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2. The industrial concentration currently evident in some regions of Chile generates impacts on various components of the territory (environmental, physical, social, and economic). What is a local impact generated by these industrial concentrations? | history/2023 | ['A) The progressive increase in the annual average rainfall. ', 'B) The decline in the population density of animal species. ', 'C) The decline in demand for land for urban uses. ', 'D) The increase in emigration of the economically active population. '] | B | History Chile |
3. According to the General Assembly of the United Nations, sovereignty is understood as the right of peoples to freely determine their political system and their economic, social, and cultural progress, although in some cases such freedom may conflict with international law. In which of the following situations is this conflict evident? | history/2023 | ['A) When the conditions of a commercial treaty are violated. ', 'B) When there is an absence of a representative democratic system. ', 'C) When there is significant economic inequality within the population. ', 'D) When the fundamental rights of individuals are violated. '] | D | Civic education |
4. Currently, in Chile there are different instances of citizen participation that are regulated by law. Which of the following options indicates one of these instances? | history/2023 | ['A) Participation in the neighborhood community board. ', 'B) Participation in political opinion surveys. ', 'C) Participation in the approval of bills. ', 'D) Participation in political debates on social networks. '] | A | Citizenship education |
5. Read the following text about heritage in Chile: "The link between diversity and heritage brings with it the need for decentralization and the importance of establishing citizen participation systems whose results are binding and consider in their design the plurality of perspectives, on one hand, and the establishment of legal regulations that allow communities to exercise rights over their cultural and natural heritage in the face of the various economic and political pressures they face, on the other." National Council for Culture and the Arts. (2017). Threads of diversity. Reflections, debates and proposals around heritage in Chile. The above quote gathers some conclusions drawn from instances of dialogue and reflection on heritage and the role of the Chilean State in this field, which were carried out by the National Council for Culture and the Arts. According to the analysis of the quote, which of the following actions should the State take to protect the heritage of each territory? | history/2023 | ['A) Design laws that prevent the approval of projects requiring the use of natural resources. ', 'B) Create regional institutions that make autonomous decisions regarding territorial planning. ', 'C) Establish mechanisms of popular consultation at the local level to make decisions about environmental protection. ', 'D) Organize an environmental protection system that prioritizes the cultural manifestations of ethnic minorities. '] | C | Citizen training |
6. Read the following text about Non-Governmental Organizations: “Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are a central component of modern societies. They not only represent and channel the interests of civil society but also complement the actions of governmental and business sectors and develop public functions by providing a wide range of public services that improve the quality of life in the communities where they operate. Likewise, this sector employs a large number of professionals both paid and voluntary, and the contributions they receive are both public and private as well as national and international." Chile Transparente (no date). NGOs. . The previous quote alludes to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which are part of today's world and are present in various aspects of daily life. In this context and considering the quote, what is one of the main characteristics of this type of organization? | history/2023 | ['A) Investing in socially beneficial businesses. ', 'B) Fighting for the success of government programs. ', 'C) Developing social functions independently. ', 'D) Improving the employability of the most vulnerable youth. ', 'E) Replacing the State in functions related to the legal field.'] | C | Citizen education |
7. In Chile, the Electoral Service (SERVEL) is an autonomous body, with legal personality and its own assets, that administers electoral and plebiscite processes. Considering these antecedents, what function does this organization perform to ensure the transparency of the Chilean electoral system? | history/2023 | ['A) Promotes participation quotas of political parties. ', 'B) Monitors the spending limits of electoral campaigns. ', 'C) Encourages the process of regionalization of the electoral roll. ', 'D) Analyzes the political impact of election results. '] | B | Chilean History |
8. Since the beginnings of the industrial era, humanity has initiated a progressive increase in CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases, as the dominant idea of progress implied maintaining the sustained growth of production. From the perspective of sustainability, what is an idea related to progress that has been consolidated over the last decades? | history/2023 | ['A) The intensive exploitation of available productive resources. ', 'B) Technology as a resource capable of replacing humans. ', 'C) Environmental protection as a priority in development. ', 'D) The unaltered maintenance of the physical conditions of ecosystems.'] | C | World History |
9. During the 20th century, a new impetus was given to copper mining in Chile, stimulating the development of the Gran Minería del Cobre. Regarding the effects generated by this productive activity, what is one of the impacts it has caused in the territory where extraction is carried out? | history/2023 | ['A) Forced migration from nearby cities to mining centers. ', 'B) The replacement of sustainable energy use with conventional types. ', 'C) The massive change in land use in rural areas near new deposits. ', 'D) The decrease in the volume of available water in water sources near the deposits. '] | D | History Chile |
