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de don bia
dem don don bina brial
dem buk di fuud
di fuud don bia
di fuud bin biit
Food bu'n
mi sii di fuud laang taim
mii blaad
Meh bin mek the juta dem black
yu kom
yu kom
mi staat tu taak
mi don staat taak
mi staat taak out
ii stap taak
ii stap taak
shi don gat don bina taak fu nou
shi don stap taak fu nou
Torns a-pimplick you an' sweat a-run over you
Torns a-pimplick you an' sweat a-run over you
Manaja a-manaja fondle you' breasts a-casa-fiel'
Manaja a-manaja fondle you' breasts a-pay office
She in wan’ get she han” dutty wen she a-work
Wii jraa red luk pon di rood in jrai paat fu jrait som taim an den wii lef
di gatu hide from taim, laik dee tief man, an kom hoom dee neks
su wa mi gatu duu da kontrii cool, tu daans lil bit, dans lil lil bit an den lef
He a dans a-fit an' staat but he no a-bruck loose
yu a klai it til yalla
De beef cook up nice and soft
an sii, dem niggah dem bina sloo iizii
Na jus’ wan week but fo’ whole yeah, dis barda bina out di batteries, bai, bii, biir, bie, bia, den briid dem out, briid am out
Han'kerchief red
Han'kerchief a redish
yu doz get very little watah an yu plant am de
an wen dem piipl staat kom out in de bigiiz, wan a dem fellows bin get gun
mi fain wen mi bled buckets a watah
mi sae big fat kain a daag aal ova di plees
ii a man wa ron wid gat wahn feemz
Fo' septemba wan aal di wee nait, aal da mii kud heah nois
bot di piipl jom an in wahn wild kain hai broke am
It bin completely bu'n to the gron
Jaan ron an ron and ron till hii get tired
Jaan jraiv in jigging an staat til hii get tired
Siita hool hool an hool and stap
Siita hool an staat iizii iizi
yu kot it kot am reezaa wid gras naif
dem don blonjos widout paas tuu nou, su til a ou ouun ou nou
mi tek mi ouar luk pon di trok tray an mi a wach i soo an a wii soo
You can't even imagine how bad de rais deh, it deh bad
He a-pick at de nyam it ova and ova time but he no full
ii a maan wa, a-night, a mrak about leet
di man deed hese'f pan di chrii ova ova so
bot mi granmuda bin get wan bil
di porsn wa a duu di jors wu kom rong in di fiel
Me innoe if he go fuh he sweetheet or wha'
mi na gu bak a-bateau
mi gu put dong mi peepa
mi tuu daata dem a daub wid cow-down an' mud, di yaard under di hous
Ana moda kaal shi
Ana moda kaal shi tel shi
dem piipl dem, kaam kostomo piknii, kaom in ee
Di teebl foot faal dong
di teebl foot faal lef
di baai klooz di hous winda
Cockwheel no a-swell around nice
Pen nib a-leak ink
Pen nib bin a-leak ink nyam
Me innoe wah it is wah broke down de fence roun' de yaard
dis ooman a di moda piknii de a di pikniin
dis maan a di dad piknii de
notn kain a kain na de hou hapn hee
notn na de de
mi gu insaid nou
yu de a di bakdam
yu de a di bakdam
wii de a di bakdam
wel, livn piipl kyaahn de piiples kyaan de pon di dam wid di kyar a kot
Dead man can't be a-street corner 'pon show he a-go hurry a-ribah side fo' drown hese'f
wen yu bin de in Kurupung, yu na yuuz tu se gi maanin tu mii
All de veins tie togeddah an fat so
De whole place ah get organised now
dem sii di fuud don
de berrin' so brown da dem luk no mo' da cheenj dem brown juta
dem mek di maan kom
di juta dem wash di hool dem
di plate don don don was don
De floor ah red like night
di leedi pon di porsn ii chrii iizii vs. di leedi gyal
De porsn de bad
di wokman dem don tai laang taim nau
Meh min'n is shaat
Teet' already shaat
di staart dem bin kuk pon di stove
Me like fuh cook up good food.
