you a new heart and i will put a,john,36,26.0,1.0,john chapter 36 verse 26 run with the energy and the power of the spirit zechariah chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray,zechariah,40,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 40 verse 3 and we are going to be taking our test from numbers chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and,numbers,8,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 18 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in mark 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",mark,2,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 4 they crucified the lord of glory look at malachi chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 6,malachi,6,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 6 here and we can we can couple this with more information from zechariah 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ,zechariah,15,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 15 verse 8 trend did not continue like that in the book of amos chapter 25 verse 32 he stole this birthright,amos,25,32.0,1.0,amos chapter 25 verse 32 consequences of sin we know this from 1 corinthians 3 23 all have sinned all have fallen short of,1 corinthians,3,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 23 chapter 1 says in verse 26 john 1 26 let me paraphrase it if a man thinks for a woman that he's a,john,1,26.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 26 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love john chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,john,4,14.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 14 what a wretched man i am but now colossians 2 13. god is not walking us through christ,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 you have a couple scriptures like in the leviticus passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,leviticus,22,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 3 we move on 2 thessalonians 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god,2 thessalonians,1,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 27 honest zephaniah 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,zephaniah,1,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 7 great 1 peter soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,1 peter,6,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 15 them but the in captivity look at verse 43 in a haggai chapter 7 verse 23 it says what i see i'm not a member,haggai,7,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 23 my favorite verse in this chapter is 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared,1 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 all the ants that shared blood nahum 21 12. all that trust in men,nahum,21,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 21 verse 12 chapter 17 verse 11 1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,1 corinthians,17,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11 the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man 1 john 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what,1 john,16,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 16 verse 25 chapter 7 1 thessalonians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,1 thessalonians,7,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 17 and when we understand that is song of solomon (song of songs) did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,song of solomon (song of songs),9,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 9 but when i humble myself before him like 3 john wrote in james chapter 4 when you read from verse 7 down to 10 it says,3 john,4,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 7 and 1 john wrote in the book of acts of apollo chapter 10 verse 38,1 john,10,38.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 38 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 amos 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in joshua 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and,joshua,19,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 7 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of ezra so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,ezra,11,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 2 person through reproaches 1 corinthians 10 33 and tribulations and thus you became a,1 corinthians,10,33.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 33 himself is praying on your behalf amos chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely,amos,7,25.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 25 literally is a goodbye visit let's pick this up and joshua chapter 20 i mean a start in verse 16 paul had decided to,joshua,20,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 16 both as a commission and as individuals obadiah chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,obadiah,58,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 58 verse 9 in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse zechariah 716 that jumps out to you see if you can,zechariah,7,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 16 we are going to pray with that promise of god in nahum 61 verse 5 isaiah 61 verse 5 says and strangers shall stand,nahum,61,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 61 verse 5 through the prophet of god leviticus definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,leviticus,1,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 19 thing in job 53 8 listen to what isaiah said by oppression and judgment he the messiah is taken away same,job,53,8.0,1.0,job chapter 53 verse 8 is like a beast lion or a bear you know mark seven verse four five one like a leopard verse six,mark,7,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 4 upon your children tonight and georgie's 15 was 11 to 15 joel 15 verse 11 through 15 household enemies,joel,15,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 11 when he says the length of your days he's referring to obadiah 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,obadiah,6,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 3 15. 2 timothy received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,2 timothy,8,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 fellow is actually born again in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6,song of solomon (song of songs),6,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 6 "they knew them by name. in jonah chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",jonah,11,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 19 name is not mentioned with the other four 2 john in hebrews 11 32 but barrick is mentioned,2 john,11,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 32 the bible says in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17,nehemiah,1,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17 practical application in in a few moments in 2 peter chapter 12 very well to known verse verse 2 do not be,2 peter,12,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 2 is obadiah the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,obadiah,1,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 18 because they'll all leave and go joel 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,joel,2,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 12 how do i know and why do i say so joshua 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,joshua,18,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 22 building in job 28 16 listen very carefully it says therefore thus saith the lord,job,28,16.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 16 from my hand or philemon 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes,philemon,4,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 11 how he fought it let me show you in other words 2 kings 5 7.,2 kings,5,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 7 not responsible for evil and when we read in 1 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,1 thessalonians,6,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 9 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of philemon chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,philemon,2,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 4 the power of heaven upon your life look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,ecclesiastes,1,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of 1 peter reading from verse 7,1 peter,22,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 7 and we'll read from verse 26 through the end of the chapter 1 timothy chapter 10 reading from 26 through the end,1 timothy,10,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 26 basically on the choice of individuals in the book of 1 timothy chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and,1 timothy,13,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 19 over to nehemiah chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version,nehemiah,13,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 22 it takes everything away look at that in ezra chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,ezra,10,38.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 38 your will overcome i will overcome look at zechariah chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,zechariah,12,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 17 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity job 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,job,13,3.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 3 any problem there to sound a trumpet job 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the,job,4,18.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 18 reading from verse 25 1 corinthians chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,1 corinthians,33,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 33 verse 25 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in colossians who was miriam moses sister,colossians,39,39.0,1.0,colossians chapter 39 verse 39 of jesus leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,leviticus,8,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 is if lying 3 john 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8,3 john,21,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 8 bible verse it should be powerful 2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 6 he said,2 chronicles,33,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 6 your church established your kingdom in the earth job chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,job,14,18.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 18 see what paul says in nahum 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13,nahum,3,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 13 "daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. song of solomon (song of songs) who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would",song of solomon (song of songs),6,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 22 judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in song of solomon (song of songs) 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was,song of solomon (song of songs),2,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 2 verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and mark 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has,mark,2,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 6 joshua chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,joshua,4,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 13 in jesus name a good church amen 2 timothy chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11,2 timothy,3,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 11 chapter one verse 5 haggai 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,haggai,1,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 5 just turn to him in prayer you will see it in ecclesiastes chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 1 6 to 22 1 timothy 16 to 22 we saw a man that called job which was the most successful in the,1 timothy,16,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 16 verse 22 why do i say this the bible says in job 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,job,1,3.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 3 hey this is about this is about christ in malachi 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,malachi,13,35.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 35 above all other people is mentioned in jude 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have,jude,1,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 9 2 to 7 hosea 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,hosea,21,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 2 theme that's found throughout judges 229 wherefore will you plead with me,judges,2,29.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 29 turn with me to the book of colossians romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then,colossians,13,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 4 and as we do his wisdom to engage the admonition of scriptures in matthew 5 20 where we are told to say giving,matthew,5,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 2 and a bigger soul winner in leviticus chapter 12 verse 3 in daniel 12 3 the bible says and they that be,leviticus,12,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 3 zephaniah chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,zephaniah,19,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 6 make it louder amen 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,2 corinthians,6,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 world because of sin will be lifted we're told in esther 8 19 all creation is waiting eagerly for the,esther,8,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 19 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is zechariah do this is scripture remember so verse 32,zechariah,36,32.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 36 verse 32 hundred pieces of silver each according to ecclesiastes sixteen plus five,ecclesiastes,16,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 5 a pretty thing haggai chapter 39 verse 17 talking about a prophecy,haggai,39,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 39 verse 17 without corrupt conversation look at colossians chapter four reading from verse 21,colossians,4,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 21 actually use the word martyr lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 10 nahum chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's,nahum,10,37.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 37 paul gives us the formula for this in leviticus chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. familiar verses probably to many of you,leviticus,4,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 6 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in joshua chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,joshua,28,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 2 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in 3 john chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,3 john,2,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 4 sounds miserable doesn't it turn to 1 timothy chapter 3 and verse 13.,1 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 causes say and bringeth reports on that home in that family zephaniah 19 verse 26 he that wasteth his father you say,zephaniah,19,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 26 praise the lord then we want to decree in obadiah 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,obadiah,67,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 67 verse 4 be awesomely blessed our verse of the month is from haggai chapter 34 verse 8 it says,haggai,34,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 34 verse 8 and that brings us to the second commandment verse 4 of numbers 20 don't make for yourself a carved image now you,numbers,20,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 4 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 read for let's go to five and six philippians 4 verse 5 so then your gentleness be known to all,2 chronicles,4,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth 1 samuel 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,1 samuel,8,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 28 no matter the trial no matter the persecution they cannot be shaken leviticus chapter 8 verse 38 to 39 romans chapter,leviticus,8,38.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 38 haggai chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,haggai,40,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 8 everyone who partakes only of milk 1 samuel 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,1 samuel,5,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 13 not a father christmas god in 1 john 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done,1 john,33,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 2 amen you will not miss your reward malachi 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,malachi,6,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 9 this book 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 29 i want to give you,2 thessalonians,2,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 29 by the holy ghost which is given to us colossians 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,colossians,5,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 5 ransom for all who gave himself a ransom for all joshua 9 verse 26 the messiah shall be cut off but not for himself not,joshua,9,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 26 the law by wisdom has founded here nehemiah 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones,nehemiah,3,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 19 but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 lamentations 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 let us say louder amen psalms 11 and verse 30 he that winners soul is wise please rise up on your feet,psalms,11,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 3 4 we're looking at verse 13 habakkuk chapter 4,habakkuk,4,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in micah 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,micah,8,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 23 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,2 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 job chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,job,11,8.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 8 somebody said bigger amen jonah chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations,jonah,5,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 26 the lamb be holy for i am holy habakkuk chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will,habakkuk,1,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 18 verse 3. 2 peter chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,2 peter,5,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 3 generations jesus so that was what 2 chronicles 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,2 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 in jesus name lamentations chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,lamentations,12,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 7 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet 1 john 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,1 john,4,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 32 at 2 peter 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,2 peter,5,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 18 need revival we need renewing we need restoration matthew 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,matthew,57,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 57 verse 15 verses 6 and 7 micah chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,micah,9,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 6 judges chapter 2 uh verse 24 and 25 genesis 2 24 and 25 can you pull that off for me genesis 2,judges,2,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 24 nahum chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,nahum,29,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 29 verse 22 numbers chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now when is your miracle when is your,numbers,3,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 2 activities of the world it tells us in lamentations chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,lamentations,2,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 25 verse 14. now i'll start from verse 13 titus 4 and verse 13,titus,4,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 13 good understanding procure's favor numbers 13 verse 15 but the way of the transgressor is hard,numbers,13,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 15 1 from verse 13 to 21 haggai 1 from verse 13 to 21,haggai,13,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 21 right and something instructive also was mentioned in judges 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,judges,2,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 21 to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity 2 john 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that,2 john,2,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 6 but the rest is the story of evil obadiah 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,obadiah,12,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 3 it says among the indictments chapter 5 of zechariah verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil,zechariah,5,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 2 your destiny 1 timothy 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 13 says,1 timothy,28,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 28 verse 13 to talk a lot about that key verses malachi 8 verse 16 17 our future glory in the kingdom is because of our identity in,malachi,8,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 16 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in haggai 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,haggai,4,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 21 we don't neglect gathering together as saints titus 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,titus,58,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 58 verse 13 from verse 24 2 timothy chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,2 timothy,8,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 24 the sight of god when looking at 2 corinthians chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 genesis chapter 2 verse 7.,2 corinthians,2,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 is available the bible says in 2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 25,2 corinthians,7,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 25 similar you don't need to look at it but just remember habakkuk 15 5 paul says now may the god of patience and comfort,habakkuk,15,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 5 ruth chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 verse 27 has this to offer and they,ruth,21,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 21 verse 27 i know my covenant and abide with it luke 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,luke,11,32.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 32 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in 1 samuel chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,1 samuel,33,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 33 verse 13 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 john 26 i also will do this unto you we even,john,26,16.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 16 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church joel said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,joel,20,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 26 prophetic season 3 john 2 46 to 47 paraphrased and they continued,3 john,2,46.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 46 titus chapter one i'm reading from verse five revelation chapter one verse five and from jesus christ,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 think peter healed uh raise the dead in 2 samuel 9 chapter verse 40 but did the apostles ever feed the 5 0 no,2 samuel,9,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 4 another as god in christ forgave you now let's jump to micah 5 the first two verses there therefore be imitators of,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look actually ruth 4 i think since then moses said to the lord oh,ruth,4,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 11 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in malachi 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,malachi,12,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 2 quotes from that very chapter verse 8 and from 2 thessalonians 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been,2 thessalonians,53,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 53 verse 8 2 corinthians chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the,2 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 1 samuel chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,1 samuel,11,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 6 verse 7. micah chapter 2 verse 7.,micah,2,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 7 and i'll obtain my crown job 1 and verse 18 says the highest of the understanding being,job,1,18.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 18 was preaching on jude chapter three shadrach meshach and abednego,jude,3,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 3 titus 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 what was god saying,titus,10,38.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 38 seen well obadiah 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are,obadiah,13,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 14 so prayer is classified as label in the book of hosea chapter 12 verse 11 and verse 12,hosea,12,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 11 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 from verse 20 to the bible says he changes times and,song of solomon (song of songs),2,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 2 but a humble mind amos chapter 2 and verse 5. let this mind be in you,amos,2,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 5 jesus was crying out in prayer jesus was in anguish in prayer 2 kings 5 7 says during the days of jesus life on earth,2 kings,5,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 7 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from zechariah let him who boasts boast in the lord and,zechariah,1,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 31 the book of 1 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,1 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to obadiah chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,obadiah,1,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 6 2 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible tells us there very clearly hebrews 2 and verse 3 how shall we escape,2 chronicles,2,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3 nurturing new churches for growth 2 samuel chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,2 samuel,14,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 21 i said to change a lot of things in your life 2 samuel chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 25 deuteronomy chapter 11 and,2 samuel,11,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 25 to jude chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,jude,15,36.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 36 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in song of solomon (song of songs) 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame,song of solomon (song of songs),12,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 11 him in works 2 corinthians 1 verse 16 and many other verses but sadly shaw's only remorse was,2 corinthians,1,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at ezra chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12,ezra,19,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 12 probably know it it goes like this 3 john 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in,3 john,10,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 9 all things keep working together for your good 1 timothy 8 28. i'm from today everything about you at home at work in,1 timothy,8,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 28 we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to joel 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can,joel,5,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 5 ah here it is ah philemon 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,philemon,19,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 24 recite that while our text is taken from ezra chapter 5,ezra,5,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 5 point about jonah 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,jonah,8,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 27 dating process now let's flip over to zechariah 12 real quick into romans 12 and 2 this is why it's so important we renew,zechariah,12,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 2 its rain matthew chapter 37 and verse 22 is that fair weather coming out of the not with god,matthew,37,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 22 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise 1 samuel 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,1 samuel,100,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 100 verse 4 referring to an account that is found in 1 timothy chapter 25 it follows the three chapters we've been looking at over the,1 timothy,25,25.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 25 verse 25 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 3 john chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,3 john,3,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 3 warned his generation he said behold the lord comes psalms verse 14 behold alert lord comes this is not his first coming,psalms,1,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 14 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her zechariah chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,zechariah,2,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought amos 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i,amos,17,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 13 when you read from verse 12 down to 14 ezra chapter 8 verse 12 down to 14.,ezra,8,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 12 someone in the choir place matthew 27 verse 5 and 6 god forbid that i should justify you till i die i will not,matthew,27,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 5 2 kings version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,2 kings,5,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 3 this is said over and over again in the new testament ruth 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,ruth,2,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 12 chapter one verse 5 1 corinthians 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 builders builders for god of course luke 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,luke,14,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 18 i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in 2 john chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he,2 john,2,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 25 said in nehemiah 14 verse 11 i want you to see numbers 14 verse 11,nehemiah,14,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 11 hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in matthew 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the,matthew,37,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 28 1 peter chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,1 peter,10,38.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 38 about the word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of 1 john chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god,1 john,4,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 12 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in lamentations chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,lamentations,6,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 6 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful 1 chronicles 11 30 and daniel 23,1 chronicles,11,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 3 he stayed with god to the end in jude chapter 1 verse 8 he proposed as a child not to corrupt himself with,jude,1,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 8 the other one is a life to long journey according to habakkuk 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this word but be,habakkuk,12,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 this description of christ here nehemiah 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were,nehemiah,19,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 19 verse 11 happened the original saying in esther chapter 3 in the gallery of egypt you will see,esther,3,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 3 looking at ecclesiastes chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,ecclesiastes,4,36.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 36 i will i will i will 2 timothy chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter,2 timothy,19,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 6 the conversion of sinners to sons in zechariah chapter four verse five,zechariah,4,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 5 said in john 14 verse 11 i want you to see numbers 14 verse 11,john,14,11.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 11 results through the fruit of his sleeves ezekiel 13 verse 2 watch,ezekiel,13,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 2 improve on the gifts in malachi chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,malachi,9,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 9 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in malachi 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,malachi,25,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 25 verse 29 pick it up from verse 36 joel chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,joel,41,36.0,1.0,joel chapter 41 verse 36 and matthew chapter 12 verse 1 philippians 3 7 to 8 but what things were gained to me,matthew,3,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 7 aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us obadiah 1 21 lay aside all filthiness,obadiah,1,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 21 from 2 peter 49 by paul and barnabas listen to what they say acts 13 46 then paul and barnabas grew bold,2 peter,13,46.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 46 to give your seed tonight praise god 2 peter chapter 8 and verse 22 the word of god is very clear about this,2 peter,8,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 22 the way you should praise him several things up for example in colossians chapter 16 verse 25 to 34 at 16 25 to 34 when paul,colossians,16,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 25 concerning marriage guarantees a history experience in marriage nehemiah 1 3 tells us,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 feet in 1 thessalonians chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor,1 thessalonians,13,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 5 and the government of praise for the spirit of heaviness joel 61 and verse 7 to appoint to them that mourn in zion,joel,61,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 61 verse 7 well the story i mentioned to you about john in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,john,14,21.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 21 can i hear uncharted loud amen 1 samuel chapter 6 and verse 19 said and for me that all trans may be given,1 samuel,6,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 6 by time you get to jonah chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were,jonah,5,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 12 mediator of the new covenant ecclesiastes chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,ecclesiastes,12,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 22 the morning to stand before god in luke chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and,luke,19,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 27 lamentations chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,lamentations,8,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 6 engaging the wisdom from above in jude chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,jude,12,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 3 look at chapter 11 joel chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 11 verse 19 now,joel,11,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 19 he declares the end from the beginning and then in 3 john 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 3 he says christ who is our life ezekiel 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 multitudes into this church this year 2 thessalonians 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,2 thessalonians,49,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 49 verse 25 i wanted to see what he said about nehemiah 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,nehemiah,8,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 28 of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of 1 samuel revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us,1 samuel,19,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 19 verse 15 area but know it even gets worse look at philemon 37 again drop down to verse 5 one night joseph had it,philemon,37,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 37 verse 5 and a cult idol of the old testament we read in jude 718 the children gather would the father's kindle fire and the,jude,7,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 18 "by the way, peter in his sermon in 2 john 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision jude 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,jude,10,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 19 find expression ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 11 it says the vision of all is become,ecclesiastes,29,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 11 what god is able to do and the bible says in habakkuk chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and,habakkuk,10,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 17 this before we leave 2 samuel joel chapter 2 23 for he has given the former reign moderately and he will,2 samuel,2,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 23 holy spirit is that he does good it says in ruth chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,ruth,10,38.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 38 overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from,ecclesiastes,7,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 6 commitment look at chapter 2 of joel i'm reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2 verse 14,joel,2,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 14 of righteousness will arise verse 2 of zephaniah chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today,zephaniah,4,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 2 pretty clearly i'll just pick this one jonah 5 19.,jonah,5,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 19 chapter 19 worried him from verse 17 2 kings 19 and we reading from verse 17 it says in verse 17,2 kings,19,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 17 his word to us jude 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,jude,7,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 7 everywhere and those great things happen we're told in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 32 acts chapter 9 verse 32 and it came to,1 timothy,9,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 32 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from jude 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from,jude,34,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 29 matthew chapter 10. ecclesiastes 10 17.,matthew,10,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 7 testament in various forms the bible tells us in philemon chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,philemon,5,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 13 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 1 kings chapter 4 it says and therefore,1 kings,4,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 22 about 2 peter and the bukit nezzer gave orders 3911 about jeremiah and told the captain of his bodyguard take him verse,2 peter,39,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 39 verse 11 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what joel in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,joel,8,36.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 36 2 thessalonians 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,2 thessalonians,19,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 14 it shall be like a hit in the desert 1 john chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,1 john,17,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 5 2 corinthians chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is,2 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,1 timothy,9,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 8 the context carefully in the book of ecclesiastes 9 verse 24 227 you'll see that there are only 483 years that are accounted,ecclesiastes,9,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 24 read josh 15 2 thessalonians 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their,2 thessalonians,13,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 2 thee well looking at nahum chapter 10 verse 27 proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolonged,nahum,10,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 27 i told you all of us are going to be reading together nahum 32 uh 32 verses 31 today,nahum,32,31.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 31 to need to be very conscious in zephaniah chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,zephaniah,3,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 5 the latter part of verse 23 micah system and you have praised the gods of silver and gold bronze and iron,micah,1,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 23 through the period of the lockdown ezekiel chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,ezekiel,17,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 7 2 kings chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,2 kings,8,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 14 redeemer will come in jesus name and look at it look at amos chapter 3 verse 20 wherefore is light given to him that,amos,3,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 2 we will read verses 21 through 25. colossians one 21 therefore put away,colossians,1,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 21 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives malachi chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,malachi,5,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 2 exalted is in jonah in chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 it's very interesting to see that when god sent,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 reading an article recently where the author said joshua 2 20 i am crucified with christ and is no longer i,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 and that brings us to the second commandment verse 4 of zephaniah 20 don't make for yourself a carved image now you,zephaniah,20,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 4 is good or evil in ezekiel chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12,ezekiel,2,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 12 lives the word of god may exclaim judges chapter 8 31 if god be for you who can,judges,8,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 31 number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in habakkuk chapter 5 reading from verse 12,habakkuk,5,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 12 house fellowship my text is taken from obadiah chapter 2 verses 46 to 47 acts chapter 2,obadiah,2,46.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 46 help and for your heart too nahum 14 verses 20,nahum,14,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 2 learned that a path for us was faithful in 1 john 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful,1 john,4,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 9 verse 13 joel chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,joel,2,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 13 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing philemon or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,philemon,1,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 2 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in zephaniah 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,zephaniah,43,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 43 verse 21 bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in ezra chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is,ezra,7,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 18 in the name of jesus so we look at hosea 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,hosea,24,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 24 verse 2 recon that reconciliation demands repentance 1 peter chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,1 peter,3,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 19 all human blessings flew in nehemiah chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do,nehemiah,3,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 2 somebody shout oh habakkuk chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,habakkuk,8,32.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 32 let me just read this scripture in mark 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall,mark,27,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 27 verse 24 amen number chapter number 23 colossians 23 from verse 19 19 to 23,colossians,23,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 23 verse 19 covenant 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god,1 samuel,8,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 18 2 kings chapter 8 verse 28 romans 8 verse 20 says all things work together for good,2 kings,8,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 28 builders builders for god of course psalms 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,psalms,14,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 18 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth joel chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,joel,6,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 2 make us to be shining in the order of jude 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory,jude,24,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 18 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in 2 chronicles 13 44 we are told,2 chronicles,13,44.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 spirit of wisdom that's an malachi chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,malachi,11,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 2 revealed look at chapter 11 verse 27 of obadiah it says by faith he forsook egypt,obadiah,11,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 27 reading from verse 25 titus chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,titus,33,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 33 verse 25 two to year to old can sing it and it's haggai 4 32 and it says be kind one to another tenderhearted,haggai,4,32.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 32 leviticus chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,leviticus,16,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 15 looking at mark chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,mark,2,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 29 like 2 kings was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,2 kings,12,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 5 where there's no sanctification john 2 for by grace you've been saved verse 8,john,2,8.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 8 you're preaching luke 4. 8 to 11. but only those who truly crave,luke,4,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 8 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in 2 corinthians 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,2 corinthians,6,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 look at chapter 11 ruth chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 11 verse 19 now,ruth,11,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 19 during righteousness bible says in mark chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,mark,6,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 4 heaven we're looking at colossians chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,colossians,22,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 14 salvation and our memory verse was taken from job chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,job,10,9.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 9 so mightily that if you read ruth 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8,ruth,32,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 3 question could be based on 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 7 genesis 2 verse 7 yes i could be,2 chronicles,2,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 7 understanding being enlightened opened attorney jude 1 verse 18 that our god may lighten our eyes literally open,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 that and more in today's study of 3 john i'm gonna read here first 15 verses look at your bibles with me verse,3 john,1,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 15 2 john 12 6 6 7 and 8 romans 12 6 7 and 8 was talking to us about the fact that,2 john,12,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 6 "but notice that we were foolish to verse 3 mark 3 verse 3 to that we were disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts, pleasures, spending",mark,3,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 3 admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to matthew 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're,matthew,23,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 16 left you a moment ago verse 4 haggai 6 do not provoke your children to anger,haggai,6,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 4 and then to angels and to men in judges chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,judges,3,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 9 colossians chapter 22 from verse 7 to 14 genesis 22 7 to 14 isaac said to his,colossians,22,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 7 lamentations 17 4 to 6 genesis 174 to see he changed the name of abraham to,lamentations,17,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 17 verse 4 so verse 27 is really saying beginning at 1 john and going all the way to malachi jesus,1 john,1,27.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 27 honest numbers 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,numbers,1,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 7 depart for evil i mean from evil in leviticus chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,leviticus,14,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 26 the wise shall inherit glory ezra 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,ezra,11,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 3 happen esther 2 4 god being rich in mercy out of the great,esther,2,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 4 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord 3 john 31 30,3 john,31,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 31 verse 3 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so jonah chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,jonah,6,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 9 others in 2 corinthians 11 14 it says where there is no counsel the,2 corinthians,11,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 fasted let's say the book of 1 kings chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,1 kings,18,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 18 somebody shout hallelujah 1 kings three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,1 kings,3,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 2 that will of god in such a complete manner of ruth chapter 2 reading from verse 13 philippians,ruth,2,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 13 and what happened they were in one accord 1 kings chapter 5 verse 12,1 kings,5,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 12 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of mark 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,mark,4,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 26 no piece of the lamb could be left. jude 12 verses 4 and 43 to 46 indicate that they had to eat the whole lamb.,jude,12,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 4 into testimonies and and take the prayer points song of solomon (song of songs) 58 11 the lord will guide you continually,song of solomon (song of songs),58,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 verse 11 because christ has delivered us from the curse 1 samuel 3 13 christ became a curse for us on the,1 samuel,3,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 13 saying to her in verse 3 what is it queen 2 john what is your request it shall be given to you even up,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 33 ezra chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely,ezra,20,33.0,1.0,ezra chapter 20 verse 33 see it and you could look at this passage but in luke 9 through 11 you two is not individuals it is,luke,9,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 11 kept giving me his word from 2 samuel chapter 48 verse 17 to 21 and chapter 58 verse 11 he said you are,2 samuel,48,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 48 verse 17 loose obadiah chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,obadiah,3,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 5 actually use the word martyr micah chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the,micah,2,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 2 it shall be cleared off in the name of jesus nehemiah chapter three verse five and verse six,nehemiah,3,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 5 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 being portrayed here so let's just look back at malachi 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of,malachi,25,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 25 verse 22 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what 1 thessalonians in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,1 thessalonians,8,36.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 36 it tells us in titus chapter 16 and we're reading from verse 3 romans chapter 16 verse 3 greece persilla and,titus,16,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 3 in action chapter 16 from verse 25 to 26 1 chronicles 16 25 to 26,1 chronicles,16,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 25 um so when we we uh we look at say esther 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,esther,28,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 24 verse 17 to 24 mark chapter 65 verse 17 to,mark,65,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 65 verse 17 and not have time for him in the book of john 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,john,23,26.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 26 he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here ezra chapter eight first four verses they say,ezra,8,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 4 that i put on the wall and was about ecclesiastes 5 18 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it,ecclesiastes,5,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 18 2 chronicles 18 11. proverbs 18 11. the rich think their wealth,2 chronicles,18,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 11 it says then you are saying that's in zechariah chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 and now it says,zechariah,10,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 9 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god 2 thessalonians 26 15 15 to 16,2 thessalonians,26,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 15 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in 1 kings chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,1 kings,10,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 23 quoted three times in the new you better take heed to it in song of solomon (song of songs) and chapter 1 and verse 17 we read romans,song of solomon (song of songs),1,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 17 in the book of habakkuk chapter 3 2 we must be desirable anyone that will,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 and then in 1 john chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of,1 john,4,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 6 was in the ship to the sea to lighten the load but 2 thessalonians had gone down verse 15 he goes down into the sea,2 thessalonians,1,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 15 against aaron habakkuk 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live,habakkuk,14,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 28 short period of time to like his father in 1 corinthians 26 verse 12 to 14 jealousy 26 verse 12 to 14 co to op transferred him so,1 corinthians,26,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 12 again the book of john coincides with the book of haggai we see this in ezra chapter 4 verse 4 this is what ezra says,john,4,4.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 4 belonging to christ in nahum chapter 3 verse 27,nahum,3,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 27 of all events in our lives it says in psalms chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,psalms,2,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 22 it shall speak and micah chapter 10 and verse 23,micah,10,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 23 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in 1 john chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,1 john,2,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 12 knowledge malachi chapter 10 verse 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word,malachi,10,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 17 this he says paul says in numbers 4 5 that there's only one faith,numbers,4,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 5 judges chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 tells us that if you,judges,9,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 4 employing them nahum 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,nahum,2,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 15 which is in haggai chapter 22 i'm going to read just one verse verse 5.,haggai,22,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 5 to achieve things that don't glorify god in nahum 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,nahum,23,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 12 of jesus job chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,job,8,18.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaking clearly tells us in 2 chronicles 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,2 chronicles,4,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 2 references and i want to hear those pages turning 3 john chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 now that is why we are admonished in jude chapter 6 and verse 16. to follow their example if they prayed,jude,6,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 16 you higher it will leave you where you are in numbers chapter 3 verse 17 to 18 revelation 3 verse 17 2 verse 18 he said to some,numbers,3,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 17 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. 2 timothy chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,2 timothy,66,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 66 verse 6 utter fear 1 john chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,1 john,2,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 5 cells all through this year hosea chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,hosea,2,46.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 46 is a god who does not lie so jude chapter 7 when you read verse 14,jude,7,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 14 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that ecclesiastes 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,ecclesiastes,2,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 11 some quiet time with the lord at the end of the day 1 thessalonians said in isaiah 26 9 with my soul i have desired you in the,1 thessalonians,26,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 9 attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of hosea 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving,hosea,5,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 2 yes oh yes esther 6 8 says something he said and i heard the voice of the lord saying who,esther,6,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 8 because in titus chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when,titus,10,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 12 your prophetic word philemon chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,philemon,9,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 8 um i will supply all your needs that's 1 timothy 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages,1 timothy,4,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 let's what are the details job 27 will help us genesis 27 you can read it from verse 26 to 29,job,27,26.0,1.0,job chapter 27 verse 26 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 titus 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,titus,22,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 16 mark chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4,mark,2,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 4 god that hurts your walk 2 chronicles 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,2 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 is only coverable until god says ooh in luke chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19,luke,43,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 43 verse 18 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in 1 corinthians 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,1 corinthians,2,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 3 love me and walk in my purpose for your life amos 8 28 everything,amos,8,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 28 have washed esther chapter 1 verse 38 you have enterprise genesis 1 verse 28 the verses are god bless them and there is,esther,1,38.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 38 the next screen each other obadiah 5 21 submitting to one another out of,obadiah,5,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 21 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at 1 peter 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,1 peter,1,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 14 improve on the gifts in ecclesiastes chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,ecclesiastes,9,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 9 to have everything that goes with it matthew 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,matthew,2,25.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 25 you know in jonah chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12,jonah,19,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 11 apostles numbers of the apostles chapter 4 and we're reading from verse 3 1,numbers,4,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 3 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god haggai chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,haggai,4,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 3 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at 1 john chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,1 john,1,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 15 4 to 5 second corinthians 4 17 and joel 2 14.,joel,4,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 17 finish so strong so well 1 john chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,1 john,3,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 22 and what happened they were in one accord titus chapter 5 verse 12,titus,5,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 12 of scriptures to fail in mark chapter 23 and verse 19 the bible says,mark,23,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 19 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 job 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,job,51,11.0,1.0,job chapter 51 verse 11 more sending people to eternity prematurely in judges chapter 2 verse 4,judges,2,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 4 verse 3. 2 john chapter 3 we're looking now at verse 3,2 john,3,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 3 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 1 kings chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,1 kings,11,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 27 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh joshua 53 when you read from verse five as after,joshua,53,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 53 verse 5 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in 1 john 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,1 john,49,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 49 verse 8 verses 6 and 7 1 timothy chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,1 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 every child of god in joshua 4 18 it said that the path of the just the journey of the just is,joshua,4,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 18 11. there's something we call everlasting joy 2 timothy 51 verse 11 i want us open our bible to isaiah 12 3,2 timothy,51,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 51 verse 11 amen you know the word of god in obadiah 29 11 says what that they thought that god,obadiah,29,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 11 "evil of father or mother is to be put to death."" that's right out of habakkuk 20 verse 12, ""honor your father and mother,"" one of the ten commandments,",habakkuk,20,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 12 god is aware in zephaniah 17. in i mean that particular isaiah 40 27,zephaniah,40,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 40 verse 27 standeth forever 1 timothy chapter 19 versus one in proverbs chapter 19 reading from verse 21 there are many,1 timothy,19,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 21 from obadiah i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,obadiah,1,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 employing them ezekiel 5 james 2 acts 15 acts,ezekiel,2,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 15 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in lamentations 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,lamentations,61,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 61 verse 3 we close look at joel chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 i'm watching for your proverbs chapter,joel,17,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 22 paul told us in that 2 peter 3 13 to 15. he said brethren i can't not myself to,2 peter,3,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 13 and more blessed to you the bible says it gives more grace 2 chronicles 5 6,2 chronicles,5,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 6 bible says in joel 11 verse 30 proverbs 11 verse 30 said he that winners souls,joel,11,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 3 when we are fed what's the result ezra reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,ezra,1,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 3 that's 1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 7 we can turn there just so that you know hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 i've given you a,1 thessalonians,11,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 7 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of judges 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,judges,36,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 36 verse 11 it shall speak and habakkuk chapter 10 and verse 23,habakkuk,10,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 23 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in amos 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,amos,43,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 43 verse 21 now we come to these especial cena of jesus psalms chapter 9 acts chapter 9 verse 27 in acts chapter 9 verse 27,psalms,9,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 27 this prophecies are conditional in ecclesiastes chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,ecclesiastes,18,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 18 verse 7 life look at lamentations chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1,lamentations,1,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 4 "moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, 2 samuel 31 verse 14, ""'behold, the time for you to die is",2 samuel,31,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 31 verse 14 confirming the word everywhere in the book of numbers chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,numbers,14,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 3 knowledge of god so when when you read obadiah chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,obadiah,1,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 18 your joy is coming in philemon chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,philemon,15,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 15 testament in philemon in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,philemon,11,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 6 to need to be very conscious in 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,1 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 can we say allowed unbelieving amen job 12 3 and wwes shall shine as the brightness of the firemen and they don't,job,12,3.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 3 if god wants to send a ninja you will what the bible says is ezekiel 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all,ezekiel,4,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 19 his will is still set to do evil in ruth chapter 8 and verse 11 we are told because the judgment upon,ruth,8,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 11 all symbols say so let's go to 1 john now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how,1 john,10,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 28 listen let me show you a version 1 corinthians 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,1 corinthians,8,34.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 34 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture ezekiel 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,ezekiel,6,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 9 amen and amen and amen amen now ezekiel 3 and verse 23 we're still praying we're still praying we're still,ezekiel,3,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 23 in the book of joel chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said,joel,1,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 5 final day god's mercy verse 13 lamentations 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,lamentations,2,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 13 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um ezra 22 and verse 22,ezra,22,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 22 the borrowers to turn to 1 john 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,1 john,22,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 7 life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh 2 john 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must,2 john,8,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 13 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ joshua chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,joshua,11,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 15 irrigation and the cycle continues in ezekiel 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in,ezekiel,26,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 8 with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from ruth 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting,ruth,59,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 59 verse 2 justified by the law of moses matthew chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,matthew,3,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 19 open your bible with me to the book of malachi proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,malachi,14,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 23 amos chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,amos,12,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 3 your seat belts because here we go okay amos chapter 1 verse 15 speaking of christ who is the image of the,amos,1,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 15 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions haggai 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,haggai,8,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 18 the latter part of verse 23 2 john system and you have praised the gods of silver and gold bronze and iron,2 john,1,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 23 6 verse 12 what the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 12,song of solomon (song of songs),6,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 12 the bible tells us in the book of 2 timothy 3 verses 9 and 10 proverbs 3 9 10 6 under the law without substance and,2 timothy,3,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse four ibaka to was four romans 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17 galatians 3 verse 11 galatians 3 verse 11 and,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at 2 samuel chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,2 samuel,2,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 one must repent before he can be forgiven 3 john chapter 2 38 to 41 you must act,3 john,2,38.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 38 look at zechariah chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,zechariah,11,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 4 look at ourselves in these last days in 1 timothy 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and,1 timothy,8,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 22 going to look up that verse actually it's 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have,1 samuel,9,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 15 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in 1 peter chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,1 peter,12,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 12 bottles live because according to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17,song of solomon (song of songs),14,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 12 3 in verse 7 1 john chapter 3 verse 7 they give money also unto the,1 john,3,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 7 point about colossians 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,colossians,8,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 27 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at 1 kings chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,1 kings,6,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 16 the power from on high ruth chapter 2 and verse 14 the scripture says for the earth shall be,ruth,2,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 14 psalms 2 17 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure,psalms,2,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 17 a bible tells us in philemon chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,philemon,19,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 3 mark chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,mark,2,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 2 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 jude 26 i also will do this unto you we even,jude,26,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 26 verse 16 according to zephaniah chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,zephaniah,4,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 25 according to job chapter 8 verse 27 romans 8 29 romans 8 verse 29 the bible says he,job,8,29.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 29 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in matthew chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he,matthew,9,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 6 miracles at stratton i tina a meeting here from bus 11 zephaniah chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrought special miracles by,zephaniah,19,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 11 happen zechariah 2 4 god being rich in mercy out of the great,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 others you know that love is not genuine in 1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 determines verse 5 god says,1 corinthians,6,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god joel 26 15 15 to 16,joel,26,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 15 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in haggai 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,haggai,10,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 12 scripture for our talk is in 2 kings 4 verse 7 the bible says,2 kings,4,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 7 testament 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 28 which says in the king james and we know that all things work together for good,1 samuel,8,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 28 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to 2 samuel to highlight the spiritual confusion and,2 samuel,17,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 21 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of malachi of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,malachi,6,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 7 "god is truth and every word of god is true. hosea 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",hosea,1,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 2 uses this expression to refer to god's word 2 thessalonians 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,2 thessalonians,20,32.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 32 be spiritual so if we live in the spirit esther 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,esther,5,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 25 church for life ruth 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,ruth,23,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 2 in 1 samuel chapter 1 and verse 6 job chapter 1 and verse 6. there was a day when it says the sons of,1 samuel,1,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 6 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in esther 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,esther,4,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 21 to redeem us read as 1 chronicles 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,1 chronicles,53,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 53 verse 3 now may the god of peace this is colossians 13 20 and 21 may the god of peace who brought again,colossians,13,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 2 deborah says uh philemon 4 and 14 i'm loaded i'm just going to tell you this right now,philemon,4,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 14 promise we're coming to 1 john chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11,1 john,11,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 15 god from the heart ecclesiastes chapter 6 and verse 6,ecclesiastes,6,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 6 the crowns are delivered only at the end ezra 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast,ezra,3,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 11 verse 22 and 23 2 peter 1 22 to 23,2 peter,1,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 22 chapter 8 verse 4 matthew 8 verse 4. the bible says where the word of the king is there is,matthew,8,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 4 met for a week so we can read that in 2 kings chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,2 kings,14,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 16 engages god's ability for delivery colossians chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 forsake us neither will he forget us in titus chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said,titus,44,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 44 verse 21 who have preached to us they are flying towards ezra 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,ezra,1,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 28 us to just quickly go into scriptures zechariah chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,zechariah,5,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 18 paul has an amazing parallel in 2 samuel 1 7 where he says in christ,2 samuel,1,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 7 and he began to teach the book of 1 john chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,1 john,3,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 11 turn to psalms 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3.,psalms,56,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 56 verse 3 i want we gotta read scripture carefully song of solomon (song of songs) 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,song of solomon (song of songs),4,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 19 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle zechariah chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,zechariah,5,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 14 pick it up from verse 36 job chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,job,41,36.0,1.0,job chapter 41 verse 36 jonah chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,jonah,3,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 15 for me but that's fine so let's go to 2 samuel chapter 1 and verse 5.,2 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,1 chronicles,36,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 36 verse 25 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in 3 john 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,3 john,13,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 5 a sin. 1 peter 13 verse 13 is listed with vices. galatians 5 verse 21 it is listed with vices; 1,1 peter,5,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 21 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an 1 timothy 320 work that is beyond what these women,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 knowing notice what it says here in 1 samuel chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the,1 samuel,20,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 4 intercessor day and night nehemiah 7 25 he prays for god's people,nehemiah,7,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 25 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also nahum chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,nahum,11,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 24 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture habakkuk 1 18 the lord says,habakkuk,1,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 1 chronicles chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,1 chronicles,12,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 2 front and told me to do good things and one more thing it says in 2 thessalonians in chapter 1 ephesians 1 verse 18 i prayed,2 thessalonians,1,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 18 encountered god through his word in mark 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some,mark,53,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 53 verse 4 stars and for life obadiah 3 2 o lord i have had thy speech and was afraid oh lord revive thy,obadiah,3,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 2 filmed it tells us in ruth chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse,ruth,23,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 23 verse 17 to 24 nehemiah chapter 65 verse 17 to,nehemiah,65,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 65 verse 17 this is how they did it in daniel's day haggai 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,haggai,3,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 4 defeated leviticus chapter 8 verse 31 romans 8 31 says if god is for us who can be against us,leviticus,8,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 31 when he may be found call upon him when his name philemon chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,philemon,55,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 55 verse 6 malachi chapter 9 verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 we're reading from verse,malachi,9,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 9 was worth the wait 1 kings 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,1 kings,8,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 27 of a priceless redemption look at philemon chapter 12 verse 2,philemon,12,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 2 what i just want to be careful here just because we see hosea here being used in matthew 1 17 doesn't mean,hosea,1,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 17 retirement age will be easy 2 thessalonians 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,2 thessalonians,21,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 2 dismayed ecclesiastes chapter 31 verses 7 and 8 and moses called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all israel,ecclesiastes,31,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 31 verse 7 you assurance of your own salvation i'm just gonna read from paul here obadiah seven starting with verse 14 he says for,obadiah,7,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 14 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of 2 john chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,2 john,16,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 16 verse 14 by the gods of all might look at hosea chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27,hosea,22,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 27 that was what 2 john was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,2 john,3,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 17 let's go ahead and watch it look at here in ecclesiastes 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were,ecclesiastes,1,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9 in joel chapter 5 verses 6 to 8 romans 5 6 to 8 the bible says for when we were still without strength,joel,5,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 6 the word of god tells us in the book of esther 69 and verse nine he said there that the zeal of the house has eaten me,esther,6,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 9 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in 2 thessalonians chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,2 thessalonians,23,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 2 this look at this micah of the apostle chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7. look at 18,micah,14,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 7 self in matthew chapter 28 verse 15 and behold i am with thee and i will keep,matthew,28,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 28 verse 15 i say believe me say loud amen judges chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because,judges,7,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 13 god's children the sons that believe and become god's children leviticus chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children,leviticus,3,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 26 look at 1 corinthians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 21 acts chapter 2 verse 31 and it shall come to pass that whosoever,1 corinthians,2,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 31 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram 2 kings 18 verse 19,2 kings,18,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 18 verse 19 spiritual awakening but then i read passages like esther 9 13 and it really gives me hope,esther,9,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 13 hands of them that's what amos did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,amos,1,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 15 that your search will be rewarded look down to verse 32 1 corinthians 8 and now o sons wisdom is still speaking listen to,1 corinthians,8,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 32 i say chapter 1 verse 19 1 thessalonians 1 verse 19 has some very deep meanings,1 thessalonians,1,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 19 everyone to repent please remember this reference hosea chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,hosea,17,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 3 expectation in the book of zephaniah 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end,zephaniah,23,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 18 ruth 1 17 17 to 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight against you,ruth,1,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 17 your bibles to amos chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,amos,13,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 17 me passion translation of 1 peter 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,1 peter,24,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 24 verse 3 changes for the better before them now today we want to look at colossians chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good,colossians,1,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 17 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 2 kings 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,2 kings,1,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 18 place let's go to ezekiel we use ephesians chapter six and i'm going to read verses 12 to 18.,ezekiel,6,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 12 the word worship comes in the bible is in 1 john 22 verse 6. sorry verse 5.,1 john,22,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 6 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of 2 chronicles here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,2 chronicles,11,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 17 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 obadiah chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,obadiah,33,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 33 verse 11 one two three go our memory verse is taken from ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse four and it says,ecclesiastes,15,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 4 psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 obadiah 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin,obadiah,16,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 13 excessive chapter 12 verse 7 ruth 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn,ruth,12,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 7 i say believe me say loud amen jude chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because,jude,7,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 13 in the precious name of the lord jesus so esther 8 and verse 35 he said who shall separate us,esther,8,35.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 35 enochs world we see in the next chapter of 2 timothy we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse,2 timothy,6,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 number two you need to meditate meditate ezra 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 nehemiah 15 4 to 5 and genesis 17,nehemiah,15,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 4 to restore and rebuild jerusalem nahum 9 25 know therefore and understand,nahum,9,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 25 and we're reading from verse 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 like apostle paul said in 1 timothy chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,1 timothy,8,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 38 towards the end of his life we read in judges 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash,judges,20,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 3 enemies psalms chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,psalms,8,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 16 not like that you have a path to plea look at ezekiel of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,ezekiel,3,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 19 through this prophetic season in 3 john chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when,3 john,2,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 6 lands all lands colossians chapter 20 and verse 6.,colossians,20,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 6 word of god that way we commit god to deliver his path without fail in ecclesiastes chapter 1 beginning from verse 22 james,ecclesiastes,1,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 22 amen as we continue our prayers let god be god 1 timothy 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and,1 timothy,55,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 55 verse 8 the new living translation let's start from there today job chapter two uh from verse two down to five in a new,job,2,2.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 2 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard 1 kings 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,1 kings,23,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 25 one thing that i take comfort in is that 2 corinthians 31 30 says,2 corinthians,31,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 31 verse 3 that if a man is worth his weight the bible says in 2 john 128 that his wife ought to be like a fruitful vine,2 john,1,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 8 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of 1 john 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,1 john,8,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 22 experience growth in philemon chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said they were together in one accord,philemon,1,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 14 saving you from that challenge over your head job 2 13 looking for that blessed hope and the,job,2,13.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 13 and pastoring like this and in colossians 4 11 and he himself gave some to be apostles,colossians,4,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 11 2 peter 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,2 peter,19,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 14 you know the story of joseph mark 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,mark,37,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 37 verse 5 the lord's control we're looking at 2 corinthians chapter nine reading from verse six acts chapter nine,2 corinthians,9,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 our hearts must be set in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 11. the bible makes us to,1 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 esther the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own,esther,9,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 7 results through the fruit of his sleeves 1 timothy 13 verse 2 watch,1 timothy,13,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 2 chapter 2 we're looking at verse 11 nahum chapter 2,nahum,2,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 11 verse 3. 1 timothy chapter 3 we're looking now at verse 3,1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 god a bit of discipline right lastly the bible says in matthew chapter 1 verse 3 say blessed be the god of at father of,matthew,1,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 3 we also know that our god is perfect habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 james chapter 1 verse 17 tells us that every,habakkuk,1,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 judgment in amos 20 verses verse 12 says there'll be a,amos,20,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 12 jude 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,jude,11,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 23 chapter 13 amos chapter 13 you know we're looking at verse 15 it says by him,amos,13,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 15 example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in joshua 24 from verse 19 to 22,joshua,24,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 19 a very short verse found in verse 13 of ezekiel 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it,ezekiel,16,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 13 the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in joshua 12 verse 13 we all know the passover,joshua,12,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 13 righteous study a to to the to answer john 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added,john,15,28.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 28 i know him obadiah 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing,obadiah,18,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 17 and we're going to do this backwards look at nehemiah 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,nehemiah,37,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 37 verse 2 a secret here is the secret in matthew chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 transformation in numbers 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he,numbers,32,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 24 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in 1 thessalonians 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,1 thessalonians,12,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 reading on verse 12. 1 kings chapter 4 verse 12 this is what it says,1 kings,4,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 12 brother can i read that one more time jude 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,jude,18,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 24 go astray 2 corinthians 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,2 corinthians,22,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 6 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at ezra chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,ezra,33,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 33 verse 25 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17,song of solomon (song of songs),4,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 17 step out and serve zephaniah 1 6 being confident in this very thing,zephaniah,1,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 6 second chronicles chapter 20 verse 20 matthew had said all these great mighty warriors are,matthew,20,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 20 verse 2 effect of the fall and so you see in job 21 and 2 it's for all eternity so what makes you so worried,job,21,2.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 2 in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 2 timothy chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says,2 timothy,3,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 12 feet in 2 samuel chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor,2 samuel,13,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 5 and it echoes what paul talks about in numbers 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,numbers,3,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 28 they can resist the ocean job 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 what you expect to have as good a joshua chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,joshua,1,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 12 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference lamentations 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,lamentations,5,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 14 remarkable thing and look what it says in psalms chapter 2 16 peter stands up and he preaches and we know that 3 0 get,psalms,2,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 16 i'm going to know this morning look at micah chapter 23 i'm reading from verse 20 extra most chapter 23 a meaning from,micah,23,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 2 verse 11 specifically oh ye afflicted 1 kings 4 verse 11 tossed with tempest and not comforted he said,1 kings,4,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 11 one can receive anything from him ecclesiastes 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in 1 chronicles chapter 41 and verse 14.,1 chronicles,41,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 41 verse 14 2 kings 12 9 romans 12 9. bible says,2 kings,12,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 9 you fall 2 thessalonians 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,2 thessalonians,24,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 16 holy spirit you say that in nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 had isaac been doing before he met his bride 1 john 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,1 john,24,62.0,1.0,1 john chapter 24 verse 62 things in common and they had a verse for it 1 timothy 244 so when i visited them but you know they didn't believe in the,1 timothy,2,44.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 44 he writes to the church in galatia in psalms chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,psalms,3,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 28 must be about my father's business lamentations 12 verse 11 it says not slothful in business but fervent in spirit 7 the,lamentations,12,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 11 chapter 1 reading from verse 14. in hosea chapter 1 verse 14 and profited in the jewish religion,hosea,1,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 14 colossians chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,colossians,4,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 13 church and then of course a famous verse at a micah 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give,micah,19,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 7 you jesus thank you lord my look at what the bible says in colossians 37 verse nine,colossians,37,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 37 verse 9 sees it on the outside then you come to zechariah chapter three and verses 13 through 15 peter is preaching once again and,zechariah,3,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 13 verse well it's just the whole thing actually psalms 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,psalms,8,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 22 of 2 peter we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38,2 peter,50,38.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 50 verse 38 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 joshua chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,joshua,11,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 27 opened the books too what did job say that daniel opened his books too in jeremiah 25 verse 12 jeremiah 25 verse,job,25,12.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 12 in his words in joel chapter 28 verse 15,joel,28,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 28 verse 15 of my pain with you nahum chapter six verses four through six,nahum,6,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 4 to become what god wanted to be he said in joel 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,joel,29,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 29 verse 11 but they did beat them instead yet we see in 1 thessalonians 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they,1 thessalonians,5,41.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 41 is going to cost you something obadiah chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,obadiah,3,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 7 look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,2 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 first place i'll read it to you numbers chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses,numbers,6,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 5 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 ezra 32,ezra,7,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 32 john 26 15 to 18 acts 26 15 to 18.,john,26,15.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 15 is i would like to go but only do not go far away john 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything,john,8,28.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 28 for the sake body it helps us in nehemiah chapter 15,nehemiah,15,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 15 "evil of father or mother is to be put to death."" that's right out of 2 timothy 20 verse 12, ""honor your father and mother,"" one of the ten commandments,",2 timothy,20,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 20 verse 12 recon that reconciliation demands repentance mark chapter 3 verse 19. in acts chapter 3 verse 19,mark,3,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 19 and we know that to be true because if take a look at 2 chronicles chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,2 chronicles,1,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 7 network and your network uh let's start off from colossians of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 abide abide in him zechariah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your,zechariah,10,35.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 35 you know this early 2 thessalonians 39 verse 7 to 16 genesis 13 / 7 to 16 a bible said when the wife of potiphar began to show,2 thessalonians,39,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 7 be reminded of god's word in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and verse 2,song of solomon (song of songs),4,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 2 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of ezekiel chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,ezekiel,20,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 32 front and told me to do good things and one more thing it says in zechariah in chapter 1 ephesians 1 verse 18 i prayed,zechariah,1,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 3 in verse 7 colossians chapter 3 verse 7 they give money also unto the,colossians,3,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 7 dimension of blessing 2 john 36 and verse 11 he said that if they obey and save me,2 john,36,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 11 church for their salvation 1 peter chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign,1 peter,5,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 26 our memory verse shall be taken from the book of nahum chapter 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 the price is to obey in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and,2 samuel,1,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 18 i'm reading from psalms chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,psalms,22,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 5 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve job 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,job,4,3.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 3 and those who practice lying 1 chronicles 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,1 chronicles,22,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 15 important coming from the throne of god we're looking at 1 john chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 18,1 john,14,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 18 wills nor of him who runs these things go together john 10 verses 2 & 3 this is the one who's willing and running for,john,10,2.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 2 verses 11 to 17 if you have your bibles please turn with me to 2 thessalonians chapter 24,2 thessalonians,24,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 11 its rain 1 corinthians chapter 37 and verse 22 is that fair weather coming out of the not with god,1 corinthians,37,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 37 verse 22 multitudes and 1 samuel chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6,1 samuel,6,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 chapter 1 verse 24 1 thessalonians chapter 1,1 thessalonians,1,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 24 happened verse 4 habakkuk 1 4. now i recognize if you have a king james version you may get some words like,habakkuk,1,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 4 hands hosea 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,hosea,26,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 26 verse 8 ebook of 2 kings hebrews chapter 4 we start reading from verse 14 to 16,2 kings,4,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 14 you in an usual dimension today in jesus name ecclesiastes 8 and verse 28 romans 8 and 28 with a song that we sang this morning,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 in 1 peter chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,1 peter,30,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 30 verse 22 nahum chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in,nahum,22,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 6 you want to get them from where they are to where they ought to be luke chapter 28 reading from verse 23 it tells us it,luke,28,23.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 23 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 luke 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,luke,1,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 9 can we say amen to that in the book of john chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted,john,9,8.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 8 can find it here first malachi chapter 2 14. this is such an,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 neighbor as yourself but in quoting john 19 18 what jesus is doing is he's summarizing the,john,19,18.0,1.0,john chapter 19 verse 18 reading from verse 26 to 28. obadiah chapter 1 from verse 26,obadiah,1,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 26 later on down through here but in malachi chapter 1 17 we know that the righteous shall live by faith,malachi,1,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 17 chapter 2 we're reading from verse 44 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 44 and all that believes,1 thessalonians,2,44.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 44 terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because philemon the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and,philemon,55,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 55 verse 8 17. here is her confession 1 peter chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon,1 peter,54,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 54 verse 17 look at obadiah chapter 18 we're reading from verse 7 jeremiah chapter 18 we're reading from verse 7 at what,obadiah,18,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 7 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in song of solomon (song of songs) 20 and verse 32,song of solomon (song of songs),20,32.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 32 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices lamentations 14 verse 2.,lamentations,14,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 2 by faith philemon 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto,philemon,3,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 9 i want we gotta read scripture carefully job 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,job,4,19.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 19 before you can possess your possession jonah chapter 1 verse 17 vadaya 1 17 say body upon mount zion,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 verse 22 and 23 leviticus 1 22 to 23,leviticus,1,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 22 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in 1 chronicles 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,1 chronicles,20,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 20 verse 14 about bearing with one another right 2 kings 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,2 kings,3,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 13 name of jesus christ jonah 13 44 dimension the entire city the entire villages oh god rushing into,jonah,13,44.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 44 collusion chapter three from verse five titus three from verse five new living translation says so put to death,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 peculiar people serious for good work in obadiah chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,obadiah,21,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 7 redemption exactly so in 2 thessalonians 3 15 he tells us that he is going to send a savior,2 thessalonians,3,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 15 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in micah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,micah,3,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord's expectation from us 2 corinthians 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have,2 corinthians,12,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 16 are the sheep of his pasture for he has said ezekiel 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you,ezekiel,13,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 5 gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential matthew chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in,matthew,9,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 26 don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 1 thessalonians 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace,1 thessalonians,13,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 9 recovered look at joel chapter 12 verse 5 jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 if thou is,joel,12,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 5 i want we gotta read scripture carefully 2 kings 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,2 kings,4,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 19 to more more and god will establish your desired healing jude 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,jude,5,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 13 jude reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,jude,5,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 24 eluded with the peace of god 1 corinthians chapter four from verse four to seven,1 corinthians,4,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 is that they prosper bible says in luke chapter 26 verse 12 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that isaac,luke,26,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 12 to say in 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but i have i have all and i am band and i am,2 timothy,4,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 18 in the story i told you earlier on nehemiah 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,nehemiah,32,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 32 verse 24 tooth which by the way is jonah 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,jonah,21,24.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 24 blessed before birth in ecclesiastes 49 verse 8 to 10 genesis 49 verse 8 to 10,ecclesiastes,49,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 49 verse 8 verse 29 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29,2 chronicles,4,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29 there today 1 peter 4 4 hear our god,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith 2 thessalonians verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 that cannot feel 2 samuel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis and we're looking at this in verse 14 is,2 samuel,18,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 14 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in 2 kings chapter 8 verse 37,2 kings,8,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 [applause] 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 today in lamentations chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the,lamentations,4,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 12 is if lying jude 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8,jude,21,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 21 verse 8 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to ruth hey what a great leader you are,ruth,8,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 22 your what says in 1 kings 19 11 that,1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 amos 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,amos,16,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 6 verse 20 nahum chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,nahum,3,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 2 every sin they will commit listen to esther 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course,esther,7,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 27 1 john chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,1 john,1,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 3 engaging the wisdom from above in john chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,john,12,3.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 3 things in common and they had a verse for it matthew 244 so when i visited them but you know they didn't believe in the,matthew,2,44.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 44 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular 1 john 19 and verse 10,1 john,19,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 9 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of judges 2 21 to 22,judges,2,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 21 unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and,song of solomon (song of songs),8,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 9 think we develop that brain it tells us in 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full,2 chronicles,5,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 14 none shall want her mates the lord fulfills his word in obadiah 34 16 for that lady,obadiah,34,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 34 verse 16 on the dry ground 2 timothy 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of,2 timothy,11,29.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 29 again when you look at you mention this to mike in joel 20 verse 7 through 9 this is something that's brought up as,joel,20,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 7 because they said yeah this this 1 timothy 22 11 it's very difficult to understand but then they started talking,1 timothy,22,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 11 adultery and what it says in 2 chronicles sorry john 83 the scribes and pharisees brought a woman,2 chronicles,8,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 3 verse 7 micah chapter 2 verse 7,micah,2,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 7 came the result was seen in colossians chapter 2 and verse 41,colossians,2,41.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 41 of our heart in nehemiah chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,nehemiah,8,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 29 accept sacrifice of praise 2 chronicles 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,2 chronicles,17,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 26 can we say amen to that in the book of 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted,2 samuel,9,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 who teach you the word follow their faith 1 john 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,1 john,13,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 7 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of 2 peter and we're reading from verse 27,2 peter,42,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 42 verse 27 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that 1 peter 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,1 peter,20,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 17 to enter those 600 0 people 1 chronicles 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,1 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 jesus birth was prophesied in the old testament 1 john chapter 5 verse 2 says this but you bethlehem though you are,1 john,5,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 2 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in nahum 3. how on earth like in what,nahum,22,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 3 hunters and fishes of the lord hunters and fishes of the lord nehemiah chapter 16 verse 16,nehemiah,16,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 16 answered in jesus name we pray ecclesiastes chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,ecclesiastes,1,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 6 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 1 corinthians chapter 8,1 corinthians,8,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 6 word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of micah chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god is strong,micah,4,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 12 i came all the way to let somebody know psalms 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,psalms,16,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 14 of that is is is a very fundamental 2 kings 24 21 i wish we had posted this during our,2 kings,24,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 24 verse 21 serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses amos 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 check this out also when you look there at ezekiel 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,ezekiel,1,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 14 this is yours say this is mine song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 4 it says,song of solomon (song of songs),3,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 4 that fight these battles for you john chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,john,12,31.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 31 to righteousness lastly micah 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in,micah,8,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 2 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in malachi 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,malachi,1,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 24 terah died and then jonah 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much,jonah,12,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 4 god 1 john chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,1 john,23,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 23 verse 16 chapter 12 verse 6 leviticus 12 6 reading from living bible this is what he said god has given,leviticus,12,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 6 so the bible says in ruth 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,ruth,22,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 22 verse 3 now we're looking at 1 kings chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37,1 kings,8,37.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 37 2 peter 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,2 peter,3,29.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 29 joshua one passage because this is similar in deuteronomy one right and deuteronomy 139 we read that that god,joshua,1,39.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 39 that's the word of the lord come out colossians chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 reading from verse 26 numbers chapter 16,colossians,16,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 26 him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit jude chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for,jude,12,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 7 determine his confession paul was able to say in malachi chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,malachi,4,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 18 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike ruth 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,ruth,5,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 2 1 timothy james 1 14 giving us a concept of sin,1 timothy,1,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom 2 timothy 1 5. proverbs 9 9,2 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 in the precious name of jesus 2 timothy chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there,2 timothy,12,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 15 cho chose you and we're told in zechariah 1 4 he loves us and because of this,zechariah,1,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 4 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to ecclesiastes now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,ecclesiastes,6,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 19 now you must underline this in your bible 2 chronicles chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,2 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 connected to him amos 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you,amos,1,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 27 luke 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,luke,3,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 8 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into 1 kings 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,1 kings,5,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 22 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few lamentations psalm 69 70,lamentations,69,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 69 verse 7 by faith 1 peter 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto,1 peter,3,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 9 careful in haggai chapter 49 verse 4 jacob said to reuben he's first born,haggai,49,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 49 verse 4 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to esther to highlight the spiritual confusion and,esther,17,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 21 it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 john chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,1 john,62,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 62 verse 6 of the cause of the kingdom for this week in the book of zephaniah 57 and verse 2 he said i will crown to,zephaniah,57,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 57 verse 2 persistently you did not listen job 7 23 obey my,job,7,23.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 23 "from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, ezekiel 1 verse 8 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and",ezekiel,1,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 2 chronicles 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you,2 chronicles,3,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 his word to us jonah chapter 32 and verse 24 genesis 32 24,jonah,32,24.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 24 esther chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse eight to ten i want you to just stay,esther,3,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 8 by the spirit of god in jonah chapter 5 15 to 17,jonah,5,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 15 remember what he says at the end it says in 3 john 13 3 remember those who are in prison,3 john,13,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 3 seated we open the bibles to colossians chapter 14 from verse 21,colossians,14,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 21 every human being on earth is a zero and also matthew 4 verse 35 i haven't finished daniel 4 verse 35 not only he counts god,matthew,4,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 35 name let me show you one verse of scripture in philemon chapter 28 verse 12 good,philemon,28,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 12 dominion is guaranteed dominion is guaranteed 2 chronicles 27 29 37 genesis 27,2 chronicles,27,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 29 receive us for the glory of his father habakkuk 1 verses 3,habakkuk,1,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 3 check the book of 2 chronicles chapter 19 from verse 5 because of our time you see something,2 chronicles,19,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 5 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in numbers chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,numbers,9,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 9 in the precious name of the lord jesus so matthew 8 and verse 35 he said who shall separate us,matthew,8,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 35 need for god because 3 john prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant,3 john,1,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 5 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading nahum 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,nahum,32,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 8 to christ so i want you to turn in your bibles to 1 john chapter 2 verse 19. i'm going to read verse 19 to 22 those,1 john,2,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 19 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together job 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,job,8,26.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 26 deeper level and we have what we call 2 timothy in matthew 16 verse 13 to 17 matthew 16 13 to 17 jesus christ as his,2 timothy,16,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 13 left you a moment ago verse 4 leviticus 6 do not provoke your children to anger,leviticus,6,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 4 in the life of the believer because lamentations 1 14 tells us are not angels ministering spirits,lamentations,1,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 14 things so here esther 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,esther,14,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 12 in your bible what i'm going to show you now lamentations chapter 33 isaiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 24 searches 3 24,lamentations,33,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 24 must believe that he's able to do it leviticus 3 20 says noun to him,leviticus,3,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 2 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 1 samuel 14 17 says he that is true to agree,1 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of job 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,job,9,31.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 31 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. philemon 5 27 please go down there,philemon,5,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 27 42 lamentations 12. 40 to 42,lamentations,12,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 4 that he'd be born of a virgin ezra 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27,ezra,7,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 14 said concerning the redeemed in amos 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,amos,2,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 5 through a few pr a few passages here nahum chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,nahum,4,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 23 malachi chapter 8 from verse 20 to 22 genesis 8 20 to 22 spoke about,malachi,8,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 2 now and he says in job chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and in verse 8 and in verse 9,job,3,8.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 8 you have a couple scriptures like in the nehemiah passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,nehemiah,22,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 3 16. 1 chronicles chapter 4 from verse 11 to 16 uh i read it from the new king james,1 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 hello there amen psalms 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,psalms,34,29.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 29 because 3 john said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,3 john,1,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 11 let me recap because i'm closing now we started from judges 3 12 to 14 talking about why am i moving,judges,3,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 12 glory glory glory to god nehemiah chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,nehemiah,22,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 22 stop halfway in the book of john 4 verse 19 upon the apostle speaking,john,4,19.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 19 evil physically and spiritually if you read your bible in 2 corinthians chapter 54 verse 17,2 corinthians,54,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 54 verse 17 fulfillment of your destiny in 1 corinthians chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,1 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony esther 8 35 to 38.,esther,8,35.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 35 uh right into the joshua ephesians ephesians 4 and verse 5 he speaks about the the wrong baptism,joshua,4,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 5 read 2 chronicles 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,2 chronicles,2,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 17 escape if neglect so great a salvation zechariah chapter 2 and verse 3 that's where they escape,zechariah,2,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 3 the earth for their possession the book of zephaniah chapter two and verse eight,zephaniah,2,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 8 it before this time let's look at peter's 1 corinthians a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,1 corinthians,16,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 15 yeah second chronicles 20 judges you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah,judges,20,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 16 judgment in mark 20 verses verse 12 says there'll be a,mark,20,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 12 in jesus name 1 john chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,1 john,12,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 7 the new living translation let's start from there today 3 john chapter two uh from verse two down to five in a new,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 at what god has for your life in my life in nahum 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,nahum,8,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 29 establishment in this church judges 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,judges,11,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 3 praise also keeps church growing that's part of it nahum 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,nahum,30,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 19 that causes him zephaniah 4 and verse 5 either gathers in summer,zephaniah,4,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 5 the mine because we have the mind of christ i thank you in titus 5 20 it says they fought from heaven oh god let,titus,5,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 2 very text came to them esther 44 3 and they began to plead with god,esther,44,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 44 verse 3 esther chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 4. in ephesians chapter 3 verse 4 whereby,esther,3,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 4 are zephaniah 3 20 adam named his wife eve which means life spring,zephaniah,3,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 2 beyond micah 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,micah,13,44.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 44 without blemish and without sports let's come to malachi chapter 7. i read him from verse 25,malachi,7,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 25 down in this church for life ruth chapter 9 verse 11 and 12 paraphrase as for thee also by the blood,ruth,9,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 11 i am strong in the lord song of solomon (song of songs) the prophet would write in isaiah 40 29 to 31,song of solomon (song of songs),40,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 verse 29 down from the eye from the ivory tower of pride john chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13,john,17,11.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 11 is taken from 2 chronicles chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,2 chronicles,12,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 7 not only that the prophet spoke about it prophet 2 peter spoke about it in isaiah chapter 14 in verse 9 verse 15,2 peter,14,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 9 exaltation above emmanuel's enemies we're coming to mark 69 verse 4 did that hate me,mark,69,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 69 verse 4 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of mark of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,mark,6,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 7 as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle 1 chronicles 29 verse 4.,1 chronicles,29,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 4 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in esther chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,esther,28,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 2 from verse 17. amos chapter 20 verse 17 there's healing the ceiling but there's more,amos,20,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 17 what is the fruit of our mouth numbers chapter 13 number 15 hebrews 13 15 by him therefore,numbers,13,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 15 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in jude chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,jude,28,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 28 verse 5 2 chronicles reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,2 chronicles,5,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 24 will work with time hosea chapter 30 and verse 19. i call heaven an earth,hosea,30,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 19 is good when you read 1 john chapter 1 verses 4,1 john,1,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 4 draw water that is spiritual drink job 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,job,17,5.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 5 implication number two here's nahum chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's,nahum,13,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 17 jesus himself in esther chapter 33 3 you know what he says,esther,33,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 33 verse 3 earth today 2 timothy 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,2 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve 1 kings 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,1 kings,4,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 3 that they will stop me 2 kings five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,2 kings,5,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 7 follow with me here this morning 3 john chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord,3 john,6,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 11 none of us will be disappointed on that day joel 16 15 behold i come,joel,16,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 15 needless to say nothing is done without golf in this so the fire song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 verse 20 amos chapter 1 i will,song of solomon (song of songs),1,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 i believe what's happening is what 2 timothy 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,2 timothy,16,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 2 please single mistake in job 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,job,25,29.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 29 high and is put in another way in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 8 it says you shall receive power after that the holy,1 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 things he did we don't know a lot of it and then as he's about to depart in philemon chapter 1 verse 6 it says therefore when,philemon,1,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 6 us in chapter 26 verse 16. 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter 26 reading from verse 16,2 corinthians,26,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 26 verse 16 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow 2 kings out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",2 kings,2,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 11 stars ezekiel 8 9 and 10 paraphrase associate yourselves or ye people and you shall be,ezekiel,8,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 9 it's only real christians but in habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 it says that god hath dealt or given,habakkuk,12,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 engaging the wisdom from above in matthew chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,matthew,12,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 3 can we say allowed unbelieving amen 1 corinthians 12 3 and wwes shall shine as the brightness of the firemen and they don't,1 corinthians,12,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 3 purposeful partnership we're looking at john chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 18. in,john,2,18.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 18 and that brings immense comfort the next verse is job 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of,job,4,35.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 35 was on easter morning in 3 john chapter 1 verse 18 revelation whopper city jesus christ say,3 john,1,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 18 second chronicles 4 5 do the different psalms usually this kind of thing i'd have to,psalms,4,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 5 winner supernaturally there by trajan orders to christ and discharge obadiah chapter 8 and in verse 23 tossed a lot,obadiah,8,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 23 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way song of solomon (song of songs) 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,song of solomon (song of songs),23,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 3 lamentations 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at,lamentations,1,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 14 jude chapter 15 verse 4 romans 15 4 everyone makes mistakes yet not everyone learns from them,jude,15,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 4 promised you see because god made a promise in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,song of solomon (song of songs),3,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 22 when i was preaching through the book of haggai and uh we came to chapter 4 verse 6,haggai,4,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 6 authority of god himself joel chapter 7 verse 38 in acts chapter 7 verse 30 age the ss he that was in the,joel,7,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 3 b plan a was his plan and it depended on the father's now let's look mark 12 21 then moses called for all the elders of,mark,12,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 21 face us in this day in malachi chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,malachi,11,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 11 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam jude 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,jude,12,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 11 kingdom in the this is a vision given to 1 corinthians verse 2 of chapter 40 he brought me into the,1 corinthians,40,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 2 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture philemon 1 18 the lord says,philemon,1,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 18 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of 1 john 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",1 john,1,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 5 do you do look at this ruth chapter 5 verse 19 brethren if any of you do hear from the truth,ruth,5,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 19 of course he built another altar in 1 thessalonians 22 verse 9 genesis 22 verse 9,1 thessalonians,22,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 9 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen habakkuk chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,habakkuk,5,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 5 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to john chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,john,1,2.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 2 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at habakkuk chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,habakkuk,4,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 4 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in ruth 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old,ruth,53,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 53 verse 7 holy spirit you say that in 3 john chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,3 john,5,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 5 you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at 3 john chapter 13 verse 7,3 john,13,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 7 and they came near luke 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,luke,45,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 45 verse 4 who's writing down and amos 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,amos,12,29.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 29 book of records look at 2 kings chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,2 kings,20,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 12 your mindset will change look at what we we see in esther chapter 4. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 21 he says if so be,esther,4,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 21 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to hosea chapter one verse eight,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 uh for for for the the esther church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your,esther,1,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 15 chapter 14 verse 13 in hosea chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,hosea,14,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 13 "in chapter 25 and 47 of his prophecy, guilty of selling jewish slaves, according to leviticus chapter 1 verse 9, this was a vile, vile,",leviticus,1,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 9 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in 1 kings 6 13,1 kings,6,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 13 the the the passages from micah chapter 4 through 14. and,micah,4,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 14 sighting in verse 9 of 2 timothy 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,2 timothy,1,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 or with love in a spirit of gentleness or colossians chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important,colossians,6,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 4 chapter seven eight excuse me malachi chapter eight verse seven,malachi,8,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 7 surrenders without struggle the bible says in mark chapter 5 and verse 26,mark,5,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 26 when you read lamentations 42 verse 6 genesis 42 verse 6 and joseph was the governor over the,lamentations,42,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 42 verse 6 so it's no big deal ezekiel chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,ezekiel,1,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 11 zechariah chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,zechariah,1,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 15 bible says in psalm in 1 corinthians i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord,1 corinthians,15,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 4 they corrupt others they corrupt others 2 john 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,2 john,15,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 2 in line with the holy spirit i think it is esther 1 13 okay ephesians 1 13 that says,esther,1,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 13 so the same reference john 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course,john,1,3.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 3 very important in what we have to do first of them is hosea chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,hosea,22,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 22 righteousness 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,1 peter,8,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 earth by your mighty power jonah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,jonah,32,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 17 2021 say louder amen mark chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving,mark,30,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 30 verse 19 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god 1 peter 26 15 15 to 16,1 peter,26,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 26 verse 15 look at mark chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,mark,11,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 4 from 1 kings i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 verse 7 2 corinthians 8 7,2 corinthians,8,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 7 and earning means not grace that's what joel 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um,joel,11,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 6 refuge that's the term that we're getting in amos numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,amos,25,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 25 verse 28 now let's go back over there uh paul verse 11 by the way nehemiah 1 paul said i'm not preaching the gospel,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 chapter 26 verses 8 and 9. mark chapter 26 verses 8 and 19 in the way of the,mark,26,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 8 philemon chapter 5 verses 19 and 20 where james says if you see your brother uh sinning and,philemon,5,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 19 he shall praise him as i do this day leviticus 13 verse 19 whosoever has the son of god has life so,leviticus,13,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 19 from verse three it says in titus chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,titus,3,36.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 36 jonah chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where,jonah,8,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 4 our petition was granted in the book of 2 samuel 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,2 samuel,44,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 44 verse 3 more here lamentations 6 verse 20 when darius reached the den after daniel had spent the night in the dan darius was anxious,lamentations,6,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 2 god is promising according to that hosea 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,hosea,30,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 17 in him if you also read 2 john 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says therefore,2 john,5,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 18 no that's why it says in 2 chronicles 5 he says think of job verse 11. it's not a fairy tale,2 chronicles,5,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 11 uh see him we'll saw that in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only,2 thessalonians,1,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 consecrated to the lord ezra chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13.,ezra,4,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 13 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in ezekiel chapter 22 verse 17,ezekiel,22,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 17 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong ezekiel 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,ezekiel,1,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 3 to just go ahead and pray tonight as i read from the book of numbers chapter 33 verse 22,numbers,33,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 22 wants you to profit all right um god says in 1 john 25 verse 3 he says i will show you the treasures of,1 john,25,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 25 verse 3 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know haggai 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility,haggai,12,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 3 verse 25 he said he will descend that's his joshua he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further,joshua,1,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 25 transformed us so we can be one look at job chapter 32 in jesus 32 i'm reading from verse 39,job,32,39.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 39 not start that practice from now malachi 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,malachi,15,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 19 i say chapter 1 verse 19 joshua 1 verse 19 has some very deep meanings,joshua,1,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 19 shall not be disappointed 3 john 4 17 romans 4 17,3 john,4,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 17 nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in jude chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 we're looking at ecclesiastes chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,ecclesiastes,1,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 2 let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in 1 thessalonians 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and,1 thessalonians,1,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 12 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know micah 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility,micah,12,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 3 chapter 26 verses 8 and 9. numbers chapter 26 verses 8 and 19 in the way of the,numbers,26,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 26 verse 8 amen beloved if you open your bible to mark chapter 6 verse 26 and joshua i adjourned them at,mark,6,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 26 they rejected salvation and they went into perdition in psalms chapter 6 a reading from verse 16,psalms,6,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 16 judgment remember zechariah is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when,zechariah,1,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 5 and it's a mess when god speaks these words aaron could you read 2 thessalonians 1 verse 5 i'd be honored look among the,2 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 to move you in the right direction joshua 2 and verse 13 the bible says for it is god that is at work,joshua,2,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 13 experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in matthew 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light,matthew,18,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 18 verse 2 again and again amen the bible says in judges 20 13 that you shall be the head and not,judges,20,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 13 kings reign by wisdom 2 john 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so,2 john,8,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 15 advance the common judgments we had the story in judges chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,judges,18,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 17 nehemiah chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,nehemiah,27,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 27 verse 22 it god's word also declares in 1 chronicles 11 and verse 15 that the kingdoms of this,1 chronicles,11,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 15 no wonder the bible makes us to understand in ecclesiastes chapter 6 beginning from verse 16 and down to,ecclesiastes,6,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 16 speaks to give instruction jude that one must 11 genesis 31 11 and the angels of god spoke to me in a dream that's,jude,31,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 31 verse 11 return of the messiah in glory in ezekiel 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,ezekiel,14,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 3 chapter 3 13 to 18 job 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,job,3,13.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 13 heaven we're looking at 2 john chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,2 john,22,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 22 verse 14 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 1 john chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,1 john,14,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 4 hallelujah the bible says in 2 samuel 23 18 for surely there is an end,2 samuel,23,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 23 verse 18 verses 11 to 12. the 2 thessalonians sr421 verses 11 to,2 thessalonians,4,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 21 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 26,2 corinthians,6,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 26 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's leviticus 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,leviticus,3,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 15 something else at 19 verse 3 in in the book of lamentations at least peter peter gets to philip i and he meets one,lamentations,19,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 3 gospel of his son look at 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 in romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with,2 corinthians,1,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 and he began to teach the book of zephaniah chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,zephaniah,3,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 11 moment haggai 2. verses 3 and 4 how shall we escape,haggai,2,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 3 question like i asked in the book of judges chapter 6 and verse number 8 oh sure go for us who shall we send,judges,6,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 8 similar you don't need to look at it but just remember 1 chronicles 15 5 paul says now may the god of patience and comfort,1 chronicles,15,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 15 verse 5 has visited in his anger he says in a 2 chronicles 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,2 chronicles,35,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 35 verse 16 matthew 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14 when the servant was saying and it came,matthew,41,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 41 verse 13 lastly tonight philemon 32 verse 15 scripture says unto the spirit is power up on us from on,philemon,32,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 32 verse 15 conclusion colossians chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,colossians,17,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 17 verse 9 return to the gorge of bessel look at 1 peter chapter 31 verse 13 in such one verse 13 i am the god of,1 peter,31,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 31 verse 13 moment luke 2. verses 3 and 4 how shall we escape,luke,2,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 3 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in psalms 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,psalms,1,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 5 children of god the saints of god in zephaniah chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,zephaniah,19,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 11 something that we shall receive gained job of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 um but there's more so micah 45 22 it says turn to me and be saved all the ends of,micah,45,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 45 verse 22 strength but by the time you look at job chapter 40 verse 31,job,40,31.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 31 let's go ahead and watch it look at here in 2 timothy 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were,2 timothy,1,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 don't have unbelief the word said in job 18 14 god asked,job,18,14.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 14 five nahum chapter 40 verse 1 5. isaiah chapter 14 verse 4 5 it says,nahum,40,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 40 verse 4 come again this promise is personalized because it says in psalms chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up,psalms,1,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 11 more and more and more in a couple verses job 13 15 i want to read this proverbs 13 15 hard is the way of,job,13,15.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 15 the completion of it and verse 16 of habakkuk chapter 40 thus moses did according to all that the,habakkuk,40,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 40 verse 16 has said jude chapter 6 god says in the third verse,jude,6,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 3 god that's where our story picks up esther 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,esther,6,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 16 happening on earth that's found in job 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,job,6,9.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 9 my notes there sorry guys i'm i'm extremely human so 3 john 4 13 paul the apostle,3 john,4,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 13 remembered or come to mind ecclesiastes 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,ecclesiastes,66,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 66 verse 22 another and the word all men even as we do towards you 2 timothy chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15,2 timothy,15,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 13 peace look at what obadiah sent of to nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 and verse 29 this is daniel speaking,obadiah,2,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 29 my favorite verse in this chapter is 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared,2 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 amen look at the promise of god for your life in joshua 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,joshua,45,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 45 verse 2 matthew chapter 11 job chapter 11 and i'm reading here from verse 13. he says,matthew,11,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 13 belly of the fish it's used in 2 chronicles 44 23 to refer to the created earth,2 chronicles,44,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 44 verse 23 let's make it loud and stronger 1 kings 9 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it had lighted upon israel,1 kings,9,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 8 mighty name of jesus nahum 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,nahum,26,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 26 verse 27 let me show it to you the song of solomon (song of songs) 8 28 of the old testament is found in genesis chapter 50.,song of solomon (song of songs),8,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 28 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of mark and we're reading from verse 27,mark,42,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 42 verse 27 "the snake off. verse 6 of haggai 28, “they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly",haggai,6,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 28 now and now but actually being brought to amos 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,amos,6,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 6 represents carelessness searing our conscience is 2 corinthians 1 15. to the pure,2 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,habakkuk,3,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 9 he said is any merry let him sing joshua chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing,joshua,5,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 13 truth i will teach in habakkuk chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,habakkuk,2,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 6 since the year began a better amen mark 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,mark,118,23.0,1.0,mark chapter 118 verse 23 in chapter 5 and verse 14 what happened to numbers who mobilized the people of god he became a governor there are,numbers,5,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 14 their place 1 thessalonians 24 are we there i read from verse 14.,1 thessalonians,24,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 14 bones philemon 18 14. lift up your two hands and celebrate the bondu of joy that,philemon,18,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 14 questions so philemon 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,philemon,11,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 14 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven 1 john chapter six,1 john,6,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 7 your bibles to philemon chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,philemon,13,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 17 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in 3 john uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,3 john,12,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 4 law ruth chapter 28 and verse 59 the bible tells us there he said and the,ruth,28,59.0,1.0,ruth chapter 28 verse 59 "and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in jonah 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.",jonah,14,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 28 journey with the part that the holy spirit has given to you or amos two verse two said i went in response to a,amos,2,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 song of solomon (song of songs) 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 jesus name 1 chronicles of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,1 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 god this habakkuk chapter 3 verse 23 in chapter 6 verse 23 it says the wages of,habakkuk,3,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 23 thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 zechariah chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of,zechariah,9,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 24 "(laughing) roman, or 2 kings 1 verse 12. romans, where did that come from?",2 kings,1,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 12 chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 luke 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people,luke,12,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 14 glory in mark chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 romans chapter 2 verse 7 to them,mark,2,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 7 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read 2 peter 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,2 peter,5,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 19 book of micah chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six,micah,9,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 6 2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 but as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children 1 peter 66 verse 7 to 8 acts chapter 6 verse 4 we,1 peter,66,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 66 verse 7 that you say lord i must have this look at ecclesiastes chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14.,ecclesiastes,13,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 12 thing you do he said number one you want to bring out ezra chapter two verse 24 it specifically says justified by works,ezra,2,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 24 second point gladness and gloominess at christ's second coming in 2 corinthians chapter 1 and in verse 7 revelation,2 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 luke chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,luke,16,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 15 a hosea of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,hosea,1,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 9 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in mark 3. how on earth like in what,mark,22,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 3 store uh and over in 1 corinthians 1 5. jeremiah says i knew you before excuse me the,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 amen judges 32 25 and when he saw that he prevailed not,judges,32,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 32 verse 25 speak no more to me of this matter mark 3 26 god said that's enough and moses prayed,mark,3,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 26 wisdom a new source of guidance leviticus 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things,leviticus,4,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 13 discover in chapter four so yet colossians was saved from the jaws of death himself on repentance,colossians,4,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 11 ezra 25 7 to 8 i want you to read with me isaiah 25 verse 7 to 8 and 9.,ezra,25,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 25 verse 7 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith jude 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,jude,2,38.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 38 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading 2 kings 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,2 kings,32,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 32 verse 8 my brother my sister and my mother look at amos chapter 2 we're reading from verse 4 galatians,amos,2,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 4 [applause] hosea 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,hosea,5,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 25 of who he is 1 john 43 3 for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior,1 john,43,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 43 verse 3 and in psalms chapter 22 reading from verse 17 revelation chapter 2 22 verse 17,psalms,22,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 17 take jonah chapter 16 read the story from verse 16 to 34 acts 16 4 verse 16 to 34 paul was minding his own business a,jonah,16,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 16 verse 16 christian the third one on my list is joel chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 like in malachi chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,malachi,1,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 4 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what 2 samuel 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,2 samuel,7,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 14 and those who practice lying 1 thessalonians 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,1 thessalonians,22,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 15 chapter 1 verse 21 mark chapter 1 verse 21 james chapter 1 verse 21 the message translation says,mark,1,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 21 book of 2 chronicles chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,2 chronicles,8,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 8 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in judges 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,judges,5,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 18 actually when i read 1 thessalonians chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,1 thessalonians,12,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 13 the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name job chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant,job,12,7.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 7 judgment remember 1 samuel is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when,1 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 jonah chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,jonah,8,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 2 second point gladness and gloominess at christ's second coming in luke chapter 1 and in verse 7 revelation,luke,1,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 7 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you matthew chapter one from verse four to five,matthew,1,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 5 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church ruth said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,ruth,20,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 26 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet haggai look at verse 17,haggai,1,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter one our reading from verse 13. colossians chapter 1,ecclesiastes,1,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 13 surrenders without struggle the bible says in zephaniah chapter 5 and verse 26,zephaniah,5,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 26 amos chapter four a meeting from verse two hebrews chapter four,amos,4,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 2 in hosea chapter 8 verse 19 romans chapter 8 verse 19 the word of god is clear,hosea,8,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 19 sighting in verse 9 of 1 thessalonians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,1 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 we'll go to job chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,job,11,19.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 19 actually when i read micah chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,micah,12,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 13 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to nahum chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,nahum,3,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 12 achieving what do you mean in micah chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts of the apostle chapter 2 from verse 1 to,micah,2,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 2 how these things work if you go to matthew chapter two in verses two and three,matthew,2,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 2 you have revealed job 11 verse 25 you have revealed the word revelation again to babes babes have got one quality that,job,11,25.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 25 god now we come to the finale 2 corinthians 22 20. he who testifies to these things,2 corinthians,22,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 2 ignorant of the resurrection that will take place lamentations chapter 19 reading from verse 25 i know that my redeemer liveth,lamentations,19,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 25 and balaam the bible says in verse 5 of 2 kings 23 it says then the lord put a word in,2 kings,23,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 5 according to ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made you a watchman,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 two things stand out look at 3 john 5 21 amos 5 21,3 john,5,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 21 on or before november 29 2020 1 kings chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,1 kings,14,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 27 he rested you don't need to turn there but the reference is jonah 2 2 and i'll read it to you it says and on,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 prophetic packages of the year in numbers 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,numbers,14,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 24 you amos 27 verse 30 to 33. genesis 27 32 33,amos,27,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 27 verse 3 admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to micah 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're,micah,23,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 16 in numbers chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,numbers,11,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 11 believe i believe in 1 john chapter 13 verse 8,1 john,13,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 8 your amen can be stronger in leviticus chapter 12 and verse 3 said and death that be wise shall shine as,leviticus,12,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 3 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in matthew chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,matthew,40,31.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 31 reading from 2 kings chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,2 kings,29,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 29 verse 11 honorable lie of grace in luke chapter 2 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 2,luke,2,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 5 you amos 2 12 and 13 says work out your salvation,amos,2,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 12 starting with verse 25 2 john chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,2 john,3,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 25 we live and we thank you for it in jesus name philemon chapter 13 beginning of verse 11 for as the sash clings to the,philemon,13,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 11 down and study the law so i think really when you look at this 2 kings 3 18 verse it's really speaking to that that,2 kings,3,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 18 looking at habakkuk chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in 2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 9,2 thessalonians,17,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 9 this is yours say this is mine 3 john chapter 3 verse 4 it says,3 john,3,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 4 keep and guide our heart that is in lamentations chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,lamentations,4,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 2 john 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you,2 john,3,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 14 by faith ruth 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38,ruth,3,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 11 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 song of solomon (song of songs) 1 8 philippians 1 8,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 tonight in jesus name i want you to look at zechariah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 2 acts chapter 3 verse 2 and a,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 obey the law the more we disappointed in the book of 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 connected to him malachi 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you,malachi,1,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 27 god's promise you know bible tells us in jude 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,jude,12,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 6 begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in malachi chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p,malachi,5,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 2 this perspective on the whole episode in nahum chapter 50 verses 19 and 20 the brothers are afraid of joseph once the,nahum,50,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 50 verse 19 at micah chapter 18 verse 22 proverbs chapter 18,micah,18,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 22 now you must underline this in your bible 2 corinthians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,2 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 15 down to verse 28. 1 peter 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,1 peter,20,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 15 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture micah 1 18 the lord says,micah,1,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 18 a great need in matthew chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's,matthew,27,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 7 of you have dropped out but so we start with ezra 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,ezra,1,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 11 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation 1 kings chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,1 kings,3,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 19 rule um verses 13 to 15 this zephaniah 31 woman she not only does work but seems to take,zephaniah,31,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 31 verse 13 makes anyone a member of god's own family and hear what he said in 2 thessalonians 727 and all and the kingdom and dominion,2 thessalonians,7,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 27 praise god now if you look at jonah chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,jonah,3,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 8 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in philemon 34 reading from verse 3 it says,philemon,34,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 34 verse 3 glory bear to jesus paul writing the book of micah chapter 8 lastly and verse 35,micah,8,35.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 35 please single mistake in malachi 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,malachi,25,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 25 verse 29 to lose their vote on you psalms 12 11. revelation 12 11,psalms,12,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 11 2 john chapter 5 reading from verse 22 galatians chapter 5,2 john,5,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 22 his brother and slew him he killed him nahum 11 verse 4 records that by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent,nahum,11,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 4 listen to this when they had entered the city lamentations chapter 1 verse 13 they went up to the upper room where,lamentations,1,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 13 let's go back to micah 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ,micah,4,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 22 tomorrow sunday 1 john 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,1 john,105,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 105 verse 13 concerning me 1 corinthians chapter 1 reading from verse 16 acts chapter 1 reading from verse 16 men,1 corinthians,1,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 the book of malachi 12 14 2 to 16. we have second timothy chapter 2,malachi,12,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 14 their grave in habakkuk chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,habakkuk,1,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 22 ecclesiastes 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost,ecclesiastes,21,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 17 happen there is a path for us in 2 kings chapter 4 verse 12.,2 kings,4,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 between belief and obedience in malachi 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 actually repents this is what jonah says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision nehemiah 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,nehemiah,10,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 19 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at nahum chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,nahum,5,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 22 prophecy we find it in philemon 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,philemon,21,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 2 granted unto you supernaturally habakkuk 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,habakkuk,9,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 5 3 he speaks of all his the things he could glory in matthew 3 verse 4 the last part if anyone else thinks he's got,matthew,3,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 4 say louder amen 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,2 peter,13,44.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 44 is there not a cause according to matthew chapter 6 verse 7 here it says verse 7,matthew,6,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 7 which cannot be altered obadiah 8 26 to 27 so we have that opportunity made the,obadiah,8,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 26 sin 2 corinthians 4 8 now dear brothers and sisters one final thing fix your,2 corinthians,4,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 [applause] in zechariah 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,zechariah,3,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 7 in prayer mark 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,mark,12,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 12 and so i want to look back at 1 timothy chapter 6 at the beginning what does it say it says in verse 5 it,1 timothy,6,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 his arriving in darkness the prophet jonah wrote in chapter 5 verse 20,jonah,5,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 2 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices 2 samuel 14 verse 2.,2 samuel,14,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 2 part and there is god's part our 1 chronicles is to pray god's job is to answer first kings 18 36 look at that with me,1 chronicles,18,36.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 36 that's confidence unusual confidence in obadiah chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,obadiah,20,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 20 verse 24 wisdom is the builder of all things leviticus 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,leviticus,3,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 4 they don't even understand this anymore leviticus 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,leviticus,5,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 21 in christ and then we come to verse 5 of 1 chronicles chapter 16. so the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily,1 chronicles,16,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 5 phones colossians 11 36 oh dear i think my uh i think my eldest,colossians,11,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 36 exactly like he loved jesus that was a great hosea from john 17 23 i can show you the verse you can,hosea,17,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 23 you. now in obadiah 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11.,obadiah,4,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 11 we will read verses 21 through 25. job one 21 therefore put away,job,1,21.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 21 we're going to be praying about that philemon 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,philemon,14,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 17 verse 16 colossians chapter 3 verse 16. and his names through faith in his name,colossians,3,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 16 against your captors here what he said job 12 verse 12 for i will pass through this,job,12,12.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 12 3 john chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,3 john,29,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 22 yearning for the more that god wants to do with us zechariah 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an,zechariah,8,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 19 minutes or whatever but you know titus chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 2 peter chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,2 peter,15,36.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 36 and when you look at the prophecy of matthew isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah,matthew,7,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 14 walls of your heart titus 28 and verse 18. so it's not bad it's just in one area,titus,28,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 28 verse 18 ultimate advantage john chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,john,3,17.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 17 from verse 19 titus of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,titus,11,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 19 all their sins luke 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,luke,3,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 13 recompensing in evil in retaliation in job chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,job,12,17.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 17 i wanted to see what he said about 2 john 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,2 john,8,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 28 shiloh's is somebody saying amen ruth 37 and verse 22 fair weather comet out of the north with,ruth,37,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 22 let me show you one verse of scripture in ezekiel chapter 28 verse 20 good,ezekiel,28,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 2 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in mark 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,mark,13,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 5 according to 1 chronicles chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,1 chronicles,9,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 15 with me to this the other words i want to show you lamentations chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,lamentations,14,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 14 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity psalms 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,psalms,13,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 3 number five maintain pure thoughts thoughts leviticus 23 7 tells us as a man think in his heart so is he,leviticus,23,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 7 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in 3 john 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,3 john,15,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 16 what the scripture says in the book of 1 kings chapter 26 and verse 8,1 kings,26,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 8 and the book of 2 john 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,2 john,1,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 18 do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me colossians chapter 1 and verse 6.,colossians,1,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 6 everlasting father prince of peace that's luke 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two,luke,9,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 6 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved 1 kings of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,1 kings,17,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 17 wonderful expressions new covenant expressions hosea for it says here and verse 6 it won't be by your power or,hosea,1,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 6 he tells us in nahum chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,nahum,2,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 3 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to mark now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,mark,6,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 19 and we read that you would i rose up in 1 kings 44 4 i've got most of these verses marked in,1 kings,44,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 44 verse 4 that's the reason why we're here it says in 1 timothy chapter 48 reading from verse 17 isaiah chapter 40,1 timothy,48,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 48 verse 17 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21,2 thessalonians,4,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 21 more grace to do that in jesus name look at 1 kings chapter 4 we're reading from verse 12,1 kings,4,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 12 that's the prison that men are in but in 1 timothy chapter 8 and verse 2 romans chapter 8 and verse 2 the great apostle,1 timothy,8,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 2 him leslie from ezra chapter 31 verse that is 41 verse 37 and the thing was good in his,ezra,31,47.0,1.0,ezra chapter 31 verse 47 chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 13 john chapter 10,john,10,13.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 13 your house in esther 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,esther,3,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 7 chapter 23 the prophet 3 john or 33 rather prophet isaiah talks about this coming day of christ this day when the,3 john,23,33.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 33 says in 1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 let me paraphrase i've studied man for a,1 kings,2,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 bible makes it very clear in the book of 1 samuel chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,1 samuel,100,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 100 verse 4 my second read in this morning's from john chapter 5 and i'll read from verse 15 to 20 efficient step 250,john,5,15.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 15 joshua chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,joshua,8,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 13 the answers so your joy ecclesiastes 4 6 alongside with,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 improve on the gifts in nehemiah chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,nehemiah,9,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 9 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew 1 thessalonians 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,1 thessalonians,13,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 4 to ruth chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,ruth,4,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 6 cooperating together habakkuk chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some,habakkuk,4,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 11 busy and the bible tells us in nehemiah 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this,nehemiah,22,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 29 this morning let's read as our text malachi chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16.,malachi,6,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 16 israel that's why such detail is given in luke 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,luke,38,39.0,1.0,luke chapter 38 verse 39 ah here it is ah 3 john 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,3 john,19,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 24 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,2 chronicles,2,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 26 "evil of father or mother is to be put to death."" that's right out of mark 20 verse 12, ""honor your father and mother,"" one of the ten commandments,",mark,20,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 12 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to 1 samuel 3 5. i can't shake this verse,1 samuel,3,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 5 he writes to the church in galatia in joshua chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,joshua,3,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 28 "a man. in jude 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",jude,10,42.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 42 wisdom is the builder of all things jude 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,jude,3,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 4 commitment to the follow to up of the redeemed leviticus chapter 4 reading from verse 19.,leviticus,4,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 19 shorty luke 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better,luke,7,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 22 the apostles chapter 20 and we're looking at verse 26 mark of the apostles chapter 20,mark,20,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 26 the mouth of paul the judges church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,judges,4,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 8 the lord before then i read to you from 2 kings 3 verses 9 nineteen honor the lord with a,2 kings,3,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 9 it shall speak and psalms chapter 10 and verse 23,psalms,10,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 23 all we still beware and you know according to 1 peter chapter 42 from verse 12 to 17 job 42,1 peter,42,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 42 verse 12 it's by the foreknowledge of god right from 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 15,1 thessalonians,3,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 15 you are still healed what does the bible say jude 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13,jude,13,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 8 if you struggle with flesh and blood haggai 6 and 12 ephesians 6 12,haggai,6,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 12 you're doing this the first one is in 1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,1 chronicles,40,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 3 and day and night shall not see now in hosea 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,hosea,4,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 15 verse jonah 1 14 so let me read it like that,jonah,1,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 14 starts off in different direction nahum 17 24 david was focused on this goal,nahum,17,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 17 verse 24 matthew chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 eradicated from the church here's what it says mark 16 17 i urge you brethren take,mark,16,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 17 leviticus chapter 8 verse 19 to 22 romans 8 verse 19 to 28 you see the groaning of creation,leviticus,8,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 19 doesn't contradict it so if it says in ezra 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,ezra,6,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 23 demons must disappear why 2 corinthians 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says,2 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 starting in psalms 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy,psalms,3,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 21 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in 1 john 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,1 john,3,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 14 with money don't ye even to me with all your art 1 corinthians 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,1 corinthians,4,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 29 coming 3 john 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,3 john,19,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 19 verse 7 in his words in nehemiah chapter 28 verse 15,nehemiah,28,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 15 uproots mountains number three 2 chronicles chapter 2 verses 4 all through to,2 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 says in song of solomon (song of songs) in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,song of solomon (song of songs),2,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 8 because habakkuk said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 that makes it alive if is a man of decision have you heard of 2 peter in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 it says but,2 peter,1,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 8 deeper level and we have what we call 1 peter in matthew 16 verse 13 to 17 matthew 16 13 to 17 jesus christ as his,1 peter,16,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 16 verse 13 chapter 1 in lamentations chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,lamentations,1,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 22 god that's where our story picks up titus 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,titus,6,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 16 john chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17,john,4,17.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 17 are your thoughts 1 chronicles 4 8 philippians 4 8 is a finale product in the book of them,1 chronicles,4,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 8 it says then you are saying that's in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 and now it says,song of solomon (song of songs),10,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 9 7 1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 and verse 8,1 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 i can't hear you very well look at 2 timothy chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter,2 timothy,4,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 chapter 6 of 2 john verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint,2 john,6,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 6 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in philemon chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,philemon,2,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 23 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 titus 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,titus,1,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 18 a next levels encounter with your word ecclesiastes chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob,ecclesiastes,9,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 8 children are gone and it says in 1 thessalonians 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally,1 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because matthew can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 so verse 27 is really saying beginning at mark and going all the way to malachi jesus,mark,1,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 27 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen jonah chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,jonah,5,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 5 salvation and our memory verse was taken from judges chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,judges,10,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 9 that evasive marriage that voice in obadiah 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,obadiah,5,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 2 hand but when you read 1 john chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,1 john,12,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 29 and bringeth reproach 1 samuel 19 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father do you,1 samuel,19,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 19 verse 13 somebody believes he allowed amen 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,1 timothy,5,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 26 belly of the fish it's used in joel 44 23 to refer to the created earth,joel,44,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 44 verse 23 his word to us habakkuk 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,habakkuk,7,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 7 verse 7 for your sake in the name of jesus joshua 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,joshua,54,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 54 verse 14 blood of jesus and with the fire of god zephaniah 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,zephaniah,12,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 11 in high places let's look at colossians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,colossians,6,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 11 in 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 there that be wise,1 samuel,12,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 it will transform your life tonight in obadiah chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 18,obadiah,18,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 4 actually about the beauty of marriage so look at matthew chapter 5 and verse 29,matthew,5,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 29 and this is why i included this part of the scripture in it in lamentations 11 let's just go back really quick to 31,lamentations,11,31.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 31 jesus was crying out in prayer jesus was in anguish in prayer leviticus 5 7 says during the days of jesus life on earth,leviticus,5,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 7 in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in joshua chapter 7 verse 15 he said but,joshua,7,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 15 oh yes oh yes oh yes in jesus mighty name we pray amen jude 54 verse 14 say in righteousness shall thou be,jude,54,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 54 verse 14 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,song of solomon (song of songs),39,39.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 39 verse 39 of the lord says in the book of ezekiel chapter 43 and verse 6,ezekiel,43,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 43 verse 6 was the wood from a tree so 1 corinthians 3 verse 13 you're on your way to deuteronomy 21 violations 3 verse 13 right it says christ,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 fervently committing yourself to your life's calling 3 john 5 verse 24 he shall not much,3 john,5,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 24 esther chapter 21 and we're reading from verse 21 judges chapter 21 verse 21 and see,esther,21,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 21 in 1 kings chapter 4 reading from verse 3 romans chapter 4 reading from verse 3. and what shall and,1 kings,4,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 3 as well as we judges chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15,judges,13,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 15 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of zechariah for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,zechariah,14,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 7 it starts with satan in 2 kings chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,2 kings,14,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 12 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of malachi chapter 39 verse 13,malachi,39,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 39 verse 13 to be ezekiel 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,ezekiel,4,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 22 say loud amen colossians chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,colossians,34,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 34 verse 25 him before and what we read in the book of 1 john chapter 20 verse 24 it says but i do not count my life of any value nor,1 john,20,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 24 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in mark 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,mark,8,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 12 the kingdom as it concerns us the book of hosea chapter 30 the last verse verse 12 being psalms chapter 30 verse,hosea,30,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 12 fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in ezekiel 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not,ezekiel,4,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 19 oh thank you jesus the bible said in lamentations chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,lamentations,29,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 11 is a prayer along that line taken from judges chapter 1 verses 9 through 11 we just changed the words to,judges,1,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 9 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in 2 peter 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,2 peter,15,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 16 a zechariah of the covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh philippians 3 3 we are the true circumcision cutting,zechariah,3,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 3 coming sunday esther chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 that was the cry of the great apostle paul in haggai chapter 3 when he read from verse 12 he realized that,haggai,3,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 12 and giving his testimony and in 3 john 24 14 he said this i admit it to you o king felix,3 john,24,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 24 verse 14 so i'll read obadiah 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house,obadiah,10,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 21 is what defines that man's reality 1 john 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart,1 john,27,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 27 verse 23 so paul says it right there in song of solomon (song of songs) 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,song of solomon (song of songs),3,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 23 verse of no works the gospel without any works leviticus 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,leviticus,2,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 8 been taught the graces that make them loving people and ecclesiastes 30 verse 15 adds to that description this most,ecclesiastes,30,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 30 verse 15 chapter 3 were looking at four six 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,2 samuel,3,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 6 verse 31 obadiah 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only,obadiah,31,31.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 31 verse 31 2021 make it stronger and louder 1 samuel chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god,1 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry 2 kings chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,2 kings,3,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 13 glimpse i think of jesus ruth chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is,ruth,5,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 13 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage zechariah chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,zechariah,2,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 25 again the book of 1 chronicles coincides with the book of haggai we see this in ezra chapter 4 verse 4 this is what ezra says,1 chronicles,4,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 4 shall not be disappointed joel 4 17 romans 4 17,joel,4,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 17 get to that hold up now in other words i want us to look at is joshua chapter 12 and it's verse 19 and it says beloved so,joshua,12,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 19 that evasive marriage that voice in micah 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 of sins 3 john chapter 1 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from verses 5 and 6,3 john,1,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 5 if god wants to send a ninja you will what the bible says is hosea 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all,hosea,4,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 19 power to rescue you 1 peter chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,1 peter,2,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 9 and he looked at them he said there was a day that george mueller died numbers 613 all on the altar all on the altar,numbers,6,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 13 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing colossians or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that 1 peter the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the,1 peter,58,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 58 verse 11 word of jerusalem and we are told in 3 john chapter 1 verse 4 to 11 we received a news and in the image of the,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 of partially equipped complacent students i'm looking at leviticus chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis,leviticus,33,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 33 verse 9 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka song of solomon (song of songs) 11 22 says behold,song of solomon (song of songs),11,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 22 18 21 and 25 zechariah 1 4 10,zechariah,1,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 4 we're in 2 thessalonians how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,2 thessalonians,13,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 4 "is the cornerstone. 1 peter 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",1 peter,4,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 11 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool numbers chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,numbers,7,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 9 i mean you can read that in 1 timothy chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,1 timothy,11,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 2 for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it john 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you,john,14,14.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 14 that greatness starts with self to leadership in lamentations chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,lamentations,6,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 6 faith your conviction your confidence only on the cross of christ micah chapter 2 reading from verse 13. in,micah,2,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 13 this church this prophetic season nahum chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was,nahum,2,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 6 would god do this well let's take a look at matthew chapter 20,matthew,20,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 20 verse 2 the other scriptures that we have looked at so 2 timothy chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,2 timothy,6,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 18 lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 to 17 jeremiah 2 14 to 17 is israeli servant is he homelessly,lamentations,2,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 their salvation allow that email 2 timothy chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 colossians was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,colossians,33,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 11 ezekiel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,ezekiel,8,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 14 now verse 14 we're entering the scene in ecclesiastes chapter 4 when the order of the day the,ecclesiastes,4,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 14 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid jonah 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,jonah,6,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 15 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in 2 timothy chapter 17 verse 9,2 timothy,17,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 9 almost like this um as i said the the 2 timothy 613 almost like mystical like,2 timothy,6,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 13 of it beautifully 1 chronicles 8 22 and then,1 chronicles,8,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 22 "which he was the ruler. in judges chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",judges,27,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 3 20 matthew 23 20 behold i sent angel before thee to keep thee,matthew,23,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 2 the memory verse today is from the book of obadiah chapter 22 verse 2,obadiah,22,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 2 will grant you great grace let's look at nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,nehemiah,4,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about ezra and then we come to verse 32 like a great,ezra,1,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 32 and the bible promised in 1 corinthians chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7,1 corinthians,61,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 61 verse 7 wishes hallelujah now um psalm 34 ruth 34 18 and the message translation says if your heart is broken,ruth,34,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 18 hold up to your heavenly father 2 john 14 28 and it honors me i will honor,2 john,14,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 28 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in 2 samuel chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,2 samuel,20,35.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 20 verse 35 inherit the promises titus 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,titus,6,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 12 opportunities don't waste opportunity zephaniah 5 16 episode 5 16 the bible said it give me the time,zephaniah,5,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 16 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in john chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,john,8,28.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 28 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,1 samuel,3,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 16 a pretty thing 2 timothy chapter 39 verse 17 talking about a prophecy,2 timothy,39,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 39 verse 17 whoever that he wills according to 2 peter 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,2 peter,9,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 15 outstanding example of a godly young man it's timothy 1 philemon 2 verse 19 i hope in the lord jesus to send timothy to you,philemon,2,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 19 1 corinthians 27 verse 13 to 26 acts 27 from verse 13 to,1 corinthians,27,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 27 verse 13 examples of where god stilled storms one of them would be in the life of 1 samuel jonah wondrous 5 verse 15 story in 16 when,1 samuel,5,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 15 the book of esther chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,esther,4,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 17 that a man can turn things around titus chapter 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,titus,3,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 17 right non to jewish people 2 kings 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people,2 kings,22,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 27 walking with god there are many others let's look at ezra chapter 2 malachi chapter to a medium from verse 4,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 from god habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is,habakkuk,1,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 hand nor to the left move thy foot from evil in ecclesiastes 2 verse 13 speaks of those who leave the,ecclesiastes,2,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13 and bones the tribes of israel but in amos 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,amos,9,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 2 can i have a believing amen amos chapter 2 verse 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was noise abroad,amos,2,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 6 in jesus name look at song of solomon (song of songs) daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,song of solomon (song of songs),11,32.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 32 that answers prayer as we answer you in lamentations 33 and verse 3 god said call unto me and i will answer thee,lamentations,33,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 3 at zephaniah chapter one i'm reading from verse three joshua chapter one verse three every place the soul of your food,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 from the depth of our hearts in 3 john 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and,3 john,4,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 6 word of god says in 2 timothy 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,2 timothy,5,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 21 and his agents in the book of nehemiah chapter 6 verse 12.,nehemiah,6,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 12 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct matthew 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,matthew,17,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 17 verse 9 where's four years later in that in 2 samuel in chapter 4 verse 30 nebuchadnezzar said when he looked at,2 samuel,4,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 3 reminded of god's word in malachi 11 verse 24 and 25 there is he that scatters and yet,malachi,11,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 24 just come up every week for the last several weeks mark chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich amos 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,amos,24,34.0,1.0,amos chapter 24 verse 34 the lord's expectation from us 1 samuel 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have,1 samuel,12,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 16 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation nahum chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,nahum,3,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 19 jacob about joseph colossians 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,colossians,49,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 49 verse 2 in the mighty name of jesus the book of esther 22 22 says and the king of the house of david will,esther,22,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 22 equals glory to jesus paul the apostle says in jonah 8 verse 16,jonah,8,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 16 the righteousness of god in him if you also read john 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says,john,5,18.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 18 by the gods of all might look at 1 samuel chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27,1 samuel,22,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 27 for me look at nahum chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,nahum,8,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 28 money so zechariah 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body,zechariah,10,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 5 in the church of christ we're looking at judges chapter 2 reading from verse 8 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8,judges,2,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 8 uh titus chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,titus,30,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 30 verse 23 of our heart in 1 peter chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,1 peter,8,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 29 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 lamentations chapter 8,lamentations,8,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 6 more exactly i'm going to start with matthew 36 verse 16 moreover the world of the lord came to me saying son of man,matthew,36,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 36 verse 16 the only qualification is 1 thessalonians 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,1 thessalonians,10,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 9 obedience paul said in philemon 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,philemon,26,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 26 verse 19 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ 1 john chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,1 john,11,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 15 recite it together after the count of two leviticus chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,leviticus,8,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 17 chapter 29 we're looking at verse 11 john 29 11 and the vision of all is become,john,29,11.0,1.0,john chapter 29 verse 11 will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of 1 thessalonians shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter,1 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 early that's kind of early right jude 5 24 it says enoch walked with god,jude,5,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 24 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in nahum chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,nahum,3,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 3 the saints and please turn to the book of joel romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,joel,8,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 21 look really quick at malachi chapter 4 colossians chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 be wise in the way you act toward outsiders,malachi,4,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 5 because they say there's a pronouncement of rejection look at zechariah chapter 4 o see a chapter for a meeting from bo6,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 jesus and if god before us jude 8 31 who can be against us,jude,8,31.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 31 for healing we are praying for healing the book of zephaniah of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 hosea chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other,hosea,9,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 8 for joy ezra chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy,ezra,8,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 8 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and micah 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every,micah,19,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 25 soldier said like a commodity for 20 pieces of silver joel 37 verse 28 genesis 37 verse 28,joel,37,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 37 verse 28 verse 9 ezra 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call,ezra,58,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 58 verse 9 chapter 23 from verse 8 2 corinthians 23 8 cleave unto the lord but cleave unto the lord,2 corinthians,23,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 8 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of job dealing with the events that are going to be coming,job,6,18.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 18 about bearing with one another right 1 corinthians 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 they had to come back and so in 3 john chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,3 john,4,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 16 the children of israel out of egypt in nahum chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,nahum,4,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 17 in your bible what i'm going to show you now lamentations chapter 33 isaiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 24 searches 3 24,lamentations,33,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 24 i will destroy it but if there are three men in that country 2 peter 14 14 noah daniel and joe,2 peter,14,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 14 sinner 3 john 3 26 for you are all sons of god,3 john,3,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 26 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,song of solomon (song of songs),2,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 title the friend of god the french of god we're told in 2 peter chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but,2 peter,41,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 41 verse 8 ezra chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,ezra,30,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 19 remember what we saw in that book of zephaniah 23 and verse 25 i will take sickness away,zephaniah,23,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 25 our lives and the other verse award in 2 john chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,2 john,1,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 11 i mean look at it either 48 i mean lamentations 40 28 please have you not known,lamentations,40,28.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 40 verse 28 tirelessly in our stewardship in the kingdom john chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. and look what the scripture says here,john,6,7.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 7 chapter 8 the bible makes us to understand job chapter 8 and we look at it from verse 5. the bible says that,job,8,5.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 5 verse well it's just the whole thing actually joshua 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,joshua,8,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 22 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola colossians 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,colossians,37,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 37 verse 5 now we're looking at joel chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37,joel,8,37.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 37 8 this is explained like this the righteous requirement of the law hosea 8 4 is now fulfilled inside us who do,hosea,8,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 4 that's a problem so titus 10 and then as we read on verse five he says for moses writes,titus,10,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 5 going to give you again the book of lamentations chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of,lamentations,4,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 8 the borrowers to turn to habakkuk 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,habakkuk,22,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 7 what we step into in our tomorrow haggai 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,haggai,29,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 29 verse 11 own people i think that's very significant in 2 john 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,2 john,42,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 42 verse 18 there but when you read 1 chronicles 19 12 to 13 genesis 19 12 to 13,1 chronicles,19,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 12 let's have a look in verse 30. joel 5 13. it says,joel,5,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 13 you read about him in matthew chapter 15 from verse 37 to 40 acts 15 from verse 37 to 40. and they tell us,matthew,15,37.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 37 will be open for you in jesus name a look at haggai chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 in romans,haggai,14,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 17 [laughter] lean 2 chronicles 3 5 and 6 a favorite to us you've got to memorize this one,2 chronicles,3,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 5 affairs of men in the book of titus chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,titus,5,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 11 2 samuel chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,2 samuel,11,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 24 go astray ecclesiastes 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,ecclesiastes,22,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 6 prayers in titus chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 verse 11 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,2 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 you know you know what we do we go to over to amos chapter 2 and verse is eight and nine and we love to quote it,amos,2,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 8 i said we're taking the first prayer from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter one reading from verse number three,song of solomon (song of songs),1,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 3 in jesus name 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,2 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 five thousand in malachi chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i,malachi,5,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 14 jesus himself in 2 timothy chapter 33 3 you know what he says,2 timothy,33,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 33 verse 3 going to give you again the book of psalms chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of,psalms,4,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 8 verse 17 2 timothy 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith,2 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 over general's preferential treatment the bible says concerning esther in daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible,esther,6,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 3 in all aspects of this commission jude 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of,jude,23,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 23 verse 19 1 timothy chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,1 timothy,30,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 30 verse 17 when he was tempted and i say i want to do the same thing it says in g ezra chapter five jesus christ verse seven,ezra,5,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 7 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of matthew for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,matthew,14,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 7 verse judges 1 14 so let me read it like that,judges,1,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 14 they had this celebration and this is what it says in judges 3 chapter 3 11 it says and they sang,judges,3,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 11 yeah that's verse 14 haggai 4 14 along with luke demas and luke luke was the closest,haggai,4,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 14 esther 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and,esther,15,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 5 verse 20 john chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,john,3,2.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 2 speaks to give instruction judges that one must 11 genesis 31 11 and the angels of god spoke to me in a dream that's,judges,31,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 31 verse 11 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual 2 timothy 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,2 timothy,50,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 50 verse 17 now take note of something i wanted to see in this scripture nahum chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 13. i want you to see,nahum,5,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 12 submission judges chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,judges,2,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 5 but i am 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 says speak to this young man saying jerusalem,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions 1 samuel 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,1 samuel,8,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 18 philemon chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 tells us that if you,philemon,9,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 4 in the new testament 2 timothy 2 20 in this passage second thessalonians 2 2 and second peter 3 10,2 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 god's children the sons that believe and become god's children nehemiah chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children,nehemiah,3,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 26 i said they are all defeated psalms chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20,psalms,15,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 2 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in lamentations chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,lamentations,4,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 15 fairly and so i i don't like i look at job 3 12 and i think i don't think this has a lot to say about the topic,job,3,12.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 12 jesus is my senior brother he is a firstborn in a family hosea chapter 8 verse 29.,hosea,8,29.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 29 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at titus 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,titus,1,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 14 to be chosen to be the one who would have fulfilled song of solomon (song of songs) 9 6 behold a virgin will conceive and,song of solomon (song of songs),9,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 6 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in 2 chronicles exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,2 chronicles,15,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 6 the power from our possessed pentecost 2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,2 kings,1,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 chapter 25 and verse 2 1 thessalonians chapter 25 verse 2. the bible speaking says speak unto the children of,1 thessalonians,25,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 25 verse 2 why not warm to another in leviticus chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,leviticus,29,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 29 verse 13 we're going to be praying about that 3 john 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,3 john,14,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 17 waiting for the returning lord in ezra chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be,ezra,5,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 7 in nahum chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21,nahum,1,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 21 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per 2 samuel 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and,2 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23,ezekiel,6,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 6 that is one that rejects him obadiah 1 7 says this fools,obadiah,1,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 7 you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in 1 john 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and,1 john,10,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 17 six i'm reading from verse five ecclesiastes chapter six verse five,ecclesiastes,6,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 5 and that's something that we read also in lamentations and chapter read in romans chapter 8 it says there in verse 26 in,lamentations,8,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 26 you to pray today according to this scripture in habakkuk chapter 30 verse 20. he said,habakkuk,30,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 30 verse 2 think we develop that brain it tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full,song of solomon (song of songs),5,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 14 name together and look at 1 samuel chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,1 samuel,5,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 19 chapter 25 and verse 2 2 samuel chapter 25 verse 2. the bible speaking says speak unto the children of,2 samuel,25,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 2 basically on the choice of individuals in the book of nehemiah chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and,nehemiah,13,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 19 but when it comes to love leviticus 49 15. he says i love you,leviticus,49,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 49 verse 15 2 john 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created,2 john,2,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 7 of it beautifully 1 kings 8 22 and then,1 kings,8,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 22 who can make all things possible because he is more than enough look at mark chapter 7 reading from verse 25 hebrews,mark,7,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 25 specifically said in 2 chronicles 2 6 the fullness of deity dwells,2 chronicles,2,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 6 that he'd be born of a virgin jonah 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27,jonah,7,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 14 talks about how to face adversity in 1 chronicles 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,1 chronicles,3,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 somebody say solutions john 25 verse 25 proverbs 25 verse 25 he says as,john,25,25.0,1.0,john chapter 25 verse 25 find expression job chapter 29 verse 11 it says the vision of all is become,job,29,11.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 11 and breakthroughs this coming sunday can i hear the loudest amen 1 peter 23 20 says behold i send,1 peter,23,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 2 reading from verse 9. joshua chapter 10 verse 9 that he,joshua,10,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 9 3 john chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,3 john,8,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 6 2 that relates to this evidential apologetic stuff 1 kings 2 3 it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,1 kings,2,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 3 in high places let's look at 1 corinthians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,1 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 to do that one your duty jesus name 1 kings chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20,1 kings,2,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 2 person the bible tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16,song of solomon (song of songs),3,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16 god is promising according to that ruth 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,ruth,30,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 30 verse 17 lead upon him by looking at malachi chapter 18 jeremiah,malachi,18,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 18 verse 18 your word in jonah 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,jonah,14,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 3 the almighty god will answer for you danielle esther chapter we're reading from verse 24,esther,1,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 24 first 1 samuel 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an,1 samuel,4,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6 have now the dominion we have look at luke chapter two reading from verse six,luke,2,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 6 before god and the book of 1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 said,1 corinthians,4,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 loud amen 1 john chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall,1 john,2,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 4 very great excitements in the book of joel chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us,joel,43,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 43 verse 9 inequities and now we're looking at psalms chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave,psalms,2,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 14 carry you through look at 1 chronicles chapter one a meeting from verse three joshua chapter one verse 3 every place the soul,1 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 striking of the shepherd but when you look at malachi 13 7 it's worded slightly differently awake o,malachi,13,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 7 chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with 1 timothy verse 3 he was,1 timothy,32,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 32 verse 3 among or many of them on cubicle now in 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 5 proverbs 10 5,2 thessalonians,10,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 5 non to israel israel nations as well the third use is malachi 27 18. it does not represent the fig tree here,malachi,27,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 27 verse 18 portraying who gorge is look at titus chapter 1 verse 26 it says and god said let us make man in our,titus,1,26.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 26 amos chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,amos,8,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 4 amos chapter 5. genesis chapter 5 i will read with from verse 22,amos,5,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 22 world and everybody said amen look at numbers chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,numbers,6,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 6 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 2 john 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 upon the earth for one thousand years and jonah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,jonah,14,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 4 abraham had faith exercise faith in luke chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,luke,15,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 6 haggai chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,haggai,16,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 15 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in 1 peter 58 3.,1 peter,58,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 58 verse 3 cramming it into seven 2 samuel chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,2 samuel,9,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 9 12 zechariah chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,zechariah,12,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 22 chapter 4 if you'll turn there with me zephaniah chapter 4 verse 16,zephaniah,4,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 16 that only that which cannot be shaken might remain leviticus chapter 23 verse 5 says will you set your eyes on that,leviticus,23,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 5 in a world wind to heaven again it says in lamentations 68 17 the chariots of god,lamentations,68,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 68 verse 17 and the voice of them that make mary joel 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,joel,30,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 19 lastly at night ruth 4 26 is another good time,ruth,4,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 26 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an ecclesiastes 320 work that is beyond what these women,ecclesiastes,3,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 2 the bible is speaking in zephaniah chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the,zephaniah,47,47.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 47 verse 47 from verse 8 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left,2 chronicles,1,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 morning 1 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,1 corinthians,5,42.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 42 he's a spiritual jew 1 thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,1 thessalonians,2,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 28 1 corinthians 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17 and verse 5.,1 corinthians,17,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 5 not able to do anything 1 peter chapter 1 verse 14 it's only one chapter he said but without thy mind,1 peter,1,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 14 4 to 6 jude 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4 are the slightest challenge,jude,11,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 4 look 2 thessalonians 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,2 thessalonians,11,33.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 33 i'll show you this word used in another context think it will help song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to,song of solomon (song of songs),13,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 8 provoking the angels of god in nehemiah chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,nehemiah,4,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 3 the multitudes increase in zephaniah chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the,zephaniah,6,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 7 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service nehemiah 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,nehemiah,10,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 year ezra chapter 8 verse 23 but i pray it can come to pass,ezra,8,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 23 enemy an enemy 3 john 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a,3 john,2,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 5 our lives in jude chapter 5 reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 osmonds love your wives even as,jude,5,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 25 a person that's what you see in colossians 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,colossians,28,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 28 verse 12 god can bring good uh out of it numbers 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,numbers,8,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 28 speak no more to me of this matter habakkuk 3 26 god said that's enough and moses prayed,habakkuk,3,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 26 so when you're running a conflict learn to listen joel 18 13 says only a fool answers a matter before he's heard,joel,18,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 13 capital t what is coming up on the earth hosea 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question,hosea,6,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 18 2 john chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,2 john,26,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 19 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in joshua chapter 11 verse 22 romans,joshua,11,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 22 to become what god wanted to be he said in ecclesiastes 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,ecclesiastes,29,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 11 there's a universal indictment in the book of 2 peter chapter 1 verse 18 for the wrath of god,2 peter,1,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 18 purpose and the purpose was purchasing people here we are in obadiah chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 stay there for to the,obadiah,6,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 6 transform in 1 thessalonians 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh,1 thessalonians,3,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 12 if you want to see that what paul said lamentations chapter 5 i'm going to go to romans chapter 5 where paul,lamentations,5,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 5 and no one can show here is the destined authority of christ look at hosea chapter 22 and we're looking at verse 22,hosea,22,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 22 it's taken from esther chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,esther,1,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 13 ecclesiastes chapter 2 listen as i close and it says in daniel 2 42,ecclesiastes,2,42.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 42 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. malachi 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",malachi,6,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 12 abomination that causes desolation in 1 thessalonians 9 27 and he is referring to something,1 thessalonians,9,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 27 judges 40. first 29 isaiah 40 first 29 you give a power to defend,judges,40,29.0,1.0,judges chapter 40 verse 29 he fulfilled what 3 john prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,3 john,27,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 27 verse 4 jesus name in 2 kings chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,2 kings,3,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 17 by the words of god joshua chapter 11 verse 27 in hebrews chapter 11,joshua,11,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 27 began john chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be,john,3,14.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 14 and being led by the spirit of god in colossians chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,colossians,48,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 48 verse 17 of the man of god in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,1 thessalonians,19,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 obviously israel is regathered in the land as esther 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray,esther,37,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 37 verse 11 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm obadiah 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it,obadiah,5,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 21 notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to 2 john as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the,2 john,1,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 16 and then not too long after that according to habakkuk chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,habakkuk,5,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 14 that's wisdom that can be from above 2 timothy 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,2 timothy,17,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 14 to achieve things that don't glorify god in 1 kings 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,1 kings,23,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 12 grace because sin will not rule over me john 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say,john,6,14.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 14 esther chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,esther,11,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 6 is only coverable until god says ooh in haggai chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19,haggai,43,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 43 verse 18 he's mentioned in 2 timothy 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about,2 timothy,46,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 46 verse 11 the harvest in love for christ song of solomon (song of songs) 12 9 let love be without dissimulation,song of solomon (song of songs),12,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 9 8 verse 11 psalms chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,psalms,8,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 11 chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king joshua version the bible says the next day john saw,joshua,1,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 29 verse 11 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,1 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um jude chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus,jude,20,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 23 services this year in ecclesiastes chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,ecclesiastes,13,44.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 44 and i want us also to hear the good news in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that,zephaniah,4,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 31 and we know that to be true because if take a look at esther chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,esther,1,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 7 obadiah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus,obadiah,10,38.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 38 shall be given to him 2 timothy 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,2 timothy,19,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 21 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus 1 samuel 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,1 samuel,4,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 9 take your bible go all the way to the end 2 corinthians 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,2 corinthians,21,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 9 matters not what you are today it is how you end so no more said in leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 the system of as it is,leviticus,7,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in habakkuk chapter 23 verse 25.,habakkuk,23,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 25 reward jude 2 8 to 10 clarifies this when it says that god saved you by his grace,jude,2,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 8 the essence of this passage so let's go to zechariah chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,zechariah,11,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 11 plan for your life and according to ecclesiastes 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,ecclesiastes,20,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 20 verse 11 an answer here look at leviticus 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,leviticus,1,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 9 to start with ezra 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,ezra,7,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 3 "there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in leviticus 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive",leviticus,2,41.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 41 intellectually when you read 2 peter chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,2 peter,2,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 19 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at nahum chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,nahum,2,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 3 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what habakkuk 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,habakkuk,7,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 7 verse 14 the righteousness of god in him if you also read job 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says,job,5,18.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 18 with a grain of salt you now can remind him of jude chapter 4 verse 6 which says let your speech be always,jude,4,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 6 so there's a lot going on around us but 1 thessalonians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and,1 thessalonians,5,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 15 given the date then philemon chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,philemon,8,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 2 turn with me to zechariah in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if,zechariah,1,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 26 from habakkuk chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,habakkuk,8,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 23 glory it tells us in amos chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,amos,2,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 9 changes for the better before them now today we want to look at 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good,2 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 tonight in habakkuk chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,habakkuk,58,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 58 verse 9 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,2 corinthians,3,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 14 the lord said to the man called judges joshua 1 8 he said the book of the law,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in john 58 3.,john,58,3.0,1.0,john chapter 58 verse 3 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 to lose their vote on you 2 peter 12 11. revelation 12 11,2 peter,12,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 11 water we snare souls or 1 john 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of,1 john,11,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 3 docile micah 11 6 says the wolf will romp with the lamb,micah,11,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 6 "is.  haggai 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",haggai,1,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 2 according to his riches in christ jesus titus 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17,titus,17,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 5 information now leviticus two verse two to seven some two,leviticus,2,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 7 with name ecclesiastes 11 6 he is a rewarder,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 follow up in zephaniah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,zephaniah,1,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 9 verse 20 judges chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 18 says,ecclesiastes,16,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 18 that end abstain from all appearance of evil colossians 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,colossians,4,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 2 3 he says christ who is our life luke 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at jude chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 a living if while her husband is living numbers 7 3 she is joined to another man she shall be called an adulteress,numbers,7,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 3 moses taught bitter water to sweet john 15 verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 when the children of israel go to amara,john,15,22.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 22 with reverence and with godly fear titus chapter 12 verse 28 when it's acceptable it becomes,titus,12,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 28 a 2 kings of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,2 kings,1,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 9 you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of 1 chronicles 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head,1 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 1 peter 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7,1 peter,8,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 11 "judah specifically. 1 chronicles 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification",1 chronicles,5,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 7 chapter 30 luke 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells,luke,30,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 17 must be your food 2 john 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i,2 john,15,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 6 the law by wisdom has founded here mark 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones,mark,3,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 19 you are sister because the pie who says in philemon 32 verse 22 31 the economy 32 22 31 he said we are fighting,philemon,32,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 32 verse 22 water we snare souls or 1 thessalonians 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of,1 thessalonians,11,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 3 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in malachi 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,malachi,16,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 16 verse 17 joshua chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's,joshua,5,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 19 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in 1 thessalonians 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,1 thessalonians,1,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 14 habakkuk chapter 14 i read from verse 17 the kingdom yes of,habakkuk,14,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 17 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in 2 kings chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,2 kings,7,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 15 in 1 timothy 2 verse 5 he is the man christ jesus. in esther 2 verse 17 he was made like his brethren in all things.,esther,2,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 5 promised you see because god made a promise in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,song of solomon (song of songs),3,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 22 we see this in 2 peter 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is,2 peter,13,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 11 greatly by the time you read 1 timothy 26 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 26,1 timothy,26,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 12 verse 19 philemon chapter 3 reading here from verse,philemon,3,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 19 when he said we look at matthew chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,matthew,21,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 21 verse 12 unto death one of course leviticus six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,leviticus,6,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 4 as song of solomon (song of songs) 29 verse 18 he said where there is no revelation,song of solomon (song of songs),29,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 18 all right look at me and quote it malachi 8 verses 8 through 12 quote in full the new covenant prophecy of,malachi,8,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 8 in jesus name micah 24 15 let's read this morning briefly as a,micah,24,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 24 verse 15 in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse titus 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point,titus,22,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 16 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in 1 chronicles 3 and verse 12,1 chronicles,3,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 12 multitude of councilors there is safety that is philemon 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the,philemon,11,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 14 he fulfilled what 2 corinthians prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,2 corinthians,27,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 27 verse 4 tells us in 1 kings in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,1 kings,2,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 5 information now 3 john two verse two to seven some two,3 john,2,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 7 because love covers a multitude of sins esther 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,esther,3,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 14 important character three entire chapters here in the book of joshua numbers 22 23 and 24 and a part of,joshua,22,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 23 the strong man the book of 2 john chapter 49 i begin to read from i read verse 24 and,2 john,49,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 49 verse 24 prophetic packages of the year in mark 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,mark,14,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 24 give you so many gifts and look at this lovely word from esther verse 17 when,esther,1,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 17 christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of jude 5 for instance husbands,jude,5,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 25 protects them so to speak 2 timothy 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,2 timothy,12,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 13 failure proof in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,song of solomon (song of songs),21,45.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 verse 45 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, judges 50 verses 19 to 21.",judges,50,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 50 verse 19 in the book of psalm malachi number 124 look at verse 7 there,malachi,124,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 124 verse 7 book of 2 kings chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,2 kings,8,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 8 care less about anything spiritual and so 1 samuel 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,1 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 now verse 14 we're entering the scene in jonah chapter 4 when the order of the day the,jonah,4,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 14 all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in jonah 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11,jonah,24,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 11 real look at judges chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who,judges,2,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 14 issue that's a bad rule that's the hosea 328 silver bullet it's a it is,hosea,3,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 28 after the holy ghost is come upon you joel chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 why hosea 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,hosea,2,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 9 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in 1 corinthians 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in,1 corinthians,5,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 god of trouble esther said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that,esther,1,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 7 earth today matthew 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,matthew,3,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 16 you know that sorry 2 john 3 19 revelation 3 19 those whom i love i,2 john,3,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 19 amen habakkuk 44 verse 3 for i will pour water upon him that is,habakkuk,44,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 44 verse 3 colossians chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,colossians,3,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 15 because you're made of dust verse 19 2 chronicles 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,2 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 initially created with harmony and so in 2 peter one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just,2 peter,1,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 28 to ezra chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the,ezra,3,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 14 give up and there's nothing you've done 1 corinthians 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8.,1 corinthians,17,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 8 philemon chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,philemon,11,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 6 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was micah 8 24 all things work together for good to,micah,8,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 24 his might in us mark 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says,mark,3,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 16 love does here in 2 john 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each,2 john,13,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 8 book of 2 peter again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he,2 peter,28,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 28 verse 12 to heaven at least they thought they did and in lamentations 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul,lamentations,11,28.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 28 into our services tomorrow sunday in nahum chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,nahum,12,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 12 14 verse 9 and the companion of fools shall be destroyed god says job 13 b20 a companion of fools you choose your,job,13,2.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 2 those who love me then he went on to say in the same jonah chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8,jonah,8,35.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 35 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of lamentations chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,lamentations,9,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 8 in colossians chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember,colossians,12,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 5 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in judges 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,judges,12,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 6 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in numbers chapter 4 verse 19,numbers,4,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 19 others let us look at joel chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and,joel,10,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 4 through the period of the lockdown zechariah chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,zechariah,17,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 7 do you know that that our greatest pursuit as paul says in ezekiel 3 that we may,ezekiel,3,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 2 jude chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,jude,12,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 3 but the rest is the story of evil matthew 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,matthew,12,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 3 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews chapter 2,2 thessalonians,2,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 1 kings chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,1 kings,2,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 after the order of jude in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was,jude,34,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 9 it's called the peace offering here in the nahum chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,nahum,3,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 2 christ in 1 corinthians chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,1 corinthians,8,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 4 the apostle paul says in chapter 1 of 2 corinthians that when god exalted him he seated him verse 20 at his right hand in,2 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and habakkuk 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every,habakkuk,19,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 25 reading from verse 25. the bible says in verse 25 zephaniah 14 verse 25,zephaniah,14,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 25 2 john 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,2 john,3,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 4 be involved as well as as well as other things amen song of solomon (song of songs) it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,song of solomon (song of songs),14,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 17 them individually 2 john chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,2 john,10,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 7 verse 2 chronicles 1 14 so let me read it like that,2 chronicles,1,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14 you know the motto of this church in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same,song of solomon (song of songs),13,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 8 of scripture little things of scripture reading from colossians chapter 30 verse 24 just four verses here tonight as we,colossians,30,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 24 with the full assurance of faith ezekiel chapter 10 and verse 22 so when we come to god,ezekiel,10,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 22 chapter 2 and 3. the reference in verse 25 comes out of ruth 34.,ruth,34,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 25 first place i'll read it to you 2 peter chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses,2 peter,6,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 5 the children of israel out of egypt in zechariah chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,zechariah,4,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 17 as he pleases zechariah 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,zechariah,32,39.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 39 doors now 2 corinthians 5 and verse 8. the word says for ye were sometimes,2 corinthians,5,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift john 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,john,6,13.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 13 pleasant and verse 4 of 1 thessalonians chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went,1 thessalonians,8,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 4 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody 2 corinthians 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,2 corinthians,38,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 14 financial difficulties that's why in ezra 4 32 and it talks about how the early church pooled their resources,ezra,4,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 32 this world and the bible is very clear on those issues let's read in amos chapter 17 verse 11. jeremiah 17 11.,amos,17,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 11 jude chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,jude,3,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 15 and don't forget job 8 28 but for we know that all things,job,8,28.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 28 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. psalms chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty,psalms,49,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 49 verse 24 into our services tomorrow sunday in malachi chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,malachi,12,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 12 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to 1 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,1 thessalonians,6,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 9 this morning let's remember his word to us in 2 kings 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,2 kings,33,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 3 would god do this well let's take a look at 2 kings chapter 20,2 kings,20,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 2 incorruptibility of divine doctrine joshua chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2 in deuteronomy,joshua,32,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 2 "heed to my words,"" listen everybody. and then he gives his text, hosea chapter 2, verses 28 to 32.",hosea,2,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 28 would you could make many arguments as if numbers 1 16 all the way up here to romans 11 36 that that in those chapters,numbers,1,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 16 that of nothing he brought water out of the rock luke 7 3 verse 1 to 6,luke,7,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 3 loves her husband and number four this woman of 1 corinthians 31 loves her family look at verse 13.,1 corinthians,31,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 31 verse 13 "verses 12 to 15, and zechariah 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",zechariah,10,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 21 sun and the moon because in 1 chronicles chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,1 chronicles,10,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 12 know were dropped in my spirit i won't forget song of solomon (song of songs) 3 to 3 can two work together except they be agreed and i told god at7th,song of solomon (song of songs),3,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 3 in a world wind to heaven again it says in leviticus 68 17 the chariots of god,leviticus,68,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 68 verse 17 nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,nehemiah,10,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 thing with what we have read in titus 6 12 and this assembly should know that the,titus,6,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 12 in our life what are we supposed to do in such situations judges 4 6 says be anxious for nothing but in every,judges,4,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 6 i mean look at it either 48 i mean obadiah 40 28 please have you not known,obadiah,40,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 40 verse 28 something that i hope impacts you habakkuk chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,habakkuk,13,46.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 46 praise the lord then we want to decree in job 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,job,67,4.0,1.0,job chapter 67 verse 4 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this micah 2 verses 28 and 29,micah,2,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 28 experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in micah 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light,micah,18,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 2 again and again and reinforcing its importance zephaniah 2 42 is a summary statement of life,zephaniah,2,42.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 42 they had to come back and so in 1 samuel chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,1 samuel,4,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 16 is only coverable until god says ooh in 1 john chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19,1 john,43,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 43 verse 18 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of lamentations 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",lamentations,40,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 40 verse 13 that hear thee look at ezra chapter 5 verse 22 nourished,ezra,5,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 22 will perfect them malachi chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,malachi,1,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 28 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in 3 john 27 when you read verse 20,3 john,27,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 27 verse 2 but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 ecclesiastes 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it,ecclesiastes,25,27.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 25 verse 27 to free you of that the third one obadiah 10 hebrews 10 36 it says this you need listen you need to,obadiah,10,36.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 36 hand of god deliver supernaturally leviticus 11 and verse 6. the bible says,leviticus,11,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 6 because i know from my dad that in 1 chronicles chapter 14 from verse 17 to 20 genesis 14 from verse 17 to 20 my dad,1 chronicles,14,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 17 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from amos chapter 36 verse 27,amos,36,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 36 verse 27 area but know it even gets worse look at matthew 37 again drop down to verse 5 one night joseph had it,matthew,37,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 5 that has destroyed so many things obadiah 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,obadiah,26,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 2 the most high johnny chapter 4 verse 25 zechariah 4 25 tells us that the most high rules in the affairs of man,zechariah,4,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 7 malachi chapter 14 verse 7 and there the preached the gospel,malachi,14,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 7 should say israel during this time so let's read on judges 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,judges,11,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 5 somebody needs to take your medication in 2 peter 20 verse 14 it says then death and hades were cast into the lake,2 peter,20,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 14 find that all over scripture 1 peter chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,1 peter,4,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 5 above all things haggai 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,haggai,17,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 17 verse 9 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in titus 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,titus,5,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 12 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in 3 john 13 44 we are told,3 john,13,44.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 44 almighty in esther 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how mighty is he said the old i'm the god of,esther,32,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 27 because they'll all leave and go 2 corinthians 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,2 corinthians,2,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 canaan's land in the land of victory and here the lord says in numbers 26 verse 13 i am the lord your god who brought,numbers,26,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 26 verse 13 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in malachi chapter 10 verse 16,malachi,10,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 16 bureaucracy of formalities of religion or doctrine lamentations chapter 1 11 to 12 and then verse 15 to 17 the same apostle,lamentations,1,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 11 incredible times the scripture does say in 1 samuel 5 16 the days are evil the days were evil in,1 samuel,5,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 16 by love in the new creature in 1 chronicles chapter 5 reading from verse 5,1 chronicles,5,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 5 area i touched on at the last session but 1 peter 5 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and,1 peter,5,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 31 this is a quote from jonah 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6,jonah,3,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 11 our lives and the other verse award in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 of excellence i love that scripture in ruth 31 29 see many daughters has done well,ruth,31,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 31 verse 29 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in psalms chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,psalms,28,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 28 verse 5 will see a turnaround i'm reading from the book of mark chapter three let me quickly read from verse 13.,mark,3,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 13 "earth, to the nations. in 1 john 45 verse 5, ""i am the lord, there is no other.",1 john,45,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 45 verse 5 concerning what he did in john chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies,john,1,3.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 3 that end abstain from all appearance of evil haggai 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,haggai,4,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 2 instance in hosea chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,hosea,2,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 11 cease from among you 1 corinthians 34 number 25 and that this is pictured as,1 corinthians,34,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 34 verse 25 jude 44 reading from verse 28 isaiah chapter 44 and we're reading from verse 28,jude,44,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 44 verse 28 chapter 3 13 to 18 2 corinthians 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,2 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 so here is a word in 1 kings chapter 2 where it says in verse 13,1 kings,2,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 13 look at 1 john chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude,1 john,20,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 2 most important passages in my life psalms chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,psalms,1,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 22 but he says in verse 20 luke 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,luke,7,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 2 of us shall give account of himself to god nehemiah chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,nehemiah,20,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 20 verse 11 there is no fear of god before his eyes 2 chronicles 3 verse 18. there is no fear of god,2 chronicles,3,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 18 18 2 timothy 50 from verse 15 to 18 the brothers of joseph came and fell,2 timothy,15,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 18 church together zechariah 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 has the ability to break just like your word in ezekiel 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,ezekiel,29,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 5 some of the qualities and some of the titles in shuttle 1 hosea chapter 1 look at verse 8 it says revelation,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 from the day leviticus chapter 20 verses 20 and 21 acts,leviticus,20,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 2 here's what scripture says in esther chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14.,esther,3,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 14 job chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,job,29,22.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 22 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game joshua doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,joshua,42,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 42 verse 5 and what i decorate your life 2 corinthians 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,2 corinthians,23,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 26 known to us here on earth and so we read in philemon chapter 8 verse 35,philemon,8,35.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 35 are the wise shall i inherit glory 1 peter 3 35 and the multitude of people is the kings,1 peter,3,35.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 35 this is like two in one it's taking from 1 timothy 5 22 and 25 the rule of love says that the,1 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in titus chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,titus,34,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 34 verse 2 you lost your amen there 1 john chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i,1 john,3,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 11 and he is faithful meaning what according to lamentations chapter 2 verse 3,lamentations,2,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 3 in jesus name open the lord look at micah chapter 1 verse 21 golucius chapter 1,micah,1,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 21 verse 28. joshua 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing,joshua,22,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 28 your disgrace your shame is there according to titus 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing,titus,53,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 53 verse 3 reading from verse 15 2 john chapter 1 verse 15 but when it please god,2 john,1,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 15 as you have spoken in my ears so will i do unto you 2 thessalonians 14 26 to 36,2 thessalonians,14,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 26 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in judges chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,judges,10,38.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 38 the tree of life until when in colossians chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,colossians,22,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 22 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in lamentations 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,lamentations,4,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 21 are called to live i'm going to look at numbers 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,numbers,8,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 14 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to job chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,job,22,16.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 16 salvation and our memory verse was taken from colossians chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,colossians,10,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 9 scripture where you read 2 corinthians chapter four all right from verse six,2 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at leviticus chapter 13 verse 7,leviticus,13,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 7 for you right now ezekiel 8 32 he despaired not his own son,ezekiel,8,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 32 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good hosea chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,hosea,4,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 17 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in nahum chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,nahum,18,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 4 stars 2 timothy 8 9 and 10 paraphrase associate yourselves or ye people and you shall be,2 timothy,8,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 9 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in 2 john 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,2 john,16,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 16 verse 17 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of 1 samuel 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,1 samuel,18,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 18 verse 18 worship this morning i want you to open again to 2 timothy chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,2 timothy,15,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 11 verse 3. lamentations chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,lamentations,5,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 3 and verse 13 which is one of my favorite verses 1 timothy 29 13. the lord says you will seek me and find,1 timothy,29,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 29 verse 13 4 joshua chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,joshua,8,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 4 look at 1 timothy 19 5. foreign,1 timothy,19,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 5 in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in lamentations chapter 7 verse 15 he said but,lamentations,7,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 15 chapter 5 ruth chapter 5 i read from verse 19 james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren,ruth,5,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 19 "visibly. in fact, 1 corinthians 1 verse 7 says, ""every eye will see him.""",1 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 and into all of mankind leviticus 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,leviticus,5,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 12 in numbers chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like,numbers,25,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 11 in him the bible says in the book of esther chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be,esther,43,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 43 verse 2 verse 20 age ezekiel the son of known,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 of burdens according to haggai 10 verse 37 isaiah 10 37 the anointing breaks every yoke,haggai,10,37.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 37 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in 1 john chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,1 john,8,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 2 of a priceless redemption look at ruth chapter 12 verse 2,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 world 1 kings chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,1 kings,15,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 16 when in esther chapter 2 and chapter 3 you read the lord told john,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 very clearly so 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 the lord our god made a covenant with us in,2 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 what did we see in the last chapter 3 john 4 37 god is able to humble those who walk in pride,3 john,4,37.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 37 it says zephaniah chapter 4 and verse 12.,zephaniah,4,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 should say israel during this time so let's read on mark 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,mark,11,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 5 verse 11 colossians chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,colossians,1,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 11 were talked in verse 18 of that same obadiah chapter 4 and they called them,obadiah,4,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 18 check this out also when you look there at 1 chronicles 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,1 chronicles,1,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14 ezra 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,ezra,34,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 34 verse 16 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 23 in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily,2 samuel,3,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 23 a pretty thing jude chapter 39 verse 17 talking about a prophecy,jude,39,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 39 verse 17 is on the lord's side this week in obadiah chapter 30 and verse 19 said,obadiah,30,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 19 scripture for our talk is in haggai 4 verse 7 the bible says,haggai,4,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 7 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in mark 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,mark,2,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 3 ruddy and he's eating a red bowl of stew he gets nicknamed in ezekiel 25 verse 30 edom meaning red thus all of esau s,ezekiel,25,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 25 verse 3 have persecuted israel the bible says in haggai 3 verse 2 i will gather all the nations and bring them,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 the book of lamentations isaiah chapter 10 verse 17,lamentations,10,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 17 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in mark chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,mark,9,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 24 results through the fruit of his sleeves song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 2 watch,song of solomon (song of songs),13,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 2 isn't it jacob philemon 14 verse 12 and revelation let me just go to these two passages start with isaiah 14 verse 12 how are,philemon,14,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 12 through the son of god in 2 kings 33 beginning at verse 21 after after verse 20 talks about this kingdom,2 kings,33,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 21 when you read micah 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,micah,37,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 37 verse 5 we're reading from verse 15 in 1 samuel chapter 11 reading from verse 15 for if,1 samuel,11,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 15 how somebody's following me today in habakkuk chapter 1 when you read from verse 19 the bible,habakkuk,1,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 19 holy look at 1 peter chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,1 peter,20,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 7 world and everybody said amen look at leviticus chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,leviticus,6,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 6 look at ourselves in these last days in lamentations 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and,lamentations,8,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 22 down zechariah 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it,zechariah,3,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 7 to more more and god will establish your desired healing haggai 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,haggai,5,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 13 right with what bible says in the book of obadiah 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that,obadiah,4,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 8 "to the scripture and said, ""work is a command, six days shall you labor,"" 1 peter 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god.",1 peter,20,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 11 look at nahum chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,nahum,34,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 34 verse 21 the obedience it is in the obedience ecclesiastes 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,ecclesiastes,1,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 19 said it's deliverable by faith 1 chronicles i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4,1 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 knowledge of god so when when you read jude chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 surrenders without struggle the bible says in 1 kings chapter 5 and verse 26,1 kings,5,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 26 you jude chapter 14 verse 13 fear not he said to moses god said to moses fear not,jude,14,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 13 and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in micah chapter 2 verse 22,micah,2,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 22 of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to 1 corinthians 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu,1 corinthians,11,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 the journey in jesus name malachi chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,malachi,15,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 2 and those who practice lying malachi 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,malachi,22,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 15 in fact whatever is not of faith is sin joshua 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with,joshua,14,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 23 the bible said in leviticus 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,leviticus,3,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 most high matthew chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest,matthew,5,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 8 go back to the beginning 2 kings chapter 10 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 3,2 kings,10,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 3 psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 hosea 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin,hosea,16,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 13 and it says right here song of solomon (song of songs) 33 verse 5 the lord is exalted he dwells on high and he has filled,song of solomon (song of songs),33,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 5 verse 12 2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,2 kings,5,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 when you look at this story of the children of israel in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 to verse 11. you will see now,2 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to 2 kings chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 swearing or blaspheming joel 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,joel,5,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 12 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 13,2 thessalonians,39,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 13 christian the third one on my list is colossians chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,song of solomon (song of songs),29,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 11 they found the ancient words of 2 kings um chapter 8 verses 16,2 kings,8,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 16 3 john chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,3 john,14,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 18 given to him before he got on the ship kristan luke 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,luke,23,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 11 7 matthew 11 7 it says by faith noah be warned of god of things not sin,matthew,11,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 7 in fact whatever is not of faith is sin 2 corinthians 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with,2 corinthians,14,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 23 straight now remember i read you earlier right from 1 corinthians chapter 40 the opening and then down in verses 9 and 10 isaiah,1 corinthians,40,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 9 and we're going to do this backwards look at judges 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,judges,37,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 37 verse 2 coming generation zephaniah 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,zephaniah,22,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 6 colossians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 32 romans chapter 8,colossians,8,32.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 32 the steadfast firmness in the better covenant ezra chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein,ezra,6,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 17 are the ways of death 1 thessalonians chapter 14 and verse 12 is also repeated verbatim chapter 16,1 thessalonians,14,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 12 also will always be fulfilled titus chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,titus,23,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 19 nehemiah chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5 we read of the church in the house of,nehemiah,16,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 3 and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction 2 samuel 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way,2 samuel,21,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 16 collusion chapter three from verse five micah three from verse five new living translation says so put to death,micah,3,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 5 when you get to joel chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,joel,7,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 9 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry titus chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,titus,3,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 13 church together 2 thessalonians 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,2 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 prophetic packages of the year in zechariah 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,zechariah,14,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 24 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please joel chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,joel,3,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 21 numbers 16. if you have your bible still open there to revelation 16. look at verses 16,numbers,16,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 16 that's why god says in 2 kings 12 15 it says see to it that no one fails to,2 kings,12,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 15 the bible says in zechariah chapter 17 verse 11 leviticus 17 verse 11 he said the life of the,zechariah,17,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 11 13 to 15. 2 chronicles chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,2 chronicles,33,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 13 under your feet in jesus name in zechariah chapter 14 reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14,zechariah,14,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 17 in 1 corinthians chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 the bible says is anything too hard to the lord,1 corinthians,18,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 14 1977 i had this gift from god nahum chapter 28 and verse 47 and 48,nahum,28,47.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 47 to your face or maybe in the comments section of a youtube video nahum chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 is our target,nahum,7,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 21 how you move from negative emotions to positive jude chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,jude,4,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 6 right and something instructive also was mentioned in luke 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,luke,2,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 21 to overcome now you connect this with titus 6 14 which is a well to known verse for all of us,titus,6,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 14 in micah chapter 4 verse 19 philippians 4 verse 19 the bible says my god shall supply all your needs not some,micah,4,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 19 about listen in 2 samuel 36 and 8 it says thus dwelt esau,2 samuel,36,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 36 verse 8 remembered or come to mind matthew 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,matthew,66,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 66 verse 22 2 john chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5 we read of the church in the house of,2 john,16,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 16 verse 3 chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king mark version the bible says the next day john saw,mark,1,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 29 in all things this is the essence of 1 samuel chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,1 samuel,1,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 15 makes people alive 2 kings 2 13 he made you alive spiritual resurrection,2 kings,2,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 13 chapter three i'm reading from gospel malachi chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,malachi,3,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 4 through the period of the lockdown zephaniah chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,zephaniah,17,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 7 how do i know and why do i say so hosea 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,hosea,18,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 22 both as a commission and as individuals zechariah chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer you,zechariah,33,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 3 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in job 114 the way they're using it he's two,job,11,4.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 4 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,lamentations,2,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 leader said at the beginning in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 2,1 peter,4,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 2 and yet in haggai of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said,haggai,8,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 5 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of philemon and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,philemon,3,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 12 1 samuel chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,1 samuel,10,38.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in hosea chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,hosea,16,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 6 mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of numbers chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43,numbers,43,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 43 verse 18 tells us in lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,lamentations,2,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 salvation in john 3 23 4 have sinned and come short of the glory of god all,john,3,23.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 23 look at chapter 3 2 john chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly,2 john,3,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 11 verse 17 ezra chapter 30 and we're reading from,ezra,30,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 17 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in psalms 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,psalms,15,29.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 29 desirable increase i'm coming to chapter 9 of 1 kings proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 it says give instruction to a wise man,1 kings,9,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 9 praise the lord then we want to decree in haggai 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,haggai,67,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 67 verse 4 god was with we're looking at obadiah chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19,obadiah,19,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 11 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen judges 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,judges,13,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 2 oh because of this paul said in esther 3 13 to 15 philippians 3 13 to 15,esther,3,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 13 justified by the law of moses job chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,job,3,19.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 19 good understanding procure's favor 1 peter 13 verse 15 but the way of the transgressor is hard,1 peter,13,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 15 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in luke chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,luke,12,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 13 when he may be found call upon him when his name 1 peter chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,1 peter,55,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 55 verse 6 war is truth 1 samuel 12 22 says deliver my soul o lord from lying lips and from a,1 samuel,12,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 22 souls into this church joshua chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,joshua,5,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 12 talks about how to face adversity in 2 samuel 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,2 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 no peace 2 kings 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,2 kings,48,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 48 verse 22 28 ecclesiastes chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom,ecclesiastes,12,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 28 come to us staring us for the race that is ahead the scripture says in joshua chapter 2 and verse 2,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 go be powerful if we go to lamentations 2 verses 18 through 22 when he says it's not good for,lamentations,2,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 18 instead their words are recorded for us in the book of leviticus chapter 4 and verse 29 when they said lord consider their,leviticus,4,29.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 29 not always sleeping lamentations 11 6 hebrews 11 verses tells us god is a rewarder,lamentations,11,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 6 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what luke in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,luke,8,36.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 36 to enter those 600 0 people jude 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,jude,3,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 19 unto men once to die the bible says in 2 peter 9 27 and after that the judgment,2 peter,9,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 27 nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered,1 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 of silence dark age but what happened as we look into the book of 3 john chapter 4 verse 2,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 encounters with light nehemiah 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,nehemiah,3,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 15 predestined me john 8 29 and you also to become conformed to the image of,john,8,29.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 29 [music] obadiah 14 verse 14 though these three men,obadiah,14,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 14 phones luke 11 36 oh dear i think my uh i think my eldest,luke,11,36.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 36 glad that he is a savior malachi 60 16 you will know that i the lord are your,malachi,60,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 60 verse 16 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 zechariah 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,zechariah,32,39.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 39 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into joel that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,joel,12,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 21 that are listed in the book of colossians chapter two and three in colossians in,colossians,2,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 3 swearing or blaspheming haggai 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,haggai,5,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 12 against aaron joel 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live,joel,14,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 28 give god thanks just as noah did in the book of micah chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided,micah,8,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 2 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of psalms 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",psalms,12,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 11 whoever that he wills according to 1 corinthians 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,1 corinthians,9,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 15 psalms was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says,psalms,33,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 11 we are going to pray with that promise of god in hosea 61 verse 5 isaiah 61 verse 5 says and strangers shall stand,hosea,61,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 61 verse 5 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in joel 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,joel,6,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 19 what the scripture says in the book of 1 samuel chapter 26 and verse 8,1 samuel,26,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 8 gentleness and goodness look at micah chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love,micah,5,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 22 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in 1 peter chapter 9 verse 21 yay,1 peter,9,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 21 verse 9 1 thessalonians 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call,1 thessalonians,58,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 58 verse 9 is available the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 25,1 thessalonians,7,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 25 the completion of it and verse 16 of 2 peter chapter 40 thus moses did according to all that the,2 peter,40,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 40 verse 16 and no one can show here is the destined authority of christ look at 1 thessalonians chapter 22 and we're looking at verse 22,1 thessalonians,22,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 22 to receive to become sons of god and according to 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 14,1 timothy,8,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 14 awareness spiritual environment awareness in 2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,2 thessalonians,22,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 3 that god is sending through that boy in ezra chapter 55 3 isaiah 55 verse 3 incline your ear and,ezra,55,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 55 verse 3 what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to 1 thessalonians 2 and the first half is basically going to be,1 thessalonians,2,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 23 careful it says in ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,ecclesiastes,5,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3 and bones the tribes of israel but in amos 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,amos,9,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 2 has to be where god makes his name well in nahum 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the passover sacrifice within,nahum,16,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 5 when he died for us we died in him 2 john 6 5 we have been united with him in a death,2 john,6,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 5 this a million times fear god 2 kings 14 27 fear of the lord is a life to giving,2 kings,14,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 27 ever in 3 john 25 from verse 21 to 26 genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26,3 john,25,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 25 verse 21 in 1 kings chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold,1 kings,4,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 29 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives malachi 5 25 says love your wives and,malachi,5,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 25 your plan that's what's written in zechariah 21 5 the new living translation version,zechariah,21,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 5 and faith we're told in titus chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus,titus,5,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 3 was taken from obadiah 2 verse 21 and and daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and,obadiah,2,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 21 said uh john 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us,john,5,8.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 8 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved judges of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,judges,17,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 17 look at the prayer that the panthers began to pray in ruth 4 12 look at it he said a prophet who is one of you,ruth,4,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 12 watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture 1 corinthians 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom,1 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 bible verse it should be powerful 1 peter chapter 33 verse 6 he said,1 peter,33,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 6 my second read in this morning's from leviticus chapter 5 and i'll read from verse 15 to 20 efficient step 250,leviticus,5,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 15 is the most high most high 1 samuel chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus,1 samuel,5,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 8 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children matthew 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,matthew,6,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 4 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you joel chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,joel,21,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 21 verse 4 it takes prayer in the book of 1 samuel 4 verse 12 the bible says apophas who is one of you,1 samuel,4,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 12 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so habakkuk says uh and she said to her uh all that you,habakkuk,1,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in 1 timothy 114 the way they're using it he's two,1 timothy,11,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 then you look at all of those blessings listed in 1 timothy chapter 58 and verse 6 to 14.,1 timothy,58,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 58 verse 6 3 9 3 john chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,3 john,2,39.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 39 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in 2 corinthians chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,2 corinthians,19,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 19 verse 15 the utterly consumed terrors in lamentations chapter 28 verse 8.,lamentations,28,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 8 it's how it is 2 samuel 18 20 says the sins of of an individual are never punished in his,2 samuel,18,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 2 where he is at you should be involved in that leviticus 21 13 whoever closes his ear,leviticus,21,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 13 of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in john 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for,john,6,14.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 14 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation,1 samuel,8,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 19 right before 3 john daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,3 john,7,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 7 they can resist the ocean 3 john 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity,3 john,5,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 22 amen look at the promise of god for us in psalms 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in,psalms,55,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 55 verse 14 "no sabbath has ever been required. zephaniah 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",zephaniah,2,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 16 again and again and reinforcing its importance psalms 2 42 is a summary statement of life,psalms,2,42.