10. Currently, in a democracy people have responsibilities towards the society as a whole. From the perspective of the common good, which of the following actions corresponds to a responsible civic attitude? | history/2023 | ['A) Disclose the identity of individuals who commit crimes.', 'B) Set compensation for any harm caused.', 'C) Report the violation of rights to the competent institution.', 'D) Apply sanctions to those who transgress people's rights.'] | C | Civic education |
11. In Chile, one of the expressions of citizen political participation is the election of representatives through voting. Considering the regularity with which elections are held, how has electoral participation contributed to the strengthening of democracy? | history/2023 | ['A) Avoiding the polarization of political trends.', 'B) Granting legitimacy to the decisions made.', 'C) Promoting public integrity among those elected.', 'D) Limiting the emergence of an excessive number of political parties.'] | B | Civic education |
12. Currently, maintaining economic growth responsibly in Chile requires considering the protection of ecosystems. What measure has the Chilean State implemented to promote sustainable development? | history/2023 | ['A) Establishing a legal framework for environmental protection. ', 'B) Nationalizing the exploitation of existing natural resources in the country. ', 'C) Decreeing a ban on the use of fossil fuels at the household level. ', 'D) Implementing a plan to nationalize the exploitation of natural resources. '] | A | History Chile |
13. Four decades ago, most Latin American governments were predominantly authoritarian. In the current context, democracy has prevailed in the governments of the region. This expansion has generated, among others, the following effect in Latin America: | history/2023 | ['A) the significant reduction of the socioeconomic gap. ', 'B) the increase of citizen participation in the public sphere. ', 'C) the elimination of practices such as corruption. ', 'D) gender parity in access to public positions. ', 'E) the reduction of the budget allocated to social spending. '] | B | History America |
14. Read the following text: “[The rule of law] refers to a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions, and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards." UN (2004). Report of the Secretary-General. The rule of law and justice in societies that suffer or have suffered conflicts. According to the text, in which of the following circumstances is the rule of law upheld? | history/2023 | ['A) When the legal order limits the actions of the authorities.', 'B) When the government limits the outcomes of an electoral process.', 'C) When one branch of the State intervenes in the decisions of another branch.', 'D) When access to information from public bodies is restricted.'] | A | Citizenship education |
15. The United Nations General Assembly (2011) declared internet access as a human right, due to the technological development reached by globalization. In this context, what action should the Chilean State take in light of this recognition? | history/2023 | ['A) Focus the service in the most densely populated areas. ', 'B) Concentrate the fiscal budget on network modernization. ', 'C) Invest in the development of a national electronic goods industry. ', 'D) Promote the installation of infrastructure for the service's operation. '] | D | Citizenship education |
16. During the 19th century, a process of forming national states developed in Hispanic America, within the framework of independence and the political experiments carried out by the elites to organize each country. In relation to what was stated, which of the following statements is correct regarding this process? | history/2023 | ['A) It involved the development of armed conflicts.', 'B) It prolonged the colonial political-administrative structure.', 'C) It was led by people from other continents.', 'D) It was carried out through political agreements with the monarchy.'] | A | History America |
17. One of the historiographical views on the organization of Chile as an independent country argues that the political inexperience of the elite was a recurring problem for state consolidation. According to this perspective, what was one of the processes that favored the construction of the Republic in Chile between 1818 and 1823? | history/2023 | ['A) The discussion of state issues in legislative assemblies. ', 'B) The culmination of military interventionism in government affairs. ', 'C) The promotion of a conservative model based on moral precepts. ', 'D) The end of power conflicts between the provinces and Santiago. '] | A | History Chile |
18. In Chile, the War of Independence had various impacts. Which of the following statements constitutes an impact of this war in the economic field? | history/2023 | ['A) International trade was interrupted due to the scarce support of other nations for the emancipatory cause. ', 'B) Agriculture was affected because the confrontations reduced the estates' capacity to maintain the pace of production. ', 'C) Mining was affected due to the enlistment of miners by the patriot army. ', 'D) Industry was nationalized due to the permanent need for consumer goods by the army. ', 'E) The merchant navy stagnated as ships were expropriated to be used as war vessels. '] | B | History Chile |
19. During the first half of the 19th century, Chile as an independent country had to organize the emerging Republic, which involved great challenges in the formation of the nation-state. What strategy was implemented to carry out this process? | history/2023 | ['A) The development of military actions to control the extreme regions of the country.', 'B) The effective occupation of the territory to fully exercise national sovereignty.', 'C) The diversification of productive activities to create different development centers.', 'D) The establishment of agreements with the indigenous population to colonize the less populated places.', 'E) The encouragement of territorial decentralization of political power to strengthen regional governments.'] | B | Chilean History |
