wavs/1.wav|Son, I'm gonna blow that dumb look right off your stupid face. wavs/10.wav|Dominated corn cakes? That's nothing. SENTRY DOWN! wavs/100.wav|Down under? More like six feet down under. I wish y'all could see how bad I'm kicking your tail. wavs/101.wav|We are ridin' high. Rock, paper, scissors, boys. That heavy's a spy. That sniper's a spy. wavs/102.wav|Now that's how it's done. Nice shooting, Tex. Dominated, fat man. Ain't that a cute little gun? wavs/103.wav|I whipped up a satellite earlier to scan the topography of the area, boys. And guess what? There's plenty of room for us to kick their asses all over it. wavs/104.wav|Yeah. Who's with me? You're all wore out, boy. Y'all might be flame retardant, but you sure ain't bulletproof. wavs/105.wav|I don't know about y'all, but I'm feeling mighty competitive. I love that little gun. You low-down scoundrel. wavs/106.wav|That medic's a spy. There's more where that came from. I've seen better sides of beef been run over by a combine. wavs/107.wav|Gotcha, Chuckwagon! Dominated campground! I wouldn't call that last game competitive, if y'all know what I mean. wavs/108.wav|Move, move, move! Start praying, boy. Rock beats scissors, son. Unicorn up, boys! wavs/109.wav|This ain't no scrim, boys. Hey, boys, it's a spy. I love beer, barbecue, and ranking up. wavs/11.wav|I may be new to sixes, but this ain't my first rodeo. Let's win this! wavs/110.wav|Come on, spinal column, don't let me down now. This tie just gripes my gizzard. We're breaking it now. wavs/111.wav|We need a sentry right here. I believe I will buy you a beer. Sentry buster down! Take it like a man, shorty. wavs/112.wav|Nobody likes a squatter. That pyro's a spy. Now I've seen everything. Let's get wrangling, cowboys. wavs/113.wav|Quick as a hiccup, ain't ya? Heh, not quick enough. If y'all had more gadgets for killin', you wouldn't need so many for hidin'. wavs/114.wav|Looks like we're ranking up. Thanks for the ride, partner. Do I look like a mule, boys? I can't carry this whole dang team. wavs/115.wav|Guess it's up to me now. Sentry Buster! Rock, paper, scissors. Hee-yah! Giddy-up! wavs/116.wav|Go B Cave I C tech! Go fightin' cows! You ain't too fast for me and my machines now, are ya? Heh, are ya? wavs/117.wav|Heavy road comin' through! That catch your eye, son? Dominated, you snake! Need help cappin' this point! wavs/118.wav|Tanks dropping a bomb! Hell of a shot, mister! Erecting a dispenser! We gotta break this tie, boys. wavs/119.wav|Speak up next time, boy. Bap! Go right. You just got dominated. Pink pony style. wavs/12.wav|TANK! Aw, hell. You done incurred my wrath, son. wavs/120.wav|Push, push, push! We're in tall cotton, friend. Robots at the gate, boys! I am damn proud right now. wavs/121.wav|That there wasn't getting any lighter. Out of my way! Out of my way! That spy ain't on our side! Well, that sours my milk. wavs/122.wav|That engineer's a spy. Dominated, you turncoat. I got hats harder than that. Hit it, Doc. Let's go. wavs/123.wav|This button here builds teleporters. This button builds dispensers. And this little button makes them enemies some bitches wish they'd never been born! wavs/124.wav|Nice work. To the right. Get along there, little doggies. Gotcha, pork drippings. Yeah, giddyup, giddyup, giddyup, giddyup. wavs/125.wav|Don't test my mettle, son. Ha! All right. Boy, this here is just going to keep happening and happening. wavs/126.wav|You know where you ought to hide next time? Back in France. Giddy up. Woo! Y'all just got branded. wavs/127.wav|Winning ain't everything. Course it's a sight better than losing. I need some doggone help! That's from yours truly, son. wavs/128.wav|I'm fixin' to get mean. There's a spy creepin' around here. Spy sappin' my teleporter. Now that is real nice. wavs/129.wav|Dumber than dirt, ain't ya? Keep pushing that dead man! Son, I never said this to anybody before, but I'm damn proud of you. wavs/13.wav|Heh heh, feel the burn now! Grab some steel, boys! They're coming! wavs/130.wav|You bet your ass we won. I won't stand for no ties, boys. Another satisfied customer. Scissors cut paper, hoss. wavs/131.wav|Never mind the bullets. How much are all these coffins