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 42 of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to 2 chronicles 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu,2 chronicles,11,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 3 comfort in in mixing this science with the amazing things of god is 2 peter 1815 you can tell me if you think i'm taken,2 peter,18,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 15 and hymn that causes you i will becomes 2 john 12 3 jesus the righteous one causes,2 john,12,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 3 the completion of it and verse 16 of zechariah chapter 40 thus moses did according to all that the,zechariah,40,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 40 verse 16 guardrail number two resist the devil resist the devil joel 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 says resist the devil and he will flee,joel,4,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 7 christ it says here in jonah 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith,jonah,1,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 8 the lampstands but here i want to go a bit further in micah chapter 1 reading from verse 12 to the end of the,micah,1,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 12 ezekiel chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,ezekiel,8,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 3 hardinged pretenders we're looking at 2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 of the children of israel they are,2 corinthians,14,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 jesus name malachi chapter 2 verse 25 revelation 2 verse 25,malachi,2,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 25 like they came together down in ezekiel 1 24 i say that's going to be helpful,ezekiel,1,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 24 lisa is going to read to you from 1 peter 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she,1 peter,11,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 31 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in colossians chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,colossians,33,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 3 question like i asked in the book of colossians chapter 6 and verse number 8 oh sure go for us who shall we send,colossians,6,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 8 next thing he says in 2 samuel chapter 35 verse 5 he says now also give a contribution to build my,2 samuel,35,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 35 verse 5 you verse 32 1 corinthians 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,1 corinthians,8,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 32 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of joel chapter 5 verse 24.,joel,5,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 24 2 john chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says,2 john,9,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 4 understand what is happening in ruth 8 28 and we know that all things work,ruth,8,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 28 welcome into 2 kings chapter 11 verse 7 hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen,2 kings,11,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 7 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets titus chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,titus,48,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 48 verse 17 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ matthew chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,matthew,2,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 2 book of records look at ezekiel chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,ezekiel,20,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 12 [music] micah chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,micah,2,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 6 your bibles to lamentations chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,lamentations,13,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 13 verse 17 triumphant power of an undying faith in 2 samuel chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,2 samuel,11,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 5 be awesomely blessed our verse of the month is from malachi chapter 34 verse 8 it says,malachi,34,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 34 verse 8 colossians chapter 5 reading from verse 22 galatians chapter 5,colossians,5,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 22 make an ungodly request mostly said in 2 john 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,2 john,11,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 15 for i say we're looking at obadiah chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,obadiah,6,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 7 if we go contrary to his command according to 2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 4 and second chronicles chapter 20 verse,2 chronicles,9,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 4 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in luke 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,luke,10,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 12 45 19. further what 1 samuel chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to,1 samuel,49,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 49 verse 15 our hearts must be set in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 6 and verse 11. the bible makes us to,2 thessalonians,6,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 11 titus chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,titus,15,36.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 36 phones philemon 11 36 oh dear i think my uh i think my eldest,philemon,11,36.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 36 and to elijah look at leviticus chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,leviticus,11,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 5 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from 2 peter chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,2 peter,12,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 3 and there in verse 6 2 john tells us that he saw this man clothed in linen,2 john,7,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 6 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in jonah 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 acceptable in the sight of the lord in 2 john chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,2 john,1,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 15 chapter 25 verse 21 mark 25 verse 21 proverbs 25,mark,25,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 25 verse 21 just come up every week for the last several weeks job chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,job,12,2.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 2 song of solomon (song of songs) 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,song of solomon (song of songs),3,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 18 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from luke let him who boasts boast in the lord and,luke,1,31.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 31 zephaniah chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,zephaniah,8,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 6 2 timothy 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,2 timothy,26,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 26 verse 8 one more time amos chapter 2 verse 7,amos,2,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 7 in the battle he doesn't just do this for 2 john hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,2 john,1,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 14 [applause] ecclesiastes chapter 8. verse 5 to 8 acts of the apostles,ecclesiastes,8,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 5 god knows your presence and god knows your future in song of solomon (song of songs) 1 5 the bible says before i,song of solomon (song of songs),1,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in 2 thessalonians 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,2 thessalonians,20,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 12 verse 25 zephaniah chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,zephaniah,3,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 25 souls into this church zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,zephaniah,5,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 earth today jude 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,jude,3,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 16 what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to john 2 and the first half is basically going to be,john,2,23.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 23 if you look at 2 samuel 4 verses 20 uh,2 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 another and the word all men even as we do towards you micah chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15,micah,15,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 13 and balaam the bible says in verse 5 of titus 23 it says then the lord put a word in,titus,23,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 5 four times nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,nehemiah,2,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 very end in jesus name malachi chapter 5 verse 41 acts chapter 5 verse 41,malachi,5,41.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 41 called the man of god it was also used in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 30 verses six and seven to describe an,2 chronicles,30,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 6 just turn to him in prayer you will see it in judges chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about,judges,4,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 6 this is what god said what happened joel 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,joel,12,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 3 said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at joshua chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29,joshua,8,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 29 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in 1 corinthians chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,1 corinthians,12,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 terah died and then jonah 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much,jonah,12,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 4 straightforward if we're not consistent look at ezra chapter read him from verse 6,ezra,1,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 6 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew 1 samuel 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,1 samuel,13,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 4 jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in ezra 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be,ezra,33,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 33 verse 25 "and in hosea 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",hosea,3,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 8 things is this beautiful verse in haggai 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,haggai,29,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 29 verse 11 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in joshua chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,joshua,32,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 17 church allow that email joel chapter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase,joel,49,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 49 verse 25 two corners to read verse number 20 haggai chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 completely was something his story is in judges chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,judges,13,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 14 wrong micah 1 16 1st corinthians 9 24 to 25,micah,1,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 16 are ordained for fulfillment in 1 corinthians chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,1 corinthians,12,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 25 because the bible tells us in 1 john chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 philippians chapter 2,1 john,2,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 9 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,1 corinthians,8,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 4 have your bibles you can turn to 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 19 and i believe one of the areas that god has,2 samuel,3,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 19 you know this early 2 thessalonians 39 verse 7 to 16 genesis 13 / 7 to 16 a bible said when the wife of potiphar began to show,2 thessalonians,39,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 7 and pastoring like this and in john 4 11 and he himself gave some to be apostles,john,4,11.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 11 is a god who does not lie so esther chapter 7 when you read verse 14,esther,7,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 14 he eats it to the bottom in fact it's translated in 1 chronicles 19 21 by the word and english gorged you don't like,1 chronicles,19,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 21 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of numbers two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,numbers,2,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 4 his sleeves now what is the fruit of sleeves ruth 13 15,ruth,13,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 15 chapter 4 if you'll turn there with me jude chapter 4 verse 16,jude,4,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 16 is what confessed dominion that domino is established in mark chapter 2 verse 6. he won anyway,mark,2,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 6 to be chosen to be the one who would have fulfilled numbers 9 6 behold a virgin will conceive and,numbers,9,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 6 his mind to function we know it says in mark 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts,mark,55,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 55 verse 8 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read 2 john 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 may god not bypass you in jesus name hosea chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw near to god,hosea,4,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 4 forward the holy spirit stopped them 1 kings 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped,1 kings,16,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 6 attributes of the humility in 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,1 chronicles,3,33.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 33 a bible says in nahum chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,nahum,9,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 4 concerning me 2 corinthians chapter 1 reading from verse 16 acts chapter 1 reading from verse 16 men,2 corinthians,1,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about john 6 7 and 8.,john,6,7.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 7 truth with your neighbors or members of another verse 26 of ezra 4 be angry and do not sin,ezra,4,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 26 i said tonight in your life nahum chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to ruth chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,ruth,1,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 6 disobeyed the power of rome concern esther chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,esther,13,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 2 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 kings 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 kings,10,38.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 38 that he may depart from hell beneath 1 peter 15 24 the dead are there,1 peter,15,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 24 it's going to be 17 to 21 1 samuel chapter 4 and,1 samuel,4,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 17 man is yet there is something he seen in the life of moses in 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 to 8 number chapter 12 verse 32,2 timothy,12,32.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 32 purpose and the purpose was purchasing people here we are in 2 chronicles chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 stay there for to the,2 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 a great need in jonah chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's,jonah,27,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 27 verse 7 somebody shouted believe in amen quickly lamentations 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory,lamentations,26,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 12 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of 1 peter 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,1 peter,8,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 29 the messiah 600 years before christ in matthew chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write,matthew,7,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 13 from um ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,ecclesiastes,10,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 3 to the new testament we're looking at 1 timothy chapter 2 romans chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 29 romans chapter,1 timothy,2,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 29 reading from 1 kings chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,1 kings,29,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 29 verse 11 church for their restoration and breakthroughs in 3 john chapter 1 and verse 17 he said but upon,3 john,1,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 17 also will always be fulfilled mark chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,mark,23,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 19 neighbor as yourself but in quoting zechariah 19 18 what jesus is doing is he's summarizing the,zechariah,19,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 18 all right so my question is this what it gots say in micah 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily devotional of monday,micah,49,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 49 verse 8 the most haha the demon joel 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a man of war he knows how to fight the,joel,15,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 3 look real quickly here in your bibles at judges 7 verse 11 daniel says i watched then because of the sound of the pompous,judges,7,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 11 unclean rags in obadiah 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like,obadiah,64,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 64 verse 6 verse 17. in 2 peter chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,2 peter,3,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 17 the question and one way to support this idea is to go to leviticus chapter 1 verse 23 and read on a bit into verse 25 now,leviticus,1,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 23 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god judges chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation,judges,8,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 19 then there is like apology about something lamentations chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,lamentations,4,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 4 is a prayer along that line taken from 1 john chapter 1 verses 9 through 11 we just changed the words to,1 john,1,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 9 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater,1 corinthians,1,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 there's zero doubt that jesus reads 3 john 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,3 john,53,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 53 verse 12 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in zechariah 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in,zechariah,5,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 21 hear anything malachi 9 2 we thought the revelation of daniel,malachi,9,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 2 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in philemon 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,philemon,15,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 29 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices nehemiah 14 verse 2.,nehemiah,14,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 2 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful philemon 11 30 and daniel 23,philemon,11,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 3 the bible tells us in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not,1 chronicles,7,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 15 which is one of our tests we also read 1 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,1 thessalonians,28,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 2 go to that the same verse 14 3 john chapter 14 verse 14 it says this if a man dies shall it leave again,3 john,14,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 14 written the book of 1 kings starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and,1 kings,17,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 14 this combines there's two illusions here this is to 1 samuel 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,1 samuel,7,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 13 i mean for example in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10,1 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 experience growth in habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said they were together in one accord,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line jude 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,jude,17,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 7 zechariah chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,zechariah,18,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 2 midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one judges 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 respectfully before you in obadiah 6 and verse 11 we find these words,obadiah,6,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 11 if you still are in the book of 1 samuel it's go to acts chapter 5 and verse 32 this is peter preaching on,1 samuel,5,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 32 there's healing for the soul as well healing for the soul 2 peter chapter 30 i will look here in about 15 jeremiah,2 peter,30,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 30 verse 15 will be open for you in jesus name a look at 2 samuel chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 in romans,2 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 now verse 14 we're entering the scene in haggai chapter 4 when the order of the day the,haggai,4,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 14 moses one is 1 chronicles 15 verses 1 to 4 the other is deuteronomy 32 verse 42 the theme in both those songs is the same,1 chronicles,32,42.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 42 who is living in darkness and like i said in ruth chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 malachi 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty,malachi,23,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 11 commentary on the first 12 verses of esther chapter 3 it's for discipline that you and derek god deals with you as,esther,3,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 12 hope that is not baseless you know 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 "he was a pharisee himself. in leviticus 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of",leviticus,22,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 3 of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in 2 timothy 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters,2 timothy,3,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 18 it's available praise the lord it is real look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2,ecclesiastes,2,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14 positive consequences for instance in verse 15 of esther 3 you have the first messianic prophecy we don't have to wait,esther,3,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 15 the bible says in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 amos chapter 3 verse 8. this is,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 judges chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,judges,8,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 14 looked in in the bible to make sure that's where it was it was joshua 24 verse 27 and it says prepare your,joshua,24,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 27 is that they prosper bible says in ezra chapter 26 verse 12 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that isaac,ezra,26,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 12 let's open your bibles to 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 20. jude chapter 1 verse 20 chapter 1 verse 20 i'll be uniform the,1 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 in judges chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that,judges,14,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 21 the bible speaking clearly tells us in 2 timothy 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,2 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 this he says paul says in nahum 4 5 that there's only one faith,nahum,4,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 5 obedience to parents zephaniah 3 20. children,zephaniah,3,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 2 king chapter three and verse 11 the kings haggai and other kings came together and they were looking for a,haggai,3,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 11 is the most high most high lamentations chapter five verse eight,lamentations,5,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 8 brings us to justification hosea chapter 3 22,hosea,3,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 22 link between light and joy you want a biblical support ruth chapter 8 from verse 15 to 16 esther chapter 8 from,ruth,8,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 15 17 2 timothy chapter 10 verse 17 the bible,2 timothy,10,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 17 now over to the book of ruth jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,ruth,2,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 2 we need revival we need renewing we need restoration jude 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,jude,57,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 57 verse 15 by your hands in 2 thessalonians chapter 14 and,2 thessalonians,14,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 14 actually about the beauty of marriage so look at philemon chapter 5 and verse 29,philemon,5,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 29 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now when is your miracle when is your,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 you verse 32 john 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,john,8,32.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 32 [applause] 2 peter 10 21 to 23 here is it,2 peter,10,21.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 21 mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of job chapter 2 verse 14,job,2,14.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 14 what the bible says is leviticus 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs,leviticus,4,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 19 after he created him very important god said to man in ruth 1 28 be fruitful and multiply and fill the,ruth,1,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 28 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was ezra brought in before the king,ezra,1,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 13 [music] first ezekiel 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,ezekiel,1,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 12 5 14 15 14 excuse me song of solomon (song of songs) 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk,song of solomon (song of songs),15,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 14 chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 zechariah 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people,zechariah,12,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 14 all human blessings flew in 2 peter chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do,2 peter,3,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 2 to do in verses 14 through 16 of philemon 17 moses lists five things that israel's,philemon,17,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 14 terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because nehemiah the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and,nehemiah,55,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 55 verse 8 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me mark 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,mark,5,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 15 eve to tempt her look at what he said in colossians 3 3 it said god had said god did not only say god commanded he,colossians,3,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 3 and day and night shall not see now in luke 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,luke,4,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 15 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank ezra chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,ezra,5,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 22 season nehemiah 41 and verse 15 behold i will make thee a new trap threshing,nehemiah,41,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 15 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 joshua chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,joshua,14,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 4 why in 1 john 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,1 john,4,33.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 33 1 corinthians chapter six hebrews chapter six and i'll read that very statement to you,1 corinthians,6,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 6 deliver nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 and verse 15. is anyone sick among you let him call,nehemiah,5,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 his son made of a woman made under the law 1 thessalonians 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,1 thessalonians,4,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 4 that's like no doubt about it i mean here in matthew chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another,matthew,4,32.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 32 that can make anything happen in one day in 2 john chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,2 john,12,41.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 41 in jesus mighty name we pray amen in the book of ezekiel 40 verse 3 the bible says,ezekiel,40,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 40 verse 3 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhew5ms8fva 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each of,1 corinthians,2,38.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 38 it says lamentations 1 verse 16 and i want you to listen to me very well,lamentations,1,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 16 relate to god on any issue of concern nahum 5 16 tells us the essential father and prayer of the,nahum,5,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 16 and then not too long after that according to judges chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,judges,5,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 14 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with job 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,job,14,24.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 24 encounters with light amos 3 15 and 16 the word says,amos,3,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 15 tomorrow sunday leviticus 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,leviticus,105,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 105 verse 13 give pharaoh a nurse of peace matthew 41. 15 and 16.,matthew,41,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 41 verse 15 over men rules righteously and rules in the fear of god hosea 20 28 loyalty and truth preserved the king and he,hosea,20,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 20 verse 28 welcome to your season of multiplication 1 kings 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,1 kings,30,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 30 verse 19 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets 2 john chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,2 john,48,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 48 verse 17 15 to 16 1 samuel 21 15 to 16 is the story of,1 samuel,21,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 15 we will read verses 21 through 25. 1 john one 21 therefore put away,1 john,1,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 21 follow up in 2 kings chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,2 kings,1,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 9 please understand 1 timothy 11 and verse 24 one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to,1 timothy,11,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 12 universe 2 it says be,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 amos 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,amos,14,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 6 present comfort that i found at the end of ezekiel to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,ezekiel,5,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 11 acceptable unto god while looking at malachi chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,malachi,19,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 6 so read the scripture carefully every single zephaniah 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,zephaniah,4,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 15 a control it controls even donkeys haggai chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,haggai,22,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 21 esther chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,esther,11,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 8 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in zechariah chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,zechariah,6,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 4 about 2 chronicles 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,2 chronicles,43,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 43 verse 13 john 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,john,2,6.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 6 mouth wide and i will feel it it says joshua 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty,joshua,33,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 33 verse 3 demons but philemon 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure,philemon,20,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 29 amos chapter 3 verse 4 and 5 we find out why hosea was saying something negative about sacrifice he says for the,amos,3,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 4 upon the world as outlined between mark 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your,mark,6,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 18 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 corinthians 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 four in order that this was what went over in 2 timothy 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,2 timothy,5,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 16 the blood of the lord luke chapter one verse five,luke,1,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 5 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man malachi 4 verse 20,malachi,4,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 2 looking at 2 corinthians chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says,2 corinthians,8,34.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 34 verse 13 zechariah chapter 4 verse 13,zechariah,4,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 and day and night shall not see now in 1 corinthians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,1 corinthians,4,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 15 loud amen 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall,1 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 to refute me let's go to them now so 1 chronicles chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps,1 chronicles,2,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 11 sighting in verse 9 of 2 thessalonians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,2 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 beyond expectations malachi chapter 1 verse 28.,malachi,1,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 28 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in 1 peter chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,1 peter,28,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 28 verse 9 "moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, luke 31 verse 14, ""'behold, the time for you to die is",luke,31,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 31 verse 14 permission to take life zechariah 121 now the biblical we want to look we want,zechariah,1,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 21 and not just hang around waiting for it leviticus 3 12 to 14 paul said,leviticus,3,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 12 fear of the lord or if you look at esther chapter 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,esther,1,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 7 then such a person cannot see god john chapter 6 in genesis chapter 6 we're reading from,john,6,6.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 6 forever and ever so 1 thessalonians 11 30 plus proverbs 3 35 equals daniel 12 3. so you can remove the scriptures,1 thessalonians,11,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 3 whereby one may edify another jonah chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,jonah,12,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 14 let that man turn things around obadiah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,obadiah,1,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 11 esther is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few,esther,23,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 23 verse 23 b plan a was his plan and it depended on the father's now let's look luke 12 21 then moses called for all the elders of,luke,12,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 21 "the snake off. verse 6 of joshua 28, “they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly",joshua,6,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 28 grace that makes great john chapter four verse six but he gave it more grace wherefore he,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 of things on the street in the name of jesus psalms 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping,psalms,2,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 11 good message to go and and listen to from leviticus 6 8 from pastor andy okay i'm gonna,leviticus,6,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 8 that sign and that's wonder ezra chapter 8 verse 18,ezra,8,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 18 judgment in philemon 20 verses verse 12 says there'll be a,philemon,20,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 12 out of the book of the law and read 2 peter 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that,2 peter,34,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 34 verse 16 are the ways of death zechariah chapter 14 and verse 12 is also repeated verbatim chapter 16,zechariah,14,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 12 lastly today let me read 3 john chapter eight from verse seven,3 john,8,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 7 know it will happen from tonight look at the nahum chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only,nahum,1,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 27 32 and verse 27 psalms 32 27 was it behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,psalms,32,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 27 in jesus name we are praying 1 samuel chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,1 samuel,26,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 25 nehemiah chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 38 to 44 genesis 41 32 44 pharaoh was lifting up joseph and he said to him,nehemiah,41,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 38 of of of uh of verse 4 philemon 4 new leaving translation quickly,philemon,4,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 4 but 2 peter 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and verse 15.,2 peter,5,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 15 against us in 3 john chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,3 john,3,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 14 looking at ruth chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,ruth,4,36.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 36 jonah chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen jude chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,jude,2,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 25 you want to read about the night of 2 peter you can find it in job chapter one from verse thirty to two job chapter two verse,2 peter,1,32.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 32 that and more in today's study of 1 kings i'm gonna read here first 15 verses look at your bibles with me verse,1 kings,1,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 15 from their labors and their works do follow them philemon 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,philemon,14,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 13 hand of god here's another heaven rule sighting in verse 9 of 2 peter 1. god had granted daniel kindness and,2 peter,1,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 9 account of moses in 2 timothy chapter 17 exodus chapter 17 and verse 11 beginning it says and it came to pass when moses,2 timothy,17,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 11 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in ezra chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 that verse 18 again 2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our,2 thessalonians,16,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 the memory verse today is from the book of 2 john chapter 22 verse 2,2 john,22,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 22 verse 2 in jesus name john 24 15 let's read this morning briefly as a,john,24,15.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 15 rule um verses 13 to 15 this jude 31 woman she not only does work but seems to take,jude,31,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 31 verse 13 chapter 5 verse 11. haggai 5 verse 11 behold we consider those,haggai,5,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 11 of that is is is a very fundamental song of solomon (song of songs) 24 21 i wish we had posted this during our,song of solomon (song of songs),24,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 24 verse 21 transform in psalms 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh,psalms,3,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 12 light in job chapter one verse two talk to us,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse titus seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,titus,17,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 3 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 2 chronicles 12 3 he said if only,2 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 1 thessalonians chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,1 thessalonians,5,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 24 it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when luke says be a father and a priest to me he means,luke,1,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 7 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 john 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,john,22,6.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 6 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in obadiah chapter 6 reading from verse 15,obadiah,6,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 15 him in the prison haggai 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,haggai,32,39.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 39 company and the bible tells us in the book of job in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,job,12,16.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 16 get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of 1 peter chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear,1 peter,25,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 25 verse 3 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living 1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,1 thessalonians,13,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 let's go back to luke 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ,luke,4,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 22 as we saw in reuben 1 kings 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,1 kings,49,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 49 verse 3 creation together um it's entirely about the deity of jesus so yeah philemon 22 13 should be paired with revelation 1,philemon,22,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 13 the wiser we have the better we live colossians 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,colossians,12,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 2 so let's read the way he describes that verse 23 habakkuk 1. i am hard pressed between the two my desire is to,habakkuk,1,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 23 to restore and rebuild jerusalem jude 9 25 know therefore and understand,jude,9,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 25 2 kings chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,2 kings,22,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 11 fact this is the case with the prophet esther chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 to get an alarm and an alarm that works but 1 john 20 verse 17 paul here in context ii now from my lead us he sent,1 john,20,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 17 them esther chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,esther,11,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 15 micah 25 from verse 21 to genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26 made this clear,micah,25,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 25 verse 21 name together and look at ruth chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,ruth,5,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 19 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in leviticus 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame,leviticus,12,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 11 now look what happens here. look at 2 timothy 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,2 timothy,13,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 17 in this church haggai chapter 6 verse 7 the word of god increased the number of disciples,haggai,6,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 7 of the of the work he did in titus chapter 15 where we read before in verse 36 acts chapter 15,titus,15,36.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 36 the definition of the promised land you can see that in amos 1124 the land originally promised to the,amos,11,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 24 2 samuel 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,2 samuel,5,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 17 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices 2 john 14 verse 2.,2 john,14,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 2 on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in judges chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13,judges,13,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 5 second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of job he is my partner,job,8,23.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 23 is i would like to go but only do not go far away ezra 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 of their labor that you're laboring with an expectation here in titus 2 verse 18 now this is solomon writing,titus,2,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 18 wants to talk to you look at colossians chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,colossians,8,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 14 and the word of the lord said in zechariah 4 25 that we need to say the truth,zechariah,4,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 you've gone too far and so in zephaniah chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too,zephaniah,6,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 5 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in jude 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run,jude,16,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 11 nehemiah chapter 1 in verse 19 revelation 1 verse 19 writes the sins which thou has seen and the,nehemiah,1,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 19 chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 12 psalms our reading from verse 12 jeremiah,psalms,18,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 12 colossians 1 8 i quoted earlier on daniel 1 8 when you stop desiring you stop experiencing,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 on the word of god 1 timothy chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,1 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 activities of the world it tells us in 2 samuel chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,2 samuel,2,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 25 at 2 timothy chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see,2 timothy,42,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 2 established he instituted a weekly sabbath let's look at joshua 23 3. six days shall work be done but on the,joshua,23,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 3 give 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,2 thessalonians,4,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,song of solomon (song of songs),3,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 5 something that we shall receive gained 2 timothy of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our,2 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it amos 17 verse 30 s talking about god having,amos,17,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 3 or what is lame in ezra 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness,ezra,1,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 13 chapter number 13 1 timothy chapter 13 verse number 22 acts chapter 13 verse 22 and the new king james,1 timothy,13,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 22 will commit this scripture in to on to us tonight mark jude verse from verse 20 from verse 20 now let's start from verse,mark,1,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 2 we must serve god with good will in 2 john six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there,2 john,6,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 7 going to give you again the book of esther chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of,esther,4,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 8 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike esther 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,esther,5,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 2 above all other people is mentioned in psalms 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have,psalms,1,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 9 also recover your dreams on fisher in 2 thessalonians chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who,2 thessalonians,2,44.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 44 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in micah 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,micah,14,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 28 his word to us philemon chapter 32 and verse 24 genesis 32 24,philemon,32,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 32 verse 24 law for example in zephaniah chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,zephaniah,8,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 8 nine the bible says that his power is excellent 3 john job 37 23,3 john,37,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 37 verse 23 in life in joel chapter 4 and verse 18 the scripture declares but the part of the,joel,4,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 18 hello there amen 2 john 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,2 john,34,29.0,1.0,2 john chapter 34 verse 29 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 esther 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,esther,32,39.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 39 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen zechariah 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,zechariah,2,47.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 47 additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in 1 peter 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily,1 peter,49,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 8 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love 2 samuel chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,2 samuel,4,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 14 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse nahum chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,nahum,8,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 3 time this intercession and supplication time on haggai 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 are divisive avoid them nehemiah 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,nehemiah,16,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 17 on that in 1 kings chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend,1 kings,3,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 18 that's why the money is kept with you zephaniah 1 17 to 21. money can provide food for the hungry,zephaniah,1,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 17 and greater than that of the old testament it tells us in amos chapter 3 and reading from verse 24 it is being,amos,3,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 24 broken curses and covenant luke 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,luke,49,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 49 verse 3 now i like that because if you read 1 thessalonians chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31,1 thessalonians,40,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 40 verse 29 husbands means you need to respect them 1 peter 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his,1 peter,5,33.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 33 both as a commission and as individuals 2 samuel chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,2 samuel,58,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 58 verse 9 and being led by the spirit of god in john chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,john,48,17.0,1.0,john chapter 48 verse 17 our nahum in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,nahum,16,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 28 beyond i have said before this verse 8 2 kings 3 8 and opened up,2 kings,3,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 8 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 might have missed the first time let me read us 2 john 23 verse 28 and you shall not do,2 john,23,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 28 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,zephaniah,2,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 jesus was crying out in prayer jesus was in anguish in prayer 1 thessalonians 5 7 says during the days of jesus life on earth,1 thessalonians,5,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 7 you also it's in your bible so it's for you as well 2 thessalonians 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord,2 thessalonians,15,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 19 over the world i'm looking at 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 16,1 corinthians,2,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in joel 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,joel,16,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 17 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of amos chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,amos,6,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 23 purposes one thing's about one thing about habakkuk 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,habakkuk,8,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28 as ruth 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,ruth,5,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 11 judges one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for,judges,1,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 4 in prayer 2 peter 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in,2 peter,12,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 12 down through the 18th verse so 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,1 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 for you and you have only to be still leviticus 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes,leviticus,20,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 4 it says job chapter 4 and verse 12.,job,4,12.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 12 inherit the promises 1 thessalonians 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,1 thessalonians,6,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 12 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord 1 corinthians 2 philippians 2 i read 8,1 corinthians,2,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 abraham judges chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,judges,22,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 23 upon the earth for one thousand years and nehemiah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,nehemiah,14,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 4 in the battle he doesn't just do this for zechariah hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,zechariah,1,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 14 that upheld god in high esteem obadiah 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,obadiah,41,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 41 verse 14 this description of christ here 1 chronicles 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were,1 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 when the secret of god was upon my tabernacles philemon 29 and verse 5 when the almighty was here,philemon,29,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 29 verse 5 known it's the fulfillment of 1 thessalonians look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four,1 thessalonians,4,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 5 haggai 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through,haggai,4,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 13 check the book of john chapter 19 from verse 5 because of our time you see something,john,19,5.0,1.0,john chapter 19 verse 5 who alone is worthy in esther chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11,esther,4,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 11 begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in joshua chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p,joshua,5,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 2 first of all you have israel here you have the samaritans in matthew chapter 8 you have the gentiles and that's where,matthew,8,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 8 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to ezra hey what a great leader you are,ezra,8,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 22 point about joel 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,joel,8,27.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 27 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of 2 kings chapter 15 four to five judges 15,2 kings,15,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 4 and thou shalt have plenty of silver lamentations 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god,lamentations,22,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 21 and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours mark chapter 22 verse 7,mark,22,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 7 i also kept reminding god of the covenant of service according to song of solomon (song of songs) 23 25 and god showed up hallelujah,song of solomon (song of songs),23,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 25 our god is a god of speed in hosea chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,hosea,16,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 22 from verse 17. 1 peter chapter 20 verse 17 there's healing the ceiling but there's more,1 peter,20,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 20 verse 17 what 1 timothy the prophet said way back in isaiah 53 4 that he took our infirmities and carried,1 timothy,53,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 53 verse 4 your church established your kingdom in the earth esther chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,esther,14,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 18 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17,2 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 he will not depart from it leviticus 22 6 condition with the promise,leviticus,22,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 6 honorable lie of grace in 1 corinthians chapter 2 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 2,1 corinthians,2,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 the ninth hour but this is what zephaniah spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29,zephaniah,2,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 28 next thing he says in micah chapter 35 verse 5 he says now also give a contribution to build my,micah,35,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 35 verse 5 help and for your heart too amos 14 verses 20,amos,14,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 2 shiloh 2020. 1 kings 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,1 kings,34,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 34 verse 29 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,zephaniah,3,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14 to become the devil how many times only two according to 2 john chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,2 john,2,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 11 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told numbers to by his uncle's line just to mention you,numbers,32,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 7 advice number one pride and arrogance pride and arrogance proverb 2 thessalonians chapter 14 12.,2 thessalonians,14,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 12 broke out in the upper room this was the experience verse 46 1 kings 2 46 the bible said,1 kings,2,46.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 46 absurdity of the thought really we go on in hosea chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,hosea,55,55.0,1.0,hosea chapter 55 verse 55 judges chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,judges,12,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 3 of peter because we discovered by time we got to luke chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,luke,5,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 12 tooth which by the way is zephaniah 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,zephaniah,21,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 21 verse 24 through me you see because in 2 samuel chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will,2 samuel,28,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 28 verse 28 his son made of a woman made under the law ezra 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,ezra,4,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 4 fulfilling its function that's what we read in 2 thessalonians 4 16. the body is built by what every joint,2 thessalonians,4,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 you have an expression there in joel 10 29 doing death fight to the holy spirit,joel,10,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 29 fruit of the spirit for example in zechariah 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,zechariah,5,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 22 bible describes some winners as wise read that in book of 2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 30 which is our memory verse for,2 chronicles,11,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 3 the lord said to the man called malachi joshua 1 8 he said the book of the law,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life 1 corinthians 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his,1 corinthians,13,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 3 for conscientious sins in all things we're coming to hosea chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 7,hosea,2,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 7 prophets did say that about the messiah in philemon 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,philemon,53,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 53 verse 3 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so haggai chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,haggai,6,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 9 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to leviticus 26 verse 2.,leviticus,26,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 2 correct well then i'm not going to turn to him in obadiah 5 verse 3 he said adam became a father of a son let's do it,obadiah,5,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 3 spirit 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,2 chronicles,5,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 18 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it job 17 verse 30 s talking about god having,job,17,3.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 3 the lord 2 john 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,2 john,13,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 2 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at titus chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,titus,12,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 2 god says what the enemy is doing to you you can sing philemon 16 17. he said god says for my eyes upon,philemon,16,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 17 this morning ezekiel chapter one and verse six galatians chapter one and verse six relations one and verse six,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 be awesomely blessed our verse of the month is from numbers chapter 34 verse 8 it says,numbers,34,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 34 verse 8 and bringeth reproach jude 19 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father do you,jude,19,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 13 important character three entire chapters here in the book of joel numbers 22 23 and 24 and a part of,joel,22,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 23 he walked with god and god took him but before god took him joshua 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5,joshua,11,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 6 in habakkuk chapter 5 verse 20 romans 5 20 moreover the law enter that the offense might abandon,habakkuk,5,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 burning burning bonnie amos chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of,amos,4,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 4 to lose their vote on you philemon 12 11. revelation 12 11,philemon,12,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 11 2 john them that's why in our text in the in the book of psalms psalm 7 verse 11 he says god,2 john,7,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 11 of all events in our lives it says in micah chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,micah,2,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 22 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done psalms 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,psalms,2,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 2 to restore and rebuild jerusalem 2 thessalonians 9 25 know therefore and understand,2 thessalonians,9,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 25 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,song of solomon (song of songs),4,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 4 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to jonah 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,jonah,32,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 5 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen haggai 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,haggai,13,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 2 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her esther chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 but the other thing we see here is in 2 timothy 12 11 please look here they overcame,2 timothy,12,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 11 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in 1 peter chapter 2 verse 42,1 peter,2,42.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 42 subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception 1 john 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are,1 john,9,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 3 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at joel 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,joel,10,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 13 that we need to run from let's pick up reading in 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave the apostles the prophets,2 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith ezekiel 4 12 we're told of a performance he said he,ezekiel,4,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 12 i'm reading from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,song of solomon (song of songs),22,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 5 haven't noticed before so in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 x raptor1 verses 3 through 5 it says about jesus he,1 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 and wisdom is essential look at philemon chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,philemon,4,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 7 power of continuity you know what paul said in esther 26 verse 22 acts 26 verse 22,esther,26,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 22 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children esther 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,esther,6,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 4 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed 2 thessalonians chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,2 thessalonians,5,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 to just go ahead and pray tonight as i read from the book of ezekiel chapter 33 verse 22,ezekiel,33,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 22 that they will stop me zechariah five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,zechariah,5,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 7 to the new testament we're looking at mark chapter 2 romans chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 29 romans chapter,mark,2,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 29 truthfulness in all your communication but come to obadiah chapter 4 verse 24 and that she puts on,obadiah,4,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 24 and especially verse number three 1 john 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,1 john,61,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 61 verse 3 heavenly gift so if we go to nahum chapter 2 verse 8,nahum,2,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 8 for each of our lives ezra chapter 29 verse 11 he said i know the thoughts i have towards you,ezra,29,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 29 verse 11 12 zephaniah chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,zephaniah,12,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 22 and you see a shame chapter 22 of ezra revelation 22 verse 7 behold,ezra,22,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 7 where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 2 peter speaking here in verse 31 you o king were,2 peter,2,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 31 without fear joel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,joel,8,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 15 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord judges chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,judges,2,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 13 in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i,1 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 8 from verse 14 down to 19. judges chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,judges,8,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 14 authority of christ it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 7 it says,ecclesiastes,3,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 7 chapter 65 and i'm reading from verse 24 matthew chapter 65 are you there verse 24 are you there and it shall come,matthew,65,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 65 verse 24 other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 esther 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me,esther,16,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 7 brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 2 kings 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a,2 kings,22,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 3 to become the devil how many times only two according to haggai chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,haggai,2,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 11 2 samuel 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 i see him doing yours tonight in the name of jesus,2 samuel,32,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 27 purposes one thing's about one thing about micah 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,micah,8,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 28 met for a week so we can read that in 2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,2 chronicles,14,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 16 with a shout of grace grace to it that's malachi chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,malachi,4,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 7 church with divine vengeance 1 john chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,1 john,6,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 16 our verse of the month is from the book of 1 corinthians chapter 55 verse 9 it says,1 corinthians,55,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 55 verse 9 but it's actually referring to the lost amos 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick,amos,17,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 9 that's what happened to jesus micah chapter 2 beginning from verse 5 down to verse 11. he said let,micah,2,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 5 verse 16 one person has come 1 peter five seven left on that person,1 peter,5,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 16 similar you don't need to look at it but just remember 2 thessalonians 15 5 paul says now may the god of patience and comfort,2 thessalonians,15,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 5 god we thank you for your spirit that verse of song of solomon (song of songs) 4 6 sticks out to me it is not by might,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 see and so god loves to intervene what does lamentations 4 7 tell us resist the devil and he will flee,lamentations,4,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse 1 samuel 716 that jumps out to you see if you can,1 samuel,7,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 16 exactly like he loved jesus that was a great titus from john 17 23 i can show you the verse you can,titus,17,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 23 acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of jonah chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom,jonah,12,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 28 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in zechariah 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,zechariah,12,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 6 emphasis so i'm going to read the opening 15 verses of nahum 3 just to set it in your mind and then make a,nahum,3,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 15 amen look at the promise of god for your life in habakkuk 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,habakkuk,45,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 45 verse 2 beyond expectations numbers chapter 1 verse 28.,numbers,1,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 28 going to go to nehemiah and take a look at that and i'm going to jeremiah 27 uh verse 5 through,nehemiah,27,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 27 verse 5 things he was tempted like us in all things john 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,john,4,15.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 15 faith without faith the scripture says it is impossible to please god 1 chronicles 11 verse 6. it says but without faith it,1 chronicles,11,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 6 say louder a man titus chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,titus,30,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 30 verse 19 song of solomon in 2 timothy 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,2 timothy,27,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 27 verse 4 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in matthew chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,matthew,10,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 12 scholars today promote this objection on habakkuk 45 7 where it says god created evil i have a,habakkuk,45,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 45 verse 7 without that sense of his provision you think about the apostle paul in 1 timothy chapter 23 and verse 11 god is saying,1 timothy,23,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 23 verse 11 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in luke 18 19,luke,18,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 19 thinks this is still gonna happen so 1 john 32 24 it says and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until,1 john,32,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 24 and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience 2 kings 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about,2 kings,24,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 24 verse 16 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together john 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,john,8,26.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 26 are going to take a text from the book of 2 timothy chapter 5 and from verse 22,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 of christ's atonement the bible said in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23,2 peter,1,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 2 look at colossians chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for,colossians,14,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 7 the god of all flesh mark chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,mark,12,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 9 others in jonah 11 14 it says where there is no counsel the,jonah,11,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 14 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in jude chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,jude,12,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 13 are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the nehemiah they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy,nehemiah,119,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 119 verse 24 jonah's angry and that's what he's angry about in this passage hosea 4 9 he's mad about the plant because the plant gave,hosea,4,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 9 and we know that to be true because if take a look at malachi chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,malachi,1,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 7 he got to the top i mean by time you read jude chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50,jude,50,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 50 verse 15 wants to talk to you look at numbers chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,numbers,8,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 14 powerful and effective i think is very funny when you read 1 timothy chapter 17 and you find the seventh sense of the hype,1 timothy,17,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 7 amen look at the promise of god for us in 3 john 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in,3 john,55,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 55 verse 14 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also 2 peter chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,2 peter,11,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 24 so the bible says in malachi chapter 10 and verse 19 that money answers all things,malachi,10,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 19 purpose 2 corinthians 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,2 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 no that's why it says in john 5 he says think of job verse 11. it's not a fairy tale,john,5,11.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 11 jude 2 20 tells us much about this romans 6 2 living by faith romans 1 17 and during tries with christ to like,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 seek ye me in vain in hosea chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that,hosea,11,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 6 are the sheep of his pasture for he has said 1 samuel 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you,1 samuel,13,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 5 collusion 1 27 joshua 1 27 christ in you the hope of,joshua,1,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 27 but i held on to my god he said in luke chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as,luke,14,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 11 law for example in 1 john chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,1 john,8,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 8 1 peter chapter 1 in verse 19 revelation 1 verse 19 writes the sins which thou has seen and the,1 peter,1,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 19 no he's given us a nahum and part of our job is to preach the gospel part of our job is to feed one another,nahum,6,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 4 testament zephaniah chapter 8 verse 28 which says in the king james and we know that all things work together for good,zephaniah,8,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 28 with faith we can pray for revival that's what 1 peter did look at what it says there in chapter 3 verse 2 it,1 peter,3,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 2 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son nehemiah 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,nehemiah,12,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 5 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in 2 kings chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,2 kings,5,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 5 determine whether you even have them around you micah 3 16 the bible says then those who fear the lord,micah,3,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 16 more exactly i'm going to start with job 36 verse 16 moreover the world of the lord came to me saying son of man,job,36,16.0,1.0,job chapter 36 verse 16 mighty name of jesus 1 thessalonians 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,1 thessalonians,26,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 27 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at jonah chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,jonah,6,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 16 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this hosea 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,hosea,53,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 53 verse 7 it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. 1 thessalonians chapter 45,1 thessalonians,45,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 everywhere to repent colossians 17 30. god now commanded all men everywhere to repent,colossians,17,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 17 verse 3 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 haggai chapter 1,haggai,1,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 15 with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at judges chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou,judges,62,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 62 verse 4 give me a rousing amen 2 kings chapter 26 a meeting from verse 18 acts chapter 26,2 kings,26,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 18 him joel 3 15 to 17 what a vision,joel,3,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 15 and to give his life a ransom for many zechariah chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,zechariah,2,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 17 2 john 50 verse 7 isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me,2 john,50,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 50 verse 7 look at 1 timothy chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,1 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 reading from verse 25 2 kings chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,2 kings,33,25.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 25 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 lamentations 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,lamentations,4,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 2 wrath on the unrighteousness is revealed in verse 18 of luke 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,luke,1,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 18 god's children the sons that believe and become god's children 2 peter chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children,2 peter,3,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 26 everything that god wants me to do 1 john 4 13.,1 john,4,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 13 okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought jude 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i,jude,17,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 13 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of hosea chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,hosea,16,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 14 way back in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 song of solomon in 1 kings 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,1 kings,27,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 27 verse 4 word has gone out the bible says in 1 chronicles 55 verse 11 isaiah 55 verse 11 he says my word that goes forth from my,1 chronicles,55,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 11 god the bible says very clearly matthew chapter 28 and verse 11,matthew,28,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 28 verse 11 stimulates joy 2 samuel 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,2 samuel,17,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 22 let the church say louder amen habakkuk chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of,habakkuk,15,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 4 2013 by papa over again with john tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,john,7,14.0,1.0,john chapter 7 verse 14 god that's where our story picks up luke 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,luke,6,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 16 pass away and behold all things become new in judges chapter 4 reading from verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of,judges,4,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 23 2 peter chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14 now we're reading from verse,2 peter,14,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 17 in 1 thessalonians in philippians chapter 3 verse philippians chapter 4 verse 13. he said i can do all things through christ,1 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 verse 16 leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant,leviticus,3,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 ark as a messenger is that correct esther 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,esther,8,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 7 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in 1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,1 chronicles,40,31.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 31 ministry quite many job listed for us in the hebrews chapter 11,job,11,11.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 11 cannot enter into heaven look at joshua chapter 21 revelation chapter 21,joshua,21,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 21 seating of his son on his throne in the other nahum some 89 psalm 132 then down in verse 34 he goes to psalm 110 the,nahum,132,34.0,1.0,nahum chapter 132 verse 34 verse 32 3 john 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy,3 john,1,32.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 32 down 3 john 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it,3 john,3,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 7 we see also from scriptures in the book of ruth chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,ruth,3,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 7 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in nahum chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,nahum,36,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 36 verse 25 this is what god said what happened numbers 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,numbers,12,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 3 cannot have a bad idea for you that's why zephaniah 8 and 28 says for we know,zephaniah,8,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 28 this is praying to hit a kingdom target psalms chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,psalms,62,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 62 verse 6 theme that's found throughout habakkuk 229 wherefore will you plead with me,habakkuk,2,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 29 name we pray in nehemiah 29 and verse 7 the bible says,nehemiah,29,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 29 verse 7 six i'm reading from verse five 2 john chapter six verse five,2 john,6,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 5 help other people and making them better look at first 1 peter chapter 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos,1 peter,18,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 18 verse 24 when you get to judges chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,judges,7,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 9 who work hard will prosper in 2 kings 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,2 kings,29,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 29 verse 22 is the lord of lords according to ruth 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,ruth,19,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 19 verse 16 that's the reason why we're here it says in 1 kings chapter 48 reading from verse 17 isaiah chapter 40,1 kings,48,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 48 verse 17 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in 1 samuel chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,1 samuel,4,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 12 333 judges 33 verse 3. jeremiah 33 33 verse 3.,judges,33,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 3 does the bible said when we are saved now in 2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 9 he said if we confess with your mouth that jesus,2 chronicles,10,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 9 four zephaniah chapter two we're looking at verse four,zephaniah,2,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 4 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you philemon chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,philemon,21,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 4 majesty in heaven i'm quoting from esther 4 and hebrews 8 there listen listen to me in acts chapter 2 and you,esther,4,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 2 when you get to esther chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,esther,7,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 9 prayers and in closing we are going to look at two passages 1 kings chapter 8 verse 26,1 kings,8,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 26 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in ecclesiastes 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,ecclesiastes,8,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6 i'm taking my text from micah chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,micah,1,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 12 pull them out we'll find another example in ecclesiastes chapter 6,ecclesiastes,6,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 6 and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it 1 thessalonians 8 28 we know that's how it begins,1 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 careful it says in 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,1 chronicles,5,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 3 responded to god's warning of judgment and they came to joel to to god in joel chapter 2 verses 12 through 17 and,joel,2,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 12 straightforward if we're not consistent look at 1 corinthians chapter read him from verse 6,1 corinthians,1,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 6 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read 1 peter 14 23 and it says um,1 peter,14,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 23 disobedience to god just like balaam did in john chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,john,22,32.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 32 together this one world religion and as joshua 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,joshua,18,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 4 a bible tells us in 2 timothy chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,2 timothy,19,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 3 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 malachi 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,malachi,2,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 12 bible makes it clear to us in the book of psalms 11 verse 6 it tells us there that without faith it is impossible to,psalms,11,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 6 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king 2 samuel for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,2 samuel,14,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 28 and the bible says we must not strive with men we do not 1 chronicles 6 12 says we do not strive with human beings i,1 chronicles,6,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 so there is a contention 2 john 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,2 john,26,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 18 zephaniah chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 expected to be an altar of answers in ruth 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,ruth,33,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 33 verse 3 purpose your destiny titus chapter 4 verse 11,titus,4,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 11 have your bibles we are going to be in haggai chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 just two verses today and a very familiar,haggai,12,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 12 i read verse 1 thessalonians 3 14 but exalt one another daily,1 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 take your bible go all the way to the end numbers 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,numbers,21,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 9 perish the bible tells me 1 peter i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever touched,1 peter,4,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 15 that will of god in such a complete manner of matthew chapter 2 reading from verse 13 philippians,matthew,2,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 13 we are going to read 1 kings 5 19 to 21 galatians 5 verses 19 to 21 i,1 kings,5,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 19 the suffering for departure from the lord in esther chapter 2 we're looking at verse 19 jeremiah,esther,2,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 19 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in jonah chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,jonah,9,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 6 sword and then you're likely familiar with 1 peter 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,1 peter,18,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 18 verse 21 but shem shall be the promotion of fools jonah 3 35 so glory is the heritage of the wise not shame and reproach,jonah,3,35.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 35 in the book of leviticus in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,leviticus,74,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 74 verse 2 5 verses 7 and 8. song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5. verses 7 and 8.,song of solomon (song of songs),5,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 7 to 48 we read jonah chapter 23 verse 4 in all these,jonah,23,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 4 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children titus 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,titus,6,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 4 rejoice in hope of the glory of god matthew chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 become more aware of his presence haggai put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,haggai,42,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 5 this i will do that 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 5 james 3 5 just one word can cause,2 chronicles,3,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 5 coming sunday judges chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an end them to the nation,judges,5,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 2 [music] joshua chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,joshua,20,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 11 what we step into in our tomorrow joel 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,joel,29,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 29 verse 11 place let's go to esther we use ephesians chapter six and i'm going to read verses 12 to 18.,esther,6,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 12 without that sense of his provision you think about the apostle paul in 2 corinthians chapter 23 and verse 11 god is saying,2 corinthians,23,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 11 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in esther chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,esther,19,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 19 verse 27 for absence from the bridegroom's book in heaven nahum chapter 21 verse 27,nahum,21,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 21 verse 27 seen well 1 john 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are,1 john,13,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 14 3 john 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding,3 john,18,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 2 aware of the details of what's going on in my life 2 corinthians 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,2 corinthians,34,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 34 verse 21 church together nahum 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 to personalize the dominion mandate 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them,2 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 nino philemon chapter 6 and verse 24,philemon,6,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 24 and a nation to be born at once philemon 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,philemon,66,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 66 verse 7 because they'll all leave and go 1 corinthians 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,1 corinthians,2,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 why the public passage was taken from amos chapter 1 12 to 16. in the bible the word temptation,amos,1,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 12 what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to 1 corinthians 2 and the first half is basically going to be,1 corinthians,2,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 23 church together job 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,job,2,2.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 2 on god's word there's another verses in 1 chronicles 25 verse 2 which said it is the glory of god to conceal a matter and,1 chronicles,25,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 25 verse 2 who love me 1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17.,1 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 timothy 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 mean if you're living out these commands in 1 timothy chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and,1 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 encounters with light 2 corinthians 3 15 and 16 the word says,2 corinthians,3,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 us away look at psalms chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,psalms,9,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 13 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at ezekiel chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,ezekiel,6,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 16 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in mark chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,mark,8,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 28 oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in 1 john chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27,1 john,10,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 21 please it's the last verse of micah 32 and the verse 14 of exodus chapter 33 the message title is when someone,micah,32,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 32 verse 14 years old now then he writes in 1 thessalonians 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1,1 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her haggai chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 release it tells us in haggai chapter 3 but searching christ has redeemed us,haggai,3,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 3 habakkuk 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed,habakkuk,53,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 53 verse 5 his top most requirement the 1 kings 7 23 says but this thing commanded i them saying,1 kings,7,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 23 verse 6 2 john chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy,2 john,30,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 30 verse 6 chose not to oh that's interesting so 2 chronicles 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of,2 chronicles,32,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 32 verse 28 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law titus 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,titus,5,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 22 uh see him we'll saw that in jude chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only,jude,1,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 7 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 22,1 samuel,8,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 22 what he has done in philemon chapter 6 and verse 12 we are cautioned he said beware lest you,philemon,6,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 12 feasts are given to them together here in colossians 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,colossians,12,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 15 and brothers in christ listen to 1 timothy 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,1 timothy,10,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 14 righteousness notice also what god said to luke chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,luke,30,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 7 he gave us very early in our marriage in 3 john 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,3 john,26,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 26 verse 9 his son made of a woman made under the law joel 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 the memory verse today is from the book of jude chapter 22 verse 2,jude,22,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 2 but god leader habakkuk chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,habakkuk,1,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 16 relationship right in leviticus 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas,leviticus,15,39.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 39 voting but as we see in jonah 2 21 it is god that sets up,jonah,2,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 21 except they agree and according to habakkuk chapter 6 16 proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. now,habakkuk,6,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 16 an answer here look at 2 samuel 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,2 samuel,1,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 9 15 down to verse 28. 2 thessalonians 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,2 thessalonians,20,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 15 we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices mark 14 verse 2.,mark,14,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 2 reading from verse 7 titus chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,titus,7,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 7 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen numbers 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,numbers,2,47.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 47 you have yourself and then that word will perfect them zephaniah chapter one i'm reading from verse 28 colossians,zephaniah,1,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 28 to as many as well as given him yagi be everlasting life ruth chapter 10 piscotty age acts chapter 10 verse 30,ruth,10,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 3 not like that you have a path to plea look at ecclesiastes of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,ecclesiastes,3,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 must be minimal double of that of 2019. a loud email to that haggai chapter 8 verse 21 to 23 then i proclaim a fast,haggai,8,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 21 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 ezekiel chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 divine presence in zephaniah chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 14 exodus chapter 43 our reading from verse 14 and,zephaniah,43,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 43 verse 14 "in chapter 25 and 47 of his prophecy, guilty of selling jewish slaves, according to 1 kings chapter 1 verse 9, this was a vile, vile,",1 kings,1,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 9 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams job 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible,job,20,36.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 36 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness micah 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,micah,1,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 4 job 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,job,2,36.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 36 the word of god always and put it back according to zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 also they need to also have the fear of,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 called the queen of heaven in jude chapter 7 verse 16 to 18,jude,7,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 16 book of judges chapter 1 verse 25 the book of james chapter 1 verse 25 it says but he who looks into the perfect law of,judges,1,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 25 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing 3 john chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,3 john,3,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 16 capital of greece was athens and it says in numbers 17 and verse 21 that all the people in athens,numbers,17,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 21 scripture is very very important when you first see prayer in psalms 4 26 it was only after men realized he was,psalms,4,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 26 desperately wicked and who can know it titus 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can,titus,17,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 9 3 john ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 because punishment against,3 john,8,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 11 relationship with god 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and,2 corinthians,6,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 release it tells us in hosea chapter 3 but searching christ has redeemed us,hosea,3,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 3 global impact ecclesiastes 22 verse 18 and in thy seed shall all the nations of their heart be,ecclesiastes,22,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 18 a god of addiction and multiplication 2 peter chapter 1 and verse 11 he said the lord god of your fathers,2 peter,1,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 11 the next one is faith and we see that clearly in in nehemiah chapter 11 verse 5,nehemiah,11,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 5 i will reign look at malachi chapter 16 20 romans chapter 16,malachi,16,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 16 verse 2 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of john on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,john,4,5.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 5 two corners to read verse number 20 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of 1 samuel 3 and verse 4,1 samuel,3,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 4 god's lying if he doesn't colossians 30 4 warns god carefully warns us as husbands,colossians,30,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 4 can i hear the loudest amen philemon chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth,philemon,32,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 32 verse 17 verse of no works the gospel without any works 2 peter 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,2 peter,2,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 8 was still growing it also awesome hosea in in acts chapter 6 reading from verse 7. seek the promise he admit,hosea,6,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 7 or not amos 11 36 for from him and through him and to him are all things all things,amos,11,36.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 36 almost like this um as i said the the john 613 almost like mystical like,john,6,13.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 13 1 kings chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was shining forth in the economic sector of,1 kings,41,54.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 41 verse 54 let the church say louder amen 1 john verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,1 john,1,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 6 for as you think it in his heart so is he habakkuk 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't,habakkuk,23,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 7 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why luke chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come,luke,4,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 16 reading from verse 25 luke chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,luke,33,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 33 verse 25 was in the ship to the sea to lighten the load but 2 chronicles had gone down verse 15 he goes down into the sea,2 chronicles,1,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 15 against the global crusade ruth chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,ruth,22,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 22 verse 28 peace look at what 2 chronicles sent of to nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 and verse 29 this is daniel speaking,2 chronicles,2,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 29 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at 2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a,2 thessalonians,37,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 5 spirit um 2 timothy 57 here's another verse verse 15,2 timothy,57,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 57 verse 15 me passion translation of job 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,job,24,3.0,1.0,job chapter 24 verse 3 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel psalms 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,psalms,21,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 12 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 ecclesiastes 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,ecclesiastes,3,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 17 and so how did god deliver abraham the 1 corinthians 12 verse 82 tells us pharaoh called abraham and said what is this,1 corinthians,12,82.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 82 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says zephaniah 1 23 continue,zephaniah,1,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 23 verse 20 judges chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 20,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to 2 samuel job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,2 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder judges 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,judges,15,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 11 name of jesus father you did it before in nahum of apostle 13 44,nahum,13,44.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 44 writes so let's look at jonah for a second in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 14 paul has this instruction for,jonah,12,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 14 he did you couldn't find a fault in zephaniah chapter 79 reading from verse 9 genesis 39,zephaniah,79,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 79 verse 9 3 john 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed,3 john,53,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 53 verse 5 to damning our traditions look at 2 john 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,2 john,3,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 3 he said is any merry let him sing esther chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing,esther,5,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 13 and out of church tomorrow sunday 2 kings 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom,2 kings,105,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 105 verse 13 "which he was the ruler. in 1 corinthians chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",1 corinthians,27,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 27 verse 3 do we find faith in the vision go back to ezekiel chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,ezekiel,4,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 4 fall flat in the name of jesus the bible says in john chapter 5 in verse 12 the bible says he disappointed the devices,john,5,12.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 12 you his will as is the new covenant promise in luke 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,luke,8,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 11 book of 2 samuel chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,2 samuel,39,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 39 verse 9 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power nahum 26 18 to open the eyes,nahum,26,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 26 verse 18 the fruit of the spirit you read in zephaniah 5 23 self to control and let me tell you this also,zephaniah,5,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 23 isaac the quality blessing and in 1 corinthians 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,1 corinthians,37,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 37 verse 31 against the global crusade habakkuk chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,habakkuk,22,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 28 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation hosea chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,hosea,3,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 19 can you say believe in amen malachi 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,malachi,5,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 26 it says about sorry colossians chapter 2 i'm sorry colossians chapter 2 verse 13 to 15 it talks about,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 testament passage is speaking from 1 john 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,1 john,10,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 22 verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of jonah for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who,jonah,14,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 7 ezekiel chapter 30 we're looking at verses 24 and 25 proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 there before seeks which are,ezekiel,30,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 30 verse 24 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in luke chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,luke,28,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 9 spirit philemon chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs 17 verse 22 says a merry heart,philemon,17,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 22 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in amos chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,amos,1,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 27 wrong way patience joel chapter 6 verse 12 tells us we follow the prophets who through faith,joel,6,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 12 your portion as chapter 16 joel eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,joel,16,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 8 we're going to be hindering people haggai 16 25 now to him who is able to strengthen you,haggai,16,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 25 at the completion of the tabernacle jonah chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,jonah,40,34.0,1.0,jonah chapter 40 verse 34 from verse 4 to 3 1 mark 1 4 5 the bible says,mark,1,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 4 of king solomon a memory verse is taken from the book of 2 timothy 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the,2 timothy,29,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 11 5 don't ever be fraudulent again don't make money fraudulently ezekiel 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 as a heart,ezekiel,17,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 11 produces the fruit and we know in 2 corinthians chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,2 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 age and 2 corinthians 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,2 corinthians,13,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 when he said we look at 1 chronicles chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,1 chronicles,21,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 12 restoration restoration 2 john chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,2 john,1,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 26 look at chapter 41 colossians 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in,colossians,41,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 41 verse 14 protects them so to speak 1 peter 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,1 peter,12,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 13 i said praise god the book of titus chapter 96 verses 7 and 8,titus,96,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 96 verse 7 go straight to the word of god leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our,leviticus,1,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 and and the unders and the season uh the book of luke um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,luke,2,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 22 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 nehemiah chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,nehemiah,9,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 14 welcomed and forgiven and this is why jude 4 16 says let us therefore come,jude,4,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 16 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at philemon chapter 8 verse 22,philemon,8,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 22 tomorrow sunday ruth 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,ruth,105,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 105 verse 13 i wanted to show you in song of solomon (song of songs) is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,song of solomon (song of songs),12,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 14 verse 29 habakkuk chapter 4 verse 29,habakkuk,4,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 29 is made of pure gold 2 thessalonians 21 21 revelation 21 21,2 thessalonians,21,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 21 love scientists i love them on her wall was colossians 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,colossians,4,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 7 god answered them in ecclesiastes chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,ecclesiastes,4,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 29 reading from verse 7 1 kings 1 verse 7 in whom,1 kings,1,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 7 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions luke 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,luke,8,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 18 transgressor is hard in ecclesiastes chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that,ecclesiastes,21,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 16 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam 1 chronicles 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,1 chronicles,12,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 11 together you tell me what you are going through titus 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ,titus,6,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 2 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 haggai 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,haggai,26,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 26 verse 16 between worse one and two is described later on in nahum 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became,nahum,14,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 2 answered in jesus name we pray joel chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,joel,1,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 6 two corners to read verse number 20 leviticus chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,leviticus,2,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 these biblical principles standing and firm acting like men 1 john 1117 woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts,1 john,11,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 17 yearning for the more that god wants to do with us obadiah 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an,obadiah,8,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 19 lastly at night micah 4 26 is another good time,micah,4,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 26 it before this time let's look at peter's zephaniah a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,zephaniah,16,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 15 looking at jerry maya chapter 15. in 2 samuel chapter 15 we're reading from verse 16 we look at the word of god,2 samuel,15,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 16 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god 1 samuel 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,1 samuel,10,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 17 because you have escaped look at this 2 chronicles chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,2 chronicles,12,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 12 lamb memory verse psalms chapter 19 verse 9,psalms,19,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 9 so there is a contention job 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,job,26,18.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 18 when he says the length of your days he's referring to 1 peter 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,1 peter,6,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 3 of believers heirs of god it says in that malachi chapter 4 verse 7,malachi,4,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 7 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of malachi in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,malachi,2,41.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 41 reading from habakkuk chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,habakkuk,29,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 29 verse 11 and it echoes what paul talks about in nehemiah 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,nehemiah,3,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 28 chapter 17 verse 11 2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,2 chronicles,17,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 11 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's mark 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,mark,10,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 2 so many stories changing mark chapter 1 and verse 13 to 15 we have this illustrated one more time,mark,1,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 13 there's a little story that's recounted here in judges 24. proverbs 24 verse 30.,judges,24,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 24 verse 3 know and one of those prophecies specifically on the list is zephaniah chapter 18 and chapter 34 the idea that,zephaniah,18,34.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 34 [music] it was a work that sarah had in nehemiah chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,nehemiah,18,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 18 verse 2 beginning too that's 1 timothy 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,1 timothy,1,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put matthew 13 verse 4 up on the screen,matthew,13,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 4 verse 25 he said he will descend that's his 2 thessalonians he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further,2 thessalonians,1,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 25 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts 2 chronicles 4 8 purify your hearts,2 chronicles,4,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 8 verse 16 luke chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,luke,10,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 16 we will serve the lord when you leave that with nahum job 22 28 in a,nahum,22,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 28 "behind your back."" 2 corinthians 43 verse 25, ""i, even i,"" says god, ""i am the one that wipes out your transgressions",2 corinthians,43,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 43 verse 25 incorrect the answer is c mark 12 verse next question question 8,mark,12,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 8 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 amos 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,amos,2,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 12 tells us in 2 kings in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,2 kings,2,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 of no effect chapter 13 of zephaniah and verse 20,zephaniah,13,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 2 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in hosea 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,hosea,5,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 19 2 timothy chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 the uniqueness of x alina leadership hebrews,2 timothy,5,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 4 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. nahum 5 27 please go down there,nahum,5,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 27 not required we get this from 2 corinthians 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,2 corinthians,10,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 15 and the bible say god remember him in 1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,1 corinthians,14,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 2 chronicles chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,2 chronicles,3,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 3 2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after,2 thessalonians,15,36.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 36 judges chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,judges,5,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 24 that upheld god in high esteem haggai 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,haggai,41,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 41 verse 14 spirit it's in fulfillment of esther 8 verse 18 i and the children,esther,8,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 18 and establish this divine principle luke chapter 14 i read from verse 23,luke,14,23.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 23 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with 2 kings chapter 42 verse 2.,2 kings,42,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 42 verse 2 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in titus 58 3.,titus,58,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 58 verse 3 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of zephaniah chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,zephaniah,9,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 8 of his fullness have we all received grace for grace it tells us in esther chapter 3,esther,3,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 3 irrigation and the cycle continues in malachi 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in,malachi,26,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 8 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through leviticus chapter 2 verse 28,leviticus,2,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 28 and other prisoners at sea according to colossians 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,colossians,27,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 27 verse 14 of earth purified seven times 1 john chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom,1 john,3,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 17 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at zechariah chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,zechariah,33,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 25 of jesus jude chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,jude,8,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 18 their salvation allow that email 1 samuel chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,1 samuel,5,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 2 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ obadiah chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 i am more than a conqueror haggai chapter 8 verse 37.,haggai,8,37.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 37 tower and on it are often how do you have dominion malachi 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may,malachi,1,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 26 in the book of habakkuk chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 48 the grass with that the flower faith,habakkuk,40,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 40 verse 8 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in 1 corinthians chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,1 corinthians,32,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 17 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to 2 thessalonians chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,2 thessalonians,7,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 9 and that can lead to death as seen in malachi 32 7 we can also note this down to in first,malachi,32,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 32 verse 7 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and mark 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",mark,4,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 24 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king leviticus version and what does it say,leviticus,14,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 26 verse 6 habakkuk 12 6 a bible says whomsoever he loves,habakkuk,12,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 6 zephaniah if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12,zephaniah,3,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 12 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to zechariah chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,zechariah,3,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 12 "visibly. in fact, jude 1 verse 7 says, ""every eye will see him.""",jude,1,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 7 and verse 22 micah chapter 8 verse 22 the bible says while the earth remained,micah,8,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 22 he preached on one of his messages on prayer leviticus 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the,leviticus,62,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 62 verse 6 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to 2 kings now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,2 kings,6,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 19 in your life in jesus name and look at john chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free,john,6,18.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 18 see why as i feel this is how we should understand it 2 kings 8 29 says there for those whom he foreknew he also,2 kings,8,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 29 you're healed in jesus name look at ezekiel chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah,ezekiel,17,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 14 i want us to look at it again read with me malachi chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,malachi,1,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 5 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of amos on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,amos,4,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 5 agenda began in 2015. from the book of jude 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 gain access to the wisdom of god leviticus chapter 4 verse 6 the word of god tells us he said this is your,leviticus,4,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 6 verse 20 age obadiah the son of known,obadiah,1,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 2 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference 1 samuel 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,1 samuel,5,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 when he says the length of your days he's referring to haggai 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,haggai,6,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 3 tonight in jesus name in 1 kings chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8,1 kings,13,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 8 provoking the angels of god in job chapter 4 verse 30,job,4,3.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 3 nahum 44 reading from verse 28 isaiah chapter 44 and we're reading from verse 28,nahum,44,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 44 verse 28 just come up every week for the last several weeks ruth chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 the lord before then i read to you from 2 kings 3 verses 9 nineteen honor the lord with a,2 kings,3,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 9 thought by thought hopefully this passage ezra 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,ezra,3,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 21 step out and serve numbers 1 6 being confident in this very thing,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 above all things joel 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,joel,17,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 9 esther chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was shining forth in the economic sector of,esther,41,54.0,1.0,esther chapter 41 verse 54 name we pray in philemon 29 and verse 7 the bible says,philemon,29,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 29 verse 7 shoemaker says can you elaborate on 2 peter 6 4 is it referring to backsliding or,2 peter,6,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 4 encounters with light 2 peter 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,2 peter,3,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 15 in an abased blighted live look at 1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 it tells us there and god said let us,1 kings,1,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 important this for you say this for me 3 john chapter 10 verse 44,3 john,10,44.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 44 that end abstain from all appearance of evil 2 peter 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,2 peter,4,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 2 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible,ecclesiastes,10,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 11 government in 1 kings chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,1 kings,12,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 5 luke chapter 2 verse 11 revelation 2 verse 11 revelation 3 verse 6 revelation 36 revelation 3 verse 13,luke,3,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 6 judges chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will,judges,12,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 5 jesus mighty name we pray we are told in luke chapter 19 verse 11,luke,19,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 11 kings reign by wisdom 1 kings 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so,1 kings,8,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 15 the bible exactly zephaniah 8 verse 12 one of the blessings of the new covenant the lord says,zephaniah,8,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 12 it takes humility to receive it that's it you remember 3 john 4 6 god receives the proud but he gives,3 john,4,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 6 on the screen right now praise god jonah chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,jonah,25,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 25 verse 2 so atonement involves foregiveness in 1 chronicles 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,1 chronicles,16,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 3 which workers by love it tells us in 1 corinthians chapter 6 reading from verse 15 galatians chapter,1 corinthians,6,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 15 is taken from john chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8.,john,12,7.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 7 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in john chapter 66 number seven and eight,john,66,7.0,1.0,john chapter 66 verse 7 you're being too sensitive david you're taking this too far job 221 says god changes times,job,2,21.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 21 for me look at philemon chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,philemon,8,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 28 chapter one reading from verse seven in ecclesiastes chapter one verse seven it says,ecclesiastes,1,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 7 the book in 2 timothy chapter 7 and what is revelation chapter 7 verse 9 for example i believe it is,2 timothy,7,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 9 aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us colossians 1 21 lay aside all filthiness,colossians,1,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 21 prayers family matters anybody have those issues ecclesiastes 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,ecclesiastes,14,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 26 fellow israeli came from judah verse 2 and mark you see here has a concern hananiah this man who came did not offer,mark,1,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 2 no he's given us a lamentations and part of our job is to preach the gospel part of our job is to feed one another,lamentations,6,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 4 people will live super long lives philemon 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,philemon,65,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 65 verse 2 verse 14 malachi chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,malachi,1,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 14 testimonies this year philemon 51 11 therefore the redeemed of the lord shall return now rise you are,philemon,51,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 51 verse 11 you grow a wisdom at the summit obadiah chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you,obadiah,3,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 16 and our text will be 2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12.,2 kings,4,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in 2 timothy chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business,2 timothy,42,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 15 almighty god said in ruth 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,ruth,15,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 26 word of god and that's why 1 timothy chapter 23 verse 9,1 timothy,23,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 23 verse 9 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of,leviticus,4,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 the impact of the world in the book of ruth chapter 6 and verse 19.,ruth,6,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 19 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done 2 kings 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 you'll be flying with wings as ego in john 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,john,19,4.0,1.0,john chapter 19 verse 4 call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression esther 5 3 i read that one and look at it,esther,5,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 3 person is finished that's why 1 john chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,1 john,9,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 15 great job soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,job,6,15.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 15 in zechariah 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,zechariah,21,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 22 become more aware of his presence 2 thessalonians put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,2 thessalonians,42,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 42 verse 5 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading joel 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,joel,32,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 8 few jobs in the bible one of them is fun in job 46 verse 13 was the grandson of jacob the son of issachar one of the,job,46,13.0,1.0,job chapter 46 verse 13 to take a little time on it jude 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,jude,6,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 14 point about matthew 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,matthew,8,27.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 27 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at psalms chapter one verse two right you know if,psalms,1,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 2 between worse one and two is described later on in luke 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became,luke,14,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 2 mind the kana mind in jude chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,jude,8,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 6 i would actually support this real quick let me go there with jude 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah,jude,11,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 25 sarah micah chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,micah,18,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 11 what the lord has for us it says this in obadiah 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,obadiah,13,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 5 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues 1 peter 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,1 peter,2,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 8 verses 15 to 19. zechariah chapter 57 verses 15 to 19,zechariah,57,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 57 verse 15 knowledge 2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word,2 chronicles,10,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 17 real look at 1 john chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who,1 john,2,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 14 but as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children habakkuk 66 verse 7 to 8 acts chapter 6 verse 4 we,habakkuk,66,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 66 verse 7 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong amos 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,amos,1,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 3 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. john 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",john,6,12.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 12 power and the glory of god as you read in 2 timothy chapter 33 verse 14 to 23 their power so there is power in the presence,2 timothy,33,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 33 verse 14 where there's no sanctification 2 john 2 for by grace you've been saved verse 8,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 2 corinthians reading from verse 2 to 4 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 24 and thee that are christ have,2 corinthians,5,24.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 24 survey and just look at some words here haggai 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,haggai,1,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 2 blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only 2 john chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only,2 john,1,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 15 the real if he uh or 1 john 5 14 said the mark of maturity,1 john,5,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 14 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in micah 1 23 to 25.,micah,1,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 23 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in 2 kings chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,2 kings,24,34.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 24 verse 34 verse 17 in jonah chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him,jonah,2,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 17 lamentations chapter 2 we're reading from verse 3 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 3 how shall we escape if we,lamentations,2,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 3 their salvation allow that email 2 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,2 corinthians,5,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 read the scripture did 2 chronicles 33 and verse from verse 20 jeremiah 33 from verse 20. the bible says thus says the,2 chronicles,33,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 2 paul we read about him in another letter ruth in colossians chapter 4 verses 7 through 9 let me read this to,ruth,4,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 7 psalms chapter 1 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 1 verse 26 to 27 were made in his own image today that's why i stopped because,psalms,1,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 26 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,song of solomon (song of songs),6,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 9 unbelievable tongues we're coming to ezra chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with,ezra,3,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 13 to become the devil how many times only two according to 1 samuel chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth,1 samuel,2,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 11 chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 micah 37 to 8 he said when i open no man can,micah,3,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 7 is the lord of lords according to psalms 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,psalms,19,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 16 throughout scripture and other examples of this is jude 50 verse 20,jude,50,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 50 verse 2 and we'll read from verse 26 through the end of the chapter mark chapter 10 reading from 26 through the end,mark,10,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 26 verse 29. 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 29 he says then peter and the other apostles,1 timothy,5,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 5 number 8 judges chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers,judges,20,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 8 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ou4ba4_iju in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 it says but i have this complaint against you,2 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 people will live super long lives 2 chronicles 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,2 chronicles,65,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 65 verse 2 the bible says in leviticus 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,leviticus,23,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 7 "which he was the ruler. in haggai chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",haggai,27,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 3 is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in zechariah 23 and verse 29,zechariah,23,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 23 verse 29 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of amos chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,amos,3,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 8 40 to 42 that will show you the secret philemon 105 42 42 the people asked and he brought quills,philemon,105,42.0,1.0,philemon chapter 105 verse 42 a next levels encounter with your word 2 timothy chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob,2 timothy,9,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 8 the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man leviticus 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what,leviticus,16,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 25 look at chapter 3 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly,2 thessalonians,3,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 11 sixth day we read in 3 john 1 24 that he made the animals,3 john,1,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 24 in habakkuk chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,habakkuk,30,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 30 verse 22 unbelief amos 11 20 talks about the horrible tragedy of israel's unbelief revelation,amos,11,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 2 go into this new season look at sam job 20 when you read verse 2 uh uh david was praying a prayer there,job,20,2.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 2 make an ungodly request mostly said in 2 peter 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,2 peter,11,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 15 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 colossians chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,colossians,11,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 19 forward the holy spirit stopped them 2 corinthians 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped,2 corinthians,16,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 6 this is a toxic idea to the real unity of the church in judges 15 5 now may the god who gives perseverance and,judges,15,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 5 where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 3 john speaking here in verse 31 you o king were,3 john,2,31.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 31 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and 1 peter and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,1 peter,1,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 15 gonna be praying consigned a spirit of wisdom bible says in luke 24 verse 3 bible says a wise man is strong a man of,luke,24,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 24 verse 3 i know my covenant and abide with it ezra 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,ezra,11,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 32 must believe that he's able to do it titus 3 20 says noun to him,titus,3,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 2 heart god's word tells us in jonah chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 they would not repent and so god in 2 timothy chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,2 timothy,19,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 24 honesty just a couple of verses along that line habakkuk 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,habakkuk,17,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 17 verse 7 texts together revelations 13 8 malachi 1 verse 5 and 6 ephesians 5 verse 25 to 27 i draw the,malachi,13,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 8 even for this opportunity to show song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,song of solomon (song of songs),15,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 4 the essence of this passage so let's go to haggai chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,haggai,11,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 11 verse 26 in 2 kings chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man,2 kings,1,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 26 reading this direction so song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 look with me at verse 12 to 16.,song of solomon (song of songs),16,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 12 no hope john chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall,john,14,7.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 7 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 hosea chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,hosea,14,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 4 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ 2 timothy chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,2 timothy,11,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 15 right we've already looked at it in song of solomon (song of songs) 3 4 adulterous this reading is called the heart,song of solomon (song of songs),3,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 4 tomorrow sunday 1 peter 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,1 peter,105,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 105 verse 13 shall not the judge of all the earth do right 1 timothy 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,1 timothy,18,25.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 25 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of jonah before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,jonah,1,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 19 and tired of his defeated life he read joshua chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,joshua,7,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 7 in all things this is the essence of joshua chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15,joshua,1,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 15 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of esther chapter 5 verse 24.,esther,5,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 24 philemon chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse,philemon,1,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 17 2 timothy the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own,2 timothy,9,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 7 moses died because god took his life esther 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,esther,51,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 51 verse 13 it did not last for long because by the time you come to nehemiah chapter 2 and 3 which is just about,nehemiah,2,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 23 engaging the wisdom from above in obadiah chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,obadiah,12,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 3 amen amen now 1 peter 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,1 peter,29,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 29 verse 18 but let's read it again amos 5 22 and bible says but the fruit of the,amos,5,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 22 and then not too long after that according to 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,2 timothy,5,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 apostles they preach the word but if you go to micah chapter number 2 from verse 16 and 17,micah,2,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 16 had isaac been doing before he met his bride song of solomon (song of songs) 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,song of solomon (song of songs),24,62.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 24 verse 62 surrenders without struggle the bible says in joshua chapter 5 and verse 26,joshua,5,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 26 and we're reading from verse 27 nehemiah chapter 11 reading from verse 27,nehemiah,11,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 27 discretion a management of the family let's look at luke chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,luke,47,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 47 verse 13 number of things and i want to read you nahum 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,nahum,3,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 16 who's just come to the lord to start in numbers 1 and just be saturated with those 11,numbers,1,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 11 i will not forsake you colossians 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,colossians,13,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 5 don't receive grace because here it says malachi 4 verse 6 god gives grace only to the humble,malachi,4,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 6 have this seven full redemptive package in philemon 5 12. everybody in this church knows that,philemon,5,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 12 they do with 1 peter chapter two in the days of the toes,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's haggai 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,haggai,28,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 13 colossians chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 in his words in 3 john chapter 28 verse 15,3 john,28,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 15 closely the bible tells us there habakkuk 5 9 and 10 he said much more than being now justified by his blood we,habakkuk,5,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 9 church for life job 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,job,23,2.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 2 of what is before it is too late in 1 john chapter 21 genesis 21 from verse 14 to 21 genesis 21 from was 14 to 21,1 john,21,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 21 verse 14 malachi 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,malachi,24,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 9 that is inside of it that's why in 1 corinthians chapter 62 verse 5 the bible says my soul weight died only,1 corinthians,62,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 62 verse 5 in our hearts titus 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,titus,17,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 9 our lives and the other verse award in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 new body that is fit for eternity and it's like jesus in some way malachi 3 verses 20 and 21 it along the same,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen 1 kings 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,1 kings,2,47.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 47 16. colossians chapter 4 from verse 11 to 16 uh i read it from the new king james,colossians,4,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 11 of our hearts mark 29 13 says in sincerity and truth one corinthians 5 verse 8 and not,mark,29,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 13 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of zechariah chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,zechariah,22,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 2 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god jude 26 15 15 to 16,jude,26,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 26 verse 15 established in the lord verse 12 hosea chapter 1 but i want you to know brethren that the things which,hosea,1,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 12 person is finished that's why 1 thessalonians chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,1 thessalonians,9,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 15 good works that you're equipped for okay mark 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,mark,30,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 30 verse 5 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in esther 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,esther,8,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 23 like 1 corinthians was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,1 corinthians,12,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 2 kings on the isle of patmos later and over in revelation 22 17 jesus said when he met john on the,2 kings,22,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 17 prepare the way for the fire of the lord in lamentations chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the,lamentations,40,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 40 verse 3 all right so my question is this what it gots say in 3 john 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily devotional of monday,3 john,49,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 49 verse 8 david song of solomon (song of songs) romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day,song of solomon (song of songs),13,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 11 accountability and our bible text is in the book of amos chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,amos,14,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 12 unclean rags in 2 chronicles 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like,2 chronicles,64,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 64 verse 6 very clear matthew 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 this is god speaking to james fadel it says i know,matthew,29,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 11 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the 1 samuel of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,1 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 except that when you now read ecclesiastes 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christian,ecclesiastes,3,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 29 according to his purpose some people know only 2 thessalonians 8 28 they don't know the next verse,2 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at 1 peter reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5,1 peter,5,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 3 in obadiah chapter 31 31 to 33 jeremiah is prophesying about the redemption,obadiah,31,31.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 31 verse 31 [music] in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10,habakkuk,3,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 8 the uncle scripture we've used for this teaching series is mark 22 21 to 25 our queen now that i said with god and,mark,22,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 21 came down on anointed worship or look at 1 thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11,1 thessalonians,2,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 11 of egypt in job chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,job,2,3.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 3 justified by the law of moses joel chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we,joel,3,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 19 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,song of solomon (song of songs),2,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 5 7 1 thessalonians verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives,1 thessalonians,7,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 18 let's look at 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18,2 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 portion and stability leviticus 2018 plans are established,leviticus,20,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 18 to more more and god will establish your desired healing jonah 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,jonah,5,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 13 positive side of this and i want to turn to amos chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,amos,8,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 3 about song of solomon (song of songs) 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,song of solomon (song of songs),43,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 43 verse 13 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving 2 kings chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,2 kings,8,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 23 12 colossians 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,colossians,1,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 12 all symbols say so let's go to nehemiah now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how,nehemiah,10,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 28 praise the lord the book of zephaniah chapter 10 verses 38 and 39,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 in this church this coming sunday 1 timothy 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,1 timothy,13,44.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 44 earnestly and faithfully seek him obey him zephaniah 10 verse 4,zephaniah,10,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 4 i want us to look at it again read with me 3 john chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,3 john,1,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 5 reading from verse 7 malachi chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,malachi,7,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 7 tower and on it are often how do you have dominion ruth 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may,ruth,1,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 26 and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in ecclesiastes chapter 2 malachi chapter 2,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 just couldn't believe this is there in the book of 2 thessalonians i believe chart 8 verse 20 it says the harvest is past and,2 thessalonians,8,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 2 not want us to gather in micah chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11,micah,3,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 11 the falsehood of messengers nahum chapter 5 i say chapter 5,nahum,5,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 5 from the dominion of a holding pattern 1 chronicles 3 in verse 13 says that christ has redeemed us from the cross of the,1 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 see it in the future again reading from 2 corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9,2 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 19 ax and see the glorious time.com 1 peter chapter 19 ah reading from verse 7 he relationship a 19 verse 7 it,1 peter,19,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 19 verse 7 our mind to turn back to the thicks of the world it helps us in haggai chapter 10 reading from verse 38 hebrews,haggai,10,38.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 38 1 corinthians 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him,1 corinthians,39,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 39 verse 21 you his will as is the new covenant promise in lamentations 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,lamentations,8,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 11 greater sense and that's in 2 john revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,2 john,19,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 19 verse 7 the dead 17th chapter of the book of obadiah and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 there but when you read ecclesiastes 19 12 to 13 genesis 19 12 to 13,ecclesiastes,19,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 12 frosty's because life is spiritual colossians 8 verse 6 says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually,colossians,8,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 6 in 1 samuel 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,1 samuel,36,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 6 god created time we see it at creation philemon 1 2 tells us that the earth was without form and void,philemon,1,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 2 1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,1 corinthians,57,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 oppression no wonder in the book of 2 chronicles 40 49 26,2 chronicles,40,49.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 40 verse 49 nahum 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,nahum,10,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 12 the mouth of paul the 2 john church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,2 john,4,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 8 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet mark look at verse 17,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,1 corinthians,2,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 exist between the two i quoted to you from ruth chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,ruth,6,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 23 fruit of the spirit for example in mark 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,mark,5,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 22 of spiritual battles and our memory verse was taken from esther 9 6,esther,9,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 6 name is not mentioned with the other four ezra in hebrews 11 32 but barrick is mentioned,ezra,11,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 32 to be chosen to be the one who would have fulfilled 1 timothy 9 6 behold a virgin will conceive and,1 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 from verse 9 to 17 zechariah chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,zechariah,7,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 7 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in job chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,job,7,7.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 7 look at some examples in scriptures ecclesiastes chapter 4 and verse 12 we are told concerning a performance he said a,ecclesiastes,4,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12 from verse three it says in jonah chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,jonah,3,36.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 36 luke chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,luke,3,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 17 him said behave the same way in ezra chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,ezra,15,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 32 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in jude chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,jude,9,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 24 busy and the bible tells us in zephaniah 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this,zephaniah,22,29.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 29 chapter 14 verse 13 in malachi chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,malachi,14,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 13 verse 13 ruth chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,ruth,2,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 13 his flock numbers chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,numbers,30,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 19 revealed who gets to know this glory spoken about in job who gets to walk in this in luke chapter 2 and verse 8,job,2,8.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 8 lands all lands mark chapter 20 and verse 6.,mark,20,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 6 the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in leviticus chapter eight verse seven and eight that,leviticus,8,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 7 know and one of those prophecies specifically on the list is nahum chapter 18 and chapter 34 the idea that,nahum,18,34.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 34 clearly who you paradise in your life in leviticus chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking,leviticus,3,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 19 can just put your faith in jesus and john chapter 10 43 here's what peter says to cornelius he says to him to,john,10,43.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 43 mind in hell turning back to nahum chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,nahum,4,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 2 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,song of solomon (song of songs),2,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 13 advance the common judgments we had the story in lamentations chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,lamentations,18,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 18 verse 17 what you should do with your mouth 1 samuel 4 15 ephesians 4 15,1 samuel,4,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 15 isaac the quality blessing and in 2 kings 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,2 kings,37,31.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 37 verse 31 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through nehemiah the prophet he took our infirmities and,nehemiah,8,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 17 of prayer in the hosea we see psalm 40 verse 8 these words i delight to do your will,hosea,40,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 40 verse 8 god cannot forget you 1 peter 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15.,1 peter,49,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 14 throughout scripture and other examples of this is 1 timothy 50 verse 20,1 timothy,50,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 50 verse 2 nurturing new churches for growth haggai chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,haggai,14,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 21 answered in jesus name we pray numbers chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 faith without walks is dead 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,1 corinthians,2,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 haven't noticed before so in zephaniah chapter 1 x raptor1 verses 3 through 5 it says about jesus he,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 see the lord face to face look at 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 but the path,2 corinthians,4,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 reporters justified he has also glorified numbers 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ,numbers,8,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 3 for example in nehemiah chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 the bible tells us,nehemiah,13,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 21 said in 1 corinthians chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,1 corinthians,28,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 16 characterized by fire and i want you to see them in 3 john chapter 2 please acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 17,3 john,2,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 17 verse 12 in ezra chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,ezra,13,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 12 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in jude chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,jude,12,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 15 in the book of joel 5 and verse 8 ephesians 5 and verse 8 the bible makes us to,joel,5,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 8 out judges chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,judges,4,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 12 four hundred and thirty years is exactly what psalms 12 verse 40 says; and it was four hundred and thirty years after the final declaration,psalms,12,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 4 1 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems,1 timothy,14,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 1 peter went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,1 peter,1,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible ruth chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles,ruth,4,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 11 ruth 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way,ruth,22,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 22 verse 28 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at ecclesiastes chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,ecclesiastes,15,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 26 you're doing this the first one is in amos chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,amos,40,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 40 verse 3 chapter 1 verse 24 2 timothy chapter 1,2 timothy,1,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 24 ezra 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,ezra,11,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 6 come to that but here it says in jonah 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,jonah,4,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 15 in the book of 1 peter chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 obadiah 6 19 to 22 god had to rescue daniel from the uh from the jaws and the claws of the lions,obadiah,6,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 19 be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is matthew chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus,matthew,15,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 2 is ecclesiastes 29 verse 1 is in hebrew deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 69 in other words it's the end of the previous,ecclesiastes,29,69.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 69 they corrupt others they corrupt others mark 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,mark,15,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 15 verse 2 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual hosea 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,hosea,50,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 50 verse 17 philemon chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16. the scripture says romans chapter 6,philemon,6,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 16 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought lamentations 23 and verse 23,lamentations,23,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 23 the tree of life until when in 1 kings chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,1 kings,22,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 22 verse 22 under a speech look at verse 14 of that ecclesiastes chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,ecclesiastes,2,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 14 god about your fruitfulness in numbers chapter 49 25 genesis chapter 49 25 the bible says evil by the god of thy father,numbers,49,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 49 verse 25 manifestation titus chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,titus,4,29.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 29 important thing in the world in in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,song of solomon (song of songs),40,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 verse 5 1 1 thessalonians chapter 1 28,1 thessalonians,1,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 28 the man inside the grace of god look at habakkuk chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,habakkuk,5,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 17 made themselves filthy vile and he restrained them not 2 corinthians 13 verse 24 correct,2 corinthians,13,24.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 24 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god nahum 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,nahum,10,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 17 and you see a shame chapter 22 of 1 chronicles revelation 22 verse 7 behold,1 chronicles,22,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 7 like some determinist suggests about 1 chronicles 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,1 chronicles,16,33.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 33 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so leviticus chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,leviticus,6,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 9 everyone who partakes only of milk habakkuk 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,habakkuk,5,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 13 experienced and it's 2 john 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,2 john,58,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 58 verse 13 in high places let's look at ecclesiastes chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,ecclesiastes,6,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 11 matthew chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other,matthew,9,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 8 against the global crusade 2 peter chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,2 peter,22,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 22 verse 28 ministry of reconciliation and in mark chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire,mark,13,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 17 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously habakkuk chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,habakkuk,2,42.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 42 god will give us his power his gifts but colossians 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,colossians,42,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 42 verse 8 from the new testament we see peter in habakkuk after three verse 12 there was this and when peter saw it,habakkuk,3,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 12 live on like that in psalms chapter 5 16 ecclesiastes chapter 5 we're looking at,psalms,5,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 16 chapter 2 and 3. the reference in verse 25 comes out of esther 34.,esther,34,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 25 verse 3. 2 chronicles chapter 3 we're looking now at verse 3,2 chronicles,3,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 3 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in ruth 13 44 we are told,ruth,13,44.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 44 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also esther chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,esther,11,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 24 sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in 2 john 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn,2 john,23,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 32 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in 2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,2 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,1 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from psalms chapter 7 and verse 11.",psalms,7,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 11 will because in numbers 18 verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 / 70 to 90 god said concern abraham he said i know abraham,numbers,18,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 17 what are you going to steal from me what ruth 4 verse 4 unit 1 4 verse 4 turns out that the only joy did,ruth,4,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 4 of your heart then there's ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,ecclesiastes,12,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 equals glory to jesus paul the apostle says in john 8 verse 16,john,8,16.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 16 that was nehemiah 7 i'm sorry romans 14 verse 7 to 12. you know we must all appear,nehemiah,14,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 7 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in 3 john uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,3 john,12,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 4 somebody said bigger amen ecclesiastes chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations,ecclesiastes,5,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 26 this city but things did not go as planned look at 1 thessalonians four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city,1 thessalonians,4,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 5 hallelujah in 2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 16 we are told there is that it's not of him that will,2 thessalonians,9,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 16 shall be wise 1 john 13 verse 20 you can't be walking with the only wise,1 john,13,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 2 brethren can we open to the book of matthew 103 verse 2 psalm 103 verse 2,matthew,103,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 103 verse 2 to take a little time on it psalms 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,psalms,6,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 14 some quiet time with the lord at the end of the day 2 kings said in isaiah 26 9 with my soul i have desired you in the,2 kings,26,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 9 and the interest of his kingdom now let's rewind a little in numbers chapter 1 verse 26 god said let now let,numbers,1,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 26 the glory that i am instituted in the life of man what does that mean 1 peter chapter 8 verse 11 now listen very well,1 peter,8,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 11 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in jonah chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,jonah,12,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 5 forever and ever so numbers 11 30 plus proverbs 3 35 equals daniel 12 3. so you can remove the scriptures,numbers,11,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 3 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in zechariah chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,zechariah,3,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 9 knowing notice what it says here in lamentations chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the,lamentations,20,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 4 i can have it that's why he asked for it nehemiah 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17,nehemiah,13,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 14 and you will praise the lord in jesus name in mark chapter five james chapter five,mark,5,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 5 the church continues to grow leviticus chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,leviticus,1,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 12 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read numbers 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,numbers,17,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 5 leviticus chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible tells us that noah had three,leviticus,9,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 2 apostles see zephaniah 1 8 to 9 for that,zephaniah,1,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 8 but the opposite of that it says in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13,2 thessalonians,2,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 to offer from scriptures we are told in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 9 and verse 6 the bible tells us there it says for,1 thessalonians,9,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 6 without the savior how can you look at jonah chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,jonah,3,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 19 song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles track of what gina a medium from verse 7 acts chapter 7 chapter 14 verse 7 and there and there d,song of solomon (song of songs),14,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 7 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in ezra 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,ezra,1,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 4 i wanted to give you um two words one in joel chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35.,joel,10,35.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 35 like bestiality verse 24 then of colossians 18 do not defile yourselves by any of,colossians,18,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 18 verse 24 and night on tonight's shared knowledge job 19 7 all the brethren of the poor do hate him,job,19,7.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 7 verse 17 and verses 18 and 21 in 2 corinthians chapter 21 and she had a great and high wall with 12 gates,2 corinthians,21,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 18 thought by thought hopefully this passage job 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,job,3,21.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 21 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in titus that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 your choice it's up to you what you're going to do then in ezekiel 55 and verse 6 isaiah says come on seek ye the lord,ezekiel,55,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 55 verse 6 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in psalms 25 20,psalms,25,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 2 around the world because of 2 timothy chapter 24 and verse 5,2 timothy,24,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 24 verse 5 in ezra chapter 41 verse 14 to 39 genesis 41 14 to 39 the bible talked about joseph there was,ezra,41,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 41 verse 14 look at jonah chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were,jonah,2,37.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 37 when the lord is warning the people of israel 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the,1 samuel,8,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 11 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 ecclesiastes 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,ecclesiastes,1,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9 it says here in mark 50 verse 17 [music],mark,50,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 50 verse 17 a sister and it yeah i'll just read the account in lamentations chapter 16 verse 11. we boarded a boat at troas and sailed,lamentations,16,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 11 jahangir let us look at 1 peter chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,1 peter,49,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 7 why 1 john 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,1 john,2,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 9 collusion 1 27 1 thessalonians 1 27 christ in you the hope of,1 thessalonians,1,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 27 stubbornness in amos chapter 1 if you guys want to write it down romans 1 verse 26 talks about how god says the more and,amos,1,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 26 that is against you to conquer you and that's what he's saying in 2 thessalonians 27 5 to 7 he's making it very clear,2 thessalonians,27,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 27 verse 5 2013 by papa over again with leviticus tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,leviticus,7,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 14 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,song of solomon (song of songs),33,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 11 receive us for the glory of his father philemon 1 verses 3,philemon,1,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 3 one prayer point and we are done micah chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,micah,1,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 9 esther chapter 2 verse four ibaka to was four romans 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17 galatians 3 verse 11 galatians 3 verse 11 and,esther,2,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 4 message translation from the message translation titus 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible,titus,19,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 21 how he wants to relate with man in micah 3 if you look at it from verse 8 and they heard the voice of the lord,micah,3,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 8 and faith we're told in malachi chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus,malachi,5,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 3 moment in song of solomon (song of songs) 17 verse 11 which is the passage i quoted earlier leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 for the life of,song of solomon (song of songs),17,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 11 the bomb of gilia the bible says in the book of 1 peter chapter 53 verse 5 but he was wounded for our,1 peter,53,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 53 verse 5 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of 1 thessalonians in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,1 thessalonians,5,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 abide i said i will abide i said you will abide chapter 19 oh 1 john verse 23 it says the fear of the lord,1 john,19,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 23 isaac the quality blessing and in 2 chronicles 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,2 chronicles,37,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 37 verse 31 that like what they were looking at last night in haggai 63 64 deuteronomy 28 psalm 80,haggai,63,64.0,1.0,haggai chapter 63 verse 64 the book of mark isaiah chapter 10 verse 17,mark,10,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 17 after the holy ghost is come upon you 2 john chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8,2 john,1,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 8 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in ezra 3. how on earth like in what,ezra,22,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 3 hunters and fishes of the lord hunters and fishes of the lord micah chapter 16 verse 16,micah,16,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 16 coming to you this in psalms chapter 15 verse 26 and said,psalms,15,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 26 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness nahum 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,nahum,1,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 4 retirement age will be easy john 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,john,21,2.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 2 you are going to get to your destination ezekiel chapter 32 verse 26 exodus chapter 32 verse 26 recalls that moses,ezekiel,32,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 32 verse 16 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in matthew chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,matthew,9,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 24 being lord of your life once again in micah 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,micah,8,29.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 29 find the most interesting question psalms 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before,psalms,33,31.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 31 candlestick when you read in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 20 that the seven candlesticks,1 peter,1,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 2 1 chronicles 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,1 chronicles,5,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 17 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of hosea and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,hosea,3,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 12 and the love of god will not be in your heart in numbers chapter 5 verse 22,numbers,5,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 22 in church numbers 10 verse 25 the word commands not,numbers,10,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 25 crucified to the world it tells us in obadiah chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,obadiah,6,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 6 said uh 2 thessalonians 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us,2 thessalonians,5,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 8 because it is written in 1 samuel 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do,1 samuel,4,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 13 you know the story of joseph zephaniah 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,zephaniah,37,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 37 verse 5 end from the beginning 1 thessalonians chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,1 thessalonians,46,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 46 verse 9 might be the bible says in psalms chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man 2 corinthians 4 verse 20,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 and so i want to look back at 2 chronicles chapter 6 at the beginning what does it say it says in verse 5 it,2 chronicles,6,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 5 carry you through look at matthew chapter one a meeting from verse three joshua chapter one verse 3 every place the soul,matthew,1,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 3 in haggai chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11,haggai,5,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 11 help other people and making them better look at first malachi chapter 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos,malachi,18,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 18 verse 24 time the bible says in lamentations chapter 8 and verse 7,lamentations,8,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 7 you have a couple scriptures like in the 3 john passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,3 john,22,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 3 god's spirit why do we say so in 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,1 samuel,8,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 26 joshua chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4. tells us,joshua,2,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 4 look at malachi chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,malachi,14,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 14 book of nehemiah again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he,nehemiah,28,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 12 18 joel 17 from verse 15 to 18 when god spoke to him about him see,joel,17,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 15 the book in job chapter 7 and what is revelation chapter 7 verse 9 for example i believe it is,job,7,9.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 9 we are and yet did not sin never fell he was made like us luke 217 in all things he was tempted like us in all,luke,2,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 17 we read of one of those prophecies in 1 corinthians which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was,1 corinthians,8,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 17 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what 1 samuel 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,1 samuel,7,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 14 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god ezekiel 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,ezekiel,10,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 17 chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 habakkuk 37 to 8 he said when i open no man can,habakkuk,3,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 7 except in the sense of titus 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,titus,5,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 16 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean colossians 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,colossians,11,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 6 directly 3 john 34 16 seek out of the book of the lord read none of these shall fail,3 john,34,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 34 verse 16 destroy particularly through the sexual area danger number four nehemiah chapter three the danger of seeking a,nehemiah,3,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 3 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in joshua chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,joshua,9,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 9 hi mike do you think habakkuk 321 should be used to determine,habakkuk,3,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 21 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 joel chapter 1,joel,1,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 15 let me just read this scripture in ruth 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall,ruth,27,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 24 joel chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15,joel,13,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 15 and to elijah look at 2 peter chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,2 peter,11,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 5 and then in judges chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,judges,6,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 16 and a nation to be born at once job 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,job,66,7.0,1.0,job chapter 66 verse 7 of you have dropped out but so we start with ecclesiastes 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,ecclesiastes,1,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 11 the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him habakkuk chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore,habakkuk,13,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 15 out i want to do this leviticus 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,leviticus,20,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 17 in our hearts 2 peter 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,2 peter,17,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 9 sons this is such an honorable privilege joel 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,joel,8,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 17 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of leviticus he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,leviticus,1,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 5 exactly like he loved jesus that was a great psalms from john 17 23 i can show you the verse you can,psalms,17,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 17 verse 23 believes he allowed a man job chapter 11 number 30 he that winneth souls is wise shall rise on our,job,11,3.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 3 remember what we saw in that book of zephaniah 23 and verse 25 i will take sickness away,zephaniah,23,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 25 of jesus 2 peter chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,2 peter,8,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 18 amos proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 said the fear of the lord is the beginning of,amos,1,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 7 it says zechariah chapter 4 and verse 12.,zechariah,4,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 12 is the most high most high ezekiel chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus,ezekiel,5,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 8 as we saw in reuben psalms 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,psalms,49,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 49 verse 3 his might in us hosea 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says,hosea,3,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 16 except they agree and according to numbers chapter 6 16 proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. now,numbers,6,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 16 you are delivered praise the lord colossians chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the,colossians,15,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 21 when he answers prayer according ezra 29 11 he says the thoughts that i think towards you are not thoughts of,ezra,29,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 29 verse 11 reading from verse 8 haggai chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 kingdom in the this is a vision given to song of solomon (song of songs) verse 2 of chapter 40 he brought me into the,song of solomon (song of songs),40,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 verse 2 good works that you're equipped for okay 1 thessalonians 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,1 thessalonians,30,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 5 in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also ecclesiastes that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for,ecclesiastes,2,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 4 back in nehemiah when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,nehemiah,5,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 12 which you send your promise that's why it says in 2 chronicles 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will,2 chronicles,33,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 3 shame god will never put to shame his people 2 corinthians 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself,2 corinthians,50,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 5 perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in micah 4 and verse 6,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 biblical principle it says this in nehemiah 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put,nehemiah,4,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 22 tooth which by the way is jonah 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,jonah,21,24.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 24 for strengthened body and bearers in 2 john chapter 49 we have from verse 13 he says,2 john,49,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 49 verse 13 like in 1 corinthians chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14. he visited abraham i said he came himself,1 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 when you read ruth chapter number 29 verse 18 proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 in the king james translation it says this,ruth,29,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 18 let's look at job chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18,job,1,18.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 18 accursed 1 kings chapter 12,1 kings,12,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 12 [music] let me just close yet with ecclesiastes chapter five few verses,ecclesiastes,5,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 5 found in 2 samuel 2 14 to 17. i love that james just he perfectly illustrates this for us he perfectly,2 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 attention to the humble 1 timothy chapter 1 i mean psalm 13 8 verse 6 psalm 138 verses,1 timothy,138,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 138 verse 6 chapter 2 we're looking at verse 11 titus chapter 2,titus,2,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 11 he kills a crime for us in heaven two scriptures here again lamentations 26 22 paul,lamentations,26,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 22 seven we are trying to understand god's ways ezekiel in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32,ezekiel,7,32.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 7 verse 32 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in 1 corinthians 18 19,1 corinthians,18,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 19 praise god now if you look at 1 chronicles chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,1 chronicles,3,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 8 ghost yours in jesus name 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 19 and being not weak in faith,2 samuel,4,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 19 there is a link between poverty and sale ezekiel chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors,ezekiel,30,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 30 verse 15 established in the lord verse 12 amos chapter 1 but i want you to know brethren that the things which,amos,1,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 12 beginning too that's john 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,john,1,4.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 4 well numbers chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 and i'm reading from verse 24. 2 kings chapter 65 are you there,2 kings,65,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 65 verse 24 reading from verse 25. the bible says in verse 25 1 thessalonians 14 verse 25,1 thessalonians,14,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 25 was to be taken outside the gates of the city 2 corinthians 13 11 and 12 says jesus suffered outside the gate and that's,2 corinthians,13,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 11 i cast it out of every life this morning 2 thessalonians 2 2 the spirit which now works in the,2 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 amen the bible says in ecclesiastes 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,ecclesiastes,13,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 11 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccpnermuby and then verses 19 and 20 of esther 6 our witness in the world is affected by,esther,6,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 19 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation 2 chronicles 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,2 chronicles,15,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 4 through me being dead to self and alive to god in joshua 6 and verse 14 the bible tells us therefore the apostle,joshua,6,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 14 than what god's doing let me read a few more of these nehemiah 26 3 perhaps they will listen and everyone will turn from,nehemiah,26,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 26 verse 3 philemon 17 4 to 6 genesis 174 to see he changed the name of abraham to,philemon,17,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 4 nurturing new churches for growth philemon chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,philemon,14,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 21 6 in ezekiel chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,ezekiel,30,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 30 verse 6 people look at ezekiel chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,ezekiel,3,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 23 during righteousness bible says in haggai chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,haggai,6,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 4 because nehemiah chapter 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 promise you you just do my will never be sick again they said,nehemiah,15,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 26 nahum chapter 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17. galatians chapter 3 verse 11,nahum,1,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 17 seven weeks is seven sets of seven years which according to nehemiah chapter 25 is 49,nehemiah,25,49.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 25 verse 49 with us tonight before we sleep 1 chronicles 6 9. the bible says and let us not be weary,1 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 like david ruth 64 and verse 4 says for since the beginning,ruth,64,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 64 verse 4 verse 7 2 peter 23 verse 7 that has a human thinker,2 peter,23,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 7 point of pure and generous gifts you know provost bob says in luke 11 24 says there is he that scatter and yet,luke,11,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 24 yesterday book of 1 peter galatians chapter 6 and verse 17 it says from now on,1 peter,6,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 17 troop shall be established hosea chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,hosea,8,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 18 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in 2 thessalonians 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,2 thessalonians,20,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 14 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder jude 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,jude,28,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 28 verse 12 important coming from the throne of god we're looking at nehemiah chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 18,nehemiah,14,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 18 their grave in amos chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,amos,1,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 22 and moses we are told about moses in titus chapter 11 verse 27 that by faith moses forsook,titus,11,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 27 knowledge of god so when when you read mark chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,mark,1,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our colossians series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens,colossians,11,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 12 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in esther 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 6 tells her the same thing psalms chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 6. it says knowing this,psalms,6,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 6 summon to recognize potential this was what paul was writing about in 2 thessalonians 1 and verse 18 when it talks about our,2 thessalonians,1,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 18 great white throne judgment everything changes in 2 samuel 20 verse 11. we'll get to there,2 samuel,20,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 20 verse 11 we're in 3 john how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,3 john,13,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 4 shout hallelujah in the book of mark chapter 10 and verse 7 the word of god tells us there,mark,10,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 7 verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and philemon 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has,philemon,2,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 6 in his words in esther chapter 28 verse 15,esther,28,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 15 or contemplation on a particular matter we are told in the book of leviticus chapter 24 and verse 63 that isaac went,leviticus,24,63.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 63 jesus name habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from,habakkuk,1,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 exhorted valley in jesus name there is also a value of destruction in 1 timothy chapter 16 to 17,1 timothy,16,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 16 verse 16 verse 3 3 john 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 right non to jewish people john 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people,john,22,27.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 27 32 and verse 27 2 peter 32 27 was it behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,2 peter,32,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 32 verse 27 of the harvest 2 peter 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women,2 peter,4,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 4 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 2 corinthians 32,2 corinthians,7,32.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 32 yourselves to prayer it said in nahum 4 2 with alert mind and a,nahum,4,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 2 still given to the humble and what does grace do well ezekiel 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,ezekiel,13,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 8 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in micah chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,micah,16,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 6 killed but we read in jude 11 40 verse 39 sorry all of these,jude,11,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 4 drives me to find him more i will find him more because titus 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that,titus,4,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 8 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of hosea 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,hosea,1,24.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 24 things is this beautiful verse in judges 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,judges,29,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 29 verse 11 paul was had intercessor lamentations 1 16 to 23 colossians 1 9 to 12 the result of intercession,lamentations,1,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 16 and day and night shall not see now in colossians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,colossians,4,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 15 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um hosea 22 and verse 22,hosea,22,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 22 the word of god now in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,2 chronicles,8,37.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 life we're looking at joel chapter 6 verse 6 again,joel,6,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 6 righteous study a to to the to answer matthew 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added,matthew,15,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 28 and matthew 15 20 8 says for it seemed good to the holy,matthew,15,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 2 prayed scripture says in esther 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,esther,8,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 13 oppression no wonder in the book of habakkuk 40 49 26,habakkuk,40,49.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 40 verse 49 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams habakkuk 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible,habakkuk,20,36.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 36 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of 2 timothy chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,2 timothy,9,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 8 looking at ecclesiastes chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 14 james chapter 3 verse 14 but she have beta and win and,ecclesiastes,3,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 acceptable unto god while looking at zechariah chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation,zechariah,19,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 6 we're gonna get down to the birthright in job 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,job,25,29.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 29 the church continues to grow 3 john chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,3 john,1,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 12 malachi chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear,malachi,5,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 12 i'm reading from verse 5. numbers chapter 22 we're looking at verse 5,numbers,22,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 5 inherit the promises 1 kings 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,1 kings,6,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 12 generations jesus so that was what mark 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,mark,1,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 13 a sin let me take you to a passage that talks about this nahum 4 26 if in ephesians 4 26 same author paul so,nahum,4,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 26 incomplete to complete the bible tells us in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 he said,malachi,1,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 6 8 hosea chapter 8 verse 19,hosea,8,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 19 and the people of god said amen matthew chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,matthew,5,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 9 9 6. 1 timothy 9 6 says his name will be called and it lists these things,1 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 bible says in 1 kings chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you,1 kings,1,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 5 describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in joshua 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and,joshua,19,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 7 chapter 1 in esther chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,esther,1,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 22 get greater glory when you look at 1 samuel chapter 5 from verse 17 to 25 acts 5 from 17 to 25 and you compare ai 8 which,1 samuel,5,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 17 read the scripture um colossians chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 and it's just the title of this lesson titus 15 verse 3 says the lord is a man of war,titus,15,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 3 the lord before then i read to you from jonah 3 verses 9 nineteen honor the lord with a,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 chapter 13 colossians chapter 13 you know we're looking at verse 15 it says by him,colossians,13,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 15 because he cried to god in numbers 33 from verse 18 to 23 exodus 33 from verse 18 to 23 he said god thank,numbers,33,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 18 williams is going to read for us matthew 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready,matthew,35,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 35 verse 3 hosea definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing,hosea,1,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 19 now jonah 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 obey him ruth chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by,ruth,15,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 19 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth nehemiah chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,nehemiah,6,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 2 your bibles to 2 john chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,2 john,13,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 17 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in 1 samuel 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,1 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and leviticus 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",leviticus,1,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 3 see some of the problem here in malachi 4 24,malachi,4,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 24 verse 19 job 20 19 summon the lord with humility and many tears and try which happened to,job,20,19.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 19 in church joshua 10 verse 25 the word commands not,joshua,10,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 25 he places it in the center of the people and then he says this in haggai 32 4 and 5 these are your gods o israel who,haggai,32,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 4 psalm 105 13 to 15 nahum 1 number 13 in whom you are us he also trusted after,nahum,1,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 13 carry you through look at zephaniah chapter one a meeting from verse three joshua chapter one verse 3 every place the soul,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 of excellence i love that scripture in jonah 31 29 see many daughters has done well,jonah,31,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 31 verse 29 they do with ruth chapter two in the days of the toes,ruth,2,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 2 our souls in god and it's ezra 11 verse 6,ezra,11,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 6 now let's turn back to 1 thessalonians 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,1 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 for your sake in the name of jesus judges 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,judges,54,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 54 verse 14 things that should come to me easily in habakkuk chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,habakkuk,8,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 8 damnation 2 corinthians 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the,2 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 7 2 thessalonians verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives,2 thessalonians,7,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 18 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not 3 john 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,3 john,10,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 9 section numbers 737 after explaining all the sacrifices it then summarizes and it,numbers,7,37.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 37 know he saw the the incompleteness of man in 1 corinthians 2 18. that was the first problem god encountered in creation he,1 corinthians,2,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 conclusion ezra chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,ezra,17,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 9 bible makes it very clear in the book of haggai chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,haggai,100,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 100 verse 4 2021 make it stronger and louder zechariah chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god,zechariah,1,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 morning lamentations chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,lamentations,5,42.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 42 local chapter of 2 kings chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them,2 kings,3,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 9 verse 17 to 24 job chapter 65 verse 17 to,job,65,17.0,1.0,job chapter 65 verse 17 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into 3 john 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,3 john,5,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 22 give 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,2 samuel,4,29.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 29 2 timothy chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,2 timothy,8,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 13 in our hearts jude 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,jude,17,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 9 3 john chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,3 john,11,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 25 not start that practice from now leviticus 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,leviticus,15,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 19 earth today esther 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,esther,3,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 16 1 corinthians chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,1 corinthians,14,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 18 in 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 19 romans chapter 8 verse 19 the word of god is clear,2 thessalonians,8,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 19 called zechariah in proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 the bible said,zechariah,14,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 28 the book of 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,1 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 about bearing with one another right 2 kings 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,2 kings,3,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 13 others you know that love is not genuine in 2 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 determines verse 5 god says,2 timothy,6,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 relationship with our sheep listen to uh job 7 verse 7 which says this remember your leaders those who spoke to,job,7,7.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 7 without power god's word has power 1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 read to you from the living hebrews 4 verse 12 said,1 corinthians,4,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 it's not even there anymore 2 corinthians 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who,2 corinthians,21,29.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 29 16 32 colossians 16 32 already quickly proverbs,colossians,16,32.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 32 promised for you turn with me regulations now habakkuk in chapter 3 and verse 13 and 14 this is an amazing,habakkuk,3,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 13 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 haggai chapter 2 verse 5,haggai,2,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 5 to triumph over the enemy in our test 1 timothy chapter 8 in verse 8 right here also the jews as,1 timothy,8,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 8 so when you're running a conflict learn to listen malachi 18 13 says only a fool answers a matter before he's heard,malachi,18,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 18 verse 13 of his success he told us in the book of 3 john 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7,3 john,71,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 71 verse 7 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 1 john 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,1 john,9,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 31 questions so 1 john 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,1 john,11,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 14 we will read verses 21 through 25. habakkuk one 21 therefore put away,habakkuk,1,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 21 chapter 8 and verse 12 job 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,job,8,12.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 12 way down to verse nine joshua chapter two verse three to verse nine,joshua,2,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 3 chapter 72 habakkuk chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17,habakkuk,32,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 17 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of psalms 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,psalms,11,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 8 seven we are trying to understand god's ways job in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32,job,7,32.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 32 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in lamentations chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he,lamentations,9,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 6 that i just put it is is is a scripture in nehemiah 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,nehemiah,61,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 61 verse 3 members give room to the devil amos 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore,amos,4,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 27 all their sins 1 corinthians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 all human blessings flew in luke chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do,luke,3,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 2 version so we're going to read that together this morning ecclesiastes 3 and verse 12 from the,ecclesiastes,3,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 12 chapter 14 2 thessalonians chapter 14 i read from verse 17 the kingdom yes of,2 thessalonians,14,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 17 jude chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter,jude,11,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 26 and yet he says in this world in lamentations chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.,lamentations,3,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 2 the importance of hearing god's voice like in nehemiah 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,nehemiah,1,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 isn't it jacob ezekiel 14 verse 12 and revelation let me just go to these two passages start with isaiah 14 verse 12 how are,ezekiel,14,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 12 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,2 thessalonians,2,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 experienced without passing the test the bible says in job 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,job,4,18.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 18 constantly warned against that listen to titus 16 17 urge you brother and keep your eye on those who cause,titus,16,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 17 in the book of john 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you,john,2,5.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 5 "offering."" now the testimony of haggai chapter 11 and verse 4 is that abel is a model of faith.",haggai,11,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 4 to need to be very conscious in hosea chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,hosea,3,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 5 with the things that are good for us you can read song of solomon (song of songs) 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,song of solomon (song of songs),1,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 17 beyond expectations ezekiel chapter 1 verse 28.,ezekiel,1,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 28 no wonder paul cry in colossians chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,colossians,8,35.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 35 of the leaves now 2 peter 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,2 peter,18,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 2 crucified to the world it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,ecclesiastes,6,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 6 and book phenomenon with the bible every day 2 timothy 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,2 timothy,32,47.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 32 verse 47 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to 2 chronicles 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,2 chronicles,27,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 3 towards our lord jesus christ joshua chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,joshua,26,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 19 example of a mad woman telling her husband to commit suicide in 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 look at all this happening you,2 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 be seven years well if you look at the book of nahum chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,nahum,9,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 24 deceiving themselves ezra 1 26,ezra,1,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 26 seen in these words by the author of john hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the,john,2,5.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 5 just a fact it's no excuse but it's a fact paul in ezra 15 verse 39 read that the contention were so sharp between him,ezra,15,39.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 39 like can you guys just get to that place ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 3 let me read it from here it says bless,ecclesiastes,1,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 3 attend to my words philemon 4 22 22 give ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep,philemon,4,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 22 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel nehemiah 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,nehemiah,13,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 8 death or harm all uses of the word save in amos 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,amos,2,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 14 shorty ecclesiastes 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better,ecclesiastes,7,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 22 relate to god on any issue of concern luke 5 16 tells us the essential father and prayer of the,luke,5,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 16 from within and defile the man because of the depravity of the man in philemon chapter 7 looking at verse 15 romans,philemon,7,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 15 maintain godly standards maintain godless standards john chapter 3 and verse 2 makes it very,john,3,2.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 2 chapter 5 because it spells it out numbers 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,numbers,5,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 5 we move on 2 samuel 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god,2 samuel,1,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 27 read the scripture um obadiah chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,obadiah,3,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 5 to they specifically cite first corinthians 11 11 3 and 2 corinthians 5 23 both about male headship in relation to,2 corinthians,5,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 23 are nehemiah 3 20 adam named his wife eve which means life spring,nehemiah,3,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 2 great land of promise and plenty and blessing song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 6 for while we were still weak,song of solomon (song of songs),5,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 6 can you help us on me 2 peter to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,2 peter,17,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 22 that's from a statement here of jesus now and i'll turn to hosea chapter 1 look at verses 6 & 7,hosea,1,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 6 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at 1 kings chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,1 kings,2,47.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 47 he finds god psalms chapter 23 are you from verse 3,psalms,23,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 3 the bible says it in the book of obadiah verse 29 verse chapter 29 sorry verse 11,obadiah,29,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 11 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read 2 john chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible,2 john,10,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 11 according to george chapter 28 verse 28 3 john 28 verse 28 it will become easy for me to depart from evil many times when,3 john,28,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 28 talks about how to face adversity in job 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 a very short verse found in verse 13 of haggai 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it,haggai,16,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 13 divine wisdom the wisdom of god is the vital key 1 peter 21 and verse 22 tells us,1 peter,21,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 22 just come up every week for the last several weeks haggai chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,haggai,12,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 2 money is not for sale in ruth chapter 8 from verse 13 to 20 acts 8 from verse 18 to 20 there was a sorcerer who said he,ruth,8,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 13 apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter 3 john 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he,3 john,21,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 8 jesus name we're looking at mark chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 12 and behold i come,mark,22,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 12 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in leviticus chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,leviticus,2,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 7 tort through christ it tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 24 romans chapter 3,song of solomon (song of songs),3,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 24 hands of them that's what 2 corinthians did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,2 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from malachi chapter one,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 newness and greater meaning is is is in titus chapter 59 verse 19 isaiah 59 verse 19 the bible says so when they,titus,59,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 59 verse 19 what you should do with your mouth lamentations 4 15 ephesians 4 15,lamentations,4,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 15 without shame we're looking at 1 thessalonians chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,1 thessalonians,26,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 22 adam in numbers chapter 3 verse 8 it says and then they heard the sound of the lord,numbers,3,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 8 testament paul would write this in 2 john 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,2 john,2,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 16 [applause] 2 thessalonians 10 21 to 23 here is it,2 thessalonians,10,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 21 doctrine look at chapter 2 of titus titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,titus,2,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 7 year say loud amen 2 timothy chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had,2 timothy,50,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 50 verse 4 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well habakkuk 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,habakkuk,4,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 5 grace he knew himself to be an ambassador in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 19 and for me it wasn't pray for me that,2 thessalonians,6,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 19 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king matthew version and what does it say,matthew,14,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 26 amen you will not miss your reward 2 john 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,2 john,6,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 9 transgressor is hard in esther chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that,esther,21,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 16 "everyone has a part to play. hosea four, 16 says, ""he makes the whole body",hosea,4,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 16 from um hosea chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,hosea,10,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 3 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow 1 corinthians out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",1 corinthians,2,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 to them let's use this opportunity and there is a verse in scripture in 3 john um chapter 9 verses 9 and 10.,3 john,9,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 9 their conversation will be what's in one theory joel 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,joel,13,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 7 to really pay attention he says in psalms 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,psalms,16,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 15 the lamb be holy for i am holy 2 thessalonians chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will,2 thessalonians,1,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 18 job 1 8 i quoted earlier on daniel 1 8 when you stop desiring you stop experiencing,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 back in 2 john when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,2 john,5,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 12 what the scripture says in zechariah 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,zechariah,25,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 25 verse 21 uh sorry 1 john 12 18 not 16 romans 12 18 if possible you know there's no such command in the,1 john,12,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 18 the man inside the grace of god look at amos chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,amos,5,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 17 right and something instructive also was mentioned in ezekiel 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,ezekiel,2,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 21 and everywhere numbers chapter 17 17 proverbs chapter 17,numbers,17,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 17 jesus enough of telling stories in esther chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says for,esther,8,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 19 in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse may revelation 7 verse 9 the bible said he said i look and before was a great multitude,ecclesiastes,7,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 9 answer the bible says in the book of 1 corinthians 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 thou shall not have any other god with me haggai 20 4 5,haggai,20,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 4 because the scripture cannot be broken 1 corinthians chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,1 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to john isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,john,43,43.0,1.0,john chapter 43 verse 43 are angels they are our co to invisible co to liberals the reapers titus chapter 14 from 14 to 16 we see,titus,14,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 14 sorcerer psalms chapter 10 verse 8 to 12. it was resisting the deputy from here in the,psalms,10,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 8 in the glory of the power of god bible says in malachi chapter 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power ability,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 jude 1 8 philippians 1 8,jude,1,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 8 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in joel chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,joel,12,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 7 chapter 11 we read i was 32 1 samuel 11 verse 32 the last part the people who know their god will be strong,1 samuel,11,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 32 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us haggai 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,haggai,4,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 23 ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,ezekiel,18,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 2 thought 2 kings 23 verse 29. [music],2 kings,23,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 29 the lord no the bible says in job chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 verse 21 he says,job,18,21.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 21 in this church amen can be stronger in 2 chronicles chapter 12 and verse 3 said and they,2 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the 1 corinthians of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,1 corinthians,2,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 iniquity all the transgression of men that you'll find in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 15 and 16 and now he turned and he,2 timothy,1,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 but the blessing did not conclude with abraham here on the earth in 2 samuel 3 verse 13 and 14 christ has redeemed us,2 samuel,3,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 13 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there ezekiel 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,ezekiel,4,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 6 oh now in ecclesiastes chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,ecclesiastes,9,33.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 33 verse 12 amos chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,amos,5,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 12 that marriage is to prove to provide hell amos chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,amos,2,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 18 coming to numbers chapter 9 verse 15 acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the lord said unto him go,numbers,9,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 15 in the name of jesus in the book of lamentations 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,lamentations,53,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 53 verse 24 good shepherd in 1 kings chapter 13 verse 20 he's called the great shepherd in 1 peter,1 kings,13,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 2 conquerors obadiah 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,obadiah,8,35.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 35 it's taken from colossians chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,colossians,1,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 13 1 samuel chapter 8 we're looking at verse 14 romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as alleged by the spirit of,1 samuel,8,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 14 or not malachi 11 36 for from him and through him and to him are all things all things,malachi,11,36.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 36 i'm having trouble understanding the morality of malachi 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but,malachi,22,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 28 praise also keeps church growing that's part of it nehemiah 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,nehemiah,30,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 30 verse 19 god hardened pharaoh's heart and that was in esther 9 12 the passage the verse you gave the lord harden the heart of,esther,9,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 12 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 a prayer of habakkuk the prophet on shiggin off most people believe that was,1 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 verse 16 one person has come psalms five seven left on that person,psalms,5,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 16 32 jonah 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out,jonah,32,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 15 hey this is about this is about christ in matthew 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,matthew,13,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 35 god so mighty is to say this listen to it closely 1 corinthians 63 9 and all their afflictions,1 corinthians,63,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 63 verse 9 2 chronicles chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by,2 chronicles,8,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 14 mouth wide and i will feel it it says joshua 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty,joshua,33,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 33 verse 3 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's titus 1 8.,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 [music] god's word speaking in haggai 36 11 says if they obey,haggai,36,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 36 verse 11 reigns the lord almighty reigns ezekiel 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,ezekiel,10,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 14 numbers chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore,numbers,4,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 25 when he says the length of your days he's referring to john 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,john,6,3.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 3 verses so you need to sort of keep peace with me i'll start from verse 4 ruth chapter 11,ruth,11,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 4 that is inside of it that's why in ezekiel chapter 62 verse 5 the bible says my soul weight died only,ezekiel,62,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 62 verse 5 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 1 thessalonians 12 11 talking about jesus,1 thessalonians,12,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 11 so there is a contention 2 timothy 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,2 timothy,26,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 26 verse 18 axe the early church we see them fasting 1 chronicles chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,1 chronicles,13,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 13 furthermore we discover in the book of 2 kings 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,2 kings,5,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 2 and that is located according to scriptures in numbers 1 20 to 21 he said,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 hosea 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,hosea,11,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 6 we're looking at verse five it says in 2 samuel chapter psyche and we're reading here,2 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,song of solomon (song of songs),2,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 land and as we do so let's be reminded of god's word in haggai chapter 8 and verse 18 you shall remember the lord,haggai,8,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 18 pregnancy it is what zephaniah chapter 23 and verse 18 the expectation of the righteous shall,zephaniah,23,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 18 wanted to bless somebody out there so leviticus 1 again 21 and 22 in the esv and you who once were alienated and,leviticus,1,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 21 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please mark chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,mark,3,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 21 need revival we need renewing we need restoration matthew 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,matthew,57,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 57 verse 15 and this is why i included this part of the scripture in it in amos 11 let's just go back really quick to 31,amos,11,31.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 31 that end abstain from all appearance of evil hosea 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,hosea,4,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 2 the devil will not be known but it says something in 1 kings chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 15 he said,1 kings,22,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 22 verse 15 starting with verse 25 3 john chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,3 john,3,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 25 say loud amen 1 john chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 from our church in jesus name mark chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,mark,16,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 17 ruth he is judgment but also the faithful husband and we read in hosea chapter 4 verse 3 therefore shall the,ruth,4,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 3 fall flat in the name of jesus the bible says in 1 john chapter 5 in verse 12 the bible says he disappointed the devices,1 john,5,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 12 2 peter chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers,2 peter,3,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 14 provided for in 1 john 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,1 john,13,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 25 back to 2 samuel and find out what proverbs tells us chapter 3 verse 11 my son do not reject the discipline of the,2 samuel,3,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 11 to the uh to 1 john now we're looking at hebrews chapter two and we're reading from verse 2,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 experienced and it's matthew 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,matthew,58,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 58 verse 13 god because he doesn't have ability to change in titus 23 19 numbers 23 19 he said god is not a man,titus,23,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 19 and 17 verse 16 2 chronicles 42 16. after this leave job how long,2 chronicles,42,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 42 verse 16 know how to do it hosea 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,hosea,5,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 18 irreproachable judge of ho chi sinners he tells us in zechariah chapter 12 verse 23 to the general assembly and church of,zechariah,12,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 23 on or before may 1st 21 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 obtained all the promises esther chapter 6 and verse 12.,esther,6,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 12 2 chronicles went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 wisdom 1 john chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs 1 verse 32 made it declare,1 john,1,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 32 i read jonah chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,jonah,10,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 27 3 john 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding,3 john,18,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 2 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage 3 john chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,3 john,2,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 25 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in habakkuk chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,habakkuk,36,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 36 verse 25 then there is like apology about something zechariah chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,zechariah,4,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in psalms chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,psalms,2,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 4 take your bible go all the way to the end ezekiel 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,ezekiel,21,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 21 verse 9 old testament remember 2 peter 11 verse 40 which says god has provided something better for us,2 peter,11,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 4 of what is before it is too late in 1 timothy chapter 21 genesis 21 from verse 14 to 21 genesis 21 from was 14 to 21,1 timothy,21,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 21 verse 14 the full wave of the glory of god look at 1 chronicles 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,1 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 i watched the conscience video um and haggai 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,haggai,14,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 23 13 and that will be charissa charissa you'll be reading 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 13 and you also read acts chapter 2,2 timothy,4,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 13 of us the apostle paul wrote in jonah 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 together this one world religion and as matthew 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,matthew,18,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 18 verse 4 towards the end of his life we read in 2 thessalonians 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash,2 thessalonians,20,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 3 praise the lord and you remember the book of ecclesiastes 2 extra 14 6 the reason why,ecclesiastes,2,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 6 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder leviticus 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,leviticus,28,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 28 verse 12 church with divine vengeance esther chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,esther,6,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 16 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new haggai 10 verse 13.,haggai,10,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 13 and season the bible tells me in the book of philemon chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,philemon,2,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 21 the new covenant in in the old testament by part of the bible malachi chapter 24 and verse 17 says don't rejoice when,malachi,24,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 17 apostle paul in 1 corinthians 4 8 to 7. finally brothers and sisters whatever is true,1 corinthians,4,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 direction before them just some people 2 kings 11 verse 20 says who would start one of the greatest churches literally,2 kings,11,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 2 with knowledge and understanding 1 samuel chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,1 samuel,3,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 15 church for life ruth 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,ruth,23,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 2 finish so strong so well lamentations chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,lamentations,3,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in esther chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 23 3 john chapter 6 verse 22 but now being made free,3 john,6,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 22 too hard for me 1 thessalonians 32 and verse 27,1 thessalonians,32,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 27 reading from verse 15 job chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,job,1,15.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 15 time of my temptation let me read that again in micah chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,micah,2,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 18 bible and study the words of god in haggai 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 reality of your expectation the bible says in numbers 4 23 he says guard your heart with all diligence because out of,numbers,4,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 23 desperately wicked and who can know it 2 timothy 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can,2 timothy,17,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 9 holy kingdom look at that again in 1 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now,1 chronicles,2,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 19 7 from verse 13 to verse 14. looking back to description we see colossians having a night vision and he saw one like a son,colossians,7,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 13 forward mark 14 15 assessing his ways,mark,14,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 15 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 ecclesiastes 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,ecclesiastes,12,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 12 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit joshua chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,joshua,10,38.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 38 instead their words are recorded for us in the book of hosea chapter 4 and verse 29 when they said lord consider their,hosea,4,29.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 29 esther chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,esther,26,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 14 top in his adventure on the earth mark chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,mark,28,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 28 verse 13 about how the israelites crossed jordan and the lord said to malachi in verse 7 this day i will begin to exalt you,malachi,1,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 7 jacob about joseph 2 john 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,2 john,49,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 49 verse 2 be saved where's repentance in that haggai 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith,haggai,2,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 8 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,obadiah,1,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 straight before them 2 timothy judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,2 timothy,6,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 2 of israel whom you shall serve hosea 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord,hosea,24,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 24 verse 15 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 zechariah chapter 11 and we're reading from verse,zechariah,11,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 19 1 samuel one passage because this is similar in deuteronomy one right and deuteronomy 139 we read that that god,1 samuel,1,39.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 39 provided for in 1 samuel 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,1 samuel,13,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 25 wise unto that he said 2 timothy 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight,2 timothy,9,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 12 temple in verse 28 of chapter 44 of judges that saith of cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all,judges,44,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 44 verse 28 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,song of solomon (song of songs),13,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 12 in the name of jesus so that i can stand according to 1 timothy 6 11 oh yes aha give it to me hold on give it to me hold,1 timothy,6,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 11 psalms chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,psalms,11,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 24 and by your words you we'll be condemned zechariah 20 to 11 this is a beautiful verse that i love i,zechariah,20,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 11 related to christ but let's let's read on 2 john 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation,2 john,18,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 8 to the pastor's area and immediately 1 chronicles 18 45 dropped in my spirit which says the strangers fade away and come,1 chronicles,18,45.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 45 they are offended in 1 chronicles 6 and verse 19.,1 chronicles,6,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 19 make waves in life in matthew chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,matthew,30,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 30 verse 21 it says philemon chapter 4 and verse 12.,philemon,4,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 12 the bible speaking to us in the book of zephaniah chapter 36 and verse 11.,zephaniah,36,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 36 verse 11 as we worship god tonight with our seed john chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,john,28,8.0,1.0,john chapter 28 verse 8 glory it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,2 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 perhaps we better look at the scripture there in amos chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he,amos,12,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 2 of offence both towards god and man esther 24 16 we need to exercise ourselves we need to build up our faith,esther,24,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 24 verse 16 their faith in christ but then god in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 now in psalms chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god she reserves his sovereignty,psalms,9,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 15 us to just quickly go into scriptures obadiah chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,obadiah,5,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 18 why not warm to another in 2 samuel chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,2 samuel,29,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 13 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new 2 timothy 10 verse 13.,2 timothy,10,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 13 your miracle in jesus name come with me now to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 6 romans,song of solomon (song of songs),5,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 6 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in zephaniah 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 many to christ and this church this year habakkuk chapter 16 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia whose heart the lord,habakkuk,16,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 16 verse 14 faith what is that mean well look with me judges 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of,judges,13,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 2 continue the thought process of the book of 1 peter 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at,1 peter,3,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 9 it is time to give our offering the bible says in 1 chronicles chapter 7 7 and 8 galatians 6 7 8,1 chronicles,7,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 7 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 1 kings 10 12 from the first,1 kings,10,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 12 chapter 13. in malachi chapter 13 in verse 2,malachi,13,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 2 let me read you the key text this is luke chapter 4 verses 27 to 28. the saints are praying truly in this,luke,4,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 27 sons this is such an honorable privilege song of solomon (song of songs) 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,song of solomon (song of songs),8,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 17 and 8 jerry maria chapter 51 verse 53 mark chapter 20 verse 6 and then we we went further,mark,51,53.0,1.0,mark chapter 51 verse 53 us in the name of jesus in malachi chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,malachi,7,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 12 i read verse leviticus 3 14 but exalt one another daily,leviticus,3,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 paul said let us also walk in the spirit song of solomon (song of songs) 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,song of solomon (song of songs),5,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 25 help and for your heart too ezekiel 14 verses 20,ezekiel,14,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 2 sixth day we read in jude 1 24 that he made the animals,jude,1,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 24 going to go to 1 chronicles and take a look at that and i'm going to jeremiah 27 uh verse 5 through,1 chronicles,27,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 27 verse 5 look at ruth chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,ruth,14,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 14 the latter part of verse 23 1 thessalonians system and you have praised the gods of silver and gold bronze and iron,1 thessalonians,1,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 23 mediator of the new covenant philemon chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,philemon,12,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 22 how am i doing on time i che okay okay 2 timothy 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,2 timothy,4,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 11 next in matthew chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind,matthew,30,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 30 verse 21 one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is 2 corinthians 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and,2 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in joel 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers,joel,1,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 14 not those who are subdued 2 john 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,2 john,2,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 11 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through numbers chapter 2 verse 28,numbers,2,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 28 around amos 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him,amos,14,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 24 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness jonah 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,jonah,27,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 27 verse 5 accelerated progress because in habakkuk chapter 2 from verse 15 to 18 esther chapter 2 from verse 15,habakkuk,2,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 15 show you one of the characteristics of wisdom in 1 corinthians chapter 3 and james chapter 3 it speaks about wisdom in,1 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is 2 chronicles 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,2 chronicles,42,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 42 verse 2 together this one world religion and as micah 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,micah,18,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 4 almighty malachi chapter 5 verse 8 ecclesiastes 5 verse 8 causing,malachi,5,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 8 from verse 19 joel of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,joel,11,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 19 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified habakkuk 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,habakkuk,42,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 42 verse 18 you tonight in jesus name zechariah chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 17 and the spirit and the,zechariah,22,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 17 shorty micah 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better,micah,7,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 22 docile song of solomon (song of songs) 11 6 says the wolf will romp with the lamb,song of solomon (song of songs),11,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 6 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at leviticus chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,leviticus,2,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 our substitute 2 samuel chapter 5 reading from verse 6 in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6,2 samuel,5,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 6 cells this year 2 peter chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,2 peter,30,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 30 verse 19 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience luke 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,luke,1,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 3 it is a must the bible says in the book of 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,2 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 in the name of jesus in 2 john 55 verse 3 isaiah 55 has three,2 john,55,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 55 verse 3 our god is a god of speed in lamentations chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,lamentations,16,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 22 in the name of jesus in 1 thessalonians 55 verse 3 isaiah 55 has three,1 thessalonians,55,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 55 verse 3 [music] leviticus 26 verses 3 to 4 in the amplified says,leviticus,26,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 26 verse 3 in remade bodies but the passage they quote is titus seven verses four through eight which is not talking about,titus,7,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 4 of 1 peter chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,1 peter,1,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 11 him in joshua chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after,joshua,8,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 26 1977 i had this gift from god jude chapter 28 and verse 47 and 48,jude,28,47.0,1.0,jude chapter 28 verse 47 prayers in mark chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,mark,4,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 6 in ecclesiastes chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,ecclesiastes,20,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 20 verse 3 intercessor day and night malachi 7 25 he prays for god's people,malachi,7,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 25 and a nation to be born at once leviticus 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,leviticus,66,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 66 verse 7 all right look at me and quote it matthew 8 verses 8 through 12 quote in full the new covenant prophecy of,matthew,8,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 8 they said but the oldest book in the bible 1 samuel says job 25 5 look to the moon,1 samuel,25,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 25 verse 5 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in lamentations 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,lamentations,46,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 46 verse 3 called satan which means adversary and matthew 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 like a human but he became positionally like a human the son of man in 2 timothy 25 verse 6 we have another statement that i,2 timothy,25,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 25 verse 6 and the power of his resurrection 2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8,2 kings,8,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 god's attributes and nature in mark chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him,mark,40,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 40 verse 17 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so mark says uh and she said to her uh all that you,mark,1,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 5 look at chapter 41 titus 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in,titus,41,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 41 verse 14 and beyond all the mysteries of amos 2 24 has made himself one flesh with her one,amos,2,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 24 when he died for us we died in him obadiah 6 5 we have been united with him in a death,obadiah,6,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 5 to be ezra 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,ezra,4,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 22 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king obadiah for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,obadiah,14,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 28 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" luke 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",luke,10,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 3 verse 3. esther chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,esther,5,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 3 "no, because destructive things happen. and then in 1 samuel chapter 21 verse 17, ""he who loves wine will not become rich.""",1 samuel,21,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 17 purpose colossians 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 together you tell me what you are going through 2 chronicles 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ,2 chronicles,6,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 2 father 1 chronicles 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i,1 chronicles,7,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 25 who love god let me show you the 2 john 8 28 of the old testament,2 john,8,28.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 28 binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in jude chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 maybe for you six seven for me what john 6 7 he that is dead is freed from sin i'm tired of bondage i'm tired of,john,6,7.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 7 because of the ignoring deported contestant number four ruth chapter 6 verse 5 to 8 is the bible text for,ruth,6,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 5 care less about anything spiritual and so 1 john 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,1 john,12,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 15 blessed god and then in 1 timothy 20 24 the gospel of the grace of god,1 timothy,20,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 24 to understand yeah that's true 2 corinthians chapter 3 an unfortunate incident happened,2 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 had isaac been doing before he met his bride luke 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,luke,24,62.0,1.0,luke chapter 24 verse 62 expect to receive the promise first thessalonians 5 18 numbers chapter 10 and verse 36,numbers,5,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 18 devil with it he cannot answer the written would have gone in joel 6 17 paul says take the sword of the,joel,6,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 17 thank you holy spirit you know the bible says in zephaniah chapter one uh from verse 18 he says that uh it was a prayer,zephaniah,1,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 18 in the flesh cannot please go look at mark chapter 7 humans chapter 7 a meaning here from verse 14,mark,7,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 14 none shall want her mates the lord fulfills his word in amos 34 16 for that lady,amos,34,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 34 verse 16 every child of god in zechariah 4 18 it said that the path of the just the journey of the just is,zechariah,4,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 18 awareness spiritual environment awareness in 2 samuel chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,2 samuel,22,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 22 verse 3 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in 2 chronicles chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,2 chronicles,9,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 6 too were looking at matthew chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,matthew,3,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 14 this in 1 corinthians chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,1 corinthians,32,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 16 various locations where they are let's see together psalms chapter 2,psalms,2,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 2 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit titus chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,titus,10,38.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 38 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith leviticus verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,leviticus,1,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 3 on issues of concern you better do that in zechariah 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,zechariah,26,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 26 verse 9 summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it ezra chapter 28 and verse 13.,ezra,28,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 28 verse 13 jesus in this season baba says the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked,2 thessalonians,45,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 name 1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all,1 thessalonians,6,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 16 lord will answer your prayer and look at obadiah chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 righteousness in 2 kings chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of,2 kings,8,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 2 god himself in luke chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,luke,30,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 6 god created time we see it at creation philemon 1 2 tells us that the earth was without form and void,philemon,1,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 2 Joshua 31 verse 7 through to 8. a mercy called unto job and said unto him in the sight of all,job,31,7.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 7 that will break every yoke in jesus name 2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27,2 chronicles,10,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 27 son that's one of the primary purposes that's in 2 chronicles 8 again verse 29 just the verse right after my favorite which,2 chronicles,8,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 29 numbers chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10 god tells what's going to happen at the,numbers,46,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 46 verse 9 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets 2 chronicles chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,2 chronicles,48,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 48 verse 17 coming sunday 2 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,2 thessalonians,1,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 11 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to hosea 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,hosea,32,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 5 "the snake off. verse 6 of mark 28, “they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly",mark,6,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 28 the wise shall inherit glory 2 thessalonians 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,2 thessalonians,11,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 3 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because esther can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 that he had that kind of temper read 1 corinthians chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,1 corinthians,32,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 17 why should you destroy yourself song of solomon (song of songs) 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise,song of solomon (song of songs),7,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verse 16 the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in ecclesiastes 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to,ecclesiastes,80,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 80 verse 17 both as individuals and as a commission obadiah 44 verse 26 our god confirms the words of his servant,obadiah,44,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 44 verse 26 and my direction of my life changed said from joshua 6 12 if you want to overcome satan,joshua,6,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 12 say let us therefore label esther chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest,esther,4,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 11 the main verse i want us to hover over is ezekiel chapter 9 verse 15. i read it already but acts chapter 9 verse 15,ezekiel,9,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 15 contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 judges 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite,judges,51,66.0,1.0,judges chapter 51 verse 66 and we're reading from verse seven psalms chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,psalms,5,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 7 we don't neglect gathering together as saints obadiah 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,obadiah,58,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 58 verse 13 not a single day of my life is boring like it says in ezekiel 14 verse 14 the living bible says the godly man's,ezekiel,14,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 14 before you can possess your possession 2 peter chapter 1 verse 17 vadaya 1 17 say body upon mount zion,2 peter,1,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 17 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering ruth chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,ruth,4,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 9 righteousness 1 timothy chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,1 timothy,8,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 18 then you have proved that to believe job 2 18 show me your faith without your words i show you my faith by my,job,2,18.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 18 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is job chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,job,19,28.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 28 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 1 samuel chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,1 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 um the third thing is justification by faith so habakkuk 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might,habakkuk,3,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 24 and listen god answered prayer it says in song of solomon (song of songs) 37 36 and the angel of the lord,song of solomon (song of songs),37,36.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 37 verse 36 diligence and philemon 29 19 prophet mega body proof chapter 22 29 proverbs 22,philemon,22,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 29 was worth the wait zephaniah 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,zephaniah,8,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 27 which most christians don't think of it says in matthew 5 verse 30.,matthew,5,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 3 he kills a crime for us in heaven two scriptures here again jude 26 22 paul,jude,26,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 26 verse 22 it again so it's taken from ezra 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,ezra,5,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 22 example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in leviticus 24 from verse 19 to 22,leviticus,24,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 19 all things god okay titus 12 verse 2 it says that jesus this is just after hebrews 11 right says jesus is the founder and,titus,12,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 2 17. in 2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,2 thessalonians,14,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 17 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in lamentations 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,lamentations,25,29.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 25 verse 29 of engagement the bible says in the book of jonah chapter 9 verse 14 down to verse 18 we are told,jonah,9,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 14 um but there's more so joshua 45 22 it says turn to me and be saved all the ends of,joshua,45,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 45 verse 22 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way matthew 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,matthew,23,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 3 of matthew chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and,matthew,10,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 23 for the good of his children psalms 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good,psalms,8,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 28 reading from verse 9. 2 john chapter 10 verse 9 that he,2 john,10,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 9 28 zephaniah 32 24 to 28 he changed the name of jacob to israel,zephaniah,32,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 32 verse 24 again i think this is most instructive eager ezekiel 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,ezekiel,4,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 3 i'm reading from psalms chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,psalms,22,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 5 pleasure and he did it by drinking lamentations two three i thought i'll cheer myself,lamentations,2,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 3 "you, the only true god. luke 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, ""for i desired mercy and not sacrifice,""",luke,6,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 6 and with us collectively as a church in judges chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,judges,14,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 24 wickedness deceit and he records this in 2 peter 9 verses 17 and 18. let me read it to you,2 peter,9,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 17 both as a commission and as individuals ezra chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer you,ezra,33,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 33 verse 3 at the completion of the tabernacle malachi chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,malachi,40,34.0,1.0,malachi chapter 40 verse 34 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of habakkuk jeremiah 29,habakkuk,29,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 29 verse 29 job if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12,job,3,12.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 12 will bring those answers 2 corinthians chapter 1 17 to 19 as paul writes to those people that he's,2 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 when you read zechariah 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,zechariah,37,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 37 verse 5 and into all of mankind matthew 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,matthew,5,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 12 gracious purposes such as in 2 timothy 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a visit from god was always monumental,2 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 purposes one thing's about one thing about malachi 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out,malachi,8,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 28 assurances of survivor without god whereas zephaniah chapter 3 verse 5 says,zephaniah,3,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 5 over to him ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 romans 2 verse 4 tells us don't you know that the goodness of god is required to lead,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 above all the heavens that he might fill all things micah 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,micah,2,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 9 of the man of god in job chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,job,19,11.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 11 joel chapter 7 verse 14 isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign,joel,7,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 14 grace because sin will not rule over me 2 john 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say,2 john,6,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 14 where our obedience stops numbers 28 and verse to 14.,numbers,28,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 14 of honor bible says trust in the lord with all your heart 2 kings chapter 3 from verse 5 trust in the lord with all,2 kings,3,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 5 time and this was right after in ruth chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,ruth,3,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 14 you're going to reign in jesus name and look at 2 kings chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17,2 kings,8,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 17 john 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,john,11,23.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 23 1 peter chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again,1 peter,33,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 9 glorification without him according to paul micah chapter 8 verse 9,micah,8,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 9 christians he says that christ may dwell in your heart when you read 2 john chapter 3 verse 17 that christ will,2 john,3,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 17 from the depth of our hearts in 1 kings 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and,1 kings,4,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 6 as contained in god's word job 29 verse 11 he says i know the thoughts i have towards you,job,29,11.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 11 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him jude 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,jude,5,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 3 it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of nahum verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter,nahum,20,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 13 our mind to turn back to the thicks of the world it helps us in 2 timothy chapter 10 reading from verse 38 hebrews,2 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord 1 thessalonians 2 philippians 2 i read 8,1 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 out i want to do this psalms 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,psalms,20,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 20 verse 17 esther chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,esther,2,26.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 26 produces kindness the bible says in hosea chapter 6 verse 7 that whatever we saw we will reap and then it,hosea,6,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 7 of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death hosea 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say,hosea,6,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 23 also will always be fulfilled mark chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,mark,23,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 19 jonah galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 god answered them in 1 kings chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,1 kings,4,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 29 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at numbers chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,numbers,6,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 16 reminds me of zephaniah chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,zephaniah,5,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 8 follow up in job chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,job,1,9.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 9 eloquence of men but on the power of god mark chapter 12 verse number two we don't look to men we look unto jesus the,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up ezekiel they threw him into the sea,ezekiel,1,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 i said you'll be more zealous than those people look at 2 timothy chapter 10 and i'm reading from verse 2 romans chapter 10,2 timothy,10,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 2 are 2 chronicles 3 20 adam named his wife eve which means life spring,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 settle down in this church for life nehemiah chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the,nehemiah,9,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 11 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts lamentations 4 8 purify your hearts,lamentations,4,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 8 india as to how to build the church 2 samuel 5 and verse 25 referring to a smooth one but i'm thinking of the,2 samuel,5,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 25 without the savior how can you look at joel chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,joel,3,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 19 the book in ruth chapter 7 and what is revelation chapter 7 verse 9 for example i believe it is,ruth,7,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 9 do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 2 corinthians would say happen rather david would say have mercy,2 corinthians,51,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 51 verse 2 this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament haggai in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment,haggai,2,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 13 increasing city without walls lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 and he said unto him wrong speak to these young man,lamentations,2,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 financial difficulties that's why in 2 thessalonians 4 32 and it talks about how the early church pooled their resources,2 thessalonians,4,32.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 32 nomicon zz tompa now before kaaba condon our men na benza our manga in john 22 verse 15 it says outside all the dogs,john,22,15.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 15 their good deeds obadiah 1 19 says if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of,obadiah,1,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 19 when you read philemon 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,philemon,37,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 37 verse 5 number six we forgive to avoid discipline 2 kings 2 13 judgment will be merciless to one who has,2 kings,2,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 13 to have been rich once and then become poor malachi chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,malachi,23,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 5 first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first 2 peter 24 and verse 7.,2 peter,24,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 7 chapter 2 verse 4 haggai 2 verse 4 romans 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3,haggai,2,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 4 i said we're taking the first prayer from mark chapter one reading from verse number three,mark,1,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 3 you. now in 2 john 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11.,2 john,4,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 11 clear about this joel 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood,joel,17,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 11 and so the law of god abraham said i've sworn to the lord amos 14 22 he's the possessor of heaven and earth,amos,14,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 22 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in psalms exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,psalms,15,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 6 3 john chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,3 john,7,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 22 things that should come to me easily in nahum chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,nahum,8,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 8 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word 2 corinthians 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,2 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in titus 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,titus,12,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 6 cannot be rewarded titus chapter 12 verse 28 the bible says having therefore received,titus,12,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 28 it will give health to your marriage that's philemon chapter 4 verses 20 to 22,philemon,4,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 2 whereas in the same jonah chapter 2 verse 13 in ephesians 2 verse 13 a bible says if you are in christ you,jonah,2,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 13 have heard this verse before but i want to read 1 chronicles 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am,1 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 local chapter of 2 peter chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them,2 peter,3,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 9 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,zephaniah,4,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 inequities and now we're looking at malachi chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 need for salvation and that's going to be jude 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the,jude,3,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 2 micah chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,micah,15,36.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 36 thank god for that look at 1 john chapter 29 reading from verse 12 of job chapter 29,1 john,29,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 29 verse 12 right we've already looked at it in matthew 3 4 adulterous this reading is called the heart,matthew,3,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 4 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus 1 peter 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,1 peter,4,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 9 engaging the integrity of god the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 2,1 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen joel 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,joel,2,47.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 47 luke 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,luke,3,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 18 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody 2 corinthians 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,2 corinthians,38,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 14 function of liberality the same joshua chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,joshua,11,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 25 if you look at what the bible tells us in obadiah 12 in verse 4 abraham departed genesis 17 god says,obadiah,12,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 4 verse 24 nahum 65 24,nahum,65,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 65 verse 24 a blessing that's what god told you abraham in esther 12 verse 2 he said i'll bless you i'll make of you a great,esther,12,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 2 colossians 4 and verse 6 says let your speech nick and james version corinthians 4 6 let your speech always,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 that parenting is designed to provide in chapter 30 of 1 samuel verse 11 there is a kind of a man who,1 samuel,30,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 30 verse 11 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith 2 chronicles 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,2 chronicles,2,38.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 38 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is 1 chronicles 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,1 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 swearing or blaspheming titus 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,titus,5,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 12 this moment our first passage for prayer is song of solomon (song of songs) isaiah chapter 40 verse 27,song of solomon (song of songs),40,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 40 verse 27 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to nahum chapter one verse eight,nahum,1,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 8 it to help the poor joel 13 6 13 16 sorry,joel,13,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 6 outside with pitch ezra chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,ezra,11,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 7 to me judges 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,judges,37,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 37 verse 2 of excellence i love that scripture in nahum 31 29 see many daughters has done well,nahum,31,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 31 verse 29 and with us collectively as a church in jude chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,jude,14,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 24 the book of jonah chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,jonah,6,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 12 have faith have faith because in ruth 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,ruth,3,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 2 from verse 32 to 42 3 john 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,3 john,9,32.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 32 a person that's what you see in philemon 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,philemon,28,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 12 and the people of god said amen 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,1 timothy,5,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 9 students i'm looking at haggai chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and,haggai,33,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 9 believers we discover in the book of habakkuk chapter 34 verse 28 to 30 we find moses comment down from the mountain of,habakkuk,34,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 34 verse 28 year is 120. 2 john 6 3 is and the lord said my spirit shall not,2 john,6,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 3 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet ezra look at verse 17,ezra,1,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 17 and then one of my favorites here psalms chapter 5 it's the next verse 21 daniel says to the persian king belshazzar,psalms,5,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 21 he prepared the body through a woman and the book of 1 kings chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10,1 kings,10,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 5 on the screen right now praise god judges chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,judges,25,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 25 verse 2 more moves when you read lamentations 26 from verse 12 to 14,lamentations,26,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 12 and verse 5 titus 35 verse 5 the bible says take ye from among you an offering unto,titus,35,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 35 verse 5 draw water that is spiritual drink 2 peter 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,2 peter,17,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 5 9 1 john 2 verse 9 but we see jesus,1 john,2,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 9 fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in colossians 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not,colossians,4,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 19 you. now in psalms 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11.,psalms,4,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 11 and we have a wonderful scripture in joel chapter 1 verse 8 and their dreams but you shall receive power when the,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 cooperating together ezra chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some,ezra,4,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 11 chapter 26 verses 8 and 9. job chapter 26 verses 8 and 19 in the way of the,job,26,8.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 8 first of all you have israel here you have the samaritans in 2 timothy chapter 8 you have the gentiles and that's where,2 timothy,8,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 8 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 haggai 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,haggai,5,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 14 four ezra chapter two we're looking at verse four,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 amen number chapter number 23 habakkuk 23 from verse 19 19 to 23,habakkuk,23,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 19 one too it's awesome yeah i mean 1 corinthians say 28 is so true right he causes all things to,1 corinthians,1,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 28 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of 2 thessalonians in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,2 thessalonians,5,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 job 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 what was god saying,job,10,38.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 38 was in the ship to the sea to lighten the load but philemon had gone down verse 15 he goes down into the sea,philemon,1,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 15 that our bearing will be from amos 2 verse 5,amos,2,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 5 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but ruth 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,ruth,12,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 4 we're going to be praying about that joel 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,joel,14,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 17 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody 1 peter 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,1 peter,38,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 38 verse 14 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in jude chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,jude,16,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 2 number one is led by the spirit leviticus 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we,leviticus,5,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 16 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider ezra 11 verse 11 through faith,ezra,11,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 11 reading from verse 15 nehemiah chapter 1 were reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 1 verse 15 so as much as in me,nehemiah,1,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 15 reading from verse 6 in ezra chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,ezra,8,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 6 17 joshua chapter 10 verse 17 the bible,joshua,10,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 17 contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 nahum 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite,nahum,51,66.0,1.0,nahum chapter 51 verse 66 we're taking the memory verses from the from hosea five 22 and 23 it goes those,hosea,5,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 22 because we know that the word of god brings light in job chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 3,job,1,3.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 3 and the renewing of the holy spirit that's titus 3 and verse 5. this is what paul again refers to as,titus,3,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 5 "chapter 3 that really does define this. 1 thessalonians chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",1 thessalonians,3,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 18 and so here is what god told moses 2 peter chapter 21 verse 8 and the lord said unto moses,2 peter,21,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 21 verse 8 spirit of wisdom and 1 john colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it,1 john,1,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 9 times it is referred to as the day of vengeance habakkuk 6 17 calls it the great day of his wrath,habakkuk,6,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 17 purposes of the heart then each one will have his commendation from god or esther 12 verse 17 to 19 repay no one evil for evil,esther,12,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 17 [music] it was a work that sarah had in 1 peter chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,1 peter,18,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 18 verse 2 the lord amos 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,amos,13,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 2 wrong judges 1 16 1st corinthians 9 24 to 25,judges,1,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 16 have found yeah obadiah 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,obadiah,3,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 16 with all he says we're looking at philemon chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter,philemon,1,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 28 say loud amen matthew 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing,matthew,43,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 43 verse 19 verse 10 he accuses them he deceives the whole world philemon 12 verse 9 and he accuses believers in revelation 12 verse 10,philemon,12,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 9 reading from verse 7 numbers 1 verse 7 in whom,numbers,1,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 7 look at the 2 kings chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter,2 kings,8,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 19 depart for evil i mean from evil in job chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,job,14,26.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 26 spirit um joel 57 here's another verse verse 15,joel,57,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 57 verse 15 but one bumbling says in 2 kings 2 8 he humbled himself,2 kings,2,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 8 1 timothy chapter 3 in ephesians chapter 3 i'm reading here from verse 20,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 to verse 6 1 john chapter 53 we're looking at it from verse 4 reading,1 john,53,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 53 verse 4 just like christ according to that luke 2 5 philippians 2 5 it is an humble mind,luke,2,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 5 hosea 8 80 you may be seated isaiah 8 18 tells us something that is pronounced,hosea,8,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 8 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior judges chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,judges,11,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 15 we're looking at ruth chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,ruth,1,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 2 through the advocate awake look at 1 kings chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and,1 kings,13,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 11 esther 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost,esther,21,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 17 in the name of jesus in the book of psalms 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,psalms,53,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 53 verse 24 look at ourselves in these last days in malachi 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and,malachi,8,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 22 resurrection of condemnation and 1 corinthians the beloved in the book of revelation chapter 20 and verse 12,1 corinthians,20,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 12 verse 13 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,zephaniah,2,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 13 i said they are all defeated esther chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20,esther,15,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 2 the harvest in love for christ john 12 9 let love be without dissimulation,john,12,9.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 9 chapter 3 reading from verse 6 it tells us there in 2 timothy chapter 3 reading from verse 6 it says but christ as a son,2 timothy,3,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 6 or a victim look at chapter 3 in chapter 3 it tells us joshua chapter 3 verse 19 and it says repent ye therefore and be,joshua,3,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 19 by finding out what it is not it's a return to the book of luke chapter 3 verse 35 proverbs 3 35 where,luke,3,35.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 35 just turn to him in prayer you will see it in titus chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 13 obadiah chapter 10,obadiah,10,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 13 yes he was why though why simple answer 1 thessalonians 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are,1 thessalonians,5,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 found in him 2 timothy possessed kingdom righteousness daniel had kingdom revelation daniel chapter 2 verse 28,2 timothy,2,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 28 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king 1 kings version talks about this transformation,1 kings,3,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 18 retirement age will be easy joshua 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,joshua,21,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 2 jehovah obadiah 22 pull it off for me 13 and 14.,obadiah,22,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 13 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email hosea chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,hosea,14,31.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 31 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that lamentations chapter 4 it says and therefore,lamentations,4,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 22 starts off in different direction job 17 24 david was focused on this goal,job,17,24.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 24 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 1 thessalonians 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,1 thessalonians,12,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 12 doesn't necessarily take them away look at job 5 verse 16 through 17 so i say live by the spirit and you will,job,5,16.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 16 in the nature of the two from verse 20 to 21 jonah to 20 to 21 the bible made it clear that power and wisdom belong to,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 testament paul would write this in leviticus 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,leviticus,2,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 16 terrible if i read to you esther 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6,esther,17,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 5 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from matthew chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,matthew,4,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 4 of it beautifully 2 john 8 22 and then,2 john,8,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 22 look at 1 chronicles chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work,1 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 give the sinner what the sinner deserves matthew 2 4 says he exercises,matthew,2,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 4 his servant psalm 105 verse 42 moses the servant of god micah chapter 34 and verse 5.,micah,34,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 5 believers do we read from ezekiel revelation chapter 12 and verse 11 and they overcame him,ezekiel,12,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 11 thank god for that look at 2 peter chapter 29 reading from verse 12 of job chapter 29,2 peter,29,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 12 through the cross 2 kings 13 8,2 kings,13,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 8 and his love is wonderful but according to job chapter 12 verse 6,job,12,6.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 6 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ 3 john chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 your bibles i'm gonna start at habakkuk 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,habakkuk,16,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 16 verse 16 and he became the ruler at the end of the day nahum disciplined himself chapter 4 verse 23,nahum,4,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 23 our services this year 2 samuel 13 44 the next birthday came almost the whole city to hear the word of god,2 samuel,13,44.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 44 if not total elimination in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 6 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom,1 corinthians,1,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 6 habakkuk chapter 1 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 1 verse 26 to 27 were made in his own image today that's why i stopped because,habakkuk,1,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 26 by the holy ghost which is given to us job 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,job,5,5.