20. In Latin America, after the independence of the Spanish-American colonies, a process of political organization developed that had various characteristics. For the Chilean case, this process of organization extended until the 1830s and was characterized by: | history/2023 | ['A) the permanent uprisings of popular sectors. ', 'B) the persistence of proposals for monarchical organization. ', 'C) the establishment of political alliances with neighboring countries. ', 'D) the disputes between sectors of the elite to promote their society projects. ', 'E) the permanent attempts by Spain to regain control of the colonies. '] | D | History Chile |
21. After the Independence of Chile and the first years of the formation of the nation-state, Chile organized its economy according to the general principles of liberalism. In this sense, what liberal economic policy did the Chilean state promote during the first half of the 19th century? | history/2023 | ['A) The establishment of heavy industry to boost the economy. ', 'B) The productive revitalization and export of agricultural products. ', 'C) The abolition of encomienda and indigenous slave labor. ', 'D) The signing of a trade agreement with the United States. ', 'E) The international commercialization of nitrate. '] | B | History Chile |
22. The victory of the Chilean army in the conflict against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation (1836-1839) had an important significance in the consolidation of the nascent nation-state. In this context, the victory was relevant for Chile because | history/2023 | ['A) it consolidated liberal political reforms. ', 'B) it promoted the modernization of the national Armed Forces. ', 'C) it strengthened the sense of national identity among popular sectors. ', 'D) it stimulated the democratization of Chilean society. ', 'E) it expanded the territory by incorporating the provinces of Tarapacá and Antofagasta. '] | C | History of America |
23. The spread of liberal ideas had a great impact on the nascent republics of Latin America during the 19th century. In this context, what was an expression of these ideas in the process of establishing these republics? | history/2023 | ['A) Equal political participation of the population.', 'B) The acceptance of the principle of popular sovereignty.', 'C) The concentration of state powers in the Executive.', 'D) The supremacy of the Catholic Church in state decisions.'] | B | History America |
24. In the mid-19th century, new social groups emerged under the wing of educational reforms promoted by the Chilean State, aiming to expand access to the country's educational system. Among these new social groups, it is correct to mention | history/2023 | ['A) a group of professionals who joined the state bureaucracy. ', 'B) an artisan group fighting against illiteracy. ', 'C) an emerging business class that created universities. ', 'D) an industrial working class aspiring to better education. ', 'E) a peasant mass seeking technical training. '] | A | History Chile |
25. Since the 1840s, the Chilean economy has experienced sustained acceleration due to its specialization in raw materials: the silver and copper mining boom in the Norte Chico was complemented by the notable wheat export from the Central Zone. These situations were significant insofar as | history/2023 | ['A) they reinforced the integration of the Chilean economy into the global market. ', 'B) they strengthened the presence of American capital in strategic areas of the economy. ', 'C) they consolidated the formation of industrial worker groups. ', 'D) they established trade flows with major Asian countries. ', 'E) they boosted the mono-export character of the Chilean economy. '] | A | History Chile |
26. In the mid-19th century, the first Colonization Law was passed in Chile, promoting the immigration of Europeans to the Valdivia and Llanquihue regions. What was one of the implications of this process for the country? | history/2023 | ['A) Grant large territories with legal autonomy to the settlers. ', 'B) Strengthen the army's ranks with experts in military strategies. ', 'C) Create public schools with a Protestant religious orientation. ', 'D) Reduce the territorial area subject to its sovereignty. ', 'E) Develop the area through industries created by the immigrants. '] | E | History Chile |
27. During the second half of the 19th century in Latin America, liberalism led to an anticlerical movement that advocated for the separation of the Church and the State. Meanwhile, the Church formed political alliances with conservative sectors to defend the idea of a confessional State. In this context, in which societal transformation process of that century did this conflict impact? | history/2023 | ['A) In the conversion of indigenous peoples. ', 'B) In the laicization of public institutions. ', 'C) In the exclusion of the Church from public life. ', 'D) In the development of the Social Doctrine of the Church. '] | B | Latin American History |
28. During the second half of the 19th century, the Chilean state promoted the cultural, civic, and ethical orientations of general interest, which it considered fundamental for the nation, through public education. In relation to this, what was the main function of the teaching state? | history/2023 | ['A) Assume a leading role in the educational field, from planning to implementation. ', 'B) Declare that public instruction should be overseen by the private sector. ', 'C) Promote an unrestricted freedom of teaching by giving the option to choose the curriculum. ', 'D) Reduce the academic progress of schools and high schools linked to the Catholic religion. ', 'E) Deploy efforts to decrease illiteracy rates in Chile through adult education. '] | A | Chilean History |
29. During the 19th century, there was an expansion of Chilean national territory as a result of various processes, such as the occupation of Araucanía. In this context, what was one of the strategies used by the Chilean State to consolidate this process? | history/2023 | ['A) The establishment of indigenous reductions.', 'B) The incorporation of Mapuche leaders into the Legislative Power.', 'C) The creation of legally autonomous indigenous communities.', 'D) The demilitarization of the provinces inhabited by indigenous peoples.'] | A | Chile History |
