{"text": "Boston Marathon Bomber Apologizes to Survivors BOSTON — Moments before a federal judge sentenced him to death , Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev rose to his feet Wednesday and apologized to the victims and their loved ones for the first time . \" I pray for your relief , for your healing , ' ' he said . Amid deep silence in the courtroom , the 21 - year - old ethnic Chechen said , \" I am sorry for the lives that I ' ve taken , for the suffering that I ' ve caused you , for the damage that I ' ve done — irreparable damage . ' ' It was the first time Tsarnaev , who did not speak in his own defense at trial , had addressed the court . After Tsarnaev finished , U . S . District Judge George O ' Toole Jr . began to speak , with his voice breaking several times . He officially imposed the death sentence on Tsarnaev that jurors had recommended unanimously . In May , after a 12 - week trial , Tsarnaev was found guilty of killing three people and injuring 264 in the April 15 , 2013 , bombing at the world - renowned race , where he and his brother , Tamerlan , 26 , set off two pressure - cooker bombs near the finish line . Tsarnaev was also found guilty in the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer three days later as he and his brother fled . Tamerlan was killed during the getaway . Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 terrorism and other charges against him . Of those , 17 carried the possibility of a death sentence . During the penalty phase of the judicial proceedings , prosecutors brushed off defense arguments that Tsarnaev was under the strong influence of his older , radicalized brother . Victims speak out", "event": []} {"text": "\" I pray for your relief , for your healing , ' ' he said . Amid deep silence in the courtroom , the 21 - year - old ethnic Chechen said , \" I am sorry for the lives that I ' ve taken , for the suffering that I ' ve caused you , for the damage that I ' ve done — irreparable damage . ' ' It was the first time Tsarnaev , who did not speak in his own defense at trial , had addressed the court . After Tsarnaev finished , U . S . District Judge George O ' Toole Jr . began to speak , with his voice breaking several times . He officially imposed the death sentence on Tsarnaev that jurors had recommended unanimously . In May , after a 12 - week trial , Tsarnaev was found guilty of killing three people and injuring 264 in the April 15 , 2013 , bombing at the world - renowned race , where he and his brother , Tamerlan , 26 , set off two pressure - cooker bombs near the finish line . Tsarnaev was also found guilty in the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer three days later as he and his brother fled . Tamerlan was killed during the getaway . Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 terrorism and other charges against him . Of those , 17 carried the possibility of a death sentence . During the penalty phase of the judicial proceedings , prosecutors brushed off defense arguments that Tsarnaev was under the strong influence of his older , radicalized brother . Victims speak out Before the sentencing , a somber - looking Tsarnaev , wearing a dark sport jacket with a collared shirt and no tie , sat between his lawyers and listened as 24 people — some victims , some survivors — gave impact statements . They lashed out at him for his “ cowardly ” and “ disgusting ” acts , and several called upon him to apologize , trying to convince him that this would be his last chance to ask for forgiveness . Tsarnaev , his chair turned toward the lectern from which the victims spoke , picked at his beard and gazed downward most of the time , only occasionally looking at the speakers .", "event": []} {"text": "In May , after a 12 - week trial , Tsarnaev was found guilty of killing three people and injuring 264 in the April 15 , 2013 , bombing at the world - renowned race , where he and his brother , Tamerlan , 26 , set off two pressure - cooker bombs near the finish line . Tsarnaev was also found guilty in the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer three days later as he and his brother fled . Tamerlan was killed during the getaway . Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 terrorism and other charges against him . Of those , 17 carried the possibility of a death sentence . During the penalty phase of the judicial proceedings , prosecutors brushed off defense arguments that Tsarnaev was under the strong influence of his older , radicalized brother . Victims speak out Before the sentencing , a somber - looking Tsarnaev , wearing a dark sport jacket with a collared shirt and no tie , sat between his lawyers and listened as 24 people — some victims , some survivors — gave impact statements . They lashed out at him for his “ cowardly ” and “ disgusting ” acts , and several called upon him to apologize , trying to convince him that this would be his last chance to ask for forgiveness . Tsarnaev , his chair turned toward the lectern from which the victims spoke , picked at his beard and gazed downward most of the time , only occasionally looking at the speakers . Patricia Campbell , the mother of Krystle Campbell , 29 , who was killed in the attack , was the first person to address the court . She looked across the room at Tsarnaev , seated about 20 feet away , and spoke directly to him . “ What you did to my daughter is disgusting , ” she said . “ I don ' t know what to say to you . I think the jury did the right thing . ” Krystle Campbell ' s best friend , Karen Rand McWatters , who lost a leg in the attack , said Tsarnaev \" can ' t possibly have had a soul to do such a horrible thing . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Sentence", "event_trigger": "sentencing", "arguments": [{"argument": "Tsarnaev", "role": "Defendant"}]}]} {"text": "In a message he scrawled in the boat he was found hiding in , Tsarnaev said the attack was retaliation against the U . S . for its wars in Muslim countries . McWatters urged Tsarnaev to show remorse to discourage other jihadis from killing people in similar attacks . “ You can save them from these cowardly acts if you really have an ounce of regret , ” she said . Rebekah Gregory , a Texas woman who lost a leg in the bombing , defiantly told Tsarnaev she was not his victim . “ While your intention was to destroy America , what you have really accomplished is actually quite the opposite — you ' ve unified us , ” she said . \" We are Boston strong , we are America strong , and choosing to mess with us was a terrible idea . So how ' s that for your VICTIM impact statement ? ” ' He is a leech ' Several victims condemned Tsarnaev for coming to the U . S . as an immigrant from Russia , enjoying the benefits of living here and then attacking American citizens . “ He is a leech , abusing the privilege of American freedom , and he spit in the face of the American dream , ” said Jennifer Rogers , an older sister of slain MIT Officer Sean Collier . Bill Richard , whose 8 - year - old son , Martin , was the youngest person killed in the bombing , said Tsarnaev could have backed out of the plot and reported his brother to authorities . Instead , Richard said , “ he chose hate . He chose destruction . He chose death . This is all on him . ” Richard noted that his family would have preferred that Tsarnaev receive a life sentence so that he could have had “ a lifetime to reconcile with himself what he did that day . ” Richard said his family has chosen love , kindness and peace , adding : “ That is what makes us different than him . ” Fatima Tlisova of VOA ' s Russian service contributed to this report from Boston . Some information for this report came from Reuters and AP .", "event": []} {"text": "== The bombing == The Balcombe Street Gang planted a time bomb in the Caterham Arms public house in Caterham , Surrey . The IRA unit placed the 7lb bomb in a duffel bag under a seat . There was no warning and the bomb exploded at 9 : 20 , injuring 23 civilians and 10 off - duty soldiers . The pub was used by members of the Welsh Guards who were based at the barracks nearby . Some of the injuries were very serious , with at least three soldiers losing limbs . The blast blew the roof off the pub in the process . This attack marked the start of a renewed bombing campaign ( Phase Two ) in England and the end of the truce with the British Government . The next day , the same IRA unit exploded a bomb in Oxford Street , injuring several people . == Aftermath == One of the police officers in charge of the investigation into the bombing described it as a \" carbon copy \" of the Guildford pub bombings in October 1974 for which four people were already serving their sentences . The cell ' s campaign would continue until December 1975 when they were caught at the siege of Balcombe Street . The unit would eventually end up planting close to 50 bombs in London and elsewhere in southern England and carrying out several shootings which , along with the bombings , caused the deaths of nearly 20 people , injured hundreds and caused millions of pounds worth of damage to property . == See also == * Chronology of Provisional Irish Republican Army actions ( 1970 – 79 ) == References ==", "event": []} {"text": "\" I pray for your relief , for your healing , ' ' he said . Amid deep silence in the courtroom , the 21 - year - old ethnic Chechen said , \" I am sorry for the lives that I ' ve taken , for the suffering that I ' ve caused you , for the damage that I ' ve done — irreparable damage . ' ' It was the first time Tsarnaev , who did not speak in his own defense at trial , had addressed the court . After Tsarnaev finished , U . S . District Judge George O ' Toole Jr . began to speak , with his voice breaking several times . He officially imposed the death sentence on Tsarnaev that jurors had recommended unanimously . In May , after a 12 - week trial , Tsarnaev was found guilty of killing three people and injuring 264 in the April 15 , 2013 , bombing at the world - renowned race , where he and his brother , Tamerlan , 26 , set off two pressure - cooker bombs near the finish line . Tsarnaev was also found guilty in the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer three days later as he and his brother fled . Tamerlan was killed during the getaway . Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 terrorism and other charges against him . Of those , 17 carried the possibility of a death sentence . During the penalty phase of the judicial proceedings , prosecutors brushed off defense arguments that Tsarnaev was under the strong influence of his older , radicalized brother . Victims speak out Before the sentencing , a somber - looking Tsarnaev , wearing a dark sport jacket with a collared shirt and no tie , sat between his lawyers and listened as 24 people — some victims , some survivors — gave impact statements . They lashed out at him for his “ cowardly ” and “ disgusting ” acts , and several called upon him to apologize , trying to convince him that this would be his last chance to ask for forgiveness . Tsarnaev , his chair turned toward the lectern from which the victims spoke , picked at his beard and gazed downward most of the time , only occasionally looking at the speakers .", "event": []} {"text": "Accused New York City Bomber Pleads Not Guilty Accused New York bomber Ahmad Khan Rahimi pleaded not guilty on Thursday to federal charges that he set off an explosive device in September on a crowded city street , injuring 30 people . Wearing a dark blue jump suit , Rahimi , 28 , shuffled slowly into federal court in Manhattan and had several coughing fits during the brief hearing . He suffered serious injuries in a shootout with police two days after the bombing . He spoke only once , when U . S . District Judge Richard Berman asked him to confirm that he intended to plead not guilty to an eight - count indictment filed on Wednesday . \" Yes , sir , \" Rahimi said . Prosecutors have accused the Afghan - born U . S . citizen of setting off an explosion in Manhattan ' s Chelsea neighborhood on Sept . 17 . It did not kill anyone but hurt 30 people . The attack came hours after authorities say another pipe bomb planted by Rahimi went off along the course of a charity road race in New Jersey , although that detonation did not injure anyone . Federal prosecutors also say Rahimi left another bomb in Chelsea that did not go off and several explosive devices in a bag at a train station in Elizabeth , New Jersey . In addition to the New York indictment , Rahimi faces charges from federal and state prosecutors in New Jersey . He was captured after a manhunt that ended when police officers discovered him sleeping in the doorway of a bar in Linden , New Jersey . The confrontation left him with several gunshot wounds , delaying the filing of federal charges and forcing him to make his first court appearance in New Jersey from a hospital bed . Assistant U . S . Attorney Nicholas Lewin told Berman that prosecutors had compiled video clips showing Rahimi ' s movements on the day of the bombings , including leaving his house carrying bags , walking on West 23rd Street where the device went off and planting the second bomb on West 27th Street . He also said the government has records showing Rahimi purchased bomb components online and DNA evidence tying him to the bombs .", "event": []} {"text": "He spoke only once , when U . S . District Judge Richard Berman asked him to confirm that he intended to plead not guilty to an eight - count indictment filed on Wednesday . \" Yes , sir , \" Rahimi said . Prosecutors have accused the Afghan - born U . S . citizen of setting off an explosion in Manhattan ' s Chelsea neighborhood on Sept . 17 . It did not kill anyone but hurt 30 people . The attack came hours after authorities say another pipe bomb planted by Rahimi went off along the course of a charity road race in New Jersey , although that detonation did not injure anyone . Federal prosecutors also say Rahimi left another bomb in Chelsea that did not go off and several explosive devices in a bag at a train station in Elizabeth , New Jersey . In addition to the New York indictment , Rahimi faces charges from federal and state prosecutors in New Jersey . He was captured after a manhunt that ended when police officers discovered him sleeping in the doorway of a bar in Linden , New Jersey . The confrontation left him with several gunshot wounds , delaying the filing of federal charges and forcing him to make his first court appearance in New Jersey from a hospital bed . Assistant U . S . Attorney Nicholas Lewin told Berman that prosecutors had compiled video clips showing Rahimi ' s movements on the day of the bombings , including leaving his house carrying bags , walking on West 23rd Street where the device went off and planting the second bomb on West 27th Street . He also said the government has records showing Rahimi purchased bomb components online and DNA evidence tying him to the bombs . Lewin asked Berman to consider a trial date in the \" late winter \" or \" early spring , \" saying the amount of evidence in the case is relatively limited . Berman scheduled court dates for Dec . 