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{"text": "Advertisement I would like to thank those who took time out of their daily lives to come and testify on my behalf despite the pressure . I ’ d like to thank the jury for their service , and the Court . The Prophet Muhammad , peace and blessings be upon him , said that if you do not -- if you are not merciful to Allah ’ s creation , Allah will not be merciful to you , so I ’ d like to now apologize to the victims , to the survivors . Advertisement Immediately after the bombing , which I am guilty of -- if there ’ s any lingering doubt about that , let there be no more . I did do it along with my brother -- I learned of some of the victims . I learned their names , their faces , their age . And throughout this trial more of those victims were given names , more of those victims had faces , and they had burdened souls . Now , all those who got up on that witness stand and that podium related to us -- to me -- I was listening -- the suffering that was and the hardship that still is , with strength and with patience and with dignity . Now , Allah says in the Qur ’ an that no soul is burdened with more than it can bear , and you told us just how unbearable it was , how horrendous it was , this thing I put you through . And I know that you kept that much . I know that there isn ’ t enough time in the day for you to have related to us everything . I also wish that far more people had a chance to get up there , but I took them from you . Now , I am sorry for the lives that I ’ ve taken , for the suffering that I ’ ve caused you , for the damage that I ’ ve done . Irreparable damage .", "event": [{"event_type": "Generic crime", "event_trigger": "bombing", "arguments": [{"argument": "I", "role": "Perpetrator"}]}]}
{"text": "By MARI YAMAGUCHI , Associated Press TOKYO ( AP ) — Japanese police have arrested a man who admitted to landing a drone with low - level radioactive sand on the roof of the prime minister ' s office to protest the government ' s nuclear energy policy , officials said Saturday . Tokyo metropolitan police said Yasuo Yamamoto , 40 , turned himself in to authorities late Friday in Fukui in western Japan . The small drone found Wednesday had traces of radiation and triggered fears of potential terrorist attacks using unmanned aerial devices , the prime ministers ' office has said . The infiltration at Japan ' s political headquarters has also raised questions over the level of security there . No one was injured and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was traveling at the time of the incident . Police said Yamamoto was arrested on suspicion of flying the drone and obstructing duties at the prime minister ' s office . He has not been indicted and faces further questioning . Public broadcaster NHK said police quoted the unemployed man as saying he did it to protest the government ' s nuclear energy policy . Fukui is home to about a quarter of Japan ' s 48 reactors , which are currently all offline following the 2011 tsunami - triggered Fukushima plant disaster . Abe ' s administration wants to restart as many of the idled plants as possible . The drone was carrying a small camera and a plastic bottle containing what police suspect was the source of radioactive cesium , levels of which were too low to affect humans or the environment . The suspect said he used the sand from an unspecified location in Fukushima , where radiation levels are still high due to fallouts from the Fukushima Dai - ichi meltdowns , NHK said . The government has set up a task force to work on regulations for the use of small drones while ensuring the security of key government facilities . Drones have become increasingly popular in Japan for industrial , service and entertainment use . At a meeting Friday , task force members cautioned against excessive restrictions on the emerging market for drones .", "event": []}
{"text": "ABDULLAH AHMED ABDULLAH Murder of U . S . Nationals Outside the United States ; Conspiracy to Murder U . S . Nationals Outside the United States ; Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death ; Conspiracy to Kill U . S . Nationals , to Murder , to Destroy Buildings and Property of the United States , and to Destroy the National Defense Utilities of the United States Images Aliases : Abu Mohamed Al - Masri , Abu Muhammad al Masri , Saleh , Abu Mariam , Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah Ali , Abu Mohammed", "event": []}