30. Read the following text referring to the 19th century: "What to do to improve the condition of the poor? The astute Santiago Arcos had a solution: divide the estates and give each Chilean a portion of land. Most educated Chileans opted for a less revolutionary option: the best way to "moralize" the lower orders was to bring: "a phalanx of peaceful emigrants, of hardworking settlers," wrote Marcial González in 1848, "bringing in their customs more civilization than the best books, more wealth than a thousand ships loaded with manufactures." Collier, S. and Sater, W. (1999). A History of Chile 1808-1994. Cambridge University Press. During the 19th century, the Chilean State was concerned with consolidating and exercising effective sovereignty over the entire territory. For this, it employed multiple strategies with varying degrees of effectiveness. To which of the following actions of sovereignty over the national territory does the above quote allude? | history/2023 | ['A) Defining the boundaries through diplomatic exchange with neighboring nations.', 'B) Gradual establishment of military forts to educate the indigenous people.', 'C) The purchase of indigenous territories by Europeans to strengthen industrial activity.', 'D) Promoting the arrival of foreign and national population to the territory to boost the economy.', 'E) Negotiating urban lands for agricultural plots to encourage national population migration. '] | D | History Chile |
31. Read the following text, related to a public ceremony held at the end of the 19th century in Chile: "The inauguration of the statue of O'Higgins, in May 1872, was an occasion to organize a massive public event, which was attended by students. The ceremony started from the Plaza de Armas, where all public and private primary schools, private schools, seminary students, the National Institute, artisan schools, higher education institutions, as well as delegations from guilds, including doctors, gathered. The parade [was] led by the President of the Republic." Rojas J. (2004). Moral and civic practices in Chilean children, 1880-1950. Ariadna. Which of the following processes is the act described in the text linked to? | history/2023 | ['A) Educational equality as a basic principle of democracy. ', 'B) The structural organization of the new state bureaucratic apparatus. ', 'C) The construction of a national identity promoted by the State. ', 'D) The consolidation of the principle of authority based on caudillismo. '] | C | History Chile |
32. Read the following text: "Easter Island Resignation Act by its Chiefs. […]. We, the undersigned, chiefs of Easter Island, declare to cede forever and without reservation to the Government of the Republic of Chile full and entire sovereignty over the said island, reserving at the same time our title of chiefs with which we are invested and of which we currently enjoy." Council of Fiscal Defense (1888). Act of incorporation of Easter Island. 1888. Documentary and bibliographic sources for the study of the history of Chile. The text allows us to recognize the way through which the Chilean government in 1888, took possession of Easter Island. Previously, in the same decade, the incorporation of Araucanía into the Chilean State was carried out. Both situations generated occupation of the national territory and were differentiated by | history/2023 | ['A) the greater respect for the property of the islanders and the disconnection of the majority of the Mapuches from their territories. ', 'B) the forms used in their incorporation, while in Easter Island military force was used in Araucanía diplomacy prevailed. ', 'C) the end of the abandonment in which the Easter Islanders lived and the isolation in which the Mapuches were left by forcing them to live in towns for Indians. ', 'D) the impoverishment of the Rapanui population and the improvement of living conditions for the Mapuche. ', 'E) the rapid drive to colonize the oceanic island area and the lack of interest of settlers in inhabiting Araucanía. '] | A | Chilean History |
33. Since the late 19th century and during the first decades of the 20th century, Chile experienced a boom in mining activity. This boom was expressed in the country, among other aspects, in | history/2023 | ['A) the implementation of an import substitution industrialization project. ', 'B) the transfer of nitrate ownership from private companies to the state. ', 'C) the control of mining activity by national capitals. ', 'D) the creation of industries aimed at manufacturing export weapons. ', 'E) the implementation of a broad plan for the modernization of road infrastructure. '] | E | History Chile |
34. The wealth generated in Chile from the production of nitrate, at the end of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century, influenced the national historical development, contributing to | history/2023 | ['A) the significant decrease in poverty levels in the cities. ', 'B) the specialization of craftsmanship in the estates. ', 'C) the consolidation of the urban middle class. ', 'D) the economic strengthening of the national oligarchy. ', 'E) the proletarianization of the peasantry in the Southern Zone. '] | D | History Chile |
35. Between 1872 and 1910, the Trans-Andean Railway was constructed, a project involving private investors and the governments of Chile and Argentina, aimed at improving communication and trade between the Pacific and the Atlantic. Considering these precedents and the period to which they refer, what factor favorably influenced the realization of this work? | history/2023 | ['A) The economic shift of South American elites towards public administration positions. ', 'B) The direct transfer of public funds from the sale of saltpeter. ', 'C) Diplomatic agreements in the context of border disputes. ', 'D) The increase of the bureaucratic apparatus in both states. ', 'E) The closure of European markets to the main South American products. '] | C | History America |
