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b4a9b4a | Some countryes do not have the right for vote for who they whant to be president, and the candidate who gets to be the president takes the freedom and security of any person who oppose to him.
It is not fair that something like that could star to thake place in the United States. This country is for the ones that are looking for freedom to have the right to argue their way of thinkind and express, in a good way.
We have the right to know the candidate's potential, knowledge, way of thinking, how he will governate the United States, hir goal for this country, his expectatives, and if he is able to be a leader. Because if we do not have the right to vote, our way of thinking and our rights is not important. The country depends on the persons who live in there, too. There has to be an agreeement between the citizens, because there has to be a leader who can be able to defend the country and citizens.
The Electoral Collage does not has a democratic method of selectiong a president, and if there is a tie in electoral vote, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives , where state delegations vote on the president and the Senate would choose the vide-president.
The Electoral Collage is unfair to voters, outdated, and irrational. The disaster factor was the biggest election crisis, and considerinf that the state legislatures are are responsable for picking the electors.
The Electoral Collage method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for candidate who has no hope of carrying their state.
The people needs that the president can have the potential to carry the state. | 12
1bd30e5 | Are driverless cars neccesary? in my opionon driverless cars are not neccesary for one i belive driverless cars are more for amusment than anything else. for example in the artice"telivision and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves" so companies are going through all this trouble to make a driverless care that will amuse peaple.
secondly i dont think driverless cares are very safe driverless cars are not driverless yet they are more of an asistant for the driver. the driver can not pay attention and that could lead to acdidents.
finally driverles cars are technolgy and technology can always have glitches and i dont know about you but i would not like my life to depend on a machine that can have glitches if a driverless car were ever to harm a driver the driver could sue the comapny and that would be a loss for the companies so the companies would be taking a risk so in conclusion i dont think driverless cars should be something that peaple can go out and buy. | 12
997679c | Imagine is a good way to detect exactly how people's feeling, even when people wants to hide their emotions. To read the emotional expressions is also important and valuable for our students in class.
There is a technology called the Facial Action Coding System, it can able to help people to identify human emotions on the computers. It also has promising applications for a variety of insudtries. This technology can use 3-D to scan the face, there are 44 major muschles in the model must move like human muscles, and the software can even identify mixed emotions.
Dr. Huang said:"The facial expressions for wach emotion are universal." In reality, our human are performing the same impressive every day, just like the article said:"You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." We can observe the emotions from people who are around us every day, we can describe they are happy or make something troubles.
Everyone of us have a conversation everyday, we can learn the personality through people's emotion during the school. We can not only use the languague to talk, but also can use the emotion to have a communication, just like the people who can not talk to each other, but they still can use the emotion to expression their feelings.
In this article, Dr. Huang observes da Vinci also studied human anatomy to help him to paint facial muscles predcisely enough to convey specfic emotions. This imagine demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, just like the computer knows you are happy or sad. If you are following the Web ad appears, then there will have a similar ad comeout. But if you do not follow it, they will change a different for you.
When we have a classroom computer, it will recognize us is bored or confused about it, then it could modify the lesson, just like an effective human instructor. The emotions have a big effect during the class, we should learn how to read the emotional expressions and also manage our emotion better.
The mirror shows in this article is important too, it suggest an emotion when we have expression. Actually it is all about the muscular action units. When we have a meanwhile, our muscle make crow's-feet around your eyes. But our muscle will change to stretched when we have a wrong smile. So the muscle makes our smile truthful beacuse our faces do not lie.
A drama coach had his actors carefully produce smiling and creating emotions on stage. Your face shows happy even though you do not happy, but it still an help you to produce the happy muscle. For example, even you are not happy, but you are effected by the people who are making a happy face to you, you still can change your emotion even a little bit.
We cannot believe that technology teach us a lot, and we never think that making faces can reveal the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. It is valuable to express people's emotion, and it is also important to detect people's feeling. | 34
4446626 | Venus is the most dangerous planet for humans venus we can be fasinated by things that people discover and share with others . The most challenging clouds highly corrosiive sulfuric acid in venus atmophere.
The author uses theory to assure that we can learn more about the planet and the things they have like what kind of rocks they.
Throughtout the planet venus the most dangerous planet for humans to live on no animals would survive the conditions venus is in. Venus is important to study for if its still safe for humans to live and how long we can live for," The national Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the roiling Venuisan landscape . That NASA wants to have scientist go to venus and study the planet in the air but not on the ground just floading in the hostile weather condiitions. Another example of why the author wants pursuit Venus despite the dangers presents. Having enough energy can help scientist understand that venus has a higher temperature to that would effect humans not neeeding radiation for earth,"
At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on earth. Solar power would be plentiful and radiation woukd not exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable survivable for humans . That since Venus temperature is higher but has plenty of solar power humans can survive despite how badly the conditions are in.
Secondly The author uses explanation and theory to persuade the readers how we can still explore the planet carefully.
Scientist are willing to study Venus for to test samples of the planet," More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Scientist want to study things but can't to risk everything to have samples and challenge their selves on this journey understand what kind of species live their. Venus is our sister planet from earth why its so inhospitablethat we new for so long, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,
Just like earth. Wondering what if Venus has still have the features of having land water animals from a long time ago.
Finally scientist are coming up with ideas that can help thrmj get samples that they need striving to meet the challenges presented, For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Having robotice go first collecting samples for three weeks that can last that long on the planet so scientist can study it from their labs. Another study is that they are looking at other options for robotics to last longer than three weeks,"
Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanucal computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940s during World War 2 these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. That a group of scientist are looking at technology leading back in 1800s because using the old might help because it doen't envolve electronics when using computers today it more delicate when it comes dangerous conditions.
The author is write they should pursuit Venus despit how dangerous it is good thing to have a risk at. Something having exploreing something new and dangeours even though it comes at a cost of things we can go back look at old technology thst can help us get the things we need. | 23
7c9b4fb | The Facial Action Coding System also know as FACS reads amotions according to your facial exprestions, but some people do have the same amotion on their face as they are really feeling. They put on an act for everyone a person can be really sad in side and yet put a smile on their face and fake it till they make it, just so people do not pick up on that. They said nothing in this artical about how FACS was going to read the real emotions of someone just their facial exprestion. Someone can also have a resting angry fave when really they are just okay or they are happy but the look on their face says that they are angery. Not one time in the artical did they metion how that was going to work, FACS can not truly work unless it can read the persons mind, because they could be thinking something intierly diffrent than what they are showing. | 12
934d876 | Cars are not widly choosed over walking because things are to close and with less people driving less co2 emissions with is cutting back on the green house effect. 12% of co2 emissions are from cars and passenger vehicals. David Goldberg says '' since world war II transportation id growing quickly. Do to cars and there emissons pair has put a ban on them till the smog they have created clears up. Cold nights and warm days cause the emissions to get trapped in the air. Obama wants to put curb on the cor emissons and all the pollution that its causes. The united syates has long been the prime culture for cars do the birth place of the model T was in Detroit. Cars seem to be the big thing in the united states. Number of miles driven have grew scence 2005. Resources are getting closer and closer every day having none. The united states leads in car emissions. | 01
9f76a8f | In a society where things are always changing and schedules are always busy, cars and other personal motor vehicles have become a necessity. It seems as if cars have become a necessary mean for survival, rendering as important as something imparative like oxygen or water. Many families even have multiple cars in order to get to where the need to go. Even though cars have been so convienient and beneficial for people all over the world, there are some factors of cars that produce a negative effect. By eliminating or largly reducing car usage, the world would be more safe, more eco-friendly, and save the precious natural gases that the Earth provides.
For years people have been driving, and while most do it safetly, some do it recklessly and do not abide by the rules, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes. Reckless driving, careless driving, and driving under the influence has become one of the leading causes of death among young people, making many very skeptical or cautious about driving. Millions of people are lost each year in car accidents, leaving behind family members and loved ones to grieve in their place. If cars were to be elimated from the equation, all of these deaths could easily be avoided. By walking, riding bicycles, taking the bus or subway, or even a trolly or ferry, there will be an ensured reduction of accidents and an increase in safety and peace of mind.
In additon to increased safety, there would also be a significant reduction in the emissons of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases and smog have been polluting the atmosphere especially since the coming about of cars. It says in source four that transportation produces half of America's carbon emission. If car usage were to be limited or eliminated, there would be a noticable and significant decrease in the amount of carbon emissions in the air. Similarly, source one states that, " Passanger cars are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." If cars were to be ridden of, there would be much less green house gas poluting the atmosphere, therefore creating a cleaner environment and a brighter and longer future for the generations to come.
Similarly, the removal of cars from the world would mean the preservation of nonrenewable resources. Since cars run on gasoline, diesel, and other natural gases, the resources are being burned up faster than they can replenish themselves. There are other things that rely on the natural gases to work, cars included. If cars were to be eliminated, and not use the gases at the rapid rate that they do, there would be a huge reduction in the usage for fossil fuels, therefore preserving the remaining resources and only using them when mandatory. This would allow the natural gases to slowly increase and be able for use in the future.
In conclusion, the limitations of car usage would make a significant change in the way the world runs, however there would be many positive outcomes to it. Not only would it ensure a brighter, longer, and more promising future for the coming generations, but it would also relieve stress and worrying and grant peace of mind to many. Although there is no way to take back the damage already done to the Earth, this would greatly reduce the potential damage that could be done, and protect the future. It would provide oppurtunities for a a cleaner atmosphere, safer life, living in harmony with the ecosystem, and a chance to respect and protect the Earth we live on. | 34
c4f0bd2 | Studying Venus is worthy pursuit despiting the danger, becuase many astronomoers are interested Venus. Astronomers think Venus might be the most, "Earth like planet in our solar system."
In the article they say that NASA is figuring out ways they can send people to Venus without being on its surface. NASA is also trying multiple ways to make their equipment more resistence to the heat in Venus.
Atronomers think that venus might compare to Earth. In the article is says, "Long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. just like Earth." Venus also has some features that look alike to Earth. in the article it also says that there were, "valleys, mountains, and craters" just like Earth.
Another way to study Venus is that NASA is creating ways to go to Venus, but not to be on its surface. NASA is wanting to have Aircraft to hover above Venus. They would use solat power for energy, but radiation would exceed earth's levels. In the article it say, " Not easy conditions but survivable for humans."
The last way to study Venus is that NASA is tesing and making material that can handle Venus's tempature. In the article it says, " Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three week in such conditions." Another ways is to use old technology which is called mechanical computers.
In conclusion studying Venus would be a benefit for us. If atronomers are right that Venus is a look alike to Earth. We can get materials that we need or learn how to use new material that we find there. With the help of NASA making new materials and ways to get there. Atronomers can get there in no time. | 23
509edaa | Studying Venus
is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is the most closests to being like earth at one time . Also Venus is earths neighboor so its easier to visit . Scientist dont have many information about Venus because of its hot surface and lava , so they are trying to create electronics to survive the extreme conditions .
Wanting to visit other planets ,or send a spaceshipt may cost a lot of money because of how much fuel and resorces you're gonna need to send something into space . Venus is the closest planet from earth , that easily makes it an easy and chaper planet to visit and explore because its right next to us . Also Venus being right around the corner means that scientist are gonna be able to send ships into venus much easier and get information must faster then in other planets.
Venus is the closest planet to being like earth at some time , scientist have said that today Venus still has some feautures that are analogous to those on Earth . At some time Venus was probably covered with large oceans and could have supported various forms of life . Venus being like earth at sometime leaves scientist with many questions , so this makes it a very interesting planet to keep exploring .
Scientist have faced a big problem with Venus and thats being able to explore it . Venus has a very hot atmosphere and has extreme hot pressured air ,so that makes it impossible for anyone toexplore and gather information or samples from the planet . With this problem , scientist have been creating spacecrafts that will be able to land on venus and gather samples from the planet such as rocks or any material at Venus .
Venus is a very dangerouse but also interesting planet to explore . with it being like earth at sometime , it leaves scientist with the guts to explore it . Also in despite to its hot lava volcanos and hot air , Venus will be a very challanging Planet to explore , but there is spacecrafts being made to survive the challanges Venus has . | 23
5c0836b | Exploring Venus
The author supports the idea about study the planet Venus because this article talks about that Venus is a planet that was like the Earth ithasa surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. But Venus has the hottest surface temperature of our solar system even if Mercury is closer to our sun. The National Aeronaustics and Space Administration (NASA) is thinking about to send humans to Venus, many researchers are working on innovation that would allow our machines to have knowledge of Venus. Venus is the closest in distance and neighbor of the Earth and Mars even that, the pressure is 90 times greater than the any preassure of the Earth and that Venus's temperature is around of the 170 degrees but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth.
In conclusion, scientist are trying to innovate the technology to support the conditions that Venus has, and study more of it, like what kinds of thinks human can find in the planet, or some resources that we don't have, the curiosity of human should not stop by the danger that is outside of our knowledge. | 12
dff9ecc | I think that driverless cars are a good idea because drivers will now be more alert to what they are doing. And it may keep people off of their phones while driving because they have to be alert at all times in order to take the wheel. Also i believe it is a good idea because since it is sensored it will let the driver know when it is too close or is getting to close to something causeing less wrecks.
the car will also keep drivers off of their phones. since the driver has to stay aware at all times they wont have time to be on their phones. It also is a good idea because if someone doesnt know where to go the car will know and could get them there.
Also the car breaks its self and steers its self accuratly. The car incase a driver is not fully alert of a problem the car quickly get the drivers attention so the driver is aware.
When the car is unable to get through work places or accidents the car will announce that it is ready for the driver to take over. Manufacturers are also considering putting a camera in the car to make sure that drivers are remaining focused on the road at all times.
The car is going to have a entertainment and information system that use heads-up displays so that the driver doesnt get bored while waiting for their turn to drive. the car is also capable of driving on autopilot 90 pecent of the time. And by 2020 mercedes benz and nissan plan to have cars that fully drive themselves.
So having a car that is going to keep drivers passengers and pedestrians safe is an absolutly great idea. we will have less acciudents and more people aware of their surroundings. It will also help people who cant see very well be aware of the things around them. That is why i beleive the driverless car is a good idea. | 23
6e6ea11 | The author provides good and bad reasons you should and should not have a driverless car.Here are some pretty good reasons to have a driverless car. The important technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof that makes a laser beam to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surronding which lets you see exactly everything before a wreck or an accident.
The driverless car can steer, accelerate, and can beable to use the brakes themselves.The driverless car can alert the driver whenever it needs human skills such as navigating through work zones and aroung accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situations requires.
Here are some bad reasons why driverless cars should not be used.The fact that laws are being made in most states that driverless cars are not aloud is one like states will not allow it until the cars are more proved more reliably and safe.Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. What if the technology fails and somone gets injured, who would be in the blame the driver or the manufaturer? | 23
c0b9852 | Over time, we learned venus advanteges, and disadvanteges. Studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The more challeging it is to study venus, the more people want to explore.
First about 97% carbon dioxide blankets venus. What's more challeging is the clouds of high corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmopshere. In venus the temperture average over 800 degree. Which is also more than we experenice in our plant.
Second Also Researchers would not be able to take any samples of whatever sort. This would be diffecult for researchers to contine with the mission. In order to get far more information is to find a way to get up close and personal to venus even if it is risky.
Lastly striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the plantet itself, also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally discoveries.
Studying venus is worthy despite the danger it presents, it is more likely a better chance researchers will be able to find something we never knew before. | 23
2fdbf31 | Throughout history space exploration has always been an intersesting and exciting thing, but with space exploration comes dangers. There are lots of unknows about space, which is one of the things making it so dangerous. There are things we do know, particularly about Venus. as some may call it; Venus is our sister planet, but it is very dangerous. Are the dangers of Venus to great that we shouldn't explore? In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author claims that studying venus is "a worthy pursuit" because it's the most like earth, It's sometimes the closest planet to us, and long ago it may have been similar to earth.
Venus may be dangerous, but it is actually called "earth's twin". Venus has a similar density and size to earth. This leads the average person to infer that Venus would be a possible place for us to go is Earth was ever destroyed, but do not be fooled. Venus' atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Despite that danger, the author believes Venus is worth exploring due to the similarity.
Another reason Venus is worth exploring is because sometimes it's the closest planet to us. Venus and Mars are our neighboring planets, and due to the differences in rotation speed; sometimes Venus is closer. This proximity is easily the reason why the author believes we should explore. Mars is the other neighbor planet to earth, and we're already discovering that. As a space explorer it's common knowledge to explore what's close before we get further.
The last reason the author may think it's important to explore Venus is because long ago it could have been similar to Earth. It is infered that in the begining Venus was covered in oceans and supportedforms of life. Even now Venus has a rocky and sediment filled base similar to earth. This sediment includes valleys, mountains, and craters. If we can study Venus now, maybe we can predict what the earth could turn to in the future.
Space exploration still has so far to go, so is there really a rush? Yes; exploring Venus would be an amazing accomplishment, but until we can there is so much more out there. We are looking into how to explore Venus with things such as, electronics made out of silicon carbide, mechanical computers, and so much more. With this kind of testing the author may one day get his wish of Venus being explored. | 34
1b7279b | What are the biggest advantages of limiting car usage? Now you are probably wondering what I mean by car usage. I mean not using them so much or maybe not using them at all. You're probably thinking to your self that this is a stupid idea. You're probably right, but look at all of the up sides to it.
Think about it, if poeple stop driving motorized vehicals, there would be less smog in the air. Think about our planet, all the smog we pump out of our vehicals a day. In an artical "paris bans driving due to smog" writen by Robert Duffer, it says that Paris pumped out 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter in a week, that's a lot in one week. Also look at what smog can do, for the people with breathing problem, they'll have to wear oxygen maskes just so they can go out side. Then, a lot of plants will die not because there isn't enough carbon dioxied, the smog would be blocking out the sun light. Our planet should come first, that's why we are hear to take care of this planet.
