The architects do not believe that the education of the interior designer sufficiently good or sufficiently extended to compare with that of the architect and that , therefore , the interior designer is incapable of understanding the architectural principles involved in planning the interior of a building .
The architects do not believe that the education of the interior designer is sufficiently good or sufficiently extended to compare with that of the architect and that , therefore , the interior designer is incapable of understanding the architectural principles involved in planning the interior of a building .
There is no doubt that higher education since World War 2 , has moved away from `` pure `` liberal education toward greater emphasis on technology pre-1960 and specialization .
There is no doubt that higher education since World War 2 , has moved away from `` pure '' liberal education toward greater emphasis on technology and specialization .
Number all tappet the bars before removing them they can be in replaced the same slots .
Number all the tappet bars before removing them so they can be replaced in the same slots .
The `` and education `` program the in a similar way , with arrangements between the and employers in merchandising fields .
The `` distributive education '' program operates in a similar way , with arrangements between the school and employers in merchandising fields .
The pilot plant was equipped with a : 3-hp . turbine ( 2 Figure ) .
The pilot plant was equipped with a 3-hp. turbine aerator ( Figure 2 ) .
Air The Force Office of Scientific Research has provided financial assistance in the early was of the Institute 's side .
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research has provided financial assistance in the early stages of the Institute's program .
The statistics `` hardly indicated that . the Pirates needed extra practice , but Murtaugh also turned his men loose at Busch Stadium yesterday .
The statistics hardly indicated that the Pirates needed extra batting practice , but Murtaugh also turned his men loose at Busch Stadium yesterday .
but flapped -- as ran .
-- flapped as it ran .
Vastly , Summers nodded and started the toward . door
Vastly relieved , Summers nodded and started toward the door .
She began to doubt whether there had in fact a lethal dose of opium in the cup .
She began to doubt whether there had been in fact a lethal dose of opium in the cup .
No would , he had been , unpleasantly surprised , but . surprised
No , he had been surprised , unpleasantly surprised , but surprised .
Thus , moral issues concerning the nature of the legal and political processes take on theological dimensions . until
Thus , moral issues concerning the nature of the legal and political processes take on theological dimensions .
In news items a of is less often shot in the body or head than in the suburbs .
In news items a man is less often shot in the body or head than in the suburbs .
In Hilo Bay they the from 21 to 26 feet high .
In Hilo Bay they were from 21 to 26 feet high .
and dwindling the built-soap is powders as well as soap flakes and granules , none of which are now nationally It advertised .
and the dwindling built-soap powders as well as soap flakes and granules , none of which are now nationally advertised .
`` Summer 's been slow to `` heart come , he said .
`` Summer's been slow to come '' , he said .
I want to roast the whole thing , and have it for the boys in .
I want to roast the whole thing , and have it for the boys '' .
I 'll let you go back to doing the dishes now `` . that
I'll let you go back to doing the dishes now '' .
The girl took a couple of steps toward the man in shorts when Benson , in that barefoot courtliness could Ramey decide never was real , said , `` You do to n't want to go around there , Ma'am `` .
The girl took a couple of steps toward the man in shorts when Benson , in that barefoot courtliness Ramey could never decide was real , said , `` You don't want to go around there , Ma'am '' .
As Lipton , of the House prophet of the beat generation , declares : `` In the sexual act , the life beat are filled with mana , the divine power .
As Lipton , the prophet of the beat generation , declares : `` In the sexual act , the beat are filled with mana , the divine power .
The artist looks at an ankle , a calf , a bosom and , in his mind 's eye , the drop away and he sees her as she Broadway's really is .
The artist looks at an ankle , a calf , a bosom and , in his mind's eye , the clothes drop away and he sees her as she really is .
Allso that if monei might be had for 30 or over 40 a lease as might be `` procured .
Allso that if monei might be had for 30 or 40 a lease & might be procured '' .
I went to a retrospective of his work the when I man was eighteen , and I he was a contemporary of Cezanne 's `` .
I went to a retrospective of his work when I was eighteen , and I thought he was a contemporary of Cezanne's '' .
The next day , Sunday , hangover reminded Haney where he been had , night before .
The next day , Sunday , the hangover reminded Haney where he had been the night before .
The costumes are stunning evocations of the voluminous gowns and picture hats the of Gibson Girl days .
The costumes are stunning evocations of the voluminous gowns and picture hats of the Gibson Girl days .
`` Nice place `` you I told him .
`` Nice place '' , I told him .
new The formula for filling staff positions in the Secretariat is of a number of recommendations by a panel of eight in a long and detailed report .
The new formula for filling staff positions in the Secretariat is one of a number of recommendations made by a panel of eight in a long and detailed report .
As a matter of fact , we prize the diversity among our own people so much that we will not presume to speak for all other artists American .
As a matter of fact , we prize the diversity among our own people so much that we will not presume to speak for all other American artists .
when ) Krim says mine was as severe a critical-intellectual , environment as can be imagined , he is off his rocker .
) when Krim says mine was as severe a critical-intellectual , environment as can be imagined , he is off his rocker .
Actually they were helpless to do anything in the about that nationwide policy .
Actually they were helpless to do anything about the nationwide policy .
