diff --git "a/IE-en/EE/RAMS/contact/test.json" "b/IE-en/EE/RAMS/contact/test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/IE-en/EE/RAMS/contact/test.json" @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +{"id": "nw_RC02da7e59505d54b2e179a955ec897763412bbd89dba3a4c513b25e62", "text": "Republicans frequently trace the birth of Islamic State to the Obama administration ’s decision to withdraw the last U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of 2011 . But many analysts argue its roots lie in the decision of George W. Bush ’s Republican administration to invade Iraq in 2003 without a plan to fill the vacuum created by Saddam Hussein ’s ouster . It was Bush ’s administration , not Obama ’s , that negotiated the 2009 agreement that called for the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq by Dec. 31 , 2011 . Clinton posted on Twitter that Trump 's comments are disqualifying . \" Anyone willing to sink so low , so often should never be allowed to serve as our commander - in - chief , \" she wrote .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "negotiated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Bush ’s administration", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC10642bfcc8e38d16285e1fc17c03caf99588f9fbeb4cb9f033a88ddc", "text": "The stunt Ve?er : Border ruling will have consequences in both countries The upcoming decision of the arbitral tribunal on the border between Slovenia and Croatia , regardless of the fact that Croatia 's withdrawal from the arbitration agreement is null and void under in Special prosecutor to meet Senate committee leaders Special prosecutor Robert Mueller will hold talks this week with senior Senate Judiciary Committee members to ensure that there is no conflict between his investigation of potential collusion between � Better him than our country � : Keith Olbermann scorches Trump � s � presidency of self - destruction � GQ special correspondent Keith Olbermann on Monday excoriated Donald Trump � s � presidency of self - destruction , � arguing he is � bent on destroying himself and ending his � reign as the leader of the free El � as Has Fun At The Festival Reykjav � k Needs � Do you want this ? � � What is it ? � � It � s a cheeseburger , I don � t want it , you can have it . � � Oh , thanks . � ...", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "meet", "arguments": [{"argument": "senior Senate Judiciary Committee", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC124bce40e52eb6a4467892fb6f456180800dc489779d18a015248ebc", "text": "She has many paths to 270 electoral votes , Trump at the moment has none . All the usual caveats apply . There is a final debate in nine days in Las Vegas . More damaging information could come out about Clinton . External events could shift the landscape in the GOP nominee 's favor .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Las Vegas", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC17d6856854d2c768786110cfb36cc19aa5114fdf7097377b6eb6a670", "text": "On Wednesday ’s Breitbart News Daily , Sirius XM host Alex Marlow discussed leaked Hillary Clinton emails with former Navy SEAL and Blackwater CEO Erik Prince . Prince saw a disturbing threat about Clinton ’s appetite for centralized power running through several of these emails . Prince found an exchange in which Clinton applauded Chinese President Xi Jinping ’s consolidation of authoritarian power more evidence that “ her analysis of all things foreign , foreign governments , is about as goofed - up as her supposed reset with Russia , where they did n’t even get the translation right on the event . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "discussed", "arguments": [{"argument": "former Navy SEAL and Blackwater CEO Erik Prince", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2913202f948a5bb3053fd5cf950722e2d23d3ee174e9c91035cacfcb", "text": "Hillary Clinton ( while Secretary of State ) tried the ‘ reset ’ and it failed , and we need to see what we can do in the future . ” After numerous questions about Mr. Trump ’s comments to the media , Sen. Sessions finally shot back that at least “ Trump takes these interviews all the time , unlike Hillary Clinton , who hides from the press . ” Prior to a brief media availability on Sunday , Mrs. Clinton had gone 239 days without speaking to the press .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "interviews", "arguments": [{"argument": "media", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3d47c8d798db6a37fa12d3135db950a4558026209446eff7d4fc582f", "text": "But it ’s a sentiment that could be shared by a lot of people given the FBI ’s recent record . Bureau Director James Comey ’s news conference , in which he laid out an extended record of misconduct by Hillary Clinton but then announced that he would n’t recommend prosecuting her , was just the latest in a series of very visible FBI failures . The FBI had interviewed Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev , after being warned by the Russian government that he was a threat , but still did nothing . Three people were killed and more than 260 were injured as a result . The FBI also investigated in advance but failed to prevent mass killings by Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan and Arkansas shooter Carlos Bledsoe .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "interviewed", "arguments": [{"argument": "Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC4a6d358998031ed3d7ebcdbc9c3b4e3fab5af3474e951943a588235d", "text": "He said such action had the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between the countries . In April , the U.S. military said Russian SU-24 bombers simulated attack passes near the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea . Russia and the United States blame each other for unsafe manoeuvres in the June 17 incident which occurred less than two weeks after officials from the two countries met in Moscow to discuss ways to avoid incidents at sea . The Russian Defence Ministry said a U.S. destroyer approached dangerously close to a Russian ship , in what it said was a flagrant U.S. violation of rules to avoid at - sea collisions . A U.S. official countered that the Russian ship carried out \" unsafe and unprofessional \" operations near two U.S. ships .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "met", "arguments": [{"argument": "officials", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Moscow", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6e63787352c49db19ef8e2e86bcc1810dead5ab69992bfca00939566", "text": "MORE scores 6 percent in the poll , while Green Party nominee Jill Stein takes 3 percent support . ADVERTISEMENT In the same poll from mid - September — conducted before the first presidential debate — Clinton held only a 1-point lead . The candidates entered that debate , which was viewed by 80 million people , essentially locked in a tie . Since then , self - described independents have abandoned Trump in favor of Clinton . In the Quinnipiac survey from September , Trump led 42 to 35 among unaffiliated voters , while Johnson took 15 percent support . Clinton now leads 46 to 32 among independents — a 21-point swing — while Johnson ’s support among the voting bloc has fallen to 10 percent . The Libertarian had been cutting into Clinton ’s support , particularly among young voters and left - leaning independents . The trend alarmed Democrats , who feared a replay of the 2000 election , when Green Party nominee Ralph Nader was blamed for spoiling the election for", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "80 million people", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC7fb0f33a2b672d8214db49cf5547a9990df543d210fc2c5f88d4e757", "text": "By the next day , Wednesday 22 November , doctors treating Litvinenko had scrapped their diagnosis . Their notes read : “ We DO NOT feel this gentleman has or had inorganic thallium poisoning . ” At midday , a top - level meeting was convened at the Met ’s counter - terrorism command . It involved SO15 detectives , led by Det Supt Timmons , medical staff , a scientist from the UK ’s atomic weapons establishment , the forensic science service and Dr Nick Gent from Porton Down , the UK ’s military science facility . The latest urine test had revealed the presence of a new radioactive isotope – polonium-210 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "convened", "arguments": [{"argument": "SO15 detectives , led by Det Supt Timmons , medical staff , a scientist from the UK ’s atomic weapons establishment , the forensic science service and Dr Nick Gent from Porton Down", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "the Met ’s counter - terrorism command", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC95b6b413519bd9673be42c49fd3b78b28b5f75e6a82a3b84eb8a3c35", "text": "You 're one of his closest advisers — what are you , personally , the most proud of this campaign ? I ca n't claim credit for this : My daughter told me about Oak Flat , and then we had a meeting in Arizona — a rally — and a 14-year - old girl stood up and talked about the sacred site . I went to Flagstaff around the same time , and met with the Navajo Nation , met with the Apache - Stronghold , and came back and talked to Bernie about all this and said , \" We have to do something , we have to do something . \" And he said , \" OK . \" And since then , we met [ with Native Americans ] every single time we could . We have the strongest Native American platform .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "met", "arguments": [{"argument": "Apache - Stronghold", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Flagstaff", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCa901ac71431eff4618975e34efb4a45ba6c22035fca197fe92be496c", "text": "According to three Republicans familiar with that event , Trump was confronted by several supporters there , including mega - donor Rebekah Mercer , about news reports on his advisers ’ desire to tame his personality . The three Republicans requested anonymity due to sensitivity of the campaign 's transition and their relationships with Trump , Bannon and Conway . Trump was visibly infuriated at the news stories , the Republicans said , and he conferred with Mercer about potential steps he might take to remake his campaign and populate his inner circle with voices more like his own . Bannon ’s name soon came up . Mercer , the daughter of hedge - fund titan Robert Mercer , spoke highly of him .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "conferred", "arguments": [{"argument": "Mercer", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "that event", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCbc2824999a0a00f22eea777d86a2a92a92296e482b0018178bcd9fb2", "text": "[ break ] AMY GOODMAN : \" Wake Up Everybody \" by Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes , here on Democracy Now ! , democracynow.org , The War and Peace Report , as we return to our \" Expanding the Debate \" special . We break the sound barrier by bringing you the first debate , the presidential debate held at Hofstra University , between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump , stop the tape after they have each of their two minutes , and expand it with the major third - party candidates . We are here with Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein . We invited the Libertarian presidential candidate , Gary Johnson , but Jill Stein accepted , and she is responding to the same questions posed to the major - party candidates .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Donald Trump", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Hofstra University", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc9d3cb6dc1d83f5c679d144304daa269c868568565fdba99365e24e8", "text": "Oren Shur , a campaign media advisor , organized the call “ following several discussions we had with Marc , ” a reference to Marc Elias , to discuss even more direct coordination with Priorities USA , noting that doing so would be “ breaking new ground . ” Officials floated pursuing coordinated “ issue advocacy ads , ” campaign ads that do not mention express advocacy for a candidate but are clearly political and partisan in nature . Shur recommended a second course of action : using consultants shared with Emily ’s List , a Democratic group , to shoot campaign video that would be posted online to “ send public smoke signals in a more traditional way to the Priorities IE . ” That way , the Priorities USA team would pick “ up the signals , ” and air independent expenditures that would “ save the campaign anywhere from $ 2M-$4M. ” The subject of Super PAC interaction was of particular concern for Elias , who emailed and met with Podesta on several occasions to discuss pro - Clinton groups . In one email on March 5 , 2015 , shortly before the formal launch of the campaign , Elias contacted Podesta to ask if he was “ good to meet with Priorities and CTR ” at his law firm . Two months later , Correct the Record formally separated from another Brock - led Super PAC , called American Bridge 21st Century , and announced it would be “ allowed to coordinate with campaigns . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "discuss", "arguments": [{"argument": "Podesta", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd088c8e7f040cb9469c8dc5bfa238b9bcacd5193a395e7c92b708e02", "text": "The encounter will be the first face - to - face contact between the two men since Washington bitterly broke off bilateral diplomatic contact with Moscow over the Syrian war earlier this month . A brief cease - fire in Syria that was brokered by Russia and the United States collapsed last month . Lavrov and Kerry will meet in the Swiss city of Lausanne , according to a Wednesday statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry . CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reported from inside Aleppo that kids are usually among the victims of the Russian and Syrian strikes , making life a hell for the few families left in the city . The U.N. and Doctors Without Borders are pushing for a ceasefire -- even a temporary one -- to allow the evacuation of seriously wounded people from besieged Aleppo .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "meet", "arguments": [{"argument": "Kerry", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Lausanne", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd24fa4000fd00c0d49d8d24356bd84a50bb2fc36ec932b56cbce930f", "text": "\" I do n't know what the reason is – I do know what the reason is , but I do n't know how they can sell it , \" he says . \" We 're not allowed to negotiate drug prices . We pay $ 300 billion more than if we negotiated the price . \" It 's actually closer to $ 16 billion a year more , but the rest of it is true enough . Trump then goes on to personalize this story .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "negotiated", "arguments": [{"argument": "we", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCe75a82ff099cf87eec2006cb4ecf16fdd55d4d745e1ed04811ae6dcd", "text": "“ As to whether they assimilate or not , you make the decision , ” Mr. Trump said . “ But assimilation has not been exactly a positive factor . ” Mr. Trump , who last month said he would be open to negotiating directly with Kim Jong - un , the North Korean leader , went further on Wednesday in his commitment to being open to talk to anyone . “ I would n’t go there , that I can tell you , ” Mr. Trump said of North Korea . “ If he came here , I ’d accept him , but we would n’t have a state dinner like we do for China and all these other people who rip us off . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for discussion", "event_trigger": "negotiating", "arguments": [{"argument": "Kim Jong - un", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC03a3e5aec68917aa611b2a6eb18cf88c0bf7ba19a3edcefcd20f5408", "text": "Defense Secretary Ash Carter has repeatedly stated U.S. military freedom of navigation operations would continue in the South China Sea . President Obama met with Chinese President Xi on the sidelines of the 50-nation nuclear summit in Washington on the last day of March . In a statement provided by the White House , President Obama “ urged China to address differences with its neighbors on maritime issues peacefully . ” In the last two years , China has created 3,000 acres of artificial islands atop reefs hundreds of miles south of Woody Island in the Spratly chain of islands . One runway was tested in January , when two commercial airliners landed at Fiery Cross Reef .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcasting commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "President Obama", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "China", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "the White House", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1c739ae5880d06c31425e19f8247f1fc57013a5b6f94de2925c554b2", "text": "Attempted to assassinate Cuban president Fidel Castro on numerous occasions , not only in Cuba , but in Panama , Dominican Republic and Venezuela . In one scheme after another in recent years , Washington ’s Agency for International Development ( AID ) endeavored to cause dissension in Cuba and/or stir up rebellion , the ultimate goal being regime change . In 1999 a Cuban lawsuit demanded $ 181.1 billion in US compensation for death and injury suffered by Cuban citizens in four decades “ war ” by Washington against Cuba . Cuba asked for $ 30 million in direct compensation for each of the 3,478 people it said were killed by US actions and $ 15 million each for the 2,099 injured . It also asked for $ 10 million each for the people killed , and $ 5 million each for the injured , to repay Cuban society for the costs it has had to assume on their behalf .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcasting commands or orders", "event_trigger": "demanded", "arguments": [{"argument": "Cuban lawsuit", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "US compensation", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCe8b8529b3289d79e5318c722e35126305fbb3370195f273f636a476d", "text": "Unless this is reopened , you will see Aleppo falling day by day into a similar situation as in Madaya and Ghouta and you will see a deepening humanitarian crisis , \" he said . \" They are hitting any vehicles that are on the move , they are hitting aid trucks , \" he added . \" We really urge that the Russian attacks on Azaz and Aleppo should stop , because if there is such a policy to clear this area of all human beings ... then we may not be able to cope with the influx . \" SUPPLY LINE The Syrian army 's success in opening a route to the Shi'ite towns of Nubul and Zahraa enabled it to cut a highway that linked rebel held areas in the northern countryside with the eastern part of Aleppo held by insurgents since 2012 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcasting commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urge", "arguments": [{"argument": "We", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russian", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC00c8620ef5810429342a1c339e6c76c1b0b9add3f6010f04482fd832", "text": "We are ashamed of them . \" However , Mutko stopped short of admitting the doping scandal was state sponsored . \" We are very sorry that athletes who tried to deceive us , and the world , were not caught sooner . We are very sorry because Russia is committed to upholding the highest standards in sport and is opposed to anything that threatens the Olympic values , \" he said . English former heptathlete and Athens 2004 bronze medallist Kelly Sotherton was unhappy with Mutko 's plea for Russia 's ban to be lifted for Rio", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceive", "arguments": [{"argument": "athletes", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "us , and the world", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC0d8285c26538fa481bb3e41580367275f72af70dcca3dbff8e4d6175", "text": "Trump lied when he said no one cared about the birther issue until recently . Trump lied when he said nobody knows it was Russia that hacked the DNC . Trump lied when he said nobody wants to call Sean Hannity to confirm he was against the Iraq war . Trump lied when he said Hillary could have defeated ISIS by never having it get going in the first place . Trump lied when he claimed Hillary was unable to produce President Obama ’s birth certificate ( note : she did n’t try — because she did n’t believe it was necessary ) .