import json import gradio as gr import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error import os import io import re import time import errno import requests import hashlib from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlparse from sympy import preview from modules.shared import cmd_opts, opts from scripts.civitai_global import print import scripts.civitai_global as gl import scripts.civitai_api as _api import scripts.civitai_file_manage as _file import scripts.civitai_download as _download try: from send2trash import send2trash except ImportError: print("Python module 'send2trash' has not been imported correctly, please try to restart or install it manually.") try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: print("Python module 'BeautifulSoup' has not been imported correctly, please try to restart or install it manually.") gl.init() offlineHTML = '
The Civit-API has timed out, please try again.
The servers might be too busy or the selected model could not be found.
' css_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "style_html.css" no_update = False from_ver = False from_tag = False from_installed = False try: queue = not cmd_opts.no_gradio_queue except AttributeError: queue = not cmd_opts.disable_queue except: queue = True def delete_model(delete_finish=None, model_filename=None, model_string=None, list_versions=None, sha256=None, selected_list=None, model_ver=None, model_json=None): deleted = False model_id = None if model_string: _, model_id = _api.extract_model_info(model_string) if not model_ver: model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(model_id) else: model_versions = model_ver (model_name, ver_value, ver_choices) = _file.card_update(model_versions, model_string, list_versions, False) if not model_json: if model_id != None: selected_content_type = None for item in gl.json_data['items']: if int(item['id']) == int(model_id): selected_content_type = item['type'] desc = item['description'] break if selected_content_type is None: print("Model ID not found in json_data. (delete_model)") return else: for item in model_json["items"]: selected_content_type = item['type'] desc = item['description'] model_folder = os.path.join(_api.contenttype_folder(selected_content_type, desc)) # Delete based on provided SHA-256 hash if sha256: sha256_upper = sha256.upper() for root, _, files in os.walk(model_folder, followlinks=True): for file in files: if file.endswith('.json'): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) try: with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) file_sha256 = data.get('sha256', '') if file_sha256: file_sha256 = file_sha256.upper() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open: {file_path}: {e}") file_sha256 = "0" if file_sha256 == sha256_upper: unpack_list = data.get('unpackList', []) for unpacked_file in unpack_list: unpacked_file_path = os.path.join(root, unpacked_file) if os.path.isfile(unpacked_file_path): try: send2trash(unpacked_file_path) print(f"File moved to trash based on unpackList: {unpacked_file_path}") except: os.remove(unpacked_file_path) print(f"File deleted based on unpackList: {unpacked_file_path}") base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): try: send2trash(file_path) print(f"Model moved to trash based on SHA-256: {file_path}") except: os.remove(file_path) print(f"Model deleted based on SHA-256: {file_path}") delete_associated_files(root, base_name) deleted = True # Fallback to delete based on filename if not deleted based on SHA-256 filename_to_delete = os.path.splitext(model_filename)[0] aria2_file = model_filename + ".aria2" if not deleted: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(model_folder, followlinks=True): for file in files: current_file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] if filename_to_delete == current_file_name or aria2_file == file: path_file = os.path.join(root, file) if os.path.isfile(path_file): try: send2trash(path_file) print(f"Model moved to trash based on filename: {path_file}") except: os.remove(path_file) print(f"Model deleted based on filename: {path_file}") delete_associated_files(root, current_file_name) number = _download.random_number(delete_finish) btnDwn = not selected_list or selected_list == "[]" return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=btnDwn, visible=btnDwn), # Download Button gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), # Cancel Button gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), # Delete Button gr.Textbox.update(value=number), # Delete Finish Trigger gr.Textbox.update(value=model_name), # Current Model gr.Dropdown.update(value=ver_value, choices=ver_choices) # Version List ) def delete_associated_files(directory, base_name): for file in os.listdir(directory): current_base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if current_base_name == base_name or current_base_name == f"{base_name}.preview" or current_base_name == f"{base_name}.api_info": path_to_delete = os.path.join(directory, file) try: send2trash(path_to_delete) print(f"Associated file moved to trash: {path_to_delete}") except: os.remove(path_to_delete) print(f"Associated file deleted: {path_to_delete}") def save_preview(file_path, api_response, overwrite_toggle=False, sha256=None): json_file = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + ".json" install_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] filename = f'{name}.preview.png' image_path = os.path.join(install_path, filename) if not overwrite_toggle: if os.path.exists(image_path): return if not sha256: if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) if 'sha256' in data and data['sha256']: sha256 = data['sha256'].upper() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") else: sha256 = sha256.upper() for item in api_response["items"]: for version in item["modelVersions"]: for file_entry in version["files"]: if file_entry["hashes"].get("SHA256") == sha256: for image in version["images"]: if image["type"] == "image": url_with_width = re.sub(r'/width=\d+', f'/width={image["width"]}', image["url"]) response = requests.get(url_with_width) if response.status_code == 200: with open(image_path, 'wb') as img_file: img_file.write(response.content) print(f"Preview saved at \"{image_path}\"") else: print(f"Failed to save preview. Status code: {response.status_code}") return print(f"No preview images found for \"{name}\"") return def get_image_path(install_path, api_response, sub_folder): image_location = getattr(opts, "image_location", r"") sub_image_location = getattr(opts, "sub_image_location", True) image_path = install_path if api_response: json_info = api_response['items'][0] else: json_info = gl.json_info if image_location: if sub_image_location: desc = json_info['description'] content_type = json_info['type'] image_path = os.path.join(_api.contenttype_folder(content_type, desc, custom_folder=image_location)) if sub_folder and sub_folder != "None" and sub_folder != "Only available if the selected files are of the same model type": image_path = os.path.join(image_path, sub_folder.lstrip("/").lstrip("\\")) else: image_path = Path(image_location) make_dir(image_path) return image_path def save_images(preview_html, model_filename, install_path, sub_folder, api_response=None): image_path = get_image_path(install_path, api_response, sub_folder) img_urls = re.findall(r'data-sampleimg="true" src=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', preview_html) name = os.path.splitext(model_filename)[0] opener = urllib.request.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] urllib.request.install_opener(opener) for i, img_url in enumerate(img_urls): filename = f'{name}_{i}.png' img_url = urllib.parse.quote(img_url, safe=':/=') try: with urllib.request.urlopen(img_url) as url: with open(os.path.join(image_path, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write( print(f"Downloaded {filename}") except urllib.error.URLError as e: print(f'Error: {e.reason}') def card_update(gr_components, model_name, list_versions, is_install): if gr_components: version_choices = gr_components['choices'] else: print("Couldn't retrieve version, defaulting to installed") model_name += ".New" return model_name, None, None if is_install and not gl.download_fail and not gl.cancel_status: version_value_clean = list_versions + " [Installed]" version_choices_clean = [version if version + " [Installed]" != version_value_clean else version_value_clean for version in version_choices] else: version_value_clean = list_versions.replace(" [Installed]", "") version_choices_clean = [version if version.replace(" [Installed]", "") != version_value_clean else version_value_clean for version in version_choices] first_version_installed = "[Installed]" in version_choices_clean[0] any_later_version_installed = any("[Installed]" in version for version in version_choices_clean[1:]) if first_version_installed: model_name += ".New" elif any_later_version_installed: model_name += ".Old" else: model_name += ".None" return model_name, version_value_clean, version_choices_clean def list_files(folders): model_files = [] extensions = ['.pt', '.ckpt', '.pth', '.safetensors', '.th', '.zip', '.vae'] for folder in folders: if folder and os.path.exists(folder): for root, _, files in os.walk(folder, followlinks=True): for file in files: _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file) if file_extension.lower() in extensions: model_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) model_files = sorted(list(set(model_files))) return model_files def gen_sha256(file_path): json_file = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + ".json" if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) if 'sha256' in data and data['sha256']: hash_value = data['sha256'] return hash_value except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") def read_chunks(file, size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk blocksize = 1 << 20 h = hashlib.sha256() length = 0 with open(os.path.realpath(file_path), 'rb') as f: for block in read_chunks(f, size=blocksize): length += len(block) h.update(block) hash_value = h.hexdigest() if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) if 'sha256' in data and data['sha256']: data['sha256'] = hash_value with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") else: data = {'sha256': hash_value} with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) return hash_value def model_from_sent(model_name, content_type, tile_count, path_input): modelID_failed = False output_html = None model_file = None use_local_html = getattr(opts, "use_local_html", False) local_path_in_html = getattr(opts, "local_path_in_html", False) div = '
' not_found = div + "Model ID not found.