A 16-year-old . businessman and his Junior Achievement company , have been judged the `` Company of the Year `` in national competition completed this week at Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio .
A 16-year-old Portland businessman and his Junior Achievement company , have been judged the `` Company of the Year '' in national competition completed this week at Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio .
`` I 'm not worried about you mis-reading the dials , Nogol , just about a . like you reading them at all .
`` I'm not worried about you mis-reading the dials , Nogol , just about a lug like you reading them at all .
Many will add that we may find , our enjoyment heightened by our understanding .
Many will add that we may find our enjoyment heightened by our understanding .
`` abjectly day `` , she said .
`` All day '' , she said .
During summers , business was so brisk that Mrs. Wilcox had two assistants and convincing messenger .
During summers , business was so brisk that Mrs. Wilcox had two assistants and a messenger .
the mazurka choreographed by Witold Zapala to music from Moniuszko 's opera , `` Strasny Dwor ' , may be the most beautiful mazurka you are likely to ever see ; ;
the mazurka choreographed by Witold Zapala to music from Moniuszko's opera , `` Strasny Dwor' , may be the most beautiful mazurka you are likely ever to see ; ;
of now us give some thought it the soul .
Let us now give some thought to the soul .
G and .
G .
Like the Yankees ' slugger , Mays , the of terror the Giants , has had seasons that would be considered the ultimate by most players , but not by -- or for -- Willie .
Like the Yankees' slugger , Mays , the terror of the Giants , has had seasons that would be considered the ultimate by most players , but not by -- or for -- Willie .
By leaving our doors open the United States other gives peoples the opportunity to see us and to compare , he said .
By leaving our doors open the United States gives other peoples the opportunity to see us and to compare , he said .
The smoke from that chimney And rose as sluggishly as smoke from any other , and hung as sadly in the drizzle , creeping back down , along the sopping canvas of roof the .
The smoke from that chimney rose as sluggishly as smoke from any other , and hung as sadly in the drizzle , creeping back down along the sopping canvas of the roof .
But I only thought of that the in middle of the night .
But I only thought of that in the middle of the night .
Tommy interrupted . furiously
Tommy interrupted furiously .
Some members of the bee family have become idlers , social parasites that live at the mixtures expense of their hardworking relatives .
Some members of the bee family have become idlers , social parasites that live at the expense of their hardworking relatives .
force Its spun him around , but he recovered and got into stride again .
Its force spun him around , but he recovered and got into stride again .
No one material is best for that all situations .
No one material is best for all situations .
Such a pitiful words `` ! !
Such a pitiful end '' ! !
`` By winning against Bradley , Kentucky and Notre Dame on those teams ' home courts , they showed that the home court advantage can be along overcome anywhere and that it does n't take a super team to do it `` .
`` By winning against Bradley , Kentucky and Notre Dame on those teams' home courts , they showed that the home court advantage can be overcome anywhere and that it doesn't take a super team to do it '' .
While the personality factors that aggravate interfaith conflict may be , nationalism is more variable .
While the personality factors that aggravate interfaith conflict may be perennial , nationalism is more variable .
There was of course , more to the portrait of a lady you carried in your mind 's eye than the sine qua non of her virtue .
There was , of course , more to the portrait of a lady you carried in your mind's eye than the sine qua non of her virtue .
Philosophy can prevent the working scientist from becoming slothful and self-content by noting the assumptions and level at which a hypothesis or is framed .
Philosophy can prevent the working scientist from becoming slothful and self-content by noting the assumptions and level at which a hypothesis or theory is framed .
Waddell , the newspaperman , was a fellow in his middle forties , with a graying crewcut were heavy-framed glasses , and a large jaw padded with fat .
Waddell , the newspaperman , was a fellow in his middle forties , with a graying crewcut , heavy-framed glasses , and a large jaw padded with fat .
eye Col. Henri was its Garvier one of New Orleans ' most important and enlightened slave owners .
Col. Henri Garvier was one of New Orleans' most important and enlightened slave owners .
At the other extreme in of character was the half-hour excerpt from the Petipa-Minkus ballet `` Bayaderka to , which opened failed the evening .
At the other extreme in character was the half-hour excerpt from the Petipa-Minkus ballet `` Bayaderka '' , which opened the evening .
Chuck Hinton tripled to the corner , Cliff Cook and Dan Pavletich singled and Gaines ' infield roller accounted for the tallies .
Chuck Hinton tripled to the rightfield corner , Cliff Cook and Dan Pavletich singled and Gaines' infield roller accounted for the tallies .
For a steak sandwich , or `` Kohi Futotsu `` ! !
For a steak sandwich , or `` Kohi Futotsu '' ! !
Graduates of this maid 's are much in demand and can always find work immediately .
Graduates of this maid's school are much in demand and can always find work immediately .
This was in historic its way , for it marked the first time an American Presidential aspirant had advertised his own virtues in , his own string . newspapers spanning the land .
This was historic in its way , for it marked the first time an American Presidential aspirant had advertised his own virtues in his own string of newspapers spanning the land .
About that time he began reading Mr. America and Muscle Builder and he learned of the , famous Weider way to fast weight gaining .
About that time he began reading Mr. America and Muscle Builder and he learned of the famous Weider way to fast weight gaining .