Now think how quiet the streets would be. lets take the rurle areas for an example, there arn't any cars out their. It's nice and peaceful and you don't have worry about all the noise while your trying to take your afternoon nap. Now lets look at New York, there's nothing quiet there, theirs always cars, the noise of the cars motors running, people honking their horns and people just yell at the people in front of them because they arn't moving. I think having to deal with that every day would be annoiying.
One last thing, if people stop driving cars there would be more people walking and riding their bikes, oh and can't forget the skeatboarders. People doing that every day there would be more people in the world that would be fit. About eighty percent of America is over weight. So if we cut back on driving and start walking that percentige would go down trumendisly in a five year pirod. Also we could have more people trying out for the olympics, wouldn't that be great?
No cars sounds great to me. Now if you were going on a road trip it would be ideal to have a car for that, but in any other case you don't have use your car at all. Smog is never a great thing, it would be great to have a quiet neighborhood and there would be more fit people in the world. Over all not having cars would be great, you just don't know it yet. | 23
39a0218 | When Dr. paul Eckman decied to create a sofware that can tell you emotions called the Facial Action Coding System it identifys human emotions. It has to have a human structure to apear emotion. The use of the technology is intruding into people personal emotion such as getting on the computer the computer shows your emotion on the screen. In some cases the new sofware can save lifes such as kids that are very depress that just want someone to talk to. There surent tails people have to tell a emotion some picture show emotion very differently then others how can a computer jusfiy the emotion on human that feels all types of emotion more effectly then the next human sitting next him/her. It states in the article "Your frontails pars lateralis ,uscle ( Above your eye)." The saying just making everybody look like they have the same muscle shape when it comes to emotion, majority of the people don't have a normal face structer. The use of technology should not be allowed to be used at all it will be intruding into peopel bussiness and thoughts. If the human society want to show there emotional then the new technology shoul wait until the humans want to allow them to look at there emotions. In the last paragraphs they was talking about the acing crew of acting a serent emotion to the show the muscle movement in the face. Then had them reproduce it on stage, the new technolgy is very smart but yet they only lookin at it as good day they not looking at it in everybody eyes people could feel like they are test subjects based on emotion, that was told to them through a devis that looked at there facial muscle. | 12
ca0ed2e | "The Challenging of Exploring Venus", many scientists are wanting to exlpore Venus atmosphere. But it comes with risk and danger, possibly NASA scientists can break through that though, Venus is 'Earth's twin", yet is a challenging planet for humans to study. Why? The thick atmosphere of 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus, with a tempature over 800 degrees Farenheit and an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than what we could or would ever expirence here on Earth. Not to mention the erupting volcanoes, powerful earhtquakes, frequent lightning, with the hottest tempature of any other planet; traveling would be indisputable. Venus at one point was "Eath like", the planet still has familiar features such as rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters.
Someway scientist have thought of some way to possibly research the mysterious planet, NASA has created a so called 'blimp' that would allow the scientists to be able to hover over Venus landscape 30 miles up. At 30 miles up, Venus would be at a 170 degrees Farenheit and pressure would be what it seems like at sea level on Earth. It is not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. Although, most forms of light can't penetrate the dense atmosphere, concerning standard forms of photography and videography ineffective or not clear. There would not be any samples of rock, gas, or anything else that would be of use. To have a thorough mission and search, you would have to get up close and personal, despite the risks, and danger. Creating a more resistant of objects that could sustain the pressure, heat and other forces. Venus is a difficult and dangerous planet to research, but perhaps one day scientists will be able to create the most effective way possible. "Imagination and Innovation, not Danger and Doubts" | 12
970116e | The author talks about venus being a dangreours planet to be studying becsue they have tried to send spaceships to go to venus and their has been no spaceship that has touched down on venus for more then three decades. No spaceship has survived the landing for more then a few hours . the thick atmosphere of almost the amount of 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets . the also have clouds that highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere. The surface temp averages around 800 degrees and the atmosphare pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet . venus in the hottest planet on the solor system even tho mercury is closer to our sun .. the also get lots of geology and weather presents additional impediments example that he gave were volcanoes , powerful earthquakes and lots of lightning strikes .These are some reasons and evendence that the author gives to prove that venus is a dangerous place that they are trying to study more on . | 01
1f500e3 | Driverless cars are a thing of the future. With driverless cars one would have more time to be able to do the things they would want to do. Such things including, being able to be more involved with their family, having more leisure inside their vehicle, and the roads would be a less intense and stressful area.
With driverless cars people would be able to get closer to their family on the way to a long distanced destination. One would be able to talk more with their families and learn something about their beloved family members they care so much about. The driver would be able to play games with the family like "Monopoly" or "Life" when they would not be able to before with cars that require a driver. Driverless cars would make getting kids who are being unruly to behave easier such as if a single parent wanted to get their children to behave they could just turn around and get them settled down. The driverless cars would make it possible for families to stay on the road whilst eating so they would not have to take too long of a stop and loose time on sitting down and eating at an Arby's.
With the driverless cars one's trip to any destination would be more leisurely and comfortable. Driverless cars would be able to let a person who has been up all night packing fo a trip across the country, who could not book a flight for when they needed to be there, to sleep while the car drives itself while they get a nice relaxing nap or sleep. While in a driverless car one would be able to catch up on their favorite shows since they do not need their full attention on the roads they would be able to watch videos on their phone, tablet, laptop or whatever they use. Driverless cars would allot people, such as teens, to text or get on social media while in the car because they wouldn't be doing the driving.
The driverless cars would make the roads a much safter and less stress inducing terrain. With the driverless cars one would stay the mandated speed limit issued by the government for protection and they would not have to suffer a ticket. The driverless car would prevent unlawful circumstances like a highspeed chase which is not only a crime of resisting arrest but it can put innoccent people in danger of getting hurt or worse. Driverless cars would likely be a catalyst in brining down accident rates since they respond to their environments and alter their pathway if something happens and it would not spin out of control since a human is not driving it. The driverless cars would make the commute to school or work or any place you need to be easier since it put a sence of stress relief
from worrying about other people's driving and getting into an accident.
The driverless car would all around make dirving if not your everyday life easier if the mass production of this miraclous invention were to be created. So would you help or hinder the production of this revolutionary device? For all one could know it could change the roads maybe even the world around us. | 34
c14759b | The main idea of this story is The Challenge Of Exsploring They go to venus sometime called Evening star is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Making it simple Venus is the second planet from our sun. Often reffered to Earths twin. Venus is the closets planet to to Earth in terms of density too. They say venus is 90% carbon diaxide blankets Venus. Clouds are highly corrosive sulferic acid in Venus atomsphere..Human counter on Eath duch and enviroment would crush even a sumberine accustomed to dividing to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. i want to know why sciencetist even discuss further visitis to its surface. Venus still has some analogues to those on Earth. Maybe we should think of them challenges .Many reserches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last enough to contribute meaningful to our knowlege of Venus. Modern computers are enormously powerful flexible and quick but tend to be mo delicate when it come to extrem physical conditions...another lasted for three wekks in such conditions. Projects is looking back to to an old technology called merchanical computers. Basically this artical is about the second Earth and thats Venus in how Venus look and how it's bilted. Hoe NASA is working on other approches to studying Venus and how to work with this planet in process. in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world war 2 so this planet has been involved in quit alot.. | 01
0bee92d | Dear Senator, the election is coming up soon and so is voting. The Electoral College and the popular vote get to select the president of the United States every year. I want this year to be a little different. This year I would like to see only the Electoral College vote for the president. The Electoral College knows all about thinking if the president is good enough for the country, and if he can be a good role model, or also a commander in chief. That is the reason why I would like to keep the Electoral College.
I would like the country to keep the Electoral College because they make good desiciosns, know if the candidate person is the right president, and last but not least they might think if the citizens would like this president based on his promises that he would like to keep. For example there are two candidates fighting to be president and it's time to vote and the Electoral College might look over to see if the president looks like he can keep his promise to keep the coutnry safe, to make this a better country or not . That's what they look for in a president. That's the reason wwhy we should keep the Electoral College.
When the citizens want to vote for the president as well, they think of the same thing, if he's good enough for our country, and if he is going to keep us safe. The Electoral College knows a lot about picking the right president and they've been doing it for a long time.
"The Electoral College consits of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. That's enough electors to vote wether or not the president should be this person or that person. | 12
e85f179 | Using a Facial action cosing system can be very useful in the future. Useing the Facial action coding sytem you could see how people are feeling at times. If you could tell if someone is happy or mad with out asking them, It could really help everyone in the world. This could help prevent way less fights and other negative things from going wrong.
While using the system you can name many postive things. As said in the artical its to make people smile. We need more smiling faces in the world. By telling if your happy or mad the machine could make the madness become into happiness. Many people dont like to talk about how they feel, but with the machine you could change all of that with out asking them.
Another postive thing about the Facial action coding system you can help kids in school. Every kid gets bored in school while learning something. Some teacher dont know there kids are bored and thats why they aren't learning the subject that well. Using the system teacher can make what there learning a little fun so the kids in the class will comprehind it better. This system could help the future generation on smartness and skills they need.
This system can make more then other people happy. It could make your self happy by using this system. Making people happy that aren't in the best of moods could bring a smile on your face. The fights and other bad things going on in the world are really starting to hurt. Using this sysyem could prevent or even stop the bad actions people are doing.
To have this kind of system we should be happy. There are so many good and postive changes we could do with it. We should use it to are advantage and make postive things happen. The Mona Lisa smile should bring a smiles to everyones face. If it doesnt by using Facial Action Coding system it should bring a smile to everyones face! | 23
c428258 | Space is an interesting and confusing large mass of black with so much in it to explore. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to explore it? The author of
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is very for the exploration of Venus. Venus is a planet in our solar system. It is sometimes called the evening star because it is one of the brightest points in the night sky or it is called Earth's twin due to similarity in density and size. We also dont know much about Venus because it is very dangerous due to very hot temperatures and many other things. But exploring it would be very worth it. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents beacause human curiosity will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors, we could get more insight about Venus, and our travels on Earth, and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts.
One reason that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is beacuse human curiousity will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Who knows, human curiousity and advancing in technology could lead us to any other planet in our solar system. The more we know about life the more we can explore. In the story it says, " These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus." If we explore Venus we can most definitely explore Mars as well.
Another reason that studying Venus is worthy is beacuse we can get more insight about Venus. We need more information about Venus because it is Earth's sister planet. The more we understand Venus the easier it will be to understand space. In the text it says, " If our sister planet is so inhospititable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface" This could possibly mean we could live on Venus someday. That would be a major benefit if anything ever happened to Earth.
The third reson that studying Venus is worthy despite the dangers is because our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubt. If we don't explore there is no explanations to peoples questions. Everyday we risk our lives because we never know what can happen. We shouldn't limit our decisions and our exploration based on fear. In the text it says " just as ariplanes travel at a high altitude" which means that it wouldnt be anything super unsafe to hover above Venus so why not try and do it.
In conclusion, studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
If we explored it human curiousity will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors, we could learn more about venus, and our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by our dangers and doubts. Venus is a planet that is very close and similar to Earth why should we not explore it?
So much good would come out of the exploration of Venus. The danger of anything shouldn't stop people from exploring. | 34
44cc40e | Finding a rock-like formation on Mars was one of the biggest dicscovories NASA has made. They first say it in a picture taken by one of their satlights called Viking 1.
The shadows over the object looked made the formation look like a human face. Scientist called this formation on the red plant Cydonia. The scientist said that the face was about 2 miles long. When NASA announcded this to the public they called it a huge rock formation. Later NASA started making conspiracy theorist. When NASA took their second picture the public waited till they announcded the picture. Later some of the people got in a fights saying that it was a Natural landformation or it was created by aliens.
The face is just a rock formation. When the Viking 1 took the picture it said that the shadows made the formation look like a face. Scientist confermed it was a Mesa. They said that the martian mesa was common enough around Cydonia. The third picture provide it was not a face their was nothing similar. NASA's people who spend the money really wished it was a ancient civilization on Mars. They thougth that you could not see some parts of the mesa is because haze was blocking some of it. The last time scientist looked into this they looked at the seroundings and could not find anything.
NASA is afriad of saying there is an ancient civilization, they are makeing conspiracy theorist to cover it up. Over time the dust on Mars could of covered up the the alien artifact. When they took a picture they said it looked like and Egyption Pharaoh. The people who took the pictures could have changed it to make it look like nothing was there. People believe that the fas was covered by haze and so you could not see it. The picture they took could have been from another mesa because the scientist say that it is not easy to get a picture of this. They also said that they can not always take a picture with it because it circles Mars.
The rock formation was not man made it was a landform. The only thing different about these is that they remind people of the Snake river Plain in Idaho. If there was and civilization we would have found more then just one formation. Every thing around the mesa is normal there is nothing different. Scientists used different sights and took pictures and they all look like a rock formation. There could have been somthing covered but not in that area. | 23
750d989 | Venus
The author who wrote "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests despite the danger of studying Venus it is worth it. Venus have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. He stated that "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth". Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains, and craters. Futhermore, Venus can somtimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit."
Nasa has been trying to send people to Venus to study Venus. Nasa is trying to create some kind of vehicle that would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels, Not easy conditions, but survivable for human." Also "many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have been lasted for three weeks in such conditions".
The adavantage of studying Venus. Not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itselfs, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." And also if anything happen to Earth, Venus could be a place for us to stay. The author support his idea by writing down that people have been already trying to study Venus, and talk about the advantage of Venus and writing down about how Venus is similar to Earth. | 23
8bb458d | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author leaves the reader to infer that exploring Venus' surface is a good idea. I believe that the author did very well supporting his claim. In Paragraph 4, the author states, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." If this is true, then could Venus become like Earth once again? I believe the author is trying to say that Venus is worth exploring to see if it is able to be like Earth once more. In Paragraph 6, the author suggests, "Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough misson to understand Venus would need to get up close and person despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." I believe the author is correct in this statement. If we start looking at exploring Venus as a challenge instead of a risk, it could possibly give researchers more motivation to get out and explore. In Paragraph 8, the author claims, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiousity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author brought up the word "challenge" again, and I believe that he really thinks the challenge is worth it. I agree with him in this claim because if humans can explore Venus, I also believe we can go on to do bigger and better things with exploring our solar system. The author did a good job in making his claims and then proceeding to back them up with evidence and facts. Although he had some opinions, the article was overall well written and well put together. The author convinced me, as the reader, that exploring Venus is definitely worth a few more tries. | 34
cb35509 | Have you ever sat back in thought to yourself how would the world be with or without Driverless cars? well if you have been thinking about the driveless cars that is a good thing because driverless cars will be amazing we should have driveless cars we need to start to investing into driveless cars it will be great. These cars will change the world. Driveless cars will help make the world a better place. I say this because it can really help people out. When you have a long day at work late night on your way home you are tired you are ready to go to sleep you have eat you are just done if you had a Driveless car it can help you solve that problem because it will do all the work for you and you wouldnt have to really worry about driving are falling alseep on the road a driveless car will take care of that
If we have driveless cars we can really help out mom who was a new born in the car while they are driving . when the mom is driving she has to be focus on the road she cant turn to the back in see whats going on with the baby because she is driving but if she had a driveless car she can turn back in make sure the baby isnt crying and he/she is fine because the driveless car will take care of the road and she can do what ever she needs to do to make sure the babys doing fine on the car ride
Also if we had a driveless road trips wouldnt be so borning and so long because drveless car will do all the work that a human will have to do on a road trip you can take you mind off the road and let the car do most of the work well thats what driveless cars are made to help make driving more easy and fun for the people who are on the road alot take your mind off the road for a few and relax while you are driving
Driveless cars will make the road more safer i only say this because some people text and drive that isnt safe at all but if you have driveless car you can text and drive because the driveless car is driving you can send those messege or emails without putting anyones on the road life on the line also driveless cars is great to have when you are running late for a big meeting and you didnt have time to get all the way dress you havent put your shirt on yet you can put your shirt on in the car you dont have to worry about a thing everyone in the world should get a driveless car it will help you out with drving and alot more you can relax whilr driving talk on the phonw when driving put a shirt on drving how cool is that get a driveless car you everyone is getting on dont miss out on the greatness | 12
02cfa15 | Is it valuable to use a computer scanner to recognize human emotions. The Facial Action Coding System is a computer software creater of Prof. Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced science at the Unviersity of Illinois. That can calculate emotions based of all fortity four major muscles from the human face and classified them as six emotions Happiness, surprise , disgust, fear , and saddness.
For many students it'll be a great experience to open up to the science world to learn further more about the human emotions based of your facial muscle. "The facial experssions for each emotion are universal" from Dr. Huang.
It's been founded that the great picture of Mona Lisa painting of Lenardo da Vinci. That Mona Lisa in the art was eighty three percent happy, nine percent digusted , six fearful and 2 percent angry. It's interesting for people to know such little detail from a great iconic peice from old history, where the Mona Lisa was really intended to bring smile to us.
This reaches out for students for are open up in the science world learning about the functions of Prof. Thomas Huang computer software. The computer targets risorius and zygomatic if a smile isn't being truthful of ones smile.
genuinely working on your smiles that help you smile more in a better happy mood.
In concluison the Computer facial emotion scanner is a big vaulable learning for students to learn about the invention of Prof. Huang. Many will know more futher behind the laws of the muscles of facial emotions based of the FACS (Facial Action Coding Sytem) and learn to scan are emotions. | 12
056f9ed | "
One nation under god", they say, so why do we still have other people determine our nations future? we should be able to have say over our country, atleast when it comes to picking the president. Yeah, We vote for the Electorals that are going to vote for our president, but how do we really know if they are. There are alot of schemes now a days regarding the government, our Electorals can just get paid off to promote one president but then vote for another.