19 and Jan . 31 but has not set a trial date . Rahimi ' s court - appointed defense lawyers declined to comment after the hearing .", "event": []} {"text": "The American authorities , working with Russian security forces , interviewed both parents Tuesday night and called back the suspects ' mother , Zubeidat Tsarnaev , for more questioning on Wednesday . The investigators are particularly interested in any contacts the elder brother , Tamerlan Tsarnaev , might have had with Islamic extremists during a six - month visit to Dagestan and Chechnya last year . U . S . lawmakers discussed the same trip Tuesday as they raised concerns about the sharing of intelligence among federal law enforcement agencies . Senator Lindsey Graham said the FBI told him it was not aware at the time of Tamerlan Tsarnaev ' s trip to Russia . Tamerlan Tsarnaev died after a shootout with police last Thursday , while his younger brother Dzhokhar was captured a day later . Meanwhile , in Boston , authorities on Wednesday reopened Boylston Street , the city thoroughfare where the explosions occurred near the finish line of the race . Later , several thousand people gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a memorial service for campus policeman Sean Collier , who authorities say the Tsarnaev brothers shot to death three days after the bombings . Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano told the Senate Intelligence Committee that her agency did know about Tamerlan ' s trip , but that an FBI alert on him had expired by the time he returned . The FBI had interviewed Tsarnaev in 2011 at Russia ' s request , but found nothing to connect him to terrorism at that time . The 19 - year - old Dzhokhar has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction . He is in federal custody in a Boston hospital . U . S . officials say Dzhokhar told them in preliminary interviews that he and his brother were partly motivated by the U . S . wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , but that they were self - radicalized and not connected to any terrorist network . The two suspects are Chechens who came to the United States as boys . The brothers allegedly set off two bombs alongside the Boston Marathon course , killing three people and injuring 264 . At least 14 of the wounded lost legs in the blasts .", "event": []} {"text": "Thai Authorities Indict 2 Over August Shrine Attack A Bangkok military court has indicted two men accused of carrying out the August 17 bombing at a popular shrine that killed 20 people . The court on Tuesday indicted Bilal Mohammed and Mieraili Yusufu on 10 counts connected to the blast , including conspiracy to explode bombs and commit premeditated murder . Thailand authorities have not officially named the bombing of Erawan Shrine an act of terror , and accordingly neither suspect was charged specifically with terrorism . Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive", "event": []} {"text": "Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of “ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government .", "event": []} {"text": "== The bombing == The Balcombe Street Gang planted a time bomb in the Caterham Arms public house in Caterham , Surrey . The IRA unit placed the 7lb bomb in a duffel bag under a seat . There was no warning and the bomb exploded at 9 : 20 , injuring 23 civilians and 10 off - duty soldiers . The pub was used by members of the Welsh Guards who were based at the barracks nearby . Some of the injuries were very serious , with at least three soldiers losing limbs . The blast blew the roof off the pub in the process . This attack marked the start of a renewed bombing campaign ( Phase Two ) in England and the end of the truce with the British Government . The next day , the same IRA unit exploded a bomb in Oxford Street , injuring several people . == Aftermath == One of the police officers in charge of the investigation into the bombing described it as a \" carbon copy \" of the Guildford pub bombings in October 1974 for which four people were already serving their sentences . The cell ' s campaign would continue until December 1975 when they were caught at the siege of Balcombe Street . The unit would eventually end up planting close to 50 bombs in London and elsewhere in southern England and carrying out several shootings which , along with the bombings , caused the deaths of nearly 20 people , injured hundreds and caused millions of pounds worth of damage to property . == See also == * Chronology of Provisional Irish Republican Army actions ( 1970 – 79 ) == References ==", "event": []} {"text": "He spoke only once , when U . S . District Judge Richard Berman asked him to confirm that he intended to plead not guilty to an eight - count indictment filed on Wednesday . \" Yes , sir , \" Rahimi said . Prosecutors have accused the Afghan - born U . S . citizen of setting off an explosion in Manhattan ' s Chelsea neighborhood on Sept . 