Update files from the datasets library (from 1.0.0)
Browse filesRelease notes:
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1 |
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2 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
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20 |
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21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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27 |
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"ModHayes": {"description": "The Reuters-21578 dataset is one of the most widely used data collections for text\ncategorization research. It is collected from the Reuters financial newswire service in 1987.\n", "citation": "@article{APTE94,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization},\njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},\nyear = {1994}, \nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{APTE94b,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Toward Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models},\nbooktitle = {sigir94},\nyear = {1994},\nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES8},\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Peggy M. Anderson and Irene B. Nirenburg and \nLinda M. Schmandt},\ntitle = {{TCS}: A Shell for Content-Based Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES90b,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Steven P. Weinstein},\ntitle = {{CONSTRUE/TIS:} A System for Content-Based Indexing of a \nDatabase of News Stories},\nbooktitle = {Second Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of\nArtificial Intelligence},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@incollection{HAYES92 ,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes},\ntitle = {Intelligent High-Volume Text Processing using Shallow,\nDomain-Specific Techniques},\nbooktitle = {Text-Based Intelligent Systems},\npublisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},\naddress = {Hillsdale, NJ},\nyear = {1992},\neditor = {Paul S. Jacobs}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91c ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Evaluating Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {feb},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {312--318}\n\n}\n\n@phdthesis{LEWIS91d,\nauthor = {David Dolan Lewis},\ntitle = {Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval},\nschool = {Computer Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA 01003},\nyear = 1992},\nnote = {Technical Report 91--93.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Data Extraction as Text Categorization: An Experiment with\nthe {MUC-3} Corpus},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Evaluation\nand Conference},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {may},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text\nCategorization Task},\nbooktitle = {Fifteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on\nResearch and Development in Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1992},\npages = {37--50}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92d ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Richard M. Tong},\ntitle = {Text Filtering in {MUC-3} and {MUC-4}},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference ({MUC-4})},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {jun},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {feb} ,\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {212--217}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS94b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette},\ntitle = {A Comparison of Two Learning Algorithms for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1994},\norganization = {ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas},\naddress = {Las Vegas, NV},\nmonth = {apr},\npages = {81--93}\n}\n\n@article{LEWIS94d, \nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Philip J. Hayes}, \ntitle = {Guest Editorial}, \njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, \nyear = {1994}, \nvolume = {12}, \nnumber = {3}, \npages = {231}, \nmonth = {jul}\n}\n\n@article{SPARCKJONES76,\nauthor = {K. {Sparck Jones} and C. J. {van Rijsbergen}},\ntitle = {Information Retrieval Test Collections},\njournal = {Journal of Documentation},\nyear = {1976},\nvolume = {32},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {59--75}\n}\n\n@book{WEISS91,\nauthor = {Sholom M. Weiss and Casimir A. Kulikowski},\ntitle = {Computer Systems That Learn},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\nyear = {1991},\naddress = {San Mateo, CA}\n}\n", "homepage": "", "license": "", "features": {"text": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "topics": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "lewis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "cgis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "old_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "new_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "places": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "people": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "orgs": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "exchanges": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "date": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "title": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "supervised_keys": null, "builder_name": "reuters21578", "config_name": "ModHayes", "version": {"version_str": "1.0.0", "description": "", "datasets_version_to_prepare": null, "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"test": {"name": "test", "num_bytes": 930193, "num_examples": 720, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}, "train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 18050316, "num_examples": 18323, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}}, "download_checksums": {"": {"num_bytes": 8150596, "checksum": "3bae43c9b14e387f76a61b6d82bf98a4fb5d3ef99ef7e7075ff2ccbcf59f9d30"}}, "download_size": 8150596, "dataset_size": 18980509, "size_in_bytes": 27131105}, "ModLewis": {"description": "The Reuters-21578 dataset is one of the most widely used data collections for text\ncategorization research. It is collected from the Reuters financial newswire service in 1987.