36. Read the following text: “Looking at the plain from the summits, even the most expert eye is prone to be deceived: details disappear, contours soften, objects blur; the pure and transparent stream and the muddy [swampy] and putrid pond shine with the same polished silver brightness [...]. Something very similar happens in politics.” Valdés, J. (1910). Sincerity, Intimate Chile in 1910. University Press. Towards 1910, the Centennial celebrations revealed the profound social and cultural tensions experienced in Chile, through the proliferation of literary and political articles. The above quote is from an excerpt of these writings. From its analysis and the historical context alluded to, which of the following statements corresponds to an aspect of the social order of the time that was the subject of these criticisms? | history/2023 | ['A) The political predominance of the Church over the State.', 'B) The economic waste associated with the celebration.', 'C) The lack of access to education for vulnerable sectors.', 'D) The hacienda system that prevailed since the colonial period.', 'E) The biased view of the oligarchic class regarding social reality.'] | E | History Chile |
37. Read the following text: [The commemoration of the ] “national centenary not only referred to what happened in 1810 but also accounted for the historical development of the following one hundred years and, further, at the Chile of 1910 […] . In this way, while the political class intended to exalt the progress achieved by the country, the “other” Chile was critical of the oligarchy, regarding the role it played in the construction of modern Chile, and of parliamentarianism, as a political system incapable of solving the main challenges of Chile at the turn of the century.” Serra, D. (2015). To celebrate or not to celebrate? The organization of the official festivities of the centenary of Chilean Independence, 1904-1910. Historia, Vol. II, (48), 595-626. The republican celebration of the centenary of Chilean Independence took place in a specific social context. Considering this context and the quote provided, what situation contrasted with the optimistic vision of the official discourse? | history/2023 | ['A) The increase in various public health problems. ', 'B) The accelerated increase in urban-rural migration flow. ', 'C) The impoverishment of the oligarchy due to the copper mining crisis. ', 'D) The significant reduction in fiscal income from customs duties. ', 'E) The absence of a state policy for the creation of educational establishments. '] | A | History Chile |
38. Read the following text: "Some cités and passages had single-room houses, so they were very similar, if not inferior, to the apartments in the two-room conventillos. On several occasions the "unhealthy" cités were demolished. However, generally a cité or passage was considered as "a step forward" in relation to the conventillo." DeShazo, P. (2007). Urban Workers and Unions in Chile. Diego Barros Arana Research Center. The previous text refers to the housing solutions that popular sectors could access within the framework of | history/2023 | ['A) the first decades of the 20th century during the so-called Social Question. ', 'B) the implementation of housing policies of the Popular Front. ', 'C) the proliferation of "callampa" settlements in the 1950s. ', 'D) the housing programs of President Eduardo Frei M.’s government. ', 'E) the expansion of settlers' camps during the Military Dictatorship. '] | A | History Chile |
39. After World War I, the creation of the Soviet Union changed the international political scene. This state represented a new form of political and economic organization, characterized by | history/2023 | ['A) reducing the mechanization of labor in the agricultural sector. ', 'B) promoting the establishment of parliamentary democracy models. ', 'C) promoting the creation of independent states from the great empires. ', 'D) implementing a model of state economic planning. ', 'E) establishing large free trade areas with other nations. '] | D | World History |
40. In the first half of the 20th century, following the end of the Great War (1914-1918), the development of totalitarian regimes such as fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany, and communism in the Soviet Union took place. Despite their differences, what was one idea these three regimes had in common? | history/2023 | ['A) Nationalism based on racial superiority. ', 'B) Rejection of the principles of liberal representative democracy. ', 'C) The transition towards a society that abandons social divisions. ', 'D) The predominance of popular sectors' participation in government. '] | B | World History |
41. Read the following text: “The house has an almost bourgeois exterior appearance. Its facade, which belongs to no specific style, is shabby and vulgar. The wall, painted sky blue, has served as a blackboard for the local kids, who have decorated it with laughable and vile phrases and caricatures. The middle door allows a view all the way to the back of the patio. The passageway is almost blocked by troughs, braziers, waste bins, and a number of objects piled along the walls blackened by smoke”. González Vera, J. (1923) Vidas Mínimas: short novels. Editorial Cosmos. This fragment is from a novel by González Vera, published in 1923, in which he describes living conditions of a segment of the Chilean population of his time. The social group the author refers to is represented by | history/2023 | ['A) the middle class of the provinces. ', 'B) tenants of rural estates. ', 'C) the popular sectors of the cities. ', 'D) workers of the Lota mining camps. ', 'E) workers of the nitrate offices of the Great North. '] | C | History Chile |
42. In Chile, as a consequence of the 1930 economic crisis, nitrate production was negatively affected, which meant that most nitrate operations were dismantled. What was one of the most notable immediate effects of this situation? | history/2023 | ['A) The transformation of the sites into heritage areas. ', 'B) The massive conversion of the workforce to copper mining. ', 'C) The definitive closure of the ports through which the mineral was exported. ', 'D) The abandonment of extensive railway lines associated with these operations. '] | D | History Chile |