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lied", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC28f77fd483576698f7f930684ffff9be77fe8619b1f596a739e7a6ee", "text": "We salute them . We know they are going to rescue the values and the principles of America against Obama . Obama is misled . Obama is bylined by Saudi dirty money . Saudi dirty money is destroying the principles of American values of America .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misled", "arguments": [{"argument": "Obama", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3cf0b503a4df8631749fd0963087fbba83423a1011a253845317dcda", "text": "Because Trump ’s statements are so various and self - contradictory , there will always be some phrase he has spoken that reflects better on him than his other words . Surely the media critics do n’t expect the press to ignore all the indefensible nonsense , pluck out the least indefensible hedge across multiple appearances , and present that to the American people as what Trump really and truly meant ? That would be hugely misleading ! ( The media critics are themselves misled . Note that Gobry , who accuses the media of twisting Trump ’s words , purports to agree with Hemingway , though her complaint is that the media presents Trump ’s words too literally . )", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleading", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the media", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC42f9551a1b270780ed0c96c13f394c49acf4cf8afa4444b87c8c0347", "text": "Trump lied when he s aid “ you ’re not going to find a quote from me ” on Saudi Arabia and Japan having nuclear weapons . Trump lied when he s aid Hillary ’s plan would double taxes . Trump lied when he s aid there will be a massive tax increase under Hillary ’s plan . Trump lied when he s aid NATO countries have started paying since he ’s been talking about it . Trump lied when he s aid he ’s been given a lot of credit for NATO paying .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lied", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5338af11ad7a96c011b12fffc01d68fee69dbacdcf024beeb855e52b", "text": "Yet Air Force General Philip Breedlove , as with most of the Pentagon top brass , is leading America inexorably to historic defeat . Not deliberately mind you . But through incompetence and purveying a futile , crass worldview , which misleads America to grossly mis - spend its national resources . With a $ 600 billion a - year allocation , the Pentagon devours over half of the total US national budget . What could be spent on creating jobs , building civil infrastructure and providing top class public services in education and heath care is instead pumped into the dead - end military .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleads", "arguments": [{"argument": "Air Force General Philip Breedlove", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "America", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "America", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5ac34fb323b0052fcf0ff9502fe11f46a2416173a00d1fdec4430330", "text": "“ There are plenty of fakes now — from counterfeit paintings of brilliant artists to quotations falsely attributed to famous people . It is no wonder we fell for it , ” he said . Kiselyov did not apologize for misleading viewers , but used the situation to once again mention the fact that some Ukrainians fought alongside Nazi Germany and said he is thankful for “ such artifacts , even if they are made in our time ” for “ reminding us about true history . “ Last month , Kiselyov showed a trailer of the movie titled the “ Browder Effect , ” which portrays Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny as a paid agent of the British - American investor William Browder .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleading", "arguments": [{"argument": "Kiselyov", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "viewers", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5f8c4334e676856dfc6d7556bb1b4da31bf0f1499069bb1f39c9b3e3", "text": "Secretary Clinton broke all those rules . Then she spirited away all her emails in contravention of the law . Then she destroyed what she should not have destroyed , obfuscated and outright lied about all of it . That 's what we know . We do n't know if she or her close associates will be charged .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lied", "arguments": [{"argument": "she", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC8b8f0ab5d51f7bd6812982987376186923997319f66d9bdb28d8eaec", "text": "And they really need to stop . ” The media is too busy trying to get Hillary Clinton elected to present the facts to the American people . Due to his lies and deflection , Weiner was forced to publicly apologize . Frankly , with the pickle she ’s put America in , Hillary Clinton needs to go a few steps further than that . She ’s the least qualified person ever to seek the Presidency and a woman whose political career is due almost entirely to having been married to Bill Clinton .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lies", "arguments": [{"argument": "Weiner", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCb7bc3ae636083e9f43b61402705d055c14af62e338f2e7f8f6074b98", "text": "In a 2010 New Yorker article , Jane Mayer documented the Kochs ’ history of funding so - called grass - tops organizations — groups designed to look like they were fueled by grass - roots activists when they were actually fronts for corporate interests . The Kochs have gone to great lengths over the years to conceal the nature of their vast political operations , which has riled critics . One of the most relentless of those , Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid , went after the brothers earlier this month yet again , complaining that “ the Kochs and their dark money empire are flooding the airwaves with misleading and false advertisements ” to push their “ crooked oligarchy agenda . ” The “ dark money ” epithet refers to the fact that the Koch network is made up almost entirely of 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 nonprofit organizations that can accept unlimited funds and do not have to disclose their donors . So when most people see ads funded by groups such as AFP , they do n’t realize that a coterie of wealthy donors and corporate behemoths with billions of dollars to gain or lose from policy decisions was behind it . Making things even more complicated , the Kochs have constructed a maze of nonprofits and trust funds with many different purposes and focuses , some which are not real organizations but essentially just conduits for cash , says Robert Maguire , an investigator with the Center for Responsive Politics , a political spending watchdog .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleading", "arguments": [{"argument": "the Kochs", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd81a3fa6c5d4756d88ed313a3d01b753f2a80cb13e2209839b47a2ac", "text": "North Carolina stood out from other states only because its Republican officials made the mistake of putting their motives in writing . The other elements — the belief , against all evidence , that Democrats benefit from pervasive fraud ; the support for measures designed to suppress minority voting — are points of party consensus . Mike Roman , the figure Trump has tapped to direct his “ election security ” operation , once whipped conservatives into a frenzy by promoting a misleading but scary video of New Black Panthers at a polling station in Philadelphia , then ran the Koch brothers ’ intelligence agency . Trump ’s policy of fomenting white panic and suppressing the nonwhite vote is best - practice behavior within his party . This behavior will last beyond Trump .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast of prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleading", "arguments": [{"argument": "Mike Roman", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "conservatives", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2d3187c6dc22208606ab75689a17b681add61fa191b5f1b5d81f32c8", "text": "( , 3/11/16 ) Millennials Like Socialism — Until They Get Jobs ( Washington Post , 3/24/16 ) ( 3/24/16 ) New York ’s Doped - Up Beatniks , Hippies and Freaks Love Bernie Sanders ( Daily Beast , 4/14/16 ) Sanders was again grilled in the Disney / Univision debate in March by the unapologetically anti - communist panel : MARIA ELENA SALINAS : In 1985 , you praised the Sandinista government and you said that Daniel Ortega was an impressive guy . This is what you said about Fidel Castro .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "the unapologetically anti - communist panel", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC76ec1e0e98291f990aed67e498e4fa904e0d6115a7fd3619681879a6", "text": "Then the Pentagon helps negotiate the terms of the deal , notifies Congress of its details , and collects the funds from the foreign buyer , which it then gives to the US supplier in the form of a defense contract . In most deals , the Pentagon is also the point of contact for maintenance and spare parts for any US - supplied system . The bureaucracy that helps make all of this happen , the Defense Security Cooperation Agency , is funded from a 3.5 percent surcharge on the deals it negotiates . This gives it all the more incentive to sell , sell , sell . In its first six years , team Obama entered into agreements to sell more weaponry than any administration since World War II .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "negotiates", "arguments": [{"argument": "it", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC8544cfd10973a8593085abc709e9d5b1dbc3fe6773b6124d3895dba5", "text": "Historically , there have been rare occasions of public protest against unbridled arms trafficking , as with the backlash against “ the merchants of death ” after World War I , or the controversy over who armed Saddam Hussein that followed the 1991 Persian Gulf War . Even now , small numbers of congressional representatives , including John Conyers , Chris Murphy , and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul , continue to try to halt the sale of cluster munitions , bombs , and missiles to Saudi Arabia . There is , however , unlikely to be a genuine public debate about the value of the arms business and Washington ’s place in it if it is n’t even considered a subject worthy of more than an occasional media story . In the meantime , the United States continues to hold onto its No . 1 role in the global arms trade , the White House does its part , the Pentagon greases the wheels , and the dollars roll in to profit - hungry weapons contractors .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "public", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCa31d4fbf779df25a82711e0ac8b6e68dd8684f46b902f0ed1cfc70d6", "text": "Two of the four reasons refer to LGBT concerns : reason # 79 says that she lobbied for the first - ever resolution on LGBT rights before the U.N. Human Rights Council ; reason # 80 says she made LGBT rights a priority of U.S. foreign policy . For the other two reasons , # 34 asserts that Clinton negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas \" that ended the rain of rockets on Israel ; \" and reason # 100 gives her the distinction of being the only candidate who has actually \" built international coalitions \" that advanced American values and made the world safer , without giving any examples or details . These four are presented as her greatest foreign policy triumphs .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "negotiated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Israel and Hamas", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd2e9c5485cac1901ad42f627c3ea80cfe2b5a9014a8d4f02a85612d7", "text": "“ Because of the vision that he ’s been pursuing of emphasizing military might , ” Obama told reporters at the summit , “ we have not seen the type of progress that I would have hoped for with Russia . ” This was putting it lightly . Over the course of Obama ’s presidency , Russia has managed to negotiate deep cuts to the U.S. arsenal while substantially strengthening of its own . It has allegedly violated the treaty that limits the deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe and , in the last few years , it has brought disarmament talks with the U.S. to a complete standstill for the first time since the 1960s . In its rhetoric , Moscow has also returned to a habit of nuclear threats , while in its military exercises , it has begun to practice for a nuclear strike , according to the NATO military alliance .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "negotiate", "arguments": [{"argument": "U.S.", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCdd7e99c9fadb7e68c9beb031e6da1adcc0f1ce8a2c41c426636e32a2", "text": "In nine debates , Sanders has been asked questions about his socialism a total of ten times ( roughly the amount of questions asked about Russia ) . In the very first debate , CNN ’s Anderson Cooper , after bringing up Sanders “ honeymooning in the Soviet Union ” and support for the Sandinistas , pushed Sanders to pledge his loyalty to capitalism with three consecutive follow - up questions . Keep in mind these were the first four questions in the very first debate — the first impression millions of Americans had of the largely unknown senator : COOPER : Senator Sanders . A Gallup poll says half the country would not put a socialist in the White House .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Senator Sanders", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "debate", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCfe6b4a45376ec7b492302f9a33a32e6d4879d1383fdb1c56ecd36de2", "text": "He interrupted Clinton repeatedly during the debate , at times leaning into his microphone to declare \" wrong ! \" as she was talking . And he perplexingly stood by his criticism of Machado the morning after the debate , saying in an interview on Fox News Channel that Machado was one of the \" worst we ever had \" in the beauty contest he used to own . \" She gained a massive amount of weight , \" Trump said . \" It was a real problem .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to negotiate", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC0c02875f7891b23cb938cbbc6fadfef6fa4adb6638ef21f70755c2c9", "text": "Damascus has reacted harshly to the bombing of Kurdish militias in northern Syria on Thursday morning by Turkey ’s air force , vowing to intervene next time Ankara sends its planes over its border . Read more In a statement , the Syrian Defense Ministry accused Turkey of “ flagrant aggression , which targeted innocent citizens , ” saying that it considers it “ a dangerous development that could escalate the situation . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vowing", "arguments": [{"argument": "Damascus", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "intervene", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "border", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC43eff2463f18506d114d66283b33c34b89937f55e58581710a34e4d0", "text": "Photos : Hillary Clinton 's life in the spotlight During the 1992 presidential campaign , Clinton jokes with her husband 's running mate , Al Gore , and Gore 's wife , Tipper , aboard a campaign bus . Hide Caption 9 of 43 Photos : Hillary Clinton 's life in the spotlight Clinton accompanies her husband as he takes the oath of office in January 1993 . Hide Caption 10 of 43 Photos : Hillary Clinton 's life in the spotlight The Clintons share a laugh on Capitol Hill in 1993 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "oath", "arguments": [{"argument": "husband", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC48ebf0e22620ebb4ab1dcd9579ccbffba7a08cae330ff1adbcd51a05", "text": "A massive leak , coming from Mossack Fonseca , of 11.5 million tax documents exposed the secret offshore dealings of aides to Russian president Vladimir Putin , world leaders and celebrities including Barcelona forward Lionel Messi Panama 's government vowed Sunday to \" vigorously cooperate \" with any legal probe that might be launched in the wake of the \" Panama Papers \" data leak . \" The Panamanian government will vigorously cooperate with any request or assistance necessary in the event of any legal action occurring , \" it said in a statement . The Central American nation is reeling from revelations that one of its high - profile but secretive law firms , Mossack Fonseca , allegedly helped major politicians and celebrities around the world hide assets from tax authorities , according to a data leak picked over by scores of media outlets .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vowed", "arguments": [{"argument": "Panama 's government", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "vigorously cooperate", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC63d1e27e0209ee8a90a97fa17cf774fb7934c8d2288084c5f69b5fcd", "text": "Where , they ask , is the M - F'ing love ? What about those conservative principles we 've spent decades telling you flyover - country hicks you 're supposed to have ? \" Trump has also promised to use tariffs to punish companies , \" wrote David McIntosh in the Review 's much - publicized , but not - effective - at - all \" Conservatives Against Trump \" 22-pundit jihad . \" These are not the ideas of a small - government conservative ... They are , instead , the ramblings of a liberal wanna - be strongman . \"", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "promised", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC98f6cfc31f7efea74f293ba1d28d96ddf1641082be2f9b5dc5157525", "text": "Lindenbaum was given the City Planning Commission seat formerly held by Robert Moses , the power broker who built many of New York ’s highways , airports , and parks . The following year , Lindenbaum organized a fund - raising lunch for Wagner , who was running for re - election . Forty - three builders and landlords pledged thousands of dollars ; Trump , according to reporter Wayne Barrett , pledged $ 2,500 , one of the largest contributions . The lunch party made the front page of the newspapers , and Lindenbaum , disgraced , was forced off the commission . But Robert Wagner won the election , and Beame became his comptroller .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "pledged", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Wagner", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCaf99390c0521d5a5120d3533f01b2d7ef1ad633d7523b75a0430cbd4", "text": "Syria ’s Bashar Assad and Russia ’s Vladimir Putin are not stoned college students ; they did not swoon over Sen. Barack Obama and will not be stopped by a 74-year - old socialist . Once again Sanders left out any mention of Israel and Jews . He made full - throated promises to fight for blacks , gays , women and Hispanics . Every form of bigotry catches his attention , including the mythical Islamophobia . Anti - Semitism gets not one word .