De house dem white lik pearl
Cat no sleep
bettah yu bin ded, haad yu gat tu wo'k
di piipl dem a tief too much
lang taim yu ga wan dangkii kyaat, nou yu get wan mootoo kyaar
mi nak di baai wid mi han
mi nak di baai wid mi han
mi nak di baai sliip
mi git op an mi ron go a di saili
Wii hosl an bring di piknii hoom
di puliismaan dem kom kom an kyar dem a jelas
yuu naa noo – eniibadii kyan kom kom nak yu dong de
wel, mi se, ‘Wats a coc'nut faal dong. mi no sii no kookno. mi ron ova sii nou. mi se ‘Eh, eh! weh di kookoo deh?
ii bin a maan, ii piknii a piil coc'nut, wan kotlas – wan dàl kotla
wel, ii bin get dis olboo wu ii tu kom dong so dat wen ii tired, ii go lee dong
Picknie dead – fo' true
Gun fiah! Mi Gaad! no you see sun shining?
di ooman man a wak rong
Ochro picknie, he an' deh, deh a-school yard
evrii, wii yuus-tu goo plee pon di greev self
tore up deh man whole tigah, bruck up aal dis ting
yu doz see, bak taim, yu na ga a kyar bak wan birth certificate fo wokT
dem ting mos' come to an end
De table foot has been mek
De windah a-house has been put in a chupit manner
Meh tie a-me waist tie meh waist fo' mourn meh one and only boy picknie.
ii tek ii waist fuh put ii wan an aal gyal piknii
Jaanja moda kaal shi
Kwashiba dem a luk aafta shi til shi tu aal oon ada oon
yu sii dem piipl dem, mi na a bada miit bout dem, rait
dem maan de, wii na get along wid dem
da kyaahn gi wii non rait
mi sii hii a hiip dis bai
mi biliiv in am
shi tel am ii go sok am
shi sok am a di back a ii nek he neck hee
bot wen mi a go, mi sii wan leedi sel hassar fish
mi tek dong di pakit wa mi a bai
tek mi bak mi reezaa ar gi mi yu coc'nut!
mii mii mos, yu mout, yuu waahn fu heah nou - a jook a-radio?
Le mi tel yu wa yu ga fu du, wha' you mus' bong
Ol' man, please, you mus'n't come fraikn awe, or le awii sii yu
mi broda tel mi dat hii gu
mi brudda tel mi dat hii, mi broda, gu
Picknie dead done, le wii go kyerii am an bury am
bot di piipl dem na a plee noo sing
mii a go punish yuu lot
yu lot a stil 'trang
yu folk mek awii hee luk baad
Our little village is tiny lik peppa.
dem an dem na a-matty
shi wuda biit mi oova mi body
Meh bin go a-puncheon trench fo' swim an' watah mek me 'kin dutty
When you a-do wo'k an' you need help, plenty man a-fo' help mo' dan jus' wan, an' one is bettah dan none
yu tink wah gat fu kom doti yu teek ouar dem an yu get yu two lang han?
di porsn wa a kom help yu a waant mek good name fo' dem, bot eberybody know da gud name a da da da nadda fool
di porsn wa a duu da jraiving dong rong in di fiel
soo wii fain dat som piipl bina get wan drom wa gi dem signal
wel, shi peed at dat very moment. Dat pee bina hot like fiah, man
De buk dem ah deh ah all over de place
Siita dem an Sita matii dem don gaan to work
di piipl dem a tief too much
di kyar dem a bloo op di rood
Meeri bin sii Dolly an' fren de a di backdam plee a ketchin
Di straa dem doz get it kot piipl somtaim
Me ah go pick mangoes but me t'ink manggo green
ii pik coconuts an moo coconnot til dem bin pile high a di gron
di tuu puliismaan kom in, so di maan dem a hool ii cousin an kyerii
wel, livn piipl kyaahn de piiples kyaan de pon di dam wid di kyar a kot
dem gaan in di geself nou a Jaajtong
Me no go a-kitchen area
mi kom oova hee
dem don bina roas di fuud
dem buk
dem don don bina brial
dem bu'n out
dem a blak
dem bin mek di juta dem benjos laik
ii a wi fil
ii de a wananada hous
ii de a awi aunt hous
dem piipl nau, jumbi a piiples piiPLes piiputii doz sii notn gat notn
bot ii waz a maan wa go waak out leet taim wen di nait kom
She is a chinee, though
hii don a blod gat oon matii don
hii a wan tiicha
dis bina wan maan … dis bina dis monkey
mi bin a gyal gyal
a blak a muunlait nait
Is notn na to dem
Is not much important
di buk de insaid
awii bin in hee, di ol' leedi leedi kom in he, di ool o o o awii, o o, o, lee, o awi, o an o, an o o an, o le, o k, o maan, oan o oan, di foon, ok, o m, o d, o
wel, mi se, ‘kookno faal dong. mi na sii no kookno. mi se ‘E-e, weh di kooknot chrii de. Mi ron ova di konchrii dem. I ron op. Somtaim, di koc'nut tree na deh.
tuu nau til nau 9 o’clock a klak a nait mi stil de de
wel, na dead pikni wan kyan de a di rood kom a di kaaf tel mi se dem a kom bring monii fu mii wen mi a sliip a mi bed wen di nait kom
bot mi granmuda bin get wan olboo tu dong under wahn manggoo chrii a di biling
an mi bin in di process of washes mi mout dong sal watah
somtaim mi a wok an mi fut lef de
di chilren dem na bin don daubin
Niggah bina far bettah dan lang taim
piipl de de de neks
Nation, weh you' nation? Nation, we dem deh?