43. In the first half of the 20th century, some European countries experienced a complex economic and political situation, a context in which the so-called totalitarianisms emerged. Which of the following factors favored the rise of these regimes? | history/2023 | ['A) The rejection of opulence and luxury exhibited by the ruling class.', 'B) The effects of the Great Depression that damaged the credibility of traditional politics.', 'C) The constant fear of the working class losing the labor rights achieved in previous decades.', 'D) The maintenance of a primary export economic model that provided little profit.', 'E) The opposition of the middle groups to the incorporation of nationalist ideas in the economy.'] | B | World History |
44. The Welfare State model was developed in most Western countries after the Second World War. From an economic standpoint, among other elements, this model involved, | history/2023 | ['A) the expansion of fiscal spending. ', 'B) the state's lack of protection for industrial activity. ', 'C) the privatization of social security. ', 'D) the elimination of union rights. ', 'E) the liberalization of foreign trade. '] | A | Economic system |
45. Read the following text: Through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international community committed to avoiding the repetition of atrocities like those that occurred during the Second World War, thanks to which, "Human Rights represent [...] the largest consensus ever achieved in the history of humanity on values, rights, and duties for living in community." Rodríguez, X. (2006). Pedagogy of coexistence. Graó. Considering the elements contained in the preceding text, the central idea on which the concept of Human Rights is established is | history/2023 | ['A) the desire to guide social relations based on fraternity. ', 'B) the pursuit of freedom as the highest universal aspiration. ', 'C) the principle of inherent human dignity. ', 'D) the recognition of equality between men and women. ', 'E) the common belief in humanity's autonomy. '] | C | Civic education |
46. Read the following text: After the end of the Second World War, the world began to transition towards a new stage. In a speech that would later become historic, Winston Churchill characterized this new period of human history by stating that “from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” Churchill, W. (1946). Speech . Based on the above paragraph, to what aspect of this new historical period was the British politician referring? | history/2023 | ['A) The need to isolate the countries that were allies of Germany in the Second World War. ', 'B) The division of the countries of Europe into two blocs of States that adhered to opposing ideologies. ', 'C) The construction of an artificial barrier between the industrially developed Europe and the agricultural countries. ', 'D) The separation between the countries that received Western aid for their reconstruction and those that rejected it. ', 'E) The emergence of new European States controlled by the victorious powers. '] | B | World History |
47. Decolonization was a historical process that enabled the independence of territories primarily located in Asia and Africa, which were previously under the control of a Western power. Which of the following options is a characteristic of this process? | history/2023 | ['A) It was a long and difficult negotiation process led by the United Nations. ', 'B) It was a complex process that ranged from peaceful negotiation to the use of violence and military confrontation. ', 'C) It had a similar development and extension in different territories. ', 'D) It was a successful process because the colonies managed to end economic dependence. ', 'E) It was supported by the United States since it backed Great Britain and France in their attempts to retain their colonial possessions at all costs. '] | B | World History |
48. Read the following text: “Chile faced, since the early 1960s, a severe social conflict due to the redistribution of wealth and income. This manifested in a strong process of mobilization and political participation that led to a deep polarization of the party system. The incorporation of new social sectors into the political process under conditions of extreme power competition, the development of globalizing projects and antagonistic ideological leaderships, ended up breaking the traditional balance role played by the political center.” Rehren, A. (2000). The redemocratization of Chilean politics: Towards a capitalist democracy? Political Science Journal, (2), 68-81. According to the above interpretation that outlines the political crisis initiated in the 1960s in Chile, what was the element that led to the breakdown of democracy in 1973? | history/2023 | ['A) The concentration of decision-making in the leaders of political parties. ', 'B) The disruption caused in politics by the rapid democratization of Chilean society. ', 'C) The lack of political consensus in managing the changes the country was experiencing. ', 'D) The marked socioeconomic inequality that determined the emergence of new political parties. ', 'E) The influence exerted by the world economic powers over the Chilean political parties. '] | C | History Chile |
49. Read the following text: "In front of the world determined by the colonialist, the colonized is always presumed guilty […]. But, deep down, the colonized does not recognize any authority. He is dominated but not domesticated. He is made to feel inferior, but is not convinced of his inferiority. He patiently waits for the colonist to neglect his vigilance to pounce on him. In his muscles, the colonized is always in a state of expectation. It cannot be said that he is anxious or terrified. In reality, he is always ready to abandon his role as prey and assume that of hunter. The colonized is a persecuted person who dreams of transforming into a persecutor.” Fanon, F. (2018). The Wretched of the Earth. Economic Culture Fund. Fanon was a French intellectual, born in the colony of Martinique, who was strongly committed to the decolonization processes in Africa and in 1961 wrote the above quote. According to his analysis, what aspect of African decolonization does this author intend to highlight? | history/2023 | ['A) The latent resistance against the colonizing practice.', 'B) The constant oppression exerted by the colonialists.', 'C) The early politicization of the colonized peoples.', 'D) The identification with a national struggle.', 'E) The search for agreements to resolve conflicts.'] | A | World History |