costing you? This losing streak ends now. Spy is sapping my sentry. wavs/132.wav|Keep coming at me, Doctor. Eventually y'all gonna rustle up some sense. Fellas, I seen their scrim. Them boys are a bunch of broken-down old mules. wavs/133.wav|I reckon we just got promoted. I'm a dancing fool. Dominated, little feller. Gutless. Medic! wavs/134.wav|Nah, packin' up. Let's see a sentry track this. Dominated by a unicorn. You are pathetic, son. wavs/135.wav|Woo-hoo! Dominated, string bean. You should have brought more guns, son. Dominated, Smokey. wavs/136.wav|Giddy-up! Come on now. We got it! Heck no. Let's get this damn old man to hell! It's the witching hour, boys! wavs/137.wav|These fellas are gonna be OMELESS if they don't put up more of a RESISTANCE! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, that's an engineering joke. wavs/138.wav|Howdy, howdy. Let's get rowdy. I love ranking up. Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it. The hand is quicker than the eye. wavs/139.wav|Tag ya. Head left. Y'all ready? Cause I'm ready. I will send every damn one of ya back to robot hell! wavs/14.wav|Y'all just got drafted into my war. I told you don't touch that darn thing. wavs/140.wav|Spy's sappin' my dispenser. If you done it, it ain't braggin'. Shucks, I was just gettin' started. We need a dispenser right here. wavs/141.wav|HEEEEEEYA! It ain't gettin' any harder for me to kill ya. Robots are attackin' the gate! Aw, good night, Irene. wavs/142.wav|Help! Charge me, Doc! Let's get that dead man moving! Son, I invented winning. Yippee-ki-unicorn, boys! wavs/143.wav|This thing ain't on autopilot, son. Who wants a flip? Rank up. Winning's like science, boys. If you want a steak, you gotta prove it. wavs/144.wav|I'm a killer of men, Doc. That is the God's honest truth. You wrangled that up just right. How'd that plan turn out for you, dummy? wavs/145.wav|Them boys have gone and made me lose my temper. Let's get to it. Head right! Those sorry sumbitches gave me an idea for a new invention. Bullet magnets. wavs/146.wav|Damn, I'm burning up. I ain't got time to die. You're dumb as a box of rocks. Plant yourself on the point, mister. wavs/147.wav|Y'all take that, Rocket Boy. Big Robot's got the bomb, boys. Move him out. Up I go. You're all hard hat and no cattle. wavs/148.wav|You must be a doctor, because you just saw the extent of my patience. My sentries could have handled that one on their own. One sap robot! wavs/149.wav|That Bomb-Bot's gettin' mean! Yee-haw! I am a god! I'm done playin' games, boys. wavs/15.wav|At least you ain't worthless anymore. That bomb bot's getting meaner, boys! wavs/150.wav|Let's do this Texas style. Well, I reckon that's that. This ranch ain't gonna swing itself. Don't go meddling in my business. wavs/151.wav|Well done, partner. Go on, get! To the left! On me, Doc! When y'all meet your maker, tell him to build you some guts next time! wavs/152.wav|Let's kick some ass and take some games. Well, I guess that'll do. Giddy up, boys! Grab that money! We got them spooked, boys! wavs/153.wav|Just a dead little jackrabbit. You look at my tongue tied, son. Bam! All right. Plant yourself on that darn point, mister. wavs/154.wav|Get a foot in! Help me! Nicely done. On three. Six Yankees against one of my sentries? I believe the numbers are in my favor here. wavs/155.wav|Dominated, you damn Yankee. That there was a fine piece of work. Doctor, I am the better man. I'm running hotter than hell's basement. wavs/156.wav|Guess I got the mightest touch. Now that is just dynamite. You are a whole herd of ugly. We need a teleporter right here. wavs/157.wav|Alrighty then. Thanks, mister. Boom! Nice shot. Slither on back to hell, coward. Much obliged. Move him out! wavs/16.wav|I just rode you out on a rail down under. I built that. Nice work, partner. wavs/17.wav|Ah, hell! The robots took the gate! I'm done playing games with you, boy. wavs/18.wav|Woo-wee! Will you look at that? Come here, sissy! Get going! wavs/19.wav|Okay, buddy. Time to teleport you to a world of physical fitness. wavs/2.wav|Sell your tonics elsewhere, Miracle Man. Looks like we just got ourselves a promotion. wavs/20.wav|Sniper! Building a