mi kliin mi plate an su
mi bin du bikit
mi don biling
wel wen mi gu, mi sii di piknii sliip, shi shut shi yeye
Picknie wach dans movies til she sleep
hiirii kuntii bin a sliip an na noo wa a ting a fu du
Li'l gyal sliip so much da mek shi yeye could not even open properly
wel, ii a piil coc'nut, a coc'nob, wid dull kotlas
ii gu staat wak. ii miit wit wan leedi a mek ail
All over de body she beat you
di leedi mek laktho
mi na biliiv yu kukin
Wen di leedi finish mek di klaktho, shi tek wan shi wan paat
Wii bin finish plou. No mo' plouin lef gat tu duu.
Wii finish plou di fiel' an wi stan wid da jus' lang taim
Ol' man, please, na come frighten awe
Ol' leedi, please, you mus' go frighten meh matty
wel, it na a waak til maarnin ouarmin dat dem a go lef da an kyerii am an bury am in di kriik
wen wii sii yu, wii fraikn
Laud, wen dis kotlas sa come out a-me han'
mii a go a chorch
wel, if Mary Jaanja kyan tu a member de, den wii kyan a fil a muu1n tu
hii noo ansa, an mi tink hii stil noo am
wan taim, hii noo taak a duu it bot ai na tink hii naa noo fu duu am nau
One was a goldsmith an' di tara a cow-minder
di man deed hese'f pan di chrii ova ova so
mi bin big. mi mos bin a feel, a foor riid at di taim
mi bin gaan de in di taim befo mi dadii ded
if mi na bin kom hee, mi na gu noo
dem ada daag wuda nyam am
dem wuda jook dem wan said eez
mi bin hee fram maanin
mi bin a goo raisfil fu wok
wen yu bin de in Kurupung, yu na bin in a habit of tell mi, “Goo’ mawning
Well, only dead people can deh a-dam widout a-carry coffin
You mus' not walk about so late or else jumby go ketch you
wen mi gu de, mi na no laang laik no coc'nut
yu kyan bring bikaz yu hous
All de veins tie togeddah an' get fat
dem tek wan chipper an chipped it tek it tu sari
di staarchii spoak
mos biznis mus' mek yuu tel mii na gu de
Me gy kyaahn able fuh go.
yu doz a kyan biin
dem bin a go raab mi
dem mosii bin a tel lai pan mi
notn na de de
mi no bin don gyaaf tu dem
di manggo dem a raip pon di chrii rait nou
awii manggo don raip laang taim
mi lef mi hous an a waak dong di rood wen daag kom baak bihain mi
yu folk lef yu hous an a waak dong di rood wen daag kom baak afta yu
no bada go de if yu no bin de aredii
huu no gaan beta gu nou
yu na ga waar berrin' birth certificate in order fu wok
mek i lef
Wii gafu stap am fram waak leet' a-night
mi na no wai dem a du dis ting
ii waahn yuu duu it rait
a da a wa mi kow
a Sita wii piipl dem bin sii ooman
Siita sii wan goat
Na only ooman wa Kissha bin heer bout
Me brudda bin a wuk a haspital but he get a bata wee wuk
Is wuk wa mi broda bin a duu duu a di haspital
a gyal dakta wach mi sista
Meh mudda buy a book.
Meh poppy buy book
buk buk deh deer
mi sel di gyal a manggoo
ii gaan shaat bot iivn doo yet
ii gaan fu tek wahn shiicha an wen ii kom out, ii doti iiself dry lik rain
He tek knife fo' cut bread but he change he mind na cut am
wan a dem waz di maan wa bin get di bomb
shi bin gat wan granny-daughter wa a luk aafta shi
ii gat wan ooman wa gat dani
sins na deh, me wash am
shi bai di eggs
hii bai di eggs?
dem a mek awe prapa
Awe a suffering
di tiicha kom fl sii yu
Teacher come an’ gone since wan oun o’clock
wen mi kom in di ruum, hii don eek iilev
mi gon tel shi if mi sii shi
if mi bin sii am, mi bin go tel am
Buy meet, he sa nyam all off
ii na noo wa ii go duu
mi mosii naa a kot shi
ii bin fu nak yuu but ii moda stap ii
mi heer wahn hiir a beat
yu folk mosii mosii must haard da plees a hala
dem sii hii kom
mi heer di baai sing
mek i lef
Na mek he can't work
a mii doz mek ii kyaahn wok
shi se shi na sii am
shi tel mi se shi na sii am
mi noo ii na sii shi
Is it true dat leedi gaan?
mi noo de gu
mi noo don dat dem gaan hoom