On source 2 " The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford plumer says" Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate? Sometimes." I mean not only is the Electoral college unreliable but it is also confusing to some. At the end of the day even if we have some say in picking our president if he doesn't have enough electoral votes, he is still going to lose. It doesn't even matter if we vote anymore. On source 2 "what's wrong with the electoral college?" Bradford explains " in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the demcratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kenneddy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" This, is what I mean by unreliable, we can't trust our Electorals, we should be able to vote directly! who we want as our president and not some shady second party.
Another thing i would like to address in source 3 "Big States" Richard says " A large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state doess..." Exactly, if we do popular votes, candidates can just go to states and try to win them over as oppossed to Electorals taking claim of one state . Also if we approve popular votes, that one smalll state , could just make a difference on who wins so in other words, every state counts and every vote counts. | 23
236bdd3 | Some people changed their views on the planet Mars in May, 2001 do you know why? Twenty five years ago NASA used their Viking 1 spacecraft to find a landing spot on Mars but, they found much more. Some people might think its aliens who made this forgein face figure on Mars, much like my family friend OTHER_PII. He believes that aliens live on mars but as a scientist at NASA I know there is no aliens on Mars and this is some natural cause. Here is what NASA's scientist have found out about this face like on Mars.
OTHER_PII told me "There are aliens on this planet." I know this is a natural cause for this face to appear like this. This is why im trying pursade him and tell him its "actually Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa". These landforms are commonly found in the American West. This one in pericular reminds Garvin "Of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho."
NASA has seen this kind of landform appear on Mars before. On April 8, 2001 with no clouds in the area Mars Global Surveyor got us a sencond look. OTHER_PII still thinks it is made from aliens though. Average for NASA's spacecrafts can go up to 43 meters, but this pixel went up to 1.56 meters. Many people still think this is alien made and we want to get as many as people we can to know the truth.
Some people might think different like OTHER_PII he states " How can this possibly be a landform like on earth but there is no earth like subtances on Mars?" He points out that other people think this way too. The picture was in magenizes and on posters in stores. Everyone got a good look at it and all of us think that it is becuase of aliens. How can a natural think on a planet make such a thing as a face. Others also might think that the photo was edited because they ddint see it in person but, OTHER_PII believes it is work of aliens.
OTHER_PII and the other people that think this about the Face on Mars is because aliens are incorrect. NASA has the facts and the oringal picture.This is for sure a landform made naturally and looks like a face. Every simple in the fact that this landform is not alien made. "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is just zooming up on the spacecraft and this is not made by aliens.
Reseach at NASA shows that this in not in fact "work of aliens". we have seen this before on this planet and we know what is caused from too. No, we have3 never seen a face show up as one of these landforms before but it is highly possible. This is why NASA states aliens did not do this and the photo was not editied. This photo shows a Martian landform and these landforms are on eath too. There are no aliens on earth it there? So how can these be from aliens, they are just landforms made naturally. This is in fact how OTHER_PII is incorrect and reseach showing the landform is natural is the real reason "There is a face on Mars." | 23
1eccede | Throughout time, pollution has been known to be a huge environmental problem. The excessive amount of individual car owners driving down streets is in no way helping this issue. Efforts to diminish the number of cars we see on our roads have been taking place in order to help the environment and therefore citizens as well.
It is no news that passenger cars are harmful to the environment. They release gases that pollute the air we breathe affecting not only us but the environment as a whole. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some areas in the United States (Source 1). This realization has led to the promotion of "car-reduced" communites by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (Source 1). But the problem is more widespread than that. Paris has acknowledged the importance of this issue after witnessing smog that rivaled Beijing, China, known as one of the most polluted cities in the world (Source 2). Paris's solution was to enforce a driving ban in order to help clear its air. Due to this ban, congestion was down 60 percent shortly after the intensifying smog (Source 2). It is a known fact that transportation is America's second largest source of emissions, therefore, limiting passenger car usage can greatly benefit the environment as well as citizens' everyday lives.
Limiting car usage has not only proven to be helpful towards the environment but towards citizens as well. With a decrease in car usage comes new benefits not just to individual citizens but to communities. Less cars means less time in irritating traffic. Usually, car traffic and traffic jams leads to huge amounts of stress. This is because the idea of not getting to work is stressful; not getting to work means losing money. Losing money adds even more stress. But when limiting car usage, losing money is not an issue one has to think about. Carlos Arturo Plaza agrees by stating that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress..." (Source 3). Rush-hour restrictions and other efforts towards limiting car usage have cut traffic making it easier for citizens to get to their jobs (Source 4). Those who choose other forms of transportation that are less harmful to the environment have even less of a problem and appear to be much happier. Heldrun Walter states that when she had a car she was always tense but now she is much happier (Source 1). The evidence has proven that limiting car usage is benefical to not only the environment but to citizens' daily life as well.
Keeping a clean environment is something of major importance. If one does not take care of the environment there will seize to be a healthy environment in which to live in. Limiting car usage is a big step when it comes to keeping the environment free of pollution. Not only is it beneficial to the environment but it helps citizens live a much happier life lessening the causes of stress. Limiting car usage helps the air needed to breathe, the money coming into your pockets, and one's overall happiness. | 45
c68e728 | People in America vote for a candidate running for president believing that their vote counts, but in reality it all comes down to the Electoral College. According to "The Indefensible Electoral College: why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election tot he kind we have now." We, as a country, need to change to election by popular vote for the president of the united states in order to have fair competion instead of the people of America voting for a potential president only to find out the vote was worth nothing.
To begin with, majority of the nation wants to abolish the Electoral Congress because it's an unfair process. Bradford plumer states, "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." It should be that the voters vote for the president, but we are just voting for electors so they can vote for the president putting our nation's future in danger. The Electoral College used to be the the right way of election but now it's known as something from the past. Traditionally, the Electoral College was "a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens, (paragraph 1, by the Office of the Federal Register)" in which the founding fathers established this process of election knowing that then it was the correct way. But now, this process is "outdated (paragraph 14, Bradford Plumer)" and there needs to be election by popular vote.
Another key point, former presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, agree with "abolishing the electoral college (paragraph 9,
Bradford Plumer)" as do Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO, and the Gallup poll in 2000. Majority wants to get rid of the Electoral College in order to lets the popular vote decide who become president. also, voters cant always control who their electors vote for. Bradford Plumer notes, "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century." The Al Gore election is an example of the unfairness that the Electoral College is pursuing. Al Gore won the popular vote against George W. Bush nationwide, which means the people wanted Gore, but he did not recieve enough electoral votes to win the election.
In the Electoral College's defense, the Electoral College, as illustrated by Richard A. Posner, "restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution," meaning that a presidential candidate will give more attention to a larger state than a smaller state. Without the Electoral College, the president wouldn't have "trans-regional appeal (paragraph 19, Richard A. Posner)," meaning that no one region has enough electoral votes to elect a president so the Electoral College requires the "trans-regional appeal."
To conclude, our nation needs to change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States instead of election by the Electoral College because this process of election is unfair to the voters of this nation. Also, majority wins and the majority of the country wants to repeal the Electoral College then we should make a change. If we want this nation to be the strongest it can be then we need to make choices that will positively affect our country and the people of our country. | 34
bc9b957 | One ordinary day my friend Don Reist invited me to be a Seagoing Cowboy in Europe. I couldn't say no to that getting to help people and getting an opportunity of a life time. While over there I realized how bad those countries are and how many Seagoing Cowboys they really need. For me the answer was an immediate yes, because there's so many reasons to be in the Seagoing Cowboy's Program.
While I was on the cattle boat trips I got to see Europe and China. Not only that but I got to see the Acropolis in Greece which was so amazing to see and probably my favorite. A gondola ride in Venice, Italy with the city streets made of water. I also had the opportunity to tour a castle in Crete, and saw the beautiful Pana Canal on my way to China. All this beautiful sightseeing is only one of my reasons.
I didn't just go over there for that, I went over there to help. Yes, all those magnificent sights were a blast to see. Yet as an affect of World War ll, there were people with out homes who needed help and food. As a small town boy I only got to have few choices of work, but as a Seagoing Cowboy I went everywhere and got to help people. We helped them by shipping horses, mules, and young cows overseas because they had lost all there animals. While helping I got to sail across the Atlantic Ocean sixteen times and the Pacific Ocean twice. Knowing everytime I sailed across either ocean I was helping someone in need. Which made me feel good and not so much like a small town boy anymore. Lots of Seagoing Cowboys are needed and as you can conclude there are many great reasons to join. | 34
bb05c80 | you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you do not know how your life going to be and it is a huge and amazing opportunity.
You will be helping others who been affected by World War ll. You will be able to travel places you never been like China or the Pacific Ocean. You can get a chance to go to Greece and see wat it is like out there and get a chance to get out of the USA.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help the poor and homeless people get in the UNRRA so they will not be hungry and live a better life. You casn help all the people. in Europe and give them food and stuff so they do not starve to death and try to get them a home and thery will not be left out and hungry.
If you join the Seagoing Cowboys Program you can see the horses and feed them and stuff. Some people love animals so they can help out with the horese and other animals. You will have the Nightwatch and go and see iuf all the cows and horses are on the ship. But when it is raining and nyou on nightwatchb you will have to be careful because you can slip and break your bone or crack them and even worse you caN slip off the deck and be in the ocean or where you go but if you slip off there are some strong currents that can pull you down and you can drown or they can pull you away from the ship and take you to a island | 23
d046df0 | Driverless cars. An innovation that was once only a dream is now much closer to being a significant aspect of our lives. Personally, I am all for the development of driverless cars. The pros severely outweigh the few cons and there really aren't many valid reasons to halt working on driverless cars.
According to cofounder of multi-billion dollar company google, Sergey Brin, we could create a future of public transport that consists completely of driverless cars. Also, this solution would use only half of the fuel that today's taxis use. If fuel is being reduced and citizens are easily able to get from point A to point B, the only con here is that there would be less jobs available for transport such as taxi drivers. But proportionally, using half the fuel we do now would have a much stronger positive impact on our future than careers being lost for the miniscule fraction of people who work as a taxi driver.
At the moment, car crashes are one of the highest likely reasons of death ESPECIALLY in teens. And this doesn't show any reason to change. But in a handful of years when driverless cars are close to perfection, the amount of car crashes that would occur would drop drastically. That is, if we take advantage of an opportunity like this rather than sleeping on it for what little reason there is left. Once the driverless cars are improved enough and safer than the average driver, we will be able to make the majority of transport used with them. And then there will be no more reasons to worry about new teen drivers getting in a wreck, drunk drivers, drivers under the influence, etc.
Lastly, new drivers will have lots of time saved once driverless cars are everywhere. New drivers currently have to spend at least 50 hours driving with a parent or guardian before they are considered ready to drive alone (and let's not forget that new drivers have a 50% chance to be involved with a crash during their first year of driving with a license). So driverless cars will free up time for families with new or inexperienced drivers as well as save them money. Most new drivers take a driver's ed class (which first of all takes a lot of time) and they can be hundreds of dollars! There's no reason we shouldn't eliminate these pointless negative aspects of our current system.
Reviewing what's been said here, three significant reasons driverless cars should continue being worked on are apparent. One being that only HALF the fuel we currently use would be needed. Two: having these driverless cars would create a much safer environment since crash rates would nearly disappear. And finally, new drivers would save large amounts of time and money once these cars are here and ready. These are only three reasons of countless others that haven't been addressed yet. Driverless cars are the future of our society. | 23
de607a9 | "No one cares about the environment." said no one ever. The environment we live in, wether its a crowded city like NewYork, or Paris, or even a regular suburban community, is a wonderful place. There is one issue though that has spread among communities, and that is the high amount of car usage. Having a car and being able to track to great distances in a short amount of time is great, but look at what cars do to the environment. Also when it comes to buying a car, you're basically throwing your bank account out the window. And dont get me started with the worries of having your children play in the streets.
Now, lets discuss the crazy amount of money you have to throw away on a car. You either throw away a fortune on a good car, that runs good, and then end up taking years to pay it off, or you buy a cheap, beat up car, that is always in need of repair. Either way it is a lose, lose situation. Why buy these isanely priced cars when you can buy a nice bike that moves perfectly. At around five hundred dollars, to a thousand dollars a bike is easily the way to go. A bonus to buying a nice bike instead of a car, is that while you ride your bike, you'll get into shape in no time at all. Now if you need to track a great distance that riding a bike can not get you to fast enough, buses or mobile transport have bike racks on them so you can ride a bus to the nearest position to where you need to be then simply ride your bike for the remainder of the distance.
The main issue here with cars for most people, is that there is a large amount of pollution that comes with driving a car. In Paris the pollution from cars were so bad that Paris had to put a temporary ban on driving to help clear out all of the smog that was in the sky. Also, in America car pollution is the second largest source of pollution emissions. There is no other way to say it, cars make up a lot of the earths pollution, and when the time comes that people start to die down on using cars the world will be a much healthier place to be in.
Now you can not tell me that there is not at least one parent who will read this next statement and not agree more. Less cars, safer streets. Every mom, dad, brother, sister, or any kind of other relative have worried about their family playing in the streets. There are millions of accidents every year in the world that result in people getting hit by cars and killed, or seriously injured. With less cars on the streets the world will be a much safer place for kids, and even adults, as there is drunk drivers you have to look out for, or reckless drivers who dont even have a license.
All together limiting car usage will have multiple benefits to the world, and even your own community. One being you dont have to pay for a car when they start going out of style, another being the worlds pollution will lower at a huge rate, and last that the roads we live, and breathe on will be a much safer place. Limit your car usage and make the word a better place on step at a time. | 34
df12ef4 | Driverless Cars Are Coming
Manufacturers are making new cars that will be able to run without a human constantly operating the machine. As of now, Google, BMW, and other such companies have been making efforts toward this new era of technology, however
"Driverless Cars" would be more of a danger and problem to our society than good. It would cause confusion with where to place fault in accidents or legal situations, computer run cars would malfunction just like any other computer run technology such as the "iphone", or "MacBook", Drivers would abuse their privelege and fall asleep "at the wheel", and this would encourage drunk drivers to drive, possibly skyrocketing drunken accidents and alcoholosim.
In paragraph 9 under the section entitled, "Wating on the Law", the passage clearly states "If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" This is not only concerning but also a very dangerous thought. When we as humans give the liberty and saftey of our lives over to computers that are programmed to do tasks and that do not feel any human emotions, and then one of them kills someone in an accident, who is to blame? The computer, malfunctioned, but the manufacturer and "driver" didn't directly do anything. This type of machine still needs constant attention and alertness of the human within. Maybe even more so than when driving a normal car because the "Driverless Cars," will alert you at random to take over quickly when human skills are needed. People may not be prepared to do so, and in that case, things could take a turn for the worst. The beauty of "Driverless Cars" would cause some people to abuse their privelege and maybe even drink or sleep with the knowledge that the car will drive for you. After all, whats the actual chance that the car will ask them to do something? People will think this and slack off on their responsibilities, causing a very dangerous situation.
Technology is increasing and our future holds many things ahead of us. New cars are being made to drive for us but are we ready to take such a huge leap into this process? A leap that puts our lives in the hands of non-human, compassion-lacking, machines? "Driverless Cars" would cause more harm and more problems to our society than good. | 23
b575740 | "When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors."
This shouldn't be the way candidates win. The election should change, the candidates should earn their votes, win by popular vote.
If the process of voting changes to "win by popular votes" then at least the candidate would win fairly. If you think about it, wouldn't you want to win fair and square? don't you think you should earn your votes? or in general, if you think people should earn their votes then you should get an understanding of what is trying to be explained here.
I'm not the only one that thinks that the election should be by popular vote;
"over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now."
plenty of other people think we should vote directly instead of having the Electoral College system.
Nobody wants to vote for other people other than the one running for President, well at least 60 percent of the people don't.
The electoral college is unfair and it is why I think the election should count by popular vote. The electoral college is unfair because sometimes candidates don't a have chance to visit states so it's difficult to gain votes from those states the people who vote aren't really voting, it's the electors who are a large state gets more attention from presidental candidates in a campaign than a small state does (basically what I meant in reason 1)
The point here is, I think we should get rid of the Electoral College since it has been proven that it is unfair and just have a fair voting system from now on. Maybe put on a debate to see what people would prefer. | 23
fc37c67 | Luke in the story A Cowboy Who road waves is a Young Adult who had just got out of high school. Luke was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and in a bank. Don his friend had invited him to go to Europe in a cattle boat. Luke did not give this opportunity up.
UNRRA also known as the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administation hired the "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas.
The Seagoing Cowboys had recieved their orders to repot to New Orleans. They had arived August fourteenth. When they got the seaman's papers they boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster and headed for Greece. Their cargo was full of 335 horses plus tons of hay and oats to feed them.
Luke had been given a great opportunity for a small-town boy. It took the Seagoing Cowboys two weeks to get acroos the the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Luke kept busy by feeding and treating the animals on the cattle boat.
And at the end Luke says that he is grateful for the opportunity that he had to get on and ride that cattle boat. This concludes to my opinion that you don't have to always be someone special to get good things. | 01
664676c | The use of cars has always affected society greatly. There are plans constantly being added to better the environment without the use of cars. Vauban, mentioned in Source 1, can be the start of the car-less world we want to live in. As this expiriment becomes noticed by the world, communities will realize how beneficial this experiment could be. Think about a world with no cars. There would be less pollution and less gasses being emitted into the air. For example, Pairs has just banned driving due to heavy smog. After about five days, car traffic was down 60 percent. Limiting car usage should be implemented heavily because of the greenhouse gas emissions and the happiness of the citizens of Vauban.