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 5 with a whisper are separated chief friends 2 samuel 11 verse 30 promise promise 1113 iturbi era privilege sick i mean,2 samuel,11,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 3 operation change or story 1 kings 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves oe people and you shall be broken in pieces,1 kings,8,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 9 buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us ezra 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and,ezra,20,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 20 verse 2 same passage as last week again verse 5 through 11 2 timothy chapter 5 reading 5 through 11.,2 timothy,5,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 11 19 1 timothy chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19. it says in verse 19 now,1 timothy,3,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 19 let's see let's see what bible says in nehemiah chapter 25 um verse 21,nehemiah,25,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 25 verse 21 you jesus thank you lord my look at what the bible says in joel 37 verse nine,joel,37,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 37 verse 9 the case of isaac in obadiah 26 verse 16 genesis 26 verse 16 the bible says and i've been blessed unto isaac,obadiah,26,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 16 2 john 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,2 john,5,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 6 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of amos chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the,amos,50,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 50 verse 14 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of 1 timothy chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,1 timothy,11,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 11 you're going to reign in jesus name and look at 1 corinthians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17,1 corinthians,8,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 17 a loud amen taking our cue from the book of 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and,1 samuel,9,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 aware of the details of what's going on in my life luke 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,luke,34,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 34 verse 21 against us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,song of solomon (song of songs),3,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 14 by faith ezra 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38,ezra,3,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 11 what a wretched man i am but now ecclesiastes 2 13. god is not walking us through christ,ecclesiastes,2,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13 iii think of psalms 33 34 i think of lamentations chapter 3 there's more of it in the psalms all the,psalms,33,34.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 34 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of 1 samuel chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,1 samuel,6,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 23 you a love with everlasting love in ezekiel chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,ezekiel,5,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 8 about esau and dwelling too close says in obadiah 12 15,obadiah,12,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 15 the uncle scripture we've used for this teaching series is joshua 22 21 to 25 our queen now that i said with god and,joshua,22,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 21 shiloh 2020. amos 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,amos,34,29.0,1.0,amos chapter 34 verse 29 but when it comes to love 2 corinthians 49 15. he says i love you,2 corinthians,49,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 49 verse 15 testimony 2 timothy 42 verse 18 but i fear god,2 timothy,42,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 18 i also kept reminding god of the covenant of service according to job 23 25 and god showed up hallelujah,job,23,25.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 25 unto uncleanness but unto holiness matthew 12 14 hebrews 12 14 follow peace with all men and holiness,matthew,12,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 14 member look at verse 4 joshua chapter 12 verse 4,joshua,12,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 4 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola matthew 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,matthew,37,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 5 of the condition of the heart look at 1 timothy zechariah chapter 7,1 timothy,7,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 7 3 john chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 6,3 john,21,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 6 the lord no the bible says in micah chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 verse 21 he says,micah,18,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 18 verse 21 the bible says that he that we need soul will shine like the farmer meant job chapter 12 verse 3,job,12,3.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 3 john 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,john,21,22.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 22 this church that amen can be stronger and in 3 john chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,3 john,13,48.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 48 2 samuel to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw,2 samuel,12,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god ezekiel chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,ezekiel,4,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 2 and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 22,1 corinthians,8,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 22 pursuing and seeking to save that which was lost zechariah chapter 20 verse 24,zechariah,20,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 when you read zephaniah chapter number 29 verse 18 proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 in the king james translation it says this,zephaniah,29,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 29 verse 18 in all excuse me jude 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in zechariah 10 20 that he made a way,zechariah,10,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 2 lastly at night luke 4 26 is another good time,luke,4,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 26 matthew chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now when is your miracle when is your,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 amos chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,amos,8,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 3 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of 1 kings here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,1 kings,11,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 17 to need to be very conscious in ezra chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse,ezra,3,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 5 lord in judges chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we are told in verse 35,judges,10,35.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 35 prayed scripture says in 2 peter 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,2 peter,8,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 13 upon the world as outlined between malachi 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your,malachi,6,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 18 19 verse 17 says for 1 corinthians 19 17. he that happened upon the poor landed unto the lord,1 corinthians,19,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 17 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. job 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",job,6,12.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 12 joshua 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,joshua,19,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 14 very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture 1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 29,1 corinthians,22,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 29 19. here's the 1 corinthians 8 28 genesis 15 20. you,1 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 bear with me talkative next leviticus 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said,leviticus,10,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 19 difficulties or trouble judges starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in,judges,1,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 7 why did god forbid the eating of blood well esther 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the,esther,12,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 23 28 to 30 philemon 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time,philemon,16,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 28 so if you would like to turn in your bibles to 2 chronicles chapter 27 acts chapter 27 that's where we are,2 chronicles,27,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 27 absurdity of the thought really we go on in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,song of solomon (song of songs),55,55.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 55 verse 55 house in numbers 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 naito 40 sarah was hopeless humanly speaking there was no hope at,numbers,18,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 18 verse 9 nahum 5 and verse 12 in the new king james version it says therefore just as true one man sin entered into the word,nahum,5,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 12 one reading from verse 12 2 peter chapter one,2 peter,1,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 12 that is really deep psalms 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from,psalms,8,38.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 38 we can make it louder and stronger luke 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument,luke,41,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 41 verse 15 about this at the very end of ecclesiastes jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,ecclesiastes,22,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 22 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 ruth chapter 1 at the end of the time that,ruth,1,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 18 to observe the law it never comes up in 1 chronicles 2 let me read some scripture to support this acts 2 5 it talks about the,1 chronicles,2,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 5 persecution again but this time ending up in martyrdom 1 corinthians 6 11 says they persuaded men to lie about stephen,1 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 like obadiah was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,obadiah,12,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 5 okay there's 1 kings 5 12. now let's look at acts 14 3,1 kings,14,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 3 prepared for you in closing hosea chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17.,hosea,8,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 16 in demonstration 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 5 in joshua chapter three verse five here he says that joshua sage unto,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,2 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 2 timothy 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,2 timothy,9,31.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 31 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 is caption time the currency of life zechariah 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days,zechariah,5,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 16 situations in 1 corinthians chapter 18 from verse 22 to 33,1 corinthians,18,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 22 verse 22 and 23 malachi 1 22 to 23,malachi,1,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 22 somebody believe he said loved a man in nehemiah chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,nehemiah,4,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 23 say loud amen zechariah 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing,zechariah,43,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 43 verse 19 the leader said brother zack doesn't it say in 1 corinthians 2 44 that all those who believed,1 corinthians,2,44.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 44 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of 2 timothy 2 21 to 22,2 timothy,2,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 21 the almighty god will answer for you danielle ezra chapter we're reading from verse 24,ezra,1,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 24 a 1 samuel chapter 20 reading from verse 35 acts chapter 20 seek the expansion of the kingdom of god seek the,1 samuel,20,35.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 35 so there is a contention lamentations 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,lamentations,26,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 18 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to 1 thessalonians chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter,1 thessalonians,5,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in ezra chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,ezra,1,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 14 "in 2 chronicles 36 verse 14 and 15, you see in the days of 1 samuel and ezekiel, they are prophesying to judah and to israel under the tyranny of",1 samuel,36,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 14 is the most high most high ecclesiastes chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus,ecclesiastes,5,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 8 say louder amen in 2 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of,2 corinthians,6,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 the phantom of the opera but i was also thinking about habakkuk 4 verse 29 which says let no corrupting talk come,habakkuk,4,29.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 29 talks about how to face adversity in job 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 exist between the two i quoted to you from job chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,job,6,23.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 23 loud amen 1 john chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall,1 john,2,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 4 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from matthew chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,matthew,4,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 4 verse 17. in hosea chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,hosea,3,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 17 produces the fruit and we know in habakkuk chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,habakkuk,5,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 22 contained in ordinances amazing statement again in haggai 2 verses 13 through 17 really if we were to read,haggai,2,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 13 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of judges of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,judges,4,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 16 from verse 5 micah 11 5 by faith enoch was translated,micah,11,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 5 against the global crusade zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,zechariah,22,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 haggai chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 idolatry obadiah 1 20 to 22 22 to 23 says this,obadiah,1,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 2 the earth for their possession the book of obadiah chapter two and verse eight,obadiah,2,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 8 suffering for being an evil doer john 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,john,8,13.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 13 has the ability to break just like your word in judges 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,judges,29,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 29 verse 5 it is the word of god the bible says in jude chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,jude,6,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 17 verse 20. job 23 and verse 20. by little and little i would drive them,job,23,2.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 2 in 1 samuel chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,1 samuel,11,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 11 1 corinthians chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,1 corinthians,19,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 11 not miss the rapture in jesus name 1 thessalonians chapter 14 we're reading from verse 12 revelation,1 thessalonians,14,12.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 12 wisdom and there's a wisdom from above we have that in nahum chapter 3 and verse 17 but in john 3 31 he said,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 look at the book of ruth chapter 14 the book of proverbs chapter 14 i want you to open your bible there,ruth,14,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 14 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in 1 john 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,1 john,3,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 14 williams is going to read for us mark 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready,mark,35,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 35 verse 3 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into nahum 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,nahum,5,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 22 of how to live that's another thing look at ezekiel chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 7 hebrews chapter,ezekiel,13,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 7 the power from on high john chapter 2 and verse 14 the scripture says for the earth shall be,john,2,14.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 14 god knows your presence and god knows your future in 2 chronicles 1 5 the bible says before i,2 chronicles,1,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 coming generation 1 chronicles 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,1 chronicles,22,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 6 nahum chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,nahum,3,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 2 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen obadiah chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,obadiah,2,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 13 now you have a micah it's not over yet the bible says the following thing in romans 11 chapter verse 28 to 32 concerning the,micah,11,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 28 suffering in the world in joshua 28 the bible reads this is verse 8 it happened that the father of publius,joshua,28,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 8 earth today philemon 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,philemon,3,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 16 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord ruth chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,ruth,2,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 13 give pharaoh a nurse of peace ecclesiastes 41. 15 and 16.,ecclesiastes,41,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 41 verse 15 he preached for miriam and they were told in 2 timothy chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,2 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 is good or evil in 1 samuel chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12,1 samuel,2,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 12 that scripture back on the screen for me esther 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,esther,44,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 44 verse 3 time this intercession and supplication time on 3 john 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,3 john,33,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 33 verse 3 and he had a good harvest in ecclesiastes 26 i'm reading from verse 12 genesis 26 from verse 12 then isaac sold he planted,ecclesiastes,26,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 12 can i hear the loudest amen 1 john chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth,1 john,32,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 17 it applies here so 3 john 4 26 in this passage we have instruction,3 john,4,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 26 verse 14 to 16 jude 9 from verse 14 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have,jude,9,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 14 looking at jerry maya chapter 15. in habakkuk chapter 15 we're reading from verse 16 we look at the word of god,habakkuk,15,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 16 he gave them his name look at them using the name 3 john chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,3 john,3,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 6 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation lamentations 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,lamentations,15,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 15 verse 4 expected to be an altar of answers in john 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,john,33,3.0,1.0,john chapter 33 verse 3 the impact of the world in the book of habakkuk chapter 6 and verse 19.,habakkuk,6,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 19 actually repents this is what ezra says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,ezra,3,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 9 amen the bible says in haggai 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,haggai,13,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 11 not able to do anything 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 14 it's only one chapter he said but without thy mind,1 corinthians,1,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 14 today in 1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the,1 corinthians,4,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 of signs and wonders don't forget we are told in habakkuk chapter 8 and verse 19 that the endless expectation of the,habakkuk,8,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 19 from 2 samuel chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,2 samuel,8,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 23 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh mark 8 3. so what was it that was rent,mark,8,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 3 other people 1 corinthians 26 3 says you lord give true,1 corinthians,26,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 3 carried about with divers and strange doctrines ecclesiastes 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,ecclesiastes,13,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 9 hope for you 1 chronicles 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,1 chronicles,14,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 7 him in ruth chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after,ruth,8,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 26 house in haggai 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 naito 40 sarah was hopeless humanly speaking there was no hope at,haggai,18,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 9 it tells us in jonah chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,jonah,2,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 9 linda ronstadt let me tell you what the bible says listen to this jude 7 18 for i know that in me paul says that,jude,7,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 18 chapter 1 verse 8 haggai 1 verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 amos chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,amos,5,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 15 being lord of your life once again in 1 kings 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,1 kings,8,29.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 29 on or before august 1st 2021 judges chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a thousand,judges,1,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 11 produces kindness the bible says in joshua chapter 6 verse 7 that whatever we saw we will reap and then it,joshua,6,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 7 8 9 which we all know so well but psalms 2 4 but god being rich in mercy,psalms,2,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 4 2 samuel in chapter 21 i think it is it says in verse 18 deuteronomy 21 18 if a man has a stubborn or rebellious,2 samuel,21,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 18 acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of ezekiel chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom,ezekiel,12,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 28 protects them so to speak job 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign,job,12,13.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 13 is earth shaking god hear what he said in titus chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,titus,6,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 25 mighty name of jesus 1 timothy 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,1 timothy,26,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 27 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god titus chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,titus,4,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 3 so if you read annie 2 chronicles chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,2 chronicles,2,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 11 god they start to everybody why because from chapter 8 verse 17 1 kings 8 verse 17 the word of god says clearly love is a,1 kings,8,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 17 praise the lord then we want to decree in jude 67 verse 4 oh let the nation be glad and sing for joy for thou shall,jude,67,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 67 verse 4 esther chapter 11 job chapter 11 and i'm reading here from verse 13. he says,esther,11,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 13 abraham had faith exercise faith in 2 timothy chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,2 timothy,15,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 6 and i from everyone 3 john chapter 14 reading from verse 4 revelation chapter 14 we're eating from verse 4 and,3 john,14,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 4 since the year began a better amen mark 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,mark,118,23.0,1.0,mark chapter 118 verse 23 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 1 samuel chapter 4 it says and therefore,1 samuel,4,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1yue3ic2qg in 1 john 11 verse 26 we read behold i sit before you i sit before you,1 john,11,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 26 collusion 1 27 1 peter 1 27 christ in you the hope of,1 peter,1,27.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 27 about the rest in habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 genesis chapter 1 verse 28,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 is somebody saying they want fear amen hosea chapter 12 and verse 7 and 8 and there was war in heaven michael and,hosea,12,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 7 come again this promise is personalized because it says in john chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up,john,1,11.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 11 our bible in the book of leviticus chapter 1 isaiah 1 verse 18 tells us the come now and let us reason together saith the,leviticus,1,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 18 here's the history these simple statements of esther 3 14 and 15 they present us with a comprehensive,esther,3,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 14 sighting in verse 9 of song of solomon (song of songs) 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,song of solomon (song of songs),1,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 9 that he had that kind of temper read amos chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,amos,32,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 32 verse 17 give me a rousing amen 1 corinthians chapter 26 a meeting from verse 18 acts chapter 26,1 corinthians,26,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 18 in our life was destroyed so and the bible said in 2 john chapter 1 verse 5 to 6 revelation chapter 1 was fight to,2 john,1,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 5 how these things work if you go to nahum chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 central in it reading from john 19 and verse 4. and the four and twenty elders on the,john,19,4.0,1.0,john chapter 19 verse 4 gonna be a little pushback i would always point to habakkuk 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is,habakkuk,9,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 6 2021 make it louder and stronger 1 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says clearly here the lord god of,1 thessalonians,1,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 11 ezekiel 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,ezekiel,3,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 8 we're close look at it real quick ezekiel 5 verse 3 when adam and leah 130 years he became of the father of a son,ezekiel,5,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 3 how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in leviticus 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses,leviticus,1,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 4 [music] ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,ecclesiastes,2,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 6 earth by your mighty power zechariah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,zechariah,32,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 17 and whatever your mind fixes on manifests itself in our lives luke 11 15 tells us this if they'd been mindful,luke,11,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 15 disappear why amos 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name,amos,2,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 9 till one day god opened my eyes to read 2 samuel 14 and verse 17.,2 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,song of solomon (song of songs),21,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 verse 4 amen matthew 3 7 to 8 and the lord said i've seen the,matthew,3,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 7 it is a must the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 renewed right i mean verse 2 of 1 thessalonians 12 says be renewed,1 thessalonians,12,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 that we find in esther chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be,esther,13,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 2 jude 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,jude,11,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 23 again in jesus name look at habakkuk of the apostles chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 33 acts,habakkuk,4,33.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 33 beloved we will look at our text from 2 samuel chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21,2 samuel,14,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 21 ezekiel chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per joshua 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and,joshua,12,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 15 verse 19 2 peter 20 19 summon the lord with humility and many tears and try which happened to,2 peter,20,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 19 why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent 3 john 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he,3 john,9,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 14 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but 1 chronicles 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,1 chronicles,12,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 4 people look at jonah chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,jonah,3,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 23 spirit of wisdom and habakkuk colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it,habakkuk,1,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 9 of the year titus 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,titus,14,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 24 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 ezekiel chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,ezekiel,11,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 27 and joel 15 20 8 says for it seemed good to the holy,joel,15,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 2 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in mark 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,mark,8,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 17 busy and the bible tells us in joshua 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this,joshua,22,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 29 of the man of god in 2 timothy chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,2 timothy,19,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 11 and the voice of them that make mary 2 thessalonians 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,2 thessalonians,30,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 19 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith 3 john 14 23 is dead,3 john,14,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 23 chapter 8 haggai 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,haggai,8,35.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 35 over to 3 john chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version,3 john,13,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 22 consecrated to the lord zechariah chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13.,zechariah,4,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 i know my covenant and abide with it luke 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,luke,11,32.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 32 book of esther again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he,esther,28,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 12 changed her name to sarah matthew 17 15 to 16 genesis 17 15 to 16 which means mothers of nation mother of nation in,matthew,17,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 17 verse 15 flesh and blood against rather than paris ezekiel 6 12 rules of the darkness of this world,ezekiel,6,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 12 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at 1 peter chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,1 peter,33,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 25 verse 26 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 26 says daniel is speaking to king nebuchadnezzar and he says your kingdom,1 samuel,4,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 26 don't know we are received and so in numbers 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the,numbers,21,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 6 without action list of frustration eventually joel 14 23 the message translation,joel,14,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 23 i want we gotta read scripture carefully 2 kings 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,2 kings,4,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 19 ultimate advantage 2 peter chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,2 peter,3,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 17 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to 2 corinthians chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,2 corinthians,6,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote 2 peter 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,2 peter,8,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 28 lord when looking at habakkuk chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 20 it says i i'm crucified what christ i,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 3. lamentations 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life,lamentations,13,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 13 verse 3 confirming the word everywhere in the book of haggai chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,haggai,14,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 3 "a man. in ecclesiastes 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",ecclesiastes,10,42.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 42 gateway to next level of church growth in 1 john chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,1 john,30,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 19 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in 1 samuel chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,1 samuel,7,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 7 2 to 7 haggai 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,haggai,21,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 2 things about god you can read about that in ezekiel chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,ezekiel,13,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 6 1 thessalonians chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews 11,1 thessalonians,11,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 5 and freeness in 1 corinthians chapter 12 verses 23 verses 2 to 3 and genesis chapter 17 verses 1 to,1 corinthians,12,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 23 the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who leviticus in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the,leviticus,31,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 31 verse 23 strong drink is religion the same ezra chapter 23 from 19 to 20 the rabble makes us understand,ezra,23,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 19 the bible says in ruth 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,ruth,23,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 7 growth because we discovered in the book of mark 66 and verse 8 itself as soon as zion travailed she,mark,66,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 66 verse 8 2 kings chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 amen malachi chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews,malachi,11,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 5 esther chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again,esther,33,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 33 verse 9 with a shout of grace grace to it that's ecclesiastes chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,ecclesiastes,4,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 7 reality specifically the text that is prompting this whole series is nehemiah 4 verse 8 just the first 11 words at least,nehemiah,4,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 8 event 3 john 53 5 he was wounded,3 john,53,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 53 verse 5 tonight can i answer to read from the book of zechariah chapter 6 chapter 2 rather,zechariah,6,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 2 our memory verse shall be taken from the book of 1 peter chapter 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the,1 peter,1,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 7 that marriage is to prove to provide hell haggai chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,haggai,2,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 18 inherit the promises ecclesiastes 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,ecclesiastes,6,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 12 ourselves this month colossians 30 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,colossians,30,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 19 and he has come accounted the promise ezra 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,ezra,3,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 29 divine wisdom the wisdom of god is the vital key philemon 21 and verse 22 tells us,philemon,21,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 22 and so the law of god abraham said i've sworn to the lord zechariah 14 22 he's the possessor of heaven and earth,zechariah,14,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 22 meditate the word is luke paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,luke,1,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 17 lamb memory verse ezra chapter 19 verse 9,ezra,19,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 9 advance the common judgments we had the story in zephaniah chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,zephaniah,18,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 17 the lord said to the man called philemon joshua 1 8 he said the book of the law,philemon,1,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 8 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from luke chapter 7 and verse 11.",luke,7,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 11 it's found in who you know micah 13 5 says let your way of living be without,micah,13,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 5 said it's deliverable by faith 2 kings i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4,2 kings,2,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 4 love scientists i love them on her wall was 2 john 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,2 john,4,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 7 go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature in 1 john 60 verse 22 the lord has promised us a,1 john,60,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 60 verse 22 and he had a good harvest in ruth 26 i'm reading from verse 12 genesis 26 from verse 12 then isaac sold he planted,ruth,26,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 12 scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in 2 thessalonians chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i,2 thessalonians,7,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 9 and then to angels and to men in 2 timothy chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,2 timothy,3,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 that is one that rejects him 2 corinthians 1 7 says this fools,2 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in colossians chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 god speaking to us now look at it in john chapter 13 verse 5 think about the promises that he said in,john,13,5.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 5 in the house of priscilla and aquila obadiah chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5,obadiah,16,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 3 and in building the body of christ 2 john 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will,2 john,12,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 2 built the first altar to the lord 3 john 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible,3 john,12,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 7 of psalms jesus is the passover lamb in exodus chapter 12 verse 23 we read for the lord will pass to smite the,psalms,12,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 23 something else notice here in 2 chronicles daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,2 chronicles,7,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 2 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in esther 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,esther,46,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 46 verse 3 beamers was in the lord 1 thessalonians philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,1 thessalonians,23,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 24 over the ark which holds the testimony job 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,job,25,22.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 22 scholars today promote this objection on nahum 45 7 where it says god created evil i have a,nahum,45,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 45 verse 7 so verse 27 is really saying beginning at ruth and going all the way to malachi jesus,ruth,1,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 27 they declared the same thing listen to habakkuk 11 4 listen to my voice,habakkuk,11,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 4 these last days 2 john 8 and verse 15 by me king's reign and princes decree justice,2 john,8,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 15 the apostles peter on the day of pentecost back in colossians chapter 2 verse 31 is speaking about the death of christ,colossians,2,31.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 31 undeniable answers to prayer look at 2 kings chapter two we're looking at verses 6 and 7 it was six i went down to,2 kings,2,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 6 to damning our traditions look at esther 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,esther,3,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 3 when you read from verse 6 down to 11 1 kings 6 and verse 6 down to 11 it says go to the hands you slogan consider,1 kings,6,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 6 and the book of ecclesiastes 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be,ecclesiastes,1,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 18 multiplication not addition multiplication because in 1 john 22 from verse 15 to 18,1 john,22,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 15 god that's where our story picks up 1 thessalonians 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,1 thessalonians,6,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 16 apostles chapter three joel accept the apostles chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 19,joel,3,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 19 this is how they did it in daniel's day jonah 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,jonah,3,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 4 happiness to be in the presence of the lord and with his people leviticus 8 verse 34 wisdom speaks personified and,leviticus,8,34.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 34 when he may be found call upon him when his name luke chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,luke,55,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 55 verse 6 in jesus name we pray amen habakkuk 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to,habakkuk,50,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 50 verse 2 prayer tonight for micah 13 44 order of experience multitudes of men and women flowing into,micah,13,44.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 44 lord when looking at esther chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 20 it says i i'm crucified what christ i,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 numbers 11 6 that if it's grace it's not works you can't mix them go to galatians just read and study the book of,numbers,11,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 6 righteousness notice also what god said to john chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,john,30,7.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 7 still given to the humble and what does grace do well lamentations 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,lamentations,13,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 13 verse 8 valley they may find him themselves obadiah 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,obadiah,6,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 6 hand but when you read 2 peter chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,2 peter,12,29.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 29 loves her husband and number four this woman of luke 31 loves her family look at verse 13.,luke,31,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 31 verse 13 they corrupt others they corrupt others 1 john 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,1 john,15,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 2 promises of god yes and amen nahum chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,nahum,33,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 25 verse 4 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 4 for just as each of us,1 chronicles,12,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 4 you also it's in your bible so it's for you as well joshua 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord,joshua,15,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 19 "you're coming by law. and according to lamentations 3 verse 20, ""by the deeds of the law no one will be justified.""",lamentations,3,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 2 mean by virgins it says in luke chapter 14 and verse 4,luke,14,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 4 believer it tells us in judges chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,judges,4,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 31 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from 2 timothy chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,2 timothy,23,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 3 to say more than that 2 timothy turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,2 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 in all excuse me joshua 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 back in jonah when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,jonah,5,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 12 2021 make it stronger and louder 3 john chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god,3 john,1,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 11 of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of 2 kings 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made,2 kings,31,31.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 31 verse 31 repentance colossians chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,colossians,14,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 2 by the holy ghost which is given to us ezra 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,ezra,5,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 5 began matthew chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be,matthew,3,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 14 christian the third one on my list is luke chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,luke,3,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 2 in the book of psalm 1 john number 124 look at verse 7 there,1 john,124,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 124 verse 7 that's why why is it so important you think about 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 it says 3 0 souls what if you had 3 0,1 corinthians,2,41.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 let's do it with the understanding of the word of god in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 145 verses 18 and 19 psalm 145,2 thessalonians,145,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 145 verse 18 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why 3 john chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come,3 john,4,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 16 not responsible for evil and when we read in 1 john chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,1 john,6,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 9 says there have to be multiple witnesses colossians 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of,colossians,19,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 15 or a glorious destiny we are very familiar with that titus chapter 8 verse 29 to 30.,titus,8,29.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 29 written the book of titus starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and,titus,17,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 14 and he began to teach the book of philemon chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,philemon,3,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 11 4 zechariah chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4.,zechariah,8,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 4 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law esther 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,esther,5,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 22 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in jonah chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he,jonah,9,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 6 and a bigger soul winner in zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 in daniel 12 3 the bible says and they that be,zechariah,12,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 3 worship this morning i want you to open again to leviticus chapter 15. we stop at verse 11,leviticus,15,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 11 quick to listen i'm slow to speak bible says in matthew 2 90 said be swift to hear but slow to respond that's what the,matthew,2,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 9 from ethiopia and we read in 3 john chapter 8 verse 39 after he,3 john,8,39.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 39 sufficiency for esther 20 27 proverbs 20 27 say it that giveth unto the poor shall not,esther,20,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 27 look at 2 corinthians chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,2 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 for i say we're looking at malachi chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,malachi,6,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 7 chapter 2 and verse 20. 1 peter chapter 2 from verse 20 says i have been crucified,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 about this at the very end of 1 chronicles jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,1 chronicles,22,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 22 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in colossians 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,colossians,43,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 43 verse 21 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in malachi 29 29 that really just helped clarify,malachi,29,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 29 verse 29 and i'm justifying it constantly and that's why in malachi chapter 1 verse 23 listen to this now he says turn at my,malachi,1,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 23 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with 1 peter 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,1 peter,14,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 24 be proud well all you gotta do is read 1 chronicles 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,1 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 may get him rich it is the blessing of the lord ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 22 is my witness,ecclesiastes,10,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 22 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 2 john 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,2 john,1,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 13 out of the words of salvation hosea 12 3 amazing treasures loaded,hosea,12,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 3 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in ezekiel 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,ezekiel,9,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 3 whatever does not come from faith is sin luke 11 6 without faith it is impossible to please,luke,11,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 6 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in nahum uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,nahum,12,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 4 very important when the bible was talking to us in nahum chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,nahum,1,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 2 we're reading from verse 44 numbers chapter 2 verse 44 and all that believes,numbers,2,44.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 44 why in judges 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,judges,4,33.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 33 god will give us his power his gifts but psalms 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,psalms,42,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 42 verse 8 god a bit of discipline right lastly the bible says in amos chapter 1 verse 3 say blessed be the god of at father of,amos,1,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 3 but the reason i had you turn over to zephaniah is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,zephaniah,3,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 9 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth micah 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,micah,8,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 28 second chronicles 4 5 do the different 1 samuel usually this kind of thing i'd have to,1 samuel,4,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 5 like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 2 john chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and,2 john,4,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 6 of them know most of them all of them and some 37 zechariah 18 19 the lord knoweth the days of the upright and,zechariah,18,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 19 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord matthew chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,matthew,2,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 13 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in 2 corinthians 2 and verse 40 thing,2 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 then there is like apology about something nehemiah chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,nehemiah,4,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 4 and in the last letter of the book of john he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god,john,1,21.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 21 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in zephaniah chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,zephaniah,18,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 4 who alone is worthy in john chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11,john,4,11.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 11 passage that's in 2 john chapter 4 verses said verses 19 all through 26,2 john,4,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 19 this is said over and over again in the new testament ezekiel 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,ezekiel,2,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 12 according to numbers chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,numbers,9,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 15 does the bible said when we are saved now in habakkuk chapter 10 verse 9 he said if we confess with your mouth that jesus,habakkuk,10,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 9 you that verse and just by the way 2 peter 2 comes before romans chapter 6 how is it you missed it okay i'll show,2 peter,2,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 6 don't know how to answer that question ezekiel 32 verse 17 he said oh lord god you've made heaven sue media and just,ezekiel,32,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 32 verse 17 lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at 2 peter reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5,2 peter,5,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 3 important so the bible says in esther 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living,esther,2,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 6 and i'm reading from verse 15. zechariah chapter 11 verse 15 and the seventh angels,zechariah,11,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 15 the harvest in love for christ esther 12 9 let love be without dissimulation,esther,12,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 9 and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in zephaniah chapter 2 malachi chapter 2,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of 1 john chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom,1 john,12,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 28 prophecy we find it in esther 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem,esther,21,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 2 spirit is sent to minister for us we shall be honest of salvation 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14.,2 chronicles,1,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 14 and personal accountability that's why it is written in 3 john chapter 6 and verse 12 be,3 john,6,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 12 we have the list of spiritual gifts in 2 samuel 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12,2 samuel,12,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 according to judges 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing through the water it will be there with,judges,53,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 53 verse 3 matthew 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7,matthew,8,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 11 and he shall reign forever and ever but he got there from ecclesiastes 2 5 to 11. amen deadly,ecclesiastes,2,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 5 thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures 2 peter chapter 14 verse 21,2 peter,14,21.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 21 second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in 2 john chapter 4 verse 2,2 john,4,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 2 8 verse 11 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,1 timothy,8,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 son for unto us a child is born job 9 6 says,job,9,6.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 6 verse 11 ezra chapter 1 verse 11 woe unto them,ezra,1,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 11 and not have time for him in the book of titus 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son,titus,23,26.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 26 look at this now in mark chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,mark,14,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 25 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line zechariah 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,zechariah,17,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 7 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in luke chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,luke,3,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 9 and verse nine in verse one it says foolish 2 samuel oh thoughtless galatians,2 samuel,1,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 9 the apostle paul says in chapter 1 of 1 samuel that when god exalted him he seated him verse 20 at his right hand in,1 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 it's not sin to sleep ezekiel 5 is 12 says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet because you know,ezekiel,5,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 12 concerning marriage guarantees a history experience in marriage nahum 1 3 tells us,nahum,1,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 3 example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly philemon chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like,philemon,11,36.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 36 with this part of my message um but in esther chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,esther,7,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 14 continue to be supernaturally met nahum 3 and verse 17 the lord i god in the midst of this mighty he will save,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 troop shall be established 2 kings chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,2 kings,8,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 18 from that place of truth song of solomon (song of songs) 4 8 to 9 says it this way keep putting into,song of solomon (song of songs),4,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 8 and what i decorate your life zechariah 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,zechariah,23,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 23 verse 26 so he went in the power of that word and also according to 1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 that says and ye shall receive,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 peculiar people serious for good work in psalms chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,psalms,21,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 7 and then jude 25 from verse 8 he went,jude,25,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 25 verse 8 lord and better amen zephaniah chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,zephaniah,13,44.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 44 am alive for evermore unhappy of hell and of state 2 kings chapter 1 verse 18 thank you very much the world charter,2 kings,1,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 18 is something we all should know by heart ezra 1 8 this book of the law,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation 2 chronicles 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 read the scriptures malachi 3 verse 19 as erdos 34 5 to 10 god called his name in the scriptures and the glory,malachi,3,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 19 tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right habakkuk 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be,habakkuk,20,31.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 31 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and titus and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,titus,1,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 15 at this time is just like the prayer that numbers prayed in isaiah chapter 6 when you read verse 8 there he said here,numbers,6,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 8 i don't know if it is but maybe it is i'm scared and so then you read lamentations 14 23 and it says um,lamentations,14,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 23 time this intercession and supplication time on job 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god,job,33,3.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 3 nahum chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,nahum,26,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 26 verse 14 matthew chapter one our reading from verse 13. colossians chapter 1,matthew,1,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 13 they are mine psalms chapter two verse eight a guy two verse eight,psalms,2,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 2 amen amen all right so the bible says in numbers chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above,numbers,4,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 23 god it has ability to keep it in the book of ruth chapter one verse six philippians one,ruth,1,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 6 discern there's a verse in hosea 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,hosea,4,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 12 before august 1 2021 2 samuel chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly,2 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 if you open your bibles with me to the book of habakkuk chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse,habakkuk,8,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 18 and we're reading from verse seven numbers chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,numbers,5,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 7 spirit 2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs 17 verse 22 says a merry heart,2 chronicles,17,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 22 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in joshua chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,joshua,33,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 33 verse 13 we lost a general but we moved 3 john chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the,3 john,3,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 13 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in lamentations chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,lamentations,34,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 34 verse 2 and then when you read zephaniah chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible,zephaniah,9,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 2 the spirit of pride 1 timothy chapter five verse five and six hosea chapter five verse five and six he,1 timothy,5,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 5 didn't have it and the bible says oh no man anything jonah 13 8. so i say it's more important to read,jonah,13,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 8 can i hear you scream the loudest email 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 21 i paraphrased says,2 thessalonians,2,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 21 abilities he had stood among the strongest of his peers in zechariah chapter 22 and verse 3 paul describes his former,zechariah,22,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 3 our substitute 1 samuel chapter 5 reading from verse 6 in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6,1 samuel,5,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 6 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about numbers 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,numbers,1,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 13 a messianic expectation that is based on 1 timothy 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to it,1 timothy,18,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 15 haggai 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,haggai,10,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 12 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick titus 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,titus,13,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 12 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in zechariah chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,zechariah,33,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 3 it starts with satan in 2 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,2 timothy,14,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 be saved where's repentance in that matthew 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 natural disaster you could say then nahum arose verse 20 tore his robe shaved his head fell to the ground and,nahum,1,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 2 earth today song of solomon (song of songs) 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,song of solomon (song of songs),3,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16 of ezra chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,ezra,1,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 11 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god 3 john chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 you are raising the dead you say really oh 1 chronicles 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says,1 chronicles,21,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 16 name we pray in obadiah 29 and verse 7 the bible says,obadiah,29,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 7 "a man. in nahum 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",nahum,10,42.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 42 two things stand out look at 1 kings 5 21 amos 5 21,1 kings,5,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 21 believer growing in the world according to 1 thessalonians 3 verse 16 let the word of christ dwell in you richly there will,1 thessalonians,3,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 16 to me mark 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,mark,37,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 37 verse 2 their faith in christ but then god in numbers chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and 2 timothy 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,2 timothy,35,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 35 verse 5 how am i doing on time i che okay okay obadiah 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,obadiah,4,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 11 ministry of sharing hospitality look at ecclesiastes chapter 16 acts chapter 16 and verse 16 and it came to pass as we went,ecclesiastes,16,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 16 sun and the moon because in zechariah chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14,zechariah,10,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 12 mind 1 kings chapter 2 verse 20 james 2 verse 20 he said but we don't know of a man that faith without works is dead,1 kings,2,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 2 and this is what the bible tells us in the book of 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 20 they said we cannot speak of the things,2 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 an answer here look at psalms 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,psalms,1,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 9 amen 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,2 thessalonians,8,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 8 okay stay with 12 now haggai 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,haggai,26,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 26 verse 12 numbers chapter 3 from 7 to 11 philippians 3 verse 7 2 verse 11 force i critique everything i have i just want to know,numbers,3,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 7 god be with you the bible says hosea 6 14 if you have grace upon you sin cannot,hosea,6,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 14 i don't wanna be deceived now back in psalms chapter 3 he says in verse 2,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in job revelation 21 verse 7,job,21,7.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 7 that he'd be born of a virgin 2 thessalonians 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27,2 thessalonians,7,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 14 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in psalms chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,psalms,12,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 12 in jesus name a good church amen 1 john chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11,1 john,3,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 11 your amen can be stronger in joshua chapter 12 and verse 3 said and death that be wise shall shine as,joshua,12,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 3 for today 1 john chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,1 john,1,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 26 are gods you come back to luke chapter 19 and you look at verse four,luke,19,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 4 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so jonah 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be,jonah,11,24.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 24 am alive for evermore unhappy of hell and of state jude chapter 1 verse 18 thank you very much the world charter,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 and the body of christ in ruth four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 16 about the last part of,ruth,4,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 16 and thou shalt have plenty of silver 3 john 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god,3 john,22,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 21 vigorous life life full of vitality for example 2 peter 34 verse 7 literally 34 verse 7 tells us that at the age of,2 peter,34,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 34 verse 7 of the man of god in 1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 amos chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of,amos,12,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 3 throughout these years i've loved the truth of habakkuk 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,habakkuk,45,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 45 verse 3 product of a habakkuk in romans 12 and verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be,habakkuk,12,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 like some determinist suggests about john 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,john,16,33.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 33 ezra chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 a meaning from verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to,ezra,10,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 19 activities of the world it tells us in zephaniah chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,zephaniah,2,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 have faith have faith because in 1 chronicles 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you,1 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 again and again and reinforcing its importance matthew 2 42 is a summary statement of life,matthew,2,42.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 42 verse well it's just the whole thing actually leviticus 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,leviticus,8,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 22 1 corinthians alludes to that in june chapter one reading from verse 12 jude chapter one reading from verse 12 these are sports,1 corinthians,1,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 this is yours say this is mine titus chapter 3 verse 4 it says,titus,3,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 4 i love those five words in verse two of habakkuk chapter two and the lord answered me,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 because he ask not 2 kings 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not,2 kings,4,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 2 christ remember job 3 13 galatians that it said,job,3,13.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 13 with me be imitators of me as i am of christ 2 timothy chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you,2 timothy,13,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 2 advancement of his agenda matthew chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 our verse of the month is from the book of psalms chapter 55 verse 9 it says,psalms,55,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 55 verse 9 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in psalms 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,psalms,15,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 16 sword and then you're likely familiar with 1 timothy 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says,1 timothy,18,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 21 is 1 chronicles the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,1 chronicles,1,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 a very short verse found in verse 13 of 1 kings 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it,1 kings,16,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 13 leviticus chapter 44 i'm eating from boston isaiah chapter 44 20 it says he feedeth on ashes,leviticus,44,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 44 verse 2 jada will read nehemiah 2 verse 15 to,nehemiah,2,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 15 you'll be flying with wings as ego in leviticus 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,leviticus,19,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 4 and i'm justifying it constantly and that's why in colossians chapter 1 verse 23 listen to this now he says turn at my,colossians,1,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 23 and you have to make a choice job 11 from verse 24 to 27 hebrews 11 from verse 24 to 27,job,11,24.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 24 no sabbath has ever been required obadiah 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer,obadiah,2,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 16 verse 12 in joshua chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,joshua,13,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 12 souls into this church 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles,2 thessalonians,5,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 from um 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,1 thessalonians,10,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 3 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in 1 corinthians 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 to jesus 1 corinthians 43 25 god says,1 corinthians,43,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 43 verse 25 no peace psalms 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,psalms,48,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 48 verse 22 the bible says that he that we need soul will shine like the farmer meant 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3,1 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 of pride 2 john chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,2 john,17,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 17 verse 11 illumination if you look read um 2 corinthians 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,2 corinthians,21,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 23 we have heard the reputation of god and in 2 thessalonians 2 verse 11 she adds this is a declaration coming from her,2 thessalonians,2,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 11 should give such people is the same thing here in ecclesiastes 4 27 break away from your sins do,ecclesiastes,4,27.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 27 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=69gn9zmxmoq i'm going to begin reading in 1 peter 4 verse 30 we're gonna read five verses,1 peter,4,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 3 present comfort that i found at the end of ezra to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,ezra,5,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 11 that's taken from the book of micah chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 2 timothy chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,2 timothy,33,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 33 verse 11 not those who are subdued amos 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,amos,2,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 11 church and louder email 3 john 54 and verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together,3 john,54,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 54 verse 15 and verse 30. obadiah chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,obadiah,17,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 3 verses 6 and 7 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child,song of solomon (song of songs),9,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 6 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living 2 peter chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,2 peter,13,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 17 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in leviticus chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,leviticus,1,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 27 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in lamentations in chapter 3 verse 17.,lamentations,3,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 17 verse 31 mark 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor,mark,13,31.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 31 thank you jesus i'm going to open 1 chronicles isaiah 55 11.,1 chronicles,55,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 11 for the good of his children 3 john 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 15 which is one of our tests we also read joshua chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses,joshua,28,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 2 verse 25 ruth 11 25 says the liberal soul shall be made fat,ruth,11,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 25 a lamentations of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,lamentations,1,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 9 his word to us 2 peter 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,2 peter,7,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 7 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in esther 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,esther,61,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 61 verse 3 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,1 timothy,3,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 axe the early church we see them fasting habakkuk chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,habakkuk,13,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 13 advancement of his agenda jude chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord joel chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,joel,2,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 13 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in joshua 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,joshua,28,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 23 3 john romans chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 25 romans chapter 3,3 john,3,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 25 like some determinist suggests about joel 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,joel,16,33.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 33 verse 13 the book of 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13.,1 corinthians,1,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 god can bring good uh out of it zechariah 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,zechariah,8,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 28 towards our lord jesus christ lamentations chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,lamentations,26,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to 1 thessalonians now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,1 thessalonians,6,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 19 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives philemon chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,philemon,5,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 2 verse 2 to 3 habakkuk 12 verse 2 to 3,habakkuk,12,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 it's found in who you know micah 13 5 says let your way of living be without,micah,13,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 5 matthew 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,matthew,29,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 11 ability compare that with philemon 12 6 having gifts,philemon,12,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 6 dominion is guaranteed dominion is guaranteed song of solomon (song of songs) 27 29 37 genesis 27,song of solomon (song of songs),27,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 27 verse 29 at circumcision in the old covenant well looking at john chapter 30 verse 6,john,30,6.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 6 and you see a shame chapter 22 of esther revelation 22 verse 7 behold,esther,22,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 7 hand of god deliver supernaturally 2 thessalonians 11 and verse 6. the bible says,2 thessalonians,11,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 6 have 2 thessalonians okay verse 26 genesis 50 26 and in the book of exodus but not so in the joseph smith translation there are,2 thessalonians,50,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 50 verse 26 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you joel chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,joel,21,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 21 verse 4 go straight to the word of god nehemiah chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our,nehemiah,1,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 26 my brother my sister and my mother look at esther chapter 2 we're reading from verse 4 galatians,esther,2,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 4 reading from verse 2. job of the apostles chapter 6 we're reading from verse 2,job,6,2.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 2 when we are repentant we find that in 1 samuel 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,1 samuel,2,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 12 manifestation 2 john chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,2 john,4,29.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 29 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of 1 peter 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,1 peter,4,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 17 attributes of the humility in job chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,job,3,33.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 33 verses 26 and 27 where hosea speaks about the prince of the people that shall come,hosea,1,26.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 26 and tired of his defeated life he read leviticus chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,leviticus,7,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 7 kind of slavery seen in early america for example consider psalms 21 16 it says whoever steals a man and sells him,psalms,21,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 16 and i want us also to hear the good news in 2 peter chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that,2 peter,4,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 31 that he was given a name that was above every other name read it nehemiah chapter 2 from verse 5 to 11 philippians,nehemiah,2,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 5 fruitfulness 2 corinthians 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,2 corinthians,23,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 25 and to elijah look at 2 john chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,2 john,11,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 5 what the scripture says in song of solomon (song of songs) 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,song of solomon (song of songs),25,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 25 verse 21 is this not the fact that i've chosen joel 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,joel,58,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 58 verse 6 baptized 1 corinthians 2 verse 40 41 that day the day of pentecost acts 2 verse 41 three thousand people were converted and,1 corinthians,2,41.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 the lord is like guard your heart and it reminds me of 3 john 4 and 23 it says guard your heart because out of it flows,3 john,4,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 23 heaven 2 timothy 3 21 in other words the jewish,2 timothy,3,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 21 through chapter 8 verse 6 so ezra chapter 7 a reading from verse 23,ezra,8,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 7 but 3 john 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and verse 15.,3 john,5,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 15 under your feet in jesus name in esther chapter 14 reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14,esther,14,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 17 name psalms chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 in nahum chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 verse 37 in all these things we are more than,nahum,8,37.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 37 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in titus chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,titus,16,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 6 seek ye me in vain in 1 thessalonians chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that,1 thessalonians,11,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 6 the conversion of sinners to sons in zephaniah chapter four verse five,zephaniah,4,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 5 the falsehood of messengers titus chapter 5 i say chapter 5,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 suspended for your people number two we saw the story of malachi in joshua 10 13 joshua 10 13. he was,malachi,10,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 13 amen praise the lord let's quickly read that colossians 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up,colossians,2,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 11 international utah life convention in ruth 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to,ruth,105,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 105 verse 13 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom luke 1 5. proverbs 9 9,luke,1,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 5 verse two habakkuk chapter five verse two the bible says and pharaoh said,habakkuk,5,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 book of obadiah chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six,obadiah,9,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 6 ezekiel chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing amos chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,amos,3,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 16 and bones the tribes of israel but in haggai 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,haggai,9,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 2 have you not read your bible have you not read judges 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,judges,4,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 11 illumination if you look read um zephaniah 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,zephaniah,21,23.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 21 verse 23 now praise god nahum chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 the word of god makes it very clear,nahum,3,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 9 no wonder paul cry in joshua chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,joshua,8,35.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 35 at colossians 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,colossians,5,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 18 and into all of mankind mark 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,mark,5,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 12 that is why in verse 15 of 2 john 1 paul prays the prayer we're going to look at next time,2 john,1,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 15 the most high johnny chapter 4 verse 25 ezekiel 4 25 tells us that the most high rules in the affairs of man,ezekiel,4,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 25 uh philemon chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,philemon,30,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 23 verse number 19. 2 timothy 43 verse number 19.,2 timothy,43,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 43 verse 19 are still praying in that line titus chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he,titus,18,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 24 thoughtfully you repent thoroughly ecclesiastes chapter 18 what reading from the starchy,ecclesiastes,18,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 18 verse 18 we will read verses 21 through 25. 1 timothy one 21 therefore put away,1 timothy,1,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 21 zechariah chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,zechariah,8,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 2 how he wants to relate with man in titus 3 if you look at it from verse 8 and they heard the voice of the lord,titus,3,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 8 chapter 10 reading from verse 9. in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 9 look at this our salvation comes our redemption comes,ecclesiastes,10,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 9 what did we see in the last chapter ruth 4 37 god is able to humble those who walk in pride,ruth,4,37.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 37 luke chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,luke,4,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 13 all right look at me and quote it ezekiel 8 verses 8 through 12 quote in full the new covenant prophecy of,ezekiel,8,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 8 describes the born to again person in judges 6 like this i want you to look at verse 4 and 5 just for invitin that's,judges,6,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 4 chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 luke 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people,luke,12,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 14 also will always be fulfilled habakkuk chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,habakkuk,23,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 19 bible describes some winners as wise read that in book of nehemiah chapter 11 verse 30 which is our memory verse for,nehemiah,11,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 3 says ezekiel chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says,ezekiel,10,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 15 in jesus name amos chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4,amos,4,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 21 2 samuel romans chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 25 romans chapter 3,2 samuel,3,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 25 discretion a management of the family let's look at psalms chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,psalms,47,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 47 verse 13 there there's a simple sort of summary statement in habakkuk 1 11 i think that tell you what it is,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in haggai chapter 66 number seven and eight,haggai,66,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 66 verse 7 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in judges chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,judges,33,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 3 contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 ecclesiastes 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite,ecclesiastes,51,66.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 51 verse 66 and verse eight teresaurus titus chapter 28 and verse 8 the lord shall command the blessing upon,titus,28,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 28 verse 8 coming luke 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,luke,19,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 7 so we'll pick up here in jonah 9 verse 25 it says as he says also in hosea according the old testament book of,jonah,9,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 25 but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 obadiah 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it,obadiah,25,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 25 verse 27 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21,2 timothy,4,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 21 6 in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,song of solomon (song of songs),30,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 6 god that hurts your walk numbers 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,numbers,4,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 11 you but i'll read it to you job 12 verse 3 in the king james version says now the man moses was very meek,job,12,3.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 3 and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it matthew 8 28 we know that's how it begins,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 pull them out we'll find another example in 1 john chapter 6,1 john,6,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 6 verse 16 lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant,lamentations,3,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 church this coming sunday say louder amen nahum chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 it says and suddenly there,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 8 matthew 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,matthew,8,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 35 cooperating together 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some,2 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 testament in jonah in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,jonah,11,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 6 die titus 5 19 romans 5 19 god didn't want anyone to die,titus,5,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 19 verse 17 lamentations chapter 30 and we're reading from,lamentations,30,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 30 verse 17 look at 1 kings chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto,1 kings,6,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 13 it god's word also declares in 1 corinthians 11 and verse 15 that the kingdoms of this,1 corinthians,11,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 15 chapter 12 says never take your own revenge 2 kings romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking,2 kings,12,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 19 womb i've already set you to your future matthew of the apostle chapter 15 verse 18,matthew,15,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 18 and at that point the lord reminded me of 1 corinthians 5 14 where it says,1 corinthians,5,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 which is such an amazing book full of so much wisdom if you go to 1 timothy 16 verse 24.,1 timothy,16,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 16 verse 24 refers loud and clear amos 4 16 let us therefore,amos,4,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 16 starts off in different direction numbers 17 24 david was focused on this goal,numbers,17,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 24 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously esther chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,esther,2,42.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 42 the first time that the word grace appears in our english bibles is jude 6 8,jude,6,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 8 on issues of concern you better do that in jude 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,jude,26,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 26 verse 9 faith in the finished walk of christ 1 kings 3 let's go to 23 down,1 kings,3,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 23 never sinned against god in all of this suffering joel 122 and all of this job did not sin nor charge god with wrong,joel,1,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 22 i am more than a conqueror zechariah chapter 8 verse 37.,zechariah,8,37.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 37 the concept we've been looking at in 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from,1 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 i thought i'd just read it right here lamentations 3 19. i said this is god speaking,lamentations,3,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 19 into our services tomorrow sunday in 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,2 samuel,12,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 12 which most christians don't think of it says in hosea 5 verse 30.,hosea,5,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 3 that a man can turn things around ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 with a shout of grace grace to it that's 1 peter chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,1 peter,4,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 kill him as well in joel chapter 12 and you continue through the book of acts and you see the same persecution arises,joel,12,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 12 tested positive for hiv i held on to god's word in 2 corinthians 53 verse 6 verse 5,2 corinthians,53,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 53 verse 5 is available the bible says in 2 timothy chapter 7 verse 25,2 timothy,7,25.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 25 10 verse 3 in chapter 10 verse 3 of haggai it says for thee the jews were still as blind as i was,haggai,10,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 3 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to micah to highlight the spiritual confusion and,micah,17,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 21 end we need his grace jonah chapter 12 and verse 28,jonah,12,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 28 of us shall give account of himself to god joshua chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,joshua,20,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 11 healing for the sick body chapter 23 of ruth exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25,ruth,23,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 25 somebody believe he said loved a man in ruth chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,ruth,4,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 23 chapter 1 verse 16 in amos chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed,amos,1,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 16 it is also written in the book of nahum chapter 33 verse 23,nahum,33,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 23 mighty name we pray in jude 7 verses five to seven,jude,7,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 5 titus chapter 8 from verse 20 to 22 genesis 8 20 to 22 spoke about,titus,8,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 2 with him we see this in nehemiah 10 24 to 27,nehemiah,10,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 24 step out and serve 1 peter 1 6 being confident in this very thing,1 peter,1,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 6 how jesus expressed it in 2 timothy chapter 1 and verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 jesus was about to leave,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 and that is why if you look at what uh 2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 9 probably chapter 16 verse 9 says,2 chronicles,16,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 9 bible makes it clear to us in the book of judges 11 verse 6 it tells us there that without faith it is impossible to,judges,11,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 6 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in matthew 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,matthew,49,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 49 verse 8 forsake us neither will he forget us in zechariah chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said,zechariah,44,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 44 verse 21 malachi 12 11. revelation 12 11 i read and they overcame by the blood of,malachi,12,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 11 in ruth chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person,ruth,17,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 17 verse 24 joshua chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,joshua,7,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 22 blossoming wherever you are planted zephaniah 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,zephaniah,36,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 36 verse 11 find expression psalms chapter 29 verse 11 it says the vision of all is become,psalms,29,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 29 verse 11 from roth through him in 1 john chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10,1 john,10,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 17 with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise 2 john 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there,2 john,100,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 100 verse 4 love me and walk in my purpose for your life 1 kings 8 28 everything,1 kings,8,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 28 we are ordained to live forever you know in judges 18 verse 20 he said this soul,judges,18,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 2 know and one of those prophecies specifically on the list is malachi chapter 18 and chapter 34 the idea that,malachi,18,34.0,1.0,malachi chapter 18 verse 34 you know i read in the book of 1 samuel these words from isaiah chapter 50 verse 7,1 samuel,50,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 50 verse 7 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you 1 peter chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,1 peter,21,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 4 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 esther 10 12 from the first,esther,10,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 12 elephants also in matthew chapter 4 17 he asks he said shall mortal man be more just than god,matthew,4,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 17 love me and walk in my purpose for your life 1 thessalonians 8 28 everything,1 thessalonians,8,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 28 want to read you judges 53. here's part of how he was broken isaiah 53 verse 7,judges,53,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 53 verse 7 the ten commandment commitment with a promise and as a hosea 20 verse 12 that's old news for most of you lack of,hosea,20,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 20 verse 12 of things on the street in the name of jesus jonah 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping,jonah,2,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 11 let the word of christ dwell in you richly 1 peter 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by,1 peter,3,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 16 the children of israel out of egypt in 1 john chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,1 john,4,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 17 in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse 1 timothy 716 that jumps out to you see if you can,1 timothy,7,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 16 the stoil in ruth chapter 8 verse 12 therefore brethren,ruth,8,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 12 you say really oh 2 corinthians 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,2 corinthians,21,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 16 from their labors and their works do follow them zephaniah 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,zephaniah,14,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 13 of the leaves now 2 kings 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,2 kings,18,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 18 verse 2 the last verse for today will be read by jaina nehemiah chapter 9 verse 36 to 42.,nehemiah,9,36.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 36 thing in 2 chronicles 53 8 listen to what isaiah said by oppression and judgment he the messiah is taken away same,2 chronicles,53,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 53 verse 8 me passion translation of 1 samuel 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,1 samuel,24,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 24 verse 3 wants to talk to you look at ezekiel chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,ezekiel,8,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 14 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there zechariah 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 13 in psalms chapter 13 verse 11 remember now this individual and this,psalms,13,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 11 [music] first 3 john 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,3 john,1,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 12 christ in obadiah chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,obadiah,8,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 4 our 2 thessalonians in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,2 thessalonians,16,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 28 in the house of priscilla and aquila matthew chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5,matthew,16,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 3 look at ezra chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,ezra,11,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 4 the only qualification is zephaniah 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,zephaniah,10,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 9 because love covers a multitude of sins zephaniah 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,zephaniah,3,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14 member look at verse 4 joshua chapter 12 verse 4,joshua,12,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 4 not just outstanding but standing out in the same 2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3,2 chronicles,6,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 3 said no no no i rebuke you in the name of jesus in 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 james for myself on the bible says if,1 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 from that place of truth titus 4 8 to 9 says it this way keep putting into,titus,4,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 8 we have robbed them and then we come under the course of 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 4.,1 timothy,5,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 4 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,2 thessalonians,4,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 2 basically that this love fulfills the law it says verse 8 hosea 13 oh nothing to anyone except to love one another for,hosea,13,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 8 read it to you it occurs three times in the leviticus 53 passage verses five six and eleven so here's isaiah 53 verse 5 but he,leviticus,53,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 53 verse 5 please join me as we wrap up 1 thessalonians chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,1 thessalonians,31,37.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 31 verse 37 be proud well all you gotta do is read joel 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,joel,4,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 15 in the name of jesus in the book of nehemiah 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,nehemiah,53,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 53 verse 24 in 1 peter i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,1 peter,1,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to malachi chapter one we're reading from verse 3,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of psalms and i remember when we got to verse 8,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 that can make anything happen in one day in 2 peter chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,2 peter,12,41.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 41 it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when 1 john says be a father and a priest to me he means,1 john,1,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 7 of our heart in 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,1 corinthians,8,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 29 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in 2 chronicles 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,2 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 business fervent his spirit 2 chronicles 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith,2 chronicles,6,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 ministry of sharing hospitality look at nahum chapter 16 acts chapter 16 and verse 16 and it came to pass as we went,nahum,16,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 16 the grace i wanted to pray according to ezra that are one verse eight that says you will receive power when the holy,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 run with the energy and the power of the spirit mark chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray,mark,40,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 40 verse 3 rise again it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should,ecclesiastes,26,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 23 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in hosea 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,hosea,5,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 19 chapter 12 verse 11 2 corinthians 12 11 and overcame him by the blood of the lamb,2 corinthians,12,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 that so you can open your bible to the opening chapter of john and i'll just draw you down to verse 27 of,john,1,27.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 27 are the wise shall i inherit glory 1 corinthians 3 35 and the multitude of people is the kings,1 corinthians,3,35.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 35 "judah specifically. amos 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification",amos,5,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 7 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 1 thessalonians 12 11 talking about jesus,1 thessalonians,12,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 11 you're free look at 1 corinthians chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 11 put,1 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 the priority of your life in jesus name joshua chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,joshua,13,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 2 titus 4 and verse 6 says let your speech nick and james version corinthians 4 6 let your speech always,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 who love god let me show you the philemon 8 28 of the old testament,philemon,8,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 28 to use and that is mark chapter 10 from verse 12,mark,10,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 12 and that brings immense comfort the next verse is numbers 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of,numbers,4,35.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 35 and then in obadiah chapter 10 verse 21 to 23 exodus 10 21 to 23 he performed the miracles of darkness that is so,obadiah,10,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 21 god they start to everybody why because from chapter 8 verse 17 obadiah 8 verse 17 the word of god says clearly love is a,obadiah,8,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 17 psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 micah 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin,micah,16,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 13 just psalm 19 here's hosea 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses,hosea,2,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 2 welcome to mark of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,mark,2,43.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 43 this is how he responded to god's prophecy through nahum he says in verse 19 of second kings 20.,nahum,20,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 19 truth i will teach in zechariah chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,zechariah,2,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 6 are angels they are our co to invisible co to liberals the reapers 3 john chapter 14 from 14 to 16 we see,3 john,14,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 14 agricultural sector we have joseph in hosea chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was,hosea,41,54.0,1.0,hosea chapter 41 verse 54 "act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that joshua is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel",joshua,9,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 27 conclusion ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,ecclesiastes,17,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 9 according to the word of the lord in john chapter 25 verse 6 to 8 he said the lord of hosts,john,25,6.0,1.0,john chapter 25 verse 6 beyond mark 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day,mark,13,44.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 44 give up and there's nothing you've done 1 chronicles 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8.,1 chronicles,17,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 8 2 kings isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says,2 kings,58,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 58 verse 5 beginning too that's micah 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,micah,1,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 4 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing ezekiel chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,ezekiel,3,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 make an ungodly request mostly said in 3 john 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,3 john,11,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 15 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in 2 chronicles 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,2 chronicles,10,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 12 verse 9 john 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call,john,58,9.0,1.0,john chapter 58 verse 9 multiplication not addition multiplication because in lamentations 22 from verse 15 to 18,lamentations,22,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 15 dick stick this microphone fraser 2 timothy 12 verse 5 to 11 and you have forgotten the exhortation which,2 timothy,12,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 5 what is the fruit of our mouth jonah chapter 13 number 15 hebrews 13 15 by him therefore,jonah,13,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 15 us to do in 1 timothy 2 starting in verse 14. what good is it my brothers if someone,1 timothy,2,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 14 without divine inheritance look at that in 1 john chapter 33. genesis 3 and in verse 9 and israel,1 john,33,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 9 like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 job chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and,job,4,6.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 6 to use and that is ecclesiastes chapter 10 from verse 12,ecclesiastes,10,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 12 my notes there sorry guys i'm i'm extremely human so 2 samuel 4 13 paul the apostle,2 samuel,4,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 13 comes for the power of the holy spirit over in the book of obadiah chapter 57 verse 15 here another director not for,obadiah,57,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 57 verse 15 in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that habakkuk the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the,habakkuk,58,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 58 verse 11 mighty name or pray worried him from lamentations of the apostles chapter 20 and i'm reading from verse 26 acts chapter 20,lamentations,20,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 26 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up,song of solomon (song of songs),9,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 27 righteousness 2 timothy chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,2 timothy,8,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 18 sighting in verse 9 of 1 chronicles 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,1 chronicles,1,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 delivered ruth 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,ruth,10,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 23 2 samuel chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,2 samuel,3,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 26 which is the second dead 2 corinthians has only one chapter in verse seven jude,2 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 it in their lives uh according to what we read in 1 samuel 4 and verse 13 there they saw the effect of it in their lives,1 samuel,4,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 13 and rebellious act you see that in the book of 2 timothy 5 verse 23,2 timothy,5,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 23 said concerning the redeemed in luke 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,luke,2,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 5 reading from verse 28 in verse 28 haggai chapter three there is neither jew,haggai,1,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 28 difficulties or trouble leviticus starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in,leviticus,1,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 7 your evil imagination look at verse 11 1 peter chapter 6 verse 11 the earth also,1 peter,6,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 11 your evil imagination look at verse 11 joshua chapter 6 verse 11 the earth also,joshua,6,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 11 seating of his son on his throne in the other amos some 89 psalm 132 then down in verse 34 he goes to psalm 110 the,amos,132,34.0,1.0,amos chapter 132 verse 34 chapter 10 of judges acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet speak these words,judges,10,44.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 44 "no sabbath has ever been required. leviticus 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",leviticus,2,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 16 back to balaam in haggai chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,haggai,31,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 31 verse 31 as a child of god 1 corinthians chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews 1 13 to 14 angels are ministering spirits,1 corinthians,1,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 from ezra chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,ezra,8,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 23 our bible in the book of obadiah chapter 1 isaiah 1 verse 18 tells us the come now and let us reason together saith the,obadiah,1,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 18 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not micah 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,micah,10,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 9 agree with that there's nothing i cannot do song of solomon (song of songs) 32 verse 27 the remote attitude was when said behold am the,song of solomon (song of songs),32,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 27 amen now 1 samuel 32 and verse 15 says until the spirit is poured upon us from on,1 samuel,32,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 32 verse 15 15. 1 chronicles received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,1 chronicles,8,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 children of god the saints of god in ruth chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,ruth,19,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 19 verse 11 and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood 2 samuel 20 28 says was the blood of god,2 samuel,20,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 20 verse 28 and the bible say god remember him in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,2 peter,14,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 14 take you there in judges chapter 3 verse 20 for a conversation is in heaven a,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 but don't forget after 1 chronicles 8 verse 28 is romans 8 verse 29 profound insight right but what is 829 says it says whom he,1 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 in this church this year esther 34 and verse 25 and i will make with them a covenant of,esther,34,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 25 which workers by love it tells us in mark chapter 6 reading from verse 15 galatians chapter,mark,6,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 15 pivot verse in the entire book of zephaniah because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any,zephaniah,4,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 6 "is the cornerstone. 1 timothy 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer",1 timothy,4,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 11 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in jude 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,jude,9,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 3 without blemish and without sports let's come to 2 chronicles chapter 7. i read him from verse 25,2 chronicles,7,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 25 hands ruth 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,ruth,26,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 8 chapter 12 verse 3 we have 2 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13,2 thessalonians,12,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 3 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets philemon chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say,philemon,48,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 48 verse 17 chapter 4 you see what the scripture says there about abraham malachi chapter 4 from verse 18,malachi,4,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 18 what are you it will help you tonight look at titus chapter 4 i meet him from verse 14 hebrews chapter 4 i will,titus,4,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 14 verse 4. 1 timothy 4 4 as a child of god we,1 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 i wanted to give you um two words one in philemon chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35.,philemon,10,35.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 35 of the lord says in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 43 and verse 6,1 thessalonians,43,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 6 look at the book of obadiah chapter 14 the book of proverbs chapter 14 i want you to open your bible there,obadiah,14,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 14 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in judges 18 19,judges,18,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 19 hosea chapter 13 verse 4 hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 why our texts will be taken from matthew,hosea,13,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 4 2 kings 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,2 kings,26,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 8 without shame we're looking at zephaniah chapter 26 reading from verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 have been,zephaniah,26,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 26 verse 22 we will serve the lord when you leave that with ezekiel job 22 28 in a,ezekiel,22,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 28 10 psalms chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's,psalms,10,37.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 37 chapter 2 verse 20 obadiah was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 3 john 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 and this is what the bible tells us in the book of 1 peter chapter 4 verse 20 they said we cannot speak of the things,1 peter,4,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 2 for you and you have only to be still 2 corinthians 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes,2 corinthians,20,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 20 verse 4 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in 3 john 29 29 that really just helped clarify,3 john,29,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 29 our substitute 2 kings chapter 5 reading from verse 6 in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6,2 kings,5,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 6 presence how by the blood of jesus this is nahum 10 verse 20 by a new and living way open for us through the,nahum,10,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 2 titus chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,titus,40,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 40 verse 8 ourselves anymore we're seeking of the people that jesus died for in 1 kings chapter 14 reading from verse 7 it says,1 kings,14,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 7 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at joshua 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,joshua,1,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 14 1 timothy chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,1 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 when you read from verse 12 down to 14 ruth chapter 8 verse 12 down to 14.,ruth,8,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 12 hold our very lives even as 1 timothy said there in daniel 523 even the breath of our lives held in the palm of your hand,1 timothy,5,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 23 verses 26 and 27 where colossians speaks about the prince of the people that shall come,colossians,1,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 26 as he pleases joshua 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,joshua,32,39.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 39 this is what god said what happened 2 peter 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah,2 peter,12,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 3 worn the page out the call of the page leviticus 8 verse 28 that's all they know what does it say here in isaiah 4 verse 13,leviticus,4,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 13 an assurance that if he has spoken definitely he will perform for haggai 46 verse 11 isaiah 46 verse 11 saying,haggai,46,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 46 verse 11 chapter 5 reading from verse 4 in numbers chapter 5 verse 4 it says christ has,numbers,5,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 4 god ezekiel chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,ezekiel,23,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 16 unbelief 2 timothy 11 20 talks about the horrible tragedy of israel's unbelief revelation,2 timothy,11,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 2 we read of one of those prophecies in philemon which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was,philemon,8,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 17 him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit job chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for,job,12,7.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 7 god's promise you know bible tells us in 1 john 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,1 john,12,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 6 it to help the poor 2 samuel 13 6 13 16 sorry,2 samuel,13,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 6 it is a must the bible says in the book of amos chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,amos,3,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 17 rain why because 2 corinthians 22 28 job 22 28 he said thou shall also decree a thing,2 corinthians,22,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 28 to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from leviticus 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne,leviticus,46,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 46 verse 3 this before we leave 2 thessalonians joel chapter 2 23 for he has given the former reign moderately and he will,2 thessalonians,2,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 23 haggai chapter 9 yes romans 9 17 it says for the scripture says to the pharaoh for these,haggai,9,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 17 hope for you 2 samuel 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,2 samuel,14,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 7 encounters with light joshua 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,joshua,3,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 15 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,2 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 malachi in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,malachi,22,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 13 given to him before he got on the ship kristan philemon 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,philemon,23,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 23 verse 11 people we're looking at zechariah chapter 5 verse 13 then,zechariah,5,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 13 hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of jonah chapter 2 and verse 47,jonah,2,47.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 47 all the ants that shared blood micah 21 12. all that trust in men,micah,21,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 21 verse 12 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of matthew chapter 62 and verse 5.,matthew,62,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 62 verse 5 it is a must the bible says in the book of habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 how did esther 36 27 he said and i will put,esther,36,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 36 verse 27 to be filled ezra 8 and verse 17 acts 8 number 17. then they did their hands on them,ezra,8,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 17 obadiah chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,obadiah,3,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 5 verse 3. obadiah chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,obadiah,5,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 3 happening here very unusual after all of this from esther chapter 8 to chapter 14. you have all in the prophecy,esther,8,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 14 just remember that colossians 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,colossians,5,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 15 respectfully before you in 2 timothy 6 and verse 11 we find these words,2 timothy,6,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 11 i said they are all defeated micah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20,micah,15,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 2 the memory verse was taken from the book of mark 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee,mark,9,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 6 to me ruth 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,ruth,37,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 2 i want us to look at it again read with me matthew chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,matthew,1,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 5 the earth for their possession the book of matthew chapter two and verse eight,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 watching that's the great question today in 2 corinthians 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,2 corinthians,21,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 2 day she tells abram in 2 chronicles 16 and verse 2. see the lord has prevented me from bearing,2 chronicles,16,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 2 chapter 23 verse 4 luke chapter 23 we're reading from verse 4,luke,23,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 23 verse 4 upon you until you turn i can pour 2 corinthians 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,2 corinthians,1,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 let us cleanse ourselves luke chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,luke,12,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 14 zealous of good works look at philemon chapter 9 verse 26,philemon,9,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 26 their grave in jonah chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,jonah,1,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 22 people okay so if you understand that it says in ruth 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,ruth,10,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 2 for example in ezra chapter 11 verse 22 joshua 11 verse 22 the bible tells us that or during the time of joshua the,ezra,11,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 22 in 1 kings chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,1 kings,11,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 11 and they were wicked and this is this is their crime repeatedly lamentations 9 13 they forsaken my law that i set,lamentations,9,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 13 he declares the end from the beginning and then in 1 peter 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before,1 peter,1,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 hearts job chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,job,3,12.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 12 a few verses there that we go to ezekiel chapter 2 and then we go to ephesians chapter 6 we're ready tonight,ezekiel,2,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 6 our amen can be stronger this morning psalms 18 and verse 3 how long are you slack to go,psalms,18,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 3 all right so we're gonna start in 1 john chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 and it talks about there's one body and,1 john,4,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 6 two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 judges 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them,judges,3,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 19 37 verse 18 titus 37 18 the bible made us to understand,titus,37,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 37 verse 18 and day and night shall not see now in nehemiah 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,nehemiah,4,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 15 who the lord looks what does nahum 66 2 say this is the one whom i will,nahum,66,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 66 verse 2 aware of the details of what's going on in my life micah 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,micah,34,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 21 where we read earlier on ezra 4 29 he said let no corrupt communication proceed,ezra,4,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 29 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power amos 26 18 to open the eyes,amos,26,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 18 don't understand it fully in the old testament in job chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,job,4,4.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 4 plan for your life and according to matthew 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,matthew,20,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 20 verse 11 god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in 1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 27,1 thessalonians,36,36.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 36 receive us for the glory of his father 2 timothy 1 verses 3,2 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 been taught the graces that make them loving people and joel 30 verse 15 adds to that description this most,joel,30,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 15 joshua chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,joshua,4,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 13 eyes can see it will be given unto you psalms 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,psalms,13,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 14 we are once again carrying on with our study in micah fijians chapter 5 is where we're gonna be today verses three,micah,5,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 3 and give every warship an encounter of a lifetime nahum 11 31 the bible says that when to wind from the lord it got,nahum,11,31.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 31 2 john the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own,2 john,9,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 7 i said with you will rejoice looking at leviticus chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,leviticus,1,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 antichrist career number one is his zephaniah let's look at verse six and you know what restrains him now,zephaniah,1,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 6 so mightily that if you read judges 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8,judges,32,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 32 verse 3 28 2 kings 32 24 to 28 he changed the name of jacob to israel,2 kings,32,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 32 verse 24 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in numbers chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,numbers,34,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 34 verse 2 49 15 leviticus 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee,leviticus,49,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 49 verse 15 clouds to meet the lord in the air 2 peter 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given,2 peter,1,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 7 through this year job chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,job,2,46.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 46 mean really power that makes him the almighty in mark 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how,mark,32,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 27 we're looking at haggai chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,haggai,1,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 2 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,1 thessalonians,11,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 27 on issues of concern you better do that in esther 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,esther,26,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 9 guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain matthew as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and,matthew,12,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 7 need for god because 1 john prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant,1 john,1,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 5 reading from nahum 23 from verse 19 to 23 numbers 23 from verse 19 to 23 in the name of god has commanded you to be,nahum,23,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 19 of our heart in 1 john chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,1 john,8,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 29 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to malachi now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,malachi,6,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 19 verse 17 in amos chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him,amos,2,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 17 would be that long into the future joshua again chapter 30 where we started verse 15 for thus saith the lord god the,joshua,30,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 30 verse 15 the just one and as you look at nehemiah chapter 3 reading from verse 14 acts,nehemiah,3,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 14 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 3 john chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,3 john,2,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 3 face a future that is worse than dead in 2 john 10 26 it is described if we sin,2 john,10,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 26 your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 2 john 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise,2 john,13,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 2 your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know ecclesiastes 1 20 for since the creation of the world his,ecclesiastes,1,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 2 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in psalms 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,psalms,10,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 12 from verse three it says in 3 john chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,3 john,3,36.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 36 me in pieces with walls words come break into pieces psalms 18 4,psalms,18,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 4 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the ezekiel listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,ezekiel,9,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 9 i can't hear you very well look at matthew chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 "offering."" now the testimony of luke chapter 11 and verse 4 is that abel is a model of faith.",luke,11,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 4 you're healed in jesus name look at micah chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah,micah,17,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 14 of excellence i love that scripture in zechariah 31 29 see many daughters has done well,zechariah,31,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 31 verse 29 god the bible says very clearly habakkuk chapter 28 and verse 11,habakkuk,28,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 11 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at ezra chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,ezra,1,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 15 make it louder amen job chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,job,6,7.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 7 in the name of jesus christ in haggai 119 verse 18,haggai,119,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 119 verse 18 the lord himself promised us that if we would do that esther 1 8 if you meditate in it day and night you may observe to,esther,1,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 8 defense 1 corinthians 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,1 corinthians,8,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 31 reading from verse 17. in 3 john chapter 8 looking at verse 17 it says and if children,3 john,8,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 17 marriage the bible in nahum 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,nahum,2,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 14 chapter 72 lamentations chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17,lamentations,32,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 32 verse 17 the heart like it says in 1 chronicles 13 you know this verse hebrews 13 and verse 9 in the middle of that verse it says,1 chronicles,13,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 9 old testament without which i enjoy is there in jonah 23 and you can read it later on if you like verse 4 and 5 but,jonah,23,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 4 engages god's ability for delivery judges chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 saved and established in the faith and micah chapter 1 verse 22 to i know some have compassion making the,micah,1,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 22 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his amos he was happy they brought these people,amos,3,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 2 taken from the book of hebrew 3 john chapter 2 verse 18 hebrews chapter 2 verse,3 john,2,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 18 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 john 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your,1 john,59,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 59 verse 2 and those who practice lying job 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,job,22,15.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 15 deceive us from the truth look at malachi 5 verse 8,malachi,5,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 8 intercontinental 1 john chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i,1 john,1,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 5 than that here at psalms 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,psalms,1,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 15 coming to 1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 15 acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the lord said unto him go,1 chronicles,9,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 15 believer we are being redeemed from the course of the law according to micah 3 and 13 but at ways you can open doors,micah,3,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 13 1 john 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh,1 john,32,27.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 27 holiness that were presented before the lord in 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 it says these media who separate,1 corinthians,1,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 "and as i pointed out, in specific terms in philemon 6 through 19. when you see these things happen, including",philemon,6,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 19 revival joel chapter 2 and verse 23,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 shout hallelujah in the book of psalms chapter 10 and verse 7 the word of god tells us there,psalms,10,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 7 the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that micah 23 verse 25 and 26,micah,23,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 25 we're going to find it twice in the book of esther it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and,esther,10,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 25 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from hosea chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,hosea,23,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 3 forsake us neither will he forget us in john chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said,john,44,21.0,1.0,john chapter 44 verse 21 with a gift with something you know 2 timothy 160 they created everything for himself,2 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 now let's go back over there uh paul verse 11 by the way hosea 1 paul said i'm not preaching the gospel,hosea,1,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 11 be proud well all you gotta do is read philemon 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,philemon,4,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 15 beneath in 2 thessalonians chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his,2 thessalonians,50,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 50 verse 15 cannot enter into heaven look at haggai chapter 21 revelation chapter 21,haggai,21,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 21 and it echoes what paul talks about in hosea 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,hosea,3,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 28 advancement of his agenda jude chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 and the bible passage that supported that is lamentations 1 7 also in him we have redemption through his,lamentations,1,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 7 i hope you all know where it is song of solomon (song of songs) proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11,song of solomon (song of songs),8,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 11 verse of no works the gospel without any works song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,song of solomon (song of songs),2,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 8 of egypt in lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,lamentations,2,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 3 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in 1 thessalonians chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,1 thessalonians,24,34.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 34 us to do in numbers 2 starting in verse 14. what good is it my brothers if someone,numbers,2,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 14 in the name of our lord jesus christ and then in hosea chapter one reading from verse 12 colossians chapter,hosea,1,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 12 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told nahum to by his uncle's line just to mention you,nahum,32,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 7 and there's many other verses in zechariah where he addresses that 2 13 my people have committed two evils,zechariah,2,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 13 authority abusers and control for ezra chapter 1 i will read from verse 26 can you put that scripture up for me,ezra,1,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 26 god himself in 1 john chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,1 john,30,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 6 rejoice 2 chronicles 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment,2 chronicles,4,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 4 to more more and god will establish your desired healing 2 corinthians 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,2 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 "in chapter 25 and 47 of his prophecy, guilty of selling jewish slaves, according to john chapter 1 verse 9, this was a vile, vile,",john,1,9.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 9 2 corinthians chapter 16 from verse 18 to the end judges 16 18 to the end that's the case of something,2 corinthians,16,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 18 the others of the church verse 14 of 2 peter let him prove over him anointing with oil in the name of the,2 peter,1,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 14 all 2 kings chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his,2 kings,14,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 2 and rebellious act you see that in the book of john 5 verse 23,john,5,23.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 23 answered in jesus name we pray 1 peter chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,1 peter,1,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 6 darkness and in sin which is to lie in 1 timothy the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,1 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in 3 john 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,3 john,6,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 19 jonah 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him,jonah,39,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 39 verse 21 the borrowers to turn to 1 chronicles 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,1 chronicles,22,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 7 church for life say loud amen amos chapter 9 verse 11 and verse 12,amos,9,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 11 now the bible says in malachi chapter one verse 8.,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in 2 samuel chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,2 samuel,23,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 23 verse 2 for this gathering that we're in is in 1 samuel 1 verse 23 if,1 samuel,1,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 23 you know that sorry esther 3 19 revelation 3 19 those whom i love i,esther,3,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 19 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in numbers 3 and verse 12,numbers,3,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 12 with faith we can pray for revival that's what leviticus did look at what it says there in chapter 3 verse 2 it,leviticus,3,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 2 and as we do that i like somebody to open their bibles to the book of 1 peter psalm 124,1 peter,1,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 24 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 obadiah 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,obadiah,11,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 6 you fall 1 thessalonians 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,1 thessalonians,24,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 16 reading from joshua chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,joshua,29,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 11 we lost a general but we moved joshua chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the,joshua,3,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 13 that's interesting i noticed also the seeking is involved in salvation 1 chronicles 55 verse 6 through 7 seek the lord while he,1 chronicles,55,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 6 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in 1 timothy 22 verse 16.,1 timothy,22,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 16 this is praying to hit a kingdom target numbers chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,numbers,62,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 62 verse 6 abimelech and the entire city joshua 24 17 so abram prayed he prayed unto god and god healed,joshua,24,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 17 it shall speak and 1 timothy chapter 10 and verse 23,1 timothy,10,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 23 name colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,colossians,3,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 13 multitudes of people and he honors back those who engage in doing so 2 samuel 14 28,2 samuel,14,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 28 to free you of that the third one 2 corinthians 10 hebrews 10 36 it says this you need listen you need to,2 corinthians,10,36.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 36 nevertheless it was not i but the grace of god that was with me job 15 18 god forbid that i would speak of anything,job,15,18.0,1.0,job chapter 15 verse 18 "by the way, peter in his sermon in philemon 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",philemon,3,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 2 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 2 kings chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,2 kings,33,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 11 chapter 14 2 samuel chapter 14 i read from verse 17 the kingdom yes of,2 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 year 1 thessalonians 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,1 thessalonians,13,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 19 chapter 2 verse 20 zephaniah was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 matthew chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,matthew,2,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 7 verse 13 1 peter chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,1 peter,2,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 13 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvlxvzy2kxq i want to turn to 1 john in chapter 4 and we read from verse 30 he since 4 verse 30,1 john,4,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 3 return of the messiah in glory in jude 14 verses 3 through fun then the lord will go forth and fight,jude,14,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 3 chapter 13 in habakkuk chapter 13 verse 11 remember now this individual and this,habakkuk,13,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 11 back in ezra when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered,ezra,5,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 12 i read from verse 23 ruth chapter 10,ruth,10,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 23 lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in 1 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 look at nahum chapter one in jeremiah chapter one or reading from verse 7,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 that i love in jude and chapter 2 and verse 3.,jude,2,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 3 all the strange gods are gone look at obadiah chapter 25 verse 5 and the journey,obadiah,25,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 25 verse 5 1 samuel 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,1 samuel,2,36.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 36 the bible said in numbers 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,numbers,3,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 3 in the same 2 timothy 22 from verse 15 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 god said to abraham in blessing i will,2 timothy,22,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 15 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of luke 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,luke,8,29.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 29 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king zechariah version and what does it say,zechariah,14,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 26 god esther chapter 5 verse 22,esther,5,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 22 from verse 13 to 16 3 john 15 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16. [music],3 john,15,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 13 in luke chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,luke,6,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 16 chapter 5 zephaniah chapter 5 i read from verse 19 james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren,zephaniah,5,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 19 gonna be praying consigned a spirit of wisdom bible says in matthew 24 verse 3 bible says a wise man is strong a man of,matthew,24,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 24 verse 3 and verse 27. 2 thessalonians 22 and verse 27 it says you will make your prayer to him,2 thessalonians,22,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 27 kings reign by wisdom song of solomon (song of songs) 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so,song of solomon (song of songs),8,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 15 in jesus name look at 1 timothy daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,1 timothy,11,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 32 8 habakkuk chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,habakkuk,5,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 8 psalms chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,psalms,4,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 13 the book of jonah chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,jonah,6,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 12 it says wait on the lord i say wage on the lord it says in amos chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40,amos,40,31.0,1.0,amos chapter 40 verse 31 how jesus expressed it in joel chapter 1 and verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 jesus was about to leave,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 philemon 14 for somebody who may be looking for a scripture romans 14 21 22 and 23 new congenital version he said it,philemon,14,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 21 11 verse 14 it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 14,numbers,2,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 14 unto uncleanness but unto holiness amos 12 14 hebrews 12 14 follow peace with all men and holiness,amos,12,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 14 granted unto you supernaturally habakkuk 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,habakkuk,9,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 5 testament in 1 thessalonians in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,1 thessalonians,11,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 6 19 2 corinthians 1 15 to 19 as soon as he was converted,2 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 look at psalms chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of malachi shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter,malachi,4,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 6 name of jesus 3 john 25 leviticus 25 21 commanded blessings,3 john,25,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 25 verse 21 song of solomon (song of songs) 3 verse 29. galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,song of solomon (song of songs),3,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 29 oh now in jude chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts 9,jude,9,33.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 33 gathering of more teachers allowed amen in micah 37 of our study to verse 22 is a fair way that comment out of the north,micah,37,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 37 verse 22 on the screen right now praise god micah chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,micah,25,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 25 verse 2 and they will relocate in jesus name in 2 john chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw now to god and we draw,2 john,4,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 8 you know what your part in that is 2 john chapter 3 verse 20,2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 kind of slavery seen in early america for example consider 1 john 21 16 it says whoever steals a man and sells him,1 john,21,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 21 verse 16 the garden of eden and the bible says in 2 chronicles 1 28 that he blessed them the first statements that would come out,2 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 god's lying if he doesn't micah 30 4 warns god carefully warns us as husbands,micah,30,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 30 verse 4 very important when the bible was talking to us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night john luke and i danielle,john,12,5.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 5 the same thing is repeated in leviticus 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,leviticus,4,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 2 going to give you again the book of 1 kings chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of,1 kings,4,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 8 out obadiah chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,obadiah,4,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 12 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 philemon chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,philemon,12,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 2 sweeping it under the rug song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 12 how do they explain this one i haven't heard all their explanations,song of solomon (song of songs),2,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 12 do we find faith in the vision go back to 1 peter chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 2 to 7 habakkuk 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,habakkuk,21,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 2 are ordained for fulfillment in 2 peter chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,2 peter,12,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 25 thing in the world is water so my paraphrase of 3 john 10 29 is those who treat the blood of christ like,3 john,10,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 29 bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in amos chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is,amos,7,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 18 participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in micah 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba,micah,49,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 49 verse 24 1 kings chapter 9 verse 4. ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. he says if you are still connected to the living,1 kings,9,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 4 look at 1 kings chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,1 kings,34,31.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 34 verse 31 matthew's gospel and verse 11 right after the obadiah of the lord's resurrection in verse 8 of matthew 28 it,obadiah,28,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 28 verse 8 be sadness brokenness mourning what does joel tell us in james 4 6 to 10 weep mourn,joel,4,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 6 you'll be flying with wings as ego in hosea 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,hosea,19,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 4 go on in the society let us look at the book of nehemiah 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 it says see as thou a man,nehemiah,22,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 29 bones habakkuk 18 14. lift up your two hands and celebrate the bondu of joy that,habakkuk,18,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 14 but 1 john chapter 6 verse 7 tells you that stephen did his job so well and his witness was so full of the,1 john,6,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 7 terah died and then 2 samuel 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much,2 samuel,12,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 4 a seminar was like got in one i'm telling you the truth zephaniah 53 verse 4 i'm going to skip how useless starting,zephaniah,53,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 53 verse 4 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse 13 malachi chapter 12 and we're reading from verse,malachi,12,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 12 generally represents an unclaimed spirit in 2 kings 16 verse 13 it says and i saw three unclean spirits,2 kings,16,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 16 verse 13 services this year in 1 john chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,1 john,13,44.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 44 scripture i want to share with us is ezra chapter 29 11 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it's,ezra,29,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 29 verse 11 peace with everyone around you look at 2 chronicles chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 13. it says for bearing one,2 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 of scripture little things of scripture reading from 2 samuel chapter 30 verse 24 just four verses here tonight as we,2 samuel,30,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 30 verse 24 hand but when you read 2 samuel chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,2 samuel,12,29.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 29 and brothers in christ listen to lamentations 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,lamentations,10,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 14 god said in his word in the same zephaniah chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 36 he said it is,zephaniah,8,36.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 36 himself is praying on your behalf 2 john chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely,2 john,7,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 25 your mindset will change look at what we we see in 2 samuel chapter 4. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 21 he says if so be,2 samuel,4,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 21 to honor her and psalms 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,psalms,27,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 18 hallelujah the bible says in colossians 23 18 for surely there is an end,colossians,23,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 23 verse 18 mighty name of jesus 2 thessalonians chapter 12 verses 11 the bible says i a high rate of physical and,2 thessalonians,12,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 11 i'm reading here from verse 5 i zephaniah chapter 8 reading from verse 5,zephaniah,8,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 5 sighting in verse 9 of 1 corinthians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,1 corinthians,1,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character nehemiah chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,nehemiah,12,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 14 given to him before he got on the ship kristan lamentations 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,lamentations,23,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 11 ordination luke 20 verse 8 was what you want exodus 28 verse 41 god told moses want to set,luke,20,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 8 5 verses 7 and 8. luke chapter 5. verses 7 and 8.,luke,5,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 7 we can turn in your bibles there nahum chapter 14 verse 16. then it'll come about that any who are,nahum,14,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 16 happening here very unusual after all of this from titus chapter 8 to chapter 14. you have all in the prophecy,titus,8,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 14 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from 2 timothy chapter 36 verse 27,2 timothy,36,27.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 36 verse 27 we find him saying so again in ecclesiastes 1 21 for me to leave is christ,ecclesiastes,1,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 21 lisa is going to read to you from zephaniah 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she,zephaniah,11,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 31 in the world through holiness were coming to 1 samuel chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation,1 samuel,2,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 11 forward the holy spirit stopped them zephaniah 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped,zephaniah,16,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 6 god is god's wisdom judges 4 7 the word of god says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get,judges,4,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 7 "and to make that indelibly clear, go to verse 8 in 2 thessalonians 4 verse ""finally, brethren to "" listen, here's the last word on this "" to whatever",2 thessalonians,4,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 8 "you're coming by law. and according to 2 peter 3 verse 20, ""by the deeds of the law no one will be justified.""",2 peter,3,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 2 and they have nothing to do again philemon 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,philemon,2,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 14 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 2 peter do this is scripture remember so verse 32,2 peter,36,32.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 36 verse 32 i'm reading from lamentations chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,lamentations,22,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 5 we're looking at leviticus chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,leviticus,5,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 19 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in malachi 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,malachi,14,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 24 and buried him that you can find in 2 kings chapter 4 11 to 12,2 kings,4,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 11 your choice it's up to you what you're going to do then in 1 corinthians 55 and verse 6 isaiah says come on seek ye the lord,1 corinthians,55,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 55 verse 6 1 timothy 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,1 timothy,5,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 17 taken from the book of zechariah revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,zechariah,22,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 16 in ecclesiastes chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,ecclesiastes,8,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 26 since the year began a better amen 1 thessalonians 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,1 thessalonians,118,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 118 verse 23 of it beautifully zechariah 8 22 and then,zechariah,8,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 22 too it will penetrate every community in jesus name in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 13 for whosoever,ecclesiastes,10,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 13 will come look at john chapter 12 reading from verse 25 ezekiel ezekiel please open your bible ezekiel,john,12,25.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 25 then you must cleanse yourself furthermore we are told in 2 chronicles 20 and verse 32,2 chronicles,20,32.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 32 just not to hear from god and according to habakkuk chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 the bible says faith comes by,habakkuk,10,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 17 law for example in nahum chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,nahum,8,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 8 but the opposite of that it says in philemon chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13,philemon,2,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 13 about the word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of esther chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god,esther,4,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 12 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in matthew chapter two first three verses once again,matthew,2,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 3 over to malachi chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version,malachi,13,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 22 has the ability to break just like your word in john 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,john,29,5.0,1.0,john chapter 29 verse 5 instruction despiseth his own soul 2 kings 15 verse 32 and he that being often reproved he that being often,2 kings,15,32.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 32 and wisdom is essential look at 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,1 samuel,4,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 11 to 13 1 samuel 4 11 to 13 it tells us there are some who are apostles,1 samuel,4,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 11 his brother and slew him he killed him 1 corinthians 11 verse 4 records that by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent,1 corinthians,11,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 4 resemble for prayer the bible says in nahum chapter 20 verse 35,nahum,20,35.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 35 matthew chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was shining forth in the economic sector of,matthew,41,54.0,1.0,matthew chapter 41 verse 54 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in ruth 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,ruth,1,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 24 of substitution 1 kings chapter 11 verse 8.,1 kings,11,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 8 the book of 2 john chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,2 john,4,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 17 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder esther 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,esther,28,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 12 where there's no sanctification 1 samuel 2 for by grace you've been saved verse 8,1 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 1 samuel chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,1 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 the apostle chapter 8 while looking at verse 4 obadiah of the apostle chapter 8,obadiah,8,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 4 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on 1 timothy 10 38 i said,1 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray 2 thessalonians 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,2 thessalonians,29,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 12 chapter 13 ezra chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of,ezra,21,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 21 verse 13 who alone is worthy in obadiah chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11,obadiah,4,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 11 up on that verse there in ecclesiastes 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess,ecclesiastes,2,32.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 32 like in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 jeremiah 1 4 5 god said before i formed thee,song of solomon (song of songs),1,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 4 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 i read verse 16 revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent,song of solomon (song of songs),22,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 16 first and in the book of ezra 4 19 philippians 4 19 he said my god,ezra,4,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 19 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat obadiah 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,obadiah,10,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 13 the flesh job 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,job,3,3.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 3 neighbor as yourself but in quoting amos 19 18 what jesus is doing is he's summarizing the,amos,19,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 18 our judges in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife,judges,16,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 28 believed to ignites hope in the book of 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 and 18. look at what the word,1 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of jonah 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,jonah,18,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 18 when he departed out of iran psalms 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,psalms,3,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 12 paul gives us the formula for this in amos chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. familiar verses probably to many of you,amos,4,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 6 succeed any longer in jesus name joel chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,joel,4,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 5 because 2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 promise you you just do my will never be sick again they said,2 thessalonians,15,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 26 the children of israel out of egypt in 1 timothy chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,1 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at colossians chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,colossians,15,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 26 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 john 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of,1 john,8,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 12 humble ourselves and believe that god's laws are his laws and not our own mark 66 2 says this god honors the one who is,mark,66,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 66 verse 2 2 corinthians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,2 corinthians,2,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 and look at luke chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35,luke,35,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 35 verse 5 situations in luke chapter 18 from verse 22 to 33,luke,18,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 22 what it says in 2 john chapter 12 and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book,2 john,12,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 4 what is going to happen in the future verse 27 i lamentations was overcome and lay sick for days then i got up,lamentations,1,27.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 27 midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one 1 john 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but,1 john,1,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 8 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to lamentations chapter one verse eight,lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 irrigation and the cycle continues in 1 samuel 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in,1 samuel,26,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 8 make it louder amen esther chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,esther,6,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 7 on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in judges chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13,judges,13,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 5 give me food who cares about bad night but i will go to judges 27 verse 30 to 40 genesis 27 30 to 40 a bible said he,judges,27,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 3 he says we will come back again that's not a lie it's job 11 verses 17 through 19 that actually share that i'll,job,11,17.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 17 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in 3 john 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,3 john,14,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 24 that wisdom and 2 samuel prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,2 samuel,11,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 3 of operation by all means this coming sunday 1 timothy chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,1 timothy,20,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 9 again in jesus name look at philemon of the apostles chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 33 acts,philemon,4,33.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 33 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to 1 kings 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,1 kings,1,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 2 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,1 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 be relations nahum chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 and those who practice lying mark 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,mark,22,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 15 things but listen to what the word of god tells us in zephaniah chapter eight verses 26 27 once it just give me your,zephaniah,8,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 26 [music] psalms 14 verse 14 though these three men,psalms,14,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 14 that's taken from the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy,song of solomon (song of songs),4,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 4 more sending people to eternity prematurely in malachi chapter 2 verse 4,malachi,2,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 4 jesus in this season baba says the book of esther chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked,esther,45,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 45 verse 2 called satan which means adversary and 2 corinthians 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,2 corinthians,1,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 6 individual it's true for a nation in micah 15 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 15 12 to 14,micah,15,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 12 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in song of solomon (song of songs) four verse four,song of solomon (song of songs),4,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 4 coming generation obadiah 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,obadiah,22,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 6 you will not look back in jesus name jonah chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,jonah,11,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 21 thought by thought hopefully this passage jonah 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,jonah,3,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 21 i'll show you one verse first of all lamentations 8 and verse 9.,lamentations,8,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 9 okay stay with 12 now psalms 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,psalms,26,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 26 verse 12 it's available praise the lord it is real look at judges chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2,judges,2,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 14 the multitudes increase in leviticus chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the,leviticus,6,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 7 through chapter 8 verse 6 so 3 john chapter 7 a reading from verse 23,3 john,8,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 7 his sleeves now what is the fruit of sleeves luke 13 15,luke,13,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 15 that are listed in the book of obadiah chapter two and three in colossians in,obadiah,2,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 3 and whatever your mind fixes on manifests itself in our lives job 11 15 tells us this if they'd been mindful,job,11,15.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 15 through christ i'm bringing to you a message from ecclesiastes chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus,ecclesiastes,12,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 3 you're doing this the first one is in 2 kings chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,2 kings,40,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 40 verse 3 not only that the prophet spoke about it prophet micah spoke about it in isaiah chapter 14 in verse 9 verse 15,micah,14,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 9 it's one of the mysteries of scriptures 2 corinthians chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of,2 corinthians,13,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 15 starting in habakkuk 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy,habakkuk,3,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 21 in the way we think psalms 23 verse 7 very popular now with people,psalms,23,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 7 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so jonah 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,jonah,29,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 11 right before jonah daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb,jonah,7,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 7 wishes hallelujah now um psalm 34 2 kings 34 18 and the message translation says if your heart is broken,2 kings,34,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 34 verse 18 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in nehemiah 12 6 to 8,nehemiah,12,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 6 and the starting point for knowing more about the bible is 2 kings 3 6. it says in all your ways acknowledge him,2 kings,3,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 6 c joshua 4 16 or d joshua 1 8 20 joshua 1 8 final answer has locked in option d as his answer joshua 1 8 and,joshua,4,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 16 in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 to whom,1 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 verse 3 nehemiah 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 1 peter chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,1 peter,53,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 53 verse 3 your time is different for god's time athleticism chapter 3 verse 11 esther chapter 3 verse 11,esther,3,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 11 verse well it's just the whole thing actually joel 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,joel,8,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 22 technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in 1 peter chapter 13 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage,1 peter,13,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 16 jonah 3 12 he's a prophet contemporary to isaiah and he points about he talks about the,jonah,3,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 12 of no effect chapter 13 of joel and verse 20,joel,13,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 2 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience 1 chronicles 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,1 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 know titus 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is,titus,15,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 11 generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 matthew 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is,matthew,51,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 51 verse 11 scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i,song of solomon (song of songs),7,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verse 9 glory be to jesus lastly today in 2 kings chapter 19 uh when you read from verse 2,2 kings,19,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 2 of you have dropped out but so we start with 1 chronicles 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 actually when i read matthew chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering,matthew,12,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 13 but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 nahum 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 amen as we continue our prayers let god be god ruth 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and,ruth,55,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 55 verse 8 scripture i want to share with us is joshua chapter 29 11 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it's,joshua,29,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 11 the more applicational side of the book of matthew and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 "daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. judges who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would",judges,6,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 22 because ezekiel chapter 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 promise you you just do my will never be sick again they said,ezekiel,15,26.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 15 verse 26 um but let's let's read on hosea 16 15. after she was baptized in her household,hosea,16,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 15 when he said we look at obadiah chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,obadiah,21,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 12 it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. esther chapter 45,esther,45,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 45 verse 2 number two you need to meditate meditate lamentations 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 go to that the same verse 14 titus chapter 14 verse 14 it says this if a man dies shall it leave again,titus,14,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 14 in jesus mighty name we pray in 1 timothy 14 and verse 34 right shortness has started the nation,1 timothy,14,34.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 34 is a because of you the wind will blow in john chapter 2 verse 7 the bible says let him that has ears to hear,john,2,7.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 7 bless the lord o my soul look at some for 3 john 44 reading from verse 28,3 john,44,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 44 verse 28 worthy of god look at zechariah chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 4,zechariah,3,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 4 the second verse of luke 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,luke,66,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 66 verse 2 and restores health quickens our mortal bodies 1 john 8 and verse 11 the bible makes clear to us,1 john,8,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 11 joseph in luke chapter 50 from verse 15 to 20,luke,50,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 50 verse 15 that my old man was crucified with him as well ezekiel 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,ezekiel,6,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 6 and this church this coming sunday song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,song of solomon (song of songs),16,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 14 what does it say zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,zechariah,4,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 23,1 thessalonians,6,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 6 20 to micah 13 from verse 22 22 god said i found a man,micah,13,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 22 chapter 3 13 to 15 1 thessalonians 3 13 to 15 philippians,1 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride psalms chapter 16 verse 18 says,psalms,16,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 18 conditions in december 28 1 samuel 28 verse 43 says,1 samuel,28,43.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 43 which is different from the old covenant matthew 8 verse 8 and 9. the three parts of the,matthew,8,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 8 shine unto them we're looking at philemon chapter four verse four in james chapter four,philemon,4,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 4 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation malachi 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 prophets did say that about the messiah in psalms 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,psalms,53,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 53 verse 3 will turn to the lord in jesus name look at 2 kings chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19.,2 kings,11,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 11 reigns the lord almighty reigns numbers 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,numbers,10,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 14 church we should be saying lord these are the last days esther 2 verse 17 18 must be becoming true and the purity of my,esther,2,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 17 1 kings 30 genesis 15 he came back to him in genesis 17 from verse 1 he assured,1 kings,30,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 30 verse 15 redeemed in esther 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i,esther,1,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 5 tooth which by the way is 2 samuel 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,2 samuel,21,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 24 check out obadiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,obadiah,14,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 12 oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in joshua chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27,joshua,10,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 21 also a platform for the upgrade of faith zechariah verse 20 says he said that you know building up yourself upon your most holy,zechariah,1,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 2 verse 12 the bible tells us they are micah 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of,micah,8,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 12 them amos chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,amos,11,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 15 under any spell of baroness 1 timothy chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people,1 timothy,7,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 14 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at habakkuk chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,habakkuk,1,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 15 and hymn that causes you i will becomes zephaniah 12 3 jesus the righteous one causes,zephaniah,12,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 3 15 to 16 numbers 21 15 to 16 is the story of,numbers,21,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 15 but shem shall be the promotion of fools 2 peter 3 35 so glory is the heritage of the wise not shame and reproach,2 peter,3,35.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 35 today beautiful people our verse is 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 30 which says for we are members of his body point,1 timothy,5,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 3 indeed zechariah chapter 13 from verse 11 to 18,zechariah,13,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 11 2 peter chapter 2 verse 11 revelation chapter 2 verse 11 he that has an ear to hear,2 peter,2,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 11 so atonement involves foregiveness in hosea 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,hosea,16,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 3 let's take a stab at it we're looking at psalms chapter 66 verses 22 and 23 and we'll see this may,psalms,66,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 66 verse 22 says in jonah in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,jonah,2,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 8 matthew 8 80 you may be seated isaiah 8 18 tells us something that is pronounced,matthew,8,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 8 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,1 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 because they'll all leave and go haggai 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,haggai,2,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 12 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in nehemiah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,nehemiah,3,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 17 today definitely speaks right to it 2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 4 we can start with that and i want to give you very,2 corinthians,50,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 4 have a permanent enjoy ecclesiastes chapter 2 26,ecclesiastes,2,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 goes through the gospels and then we also see in the book of 3 john in in the book of acts 1 3 it says to whom,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 well the story i mentioned to you about song of solomon (song of songs) in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,song of solomon (song of songs),14,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 21 is one reference in the book of esther acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,esther,16,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 14 more moves when you read matthew 26 from verse 12 to 14,matthew,26,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 26 verse 12 in this church amen can be stronger in luke chapter 12 and verse 3 said and they,luke,12,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 3 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of micah 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,micah,4,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 17 jesus enough of telling stories in judges chapter 8 verse 19 the bible says for,judges,8,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 19 sickness affliction micah chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,micah,5,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 13 for you and in verses 25 and 26 of mark 32 jeremiah said this is his test you said,mark,32,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 25 as the brightness of the former man ezra 2 f3 and they turn many many to righteousness,ezra,2,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 3 a meeting from verse 11 colossians 1 verse,colossians,1,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 11 this morning let's remember his word to us in ecclesiastes 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,ecclesiastes,33,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 3 draw this from ecclesiastes 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,ecclesiastes,7,44.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 44 church and then of course a famous verse at a titus 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give,titus,19,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 7 top in his adventure on the earth philemon chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,philemon,28,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 13 and in breaking of bread and in prayers 1 timothy 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,1 timothy,2,42.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 42 and i'm reading here from verse 8 malachi chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,malachi,2,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 8 revealed who gets to know this glory spoken about in matthew who gets to walk in this in luke chapter 2 and verse 8,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 corinthians 12 he empowers in matthew 1 verse 8 and he fills in acts chapter 2 verse 4 this is your comforter are you hearing,matthew,2,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 4 submission leviticus chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,leviticus,2,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 begin to enjoy financial fortune in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of ezra chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had,ezra,8,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 22 that greatness starts with self to leadership in colossians chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,colossians,6,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 6 this was the story of jacob until you come to 3 john 32 24 to 31 genesis 32,3 john,32,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 24 from 2 peter i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,2 peter,1,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 8 [applause] and god said in esther chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,esther,8,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 11 stubbornness in 2 timothy chapter 1 if you guys want to write it down romans 1 verse 26 talks about how god says the more and,2 timothy,1,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 from their labors and their works do follow them 1 corinthians 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,1 corinthians,14,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 13 zechariah 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,zechariah,19,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 14 pass away and behold all things become new in lamentations chapter 4 reading from verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of,lamentations,4,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 on this first sunday of the month of july 2 timothy chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,2 timothy,3,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 9 mercy and titus chapter number 14 verse 18 numbers chapter 14 verse 18 it says the lord is long suffering and,titus,14,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 18 go forward and they went john chapter 14 and verse 15. the lord said to the muslims we are,john,14,15.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 15 nurturing new churches for growth 2 corinthians chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,2 corinthians,14,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 21 right and that the word for ball that we do see in hosea 22 18 he says i'm gonna throw you like like a like a ball is he,hosea,22,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 18 thee prepare to meet their god o israel haggai chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,haggai,4,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 12 8 verse 11 john chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,john,8,11.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 11 something is happening to your faith look at jonah chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,jonah,2,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 18 fairly and so i i don't like i look at zephaniah 3 12 and i think i don't think this has a lot to say about the topic,zephaniah,3,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 12 indeed luke chapter 13 from verse 11 to 18,luke,13,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 11 incorruptibility of divine doctrine hosea chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2 in deuteronomy,hosea,32,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 2 moses song 2 kings 15 3 and what they said is this the lord,2 kings,15,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 3 rejoice job 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment,job,4,4.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 4 with money don't ye even to me with all your art jonah 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,jonah,4,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 29 amen ecclesiastes 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,ecclesiastes,34,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 34 verse 25 he rested you don't need to turn there but the reference is hosea 2 2 and i'll read it to you it says and on,hosea,2,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 2 ways i want to read it carefully luke 19 verse 3 the foolishness of man perverteth his,luke,19,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 3 wisdom micah chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him,micah,2,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 21 of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to amos 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu,amos,11,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 3 a blessing that's what god told you abraham in ruth 12 verse 2 he said i'll bless you i'll make of you a great,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 the bible says in obadiah 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,obadiah,23,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 7 christ john 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,john,23,26.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 26 more and more and more in a couple verses haggai 13 15 i want to read this proverbs 13 15 hard is the way of,haggai,13,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 15 greater sense and that's in song of solomon (song of songs) revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,song of solomon (song of songs),19,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 19 verse 7 glory bear to jesus paul writing the book of 2 peter chapter 8 lastly and verse 35,2 peter,8,35.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 35 isn't it jacob song of solomon (song of songs) 14 verse 12 and revelation let me just go to these two passages start with isaiah 14 verse 12 how are,song of solomon (song of songs),14,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 12 number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in 2 samuel chapter 5 reading from verse 12,2 samuel,5,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 12 look at chapter 3 1 chronicles chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly,1 chronicles,3,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 11 the power from our possessed pentecost 1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 that were we maintain our salvation through our righteous deeds leviticus four verses four through five it says this,leviticus,4,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 4 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved joel of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,joel,17,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 17 to really pay attention he says in leviticus 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,leviticus,16,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 15 or not philemon 11 36 for from him and through him and to him are all things all things,philemon,11,36.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 36 bear with me talkative next haggai 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said,haggai,10,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 19 verse 15 you know we've already considered in nehemiah 6 this great truth that paul kept on speaking about in the,nehemiah,6,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 15 for mercy we are going to cry for mercy because malachi 9 15 and 60 says he said to moses how we are messing with,malachi,9,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 15 and rebellious act you see that in the book of 2 peter 5 verse 23,2 peter,5,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 23 our amen can be stronger this morning leviticus 18 and verse 3 how long are you slack to go,leviticus,18,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 3 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of hosea 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",hosea,12,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 11 fire is for purification 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 those of you who want to go high pay,1 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 in the book of ecclesiastes in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,ecclesiastes,74,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 74 verse 2 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of nehemiah chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,nehemiah,4,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 12 and don't forget the promise of 2 john 31 8 or he says i will never never,2 john,31,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 31 verse 8 testament there's only one required fast according to joshua 16 29 to 31,joshua,16,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 29 and our bible reference today will be taken from the book of amos 40 verse 31,amos,40,31.0,1.0,amos chapter 40 verse 31 revelations chapter 1 verse 23 1 kings chapter 1 we're looking at verse 23 it says if he continue in the,1 kings,1,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 23 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in zephaniah chapter 11 verse 22 romans,zephaniah,11,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 22 make an ungodly request mostly said in hosea 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god,hosea,11,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 15 you give an example so let's look at this particular example 1 corinthians 28 13 and you said thank you for your,1 corinthians,28,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 13 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me jonah i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,jonah,4,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 15 number two keep a good conscience by the way that's 2 samuel 2 verse 25 and number two,2 samuel,2,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 25 mark chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,mark,11,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 6 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation 2 thessalonians 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,2 thessalonians,15,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 4 his will is still set to do evil in 1 john chapter 8 and verse 11 we are told because the judgment upon,1 john,8,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 11 agenda began in 2015. from the book of 1 timothy 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,1 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 already in jesus name haggai ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now unto him that is able to do,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 seated we open the bibles to 2 john chapter 14 from verse 21,2 john,14,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 21 "which he was the ruler. in ezra chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",ezra,27,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 27 verse 3 the scripture says have faith in god ezra 11 and verse 6 he said without,ezra,11,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 6 going to be an encouragement and then we'll have as jonah 6 18 says we'll have strong encouragement,jonah,6,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 18 that he had that kind of temper read 2 thessalonians chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,2 thessalonians,32,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 32 verse 17 you know what the scripture say the book of song of solomon (song of songs) about 5 by 16 it says no confess your trespasses,song of solomon (song of songs),5,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 16 may get him rich it is the blessing of the lord 1 john chapter 10 verse 22 is my witness,1 john,10,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 22 beginning too that's 2 corinthians 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,2 corinthians,1,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 4 from verse 24 2 thessalonians chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,2 thessalonians,8,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 24 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in luke 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,luke,8,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 17 this morning 1 peter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives,1 peter,49,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 25 pretty clearly i'll just pick this one leviticus 5 19.,leviticus,5,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 19 and there are weeds that's why the bible tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 6 verses 11 and 12,1 chronicles,6,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 11 the fire in 1 timothy 43 2 the lord said when you pass through the waters,1 timothy,43,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 43 verse 2 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in luke 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,luke,20,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 14 say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of 1 thessalonians 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's,1 thessalonians,11,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 29 his body read ezra chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews chapter 10 verse 5.,ezra,10,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 5 god for every one of us in 2 peter chapter 12 and verse 3 the word of god tells us there he said,2 peter,12,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 3 and paul that great man of god said in 3 john chapter 8 verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 them but the in captivity look at verse 43 in a 1 peter chapter 7 verse 23 it says what i see i'm not a member,1 peter,7,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 23 ezekiel chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,ezekiel,11,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 25 governor without election 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be,2 thessalonians,5,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 your bibles to numbers chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,numbers,13,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 17 real look at 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who,2 thessalonians,2,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 known to us here on earth and so we read in matthew chapter 8 verse 35,matthew,8,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 35 story in hosea chapter 37 3 to 5 ezekiel 37 3 to 5 when god himself called ezekiel,hosea,37,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 37 verse 3 word of god that way we commit god to deliver his path without fail in luke chapter 1 beginning from verse 22 james,luke,1,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 22 if you don't obey him 2 corinthians the autonomy chapter 11 verse 17.,2 corinthians,11,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 17 the bible tells us in the book of 2 samuel of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,2 samuel,13,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 15 now let's turn back to 1 thessalonians 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,1 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 and they're dealing with and in nahum 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy,nahum,3,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 16 amen 1 peter chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,1 peter,40,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 40 verse 31 there's no one else beside him numbers 4 35 that's also in isaiah 45 21.,numbers,4,35.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 35 miracle power of the lord in jesus name matthew chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18,matthew,57,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 57 verse 18 psalms 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,psalms,21,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 2 the price is to obey in jonah chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and,jonah,1,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 18 of christ the apostle writing uh in the book of psalms chapter 10 verses 19 and 20 put it this way,psalms,10,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 19 on the basis of his service the bible says concerning him in joel chapter 11 and verse 3 that the man moses became,joel,11,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 3 bringing together several passages of scripture 1 timothy 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,1 timothy,9,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 thanks it tells us in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling,2 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 is what confessed dominion that domino is established in psalms chapter 2 verse 6. he won anyway,psalms,2,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 6 our lives and the other verse award in philemon chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,philemon,1,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 11 the steadfast firmness in the better covenant 1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein,1 corinthians,6,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 or with love in a spirit of gentleness or amos chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important,amos,6,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 4 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with psalms 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,psalms,14,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 24 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in 2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,2 kings,1,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 instance in 2 timothy chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,2 timothy,2,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 11 judgment remember 1 samuel is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when,1 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 church days coming sunday in nehemiah chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of,nehemiah,12,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 12 of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of leviticus revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us,leviticus,19,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 15 peace today had to be in judges 26 3 isaac 23 now will keep him in perfect peace with,judges,26,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 26 verse 3 that he had that kind of temper read 2 timothy chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,2 timothy,32,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 32 verse 17 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love luke chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,luke,4,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 14 that end abstain from all appearance of evil amos 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,amos,4,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 2 the memory verse was taken from the book of zechariah 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee,zechariah,9,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 6 divorce in 1 samuel chapter 1 and verse 14 the bible tells us there it says the,1 samuel,1,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 14 in jesus mighty name we have prayed in the book of judges chapter 25 verse 25 if they's like cold water to attest his,judges,25,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 25 verse 25 example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly 1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like,1 thessalonians,11,36.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 36 baptized in the holy ghost and they went out there to speak so you you read obadiah of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 38,obadiah,2,38.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 38 from amos 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in,amos,2,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 15 "(laughing) roman, or amos 1 verse 12. romans, where did that come from?",amos,1,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 12 have this seven full redemptive package in numbers 5 12. everybody in this church knows that,numbers,5,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 12 open your bible with me to the book of 1 chronicles proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,1 chronicles,14,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 23 which includes sickness numbers 6 17 from hell's fault let no man trouble me,numbers,6,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 17 have you not read your bible have you not read luke 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,luke,4,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 11 how these things work if you go to 2 chronicles chapter two in verses two and three,2 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 now let's see something in chapter 31 of john verse 16 chapter 31,john,31,16.0,1.0,john chapter 31 verse 16 and verse 22 lamentations chapter 8 verse 22 the bible says while the earth remained,lamentations,8,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 22 someone in the choir place ruth 27 verse 5 and 6 god forbid that i should justify you till i die i will not,ruth,27,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 5 to do that one your duty jesus name philemon chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 a secret here is the secret in 1 samuel chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans,1 samuel,4,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 16 what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation luke 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that,luke,15,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 4 been going around making land since this man began 2 samuel 32 verse 17 the walk of righteousness shall be peace,2 samuel,32,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 17 the obedience it is in the obedience john 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,john,1,19.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 19 it is at that point at that moment that god then said in luke 22 16 by myself i have sworn so this is what hebrews is,luke,22,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 16 amen and amen and amen amen now jude 3 and verse 23 we're still praying we're still praying we're still,jude,3,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 23 this church this prophetic season philemon chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was,philemon,2,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 6 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in nehemiah chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,nehemiah,8,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 2 to fulfillment in life the book of judges chapter 10 verse 15 says ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15,judges,10,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 15 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in amos in chapter 3 verse 17.,amos,3,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 17 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in zechariah 11 14 and 24,zechariah,11,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 14 esther 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,esther,5,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 14 at john chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see,john,42,2.0,1.0,john chapter 42 verse 2 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in 2 peter chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,2 peter,9,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 9 1 thessalonians chapter 24 proverbs and chapter 24 and verse 30 proverbs 24 30 it says i passed by the field of the lazy person a,1 thessalonians,24,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 3 fire in the pulpit jonah 10 27 this is where it comes from it shall come to pass in that day that,jonah,10,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 27 the book of ezra chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,ezra,6,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 12 see the lord face to face look at nehemiah chapter 4 verse 18 proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 but the path,nehemiah,4,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 18 it says wait on the lord i say wage on the lord it says in haggai chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40,haggai,40,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 31 jonah chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time,jonah,13,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 11 foe accuses the jews of having sawn obadiah in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,obadiah,11,37.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 37 chapter 1 in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,1 thessalonians,1,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 22 now i come to number four and this is in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter three verses three and five,song of solomon (song of songs),3,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 3 but the opposite of that it says in obadiah chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13,obadiah,2,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 13 in job chapter 5 verse 20 romans 5 20 moreover the law enter that the offense might abandon,job,5,2.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 2 but god had the almighty that his ominous science art no ii know in 1 samuel chapter 40 either 42 f250 have 40 to 50,1 samuel,40,42.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 40 verse 42 something has to change in my life in ecclesiastes 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,ecclesiastes,24,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 24 verse 3 alongside wine and ezra 2 3 even says of older ladies they're not to be those who are much,ezra,2,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 3 our prayer focus today is holiness zechariah chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,zechariah,1,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 9 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says 1 john 1 23 continue,1 john,1,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 23 after the order of 1 samuel in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was,1 samuel,34,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 34 verse 9 mind in hell turning back to 1 kings chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,1 kings,4,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 2 who can make that claim it is a god as the god of all flesh nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12,nehemiah,12,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 be involved as well as as well as other things amen 1 corinthians it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,1 corinthians,14,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 17 whereby one may edify another 3 john chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,3 john,12,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 14 john chapter 3 was made to tell proverbs 3 verse 9 to take follow the lord with your substance and with the first,john,3,9.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 9 joel chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,joel,30,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 19 have expectation expectation in matthew 23 and verse 18 the bible says surely there,matthew,23,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 18 that's you i got a verse for you 1 thessalonians 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,1 thessalonians,2,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 rewrite history because in 2 samuel chapter 44 verse 26 the bible says god confirms the word of,2 samuel,44,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 44 verse 26 ordained concerning noah the bible tells us in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 11 and verse 7 he said that by faith noah moved,1 corinthians,11,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 7 according to certain principles for example he says in 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,2 thessalonians,8,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 17 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture 3 john 1 18 the lord says,3 john,1,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 18 attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of titus 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving,titus,5,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 2 step out and serve joel 1 6 being confident in this very thing,joel,1,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 6 living in the best of times you believe he said louder man 2 kings chapter 2 verse 4,2 kings,2,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 4 you as well 2 samuel 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord told him a certain principle if you want,2 samuel,15,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 19 i will read from verse 9 through 2 verse 11 zephaniah chapter 2 beginning from verse 9,zephaniah,2,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 11 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. ruth 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",ruth,6,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 12 existence that's what it means micah 4 17 says he collects those things that be not,micah,4,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 17 this context let me read the context numbers 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not,numbers,5,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 3 uh habakkuk talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,habakkuk,1,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 19 leviticus 8 and it is mentioned in daniel 8 and 21,leviticus,8,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 21 it is a must the bible says in the book of luke chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,luke,3,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 17 christ psalms 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,psalms,23,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 26 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's 2 samuel 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,2 samuel,3,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 15 are angels they are our co to invisible co to liberals the reapers 2 corinthians chapter 14 from 14 to 16 we see,2 corinthians,14,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 you as well 1 peter 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord told him a certain principle if you want,1 peter,15,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 19 chapter 65 and i'm reading from verse 24 malachi chapter 65 are you there verse 24 are you there and it shall come,malachi,65,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 65 verse 24 ultimately be a slave to god now this verse actually comes from zechariah chapter one verse seven although there,zechariah,1,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 7 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in colossians chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,colossians,2,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 12 next video so let's read about this outer gate in zechariah chapter 27 verse 16 it says for the gate of the court there,zechariah,27,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 27 verse 16 delivering and so we see here in song of solomon (song of songs) um chapter 15 from verse 14.,song of solomon (song of songs),15,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 14 like 1 corinthians was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,1 corinthians,12,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 in the book of 1 peter 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision,1 peter,29,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 29 verse 18 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times matthew 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,matthew,22,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 6 our bible in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 isaiah 1 verse 18 tells us the come now and let us reason together saith the,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 heaven 2 thessalonians 3 21 in other words the jewish,2 thessalonians,3,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 21 that wisdom and 2 john prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,2 john,11,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 3 into this church this coming sunday psalms chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,psalms,2,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 6 what 1 corinthians the prophet said way back in isaiah 53 4 that he took our infirmities and carried,1 corinthians,53,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 53 verse 4 find that all over scripture leviticus chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,leviticus,4,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 5 represents carelessness searing our conscience is ecclesiastes 1 15. to the pure,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 out zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,zephaniah,4,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 have no might he increases strength 1 samuel chapter 40 verse 29 the prophet micah said but truly unfollower by the,1 samuel,40,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 40 verse 29 in chapter 5 and verse 14 what happened to amos who mobilized the people of god he became a governor there are,amos,5,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 14 things is this beautiful verse in nahum 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,nahum,29,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 29 verse 11 perform it ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 ezekiel chapter 12,ezekiel,12,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 25 in 2 john chapter 6 and verse 12 leviticus chapter 6 and verse 27 meanwhile,2 john,6,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 27 is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this jonah chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very,jonah,4,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 4 well there must be something wrong and according to lamentations chapter 5 verse 16 james,lamentations,5,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 16 closing of this age but the second mentioning in john 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,john,21,22.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 22 was made we're also told over in zephaniah 1 16 by him all things were created things in,zephaniah,1,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 16 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is 3 john chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,3 john,20,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 24 the victors revelations of the 21 verse 7 nahum 21 verse 7 who are those people that could sit in that evil oppresses,nahum,21,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 21 verse 7 the book of 2 chronicles 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,2 chronicles,17,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 28 and you know the reason why first corinthians starting 1 kings one two three,1 kings,1,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 2 danielle refused to compromise in amos chapter 1 verse 8 daniel 1 verses i'm not going to,amos,1,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 8 the spirit so take a look at the beginning of ezra chapter 4 we'll start in verse 4 here paul says,ezra,4,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 4 love me and walk in my purpose for your life jude 8 28 everything,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 can i hear the loudest amen numbers chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth,numbers,32,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 32 verse 17 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in 2 peter chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,2 peter,40,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 40 verse 31 sensitive 1 peter 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,1 peter,5,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 25 everyone from that second death look at 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 from verse 6 to 12 numbers 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 haggai chapter 43 verse 21 these people,haggai,43,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 43 verse 21 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in 1 kings chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,1 kings,20,35.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 35 he said we should open to the book of 1 corinthians chapter three verse six i open to that book when i opened i see,1 corinthians,3,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 believe i believe in matthew chapter 13 verse 8,matthew,13,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 8 for today amos chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,amos,1,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 26 have persecuted israel the bible says in philemon 3 verse 2 i will gather all the nations and bring them,philemon,3,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 2 will be open for you in jesus name a look at 1 chronicles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 17 in romans,1 chronicles,14,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 17 great joel soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,joel,6,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 15 truth with your neighbors or members of another verse 26 of 1 kings 4 be angry and do not sin,1 kings,4,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 26 "to speak in a known human language. listen to 2 peter 2, verses 7 and 8, ""they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not",2 peter,2,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 7 look at 1 samuel chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,1 samuel,14,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 14 be a man what does it say in luke 12 14. as much as it lies in us to follow peace,luke,12,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 14 so let me read you numbers 19 9 and 10. after three months it says,numbers,19,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 9 2 chronicles chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long,2 chronicles,18,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 3 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in joshua chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,joshua,9,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 24 you fall leviticus 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,leviticus,24,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 16 spirit of wisdom that's an luke chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,luke,11,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 2 numbers chapter 4 proverbs chapter 4 i'm reading here from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son,numbers,4,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 2 chapter 13 in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 11 remember now this individual and this,2 thessalonians,13,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 11 docile psalms 11 6 says the wolf will romp with the lamb,psalms,11,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 6 the zephaniah 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,zephaniah,2,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 17 intellectually when you read colossians chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,colossians,2,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 19 verse 27 esther 32 verse 27 he has a question,esther,32,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 27 by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity ezra 13 30 says god raised him from the dead,ezra,13,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 3 people to give unto me we're looking at mark chapter 12 romans chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 11,mark,12,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 11 in fact the word of god declares in 1 john 3 and verse 8 he said concerning joshua day that,1 john,3,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 8 no effect joshua chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 billion,joshua,1,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 22 uh numbers talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,numbers,1,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 19 to john chapter 17 i reserve until anything genesis everything anything genesis 17 17 through 218 then deborah,john,17,17.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 17 we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in job chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto,job,19,16.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 16 and tired of his defeated life he read 1 corinthians chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,1 corinthians,7,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 7 draw this from obadiah 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,obadiah,7,44.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 44 but the other thing we see here is in lamentations 12 11 please look here they overcame,lamentations,12,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 11 in the book of john chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 48 the grass with that the flower faith,john,40,8.0,1.0,john chapter 40 verse 8 okay the memory verse first joel chapter 20 verse 6,joel,20,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 6 are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the lamentations they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy,lamentations,119,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 119 verse 24 joel chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is,joel,3,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 13 because it's uh it's multifaceted but in 2 kings chapter one starting with verse 16,2 kings,1,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 16 in our sin we're going to fear the lord and titus wait in june chapter 3 verse 4 john chapter 3 verse 4 where to judah,titus,3,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 4 lover is indestructible indestructible micah chapter three we come across the experience of the three,micah,3,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 3 this morning we're opened up to 2 chronicles chapter 6 verses 4 through 9. we're going to read together,2 chronicles,6,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 4 whereby one may edify another micah chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,micah,12,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 14 who's writing down and 1 corinthians 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,1 corinthians,12,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 29 no no no this is this is who he is amos 10 19 and while peter was pondering the vision,amos,10,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 19 i'll show you one verse first of all 1 john 8 and verse 9.,1 john,8,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 9 "god is truth and every word of god is true. 2 kings 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 to look at they knew about these books and so here the prophet 1 john in malachi chapter 3 verse 2 he warns of,1 john,3,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 2 all the ants that shared blood 1 kings 21 12. all that trust in men,1 kings,21,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 21 verse 12 jesus mighty name we prayed amen 2 thessalonians 4 24 6 that all the people of the head,2 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 faithful haggai 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,haggai,28,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 2 the thessalonians we are to purify our hearts hosea 4 8 purify your hearts,hosea,4,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 8 i mean look at it either 48 i mean ecclesiastes 40 28 please have you not known,ecclesiastes,40,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 40 verse 28 spirit of wisdom that's an numbers chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,numbers,11,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 2 in ecclesiastes 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,ecclesiastes,27,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 27 verse 4 ecclesiastes 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water,ecclesiastes,26,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 19 four in order that this was what went over in 2 corinthians 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,2 corinthians,5,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 16 of jesus jude chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,jude,8,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 18 in matthew chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5,matthew,3,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 5 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in colossians 11 14 and 24,colossians,11,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 14 including you is based or is found in 1 john chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,1 john,4,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 11 very important when the bible was talking to us in jonah chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,jonah,1,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 18 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in habakkuk 34 reading from verse 3 it says,habakkuk,34,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 34 verse 3 explosive growth of this church say loud amen 1 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,1 corinthians,6,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 7 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in leviticus 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,leviticus,20,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 14 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in micah four verse four,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in mark 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their,mark,8,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 11 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of 2 chronicles and we're reading from verse 27,2 chronicles,42,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 42 verse 27 one thing that i take comfort in is that zephaniah 31 30 says,zephaniah,31,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 31 verse 3 chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 habakkuk chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women,habakkuk,14,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 4 what's today's date 26 1 kings 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb,1 kings,36,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 36 verse 26 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,lamentations,2,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 that which you expect or anticipate 3 john chapter 2 and verse 18 is a faith without walks,3 john,2,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 18 that sign and that's wonder judges chapter 8 verse 18,judges,8,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 18 man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in 1 john chapter 9 26 to 43,1 john,9,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 26 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. leviticus chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,leviticus,66,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 66 verse 6 something else at 19 verse 3 in in the book of leviticus at least peter peter gets to philip i and he meets one,leviticus,19,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 3 in ruth chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,ruth,30,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 30 verse 22 for your sake in the name of jesus 2 thessalonians 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,2 thessalonians,54,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 54 verse 14 we can make it louder and stronger matthew chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,matthew,84,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 84 verse 7 top in his adventure on the earth haggai chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,haggai,28,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 13 chapter 34 and verse 5. if you consider my servant 2 timothy job the greatest businessman of his day,2 timothy,34,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 34 verse 5 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in 1 thessalonians 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,1 thessalonians,18,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 19 somebody shot with me prayer works nehemiah chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a,nehemiah,5,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 17 life because 1 chronicles 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,1 chronicles,37,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 37 verse 7 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her 2 peter chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,2 peter,2,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 8 by the spirit of god in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 15 to 17,song of solomon (song of songs),5,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 15 1st 2021 micah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a,micah,1,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 11 i'm going to read from verse 1 so 2 samuel chapter 3 reading from this one speaking from verse 8 finally my,2 samuel,3,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 8 technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in jonah chapter 13 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage,jonah,13,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 16 read jude 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,jude,2,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 17 the journey in jesus name psalms chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,psalms,15,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 2 15 you ready for this hosea chapter 1 verse 15 but when it pleased god who separated me from my,hosea,1,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 15 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her luke chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,luke,2,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 8 first in joshua 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i,joshua,4,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 7 face us in this day in micah chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,micah,11,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 11 whereby one may edify another 1 peter chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,1 peter,12,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 14 and we're going to do this backwards look at habakkuk 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to,habakkuk,37,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 37 verse 2 the answers so your joy 3 john 4 6 alongside with,3 john,4,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 6 as we trust him for newness zechariah 32 15 it says until the spirit is poured upon us from one eye,zechariah,32,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 15 the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses psalms 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with,psalms,22,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 25 scripture for our talk is in 2 thessalonians 4 verse 7 the bible says,2 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 knowledge of your enemy knowledge of your enemy 2 thessalonians 2 verse 15 commercial 250 having this half principalities and,2 thessalonians,2,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 with men are possible with god is that all no 2 timothy 32 17. jeremiah 32 the concluding part of verse,2 timothy,32,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 32 verse 17 become a blessing in order that 2 timothy 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,2 timothy,3,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 14 in the book of joel chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one will be declared righteous in god's,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 spirit is sent to minister for us we shall be honest of salvation judges chapter 1 verse 14.,judges,1,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 14 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in matthew 27 when you read verse 20,matthew,27,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 2 well there must be something wrong and according to obadiah chapter 5 verse 16 james,obadiah,5,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 16 time reaching in 1 samuel of four times reaching in genesis chapter 22 a 14 whatsoever things were reaching our full,1 samuel,22,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 14 nehemiah chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 the bible tells us there acts 2 verse 46 and 47,nehemiah,2,46.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 46 go back to the beginning matthew chapter 10 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 3,matthew,10,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 3 into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right 2 chronicles 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm,2 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about titus 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,titus,1,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 13 numbers chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,numbers,4,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 29 remaineth esther 8,esther,1,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 25 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,lamentations,2,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 4 encapsulated by that realm 1 john chapter 11 verse 3 says true faith we understand that the whole world,1 john,11,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 3 holiness that were presented before the lord in 2 john chapter 1 verse 19 it says these media who separate,2 john,1,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 19 well in 1 chronicles chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,1 chronicles,12,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 15 read it to you it occurs three times in the leviticus 53 passage verses five six and eleven so here's isaiah 53 verse 5 but he,leviticus,53,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 53 verse 5 that meant that's mentioned again in 2 samuel 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,2 samuel,16,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 16 verse 12 pick up on some of that stuff uh 2 chronicles 24 13 as i close this,2 chronicles,24,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 24 verse 13 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 haggai chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 let's have a look in verse 30. 2 timothy 5 13. it says,2 timothy,5,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 13 christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of ruth 5 for instance husbands,ruth,5,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 25 to lamentations chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,lamentations,15,36.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 15 verse 36 right there we just get righteous by faith as i said in john 1 and then in romans 5 and you can turn back turn to,john,1,5.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 5 there um but what we see in this passage 1 john 20 verses 7 through 9 it's really,1 john,20,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 7 follow up in job chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,job,1,9.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 9 recite that while our text is taken from jude chapter 5,jude,5,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 5 revival 2 john chapter 2 and verse 23,2 john,2,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 23 of the fatherless now let's listen to what he said in judges chapter 22 then in verse 5,judges,22,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 5 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of nahum in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,nahum,2,41.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 41 it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in psalms 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of,psalms,10,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 26 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at 2 peter chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,2 peter,11,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 24 knowledge and deals with knowledge ezra chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 we're looking at,ezra,8,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 8 8 luke chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,luke,5,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 8 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 1 kings chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,1 kings,53,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 53 verse 3 it was the glory of god's people in zephaniah chapter 4 verses 5 through 8 moses,zephaniah,4,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 5 person who this sermon was for just like in judges 15 2 that we read you are strengthened,judges,15,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 2 coming to you this in amos chapter 15 verse 26 and said,amos,15,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 26 will give you light 2 thessalonians 5 17 ephesians 5 17 don't be unwise but under,2 thessalonians,5,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 name we pray in joshua 29 and verse 7 the bible says,joshua,29,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 7 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of nehemiah chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,nehemiah,11,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 11 jesus name in 1 timothy chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,1 timothy,3,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 12 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in micah 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,micah,15,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 2 bible said that she went and sat job chapter 21 verse verse 14. so abram rose early in the morning and took,job,21,14.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 14 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do philemon 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,philemon,8,38.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 38 apostles see 1 corinthians 1 8 to 9 for that,1 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 information now colossians two verse two to seven some two,colossians,2,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 7 temptation psalms 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been,psalms,1,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 12 of truth in 1 corinthians 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 yeah according to 2 peter chapter 10 and verse 12 he said break up your follow ground,2 peter,10,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 12 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 john 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a,john,12,12.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 12 with money don't ye even to me with all your art judges 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,judges,4,29.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 29 will see a turnaround i'm reading from the book of nahum chapter three let me quickly read from verse 13.,nahum,3,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 13 [music] in 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10,2 samuel,3,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 8 a real definite experience with the lord look at joshua chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 3 it says there unto,joshua,33,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 33 verse 3 miracles received in every service 1 corinthians 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,1 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 together this one world religion and as ruth 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,ruth,18,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 18 verse 4 in that nature passage from verse 19 to 22 1 corinthians 6 19 to 22 a bible tells us the reason why lions could eat him was,1 corinthians,6,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of philemon on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,philemon,4,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 5 2 john chapter 8 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 6 for to be carnally,2 john,8,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 6 now let's see something in chapter 31 of titus verse 16 chapter 31,titus,31,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 31 verse 16 is supposed to be a type of the messiah so jonah 11 verse 23 actually i kind of covered this one so i'm going to move,jonah,11,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 23 a wonder to my world the anchor is nehemiah chapter number eight and verse 18. the recommended books of the month,nehemiah,8,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 18 we can make it louder and stronger 2 john chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,2 john,84,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 84 verse 7 thought by thought hopefully this passage numbers 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,numbers,3,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 21 joseph if you read psalms 37 from verse 2 to 11,psalms,37,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 2 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what 2 timothy 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22,2 timothy,2,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 5 fasted let's say the book of mark chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,mark,18,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 18 psalm 124 just a few matthew over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,matthew,124,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 124 verse 8 because john said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,john,1,11.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 11 has to be where god makes his name well in 3 john 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the passover sacrifice within,3 john,16,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 5 pharaoh made a new chief are also in lamentations chapter 41 verse 44 with genesis e od coconino gucci as i can leave your,lamentations,41,44.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 41 verse 44 every sin they will commit listen to 2 samuel 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course,2 samuel,7,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 27 8 from verse 14 down to 19. micah chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,micah,8,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 14 2 kings if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12,2 kings,3,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 12 of pride psalms chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,psalms,17,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 17 verse 11 four john chapter two we're looking at verse four,john,2,4.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 4 right and something instructive also was mentioned in joshua 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,joshua,2,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 21 listen let me show you a version matthew 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,matthew,8,34.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 34 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to joel 5 24,joel,5,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 24 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of 1 samuel 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these,1 samuel,6,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 8 so atonement involves foregiveness in amos 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,amos,16,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 3 cramming it into seven mark chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,mark,9,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 9 prophetic season malachi 2 46 to 47 paraphrased and they continued,malachi,2,46.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 46 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 matthew 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,matthew,11,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 6 be born speaking lies in ecclesiastes chapter 2,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 go on in the society let us look at the book of ecclesiastes 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 it says see as thou a man,ecclesiastes,22,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 29 stronger this morning 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people and,2 thessalonians,2,47.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 47 understanding 1 timothy is also an example in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel,1 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 faith will not walk with a fake life in zephaniah chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is,zephaniah,17,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 9 without age amen chapter 4 2 thessalonians chapter 4 reading from verse 7. remember we're talking about,2 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in habakkuk chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,habakkuk,33,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 33 verse 3 [applause] in haggai 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,haggai,3,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 7 let the church say louder amen numbers chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of,numbers,15,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 4 who will be destroyed ezekiel 29 4 the king gives stability to the land,ezekiel,29,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 4 interceding is very important mark 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,mark,9,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 5 suffering these things are opposed to his goodness nahum 1 17 tells us every good gift in every perfect gift is from,nahum,1,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 17 of the church we're looking at habakkuk chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,habakkuk,3,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 7 thank you holy spirit you know the bible says in nehemiah chapter one uh from verse 18 he says that uh it was a prayer,nehemiah,1,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 18 will buy everything psalms we're reading from chapter 9 jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23,psalms,9,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 23 these children of god in 1 john chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,1 john,39,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 39 verse 5 "with this because i don't want you to be confused. in ezra chapter 11 verse 2, ""god has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.""",ezra,11,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 2 activities of the world it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,ecclesiastes,2,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 25 deal see beautiful the bible says in 3 john chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it,3 john,10,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 23 there's an element of this in the scripture in habakkuk 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil,habakkuk,1,39.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 39 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 1 thessalonians chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,1 thessalonians,11,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 19 reading ruth chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is,ruth,52,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 52 verse 7 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 6 start from romans chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 verse 6 we,1 samuel,12,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 6 care less about anything spiritual and so nehemiah 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,nehemiah,12,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 15 will be flowing out job 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,job,23,9.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 9 you remember in the prophecy of jude daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,jude,11,32.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 32 sickness affliction 1 john chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,1 john,5,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 13 sarah hosea chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,hosea,18,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 11 your plans frustrated plans are frustrated nahum 15 22 proverbs 15 22 without consultation,nahum,15,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 22 that were we maintain our salvation through our righteous deeds judges four verses four through five it says this,judges,4,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 4 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in amos chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,amos,19,27.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 27 of peter because we discovered by time we got to 2 chronicles chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,2 chronicles,5,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 12 promised you see because god made a promise in 3 john chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,3 john,3,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 22 shall not be disappointed ecclesiastes 4 17 romans 4 17,ecclesiastes,4,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 17 spirit has gathered them leviticus 34 16. whatever that book contains god said so,leviticus,34,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 34 verse 16 this combines there's two illusions here this is to micah 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,micah,7,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 13 perhaps we better look at the scripture there in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he,song of solomon (song of songs),12,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2 life song of solomon (song of songs) 13 and verse 48 and when the gentiles had this they were,song of solomon (song of songs),13,48.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 48 i will give unto you two in jesus name we're looking at 2 john chapter 10 verse 27,2 john,10,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 27 spirit of wisdom and john colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it,john,1,9.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 9 over judgment haggai 2 and verse 13 mercy of god triumphs over judgment i,haggai,2,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 13 okay leviticus chapter fourteen and we're looking at verse four job chapter 14 a to to reading from verse four who can bring,leviticus,14,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 4 doing nothing no zechariah chapter 7 verse 25 is a tremendous,zechariah,7,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 25 suffering for being an evil doer amos 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,amos,8,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 13 and he began to teach the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,song of solomon (song of songs),3,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 11 of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in colossians 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for,colossians,6,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 14 number two you need to meditate meditate esther 1 verse 8 you need to meditate i'm talking about how you need to respond,esther,1,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 8 himself a bible passage was taken from joel chapter 9 verse 15 to 28,joel,9,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 15 "the arrival of the monarch, to straighten out things as numbers 40 verses 3 to 5 describes this, ""a voice in the wilderness, prepare",numbers,40,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 40 verse 3 though the context of nehemiah 60 is isaiah 59 where it says everything we've just been talking about truth has fallen,nehemiah,60,59.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 60 verse 59 in the name of jesus christ 1 corinthians 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that,1 corinthians,19,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 11 reading from verse 6 in 2 kings chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,2 kings,8,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 6 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in obadiah 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,obadiah,1,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 24 every sin they will commit listen to 2 peter 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course,2 peter,7,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 27 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to jude 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 [music] let me just close yet with nehemiah chapter five few verses,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 at it when you get home in ruth 25 and verse 29 through verse 34.,ruth,25,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 29 chose not to oh that's interesting so ruth 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of,ruth,32,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 28 said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at jonah chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29,jonah,8,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 29 death or harm all uses of the word save in jude 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,jude,2,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 14 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in leviticus chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,leviticus,20,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 3 our anchor is from the book of nahum chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,nahum,7,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 7 month in jesus name our text will be from nehemiah chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac,nehemiah,26,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 26 verse 18 again and again amen the bible says in 1 samuel 20 13 that you shall be the head and not,1 samuel,20,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 13 have a foundational truth about marriage in ruth 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and,ruth,5,31.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 31 1 kings chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14 i'm reading here from verse six we're,1 kings,14,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 6 and establish this divine principle 2 kings chapter 14 i read from verse 23,2 kings,14,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 23 and so how did god deliver abraham the ecclesiastes 12 verse 82 tells us pharaoh called abraham and said what is this,ecclesiastes,12,82.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 82 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law 2 samuel 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,2 samuel,5,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 22 the word of god is meat for men meat for men 2 thessalonians 5 11 to 14.,2 thessalonians,5,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11 will give you light 1 peter 5 17 ephesians 5 17 don't be unwise but under,1 peter,5,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 17 who's just come to the lord to start in 2 kings 1 and just be saturated with those 11,2 kings,1,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 11 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of john 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force,john,10,15.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 15 and eternally chapter 28 verse 7 job 28 verse 7 made it clear that even if they try to execute their,job,28,7.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 7 leader said at the beginning in 2 peter chapter 4 verse 2,2 peter,4,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 2 in chapter one come to chapter one of amos and in verse 15 he talks about his feet,amos,1,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 15 reporters justified he has also glorified 2 thessalonians 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ,2 thessalonians,8,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 3 and in the last letter of the book of 1 thessalonians he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god,1 thessalonians,1,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 21 the beginning of wisdom ruth 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,ruth,1,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 7 the lord and did not obey his voice matthew 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god,matthew,42,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 42 verse 21 don't take too seriously but it says here in 1 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 6 let your speech always be with grace,1 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 of pride job chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,job,17,11.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 11 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at hosea chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,hosea,11,24.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 24 in life in 1 chronicles chapter 4 and verse 18 the scripture declares but the part of the,1 chronicles,4,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 18 depart for evil i mean from evil in malachi chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,malachi,14,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 26 time and this was right after in judges chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,judges,3,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 14 to undo what he had done the day they came in malachi in exodus 32 from verse 25 to 26,malachi,32,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 32 verse 25 okay stay with 12 now joshua 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to,joshua,26,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 12 leviticus chapter 2 verse 11 revelation chapter 2 verse 11 he that has an ear to hear,leviticus,2,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 11 the sons of levi and not only that there was a law in jonah 4 verse 15 which said that even the sons of levi were not,jonah,4,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 15 make your request known unto god joshua 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any,joshua,4,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 6 john chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways,john,57,18.0,1.0,john chapter 57 verse 18 chapter three i'm reading from gospel 2 timothy chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,2 timothy,3,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 4 11 verse 14 it says in 2 john chapter 2 verse 14,2 john,2,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 14 reading from verse 25 malachi chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,malachi,33,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 25 amos chapter two genesis chapter two verses seven and eight and the lord god from man of,amos,2,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 7 because love covers a multitude of sins esther 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,esther,3,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 14 years old now then he writes in jonah 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1,jonah,3,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 8 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about hosea and then we come to verse 32 like a great,hosea,1,32.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 32 christ jonah chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,jonah,4,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 5 for you haggai 7 verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of,haggai,7,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 7 on habakkuk 24 again but we're going to read verses 1 through 11 philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 11 therefore,habakkuk,21,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 11 his might in us nahum 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says,nahum,3,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 16 government in nahum chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,nahum,12,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 5 come to that but here it says in 1 john 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,1 john,4,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 15 zechariah chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews 11,zechariah,11,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 5 apostle wrote to the roman christian in 1 kings chapter 18 verse 37 in all those things we are more than control through,1 kings,18,37.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 37 be spiritual so if we live in the spirit joshua 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,joshua,5,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 25 jude of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter tayna acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet spake these,jude,10,44.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 44 are called to live i'm going to look at haggai 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,haggai,8,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 14 if you struggle with flesh and blood luke 6 and 12 ephesians 6 12,luke,6,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 12 dominion physically in jude chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 ox5 14 to 16,jude,5,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 14 four times 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,1 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 god be with you the bible says judges 6 14 if you have grace upon you sin cannot,judges,6,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 14 there's some problems with the interpretation here and joel 4 verse 24 if we back up two verses we can,joel,4,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 24 king 2 thessalonians version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,2 thessalonians,12,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 7 give a few examples but from 2 john 3 6 on this issue all right so uh 3 to 6 the the greek is,2 john,3,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 6 repentance mark chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,mark,14,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 2 make waves in life in zechariah chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,zechariah,30,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 30 verse 21 despise not thou the chastening of the lord joshua 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,joshua,12,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 5 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so jonah 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,jonah,29,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 11 but the other thing we see here is in lamentations 12 11 please look here they overcame,lamentations,12,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 11 me passion translation of 1 timothy 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,1 timothy,24,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 3 at verses 6 & 7 in nehemiah chapter 1 here we are after the death and resurrection of jesus christ,nehemiah,1,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 6 in job 41 when you read from verse 37 genesis 41 verse 37 the bible says so,job,41,37.0,1.0,job chapter 41 verse 37 this in john 4 31 where it talks about deborah how the piece that they had,john,4,31.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 31 verse 23 very important script i want us to read together tonight 2 john 6 verse 23 please can we projected i want i want,2 john,6,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 23 the only qualification is jude 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,jude,10,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 9 we lost a general but we moved 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the,2 thessalonians,3,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 some of the qualities and some of the titles in shuttle 1 haggai chapter 1 look at verse 8 it says revelation,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 god in lamentations 2 18 paul writes that through christ we have our access in one,lamentations,2,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 18 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen jonah 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,jonah,2,47.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 47 i wanted to see what he said about judges 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,judges,8,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 28 to overcome now you connect this with numbers 6 14 which is a well to known verse for all of us,numbers,6,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 14 on the mount of transfiguration again peter mark and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,mark,9,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 28 of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of joshua 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made,joshua,31,31.0,1.0,joshua chapter 31 verse 31 very important in what we have to do first of them is 1 thessalonians chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,1 thessalonians,22,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 22 jesus name in haggai chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,haggai,3,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 17 your evil imagination look at verse 11 joel chapter 6 verse 11 the earth also,joel,6,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 11 not those who are subdued zephaniah 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,zephaniah,2,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 11 i said they are all defeated 1 thessalonians chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20,1 thessalonians,15,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 2 i said we're taking the first prayer from 2 kings chapter one reading from verse number three,2 kings,1,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 3 and 8 jerry maria chapter 51 verse 53 ruth chapter 20 verse 6 and then we we went further,ruth,51,53.0,1.0,ruth chapter 51 verse 53 corinthians 12 he empowers in esther 1 verse 8 and he fills in acts chapter 2 verse 4 this is your comforter are you hearing,esther,2,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in joel chapter two first three verses once again,joel,2,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 3 valley they may find him themselves esther 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,esther,6,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 6 verse 17. in ezekiel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 ruth chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,ruth,1,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 28 in the name of jesus that's why i said in 2 kings 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,2 kings,8,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 23 "abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, philemon 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate",philemon,17,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 24 lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,lamentations,26,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree joshua chapter 1 11 and 12.,joshua,1,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 11 and this comes through knowing him see 3 john in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,3 john,3,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 3 let us might him with the tongue 2 samuel 18 verse 18 literally come and let us destroy him what the devil has,2 samuel,18,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 18 need for salvation and that's going to be 1 samuel 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the,1 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 made powerless satan who had the part at 1 peter 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the,1 peter,2,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 14 that 1 corinthians 9 9 to 12 may be fulfilled for in zechariah 9 9 to 12 it says rejoice greatly o daughter of,1 corinthians,9,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 9 around habakkuk 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him,habakkuk,14,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 24 wise unto that he said 2 thessalonians 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight,2 thessalonians,9,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 12 disobedience to god just like balaam did in titus chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,titus,22,32.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 32 hallelujah john chapter 6 very quickly verse 22 isaiah 60 he says your sun shall no longer go down,john,60,22.0,1.0,john chapter 60 verse 22 somebody believes he allowed amen mark chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,mark,5,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 26 jonah chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater,jonah,1,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 16 bible says in hosea chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you,hosea,1,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 5 got it it's psalms chapter 1 verses 23 to 25.,psalms,1,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 23 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true psalms chapter 11 verse 5.,psalms,11,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 5 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in 2 kings 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,2 kings,18,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 18 verse 19 but when it comes to love 1 chronicles 49 15. he says i love you,1 chronicles,49,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 49 verse 15 here from verse 16 to 19 16 to 20 21 where the lord tells jonah how he is to prophesy in verse 16 he says lord i,jonah,1,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 16 daily such as she received in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 16 the bible tells us in verse 5,ecclesiastes,16,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 5 that your search will be rewarded look down to verse 32 ruth 8 and now o sons wisdom is still speaking listen to,ruth,8,32.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 32 you say really oh philemon 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,philemon,21,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 16 finish so strong so well 1 samuel chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,1 samuel,3,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 22 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,song of solomon (song of songs),16,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 2 i believe you are praying 1 kings chapter 1 from verse 15 wherefore also after a heart of you,1 kings,1,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 15 one from verse four to five colossians one four to five he said,colossians,1,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 4 verse 7 in matthew chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us,matthew,14,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 7 to refute me let's go to them now so 2 corinthians chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps,2 corinthians,2,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 i'm taking my text from titus chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,titus,1,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 12 in philemon 45 which i love which says isaiah 45 and verse 15. please remember this all,philemon,45,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 45 verse 15 "to the scripture and said, ""work is a command, six days shall you labor,"" titus 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god.",titus,20,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 11 according to lamentations chapter 8 verse 27 romans 8 29 romans 8 verse 29 the bible says he,lamentations,8,29.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 29 god 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 22,2 samuel,5,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 22 important so the bible says in ezekiel 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living,ezekiel,2,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 6 "but being full of the holy spirit,"" to verse 55 of 1 samuel 7 to ""he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at",1 samuel,7,55.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 55 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 haggai 1 8 philippians 1 8,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 most high ezekiel chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest,ezekiel,5,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 8 in ecclesiastes chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember,ecclesiastes,12,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 5 our reading today comes from the old testament obadiah 44 verses 6 through 8. and the word says,obadiah,44,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 44 verse 6 chapter 2 reading from verse 26 luke chapter 2 verse 26 for he launched after you all,luke,2,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 26 instead their words are recorded for us in the book of numbers chapter 4 and verse 29 when they said lord consider their,numbers,4,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 29 to fulfill and in habakkuk 3 verse 24 it says the law has become our tutor to lead us to,habakkuk,3,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 24 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty esther 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,esther,12,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 24 and he began to teach the book of 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and,1 timothy,3,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 11 song of solomon in zechariah 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,zechariah,27,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 27 verse 4 thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 21,song of solomon (song of songs),14,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 21 2 and in hosea chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 acts,hosea,2,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 14 nahum 15 4 to 5 and genesis 17,nahum,15,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 4 righteousness notice also what god said to colossians chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,colossians,30,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 7 and earning means not grace that's what ecclesiastes 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 need in order to live a successful victorious life 1 john chapter one verse three says this praise be to god,1 john,1,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 3 abilities he had stood among the strongest of his peers in 1 john chapter 22 and verse 3 paul describes his former,1 john,22,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 3 that is desperately wicked that is why in jude 36 from verse 24 to 26,jude,36,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 36 verse 24 you give an example so let's look at this particular example habakkuk 28 13 and you said thank you for your,habakkuk,28,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 13 "behind your back."" obadiah 43 verse 25, ""i, even i,"" says god, ""i am the one that wipes out your transgressions",obadiah,43,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 43 verse 25 christ habakkuk 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,habakkuk,23,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 26 we see also from scriptures in the book of lamentations chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,lamentations,3,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 7 your words can i hear bigger amen nahum chapter 23 and verse 19 says,nahum,23,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 19 12 to 13 ezekiel 6 12 to 13 he said let not sin there foreign in your mother body,ezekiel,6,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 12 to me if you don't have a bible there 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 19 yes thou in thy manifold moses that's it that's it,1 samuel,9,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 19 then that was god's instruction blessings for them from 2 thessalonians 1 26 27 and i wanted to listen to me very well,2 thessalonians,1,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 dimension of blessing zechariah 36 and verse 11 he said that if they obey and save me,zechariah,36,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 36 verse 11 seeker of truth and here we read about it in 2 peter 16 verse 14 paul says as she listened to us the lord,2 peter,16,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 14 what i'm saying yeah because the bible says god to lamentations this is why we should go and immediately jonah was three,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 joshua 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,joshua,3,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 8 prophetic advantage i'll quickly read from the book of nahum chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 verse 26,nahum,11,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 26 would be that long into the future 2 chronicles again chapter 30 where we started verse 15 for thus saith the lord god the,2 chronicles,30,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 15 from verse three it says in ezekiel chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,ezekiel,3,36.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 36 on or before november 29 2020 1 timothy chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,1 timothy,14,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 27 behavior 1 timothy 4 34 says at the end of that period i nebuchadnezzar,1 timothy,4,34.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 34 the mercy of god can rewrite your story in 1 corinthians 27 when you begin to write read from 6 to 36 genesee 27 6 to 30,1 corinthians,27,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 27 verse 6 from verse 4 to 3 1 psalms 1 4 5 the bible says,psalms,1,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 4 one the manifold mercy for the recovery of the sick when you came at colossians chapter 9 i read from verse 19. i want,colossians,9,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 19 righteousness song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,song of solomon (song of songs),8,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 18 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me nehemiah 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,nehemiah,5,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 15 will do more in your life it tells us in zephaniah chapter 5 verse 26,zephaniah,5,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 26 him in works leviticus 1 verse 16 and many other verses but sadly shaw's only remorse was,leviticus,1,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives 1 chronicles 5 25 says love your wives and,1 chronicles,5,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 25 according to his purpose some people know only 2 kings 8 28 they don't know the next verse,2 kings,8,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 28 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him 2 chronicles 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in,2 chronicles,18,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 13 philemon chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,philemon,30,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 17 the kingdom of god now chapter 4 jonah chapter 4 verse 22,jonah,4,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 22 mark 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,mark,17,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 28 all through this year allow that email john chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased and they continued daily,john,2,46.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 46 knowledge of god they are untouchable untouchable 2 thessalonians 11 33. how powerful is the wisdom from above we,2 thessalonians,11,33.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 33 of nineveh to repent what he says is this this is in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 4 he says yet forty days and nineveh will,habakkuk,3,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 4 more sending people to eternity prematurely in matthew chapter 2 verse 4,matthew,2,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 4 chapter 5 reading from verse 4 in lamentations chapter 5 verse 4 it says christ has,lamentations,5,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 4 zechariah 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 what was god saying,zechariah,10,38.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 38 children are gone and it says in amos 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally,amos,1,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 2 in tiatera the church in thiatera 1 timothy chapter 2 18 to 29 revelations 2,1 timothy,2,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 18 take your bible go all the way to the end habakkuk 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,habakkuk,21,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 9 references and i want to hear those pages turning luke chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 through this year joshua chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,joshua,2,46.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 46 is i would like to go but only do not go far away 1 peter 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything,1 peter,8,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 28 he gave them his name look at them using the name 2 chronicles chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,2 chronicles,3,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 6 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire jude chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,jude,2,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 3 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in obadiah 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,obadiah,5,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 18 look at job chapter 12 verse 11 revelation chapter 12 we're reading from verse 11. in revelation chapter 12 verse,job,12,11.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 11 the flesh malachi 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 when you read lamentations 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,lamentations,37,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 37 verse 5 which is the second dead joel has only one chapter in verse seven jude,joel,1,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 7 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in judges chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,judges,3,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 9 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of titus 12 11 talking about jesus,titus,12,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 11 5 14 15 14 excuse me 2 peter 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk,2 peter,15,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 14 he has the power to save 2 peter chapter 4 verse 12 acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither neither is yet salvation,2 peter,4,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 12 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen 1 chronicles 14 and verse 27,1 chronicles,14,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 27 our petition was granted in the book of 2 john 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,2 john,44,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 44 verse 3 where a man called agabus prophesied something about the future 3 john chapter 11 and acts chapter 21 and if you i,3 john,11,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 21 ezekiel chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse eight to ten i want you to just stay,ezekiel,3,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 8 filmed it tells us in 1 timothy chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse,1 timothy,23,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 23 verse 23 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in zechariah 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,zechariah,43,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 43 verse 21 verse 11 in titus chapter 3 we're looking at verse 11,titus,3,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 11 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,2 chronicles,3,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at titus chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,titus,6,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 16 escape that's what you see look at matthew chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape,matthew,2,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 3 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest 1 kings 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,1 kings,4,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 8 let the church say louder amen philemon verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,philemon,1,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 6 listening to or supporting sending to unbelievers lamentations chapter 2 verse 15 says live clean innocent lives as,lamentations,2,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 15 in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 15,2 corinthians,2,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 15 that i love in jonah and chapter 2 and verse 3.,jonah,2,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 3 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool obadiah chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,obadiah,7,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 9 what we are seeing let's go to the book of ecclesiastes 22 verse 4 proverbs 22 4,ecclesiastes,22,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 4 let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in 2 chronicles 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and,2 chronicles,1,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 12 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king judges bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,judges,16,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 11 and especially verse number three 2 chronicles 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,2 chronicles,61,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 61 verse 3 in jude in philippians chapter 3 verse philippians chapter 4 verse 13. he said i can do all things through christ,jude,3,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 13 as the only way out the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be,song of solomon (song of songs),1,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 9 one and verse number eight 2 thessalonians of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and god is the embodiment of wisdom joshua chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 20 to 22 is the one who gives,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few joel psalm 69 70,joel,69,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 69 verse 7 it's not sin to sleep micah 5 is 12 says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet because you know,micah,5,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 12 remarkable thing and look what it says in titus chapter 2 16 peter stands up and he preaches and we know that 3 0 get,titus,2,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 16 and don't forget the promise of job 31 8 or he says i will never never,job,31,8.0,1.0,job chapter 31 verse 8 of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace joshua 4 16 that we may obtain mercy,joshua,4,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 16 obadiah chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,obadiah,8,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 28 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering hosea chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,hosea,4,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 9 the power of heaven upon your life look at habakkuk chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,habakkuk,1,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 4 verse 32 1 chronicles 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy,1 chronicles,1,32.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 32 life because judges 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere,judges,37,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 37 verse 7 her head she dishonours her husband actually in haggai 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,haggai,21,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 9 thousand years after he made man in the time of noah it says here that 1 chronicles 6 verse 5 the lord saw the wickedness of,1 chronicles,6,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 5 is time for them to harvest in the book of 1 kings chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the,1 kings,6,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 2 time of my temptation let me read that again in 2 kings chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,2 kings,2,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 18 book of haggai chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this,haggai,4,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 6 the lord titus 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,titus,36,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 36 verse 25 give pharaoh a nurse of peace habakkuk 41. 15 and 16.,habakkuk,41,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 41 verse 15 for conscientious sins in all things we're coming to 1 peter chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 7,1 peter,2,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 7 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done 1 peter 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded,1 peter,8,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 16 people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous 1 kings 812 but when they believed philip,1 kings,8,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 12 because i know from my dad that in judges chapter 14 from verse 17 to 20 genesis 14 from verse 17 to 20 my dad,judges,14,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 17 that i just put it is is is a scripture in matthew 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3,matthew,61,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 61 verse 3 it's taken from john chapter 1 13 to 22 job 1 13 to 22 we also have two lesson outline,john,1,13.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 13 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote 1 samuel 2 4. i've spent my life,1 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 he preached for miriam and they were told in nahum chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,nahum,12,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 3 on that it is still going on we're coming back to 1 peter of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 1 chronicles 3 verse 29. galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,1 chronicles,3,29.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 29 furthermore we discover in the book of esther 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,esther,5,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 2 implication number two here's ezekiel chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's,ezekiel,13,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 17 engage your heart in the book of 2 timothy chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,2 timothy,30,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 30 verse 21 to enter those 600 0 people 2 corinthians 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,2 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at job chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also,job,1,27.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 27 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing ecclesiastes chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,ecclesiastes,3,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 16 say loud amen 2 samuel chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,2 samuel,34,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 34 verse 25 heaven we're looking at luke chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,luke,22,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 14 christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of colossians 5 for instance husbands,colossians,5,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 25 we see this in leviticus 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is,leviticus,13,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 11 means your spirit you look at 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 26 and 27,1 peter,8,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 26 amos is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few,amos,23,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 23 pray the way we should really pray 1 timothy 8 26 say likewise,1 timothy,8,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 26 1977 i had this gift from god nahum chapter 28 and verse 47 and 48,nahum,28,47.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 47 our exhortation from this morning john 3 21 and 22,john,3,21.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 21 land and as we do so let's be reminded of god's word in haggai chapter 8 and verse 18 you shall remember the lord,haggai,8,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 18 it he jesus name we pray a job chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,job,26,27.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 27 zechariah 4 3 i don't know if we have that one up there for philippians 4 13 actually i can do all things through,zechariah,4,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 3 we have robbed them and then we come under the course of luke chapter 5 verse 4.,luke,5,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 4 and when you have done the will of god according to nehemiah chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,nehemiah,10,36.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 36 answer the bible says in the book of 1 chronicles 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and,1 chronicles,4,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 paul gives us the formula for this in ecclesiastes chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. familiar verses probably to many of you,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 that's confidence unusual confidence in 1 timothy chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,1 timothy,20,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 24 verse 12 to 14 all over the earth walking in the 3 john zechariah all over the earth,3 john,12,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 14 too hard for me 1 chronicles 32 and verse 27,1 chronicles,32,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 27 their grave in 1 samuel chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,1 samuel,1,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 22 the answers so your joy john 4 6 alongside with,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 christian the third one on my list is 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 the impact of the world in the book of luke chapter 6 and verse 19.,luke,6,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 19 you're just losing rewards but any who's pergamum 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 16 therefore repent if not i will come to,1 thessalonians,2,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 16 now it says in haggai chapter 16 verse 25 and at midnight,haggai,16,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 16 verse 25 it is banned in job 26 reading verse 6 leviticus 26 reading for six the bible say and i will give peace in the,job,26,6.