import requests import gradio as gr import time import subprocess import threading import os import re import random import platform import stat import json import time from pathlib import Path from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts from scripts.civitai_global import print import scripts.civitai_global as gl import scripts.civitai_api as _api import scripts.civitai_file_manage as _file try: from zip_unicode import ZipHandler except ImportError: print("Python module 'ZipUnicode' has not been imported correctly, please try to restart or install it manually.") total_count = 0 current_count = 0 dl_manager_count = 0 def random_number(prev=None): number = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) while number == prev: number = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) return number gl.init() rpc_secret = "R7T5P2Q9K6" try: queue = not cmd_opts.no_gradio_queue except AttributeError: queue = not cmd_opts.disable_queue except: queue = True def start_aria2_rpc(): start_file = os.path.join(aria2path, '_') running_file = os.path.join(aria2path, 'running') null = open(os.devnull, 'w') if os.path.exists(running_file): try: if os_type == 'Linux': env = os.environ.copy() env['PATH'] = '/usr/bin:' + env['PATH'] subprocess.Popen("pkill aria2", shell=True, env=env) else: subprocess.Popen(stop_rpc, stdout=null, stderr=null) time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to stop Aria2 RPC : {e}") else: if os.path.exists(start_file): os.rename(start_file, running_file) return else: with open(start_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8"): pass try: show_log = getattr(opts, "show_log", False) aria2_flags = getattr(opts, "aria2_flags", "") cmd = f'"{aria2}" --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all --rpc-listen-port=24000 --rpc-secret {rpc_secret} --check-certificate=false --ca-certificate=" " --file-allocation=none {aria2_flags}' subprocess_args = {'shell': True} if not show_log: subprocess_args.update({'stdout': subprocess.DEVNULL, 'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL}) subprocess.Popen(cmd, **subprocess_args) if os.path.exists(running_file): print("Aria2 RPC restarted") else: print("Aria2 RPC started") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to start Aria2 RPC server: {e}") aria2path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "aria2" os_type = platform.system() if os_type == 'Windows': aria2 = os.path.join(aria2path, 'win', 'aria2.exe') stop_rpc = "taskkill /im aria2.exe /f" start_aria2_rpc() elif os_type == 'Linux': aria2 = os.path.join(aria2path, 'lin', 'aria2') st = os.stat(aria2) os.chmod(aria2, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) stop_rpc = "pkill aria2" start_aria2_rpc() class TimeOutFunction(Exception): pass def create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, from_batch=False): global dl_manager_count if model_id: model_id = int(model_id) if model_sha256: model_sha256 = model_sha256.upper() filtered_items = [] for item in gl.json_data['items']: if int(item['id']) == int(model_id): filtered_items.append(item) content_type = item['type'] desc = item['description'] main_folder = _api.contenttype_folder(content_type, desc) break sub_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(install_path, main_folder)) model_json = {"items": filtered_items} model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(model_id) (preview_html,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,existing_path,_) = _api.update_model_info(None, model_versions.get('value'), False, model_id) for item in gl.download_queue: if item['dl_url'] == dl_url: return None dl_manager_count += 1 item = { "dl_id": dl_manager_count, "dl_url" : dl_url, "model_filename" : model_filename, "install_path" : install_path, "model_name" : model_name, "version_name" : version_name, "model_sha256" : model_sha256, "model_id" : model_id, "create_json" : create_json, "model_json" : model_json, "model_versions" : model_versions, "preview_html" : preview_html['value'], "existing_path": existing_path['value'], "from_batch" : from_batch, "sub_folder" : sub_folder } return item def selected_to_queue(model_list, subfolder, download_start, create_json, current_html): global total_count, current_count if gl.download_queue: number = download_start else: number = random_number(download_start) total_count = 0 current_count = 0 model_list = json.loads(model_list) for model_string in model_list: model_name, model_id = _api.extract_model_info(model_string) for item in gl.json_data['items']: if int(item['id']) == int(model_id): model_id, desc, content_type = item['id'], item['description'], item['type'] version = item.get('modelVersions', [])[0] version_name = version.get('name') files = version.get('files', []) primary_file = next((file for file in files if file.get('primary', False)), None) if primary_file: model_filename = _api.cleaned_name(primary_file.get('name')) model_sha256 = primary_file.get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256') dl_url = primary_file.get('downloadUrl') else: model_filename = _api.cleaned_name(files[0].get('name')) model_sha256 = files[0].get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256') dl_url = files[0].get('downloadUrl') break model_folder = _api.contenttype_folder(content_type, desc) sub_opt1 = os.path.join(os.sep, _api.cleaned_name(model_name)) sub_opt2 = os.path.join(os.sep, _api.cleaned_name(model_name), _api.cleaned_name(version_name)) default_sub = _api.sub_folder_value(content_type, desc) if default_sub == f"{os.sep}Model Name": default_sub = sub_opt1 elif default_sub == f"{os.sep}Model Name{os.sep}Version Name": default_sub = sub_opt2 if subfolder and subfolder != "None" and subfolder != "Only available if the selected files are of the same model type": from_batch = False if platform.system() == "Windows": subfolder = re.sub(r'[/:*?"