17 . It did not kill anyone but hurt 30 people . The attack came hours after authorities say another pipe bomb planted by Rahimi went off along the course of a charity road race in New Jersey , although that detonation did not injure anyone . Federal prosecutors also say Rahimi left another bomb in Chelsea that did not go off and several explosive devices in a bag at a train station in Elizabeth , New Jersey . In addition to the New York indictment , Rahimi faces charges from federal and state prosecutors in New Jersey . He was captured after a manhunt that ended when police officers discovered him sleeping in the doorway of a bar in Linden , New Jersey . The confrontation left him with several gunshot wounds , delaying the filing of federal charges and forcing him to make his first court appearance in New Jersey from a hospital bed . Assistant U . S . Attorney Nicholas Lewin told Berman that prosecutors had compiled video clips showing Rahimi ' s movements on the day of the bombings , including leaving his house carrying bags , walking on West 23rd Street where the device went off and planting the second bomb on West 27th Street . He also said the government has records showing Rahimi purchased bomb components online and DNA evidence tying him to the bombs . Lewin asked Berman to consider a trial date in the \" late winter \" or \" early spring , \" saying the amount of evidence in the case is relatively limited . Berman scheduled court dates for Dec . 19 and Jan . 31 but has not set a trial date . Rahimi ' s court - appointed defense lawyers declined to comment after the hearing .", "event": []} {"text": "Bombing Suspects ' Parents Questioned in Dagestan U . S . investigators have questioned the parents of the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects in the Russian republic of Dagestan , as they try to determine what might have influenced their sons in the months before the April 15 attack . The American authorities , working with Russian security forces , interviewed both parents Tuesday night and called back the suspects ' mother , Zubeidat Tsarnaev , for more questioning on Wednesday . The investigators are particularly interested in any contacts the elder brother , Tamerlan Tsarnaev , might have had with Islamic extremists during a six - month visit to Dagestan and Chechnya last year . U . S . lawmakers discussed the same trip Tuesday as they raised concerns about the sharing of intelligence among federal law enforcement agencies . Senator Lindsey Graham said the FBI told him it was not aware at the time of Tamerlan Tsarnaev ' s trip to Russia . Tamerlan Tsarnaev died after a shootout with police last Thursday , while his younger brother Dzhokhar was captured a day later . Meanwhile , in Boston , authorities on Wednesday reopened Boylston Street , the city thoroughfare where the explosions occurred near the finish line of the race . Later , several thousand people gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a memorial service for campus policeman Sean Collier , who authorities say the Tsarnaev brothers shot to death three days after the bombings . Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano told the Senate Intelligence Committee that her agency did know about Tamerlan ' s trip , but that an FBI alert on him had expired by the time he returned . The FBI had interviewed Tsarnaev in 2011 at Russia ' s request , but found nothing to connect him to terrorism at that time . The 19 - year - old Dzhokhar has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction . He is in federal custody in a Boston hospital .", "event": []} {"text": "Thai Authorities Indict 2 Over August Shrine Attack A Bangkok military court has indicted two men accused of carrying out the August 17 bombing at a popular shrine that killed 20 people . The court on Tuesday indicted Bilal Mohammed and Mieraili Yusufu on 10 counts connected to the blast , including conspiracy to explode bombs and commit premeditated murder . Thailand authorities have not officially named the bombing of Erawan Shrine an act of terror , and accordingly neither suspect was charged specifically with terrorism . Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive", "event": []} {"text": "Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation .", "event": []} {"text": "But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of “ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government . Former National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said before his retirement in September that the case against the two suspects was supported by closed - circuit television footage , witnesses , DNA matching and physical evidence , in addition to their confessions . Security camera footage from the Erawan Shrine showed a man wearing a yellow T - shirt who sat down on a bench at the outdoor shrine , took off a black backpack and then left it behind as he stood up and walked away . Time stamps on closed circuit TV footage showed he left the shrine just minutes before the blast occurred , during evening rush hour as the area in central Bangkok was filled with people . Police believe that Bilal is the yellow - shirted man who planted the bomb and Yusufu is believed to have detonated the bomb . Bilal , was initially identified as Adem Karadag , which was the name on a fake Turkish passport in his possession when he was arrested Aug . 