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 6 isaac i'm looking at 2 kings genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,2 kings,22,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 7 i want to draw your attention back into the first chapter of habakkuk and i i want us to look at verses 11,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 this is a quote from luke 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6,luke,3,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 11 glory glory glory to god song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,song of solomon (song of songs),22,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 22 judges chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2. reading here from verse 4,judges,2,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 4 life look at zechariah chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 nine it says but we'll see jesus you will see him tonight,zechariah,2,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 9 equals glory to jesus paul the apostle says in matthew 8 verse 16,matthew,8,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 16 zephaniah chapter chapter 7 i will look in at verse 19 i acts chapter 7 verse 19 the same deal,zephaniah,7,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 19 i will trust in you you will see that in the book of mark chapter 56 verse 3,mark,56,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 56 verse 3 experienced and it's 2 chronicles 58 and it starts um with verse 13. if you,2 chronicles,58,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 58 verse 13 this week god will help us in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in zephaniah chapter 6 i think verse 14,zephaniah,6,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 14 away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in leviticus chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 answer to lazy people bible says in 1 corinthians 6 and verse 9 let us not be weary in well to doing,1 corinthians,6,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 new heaven passages just the verse habakkuk 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,habakkuk,65,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 65 verse 17 not those who are subdued mark 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all,mark,2,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 11 know how to do it 1 peter 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,1 peter,5,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 18 doing fine remember jonah chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17,jonah,8,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 17 and so i asked him have you read obadiah chapter 2 and chapter 3 what does it say,obadiah,2,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 3 she laughed and according to 2 peter chapter 4 from verse 8 to 21 romans 4 8 to 21,2 peter,4,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 8 it is not over yet lamentations 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,lamentations,7,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 7 "womb and children aren't conceived. on the positive side, ezra 17 says in verse 16, ""god said to abraham...'i will bless her,",ezra,17,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 16 to redeem us read as 2 timothy 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,2 timothy,53,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 53 verse 3 he said he prospered obadiah 6 28 he said daniel prospered in the reign of darius,obadiah,6,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 28 sorry that's not the verse uh ruth 13 7 excuse me this is uh after,ruth,13,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 7 tomorrow sunday micah 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,micah,105,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 105 verse 13 fast it commanded and it's chewed for in habakkuk chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 look at verse 17,habakkuk,32,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 17 for you right now 2 timothy 8 32 he despaired not his own son,2 timothy,8,32.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 32 so we'll pick up here in 1 corinthians 9 verse 25 it says as he says also in hosea according the old testament book of,1 corinthians,9,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 25 starting with verse 25 malachi chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,malachi,3,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 25 what is going to happen in the future verse 27 i philemon was overcome and lay sick for days then i got up,philemon,1,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 27 you that verse and just by the way psalms 2 comes before romans chapter 6 how is it you missed it okay i'll show,psalms,2,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 6 happen there is a path for us in ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12.,ecclesiastes,4,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12 the god of all flesh 2 john chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,2 john,12,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 9 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is colossians chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,colossians,20,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 24 abraham had faith exercise faith in nahum chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,nahum,15,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 6 "is.  leviticus 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 lord were looking at 2 timothy chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and were eating here from verse 9 the people were to convince,2 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 and verse 23 micah chapter 6 verse 22 but now being made free,micah,6,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 22 illumination if you look read um job 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,job,21,23.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 23 understanding of god as a great healer 1 thessalonians chapter 15 and verse 26 god said i am the lord that he let thee,1 thessalonians,15,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 26 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of mark chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,mark,16,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 14 and verse 12 ruth chapter 26 and verse 12. the bible says then isaac sold in that land,ruth,26,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 26 verse 12 utter fear luke chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,luke,2,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 5 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote ezra 2 4. i've spent my life,ezra,2,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 4 verse 8 jonah 5 verse 8 i saw one who was once darkness,jonah,5,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 8 uh right into the matthew ephesians ephesians 4 and verse 5 he speaks about the the wrong baptism,matthew,4,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 5 you verse 32 esther 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,esther,8,32.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 32 he stayed with god to the end in 2 john chapter 1 verse 8 he proposed as a child not to corrupt himself with,2 john,1,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 8 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also joshua chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,joshua,11,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 24 spirit then is a manifestation of the first is first let's look at zephaniah chapter 5 acts chapter 5 verse 28 that,zephaniah,5,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 28 let's shout a loud amen in hosea chapter 41 and verse 15 said behold i will make thee in new sharp,hosea,41,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 41 verse 15 into this church this coming sunday zephaniah chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 that's you i got a verse for you leviticus 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,leviticus,2,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 4 ezekiel chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus,ezekiel,10,38.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 38 experience with the holy spirit in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 7 this is what the word of,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 the wise shall inherit glory joshua 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,joshua,11,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 3 you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at john chapter 13 verse 7,john,13,7.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 7 your bibles to 2 peter chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning,2 peter,13,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 17 upon your children tonight and georgie's 15 was 11 to 15 philemon 15 verse 11 through 15 household enemies,philemon,15,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 11 his flock zechariah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,zechariah,30,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 30 verse 19 outside the can zechariah chapter 13 jesus suffered outside the camp hebrews 13 verse 12 he wasn't crucified inside jerusalem he,zechariah,13,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 12 from esther 49 by paul and barnabas listen to what they say acts 13 46 then paul and barnabas grew bold,esther,13,46.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 46 and here's what the bible says about him in 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 to 26 it was by faith that moses when he grew,1 timothy,11,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 experience growth in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said they were together in one accord,2 timothy,1,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 supernatural health 2 john 17 22 says in very hard do it good like medicine,2 john,17,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 17 verse 22 you jesus thank you lord my look at what the bible says in ruth 37 verse nine,ruth,37,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 9 it out the best but the let me find it here nehemiah chapter 3 it's it's basically in the esv it reads,nehemiah,3,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 3 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. ezra chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,ezra,66,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 66 verse 6 chapter 13 2 corinthians chapter 13 you know we're looking at verse 15 it says by him,2 corinthians,13,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 15 wrath on the unrighteousness is revealed in verse 18 of joshua 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i,1 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 zephaniah 12 6 6 7 and 8 romans 12 6 7 and 8 was talking to us about the fact that,zephaniah,12,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 6 in 2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 to whom,2 kings,2,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 amen 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,2 thessalonians,8,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 8 people who returned to build so let's look at joel four verse seven when sanbalar and tobiah and the arabs the,joel,4,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 7 chapter 23 the prophet john or 33 rather prophet isaiah talks about this coming day of christ this day when the,john,23,33.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 33 direct haggai 4 7 proverbs wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all their,haggai,4,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 7 1 kings chapter 18 in acts chapter 18 verse 9.,1 kings,18,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 9 verse 25 numbers chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,numbers,3,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 25 this from haggai chapter 23 verse 25 to 26 and i believe those words in the night,haggai,23,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 23 verse 25 chapter 25 verse 21 mark 25 verse 21 proverbs 25,mark,25,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 25 verse 21 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of psalms chapter 15 four to five judges 15,psalms,15,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 4 life of character life of integrity will yield good success 1 kings chapter one and verse number eight it said this book,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 are called to live i'm going to look at 1 chronicles 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,1 chronicles,8,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 14 in this church this year jude 34 and verse 25 and i will make with them a covenant of,jude,34,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 25 in joshua chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 job chapter number 46 verses 9 through 11 isaiah 46 verse 9 through 11 i paraphrase it says for i am god and,job,46,9.0,1.0,job chapter 46 verse 9 know it will happen from tonight look at the 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only,1 timothy,1,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 27 "to the scripture and said, ""work is a command, six days shall you labor,"" joshua 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god.",joshua,20,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 11 or not but i want to turn your attention to 2 kings 17 specifically let's see here verse 12,2 kings,17,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 12 [applause] in hosea 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,hosea,3,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 7 yah way that that's what seems to be very very clear then in psalms 1924 adding another interesting thing into,psalms,19,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 24 john chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen,john,6,5.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 5 god this is lamentations chapter two we can read it god gave,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 zephaniah 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude,zephaniah,10,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 12 from verse 19 haggai of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,haggai,11,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 19 verse 32 malachi 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy,malachi,1,32.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 32 and the third comfort for forever uh 1 peter chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed,1 peter,33,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 33 verse 2 the other group in habakkuk chapter 12 verse 22 we read these words job writes he uncovers mysteries,habakkuk,12,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 22 49 15 ezra 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee,ezra,49,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 49 verse 15 chapter 29 verse 4 through 17. colossians said here as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god does upon,colossians,29,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 4 divine watchers job chapter 4 verse 13,job,4,13.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 13 11 verse 21 to 22 john 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anakin's everywhere except in gaza,john,11,21.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 21 joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified haggai 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9,haggai,42,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 18 how jesus expressed it in amos chapter 1 and verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 jesus was about to leave,amos,1,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 8 do you do look at this luke chapter 5 verse 19 brethren if any of you do hear from the truth,luke,5,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 19 of earth purified seven times 1 timothy chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom,1 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 supplication of the great 2 corinthians says let's come to revelation chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 9.,2 corinthians,6,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 granted unto you supernaturally judges 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,judges,9,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 5 on or before may 1st 21 2 peter chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers,2 peter,1,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 11 and as i was coming through the book of matthew i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is,matthew,16,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 2 is earth shaking god hear what he said in 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,2 corinthians,6,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 25 about bearing with one another right obadiah 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,obadiah,3,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 13 the kingdom as it concerns us the book of ezekiel chapter 30 the last verse verse 12 being psalms chapter 30 verse,ezekiel,30,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 30 verse 12 in 1 john chapter 41 genesis chapter 41 we're looking at acts verse 15. here pharaoh,1 john,41,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 41 verse 15 now may the god of peace this is 3 john 13 20 and 21 may the god of peace who brought again,3 john,13,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 2 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=54qoz25bmj0 in 1 corinthians 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they,1 corinthians,17,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 6 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of 2 john 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,2 john,23,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 5 it was the glory of god's people in colossians chapter 4 verses 5 through 8 moses,colossians,4,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 5 mercy somebody shouted amen malachi of the apostles chapter 26 verse 18 acts 26 reading from verse 18 here paul,malachi,26,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 26 verse 18 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in john chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,john,23,2.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 2 jesus name 2 corinthians reading from verse 8 jeremiah chapter 30 when you came at,2 corinthians,30,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 30 verse 8 revealed look at chapter 11 verse 27 of mark it says by faith he forsook egypt,mark,11,27.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 27 hour is my judgment come luke chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,luke,21,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 21 verse 9 darkness and in sin which is to lie in philemon the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,philemon,5,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 8 law for example in 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,1 corinthians,8,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 8 the heart like it says in 2 john 13 you know this verse hebrews 13 and verse 9 in the middle of that verse it says,2 john,13,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 9 no wonder the bible makes us to understand in john chapter 6 beginning from verse 16 and down to,john,6,16.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 16 in obadiah chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i,obadiah,1,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 16 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus ezekiel 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,ezekiel,4,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 9 verse 17 1 chronicles chapter 30 and we're reading from,1 chronicles,30,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 30 verse 17 sinful desires and last but not least in 2 john chapter 1 verse 20.,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 in ezra chapter 1 from verse 1 to 8 joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8. god said clearly,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 and they're dealing with and in ezra 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy,ezra,3,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 16 verse 15 you know we've already considered in lamentations 6 this great truth that paul kept on speaking about in the,lamentations,6,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 15 companion by the way when he wrote malachi he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,malachi,4,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 12 revival in 2 kings chapter 5 verse 42 when the revival broke out in the upper room,2 kings,5,42.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 42 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,1 peter,8,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 3 stop halfway in the book of 1 samuel 4 verse 19 upon the apostle speaking,1 samuel,4,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 19 you'll be flying with wings as ego in nahum 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going,nahum,19,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 4 a wise man can overlook an offense colossians 19 11. they avoid strife,colossians,19,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 11 wonderful and counselor but in esther 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign,esther,7,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 14 what's today's date 26 1 thessalonians 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb,1 thessalonians,36,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 26 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 8 isaiah 6 verse 8 who will go for us,1 timothy,6,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 8 longer sacrifice the best of what you have amos that's all in malachi verse chapter 1 verse 6 to 9 you sacrifice the,amos,1,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 6 but it's actually referring to the lost 1 chronicles 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick,1 chronicles,17,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 9 judges chapter 33 we're looking at verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 33,judges,33,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 3 uh credit righteousness to abraham's account 2 john 15 6. now two chapters later he,2 john,15,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 6 and here it says in verse 12 37 1 corinthians believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,1 corinthians,12,37.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 37 fought will be formed in vain in 1 kings chapter 1 verse 28 collusions chapter 1,1 kings,1,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 28 well i mean let's look at it let's look at it ruth 13 8.,ruth,13,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 8 living in the best of times you believe he said louder man nahum chapter 2 verse 4,nahum,2,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 4 in 1 thessalonians chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel,1 thessalonians,30,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 22 there's a universal indictment in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 for the wrath of god,1 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 take actions that are based on 2 chronicles hallelujah professor 1 verse 32,2 chronicles,1,32.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 32 see in the life of herod in the book of zephaniah chapter 12 from verse 21 to 23,zephaniah,12,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 21 john 2 20 tells us much about this romans 6 2 living by faith romans 1 17 and during tries with christ to like,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 students i'm looking at luke chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and,luke,33,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 33 verse 9 of excellence i love that scripture in 1 samuel 31 29 see many daughters has done well,1 samuel,31,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 31 verse 29 so if you would like to turn in your bibles to 1 chronicles chapter 27 acts chapter 27 that's where we are,1 chronicles,27,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 27 verse 27 king chapter three and verse 11 the kings ruth and other kings came together and they were looking for a,ruth,3,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 11 like we said before according to 2 corinthians 5 and 22 the holy spirit wants to produce the things that,2 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 wrath on the unrighteousness is revealed in verse 18 of john 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all,john,1,18.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 18 on you and that's the development of it so titus chapter 26 verse 16 and no two verses that uses that seven times,titus,26,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 26 verse 16 confessed and on dependency on confessed and no repentance see in 1 peter 49 3 to 4 genesis 49,1 peter,49,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 49 verse 3 lamentations romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,lamentations,17,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 17 verse 4 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in 1 samuel 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,1 samuel,8,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 6 could select a few that would be able to get through this often arena so jonah chapter 1 verse 27 pure and undefiled,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 live in the fear of the lord always leviticus 23 17 and for them fear of the lord,leviticus,23,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 17 and running waters out of their own well nehemiah 5 15. sex is the cement that consummates your,nehemiah,5,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 15 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning haggai chapter 3 and verse 14,haggai,3,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 14 god judges chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,judges,23,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 23 verse 16 damnation 2 timothy 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 the company you keep in the book of nehemiah chapter 13 verse 20. proverbs chapter 13 verse 20.,nehemiah,13,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 2 the king after he repented he says in 1 john 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,1 john,4,35.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 35 say let us therefore label john chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest,john,4,11.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 11 according to certain principles for example he says in job chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,job,8,17.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 17 fully pursuited and nothing will change them again by jude chapter 4 verse 19 my little children of whom i travail,jude,4,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 19 lastly tonight 1 chronicles 32 verse 15 scripture says unto the spirit is power up on us from on,1 chronicles,32,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 15 suffering for being an evil doer john 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,john,8,13.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 13 of life no wonder paul the apostle said in micah chapter 4 and verse 13 i can do all things through whom,micah,4,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 13 i'm having trouble understanding the morality of esther 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but,esther,22,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 28 and the afterlife look at verse 21 nehemiah 1 still for me to live is christ and to die is,nehemiah,1,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 21 check this out also when you look there at jude 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,jude,1,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 14 thing that god gave me is in the book of obadiah chapter 22 verse 30.,obadiah,22,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 3 it in 2 thessalonians 1 and verse 25 he said he that looks that looks in the,2 thessalonians,1,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 25 him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit john chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for,john,12,7.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 7 faith in the finished walk of christ job 3 let's go to 23 down,job,3,23.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 23 full of eyes it says in chapter ecclesiastes 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,ecclesiastes,4,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 8 she says here uh those who restrict the meaning of philemon 3 28 to an abstract or eschatological meaning meaning like,philemon,3,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 28 shoemaker says can you elaborate on nehemiah 6 4 is it referring to backsliding or,nehemiah,6,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 4 god now we come to the finale malachi 22 20. he who testifies to these things,malachi,22,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 2 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read 2 chronicles 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,2 chronicles,17,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 5 multitudes into this church this year jonah 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,jonah,49,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 49 verse 25 to righteousness judges chapter 11 from verse 30 the fruit of the righteous,judges,11,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 3 looking at 1 peter chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,1 peter,1,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 28 mind in hell turning back to 3 john chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 redeemer zephaniah 54 verse 4 fear not,zephaniah,54,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 54 verse 4 might be the bible says in colossians chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game 1 samuel doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,1 samuel,42,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 42 verse 5 i know him haggai 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing,haggai,18,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 17 and the land to possess us possession 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 even as we know that our kingdom,1 thessalonians,1,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 second chronicles 4 5 do the different 2 peter usually this kind of thing i'd have to,2 peter,4,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 5 christ remember luke 3 13 galatians that it said,luke,3,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 13 with a shout of grace grace to it that's 1 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,1 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 that ricky pickering says mike what does it mean in haggai 6 verse 5 and the the phrase from genesis 6 5 is that the lord,haggai,6,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 5 of honor bible says trust in the lord with all your heart ezekiel chapter 3 from verse 5 trust in the lord with all,ezekiel,3,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 5 please understand ecclesiastes 11 and verse 24 one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to,ecclesiastes,11,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 24 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king psalms version and what does it say,psalms,14,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 26 say let us therefore label 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest,2 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 even for this opportunity to show habakkuk chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,habakkuk,15,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 4 it is the word of god the bible says in colossians chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,colossians,6,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 17 from him ezra chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,ezra,25,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 25 verse 21 amen 2 peter 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,2 peter,34,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 34 verse 25 is a function of outstanding distinction according to jonah 11 26 acts 11 26 christians were so called,jonah,11,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 26 the lord no the bible says in 1 timothy chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 verse 21 he says,1 timothy,18,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 21 amen matthew chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,matthew,40,31.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 31 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought 3 john 23 and verse 23,3 john,23,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 23 reading there from verse 19 leviticus chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,leviticus,2,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 19 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse 2 john chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,2 john,8,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 3 how somebody's following me today in leviticus chapter 1 when you read from verse 19 the bible,leviticus,1,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 19 to start with luke 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,luke,7,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 3 of sins 1 timothy chapter 1 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from verses 5 and 6,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 don't understand it fully in the old testament in lamentations chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,lamentations,4,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 4 song of solomon in ezekiel 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is,ezekiel,27,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 27 verse 4 and it says right here lamentations 33 verse 5 the lord is exalted he dwells on high and he has filled,lamentations,33,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 5 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with haggai 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,haggai,14,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 24 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 2 john chapter 2 verse 5,2 john,2,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 5 to say more than that 2 john turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,2 john,12,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 12 that our god is the city taking god the bible tells us in the book of zechariah 13 and verse 44,zechariah,13,44.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 44 so the same reference ezekiel 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course,ezekiel,1,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 3 out of the book of the law and read titus 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that,titus,34,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 34 verse 16 and when you have done the will of god according to obadiah chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,obadiah,10,36.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 36 it's knowing that i know who god is and i believe god and i trust god ezekiel 3 5 and 6 talks about trust in the lord,ezekiel,3,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 5 we're looking at 2 thessalonians chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,2 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 our inner man in the book of 2 timothy 3 verse 16 the word of god tells us there ephesians,2 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 zechariah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 and we're reading here from verse 20 it,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 in the midst of his people in 1 samuel chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is,1 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 men and women were added to the church by nehemiah 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,nehemiah,6,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 7 suffering for being an evil doer 1 chronicles 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,1 chronicles,8,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 13 chapter 17 of 1 kings acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17,1 kings,17,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 11 amos galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20,amos,2,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 2 appear together mercy is first except in numbers 6 and 16 because you absolutely cannot,numbers,6,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 16 we see also from scriptures in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,1 thessalonians,3,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 7 all the ants that shared blood jonah 21 12. all that trust in men,jonah,21,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 12 what did they omit there look at 2 samuel chapter 19 verse 18.,2 samuel,19,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 18 says in 1 peter chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,1 peter,32,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 32 verse 24 said concerning the redeemed in numbers 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,numbers,2,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 5 chapter one reading from verse seven in ecclesiastes chapter one verse seven it says,ecclesiastes,1,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 7 a prophet and he talked to the two disciples likely about habakkuk chapter 18 verses 18 and there it says i,habakkuk,18,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 18 the power of heaven upon your life look at 1 kings chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,1 kings,1,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 4 the lord 1 samuel 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,1 samuel,36,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 25 our hearts must be set in the book of esther chapter 6 and verse 11. the bible makes us to,esther,6,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 11 rituals in 2 peter chapter six the lord said verse 5 you must love the,2 peter,6,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 5 encountered god through his word in 1 timothy 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some,1 timothy,53,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 53 verse 4 have to actually confess with your mouth that jesus lord that's that's judges 10 verse 9 and 10 that's that's what this is,judges,10,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 9 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of jude two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,jude,2,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 4 how do i know and why do i say so hosea 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,hosea,18,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 22 maybe for you six seven for me what 1 timothy 6 7 he that is dead is freed from sin i'm tired of bondage i'm tired of,1 timothy,6,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 7 furthermore we discover in the book of 2 peter 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,2 peter,5,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 2 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in job chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,job,9,6.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 6 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and job 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every,job,19,25.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 25 step out and serve 2 samuel 1 6 being confident in this very thing,2 samuel,1,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 6 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in ezekiel chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,ezekiel,31,29.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 31 verse 29 in john chapter 18 genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9 to 14,john,18,9.0,1.0,john chapter 18 verse 9 joshua 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11,joshua,1,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 17 in our bible we've got um john 8 28 do you know that verse don't you,john,8,28.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 28 settle down in this church for life 1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 11 down to verse 12 says as for thee also,1 thessalonians,9,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 11 likeness of man ezekiel 14 11. the same acts 14 chapter 19 and 20 it,ezekiel,14,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 11 here right that's what he's getting at and so he quotes jody 1 john 38 14 i don't know if you noticed this this is a,1 john,38,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 38 verse 14 reading from verses 4 and 5 jonah chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,jonah,2,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 4 24 christ bore our sins in his body on the tree mark 53 6 god has laid on him the iniquity,mark,53,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 53 verse 6 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of leviticus 3 and verse 4,leviticus,3,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 4 scriptures in 2 timothy for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,2 timothy,16,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 23 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to job chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29,job,29,17.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 17 give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again malachi chapter 3 verse 5,malachi,3,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 5 reading from verse 15 judges chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,judges,1,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 15 number five maintain pure thoughts thoughts 1 corinthians 23 7 tells us as a man think in his heart so is he,1 corinthians,23,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 7 have found yeah 1 chronicles 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,1 chronicles,3,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 16 faith without walks is dead 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,1 thessalonians,2,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 18 assess it and to maximize it 2 chronicles said in daniel chapter 11 verse 32,2 chronicles,11,32.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 32 on the cross leviticus 53 verses 4 through 6. and yet he,leviticus,53,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 53 verse 4 tooth which by the way is 2 timothy 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,2 timothy,21,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 21 verse 24 answer you say this is not god's final plan because 2 corinthians 21 4 says he will wipe every tear from our eyes,2 corinthians,21,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 21 verse 4 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in 1 peter 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,1 peter,6,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 19 so we're going to be praying from the book of 1 john chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,1 john,15,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 13 praise god now if you look at 1 thessalonians chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,1 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 um the third thing is justification by faith so 1 chronicles 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might,1 chronicles,3,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 24 children of god matthew 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,matthew,1,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 12 hello there amen 2 chronicles 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,2 chronicles,34,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 34 verse 29 verse 14 1 john chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,1 john,1,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 14 the obedience it is in the obedience 1 john 1 and verse 19 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you,1 john,1,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 19 everyone who partakes only of milk ecclesiastes 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,ecclesiastes,5,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 13 you have a couple scriptures like in the john passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,john,22,3.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 3 and they have nothing to do again 2 peter 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 one from verse four to five joel one four to five he said,joel,1,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 4 [music] first numbers 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,numbers,1,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 12 at mark 5 beginning at verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18 be filled with the holy spirit very very important be filled,mark,5,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 18 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in obadiah chapter 4 verse 19,obadiah,4,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 19 off and we carry you up in jesus name esther chapter 26 verse 8 the trumpet 26 2016,esther,26,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 8 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 1 corinthians chapter 1,1 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 still given to the humble and what does grace do well 2 samuel 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,2 samuel,13,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 8 they do with 2 john chapter two in the days of the toes,2 john,2,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 2 christ before our dated time before the world began it says in colossians chapter 1 verse 2,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in 1 kings 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,1 kings,16,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 17 are still required to ask him in prayer 2 corinthians 33 and verse 3 tells us,2 corinthians,33,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 33 verse 3 let's make it louder than that amos chapter 6 and verse 19 and for me that all trance may be given unto me,amos,6,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 19 verse 21 fathers do not provoke your children ezekiel 6 verse 4 adds do not provoke them to anger do not provoke,ezekiel,6,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 4 read it to you it occurs three times in the 1 thessalonians 53 passage verses five six and eleven so here's isaiah 53 verse 5 but he,1 thessalonians,53,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 53 verse 5 verse well it's just the whole thing actually john 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,john,8,22.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 22 hosea chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says,hosea,9,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 4 of jesus psalms chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and,psalms,8,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 18 authority of god himself 2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 38 in acts chapter 7 verse 30 age the ss he that was in the,2 corinthians,7,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 3 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to 3 john job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 we move on obadiah 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god,obadiah,1,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 you will notice again if you go further to 1 john of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,1 john,4,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 31 1 john 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,1 john,14,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 6 myself and 2 chronicles 2 verse 4 makes it even harder,2 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 and wisdom is essential look at 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,2 samuel,4,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 worshipers 1 john chapter 102 at verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for,1 john,102,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 102 verse 13 chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 the book of ecclesiastes 12 14 2 to 16. we have second timothy chapter 2,ecclesiastes,12,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 14 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola matthew 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,matthew,37,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 37 verse 5 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. joshua chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,joshua,66,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 66 verse 6 open your bibles if you will please to the old testament text of 1 timothy 18 21 through 22,1 timothy,18,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 21 somebody say a louder amen jonah chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,jonah,11,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 3 sunday 2 timothy 54 15 behold they shall surely gather together but,2 timothy,54,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 54 verse 15 you higher it will leave you where you are in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 to 18 revelation 3 verse 17 2 verse 18 he said to some,1 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 nehemiah closes that these words revelation 12 22 6 then he said to me these words are faithful and true and,nehemiah,12,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 22 2 corinthians hebrews chapter 6. april 6 i'll read verse 11.,2 corinthians,6,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 to 2 timothy chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9,2 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 don't know i and and here is the answer hosea 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god all have,hosea,32,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 3 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more joel 30 26,joel,30,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 26 to 28. 2 chronicles chapter 12 of chapter 11 from verse 12.,2 chronicles,11,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 12 and when we understand that is ecclesiastes did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,ecclesiastes,9,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 9 your mind in jesus but here's here's four micah chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,micah,2,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 8 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is 1 timothy 34 4. the fig tree here represents global,1 timothy,34,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 34 verse 4 area i touched on at the last session but esther 5 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and,esther,5,31.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 31 the bible tells us in the book of second 3 john chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world,3 john,1,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 22 verse 2 to 3 esther 12 verse 2 to 3,esther,12,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 2 things so here 1 chronicles 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,1 chronicles,14,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 12 retirement age will be easy 2 chronicles 21 verse 20 says the white store up choice food and olive oil,2 chronicles,21,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 2 here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of job and i remember when we got to verse 8,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 prophetic advantage i'll quickly read from the book of 2 kings chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 verse 26,2 kings,11,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 26 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 colossians chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the,colossians,11,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 27 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" malachi 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",malachi,10,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 3 4 job chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4.,job,8,4.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 4 19 verse 7 and verse 8 obadiah 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse,obadiah,19,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 7 joseph if you read john 37 from verse 2 to 11,john,37,2.0,1.0,john chapter 37 verse 2 welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in 2 corinthians 29 7. we are called to care about what's,2 corinthians,29,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 7 today's conversation beautiful people versus 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever,1 corinthians,5,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 29 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 romans 8 15 to 17 everything that god has just like jesus christ you can lay,1 timothy,8,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 15 name actually sposa 2 samuel chapter 2 verse mentor 11 phillipians true was made to eleven the,2 samuel,2,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 11 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in joel chapter 2 verse 42,joel,2,42.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 42 gospel of his son look at numbers chapter 1 verse 9 in romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with,numbers,1,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 9 usually conquered because the bomb said in 2 thessalonians chapter 54 verse 17 as i've it was seven you know we profession against,2 thessalonians,54,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 54 verse 17 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in 3 john chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,3 john,9,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 23 inherit the promises malachi 6 12 hebrews 6 12. be not thoughtful but followers of them who through faith,malachi,6,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 12 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in 3 john 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,3 john,15,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 16 zechariah chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,zechariah,2,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 9 shall be given to him job 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,job,19,21.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 21 i cast it out of every life this morning john 2 2 the spirit which now works in the,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 lands all lands judges chapter 20 and verse 6.,judges,20,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 6 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in hosea 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,hosea,8,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 6 believing like moses well looking at luke chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 24,luke,11,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 24 he gave us very early in our marriage in joshua 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,joshua,26,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 9 paul's epistle to the 1 timothy chapter 1 ephesians chapter 1 verses 19 to 23.,1 timothy,1,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 19 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 2 thessalonians chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,2 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 first colossians 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 and my people shall never be ashamed joel 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,joel,8,37.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 37 let us cleanse ourselves 1 corinthians chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,1 corinthians,12,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 14 from day one i was preaching from job 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,job,3,13.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 13 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new ezra 10 verse 13.,ezra,10,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 13 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that micah chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,micah,2,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 9 heaven rules right look at john 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,john,6,2.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 2 destiny every child of god is created for relevance john chapter 8 and verse 19.,john,8,19.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 19 shall give account of himself to god numbers chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,numbers,20,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 11 deceive us from the truth look at judges 5 verse 8,judges,5,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 8 the more applicational side of the book of 1 kings and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,1 kings,4,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 16 years 2 samuel 29 18 to 30. in culture intended couples get to know,2 samuel,29,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 18 somebody believes he allowed amen 1 john chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,1 john,5,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 26 i read verse ezra 3 14 but exalt one another daily,ezra,3,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 14 and for everyone that's why it says in jude chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1,jude,1,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 16 your life is in the book the bible says in the book of philemon chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord i,philemon,10,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 7 not a father christmas god in john 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done,john,33,2.0,1.0,john chapter 33 verse 2 united with him in his death and verse 11 of obadiah 6 then says therefore count yourselves,obadiah,6,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 11 happened the original saying in leviticus chapter 3 in the gallery of egypt you will see,leviticus,3,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 at verse 2 esther chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 and walk in love,esther,5,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 2 in leviticus chapter 5 verses 6 to 8 romans 5 6 to 8 the bible says for when we were still without strength,leviticus,5,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 6 of prophecy he has to understand by reading micah 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,micah,9,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 2 because it is written in 2 timothy 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do,2 timothy,4,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 13 psalm 124 just a few leviticus over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the,leviticus,124,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 124 verse 8 from verse 32 to 42 2 john 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,2 john,9,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 32 they came to mara that's verse 23 of philemon 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,philemon,15,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 23 tooth which by the way is lamentations 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,lamentations,21,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 24 because the scripture cannot be broken ecclesiastes chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of ezekiel chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,ezekiel,22,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 2 at the completion of the tabernacle 2 timothy chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,2 timothy,40,34.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 40 verse 34 and so how did god deliver abraham the 2 thessalonians 12 verse 82 tells us pharaoh called abraham and said what is this,2 thessalonians,12,82.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 82 they flow through you're just different 2 kings chapter 12 verse 21,2 kings,12,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 21 righteousness 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,2 corinthians,8,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 18 in jesus name open the lord look at zechariah chapter 1 verse 21 golucius chapter 1,zechariah,1,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 21 name actually sposa 2 john chapter 2 verse mentor 11 phillipians true was made to eleven the,2 john,2,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 11 but he says in verse 20 matthew 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,matthew,7,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 2 for noble purposes and some for common use zechariah 9 22 21 the creator fashioned the two sexes differently and this is a,zechariah,9,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 22 compared the heart of man to his stone malachi 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,malachi,17,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 9 provided for in jonah 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,jonah,13,25.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 25 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam 2 thessalonians 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,2 thessalonians,12,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 11 another name for agape love is the perfect love of liver liberty 2 corinthians 1 25 says whosoever look at into the perfect,2 corinthians,1,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 25 dismayed numbers chapter 31 verses 7 and 8 and moses called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all israel,numbers,31,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 31 verse 7 he shall praise him as i do this day colossians 13 verse 19 whosoever has the son of god has life so,colossians,13,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 19 our priority in esther chapter 4 at verse 7. he said wisdom is the principal thing it,esther,4,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 7 perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in 2 chronicles 4 and verse 6,2 chronicles,4,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 verse 19 micah 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe,micah,2,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 19 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the 1 corinthians of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,1 corinthians,2,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 mark chapter 11 that night 11 we're looking at verse 32 in daniel 11 at verse 32,mark,11,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 32 if you have your bibles with you please turn with me to jonah 18 and verse 14 and let's read it together,jonah,18,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 14 flee colossians chapter 4 verse 6 to 8 resist the devil he'll flee from you,colossians,4,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 6 understand that 1 samuel 14 verse 17 says romans 14 and verse 17 says the kingdom of god is not eating,1 samuel,14,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 17 somebody say bigger amen amos chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,amos,13,44.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 44 missionary journey titus of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,titus,4,36.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 36 12. 1 corinthians chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,1 corinthians,12,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 repent and deal with the sea of rebellion 2 thessalonians 3 verse 23 224 pass mercy first john 1 verse 9 if we confess our sin is,2 thessalonians,3,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 let the word of christ dwell in you richly luke 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by,luke,3,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 16 but you know the rest of the story by the time we go to ruth danny chapter 6 4 19 to 28,ruth,6,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 4 since the year began a better amen joshua 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,joshua,118,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 118 verse 23 chapter 2 chapter 3 micah chapter 3 verse 7,micah,3,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 7 furthermore we discover in the book of habakkuk 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,habakkuk,5,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 but let's take our bible as we go to malachi chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four,malachi,4,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 4 very great excitements in the book of 2 timothy chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us,2 timothy,43,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 43 verse 9 1 peter chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters,1 peter,5,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 15 the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies lamentations 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked,lamentations,10,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 25 here in matthew sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven,matthew,1,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 16 will bring those answers ezra chapter 1 17 to 19 as paul writes to those people that he's,ezra,1,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 17 transformation in lamentations 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he,lamentations,32,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 32 verse 24 understand jude chapter 1 and verse 20. can you put it up for me rule chapter 1 and verse 20,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 of the leaves now luke 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,luke,18,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 2 crosses have no effect on our lives zephaniah 23 and verse 8 how shall i cross whom god has not,zephaniah,23,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 8 when he answers prayer according 1 john 29 11 he says the thoughts that i think towards you are not thoughts of,1 john,29,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 29 verse 11 the apostle chapter 8 while looking at verse 4 ruth of the apostle chapter 8,ruth,8,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 4 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in 2 thessalonians 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,2 thessalonians,18,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 19 all under sin all have sinned obadiah 3 23 says and finally god now,obadiah,3,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 23 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also nehemiah chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,nehemiah,11,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 24 jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up ezra 1717 says a friend loves at all times,ezra,17,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 17 malachi chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 the uniqueness of x alina leadership hebrews,malachi,5,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 4 habakkuk of the apostles chapter 6 acts of the apostles chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse two acts of the,habakkuk,6,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 2 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at the passage in lamentations you'll see there are also,lamentations,1,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 13 evening again god forbid in our lives in jesus name we're looking at 2 john chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 30,2 john,11,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 3 and courageous than all others in every generation 2 john prophesied in chapter 11 verse 32 that in the last days they,2 john,11,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 32 god now we come to the finale ezekiel 22 20. he who testifies to these things,ezekiel,22,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 2 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in ezra chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,ezra,9,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 23 life he still gets mentioned in micah chapter 11 in the great hall of faith,micah,11,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 11 doing fine remember nahum chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17,nahum,8,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 17 the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22,ecclesiastes,8,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 to do in verses 14 through 16 of obadiah 17 moses lists five things that israel's,obadiah,17,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 14 for lack of thanksgiving 2 thessalonians or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,2 thessalonians,13,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 15 who teach you the word follow their faith 1 thessalonians 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,1 thessalonians,13,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 7 pray the way we should really pray 2 john 8 26 say likewise,2 john,8,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 26 i don't wanna be deceived now back in lamentations chapter 3 he says in verse 2,lamentations,3,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 2 just look at lucifer's fall in haggai chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,haggai,28,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 17 want to read you 2 chronicles 53. here's part of how he was broken isaiah 53 verse 7,2 chronicles,53,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 53 verse 7 came the result was seen in jonah chapter 2 and verse 41,jonah,2,41.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 41 2 chronicles chapter 8 from verse 20 to 22 genesis 8 20 to 22 spoke about,2 chronicles,8,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 2 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" ecclesiastes again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",ecclesiastes,8,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 9 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to 2 thessalonians isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,2 thessalonians,43,43.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 43 of god we're coming to 1 corinthians hebrews chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews,1 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 victory on the cross the whole point of 2 chronicles 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,2 chronicles,3,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 4 make waves in life in 1 john chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,1 john,30,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 21 and he has come accounted the promise mark 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,mark,3,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 29 in this sign notice 2 samuel 2 11 the lord utters his voice,2 samuel,2,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 11 desperately wicked and who can know it 2 corinthians 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can,2 corinthians,17,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 9 the lord look at 2 kings chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,2 kings,4,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 6 enemy an enemy 2 peter 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a,2 peter,2,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 5 read about christ like this to patients 1 jesus christ has been placed hosea 1 verse 21 above all real authority power,hosea,1,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 21 i read verse 1 thessalonians 3 14 but exalt one another daily,1 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 foe accuses the jews of having sawn zephaniah in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,zephaniah,11,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 37 verse 26 zechariah chapter 4 verse 26 says daniel is speaking to king nebuchadnezzar and he says your kingdom,zechariah,4,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 26 extent of the devastation coming upon the world ecclesiastes chapter 30 in verse 30,ecclesiastes,30,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 30 verse 3 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of luke chapter 39 verse 13,luke,39,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 39 verse 13 portion and stability 2 kings 2018 plans are established,2 kings,20,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 18 we even covered that last week philemon chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,philemon,12,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 11 mean really power that makes him the almighty in lamentations 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how,lamentations,32,27.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 32 verse 27 there's a lot of scripture coming for colossians 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay,colossians,5,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 14 repentance song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,song of solomon (song of songs),14,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 2 restoration restoration 3 john chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,3 john,1,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 26 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to luke chapter one verse eight,luke,1,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 8 8 verse 11 2 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,2 timothy,8,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 comes to reign and then we are going to be resurrected after him in malachi chapter 3 verse 20 philippians chapter 3,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 are called to live i'm going to look at 1 chronicles 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,1 chronicles,8,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 14 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,song of solomon (song of songs),4,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 4 must be about my father's business hosea 12 verse 11 it says not slothful in business but fervent in spirit 7 the,hosea,12,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 11 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 3 john 32,3 john,7,32.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 32 now i like that because if you read numbers chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31,numbers,40,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 40 verse 29 would god do this well let's take a look at micah chapter 20,micah,20,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 2 call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression ezra 5 3 i read that one and look at it,ezra,5,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 3 describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in habakkuk 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and,habakkuk,19,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 7 it tells us in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,1 thessalonians,2,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 are called to live i'm going to look at 1 peter 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,1 peter,8,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 14 2 peter chapter 12 romans chapter 12 and here we're reading from verse 17,2 peter,12,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 17 joy in the holy ghost the bible says in philemon chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 22. but the fruit,philemon,5,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 22 lot of scriptures all right ruth 14 and verse 17. so this,ruth,14,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 17 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things 1 john 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,1 john,1,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 2 verse 13 zechariah chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,zechariah,2,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 13 that upheld god in high esteem ezekiel 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,ezekiel,41,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 41 verse 14 be proud well all you gotta do is read judges 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things,judges,4,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 15 according to joel chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on jesus christ,joel,12,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 2 heart now regarding confidence let's look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as,ecclesiastes,1,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 5 thought by thought hopefully this passage john 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it,john,3,21.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 21 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom philemon chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,philemon,1,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 13 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of 2 samuel chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,2 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in ruth chapter 17 verse 9,ruth,17,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 17 verse 9 in this church this coming sunday psalms 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,psalms,13,44.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 44 face the earth in the heaven that numbers 20 verse 11 and they cried they cried to the mountains they cried,numbers,20,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 11 by the spirit of god in numbers chapter 5 15 to 17,numbers,5,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 15 great ruth soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,ruth,6,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 15 don't represent that but but anyhow zephaniah 60 verse 13 it says the glory of lebanon shall come to you the cypress,zephaniah,60,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 60 verse 13 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done nahum 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded,nahum,8,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 16 faith faith foundation for a favored family in 2 samuel chapter 24 verse 7 and the lord god of heaven which,2 samuel,24,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 24 verse 7 the next door neighbor to timothy judges 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of,judges,2,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 14 hand but when you read 1 peter chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,1 peter,12,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 29 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at the passage in luke you'll see there are also,luke,1,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 13 in micah in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,micah,3,34.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 34 i will punish all that oppress them john chapter 33 jeremiah 33 i'm reading from verse 6 healing plus,john,33,6.0,1.0,john chapter 33 verse 6 or drinking of blood the bible forbids it amos 7 26 the bible tells us that you shall not,amos,7,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 26 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in leviticus chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,leviticus,16,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 6 away it shall it shall come to pass zechariah 19 verse 25,zechariah,19,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 25 who have preached to us they are flying towards 1 kings 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,1 kings,1,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 28 verses 2 corinthians chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the,2 corinthians,6,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 3 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on zephaniah 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,zephaniah,10,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 14 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in 1 chronicles 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then,1 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 judges 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,judges,4,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 31 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is job chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,job,19,28.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 28 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at amos chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,amos,3,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 2 children of god the saints of god in 2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles,2 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 luke chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said,luke,1,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 3 psalms chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,psalms,8,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 2 the bible said in 1 timothy 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 turning away completely let there be a transformation and that's what 1 corinthians of the apostle chapter 3 verse 19 says he,1 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42,2 corinthians,2,42.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42 lamentations chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,lamentations,22,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 11 in amos chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21,amos,1,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 21 verse 22 and 23 habakkuk 1 22 to 23,habakkuk,1,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 22 the other scriptures that we have looked at so 1 peter chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,1 peter,6,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 18 believe to a life of worship is not having a right heart 2 kings 96 nine worship the lord and the beauty of,2 kings,96,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 96 verse 9 going to take first luke chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i,luke,1,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 28 unbelievable tongues we're coming to mark chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with,mark,3,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 13 righteousness in 2 peter chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of,2 peter,8,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 2 it says joel 1 verse 16 and i want you to listen to me very well,joel,1,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 16 my own life to realize okay joshua 1 through 11 all that god has done god mentioned 153,joshua,1,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 11 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of 2 corinthians and what was the boast of god he said,2 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 the bible tells us there very clearly he said joel 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he,joel,59,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 59 verse 19 don't make them mad there is a parallel statement jonah 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that,jonah,3,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 21 christ remember matthew 3 13 galatians that it said,matthew,3,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 13 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you zechariah chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,zechariah,12,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 5 lot's house and in jonah 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in,jonah,18,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 22 sickness affliction 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,2 thessalonians,5,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 13 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to hosea chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,hosea,18,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 9 their detriment john 16 18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit,john,16,18.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 18 fulfilling its function that's what we read in 1 chronicles 4 16. the body is built by what every joint,1 chronicles,4,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 16 1 kings in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,1 kings,6,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 5 crosses have no effect on our lives 2 timothy 23 and verse 8 how shall i cross whom god has not,2 timothy,23,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 8 hallelujah joshua chapter 6 very quickly verse 22 isaiah 60 he says your sun shall no longer go down,joshua,60,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 60 verse 22 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram 2 timothy 18 verse 19,2 timothy,18,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 19 he said we should open to the book of lamentations chapter three verse six i open to that book when i opened i see,lamentations,3,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 6 check out song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,song of solomon (song of songs),14,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 12 must be your food ruth 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i,ruth,15,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 6 ministers that lies 1 timothy 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,1 timothy,23,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 23 verse 32 cramming it into seven ruth chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,ruth,9,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 9 please join me as we wrap up psalms chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,psalms,31,37.0,1.0,psalms chapter 31 verse 37 name let me show you one verse of scripture in 1 john chapter 28 verse 12 good,1 john,28,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 28 verse 12 through the advocate awake look at numbers chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and,numbers,13,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 11 so if you read annie ecclesiastes chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,ecclesiastes,2,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 11 about bearing with one another right 2 samuel 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,2 samuel,3,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 13 is the most high most high 1 peter chapter five verse eight,1 peter,5,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 8 that makes it alive if is a man of decision have you heard of matthew in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 it says but,matthew,1,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 8 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom 1 timothy 1 5. proverbs 9 9,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 i'm reading from the new king 1 corinthians version ezekiel chapter 22 now beginning at verse 23 god is,1 corinthians,22,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 23 be used for the drink offering in 2 timothy and chapter 9 verse 13 there's a comment about wine cheers,2 timothy,9,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 13 14 and we're reading from verse 31 micah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,micah,14,31.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 31 we need revival we need renewing we need restoration esther 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,esther,57,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 57 verse 15 across our harvest field a better amen leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,leviticus,12,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved 3 john of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,3 john,17,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 17 verse 17 here from verse 9 ecclesiastes chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 that was a testimony of joseph in esther 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,esther,50,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 50 verse 2 somebody needs to take your medication in luke 20 verse 14 it says then death and hades were cast into the lake,luke,20,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 14 and now it is absolutely new we see this truth in esther 10 25 not forsaken the assembling,esther,10,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 25 the stoil in ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 12 therefore brethren,ecclesiastes,8,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 12 in the name of jesus so we look at ezekiel 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,ezekiel,24,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 2 about the rest in 2 kings chapter 1 verse 28 genesis chapter 1 verse 28,2 kings,1,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 28 above all the heavens that he might fill all things 2 peter 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,2 peter,2,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 9 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in 1 thessalonians chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,1 thessalonians,12,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 5 which most christians don't think of it says in nehemiah 5 verse 30.,nehemiah,5,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 3 because they said yeah this this luke 22 11 it's very difficult to understand but then they started talking,luke,22,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 11 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in 2 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,2 samuel,2,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 and all that malachi 36 37 i will build my church it will keep,malachi,36,37.0,1.0,malachi chapter 36 verse 37 your church established your kingdom in the earth 1 chronicles chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,1 chronicles,14,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 14 verse 18 and bones the tribes of israel but in numbers 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,numbers,9,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 2 is good for everybody to memorize but it's a famous verse it's joel 3 23 and it says for all have sinned,joel,3,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 23 loud amen 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,2 timothy,1,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 16 1 kings 18 this is 9 to 13 genesis 18 versus 9 to 13,1 kings,18,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 9 subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception judges 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are,judges,9,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 3 [music] chapter 2 2 timothy chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,2 timothy,2,25.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 25 verse 28 in ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 28 saying,ecclesiastes,5,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 28 next to those verses i just read there you can write 1 samuel 6 verses 12 to 17 revelation 6 verse 12 to 17 those,1 samuel,6,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 12 hearts ruth chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,ruth,3,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 12 dick stick this microphone fraser 2 kings 12 verse 5 to 11 and you have forgotten the exhortation which,2 kings,12,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 5 that it's a real picture of confusion 2 chronicles 9 verses 7 & 8 yeah it's these demon locusts in the last days and,2 chronicles,9,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 7 your bibles i'm gonna start at john 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,john,16,16.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 16 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from numbers chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,numbers,1,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 17 to refute me let's go to them now so 2 timothy chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps,2 timothy,2,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 11 right and something instructive also was mentioned in leviticus 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,leviticus,2,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 21 and wisdom is essential look at 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,2 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 he preached for miriam and they were told in 2 chronicles chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,2 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 joel chapter 2 excuse me colossians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 10,joel,2,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 9 soldier said like a commodity for 20 pieces of silver ezekiel 37 verse 28 genesis 37 verse 28,ezekiel,37,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 28 this money if you choose god then ezekiel chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,ezekiel,10,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 22 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 13,1 thessalonians,39,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 13 chapter 2 reading from verse status 7 2 john chapter 2 worried him from the status 7 the passion for priceless,2 john,2,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 7 oh thank you jesus the bible said in 2 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,2 thessalonians,29,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 11 3 9 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,1 chronicles,2,39.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 39 god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in leviticus chapter 36 verse 27,leviticus,36,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 36 verse 36 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in zephaniah 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,zephaniah,8,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 12 ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is 2 samuel 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've,2 samuel,42,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 42 verse 2 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew matthew 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,matthew,13,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 4 fellow israeli came from judah verse 2 and 1 thessalonians you see here has a concern hananiah this man who came did not offer,1 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 oh because of this paul said in 1 samuel 3 13 to 15 philippians 3 13 to 15,1 samuel,3,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 13 "were in the music department...one in ten. in nahum 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",nahum,15,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 2 wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life job 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his,job,13,3.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 3 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,ecclesiastes,9,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 18 2 corinthians 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,2 corinthians,15,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 15 verse 18 lamentations he is judgment but also the faithful husband and we read in hosea chapter 4 verse 3 therefore shall the,lamentations,4,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 3 that verse 18 again job chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our,job,16,18.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 18 the titus 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,titus,2,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 17 the bible tells us in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not,2 corinthians,7,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 13 in us as in joel 8 16,joel,8,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 16 chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up by ezra and communicated unto them that gospel which i preach that the,ezra,2,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 2 you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of esther 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head,esther,3,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 13 need revival we need renewing we need restoration 1 john 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,1 john,57,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 57 verse 15 merciless and heartless criticism the bible says in malachi 4 29 to 32 say let no corrupt,malachi,4,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 29 call upon the name of the lord for the apostles say in ezra chapter 2 verse 16 holding forth the word of life,ezra,2,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 16 i have made you a god unto pharaoh he became a god in hosea chapter 11 and verse 3,hosea,11,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 3 remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at matthew chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 on the cross leviticus 53 verses 4 through 6. and yet he,leviticus,53,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 53 verse 4 doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves judges warned in 1 chapter 1 verse 22 and hereby we do,judges,1,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 22 the capacity of god is failure proof 2 samuel chapter 12. and verse 25 ezekiel 12 of verse 25 for i am the lord,2 samuel,12,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 25 belly of the fish it's used in 2 thessalonians 44 23 to refer to the created earth,2 thessalonians,44,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 44 verse 23 and when you look at the prophecy of jude isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah,jude,7,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 14 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in 2 peter chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,2 peter,4,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 15 habakkuk chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long,habakkuk,18,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 3 amen look at the promise of god for your life in hosea 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,hosea,45,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 45 verse 2 they're not 1 corinthians 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are,1 corinthians,6,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 4 thanks it tells us in 1 kings chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling,1 kings,1,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 2 verse 16 one person has come lamentations five seven left on that person,lamentations,5,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 16 your mind in jesus but here's here's four 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,1 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 15 to 16 2 thessalonians 21 15 to 16 is the story of,2 thessalonians,21,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 15 the lord and did not obey his voice nehemiah 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god,nehemiah,42,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 42 verse 21 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in habakkuk chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,habakkuk,28,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 9 37 verse 18 2 chronicles 37 18 the bible made us to understand,2 chronicles,37,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 37 verse 18 and beyond all the mysteries of 1 corinthians 2 24 has made himself one flesh with her one,1 corinthians,2,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 24 chapter 23 in 2 thessalonians chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should,2 thessalonians,23,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 19 people we're looking at 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 13 then,2 timothy,5,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 13 he's a spiritual jew ezra chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,ezra,2,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 28 on the earth to walk 1 samuel chapter 2 7 to 8 genesis 2 7 to 8,1 samuel,2,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 and tortured and afflicted but now 1 timothy 1 13 said he has translated you,1 timothy,1,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 13 understanding 2 john is also an example in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel,2 john,1,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 17 it is not over yet 2 john 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,2 john,7,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 7 this is how they did it in daniel's day psalms 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,psalms,3,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 4 the man 1 corinthians chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking,1 corinthians,7,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 21 "a man. in micah 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",micah,10,42.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 42 darkness and in sin which is to lie in jude the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,jude,5,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 8 it is impossible to sin when you are under grace 1 kings 6 14 is clear and jesus has shown us the way by which,1 kings,6,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 14 understanding esther is also an example in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel,esther,1,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 17 edition ruth chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,ruth,4,31.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 31 jesus name in hosea chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,hosea,3,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 17 we're going to read a few verses from the book of micah chapter 20 and verse 7,micah,20,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 7 in numbers chapter 2 verse 36 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 from arawa which is by the brink of the,numbers,2,36.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 36 look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were,song of solomon (song of songs),2,37.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 37 and this is what the bible tells us in the book of ruth chapter 4 verse 20 they said we cannot speak of the things,ruth,4,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 2 companion the companion that never fails were looking at 2 thessalonians chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there,2 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 verses 17 and 18 john 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more,john,16,17.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 17 verse 17 1 samuel 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women,1 samuel,2,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 17 ministers that lies numbers 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,numbers,23,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 32 you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of psalms 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do,psalms,11,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 6 is called in hebrew chapter 12 verse 29 jude 12 29 the consuming fire when you read georges chapter 15,jude,12,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 29 what are you it will help you tonight look at numbers chapter 4 i meet him from verse 14 hebrews chapter 4 i will,numbers,4,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 14 holy spirit is that he does good it says in luke chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,luke,10,38.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 38 number two exoros chapter 15 1 kings chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,1 kings,15,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 15 experienced without passing the test the bible says in jonah 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,jonah,4,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 18 and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction judges 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way,judges,21,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 16 god addicted worshipper of god john chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12,john,12,7.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 7 a person that's what you see in lamentations 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,lamentations,28,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 12 look amos 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,amos,11,33.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 33 e all wise god in zechariah 1 25 told the only wise god our savior be glory a majesty dominion,zechariah,1,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 25 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king hosea bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,hosea,16,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 11 members give room to the devil ezra 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore,ezra,4,27.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 27 if you look at 1 corinthians 4 verses 20 uh,1 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,ecclesiastes,2,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 9 triumphant power of an undying faith in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,song of solomon (song of songs),11,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 5 chapter 12 verse 11 1 john 12 11 and overcame him by the blood of the lamb,1 john,12,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 11 foe accuses the jews of having sawn 1 john in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,1 john,11,37.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 37 gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in,2 samuel,9,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 26 he preached for miriam and they were told in 2 samuel chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,2 samuel,12,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 exaltation above emmanuel's enemies we're coming to 1 timothy 69 verse 4 did that hate me,1 timothy,69,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 69 verse 4 the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in leviticus chapter eight verse seven and eight that,leviticus,8,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 7 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 song of solomon (song of songs) 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have,song of solomon (song of songs),10,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 12 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in philemon chapter 9 verse 21 yay,philemon,9,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 21 know how to go about it in titus 21 22 the bible says a wise man,titus,21,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 22 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 2 kings 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,2 kings,22,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 22 verse 16 prayers in zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 1 thessalonians chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,1 thessalonians,3,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 being lord of your life once again in 2 samuel 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,2 samuel,8,29.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 29 as well as we 2 samuel chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15,2 samuel,13,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 15 counted for the scene nothing could be clearer in all scripture 2 peter 4 25 and 6 this agar is sinai in arabia and,2 peter,4,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 25 is in response to our obedience in the book of malachi chapter 1 and verse 25,malachi,1,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 25 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of 2 timothy of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,2 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 and especially verse number three mark 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,mark,61,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 61 verse 3 to enter those 600 0 people nehemiah 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,nehemiah,3,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 19 the spirit in 1 kings chapter 2 verse 14,1 kings,2,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 14 for you philemon 7 verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of,philemon,7,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 7 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that 1 john 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,1 john,2,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 11 reading from the new living translation job chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow,job,1,4.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 4 the other scriptures that we have looked at so hosea chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,hosea,6,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 18 ever in mark 25 from verse 21 to 26 genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26,mark,25,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 25 verse 21 nomicon zz tompa now before kaaba condon our men na benza our manga in micah 22 verse 15 it says outside all the dogs,micah,22,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 15 verse eight in esther chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power,esther,1,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 8 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram 1 peter 18 verse 19,1 peter,18,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 18 verse 19 to take a little time on it esther 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,esther,6,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 14 as we see nehemiah is the eagle isaiah 40 31 says that those that wait upon the lord shall,nehemiah,40,31.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 40 verse 31 wisdom ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him,ecclesiastes,2,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 delivered hosea 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,hosea,10,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 23 we're told in john of the apostles chapter 7 i acts chapter 7 looking at verse 23 and he when he was full 40,john,7,23.0,1.0,john chapter 7 verse 23 after lord departed from abraham what followed 1 timothy chapter 13 14 to 17 after lord,1 timothy,13,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 14 take your bible go all the way to the end john 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,john,21,9.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 9 that scripture back on the screen for me ezra 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,ezra,44,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 44 verse 3 related to ezra chapter 12 is isaiah chapter 14 which is which is one of our tests for this,ezra,12,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 14 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in zechariah 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part,zechariah,45,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 45 verse 2 or a victim look at chapter 3 in chapter 3 it tells us ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 and it says repent ye therefore and be,ecclesiastes,3,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of hosea here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,hosea,11,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 17 capital city of heaven and that final abode of his children 2 john 3 12 calls it again the city of my god the,2 john,3,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 12 reagan points that out in his book colossians 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until,colossians,12,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 4 2 peter 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,2 peter,11,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 23 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to 2 timothy chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29,2 timothy,29,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 17 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in jonah chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,jonah,1,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 14 in the name of jesus in the book of zechariah 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,zechariah,53,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 53 verse 24 final day god's mercy verse 13 1 timothy 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,1 timothy,2,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 esther 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,esther,21,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 22 actually forgiveness comes as he gets from christ look at joshua chapter 5 we're reading from verses 30 and 21,joshua,5,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 3 [applause] esther 65 and verse 24 well start from 20,esther,65,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 65 verse 24 chapter 7 2 john chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,2 john,7,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 17 philemon 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at,philemon,1,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 14 it's available praise the lord it is real look at esther chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2,esther,2,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 14 testament paul would write this in job 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,job,2,16.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 16 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord 2 peter 31 30,2 peter,31,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 31 verse 3 the power of heaven upon your life look at 1 chronicles chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts,1 chronicles,1,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 4 drink which fulfilled yet another messianic prophecy in 1 kings 69 and 21 but there was someone else that gave,1 kings,69,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 69 verse 21 from day one i was preaching from malachi 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,malachi,3,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 13 we're looking at amos chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,amos,10,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 18 christian the third one on my list is malachi chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 luke chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,luke,8,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 2 the definition of the promised land you can see that in jude 1124 the land originally promised to the,jude,11,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 24 my second read in this morning's from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 and i'll read from verse 15 to 20 efficient step 250,song of solomon (song of songs),5,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 15 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen esther chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,esther,2,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 13 5 verses 7 and 8. philemon chapter 5. verses 7 and 8.,philemon,5,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 7 but he says in verse 20 1 samuel 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,1 samuel,7,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 2 clouds to meet the lord in the air 1 kings 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given,1 kings,1,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 7 life number one you have eternal pardon eternal pardon hosea 6 23 romans 6 23 1st john 5 11. first john 5 11,hosea,6,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 23 and yet he says in this world in esther chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.,esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to micah chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,micah,6,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 9 things he was tempted like us in all things 2 peter 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,2 peter,4,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 15 to redeem us read as jude 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,jude,53,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 53 verse 3 a person that's what you see in joshua 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,joshua,28,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 12 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already jonah 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,jonah,9,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 27 have now the dominion we have look at philemon chapter two reading from verse six,philemon,2,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 6 outside with pitch 2 timothy chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,2 timothy,11,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 7 over men rules righteously and rules in the fear of god 2 peter 20 28 loyalty and truth preserved the king and he,2 peter,20,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 28 we're going to read a few verses from the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 and verse 7,song of solomon (song of songs),20,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 7 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to 1 kings 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,1 kings,5,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 13 taken from the book of john revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,john,22,16.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 16 knowledge of your enemy knowledge of your enemy 3 john 2 verse 15 commercial 250 having this half principalities and,3 john,2,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 15 misery bondage sickness loss calamity evil occurrence job 3 19. zephariana 319 says the niv and energy,job,3,19.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 19 told them in the book of 1 peter of the apostle chapter 1 verse 8,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 and a bigger soul winner in 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 in daniel 12 3 the bible says and they that be,1 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. zechariah said who is he that i did counsel without,zechariah,42,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 42 verse 3 face the earth in the heaven that 2 john 20 verse 11 and they cried they cried to the mountains they cried,2 john,20,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 20 verse 11 chapter 5 reading from verse 4 in 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 4 it says christ has,1 corinthians,5,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 4 please join me as we wrap up 2 timothy chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,2 timothy,31,37.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 31 verse 37 1 kings 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was,1 kings,11,23.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 23 ever in habakkuk 25 from verse 21 to 26 genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26,habakkuk,25,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 25 verse 21 in life nahum 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,nahum,22,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 29 in your bible what i'm going to show you now 1 john chapter 33 isaiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 24 searches 3 24,1 john,33,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 24 not responsible for evil and when we read in 2 john chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,2 john,6,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 9 somebody shout oh 2 kings chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,2 kings,8,32.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 32 of the year 2 thessalonians 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,2 thessalonians,14,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 24 resurrection let's come back to luke chapter 21 and verse 4 revelation chapter 21 reading from verse,luke,21,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 21 verse 4 ministry of reconciliation and in 1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire,1 thessalonians,13,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 remember what we saw in that book of 1 john 23 and verse 25 i will take sickness away,1 john,23,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 23 verse 25 greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in lamentations chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god,lamentations,3,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 17 are talking about is you know 2 kings 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,2 kings,29,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 29 verse 18 things like that like judges 7 25 with romans 8 1. let's read them together or the last,judges,7,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 25 a wise man can overlook an offense haggai 19 11. they avoid strife,haggai,19,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 11 for you and you have only to be still nehemiah 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes,nehemiah,20,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 20 verse 4 that is against you to conquer you and that's what he's saying in 2 corinthians 27 5 to 7 he's making it very clear,2 corinthians,27,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 27 verse 5 paul said let us also walk in the spirit 2 kings 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,2 kings,5,25.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 25 she says here uh those who restrict the meaning of joshua 3 28 to an abstract or eschatological meaning meaning like,joshua,3,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 28 jacob about joseph ezra 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,ezra,49,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 49 verse 2 15 to 16 psalms 21 15 to 16 is the story of,psalms,21,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 15 a 1 thessalonians of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and,1 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 1 kings 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 he said so then faith comment by hearing and hearing the word,1 kings,10,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 17 17. in titus chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,titus,14,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 17 book of records look at 2 peter chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,2 peter,20,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 12 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of micah 3 and verse 4,micah,3,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 4 that god said to 2 timothy when he wrote the controversial romans 9 verse 14 what shall we say then is there,2 timothy,9,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 14 reading from verse 7 3 john 1 verse 7 in whom,3 john,1,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 7 out of the words of salvation 1 corinthians chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom,1 corinthians,12,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 3 verses 11 to 17 if you have your bibles please turn with me to 1 thessalonians chapter 24,1 thessalonians,24,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 11 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in luke chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,luke,12,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 7 1 timothy chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 and we will begin in verse 13 but let's read,1 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 gracious purposes such as in leviticus 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a visit from god was always monumental,leviticus,1,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 6 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in malachi chapter 2 verse 42,malachi,2,42.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 42 circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on joel 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say,joel,22,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 18 2 kings chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,2 kings,28,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 28 verse 13 stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in colossians chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou,colossians,22,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 28 very clearly so 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 the lord our god made a covenant with us in,2 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 that's what we do in 2 timothy 5 8 paul said you were formerly,2 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 24 esther proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,esther,24,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 24 verse 14 only faith 2 kings 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 to the new testament we're looking at 2 chronicles chapter 2 romans chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 29 romans chapter,2 chronicles,2,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 29 unto men once to die the bible says in 2 chronicles 9 27 and after that the judgment,2 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 capital t what is coming up on the earth zephaniah 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question,zephaniah,6,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 18 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in nahum 3. how on earth like in what,nahum,22,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 3 hand nor to the left move thy foot from evil in 2 chronicles 2 verse 13 speaks of those who leave the,2 chronicles,2,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 13 morally or doctrinally to lead them astray and so now here we are at zechariah 16 verse 19 he just finished the,zechariah,16,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 16 verse 19 beyond 2 thessalonians 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,2 thessalonians,13,44.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 44 of no effect chapter 13 of zephaniah and verse 20,zephaniah,13,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 2 amos of the apostles chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're reading from verse 18.,amos,3,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 18 1 corinthians 16. if you have your bible still open there to revelation 16. look at verses 16,1 corinthians,16,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 16 tonight in jesus name i want you to look at ezekiel chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 2 acts chapter 3 verse 2 and a,ezekiel,3,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 2 as you have spoken in my ears so will i do unto you 1 thessalonians 14 26 to 36,1 thessalonians,14,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 26 stuff but obadiah 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,obadiah,53,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 53 verse 7 let's say i don't believe in amen ecclesiastes 3 17 the lord god the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,ecclesiastes,3,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 17 dating process now let's flip over to joshua 12 real quick into romans 12 and 2 this is why it's so important we renew,joshua,12,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 2 esther 5 6 and 5 10 shows that danger ephesians 5 6 says let no one deceive you with empty words and ephesians 5,esther,5,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 6 i can have it that's why he asked for it 2 peter 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17,2 peter,13,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 14 and the bible says we must not strive with men we do not leviticus 6 12 says we do not strive with human beings i,leviticus,6,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of 1 timothy so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,1 timothy,11,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 2 so paul says it right there in joel 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,joel,3,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 23 his word to us ruth 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,ruth,7,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 7 they don't even understand this anymore 2 chronicles 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,2 chronicles,5,21.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 21 another take his office that's footage in jude chapter 1 from verse 16 to verse 20 so we know,jude,1,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 16 the savior zephaniah chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,zephaniah,17,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 3 20 haggai 23 20 behold i sent angel before thee to keep thee,haggai,23,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 23 verse 2 blood that makes atonement for the soul come to esther chapter 17 leviticus chapter 17 were reading from verse 11,esther,17,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 11 building in 2 corinthians 28 16 listen very carefully it says therefore thus saith the lord,2 corinthians,28,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 28 verse 16 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again titus 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,titus,13,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 18 to be john 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt,john,4,22.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 22 choices moses successor 1 timothy summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,1 timothy,24,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 15 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. philemon 5 27 please go down there,philemon,5,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 27 feasts are given to them together here in psalms 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,psalms,12,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 15 it's certainly a miniature full declaration the gospel so is 2 peter 55 6 to 7 the essence of all biblical,2 peter,55,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 55 verse 6 nature in joshua 15 16 god speaks of how filthy is man which drinketh iniquity,joshua,15,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 16 louder amen moses in titus chapter 7 verse 9 told the children of israel,titus,7,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 9 don't understand it fully in the old testament in ecclesiastes chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,ecclesiastes,4,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 4 god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit numbers chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans,numbers,8,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 26 four hundred and thirty years is exactly what song of solomon (song of songs) 12 verse 40 says; and it was four hundred and thirty years after the final declaration,song of solomon (song of songs),12,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 4 and by your words you we'll be condemned joshua 20 to 11 this is a beautiful verse that i love i,joshua,20,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 11 from verse 9 to 17 mark chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,mark,7,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 7 ought to be righteous in fact we are told in ezra chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. revelation chapter 19,ezra,19,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 7 go back to the beginning leviticus chapter 10 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 3,leviticus,10,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 3 is lamentations 29 verse 1 is in hebrew deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 69 in other words it's the end of the previous,lamentations,29,69.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 69 the lord 2 samuel 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,2 samuel,13,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 2 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,2 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 shine 2 john 42 16 and i will bring the blind by a way that they knew not i will lead,2 john,42,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 42 verse 16 and yet he says in this world in 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.,1 corinthians,3,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 2 perseverance in christ obadiah chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly,obadiah,2,42.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 42 a wise man can overlook an offense titus 19 11. they avoid strife,titus,19,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 11 were preaching the gospel in nahum of the apostle chapter 16 and in verses 25,nahum,16,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 25 as a child of god amos chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews 1 13 to 14 angels are ministering spirits,amos,1,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 13 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in ruth 11 14 and 24,ruth,11,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 14 that god created sex in 2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says god made man,2 kings,1,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 is what defines that man's reality matthew 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart,matthew,27,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 23 and they have nothing to do again john 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,john,2,14.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 14 in haggai chapter 55 8 to 9 isaiah 55 89 the bible said my ways are not your ways my thoughts,haggai,55,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 55 verse 8 talks about how to face adversity in 2 corinthians 3 verse 17 to 18 it says even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there,2 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 titus chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 romans 8 15 to 17 everything that god has just like jesus christ you can lay,titus,8,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 15 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam jonah 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,jonah,12,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 11 no advance at all. 2 corinthians 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,2 corinthians,10,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 21 that greatness starts with self to leadership in jude chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,jude,6,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 6 of the flock shall be scattered that's from nahum chapter 13 and verse 7,nahum,13,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 7 final day god's mercy verse 13 2 corinthians 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,2 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 chapter 3 were looking at four six zephaniah chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,zephaniah,3,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 6 stronger this morning 3 john chapter 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people and,3 john,2,47.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 47 welcomed and forgiven and this is why ezekiel 4 16 says let us therefore come,ezekiel,4,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 16 chapter 23 verse 4 2 peter chapter 23 we're reading from verse 4,2 peter,23,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 4 to do that one your duty jesus name joshua chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 now and now but actually being brought to john 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,john,6,6.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 6 we know this for two reasons job 4 15 said jesus was tempted in all points as we act yet without sin,job,4,15.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 15 psalm 105 13 to 15 1 peter 1 number 13 in whom you are us he also trusted after,1 peter,1,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 13 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice esther chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,esther,4,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 7 known to us here on earth and so we read in haggai chapter 8 verse 35,haggai,8,35.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 35 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider haggai 11 verse 11 through faith,haggai,11,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 11 i told you all of us are going to be reading together esther 32 uh 32 verses 31 today,esther,32,31.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 31 oh thank you jesus the bible said in 2 peter chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,2 peter,29,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 11 will be flowing out 1 corinthians 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,1 corinthians,23,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 9 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 mark 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,mark,4,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 2 and then to angels and to men in job chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,job,3,9.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 9 the second verse of 1 kings 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,1 kings,66,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 66 verse 2 let's go back to 2 corinthians 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ,2 corinthians,4,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 22 when he may be found call upon him when his name titus chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,titus,55,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 55 verse 6 i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from ruth chapter one,ruth,1,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 2 that sign and that's wonder numbers chapter 8 verse 18,numbers,8,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 18 engage your heart in the book of philemon chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has,philemon,30,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 21 he's reflective in song of solomon (song of songs) 16 32 whoever is slow to anger is better than,song of solomon (song of songs),16,32.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 32 with me be imitators of me as i am of christ 1 kings chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you,1 kings,13,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 2 found in him colossians possessed kingdom righteousness daniel had kingdom revelation daniel chapter 2 verse 28,colossians,2,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 28 louder amen moses in micah chapter 7 verse 9 told the children of israel,micah,7,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 9 the notes blame job chapter 1 verse 26,job,1,26.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 26 it shall speak and 2 kings chapter 10 and verse 23,2 kings,10,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 23 verse 6 obadiah chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy,obadiah,30,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 6 partnership with our maker look at 1 samuel chapter 8 reading from verse 16 and verse 17,1 samuel,8,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 16 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in 3 john 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,3 john,14,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 24 and to give his life a ransom for many john chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,john,2,17.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 17 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich jonah 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,jonah,24,34.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 34 shall not be disappointed song of solomon (song of songs) 4 17 romans 4 17,song of solomon (song of songs),4,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 17 a rod will come out who is this rod job chapter 5 and verse 6. the bible says and i beheld in the midst of,job,5,6.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 6 of the kingdom demands faith to deliver 1 corinthians 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin,1 corinthians,14,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 23 i like that second corinthians 4 7 new king 2 peter session,2 peter,4,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 7 malachi chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither,malachi,3,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 15 a day praise the lord 2 samuel chapter six and verse 20 the king cried,2 samuel,6,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 2 and verse 23 2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 22 but now being made free,2 chronicles,6,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 22 don't know how to answer that question jude 32 verse 17 he said oh lord god you've made heaven sue media and just,jude,32,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 32 verse 17 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in jonah chapter 11 verse 22 romans,jonah,11,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 22 reading from verse 28 in verse 28 1 peter chapter three there is neither jew,1 peter,1,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 28 gifts it tells us in lamentations chapter 1 verse 11 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 11 it says,lamentations,1,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 11 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in 1 john 58 3.,1 john,58,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 58 verse 3 and don't forget the promise of 2 corinthians 31 8 or he says i will never never,2 corinthians,31,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 31 verse 8 talking of god's love covenant with man hosea 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,hosea,3,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 16 four times ruth chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,ruth,2,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 4 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in psalms 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old,psalms,53,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 53 verse 7 him he appeared unto him on the road to damascus in 2 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 16 and said i have appeared unto thee for this,2 thessalonians,26,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 16 colossians chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,colossians,19,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 11 that scripture back on the screen for me 1 chronicles 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,1 chronicles,44,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 44 verse 3 danielle refused to compromise in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 daniel 1 verses i'm not going to,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 12. 2 kings chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,2 kings,12,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 12 land john chapter 20. verse 32 and now i commend you unto god,john,20,32.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 32 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 lamentations 26 i also will do this unto you we even,lamentations,26,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 16 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, psalms 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",psalms,2,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 26 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in nahum chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,nahum,24,34.0,1.0,nahum chapter 24 verse 34 of engagement the bible says in the book of 2 john chapter 9 verse 14 down to verse 18 we are told,2 john,9,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 14 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing joel or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,joel,1,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 2 brought about light in creation in 1 john 1 3 can say let there be light in a heart,1 john,1,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 3 becomes brighter and brighter moses gazed on him in micah 33 when you read from verse 17 to 23 moses,micah,33,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 17 against the global crusade joshua chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,joshua,22,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 28 that kind of behavior 2 corinthians 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared,2 corinthians,2,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 18.,2 thessalonians,5,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 18 14 and we're reading from verse 31 zephaniah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,zephaniah,14,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 31 found in 1 chronicles 2 14 to 17. i love that james just he perfectly illustrates this for us he perfectly,1 chronicles,2,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 14 man the bible says in jonah 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,jonah,13,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 11 and that's what 1 samuel 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,1 samuel,10,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 9 so prayer is classified as label in the book of haggai chapter 12 verse 11 and verse 12,haggai,12,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 11 contained in ordinances amazing statement again in mark 2 verses 13 through 17 really if we were to read,mark,2,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 13 our memory verse is from jude chapter 19 verse 7.,jude,19,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 7 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of song of solomon (song of songs) so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,song of solomon (song of songs),11,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 2 church this week a better eman in nahum chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,nahum,26,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 26 verse 22 verse 17 again joshua 54 17 said no weapon fashion against you shall prosper,joshua,54,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 54 verse 17 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony 1 peter 8 35 to 38.,1 peter,8,35.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 35 don't understand bible says also also 2 kings 20 27 that that the spirit of man is the candle of the lord can do of,2 kings,20,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 27 on the theme our inheritance our inheritance haggai chapter 1 we'll begin reading at verse 11.,haggai,1,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 11 number of things and i want to read you leviticus 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,leviticus,3,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 if not total elimination in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom,1 chronicles,1,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 micah chapter 33 we're looking at verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 33,micah,33,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 3 that book says the law cannot justify us and in 2 corinthians 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list,2 corinthians,3,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 11 and restores health quickens our mortal bodies zechariah 8 and verse 11 the bible makes clear to us,zechariah,8,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 11 obadiah 7 14 in bondage under sin romans 8 21 slaves to corruption and in this condition we can do nothing,obadiah,7,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 14 how somebody's following me today in 1 peter chapter 1 when you read from verse 19 the bible,1 peter,1,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 19 that makes it alive if is a man of decision have you heard of hosea in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 it says but,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 wanted to notice something in verse 7 you know of of ecclesiastes chapter four he says,ecclesiastes,4,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 7 is what confessed dominion that domino is established in malachi chapter 2 verse 6. he won anyway,malachi,2,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 6 in jesus name nehemiah galatians chapter 6 i read from verses 9 and 10,nehemiah,6,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 9 i am more than a conqueror zephaniah chapter 8 verse 37.,zephaniah,8,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 37 it says speaks about the riches of his glory in lamentations 1 verse 18 and in chapter 2 verse 7 it says here,lamentations,1,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 18 perhaps we better look at the scripture there in psalms chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he,psalms,12,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 2 joshua chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,joshua,26,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 19 chapter without utilizing that word matthew 13 and verse 11 i will punish the world for,matthew,13,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 11 think peter healed uh raise the dead in colossians 9 chapter verse 40 but did the apostles ever feed the 5 0 no,colossians,9,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 4 more here nahum 6 verse 20 when darius reached the den after daniel had spent the night in the dan darius was anxious,nahum,6,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 2 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's ezra 1 8.,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 when you get to zephaniah chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so,zephaniah,33,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 33 verse 8 by finding out what it is not it's a return to the book of micah chapter 3 verse 35 proverbs 3 35 where,micah,3,35.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 35 and then not too long after that according to 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,1 john,5,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 14 ultimately be a slave to god now this verse actually comes from ruth chapter one verse seven although there,ruth,1,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 7 colossians chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,colossians,30,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 17 thou shall not have any other god with me amos 20 4 5,amos,20,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 4 in the book of psalm ezra number 124 look at verse 7 there,ezra,124,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 124 verse 7 because it is written in micah 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do,micah,4,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 13 great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue ecclesiastes 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we,ecclesiastes,15,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 4 on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in nahum chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13,nahum,13,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 5 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 1 peter 12 11 talking about jesus,1 peter,12,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 11 we live and we thank you for it in jesus name joshua chapter 13 beginning of verse 11 for as the sash clings to the,joshua,13,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 11 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's john 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,john,3,15.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 15 joshua hebrews chapter 6. april 6 i'll read verse 11.,joshua,6,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 11 in job chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal,job,12,4.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 4 god jonah chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,jonah,23,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 16 when we are fed what's the result john reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,john,1,3.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 3 has to be where god makes his name well in 2 peter 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the passover sacrifice within,2 peter,16,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 5 over judgment 2 kings 2 and verse 13 mercy of god triumphs over judgment i,2 kings,2,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 13 on the mount of transfiguration again peter leviticus and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,leviticus,9,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 28 just turn to him in prayer you will see it in 1 samuel chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about,1 samuel,4,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6 drink numbers chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and,numbers,1,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 15 into eternal life there is no end to it lamentations 14 9 and a third,lamentations,14,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 9 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 2 chronicles who was miriam moses sister,2 chronicles,39,39.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 39 verse 39 as the only way out the bible says in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be,1 peter,1,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 9 fidence now let me move on to chapter 23 in verse 5 & 6 where we read 2 corinthians prophesize about the coming of jesus,2 corinthians,23,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 5 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in psalms 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,psalms,5,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 12 jonah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 from verse 20 to the bible says he changes times and,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 in life joshua 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,joshua,22,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 29 prayer zechariah chapter 33 i read from verse 3 he said call unto me and i will answer,zechariah,33,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 3 we see also from scriptures in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came,2 chronicles,3,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 7 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and philemon 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every,philemon,19,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 25 it's alone or as one and so ezekiel 2 21 and 22 we have what's called the splitting of the atom,ezekiel,2,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 21 all their sins matthew 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says,matthew,3,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 13 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual numbers 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,numbers,50,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 50 verse 17 yeah true but i think that we will see both i mean mark 1 3 says that the son jesus is the,mark,1,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 3 struggle in your twenties if this is not fundamentally established 1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 you are dull tresses do you,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 righteousness and good deeds you can read haggai 6 19. talking about,haggai,6,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 19 your bibles i'm gonna start at luke 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,luke,16,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 16 what we think every time micah 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time,micah,23,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 7 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of matthew 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,matthew,8,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 22 sacrifice in the sacrifice of love look at 2 thessalonians chapter 4 meaning from was 15 philippians chapter 4 verse 15,2 thessalonians,4,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15 that is one that rejects him ecclesiastes 1 7 says this fools,ecclesiastes,1,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 7 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in joel chapter 22 verse 17,joel,22,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 17 of olives notice what ezra chapter 14 verse 4 says about the day of the lord it says,ezra,14,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 4 1 john chapter one i'm reading from verse five revelation chapter one verse five and from jesus christ,1 john,1,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 5 area but know it even gets worse look at joel 37 again drop down to verse 5 one night joseph had it,joel,37,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 37 verse 5 in the mighty name of jesus after the order of habakkuk of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesus,habakkuk,9,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 11 when looking kill malachi chapter 7 reading from verse 51,malachi,7,51.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 51 1 john 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the lord and colossians it says as is,1 john,3,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 18 he states the basic principle here in judges 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,judges,3,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 28 longer 1 corinthians chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26,1 corinthians,1,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 22 this sinful world daily we read in joel 5 verse 25 that christ loved the church and gave himself for it that,joel,5,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 25 now you must underline this in your bible ezekiel chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,ezekiel,8,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 28 everlasting light we've taken our tell from 2 timothy chapter 60 19 to 21 isaiah 16 19 to 21,2 timothy,16,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 19 ruth chapter 2 reading from verse 2 galatians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 2 it says and i went up,ruth,2,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 2 now and he says in 2 samuel chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and in verse 8 and in verse 9,2 samuel,3,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 8 in that blessing is also abundance tremendous prosperity he said in 2 peter 27 verse 28 genesis 27 verse 20 he said,2 peter,27,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 27 verse 28 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in john chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,john,2,7.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 7 beautiful beautiful that's just colossians 99 so this was in the mind of the jew they knew that this was about,colossians,9,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 9 too hard for me 2 corinthians 32 and verse 27,2 corinthians,32,27.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 32 verse 27 people we call outstanding because the bible says in ezra chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,ezra,6,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 3 refuge that's the term that we're getting in 1 kings numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,1 kings,25,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 25 verse 28 operation change of story esther chapter 14 verse 14 verse 16. and i look on behold a white cloud and,esther,14,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 16 remembered or come to mind 2 thessalonians 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,2 thessalonians,66,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 66 verse 22 your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know nehemiah 1 20 for since the creation of the world his,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 existence that's what it means lamentations 4 17 says he collects those things that be not,lamentations,4,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 17 don't don't look at me funny i'll tell zechariah 1 14 in him you also,zechariah,1,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 14 joel 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding,joel,18,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 2 chapter 1 reading from verse 14. in habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 and profited in the jewish religion,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 united in adam listen to what paul writes here zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man,zephaniah,5,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 main emphasis in luke is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the,luke,2,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 9 who is living in darkness and like i said in joel chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light,joel,1,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 3 hilltop and move into the monti spiritually for example jonah chapter 3 verse 4 to 6 philippi until ii,jonah,3,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 4 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen zechariah 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,zechariah,2,47.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 47 chapter 30 job 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells,job,30,17.0,1.0,job chapter 30 verse 17 cells this year ezra chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,ezra,30,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 19 verse 13 ezra chapter 4 verse 13,ezra,4,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 13 "verses 12 to 15, and 2 peter 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",2 peter,10,21.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 21 understanding being enlightened opened attorney titus 1 verse 18 that our god may lighten our eyes literally open,titus,1,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 18 but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read psalms 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 without fear hosea chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,hosea,8,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 15 spirit it's in fulfillment of 1 peter 8 verse 18 i and the children,1 peter,8,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to mark chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,mark,3,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 16 says i haven't laid hold of it all yet verse 13 john 3 verse 13 but there's only one thing i do in my life a,john,3,13.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 13 remembered or come to mind 2 kings 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,2 kings,66,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 66 verse 22 coming lamentations 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,lamentations,19,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 7 but it's actually referring to the lost lamentations 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick,lamentations,17,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 17 verse 9 watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture 2 timothy 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom,2 timothy,1,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 11 information now malachi two verse two to seven some two,malachi,2,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 7 to desu your teachers in ruth chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40,ruth,40,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 40 verse 29 and ezra chapter 12 verse 1 philippians 3 7 to 8 but what things were gained to me,ezra,3,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 7 well the story i mentioned to you about haggai in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,haggai,14,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 21 conquerors esther 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,esther,8,35.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 35 thoughts and then we pray john chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19.,john,30,19.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 19 name we pray in 1 chronicles 29 and verse 7 the bible says,1 chronicles,29,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 7 seek ye me in vain in 2 corinthians chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that,2 corinthians,11,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 business fervent his spirit obadiah 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith,obadiah,6,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 12 we see this in zechariah 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is,zechariah,13,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 11 scriptures in nehemiah for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,nehemiah,16,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 23 verse 22 judges 10 22 it says the blessings of the lord makes one rich and he adds no,judges,10,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 22 in the spirit in haggai chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,haggai,17,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 17 verse 3 happiness to be in the presence of the lord and with his people job 8 verse 34 wisdom speaks personified and,job,8,34.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 34 ministers that lies micah 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,micah,23,32.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 32 amen the bible says in philemon 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,philemon,13,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 11 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in habakkuk chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,habakkuk,10,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 12 link between light and joy you want a biblical support luke chapter 8 from verse 15 to 16 esther chapter 8 from,luke,8,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 15 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text nehemiah 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,nehemiah,13,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 2 god's spirit why do we say so in zephaniah chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,zephaniah,8,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 26 but ezekiel chapter 6 verse 7 tells you that stephen did his job so well and his witness was so full of the,ezekiel,6,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 7 and i'm reading here from verse 20 2 peter chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse,2 peter,3,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 2 he says for example i read in the law 1 corinthians 7 verse 7. remember this this is after romans 6 14,1 corinthians,7,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 7 here from verse 16 to 19 16 to 20 21 where the lord tells joshua how he is to prophesy in verse 16 he says lord i,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 the full wave of the glory of god look at 1 chronicles 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,1 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 to take a little time on it 2 thessalonians 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,2 thessalonians,6,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 14 your mind in jesus but here's here's four joel chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,joel,2,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 8 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power 1 peter 26 18 to open the eyes,1 peter,26,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 26 verse 18 verse 7 jonah 8 7,jonah,8,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 7 heaven rules right look at mark 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,mark,6,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 2 belonging to christ in colossians chapter 3 verse 27,colossians,3,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 27 now i come to number four and this is in obadiah chapter three verses three and five,obadiah,3,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 3 his word to us 1 samuel 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,1 samuel,7,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 7 mentally judges 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey,judges,22,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 24 so it's no big deal hosea chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,hosea,1,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 11 people we call outstanding because the bible says in titus chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,titus,6,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 3 they did a research and they could not find anything amazing what matthew chapter 6 verse 28 verse 5 sorry and,matthew,6,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 5 god chose us to bring us to equality esther chapter 28 verse 47 to 48.,esther,28,47.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 47 all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in 2 corinthians 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11,2 corinthians,24,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 11 1 thessalonians chapter 11 job chapter 11 and i'm reading here from verse 13. he says,1 thessalonians,11,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 13 important coming from the throne of god we're looking at 2 kings chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 18,2 kings,14,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 18 ii chronicles chapter 12 verse 1 second chronicles 12 12 1 and philemon chapter 4 verse 30 to 32.,philemon,4,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 3 now there is a very clear allusion to haggai 45 23 when,haggai,45,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 45 verse 23 this experience with god well i think again 1 chronicles this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,1 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 so read the scripture carefully every single 1 peter 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,1 peter,4,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 15 is a god who does not lie so habakkuk chapter 7 when you read verse 14,habakkuk,7,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 7 verse 14 himself with any so let me see where we're going luke chapter 1 and verse 13.,luke,1,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 13 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have ecclesiastes 19 36 to 37,ecclesiastes,19,36.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 36 tonight in joel chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,joel,58,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 58 verse 9 isaac the quality blessing and in 1 peter 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,1 peter,37,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 37 verse 31 from verse 24 habakkuk chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,habakkuk,8,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 24 9 chapter 9 i'm looking at verse 14 matthew chapter 9 verse 14 how much more see that again it's talking about christ,matthew,9,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 14 are still praying in that line malachi chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he,malachi,18,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 18 verse 24 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in 2 chronicles 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,2 chronicles,19,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 5 that i think i want to make today colossians 3 beginning with 14 to the angel of the church in laodicea,colossians,3,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 14 like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 something else notice here in ecclesiastes daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,ecclesiastes,7,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 2 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in amos 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,amos,18,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 19 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but joshua 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,joshua,12,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 4 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in 2 peter chapter 66 number seven and eight,2 peter,66,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 66 verse 7 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it 1 corinthians 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,1 corinthians,6,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in 1 timothy 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,1 timothy,13,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 23 believe to a life of worship is not having a right heart haggai 96 nine worship the lord and the beauty of,haggai,96,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 96 verse 9 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday matthew chapter 36 and verse 37 says,matthew,36,37.0,1.0,matthew chapter 36 verse 37 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought 2 john 23 and verse 23,2 john,23,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 23 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen joel chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,joel,5,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 5 shame us but rather to heal us amos 5 16 says confess your sins to one another,amos,5,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 16 acceptable in the sight of the lord in hosea chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,hosea,1,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 15 he died and obtained for us 1 chronicles 5 12. power,1 chronicles,5,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 12 in other communities in every community all over the world in mark chapter 1 verse 16 i am not ashamed,mark,1,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 16 chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 5,job,5,2.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 2 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel leviticus 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,leviticus,21,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 12 shine unto them we're looking at amos chapter four verse four in james chapter four,amos,4,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 4 to the pastor's area and immediately ezra 18 45 dropped in my spirit which says the strangers fade away and come,ezra,18,45.0,1.0,ezra chapter 18 verse 45 isaac the quality blessing and in ruth 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,ruth,37,31.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 31 we kid into extra dose 23 verse 26 and also for me personally it was malachi 23 18 you know the expectations of the,malachi,23,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 26 there wasn't death before but by time you get to 1 peter chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,1 peter,4,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 8 god chose us to bring us to equality matthew chapter 28 verse 47 to 48.,matthew,28,47.0,1.0,matthew chapter 28 verse 47 look at our memory verse again which is from 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 5.,2 samuel,4,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 5 you say really oh ecclesiastes 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,ecclesiastes,21,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 16 "the arrival of the monarch, to straighten out things as john 40 verses 3 to 5 describes this, ""a voice in the wilderness, prepare",john,40,3.0,1.0,john chapter 40 verse 3 shall not be says the lord for six of 2 chronicles 7 the lord changed his mind about this this too shall not be said the lord,2 chronicles,7,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 6 the utterly consumed terrors in 1 samuel chapter 28 verse 8.,1 samuel,28,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 8 is the altar of answers to prayer god's word says in haggai 33 and verse 3,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder song of solomon (song of songs) 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,song of solomon (song of songs),15,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 11 in psalms chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like,psalms,25,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 11 divine watchers numbers chapter 4 verse 13,numbers,4,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 13 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,zephaniah,2,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 the same milk of the word were told in lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2,lamentations,2,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in esther chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,esther,5,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 5 have now the dominion we have look at 1 john chapter two reading from verse six,1 john,2,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 6 and then not too long after that according to 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,2 samuel,5,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 long discourse this is a long discourse colossians 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he,colossians,22,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 23 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 2 samuel 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,2 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 i'll see you tomorrow stronger amos chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 4,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in zechariah 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters,zechariah,3,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 18 vigorous life life full of vitality for example 2 john 34 verse 7 literally 34 verse 7 tells us that at the age of,2 john,34,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 34 verse 7 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in job chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,job,8,28.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 28 and i'm reading from verse 11 2 peter chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah,2 peter,11,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 11 are divisive avoid them 1 samuel 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,1 samuel,16,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 17 face us in this day in nahum chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,nahum,11,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 11 my brother my sister and my mother look at 2 timothy chapter 2 we're reading from verse 4 galatians,2 timothy,2,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 4 saints ecclesiastes 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's,ecclesiastes,3,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 18 church together philemon 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,philemon,2,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 2 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at ezekiel 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,ezekiel,22,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 2 referring to an account that is found in ruth chapter 25 it follows the three chapters we've been looking at over the,ruth,25,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 25 5 don't ever be fraudulent again don't make money fraudulently titus 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 as a heart,titus,17,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 11 and to angels and to men it tells us in colossians chapter one reading from verse 29 philippians,colossians,1,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 29 you will see the story more so psalms 32 that i'm reading 5 50 verse 52 yet thou shalt see the land,psalms,32,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 5 are gods you come back to joshua chapter 19 and you look at verse four,joshua,19,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 4 you see this this 1 kings said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,1 kings,24,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 24 verse 15 reminds me of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,song of solomon (song of songs),5,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 8 flyers habakkuk 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i,habakkuk,3,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 5 testimony judges 42 verse 18 but i fear god,judges,42,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 42 verse 18 leviticus 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters,leviticus,4,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 8 to joel chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9,joel,9,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 6 stimulates joy 1 thessalonians 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,1 thessalonians,17,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 22 zealous of good works look at jonah chapter 9 verse 26,jonah,9,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 26 for that grace chapter 11 of nahum acts 11,nahum,11,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 11 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here matthew 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,matthew,19,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 19 verse 3 is joshua the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 what is the fruit of christ well paul gives us 9 in 2 john 5 22 to 23. he talks about the fruit of the spirit,2 john,5,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 22 duet that proclaims the strength of god in delivering his people leviticus chapter 5 goes all the way for 31 verses this,leviticus,5,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 31 in haggai 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,haggai,27,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 4 the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man 2 samuel 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what,2 samuel,16,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 16 verse 25 over all that will be ministering at shiloh 20 21 open up unusual 1 john thereby imparting grace on all,1 john,20,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 21 him in the prison joshua 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,joshua,32,39.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 39 connect to night time scripture says in the book of 2 kings chapter 12 verse 6 say cry,2 kings,12,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 6 second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in mark chapter 4 verse 2,mark,4,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 2 and when we understand that is job did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,job,9,9.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 9 chapter 12 uh habakkuk chapter 12 from from uh verse three down to six isaiah,habakkuk,12,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 3 to move you in the right direction 2 corinthians 2 and verse 13 the bible says for it is god that is at work,2 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 should be a guiding point on this road job chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews 13 verse 5 let your conversion i mean,job,13,5.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 5 in 2 john there's about 130 in revelation some are extremely clear others need explained but,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 god by the time of but father i was talking to him verse 7 of 2 kings 39 and it came to pass after these things that,2 kings,39,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 39 verse 7 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in jonah chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,jonah,34,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 34 verse 2 something the 3 john in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6,3 john,39,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 39 verse 5 "all begin to weep. and we read the text, 2 corinthians 50 verses 19 to 21.",2 corinthians,50,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 19 attributes of the humility in joshua chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,joshua,3,33.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 33 the pathway of prosperity and increase in the book of 1 peter chapter 48 chapter 48 48 from verse 17 i mean one,1 peter,48,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 48 verse 17 today definitely speaks right to it joshua chapter 50 verse 4 we can start with that and i want to give you very,joshua,50,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 50 verse 4 obtaining the book look at verse 11. zechariah chapter 5 verse 11 and i beheld,zechariah,5,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 11 bear with me talkative next 2 chronicles 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said,2 chronicles,10,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 19 verse 24 titus chapter 20 verse 24 it says let me back up to verse 22 and,titus,20,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 24 and signs and wonders begin to take place nehemiah 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,nehemiah,10,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 to amos chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,amos,15,36.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 36 notice in this passage of scripture in 3 john 11 5 times they say oh for egypt oh for egypt what they're really longing,3 john,11,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 5 things i want to talk about so look with me at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,song of solomon (song of songs),3,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 6 13 to 15. judges chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,judges,33,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 13 let me read again verse 16 and 17 of 2 corinthians chapter 1 which trish read to us just a few minutes ago,2 corinthians,1,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 name we're looking at matthew chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 9,matthew,32,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 32 verse 9 paul said in in 2 john 3 verse 5 and 6 i was a hebrew of hebrews as to the law a pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the,2 john,3,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 5 about listen in zechariah 36 and 8 it says thus dwelt esau,zechariah,36,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 36 verse 8 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again 2 kings chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,2 kings,7,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 13 every human being on earth is a zero and also titus 4 verse 35 i haven't finished daniel 4 verse 35 not only he counts god,titus,4,35.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 35 something has to change in my life in esther 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,esther,24,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 24 verse 3 behavior matthew 4 34 says at the end of that period i nebuchadnezzar,matthew,4,34.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 34 our prayer focus today is holiness zechariah chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved,zechariah,1,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 9 is the great physician himself the one who said in amos 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the,amos,15,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 26 "in 2 chronicles 36 verse 14 and 15, you see in the days of 1 chronicles and ezekiel, they are prophesying to judah and to israel under the tyranny of",1 chronicles,36,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 36 verse 14 of the father now according to 1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,1 thessalonians,8,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 16 make your request known unto god hosea 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any,hosea,4,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 6 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in zechariah 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,zechariah,4,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 obadiah chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,obadiah,1,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 6 i say believe me say loud amen song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because,song of solomon (song of songs),7,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verse 13 from me he says here in luke 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the,luke,2,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 3 christ ezekiel chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,ezekiel,4,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 5 do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 zephaniah would say happen rather david would say have mercy,zephaniah,51,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 51 verse 2 good works that you're equipped for okay 1 chronicles 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,1 chronicles,30,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 30 verse 5 that verse 18 again judges chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our,judges,16,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 18 and with us collectively as a church in 1 timothy chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,1 timothy,14,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 24 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid obadiah 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,obadiah,6,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 15 redeemer but no action look at joshua chapter 2. james chapter 2 verse 17 even so peace if it had not works is,joshua,2,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 17 closing of this age but the second mentioning in song of solomon (song of songs) 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,song of solomon (song of songs),21,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 verse 22 which is taken from the book of zephaniah 4 2 3 it says with all loneliness,zephaniah,4,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 2 don't lie ever again amos 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,amos,19,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 22 and i want us also to hear the good news in obadiah chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that,obadiah,4,31.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 31 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in joshua 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",joshua,2,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 4 resurrection let's come back to nehemiah chapter 21 and verse 4 revelation chapter 21 reading from verse,nehemiah,21,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 21 verse 4 we are told in the word where the word of the king is there is power haggai in chapter 1 in verse 5 verse 5 he said,haggai,1,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 5 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 1 corinthians 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 christ i'll read malachi 20 verse 12,malachi,20,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 12 is another kind of fire zechariah chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 the people who went to true,zechariah,3,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 19 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you 1 thessalonians chapter one from verse four to five,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in obadiah 29 29 that really just helped clarify,obadiah,29,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 29 the ninth hour but this is what 2 peter spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29,2 peter,2,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 28 but one bumbling says in leviticus 2 8 he humbled himself,leviticus,2,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 8 uh sorry zechariah 12 18 not 16 romans 12 18 if possible you know there's no such command in the,zechariah,12,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 18 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and 2 chronicles and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,2 chronicles,1,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 15 chapter 19 worried him from verse 17 judges 19 and we reading from verse 17 it says in verse 17,judges,19,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 19 verse 17 the full wave of the glory of god look at philemon 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,philemon,8,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 26 there's an element of this in the scripture in 1 thessalonians 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil,1 thessalonians,1,39.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 39 worn the page out the call of the page luke 8 verse 28 that's all they know what does it say here in isaiah 4 verse 13,luke,4,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 13 that's you i got a verse for you habakkuk 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to,habakkuk,2,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in hosea 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and,hosea,1,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 12 in 3 john chapter 7 verse 29 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 29,3 john,7,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 7 verse 29 bringing together several passages of scripture matthew 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,matthew,9,27.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 27 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in 1 corinthians 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,1 corinthians,15,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 16 church and louder email 1 kings 54 and verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together,1 kings,54,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 54 verse 15 it can reap a whole city like we saw in john chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we,john,8,4.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 4 life in john chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were,john,13,48.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 48 great amos soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,amos,6,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 15 troop shall be established haggai chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,haggai,8,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 18 and jesus said after that the holy ghost has come upon you nehemiah one and eight you shall receive power and you shall be,nehemiah,1,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 8 remain persuaded them to continue in the grace of god chapter 11 judges 11 verse 23,judges,11,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 23 season say louder amen ezekiel 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in,ezekiel,5,42.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 42 4 2 john chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,2 john,8,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 4 showed up after i caught a word in 1 thessalonians chapter 13 and verse 5 in a particular service when we got home that,1 thessalonians,13,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 5 are you offended supports are you offended in numbers chapter 16 verse 70 romans 16 verse 17,numbers,16,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 16 he knew that christ will come from luke chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about,luke,3,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 15 is in response to our obedience in the book of titus chapter 1 and verse 25,titus,1,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 25 need for salvation and that's going to be joshua 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the,joshua,3,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 2 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 colossians 12 3 he said if only,colossians,12,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 3 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in jude chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,jude,9,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 23 from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,song of solomon (song of songs),2,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 2 become a child of god that is number one ezra of apostle 11 26 say and when he had found him he brought him unto,ezra,11,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 26 bring forth fruit look at 2 chronicles chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6,2 chronicles,6,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 22 mercy somebody shouted amen ezra of the apostles chapter 26 verse 18 acts 26 reading from verse 18 here paul,ezra,26,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 18 salvation and our memory verse was taken from ruth chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth,ruth,10,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 9 in um the anchor scripture still remains obadiah chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,obadiah,14,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 17 turn from all these things and then after that comes job 5 14 to 15 it says when you know it with all,job,5,14.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 14 else you have to do 2 chronicles 1519 this is what the lord spoke to me when i was asking him this,2 chronicles,15,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 19 need in order to live a successful victorious life 2 thessalonians chapter one verse three says this praise be to god,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 i thought i'd just read it right here 1 peter 3 19. i said this is god speaking,1 peter,3,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 19 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in 1 samuel in chapter 3 verse 17.,1 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 sin listen to leviticus 12 9 through 12 to see what happened,leviticus,12,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 9 refers loud and clear philemon 4 16 let us therefore,philemon,4,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 16 this church ezra chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 associate yourself all ye people and you,ezra,8,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 9 happiness to be in the presence of the lord and with his people mark 8 verse 34 wisdom speaks personified and,mark,8,34.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 34 they are offended in 2 timothy 6 and verse 19.,2 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 greater sense and that's in ezekiel revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful,ezekiel,19,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 19 verse 7 paul was had intercessor 1 chronicles 1 16 to 23 colossians 1 9 to 12 the result of intercession,1 chronicles,1,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 16 deborah says uh 2 timothy 4 and 14 i'm loaded i'm just going to tell you this right now,2 timothy,4,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 14 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there jonah 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,jonah,4,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 6 participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in nehemiah 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba,nehemiah,49,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 49 verse 24 into our services tomorrow sunday in 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,1 chronicles,12,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 12 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in 1 peter 34 reading from verse 3 it says,1 peter,34,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 34 verse 3 verse 12 in ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,ecclesiastes,13,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 12 will pour out my spirit in these days this is judges 2 28 and 29. this is exactly what happened,judges,2,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 28 acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom,2 timothy,12,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 28 2 corinthians 29 and verse 12. jeremiah 29 verse 12 the bible says then shall you call upon me and you,2 corinthians,29,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 12 properly judges chapter 26 verses 12 and 13 genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13. the bible says,judges,26,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 26 verse 12 dragon in verse 3. in ecclesiastes 12 3 satan is pictured like a great dragon,ecclesiastes,12,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 3 chapter 22 2 corinthians 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly my reward,2 corinthians,22,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 12 in colossians chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,colossians,20,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 20 verse 3 said concerning the redeemed in leviticus 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,leviticus,2,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 which shall not be taken away from her jude 22 verse 6 proverbs,jude,22,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 6 wants you to profit all right um god says in luke 25 verse 3 he says i will show you the treasures of,luke,25,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 25 verse 3 mighty name we pray amen the bible says in obadiah 12 verse 2 he said looking unto jesus,obadiah,12,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 2 [music] 3 john chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,3 john,20,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 11 thou shall not have any other god with me haggai 20 4 5,haggai,20,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 4 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in 1 samuel chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,1 samuel,1,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 14 including you is based or is found in 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,1 timothy,4,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 11 say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of 1 john 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's,1 john,11,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 29 the way 3 john 10 it speaks about somebody who keeps on sinning hebrews 10 and verse 26 i remember when you read a,3 john,10,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 26 testimony can also heal loneliness root 4 14 to 17 1 thessalonians 4 14 to 17 you can see the case of naomi naomi,1 thessalonians,4,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 14 everlasting light we've taken our tell from 1 corinthians chapter 60 19 to 21 isaiah 16 19 to 21,1 corinthians,16,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 19 as we saw in reuben 2 timothy 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my,2 timothy,49,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 49 verse 3 told them in the book of job of the apostle chapter 1 verse 8,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 came to come before god in his thoughts 1 corinthians 66 2 says it's that second half of that verse but to this one i will,1 corinthians,66,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 66 verse 2 to shave in the mighty name of jesus 2 kings 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,2 kings,54,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 54 verse 4 shall flourish like the palm tree and then in mark 29 the book of isaiah 29 verse 17 he said is it not yet a little,mark,29,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 17 and then in micah chapter 10 verse 21 to 23 exodus 10 21 to 23 he performed the miracles of darkness that is so,micah,10,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 21 of my pain with you 3 john chapter six verses four through six,3 john,6,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 4 glad that he is a savior 2 peter 60 16 you will know that i the lord are your,2 peter,60,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 60 verse 16 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in 2 thessalonians 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,2 thessalonians,14,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 28 pleasant and verse 4 of 1 kings chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went,1 kings,8,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 4 to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers zephaniah 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees,zephaniah,29,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 29 verse 13 when the lord is warning the people of israel 1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the,1 thessalonians,8,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 11 esther chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,esther,4,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 13 promise will come to pass so when we get to joel chapter 17 1917 and it in genesis 17 and it in genesis 17 17,joel,17,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 17 for you esther 7 verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of,esther,7,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 7 blessings luke 36 27,luke,36,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 36 verse 27 in 2 kings 8 anybody know romans 8 28 amen thank you romans 8 28 wonderful verse you must know that let's read it,2 kings,8,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 28 that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith esther 4 12 we're told of a performance he said he,esther,4,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 12 somebody believe he said loved a man in job chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,job,4,23.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 23 the almighty and when you get to 1 timothy 22 verse 13 revelation 22 13 say i am the alpha of,1 timothy,22,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 13 now and now but actually being brought to 1 kings 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,1 kings,6,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 6 of the year philemon 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,philemon,14,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 24 2 john chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again,2 john,33,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 33 verse 9 a sin. philemon 13 verse 13 is listed with vices. galatians 5 verse 21 it is listed with vices; 1,philemon,5,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 21 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this joel chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,joel,39,39.0,1.0,joel chapter 39 verse 39 your joy is coming in jude chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,jude,15,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 15 discern there's a verse in lamentations 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,lamentations,4,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 12 beautiful beautiful that's just 1 corinthians 99 so this was in the mind of the jew they knew that this was about,1 corinthians,9,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 9 that's another scripture there's another scriptures 2 thessalonians 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in colossians chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto,colossians,19,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 16 release it tells us in titus chapter 3 but searching christ has redeemed us,titus,3,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 3 see it in the future again reading from amos chapter 2 and verse 9,amos,2,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 9 mark 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness,mark,53,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 53 verse 3 we are going to pray with that promise of god in song of solomon (song of songs) 61 verse 5 isaiah 61 verse 5 says and strangers shall stand,song of solomon (song of songs),61,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 61 verse 5 from their labors and their works do follow them 2 chronicles 14 verse 13 precious and the sight of the lord is,2 chronicles,14,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 13 second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of leviticus he is my partner,leviticus,8,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 23 permission to take life 1 chronicles 121 now the biblical we want to look we want,1 chronicles,1,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 21 chapter seven eight excuse me 2 chronicles chapter eight verse seven,2 chronicles,8,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 7 of his success he told us in the book of john 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7,john,71,7.0,1.0,john chapter 71 verse 7 about mark 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop,mark,43,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 43 verse 13 from verse 1 to 3 john chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 everything that god wants me to do 2 corinthians 4 13.,2 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 that god's plan still remains the same look at ruth chapter 29 verse 11 open your bible please jeremiah,ruth,29,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 11 revelations 7 and verse 15 hosea 7 and 15. just another little description there as i,hosea,7,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 15 your testimony's gonna be i was dead and now i'm alive by the power of god psalms chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33,psalms,23,33.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 33 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith nehemiah verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 what said it 1 john 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs,1 john,17,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 11 hosea 55 whoever thirsts john 7 revelation 22 21 and 22 it's it's kind of this,hosea,22,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 21 coming generation 1 john 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,1 john,22,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 6 this is a powerful word from a man who had 1 chronicles in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12,1 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 that god created sex in jonah chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says god made man,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 god will give us his power his gifts but 2 chronicles 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,2 chronicles,42,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 42 verse 8 we need to bear one another's burdens in nahum chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this,nahum,6,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 2 amen amen now 1 chronicles 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,1 chronicles,29,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 18 their detriment joel 16 18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit,joel,16,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 18 agenda began in 2015. from the book of 2 samuel 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,2 samuel,3,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 17 and chapter eight numbers chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,numbers,8,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 7 praise god now if you look at ezekiel chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,ezekiel,3,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 8 miracles received in every service matthew 3 verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will save,matthew,3,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 17 amen as we continue our prayers let god be god 1 chronicles 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and,1 chronicles,55,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 8 before pharaoh the bible says in verse 38 to 41 of ezra chapter 41 he says and pharaoh said to his servant can we,ezra,41,38.0,1.0,ezra chapter 41 verse 38 chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our ezekiel series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens,ezekiel,11,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 12 you get rewards the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,song of solomon (song of songs),11,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 6 1 kings chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,1 kings,8,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 3 love scientists i love them on her wall was nehemiah 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,nehemiah,4,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 7 and the renewing of the holy spirit that's 1 thessalonians 3 and verse 5. this is what paul again refers to as,1 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 thank you jesus i'm going to open 2 kings isaiah 55 11.,2 kings,55,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 55 verse 11 but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank ruth chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 to go to the city 1 kings 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,1 kings,10,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 15 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxlstmgrjuu the book of judges chapter 8 and verse 4 the last words of the text field yet,judges,8,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 4 not miss the rapture in jesus name 1 samuel chapter 14 we're reading from verse 12 revelation,1 samuel,14,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 12 towards our lord jesus christ numbers chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,numbers,26,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 26 verse 19 ordained concerning noah the bible tells us in the book of lamentations chapter 11 and verse 7 he said that by faith noah moved,lamentations,11,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 7 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in ruth chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,ruth,12,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 15 reading from verse 18 hosea chapter 6 we're looking at verse 18,hosea,6,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 18 i will 2 timothy chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 9 chapter 6,2 timothy,19,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 6 from 2 thessalonians i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 now look what happens here. look at 1 samuel 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,1 samuel,13,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 17 mark chapter 3 from 15 to 16. revelation 3 verse 15 to 16. he said clearly,mark,3,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 15 lamb memory verse jonah chapter 19 verse 9,jonah,19,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 19 verse 9 that i break the hold of anxiety and worry over my life as 1 samuel four six and seven says it clearly lack a,1 samuel,4,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6 our petition was granted in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,song of solomon (song of songs),44,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 44 verse 3 "abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, 1 john 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate",1 john,17,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 24 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 2 kings 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,2 kings,5,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 14 you have as a use of this generation the book of luke chapter 2 from verse 2 to 3,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 then i want you to put your name in that very verse of scripture 2 thessalonians 10 and verse 38 hallelujah can we try that this,2 thessalonians,10,38.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 38 ezra chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,ezra,8,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 14 and to see why we'll read about the fifth feast in 1 thessalonians 23 23 to 25,1 thessalonians,23,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 23 make it louder amen jude chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,jude,6,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 7 in the new testament job 2 20 in this passage second thessalonians 2 2 and second peter 3 10,job,2,2.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 2 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on haggai 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,haggai,10,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 14 having a tude and then the same word is used in nehemiah 615 which jesus is clearly quoting in matthew 4 7 and luke,nehemiah,6,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 15 the case of isaac in 1 kings 26 verse 16 genesis 26 verse 16 the bible says and i've been blessed unto isaac,1 kings,26,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 16 and my experience of my own battle with sin and the first one is nahum 2 12 and 13.,nahum,2,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 12 but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 titus 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it,titus,25,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 25 verse 27 that will break every yoke in jesus name job chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27,job,10,27.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 27 that has destroyed so many things 1 timothy 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,1 timothy,26,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 2 isaac i'm looking at zechariah genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,zechariah,22,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 7 to your life and ministry i will reverse in micah 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,micah,21,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 21 verse 5 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,song of solomon (song of songs),20,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 3 look at titus chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work,titus,8,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 28 shall be given to him nahum 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,nahum,19,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 21 bible speaking very clearly tells us in the book of 1 john chapter 150 and verse 6,1 john,150,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 150 verse 6 which shall not be taken away from her numbers 22 verse 6 proverbs,numbers,22,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 6 let us might him with the tongue zechariah 18 verse 18 literally come and let us destroy him what the devil has,zechariah,18,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 18 for i say we're looking at 1 timothy chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,1 timothy,6,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 7 positive side of this and i want to turn to 2 kings chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,2 kings,8,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 3 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 mark chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,mark,11,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 19 once on or before may 1st 2021. colossians chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,colossians,1,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 11 joshua chapter 14 verse 3 john 14 3 then at revelation the second face with the saint to be,joshua,14,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 3 notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to 1 peter as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the,1 peter,1,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 16 with your academics well the bible says in colossians chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5 that if anybody lack wisdom,colossians,1,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 5 christ nehemiah 42 and verse 19 he said who is blind but my servant who is deaf as my,nehemiah,42,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 42 verse 19 look at um 1 kings chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,1 kings,4,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 13 don't know we are received and so in titus 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the,titus,21,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 6 back to balaam in 2 samuel chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,2 samuel,31,31.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 31 verse 31 in your life in jesus name and look at joel chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free,joel,6,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 18 chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 2 corinthians chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 ruth gave birth to obed,2 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 shall not the judge of all the earth do right 2 peter 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,2 peter,18,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 25 it shall speak and nehemiah chapter 10 and verse 23,nehemiah,10,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 23 finish so strong so well nehemiah chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,nehemiah,3,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 22 jesus is my senior brother he is a firstborn in a family numbers chapter 8 verse 29.,numbers,8,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 29 specifically said in leviticus 2 6 the fullness of deity dwells,leviticus,2,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 6 dead here in abraham's family abraham titus 4 19. the deadness of sarah's womb,titus,4,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 19 come again this promise is personalized because it says in 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up,2 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 job chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,job,8,4.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 4 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of 1 corinthians 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,1 corinthians,8,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 29 so let's take it as a responsibility scripture says in ecclesiastes 5 19 to 20 james 5 19 20 my brothers and,ecclesiastes,5,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 19 to 2 john chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 genesis chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 and there it says and the lord god,2 john,2,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 16 "that's probably conservative. 1 chronicles weighed in on the destruction of tyre. turn to amos chapter 1 verse 9, ""thus says",1 chronicles,1,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 that so you can open your bible to the opening chapter of haggai and i'll just draw you down to verse 27 of,haggai,1,27.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 27 knowledge is guaranteed 1 timothy then comes in places and as genesis 22 14 you know that one very well and the name of,1 timothy,22,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 14 it's not even there anymore 1 thessalonians 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who,1 thessalonians,21,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 29 is there not a cause according to numbers chapter 6 verse 7 here it says verse 7,numbers,6,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 7 fate in god's hands it reminds you of what 2 kings says in job 13 verse 15 even if he kills me,2 kings,13,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 15 joel chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,joel,28,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 28 verse 2 predestination now in 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified,1 timothy,8,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 29 let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in 2 samuel 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and,2 samuel,1,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 12 chapter 14 verse 12 in psalms chapter 14 verse 12 so then,psalms,14,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 12 can i hear the loudest amen hosea chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth,hosea,32,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 17 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of john chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,john,20,32.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 32 the bible says that he that we need soul will shine like the farmer meant jude chapter 12 verse 3,jude,12,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 3 from um luke chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,luke,10,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 3 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in obadiah 29 29 that really just helped clarify,obadiah,29,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 29 9 1 timothy 2 verse 9 but we see jesus,1 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 struggle in your twenties if this is not fundamentally established philemon chapter 4 verse 4 you are dull tresses do you,philemon,4,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 4 the book of luke chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,luke,4,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 17 truth i will teach in hosea chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,hosea,2,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 6 discern there's a verse in 2 john 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,2 john,4,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 12 look at our memory verse again which is from 3 john chapter 4 verse 5.,3 john,4,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 5 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of jonah chapter 8 and verse 16.,jonah,8,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 16 you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in song of solomon (song of songs) 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and,song of solomon (song of songs),10,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 17 verse 17 to 24 malachi chapter 65 verse 17 to,malachi,65,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 65 verse 17 agenda began in 2015. from the book of nahum 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 in chapter 5 and verse 14 what happened to john who mobilized the people of god he became a governor there are,john,5,14.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 14 represents carelessness searing our conscience is 2 kings 1 15. to the pure,2 kings,1,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 15 prayers family matters anybody have those issues song of solomon (song of songs) 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,song of solomon (song of songs),14,26.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 26 that were not forgiving god says in 1 timothy chapter 20 verse 5 if you are familiar with the,1 timothy,20,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 5 made nahum chapter 3 i'm reading from a search in colossians chapter 3 worrying from verse 13 it says in verse,nahum,3,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 13 affect you because you are not alone infrastructure level verse 5 colossians 11 verse 5 that we will good let's say that,colossians,11,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 5 now it says in 1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 25 and at midnight,1 thessalonians,16,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 25 and night on tonight's shared knowledge zephaniah 19 7 all the brethren of the poor do hate him,zephaniah,19,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 7 to be in debt see what it says there psalms chapter 13 romans chapter 13 verse 9 you shall not murder you shall,psalms,13,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 9 have learned as i have memorized this verse 14 and 15 3 john chapter 3 that passage we've been memorizing for this,3 john,3,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 14 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god luke 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,luke,4,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 18 provoking the angels of god in leviticus chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,leviticus,4,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 3 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving hosea chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,hosea,8,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 23 psalms chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,psalms,8,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 2 testimony can also heal loneliness root 4 14 to 17 2 thessalonians 4 14 to 17 you can see the case of naomi naomi,2 thessalonians,4,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 14 god said in his word in the same ruth chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 36 he said it is,ruth,8,36.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 36 bring forth fruit look at ezekiel chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6,ezekiel,6,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 22 from our church in jesus name psalms chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,psalms,16,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 17 a couple of examples elijah was a man with a nature like ours nehemiah 5 17. he was just like us it says remember,nehemiah,5,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 17 that end abstain from all appearance of evil 3 john 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 one reading from verse 12 john chapter one,john,1,12.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 12 threatening to kill peter in amos 12 5 it says peter therefore was kept in prison,amos,12,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 5 king micah version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to,micah,12,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 7 in amos 45 which i love which says isaiah 45 and verse 15. please remember this all,amos,45,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 45 verse 15 recite that while our text is taken from 1 samuel chapter 5,1 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 in 1 timothy 2 verse 5 he is the man christ jesus. in ezra 2 verse 17 he was made like his brethren in all things.,ezra,2,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 5 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you esther chapter one from verse four to five,esther,1,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 5 reminded of god's word in the book of 1 peter chapter four verse two he said you have not because you ask not,1 peter,4,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 2 2 samuel chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2. reading here from verse 4,2 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 matthew chapter 1,matthew,1,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 15 verse 24 job 65 24,job,65,24.0,1.0,job chapter 65 verse 24 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at obadiah chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,obadiah,4,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 4 it will board and bring forth branches like a plant 2 timothy 14 7 to 9.,2 timothy,14,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 7 marriage the bible in nehemiah 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,nehemiah,2,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 14 in jesus name ezra chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,ezra,12,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 7 not start that practice from now leviticus 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,leviticus,15,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 19 through a few pr a few passages here jude chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,jude,4,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 23 read is 1 peter chapter 1 verse 1 and also ephesians 1 verse 4 so we declare in the name of jesus that,1 peter,1,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 micah 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,micah,10,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 12 that hear thee look at job chapter 5 verse 22 nourished,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in ezekiel 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their,ezekiel,8,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 11 why not warm to another in ezekiel chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,ezekiel,29,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 13 first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first colossians 24 and verse 7.,colossians,24,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 24 verse 7 that power will be upon your life in jesus name joel of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts,joel,1,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 8 those who love me then he went on to say in the same 2 samuel chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8,2 samuel,8,35.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 35 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in amos 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run,amos,16,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 11 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already 1 chronicles 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,1 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in jonah chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 if god wants to send a ninja you will what the bible says is psalms 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all,psalms,4,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 19 that is really deep 2 peter 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from,2 peter,8,38.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 38 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 1 thessalonians 19 verse 4,1 thessalonians,19,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 4 can i hear you scream the loudest email colossians chapter 2 and verse 21 i paraphrased says,colossians,2,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 21 and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours 2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 7,2 chronicles,22,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 7 i even can be louder in 1 corinthians chapter 23 verse two he said he maketh me to lie down in green,1 corinthians,23,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 2 2 john 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,2 john,5,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 6 i know my covenant and abide with it colossians 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,colossians,11,32.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 32 the power to promote power belongs to god so that even though ezekiel chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesia sees 8 verse,ezekiel,8,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 4 antichrist career number one is his song of solomon (song of songs) let's look at verse six and you know what restrains him now,song of solomon (song of songs),1,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 6 when he was tempted and i say i want to do the same thing it says in g 1 samuel chapter five jesus christ verse seven,1 samuel,5,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 7 hello there amen jonah 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,jonah,34,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 34 verse 29 2 thessalonians chapter 2 excuse me colossians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 10,2 thessalonians,2,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 jesus name in 2 timothy chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,2 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up matthew they threw him into the sea,matthew,1,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 15 need for salvation and that's going to be ezekiel 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the,ezekiel,3,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 2 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of psalms chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of,psalms,4,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 12 so he goes nahum one verse nine this is my comment,nahum,1,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 9 about this sin offering jonah 627 it says whatever touches its flesh this offering shall be holy so,jonah,6,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 27 where they can switch micah chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,micah,1,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 8 18 leviticus 50 from verse 15 to 18 the brothers of joseph came and fell,leviticus,15,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 18 from the dominion of a holding pattern ezra 3 in verse 13 says that christ has redeemed us from the cross of the,ezra,3,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 13 also a platform for the upgrade of faith numbers verse 20 says he said that you know building up yourself upon your most holy,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 as compact luke chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,luke,2,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 9 [applause] malachi 23 and verse 20. this is the word of the lord,malachi,23,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 2 sanctification we're like it says in jude 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared,jude,4,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 18 or subject to your husband's and then in 1 peter 3 18 it says as is fitting in the lord in ephesians it says as to the,1 peter,3,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 18 redemption was sealed habakkuk 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised,habakkuk,53,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 53 verse 5 somebody says are you sure 1 timothy in esther chapter 2 verse 17 esther 217 was a slave,1 timothy,2,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 17 he gives perfect gifts for example in lamentations chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5,lamentations,1,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 5 giving back to a child in 2 peter 66 verse 7 and 8 before she travailed she brought forth,2 peter,66,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 66 verse 7 perseverance in christ luke chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly,luke,2,42.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 42 the mercy of god can rewrite your story in judges 27 when you begin to write read from 6 to 36 genesee 27 6 to 30,judges,27,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 6 you can't kill somebody's already dead numbers chapter 2 verse 20 valishia 2 verse 24 say i am crucified with christ,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 that evasive marriage that voice in job 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,job,5,2.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 2 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in 2 samuel 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,2 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 yes he was why though why simple answer 2 john 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are,2 john,5,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 17 against the jealousy of god in obadiah 34 verse 14 so for thou shall worship no other god,obadiah,34,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 34 verse 14 ark as a messenger is that correct 1 samuel 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,1 samuel,8,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 7 psalms chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2. reading here from verse 4,psalms,2,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 4 of our hearts 3 john 29 13 says in sincerity and truth one corinthians 5 verse 8 and not,3 john,29,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 13 to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in micah 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift,micah,2,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 8 them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart 1 kings 15 number 16. when god's word begins to,1 kings,15,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 16 power of sin and the power over it in joel 7 7 through 8 he says yet if it had not been for the law i would not,joel,7,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 7 the bible where you are please speak your bible and read song of solomon (song of songs) 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and,song of solomon (song of songs),22,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 13 revealed look at chapter 11 verse 27 of 2 john it says by faith he forsook egypt,2 john,11,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 27 i'm coming now to nehemiah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,nehemiah,8,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 the message translation song of solomon (song of songs) 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk,song of solomon (song of songs),14,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 23 say loud amen luke chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 and this is unacceptable in the world paul says in micah 1 24 i rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,micah,1,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 24 accept sacrifice of praise ecclesiastes 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,ecclesiastes,17,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 26 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of 2 john chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,2 john,18,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 2 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,zephaniah,4,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 14 stand why because he's the author of marriage hosea chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,hosea,2,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 18 the lord bless you richly when looking at esther chapter 12 romans chapter 12,esther,12,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 12 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few hosea psalm 69 70,hosea,69,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 69 verse 7 he's mentioned in ecclesiastes 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about,ecclesiastes,46,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 46 verse 11 it's one of the mysteries of scriptures 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of,2 peter,13,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 15 2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,2 corinthians,13,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 chronicles 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of,1 chronicles,8,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 12 expectation in the book of 2 timothy 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end,2 timothy,23,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 18 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of job 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",job,12,11.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 11 fruitfulness hosea 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,hosea,23,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 25 world with a flood he said in 1 kings chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,1 kings,9,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 12 and barnabas to a special work that's in 2 john chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called,2 john,13,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 2 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct psalms 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,psalms,17,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 17 verse 9 why did god forbid the eating of blood well haggai 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the,haggai,12,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 23 from the lord of hosts who dwell in the mount zion 1 corinthians 8 18. uh psalm 21,1 corinthians,8,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 18 david job romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day,job,13,11.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 11 blood of jesus and with the fire of god amos 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,amos,12,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 11 in life ezra 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,ezra,22,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 29 disappear why 3 john 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 he has the power to save judges chapter 4 verse 12 acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither neither is yet salvation,judges,4,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 12 fellow israeli came from judah verse 2 and amos you see here has a concern hananiah this man who came did not offer,amos,1,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 2 the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in colossians 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to,colossians,80,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 80 verse 17 his son made of a woman made under the law jude 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore,jude,2,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 14 23rd chapter of 1 john the 23rd chapter of exodus and verse 31,1 john,23,31.0,1.0,1 john chapter 23 verse 31 the priority of your life in jesus name job chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,job,13,2.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 2 ruth 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost,ruth,21,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 21 verse 17 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read 2 chronicles chapter one from verse three to four official one,2 chronicles,1,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3 learner while looking at 2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 16. in jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16. those says that lord stands,2 chronicles,6,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 16 the uh finally the um the idea is in jonah 11 6 it says hey yeah,jonah,11,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 6 esther closes that these words revelation 12 22 6 then he said to me these words are faithful and true and,esther,12,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 22 lord and better amen psalms chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,psalms,13,44.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 44 6 12 years ruth 6 12 say children obey your parents to the lord for this,ruth,6,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 12 were going to read it together all of us job 32 verse 27 are we there,job,32,27.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 27 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in song of solomon (song of songs) four verse four,song of solomon (song of songs),4,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 4 he said in verse 18 joseph said unto them 1 timothy 42 verse 18 joseph said unto them that thought,1 timothy,42,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 42 verse 18 your plan that's what's written in 2 samuel 21 5 the new living translation version,2 samuel,21,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 5 blossoming wherever you are planted 1 samuel 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,1 samuel,36,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 36 verse 11 somebody shout out the word covenant thank you god bless you amos chapter 2 we're looking at verse 14.,amos,2,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 14 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king titus for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,titus,14,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 28 outstanding example of a godly young man it's timothy 1 3 john 2 verse 19 i hope in the lord jesus to send timothy to you,3 john,2,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 19 he'll give each you in john chapter 2 reading from verse 9 philippians chapter 2 looking at,john,2,9.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 9 first of all the law of the holy spirit in esther 8 2 it says the law of the spirit,esther,8,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 2 that are listed in the book of esther chapter two and three in colossians in,esther,2,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 3 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 14,zephaniah,3,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14 both as a commission and as individuals joel chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,joel,58,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 58 verse 9 our texas 2 kings 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,2 kings,15,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 22 every situation 2 chronicles chapter 35 genesis chapter 35 i read from verse 5 and the joining and the terror of god,2 chronicles,35,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 35 verse 5 1 thessalonians chapter 10. ecclesiastes 10 17.,1 thessalonians,10,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 7 should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is 1 timothy chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make,1 timothy,19,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 28 more sending people to eternity prematurely in job chapter 2 verse 4,job,2,4.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 4 stand why because he's the author of marriage 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,1 chronicles,2,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle 2 kings chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,2 kings,5,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 14 turning away completely let there be a transformation and that's what habakkuk of the apostle chapter 3 verse 19 says he,habakkuk,3,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 19 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in 2 corinthians chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,2 corinthians,9,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 and into all of mankind 2 kings 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through,2 kings,5,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again zephaniah 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,zephaniah,13,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 18 in job in conclusion in acts chapter 12 41 to 43 says that they have gladly,job,12,41.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 41 and not just hang around waiting for it 1 chronicles 3 12 to 14 paul said,1 chronicles,3,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 12 they won't fly again the bible says in john chapter 2 from verse 9 to 12 philippians 2,john,2,9.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 9 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in luke chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,luke,12,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 5 god we thank you for your spirit that verse of luke 4 6 sticks out to me it is not by might,luke,4,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 6 opened the books too what did matthew say that daniel opened his books too in jeremiah 25 verse 12 jeremiah 25 verse,matthew,25,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 25 verse 12 titus chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 4. in ephesians chapter 3 verse 4 whereby,titus,3,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 4 righteousness and good deeds you can read ezekiel 6 19. talking about,ezekiel,6,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 19 ezra 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 just by lifting up his hands at all,ezra,14,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 21 later on down through here but in 1 samuel chapter 1 17 we know that the righteous shall live by faith,1 samuel,1,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 17 the mouth of paul the 1 kings church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,1 kings,4,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 8 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her esther chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 ever how micah 17 four five four two five north bones,micah,17,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 4 things is this beautiful verse in ecclesiastes 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,ecclesiastes,29,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 11 come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery 1 timothy 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came,1 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 like a human but he became positionally like a human the son of man in luke 25 verse 6 we have another statement that i,luke,25,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 25 verse 6 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by luke chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,luke,5,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 22 a god of speed he is a god of speed colossians chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,colossians,9,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 28 forward in georges chapter 6 verse 12 judges 6 12,judges,6,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 12 transformed us so we can be one look at 3 john chapter 32 in jesus 32 i'm reading from verse 39,3 john,32,39.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 39 probably ought to turn to this and in titus 18 verse 15 the lord your god will raise up,titus,18,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 15 verse 2 peter 1 14 so let me read it like that,2 peter,1,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 14 promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of leviticus one uh we've got the record that judah,leviticus,1,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 8 you'll do it and the lord will bless you in jesus name well coming back to luke 37 verse 3 it says,luke,37,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 37 verse 3 to the church the bible tells in the book of jonah 4 and verse 4,jonah,4,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 4 your will overcome i will overcome look at 1 peter chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,1 peter,12,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 17 world with a flood he said in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,song of solomon (song of songs),9,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 12 in fact the bible says in ruth chapter 10 verse 19 ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 is a money and threat all,ruth,10,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 19 book of ezekiel chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18. i read from the amplified version of,ezekiel,8,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 18 your church established your kingdom in the earth numbers chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking,numbers,14,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 18 ezra chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 the bible exactly titus 8 verse 12 one of the blessings of the new covenant the lord says,titus,8,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 12 amen philemon chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,philemon,40,31.0,1.0,philemon chapter 40 verse 31 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in judges chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,judges,12,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 13 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in 2 kings 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,2 kings,9,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 3 him said behave the same way in 1 corinthians chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,1 corinthians,15,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 32 in the book of zephaniah chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste,zephaniah,12,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 7 they corrupt others they corrupt others nahum 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,nahum,15,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 2 zechariah of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked,zechariah,16,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 16 verse 25 righteousness notice also what god said to nehemiah chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old,nehemiah,30,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 30 verse 7 esther 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,esther,3,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 4 and yet he says in this world in habakkuk chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 verse 14 nahum chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also,nahum,1,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 14 that we find in ezekiel chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be,ezekiel,13,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 2 section song of solomon (song of songs) 737 after explaining all the sacrifices it then summarizes and it,song of solomon (song of songs),7,37.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verse 37 obadiah chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in,obadiah,22,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 6 night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see amos they are telling the king explaining this dimension of wisdom he,amos,30,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 30 verse 23 with money don't ye even to me with all your art philemon 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,philemon,4,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 29 redeemer but no action look at joshua chapter 2. james chapter 2 verse 17 even so peace if it had not works is,joshua,2,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 17 2 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,2 samuel,10,38.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 according to certain principles for example he says in nahum chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,nahum,8,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 17 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to malachi hey what a great leader you are,malachi,8,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 22 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was 2 kings brought in before the king,2 kings,1,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 13 malachi version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,malachi,5,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 3 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow esther out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",esther,2,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 11 in amos chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold,amos,4,29.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 29 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, jonah 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",jonah,2,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 26 together you tell me what you are going through 1 corinthians 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ,1 corinthians,6,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 judges of your apostles it's one of my favorite verses acts 17 and verse 30.,judges,17,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 3 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in 3 john 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in joel chapter 4 verse 2,joel,4,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 2 i said we're taking the first prayer from 2 peter chapter one reading from verse number three,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 lamb memory verse hosea chapter 19 verse 9,hosea,19,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 9 he is the unchangeable changer according to malachi chapter 3 verse 6. malachi chapter 3 verse 6.,malachi,3,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 6 chapter 14 verse 12 in philemon chapter 14 verse 12 so then,philemon,14,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 12 and keep going from strength to strength in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 the word says,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 through this prophetic season in john chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when,john,2,6.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 6 adversaries there are many adversaries but there's still a solution judges chapter 6 verse 12 for we do not wrestle,judges,6,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 12 but we don't want to miss it and in leviticus chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words,leviticus,12,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 15 7 colossians 11 7 it says by faith noah be warned of god of things not sin,colossians,11,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 7 pretty clearly i'll just pick this one esther 5 19.,esther,5,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 19 11 verse 7 bent to perpetual backsliding 3 john 8 verse 5 my people my people have committed two evils two evils they,3 john,8,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 5 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man 2 timothy 4 verse 20,2 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um 1 corinthians 22 and verse 22,1 corinthians,22,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 22 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new joshua 10 verse 13.,joshua,10,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 13 haggai chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2. reading here from verse 4,haggai,2,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 4 just look at lucifer's fall in 2 thessalonians chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,2 thessalonians,28,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 17 sensitive zechariah 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,zechariah,5,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 25 from me he says here in 1 john 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the,1 john,2,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,esther,10,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 22 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living 3 john chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,3 john,13,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 17 titles chapter 3 we're reading from verse 5. in lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 not by walks of righteousness,lamentations,3,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 you know what the scripture say the book of titus about 5 by 16 it says no confess your trespasses,titus,5,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 16 in the old testament we see it in the new testament 2 chronicles 7 9 says therefore,2 chronicles,7,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 9 discomfort or insecurity for a season 1 samuel seven and verse three that i read earlier on bible says now israel,1 samuel,7,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 3 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service 2 samuel 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,2 samuel,10,38.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 so there is a contention matthew 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn,matthew,26,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 26 verse 18 go astray matthew 22 6 here's what you have to do train up a child in the way he should go,matthew,22,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 6 utter fear 2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,2 kings,2,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 testimony of two or three you know in ruth 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god,ruth,15,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 3 intercessor day and night joshua 7 25 he prays for god's people,joshua,7,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 25 in amos chapter 5 verse 20 romans 5 20 moreover the law enter that the offense might abandon,amos,5,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 2 let me show you what i mean i'm looking at leviticus chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 29,leviticus,11,29.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 29 boldness it takes courage yeah in mark 13 and verse 12 the bible says abraham dwells in the land of canaan and,mark,13,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 12 and upon thy seed forever that's the quote he quotes there from malachi 28 46,malachi,28,46.0,1.0,malachi chapter 28 verse 46 colossians if we look at chapter 2 from verse 6 colossians chapter 2 from verse 6 as ye have therefore received christ,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 is the altar of answers to prayer god's word says in psalms 33 and verse 3,psalms,33,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 3 give you this judge's chapter h i'm reading from verse 4 judges chapter 8,judges,4,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 8 all we have ever known jonah chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the,jonah,5,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 14 name we're looking at 2 peter chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 9,2 peter,32,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 32 verse 9 and here's what the bible says about him in ruth chapter 11 verse 24 to 26 it was by faith that moses when he grew,ruth,11,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 24 and the sixth verse nehemiah chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with,nehemiah,6,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 6 into this church this coming sunday 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,2 timothy,2,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 6 deceiving themselves ecclesiastes 1 26,ecclesiastes,1,26.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 26 we're looking at joshua chapter 1 tonight james chapter 1 verse 2 my brethren,joshua,1,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 2 brings us to justification philemon chapter 3 22,philemon,3,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 22 2 corinthians chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where,2 corinthians,8,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 4 lord sorry song of solomon (song of songs) 1 7 proverbs 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning,song of solomon (song of songs),1,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 7 without corrupt conversation look at ruth chapter four reading from verse 21,ruth,4,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 21 ruth chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17. don't forget that he said clearly you,ruth,8,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 17 bringing together several passages of scripture hosea 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,hosea,9,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 27 promised returning chapter 30 a meeting from verse 6 in zephaniah chapter 30 verse 6 and the lord thy god will,zephaniah,30,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 30 verse 6 37 verse 18 2 thessalonians 37 18 the bible made us to understand,2 thessalonians,37,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 18 place of abode somehow he must have understood 1 samuel 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,1 samuel,23,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 23 verse 5 go into this new season look at sam 2 john 20 when you read verse 2 uh uh david was praying a prayer there,2 john,20,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 20 verse 2 are still praying in that line jude chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he,jude,18,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 24 your life he wants to put a song there ruth chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,ruth,3,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 21 your life he wants to put a song there colossians chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,colossians,3,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 21 manifestation joshua chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,joshua,4,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 29 with knowledge and understanding 1 corinthians chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,1 corinthians,3,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 you have christ according to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on,song of solomon (song of songs),12,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2 and shame that is really true lamentations chapter 23 verses 29 to 34. i already says,lamentations,23,29.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 29 up a little bit okay let's get more context then we'll show matthew 221 and why this is,matthew,2,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 21 life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh habakkuk 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must,habakkuk,8,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 13 obadiah the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,obadiah,28,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 28 verse 21 the borrowers to turn to ecclesiastes 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,ecclesiastes,22,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 7 know that would emily holy suv in amos chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has,amos,4,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 11 portion and stability ecclesiastes 2018 plans are established,ecclesiastes,20,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 20 verse 18 doesn't contradict it so if it says in 1 samuel 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,1 samuel,6,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 23 the flesh joel 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,joel,3,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 3 here's the history these simple statements of zephaniah 3 14 and 15 they present us with a comprehensive,zephaniah,3,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14 brings us to justification joel chapter 3 22,joel,3,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 22 to personalize the dominion mandate nahum chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them,nahum,1,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 28 is that hope deferred can make the heart sick hosea 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12,hosea,13,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 12 he places it in the center of the people and then he says this in ruth 32 4 and 5 these are your gods o israel who,ruth,32,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 4 we're taking the memory verses from the from colossians five 22 and 23 it goes those,colossians,5,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 22 let's take a stab at it we're looking at habakkuk chapter 66 verses 22 and 23 and we'll see this may,habakkuk,66,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 66 verse 22 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in habakkuk chapter two first three verses once again,habakkuk,2,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3 it before this time let's look at peter's 2 kings a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,2 kings,16,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 16 verse 15 will perfect them jonah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,jonah,1,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 28 blessing will pay any price for that if you read nahum 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly,nahum,27,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 27 verse 5 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in titus 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,titus,49,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 49 verse 8 us to just quickly go into scriptures luke chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,luke,5,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 18 because ezekiel said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111,ezekiel,1,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 11 believers do we read from 2 timothy revelation chapter 12 and verse 11 and they overcame him,2 timothy,12,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 11 enemies 2 kings chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,2 kings,8,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 16 b plan a was his plan and it depended on the father's now let's look 2 kings 12 21 then moses called for all the elders of,2 kings,12,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 21 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in matthew chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,matthew,40,31.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 31 it shall be like a hit in the desert titus chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,titus,17,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 5 that meant that's mentioned again in luke 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,luke,16,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 12 chapter one verse 5 1 peter 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 i came all the way to let somebody know 2 kings 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,2 kings,16,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 16 verse 14 according to nehemiah chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,nehemiah,4,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 25 but the same bible tells us in 1 john chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews 12 29 that this god,1 john,12,29.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 29 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia numbers chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,numbers,30,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 6 look at 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 11 revelation chapter 12 we're reading from verse 11. in revelation chapter 12 verse,1 chronicles,12,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 11 for i say we're looking at habakkuk chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it,habakkuk,6,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 word of god and that's why joshua chapter 23 verse 9,joshua,23,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 9 and when we understand that is malachi did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,malachi,9,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 9 being lord of your life once again in 2 corinthians 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is,2 corinthians,8,29.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 29 from verse 17 to 37 4 luke 17 from verse 17 to 37 you discover that in this case of david,luke,17,37.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 37 2 samuel closes that these words revelation 12 22 6 then he said to me these words are faithful and true and,2 samuel,12,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 22 guinness refresh a memory and mind and it's refresh or spirit with joshua chapter 9 verse 6 fallen to auskey child,joshua,9,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 6 chapter 7 and we're looking at verse 9 zechariah chapter 7 verse 9 he said after this i beheld and low a great,zechariah,7,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 9 canela matthew 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving,matthew,2,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 4 [music] ezra chapter 4 verse 18. the path of the justice,ezra,4,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 18 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 2 samuel it says and in his state shall stand up,2 samuel,11,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 21 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in leviticus chapter 17 verse 9,leviticus,17,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 9 3 in verse 7 judges chapter 3 verse 7 they give money also unto the,judges,3,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 7 for lack of thanksgiving matthew or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,matthew,13,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 15 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in philemon chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,philemon,12,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 7 if you remember we had read the scriptures from 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god,2 thessalonians,1,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 27 his arriving in darkness the prophet zephaniah wrote in chapter 5 verse 20,zephaniah,5,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 2 dealings with god in 1 samuel 13 15 the kingdom said good understanding,1 samuel,13,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 15 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by ruth chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 and to angels and to men it tells us in colossians chapter one reading from verse 29 philippians,colossians,1,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 29 appear together mercy is first except in 1 peter 6 and 16 because you absolutely cannot,1 peter,6,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 16 2 samuel 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,2 samuel,15,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 18 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do ezekiel chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,ezekiel,44,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 44 verse 23 baptized 1 chronicles 2 verse 40 41 that day the day of pentecost acts 2 verse 41 three thousand people were converted and,1 chronicles,2,41.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 41 take amos chapter 16 read the story from verse 16 to 34 acts 16 4 verse 16 to 34 paul was minding his own business a,amos,16,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 16 you even the devil cannot be against you 1 kings chapter 4 verse 7 james 4 verse 7 so if you saw me turn to god you resist,1 kings,4,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 7 now you have a jude it's not over yet the bible says the following thing in romans 11 chapter verse 28 to 32 concerning the,jude,11,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 28 reading from verse 6 in 2 timothy chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,2 timothy,8,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 6 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in 1 peter 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,1 peter,10,35.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 35 midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one 1 peter 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 doesn't necessarily take them away look at ezra 5 verse 16 through 17 so i say live by the spirit and you will,ezra,5,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 16 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia amos chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,amos,30,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 30 verse 6 scripture where you read nahum chapter four all right from verse six,nahum,4,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 6 from the fellowship 2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 16,2 chronicles,21,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 16 lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of ezra verse 17 that christ lives in us by,ezra,3,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 17 we will read verses 21 through 25. 1 chronicles one 21 therefore put away,1 chronicles,1,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 21 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in 2 peter chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore,2 peter,24,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 24 to the dark deprivative bestiality which god condemned in ecclesiastes 18 23 and 24,ecclesiastes,18,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 18 verse 23 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of 1 kings 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,1 kings,11,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 8 mighty name we prayed a man the bible says in zephaniah 2 9 he said,zephaniah,2,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 9 2 john 24 27 proverbs 24 and verse 27. prepare their work,2 john,24,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 24 verse 27 father not a father christmas god hosea chapter 33 verse 20 to 21,hosea,33,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 33 verse 2 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of 1 thessalonians 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,1 thessalonians,23,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 5 wickedness deceit and he records this in amos 9 verses 17 and 18. let me read it to you,amos,9,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 17 of them know most of them all of them and some 37 jude 18 19 the lord knoweth the days of the upright and,jude,18,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 19 that's what god we are talking about esther 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,esther,29,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 29 verse 4 been tamed by zephaniah chapter 3 but the tongue no man can control but the holy spirit can and,zephaniah,3,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 3 is the most high most high 1 timothy chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus,1 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 and in breaking of bread and in prayers haggai 2 42 let's take it again more lively this time around,haggai,2,42.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 42 when i was preaching through the book of esther and uh we came to chapter 4 verse 6,esther,4,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 6 undeniable answers to prayer look at 1 kings chapter two we're looking at verses 6 and 7 it was six i went down to,1 kings,2,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 6 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time 1 samuel chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,1 samuel,5,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 16 says 1 john chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says,1 john,10,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 15 been tamed by ezekiel chapter 3 but the tongue no man can control but the holy spirit can and,ezekiel,3,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 3 knowledge of your enemy knowledge of your enemy micah 2 verse 15 commercial 250 having this half principalities and,micah,2,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 15 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,1 chronicles,9,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 5 god will give us his power his gifts but 2 peter 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another,2 peter,42,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 42 verse 8 i watched the conscience video um and nahum 14 23 confuses me my conscience is so weak,nahum,14,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 23 jonah chapter 3. i'm reading now from verse nine in james chapter three point number two the deceitfulness,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 jude 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,jude,1,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 4 chapter 2 numbers chapter 2 is not a contract this is a covenant somebody give me the,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 terrible if i read to you 2 chronicles 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6,2 chronicles,17,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 5 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in colossians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,colossians,15,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 15 let's what are the details jude 27 will help us genesis 27 you can read it from verse 26 to 29,jude,27,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 27 verse 26 in the same way the bible also talks about rules of bitterness in 1 john chapter 12 when you read from verse 12,1 john,12,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 12 god this matthew chapter 3 verse 23 in chapter 6 verse 23 it says the wages of,matthew,3,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 23 welcomed and forgiven and this is why hosea 4 16 says let us therefore come,hosea,4,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 16 most important two words excuse me philemon 8 20 might be the most important words we know actually for we write for,philemon,8,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 2 the importance of hearing god's voice like in matthew 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,matthew,1,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 11 good obadiah 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that,obadiah,8,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 28 inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at john chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also,john,1,27.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 27 so read the scripture carefully every single hosea 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,hosea,4,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 15 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed habakkuk chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,habakkuk,5,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 17 psalms chapter one again it says in verse 4 of ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 according as he hath chosen us in him,psalms,1,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 4 mighty name of jesus 3 john 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall,3 john,26,27.0,1.0,3 john chapter 26 verse 27 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ 2 john 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,2 john,8,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 9 dick stick this microphone fraser esther 12 verse 5 to 11 and you have forgotten the exhortation which,esther,12,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 5 powerful as stephen did in this sermon i want you to listen to jonah chapter 7 verses 51 to 53 this is the mic drop,jonah,7,51.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 51 please single mistake in ecclesiastes 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,ecclesiastes,25,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 25 verse 29 that was what 1 kings was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,1 kings,3,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 17 mighty name of jesus zephaniah chapter 12 verses 11 the bible says i a high rate of physical and,zephaniah,12,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 11 "just listen to this, starting in verse 19 of lamentations 3. ""remember my affliction in my wandering, the",lamentations,3,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 19 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord malachi chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,malachi,2,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 13 profession he hears the kind of falsehood as saints song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 in titus chapter 1 verse 16,song of solomon (song of songs),1,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 perseverance in christ 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly,1 samuel,2,42.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 in jesus name 1 chronicles 24 15 let's read this morning briefly as a,1 chronicles,24,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 24 verse 15 10 2 timothy chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's,2 timothy,10,37.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 37 i am more than a conqueror micah chapter 8 verse 37.,micah,8,37.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 37 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into malachi 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,malachi,5,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 22 solomon was extremely wise and in 1 john 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one,1 john,4,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 9 1 chronicles 40. first 29 isaiah 40 first 29 you give a power to defend,1 chronicles,40,29.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 29 delivering and so we see here in 1 kings um chapter 15 from verse 14.,1 kings,15,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 14 god is the presence and provision of god is so good malachi chapter 3 verse 5 says and let the peace of christ rule or,malachi,3,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 5 anything because you know that 2 timothy started 4 19 philippine 490,2 timothy,4,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 [music] philemon chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,philemon,20,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 11 the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him judges chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore,judges,13,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 15 mood that could accept it the cosima colossians 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,colossians,13,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 9 including you is based or is found in haggai chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,haggai,4,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 11 new heaven passages just the verse 1 timothy 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,1 timothy,65,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 65 verse 17 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 2 peter of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,2 peter,4,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 16 and brothers in christ listen to titus 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,titus,10,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 14 you are the firstborn of my father 1 john 8 15 romans 8 15 says i also,1 john,8,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 15 god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit zephaniah 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want,zephaniah,14,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 17 must believe that he's able to do it song of solomon (song of songs) 3 20 says noun to him,song of solomon (song of songs),3,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 hey this is about this is about christ in zechariah 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,zechariah,13,35.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 35 name together and look at jude chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,jude,5,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 19 with me to this the other words i want to show you amos chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,amos,14,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 14 and that's a great word for me in my own ministry 2 timothy and chapter 1 he says in verse 28 we proclaim christ,2 timothy,1,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 28 upon the earth for one thousand years and ruth 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day,ruth,14,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 4 and in verse 14. 1 kings chapter 2 verse 14 who gave himself,1 kings,2,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 14 supplication of the great john says let's come to revelation chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 9.,john,6,9.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 9 time without sin unto salvation judges chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,judges,3,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 14 nehemiah 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,nehemiah,5,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 17 of obadiah chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,obadiah,1,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 14 multitude of councilors there is safety that is haggai 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the,haggai,11,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 14 8 that the spirit of god cries out within us same about 2 john 8 verse 15 about father it's dad this is one of the great,2 john,8,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 15 of all events in our lives it says in judges chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,judges,2,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 22 and brothers in christ listen to ecclesiastes 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,ecclesiastes,10,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 14 judges to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw,judges,12,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 3 law for example in nehemiah chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,nehemiah,8,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 8 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture 1 chronicles 1 18 the lord says,1 chronicles,1,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 pick it up from verse 36 philemon chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,philemon,41,36.0,1.0,philemon chapter 41 verse 36 things he was tempted like us in all things 1 chronicles 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,1 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night hosea luke and i danielle,hosea,12,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 5 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at the passage in joshua you'll see there are also,joshua,1,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 13 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty 1 chronicles 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,1 chronicles,12,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 24 in the name of jesus so that i can stand according to nahum 6 11 oh yes aha give it to me hold on give it to me hold,nahum,6,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 11 they had to come back and so in 2 corinthians chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,2 corinthians,4,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 zechariah chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in,zechariah,1,26.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 26 attributes of the humility in 1 john chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,1 john,3,33.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 33 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in nehemiah 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,nehemiah,24,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 24 verse 16 6 obadiah chapter 8 verses listen for we speak,obadiah,8,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 6 look at haggai chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for,haggai,14,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 7 i'm not a rocket scientist this is very clear how bad do we want it but ezekiel five four but in the end in the end an,ezekiel,5,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxlstmgrjuu the book of john chapter 8 and verse 4 the last words of the text field yet,john,8,4.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 4 night 1 john 13 26 to 33 and numbers 14 verse 1 to 10,1 john,13,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 26 something the lamentations in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6,lamentations,39,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 39 verse 5 verse of no works the gospel without any works luke 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only,luke,2,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 8 if you don't obey him 1 samuel the autonomy chapter 11 verse 17.,1 samuel,11,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 17 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in 2 thessalonians 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,2 thessalonians,6,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 12 first place i'll read it to you micah chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses,micah,6,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 5 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 1 thessalonians 6 verse 8 that we,1 thessalonians,6,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 8 zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 verse 16 one person has come luke five seven left on that person,luke,5,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 16 recite it together after the count of two leviticus chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,leviticus,8,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 17 beneath in judges chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his,judges,50,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 50 verse 15 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i 1 chronicles chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,1 chronicles,8,34.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 34 commitment look at chapter 2 of hosea i'm reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2 verse 14,hosea,2,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 14 and as we do so today i want us to be reminded of god's word in 2 thessalonians 33 and verse 3. he said call unto me i will,2 thessalonians,33,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 33 verse 3 "judah specifically. luke 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification",luke,5,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 7 showed me the truths about overcoming sin 1 corinthians 6 verse 14 was in my bible from 1959 but i never understood it till 1975,1 corinthians,6,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 local chapter of 3 john chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them,3 john,3,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 9 eventually you find when you come to joshua chapter 21 22 then you find here is the consummation of all the,joshua,21,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 22 rejoice in hope of the glory of god john chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,john,2,8.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 8 chapter 7 micah chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,micah,7,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 17 book of malachi actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that,malachi,2,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 7 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king ezekiel version talks about this transformation,ezekiel,3,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 18 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat luke 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,luke,10,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 13 hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in psalms 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the,psalms,37,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 28 company and the bible tells us in the book of amos in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,amos,12,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 16 in 1 corinthians chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,1 corinthians,8,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 26 disappointment let me let me start out tonight by reading from joel chapter 5 from the three to five from the new king,joel,5,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 3 christian life colossians 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 to take a little time on it philemon 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,philemon,6,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 14 determine whether you even have them around you 2 timothy 3 16 the bible says then those who fear the lord,2 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do habakkuk chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,habakkuk,44,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 44 verse 23 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of 1 samuel jeremiah 29,1 samuel,29,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 29 verse 29 painful immediate painful physical consequences chapter 23 of 2 chronicles verse 13 do not hold back discipline,2 chronicles,23,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 13 i want us to look at it again read with me 2 samuel chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,2 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 verse 3. mark chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias,mark,5,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 3 from titus 49 by paul and barnabas listen to what they say acts 13 46 then paul and barnabas grew bold,titus,13,46.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 46 no wonder paul cry in 1 kings chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,1 kings,8,35.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 35 that evasive marriage that voice in colossians 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 just remember that 2 samuel 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,2 samuel,5,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 15 your young not be barren in the land zephaniah 23 and verse 26. supernatural fruitfulness,zephaniah,23,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 26 this obviously fulfills the scripture in nahum chapter nine verse nine which says rejoice greatly o daughter of,nahum,9,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 9 book of 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 25 the book of james chapter 1 verse 25 it says but he who looks into the perfect law of,1 samuel,1,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 25 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have colossians 19 36 to 37,colossians,19,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 36 then that was god's instruction blessings for them from joel 1 26 27 and i wanted to listen to me very well,joel,1,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 26 church this year 2 samuel 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,2 samuel,49,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 49 verse 25 spirit has gathered them matthew 34 16. whatever that book contains god said so,matthew,34,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 34 verse 16 from matthew 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in,matthew,2,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 15 the bible says in philemon 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,philemon,23,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 23 verse 7 1 thessalonians 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation 22 14,1 thessalonians,22,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 14 personalities in his plan nahum 16 13 says and i saw three unclean spirits,nahum,16,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 13 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a 1 peter the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 tells us in haggai chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,haggai,2,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 5 the tree of life until when in colossians chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed,colossians,22,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 22 this morning 2 corinthians 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives,2 corinthians,49,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 49 verse 25 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in mark 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,mark,12,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 12 verse 8. 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 song of solomon (song of songs) 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,song of solomon (song of songs),34,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 34 verse 16 bible talks about then ezekiel 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and,ezekiel,4,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 11 to obadiah 18 there there are more as you would expect but in acts 18 24 a jew named apollo's an alexandrian by birth,obadiah,18,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 24 long discourse this is a long discourse 2 peter 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he,2 peter,22,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 22 verse 23 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of 2 john 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,2 john,36,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 11 were going to read it together all of us song of solomon (song of songs) 32 verse 27 are we there,song of solomon (song of songs),32,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 27 what we think every time ezekiel 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time,ezekiel,23,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 7 mind in hell turning back to habakkuk chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,habakkuk,4,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 2 john chapter 5 and you read from verse 8 in hebrews chapter 5 verse 8 though he wear a son yet lenny obedient,john,5,8.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 8 very important when the bible was talking to us in judges chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas have one a tenement is if,judges,1,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 18 so there's a lot going on around us but nehemiah 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and,nehemiah,5,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 15 deliberate in choosing your people ephesian 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 through 12 says this,2 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 god addicted worshipper of god 3 john chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12,3 john,12,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 7 said no no no i rebuke you in the name of jesus in zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 james for myself on the bible says if,zechariah,4,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 verse 24. ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say,ecclesiastes,33,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 24 standeth forever zechariah chapter 19 versus one in proverbs chapter 19 reading from verse 21 there are many,zechariah,19,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 21 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of philemon on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,philemon,4,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 5 in 2 thessalonians 41 when you read from verse 37 genesis 41 verse 37 the bible says so,2 thessalonians,41,37.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 41 verse 37 and we know that to be true because if take a look at 1 john chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,1 john,1,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 7 okay once again we are in paul's epistle to the jude chapter 4 i want to read four verses chapter 4 verse 31 let,jude,4,31.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 31 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich mark 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,mark,24,34.0,1.0,mark chapter 24 verse 34 ruddy and he's eating a red bowl of stew he gets nicknamed in 1 chronicles 25 verse 30 edom meaning red thus all of esau s,1 chronicles,25,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 25 verse 3 may end his life in total apostasy from god haggai 1 14 to 15 as the blessedness of the man is great,haggai,1,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 14 his brother and slew him he killed him joshua 11 verse 4 records that by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent,joshua,11,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 4 luke chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,luke,7,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 22 winner supernaturally there by trajan orders to christ and discharge 3 john chapter 8 and in verse 23 tossed a lot,3 john,8,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 23 to mark chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,mark,15,36.0,1.0,mark chapter 15 verse 36 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in 1 john chapter 6 verse 23,1 john,6,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 6 although when you read haggai 18 22 to 23,haggai,18,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 22 for healing we are praying for healing the book of 2 kings of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,2 kings,10,38.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 38 one more time zechariah chapter 2 verse 7,zechariah,2,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 7 that our bearing will be from micah 2 verse 5,micah,2,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 5 the bible says in 2 peter chapter 17 verse 11 leviticus 17 verse 11 he said the life of the,2 peter,17,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 11 canaan's land in the land of victory and here the lord says in ezra 26 verse 13 i am the lord your god who brought,ezra,26,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 13 childhood joel chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,joel,3,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 16 numbers chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen,numbers,6,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 5 that we find in habakkuk chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be,habakkuk,13,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 2 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth hosea 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 text the text for the uh lecture which is um obadiah chapter 5 verse 13 to 18 first kings king chapter,obadiah,5,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 13 than that here at zechariah 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,zechariah,1,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 15 look at 2 chronicles of the apostles chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7,2 chronicles,14,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 7 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,song of solomon (song of songs),3,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 17 chapter 25 verse 21 leviticus 25 verse 21 proverbs 25,leviticus,25,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 25 verse 21 "let's look at this second group now. psalms 11 verse 35. others were tortured,",psalms,11,35.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 35 beamers was in the lord 1 kings philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,1 kings,23,24.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 24 moses taught bitter water to sweet 2 samuel 15 verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 when the children of israel go to amara,2 samuel,15,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 22 1 samuel chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in,1 samuel,1,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 in jesus name amen in john 1 3 6 4 the bible says to him,john,1,3.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 3 your mind in jesus but here's here's four 1 john chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,1 john,2,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 8 end we need his grace ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 28,ecclesiastes,12,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 28 uh if i wasn't so tired i probably uh 1 thessalonians 2 25 in the same way was not also rahab the,1 thessalonians,2,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 25 critical for us to behave like a christian in our relationships so amos 12 from verse 9.,amos,12,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 9 1 john chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 38 to 44 genesis 41 32 44 pharaoh was lifting up joseph and he said to him,1 john,41,38.0,1.0,1 john chapter 41 verse 38 looking at philemon chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,philemon,10,38.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 38 it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest 1 thessalonians 4 8 philippians 4 8. these,1 thessalonians,4,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 8 this week god will help us in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in 2 john chapter 6 i think verse 14,2 john,6,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 14 the works of darkness it says over in titus chapter 6 and verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,titus,6,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 11 song of solomon (song of songs) 12 2 romans 12 2 be not conformed,song of solomon (song of songs),12,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with mark verse 3 he was,mark,32,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 3 and duplicity of lawless undependable tongues 1 corinthians chapter three we're looking at verse 9.,1 corinthians,3,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 believe i believe in obadiah chapter 13 verse 8,obadiah,13,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 8 god's attributes and nature in 2 peter chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him,2 peter,40,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 40 verse 17 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,song of solomon (song of songs),8,34.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 34 burning burning bonnie 1 timothy chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of,1 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 look at 1 john chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude,1 john,20,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 2 desirable increase i'm coming to chapter 9 of obadiah proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 it says give instruction to a wise man,obadiah,9,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 9 this way in amos chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom,amos,1,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 5 positive side of this and i want to turn to ruth chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there,ruth,8,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 3 towards the end of his life we read in song of solomon (song of songs) 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash,song of solomon (song of songs),20,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 3 12. 2 thessalonians chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,2 thessalonians,12,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 12 about this sin offering song of solomon (song of songs) 627 it says whatever touches its flesh this offering shall be holy so,song of solomon (song of songs),6,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 27 when you read hosea chapter number 29 verse 18 proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 in the king james translation it says this,hosea,29,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 18 of it beautifully john 8 22 and then,john,8,22.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 22 than the greatest in your family in zephaniah 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35,zephaniah,24,34.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 34 starts off in different direction 2 kings 17 24 david was focused on this goal,2 kings,17,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 24 to walk humbly with my god in 1 thessalonians chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15,1 thessalonians,33,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 33 verse 15 purpose your destiny judges chapter 4 verse 11,judges,4,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 11 survey and just look at some words here ruth 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,ruth,1,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 2 shall give account of himself to god micah chapter 20 verse 11 in revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw,micah,20,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 11 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in numbers chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,numbers,3,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 14 we have robbed them and then we come under the course of hosea chapter 5 verse 4.,hosea,5,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 4 somebody shout out the word covenant thank you god bless you matthew chapter 2 we're looking at verse 14.,matthew,2,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 14 number one is the deprivity of vain glory in hypocrites look at nahum chapter 2 reading from verse 3. in,nahum,2,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 3 there wasn't death before but by time you get to mark chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8,mark,4,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 8 you're being too sensitive david you're taking this too far joshua 221 says god changes times,joshua,2,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 21 he fulfilled what luke prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,luke,27,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 27 verse 4 they had forsaken god's moral law this is why paul later on in ruth 6 19 said i am speaking in human terms because of,ruth,6,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 19 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in 2 samuel 6 13,2 samuel,6,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 13 verse 12 to 14 all over the earth walking in the leviticus zechariah all over the earth,leviticus,12,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 14 order 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 my prayer for the psf,2 thessalonians,2,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 just not to hear from god and according to 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 the bible says faith comes by,1 corinthians,10,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 17 than the greatest in your family in 1 thessalonians 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35,1 thessalonians,24,34.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 34 judges chapter 36 looking at verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 i will read him from verse 25,judges,36,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 36 verse 25 instructions that god has said job chapter 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man,job,14,14.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 14 explain why you're doing this i think amos 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,amos,13,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 9 fulfillment of your destiny in 2 thessalonians chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,2 thessalonians,4,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 9 going to look up that verse actually it's 1 kings chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have,1 kings,9,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 15 the outside they will only get riddles and that's consistent with mark 6 9 and 10 which is referred to in verse 12,mark,6,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 9 he called all the elders of the church in ephesus in 1 kings 20 verse 17 personally i'm a tiara,1 kings,20,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 17 engages god's ability for delivery 2 kings chapter 3 at verse 20 ephesians 3 20 god is able to do now,2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in 1 kings chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,1 kings,9,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 6 knowledge of god so when when you read colossians chapter 1 i think verse 18 there where it says that the height of,colossians,1,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 18 reading that maybe that whole chapter of philemon 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance,philemon,12,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 13 israel that's why such detail is given in psalms 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,psalms,38,39.0,1.0,psalms chapter 38 verse 39 because love covers a multitude of sins 2 kings 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,2 kings,3,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 14 accept sacrifice of praise amos 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,amos,17,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 26 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in mark chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,mark,20,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 3 i want us to look at it again read with me lamentations chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,lamentations,1,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 5 that was a testimony of joseph in 2 chronicles 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,2 chronicles,50,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 2 all the strange gods are gone look at 2 john chapter 25 verse 5 and the journey,2 john,25,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 25 verse 5 authority of christ it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 7 it says,2 timothy,3,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 7 confirming the word everywhere in the book of 1 john chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,1 john,14,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 3 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of mark here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,mark,11,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 17 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in ezra chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,ezra,13,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 13 become a child of god that is number one ruth of apostle 11 26 say and when he had found him he brought him unto,ruth,11,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 26 the glory that i am instituted in the life of man what does that mean 1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 now listen very well,1 chronicles,8,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 esther 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a,esther,3,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 5 up on that verse there in ezra 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess,ezra,2,32.