To begin with, cars cause many problems and the most important being the emissions of greenhouse gasses. As seen in Source 1, some of the car fillled cities of the United States suffer from up to 50 percect of greenhouse gas emissions. Well-populated cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago could be in great danger. A highly populated city in Colombia, has a "Car-Free" day. The goal of this is to allow people to open their eyes and realized how many alternative ways there are to go to work. The implimented a fee of 25 dollars to anyone who violated. I think that by adding a fee, the outcome would be greater and more people would participate. This is a great idea that would open people up to other options. For example, on the third year of the car free day, two other cities joined Bogota. Sometimes we have to open up the eyes of others to really see the change. Also, parks and recreational areas have opened up, uneven sidewalks have been referbished, and most importantly the city has less traffic.
Continuing with pollution, Paris had a near-record of pollution, seen in Source 2. This led to the ban of driving. The ban of driving could be refered to as the limiting of driving. They set up a plan in which cars with even-numbered license plates couldn't drive on Mondays. The same occured for the odd-numbered license plates on Tuesday. They heavily enforced this by implimenting a fine of 22 euros if they used their cars. This idea could work here in America. It would open up carpooling and lessen the amount of cars on the road.
People such as David Goldberg, mentioned in Source 1, are pushing for citites to be less dependent on cars. Mr. Goldberg mentions the hybrid car. Even though buying a hybrid does not reduce the amount of cars, it does reduce the amount of green house gas emissions.
Seeing the happiness and comfort that the people of Vauban allows us to see what our society could look like. We could live in a society just like theirs, filled with nature. In the United States, the number of licenses has been going down each year. Now, this does not automatically mean that American citizens want to "be green". It could be simply because of the fact that cars are expensive, and because we are living in a rough situation. In conclusion, I believe that we should limit car usage for the advantages of less pollution and less greenhouse gasses. | 34
474e939 | Dear Senator
The Electoral College process was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between the election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
The Electoral college consists of the selection of electors.
The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 votes is required to elect the President. I am arguing for the change of the electoral college in the favor of changing it to the election of popular vote. I believe that if the people were given the chance to vote for president the outcome would differ. As it stands the president is elected by the electoral college. If the people were tasked with voting for the president then they would choose who they want. Not who the electors want. The electors vote for whoever would look good for office. That means that the president wont always do whats right for America. The people desevre to choose the president. In a way it would be giving the people more freedom. If the electoral college stayed the way it is then americans would feel the freedom they were born with.
The electoral college wouldnt be needed if the government allowed qualified citizens to vote. It would save quite a bit of money and time. We wouldnt be wasting paper for ballots. The resources used to set up voting booths could be targeted at something else instead of wasting paper that will be thrown away. The votes from american citizens are not taken into consideration. We are wasting many resources making people think they are voting when its really all up to the electoral college to who the president will be. I strongly agree with the fact that the electoral college should be taken out of power. If the electoral college stays in the power of deciding who the president will be then they can control the power. They decide who to put in office and if they want someone who will pass health care laws then theyll pick the presidential candidate that will most likely pass health care laws. In the future I hope that the electoral college will not exist. If the electoral college no longer exists then the people will be free to vote for whoever. This will make american citizens feel more free if they have the power to decide who the next president will be.
ef07889 | In this story, the author talks about how humans are capable of landing on Venus and checking the planet out. He states that there are many dangers like the high atmospheric pressure Venus has, and that Venus has the hottest temperature surface in all of the planets. Each mission they had was unmanned, and no space craft survived a landing for more than a few hours. The author supports his claim of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers bad because he explains that there are more dangers than possibilities and they have just conducted research and never tried or invented anything he states yet.
NASA says they could create a blimp- like vehicle that hovers about 30 or so miles above Venusian landscape. This would work out because they have liveable conditions from where they are floating at, but they couldn't do anything with the info they get. When they are 30 miles above the ground it makes it difficult because most forms of light can only cover the dense atmosphere. The text states, "Most importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." This is saying that scientists wouldn't be able to take substances form Venus back home to the US and the scientists would mainly have to explain all there observations from sight. The author also talks about how scientists are working on innovations and certain inventions that have not happend yet so he can't explain more details on how they could make it to Venus but many things have to be innovated first.
NASA is also working on other approaches to get to Venus, but we can't start sending people to Venus if we don't even know if the invention or approach could work. There are more dangers than ways to get to Venus safely in this article so that is also a reason why I think he does a bad job supporting his claim. Venus to me is not really worth researching for just because of those conditions that the planet has, but if the blimp-like thing works out, I still think the scientists wouldn't be able to see what they wanted and get no good evidence. Like I said, pictures and any light source would be hard to get when you're in Venus. NASA and other researchers should focus on a different planet than Venus because It would be way to difficult to get people there, yet alone get reseach from Venus. | 23
f3d1d93 | In many different countries, driving and the use of motorized vehicles have decreased in the past few years. We have come to learn the cars cause pollution of the atmosphere and the creation and release of greenhouse gases. These deadly gases have led to global warming and the decrease in our atmosphere. We've learned that if we stop using cars and find other, more environmetally friendly ways of transporation, that our contribution to the pollution will decrease ten-fold.
Greenhouse gases consist of CO2 and other chemicals that come from fumes from cars and other forms of exhaust. They are mainly from cars and motorized vehicles. These harmful gases eat away at our atmosphere. We cannot replenish our atmosphere so we have to try and preserve what we have leftover. Therefore, if we cut back on the use of these vehicles, we won't destroy our atmosphere as much as what we have done in the past.
Along with greenhouse gases, smog is also another problem. Smog is a mixture of the fog and moisture in the air combined with exhaust from cars, smoke from cigarettes, and other toxic fumes. We have to have smog checks on our cars at least once a year to see if our vehicles are protected against the chemicals. Smog can be prevented somewhat by halting the use of vehicles. Also, if we don't use cars, not only will we have less smog, but we won't have to pay for the annual smog checks. We'll be helping our environment and helping our wallets.
Don't you hate it when you're stuck in a traffic jam when you're trying to be somewhere on time? Of course, cars are faster than walking everywhere but if there are people in front of you not being able to move because of the people in front of them and so on and so on, then walking would cut the time of sitting in a car and waiting 10 minutes to move 5 feet in half. Most people hate waiting. Also, if we walk, not only will the pollution decrease, the obesity of our country will to! Think about that the next time you start to munch on a bacon cheeseburger.
In the United States, people have begun to lose interest in driving. According to Source 4, less and less people are driving, buying cars, and recieving their licenses. That means that come the next century, our carbon footprint will be half made up for. More people want to walk to lose weight and be able to hang out with friends and colleagues. If we don't stop using alot of fuel, we'll have more money for things that are more important. Motorized vehicles are making us and our economy suffer. Maybe, if we cut back on car use, we'd have more money to bring back our electives and music programs in our countries school systems.
So, overall, if we cut back on vehicles, our lives will be so much better. We wouldn't have to be so paranoid over gas prices. Our air that we breath would be cleaner and our money would be saved. We'd also have less worries about finding a cure for weight-related illnesses. Our country would be perfect without cars. | 23
d26fc28 | Driverless cars used to seem like an impossible idea, but now these dreams are bcoming a reality. Driverless cars are an innovative technology and should be developed because of how helpful they are.
In the article, it says that driverless cars are forseen to "use half the fuel of today's taxis." In a world where everyone is clamoring to find alternative fuel sources, driverless cars would help tremendously. Cutting back on using up nonrenewable resources would be both cost effective and environmentally friendly. Even though it may cost more money to develop these new cars, using less fuel is one easy way to make up for that cost.
Using autonomous cars takes out the factor of human error in driving. With driverless cars, there would be no such thing as drunk driving or texting and driving. You would not hear about devastating accidents because someone was distracted while driving.
While completely driverless cars are a close possibility, there will be large debate over their development and, fortunately, there is time for that. However, driverless cars are beneficial to the environment, cost effective, and even safer with the right technology and therefore should be both developed and used. | 23
a8bcbe0 | The value of not using this technology is great, because its just more reasonable to know your own moods ftom your expressions instead of a computer. I say this because it's more natural to use your own mind instead of having to with a computer. This is my opinion of this article, because it makes you have to use your mind instead of having a computer to use it for you.
Students should use their minds when it comes to this, because you will be able to tell other people moods and yours also. In the text it states," The facial expression for each emotion are universal." What this means is that the facial expressions we use are used all over the world. So why not learn them your self instead of having a computer to do it for you. When you travel there will be facial expressions every where so it's best if you learn them on your own so you will understand what there moods are.
When you can tell people's mood from their facial expression and you address it to the person they might think your smart. In the text it states," Moving your facial muscles not only express emotions, but also may even help produce them." This is also another good reason to read facial expressions, because it benefits you in a mentally way by reading people's body language. Another way it can benefit you is because it shows your actaully paying attention to the person's emotions.
When you use an computer to read people emotions just imagine doing it non verbally and using your mind to read it. In the text it states," In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day." For an example if your friend is looking down or happy you will most likely be able to tell from their facial expressions. I say this because us as humans we use facial expressions everyday so why not be able to read them.
As you read this passage this can be a life lesson, because it's used in everyday life. As we get older and years pass we will always use facial expression so it's best to learn them instead of a computer doing it for you. This is my opinion of this article, because it makes you have to use your mind instead of having a computer to use it for you. | 23
e2d253c | On May 24, 1976, NASA's Viking one spacecraft was circling mars. It took many photos of landing sites for its sister ship Viking two. As viking one took pictures, it came across a pecuiliar formation on the surface of the planet. The formation seemed to be an enormouse head similar to that of a humans. The scientist figured it was just another Martioan mesa, that was commonly spread throught the surface of Mars.
Conspiracy theorists think that it is bona fide evidence that there is life on Mars. Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an acncient civilization on Mars. And so on April 5, 1998 another Mars global surveyor flew over and took a picture ten times sharper than the original photos. This led the the scientist to conclude and reveal that the face was just a natural land form and that it wasn't an alien monument at all.
Some people were not happy. The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north of the martian latitude where it was winter in April 1998. This was a coudy time of year on Mars. They had said that the camera the pictures had been taken with had to peer through clouds to see the Face. They believed that the alien markings were hidden by the haze at the time.
On April 8, 2001, there was a cloudles day on Mars. The surveyor drew close for another picture. They said they increased the image quality to take the best picture they had taken of the face. They added that in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixle size you could see things like airplains, egyptian-style pyramids, or even small shacks.
This showed people that it was the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. This showed that the conspiracy theorists had been proven wrong. Since NASA actually researches theier data to learn more about it and they make hypothesize, it shows that they have a lot of since in saying that theorists are wrong. Theorist just make theories and they don't have anything to back them up if someone were to arugue about the subject. Conspiracy theorists are not always wrong but in this case they are. | 23
bdd685e | There are many ways to explore Venus with the challenges on the way and some of those ways are how Venus is covered with atleast a 97% carbon dioxide, and then finally how Venus is sometimes refered to as earths twin.
The author states in the story called " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" that there is ways on being able to explore and learn more about Venus. Venus has a lot of carbon dioxide on it that its as thick as a blanket. In paragrapgh 3 it states that a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. In this quote " Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." This quote means that Venus has a lot of information to offer the people if they want to learn more about Venus and how thick the atmosphere is also how the atmosphere of Venus has sulfuric acid.
In the story it states that Venus is refered to as one of Earths twin since its close to the planet earth. Venus being called Earths twin is a way of saying how Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. This quote, " Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds." This quote means that the reason why Venus is refered to as Earths twin is because it has a lot of things in common with other planets like Mars, and Earth itself that are also refered to as Earths twin most of the time.
There are many ways to explore Venus with the challenges on the way and some of those ways are how Venus is covered with atleast a 97% carbon dioxide, and then finally how Venus is sometimes refered to as earths twin. So that is what evaluates how well the author supports the idea that stuying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Also so people can learn about the planet Venus more but to also be able to explore the planet aswell after they have learned about it so they can try to stay out of danger while being up there on Venus. | 12
2a447bd | CLAIM
The author explains the story very well by including the high co-op of the united states that could be the NASA and scientists are studing this planet because of the simelarity that has with planet earth.
To sport my claim thwe author says " if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visists its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have beem the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
This story talks about how the nasa is trying to study the planet called "the even star" or for short "Venus." However, this nickname is misleading since Venus was considered a planet in our solar system. Scientists says that "venus is to simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth", the NASA refers venus as the twin of earth, venus i the closest planet to earth in terms of denisty and size and the closest in distance too.
On the other hand sometimes the Earth is closer to mars in other times to Venus, sometimes right around the corner-in space terms. However, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. This planet is nnot that all safe the atmosphere of Venus is almost at 97 percent carbon dioxide and it has more challeng to studing it because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.
Scientists are discussing further visits to the surface of Venus because it's the planet more likely of planet earth in our solar system.
Venus,sometimes called the "evening star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even
an amateur stargazer to spot. Often referred to as Earth's "twin, Venus i sthe closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally the closest in distance too. Earth, Venus and Mars, our other planetary neihbor orbit the sun at different speeds.Thses differences in spped mean that sometimes we are are closer to mars and other times to venus.
Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbin dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, tempetures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.
To conclude scientist are keep studing this planet to see if it's safe to live their or not. | 23
1cb73aa | Have you noticed? Have you noticed the sidewalk person-population is increasing? More and more people are taking public transportation, walking, and biking. smog and polution are coating our cities like a blanket.
"Passenger cars are resonsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Up to 50% in car intensive areas around the
'' says source 1. There is an experimental town in Germany, named Vauban, whose streets are filled with people instead of cars. This seems to be the growing trend, a movement, called "smart-planning''. As cars decrease, the city of Vauban is more compact. They no longer have a worry about where to set parking. Stores are set on main roads, no longer having a mall on the side of a congested highway. Everything's just a simple walk away. Things are simple here, and air is clean.
Unlike Vauban, France had to take things to a new level. As smog layed heavy over Paris, a driving ban was set to clear the air. Though congestion was down 60% in the capital, cold nights and warm days caused a layer of air to trap car emissions. Diesel fuel was blamed in this case, the tax policy made by France, favors diesel over gosoline. "Deisels make up 67% of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3% average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe" says source 2.
As France set a ban on cars for a little while, America seems to be just losing intrest in motor vehicles. Source 4 tells us " Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." As driving decreases so does the polution, creating healthier enviroments.
18cbfcc | Dear State Senator,
You should keep the electoral college vote the same without the popular vote because the winning candiate's share of the electoral college invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. Aswell as the electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives majority of the votes cast.
To begin, the reason is that the winning candidate's share of the electoral college invairably exceeds his share of the popular vote. for example in the 2012 election, Oboma received 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to 51.3 percent of the popular votes. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is very possible like the total number of votes-538-is an even number, but it is highly unlikely. It is less likely to have a dispute over the popular vote but it is more likely to have a dispute over the electoral vote. In 2012's election voters in toss-up states are most likely to pay close attention to the campaign- to really listen to the competing canidates- knowing they are going to decide the election. Causing the popualr vote to go up. When we as a community should not want to president be chosen by a popular vote but by the electoral vote, it is only fair!
Also, the electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives majority of the votes cast. For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning the majority in the electoral college. Did you know that there is someone from a small state and they only get three electoral votes. Well, they are not treated equal and only the large states get more of the attention from presidential candidates than a small state ever will.
It can be argued that the electoral college method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. You should keep the electoral college vote the same without the popular vote because the winning candiate's share of the electoral college invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. Aswell as the electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives majority of the votes cast. So I'm going to leave you with this. What will you choose? The popular vote of the electoral vote? It's up to you not.
An american Citizen. | 23
fe153f2 | In today's world there are many new ideas and thoughts people come up with to try and help the world be a better place. Most of these ideas dont get very far but one that really could make a differance has caused whole countries to take action. The whole idea of having or not having cars can be very controverscial. It gives people the idea of following this idea and trying it out.
Multipule countries have already tested this care-free question and it has come to be beneficial and very interesting for the cities. Of course there is the ups and downs to this idea but overall it has caused more and more cities to go out and try it. Banning the use of cars has helped not only people being lazy but also the enviornment. Cars produce strong chemicals that infect the air and create harm to the enviornment. Europe is on of the most polluted cities than anywhere else in the world. A main part of this pollution comes from the chemicals that comes out of cars. When people in Paris stopped using their cars; the air cleared. This just goes to prove that cars are truly bad for the enviornment.
The world has seen a great decrease in the number of drivers in the past decade. This means that with less drivers, less cars being driven. Especially in the United States the amount of drivers has decreased in numbers. People are coming up with new ways to get around that are a lot more efficiant. Michael Sivak who is a professor at the University of Michigan has found that the number of drivers between the ages of 16 and 39 have dropped largely.
Another positive outcome if this idea is the saving of time and money being spent on roads and other things that are used for driving. Of course walking or riding your bike to work may not sound very easy and but in the long run, it is. Of course, you may have to change your daily routine but it will help a bigger cause.
In counclusion; the world needs a change and the answer is sitting in front of our faces. In order to make this world a better place we need to stop the excessive use of vehichles and start using more efficiant ways of transportation. There will always be those that disagree but we should be more focused on a safer world than a few angry people. | 23
d1525ce | Would you want driverless cars? I think driverless cars are better than human driven cars. Let's be honest how cool would it be to just relax and not have to operate your own car. They're probably much safer too.
In the article Google cofounder Sergey Brin believes that these cars would
use half of the fuel the taxis use in this time period. He also states that they would be more flexible than a bus. In 2009 Google had cars that drove independently under specific conditions. The cars that were developed drove half a million miles and more without any accidents.
I think these driverless cars woud be used more efficiently. With these cars we can help prevent a majority of accidents especially the ones that lead to death. Kids in today's society like to text and drink while they're driving and in result to that people get hurt. I think with these cars texting and driving won't be an issue anymore.
The Toyota Prius has sensors, a video camera near the rearview window, four automotive radar sensors, GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor. Everything that's on that car is to help create safer and more efficient ways to drive. The passage says that the combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. I recently saw this commercial on television where they were test driving a car but there wasn't an actual person driving it, and the car wouldn't turn on the radio or start up until all passengers seatbelts were on to ensure their safety.