29 . He was arrested at one of two apartments police raided on the outskirts of Bangkok . Yusufu was arrested Sept . 1 near the Thai - Cambodia border , carrying a Chinese passport indicating he was from Xinjiang . Police said his DNA and fingerprints were found in both raided apartments , including on a container of gunpowder . Police said they have confessions from the two , and Bilal ' s lawyer says his client admitted planting the deadly bomb at the behest of another suspect who remains a fugitive . He says Bilal was induced to carry out the action by a promise that his emigration to Turkey would be expedited . Some material for this report came from AP .", "event": []} {"text": "Cuba ’ s foreign minister said in a tweet late on Friday that the country would respect the protocols of the negotiations it had been hosting and was consulting with both parties and the guarantors of the talks . On Friday , Colombia blamed the leftist ELN for the bombing of a police academy in Bogota that killed 20 people as well as the attacker , dealing a big blow to the peace process . 190102132047518 Duque then announced that he was reinstating arrest warrants for 10 ELN members , who are part of the group ’ s delegation to the Cuba talks . The talks were aimed at ending more than five decades of fighting by the Marxist - inspired group . Duque said that Cuba must not protect the rebels . The police academy car bombing “ was a crime that violated human rights and no such act deserves [ Cuba acting ] to avoid justice being done ” , Duque said while giving a speech in Tolima . Colombians , including Duque , planned to join in a march on Sunday to protest against the car bombing , the worst such attack in the country in 16 years . Last rebel group In November , Colombia asked Cuba to capture ELN rebel commander Nicolas Rodriguez and provide information about the presence of other commanders in the Cuban territory . The government in Bogota also asked Havana to act on an Interpol Red Notice against Rodriguez . The Cuban government did not respond publicly to that request or made a statement about the issue . Colombia has experienced several years of relative calm since the 2016 peace accord signed by then - President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) fighters . 190118182118648 With the landmark agreement turning the former rebels into a political party , the smaller ELN is considered the last active rebel group in the country . True to his election promises , Duque has taken a hard line against the ELN . Peace talks with the ELN began in February 2017 under Santos , but Duque has put them on hold until the rebels free all their hostages and stop attacks on military and civilian targets . The group is believed to be currently holding 17 hostages , some of them for several years .", "event": []} {"text": "But he was later told that the IRA unit involved had tried to use “ a succession of phone boxes ” which were out of order , significantly delaying the bomb - warning call . Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now Listen to our recreation of the Birmingham pub bombings warning call - made to the Birmingham Post & Mail newsroom Conway , who makes the admissions in his new memoir , also revealed that soon after the bombings the IRA ’ s England Operational Commander and his adjutant “ made it back home ” to Dublin for an urgent de - brief and to assess the impact of the disaster as far as the terrorists were concerned . Birmingham pub bombings : Minute by minute - 24 hours that changed our city forever Funding for the terrorists dried up almost overnight and the bombings , which left 21 dead and almost 200 injured , including many maimed for life , cost them hugely in the propaganda war . And in an interview he confirmed that the IRA hierarchy in Dublin knew all along that the six Irishmen arrested for the explosions were innocent “ from the get go , from the very start . ” Now , Julie and Brian Hambleton , who lost their sister Maxine in the bombings and lead the city ’ s Justice4the21 campaign , called on West Midlands Police and David Cameron to take immediate action . Julie said : “ I am expecting West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims and West Midlands Police Force to interview with Mr Conway with immediate effect . “ And I hope that Mr Cameron , who a week ago told The House of Commons that the pub