50. The thirty years following the end of the Second World War were characterized by a noticeable and sustained economic boom in the Western world, particularly in Europe. According to the British historian Tony Judt, “The extraordinary acceleration of economic growth was accompanied by the beginnings of an era of unprecedented prosperity.” Judt, T. (2006). Postwar. Taurus. Considering the above, what impact did this economic boom have on the policies of the developed Western states? | history/2023 | ['A) The nationalization of resources generated by economic growth and their equal distribution among the population. ', 'B) The expansion of international trade between capitalist Europe and socialist Europe. ', 'C) The strengthening of a capitalist state model with a strong investment in social benefits for its population. ', 'D) The limitation of trade exchange between the powers and Third World countries under their influence. ', 'E) The progressive increase of tariff barriers on products from the economies of the European Union. '] | C | World History |
51. During the second half of the 20th century until the Coup d'état of 1973, profound changes were experienced in Chilean society, mainly in the ways of addressing social problems and projecting their possible solutions. In this context, what characteristic did this new social and political environment have? | history/2023 | ['A) The progressive deterioration of the authoritarian governments of the time.', 'B) The return of the ideals of liberals and conservatives from the previous century.', 'C) The increase in civil society participation in the public sphere.', 'D) The disappearance of centrist political parties in national life.', 'E) The strengthening of political consensus among different sectors.'] | C | Chilean History |
52. Read the following text: “[…] the general plan that was supposed to culminate in the coup d'état […] involved a framework that at least contemplated: 1) The removal of the constitutionalist leaders of the Armed Forces […] 2) A legal basis legitimizing the coup […] 3) A movement of civil society aimed at generating ungovernability and demanding the resignation of the President of the Republic, […] 4) A refusal from opposition parties to negotiate political solutions with the government […] 5) Unleashed terrorism, aimed at maximizing chaos and disorder, terrorism that the military's plan assigned to Patria y Libertad […] On the other hand, […] the specific plans aimed at culminating in a coup d'état were constantly monitored and actively supported financially and politically by the U.S. government.” Corvalán, L. (2016). The Political Parties and the Coup of September 11. University of Santiago, Chile. The preceding quote corresponds to an interpretation regarding the reasons that led to the Coup d'État in Chile, in 1973. In summary, this interpretation indicates that the Coup d'État occurred due to | history/2023 | ['A) the situation of ungovernability into which the Popular Unity had fallen. ', 'B) the incapacity of the President of the Republic to stop the crisis. ', 'C) the poor economic management of the government and the consequent inflation. ', 'D) an organized action of various opposing elements to the government. ', 'E) the lack of the government's willingness to dialogue with the opposition. '] | D | Chilean History |
53. After the 1973 Coup d'état, a Military Dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet was established. After two years in power, there was a shift in the political-economic paradigm that led to a new socioeconomic model. Which of the following aspects was part of that new proposed model? | history/2023 | ['A) The reduction of fiscal regulations to grant predominance to the private sector. ', 'B) The incentive for the formation of cooperatives to neutralize leftist groups. ', 'C) The promotion of Agrarian Reform to combat unproductive latifundium. ', 'D) The push for the modernization of productive infrastructure to guarantee full employment. ', 'E) The development of import substitution industry to increase the level of economic activity. '] | A | Chile History |
54. The fall of systems linked to socialism in Europe and Asia in the 1990s had a worldwide impact, especially in the political sphere. What was a consequence of this process in Chile? | history/2023 | ['A) The disappearance of political parties with ideas linked to armed revolution.', 'B) The dissolution of strategic alliances between center and left parties.', 'C) The crisis of center parties that defended ideas linked to democracy.', 'D) The transformation of the orientation of the actions of left political parties.', 'E) The reorganization of right-wing parties to face the international context.'] | D | History Chile |
55. In the 1980s, Chile began the implementation of various neoliberal-oriented public policies, consolidating the market economy that extended until the transition to democracy. Regarding the above, what structural economic problem has persisted to date? | history/2023 | ['A) The low productivity of the internal market.', 'B) The increase in the percentage of the poor population.', 'C) The decrease in the volume of imports.', 'D) The low investment of the private sector in the market.', 'E) The existence of an income distribution gap.'] | E | History Chile |