Just imagine leaving a long day of work and you can barely keep your eyes open enough to drive, well you have self driven cars that does all the driving for you and now you can rest those beautiful eyes and reach your destination fully rested. With the invention of driverless cars you can text all you want without worrying about the possibility of an accident occuring. From my perspective I honestly believe we should invest in the making of driveless cars. Don't forget they're much better for the enviornment considering we only use half of the fuel we normally would use manually driving our cars and they're safer. | 23
17d73bb | A Cowboy Who Rode The Waves
In the story there was a boy named Luke and he had just graduated from high school. He was working two part time job at the grocery store and at the bank. Then one day one of his friends invited him to go to Europe
on a cattle boat. Luke knew that this was a great opportunity for him to go with him so he did. In the story Luke did lots of travling and it sounds like he really enjoyed himself. I believe that peole now days should do these type of things today.
My first reason why I believe that people should do these things today is because lots of people are lazy and do not do anything but sit around on their phones or either on a video game. It hurts peoples brains and its a waist of peoples lives. I think that alot of people would enjoy doing lots of other things then just staying at home laying down not doing anything. In the story Luke seem to have had a fun and great time experiencing lots of diffrent places in the world.
My second reason is because we really could learn something about our world. We can experience it without using google or siri. It could be a fun way to actually be right infront of the place or be inside of the place. You could take lots of pictures in there. Also you would feel proud of yourself. You would feel proud of yourself by saying I travled there world
before I
died I actually did something with my life other spent time at home on my phone or Xbox or other device.
My third reason is you could take a vacation with your family and go to some place like the Panama Canal. Also you could go to somewhere like Russia, Italy,Sweeden, and lots of other places you could choose.
My forth reason is in the story Luke says that it would be a great opportunity to go travel the world. That tells me that he was instreasted in travling the world with his friend. Also at the end he got hurt and cracked his ribs. He could not work for a coulpe of days but he still enjoyed himself hurt or not hurt.
In conclusion it would be just a fun journey to do and discover. If you could go travle the world would you do it? Or would you rather stay home being lazy on your phone? These are some question you would have to ask yourself. This is why reasons on why I think it would be a good idea. | 23
5b74243 | Imagine a city empty of cars and the sounds of bicycles and the sound of chattering children drown out the sound of the occasional motor, This is the city of Vauban. This "experimental" district on the ouskirts of Freiburg. Elisabeth Rosenthal, author of
In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars stated "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district...Vauban's streets are completely "car-free" except the main thotoughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs. Car ownership is allowed but there are two places to park large garages at the edge of the development where a car owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home."
This action has inspired some other areas to do the same, As said by Rosenthal, "Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe, The United States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning."". Now these have been a bit more of pre-emptive measures against Pollution and economic inflation there are those who have taken actions after the fact, Robert Duffer, author of
Paris bans driving due to smog has said "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Now here is where Paris decided to do something silly. "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-eruo fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." as stated by Duffer. Now alot of people may not of heard about this or thought it was a joke, Duffer wrote "Almost 4,000 drivers were fined... 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." To the people who had heard of this such as companies who their main function is driving from place to place had complained, "Delivery Companies complained of lost revenue, while exceptions for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers." said by Duffer. All of these exceptions that were given out sound as though they are personal transport vehicles that the passengers could just as easily take the public transport. | 01
56b0da9 | Did you know that Earth had a twin? Well not exactly a twin, but a planet that is very close to Earth in terms of it's density and size. That planet happens to be
Venus. Since the planet is very identical to earth, we are all going to want to explore it. Exploring and studying Venus comes at a cost though, it is a worthy pursuit despite the presentation of it's dangers.
Venus is a planet in our solar system. It is referred as the "Evening Star," as its one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. It is the second planet from our sun. Many people confuse Venus with being a star, because of its nickname. trying to examine Venus more closely then of the safe vantage point of Earth, can be very challenging despite it being simple to see from the distance.
We are all closer to Mars than Venus sometimes due to the speed changes at which they orbit the Sun by. Us humans send a variety of spacecrafts to the cloud-draped world for it to land on. No spacecraft has survived the landing for a couple hours. This means that all the previous missions to mars were all unmanned. All of these failed missions have explained why Venus hasnt been touched in more than three decades by a single spaceship.
As you can tell Venus is a challenging planet for humans to study because of its reputation. The atmosphere of Venus is very thick as 97 percent Carbon Dioxide covers all of it. The planet's tempatures on the surface average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is greater than what we experience on Earth by 90, all of these conditions are way more extreme than what we experience on Earth. Trying to visit Venus would completly liquefy and melt any spacecraft near it.
Many scientist are trying to explore this planet despite its inhospital conditions because it is very identical to Earth. It used to be one of the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Which facsinated many Astronomers. Venus was probably covered by many bodies of water and forms of life could have been supported, just like Earth. The planet now has a rocky surface with many valley's, mountains, and craters that makes astronomers itch to further expore it. Despite it's very hard conditions to even get near the planet.
Venus is a very cool planet. As it is very Dangerous to further study and explore,It is all worth it in the long run. The planet has very many earth-like qualities. So it would be smart to see if there was any signs of life. Venus is worth all the dangers because its a worthy pursuit. | 23
dbd027f | To prove to my fellow collegues about the "Face on Mars" thing was naturally made, not by alien lifeforms, i have decided to write this paper. This face has shodows and yes it does make it look like it has eyes, nose, and mouth, but that just really what we want to see if you were told it was a face you would've beleived it.
The article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" has a lot of suspense and it does indeed pull the reader in, and towards the end they break down the scientific facts. They use examples of here on earth and they talk about the showdows. They even talk about how the resolution of photos could change the perspective of those photos.
This face shaped mound on mars has just thrown all the theories out and has caused a big worry in the world. Personally I did not see the face until i had read through the article pretty much pin-pointing all of the features, so i went back to the picture of the face and that when i did see it. One persons theory has caused problems for everything from t. v. to conversations.
The fact of the matter is that when you look at this mound and you are told its a face you are most likely gonna beleive that concept until you get the scientific facts and you read them and you probably still wont beleive it, because as humans there has always got to be something that drives you to be excited. Its in our genetics and our concept is just going to be stuck with until there is an actual reasoning that can be proven.
In this paper i have mostly talked about my beleifs, but everyone has their own beleifs and I know that we can not fully prove there is life on other planets, but whatever makes you strive fo answers be my guest. I am not here to judge you or shoot down your answers. I am here to give you once again another concept. | 12
c519dc1 | There are a lot of advantages of limiting car usage. Yes a lot of people use cars to get around, but there are other ways to get around. Limiting car usage would probably cause a lot of complaints, but I think once people started limiting how much they drove everyday, they wouldn't see the need as much.
In Paris, for example, they have banned driving due to smog. The story "Paris bans driving due to smog", Robert Duffer states that "Congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of France, after five-days of the smog." Only five days of banning drivers brought the smog rate down 60 percent, that's huge. To make it easier for the people of Paris to get around, they had public transit free of charge for those five days. If driving was banned for a while people woould find other ways to get around, and other people in the community would help them, like the transit bus giving free rides those five days.
Some people may argue that it's a free country and we shouldn't be limited to how much we're allowed to drive our cars. Yes it's a free country but limiting car usage is actually getting people to be active, instead of being lazy and driving everywhere you go. The United States has the highest percentage of obesity. With limiting how much you can use your car it will make people walk places, if they really have to go somewhere. Also riding a bike, or even riding a bus or train. However, unlike your own car, to get to the bus stop or train station, it will take some walking, which is good.
Also another advantage of limiting car usage would be all the things that would be fixed around our community. With people walking more, the community and city people would want to make our area look better while we walk. In the story "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" Andrew Selsky states, "..Pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." With less driving and more walking to get to places, the community would fix our sidewalks and make more shopping centers and resraurants closer.
Limiting car usage will be hard to adjust to at first, but I think in the long run it's a win-win. It helps us get active and lower our stress from driving, and it helps our environment. | 34
375c3d7 | The Presidental Elections .
The elections are a brutal time canididates compete for the favor of the citizens they campain, give great speaches about why they would be best for the position of leading the nation, often state why their adversary would be the worst person for the job. This causes oposition in the nation tearing it apart, however now not only are the people emotional about the election but also about the process, their are aguments about whether or not that the orginal process sould remain. The system that the elections have been held sence the Constitution has been written was that each citizen in a state would vote for one canadidate or the other by voting for the electors of that specific person then the electors in turn would vote for the cannidate and their votes would decide the presidency as stated in paragraph six and seven of the first source"
What Is the Electoral College?" by the Office of the Federal Register . This system althoug it has worked so far it is not the best way of conducting the elections in this time and age citizens should modify and conform the process to fit the need we have now.
The problems claimed by the ones opoised to the electoral college, as told in the second source " The Idefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, are that the process cause individuals to have little to no say in the person that will be their leader for years, they do not have control over who their canadidates elect and must simply hope that they do indead vote for who they promised to, also the election is decieded by the few states that do not have a predetermined majority of voters in each state leaving the rest of the country feeling left out of the feasco of the election and as if their perfered canidate dose not care of them or their support and opinions. This persents the system to be truly flawed in the way that it is curantly operateing.
Individuals,as source three "In Defense of the Electorial College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, wish to claim that the system is not flawed in great lenghts because it has worked for such a time that it is seen by them sufficant in its orcastration. It is said that the electors often do vote for who they pleaged they would and that decite is uncomon: however why should America risk the posibility of decite it has happened befor and if not prevented it will happen again. Do we not owe it to ourselves, posterity, and country to fix all potental harms to our nation the presidency should not be taken lightly it is a grand position that gives power and fame to all who hold those who have it could maintain the country, grace the nation with new prosperity, or condem Americans to years of suffering, toil, and misery. As citizens we should not alow anyone but the most valid character obtain this place. Mistakes are not alowed! we should take it upon ourselves now to modify this method be for it is to late and avertid.
There is no mitake America must act fast and modify this method for the nation, for their children, and for themselves. | 34
79e39c3 | "The Face" is a land formation and my proof is that NASAHas sent astronauts in tospace to orbit Mars, and these astronauts ahve taken many pictrures. These picturesclearly show that it is a land formation. Also NASA has taken high resolution images and used 3D altimetry photos. The pictures they have taken with them clearly show that it is a land formation.
Some information in the text states that when they put pictures of "The face on the internet that it revealed a land formation. Other information statesthat theyb took photoes of "The Face with digital images, which enhances the picture three times more than a pixel picture. It also statesthat that NASA took a photo with "absolute maximum resolution. So this picture clearly depicts "The Face" as a land formation. Then the article goes on to say that if there were anything around "The Face that it would be very clear and easy to see, such as airplanes,shacks, and pyramids.
The article then says that it is the "Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Both of these examples are natural land formations made over time,and since that it has been proven of water on Mars what if the surrounding area of "The Face" eroded but "The face didn't. | 23
8465a70 | Although many may say that there would be nothing to gain by researching Venus. There would be something gained when researching Venus such as the history of Venus. Another would be the disigning of better stronger drone. The last reason would be to learn safe ways to stay on planets simular to Venus.
The know history of planets can teach us what we can do to help our own planet and what to avoid doing. Stated in the article "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" the quote could teach us what not to do or we could end up near or similer to Venus.
Disigning better stronger drones that survive harder condicions such as Venus is a good thing because there could be other planets that could require that type of drone. Stated in the article "coulds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Scientists could find a planet that could be similer or alike to Venus and they may need a drone strong enough to survive the harsh conditions on the planet.
Suvival on different planets that a scientist is researching is important and learning how to survive on Venus could be the first step. Stated in the quoted " | 12
df3edd3 | Every day, we all wake up and instantly start to calculate how the day will most likely go. Much of this calculation revolves around the people that surround us constantly, like our family and our friends, who have the most impact on our behaviors and moods. We take a quick look at their faces and their body language, and can make a pretty close assumption as to what that person is feeling, what thoughts they are having, and how they will feed off of other people's moods as well. It's pretty easy to decipher many of these things without a problem, but sometimes, especially when an emotion is mixed, it's a little harder to calculate. Now, technology has been formed to help us find out what others are really feeling, even if they are hiding it. In many situations, this software could be useful. Some settings, not so much.
In a public schooling atmosphere, mood is pretty much what makes or breaks how a class will go. If the students are sad or the teacher is moody, the class might be that much more of burden to deal with all the negativity. If a class is particularly boring, and the students are tired, the class might go on for ages. Plus, some material might be confusing for some students, and this will make the class much harder as well to understand and pass. As people, we tend to subconsiously figure out this kind of information as soon as possible, in order to better guess how they should behave. We do it so often, we as a people have gotten pretty good at this. So how useful would this technoogy be in this particular situation? Not very, since in a clasroom setting it is fairly easy to tell when a student is confused or bored. Now, there are other situations, some even still withing the guidelines of 'school', in which this technology would be used more often.
Online schooling is an ever-growing web of ideas and people, and is almost always a good experience to have even if they dont stick with it. However, the social aspect of school is forgotten as well as the face-to-face contact with teachers that is useful in situations like confusion, boredness, or even sickness. This technology would be especially useful for this type of setting, since it can give teachers an insight on what their students are feeling about the material that they are teaching. It can help them shape their curriculum to better fit that student's needs, and therefore give a better and long-lasting impact on that student's grades, and possibly even future. It could be an integrated part of the website or a type of software that is highly reccomended or required to download. Even aside from all of that, there are even more uses for this software outside of the school setting.
In therapy sessions, or even interrogations, this kind of technology could be even more useful. In therapy, the people that go have most likely gotten very good at concealing their emotions, and doing things like fake smiling. This kind of technology could help the therapist better understand when something like this happens, and therefore help the patient get better faster, and to a higher degree. Interrogations, often done to help gain information that the prisoner most liekly does not wish to give. This technology could better read the facial expressions in details that we normally cannot decipher ourselves, and therefore better know when a person is lying or witholding information, and also help people know when they gave all the info they know.
A public school setting is most likely not the best way to use this programming, especially since it has so many other incredibly helpful uses that would be much more beneficial to many things. Its obvious when someone is happy, excited, overly sad, or losing their temper. bot expressions like boredness, disgust, fear, and pride are hard to figure in small doses. This new technology will be used in a variety of ways, but how many of those will actually we beneficial? | 34
cfb8cd5 | I believe that driveless cars could be a good thing for the future and a bad thing, here's why. The bad thing about having a driveless car is that if you are near a car accident or some road changes, you must be alert when that happens. Most people would be hanging around just letting the car cruise because they know that it can drive on it's own. The good things about having a driveless car is that you wouldn't have to worry unless your car tells you that you are too close to something or you about wreck. The car lets you keep touch with the wheel so that you feel when the car will stop at anytime.
Driveless cars could be just like smart phones, they can have technical difficulties. I believe that driveless could be a good idea, but things can wrong. Most smartphones power down at anytime, they also can stop working just because it's too much going on at one time. I think the same thing with smart cars can happen. When there is too much stuff happening on the roads, or the cars are just backed up, they might just stop to take a break in the middle of the street. You can't control when a car has too much going, like when someone runs out of gas. The car will immediately stop because there is no gas in the car, but with smart cars it will just stop because it needs a break or to clear of everything. My opinion.
In conclusion, I believe that it could be a good or bad thing. The author showed good and bads ways so it could go either way if you wanted a driveless car. He also stated that it could change that world but also keep the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. If someone was to get hurt, I don't think the driver should be punished for it, no one should. It would be the car because technology failed. | 12
4442f3c | Have you ever wondered what students are emotionally expressing? Well now a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System are trying to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. Do you think the use of this technology is valuable? A new piece of technology is coming out called the Facial Coding System it enables computers to identify human emotions.
A piece of technology that enables computers to identify human emotions is called the Facial Action Coding System. I think the technology is valuble because so that the teachers and students now what each other is feeling. To backup my claim it says in the text " Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc."
Which means that the technology is valuble so that you don't have to describe it will tell you.
I think that the techology called the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable because it could help with communication so they know if you are sad, happy, etc. In the text it states that " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Which means that most communication is non talking just by emotion.
Finally, my last reason I think that the new technology called Facial Action Coding System is valuable is because it helps produce your facial muscles. In the text it states " According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them". Which means that the technology helps produce your facial muscles.
All in all the technology called the Facial Action Coding System is valuable in many ways. By the facial muscles, the nonverbal communication, and how the students are feeling. There are also many ways to back it up. The Facial Action Coding System is reading the emotional expressions of students. | 23
e628d55 | Every four years america as a whole chooses on who should be the president of the united states. The process of election is straight forward and always follows the same process every election. The american citizens vote on one of the two candidates, then those votes are counted and giving to the electors, then the electors of each state representing the population of said state (including the District of Columbia) votes one of the candidates, after all votes are tallied the winning candidate is elected president. Overall this system seems rather complicated and can be seen as an unfair process at which only to vote on who takes charge of america. The electoral college should be replaced by who receives the most popular votes from all american citizens and not the state electorals.
Electoral college is a process created during the founding of the united states as sort of a "middleground" or compromise on how the people of the country should elect the president (
source 1
). In order for a president to be elected out of the 538 electors that make up the electoral college he or she must at least receive 270 votes (
source 1
). Each president has a group of electors that process your votes in order to choose who the state votes for making it in a ways unfair. This system can come with its own set of problems that include replacement of electors, electors voting to who they feel, and at times one candidate gaining the most popular vote but losing the chance of presidency because of the lack of electorol votes form the state (
source 2
). An example of the unbalanced power is the near success of the louisiana legislature replacing the democratic electors in the 1960, segrigations with new ones that would oppose against John F. Kennedy making him lose the popular vote.