\n", "citation": "@article{APTE94,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization},\njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},\nyear = {1994}, \nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{APTE94b,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Toward Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models},\nbooktitle = {sigir94},\nyear = {1994},\nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES8},\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Peggy M. Anderson and Irene B. Nirenburg and \nLinda M. Schmandt},\ntitle = {{TCS}: A Shell for Content-Based Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES90b,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Steven P. Weinstein},\ntitle = {{CONSTRUE/TIS:} A System for Content-Based Indexing of a \nDatabase of News Stories},\nbooktitle = {Second Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of\nArtificial Intelligence},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@incollection{HAYES92 ,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes},\ntitle = {Intelligent High-Volume Text Processing using Shallow,\nDomain-Specific Techniques},\nbooktitle = {Text-Based Intelligent Systems},\npublisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},\naddress = {Hillsdale, NJ},\nyear = {1992},\neditor = {Paul S. Jacobs}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91c ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Evaluating Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {feb},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {312--318}\n\n}\n\n@phdthesis{LEWIS91d,\nauthor = {David Dolan Lewis},\ntitle = {Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval},\nschool = {Computer Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA 01003},\nyear = 1992},\nnote = {Technical Report 91--93.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Data Extraction as Text Categorization: An Experiment with\nthe {MUC-3} Corpus},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Evaluation\nand Conference},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {may},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text\nCategorization Task},\nbooktitle = {Fifteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on\nResearch and Development in Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1992},\npages = {37--50}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92d ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Richard M. Tong},\ntitle = {Text Filtering in {MUC-3} and {MUC-4}},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference ({MUC-4})},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {jun},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {feb} ,\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {212--217}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS94b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette},\ntitle = {A Comparison of Two Learning Algorithms for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1994},\norganization = {ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas},\naddress = {Las Vegas, NV},\nmonth = {apr},\npages = {81--93}\n}\n\n@article{LEWIS94d, \nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Philip J. Hayes}, \ntitle = {Guest Editorial}, \njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, \nyear = {1994}, \nvolume = {12}, \nnumber = {3}, \npages = {231}, \nmonth = {jul}\n}\n\n@article{SPARCKJONES76,\nauthor = {K. {Sparck Jones} and C. J. {van Rijsbergen}},\ntitle = {Information Retrieval Test Collections},\njournal = {Journal of Documentation},\nyear = {1976},\nvolume = {32},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {59--75}\n}\n\n@book{WEISS91,\nauthor = {Sholom M. Weiss and Casimir A. Kulikowski},\ntitle = {Computer Systems That Learn},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\nyear = {1991},\naddress = {San Mateo, CA}\n}\n", "homepage": "", "license": "", "features": {"text": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "topics": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "lewis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "cgis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "old_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "new_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "places": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "people": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "orgs": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "exchanges": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "date": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "title": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "supervised_keys": null, "builder_name": "reuters21578", "config_name": "ModLewis", "version": {"version_str": "1.0.0", "description": "", "datasets_version_to_prepare": null, "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"test": {"name": "test", "num_bytes": 5172249, "num_examples": 5458, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}, "train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 12496933, "num_examples": 12449, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}, "unused": {"name": "unused", "num_bytes": 930193, "num_examples": 720, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}}, "download_checksums": {"": {"num_bytes": 8150596, "checksum": "3bae43c9b14e387f76a61b6d82bf98a4fb5d3ef99ef7e7075ff2ccbcf59f9d30"}}, "download_size": 8150596, "dataset_size": 18599375, "size_in_bytes": 26749971}, "ModApte": {"description": "The Reuters-21578 dataset is one of the most widely used data collections for text\ncategorization research. It is collected from the Reuters financial newswire service in 1987.