56. Read the following text: “All the people went out to the streets to bang the pots and pans. Everyone was happy, it felt like carnival […] it's one of the most thrilling experiences I've ever had! But with just one day of celebration, nothing is achieved. Jumping in the street won't overthrow this government, and therefore, we had to start giving it more direction and commit more to the overthrow of the dictatorship […] the elderly got scared and stopped going out into the street […] they realized that the conditions of the fight changed, and they don't feel able to handle it […]. Now, the ones going out are the kids who know that if we keep jumping, laughing, and playing guitar, we won't defeat anyone and the government will keep ruling.” Politzer, P. (1988). The wrath of Pedro and others. Editorial Planeta. The previous testimony corresponds to a resident and refers to a period in the recent history of Chile. In this paragraph, the main theme is manifested | history/2023 | ['A) the discontent of different social sectors regarding the conditions of the return to democracy. ', 'B) the enthusiasm generated by the victory of the Popular Unity due to their arrival in government. ', 'C) the celebrations of the supporters of the NO option after the victory in the Plebiscite. ', 'D) the evidence that peaceful mobilization was the correct strategy to face the Dictatorship. ', 'E) the beginning and radicalization of the national protests against the Military Dictatorship. '] | E | History Chile |
57. During the Military Dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990), systematic violations of Human Rights were committed. What was one of the factors that sustains the systematic nature of these violations? | history/2023 | ['A) The persecution of members of political parties.', 'B) The conflict between the Judiciary and the Armed Forces.', 'C) The confrontation between various armed political groups.', 'D) The coordinated action of state security agencies.'] | D | History Chile |
58. The Vicarage of Solidarity was an organization of the Chilean Catholic Church that, along with other organizations, actively contributed to the defense of victims of Human Rights violations during the Military Dictatorship (1973 -1990). In this historical context, what was one of the objectives pursued by this organization? | history/2023 | ['A) Organize the political dissidence to overthrow the regime. ', 'B) Build a new ecclesiastical institution of popular character. ', 'C) Legally assist people facing state violence. ', 'D) Achieve a widespread amnesty for all political prisoners. ', 'E) Obtain economic compensations for families opposed to the regime. '] | C | Chilean History |
59. Collusion is understood as an agreement between two or more parties for price fixing and market allocation. In the context of a free market economy, what element is primarily affected by collusion? | history/2023 | ['A) The quality of the good. ', 'B) The cost of production. ', 'C) Perfect competition. ', 'D) The comparative advantage of the product. '] | C | Economic system |
60. A company is engaged in the transportation sector. Regarding the factors that influence the development of its activities and the profits it expects to obtain, which of the following variables is beyond the company's control? | history/2023 | ['A) The management of a computer system. ', 'B) The fluctuation of fuel prices. ', 'C) The constant maintenance of its facilities. ', 'D) The training of the personnel working for it.'] | B | Economic system |
61. Markets referred to as perfect competition are those that meet certain basic requirements regarding the multiplicity of suppliers and demanders, a factor that results in the efficient functioning of the price system. However, it's possible to verify the existence of markets where there is an imbalance favoring one of these parties. In this regard, what is a foreseeable consequence of this anomaly in the economy? | history/2023 | ['A) The loss of market efficiency in assigning prices. ', 'B) The accelerated increase in the importation of substitute goods. ', 'C) The establishment of a price band by the State. ', 'D) The rise of direct taxes associated with the consumption of goods. '] | A | Economic system |
62. Remuneration is an amount of money or compensation paid to an employee by an employer, in exchange for performing a job, aimed at obtaining a product or service that will be marketed in the market. From the point of view of the free market economy, which of the following economic factors explains the rise in remunerations? | history/2023 | ['A) Regulation of working hours. ', 'B) The rise in production costs. ', 'C) The increase in the supply of labor. ', 'D) The increase in worker productivity. '] | D | Economic system |
63. In the context of national economies, there are institutions that play a fundamental role in the functioning of the market. In the case of Chile, one of these bodies is the Central Bank. What is the importance of this institution in the national economy? | history/2023 | ['A) It allows pension funds to be well managed.', 'B) It guarantees the implementation of measures to control inflation.', 'C) It facilitates the functioning of the credit granting system.', 'D) It promotes adequate administration of the State budget.'] | B | History Chile |
64. In a free market economy, the decision to consume certain goods is conditioned by various factors, one of which is the consumer's taste or preference. Which of the following options corresponds to this type of factor? | history/2023 | ['A) The relationship between demand and product distribution.', 'B) The relationship between the product price and the available money.', 'C) The relationship between production cost and the volume offered.', 'D) The relationship between the brand and the social prestige associated with the product.'] | D | Economic system |
65. Read the following definition of an indicator that should be known by those who contract a financial product that involves indebtedness in commerce or banking: “Annual Equivalent Rate (AER). It is an indicator expressed as a percentage that allows comparison between the different alternatives offered by providers of financial products or services.” Sernac (May 16, 2012). What is the annual equivalent rate (AER)? Sernac. Considering the provided definition, what is the objective of disseminating the characteristics and effects of this indicator among consumers? | history/2023 | ['A) Favor informed consumption practices. ', 'B) Promote the habit of saving to access consumption. ', 'C) Encourage responsible actions in matters of oversight. ', 'D) Stimulate cash payments to avoid the expansion of credit. '] | A | Civic education |