The best replacement for the electoral college is to allow the citizens of america to vote upon who should be the president of the U.S without the need for electors. The candidate that receives the most votes is the one who becomes the president of the united states. In order to process all possible millions of votes into a rational percentage and the candidate with the higher percentage would in turn become president. With this in mind the candidates would need to visit all or largely selected states in order to deliver campaign speeches to persuade the population to vote for them, because with the electoral college system candidates would focus mainly on tight races in the "swing states" practically ignoring other like in the 2000 campaign seventeen states didnt see their candidate (
source 2
). The electoral college only focuses on the large numbers and not on the smaller population that can still make a difference making the system unfair. Making them only focus on the big states because how many electoral votes it could bring compared to a smaller state which could possibly only supply three.
On the other side electoral college does have a good standing as a method of vote. Electoral college has five good reasons on why it shouldn't be replaced and they are certainty of outcom, everyone's president, swing states, Big states, and avoid run-off elections (
source 3
). Each campaign party chooses their electors which rarely end in betrayel making it possible to win the election with low popularity votes. The electoral system also gives the candidate a chance to win in a "landslide" because of the winner-take-all basis at which it follows (
source 3
). No region has enough votes to elect a president also the electoral college needs to have transregional appeal. And the main goal of the electoral college is to obviously elect a new president but as well avoid runoff elections.
The electoral college is an unfair system of voting because of how it all depends on a small group of selected representatives and not all of the american population as a whole. Even though it can be regarded as a fair middle ground it still has its flaws and doesnt reach out to society as a whole only focusing on the states that can lead to victory, casting out those who's electoral votes will not make much of a difference. In the end the voting system should mainly focus on popularity of a candidate than what the "state" feels they should vote for because of how many votes they actually received for a given candidate due to the fact that it may end up voting on which who they feel and refuse to vote for their partys candidate. The electoral system should be replaced. | 45
6b51c4c | Driverless cars can still be dagerous because it still needs to be more advance in technogly. It still needs more to be safe. Theres a lot more to be checked for the car to drive itself. Cars are not yet ready to perform to drive itself or you being in the car controlling it.
The cars should have more sensors to be safer in the roads. And lot more smarter, it has to have a lot of control when driving in the high speed roads. Driverless cars has to have immedantly brakes and if it doesnt it may cause some serious damage to the car. May cause an accident.
Why you have to be in the car if you are not driving. If your going away for a long trip you should be driving instead of the car itself driving. Driverless car can miss under stand signals or stop working. The sensors can cause problems to it. It can be risky for the car driving you where you want to go.
If your in the car by your self and going for a long trip it would be boring. You would fall asleep easily and when your not paying attention and the car driving itself can cause some serious problems. Think about you falling asleep and up ahead a sign says constructions workers up ahead and the car alerts you and you still asleep you may cause a accident.
Waiting on the law should be another 5 to 10 years to check all driverless cars can do great in the roads.
And all states should agree take more time. Driverless cars technogly is risky because you so use to driving youself and now they think that their company of their cars are ready. And when passengers and pedestrians get in an accident cause of the technogly who fault is it? | 23
a4711ba | i belive that a electoral college COULD work if you get a proper way of selecting so it stated that there are 538 electors meaning 538 ideas and this is just facts the majority of people who are there are white not saying that thats wrong but what i am saying is that we need equal races so lets say three presidents are to pick from one is white(democratic) the second one is hispanic (republican) (more specificly mexican you will see why thats important later) and the third is african american(republican) so the 538 electors lets say 421 of them are white and 90 are african american so now total is 511 and now lets say 27 are hispanic (all races of hispanic) so I AM NOT saying that all the whites are gonna pick the white one. and all hispanic ones are gonna pick the hispanic ones etc. but i am saying that since 421 are white there gonna have a thing in comman with the white president why because there white same with all the races in the college but more specificly the white ones because of there past so i sugggest that we have and equal or close to equal amount of all races so americans korean mexican irish german polish chinease ghana etc. etc.
now like i said in the first paragraph the hispanic one in mexican now why that would be important is that since he is mexican a lot of ignorant people are gonna say he cant be president he needs to be born in merica well that is true but the thing is he is from america but his ethnicity is mexican so realy i should have refraised that he is mexican american meaning that the little loop whole has just been closed so he can be president but for the people who are still dumb and cant exept another race you still have hope if you look on the map of american the electoral college with the sencond most electors is in good old texas with 38 voters (the most goes to cali but thats not important) and what does texas have well one of the highest rates of mexican imigrants one of the highests numbers of kkk members you know racist stuff so yea with texas having one of the most i dont see an colored president in a long time i still have now idea why another guy cant be friends with some one cause there colored life is like a box of crayons one color the people like more and all the others they hate cant we all just be color blind so now im gonna hit you with some truth because the states with some of the highest rate of blacks and hispanics also have the lowest number of electors im not saying that the goverment said colored people there lets give them 5 voters its like that because the states with more black and hispanic people are also some of the poorest states in america so its not all the goverments fault good job america.
so how do we fix that well i say that the goverment should send money to not only to the state itself but to the citys in them so give some money to detroit and chigago without them we wouldent have the worst team in the nba (just kidding) and a team that had a legend so i also say take the number of states with more electors and transfer them to the smaller ones so take 10 from texas and give them to main and 15 from cailfonia and give them to all small state know what im saying or nah.
so on to the next thing that they need to fix so it says that the most populer vote becomes presidet seems pretty legit exept for the fact that its not legit at all if have some one that has done so much like serve in the military fought in afginistan or somthing like and he can do oficial stuff then he deserves it but if a actor runs for president some one like eddy murphey vs obama whos gonna win starts with and e and ends with a y who is it eddy murpey he will always win how do you think arnald shwazinager became govener of califonia and i know he had so skill if office but still a old man who uses steroids vs a middle aged man who know alot about being a president so i say we should get rid of the populer vote and pick the one with skill we should let the three best run america for one month each and see how each one does at the if we lose evrething well then they weren a good president now were they so yea it could work. | 01
45d004a | Dear Senator,
On the issue of keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote, I think it is both necessary and unnecessary to keep it the way even if it has been since the founding fathers established it in the Constitution many years ago. The electoral college consists of 538 electors. It only requries 270 of those votes to become the winner of the Electoral College. electorla college is good for the voting process by allowing the qulified people to vote for who they want in office. If we get rid of electoral college then we might not have as many well educated people voting for who gets put in office.
Even if we have the electoral college that dosnt always mean that we will for sure win the election. In 2000 Al Gore won the popular votes but did not win the presidency. There are just a few things that would maybe make the electoral college a little unfair. The state voters do not directly vote for the president, they vote for the electors, who in return vote for the president. State electors are chosen by,sometimes going to state conventions ,the state's party's committee, or even sometimes the presidential canditdates themselves. So with that being said it may be unfair to vote straight for electors and just vote for the president directly. Another thing that would make it unfair because of the "winner takes all" system in every state candidates them selves dont spend time in the states that they are repersenting.
What happens if there is a tie in the voting of the electors? In a case like that it would go to the house of repersentatives. If we do it by popular vote than we would not have to worry about there being a tie. People would be able to vote for who they wanted and that would be settled before it even started. If you think that a tie is not likely well in 1976 a tie would have happened if just a small number of votes, 5,559 would have just voted the other way. So saying that the electorla collage way of doing it has its upsides and its down sides. It is outdated and irrational. | 23
3cc72ff | When Nasa discovered this "face", at first they didn't know what to say. So they just passed it as another "Martian Mesa". "Scientist figured it was just another Martian Mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Eighteen years later after the Viking space trip, they decided to take more photos of it. The technology improved so it was giving them a clearer image. They got the pictures, and soon put them out for the public to see. "The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars". Thousands of people that were waiting for this image soon saw it was just a landform, "JPL website, revealing...a natural landform, There was no alien monument after all". Then later they figured out that the picture was acually a butte or mesa. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, landforms common around the American West". Garvin says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars". | 01
b7346f8 | I am in favor of keeping the electoral collage although you may think there are better ways to do it i think thats its worked for long enough so why change it now. ''Under the electoral collage syster voters vote not for the president , but for a slate of electors ,who in turn elect the president.'' " the electoral college is a process consists of the selection of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president and the counting of electoral votes by congress .'' theres nothing wrong with that and lastly it has a pourpose '' The electoral collage is a process not a place. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. so i feel that it has a pourpose in which its serving so im in favor | 12
9c8a075 | State Senator I disagree on keeping the Electoral College! For only the electors choose who is going to be the new President, I say we get dispose of it and change the election to most popular vote! That way we also have a say on who is going to be the new President and the new Vice President. For we also have to have a say on this.
The thing that is wrong with this system is that the voters do not vote for the President, but for the slate of the electors who in turn elect the President! like it says on source 2 paragraph 10 "If you lived in Texas and wanted to vote for [John] kerry
The Electoral College does not let us, the people, choose who is going to be the new President it only allows the electors choose who it's going to be by their vote! For an example on the 2000 U.S. Presidental race, Al Gore recieved more of the individual votes than George W. Bush, but Bush only the won election because he recieved 271 electoral votes than Al Gore's 266! It wasn't fair that | 12
f3d9d49 | Why exactlly should one spend there time in the Seagoing Cowboy program? Being in the Seagoing Cowboy program is a progam you should participate in. Just think about the many horses and cows that are harmed and need our after help after a war. This experience is a great one and you should try it.
Traveling is a big part of this amazing program, you get to see so many many historic sites and arcitecture. Being able to cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean by boat is pretty cool. One of the times this was used was in 1945 after World War II ended in Europe. Also in 1945 the Seagoing Cowboys helped after the Pacific War had ended.
After world War II ended many countries were ruined to help fix this 44 nations joined together to form the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). This is also a very good way to help in a fun way. The Seagoing Cowboy program saves many animals who would have else not made it through that deadly war or natural disaster. This is the program made for people who love animals. There are always cows or horses on board that are being rescued.
There is always work to be done as well. So, if your strong and like to work that could be a plus. Haybales and grain always need brought up from lower holds of the ship. Stalls always need cleaned and there is always work to be done. Sometimes you can catch a break on the way to another port and then you can relax.
So why should you join the Seagoing Cowboy program? Well for one reason, your helping so many animals and people too. There is always animals that need our help because well, animals can not talk for themselves so we have to be there for them. | 23
b1b3814 | In the text,"The challenge of Exploring Venus" it says that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. On paragraph 5 it says, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile coditions on the surface of venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." I says that NASA does more studying they are going to sent people to study Venus. while, they are studying for Venus they can float around Venus and see it around and how it looks like. In paragraph 7 it says," NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of slilcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." NASA has been trying to study Venus for a long time and they are trying to approach it so they are sending people to study Venus and they have made some inventions. They have been sending it with people that are going to venus and trying it out. NASA is trying to do something with computers called Mechanical Computers. These computer are going to be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. The computer are going to be more better than out computer and phones. In many ways is going to be hard because it does have some risk factor to go to Venus but they are trying to find new inventions are diging up old inventions like the mechanical computers. In many ways I would want to go but then I wouldn't because their is some risk to it. | 23
781dec8 | Science could be where we can possibly find advances and great inventions for the future. Now in days a machines can tell you how exactly you feel!. We are humans, but technology could change how we think, how we act and high chances how we live.
First of all, technology have changed how humans can be in the future like computers. But technolgy can have a negative impact too. Proffesor Thomas Huan, invented A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System can let humans know how they feel. They could even read your facial actiond
"There are more experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to comunicate." do you think science has gone too far?
Second, somethimes you can harshly tell when a friend its mad or happy.
How would you feel knowing that a computer knows every single emotion that you are feeling at the moment and the percentage for example 5% angry, 78% happy, 2% disgusted etc. The creator of this technology started with the basic emotions which are happiness,surprie, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. It would be creepy when you "Imagine a computer taht knows if your happy or sad."
Third, humans make calculations and guess the emotions of others. For instance, you can infer how a friend feels or just by looking at their face but you can't tell an accurate number of emotions like the computers."A classroom computer can recognize when a student is becoming confused or boring." with the big advances of technology we might not act like humans in the future.
In conclusion, Science play an importent roll in technology and technology have created machines that can tell your emotions. We are humans and by the advance of technology, future then might change the way we act, think and possibly live our lives. | 23
680d445 | The author supports the idea of studying Venus, despite the dangers it presents, extremely well in this article. He uses both good and bad features to portray the idea that Venus is a place where one day humans will be able to study it's exquisite qualities. The article as a whole, relays many strong facts and opinions as to why one should want rearchers to further study Venus.
In each paragraph, the author gives an argument as to why researches should strive to explore the planet in depth. For example, the author says,"Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet in termos of density and size, occasionally the closest in distance too." (Paragraph 2) As one reads this sentence they begin to compare Venus to Earth. This gives the idea that Venus is an interesting and diverse place with many complex attractions to discover, as one would think of Earth. However, the author will follow up with a counter argument, such as, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The author uses this technique of adding in a counter argument to allow the reader to see that the author also understands that Venus is not an easy planet to study up close.
Another tactic the author uses to persuade the reader that the planet is worth pursuing, is the explanation of their possible future plans to explore it. The author provides the reader with many detailed descriptions on their ideas. He says, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." (Paragraph 5) Not only does this sentence explain what NASA plans to one day achieve, it once again compairs an Earth expample to something on Venus. This allows the reader to feel as if they understand what NASA is willing to do to study this planet and provides them with a reason as to why they should think the same.
Lastly, the author explains how their methods of exploring the planet in the future will not only succeed in finding many new discoveries, but will be using older technology that uses no electricity. The author then goes to say, "The thought of computers exsisiting in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." (Paragraph 7) As one reads about the use of "mechanical computers" they can recieve a better comprehension of the challenges NASA is attempting to face to study this planet in more detail.
As one reads through this article, they are persuaded into believing that Venus is a planet worth exploring and trying to find discoveries on due to its close relation to Earth, NASA's perserverance to create a way to study it, and the many amazing things it has to offer. The author supports the idea of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well. | 34
f90d665 | Why do you believe the face was created by aliens? When looking at this image, you can think about that at first but if you believe it immediately, then there is something wrong about that. I will explain to you why the face was not created by aliens though i will also explain why someone may believe that.
The face is an image we found in 2001 that was taken by our Viking 1 spacecraft that was circling the Mars. The face is an area of land on Mars that has the illusion of a face. The illusion of the face comes from the shadows making the land look like it has a nose, eyes, and a mouth that resembles a human face. It was a surprise for most people here at NASA but we didn't believe it was alien works immediately because we didn't have any real evidence of it. It just so happened to be a patch of land that looked like a face.
We couldn't say it was made by aliens because we needed proof of that and we haven't studied Mars' enough to prove that aliens made the face. We know Mars is similar to Earth but it's still a different planet in our solar system. Although we hoped it might've been an alien civilization, we studied the face more and it was simply a landform similar to a mesa or butte of our world.
Even though we know it was just a landform, there are reasons we could see people saying it might've been made by aliens. We know Mars is able to sustain life because of it's conditions and there has been few deposits of water found there, but we have never found an actual living species on the planet itself. We as humans still don't know if aliens live on Mars or if aliens from other worlds exist at all. Many people believe there are aliens from other planets and some don't really care about the subject at all but it is possible that there's life on other planets.
Because we haven't figured out if Mars has life, people believe the strange and convinient findings on Mars (like the face) are works of alien beings. Although we have confirmed the face was not a work of aliens, we still don't know if aliens exist. We can conclude that the face is not the work of aliens but there just might be unearthly beings on our neighboring planet, Mars. Before we can confirm there are alien beings on Mars, we would need evidence to explain they do exist at all. But we can conclude, the face is not made by aliens. | 34
8d19eb4 | I think that this technology is not vauable because you can tell the emotion on someone's face by just looking at them. " A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage". These actors did not need technology to see their emotion they knew what their emotions already were. With this technology people are able to read your face and see what is wrong, why have this when you alrwady know what face your making and if other people around you know what face your making. In the story it say's " a computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face". Why have a machine do this when you can just simply ask what's wrong or why make that face? This machine could be millions of dollars, why spend money on that when you could already see what is wrong with that student. So no I do not think that this technology is valuable. | 12
39e422c | dear, state senator i argure that they should keep the electoral colege because it states in paragraph 1 that "the college is a process,not a place" so without it there would be no process to help figure out whitch person the president it not to mention are founding fathers established it in the constitution to compromise between elections by th evotes in congress. also the college process consists of eselections of electors and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. if we get ride of the college we will not have equal member. as you red more you notice that it says the college is widely regarded and without the electors we would not be able to elect are president. there are five reasons why we sould keep the college the electoral college is required to be there to elect the president the college restores some of the wight in the politics the collage also avoids the problem of election they are likley to be the most thankful votes they will be the person that gets the most informatiom and attention from the candidates.
the college also helps to make sure there is no pressure for run-off election.
this is my agument stating why you should keep the electoral college open thank you for your time and consisteration taylour sands | 12
ddc5a22 | Some people may think that the Face on Mars was made by aliens. Today I am here to share with you that scientificly it is just a natural landform. It is just a conspericy that the Face was made by aliens. The Mars Global Surveyor captured photos of what the Face looks like from above Mars. The image shows a landform on the planet that seems to look very much like a face.
The Face on Mars is scientificly known to be a landform in the planet. This landform is much like the Martian equvialent of a butte or mesa. The landform just so happens to look like a face. That's why many people believe that the lanform is was actually made by aliens. Do you know how there are craters on the moon? If so the "Face" is almost like that but instead of the crater going in, it's pushing outward. That is the easiest way to describe it.
So far NASA has not found aliens to be real. That doesn't meant that they aren't real. It just means that the face is highly unlikely to be made by aliens. But one day if NASA does discover aliens that might be a possibility that the "landform" was made by aliens. But until that day comes around it will just be considered a landform based on scientific facts.
The first spacecraft to see this landform was NASA's Viking 1 in 1976. Then 18 years later, on April 5, 1998, the MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time. The picture that the MOC was 10 times sharper than the orginal Viking photos. This became very popular at that time in the past. The Face was used in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, and radio talk shows. These things started all the talk about the face being created by aliens.