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "promises", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "blacks , gays , women and Hispanics", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCccb71c215057415c927420ab9b192afbea8baaa5db136b5a32f585d4", "text": "Debate officials said no . ] The emails show that Kendall and Podesta discussed the matter by phone that evening . The next day , Kendall forwarded Podesta a series of documents showing that Broaddrick had previously denied the rape allegation under oath . Donald Trump held a news conference ahead of the second presidential debate on Oct. 9 with four women who have made allegations in the past against Bill and Hillary Clinton . The Washington Post ’s Glenn Kessler explains those allegations .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "oath", "arguments": [{"argument": "Broaddrick", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCe1a2448e23cdf1f5628966a575797fae91031709d06b2178ab9c181c", "text": "-- Meanwhile , John Kasich tells Dan Balz that the delegates should “ search their own consciences ” and decide whether to support Trump in Cleveland . “ They have to weigh their responsibilities against their consciences and then make a decision about what they want to do , ” the Ohio governor said yesterday . Kasich , who pledged during the primaries to support the eventual nominee , has not lived up to his commitment and shows no signs of doing so . Asked directly if he is likely to back Trump before the convention , he said , “ Probably not . Unless I see a Saul - to - Paul transformation on the road to Damascus , I do n’t see it happening .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "pledged", "arguments": [{"argument": "Kasich", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1b044ea94302d7bc0cc820ba2581e9e0dbaa5462eb2619d29ef37645", "text": "Arms - length , independent boards also are considered the essential first step in good governance . The Independent Sector , a non - partisan good governance organization for nonprofits and foundations urge the creation of independent boards and said they should be in the majority . “ A substantial majority of the board of a public charity , usually meaning at least two - thirds of its members , should be independent , ” the group recommended . That is not the case with the Clinton Foundation . The board consists of Bill Clinton ’s tightest inner circle , including Democratic mega - fundraiser and now Virginia Gov.", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "recommended", "arguments": [{"argument": "the group", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1b9fbbf5ab6361cf1c411eeb44ddca30d5f5cbf21698f1da35691b35", "text": "Merkel says Germany “ considers its support for Iraq against the so - called IS not just as military but also as humanitarian , such as by taking in refugees . ” Merkel has faced growing criticism in her country for allowing an unprecedented number of asylum seekers — almost 1.1 million last year — to enter Germany . In her weekly video podcast Saturday , she urged refugees from Iraq and Syria to integrate in the country and learn German . But she also says refugees are being taught transferable skills that will help them rebuild their home countries when peace returns . Merkel backed calls for better protection of the European Union ’s external borders .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "she", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "refugees from Iraq and Syria", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Germany", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2fd1305c92c71e36bee0991591cd2208135e2873bf5d5bc8a4ead49f", "text": "\" From the media we discovered that some local authorities we approached coordinated their negative decision with the federal government , \" it said . \" That is quite the opposite to what ’s being told by the administration on independence of a decision - making process in the states . \" Reporters at the State Department 's daily press briefing on Friday asked if U.S. officials had advised individual states not to allow in Russian observers . Department spokesman John Kirby said he was \" not aware of any guidance that we gave to the states with respect to Russia specifically . \" Much of the diplomatic dust - up appears to revolve around terminology being used by both sides .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "advised", "arguments": [{"argument": "U.S. officials", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "individual states", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "U.S.", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6568f7ad6cc00cfa29617de818ba0917cb18b4c9e07dc7bd144b3f88", "text": "One way to answer the question was to figure out how he even got on that list to begin with . One source suggested to me that Richard Burt , former U.S. ambassador to Germany , START treaty negotiator , and longtime lobbyist for Alfa Bank , was the nexus . It was Burt who helped draft Trump ’s foreign policy speech in April , and had been advising the Trump campaign , via Senator Jeff Sessions , on foreign policy . But when I met Burt at his office at the McLarty Associates lobbying shop , he looked at me and said he had never even met him . “ The only person I talked to about Carter Page is this guy at the Washington Post , ” Burt told me .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "advising", "arguments": [{"argument": "Richard Burt", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the Trump campaign", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC7f6dd767d3db93e548b0131ae1739aafd8efe70a6c33c981183a2c74", "text": "This came after months of protests that had brought down the government of Putin - ally Viktor Yanukovich and replaced him with a more pro - Western government headed by Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko . The leaked correspondence includes a PDF with a list of vetted candidates for leadership of the Donetsk republic , sent in May 2014 by an employee of a company owned by Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev , who allegedly financed pro - Russian separatists . Pushilin was suggested for parliamentary speaker , and Igor Strelkov , the military commander of the rebel forces , was recommended for defense minister . Although there was no other evidence of interaction between Putin aide Surkov and Malofeyev ’s employee , three days later — when the DNR government was announced — both Pushilin and Strelkov landed the posts suggested in the email . Surkov served as deputy chief of staff and then first deputy from 1999 to 2011 and was widely responsible for Kremlin ideology during that stint .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "recommended", "arguments": [{"argument": "employee", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Igor Strelkov", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Donetsk", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC90e35970a33cace5cdfc672e5273653b849227e84faff111b5084ca6", "text": "Kissinger urged Nixon to be tough on her . “ I think publicly you should be extremely nice , ” said the national security advisor – and at this point the tape is bleeped out , to hide whatever words he used to urge being rougher in private . Kissinger recommended sternly telling her that her Soviet treaty had cast doubt on India ’s ostensible nonalignment , and that “ a war with Pakistan simply would not be understood . ” Kissinger ’s briefing set Nixon at ease . The president was impressed with what they had gotten the Pakistanis to do .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "recommended", "arguments": [{"argument": "Kissinger", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Nixon", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC9c37dbbe95cead6e05c34aa031084ecb66c5eefe0686ebdf16acb826", "text": "Throughout the 1990s , “ Saddam ! Saddam ! Saddam ! ” was the official lamentation being expressed by the American people , at the urging of the national security establishment . He was the new Hitler . He was going to conquer the world .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "urging", "arguments": [{"argument": "national security establishment", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the American people", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC9d2117dd4d0041b05a991cac03eeb7ff92263693bac115f0507497fc", "text": "The researchers said the technology used was similar to lead - cooled thermal reactors used by Soviet submarines . The UK Government has expressed an interest in using small modular nuclear reactors , which could provide heat to local communities as well as generating electricity . But John Large , a British independent nuclear consultant who advised the Russian government after the nuclear submarine Kursk sank in 2000 , dismissed the suggestion the Chinese reactors might be an option . “ The lead - bismuth reactor , in my opinion , would n’t be developable to an acceptably safe point because it is fundamentally unsafe , ” he said . World news in pictures", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "advised", "arguments": [{"argument": "John Large , a British independent nuclear consultant", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the Russian government", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC38e172a0d4750f03b00ca423b1db7130e78a469218604aa2b99dcbf9", "text": "Sept. 8 , 2016 National Issues Poll with USA TODAY September 8 , 2016 Poll Documents : Marginals ( PDF ) Tables ( PDF ) Press Release : National Poll Shows Clinton Leading Trump by 7 Points Paleologos on the Poll : Voters Want Third - Party Candidates on Debate Stage Statement of Methodology : This survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted between August 24 and August 29 , 2016 , and is based on live telephone interviews of adults 18 years of age or older , residing in all 50 states and the District of Columbia , who intend to vote in the general election in November 2016 . Quota and demographic information -- including region , race , and age -- were determined from 2010 Census data . Samples of both standard landlines and cell phones were called using a probability - proportionate - to - size method , which means that the phone numbers assigned to each state were proportional to the number of adult residents in each state .", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "telephone", "arguments": [{"argument": "survey", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "all 50 states and the District of Columbia", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC433b77d3a4bae1d63238911b115f4c9d5ff631b955bfd77ebed0c9c8", "text": "“ I think the tape raises an awful lot of questions , and if you take that as Donald accurately describing his actions , then , yeah , it is a pattern of assaultive behavior , ” Kaine said . [ GOP consumed by crisis as more Republicans call on Trump to quit race ] On the same program , Kaine was pressed about comments attributed to Clinton that were included in the hacked emails released by WikiLeaks . The emails included the apparent excerpts from closed - door speeches that she made to Wall Street and other corporate interests . Among other things , the apparent comments reflect her “ dream ” of a “ hemispheric common market , with open trade and open borders . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "emails", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6615529b328287c3cb50d54e764acbb9adc08b93517ec30f9dcb69c2", "text": "ADVERTISEMENT WikiLeaks made waves on Friday by releasing a huge trove of internal emails from the Democratic National Committee ( DNC ) . The hacked emails included what appears to be evidence of a concerted effort by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other party officials to thwart the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernie SandersSanders to GOP on healthcare bill : ' What are you afraid of ? ' Dems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Live coverage : Senate Dems hold talkathon to protest GOP health plan MORE ( I - Vt . ) during the primary season . Wasserman Schultz resigned Sunday and will serve as an honorary chair on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham ClintonGOP fires opening attack on Dem reportedly running for Heller 's Senate seat Trump seeks tech 's help for government IT overhaul What do Democrats stand for ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "emails", "arguments": [{"argument": "DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other party officials", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC71a8268258cbbbd70278d51dcdb0491746536dcbe4452950309faefc", "text": "In one of more than 2,000 emails posted Friday night on the hacking website Wikileaks , Clinton ’s research director Tony Carrk appeared to write to top campaign officials about Clinton ’s now infamous paid speeches , saying , “ Attached are the flags from HRC ’s paid speeches . ” The email goes on to include several text excerpts with dates and times . In this batch , Clinton makes sweeping statements about two areas that have consistently been an issue for her in this campaign : Wall Street reform and trade . According to one of the leaked emails , Clinton told Banco Itau in 2013 , “ My dream is a hemispheric common market , with open trade and open borders … I think we have to have a concerted plan to increase trade already under the current circumstances . ” The speech excerpt goes on : “ There is so much more we can do , there is a lot of low - hanging fruit , but businesses on both sides have to make it a priority , and it 's not for governments to do but governments can either make it easy or make it hard and we have to resist protectionism , other kinds of barriers to market access , and to trade , and I would like to see this get much more attention . ” Clinton has faced serious skepticism from progressives throughout this campaign over her evolving and sometimes elusive stance on trade , specifically her flip - flopping on President Obama ’s proposed transpacific partnership trade deal by initially showing and then withdrawing support for the plan .", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "emails", "arguments": [{"argument": "Banco Itau", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC948266da677a8ea415695816503143906a7c9c29bc2b3c18695f9251", "text": "We checked with Scott Clement , polling manager at The Washington Post . He cited four polls that have been completed on the debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton at Washington University in St. Louis on Oct. 9 . Clement said that the best - quality post - debate poll so far was CNN ’s immediate post - debate survey , which was conducted by calling back respondents to its previous national telephone survey who said they would watch the debate . That survey was conducted among a national random sample of cellular and landline phones , so it has the best claim of representativeness . The result ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "telephone", "arguments": [{"argument": "respondents", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC967519eff074b3d15c2b8da021a83214cebcab10b66cb3eafe1e0752", "text": "Key Names / Issues : Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Donald Trump , Mike Pence , Bernie Sanders , Jill Stein , Gary Johnson , Kellyanne Conway , Michelle Obama , Bernie Sanders , Joe Biden , Elizabeth Warren , Deval Patrick , Affordable Care Act , Great Recession , economic recovery , terrorism , Iraq / Afghanistan , climate change , race relations , Electoral College , Trump transition efforts , conflict of interest , ISIS , Washington DC , immigration , Russian hacking , Oct. 26 , 2016 National Issues Poll with USA TODAY October 26 , 2016 Poll Documents : Marginals ( PDF ) Tables ( PDF ) Press Release : Poll Shows Clinton Leading Trump by 9 Points Nationwide Paleologos on the Poll : Clinton 's ' Electoral Sledgehammer ' and More Potential Superlatives Statement of Methodology : This survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted between October 20 and October 24 , 2016 , and is based on live telephone interviews of adults 18 years of age or older , residing in all 50 states and the District of Columbia , who intend to vote in the general election in November 2016 . Quota and demographic information -- including region , race , and age -- were determined from 2010 Census data . Samples of both standard landlines and cell phones were called using a probability - proportionate - to - size method , which means that the phone numbers assigned to each state were proportional to the number of adult residents in each state .", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "telephone", "arguments": [{"argument": "adults 18 years of age or older", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "all 50 states and the District of Columbia", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCce1e3ddbf1404931852eef5d31d7e788e1f4d509fb4662338124cb97", "text": "This fits the street rep , ” he added . The State Department ’s watchdog report was especially damaging , given the official nature of its source . The report claimed that Clinton never sought approval for her “ homebrew ” email setup , that her use of the system violated the department ’s record - keeping rules and that it would have been rejected had she brought it up to department officials . Clinton ’s allies attempted to paint the office as partisan in the weeks ahead of the report ’s release , but the effort failed to leave a lasting impact . For months , Clinton and her team have failed to offer a convincing explanation for the use of the private server , and she has steadfastly refused to apologize .", "event": [{"event_type": "Collaborative correspondence", "event_trigger": "email", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6366bface12f0be058d45644a620d322689594d35515af7eb6274244", "text": "Among the documents Kendall sent was an affidavit that Broaddrick had submitted in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Jones against Clinton , in which she indicated that she did not have “ any information to offer regarding a non - consensual or unwelcome sexual advance by Mr. Clinton . ” Kendall also attached a portion of the report from the Office of Independent Counsel Ken Starr , which investigated allegations against Clinton . Those allegations included one that Clinton had lied under oath in the Jones case by denying having sexual relations with intern Monica Lewinsky . After being given immunity for possible perjury charges by Starr , Broaddrick said her affidavit in the Jones case had been false and that she gave public interviews alleging the rape . Kendall explained to Podesta : “ Starr was seeking more evidence against the President , any way he could , and he immunized Broaddrick to protect her from any prosecution for perjury if she now changed her story .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "oath", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCcdc0fdd723f75abc313a9a5f12d190b31a49ff66084af399e274c021", "text": "Ohio ’s Michael Skindell , a Sanders delegate , said Monday he planned to “ strongly support the nominee of the party . ” Clinton campaigned in Charlotte , North Carolina , on Monday , serving up a harsh critique of Trump ’s foreign policy and what she said was his “ trash talk about America . ” Speaking to a convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars , Clinton slammed many of his positions , vowing to stand by American allies , fight dictators and listen to the advice of military officials . “ You will never hear me say I only listen to myself on national security , ” she said . Ahead of her speech , she secured endorsement of retired Gen. John Allen , former deputy commander of U. S. Central Command and a former commander of the International Security Assistance Force , overseeing NATO troops in Afghanistan .