sentry. This all's what happens when you fight a man. wavs/21.wav|Now that is a cool breeze on a hot day. That there is a gold-plated kill. wavs/22.wav|Y'all ready? Come on now! Looks like the other team could use a skill dispenser. wavs/23.wav|We kicked a metric ton of ass, boys. Cowboy up! That's what you get. wavs/24.wav|I was going to invent the death dispenser, but it looks like you all beat me to it. Nice work. wavs/25.wav|Unicorn erecting a dispenser. Whew! I feel fit as a fiddle. wavs/26.wav|This point ain't gonna cap itself. Get over here! Let's get this buzzard bait in the hole, boys! wavs/27.wav|Yee-hee! Yee-haw! The bridge is down! Go, go, go! wavs/28.wav|A real Texan would have dodged that. Being dead just got me mad. wavs/29.wav|Come on, hit it, Doc. It's perfect. Dispenser going up. Yeah, living. wavs/3.wav|This skunk's starting to smell. Let's do this. Flippin' time! wavs/30.wav|Now, a few years back, I invented the bullet magnet. Do you think the other team stole my schematics? wavs/31.wav|You shouldn't have played with fire, boy. And another thing, you're ugly. wavs/32.wav|PUSH THAT DAMN OLD MAN STRAIGHT TO DAMN HELL! CENTRIC, GOIN' UP! GET UP THERE! wavs/33.wav|You are a coward and a scoundrel! Hell, boys, we better man up in a big damn hurry! wavs/34.wav|Somebody want to wrestle up a teleporter out here? We done already? Nah, that is a shame. wavs/35.wav|Robot ain't been built, can't get shot. I'm moving this. I'm ready! wavs/36.wav|Damn robots went and got me mad. What dumb son of a bitch cares that? wavs/37.wav|We're going to stop these Mother Hubbards in their tracks. That works. Job well done. wavs/38.wav|No more losing. Sorry, ma'am. My eleventh P H D is in applied ass-kicking. wavs/39.wav|I ran the numbers, boys. We got this one in the bag. Y'all just got dominated, city boy. wavs/4.wav|Anything better than a rank up? Nope. Cream gravy. Woo-hoo! wavs/40.wav|We did it! With a little help from Mother Science. Appreciate it, Doc. Let's get some air! wavs/41.wav|Alright, time to take it to level three. Y'all come back now. More where that came from. wavs/42.wav|Hoo-wee! They ain't gonna know what hit them. Though it'll likely be bullets, statistically speaking. wavs/43.wav|Wait, they let you bring sentries to this game? Well, game on then. wavs/44.wav|Not bad. Not bad at all. Damn dag nabbit! Weren't no thang. wavs/45.wav|I'm Wolverine mean, you son of a bitch. We got that done faster than a knife fight in a phone booth. wavs/46.wav|I've had just about enough of losing. Who's with me? Come on, boys. Let's get to them upgrade stations. wavs/47.wav|Woo-wee, makin' bacon. Hold this point! Who's up for a throw? wavs/48.wav|Medics are goner. Sentry, right up there. I reckon I brought enough boot to kick six asses. wavs/49.wav|What in Sam Hill were you thinking, Stringbean? Woo! Look at all that money! wavs/5.wav|You were getting too big for your britches. Whew! That was close! wavs/50.wav|Ha! Nope. That spy's one of them. Didn't your mama teach you not to play with matches? wavs/51.wav|Mighty Robot! Nice going, partner. That there is just a sad display, boy. wavs/52.wav|Incomin'! Bombs clear! I'm gonna beat you like a rented mule, boy. wavs/53.wav|Y'all gotta run a lot faster than that. That is unicorn justice, son. wavs/54.wav|Let's go make trouble. Yee-haw! Hell, that was easy. That wasn't even close. wavs/55.wav|DAG NABBIT DAMMIT! We've ranked up, partner! Let's raise a ruckus. Aw, shucks. wavs/56.wav|Sometimes you just need a little less gun. Why don't y'all get along before one of you gets hurt? wavs/57.wav|Ha ha! I don't even need my good hand for this. How's about we teleport some talent over to the other team? wavs/58.wav|Shoot, son, you're all slow as molasses. Demo's a goner! Teleporter going up. wavs/59.wav|They got a bomb! Gotta move that gear up! Erecting a statue of a moron. wavs/6.wav|Sorry to put out your campfire, boy. We won! Can't say I'm surprised, though. wavs/60.wav|I'm gonna tear you down, Junior. I never much cared for ties. Let's break this one. wavs/61.wav|Follow me, Doc. We'd best get on the stick. You're about to have a real bad day. wavs/62.wav|You should have stayed back at your