So in all the Face was not made by aliens at all. It just happens to be a natural landform in the shape of a face. I can see where everyone got mistaken but the facts are that it was not made by aliens. So now you will be able to say that you know a lot of things about the Face on Mars! That is everything that I can explain to you about the Face on Mars. | 23
25bb264 | Dear Senator,
If you were to question U.S. citizens about what an electoral college is, what would they say? Most of them don't even know its a process established in the Constitution in which electors "vote for president and vice president," and then are counted by the Congress (Source 1, paragraph 1). They don't realize that their votes can be over-riden by these votes. And those, if the very few, who do get it, are opposed. They would prefer another system, a more modernized system, and are disgruntle about how unfair the system is, not only about how the electors are chosen but how the larger states have an advantage in votes and in information.
Most voters are opposed to such systems, according to Source Two, "... over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now," (paragraph 9). Yet we still have the Electoral Colleges going. As active voters in todays society, we call for a fair system. We want, no, we need, to be treated fairly and not over-riden.
We need a system us as people can control ourselves. As in Source Two, I will ask you the question, "Who picks the electors in the first place?" Certainly not the citizens as a whole, most of the time its picked by the state governement in some shape or form, but sometimes, even the presidental candidates themselves can pick them (paaragraph 10)! As well as in Source Three, where its clearly pointed out that "... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people," (paragraph 15). It's outragous how easily they can pull the wool over our eyes, and even worse how we let them. But no more.
As you probably already know, each state's "...entitled allotment of electors equals the number of memebers in its Congressional delegation..." (Source One, paragraph 3). Most represntatives spend most of their time campaining in places like New York and California that the small states such as Rhode Island arent even visited. "In the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see candidates at all..." and that campaign was refered to as a "fiasco" in which the Electoral College caused a dispute (Selection 2, paragraph 13). This leaves the smaller states less informed and more likely to vote to the exact opposite of what they want, and yet they still have as much say in the vote. In Selection Three, it is said that the swing states (or larger ones) "... are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average (and for the further reason that they will have received the most information and attention from the candidates)," (paragraph 20).
Selection Two points out something very important that should be stressed, "... each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 5000,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 represantatives from California, who represnt 35 million votes," (paragraph 12). This shows the citizens aren't really being represented properly.
Altough many downfalls, "The Electorial College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states... lose" and "avoids the problem of elections in which no one recieves a majority of the votes cast,"(Source Three, paragragh 21 and 22). Yet still there can be holes poked in that, and all though unlikely, theres an even amount of votes so the vote could be split 50/50. Just imagine the chaos we could be thrown into.
Therefor, as a concerned citizen speaking as the voice of others, we demand a better system, for a simplerly system, for an equal system, for a system we can control ourselves. We demand for a direct system! So I ask, please, for you to speak to your friends, and speak out for your people, and put an end to the Electorial Colleges.
A concerned citizen. | 45
639ac54 | The Seagoing Cowboys program was very adventurous because of all the fun you can have along the way. When you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you have many opportunities to have fun, such as sight seeing, meeting new people in other countries, and at the end of the journey the holds where the animals were is opened up for many games everyone can play! The Seagoing Cowboys program was an adventure I'll never forget and I hope you'll become a Seagoing Cowboy yourself.
One of the reasons why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous was because of all the sight seeing. During my time as a Seagoing Cowboy, I went to many places all over the globe, including Greece, Italy, China, the Panama Canal, and many other places. Some places I went to were the trips of a life time. One of my favorite trips was the Acropolis in Greece. It was special to see and I cherished the opportunity. By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy yourself, you can make your own memories in the world.
Another reason why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous is the chance to help people in other countries. I helped a ton full of people as a Seagoing Cowboy and their smiles warmed my heart. By giving people the cattle they need, it ended up helping not only them, but me too. I'm greatful for the opportunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. Because of that awareness, my family ended up hosting many international students and exchange visitors for many years. You too can help many people in other countries and help them. By doing this, the world can become a greater place.
The final reason why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous is that the end of the journey and during the return, people can have a chance to loosen up a bit and play some games. When all of the cattle are in other countries, the places where they were stored become opened up and you're allowed to play games. Some coyboys enjoy playing baseball and volleyball games, while others like having Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. All of these games allow a cowboy to spend the rest of the way back having fun and if a cowboy doesn't want to play games, he can stay in his room and enjoy some quiet. You too can become a Seagoing Cowboy and have the experience of a lifetime.
As you can see, the Seagoing Cowboys program is the chance of a lifetime and a dream come true. By becoming a cowboy, you can make your own adventures and add a little spice to your life. Sight seeing, Meeting new people, and games are just the tip of the iceberg when you're a Seagoing Cowboy. Become a Seagoing Cowboy and you won't regret it. I hope you become a cowboy and have the adventure of a lifetime. | 34
80c6855 | Wow you really think an alien made a face that good! An alien couldn't have made that face. How would an alien know what a human face looks like if an alien never been to a planet with humans?
The Face on Mars is a natural landform. The face looks like it was just naturally there if an alien created that face it might look messy and sloppy. An alien would not be able to just draw a human's face as good as an actual human could. What tools would an alien use to make the face look like the face seen on Mars? Human's themselves visited Mars and saw the face.
According to paragraph 1 sentence 2, it clearly states that
human's were on an airship and circled all the way around Mars taking pictures and spotted the face. NASA said it was "the shadowy likeness of a human face". They say "the head is about two miles from end to end". The Face on Mars became pretty popular.The Face on Mars was every where all over the world movies, books, radios, stores,and magazines.
Some other scientists also thought that an alien could have made the Face on Mars. There was only one way to figure out if the Face on Mars was a natural landform or an alien created it. Jim decided he would go to Mars and take a better picture of the face. To see wether the face was made by an alien. He proved that "there was no alien monument after all".
After all an alien did not make the Face on Mars. The Face on Mars is just a natual landform. The pictures have proven it and so has scientists. | 12
137152d | Although the idea of driverless cars sounds fantastic, it seems a little too good to be true. I have faith in the engineers who will be designing the cars, but I have less faith in the people who will be in these self-driving cars.
As stated in the article "the Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over". That sounds easy enough, but what if the driver fell asleep? What if the driver had some kind of medical emergency and they fainted? What if the driver is paying too much attention to their phone to notice that there is an abstacle or accident ahead? What if? These are questions I don't want to answer from first hand experience. I do not trust other people to be responsible and ready to take action when the time comes for them to drive, perphaps in case of an emergency. At the same time, I do not want to put my life in the hands of a machine. Something could always malfunction.
When I think about future generations and how they might not have to learn how to drive, I get a little sentimental. Ever since cars have been around, its been a major milestone in a young peron's life to get their drivers license. Its a right of passage to becoming an adult. Getting your driver's license signals that you're independent. If self-driving cars really do become a thing of the future, getting a license might not be necessary, and young adults will no longer have this important right of passage.
Driving a car is a skill. Take NASCAR driving for example; its a sport based on skillful driving. Driving a car develops hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and problem solving abilities. If drivers make self-driving cars their main mode of transportation, they will no longer be developing these skills through driving. Driving your own car puts your life and others lives in your hands and forces you to think responsibily. Drivers will become careless and nonchalant about driving if they have driveless cars.
Who's to say that driverless cars are going to be revolutionary or fatal? The bottom line is that I'm putting my life into the hands of the car, and I only have one life. Why would I risk it? | 23
744604b | I would say that we keep the Electoral College because it has worked over the past century so why change it now. The people voting don't always know what they want in a president they might be undecided and just choose the best looking one. I mean yeah some have their facts straight and know how the president they are voting is going to help the united states become a better country overall. When people have to much freedom they don't know what to do and do wrong choices so i think choosing a elector is a good thing they have studied the president and have heard countless promises that he has done. I mean he or she most likley will vote for the candiate running for president you did because he or she is a elector he or she gets the people who also voted for the same person as he or she wants.
I mean we people are still voting we still have the vote just that our vote goes to choosing a certain elector instead of just directly leaving it to the people to vote for a ceratin candiate running for president. By this the number is much smaller since each country is weighed and is worth certain points and decided by electors you choosed to trust to vote for the same president you did. You still are in control just that you choose somebody he/her is not likely to change his or her mind and vote for the exact person you want he or she to vote for. It stated in the article that "Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candiate's politcal party." I say that if the candidate political party chooses the electors then they must be good and the party must be sure the elector won't change his mind out of no where.
This does make the candiate running for president try to convience the electors he is the one they need and that he will help our country be better. This also helps the candiate running for president know what states he should go to since some states they already know they lost. It stated in the article that "A solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the south,has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win."So this keeps the president from having to go to every state because its just no based of popular vote and want every individual person votes for.
I think the Electoral college is great and well organized the process is good and the only thing is does is make the voting process more easier and ordered. I think we should keep it i mean it has had his troubles her and there but it has worked so good for such a long time. We don't want to change it and create choas since a lot of people are not use to change and don't take it quite well. I hope this is the way we keep on voting i think its great and that changing it would just make things harder on everybody. | 34
4067a1e | Personally I think that kind of technology is very valueable. The fact that we have that kind of tech is amazing and by advancing our schools with the rate
of technology we could make us a smarter country as a whole. For many teachers it can be very difficult to get a student to understand and like the material that is being taught to them. Even if they do, the emotions of a student can change and while some teachers can see a diffrence others can not. Brining this kind of technology into the classroom can help students start to want to come to the classroom and ingage in their education because the computer can recognise the kind of learning thechnique is need for each individual student. Instead of having only one teaching method that might only work for a small percent of the class.
This computer and its algorythms can identify if a student is getting bored or being unattentive ,so it can change its technque of teaching in the matter of seconds. For many people that can be extremly difficult to detect. More so if the student only changed its facial expression by just a bit. Although this could possibly be expensive it would be a good investment as a whole because in the long run the country or even around the world could benifit from smarter more attentive students.
In conclusion although it might seem like a bad idea we should imploment this kind of technology into the classrrom to further engage our students into good learning habits and a better more personal kind of education. | 23
a5ba699 | Driverless cars are a smart idea in my opinion. There are multiple benefits of having a driverless car, and even though there are disadvantages as well, the pros out weigh the cons in this case. The inventors of these types are cars are extremely bright people and know what they are doing. There have been studies shown how beneficial driverless cars can be and I agree with them.
The next new thing in technology car wise would be a driverless car. Sebastian Thrun said that it would not have been possible to make something this interesting before 2000 because we did not possess the equipment and tools we needed to accomplish much. However, as time has gone on and technology has become better, we are able to make driverless cars now. The people that are working on the driverless cars are making them as safe as possible. The cars contain many sensors to warn the driver when assistance is needed. For example, in the passage it says, that the drivers seat will vibrate in case the vehicle may back over something. There are also flashing lights on the windshield as a warning sign. The inventors have also created cameras to make sure the car can watch the driver to be sure they are alert. A driverless car would be an amazing accomplishment but as of right now the car cannot do everything by itself. The drivers would still need to pay attention and be ready to take the wheel at any moment. Since the driverless car is still a work in progress, it cannot drive through construction or accident cites easily. The inventors of the car are making it safe with all the sensors and warning signals needed, but sometimes that is not enough, accidents still could occur. If an accident were to occur I do not believe that the manufacturers should be blamed. They have made the car the best they can and would not allow people to drive it without warning them about how the car works. In my opinion it would most likely be the drivers fault for not paying attention or neglecting the warnings of the car. A driverless car will be a fantastic accomplishment to be made. However, we as the potential drivers have to take caution and understand completely how to handle the car.
I know that someday there will be driverless cars that can travel through accident and construction cites without any help. However, until then we must work with what we have and try our best not to jeopardize the chances of building an actual driverless car. We as drivers can accomplish this by being alert when riding in a driverless car and being understanding if an accident were to occur. | 34
db7fcab | Venus is sometimes called "Evening Star" which is a misleading nick name. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author suggest studying Venus because it's similar to Earth. It's has been called as Earth's "twin". It's the second planet by the sun.
Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. It's temperatures average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. By astronomers it was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. It stated the "the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains and carters". This proves that it's atmosphere is similar to Earth.
In conclusion not only it's similar but not many study it. Since it was studied by far from photography and videography which means it's not studied compeletly. It stated that "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else". It's also not an easy conditions, but survivable for humans. The author suggest studying Venus because the author thinks that "travels on Earth and beyond should not be limeted by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet he very edges of imaginations and innovation". | 12
0bebdc5 | Driverless cars are coming out really close to use! I think they will be a really good advantege because they can be helpful for disabled people, they can help get around serority(old) people and a really good advantege for people that hate driving during the night part of the day and even for long trips. I wouldn't consider myself as a person agenst or with the driveless cars, because in my point there are good and bad things about these cars. Would you trust a driveless car to drive you around?
Places like Florida, Nevada, California, and direct columbia have let people drive these cars around there city because they believe that they would be able to work and would like to be know for were the car was used at.
Acorrding to the book it says that "The law belives that more states will follow as soon as the cars are aproved and safe." Automakers are continuing on fixing the problem that are willing to be solved be for they are aproved. The BMW company has tried to make a driveless car but can out different from what they expected.
The driveless cars are not that bad, i mean the help you drive around. They icluded a GPS, a Dubbed LIDAR for a 3-D car surrounding. The have also reduced the engine power and applyed brakes on the individual wheel which allows better respones and contral then a human diver could. The BMW company made a car close being to the driveless car, the car can function up to 25mph but has a sersor made to make sure that the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact the car can steer, it can accelerate and brake by its self but it is also desigined to navigate the road ahead to tell the driver when it requires human skilld, it will navigate working zones and even accidents. So most of these cars still requiere human skills and are not ready yet have earned the driveless car name.
Some cars have considered using carmeras to watch that the drive is focued on the road. The GM has requested vibrating seat's for the driver, which could be a bad idea to put in a driveless car that they dont even know if it is ready to work on it's own without kill or having someone injurd yet. Most of the thing included to the cars can be displayed but something not avalible to the drive is texting will drive that is a system featured of the safty.
Driveless cars sound like a fun thing to try out but we'll never find out if its really safe to use, even when they announce it and say it is. I still think there is a good side and a bad side to it because the only word to know about something and to test it is if its same for us to trust. Most companys like Nissan, Mercedes, Benz, Audi have said that they would have a car that can drives themselves by 2020, but i would belive that Mercedes would have a driveless car ready by 2020, but would behard to belive in right? We just have to wait and find about till car companys have more progress and information for us about the cars, which i hope soon because i would really like to try out this drivelss car, wouldn't you like to try it out? | 23
3644611 | Imagine someone that is so familiar with a friend or loved one that they can tell what emotion they're feeling without having to say anything at all. Better yet, imagine if something was this smart. In the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author, Nick D'Alto, tells the readers about a new technology created to read the emotional cues from a human to further the communicable relationship between computers and humans alike. This technology, created by Professor Thomas Huang, "calculates" the emotions displayed on the face of the user of the computer, and was said to encourage learning and help the boredom and other emotions often felt by humans when learning. Later on in the article, D'Alto writes about how helpful this superior technology would be in the classroom and other learning environments, compared to the average computer used in schools all around the world. The technology described in the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," that reads the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable to learners all over the world and should be used in modern-day schools.
The advanced technology recently created to read the emotions of the user, and impact the way they learn in the classroom is helpful and valuable. This is shown throughout the article by describing how the technology works and how it can be used to locate the emotions on the users' face. "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software can track these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa," (Paragraph 4). This quote describes to the reader the advancements of this technology, and just how unique the technology is in its intelligence. "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc... His [Dr. Huang] new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code," (Paragraph 5). This quote is helpful in giving the reader more information about how advanced this technology is, and how superior it is to even the skill of humans. Together, these quotes show that the technology would ultimately be more valuable in the classroom for the use of students.
One may even ask, "How would this technology helps students?" The answer to that very question lies in the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile." This special software is very important to students because it could very well increase their chances of success in the classroom. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor," (Paragraph 6). This quote gives the reader more information about how helpful this computer software could be in a learning environment, by being able to keep the learner's attention on the knowledge they are consuming. Another quote, from paragraph 6, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad will follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This quote explains more examples of the skills of the computer technology, and gives the reader an idea about how students can use these basic, yet complicated tools to their advantage in the classroom.
This great technology can be so helpful to students, teachers, and employees in almost all kinds of learning environments by being able to give each and every person the best kind of learning session that they need. The technoloical devices at schools in this day and age just seem inferior to the kind of learning one can get via this advanced software created by Dr. Huang. "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile," (Paragraph 7). This quote shows evidence in the comparison between regular technology and the unique technology that is created for the use of learning in a classroom. Another quote from the article, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful," (Paragraph 8), tells the readers that there are signs of false emotions and real emotions. These signs are easily caught by the technology software, and used to make learning easy and fun in the classroom, which can be extremely beneficial in the long run for school systems and teachers.
Technology these days can be used for both good or bad things, and often, technology is used for both. But a technology that is so helpful for learning and other school things is good, and needs to be used in order to improve a learning environment. The technology software that can read human emotion, and from there, improve the knowledge a student consumes is so very important and valuable. That's why this superior and advanced technology is valuable to students and school systems all over the world. | 45
8a5813c | In the article "Unmasking the Face on mars" their was a landform face shape on mars located at 41 degrees north latitude. Many people believe that the face on mars was alien marking but truth is it was a natural landform, there was no alien monument after all.
"Thousands of anxioius web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform.There was no alien monument after all." This was located in paragraph 7 sentence 2 this is stating that this was just a landform.