\n", "citation": "@article{APTE94,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization},\njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},\nyear = {1994}, \nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{APTE94b,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Toward Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models},\nbooktitle = {sigir94},\nyear = {1994},\nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES8},\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Peggy M. Anderson and Irene B. Nirenburg and \nLinda M. Schmandt},\ntitle = {{TCS}: A Shell for Content-Based Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES90b,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Steven P. Weinstein},\ntitle = {{CONSTRUE/TIS:} A System for Content-Based Indexing of a \nDatabase of News Stories},\nbooktitle = {Second Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of\nArtificial Intelligence},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@incollection{HAYES92 ,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes},\ntitle = {Intelligent High-Volume Text Processing using Shallow,\nDomain-Specific Techniques},\nbooktitle = {Text-Based Intelligent Systems},\npublisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},\naddress = {Hillsdale, NJ},\nyear = {1992},\neditor = {Paul S. Jacobs}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91c ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Evaluating Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {feb},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {312--318}\n\n}\n\n@phdthesis{LEWIS91d,\nauthor = {David Dolan Lewis},\ntitle = {Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval},\nschool = {Computer Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA 01003},\nyear = 1992},\nnote = {Technical Report 91--93.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Data Extraction as Text Categorization: An Experiment with\nthe {MUC-3} Corpus},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Evaluation\nand Conference},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {may},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text\nCategorization Task},\nbooktitle = {Fifteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on\nResearch and Development in Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1992},\npages = {37--50}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92d ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Richard M. Tong},\ntitle = {Text Filtering in {MUC-3} and {MUC-4}},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference ({MUC-4})},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {jun},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {feb} ,\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {212--217}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS94b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette},\ntitle = {A Comparison of Two Learning Algorithms for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1994},\norganization = {ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas},\naddress = {Las Vegas, NV},\nmonth = {apr},\npages = {81--93}\n}\n\n@article{LEWIS94d, \nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Philip J. Hayes}, \ntitle = {Guest Editorial}, \njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, \nyear = {1994}, \nvolume = {12}, \nnumber = {3}, \npages = {231}, \nmonth = {jul}\n}\n\n@article{SPARCKJONES76,\nauthor = {K. {Sparck Jones} and C. J. {van Rijsbergen}},\ntitle = {Information Retrieval Test Collections},\njournal = {Journal of Documentation},\nyear = {1976},\nvolume = {32},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {59--75}\n}\n\n@book{WEISS91,\nauthor = {Sholom M. Weiss and Casimir A. Kulikowski},\ntitle = {Computer Systems That Learn},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\nyear = {1991},\naddress = {San Mateo, CA}\n}\n", "homepage": "", "license": "", "features": {"text": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "topics": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "lewis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "cgis_split": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "old_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "new_id": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "places": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "people": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "orgs": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "exchanges": {"feature": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "length": -1, "id": null, "_type": "Sequence"}, "date": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "title": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "supervised_keys": null, "builder_name": "reuters21578", "config_name": "ModApte", "version": {"version_str": "1.0.0", "description": "", "datasets_version_to_prepare": null, "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"test": {"name": "test", "num_bytes": 2848935, "num_examples": 3009, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}, "train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 8778391, "num_examples": 8762, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}, "unused": {"name": "unused", "num_bytes": 930193, "num_examples": 720, "dataset_name": "reuters21578"}}, "download_checksums": {"": {"num_bytes": 8150596, "checksum": "3bae43c9b14e387f76a61b6d82bf98a4fb5d3ef99ef7e7075ff2ccbcf59f9d30"}}, "download_size": 8150596, "dataset_size": 12557519, "size_in_bytes": 20708115}}
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:0860062df325d712b51a16719baa51a8371812d65a36378928b6b0329aec8ae1
3 |
size 22278
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:0860062df325d712b51a16719baa51a8371812d65a36378928b6b0329aec8ae1
3 |
size 22278
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:0860062df325d712b51a16719baa51a8371812d65a36378928b6b0329aec8ae1
3 |
size 22278
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
1 |
# coding=utf-8
2 |
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors and the HuggingFace Datasets Authors.