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 32 lifestyle we're told in 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 revelation chapter 3 when,1 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 blossoming wherever you are planted jonah 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,jonah,36,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 36 verse 11 instances of the key to your life numbers 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that,numbers,11,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 26 redeemer will come in jesus name and look at it look at lamentations chapter 3 verse 20 wherefore is light given to him that,lamentations,3,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 2 jude chapter 30 we're looking at verses 24 and 25 proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 there before seeks which are,jude,30,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 30 verse 24 the desires of vain glory provoking one another and being one another in 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3,1 timothy,3,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 14 are divisive avoid them 1 john 16 17 romans 16 17 watch out for those who cause division,1 john,16,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 16 verse 17 to me if you don't have a bible there matthew chapter 9 verse 19 yes thou in thy manifold moses that's it that's it,matthew,9,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 19 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again ezra 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,ezra,13,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 18 judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in ecclesiastes 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 the lord he is near leviticus 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn,leviticus,36,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 36 verse 9 defense matthew 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,matthew,8,31.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 31 sickness and disease is in his blood 1 timothy 17 11. the life of the flesh,1 timothy,17,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 11 god that hurts your walk 1 thessalonians 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,1 thessalonians,4,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 says i will walk who can hinder me 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 78 revolutions women were seven races he,2 samuel,3,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 7 foreign 1 kings 2 3 said how shall we escape from the horrors of this similar natural,1 kings,2,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 3 ruth 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down,ruth,9,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 27 what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of job chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30,job,11,11.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 11 broken curses and covenant amos 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,amos,49,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 49 verse 3 going to make us richer than we are ever been this reading song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9.,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 read the scripture did 1 john 33 and verse from verse 20 jeremiah 33 from verse 20. the bible says thus says the,1 john,33,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 2 declare it before god can confirm it 1 chronicles 44 26 isaiah 44,1 chronicles,44,26.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 44 verse 26 chapter 11. in 1 samuel chapter 11 we read verse 32 daniel 11 32 the last,1 samuel,11,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 32 my own life to realize okay micah 1 through 11 all that god has done god mentioned 153,micah,1,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 11 year say loud amen 1 thessalonians chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had,1 thessalonians,50,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 50 verse 4 face a future that is worse than dead in 1 samuel 10 26 it is described if we sin,1 samuel,10,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 26 makes a difference ecclesiastes 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie,ecclesiastes,23,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 23 verse 19 scriptures in john for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,john,16,23.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 23 absurdity of the thought really we go on in luke chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,luke,55,55.0,1.0,luke chapter 55 verse 55 uh credit righteousness to abraham's account haggai 15 6. now two chapters later he,haggai,15,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 15 verse 6 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at numbers chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,numbers,2,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 3 in um the anchor scripture still remains job chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,job,14,17.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 17 then you have proved that to believe micah 2 18 show me your faith without your words i show you my faith by my,micah,2,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 18 to the church the bible tells in the book of 1 kings 4 and verse 4,1 kings,4,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 4 undeniable answers to prayer look at leviticus chapter two we're looking at verses 6 and 7 it was six i went down to,leviticus,2,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 6 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again leviticus 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,leviticus,13,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 18 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to 1 peter chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,1 peter,3,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 12 at habakkuk chapter one i'm reading from verse three joshua chapter one verse three every place the soul of your food,habakkuk,1,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 3 when he got converted and met with god in numbers 4 verse 35 listen to it and see if it is not one of the most,numbers,4,35.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 35 tells us in leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,leviticus,2,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 god we thank you for your spirit that verse of 2 timothy 4 6 sticks out to me it is not by might,2 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 look 1 john 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,1 john,11,33.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 33 it is the word of god the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,ezekiel,6,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 17 2 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the,2 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 verse 3. 1 thessalonians chapter 3 we're looking now at verse 3,1 thessalonians,3,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 and the word of the lord said in jude 4 25 that we need to say the truth,jude,4,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 25 other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 colossians 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me,colossians,16,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 7 lord sorry lamentations 1 7 proverbs 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning,lamentations,1,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 7 you asked because mark chapter 12 verse 35 says this and the people of israel did as,mark,12,35.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 35 till one day god opened my eyes to read john 14 and verse 17.,john,14,17.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 17 faith without walks is dead lamentations chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,lamentations,2,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 18 hour is my judgment come haggai chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9,haggai,21,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 9 to redeem us read as ecclesiastes 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,ecclesiastes,53,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 53 verse 3 offering and i want to read from 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 9,1 thessalonians,3,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 9 and season the bible tells me in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,2 corinthians,2,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 21 delivered 1 chronicles 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,1 chronicles,10,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 23 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so titus says uh and she said to her uh all that you,titus,1,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 5 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in obadiah 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,obadiah,6,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 12 verse 26 3 john chapter 4 verse 26 says daniel is speaking to king nebuchadnezzar and he says your kingdom,3 john,4,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 26 in the mighty name of jesus the book of numbers 22 22 says and the king of the house of david will,numbers,22,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 22 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from mark chapter 7 and verse 11.",mark,7,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 11 and what i decorate your life 2 timothy 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,2 timothy,23,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 26 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham,2 chronicles,4,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of amos chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god is strong,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 has given to you take it that you fulfill it in 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 36 the bible says david after he has served,2 corinthians,9,36.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 36 in john chapter 12 verse 3 there that be wise,john,12,3.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 3 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in titus chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,titus,33,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 33 verse 3 there but when you read 1 chronicles 19 12 to 13 genesis 19 12 to 13,1 chronicles,19,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 12 and the third comfort for forever uh 1 kings chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed,1 kings,33,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 33 verse 2 the bible says in 1 chronicles chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up,1 chronicles,17,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 8 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,2 corinthians,4,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 to enter those 600 0 people 1 chronicles 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they,1 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter one in jeremiah chapter one or reading from verse 7,song of solomon (song of songs),1,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 7 ah here it is ah mark 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,mark,19,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 24 like david 2 john 64 and verse 4 says for since the beginning,2 john,64,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 64 verse 4 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that mark 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,mark,2,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 11 earth today 1 peter 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,1 peter,3,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 16 christ in 1 kings chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,1 kings,8,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 4 in numerous nations in philemon chapter 35 verse 11 and god said unto him,philemon,35,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 35 verse 11 book of ezekiel chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six,ezekiel,9,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 feel like there's some impact here he's reading joel 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,joel,3,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 2 others in hosea 11 14 it says where there is no counsel the,hosea,11,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 14 to achieve things that don't glorify god in 3 john 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,3 john,23,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 23 verse 12 notice in this passage of scripture in 2 timothy 11 5 times they say oh for egypt oh for egypt what they're really longing,2 timothy,11,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 5 from the depth of our hearts in 1 samuel 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and,1 samuel,4,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 6 shall search for me with all your heart ezekiel 29 verse 13. if ever i said to a call,ezekiel,29,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 13 will pour out my spirit in these days this is numbers 2 28 and 29. this is exactly what happened,numbers,2,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 28 unto men once to die the bible says in 2 chronicles 9 27 and after that the judgment,2 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 look at psalms chapter 8 reading from verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the words of a king is,psalms,8,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 4 the other group in haggai chapter 12 verse 22 we read these words job writes he uncovers mysteries,haggai,12,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 22 escape that's what you see look at joel chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape,joel,2,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 3 uses this expression to refer to god's word 1 john 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,1 john,20,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 32 you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing ezra or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth,ezra,1,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 2 23 the bible tells us this jude 10 19 to 23,jude,10,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 19 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord ecclesiastes 31 30,ecclesiastes,31,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 31 verse 3 network and your network uh let's start off from 2 thessalonians of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at 2 john chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter,2 john,2,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 3 every of this agenda never becomes a relationships hosea 1977. lord in 1977 i came across,hosea,19,77.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 77 have expectation expectation in 1 chronicles 23 and verse 18 the bible says surely there,1 chronicles,23,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 18 12 zechariah 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,zechariah,1,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 12 rise again it tells us in 2 kings chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should,2 kings,26,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 23 into this church this coming sunday ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,ezekiel,2,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 6 and they got healed someone was seven titus cemetery someone was seven verse 20 and then in luke chapter 5 verse 17,titus,5,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 17 24 christ bore our sins in his body on the tree esther 53 6 god has laid on him the iniquity,esther,53,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 53 verse 6 results through the fruit of his sleeves esther 13 verse 2 watch,esther,13,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 2 in 2 peter i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,2 peter,1,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 1 samuel chapter 8. romans 8 verse 6,1 samuel,8,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 6 doctrine look at chapter 2 of 1 samuel titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,1 samuel,2,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 we're looking at verse five it says in ezra chapter psyche and we're reading here,ezra,5,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 5 scripture where you read lamentations chapter four all right from verse six,lamentations,4,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 6 straightforward if we're not consistent look at nahum chapter read him from verse 6,nahum,1,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 6 life hosea 13 and verse 48 and when the gentiles had this they were,hosea,13,48.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 48 happen there is a path for us in haggai chapter 4 verse 12.,haggai,4,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 12 boundary says we must honor what kind of countries this philemon chapter 5 were reading from verse 11. ephesians chapter,philemon,5,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 11 in jesus precious name we pray lastly this morning philemon chapter 3 and verse 14,philemon,3,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 14 says in the book of malachi 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,malachi,2,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 9 your destiny you will radiate your glory in the mighty name of habakkuk that the descent time of god is 1 20 it will be,habakkuk,1,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 2 look at the prayer that the panthers began to pray in 1 peter 4 12 look at it he said a prophet who is one of you,1 peter,4,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 12 yesterday ezekiel chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,ezekiel,6,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 7 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in habakkuk chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,habakkuk,6,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 4 improve on the gifts in ruth chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,ruth,9,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 9 the bible said in 3 john 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,3 john,3,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 3 from grace it says in 2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the just,2 corinthians,10,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 from amos chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read,amos,8,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 23 joshua chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,joshua,1,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 28 shopping at walmart usually fixes it and i'll go on a drive in light of philemon in light of ephesians 5 verse 22 and 28,philemon,5,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 22 and restores health quickens our mortal bodies leviticus 8 and verse 11 the bible makes clear to us,leviticus,8,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 11 plan for your life and according to habakkuk 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,habakkuk,20,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 11 the word of god tells us in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people draw near to me with their mouth,2 chronicles,29,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 29 verse 13 you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of 1 peter 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do,1 peter,11,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 6 very great excitements in the book of malachi chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us,malachi,43,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 43 verse 9 and the government of praise for the spirit of heaviness joshua 61 and verse 7 to appoint to them that mourn in zion,joshua,61,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 61 verse 7 the book of 1 timothy isaiah chapter 10 verse 17,1 timothy,10,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 17 said what is in jonah chapter 1 verse 8. acts chapter 1 verse 8 i know that of it you shall receive power when the holy,jonah,1,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 8 to 2 chronicles of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,2 chronicles,4,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 31 and that's what 2 john 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,2 john,10,9.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 9 now look what happens here. look at 1 corinthians 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,1 corinthians,13,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 17 different thing now if we go to 1 timothy to exodus 24 8,1 timothy,24,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 8 2 to 7 1 kings 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,1 kings,21,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 21 verse 2 name 3 john chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,3 john,3,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 13 your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 hosea 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way,hosea,22,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 6 manifestation of divine visitation in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,1 timothy,1,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 14 say louder amen zephaniah chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,zephaniah,13,44.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 44 you that yet i'm telling you i'll read it to you 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 6. on account,1 timothy,3,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 6 oh god and in the book of ezekiel psalm 119 verse 105.,ezekiel,119,105.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 119 verse 105 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,ecclesiastes,2,47.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 47 background true ruth of the apostles chapter 16 in chapter 15,ruth,16,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 15 with all he says we're looking at hosea chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter,hosea,1,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 28 and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in zechariah 12 6 to 8,zechariah,12,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 6 verse 2. can you guys turn with me can everyone turn to lamentations 1 2 if you don't know where genesis 1 2 is,lamentations,1,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 2 ezekiel chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,ezekiel,50,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 50 verse 15 things i want to talk about so look with me at obadiah chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,obadiah,3,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 6 who love me 3 john chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17.,3 john,8,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 17 all through this year allow that email 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased and they continued daily,2 thessalonians,2,46.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 46 obtaining the book look at verse 11. luke chapter 5 verse 11 and i beheld,luke,5,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 11 it is at that point at that moment that god then said in titus 22 16 by myself i have sworn so this is what hebrews is,titus,22,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 16 name 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all,2 corinthians,6,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to numbers 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 his word to us micah 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 and in verse 19 that is the saving gospel in 3 john chapter 3 and in verse 19 he says,3 john,3,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 19 cells this year ezekiel chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,ezekiel,30,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 30 verse 19 coming sunday 1 timothy chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,1 timothy,1,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 11 here today we are presently in the church age that's job 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,job,1,3.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 3 way back in esther chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord,esther,1,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 18 you get rewards the bible says in joel 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,joel,11,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 6 succeed any longer in jesus name 2 timothy chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,2 timothy,4,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 5 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i john chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,john,8,34.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 34 good message to go and and listen to from 2 corinthians 6 8 from pastor andy okay i'm gonna,2 corinthians,6,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 8 to always have your conscience mark 24 16 that's void of offense both towards god and towards man hearing,mark,24,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 24 verse 16 no advance at all. micah 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness.,micah,10,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 21 strong drink is religion the same 2 chronicles chapter 23 from 19 to 20 the rabble makes us understand,2 chronicles,23,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 19 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 14 to 17 jeremiah 2 14 to 17 is israeli servant is he homelessly,2 chronicles,2,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 14 who loved god so much paul in 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 7 to 14,1 timothy,3,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 7 the law look at joel if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do,joel,8,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 3 chapter three i'm reading from gospel hosea chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,hosea,3,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 4 filmed it tells us in 2 kings chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse,2 kings,23,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 23 marriage the bible in habakkuk 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,habakkuk,2,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 throughout these years i've loved the truth of 1 kings 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,1 kings,45,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 45 verse 3 shelf you will not have a single one that has 2 chronicles 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore,2 chronicles,50,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 31 and being led by the spirit of god in esther chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord,esther,48,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 48 verse 17 book of records look at esther chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,esther,20,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 12 titus ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 to 24 ezekiel 18. 2024 the soul that say that it shall die the,titus,18,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 18 verse 2 what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride 1 timothy chapter 16 verse 18 says,1 timothy,16,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 16 verse 18 let me recap because i'm closing now we started from john 3 12 to 14 talking about why am i moving,john,3,12.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 12 on or before may 1st 21 1 peter chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers,1 peter,1,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 11 of jerusalem in closing turn to 1 samuel 21 verse 16. book of revelation is full of pictures,1 samuel,21,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 16 and then the sanctification we're looking at 1 peter chapter 3 reading from verse 3,1 peter,3,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 3 let's look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18,song of solomon (song of songs),1,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18 him in 2 chronicles chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after,2 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 then you notice in leviticus chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that,leviticus,7,54.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 54 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of zephaniah reading from verse 7,zephaniah,22,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 7 look 2 timothy 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,2 timothy,11,33.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 33 unto uncleanness but unto holiness zechariah 12 14 hebrews 12 14 follow peace with all men and holiness,zechariah,12,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 14 most high haggai chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest,haggai,5,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 8 in life numbers 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29,numbers,22,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 29 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read 3 john chapter one from verse three to four official one,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 verse 3 esther 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,esther,1,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 3 [applause] amos chapter 3. we're looking at verses 13,amos,3,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 13 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what 2 corinthians in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,2 corinthians,8,36.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 36 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 carried about with divers and strange doctrines nehemiah 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,nehemiah,13,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 9 cleansing there is no any other means 1 peter of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,1 peter,4,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 12 hands philemon 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,philemon,26,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 26 verse 8 concerning you and me and he said in lamentations chapter 10 and in verse 36 for ye have need of patience,lamentations,10,36.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 made powerless satan who had the part at hosea 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the,hosea,2,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 14 expected to be an altar of answers in 2 timothy 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,2 timothy,33,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 33 verse 3 to righteousness lastly micah 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in,micah,8,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 2 not only that the prophet spoke about it prophet amos spoke about it in isaiah chapter 14 in verse 9 verse 15,amos,14,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 9 in the nature of the two from verse 20 to 21 job to 20 to 21 the bible made it clear that power and wisdom belong to,job,2,2.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 2 so read the scripture carefully every single luke 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,luke,4,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 15 realities of heaven my mind aligns with divine purpose and divine will 1 john 55 verse 19 and 11 says my ways are not,1 john,55,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 55 verse 19 and knowledge to men of understanding 1 peter chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,1 peter,2,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 21 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of lamentations chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,lamentations,18,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 18 verse 2 testimonies in this prophetic season ruth 51 11 are preached therefore the redeemed,ruth,51,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 51 verse 11 psalms chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,psalms,8,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 13 discretion a management of the family let's look at ezra chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,ezra,47,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 47 verse 13 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of lamentations 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,lamentations,11,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 8 make waves in life in 1 kings chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,1 kings,30,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 30 verse 21 12 obadiah chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,obadiah,12,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 22 shall receive anything from god jonah 1 6 and 7. in the name of jesus grace for prompt response to every word,jonah,1,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 6 the grace i wanted to pray according to hosea that are one verse eight that says you will receive power when the holy,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 verse 24. song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say,song of solomon (song of songs),33,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 24 thee well looking at job chapter 10 verse 27 proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolonged,job,10,27.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 27 church this week a better eman in psalms chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,psalms,26,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 26 verse 22 like a human but he became positionally like a human the son of man in job 25 verse 6 we have another statement that i,job,25,6.0,1.0,job chapter 25 verse 6 of all men this is an important verse zechariah 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends,zechariah,12,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 18 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 2 peter 19 verse 4,2 peter,19,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 19 verse 4 you verse 32 1 kings 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,1 kings,8,32.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 32 3 9 micah chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,micah,2,39.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 39 we pray in leviticus chapter 2 verse 37 the bible says now,leviticus,2,37.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 37 faith jonah 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 and they have nothing to do again 1 peter 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,1 peter,2,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 14 seen haggai 8 beginning in verse 6 speaks to two categories of people,haggai,8,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 6 but the rest is the story of evil leviticus 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,leviticus,12,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 3 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in 1 timothy 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 next in nehemiah chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind,nehemiah,30,21.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 30 verse 21 so the bible says in amos 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so,amos,22,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 3 2 timothy 26 15 to 18 acts 26 15 to 18.,2 timothy,26,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 26 verse 15 childhood 3 john chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,3 john,3,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 16 the message translation hosea 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk,hosea,14,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 23 that was the cry of the great apostle paul in 1 corinthians chapter 3 when he read from verse 12 he realized that,1 corinthians,3,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 we are once again carrying on with our study in nehemiah fijians chapter 5 is where we're gonna be today verses three,nehemiah,5,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 3 of prophecy he has to understand by reading obadiah 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,obadiah,9,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 9 verse 2 taken from the book of psalms revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,psalms,22,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 16 feel god has asked me to share we are in the book of titus chapter 21 and verse 6.,titus,21,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 6 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 1 john do this is scripture remember so verse 32,1 john,36,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 36 verse 32 peace today had to be in 2 john 26 3 isaac 23 now will keep him in perfect peace with,2 john,26,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 3 clear about this micah 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood,micah,17,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 11 that's where that's how vision starts 1 timothy 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,1 timothy,2,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 from um 2 john chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,2 john,10,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 3 their conversation will be what's in one theory titus 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,titus,13,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 7 can find it here first habakkuk chapter 2 14. this is such an,habakkuk,2,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 and season the bible tells me in the book of nahum chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,nahum,2,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 21 verse 26 nahum 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,nahum,15,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 16 this issue is as you continue that same preachment luke 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,luke,1,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 21 on the word of god ecclesiastes chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,ecclesiastes,4,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 2 god by the time of but father i was talking to him verse 7 of 2 thessalonians 39 and it came to pass after these things that,2 thessalonians,39,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 7 sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen ecclesiastes 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all,ecclesiastes,2,47.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 47 now and he says in malachi chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and in verse 8 and in verse 9,malachi,3,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 8 as i conclude in 1 timothy 61 and verse 2,1 timothy,61,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 61 verse 2 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation 1 samuel 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 law for example in ezra chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,ezra,8,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 8 "acceptable worship.  joel 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",joel,13,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 15 children in 1 kings chapter 19 in verse 26 genesis chapter 19 here he tells us in verse 26,1 kings,19,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 26 message translation from the message translation obadiah 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible,obadiah,19,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 21 looking at numbers chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,numbers,1,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 28 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=54qoz25bmj0 in mark 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they,mark,17,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 6 eradicated from the church here's what it says 2 thessalonians 16 17 i urge you brethren take,2 thessalonians,16,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 17 the kingdom as it concerns us the book of joshua chapter 30 the last verse verse 12 being psalms chapter 30 verse,joshua,30,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 30 verse 12 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you leviticus chapter one from verse four to five,leviticus,1,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 5 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of haggai he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,haggai,1,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 5 28 2 kings chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom,2 kings,12,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 28 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23 he talks about the blood of his cross,1 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 you also it's in your bible so it's for you as well jude 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord,jude,15,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 19 in habakkuk chapter 2 reading from verse 30 age acts chapter 2 reading from verse 38 and then peter said unto them repent,habakkuk,2,38.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 38 time of my temptation let me read that again in job chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,job,2,18.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 18 various locations where they are let's see together matthew chapter 2,matthew,2,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 2 also recover your dreams on fisher in job chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who,job,2,44.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 44 seen in these words by the author of 2 john hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the,2 john,2,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 5 disciples psalms 1 17 makes it clear that he is the spirit of,psalms,1,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 17 if they seal on omashu mama billina masha mama b from joel chapter 12 verse 22 his endeavor za manga z singing,joel,12,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 22 "with this because i don't want you to be confused. in zechariah chapter 11 verse 2, ""god has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.""",zechariah,11,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 2 determine his confession paul was able to say in jude chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but,jude,4,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 18 hosea romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,hosea,4,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 17 others let us look at 1 john chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and,1 john,10,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 4 1 kings chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,1 kings,11,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 6 we actually looked at kelly 2 peter 21 verse 4. the bible says even it will be,2 peter,21,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 21 verse 4 from verse 11 to 17 hosea 19 11 to 17 the bible says god performs special,hosea,19,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 11 look colossians 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,colossians,11,33.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 33 have a permanent enjoy ruth chapter 2 26,ruth,2,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 26 instance in ezra chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,ezra,2,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 11 of spiritual battles and our memory verse was taken from esther 9 6,esther,9,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 6 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in 2 kings 11 14 and 24,2 kings,11,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 14 glory glory glory to god obadiah chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,obadiah,22,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 22 the lord look at amos chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,amos,4,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 6 the season numbers chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at,numbers,8,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 6 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers habakkuk reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,habakkuk,1,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 2 then it is a curse haggai chapter 3 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 3 from verse 17 to 19.,haggai,3,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 17 that greatness starts with self to leadership in haggai chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,haggai,6,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 6 in um the anchor scripture still remains hosea chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,hosea,14,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 17 favor zephaniah 4 22 and 23 and then,zephaniah,4,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 22 chapter 3 a meeting from verse 13 3 john chapter 3,3 john,3,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 13 verse 9 joel 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call,joel,58,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 58 verse 9 this particular time he's on to them and he says they're in joel 4 verse 3 but zerubabbel and joshua and the rest of,joel,4,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 3 saints song of solomon (song of songs) 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's,song of solomon (song of songs),3,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 18 how you move from negative emotions to positive 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,2 chronicles,4,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness 2 john 23 25 and 26 god's word declares he said you,2 john,23,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 25 by your hands in philemon chapter 14 and,philemon,14,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 14 verse three ruth chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,ruth,5,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 3 care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from song of solomon (song of songs) 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne,song of solomon (song of songs),46,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 46 verse 3 "to speak in a known human language. listen to 2 peter 2, verses 7 and 8, ""they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not",2 peter,2,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 7 what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to joel 2 and the first half is basically going to be,joel,2,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 23 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in haggai chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,haggai,3,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 9 in jesus name we have given thanks verse 3 psalms 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and the father of our,psalms,1,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 3 great 1 timothy soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,1 timothy,6,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 15 19 titus chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19. it says in verse 19 now,titus,3,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 19 result of private interpretation 1 peter 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in,1 peter,3,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 22 them last week and i asked you to reach the remaining one from whom uh 2 chronicles chapter 5 22 to 26 there's a very,2 chronicles,5,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 leviticus 1 8 philippians 1 8,leviticus,1,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 8 faith will not walk with a fake life in philemon chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is,philemon,17,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 9 we will serve the lord when you leave that with hosea job 22 28 in a,hosea,22,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 28 understand the old testament is clear on this in zephaniah 10 14 and 15 behold to the lord your god belong heaven and,zephaniah,10,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 14 yes oh yes 2 kings 6 8 says something he said and i heard the voice of the lord saying who,2 kings,6,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 8 kill him as well in matthew chapter 12 and you continue through the book of acts and you see the same persecution arises,matthew,12,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 12 verse 20. 1 thessalonians 23 and verse 20. by little and little i would drive them,1 thessalonians,23,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 2 their good deeds 2 corinthians 1 19 says if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of,2 corinthians,1,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 19 to 22 romans 8 verse 19 to 28 you see the groaning of creation,2 chronicles,8,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 19 dissimulated love against brotherliness look at lamentations chapter 12 verse 9 let lord,lamentations,12,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 9 four times psalms chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,psalms,2,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 4 verses 14 to 15. job 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,job,24,14.0,1.0,job chapter 24 verse 14 chapter 2 and 3. the reference in verse 25 comes out of joel 34.,joel,34,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 34 verse 25 foreign ezra 2 3 said how shall we escape from the horrors of this similar natural,ezra,2,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 3 whereby one may edify another ezra chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,ezra,12,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 14 know obadiah 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is,obadiah,15,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 11 lives the word of god may exclaim psalms chapter 8 31 if god be for you who can,psalms,8,31.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 31 belonging to christ in 3 john chapter 3 verse 27,3 john,3,27.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 27 "by his wounds we are healed."" that, of course, is borrowed from song of solomon (song of songs) 53. peter also said in 1 peter 3 verse 18, ""he died,",song of solomon (song of songs),3,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 18 doesn't hurt to read forward 3 john chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,3 john,17,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 17 verse 4 esther chapter 3 he made the lamb to work move on to acts chapter 4,esther,3,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 3 on the word of god 2 john chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,2 john,4,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 2 church for life lamentations 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,lamentations,23,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 2 god himself in obadiah chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,obadiah,30,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 6 what we step into in our tomorrow 1 chronicles 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,1 chronicles,29,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 29 verse 11 8 9 which we all know so well but haggai 2 4 but god being rich in mercy,haggai,2,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 4 book of zechariah chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,zechariah,8,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 8 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god ecclesiastes 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,ecclesiastes,10,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 17 affairs of men in the book of luke chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,luke,5,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 11 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,1 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 the bible tells us in the book of obadiah of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,obadiah,13,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 15 all costs and make himself available in the presence of god jonah 4 30 says,jonah,4,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 3 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony 2 peter 8 35 to 38.,2 peter,8,35.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 35 your house in ruth 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,ruth,3,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 7 4 to 5 second corinthians 4 17 and 2 chronicles 2 14.,2 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 just come up every week for the last several weeks 2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,2 thessalonians,12,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 for today 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,1 timothy,1,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 26 continue the thought process of the book of job 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at,job,3,9.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 9 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich 2 peter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,2 peter,24,34.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 34 generations john in chapter 3 and verse by verse three by a revelation that was,john,3,3.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 3 connected to him psalms 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you,psalms,1,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 27 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to 2 thessalonians chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,2 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 rituals in philemon chapter six the lord said verse 5 you must love the,philemon,6,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 5 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about malachi 50 and 6 my people,malachi,50,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 50 verse 6 you've already read about we've read zechariah 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,zechariah,14,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 12 chapter five 2 samuel chapter five reading from verse two ecclesiastes chapter five reading from verse two it,2 samuel,5,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 2 darkness that is so cold that it hurts 1 samuel 14 12 says and this shall be the plague with which the lord will,1 samuel,14,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 12 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at ezekiel chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a,ezekiel,37,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 37 verse 5 about that okay joshua 15 29 the lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the,joshua,15,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 29 taken from the book of hebrew zechariah chapter 2 verse 18 hebrews chapter 2 verse,zechariah,2,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 18 by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god 1 peter 8 26 in the same way the spirit helps us in,1 peter,8,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 26 abraham 1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,1 chronicles,22,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 23 [applause] look at philemon chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 16 daniel chapter 2 we're,philemon,2,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 16 that was what micah was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,micah,3,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 17 dominion is guaranteed dominion is guaranteed matthew 27 29 37 genesis 27,matthew,27,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 27 verse 29 hallelujah in 2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 16 we are told there is that it's not of him that will,2 thessalonians,9,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 16 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son micah 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,micah,12,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 5 nehemiah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,nehemiah,1,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 28 burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 ezra 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you,ezra,3,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 14 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in hosea 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old,hosea,53,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 53 verse 7 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of luke chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 22,1 timothy,2,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 22 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from 2 chronicles chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,2 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 church this week a better eman in 1 john chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god,1 john,26,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 26 verse 22 in um the anchor scripture still remains 3 john chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,3 john,14,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 17 paul we read about him in another letter jude in colossians chapter 4 verses 7 through 9 let me read this to,jude,4,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 7 in life in 1 peter chapter 4 and verse 18 the scripture declares but the part of the,1 peter,4,18.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 18 and at that point the lord reminded me of leviticus 5 14 where it says,leviticus,5,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 14 i want we gotta read scripture carefully hosea 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,hosea,4,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 19 kingdom without sanctification and about in the book of leviticus chapter 20 verse 32 the bible tells us there it says that,leviticus,20,32.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 32 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game 2 timothy doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,2 timothy,42,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 5 stimulates joy philemon 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,philemon,17,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 22 thank you jesus i'm going to open joshua isaiah 55 11.,joshua,55,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 55 verse 11 that's what god we are talking about 2 samuel 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,2 samuel,29,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 4 nurturing new churches for growth mark chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,mark,14,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 21 they came to mara that's verse 23 of john 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,john,15,23.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 23 [applause] john 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,john,5,25.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 25 capital t what is coming up on the earth psalms 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question,psalms,6,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 18 mark chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 verse 28 in 1 peter chapter 5 verse 28 saying,1 peter,5,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 28 that he was given a name that was above every other name read it leviticus chapter 2 from verse 5 to 11 philippians,leviticus,2,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 5 joseph it tested joseph listen to leviticus 50 20. i mean all this is is finished and joseph is,leviticus,50,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 50 verse 2 will turn to the lord in jesus name look at ecclesiastes chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19.,ecclesiastes,11,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 11 the bible said in mark chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,mark,4,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 19 evil physically and spiritually if you read your bible in ruth chapter 54 verse 17,ruth,54,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 54 verse 17 and wisdom is essential look at 2 john chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,2 john,4,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 7 nahum 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation 22 14,nahum,22,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 14 god can do anything nehemiah 1 6 to 8 james 1 6 3 said a double to minded man cannot receive,nehemiah,1,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 6 reading from verse 8 2 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,2 kings,2,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 8 you to pray today according to this scripture in 2 kings chapter 30 verse 20. he said,2 kings,30,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 30 verse 2 the journey in jesus name ecclesiastes chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,ecclesiastes,15,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 2 reading from verse 7 psalms 1 verse 7 in whom,psalms,1,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 7 look at chapter 41 2 thessalonians 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in,2 thessalonians,41,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 41 verse 14 is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in 1 thessalonians 20 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to,1 thessalonians,20,65.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 65 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak,song of solomon (song of songs),8,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 6 on that it is still going on we're coming back to titus of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 believer it tells us in joel chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,joel,4,31.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 31 because god is sifting god is shaking the book of ezekiel chapter 12 we'll get to that,ezekiel,12,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 9 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in 1 kings chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,1 kings,4,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 14 through this year ecclesiastes chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the,ecclesiastes,2,46.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 46 modeling godly character 1 thessalonians 6 4 tells us in the bible,1 thessalonians,6,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 4 if you read haggai 39 7 to 12 genesis 39 7 to 12 enemy wanted to corrupt the life of joseph through adultery true,haggai,39,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 39 verse 7 everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so nehemiah is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i,nehemiah,1,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 17 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because song of solomon (song of songs) can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,song of solomon (song of songs),2,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 8 read about christ like this to patients 1 jesus christ has been placed micah 1 verse 21 above all real authority power,micah,1,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 21 recompensing in evil in retaliation in john chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,john,12,17.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 17 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to malachi chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about,malachi,5,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 12 the company you keep in the book of philemon chapter 13 verse 20. proverbs chapter 13 verse 20.,philemon,13,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 2 and you develop your faith by putting the word to work as a lifestyle 1 timothy chapter 5 and verse 14. i love this the,1 timothy,5,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 2 kings chapter 1,2 kings,1,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 15 philemon 21 22 and verse number one in a new king james version it says a good name is to be chosen,philemon,21,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 22 now over to the book of esther jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 before that break the allah's said 1 timothy 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,1 timothy,2,23.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 23 bottles live because according to luke chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17,luke,14,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 12 at newport and among others his name in mark chapter 9 verse 6 is the praise of peace the praise,mark,9,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 6 description of this man's dedication in the book of micah 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,micah,1,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 21 bring darkness philemon 20 verse 20 whosoever curses his father or his,philemon,20,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 2 that evasive marriage that voice in habakkuk 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,habakkuk,5,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 2 five i'm reading from verse five to eight hosea five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,hosea,5,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 5 chapter 1 in zechariah chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,zechariah,1,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 22 god is promising judgment from the prophet 2 corinthians and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read,2 corinthians,3,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 ordained for this prophetic season zechariah 12 29 for our god is a consuming fire shall we please rise to our feet as,zechariah,12,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 29 church and then of course a famous verse at a 2 kings 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give,2 kings,19,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 7 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=54qoz25bmj0 in hosea 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they,hosea,17,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 6 line and the book of hosea chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11 verse 15 i think we just do one act 11 verse 15 bubbles's,hosea,11,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 15 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=69gn9zmxmoq i'm going to begin reading in hosea 4 verse 30 we're gonna read five verses,hosea,4,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 3 on to judges and her people esther chapter 8 verse 8 he says write your soul for the jews as,judges,8,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 8 is that they prosper bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 12 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that isaac,ecclesiastes,26,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 12 under any spell of baroness ezra chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people,ezra,7,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 14 you his will as is the new covenant promise in job 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his,job,8,11.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 11 and i'm reading from verse 24. 2 timothy chapter 65 are you there,2 timothy,65,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 65 verse 24 in quadratic normal questions were just normal numbers 8 14 17 i'm giving you evidence this is,numbers,8,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 14 [applause] 2 samuel chapter 33 and verse 6 the word says wisdom and knowledge shall,2 samuel,33,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 33 verse 6 obadiah 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are,obadiah,22,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 8 look at chapter 6 reading from verse 4 matthew chapter 6,matthew,6,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 4 i'd like you to open your bible to zephaniah chapter 20 and verse 3 that is the law of anybody holding any,zephaniah,20,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 3 if you still are in the book of colossians it's go to acts chapter 5 and verse 32 this is peter preaching on,colossians,5,32.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 32 companionship of god in the book of joel chapter 18 verse 9 and verse 10 we have a picture painted,joel,18,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 9 back to balaam in 1 peter chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after,1 peter,31,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 31 verse 31 and there's many other verses in colossians where he addresses that 2 13 my people have committed two evils,colossians,2,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 13 to heaven at least they thought they did and in matthew 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul,matthew,11,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 28 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel zephaniah 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,zephaniah,13,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 8 you remember in the prophecy of 2 thessalonians daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,2 thessalonians,11,32.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 32 this in habakkuk 4 31 where it talks about deborah how the piece that they had,habakkuk,4,31.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 31 today beautiful people our verse is philemon chapter 5 verse 30 which says for we are members of his body point,philemon,5,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 3 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in jonah 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,jonah,29,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 13 from my hand or ezra 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes,ezra,4,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 11 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line jude 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,jude,17,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 7 including you is based or is found in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,1 peter,4,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 11 very great excitements in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us,1 chronicles,43,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 43 verse 9 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to 2 thessalonians to highlight the spiritual confusion and,2 thessalonians,17,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 21 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 corinthians 50 and 6 my people,1 corinthians,50,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 50 verse 6 my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations that is 1 peter 56 7. let me talk about that briefly isaiah,1 peter,56,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 56 verse 7 think we develop that brain it tells us in john chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full,john,5,14.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 14 you another example hosea in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,hosea,4,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 6 let me read you the key text this is 2 peter chapter 4 verses 27 to 28. the saints are praying truly in this,2 peter,4,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 27 crosses have no effect on our lives joel 23 and verse 8 how shall i cross whom god has not,joel,23,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 8 on the word of god john chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,john,4,2.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 2 every positive change in the life of a believer is 1 thessalonians steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he,1 thessalonians,3,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 18 feel like there's some impact here he's reading jonah 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 their grave in john chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse,john,1,22.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 22 zephaniah 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,zephaniah,4,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 31 in jesus mighty name we have prayed in the book of titus chapter 25 verse 25 if they's like cold water to attest his,titus,25,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 25 verse 25 paul was had intercessor 1 kings 1 16 to 23 colossians 1 9 to 12 the result of intercession,1 kings,1,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 16 our texas ecclesiastes 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea,ecclesiastes,15,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 22 reward 2 thessalonians 2 8 to 10 clarifies this when it says that god saved you by his grace,2 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 so prayer is classified as label in the book of 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 11 and verse 12,1 samuel,12,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 11 37 verse 18 1 timothy 37 18 the bible made us to understand,1 timothy,37,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 37 verse 18 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 the lord look at lamentations chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,lamentations,4,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 6 greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of titus and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning,titus,3,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 12 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in joel 29 29 that really just helped clarify,joel,29,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 29 verse 29 down 1 corinthians 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it,1 corinthians,3,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 7 before august 1 2021 1 corinthians chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly,1 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 critical for us to behave like a christian in our relationships so judges 12 from verse 9.,judges,12,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 9 you say really oh 1 chronicles 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says when somebody backs lights,1 chronicles,21,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 16 it's like okay be strong in his strength it's kind of like jonah 8 13 that says if by the spirit you put to,jonah,8,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 13 sinner and transfer to you esther chapter 13 verse 22 proverbs 13 verse 22 since the the wealth of sinners are laid,esther,13,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 22 everyone from his neighbor in malachi chapter 2 verse 21 here the lord is,malachi,2,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 21 twitch so lamentations 40 verse 12 says god has measured the waters in the,lamentations,40,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 40 verse 12 shiloh 2020. 2 thessalonians 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,2 thessalonians,34,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 29 praying we're still praying the bible says in joshua chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14,joshua,9,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 13 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 micah 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,micah,22,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 16 might be the bible says in joshua chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,joshua,5,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 2 he writes to the church in galatia in ezekiel chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,ezekiel,3,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 28 the bible says in philemon 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,philemon,23,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 23 verse 7 in ruth 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,ruth,27,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 4 you will not look back in jesus name malachi chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,malachi,11,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 21 we are at 2 peter 11 and we're gonna be starting in verse 2 and he says daniel 11 to it says and now i will tell you the,2 peter,11,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 2 sarah 3 john chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well,3 john,18,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 11 get to the tournament 33 verse 17 2 john 33 verse 17 the bible tells us that ephraim has,2 john,33,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 33 verse 17 it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when job says be a father and a priest to me he means,job,1,7.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 7 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to lamentations 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,lamentations,1,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 2 esther chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,esther,4,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 13 is time for them to harvest in the book of colossians chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the,colossians,6,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 2 name is not mentioned with the other four mark in hebrews 11 32 but barrick is mentioned,mark,11,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 32 our priority in luke chapter 4 at verse 7. he said wisdom is the principal thing it,luke,4,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 7 bible talks about then psalms 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and,psalms,4,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 11 blocked out but god leader judges chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james,judges,1,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 18 i even can be louder in 1 peter chapter 23 verse two he said he maketh me to lie down in green,1 peter,23,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 2 and to give his life a ransom for many haggai chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,haggai,2,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 17 except that when you now read titus 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christian,titus,3,29.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 29 finished it is finished it is finished 1 timothy chapter 2 from verse 14,1 timothy,2,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 14 this prophecies are conditional in joshua chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,joshua,18,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 7 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith micah verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,micah,1,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 3 moses died because god took his life ecclesiastes 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord,ecclesiastes,51,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 51 verse 13 so it's no big deal zephaniah chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,zephaniah,1,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 11 builders builders for god of course job 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,job,14,18.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 18 mouth wide and i will feel it it says 2 kings 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty,2 kings,33,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 3 we're gonna get down to the birthright in 1 peter 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,1 peter,25,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 25 verse 29 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,2 corinthians,29,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 11 whoever that he wills according to job 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,job,9,15.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 15 "by the way, peter in his sermon in psalms 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 and to elijah look at john chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,john,11,5.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 5 because it is not by power nor by might according to obadiah chapter 6 and in chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 say clare 4 6,obadiah,4,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 pick it up from verse 36 nehemiah chapter 41 from 36 to 41.,nehemiah,41,36.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 36 is this not the fact that i've chosen ezra 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,ezra,58,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 58 verse 6 that will be done on earth as it is done in heaven in colossians chapter 6 reading from verse 6 it says knowing this that,colossians,6,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 6 learner while looking at malachi chapter 6 verse 16. in jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16. those says that lord stands,malachi,6,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 16 you know for example uh if somebody would say well psalms 2 8 9 says that we're saved by grace through faith right,psalms,2,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 8 i am redeemed for the top topmost stop and the anchor is zephaniah chapter number 32 from verse 9 to 14.,zephaniah,32,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 32 verse 9 linda ronstadt let me tell you what the bible says listen to this malachi 7 18 for i know that in me paul says that,malachi,7,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 18 luke chapter 4 were eating from verse 5 colossians chapter form reading from verse 5 it says walk in wisdom,luke,4,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 5 11 verse 21 to 22 jonah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in,jonah,11,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 21 she laughed and according to job chapter 4 from verse 8 to 21 romans 4 8 to 21,job,4,8.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 8 answered in jesus name we pray jude chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,jude,1,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 6 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in obadiah chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,obadiah,2,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 23 2 peter 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,2 peter,24,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 2 "a man. in lamentations 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",lamentations,10,42.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 42 there's zero doubt that jesus reads nehemiah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,nehemiah,53,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 53 verse 12 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in obadiah chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,obadiah,16,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 2 yeah are you getting what i'm saying ruth chapter 5 when you read from verse 22 also said on the fruit of the,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 called satan which means adversary and numbers 1 verse 6 he's called the tempter in 1st thessalonians 35 he's called the wicked,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 bible says in psalm in jonah i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord,jonah,15,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 4 the bible talks about devilish wisdom song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 from verse 13 to 16 james 38 13 to,song of solomon (song of songs),38,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 38 verse 13 song of solomon (song of songs) the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own,song of solomon (song of songs),9,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 7 the good work that god is doing in you in 2 john 1 and verse 6 he says he who has begun this good work a good work,2 john,1,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 6 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder jude 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,jude,15,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 11 dead that's where we're at in esther 1 verse 20. god has demonstrated this,esther,1,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 2 on the word of god 2 timothy chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,2 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 "going to go. 2 samuel chapter 6, and as i said, revelation 6 through 19 gives us all of these terrible",2 samuel,6,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 19 according to his riches in christ jesus song of solomon (song of songs) 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17,song of solomon (song of songs),17,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 5 gospel he said in mark chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,mark,26,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 26 verse 22 zephaniah chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,zephaniah,2,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 4 sensitive joel 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,joel,5,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 25 mark chapter 14 verse 21 exodus 14 21. exodus 14 21 i read,mark,14,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 21 is good or evil in lamentations chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12,lamentations,2,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 12 for the sake body it helps us in 1 samuel chapter 15,1 samuel,15,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 15 verse 15 loose john chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,john,3,5.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 5 1 lamentations 1 3 and jeremiah 24 7. i'm going to end this on jeremiah 24 7. i hope you guys know where you are i,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 what the bible says is psalms 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs,psalms,4,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 19 what we step into in our tomorrow jonah 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,jonah,29,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 11 sons of god 2 chronicles chapter 8 and verse 19. this means that every child of god is,2 chronicles,8,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 19 24 leviticus proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,leviticus,24,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 14 god and so atheists believe this but ruth chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,ruth,1,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 18 in john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good,john,1,6.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 6 in 3 john 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city,3 john,21,22.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 22 2 chronicles chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,2 chronicles,2,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 9 and the third comfort for forever uh 1 john chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed,1 john,33,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 2 that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage ruth 5 and verse 18.,ruth,5,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 18 without divine inheritance look at that in leviticus chapter 33. genesis 3 and in verse 9 and israel,leviticus,33,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 33 verse 9 the joel chapter 26 and we'll begin reading in verse 16 leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and i want you to see and i,joel,26,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 16 the god of all flesh numbers chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,numbers,12,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 9 "and he tells his entire kingdom, you can read about it in colossians 4 verse 34. let me say one last thing",colossians,4,34.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 34 except they agree and according to judges chapter 6 16 proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. now,judges,6,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 16 people who returned to build so let's look at 1 thessalonians four verse seven when sanbalar and tobiah and the arabs the,1 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 bible in love 1 corinthians 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice,1 corinthians,59,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 59 verse 4 standard against him nehemiah 59 verse 19 ever present helper,nehemiah,59,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 59 verse 19 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in hosea chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,hosea,24,34.0,1.0,hosea chapter 24 verse 34 services this year in haggai chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,haggai,13,44.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 44 it also says the same thing in ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,ecclesiastes,12,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 mark chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,mark,2,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 9 the terminator chapter 8 and verse 18 2 thessalonians chapter 8 and verse 18. hear what the word says but thou shalt,2 thessalonians,8,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 18 chapter one verse 5 john 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse,john,1,5.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 5 sickness affliction 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,2 samuel,5,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 13 of your heart then there's esther chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,esther,12,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 2 as he pleases 3 john 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39,3 john,32,39.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 39 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 2 peter chapter 2 verse 28,2 peter,2,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 28 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on haggai 10 38 i said,haggai,10,38.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 38 age and esther 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise,esther,13,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 2 for you and you have only to be still mark 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes,mark,20,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 4 hallelujah 2 kings chapter 23 and verse 7. the decision to contend for superior,2 kings,23,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 7 in um the anchor scripture still remains job chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,job,14,17.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 17 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god john 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,john,4,18.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 18 welcome to 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,2 corinthians,2,43.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 43 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year judges chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,judges,6,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 7 4 amos 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,amos,5,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 4 united in adam listen to what paul writes here 2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man,2 kings,5,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter amos 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he,amos,21,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 8 verse 8. malachi chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power,malachi,1,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 8 when in ecclesiastes chapter 2 and chapter 3 you read the lord told john,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 people okay so if you understand that it says in ezra 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,ezra,10,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 2 us now in judges chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not,judges,1,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 16 now and now but actually being brought to 1 john 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,1 john,6,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 6 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in 1 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,1 samuel,10,38.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and 2 samuel peoples in his heart,2 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 a god of speed he is a god of speed leviticus chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,leviticus,9,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 28 you see when you read 2 john chapter 1 from verse 8 to 18 ruth 1 verse 8 to 18 is not just,2 john,1,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 8 it's not sin to sleep 2 john 5 is 12 says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet because you know,2 john,5,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 12 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your,song of solomon (song of songs),8,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 12 all the nakedness and being buffeted and all that we see that in 3 john 8 again 35 to 37 we have just read faithfulness,3 john,8,35.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 35 prophetic packages of the year in obadiah 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb,obadiah,14,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 24 this experience with god well i think again 1 samuel this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,1 samuel,6,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 9 to the great day of the lord. you go through psalms 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,psalms,6,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 19 in this church this year esther 34 and verse 25 and i will make with them a covenant of,esther,34,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 25 you know 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 says you look unto jesus focus on him,1 samuel,12,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 2 purifies and refine the bible st. 2 john chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 from verse 20 haggai chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me,haggai,28,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 2 time for offering according to 2 samuel 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord,2 samuel,3,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 fully pursuited and nothing will change them again by hosea chapter 4 verse 19 my little children of whom i travail,hosea,4,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 19 happened verse 4 1 chronicles 1 4. now i recognize if you have a king james version you may get some words like,1 chronicles,1,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 4 multitudes this coming sunday malachi chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land,malachi,12,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 12 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 2 timothy 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,2 timothy,15,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 15 well luke chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,luke,1,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 6 the presence of the lord and that from zephaniah 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,zephaniah,8,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 38 almighty 2 kings chapter 5 verse 8 ecclesiastes 5 verse 8 causing,2 kings,5,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 8 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray nehemiah 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,nehemiah,29,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 29 verse 12 describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in haggai 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and,haggai,19,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 7 israel in mark 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4,mark,11,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 4 to the part in zechariah 740 is where we're out in the book of acts the path of idolatry acts 740,zechariah,7,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 4 present comfort that i found at the end of joel to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we,joel,5,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 11 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also 1 samuel chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,1 samuel,11,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 24 and book phenomenon with the bible every day obadiah 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,obadiah,32,47.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 32 verse 47 your portion as chapter 16 john eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,john,16,8.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 8 we draw strength from scriptures 1 corinthians chapter 4 and verse 2. the scripture declares,1 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 delivered nahum 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith,nahum,10,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 23 in zechariah 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out,zechariah,27,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 27 verse 4 be saved where's repentance in that jude 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith,jude,2,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 8 word of god that way we commit god to deliver his path without fail in joel chapter 1 beginning from verse 22 james,joel,1,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 22 existence that's what it means 2 thessalonians 4 17 says he collects those things that be not,2 thessalonians,4,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 17 you are criticizing because the bible says in zechariah 4 verse 15 official 415 deter you will not begin to speak,zechariah,4,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 15 this context let me read the context ruth 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not,ruth,5,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 3 the man inside the grace of god look at 2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,2 corinthians,5,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 jesus name in mark chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,mark,3,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 17 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday amos chapter 36 and verse 37 says,amos,36,37.0,1.0,amos chapter 36 verse 37 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church 1 corinthians said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,1 corinthians,20,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 26 with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at amos chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou,amos,62,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 62 verse 4 god 2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,2 chronicles,23,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 16 right now yes it's for you 1 kings 7 7 and 8.,1 kings,7,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 7 chapter 23 from verse 8 1 corinthians 23 8 cleave unto the lord but cleave unto the lord,1 corinthians,23,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 8 luke chapter 15 verse 4 romans 15 4 everyone makes mistakes yet not everyone learns from them,luke,15,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 4 hands of them that's what 3 john did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,3 john,1,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 15 devil with it he cannot answer the written would have gone in zechariah 6 17 paul says take the sword of the,zechariah,6,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 17 in the name of jesus in amos 55 verse 3 isaiah 55 has three,amos,55,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 55 verse 3 desperately wicked who can even know it luke 28 26 he who trusts in his own heart is a fool,luke,28,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 26 people israel so let them know chapter three of jonah verse nine proclaimed this among the nations prepare a war rouse,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 your portion as chapter 16 1 thessalonians eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,1 thessalonians,16,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 8 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of 1 samuel and what was the boast of god he said,1 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in mark chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,mark,4,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 15 unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in joel chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and,joel,8,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 9 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of leviticus chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,leviticus,22,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 2 very clearly so philemon chapter 5 verse 2 the lord our god made a covenant with us in,philemon,5,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 2 chapter 23 in 2 corinthians chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should,2 corinthians,23,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 19 the law he told them through moses his purposes for them in colossians 19 verses 5 and 6 he says to israel now therefore if,colossians,19,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 19 verse 5 this he says paul says in 1 corinthians 4 5 that there's only one faith,1 corinthians,4,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 5 thee prepare to meet their god o israel colossians chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,colossians,4,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 12 the spirit of grace and of supplication in 1 kings chapter 8 verse 26 and in verse 27 romans 8 26 likewise,1 kings,8,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 26 this year and 1 john chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people,1 john,2,47.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 47 should say israel during this time so let's read on song of solomon (song of songs) 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,song of solomon (song of songs),11,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 5 in your bible what i'm going to show you now 2 samuel chapter 33 isaiah chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 24 searches 3 24,2 samuel,33,24.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 33 verse 24 and wisdom is essential look at ezekiel chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,ezekiel,4,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 7 the word of god numbers chapter 55 the book of isaiah chapter 55 we are reading from verse 6 what did god says dear to,numbers,55,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 55 verse 6 need for god because micah prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant,micah,1,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 5 jonah chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,jonah,1,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 2 as compact 3 john chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,3 john,2,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 9 2 chronicles chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,2 chronicles,50,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 15 four times 2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4,2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 to desu your teachers in 1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40,1 corinthians,40,29.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 29 rain why because 2 timothy 22 28 job 22 28 he said thou shall also decree a thing,2 timothy,22,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 28 look at verse 17 there in verse 17 2 kings chapter 1 verse 17,2 kings,1,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to,2 thessalonians,61,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 61 verse 4 he walked with god and god took him but before god took him 1 corinthians 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5,1 corinthians,11,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 and you know what am i going to do i've been at this colossians for 10 20 30 years i can't just leave it there's so much,colossians,10,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 2 that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of ezra and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself,ezra,8,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 21 yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey 2 john 6 verse 16 hooroo,2 john,6,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 16 and we're reading from verse 2 esther chapter 2 reading from verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 this morning let's remember his word to us in haggai 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 him carrying you in amos chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4,amos,19,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 4 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so 1 chronicles chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,1 chronicles,11,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 13 where i was going and was carried into heaven look at lamentations chapter 1 verse 3. hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 who being,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 in this sign notice numbers 2 11 the lord utters his voice,numbers,2,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 11 on the word of god 2 corinthians chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for,2 corinthians,4,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to micah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 for you right now obadiah 8 32 he despaired not his own son,obadiah,8,32.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 32 and the people of god said amen micah chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,micah,5,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 9 what you should do with your mouth judges 4 15 ephesians 4 15,judges,4,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 15 in zephaniah 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,zephaniah,36,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 36 verse 6 your ability to lead in 2 john chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion,2 john,1,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 26 you give an example so let's look at this particular example luke 28 13 and you said thank you for your,luke,28,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 13 that will be done on earth as it is done in heaven in numbers chapter 6 reading from verse 6 it says knowing this that,numbers,6,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 6 whoever that he wills according to esther 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,esther,9,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 15 we are built together it says in lamentations 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together,lamentations,5,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 9 it is the word of god the bible says in matthew chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,matthew,6,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 17 free friends one of his friends sofa he mentioned in 2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 7 job chapter 11 verse 7 canst thou by,2 chronicles,11,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 7 right now yes it's for you jonah 7 7 and 8.,jonah,7,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 7 tower and on it are often how do you have dominion job 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may,job,1,26.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 26 coming hallelujah 1 corinthians chapter 5 i'm going to read verses 15 through 17 and the message,1 corinthians,5,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 15 desire for good health 1 corinthians 14 19 the evil bow before the good,1 corinthians,14,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 19 um the third thing is justification by faith so leviticus 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might,leviticus,3,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 24 chapter 12 says never take your own revenge luke romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking,luke,12,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 19 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 1 timothy 12 3 he said if only,1 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith jonah 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,jonah,2,38.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 38 dismayed ecclesiastes chapter 31 verses 7 and 8 and moses called unto joshua and said unto him in the sight of all israel,ecclesiastes,31,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 31 verse 7 all the days of your life now in mark 3 15 there is held out this,mark,3,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 15 miss the coming of the lord purposeful preparation for the rapture 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 28 so christ was once,2 samuel,9,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 28 is ecclesiastes the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,ecclesiastes,1,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 18 outside with pitch 1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,1 corinthians,11,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 7 "every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, nehemiah 12, starting in verse four it says,",nehemiah,12,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 4 are called to live i'm going to look at song of solomon (song of songs) 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,song of solomon (song of songs),8,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 14 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from zephaniah chapter 9 verse 22.,zephaniah,9,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 22 our lives in 2 samuel chapter 5 reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 osmonds love your wives even as,2 samuel,5,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 25 to have everything that goes with it hosea 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,hosea,2,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 25 but the other thing we see here is in 2 peter 12 11 please look here they overcame,2 peter,12,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 11 in mind when he created it and in nehemiah 2 and 18 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i,nehemiah,2,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 18 oppression no wonder in the book of job 40 49 26,job,40,49.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 49 don't understand it fully in the old testament in judges chapter four and verse four the lord said to god's people,judges,4,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 4 her head she dishonours her husband actually in job 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,job,21,9.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 9 this time is the writing or the publishing of the king 1 samuel bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that,1 samuel,16,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 11 a book that has a lot of war in it in 1 peter chapter 15 verses 12 to 16. this is what we read,1 peter,15,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 12 with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of haggai 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and,haggai,8,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 22 people look at 1 john chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,1 john,3,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 23 world the word of god declares in titus 23 verse 18.,titus,23,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 18 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in zephaniah 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,zephaniah,2,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 to damning our traditions look at 1 timothy 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in 2 peter 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,2 peter,14,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 24 thank you jesus i'm going to open 1 thessalonians isaiah 55 11.,1 thessalonians,55,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 55 verse 11 lands all lands 2 chronicles chapter 20 and verse 6.,2 chronicles,20,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 6 six i'm reading from verse five 1 john chapter six verse five,1 john,6,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 5 enemy an enemy song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a,song of solomon (song of songs),2,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 5 so much for all the hard work you do okay let's go to ruth 13 48 and you might think i'm a calvinist but i'm,ruth,13,48.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 48 israel that's why such detail is given in 1 peter 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,1 peter,38,39.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 38 verse 39 13 to 15. 2 chronicles chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,2 chronicles,33,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 13 it says speaks about the riches of his glory in titus 1 verse 18 and in chapter 2 verse 7 it says here,titus,1,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 18 it's called the peace offering here in the 1 chronicles chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,1 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 shame god will never put to shame his people 1 kings 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself,1 kings,50,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 50 verse 5 the earth and according to the book of malachi 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he,malachi,8,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 4 verse 27 colossians chapter 4 reading from verse 27 is,colossians,4,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 27 we'll go to 2 kings chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,2 kings,11,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 delivering and so we see here in 2 john um chapter 15 from verse 14.,2 john,15,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 14 beyond haggai 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,haggai,13,44.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 44 he gave himself not only for our sins john 1 4 but to rescue us from this present evil world,john,1,4.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 4 transformed us so we can be one look at amos chapter 32 in jesus 32 i'm reading from verse 39,amos,32,39.0,1.0,amos chapter 32 verse 39 welcome to your season of multiplication zephaniah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,zephaniah,30,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 30 verse 19 forever of the lord in jesus name numbers chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,numbers,4,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 14 philemon chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,philemon,2,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 5 only faith ezekiel 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 more than 40 shiloh's in impact nehemiah chapter 44 verse 26 says that confirmed the word of his servant,nehemiah,44,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 44 verse 26 a bible tells us in ezekiel chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,ezekiel,19,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 19 verse 3 of prayer in the haggai we see psalm 40 verse 8 these words i delight to do your will,haggai,40,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 8 and don't forget 2 peter 8 28 but for we know that all things,2 peter,8,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 28 mean if you're living out these commands in zechariah chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 testimony of two or three you know in nehemiah 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god,nehemiah,15,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 3 off and we carry you up in jesus name 2 kings chapter 26 verse 8 the trumpet 26 2016,2 kings,26,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 26 verse 8 journey in jesus mary esther chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20,esther,50,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 50 verse 2 doors now joel 5 and verse 8. the word says for ye were sometimes,joel,5,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 8 we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto,ecclesiastes,19,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 16 he gave them his name look at them using the name 1 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,1 samuel,3,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 6 it's knowing that i know who god is and i believe god and i trust god job 3 5 and 6 talks about trust in the lord,job,3,5.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 5 verse 11 in micah chapter 3 we're looking at verse 11,micah,3,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 11 9 matthew 2 verse 9 but we see jesus,matthew,2,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 9 astray like a lost sheep he's living in obadiah 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,obadiah,7,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 2 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in 3 john chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,3 john,9,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 9 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in 1 corinthians 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19,1 corinthians,2,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 here and we can we can couple this with more information from job 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ,job,15,8.0,1.0,job chapter 15 verse 8 "there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in colossians 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive",colossians,2,41.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 41 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of mark 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,mark,8,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 29 above all things luke 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,luke,17,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 9 agenda began in 2015. from the book of habakkuk 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 if you want to see that what paul said 1 corinthians chapter 5 i'm going to go to romans chapter 5 where paul,1 corinthians,5,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 5 according to habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on jesus christ,habakkuk,12,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 2 israel that's why such detail is given in 2 peter 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,2 peter,38,39.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 38 verse 39 according to his purpose some people know only psalms 8 28 they don't know the next verse,psalms,8,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 28 luke chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn,luke,2,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 3 luke chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear,luke,5,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 12 antichrist be formed in you zechariah 4 19. we travail to pass them we travel to see them established and as,zechariah,4,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 19 good luke 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that,luke,8,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 28 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in numbers chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,numbers,9,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 24 in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in ezra chapter 7 verse 15 he said but,ezra,7,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 15 1 john chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in,1 john,22,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 6 to have been rich once and then become poor john chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,john,23,5.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 5 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in obadiah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 resurrection let's come back to numbers chapter 21 and verse 4 revelation chapter 21 reading from verse,numbers,21,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 4 verse two numbers chapter five verse two the bible says and pharaoh said,numbers,5,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 2 or not but i want to turn your attention to ezekiel 17 specifically let's see here verse 12,ezekiel,17,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 12 there's much more than that see 2 timothy 1 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his,2 timothy,1,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 resist the building of the church in ruth chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 the word of god tells us there,ruth,4,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 23 children of god 1 corinthians 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,1 corinthians,1,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 under any spell of baroness zephaniah chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people,zephaniah,7,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 14 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased jude 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,jude,22,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 19 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know 2 peter 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,2 peter,16,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 3 [music] it was a work that sarah had in haggai chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,haggai,18,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 2 that so you can open your bible to the opening chapter of colossians and i'll just draw you down to verse 27 of,colossians,1,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 27 tirelessly in our stewardship in the kingdom judges chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. and look what the scripture says here,judges,6,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 7 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider ecclesiastes 11 verse 11 through faith,ecclesiastes,11,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 11 come to that but here it says in judges 4 15 concerning the lord jesus,judges,4,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 15 in jesus mighty name we pray in zephaniah 14 and verse 34 right shortness has started the nation,zephaniah,14,34.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 34 make waves in life in zechariah chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,zechariah,30,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 30 verse 21 christ in matthew chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4 acts,matthew,8,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 4 the conversion of sinners to sons in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter four verse five,song of solomon (song of songs),4,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 5 christ leviticus chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,leviticus,4,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 5 chapter 3 13 to 18 2 peter 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,2 peter,3,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 13 go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 jonah 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other,jonah,43,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 43 verse 13 god cannot forget you 1 kings 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15.,1 kings,49,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 49 verse 14 restoration restoration 2 peter chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,2 peter,1,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 26 sinful desires and last but not least in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 20.,song of solomon (song of songs),1,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 2 6. nahum 11 from verse 4 to verse 6.,nahum,11,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 4 in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 genesis 1 verse 9 to 10 it is recorded that you,2 timothy,1,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 9 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of judges 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these,judges,6,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 8 with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from hosea 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting,hosea,59,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 59 verse 2 the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in ecclesiastes five nine the sins of the fathers or,ecclesiastes,5,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 9 is stronger louder amen 2 timothy 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard,2 timothy,30,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 30 verse 3 already in jesus name haggai ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now unto him that is able to do,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 blossoming wherever you are planted 2 thessalonians 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,2 thessalonians,36,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 11 that scar i'm talking about the end like there's a real god up there 2 john 4 and 5 says he,2 john,4,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 5 deliver his soul from hell now shall deliver his soul from hell amos 23 verse 14 hebrews 12 verse 7 hebrews 12,amos,23,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 14 amos 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through,amos,4,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 13 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision nehemiah 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,nehemiah,10,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 19 "every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, 1 kings 12, starting in verse four it says,",1 kings,12,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 4 and then the next passage is in jude ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 and there it says praying always with,jude,6,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 18 they are offended in ruth 6 and verse 19.,ruth,6,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 19 and now it is absolutely new we see this truth in job 10 25 not forsaken the assembling,job,10,25.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 25 jesus and whatever for jesus leviticus chapter 13 reading from verse 8 hebrews,leviticus,13,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 8 for the word of god has said it in malachi 10 11 that there is no one that put his trust in god that will be put to,malachi,10,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 11 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living haggai chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,haggai,13,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 17 anyone to glory in his presence and look at 1 timothy chapter three we're looking at verse 17,1 timothy,3,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 17 jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up ruth 1717 says a friend loves at all times,ruth,17,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 17 verse 17 the bomb of gilia the bible says in the book of 1 john chapter 53 verse 5 but he was wounded for our,1 john,53,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 53 verse 5 chapter 4 13 to 16 habakkuk chapter 4 13 to 16 emphasis about the future god's own the,habakkuk,4,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 so he went in the power of that word and also according to haggai chapter 1 verse 8 that says and ye shall receive,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. lamentations said who is he that i did counsel without,lamentations,42,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 42 verse 3 inequities and now we're looking at joel chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave,joel,2,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 14 a living if while her husband is living ecclesiastes 7 3 she is joined to another man she shall be called an adulteress,ecclesiastes,7,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 3 but the reason i had you turn over to nahum is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,nahum,3,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 9 resemble for prayer the bible says in job chapter 20 verse 35,job,20,35.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 35 of us the apostle paul wrote in colossians 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 heaven 2 kings 3 21 in other words the jewish,2 kings,3,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 21 the suffering for departure from the lord in 2 john chapter 2 we're looking at verse 19 jeremiah,2 john,2,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 19 job 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,job,5,14.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 14 look at numbers chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,numbers,3,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 13 it spring the issues of life and then mark 4 23 so keeping your heart here this idea is about,mark,4,23.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 23 him in the prison haggai 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,haggai,32,39.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 39 esther 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,esther,29,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 29 verse 11 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him zephaniah 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in,zephaniah,18,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 18 verse 13 the confidence we have is from the scripture 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 2 and 3 hacking on to the voice of my cry my,2 chronicles,5,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 2 companion by the way when he wrote 2 thessalonians he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,2 thessalonians,4,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 12 light 2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 40 it speaks about jonah in the whale's belly in the sea monsters belly for three days,2 thessalonians,12,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 4 good because habakkuk 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to,habakkuk,8,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28 of us the apostle paul wrote in numbers 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 going to grant you total deliverance look at 1 kings chapter 7 and in verse 15 therefore a day before the,1 kings,7,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 15 gateway to next level of church growth in jonah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,jonah,30,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 30 verse 19 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in titus 34 reading from verse 3 it says,titus,34,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 34 verse 3 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues micah 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,micah,2,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 8 the children of israel out of egypt in jonah chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,jonah,4,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 17 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to 2 timothy 5 24,2 timothy,5,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 24 down judges 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it,judges,3,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 7 need for god because 1 corinthians prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 where they can switch colossians chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 on the theme our inheritance our inheritance habakkuk chapter 1 we'll begin reading at verse 11.,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 idolatry 2 john 1 20 to 22 22 to 23 says this,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is philemon 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,philemon,6,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 9 purpose and the purpose was purchasing people here we are in matthew chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 stay there for to the,matthew,6,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 6 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet 1 chronicles look at verse 17,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 god and so atheists believe this but leviticus chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,leviticus,1,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 18 requirement of the law and then in 1 thessalonians 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one,1 thessalonians,13,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 8 round about the throne it says john chapter 4 and verse 3 and he that such was to look upon like a jasper,john,4,3.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 3 where is it written a 1 kings 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6,1 kings,9,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 4 in 2 samuel chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,2 samuel,53,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 53 verse 3 fought will be formed in vain in esther chapter 1 verse 28 collusions chapter 1,esther,1,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 28 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to 1 corinthians 3 5. i can't shake this verse,1 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 continue to be supernaturally met habakkuk 3 and verse 17 the lord i god in the midst of this mighty he will save,habakkuk,3,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 17 one more time colossians chapter 2 verse 7,colossians,2,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 7 there today 3 john 4 4 hear our god,3 john,4,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 4 spirit ezra chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,ezra,5,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 18 now our memory verse is taken from jonah 3 20. um but our homeland is in heaven and we,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 network and your network uh let's start off from lamentations of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 to use and that is luke chapter 10 from verse 12,luke,10,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 12 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. zephaniah chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty,zephaniah,49,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 49 verse 24 this he says paul says in joshua 4 5 that there's only one faith,joshua,4,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 5 he prepared the body through a woman the book of job chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10 5,job,10,5.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 5 it also says the same thing in numbers chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,numbers,12,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 9 all things god okay mark 12 verse 2 it says that jesus this is just after hebrews 11 right says jesus is the founder and,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 lisa is going to read to you from leviticus 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she,leviticus,11,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 31 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 1 corinthians chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,1 corinthians,34,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 34 verse 2 reading from verse 8 2 thessalonians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion,2 thessalonians,2,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 top in his adventure on the earth zephaniah chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,zephaniah,28,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 28 verse 13 church together habakkuk 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in psalms chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,psalms,33,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 3 so mightily that if you read ruth 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8. when,ruth,32,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 3 1 thessalonians 3 8 some were perfumers nehemiah 3 8 merchants 332 they were rulers workers,1 thessalonians,3,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at amos chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,amos,2,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 3 christ and this church lady may be louder jonah 12 and verse 3 the scripture says and betta be wise shall,jonah,12,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 3 2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,2 chronicles,16,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 15 anyone to glory in his presence and look at malachi chapter three we're looking at verse 17,malachi,3,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 17 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 habakkuk chapter 2 verse 5,habakkuk,2,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 5 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 3 john 22 and verse 30,3 john,22,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 3 and here it says in verse 12 37 1 john believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,1 john,12,37.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 37 they won't fly again the bible says in 2 corinthians chapter 2 from verse 9 to 12 philippians 2,2 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord haggai chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,haggai,2,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 13 mind in hell turning back to 3 john chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 you another example lamentations in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,lamentations,4,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 6 in the name of jesus that's why i said in malachi 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,malachi,8,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 23 from sin why did he bother good question the answer everybody memorizes 2 chronicles 2 verse 8 and 9 they're coming everybody,2 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 amos chapter 44 i'm eating from boston isaiah chapter 44 20 it says he feedeth on ashes,amos,44,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 44 verse 2 is a servant in lamentations chapter 1 we read verse 8,lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 sweeping it under the rug leviticus 2 verse 12 how do they explain this one i haven't heard all their explanations,leviticus,2,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 12 verse 7 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 7,1 corinthians,2,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 to fulfillment in life the book of philemon chapter 10 verse 15 says ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15,philemon,10,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 15 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so luke chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,luke,6,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 9 wise unto that he said nahum 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight,nahum,9,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 12 2 timothy chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,2 timothy,9,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 18 call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression habakkuk 5 3 i read that one and look at it,habakkuk,5,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 3 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in joshua 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,joshua,12,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 6 verse 28 in 3 john chapter 5 verse 28 saying,3 john,5,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 28 hey this is about this is about christ in joshua 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you,joshua,13,35.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 35 well in 1 samuel chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,1 samuel,12,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 15 he has put wheels under it rejoicing bringing in the sheaves with him jude 21 and verse 27 i will overthawn,jude,21,27.0,1.0,jude chapter 21 verse 27 in jesus mighty name we pray amen in the book of colossians 40 verse 3 the bible says,colossians,40,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 40 verse 3 1 peter 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,1 peter,3,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 4 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 1 thessalonians chapter 4 it says and therefore,1 thessalonians,4,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 22 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry nahum chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,nahum,3,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 13 so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was ruth 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and,ruth,34,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 3 has visited in his anger he says in a 2 peter 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy,2 peter,35,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 35 verse 16 are clearly defined clearly black or white 1 john says in chapter 5 verse 20 woe to those who call,1 john,5,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 2 to the explosive growth of this church luke chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of,luke,6,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 7 himself with any so let me see where we're going luke chapter 1 and verse 13.,luke,1,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 13 screen right now praise god song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 god's word says to us very clearly proverbs 3,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 faith coming in at number 4 on my list is zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life,zechariah,20,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 jada will read 2 samuel 2 verse 15 to,2 samuel,2,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 15 to nine hours let's say that in joshua 12 512 said the sleep of a laboring man is,joshua,12,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 5 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from malachi chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,malachi,23,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 3 of luke chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers,luke,1,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 11 abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god psalms chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that,psalms,4,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 3 just a fact it's no excuse but it's a fact paul in mark 15 verse 39 read that the contention were so sharp between him,mark,15,39.0,1.0,mark chapter 15 verse 39 going to put it in the hands of god because over in mark 12 19 it says never take vengeance into your own hands,mark,12,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 19 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of leviticus chapter 62 and verse 5.,leviticus,62,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 62 verse 5 look at chapter 41 2 corinthians 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in,2 corinthians,41,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 41 verse 14 the man inside the grace of god look at 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by one man,2 timothy,5,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 17 and you know the reason why first corinthians starting zephaniah one two three,zephaniah,1,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 2 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him 1 thessalonians 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in,1 thessalonians,18,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 13 we're told in micah of the apostles chapter 7 i acts chapter 7 looking at verse 23 and he when he was full 40,micah,7,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 23 he eats it to the bottom in fact it's translated in 1 chronicles 19 21 by the word and english gorged you don't like,1 chronicles,19,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 21 because in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when joshua asked,song of solomon (song of songs),10,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 12 first you just pray uh the bible says in jonah chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,jonah,4,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 29 earth today nehemiah 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,nehemiah,3,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 16 in job chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,job,8,3.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 3 the lord's and the fullness thereof joshua chapter 2 verse 8 i got chapter 2 verses silvus mine said,joshua,2,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 8 hunters and fishes of the lord hunters and fishes of the lord habakkuk chapter 16 verse 16,habakkuk,16,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 16 verse 16 well 2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as,2 corinthians,24,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 13 father 1 peter 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i,1 peter,7,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 25 is a prayer along that line taken from zephaniah chapter 1 verses 9 through 11 we just changed the words to,zephaniah,1,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 9 or with love in a spirit of gentleness or nahum chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important,nahum,6,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 4 garden disraeli and egypt chapter 1 verses 5 and 7 micah 1 verse 5 to serve a bible says don't worry if i wanted,micah,1,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 5 place of abode somehow he must have understood ruth 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,ruth,23,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 5 should not swear at all in that judges 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,judges,5,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 12 "he was a pharisee himself. in 1 thessalonians 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of",1 thessalonians,22,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 3 blessing will pay any price for that if you read titus 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly,titus,27,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 27 verse 5 chapter four and we're looking at verse 3 in 2 john chapter 4 verse 3 it says what for what says the scripture abram,2 john,4,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 3 the god of all flesh 3 john chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,3 john,12,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 9 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of job in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,job,2,41.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 41 incorrect the answer is c ruth 12 verse next question question 8,ruth,12,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 8 the same term 2 corinthians 5 5 you are my son at the end of the of the,2 corinthians,5,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 5 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of 1 peter says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",1 peter,10,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 14 again and again just go to zephaniah 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,zephaniah,1,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 6 go on in the society let us look at the book of amos 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 it says see as thou a man,amos,22,29.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 29 commitment to the follow to up of the redeemed habakkuk chapter 4 reading from verse 19.,habakkuk,4,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 19 earth habakkuk chapter 8 verse 15 and 16. the mission of the spirit of wisdom,habakkuk,8,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 15 go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 1 peter 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other,1 peter,43,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 43 verse 13 righteousness and good deeds you can read ezekiel 6 19. talking about,ezekiel,6,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 19 house fellowship my text is taken from 2 kings chapter 2 verses 46 to 47 acts chapter 2,2 kings,2,46.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 46 but we don't want to miss it and in joshua chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words,joshua,12,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 15 paul has an amazing parallel in malachi 1 7 where he says in christ,malachi,1,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 7 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together 2 chronicles 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,2 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 had isaac been doing before he met his bride obadiah 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,obadiah,24,62.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 24 verse 62 when you read nehemiah 42 verse 6 genesis 42 verse 6 and joseph was the governor over the,nehemiah,42,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 42 verse 6 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to mark chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter,mark,5,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 14 of life no wonder paul the apostle said in 2 corinthians chapter 4 and verse 13 i can do all things through whom,2 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 psalm 45 7. and 2 thessalonians chapter 13 and verse 52 he said acts 13 52 and disciples who are,2 thessalonians,13,52.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 52 together this one world religion and as leviticus 18 4 says talking about mystery babylon talking about the roman,leviticus,18,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 4 them last week and i asked you to reach the remaining one from whom uh john chapter 5 22 to 26 there's a very,john,5,22.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 22 back again and read from verse 9 verse 9 ezra chapter,ezra,1,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 9 god is the presence and provision of god is so good job chapter 3 verse 5 says and let the peace of christ rule or,job,3,5.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 5 he gave them his name look at them using the name ruth chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then,ruth,3,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 6 forever of the lord in jesus name 2 kings chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,2 kings,4,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 14 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in titus chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,titus,20,35.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 35 his flock 1 chronicles chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,1 chronicles,30,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 30 verse 19 with a grain of salt you now can remind him of haggai chapter 4 verse 6 which says let your speech be always,haggai,4,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 6 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in 2 samuel 1 23 to 25.,2 samuel,1,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 23 believer we are being redeemed from the course of the law according to 2 chronicles 3 and 13 but at ways you can open doors,2 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in habakkuk chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,habakkuk,12,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 13 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through philemon the prophet he took our infirmities and,philemon,8,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 17 this church that amen can be stronger and in 1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,1 chronicles,13,48.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 48 for today philemon chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,philemon,1,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 26 look at um nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,nehemiah,4,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 than ever before in the name of jesus christ in 2 corinthians 13 44 we are told,2 corinthians,13,44.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 44 whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed hosea 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical,hosea,9,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 6 don't lie ever again 2 samuel 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,2 samuel,19,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 22 it takes prayer in the book of judges 4 verse 12 the bible says apophas who is one of you,judges,4,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 12 righteous study a to to the to answer 1 peter 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added,1 peter,15,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 28 he stayed with god to the end in ruth chapter 1 verse 8 he proposed as a child not to corrupt himself with,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 a control it controls even donkeys 1 peter chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,1 peter,22,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 21 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in obadiah in chapter 3 verse 17.,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,2 timothy,12,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 time and this was right after in joel chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,joel,3,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 14 should give such people is the same thing here in 2 chronicles 4 27 break away from your sins do,2 chronicles,4,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 27 in 1 john chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 as one of the most,1 john,4,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 23 who teach you the word follow their faith 1 chronicles 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,1 chronicles,13,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 7 and signs and wonders begin to take place habakkuk 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,habakkuk,10,38.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 38 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of ruth chapter 62 and verse 5.,ruth,62,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 62 verse 5 in nahum chapter 22 verse 15 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 god changed what he said in genesis 12,nahum,22,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 15 further let's go back to joel chapter 11 genesis 11 verse 27 now these are the generations of terah and you see what,joel,11,27.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 27 hosea chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,hosea,18,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 2 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that 1 peter 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,1 peter,2,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 11 he said zechariah 14 14 the lord will fight for you all you have to do is,zechariah,14,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 14 and the judgment was deserved in verses 20 to 22 of judges 16. this is what god says to them through the,judges,16,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 16 verse 2 a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in 1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 25.,1 chronicles,23,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 25 fruit of the spirit for example in 2 thessalonians 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,2 thessalonians,5,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 the earth for their possession the book of 2 chronicles chapter two and verse eight,2 chronicles,2,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 would do to their own messiah nehemiah daniel prophesied in chapter 6 in chapter 9 verse 6 that the messiah shall,nehemiah,9,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 6 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 8 and verse 16.,1 thessalonians,8,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 16 and the bible promised in nehemiah chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7,nehemiah,61,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 61 verse 7 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in 2 kings that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody,2 kings,1,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 5 although when you read ezra 18 22 to 23,ezra,18,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 18 verse 22 now verse 9 and when obadiah cephas peter and john who seemed to be police,obadiah,1,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 9 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into hosea that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,hosea,12,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 21 in nahum chapter 18 genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9 to 14,nahum,18,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 9 something that i hope impacts you philemon chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,philemon,13,46.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 46 i want you to shout it loud and clean joshua chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,joshua,29,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 17 are gods you come back to hosea chapter 19 and you look at verse four,hosea,19,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 4 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in 2 kings 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,2 kings,10,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 12 and i'm going to say a prayer and we'll get into the world numbers chapter 4 verse 9 and 10. ecclesiastes 4 verse 9,numbers,4,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 9 of the year esther 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed,esther,14,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 24 be born speaking lies in 1 corinthians chapter 2,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in lamentations 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters,lamentations,3,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 18 faithfulness gentleness self to control against such there is no law job 5 and verse 22 someone wants to declare,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 amen jonah 44 verse 3 for i will pour water upon him that is,jonah,44,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 44 verse 3 because god hasn't changed me you might be denying 1 kings 2 13 because philippians 2 13 says that god is,1 kings,2,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 13 how am i doing on time i che okay okay job 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,job,4,11.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 11 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about ecclesiastes 50 and 6 my people,ecclesiastes,50,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 50 verse 6 kept him and delivered her in psalms chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over,psalms,53,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 53 verse 5 i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in 2 samuel chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he,2 samuel,2,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 25 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 5,zephaniah,2,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 5 amos however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a,amos,27,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 27 verse 5 all we have ever known micah chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the,micah,5,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 14 testimony can also heal loneliness root 4 14 to 17 john 4 14 to 17 you can see the case of naomi naomi,john,4,14.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 14 1 peter chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 the uniqueness of x alina leadership hebrews,1 peter,5,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 4 basically that this love fulfills the law it says verse 8 1 corinthians 13 oh nothing to anyone except to love one another for,1 corinthians,13,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 the god of all flesh micah chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new kingdom's version is furthermore,micah,12,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 9 are the ways of death in 2 timothy chapter 10 verse 23 we are told there it is not in a man that,2 timothy,10,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 23 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of 2 john 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,2 john,4,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 17 27. let's take a bibles and open to mark chapter 7 from verse 13 daniel 7 13,mark,7,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 13 colossians chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,colossians,28,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 28 verse 2 verse 6 habakkuk 12 6 a bible says whomsoever he loves,habakkuk,12,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 6 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram nahum 18 verse 19,nahum,18,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 19 one must repent before he can be forgiven song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 38 to 41 you must act,song of solomon (song of songs),2,38.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 38 mankind had only vegetable plant to based foods it was in 2 peter 9 verse 3 put it up that god permitted somebody say,2 peter,9,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 3 joshua chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,joshua,3,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 17 rocket about seeking whom it may devour and in ecclesiastes chapter 12 from verse 9 to 10 revelation 12 9 to 10,ecclesiastes,12,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 resist the building of the church in ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 the word of god tells us there,ecclesiastes,4,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 23 something else notice here in judges daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,judges,7,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 2 is on the lord's side this week in 2 corinthians chapter 30 and verse 19 said,2 corinthians,30,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 30 verse 19 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of leviticus 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,leviticus,18,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 18 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 2 john it says and in his state shall stand up,2 john,11,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 21 b plan a was his plan and it depended on the father's now let's look haggai 12 21 then moses called for all the elders of,haggai,12,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 21 verse 29. 3 john chapter 5 verse 29 he says then peter and the other apostles,3 john,5,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 5 spirit then is a manifestation of the first is first let's look at joshua chapter 5 acts chapter 5 verse 28 that,joshua,5,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 28 in the name of jesus christ in lamentations 119 verse 18,lamentations,119,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 119 verse 18 it's one of the mysteries of scriptures titus chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of,titus,13,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 15 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read 1 timothy 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,1 timothy,5,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 19 what the lord has for us it says this in john 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,john,13,5.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 5 over to him nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 romans 2 verse 4 tells us don't you know that the goodness of god is required to lead,nehemiah,2,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 of sins 2 thessalonians chapter 1 revelation chapter 1 we're reading from verses 5 and 6,2 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 hope that is not baseless you know lamentations 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,lamentations,5,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 5 instruction despiseth his own soul philemon 15 verse 32 and he that being often reproved he that being often,philemon,15,32.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 32 scriptures we are told in nahum 1 and verse 4 again upon the apostles speaking by the,nahum,1,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 4 nino 1 corinthians chapter 6 and verse 24,1 corinthians,6,24.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 24 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of 1 thessalonians of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,1 thessalonians,6,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 7 "by the way, peter in his sermon in 1 thessalonians 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",1 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 manifestation of divine visitation in malachi chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,malachi,1,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 14 [applause] in 2 john chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4 god said to the children of,2 john,19,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 19 verse 4 story in jonah chapter 37 3 to 5 ezekiel 37 3 to 5 when god himself called ezekiel,jonah,37,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 37 verse 3 chapter 7 and we're looking at verse 9 nahum chapter 7 verse 9 he said after this i beheld and low a great,nahum,7,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 9 is what defines that man's reality ezekiel 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart,ezekiel,27,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 27 verse 23 we have been told it's 1 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.,1 corinthians,5,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 32 tested positive for hiv i held on to god's word in zechariah 53 verse 6 verse 5,zechariah,53,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 53 verse 5 self to sacrifice self to sacrifice when looking at mark chapter 5 verse 25 us must love your wives even as,mark,5,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 25 holy kingdom look at that again in nehemiah chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now,nehemiah,2,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 19 that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in psalms 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension,psalms,15,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 2 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 1 corinthians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,1 corinthians,15,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 15 look at 2 chronicles chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,2 chronicles,34,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 34 verse 31 without action list of frustration eventually 2 corinthians 14 23 the message translation,2 corinthians,14,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 23 the completion of it and verse 16 of zephaniah chapter 40 thus moses did according to all that the,zephaniah,40,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 40 verse 16 new heaven passages just the verse 1 chronicles 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,1 chronicles,65,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 65 verse 17 verse 19 to 24 amos 5 19 to 24 he begins to explain the things that happen when you,amos,5,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 19 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from 1 peter chapter 7 and verse 11.",1 peter,7,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 11 4 matthew 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace,matthew,5,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 4 eyes can see it will be given unto you joel 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing,joel,13,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 14 number two keep a good conscience by the way that's psalms 2 verse 25 and number two,psalms,2,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 25 the word of god gives a clear answer in ezekiel chapter 18 verses 7 & 8 which especially applies to christians if at,ezekiel,18,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 7 truth with your neighbors or members of another verse 26 of ezra 4 be angry and do not sin,ezra,4,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 26 throughout scripture and other examples of this is amos 50 verse 20,amos,50,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 50 verse 2 1 peter chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,1 peter,3,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 5 full of eyes it says in chapter micah 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,micah,4,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 8 holy spirit you say that in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 where it says that,1 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 newness and greater meaning is is is in 2 samuel chapter 59 verse 19 isaiah 59 verse 19 the bible says so when they,2 samuel,59,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 59 verse 19 attention to the humble zephaniah chapter 1 i mean psalm 13 8 verse 6 psalm 138 verses,zephaniah,138,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 138 verse 6 this prophecies are conditional in 2 john chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,2 john,18,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 7 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again 2 corinthians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,2 corinthians,7,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 13 sinner amos 3 26 for you are all sons of god,amos,3,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 26 on the mount of transfiguration again peter 2 thessalonians and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,2 thessalonians,9,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 28 the almighty god will answer for you danielle ezekiel chapter we're reading from verse 24,ezekiel,1,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 24 example of a mad woman telling her husband to commit suicide in 2 samuel chapter 2 verse 9 look at all this happening you,2 samuel,2,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 9 and then one of my favorites here john chapter 5 it's the next verse 21 daniel says to the persian king belshazzar,john,5,21.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 21 cannot do that come true the new testament in esther chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 24 our,esther,2,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 24 you remember the bible said in the book of 2 peter chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,2 peter,3,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 2 that has destroyed so many things 2 john 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,2 john,26,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 2 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in nahum chapter 11 verse 22 romans,nahum,11,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 22 the great promises of the bible look at amos 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and,amos,21,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 4 "he hangs the earth on nothing."" and gravity is even indicated, go to 2 corinthians 38 for a minute, verses 31 and 32...job 38 verse 31",2 corinthians,38,31.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 31 and copy them 2 corinthians 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 the bible says,2 corinthians,13,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 of our heart in jonah chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,jonah,8,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 29 for you and in verses 25 and 26 of psalms 32 jeremiah said this is his test you said,psalms,32,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 25 because love covers a multitude of sins 2 timothy 3 14 he says beyond all these things put on love after he's gone,2 timothy,3,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 14 your life he wants to put a song there zephaniah chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,zephaniah,3,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 21 marriage is created it isn't until we get to mark chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,mark,2,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 24 it in their lives uh according to what we read in zechariah 4 and verse 13 there they saw the effect of it in their lives,zechariah,4,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 and uh it exists after death we get that picture in 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 9 with martyred souls being under the,1 timothy,6,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 9 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard 1 chronicles 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,1 chronicles,23,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 25 just a filter system right when we look at joel 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,joel,4,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 8 astray like a lost sheep he's living in 2 peter 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,2 peter,7,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 2 [applause] in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 4 he tells us that our redemption has been,nehemiah,1,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 4 titus chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,titus,4,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 4 promised for you turn with me regulations now song of solomon (song of songs) in chapter 3 and verse 13 and 14 this is an amazing,song of solomon (song of songs),3,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 13 the next door neighbor to timothy 2 samuel 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of,2 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 it starts with satan in judges chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,judges,14,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 12 with no hope of heaven it tells us that in lamentations chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time yeah well without christ,lamentations,2,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 12 or the fella from music lab is godzilla 1 samuel 2 verse 8 ephesus i act by grace are you saved through,1 samuel,2,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 8 long after you have been here titus 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,titus,29,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 29 verse 17 as a day of visitation and summing it up 1 corinthians 16 14 calls it the great day of god almighty,1 corinthians,16,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 14 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of zephaniah chapter 6 verse 26,zephaniah,6,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 26 in 1 kings 39 verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 as a prisoner he became the chief of all,1 kings,39,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 39 verse 19 cannot do that come true the new testament in lamentations chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 24 our,lamentations,2,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 24 situations in leviticus chapter 18 from verse 22 to 33,leviticus,18,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 god now we come to the finale micah 22 20. he who testifies to these things,micah,22,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 22 verse 2 repentance hosea chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says,hosea,14,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 2 and what i decorate your life jonah 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways,jonah,23,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 26 affairs of men in the book of jude chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,jude,5,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 11 in this church nahum chapter 6 verse 7 the word of god increased the number of disciples,nahum,6,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 7 great 2 john soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the,2 john,6,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 15 understanding judges is also an example in daniel chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 and when you have done the will of god according to leviticus chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,leviticus,10,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 36 when you read haggai 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was,haggai,37,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 37 verse 5 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in luke 1 23 to 25.,luke,1,23.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 23 look at 1 corinthians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work,1 corinthians,8,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 28 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with titus chapter 42 verse 2.,titus,42,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 42 verse 2 "he hangs the earth on nothing."" and gravity is even indicated, go to zephaniah 38 for a minute, verses 31 and 32...job 38 verse 31",zephaniah,38,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 38 verse 31 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the ezekiel of the provision of a lamb from the time of,ezekiel,12,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 5 in the book of 1 timothy 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21,1 timothy,30,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 30 verse 21 matthew chapter 6 verse 12 through 13 sorry leviticus rather leviticus 6 verse 12 to 36 clearly the fire on the altar must,matthew,6,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 12 hardened obstinate in chapter 7 of zechariah verse 11 it says but he refused to,zechariah,7,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 11 it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10,nehemiah,4,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the,ezekiel,3,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 9 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i esther chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,esther,8,34.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 34 and it's just the title of this lesson 1 peter 15 verse 3 says the lord is a man of war,1 peter,15,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 3 do you know that that our greatest pursuit as paul says in nahum 3 that we may,nahum,3,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 2 prayers in matthew chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power,matthew,4,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 6 testimony of two or three you know in titus 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god,titus,15,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 3 cyrus soros and yet yet 1 thessalonians in the bible in chapter 44 and verse 28,1 thessalonians,44,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 44 verse 28 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka jonah 11 22 says behold,jonah,11,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 22 and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in habakkuk 11 32 they that know their god,habakkuk,11,32.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 32 justified 2 peter 5 9. who are the justified,2 peter,5,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 9 against the altar at sinai i'll read to you this is nehemiah 36 26 and 27 i will give you a new heart and i will put a,nehemiah,36,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 36 verse 26 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 jonah 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,jonah,32,39.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 39 the bible said in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we,2 thessalonians,3,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 chapter 2 verse 20 colossians was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 husbands means you need to respect them nehemiah 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his,nehemiah,5,33.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 33 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in 2 chronicles 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,2 chronicles,1,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 engenders the following one from ezekiel chapter 61 verse 3 it is called the oil of joy what do they call,ezekiel,61,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 61 verse 3 1 john 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile,1 john,6,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 11 sweeping it under the rug 1 corinthians 2 verse 12 how do they explain this one i haven't heard all their explanations,1 corinthians,2,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 the next one is faith and we see that clearly in in jonah chapter 11 verse 5,jonah,11,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 5 you don't use uh will diminish and the bible says in zechariah 5 and verse 5,zechariah,5,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 5 is this psalm 35 luke 15 27 please roman 15 27,luke,15,27.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 27 was worth the wait matthew 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,matthew,8,27.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 27 needs to show up in how we live so verse 12 of malachi 3 says so as those who have been chosen of god holy and beloved,malachi,3,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 12 and that's what 2 peter 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,2 peter,10,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 9 his word to us 2 timothy 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,2 timothy,7,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 7 have a foundational truth about marriage in 2 thessalonians 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and,2 thessalonians,5,31.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 31 now nehemiah 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you,nehemiah,1,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 27 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and song of solomon (song of songs) 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",song of solomon (song of songs),1,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 3 integrity and you can read 2 john chapter 1 verses 2,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity hosea chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said,hosea,29,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 13 yeah second chronicles 20 2 kings you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah,2 kings,20,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 16 guilty 1 samuel chapter 28 verse 20. and he had to grow some cost,1 samuel,28,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 2 plan out the universe in order to get mark 4 28 to happen,mark,4,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 28 in zephaniah chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,zephaniah,8,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 26 personalities in his plan 2 peter 16 13 says and i saw three unclean spirits,2 peter,16,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 13 you know the story of joseph psalms 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,psalms,37,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 37 verse 5 what god is able to do and the bible says in 2 kings chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and,2 kings,10,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 17 and book phenomenon with the bible every day 1 john 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your,1 john,32,47.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 47 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed micah chapter 6 reading from verse 18,micah,6,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 18 affairs of men in the book of obadiah chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,obadiah,5,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 11 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,1 thessalonians,3,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 multitudes into this church this year nehemiah 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,nehemiah,49,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 49 verse 25 in the way we think psalms 23 verse 7 very popular now with people,psalms,23,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 7 and they will relocate in jesus name in 3 john chapter 4 verse 8 james 4 8 he said draw now to god and we draw,3 john,4,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 8 as the only way out the bible says in esther chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be,esther,1,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 9 heaven we're looking at hosea chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his,hosea,22,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 14 is in micah 10 15 proverbs 10 15 say the rich man wealth,micah,10,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 15 to start with amos 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact,amos,7,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 3 addiction breaking satanic addiction the bible says in the book of 3 john chapter 5 verse 24,3 john,5,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 24 matthew alludes to that in june chapter one reading from verse 12 jude chapter one reading from verse 12 these are sports,matthew,1,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 12 and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it philemon 8 28 we know that's how it begins,philemon,8,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 28 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to leviticus chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up,leviticus,9,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 27 leviticus of the apostles chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're reading from verse 18.,leviticus,3,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 18 seemingly random or chance events in our lives mark 16 verse 33 the lot is cast into the lap but it's every,mark,16,33.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 33 mind haggai chapter 2 verse 20 james 2 verse 20 he said but we don't know of a man that faith without works is dead,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 bible and jesus using it in the new testament to think of 2 peter 1819 it's as an everlasting covenant of salt,2 peter,18,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 19 that is why in verse 15 of haggai 1 paul prays the prayer we're going to look at next time,haggai,1,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 15 god which is in christ jesus our lord mark chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 now back up to verse 12 that we should be to,mark,1,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 13 of encounters with your word joshua chapter 1 verse 3 says to whom also he showed himself alive after his,joshua,1,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 3 disobeyed the power of rome concern joel chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,joel,13,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 2 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 jonah 6 verse 8 that we,jonah,6,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 8 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in ruth chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,ruth,29,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 11 14 esther chapter 2 verse 14 here is what the lord is telling,esther,2,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 14 i will trust in you you will see that in the book of joshua chapter 56 verse 3,joshua,56,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 56 verse 3 in amos in conclusion in acts chapter 12 41 to 43 says that they have gladly,amos,12,41.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 41 spirit it's in fulfillment of 1 kings 8 verse 18 i and the children,1 kings,8,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 18 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of 1 thessalonians and what was the boast of god he said,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 5 to 7 1 corinthians 22 5 to 7 stay here with the donkey yep stay here,1 corinthians,22,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 5 is one reference in the book of amos acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con,amos,16,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 14 that's where that's how vision starts esther 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,esther,2,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 13 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 1 corinthians 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,1 corinthians,27,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 27 verse 5 "but notice that we were foolish to verse 3 1 timothy 3 verse 3 to that we were disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts, pleasures, spending",1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 god the scriptures the bible the original formula esther 2 18 tells us that god himself said,esther,2,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 18 believe i believe in micah chapter 13 verse 8,micah,13,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 8 examples of where god stilled storms one of them would be in the life of hosea jonah wondrous 5 verse 15 story in 16 when,hosea,5,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 15 3 he says christ who is our life 2 samuel 2 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,2 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 reading from verse 7 2 john chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,2 john,7,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 7 same passage as last week again verse 5 through 11 2 john chapter 5 reading 5 through 11.,2 john,5,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 11 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says colossians chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,colossians,3,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 2 verse 20 age 1 corinthians the son of known,1 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at habakkuk 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 verse 25 2 john chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,2 john,3,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 25 and it says in 1 timothy 4 and verse 17 the book of the prophet isaiah was given to him,1 timothy,4,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 17 we're the ones that disqualify ourselves half the time and in 2 kings chapter 6 verse 26 that says for the wages of sin,2 kings,6,26.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 26 jehovah and we will please turn to book of ezekiel chapter 1 verse nine revelation chapter 1 verse 9,ezekiel,1,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9 his son made of a woman made under the law habakkuk 4 4. romans 8 3 says god,habakkuk,4,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 4 nehemiah chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,nehemiah,5,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 2 him said behave the same way in 1 thessalonians chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i,1 thessalonians,15,32.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 32 lauda amen luke chapter 3 verse 7 jesus speaking said i am he that is true he,luke,3,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 7 chapter 41 of joshua we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,joshua,41,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 41 verse 3 now look what happens here. look at 2 timothy 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,2 timothy,13,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 17 comfort in in mixing this science with the amazing things of god is job 1815 you can tell me if you think i'm taken,job,18,15.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 15 name philemon chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 13,philemon,3,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 13 this experience with god well i think again ezra this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to,ezra,6,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 9 chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with psalms verse 3 he was,psalms,32,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 3 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen numbers chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,numbers,3,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 17 forward the holy spirit stopped them psalms 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped,psalms,16,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 6 holy spirit is that he does good it says in ezekiel chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the,ezekiel,10,38.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 38 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,1 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 as we trust him for newness luke 32 15 it says until the spirit is poured upon us from one eye,luke,32,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 32 verse 15 encounters with light matthew 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,matthew,3,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 15 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in zechariah 10 20 that he made a way,zechariah,10,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 2 the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in habakkuk chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22,habakkuk,8,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 22 part and there is god's part our joshua is to pray god's job is to answer first kings 18 36 look at that with me,joshua,18,36.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 36 but you'll understand that as i read verses 15 to 17 mark 5 15 to 17. therefore be careful how you walk,mark,5,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 15 going to be with you to empower you he reminds them in 1 timothy 1 8 just before ascending the holy spirit will come upon,1 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 festive season 1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 6 i paraphrased says but come near,1 chronicles,9,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 6 in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) acts chapter 16 yesterday acts chapter 15 um acceptance 16 verse 16 to 18 access to 16 to 18 for,song of solomon (song of songs),16,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 16 look at micah chapter 8 reading from verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the words of a king is,micah,8,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 4 our memory verse is from 2 kings chapter 19 verse 7.,2 kings,19,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 7 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle psalms 1 verses 19 to 20.,psalms,1,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 19 book of philemon chapter 39 verse 9. he said how will i do these wicked things,philemon,39,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 39 verse 9 name i know nahum 9 6 isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born,nahum,9,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 6 on the mount of transfiguration again peter 2 thessalonians and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,2 thessalonians,9,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 28 divine watchers ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 13,ecclesiastes,4,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 13 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him luke 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,luke,5,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 3 what we think every time john 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time,john,23,7.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 7 i thought i'd just read it right here numbers 3 19. i said this is god speaking,numbers,3,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 19 blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only luke chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only,luke,1,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 15 habakkuk 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,habakkuk,5,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 6 where is it written a ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6,ecclesiastes,9,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 they came to mara that's verse 23 of john 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter,john,15,23.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 23 to 2 john chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,2 john,4,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 6 that power will be upon your life in jesus name 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts,2 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at 1 chronicles chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,1 chronicles,2,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3 1 peter chapter 6 verse 14. i'm sorry where i got romans 6 14 romans 8 16.,1 peter,6,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 14 children made it 1 kings chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,1 kings,14,31.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 31 shall live by faith says mark 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 power and the glory of god as you read in 2 peter chapter 33 verse 14 to 23 their power so there is power in the presence,2 peter,33,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 33 verse 14 verse 3 2 samuel 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 and i'm reading from verse 11 1 kings chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah,1 kings,11,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 11 i'm reading from verse 22 philemon chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel,philemon,2,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 22 let him hear what the spirit now 1 samuel 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,1 samuel,2,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 7 escape that's what you see look at john chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 attend to my words 1 thessalonians 4 22 22 give ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep,1 thessalonians,4,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 22 of truth in jude 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans,jude,2,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk chapter 8 a reading from verstappen 7 romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things,habakkuk,8,37.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 37 end we need his grace 2 peter chapter 12 and verse 28,2 peter,12,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 28 immeasurable possibilities we're looking at haggai chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17 here jerry maya chapter 30,haggai,32,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 17 the bread the bible says and join us in the book of esther chapter 10 verse 25 hebrew 10 25 that we should not forsake,esther,10,25.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 25 coming to nahum chapter 9 verse 15 acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the lord said unto him go,nahum,9,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 15 of offence both towards god and man john 24 16 we need to exercise ourselves we need to build up our faith,john,24,16.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 16 word of god that's why we are we read today in that book of esther chapter 4 verse 12 said the word of god is strong,esther,4,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 12 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is haggai chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the,haggai,2,37.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 37 the next one is faith and we see that clearly in in hosea chapter 11 verse 5,hosea,11,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 5 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in 2 chronicles 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,2 chronicles,43,21.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 43 verse 21 amen beloved if you open your bible to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 26 and joshua i adjourned them at,song of solomon (song of songs),6,26.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 26 weeks the largest section of the book of 2 samuel is right here between chapter 6 and 18,2 samuel,6,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 18 that can make anything happen in one day in colossians chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,colossians,12,41.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 41 and you know the reason why first corinthians starting 2 john one two three,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 on every side in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,2 peter,14,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 3 from 1 john chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 missionary journey 2 timothy of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,2 timothy,4,36.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 36 solomon was extremely wise and in ecclesiastes 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one,ecclesiastes,4,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 verse 4 1 peter chapter 12 verse 4 for just as each of us,1 peter,12,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 4 chapter two were reading from verse thirteen 2 peter chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain,2 peter,2,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 13 hardinged pretenders we're looking at luke chapter 14 verse 3 of the children of israel they are,luke,14,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 14 verse 3 buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us 2 samuel 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and,2 samuel,20,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 20 verse 2 look at 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,1 timothy,11,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 book of records look at numbers chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter,numbers,20,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 12 fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in 2 timothy 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much,2 timothy,18,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 13 your house in ecclesiastes 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,ecclesiastes,3,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 7 uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in job chapter 17 verse 9,job,17,9.0,1.0,job chapter 17 verse 9 can recite that now memory verse nehemiah chapter 4 and verse 4,nehemiah,4,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 4 others let us look at 1 timothy chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and,1 timothy,10,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 4 jesus name philemon of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it,philemon,1,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 8 memory verse is taken from the book of zephaniah chapter 5 and verse 16 be that's the second part of that,zephaniah,5,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 16 this earth he says i now in ezra 1 24 i now rejoice in my,ezra,1,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 24 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a joshua the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5,joshua,1,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 5 verses 5 & 6 2 corinthians chapter 15 verses 5 & 6 now the god of patience and consolation,2 corinthians,15,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 15 verse 5 why 2 peter 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,2 peter,2,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 9 another and the word all men even as we do towards you 2 corinthians chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15,2 corinthians,15,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 15 verse 13 through cain let me read beginning in verse 17 of ecclesiastes 4 cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore enoch now,ecclesiastes,4,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 17 mind the kana mind in 2 timothy chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,2 timothy,8,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 6 many others to christ and to this church nahum 8 30. over whom it did predestinate them he also called on whom,nahum,8,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 3 actually mixed up with one another for example in philemon 19 verse 18 we read do not bear a grudge or seek revenge which,philemon,19,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 18 is going to cost you something joel chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,joel,3,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 7 thou shall not have any other god with me luke 20 4 5,luke,20,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 4 jude one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for,jude,1,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 4 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few ruth psalm 69 70,ruth,69,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 69 verse 7 and wisdom is essential look at zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,zephaniah,4,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 or not but i want to turn your attention to 2 kings 17 specifically let's see here verse 12,2 kings,17,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 12 so paul says it right there in 2 timothy 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,2 timothy,3,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 23 church this year judges 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,judges,49,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 49 verse 25 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in jude 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19,jude,2,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 8 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,1 thessalonians,2,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 name habakkuk chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51,habakkuk,7,51.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 7 verse 51 fruitfulness 2 john 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,2 john,23,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 25 chapter 41 of leviticus we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,leviticus,41,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 41 verse 3 read about christ like this to patients 1 jesus christ has been placed luke 1 verse 21 above all real authority power,luke,1,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 21 mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of joel chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43,joel,43,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 43 verse 18 for the good of his children 3 john 8 28 says and we know that all things work together for good,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 who love god let me show you the jude 8 28 of the old testament,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 question 20 20 what service did 1 kings perform for king ato zexus,1 kings,20,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 2 again the book of mark coincides with the book of haggai we see this in ezra chapter 4 verse 4 this is what ezra says,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 fat philemon chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to,philemon,22,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 17 it says here in joel 50 verse 17 [music],joel,50,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 50 verse 17 john 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,john,24,9.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 9 exalted is in titus in chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 it's very interesting to see that when god sent,titus,2,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 2 description of this man's dedication in the book of 2 corinthians 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,2 corinthians,1,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 now we are going to into a very serious session now jude chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the,jude,10,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 12 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of malachi chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,malachi,1,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 17 or female in the 3 john passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and,3 john,3,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 28 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,1 corinthians,3,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 "stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of joshua 40 verse 13, ""who has known the mind of the lord?""",joshua,40,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 40 verse 13 see what paul says in 1 john 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13,1 john,3,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 13 end from the beginning matthew chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,matthew,46,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 46 verse 9 purifies and refine the bible st. 2 john chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 i think we already know that job chapter 1 verse 5,job,1,5.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 5 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of mark chapter 62 and verse 5.,mark,62,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 62 verse 5 in the book of malachi 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you,malachi,2,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 5 in the name of jesus in the book of numbers 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,numbers,53,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 53 verse 24 arm of god praise the lord i want us to read this zechariah 1 6. then we round up,zechariah,1,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 6 what god is able to do and the bible says in zechariah chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and,zechariah,10,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 17 verse 32 of haggai chapter five ephesians 5 and verse 32 the bible says this is a great great,haggai,5,32.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 32 prophecy that spoke about tongues was in ecclesiastes 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with,ecclesiastes,28,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 28 verse 11 go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 colossians 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other,colossians,43,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 43 verse 13 chapter 23 in 2 thessalonians chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should,2 thessalonians,23,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 19 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of 2 corinthians 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,2 corinthians,11,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 8 "verses 12 to 15, and 1 samuel 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",1 samuel,10,21.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 21 into this church this coming sunday ezekiel chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 uses this expression to refer to god's word habakkuk 20 verse 32 he says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace,habakkuk,20,32.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 32 verse 6 lamentations chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy,lamentations,30,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 30 verse 6 earnestly and faithfully seek him obey him 1 samuel 10 verse 4,1 samuel,10,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 4 creation together um it's entirely about the deity of jesus so yeah nahum 22 13 should be paired with revelation 1,nahum,22,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 13 that upheld god in high esteem nehemiah 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,nehemiah,41,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 14 overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of malachi chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from,malachi,7,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 6 now over to the book of nahum jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 closing of this age but the second mentioning in 1 peter 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,1 peter,21,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 22 obadiah chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,obadiah,11,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 25 predestination now in lamentations chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified,lamentations,8,29.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 29 feel like there's some impact here he's reading psalms 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 me in pieces with walls words come break into pieces 2 timothy 18 4,2 timothy,18,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 4 chapter 29 verse 4 through 17. amos said here as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god does upon,amos,29,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 29 verse 4 read the scripture um joel chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,joel,3,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 5 this coming sunday in 2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 the angel of the lord appeared to,2 corinthians,10,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 and they're dealing with and in nehemiah 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy,nehemiah,3,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 16 he gave us very early in our marriage in john 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,john,26,9.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 9 flood please reduction i said to please 1 corinthians 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,1 corinthians,1,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 he is the great high priest who intercedes for his people right jude 2 17 and 18.,jude,2,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 17 with a shout of grace grace to it that's hosea chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah,hosea,4,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 7 joshua 24 27 proverbs 24 and verse 27. prepare their work,joshua,24,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 27 1 chronicles chapter 22 sorry proverbs 11 verse 25 probably seven trade buyer said great worse he who,1 chronicles,11,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 25 can help us read hosea 18 20 to 21 proverbs 18 20 to 21 can you hear me from the fruit of his mouth a man's,hosea,18,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 2 sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in judges 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn,judges,23,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 23 verse 32 more grace to do that in jesus name look at luke chapter 4 we're reading from verse 12,luke,4,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 12 that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of lamentations and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself,lamentations,8,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 21 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in 2 corinthians 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,2 corinthians,29,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 there's much more than that see 2 timothy 1 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his,2 timothy,1,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 and duplicity of lawless undependable tongues 1 chronicles chapter three we're looking at verse 9.,1 chronicles,3,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 9 follow up in matthew chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,matthew,1,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 9 loving a conversation it was yeah but it reminds me of 2 thessalonians 28 13 he who covers his sin yes that's the truth,2 thessalonians,28,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 13 it we also saw in 1 timothy 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,1 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 came down on anointed worship or look at 1 kings chapter 2 and verse 11,1 kings,2,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 11 of judgment specifically they're called 1 peter of judgment in exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a,1 peter,12,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 12 that we're expecting great things from the lord in 3 john 34 26 the bible says and i will make them,3 john,34,26.0,1.0,3 john chapter 34 verse 26 the bible says in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 romans chapter 1 verse 28 he said because men refused to retain,1 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 can we say believe in amen 1 kings 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,1 kings,3,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 17 4 we're looking at verse 13 jonah chapter 4,jonah,4,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 13 chapter 5 we're looking at verse 2 2 kings chapter 5,2 kings,5,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 2 verse 16 jonah chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant,jonah,3,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 16 synergic connection of all members in the body jude chapter 12 verse 5 so we be many,jude,12,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 5 and signs and wonders begin to take place zephaniah 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 answer i verse 3 see god the holy one just like ruth i see god his brilliant splendor fills,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 which is different from the old covenant esther 8 verse 8 and 9. the three parts of the,esther,8,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 8 improve on the gifts in matthew chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,matthew,9,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 9 a repeated concept in the old testament one place you find it is in 1 john 18 5 he says you shall therefore keep my,1 john,18,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 5 cramming it into seven 1 samuel chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine,1 samuel,9,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 9 settle down in this church for life hosea chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the,hosea,9,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 11 here's the challenging part he actually went amos 12 4 says so abram,amos,12,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 4 class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in 1 chronicles 2 17 where it says let the priests who,1 chronicles,2,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 17 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice ruth chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,ruth,4,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 7 verses whole section from psalms 5 verse 21 all the way to ephesians 6 verse 9.,psalms,5,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 21 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of jude 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these,jude,6,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 8 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in zechariah 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,zechariah,28,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 28 verse 23 from him numbers chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,numbers,25,21.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 21 mark chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 the bible tells us there acts 2 verse 46 and 47,mark,2,46.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 46 from the beginning titus 46 9 to 10,titus,46,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 46 verse 9 old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 zechariah 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put,zechariah,20,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 18 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to hosea chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up,hosea,9,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 27 in the heavenly places in christ 1 samuel chapter one and verse three every single blessing of the holy spirit,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool john chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,john,7,9.0,1.0,john chapter 7 verse 9 ii hosea chapter 4 were eating from verse 20 romans chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of taking,hosea,4,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 2 in mark 2 from verse 5 to 12 philippians 2 from verse 5 to 12. the bible says he humbled himself,mark,2,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 5 lamentations 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,lamentations,29,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 11 i read job chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,job,10,27.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 27 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in ezra chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,ezra,2,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 7 let's do it with the understanding of the word of god in the book of 3 john chapter 145 verses 18 and 19 psalm 145,3 john,145,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 145 verse 18 this morning let's read as our text mark chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16.,mark,6,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 16 look at zephaniah chapter 8 reading from verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the words of a king is,zephaniah,8,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 4 philemon 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,philemon,21,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 2 matthew chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,matthew,3,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 26 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from esther chapter 9 verse 22.,esther,9,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 22 expectations increase i remember the book of hosea chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts,hosea,5,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 12 the lord is like guard your heart and it reminds me of haggai 4 and 23 it says guard your heart because out of it flows,haggai,4,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 23 their salvation allow that email leviticus chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,leviticus,5,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 that our bearing will be from nahum 2 verse 5,nahum,2,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 5 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from micah chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,micah,7,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 13 reading from verse 18 numbers chapter 6 we're looking at verse 18,numbers,6,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 18 was worth the wait ezra 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,ezra,8,27.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 27 interceding is very important ruth 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,ruth,9,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 5 affect you because you are not alone infrastructure level verse 5 zechariah 11 verse 5 that we will good let's say that,zechariah,11,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 5 israel that's why such detail is given in 2 chronicles 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given,2 chronicles,38,39.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 38 verse 39 and i'll obtain my crown judges 1 and verse 18 says the highest of the understanding being,judges,1,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 18 with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia numbers chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 but the reason i had you turn over to joshua is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,joshua,3,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 9 things so here john 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,john,14,12.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 12 here's what scripture says in 1 peter chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14.,1 peter,3,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 14 lord will answer your prayer and look at 1 john chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians,1 john,3,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 17 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it 2 thessalonians 2 14 the lord,2 thessalonians,2,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in jonah 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,jonah,15,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 16 and the body of christ in ezekiel four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 16 about the last part of,ezekiel,4,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 16 summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it 2 timothy chapter 28 and verse 13.,2 timothy,28,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 28 verse 13 explain why you're doing this i think jonah 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,jonah,13,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 9 because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that 3 john 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god,3 john,2,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 11 you know you know what we do we go to over to obadiah chapter 2 and verse is eight and nine and we love to quote it,obadiah,2,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 8 longer 2 john chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26,2 john,1,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 22 to your life and ministry i will reverse in numbers 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,numbers,21,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 5 the concept we've been looking at in luke chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from,luke,2,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 4 that will be able to say like the apostles in 2 john chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,2 john,5,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 12 we'll go to job chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,job,11,19.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 19 [applause] 1 samuel chapter three and verse chapter eight sorry and verse,1 samuel,3,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 8 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. nehemiah chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,nehemiah,66,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 66 verse 6 father colossians 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i,colossians,7,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 25 before the lord nehemiah 10 25 says never in your life shall you,nehemiah,10,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 25 i wanted to show you in ezekiel is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,ezekiel,12,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 14 thou shall not have any other god with me 2 chronicles 20 4 5,2 chronicles,20,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 4 and we are going to be taking our test from 1 chronicles chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and,1 chronicles,8,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 18 but that's where you have to start 2 timothy 1 32 all after all the lists of immorality,2 timothy,1,32.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 32 in the book of micah in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,micah,74,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 74 verse 2 it says among the indictments chapter 5 of 2 timothy verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 in all excuse me 2 corinthians 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 and at that point the lord reminded me of 1 kings 5 14 where it says,1 kings,5,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 14 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to job chapter one we're reading from verse 3,job,1,3.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 3 hold our very lives even as ezekiel said there in daniel 523 even the breath of our lives held in the palm of your hand,ezekiel,5,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 23 as i've studied the bible 1 chronicles 6 galatians chapter 6 i think was verse 9 and i want to share,1 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 in the story i told you earlier on mark 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,mark,32,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 24 2 timothy to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw,2 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 the bible tells us that we shall in the good of the land amos 119 if we are willing and obedient,amos,1,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 19 so we must look at the example of others we are told in judges 15 4 that these things are written for our examples,judges,15,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 4 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water 2 corinthians nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,2 corinthians,38,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 16 that i break the hold of anxiety and worry over my life as 2 thessalonians four six and seven says it clearly lack a,2 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 we'll be reading numbers chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,numbers,8,37.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 37 your legacy for example that is a man with gisela amos chapter 5 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 5 26 or 27 he lived for,amos,5,26.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 26 if people have offended you release them 2 corinthians 4 26 episode 426 ephesians 4 31 to 32,2 corinthians,4,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 26 17 and verse 18 thank you jesus 2 corinthians 1 17 and 18. it tells us there it says that the god,2 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 nahum chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we,nahum,4,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 13 not want us to gather in obadiah chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11,obadiah,3,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 11 a loud amen 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,2 thessalonians,5,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 different thing now if we go to 2 kings to exodus 24 8,2 kings,24,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 24 verse 8 you are criticizing because the bible says in hosea 4 verse 15 official 415 deter you will not begin to speak,hosea,4,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 15 and we're reading from verse 27 jude chapter 11 reading from verse 27,jude,11,27.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 27 journey with the part that the holy spirit has given to you or lamentations two verse two said i went in response to a,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 jesus and whatever for jesus 1 corinthians chapter 13 reading from verse 8 hebrews,1 corinthians,13,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god 1 corinthians 26 15 15 to 16,1 corinthians,26,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 15 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was numbers brought in before the king,numbers,1,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 13 why in 2 john 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,2 john,4,33.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 33 joy in the holy ghost the bible says in 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 22. but the fruit,1 chronicles,5,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 so it's no big deal zephaniah chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times,zephaniah,1,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 11 something that i hope impacts you 1 peter chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,1 peter,13,46.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 46 have washed 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 38 you have enterprise genesis 1 verse 28 the verses are god bless them and there is,2 chronicles,1,38.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 38 "and the good news is, according to the opening of judges, 3 john chapter 2 and verse 7, is a good word.",3 john,2,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 7 amen amen verse 27 verse 27 of that same scripture judges 14 verse 27 says so as the sun began to,judges,14,27.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 27 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text luke 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,luke,13,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 2 see what paul says in mark 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13,mark,3,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 13 for that grace chapter 11 of 1 chronicles acts 11,1 chronicles,11,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 11 1 timothy chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,1 timothy,3,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 7 knowing notice what it says here in 1 john chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the,1 john,20,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 4 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 luke 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,luke,1,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 9 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in 3 john 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,3 john,1,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 25 and season the bible tells me in the book of nahum chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,nahum,2,21.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 21 is not just taxes jude 13 6 says for because of this why because of what because the,jude,13,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 6 this is so important 1 kings chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12.,1 kings,46,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 46 verse 8 way restored that's key now lead 2 timothy 7 verse 2 now the people of bath el bethel bethel was 11 miles north,2 timothy,7,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 2 ruth 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 i see him doing yours tonight in the name of jesus,ruth,32,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 27 1 john romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,1 john,4,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 17 "things, even the deep things of god."" i think whenever i read that of nehemiah 8 verse 26 and 27 where it talks about the spirit making",nehemiah,8,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 26 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 mark chapter 1 at the end of the time that,mark,1,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 18 reading from verse 20. 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified,2 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 micah chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,micah,26,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 14 it takes everything away look at that in 1 john chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,1 john,10,38.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 38 that was numbers 7 i'm sorry romans 14 verse 7 to 12. you know we must all appear,numbers,14,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 7 first and in the book of 3 john 4 19 philippians 4 19 he said my god,3 john,4,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 19 john 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness,john,53,3.0,1.0,john chapter 53 verse 3 on every side in 1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,1 thessalonians,14,3.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 3 they can resist the ocean psalms 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 let the church say louder amen luke verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this,luke,1,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 6 quotes from that very chapter verse 8 and from ruth 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been,ruth,53,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 53 verse 8 of substitution judges chapter 11 verse 8.,judges,11,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 8 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives 1 kings 5 25 says love your wives and,1 kings,5,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 25 to 1 john chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the,1 john,3,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 14 second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of job he is my partner,job,8,23.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 23 year malachi 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,malachi,13,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 19 brothers and i think this really relates to ezra chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,ezra,2,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 17 testimony of two or three you know in numbers 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god,numbers,15,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 3 going to make us richer than we are ever been this reading 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 9.,1 samuel,3,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote zechariah 2 4. i've spent my life,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 here today we are presently in the church age that's lamentations 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 implication number two here's matthew chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's,matthew,13,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 17 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in 1 corinthians 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,1 corinthians,5,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 12 that's what god we are talking about lamentations 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,lamentations,29,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 4 these ecclesiastes one two three four five you know and all that to genesis 12 all that,ecclesiastes,1,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 2 "and in joshua 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",joshua,3,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 8 between belief and obedience in 2 chronicles 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,2 chronicles,2,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 14 this morning we're opened up to 1 samuel chapter 6 verses 4 through 9. we're going to read together,1 samuel,6,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 4 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 1 peter do this is scripture remember so verse 32,1 peter,36,32.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 36 verse 32 in christ jesus so if you're there in philemon chapter 15 find verse 13,philemon,15,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 13 heaven jonah 3 21 in other words the jewish,jonah,3,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 21 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up malachi they threw him into the sea,malachi,1,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 15 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god jude chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,jude,4,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 2 too hard for me micah 32 and verse 27,micah,32,27.0,1.0,micah chapter 32 verse 27 you need these things he has promised jonah chapter 4 verse 19 that he will meet all of our needs according to,jonah,4,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 19 bible and study the words of god in ezekiel 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,ezekiel,1,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 now let's turn back to titus 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had,nehemiah,8,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 today and this is in jonah chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,jonah,5,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 19 deserved to get but he says i'm going to give you mercy for it ezra 3 23 it's a famous verse,ezra,3,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 23 covenant obadiah chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god,obadiah,8,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 18 mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of nahum chapter 2 verse 14,nahum,2,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 14 again i think this is most instructive eager 1 samuel 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,1 samuel,4,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 3 on issues of concern you better do that in habakkuk 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i,habakkuk,26,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 26 verse 9 1 john chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,1 john,11,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 6 i said tonight in your life 2 peter chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom,2 peter,1,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 7 3 11 the judge shall live by faith leviticus 10 38 now the jew shall live by faith but,leviticus,10,38.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 38 minister ezekiel 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect,ezekiel,26,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 3 without the savior how can you look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,song of solomon (song of songs),3,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 19 engaging the wisdom from above in mark chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,mark,12,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 3 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here 1 peter 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,1 peter,19,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 19 verse 3 by jewish law. hosea 21 verse 5 explicitly forbid the jews to make any kind of cuttings in their,hosea,21,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 5 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to obadiah chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,obadiah,6,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 9 hope for you joel 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,joel,14,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 7 here's the challenging part he actually went zechariah 12 4 says so abram,zechariah,12,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 4 church days coming sunday in psalms chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of,psalms,12,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 12 generally represents an unclaimed spirit in nehemiah 16 verse 13 it says and i saw three unclean spirits,nehemiah,16,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 13 number six we forgive to avoid discipline 2 peter 2 13 judgment will be merciless to one who has,2 peter,2,13.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 13 fact this is the case with the prophet numbers chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in,numbers,2,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 2 tonight in joshua chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,joshua,58,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 58 verse 9 wars this year titus chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost,titus,13,44.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 44 in colossians chapter 2 verse 36 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 from arawa which is by the brink of the,colossians,2,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 36 self to control there's others love p.m. in 2 timothy 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness,2 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 everyone from his neighbor in hosea chapter 2 verse 21 here the lord is,hosea,2,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 21 chapter 14 and verse 14 it says even if noah ruth and joe were there they would only be able to save themselves,ruth,14,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 14 so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was psalms 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and,psalms,34,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 3 number one is led by the spirit jonah 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we,jonah,5,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 16 "and he tells his entire kingdom, you can read about it in lamentations 4 verse 34. let me say one last thing",lamentations,4,34.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 34 people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous 2 chronicles 812 but when they believed philip,2 chronicles,8,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 12 leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater,leviticus,1,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 affect you because you are not alone infrastructure level verse 5 zechariah 11 verse 5 that we will good let's say that,zechariah,11,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 5 will do more in your life it tells us in ezra chapter 5 verse 26,ezra,5,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 26 because you're made of dust verse 19 ecclesiastes 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,ecclesiastes,3,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 19 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game 2 corinthians doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,2 corinthians,42,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 42 verse 5 that's what he's talking about um 2 chronicles 27 6 faithful are the wounds of a friend,2 chronicles,27,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 6 from verse 9 to 17 1 john chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,1 john,7,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 7 of righteousness job chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,job,28,7.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 7 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of 2 corinthians 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,2 corinthians,4,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 26 abraham god the favor of god 2 corinthians 18 3 genesis 183 abraham found favor with god,2 corinthians,18,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 18 verse 3 ezra chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from,ezra,30,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 17 members give room to the devil nehemiah 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore,nehemiah,4,27.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 27 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony matthew 8 35 to 38.,matthew,8,35.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 35 some quiet time with the lord at the end of the day joel said in isaiah 26 9 with my soul i have desired you in the,joel,26,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 9 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know 1 corinthians 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility,1 corinthians,12,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 3 philemon 18 this is 9 to 13 genesis 18 versus 9 to 13,philemon,18,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 9 the apostle chapter 8 while looking at verse 4 numbers of the apostle chapter 8,numbers,8,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 4 don't make them mad there is a parallel statement obadiah 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that,obadiah,3,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 21 unstoppable in your adventure again titus i mean john 14 21 the word says whosoever has my,titus,14,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 21 supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see esther chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind,esther,8,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 6 want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in amos 11 14 and 24,amos,11,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 14 look at joshua chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude,joshua,20,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 2 they never taught me what it says in zechariah 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes,zechariah,3,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 21 what you expect to have as good a 2 corinthians chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,2 corinthians,1,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 people will live super long lives haggai 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,haggai,65,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 65 verse 2 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in psalms uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,psalms,12,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 4 it's going to be 17 to 21 1 peter chapter 4 and,1 peter,4,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 17 love god with the multitude of sins according to leviticus 10 verse 12 rather it means we act prudently knowing first,leviticus,10,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 12 ezra 16 verse 17 gave you this revelation and i am the christ the son of the living god the word revelation,ezra,16,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 17 in 2 chronicles chapter 8 from verse 26 to 38 acts 8 26 to 38 philip was having a wonderful wonderful,2 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 that were not forgiving god says in habakkuk chapter 20 verse 5 if you are familiar with the,habakkuk,20,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 5 go to that the same verse 14 joel chapter 14 verse 14 it says this if a man dies shall it leave again,joel,14,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 14 since the year began a better amen song of solomon (song of songs) 118 verse 23 this is the lord's doing,song of solomon (song of songs),118,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 118 verse 23 multitudes this coming sunday philemon chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land,philemon,12,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 12 8 verse 11 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,2 chronicles,8,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the,ecclesiastes,10,38.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 because amos chapter 3 5 to 6 proverbs 3 5 to 6 it's a trust in the lord with all thy,amos,3,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 5 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of malachi 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,malachi,41,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 41 verse 14 good because psalms 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to,psalms,8,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 28 man paul says in 1 corinthians 3 17 be followers together of me,1 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 nurturing new churches for growth amos chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 very quickly now in verse 21 and 21,amos,14,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 21 this coming sunday in matthew chapter 10 verse 3 the angel of the lord appeared to,matthew,10,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 3 all right ebuka says that's what joshua 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,joshua,3,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 5 nine the bible says that his power is excellent numbers job 37 23,numbers,37,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 37 verse 23 of righteousness nahum chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,nahum,28,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 7 17. in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god,song of solomon (song of songs),14,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 17 abraham had faith exercise faith in 2 peter chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and,2 peter,15,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 6 number two exoros chapter 15 obadiah chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,obadiah,15,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 15 see this pharaoh in fact hardens his own heart in 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 15 32 and 34 three times ferrule hardens his,1 timothy,15,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 32 change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in nehemiah chapter 22 verse 17,nehemiah,22,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 17 i will not forsake you judges 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,judges,13,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 5 literally chapter 18 1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 15 the lord thy gosh will race up,1 chronicles,18,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 15 "chapter four, verse 28 that he permitted, it says in haggai 4 verse 28, god, i've got this right",haggai,4,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 28 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 ruth 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,ruth,2,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 12 because they'll all leave and go 2 corinthians 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed,2 corinthians,2,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 that will be able to say like the apostles in habakkuk chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,habakkuk,5,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 12 40 to 42 that will show you the secret malachi 105 42 42 the people asked and he brought quills,malachi,105,42.0,1.0,malachi chapter 105 verse 42 have heard this verse before but i want to read song of solomon (song of songs) 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am,song of solomon (song of songs),1,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 13 22 it says that samson's hair had grown again and in john 1628 we are told that samson is praying again he used to,john,16,28.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 28 bible and study the words of god in ecclesiastes 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,ecclesiastes,1,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8 the full wave of the glory of god look at obadiah 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,obadiah,8,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 26 15 down to verse 28. 2 chronicles 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,2 chronicles,20,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 15 number one we are to watch vigilantly 1 thessalonians 13 11 and do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake,1 thessalonians,13,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 11 your joy is coming in zephaniah chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,zephaniah,15,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 15 verse 15 get to that hold up now in other words i want us to look at is leviticus chapter 12 and it's verse 19 and it says beloved so,leviticus,12,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 19 be subject to your husband's see we can jump into luke 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject,luke,5,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 22 analyze and particularly the the the passage in amos chapter 4 verse 7 that we dealt with on thursday night,amos,4,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 7 life he still gets mentioned in philemon chapter 11 in the great hall of faith,philemon,11,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 11 zechariah chapter 2 verse four ibaka to was four romans 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17 galatians 3 verse 11 galatians 3 verse 11 and,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 all right so my question is this what it gots say in ecclesiastes 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily devotional of monday,ecclesiastes,49,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 49 verse 8 can find it here first 2 peter chapter 2 14. this is such an,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 good we're coming to 1 samuel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 transformed,1 samuel,11,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 19 can recite that now memory verse 1 corinthians chapter 4 and verse 4,1 corinthians,4,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 [music] zephaniah 41 46 .,zephaniah,41,46.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 41 verse 46 experienced without passing the test the bible says in judges 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,judges,4,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 18 are the ways of death in ezra chapter 10 verse 23 we are told there it is not in a man that,ezra,10,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 23 it's a bride but there's something else in the book of haggai it's called in ephesians 2 19 the church the local,haggai,2,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 19 focus on him 2 peter chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the,2 peter,2,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 18 company and the bible tells us in the book of joshua in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,joshua,12,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 16 like david lamentations 64 and verse 4 says for since the beginning,lamentations,64,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 64 verse 4 dwell in your hearts through faith mark 3 16 17 it's not that's at the back of paul's,mark,3,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 16 micah if we look at chapter 2 from verse 6 colossians chapter 2 from verse 6 as ye have therefore received christ,micah,2,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 6 not required we get this from 2 peter 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,2 peter,10,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 15 be awesomely blessed our verse of the month is from 1 timothy chapter 34 verse 8 it says,1 timothy,34,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 34 verse 8 against the global crusade titus chapter 22 verse 28 says thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be,titus,22,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 28 reality of your expectation the bible says in nehemiah 4 23 he says guard your heart with all diligence because out of,nehemiah,4,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 23 chapter 22 habakkuk 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly my reward,habakkuk,22,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 12 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of haggai two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,haggai,2,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 4 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to jude now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,jude,6,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 19 somehow psalms knows but jesus never did somehow jesus quotes isaiah 49 but doesn't read two verses prior like is,psalms,49,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 49 verse 2 [music] in lamentations chapter 2 from verse 23 to 25,lamentations,2,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 23 i still hear pages turning so i'll wait 1 timothy 19 15 now out of his mouth goes a sharp,1 timothy,19,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 15 increasing city without walls john chapter 2 verse 4 and he said unto him wrong speak to these young man,john,2,4.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 4 we cannot have here is the perfection we can have esther 9 and 9 the old testament could not make a worship of,esther,9,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 9 engaging the wisdom from above in 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will,2 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 sorry that's not the verse uh hosea 13 7 excuse me this is uh after,hosea,13,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 7 hand of god deliver supernaturally micah 11 and verse 6. the bible says,micah,11,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 6 he gave us very early in our marriage in 1 john 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37,1 john,26,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 26 verse 9 chapter number 13 zephaniah chapter 13 verse number 22 acts chapter 13 verse 22 and the new king james,zephaniah,13,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 22 as a loving father who says in esther 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,esther,49,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 49 verse 15 conclusion 1 john chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17,1 john,17,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 9 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good haggai chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,haggai,4,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 17 let us cleanse ourselves malachi chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,malachi,12,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 14 said whatever is you know let's look at 2 peter 4 8 right quick philippians 4 8,2 peter,4,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 8 sliders make him i am reading from chapter 6 verse 3 2 samuel chapter 6 verse 3 and i say messengers unto them,2 samuel,6,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 3 eloquence of men but on the power of god nehemiah chapter 12 verse number two we don't look to men we look unto jesus the,nehemiah,12,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 2 industrious look at this in titus chapter 41 reading from verse 56 and the famine was,titus,41,56.0,1.0,titus chapter 41 verse 56 blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of john chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul,john,11,25.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 25 of the harvest jude 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women,jude,4,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 4 the kingdom of god according to john 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought,john,14,17.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 17 love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in hosea chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said,hosea,13,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 21 savior because the bible tells us in in philemon 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god,philemon,1,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 27 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it jonah 17 verse 30 s talking about god having,jonah,17,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 17 verse 3 and barnabas to a special work that's in numbers chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called,numbers,13,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 2 for today colossians chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,colossians,1,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 26 on that it is still going on we're coming back to hosea of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 and shame that is really true amos chapter 23 verses 29 to 34. i already says,amos,23,29.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 29 verse 29 to 35. song of solomon (song of songs) 34 29 to 35 you will see that after moses had cut a glimpse of god,song of solomon (song of songs),34,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 34 verse 29 god of trouble job said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that,job,1,7.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 7 of the father now according to 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,1 samuel,8,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 16 in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of 2 kings chapter 4 and verse 2,2 kings,4,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 2 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen job chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 hands of them that's what obadiah did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said,obadiah,1,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 15 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm titus 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it,titus,5,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 21 that they will stop me 1 corinthians five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,1 corinthians,5,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in job 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in,job,5,21.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 21 this i will do that 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 james 3 5 just one word can cause,1 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 to get ready for just looking at a couple of these verses here esther chapter three verse five now moses was,esther,3,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 5 seen him neither no not him 1 peter chapter 7 reading from verse 25,1 peter,7,25.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 25 fulfilling its function that's what we read in 2 timothy 4 16. the body is built by what every joint,2 timothy,4,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 right and something instructive also was mentioned in joshua 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,joshua,2,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 21 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ nahum 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,nahum,8,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 9 our god is a god of speed in philemon chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,philemon,16,22.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 22 are you offended supports are you offended in 1 kings chapter 16 verse 70 romans 16 verse 17,1 kings,16,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 16 for god to avenge and then later lamentations 16 verses five and six it's like god answers them it says and i,lamentations,16,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 5 up with you zephaniah 8 11 says because sentence against an evil work is not executed,zephaniah,8,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 11 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives 2 samuel 5 25 says love your wives and,2 samuel,5,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 25 8 9 which we all know so well but jonah 2 4 but god being rich in mercy,jonah,2,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 4 we're reading from verse 17 1 chronicles 4 reading from verse 17,1 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 who want to humiliate us i can relate with lamentations 54 17 isaiah 54 17,lamentations,54,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 54 verse 17 in the name of jesus christ in ruth 119 verse 18,ruth,119,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 119 verse 18 7 1 john chapter 12 verse 7 and verse 8,1 john,12,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 7 you know in habakkuk chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12,habakkuk,19,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 11 of of of uh of verse 4 nehemiah 4 new leaving translation quickly,nehemiah,4,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 4 apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 micah of the apostle chapter 4,micah,4,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 24 almost like this um as i said the the 2 samuel 613 almost like mystical like,2 samuel,6,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 13 one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is john 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 3 john chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after paul,3 john,15,36.0,1.0,3 john chapter 15 verse 36 obadiah chapter three and i'm reading from verse seven philippians chapter 3 verse 7 but what things were,obadiah,3,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 7 chapter 2 chapter 3 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 7,1 chronicles,3,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 7 the ninth hour but this is what zephaniah spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29,zephaniah,2,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 28 savior because the bible tells us in in zechariah 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god,zechariah,1,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 of the flock shall be scattered that's from obadiah chapter 13 and verse 7,obadiah,13,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 7 be seven years well if you look at the book of ezekiel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this,ezekiel,9,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 24 our verse of the month is from the book of 1 peter chapter 55 verse 9 it says,1 peter,55,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 55 verse 9 chapter 13 jonah chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of,jonah,21,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 13 numbers chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is,numbers,3,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 13 verse 17 micah 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women,micah,2,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 17 love scientists i love them on her wall was 1 chronicles 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get,1 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 suspended for your people number two we saw the story of nehemiah in joshua 10 13 joshua 10 13. he was,nehemiah,10,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 13 who teach you the word follow their faith ruth 13 7 follow the faith of those he said,ruth,13,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 7 all under sin all have sinned matthew 3 23 says and finally god now,matthew,3,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 23 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty numbers 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,numbers,12,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 24 that young people under 30 years yeah turn with me to joel chapter 24 verse 17 in the middle of that verse it,joel,24,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 24 verse 17 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 again but daniel proposed in his search in the secret of his heart without anybody,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 multitudes this coming sunday leviticus chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land,leviticus,12,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 beyond and 2 peter chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of,2 peter,6,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 7 the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name leviticus chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant,leviticus,12,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 7 killed but we read in 2 chronicles 11 40 verse 39 sorry all of these,2 chronicles,11,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 4 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior haggai chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,haggai,11,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 15 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from mark chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,mark,7,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 13 promised returning chapter 30 a meeting from verse 6 in mark chapter 30 verse 6 and the lord thy god will,mark,30,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 30 verse 6 6 verse 12 hosea 6 by stripe amen efficient sticks,hosea,6,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 12 verse 17 to 24 1 samuel chapter 65 verse 17 to,1 samuel,65,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 65 verse 17 2 peter chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long,2 peter,18,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 3 that will be able to say like the apostles in 3 john chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,3 john,5,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 12 begin to enjoy financial fortune in numbers chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 have you not read your bible have you not read 1 peter 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,1 peter,4,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 11 judges chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,judges,8,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 13 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not song of solomon (song of songs) 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,song of solomon (song of songs),10,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 9 because god is sifting god is shaking the book of 1 john chapter 12 we'll get to that,1 john,12,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 9 our amen can be stronger this morning 1 john 18 and verse 3 how long are you slack to go,1 john,18,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 3 for us as believers in nahum but one verse seven look at the emphasis here on the immediate,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 reading from verse 24 psalms chapter 2 we're looking at verse 24 therefore shall a man,psalms,2,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 24 of god philemon chapter 3 verse 16 in colossians chapter 3 verse 16 it says let the word of christ dwell in,philemon,3,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 16 should be a guiding point on this road john chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews 13 verse 5 let your conversion i mean,john,13,5.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 5 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh 1 peter 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and,1 peter,53,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 53 verse 5 for his goods to edification look at verse 3 lamentations chapter 15 verse 3 for evil christ pleased,lamentations,15,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 15 verse 3 our services this year jude 13 44 the next birthday came almost the whole city to hear the word of god,jude,13,44.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 44 a person that's what you see in ezekiel 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,ezekiel,28,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 12 that worse when we were studying the obadiah it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice,obadiah,50,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 50 verse 23 ezekiel chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,ezekiel,4,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 13 yours become so poor that he has to sell part of his property luke 25 25 if a countryman of yours become so poor,luke,25,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 25 verse 25 again and again just go to judges 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,judges,1,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 6 god's spirit why do we say so in joshua chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,joshua,8,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 26 you know the bible says in 2 samuel one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say,2 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 will you please turn to song of solomon (song of songs) the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,song of solomon (song of songs),22,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 verse 2 is stronger louder amen job 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard,job,30,3.0,1.0,job chapter 30 verse 3 15 or 2 peter 16 verse 24 says kind words are like honey sweet to the taste and,2 peter,16,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 24 the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in 1 corinthians five nine the sins of the fathers or,1 corinthians,5,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 9 loves her husband and number four this woman of 2 thessalonians 31 loves her family look at verse 13.,2 thessalonians,31,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 31 verse 13 verse eight in 1 corinthians chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power,1 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith esther verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,esther,1,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 3 against temptation every day ruth 4 7 james 4 7. he said you should i mean,ruth,4,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 7 of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time nahum chapter 11 reading from verse 18.,nahum,11,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 18 is for the good we're coming to 2 timothy chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel,2 timothy,11,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 19 he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here luke chapter eight first four verses they say,luke,8,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 4 2 peter 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,2 peter,11,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 6 when he says the length of your days he's referring to zechariah 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,zechariah,6,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 3 that's where that's how vision starts song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,song of solomon (song of songs),2,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 13 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 numbers chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in micah chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,micah,4,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 12 micah chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,micah,19,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 11 again and again and reinforcing its importance 1 samuel 2 42 is a summary statement of life,1 samuel,2,42.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 in the glory of the power of god bible says in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power ability,nehemiah,1,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 8 yeah chris what do you mean by that in leviticus chapter 4 18 the writer to the hebrews is,leviticus,4,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 18 john chapter 8. romans 8 verse 6,john,8,6.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 6 20 to 2 timothy 13 from verse 22 22 god said i found a man,2 timothy,13,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 22 of things on the street in the name of jesus 1 corinthians 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping,1 corinthians,2,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct nahum 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,nahum,17,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 17 verse 9 we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at 2 kings chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall,2 kings,2,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 3 6 in john chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,john,30,6.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 6 from verse 25 joshua chapter 7 we're reading from verse 25,joshua,7,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 25 verses 6 and 7 matthew chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us,matthew,9,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 6 people 1 timothy chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible said concerning does a simple as for you,1 timothy,15,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 2 look at micah chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for,micah,14,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,song of solomon (song of songs),8,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 14 in the name of jesus christ jude 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that,jude,19,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 11 people okay so if you understand that it says in joshua 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,joshua,10,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 2 it might be the case it might not be the case i'm not saying matthew 3 28 proves the complementarians are right,matthew,3,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 28 of righteousness will arise verse 2 of 1 samuel chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today,1 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 said in john 14 verse 11 i want you to see numbers 14 verse 11,john,14,11.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 11 know he just has the text he wants 1 peter 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 to you 1 chronicles 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15.,1 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 a person that's what you see in john 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had,john,28,12.0,1.0,john chapter 28 verse 12 look at ezra chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,ezra,34,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 34 verse 21 that meant that's mentioned again in joel 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,joel,16,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 12 name let me show you one verse of scripture in ezra chapter 28 verse 12 good,ezra,28,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 28 verse 12 laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that philemon chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12,philemon,26,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 26 verse 12 and to elijah look at colossians chapter 11 verse 5 by faith,colossians,11,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 5 lesson five lifestyle of righteousness memory verse is in micah chapter 17 verse 9 says the righteous shall hold on his,micah,17,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 9 flood please reduction i said to please lamentations 1 13 and isaiah 59 and verse 19,lamentations,1,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 13 2 to 7 john 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,john,21,2.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 2 now verse 14 we're entering the scene in 1 corinthians chapter 4 when the order of the day the,1 corinthians,4,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 14 on to you i mean if you make a reference to scriptures in esther chapter 14 from verse 20 the bible says that,esther,14,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 2 chapter 17 of john acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17,john,17,11.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 11 malachi chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,malachi,3,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 3 biggest blessing shout hallelujah pablo said in titus chapter 12 and verse 13,titus,12,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 13 verse 17 in 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him,1 samuel,2,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 17 straightforward if we're not consistent look at numbers chapter read him from verse 6,numbers,1,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 6 given to him before he got on the ship kristan joel 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,joel,23,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 11 that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied philemon three five the spirit is supplied and works,philemon,3,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 5 let the word of christ dwell in you richly haggai 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by,haggai,3,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 16 god we become the children of god look at zephaniah chapter 5 verse 19. in james chapter 5 reading from verse 19 brethren,zephaniah,5,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 19 every one of us in jesus name in 1 john chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,1 john,3,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 12 fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in jude 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much,jude,18,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 13 love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said,2 thessalonians,13,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 21 has given to you take it that you fulfill it in 2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 36 the bible says david after he has served,2 thessalonians,9,36.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 36 a treasure of god roman chapter 6 verse 23 joshua 6 23 he says the wages of sin is death,joshua,6,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 23 talking of god's love covenant with man joel 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,joel,3,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 16 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 ezekiel 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,ezekiel,26,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 16 the lord's control we're looking at joel chapter nine reading from verse six acts chapter nine,joel,9,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 6 we're reading from verstappen five and verse 36 2 corinthians chapter 37 we're reading from verse,2 corinthians,37,36.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 37 verse 36 amen allah cost open our bibles to the book of ezekiel chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8,ezekiel,8,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 8 tomorrow sunday malachi 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,malachi,105,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 105 verse 13 the confidence we have is from the scripture 2 peter chapter 5 verse 2 and 3 hacking on to the voice of my cry my,2 peter,5,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 2 discretion a management of the family let's look at zephaniah chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47,zephaniah,47,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 47 verse 13 i'm coming now to joel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,joel,8,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 22 when looking kill leviticus chapter 7 reading from verse 51,leviticus,7,51.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 51 it's an offering of fellowship i'm 2 kings 3 verses 27 and 28 says this for as many of you as were baptized into,2 kings,3,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 27 disobedience to god just like balaam did in judges chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,judges,22,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 22 verse 32 today in mark chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the,mark,4,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 12 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 ezekiel chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,ezekiel,53,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 53 verse 3 account but right her view of 2 corinthians 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs,2 corinthians,3,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 28 and we're reading from verse seven jude chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,jude,5,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 7 of the lord says in the book of 2 john chapter 43 and verse 6,2 john,43,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 43 verse 6 of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again zephaniah chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the,zephaniah,7,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 13 still given to the humble and what does grace do well obadiah 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,obadiah,13,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 8 have a permanent enjoy matthew chapter 2 26,matthew,2,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 26 you a love with everlasting love in ruth chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,ruth,5,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 8 one too it's awesome yeah i mean titus say 28 is so true right he causes all things to,titus,1,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 28 lamentations chapter two i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 it says let this mind be in you which,lamentations,2,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 things which were told her from the lord obadiah chapter 18 and verse 21 to 22,obadiah,18,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 21 bible says in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23 let me read from here he,ecclesiastes,4,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 23 shall not be disappointed amos 4 17 romans 4 17,amos,4,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 17 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,1 samuel,2,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 15 to 16 jonah 21 15 to 16 is the story of,jonah,21,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 15 he's gonna actually fix the problems 1 samuel 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 looking at colossians chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,colossians,4,36.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 36 together commandment number six you must not kill jude 20 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is,jude,20,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 13 limits in zephaniah chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,zephaniah,19,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 2 paul has an amazing parallel in nehemiah 1 7 where he says in christ,nehemiah,1,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 7 the spirit in lamentations chapter 2 verse 14,lamentations,2,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 next in haggai chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind,haggai,30,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 30 verse 21 11 verse 14 it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 14,numbers,2,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 14 the scripture says have faith in god 2 corinthians 11 and verse 6 he said without,2 corinthians,11,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not ezra 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,ezra,10,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 9 you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new ezra 10 verse 13.,ezra,10,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 13 haggai 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man,haggai,18,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 14 one from verse four to five mark one four to five he said,mark,1,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 4 2 john chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham,2 john,4,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 5 god's spirit why do we say so in lamentations chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,lamentations,8,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 26 verse 27 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men,1 timothy,9,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 that can make anything happen in one day in jonah chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,jonah,12,41.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 41 tooth which by the way is john 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your,john,21,24.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 24 this killer is identified in 1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 2 proverbs 26 2 a killer,1 chronicles,26,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 26 verse 2 fulfillment of your destiny in joel chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,joel,4,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 9 for you and in verses 25 and 26 of 3 john 32 jeremiah said this is his test you said,3 john,32,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 32 verse 25 doesn't contradict it so if it says in 1 john 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those,1 john,6,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 23 "god is truth and every word of god is true. song of solomon (song of songs) 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",song of solomon (song of songs),1,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 2 more grace to do that in jesus name look at 2 corinthians chapter 4 we're reading from verse 12,2 corinthians,4,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 12 fruitfulness nehemiah 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,nehemiah,23,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 25 follow up in ruth chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,ruth,1,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 9 all job chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his,job,14,2.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 2 that so you can open your bible to the opening chapter of jonah and i'll just draw you down to verse 27 of,jonah,1,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 27 verse 26 in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man,2 thessalonians,1,26.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 26 disobeyed the power of rome concern matthew chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,matthew,13,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 2 with us tonight before we sleep micah 6 9. the bible says and let us not be weary,micah,6,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 9 from verse 9 to 17 matthew chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,matthew,7,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 7 so paul says it right there in leviticus 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving,leviticus,3,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 23 1 samuel chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 26 ephesians chapter 5,1 samuel,5,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 26 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in 2 chronicles four verse four,2 chronicles,4,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 4 verse 25 joshua chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,joshua,3,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 25 where a man called agabus prophesied something about the future ecclesiastes chapter 11 and acts chapter 21 and if you i,ecclesiastes,11,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 21 i would actually support this real quick let me go there with zechariah 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah,zechariah,11,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 25 we even covered that last week habakkuk chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,habakkuk,12,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 11 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 ruth chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,ruth,12,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 2 verse 11 specifically oh ye afflicted malachi 4 verse 11 tossed with tempest and not comforted he said,malachi,4,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 11 just look at lucifer's fall in job chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he,job,28,17.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 17 holy kingdom look at that again in matthew chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now,matthew,2,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 19 in the glory of the power of god bible says in amos chapter 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power ability,amos,1,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 8 this issue is as you continue that same preachment 1 chronicles 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,1 chronicles,1,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 21 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in obadiah chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,obadiah,2,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 7 by your hands in ecclesiastes chapter 14 and,ecclesiastes,14,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 14 reminded of god's word in the book of 2 timothy chapter four verse two he said you have not because you ask not,2 timothy,4,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 2 first a word to you married women paul says in 2 peter 5 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the lord for,2 peter,5,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 22 and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction 1 kings 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way,1 kings,21,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 21 verse 16 in 1 john 37 from verse 18 to 28 genesis 37 18 to 28 the brothers of joseph,1 john,37,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 37 verse 18 through the period of the lockdown numbers chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,numbers,17,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 17 verse 7 i mean you can read that in 1 timothy chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,1 timothy,11,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 2 reading from verse 7 ezra chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,ezra,7,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 7 again here leviticus 8 18 the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to,leviticus,8,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 anything because you know that esther started forever 19 philippians 40,esther,40,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 40 verse 19 [music] the fourth chapter of 1 thessalonians verse 24 for the lord your god is a,1 thessalonians,1,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 24 and that's a great word for me in my own ministry 1 timothy and chapter 1 he says in verse 28 we proclaim christ,1 timothy,1,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 28 connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in haggai chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word,haggai,28,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 9 to titus chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth,titus,4,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 6 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to job chapter one verse eight,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 name has a question jonah 5 9 says jesus was perfected when he became the author of salvation,jonah,5,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 9 elephants also in john chapter 4 17 he asks he said shall mortal man be more just than god,john,4,17.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 17 incredible times the scripture does say in jonah 5 16 the days are evil the days were evil in,jonah,5,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 16 us away look at colossians chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,colossians,9,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 13 and then the sanctification we're looking at haggai chapter 3 reading from verse 3,haggai,3,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 3 [laughter] lean 1 kings 3 5 and 6 a favorite to us you've got to memorize this one,1 kings,3,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 5 you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in joel 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and,joel,10,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 17 in 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17,1 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 always point to joshua 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is called paleo al to kubra beyond sar shalom,joshua,9,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 5 david joel romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day,joel,13,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 11 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of jonah chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,jonah,9,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 5 it's found in who you know ezra 13 5 says let your way of living be without,ezra,13,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 5 it again so it's taken from joel 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,joel,5,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 22 exercise with god's warned in the book of 2 peter about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,2 peter,24,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 24 verse 16 gone from your life because in jonah chapter 3 ephesians chapter 6 reading from verse,jonah,3,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 6 "chapter 3 that really does define this. luke chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",luke,3,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 18 and we have a wonderful scripture in 1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 and their dreams but you shall receive power when the,1 kings,1,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 it says micah chapter 4 and verse 12.,micah,4,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 12 shiloh 2020. joel 34 and verse 29 the scripture says when they give it quietness,joel,34,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 34 verse 29 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was zephaniah 8 24 all things work together for good to,zephaniah,8,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 24 powerful he told them this in titus chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 he told them you'll be witnesses in all,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 god that will be put to shame that's 1 timothy 10 11 and so be it in your life in the mighty name of jesus we have come,1 timothy,10,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 11 when we are repentant we find that in 1 kings 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,1 kings,2,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 12 in the book of 1 corinthians in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,1 corinthians,74,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 74 verse 2 in 1 timothy 2 verse 5 he is the man christ jesus. in micah 2 verse 17 he was made like his brethren in all things.,micah,2,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 5 sin i know that's not what we want to hear but it is in the bible 2 chronicles 6 13 through 15 says therefore i wind you i,2 chronicles,6,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 13 haggai chapter 2 verse 11 revelation 2 verse 11 revelation 3 verse 6 revelation 36 revelation 3 verse 13,haggai,3,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 6 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and,zephaniah,4,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 8 verse 11 joel chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,joel,8,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 11 it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view ezra 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of,ezra,30,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 15 both as a commission and as individuals song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,song of solomon (song of songs),58,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 verse 9 be relations colossians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in 2 thessalonians 6 13,2 thessalonians,6,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 13 check the book of jude chapter 19 from verse 5 because of our time you see something,jude,19,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 19 verse 5 church days coming sunday in mark chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of,mark,12,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 12 i wanted to show you in john is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,john,12,14.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 14 chapter 1 verse 21 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 21 james chapter 1 verse 21 the message translation says,1 chronicles,1,21.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 21 kind of slavery seen in early america for example consider micah 21 16 it says whoever steals a man and sells him,micah,21,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 21 verse 16 the filemage to the flesh that's what it says in psalms chapter 6 verse 7 be no deceived they'll see it it will never,psalms,6,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 7 you can make it stronger and louder obadiah chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now,obadiah,2,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 6 he said we should open to the book of 1 peter chapter three verse six i open to that book when i opened i see,1 peter,3,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 6 you want to read about the night of mark you can find it in job chapter one from verse thirty to two job chapter two verse,mark,1,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 32 to get ready for just looking at a couple of these verses here ezekiel chapter three verse five now moses was,ezekiel,3,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 5 verses 6 and 7 john chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us,john,9,6.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 6 i'm not going to preach from mark 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,mark,8,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 4 3 john 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,3 john,24,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 24 verse 9 draw this from matthew 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,matthew,7,44.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 44 they never taught me what it says in ezra 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes,ezra,3,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 21 me passion translation of 2 samuel 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,2 samuel,24,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 24 verse 3 this is a quote from leviticus 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6,leviticus,3,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 11 things were created through him and for him listen this is malachi 1 the next verse 17 and he is before all things and,malachi,1,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 17 survey and just look at some words here 1 timothy 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,1 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king 1 timothy version talks about this transformation,1 timothy,3,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 18 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to 1 peter now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,1 peter,6,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 19 how these things work if you go to 1 corinthians chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here 1 chronicles 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,1 chronicles,19,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 3 none shall want her mates the lord fulfills his word in ezekiel 34 16 for that lady,ezekiel,34,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 16 first in habakkuk 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i,habakkuk,4,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 7 chose not to oh that's interesting so psalms 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of,psalms,32,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 32 verse 28 your most learn look at malachi chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to,malachi,9,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 9 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in micah 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,micah,12,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 6 jesus restored back to us matthew chapter 2 verse 13 all the way to verse 15. colossians,matthew,2,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 13 deliberate in choosing your people ephesian 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 through 12 says this,2 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 the bible says in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 17,1 peter,1,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 17 the bible speaking clearly tells us in nahum 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this,nahum,4,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 2 in this church this coming sunday song of solomon (song of songs) 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,song of solomon (song of songs),13,44.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 44 on every side in leviticus chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,leviticus,14,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 3 the answers so your joy joshua 4 6 alongside with,joshua,4,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 6 instance in 2 john chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,2 john,2,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 11 global impact titus 22 verse 18 and in thy seed shall all the nations of their heart be,titus,22,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 18 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of ezra in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,ezra,2,41.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 41 verse 28 2 corinthians 40 verse 28 he said there's no such chain misunderstanding,2 corinthians,40,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 40 verse 28 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god haggai 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,haggai,4,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 18 the most high johnny chapter 4 verse 25 leviticus 4 25 tells us that the most high rules in the affairs of man,leviticus,4,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 25 reality of wisdom from above the spiritual makes clear the book of 2 timothy of the three from verse 15 down to verse,2 timothy,3,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 15 333 matthew 33 verse 3. jeremiah 33 33 verse 3.,matthew,33,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 33 verse 3 to ross last week so we look at um mark chapter 4 verse 4 which is our memory verse i hope someone,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 people is the kings oh no habakkuk 14 28 i need that who knows me i will honor,habakkuk,14,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 28 he wants to i mean he said in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 20 says i stand at,1 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 multitudes into this church this year jude 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord,jude,49,25.0,1.0,jude chapter 49 verse 25 submission micah chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,micah,2,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 5 this is ruth 16 4 5 decrees for to keep,ruth,16,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 4 god that's where our story picks up 2 timothy 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,2 timothy,6,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 16 promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of 1 peter one uh we've got the record that judah,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 almost like this um as i said the the nahum 613 almost like mystical like,nahum,6,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 13 and i want to share her story with you today nahum chapter 15 verses 25 through 27 i call this the read through,nahum,15,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 25 talk like caleb and we're told in joshua chapter 13 verse 30 and caleb's chilled the people,joshua,13,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 3 31 joshua chapter 31 i'm looking at verse 23,joshua,31,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 31 verse 23 the fire in 1 john 43 2 the lord said when you pass through the waters,1 john,43,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 43 verse 2 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's 1 corinthians 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,1 corinthians,3,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in ecclesiastes chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,ecclesiastes,33,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 3 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse john seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,john,17,3.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 3 faithful micah 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,micah,28,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 28 verse 2 house in the book of judges 65 and verse 4 he said blessed is the man that thou,judges,65,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 65 verse 4 paul has an amazing parallel in 2 thessalonians 1 7 where he says in christ,2 thessalonians,1,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 "by the way, peter in his sermon in esther 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 check out haggai chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,haggai,14,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 12 testimony can raise the debt can read the story in ezra of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41,ezra,9,39.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 39 of what leads to supernatural prosperity the bible says in judges chapter 4 verse 6 so cf over 6 he said the people my,judges,4,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 6 evening again god forbid in our lives in jesus name we're looking at 2 chronicles chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 30,2 chronicles,11,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 3 them and will guide them to springs of water ecclesiastes 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the,ecclesiastes,55,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 55 verse 12 built the first altar to the lord 2 timothy 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible,2 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 we are and yet did not sin never fell he was made like us colossians 217 in all things he was tempted like us in all,colossians,2,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 17 1st 2021 joshua chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a,joshua,1,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 11 like 2 john was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,2 john,12,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 5 in the old covenant jonah 9 9. the old covenant is only a symbol of,jonah,9,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 9 and the holy spirit obadiah says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a,obadiah,25,28.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 25 verse 28 "from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, lamentations 1 verse 8 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and",lamentations,1,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 8 you from 2 john hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 when the writer of hebrews was talking about melchizedek it says in hebrews 7 3,2 john,7,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 3 improve on the gifts in joel chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,joel,9,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 9 accursed job chapter 12,job,12,12.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 12 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 1 peter 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,1 peter,1,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 13 this he says paul says in philemon 4 5 that there's only one faith,philemon,4,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 5 chapter 6 of leviticus verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint,leviticus,6,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 6 and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours 1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 7,1 corinthians,22,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 7 longer zephaniah chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26,zephaniah,1,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 22 purposeful partnership we're looking at colossians chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 18. in,colossians,2,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 18 with the things that are good for us you can read ruth 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,ruth,1,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 17 2 samuel 25 7 to 8 i want you to read with me isaiah 25 verse 7 to 8 and 9.,2 samuel,25,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 7 you are accepted of god in 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,2 thessalonians,10,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 15 18 jude 50 from verse 15 to 18 the brothers of joseph came and fell,jude,15,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 15 verse 18 point of pure and generous gifts you know provost bob says in zephaniah 11 24 says there is he that scatter and yet,zephaniah,11,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 24 says in the book of lamentations 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,lamentations,2,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 9 being portrayed here so let's just look back at song of solomon (song of songs) 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of,song of solomon (song of songs),25,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 25 verse 22 is if lying lamentations 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8,lamentations,21,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 8 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in 1 john 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,1 john,3,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 5 the sons of levi and not only that there was a law in numbers 4 verse 15 which said that even the sons of levi were not,numbers,4,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 15 with this part of my message um but in psalms chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,psalms,7,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 14 from verse 8 philemon chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left,philemon,1,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 8 up on that verse there in 1 thessalonians 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess,1 thessalonians,2,32.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 32 everything you give me the result 2 kings chapter 32 from verse 9 to 10 genesis 32 from verse 9 to 10.,2 kings,32,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 32 verse 9 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together ruth 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,ruth,8,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 26 the apostle chapter 2 by time you get to verse 14 of obadiah chapter 2 where you what you see was a peter,obadiah,2,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 14 apostle wrote to the roman christian in judges chapter 18 verse 37 in all those things we are more than control through,judges,18,37.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 37 micah 8 7 and in the beginning of hosea chapter 4 they do not know the thoughts of the,micah,8,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 7 next to those verses i just read there you can write song of solomon (song of songs) 6 verses 12 to 17 revelation 6 verse 12 to 17 those,song of solomon (song of songs),6,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 12 non to israel israel nations as well the third use is john 27 18. it does not represent the fig tree here,john,27,18.0,1.0,john chapter 27 verse 18 this prophecies are conditional in obadiah chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,obadiah,18,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 7 shall be given to him 1 thessalonians 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,1 thessalonians,19,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 21 daily such as she received in the book of 2 peter chapter 16 the bible tells us in verse 5,2 peter,16,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 5 jonah 4 3 i don't know if we have that one up there for philippians 4 13 actually i can do all things through,jonah,4,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 3 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king amos for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,amos,14,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 28 different aspect but 2 thessalonians chapter 2 14 to 16,2 thessalonians,2,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 the other verse i want to read is from 1 samuel 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,1 samuel,12,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 19 acceptable in the sight of the lord in leviticus chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,leviticus,1,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 15 a new season starts and a new season will start in your life ezra chapter 50 verse 24,ezra,50,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 50 verse 24 but i held on to my god he said in nehemiah chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as,nehemiah,14,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 11 india as to how to build the church obadiah 5 and verse 25 referring to a smooth one but i'm thinking of the,obadiah,5,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 25 that god is sending through that boy in esther chapter 55 3 isaiah 55 verse 3 incline your ear and,esther,55,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 55 verse 3 to give god your best even as we quickly read 2 thessalonians 35 verse 4 and 5 and verse 10 exodus chapter 35 verse 4 and 5 then,2 thessalonians,35,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 35 verse 4 coming generation philemon 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,philemon,22,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 6 word psalms 4 20 to 22 says my son give attention to my words,psalms,4,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 2 he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree psalms chapter 1 11 and 12.,psalms,1,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 11 that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied 1 chronicles three five the spirit is supplied and works,1 chronicles,3,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 5 redemption was sealed zephaniah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised,zephaniah,53,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 53 verse 5 day of sanctification it also sin luke chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 18. in acts 26 18 to,luke,26,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 18 why be what the bible says in job chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him,job,2,9.