little campsite. Yes, sir. I'm all fired up. wavs/63.wav|This one's ours now. We make a good team. Giddy up, boys. Do-si-do time. wavs/64.wav|Dispenser down that was getting heavy next time tend to your own knitting saw bones wavs/65.wav|Now just stop trying to mess with my contraptions. We only got two speeds, fast and faster. wavs/66.wav|Aw, now you don't look like a happy camper. That's what my daddy taught me to do to backstabbers. wavs/67.wav|Help me capture this point! That was a heap of work. Heavy's a goner! Scout's a goner! wavs/68.wav|Come on, fellas. Dominated, hard hat. I just beat on your sneaky ass like a mule, boy. wavs/69.wav|The bridge is down, boys! Git while the gittin's good! You're alright, Doc. Pyro's a goner! wavs/7.wav|Dominated by a man in a pink wig, that is some shame right there. wavs/70.wav|Ha ha! Y'all ain't ready for this! You ladies shoulda oughta brought some menfolk with ya. wavs/71.wav|They call me Mule Boy, because all I do is carry. Guess they didn't teach you to duck in doctor school. wavs/72.wav|Bomb-Bot's down! Soldiers are gone! Gotcha, Mamoose. They won't know what hit them. wavs/73.wav|Come on, boys. These Yankees are all hat and no battle. You cross the boss, you take the loss, hoss. wavs/74.wav|Drunk on the battlefield ain't no way to be, son. Looks like we ranked up. Y'all come back now! wavs/75.wav|Saddle up boys. We gotta hold this point. Nice try, slim. Teleporter down! wavs/76.wav|Nice work, fellas. Much obliged, partner. You ready to dance, partner? That just ain't right! wavs/77.wav|Damn it! Let's go. That soldier's a spy. Damn it, fellas! Everybody ready? wavs/78.wav|Shoot that tank! Gotcha, Stretch! Damn this game to blazes. I'm gonna lay you out! wavs/79.wav|Looks like we're ridin' high. Sappin' a robot! Not fast enough. Not by a damn sight. wavs/8.wav|Next time, lift your lid and you might see it coming. That'll cut you back down to size. wavs/80.wav|I AM A PINK PONY GOD! That's what it feels like when eagles cry, soldier boy. wavs/81.wav|We're down, boys. Let's beat these hatless sons of bitches. Big damn robot! Gotcha, fat boy! wavs/82.wav|Spy around here. Yeah, yeah. Woo-hoo! Boo! wavs/83.wav|Ha! Now that is some tactical problem-solving. You and me, partner. Woo-hoo! wavs/84.wav|It's beautiful. Nice seeing the back of that one. You're a long way from France, boy. wavs/85.wav|Man versus sentry? I believe I'll take nine hundred pounds of precision machine steel over a little fella that runs fast. wavs/86.wav|Paper covers rock, boss. Go, horse, go! Teleporter coming right up. Another bomb! wavs/87.wav|This here point's ours now. Pony up, boys. Sentry right up ahead. Well, don't that beat all. wavs/88.wav|I love engines, pinion shafts, flanges, mitigating shock loads, but most of all, I love winning. wavs/89.wav|Looks like that there just weren't the place you ought to be standing. Yeah! Pow! Over here, Sawbones. wavs/9.wav|Looks like our hard work is finally paying off. I feel like a brand new unicorn, Doc. wavs/90.wav|Don't worry, boys. The engineer is in-ja here. Still tinkering with that one. wavs/91.wav|I don't know about y'all, but I'm feeling pretty damn competitive. Reckon we better get to gettin'. Dominated, eyepatch! wavs/92.wav|You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some unicorns with ya'. Much obliged, Doc. That scout's a spy! wavs/93.wav|You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much. Looks like we're moving up in the world. Oh my God. wavs/94.wav|We won the match, boys! I need help defending this point! Ready, and raring to go. Let's turn this around, boys! wavs/95.wav|Done and done. That's what it was made for. The robots are taking the gate! Let's break this tie, fellas! wavs/96.wav|Good news boys, I drafted up a blueprint of the other team's asses and it looks like all our boots are gonna fit up there. wavs/97.wav|We're gonna turn this around. Sniper's a goner! Go, go, go! Fire! You just ain't doing it right. wavs/98.wav|You ought to stand back a little more, like for me and my machines. Spies are gone! Push the dead man, boys! wavs/99.wav|That Demo's a spy. Engie's a goner. You're damn right we won. You gotcha, eyehole.