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence expressing commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vowing", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Veterans of Foreign Wars", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "convention", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC565c906aae6b3f75231096c9d8b40354825f0702d7d4d3fd49e25475", "text": "Even Donald Trump admitted Friday he relishes denying things . Story Continued Below Speaking at a rally in Fletcher , North Carolina , Trump denounced what he hyperbolically suggested were “ thousands and thousands of ads ” run by Hillary Clinton ’s “ juggernaut , ” which he said has raised “ billions of dollars . ” “ I turned on the other day — I was in Florida , and I was in Pennsylvania — I turned on the television . It was ad after ad after ad , ” Trump said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "suggested", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "thousands and thousands of ads", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC63c10917d84386abdc31b19d65474f2357623266058b62fb8ae433d5", "text": "And we ’re going to get a special prosecutor . ” Trump seemed to be speaking about Clinton ’s use of a personal email server to handle government business while she was secretary of state . That has already been the subject of an FBI inquiry , which ended with FBI Director James B. Comey calling Clinton and her staff “ extremely careless ” but recommending no criminal charges . His promise to use his executive power to reopen that case , and have it investigated again , was unlike anything in recent presidential debates . “ It ’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country , ” Clinton said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "recommending", "arguments": [{"argument": "FBI Director James B. Comey", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Clinton and her staff", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC926a82793cd56f17df2265eea258479e34be6f069080b6383dd0fa48", "text": "In his letter on Friday , Comey wrote that the FBI “ can not yet assess whether or not this material may be significant ” and refused to describe how long the additional work might take . However , it is sure to loom over the remaining 11 days before Election Day , offering Republican nominee Donald Trump Donald TrumpLewandowski near ' high six - figure book deal ' : report GOP fires opening attack on Dem reportedly running for Heller 's Senate seat Overnight Tech : Trump seeks tech 's help for ' sweeping ' IT overhaul | FTC looks to block sports fantasy merger | Firm exposes nearly 200 M voters ' data MORE ammunition to hammer the former secretary of State . Comey had previously been the target of criticism from both sides this summer , when he held a news conference outlining the FBI ’s decision not to recommend charges against Clinton or her aides and then detailed the thinking repeatedly on Capitol Hill . Critics accused him of betraying a double standard by refusing to charge Clinton , while some legal scholars warned that he had set a dangerous precedent by outlining evidence against a person who was not charged with a crime .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast for requests or advice", "event_trigger": "recommend", "arguments": [{"argument": "FBI", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "not to recommend charges", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "news conference", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3f19d400a9b57d819adc8381c6ff6ff475b380b9f8b19147aa106ad1", "text": "She has done nothing remotely illegal , and her paranoia may be largely explained by the baseless charges of her overheated critics . After several investigations into the deaths in Benghazi , Republicans hunting for Hillary 's scalp came away with a whole lot of nothing . Trump 's vow to throw her in prison is an unnerving reminder of his scorn for Constitutional restraint . In fact , we endorse Hillary Clinton not just because Trump is such a scary alternative , but because she is ready for this job , in experience and temperament . Her flaws are outweighed by her virtues , and it 's not a close call .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to express commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vow", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC40b4120704c44f24e1be526ef2be8e30f6d96eb187785be25cdfd3bd", "text": "What Sanders knows is that winning would require fighting the fighter — just the way she fights . Thus far he has refused . But a judge on Tuesday ordered Clinton ’s top aides to be questioned under oath about the private email server she set up as secretary of State that violated government policy and circumvented the Freedom of Information Act . She and her employees deliberately moved material from a classified system to her unsecure server , which is illegal and now the subject of an FBI investigation . Sanders can argue the Democratic Party ’s presumptive nominee is a damaged general election candidate who could face enough legal jeopardy to see her candidacy blow up in smoke .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to express commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "oath", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton ’s top aides", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC799a700caa061cecbabc4ce02c88df6da98a21334f6f10741dd115a3", "text": "“ Their doctrine reflected this , ” he says . Read More : Putin 's Wily Syria Tactics Pay Off In one of his first acts as President , Putin adopted a new military doctrine in the spring of 2000 , one that rejected the Soviet pledge never to launch a nuclear weapon first . His reasoning was simple : only Russia ’s nukes could counter the vastly superior strength of U.S. conventional weapons . So he lowered the bar for using nuclear weapons in situations “ critical to national security . ” This meant that if Russia ever felt badly outgunned in a military conflict , it could launch a nuclear missile to even the score and make the enemy back off .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to express commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "pledge", "arguments": [{"argument": "Putin", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCcca1f8226e1ae91855c74b68b2e18a0e175701a6a05e973294e41a1d", "text": "But accompanied by that support is an underlying vow to fiercely police top government officials if Hillary Clinton wins . As a candidate , Clinton has made several nods to progressives in building out her policies , including vowing to punish bank executives and break up big banks if necessary , and opposing the Trans - Pacific Partnership . Warren on Wednesday hailed Clinton ’s agenda and vowed to work “ my heart out to elect Hillary Clinton . ” “ Hillary Clinton has put together a strong , progressive agenda , chock - full of policy proposals that will help level the playing field and grow opportunities for working families , ” she said . And as she has in the past , Warren carved out ample time to go after Republican nominee Donald Trump Donald TrumpOvernight Tech : Trump seeks tech 's help for ' sweeping ' IT overhaul | FTC looks to block sports fantasy merger | Firm exposes nearly 200 M voters ' data Trump seeks tech 's help for government IT overhaul Republicans and the lost promise of local control in education MORE , calling him a “ thin - skinned , racist bully ” with no clear agenda to help working families .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to express commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vowed", "arguments": [{"argument": "Warren", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "elect Hillary Clinton", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCf92ab78628eb0239b31f7f74ff03dcdfe254d9cc9d1933df3f0d7217", "text": "“ But we ’ve seen in poll after poll and state after state , we ’ve created the kind of momentum that we need to win . This has been a fantastic night in Michigan . ” Sanders has now won four of the last six contests in the Democratic presidential race and is vowing to fight all the way to the Democratic National Convention in late July . Clinton is likely to end the night having modestly added to her lead in pledged delegates , however . Clinton cleaned up in Mississippi , winning 83 percent of the vote , according to The Associated Press .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to express commitment, promise, or intent", "event_trigger": "vowing", "arguments": [{"argument": "Sanders", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC84307a97c36e8ed1ba35dd62891e4f9ce5957e8adfb37416f4c641d5", "text": "Those gaps have confounded the inspectors ’ attempts to verify whether or not Syria has fully abandoned its chemical weapons program , fueling suspicions by the United States and other Western powers that the government may be seeking to retain a limited capacity to use the nerve agents and other lethal toxins against the rebels working to unseat Syrian President Bashar al - Assad . In a confidential two - page summary of the report , OPCW Director - General Ahmet Uzumcu writes that the majority of 122 samples taken at “ multiple locations ” in Syria “ indicate potentially undeclared chemical weapons - related activities . ” Many of Syria ’s explanations for the presence of undeclared agents , he added , “ are not scientifically or technically plausible , and … the presence of several undeclared chemical warfare agents is still to be clarified . ” The incomplete and sometimes misleading assertions by the Assad government have shaped the often rocky relationship between foreign inspectors and their Syrian counterparts , bedeviling international efforts to determine whether or not Damascus has abided by its obligation to destroy its chemical weapons . Assad promised to eliminate his stores in 2013 to avert promised U.S. airstrikes against regime targets . The findings of the OPCW ’s Declarations Assessment Team report — which is marked “ highly protected ” — contrast sharply with Assad ’s public insistence that Syria ’s chemical weapons have been largely eliminated .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misleading", "arguments": [{"argument": "Assad government", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "foreign inspectors and their Syrian counterparts", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Damascus", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC94388afc50be5d55678f416b42bd6f0856ca9446e7232399adb2e85d", "text": "I want to speak to her . ” The loss of the three girls , who followed a friend who had earlier left for Syria , was a major blow to the Muslim community in east London and a powerful indication of how strong the lure of Isis can be . They plotted the trip together , according to material recovered by investigators , making a shopping list of items to take with them and then deceiving their families . Latest video footage reportedly shows London teenagers en route to Syria Read more The items for their escape to Syria ranged from a mobile phone to underwear , makeup and an epilator .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceiving", "arguments": [{"argument": "the three girls", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "their families", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "the Muslim community in east London", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCbaa7e628df1377086a55ff38f3c457e4c4fbb060836c51b0baf1c4dc", "text": "They can transmit it , if they want . But I can say what I feel , too , ” he said , as cited by Expressen . Hanson said that the message ’s polite tone should not deceive the public , pointing out that while “ the email is polite , the message can not be mistaken . ” She sees the request as an attempt to prevent a Swedish media outlet from broadcasting an opinion that “ the Turkish embassy would not appreciate , ” according to Expressen . Surely not , in @Sweden of all places ? -- > ‘ Turkish embassy tried to muzzle Swedish media ’ – TV4 https://t.co/PJaNqkXaWP via @TheLocalSweden — Tempus Fugit ( @franosch ) April 24 , 2016", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceive", "arguments": [{"argument": "the message ’s polite tone", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the public", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "the Turkish embassy", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd9ddced2b9729676489b26227cc0ce25995c9f842361413aa78aace5", "text": "Trump lied when he said the Federal Reserve is doing political things by keeping interest rates down . Trump lied when he said Hillary called TPP the finest deal she ’s ever seen . Trump lied when he said Hillary treated President Obama with terrible disrespect during the debates . Trump lied when he said she wants to approve TPP . Trump lied when he said Hillary ’s regulations will kill jobs .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lied", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC35eaf596eb974b187ad047d3d5294200f066177c0b27cb2b3911860d", "text": "Trump was apparently referring to emails from Clinton ’s private email server that she did n’t turn over to the State Department because they involved personal matters . Trump ’s incendiary comments came on the heels of the theft and leak of emails from the Democratic National Committee , an operation that , as The Daily Beast first reported , U.S. official believe was carried out by the Russian government and may have been designed to help Trump in the polls . Trump appeared to urge a U.S. adversary suspected of criminal activity essentially to go further and attack his opponent . The comments drew ire from across the national security community . Minutes later , Trump ’s vice presidential nominee , Mike Pence , contradicted the candidate , calling for Russia to be held accountable should it be involved in the DNC hacking .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urge", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "a U.S. adversary", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6180572858291d589e32701c387efc15dc83f7c0ffa3da4f86c14915", "text": "On Wednesday , I wrote a contrarian piece on Bernie Sanders , who has a reputation as perilously weak on foreign policy , arguing that he has legitimate political reasons for ignoring the topic and that it 's not as big of a deal as it might seem . Lots of presidents come into office inexperienced on foreign policy , many do just fine by taking steps such as hiring a smart and experienced team , and there is no reason to think Sanders ca n't do this , too . I argued that we — political and media elites — demand that candidates put themselves through a somewhat artificial ritual of proving their foreign policy credentials , that this ritual is more about reassuring establishment figures than about actual foreign policy , and we should n't write Sanders off on foreign policy purely because his political incentives do not line up with conducting this ritual as usual . On Thursday , in his MSNBC debate with Hillary Clinton , Sanders went ahead and put my theory to the ultimate make - or - break test , giving a cringe - a - minute performance on foreign policy that was near - universally panned . I mean , it was bad .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving commands or orders", "event_trigger": "demand", "arguments": [{"argument": "political and media elites", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "candidates", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC95bb30d9b3ea9e5e7efa0044f73b682f2ea1d56dd13e2f26b6c06a2e", "text": "As Hillary Clinton supporters fret about a WikiLeaks “ October surprise , ” dozens of defense and security experts from both parties are urging the Obama administration to take tough action if it concludes that Russia orchestrated a series of cyberattacks on the Democratic Party . But based on past U.S. handling of foreign - sponsored cyberassaults , it could take months or even years to mount such a response — action that could encompass anything from public shaming or economic sanctions to indictments or retaliatory hacking . Even the most optimistic timeline , according to interviews with former security and law enforcement officials , could delay a forceful U.S. reprisal until just weeks before the very presidential election that the hackers may be trying to influence .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urging", "arguments": [{"argument": "defense and security experts", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Obama administration", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC9c42eec665d4686a9a3e96e9e10c49bd1b42019c91a30289f5f48ae6", "text": "Litvinenko asked her what was wrong . She told him : “ Alexander , I ’m very afraid , ” and said that every time she said goodbye to her daughter and son she had the feeling she was looking at them “ for the last time ” . He urged her to leave Russia . She said she could not – her parents were old , she had kids . In October 2006 , Politkovskaya was shot dead in the stairwell of her Moscow apartment .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "her", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCee35b52b93f06bcc4aa777295779400aa4dabdff066b73c835fbf47d", "text": "Cyber experts have identified ties between Russia and an alleged hacker nicknamed “ Guccifer 2.0 , ” who has taken credit for the intrusions and claims to have stolen documents from the computer that Clinton used as secretary of state . “ The prospect of something hanging out there is obviously unnerving , to say the least , ” a former DNC official told POLITICO . Lawmakers urging a public White House response include the top Democrats on both Intelligence panels , Rep. Adam Schiff and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California , as well as Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley ( R - Iowa ) , top Judiciary Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Sen. Tom Cotton ( R - Ark . ) . They ’ve said that at the very least , the administration should publicize the results of its probe into the hacks . Some Democrats have said Putin could have ample reason to want to see Trump in the White House , noting that the New York real estate magnate has praised him as a “ strong leader ” and has expressed doubts about whether the U.S. would defend NATO nations that come under Russian attack .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence involving commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urging", "arguments": [{"argument": "Lawmakers", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "White House", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC49cc5584f1e3084c88d6d75987b44c48536c6967718cd1a8392ed126", "text": "In an interview with CBC in February , Kasyanov said \" the situation is worsening every day . Putin 's pursuing a tough policy , squeezing the whole political environment in Russia . We have permanent blackmailing of the opposition . We face problems every day . \" Kasyanov 's adultery was n't the only \" revelation \" in the video .