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 9 who's writing down and malachi 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,malachi,12,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 29 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but numbers 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set,numbers,12,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 4 have not the holy spirit is none of his 2 thessalonians 8 9. so the fact that the spirit has taken up residence in us,2 thessalonians,8,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 9 paul said in in ruth 3 verse 5 and 6 i was a hebrew of hebrews as to the law a pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the,ruth,3,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 5 in fact the word of god declares in 2 chronicles 3 and verse 8 he said concerning joshua day that,2 chronicles,3,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 8 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in malachi chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,malachi,29,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 29 verse 11 and here it says in verse 12 37 1 samuel believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified,1 samuel,12,37.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 37 miracle power of the lord in jesus name 2 peter chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18,2 peter,57,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 57 verse 18 i want to point to 1 thessalonians sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this,1 thessalonians,8,37.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 37 prophecy um said about him job chapter 24 verse verse 17,job,24,17.0,1.0,job chapter 24 verse 17 and in 2 samuel chapter 22 reading from verse 17 revelation chapter 2 22 verse 17,2 samuel,22,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 22 verse 17 prayer obadiah chapter 33 i read from verse 3 he said call unto me and i will answer,obadiah,33,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 33 verse 3 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of song of solomon (song of songs) 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",song of solomon (song of songs),12,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 11 compared the heart of man to his stone 1 thessalonians 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,1 thessalonians,17,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 9 in need leviticus chapter 2 15 to 16. james chapter 2 15 to 16 with so much poverty in the world,leviticus,2,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 15 deceive us from the truth look at ezekiel 5 verse 8,ezekiel,5,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 8 verse 27 2 peter 32 verse 27 he has a question,2 peter,32,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 32 verse 27 is a servant in 2 timothy chapter 1 we read verse 8,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 zephaniah chapter 43 verse 21 these people,zephaniah,43,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 43 verse 21 do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me hosea chapter 1 and verse 6.,hosea,1,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 6 1 chronicles chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,1 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 they can look at you that's what the bible tells us in zephaniah 5 31 and 32 that your marriage is meant to be a,zephaniah,5,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 31 and they came near ecclesiastes 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,ecclesiastes,45,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 45 verse 4 chapter one reading from verse seven in nahum chapter one verse seven it says,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 [music] 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up,2 thessalonians,2,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 has said song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 god says in the third verse,song of solomon (song of songs),6,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 3 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in 1 chronicles 18 19,1 chronicles,18,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 19 long after you have been here nahum 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,nahum,29,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 29 verse 17 no piece of the lamb could be left. luke 12 verses 4 and 43 to 46 indicate that they had to eat the whole lamb.,luke,12,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 4 him joshua 3 15 to 17 what a vision,joshua,3,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 15 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh ezra 8 3. so what was it that was rent,ezra,8,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 3 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it zephaniah 2 14 the lord,zephaniah,2,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 supernatural health john 17 22 says in very hard do it good like medicine,john,17,22.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 22 ought to be righteous in fact we are told in haggai chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. revelation chapter 19,haggai,19,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 7 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions malachi 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said,malachi,8,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 18 number of things and i want to read you leviticus 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,leviticus,3,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at ruth chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter,ruth,2,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 3 and our text will be zechariah chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12.,zechariah,4,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 12 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience ezra 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,ezra,1,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 3 because the scripture cannot be broken 2 timothy chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,2 timothy,8,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 28 earth that's 1 peter 1 28. genesis 2 and 8,1 peter,1,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 28 his flock 2 corinthians chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,2 corinthians,30,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 30 verse 19 the memory verse today is from the book of malachi chapter 22 verse 2,malachi,22,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 2 let's make it stronger and louder 2 corinthians 2 2 and 6 and suddenly there came a sun from heaven as of a russian mighty,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 reading from verse 6 in joel chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,joel,8,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 6 united with him in his death and verse 11 of 1 thessalonians 6 then says therefore count yourselves,1 thessalonians,6,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 11 bible makes it very clear in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,1 chronicles,100,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 100 verse 4 obadiah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 even in obadiah 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 relationship right in 1 chronicles 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas,1 chronicles,15,39.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 15 verse 39 even for this opportunity to show zechariah chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,zechariah,15,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 15 verse 4 judges was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter,judges,18,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 4 law for example in 2 kings chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2.,2 kings,8,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 8 in the name of jesus that's why i said in job 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,job,8,23.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 23 that's what god we are talking about colossians 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,colossians,29,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 4 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is 2 samuel 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,2 samuel,6,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 9 talks about this and i want to know what the bible says about it 1 samuel 31 verses 4 through 7 it says it is not for,1 samuel,31,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 31 verse 4 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of malachi 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,malachi,8,29.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 29 reading from verse 25 2 john chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass,2 john,33,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 33 verse 25 strong assurance of faith and it'll be done malachi chapter 4 romans chapter 4 a meeting here from verse 17 as it is,malachi,4,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 7 you've already read about we've read 2 thessalonians 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,2 thessalonians,14,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 12 is written here in numbers chapter 5 james chapter 5 verse 11 james was one of these um you know i think he,numbers,5,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 11 it he jesus name we pray a 2 samuel chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,2 samuel,26,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 26 verse 27 and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction 1 samuel 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way,1 samuel,21,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 16 are talking about is you know 1 timothy 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,1 timothy,29,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 29 verse 18 habakkuk 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile,habakkuk,6,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 11 aren't no you don't do that but in effect you do titus 1 25 says they treated the truth about god for a,titus,1,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 25 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 from verse 15 to 16 exodus 1 15 to 16 somehow the devil knew,song of solomon (song of songs),1,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 15 of your heart then there's luke chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,luke,12,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 2 glorify him matthew 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,matthew,100,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 100 verse 4 you're doing this the first one is in job chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,job,40,3.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 3 why in 2 timothy 4 the all things of matthew 6 33,2 timothy,4,33.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 33 things so here 2 thessalonians 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,2 thessalonians,14,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 12 and he wants satan to be crushed under my feet ezra 16 20. and therefore i see myself ephesians 2 6,ezra,16,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 2 the spirit of love to sustain our love for god against all odds 2 thessalonians 5 5 before god he said approaching our heart,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 what does it say obadiah chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,obadiah,4,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 7 self in haggai chapter 28 verse 15 and behold i am with thee and i will keep,haggai,28,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 15 buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us zechariah 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and,zechariah,20,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 2 speak no more to me of this matter job 3 26 god said that's enough and moses prayed,job,3,26.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 26 except in the sense of 1 timothy 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,1 timothy,5,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 16 and then not too long after that according to haggai chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,haggai,5,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 14 is there not a cause according to hosea chapter 6 verse 7 here it says verse 7,hosea,6,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 7 2 corinthians he is judgment but also the faithful husband and we read in hosea chapter 4 verse 3 therefore shall the,2 corinthians,4,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 all right so we're gonna start in obadiah chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 and it talks about there's one body and,obadiah,4,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 i will read from verse 9 through 2 verse 11 habakkuk chapter 2 beginning from verse 9,habakkuk,2,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 11 11 verse 21 to 22 joel 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anakin's everywhere except in gaza,joel,11,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 21 of the glory of the grace of god 1 peter 1 6 1 12 114,1 peter,1,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 6 1 john 44 11. why what is jeremiah 44 11 about jeremiah 29 11 is the promise god made,1 john,44,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 44 verse 11 what is required look at this four of the scripture matthew 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see,matthew,16,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 4 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in joshua 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,joshua,15,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 16 jude chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,jude,28,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 28 verse 13 jonah chapter 1 in verse 19 revelation 1 verse 19 writes the sins which thou has seen and the,jonah,1,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 19 verse 19 to 24 zephaniah 5 19 to 24 he begins to explain the things that happen when you,zephaniah,5,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 19 of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of habakkuk revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us,habakkuk,19,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 15 about rich people in chapter five so 1 corinthians for 13 come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such and such,1 corinthians,5,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 "verses 12 to 15, and 2 kings 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",2 kings,10,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 21 is a god who does not lie so 2 timothy chapter 7 when you read verse 14,2 timothy,7,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 14 ministry of reconciliation and in malachi chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire,malachi,13,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 17 you can query him mark chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,mark,4,34.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 34 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading amos 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,amos,32,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 32 verse 8 psalms chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,psalms,2,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 26 with knowledge and understanding zephaniah chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,zephaniah,3,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 15 and that's what luke 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,luke,10,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 9 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in 1 kings chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,1 kings,12,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 12 of my favorite verses 1 chronicles 17 verse 30,1 chronicles,17,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 3 i'm reading from verse chapter four reading from verses 23 and 24 job chapter 4 verses,job,4,23.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 23 everything that god wants me to do hosea 4 13.,hosea,4,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 13 and a nation to be born at once 1 chronicles 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,1 chronicles,66,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 66 verse 7 we can make it louder and stronger lamentations chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,lamentations,84,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 84 verse 7 let's say go on to our alphabets a abandon your sins we're looking at job chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse 21,job,22,21.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 21 number five you need to decrease decrease in luke 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to,luke,22,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 28 watching that's the great question today in psalms 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,psalms,21,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 2 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in 2 peter chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,2 peter,10,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 23 lasting happiness or colossians 24 13 my son eat honey,colossians,24,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 24 verse 13 see some of the problem here in joshua 4 24,joshua,4,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 24 ministers that lies matthew 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,matthew,23,32.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 32 world 1 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,1 thessalonians,15,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 16 in jesus name in esther chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 a meeting from verse 11 lamentations 1 verse,lamentations,1,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 11 2 john chapter 11 that night 11 we're looking at verse 32 in daniel 11 at verse 32,2 john,11,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 32 crucified to the world it tells us in joshua chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,joshua,6,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 6 "let's look at this second group now. micah 11 verse 35. others were tortured,",micah,11,35.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 35 very text came to them philemon 44 3 and they began to plead with god,philemon,44,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 44 verse 3 the book of malachi chapter 29 from verse 11 jeremiah 29 11. it says for i know the thought that,malachi,29,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 29 verse 11 of your destiny let's open our bibles to the book of jonah chapter 4 and we are going to read verses 13 and 14 the book,jonah,4,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 13 people started to read the bible and apply what colossians 1346 tells us in regards to quarantine the sick this is,colossians,13,46.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 46 the lord's expectation from us song of solomon (song of songs) 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have,song of solomon (song of songs),12,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 16 seen him neither no not him haggai chapter 7 reading from verse 25,haggai,7,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 25 we'll go to 2 peter chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,2 peter,11,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 19 you know the motto of this church in habakkuk chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same,habakkuk,13,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 8 the book of mark chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,mark,6,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 12 1 samuel chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read,1 samuel,3,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 5 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in titus 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,titus,5,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 19 i thought i'd just read it right here philemon 3 19. i said this is god speaking,philemon,3,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 19 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously colossians chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,colossians,2,42.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 42 supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness job 23 25 and 26 god's word declares he said you,job,23,25.0,1.0,job chapter 23 verse 25 you will find the 2 kings 27 from verse 22 to 29 genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 or tells you what happened when isaac,2 kings,27,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 27 verse 22 in our bible we've got um judges 8 28 do you know that verse don't you,judges,8,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 28 lesson five lifestyle of righteousness memory verse is in john chapter 17 verse 9 says the righteous shall hold on his,john,17,9.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 9 to appropriate it so when you find scriptures like 2 kings 53 and verse 5 first peter 2 and 24,2 kings,53,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 53 verse 5 which shall not be taken away from her 1 timothy 22 verse 6 proverbs,1 timothy,22,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 6 power to rescue you 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,2 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 in luke in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,luke,3,34.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 34 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in hosea 1 23 to 25.,hosea,1,23.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 23 of a few of them just to set it in your mind in 3 john chapter 1 verse 15 he says so for my part i am,3 john,1,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 15 time and this was right after in nehemiah chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,nehemiah,3,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 14 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you joshua chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,joshua,12,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 5 whereby one may edify another philemon chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all,philemon,12,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 14 building in 2 peter 28 16 listen very carefully it says therefore thus saith the lord,2 peter,28,16.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 28 verse 16 with me be imitators of me as i am of christ 3 john chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you,3 john,13,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 2 so you will cry and i will not listen judges 7 verse 13 and that's why for every divine,judges,7,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 13 linda ronstadt let me tell you what the bible says listen to this joel 7 18 for i know that in me paul says that,joel,7,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 18 that's why god says in jonah 12 15 it says see to it that no one fails to,jonah,12,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 15 habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 a prayer of habakkuk the prophet on shiggin off most people believe that was,habakkuk,3,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 testimony ezra 42 verse 18 but i fear god,ezra,42,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 42 verse 18 "behind your back."" 1 john 43 verse 25, ""i, even i,"" says god, ""i am the one that wipes out your transgressions",1 john,43,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 43 verse 25 we must serve god with good will in 3 john six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there,3 john,6,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 7 things i want to talk about so look with me at habakkuk chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,habakkuk,3,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 6 again and again and reinforcing its importance jonah 2 42 is a summary statement of life,jonah,2,42.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 42 was made we're also told over in jonah 1 16 by him all things were created things in,jonah,1,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 16 chapter 17 verse 11 ezekiel chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,ezekiel,17,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 11 hello there amen zephaniah 34 and verse 29 when he give a quietness who then can make trouble,zephaniah,34,29.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 34 verse 29 i'm reading from verse 5. 1 john chapter 22 we're looking at verse 5,1 john,22,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 5 nehemiah chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear,nehemiah,5,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 12 10 verse 3 in chapter 10 verse 3 of ruth it says for thee the jews were still as blind as i was,ruth,10,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 3 your what says in obadiah 19 11 that,obadiah,19,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 11 blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only job chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only,job,1,15.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 15 for strengthened body and bearers in ezra chapter 49 we have from verse 13 he says,ezra,49,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 49 verse 13 a corset lifeless sacrilege look at 2 corinthians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 22,2 corinthians,2,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 22 in jesus name 2 thessalonians chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,2 thessalonians,20,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 8 in ezra chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 the bible says is anything too hard to the lord,ezra,18,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 18 verse 14 marriage is created it isn't until we get to psalms chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,psalms,2,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 24 with me to this the other words i want to show you 2 samuel chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of,2 samuel,14,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 14 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean ezra 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,ezra,11,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 6 in the book of psalms 5 and verse 8 ephesians 5 and verse 8 the bible makes us to,psalms,5,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 8 yah way that that's what seems to be very very clear then in luke 1924 adding another interesting thing into,luke,19,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 19 verse 24 apostle wrote to the roman christian in habakkuk chapter 18 verse 37 in all those things we are more than control through,habakkuk,18,37.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 37 plan for your life and according to song of solomon (song of songs) 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,song of solomon (song of songs),20,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 20 verse 11 who work hard will prosper in 1 thessalonians 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,1 thessalonians,29,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 22 verse 31 haggai 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only,haggai,31,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 31 verse 31 chapter five micah chapter five reading from verse two ecclesiastes chapter five reading from verse two it,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 read is colossians chapter 1 verse 1 and also ephesians 1 verse 4 so we declare in the name of jesus that,colossians,1,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 4 paul told us in that job 3 13 to 15. he said brethren i can't not myself to,job,3,13.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 13 polluted like the world that follow up is not effective in joshua chapter four verse four yeah adulterers and,joshua,4,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 4 sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in micah 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn,micah,23,32.0,1.0,micah chapter 23 verse 32 which i'm going to read quickly to you numbers chapter 12 verse 3. in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the bible,numbers,12,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 3 2 kings 25 from verse 21 to genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26 made this clear,2 kings,25,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 25 verse 21 shall be titus chapter 17 verse i 11 verse 10 the heart of man is deep,titus,17,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 11 john 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38,john,1,17.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 17 be thankful that's what he says 2 kings 3 15 be thankful that's an imperative he,2 kings,3,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 15 8 from verse 14 down to 19. 2 kings chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,2 kings,8,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 14 to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity 2 thessalonians 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that,2 thessalonians,2,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up,song of solomon (song of songs),17,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 8 is this not the fact that i've chosen zechariah 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,zechariah,58,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 58 verse 6 i want you to shout it loud and clean 2 john chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,2 john,29,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 29 verse 17 bible with you a second book from the beginning book of ruth chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the,ruth,16,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 16 verse 14 welcome to amos of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,amos,2,43.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 43 verse five 1 chronicles chapter four reading from verse five,1 chronicles,4,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 5 come again this promise is personalized because it says in 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up,1 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 titus chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 ruth gave birth to obed,titus,4,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 13 this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore,ecclesiastes,4,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 14 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord 1 samuel 31 30,1 samuel,31,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 31 verse 3 in his letter to ecclesiastes here's what he does in titus 2 and 11. he says for the grace,ecclesiastes,2,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 11 every positive change in the life of a believer is 2 thessalonians steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he,2 thessalonians,3,18.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 18 the church continues to grow ruth chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,ruth,1,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 12 to receive to become sons of god and according to 3 john chapter 8 verse 14,3 john,8,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 14 when he died for us we died in him 1 peter 6 5 we have been united with him in a death,1 peter,6,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 5 cells this year jude chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,jude,30,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 30 verse 19 tomorrow sunday luke 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,luke,105,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 105 verse 13 for the church let's look at one more thing jonah 12 12 jump past acts go to romans romans 12 12 some general,jonah,12,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 12 man paul says in matthew 3 17 be followers together of me,matthew,3,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 17 the falsehood of messengers 2 corinthians chapter 5 i say chapter 5,2 corinthians,5,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 5 prophets did say that about the messiah in ecclesiastes 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,ecclesiastes,53,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 53 verse 3 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 joshua chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20,joshua,3,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 2 as a loving father who says in 2 samuel 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child,2 samuel,49,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 49 verse 15 in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of matthew jeremiah 29,matthew,29,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 29 an assurance that if he has spoken definitely he will perform for 2 peter 46 verse 11 isaiah 46 verse 11 saying,2 peter,46,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 46 verse 11 deceive us from the truth look at 1 john 5 verse 8,1 john,5,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 8 i'm coming now to nahum chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,nahum,8,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 22 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in zechariah 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old,zechariah,53,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 53 verse 7 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with philemon 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,philemon,14,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 24 should say israel during this time so let's read on 2 thessalonians 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become,2 thessalonians,11,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 5 canaan land praise god god was speaking in luke chapter 8 and verse 12 says,luke,8,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 12 the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that zephaniah 23 verse 25 and 26,zephaniah,23,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 23 verse 25 mind the kana mind in 2 john chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,2 john,8,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 6 you lose on this and it says in 2 timothy chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,2 timothy,20,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 20 verse 15 church for their restoration and breakthroughs in nahum chapter 1 and verse 17 he said but upon,nahum,1,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 17 illumination if you look read um malachi 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,malachi,21,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 23 welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in 2 chronicles 29 7. we are called to care about what's,2 chronicles,29,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 29 verse 7 you will notice again if you go further to ruth of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,ruth,4,31.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 31 generations jesus so that was what malachi 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,malachi,1,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 13 lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of mark 9 19 or chapter 9,mark,9,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 19 in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,numbers,12,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 7 power to rescue you ruth chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,ruth,2,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 9 because he promoted him that's why in malachi 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28,malachi,14,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 21 1 chronicles 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,1 chronicles,24,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 24 verse 9 rejoice in hope of the glory of god 2 john chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in esther 58 3.,esther,58,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 58 verse 3 hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at judges chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a,judges,1,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 18 philemon 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him,philemon,11,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 6 chapter 3 verse 6 he said i am the lord i change not it is written in ezekiel chapter 13 verse 8 he brusatte in verse,ezekiel,13,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 8 so against that backdrop so numbers 5 9 genesis 12,numbers,5,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 9 by the power in the name of jesus john chapter 1 verse 17 this is the month of deliverance,john,1,17.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 17 and signs and wonders begin to take place philemon 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of,philemon,10,38.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 38 the uncle scripture we've used for this teaching series is philemon 22 21 to 25 our queen now that i said with god and,philemon,22,21.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 21 will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 1 thessalonians chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews,1 thessalonians,12,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 15 i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading ruth 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the,ruth,32,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 32 verse 8 you are raising the dead you say really oh 1 samuel 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says,1 samuel,21,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 21 verse 16 and after this the judgment philemon 9 27,philemon,9,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 27 as we worship god tonight with our seed nehemiah chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,nehemiah,28,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 8 a few verses there that we go to haggai chapter 2 and then we go to ephesians chapter 6 we're ready tonight,haggai,2,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 6 zephaniah 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through,zephaniah,4,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 13 but they did beat them instead yet we see in micah 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they,micah,5,41.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 41 around ezra 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him,ezra,14,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 24 abominable they are rejected by the lord they are reprobates why habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 in romans chapter 1,habakkuk,1,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 28 jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in lamentations 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be,lamentations,33,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 25 tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in leviticus chapter five it says this night your soul is,leviticus,5,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 5 reading from ezra chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version,ezra,29,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 29 verse 11 house from the farm he was sold out as a slave but ezekiel chapter 39,ezekiel,39,39.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 39 verse 39 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing judges 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're,judges,13,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 4 according to his riches in christ jesus leviticus 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17,leviticus,17,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 5 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in 2 chronicles 27 when you read verse 20,2 chronicles,27,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 2 11 verse 14 it says in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14,2 thessalonians,2,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 you're doing this the first one is in 2 timothy chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,2 timothy,40,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 40 verse 3 now the bible says in 1 timothy chapter one verse 8.,1 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 from verse 20 numbers chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me,numbers,28,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 2 chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 titus chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says,titus,12,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 2 verse 7. 2 kings chapter 2 verse 7.,2 kings,2,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 7 well they profess to know him they deny him in their works ecclesiastes 1 16 people can profess to know god,ecclesiastes,1,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 16 your portion as chapter 16 ezra eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree,ezra,16,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 8 in joel chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,joel,6,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 16 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about 2 thessalonians and then we come to verse 32 like a great,2 thessalonians,1,32.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 32 in 1 peter chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5,1 peter,3,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 5 and this comes through knowing him see 2 john in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,2 john,3,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 3 now let's see something in chapter 31 of 2 kings verse 16 chapter 31,2 kings,31,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 31 verse 16 christ who strengthens me all things nehemiah 4 and verse 13. he said don't look at me as,nehemiah,4,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 13 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at 2 corinthians chapter one verse two right you know if,2 corinthians,1,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 2 in the battle he doesn't just do this for 1 john hebrews 1 14 tells us that god sends,1 john,1,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 14 who engage in the works of the flesh colossians chapter 5 22 verse 21 galatians five 22 21 the abominable unbelieving,colossians,5,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 22 us to just quickly go into scriptures mark chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,mark,5,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 18 haggai 25 from verse 21 to genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26 made this clear,haggai,25,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 25 verse 21 will come to pass in 2 timothy 37 from verse 5 to 11,2 timothy,37,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 37 verse 5 and peace shall be with you haggai chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,haggai,4,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 7 the world that is what we call zechariah ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,zechariah,1,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 17 word psalms 4 20 to 22 says my son give attention to my words,psalms,4,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 2 and uh it exists after death we get that picture in jonah chapter 6 verse 9 with martyred souls being under the,jonah,6,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 9 what the bible says is 1 corinthians 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs,1 corinthians,4,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 19 in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh haggai 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must,haggai,8,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 13 zechariah 4 and verse 6 says let your speech nick and james version corinthians 4 6 let your speech always,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to take a little time on it leviticus 6 sorry matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 14.,leviticus,6,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 14 but let's read it again nahum 5 22 and bible says but the fruit of the,nahum,5,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 22 haggai 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,haggai,14,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 6 when you get to 1 samuel chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,1 samuel,7,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 7 verse 9 thank you jesus i'm going to open jonah isaiah 55 11.,jonah,55,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 55 verse 11 from god jude chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is,jude,1,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 6 antichrist career number one is his amos let's look at verse six and you know what restrains him now,amos,1,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 6 in jesus name look at john daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,john,11,32.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 32 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith john 14 23 is dead,john,14,23.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 23 run with the energy and the power of the spirit nehemiah chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray,nehemiah,40,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 40 verse 3 the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who 1 john in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the,1 john,31,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 31 verse 23 rebelled against god just like cora did and god said in 1 john 3 19 you'll eat bread by the sweat of your brow until,1 john,3,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 19 to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in zechariah chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a,zechariah,20,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 3 without support or blameless it tells us in lamentations chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,lamentations,1,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 23 amen 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,2 thessalonians,8,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 8 anger 2 timothy 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,2 timothy,4,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 26 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 joel 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,joel,26,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 16 chapter 5 because it spells it out obadiah 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,obadiah,5,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 5 first pregnancy was a miscarriage now the lord gave me this scripture 2 john 27 and 14 says wait for the lord be,2 john,27,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 27 verse 14 in jesus mighty name we have prayed in the book of nehemiah chapter 25 verse 25 if they's like cold water to attest his,nehemiah,25,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 25 verse 25 is a military book in 2 kings chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war,2 kings,15,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 15 verse 3 3 11 the judge shall live by faith habakkuk 10 38 now the jew shall live by faith but,habakkuk,10,38.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 38 face a future that is worse than dead in 2 john 10 26 it is described if we sin,2 john,10,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 26 he will touch you again in jesus name look at 3 john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1,3 john,1,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 6 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in 2 kings 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,2 kings,17,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 18 bible verse it should be powerful ezekiel chapter 33 verse 6 he said,ezekiel,33,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 33 verse 6 the mercy of god can rewrite your story in 1 chronicles 27 when you begin to write read from 6 to 36 genesee 27 6 to 30,1 chronicles,27,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 27 verse 6 will perfect them micah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1,micah,1,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 28 verse 20 philemon chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen,philemon,3,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 2 and not have time for him matthew 26 23 and verse 26,matthew,26,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 26 verse 23 they we themselves they weary themselves to commit iniquity lamentations 9 verse 5 which drinketh iniquity like water job,lamentations,9,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 5 places of worship that they built so you read in 2 kings chapter 7 verse 44. our fathers and this is,2 kings,7,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 7 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know 2 chronicles 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,2 chronicles,16,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 3 "there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in micah 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive",micah,2,41.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 41 abomination that causes desolation in zechariah 9 27 and he is referring to something,zechariah,9,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 9 verse 27 verse 1 and 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 46 in acts chapter 2 verse 1 for example,2 chronicles,2,46.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 46 joseph if you read malachi 37 from verse 2 to 11,malachi,37,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 37 verse 2 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,song of solomon (song of songs),2,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 chapter 29 verse 4 through 17. colossians said here as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god does upon,colossians,29,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 4 men and women were added to the church by nahum 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,nahum,6,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 7 so we're going to be praying from the book of numbers chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,numbers,15,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 13 tonight yeah 2 timothy 13 from verse 14 bible talks about the encounter of abraham are,2 timothy,13,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 14 and duplicity of lawless undependable tongues lamentations chapter three we're looking at verse 9.,lamentations,3,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 9 master's brother's daughter unto his son and we're told in jonah chapter one reading from verse 5 it says,jonah,1,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 5 he fulfilled what micah prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,micah,27,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 27 verse 4 you can all be seated well let's grab our bibles and turn to judges chapter 31 and my special mother's day message,judges,4,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 7 will come look at luke chapter 12 reading from verse 25 ezekiel ezekiel please open your bible ezekiel,luke,12,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 25 micah 2 verse 10. so that walks look at also james chapter 2 it also starting from verse 20 to 23 there about he says,micah,2,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 2 and that is it 2 kings 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,2 kings,119,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 119 verse 11 four legged thing in the new testament too like a thing hosea 15 16. romans 15 16,hosea,15,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 15 verse 16 be taking our memory verse from the book of lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am,lamentations,2,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 2 and then to angels and to men in 2 samuel chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,2 samuel,3,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 9 as ezra 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,ezra,5,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 11 judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in micah 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was,micah,2,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 2 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat john 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,john,10,13.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 13 produces the fruit and we know in psalms chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 those nine fruits they come and tell us,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 we're going to give him thanks esther 3 and verse 20. the bible says now to him who is able to do,esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 says in joel chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,joel,32,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 24 yet the later end shall yet greatly increase philemon chapter eight number seven i've tried to watch those folks climbing,philemon,8,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 7 versions that omits it it just has verse three and then it joel verse five and you're looking right now like there is,joel,1,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 5 we don't neglect gathering together as saints colossians 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,colossians,58,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 58 verse 13 in jesus name a good church amen joshua chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11,joshua,3,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 11 from what they were called to do in verse 42 of 1 john 2 they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrines,1 john,2,42.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 42 it is the word of god the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 6 we look at this be part of verse 17 when,ecclesiastes,6,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 17 beloved we will look at our text from 2 thessalonians chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21,2 thessalonians,14,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 21 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from micah chapter 36 verse 27,micah,36,27.0,1.0,micah chapter 36 verse 27 relationship with god 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and,1 timothy,6,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of 2 chronicles 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made,2 chronicles,31,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 31 verse 31 word of god says in psalms 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,psalms,5,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 21 john chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,john,4,29.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 29 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 hosea 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not,hosea,2,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 12 thanks for his faithfulness in every department of our lives in 2 john chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,2 john,5,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 2 time reaching in esther of four times reaching in genesis chapter 22 a 14 whatsoever things were reaching our full,esther,22,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 14 right with what bible says in the book of 1 timothy 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that,1 timothy,4,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 8 will deliver you but when we come to zechariah 6 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 then the king arose very,zechariah,6,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 19 your habit in jesus name well look in our arch 2 peter chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8,2 peter,13,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 8 the book of micah chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,micah,4,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 17 provoking the angels of god in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,1 peter,4,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 3 to 16 john 9 15 to 16 says god said to moses i will be merciful unto whom i be,john,9,15.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 15 he's a spiritual jew numbers chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,numbers,2,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 28 by the holy ghost which is given to us jude 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,jude,5,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 5 1 samuel chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,1 samuel,11,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 8 all things of christ less life christless life look at ruth chapter 4 verse 17.,ruth,4,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 17 uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in haggai 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for,haggai,65,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 65 verse 22 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision 1 samuel 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,1 samuel,10,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 10 verse 19 6. 1 kings 11 from verse 4 to verse 6.,1 kings,11,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 4 good we're coming to 2 kings chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 transformed,2 kings,11,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 prayer titus 4 2 you have not because you ask now stand to your feet everybody,titus,4,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 2 for our families praying for ourselves i'm gonna read from mark chapter four and verse number 4 the bible says,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done 2 peter 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god,2 peter,2,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 2 and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in habakkuk 11 32 they that know their god,habakkuk,11,32.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 32 it might be the case it might not be the case i'm not saying 1 thessalonians 3 28 proves the complementarians are right,1 thessalonians,3,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 28 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought nahum 23 and verse 23,nahum,23,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 23 there but um yeah verse verse 31 is from philemon 19 18. i mentioned that because a lot of people,philemon,19,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 18 a new season starts and a new season will start in your life 2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 24,2 chronicles,50,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 24 and i will read first from lamentations 4 7. proverbs 4 7. proverbs 4 7 says wisdom is the principal,lamentations,4,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 every one of us in jesus name in job chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,job,3,12.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 12 "you, the only true god. 2 john 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, ""for i desired mercy and not sacrifice,""",2 john,6,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 6 a prophet and he talked to the two disciples likely about habakkuk chapter 18 verses 18 and there it says i,habakkuk,18,18.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 18 first you just pray uh the bible says in ezra chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,ezra,4,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 29 1 27. philemon 1 27. already,philemon,1,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 27 image of god joel 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other,joel,4,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 12 fellow is actually born again in 3 john chapter 6,3 john,6,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 6 luke 3 12 he's a prophet contemporary to isaiah and he points about he talks about the,luke,3,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 12 had isaac been doing before he met his bride malachi 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,malachi,24,62.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 62 psalm 45 7. and 2 samuel chapter 13 and verse 52 he said acts 13 52 and disciples who are,2 samuel,13,52.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 52 god addicted worshipper of god jonah chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12,jonah,12,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 7 day of the lord comes next chapter and final chapter of numbers verses 14 and 15 multitudes multitudes in the valley of,numbers,1,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 14 the full wave of the glory of god look at 2 corinthians 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,2 corinthians,8,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 26 amen look at the promise of god for us in ezekiel 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in,ezekiel,55,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 55 verse 14 hope for you ruth 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,ruth,14,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 7 is inimity against god esther 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after,esther,8,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 5 beamers was in the lord mark philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,mark,23,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 24 you and amos 5 21 turn us back to you o lord and we will be restored,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but 2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse,2 timothy,10,38.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 38 2 samuel 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16.,2 samuel,28,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 28 verse 16 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in nehemiah chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,nehemiah,36,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 36 verse 25 and when you have done the will of god according to lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two,lamentations,10,36.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 and 1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,1 peter,9,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 in nahum chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17,nahum,3,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 17 tells us what we need to do i zephaniah chapter 62 i'll read verse verse six and okay verse six number,zephaniah,62,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 62 verse 6 deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about psalms 6 7 and 8.,psalms,6,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 7 what is required look at this four of the scripture leviticus 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see,leviticus,16,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 4 it can reap a whole city like we saw in 2 kings chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we,2 kings,8,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 4 because you have escaped look at this obadiah chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,obadiah,12,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 12 seriously how many believers compare what we read in song of solomon (song of songs) 24 with genesis chapter 6 and see how terrible this sin,song of solomon (song of songs),6,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 6 what the lord has for us it says this in jude 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,jude,13,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 5 that is where our hope is at brethren it says in joel 13 20 now may the god of peace,joel,13,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 2 triumphant power of an undying faith in 2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,2 chronicles,11,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 5 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it 1 peter 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,1 peter,6,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 5 heard a good argument against this against using nahum 11 6 to you know refute,nahum,11,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 6 closing remarks and then i'll take my c zechariah chapter four verse seven first imperative he says submit,zechariah,4,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 7 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 28,1 timothy,2,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 28 say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of 1 chronicles 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's,1 chronicles,11,29.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 29 provoking the angels of god in nahum chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,nahum,4,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 3 that is what the bible tells us in hosea chapter 8 and verse 28 that all things work together for good to them,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 into eternal life there is no end to it micah 14 9 and a third,micah,14,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 9 of lies and half truths right and of course in 2 kings verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of,2 kings,12,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 6 of life no wonder paul the apostle said in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and verse 13 i can do all things through whom,song of solomon (song of songs),4,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 13 on every side in 2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 3 the bible said long time about this,2 chronicles,14,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 3 2 john chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,2 john,13,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 5 2 peter chapter 3 reading the air in verse 2 revelation chapter 3 in verse 2,2 peter,3,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 2 chapter 3 when looking at habakkuk verse 3. it tells us in ephesians chapter 3,habakkuk,3,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 3 and let's ask our engagement this morning from scripture haggai 57 verses 2 and 3. the scripture declares i,haggai,57,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 57 verse 2 nahum 4 3 i don't know if we have that one up there for philippians 4 13 actually i can do all things through,nahum,4,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 3 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday jude chapter 36 and verse 37 says,jude,36,37.0,1.0,jude chapter 36 verse 37 over the world i'm looking at psalms chapter 2 verse 16,psalms,2,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 16 luke 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he,luke,16,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 6 see their own sin and the next thing that happened or habakkuk was a sin was cleansed away in isaiah chapter 6 so,habakkuk,6,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 6 and paul that great man of god said in haggai chapter 8 verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,haggai,8,28.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 28 and other prisoners at sea according to luke 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,luke,27,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 27 verse 14 multiplication this coming sunday that a man can be louder 1 john 13 44 and the next about they came amongst your city,1 john,13,44.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 44 joseph it tested joseph listen to hosea 50 20. i mean all this is is finished and joseph is,hosea,50,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 50 verse 2 god of surprise in philemon 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing,philemon,43,19.0,1.0,philemon chapter 43 verse 19 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so ezra chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,ezra,11,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 13 when he answers prayer according joel 29 11 he says the thoughts that i think towards you are not thoughts of,joel,29,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 29 verse 11 that can make anything happen in one day in psalms chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,psalms,12,41.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 41 the spirit in malachi chapter 2 verse 14,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 through the period of the lockdown 1 samuel chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,1 samuel,17,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 17 verse 7 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at matthew chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,matthew,11,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 24 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,song of solomon (song of songs),4,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 21 somebody shout hallelujah esther three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 god speaking to us now look at it in ruth chapter 13 verse 5 think about the promises that he said in,ruth,13,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 5 the other scriptures that we have looked at so matthew chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,matthew,6,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 18 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him 2 samuel 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in,2 samuel,18,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 13 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 1 thessalonians 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",1 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in 1 peter chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,1 peter,16,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 16 verse 6 answers to prayers in 3 john chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone,3 john,28,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 9 attention to the humble ezekiel chapter 1 i mean psalm 13 8 verse 6 psalm 138 verses,ezekiel,138,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 138 verse 6 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in obadiah 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,obadiah,13,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 23 one prayer point and we are done matthew chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,matthew,1,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 9 from verse 8 john chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left,john,1,8.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 8 god from the heart 1 peter chapter 6 and verse 6,1 peter,6,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 6 guinness refresh a memory and mind and it's refresh or spirit with colossians chapter 9 verse 6 fallen to auskey child,colossians,9,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 6 1 chronicles chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 38 to 44 genesis 41 32 44 pharaoh was lifting up joseph and he said to him,1 chronicles,41,38.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 41 verse 38 i just feel like i'm honoring ecclesiastes 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would,ecclesiastes,6,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 6 knowledge micah chapter 10 verse 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word,micah,10,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 17 the bible where you are please speak your bible and read 2 timothy 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and,2 timothy,22,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 22 verse 13 redemption exactly so in ecclesiastes 3 15 he tells us that he is going to send a savior,ecclesiastes,3,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 15 dominion in matthew chapter 1 verse 28 god created them male and female and he,matthew,1,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 28 2 john chapter 2 and verse 4 zechariah 2 4 6. he said unto him wrong,2 john,2,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 4 2 samuel is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few,2 samuel,23,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 23 verse 23 in nehemiah in conclusion in acts chapter 12 41 to 43 says that they have gladly,nehemiah,12,41.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 41 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in obadiah chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,obadiah,1,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 4 god we become the children of god look at 1 john chapter 5 verse 19. in james chapter 5 reading from verse 19 brethren,1 john,5,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 19 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of 2 peter 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,2 peter,4,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 26 that's confidence unusual confidence in 1 samuel chapter 20 20 and verse 24 we see paul there again speaking he said none,1 samuel,20,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 24 and balaam the bible says in verse 5 of joel 23 it says then the lord put a word in,joel,23,5.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 5 and that takes place as we maintain our love for god ezekiel chapter 8 and verse 28 all things work together for good to,ezekiel,8,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 8 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king zephaniah for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,zephaniah,14,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 28 2 corinthians chapter 19 a meeting from verse 11. acts chapter 19 we're reading from verse,2 corinthians,19,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 19 verse 11 out of the book of the law and read micah 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that,micah,34,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 16 choices moses successor haggai summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,haggai,24,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 24 verse 15 and he has come accounted the promise matthew 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,matthew,3,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 29 your joy is coming in leviticus chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,leviticus,15,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 15 verse 15 strengthened look at this verse of scripture 1 kings chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7,1 kings,5,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 7 company and the bible tells us in the book of 1 samuel in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says,1 samuel,12,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 16 unto the lord look at jonah chapter 32. in exodus chapter 32 a meeting from verse 18,jonah,32,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 18 erelua can you read that 1 peter 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,1 peter,19,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 19 verse 11 we're going to read a few verses from the book of esther chapter 20 and verse 7,esther,20,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 7 your plan that's what's written in jonah 21 5 the new living translation version,jonah,21,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 5 you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 2 samuel 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim,2 samuel,6,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 16 verse eight in 3 john chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 council comes to you in zechariah chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,zechariah,11,23.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 11 verse 23 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia hosea chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if,hosea,30,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 6 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of 2 john chapter 39 verse 13,2 john,39,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 39 verse 13 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through philemon the prophet he took our infirmities and,philemon,8,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 17 nahum of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked,nahum,16,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 25 mighty name we pray in hosea 7 verses five to seven,hosea,7,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 5 spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to god 2 john chapter 4 verse 2 it for the word of god is living,2 john,4,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 2 that marriage is to prove to provide hell micah chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,micah,2,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 18 one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth 2 timothy 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for,2 timothy,8,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 28 and this is for somebody in particular job 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,job,26,12.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 12 the presence of the lord and that from 1 thessalonians 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,1 thessalonians,8,38.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 38 engaging winner to rise 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 3 and there they'll be wise shall shine as the,2 kings,12,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 3 five thousand in 2 timothy chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i,2 timothy,5,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 in judges chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you,judges,3,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 9 season say louder amen joel 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in,joel,5,42.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 42 that's wisdom that can be from above 2 thessalonians 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,2 thessalonians,17,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 14 verse 12 john chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles,john,5,12.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 12 name in jonah chapter 5 verse 22 jeremiah chapter 5 and we're reading from verse 22 a perpetual decree don't,jonah,5,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 22 man on his own has no capacity to access or create any good thing in colossians chapter 1 verse 17 the bible says every,colossians,1,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 17 waiting for the returning lord in job chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be,job,5,7.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 7 numbers one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for,numbers,1,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 4 we're going to read a few verses from the book of micah chapter 20 and verse 7,micah,20,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 7 number 8 micah chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers,micah,20,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 20 verse 8 reality specifically the text that is prompting this whole series is 1 corinthians 4 verse 8 just the first 11 words at least,1 corinthians,4,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 not responsible for evil and when we read in 1 kings chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,1 kings,6,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 9 mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of joshua chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43,joshua,43,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 43 verse 18 chapter 72 habakkuk chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17,habakkuk,32,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 17 tonight yeah zephaniah 13 from verse 14 bible talks about the encounter of abraham are,zephaniah,13,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 14 and in breaking of bread and in prayers 2 thessalonians 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,2 thessalonians,2,42.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 42 philemon of the apostles track of what gina a medium from verse 7 acts chapter 7 chapter 14 verse 7 and there and there d,philemon,14,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 7 ecclesiastes 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's,ecclesiastes,19,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 14 longer sacrifice the best of what you have 2 thessalonians that's all in malachi verse chapter 1 verse 6 to 9 you sacrifice the,2 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 there are people excluded from this and you see it even later in 2 thessalonians in chapter 3 verse 17.,2 thessalonians,3,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 17 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 judges 3 9 lying not one to another saying that he had put off,judges,4,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 2 for the word of god has said it in judges 10 11 that there is no one that put his trust in god that will be put to,judges,10,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 11 suffering for being an evil doer song of solomon (song of songs) 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,song of solomon (song of songs),8,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 13 there was still this happiness and joy because paul writes in leviticus 1 21 for me to live is christ and to die is,leviticus,1,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 21 multitudes and 1 john chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6,1 john,6,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 7 own people i think that's very significant in numbers 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,numbers,42,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 42 verse 18 network and your network uh let's start off from obadiah of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,obadiah,1,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 verse five hosea chapter four reading from verse five,hosea,4,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 5 god is promising judgment from the prophet hosea and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read,hosea,3,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 16 sickness affliction matthew chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,matthew,5,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 13 to righteousness psalms chapter 11 from verse 30 the fruit of the righteous,psalms,11,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 3 in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music],1 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 he states the basic principle here in matthew 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,matthew,3,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 28 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at 2 kings 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,2 kings,10,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 13 nehemiah 12 2 romans 12 2 be not conformed,nehemiah,12,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 2 has already called us in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 16 and if this is the reason for this,2 chronicles,8,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 16 god's spirit why do we say so in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,2 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 it is also written in the book of 2 kings chapter 33 verse 23,2 kings,33,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 33 verse 23 and this is what the bible tells us in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 20 they said we cannot speak of the things,ecclesiastes,4,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 2 for today 1 peter chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own,1 peter,1,26.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 26 not responsible for evil and when we read in 2 chronicles chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,2 chronicles,6,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 9 why do i say this the bible says in mark 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said,mark,1,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 3 concerning you say lord amen 1 chronicles 10 36 let's read together now everybody want,1 chronicles,10,36.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 36 help other people and making them better look at first jude chapter 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos,jude,18,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 24 in joshua chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,joshua,11,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 11 as the only way out the bible says in matthew chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be,matthew,1,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 9 here from verse 9 1 thessalonians chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,1 thessalonians,4,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 9 verse 17 in matthew chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him,matthew,2,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 17 example of a mad woman telling her husband to commit suicide in 1 john chapter 2 verse 9 look at all this happening you,1 john,2,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 9 so he goes psalms one verse nine this is my comment,psalms,1,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 9 jesus was declaration of god by the spirit of holiness 1 peter 1 4 let's pray for it no body and time turns the power,1 peter,1,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 as well this is a great place to just put your bookmark in philemon 24 3 and let's begin to pray earnestly,philemon,24,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 24 verse 3 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in malachi chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,malachi,8,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 28 docile 1 timothy 11 6 says the wolf will romp with the lamb,1 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 in this church this coming sunday hosea 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,hosea,13,44.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 44 you've already read about we've read 1 peter 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28,1 peter,14,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 12 please join me as we wrap up 2 john chapter 31 i read from verse 37 and the theme was,2 john,31,37.0,1.0,2 john chapter 31 verse 37 let me read you the key text this is esther chapter 4 verses 27 to 28. the saints are praying truly in this,esther,4,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 27 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to jude chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in habakkuk 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,habakkuk,1,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 point about habakkuk 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,habakkuk,8,27.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 27 church together 1 corinthians 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,1 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 his body read obadiah chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews chapter 10 verse 5.,obadiah,10,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 5 and then one of my favorites here job chapter 5 it's the next verse 21 daniel says to the persian king belshazzar,job,5,21.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 21 longer sacrifice the best of what you have 2 peter that's all in malachi verse chapter 1 verse 6 to 9 you sacrifice the,2 peter,1,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 6 a wise man can overlook an offense micah 19 11. they avoid strife,micah,19,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 11 interceding is very important ecclesiastes 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned,ecclesiastes,9,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 5 paul has an amazing parallel in 2 corinthians 1 7 where he says in christ,2 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 diligent let us be diligent verse 11 1 chronicles 4 verse 11 concluded this that is we diligent enter into that rest holy,1 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 chapter 5 verse 11. ezekiel 5 verse 11 behold we consider those,ezekiel,5,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 11 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read micah 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,micah,5,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 19 and i'm reading here from verse 8 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,1 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 micah 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,micah,1,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 9 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son luke 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,luke,12,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 5 promises of god yes and amen psalms chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,psalms,33,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 33 verse 25 and even a cuss in 1 chronicles chapter 11 as 16 to 17 the autonomy level 60 to 70,1 chronicles,11,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 16 nine the bible says that his power is excellent job job 37 23,job,37,23.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 23 personalities in his plan philemon 16 13 says and i saw three unclean spirits,philemon,16,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 13 thing that god gave me is in the book of lamentations chapter 22 verse 30.,lamentations,22,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 3 was no more room for the painters numbers chapter 12 verse 15 to 17. no room,numbers,12,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 15 triumphant power of an undying faith in 2 john chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,2 john,11,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 5 that greatness starts with self to leadership in leviticus chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,leviticus,6,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 6 improve on the gifts in ruth chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9. proverbs chapter 9,ruth,9,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 9 repent according to micah chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made,micah,3,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 17 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that jude 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,jude,20,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 20 verse 17 otherwise you will vomit in john 25 the same proverbs 25 verse 27,john,25,27.0,1.0,john chapter 25 verse 27 sins we already thought of that and then 2 thessalonians chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has,2 thessalonians,2,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 look at verse 17 there in verse 17 2 kings chapter 1 verse 17,2 kings,1,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 mighty name we pray in nehemiah 7 verses five to seven,nehemiah,7,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 5 brother can i read that one more time job 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,job,18,24.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 24 himself is praying on your behalf 2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely,2 chronicles,7,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 25 tells us in numbers in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5.,numbers,2,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 5 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so malachi 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,malachi,29,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 29 verse 11 a god of speed he is a god of speed hosea chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,hosea,9,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 28 "judah specifically. matthew 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification",matthew,5,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 7 mark 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,mark,34,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 34 verse 16 plan and so the bible says here uh in joel 7 8 that the spirit of god constantly reinforcing reminds us it,joel,7,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 8 you know what your part in that is ezra chapter 3 verse 20,ezra,3,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 2 you see this this malachi said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,malachi,24,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 24 verse 15 as we worship god tonight with our seed mark chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,mark,28,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 28 verse 8 sanctification that's why we are told in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 26 and verse 18 he said to open their eyes to turn them,1 thessalonians,26,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 18 and he has come accounted the promise philemon 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,philemon,3,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 29 coming generation 1 corinthians 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,1 corinthians,22,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 6 bible makes it very clear in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 100 and verse 4 psalm 100 and verse 4. it says be thankful unto,ecclesiastes,100,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 100 verse 4 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,1 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 of earth purified seven times ezekiel chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 verse 22 ezekiel 10 22 it says the blessings of the lord makes one rich and he adds no,ezekiel,10,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 22 have you not read your bible have you not read psalms 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,psalms,4,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 11 somebody shot with me prayer works 2 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a,2 thessalonians,5,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 24 titus proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,titus,24,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 24 verse 14 to really pay attention he says in 1 chronicles 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,1 chronicles,16,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 15 um i will supply all your needs that's mark 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages,mark,4,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 19 philemon however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a,philemon,27,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 27 verse 5 immeasurable possibilities we're looking at joel chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17 here jerry maya chapter 30,joel,32,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 17 way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven hosea said it this way surely the lord god will do,hosea,3,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 7 me read earlier on was 5 the last part my son hosea 12 verse 5 don't regard lightly the discipline of the lord don't faint,hosea,12,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 5 and it echoes what paul talks about in 2 thessalonians 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,2 thessalonians,3,28.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 28 "acceptable worship.  1 peter 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",1 peter,13,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 15 desperately sick but nahum 4 23 says the springs of life flow,nahum,4,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 23 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times 2 john 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,2 john,22,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 22 verse 6 word the lord gave us when we started cfc 1 peter 1 verse 11 you remember very clearly speaking on this and almost one,1 peter,1,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 11 says in habakkuk in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled,habakkuk,2,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 8 are ordained for fulfillment in mark chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,mark,12,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 25 arm of god praise the lord i want us to read this 2 timothy 1 6. then we round up,2 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 the other verse i want to read is from 1 samuel 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,1 samuel,12,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 19 chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king 1 samuel version and what does it say,1 samuel,14,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 26 world the word of god declares in psalms 23 verse 18.,psalms,23,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 18 um the third thing is justification by faith so philemon 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might,philemon,3,24.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 24 church and then of course a famous verse at a 2 timothy 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give,2 timothy,19,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 7 christ jesus malachi 8 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the,malachi,8,35.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 35 straight before them ecclesiastes judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,ecclesiastes,6,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 2 happened in psalms 18 verse 12 14 genesis 18 verse 12 14 that when god decided to pay brahimi visit he turned,psalms,18,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 12 church allow that email nahum chapter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase,nahum,49,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 49 verse 25 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service ruth 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,ruth,10,38.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 38 why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent ruth 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he,ruth,9,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 14 ephraim you can read the story in 3 john 48 verse 13 to 20 genesis 42 verse 13 to 20 when he was brought with,3 john,48,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 48 verse 13 and to give his life a ransom for many amos chapter 2 verse 17 18 says wherefore in all things it behooved him,amos,2,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 17 psalm 45 7. and song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 and verse 52 he said acts 13 52 and disciples who are,song of solomon (song of songs),13,52.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 52 going to pass in judges 3 from verse 13 to 14 philippians 3 13 to 14,judges,3,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 13 coming sunday 1 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 26 says he will lift up an insight to the nations,1 corinthians,5,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 25 when you read from verse 15. uh nehemiah 43 from from verse 15 said i am i am the lord your,nehemiah,43,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 43 verse 15 lord and better amen 1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,1 chronicles,13,44.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 it's good to be rich abraham our father was rich ecclesiastes 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 34 to 35 that servant said,ecclesiastes,24,34.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 24 verse 34 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 1 thessalonians 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,1 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in ezra chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 jude chapter 5 reading from verse 22 galatians chapter 5,jude,5,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 22 of prophecy he has to understand by reading 3 john 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,3 john,9,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 2 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane micah 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,micah,53,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 53 verse 6 flee micah chapter 4 verse 6 to 8 resist the devil he'll flee from you,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 to verse 6 job chapter 53 we're looking at it from verse 4 reading,job,53,4.0,1.0,job chapter 53 verse 4 1 john chapter 2 reading from verse 14 philippians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 it says do all things,1 john,2,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 14 into our services tomorrow sunday in nahum chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,nahum,12,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 12 other kids after jesus was born judges 13 55 actually calls out james specifically i'll just give you that,judges,13,55.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 55 let me show you what i mean i'm looking at 1 timothy chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 29,1 timothy,11,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 29 i won't curse god i know that my redeemer liveth you know in esther 59 19 it says when the enemy shall,esther,59,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 59 verse 19 1 timothy 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,1 timothy,17,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 28 2 peter 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,2 peter,5,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 6 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from 2 peter chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just,2 peter,23,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 3 "which he was the ruler. in haggai chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30",haggai,27,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 3 "visibly. in fact, ezra 1 verse 7 says, ""every eye will see him.""",ezra,1,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 7 1 peter 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,1 peter,26,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 26 verse 8 i can't hear you very well look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter,song of solomon (song of songs),4,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 16 chapter 8 judges 8 and i'll be reading 35 to 39,judges,8,35.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 35 five joshua chapter 40 verse 1 5. isaiah chapter 14 verse 4 5 it says,joshua,40,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 40 verse 4 prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in 1 corinthians chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12,1 corinthians,12,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 any promises just yet because i'm not having decided so 1 chronicles 325 says but now that faith has come we are no longer,1 chronicles,3,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 25 you and amos 5 21 turn us back to you o lord and we will be restored,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh 2 john 53 when you read from verse five as after,2 john,53,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 53 verse 5 against us in ruth chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,ruth,3,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 14 account but right her view of 1 thessalonians 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs,1 thessalonians,3,28.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 28 serve with faith serve in faith jude chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of god through,jude,4,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 2 mean really power that makes him the almighty in hosea 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 to show you how,hosea,32,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 32 verse 27 the journey in jesus name titus chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20,titus,15,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 15 verse 2 we are praying finally we want to pray amos chapter 8 verse 19 romans 8 verse 19 the annex expectation of creation,amos,8,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 19 abraham 1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,1 thessalonians,22,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 23 the numbers chapter 26 and we'll begin reading in verse 16 leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and i want you to see and i,numbers,26,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 26 verse 16 amen now mark 32 and verse 15 says until the spirit is poured upon us from on,mark,32,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 32 verse 15 industrious look at this in hosea chapter 41 reading from verse 56 and the famine was,hosea,41,56.0,1.0,hosea chapter 41 verse 56 the new testament what happens in philemon chapter eight verse 13 he brings us out and i'll just read it to you he,philemon,8,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 13 with money don't ye even to me with all your art 2 chronicles 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,2 chronicles,4,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29 edition mark chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,mark,4,31.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 31 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you 1 john chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,1 john,21,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 21 verse 4 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up hosea they threw him into the sea,hosea,1,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 15 and so i asked him have you read 2 kings chapter 2 and chapter 3 what does it say,2 kings,2,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 3 amos chapter 26 verse 12 to verse 14 genesis chapter 26 it says then isaac soared in that land and reaped in the,amos,26,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 14 extent of the devastation coming upon the world job chapter 30 in verse 30,job,30,3.0,1.0,job chapter 30 verse 3 care less about anything spiritual and so mark 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,mark,12,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 15 chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in jude chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one,jude,3,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 9 rewrite history because in leviticus chapter 44 verse 26 the bible says god confirms the word of,leviticus,44,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 44 verse 26 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of joshua chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of,joshua,4,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 12 it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of 2 corinthians verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter,2 corinthians,20,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 20 verse 13 came to come before god in his thoughts matthew 66 2 says it's that second half of that verse but to this one i will,matthew,66,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 66 verse 2 ever joshua chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 19 verse 6,joshua,19,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 6 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a ezekiel the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5,ezekiel,1,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5 marriage obey the owner's manual obey the owner's manual in nahum 25 and verse 40 god was charging,nahum,25,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 4 right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of 1 thessalonians he says my ministry is for the sake of christ,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 do so please be reminded of the word of the lord in jude chapter 8 and verse 22 genesis 8 22 this is while the earth,jude,8,22.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 22 and then in 1 peter chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of,1 peter,4,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 6 obadiah chapter 3 in verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says some whatsoever ye do do it,obadiah,3,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 23 titus in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,titus,22,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 13 chapter 41 of habakkuk we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,habakkuk,41,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 41 verse 3 in verse 18 of that same summer 19 sorry 1 corinthians of the apostle chapter 19 verse 18 and many that believed came,1 corinthians,19,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 18 2 peter chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me,2 peter,8,36.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 36 came the result was seen in 1 peter chapter 2 and verse 41,1 peter,2,41.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 41 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in job chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,job,28,2.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 2 i am saved look at 2 timothy chapter 10 reading from verse 9. it says that if,2 timothy,10,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 9 remained unsold from amos 5 4 it was yours nobody asked you to sell your house,amos,5,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 4 3 9 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,2 chronicles,2,39.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 39 you have revealed 2 peter 11 verse 25 you have revealed the word revelation again to babes babes have got one quality that,2 peter,11,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 25 today and this is in numbers chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there,numbers,5,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 19 check this out also when you look there at leviticus 1 14 you see after at verse 15 his feet were like,leviticus,1,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 14 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 obadiah 26 i also will do this unto you we even,obadiah,26,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 16 among the people then we're in a revival 2 john chapter 8 beginning from verse 5 philip went down to samaria,2 john,8,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 5 amen 2 peter chapter 6 verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be,2 peter,6,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 12 in jesus name open the lord look at luke chapter 1 verse 21 golucius chapter 1,luke,1,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 21 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of judges two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,judges,2,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 4 needs to explain my dream and my vision 2 timothy 2 verses 20 and 21 20 said daniel answered and said blessed be the name of,2 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus name we pray amen 1 kings 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to,1 kings,50,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 50 verse 2 of a sudden i can't there it goes zechariah chapter 4. let's read together from verse six,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 gospel of his son look at job chapter 1 verse 9 in romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with,job,1,9.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 9 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your,1 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 services this year in 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,2 peter,13,44.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 44 find that all over scripture hosea chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,hosea,4,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 5 against the jealousy of god in 2 john 34 verse 14 so for thou shall worship no other god,2 john,34,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 34 verse 14 to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year amos chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of,amos,6,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 7 malachi went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 there's a little story that's recounted here in joel 24. proverbs 24 verse 30.,joel,24,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 24 verse 3 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do ezra chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,ezra,44,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 44 verse 23 here from verse 16 to 19 16 to 20 21 where the lord tells ecclesiastes how he is to prophesy in verse 16 he says lord i,ecclesiastes,1,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 16 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please 1 john chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,1 john,3,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 21 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 1 chronicles chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,1 chronicles,34,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 34 verse 2 the lamb be holy for i am holy joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 don't represent that but but anyhow joel 60 verse 13 it says the glory of lebanon shall come to you the cypress,joel,60,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 60 verse 13 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to luke chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,luke,22,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 16 of a story nehemiah chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was,nehemiah,6,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 11 chapter 4 if you'll turn there with me job chapter 4 verse 16,job,4,16.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 16 obadiah 3 verse 29. galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian,obadiah,3,29.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 29 verse 15 2 thessalonians 1315 is good to read from last 14 to 15,2 thessalonians,13,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 15 and bones the tribes of israel but in esther 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them,esther,9,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 2 will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of 1 corinthians shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 understanding of god as a great healer ezra chapter 15 and verse 26 god said i am the lord that he let thee,ezra,15,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 26 the apostles chapter 20 and we're looking at verse 26 1 kings of the apostles chapter 20,1 kings,20,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 26 on or before november 29 2020 obadiah chapter 14 and verse 27 says for the lord of hosts,obadiah,14,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 27 don't have unbelief the word said in 2 samuel 18 14 god asked,2 samuel,18,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 18 verse 14 4 6 to 7 malachi 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing,malachi,4,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 6 2 corinthians 12 9 romans 12 9. bible says,2 corinthians,12,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 this was the story of jacob until you come to 2 peter 32 24 to 31 genesis 32,2 peter,32,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 32 verse 24 two number three you might be filled with all spiritual understanding nahum chapter 20 and verse 32,nahum,20,32.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 32 11 1 and 9 in judges 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you,judges,11,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 4 are angels they are our co to invisible co to liberals the reapers colossians chapter 14 from 14 to 16 we see,colossians,14,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 14 colossians chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,colossians,22,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 11 story in 2 corinthians chapter 37 3 to 5 ezekiel 37 3 to 5 when god himself called ezekiel,2 corinthians,37,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 37 verse 3 on the mount of transfiguration again peter malachi and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,malachi,9,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 9 verse 28 in judges chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person,judges,17,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 24 the power from our possessed pentecost 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in amos 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 and other prisoners at sea according to hosea 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,hosea,27,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 27 verse 14 from day one i was preaching from 1 chronicles 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,1 chronicles,3,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 13 when we are fed what's the result judges reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong jonah 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone,jonah,1,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 3 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing titus chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,titus,3,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 16 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter one verse two right you know if,song of solomon (song of songs),1,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 2 and to see why we'll read about the fifth feast in psalms 23 23 to 25,psalms,23,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 23 it's like okay be strong in his strength it's kind of like 1 kings 8 13 that says if by the spirit you put to,1 kings,8,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 13 jonah chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems,jonah,14,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 12 talked about her so let's catch up a little bit on titus kristen would you read us ruth 1 8 to 18,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things leviticus 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,leviticus,1,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 2 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 ruth 6 verse 8 that we,ruth,6,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 8 fear of the lord or if you look at 1 thessalonians chapter 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,1 thessalonians,1,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 price for that sanctification ecclesiastes chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,ecclesiastes,13,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 13 understand that joshua 14 verse 17 says romans 14 and verse 17 says the kingdom of god is not eating,joshua,14,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 17 giving back to a child in zechariah 66 verse 7 and 8 before she travailed she brought forth,zechariah,66,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 66 verse 7 the leader said brother zack doesn't it say in jonah 2 44 that all those who believed,jonah,2,44.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 44 it tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 16 and we're reading from verse 3 romans chapter 16 verse 3 greece persilla and,2 corinthians,16,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 3 all human blessings flew in judges chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 8 and verse 16.,2 thessalonians,8,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 16 the earth for their possession the book of judges chapter two and verse eight,judges,2,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 8 strangers in the heartless kingdom were looking at philemon chapter 2 reading from verse 12 it says that at that time,philemon,2,12.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 12 was worth the wait habakkuk 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,habakkuk,8,27.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 27 chapter 1 verse 8 2 kings 1 verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega,2 kings,1,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 will buy everything numbers we're reading from chapter 9 jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23,numbers,9,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 23 hosea chapter 2 verse 11 revelation 2 verse 11 revelation 3 verse 6 revelation 36 revelation 3 verse 13,hosea,3,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 6 read this one esther 8 acts 16 8 to 10 acts 16 8 to 10,esther,16,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 8 i wanted to pray this morning the bible says in numbers chapter 13 verse 36 it says for david after he had served his own,numbers,13,36.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 36 jehovah and we will please turn to book of zephaniah chapter 1 verse nine revelation chapter 1 verse 9,zephaniah,1,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 9 haven't noticed before so in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 x raptor1 verses 3 through 5 it says about jesus he,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel 3 john 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,3 john,21,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 21 verse 12 habakkuk 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28 the bible says,habakkuk,32,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 32 verse 24 so read the scripture carefully every single 2 samuel 4 15 is very clear this is what helped me to come to a life,2 samuel,4,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 15 baptized ruth 2 verse 40 41 that day the day of pentecost acts 2 verse 41 three thousand people were converted and,ruth,2,41.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 41 through the prophet of god ezra definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,ezra,1,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 19 verse three mark chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,mark,5,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 3 it again so it's taken from mark 5 22 23 it says but the fruit of the,mark,5,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 22 sighting in verse 9 of colossians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,colossians,1,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 9 what is required look at this four of the scripture jude 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see,jude,16,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 4 will come to pass in ruth 37 from verse 5 to 11,ruth,37,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 37 verse 5 by treasure is chill march 3 john chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,3 john,2,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 21 people and the sheep of his pasture and look at luke chapter 10 while reading from verse 12 we're following,luke,10,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 12 he eats it to the bottom in fact it's translated in job 19 21 by the word and english gorged you don't like,job,19,21.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 21 gotten your back looking at the book of job chapter 32 verse 15,job,32,15.0,1.0,job chapter 32 verse 15 verses so you need to sort of keep peace with me i'll start from verse 4 lamentations chapter 11,lamentations,11,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 against us in ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,ecclesiastes,3,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 3 john 1 8 philippians 1 8,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 every child of god but how can we gain access to that inheritance in mark verse 17 the bible says upon mount zion,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of 1 timothy chapter 6 verse 26,1 timothy,6,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 26 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in malachi chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,malachi,1,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 27 go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 2 thessalonians 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other,2 thessalonians,43,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 13 you are going to get to your destination 2 timothy chapter 32 verse 26 exodus chapter 32 verse 26 recalls that moses,2 timothy,32,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 32 verse 16 any problem there to sound a trumpet 1 samuel 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the,1 samuel,4,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 18 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in nahum 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,nahum,4,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 13 promises of god found in lamentations 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their,lamentations,21,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 4 manifestation 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord,1 chronicles,4,29.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 29 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 samuel 50 and 6 my people,1 samuel,50,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 50 verse 6 john chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 3,john,33,3.0,1.0,john chapter 33 verse 3 know he just has the text he wants haggai 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 do it for us for every one of us look at 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 16,2 samuel,1,16.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 16 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 2 timothy who was miriam moses sister,2 timothy,39,39.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 39 verse 39 come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery 2 kings 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came,2 kings,4,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 4 again and again just go to 2 chronicles 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want,2 chronicles,1,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 description of this man's dedication in the book of joel 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,joel,1,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 21 in the house of priscilla and aquila psalms chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5,psalms,16,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 3 luke chapter 4 proverbs chapter 4 i'm reading here from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son,luke,4,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 2 you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of habakkuk 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head,habakkuk,3,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 13 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of micah chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14,micah,9,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 14 emphasis so i'm going to read the opening 15 verses of esther 3 just to set it in your mind and then make a,esther,3,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 15 presence how by the blood of jesus this is numbers 10 verse 20 by a new and living way open for us through the,numbers,10,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 2 we have pray amen let's quickly open our bibles to the book of 2 samuel chapter 6 verse 26,2 samuel,6,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 26 stayin in god's word we focus on here on 1 peter chapter 6 verse 9 it's our theme verse that we're gonna,1 peter,6,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 9 might be the bible says in psalms chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 wanted to notice something in verse 7 you know of of job chapter four he says,job,4,7.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 7 in this direction paul says the same thing listen to this ruth 3 5 put to death therefore,ruth,3,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 5 in the book of lamentations chapter 3 2 we must be desirable anyone that will,lamentations,3,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 2 29 and verse 13 hosea 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me,hosea,29,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 12 link between light and joy you want a biblical support 2 thessalonians chapter 8 from verse 15 to 16 esther chapter 8 from,2 thessalonians,8,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 15 or what is lame in 2 thessalonians 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness,2 thessalonians,1,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 13 in joshua 54 and jeremiah 3 and ezekiel 16 in hosea chapter 2 the nation of israel is often,joshua,54,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 54 verse 3 ecclesiastes of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter tayna acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet spake these,ecclesiastes,10,44.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 44 john 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,john,15,26.0,1.0,john chapter 15 verse 26 in their lives 1 kings chapter 2 verse 7.,1 kings,2,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 7 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church philemon said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,philemon,20,26.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 26 the fruit of the spirit you read in john 5 23 self to control and let me tell you this also,john,5,23.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 23 which is in amos chapter 22 i'm going to read just one verse verse 5.,amos,22,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 22 verse 5 believes he allowed a man 2 chronicles chapter 11 number 30 he that winneth souls is wise shall rise on our,2 chronicles,11,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 3 finish so strong so well esther chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,esther,3,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 22 evangelist by the time we saw him in 1 chronicles 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the,1 chronicles,21,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 8 chapter four and we're looking at verse 3 in amos chapter 4 verse 3 it says what for what says the scripture abram,amos,4,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 3 we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to nehemiah 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can,nehemiah,5,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 5 mercy somebody shouted amen 2 peter of the apostles chapter 26 verse 18 acts 26 reading from verse 18 here paul,2 peter,26,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 26 verse 18 look at obadiah chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,obadiah,11,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 4 these biblical principles standing and firm acting like men 3 john 1117 woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts,3 john,11,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 17 chapter one and i'm reading from the sabre malachi age revelation chapter one verses 7 and 8 behold he cometh with the,malachi,1,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 7 verse 28 job 40 verse 28 he said there's no such chain misunderstanding,job,40,28.0,1.0,job chapter 40 verse 28 that if a man is worth his weight the bible says in titus 128 that his wife ought to be like a fruitful vine,titus,1,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 8 in ezra chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,ezra,53,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 53 verse 3 he said he prospered nehemiah 6 28 he said daniel prospered in the reign of darius,nehemiah,6,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 28 ministry quite many 1 samuel listed for us in the hebrews chapter 11,1 samuel,11,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 11 there's zero doubt that jesus reads nehemiah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,nehemiah,53,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 53 verse 12 have another perspective and now you find in the book of 1 peter numbers chapter 30 reading from verse 20 sees,1 peter,30,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 30 verse 2 said in 1 timothy chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,1 timothy,28,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 28 verse 16 government in 2 peter chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12,2 peter,12,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 5 say laodin obadiah chapter 1 and verse 14 he said the lord stared at the heart of,obadiah,1,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 14 looking at 2 peter chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,2 peter,10,38.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 38 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike 1 kings 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,1 kings,5,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 2 your will overcome i will overcome look at nahum chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,nahum,12,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 17 your house in titus 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,titus,3,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 7 and then not too long after that according to psalms chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,psalms,5,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 14 this was the story of jacob until you come to matthew 32 24 to 31 genesis 32,matthew,32,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 32 verse 24 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power 2 corinthians 26 18 to open the eyes,2 corinthians,26,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 26 verse 18 8. john chapter 32 i'm going to read verse 8. isaiah,john,32,8.0,1.0,john chapter 32 verse 8 actually repents this is what jude says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,jude,3,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 9 coming sunday can we say amen to that in the book of mark of apostle 2 verse 6 and 41 and when this was not abroad the,mark,2,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 6 straightforward if we're not consistent look at 2 john chapter read him from verse 6,2 john,1,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 6 in the name of jesus in the book of matthew 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,matthew,53,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 53 verse 24 ways i want to read it carefully zephaniah 19 verse 3 the foolishness of man perverteth his,zephaniah,19,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 3 step out and serve matthew 1 6 being confident in this very thing,matthew,1,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 6 according to 2 corinthians chapter 38 from verse 8 to 11 job 38 proverbs 8 to 11,2 corinthians,38,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 38 verse 8 it says here in ruth 50 verse 17 [music],ruth,50,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 50 verse 17 step out and serve 1 timothy 1 6 being confident in this very thing,1 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 of israel whom you shall serve numbers 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord,numbers,24,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 24 verse 15 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering joshua chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,joshua,4,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 9 there was a prophecy habakkuk 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,habakkuk,15,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 13 everybody one last verse ecclesiastes chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment,ecclesiastes,2,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the 1 chronicles of the provision of a lamb from the time of,1 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 towards our lord jesus christ 1 thessalonians chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,1 thessalonians,26,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 19 learn to give thanks you know that wonderful word in 1 samuel chapter 20 and verse 35 where it's a saying of jesus,1 samuel,20,35.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 20 verse 35 your life is in the book the bible says in the book of amos chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord i,amos,10,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 7 god of surprise in mark 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing,mark,43,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 43 verse 19 look at nehemiah chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for,nehemiah,14,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 7 luke chapter 5. genesis chapter 5 i will read with from verse 22,luke,5,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 22 20 2 thessalonians 23 20 behold i sent angel before thee to keep thee,2 thessalonians,23,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 2 over the ark which holds the testimony 1 samuel 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,1 samuel,25,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 25 verse 22 haggai chapter 1 verse 8 again but daniel proposed in his search in the secret of his heart without anybody,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 disobedience to god just like balaam did in zechariah chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,zechariah,22,32.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 32 chapter 23 from verse 8 colossians 23 8 cleave unto the lord but cleave unto the lord,colossians,23,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 23 verse 8 about listen in 1 thessalonians 36 and 8 it says thus dwelt esau,1 thessalonians,36,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 8 15 down to verse 28. 1 kings 2015 down to 28 i'm gonna borrow a title from the new testament text,1 kings,20,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 15 to righteousness song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 from verse 30 the fruit of the righteous,song of solomon (song of songs),11,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 3 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of jonah of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,jonah,4,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 16 in nehemiah chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,nehemiah,20,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 20 verse 3 the house today we're looking at ezra chapter 5 james chapter 5 i'm reading here i'm reading here from verse 5 14 he,ezra,5,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 5 about bearing with one another right psalms 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 examples of where god stilled storms one of them would be in the life of colossians jonah wondrous 5 verse 15 story in 16 when,colossians,5,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 15 requirement of the law and then in 2 john 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one,2 john,13,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 8 book of luke chapter 1 verse 25 the book of james chapter 1 verse 25 it says but he who looks into the perfect law of,luke,1,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 25 from verse 1 to zephaniah chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from,zephaniah,4,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 2 by time you get to john chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were,john,5,12.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 12 your house in 2 corinthians 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look,2 corinthians,3,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 7 for me look at joel chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,joel,8,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 28 encounters with light hosea 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,hosea,3,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 15 makes the lord sick but he loved them anyway look at micah 3 verse 14. to the angel of the church of the,micah,3,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 14 the king after he repented he says in joel 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,joel,4,35.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 35 that were we maintain our salvation through our righteous deeds 1 peter four verses four through five it says this,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 and he looked at them he said there was a day that george mueller died lamentations 613 all on the altar all on the altar,lamentations,6,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 13 you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 1 samuel 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim,1 samuel,6,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 16 he gives perfect gifts for example in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 james chapter 1 verse 5,1 thessalonians,1,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 and they got healed someone was seven philemon cemetery someone was seven verse 20 and then in luke chapter 5 verse 17,philemon,5,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 17 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 1 peter chapter 2 verse 28,1 peter,2,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 28 4 to 6 malachi 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4 are the slightest challenge,malachi,11,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 4 titus 21 verse 17 proverbs 217 a new king james version new king james said he would lost,titus,21,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 17 verse 27 nahum chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men,nahum,9,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 27 26 2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 the bible says,2 corinthians,14,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 time will not permit tonight but when you read uh read 2 chronicles chapter 12 and i think verse 16,2 chronicles,12,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 16 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference 2 timothy 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,2 timothy,5,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 the utterly consumed terrors in john chapter 28 verse 8.,john,28,8.0,1.0,john chapter 28 verse 8 let us cleanse ourselves luke chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace,luke,12,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 14 leficicle chapter 17 we're looking at verse 11 titus leviticus chapter 70 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in,titus,17,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 11 two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 lamentations 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them,lamentations,3,19.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 19 there's zero doubt that jesus reads zephaniah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12,zephaniah,53,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 53 verse 12 relates to this and it says here in jonah 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular,jonah,12,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 11 verse 28. leviticus 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing,leviticus,22,28.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 28 8 verse 11 hosea chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men,hosea,8,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 11 i want us to look at it again read with me amos chapter 1 let's start in verse 5.,amos,1,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 5 about what's right and what's wrong and now where are we we're in nehemiah 5 20.,nehemiah,5,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 2 it takes humility to receive it that's it you remember ezra 4 6 god receives the proud but he gives,ezra,4,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 8 verse 4 2 peter 8 verse 4. the bible says where the word of the king is there is,2 peter,8,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 4 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool nehemiah chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,nehemiah,7,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 9 death or harm all uses of the word save in esther 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,esther,2,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 14 don't know i and and here is the answer ezekiel 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god all have,ezekiel,32,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 32 verse 3 maintain godly standards maintain godless standards 1 timothy chapter 3 and verse 2 makes it very,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 five i'm reading from verse five to eight nahum five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,nahum,5,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 5 with the things that are good for us you can read 3 john 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life,3 john,1,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 17 chapter eight i'm reading from verse 5 chapter h of malachi of the apostles chapter 8 verse 5 then philip went down,malachi,8,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 5 esther chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,esther,28,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 28 verse 13 and that is it 1 kings 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,1 kings,119,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 119 verse 11 thought lamentations 2 thought john 2 deuteronomy 8 18. let me read that thought john 2. the,lamentations,8,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 18 between belief and obedience in leviticus 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,leviticus,2,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 14 given the date then 2 peter chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year,2 peter,8,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 2 this obviously fulfills the scripture in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter nine verse nine which says rejoice greatly o daughter of,song of solomon (song of songs),9,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 9 canaan's land in the land of victory and here the lord says in colossians 26 verse 13 i am the lord your god who brought,colossians,26,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 26 verse 13 victory that only he can give in job chapter 1 verse 23 the lord says turn at my rebuke and surely i'll,job,1,23.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 23 joshua chapter chapter 7 i will look in at verse 19 i acts chapter 7 verse 19 the same deal,joshua,7,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 19 on the screen right now praise god 2 john chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,2 john,25,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 25 verse 2 to your face or maybe in the comments section of a youtube video job chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 is our target,job,7,21.0,1.0,job chapter 7 verse 21 and this comes through knowing him see obadiah in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3,obadiah,3,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 3 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in joel 25 20,joel,25,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 25 verse 2 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of lamentations so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,lamentations,11,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 2 question 20 20 what service did 1 corinthians perform for king ato zexus,1 corinthians,20,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 2 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 john 12 3 he said if only,john,12,3.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 3 where he is at you should be involved in that haggai 21 13 whoever closes his ear,haggai,21,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 13 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 6 for to be carnally,song of solomon (song of songs),8,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 6 truth i will teach in 1 peter chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,1 peter,2,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 6 i will punish all that oppress them colossians chapter 33 jeremiah 33 i'm reading from verse 6 healing plus,colossians,33,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 6 there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three ecclesiastes 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity,ecclesiastes,10,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 9 according to 2 peter chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high,2 peter,4,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 25 verse 3 says this verse to continue in prayer same thought as 2 corinthians 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly they were doing it,2 corinthians,2,42.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42 come as destruction from the almighty 1 john 2 verse 11 the day of the lord is great and very terrible verse 31 of jer of,1 john,2,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 11 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in amos chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,amos,33,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 33 verse 13 time without sin unto salvation ruth chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i,ruth,3,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 14 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in joel chapter 9 verse 21 yay,joel,9,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 21 what's today's date 26 2 corinthians 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb,2 corinthians,36,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 36 verse 26 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text song of solomon (song of songs) 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,song of solomon (song of songs),13,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 2 war is truth judges 12 22 says deliver my soul o lord from lying lips and from a,judges,12,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 22 strengthened look at this verse of scripture lamentations chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7,lamentations,5,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 7 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in 2 peter 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,2 peter,13,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 23 2 samuel chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time,2 samuel,13,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 11 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve zechariah 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,zechariah,4,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 3 just a fact it's no excuse but it's a fact paul in obadiah 15 verse 39 read that the contention were so sharp between him,obadiah,15,39.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 39 no sabbath has ever been required ezekiel 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer,ezekiel,2,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 16 than that here at 1 kings 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,1 kings,1,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 15 gracious purposes such as in psalms 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 6 but a visit from god was always monumental,psalms,1,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 6 in jesus name 1 corinthians chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,1 corinthians,20,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 8 path verse 7 of haggai 3 says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and,haggai,3,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 7 feast he said but when his heart was lifted up verse 20 of psalms 5 and his mind hardened and pride he was deposed,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 in the spirit in obadiah chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,obadiah,17,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 3 gonna be a little pushback i would always point to 1 timothy 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is,1 timothy,9,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 being portrayed here so let's just look back at 2 corinthians 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of,2 corinthians,25,22.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 22 is going to cost you something 1 kings chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,1 kings,3,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 7 now we come to these especial cena of jesus 2 corinthians chapter 9 acts chapter 9 verse 27 in acts chapter 9 verse 27,2 corinthians,9,27.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 that's a problem so jude 10 and then as we read on verse five he says for moses writes,jude,10,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 10 verse 5 of king solomon a memory verse is taken from the book of 2 samuel 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the,2 samuel,29,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 11 um but let's let's read on zephaniah 16 15. after she was baptized in her household,zephaniah,16,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 16 verse 15 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to obadiah to highlight the spiritual confusion and,obadiah,17,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 21 of us because we think we're in control 2 timothy 16 9 says we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps,2 timothy,16,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 9 ah here it is ah leviticus 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,leviticus,19,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 24 testament passage is speaking from haggai 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,haggai,10,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 22 he prepared the body through a woman and the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 5 hebrew 10,2 thessalonians,10,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 5 wanted to bless somebody out there so micah 1 again 21 and 22 in the esv and you who once were alienated and,micah,1,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 21 who is living in darkness and like i said in joel chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light,joel,1,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 3 can recite that now memory verse 3 john chapter 4 and verse 4,3 john,4,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 4 "verses 12 to 15, and ruth 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",ruth,10,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 21 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 obadiah 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered,obadiah,3,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 17 end from the beginning song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,song of solomon (song of songs),46,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 46 verse 9 church of multitude 1 thessalonians 11 verse 9 the bible said and the earth,1 thessalonians,11,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 9 said received the holy ghost and then you go over to matthew chapter 1 chapter 2 the the first church the hundred and,matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 nehemiah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no,nehemiah,2,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 2 because you're made of dust verse 19 zechariah 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,zechariah,3,19.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 19 truth in the name of jesus haggai chapter 3 verse 15 says,haggai,3,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 15 do in his wisdom ezra 9 23 and 24. let not divide the man glory in his mind,ezra,9,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 23 know how to do it zechariah 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,zechariah,5,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 18 is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in mark 10 35 in every nation he that fears him,mark,10,35.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 35 chapter 3 were looking at four six 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,1 thessalonians,3,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 seen well nahum 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are,nahum,13,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 14 son for unto us a child is born 1 kings 9 6 says,1 kings,9,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 6 life of character life of integrity will yield good success habakkuk chapter one and verse number eight it said this book,habakkuk,1,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 8 3 9 colossians chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,colossians,2,39.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 39 multiplication this coming sunday that a man can be louder joshua 13 44 and the next about they came amongst your city,joshua,13,44.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 44 looking at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2. reading from verse 29 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 29,song of solomon (song of songs),2,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 29 main emphasis in 2 peter is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the,2 peter,2,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 9 for healing we are praying for healing the book of mark of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,mark,10,38.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 38 i will not lose that job chapter 3 a meeting from verse 17 in revelation,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 mark romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,mark,17,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 4 idioms used all through lamentations 6 verse 14 isaiah 59 james for elsewhere a blow through the,lamentations,6,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 14 explain why you're doing this i think 1 chronicles 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,1 chronicles,13,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 9 in luke chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,luke,6,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 16 we have in the new testament in fact leviticus chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,leviticus,4,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 4 carried about with divers and strange doctrines john 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,john,13,9.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 9 i believe what's happening is what ecclesiastes 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says,ecclesiastes,16,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 2 nations that have come against him and come against israel in haggai 19 verse 11 john writes now i saw heaven,haggai,19,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 19 verse 11 amen you will not miss your reward 3 john 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall,3 john,6,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 9 not like that you have a path to plea look at 2 john of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19,2 john,3,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 19 not casually luke 11 6 that diligently seek him you might be in a table but,luke,11,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 6 causes say and bringeth reports on that home in that family hosea 19 verse 26 he that wasteth his father you say,hosea,19,26.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 26 cells all through this year 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,2 chronicles,2,46.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 46 a great need in ezra chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's,ezra,27,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 27 verse 7 the law look at ruth if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do,ruth,8,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 3 then you have proved that to believe 2 corinthians 2 18 show me your faith without your words i show you my faith by my,2 corinthians,2,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 who can make all things possible because he is more than enough look at hosea chapter 7 reading from verse 25 hebrews,hosea,7,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 25 fasted let's say the book of haggai chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,haggai,18,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 18 verse 18 we need revival we need renewing we need restoration 2 samuel 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,2 samuel,57,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 57 verse 15 i will read from verse 9 through 2 verse 11 nehemiah chapter 2 beginning from verse 9,nehemiah,2,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 11 again and again amen the bible says in titus 20 13 that you shall be the head and not,titus,20,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 13 this is a powerful word from a man who had 2 john in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12,2 john,4,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 12 all costs and make himself available in the presence of god john 4 30 says,john,4,3.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 3 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king ecclesiastes version talks about this transformation,ecclesiastes,3,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 18 chapter 3 when looking at judges verse 3. it tells us in ephesians chapter 3,judges,3,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 3 or contemplation on a particular matter we are told in the book of ezekiel chapter 24 and verse 63 that isaac went,ezekiel,24,63.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 63 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of titus chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,titus,6,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 23 goes through the gospels and then we also see in the book of 1 samuel in in the book of acts 1 3 it says to whom,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to judges 5 24,judges,5,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 24 testament passage is speaking from nehemiah 10 verses 22 and 23 it speaks of this concept of a remnant,nehemiah,10,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 22 zephaniah chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters,zephaniah,5,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 15 you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the,2 thessalonians,8,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 14 right non to jewish people 1 thessalonians 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people,1 thessalonians,22,27.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 27 14 and we're reading from verse 31 1 timothy chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,1 timothy,14,31.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 31 about abraham excuse me about the burning bush passage in verse 30 of 2 john chapter 7 now when forty years had,2 john,7,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 7 marriage the bible in 1 peter 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,1 peter,2,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 14 we're going to find it twice in the book of 1 john it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and,1 john,10,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 25 people it tells us in obadiah chapter 19 and we're reading from verse 5 exodus,obadiah,19,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 5 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 1 kings 14 17 says he that is true to agree,1 kings,14,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 17 in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that amos the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the,amos,58,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 58 verse 11 inquiries make inquiries make inquiries philemon 33 and verse 3,philemon,33,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 33 verse 3 practical application in in a few moments in 1 kings chapter 12 very well to known verse verse 2 do not be,1 kings,12,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 2 somebody needs to take your medication in habakkuk 20 verse 14 it says then death and hades were cast into the lake,habakkuk,20,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 14 "like the sun verse song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 43. daniel 12 says, ""those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars.""",song of solomon (song of songs),13,43.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 43 must believe that he's able to do it ezekiel 3 20 says noun to him,ezekiel,3,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 2 paul has an amazing parallel in esther 1 7 where he says in christ,esther,1,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 7 as a church since the year began joel 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,joel,3,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 17 be saved and in that scripture does 2 timothy chapter 10 13 14 15 and 70 talking about how are they going to be,2 timothy,10,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 13 by time you get to luke chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were,luke,5,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 12 faith without walks is dead titus chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe,titus,2,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 18 through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in titus chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of,titus,9,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 9 that's what god we are talking about joshua 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.,joshua,29,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 4 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in mark chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,mark,12,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 7 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth jude chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,jude,6,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 2 you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 mark 6 verse 8 that we,mark,6,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 8 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 judges chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,judges,1,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 17 it is not over yet lamentations 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,lamentations,7,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 7 loud amen ezra chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,ezra,1,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 16 he was singled out for a miracle why because in 2 corinthians chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16,2 corinthians,9,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 14 desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 1 john chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake,1 john,34,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 34 verse 2 is emphasizing where we have read in 1 corinthians chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call,1 corinthians,1,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 14 to me 1 kings 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,1 kings,37,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 37 verse 2 pleasure and he did it by drinking hosea two three i thought i'll cheer myself,hosea,2,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 3 in nehemiah in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,nehemiah,3,34.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 34 and god took him you read that in numbers 11 5 also hebrews 11 5,numbers,11,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 5 as compact esther chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it,esther,2,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 9 to ross last week so we look at um malachi chapter 4 verse 4 which is our memory verse i hope someone,malachi,4,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 4 what the lord has for us it says this in leviticus 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,leviticus,13,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 5 14 verse 9 and the companion of fools shall be destroyed god says 1 peter 13 b20 a companion of fools you choose your,1 peter,13,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 2 they had to come back and so in joel chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may,joel,4,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 16 to 1 john 6 and verse 3 if anyone thinks he's somebody,1 john,6,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 3 for the church let's look at one more thing 1 timothy 12 12 jump past acts go to romans romans 12 12 some general,1 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 amen amen verse 27 verse 27 of that same scripture 1 john 14 verse 27 says so as the sun began to,1 john,14,27.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 27 and it all starts when you're born joel 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,joel,22,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 15 sickness affliction haggai chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,haggai,5,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 13 god knows your presence and god knows your future in jude 1 5 the bible says before i,jude,1,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 5 when we are repentant we find that in nahum 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,nahum,2,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 12 trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about nehemiah and then we come to verse 32 like a great,nehemiah,1,32.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 32 you lose on this and it says in esther chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,esther,20,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 15 advance the common judgments we had the story in 2 timothy chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,2 timothy,18,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 17 seeker of truth and here we read about it in 2 samuel 16 verse 14 paul says as she listened to us the lord,2 samuel,16,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 16 verse 14 1 john in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11.,1 john,19,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 11 demons must disappear why joshua 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says,joshua,2,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 9 sixth day we read in 1 samuel 1 24 that he made the animals,1 samuel,1,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 24 and the purpose is to edify the church in uh hosea chapter one reading from verse 3 it,hosea,1,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 3 eluded with the peace of god luke chapter four from verse four to seven,luke,4,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 4 chapter 12 verse 6 micah 12 6 reading from living bible this is what he said god has given,micah,12,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 6 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in psalms 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,psalms,25,29.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 29 [applause] 2 kings chapter 8. verse 5 to 8 acts of the apostles,2 kings,8,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 5 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ou4ba4_iju in john chapter 2 verse 20 it says but i have this complaint against you,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 fruitfulness zechariah 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,zechariah,23,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 23 verse 25 amongst the works of the flesh in numbers 19 galatians 5 19 to 21,numbers,5,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 19 broke out in the upper room this was the experience verse 46 2 peter 2 46 the bible said,2 peter,2,46.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 46 earth jude chapter 8 verse 15 and 16. the mission of the spirit of wisdom,jude,8,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 15 this is how he uses the body in ecclesiastes 4 we read in verse 7 to each,ecclesiastes,4,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 7 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in 1 thessalonians 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,1 thessalonians,24,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 16 our petition was granted in the book of jonah 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3,jonah,44,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 44 verse 3 spirit 2 john chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,2 john,5,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 18 over the world i'm looking at matthew chapter 2 verse 16,matthew,2,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 16 swearing or blaspheming mark 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,mark,5,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 12 but timothy was different we read in micah it says in verse 21 all seek their own,micah,1,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 21 is earth shaking god hear what he said in numbers chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,numbers,6,25.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 25 but in 1 corinthians 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign when his son shall be born,1 corinthians,7,14.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 14 one reading from verse 12 2 corinthians chapter one,2 corinthians,1,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 prepared for you in closing zechariah chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17.,zechariah,8,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 16 boundary says we must honor what kind of countries this amos chapter 5 were reading from verse 11. ephesians chapter,amos,5,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 11 engenders the following one from 3 john chapter 61 verse 3 it is called the oil of joy what do they call,3 john,61,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 61 verse 3 of my pain with you habakkuk chapter six verses four through six,habakkuk,6,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 4 across our harvest field a better amen 1 john chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,1 john,12,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 12 to really pay attention he says in 3 john 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and,3 john,16,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 15 amen look at the promise of god for your life in haggai 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go,haggai,45,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 45 verse 2 and it's just the title of this lesson philemon 15 verse 3 says the lord is a man of war,philemon,15,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 3 amen said long time battles the bible says in 2 samuel 10 27 that shall come to pass,2 samuel,10,27.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 27 verse number 19. job 43 verse number 19.,job,43,19.0,1.0,job chapter 43 verse 19 jonah version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,jonah,5,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 3 nahum in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11.,nahum,19,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 11 13 to 15. ezra chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,ezra,33,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 33 verse 13 and and the unders and the season uh the book of 1 timothy um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,1 timothy,2,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 22 during righteousness bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,song of solomon (song of songs),6,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 4 the law look at matthew if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do,matthew,8,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 3 but i am 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 says speak to this young man saying jerusalem,1 samuel,2,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 because you have escaped look at this leviticus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,leviticus,12,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 are the wise shall i inherit glory 3 john 3 35 and the multitude of people is the kings,3 john,3,35.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 35 chapter 2 chapter 3 titus chapter 3 verse 7,titus,3,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 7 repent according to haggai chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made,haggai,3,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 17 numbers 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,numbers,15,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 18 two corners to read verse number 20 1 kings chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,1 kings,2,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 2 it be given him from heaven titus chapter 9 verse 16 romans chapter 9 verse 16 so then it is not of him that,titus,9,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 16 "daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. numbers who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would",numbers,6,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 22 john chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,john,27,22.0,1.0,john chapter 27 verse 22 reading here from some reading from verse 14 zephaniah chapter 2 reading from verse 14 still,zephaniah,2,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 and that brings immense comfort the next verse is habakkuk 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of,habakkuk,4,35.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 35 throughout these years i've loved the truth of leviticus 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,leviticus,45,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 45 verse 3 amen zechariah 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,zechariah,34,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 34 verse 25 explain why you're doing this i think ezekiel 13 9 says and it shall serve as a sign to you,ezekiel,13,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 9 to have everything that goes with it malachi 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,malachi,2,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 25 let me show you a couple of them in 2 peter 12 and verse 3 through the grace paul says through the,2 peter,12,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 3 wants to talk to you look at titus chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,titus,8,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 14 have a comment to add in my two cents worth ezekiel 6 verse 8,ezekiel,6,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 8 time the bible says in 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 7,2 corinthians,8,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 7 in chapter 14 verse 9 this is the very last book of the book he says 1 john says who is wise,1 john,14,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 9 that scripture back on the screen for me song of solomon (song of songs) 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is,song of solomon (song of songs),44,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 44 verse 3 all right obadiah chapter 14 from verse 17 romans 14 17 the bible says for the kingdom of god,obadiah,14,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 17 you don't need to seek for it have you not heard song of solomon (song of songs) 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless,song of solomon (song of songs),23,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 25 [applause] 1 thessalonians 65 and verse 24 well start from 20,1 thessalonians,65,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 65 verse 24 wisdom ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him,ecclesiastes,2,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid 1 kings 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin,1 kings,6,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 15 chapter 2 are the army under the armor john 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,john,13,43.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 43 united with him in his death and verse 11 of 2 chronicles 6 then says therefore count yourselves,2 chronicles,6,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 11 enviable destiny 1 kings 26 and i love this one verse 12 to 14 isaac sowed in that land,1 kings,26,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 26 verse 12 of no effect chapter 13 of joshua and verse 20,joshua,13,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 2 [applause] and god said in zechariah chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20,zechariah,8,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 11 stars titus 8 9 and 10 paraphrase associate yourselves or ye people and you shall be,titus,8,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 9 entering the rest that we need in him for our souls in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 3 it says for we who have believed do,song of solomon (song of songs),4,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 3 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was 3 john brought in before the king,3 john,1,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 13 throughout these years i've loved the truth of malachi 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,malachi,45,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 45 verse 3 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to luke 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,luke,32,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 32 verse 5 savior because the bible tells us in in zechariah 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god,zechariah,1,27.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 you remember the bible said in the book of haggai chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no,haggai,3,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 2 verse 7 in ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us,ezekiel,14,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in 1 kings chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,1 kings,8,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 2 the sight of god when looking at titus chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 7 genesis chapter 2 verse 7.,titus,2,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 7 word of god says in 3 john 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,3 john,5,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 21 says in one matthew 20 21 there are only two messages i preach,matthew,20,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 20 verse 21 fasted let's say the book of 1 chronicles chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,1 chronicles,18,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 18 recite it together after the count of two 2 peter chapter 8 verse 17 1 2 and his reach came and reduced that,2 peter,8,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 17 33 2 kings chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely,2 kings,20,33.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 33 well the story i mentioned to you about amos in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,amos,14,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 21 faith to deliver maximally in john chapter 12 verse 11,john,12,11.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 11 wherein he had made us accepted in the law praise the lord job 2 philippians 2 i read 8,job,2,8.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 8 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in jude 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,jude,24,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 16 "go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of nehemiah 12. ""two wings of the great eagle were given to",nehemiah,12,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 14 so we're going to be praying from the book of micah chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this,micah,15,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 13 uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in luke 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for,luke,65,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 65 verse 22 paul said in the way we dig for heresy haggai 24 verse 14 so what shall you pray the god of my fathers,haggai,24,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 24 verse 14 he preached for miriam and they were told in colossians chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,colossians,12,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 3 and tortured and afflicted but now 1 thessalonians 1 13 said he has translated you,1 thessalonians,1,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 13 and leave your will look at 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 33 proverbs chapter 3 verse 33,1 thessalonians,3,33.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 33 abominable they are rejected by the lord they are reprobates why esther chapter 1 verse 28 in romans chapter 1,esther,1,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 28 bible in love joel 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice,joel,59,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 59 verse 4 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in ezekiel chapter 10 verse 16,ezekiel,10,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 16 plan and so the bible says here uh in titus 7 8 that the spirit of god constantly reinforcing reminds us it,titus,7,8.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 8 verse 20 age job the son of known,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 we're going to read a few verses from the book of habakkuk chapter 20 and verse 7,habakkuk,20,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 20 verse 7 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse colossians seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,colossians,17,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 17 verse 3 let's read that esther chapter 5. oh sorry james 3. who among you verse 13 is wise and,esther,5,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 13 just a filter system right when we look at jude 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is,jude,4,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 8 "womb and children aren't conceived. on the positive side, micah 17 says in verse 16, ""god said to abraham...'i will bless her,",micah,17,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 16 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. 1 samuel 5 27 please go down there,1 samuel,5,27.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 27 that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in 1 timothy 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their,1 timothy,8,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 11 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in nehemiah 10 20 that he made a way,nehemiah,10,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 2 the price is to obey in haggai chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and,haggai,1,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 18 we are ordained to live forever you know in joshua 18 verse 20 he said this soul,joshua,18,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 18 verse 2 1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ,1 corinthians,12,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 so if you read annie psalms chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,psalms,2,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 11 into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing,song of solomon (song of songs),16,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 25 morning 1 samuel chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,1 samuel,5,42.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 42 10 mark chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's,mark,10,37.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 37 mark chapter 2 reading from verse 2 galatians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 2 it says and i went up,mark,2,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 2 verse 29 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 29,1 samuel,4,29.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 29 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is hosea chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the,hosea,2,37.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 37 with uh yeah it's like that mark 53 we quoted earlier versus four to five,mark,53,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 53 verse 4 also wrote psalm 72 and some 120 7 he wrote the book of psalms and song of solomon proverbs is a goldmine,psalms,72,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 72 verse 7 hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at john chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a,john,1,18.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 18 verses psalms chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the,psalms,6,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 3 information now psalms two verse two to seven some two,psalms,2,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 7 "were in the music department...one in ten. in judges 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus.",judges,15,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 2 2 john chapter 21 and we're reading from verse 21 judges chapter 21 verse 21 and see,2 john,21,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 21 verse 21 every child of god but how can we gain access to that inheritance in zephaniah verse 17 the bible says upon mount zion,zephaniah,1,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 17 thing in the world is water so my paraphrase of mark 10 29 is those who treat the blood of christ like,mark,10,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 29 of silence dark age but what happened as we look into the book of jonah chapter 4 verse 2,jonah,4,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 2 to your life and ministry i will reverse in nehemiah 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,nehemiah,21,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 21 verse 5 1 corinthians 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16.,1 corinthians,28,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 16 spouse is another pillar pulling together micah to 13 to 15 he says that,micah,13,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 15 i mean you can read that in joel chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,joel,11,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 2 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 3 john 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,3 john,9,31.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 31 are going to take a text from the book of 1 john chapter 5 and from verse 22,1 john,5,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 22 chapter 2 we read from verse 24 and 25 2 kings chapter 2 from verse 24 and 25 can you help me ask your neighbor one,2 kings,2,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 24 sees it on the outside then you come to 1 corinthians chapter three and verses 13 through 15 peter is preaching once again and,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 that fight these battles for you mark chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,mark,12,31.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 31 gospel he said in 1 samuel chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,1 samuel,26,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 22 find that all over scripture 2 corinthians chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,2 corinthians,4,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 5 know how to do it 1 john 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,1 john,5,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 18 of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you 1 corinthians chapter one from verse four to five,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 will turn to the lord in jesus name look at lamentations chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19.,lamentations,11,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 11 loose leviticus chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified,leviticus,3,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 5 bible makes it clear to us in the book of ecclesiastes 11 verse 6 it tells us there that without faith it is impossible to,ecclesiastes,11,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,song of solomon (song of songs),1,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 obadiah chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god,obadiah,10,38.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 38 his sleeves now what is the fruit of sleeves 2 kings 13 15,2 kings,13,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 15 every situation titus chapter 35 genesis chapter 35 i read from verse 5 and the joining and the terror of god,titus,35,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 35 verse 5 now let's go back over there uh paul verse 11 by the way habakkuk 1 paul said i'm not preaching the gospel,habakkuk,1,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 11 8 37 1 chronicles 8 37 the word says nay in all these things,1 chronicles,8,37.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 everyone who partakes only of milk 1 chronicles 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,1 chronicles,5,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 13 number 8 malachi chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers,malachi,20,8.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 8 says there have to be multiple witnesses 2 john 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of,2 john,19,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 19 verse 15 god of this commission our confidence is from haggai 33 verse 3,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 and establish this divine principle john chapter 14 i read from verse 23,john,14,23.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 23 here from verse 9 micah chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,micah,4,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 9 so against that backdrop so 2 chronicles 5 9 genesis 12,2 chronicles,5,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 9 their conversation will be what's in one theory 2 chronicles 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,2 chronicles,13,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 7 joel chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35 abraham who was this very special friend became great because,joel,24,34.0,1.0,joel chapter 24 verse 34 he is god the coming judge the judge of all the earth 2 thessalonians 18 verse 25 the judge of all the earth who shall give,2 thessalonians,18,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 25 reading from verse i'm reading from verse 14 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 54 reading from verse 14,song of solomon (song of songs),54,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 54 verse 14 you know the story of joseph 2 timothy 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,2 timothy,37,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 37 verse 5 recite it not to read please quickly thank you okay can we open to joel chapter 25 verses 33,joel,25,33.0,1.0,joel chapter 25 verse 33 freedom is coming upon your life tonight i'm looking at amos chapter 5 and we're reading from verse 11. james chapter 5,amos,5,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 11 life in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were,2 thessalonians,13,48.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 48 uh right into the jude ephesians ephesians 4 and verse 5 he speaks about the the wrong baptism,jude,4,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 5 the most haha the demon psalms 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a man of war he knows how to fight the,psalms,15,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 3 "a man. in malachi 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",malachi,10,42.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 42 things that should come to me easily in colossians chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,colossians,8,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 8 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him 1 corinthians 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,1 corinthians,5,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 3 i'm taking my text from job chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,job,1,12.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 12 the devil will be afraid of you zephaniah 4 7 says resist the devil and he will flee not walk away he will,zephaniah,4,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 when you read from verse 12 down to 14 jonah chapter 8 verse 12 down to 14.,jonah,8,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 12 but we don't want to miss it and in hosea chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words,hosea,12,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 15 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in habakkuk chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,habakkuk,12,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 12 you bless is blessed this is back in 3 john chapter 22 here verse 6 and he whom you curse is cursed,3 john,22,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 6 you know in nehemiah chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12,nehemiah,19,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 19 verse 11 wants you to profit all right um god says in zephaniah 25 verse 3 he says i will show you the treasures of,zephaniah,25,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 25 verse 3 a 2 john of the covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh philippians 3 3 we are the true circumcision cutting,2 john,3,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 3 related to christ but let's let's read on 1 timothy 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation,1 timothy,18,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 8 he is so described by peter in 2 peter. he is so described in matthew 22 verse 16 as the son of righteousness.,matthew,22,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 16 answer the bible says in the book of 1 timothy 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and,1 timothy,4,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 6 uproots mountains number three ruth chapter 2 verses 4 all through to,ruth,2,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 4 keep and guide our heart that is in micah chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,micah,4,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 23 you're doing this the first one is in hosea chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,hosea,40,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 40 verse 3 go back to the beginning judges chapter 10 verse 3 esther chapter 10 verse 3,judges,10,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 3 careful it says in 2 peter chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,2 peter,5,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 3 obtained all the promises 2 timothy chapter 6 and verse 12.,2 timothy,6,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 succeed any longer in jesus name esther chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear,esther,4,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 5 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives john chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,john,5,2.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 2 joseph it tested joseph listen to 2 peter 50 20. i mean all this is is finished and joseph is,2 peter,50,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 50 verse 2 brothers and i think this really relates to mark chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,mark,2,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 17 known to us here on earth and so we read in 3 john chapter 8 verse 35,3 john,8,35.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 35 provision of food that god gives unto us in 1 timothy chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the,1 timothy,27,33.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 27 verse 33 how do i know and why do i say so habakkuk 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing,habakkuk,18,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 22 correct well then i'm not going to turn to him in john 5 verse 3 he said adam became a father of a son let's do it,john,5,3.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 3 2 corinthians romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,2 corinthians,17,4.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 4 the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in nehemiah chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw,nehemiah,12,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 12 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true joshua chapter 11 verse 5.,joshua,11,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 5 healing for the sick body chapter 23 of 1 corinthians exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25,1 corinthians,23,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 23 verse 25 desperation our grave we saw earlier in the book of ruth chapter 44 verse 3,ruth,44,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 44 verse 3 world and everybody said amen look at 1 chronicles chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,1 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 john chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,john,3,17.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 17 gently falling well this idea is pulled right out of scripture philemon 1 18 the lord says,philemon,1,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 18 important thing in the world in in 1 timothy chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,1 timothy,40,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 40 verse 5 the importance of hearing god's voice like in 1 samuel 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,1 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in hosea 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said,hosea,6,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 12 if the faith is dormant if the faith is devilish look at zephaniah chapter 2 in james chapter 2 all these would,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 the capacity of god is failure proof ezra chapter 12. and verse 25 ezekiel 12 of verse 25 for i am the lord,ezra,12,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 25 have persecuted israel the bible says in 2 kings 3 verse 2 i will gather all the nations and bring them,2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 1 chronicles chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,1 chronicles,11,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 6 troop shall be established philemon chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,philemon,8,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 18 you fall 1 samuel 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,1 samuel,24,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 24 verse 16 because god is sifting god is shaking the book of haggai chapter 12 we'll get to that,haggai,12,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 9 parts 1 kings chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 the bible,1 kings,18,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 9 so we must look at the example of others we are told in matthew 15 4 that these things are written for our examples,matthew,15,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 4 verse 22 ezekiel 10 22 it says the blessings of the lord makes one rich and he adds no,ezekiel,10,22.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 22 you see okay 2 john chapter 7 verse 12 ecclesiastics 7 verse 12 says,2 john,7,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 12 pivot verse in the entire book of song of solomon (song of songs) because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any,song of solomon (song of songs),4,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 6 chapter 34 and verse 5. if you consider my servant ezra job the greatest businessman of his day,ezra,34,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 34 verse 5 ah here it is ah malachi 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,malachi,19,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 24 and for everyone that's why it says in joshua chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 i can't hear you very well look at 1 peter chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter,1 peter,4,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 16 these biblical principles standing and firm acting like men jude 1117 woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts,jude,11,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 17 and nobody could keep it nahum chapter 8 this is the covenant,nahum,8,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 8 in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of numbers chapter 3 verse 8 micah said i am full of god's,numbers,3,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 8 god for every one of us in ezekiel chapter 12 and verse 3 the word of god tells us there he said,ezekiel,12,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 3 fact this is the case with the prophet john chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 look at luke chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6 22 now being made free from sin burning,luke,6,22.0,1.0,luke chapter 6 verse 22 in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular john 19 and verse 10,john,19,9.0,1.0,john chapter 19 verse 9 it will give health to your marriage that's ruth chapter 4 verses 20 to 22,ruth,4,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 2 your mind in jesus but here's here's four nahum chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,nahum,2,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 8 will become a standing kingdom titus 12 3 you can become a star your stature,titus,12,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 3 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's nahum 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,nahum,3,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 15 implication number two here's jonah chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's,jonah,13,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 17 over the ark which holds the testimony song of solomon (song of songs) 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,song of solomon (song of songs),25,22.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 25 verse 22 "but he's a jew and he wants to help the fellow haggai out there. so our story picks up exodus two verse 11,",haggai,2,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 11 him in the prison 1 john 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,1 john,32,39.0,1.0,1 john chapter 32 verse 39 everyone who partakes only of milk obadiah 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,obadiah,5,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 13 and the purpose is to edify the church in uh 2 john chapter one reading from verse 3 it,2 john,1,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 3 concerning marriage guarantees a history experience in marriage 2 samuel 1 3 tells us,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 the kingdom as it concerns us the book of lamentations chapter 30 the last verse verse 12 being psalms chapter 30 verse,lamentations,30,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 30 verse 12 here's the thing brethren don't forget the context of job 5 15 16 17 don't forget the context what paul is,job,5,15.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 15 return to the gorge of bessel look at 2 thessalonians chapter 31 verse 13 in such one verse 13 i am the god of,2 thessalonians,31,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 31 verse 13 for you in jesus name in lesson chapter 15 verse 6 1 peter 15 6 where moses was praising god for,1 peter,15,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 6 cells all through this year psalms chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,psalms,2,46.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 46 season i'm going to be reading from zechariah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a bit of a long reading from verse 14 and 15,zechariah,8,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 14 look at ruth chapter 2 we're reading from the stream philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done,ruth,2,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 3 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good lamentations chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,lamentations,4,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 17 bless the lord o my soul look at some for numbers 44 reading from verse 28,numbers,44,28.0,1.0,numbers chapter 44 verse 28 verse 12 2 chronicles 26 verse 12,2 chronicles,26,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 26 verse 12 amen you know the word of god in ezekiel 29 11 says what that they thought that god,ezekiel,29,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 11 tonight in lamentations chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,lamentations,58,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 58 verse 9 the word of god now in ezekiel chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,ezekiel,8,37.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 37 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from 1 samuel chapter 9 verse 22.,1 samuel,9,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 22 paul said let us also walk in the spirit ecclesiastes 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,ecclesiastes,5,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 25 and his agents in the book of 1 kings chapter 6 verse 12.,1 kings,6,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 12 your life he wants to put a song there luke chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is,luke,3,21.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 21 paul said let us also walk in the spirit mark 5 25 let us also walk in the spirit,mark,5,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 25 fact this is the case with the prophet habakkuk chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in,habakkuk,2,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 god answered them in 1 timothy chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,1 timothy,4,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 29 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word mark 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,mark,1,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 8 for you on what you should do next 3 john 1115 says whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely,3 john,11,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 15 from verse 32 to 42 jonah 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,jonah,9,32.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 32 zephaniah chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8.,zephaniah,11,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 8 persecution again but this time ending up in martyrdom ruth 6 11 says they persuaded men to lie about stephen,ruth,6,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 11 make us to be shining in the order of esther 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory,esther,24,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 24 verse 18 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of malachi of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,malachi,4,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 16 33 philemon chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely,philemon,20,33.0,1.0,philemon chapter 20 verse 33 we live and we thank you for it in jesus name titus chapter 13 beginning of verse 11 for as the sash clings to the,titus,13,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 11 and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in zechariah chapter 12 verse 2,zechariah,12,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 2 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in 2 timothy 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24,2 timothy,37,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 37 verse 23 promises of god found in 2 john 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their,2 john,21,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 21 verse 4 chapter 1 verse 8 2 peter 1 verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega,2 peter,1,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 8 year esther 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the,esther,1,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 14 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of 1 samuel 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,1 samuel,44,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 44 verse 3 from roth through him in 1 kings chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10,1 kings,10,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 17 sorcerer 1 timothy chapter 10 verse 8 to 12. it was resisting the deputy from here in the,1 timothy,10,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 8 look at 1 peter chapter one in jeremiah chapter one or reading from verse 7,1 peter,1,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 7 in obadiah i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 there's a universal indictment in the book of 3 john chapter 1 verse 18 for the wrath of god,3 john,1,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 18 yeah now can you walk us through hosea 6 verse 9 and i'll read it to us in the,hosea,6,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 9 joshua chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,joshua,7,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 22 the 1 corinthians chapter 26 and we'll begin reading in verse 16 leviticus chapter 26 verse 16 and i want you to see and i,1 corinthians,26,16.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 16 on luke 24 again but we're going to read verses 1 through 11 philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 11 therefore,luke,21,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 21 verse 11 not responsible for evil and when we read in mark chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,mark,6,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 9 itself is very very dangerous 3 john 6 25 do not desire,3 john,6,25.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 25 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here 2 samuel 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,2 samuel,19,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 19 verse 3 for lack of thanksgiving mark or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,mark,13,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 15 you another example 2 corinthians in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,2 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 it in 1 corinthians 1 and verse 25 he said he that looks that looks in the,1 corinthians,1,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 25 draw water that is spiritual drink mark 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the,mark,17,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 5 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to nehemiah now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,nehemiah,6,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 19 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool 1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,1 corinthians,7,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 7 verse 9 to become what god wanted to be he said in joshua 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,joshua,29,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 29 verse 11 because his name is the only name that saves the bible declares in 1 john chapter 4 verse 12 there's no other name under,1 john,4,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 12 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,1 chronicles,5,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 15 habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28 romans 8 verse 20 says all things work together for good,habakkuk,8,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28 of pride nehemiah chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world,nehemiah,17,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 17 verse 11 world because of sin will be lifted we're told in 1 corinthians 8 19 all creation is waiting eagerly for the,1 corinthians,8,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 19 across our adversaries i thought it was a man in 1 timothy 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said,1 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 is the first household baptism passage right haggai 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,haggai,10,44.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 44 beyond i have said before this verse 8 habakkuk 3 8 and opened up,habakkuk,3,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 8 hallelujah everybody feels safe and they can talk praise god zephaniah chapter 12 verse 15 new living translation says,zephaniah,12,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 15 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at nehemiah chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,nehemiah,15,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 26 taken from the book of 1 peter revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,1 peter,22,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 16 that is good that's what i expect how do we do that in philemon chapter 40 verse 31 isaiah chapter 40 we're looking at verse,philemon,40,31.0,1.0,philemon chapter 40 verse 31 standing before you oh now in psalms chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts,psalms,9,33.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 33 amos 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and,amos,15,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 5 is only coverable until god says ooh in titus chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19,titus,43,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 43 verse 18 column and that is because you hate people who rebuke you so 1 thessalonians 9 verses 8 and 9 says do not correct a,1 thessalonians,9,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 8 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at nahum 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,nahum,10,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 13 discover in chapter four so yet 1 corinthians was saved from the jaws of death himself on repentance,1 corinthians,4,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and 2 chronicles 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has,2 chronicles,2,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 6 who's just come to the lord to start in 1 timothy 1 and just be saturated with those 11,1 timothy,1,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 11 and then we're going to you know the story let's come to mark now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19,mark,6,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 19 our substitute 1 chronicles chapter 5 reading from verse 6 in romans chapter 5 reading from verse 6,1 chronicles,5,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 6 sinner obadiah 3 26 for you are all sons of god,obadiah,3,26.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 26 verse well it's just the whole thing actually 1 samuel 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation,1 samuel,8,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 22 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to jonah chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,jonah,18,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 9 of a priceless redemption look at mark chapter 12 verse 2,mark,12,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 2 disobeyed the power of rome concern 1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,1 corinthians,13,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 what does it say nahum chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,nahum,4,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 7 you're doing this the first one is in colossians chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,colossians,40,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 40 verse 3 verse 19 very very important let's good it god says of the i know abram amos 18 verse 19,amos,18,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 19 8 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,1 corinthians,5,8.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 might be the bible says in 2 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20,2 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 the next screen each other 2 john 5 21 submitting to one another out of,2 john,5,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 21 just read to you ezra 22 11. you wrongdoers,ezra,22,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 11 14 and we're reading from verse 31 1 samuel chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,1 samuel,14,31.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 14 verse 31 or female in the 1 corinthians passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and,1 corinthians,3,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 28 we're in amos how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,amos,13,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 4 it's going to be 17 to 21 matthew chapter 4 and,matthew,4,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 17 if you remember we had read the scriptures from 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god,1 corinthians,1,27.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on nehemiah 10 38 i said,nehemiah,10,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 nevertheless it was not i but the grace of god that was with me 2 corinthians 15 18 god forbid that i would speak of anything,2 corinthians,15,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 15 verse 18 begin to enjoy financial fortune in nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 and by your words you we'll be condemned zephaniah 20 to 11 this is a beautiful verse that i love i,zephaniah,20,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 11 believers we discover in the book of 2 kings chapter 34 verse 28 to 30 we find moses comment down from the mountain of,2 kings,34,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 34 verse 28 which most christians don't think of it says in 2 kings 5 verse 30.,2 kings,5,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 3 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at zechariah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at zephaniah chapter six i'm reading from verse 16,zephaniah,6,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 16 verses 14 to 15. micah 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord,micah,24,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 24 verse 14 and god took him you read that in habakkuk 11 5 also hebrews 11 5,habakkuk,11,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 5 realities of heaven my mind aligns with divine purpose and divine will song of solomon (song of songs) 55 verse 19 and 11 says my ways are not,song of solomon (song of songs),55,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 55 verse 19 great white throne judgment everything changes in 1 thessalonians 20 verse 11. we'll get to there,1 thessalonians,20,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 11 including you is based or is found in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,2 corinthians,4,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 the power to promote power belongs to god so that even though joel chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesia sees 8 verse,joel,8,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 4 father 2 john 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i,2 john,7,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 25 no sabbath has ever been required 1 peter 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer,1 peter,2,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 16 myself and judges 2 verse 4 makes it even harder,judges,2,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 4 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in psalms chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,psalms,10,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 23 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in nahum chapter 41 and verse 14.,nahum,41,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 41 verse 14 the word of god now in 1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me,1 chronicles,8,37.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 that was the cry of the great apostle paul in 1 peter chapter 3 when he read from verse 12 he realized that,1 peter,3,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 12 kill him as well in numbers chapter 12 and you continue through the book of acts and you see the same persecution arises,numbers,12,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 12 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read obadiah 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,obadiah,17,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 5 i'm not going to preach from john 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,john,8,4.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 4 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom nehemiah chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,nehemiah,1,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 13 we are built together it says in jude 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together,jude,5,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 9 amos 16 verse 17 gave you this revelation and i am the christ the son of the living god the word revelation,amos,16,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 17 good we're coming to mark chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel chapter 11 transformed,mark,11,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 19 it can reap a whole city like we saw in 1 chronicles chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we,1 chronicles,8,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 4 i'm reading from the new king 3 john version ezekiel chapter 22 now beginning at verse 23 god is,3 john,22,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 22 verse 23 himself a bible passage was taken from 2 john chapter 9 verse 15 to 28,2 john,9,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 15 8 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 19,2 chronicles,8,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 19 toward god or turning away from him 1 kings 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,1 kings,1,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 6 1 timothy romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force,1 timothy,17,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 4 peculiar people serious for good work in 2 peter chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,2 peter,21,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 21 verse 7 and establish this divine principle joel chapter 14 i read from verse 23,joel,14,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 23 if they gang up against you they will fall for your seat 1 kings 28 verse 7 literally me 24/7,1 kings,28,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 28 verse 7 time of my temptation let me read that again in nehemiah chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17,nehemiah,2,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 18 heaven rules right look at 2 chronicles 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,2 chronicles,6,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 2 without forgiveness for the bible says in luke 3 15 god requires,luke,3,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 15 this combines there's two illusions here this is to 1 timothy 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,1 timothy,7,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 7 verse 13 in jesus name job chapter 28 deuteronomy chapter 20 h reading from verse,job,20,8.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 8 these last days 2 chronicles 8 and verse 15 by me king's reign and princes decree justice,2 chronicles,8,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 15 would you could make many arguments as if micah 1 16 all the way up here to romans 11 36 that that in those chapters,micah,1,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 16 and they have nothing to do again 1 samuel 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2,1 samuel,2,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 14 chinese we're looking at malachi chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,malachi,15,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 23 in the book of job 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision,job,29,18.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 18 purposes of the heart then each one will have his commendation from god or 1 john 12 verse 17 to 19 repay no one evil for evil,1 john,12,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 17 numbered by the time we got to matthew chapter 40 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28 pharaoh was drowned and from the day,matthew,40,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 14 high he'll be beside the way where the paths meet she takes her stand malachi 120 says it this way will wisdom calls,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom matthew chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,matthew,1,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 13 your life in jesus name 2 peter chapter 29 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 12 it says the answer he call upon me and you shall,2 peter,29,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 29 verse 12 apostles see jonah 1 8 to 9 for that,jonah,1,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 8 god's promise you know bible tells us in numbers 12 6 my promises for you are true they are,numbers,12,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 6 and restrained the prophets madness and then you see something similar in malachi verse 11 says woe to them these false,malachi,1,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 11 message from 1 chronicles chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus chapter 12 when reading from verse 3,1 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so ecclesiastes 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,ecclesiastes,29,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 11 do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me haggai chapter 1 and verse 6.,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 iniquity all the transgression of men that you'll find in philemon chapter 1 verse 14 15 and 16 and now he turned and he,philemon,1,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 14 go unto the father joshua chapter 4 we're reading from verse 21 ephesians chapter 4,joshua,4,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 21 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living nahum chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,nahum,13,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 17 do you know that that our greatest pursuit as paul says in 2 timothy 3 that we may,2 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 mark 3 12 he's a prophet contemporary to isaiah and he points about he talks about the,mark,3,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 12 1 timothy chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,1 timothy,13,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 5 jude chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 2 deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2,jude,32,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 32 verse 2 in the story i told you earlier on ecclesiastes 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28,ecclesiastes,32,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 32 verse 24 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's joshua 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",joshua,66,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 66 verse 22 righteousness in zephaniah chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of,zephaniah,8,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 2 before that break the allah's said 2 thessalonians 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,2 thessalonians,2,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 23 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement 2 kings chapter 12 a reading from verse 4,2 kings,12,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 4 later on down through here but in ruth chapter 1 17 we know that the righteous shall live by faith,ruth,1,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 17 amen jonah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,jonah,8,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 8 1 samuel chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 3 7. romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than,1 samuel,8,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 3 exist between the two i quoted to you from 2 samuel chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,2 samuel,6,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 23 god wrote malachi 13 3 for the rulers are not a terror to good works,malachi,13,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 3 can just put your faith in jesus and nahum chapter 10 43 here's what peter says to cornelius he says to him to,nahum,10,43.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 43 biblical principle it says this in 2 john 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put,2 john,4,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 22 expected to be an altar of answers in numbers 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,numbers,33,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 33 verse 3 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of amos chapter 15 four to five judges 15,amos,15,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 15 verse 4 jesus mighty name we pray we are told in esther chapter 19 verse 11,esther,19,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 19 verse 11 look at ezekiel chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse,ezekiel,3,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 13 and knowledge to men of understanding psalms chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,psalms,2,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 21 and as we do so today i want us to be reminded of god's word in lamentations 33 and verse 3. he said call unto me i will,lamentations,33,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 33 verse 3 as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle jonah 29 verse 4.,jonah,29,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 4 it was not achieved by his human power amen in judges 13 9 to 11 the bible records that then saul,judges,13,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 9 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 matthew chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,matthew,11,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 19 of the man of god in ezra chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by,ezra,19,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 11 mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of judges chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43,judges,43,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 43 verse 18 i am backing on from today which is the 21 days of fasting verse 6 of 1 kings 58 he said is this not the fast that i,1 kings,58,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 58 verse 6 verse 31 job 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor,job,13,31.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 31 zephaniah 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28 the bible says,zephaniah,32,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 32 verse 24 everyone to repent please remember this reference titus chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,titus,17,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 3 turn from all these things and then after that comes 2 timothy 5 14 to 15 it says when you know it with all,2 timothy,5,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 reading from verses 4 and 5 titus chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,titus,2,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 4 from our church in jesus name joshua chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,joshua,16,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 17 who can be against us he went further in 3 john 8 at 7. romans 8 at,3 john,8,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 7 in the book of habakkuk acts chapter 16 yesterday acts chapter 15 um acceptance 16 verse 16 to 18 access to 16 to 18 for,habakkuk,16,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 16 verse 16 about this at the very end of jonah jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22.,jonah,22,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 22 verse 22 the nations in the world and this verse is found in jonah chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,jonah,14,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 13 you remember in the prophecy of 1 kings daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,1 kings,11,32.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 32 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so obadiah chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,obadiah,11,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 13 being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying judges after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it,judges,1,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 16 matthew chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the,matthew,8,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 4 you know in 1 corinthians chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special,1 corinthians,19,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 19 verse 11 the bible where you are please speak your bible and read 1 john 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and,1 john,22,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 13 the output of our outreaches in 2015. now song of solomon (song of songs) 3 26 i read out a long time i read it fasting,song of solomon (song of songs),3,26.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 26 coming 1 kings 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,1 kings,19,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 7 find the most interesting question hosea 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before,hosea,33,31.0,1.0,hosea chapter 33 verse 31 from what they were called to do in verse 42 of habakkuk 2 they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrines,habakkuk,2,42.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 42 going to take first 3 john chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i,3 john,1,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 28 he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile 1 chronicles in him you also when you heard the word of truth the,1 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 during righteousness bible says in matthew chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,matthew,6,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 4 right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in ecclesiastes 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers,ecclesiastes,1,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 14 1st 2021 zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a,zechariah,1,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 who have preached to us they are flying towards 1 kings 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,1 kings,1,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 28 in the name of jesus christ ruth 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that,ruth,19,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 19 verse 11 there is a link between poverty and sale 2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors,2 thessalonians,30,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 15 what said it 1 kings 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs,1 kings,17,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 11 the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in 1 john chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22,1 john,8,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 22 promises of god yes and amen malachi chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,malachi,33,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 25 product of a 1 john in romans 12 and verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be,1 john,12,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 2 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,ecclesiastes,1,27.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 27 in the mighty name of jesus after the order of 2 samuel of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesus,2 samuel,9,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 11 alongside wine and john 2 3 even says of older ladies they're not to be those who are much,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 this church colossians chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 associate yourself all ye people and you,colossians,8,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 9 according to certain principles for example he says in 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd,1 corinthians,8,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 17 and the government of praise for the spirit of heaviness 1 samuel 61 and verse 7 to appoint to them that mourn in zion,1 samuel,61,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 61 verse 7 in the midst of his people in ezra chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is,ezra,3,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 17 micah chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me,micah,8,36.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 36 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of leviticus reading from verse 7,leviticus,22,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 22 verse 7 2021 say louder amen micah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving,micah,30,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 30 verse 19 the lord 2 chronicles 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,2 chronicles,36,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 36 verse 25 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and ezekiel and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,ezekiel,1,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying amos after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it,amos,1,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 16 great white throne judgment everything changes in 1 kings 20 verse 11. we'll get to there,1 kings,20,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 11 of excellence i love that scripture in ezra 31 29 see many daughters has done well,ezra,31,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 31 verse 29 11 1 and 9 in psalms 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you,psalms,11,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 11 verse 4 chapter three i'm reading from gospel habakkuk chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,habakkuk,3,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 4 you know the bible says in 1 peter one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 the children of israel out of egypt in 2 chronicles chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,2 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 chapter three i'm reading from gospel 1 chronicles chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl,1 chronicles,3,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 4 together let's be present in haggai chapter 4 james writes these words in verse 8 come,haggai,4,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 8 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in psalms chapter one verse six,psalms,1,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 6 when we are repentant we find that in jude 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the,jude,2,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 12 rest on those who kneed down in prayers 2 timothy 4 31 acts 4 31 i read,2 timothy,4,31.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 31 adversaries there are many adversaries but there's still a solution john chapter 6 verse 12 for we do not wrestle,john,6,12.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 12 perform it malachi chapter 12 verse 25 ezekiel chapter 12,malachi,12,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 25 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at micah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,micah,3,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 2 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this 2 timothy 2 verses 28 and 29,2 timothy,2,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 28 the bible tells us again remember in the book of 2 timothy chapter 56 verse 4 and verse 10 in god i will praise his word,2 timothy,56,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 56 verse 4 a very short verse found in verse 13 of colossians 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it,colossians,16,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 13 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ malachi chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 that meant that's mentioned again in 1 kings 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,1 kings,16,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 12 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in amos chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,amos,9,24.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 24 over general's preferential treatment the bible says concerning 1 john in daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible,1 john,6,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 3 tomorrow sunday 3 john 105 verse 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one,3 john,105,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 105 verse 13 his son made of a woman made under the law esther 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore,esther,2,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 14 look really quick at haggai chapter 4 colossians chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 be wise in the way you act toward outsiders,haggai,4,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 5 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's 1 thessalonians 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,1 thessalonians,28,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 13 you are raising the dead you say really oh hosea 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says,hosea,21,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 16 of the church we're looking at haggai chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,haggai,3,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 7 coming hallelujah john chapter 5 i'm going to read verses 15 through 17 and the message,john,5,15.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 15 ministers that lies 2 peter 23 32 jeremiah 23 32 god is against who first dream,2 peter,23,32.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 32 we're gonna get down to the birthright in nahum 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that,nahum,25,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 29 this jesus is a son given to mankind micah 9 6 is a gift,micah,9,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 6 to you jude 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15.,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 from verse 4 to 3 1 nehemiah 1 4 5 the bible says,nehemiah,1,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 4 [laughter] lean psalms 3 5 and 6 a favorite to us you've got to memorize this one,psalms,3,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 5 a bible says in lamentations chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,lamentations,9,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 4 chapter 65 and i'm reading from verse 24 nehemiah chapter 65 are you there verse 24 are you there and it shall come,nehemiah,65,24.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 65 verse 24 end from the beginning judges chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10,judges,46,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 46 verse 9 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved 1 samuel of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,1 samuel,17,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 17 verse 17 but a humble mind esther chapter 2 and verse 5. let this mind be in you,esther,2,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 5 that meant that's mentioned again in 2 chronicles 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12,2 chronicles,16,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 12 turning away completely let there be a transformation and that's what psalms of the apostle chapter 3 verse 19 says he,psalms,3,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 19 somebody says are you sure colossians in esther chapter 2 verse 17 esther 217 was a slave,colossians,2,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 17 made themselves filthy vile and he restrained them not 3 john 13 verse 24 correct,3 john,13,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 24 habakkuk 6 and verse 19. ephesians 6 19 if you come please turn it on if you are there,habakkuk,6,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 19 or not leviticus 11 36 for from him and through him and to him are all things all things,leviticus,11,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 36 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found 2 thessalonians and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for,2 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 and the afterlife look at verse 21 ezra 1 still for me to live is christ and to die is,ezra,1,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 21 second best or third best or tenth best it says about jesus in joshua 15 and verse 3 romans 15 and verse 3 it says,joshua,15,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 3 righteousness and good deeds you can read 2 timothy 6 19. talking about,2 timothy,6,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 19 without that sense of his provision you think about the apostle paul in nahum chapter 23 and verse 11 god is saying,nahum,23,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 11 reading from verse 28 joel of the apostles chapter 20 reading here from verse 28,joel,20,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 28 and after this the judgment 1 chronicles 9 27,1 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 bible speaking very clearly tells us in the book of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 150 and verse 6,song of solomon (song of songs),150,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 150 verse 6 will help you to serve in righteousness in jude chapter 12 verse 28 hebrews 12 28. that was seen that we,jude,12,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 28 all the ants that shared blood ezra 21 12. all that trust in men,ezra,21,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 21 verse 12 to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 genesis chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 and there it says and the lord god,song of solomon (song of songs),2,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 16 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of colossians chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14,colossians,9,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 14 sanctification that's why we are told in the book of 1 timothy chapter 26 and verse 18 he said to open their eyes to turn them,1 timothy,26,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 26 verse 18 ruth chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,ruth,4,29.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 29 and many people came to know the lord as their personal savior lamentations chapter 11 verse 15 acts 11,lamentations,11,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 15 number two longing for god's reviving longing for god reviving 2 john chapter three verse two,2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord 1 kings 31 30,1 kings,31,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 31 verse 3 tomorrow sunday 1 samuel 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom to,1 samuel,105,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 105 verse 13 can i hear you scream the loudest amen 2 john chapter 8 and verse 37 says nay in all these things we are more than,2 john,8,37.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 37 that do is good we're looking at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 19 verses 2 and 3 and here we see that they do not have,song of solomon (song of songs),19,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 19 verse 2 wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of jonah on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse,jonah,4,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 5 bible speaking very clearly tells us in the book of esther chapter 150 and verse 6,esther,150,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 150 verse 6 say laodin jonah chapter 1 and verse 14 he said the lord stared at the heart of,jonah,1,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 14 great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue 1 kings 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we,1 kings,15,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 15 verse 4 he said to him i have appointed he said he said in that mark 1 5. he said before,mark,1,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 5 ourselves anymore we're seeking of the people that jesus died for in 2 peter chapter 14 reading from verse 7 it says,2 peter,14,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 7 made powerless satan who had the part at haggai 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the,haggai,2,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 14 he was singled out for a miracle why because in 2 corinthians chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16,2 corinthians,9,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 14 triumphant power of an undying faith in 1 john chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5,1 john,11,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 5 and you get a picture of it in the book of jonah i think it's 9 through 11 if i remember right it,jonah,9,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 11 is caption time the currency of life judges 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days,judges,5,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 16 of burdens according to zephaniah 10 verse 37 isaiah 10 37 the anointing breaks every yoke,zephaniah,10,37.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 37 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in joshua chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says,joshua,10,37.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 37 2 thessalonians them that's why in our text in the in the book of psalms psalm 7 verse 11 he says god,2 thessalonians,7,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 11 and day and night shall not see now in nahum 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,nahum,4,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 15 this is said over and over again in the new testament haggai 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,haggai,2,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 12 church habakkuk chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,habakkuk,6,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 verse 22 2 peter 10 22 it says the blessings of the lord makes one rich and he adds no,2 peter,10,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 22 with money don't ye even to me with all your art 3 john 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,3 john,4,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 29 higher so you need to know because it is written 1 chronicles 11 6 hebrews 11 verse 6,1 chronicles,11,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 6 say likewise joshua 8 26 likewise the spirit also affect our,joshua,8,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 26 says in one 1 kings 20 21 there are only two messages i preach,1 kings,20,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 20 verse 21 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in nahum 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,nahum,1,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 18 down through the 18th verse so 2 john chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,2 john,1,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 11 so i encourage you write it down ruth three five and six and then go look it up in your bible later or write,ruth,3,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 5 god killing you and you can't outrun god 2 timothy 5 verse 5 all the days that adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years you,2 timothy,5,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 5 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at lamentations chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,lamentations,2,47.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 47 and then when you read nehemiah chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible,nehemiah,9,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 9 verse 2 and beyond all the mysteries of 2 kings 2 24 has made himself one flesh with her one,2 kings,2,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 24 hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in judges 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the,judges,37,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 37 verse 28 for the whole city let's come back to habakkuk chapter 8 and i'm looking at verse 5,habakkuk,8,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 5 keep and guide our heart that is in jonah chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence,jonah,4,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 23 allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in psalms 10 9 to 16,psalms,10,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 9 engenders the following one from philemon chapter 61 verse 3 it is called the oil of joy what do they call,philemon,61,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 61 verse 3 chapter 17 verse 11 micah chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,micah,17,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 11 has the ability to break just like your word in 2 samuel 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the,2 samuel,29,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 5 dignity 1 kings chapter 9 verse 16 then said i wisdom is better than,1 kings,9,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 16 harvest is a son that causes shame malachi 20 verse 4,malachi,20,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 4 tonight we're coming to 3 john chapter 3 you can see now galatians chapter 3 our reading from verse 13,3 john,3,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 13 the savior song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,song of solomon (song of songs),17,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 3 2 kings 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong,2 kings,2,36.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 36 to honor her and haggai 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said,haggai,27,18.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 18 of the kingdom demands faith to deliver 2 timothy 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin,2 timothy,14,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 23 changes for the better before them now today we want to look at zechariah chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good,zechariah,1,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 17 that greatness starts with self to leadership in nehemiah chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,nehemiah,6,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 6 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in joel 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,joel,15,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 15 verse 29 the spirit of love to sustain our love for god against all odds 1 peter 5 5 before god he said approaching our heart,1 peter,5,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 5 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 16,1 thessalonians,10,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 16 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement ezra chapter 12 a reading from verse 4,ezra,12,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 4 hand of god here's another heaven rule sighting in verse 9 of lamentations 1. god had granted daniel kindness and,lamentations,1,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 9 where they can switch 2 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,2 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to 1 john 5 24,1 john,5,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 24 look at 2 timothy chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,2 timothy,34,31.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 34 verse 31 verse 6 mark chapter 3 verse 6 i am the lord i change a lot,mark,3,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 6 didn't have it and the bible says oh no man anything 2 john 13 8. so i say it's more important to read,2 john,13,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 8 in the book of 1 kings chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains,1 kings,8,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 22 wisdom is the builder of all things malachi 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,malachi,3,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 4 begin to enjoy financial fortune in ruth chapter 1 verse 3 down to verse 11. we cannot read,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 that my old man was crucified with him as well 1 chronicles 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,1 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 thing the bible said to us in joshua chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs 4 23 keep the heart,joshua,4,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 23 ah and i'm reading from verse 15 habakkuk chapter 5 verse ratina and the prayer of,habakkuk,5,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 15 you 1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 13 fear not he said to moses god said to moses fear not,1 thessalonians,14,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 13 in um the anchor scripture still remains ezra chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,ezra,14,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 17 don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 ruth 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace,ruth,13,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 9 again i think this is most instructive eager lamentations 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of,lamentations,4,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 3 "be an increase. go back to verse 5 of luke 1 verse ""the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to",luke,1,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 5 earth today judges 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,judges,3,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 16 it tells us in micah chapter 16 and we're reading from verse 3 romans chapter 16 verse 3 greece persilla and,micah,16,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 3 scripture where you read amos chapter four all right from verse six,amos,4,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 6 before that break the allah's said numbers 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,numbers,2,23.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 23 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in 1 thessalonians 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part,1 thessalonians,45,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 jesus and if god before us ezekiel 8 31 who can be against us,ezekiel,8,31.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 31 i said you'll be more zealous than those people look at john chapter 10 and i'm reading from verse 2 romans chapter 10,john,10,2.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 2 there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three mark 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity,mark,10,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 9 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in hosea chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he,hosea,9,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 6 of the glory of the grace of god nahum 1 6 1 12 114,nahum,1,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 6 accursed numbers chapter 12,numbers,12,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 12 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel look at verse 17,joel,1,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 17 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me 1 corinthians i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,1 corinthians,4,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 15 thought 2 kings 23 verse 29. [music],2 kings,23,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 23 verse 29 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously 2 samuel chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,2 samuel,2,42.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 where they can switch song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 no he's given us a 2 chronicles and part of our job is to preach the gospel part of our job is to feed one another,2 chronicles,6,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 4 there's a lot of scripture coming for 3 john 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay,3 john,5,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 14 you can query him 1 john chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,1 john,4,34.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 34 a messianic expectation that is based on esther 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to it,esther,18,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 18 verse 15 you will not look back in jesus name 1 john chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,1 john,11,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 21 verse 3 2 timothy 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying,2 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 your most learn look at micah chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to,micah,9,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 9 the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in 2 john chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22,2 john,8,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 22 now 2 kings 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you,2 kings,1,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 bless the lord o my soul look at some for philemon 44 reading from verse 28,philemon,44,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 44 verse 28 awareness spiritual environment awareness in esther chapter 22 verse 30 it reads,esther,22,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 3 under any spell of baroness lamentations chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people,lamentations,7,14.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 14 and many happy returns in 2 samuel chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,2 samuel,12,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 5 dignity haggai chapter 9 verse 16 then said i wisdom is better than,haggai,9,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 16 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to ezra job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 we even covered that last week 2 peter chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's,2 peter,12,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 11 lord will answer your prayer and look at john chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians,john,3,17.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 17 after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in malachi 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days,malachi,1,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 4 chapter 12 verse 3 we have leviticus chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13,leviticus,12,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 3 i wanted to show you in nahum is in hebrews in chapter 12 hebrews chapter 12 it says in verse 14 pursue peace with,nahum,12,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 14 12 to 13 habakkuk 6 12 to 13 he said let not sin there foreign in your mother body,habakkuk,6,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 12 chapter 5 because it spells it out 3 john 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.,3 john,5,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 5 behavior 1 john 4 34 says at the end of that period i nebuchadnezzar,1 john,4,34.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 34 into our services tomorrow sunday in lamentations chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night,lamentations,12,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 12 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you 1 peter chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,1 peter,21,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 4 nahum chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 and it i read from then from verse 14 people chapter 4,nahum,4,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 14 testimony malachi 42 verse 18 but i fear god,malachi,42,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 42 verse 18 only faith 2 kings 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 why not warm to another in micah chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,micah,29,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 13 for you right now 1 timothy 8 32 he despaired not his own son,1 timothy,8,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 32 1 samuel 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,1 samuel,2,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 6 and we read that you would i rose up in 1 john 44 4 i've got most of these verses marked in,1 john,44,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 44 verse 4 to do in verses 14 through 16 of john 17 moses lists five things that israel's,john,17,14.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 14 description of this man's dedication in the book of hosea 1 21 paul said for me to leave his christ and to,hosea,1,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 21 nomicon zz tompa now before kaaba condon our men na benza our manga in joel 22 verse 15 it says outside all the dogs,joel,22,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 15 [music] in nahum chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10,nahum,3,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 8 so i'll read colossians 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house,colossians,10,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 21 reading from verses 4 and 5 1 peter chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 this is how they did it in daniel's day obadiah 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,obadiah,3,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 4 that it's a real picture of confusion 1 samuel 9 verses 7 & 8 yeah it's these demon locusts in the last days and,1 samuel,9,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 7 the beginning of wisdom habakkuk 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,habakkuk,1,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 7 expected to be an altar of answers in malachi 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i,malachi,33,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 3 he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile 2 samuel in him you also when you heard the word of truth the,2 samuel,1,13.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 13 we'll be reading judges chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,judges,8,37.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 37 verse 25 job chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably,job,3,25.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 25 beyond i have said before this verse 8 matthew 3 8 and opened up,matthew,3,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 8 first you just pray uh the bible says in hosea chapter 4 verse 29 says now lord look on their,hosea,4,29.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 29 praise god now if you look at nahum chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse,nahum,3,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 8 job chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,job,16,15.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 15 be a man what does it say in 2 timothy 12 14. as much as it lies in us to follow peace,2 timothy,12,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 14 the spirit in haggai chapter 2 verse 14,haggai,2,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 14 remain persuaded them to continue in the grace of god chapter 11 1 john 11 verse 23,1 john,11,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 23 seven in 1 peter of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst,1 peter,4,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 7 after abraham had driven him away in numbers chapter 21 uh from verse 14 and abram rose up early,numbers,21,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 14 without fear 1 samuel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,1 samuel,8,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 15 desire for good health ezra 14 19 the evil bow before the good,ezra,14,19.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 19 4 6 to 7 mark 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing,mark,4,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 6 says in 1 timothy chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their,1 timothy,32,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 32 verse 24 in the precious name of jesus micah chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there,micah,12,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 12 verse 15 you know i want to read 2 john 127 from verse 3 to 5 which says,2 john,127,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 127 verse 3 one and verse number eight matthew of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god,matthew,1,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 8 promises of god yes and amen 2 corinthians chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25,2 corinthians,33,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 33 verse 25 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in philemon 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,philemon,29,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 29 verse 13 6. philemon 11 from verse 4 to verse 6.,philemon,11,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 4 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 ecclesiastes 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,ecclesiastes,32,39.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 32 verse 39 anything because you know that 2 samuel started 4 19 philippine 490,2 samuel,4,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 19 let's have a look in verse 30. psalms 5 13. it says,psalms,5,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 13 verse 26 micah chapter 4 verse 26 says daniel is speaking to king nebuchadnezzar and he says your kingdom,micah,4,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 26 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text matthew 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,matthew,13,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 2 and look at 2 chronicles chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35,2 chronicles,35,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 35 verse 5 except by prayer and fasting in zephaniah chapter 58 verse 6 beginning he says this is what god has chosen as,zephaniah,58,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 58 verse 6 it's found in who you know titus 13 5 says let your way of living be without,titus,13,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 5 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike ecclesiastes 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,ecclesiastes,5,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 2 talking of god's love covenant with man leviticus 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,leviticus,3,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 is the first household baptism passage right 1 thessalonians 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,1 thessalonians,10,44.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 44 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought habakkuk 23 and verse 23,habakkuk,23,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 23 verse 23 in an abased blighted live look at micah chapter 1 verse 26 it tells us there and god said let us,micah,1,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 26 18 1 corinthians 17 from verse 15 to 18 when god spoke to him about him see,1 corinthians,17,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 15 heaven so what did the sons of korah saying malachi 8411 they want to be in the courts of the lord because the lord,malachi,84,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 84 verse 11 victory on the cross the whole point of matthew 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is,matthew,3,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 4 you can all be seated well let's grab our bibles and turn to joel chapter 31 and my special mother's day message,joel,4,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 7 and eternally chapter 28 verse 7 nehemiah 28 verse 7 made it clear that even if they try to execute their,nehemiah,28,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 7 on or before november 29 2020 let your mm break limits colossians chapter 36 verse 37 thought says the lord,colossians,36,37.0,1.0,colossians chapter 36 verse 37 so the same reference song of solomon (song of songs) 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course,song of solomon (song of songs),1,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 3 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in ezekiel 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our,ezekiel,2,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 14 and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living 1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 and everyone,1 thessalonians,13,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 17 where he is at you should be involved in that lamentations 21 13 whoever closes his ear,lamentations,21,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 21 verse 13 amen amen all right so the bible says in 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above,2 samuel,4,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 23 face a future that is worse than dead in psalms 10 26 it is described if we sin,psalms,10,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 26 provoking the angels of god in zechariah chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit,zechariah,4,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 3 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in ecclesiastes 1 23 to 25.,ecclesiastes,1,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 23 of the church we're looking at 1 samuel chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,1 samuel,3,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 7 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times matthew 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,matthew,22,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 6 in the glory of the power of god bible says in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power ability,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 destroy particularly through the sexual area danger number four 2 samuel chapter three the danger of seeking a,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 broken curses and covenant ruth 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,ruth,49,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 49 verse 3 them and miracles they confirmed in your life amos chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading,amos,4,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 17 above all other people is mentioned in 2 thessalonians 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have,2 thessalonians,1,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good 2 john chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,2 john,4,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 17 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith zephaniah verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,zephaniah,1,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 in judges chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith,judges,4,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 19 of us because we think we're in control matthew 16 9 says we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps,matthew,16,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 9 in 1 chronicles chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 it says is anything,1 chronicles,18,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 18 verse 14 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in 1 john chapter 11 verse 22 romans,1 john,11,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 22 affairs of men in the book of numbers chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5,numbers,5,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 11 2 samuel chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,2 samuel,2,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 26 has given you enjoy those things that god has done well micah 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work,micah,4,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 5 of peter because we discovered by time we got to 1 john chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,1 john,5,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 12 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in 1 samuel chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,1 samuel,28,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 5 he did you couldn't find a fault in nahum chapter 79 reading from verse 9 genesis 39,nahum,79,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 79 verse 9 a messianic expectation that is based on amos 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to it,amos,18,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 15 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have 2 kings 19 36 to 37,2 kings,19,36.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 19 verse 36 6 verse 12 what the bible says in 2 samuel chapter 6 verse 12,2 samuel,6,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 12 the patience and readiness of the saints it says psalms chapter 14 verse 12,psalms,14,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 12 let's look at what bible says first in the book of nahum chapter 8 18 number 10,nahum,8,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 18 it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when 2 chronicles says be a father and a priest to me he means,2 chronicles,1,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 7 them 2 thessalonians chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,2 thessalonians,11,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 15 died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers 2 chronicles reba 20 because thou has not given him warning,2 chronicles,1,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 2 not on your own understanding 2 corinthians 3 5 you are leaning on the understanding of god allowing him,2 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 had isaac been doing before he met his bride 1 timothy 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the,1 timothy,24,62.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 24 verse 62 if the faith is dormant if the faith is devilish look at obadiah chapter 2 in james chapter 2 all these would,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 bringing together several passages of scripture 1 timothy 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,1 timothy,9,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 spirit has gathered them 2 timothy 34 16. whatever that book contains god said so,2 timothy,34,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 34 verse 16 evil physically and spiritually if you read your bible in 2 chronicles chapter 54 verse 17,2 chronicles,54,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 54 verse 17 that sabbath god and him that servant him no ezekiel 3 17 and 18 and then chapter four verse one and two he said,ezekiel,3,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 are by this time next year you bring your children with you in joshua 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he,joshua,13,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 5 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in 2 kings 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame,2 kings,12,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 11 verse 6 ezra chapter 3 verse 6 i am the lord i change a lot,ezra,3,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 6 brother sister hope has come look at 1 john chapter 6 and we're looking at verse 18,1 john,6,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 18 in ecclesiastes chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,ecclesiastes,53,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 53 verse 3 be sadness brokenness mourning what does jonah tell us in james 4 6 to 10 weep mourn,jonah,4,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 6 timothy 2 15. access to zechariah an application of oneself to eat we,zechariah,2,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 15 dead that's where we're at in nehemiah 1 verse 20. god has demonstrated this,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. obadiah said who is he that i did counsel without,obadiah,42,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 42 verse 3 to position ourselves with thanksgiving in the book of jude 4 and verse 2 god's word declares to us,jude,4,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 2 god's spirit why do we say so in 2 peter chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,2 peter,8,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 26 from um 1 john chapter 10 verse 3 and modicai the jew was nice unto the king as aseros,1 john,10,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 3 it so that's that's majority that's what we get in 1 thessalonians chapter 7 or chapter 8 about the,1 thessalonians,7,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 8 believer it tells us in zephaniah chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,zephaniah,4,31.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 31 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ joel chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,joel,2,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 2 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom 1 timothy 1 5. proverbs 9 9,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 maintain peace and serenity zechariah 4 6 and 7 it says to us there be anxious be careful be concerned,zechariah,4,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 let's look at our last two commandments 1 chronicles chapter 20 verses 16 and 17 can we have angela at the group please,1 chronicles,20,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 20 verse 16 before august 1 2021 esther chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in esther chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the,esther,17,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 17 verse 14 network and your network uh let's start off from judges of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight,judges,1,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 8 3. colossians 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life,colossians,13,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 3 for the whole city let's come back to 1 chronicles chapter 8 and i'm looking at verse 5,1 chronicles,8,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 5 about listen in 2 thessalonians 36 and 8 it says thus dwelt esau,2 thessalonians,36,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 36 verse 8 so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was jude 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and,jude,34,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 3 [music] 1 timothy 8 verse 31 what so we then say to these things if god be for us who can be,1 timothy,8,31.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 31 mediator of the new covenant habakkuk chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,habakkuk,12,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 22 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in jonah 58 3.,jonah,58,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 58 verse 3 habakkuk chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14 i'm reading here from verse six we're,habakkuk,14,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 6 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look actually 2 corinthians 4 i think since then moses said to the lord oh,2 corinthians,4,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 own people i think that's very significant in 1 thessalonians 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day,1 thessalonians,42,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 42 verse 18 say louder a man nahum chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,nahum,30,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 19 faithful to revenge in jesus name look at ezra chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by,ezra,11,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 24 till one day god opened my eyes to read esther 14 and verse 17.,esther,14,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 17 five thousand in 2 peter chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i,2 peter,5,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 14 you'll read the story of joseph in joshua 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14,joshua,41,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 41 verse 13 lands all lands 1 thessalonians chapter 20 and verse 6.,1 thessalonians,20,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 20 verse 6 he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 to 28,1 corinthians,1,27.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 leviticus chapter 21,leviticus,21,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 8 ruth chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an,ruth,4,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 4 people we call outstanding because the bible says in 2 kings chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,2 kings,6,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 3 that this evening let's be reminded of god's word in 2 john chapter 8 and verse 22 he said as long as the earth,2 john,8,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 22 amen number chapter number 23 nehemiah 23 from verse 19 19 to 23,nehemiah,23,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 19 become a blessing in order that 2 john 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,2 john,3,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 14 builders builders for god of course malachi 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,malachi,14,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 18 us in the name of jesus in malachi chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,malachi,7,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 7 verse 12 i am more than a conqueror esther chapter 8 verse 37.,esther,8,37.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 37 the borrowers to turn to 1 john 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs,1 john,22,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 7 we have the list of spiritual gifts in 1 john 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12,1 john,12,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 3 the god of all flesh ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,ecclesiastes,12,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 talk to captains from sunglass song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21,song of solomon (song of songs),30,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 verse 19 this segues into the rest of what peter was saying here but in in ezekiel 17 18 no i'm sorry it's leviticus 7 verse,ezekiel,17,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 18 say loud amen mark 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing,mark,43,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 43 verse 19 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 1 chronicles 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,1 chronicles,11,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 6 striking of the shepherd but when you look at 2 timothy 13 7 it's worded slightly differently awake o,2 timothy,13,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 7 ministry of reconciliation and in 3 john chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire,3 john,13,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 13 verse 17 bottles live because according to joel chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17,joel,14,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 12 it tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 38,song of solomon (song of songs),32,38.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 38 in the book of john 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21,john,30,21.0,1.0,john chapter 30 verse 21 look at 1 john chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,1 john,4,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 17 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel zechariah 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,zechariah,13,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 8 christ i'll read job 20 verse 12,job,20,12.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 12 2 kings chapter three i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repeat,2 kings,3,19.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 19 of the flock shall be scattered that's from 1 peter chapter 13 and verse 7,1 peter,13,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 7 starting with verse 25 psalms chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,psalms,3,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 25 high he'll be beside the way where the paths meet she takes her stand 2 chronicles 120 says it this way will wisdom calls,2 chronicles,1,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 2 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of song of solomon (song of songs) 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,song of solomon (song of songs),8,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 29 now you must underline this in your bible malachi chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,malachi,8,28.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 28 your relationship now in the book of 1 kings chapter 13 verse 20,1 kings,13,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 2 glorify him malachi 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with,malachi,100,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 100 verse 4 firstly i needed to understand something that according to haggai chapter 2 verse 16,haggai,2,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 16 depart for evil i mean from evil in joel chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26,joel,14,26.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 26 submission joshua chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,joshua,2,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 5 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 corinthians 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,2 corinthians,11,37.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 37 no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in matthew chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for,matthew,4,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 15 account of moses in zephaniah chapter 17 exodus chapter 17 and verse 11 beginning it says and it came to pass when moses,zephaniah,17,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 11 nahum chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where,nahum,8,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 4 look at colossians chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,colossians,11,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 4 first john 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an,john,4,6.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 6 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at habakkuk 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,habakkuk,1,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 14 cells all through this year judges chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased,judges,2,46.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 46 the last part in 1 kings 3 he talks about some people philippians 3 and verse 19 some people whose god is their,1 kings,3,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 19 god esther chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,esther,23,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 23 verse 16 beamers was in the lord malachi philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v,malachi,23,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 23 verse 24 by faith titus 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38,titus,3,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 11 that is desperately wicked that is why in colossians 36 from verse 24 to 26,colossians,36,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 36 verse 24 necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct 1 samuel 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be,1 samuel,17,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 17 verse 9 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in psalms 18 19,psalms,18,19.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 19 malachi chapter 5 reading from verse 22 galatians chapter 5,malachi,5,22.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 22 become a blessing in order that john 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us,john,3,14.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 14 joshua chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,joshua,8,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 6 number two exoros chapter 15 nahum chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,nahum,15,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 15 verse 15 this is a powerful word from a man who had 2 kings in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12,2 kings,4,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 12 god which is in christ jesus our lord psalms chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 now back up to verse 12 that we should be to,psalms,1,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 13 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line philemon 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,philemon,17,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 17 verse 7 here now let's look at song of solomon (song of songs) 2 21. what does james say james says was not abraham our,song of solomon (song of songs),2,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 21 sinner and transfer to you obadiah chapter 13 verse 22 proverbs 13 verse 22 since the the wealth of sinners are laid,obadiah,13,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 22 of all events in our lives it says in esther chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,esther,2,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 22 do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 3 john would say happen rather david would say have mercy,3 john,51,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 51 verse 2 the wise shall inherit glory mark 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,mark,11,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 3 chapter seven eight excuse me 2 john chapter eight verse seven,2 john,8,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 7 15. matthew received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,matthew,8,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 11 jonah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 and we're reading here from verse 20 it,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 your miracle in jesus name come with me now to john chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 6 romans,john,5,6.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 6 and not have time for him john 26 23 and verse 26,john,26,23.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 23 remember what he says at the end it says in 1 john 13 3 remember those who are in prison,1 john,13,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 3 understanding of god's word to us 2 timothy 33 and verse 3 says it very clearly call unto me,2 timothy,33,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 33 verse 3 here this morning i think that was part of god's provision job 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having,job,10,19.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 19 i was turned ezra 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,ezra,11,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 17 gospel he said in titus chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,titus,26,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 26 verse 22 we're going to be praying again from the book of 1 corinthians philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not,1 corinthians,1,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 6 titus chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,titus,16,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 15 revelations 7 and verse 15 hosea 7 and 15. just another little description there as i,hosea,7,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 15 oh thank you jesus the bible said in matthew chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that,matthew,29,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 29 verse 11 towards the end of his life we read in mark 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash,mark,20,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 20 verse 3 15. 2 thessalonians received admonition from the lord that can also be seen jonah 8 verse 11,2 thessalonians,8,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 11 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with 2 peter 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,2 peter,14,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 24 that he was given a name that was above every other name read it 1 thessalonians chapter 2 from verse 5 to 11 philippians,1 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 advice number one pride and arrogance pride and arrogance proverb amos chapter 14 12.,amos,14,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 12 closing remarks and then i'll take my c 1 samuel chapter four verse seven first imperative he says submit,1 samuel,4,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 us now in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not,ecclesiastes,1,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 16 verse 27 2 peter 32 verse 27 he has a question,2 peter,32,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 32 verse 27 is i would like to go but only do not go far away matthew 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 verse 16 esther chapter 3 verse 16. and his names through faith in his name,esther,3,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 16 living in the best of times you believe he said louder man 1 kings chapter 2 verse 4,1 kings,2,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three judges 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity,judges,10,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 9 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at numbers chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,numbers,2,47.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 47 for his coming in john chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 reading from verse 15 is still telling,john,16,15.0,1.0,john chapter 16 verse 15 apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i 3 john chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such,3 john,8,34.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 34 chapter 3 13 to 15 nehemiah 3 13 to 15 philippians,nehemiah,3,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 13 how do we put this together now i also have nahum chapter 7 verse 6 because this is what he is quoting,nahum,7,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 6 "they knew them by name. in 1 john chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",1 john,11,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 19 name of jesus psalms of the 12 12 says therefore rejoicing heaven,psalms,12,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 12 cannot enter into heaven look at esther chapter 21 revelation chapter 21,esther,21,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 21 cleansing there is no any other means haggai of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,haggai,4,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 12 you are sister because the pie who says in jonah 32 verse 22 31 the economy 32 22 31 he said we are fighting,jonah,32,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 22 cyrus soros and yet yet jude in the bible in chapter 44 and verse 28,jude,44,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 44 verse 28 get this setting for this crisis in the second chapter of esther verses 8 and 9 where we read these words and the lord,esther,2,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 8 um and there's there's three verses that you can take note of ezekiel 38 14 uh 38 16 and 38 18. in ezekiel 38 14 it,ezekiel,38,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 38 verse 14 zephaniah in chapter 3 and there paul speaks about this ephesians in chapter 3 if you turn to verse 3 seasons chapter 3,zephaniah,3,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 3 of a story ecclesiastes chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was,ecclesiastes,6,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 11 who's writing down and zechariah 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,zechariah,12,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 29 happening on earth that's found in 1 john 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,1 john,6,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 9 luke chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has created all things that were created on,luke,4,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 11 after the order of 2 thessalonians in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was,2 thessalonians,34,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 9 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from 2 chronicles 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from,2 chronicles,34,29.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 34 verse 29 of partially equipped complacent students i'm looking at micah chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis,micah,33,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 9 help and for your heart too joshua 14 verses 20,joshua,14,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 2 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through jude the prophet he took our infirmities and,jude,8,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 17 and i'm reading here from verse 8 lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,lamentations,2,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 8 know jonah 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is,jonah,15,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 11 we're looking at verse five it says in 1 chronicles chapter psyche and we're reading here,1 chronicles,5,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 5 brothers and i think this really relates to 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,1 thessalonians,2,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 17 and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in 3 john chapter 4 and verse 2,3 john,4,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 2 people will live super long lives 1 chronicles 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,1 chronicles,65,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 65 verse 2 somebody shout oh titus chapter 8 verse 32 romans chapter 8 verse 32,titus,8,32.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 32 not responsible for evil and when we read in leviticus chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal,leviticus,6,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 9 above all the heavens that he might fill all things 2 samuel 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,2 samuel,2,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 9 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in micah chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,micah,7,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 7 verse 7 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was 1 kings brought in before the king,1 kings,1,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 13 you remember in the prophecy of jude daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god,jude,11,32.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 32 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so 2 timothy seven four says therefore my brethren you also,2 timothy,7,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 4 of olives notice what 2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 4 says about the day of the lord it says,2 thessalonians,14,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 4 completely was something his story is in mark chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,mark,13,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 14 rocket about seeking whom it may devour and in haggai chapter 12 from verse 9 to 10 revelation 12 9 to 10,haggai,12,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 9 in remade bodies but the passage they quote is zephaniah seven verses four through eight which is not talking about,zephaniah,7,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 4 verse 17 to 24 3 john chapter 65 verse 17 to,3 john,65,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 65 verse 17 foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth 1 kings chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the,1 kings,6,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 2 beyond 1 corinthians 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,1 corinthians,13,44.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 44 reading from verse 15 philemon chapter 1 verse 15 but when it please god,philemon,1,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 15 reading from verse 13 1 timothy chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,1 timothy,2,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 in other communities in every community all over the world in haggai chapter 1 verse 16 i am not ashamed,haggai,1,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 16 message translation from the message translation esther 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible,esther,19,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 19 verse 21 built the first altar to the lord malachi 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible,malachi,12,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 7 and it echoes what paul talks about in ezra 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,ezra,3,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 28 and it all starts when you're born colossians 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,colossians,22,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 15 out of the book of the law and read hosea 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that,hosea,34,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 34 verse 16 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in 1 timothy 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,1 timothy,43,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 43 verse 21 2 timothy isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says,2 timothy,58,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 58 verse 5 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in ezra 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,ezra,1,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 25 the lord habakkuk 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25.,habakkuk,36,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 36 verse 25 i'll oh you're not there okay 2 timothy 7 12. in this verse it says they made their hearts diamond,2 timothy,7,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 12 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 1 thessalonians 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,1 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 probably ought to turn to this and in psalms 18 verse 15 the lord your god will raise up,psalms,18,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 15 through the cross psalms 13 8,psalms,13,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 8 chapter 14 verse 12 in jude chapter 14 verse 12 so then,jude,14,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 12 but i held on to my god he said in haggai chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as,haggai,14,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 11 or what is lame in numbers 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness,numbers,1,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 13 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power hosea 26 18 to open the eyes,hosea,26,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 26 verse 18 in the name of jesus in the book of habakkuk 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,habakkuk,53,24.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 53 verse 24 about how the israelites crossed jordan and the lord said to 1 corinthians in verse 7 this day i will begin to exalt you,1 corinthians,1,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way obadiah 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,obadiah,23,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 3 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read ruth chapter one from verse three to four official one,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 by the power in the name of jesus lamentations chapter 1 verse 17 this is the month of deliverance,lamentations,1,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 17 chapter five i'm reading from verse 25 1 samuel chapter 5 verse 25 we're looking at the second pillar,1 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 my judgment age was as a robe and he died look at chapter 27 ruth chapter 27 reading from verse 5 god forbid that,ruth,27,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 27 verse 5 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of jude chapter 8 and verse 16.,jude,8,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 16 circumstances and people here it is jonah 4 35 all the people of the earth,jonah,4,35.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 35 the garden of eden and the bible says in luke 1 28 that he blessed them the first statements that would come out,luke,1,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 28 obedience paul said in amos 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,amos,26,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 26 verse 19 gonna happen on this earth turn with me to lamentations chapter 6 and let me read to you it says in genesis 6 verse 5 this is,lamentations,6,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 5 the importance of hearing god's voice like in 1 chronicles 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,1 chronicles,1,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 mind in hell turning back to ezra chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here,ezra,4,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 2 righteousness ruth chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,ruth,8,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 18 the book of ezra chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,ezra,4,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 17 israel in obadiah 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4,obadiah,11,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 4 a bible tells us in philemon chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,philemon,19,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 3 verse 23 very important script i want us to read together tonight haggai 6 verse 23 please can we projected i want i want,haggai,6,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 23 and tortured and afflicted but now ezekiel 1 13 said he has translated you,ezekiel,1,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 13 these children of god in numbers chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,numbers,39,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 39 verse 5 1 chronicles chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient,1 chronicles,7,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 7 verse 22 that's where that's how vision starts john 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,john,2,13.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 13 8 that the spirit of god cries out within us same about micah 8 verse 15 about father it's dad this is one of the great,micah,8,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 15 that and more in today's study of 1 corinthians i'm gonna read here first 15 verses look at your bibles with me verse,1 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 die this is this is this was in numbers chapter 21 listen to genesis chapter 16,numbers,21,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 16 to personalize the dominion mandate song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them,song of solomon (song of songs),1,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 28 fat nahum chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to,nahum,22,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 22 verse 17 forever of the lord in jesus name colossians chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,colossians,4,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 14 he preached on one of his messages on prayer 2 john 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the,2 john,62,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 62 verse 6 ability compare that with 1 timothy 12 6 having gifts,1 timothy,12,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 6 crucified to the world it tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,1 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit 2 john chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans,2 john,8,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 26 can help us read 1 timothy 18 20 to 21 proverbs 18 20 to 21 can you hear me from the fruit of his mouth a man's,1 timothy,18,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 18 verse 2 the bible tells us in the book of 1 peter chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not,1 peter,7,13.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 7 verse 13 jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up 2 thessalonians 1717 says a friend loves at all times,2 thessalonians,17,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 17 enemies leviticus chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest,leviticus,8,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 16 and it is written in the bible in micah chapter 15 verse 6 deuteronomy 6 56,micah,6,5.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 5 chapter 17 of song of solomon (song of songs) acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17,song of solomon (song of songs),17,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 11 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from titus 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,titus,37,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 37 verse 5 us in 1 kings chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6,1 kings,5,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 6 and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in lamentations 58 3.,lamentations,58,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 58 verse 3 28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield 2 thessalonians said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons,2 thessalonians,3,19.