bombers must be found , takes note of this development and ensures that the police follow this through . ” Brian added : “ The police keep saying they won ’ t do anything because there is no fresh evidence . Well , here it is in black and white . It ’ s an admission . They have got to do something with this information . ” The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners", "event": [{"event_type": "Arresting, jailing, or detaining", "event_trigger": "arrested", "arguments": [{"argument": "Irishmen", "role": "Detainee"}]}]} {"text": "By MARI YAMAGUCHI , Associated Press TOKYO ( AP ) — Japanese police have arrested a man who admitted to landing a drone with low - level radioactive sand on the roof of the prime minister ' s office to protest the government ' s nuclear energy policy , officials said Saturday . Tokyo metropolitan police said Yasuo Yamamoto , 40 , turned himself in to authorities late Friday in Fukui in western Japan . The small drone found Wednesday had traces of radiation and triggered fears of potential terrorist attacks using unmanned aerial devices , the prime ministers ' office has said . The infiltration at Japan ' s political headquarters has also raised questions over the level of security there . No one was injured and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was traveling at the time of the incident . Police said Yamamoto was arrested on suspicion of flying the drone and obstructing duties at the prime minister ' s office . He has not been indicted and faces further questioning . Public broadcaster NHK said police quoted the unemployed man as saying he did it to protest the government ' s nuclear energy policy . Fukui is home to about a quarter of Japan ' s 48 reactors , which are currently all offline following the 2011 tsunami - triggered Fukushima plant disaster . Abe ' s administration wants to restart as many of the idled plants as possible . The drone was carrying a small camera and a plastic bottle containing what police suspect was the source of radioactive cesium , levels of which were too low to affect humans or the environment . The suspect said he used the sand from an unspecified location in Fukushima , where radiation levels are still high due to fallouts from the Fukushima Dai - ichi meltdowns , NHK said . The government has set up a task force to work on regulations for the use of small drones while ensuring the security of key government facilities . Drones have become increasingly popular in Japan for industrial , service and entertainment use . At a meeting Friday , task force members cautioned against excessive restrictions on the emerging market for drones .", "event": []} {"text": "Accused New York City Bomber Pleads Not Guilty Accused New York bomber Ahmad Khan Rahimi pleaded not guilty on Thursday to federal charges that he set off an explosive device in September on a crowded city street , injuring 30 people . Wearing a dark blue jump suit , Rahimi , 28 , shuffled slowly into federal court in Manhattan and had several coughing fits during the brief hearing . He suffered serious injuries in a shootout with police two days after the bombing . He spoke only once , when U . S . District Judge Richard Berman asked him to confirm that he intended to plead not guilty to an eight - count indictment filed on Wednesday . \" Yes , sir , \" Rahimi said . Prosecutors have accused the Afghan - born U . S . citizen of setting off an explosion in Manhattan ' s Chelsea neighborhood on Sept . 17 . It did not kill anyone but hurt 30 people . The attack came hours after authorities say another pipe bomb planted by Rahimi went off along the course of a charity road race in New Jersey , although that detonation did not injure anyone . Federal prosecutors also say Rahimi left another bomb in Chelsea that did not go off and several explosive devices in a bag at a train station in Elizabeth , New Jersey . In addition to the New York indictment , Rahimi faces charges from federal and state prosecutors in New Jersey . He was captured after a manhunt that ended when police officers discovered him sleeping in the doorway of a bar in Linden , New Jersey . The confrontation left him with several gunshot wounds , delaying the filing of federal charges and forcing him to make his first court appearance in New Jersey from a hospital bed . Assistant U . S . Attorney Nicholas Lewin told Berman that prosecutors had compiled video clips showing Rahimi ' s movements on the day of the bombings , including leaving his house carrying bags , walking on West 23rd Street where the device went off and planting the second bomb on West 27th Street . He also said the government has records showing Rahimi purchased bomb components online and DNA evidence tying him to the bombs .", "event": []} {"text": "He spoke only once , when U . S . District Judge Richard Berman asked him to confirm that he intended to plead not guilty to an eight - count indictment filed on Wednesday . \" Yes , sir , \" Rahimi said . Prosecutors have accused the Afghan - born U . S . citizen of setting off an explosion in Manhattan ' s Chelsea neighborhood on Sept . 