3 |
4 |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 |
# limitations under the License.
15 |
16 |
# Lint as: python3
17 |
"""Reuters 21578"""
18 |
19 |
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
20 |
21 |
import os
22 |
from textwrap import dedent
23 |
24 |
import datasets
25 |
26 |
27 |
_CITATION = """\
28 |
29 |
author = {Chidanand Apt{\'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},
30 |
title = {Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization},
31 |
journal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},
32 |
year = {1994},
33 |
note = {To appear.}
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
author = {Chidanand Apt{\'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},
38 |
title = {Toward Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models},
39 |
booktitle = {sigir94},
40 |
year = {1994},
41 |
note = {To appear.}
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
author = {Philip J. Hayes and Peggy M. Anderson and Irene B. Nirenburg and
46 |
Linda M. Schmandt},
47 |
title = {{TCS}: A Shell for Content-Based Text Categorization},
48 |
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications},
49 |
year = {1990}
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
author = {Philip J. Hayes and Steven P. Weinstein},
54 |
title = {{CONSTRUE/TIS:} A System for Content-Based Indexing of a
55 |
Database of News Stories},
56 |
booktitle = {Second Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of
57 |
Artificial Intelligence},
58 |
year = {1990}
59 |
60 |
61 |
@incollection{HAYES92 ,
62 |
author = {Philip J. Hayes},
63 |
title = {Intelligent High-Volume Text Processing using Shallow,
64 |
Domain-Specific Techniques},
65 |
booktitle = {Text-Based Intelligent Systems},
66 |
publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},
67 |
address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
68 |
year = {1992},
69 |
editor = {Paul S. Jacobs}
70 |
71 |
72 |
@inproceedings{LEWIS91c ,
73 |
author = {David D. Lewis},
74 |
title = {Evaluating Text Categorization},
75 |
booktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},
76 |
year = {1991},
77 |
month = {feb},
78 |
organization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},
79 |
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
80 |
pages = {312--318}
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
author = {David Dolan Lewis},
86 |
title = {Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval},
87 |
school = {Computer Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA 01003},
88 |
year = 1992},
89 |
note = {Technical Report 91--93.}
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
author = {David D. Lewis},
94 |
title = {Data Extraction as Text Categorization: An Experiment with
95 |
the {MUC-3} Corpus},
96 |
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Evaluation
97 |
and Conference},
98 |
year = {1991},
99 |
month = {may},
100 |
organization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},
101 |
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
102 |
address = {Los Altos, CA}
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
author = {David D. Lewis},
108 |
title = {An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text
109 |
Categorization Task},
110 |
booktitle = {Fifteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on
111 |
Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
112 |
year = {1992},
113 |
pages = {37--50}
114 |
115 |
116 |
@inproceedings{LEWIS92d ,
117 |
author = {David D. Lewis and Richard M. Tong},
118 |
title = {Text Filtering in {MUC-3} and {MUC-4}},
119 |
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference ({MUC-4})},
120 |
year = {1992},
121 |
month = {jun},
122 |
organization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},
123 |
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
124 |
address = {Los Altos, CA}
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
author = {David D. Lewis},
129 |
title = {Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Text Categorization},
130 |
booktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},
131 |
year = {1992},
132 |
month = {feb} ,
133 |
organization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},
134 |
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
135 |
pages = {212--217}
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
author = {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette},
140 |
title = {A Comparison of Two Learning Algorithms for Text Categorization},
141 |
booktitle = {Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval},
142 |
year = {1994},
143 |
organization = {ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas},
144 |
address = {Las Vegas, NV},
145 |
month = {apr},
146 |
pages = {81--93}
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
author = {David D. Lewis and Philip J. Hayes},
151 |
title = {Guest Editorial},
152 |
journal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},
153 |
year = {1994},
154 |
volume = {12},
155 |
number = {3},
156 |
pages = {231},
157 |
month = {jul}
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
author = {K. {Sparck Jones} and C. J. {van Rijsbergen}},
162 |
title = {Information Retrieval Test Collections},
163 |
journal = {Journal of Documentation},
164 |
year = {1976},
165 |
volume = {32},
166 |
number = {1},
167 |
pages = {59--75}
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
author = {Sholom M. Weiss and Casimir A. Kulikowski},
172 |
title = {Computer Systems That Learn},
173 |
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
174 |
year = {1991},
175 |
address = {San Mateo, CA}
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
The Reuters-21578 dataset is one of the most widely used data collections for text
181 |
categorization research. It is collected from the Reuters financial newswire service in 1987.