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 all right ebuka says that's what 1 timothy 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,1 timothy,3,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 5 as well as we 2 samuel chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15,2 samuel,13,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 15 even but jesus revolved him straight straight away by quoting ecclesiastes 6 verse 16 you shall not tell the lord,ecclesiastes,6,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 16 are inadmissible to the kingdom of god in the colossians chapter 22 verse 15 by motives of describes it vividly there,colossians,22,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 15 earth by your mighty power zechariah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,zechariah,32,17.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 17 all right so we're gonna start in 1 peter chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 and it talks about there's one body and,1 peter,4,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 6 are others are fenced out 1 thessalonians 40 42 29 exodus 14 14 to 29 the people of israel pass to the rescue cover so i,1 thessalonians,40,42.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 40 verse 42 doesn't hurt to read forward 2 peter chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,2 peter,17,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 4 the bible tells us in the book of second zechariah chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world,zechariah,1,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 22 psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 jude 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin,jude,16,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 13 well they profess to know him they deny him in their works john 1 16 people can profess to know god,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what joshua 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,joshua,7,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 14 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in zechariah chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,zechariah,4,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 12 bringing together several passages of scripture 2 corinthians 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,2 corinthians,9,27.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 book of ecclesiastes actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that,ecclesiastes,2,7.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 7 numbers 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as,numbers,5,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 17 john 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,john,24,2.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 2 obtained beloved god is a jealous god amos 20 verse 5 and his sensitivity as he sees our motives as he sees our,amos,20,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 5 after he created him very important god said to man in 1 chronicles 1 28 be fruitful and multiply and fill the,1 chronicles,1,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 28 by your word colossians chapter 2 verse 6 when this was noise abroad the multitudes came,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 look at amos chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were,amos,2,37.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 37 then there is like apology about something 1 thessalonians chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel,1 thessalonians,4,4.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 4 and tired of his defeated life he read nehemiah chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,nehemiah,7,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 7 williams is going to read for us matthew 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready,matthew,35,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 35 verse 3 so he when in the beginning of the bible in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 one from verse four to five joshua one four to five he said,joshua,1,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 4 god wrote hosea 13 3 for the rulers are not a terror to good works,hosea,13,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 3 chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 2 corinthians chapter 1,2 corinthians,1,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 15 bible says in titus chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 knowing this that the trial of your faith worked,titus,1,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 3 judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that ezra 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is,ezra,3,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 11 obtained all the promises lamentations chapter 6 and verse 12.,lamentations,6,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 12 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of 2 thessalonians 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,2 thessalonians,23,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 5 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so mark chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,mark,11,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 13 god's attributes and nature in haggai chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him,haggai,40,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 40 verse 17 fate in god's hands it reminds you of what habakkuk says in job 13 verse 15 even if he kills me,habakkuk,13,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 15 the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving 1 samuel chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth,1 samuel,8,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 23 time and this was right after in 1 kings chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,1 kings,3,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 14 the morning and they were teaching the people 2 john chapter 17 verse 6 the latter part of acts,2 john,17,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 17 verse 6 that book says the law cannot justify us and in amos 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list,amos,3,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 11 are the sheep of his pasture for he has said psalms 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you,psalms,13,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 5 2 peter chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him,2 peter,16,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 15 somebody believe he said loved a man in nahum chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all,nahum,4,23.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 23 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,1 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 lamentations chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,lamentations,2,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 6 i'm taking my text from john chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice,john,1,12.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 12 testimony 2 timothy 42 verse 18 but i fear god,2 timothy,42,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 18 he got to the top i mean by time you read 2 samuel chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50,2 samuel,50,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 50 verse 15 believer it tells us in malachi chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts,malachi,4,31.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 31 chapter 30 luke 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells,luke,30,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 17 certain things could make them unclean given 1 kings 5 verses 2 through 6 and leviticus 11,1 kings,5,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 2 here from verse 9 2 samuel chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,2 samuel,4,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 9 in this direction paul says the same thing listen to this 2 corinthians 3 5 put to death therefore,2 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 nahum 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,nahum,4,31.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 31 you a love with everlasting love in 1 peter chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,1 peter,5,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 8 crown of life spoken of in 2 chronicles 1 12 if you endure temptation and persevere,2 chronicles,1,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 12 testament in various forms the bible tells us in 2 thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 13 it says it came to pass when joseline,2 thessalonians,5,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 13 that upheld god in high esteem numbers 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,numbers,41,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 41 verse 14 identify with christ openly say amen nahum 1 16 form not ashamed of the gospel of christ,nahum,1,16.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 16 on this first sunday of the month of july song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. let's take strength from the word of god,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 we're close look at it real quick 1 chronicles 5 verse 3 when adam and leah 130 years he became of the father of a son,1 chronicles,5,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 3 he tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3,song of solomon (song of songs),2,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 3 the king after he repented he says in 2 peter 4 verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as zero it's amazing,2 peter,4,35.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 35 13 and that will be charissa charissa you'll be reading zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 and you also read acts chapter 2,zechariah,4,13.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 with knowledge and understanding obadiah chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,obadiah,3,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 15 judgment joshua 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god,joshua,9,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 27 you know you know what we do we go to over to nehemiah chapter 2 and verse is eight and nine and we love to quote it,nehemiah,2,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 8 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to leviticus chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,leviticus,7,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 9 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in mark chapter 2 verse 42,mark,2,42.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 42 haggai 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,haggai,21,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 2 [applause] in zechariah 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11.,zechariah,3,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 7 this issue is as you continue that same preachment esther 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,esther,1,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 21 we're going to be praying again from the book of ezra philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not,ezra,1,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 6 of god we're coming to psalms hebrews chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 9 hebrews,psalms,2,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 9 i will not forsake you matthew 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,matthew,13,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 13 verse 5 and verse 30. 1 chronicles chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,1 chronicles,17,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 3 light in numbers chapter one verse two talk to us,numbers,1,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 2 here from verse 9 lamentations chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have,lamentations,4,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 9 in fact whatever is not of faith is sin nehemiah 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with,nehemiah,14,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 23 i will give unto you two in jesus name we're looking at hosea chapter 10 verse 27,hosea,10,27.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 27 and then not too long after that according to john chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had,john,5,14.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 14 verse 16 lamentations chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,lamentations,10,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 16 he died and obtained for us esther 5 12. power,esther,5,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 12 the priority of your life in jesus name malachi chapter 13 reading from verse 20 hebrews,malachi,13,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 2 in jesus name we have given thanks verse 3 zechariah 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and the father of our,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 5 from verse 7 to 8 philemon 5 from verse 7 to 8 he said why we were yet sinners,philemon,5,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 7 they rejected salvation and they went into perdition in 3 john chapter 6 a reading from verse 16,3 john,6,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 16 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again 2 peter 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,2 peter,13,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 18 stuff but 2 peter 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,2 peter,53,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 53 verse 7 new body that is fit for eternity and it's like jesus in some way 1 samuel 3 verses 20 and 21 it along the same,1 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 way back in 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord,1 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 beautiful beautiful that's just 2 corinthians 99 so this was in the mind of the jew they knew that this was about,2 corinthians,9,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 9 loud amen hosea chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,hosea,1,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 16 micah 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,micah,3,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 4 from verse 19 nahum of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,nahum,11,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 19 talking of god's love covenant with man ezekiel 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child,ezekiel,3,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 one can receive anything from him song of solomon (song of songs) 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,song of solomon (song of songs),11,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 6 another and the word all men even as we do towards you ruth chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15,ruth,15,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 13 read the scripture um nahum chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,nahum,3,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 5 of a few of them just to set it in your mind in jonah chapter 1 verse 15 he says so for my part i am,jonah,1,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 15 our exhortation from this morning song of solomon (song of songs) 3 21 and 22,song of solomon (song of songs),3,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 21 song of solomon (song of songs) 5 from verse 25 to 27 ephesians 5 4 25 to 27 made it clear crisis coming back,song of solomon (song of songs),5,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 4 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in judges chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says,judges,10,37.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 37 get to the tournament 33 verse 17 1 kings 33 verse 17 the bible tells us that ephraim has,1 kings,33,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 33 verse 17 it starts with satan in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his,2 peter,14,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 submission haggai chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ,haggai,2,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 5 chinese we're looking at malachi chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,malachi,15,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 23 hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of 1 kings chapter 2 and verse 47,1 kings,2,47.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 47 reading from verse 26 to 28. 1 samuel chapter 1 from verse 26,1 samuel,1,26.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 26 the lesson in this and the first time we see a fig trees in joel chapter 3 and verse 7 adam appeared sinned and lost,joel,3,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 7 strength but by the time you look at luke chapter 40 verse 31,luke,40,31.0,1.0,luke chapter 40 verse 31 upon the disciples and by the time you get to colossians chapter 5 and you read it from verse 12 to 16,colossians,5,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 12 god and so atheists believe this but 2 timothy chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,2 timothy,1,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 18 encounter with your word 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 8 i know thy works i have set before the,2 timothy,3,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 8 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony job 8 35 to 38.,job,8,35.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 35 make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus colossians 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading,colossians,4,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 9 with all he says we're looking at joshua chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter,joshua,1,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 28 troop shall be established jude chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,jude,8,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 18 now i come to number four and this is in 3 john chapter three verses three and five,3 john,3,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 3 look at mark chapter 2 we're reading from the stream philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done,mark,2,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 3 himself is praying on your behalf judges chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely,judges,7,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 25 in the book of jonah chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains,jonah,8,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 22 things one of the best bible verses you can memorize is 3 john 4 verse 6 through 8 this is one that i have,3 john,4,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 6 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at 2 samuel chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,2 samuel,1,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 21 seemingly random or chance events in our lives 2 peter 16 verse 33 the lot is cast into the lap but it's every,2 peter,16,33.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 33 showed me the truths about overcoming sin hosea 6 verse 14 was in my bible from 1959 but i never understood it till 1975,hosea,6,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 14 that our bearing will be from philemon 2 verse 5,philemon,2,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 5 this money if you choose god then habakkuk chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,habakkuk,10,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 22 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his john he was happy they brought these people,john,3,2.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 2 purpose zephaniah 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,zephaniah,1,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 8 the other scriptures that we have looked at so 2 chronicles chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,2 chronicles,6,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 18 zechariah version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,zechariah,5,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 3 that sign and that's wonder jonah chapter 8 verse 18,jonah,8,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 18 and the starting point for knowing more about the bible is 3 john 3 6. it says in all your ways acknowledge him,3 john,3,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 6 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put 2 kings 13 verse 4 up on the screen,2 kings,13,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 4 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done jude 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded,jude,8,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 16 verse 40 to 47 42 for the seven of philemon two can you put that up for me the bible says and with,philemon,2,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 4 and brothers in christ listen to nehemiah 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all,nehemiah,10,14.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 14 in the book of 2 timothy chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste,2 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 somebody say a louder amen john chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,john,11,3.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 3 the more applicational side of the book of 2 timothy and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,2 timothy,4,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 16 listen let me show you a version nahum 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book,nahum,8,34.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 34 feast he said but when his heart was lifted up verse 20 of 1 corinthians 5 and his mind hardened and pride he was deposed,1 corinthians,5,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 zechariah chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 agricultural sector we have joseph in 2 timothy chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was,2 timothy,41,54.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 41 verse 54 is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this 1 peter chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 what we step into in our tomorrow hosea 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only,hosea,29,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 29 verse 11 the lord before then i read to you from song of solomon (song of songs) 3 verses 9 nineteen honor the lord with a,song of solomon (song of songs),3,9.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in 1 john 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever,1 john,16,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 16 verse 17 his arriving in darkness the prophet 1 john wrote in chapter 5 verse 20,1 john,5,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 2 prophets did say that about the messiah in esther 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,esther,53,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 53 verse 3 said whatever is you know let's look at 1 thessalonians 4 8 right quick philippians 4 8,1 thessalonians,4,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 8 and chapter eight song of solomon (song of songs) chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,song of solomon (song of songs),8,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 7 blood of jesus and with the fire of god haggai 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,haggai,12,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 11 world and everybody said amen look at 2 john chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews,2 john,6,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 6 they're not malachi 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are,malachi,6,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 4 a god of speed he is a god of speed micah chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he,micah,9,28.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 28 before you go look at zephaniah chapter 10 a meeting from verse 38 acts chapter 10,zephaniah,10,38.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 38 when he departed out of iran hosea 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,hosea,3,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 12 life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to haggai 2 the two corners to read verse number 20,haggai,2,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 2 what does that mean i'm glad you asked habakkuk 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to,habakkuk,4,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 7 others let us look at zechariah chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and,zechariah,10,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 10 verse 4 they are being faithful to me this is a kindness psalms 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is,psalms,27,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 5 prayed scripture says in malachi 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,malachi,8,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 13 and we know that to be true because if take a look at philemon chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of,philemon,1,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 7 in 1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,1 peter,8,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 3 5 14 15 14 excuse me mark 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk,mark,15,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 15 verse 14 jonah chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,jonah,11,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 6 apostles chapter 20 verse 33 ezekiel of the apostles chapter 20. our reading from verse 33 it says in,ezekiel,20,33.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 33 that god is sending through that boy in esther chapter 55 3 isaiah 55 verse 3 incline your ear and,esther,55,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 55 verse 3 he rested you don't need to turn there but the reference is 1 peter 2 2 and i'll read it to you it says and on,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 further replication of cells in this prophetic season ecclesiastes 13 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed,ecclesiastes,13,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 19 in that blessing is also abundance tremendous prosperity he said in psalms 27 verse 28 genesis 27 verse 20 he said,psalms,27,28.0,1.0,psalms chapter 27 verse 28 glory it tells us in leviticus chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from,leviticus,2,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 9 from our church in jesus name matthew chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,matthew,16,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 17 over the ark which holds the testimony nahum 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,nahum,25,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 22 christ 1 peter chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.,1 peter,4,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 5 answer to lazy people bible says in titus 6 and verse 9 let us not be weary in well to doing,titus,6,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 9 striking of the shepherd but when you look at 2 chronicles 13 7 it's worded slightly differently awake o,2 chronicles,13,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 7 amen i want you to look into the book of zechariah chapter 14. verse 15 and the lord said unto moses,zechariah,14,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 15 turn with me to the book of joshua romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then,joshua,13,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 4 reading there from chapter 4 verse 19 joshua 4 verse 19 my powers my powers i am pinch at my very heart my heart,joshua,4,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 19 mark 12 11. revelation 12 11 i read and they overcame by the blood of,mark,12,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 11 shall not be disappointed judges 4 17 romans 4 17,judges,4,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 17 in 2 kings chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music],2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 the god of all flesh esther chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,esther,12,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 9 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,2 thessalonians,2,25.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 25 watching that's the great question today in amos 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,amos,21,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 2 "but being full of the holy spirit,"" to verse 55 of titus 7 to ""he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at",titus,7,55.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 55 hear anything hosea 9 2 we thought the revelation of daniel,hosea,9,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 2 across our harvest field a better amen jonah chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of,jonah,12,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 12 god is promising according to that philemon 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,philemon,30,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 30 verse 17 matthew 40. first 29 isaiah 40 first 29 you give a power to defend,matthew,40,29.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 29 [music] first 2 john 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,2 john,1,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 12 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder 3 john 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,3 john,28,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 12 year 1 timothy 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they,1 timothy,13,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 19 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,1 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 again here micah 8 18 the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to,micah,8,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 18 as the brightness of the former man micah 2 f3 and they turn many many to righteousness,micah,2,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 3 11 to 14 of hosea 37 then he said son of man these bones represent,hosea,37,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 37 verse 11 jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to zechariah 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the,zechariah,32,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 32 verse 5 the bible speaking in 1 kings chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel,1 kings,25,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 25 verse 2 children made it leviticus chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god,leviticus,14,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 31 through the prophet of god 1 kings definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,1 kings,1,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 19 prophets did say that about the messiah in joel 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,joel,53,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 53 verse 3 that can make anything happen in one day in 1 john chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us,1 john,12,41.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 41 revelations 7 and verse 15 ezra 7 and 15. just another little description there as i,ezra,7,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 15 something that i hope impacts you malachi chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,malachi,13,46.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 46 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in 2 peter 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,2 peter,20,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 14 "in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, haggai 2 verse 26, ""i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will",haggai,2,26.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 26 cells this year ruth chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,ruth,30,19.0,1.0,ruth chapter 30 verse 19 lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of jonah verse 17 that christ lives in us by,jonah,3,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 17 gospel he said in 1 peter chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here,1 peter,26,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 26 verse 22 out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in numbers chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven,numbers,7,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 7 that you say lord i must have this look at job chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14.,job,13,12.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 12 peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in 2 timothy chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death,2 timothy,2,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 23 32 2 corinthians 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out,2 corinthians,32,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 32 verse 15 micah chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14 i'm reading here from verse six we're,micah,14,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 6 empowers our outreaches to be fruitful john 11 30 and daniel 23,john,11,3.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 3 and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in obadiah chapter 2 malachi chapter 2,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 of excellence i love that scripture in joel 31 29 see many daughters has done well,joel,31,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 31 verse 29 and no one can show here is the destined authority of christ look at numbers chapter 22 and we're looking at verse 22,numbers,22,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 22 2 chronicles 12 11. revelation 12 11 i read and they overcame by the blood of,2 chronicles,12,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 11 the leader said brother zack doesn't it say in matthew 2 44 that all those who believed,matthew,2,44.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 44 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to philemon chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up,philemon,9,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 27 kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um haggai 22 and verse 22,haggai,22,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 22 the latter part of verse 23 1 corinthians system and you have praised the gods of silver and gold bronze and iron,1 corinthians,1,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 saved and established in the faith and obadiah chapter 1 verse 22 to i know some have compassion making the,obadiah,1,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 22 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that 3 john 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the,3 john,20,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 17 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so judges chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,judges,6,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 9 won't go into the detail of it but that this is a reference to malachi 53 12. he poured out himself to death and he,malachi,53,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 53 verse 12 reading from verse 15 joel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,joel,1,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 15 because 2 samuel 24 verses 3 to 4 proverbs 24 3 4 says true wisdom a house is built,2 samuel,24,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 24 verse 3 who work hard will prosper in lamentations 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,lamentations,29,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 22 2 peter chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers,2 peter,3,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 14 example in 1 timothy chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach,1 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 mark chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3,mark,1,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 3 issue that's a bad rule that's the 1 samuel 328 silver bullet it's a it is,1 samuel,3,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 28 tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right joel 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be,joel,20,31.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 31 chapter 3 verse 22 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 22 for all are saying and caution the glory of god,1 timothy,3,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 22 for me but that's fine so let's go to psalms chapter 1 and verse 5.,psalms,1,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 5 where our obedience stops obadiah 28 and verse to 14.,obadiah,28,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 28 verse 14 in 2 kings chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal,2 kings,12,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 4 chapter 4 you see what the scripture says there about abraham leviticus chapter 4 from verse 18,leviticus,4,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 18 through the world under prophetic mantle amen can be stronger in 2 timothy chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 he said god wrote special,2 timothy,19,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 19 verse 11 show you one of the characteristics of wisdom in john chapter 3 and james chapter 3 it speaks about wisdom in,john,3,3.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 3 your word in titus 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,titus,14,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 3 sensitive joshua 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,joshua,5,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 25 in the book of psalm 1 timothy number 124 look at verse 7 there,1 timothy,124,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 124 verse 7 church allow that email lamentations chapter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase,lamentations,49,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 49 verse 25 verse 16 hosea chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,hosea,10,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 10 verse 16 broken curses and covenant 1 samuel 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,1 samuel,49,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 49 verse 3 offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in haggai 34 reading from verse six,haggai,34,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 34 verse 6 in the name of jesus christ in 2 kings chapter 10 verse 12. we saw the impact of this wisdom god has,2 kings,10,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 12 make waves in life in 2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 21 the bible says you shall hear a voice behind you,2 chronicles,30,21.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 21 the dead 17th chapter of the book of 3 john and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is,3 john,1,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 3 in jesus name we are praying ezra chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,ezra,26,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 25 the messiah 600 years before christ in 2 john chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write,2 john,7,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 13 verse 28 2 samuel 40 verse 28 he said there's no such chain misunderstanding,2 samuel,40,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 40 verse 28 crown of life spoken of in luke 1 12 if you endure temptation and persevere,luke,1,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 12 title the friend of god the french of god we're told in psalms chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but,psalms,41,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 41 verse 8 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love amos chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,amos,4,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 14 are driven there is no software to this zechariah 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,zechariah,22,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,nehemiah,10,38.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 38 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in zechariah chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 this is a quote from matthew 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6,matthew,3,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 11 from verse 6 to 12 malachi 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6,malachi,1,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 6 call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression habakkuk 5 3 i read that one and look at it,habakkuk,5,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 3 like joshua was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made,joshua,12,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 12 verse 5 and in breaking of bread and in prayers 1 corinthians 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,1 corinthians,2,42.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42 this obviously fulfills the scripture in lamentations chapter nine verse nine which says rejoice greatly o daughter of,lamentations,9,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 9 somebody believes he allowed amen 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 26 he will lift up an end sign to the nations from fire,1 corinthians,5,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 26 if they gang up against you they will fall for your seat nahum 28 verse 7 literally me 24/7,nahum,28,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 7 amen and amen and amen amen now amos 3 and verse 23 we're still praying we're still praying we're still,amos,3,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 23 is a because of you the wind will blow in numbers chapter 2 verse 7 the bible says let him that has ears to hear,numbers,2,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 7 children of god 2 kings 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been,2 kings,1,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 12 known it's the fulfillment of jonah look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four,jonah,4,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 5 would be that long into the future nahum again chapter 30 where we started verse 15 for thus saith the lord god the,nahum,30,15.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 15 with knowledge and understanding 1 thessalonians chapter 3 15 to 16 so and they are domiciled in church,1 thessalonians,3,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 15 feet in 2 chronicles chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor,2 chronicles,13,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 5 11 verse 21 to 22 obadiah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in,obadiah,11,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 21 this is ezekiel 16 4 5 decrees for to keep,ezekiel,16,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 4 and especially verse number three 1 samuel 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is,1 samuel,61,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 61 verse 3 two names that is related to jesus in that passage nehemiah 19 11 to 16 in that passage at the end verse 16 he says,nehemiah,19,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 19 verse 11 my favorite verse in this chapter is jude chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared,jude,3,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 3 in esther chapter 22 verse 15 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 15 to 18 god changed what he said in genesis 12,esther,22,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 15 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 jonah chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,jonah,1,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 17 but let's take our bible as we go to colossians chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four,colossians,4,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 4 verse 4 get greater glory when you look at ezra chapter 5 from verse 17 to 25 acts 5 from 17 to 25 and you compare ai 8 which,ezra,5,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 17 joel chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that,joel,2,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 2 will help you to serve in righteousness in 1 kings chapter 12 verse 28 hebrews 12 28. that was seen that we,1 kings,12,28.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 28 make your request known unto god philemon 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any,philemon,4,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 6 him 2 timothy 3 15 to 17 what a vision,2 timothy,3,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 15 new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's song of solomon (song of songs) 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a,song of solomon (song of songs),3,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 15 before we see them open your bible to the book of zechariah 3 verse let's look at verses 2 to 5. colossians,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 quick to listen slow to speak and even slower to anger 2 chronicles 18 verse 2 says these words fools have,2 chronicles,18,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 2 says i will walk who can hinder me 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 78 revolutions women were seven races he,1 samuel,3,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 3 verse 7 different aspect but 2 kings chapter 2 14 to 16,2 kings,2,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 14 us in the name of jesus in 2 kings chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,2 kings,7,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 12 god to fearing wife a woman that feared the lord 1 samuel 31 30,1 samuel,31,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 31 verse 3 malachi chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 32 romans chapter 8,malachi,8,32.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 32 aren't no you don't do that but in effect you do 2 timothy 1 25 says they treated the truth about god for a,2 timothy,1,25.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 25 in action chapter 16 from verse 25 to 26 mark 16 25 to 26,mark,16,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 16 verse 25 kept him and delivered her in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over,song of solomon (song of songs),53,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 53 verse 5 a blessing that's what god told you abraham in hosea 12 verse 2 he said i'll bless you i'll make of you a great,hosea,12,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 12 verse 2 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in 2 chronicles 10 20 that he made a way,2 chronicles,10,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 2 remember what he says at the end it says in 1 samuel 13 3 remember those who are in prison,1 samuel,13,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 13 verse 3 clear about this leviticus 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood,leviticus,17,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 to say more than that habakkuk turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,habakkuk,12,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 12 verses job chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the,job,6,3.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 3 joel 28 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9. he went and married,joel,28,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 28 verse 8 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in lamentations 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,lamentations,61,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 61 verse 3 and nobody could keep it zephaniah chapter 8 this is the covenant,zephaniah,8,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 8 what the scripture says in the book of john chapter 26 and verse 8,john,26,8.0,1.0,john chapter 26 verse 8 "it's part of who he is. hosea 43 verse 3, ""for i am the lord your god, the holy one of israel, your savior.""",hosea,43,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 43 verse 3 that was what 2 peter was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,2 peter,3,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 17 member look at verse 4 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 4,1 samuel,12,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 4 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of jude 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,jude,11,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 8 it can reap a whole city like we saw in 2 thessalonians chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we,2 thessalonians,8,4.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 4 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 2 kings do this is scripture remember so verse 32,2 kings,36,32.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 36 verse 32 bless the lord o my soul look at some for ezekiel 44 reading from verse 28,ezekiel,44,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 44 verse 28 the essence of this passage so let's go to philemon chapter 11 and let's see what happens and i'm going to take a little,philemon,11,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 11 you should be hearing his voice even though he said in titus chapter 2 verse 7 revelation chapter 2,titus,2,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 7 can we have a look in yemi read for us 1 corinthians chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy,1 corinthians,2,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 say louder amen philemon 50 and verse 4 paraphrase the lord had given me the tongue of the,philemon,50,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 50 verse 4 straight before them joel judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,joel,6,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 2 you fall hosea 24 16 prover 24 16 for a judgement followed seven times and,hosea,24,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 24 verse 16 when it comes to wisdom in the book of john 1 17 the word of god says that the god of our lord jesus christ,john,1,17.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 17 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in ruth chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,ruth,23,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 23 verse 2 scripture where you read philemon chapter four all right from verse six,philemon,4,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 6 there's an element of this in the scripture in 3 john 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil,3 john,1,39.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 39 companion the companion that never fails were looking at ezekiel chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there,ezekiel,1,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5 if you still are in the book of job it's go to acts chapter 5 and verse 32 this is peter preaching on,job,5,32.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 32 you said it was at a well in the land of media and was that correct joel 2 16 to 21,joel,2,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 16 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola ezra 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can,ezra,37,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 37 verse 5 confessed and on dependency on confessed and no repentance see in jude 49 3 to 4 genesis 49,jude,49,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 49 verse 3 okay the memory verse first malachi chapter 20 verse 6,malachi,20,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 6 them and will guide them to springs of water ecclesiastes 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the,ecclesiastes,55,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 55 verse 12 the dead 17th chapter of the book of 1 corinthians and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is,1 corinthians,1,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 looking at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 versace age now the just shall live by faith it's not enough to,song of solomon (song of songs),10,38.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 38 you tried verse 12 all right luke 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly,luke,22,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 12 feasts are given to them together here in 2 thessalonians 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20,2 thessalonians,12,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 15 speak to us from is from 1 corinthians chapter 44 and verse 3 isaiah chapter 44. verse 3 i,1 corinthians,44,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 44 verse 3 plan and so the bible says here uh in judges 7 8 that the spirit of god constantly reinforcing reminds us it,judges,7,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 8 have to actually confess with your mouth that jesus lord that's that's 2 corinthians 10 verse 9 and 10 that's that's what this is,2 corinthians,10,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 9 other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 2 timothy 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me,2 timothy,16,7.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 7 is earth shaking god hear what he said in micah chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,micah,6,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 25 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in jonah chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling,jonah,5,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 5 to damning our traditions look at nehemiah 3 verse 3 are you so foolish,nehemiah,3,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 3 house in the book of habakkuk 65 and verse 4 he said blessed is the man that thou,habakkuk,65,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 65 verse 4 that kind of behavior ezra 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared,ezra,2,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 11 you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh joshua 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my,joshua,55,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 55 verse 11 as a child of god ezekiel chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews 1 13 to 14 angels are ministering spirits,ezekiel,1,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 13 we are at nahum 11 and we're gonna be starting in verse 2 and he says daniel 11 to it says and now i will tell you the,nahum,11,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 2 the only qualification is nahum 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,nahum,10,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 9 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of 1 timothy chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,1 timothy,22,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 22 verse 2 but don't forget after matthew 8 verse 28 is romans 8 verse 29 profound insight right but what is 829 says it says whom he,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 jonah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus,jonah,10,38.0,1.0,jonah chapter 10 verse 38 "everyone has a part to play. nehemiah four, 16 says, ""he makes the whole body",nehemiah,4,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 16 nahum chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,nahum,3,26.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 26 numbers 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin,numbers,4,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 31 understand god takes no pleasure in judging people god says in 1 timothy 33 11,1 timothy,33,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 33 verse 11 people okay so if you understand that it says in 1 thessalonians 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,1 thessalonians,10,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 2 i want we gotta read scripture carefully 1 peter 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which,1 peter,4,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 19 ark as a messenger is that correct matthew 8 7 actually agrees with you a raven was this second bird ten points,matthew,8,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 7 things so here colossians 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,colossians,14,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 12 because this is yours see this is mine 2 kings chapter 3 verse 4 it says the vow has a few names even in saudis,2 kings,3,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 4 disobedience to god just like balaam did in 2 corinthians chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,2 corinthians,22,32.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 32 for healing we are praying for healing the book of lamentations of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god,lamentations,10,38.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 38 titus 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,titus,3,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 4 [applause] 2 peter 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,2 peter,5,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 25 i know my covenant and abide with it 1 peter 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,1 peter,11,32.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 32 it's certainly a miniature full declaration the gospel so is 1 chronicles 55 6 to 7 the essence of all biblical,1 chronicles,55,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 6 that's random 1 kings galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2,1 kings,2,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 2 shall not the judge of all the earth do right hosea 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,hosea,18,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 18 verse 25 "god is truth and every word of god is true. matthew 1 verse 2 says, ""god cannot lie."" are there some things that god cannot do?",matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in psalms chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less,psalms,40,31.0,1.0,psalms chapter 40 verse 31 what does it say judges chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god,judges,4,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 7 psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to ezra chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look,ezra,3,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 12 something that i hope impacts you mark chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,mark,13,46.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 46 by your hands in 2 john chapter 14 and,2 john,14,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 14 you are still healed what does the bible say micah 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13,micah,13,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 8 hosea 8 7 and in the beginning of hosea chapter 4 they do not know the thoughts of the,hosea,8,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 7 i want to draw your attention back into the first chapter of zechariah and i i want us to look at verses 11,zechariah,1,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 one the manifold mercy for the recovery of the sick when you came at 1 john chapter 9 i read from verse 19. i want,1 john,9,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 19 to have everything that goes with it lamentations 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,lamentations,2,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 25 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know joshua 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,joshua,16,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 3 power of sin and the power over it in jude 7 7 through 8 he says yet if it had not been for the law i would not,jude,7,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 7 1 chronicles chapter 36 in ezekiel chapter 36 a medium from verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 it tells us in,1 chronicles,36,25.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 36 verse 25 defense 1 kings 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,1 kings,8,31.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 31 find is put the peace of the flesh that's what habakkuk in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with,habakkuk,8,36.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 8 verse 36 shall be established unto you so god has given up leviticus 4 7 james 4 7 submit yourself therefore,leviticus,4,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 7 something else notice here in 2 peter daniel chapter 7 look at verse 20 what you have is ten horns you see it,2 peter,7,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 2 look at this now in judges chapter 14 verse 25 the revelation for his purified bride the revelation for his purified,judges,14,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 25 us with might in our spirit man esther 3 16. to be strengthened with might in our,esther,3,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 16 doors now zephaniah 5 and verse 8. the word says for ye were sometimes,zephaniah,5,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 8 and a time to heal a time to break down a time to build up and 1 corinthians 32 verse 39 god declared i kill and i make,1 corinthians,32,39.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 39 this coming sunday in nehemiah chapter 10 verse 3 the angel of the lord appeared to,nehemiah,10,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 3 chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king 1 timothy version the bible says the next day john saw,1 timothy,1,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 29 after the holy ghost is come upon you ezra chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 miracles signs and wonders ruth 13 13 to 14 says,ruth,13,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 13 [applause] look at 1 samuel chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 16 daniel chapter 2 we're,1 samuel,2,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 16 being filled with the holy spirit they all quote 1 kings 2 4. i've spent my life,1 kings,2,4.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 4 faithfulness gentleness control against such there is no law ruth 5 22 23 galatians 5 22 23 for the fruits of the,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word 2 corinthians 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,2 corinthians,1,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 god and then there's another prophecy in mark exodus chapter 12 verse 46 and it says in one house shall it be eaten that,mark,12,46.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 46 beyond job 13 and verse 44 the scripture says the next sabbath day,job,13,44.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 44 belonging to christ in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 27,song of solomon (song of songs),3,27.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 27 a sin. 2 chronicles 13 verse 13 is listed with vices. galatians 5 verse 21 it is listed with vices; 1,2 chronicles,5,21.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 21 one can receive anything from him ruth 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,ruth,11,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 6 said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at joshua chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29,joshua,8,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 29 were preaching the gospel in lamentations of the apostle chapter 16 and in verses 25,lamentations,16,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 16 verse 25 accept sacrifice of praise 1 kings 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,1 kings,17,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 26 so if you read annie 1 timothy chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is,1 timothy,2,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 11 for you on what you should do next john 1115 says whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely,john,11,15.0,1.0,john chapter 11 verse 15 people will live super long lives jonah 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only,jonah,65,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 65 verse 2 and verse 5 ecclesiastes 35 verse 5 the bible says take ye from among you an offering unto,ecclesiastes,35,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 35 verse 5 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 2 peter 12 11 talking about jesus,2 peter,12,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 11 what did we see in the last chapter 1 timothy 4 37 god is able to humble those who walk in pride,1 timothy,4,37.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 37 theory serpent and scorpions you will you know from matthew chapter 21 verse 6 fairy serpent and scorpions evil beasts,matthew,21,6.0,1.0,matthew chapter 21 verse 6 if i will choose to truly repent of them luke 18 20 to 24,luke,18,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 2 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it zephaniah 17 verse 30 s talking about god having,zephaniah,17,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 17 verse 3 a life of peace micah 4 6 and 7. the bible tells us be anxious,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into 1 peter that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive,1 peter,12,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 21 provided for in luke 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of,luke,13,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 25 take your bible go all the way to the end nehemiah 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who,nehemiah,21,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 21 verse 9 demons but ecclesiastes 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure,ecclesiastes,20,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 20 verse 29 say loud amen colossians chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 over the ark which holds the testimony 2 chronicles 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,2 chronicles,25,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 25 verse 22 abraham god the favor of god 2 john 18 3 genesis 183 abraham found favor with god,2 john,18,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 3 every child of god but how can we gain access to that inheritance in 1 timothy verse 17 the bible says upon mount zion,1 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 careful it says in zechariah chapter 5 verse 3. but fornication and all uncleanness or,zechariah,5,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 3 good works that you're equipped for okay colossians 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of,colossians,30,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 30 verse 5 stimulates joy 2 samuel 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the,2 samuel,17,22.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 22 ever how ezra 17 four five four two five north bones,ezra,17,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 4 and day and night shall not see now in leviticus 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,leviticus,4,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 15 world with a flood he said in joel chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,joel,9,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 12 then you look at all of those blessings listed in amos chapter 58 and verse 6 to 14.,amos,58,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 58 verse 6 for others look at the bus 24 again haggai chapter 10 verse 24 it says let us consider one another consider this a,haggai,10,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 24 expectation in the book of nahum 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end,nahum,23,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 18 was preaching on amos chapter three shadrach meshach and abednego,amos,3,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 3 there's a lot of scripture coming for habakkuk 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay,habakkuk,5,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 14 is the hope to which he has called you or go further 2 corinthians 4 13 we see that christ gave gifts to men and he gave,2 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 plan for your life and according to 1 timothy 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one,1 timothy,20,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 20 verse 11 um but let's let's read on leviticus 16 15. after she was baptized in her household,leviticus,16,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 16 verse 15 who can be against us he went further in titus 8 at 7. romans 8 at,titus,8,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 7 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's mark 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",mark,66,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 66 verse 22 not on your own understanding 3 john 3 5 you are leaning on the understanding of god allowing him,3 john,3,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 5 these children of god in 1 kings chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says,1 kings,39,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 39 verse 5 in demonstration amos chapter 3 verse 5 in joshua chapter three verse five here he says that joshua sage unto,amos,3,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 3 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of 2 thessalonians 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,2 thessalonians,8,29.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 29 before you 2 timothy chapter 7 verse 8 tells us that the end of the matter,2 timothy,7,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 7 verse 8 replaced by pure joy 2 samuel 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and,2 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 not able to do anything haggai chapter 1 verse 14 it's only one chapter he said but without thy mind,haggai,1,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 14 and yet in 2 thessalonians of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said,2 thessalonians,8,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 5 12 nahum 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper,nahum,1,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 12 he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in matthew 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and,matthew,8,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 22 references and i want to hear those pages turning 2 samuel chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some,2 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 day of sanctification it also sin obadiah chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 18. in acts 26 18 to,obadiah,26,18.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 18 says in in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 thou art worthy oh lord,2 corinthians,4,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 men and women were added to the church by titus 6 and verse 7 it says that there were multitudes the number of disciples,titus,6,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 7 don't let you go we go for you 2 chronicles 12 verse 12 and 13.,2 chronicles,12,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 12 i know my covenant and abide with it 1 corinthians 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,1 corinthians,11,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 32 conspired against him in 2 john 37 verse 18 when he was sent with that on an era to,2 john,37,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 37 verse 18 joshua chapter 5 verses 19 and 20 where james says if you see your brother uh sinning and,joshua,5,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 19 of all men this is an important verse ruth 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends,ruth,12,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 18 jesus is my senior brother he is a firstborn in a family joel chapter 8 verse 29.,joel,8,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 29 church this year zechariah 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,zechariah,49,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 49 verse 25 prophets did say that about the messiah in joshua 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised,joshua,53,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 53 verse 3 and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so obadiah 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking,obadiah,29,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 29 verse 11 that becomes a promise yeah a promise in the book of psalms chapter 3 verse 13 the bible talks about what christ did,psalms,3,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 13 how did malachi 36 27 he said and i will put,malachi,36,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 36 verse 27 lecture 3 is taken from mark chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12,mark,12,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 7 christ it says here in psalms 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith,psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 the dead 17th chapter of the book of numbers and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 price for that sanctification 1 thessalonians chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,1 thessalonians,13,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 13 standard against him 1 timothy 59 verse 19 ever present helper,1 timothy,59,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 59 verse 19 questions so ezekiel 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,ezekiel,11,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 14 see and so god loves to intervene what does 2 samuel 4 7 tell us resist the devil and he will flee,2 samuel,4,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 7 yeah second chronicles 20 haggai you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah,haggai,20,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 16 and then psalms 25 from verse 8 he went,psalms,25,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 25 verse 8 itself is very very dangerous 1 corinthians 6 25 do not desire,1 corinthians,6,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 25 but they did beat them instead yet we see in haggai 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they,haggai,5,41.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 41 grace because sin will not rule over me micah 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say,micah,6,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 14 in psalms chapter 5 verses 6 to 8 romans 5 6 to 8 the bible says for when we were still without strength,psalms,5,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 6 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him matthew 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,matthew,5,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 3 word of god says in 2 timothy 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ,2 timothy,5,21.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 21 praying we're still praying the bible says in matthew chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14,matthew,9,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 13 open that's in the book of 1 john also in isaiah 22 verse 22 he talked about the key of,1 john,22,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 22 in esther chapter 8 verse 21 look at what the bible tells us there it says ezra chapter 8 verse 21 he says at the river,esther,8,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 21 now there is a very clear allusion to 1 chronicles 45 23 when,1 chronicles,45,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 45 verse 23 as contained in god's word mark 29 verse 11 he says i know the thoughts i have towards you,mark,29,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 11 this morning we'd like you to draw your attention to 1 kings chapter 3 verse 16 malachi 3 16 here's the prophet said,1 kings,3,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 16 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of psalms chapter 15 four to five judges 15,psalms,15,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 15 verse 4 1 timothy 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,1 timothy,15,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 18 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet micah 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,micah,4,32.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 32 just psalm 19 here's luke 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory verses,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 for me look at 2 chronicles chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28,2 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 i'll show you this word used in another context think it will help song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to,song of solomon (song of songs),13,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 8 chapter 34 and verse 5. if you consider my servant hosea job the greatest businessman of his day,hosea,34,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 34 verse 5 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look actually 1 chronicles 4 i think since then moses said to the lord oh,1 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 we're in obadiah how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,obadiah,13,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 4 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 1 john 22 and verse 30,1 john,22,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 3 nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in zephaniah chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so hosea says uh and she said to her uh all that you,hosea,1,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 5 choices moses successor haggai summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,haggai,24,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 24 verse 15 right and that the word for ball that we do see in malachi 22 18 he says i'm gonna throw you like like a like a ball is he,malachi,22,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 18 in amos chapter 2 verse 36 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 from arawa which is by the brink of the,amos,2,36.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 36 and i'm reading here from verse 11. in 1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw a great white,1 corinthians,20,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 11 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 esther 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,esther,32,39.0,1.0,esther chapter 32 verse 39 of your heart then there's 1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed,1 thessalonians,12,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 stand why because he's the author of marriage numbers chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said,numbers,2,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 18 of the condition of the heart look at ezra zechariah chapter 7,ezra,7,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 7 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in habakkuk 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,habakkuk,2,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3 of you have dropped out but so we start with titus 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the,titus,1,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 11 bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in luke chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is,luke,7,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 18 who keep the words of the prophecy of joel that's verse seven behold i am coming,joel,1,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 7 very important in what we have to do first of them is esther chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6,esther,22,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 22 chapter 3 were looking at four six malachi chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,malachi,3,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 6 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in 2 thessalonians 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,2 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 member look at verse 4 jonah chapter 12 verse 4,jonah,12,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 4 go now verse 4 please verse 4. song of solomon (song of songs) 27 4 i'll make me go to three go to three please twenty seven three,song of solomon (song of songs),27,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 27 verse 4 i am saved look at mark chapter 10 reading from verse 9. it says that if,mark,10,9.0,1.0,mark chapter 10 verse 9 the word of god tells us in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people draw near to me with their mouth,1 thessalonians,29,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 13 information now numbers two verse two to seven some two,numbers,2,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 7 sickness affliction haggai chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is,haggai,5,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 13 will you please turn to esther the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,esther,22,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 2 you cannot be delivered from others and look at what mark 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim,mark,6,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 16 to verse 20 in you bring this to a close he animal the king hezekiah and jonah the prophet son of a up straight about,jonah,1,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 2 you're doing this the first one is in joshua chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,joshua,40,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 40 verse 3 numbers chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 tells us that if you,numbers,9,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 4 let me just read this scripture in 2 kings 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall,2 kings,27,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 27 verse 24 words is dead also i want you to look at 2 john chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16,2 john,1,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 16 and you will praise the lord in jesus name in 2 peter chapter five james chapter five,2 peter,5,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 5 "to speak in a known human language. listen to haggai 2, verses 7 and 8, ""they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not",haggai,2,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 7 and then in psalms chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of,psalms,4,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 6 account but right her view of 1 john 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs,1 john,3,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 28 companion the companion that never fails were looking at jonah chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there,jonah,1,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 5 joshua chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other,joshua,9,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 8 but the rest is the story of evil luke 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on,luke,12,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 3 you want to speak to him the bible tells us in ezra 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to,ezra,14,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 14 verse 28 promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of hosea one uh we've got the record that judah,hosea,1,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 8 from ethiopia and we read in matthew chapter 8 verse 39 after he,matthew,8,39.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 39 this city but things did not go as planned look at 1 timothy four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city,1 timothy,4,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 5 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in judges chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness,judges,10,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 12 8 this is explained like this the righteous requirement of the law luke 8 4 is now fulfilled inside us who do,luke,8,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 4 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder luke 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,luke,15,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 11 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of nehemiah chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,nehemiah,2,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 final day god's mercy verse 13 jude 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy,jude,2,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 13 the knowledge of who christ is song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 a meeting from verse 16.,song of solomon (song of songs),15,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 16 it also says the same thing in nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the,nehemiah,12,9.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 chapter 8 of joshua and verse 18 says deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18 but thou shalt remember the lord that,joshua,8,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 18 to have everything that goes with it micah 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts have,micah,2,25.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 25 and a nation to be born at once nehemiah 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth,nehemiah,66,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 66 verse 7 righteousness ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom,ecclesiastes,8,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 18 testimony can raise the debt can read the story in 2 john of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41,2 john,9,39.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 39 god is promising judgment from the prophet 1 peter and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read,1 peter,3,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 16 those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's luke 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it,luke,10,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 2 they corrupt others they corrupt others joshua 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same,joshua,15,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 2 "there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in habakkuk 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive",habakkuk,2,41.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 41 he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in ecclesiastes chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20,ecclesiastes,28,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 28 verse 2 in a dirty vessel you can't do that zephaniah chapter 12 verse 14 without holiness without sanctification no man,zephaniah,12,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 14 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 hosea chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,hosea,33,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 33 verse 11 power judges 1 3 arise and shine because,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 despite affliction look at verse 13 of leviticus chapter 4 you know i was through infirmity of the flesh,leviticus,4,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 13 you verse 32 1 timothy 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,1 timothy,8,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 32 spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king nehemiah version talks about this transformation,nehemiah,3,18.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 18 brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 1 john 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a,1 john,22,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 3 it's alone or as one and so esther 2 21 and 22 we have what's called the splitting of the atom,esther,2,21.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 21 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,2 peter,1,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 ecclesiastes it says and in his state shall stand up,ecclesiastes,11,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 21 it says then you are saying that's in 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 and now it says,2 thessalonians,10,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 9 in mark chapter 1 verse 17 to 19 jeremiah 1 17 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 in jonah chapter 18 genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9 to 14,jonah,18,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 18 verse 9 approach unto in ruth chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22,ruth,22,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 22 verse 6 thing that god gave me is in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 30.,2 chronicles,22,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 3 you another example 1 corinthians in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6.,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 man paul says in jonah 3 17 be followers together of me,jonah,3,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 17 joel chapter 7 verse 14 isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign,joel,7,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 14 because in amos chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when joshua asked,amos,10,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 12 brother can i read that one more time ezekiel 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,ezekiel,18,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 18 verse 24 gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam 3 john 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new,3 john,12,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 11 the law by wisdom has founded here nehemiah 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones,nehemiah,3,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 19 as we worship god tonight with our seed zechariah chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus,zechariah,28,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 28 verse 8 that's why the money is kept with you jude 1 17 to 21. money can provide food for the hungry,jude,1,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 17 but as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children 2 chronicles 66 verse 7 to 8 acts chapter 6 verse 4 we,2 chronicles,66,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 66 verse 7 we can make it louder and stronger nehemiah chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from,nehemiah,84,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 84 verse 7 verse 23 very important script i want us to read together tonight micah 6 verse 23 please can we projected i want i want,micah,6,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 23 one the manifold mercy for the recovery of the sick when you came at luke chapter 9 i read from verse 19. i want,luke,9,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 19 judges chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 person is finished that's why john chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul,john,9,15.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 15 we're in 2 samuel how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4,2 samuel,13,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 13 verse 4 in ruth chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that,ruth,14,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 14 verse 21 word the lord gave us when we started cfc luke 1 verse 11 you remember very clearly speaking on this and almost one,luke,1,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 11 your mind in jesus but here's here's four numbers chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't,numbers,2,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 8 are you still with me today that's why the bible says in ezra 8 and verse 28 for we know that all things,ezra,8,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 28 will buy everything job we're reading from chapter 9 jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23,job,9,23.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 23 believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving obadiah chapter 4 verse 6,obadiah,4,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from joel 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from,joel,34,29.0,1.0,joel chapter 34 verse 29 church for life 2 timothy 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,2 timothy,23,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 23 verse 2 we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to luke 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can,luke,5,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 5 in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of joshua chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in,joshua,11,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 6 it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. mark chapter 45,mark,45,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 45 verse 2 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20,2 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 that i put on the wall and was about joshua 5 18 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it,joshua,5,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 18 here in titus sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven,titus,1,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 16 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation 1 timothy chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians,1 timothy,2,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 8 disappear why judges 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name,judges,2,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 9 thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 joshua chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of,joshua,9,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 9 verse 24 today's conversation beautiful people versus psalms chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever,psalms,5,29.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 29 apostle wrote to the roman christian in obadiah chapter 18 verse 37 in all those things we are more than control through,obadiah,18,37.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 37 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 3 john 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,3 john,1,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 13 but god leader 1 thessalonians chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,1 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 what the scripture says in the book of esther chapter 26 and verse 8,esther,26,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 26 verse 8 is inimity against god leviticus 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after,leviticus,8,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 5 this he says paul says in 2 kings 4 5 that there's only one faith,2 kings,4,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 5 as we trust him for newness joel 32 15 it says until the spirit is poured upon us from one eye,joel,32,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 15 faithfulness and his goodness in every area of our lives micah chapter 5 and verse 20 the bible says ephesians,micah,5,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 2 four in order that this was what went over in jonah 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does,jonah,5,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 16 for the sake body it helps us in 1 timothy chapter 15,1 timothy,15,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 15 this is how he uses the body in jude 4 we read in verse 7 to each,jude,4,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 7 like apostle paul said in 2 chronicles chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,2 chronicles,8,38.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 38 and the interest of his kingdom now let's rewind a little in jonah chapter 1 verse 26 god said let now let,jonah,1,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 26 28 1 john chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom,1 john,12,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 28 an answer here look at joshua 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,joshua,1,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 9 comments questions observations then amos 728 from that verse about um what does it,amos,7,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 28 everywhere will continue because the word of god says in john chapter 9 verse 21 yay,john,9,21.0,1.0,john chapter 9 verse 21 and all that 2 john 36 37 i will build my church it will keep,2 john,36,37.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 37 one and verse number eight philemon of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god,philemon,1,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 8 "at the end of the time of the tribulation. numbers 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come",numbers,6,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 12 he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in leviticus 6 13,leviticus,6,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 13 will become a standing kingdom ecclesiastes 12 3 you can become a star your stature,ecclesiastes,12,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 3 see some of the problem here in 2 thessalonians 4 24,2 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 zephaniah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,zephaniah,1,28.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 28 missionary journey lamentations of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,lamentations,4,36.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 36 holy look at john chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,john,20,7.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 7 um so when we we uh we look at say 1 kings 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,1 kings,28,24.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 28 verse 24 your habit in jesus name well look in our arch nahum chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8,nahum,13,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 13 verse 8 vegetarian diets put it up ezekiel 1 verse 29 genesis 1 verse 29 and god said seek already together one to go,ezekiel,1,29.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 29 job chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse,job,1,17.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 17 a bible tells us in ezra chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to,ezra,19,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 3 disappointment let me let me start out tonight by reading from 1 kings chapter 5 from the three to five from the new king,1 kings,5,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 3 wills nor of him who runs these things go together amos 10 verses 2 & 3 this is the one who's willing and running for,amos,10,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 2 jesus name psalms chapter 2 verse 25 revelation 2 verse 25,psalms,2,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 25 was taken from ezekiel 2 verse 21 and and daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and,ezekiel,2,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 21 in which to deceive that's been established look at obadiah chapter 13 verse 9 hebrews,obadiah,13,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 9 people okay so if you understand that it says in 3 john 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth,3 john,10,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 10 verse 2 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of 2 chronicles says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",2 chronicles,10,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 14 esther chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 and it i read from then from verse 14 people chapter 4,esther,4,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 14 and this is for somebody in particular 1 samuel 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can,1 samuel,26,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 sinner matthew 3 26 for you are all sons of god,matthew,3,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 26 let's make it louder and stronger jonah chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,jonah,2,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 2 illumination if you look read um 1 chronicles 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,1 chronicles,21,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 21 verse 23 jahangir let us look at ruth chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,ruth,49,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 49 verse 7 in his words in habakkuk chapter 28 verse 15,habakkuk,28,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 15 jump ahead to verse 17 still there in chapter 11 of numbers here's here's the good part where god looks ahead to the,numbers,11,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 17 1000 generation in song of solomon (song of songs) david always says psalm 103 verse 17,song of solomon (song of songs),103,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 103 verse 17 don't there is no shame i promise 2 thessalonians chapter 1 looking at verse 3 and i'm gonna read a couple verses after,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in 1 corinthians chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,1 corinthians,18,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 4 he has put wheels under it rejoicing bringing in the sheaves with him 2 chronicles 21 and verse 27 i will overthawn,2 chronicles,21,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 27 was preaching on leviticus chapter three shadrach meshach and abednego,leviticus,3,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 god himself in 2 chronicles chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the,2 chronicles,30,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 6 new heaven passages just the verse 2 john 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new,2 john,65,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 65 verse 17 today definitely speaks right to it 2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 4 we can start with that and i want to give you very,2 chronicles,50,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 50 verse 4 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 zephaniah 32,zephaniah,7,32.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 32 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories,2 chronicles,3,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 nehemiah chapter 6 i'll read from verse 6 to 11 from the new king james version chapter 6 to 11,nehemiah,6,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 6 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of ruth 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,ruth,11,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 8 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed,1 thessalonians,10,38.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 38 the ninth hour but this is what philemon spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29,philemon,2,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 28 lord and better amen ezra chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,ezra,13,44.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 44 have learned as i have memorized this verse 14 and 15 colossians chapter 3 that passage we've been memorizing for this,colossians,3,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 14 faithfulness gentleness self to control against such there is no law esther 5 and verse 22 someone wants to declare,esther,5,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 22 in joel chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53,joel,53,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 53 verse 3 you'll read the story of joseph in lamentations 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14,lamentations,41,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 41 verse 13 you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 2 timothy chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the,2 timothy,1,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 6 deliver his soul from hell now shall deliver his soul from hell haggai 23 verse 14 hebrews 12 verse 7 hebrews 12,haggai,23,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 23 verse 14 for the whole city let's come back to 2 samuel chapter 8 and i'm looking at verse 5,2 samuel,8,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 5 drink 1 thessalonians chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and,1 thessalonians,1,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 15 edition 2 john chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31,2 john,4,31.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 31 of of of uh of verse 4 joel 4 new leaving translation quickly,joel,4,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 4 verse 4 conquerors 2 john 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence,2 john,8,35.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 35 in my life i'm gonna seek you for it one last verse numbers chapter 8 and verse 3 verse 2 he speaks here about the law of,numbers,8,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 3 you will see the story more so ezra 32 that i'm reading 5 50 verse 52 yet thou shalt see the land,ezra,32,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 32 verse 5 you get rewards the bible says in luke 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,luke,11,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 6 this is said over and over again in the new testament psalms 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and,psalms,2,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 12 king chapter three and verse 11 the kings esther and other kings came together and they were looking for a,esther,3,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 11 financial difficulties that's why in philemon 4 32 and it talks about how the early church pooled their resources,philemon,4,32.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 32 testament paul would write this in ruth 2 verse 16 and 17 he says so let no one judge you in food or in drink,ruth,2,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 16 the sons of levi and not only that there was a law in zechariah 4 verse 15 which said that even the sons of levi were not,zechariah,4,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 15 then the sorry verse 15 so they picked up ezra they threw him into the sea,ezra,1,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 15 everlasting father praise of peace you jump from there to john chapter one verse eight,john,1,8.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 8 colossians chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,colossians,12,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 3 so there's a lot going on around us but habakkuk 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and,habakkuk,5,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 15 their salvation allow that email 1 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 20 sees and we lift up an enzyme,1 corinthians,5,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 multitudes and 1 john chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6,1 john,6,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 7 and if you read colossians chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,colossians,17,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 17 verse 8 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from lamentations 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph,lamentations,37,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 37 verse 5 the bible said in 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,1 timothy,4,19.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 in jesus name open the lord look at colossians chapter 1 verse 21 golucius chapter 1,colossians,1,21.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 21 psalm 45 7. and joshua chapter 13 and verse 52 he said acts 13 52 and disciples who are,joshua,13,52.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 52 their conversation will be what's in one theory psalms 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,psalms,13,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 7 it is not over yet ruth 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the,ruth,7,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 7 he preached for miriam and they were told in judges chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers,judges,12,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 3 on the screen right now praise god mark chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25,mark,25,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 25 verse 2 prepare the way for the fire of the lord in 2 samuel chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the,2 samuel,40,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 40 verse 3 in jesus name jonah chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses,jonah,12,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 7 where we've been so 2 kings chapter 9 reading from 6,2 kings,9,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 6 good ecclesiastes 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift obadiah 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,obadiah,6,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 13 look habakkuk 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again,habakkuk,11,33.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 33 wonderful and counselor but in jonah 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign,jonah,7,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 14 children of israel and the word of god tells us in the book of 1 timothy 3 and verse 29,1 timothy,3,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 29 version this is the original 1611 king titus version um if you can make it as big as possible,titus,16,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 11 faith what is that mean well look with me hosea 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of,hosea,13,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 2 it to help the poor ezra 13 6 13 16 sorry,ezra,13,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 6 extent of the devastation coming upon the world luke chapter 30 in verse 30,luke,30,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 30 verse 3 1 chronicles chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says,1 chronicles,3,26.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 26 coming 1 samuel 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,1 samuel,19,7.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 19 verse 7 the last verse for today will be read by jaina 2 peter chapter 9 verse 36 to 42.,2 peter,9,36.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 36 habakkuk 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,habakkuk,34,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 34 verse 16 of who he is joshua 43 3 for i am the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior,joshua,43,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 43 verse 3 amen i want you to look into the book of zechariah chapter 14. verse 15 and the lord said unto moses,zechariah,14,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 14 verse 15 [applause] in colossians 11 verse 11 we saw a land hidden with treasures but the,colossians,11,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 11 the same thing is repeated in hosea 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,hosea,4,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 2 teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in psalms chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20,psalms,8,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 2 leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn,leviticus,2,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 we will realize that the walks of the flesh in 2 john 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or,2 john,5,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 19 god 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22,1 corinthians,5,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 choose you know in 1 chronicles chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12.,1 chronicles,19,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at hosea chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,hosea,5,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 22 rebelled against god just like cora did and god said in 1 chronicles 3 19 you'll eat bread by the sweat of your brow until,1 chronicles,3,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 19 chapter 3 13 to 18 jude 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,jude,3,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 13 despise not thou the chastening of the lord 2 john 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29,2 john,12,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 5 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 1 kings 1 13 talking about jesus being the head,1 kings,1,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 13 1 chronicles 27 let me read it from was 22 to 29 genesis 27 verse 22 to 29 the story actually began in verse 1 the from verse,1 chronicles,27,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 27 verse 22 if they seal on omashu mama billina masha mama b from matthew chapter 12 verse 22 his endeavor za manga z singing,matthew,12,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 22 what are you going to steal from me what leviticus 4 verse 4 unit 1 4 verse 4 turns out that the only joy did,leviticus,4,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 4 hand of god here's another heaven rule sighting in verse 9 of malachi 1. god had granted daniel kindness and,malachi,1,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 9 seated we open the bibles to 2 thessalonians chapter 14 from verse 21,2 thessalonians,14,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 21 "the one who sought him. and then leviticus 8 verse 17 says, ""those who diligently seek me will find me.""",leviticus,8,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 17 this combines there's two illusions here this is to joshua 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at,joshua,7,13.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 13 2 kings 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,2 kings,3,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 4 from the beginning joel 46 9 to 10,joel,46,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 46 verse 9 in the name of jesus so we look at colossians 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,colossians,24,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 24 verse 2 habakkuk 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,habakkuk,17,28.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 17 verse 28 the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that song of solomon (song of songs) 23 verse 25 and 26,song of solomon (song of songs),23,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 23 verse 25 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know 2 thessalonians 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility,2 thessalonians,12,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 3 who is living in darkness and like i said in esther chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light,esther,1,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 3 effect of the fall and so you see in jude 21 and 2 it's for all eternity so what makes you so worried,jude,21,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 21 verse 2 in this church psalms chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves,psalms,8,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 9 "no sabbath has ever been required. 1 peter 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",1 peter,2,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 16 all right ebuka says that's what ezekiel 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,ezekiel,3,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 5 prayers family matters anybody have those issues 2 corinthians 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence,2 corinthians,14,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 is this not the fact that i've chosen zephaniah 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of,zephaniah,58,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 58 verse 6 shall not the judge of all the earth do right judges 18 25 he will judge the world in righteousness,judges,18,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 18 verse 25 5 verse 22 to 24 1 timothy 5 22 to 24 submit is what the bible says is,1 timothy,5,22.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 22 probably know it it goes like this 2 samuel 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in,2 samuel,10,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 9 the wiser we have the better we live zephaniah 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,zephaniah,12,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 2 that parenting is designed to provide in chapter 30 of lamentations verse 11 there is a kind of a man who,lamentations,30,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 30 verse 11 we'll get more into this in chapter 11 of 1 thessalonians so let's read on verse 20 this is but isaiah is very bold and says i,1 thessalonians,11,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 2 the bible is speaking in malachi chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the,malachi,47,47.0,1.0,malachi chapter 47 verse 47 and his love is wonderful but according to philemon chapter 12 verse 6,philemon,12,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 6 the presence of the lord and that from micah 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,micah,8,38.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 38 verse 28. zechariah 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing,zechariah,22,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 28 him in works 1 samuel 1 verse 16 and many other verses but sadly shaw's only remorse was,1 samuel,1,16.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 16 starting in song of solomon (song of songs) 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy,song of solomon (song of songs),3,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 21 at what god has for your life in my life in john 8 29 and see that to get that fulfilled in your life has given us a,john,8,29.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 29 the longer chapters in the book of mark and we're look at the first 15 verses here and it's a historical psalm,mark,1,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 15 spirit of wisdom that's an 2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 and revelation revelation deals with the,2 corinthians,11,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 jacob about joseph matthew 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,matthew,49,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 49 verse 2 refers loud and clear mark 4 16 let us therefore,mark,4,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 16 let's begin reading at verse 12 of 2 peter 1 he said and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being,2 peter,1,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 12 this is amos 16 4 5 decrees for to keep,amos,16,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 16 verse 4 well habakkuk chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as,habakkuk,24,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 24 verse 13 remember what he says at the end it says in john 13 3 remember those who are in prison,john,13,3.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 3 verses whole section from ruth 5 verse 21 all the way to ephesians 6 verse 9.,ruth,5,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 21 promised you see because god made a promise in 2 john chapter 3 verse 22 jeremiah 3 verse 22 he said ah,2 john,3,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 22 kill him as well in jonah chapter 12 and you continue through the book of acts and you see the same persecution arises,jonah,12,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 12 the flesh 2 corinthians 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with,2 corinthians,3,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 he preached on one of his messages on prayer amos 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the,amos,62,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 62 verse 6 look at lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind,lamentations,11,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in hosea 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily,hosea,49,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 49 verse 8 in the world today in luke chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god,luke,8,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 14 we are reading verse 4 in the book of malachi 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life,malachi,15,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 4 whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed luke 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical,luke,9,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 6 to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of job chapter 12 universe 2 it says be,job,12,2.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 2 if you read judges 39 7 to 12 genesis 39 7 to 12 enemy wanted to corrupt the life of joseph through adultery true,judges,39,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 39 verse 7 that becomes a promise yeah a promise in the book of luke chapter 3 verse 13 the bible talks about what christ did,luke,3,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 13 the other verse i want to read is from 2 peter 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,2 peter,12,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 19 experienced without passing the test the bible says in judges 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,judges,4,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 18 granted unto you supernaturally 1 timothy 9 5 those the jews smote all their enemies,1 timothy,9,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 5 class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in haggai 2 17 where it says let the priests who,haggai,2,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 17 this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from joshua chapter 36 verse 27,joshua,36,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 36 verse 27 us in the name of jesus in zephaniah chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we,zephaniah,7,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 12 marriage is created it isn't until we get to numbers chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,numbers,2,24.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 24 where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says 2 john chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says,2 john,3,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 2 spirit given fruit of love fruit of the spirit habakkuk 5 verse 22 the first one is love isn't it love this is the,habakkuk,5,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 22 and copy them ecclesiastes 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 the bible says,ecclesiastes,13,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 2 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing titus 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're,titus,13,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 13 verse 4 amen 1 thessalonians 34 25 i will make with them a covenant of peace i'll cause the evil,1 thessalonians,34,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 34 verse 25 no that's why it says in 1 thessalonians 5 he says think of job verse 11. it's not a fairy tale,1 thessalonians,5,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11 you will notice again if you go further to lamentations of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,lamentations,4,31.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 31 2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says,2 chronicles,9,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 4 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of haggai chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith,haggai,2,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 4 life only a dead crystal does that 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 john to the seven churches which are in asia grace,2 timothy,1,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 4 right non to jewish people numbers 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people,numbers,22,27.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 27 more grace to do that in jesus name look at john chapter 4 we're reading from verse 12,john,4,12.0,1.0,john chapter 4 verse 12 harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of philemon and we're reading from verse 27,philemon,42,27.0,1.0,philemon chapter 42 verse 27 time to rejoice 1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 and it all starts when you're born haggai 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,haggai,22,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 15 of the father now according to hosea chapter 8 verse 16 to 17,hosea,8,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 16 a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom amos 1 5. proverbs 9 9,amos,1,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 5 above all the heavens that he might fill all things 1 kings 2 verse 9 jesus crowned with glory and honor first peter 3 says,1 kings,2,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 9 bible says in psalm in joshua i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord,joshua,15,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 15 verse 4 for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in 2 john 4 verse 13 he says the promise to,2 john,4,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 13 through the prophet of god 1 samuel definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19,1 samuel,1,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 19 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve leviticus 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,leviticus,4,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 3 drives me to find him more i will find him more because 1 kings 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that,1 kings,4,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 8 and in building the body of christ 2 timothy 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will,2 timothy,12,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 encapsulated by that realm 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 3 says true faith we understand that the whole world,1 timothy,11,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 3 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane malachi 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,malachi,53,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 53 verse 6 god answered them in nahum chapter 4 29 to 30 acts chapter 4 29 to 90 prayer prayer to god is omnipresent,nahum,4,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 29 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in lamentations 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,lamentations,8,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 23 jude chapter 5 and you read from verse 8 in hebrews chapter 5 verse 8 though he wear a son yet lenny obedient,jude,5,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 8 is a military book in matthew chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war,matthew,15,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 15 verse 3 [applause] ezra 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ,ezra,5,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 25 ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in colossians chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to,colossians,16,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 6 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this psalms chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,psalms,39,39.0,1.0,psalms chapter 39 verse 39 is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in mark 23 and verse 29,mark,23,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 23 verse 29 other people song of solomon (song of songs) 26 3 says you lord give true,song of solomon (song of songs),26,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 verse 3 closing of this age but the second mentioning in haggai 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,haggai,21,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 21 verse 22 you are entering your place in destiny 1 chronicles 4 verse 11 down to verse 13. i take john's version he said take,1 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an song of solomon (song of songs) 320 work that is beyond what these women,song of solomon (song of songs),3,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 2 the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in 1 thessalonians 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to,1 thessalonians,80,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 80 verse 17 sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 zechariah chapter 2 verse 5,zechariah,2,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 5 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift 3 john 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,3 john,6,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 13 guilty hosea chapter 28 verse 20. and he had to grow some cost,hosea,28,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 28 verse 2 it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view nehemiah 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of,nehemiah,30,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 30 verse 15 comfort upon mount zion that is why the word of god declares to us in haggai chapter 42 verse 21 down to verse 23,haggai,42,21.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 21 on that in lamentations chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend,lamentations,3,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 18 something has to change in my life in ezra 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,ezra,24,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 24 verse 3 and season the bible tells me in the book of leviticus chapter 2 verse 21 and he changes the,leviticus,2,21.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 21 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with zephaniah chapter 42 verse 2.,zephaniah,42,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 42 verse 2 so he goes joshua one verse nine this is my comment,joshua,1,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 9 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues nehemiah 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says,nehemiah,2,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 8 more than 40 shiloh's in impact jude chapter 44 verse 26 says that confirmed the word of his servant,jude,44,26.0,1.0,jude chapter 44 verse 26 in his words in lamentations chapter 28 verse 15,lamentations,28,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 15 real look at zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who,zephaniah,2,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 14 earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at mark 22 2 in the middle of a street on either side,mark,22,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 2 it's also reiterated by the prophet ecclesiastes chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,ecclesiastes,62,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 62 verse 6 33 1 john chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely,1 john,20,33.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 33 god we become the children of god look at obadiah chapter 5 verse 19. in james chapter 5 reading from verse 19 brethren,obadiah,5,19.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 19 the lord is like guard your heart and it reminds me of philemon 4 and 23 it says guard your heart because out of it flows,philemon,4,23.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 23 the word of god joel chapter 14 verse 14.,joel,14,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 14 that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith ecclesiastes 4 12 we're told of a performance he said he,ecclesiastes,4,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12 i read from verse 23 micah chapter 10,micah,10,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 10 verse 23 through this prophetic season in ruth chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when,ruth,2,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 6 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of jonah reading from verse 7,jonah,22,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 22 verse 7 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of philemon chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14,philemon,9,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 14 how you move from negative emotions to positive nahum chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,nahum,4,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 6 people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times hosea 22 6 train up a child in the way he should,hosea,22,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 6 he says in joshua chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 is a riches can make themselves wings and fly away,joshua,23,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 23 verse 5 is the great physician himself the one who said in 2 peter 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the,2 peter,15,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 26 pursuing and seeking to save that which was lost nahum chapter 20 verse 24,nahum,20,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 20 verse 24 it he jesus name we pray a obadiah chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a,obadiah,26,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 26 verse 27 ecclesiastes i gotta read these verses to you james chapter one verses two through four,ecclesiastes,1,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 2 the full wave of the glory of god look at luke 8 26 romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also,luke,8,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 26 antichrist be formed in you nehemiah 4 19. we travail to pass them we travel to see them established and as,nehemiah,4,19.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 19 healing for the sick body chapter 23 of ezekiel exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25,ezekiel,23,25.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 25 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 zechariah 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness,zechariah,1,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 9 established ruth 1 11 he said in philippians 1 7 you are all,ruth,1,11.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 11 when you get to esther chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so,esther,33,8.0,1.0,esther chapter 33 verse 8 we pray in 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 37 the bible says now,2 corinthians,2,37.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 37 "but being full of the holy spirit,"" to verse 55 of 1 thessalonians 7 to ""he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at",1 thessalonians,7,55.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 55 1 kings chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 and we will begin in verse 13 but let's read,1 kings,3,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 13 ezekiel chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 aware of the details of what's going on in my life 1 peter 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,1 peter,34,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 34 verse 21 finished it is finished it is finished ezra chapter 2 from verse 14,ezra,2,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 14 and verse 30. hosea chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,hosea,17,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 3 from 16 let's start reading from 16 haggai 43 from 16 he said those says the lord which maketh a way,haggai,43,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 43 verse 14 is a god who does not lie so esther chapter 7 when you read verse 14,esther,7,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 14 in our hearts 2 corinthians 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel,2 corinthians,17,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 9 and it echoes what paul talks about in 1 peter 3 28 when he says there is neither jew,1 peter,3,28.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 28 has already called us in judges chapter 8 verse 16 and if this is the reason for this,judges,8,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 16 13 to 15. nahum chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,nahum,33,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 13 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it luke 2 14 the lord,luke,2,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 14 somebody shout hallelujah numbers three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or,numbers,3,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 2 "verses in chapter 12 that address this. 2 john 12, verse 14 verse ""bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.""",2 john,12,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 14 in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that colossians the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the,colossians,58,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 58 verse 11 2 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems,2 timothy,14,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 from verse 5 leviticus 11 5 by faith enoch was translated,leviticus,11,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 5 2 kings chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 7 verse 22 says there is a blessing of the lord maker to reach,2 kings,10,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 22 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to habakkuk chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,habakkuk,50,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 50 verse 19 everything that god wants me to do mark 4 13.,mark,4,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 13 diligent let us be diligent verse 11 1 timothy 4 verse 11 concluded this that is we diligent enter into that rest holy,1 timothy,4,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 11 about is flushing like after the massage in haggai chapter 4 verse 6 it says but he gives more grace that is why,haggai,4,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 6 amen i want you to look into the book of leviticus chapter 14. verse 15 and the lord said unto moses,leviticus,14,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 15 uh and you're going to pray for speed as well speed uh in numbers 27 when you read verse 20,numbers,27,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 27 verse 2 we need to bear one another's burdens in numbers chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this,numbers,6,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 2 reading from verse 7 ezekiel 1 verse 7 in whom,ezekiel,1,7.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 7 the savior jude chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,jude,17,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 17 verse 3 now there is a very clear allusion to luke 45 23 when,luke,45,23.0,1.0,luke chapter 45 verse 23 we are told in the word where the word of the king is there is power esther in chapter 1 in verse 5 verse 5 he said,esther,1,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 5 numbers one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for,numbers,1,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 4 information now hosea two verse two to seven some two,hosea,2,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 7 to say more than that 1 timothy turn to revelation chapter 12 how to overcome the accusations of satan,1 timothy,12,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 12 from day one i was preaching from john 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,john,3,13.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 13 in ezra 54 and jeremiah 3 and ezekiel 16 in hosea chapter 2 the nation of israel is often,ezra,54,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 54 verse 3 jehovah and we will please turn to book of 1 john chapter 1 verse nine revelation chapter 1 verse 9,1 john,1,9.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 9 is the first household baptism passage right leviticus 10 44. it says well peter was still saying,leviticus,10,44.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 44 delay is god's way of trying our faith and testing our patience hosea 1 3 to 4 so one of the causes of delay that,hosea,1,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 3 in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse psalms 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point,psalms,22,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 22 verse 16 coming zechariah 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad,zechariah,19,7.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 19 verse 7 for mercy we are going to cry for mercy because habakkuk 9 15 and 60 says he said to moses how we are messing with,habakkuk,9,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 9 verse 15 tell me your bibles today in the book of ruth chapter eight and i'll read from verse 14.,ruth,8,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 14 said concerning the redeemed in 2 thessalonians 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said,2 thessalonians,2,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 and he is faithful meaning what according to 1 kings chapter 2 verse 3,1 kings,2,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 3 completely was something his story is in job chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,job,13,14.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 14 and those who practice lying 1 samuel 22 15 so isn't that significant the first sin,1 samuel,22,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 15 here's what scripture says in joshua chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14.,joshua,3,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 14 no peace job 48 and verse 22 there is no peace here the lord until the weekend,job,48,22.0,1.0,job chapter 48 verse 22 a loud amen zephaniah 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,zephaniah,5,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 14 like bestiality verse 24 then of mark 18 do not defile yourselves by any of,mark,18,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 24 you higher it will leave you where you are in 2 john chapter 3 verse 17 to 18 revelation 3 verse 17 2 verse 18 he said to some,2 john,3,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 17 intercessor day and night 1 kings 7 25 he prays for god's people,1 kings,7,25.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 25 of the flock shall be scattered that's from 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 7,2 peter,13,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 7 god which is in christ jesus our lord 1 corinthians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 now back up to verse 12 that we should be to,1 corinthians,1,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 gracious leo the malice aside hosea chapter 4 verse 31 ephesians,hosea,4,31.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 31 psalms 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female,psalms,34,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 16 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time malachi chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,malachi,5,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 16 and wisdom is essential look at haggai chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,haggai,4,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 7 don't know how to answer that question 2 samuel 32 verse 17 he said oh lord god you've made heaven sue media and just,2 samuel,32,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 32 verse 17 praise the lord let's see the book of 3 john chapters 4 and verse 16.,3 john,4,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 16 to go to the city zephaniah 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital,zephaniah,10,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 15 chapter 4 if you'll turn there with me 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16,2 thessalonians,4,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 the book of luke isaiah chapter 10 verse 17,luke,10,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 17 always attract oppositions from the peat of hell colossians chapter 2 verse 24 god unveiled his plan,colossians,2,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 24 verse 20 ezekiel chapter 20 ah verse 20 and jacob vouched,ezekiel,20,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 2 to just go ahead and pray tonight as i read from the book of ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 22,ecclesiastes,33,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 22 everybody one last verse luke chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment,luke,2,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 13 will be flowing out ezra 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,ezra,23,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 9 somebody will shout him in there obadiah chapter 17 verse 13 acts chapter 17 verse 30 and,obadiah,17,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 13 chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 7 and there the preached the gospel,song of solomon (song of songs),14,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 7 that he had that kind of temper read judges chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down,judges,32,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 32 verse 17 know how to do it malachi 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit,malachi,5,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 18 john chapter 1 the book of isaiah chapter 1 in verse 16,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in 2 timothy 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily,2 timothy,49,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 49 verse 8 from our church in jesus name titus chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,titus,16,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 17 consecrated to the lord 1 timothy chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13.,1 timothy,4,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 13 we're going to read a few verses from the book of malachi chapter 20 and verse 7,malachi,20,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 20 verse 7 1 john 50 verse 7 isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me,1 john,50,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 50 verse 7 and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in 2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2,2 corinthians,12,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 3 were looking at four six colossians chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house,colossians,3,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 6 reading on verse 12. titus chapter 4 verse 12 this is what it says,titus,4,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 12 spirit it's in fulfillment of ecclesiastes 8 verse 18 i and the children,ecclesiastes,8,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 18 1 peter 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on,1 peter,24,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 24 verse 2 there was still this happiness and joy because paul writes in song of solomon (song of songs) 1 21 for me to live is christ and to die is,song of solomon (song of songs),1,21.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 21 probably know it it goes like this obadiah 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in,obadiah,10,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 9 instance in lamentations chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,lamentations,2,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 11 he fulfilled what colossians prophesied in ezekiel 27 verse four we don't have time to go to it here,colossians,27,4.0,1.0,colossians chapter 27 verse 4 2 chronicles chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,2 chronicles,11,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 24 "from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, colossians 1 verse 8 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and",colossians,1,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 8 tells us in obadiah chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5,obadiah,2,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 5 19 verse 7 and verse 8 habakkuk 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse,habakkuk,19,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 19 verse 7 about him to joe satan there's no one like him on the earth matthew 1 verse 8 who fears god job must,matthew,1,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 8 you are accepted of god in 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation,1 thessalonians,10,15.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 15 because this is yours see this is mine judges chapter 3 verse 4 it says the vow has a few names even in saudis,judges,3,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 4 valley they may find him themselves lamentations 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,lamentations,6,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 6 discern there's a verse in zechariah 4 where hebrews 4 verse 12 says for the word of god is living and active sharper,zechariah,4,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 12 encounter with your word mark chapter 3 verse 8 i know thy works i have set before the,mark,3,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 8 these titus one two three four five you know and all that to genesis 12 all that,titus,1,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 2 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on luke 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,luke,10,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 14 chapter 2 verse 20 hosea was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as,hosea,2,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 2 1 samuel chapter 12 and verse 3. paul a man of great revelation says rejoice in the lord always and again i,1 samuel,12,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 naked and see a shame chapter 22 of ruth reading from verse 7,ruth,22,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 22 verse 7 eloquence of men but on the power of god ezra chapter 12 verse number two we don't look to men we look unto jesus the,ezra,12,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 12 verse 2 psalms chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,psalms,8,6.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 6 run with the energy and the power of the spirit ruth chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray,ruth,40,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 40 verse 3 one true pride amos 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says,amos,29,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 29 verse 23 wash them away from you number six cost blessings mark chapter 2 verse 2,mark,2,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 2 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement luke chapter 12 a reading from verse 4,luke,12,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 4 come to us staring us for the race that is ahead the scripture says in jude chapter 2 and verse 2,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 revelations chapter 1 verse 23 haggai chapter 1 we're looking at verse 23 it says if he continue in the,haggai,1,23.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 23 [music] luke chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead,luke,20,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 11 we'll go to 3 john chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of,3 john,11,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 11 verse 19 here's some of the passages titus 32 7 joel 2 10 joel 2 31 joel 3 15 amos 8 9 isaiah 13 10. um isaiah 34 verse 4 and,titus,32,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 32 verse 7 why psalms 2 verse 9 again the grace of god,psalms,2,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 9 2013 by papa over again with mark tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,mark,7,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 14 "go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of song of solomon (song of songs) 12. ""two wings of the great eagle were given to",song of solomon (song of songs),12,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 14 1 timothy chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 to undo what he had done the day they came in song of solomon (song of songs) in exodus 32 from verse 25 to 26,song of solomon (song of songs),32,25.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 verse 25 god can bring good uh out of it 3 john 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,3 john,8,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 28 give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in ecclesiastes 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34,ecclesiastes,25,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 25 verse 29 make tremendous power available dynamic in its working job chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version,job,5,16.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 16 i was turned song of solomon (song of songs) 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,song of solomon (song of songs),11,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 17 one two three go our memory verse is taken from 1 peter chapter 15 verse four and it says,1 peter,15,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 4 [music] first lamentations 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the,lamentations,1,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 12 37 verse 18 ezra 37 18 the bible made us to understand,ezra,37,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 37 verse 18 god cares for us but listen to this beginning in verse 12 of 1 kings 40 who has measured the waters in the hollow of,1 kings,40,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 40 verse 12 to remind us about psalms in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to,psalms,6,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 12 "off this earth in the blink of an eye 2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're",2 corinthians,25,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 9 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 titus 19 verse 4,titus,19,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 4 is not just taxes philemon 13 6 says for because of this why because of what because the,philemon,13,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 6 over the past 40 years your women can turn things around ecclesiastes 1 verse 8 first i thank my god,ecclesiastes,1,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8 axe the early church we see them fasting 2 john chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see,2 john,13,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 13 and we're reading from verse seven nehemiah chapter five we're reading from verse 7 here paul the,nehemiah,5,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 7 but don't forget after john 8 verse 28 is romans 8 verse 29 profound insight right but what is 829 says it says whom he,john,8,28.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 28 face us in this day in 1 john chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up,1 john,11,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 11 we find him saying so again in jude 1 21 for me to leave is christ,jude,1,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 21 begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p,2 timothy,5,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 matters let's look at our bibles to find out why gail do you have leviticus 19 36 to 37,leviticus,19,36.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 19 verse 36 god led zechariah 8 and verse 14. says for as many as are led by the spirit of god,zechariah,8,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 14 found in ruth 2 14 to 17. i love that james just he perfectly illustrates this for us he perfectly,ruth,2,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 14 it's how it is mark 18 20 says the sins of of an individual are never punished in his,mark,18,2.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 2 and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2,2 timothy,12,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 the last part in matthew 3 he talks about some people philippians 3 and verse 19 some people whose god is their,matthew,3,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 19 in habakkuk chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal,habakkuk,12,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 4 the season mark chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at,mark,8,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 6 earth by your mighty power 1 peter 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,1 peter,32,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 32 verse 17 way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven 1 peter said it this way surely the lord god will do,1 peter,3,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 7 focus on him amos chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the,amos,2,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 18 ways and according to the fruit of his viewings song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 reading from verse 13 hebrews chapter 4,song of solomon (song of songs),4,13.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 13 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in 1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the,1 chronicles,19,27.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 27 aware of the details of what's going on in my life 1 timothy 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes,1 timothy,34,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 34 verse 21 and all that 2 kings 36 37 i will build my church it will keep,2 kings,36,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 36 verse 37 himself did not know all the meaning of it like 2 peter chapter 6 verse 4 says but he knew that jesus said you must be,2 peter,6,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 4 of the kingdom demands faith to deliver 2 chronicles 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin,2 chronicles,14,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 23 worshipers 1 samuel chapter 102 at verse 13 thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for,1 samuel,102,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 102 verse 13 obadiah 4 8 philippians 4 8 finally my brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever,obadiah,4,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 8 over us now notice our passage notice mark 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,mark,6,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 6 verse 11 and i'm reading from verse 24. 1 samuel chapter 65 are you there,1 samuel,65,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 65 verse 24 carried about with divers and strange doctrines micah 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether,micah,13,9.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 9 and the voice of them that make mary numbers 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,numbers,30,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 19 find that all over scripture joshua chapter 4 paul says sorry james says verse 5 have you ever understood this,joshua,4,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 5 code is named joseph and so by time you now get to joel chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was,joel,50,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 50 verse 19 time and in eternity hallelujah god said of abraham in leviticus 18 and verse 19 for i have known him,leviticus,18,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 19 that the diligent hand secures riches it's empty zephaniah 34 proverbs 34 in proverbs 12 24 proverbs,zephaniah,12,24.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 24 bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in matthew as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs,matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 found in him colossians possessed kingdom righteousness daniel had kingdom revelation daniel chapter 2 verse 28,colossians,2,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 28 of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time 1 kings chapter 11 reading from verse 18.,1 kings,11,18.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 18 though ruth 3 i mean daniel 6 3 to 5 then this daniel began distinguishing,ruth,6,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 3 and look at lamentations chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35,lamentations,35,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 35 verse 5 the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to 1 kings chapter one we're reading from verse 3,1 kings,1,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 3 out i want to do this nehemiah 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert,nehemiah,20,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 20 verse 17 to overcome now you connect this with 2 peter 6 14 which is a well to known verse for all of us,2 peter,6,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 14 then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us song of solomon (song of songs) 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was counted,song of solomon (song of songs),4,23.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 23 okay the memory verse first 2 kings chapter 20 verse 6,2 kings,20,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 20 verse 6 book of 1 chronicles chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13,1 chronicles,8,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 8 your time is different for god's time athleticism chapter 3 verse 11 colossians chapter 3 verse 11,colossians,3,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 11 tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in 1 thessalonians chapter five it says this night your soul is,1 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 in zephaniah chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember,zephaniah,12,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 5 become the kingdom of our god and of his christ matthew chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do,matthew,11,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 11 verse 15 11 verse 21 to 22 zephaniah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in,zephaniah,11,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 21 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so malachi chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,malachi,11,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 13 it we also saw in haggai 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how,haggai,4,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 6 but the soul is not right 1 chronicles chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,1 chronicles,25,33.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 25 verse 33 this week god will help us in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in hosea chapter 6 i think verse 14,hosea,6,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 14 terrible if i read to you 2 corinthians 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6,2 corinthians,17,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 5 my brother my sister and my mother look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 we're reading from verse 4 galatians,ecclesiastes,2,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 4 exactly like he loved jesus that was a great ezekiel from john 17 23 i can show you the verse you can,ezekiel,17,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 23 season i'm going to be reading from micah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a bit of a long reading from verse 14 and 15,micah,8,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 14 jesus name in 2 corinthians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians chapter 3 verse 17 and whatsoever ye do a word,2 corinthians,3,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 seeker of truth and here we read about it in obadiah 16 verse 14 paul says as she listened to us the lord,obadiah,16,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 14 partnership with our maker look at john chapter 8 reading from verse 16 and verse 17,john,8,16.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 16 tonight in 1 peter chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting,1 peter,58,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 58 verse 9 understand what is happening in jude 8 28 and we know that all things work,jude,8,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 28 verse 5 to 11 1 chronicles 12 from verse 5 to 11. when the angel came and the doors opened,1 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 above all things 1 kings 17 9 great question so jeremiah 17 9 we'll start with that,1 kings,17,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 9 expectation in the book of jonah 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end,jonah,23,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 18 fruitfulness 1 thessalonians 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will,1 thessalonians,23,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 25 journey in jesus mary hosea chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20,hosea,50,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 50 verse 2 attributes of the humility in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 3 33 33 the bible said come to work together,ezekiel,3,33.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 33 evangelist by the time we saw him in 2 chronicles 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the,2 chronicles,21,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 8 according to the word of the lord in joel chapter 25 verse 6 to 8 he said the lord of hosts,joel,25,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 25 verse 6 when he says the length of your days he's referring to esther 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,esther,6,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 6 verse 3 an answer here look at 3 john 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at,3 john,1,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 9 in the old testament we see it in the new testament ruth 7 9 says therefore,ruth,7,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 9 talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read luke 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to,luke,17,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 5 prophetic advantage i'll quickly read from the book of haggai chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 verse 26,haggai,11,26.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 26 good but all things together work together hosea 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 zephaniah chapter 21,zephaniah,21,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 21 verse 8 or contemplation on a particular matter we are told in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 24 and verse 63 that isaac went,2 corinthians,24,63.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 63 coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in 2 john 25 20,2 john,25,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 25 verse 2 comes for the power of the holy spirit over in the book of lamentations chapter 57 verse 15 here another director not for,lamentations,57,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 57 verse 15 but let's take our bible as we go to nehemiah chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four,nehemiah,4,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 4 verse 16 one person has come amos five seven left on that person,amos,5,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 16 joseph dreamed 1 corinthians chapter 37 from verse 5 to 11 genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11 the first,1 corinthians,37,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 37 verse 5 the bomb of gilia the bible says in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 53 verse 5 but he was wounded for our,2 thessalonians,53,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 53 verse 5 say please zephaniah 26 from verse 26 to 33 genesis 26 from verse 26 to 33 they will come i,zephaniah,26,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 26 verse 26 and we have a wonderful scripture in obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 and their dreams but you shall receive power when the,obadiah,1,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 8 read josh 15 philemon 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their,philemon,13,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 2 issue that's a bad rule that's the 2 timothy 328 silver bullet it's a it is,2 timothy,3,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 28 mocking him dancing for them but when you now come to philemon 16 28 to 30,philemon,16,28.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 28 11 to 13 song of solomon (song of songs) 4 11 to 13 it tells us there are some who are apostles,song of solomon (song of songs),4,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 11 joseph dreamed amos chapter 37 from verse 5 to 11 genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11 the first,amos,37,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 37 verse 5 of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death psalms 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say,psalms,6,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 23 they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of 1 thessalonians 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and,1 thessalonians,18,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 18 verse 18 14 verse 15 judges chapter 14 reading from verse,judges,14,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 15 abundantly in nahum chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi 3 verse 8 to 10 is promised,nahum,3,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 8 2 to 7 amos 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please,amos,21,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 2 this before we leave ruth joel chapter 2 23 for he has given the former reign moderately and he will,ruth,2,23.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 23 responded to god's warning of judgment and they came to obadiah to to god in joel chapter 2 verses 12 through 17 and,obadiah,2,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 12 31 2 timothy chapter 31 i'm looking at verse 23,2 timothy,31,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 31 verse 23 jesus name in 1 corinthians chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,1 corinthians,3,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 remarkable way but let me point something out amos chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign,amos,2,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 23 dissimulated love against brotherliness look at 1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 9 let lord,1 chronicles,12,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 9 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of 2 samuel in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,2 samuel,2,41.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 41 fairly and so i i don't like i look at 1 chronicles 3 12 and i think i don't think this has a lot to say about the topic,1 chronicles,3,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 12 that means if you want your children to grow up properly start with ecclesiastes 5 33,ecclesiastes,5,33.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 33 know the christ is referred to as the prince of peace in mark chapter 9 meaning from verse 6 i said after 9 4 verse 6,mark,9,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 6 promised returning chapter 30 a meeting from verse 6 in obadiah chapter 30 verse 6 and the lord thy god will,obadiah,30,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 6 you see this this leviticus said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord,leviticus,24,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 15 who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in amos chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will,amos,33,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 33 verse 3 suffering for being an evil doer 2 kings 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,2 kings,8,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 13 that has destroyed so many things ezekiel 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,ezekiel,26,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 2 new body that is fit for eternity and it's like jesus in some way 2 thessalonians 3 verses 20 and 21 it along the same,2 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 the wiser we have the better we live 1 kings 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,1 kings,12,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 2 none of us will be disappointed on that day 1 corinthians 16 15 behold i come,1 corinthians,16,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 15 chapter five i'm reading from verse 25 nahum chapter 5 verse 25 we're looking at the second pillar,nahum,5,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 5 surrenders without struggle the bible says in 2 john chapter 5 and verse 26,2 john,5,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 26 of prophecy he has to understand by reading nahum 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,nahum,9,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 2 say loud amen 2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,2 kings,2,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 2 welcome to job of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,job,2,43.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 43 your prophetic word 2 thessalonians chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had,2 thessalonians,9,8.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 8 no wonder paul cry in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 and verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of god,song of solomon (song of songs),8,35.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 35 among the people then we're in a revival song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 beginning from verse 5 philip went down to samaria,song of solomon (song of songs),8,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 5 earth today jonah 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might,jonah,3,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 16 in jesus name amen in lamentations 1 3 6 4 the bible says to him,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 it takes humility to receive it that's it you remember obadiah 4 6 god receives the proud but he gives,obadiah,4,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 we are built together it says in john 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together,john,5,9.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 9 in the name of jesus and now we saw the story of coin zechariah esther 4 16 to 17,zechariah,4,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 16 that you now live you live by the faith of the son of what local zephaniah chapter two were reading from verse 20,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 word the lord gave us when we started cfc leviticus 1 verse 11 you remember very clearly speaking on this and almost one,leviticus,1,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 11 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of 1 john 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered,1 john,11,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 8 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so nahum seven four says therefore my brethren you also,nahum,7,4.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 4 philemon in that place yeah jeremiah 22 yeah 13 23 said can an ethiopian change his king,philemon,22,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 13 that one was my snot was the old matt is the most haha the demon 1 samuel 15 verse 3 exodus 15 evil services my god is a,1 samuel,15,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 15 verse 3 chapter 14 and verse 14 it says even if noah judges and joe were there they would only be able to save themselves,judges,14,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 14 across this gem in the passion translation of 1 kings chapter 11 verse 26 it says together saul and barnabas,1 kings,11,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 26 to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity 2 samuel 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that,2 samuel,2,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 6 forever of the lord in jesus name 1 timothy chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke,1 timothy,4,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 14 price for that sanctification leviticus chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,leviticus,13,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 13 from nahum chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but,nahum,2,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 2 outside with pitch song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,song of solomon (song of songs),11,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 7 on the mount of transfiguration again peter judges and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified,judges,9,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 9 verse 28 thee prepare to meet their god o israel 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this,2 samuel,4,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 12 it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in song of solomon (song of songs) 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of,song of solomon (song of songs),10,26.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 26 fulfillment of your destiny in luke chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,luke,4,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 9 are the ways of death in job chapter 10 verse 23 we are told there it is not in a man that,job,10,23.0,1.0,job chapter 10 verse 23 what pride and high mindedness 1 kings chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four,1 kings,4,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 6 right and something instructive also was mentioned in 2 samuel 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,2 samuel,2,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 21 was on easter morning in joshua chapter 1 verse 18 revelation whopper city jesus christ say,joshua,1,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 18 1 john chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,1 john,40,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 40 verse 8 chapter 14 verse 13 in 2 timothy chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,2 timothy,14,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 13 danger with disconnected life and i picked that out from colossians chapter seven in the chapter 7 we read about a,colossians,7,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 7 your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in 2 chronicles chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter,2 chronicles,18,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 4 concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall,ruth,2,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 4 look at the manifestation of such a gift in haggai chapter 3 acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 6 in acts chapter,haggai,3,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 6 4 and 1 peter 5 that god gives his grace to the humble certain twice matthew chapter 4 verse 7 it says he gives more,matthew,4,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 7 intellectually when you read mark chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,mark,2,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 19 reality of wisdom from above the spiritual makes clear the book of song of solomon (song of songs) of the three from verse 15 down to verse,song of solomon (song of songs),3,15.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 15 scriptures in micah for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,micah,16,23.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 23 in the lord in jesus name joel chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews chapter 3 verse 14,joel,3,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 14 them last week and i asked you to reach the remaining one from whom uh 2 john chapter 5 22 to 26 there's a very,2 john,5,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 22 and then in ruth chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing,ruth,6,16.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 16 you will not look back in jesus name lamentations chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,lamentations,11,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 21 chapter 14 verse 13 in jonah chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,jonah,14,13.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 13 every positive change in the life of a believer is zephaniah steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he,zephaniah,3,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 18 abraham 1 samuel chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,1 samuel,22,23.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 23 whoever that he wills according to 1 peter 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have,1 peter,9,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 swearing or blaspheming nahum 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of,nahum,5,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes 3 the bible says genesis 3 verse 8 god keep walking to fellowship with man and said,ecclesiastes,3,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 8 laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that 1 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12,1 samuel,26,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 i came all the way to let somebody know song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life,song of solomon (song of songs),16,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 14 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read malachi chapter one from verse three to four official one,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 moses at the back of the desert in matthew chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3,matthew,3,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 14 this context let me read the context 1 peter 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not,1 peter,5,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 3 left you a moment ago verse 4 habakkuk 6 do not provoke your children to anger,habakkuk,6,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 4 up to verse 27 in esther chapter 21 we were reading just now,esther,21,27.0,1.0,esther chapter 21 verse 27 give the sinner what the sinner deserves ecclesiastes 2 4 says he exercises,ecclesiastes,2,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 4 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in luke 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you,luke,29,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 29 verse 13 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in malachi exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,malachi,15,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 6 excessive chapter 12 verse 7 1 peter 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn,1 peter,12,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 7 let me close this charge by these from 2 john chapter 2 chapter 22 and,2 john,2,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 22 make tremendous power available dynamic in its working 2 kings chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version,2 kings,5,16.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 16 that has destroyed so many things titus 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there,titus,26,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 26 verse 2 business fervent his spirit 2 peter 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith,2 peter,6,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 12 you lost your amen there joshua chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i,joshua,3,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 11 verse 18. 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 18 we kissed hope believes in hope,1 samuel,4,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 18 um so when we we uh we look at say job 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,job,28,24.0,1.0,job chapter 28 verse 24 to me hosea 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,hosea,37,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 37 verse 2 against temptation every day philemon 4 7 james 4 7. he said you should i mean,philemon,4,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 7 ezra 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty,ezra,23,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 23 verse 11 after abraham had driven him away in job chapter 21 uh from verse 14 and abram rose up early,job,21,14.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 14 everyone from that second death look at jonah chapter 2 reading from verse 14 he is our,jonah,2,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 14 judges chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,judges,10,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 22 and and the unders and the season uh the book of amos um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here,amos,2,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 22 likelihood jesus took the term son of man from lamentations chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you,lamentations,7,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 7 verse 13 chapter 12 says never take your own revenge 1 chronicles romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking,1 chronicles,12,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 19 ruth chapter 11 verse 18 job chapter 11 verse 18 tells us that when you have hope you have security,ruth,11,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 18 amen amen now numbers 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,numbers,29,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 29 verse 18 law zephaniah chapter 28 and verse 59 the bible tells us there he said and the,zephaniah,28,59.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 28 verse 59 god had already told adam in psalms 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree,psalms,2,16.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 16 to ezekiel chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9,ezekiel,9,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 it shall speak and 1 thessalonians chapter 10 and verse 23,1 thessalonians,10,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 23 and the starting point for knowing more about the bible is 2 corinthians 3 6. it says in all your ways acknowledge him,2 corinthians,3,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 the outside they will only get riddles and that's consistent with 1 timothy 6 9 and 10 which is referred to in verse 12,1 timothy,6,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 9 most high numbers chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest,numbers,5,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 8 him before and what we read in the book of leviticus chapter 20 verse 24 it says but i do not count my life of any value nor,leviticus,20,24.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 24 healing for the sick body chapter 23 of hosea exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25,hosea,23,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 25 the seventh commandment he's quoting esther chapter 20 verse 14. so jesus is saying you've heard it,esther,20,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 14 and in breaking of bread and in prayers 1 corinthians 2 42 let's look at the introduction the word,1 corinthians,2,42.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 42 essentially these three verses summarize a story that goes from malachi chapter 12 to genesis chapter 50.,malachi,12,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 5 speaks to give instruction 1 peter that one must 11 genesis 31 11 and the angels of god spoke to me in a dream that's,1 peter,31,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 31 verse 11 to esther chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you,esther,3,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 2 language verse 11 lamentations 9 when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to,lamentations,9,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 9 verse 11 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on 2 peter 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,2 peter,10,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 14 a moment and in job chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs,job,19,5.0,1.0,job chapter 19 verse 5 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven 1 timothy chapter six,1 timothy,6,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 7 everybody one last verse 2 corinthians chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment,2 corinthians,2,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 you a love with everlasting love in hosea chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a,hosea,5,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 8 i want to point to 2 corinthians sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this,2 corinthians,8,37.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 37 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh ruth 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and,ruth,53,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 53 verse 5 and verse nine in verse one it says foolish esther oh thoughtless galatians,esther,1,9.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 9 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" joel again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",joel,8,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 8 verse 9 satan and his darkness that famous passage 2 peter chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,2 peter,6,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 6 mood that could accept it the cosima joel 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,joel,13,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 9 me passion translation of 2 thessalonians 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says,2 thessalonians,24,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 3 how these things work if you go to jude chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3,jude,2,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 2 commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in zechariah chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one,zechariah,4,32.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 32 drink ecclesiastes chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 together you tell me what you are going through haggai 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ,haggai,6,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 2 your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 21 these people,2 thessalonians,43,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 21 chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 nahum chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i,nahum,11,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 19 because you're made of dust verse 19 habakkuk 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were,habakkuk,3,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 19 prophecy um said about him zephaniah chapter 24 verse verse 17,zephaniah,24,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 17 he's gonna actually fix the problems lamentations 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3,lamentations,1,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 3 333 mark 33 verse 3. jeremiah 33 33 verse 3.,mark,33,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 33 verse 3 the output of our outreaches in 2015. now john 3 26 i read out a long time i read it fasting,john,3,26.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 26 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night 2 chronicles luke and i danielle,2 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 what zephaniah the prophet said way back in isaiah 53 4 that he took our infirmities and carried,zephaniah,53,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 53 verse 4 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in 1 peter 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 uh for for for the the zechariah church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your,zechariah,1,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 15 know how to go about it in 1 peter 21 22 the bible says a wise man,1 peter,21,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 21 verse 22 companion by the way when he wrote nahum he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,nahum,4,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 12 1 corinthians romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17,1 corinthians,4,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 "give us a little time."" that brings us to mark chapter 2 verse 17.",mark,2,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 17 people we call outstanding because the bible says in 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among,2 corinthians,6,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 3 i'm not going to preach from john 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,john,8,4.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 4 book of life only a name that was once there could be erased 1 corinthians 22 verse 19 talks about the possibility of one share,1 corinthians,22,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 19 from verse 11 to 17 1 john 19 11 to 17 the bible says god performs special,1 john,19,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 19 verse 11 here and we can we can couple this with more information from obadiah 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ,obadiah,15,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 8 a loud amen obadiah 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,obadiah,5,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 14 lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at ecclesiastes reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5,ecclesiastes,5,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3 instead their words are recorded for us in the book of mark chapter 4 and verse 29 when they said lord consider their,mark,4,29.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 29 we're told in ezra of the apostles chapter 7 i acts chapter 7 looking at verse 23 and he when he was full 40,ezra,7,23.0,1.0,ezra chapter 7 verse 23 open your bible with me to the book of colossians proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23,colossians,14,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 23 brother sister hope has come look at 2 corinthians chapter 6 and we're looking at verse 18,2 corinthians,6,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in obadiah chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business,obadiah,42,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 42 verse 15 it says judges chapter 4 and verse 12.,judges,4,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 12 thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures habakkuk chapter 14 verse 21,habakkuk,14,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 21 it says among the indictments chapter 5 of colossians verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil,colossians,5,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 2 mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in joshua chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the,joshua,17,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 17 verse 14 of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time 1 thessalonians chapter 11 reading from verse 18.,1 thessalonians,11,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 18 of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace habakkuk 4 16 that we may obtain mercy,habakkuk,4,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 16 can i have a believing amen 3 john chapter 2 verse 6 and 41 paraphrase now when this was noise abroad,3 john,2,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 6 study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 1 john chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and,1 john,1,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 17 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 1 john it says and in his state shall stand up,1 john,11,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 21 to achieve things that don't glorify god in ezekiel 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they,ezekiel,23,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 23 verse 12 looking at psalms chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 14 james chapter 3 verse 14 but she have beta and win and,psalms,3,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 14 bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in malachi as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 the falsehood of messengers jude chapter 5 i say chapter 5,jude,5,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 5 powerful as stephen did in this sermon i want you to listen to obadiah chapter 7 verses 51 to 53 this is the mic drop,obadiah,7,51.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 7 verse 51 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so colossians 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be,colossians,11,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 24 without blemish and without sports let's come to 2 peter chapter 7. i read him from verse 25,2 peter,7,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 25 of tongues in numbers chapter 2 verse 14 the peculiar people of the lord who gave himself for,numbers,2,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 14 and the bible say god remember him in mark chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,mark,14,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 14 all the days of your life now in nehemiah 3 15 there is held out this,nehemiah,3,15.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 15 now praise god lamentations chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 the word of god makes it very clear,lamentations,3,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 9 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at 1 kings 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,1 kings,10,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 13 when he died for us we died in him haggai 6 5 we have been united with him in a death,haggai,6,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 5 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray 2 john 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,2 john,29,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 29 verse 12 he said we should open to the book of 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 6. i opened to that book when i opened i,2 timothy,3,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 6 shall be given to him zephaniah 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,zephaniah,19,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 19 verse 21 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in malachi 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,malachi,2,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 3 14. in 1 peter chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you,1 peter,5,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 14 love of god and christ it was his personal testimony nahum 8 35 to 38.,nahum,8,35.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 35 the kingdom of god now chapter 4 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 22,1 chronicles,4,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 22 in closing therefore according to 3 john chapter 6 and verse 9,3 john,6,9.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 9 you're preaching joshua 4. 8 to 11. but only those who truly crave,joshua,4,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 8 nehemiah chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,nehemiah,29,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 29 verse 22 lecture 3 is taken from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12,song of solomon (song of songs),12,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 7 and it's a mess when god speaks these words aaron could you read 1 samuel 1 verse 5 i'd be honored look among the,1 samuel,1,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 5 mind luke chapter 2 verse 20 james 2 verse 20 he said but we don't know of a man that faith without works is dead,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 what the bible says is 2 timothy 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs,2 timothy,4,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 he is so described by peter in 2 peter. he is so described in lamentations 22 verse 16 as the son of righteousness.,lamentations,22,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 22 verse 16 paul's epistle to the leviticus chapter 1 ephesians chapter 1 verses 19 to 23.,leviticus,1,19.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 19 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in obadiah 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24,obadiah,37,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 37 verse 23 operation change or story jude 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves oe people and you shall be broken in pieces,jude,8,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 9 do we find faith in the vision go back to 1 samuel chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where,1 samuel,4,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 4 about the rest in amos chapter 1 verse 28 genesis chapter 1 verse 28,amos,1,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 28 you verse 32 esther 8 32 if he did not spare his own son,esther,8,32.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 32 your joy is coming in 1 john chapter 15 you can if you like read it all the way,1 john,15,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 15 on the issue of vision jonah chapter 28 and chapter 29 and verse 18.,jonah,28,29.0,1.0,jonah chapter 28 verse 29 are talking about is you know ezekiel 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,ezekiel,29,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 29 verse 18 jude 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,jude,41,32.0,1.0,jude chapter 41 verse 32 when the lord made this verse a reality for me 1 samuel 50 verse 4 not this one but last week's verse,1 samuel,50,4.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 50 verse 4 of god ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 in colossians chapter 3 verse 16 it says let the word of christ dwell in,ezekiel,3,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 but i say god who is mighty to save when you get to titus chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10,titus,7,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 7 verse 9 joshua 44 11. why what is jeremiah 44 11 about jeremiah 29 11 is the promise god made,joshua,44,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 44 verse 11 fruit of the spirit for example in habakkuk 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,habakkuk,5,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 22 verse 13 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead,2 timothy,2,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 13 in jesus in malachi chapter 21 we're reading from verse 27 revelation 21,malachi,21,27.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 27 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at micah chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 a new season starts and a new season will start in your life lamentations chapter 50 verse 24,lamentations,50,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 50 verse 24 now even as he is pure 1 john chapter 30 verse 26 is talking about the glory of,1 john,30,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 30 verse 26 manifestation of divine visitation in 2 samuel chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord,2 samuel,1,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 14 psalms 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,psalms,10,12.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 12 okay the memory verse first leviticus chapter 20 verse 6,leviticus,20,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 6 pleasure and he did it by drinking jude two three i thought i'll cheer myself,jude,2,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 3 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of hosea chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,hosea,1,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 17 god is god's wisdom malachi 4 7 the word of god says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get,malachi,4,7.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 7 in all details look at eight of numbers hebrews chapter age were looking at verse five and it says,numbers,8,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 5 we don't neglect gathering together as saints ruth 58 13 let me read this to you keep the,ruth,58,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 58 verse 13 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in jonah chapter 6 reading from verse 15,jonah,6,15.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 15 mind the kana mind in zephaniah chapter eight from verse six the bible says in romans,zephaniah,8,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 6 chapter 5 verse 4 and joel in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the,joel,1,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 3 this is omniscience 2 chronicles 4 13 says there is no creature hidden from his sight and all things are,2 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 surrenders without struggle the bible says in habakkuk chapter 5 and verse 26,habakkuk,5,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 26 okay once again we are in paul's epistle to the 2 thessalonians chapter 4 i want to read four verses chapter 4 verse 31 let,2 thessalonians,4,31.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 31 are clearly defined clearly black or white 2 kings says in chapter 5 verse 20 woe to those who call,2 kings,5,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 2 but he says in verse 20 ecclesiastes 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,ecclesiastes,7,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 2 this book nehemiah chapter 2 verse 29 i want to give you,nehemiah,2,29.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 29 fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in 1 john 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much,1 john,18,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 13 pretty clearly i'll just pick this one 1 corinthians 5 19.,1 corinthians,5,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 cho chose you and we're told in 1 corinthians 1 4 he loves us and because of this,1 corinthians,1,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 4 1 corinthians chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday,1 corinthians,8,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 13 our churches since this year began 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 42 the scripture says and daily in the temple and in,2 thessalonians,5,42.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 42 this city but things did not go as planned look at philemon four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city,philemon,4,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 5 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in philemon chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17,philemon,2,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 4 it's called the peace offering here in the judges chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of,judges,3,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 2 establishment in this church colossians 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,colossians,11,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 11 verse 3 and leave your will look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 33 proverbs chapter 3 verse 33,song of solomon (song of songs),3,33.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 33 only twice in all the bible both times in the book of luke once right there in chapter 11 verse 40 that you don't,luke,11,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 4 straightforward if we're not consistent look at 2 john chapter read him from verse 6,2 john,1,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 6 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in 1 peter 2 and verse 40 thing,1 peter,2,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 4 the kingdom of god according to lamentations 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought,lamentations,14,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 17 and god is the embodiment of wisdom ecclesiastes chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 20 to 22 is the one who gives,ecclesiastes,2,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 2 broken curses and covenant 2 peter 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,2 peter,49,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 49 verse 3 upon the world as outlined between psalms 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your,psalms,6,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 18 look at malachi chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,malachi,14,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 14 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23,ezekiel,6,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 6 through the period of the lockdown 2 peter chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and,2 peter,17,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 7 certain things could make them unclean given matthew 5 verses 2 through 6 and leviticus 11,matthew,5,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 5 verse 2 gonna read a few verses if you're still there in matthew 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just,matthew,9,5.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 5 with a gift with something you know 1 thessalonians 160 they created everything for himself,1 thessalonians,1,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6 just come up every week for the last several weeks ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto jesus the author and the,ecclesiastes,12,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 2 defense 2 samuel 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,2 samuel,8,31.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 31 luke chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,luke,4,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 4 chose not to oh that's interesting so 1 corinthians 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of,1 corinthians,32,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 32 verse 28 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also job chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,job,11,24.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 24 but the other thing we see here is in 1 john 12 11 please look here they overcame,1 john,12,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 11 accompanied by a season of temporary discomfort haggai 12 and verse 2 for the joy that was set before him he,haggai,12,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 2 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel 1 kings 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,1 kings,13,8.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 8 i want you to shout it loud and clean job chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,job,29,17.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 17 the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you leviticus chapter 3 verse 17 to 19,leviticus,3,17.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 17 already pre to committed himself into that look at ecclesiastes chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15,ecclesiastes,3,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 15 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his leviticus he was happy they brought these people,leviticus,3,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 2 generations jesus so that was what ruth 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power,ruth,1,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 13 in his words in habakkuk chapter 28 verse 15,habakkuk,28,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 28 verse 15 promise we're coming to 2 corinthians chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11,2 corinthians,11,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 15 chapter one and i'm reading from the sabre matthew age revelation chapter one verses 7 and 8 behold he cometh with the,matthew,1,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 7 has said joshua chapter 6 god says in the third verse,joshua,6,3.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 3 the wise shall inherit glory habakkuk 11 30. and proverbs 3 35.,habakkuk,11,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 3 done that one and if you open your bible don't open to job chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm,job,22,16.0,1.0,job chapter 22 verse 16 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of 1 corinthians in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have,1 corinthians,2,41.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 zephaniah chapter 2 from verse 5 to 17 esther 2 5 to 17 and under the topic we asked,zephaniah,2,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 5 moment in 2 thessalonians 17 verse 11 which is the passage i quoted earlier leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 for the life of,2 thessalonians,17,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 11 now look what happens here. look at nehemiah 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go.,nehemiah,13,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 13 verse 17 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in nahum chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,nahum,33,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 33 verse 3 and i'm going to say a prayer and we'll get into the world numbers chapter 4 verse 9 and 10. ecclesiastes 4 verse 9,numbers,4,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 9 discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously 1 peter chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a,1 peter,2,42.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 42 channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had,ecclesiastes,8,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22 "acceptable worship.  1 corinthians 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",1 corinthians,13,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 15 pregnancy it is what psalms chapter 23 and verse 18 the expectation of the righteous shall,psalms,23,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 23 verse 18 suspended for your people number two we saw the story of leviticus in joshua 10 13 joshua 10 13. he was,leviticus,10,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 13 the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh zechariah 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and,zechariah,53,5.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 53 verse 5 plain obedience to the all not father haggai chapter 45 we're looking at verse 3 and joseph sage,haggai,45,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 45 verse 3 in jesus name in zechariah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 20 philippians chapter 3 and we're reading from verse,zechariah,3,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 2 grandson of benjamin is called tarshish or in numbers chapter 114 one of the seven princes of persia and media who,numbers,1,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 14 let's begin reading at verse 12 of titus 1 he said and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being,titus,1,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 12 joel chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 25 hebrews chapter 12 ah were reading from verse 25 in verse 25 it,joel,12,25.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 25 that wisdom and obadiah prophesied about jesus in isaiah 11 three he will delight in the fear of the lord he will not,obadiah,11,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 3 broken curses and covenant 2 samuel 49 three to four genesis 49 three to four what ruben did if you have confessed if,2 samuel,49,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 49 verse 3 utter fear jude chapter 2 verse 5 i wanted to scream please it says let this mind,jude,2,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 5 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and john peoples in his heart,john,1,8.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 8 when god promised 2 john that have other you a prophet in jeremiah 1 5 i order you a prophet,2 john,1,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 5 because the bible tells us in john chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 philippians chapter 2,john,2,9.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 9 god created time we see it at creation 1 peter 1 2 tells us that the earth was without form and void,1 peter,1,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 2 them and will guide them to springs of water 1 samuel 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the,1 samuel,55,12.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 55 verse 12 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift micah 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,micah,6,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 13 "give us a little time."" that brings us to 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 17.",2 thessalonians,2,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 17 life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh titus 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must,titus,8,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 13 scripture where you read nahum chapter four all right from verse six,nahum,4,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 6 2 john 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,2 john,14,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 6 1 samuel chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,1 samuel,19,6.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 19 verse 6 8 from verse 14 down to 19. ruth chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,ruth,8,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 14 about him to joe satan there's no one like him on the earth micah 1 verse 8 who fears god job must,micah,1,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 8 power so leviticus 3 23 for all have sinned and come short,leviticus,3,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 23 verse eight in luke chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power,luke,1,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 8 you can see this from mark 2 revelation but it's probably most pronounced in ephesians 5 31 and 32,mark,5,31.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 31 let me read again verse 16 and 17 of joel chapter 1 which trish read to us just a few minutes ago,joel,1,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 16 what is required look at this four of the scripture habakkuk 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see,habakkuk,16,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 16 verse 4 look really quick at 1 john chapter 4 colossians chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 be wise in the way you act toward outsiders,1 john,4,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 5 has given to you take it that you fulfill it in ezekiel chapter 9 verse 36 the bible says david after he has served,ezekiel,9,36.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 36 every of this agenda never becomes a relationships 1 timothy 1977. lord in 1977 i came across,1 timothy,19,77.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 77 that are listed in the book of 1 timothy chapter two and three in colossians in,1 timothy,2,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 3 14 verse 9 and the companion of fools shall be destroyed god says zephaniah 13 b20 a companion of fools you choose your,zephaniah,13,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 13 verse 2 or female in the 1 timothy passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and,1 timothy,3,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 28 chapter 15 verse 23 to 25 2 chronicles 15 23 to 25 at mara there was the river that was,2 chronicles,15,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 15 verse 23 "from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, psalms 1 verse 8 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and",psalms,1,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 8 or female in the 3 john passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and,3 john,3,28.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 28 verse 6 john chapter 3 verse 6 i am the lord i change a lot,john,3,6.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 6 says i haven't laid hold of it all yet verse 13 hosea 3 verse 13 but there's only one thing i do in my life a,hosea,3,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 13 check out job chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen,job,14,12.0,1.0,job chapter 14 verse 12 in jesus name we are praying 2 peter chapter 9 verse 8 he said the only god,2 peter,9,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 8 i say chapter 1 verse 19 2 peter 1 verse 19 has some very deep meanings,2 peter,1,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 19 say loud amen leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,leviticus,2,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 concerning marriage guarantees a history experience in marriage zechariah 1 3 tells us,zechariah,1,3.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 prophecy that spoke about tongues was in luke 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with,luke,28,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 28 verse 11 result of private interpretation jonah 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in,jonah,3,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 22 verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king zephaniah version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord,zephaniah,33,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 33 verse 17 revelations 7 and verse 15 psalms 7 and 15. just another little description there as i,psalms,7,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 15 verse 9 verse 10 2 peter 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,2 peter,3,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 9 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,2 thessalonians,13,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 13 as they were coming together in the book of psalms acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of,psalms,2,42.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 42 your word in jude 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further,jude,14,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 3 instance in psalms chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses,psalms,2,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 11 "heed to my words,"" listen everybody. and then he gives his text, 1 samuel chapter 2, verses 28 to 32.",1 samuel,2,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 28 above all other people is mentioned in ezekiel 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have,ezekiel,1,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9 see it unfold as we go 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 nahum 18 verse beginning at verse 30 therefore i will,nahum,18,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 3 here's the challenging part he actually went psalms 12 4 says so abram,psalms,12,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 4 and verse 15 malachi 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,malachi,33,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 15 closing of this age but the second mentioning in numbers 21 22 happened in eternity that is after the millennium,numbers,21,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 22 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 1 john 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,1 john,11,37.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 37 that was a testimony of joseph in matthew 50 20. people like sarah in genesis 21 verse 1 when god visited,matthew,50,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 50 verse 2 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at zephaniah chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,zephaniah,5,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 22 from verse 25 nahum chapter 7 we're reading from verse 25,nahum,7,25.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 25 are talking about is you know 2 timothy 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision,2 timothy,29,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 18 now that is why we are admonished in leviticus chapter 6 and verse 16. to follow their example if they prayed,leviticus,6,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 16 in the roman epistle the two key verses perhaps on my mind in joel chapter 6 and verse 4 and chapter 7 verse 6,joel,6,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 4 furthermore we discover in the book of 1 thessalonians 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal,1 thessalonians,5,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 will be flowing out numbers 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on,numbers,23,9.0,1.0,numbers chapter 23 verse 9 evening again god forbid in our lives in jesus name we're looking at joel chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 30,joel,11,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 3 and verse 30. 1 john chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,1 john,17,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 3 hope for you psalms 14 7 job 14 7. he said for there is hope of a tree,psalms,14,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 7 it says here in 1 samuel 50 verse 17 [music],1 samuel,50,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 50 verse 17 he died and obtained for us ecclesiastes 5 12. power,ecclesiastes,5,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 and nobody could keep it matthew chapter 8 this is the covenant,matthew,8,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 8 and chapter eight jude chapter seven and joshua chapter eight,jude,8,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 7 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel zechariah 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,zechariah,13,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 8 the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in 1 timothy chapter 6 reading from verse 15,1 timothy,6,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 15 acceptable in the sight of the lord in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,ecclesiastes,1,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 in the book of psalm nehemiah number 124 look at verse 7 there,nehemiah,124,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 124 verse 7 and we are going to be taking our test from 2 samuel chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and,2 samuel,8,18.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 18 instructions that god has said obadiah chapter 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man,obadiah,14,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 14 habakkuk chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,habakkuk,26,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 26 verse 19 towards our lord jesus christ colossians chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts,colossians,26,19.0,1.0,colossians chapter 26 verse 19 1 thessalonians chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,1 thessalonians,11,24.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 24 gospel of his son look at ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9 in romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with,ezekiel,1,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 9 in which to deceive that's been established look at amos chapter 13 verse 9 hebrews,amos,13,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 9 is made available in the name of jesus the bible says in the book of 1 corinthians of 10 38 he says how god anointed jesus of,1 corinthians,10,38.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in 1 samuel 24 from verse 19 to 22,1 samuel,24,19.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 24 verse 19 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed 1 corinthians chapter 6 reading from verse 18,1 corinthians,6,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 hero do it yeah because joel 1 22 says you can be a hero another doer it's time to,joel,1,22.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 22 services this year in 2 corinthians chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city,2 corinthians,13,44.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 44 the promise of wellness and health we're looking at 1 john chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26,1 john,15,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 15 verse 26 micah 29 11 does not apply to you you know jeremiah 29 11 oh the plans i have for you plans to prosper you that,micah,29,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 11 in obadiah chapter one if you read verse 17 i believe daniel chapter one,obadiah,1,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 mother and this was a juicy offer danny chapter one verse eight and haggai peoples in his heart,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 without support or blameless it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 23 and verse 24,ecclesiastes,1,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 23 death or harm all uses of the word save in titus 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,titus,2,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 14 of a story 1 chronicles chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was,1 chronicles,6,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 11 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhew5ms8fva song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each of,song of solomon (song of songs),2,38.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 38 doesn't hurt to read forward mark chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue,mark,17,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 4 also will always be fulfilled amos chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 verse 19. god,amos,23,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 19 said in nehemiah chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,nehemiah,28,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 28 verse 16 that my old man was crucified with him as well zephaniah 6 verse 6 my old self was crucified with him so that this body,zephaniah,6,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 6 with the full assurance of faith zephaniah chapter 10 and verse 22 so when we come to god,zephaniah,10,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 22 can we have a look in yemi read for us jude chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy,jude,2,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 4 name together and look at 1 kings chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,1 kings,5,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 19 upon you until you turn i can pour 1 corinthians 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,1 corinthians,1,23.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 that fight these battles for you esther chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,esther,12,31.0,1.0,esther chapter 12 verse 31 that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied philemon three five the spirit is supplied and works,philemon,3,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 5 with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia 1 john chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 when he may be found call upon him when his name jude chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what,jude,55,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 55 verse 6 shelf you will not have a single one that has jonah 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore,jonah,50,31.0,1.0,jonah chapter 50 verse 31 one two three go our memory verse is taken from zechariah chapter 15 verse four and it says,zechariah,15,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 15 verse 4 can i hear you scream the loudest amen john chapter 8 and verse 37 says nay in all these things we are more than,john,8,37.0,1.0,john chapter 8 verse 37 from verse 24 esther chapter 8 reading from verse 24 is telling us and his power shall be,esther,8,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 24 chapter 11 we read i was 32 1 timothy 11 verse 32 the last part the people who know their god will be strong,1 timothy,11,32.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 32 recompensing in evil in retaliation in 2 timothy chapter 12 17 recompense to no man,2 timothy,12,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 17 judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that nahum 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is,nahum,3,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 11 just like christ according to that zephaniah 2 5 philippians 2 5 it is an humble mind,zephaniah,2,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 5 all right so my question is this what it gots say in 2 kings 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily devotional of monday,2 kings,49,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 49 verse 8 and heard learning to his lips in joel chapter 18 verse 20 proverbs 18 20 a man's belly shall be,joel,18,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 2 word of god there is no limit ezekiel 11 33 all the depths both of the riches,ezekiel,11,33.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 11 verse 33 by your hands in 1 thessalonians chapter 14 and,1 thessalonians,14,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 14 verse 14 there's so many scriptures and i did but turn to 1 kings isaiah 43 and i want you to just to see you know i was in south,1 kings,43,43.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 43 verse 43 my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's luke 1 8.,luke,1,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 8 it applies here so malachi 4 26 in this passage we have instruction,malachi,4,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 26 john chapter 20 th reading from verse 15 in genesis chapter 20 gauge reading from verse 15 and behold i am with the,john,20,15.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 15 blocked out but god leader esther chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james,esther,1,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 18 you. now in philemon 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11.,philemon,4,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 11 is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in 1 john 20 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to,1 john,20,65.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 65 choices moses successor mark summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,mark,24,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 24 verse 15 judgment in john 20 verses verse 12 says there'll be a,john,20,12.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 12 2 corinthians chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,2 corinthians,50,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 50 verse 15 things i want to talk about so look with me at numbers chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying,numbers,3,6.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 6 verse 31 2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 31,2 chronicles,14,31.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 14 verse 31 something has to change in my life in song of solomon (song of songs) 24 uh when you read from verse 30 to 34,song of solomon (song of songs),24,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 24 verse 3 word of jerusalem and we are told in 3 john chapter 1 verse 4 to 11 we received a news and in the image of the,3 john,1,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 4 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are,song of solomon (song of songs),5,24.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 24 and he said in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will,1 peter,1,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 19 let me close this charge by these from lamentations chapter 2 chapter 22 and,lamentations,2,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 22 psalms chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 3 acts chapter 8,psalms,8,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 3 yeah every demonic interference we saw that in 1 kings 10 and verse 13 so i'm not making this up the bible says the,1 kings,10,13.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 13 i say believe me say loud amen hosea chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because,hosea,7,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 13 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more ezra 30 26,ezra,30,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 30 verse 26 triumph of god to centered faith in hosea 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,hosea,39,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 39 verse 21 and that is it 1 corinthians 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,1 corinthians,119,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 119 verse 11 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of 1 chronicles chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,1 chronicles,1,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 that quote is 1 chronicles isaiah 28 verses 11 through 12. this is literally in the same context as,1 chronicles,28,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 28 verse 11 3 john chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the,3 john,8,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 2 the lord said to the man called ruth joshua 1 8 he said the book of the law,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 know he just has the text he wants nahum 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the,nahum,1,8.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 8 your oppressors in the mighty name of jesus obadiah 14 40 says,obadiah,14,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 14 verse 4 jude chapter three galatians chapter three what reading verses 13,jude,3,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 3 in need zechariah chapter 2 15 to 16. james chapter 2 15 to 16 with so much poverty in the world,zechariah,2,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 15 water we snare souls or amos 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of,amos,11,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 3 hand but when you read 2 kings chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12,2 kings,12,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 29 christ it says here in ruth 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith,ruth,1,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 8 1 peter 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11,1 peter,1,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 17 chapter 13. in 2 peter chapter 13 in verse 2,2 peter,13,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 2 1 kings chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said,1 kings,1,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 3 that will break every yoke in jesus name joshua chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27,joshua,10,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 27 satan and his darkness that famous passage hosea chapter 6 put on the full armor of god,hosea,6,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 6 related to ruth chapter 12 is isaiah chapter 14 which is which is one of our tests for this,ruth,12,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 14 look at malachi 19 5. foreign,malachi,19,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 5 "acceptable worship.  2 thessalonians 13 verse 15 and 16 sort of wraps it up, “through him then let us continually offer",2 thessalonians,13,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 13 verse 15 has a plan it says in verse 13 then was psalms brought in before the king,psalms,1,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 13 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,numbers,12,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 14 his arriving in darkness the prophet ruth wrote in chapter 5 verse 20,ruth,5,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 2 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtcbf3sywka leviticus 11 22 says behold,leviticus,11,22.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 22 god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives judges 5 25 says love your wives and,judges,5,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 25 zealous of good works look at 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 26,2 corinthians,9,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 26 passage that we often caught in relation to the new covenant 1 samuel chapter eight this new covenant verse eight,1 samuel,8,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 8 verse 8 settle down in this church for life ezra chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the,ezra,9,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 9 verse 11 from the day zechariah chapter 20 verses 20 and 21 acts,zechariah,20,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 2 in 1 samuel chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady,1 samuel,5,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 2 year job 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the,job,1,14.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 14 okay the memory verse first ezekiel chapter 20 verse 6,ezekiel,20,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 20 verse 6 their conversation will be what's in one theory 1 corinthians 13 7. what to believe is what to manifest,1 corinthians,13,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 7 okay there's amos 5 12. now let's look at acts 14 3,amos,14,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 3 off and we carry you up in jesus name ezra chapter 26 verse 8 the trumpet 26 2016,ezra,26,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 26 verse 8 the kingdom of god according to ecclesiastes 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought,ecclesiastes,14,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 17 "is.  ruth 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his",ruth,1,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 2 nino matthew chapter 6 and verse 24,matthew,6,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 6 verse 24 2 samuel in chapter 3 and there paul speaks about this ephesians in chapter 3 if you turn to verse 3 seasons chapter 3,2 samuel,3,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 promise we're coming to philemon chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11,philemon,11,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 15 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of zephaniah 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force,zephaniah,10,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 15 haggai chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,haggai,2,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 25 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god 2 thessalonians 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,2 thessalonians,10,17.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 17 so atonement involves foregiveness in 1 corinthians 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin,1 corinthians,16,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 3 god is god's wisdom lamentations 4 7 the word of god says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get,lamentations,4,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 7 says in in ezra chapter 4 verse 11 thou art worthy oh lord,ezra,4,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 11 god this is joshua chapter two we can read it god gave,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 if you look at ecclesiastes 4 verses 20 uh,ecclesiastes,4,2.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 2 and that is it 1 corinthians 119 verse 11 says thy word have i hid in my heart that i,1 corinthians,119,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 119 verse 11 he will touch you again in jesus name look at 1 john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1,1 john,1,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 6 is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in 1 john 10 20 that he made a way,1 john,10,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 2 when he got converted and met with god in haggai 4 verse 35 listen to it and see if it is not one of the most,haggai,4,35.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 35 jesus he wants us to be conformed onto christ john chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 i said praise god the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 96 verses 7 and 8,1 thessalonians,96,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 96 verse 7 wisdom is the builder of all things 1 john 3 4 but look at jeremiah chapter 10 verse 12 with me,1 john,3,4.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 4 irrigation and the cycle continues in psalms 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in,psalms,26,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 26 verse 8 the god of all flesh titus chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says,titus,12,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 9 1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice,1 peter,4,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 4 against the jealousy of god in zechariah 34 verse 14 so for thou shall worship no other god,zechariah,34,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 34 verse 14 we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together joshua 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse,joshua,8,26.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 26 the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was ruth 8 24 all things work together for good to,ruth,8,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 8 verse 24 i'm reminded uh that in in the book of 2 kings chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaks about how,2 kings,8,18.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 18 day of the lord comes next chapter and final chapter of ruth verses 14 and 15 multitudes multitudes in the valley of,ruth,1,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 14 every one of us in jesus name in 3 john chapter 3 verse 12 hebrews chapter 3 we're looking,3 john,3,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 12 us away look at matthew chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans,matthew,9,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 9 verse 13 in the vision the first angel in habakkuk chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly,habakkuk,14,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 14 verse 6 new body that is fit for eternity and it's like jesus in some way 2 thessalonians 3 verses 20 and 21 it along the same,2 thessalonians,3,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 limits in numbers chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew,numbers,19,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 2 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing numbers 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're,numbers,13,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 4 writes so let's look at ruth for a second in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 14 paul has this instruction for,ruth,12,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 14 i like that second corinthians 4 7 new king hosea session,hosea,4,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 7 heavenly gift so if we go to 2 john chapter 2 verse 8,2 john,2,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 8 then that was god's instruction blessings for them from luke 1 26 27 and i wanted to listen to me very well,luke,1,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 26 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in philemon chapter 10 verse 16,philemon,10,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 10 verse 16 the wiser we have the better we live judges 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be,judges,12,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 2 said whatever is you know let's look at 2 kings 4 8 right quick philippians 4 8,2 kings,4,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 8 which makes much of him just like we saw in 1 kings 1 20 and 21 when you enjoy,1 kings,1,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 2 the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and 2 thessalonians and all israel made as if they were beaten before them,2 thessalonians,1,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 15 exercise with god's warned in the book of 2 corinthians about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,2 corinthians,24,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 16 to shave in the mighty name of jesus malachi 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,malachi,54,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 54 verse 4 creation together um it's entirely about the deity of jesus so yeah zephaniah 22 13 should be paired with revelation 1,zephaniah,22,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 13 all right ebuka says that's what 2 corinthians 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,2 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray zechariah 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you,zechariah,29,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 29 verse 12 go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 philemon 19 verse 4,philemon,19,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 19 verse 4 right we've already looked at it in esther 3 4 adulterous this reading is called the heart,esther,3,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 4 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jj6f1kyfo0 leviticus 52 verse 9 break forth into joy,leviticus,52,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 52 verse 9 by the holy ghost which is given to us 2 samuel 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,2 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure nahum 25 6 it says how much less a man who is,nahum,25,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 6 reading that maybe that whole chapter of haggai 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance,haggai,12,13.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 13 wonders 1 kings chapter 7 verse 14. talking about jesus in prophecy he said the lord,1 kings,7,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 14 you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now philemon chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the,philemon,8,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 8 verse 14 micah chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,micah,30,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 30 verse 19 our god is a god of speed in esther chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,esther,16,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 16 verse 22 i am reading from the book of ezra chapter 4 verse 24.,ezra,4,24.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 24 see their own sin and the next thing that happened or song of solomon (song of songs) was a sin was cleansed away in isaiah chapter 6 so,song of solomon (song of songs),6,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 6 long after you have been here micah 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,micah,29,17.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 17 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 1 timothy chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,1 timothy,3,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 3 us that when jesus had talked with his disciples and told them in that nehemiah chapter number one verse three telling,nehemiah,1,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 3 play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in colossians 29 29 that really just helped clarify,colossians,29,29.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 29 moses one is john 15 verses 1 to 4 the other is deuteronomy 32 verse 42 the theme in both those songs is the same,john,32,42.0,1.0,john chapter 32 verse 42 almighty god said in habakkuk 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,habakkuk,15,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 26 of lies and half truths right and of course in ecclesiastes verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of,ecclesiastes,12,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 god the scriptures the bible the original formula psalms 2 18 tells us that god himself said,psalms,2,18.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 18 19 be in the book of 1 john 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like,1 john,59,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 59 verse 19 god's spirit why do we say so in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27,2 chronicles,8,26.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 26 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in luke chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,luke,12,13.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 13 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 colossians chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of,colossians,53,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 53 verse 3 you will see your health bounce to back praise the lord right now judges 3 verse 8 you will not be able to go there,judges,3,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 8 his own delight in it joshua 32 41 says and i will rejoice over them to do them good and i will,joshua,32,41.0,1.0,joshua chapter 32 verse 41 so let me read you psalms 19 9 and 10. after three months it says,psalms,19,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 19 verse 9 from ezekiel i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's,ezekiel,1,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 bringing together several passages of scripture 1 kings 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,1 kings,9,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 27 psalms chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord,psalms,10,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 22 transform in zephaniah 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh,zephaniah,3,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 12 look at 1 chronicles chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4,1 chronicles,4,17.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 17 i'll tell you something about that jacob this is haggai 32 24 sometimes it's very difficult for god to get you alone,haggai,32,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 32 verse 24 to lose their vote on you obadiah 12 11. revelation 12 11,obadiah,12,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 11 joshua galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 chapter 7 colossians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,colossians,7,17.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 17 are found in the book of psalms they're found in daniel chapter 8 daniel 11 and here in daniel 12,psalms,8,11.0,1.0,psalms chapter 8 verse 11 a control it controls even donkeys habakkuk chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,habakkuk,22,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 21 chapter 5 verse 4 and matthew in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the,matthew,1,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 3 right and something instructive also was mentioned in titus 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,titus,2,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 21 uh joshua chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,joshua,30,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 30 verse 23 your mindset will change look at what we we see in 3 john chapter 4. ephesians chapter 4 from verse 21 he says if so be,3 john,4,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 21 against us in zechariah chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come,zechariah,3,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 14 for you right now mark 8 32 he despaired not his own son,mark,8,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 32 are the sheep of his pasture for he has said 1 peter 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you,1 peter,13,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 5 and it's a reality in your heart it also says in zephaniah chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras,zephaniah,4,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 reading from verse 20. malachi chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified,malachi,2,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 2 that evasive marriage that voice in 2 kings 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,2 kings,5,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 5 verse 2 37 verse 18 ezra 37 18 the bible made us to understand,ezra,37,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 37 verse 18 multiply in your life in jesus name john chapter 2 a meeting from verse 11 for the grace of god that brings,john,2,11.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 11 testament in nahum in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god,nahum,11,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 6 away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at judges 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn,judges,1,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 14 one can receive anything from him 2 corinthians 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but,2 corinthians,11,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 6 and many happy returns in haggai chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,haggai,12,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 5 things that should come to me easily in 2 kings chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,2 kings,8,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 8 look at 1 thessalonians 19 5. foreign,1 thessalonians,19,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 5 you get rewards the bible says in titus 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,titus,11,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 6 chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with jonah verse 3 he was,jonah,32,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 32 verse 3 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in 1 samuel chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,1 samuel,16,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 2 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,2 chronicles,2,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 25 4 mark chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,mark,8,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 4 be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is colossians chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus,colossians,15,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 2 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of luke before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,luke,1,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 19 according to 2 peter 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing through the water it will be there with,2 peter,53,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 53 verse 3 ourselves this month numbers 30 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice,numbers,30,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 30 verse 19 the others of the church verse 14 of mark let him prove over him anointing with oil in the name of the,mark,1,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 14 for your sake in the name of jesus 1 peter 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,1 peter,54,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 54 verse 14 25 he said in 1 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 20 he said,1 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew leviticus 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your,leviticus,13,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 4 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of 2 kings 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force,2 kings,10,15.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 15 is healthy for you spiritually because you see in joshua chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians 5 verse 18,joshua,5,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 18 "verses 12 to 15, and ecclesiastes 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and",ecclesiastes,10,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 21 temptation habakkuk 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been,habakkuk,1,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 12 when he departed out of iran 2 chronicles 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already,2 chronicles,3,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 12 international utah life convention in 3 john 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to,3 john,105,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 105 verse 13 would god do this well let's take a look at 2 chronicles chapter 20,2 chronicles,20,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 2 i was turned 2 samuel 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says,2 samuel,11,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 17 is 1 timothy the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18,1 timothy,1,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 18 how he fought it let me show you in other words esther 5 7.,esther,5,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 7 unbelievable tongues we're coming to 1 corinthians chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with,1 corinthians,3,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13 choices moses successor jude summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,jude,24,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 24 verse 15 ecclesiastes chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are,ecclesiastes,40,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 40 verse 8 grace that makes great 1 corinthians chapter four verse six but he gave it more grace wherefore he,1 corinthians,4,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 exhorted valley in jesus name there is also a value of destruction in 1 chronicles chapter 16 to 17,1 chronicles,16,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 16 chapter 5 verse 4 and 1 corinthians in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the,1 corinthians,1,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 you in an usual dimension today in jesus name joshua 8 and verse 28 romans 8 and 28 with a song that we sang this morning,joshua,8,28.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 28 season i'm going to be reading from 1 thessalonians chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a bit of a long reading from verse 14 and 15,1 thessalonians,8,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 14 ezekiel chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,ezekiel,1,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 choices moses successor 1 samuel summed it up this way and joshua 24 15,1 samuel,24,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 24 verse 15 works so now let me go to zechariah 2 21. and keep in your mind if this is the first time,zechariah,2,21.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 21 good but all things together work together 1 john 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or,1 john,8,28.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 28 remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at ezekiel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 1 samuel chapter 1 at the end of the time that,1 samuel,1,18.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 18 in jonah chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 verse 37 in all these things we are more than,jonah,8,37.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 37 the bible tells us in the book of 1 kings of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,1 kings,13,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 15 says in the book of ezra 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also,ezra,2,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 9 the the the passages from luke chapter 4 through 14. and,luke,4,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 14 the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering 2 timothy chapter four and verse nine to eleven if,2 timothy,4,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 9 newness and greater meaning is is is in 2 john chapter 59 verse 19 isaiah 59 verse 19 the bible says so when they,2 john,59,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 59 verse 19 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in ecclesiastes 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,ecclesiastes,5,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 that's why paul the apostle speaking in mark 4 verse 4 said what rejoice and again i say rejoice,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 the multitudes increase in 1 thessalonians chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the,1 thessalonians,6,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 7 to have been rich once and then become poor 2 john chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,2 john,23,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 5 can find it here first matthew chapter 2 14. this is such an,matthew,2,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 14 peculiar people serious for good work in 2 samuel chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,2 samuel,21,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 7 essentially these three verses summarize a story that goes from zephaniah chapter 12 to genesis chapter 50.,zephaniah,12,5.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 5 almighty god said in colossians 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your,colossians,15,26.0,1.0,colossians chapter 15 verse 26 beneath in lamentations chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his,lamentations,50,15.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 50 verse 15 very important when the bible was talking to us in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 and ideas l18 enemies if you are,1 chronicles,1,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 18 and freeness in jonah chapter 12 verses 23 verses 2 to 3 and genesis chapter 17 verses 1 to,jonah,12,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 23 the the the passages from 2 timothy chapter 4 through 14. and,2 timothy,4,14.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 14 mood that could accept it the cosima 1 timothy 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not,1 timothy,13,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 9 throughout these years i've loved the truth of 1 chronicles 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke,1 chronicles,45,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 45 verse 3 demons but esther 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure,esther,20,29.0,1.0,esther chapter 20 verse 29 united in adam listen to what paul writes here joshua chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man,joshua,5,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 12 "truth, disseminating doctrine. 2 john 5 verse 16 says we are to be praying for one another...praying for one another.",2 john,5,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 16 name of jesus father you did it before in joel of apostle 13 44,joel,13,44.0,1.0,joel chapter 13 verse 44 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law micah 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,micah,5,22.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 22 weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so ecclesiastes chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22.,ecclesiastes,11,13.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 13 mark 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i,mark,17,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 17 verse 28 chapter 3 verse 6 he said i am the lord i change not it is written in ezra chapter 13 verse 8 he brusatte in verse,ezra,13,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 13 verse 8 two our reading from verse nine luke chapter two,luke,2,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 9 accept sacrifice of praise 2 peter 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster,2 peter,17,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 17 verse 26 more than 40 shiloh's in impact nehemiah chapter 44 verse 26 says that confirmed the word of his servant,nehemiah,44,26.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 44 verse 26 blocked out but god leader colossians chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james,colossians,1,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 18 you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on titus 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14,titus,10,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 14 of my pain with you 2 timothy chapter six verses four through six,2 timothy,6,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 4 i'd like you to open your bible to lamentations chapter 20 and verse 3 that is the law of anybody holding any,lamentations,20,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 20 verse 3 "and to make that indelibly clear, go to verse 8 in jude 4 verse ""finally, brethren to "" listen, here's the last word on this "" to whatever",jude,4,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 8 the crowns are delivered only at the end 1 peter 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast,1 peter,3,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 11 you know the bible says in 2 timothy one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say,2 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 17 to 19. titus chapter 3 17 to 19 i read,titus,3,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 3 verse 17 mediator of the new covenant ruth chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,ruth,12,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 22 us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of joshua 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father,joshua,3,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 14 in the book of 1 kings chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste,1 kings,12,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 7 abimelech and the entire city job 24 17 so abram prayed he prayed unto god and god healed,job,24,17.0,1.0,job chapter 24 verse 17 in the name of jesus that's why i said in 1 thessalonians 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,1 thessalonians,8,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 23 verse 7. leviticus chapter 2 verse 7.,leviticus,2,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 7 capital t what is coming up on the earth 1 timothy 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question,1 timothy,6,18.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 18 let us say louder amen joel 11 and verse 30 he that winners soul is wise please rise up on your feet,joel,11,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 3 ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5,ecclesiastes,13,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 5 shall be given to him ezra 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,ezra,19,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 21 realities of heaven my mind aligns with divine purpose and divine will 2 samuel 55 verse 19 and 11 says my ways are not,2 samuel,55,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 55 verse 19 sensitive psalms 5 25 the bible says if we live in the spirit,psalms,5,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 25 the book of 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to,1 samuel,4,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 17 mean if you're living out these commands in titus chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and,titus,2,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 2 in jesus name we are praying 1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,1 thessalonians,26,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 25 i mean you can read that in amos chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,amos,11,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 11 verse 2 peace look at what zechariah sent of to nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 and verse 29 this is daniel speaking,zechariah,2,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 29 care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from 1 peter 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne,1 peter,46,3.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 46 verse 3 god of surprise in numbers 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing,numbers,43,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 43 verse 19 he always moving vanessa would you send our listeners out with esther 14 verse 24 327 and it just is a reminder that if the,esther,14,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 24 are watching or will watch this this recording and i want to go to 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 this is my my last,2 chronicles,3,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 17 of operation by all means this coming sunday judges chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of,judges,20,9.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 9 that only that which cannot be shaken might remain obadiah chapter 23 verse 5 says will you set your eyes on that,obadiah,23,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 23 verse 5 having a tude and then the same word is used in ezra 615 which jesus is clearly quoting in matthew 4 7 and luke,ezra,6,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 15 now you must underline this in your bible 2 chronicles chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,2 chronicles,8,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 28 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in 2 peter 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,2 peter,5,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 12 concerning you say lord amen joel 10 36 let's read together now everybody want,joel,10,36.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 36 life job chapter 6 and verse 4. it enables believers to work in the,job,6,4.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 4 old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 zechariah 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put,zechariah,20,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 18 has proved true in my life ruth 11 25 says this he in second half of proverbs 11 25 is he,ruth,11,25.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 25 give 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds,1 thessalonians,4,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 you bless is blessed this is back in esther chapter 22 here verse 6 and he whom you curse is cursed,esther,22,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 6 and he said for example in titus chapter 9 verse 6 i said chapter 9 verse 6 oh,titus,9,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 6 look at um 1 john chapter 4 verse 13 and that will be charissa charissa,1 john,4,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 13 greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in job chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god,job,3,17.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 17 and the bible say god remember him in haggai chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.,haggai,14,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 14 verse 14 doing is sin uh what i'm gonna say is this is that first off jonah 14 23 wasn't actually talking about your,jonah,14,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 23 because he ask not 2 kings 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not,2 kings,4,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 2 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams joshua 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible,joshua,20,36.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 36 price for that sanctification habakkuk chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price,habakkuk,13,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 13 he declares the end from the beginning and then in joel 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before,joel,1,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 4 don't know we are received and so in zechariah 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the,zechariah,21,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 6 of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death 2 thessalonians 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say,2 thessalonians,6,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 23 two corners to read verse number 20 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together,1 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 one true pride colossians 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says,colossians,29,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 23 [music] it was a work that sarah had in 1 kings chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis,1 kings,18,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 2 feel like there's some impact here he's reading 1 corinthians 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of,1 corinthians,3,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 2 the crowd you got to be alone it says malachi 32 24 jacob was left alone and god met with him i have noticed some,malachi,32,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 32 verse 24 ultimate advantage 2 john chapter 3 17 to 18 he says they shall be mine when i make,2 john,3,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 17 joy in the book of john 42 5 why are thou cast down o my soul david,john,42,5.0,1.0,john chapter 42 verse 5 crucified to the world it tells us in jonah chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,jonah,6,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 6 verse 6 which i'm going to read quickly to you titus chapter 12 verse 3. in daniel chapter 12 verse 3 the bible,titus,12,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 3 also a platform for the upgrade of faith 1 samuel verse 20 says he said that you know building up yourself upon your most holy,1 samuel,1,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 2 verses 11 to 12. the 1 john sr421 verses 11 to,1 john,4,21.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 21 fruit of the spirit as confirmed by colossians chapter 5 verse 22 happiness depends only on what is happening,colossians,5,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 22 judgment remember 1 timothy is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when,1 timothy,1,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 5 the importance of hearing god's voice like in 1 kings 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and,1 kings,1,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 11 2 peter ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 to 24 ezekiel 18. 2024 the soul that say that it shall die the,2 peter,18,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 2 heart now regarding confidence let's look at judges chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as,judges,1,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 5 matthew chapter 16 from verse 18 to the end judges 16 18 to the end that's the case of something,matthew,16,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 16 verse 18 and here we're reading from verse 18. jude chapter 4 verse 18 we encased hope,jude,4,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 18 we're reading from verse 17 haggai 4 reading from verse 17,haggai,4,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 17 it's also seen malachi chapter 8 chapter 8 a meeting from verse 15 daniel chapter 8 and reading from verse 15 he is saying,malachi,8,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 15 praise the lord let's see the book of ezekiel chapters 4 and verse 16.,ezekiel,4,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 16 that is what the bible tells us in hosea chapter 8 and verse 28 that all things work together for good to them,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 to desu your teachers in jude chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40,jude,40,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 40 verse 29 and the power of his resurrection ezra chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8,ezra,8,37.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 37 our text it's 1 corinthians 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my,1 corinthians,2,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 still given to the humble and what does grace do well numbers 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it,numbers,13,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 8 luke chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long,luke,18,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 3 how he fought it let me show you in other words job 5 7.,job,5,7.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 7 just not to hear from god and according to 2 samuel chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 the bible says faith comes by,2 samuel,10,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 17 it is for a group of people verse 28 jonah 8 28 who love god that means who love god more than they,jonah,8,28.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 28 see some of the problem here in 1 timothy 4 24,1 timothy,4,24.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 4 verse 24 psalms chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now when is your miracle when is your,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 the fire in 1 timothy 43 2 the lord said when you pass through the waters,1 timothy,43,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 43 verse 2 of christ's atonement the bible said in matthew chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23,matthew,1,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 2 the memory verse was taken from the book of 2 kings 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee,2 kings,9,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 6 someone shout hallelujah we want to look at malachi chapter 4 from verse 4 to 7,malachi,4,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 4 of excellence i love that scripture in zechariah 31 29 see many daughters has done well,zechariah,31,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 31 verse 29 micah the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it,micah,28,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 28 verse 21 god is promising according to that esther 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this,esther,30,17.0,1.0,esther chapter 30 verse 17 1 john chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible tells us that noah had three,1 john,9,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 2 else besides him the end of that phrase that's ruth 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4,ruth,4,35.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 35 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with leviticus chapter 42 verse 2.,leviticus,42,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 42 verse 2 it's also seen haggai chapter 8 chapter 8 a meeting from verse 15 daniel chapter 8 and reading from verse 15 he is saying,haggai,8,15.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 15 is 2 timothy chapter 3 james chapter 3 verses 13 to 18 i read,2 timothy,3,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 13 all right ebuka says that's what esther 3 verse 5 says is that correct i'm afraid not that is not correct and,esther,3,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 5 god that will be put to shame that's 1 timothy 10 11 and so be it in your life in the mighty name of jesus we have come,1 timothy,10,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 11 the old harmon of god as you see in obadiah 6 11.,obadiah,6,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 11 the beginning of wisdom lamentations 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,lamentations,1,7.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 7 it before this time let's look at peter's 2 samuel a minute let's go to matthew 16 verses 15 through 18,2 samuel,16,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 16 verse 15 headed by the fear of the lord obadiah 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to,obadiah,10,12.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 10 verse 12 or a glorious destiny we are very familiar with that job chapter 8 verse 29 to 30.,job,8,29.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 29 uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike 1 chronicles 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon,1 chronicles,5,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 2 by treasure is chill march 2 john chapter 2 a meeting from verse 21 fear not o lunge,2 john,2,21.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 21 verse 28. titus 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing,titus,22,28.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 28 god that hurts your walk philemon 4 verse 11 it says harlotry wine and new wine enslave,philemon,4,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 11 he states the basic principle here in nehemiah 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,nehemiah,3,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 28 i'm not going to preach from 2 chronicles 8 4. i'm not going to preach from colossians 1 22. i'm not going to preach from,2 chronicles,8,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 4 but he says in verse 20 haggai 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,haggai,7,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 2 1 6 to 22 joshua 16 to 22 we saw a man that called job which was the most successful in the,joshua,16,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 22 we're looking at 1 john chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the,1 john,5,19.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 19 mark chapter 19. our reading from verse 6 revelation chapter 19,mark,19,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 19 verse 6 even but jesus revolved him straight straight away by quoting 1 kings 6 verse 16 you shall not tell the lord,1 kings,6,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 16 of the kingdom demands faith to deliver titus 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin,titus,14,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 14 verse 23 emphasis so i'm going to read the opening 15 verses of 1 kings 3 just to set it in your mind and then make a,1 kings,3,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 15 remembered or come to mind 2 peter 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth,2 peter,66,22.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 66 verse 22 when he says the length of your days he's referring to john 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the,john,6,3.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 3 needless to say nothing is done without golf in this so the fire ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 verse 20 amos chapter 1 i will,ezekiel,1,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 this issue is as you continue that same preachment 2 samuel 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,2 samuel,1,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 21 found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in 2 timothy 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews,2 timothy,13,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 23 i'm reading here from verse 5 i judges chapter 8 reading from verse 5,judges,8,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 5 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in mark 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,mark,5,18.0,1.0,mark chapter 5 verse 18 hallelujah in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 16 we are told there is that it's not of him that will,song of solomon (song of songs),9,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 16 there to guide and to lead us to guide and to lead us 1 john three verse five and verse six and verse seven,1 john,3,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 5 people is the kings oh no nahum 14 28 i need that who knows me i will honor,nahum,14,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 14 verse 28 somebody will shout him in there leviticus chapter 17 verse 13 acts chapter 17 verse 30 and,leviticus,17,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 13 obtaining the book look at verse 11. ezra chapter 5 verse 11 and i beheld,ezra,5,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 11 numbered by the time we got to ezra chapter 40 exodus 14 from verse 1 to 28 pharaoh was drowned and from the day,ezra,40,14.0,1.0,ezra chapter 40 verse 14 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference 3 john 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so,3 john,5,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 14 from the father we can check out zephaniah chapter 11 verse 7,zephaniah,11,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 7 we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love 2 corinthians chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come,2 corinthians,4,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 14 well in all things not answering again it tells us in obadiah chapter 3,obadiah,3,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 3 powerful and effective i think is very funny when you read habakkuk chapter 17 and you find the seventh sense of the hype,habakkuk,17,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 17 verse 7 from verse 27 leviticus chapter 24 we're looking at verse 27 prepare thy work without,leviticus,24,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 24 verse 27 and verse 15 esther 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,esther,33,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 33 verse 15 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in philemon chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,philemon,16,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 2 the cross and one of the central passages is in philemon 2 through 8 who though he was in the form of god,philemon,2,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 8 as they were coming together in the book of john acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of,john,2,42.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 42 don't lie ever again amos 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar,amos,19,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 22 we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean 2 thessalonians 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible,2 thessalonians,11,6.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 6 with your prayers the bible says in nahum chapter 5 verse 13 to 15 james 5 13 to 15,nahum,5,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 13 god can bring good uh out of it 1 timothy 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,1 timothy,8,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 28 have now the dominion we have look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter two reading from verse six,song of solomon (song of songs),2,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 6 a prophet and he talked to the two disciples likely about leviticus chapter 18 verses 18 and there it says i,leviticus,18,18.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 18 verse 18 verse 31 john 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor,john,13,31.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 31 of my pain with you song of solomon (song of songs) chapter six verses four through six,song of solomon (song of songs),6,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 4 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of esther chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,esther,9,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 9 verse 5 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of 2 kings of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased,2 kings,6,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 7 showed up after i caught a word in haggai chapter 13 and verse 5 in a particular service when we got home that,haggai,13,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 13 verse 5 with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in titus chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together,titus,10,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 23 verse 4 chapter 21 thank you joshua chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's,joshua,21,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 21 verse 4 9 philemon chapter 2 verse 9 it says but we see jesus was made a little lower than,philemon,2,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 9 does is based of the words of the book it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 34 verse 16,2 timothy,34,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 34 verse 16 it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 2 kings it says and in his state shall stand up,2 kings,11,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 21 accountability and our bible text is in the book of 1 timothy chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,1 timothy,14,12.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 most important passages in my life hosea chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop,hosea,1,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 22 for the word of god has said it in haggai 10 11 that there is no one that put his trust in god that will be put to,haggai,10,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 10 verse 11 35 16 to 20 mark 35 16 to 20 she died drawing child labor,mark,35,16.0,1.0,mark chapter 35 verse 16 prophetic season ezra 2 46 to 47 paraphrased and they continued,ezra,2,46.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 46 in him the bible says in the book of esther chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be,esther,43,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 43 verse 2 is that most common for your effort to produce results in jude chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 the,jude,9,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 15 and as we do so i want us to be reminded of god's word in the book of job chapter 62 and verse 5.,job,62,5.0,1.0,job chapter 62 verse 5 the jude 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast,jude,2,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 17 see it unfold as we go 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 habakkuk 18 verse beginning at verse 30 therefore i will,habakkuk,18,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 3 husband in our marriage would you do that work i'm asking for an luke 320 work that is beyond what these women,luke,3,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 2 look at verse 17 there in verse 17 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17,2 timothy,1,17.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 17 shall live by his faith and he said it four different times 2 chronicles 2 verse 4 the jaws shall live by faith,2 chronicles,2,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 4 welcome to 2 john of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts,2 john,2,43.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 43 christ before our dated time before the world began it says in joshua chapter 1 verse 2,joshua,1,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 2 bible and study the words of god in zephaniah 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says,zephaniah,1,8.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 8 in john chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to,john,20,3.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 3 carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good nahum chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament,nahum,4,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 17 submission to secular authority is ordered by god in malachi chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be,malachi,13,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 13 2 john if we look at chapter 2 from verse 6 colossians chapter 2 from verse 6 as ye have therefore received christ,2 john,2,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 6 verse 14 to 16 jonah 9 from verse 14 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have,jonah,9,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 14 this in titus chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,titus,32,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 32 verse 16 i'm reading in the word of god in egg ruth chapter 34. and in verse 26 and i will make them,ruth,34,26.0,1.0,ruth chapter 34 verse 26 to the explosive growth of this church hosea chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of,hosea,6,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 7 without a heart for god in the book of mark chapter 12 verse 13 the bible says let us now hear,mark,12,13.0,1.0,mark chapter 12 verse 13 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" 1 chronicles 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",1 chronicles,10,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 3 answered in jesus name we pray ezekiel chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks,ezekiel,1,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 into this church this coming sunday obadiah chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from,obadiah,2,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 2 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of ruth 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these,ruth,6,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 8 beyond expectations nehemiah chapter 1 verse 28.,nehemiah,1,28.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 28 and the body of christ in esther four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 16 about the last part of,esther,4,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 16 chapter 1 verse 24 zechariah chapter 1,zechariah,1,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 24 2 peter definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing,2 peter,1,19.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 19 his servant psalm 105 verse 42 moses the servant of god 2 chronicles chapter 34 and verse 5.,2 chronicles,34,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 34 verse 5 now the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter one verse 8.,song of solomon (song of songs),1,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 8 "by the way, peter in his sermon in nehemiah 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come.",nehemiah,3,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 2 by time you get to ecclesiastes chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were,ecclesiastes,5,12.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 you have a couple scriptures like in the luke passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where,luke,22,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 3 didn't have it and the bible says oh no man anything zechariah 13 8. so i say it's more important to read,zechariah,13,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 8 joshua 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had,joshua,24,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 24 verse 9 to joel chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the,joel,3,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 14 for his wondrous works in our lives in the book of 1 thessalonians 26 7 that i may publish with the voice of thanksgiving,1 thessalonians,26,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 26 verse 7 answer to lazy people bible says in 1 corinthians 6 and verse 9 let us not be weary in well to doing,1 corinthians,6,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 verses ruth chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the,ruth,6,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 6 verse 3 mentality first i mean john 2 20 galatians 2 20.,john,2,2.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 2 over us now notice our passage notice john 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of god,john,6,11.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 11 look at ezra chapter 2 we're reading from the stream philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done,ezra,2,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 3 god had already told adam in esther 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree,esther,2,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 16 to restore and rebuild jerusalem 2 corinthians 9 25 know therefore and understand,2 corinthians,9,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 25 things is this beautiful verse in micah 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse,micah,29,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 29 verse 11 quoted three times in the new you better take heed to it in john and chapter 1 and verse 17 we read romans,john,1,17.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 17 can we say believe in amen 2 peter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will,2 peter,3,17.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 17 believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved 1 samuel of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must,1 samuel,17,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 17 verse 17 we are reading verse 4 in the book of nehemiah 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life,nehemiah,15,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 4 verses 18 to 29. 3 john 12 verse 18 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched,3 john,12,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 18 person it was a faithful man in 2 peter chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22,2 peter,39,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 39 verse 6 to the great day of the lord. you go through haggai 6 to 19 and you have all those judgments being poured out.,haggai,6,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 19 verses 26 and 27 where zephaniah speaks about the prince of the people that shall come,zephaniah,1,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 1 verse 26 the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in amos chapter eight verse seven and eight that,amos,8,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 7 mouth wide and i will feel it it says haggai 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 thank you holy spirit you know the bible says in zechariah chapter one uh from verse 18 he says that uh it was a prayer,zechariah,1,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 in him the bible says in the book of leviticus chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be,leviticus,43,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 43 verse 2 is possible for christians to commit adultery in a spiritual sense in judges chapter 4 and verse 4 james says,judges,4,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 4 stubbornness in titus chapter 1 if you guys want to write it down romans 1 verse 26 talks about how god says the more and,titus,1,26.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 26 will come to pass in 2 samuel 37 from verse 5 to 11,2 samuel,37,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 37 verse 5 john chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,john,3,7.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 7 lamentations 12 9 romans 12 9. bible says,lamentations,12,9.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 9 your plan that's what's written in ezra 21 5 the new living translation version,ezra,21,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 21 verse 5 to newness to to be new if we look at the book of 2 john 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 it talks about,2 john,23,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 23 verse 5 in the precious name of the lord jesus so leviticus 8 and verse 35 he said who shall separate us,leviticus,8,35.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 35 can you help us on me 1 peter to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,1 peter,17,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 17 verse 22 19 verse 7 and verse 8 nahum 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse,nahum,19,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 19 verse 7 and look at this in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 in galatians chapter 5,1 thessalonians,5,7.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 7 to 2 chronicles 6 and verse 3 if anyone thinks he's somebody,2 chronicles,6,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 3 not just outstanding but standing out in the same philemon chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3,philemon,6,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 3 christ leviticus 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,leviticus,23,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 26 you know the story of joseph 1 john 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to,1 john,37,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 37 verse 5 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this titus 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,titus,53,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 53 verse 7 read this scripture rumor i mean sorry 1 john chapter 3 when you read verse 13 and 14 in the new living,1 john,3,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 13 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him haggai 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,haggai,5,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 3 going to go to 2 corinthians and take a look at that and i'm going to jeremiah 27 uh verse 5 through,2 corinthians,27,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 27 verse 5 on you and that's the development of it so zephaniah chapter 26 verse 16 and no two verses that uses that seven times,zephaniah,26,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 26 verse 16 which is in malachi chapter 22 i'm going to read just one verse verse 5.,malachi,22,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 22 verse 5 his word to us nahum 7 7. the bible he has speaking says,nahum,7,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 7 he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree haggai chapter 1 11 and 12.,haggai,1,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 11 written the book of leviticus starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and,leviticus,17,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 14 store uh and over in ezekiel 1 5. jeremiah says i knew you before excuse me the,ezekiel,1,5.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5 """in fact,"" jesus says, ""you have made it a robbers' den,"" language borrowed from hosea chapter 7 and verse 11.",hosea,7,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 11 and terms are used in different ways so the term sons of god in haggai 1 6 is referring to angels,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 but fortunately jesus is the way that's why in jude chapter 33 verses 13 to 15.,jude,33,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 33 verse 13 lamb memory verse joel chapter 19 verse 9,joel,19,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 19 verse 9 and rebellious act you see that in the book of 1 john 5 verse 23,1 john,5,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 23 number one is led by the spirit leviticus 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we,leviticus,5,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 16 people look at 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,1 thessalonians,3,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 in 2 kings chapter 11 verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 the spirit of god manifests indifferent,2 kings,11,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 11 verse 11 bringing together several passages of scripture nahum 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,nahum,9,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 9 verse 27 what you should do with your mouth leviticus 4 15 ephesians 4 15,leviticus,4,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 15 point about numbers 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys,numbers,8,27.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 27 moses at the back of the desert in mark chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3,mark,3,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 14 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 titus chapter 8,titus,8,6.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 6 cleansing there is no any other means titus of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight,titus,4,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 12 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and hosea 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,hosea,35,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 35 verse 5 land and as we do so let's be reminded of god's word in 2 timothy chapter 8 and verse 18 you shall remember the lord,2 timothy,8,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 18 his coming i want you to look at 1 timothy chapter 5 reading from verse 9 and verse 10 revelation chapter 5,1 timothy,5,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 9 store uh and over in song of solomon (song of songs) 1 5. jeremiah says i knew you before excuse me the,song of solomon (song of songs),1,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 loud amen 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is,2 thessalonians,1,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 it shall be like a hit in the desert leviticus chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,leviticus,17,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 17 verse 5 and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 1 timothy 12 3 he said if only,1 timothy,12,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 3 father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him 2 samuel 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness,2 samuel,5,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 3 and he has come accounted the promise john 3 29 and christ has redeemed us from the,john,3,29.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 29 proofs but it says that while he was doing this habakkuk chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that he,habakkuk,1,3.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 3 may get him rich it is the blessing of the lord nahum chapter 10 verse 22 is my witness,nahum,10,22.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 22 the bible says in colossians chapter 3 verse 8 amos chapter 3 verse 8. this is,colossians,3,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 8 john chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,john,27,22.0,1.0,john chapter 27 verse 22 prophets they speak the word but if you go down in 2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse number 5 and 6 it says and philip,2 thessalonians,8,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 5 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in titus chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,titus,1,27.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 27 then such a person cannot see god zephaniah chapter 6 in genesis chapter 6 we're reading from,zephaniah,6,6.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 6 his godly ones they are preserved forever it's in 1 john chapter 4 and verse 18 that we read this but the path,1 john,4,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 18 we are once again carrying on with our study in zephaniah fijians chapter 5 is where we're gonna be today verses three,zephaniah,5,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 3 and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in joshua 11 32 they that know their god,joshua,11,32.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 32 scripture for our talk is in 1 chronicles 4 verse 7 the bible says,1 chronicles,4,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 7 we'll be reading matthew chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him,matthew,8,37.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 37 even in ezekiel 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know,ezekiel,1,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 17 your old testament passage i already have mine marked because 1 timothy can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8,1 timothy,2,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 8 zechariah 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters,zechariah,4,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 8 for your sake in the name of jesus judges 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray,judges,54,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 54 verse 14 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift jude 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,jude,6,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 13 and his agents in the book of john chapter 6 verse 12.,john,6,12.0,1.0,john chapter 6 verse 12 i mean habakkuk 37 from verse 16 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 16 to 28 the brothers of,habakkuk,37,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 37 verse 16 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the colossians of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,colossians,2,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 8 for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it 2 samuel 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you,2 samuel,14,14.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 14 verse 14 outstanding example of a godly young man it's timothy 1 nahum 2 verse 19 i hope in the lord jesus to send timothy to you,nahum,2,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 2 verse 19 hearts john chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes,john,3,12.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 12 in all excuse me leviticus 2 20 to 22 it says christ himself being the chief,leviticus,2,2.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 2 verse 2 and rebellious act you see that in the book of 2 samuel 5 verse 23,2 samuel,5,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 23 ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in ezekiel 10 from verse 12 to 14,ezekiel,10,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 12 see their own sin and the next thing that happened or 1 peter was a sin was cleansed away in isaiah chapter 6 so,1 peter,6,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 6 have found yeah joshua 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,joshua,3,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 16 and if you read 3 john chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when,3 john,17,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 17 verse 8 written the book of 1 peter starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and,1 peter,17,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 17 verse 14 not miss the rapture in jesus name 3 john chapter 14 we're reading from verse 12 revelation,3 john,14,12.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 12 the one that god has decided to favor because it 2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 the bible says we are more,2 kings,8,37.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 37 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. 2 thessalonians said who is he that i did counsel without,2 thessalonians,42,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 42 verse 3 moved the chapter heading 1 verse further malachi chapter 4 verse 21 tell me you who want to be under law do,malachi,4,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 21 next to those verses i just read there you can write titus 6 verses 12 to 17 revelation 6 verse 12 to 17 those,titus,6,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 12 he rested you don't need to turn there but the reference is 3 john 2 2 and i'll read it to you it says and on,3 john,2,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 2 verse 29. habakkuk chapter 5 verse 29 he says then peter and the other apostles,habakkuk,5,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 5 when you read from verse 6 down to 11 haggai 6 and verse 6 down to 11 it says go to the hands you slogan consider,haggai,6,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 6 magnifying the lord look at ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 44 acts,ecclesiastes,10,44.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 44 and they came near amos 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near,amos,45,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 45 verse 4 genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve ruth 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and,ruth,4,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 3 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do joel chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,joel,44,23.0,1.0,joel chapter 44 verse 23 like bestiality verse 24 then of john 18 do not defile yourselves by any of,john,18,24.0,1.0,john chapter 18 verse 24 things one of the best bible verses you can memorize is 2 peter 4 verse 6 through 8 this is one that i have,2 peter,4,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 6 number five you need to decrease decrease in jude 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to,jude,22,28.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 28 and verse 30. ecclesiastes chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says,ecclesiastes,17,3.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 3 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power ezekiel 26 18 to open the eyes,ezekiel,26,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 26 verse 18 verse reads in hosea 9 18 reads this is why even the first covenant,hosea,9,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 18 worrisome to me if i preach not the gospel in 2 john chapter 9 verse 23 jeremiah chapter 9 verse 23 god,2 john,9,23.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 23 verse 32 of nahum chapter five ephesians 5 and verse 32 the bible says this is a great great,nahum,5,32.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 32 long after you have been here ruth 29 verse 17 proverbs 29 verse 17 he says if you want to rest,ruth,29,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 17 amen praise the lord let's quickly read that jude 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up,jude,2,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 11 we're reading from verstappen five and verse 36 luke chapter 37 we're reading from verse,luke,37,36.0,1.0,luke chapter 37 verse 36 learned that a path for us was faithful in 2 thessalonians 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful,2 thessalonians,4,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 9 transgressor is hard in obadiah chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that,obadiah,21,16.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 21 verse 16 have found yeah ezekiel 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,ezekiel,3,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. job said who is he that i did counsel without,job,42,3.0,1.0,job chapter 42 verse 3 to you esther 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15.,esther,8,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 28 [applause] 1 kings chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey,1 kings,1,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 5 by keeping company with abraham over in judges chapter 13 from verse 5 to 6.,judges,13,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 5 we have been told it's philemon chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.,philemon,5,32.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 32 by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god lamentations 8 26 in the same way the spirit helps us in,lamentations,8,26.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 26 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 we're looking at verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 33,song of solomon (song of songs),33,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 3 makes a difference jonah 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie,jonah,23,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 19 your will overcome i will overcome look at habakkuk chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells,habakkuk,12,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 17 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you 2 peter chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,2 peter,12,5.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 5 the power from our possessed pentecost job chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 there today 3 john 4 4 hear our god,3 john,4,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 4 properly 2 corinthians chapter 26 verses 12 and 13 genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13. the bible says,2 corinthians,26,12.