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmailing", "arguments": [{"argument": "opposition", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "We", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6ee7444e9f969e6c2bb2ffb5cb70bbf16500795c11e024cf742eb57e", "text": "This is about resurrecting the faded dream of a new American century . And what stands in the way of the type of the Neocon dream of global “ full - spectrum dominance ? ” Russia ’s nuclear arsenal . Russia is the only nation with an arsenal big enough to withstand the subtle nuclear blackmail of America ’s trillion - dollar nuclear “ upgrade . ” That ’s why Russia is concerned about the missile defense systems arrayed on their border . Those systems can knock down retaliatory strikes , thus making a first strike with new nuclear cruise missiles at least theoretically possible . The United States is also using NATO expansion to increasingly encircle a nation that once was America ’s geopolitical equal .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "America", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCebbdd9221afe19ab7001d009efec9d8a17157778f23978b0b7b8e8e7", "text": "“ Must be a pretty picture , you dropping to your knees , ” he smirked to a contestant on “ The Apprentice ” as she described how she had pleaded not to be fired from the show . At his California golf course , Trump told managers , according to a lawsuit , to fire women who were “ not pretty enough ” — ordering , “ I want you to get some good - looking hostesses here . ” For women sexually harassed in the workplace , Trump suggested they take the advice he would give his daughter — quit and get another job . Those who threaten Trump ’s alpha - male status are met with vicious treatment . After Fox News ’ Megyn Kelly asked Trump about calling women “ fat pigs , dogs , slobs , and disgusting animals , ’ Trump said of Kelly : “ You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes , blood coming out of her wherever ” — the unmistakable message being that Kelly must have been menstruating as an explanation for her demanding a straight answer . When Carly Fiorina was gaining on Trump in Republican primary polls , Trump mocked not her business credentials but her appearance : “ Look at that face ! ” “ Would anyone vote for that ? ” he asked .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "threaten", "arguments": [{"argument": "Those", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Trump ’s alpha - male status", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCffe528980fd7e30819767680b8cbf3fc5b8776965efd8a33024e002d", "text": "He also said he had \" changed \" and pledged \" to be a better man tomorrow . \" And he added : \" I ’ve said some foolish things , but there 's a big difference between the words and actions of other people . Bill Clinton has actually abused women , and Hillary has bullied , attacked , shamed , and intimidated his victims . \" But how about Trump 's own actions ? Trump limited his video apology to the words he used , yet those words describe his own abuse of women — actions that Trump did not apologize for .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "intimidated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Hillary", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "victims", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1d18048e28287c686fe3ddbbd2b06d1fb3bf42318510494b13c13048", "text": "Their problem was not getting investors , but figuring out how to spend money in a non - efficient way if you read between the lines . He was probably aware of that . He would have known how inefficient and wasteful the company is . ” Page became an investor in the company , and has , according to filings , advised other companies he ’s worked for to invest in them . After Merrill Lynch , Page tried to set up his own fund to invest in energy projects and called it Global Energy Capital . But he tried to do this in 2008 , and we know what happened to the markets in 2008 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "advised", "arguments": [{"argument": "Page", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "companies", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2f900ff5b5131ddfc5f079848f54f971533f6862f7940d4aa50646e0", "text": "“ That ’s not the kind of person I am . I am in this until the end . ”“We have tremendous support . I think a lot of people underestimate how loyal my supporters are , ” he added . Trump also told the newspaper that he is \" focusing on the debate , getting ready , \" and \" focusing on talking to voters . ”Several high - ranking GOP members have already urged Trump to drop from the ballot after a video of him making lewd remarks toward women sparked outrage on Friday afternoon . The list includes Sen. Mark Kirk Mark KirkWhy Qatar Is a problem for Washington Taking the easy layup : Why brain cancer patients depend on it The Mideast - focused Senate letter we need to see MORE ( R - Ill . ) , Sen. John Thune John ThuneThis week : Senate plots path on healthcare ObamaCare : Six key parts of the Senate bill Overnight Finance : Fed raises rates for second time in 2017 | GOP weighs keeping ObamaCare taxes | Tax reform becomes Wall Street obsession MORE ( R - S.D. ) , Sen. Mike Lee Mike LeeOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators offer bipartisan bill on retirement savings for grad students This week : Senate plots path on healthcare MORE ( R - Utah ) , Sen. Ben Sasse ( R - N.E. )", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "GOP members", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Trump", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC33e56dd8c29a06c4ed66cdb58d40c55d3de80a6443594722a0494d9a", "text": "How crazy is that ! It was as if supporting the Iraq War was the new initiation rite to join the Establishment ’s elite fraternity of worthies , a kind of upside - down application of rewards and punishments that would only make sense at the Mad Hatter ’s tea party in Alice ’s Wonderland . In a sane world , the publishers of The New York Times and The Washington Post would have purged their lead editorial writers who had advocated for the catastrophe . Instead , the Post retained its neocon editorial page editor Fred Hiatt and nearly all of its pro - war columnists and the Times even promoted liberal interventionist Bill Keller to the top job of executive editor after it became clear that he had been snookered about Iraq ’s WMD . Similar patterns were followed across the board , from The New Yorker on the Left to The Wall Street Journal on the Right .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "advocated", "arguments": [{"argument": "lead editorial writers", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "the Iraq War", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "The New York Times and The Washington Post", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC688d59c7bf3aac024da1d151b0783ec280daac7b925b795f67a3279b", "text": "Donald Trump survived Sunday night 's dark and bitter presidential debate but that 's about all he did . The bar has now been set so low for the GOP nominee that he could do the following on stage in St. Louis and still receive passing grades : suggest that as president he would jail his opponent ; defend Vladimir Putin and Russia over the hacking of the U.S. election ; praise brutal Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad ; admit to not paying federal income tax ; and rebuke his own running mate for daring to criticize Russia over the indiscriminate bombing of Syrian civilians . That 's a very partial list . Trump also lied with enthusiastic regularity , again saying he opposed the second Iraq war before it started ( he did n't ) , claimed his opponent would jack up the tax rate on the middle class ( she says she wo n't ) and protested that he did not Tweet at 3 a.m. that people should check out a sex tape featuring a former Miss Universe ( he did ) .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "suggest", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "St. Louis", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC7763f00b513ade8447551d02bd8c845d06c3b017f16d6b25280d8a71", "text": "We have to force local and state governments to address this specific reality that face black youth and black working - class people in general . While we struggle , we have to build structures , and one of the structures there for the taking is , in fact , the Green Party structure . What I 'm engaged in right now is a Green Party Southern strategy where we suggest to specifically black folks in the South that you have an instrument that can be used if you want to challenge the power of the Democrats in the various states to mount a real opposition to the control of the Republicans . Even in those states where you have Republican political control , there 's still a lot of collaboration with the Democratic Party . People are comfortable playing that role and they 're not really providing a real challenge to these Republican governors .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "suggest", "arguments": [{"argument": "we", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "black folks in the South", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC815df6807b7bd3b75d38b8cf9cf60d4d6e2652c2a8cc7c24514792ab", "text": "Fifteen days into Ravel ’s tenure as chairwoman , former Koch brothers money man Sean Noble wrote an op - ed for the conservative site Townhall titled “ FEC ’s Latest Rule Regulating Online Speech Is Akin to Book Burning . ” Noble ’s article attacked the improbable specter of a regulatory framework that would require anyone discussing politics on the internet to register with the FEC . Such a framework might indeed reduce the amount of free speech conducted on the internet , hence “ book burning . ” In an email , Noble wrote that requiring the disclosures that Ravel advocated for would stifle free speech , and more generally , that “ we have less political and public policy speech in the U.S. than we should because of regulations . ” He continued : Requiring a blogger , stay - at - home mom , or college student to register with a government agency in order to write about candidates or political issues would have a chilling effect on free speech . If the goal of the FEC is to “ get money out of politics”—which is an absurdity — this proposal actually goes in the opposite direction .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "advocated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Ravel", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "FEC", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC896a03096a7846b4c75befc0fdedb21d79510ab616a4661c5877c42d", "text": "Priess said “ it ’s possible ” that a candidate would receive “ a more generic ” briefing , but the point of the modern - day information session is to ensure that a candidate does n’t say anything that would damage foreign policy on the campaign trail – or box him or her in should the candidate win . Briefings do not include information about espionage , covert actions or nuclear information . \" Candidates are advised of the classified nature of the material , and operational and policy matters are not addressed , \" an intelligence official familiar with the matter told NBC News . Gov. Michael Dukakis said the two briefers who came to his home during his 1988 presidential run were then CIA Director William Webster and Robert Gates , then Deputy Director of the CIA .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "advised", "arguments": [{"argument": "CIA", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Candidates", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCbb503476c1ba930a6cf69c160f468ec1f8a5f2617f8ef360b3d64c90", "text": "Perry urged further engagement with Russia on nuclear weapons . \" We do have a common interest in preventing a nuclear catastrophe , \" he said . Perry is advocating that the United States unilaterally eliminate all its land - based missiles and rely instead on nuclear missile submarines and bombers for deterrence . However , he said his advocacy of the policy \" may be pursuing a mission impossible . \" \" I highly doubt the Russians would follow suit \" by eliminating their land - based missiles , the former secretary said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "advocating", "arguments": [{"argument": "Perry", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "United States", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc1f9f7456058d8267b362f9affeda547bd2195a7c0b4df2f0719b485", "text": "As Hillary Clinton begins her final charge for the White House , her advisers are already recommending air strikes and other new military measures against the Assad regime in Syria . The clear signals of Clinton ’s readiness to go to war appears to be aimed at influencing the course of the war in Syria as well as U.S. policy over the remaining six months of the Obama administration . ( She also may be hoping to corral the votes of Republican neoconservatives concerned about Donald Trump ’s “ America First ” foreign policy . )", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "recommending", "arguments": [{"argument": "advisers", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "her", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd2bd798691edaa70a3a4ff5cd4f891eae6a5dda7ddd81e40a25055a4", "text": "When the interviewer pressed Assange by noting Rich ’s death was “ just a robbery , ” Assange replied , “ No . There ’s no finding . ” Asked what he was suggesting , Assange replied , “ I ’m suggesting that our sources take risks ... We are concerned about it . ” The website Snopes has debunked many of the conspiracy theories surrounding Rich ’s death . Brad Bauman , a spokesperson working for Rich ’s family , said that while help tracking down Rich ’s killers is welcome , the speculation is not .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for requesting or advising", "event_trigger": "suggesting", "arguments": [{"argument": "Assange", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "interviewer", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1379802f5e76b63b909affecc898946720233e728a6e3022972e2711", "text": "Turkey is focused on preventing the YPG or its allies building on recent advances against Islamic State by capturing the town of Jarablus . The U.S .- backed Syria Democratic Forces alliance ( SDF ) , including the YPG , captured the city of Manbij , just south of Jarablus , from Islamic State earlier this month . Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told broadcaster NTV that northern Syria should not become the domain of one group alone and that a \" secure zone \" , an internationally policed buffer area Turkey has proposed in vain in the past , should be reconsidered . Turkey has been shelling Islamic State positions in Jarablus as part of an effort to help allied Syrian rebels secure it . Rebel sources say they have been mobilizing in Turkey , ready to cross into Jarablus .", "event": [{"event_type": "Public statement broadcast in person", "event_trigger": "proposed", "arguments": [{"argument": "Turkey", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6533fee08cf1d37c73c1e8fc568d442ddebdf37f586852163fd03173", "text": "3/12 Donald Trump 's wife Melania delivered a speech at the GOP convention in Cleveland that was later found to have been cribbed in part from Michelle Obama 's 2008 convention address AP 4/12 Hillary Clinton talks to reporters aboard her new campaign plane on Labour Day , 5 September , her first ' press conference ' since 2015 ( Getty Images ) 5/12 Donald Trump held a joint press conference with Mexican leader Enrique Pena Nieto in Mexico City in August , hours before reiterating his harsh immigration plans at a campaign rally in Arizona Reuters 6/12 Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton , saying his progressive vision for ‘ a transformed America ’ would be ’ best served by the defeat of Donald Trump ’ Reuters 7/12 Khizr and Gazala Khan appeared at the DNC to slam Trump for his stance on Muslim immigration , citing the case of their son Humayun Khan , who was killed in combat while serving as a Captain in the US Army in Iraq", "event": [{"event_type": "Public statement broadcast in person", "event_trigger": "reiterating", "arguments": [{"argument": "Melania", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "GOP convention in Cleveland", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC77e68bca7e228e8ac1756407d868d02e621c9c72a772d807f42794df", "text": "A government The fact that the minimal level of monitoring that is conducted by the Canadian government exceeds the export value of this industry by $ 2 million is certainly a strong indication that this hunt should be ended for economic reasons alone . We have a government that is well aware it ’s pouring dollars into an economic sinkhole that will never recover . Recently , Justin Trudeau ’s new government came under renewed pressure from animal rights activists to ban seal hunting as it has not yet announced a quota for 2016 hunting season that starts by the end of March and continues through April . Canada 's annual commercial seal hunt , which mainly takes place during March and April , sees thousands of young seals clubbed to death for their furs . An estimated 95 - 98 per cent of the seals killed during the commercial hunt are three weeks to three months old , sparking calls for a ban on seal hunting from animal activists . Commercial hunt has shrunk in recent years as major export markets such as the European Union , the United States and Russia have banned import of seal - fur products over animal - welfare concerns .", "event": [{"event_type": "Public statement broadcast in person", "event_trigger": "announced", "arguments": [{"argument": "it", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Canada", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCdfffbc14dbdc881676c4361fbc9fd1496348d34476e1f26af87c0de2", "text": "If South Korea drifts into the orbit of the US and Japan , China 's influence on the Korean peninsula could be badly compromised . At a military parade in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the surrender of Japan last ­September , South Korean President Park Geun - hye was the only American ally present , standing with President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin . A few months later , the US and Seoul announced they would ­deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense , or THAAD , system . Its stated purpose is to counter North Korea 's missile threat , but it could also be used to watch China . China was so infuriated that Beijing told its television stations to suspend any new shows with South Korean stars , sources said earlier this week .", "event": [{"event_type": "Public statement broadcast in person", "event_trigger": "announced", "arguments": [{"argument": "US and Seoul", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCf2742bc6916bd684b438fdb8a1bc435f7dc65b603248defb8351da82", "text": "Those are explosive charges , and one should of course be cautious in characterizing a powerful law firm that has tried to deny or deflect most of these allegations in a vigorous if laborious rebuttal , published in full on the Guardian ’s website . In a long - winded letter signed by Carlos Sousa , the firm ’s public - relations director , Mossack Fonseca insists it “ does not foster or promote illegal acts , ” respectfully disagrees with the conclusion that it sought to help anyone avoid paying taxes or launder dirty money , and claims to “ have operated beyond reproach in [ its ] home country and in other jurisdictions ” for 40 years . Furthermore , if any of its clients misused its services or did anything illegal , the firm professes itself deeply shocked and distressed ( I am paraphrasing , but not by much ) . In short , Mossack says it did nothing wrong or at least did n’t mean to , and has recently added 26 new hires to its “ compliance department ” to ensure it continues to do nothing wrong in the future .", "event": [{"event_type": "Public statement broadcast in person", "event_trigger": "professes", "arguments": [{"argument": "the firm", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "itself", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3d53ae568724028f2c78541de6ba82ec9957876bd8579cccfccda9a9", "text": "© AP Photo/ File Russian Presidential Envoy : Daesh Fighters May Use Migrant Labor Routes to Reach Russia Another reason that Saudi Arabian leaders will not intervene militarily on the ground in Syria is because they want to avoid direct confrontations with Iran and Russia , al - Ahmed claimed . US Department of State spokesperson John Kirby recently said the United States is discussing the parameters of Riyadh ’s offer to deploy ground forces to Syria .