182 |
183 |
184 |
_DATA_URL = ""
185 |
186 |
187 |
class Reuters21578Config(datasets.BuilderConfig):
188 |
"""BuilderConfig for reuters-21578."""
189 |
190 |
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
191 |
"""BuilderConfig for Reuters21578.
192 |
193 |
194 |
**kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super.
195 |
196 |
super(Reuters21578Config, self).__init__(version=datasets.Version("1.0.0", ""), **kwargs)
197 |
198 |
199 |
class Reuters21578(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
200 |
"""Reuters 21578"""
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
"""Training Set (20856 docs): CGISPLIT="TRAINING-SET"
207 |
208 |
Unused (0 docs)"""
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
"""Training Set (13,625 docs): LEWISSPLIT="TRAIN"; TOPICS="YES" or "NO"
215 |
Test Set (6,188 docs): LEWISSPLIT="TEST"; TOPICS="YES" or "NO"
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
"""Training Set (9,603 docs): LEWISSPLIT="TRAIN"; TOPICS="YES"
223 |
Test Set (3,299 docs): LEWISSPLIT="TEST"; TOPICS="YES"
224 |
Unused (8,676 docs): LEWISSPLIT="NOT-USED"; TOPICS="YES" or TOPICS="NO" or TOPICS="BYPASS" """
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
def _info(self):
230 |
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
"text": datasets.Value("string"),
235 |
"topics": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
236 |
"lewis_split": datasets.Value("string"),
237 |
"cgis_split": datasets.Value("string"),
238 |
"old_id": datasets.Value("string"),
239 |
"new_id": datasets.Value("string"),
240 |
"places": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
241 |
"people": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
242 |
"orgs": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
243 |
"exchanges": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
244 |
"date": datasets.Value("string"),
245 |
"title": datasets.Value("string"),
246 |
247 |
248 |
# No default supervised_keys (as we have to pass both premise
249 |
# and hypothesis as input).
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
256 |
dl_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_DATA_URL)
257 |
files = [os.path.join(dl_dir, "reut2-" + "%03d" % i + ".sgm") for i in range(22)]
258 |
if == "ModHayes":
259 |
return [
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
"filepath": files,
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
"filepath": files,
271 |
"split": "TRAINING-SET",
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
return [
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
"filepath": files,
281 |
"split": "TEST",
282 |
283 |
284 |
datasets.SplitGenerator(name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"filepath": files, "split": "TRAIN"}),
285 |
datasets.SplitGenerator(name="unused", gen_kwargs={"filepath": files, "split": "NOT-USED"}),
286 |
287 |
288 |
def _generate_examples(self, filepath, split):
289 |
"""This function returns the examples in the raw (text) form."""