<>|]', '', subfolder) if not subfolder.startswith(os.sep): subfolder = os.sep + subfolder install_path = model_folder + subfolder else: from_batch = True if default_sub != "None": install_path = model_folder + default_sub else: install_path = model_folder model_item = create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, from_batch) if model_item: gl.download_queue.append(model_item) total_count += 1 html = download_manager_html(current_html) return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), # Download Button gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), # Cancel Button gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False, visible=True), # Cancel All Button gr.Textbox.update(value=number), # Download Start Trigger gr.HTML.update(value='
'), # Download Progress gr.HTML.update(value=html) # Download Manager HTML ) def download_start(download_start, dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_string, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, current_html): global total_count, current_count if model_string: model_name, _ = _api.extract_model_info(model_string) model_item = create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json) gl.download_queue.append(model_item) if len(gl.download_queue) > 1: number = download_start total_count += 1 else: number = random_number(download_start) total_count = 1 current_count = 0 html = download_manager_html(current_html) return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), # Download Button gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), # Cancel Button gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False, visible=True), # Cancel All Button gr.Textbox.update(value=number), # Download Start Trigger gr.HTML.update(value=''), # Download Progress gr.HTML.update(value=html) # Download Manager HTML ) def download_finish(model_filename, version, model_id): if model_id: model_id = int(model_id) model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(model_id) else: model_versions = None if model_versions: version_choices = model_versions.get('choices', []) else: version_choices = [] prev_version = gl.last_version + " [Installed]" if prev_version in version_choices: version = prev_version Del = True Down = False else: Del = False Down = True if gl.cancel_status: Del = False Down = True gl.download_fail = False gl.cancel_status = False return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=model_filename, visible=Down, value="Download model"), # Download Button gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), # Cancel Button gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), # Cancel All Button gr.Button.update(interactive=Del, visible=Del), # Delete Button gr.HTML.update(value=''), # Download Progress gr.Dropdown.update(value=version, choices=version_choices) # Version Dropdown ) def download_cancel(): gl.cancel_status = True gl.download_fail = True if gl.download_queue: item = gl.download_queue[0] while True: if not gl.isDownloading: if item: model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" _file.delete_model(0, item['model_filename'], model_string, item['version_name'], False, model_ver=item['model_versions'], model_json=item['model_json']) break else: time.sleep(0.5) return def download_cancel_all(): gl.cancel_status = True gl.download_fail = True if gl.download_queue: item = gl.download_queue[0] while True: if not gl.isDownloading: if item: model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" _file.delete_model(0, item['model_filename'], model_string, item['version_name'], False, model_ver=item['model_versions'], model_json=item['model_json']) gl.download_queue = [] break else: time.sleep(0.5) return def convert_size(size): for unit in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']: if size < 1024: return f"{size:.2f} {unit}" size /= 1024 return f"{size:.2f} GB" def get_download_link(url): headers = _api.get_headers() response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) if 300 <= response.status_code <= 308: if "login?returnUrl" in response.text and "reason=download-auth" in response.text: return "NO_API" download_link = response.headers["Location"] return download_link else: return None def download_file(url, file_path, install_path, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): try: disable_dns = getattr(opts, "disable_dns", False) split_aria2 = getattr(opts, "split_aria2", 64) max_retries = 5 gl.download_fail = False aria2_rpc_url = "http://localhost:24000/jsonrpc" file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) download_link = get_download_link(url) if not download_link: print(f'File: "{file_name}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') gl.download_fail = True return elif download_link == "NO_API": print(f'File: "{file_name}" requires a personal CivitAI API to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') gl.download_fail = "NO_API" if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name}" requires a personal CivitAI API to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') time.sleep(5) return if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) if disable_dns: dns = "false" else: dns = "true" options = { "dir": install_path, "max-connection-per-server": str(f"{split_aria2}"), "split": str(f"{split_aria2}"), "async-dns": dns, "out": file_name } payload = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "aria2.addUri", "params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, [download_link], options] }) try: response =, data=payload) data = json.loads(response.text) if 'result' not in data: raise ValueError(f'Failed to start download: {data}') gid = data['result'] except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to start download: {e}") gl.download_fail = True return while True: if gl.cancel_status: payload = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "aria2.remove", "params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, gid] }), data=payload) if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") return try: payload = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "aria2.tellStatus", "params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, gid] }) response =, data=payload) status_info = json.loads(response.text)['result'] total_length = int(status_info['totalLength']) completed_length = int(status_info['completedLength']) download_speed = int(status_info['downloadSpeed']) progress_percent = (completed_length / total_length) * 100 if total_length else 0 remaining_size = total_length - completed_length if download_speed > 0: eta_seconds = remaining_size / download_speed eta_formatted = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(eta_seconds)) else: eta_formatted = "XX:XX:XX" if progress != None: progress(progress_percent / 100, desc=f"Downloading: {file_name} - {convert_size(completed_length)}/{convert_size(total_length)} - Speed: {convert_size(download_speed)}/s - ETA: {eta_formatted} - Queue: {current_count}/{total_count}") if status_info['status'] == 'complete': print(f"Model saved to: {file_path}") if progress != None: progress(1, desc=f"Model saved to: {file_path}") gl.download_fail = False return if status_info['status'] == 'error': if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") gl.download_fail = True return time.sleep(0.25) except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred during Aria2 status update: {e}") max_retries -= 1 if max_retries == 0: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") gl.download_fail = True return time.sleep(5) except: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") gl.download_fail = True if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) time.sleep(5) def info_to_json(install_path, model_id, model_sha256, unpackList=None): json_file = os.path.splitext(install_path)[0] + ".json" if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") else: data = {} data['modelId'] = model_id data['sha256'] = model_sha256 if unpackList: data['unpackList'] = unpackList with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) def download_file_old(url, file_path, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): try: gl.download_fail = False max_retries = 5 if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) downloaded_size = 0 tokens = re.split(re.escape(os.sep), file_path) file_name_display = tokens[-1] start_time = time.time() last_update_time = 0 update_interval = 0.25 download_link = get_download_link(url) if not download_link: print(f'File: "{file_name_display}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name_display}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') time.sleep(5) gl.download_fail = True return elif download_link == "NO_API": print(f'File: "{file_name_display}" requires a personal CivitAI API key to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') gl.download_fail = "NO_API" if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name_display}" requires a personal CivitAI API key to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') time.sleep(5) return while True: if gl.cancel_status: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") return if os.path.exists(file_path): downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) headers = {"Range": f"bytes={downloaded_size}-"} else: headers = {} with open(file_path, "ab") as f: while gl.isDownloading: try: if gl.cancel_status: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") return try: if gl.cancel_status: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") return response = requests.get(download_link, headers=headers, stream=True, timeout=4) if response.status_code == 404: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, file is not found on CivitAI servers.") gl.download_fail = True return total_size = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) except: raise TimeOutFunction("Timed Out") if total_size == 0: total_size = downloaded_size for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: if gl.cancel_status: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") return f.write(chunk) downloaded_size += len(chunk) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time download_speed = downloaded_size / elapsed_time remaining_size = total_size - downloaded_size if download_speed > 0: eta_seconds = remaining_size / download_speed eta_formatted = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(eta_seconds)) else: eta_formatted = "XX:XX:XX" current_time = time.time() if current_time - last_update_time >= update_interval: if progress != None: progress(downloaded_size / total_size, desc=f"Downloading: {file_name_display} {convert_size(downloaded_size)} / {convert_size(total_size)} - Speed: {convert_size(int(download_speed))}/s - ETA: {eta_formatted} - Queue: {current_count}/{total_count}") last_update_time = current_time if gl.isDownloading == False: response.close break downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) break except TimeOutFunction: if progress != None: progress(0, desc="CivitAI API did not respond, retrying...") max_retries -= 1 if max_retries == 0: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") gl.download_fail = True return time.sleep(5) if (gl.isDownloading == False): break gl.isDownloading = False downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) if downloaded_size >= total_size: if not gl.cancel_status: print(f"Model saved to: {file_path}") if progress != None: progress(1, desc=f"Model saved to: {file_path}") gl.download_fail = False return else: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") print(f"File download failed: {file_name_display}") gl.download_fail = True if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) except: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") gl.download_fail = True if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) time.sleep(5) def download_create_thread(download_finish, queue_trigger, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): global current_count current_count += 1 if not gl.download_queue: return ( gr.HTML.update(), # Download Progress HTML gr.Textbox.update(value=None), # Current Model gr.Textbox.update(value=random_number(download_finish)), # Download Finish Trigger gr.Textbox.update(value=queue_trigger), # Queue Trigger gr.Button.update(interactive=False) # Cancel All Button ) item = gl.download_queue[0] gl.cancel_status = False use_aria2 = getattr(opts, "use_aria2", True) unpack_zip = getattr(opts, "unpack_zip", False) save_all_images = getattr(opts, "auto_save_all_img", False) gl.recent_model = item['model_name'] gl.last_version = item['version_name'] if item['from_batch']: item['install_path'] = item['existing_path'] gl.isDownloading = True _file.make_dir(item['install_path']) path_to_new_file = os.path.join(item['install_path'], item['model_filename']) if use_aria2 and os_type != 'Darwin': thread = threading.Thread(target=download_file, args=(item['dl_url'], path_to_new_file, item['install_path'], progress)) else: thread = threading.Thread(target=download_file_old, args=(item['dl_url'], path_to_new_file, progress)) thread.start() thread.join() if not gl.cancel_status or gl.download_fail: if os.path.exists(path_to_new_file): unpackList = [] if unpack_zip: try: if path_to_new_file.endswith('.zip'): directory = Path(os.path.dirname(path_to_new_file)) zip_handler = ZipHandler(path_to_new_file) for _, decoded_name in zip_handler.name_map.items(): unpackList.append(decoded_name) zip_handler.extract_all(directory) zip_handler.zip_ref.close() print(f"Successfully extracted {item['model_filename']} to {directory}") os.remove(path_to_new_file) except ImportError: print("Python module 'ZipUnicode' has not been imported correctly, cannot extract zip file. Please try to restart or install it manually.") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to extract {item['model_filename']} with error: {e}") if not gl.cancel_status: if item['create_json']: _file.save_model_info(item['install_path'], item['model_filename'], item['sub_folder'], item['model_sha256'], item['preview_html'], api_response=item['model_json']) info_to_json(path_to_new_file, item['model_id'], item['model_sha256'], unpackList) _file.save_preview(path_to_new_file, item['model_json'], True, item['model_sha256']) if save_all_images: _file.save_images(item['preview_html'], item['model_filename'], item['install_path'], item['sub_folder'], api_response=item['model_json']) base_name = os.path.splitext(item['model_filename'])[0] base_name_preview = base_name + '.preview' if gl.download_fail: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(item['install_path'], followlinks=True): for file in files: file_base_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] if file_base_name == base_name or file_base_name == base_name_preview: path_file = os.path.join(root, file) os.remove(path_file) if gl.cancel_status: print(f'Cancelled download of "{item["model_filename"]}"') else: if not gl.download_fail == "NO_API": print(f'Error occured during download of "{item["model_filename"]}"') if gl.cancel_status: card_name = None else: model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" (card_name, _, _) = _file.card_update(item['model_versions'], model_string, item['version_name'], True) if len(gl.download_queue) != 0: gl.download_queue.pop(0) gl.isDownloading = False time.sleep(2) if len(gl.download_queue) == 0: finish_nr = random_number(download_finish) queue_nr = queue_trigger else: finish_nr = download_finish queue_nr = random_number(queue_trigger) return ( gr.HTML.update(), # Download Progress HTML gr.Textbox.update(value=card_name), # Current Model gr.Textbox.update(value=finish_nr), # Download Finish Trigger gr.Textbox.update(value=queue_nr), # Queue Trigger gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False) # Cancel All Button ) def remove_from_queue(dl_id): global total_count for item in gl.download_queue: if int(dl_id) == int(item['dl_id']): gl.download_queue.remove(item) total_count -= 1 return def arrange_queue(input): id_and_index = input.split('.') dl_id = int(id_and_index[0]) index = int(id_and_index[1]) + 1 for item in gl.download_queue: if int(item['dl_id']) == dl_id: current_item = gl.download_queue.pop(gl.download_queue.index(item)) gl.download_queue.insert(index, current_item) break def get_style(size, left_border): return f"flex-grow: {size};" + ("border-left: 1px solid var(--border-color-primary);" if left_border else "") + "padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;width: 0;align-self: center;" def download_manager_html(current_html): html = current_html.rsplit("", 1)[0] pattern = r'dl_id="(\d+)"' matches = re.findall(pattern, html) existing_item_ids = [int(match) for match in matches] for item in gl.download_queue: if not item['dl_id'] in existing_item_ids: download_item = f'''