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 26 verse 12 same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told 1 chronicles to by his uncle's line just to mention you,1 chronicles,32,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 7 chapter 5 2 timothy chapter 5 i read from verse 19 james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren,2 timothy,5,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 5 verse 19 the mouth of paul the 2 john church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8,2 john,4,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 8 four in obadiah chapter 4 he says in verse 13,obadiah,4,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 13 1 peter chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,1 peter,8,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 14 call of god r is renewal of the mind look at haggai chapter 12 verse 2 it says in verse 2,haggai,12,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 2 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing zechariah 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're,zechariah,13,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 13 verse 4 but recognize you have rights with me the bible says in the book of 2 john 36 11 he said if they obey and serve me,2 john,36,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 11 bringing together several passages of scripture psalms 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're,psalms,9,27.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 27 triumph of god to centered faith in jonah 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,jonah,39,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 39 verse 21 exist between the two i quoted to you from ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory,ezekiel,6,23.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23 11 verse 7 bent to perpetual backsliding 1 kings 8 verse 5 my people my people have committed two evils two evils they,1 kings,8,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 8 verse 5 number one is the deprivity of vain glory in hypocrites look at 1 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 3. in,1 kings,2,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 3 gone from your life because in 2 peter chapter 3 ephesians chapter 6 reading from verse,2 peter,3,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 6 from verse 1 to 1 john chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from,1 john,4,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 2 future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in obadiah 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also,obadiah,8,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 23 that young people under 30 years yeah turn with me to 2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 17 in the middle of that verse it,2 corinthians,24,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 24 verse 17 going to make us richer than we are ever been this reading 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 9.,1 chronicles,3,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 9 strangers in the heartless kingdom were looking at 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 12 it says that at that time,2 john,2,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 12 lamentations chapter 36 looking at verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 i will read him from verse 25,lamentations,36,25.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 36 verse 25 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in leviticus revelation 21 verse 7,leviticus,21,7.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 21 verse 7 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church judges said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,judges,20,26.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 26 chapter 72 1 samuel chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17,1 samuel,32,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 32 verse 17 light leviticus chapter 12 verse 40 it speaks about jonah in the whale's belly in the sea monsters belly for three days,leviticus,12,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 4 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in 3 john four verse four,3 john,4,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 4 earnestly and faithfully seek him obey him judges 10 verse 4,judges,10,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 4 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder ezra 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you,ezra,15,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 15 verse 11 church for life john 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the,john,23,2.0,1.0,john chapter 23 verse 2 looking at 1 samuel chapter 1 we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 28,1 samuel,1,28.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 28 that they will stop me joel five exodus seven examples excellent let my people go that,joel,5,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 7 wisdom into your life based on job chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 5 the almighty god,job,1,5.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 5 companion by the way when he wrote matthew he refers to him in chapter 4 you can look at chapter 4 verse 12 a man,matthew,4,12.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 12 in esther chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 32 numbers chapter 22,esther,22,32.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 32 in haggai chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good,haggai,1,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 6 these various trials because he says in 1 john 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life,1 john,1,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 3 1 timothy chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after,1 timothy,15,36.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 36 for the sake of people that are just joining us and i read habakkuk 5 19 to 21 i hope we are with our bibles,habakkuk,5,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 19 or drinking of blood the bible forbids it 2 john 7 26 the bible tells us that you shall not,2 john,7,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 26 okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought 1 thessalonians 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i,1 thessalonians,17,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 13 boundary says we must honor what kind of countries this malachi chapter 5 were reading from verse 11. ephesians chapter,malachi,5,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 11 and tortured and afflicted but now 1 thessalonians 1 13 said he has translated you,1 thessalonians,1,13.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 13 believer growing in the world according to 1 thessalonians 3 verse 16 let the word of christ dwell in you richly there will,1 thessalonians,3,16.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 16 give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again colossians chapter 3 verse 5,colossians,3,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 3 verse 5 1 corinthians 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 38,1 corinthians,3,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 11 in the book of 1 kings in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places,1 kings,74,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 74 verse 2 chapter one and i'm reading from the sabre nahum age revelation chapter one verses 7 and 8 behold he cometh with the,nahum,1,7.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 7 nine the bible says that his power is excellent jonah job 37 23,jonah,37,23.0,1.0,jonah chapter 37 verse 23 ezra of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked,ezra,16,25.0,1.0,ezra chapter 16 verse 25 they flow through you're just different 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 21,2 samuel,12,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 21 portia i'm going to have you flip to 2 chronicles and gail if you can read us ezekiel 16 8 through 14,2 chronicles,16,8.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 8 our lives and the other verse award in esther chapter 1 verse 11 three times in that verse he says my name must be,esther,1,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 11 says there have to be multiple witnesses 1 timothy 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of,1 timothy,19,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 19 verse 15 1 ezekiel chapter 1 28,ezekiel,1,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 28 and that is why if you look at what uh joshua chapter 16 verse 9 probably chapter 16 verse 9 says,joshua,16,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 16 verse 9 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen 2 timothy 14 and verse 27,2 timothy,14,27.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 27 at the completion of the tabernacle matthew chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,matthew,40,34.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 34 of all events in our lives it says in amos chapter 2 verse 22 and he reveals,amos,2,22.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 22 looking at 2 chronicles chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 36 daniel chapter 4 and were reading from verse society says,2 chronicles,4,36.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 36 she wasn't aware of it so we'll pick up 1 thessalonians chapter four verse eight through twelve only they basically i don't know,1 thessalonians,4,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 8 deliver his soul from hell now shall deliver his soul from hell joel 23 verse 14 hebrews 12 verse 7 hebrews 12,joel,23,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 23 verse 14 in the world today in leviticus chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god,leviticus,8,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 14 our anchor is from the book of 1 kings chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find,1 kings,7,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 7 verse 7 by looking at titles chapter 2 reading from verse 11 obadiah chapter 2 verse 11 it says the grace that brings,obadiah,2,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 11 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in 1 chronicles 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part,1 chronicles,45,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 45 verse 2 consecrated to the lord 2 kings chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13.,2 kings,4,13.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 13 ezra chapter 4 in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29 acts chapter 4 verse 29,ezra,4,29.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 29 of the church we're looking at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 our reading from verse 7 he tells us in,2 thessalonians,3,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 7 basically on the choice of individuals in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and,2 chronicles,13,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 19 6 in job chapter 30 verse 6 the lord,job,30,6.0,1.0,job chapter 30 verse 6 like some determinist suggests about 1 chronicles 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,1 chronicles,16,33.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 16 verse 33 make your request known unto god 1 thessalonians 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any,1 thessalonians,4,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 6 know 2 john 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is,2 john,15,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 11 verse 17 and verses 18 and 21 in ezra chapter 21 and she had a great and high wall with 12 gates,ezra,21,18.0,1.0,ezra chapter 21 verse 18 you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh joshua 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my,joshua,55,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 55 verse 11 2 peter 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at,2 peter,1,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 14 the lampstands but here i want to go a bit further in zechariah chapter 1 reading from verse 12 to the end of the,zechariah,1,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 12 you are raising the dead you say really oh malachi 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says,malachi,21,16.0,1.0,malachi chapter 21 verse 16 are still required to ask him in prayer micah 33 and verse 3 tells us,micah,33,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 33 verse 3 the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses joshua 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with,joshua,22,25.0,1.0,joshua chapter 22 verse 25 job chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,job,29,22.0,1.0,job chapter 29 verse 22 faith meekness temperance against such there is no law judges 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very,judges,5,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 22 chapter 14 verse 13 in 3 john chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,3 john,14,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 13 16. ezekiel chapter 4 from verse 11 to 16 uh i read it from the new king james,ezekiel,4,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 4 verse 11 holy look at joshua chapter 20 verse 7 he says sanctify yourselves therefore,joshua,20,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 7 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvlxvzy2kxq i want to turn to 2 samuel in chapter 4 and we read from verse 30 he since 4 verse 30,2 samuel,4,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 3 time to rejoice 2 peter chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you,2 peter,4,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 4 and many happy returns in 2 john chapter 12 and verse 5 the bible says so we been many,2 john,12,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 5 sickness and disease is in his blood malachi 17 11. the life of the flesh,malachi,17,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 11 but god leader leviticus chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will,leviticus,1,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 of offence both towards god and man zephaniah 24 16 we need to exercise ourselves we need to build up our faith,zephaniah,24,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 16 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already leviticus 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,leviticus,9,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 27 god so mighty is to say this listen to it closely zephaniah 63 9 and all their afflictions,zephaniah,63,9.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 63 verse 9 the power from our possessed pentecost 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power,1 thessalonians,1,8.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 when looking kill 2 chronicles chapter 7 reading from verse 51,2 chronicles,7,51.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 51 what god said in ezekiel 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 10 sir you shall be above only you won't be beneath you,ezekiel,28,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 13 wishes hallelujah now um psalm 34 1 corinthians 34 18 and the message translation says if your heart is broken,1 corinthians,34,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 34 verse 18 malachi chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,malachi,11,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 11 verse 24 glory glory glory to god ezra chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,ezra,22,22.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 22 and the love of god will not be in your heart in judges chapter 5 verse 22,judges,5,22.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 22 as the brightness of the former man zephaniah 2 f3 and they turn many many to righteousness,zephaniah,2,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 the crowns are delivered only at the end amos 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast,amos,3,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 11 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder micah 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,micah,28,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 28 verse 12 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in 1 john 22 verse 16.,1 john,22,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 16 coming generation luke 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when,luke,22,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 22 verse 6 hope that is not baseless you know titus 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 know how to go about it in psalms 21 22 the bible says a wise man,psalms,21,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 21 verse 22 just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in lamentations 114 the way they're using it he's two,lamentations,11,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god 2 timothy chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation,2 timothy,8,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 19 should be a guiding point on this road 1 peter chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews 13 verse 5 let your conversion i mean,1 peter,13,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 13 verse 5 and thou shalt have plenty of silver john 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god,john,22,21.0,1.0,john chapter 22 verse 21 don't understand bible says also also leviticus 20 27 that that the spirit of man is the candle of the lord can do of,leviticus,20,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 20 verse 27 have found yeah 1 timothy 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ,1 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 mediator of the new covenant haggai chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the,haggai,12,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 12 verse 22 he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed jonah chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to,jonah,5,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 5 verse 17 testimony 1 john 42 verse 18 but i fear god,1 john,42,18.0,1.0,1 john chapter 42 verse 18 why not warm to another in 2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of,2 corinthians,29,13.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 one two three go our memory verse is taken from nehemiah chapter 15 verse four and it says,nehemiah,15,4.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 4 and peace shall be with you mark chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,mark,4,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 7 i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from 3 john chapter one,3 john,1,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 2 very text came to them john 44 3 and they began to plead with god,john,44,3.0,1.0,john chapter 44 verse 3 life of sacrificial service a life of sacrificial service malachi 10 38 a life of going around doing good with,malachi,10,38.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 38 of psalms chapter 1 verse 14 james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his,psalms,1,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 14 harvesters out of the believer in the book of job chapter 41 and verse 15,job,41,15.0,1.0,job chapter 41 verse 15 from ezekiel 49 by paul and barnabas listen to what they say acts 13 46 then paul and barnabas grew bold,ezekiel,13,46.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 46 like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of joel 12 11 talking about jesus,joel,12,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 11 failure proof in titus chapter 21 and verse 45 he declared loud and clear they failed,titus,21,45.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 45 mean by virgins it says in mark chapter 14 and verse 4,mark,14,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 4 let me read again verse 16 and 17 of joshua chapter 1 which trish read to us just a few minutes ago,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in nahum 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not,nahum,4,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 19 let's make it louder and stronger zephaniah chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,zephaniah,2,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 2 marriage the bible in 2 thessalonians 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of,2 thessalonians,2,14.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 2 john chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,2 john,2,25.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 25 joshua galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20,joshua,2,2.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 2 is inimity against god jude 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after,jude,8,5.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 5 then such a person cannot see god judges chapter 6 in genesis chapter 6 we're reading from,judges,6,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 6 are driven there is no software to this 2 chronicles 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,2 chronicles,22,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 28 as they were coming together in the book of matthew acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of,matthew,2,42.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 42 for you right now 2 john 8 32 he despaired not his own son,2 john,8,32.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 32 could select a few that would be able to get through this often arena so 2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 pure and undefiled,2 kings,1,27.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 life only a dead crystal does that 2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 john to the seven churches which are in asia grace,2 peter,1,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 prophets who steal my words let's first 30 by the way lamentations 23 verse 30 i am against the proud and i'm,lamentations,23,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 23 verse 3 i read 1 timothy chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says,1 timothy,10,27.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 10 verse 27 i will not forsake you 1 john 13 verse 5 i will never leave you,1 john,13,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 13 verse 5 of righteousness 1 chronicles chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,1 chronicles,28,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 28 verse 7 can you help us on me 1 samuel to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,1 samuel,17,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 17 verse 22 of god i give you an example psalms 50 verse 14 to 15 judges 15 14 to 15 the bible said they brought some say,psalms,50,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 50 verse 14 but let's read it again ruth 5 22 and bible says but the fruit of the,ruth,5,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 22 verse 17 and verses 18 and 21 in jude chapter 21 and she had a great and high wall with 12 gates,jude,21,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 21 verse 18 toward god or turning away from him habakkuk 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up,habakkuk,1,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 6 when he was tempted and i say i want to do the same thing it says in g john chapter five jesus christ verse seven,john,5,7.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 7 our god is a god of speed in 2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand,2 thessalonians,16,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 22 and look at this in ezra chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 in galatians chapter 5,ezra,5,7.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 7 you get rewards the bible says in esther 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,esther,11,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 6 something is happening to your faith look at matthew chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,matthew,2,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 18 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the titus of the provision of a lamb from the time of,titus,12,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 5 the other verse i want to read is from song of solomon (song of songs) 12 19 and it says do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room,song of solomon (song of songs),12,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 19 authorities and defeated them and zechariah in chapter 2 and verse 14 it says he became like us that through,zechariah,2,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 14 it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view hosea 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of,hosea,30,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 15 clear about this john 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood,john,17,11.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 11 because in john chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when,john,10,12.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 12 of creative worship in church when i questioned these things jonah 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or,jonah,1,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 2 the second verse of ruth 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the,ruth,66,2.0,1.0,ruth chapter 66 verse 2 wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in micah chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse,micah,16,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 16 verse 2 they crucified the lord of glory look at 1 kings chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 6,1 kings,6,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 6 have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in 3 john 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of,3 john,9,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 3 and i'm reading here from verse 8 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 8 it tells us here,2 peter,2,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 8 himself in psalms chapter one verse seven when god asks him,psalms,1,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 7 straight now remember i read you earlier right from matthew chapter 40 the opening and then down in verses 9 and 10 isaiah,matthew,40,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 40 verse 9 and restores health quickens our mortal bodies 2 samuel 8 and verse 11 the bible makes clear to us,2 samuel,8,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 11 19 2 thessalonians 1 15 to 19 as soon as he was converted,2 thessalonians,1,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 15 in 2 john chapter 8 from verse 26 to 40 acts 8 26 to 40 after uh philip got to samaria and had that,2 john,8,26.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 26 where a man called agabus prophesied something about the future job chapter 11 and acts chapter 21 and if you i,job,11,21.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 21 you will see the story more so ecclesiastes 32 that i'm reading 5 50 verse 52 yet thou shalt see the land,ecclesiastes,32,5.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 32 verse 5 made powerless satan who had the part at jonah 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the,jonah,2,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 14 look at chapter 6 reading from verse 4 haggai chapter 6,haggai,6,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 4 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,2 timothy,2,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 26 struggle in your twenties if this is not fundamentally established 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 you are dull tresses do you,2 timothy,4,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 4 of the leaves now philemon 18 verse 20 the same mystery here a man's belly,philemon,18,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 18 verse 2 with god zechariah 33 verse 18 to 23,zechariah,33,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 33 verse 18 right and something instructive also was mentioned in 2 samuel 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with,2 samuel,2,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 21 reading from verse 20. 1 john chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified,1 john,2,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 2 it's a risk haggai chapter 20 in verse 126 the appointed cities of refuge,haggai,20,12.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 12 and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood luke 20 28 says was the blood of god,luke,20,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 28 i want what does it say in micah 1 8 why does god give his power,micah,1,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 8 "a man. in ruth 10 verse 42 we read, ""jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge",ruth,10,42.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 42 profession he hears the kind of falsehood as saints numbers chapter 1 verse 16 in titus chapter 1 verse 16,numbers,1,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 16 amen ezra chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrased associate yourselves and you,ezra,8,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 8 interesting verse why is it we why is 1 kings 126 say we and there's a few options people throw,1 kings,1,26.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 encountered god through his word in psalms 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some,psalms,53,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 53 verse 4 1 corinthians 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness,1 corinthians,53,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 53 verse 3 testimony malachi 42 verse 18 but i fear god,malachi,42,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 42 verse 18 verse 17 ruth 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women,ruth,2,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 17 for lack of thanksgiving leviticus or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to,leviticus,13,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 15 reading from verse 13 philemon chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,philemon,2,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 13 every marital siege with your word micah 34 16 seek ye out of the book of the lord and,micah,34,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 34 verse 16 used when he said i am were the same words that god used in luke 3 verse 14 when he said to moses i am and those two,luke,3,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 14 kept him and delivered her in 2 john chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over,2 john,53,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 53 verse 5 heart god's word tells us in jonah chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 reading from verse 15 2 thessalonians chapter 1 were reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 1 verse 15 so as much as in me,2 thessalonians,1,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 15 somebody shot with me prayer works numbers chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a,numbers,5,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 17 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8,song of solomon (song of songs),8,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 14 the book of numbers chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh,numbers,6,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 12 8 joel chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and,joel,5,8.0,1.0,joel chapter 5 verse 8 israel in babylon happened when colossians understood by books in daniel chapter 9 and in verse 2 the,colossians,9,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 9 verse 2 and the bible promised in ruth chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7,ruth,61,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 61 verse 7 habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 we're looking at verse 13 it says,habakkuk,4,13.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13 it is a must the bible says in the book of luke chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19.,luke,3,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 3 verse 17 joel 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent,joel,14,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 14 verse 6 i'm reading in the word of god in egg psalms chapter 34. and in verse 26 and i will make them,psalms,34,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 26 are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the 1 peter they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy,1 peter,119,24.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 119 verse 24 and breakthroughs this coming sunday can i hear the loudest amen matthew 23 20 says behold i send,matthew,23,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 23 verse 2 the nations in the world and this verse is found in amos chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,amos,14,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 13 micah 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of,micah,26,8.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 8 one prayer point and we are done 1 samuel chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is,1 samuel,1,9.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 9 we can turn in your bibles there joshua chapter 14 verse 16. then it'll come about that any who are,joshua,14,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 16 in jesus name look at 1 corinthians daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,1 corinthians,11,32.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 11 verse 32 the church continues to grow joshua chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there,joshua,1,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 12 compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character 2 john chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace,2 john,12,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 14 they declared the same thing listen to zephaniah 11 4 listen to my voice,zephaniah,11,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 11 verse 4 as i conclude in 1 samuel 61 and verse 2,1 samuel,61,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 61 verse 2 and tortured and afflicted but now ruth 1 13 said he has translated you,ruth,1,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 13 out titus chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,titus,4,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 12 fruit of the spirit for example in colossians 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,colossians,5,22.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 22 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven 1 chronicles chapter six,1 chronicles,6,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 7 world esther chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did,esther,15,16.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 16 they would not repent and so god in obadiah chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,obadiah,19,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 19 verse 24 so simba started there and he says in verse 30 of the song of solomon (song of songs) 11 the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life the,song of solomon (song of songs),11,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 3 14 verse 15 matthew chapter 14 reading from verse,matthew,14,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 15 difference whatsoever 1 timothy chapter 2 and i'm going to look at three four verses here,1 timothy,2,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 3 it is not his will that and he shall perish the bible tells me 2 john i mean in hebrews 4 15 that he's ever,2 john,4,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 15 uproots mountains number three hosea chapter 2 verses 4 all through to,hosea,2,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 4 on the basis of his service the bible says concerning him in numbers chapter 11 and verse 3 that the man moses became,numbers,11,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 3 on the dry ground nahum 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of,nahum,11,29.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 29 god knows your presence and god knows your future in joshua 1 5 the bible says before i,joshua,1,5.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 5 i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in obadiah chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he,obadiah,2,25.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 2 verse 25 these various trials because he says in obadiah 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 harvest is a son that causes shame haggai 20 verse 4,haggai,20,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 20 verse 4 14 and we're reading from verse 31 mark chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31,mark,14,31.0,1.0,mark chapter 14 verse 31 obadiah chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,obadiah,5,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 2 upon the disciples and by the time you get to colossians chapter 5 and you read it from verse 12 to 16,colossians,5,12.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 12 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to 1 peter chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should,1 peter,18,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 18 verse 9 will you please turn to joel the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,joel,22,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 2 he writes to the church in galatia in amos chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,amos,3,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 28 provision of food that god gives unto us in mark chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the,mark,27,33.0,1.0,mark chapter 27 verse 33 so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it psalms 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with,psalms,6,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 5 of my pain with you 2 samuel chapter six verses four through six,2 samuel,6,4.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 4 hi mike do you think ezekiel 321 should be used to determine,ezekiel,3,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 21 ability compare that with ezekiel 12 6 having gifts,ezekiel,12,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 6 [music] chapter 2 luke chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,luke,2,25.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 25 discomfort or insecurity for a season nahum seven and verse three that i read earlier on bible says now israel,nahum,7,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 7 verse 3 his sleeves now what is the fruit of sleeves esther 13 15,esther,13,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 15 chapter 4 verse 2 jude 4 verse 2 says is there a people who hear the word of,jude,4,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 2 revival in malachi chapter 5 verse 42 when the revival broke out in the upper room,malachi,5,42.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 42 exercise with god's warned in the book of john about 24 verse 16 paul the apostle speaking they said he said,john,24,16.0,1.0,john chapter 24 verse 16 in the name of jesus so we look at ezekiel 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to,ezekiel,24,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 24 verse 2 well according to philemon chapter 5 verse 17 james 5 17 there has been no reign in the land for,philemon,5,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 17 of our hearts ruth 29 13 says in sincerity and truth one corinthians 5 verse 8 and not,ruth,29,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 13 shame us but rather to heal us 2 chronicles 5 16 says confess your sins to one another,2 chronicles,5,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 16 and psalms chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,psalms,9,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 9 verse 15 top in his adventure on the earth 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not,1 samuel,28,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 13 people to give unto me we're looking at luke chapter 12 romans chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 11,luke,12,11.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 11 without corrupt conversation look at hosea chapter four reading from verse 21,hosea,4,21.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 21 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord 1 john chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that,1 john,2,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 13 under your feet in jesus name in ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14,ezekiel,14,17.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 14 verse 17 church of multitude leviticus 11 verse 9 the bible said and the earth,leviticus,11,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 11 verse 9 williams is going to read for us mark 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready,mark,35,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 35 verse 3 read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of micah 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after,micah,8,29.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 29 obedience paul said in job 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not,job,26,19.0,1.0,job chapter 26 verse 19 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 2 thessalonians 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have,2 thessalonians,10,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 12 testimonies this year amos 51 11 therefore the redeemed of the lord shall return now rise you are,amos,51,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 51 verse 11 plan out the universe in order to get ruth 4 28 to happen,ruth,4,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 28 ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in 2 samuel 10 from verse 12 to 14,2 samuel,10,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 12 journey with the part that the holy spirit has given to you or amos two verse two said i went in response to a,amos,2,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 2 crucified to the world it tells us in joel chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6 reading from verse 6,joel,6,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 6 i wanted to pray this morning the bible says in 2 john chapter 13 verse 36 it says for david after he had served his own,2 john,13,36.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 36 the bible said in joshua chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,joshua,4,19.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 19 feed on it you meditate on it and that's why the bible says in the book of zephaniah chapter 12 verse 2. it says be,zephaniah,12,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 2 "gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of joel 12, ""see now, i know you're a beautiful woman",joel,12,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 11 heaven ezra 3 21 in other words the jewish,ezra,3,21.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 21 look at numbers chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,numbers,34,31.0,1.0,numbers chapter 34 verse 31 off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in 1 peter chapter 11 verse 22 romans,1 peter,11,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 22 apostles they preach the word but if you go to zephaniah chapter number 2 from verse 16 and 17,zephaniah,2,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 16 10 verse 3 in chapter 10 verse 3 of malachi it says for thee the jews were still as blind as i was,malachi,10,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 3 chapter 2 reading from verse status 7 1 chronicles chapter 2 worried him from the status 7 the passion for priceless,1 chronicles,2,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 7 divorce in 1 john chapter 1 and verse 14 the bible tells us there it says the,1 john,1,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 14 he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in 2 kings 1 23 to 25.,2 kings,1,23.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 23 forerunner of the savior lord jesus christ very important verses nehemiah chapter 4 verse 5 behold i will send you,nehemiah,4,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 5 people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at lamentations chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so,lamentations,2,47.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 47 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 1 corinthians 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,1 corinthians,9,31.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 31 "and in lamentations 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",lamentations,3,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 8 it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. 1 thessalonians chapter 45,1 thessalonians,45,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 acceptable in the sight of the lord in ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i,ezekiel,1,15.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 15 good things 2 samuel 21 verse 45 they are fair not ought,2 samuel,21,45.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 45 chapter 7 2 john chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,2 john,7,17.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 17 redeemed in 1 peter 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i,1 peter,1,5.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 5 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me obadiah 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,obadiah,5,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 15 faith amos 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith,amos,1,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 17 in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in 1 thessalonians 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection,1 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 texts together revelations 13 8 jonah 1 verse 5 and 6 ephesians 5 verse 25 to 27 i draw the,jonah,13,8.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 8 from verse three it says in numbers chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore,numbers,3,36.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 36 showed me the truths about overcoming sin 1 kings 6 verse 14 was in my bible from 1959 but i never understood it till 1975,1 kings,6,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 14 him he appeared unto him on the road to damascus in lamentations chapter 26 verse 16 and said i have appeared unto thee for this,lamentations,26,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 16 c luke 4 16 or d joshua 1 8 20 joshua 1 8 final answer has locked in option d as his answer joshua 1 8 and,luke,4,16.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 16 that end abstain from all appearance of evil 1 john 4 verse 2 says your daughter's your doctress is speaking to,1 john,4,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 2 this he says paul says in 3 john 4 5 that there's only one faith,3 john,4,5.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 5 6 2 timothy chapter 8 verses listen for we speak,2 timothy,8,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 6 able to get hold of my crime zechariah 3 11 revelation 3 talks about when you hold fast you'll be,zechariah,3,11.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 11 made themselves filthy vile and he restrained them not mark 13 verse 24 correct,mark,13,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 24 something is happening to your faith look at numbers chapter 2 when you read from verse 18 there said but someone,numbers,2,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 18 him in the prison leviticus 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison,leviticus,32,39.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 32 verse 39 i read from verse 23 colossians chapter 10,colossians,10,23.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 23 chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 ezekiel 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick,ezekiel,5,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 14 scriptures in 3 john for instance romans 16 23 which says gaius who is host to me and to the whole,3 john,16,23.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 23 the children of israel out of egypt in malachi chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand,malachi,4,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 17 are others are fenced out 2 kings 40 42 29 exodus 14 14 to 29 the people of israel pass to the rescue cover so i,2 kings,40,42.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 40 verse 42 the presence of the lord and that from nahum 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor,nahum,8,38.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 38 used when he said i am were the same words that god used in 1 thessalonians 3 verse 14 when he said to moses i am and those two,1 thessalonians,3,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 14 provoking the angels of god in mark chapter 4 verse 30,mark,4,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 3 which is different from the old covenant nehemiah 8 verse 8 and 9. the three parts of the,nehemiah,8,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 8 but the other thing we see here is in numbers 12 11 please look here they overcame,numbers,12,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 12 verse 11 be born speaking lies in hosea chapter 2,hosea,2,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 2 talks about this so i'm going to read through a section in jonah 1 a lot of us are familiar with this romans 1 verse 18,jonah,1,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 18 remember this wonderful verse 2 samuel 17 and verse 30 acts chapter 17 and verse 30 it says here that god overlooks the,2 samuel,17,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 17 verse 3 garden disraeli and egypt chapter 1 verses 5 and 7 lamentations 1 verse 5 to serve a bible says don't worry if i wanted,lamentations,1,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 5 arm of god praise the lord i want us to read this micah 1 6. then we round up,micah,1,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 6 chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 1 corinthians chapter 4 from verse 13 to 17 ruth gave birth to obed,1 corinthians,4,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 multiplication not addition multiplication because in zephaniah 22 from verse 15 to 18,zephaniah,22,15.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 22 verse 15 firstly i needed to understand something that according to 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 16,2 chronicles,2,16.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 16 then you have proved that to believe 1 corinthians 2 18 show me your faith without your words i show you my faith by my,1 corinthians,2,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 18 of psalms specifically a set of passages in isaiah chapter 13 and 24 which described the,psalms,13,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 24 that like what they were looking at last night in 2 corinthians 63 64 deuteronomy 28 psalm 80,2 corinthians,63,64.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 63 verse 64 yesterday micah chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the,micah,6,7.0,1.0,micah chapter 6 verse 7 says in jude chapter 4 verse 29 ephesians chapter 4 verse let no corrupt communication,jude,4,29.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 29 sunday 2 samuel 54 15 behold they shall surely gather together but,2 samuel,54,15.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 54 verse 15 please single mistake in zechariah 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,zechariah,25,29.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 25 verse 29 world with a flood he said in 2 thessalonians chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant,2 thessalonians,9,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 12 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing matthew chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,matthew,3,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 16 on that in zechariah chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend,zechariah,3,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 18 judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that 2 john 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is,2 john,3,11.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 11 8 from verse 14 down to 19. zephaniah chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit,zephaniah,8,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 14 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. obadiah 5 27 please go down there,obadiah,5,27.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 27 he's mentioned in numbers 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about,numbers,46,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 46 verse 11 righteousness and good deeds you can read malachi 6 19. talking about,malachi,6,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 19 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in joshua 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19,joshua,2,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 8 by the spirit of god in obadiah chapter 5 15 to 17,obadiah,5,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 5 verse 15 the book of 2 samuel chapter 29 from verse 11 jeremiah 29 11. it says for i know the thought that,2 samuel,29,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 29 verse 11 lord and better amen 1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,1 chronicles,13,44.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 blossoming wherever you are planted numbers 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,numbers,36,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 36 verse 11 that is god's package for every redeemed child of god joshua 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that,joshua,4,18.0,1.0,joshua chapter 4 verse 18 harvesters out of the believer in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 41 and verse 15,2 thessalonians,41,15.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 41 verse 15 you in jesus name and look at haggai hebrews chapter 7,haggai,7,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 7 verse 22 1 timothy chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15,1 timothy,13,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 15 song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles acts of the apostles chapter tayna acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet spake these,song of solomon (song of songs),10,44.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 10 verse 44 have another perspective and now you find in the book of joel numbers chapter 30 reading from verse 20 sees,joel,30,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 2 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat titus 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,titus,10,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 13 hazard come to the podium in philemon chapter 55 11 and 12 isaiah 55 11 and 12 so shall my word be,philemon,55,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 55 verse 11 heart now regarding confidence let's look at 1 john chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as,1 john,1,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 5 amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the matthew of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 just a fact it's no excuse but it's a fact paul in luke 15 verse 39 read that the contention were so sharp between him,luke,15,39.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 39 the seventh commandment he's quoting psalms chapter 20 verse 14. so jesus is saying you've heard it,psalms,20,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 20 verse 14 at this time is just like the prayer that judges prayed in isaiah chapter 6 when you read verse 8 there he said here,judges,6,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 8 honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line 2 thessalonians 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a,2 thessalonians,17,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 7 it's a daily struggle what do you do quote 2 samuel 8 28 all things work together just get over it this is salad,2 samuel,8,28.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 28 1 peter chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's,1 peter,5,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 19 to more more and god will establish your desired healing 1 john 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray,1 john,5,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 13 but in joel 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign when his son shall be born,joel,7,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 7 verse 14 earth by your mighty power nehemiah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head,nehemiah,32,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 32 verse 17 it was oppressed and afflicted judges 53 verse 7 and 8. it was oppressed and afflicted when he,judges,53,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 53 verse 7 [music] 2 peter chapter 4 verse 18. the path of the justice,2 peter,4,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 18 is going to cost you something 1 corinthians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,1 corinthians,3,7.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 7 2 john chapter 14 verse 7 and 9. job 14 verse 7 and 9. for there is off of a,2 john,14,7.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 7 victory that only he can give in 1 john chapter 1 verse 23 the lord says turn at my rebuke and surely i'll,1 john,1,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 23 it's a bride but there's something else in the book of esther it's called in ephesians 2 19 the church the local,esther,2,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 19 him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit matthew chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for,matthew,12,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 7 cho chose you and we're told in 2 chronicles 1 4 he loves us and because of this,2 chronicles,1,4.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 4 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in 1 corinthians 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with,1 corinthians,3,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 5 verse 13. uh let's open our bible to nehemiah 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye,nehemiah,5,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 13 five i'm reading from verse five to eight titus five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 you can make it stronger and louder ezra chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now,ezra,2,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 6 between worse one and two is described later on in zephaniah 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became,zephaniah,14,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 2 and tired of his defeated life he read luke chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am,luke,7,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 7 in philemon chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5,philemon,3,5.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 5 important so the bible says in jonah 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living,jonah,2,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 6 questions so 2 peter 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,2 peter,11,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 14 "the one who sought him. and then 1 peter 8 verse 17 says, ""those who diligently seek me will find me.""",1 peter,8,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 17 verse 5 2 corinthians chapter number 1 verse 5 when jeremiah was coming face to face with his assignment for life and he was,2 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 our inner man in the book of lamentations 3 verse 16 the word of god tells us there ephesians,lamentations,3,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 to shave in the mighty name of jesus esther 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,esther,54,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 54 verse 4 the godly line of seth and then the scripture tells us in the end of 1 john 4 that seth had a son verse 26 and at,1 john,4,26.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 26 priests and we shall reign on earth bible passage micah chapter 1 26 to 28 that was when god said let us make man,micah,1,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 1 verse 26 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so leviticus chapter six reading from 9 through 20.,leviticus,6,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 9 can we say amen to that in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted,ecclesiastes,9,8.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 8 is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this obadiah chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very,obadiah,4,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 4 two our reading from verse nine joshua chapter two,joshua,2,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 9 truth i will teach in lamentations chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old,lamentations,2,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 2 verse 6 and knowledge to men of understanding matthew chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and,matthew,2,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 21 and earning means not grace that's what esther 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um,esther,11,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 6 let me read again verse 16 and 17 of john chapter 1 which trish read to us just a few minutes ago,john,1,16.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 16 believes he allowed a man 2 thessalonians chapter 11 number 30 he that winneth souls is wise shall rise on our,2 thessalonians,11,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 3 that upheld god in high esteem amos 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,amos,41,14.0,1.0,amos chapter 41 verse 14 knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation judges 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 by the spirit of god in titus chapter 5 15 to 17,titus,5,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 15 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezra chapter 6 verse 23,ezra,6,6.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 6 mark chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 shadrach meshach and abednego were bound,mark,3,19.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 19 um i will supply all your needs that's nahum 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages,nahum,4,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 19 you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 1 kings 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim,1 kings,6,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 16 than the greatest in your family in 1 thessalonians 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35,1 thessalonians,24,34.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 24 verse 34 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god judges 26 15 15 to 16,judges,26,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 26 verse 15 okay 3 john chapter fourteen and we're looking at verse four job chapter 14 a to to reading from verse four who can bring,3 john,14,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 4 the spirit of heaviness in the book of ezekiel chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,ezekiel,61,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 61 verse 3 disobedience to god just like balaam did in titus chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,titus,22,32.0,1.0,titus chapter 22 verse 32 now the bible says in job chapter one verse 8.,job,1,8.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 8 in quadratic normal questions were just normal numbers 8 14 17 i'm giving you evidence this is,numbers,8,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 14 1 corinthians 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a,1 corinthians,3,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 4 concerning you and me and he said in john chapter 10 and in verse 36 for ye have need of patience,john,10,36.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 36 clouds to meet the lord in the air 3 john 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given,3 john,1,7.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 7 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in esther 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the,esther,46,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 46 verse 3 now we are going to into a very serious session now numbers chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the,numbers,10,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 10 verse 12 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider ezra 11 verse 11 through faith,ezra,11,11.0,1.0,ezra chapter 11 verse 11 plan out the universe in order to get 2 corinthians 4 28 to happen,2 corinthians,4,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 28 no hope 2 corinthians chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall,2 corinthians,14,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 14 verse 7 is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in haggai 23 and verse 29,haggai,23,29.0,1.0,haggai chapter 23 verse 29 please single mistake in numbers 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man,numbers,25,29.0,1.0,numbers chapter 25 verse 29 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift 1 timothy 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,1 timothy,6,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 13 have you not read your bible have you not read titus 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if,titus,4,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 11 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet esther 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,esther,4,32.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 32 a next levels encounter with your word 2 john chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob,2 john,9,8.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 8 things like that like 2 peter 7 25 with romans 8 1. let's read them together or the last,2 peter,7,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 25 word has gone out the bible says in 1 chronicles 55 verse 11 isaiah 55 verse 11 he says my word that goes forth from my,1 chronicles,55,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 11 what are you going to steal from me what zechariah 4 verse 4 unit 1 4 verse 4 turns out that the only joy did,zechariah,4,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 you get rewards the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,song of solomon (song of songs),11,6.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 6 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in nehemiah chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,nehemiah,23,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 2 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 1 peter of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a,1 peter,4,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 4 verse 16 again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here amos 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness,amos,19,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 3 remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at 2 samuel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel,2 samuel,1,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 6 right with what bible says in the book of zechariah 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that,zechariah,4,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 8 this is praying to hit a kingdom target 1 timothy chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or,1 timothy,62,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 62 verse 6 grace because sin will not rule over me haggai 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say,haggai,6,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 6 verse 14 something that i hope impacts you colossians chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,colossians,13,46.0,1.0,colossians chapter 13 verse 46 but the opposite of that it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13,numbers,2,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 13 happen and you know what joshua 20 verse 12. proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 says,joshua,20,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 20 verse 12 away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be,2 thessalonians,1,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 2 chapter 3 when looking at hosea verse 3. it tells us in ephesians chapter 3,hosea,3,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 3 chapter 29 we're looking at verse 11 mark 29 11 and the vision of all is become,mark,29,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 11 before that break the allah's said 2 timothy 2 23 reads and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my,2 timothy,2,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 23 womb i've already set you to your future numbers of the apostle chapter 15 verse 18,numbers,15,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 18 it's not sin to sleep 1 kings 5 is 12 says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet because you know,1 kings,5,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 12 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of esther 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force,esther,10,15.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 15 jude chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says,jude,9,4.0,1.0,jude chapter 9 verse 4 other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 2 peter 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me,2 peter,16,7.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 7 "listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's matthew 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, ""just",matthew,66,22.0,1.0,matthew chapter 66 verse 22 lord and better amen lamentations chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city,lamentations,13,44.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 13 verse 44 verse three leviticus chapter five verse three the bible says my voice,leviticus,5,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 3 to as one of the chief prince's and that also in 1 timothy chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the,1 timothy,12,7.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 7 god cannot forget you 2 john 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15.,2 john,49,14.0,1.0,2 john chapter 49 verse 14 the lord look at philemon chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians,philemon,4,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 6 jesus name we're looking at 1 corinthians chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 12 and behold i come,1 corinthians,22,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 12 that book says the law cannot justify us and in zephaniah 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list,zephaniah,3,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 11 in the name of jesus in the book of ruth 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so,ruth,53,24.0,1.0,ruth chapter 53 verse 24 you can make it stronger and louder jude chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now,jude,2,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 6 performance in amos 4 12. one of you laboring family laboring,amos,4,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 12 power of sin and the power over it in 2 corinthians 7 7 through 8 he says yet if it had not been for the law i would not,2 corinthians,7,7.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 7 verse 7 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 2 kings 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",2 kings,4,24.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 24 this dream but when you check chapter 39 of 1 samuel verses 2 and 21 genesis 39,1 samuel,39,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 39 verse 2 he will touch you again in jesus name look at malachi chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1,malachi,1,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 6 let the word of christ dwell in you richly zephaniah 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by,zephaniah,3,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 16 offering and i want to read from job chapter 3 verse 9,job,3,9.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 9 because we know that the word of god brings light in judges chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 3,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 five i'm reading from verse five to eight 2 thessalonians five verse five and one of the air that says unto me,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of luke chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the,luke,50,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 50 verse 14 we're looking at 1 thessalonians chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,1 thessalonians,10,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 18 that will of god in such a complete manner of job chapter 2 reading from verse 13 philippians,job,2,13.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 13 you that yet i'm telling you i'll read it to you leviticus chapter 3 verse 6. on account,leviticus,3,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 6 over the ark which holds the testimony 1 samuel 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,1 samuel,25,22.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 25 verse 22 inflicting that which is negative upon the individual nahum 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep,nahum,50,17.0,1.0,nahum chapter 50 verse 17 the bible says in mark 42 8 god speaking through the prophet isaiah i am the lord that is my name and my glory i,mark,42,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 42 verse 8 your plan that's what's written in job 21 5 the new living translation version,job,21,5.0,1.0,job chapter 21 verse 5 one the gospel offers eternal life as a free gift 1 samuel 6 13 the wages of sin is death but the,1 samuel,6,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 13 and that takes place as we maintain our love for god hosea chapter 8 and verse 28 all things work together for good to,hosea,8,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 8 jahangir let us look at ruth chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,ruth,49,7.0,1.0,ruth chapter 49 verse 7 the pathway of prosperity and increase in the book of philemon chapter 48 chapter 48 48 from verse 17 i mean one,philemon,48,17.0,1.0,philemon chapter 48 verse 17 2021 can i hear a bigger amen ezekiel 13 verse 19 says and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving,ezekiel,13,19.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 13 verse 19 verse 19 1 thessalonians chapter 3 reading here from verse,1 thessalonians,3,19.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 he was not a man of integrity up to that time look at what he says in 2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 15. for that which i do,2 chronicles,7,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 15 everyone to repent please remember this reference 1 john chapter 17 and verse 30 okay last question i have is in terms of,1 john,17,3.0,1.0,1 john chapter 17 verse 3 1 kings 12 2 romans 12 2 be not conformed,1 kings,12,2.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 2 that my mouth shall not transgress it tells us in esther chapter 11 verse 23 acts 11 reading from verse,esther,11,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 23 ezra chapter 2 listen as i close and it says in daniel 2 42,ezra,2,42.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 42 misery bondage sickness loss calamity evil occurrence esther 3 19. zephariana 319 says the niv and energy,esther,3,19.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 19 2 kings chapter 41 genesis 41 from verse 38 to 44 genesis 41 32 44 pharaoh was lifting up joseph and he said to him,2 kings,41,38.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 41 verse 38 fasted let's say the book of nahum chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18.,nahum,18,18.0,1.0,nahum chapter 18 verse 18 name we pray in 1 kings 29 and verse 7 the bible says,1 kings,29,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 29 verse 7 "sin of the world."" that's why the writer of titus says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, ""by one offering he perfected",titus,10,14.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 14 made philemon chapter 3 i'm reading from a search in colossians chapter 3 worrying from verse 13 it says in verse,philemon,3,13.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 13 that he'd be born of a virgin leviticus 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27,leviticus,7,14.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 7 verse 14 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at 2 john chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a,2 john,37,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 37 verse 5 straight before them 2 samuel judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20.,2 samuel,6,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 2 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of micah 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,micah,9,31.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 31 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to haggai 3 5. i can't shake this verse,haggai,3,5.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 5 hands habakkuk 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,habakkuk,26,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 26 verse 8 number one is the deprivity of vain glory in hypocrites look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 reading from verse 3. in,song of solomon (song of songs),2,3.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 3 in joshua chapter 7 verse 29 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 29,joshua,7,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 7 verse 29 that's what he's talking about um haggai 27 6 faithful are the wounds of a friend,haggai,27,6.0,1.0,haggai chapter 27 verse 6 and 8 jerry maria chapter 51 verse 53 joel chapter 20 verse 6 and then we we went further,joel,51,53.0,1.0,joel chapter 51 verse 53 because the scripture cannot be broken nahum chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walks,nahum,8,28.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 28 [applause] nehemiah 23 and verse 20. this is the word of the lord,nehemiah,23,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 2 you're doing this the first one is in 1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 3 jeremiah speaking here to the children of israel,1 chronicles,40,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 40 verse 3 the confidence we have is from the scripture job chapter 5 verse 2 and 3 hacking on to the voice of my cry my,job,5,2.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 2 god says what the enemy is doing to you you can sing 2 corinthians 16 17. he said god says for my eyes upon,2 corinthians,16,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 17 drives me to find him more i will find him more because psalms 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that,psalms,4,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 8 in this church this coming sunday numbers 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath they came almost the whole city,numbers,13,44.0,1.0,numbers chapter 13 verse 44 it is translation from one kingdom to another kingdom lamentations chapter 1 and verse 13. it says,lamentations,1,13.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 13 amen judges chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,judges,40,31.0,1.0,judges chapter 40 verse 31 of all men this is an important verse zechariah 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends,zechariah,12,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 18 "every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, 2 peter 12, starting in verse four it says,",2 peter,12,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 4 6. judges 11 from verse 4 to verse 6.,judges,11,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 4 over the ark which holds the testimony obadiah 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from,obadiah,25,22.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 25 verse 22 in the spirit in 1 corinthians chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,1 corinthians,17,3.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 3 god of this commission our confidence is from colossians 33 verse 3,colossians,33,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 3 impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 2 timothy chapter 4 it says and therefore,2 timothy,4,22.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 22 down through the 18th verse so john chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer,john,1,11.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 11 israel not the church to bring israel to himself as clearly denoted in ezekiel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 why would,ezekiel,9,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 24 1 timothy chapter three verse five proverbs chapter three i was looking at verse 5,1 timothy,3,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 5 1 timothy chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1,1 timothy,2,4.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 4 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in ezekiel 2 and verse 40 thing,ezekiel,2,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 4 and other prisoners at sea according to joel 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,joel,27,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 27 verse 14 title when he was talking to isaak in ecclesiastes 26 verse 24 genesis 26 verse 24 he said i am the god of your father,ecclesiastes,26,24.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 26 verse 24 secret of spiritual strength the bible says in 2 samuel 1 and in verse 9,2 samuel,1,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 9 from him 2 corinthians chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21,2 corinthians,25,21.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 21 theme that's found throughout 1 timothy 229 wherefore will you plead with me,1 timothy,2,29.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 29 offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in mark 34 reading from verse six,mark,34,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 34 verse 6 okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought hosea 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i,hosea,17,13.0,1.0,hosea chapter 17 verse 13 where he is at you should be involved in that 2 thessalonians 21 13 whoever closes his ear,2 thessalonians,21,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 13 this is how they did it in daniel's day amos 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is,amos,3,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 3 verse 4 it shall be like a hit in the desert 1 timothy chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,1 timothy,17,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 5 according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in 2 peter 12 6 and he says that you have to activate,2 peter,12,6.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 12 verse 6 another take his office that's footage in joshua chapter 1 from verse 16 to verse 20 so we know,joshua,1,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 16 hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of 2 timothy chapter 2 and verse 47,2 timothy,2,47.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 47 believed to ignites hope in the book of nehemiah chapter 4 verse 17 and 18. look at what the word,nehemiah,4,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 4 verse 17 brother can i read that one more time 2 peter 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,2 peter,18,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 18 verse 24 how you move from negative emotions to positive nahum chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything,nahum,4,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 6 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle jonah 1 verses 19 to 20.,jonah,1,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 19 and then to angels and to men in 2 peter chapter 3 when looking at verse 9,2 peter,3,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 9 honest song of solomon (song of songs) 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,song of solomon (song of songs),1,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 7 absurdity of the thought really we go on in 2 thessalonians chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know,2 thessalonians,55,55.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 55 verse 55 somebody shot with me prayer works hosea chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a,hosea,5,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 17 somebody shouted believe in amen quickly micah 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory,micah,26,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 26 verse 12 he writes to the church in galatia in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile,song of solomon (song of songs),3,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 28 how am i doing on time i che okay okay philemon 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i,philemon,4,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 11 the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in luke exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses,luke,15,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 15 verse 6 accursed song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12,song of solomon (song of songs),12,12.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 12 in jesus name i wanted to hear an amen in joshua chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,joshua,3,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 3 verse 17 three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing 3 john chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his,3 john,3,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 16 of king solomon a memory verse is taken from the book of colossians 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the,colossians,29,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 11 where we read earlier on song of solomon (song of songs) 4 29 he said let no corrupt communication proceed,song of solomon (song of songs),4,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29 refuge that's the term that we're getting in song of solomon (song of songs) numbers 3528 says this about the guy that flee,song of solomon (song of songs),25,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 25 verse 28 amen nahum chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews,nahum,11,5.0,1.0,nahum chapter 11 verse 5 too were looking at philemon chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3,philemon,3,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 14 the bomb of gilia the bible says in the book of 1 timothy chapter 53 verse 5 but he was wounded for our,1 timothy,53,5.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 53 verse 5 you get rewards the bible says in judges 11 number six he said there he said that he he that,judges,11,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 6 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email lamentations chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,lamentations,14,31.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 31 that will be able to say like the apostles in ezra chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders,ezra,5,12.0,1.0,ezra chapter 5 verse 12 and active force hosea chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 look at what,hosea,4,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 4 verse 12 go straight to the word of god leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our,leviticus,1,26.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 concerning what he did in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies,1 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 wisdom is the big picture the bible says in nehemiah 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god,nehemiah,1,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 5 then you notice in jonah chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that,jonah,7,54.0,1.0,jonah chapter 7 verse 54 1 samuel chapter 16 and verse 33 second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 22,1 samuel,16,33.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 16 verse 33 the devil will not be known but it says something in 1 john chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 15 he said,1 john,22,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 15 amen 3 john chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,3 john,40,31.0,1.0,3 john chapter 40 verse 31 from our church in jesus name jude chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,jude,16,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 16 verse 17 "go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of 1 john 12. ""two wings of the great eagle were given to",1 john,12,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 14 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. colossians chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon,colossians,66,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 66 verse 6 like some determinist suggests about luke 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is,luke,16,33.0,1.0,luke chapter 16 verse 33 christian life 1 peter 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't,1 peter,2,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 6 that greatness starts with self to leadership in zechariah chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11,zechariah,6,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 6 verse 6 verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king nehemiah version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord,nehemiah,33,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 33 verse 17 thing with what we have read in 1 kings 6 12 and this assembly should know that the,1 kings,6,12.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 12 chapter 7 and we're looking at verse 9 colossians chapter 7 verse 9 he said after this i beheld and low a great,colossians,7,9.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 9 disobeyed the power of rome concern micah chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,micah,13,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 13 verse 2 going forward and the scripture says in philemon chapter 14 verse 25 before i read that to you let me explain,philemon,14,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 14 verse 25 do whatever you want to do tax of the apostles chapter 10 verse 38 1 peter 10 verse 38 states of god anointed jesus of nazareth,1 peter,10,38.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 38 are ordained for fulfillment in amos chapter 12 and verse 25 and 28 now listen to this scripture,amos,12,25.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 25 and hymn that causes you i will becomes zephaniah 12 3 jesus the righteous one causes,zephaniah,12,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 12 verse 3 i read from verse 23 amos chapter 10,amos,10,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 10 verse 23 gentiles are coming under messiah like explain this explain this ezra 2 verses 28 and 29,ezra,2,28.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 28 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and mark 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,mark,35,5.0,1.0,mark chapter 35 verse 5 then i want you to put your name in that very verse of scripture habakkuk 10 and verse 38 hallelujah can we try that this,habakkuk,10,38.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 38 be also 1 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 says that we should not be conformed unto this world,1 timothy,12,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 name of jesus amos of the 12 12 says therefore rejoicing heaven,amos,12,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 12 a god of addiction and multiplication 1 corinthians chapter 1 and verse 11 he said the lord god of your fathers,1 corinthians,1,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 paul said in the way we dig for heresy joel 24 verse 14 so what shall you pray the god of my fathers,joel,24,14.0,1.0,joel chapter 24 verse 14 many to christ and this church this year numbers chapter 16 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia whose heart the lord,numbers,16,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 16 verse 14 prayed scripture says in 2 john 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful,2 john,8,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 13 chapter 2 are the army under the armor mark 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you,mark,13,43.0,1.0,mark chapter 13 verse 43 1 john chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has created all things that were created on,1 john,4,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 11 disobedience to god just like balaam did in philemon chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him,philemon,22,32.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 32 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven colossians chapter six,colossians,6,7.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 7 isaac i'm looking at 2 thessalonians genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven,2 thessalonians,22,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 22 verse 7 loving a conversation it was yeah but it reminds me of 3 john 28 13 he who covers his sin yes that's the truth,3 john,28,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 13 you lose on this and it says in job chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside,job,20,15.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 15 people look at psalms chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you,psalms,3,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 23 something that i hope impacts you 2 john chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13,2 john,13,46.0,1.0,2 john chapter 13 verse 46 to 1 timothy chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those,1 timothy,2,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 8 that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 1 kings 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a,1 kings,3,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 5 in um the anchor scripture still remains hosea chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules,hosea,14,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 14 verse 17 bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in malachi as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs,malachi,1,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 2 society that takes pleasure in wickedness job 3 3 defines it as being enslaved to various lusts and pleasures,job,3,3.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 3 ezekiel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many,ezekiel,8,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 14 them 2 corinthians chapter 11 in acts chapter 11 verse 15,2 corinthians,11,15.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 15 of it in a later in a later message but 1 peter 2 2 to 4 says now it shall come to pass in the last days,1 peter,2,2.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 that is really deep ezekiel 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from,ezekiel,8,38.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 8 verse 38 would do to their own messiah philemon daniel prophesied in chapter 6 in chapter 9 verse 6 that the messiah shall,philemon,9,6.0,1.0,philemon chapter 9 verse 6 because he ask not amos 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not,amos,4,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 2 plan and so the bible says here uh in numbers 7 8 that the spirit of god constantly reinforcing reminds us it,numbers,7,8.0,1.0,numbers chapter 7 verse 8 amen you know the word of god in 3 john 29 11 says what that they thought that god,3 john,29,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 29 verse 11 28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield 1 corinthians said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons,1 corinthians,3,19.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 matthew 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man,matthew,18,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 18 verse 14 lives the word of god may exclaim leviticus chapter 8 31 if god be for you who can,leviticus,8,31.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 31 1 john 8 80 you may be seated isaiah 8 18 tells us something that is pronounced,1 john,8,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 8 verse 8 stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water joshua nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to,joshua,38,16.0,1.0,joshua chapter 38 verse 16 darkness and in sin which is to lie in zechariah the fifth chapter verses 8 and 9 we read you were once darkness now you,zechariah,5,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 8 "for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and 2 timothy 1 above reproach, ""full of the spirit and of wisdom,"" and put them in charge",2 timothy,1,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 just read to you 1 peter 22 11. you wrongdoers,1 peter,22,11.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 22 verse 11 "by his wounds we are healed."" that, of course, is borrowed from 2 peter 53. peter also said in 1 peter 3 verse 18, ""he died,",2 peter,3,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 18 during righteousness bible says in titus chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him,titus,6,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 4 generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in habakkuk 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth,habakkuk,15,16.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 15 verse 16 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in philemon four verse four,philemon,4,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 4 taking uh different insights from john chapter 14 verse 17 romans verse 14 verse 17 where the bible says that for,john,14,17.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 17 in 2 kings chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music],2 kings,3,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 2 this sinful world daily we read in 2 peter 5 verse 25 that christ loved the church and gave himself for it that,2 peter,5,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 25 they crucified the lord of glory look at malachi chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 6,malachi,6,6.0,1.0,malachi chapter 6 verse 6 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of 3 john 2 21 to 22,3 john,2,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 21 understanding being enlightened opened attorney malachi 1 verse 18 that our god may lighten our eyes literally open,malachi,1,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 18 our hearts must be set in the book of 2 samuel chapter 6 and verse 11. the bible makes us to,2 samuel,6,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 6 verse 11 of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at nehemiah chapter 33 our reading from verse 25,nehemiah,33,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 33 verse 25 the longer chapters in the book of 2 john and we're look at the first 15 verses here and it's a historical psalm,2 john,1,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 15 council comes to you in titus chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,titus,11,23.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 23 including you is based or is found in philemon chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4,philemon,4,11.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 11 and that brings us to the second commandment verse 4 of hosea 20 don't make for yourself a carved image now you,hosea,20,4.0,1.0,hosea chapter 20 verse 4 zephaniah chapter three i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 3 verse 19 repeat,zephaniah,3,19.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 19 but the soul is not right malachi chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34,malachi,25,33.0,1.0,malachi chapter 25 verse 33 judges chapter four i'm reading from verse 18. ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 18 having their,judges,4,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 18 son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure 3 john 25 6 it says how much less a man who is,3 john,25,6.0,1.0,3 john chapter 25 verse 6 reading from verse 17. in 2 chronicles chapter 8 looking at verse 17 it says and if children,2 chronicles,8,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 17 look at lamentations chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31,lamentations,34,31.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 34 verse 31 blessed before birth in philemon 49 verse 8 to 10 genesis 49 verse 8 to 10,philemon,49,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 49 verse 8 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle 2 samuel 1 verses 19 to 20.,2 samuel,1,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 19 in jesus name amen in obadiah 1 3 6 4 the bible says to him,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 look at judges chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14,judges,14,14.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 14 always point to 2 samuel 9 verse 6 which in hebrews 9 5 that the son who's born is called paleo al to kubra beyond sar shalom,2 samuel,9,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 5 and when we understand that is titus did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned against,titus,9,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 9 verse 9 no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with haggai chapter 42 verse 2.,haggai,42,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 42 verse 2 walk with god zephaniah 3 17 to be filled uh first first of all ephesians 2 6 he has raised us up with him,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 it's knowing that i know who god is and i believe god and i trust god esther 3 5 and 6 talks about trust in the lord,esther,3,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 5 could select a few that would be able to get through this often arena so ezra chapter 1 verse 27 pure and undefiled,ezra,1,27.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 27 that will be done on earth as it is done in heaven in leviticus chapter 6 reading from verse 6 it says knowing this that,leviticus,6,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 6 because you have escaped look at this nahum chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,nahum,12,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 12 verse 12 and copy them john 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 the bible says,john,13,2.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 2 um but let's let's read on philemon 16 15. after she was baptized in her household,philemon,16,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 16 verse 15 old testament remember lamentations 11 verse 40 which says god has provided something better for us,lamentations,11,4.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 a joel chapter 20 reading from verse 35 acts chapter 20 seek the expansion of the kingdom of god seek the,joel,20,35.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 35 [music] god's word speaking in hosea 36 11 says if they obey,hosea,36,11.0,1.0,hosea chapter 36 verse 11 jesus in this season baba says the book of malachi chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked,malachi,45,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 45 verse 2 hallelujah everybody feels safe and they can talk praise god ruth chapter 12 verse 15 new living translation says,ruth,12,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 12 verse 15 seen well 2 corinthians 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are,2 corinthians,13,14.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 14 of how to live that's another thing look at esther chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 7 hebrews chapter,esther,13,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 7 cannot have a bad idea for you that's why hosea 8 and 28 says for we know,hosea,8,28.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 28 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god malachi chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation,malachi,8,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 19 even for this opportunity to show philemon chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this,philemon,15,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 15 verse 4 by the spirit of god in 1 kings chapter 5 15 to 17,1 kings,5,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 15 according to george chapter 28 verse 28 ezekiel 28 verse 28 it will become easy for me to depart from evil many times when,ezekiel,28,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 28 ezekiel chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even i did not like to retain gods in,ezekiel,1,28.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 28 don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 jude 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace,jude,13,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 9 if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider jonah 11 verse 11 through faith,jonah,11,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 11 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm amos 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it,amos,5,21.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 21 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 1 chronicles 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",1 chronicles,4,24.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 24 drought of summer turned me to job book of joel the first chapter verse 9 the meat offering and the drink offering is,job,1,9.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 9 the bible said in matthew chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 that the womb of sarah was dead,matthew,4,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 19 except in the sense of judges 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay,judges,5,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 16 the one who is truly godly look at 1 john chapter 3 when looking at verse 6,1 john,3,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 6 describes the born to again person in zephaniah 6 like this i want you to look at verse 4 and 5 just for invitin that's,zephaniah,6,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 6 verse 4 good matthew 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that,matthew,8,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 8 verse 28 we're looking at joel chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,joel,10,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 18 2 peter chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine,2 peter,15,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 15 verse 9 yeah according to lamentations chapter 10 and verse 12 he said break up your follow ground,lamentations,10,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 12 amos 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17 and verse 5.,amos,17,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 17 verse 5 outside with pitch haggai chapter 11 verse 7 the writer of hebrews says by faith noah being divinely warned of,haggai,11,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 7 in jesus name we are praying 2 peter chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,2 peter,26,25.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 26 verse 25 nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered,2 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 event 2 chronicles 53 5 he was wounded,2 chronicles,53,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 53 verse 5 says in in 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 thou art worthy oh lord,2 thessalonians,4,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 11 agenda began in 2015. from the book of 2 kings 3 and verse 17 the bible says the lord thy god in,2 kings,3,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 17 2 john chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where,2 john,1,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 2 here today we are presently in the church age that's nahum 1 through 3 what what oh i need the clicker because,nahum,1,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 3 you know in 1 kings chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12,1 kings,19,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 quick to listen i'm slow to speak bible says in zechariah 2 90 said be swift to hear but slow to respond that's what the,zechariah,2,9.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 9 in 1 john chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel,1 john,6,16.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 16 met for a week so we can read that in zephaniah chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there,zephaniah,14,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 16 it will be fruitful and we're looking at esther chapter 34 i'm reading from verse 2 exodus chapter,esther,34,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 2 nehemiah chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in,nehemiah,5,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 5 verse 2 season colossians 41 and verse 15 behold i will make thee a new trap threshing,colossians,41,15.0,1.0,colossians chapter 41 verse 15 honest joshua 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,joshua,1,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 7 anger 1 corinthians 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger,1 corinthians,4,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 4 verse 26 tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in malachi 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth,malachi,10,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 12 reading from verse 26 to 28. 2 corinthians chapter 1 from verse 26,2 corinthians,1,26.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 of our heart in 1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no,1 thessalonians,8,29.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 29 john 5 6 and 5 10 shows that danger ephesians 5 6 says let no one deceive you with empty words and ephesians 5,john,5,6.0,1.0,john chapter 5 verse 6 he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 1 chronicles 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he,1 chronicles,32,39.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 32 verse 39 in this church 1 peter chapter 6 verse 7 the word of god increased the number of disciples,1 peter,6,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 6 verse 7 so there's a lot going on around us but 2 peter 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and,2 peter,5,15.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 5 verse 15 glimpse i think of jesus amos chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is,amos,5,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 13 encounter with your word psalms chapter 3 verse 8 i know thy works i have set before the,psalms,3,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 8 chapter 3 verse 6 he said i am the lord i change not it is written in job chapter 13 verse 8 he brusatte in verse,job,13,8.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 8 missionary journey zechariah of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,zechariah,4,36.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 36 [applause] i mean in 1 corinthians of the apostles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 our strength from,1 corinthians,12,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 not a father christmas god in job 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done,job,33,2.0,1.0,job chapter 33 verse 2 this killer is identified in 1 samuel chapter 26 verse 2 proverbs 26 2 a killer,1 samuel,26,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 26 verse 2 are made on the author of sacrifice 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 to 19. you philippians know also that in the,2 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 hosea chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give,hosea,30,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 30 verse 19 finish so strong so well john chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves,john,3,22.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 22 spiritual awakening but then i read passages like 1 timothy 9 13 and it really gives me hope,1 timothy,9,13.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 9 verse 13 matthew chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,matthew,1,15.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 15 of your destiny let's open our bibles to the book of 1 chronicles chapter 4 and we are going to read verses 13 and 14 the book,1 chronicles,4,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 13 lord in 2 samuel chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we are told in verse 35,2 samuel,10,35.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 35 before pharaoh the bible says in verse 38 to 41 of haggai chapter 41 he says and pharaoh said to his servant can we,haggai,41,38.0,1.0,haggai chapter 41 verse 38 and i want to share her story with you today zechariah chapter 15 verses 25 through 27 i call this the read through,zechariah,15,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 15 verse 25 and the holy spirit 2 corinthians says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a,2 corinthians,25,28.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 25 verse 28 of christ's atonement the bible said in titus chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23,titus,1,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 2 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 luke 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have,luke,10,12.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 12 knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of mark chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord,mark,1,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 17 people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous 2 samuel 812 but when they believed philip,2 samuel,8,12.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 8 verse 12 what you should do with your mouth 1 chronicles 4 15 ephesians 4 15,1 chronicles,4,15.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 15 covenant relationship there are witnesses to it 1 timothy 2 14 the lord,1 timothy,2,14.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 14 yearning for the more that god wants to do with us 2 john 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an,2 john,8,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 8 verse 19 doing is sin uh what i'm gonna say is this is that first off 2 timothy 14 23 wasn't actually talking about your,2 timothy,14,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 23 verse 9 verse 10 jude 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved,jude,3,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 9 church joshua chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased,joshua,6,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 7 job chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will,job,12,5.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 5 spiritual character godliness purity virtue holiness obedience numbers chapter 6 verse 11 put on the full armor,numbers,6,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 6 verse 11 of the harvest habakkuk 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women,habakkuk,4,4.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 4 he said 1 john 14 14 the lord will fight for you all you have to do is,1 john,14,14.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 14 the season nehemiah chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at,nehemiah,8,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 6 in high places let's look at 2 thessalonians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11.,2 thessalonians,6,11.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 11 true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of 2 samuel chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9,2 samuel,9,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 9 verse 5 verse 2. psalms chapter 5,psalms,5,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 2 restoration restoration psalms chapter one isaiah chapter one i'm reading from verse 26,psalms,1,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 26 church with divine vengeance nehemiah chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,nehemiah,6,16.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 16 polluted like the world that follow up is not effective in mark chapter four verse four yeah adulterers and,mark,4,4.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 4 and other prisoners at sea according to malachi 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey,malachi,27,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 27 verse 14 and forsakes them will have mercy okay that's numbers 28 13. now listen to this proverb psalm 32,numbers,28,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 28 verse 13 a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in 1 samuel chapter 23 verse 25.,1 samuel,23,25.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 23 verse 25 be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at 2 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2,2 samuel,3,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 2 follow with me here this morning 1 kings chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord,1 kings,6,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 6 verse 11 remarkable way but let me point something out psalms chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign,psalms,2,23.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 23 life in habakkuk chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were,habakkuk,13,48.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 48 you've gone too far and so in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too,2 thessalonians,6,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 5 experienced without passing the test the bible says in malachi 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light,malachi,4,18.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 18 who work hard will prosper in ecclesiastes 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,ecclesiastes,29,22.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 22 that's wisdom that can be from above malachi 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,malachi,17,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 14 and 17 verse 16 hosea 42 16. after this leave job how long,hosea,42,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 42 verse 16 1 timothy chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15,1 timothy,13,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 13 verse 15 activities of the world it tells us in habakkuk chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,habakkuk,2,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 25 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to lamentations 26 verse 2.,lamentations,26,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 2 say loud amen ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,ezekiel,2,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 4 job chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,job,8,4.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 4 to as many as well as given him yagi be everlasting life nahum chapter 10 piscotty age acts chapter 10 verse 30,nahum,10,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 3 start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to 2 peter job surely you have spoken in my ears and i,2 peter,1,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 8 faith and he used that faith we read in 2 timothy here in acts 3 12 that peter sung his,2 timothy,3,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 3 verse 12 you are delivered praise the lord 1 timothy chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the,1 timothy,15,21.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 15 verse 21 without fear 2 timothy chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse,2 timothy,8,15.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 15 understand god takes no pleasure in judging people god says in haggai 33 11,haggai,33,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 11 uh joel talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you,joel,1,19.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 19 why should you destroy yourself colossians 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise,colossians,7,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 16 [music] let me just close yet with 1 samuel chapter five few verses,1 samuel,5,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 5 verse 5 he makes a promise haggai chapter 3 from verse 17 they shall be mine says the lord of,haggai,3,17.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 17 you from matthew hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 when the writer of hebrews was talking about melchizedek it says in hebrews 7 3,matthew,7,3.0,1.0,matthew chapter 7 verse 3 jahangir let us look at psalms chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth,psalms,49,7.0,1.0,psalms chapter 49 verse 7 the savior nehemiah chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it,nehemiah,17,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 17 verse 3 the lampstands but here i want to go a bit further in amos chapter 1 reading from verse 12 to the end of the,amos,1,12.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 12 talk to captains from sunglass habakkuk chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21,habakkuk,30,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 30 verse 19 number two keep a good conscience by the way that's john 2 verse 25 and number two,john,2,25.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 25 in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in judges chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because,judges,28,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 28 verse 5 makes a difference 1 peter 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie,1 peter,23,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 19 mark chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses,mark,11,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 24 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet micah 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,micah,4,32.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 32 quickly song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 beginning from verse 19 and we see the picture that god has,song of solomon (song of songs),8,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 19 to your life and ministry i will reverse in judges 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all,judges,21,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 21 verse 5 your words can i hear bigger amen 1 peter chapter 23 and verse 19 says,1 peter,23,19.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 19 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church 1 corinthians said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it,1 corinthians,20,26.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 20 verse 26 of 2 peter chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and,2 peter,10,23.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 23 4 and i'm reading from verse 14. ecclesiastes chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 14,ecclesiastes,4,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 14 egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 1 corinthians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21,1 corinthians,15,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 15 verse 15 job chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,job,11,6.0,1.0,job chapter 11 verse 6 honest nehemiah 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge,nehemiah,1,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 7 a control it controls even donkeys 1 samuel chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22,1 samuel,22,21.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 22 verse 21 mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the,ecclesiastes,17,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 14 he walked with god and god took him but before god took him obadiah 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5,obadiah,11,6.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 6 the household and then in 2 kings 39 from verse 22 23 genesis 39 22 23 it was truly to prison he got into,2 kings,39,22.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 39 verse 22 in 1 thessalonians talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible,1 thessalonians,3,23.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 testament colossians chapter 8 verse 28 which says in the king james and we know that all things work together for good,colossians,8,28.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 28 with us tonight before we sleep joel 6 9. the bible says and let us not be weary,joel,6,9.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 9 truthfulness in all your communication but come to 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 and that she puts on,2 thessalonians,4,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 24 in mind when he created it and in numbers 2 and 18 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i,numbers,2,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 18 without the savior how can you look at numbers chapter 3 verse 19 hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 says so we see,numbers,3,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 19 he searches his heart to see if there's any rejoicing over his enemies in 2 timothy chapter 31 verses 29 to 30 he says this,2 timothy,31,29.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 31 verse 29 excessive chapter 12 verse 7 john 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn,john,12,7.0,1.0,john chapter 12 verse 7 morning numbers chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,numbers,5,42.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 42 walls of your heart zephaniah 28 and verse 18. so it's not bad it's just in one area,zephaniah,28,18.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 28 verse 18 the side of the father in heaven it tells us in haggai chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is,haggai,9,24.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 24 bible in love zechariah 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice,zechariah,59,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 59 verse 4 fully pursuited and nothing will change them again by habakkuk chapter 4 verse 19 my little children of whom i travail,habakkuk,4,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 19 that's wisdom that can be from above jonah 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,jonah,17,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 17 verse 14 when the lord is warning the people of israel jonah chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the,jonah,8,11.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 11 jude 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 just by lifting up his hands at all,jude,14,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 21 not start that practice from now song of solomon (song of songs) 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful,song of solomon (song of songs),15,19.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 15 verse 19 oh god and in the book of micah psalm 119 verse 105.,micah,119,105.0,1.0,micah chapter 119 verse 105 look at your screen and look at verse 22 in obadiah 3. how on earth like in what,obadiah,22,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 22 verse 3 verse 11 they saw god abraham 3 john 18 the lord appeared to him to abraham,3 john,18,11.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 11 disciples 1 samuel 1 17 makes it clear that he is the spirit of,1 samuel,1,17.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 17 well job chapter 1 verse 6 to 8 i also want to say before we go to that i,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 face the earth in the heaven that joel 20 verse 11 and they cried they cried to the mountains they cried,joel,20,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 11 for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee,2 corinthians,2,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 astray like a lost sheep he's living in amos 7 2. he knows what is right he knows what he,amos,7,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 2 have another perspective and now you find in the book of joel numbers chapter 30 reading from verse 20 sees,joel,30,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 30 verse 2 heard a good argument against this against using habakkuk 11 6 to you know refute,habakkuk,11,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 6 looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know nahum 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who,nahum,16,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 16 verse 3 engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith lamentations 14 23 is dead,lamentations,14,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 23 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward,2 timothy,2,26.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 26 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 2 timothy 10 12 from the first,2 timothy,10,12.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 10 verse 12 name together and look at 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5,2 chronicles,5,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 19 things that should come to me easily in haggai chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me,haggai,8,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 8 verse 8 believe he said loud amen colossians 2 6 the bible tells us there look at this he said and he has raised,colossians,2,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 6 zechariah chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their,zechariah,50,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 50 verse 15 at the completion of the tabernacle titus chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the,titus,40,34.0,1.0,titus chapter 40 verse 34 micah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,micah,2,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 4 and luke chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,luke,9,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 9 verse 15 matthew chapter 1 from verse 26 to 27 genesis 1 verse 26 to 27 were made in his own image today that's why i stopped because,matthew,1,26.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 26 ah here it is ah matthew 19 24 okay thanks for being patient with me,matthew,19,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 19 verse 24 lot's house and in 1 john 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in,1 john,18,22.0,1.0,1 john chapter 18 verse 22 "they knew them by name. in 2 john chapter 11 verse 19 says, ""so then those who were scattered because of the persecution",2 john,11,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 19 chapter 8 the bible makes us to understand 2 timothy chapter 8 and we look at it from verse 5. the bible says that,2 timothy,8,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 8 verse 5 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already 2 chronicles 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many,2 chronicles,9,27.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 9 verse 27 well there must be something wrong and according to titus chapter 5 verse 16 james,titus,5,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 16 you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now colossians chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the,colossians,8,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 8 verse 14 on my life and what he wants me to do um let's look at psalms 6 and 4. we died and we are buried with christ by,psalms,6,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 4 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read john chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible,john,10,11.0,1.0,john chapter 10 verse 11 brothers and i think this really relates to 3 john chapter 2 verses 17 through 18,3 john,2,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 17 all the days of your life now in ruth 3 15 there is held out this,ruth,3,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 15 in 2 john 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture,2 john,36,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 36 verse 6 builders builders for god of course amos 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that,amos,14,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 14 verse 18 verse 11 they saw god abraham habakkuk 18 the lord appeared to him to abraham,habakkuk,18,11.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 18 verse 11 tonight can i answer to read from the book of jude chapter 6 chapter 2 rather,jude,6,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 6 verse 2 question to you is related to a couple of different bible passages ezra 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all,ezra,17,9.0,1.0,ezra chapter 17 verse 9 chapter 7 judges of the apostles chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 55 acts chapter 7,judges,7,55.0,1.0,judges chapter 7 verse 55 offering and i want to read from 1 peter chapter 3 verse 9,1 peter,3,9.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 9 8 to 10 philemon chapter 12,philemon,12,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 12 verse 8 of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at habakkuk chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22,habakkuk,5,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 22 said in lamentations chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god,lamentations,28,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 28 verse 16 wants to talk to you look at 3 john chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the,3 john,8,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 14 chapter 13 in amos chapter 13 verse 11 remember now this individual and this,amos,13,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 11 children are gone and it says in lamentations 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally,lamentations,1,2.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 2 don't there is no shame i promise numbers chapter 1 looking at verse 3 and i'm gonna read a couple verses after,numbers,1,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 3 the final blow is the blood titus the blood mark the blood mark in exodus chapter 12 and verse 13 the bible says,titus,12,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 12 verse 13 number five maintain pure thoughts thoughts 1 kings 23 7 tells us as a man think in his heart so is he,1 kings,23,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 23 verse 7 reporters justified he has also glorified job 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ,job,8,3.0,1.0,job chapter 8 verse 3 in his letter to 1 chronicles here's what he does in titus 2 and 11. he says for the grace,1 chronicles,2,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 11 revelations of the seven 16th to 17th 2 john 7 16 to 17 and the seventh point is that when we get to heaven,2 john,7,16.0,1.0,2 john chapter 7 verse 16 will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of ecclesiastes shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter,ecclesiastes,4,6.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 amen now the uncle scripture is amos chapter 12 and verse 23 he said and when,amos,12,23.0,1.0,amos chapter 12 verse 23 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in john 2 3 but that is not all there is because in,john,2,3.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 3 8 9 which we all know so well but numbers 2 4 but god being rich in mercy,numbers,2,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 4 the word of god is meat for men meat for men zephaniah 5 11 to 14.,zephaniah,5,11.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 11 well in luke chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is,luke,12,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 12 verse 15 and rebellious act you see that in the book of habakkuk 5 verse 23,habakkuk,5,23.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 23 who alone is worthy in 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11,2 chronicles,4,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 luke chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle,luke,26,19.0,1.0,luke chapter 26 verse 19 the next door neighbor to timothy 2 peter 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of,2 peter,2,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 14 in the mighty name of jesus after the order of ecclesiastes of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesus,ecclesiastes,9,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 11 now and now but actually being brought to 2 chronicles 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've,2 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 to move you in the right direction ruth 2 and verse 13 the bible says for it is god that is at work,ruth,2,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 13 chapter 14 verse 13 in leviticus chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven,leviticus,14,13.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 14 verse 13 this money if you choose god then 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,1 corinthians,10,22.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 22 in our bible we've got um lamentations 8 28 do you know that verse don't you,lamentations,8,28.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 28 37 verse 18 2 corinthians 37 18 the bible made us to understand,2 corinthians,37,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 37 verse 18 this morning let's read as our text lamentations chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16.,lamentations,6,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 16 erelua can you read that micah 19 11 says now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he,micah,19,11.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 11 in jesus mighty name afraid a man the bible says in 1 john 60 from verse 1 isaiah 62 13 from verse 1,1 john,60,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 60 verse 13 strong with it the bible says in 2 john 12 27 says a lazy man does not roast,2 john,12,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 12 verse 27 in this church amen can be stronger in lamentations chapter 12 and verse 3 said and they,lamentations,12,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 3 church this year zechariah 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty,zechariah,49,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 49 verse 25 john chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells,john,2,5.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 5 about the increase of the church the bible says in the book of jonah 3 and verse 4,jonah,3,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 4 9 6. 1 peter 9 6 says his name will be called and it lists these things,1 peter,9,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 9 verse 6 they did a research and they could not find anything amazing what 2 timothy chapter 6 verse 28 verse 5 sorry and,2 timothy,6,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 5 shine amos 42 16 and i will bring the blind by a way that they knew not i will lead,amos,42,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 42 verse 16 minutes or whatever but you know 1 kings chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement,1 kings,3,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 3 verse 5 is to rain down mercy 2 kings chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4.,2 kings,2,4.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 4 2 timothy chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse,2 timothy,2,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 9 amen praise the lord let's quickly read that numbers 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up,numbers,2,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 11 number of things and i want to read you john 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter,john,3,16.0,1.0,john chapter 3 verse 16 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 3 john 14 17 says he that is true to agree,3 john,14,17.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 17 whether to individuals or traination judges 33 from verse 8 to 9 ezekiel 34 verse 8 to 9.,judges,33,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 8 the scripture says in zechariah chapter eight let's start at verse six ezra bless the lord the great god all the,zechariah,8,6.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 6 of silence dark age but what happened as we look into the book of micah chapter 4 verse 2,micah,4,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 2 multiplication not addition multiplication because in jude 22 from verse 15 to 18,jude,22,15.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 15 him before and what we read in the book of joel chapter 20 verse 24 it says but i do not count my life of any value nor,joel,20,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 20 verse 24 good things titus 21 verse 45 they are fair not ought,titus,21,45.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 45 promise we're coming to ruth chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11,ruth,11,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 11 verse 15 very simple to do it it's not really all that complicated he said in jonah 24 and verse 16 i do my best to keep my,jonah,24,16.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 16 from verse 11 to 17 amos 19 11 to 17 the bible says god performs special,amos,19,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 11 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith numbers 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,numbers,2,38.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 38 sufficiency for 1 john 20 27 proverbs 20 27 say it that giveth unto the poor shall not,1 john,20,27.0,1.0,1 john chapter 20 verse 27 beyond expectations joel chapter 1 verse 28.,joel,1,28.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 28 chapter 10. 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 11 and 12 and 13. the very first,1 thessalonians,10,11.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 11 verse 25 he said he will descend that's his john he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further,john,1,25.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 25 that evasive marriage that voice in amos 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,amos,5,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 2 this in amos chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16,amos,32,16.0,1.0,amos chapter 32 verse 16 word of jerusalem and we are told in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 to 11 we received a news and in the image of the,ecclesiastes,1,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 who work hard will prosper in mark 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye,mark,29,22.0,1.0,mark chapter 29 verse 22 eradicated from the church here's what it says jonah 16 17 i urge you brethren take,jonah,16,17.0,1.0,jonah chapter 16 verse 17 oh yes oh yes oh yes in jesus mighty name we pray amen luke 54 verse 14 say in righteousness shall thou be,luke,54,14.0,1.0,luke chapter 54 verse 14 advance the common judgments we had the story in job chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we,job,18,17.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 17 that fight these battles for you 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called,2 samuel,12,31.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 31 name i know amos 9 6 isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born,amos,9,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 9 verse 6 it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in habakkuk 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of,habakkuk,10,26.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 10 verse 26 of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of 2 kings 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made,2 kings,31,31.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 31 verse 31 into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right ruth 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm,ruth,1,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 13 19 verse 7 and verse 8 amos 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse,amos,19,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 19 verse 7 advice number one pride and arrogance pride and arrogance proverb nehemiah chapter 14 12.,nehemiah,14,12.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 14 verse 12 isaac took definite steps let me let me just let's read from joshua 26 and verse 12 then isaac soared in the land,joshua,26,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 26 verse 12 your bibles i'm gonna start at colossians 16 16 judges 16 16 but before i get there let me give you the context samson is,colossians,16,16.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 16 multitudes and nehemiah chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6,nehemiah,6,7.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 6 verse 7 obadiah chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible tells us there he said then this daniel was prepared,obadiah,6,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 6 verse 3 a day praise the lord joel chapter six and verse 20 the king cried,joel,6,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 2 of excellence i love that scripture in ecclesiastes 31 29 see many daughters has done well,ecclesiastes,31,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 31 verse 29 5 don't ever be fraudulent again don't make money fraudulently nahum 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 as a heart,nahum,17,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 17 verse 11 of testimony the format of testimony malachi 17 17.,malachi,17,17.0,1.0,malachi chapter 17 verse 17 gathering of more teachers allowed amen in zephaniah 37 of our study to verse 22 is a fair way that comment out of the north,zephaniah,37,22.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 37 verse 22 2 timothy chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war,2 timothy,9,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 9 verse 18 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj to 35xeuv2a in joel chapter 2 verse 42,joel,2,42.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 42 function of liberality the same titus chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,titus,11,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 11 verse 25 this will take us quickly into a very popular passage nehemiah chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says,nehemiah,2,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 2 verse 25 purpose ezra 1 8 says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you,ezra,1,8.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 8 is something we all should know by heart 1 samuel 1 8 this book of the law,1 samuel,1,8.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 8 of his true messengers. 1 timothy 28 verse 9 says that a true prophet is the one whose predictions come true.,1 timothy,28,9.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 28 verse 9 enochs world we see in the next chapter of 1 chronicles we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse,1 chronicles,6,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 5 as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle leviticus 29 verse 4.,leviticus,29,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 29 verse 4 about bearing with one another right ruth 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put,ruth,3,13.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 13 read josh 15 obadiah 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their,obadiah,13,2.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 2 verse 12 in joshua chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,joshua,13,12.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 12 solomon was extremely wise and in 2 corinthians 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one,2 corinthians,4,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 9 um so when we we uh we look at say nahum 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,nahum,28,24.0,1.0,nahum chapter 28 verse 24 all the strange gods are gone look at ezra chapter 25 verse 5 and the journey,ezra,25,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 25 verse 5 than that here at ezra 115 it says my son do not walk in the way with them keep your,ezra,1,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 15 in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you colossians chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5,colossians,12,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 5 happen there is a path for us in leviticus chapter 4 verse 12.,leviticus,4,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 about him to joe satan there's no one like him on the earth habakkuk 1 verse 8 who fears god job must,habakkuk,1,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 8 take 2 timothy chapter 16 read the story from verse 16 to 34 acts 16 4 verse 16 to 34 paul was minding his own business a,2 timothy,16,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 16 verse 16 and here's what the bible says about him in 2 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 to 26 it was by faith that moses when he grew,2 timothy,11,24.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 24 he's a spiritual jew 2 peter chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29,2 peter,2,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 28 and the people of god said amen 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5,1 thessalonians,5,9.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of 2 timothy chapter 15 four to five judges 15,2 timothy,15,4.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 15 verse 4 verse 20 judges chapter 20 ah verse 20 and jacob vouched,judges,20,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 20 verse 2 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through nehemiah the prophet he took our infirmities and,nehemiah,8,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 17 read it again 1 samuel 4 verse 14 saying then that we have a great,1 samuel,4,14.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 14 and his family come off the ark in ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 god says whoever sheds man's,ezekiel,9,6.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 9 verse 6 the bible says in 2 thessalonians 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,2 thessalonians,23,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 23 verse 7 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king matthew for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,matthew,14,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 28 the world that is what we call 1 thessalonians ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,1 thessalonians,1,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 17 psalms chapter one i'm reading from verse five revelation chapter one verse five and from jesus christ,psalms,1,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 5 to look at they knew about these books and so here the prophet 2 chronicles in malachi chapter 3 verse 2 he warns of,2 chronicles,3,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 2 chapter 22 jude 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly my reward,jude,22,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 22 verse 12 through a few pr a few passages here matthew chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the,matthew,4,23.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 23 this morning let's remember his word to us in jude 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,jude,33,3.0,1.0,jude chapter 33 verse 3 3. 1 kings 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life,1 kings,13,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 3 each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel numbers 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12,numbers,21,12.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 12 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 2 peter 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",2 peter,4,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 24 hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 47,habakkuk,2,47.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 2 verse 47 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in colossians chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you,colossians,29,11.0,1.0,colossians chapter 29 verse 11 i mean job 37 from verse 16 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 16 to 28 the brothers of,job,37,16.0,1.0,job chapter 37 verse 16 in jonah chapter 8 from verse 26 to 38 acts 8 26 to 38 philip was having a wonderful wonderful,jonah,8,26.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 26 says i haven't laid hold of it all yet verse 13 jude 3 verse 13 but there's only one thing i do in my life a,jude,3,13.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 13 judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in 1 samuel 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was,1 samuel,2,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 2 saved through faith faith is the mechanism 1 chronicles 5 8 but god demonstrate look at listen to this scripture god,1 chronicles,5,8.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 8 we're going to be praying about that psalms 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and,psalms,14,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 17 in jesus name look at 1 samuel daniel chapter 11 our reading from verse 32 daniel,1 samuel,11,32.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 32 you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man micah 4 verse 20,micah,4,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 2 morning 1 peter chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is,1 peter,5,42.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 42 god speaking to us now look at it in obadiah chapter 13 verse 5 think about the promises that he said in,obadiah,13,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 13 verse 5 we're looking at luke chapter 10 and we're reading from verse 18 daniel chapter 10,luke,10,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 10 verse 18 so we must look at the example of others we are told in judges 15 4 that these things are written for our examples,judges,15,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 4 i hope you all know where it is obadiah proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11,obadiah,8,11.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 8 verse 11 it's going to be 17 to 21 obadiah chapter 4 and,obadiah,4,17.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 4 verse 17 children in numbers chapter 19 in verse 26 genesis chapter 19 here he tells us in verse 26,numbers,19,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 26 church and louder email 1 timothy 54 and verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together,1 timothy,54,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 54 verse 15 majesty in heaven i'm quoting from 1 samuel 4 and hebrews 8 there listen listen to me in acts chapter 2 and you,1 samuel,4,2.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 4 verse 2 this issue is as you continue that same preachment john 3 verse 21 it says whom heaven must receive until the time of,john,1,21.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 21 redeemed in 1 corinthians 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i,1 corinthians,1,5.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 starts off in different direction 2 thessalonians 17 24 david was focused on this goal,2 thessalonians,17,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 24 baptized in the holy ghost and they went out there to speak so you you read john of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 38,john,2,38.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 38 the same thing is repeated in nahum 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to,nahum,4,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 4 verse 2 jesus name in nahum chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,nahum,3,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 3 verse 12 say loud amen judges chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a,judges,34,25.0,1.0,judges chapter 34 verse 25 the victors revelations of the 21 verse 7 luke 21 verse 7 who are those people that could sit in that evil oppresses,luke,21,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 21 verse 7 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane 2 samuel 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all,2 samuel,53,6.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 53 verse 6 brought about light in creation in 1 kings 1 3 can say let there be light in a heart,1 kings,1,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 3 this is 3 john 16 4 5 decrees for to keep,3 john,16,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 16 verse 4 shall flourish like the palm tree and then in ruth 29 the book of isaiah 29 verse 17 he said is it not yet a little,ruth,29,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 29 verse 17 if you have christ you have the spirit of christ jude 8 9 living in you christ cannot will not forsake his true,jude,8,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 9 way down to verse nine jonah chapter two verse three to verse nine,jonah,2,3.0,1.0,jonah chapter 2 verse 3 but the same bible tells us in 2 samuel chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews 12 29 that this god,2 samuel,12,29.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 12 verse 29 you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now nahum chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the,nahum,8,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 8 verse 14 her head she dishonours her husband actually in habakkuk 21 9 it says it is better to live in the corner of a,habakkuk,21,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 21 verse 9 by the gods of all might look at ezra chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27,ezra,22,27.0,1.0,ezra chapter 22 verse 27 the lord and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in jonah chapter one verse six,jonah,1,6.0,1.0,jonah chapter 1 verse 6 the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that hosea 23 verse 25 and 26,hosea,23,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 25 and a secure place philemon 55 verse 20 isaiah 55 verse 20. you have to take me to affirm an ak place i have listened to,philemon,55,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 55 verse 2 like apostle paul said in lamentations chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,lamentations,8,38.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 38 the word of god is meat for men meat for men lamentations 5 11 to 14.,lamentations,5,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 5 verse 11 scriptures we're going to look at micah 5 19 through 20,micah,5,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 19 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of matthew 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in,matthew,1,24.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 24 the lord 2 kings 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb,2 kings,13,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 13 verse 2 that was what 1 peter was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,1 peter,3,17.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 3 verse 17 life of character life of integrity will yield good success 3 john chapter one and verse number eight it said this book,3 john,1,8.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 8 christ jesus nehemiah 8 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the,nehemiah,8,35.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 35 presence how by the blood of jesus this is joel 10 verse 20 by a new and living way open for us through the,joel,10,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 10 verse 2 down in this church for life 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 11 and 12 paraphrase as for thee also by the blood,2 corinthians,9,11.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 11 is caption time the currency of life 1 timothy 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days,1 timothy,5,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 16 "chapter 3 that really does define this. hosea chapter 3, verse 18, ""many walk,"" that means they conduct their life, their",hosea,3,18.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 18 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in 2 chronicles 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the,2 chronicles,20,14.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 20 verse 14 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 2 peter chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5,2 peter,3,3.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 3 is in 2 john 10 15 proverbs 10 15 say the rich man wealth,2 john,10,15.0,1.0,2 john chapter 10 verse 15 covenant but all we are we can be blessed by it says he song of solomon (song of songs) 8 verse 14 romans 8 verse 14,song of solomon (song of songs),8,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 14 my favorite verse in this chapter is zephaniah chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared,zephaniah,3,3.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 3 "could be twenty years of age. according to zechariah 8 verse 24, levites could be 25 years of age.",zechariah,8,24.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 24 the uh finally the um the idea is in micah 11 6 it says hey yeah,micah,11,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 11 verse 6 pure behavior these are things we've been talking about in micah two and then he says verse three here at first peter,micah,2,3.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 3 overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of nehemiah chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from,nehemiah,7,6.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 6 sons this is such an honorable privilege 2 corinthians 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth,2 corinthians,8,17.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 17 you can all be seated well let's grab our bibles and turn to judges chapter 31 and my special mother's day message,judges,4,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 7 scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to habakkuk to highlight the spiritual confusion and,habakkuk,17,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 17 verse 21 who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also 1 samuel chapter 11 verse 24 to 25.,1 samuel,11,24.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 11 verse 24 it's a risk job chapter 20 in verse 126 the appointed cities of refuge,job,20,12.0,1.0,job chapter 20 verse 12 hands colossians 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a,colossians,26,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 26 verse 8 verse 10 he accuses them he deceives the whole world malachi 12 verse 9 and he accuses believers in revelation 12 verse 10,malachi,12,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 9 i know him mark 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing,mark,18,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 18 verse 17 he has put wheels under it rejoicing bringing in the sheaves with him 2 thessalonians 21 and verse 27 i will overthawn,2 thessalonians,21,27.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 27 that were not forgiving god says in jonah chapter 20 verse 5 if you are familiar with the,jonah,20,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 20 verse 5 to obadiah chapter 15 acts chapter 15. verse 36 i want to read the story for you,obadiah,15,36.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 36 out 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of,1 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of joel chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis,joel,22,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 22 verse 2 for as you think it in his heart so is he amos 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't,amos,23,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 23 verse 7 overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse 1 kings seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your,1 kings,17,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 17 verse 3 the earth and according to the book of leviticus 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he,leviticus,8,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 8 verse 4 lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of 1 chronicles 9 19 or chapter 9,1 chronicles,9,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 19 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in zephaniah chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis,zephaniah,24,34.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 24 verse 34 that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of malachi and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself,malachi,8,21.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 21 it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of titus verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter,titus,20,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 20 verse 13 but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 micah 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it,micah,25,27.0,1.0,micah chapter 25 verse 27 and the voice of them that make mary 1 kings 30 verse 19 and i will multiply them,1 kings,30,19.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 30 verse 19 money so 1 john 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body,1 john,10,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 10 verse 5 the 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 15 genesis chapter 3 verse 15 then 6 chapter 3 verse 15.,1 timothy,3,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 15 predestined me joshua 8 29 and you also to become conformed to the image of,joshua,8,29.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 29 stuff but habakkuk 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted,habakkuk,53,7.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 53 verse 7 that answers prayer as we answer you in philemon 33 and verse 3 god said call unto me and i will answer thee,philemon,33,3.0,1.0,philemon chapter 33 verse 3 job 16 verse 17 gave you this revelation and i am the christ the son of the living god the word revelation,job,16,17.0,1.0,job chapter 16 verse 17 so many stories changing 2 john chapter 1 and verse 13 to 15 we have this illustrated one more time,2 john,1,13.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 13 by your corresponding deeds and action praise a lot numbers 11 7 noah believed what god told him,numbers,11,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 11 verse 7 god they must bring honor to god the bible says in numbers chapter 3 and verse 22 he said that born servant obey,numbers,3,22.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 22 and he's talking about the world 2 thessalonians 1 22 to 25 and you know,2 thessalonians,1,22.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 22 he was singled out for a miracle why because in 2 kings chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16,2 kings,9,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 9 verse 14 that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in zechariah 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward,zechariah,20,12.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 12 is good when you read numbers chapter 1 verses 4,numbers,1,4.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 4 it says then you are saying that's in 2 peter chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 and now it says,2 peter,10,9.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 9 from verse 32 to 42 job 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing,job,9,32.0,1.0,job chapter 9 verse 32 and that's what 2 corinthians 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,2 corinthians,10,9.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 9 he will touch you again in jesus name look at joshua chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1,joshua,1,6.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 6 "most of israel remained under the condemnation of god and outside of christ,"" nahum 10 verses 3 and 4, ""because being ignorant of the righteousness",nahum,10,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 10 verse 3 now in mark chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 we see that god she reserves his sovereignty,mark,9,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 9 verse 15 deceiving themselves luke 1 26,luke,1,26.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 26 white light number two first of brittany first of duty in 2 chronicles chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21,2 chronicles,23,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 23 verse 2 existence that's what it means amos 4 17 says he collects those things that be not,amos,4,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 17 we are ordained to live forever you know in luke 18 verse 20 he said this soul,luke,18,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 18 verse 2 will come to pass in 2 kings 37 from verse 5 to 11,2 kings,37,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 37 verse 5 us to do in zechariah 2 starting in verse 14. what good is it my brothers if someone,zechariah,2,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 14 god therefore move them to believe so that's my first text hosea 13 20 and 21 showing first that everything we do,hosea,13,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 13 verse 2 they will not go empty you remember numbers 3 7 to 10 i've seen the affirmation of my,numbers,3,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 7 says in one john 20 21 there are only two messages i preach,john,20,21.0,1.0,john chapter 20 verse 21 20 to joshua 13 from verse 22 22 god said i found a man,joshua,13,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 13 verse 22 jude 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 just by lifting up his hands at all,jude,14,21.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 21 seen him neither no not him nehemiah chapter 7 reading from verse 25,nehemiah,7,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 7 verse 25 of the glory of the grace of god 2 chronicles 1 6 1 12 114,2 chronicles,1,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 important thing in the world in in 2 chronicles chapter 40 there when you read was 5 and 6 can you give me was 506,2 chronicles,40,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 40 verse 5 to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put 1 corinthians 13 verse 4 up on the screen,1 corinthians,13,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 4 without the shedding of blood is no remission come true habakkuk chapter 11 verse 5.,habakkuk,11,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 11 verse 5 again and again and reinforcing its importance esther 2 42 is a summary statement of life,esther,2,42.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 42 but the reason i had you turn over to jonah is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another,jonah,3,9.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 9 fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in titus chapter 10 verse 16,titus,10,16.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 16 thank you look at 1 timothy chapter 14. 28 as they are not known,1 timothy,14,28.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 14 verse 28 16 obadiah chapter 16 verse 15 behold i come as i see,obadiah,16,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 16 verse 15 say louder amen 2 chronicles chapter 13 and verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole,2 chronicles,13,44.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 44 get to the tournament 33 verse 17 1 thessalonians 33 verse 17 the bible tells us that ephraim has,1 thessalonians,33,17.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 33 verse 17 reigns the lord almighty reigns 2 kings 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,2 kings,10,14.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 10 verse 14 i'm going to know this morning look at hosea chapter 23 i'm reading from verse 20 extra most chapter 23 a meaning from,hosea,23,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 23 verse 2 our inner man in the book of lamentations 3 verse 16 the word of god tells us there ephesians,lamentations,3,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 16 priests and we shall reign on earth bible passage malachi chapter 1 26 to 28 that was when god said let us make man,malachi,1,26.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 26 what it says in ezekiel chapter 12 and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book,ezekiel,12,4.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 4 between belief and obedience in malachi 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,malachi,2,14.0,1.0,malachi chapter 2 verse 14 heaven rules right look at nahum 6. just a couple more here daniel 6 verse 20 when darius,nahum,6,2.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 2 it to help the poor 2 timothy 13 6 13 16 sorry,2 timothy,13,6.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 13 verse 6 to use and that is zephaniah chapter 10 from verse 12,zephaniah,10,12.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 12 somehow ezra knows but jesus never did somehow jesus quotes isaiah 49 but doesn't read two verses prior like is,ezra,49,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 49 verse 2 chapter 5 verse 4 and malachi in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the,malachi,1,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 3 and he became the ruler at the end of the day malachi disciplined himself chapter 4 verse 23,malachi,4,23.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 23 [music] chapter 2 2 samuel chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation,2 samuel,2,25.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 25 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and,ecclesiastes,1,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 actually repents this is what leviticus says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and,leviticus,3,9.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 9 1 kings chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says,1 kings,11,6.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 11 verse 6 greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in jude chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 by the holy ghost which is given to us 2 thessalonians 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 of israel whom you shall serve ruth 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord,ruth,24,15.0,1.0,ruth chapter 24 verse 15 it tells us in jude chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,jude,2,9.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 9 chapter 11 of philemon hebrews chapter 11 i were reading from verse age hebrews 11 reading from verse age he tells us in,philemon,11,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 8 3. malachi 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life,malachi,13,3.0,1.0,malachi chapter 13 verse 3 starting with verse 25 malachi chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us,malachi,3,25.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 25 illumination if you look read um 2 samuel 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion,2 samuel,21,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 21 verse 23 what the scripture says in 2 samuel 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental,2 samuel,25,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 25 verse 21 i still hear pages turning so i'll wait micah 19 15 now out of his mouth goes a sharp,micah,19,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 15 repent and deal with the sea of rebellion 2 samuel 3 verse 23 224 pass mercy first john 1 verse 9 if we confess our sin is,2 samuel,3,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 23 into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray 2 corinthians 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing,2 corinthians,16,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 16 verse 25 the law by wisdom has founded here jonah 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones,jonah,3,19.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 19 from verse 5 nehemiah 11 5 by faith enoch was translated,nehemiah,11,5.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 11 verse 5 esther 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 38,esther,3,11.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 11 bible says in ezra chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you,ezra,1,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 5 "off this earth in the blink of an eye nahum chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're",nahum,25,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 25 verse 9 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith 1 kings verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,1 kings,1,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 3 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in zechariah 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily,zechariah,49,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 49 verse 8 humble you and to bring your heart to a place of numbers before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all,numbers,1,19.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 19 none of us will be disappointed on that day 1 timothy 16 15 behold i come,1 timothy,16,15.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 16 verse 15 son for unto us a child is born 1 corinthians 9 6 says,1 corinthians,9,6.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at colossians chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter,colossians,2,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 3 joel chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 paraphrase he said he did not counted robbery to be,joel,2,6.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 6 i want you to shout it loud and clean song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved,song of solomon (song of songs),29,17.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verse 17 marriage is created it isn't until we get to titus chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to,titus,2,24.0,1.0,titus chapter 2 verse 24 and this church this coming sunday 1 kings chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia,1 kings,16,14.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 16 verse 14 that i put on the wall and was about judges 5 18 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it,judges,5,18.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 18 seen him neither no not him hosea chapter 7 reading from verse 25,hosea,7,25.0,1.0,hosea chapter 7 verse 25 so mightily that if you read ezekiel 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8,ezekiel,32,3.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 32 verse 3 a treasure of god roman chapter 6 verse 23 1 john 6 23 he says the wages of sin is death,1 john,6,23.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 23 about jude and the bukit nezzer gave orders 3911 about jeremiah and told the captain of his bodyguard take him verse,jude,39,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 39 verse 11 it shall be like a hit in the desert 2 kings chapter 17 numbers five and six he shall not see one good comment,2 kings,17,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 17 verse 5 christians he says that christ may dwell in your heart when you read jude chapter 3 verse 17 that christ will,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 defense esther 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,esther,8,31.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 31 brings us to justification jonah chapter 3 22,jonah,3,22.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 22 this morning let's remember his word to us in haggai 33 and verse 3 jeremiah 33 and verse 3 he says call unto me and,haggai,33,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 33 verse 3 12 nehemiah chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23,nehemiah,12,22.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 12 verse 22 their faith in christ but then god in ruth chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 become more aware of his presence ezra put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,ezra,42,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 42 verse 5 of nineveh to repent what he says is this this is in philemon chapter 3 verse 4 he says yet forty days and nineveh will,philemon,3,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 4 beginning too that's amos 1 4. he chose let's make it personal put your,amos,1,4.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 4 sighting in verse 9 of hosea 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch,hosea,1,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 9 6 12 years 2 peter 6 12 say children obey your parents to the lord for this,2 peter,6,12.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 12 a bible says in ruth chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the,ruth,9,4.0,1.0,ruth chapter 9 verse 4 that was what psalms was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important,psalms,3,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 17 for absence from the bridegroom's book in heaven colossians chapter 21 verse 27,colossians,21,27.0,1.0,colossians chapter 21 verse 27 that means if you want your children to grow up properly start with leviticus 5 33,leviticus,5,33.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 5 verse 33 look at our memory verse again which is from ezra chapter 4 verse 5.,ezra,4,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 5 accompanied by a season of temporary discomfort zechariah 12 and verse 2 for the joy that was set before him he,zechariah,12,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 2 the output of our outreaches in 2015. now psalms 3 26 i read out a long time i read it fasting,psalms,3,26.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 26 the final blow is the blood ezekiel the blood mark the blood mark in exodus chapter 12 and verse 13 the bible says,ezekiel,12,13.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 12 verse 13 in the spirit in 1 chronicles chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried,1 chronicles,17,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 17 verse 3 let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 malachi chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus,malachi,33,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 33 verse 11 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in philemon 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,philemon,1,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 25 lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of mark verse 17 that christ lives in us by,mark,3,17.0,1.0,mark chapter 3 verse 17 like apostle paul said in ezra chapter 8 and verse 38 he said that we are persuaded,ezra,8,38.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 38 what you expect to have as good a nahum chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and,nahum,1,12.0,1.0,nahum chapter 1 verse 12 apostles see 2 kings 1 8 to 9 for that,2 kings,1,8.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 8 resemble for prayer the bible says in ruth chapter 20 verse 35,ruth,20,35.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 35 amen 1 timothy chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,1 timothy,40,31.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 40 verse 31 because the lord has rejected them 1 corinthians chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and,1 corinthians,1,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 28 down and study the law so i think really when you look at this 2 john 3 18 verse it's really speaking to that that,2 john,3,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 18 need revival we need renewing we need restoration hosea 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he,hosea,57,15.0,1.0,hosea chapter 57 verse 15 relationship right in 1 peter 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas,1 peter,15,39.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 15 verse 39 troop shall be established 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18.,1 corinthians,8,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 18 and when you look at the prophecy of zephaniah isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah,zephaniah,7,14.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 14 god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in micah 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their,micah,55,45.0,1.0,micah chapter 55 verse 45 reminds me of joshua chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember,joshua,5,8.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 8 this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 1 corinthians listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also,1 corinthians,9,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 9 verse 27 zephaniah chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men,zephaniah,9,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 9 verse 27 rejoice in hope of the glory of god matthew chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal,matthew,2,8.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 8 the law look at mark if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do,mark,8,3.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 3 in 2 thessalonians talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible,2 thessalonians,3,23.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 23 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture job 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,job,6,9.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 9 relationship with god colossians chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and,colossians,6,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 5 and that is located according to scriptures in 2 kings 1 20 to 21 he said,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 everyone who partakes only of milk nahum 5 13 is not accustomed that means not,nahum,5,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 13 chapter 1 in joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word,joshua,1,22.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 22 name of jesus ruth 25 leviticus 25 21 commanded blessings,ruth,25,21.0,1.0,ruth chapter 25 verse 21 give me a rousing amen 1 corinthians chapter 26 a meeting from verse 18 acts chapter 26,1 corinthians,26,18.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 26 verse 18 who loves me and gave himself for me in 2 corinthians chapter 6 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 6,2 corinthians,6,6.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 6 and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. 2 kings said who is he that i did counsel without,2 kings,42,3.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 42 verse 3 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen amos chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,amos,2,25.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 25 1 hosea 1 3 and jeremiah 24 7. i'm going to end this on jeremiah 24 7. i hope you guys know where you are i,hosea,1,3.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 3 that verse 18 again 1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our,1 thessalonians,16,18.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 the almighty god will answer for you danielle joshua chapter we're reading from verse 24,joshua,1,24.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 24 as a day of visitation and summing it up colossians 16 14 calls it the great day of god almighty,colossians,16,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 16 verse 14 completely was something his story is in jude chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or,jude,13,14.0,1.0,jude chapter 13 verse 14 give you so many gifts and look at this lovely word from joshua verse 17 when,joshua,1,17.0,1.0,joshua chapter 1 verse 17 caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in colossians 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes,colossians,14,24.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 24 you're going to reign in jesus name and look at hosea chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 17,hosea,8,17.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 17 only faith nehemiah 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves,nehemiah,1,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 it down ecclesiastes 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as,ecclesiastes,33,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 11 name zechariah chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51,zechariah,7,51.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 7 verse 51 we are reading verse 4 in the book of jonah 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life,jonah,15,4.0,1.0,jonah chapter 15 verse 4 to say in 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but i have i have all and i am band and i am,1 chronicles,4,18.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 18 if you open your bibles with me to the book of micah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse,micah,8,18.0,1.0,micah chapter 8 verse 18 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is,song of solomon (song of songs),2,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 7 we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to 1 john 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of,1 john,1,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 1 verse 2 because he is the one in 3 john 4 verse 13 declare i can do all things,3 john,4,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 13 misery bondage sickness loss calamity evil occurrence matthew 3 19. zephariana 319 says the niv and energy,matthew,3,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 19 but shem shall be the promotion of fools 2 samuel 3 35 so glory is the heritage of the wise not shame and reproach,2 samuel,3,35.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 35 well the story i mentioned to you about micah in exodus chapter 14 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive,micah,14,21.0,1.0,micah chapter 14 verse 21 number 8 amos chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers,amos,20,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 20 verse 8 verse 27 ruth chapter 4 reading from verse 27 is,ruth,4,27.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 27 shorty ruth 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better,ruth,7,22.0,1.0,ruth chapter 7 verse 22 childhood 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16,2 thessalonians,3,16.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 16 isaac the quality blessing and in 1 chronicles 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law,1 chronicles,37,31.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 37 verse 31 from our church in jesus name nehemiah chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren,nehemiah,16,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 16 verse 17 now let's turn back to 1 john 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these,1 john,5,5.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 5 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 peter 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of,2 peter,11,37.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 11 verse 37 it says 2 chronicles chapter 4 and verse 12.,2 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 reading from verse 15 obadiah chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15,obadiah,1,15.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 15 fruit of the spirit for example in job 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy,job,5,22.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 22 because philemon chapter 1 verse 18 revelation 1 verse 18 says i am the alpha and the omega the one who was who is and mr.,philemon,1,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 18 2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and,2 chronicles,27,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 27 verse 22 jesus name lamentations reading from verse 8 jeremiah chapter 30 when you came at,lamentations,30,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 30 verse 8 doctrine look at chapter 2 of jude titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things,jude,2,7.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 7 threatening to kill peter in malachi 12 5 it says peter therefore was kept in prison,malachi,12,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 12 verse 5 give god thanks just as noah did in the book of zephaniah chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided,zephaniah,8,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 2 upon you until you turn i can pour lamentations 1 23 you don't turn and one paul,lamentations,1,23.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 23 watching that's the great question today in 1 timothy 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,1 timothy,21,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 21 verse 2 the word of god is meat for men meat for men 1 john 5 11 to 14.,1 john,5,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 11 in that nature passage from verse 19 to 22 titus 6 19 to 22 a bible tells us the reason why lions could eat him was,titus,6,19.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 19 night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture nahum 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go,nahum,6,9.0,1.0,nahum chapter 6 verse 9 yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey 2 timothy 6 verse 16 hooroo,2 timothy,6,16.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 6 verse 16 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read 1 samuel chapter one from verse three to four official one,1 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 god today for everyone in jesus name in 1 peter chapter 57 i'm reading verse 16. it says i will not contain forever,1 peter,57,16.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 57 verse 16 who have preached to us they are flying towards ruth 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful,ruth,1,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 28 now you must underline this in your bible esther chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter,esther,8,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 28 god 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22,1 thessalonians,5,22.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 reigns the lord almighty reigns ezekiel 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to,ezekiel,10,14.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 10 verse 14 and we read that you would i rose up in psalms 44 4 i've got most of these verses marked in,psalms,44,4.0,1.0,psalms chapter 44 verse 4 of righteousness song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many,song of solomon (song of songs),28,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 28 verse 7 the saints and please turn to the book of 1 corinthians romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,1 corinthians,8,21.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 21 jonah 29 and verse 12. jeremiah 29 verse 12 the bible says then shall you call upon me and you,jonah,29,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 29 verse 12 the righteousness of god in him if you also read numbers 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says,numbers,5,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 18 the one who is truly godly look at hosea chapter 3 when looking at verse 6,hosea,3,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 3 verse 6 we have in the new testament in fact ezra chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive,ezra,4,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 4 chinese we're looking at nehemiah chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23,nehemiah,15,23.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 15 verse 23 call to commitment of the book of hosea chapter 6 and verse 5 thou shalt love the lord thy god will all,hosea,6,5.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 5 society that takes pleasure in wickedness ruth 3 3 defines it as being enslaved to various lusts and pleasures,ruth,3,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 3 know that would emily holy suv in titus chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has,titus,4,11.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 11 the world that is what we call amos ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit,amos,1,17.0,1.0,amos chapter 1 verse 17 them individually joshua chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,joshua,10,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 10 verse 7 timothy 2 15. access to philemon an application of oneself to eat we,philemon,2,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 15 never a moment that you are me alone he said to us in esther chapter 13 verse 5,esther,13,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 13 verse 5 covenant numbers chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god,numbers,8,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 18 miracles signs and wonders 1 corinthians 13 13 to 14 says,1 corinthians,13,13.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 13 turn from all these things and then after that comes joshua 5 14 to 15 it says when you know it with all,joshua,5,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 5 verse 14 never sinned against god in all of this suffering lamentations 122 and all of this job did not sin nor charge god with wrong,lamentations,1,22.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 1 verse 22 you will not look back in jesus name joshua chapter 11 we're reading from verse 21,joshua,11,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 11 verse 21 attendance of 2019 this coming sunday 2 peter chapter 36 and verse 37 says,2 peter,36,37.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 36 verse 37 building in 3 john 28 16 listen very carefully it says therefore thus saith the lord,3 john,28,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 16 full of eyes it says in chapter job 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes,job,4,8.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 8 the only qualification is matthew 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord,matthew,10,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 10 verse 9 in this church amos chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves,amos,8,9.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 9 the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what psalms 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of,psalms,7,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 7 verse 14 about matthew and the bukit nezzer gave orders 3911 about jeremiah and told the captain of his bodyguard take him verse,matthew,39,11.0,1.0,matthew chapter 39 verse 11 testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in joel chapter 66 number seven and eight,joel,66,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 66 verse 7 grace to help in time of need that's lamentations 4 16. how are you ever going to boldly,lamentations,4,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 16 from verse 19 hosea of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted,hosea,11,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 19 joel chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying,joel,28,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 28 verse 2 not required we get this from 1 peter 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts,1 peter,10,15.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 15 to shave in the mighty name of jesus 2 john 54 verse 4 isaiah 54 so he said fear not for thou shall not be ashamed,2 john,54,4.0,1.0,2 john chapter 54 verse 4 verse 17 zephaniah 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith,zephaniah,3,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 in the case of some deformity they need to be reminded of jude 4 11 where god says who makes,jude,4,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 4 verse 11 look at job chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6 22 now being made free from sin burning,job,6,22.0,1.0,job chapter 6 verse 22 are gods you come back to ezra chapter 19 and you look at verse four,ezra,19,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 19 verse 4 himself and our attention is directed to jesus but here it says in malachi 3 and verse 12,malachi,3,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 12 taken from the book of haggai revelation chapter 22 verse 16 revelation 22 16,haggai,22,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 16 thou shall not have any other god with me 2 peter 20 4 5,2 peter,20,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 20 verse 4 jesus name look at leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 philippians chapter 4 we're reading from,leviticus,4,12.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 we're not guaranteed tomorrow this is why the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 7 today if you hear his voice do not,song of solomon (song of songs),4,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 7 verse that we read in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 12,2 thessalonians,6,12.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 12 into this church this coming sunday 2 john chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,2 john,2,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 6 jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up luke 1717 says a friend loves at all times,luke,17,17.0,1.0,luke chapter 17 verse 17 that's wisdom that can be from above micah 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this,micah,17,14.0,1.0,micah chapter 17 verse 14 name is not mentioned with the other four luke in hebrews 11 32 but barrick is mentioned,luke,11,32.0,1.0,luke chapter 11 verse 32 there to guide and to lead us to guide and to lead us habakkuk three verse five and verse six and verse seven,habakkuk,3,5.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 5 read ezra 2 we're gonna have it up on the screen acts 2 verse 17 you can turn your bibles to acts chapter 2 beginning at,ezra,2,17.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 17 being portrayed here so let's just look back at 2 chronicles 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of,2 chronicles,25,22.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 25 verse 22 questions so haggai 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no,haggai,11,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 14 verse 8. jude chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power,jude,1,8.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 8 under a speech look at verse 14 of that matthew chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14,matthew,2,14.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 14 example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly jude chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like,jude,11,36.0,1.0,jude chapter 11 verse 36 joshua 41 verse 13 to 15 isaiah 41 32 15 the bible says for i the lord thy god,joshua,41,32.0,1.0,joshua chapter 41 verse 32 do you do look at this malachi chapter 5 verse 19 brethren if any of you do hear from the truth,malachi,5,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 19 everlastingly in punishment and in torment but even jude saw this in daniel 7 11 i kept looking because of,jude,7,11.0,1.0,jude chapter 7 verse 11 world says in 1 john chapter nine and verse six it is not of him that run it,1 john,9,6.0,1.0,1 john chapter 9 verse 6 "and in obadiah 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",obadiah,3,8.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 3 verse 8 is the great physician himself the one who said in numbers 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the,numbers,15,26.0,1.0,numbers chapter 15 verse 26 of substitution song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 8.,song of solomon (song of songs),11,8.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 11 verse 8 the name that they are their profane we are coming to amos 74 so i'm 74 i'm reading from verse 18 so i'm 74 we're,amos,74,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 74 verse 18 man may fail but god cannot the bible said to us in amos chapter 6 verse 13,amos,6,13.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 13 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of 3 john chapter 5 verse 24.,3 john,5,24.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 24 chapter 17 of song of solomon (song of songs) acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17,song of solomon (song of songs),17,11.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 verse 11 pleasant and verse 4 of song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went,song of solomon (song of songs),8,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 4 love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in habakkuk chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said,habakkuk,13,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 21 that's where that's how vision starts joel 2 verse 13 the bible says it is the god that walks within us uh to,joel,2,13.0,1.0,joel chapter 2 verse 13 and the sixth verse lamentations chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with,lamentations,6,6.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 6 seven we are trying to understand god's ways 1 john in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32,1 john,7,32.0,1.0,1 john chapter 7 verse 32 a repeated concept in the old testament one place you find it is in 2 corinthians 18 5 he says you shall therefore keep my,2 corinthians,18,5.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 18 verse 5 reading from verse 28 luke of the apostles chapter 20 reading here from verse 28,luke,20,28.0,1.0,luke chapter 20 verse 28 verse 24. judges chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say,judges,33,24.0,1.0,judges chapter 33 verse 24 bless the lord o my soul look at some for 1 chronicles 44 reading from verse 28,1 chronicles,44,28.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 44 verse 28 in jesus name we pray i'm reading from 2 john chapter 9 verse 22.,2 john,9,22.0,1.0,2 john chapter 9 verse 22 as 2 chronicles 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo,2 chronicles,5,11.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 11 brother can i read that one more time 1 kings 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,1 kings,18,24.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 24 at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in colossians chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and,colossians,33,3.0,1.0,colossians chapter 33 verse 3 take actions that are based on 3 john hallelujah professor 1 verse 32,3 john,1,32.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 32 how did 2 peter 36 27 he said and i will put,2 peter,36,27.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 36 verse 27 concerning you say lord amen nehemiah 10 36 let's read together now everybody want,nehemiah,10,36.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 10 verse 36 for us as believers in luke but one verse seven look at the emphasis here on the immediate,luke,1,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 7 "of the spirit. in lamentations chapter 3 it says in verse 5, ""he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we",lamentations,3,5.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 3 verse 5 mighty name of jesus job chapter 12 verses 11 the bible says i a high rate of physical and,job,12,11.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 11 14 verse 15 john chapter 14 reading from verse,john,14,15.0,1.0,john chapter 14 verse 15 in the name of jesus habakkuk chapter 5 from verse 8 to 9 and i i want this to be scriptures that will,habakkuk,5,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 8 both as a commission and as individuals habakkuk chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call,habakkuk,58,9.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 58 verse 9 in the midst of his people in joel chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is,joel,3,17.0,1.0,joel chapter 3 verse 17 listen to this when they had entered the city nehemiah chapter 1 verse 13 they went up to the upper room where,nehemiah,1,13.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 1 verse 13 1 john chapter 36 looking at verse 25 ezekiel chapter 36 i will read him from verse 25,1 john,36,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 36 verse 25 chapter 14 and i'm reading from verse 7 joshua chapter 14 verse 7 and there the preached the gospel,joshua,14,7.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 7 paul in his letter to 2 kings wrote in chapter 8 verse 29,2 kings,8,29.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 29 according to 1 samuel chapter 9 from verse 15 to 18 romans 9 15 to 18 that is not everybody who got mercy he said i will,1 samuel,9,15.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 9 verse 15 god about your fruitfulness in psalms chapter 49 25 genesis chapter 49 25 the bible says evil by the god of thy father,psalms,49,25.0,1.0,psalms chapter 49 verse 25 saints 2 peter 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's,2 peter,3,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 3 verse 18 to me 2 chronicles 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land,2 chronicles,37,2.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 37 verse 2 deceive us from the truth look at 1 timothy 5 verse 8,1 timothy,5,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 5 verse 8 1 thessalonians 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him,1 thessalonians,39,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 39 verse 21 mighty name of jesus local descriptors once a game 2 chronicles doctor 42 and verse 5 i says i have heard of your body hearing,2 chronicles,42,5.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 42 verse 5 when he said we look at titus chapter 21 our reading from verse 12 acts chapter 21 we're reading from verse 12 when we,titus,21,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 12 it takes everything away look at that in ecclesiastes chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,ecclesiastes,10,38.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 38 the utterly consumed terrors in ezekiel chapter 28 verse 8.,ezekiel,28,8.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 28 verse 8 his name according to numbers 9 17 exodus 1 to 2 says and the lord said unto moses go in unto pharaoh,numbers,9,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 17 shall be given to him 2 thessalonians 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there,2 thessalonians,19,21.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 21 still sinners and he tells it as the end of 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 21 to 22 to 23,2 samuel,3,21.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 21 separated from one another micah 2 19 says you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow,micah,2,19.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 19 shall not be says the lord for six of luke 7 the lord changed his mind about this this too shall not be said the lord,luke,7,6.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 6 years old now then he writes in nehemiah 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1,nehemiah,3,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 3 verse 8 is going to cost you something 1 john chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37,1 john,3,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 7 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 hosea 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor,hosea,22,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 22 verse 16 verse 24 malachi 65 24,malachi,65,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 65 verse 24 faith to deliver maximally in 1 kings chapter 12 verse 11,1 kings,12,11.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 mentally 1 john 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey,1 john,22,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 22 verse 24 verse 16 one person has come judges five seven left on that person,judges,5,16.0,1.0,judges chapter 5 verse 16 deeper level and we have what we call 2 thessalonians in matthew 16 verse 13 to 17 matthew 16 13 to 17 jesus christ as his,2 thessalonians,16,13.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 13 in nehemiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i,nehemiah,8,3.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 3 faithful 3 john 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20,3 john,28,2.0,1.0,3 john chapter 28 verse 2 2 peter chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 and it i read from then from verse 14 people chapter 4,2 peter,4,14.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 14 and that is why if you look at what uh 1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 9 probably chapter 16 verse 9 says,1 corinthians,16,9.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 9 john 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the,john,2,6.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 6 verse 17 to 24 1 kings chapter 65 verse 17 to,1 kings,65,17.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 65 verse 17 i know my covenant and abide with it jonah 11 32. those who do wicked against the covenant,jonah,11,32.0,1.0,jonah chapter 11 verse 32 verse 16 haggai chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant,haggai,3,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 16 just remember that habakkuk 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect,habakkuk,5,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 5 verse 15 redeemed in john 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i,john,1,5.0,1.0,john chapter 1 verse 5 and 3 in both those chapters he who overcomes the numbers 2 verse 7 he who overcomes he who overcomes he overcomes,numbers,2,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 7 the more applicational side of the book of micah and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,micah,4,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 16 and i also find it in scripture turn with me to matthew 14 and verse 17. very important verse,matthew,14,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 17 jonah 24 27 proverbs 24 and verse 27. prepare their work,jonah,24,27.0,1.0,jonah chapter 24 verse 27 in the next few minutes lamentations chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17,lamentations,10,17.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 17 overcome as i overcame turn to that verse please 3 john chapter 3 and verse 21 now if this word was spoken to,3 john,3,21.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 21 for the sake body it helps us in mark chapter 15,mark,15,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 15 verse 15 all of a sudden you had a lot of preachers preaching from malachi chapter 8 verse 11 that it was,malachi,8,11.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 11 survey and just look at some words here 2 kings 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the,2 kings,1,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 2 purifies and refine the bible st. job chapter 3 verse 2 we shall come to was like a refining fire there are,job,3,2.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 2 word of god there is no limit esther 11 33 all the depths both of the riches,esther,11,33.0,1.0,esther chapter 11 verse 33 it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of 3 john verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter,3 john,20,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 20 verse 13 for me but that's fine so let's go to numbers chapter 1 and verse 5.,numbers,1,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 5 in the name of jesus that's why i said in jude 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold,jude,8,23.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 23 "with this because i don't want you to be confused. in 2 timothy chapter 11 verse 2, ""god has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.""",2 timothy,11,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 11 verse 2 church for life say loud amen joel chapter 9 verse 11 and verse 12,joel,9,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 9 verse 11 we're looking at china in chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19 in judges of the apostle chapter 3,judges,3,19.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 19 fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in job 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much,job,18,13.0,1.0,job chapter 18 verse 13 and 2 samuel 15 20 8 says for it seemed good to the holy,2 samuel,15,2.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 15 verse 2 the way through chapter sancha one of 2 samuel jeremiah chapter such a wand and i'm reading here from verse 11 for,2 samuel,1,11.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 all the ants that shared blood jonah 21 12. all that trust in men,jonah,21,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 21 verse 12 but it's actually referring to the lost 2 timothy 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick,2 timothy,17,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 17 verse 9 uh obadiah chapter 30 from verse if we just read verse 23,obadiah,30,23.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 30 verse 23 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of ruth of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,ruth,10,38.0,1.0,ruth chapter 10 verse 38 which makes much of him just like we saw in jude 1 20 and 21 when you enjoy,jude,1,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 2 word of god 1 peter chapter 23 verse 12 said i have esteemed the word of his mouth more than,1 peter,23,12.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 12 at 1 corinthians chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 it says behold,1 corinthians,18,4.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 18 verse 4 supernatural powers well verse 12 mark chapter 2 because of this the king became violently angry,mark,2,12.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 12 idioms used all through colossians 6 verse 14 isaiah 59 james for elsewhere a blow through the,colossians,6,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 14 that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not malachi 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your,malachi,10,9.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 9 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21,1 thessalonians,4,21.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 21 repent according to jude chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made,jude,3,17.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 17 reading from verse 13 john chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says,john,2,13.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 13 they would not repent and so god in malachi chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,malachi,19,24.0,1.0,malachi chapter 19 verse 24 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in 2 peter chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says,2 peter,10,37.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 10 verse 37 refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at titus chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12,titus,19,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 19 verse 12 wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life judges 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his,judges,13,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 13 verse 3 how these things work if you go to 1 chronicles chapter two in verses two and three,1 chronicles,2,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 2 very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture philemon chapter 22 verse 29,philemon,22,29.0,1.0,philemon chapter 22 verse 29 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to 1 thessalonians 3 5. i can't shake this verse,1 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 us with might in our spirit man 1 timothy 3 16. to be strengthened with might in our,1 timothy,3,16.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 16 2 chronicles chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others,2 chronicles,11,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 11 verse 24 speak to us from is from 2 corinthians chapter 44 and verse 3 isaiah chapter 44. verse 3 i,2 corinthians,44,3.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 44 verse 3 says in 2 john chapter 4 verse 29 ephesians chapter 4 verse let no corrupt communication,2 john,4,29.0,1.0,2 john chapter 4 verse 29 anger dwells at the bosom of a fool philemon chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking,philemon,7,9.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 9 verse 7 in 1 john chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us,1 john,14,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 7 ruth 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters,ruth,4,8.0,1.0,ruth chapter 4 verse 8 song of solomon (song of songs) in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who,song of solomon (song of songs),6,5.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 5 sanctify sage chapter 7 of luke reading from verse 3,luke,7,3.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 3 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. mark chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty,mark,49,24.0,1.0,mark chapter 49 verse 24 in all aspects of this commission nahum 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of,nahum,23,19.0,1.0,nahum chapter 23 verse 19 it's trying him on the opposite side we're in habakkuk chapter 41 and verse 14.,habakkuk,41,14.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 41 verse 14 title the friend of god the french of god we're told in nehemiah chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but,nehemiah,41,8.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 41 verse 8 for you in jesus name in lesson chapter 15 verse 6 ruth 15 6 where moses was praising god for,ruth,15,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 15 verse 6 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so luke seven four says therefore my brethren you also,luke,7,4.0,1.0,luke chapter 7 verse 4 honorable lie of grace in 2 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 5 ephesians chapter 2,2 kings,2,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 5 judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that 1 chronicles 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is,1 chronicles,3,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 11 which shall not be taken away from her 1 chronicles 22 verse 6 proverbs,1 chronicles,22,6.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 6 and a secure place 2 peter 55 verse 20 isaiah 55 verse 20. you have to take me to affirm an ak place i have listened to,2 peter,55,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 55 verse 2 you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at jonah chapter 13 verse 7,jonah,13,7.0,1.0,jonah chapter 13 verse 7 and terms are used in different ways so the term sons of god in esther 1 6 is referring to angels,esther,1,6.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 6 things about god you can read about that in ruth chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,ruth,13,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 13 verse 6 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in obadiah chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore,obadiah,24,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 24 verse 24 time and this was right after in 1 chronicles chapter 3 verses 14 and 15,1 chronicles,3,14.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 about abraham excuse me about the burning bush passage in verse 30 of esther chapter 7 now when forty years had,esther,7,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 7 verse 7 "zechariah 5 verse 8 and 9, ""walk in light."" ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16, ""walk in wisdom."" third john 3 and 4, ""walk in truth.""",zechariah,5,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 5 verse 15 to me if you don't have a bible there 1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 19 yes thou in thy manifold moses that's it that's it,1 chronicles,9,19.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 9 verse 19 yourself i am loved which a lot of us do 2 corinthians 8 verse 38 through 39 we'll help you with this which says you know neither,2 corinthians,8,38.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 8 verse 38 care less about anything spiritual and so habakkuk 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want,habakkuk,12,15.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 15 verses 18 to 29. zechariah 12 verse 18 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched,zechariah,12,18.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 18 that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of judges chapter 39 verse 13,judges,39,13.0,1.0,judges chapter 39 verse 13 time reaching in haggai of four times reaching in genesis chapter 22 a 14 whatsoever things were reaching our full,haggai,22,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 14 i like that second corinthians 4 7 new king titus session,titus,4,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 7 things he was tempted like us in all things amos 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,amos,4,15.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 15 do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me job chapter 1 and verse 6.,job,1,6.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 6 sacrifice in the sacrifice of love look at psalms chapter 4 meaning from was 15 philippians chapter 4 verse 15,psalms,4,15.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 15 the saints and please turn to the book of mark romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,mark,8,21.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 21 unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven hosea chapter six,hosea,6,7.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 7 glorification without him according to paul luke chapter 8 verse 9,luke,8,9.0,1.0,luke chapter 8 verse 9 1 ruth chapter 1 28,ruth,1,28.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 28 council comes to you in 1 peter chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23,1 peter,11,23.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 11 verse 23 verses 15 to 19. zechariah chapter 57 verses 15 to 19,zechariah,57,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 57 verse 15 3 9 ruth chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you,ruth,2,39.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 39 blood of jesus and with the fire of god 2 timothy 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one,2 timothy,12,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 11 1 samuel chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins,1 samuel,28,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 28 verse 13 and he had a good harvest in joel 26 i'm reading from verse 12 genesis 26 from verse 12 then isaac sold he planted,joel,26,12.0,1.0,joel chapter 26 verse 12 sorcerer leviticus chapter 10 verse 8 to 12. it was resisting the deputy from here in the,leviticus,10,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 8 1 kings chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 verse 27 has this to offer and they,1 kings,21,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 21 verse 27 that you can be totally cleansed and be available for god 1 kings 1 16 gave some instruction on self to cleansing,1 kings,1,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 16 reward amos 2 8 to 10 clarifies this when it says that god saved you by his grace,amos,2,8.0,1.0,amos chapter 2 verse 8 upon the world as outlined between ecclesiastes 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your,ecclesiastes,6,18.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 18 amen 2 kings chapter 6 verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be,2 kings,6,12.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 6 verse 12 obedience to parents matthew 3 20. children,matthew,3,2.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 2 hear anything haggai 9 2 we thought the revelation of daniel,haggai,9,2.0,1.0,haggai chapter 9 verse 2 you call him father that's verse 17 when you pray to god who matthew all people by the same standard,matthew,1,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 17 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith ezra verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to,ezra,1,3.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 3 in fact the bible went further in that 1 kings chapter 9 by time you get to verse 16 he says it's not of him that we,1 kings,9,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 16 collusion 1 27 leviticus 1 27 christ in you the hope of,leviticus,1,27.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 27 account of moses in ezekiel chapter 17 exodus chapter 17 and verse 11 beginning it says and it came to pass when moses,ezekiel,17,11.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 11 49 15 mark 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee,mark,49,15.0,1.0,mark chapter 49 verse 15 12. lamentations chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel,lamentations,12,12.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 12 verse 12 things he was tempted like us in all things luke 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ,luke,4,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 15 seen him neither no not him philemon chapter 7 reading from verse 25,philemon,7,25.0,1.0,philemon chapter 7 verse 25 shall live by faith says 1 corinthians 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and,1 corinthians,1,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 becomes a murderer they go into multiple marriages you read in job chapter 4 they go into music and as you have the,job,4,4.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 4 reach for the stars jude chapter 3 and verse 16. he will grant unto you according to,jude,3,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 3 verse 18 let me show you what i mean i'm looking at 2 samuel chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 29,2 samuel,11,29.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 11 verse 29 missionary journey zephaniah of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36,zephaniah,4,36.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 4 verse 36 and not you should be 2 timothy 1 8 is very clear it doesn't say after you get power you,2 timothy,1,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 to judges chapter 17 i reserve until anything genesis everything anything genesis 17 17 through 218 then deborah,judges,17,17.0,1.0,judges chapter 17 verse 17 micah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us,micah,2,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 2 verse 4 abraham esther chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3,esther,22,23.0,1.0,esther chapter 22 verse 23 adam in 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 8 it says and then they heard the sound of the lord,2 corinthians,3,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 8 joshua chapter number 46 verses 9 through 11 isaiah 46 verse 9 through 11 i paraphrase it says for i am god and,joshua,46,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 46 verse 9 nehemiah 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty,nehemiah,23,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 23 verse 11 at circumcision in the old covenant well looking at nahum chapter 30 verse 6,nahum,30,6.0,1.0,nahum chapter 30 verse 6 many others to christ and to this church lamentations 8 30. over whom it did predestinate them he also called on whom,lamentations,8,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 3 verse 12 in john chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about,john,13,12.0,1.0,john chapter 13 verse 12 and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham,song of solomon (song of songs),12,4.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verse 4 the nations in the world and this verse is found in colossians chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a,colossians,14,13.0,1.0,colossians chapter 14 verse 13 here we have in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 7 and the lord said unto joshua this day,song of solomon (song of songs),3,7.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 7 our lives in amos chapter 5 reading from verse 25 ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 osmonds love your wives even as,amos,5,25.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 25 mocking him dancing for them but when you now come to 2 kings 16 28 to 30,2 kings,16,28.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 16 verse 28 all through eternity it tells us ecclesiastes chapter two revelation chapter two we're looking at verse 11 in,ecclesiastes,2,11.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 11 and with us collectively as a church in 1 john chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,1 john,14,24.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 24 i wanted to see what he said about ecclesiastes 8 28. a lot of people mock the use of romans 8,ecclesiastes,8,28.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 let me read that verse job 3 13 one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and,job,3,13.0,1.0,job chapter 3 verse 13 number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in esther chapter 5 reading from verse 12,esther,5,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 12 peculiar people serious for good work in 2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to,2 thessalonians,21,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 21 verse 7 on to lamentations and her people esther chapter 8 verse 8 he says write your soul for the jews as,lamentations,8,8.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 8 verse 8 of things on the street in the name of jesus 2 kings 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping,2 kings,2,11.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 2 verse 11 everlasting light we've taken our tell from hosea chapter 60 19 to 21 isaiah 16 19 to 21,hosea,16,19.0,1.0,hosea chapter 16 verse 19 what is the fruit of our mouth 2 chronicles chapter 13 number 15 hebrews 13 15 by him therefore,2 chronicles,13,15.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 15 on or before november 29 2020 let your mm break limits 2 chronicles chapter 36 verse 37 thought says the lord,2 chronicles,36,37.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 36 verse 37 sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at 2 john chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts,2 john,2,3.0,1.0,2 john chapter 2 verse 3 chapter 8 and verse 12 judges 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this,judges,8,12.0,1.0,judges chapter 8 verse 12 glory glory glory to god zechariah chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key,zechariah,22,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 22 verse 22 who's writing down and 1 peter 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire,1 peter,12,29.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 12 verse 29 the bread the bible says and join us in the book of colossians chapter 10 verse 25 hebrew 10 25 that we should not forsake,colossians,10,25.0,1.0,colossians chapter 10 verse 25 were going to read it together all of us nahum 32 verse 27 are we there,nahum,32,27.0,1.0,nahum chapter 32 verse 27 beautiful ashes god is giving you beautiful ashes this morning in 2 timothy 61 and verse 3 it says that to give to,2 timothy,61,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 61 verse 3 if a prophet says something verse 22 zechariah 18 last verse verse 22,zechariah,18,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 18 verse 22 reading from verse 17. in nehemiah chapter 8 looking at verse 17 it says and if children,nehemiah,8,17.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 8 verse 17 hallelujah 1 peter chapter 23 and verse 7. the decision to contend for superior,1 peter,23,7.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 23 verse 7 "broken and that they might be taken away. what is prompting this is zechariah 21 verse 22 and 23, it's a text in the old testament",zechariah,21,22.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 21 verse 22 28 to 30 song of solomon (song of songs) 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time,song of solomon (song of songs),16,28.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 28 enviable destiny 2 john 26 and i love this one verse 12 to 14 isaac sowed in that land,2 john,26,12.0,1.0,2 john chapter 26 verse 12 his flock amos chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,amos,30,19.0,1.0,amos chapter 30 verse 19 brethren can we open to the book of nehemiah 103 verse 2 psalm 103 verse 2,nehemiah,103,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 103 verse 2 somebody believes he allowed amen in mark chapter one number eight is everybody shall receive power after the,mark,1,8.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 8 18 21 and 25 ezra 1 4 10,ezra,1,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 4 become more aware of his presence 2 timothy put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,2 timothy,42,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 5 that cannot feel 3 john chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis and we're looking at this in verse 14 is,3 john,18,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 18 verse 14 he states the basic principle here in matthew 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere,matthew,3,28.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 28 what is the fruit of christ well paul gives us 9 in hosea 5 22 to 23. he talks about the fruit of the spirit,hosea,5,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 22 bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in 2 peter chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is,2 peter,7,18.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 7 verse 18 they restored they do that which was called upon them to do leviticus chapter 44 verse 23 another intense verse here,leviticus,44,23.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 44 verse 23 he says in 1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 is a riches can make themselves wings and fly away,1 chronicles,23,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 23 verse 5 of our hearts 1 samuel 29 13 says in sincerity and truth one corinthians 5 verse 8 and not,1 samuel,29,13.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 29 verse 13 no hope matthew chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall,matthew,14,7.0,1.0,matthew chapter 14 verse 7 name i know leviticus 9 6 isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born,leviticus,9,6.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 6 need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in habakkuk 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says,habakkuk,43,21.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 43 verse 21 god which is in christ jesus our lord 1 chronicles chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 now back up to verse 12 that we should be to,1 chronicles,1,13.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 13 afraid to trust god a man named psalms in jonah chapter 1 verse 2 all through to jonah chapter 2,psalms,1,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 2 blossoming wherever you are planted nehemiah 36 11 job 36 11 you must learn to serve,nehemiah,36,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 36 verse 11 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already,2 corinthians,2,25.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 can you say believe in amen micah 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,micah,5,26.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 26 from verse 9 to 17 zephaniah chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,zephaniah,7,7.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 7 they can resist the ocean psalms 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity,psalms,5,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 5 verse 22 amen 1 peter chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord,1 peter,40,31.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 40 verse 31 1 timothy chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but,1 timothy,11,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 11 verse 6 this context let me read the context nahum 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not,nahum,5,3.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 3 balanced right didn't i tell you that another example of this is psalms 6 9 where it's the lord speaking and he says,psalms,6,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 6 verse 9 in the vision the first angel in 1 peter chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly,1 peter,14,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 14 verse 6 our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in 2 john chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27,2 john,1,27.0,1.0,2 john chapter 1 verse 27 that are good and they're from the lord right paul in job 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans,job,15,29.0,1.0,job chapter 15 verse 29 in ecclesiastes in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm,ecclesiastes,3,34.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 34 intellectually when you read jude chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the,jude,2,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 19 ordained concerning noah the bible tells us in the book of joel chapter 11 and verse 7 he said that by faith noah moved,joel,11,7.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 7 christ 2 samuel 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried,2 samuel,23,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 23 verse 26 verse 33 matthew chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted,matthew,2,33.0,1.0,matthew chapter 2 verse 33 a matter of fact this is a reference again back to joshua chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 and in isaiah,joshua,6,9.0,1.0,joshua chapter 6 verse 9 evidence of newness of life has now come exorcists chapter 34 in esther 34 reading from verse 3 it says,esther,34,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 34 verse 3 righteousness to use the words of paul in 2 john 3 24 are by his grace,2 john,3,24.0,1.0,2 john chapter 3 verse 24 the other scriptures that we have looked at so colossians chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20,colossians,6,18.0,1.0,colossians chapter 6 verse 18 essentially these three verses summarize a story that goes from leviticus chapter 12 to genesis chapter 50.,leviticus,12,5.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 12 verse 5 and i also find it in scripture turn with me to ecclesiastes 14 and verse 17. very important verse,ecclesiastes,14,17.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 17 at 1 john chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 job chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see,1 john,42,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 42 verse 2 suffering in the world in philemon 28 the bible reads this is verse 8 it happened that the father of publius,philemon,28,8.0,1.0,philemon chapter 28 verse 8 valley they may find him themselves amos 6 6 exodus 6 6 he said we are forced,amos,6,6.0,1.0,amos chapter 6 verse 6 says i will walk who can hinder me 2 samuel chapter 3 verse 78 revolutions women were seven races he,2 samuel,3,7.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 3 verse 7 it is also written in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 23,2 chronicles,33,23.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 23 somebody said bigger amen 2 samuel chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations,2 samuel,5,26.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 5 verse 26 it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 timothy chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of,1 timothy,62,6.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 62 verse 6 a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in leviticus chapter 23 verse 25.,leviticus,23,25.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 23 verse 25 supernatural growth requires prayer habakkuk 13 44 the next sabbath day,habakkuk,13,44.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 44 1 kings chapter 2 from verse 5 to 17 esther 2 5 to 17 and under the topic we asked,1 kings,2,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 2 verse 5 10 verse 3 in chapter 10 verse 3 of lamentations it says for thee the jews were still as blind as i was,lamentations,10,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 10 verse 3 become more aware of his presence 2 timothy put it this way job 42 5 i've heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my,2 timothy,42,5.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 42 verse 5 reading from verse 7 2 thessalonians chapter 7 reading from verse 7 what shall we say then,2 thessalonians,7,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 7 verse 7 it is time to give our offering the bible says in 2 chronicles chapter 7 7 and 8 galatians 6 7 8,2 chronicles,7,7.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 7 verse 7 reading there from verse 19 jude chapter 2 we're reading from verse 19,jude,2,19.0,1.0,jude chapter 2 verse 19 analyze and particularly the the the passage in 2 kings chapter 4 verse 7 that we dealt with on thursday night,2 kings,4,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 4 verse 7 into this church this coming sunday mark chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,mark,2,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 6 after the holy ghost is come upon you leviticus chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8,leviticus,1,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 8 little more said about that messenger in judges 4 5. i'm going to send you elijah the prophet,judges,4,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 5 time for personal supplication in matthew chapter 21 verse 45. the scripture says they are filled not,matthew,21,21.0,1.0,matthew chapter 21 verse 21 is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of leviticus of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible,leviticus,10,38.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 10 verse 38 8 this is explained like this the righteous requirement of the law ezra 8 4 is now fulfilled inside us who do,ezra,8,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 8 verse 4 and everywhere 1 corinthians chapter 17 17 proverbs chapter 17,1 corinthians,17,17.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 17 it takes everything away look at that in malachi chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it,malachi,10,38.0,1.0,malachi chapter 10 verse 38 meditate the word is 2 kings paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your,2 kings,1,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 1 thessalonians 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9,1 thessalonians,9,31.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 9 verse 31 faith hello phrase joy of your faith in haggai 1 25. so i think here if we were to ask paul why did you,haggai,1,25.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 25 back again and read from verse 9 verse 9 hosea chapter,hosea,1,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 1 verse 9 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,1 samuel,2,3.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 3 this morning we're opened up to leviticus chapter 6 verses 4 through 9. we're going to read together,leviticus,6,4.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 6 verse 4 be involved as well as as well as other things amen psalms it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which,psalms,14,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 14 verse 17 comes to reign and then we are going to be resurrected after him in jonah chapter 3 verse 20 philippians chapter 3,jonah,3,2.0,1.0,jonah chapter 3 verse 2 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,ecclesiastes,1,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 21 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,1 corinthians,2,25.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 25 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email malachi chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the,malachi,14,31.0,1.0,malachi chapter 14 verse 31 wisdom a new source of guidance 1 john 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things,1 john,4,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 13 we must live peaceably with all men also in joshua chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without,joshua,2,14.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 14 titus in chapter 4 is not just here he find that all over scripture james chapter 4 paul says sorry james says,titus,4,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 4 and i will read first from mark 4 7. proverbs 4 7. proverbs 4 7 says wisdom is the principal,mark,4,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 4 verse 7 the will of my father in heaven now let's look at zephaniah 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing,zephaniah,10,13.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 13 a loud amen haggai 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord,haggai,5,14.0,1.0,haggai chapter 5 verse 14 none of us will be disappointed on that day ecclesiastes 16 15 behold i come,ecclesiastes,16,15.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 16 verse 15 god can bring good uh out of it mark 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all,mark,8,28.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 28 and you have to make a choice obadiah 11 from verse 24 to 27 hebrews 11 from verse 24 to 27,obadiah,11,24.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 24 read the scripture did 1 john 33 and verse from verse 20 jeremiah 33 from verse 20. the bible says thus says the,1 john,33,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 2 in jesus name we are praying nehemiah chapter 26 verse 25 says then isaac sowed in that,nehemiah,26,25.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 26 verse 25 when we are fed what's the result 2 samuel reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter,2 samuel,1,3.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 3 happened in 2 chronicles 18 verse 12 14 genesis 18 verse 12 14 that when god decided to pay brahimi visit he turned,2 chronicles,18,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 12 and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of lamentations 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us,lamentations,44,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 44 verse 3 2 kings chapter 8 we're looking at verse 6 romans chapter 8 verse 8 it says for to be carnally minded it's theirs look,2 kings,8,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 8 verse 6 reagan points that out in his book matthew 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until,matthew,12,4.0,1.0,matthew chapter 12 verse 4 obadiah 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at,obadiah,1,14.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 14 sinful desires and last but not least in ezra chapter 1 verse 20.,ezra,1,2.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 2 in his letter to 1 john here's what he does in titus 2 and 11. he says for the grace,1 john,2,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 2 verse 11 you can query him lamentations chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35,lamentations,4,34.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 4 verse 34 called esther in proverbs chapter 14 verse 28 the bible said,esther,14,28.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 28 verse 11 they saw god abraham nehemiah 18 the lord appeared to him to abraham,nehemiah,18,11.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 18 verse 11 built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again philemon 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon,philemon,13,18.0,1.0,philemon chapter 13 verse 18 i will not lose that matthew chapter 3 a meeting from verse 17 in revelation,matthew,3,17.0,1.0,matthew chapter 3 verse 17 rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this ecclesiastes chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and,ecclesiastes,39,39.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 39 verse 39 their enemies but you know it's really interesting in colossians 1 2 this is what it says it says when god was taking,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 the spirit of heaviness in the book of 2 timothy chapter 61 and verse 3 the bible tells us there it says,2 timothy,61,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 61 verse 3 his flock 2 samuel chapter 30 verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving,2 samuel,30,19.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 30 verse 19 and in the last letter of the book of ecclesiastes he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god,ecclesiastes,1,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 21 man the bible says in leviticus 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he,leviticus,13,11.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 13 verse 11 in the book of numbers chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said,numbers,1,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 5 there but um yeah verse verse 31 is from lamentations 19 18. i mentioned that because a lot of people,lamentations,19,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 19 verse 18 in the house of priscilla and aquila psalms chapter 16 verse 3 to 5 romans 16 to 5,psalms,16,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 16 verse 3 haggai 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16.,haggai,28,16.0,1.0,haggai chapter 28 verse 16 all through this year 2 kings 89 and verse 20 the bible says i have found david my servant with my holy,2 kings,89,2.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 89 verse 2 that marriage is to prove to provide hell 2 timothy chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18,2 timothy,2,18.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 18 will you please turn to nehemiah the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter,nehemiah,22,2.0,1.0,nehemiah chapter 22 verse 2 not a father christmas god in 2 peter 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done,2 peter,33,2.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 33 verse 2 nitty to gritty of what's in the statement of faith judges 2 verse 38 acts 2 verse 38 says starting at 36 therefore let all the,judges,2,38.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 38 2 john 15 verse 18 acts of the apostles chapter 15 verse 18 says,2 john,15,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 15 verse 18 rejoice ezra 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment,ezra,4,4.0,1.0,ezra chapter 4 verse 4 chapter 1 verse 21 2 kings chapter 1 verse 21 james chapter 1 verse 21 the message translation says,2 kings,1,21.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 1 verse 21 shine micah 42 16 and i will bring the blind by a way that they knew not i will lead,micah,42,16.0,1.0,micah chapter 42 verse 16 and verse 28 and 29 ecclesiastes 2 28 29 for he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that,ecclesiastes,2,29.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 29 and upon thy seed forever that's the quote he quotes there from ruth 28 46,ruth,28,46.0,1.0,ruth chapter 28 verse 46 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in joshua 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,joshua,28,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 23 i'm coming now to esther chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for,esther,8,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 8 verse 22 all things of christless life christless life look at 1 john chapter 4 verse 17. this i say therefore and testify in,1 john,4,17.0,1.0,1 john chapter 4 verse 17 be thankful that's what he says zechariah 3 15 be thankful that's an imperative he,zechariah,3,15.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 3 verse 15 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 28,2 chronicles,2,28.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 28 chapter 3 13 to 18 malachi 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent,malachi,3,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 13 fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in 2 timothy 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not,2 timothy,4,19.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 19 disobeyed the power of rome concern luke chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 now walketh with wise and wise but,luke,13,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 2 at this season so i want to remind us of a precious verse in 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 12.,1 chronicles,1,12.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 12 in the world today in jonah chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god,jonah,8,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 8 verse 14 life to giving to me my whole life long so sweet judges 4 32 i'm actually going to read it from the,judges,4,32.0,1.0,judges chapter 4 verse 32 amen amen now lamentations 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without,lamentations,29,18.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 29 verse 18 month in jesus name our text will be from matthew chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac,matthew,26,18.0,1.0,matthew chapter 26 verse 18 but he says go ahead honor me like he said in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me,ezekiel,3,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 9 chapter 29 and we're reading from verse 11. in 2 timothy 29 verse 11 for i know the source that i seek toward,2 timothy,29,11.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 29 verse 11 into eternal life there is no end to it 1 kings 14 9 and a third,1 kings,14,9.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 14 verse 9 dick stick this microphone fraser 1 chronicles 12 verse 5 to 11 and you have forgotten the exhortation which,1 chronicles,12,5.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 5 and with us collectively as a church in esther chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24.,esther,14,24.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 24 god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit zephaniah 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want,zephaniah,14,17.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 14 verse 17 that becomes a promise yeah a promise in the book of micah chapter 3 verse 13 the bible talks about what christ did,micah,3,13.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 13 but he says in verse 20 amos 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that,amos,7,2.0,1.0,amos chapter 7 verse 2 of course he built another altar in matthew 22 verse 9 genesis 22 verse 9,matthew,22,9.0,1.0,matthew chapter 22 verse 9 1 timothy of your apostles it's one of my favorite verses acts 17 and verse 30.,1 timothy,17,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 17 verse 3 the bible tells us clearly ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 23 proverbs 21 verse 23 he says,ecclesiastes,21,23.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 21 verse 23 2 peter chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good,2 peter,8,28.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 8 verse 28 abundantly in 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi 3 verse 8 to 10 is promised,1 timothy,3,8.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 8 talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in joshua 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to,joshua,28,23.0,1.0,joshua chapter 28 verse 23 of your destiny let's open our bibles to the book of psalms chapter 4 and we are going to read verses 13 and 14 the book,psalms,4,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 13 are driven there is no software to this 1 corinthians 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said,1 corinthians,22,28.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 28 collusions 2 we have ezra 2 13 to 14 and you've been dead in your sins and,ezra,2,13.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 13 make us to be shining in the order of amos 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory,amos,24,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 24 verse 18 us to just quickly go into scriptures ruth chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,ruth,5,18.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 18 sin had not been found in the camp of israel and titus 35 5 says as they join it the terror of god was,titus,35,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 35 verse 5 psalms chapter 18 in acts chapter 18 verse 9.,psalms,18,9.0,1.0,psalms chapter 18 verse 9 us to just quickly go into scriptures ezekiel chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse 18,ezekiel,5,18.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 18 numbers 50 verse 7 isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me,numbers,50,7.0,1.0,numbers chapter 50 verse 7 he determined when he was going to live psalms chapter 1 verses 22 and 23 he was talking to his children in the,psalms,1,22.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 22 comes to reign and then we are going to be resurrected after him in psalms chapter 3 verse 20 philippians chapter 3,psalms,3,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 2 loose into danger dangerous thing to live loose we lose things jonah between 918 where there is no vision the,jonah,9,18.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 18 at this season so i want to remind us of a precious verse in ezekiel chapter 1 verse 12.,ezekiel,1,12.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 1 verse 12 of peter because we discovered by time we got to micah chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16,micah,5,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 5 verse 12 uh see him we'll saw that in 1 kings chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only,1 kings,1,7.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 7 call to commitment of the book of 1 samuel chapter 6 and verse 5 thou shalt love the lord thy god will all,1 samuel,6,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 5 in the life of the believer because 3 john 1 14 tells us are not angels ministering spirits,3 john,1,14.0,1.0,3 john chapter 1 verse 14 i am backing on from today which is the 21 days of fasting verse 6 of 1 thessalonians 58 he said is this not the fast that i,1 thessalonians,58,6.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 58 verse 6 house in the book of obadiah 65 and verse 4 he said blessed is the man that thou,obadiah,65,4.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 65 verse 4 accountability and our bible text is in the book of jude chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12,jude,14,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 14 verse 12 three released to the tango habakkuk 12 22 man mills the coffin and the earth,habakkuk,12,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 12 verse 22 of substitution haggai chapter 11 verse 8.,haggai,11,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 8 let him hear what the spirit now mark 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear,mark,2,7.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 7 titus 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are,titus,10,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 10 verse 12 2 chronicles chapter 30 we're looking at verses 24 and 25 proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 there before seeks which are,2 chronicles,30,24.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 30 verse 24 chapter 8 verse 22 titus chapter 8 reading from verse 22 repent therefore,titus,8,22.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 22 assess it and to maximize it joel said in daniel chapter 11 verse 32,joel,11,32.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 32 chapter 12 verse 5 looking at the night colossians luke and i danielle,colossians,12,5.0,1.0,colossians chapter 12 verse 5 answer you say this is not god's final plan because philemon 21 4 says he will wipe every tear from our eyes,philemon,21,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 21 verse 4 we're looking at verse five it says in ruth chapter psyche and we're reading here,ruth,5,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 5 verse 5 because luke chapter 1 verse 18 revelation 1 verse 18 says i am the alpha and the omega the one who was who is and mr.,luke,1,18.0,1.0,luke chapter 1 verse 18 church together 2 thessalonians 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this,2 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 remarkable thing and look what it says in 1 chronicles chapter 2 16 peter stands up and he preaches and we know that 3 0 get,1 chronicles,2,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 16 jesus name in micah chapter three we're looking at verse 12 collusion,micah,3,12.0,1.0,micah chapter 3 verse 12 the phantom of the opera but i was also thinking about song of solomon (song of songs) 4 verse 29 which says let no corrupting talk come,song of solomon (song of songs),4,29.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 29 seated we open the bibles to judges chapter 14 from verse 21,judges,14,21.0,1.0,judges chapter 14 verse 21 and day and night shall not see now in malachi 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards,malachi,4,15.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 15 a treasure of god roman chapter 6 verse 23 1 chronicles 6 23 he says the wages of sin is death,1 chronicles,6,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 6 verse 23 once on or before may 1st 2021. numbers chapter 1 and verse 11 the lord god of your fathers,numbers,1,11.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 11 natural disaster you could say then colossians arose verse 20 tore his robe shaved his head fell to the ground and,colossians,1,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 1 verse 2 verse 16 1 kings chapter 10 we're reading from verse 16,1 kings,10,16.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 10 verse 16 with this part of my message um but in colossians chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite,colossians,7,14.0,1.0,colossians chapter 7 verse 14 and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in amos revelation 21 verse 7,amos,21,7.0,1.0,amos chapter 21 verse 7 jacob about joseph zephaniah 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to,zephaniah,49,2.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 49 verse 2 this i will do that judges chapter 3 verse 5 james 3 5 just one word can cause,judges,3,5.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 5 likeness of man 1 john 14 11. the same acts 14 chapter 19 and 20 it,1 john,14,11.0,1.0,1 john chapter 14 verse 11 pandemic of all time bible says in judges 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the,judges,3,23.0,1.0,judges chapter 3 verse 23 from verse 9 to 17 2 kings chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead,2 kings,7,7.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 7 verse 7 resurrection of condemnation and ruth the beloved in the book of revelation chapter 20 and verse 12,ruth,20,12.0,1.0,ruth chapter 20 verse 12 is 1 john chapter 3 james chapter 3 verses 13 to 18 i read,1 john,3,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 13 out of the words of salvation judges 12 3 amazing treasures loaded,judges,12,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 12 verse 3 in jesus name we are praying leviticus chapter 9 verse 8 he said the only god,leviticus,9,8.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 9 verse 8 activities of the world it tells us in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation,1 thessalonians,2,25.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 25 to redeem us read as 1 kings 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the,1 kings,53,3.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 53 verse 3 many others to christ and to this church amos 8 30. over whom it did predestinate them he also called on whom,amos,8,3.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 3 god now we come to the finale habakkuk 22 20. he who testifies to these things,habakkuk,22,2.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 22 verse 2 can you help us on me john to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua,john,17,22.0,1.0,john chapter 17 verse 22 important so the bible says in ruth 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living,ruth,2,6.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 6 1 corinthians chapter 22 we're reading from verse 11 proverbs chapter 22 from verse 11. this is a verses you have to mark,1 corinthians,22,11.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 11 chapter 41 of lamentations we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us,lamentations,41,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 41 verse 3 growing in the book of psalms chapter 12 verses 2 romans 12 verses 2 he said and be not confirmed to this word but be he,psalms,12,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 12 verse 2 was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of joel chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33,joel,18,2.0,1.0,joel chapter 18 verse 2 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" 2 thessalonians again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",2 thessalonians,8,9.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 8 verse 9 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from 2 peter let him who boasts boast in the lord and,2 peter,1,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 1 verse 31 are called to live i'm going to look at hosea 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by,hosea,8,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 14 think we develop that brain it tells us in nahum chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full,nahum,5,14.0,1.0,nahum chapter 5 verse 14 let's look at joel chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18,joel,1,18.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 18 habakkuk if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12,habakkuk,3,12.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 3 verse 12 2 john chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from,2 john,18,2.0,1.0,2 john chapter 18 verse 2 watching that's the great question today in 1 john 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we,1 john,21,2.0,1.0,1 john chapter 21 verse 2 save you write this down please ruth 1 says and god said verse 3 verse 6 and,ruth,1,3.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 3 on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen joshua 14 and verse 27,joshua,14,27.0,1.0,joshua chapter 14 verse 27 they had this celebration and this is what it says in haggai 3 chapter 3 11 it says and they sang,haggai,3,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 11 mighty name we pray amen the 1 chronicles 61 from verse 4 now he said and,1 chronicles,61,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 61 verse 4 when you get to ecclesiastes chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you,ecclesiastes,7,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 9 authority abusers and control for mark chapter 1 i will read from verse 26 can you put that scripture up for me,mark,1,26.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 26 look at psalms chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,psalms,34,21.0,1.0,psalms chapter 34 verse 21 them individually judges chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i,judges,10,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 10 verse 7 they are offended in 3 john 6 and verse 19.,3 john,6,19.0,1.0,3 john chapter 6 verse 19 the new living translation let's start from there today 1 thessalonians chapter two uh from verse two down to five in a new,1 thessalonians,2,2.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 2 uproots mountains number three philemon chapter 2 verses 4 all through to,philemon,2,4.0,1.0,philemon chapter 2 verse 4 in titus chapter 17 verse night proverbs 17 the bible said anyone who covers is,titus,17,17.0,1.0,titus chapter 17 verse 17 "no sabbath has ever been required. zephaniah 2 verse 16 says, ""let no one hold you to any sabbath day.""",zephaniah,2,16.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 2 verse 16 heavens and all hosts in them micah 9 through 6 you put 9 to 6 genesis 1 is not as clear are the hosts,micah,9,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 9 verse 6 i'll show you this word used in another context think it will help 2 peter 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to,2 peter,13,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 13 verse 8 are found in the book of mark they're found in daniel chapter 8 daniel 11 and here in daniel 12,mark,8,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 8 verse 11 be so familiar to the people. there are some who believe that 3 john chapter 3 verses 4 to 7 has all the earmarks of a,3 john,3,4.0,1.0,3 john chapter 3 verse 4 known it's the fulfillment of 2 samuel look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four,2 samuel,4,5.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 4 verse 5 the bible says in titus 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts,titus,23,7.0,1.0,titus chapter 23 verse 7 chapter 11 verse 36 2 john chapter 11 verse 36 for of him that is of our lord jesus and,2 john,11,36.0,1.0,2 john chapter 11 verse 36 broke out in the upper room this was the experience verse 46 ezra 2 46 the bible said,ezra,2,46.0,1.0,ezra chapter 2 verse 46 they are offended in 2 john 6 and verse 19.,2 john,6,19.0,1.0,2 john chapter 6 verse 19 reading from verse 6 in jude chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now,jude,8,6.0,1.0,jude chapter 8 verse 6 titus version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we,titus,5,3.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 3 16 32 2 peter 16 32 already quickly proverbs,2 peter,16,32.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 16 verse 32 there today micah 4 4 hear our god,micah,4,4.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 4 in 2 corinthians 39 verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 as a prisoner he became the chief of all,2 corinthians,39,19.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 39 verse 19 in the vision the first angel in 2 john chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly,2 john,14,6.0,1.0,2 john chapter 14 verse 6 [applause] i mean in jonah of the apostles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 our strength from,jonah,12,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 12 verse 5 verse 27 1 kings chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men,1 kings,9,27.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 9 verse 27 which you send your promise that's why it says in 1 timothy 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will,1 timothy,33,3.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 33 verse 3 somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of zechariah chapter 8 and verse 16.,zechariah,8,16.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 16 was worth the wait zephaniah 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a,zephaniah,8,27.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 27 the house today we're looking at amos chapter 5 james chapter 5 i'm reading here i'm reading here from verse 5 14 he,amos,5,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 5 verse 5 reading an article recently where the author said zechariah 2 20 i am crucified with christ and is no longer i,zechariah,2,2.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 2 there to guide and to lead us to guide and to lead us ruth three verse five and verse six and verse seven,ruth,3,5.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 5 micah chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and,micah,30,2.0,1.0,micah chapter 30 verse 2 of psalms specifically a set of passages in isaiah chapter 13 and 24 which described the,psalms,13,24.0,1.0,psalms chapter 13 verse 24 tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right zechariah 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be,zechariah,20,31.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 20 verse 31 verse 18. amos chapter 4 verse 18 we kissed hope believes in hope,amos,4,18.0,1.0,amos chapter 4 verse 18 yah way that that's what seems to be very very clear then in micah 1924 adding another interesting thing into,micah,19,24.0,1.0,micah chapter 19 verse 24 he places it in the center of the people and then he says this in joel 32 4 and 5 these are your gods o israel who,joel,32,4.0,1.0,joel chapter 32 verse 4 verse 3 says this verse to continue in prayer same thought as job 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly they were doing it,job,2,42.0,1.0,job chapter 2 verse 42 performance in 2 chronicles 4 12. one of you laboring family laboring,2 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 chapter 14 verse 28 i read also out of king 2 timothy for which of you intending to build a tower seated not,2 timothy,14,28.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 14 verse 28 say louder a man matthew chapter 30 and verse 19 he said out of them shall proceed,matthew,30,19.0,1.0,matthew chapter 30 verse 19 higher very much after one was 4 to 5 judges 1 4 to 5 and the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed,judges,1,4.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 4 for his coming in joel chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 reading from verse 15 is still telling,joel,16,15.0,1.0,joel chapter 16 verse 15 you right back here next week for colossians chapter 2 bye [music],colossians,2,2.0,1.0,colossians chapter 2 verse 2 defense 3 john 8 31 if god be for us who can be against us when god is your defense your,3 john,8,31.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 31 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this luke 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has,luke,53,7.0,1.0,luke chapter 53 verse 7 numbers chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,numbers,14,18.0,1.0,numbers chapter 14 verse 18 biblical principle it says this in habakkuk 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put,habakkuk,4,22.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 4 verse 22 accompanied by a season of temporary discomfort jude 12 and verse 2 for the joy that was set before him he,jude,12,2.0,1.0,jude chapter 12 verse 2 he said is any merry let him sing numbers chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing,numbers,5,13.0,1.0,numbers chapter 5 verse 13 remember what we saw in that book of ecclesiastes 23 and verse 25 i will take sickness away,ecclesiastes,23,25.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 23 verse 25 hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in 3 john chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there,3 john,12,13.0,1.0,3 john chapter 12 verse 13 "ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and luke 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start.",luke,4,24.0,1.0,luke chapter 4 verse 24 god 2 corinthians chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16,2 corinthians,23,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 23 verse 16 as well so in haggai chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 it says but we see him,haggai,2,9.0,1.0,haggai chapter 2 verse 9 these platforms today i needed to stand on these scriptures matthew 54 and verse 13 all your children shall be taught by,matthew,54,13.0,1.0,matthew chapter 54 verse 13 [music] let me just close yet with titus chapter five few verses,titus,5,5.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 5 as a day of visitation and summing it up song of solomon (song of songs) 16 14 calls it the great day of god almighty,song of solomon (song of songs),16,14.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 16 verse 14 mark chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in,mark,22,6.0,1.0,mark chapter 22 verse 6 to a world of supernatural tone around amos chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know,amos,8,28.0,1.0,amos chapter 8 verse 28 unto death one of course 2 peter six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case,2 peter,6,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 6 verse 4 because you have escaped look at this 1 john chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse,1 john,12,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 12 verse 12 the role of the holy spirit he helps our infirmity 1 timothy 8 26 with groanings,1 timothy,8,26.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 8 verse 26 24 zechariah proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14,zechariah,24,14.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 24 verse 14 bible said that she went and sat numbers chapter 21 verse verse 14. so abram rose early in the morning and took,numbers,21,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 21 verse 14 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel job 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert,job,13,8.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 8 leviticus chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated,leviticus,1,15.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 15 none shall want her mates the lord fulfills his word in jude 34 16 for that lady,jude,34,16.0,1.0,jude chapter 34 verse 16 chapter 17 verse 11 joel chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs,joel,17,11.0,1.0,joel chapter 17 verse 11 verse 13 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 13,2 timothy,4,13.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 4 verse 13 foe accuses the jews of having sawn obadiah in half and now there is a reference in hebrews eleven thirty seven,obadiah,11,37.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 11 verse 37 from grace it says in 2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the just,2 thessalonians,10,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 3 established mark 1 11 he said in philippians 1 7 you are all,mark,1,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 1 verse 11 fulfillment of your destiny in 2 chronicles chapter 4 beginning at verse number 9 the bible says two better,2 chronicles,4,9.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 is emphasizing where we have read in esther chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call,esther,1,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 14 chapter 13 nahum chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of,nahum,21,13.0,1.0,nahum chapter 21 verse 13 attend to my words 1 chronicles 4 22 22 give ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep,1 chronicles,4,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 22 to 2 peter of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together,2 peter,4,31.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 4 verse 31 say loud amen judges chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a,judges,2,2.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 2 that evasive marriage that voice in titus 5 2 shall call forth that marriage,titus,5,2.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 2 chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 2 corinthians 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated,2 corinthians,1,18.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 is the lord of lords according to song of solomon (song of songs) 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you,song of solomon (song of songs),19,16.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 19 verse 16 god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read leviticus chapter one from verse three to four official one,leviticus,1,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 1 verse 3 life numbers chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading from verse 17 as it is reaching i had,numbers,4,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 4 verse 17 and peace shall be with you 2 thessalonians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7,2 thessalonians,4,7.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 7 god and so atheists believe this but jude chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the,jude,1,18.0,1.0,jude chapter 1 verse 18 gentleness and goodness look at 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love,1 chronicles,5,22.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 persecution again but this time ending up in martyrdom 1 samuel 6 11 says they persuaded men to lie about stephen,1 samuel,6,11.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 6 verse 11 in ecclesiastes 39 verse 19 to 23 genesis 39 from verse 19 to 23 as a prisoner he became the chief of all,ecclesiastes,39,19.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 39 verse 19 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in 2 peter 2 and verse 40 thing,2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 powerful he told them this in haggai chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 he told them you'll be witnesses in all,haggai,1,8.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 8 it be given him from heaven 3 john chapter 9 verse 16 romans chapter 9 verse 16 so then it is not of him that,3 john,9,16.0,1.0,3 john chapter 9 verse 16 important character three entire chapters here in the book of 1 chronicles numbers 22 23 and 24 and a part of,1 chronicles,22,23.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 22 verse 23 zechariah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4,zechariah,2,4.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 power to rescue you john chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians,john,2,9.0,1.0,john chapter 2 verse 9 it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in ezra 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of,ezra,10,26.0,1.0,ezra chapter 10 verse 26 while looking at obadiah chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from,obadiah,33,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 33 verse 9 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from haggai let him who boasts boast in the lord and,haggai,1,31.0,1.0,haggai chapter 1 verse 31 28 zechariah chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom,zechariah,12,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 12 verse 28 glorification without him according to paul hosea chapter 8 verse 9,hosea,8,9.0,1.0,hosea chapter 8 verse 9 without fear you'll serve the lord without fear 3 john chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15,3 john,8,15.0,1.0,3 john chapter 8 verse 15 assurances of survivor without god whereas ezra chapter 3 verse 5 says,ezra,3,5.0,1.0,ezra chapter 3 verse 5 return to the gorge of bessel look at titus chapter 31 verse 13 in such one verse 13 i am the god of,titus,31,13.0,1.0,titus chapter 31 verse 13 it tells us in ruth chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9,ruth,2,9.0,1.0,ruth chapter 2 verse 9 thank you jesus i'm going to open nahum isaiah 55 11.,nahum,55,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 55 verse 11 ministered in nashville 20 21 open up for unusual zephaniah thereby imparting grace on all participants in,zephaniah,20,21.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 20 verse 21 not on your own understanding 1 thessalonians 3 5 you are leaning on the understanding of god allowing him,1 thessalonians,3,5.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 sanctification we're like it says in titus 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared,titus,4,18.0,1.0,titus chapter 4 verse 18 ordination psalms 20 verse 8 was what you want exodus 28 verse 41 god told moses want to set,psalms,20,8.0,1.0,psalms chapter 20 verse 8 to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of haggai 22 and verse 30,haggai,22,3.0,1.0,haggai chapter 22 verse 3 everlasting father prince of peace that's hosea 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two,hosea,9,6.0,1.0,hosea chapter 9 verse 6 every human being on earth is a zero and also 3 john 4 verse 35 i haven't finished daniel 4 verse 35 not only he counts god,3 john,4,35.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 35 and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. ezekiel 5 27 please go down there,ezekiel,5,27.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 5 verse 27 to get an alarm and an alarm that works but numbers 20 verse 17 paul here in context ii now from my lead us he sent,numbers,20,17.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 17 to psalms chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the,psalms,3,14.0,1.0,psalms chapter 3 verse 14 happening on earth that's found in titus 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when,titus,6,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 6 verse 9 for me but that's fine so let's go to malachi chapter 1 and verse 5.,malachi,1,5.0,1.0,malachi chapter 1 verse 5 chapter 11 of hosea hebrews chapter 11 i were reading from verse age hebrews 11 reading from verse age he tells us in,hosea,11,8.0,1.0,hosea chapter 11 verse 8 god they must bring honor to god the bible says in haggai chapter 3 and verse 22 he said that born servant obey,haggai,3,22.0,1.0,haggai chapter 3 verse 22 this and see how it is the lord says to this church in psalms 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know,psalms,2,2.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 2 of his fullness have we all received grace for grace it tells us in leviticus chapter 3,leviticus,3,3.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of luke continuing with the creation account a,luke,2,2.0,1.0,luke chapter 2 verse 2 and in breaking of bread and in prayers 1 thessalonians 2 42 let's take it again more lively this time around,1 thessalonians,2,42.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 42 can you say believe in amen 1 thessalonians 5 26 and they will lift up an ensign to the nations from far and,1 thessalonians,5,26.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 26 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at joel chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,joel,1,21.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 21 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me titus 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly,titus,5,15.0,1.0,titus chapter 5 verse 15 now it says in titus chapter 16 verse 25 and at midnight,titus,16,25.0,1.0,titus chapter 16 verse 25 paul said in in 2 kings 3 verse 5 and 6 i was a hebrew of hebrews as to the law a pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the,2 kings,3,5.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 3 verse 5 to the uh to 2 corinthians now we're looking at hebrews chapter two and we're reading from verse 2,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 god that's where our story picks up ezra 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and,ezra,6,16.0,1.0,ezra chapter 6 verse 16 judges chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1,judges,1,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 3 blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only ezra chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only,ezra,1,15.0,1.0,ezra chapter 1 verse 15 "to speak in a known human language. listen to judges 2, verses 7 and 8, ""they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not",judges,2,7.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 7 and my direction of my life changed said from hosea 6 12 if you want to overcome satan,hosea,6,12.0,1.0,hosea chapter 6 verse 12 thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of 2 corinthians chapter number six from verse 23 to 27,2 corinthians,6,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 23 and that's what 1 chronicles 10 teaches us romans 10 verses 9 to 13. listen to this that if you confess with,1 chronicles,10,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 10 verse 9 idioms used all through philemon 6 verse 14 isaiah 59 james for elsewhere a blow through the,philemon,6,14.0,1.0,philemon chapter 6 verse 14 remarkable way but let me point something out 2 samuel chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign,2 samuel,2,23.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 2 verse 23 from the fellowship hosea chapter 21 verse 16,hosea,21,16.0,1.0,hosea chapter 21 verse 16 lamentations 15 reading from verse 11 jeremiah 15 11 as we look at all these promises the,lamentations,15,11.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 15 verse 11 suffering for being an evil doer malachi 8 13 the evil dweller will never get blessing,malachi,8,13.0,1.0,malachi chapter 8 verse 13 esther chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,esther,14,18.0,1.0,esther chapter 14 verse 18 all right you guys ready all right open up to titus chapter 8 starting in verse 12 today we're going to be talking about,titus,8,12.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 12 luke chapter 5 and you read from verse 8 in hebrews chapter 5 verse 8 though he wear a son yet lenny obedient,luke,5,8.0,1.0,luke chapter 5 verse 8 to understand yeah that's true esther chapter 3 an unfortunate incident happened,esther,3,3.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 3 to nine hours let's say that in obadiah 12 512 said the sleep of a laboring man is,obadiah,12,5.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 12 verse 5 i mean you can read that in 1 chronicles chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of,1 chronicles,11,2.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 11 verse 2 verse 8 colossians 5 verse 8 i saw one who was once darkness,colossians,5,8.0,1.0,colossians chapter 5 verse 8 that our bearing will be from 1 samuel 2 verse 5,1 samuel,2,5.0,1.0,1 samuel chapter 2 verse 5 verse 11 they saw god abraham amos 18 the lord appeared to him to abraham,amos,18,11.0,1.0,amos chapter 18 verse 11 wasted in jesus mighty name we pray a man colossians 59 verse 96 when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the,colossians,59,96.0,1.0,colossians chapter 59 verse 96 how these things work if you go to 1 timothy chapter two in verses two and three,1 timothy,2,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 2 verse 2 in 2 peter chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord,2 peter,14,24.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 14 verse 24 draw this from zephaniah 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an,zephaniah,7,44.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 7 verse 44 somebody said bigger amen zephaniah chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations,zephaniah,5,26.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 5 verse 26 that is one that rejects him philemon 1 7 says this fools,philemon,1,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 1 verse 7 living in the best of times you believe he said louder man esther chapter 2 verse 4,esther,2,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 4 almost like this um as i said the the 1 john 613 almost like mystical like,1 john,6,13.0,1.0,1 john chapter 6 verse 13 be saved where's repentance in that judges 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith,judges,2,8.0,1.0,judges chapter 2 verse 8 with money don't ye even to me with all your art 3 john 4 29 says if you seek god with all your,3 john,4,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 4 verse 29 compared the heart of man to his stone ezekiel 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is,ezekiel,17,9.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 17 verse 9 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 lamentations 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i,lamentations,26,16.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 26 verse 16 look at chapter 11 haggai chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 11 verse 19 now,haggai,11,19.0,1.0,haggai chapter 11 verse 19 made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 2 kings 50 and 6 my people,2 kings,50,6.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 50 verse 6 encounters with light philemon 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own,philemon,3,15.0,1.0,philemon chapter 3 verse 15 church with divine vengeance joel chapter 6 verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith we are with,joel,6,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 6 verse 16 verses 15 to 19. joshua chapter 57 verses 15 to 19,joshua,57,15.0,1.0,joshua chapter 57 verse 15 psalms chapter 4 verse 6 read for let's go to five and six philippians 4 verse 5 so then your gentleness be known to all,psalms,4,5.0,1.0,psalms chapter 4 verse 5 and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in hosea chapter 2 verse 22,hosea,2,22.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 22 place of abode somehow he must have understood jonah 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5,jonah,23,5.0,1.0,jonah chapter 23 verse 5 heart god's word tells us in 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,1 timothy,3,2.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 3 verse 2 from them that work uprightly 1 thessalonians 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23,1 thessalonians,19,14.0,1.0,1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 14 death or harm all uses of the word save in 1 peter 2 14 is in the context of physical harm so,1 peter,2,14.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 14 to triumph over the enemy in our test zechariah chapter 8 in verse 8 right here also the jews as,zechariah,8,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 8 verse 8 blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of 1 john chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul,1 john,11,25.0,1.0,1 john chapter 11 verse 25 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in 2 peter 2 and verse 40 thing,2 peter,2,4.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 mentality first i mean esther 2 20 galatians 2 20.,esther,2,2.0,1.0,esther chapter 2 verse 2 opportunities don't waste opportunity philemon 5 16 episode 5 16 the bible said it give me the time,philemon,5,16.0,1.0,philemon chapter 5 verse 16 and wisdom is essential look at haggai chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading,haggai,4,7.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 7 conversion and notice this is a verse about faith 2 samuel 10 38 but my righteous one shall live by faith,2 samuel,10,38.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 spirit it could also refer to the seven virtues of the holy spirit in philemon chapter 11 verse two i'll just read it,philemon,11,2.0,1.0,philemon chapter 11 verse 2 your plan that's what's written in john 21 5 the new living translation version,john,21,5.0,1.0,john chapter 21 verse 5 repented and they were saved here's an example in john chapter 18 verse 30 god speaking to israel he says therefore,john,18,3.0,1.0,john chapter 18 verse 3 thank you jesus i'm going to open 1 chronicles isaiah 55 11.,1 chronicles,55,11.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 55 verse 11 i said with you will rejoice looking at ecclesiastes chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1,ecclesiastes,1,16.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 16 who is born again is not covetous and here's the reason why luke chapter 13 verse 5,luke,13,5.0,1.0,luke chapter 13 verse 5 society to keep on growing and growing and it tells us in matthew we're looking at chapter 1 verse 27 genesis chapter 1,matthew,1,27.0,1.0,matthew chapter 1 verse 27 3 john chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,3 john,14,18.0,1.0,3 john chapter 14 verse 18 esther chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose,esther,3,7.0,1.0,esther chapter 3 verse 7 of egypt in 1 chronicles chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness,1 chronicles,2,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 3 that love and and he uses it in his argument in numbers 8 32 and he says look if god would not spare his own son if he,numbers,8,32.0,1.0,numbers chapter 8 verse 32 have this seven full redemptive package in malachi 5 12. everybody in this church knows that,malachi,5,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 5 verse 12 buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us numbers 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and,numbers,20,2.0,1.0,numbers chapter 20 verse 2 besides you or why paul could say in 1 kings 1 21 to depart and be,1 kings,1,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 1 verse 21 united with him in his death and verse 11 of 1 timothy 6 then says therefore count yourselves,1 timothy,6,11.0,1.0,1 timothy chapter 6 verse 11 is not a letter written to unbelievers and he he says in jonah 4 verse 21 you have heard him you've been,jonah,4,21.0,1.0,jonah chapter 4 verse 21 and the body of christ in matthew four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 16 about the last part of,matthew,4,16.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 16 "even gloom with no brightness in it."" titus again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, ""it will come about in that day, declares",titus,8,9.0,1.0,titus chapter 8 verse 9 um so when we we uh we look at say 2 thessalonians 28 24 that says he looks to the ends of the earth and,2 thessalonians,28,24.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 28 verse 24 what the lord has for us it says this in amos 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing,amos,13,5.0,1.0,amos chapter 13 verse 5 we are built together it says in ecclesiastes 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together,ecclesiastes,5,9.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 9 to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in 2 timothy 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift,2 timothy,2,8.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 2 verse 8 the bible says in 2 peter 42 8 god speaking through the prophet isaiah i am the lord that is my name and my glory i,2 peter,42,8.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 42 verse 8 does is based of the words of the book it tells us in john chapter 34 verse 16,john,34,16.0,1.0,john chapter 34 verse 16 obey him malachi chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by,malachi,15,19.0,1.0,malachi chapter 15 verse 19 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of jonah 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him,jonah,41,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 41 verse 14 and as i was coming through the book of ezekiel i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is,ezekiel,16,2.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 16 verse 2 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at titus chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not,titus,1,21.0,1.0,titus chapter 1 verse 21 openly allow thy email joel chapter 1 and verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ,joel,1,16.0,1.0,joel chapter 1 verse 16 your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know job 1 20 for since the creation of the world his,job,1,2.0,1.0,job chapter 1 verse 2 righteousness to use the words of paul in ezekiel 3 24 are by his grace,ezekiel,3,24.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 3 verse 24 goes through the gospels and then we also see in the book of 2 thessalonians in in the book of acts 1 3 it says to whom,2 thessalonians,1,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 child in the way it should go colossians 22 6 when he's old he will not depart from it,colossians,22,6.0,1.0,colossians chapter 22 verse 6 engaging winner to rise joel chapter 12 and verse 3 and there they'll be wise shall shine as the,joel,12,3.0,1.0,joel chapter 12 verse 3 can i hear you scream the loudest email 2 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 21 i paraphrased says,2 chronicles,2,21.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 21 be a wise son in the name of the lord jesus 1 peter 10 and verse 4 uh uh five especially verse five he who gathers in,1 peter,10,4.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 4 things about god you can read about that in habakkuk chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth,habakkuk,13,6.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 13 verse 6 jesus name and looking at jonah chapter 9 verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more shall,jonah,9,14.0,1.0,jonah chapter 9 verse 14 scripture is very very important when you first see prayer in job 4 26 it was only after men realized he was,job,4,26.0,1.0,job chapter 4 verse 26 number two exoros chapter 15 micah chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said,micah,15,15.0,1.0,micah chapter 15 verse 15 they deny him in their works numbers 1 verse 16 professing to know god they deny him in works in their works,numbers,1,16.0,1.0,numbers chapter 1 verse 16 the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in 1 peter chapter 8 verse 37,1 peter,8,37.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 8 verse 37 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire psalms chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,psalms,2,3.0,1.0,psalms chapter 2 verse 3 out of the words of salvation 2 chronicles chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom,2 chronicles,12,3.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 12 verse 3 to live pure and why is that so 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 tells us can two work together except,2 thessalonians,3,3.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 they would not repent and so god in hosea chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out,hosea,19,24.0,1.0,hosea chapter 19 verse 24 2013 by papa over again with mark tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25,mark,7,14.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 14 open your bibles if you will please to the old testament text of 1 kings 18 21 through 22,1 kings,18,21.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 18 verse 21 children are gone and it says in 2 timothy 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally,2 timothy,1,2.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 1 verse 2 repented and they were saved here's an example in 2 timothy chapter 18 verse 30 god speaking to israel he says therefore,2 timothy,18,3.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 18 verse 3 can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of ecclesiastes chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons,ecclesiastes,2,21.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder 1 corinthians 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17.,1 corinthians,28,12.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 28 verse 12 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in 2 chronicles chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25,2 chronicles,36,25.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 36 verse 25 in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in 2 chronicles 18 19,2 chronicles,18,19.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 18 verse 19 turn your bible to judges 29 jeremiah 29 and verse 11. i'm teaching very briefly on the demands,judges,29,11.0,1.0,judges chapter 29 verse 11 righteous prayer and an unrighteous time 1 chronicles chapter 5 beginning at verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another,1 chronicles,5,16.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 16 forevermore yes god created you for his glory 1 john 43 verse 7 says god speaking every one who was,1 john,43,7.0,1.0,1 john chapter 43 verse 7 follow up in 2 samuel chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i,2 samuel,1,9.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 1 verse 9 and verse 15 1 john 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me,1 john,33,15.0,1.0,1 john chapter 33 verse 15 central florida it wasn't actually some flesh 1 chronicles 8 3. so what was it that was rent,1 chronicles,8,3.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 8 verse 3 the harvest in love for christ 2 timothy 12 9 let love be without dissimulation,2 timothy,12,9.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 12 verse 9 into this church this coming sunday 1 peter chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 i paraphrased says,1 peter,2,6.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 2 verse 6 turn to god and i got the answer in 1 corinthians 24 verse 15 joshua 24,1 corinthians,24,15.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 24 verse 15 mark 44 11. why what is jeremiah 44 11 about jeremiah 29 11 is the promise god made,mark,44,11.0,1.0,mark chapter 44 verse 11 the book of zechariah 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 apostle paul says in him will leave,zechariah,17,28.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 17 verse 28 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat psalms 10 i think verse 13 so peter said,psalms,10,13.0,1.0,psalms chapter 10 verse 13 4 zephaniah chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest,zephaniah,8,4.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 8 verse 4 that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith 2 chronicles 4 12 we're told of a performance he said he,2 chronicles,4,12.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 12 and numbers chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says,numbers,9,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 9 verse 15 sin listen to 2 kings 12 9 through 12 to see what happened,2 kings,12,9.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 12 verse 9 given to him before he got on the ship kristan 2 peter 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified,2 peter,23,11.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 23 verse 11 you see the progression philemon 4 through 7 the revelation of the king matthew 8 through 10 the rise,philemon,4,7.0,1.0,philemon chapter 4 verse 7 brother can i read that one more time jude 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in,jude,18,24.0,1.0,jude chapter 18 verse 24 in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 he says and hope does not push,2 thessalonians,5,5.0,1.0,2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 5 for each of our lives nahum chapter 29 verse 11 he said i know the thoughts i have towards you,nahum,29,11.0,1.0,nahum chapter 29 verse 11 by the holy ghost which is given to us 1 kings 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god,1 kings,5,5.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 5 verse 5 wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom obadiah one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to,obadiah,1,3.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 1 verse 3 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to,zechariah,1,8.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 who will be destroyed ecclesiastes 29 4 the king gives stability to the land,ecclesiastes,29,4.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 29 verse 4 chapter 32 we're reading from verse 7 mark 32,mark,7,32.0,1.0,mark chapter 7 verse 32 things so here jonah 14 we read about this person who's called in verse 12 the star,jonah,14,12.0,1.0,jonah chapter 14 verse 12 the definition of the promised land you can see that in joel 1124 the land originally promised to the,joel,11,24.0,1.0,joel chapter 11 verse 24 the more applicational side of the book of 2 corinthians and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul,2 corinthians,4,16.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 time will not permit tonight but when you read uh read job chapter 12 and i think verse 16,job,12,16.0,1.0,job chapter 12 verse 16 habakkuk chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse,habakkuk,1,17.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 17 exas chapter 11 verse verse 6 judges 11 verse 6 the wolf also shall dwell,judges,11,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 11 verse 6 escape if neglect so great a salvation numbers chapter 2 and verse 3 that's where they escape,numbers,2,3.0,1.0,numbers chapter 2 verse 3 in that blessing is also abundance tremendous prosperity he said in judges 27 verse 28 genesis 27 verse 20 he said,judges,27,28.0,1.0,judges chapter 27 verse 28 will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 2 kings 14 17 says he that is true to agree,2 kings,14,17.0,1.0,2 kings chapter 14 verse 17 same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in jude 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one,jude,5,12.0,1.0,jude chapter 5 verse 12 today's conversation beautiful people versus 3 john chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever,3 john,5,29.0,1.0,3 john chapter 5 verse 29 triumph of god to centered faith in lamentations 39 verse 21 to verse 23 genesis 39 verse verse 21 to verse 23 but the lord was,lamentations,39,21.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 39 verse 21 "that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in joshua 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels",joshua,2,4.0,1.0,joshua chapter 2 verse 4 that's what we do in 2 corinthians 5 8 paul said you were formerly,2 corinthians,5,8.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 turn to god and i got the answer in luke 24 verse 15 joshua 24,luke,24,15.0,1.0,luke chapter 24 verse 15 favor 1 kings 4 22 and 23 and then,1 kings,4,22.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 4 verse 22 is earth shaking god hear what he said in habakkuk chapter 6 verse 25 and 26,habakkuk,6,25.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 6 verse 25 spirit 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk,2 chronicles,5,18.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 18 moses song judges 15 3 and what they said is this the lord,judges,15,3.0,1.0,judges chapter 15 verse 3 yielding let's look at 2 chronicles chapter 6,2 chronicles,6,6.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 that's taken from the book of esther chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy,esther,4,4.0,1.0,esther chapter 4 verse 4 this prophecies are conditional in obadiah chapter 18 jeremiah chapter 18 we're looking at verse 7. in,obadiah,18,7.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 18 verse 7 incredible times the scripture does say in job 5 16 the days are evil the days were evil in,job,5,16.0,1.0,job chapter 5 verse 16 nino lamentations chapter 6 and verse 24,lamentations,6,24.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 6 verse 24 heart god's word tells us in malachi chapter 3 verse 20 he said behold,malachi,3,2.0,1.0,malachi chapter 3 verse 2 the great promises of the bible look at titus 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and,titus,21,4.0,1.0,titus chapter 21 verse 4 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god 2 chronicles 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our,2 chronicles,10,17.0,1.0,2 chronicles chapter 10 verse 17 confirming the word everywhere in the book of lamentations chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very,lamentations,14,3.0,1.0,lamentations chapter 14 verse 3 somebody will shout him in there obadiah chapter 17 verse 13 acts chapter 17 verse 30 and,obadiah,17,13.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 17 verse 13 nations that have come against him and come against israel in joshua 19 verse 11 john writes now i saw heaven,joshua,19,11.0,1.0,joshua chapter 19 verse 11 the saints and please turn to the book of joshua romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse,joshua,8,21.0,1.0,joshua chapter 8 verse 21 this money if you choose god then 1 peter chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord,1 peter,10,22.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 10 verse 22 this church that amen can be stronger and in 1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles,1 chronicles,13,48.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 48 okay yes a few of us got it correctly 1 chronicles 15 4,1 chronicles,15,4.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 15 verse 4 unto the churches and our bible passage is taken from psalms chapter 1 17 to 20 revelations 1 17,psalms,1,17.0,1.0,psalms chapter 1 verse 17 zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore,zechariah,4,25.0,1.0,zechariah chapter 4 verse 25 which is the second dead 1 chronicles has only one chapter in verse seven jude,1 chronicles,1,7.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 7 verse 17. in ruth chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 it was not achieved by his human power amen in 1 chronicles 13 9 to 11 the bible records that then saul,1 chronicles,13,9.0,1.0,1 chronicles chapter 13 verse 9 is something we all should know by heart 1 peter 1 8 this book of the law,1 peter,1,8.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 1 verse 8 there was a prophecy esther 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham,esther,15,13.0,1.0,esther chapter 15 verse 13 song of solomon (song of songs) 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put,song of solomon (song of songs),21,2.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 verse 2 and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in ezekiel 22 verse 16.,ezekiel,22,16.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 22 verse 16 that worse when we were studying the 2 timothy it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice,2 timothy,50,23.0,1.0,2 timothy chapter 50 verse 23 in our life was destroyed so and the bible said in esther chapter 1 verse 5 to 6 revelation chapter 1 was fight to,esther,1,5.0,1.0,esther chapter 1 verse 5 you higher it will leave you where you are in ruth chapter 3 verse 17 to 18 revelation 3 verse 17 2 verse 18 he said to some,ruth,3,17.0,1.0,ruth chapter 3 verse 17 was to be taken outside the gates of the city job 13 11 and 12 says jesus suffered outside the gate and that's,job,13,11.0,1.0,job chapter 13 verse 11 that's random 2 corinthians galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2,2 corinthians,2,2.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 that my mouth shall not transgress it tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 acts 11 reading from verse,2 corinthians,11,23.0,1.0,2 corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 feast he said but when his heart was lifted up verse 20 of hosea 5 and his mind hardened and pride he was deposed,hosea,5,2.0,1.0,hosea chapter 5 verse 2 jericho fed on by faith and that's the meaning of that story in judges chapter 6 we called joshua chapter 6 the,judges,6,6.0,1.0,judges chapter 6 verse 6 of the apostles chapter four our reading from verse 12 ah malachi chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither is there salvation in,malachi,4,12.0,1.0,malachi chapter 4 verse 12 ever it is now and here's what zephaniah 10 25 says let us not give up,zephaniah,10,25.0,1.0,zephaniah chapter 10 verse 25 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 we're reading here from verse 18 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 and you will see what abraham did it,song of solomon (song of songs),14,18.0,1.0,song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 verse 18 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in numbers chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15,numbers,19,15.0,1.0,numbers chapter 19 verse 15 of prophecy he has to understand by reading 1 corinthians 9 2 and number 7 you need to think aloud think aloud about 3,1 corinthians,9,2.0,1.0,1 corinthians chapter 9 verse 2 is emphasizing where we have read in ruth chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call,ruth,1,14.0,1.0,ruth chapter 1 verse 14 they don't even understand this anymore 1 peter 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting,1 peter,5,21.0,1.0,1 peter chapter 5 verse 21 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word habakkuk 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god,habakkuk,1,8.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 1 verse 8 that upheld god in high esteem numbers 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the,numbers,41,14.0,1.0,numbers chapter 41 verse 14 "and in 1 john 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, ""will a man rob god?",1 john,3,8.0,1.0,1 john chapter 3 verse 8 between belief and obedience in hosea 3 36 and james 2 14 to 26 shouldn't we be looking to the text to,hosea,2,14.0,1.0,hosea chapter 2 verse 14 2 john however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a,2 john,27,5.0,1.0,2 john chapter 27 verse 5 you are delivered praise the lord obadiah chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the,obadiah,15,21.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 15 verse 21 look at ezekiel chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21,ezekiel,34,21.0,1.0,ezekiel chapter 34 verse 21 ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in esther 10 from verse 12 to 14,esther,10,12.0,1.0,esther chapter 10 verse 12 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in haggai four verse four,haggai,4,4.0,1.0,haggai chapter 4 verse 4 that calm confidence that comes in the lord then he says there micah 4 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in all,micah,4,6.0,1.0,micah chapter 4 verse 6 gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential 2 peter chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in,2 peter,9,26.0,1.0,2 peter chapter 9 verse 26 every marital siege with your word leviticus 34 16 seek ye out of the book of the lord and,leviticus,34,16.0,1.0,leviticus chapter 34 verse 16 curses it is to keep us in one place but i want to tell you it says in haggai 29 verse 11 for i know the plans that i have,haggai,29,11.0,1.0,haggai chapter 29 verse 11 the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen mark chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2,mark,2,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 2 verse 25 every month but that's what they had to do and for everybody in 2 john 5 verse 18 and 19 anybody who sinned had to present,2 john,5,18.0,1.0,2 john chapter 5 verse 18 esther chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife,esther,29,22.0,1.0,esther chapter 29 verse 22 esther 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together,esther,5,14.0,1.0,esther chapter 5 verse 14 read the scripture um numbers chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it,numbers,3,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 3 verse 5 function of liberality the same mark chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat,mark,11,25.0,1.0,mark chapter 11 verse 25 the bible tells us in the book of 1 kings of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is,1 kings,13,15.0,1.0,1 kings chapter 13 verse 15 14. in ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you,ecclesiastes,5,14.0,1.0,ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 14 you will notice again if you go further to matthew of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they,matthew,4,31.0,1.0,matthew chapter 4 verse 31 should not swear at all in that 1 john 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether,1 john,5,12.0,1.0,1 john chapter 5 verse 12 our verse of the month is from the book of obadiah chapter 55 verse 9 it says,obadiah,55,9.0,1.0,obadiah chapter 55 verse 9 chapter 7 2 samuel chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not,2 samuel,7,17.0,1.0,2 samuel chapter 7 verse 17 a seminar was like got in one i'm telling you the truth malachi 53 verse 4 i'm going to skip how useless starting,malachi,53,4.0,1.0,malachi chapter 53 verse 4 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at judges chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16.,judges,1,15.0,1.0,judges chapter 1 verse 15 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 3 john chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire,3 john,2,3.0,1.0,3 john chapter 2 verse 3 standard against him habakkuk 59 verse 19 ever present helper,habakkuk,59,19.0,1.0,habakkuk chapter 59 verse 19 i'm reading from numbers chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're,numbers,22,5.0,1.0,numbers chapter 22 verse 5