290 |
for file in filepath:
291 |
with open(
292 |
file, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore"
293 |
) as f: # only the file reut2-017 has one line non UTF-8 encoded so we can ignore it
294 |
line = f.readline()
295 |
lewis_split = ""
296 |
cgis_split = ""
297 |
old_id = ""
298 |
new_id = ""
299 |
topics = []
300 |
places = []
301 |
people = []
302 |
orgs = []
303 |
exchanges = []
304 |
date = ""
305 |
title = ""
306 |
while line:
307 |
if line.startswith("<REUTERS"):
308 |
line = line.split()
309 |
lewis_split = line[2].split("=")[1]
310 |
cgis_split = line[3].split("=")[1]
311 |
old_id = line[4].split("=")[1]
312 |
new_id = line[5].split("=")[1][:-1]
313 |
has_topic = line[1].split("=")[1]
314 |
line = f.readline()
315 |
if (
316 |
( == "ModHayes" and split not in cgis_split)
317 |
or (
318 |
+ == "ModLewis"
319 |
and (
320 |
(split not in lewis_split)
321 |
or (split == "TRAIN" and has_topic not in ['"YES"', '"NO"'])
322 |
or (split == "TEST" and has_topic not in ['"YES"', '"NO"'])
323 |
or (split == "NOT-USED" and has_topic not in ['"YES"', '"NO"', '"BYPASS"'])
324 |
325 |
326 |
or (
327 |
+ == "ModApte"
328 |
and (
329 |
split not in lewis_split
330 |
or (split == "TRAIN" and has_topic != '"YES"')
331 |
or (split == "TEST" and has_topic != '"YES"')
332 |
or (split == "NOT-USED" and has_topic not in ['"YES"', '"NO"', '"BYPASS"'])
333 |
334 |
335 |
): # skip example that are not in the current split
336 |
li = line
337 |
while li and not li.startswith("<REUTERS"):
338 |
li = f.readline()
339 |
if li:
340 |
line = li
341 |
elif line.startswith("<TOPICS>"):
342 |
if line.replace("\n", "") != "<TOPICS></TOPICS>":
343 |
line = line.split("<D>")
344 |
topics = [topic.replace("</D>", "") for topic in line[1:-1]]
345 |
topics = [topic.replace("</TOPICS>", "") for topic in topics]
346 |
line = f.readline()
347 |
elif line.startswith("<PLACES>"):
348 |
if line.replace("\n", "") != "<PLACES></PLACES>":
349 |
line = line.split("<D>")
350 |
places = [place.replace("</D>", "") for place in line[1:-1]]
351 |
places = [place.replace("</PLACES>", "") for place in places]
352 |
line = f.readline()
353 |
elif line.startswith("<PEOPLE>"):
354 |
if line.replace("\n", "") != "<PEOPLE></PEOPLE>":
355 |
line = line.split("<D>")
356 |
people = [p.replace("</D>", "") for p in line[1:-1]]
357 |
people = [p.replace("</PEOPLE>", "") for p in people]
358 |
line = f.readline()
359 |
elif line.startswith("<ORGS>"):
360 |
if line.replace("\n", "") != "<ORGS></ORGS>":
361 |
line = line.split("<D>")
362 |
orgs = [org.replace("</D>", "") for org in line[1:-1]]
363 |
orgs = [org.replace("</ORGS>", "") for org in orgs]
364 |
line = f.readline()
365 |
elif line.startswith("<EXCHANGES>"):
366 |
if line.replace("\n", "") != "<EXCHANGES></EXCHANGES>":
367 |
line = line.split("<D>")
368 |
exchanges = [ex.replace("</D>", "") for ex in line[1:-1]]
369 |
exchanges = [ex.replace("</EXCHANGES>", "") for ex in exchanges]
370 |
line = f.readline()
371 |
elif line.startswith("<DATE>"):
372 |
date = line.replace("\n", "")
373 |
date = line[6:-8]
374 |
line = f.readline()
375 |
elif line.startswith("<TITLE>"):
376 |
title = line[7:-9]
377 |
line = f.readline()
378 |
elif "<BODY>" in line:
379 |
text = line.split("<BODY>")[1]
380 |
line = f.readline()
381 |
while "</BODY>" not in line:
382 |
text += line
383 |
line = f.readline()
384 |
385 |
yield new_id, {
386 |
"lewis_split": lewis_split,
387 |
"cgis_split": cgis_split,
388 |
"old_id": old_id,
389 |
"new_id": new_id,
390 |
"topics": topics,
391 |
"places": places,
392 |
"people": people,
393 |
"orgs": orgs,
394 |
"exchanges": exchanges,
395 |
"date": date,
396 |
"title": title,
397 |
"text": text,
398 |
399 |
line = f.readline()
400 |
401 |
402 |
line = f.readline()