From the looks of it, it would be questionable about aliens becasue it looks like a face that people wouldn't exspect for a landform to look like, but stutistics shows that it was just a landform and nothing else. Not everyone will agree to this day but scientist have done all the research as it is stated in this passage but the its a landform and research can prove it. | 12
f356a4c | Should driverless cars be allowed.?They should not be allowed because you can get really hurt, More time on repair,More accidents. These reasons support why I think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Should driverless cars be allowed, No because you can get really hurt. that topic supports why i think driverless cars should not be allowed because if you cant control what is going on then how do you think that you can avoid accidents or say someone is not paying attention and they pull out in front of you and you cant just slam on the breaks you have to wait for a sensor to be tricked so that way your car will stop this will lead to more accidents and or more deaths. This reason supports why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Furhter, driverless cars should not be allowed becuse they will cost more to repair. I say that because say you are driving down the road and something in the engine goes out and it causes you to be on the side of the road stranded. your gonna have to pay for a tow truck. also when you go in to get the car cheecked out and the part that blew out was something that they dont have in stores so you have to get it shipped which is already taking two to three business days to get here so your gonna be with out a car until then so your gonna have to rent a car which costs a fourtion,or the part that you need is brand new so its gonna be really expensive. Then you have to pay for someone to put the part in for you because since this is a driverless car and the techonology is new your not gonna know what goes were. these reason support why i think driverless cars should not be allowed. Lastly, do you think driverless cars should be allowed?. No, because there will be more accidents. I say that because a driverless car means that the person in the driver seat can not control the car in any way. so if you get to going fast and then your mom or dad calls or textes you and you have to look down and then when you look down a car cuts you off and gets in your lane then causes you to flip your car and or die. These reason support why i think that driverless cars should not be alowed. In conclusion, do you think that driverless cars should be allowed. no, I say that because you could get reallly hurt, cost more money to repair,and more accidents these reasons support why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed. | 23
2b7513d | The thought of having a driverless car appeals to many people for many reason. Some would feel like they could do other things such as talking on the phone would become safer with this. Others could feel like it would be a step closer to possibly having a floating, driverless car. With all this, people have to ask themselves, what could be the negative effecrs of having a driverless car? Diverless cars
should not be delevoped, because there are still many unknown answers.
There have been many advancments on car safty since automakers used speed sensors in the wheels when they created antilock brakes in the 1980s. Now adays you can buy a car that can detect when you are going to back into something that you can't see or came out of nowhere. With the driverless car, you have to worry about something malfuntioning while you're in the middle of traffic or if the car stopped working altogether. In paragraph 9, the author says "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufactures?" This is something that many people will debate about. Some will say that it was the manufacturer because they didn't check car to see if it had any faults. While others will say that it was the driver because they "behind the wheel", but whose fault would it really be?
Many teenagers look forward to being able to drive. They may study for long hours and practice parallel parking so they can pass their drivers test, and the long a waited drivers license. Would the develpment of driverless cars take away the need for having your licence altogether? People would assume that anyone could have one because they wouldn't driving.
Even with this, people would more then likely need to be tested on how to operate a driverless car and be trained to be able to look for signs that the the car has a technical problem that needs to be fixed right away.
With every new discovery and advancement, there are many questions that still ned to be answered. Driverless cars should not be develped because there are still some important answers that still need to be looked into. Many safety issuses need to be disscused, as well as what would be the sutible age to be able to opperate one. | 34
667aec9 | In 1945 world war two was going on in Europe. Don Reist invited Luke Bomberger to go to Europe. When they got there Luke and Don both sighed up to help with the animals that were shiped overseas.
In the story it said, in August 1945,Luke and Don bolth got there orders to go to New Orleans. Luke and Don arrived they day the war ended. the they went to greece Luke turned 18 before arriving at greece and Luke might be able to get drafted foe the millitary.
Accroding to the text, By the time Luke was drafted he had already made 9 trips the most of any seagoing cowboy. Luke was traviling from the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern caost of the united states. Luke said it took about two weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean and a mounth to get to China. Luke was carring for the animals that were crossing and they had to fed and waterd two or three times a day.
the animals food had to be pulled from the lower holds of the ship so they could eat. Luke was prepard for this because he had to help out on his aunts farm.
Conclusion, On one rany cold night Luke was on watch to watch the animlas and he went to go tell the captian the report and he slipped down the ladder and had cracked ribs. | 01
cb7fe75 | Come and Join the Seagoing Cowboys
Come join the Seagoing Cowboys. This essay will give many reasons as to why you should join, the Seagoing Cowboys.
If you like taking care of livestock then this is a job you will want. While you are on the boat you will have to,clean stalls,feed the livestock,clean livestock,and possiblly do night watch. While you are coming back from the place you dropped off the animals at,you could paticipat in table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games.
If you like traveling then this is the perfect job for you. You are traveling all the time with the Seagoing Cowboys program. Going place to place is something something we Seagoing Cowboys do all the time. Trips as long as a month have happened or some as long as one day. I have taken nine trips now.
Also us Seagoing Cowboys love to see tourist atractions. So far I have seen The Acropolis in Greece, the City of Venice,Italy a city of streets of water, toured an excavated castle in Crete, and marveled at the Panama Canal my way to China.
The danger and risks you will take are huge! Once I was on night watch and I had to go down and check on the animals every hour. I was coming up a ladder,and slipped. That night I had almost fallen into the Atlantic ocean. I was lucky to escape with my life,but I broke a couple of ribs. That next day I couldn't do my job, so my captin let me take a day off.
I hope you join me and my crew. Become a Seagoing Cowboy. Seagoing Cowboys have to be tough,both pysical and mentally. I took the risks, will you? | 23
2254969 | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus"
Venus is a one of the brightest point of light in the nigth sky. The author of this article talk some example that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide also on the planet surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what experience on our planet. He talk of all this conditions are really extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. After he explain that not matter that conditions the antromers are facinated by Venus because they that it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. And that Venus maybe one day it can be our home and humans can live in there. For the moment the NASA some Ideas in how study venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because the NASA study Venus they wiil sent humans to venus, in a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the roiling venusian landscape. Like jet airplanes that travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, that vesicle will fly over venus without touching the ground and giving them the oportunitie to study Venus. But it could not work because the temperture would still be at toasty at round 170 degrees Fahrenheit and the solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth levels. But as a challenge many researchers are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to their knowledge of venus. Some examples are simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos os venus surface, and have lasted for theree weeks in such conditions. Other project is to look back to an old techonology called mechanical computers.
My conclusion of this essay is that the author does a good supporting of his evaluacion the idea to study venus by giving some waht it wiil happed if they sent some their with just something that they are not really sure. He gives some some good examples what the NASA will do as using old technology called mechanical computer. And using some silicon.He give some bad explanations that what it will happend but give some really good information about what the NASA is working in to explore venus. Also meet the challengepresent by venus has value not only because of the insigth to be gained on the planet itself, but also bacause human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. It said that we should not be limit by dangers, we should explore and expanded to meet the imagination and innovation. | 23
30c179a | Driverless cars, is this in our future? Driverless cars have become a growing topic in the past years. Recently, more information has become visible to the general public. Are these cars a good idea? I believe driverless cars are not needed in the near future. Development of these cars is an unneeded advancement in technology. Driverless cars, as of the technology we are now given, are not as reliable as an independent driver, they invade your privacy, and it would take more money to install technology in roads to be able to make use of these cars. Driving is a symbol of independence, in the sense that you are given the responsibilty and freedom to go virtually any location you please by driving yourself there.
Self driving is a commonly used way of transportation amongst many individuals. Driving is a way of transporting ones self from point A to Point B. When most individuals are driving, the average spped exceeds 25 mph. Driverless cars are only reliable for simple driving functions up to 25 mph. "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact, none of the cars are completely driverless." If driverless cars were to become a prominent part of every driver's life, would it be very practical? In the article, the author states what the cars are capable of, even with the driverless technology, the car will never be fully independent. The car is not completley driverless, this will be an unneccassary advancement until manufacturers create a truly driverless vehicle. So, using these new cars may be seemingly pointless, as the driver will still need to be paying attention and the car has sensors to make sure the driver is paying attention. This leads me to my next point, is a driverless car worth giving up your privacy?
Driverless cars not only have sensors on the wheels to make sure you are paying attention, they have cameras on your dashboard to ensure you are paying attention. "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver." While some people may argue this is for the safety of the driver, there is no valid reasoning that there should be a manufacturer watching your every move to ensure you are paying attention on the road. Cars that have been driven that are not driverless have been doing, overall, well. While drivers are able to pay attention to the road regularly, having a camera creates an unwanted pressure to the driver. Adding the pressure of knowing you are constantly being watched as a driver can raise your stress levels, resulting in frustrated driving. Frustrated driving is an unsafe form of drivng, where as driving while relaxed and unwatched, relieves the pressure of knowing you are not the only person in the car. In addition, in the current days and in the past, has there ever been a need for manufacturers to put a camera in your dashboard to make sure you are driving safely? The answer to that question is no. Drivers, while not being watched, are expected to follow the laws and pay attention. Using cameras in the car and invading the privacy of the driver is an unneccasary addition, as there will only be use for the driverless portion of the car for up to 25 mph; therefore there is no further reasoning to begin developing these new vehicles.
If driverless cars are only useful for up to 25 mph, is there really any practical use for them? If driverless cars become the new form of transportation, there will be money involved that a lot of people do not have. Having smart cars requires smart-roads, ones that can communicate with the car to ensure the safest possible driving experience. "These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." When manufacturers create these smart roads complementary to their smart cars, who will be paying for them? The most likely answer is a raise in already inflated car prices. When the smart-roads are installed, hypothetically speaking, will the road be smart enough to communicate with all different manufacturers types of cars? Will they allow regular cars to drive on them? How long will the instillation take and will it be on every road? These are all things that require time and money. Manufacturers see the big picture of driverless cars running the roads, but that simply can not be the case, given all of the obstacles needing to be overcome and all of the questions that require answers. With all of the money it will require to run cars that are still dependent on drivers, will there be any valid reasoning to spend all of this money on new roads and new car development?
With all of the advancements in technology, there should be a threshold to the items consumers want versus what they need. Manufacturers should not be trying to create new technology, but improving what they already have created. Using driverless cars, still require a driver to pay attention and take control after a certain point, invade your privacy by watching you with a camera, and require more money to create the new road systems and create new cars. In conclusion, I believe there is no practical reasoning that these cars should be further developed. | 56
3d03dc5 | The use of this new technology will be very helpful for many things. It will allow people such as police to tell how a certain suspect is feeling so that you may realise if they are lying or being deceitful. It will be able to determine how you feel when you are in certain situations as well as when in the eigth paragraph it states that the clues the technology will use can spot when a politician or celebrity isn't being truthful about their current situation. This new technology will also be able to revolutionize security by having you make a face to unlock a certain door or area.
In my opinion this technology can be the foundations for creating fully functional AI(Artificial Intelligence). If it is used in a restaraunt where it servers people or is a waiter, it will be able to detect if a customer is unhappy and can offer them something so that they can cheer up, or in areas such as military, it will be able to detect a war criminals face to show if a certain interogation is being efficient or not. In fields such as a medical field, it can detect if a patient is truly in pain or lying in an attempt to get a certain medication, or if a patient is feeling pain during a surgery while they are unconcious. There have been thousands of reports of people undergoing a surgey where they are supposed to be unconcious but the medicine used doesn't fully work and it paralyzes them for the remainder of the surgery, this could be used to see smaller muscle movents that the human eye wouldn't be able to recognize. The use of this new technology would be able to revolutionize our current standing and position with the creation of fully functional artificial intelligence.
To conclude the use of this new technology can be used in all fields, commercial, military or medical. This is truly the next step into having AI that can be used for multi-purpose across many fields. We are just a few years to a few decades of research away from having the technology to have a AI just roaming around a town to check on certain people or to watch and make sure a area is safe and if it needs to mark down a certain suspect by memorizing the subject or person face for it to be analyzed in a crime lab. | 34
e2202d5 | The development of driverless cars, although is a step into the future for society and the world, should not be continued. These cars offer more negative aspects than positive, and suggest many conflicts for the future.
With today's technology, even though there is usually someone in complete control of the car, many faults occur and lead to issues anyway. Technology of all kinds are known for breaking down and malfunctioning; so if you can't trust a human to operate a vehicle with the chance of there still being some sort of problem (collisions, breakdowns, etc.), then you can only infer that when a driverless car is put into the same situation, that there will still be problems. Also since these driverless cars will consist of newer and unknown technology, they will be more prone to breaking down and causing difficulties for the passengers.
This leads to the problem of: who will be blamed for the accidents? Will the owner of the vehicle be blamed for, or will the manufacturers? What will happen when the technology fails? According to the passage, completely new laws will need to be made to cover things such as liability for accidents and new traffic laws will have to be created as well. A few states actually have a band on driverless cars which means that
if these vehicles do prosper, then there will be a few roadblocks ahead for those who choose to operate these cars. Unless the states lift the bans, owners of driverless cars will not be able to travel through certain states.
The ban could potentially be lifted, but what is the ban really protecting people from? According to what companies have already created, cars are still not fully capable of driving on their own. They require human asisstance in certain situations, which means that the driver will have to remain focused on the road as well. This is most likely not the point of having a "Driverless Car".
With today's technology, current laws, and the developement of what you could call semi-driverless cars, the world- or at least the country of the United States- is better off without these vehicles for now. Untill further projects and research has been done, these cars should not be developed and driven on roads unless the correct technology is created. | 34
88b80dc | The technology that they have produced is very interesting and for sure can be useful. I think that it can be very beneficial to not only a classroom environment, but other types of environments aswell.
For a classroom i think it is very valuable. I think it is valuable, because teachers and other staff members can use the information to change the way they teach. They could also use it as a way to change the way they behave to students. For example if there is a teacher doing his/hers usual lesson, and the students find this teachers way of instructing/teaching very boring. The instructor could use this information, and change the way they do things in the classroom. Maybe the teacher is not very energetic and very bland at talking. Maybe their assignments are too difficult and/or confusing. The information will let the teacher know that the students are bored and aren't paying attention or confused, and then he could use that information as an advantage to spice up the lesson, or change the assignment. As it says in paragraph 6, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Not only could we use the technology for learning purposes only, but for a student/teachers mental well-being also.
This technology could also used by detecting if a student is going through tough times. The technology can pick it up with the students facial expressions, and it could take note and inform the staff at the school. If the emotions are constant (I say constant because everyone has their bad days) maybe the student is depressed, or having problems at home or school even, and the technology can pick it up and inform the school. From there the school could get help for the student, or talk with them.
All in all I think that there are a lot of benefits to computers reading emotional expressions at school. It could benefit the learning environment, and also a student/teachers mental stability. Also im sure that there are many more reasons than that. I think that this can be something to look more for in the future and expand and improve more upon it. | 34
a194df9 | Although, some may say its invassive to have this type of technology in the classroom, many experts belive it would be revlotionary to have this in the classroom. This wouldn't only be good for the teachers, it would also be great for the students.
Just imagine you're sitting in your class and the teacher is going on about something that your not that interested in. Sudenly they change the subject to something that you're actually excited about. The passage states "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored-Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". This would be great for the students because it would cause them to actually enjoy wants going on and the teacher will be able to taylor the lesson to their perferce. It would be even better for the teachers because it would only tell them that the students are bored, it will be able to inform the teacher if they are going too fast or too slow. The teachers will be able to make that adjument on the fly. Which could lead to better test scores and so on.
On the other side of the story, some students and teachers may veiw this Facial Action Coding System too invasive. Not everyone wants to get read like a book. Some students could've been in a bad mood so they walked in class witha bored or upset facial expression. Which can to the teacher trying to fix something that they have nothing to do with. Many students have many diffrent preferces, some students may find one subject interesting while another group of students do not. Then that could put a lot of pressure on the teachers.
Overall, the FACS would be a extreamly valuable in the class room. Not only will it be able to help teachers help their students, it could also lead to much higher test scores and so much more. | 23
82830f3 | What are your thoughts of the "Face on Mars"? I think it is just a natural land form. I think it's just a landform becuase Earth has it's own form like mountains, so it could just be a mountain. There could be other theories that it isn't a landform, but I think that's what it is and here is why. Earth has techtonic plates, Mars might too, so far, we haven't found existing life on any other planets other than earth so Martians couldn't have built something like the pyramids.
To start off, Earth has techtonic plates we have known about them for many years and we know that the plates are always moving. With the plates always moving that's what formed the Himalaya Mountains and is what casuses them to continue getting taller. I think the "Face" on Mars is just and example of techtonic plates that are costantly moving and making the "Face" more definant every few years. Just the same way as the Himalayan Mountains not every year do we see a direct change in height with just our eyes. We have to measure it out to find out how much those plate techtonics have moved. That is what I believe is happening with the face, I think that since we aren't able to view it every year and measure how much more defiant it is that the year before or if it has even changed.
There's two sides to every argument here's the other side. If the face hasn't changed we could just asume there was life on mars that built it, but as technology increases and we can have a better view of the face and see how much more defiant it was from 1976-2001. It would be a more logical idea to think that it is just the planet moving or plates shifting. SInce on April '98 it was a cloudy day and winter perhaps alien markings were hidden by the clouds.
Although, as I continued reading in the passage, on April 8, 2001 a cloudless summer day in Cydonia they were able to get a second looke at the Face. In 2001 the resolution was much better and you could see the image more clearly. Garvin said, "As a rule of thumg, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the airplanes on the ground or the Egyptian-style pyraminds or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" The picture actually shows the Martian equalicant of a butte or mesa landforms common around the West in America. Since the photo can go up to high amounts of resolution and we should be able to see of there is proof of Marian life and their buildings, I don't think a real thing. RIght now the face looks like a natural land form.
To conclude my argument that the face is just a natural landform, I would have to say even though, there are some conspircy theories only one thing can be proven to be correct in science. Earrth has techtonic plates and so there's a great chance Mars does to, then only thing that could lead anyone to belive there was life on Mars would be the one photo that was taken in April of '98 when it was cloudy and winter. Lastly, there hasn't been any evidenve of life on Mars or any other planet, so therefore it was just a natural landform on the planet. | 34
Subsets and Splits