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "discussing", "arguments": [{"argument": "Riyadh", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5698f615e3e7ae7e9563780c0fb5896039fbff141903b7e8a98060be", "text": "Trump and Ryan would also both repeal Obama ’s health - care reforms and regulations on Wall Street . Democrats would be powerless to stop them . Trump could renounce the Paris climate accord immediately after his election , reversing international momentum toward green energy , and then quickly dismantle Obama ’s regulations that enabled the pact to be negotiated in the first place . Democrats in the Senate may threaten to filibuster legislative action , but if Republicans continue to control the Senate ( as they surely would after a Trump victory ) , they could abolish the filibuster with a simple majority vote ( as they surely would if it were all that stood in their way ) . Even if Republicans uncharacteristically were to shy away from such an aggressive approach , Congress could , under existing rules , pass a budget bill that is exempt from the filibuster as long as it contains only tax - and - spending - related matters .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "negotiated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Paris", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5d09c9aa20dea1fbc7e63a5e891d79bb737f20a16098a79a26ae1a7f", "text": "“ It ’s clear that the attorney general , who serves at the pleasure of President Obama , is going to have very little incentive or intention to pursue the appropriate investigation , ” Sen. John Cornyn John CornynDems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Overnight Finance : Warren to Fed : Kick out Wells Fargo board | Senators raise questions about Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi bashes GOP on budget Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo MORE ( Texas ) , the No . 2 Senate Republican , said on the chamber floor this week . Other Senate Republicans , including Chuck Grassley Chuck GrassleySenate GOP shifts focus to Lynch Grassley welcomes Trump ’s rescheduled Iowa rally Grassley rankles GOP with new Comey investigation MORE ( R - Iowa ) and Ron Johnson Ron JohnsonWeek ahead : Senate work on ObamaCare repeal intensifies Senators wrestle with transparency in healthcare debate ObamaCare repeal and the Senate : Where it stands MORE ( R - Wis . ) have launched their own investigations related to Clinton ’s email . Some of their findings , Grassley said this week , were at odds with those of the State Department ’s inspector general report . “ I will follow up to get to the bottom of these discrepancies because misrepresenting the facts to Congress is unacceptable , ” Grassley pledged .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Senators", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Senate", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC7739320166e6966082f96f886777475f7cde96a6a6a93b0e409fcdc0", "text": "Echoing Erdogan ’s criticism of the West , Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Tuesday repeated a pledge to bring Gulen back to Turkey . “ That terrorist leader will come to Turkey and pay for what he did . We will hold him accountable for the blood of our martyrs and veterans , ” Yildirim told a meeting of his ruling Islamist - rooted AK Party in parliament . “ That religious , impudent , lying , bloody murdering nothing will be surely held accountable . ” NATO member Turkey hosts American troops and warplanes at its Incirlik Air Base , an important staging area for the U.S.-led fight against Islamic State militants in neighboring Iraq and Syria .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "meeting", "arguments": [{"argument": "AK Party", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "parliament", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCb5d1575018a746808a70902b3bf74fcca14cab33ddcad5213047beb8", "text": "Officials and cyber security experts say recent breaches at the Democratic National Committee and elsewhere in the Democratic Party were likely carried out by people within the Russian government . Kremlin officials have denied the allegations of Moscow 's involvement . Concerns about election computer security prompted Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to convene a conference call with state election officials earlier this month , when he offered the department 's help in making their voting systems more secure . The FBI warning did not identify the two states targeted by cyber intruders , but Yahoo News said sources familiar with the document said it referred to Arizona and Illinois , whose voter registration systems were penetrated . Citing a state election board official , Yahoo News said the Illinois voter registration system was shut down for 10 days in late July after hackers downloaded personal data on up to 200,000 voters .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "convene", "arguments": [{"argument": "state election officials", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCf6a11935aed787311cf7a58abb2e608d9f9b7dea5992bd935860a908", "text": "“ The IDF Spokesperson ’s Unit gives instructions and simulations at all levels in the field , under the assumption that [ operations ] will be covered [ by the press ] and documented . ”Lerner admitted that there was an increase of violent incidents in recent months , but said they are exceptions that do not reflect the general situation . He also pointed out that an officer who was violent toward the press was fired . Zionist Union MK Ksenia Svetlova , a former Arab affairs reporter for Russian - language media who has written for The Jerusalem Post , initiated the discussion and said , “ Freedom of action for the media is a central component in a democratic state . Unfortunately , recently , it seems that some reporters are seen as the enemy or as a foreign agent acting against the State of Israel . ”She added , “ Violence against the press hurts Israel ’s good name in the world . ”Foreign Press Association secretary Gila Sugarman said that in the past two years there has been an increase in physical violence against journalists and their equipment . Union of Journalists in Israel chairman Yair Tarchitsky called the phenomenon fairly common and said the violence generally comes from low - level soldiers or police officers who are not aware of the way they should treat the press . “The general feeling is that they see journalists as an annoyance , ” he said . “ Security forces have to understand the job of the press in a democratic country , even if the truth is uncomfortable for the country . Our job is to reflect reality as it is to the broader public . ”Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tzachi Hanegbi ( Likud ) closed the meeting by calling the IDF Spokesperson ’s Unit to review the complaints from press representatives and make sure that they are present in sensitive situations to hold a dialogue with reporters . “IDF commanders are not trained or authorized to deal with the press ; it ’s not their responsibility , ” Hanegbi said . “They are focused on security and executing their operational orders . The IDF Spokesperson ’s Unit must send people to events with the potential for conflict , in order to avoid obstacles to reaching operation goals , on the one hand , and harm to journalists ’ work , on the other . ”Hanegbi also said he will discuss the issue with Interior Committee chairman David Amsalem ( Likud ) , whose panel is responsible for overseeing police and border police actions , to hold a similar discussion about complaints of police treatment of the press .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for discussion", "event_trigger": "dialogue", "arguments": [{"argument": "they", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Israel", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC0d05babbe5ffef83a02ff38cc9280fda40628ee6e957011d9ce044b8", "text": "With no water sources nearby , it would have been a bad place for a settlement , too . In a paper published in the journal Quartär , Thomas Terberger , the archaeologist who led the recent dig , says the burials are evidence of careful planning . “ It ’s not an accumulation of burials by accident , but a place where they decided to put their dead , ” says Terberger , of the Lower Saxony Department of Historic Preservation . “ It ’s the first evidence of a true cemetery in northern Europe or Scandinavia . ” That , colleagues say , makes the spot special .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "burials", "arguments": [{"argument": "they", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "their dead", "role": "deceased"}, {"argument": "a place", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC0eca824f1d15acb1b2f7279a7786e8c8739d206dbc266f8666c8ad83", "text": "“ I believe both those things , ” replied Yudkin . “ That is exactly the opposite of what my doctor told me , ” said McGovern . In a 2015 paper titled Does Science Advance One Funeral at a Time ? , a team of scholars at the National Bureau of Economic Research sought an empirical basis for a remark made by the physicist Max Planck : “ A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light , but rather because its opponents eventually die , and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it . ” The researchers identified more than 12,000 “ elite ” scientists from different fields . The criteria for elite status included funding , number of publications , and whether they were members of the National Academies of Science or the Institute of Medicine .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "Funeral", "arguments": [{"argument": "opponents", "role": "deceased"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1fd62587282cb6fc621cfacae6241779474d16c206a1ac96cee0806f", "text": "WATCH : Get a glimpse of the well - preserved , 8,400-year - old skeleton of a baby found in Germany . One possible explanation comes from hundreds of miles to the northeast . Standing burials similar to the one at Gross Fredenwalde have been found in a cemetery called Olenij Ostrov in modern - day Russia , from about the same time . Researchers have long assumed culture flowed into ancient Europe from the south , but these odd burials suggest that there was active migration or communication across northern Europe as well . “ This man is an indication of such eastern influences , ” Terberger says ; DNA results from his bones might be able to tease out the connections .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "burials", "arguments": [{"argument": "a baby", "role": "deceased"}, {"argument": "Gross Fredenwalde", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC9eff7312964919676d041a3e9bf6c3f7d2a7ce3a8474f057a4ed9c47", "text": "“ It ’s really rare to find an intact burial like this , because an infant ’s bones are so small and fragile , ” says Jungklaus . Laid to rest not long after it turned six months old , the baby is almost perfectly preserved , its arms folded across its tiny chest . The bones and nearby soil are stained red from ochre pigment used to decorate the body for burial . The excellent preservation offers researchers a wealth of information . Chemical signatures in the bones , for example , could show whether the infant was breast - fed ; DNA could establish links to other skeletons in the cemetery and determine the infant ’s gender .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "burial", "arguments": [{"argument": "the baby", "role": "deceased"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCbd9a31c91b06af57b953267f04f8c95f3a44a38173afd8c62a7386d8", "text": "“ We can look at possible illnesses , and perhaps determine the cause of death , ” Jungklaus says . “ Children are always the weakest link – they’re the first victims when the environment or living situation changes . ” While the infant burial is remarkable , the body of a young man found nearby has excavators puzzled – and excited . Buried more than 1,000 years after the infant , the man was entombed standing up , together with bone tools and flint knives . The man ’s skeleton suggests he lived a pretty easy life .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "burial", "arguments": [{"argument": "a young man", "role": "deceased"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc99d42ba0e6d18d5e2c2842595b0873179fb45ff0f1591cb64a99245", "text": "The Russian Foreign Ministry , in a statement released on Sunday , condemned the Saturday airstrike , saying , “ It must be thoroughly and impartially investigated ; and its organizers and executors must be duly punished . ” The Russian statement added that “ a repeat of such a tragedy can only be avoided through the cessation of violence and the resumption of a comprehensive political process , where Yemenis themselves determine their future on the basis of corresponding United Nations resolutions and national dialog without any external interference . ” More than 140 people lost their lives and over 525 others sustained injuries on October 8 when Saudi military aircraft struck a hall in the Yemeni capital where rows of people were attending a funeral . Canada calls for probe , too Additionally , Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion has also demanded a prompt investigation into the Saudi airstrike .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "funeral", "arguments": [{"argument": "Yemeni capital", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCe9547efe8808ca41eb1d2e99c65dc1107bc7273e79a52942b39b81cb", "text": "Weddings and funerals have been banned and Pyongyang is in lockdown as preparations for a once - in - a - generation party congress get underway in North Korea . The ruling Worker ’s Party of Korea , headed by the country 's leader , Kim Jong - un , is due to stage the first gathering of its kind for 36 years on Friday . Free movement in and out of the capital has also been forbidden and there has been an increase in inspections and property searches , according to Daily NK , which claims to have sources in the country .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for a funeral or vigil", "event_trigger": "funerals", "arguments": [{"argument": "North Korea", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2c5e34b3774d665db5bc943e7ac197897a4097312d11525d6d24f376", "text": "Nick Suntzeff , a Texas A&M University astronomer told the online magazine Ars Technica that the 11 gigahertz signal was observed in part of the radio spectrum used by the military . \" If this were a real astronomical source , it would be rather strange , \" Suntzeff was quoted as saying . \" God knows who or what broadcasts at 11Ghz , and it would not be out of the question that some sort of bursting communication is done between ground stations and satellites , \" Suntzeff said . \" I would follow it if I were the astronomers , but I would also not hype the fact that it may be at SETI signal given the significant chance it could be something military . \"", "event": [{"event_type": "Media statement broadcast", "event_trigger": "broadcasts", "arguments": [{"argument": "who or what", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC54f4942a74badd34c60ba3fd09a25db58fe2df2c961035d68e865db2", "text": "On Tuesday night , vice - presidential candidates Republican Governor Mike Pence and Democratic Senator Tim Kaine faced off at Longwood University in Farmville , Virginia , for their first and only debate before next month ’s election . Democracy Now ! aired a special \" Expanding the Debate \" broadcast Tuesday , where we gave major third - party candidates a chance to respond in real time to the same questions put to the major candidates . The Green Party ’s Ajamu Baraka joined us live from Richmond , Virginia . Today we ’re airing highlights from that \" Expanding the Debate \" special .", "event": [{"event_type": "Media statement broadcast", "event_trigger": "broadcast", "arguments": [{"argument": "major third - party candidates", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Richmond , Virginia", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5d2591573ccc8b90f81f3049c54b93857b1802f1f919802003228274", "text": "Share on Facebook SHARE Share on Twitter TWEET Link Edward Snowden appears on a live video feed broadcast from Moscow at an event in Hawaii in February 2015 . Photo : Marco Garcia Mr Snowden spoke Saturday US time at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum , heavily attended by libertarians .", "event": [{"event_type": "Media statement broadcast", "event_trigger": "broadcast", "arguments": [{"argument": "Edward Snowden", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Moscow", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC618dd78c0148f305a1f4a0b4a8b7d7611172f0702efe738593370f5f", "text": "Related : Trump baffles Mississippi with ' Brexit ' rallying cry Beyond its pet issues and principles , like most \" -isms , \" the term is best understood by looking at its adherents . You have put - on provocateurs like Breitbart \" tech editor \" Milo Yiannopoulos , who coasted to mini - stardom online by preaching against P.C. culture , deflecting all criticism with his identity as an openly gay man who dresses like Macklemore . You have über - libertarian and Sandy Hook and 9/11 Truther Alex Jones , who runs the Sovereign - Citizen - style news network InfoWars.com , which warns viewers about government - regulated water turning frogs gay .", "event": [{"event_type": "Media statement broadcast", "event_trigger": "preaching", "arguments": [{"argument": "Milo Yiannopoulos", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC259702262cb02ed5a8b9fd1ff1e761364f1ee8182bf7db88b65dc35f", "text": "Revelations about the origins of the DNC hack and Manafort 's cash ties to pro - Russian interests in Ukraine also follow the Trump campaign 's decision to alter the GOP 's policy on Ukraine , which has long called for arming Ukrainian soldiers against pro - Russian rebels . The report , moreover , emerges in light of Trump 's own perceived friendliness toward Russia and its president , Vladimir Putin . Trump has threatened more than once to pull out of NATO — an organization Russia views as a threat — and has spoken highly of Putin more than once . \" He 's running his country , and at least he 's a leader , unlike what we have in this country , \" Trump told MSNBC in December . On Thursday , Trump told CNBC that during his administration , he would \" be friendly with Putin . \"", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "threatened", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "NATO", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3686004354c77b593a71b69704d1d0f31f6cbbee69afae7f919a4e81", "text": "Sign it ! ” “ But I ca n’t look at this now , it ’s Christmas , ” Ivana said . Donald pressed her , according to Kennedy . Trump seemed extraordinarily concerned that she sign the papers , perhaps because an Atlantic City photographer was threatening to blackmail him with photos he had taken of him and Marla Maples . However efficiently Ivana ran Trump Castle , she seemed terrified of her husband . She signed the papers giving her $ 10 million and the mansion in Greenwich , Connecticut .", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "photographer", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "him", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Atlantic City", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC47c05f32b45076a05dd62e456eda6dd61a7181e32e9bba281b728c36", "text": "\" There is chaos . Some members and commanders are trying to flee , \" Darwish said . The U.S. -led coalition has sought to use its successes in targeting ISIS leaders to intimidate others . In late May , warplanes dropped leaflets over ISIS - held parts of Syria with the pictures of two senior militants killed previously in airstrikes . \" What do these Daesh commanders have in common ? \"", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "intimidate", "arguments": [{"argument": "U.S. -led coalition", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "others", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Syria", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC669705ea27ea2d6ebe4caca7b95f052f4809cb9e17217f56b93fc533", "text": "This is about resurrecting the faded dream of a new American century . And what stands in the way of the type of the Neocon dream of global “ full - spectrum dominance ? ” Russia ’s nuclear arsenal . Russia is the only nation with an arsenal big enough to withstand the subtle nuclear blackmail of America ’s trillion - dollar nuclear “ upgrade . ” That ’s why Russia is concerned about the missile defense systems arrayed on their border . Those systems can knock down retaliatory strikes , thus making a first strike with new nuclear cruise missiles at least theoretically possible . The United States is also using NATO expansion to increasingly encircle a nation that once was America ’s geopolitical equal .", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "America", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "America", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC8bbe1bc8593bddf970bffeebf6418a0428fe610f249aa76514a38ddf", "text": "In a series of tweets Wednesday , Warren challenged House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith ’s ( R - Texas ) decision to subpoena communications between state attorneys general investigating Exxon 's claims . Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is one of the leaders in that effort , and one of the officials whom Smith ’s committee subpoenaed last week . Warren tweeted that Smith ’s push is “ how giant corporations rig the system ” by trying to “ intimidate ” Healy . “ Now @exxonmobil got the Chair of the @HouseScience Committee — a TX Republican who has taken $ 675k from oil & gas — to subpoena @MassAGO , ” she tweeted . “ Yup , that ’s right : House Republicans are interfering with a state AG ’s ongoing investigation of a company violating state law . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "intimidate", "arguments": [{"argument": "giant corporations", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Healy", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc3d85db29e2fd317a2261459b476524deba76b11078633c7056878fd", "text": "Deputy Moskalkova , who is a member of the A Just Russia party , was also supported by the ruling United Russia party for the post . The newly elected Human Rights Commissioner has distinguished herself in the State Duma for advocating particularly draconian legislation . In her post - election interview , Commissioner Moskalkova said she had to take a stand against human rights being used as a tool by the West to blackmail Russia .", "event": [{"event_type": "Threats or coercion through correspondence", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "West", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "West", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC1378a60e72c649fb6dcc3c8ad04dcdf355e64ab749a037b8575a01bd", "text": "This is about resurrecting the faded dream of a new American century . And what stands in the way of the type of the Neocon dream of global “ full - spectrum dominance ? ” Russia ’s nuclear arsenal . Russia is the only nation with an arsenal big enough to withstand the subtle nuclear blackmail of America ’s trillion - dollar nuclear “ upgrade . ” That ’s why Russia is concerned about the missile defense systems arrayed on their border . Those systems can knock down retaliatory strikes , thus making a first strike with new nuclear cruise missiles at least theoretically possible . The United States is also using NATO expansion to increasingly encircle a nation that once was America ’s geopolitical equal .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "America", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "America", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2c181e5b5f3bf52ac66508140acd06b4013fe4ae8352933f417a2a07", "text": "he responds . \" Yeah I know you know it . But in case people feel intimidated in making direct comments to Hillaryland , I thought I 'd let you know of the grumbling I 'm hearing directly . But maybe that was my mistake , \" Tanden replies . While Podesta and campaign manager Robby Mook are white , Abedin , the campaign 's vice chairwoman is Muslim , Marlon Marshall , an African - American , is the director of state campaigns , and Amanda Renteria , a Hispanic , serves as national political director .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "intimidated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Hillaryland", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC8fab63b5e8871594e196dfa6fbc439e3343f1226deb8fc15f3287bf1", "text": "Deputy Moskalkova , who is a member of the A Just Russia party , was also supported by the ruling United Russia party for the post . The newly elected Human Rights Commissioner has distinguished herself in the State Duma for advocating particularly draconian legislation . In her post - election interview , Commissioner Moskalkova said she had to take a stand against human rights being used as a tool by the West to blackmail Russia .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "Commissioner Moskalkova", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC97e5a6cdea545d59a6f56667b5663612d3a0dcb01d28e1b478fc21c0", "text": "It added that the net economic effects would probably be \" negative and substantial \" . But economists for the Brexit campaign said the consensus that a UK exit would be bad for the economy was \" based on flawed EU - centric models \" . Meanwhile , Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused UK Prime Minister David Cameron of holding the referendum to \" blackmail \" and \" scare \" Europe , and France 's economy minister says Britain would become as significant as Guernsey if it voted to leave . ' Substantial Brexit costs ' There are five days to go until the UK votes on whether to stay in or leave the European Union on 23 June .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "David Cameron", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Europe", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "UK", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc1b527bf99e99a5d1941d336f3885f1450a70ad41f5a4726e5ae2712", "text": "Trump 's aim here seems to be highlighting that Clinton deleted her emails , full stop . If Russia can find them , after all , maybe they will come to light , he seems to suggest . But that scenario could also very plausibly lend itself to the kind of cyberespionage — blackmail or otherwise — that Trump has already alleged Clinton is being subjected to . The emails were deemed personal and should not contain classified information . Yes , but many work - related emails Clinton said did not contain classified information were later proven by the FBI to have contained some .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast involving threats or coercion", "event_trigger": "blackmail", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc660f1b2cb36a71e9d2fe46a701b68ea8553ab19f841def983f21ee1", "text": "At the White House : No public events are scheduled . On Capitol Hill : The Senate meets at 10 a.m. to work on a sanctuary cities bill . The House meets at noon for legislative business . QUOTE OF THE DAY : Clinton praised Obama as “ someone who has never forgotten where he came from ” : “ And Donald , if you ’re out there tweeting , it ’s Hawaii . ” NEWS YOU CAN USE IF YOU LIVE IN D.C. :", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting for collaboration", "event_trigger": "meets", "arguments": [{"argument": "House", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Capitol Hill", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC145b172bc59fdc46e7e4f90864f32fa130847831ad8e75499670d4fb", "text": "Trump tweeted on Sunday , a sentiment he also expressed in posts and during rallies in Maine and New Hampshire on Saturday . The comments raised questions both from Republicans and Democrats about whether he would accept the outcome should he lose to Clinton . Trump said after the first presidential debate in September that he would \" absolutely \" accept the election outcome . But a few days afterward , he told the New York Times : \" We 're going to see what happens . \" He has also urged his supporters to keep an eye on voting locations to prevent a \" stolen \" election , which some critics interpreted as encouraging them to intimidate voters .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for negotiation", "event_trigger": "debate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3c8215e64074326c2ecd3f7241fe08efe2b17c87f5a4f1bb651f063e", "text": "( “ I never said that , ” Trump told me . “ Yes , he did , ” said Smith . ) The Japanese bankers with whom Trump had negotiated a tentative sale suddenly backed off . “ The Japanese despise scandal , ” one of their associates told me . Several weeks later , Donald called Ivana .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for negotiation", "event_trigger": "negotiated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Japanese bankers", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCc3d85c48c826335b1170583a406ac918369fb5ae0735f08f503faab5", "text": "Asian - American — and voting for Trump During a campaign stop in Iowa last summer , Trump employed broken English in a jaw - dropping punchline mocking Asians . \" Negotiating with Japan , negotiating with China , \" he said . \" When these people walk in the room , they do n't say , ' Oh , hello ! How 's the weather ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for negotiation", "event_trigger": "negotiating", "arguments": [{"argument": "China", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Iowa", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCe04ce54dd8617fa0a8c770a020622c8451f597197f72bdc6d4c3c478", "text": "In a typical sale , the US government is involved every step of the way . The Pentagon often does assessments of an allied nation ’s armed forces in order to tell them what they “ need”—and of course what they always need is billions of dollars in new US - supplied equipment . Then the Pentagon helps negotiate the terms of the deal , notifies Congress of its details , and collects the funds from the foreign buyer , which it then gives to the US supplier in the form of a defense contract . In most deals , the Pentagon is also the point of contact for maintenance and spare parts for any US - supplied system . The bureaucracy that helps make all of this happen , the Defense Security Cooperation Agency , is funded from a 3.5 percent surcharge on the deals it negotiates .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence for negotiation", "event_trigger": "negotiate", "arguments": [{"argument": "foreign buyer", "role": "participant"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC2dee958922d1e06aa90a26aef8100a4773992db86bac74fd88745aa6", "text": "“ If in fact you could definitively or strongly develop a case for attribution against Russia , that in fact the Russians should be confronted with it and we should confront them publicly with it , ” former Obama administration National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said Thursday during a POLITICO Playbook breakfast . “ I do n’t think countries are paying a price for this kind of activities , ” Stephen Hadley , who held the same post under George W. Bush , said at the same event . Calls for action have also come from several congressional Democrats and Republicans who serve on defense , law enforcement or intelligence committees , as well as a bipartisan group of 31 security and counterterrorism experts who urged Obama to “ take prompt actions ” that would “ deter foreign actors from pursuing such tactics in the future . ” “ This is not a partisan issue , ” wrote the experts from the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group , who included Bush Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and former CIA directors Michael Hayden and William Webster . They added : “ Our president should be chosen by American citizens , not by foreign adversaries or interests . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to issue commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "Democrats and Republicans who serve on defense , law enforcement or intelligence committees , as well as a bipartisan group of 31 security and counterterrorism experts", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Obama", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC3012edaa7c39214dd30bec7679d1dfb16a8ce16ed9f58c2215cd77df", "text": "I tried to ask Schultz those questions myself , but an interview I arranged with him through an RT publicist was abruptly canceled . Shultz has n’t spoken much these days about his change of heart about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump . Nor has he discussed how a former lunch - pail populist feels covering stories like NATO ’s strategy toward Eastern Europe and the global role of the ( very much Putin - connected ) patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church , whom Schultz recently interviewed , then urged Congress to invite for a speech . Two years ago , on a radio show he then hosted , Schultz fumed at a Republican congressman who had described Putin as acting from a position of strength against Obama . “ Can I ask you a question ? ” Schultz thundered rhetorically .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to issue commands or orders", "event_trigger": "urged", "arguments": [{"argument": "Schultz", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Congress", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC69e37eb52a885d2f8dacf2c85a8e95fc3b3a30c8fe64d4c97f3d050b", "text": "These people are just protesting and not doing anything wrong . They should n't be hurt and removed , they 're protesting for their right . The government should fulfill OROP demand . Prime Minister , who has promised , should give a date as to when he can bring in OROP , all this protest will end then , \" said Gandhi . \" They should have thought about the technicalities before promising it .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to issue commands or orders", "event_trigger": "demand", "arguments": [{"argument": "OROP", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "Prime Minister", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCd2c8f179e510408423f803c8f73e158d0c1979aa6050c2d7c9e6e10b", "text": "Socialism demands that we place blind trust in whoever takes the power to distribute society ’s goods and services . History shows those who have this power abuse it in horrific ways . Nikolai Bukharin was executed by shooting in Moscow on March 15 , 1938 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting to issue commands or orders", "event_trigger": "demands", "arguments": [{"argument": "Socialism", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "we", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5163497c432ac1ea78580c7572a744aad1a4affcd02823ad606d7804", "text": "In a news conference responding to evidence suggesting Russian agencies hacked the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee , Trump insisted that he had no business dealings in Russia — with the single exception of selling a Palm Beach house to a Russian for $ 100 million . The problem with this account is that it is contradicted by other evidence suggesting the Trump Organization has long been interested in business in Russia . We documented the evidence and concluded Trump ’s remarks are artfully deceiving . One of the most damaging attacks on Trump has been a Hillary Clinton ad that highlights his mocking of a disabled reporter who writes for The New York Times . Trump revisited the incident in a campaign rally , adamantly denying this was the case .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceiving", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC5b5be4f358751609c1b44c46b8ff604933f3a86f3ca810f864e79d6b", "text": "They can transmit it , if they want . But I can say what I feel , too , ” he said , as cited by Expressen . Hanson said that the message ’s polite tone should not deceive the public , pointing out that while “ the email is polite , the message can not be mistaken . ” She sees the request as an attempt to prevent a Swedish media outlet from broadcasting an opinion that “ the Turkish embassy would not appreciate , ” according to Expressen . Surely not , in @Sweden of all places ? -- > ‘ Turkish embassy tried to muzzle Swedish media ’ – TV4 https://t.co/PJaNqkXaWP via @TheLocalSweden — Tempus Fugit ( @franosch ) April 24 , 2016", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceive", "arguments": [{"argument": "the message", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "public", "role": "recipient"}, {"argument": "Swedish media outlet", "role": "place"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC6a0e6fc045e3918696abc4246c8f0066a784dea2e2e0bb91bef946f5", "text": "Trump lied when he s aid Hillary wants to sign TPP . Trump lied when he s aid Hillary talks , but does n’t get anything done . Trump lied when he s aid $ 6 billion went missing when Hillary was secretary of state . Trump lied when he s aid he started with a $ 1 million loan . Trump lied when he s aid his company is worth “ many , many ” billions of dollars .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lied", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCa1dd74af6afa552e19a3eab3f1b880ccaa7bc22766fe39c1508ae6fa", "text": "Had Sanders lied to his supporters or was he making important compromises ? We hear a lot about how smart Hillary Clinton is , but it ’s important to point out that she has been caught in plenty of lies , too . Blaming the fact that we know about these lies on Russia is yet another sign of flawed thinking . It ’s a classic example of a “ red herring , ” where you avoid dealing with an issue by creating a distraction . Since Clinton had to deal with a lot of false accusations , she used those unwarranted attacks to avoid talking about any of the valid concerns the public had .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "lies", "arguments": [{"argument": "she", "role": "communicator"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCaecb5de742f74b8ee3df140c259d76bc74e3fa6aad6038998a9518c6", "text": "Surely the media critics do n’t expect the press to ignore all the indefensible nonsense , pluck out the least indefensible hedge across multiple appearances , and present that to the American people as what Trump really and truly meant ? That would be hugely misleading ! ( The media critics are themselves misled . Note that Gobry , who accuses the media of twisting Trump ’s words , purports to agree with Hemingway , though her complaint is that the media presents Trump ’s words too literally . ) Now , despite the challenges that the media face , there were better and worse ways to cover the ISIS story ; some journalists excelled , while others stumbled or even failed .