17 . It did not kill anyone but hurt 30 people . The attack came hours after authorities say another pipe bomb planted by Rahimi went off along the course of a charity road race in New Jersey , although that detonation did not injure anyone . Federal prosecutors also say Rahimi left another bomb in Chelsea that did not go off and several explosive devices in a bag at a train station in Elizabeth , New Jersey . In addition to the New York indictment , Rahimi faces charges from federal and state prosecutors in New Jersey . He was captured after a manhunt that ended when police officers discovered him sleeping in the doorway of a bar in Linden , New Jersey . The confrontation left him with several gunshot wounds , delaying the filing of federal charges and forcing him to make his first court appearance in New Jersey from a hospital bed . Assistant U . S . Attorney Nicholas Lewin told Berman that prosecutors had compiled video clips showing Rahimi ' s movements on the day of the bombings , including leaving his house carrying bags , walking on West 23rd Street where the device went off and planting the second bomb on West 27th Street . He also said the government has records showing Rahimi purchased bomb components online and DNA evidence tying him to the bombs . Lewin asked Berman to consider a trial date in the \" late winter \" or \" early spring , \" saying the amount of evidence in the case is relatively limited . Berman scheduled court dates for Dec . 19 and Jan . 31 but has not set a trial date . Rahimi ' s court - appointed defense lawyers declined to comment after the hearing .", "event": []} {"text": "Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of “ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government . Former National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said before his retirement in September that the case against the two suspects was supported by closed - circuit television footage , witnesses , DNA matching and physical evidence , in addition to their confessions . Security camera footage from the Erawan Shrine showed a man wearing a yellow T - shirt who sat down on a bench at the outdoor shrine , took off a black backpack and then left it behind as he stood up and walked away . Time stamps on closed circuit TV footage showed he left the shrine just minutes before the blast occurred , during evening rush hour as the area in central Bangkok was filled with people . Police believe that Bilal is the yellow - shirted man who planted the bomb and Yusufu is believed to have detonated the bomb .", "event": []} {"text": "The Venezuelan government claimed three days ago that an attempt had been made to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro using two drones loaded with explosives . The president had been giving a speech which was being broadcast live on television when the incident occurred . Initial video from a state - owned television network showed the reaction of Maduro , those around him and a parade of soldiers at the event to what appeared to be two blasts somewhere off camera . But the footage did not include shots of any drones or explosions . AP also reported that firefighters at scene had shed doubt on the drone attack claim — suggesting there had instead been a gas explosion in a nearby flat . Since then more footage has emerged , including videos purporting to show a drone exploding and a drone tumbling alongside a building . Bellingcat has carried out an analysis of publicly available information related to the attack , including syncing timings of the state broadcast of Maduro ’ s speech , and using frame - by - frame analysis combined with photos and satellite imagery of Caracas to try to pinpoint locations of additional footage that has emerged to determine whether the drone attack claim stands up . The Venezuelan government has claimed the drones used were DJI Matrice 600s , each carrying approximately 1kg of C4 plastic explosive and , when detonated , capable of causing damage at a radius of around 50 meters . DJI Matrice 600 drones are a commercial model , normally used for industrial work — with a U . S . price tag of around $ 5 , 000 apiece , suggesting the attack could have cost little over $ 10k to carry out — with 1kg of plastic explosive available commercially ( for demolition purposes ) at a cost of around $ 30 . Bellingcat says its analysis supports the government ’ s claim that the drone model used was a DJI Matrice 600 , noting that the drones involved in the event each had six rotors . It also points to a photo of drone wreckage which appears to show the distinctive silver rotor tip of the model , although it also notes the drones appear to have had their legs removed .", "event": [{"event_type": "Investigating a crime", "event_trigger": "analysis", "arguments": [{"argument": "Bellingcat", "role": "Investigator"}]}]}