instruction,input,output,, Explain the linux command,ls,The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories,, Explain the linux command,pwd,Print working directory command in Linux,, Explain the linux command,cd,Linux command to navigate through directories,, Explain the linux command,mkdir,Command used to create directories in Linux,, Explain the linux command,mv,Move or rename files in Linux,, Explain the linux command,cp,Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux,, Explain the linux command,rm,Delete files or directories,, Explain the linux command,touch,Create blank/empty files,, Explain the linux command,ln,Create symbolic links (shortcuts) to other files,, Explain the linux command,cat,Display file contents on the terminal,, Explain the linux command,clear,Clear the terminal display,, Explain the linux command,echo,Print any text that follows the command,, Explain the linux command,less,Linux command to display paged outputs in the terminal,, Explain the linux command,man,Access manual pages for all Linux commands,, Explain the linux command,uname,Linux command to get basic information about the OS,, Explain the linux command,whoami,Get the active username,, Explain the linux command,tar,Command to extract and compress files in Linux,, Explain the linux command,grep,Search for a string within an output,, Explain the linux command,head,Return the specified number of lines from the top,, Explain the linux command,tail,Return the specified number of lines from the bottom,, Explain the linux command,diff,Find the difference between two files,, Explain the linux command,cmp,Allows you to check if two files are identical,, Explain the linux command,comm,Combines the functionality of diff and cmp,, Explain the linux command,sort,Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting,, Explain the linux command,export,Export environment variables in Linux,, Explain the linux command,zip,Zip files in Linux,, Explain the linux command,unzip,Unzip files in Linux,, Explain the linux command,ssh,Secure Shell command in Linux,, Explain the linux command,service,Linux command to start and stop services,, Explain the linux command,ps,Display active processes,, Explain the linux command,kill and killall,Kill active processes by process ID or name,, Explain the linux command,df,Display disk filesystem information,, Explain the linux command,mount,Mount file systems in Linux,, Explain the linux command,chmod,Command to change file permissions,, Explain the linux command,chown,Command for granting ownership of files or folders,, Explain the linux command,ifconfig,Display network interfaces and IP addresses,, Explain the linux command,traceroute,Trace all the network hops to reach the destination,, Explain the linux command,wget,Direct download files from the internet,, Explain the linux command,ufw,Firewall command,, Explain the linux command,iptables,Base firewall for all other firewall utilities to interface with,, Explain the linux command,sudo,Command to escalate privileges in Linux,, Explain the linux command,cal,View a command-line calendar,, Explain the linux command,alias,Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands,, Explain the linux command,dd,Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks,, Explain the linux command,whatis,Find what a command is used for,, Explain the linux command,top,View active processes live with their system usage,, Explain the linux command,useradd and usermod,Add new user or change existing users data,, Explain the linux command,passwd,Create or update passwords for existing users,, Explain the linux command,whereis,Locate the binary source and manual pages for a command,, Explain the linux command,apt,Package manager,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + C,Kill process running in the terminal.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + Z,Stop the current process. The process can be resumed in the foreground with fg or in the background with bg.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + W,Cut one word before the cursor and add it to the clipboard.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + U,Cut part of the line before the cursor and add it to the clipboard.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + K,Cut part of the line after the cursor and add it to the clipboard.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + Y,Paste from clipboard.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + R,Recall the last command that matches the provided characters.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + O,Run the previously recalled command.,, Explain the linux command,Ctrl + G,Exit command history without running a command.,, Explain the linux command,clear,Clear the terminal screen.,, Explain the linux command,!!,Run the last command again.,, Explain the linux command,exit,Log out of the current session.,, Explain the linux command,find [path] -name [search_pattern],Find files and directories that match the specified pattern in a specified location.,, Explain the linux command,find [path] -size [+100M],See files and directories larger than a specified size in a directory.,, Explain the linux command,grep [search_pattern] [file_name],Search for a specific pattern in a file with grep.,, Explain the linux command,grep -r [search_pattern] [directory_name],Recursively search for a pattern in a directory.,, Explain the linux command,locate [name],Locate all files and directories related to a particular name.,, Explain the linux command,which [command],Search the command path in the $PATH environment variable.,, Explain the linux command,awk '[search_pattern] {print $0}' [file_name],Print all lines matching,, Explain the linux command,ls,List files and directories in the current directory,, Explain the linux command,ls -a,List all files and directories in the current directory (shows hidden files),, Explain the linux command,ls -l,List files and directories in long format,, Explain the linux command,pwd,Show the directory you are currently working in,, Explain the linux command,cd,Change directory,, Explain the linux command,cd ~,Change directory to $HOME,, Explain the linux command,cd ..,Move up one directory level,, Explain the linux command,cd -,Change to the previous directory,, Explain the linux command,cd [directory_path],Change location to a specified directory,, Explain the linux command,dirs,Show current directory stack,, Explain the linux command,df -h,Check free and used space on mounted systems.,, Explain the linux command,df -i,Show free inodes on mounted file systems.,, Explain the linux command,fdisk -l,Display disk partitions sizes and types with the command. Explain the linux command,du -ah,See disk usage for all files and directories.,, Explain the linux command,du -sh,Show disk usage of the current directory.,, Explain the linux command,mount,Show currently mounted file systems.,, Explain the linux command,findmnt,Display target mount point for all file systems.,, Explain the linux command,mount [device_path] [mount_point],Mount a device.,, Explain the linux command,tar zxvf [file_name.tar.gz],Extract files from a gzipped tarball,, Explain the linux command,cd [extracted_directory],Change directory to the extracted directory,, Explain the linux command,./configure,Prepare the source code for compilation by generating makefiles,, Explain the linux command,make,Compile the source code using the makefiles,, Explain the linux command,make install,Install the compiled software,, Explain the linux command,sudo snap install [package_name],Install a Snap package,, Explain the linux command,sudo snap find [keyword],Search for a package in the Snap store,, Explain the linux command,sudo snap list,List installed Snap packages,, Explain the linux command,flatpak install [package_name],Install a Flatpak package,, Explain the linux command,flatpak search [keyword],Search for a Flatpak application in repositories,, Explain the linux command,flatpak list,List installed Flatpak packages,, Explain the linux command,scpu,See CPU information.,, Explain the linux command,lsblk,See information about block devices.,, Explain the linux command,lspci -tv,Show PCI devices in a treelike diagram.,, Explain the linux command,lsusb -tv,Display USB devices in a tree-like diagram.,, Explain the linux command,lshw,List hardware configuration information.,, Explain the linux command,cat /proc/cpuinfo,Show detailed CPU information.,, Explain the linux command,cat /proc/meminfo,View detailed system memory information.,, Explain the linux command,cat /proc/mounts,See mounted file systems.,, Explain the linux command,free -h,Display free and used memory.,, Explain the linux command,sudo dmidecode,Show hardware information from the BIOS.,, Explain the linux command,hdparm -i /dev/[device_name],Display disk data information.,, Explain the linux command,hdparm -tT /dev/[device_name],Conduct a read speed test on the device/disk.,, Explain the linux command,badblocks -s /dev/[device_name],Test for unreadable blocks on the device/disk.,, Explain the linux command,fsck /dev/[device_name],Run a disk check on an unmounted disk or partition.,, Explain the linux command,ip addr show,List IP addresses and network interfaces.,, Explain the linux command,ip address add [IP_address],Assign an IP address to interface eth0.,, Explain the linux command,ifconfig,Display IP addresses of all network interfaces.,, Explain the linux command,ping [remote_host],Ping remote host.,, Explain the linux command,netstat -pnltu,See active (listening) ports with the netstat command.,, Explain the linux command,netstat -tuln,Show TCP and UDP ports and their programs.,, Explain the linux command,whois [domain_name],Display more information about a domain.,, Explain the linux command,dig [domain_name],Show DNS information about a domain using the dig command.,, Explain the linux command,dig -x [domain_name],Do a reverse DNS lookup on the domain.,, Explain the linux command,dig -x [IP_address],Do a reverse DNS lookup of an IP address.,, Explain the linux command,host [domain_name],Perform an IP lookup for a domain.,, Explain the linux command,hostname -I,Show the local IP address.,, Explain the linux command,nslookup [domain_name],Receive information about an internet domain.,, Explain the linux command,uname -r,See kernel release information.,, Explain the linux command,uname -a,Show system information via uname command.,, Explain the linux command,uptime,Display how long the system has been running including the load average., Explain the linux command,hostname,View system hostname.,, Explain the linux command,hostname -i,Show the IP address of the system.,, Explain the linux command,last reboot,List system reboot history.,, Explain the linux command,date,See current time and date.,, Explain the linux command,timedatectl,Query and change the system clock.,, Explain the linux command,cal,Show current calendar (month and day).,, Explain the linux command,w,List logged-in users.,, Explain the linux command,whoami,See which user you are using.,, Explain the linux command,finger [user_name],Show information about a particular user.,, Explain the linux command,ulimit [flags] [limit],View or limit system resource amounts.,, Explain the linux command,shutdown [hh:mm],Schedule a system shutdown.,, Explain the linux command,shutdown now,Shut down the system immediately.,, Explain the linux command,modprobe [module_name],Add a new kernel module.,, Explain the linux command,dmesg,Show bootup messages.,, Explain the linux command,ssh [user_name]@[host],Connect to a remote host as a user via SSH.,, Explain the linux command,ssh [host],Securely connect to a host via SSH default port 22.,, Explain the linux command,ssh -p [port],Connect to the host using a particular port.,, Explain the linux command,ssh-keygen,Generate SSH key pairs.,, Explain the linux command,sudo service sshd start,Start SSH server daemon.,, Explain the linux command,scp [file_name] [user_name]@[host]:[remote_path],Securely copy files between local and remote systems via SSH.,, Explain the linux command,sftp [user_name]@[host],Interactive file transfer over encrypted SSH session using SFTP protocol.,, Explain the linux command,telnet [host],Connect to the host via Telnet default port 23,,