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "misled", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "The media critics", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RCf7d91e0f0fe63c93f27a72f2b93e6a96591aa9c70675c6e17da0b4f3", "text": "We are ashamed of them . \" However , Mutko stopped short of admitting the doping scandal was state sponsored . \" We are very sorry that athletes who tried to deceive us , and the world , were not caught sooner . We are very sorry because Russia is committed to upholding the highest standards in sport and is opposed to anything that threatens the Olympic values , \" he said . English former heptathlete and Athens 2004 bronze medallist Kelly Sotherton was unhappy with Mutko 's plea for Russia 's ban to be lifted for Rio", "event": [{"event_type": "Meeting involving prevarication or misleading information", "event_trigger": "deceive", "arguments": [{"argument": "athletes", "role": "communicator"}, {"argument": "us", "role": "recipient"}]}]} +{"id": "nw_RC04299b67b717062aced72c38b0794361dd1b0bc130f09b2b4a5ab3b7", "text": "The new study says that since 2008 , 221 to 450 snow leopards have been poached every year , maybe even higher . James Compton , an author of the study , says , We think that what most observations , seizure records and expert opinion shows is that the majority is still happening because of retaliatory killing . He adds , “ One of the major interventions to stop that is better protection for livestock , in some of these very remote areas where you have nomad communities and herds of livestock , because that ’s where the friction takes place . ” More than 90 % of the poaching was recorded in China , Mongolia , India , Pakistan and Tajikistan .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC062a7eed1282ee4f36b0eeddb331c431fcab543818b37cd86e92a583", "text": "The chances of intentional conflict are real , as is the possibility of an unintended clash escalating . At the same time , Syria is not essential to the national security of Russia or the United States . It is not without importance , but a defeat or capitulation there will not change the balance of power between them at all . It would of course affect psychological and political perception , but in the long run , perception ultimately comes down to substantial military and economic power . The United States can afford to back off .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC06f93fc9b12b98ac26b24fc14a957aaec925686625df43896942248e", "text": "In the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing that ripped apart a federal building and killed 168 people , he was dispatched to the city to set up the early stages of the prosecution case , winning plaudits for gathering large amounts of evidence that led to the convictions of both McVeigh and Terry Nichols . He was also central to the prosecution of the Unabomber , Ted Kaczynski . He acquired his passion for being a judge by sitting at the feet of the liberal supreme court justice William Brennan , who was a champion of progressive policies such as opposition to the death penalty and support of abortion rights . Garland has had plenty of opportunity to wield similar progressive influence as chief judge of the DC appeals circuit which , given its location , frequently acts as arbiter in major cases concerning the federal government . Among those were the 2008 judgment from the appeals court , led by Garland , that punched a hole in the Bush administration ’s detention of so - called “ enemy combatants ” in Guantánamo Bay without any oversight from the civilian courts .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC0a9b210c1a61094dc553e9be4194af167d4a0785bc09754ebdd35bec", "text": "In the latest response : Turkey 's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim blamed a \" racist Armenian lobby \" for the resolution Armenia 's Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said it was a \" valuable contribution \" to the \" international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian genocide \" German Chancellor Angela Merkel said : \" There is a lot that binds Germany to Turkey and even if we have a difference of opinion on an individual matter , the breadth of our links , our friendship , our strategic ties , is great \" Armenian ' genocide ' vote ignites press", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC1d87ba6454e56a11a32269793522b6c76d5f232492648441d1f6bbd2", "text": "Among the 150 posters up for grabs are three thought never to have made it into production featuring Adolf Hitler , Nazi spin doctor Joseph Goebbels and Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goerring . It is thought the designs were blocked from print because Brits might not have recognised the enemy leaders and might have taken the messages to \" take time off \" literally . Play slideshow PenzanceAuctionHouse / BNPS 1 of 16 A fascinating archive of iconic World War Two recruiting posters , some which have never been seen before has emerged for sale for £ 10,000 . The team can be seen examining bullets , scraps of tents and personal items such as shoes ; many of which appear to be dated and marked with the swastika . In a statement , Evgeny Ermolov , a senior researcher at the Russian Arctic National Park said : “ Before it was only known from written sources , but now we also have real proof . ” All the objects found will now be taken back to the Russian mainland , where the researchers hope they can be archived , studied , and eventually put on display for the public .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC2515478f76f7dc224c8115a155391c2a911cf63f0ac0e49703ecedf7", "text": "But while the Trump Wall ( as he has called it ) is the most provocative proposal of the election season , it is not particularly original . Over the past five millennia , politicians have repeatedly turned to large walls to solve problems . We should look carefully at the track record of this ancient technology before we invest what some estimates suggest could be $ 25 billion in construction costs for a 2,000-mile - long wall , plus millions more in annual maintenance . One of the earliest examples of a large - scale barrier wall was constructed by the rulers of the city of Ur , in what is now southern Iraq , at the end of the third millennium B.C. The kings of Ur faced a considerable challenge along their northwestern border from a semi - nomadic people known as the Amorites .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC56ac8813a5d68219941d67e3cd3a6a5a2ea8ca1a59f43f3c4efbb983", "text": "During the debate on Sunday , he was erratic , failed to land many blows , and humiliated his running mate on the Syria question . As for Clinton , her performance may not go down in the history books as one of the most sparkling debates , but it did n’t need to . She managed to remain above the fray , seeming calm , presidential , and poised as her rival roamed the stage and interrupted . Trump ’s pugilistic performance may serve as a rallying point for his key supporters , but the Republican ’s task right now is to staunch the bleeding and start winning over new voters , since he does n’t currently have enough to win . There ’s practically no prospect he made progress on that goal Sunday night .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC5c31140862fd7a879dace43fa6a47be8f5d8540c5f81840ad3cd0108", "text": "President Obama , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , and others of the mainstream interventionist ilk continue to debate whether the terrorist problem that America is facing is due to radical Muslims or regular Muslims . Depending on where they come out on that question , their solutions inevitably encompass more destruction of American liberty and privacy , such as with gun control , immigration controls , or surveillance schemes . There is one big problem with their analysis , however : The terrorism problem America has been facing even before 9/11 is n’t due to Islam , Muslims , or the Koran . Instead , the anti - American terrorism problem is rooted in U.S. interventionism in the Middle East and Afghanistan , specifically the ongoing death and destruction that the U.S. military death machine has been wreaking in those parts of the world on an ongoing basis for the past 25 years .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC71eaf7c51d828f0e36cf9eab2e31b9a7ac7ed94e4a972bfd07f6677c", "text": "But , the perfect is the enemy of the good . It is our goal to throw our weight behind the candidate who has a reasonable chance of actually becoming President of the United States whose views are CLOSEST to libertarianism . Crippled America : How ... Donald J. Trump Best Price : $ 1.15 Buy New $ 6.49 When put in this way , it is clear that The Donald is the most congruent with our perspective . This is true , mainly because of foreign policy . And , of the three , foreign policy , economic policy and person liberties , the former is the most important .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC735b5b17f76a72e2456a8e2b0e88e9343abc000367d3f104e508268e", "text": "The Bureau of Justice Statistics listed Maryland 's imprisoned population at 19,977 in 1992 . By 2002 , that number had jumped to 24,162 , but by 2012 , the number imprisoned had dropped to 22,558 . Maryland 's population , meanwhile , had increased from 4.8 million in 1990 to 5.8 million in 2010 , meaning the raw number imprisoned may have increased overall in that roughly 20-year span , but the rate itself decreased . Verdict : True . Hillary Clinton", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC7425672cff67186d1e189ce4b240b371c11f617f86da4b576b4bbcff", "text": "At the same time , lower down the ranks , at the operations level , one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike . How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation ? ” said Putin . “ This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken . Who broke the agreement ? Was it us ?", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC77574168ea635b1c24f66bf89f37ba91c1125fa80c56f270c1e7cbe8", "text": "The leaflets carried several messages to the citizens attempting to reassure them that the advancing army \" would not target civilians , \" but warned them to avoid the known locations of Isis militants . The military operation is the most complex carried out in Iraq since US forces withdrew from the country in 2011 . Last week , the UN said it was bracing itself for the world 's biggest and most complex humanitarian effort following the battle , which it expects will displace up to one million people and see civilians used as human shields .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC7ddf99e6940dc86c96af417612dbf17d2efac3de8b1f220dfc498d4a", "text": "The United States later vaulted past Russia to become the world ’s largest natural gas producer . As a result , prices dropped to record lows , and America began to wean itself from coal , along with oil and gas imports , which lessened its dependence on the Middle East . The surging global gas supply also helped shrink Russia ’s economic clout : profits for Russia ’s state - owned gas company , Gazprom , plummeted by more than 60 % between 2008 and 2009 alone . Clinton , who was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009 , believed that shale gas could help rewrite global energy politics . “ This is a moment of profound change , ” she later told a crowd at Georgetown University .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC83ecedfedf2351aba86b9489d8fe5021c97ffa26d9d5d00c9d1185f4", "text": "For decades , wages of the middle and working classes have remained stagnant in the United States while the top earners have seen their wages grow exponentially . In the United States since the 2008 recession , nearly 99 percent of all new generated income has gone to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans . Current trends suggest these enormous disparities in wealth are expanding . Amid calls for reform to redistribute wealth in the United States to the middle and working classes , criticism has mounted , stereotyping such reforms as \" handouts , \" \" free stuff \" or \" socialist . \" What these criticisms of proposed reforms for wealth inequality fail to recognize is that socialism for the wealthy not only exists , but is prevalent throughout our current system of government in the form of corporate socialism .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RC97ebd3bb80eda544109f69e93e0de6ca065e43cb7477c52747896929", "text": "“ With all due respect to Ethiopia , I do n’t know of any contributions that Ethiopia has made to the making of America . ” Story Continued Below President Lyndon Johnson , hoping to tamp down concerns about the immigration act at a time when Congress was engaged in an even more ferocious debate over the voting rights act , sought to downplay the implications of the proposed immigration law : “ This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill , ” he said upon signing it . The president , like many other of the law ’s supporters , sincerely believed that Europeans were most likely to take advantage of less stringent U.S. immigration policy . He was wrong .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCa84a0ee22abc4bee5942982b99eab0de6b201c53d445592c76724162", "text": "Sanders says he believes that comprehensive immigration reform needs to be passed and we have to move toward a path to citizenship . He agrees with Obama ’s use of executive orders to enact amnesty . Sanders says he wants to “ bring families together , not divide them up ” re : his immigration agenda . Sanders says he will use executive orders to grant a path to citizenship for all of the country ’s illegal immigrants . Clinton says she agrees with Obama ’s executive amnesty .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCbdd2144adf0a3e93953f3a40d6e942376b9ad6c589c066affec6364e", "text": "Then Elites run for president . Why run for president when already control country like dictatorship ? ” Then after what they call the “ fun Cyber Weapons Auction ” comes the real message , a serious threat . “ We want make sure Wealthy Elite recognizes the danger [ of ] cyberweapons . Let us spell out for Elites .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCc4036358190b357f97a526dfc0564b806a01341218e0ac1bc3f5d230", "text": "FBI agents met senior Clinton officials in Brooklyn in March to warn them it was the target of cyber attack . It was weeks before the attack on the Democratic National Committee came to light . Buy Yahoo News ' Michael Isikoff reported Friday that agents asked the campaign to hand over internal computer logs and senior officials ' email addresses . Through lawyers , the campaign refused to give over the information because ' the FBI ’s request for sensitive personal and campaign information data was too broad and intrusive ' , Yahoo News said . The involvement of the Justice Department 's national security division is a sign that the Obama administration has concluded that the hacking was state sponsored , individuals with knowledge of the investigation said .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCc4f1095e77d3b6d931a29cd40a0cafa95cf46b36ae48131f2a1ec07e", "text": "“ We 're not fans of data localization — the last thing the world needs is 193 members of the United Nations demanding that data only be stored within their own borders , ” he said . “ This is really a set of issues where the tech sector tends to be pretty united . ” RECENTLY ON PRO CYBERSECURITY — The Democrats ’ platform formally endorses a encryption commission that includes outside experts … Researchers say ISIL militants are shunning WhatsApp in favor of Telegram for encrypted communications … “ A federal judge ordered a suspect in a sex trafficking case to unlock his iPhone using his fingerprint , but for unknown reasons the process did not work ” … Three men were charged in what the Justice Department called a “ sophisticated ” cell phone hijacking scheme … A court denied Matthew Keys ’ attempt to remain out of prison while he appeals . QUICK BYTES — Russia is worried about Pokemon Go .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCcf3bd64c426aebec0e783381b122f5a0b9d26e9b674d07884d6a0353", "text": "Nearly three quarters of scholars believe that these missiles will somewhat or strongly increase the likelihood of violent confrontation between NATO and Russian forces . Not surprisingly , 27 percent of IR scholars believe that renewed Russian assertiveness is one of the most important foreign policy issues facing the United States today . The rhetoric of U.S. presidential candidates suggests they agree as “ how would you deal with Putin ” has become both a talking point and an internet meme . As we observed in the South Carolina Republican debate , we should not be surprised to see Russian foreign policy used by candidates as a cudgel to attack each other in the race for the U.S. presidency . TRIP Snap Polls are conducted with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCd02add6b9aaebe46a2f4b869577e948680b76d3d07699ca5de410039", "text": "Oil prices have dropped below $ 30 a barrel in recent months , a fall of 70 percent since 2014 . Al Jazeera 's Bernard Smith , reporting from Doha , said that the challenge would be to get other producing countries , including Iran , to freeze production as well . Iran 's IRNA news agency said on Sunday the country had exported its first crude shipment to Europe since it reached a landmark deal last year with world powers . IRNA quoted Rokneddin Javadi , Iran 's deputy oil minister , as saying the shipment , the first in five years , marked \" a new chapter \" in Iran 's oil industry . Javadi said Iran had already reached an agreement to export oil to France , Russia and Spain .", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCdf6547bbe4531938cc9bcdb5ba45e6bfd7d9d4835415fdb5bf4f4c9c", "text": "All four girls married fighters approved by Isis – including an Australian and a US national – and two became widows within months of arriving in Syria , their families were told . In March last year , the Metropolitan police commissioner , Sir Bernard Hogan - Howe , said the teenagers could return home without fear of being prosecuted for terrorism , as long as no evidence emerged of them being engaged in violence . Akunjee told ITV : “ Leaving Isis is like trying to escape from Alcatraz , with a shoot - to - kill order added in ... Perhaps the only benefit out of this is as a tombstone and a testimony for others of the risks of actually going to a war zone , to dissuade people from ever making that choice . ”", "event": []} +{"id": "nw_RCe3f9c17cb88e1a8bd515e9853e8f37f4aca92677275634afe35a3d24", "text": "The Republicans ’ creation will soon be let loose on the land , leaving to others the job the party failed to carry out . ” Then referring to himself , he added , “ For this former Republican , and perhaps for others , the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton . ” [ See Consortiumnews.com ’s “ Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton . ” ] Kagan , whom Clinton appointed to a State Department advisory panel , is married to Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland , a former senior aide to Vice President Dick Cheney who rose under Clinton and helped orchestrate the Ukraine coup which sabotaged Obama ’s behind - the - scenes cooperation with Putin on touchy issues such as Iran and Syria . The Ukraine coup also opened the U.S. military - spending spigot even wider to pay for a new Cold War . [ See Consortiumnews.com ’s “ A Family Business of Perpetual War . ” ] Unpopular Warmongering", "event": []}