Maybe the model doesn\'t exist on CivitAI?
" path_not_found = div + "Model ID not found.
Could not locate the model path." offline = div + "CivitAI failed to respond.
The servers are likely offline." if local_path_in_html: use_local_html = False if path_input == "Not Found": model_name = re.sub(r'\.\d{3}$', '', model_name) content_type = re.sub(r'\.\d{3}$', '', content_type) content_mapping = { "txt2img_textual_inversion_cards_html": ['TextualInversion'], "txt2img_hypernetworks_cards_html": ['Hypernetwork'], "txt2img_checkpoints_cards_html": ['Checkpoint'], "txt2img_lora_cards_html": ['LORA', 'LoCon'] } content_type = content_mapping.get(content_type, content_type) extensions = ['.pt', '.ckpt', '.pth', '.safetensors', '.th', '.zip', '.vae'] for content_type_item in content_type: folder = _api.contenttype_folder(content_type_item) for folder_path, _, files in os.walk(folder, followlinks=True): for file in files: if file.startswith(model_name) and file.endswith(tuple(extensions)): model_file = os.path.join(folder_path, file) if not model_file: output_html = path_not_found print(f'Error: Could not find model path for model: "{model_name}"') print(f'Content type: "{content_type}"') print(f'Main folder path: "{folder}"') use_local_html = False else: model_file = path_input if use_local_html: html_file = os.path.splitext(model_file)[0] + ".html" if os.path.exists(html_file): with open(html_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as html: output_html = index = output_html.find("") if index != -1: output_html = output_html[index + len(""):] if not output_html: modelID = get_models(model_file, True) if not modelID or modelID == "Model not found": output_html = not_found modelID_failed = True if modelID == "offline": output_html = offline modelID_failed = True if not modelID_failed: json_data = _api.api_to_data(content_type, "Newest", "AllTime", "Model name", None, None, None, tile_count, f"{modelID}") else: json_data = None if json_data == "timeout": output_html = offline if json_data != None and json_data != "timeout": model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(modelID, json_data) output_html = _api.update_model_info(None, model_versions.get('value'), True, modelID, json_data) css_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "style_html.css" with open(css_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as css_file: css = replacements = { '#0b0f19': 'var(--body-background-fill)', '#F3F4F6': 'var(--body-text-color)', 'white': 'var(--body-text-color)', '#80a6c8': 'var(--secondary-300)', '#60A5FA': 'var(--link-text-color-hover)', '#1F2937': 'var(--input-background-fill)', '#374151': 'var(--input-border-color)', '#111827': 'var(--error-background-fill)', 'top: 50%;': '', 'padding-top: 0px;': 'padding-top: 475px;', '.civitai_txt2img': '.civitai_placeholder' } for old, new in replacements.items(): css = css.replace(old, new) style_tag = f'' head_section = f'{style_tag}' output_html = output_html.replace('display:flex;align-items:flex-start;', 'display:flex;align-items:flex-start;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:center;') output_html = str(head_section + output_html) output_html = output_html.replace('zoom-radio', 'zoom-preview-radio') output_html = output_html.replace('zoomRadio', 'zoomPreviewRadio') output_html = output_html.replace('zoom-overlay', 'zoom-preview-overlay') output_html = output_html.replace('resetZoom', 'resetPreviewZoom') number = _download.random_number() return ( gr.Textbox.update(value=output_html, placeholder=number), # Preview HTML ) def is_image_url(url): image_extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp'] parsed = urlparse(url) path = parsed.path return any(path.endswith(ext) for ext in image_extensions) def clean_description(desc): try: soup = BeautifulSoup(desc, 'html.parser') for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True): link_text = a.text + ' ' + a['href'] if not is_image_url(a['href']): a.replace_with(link_text) cleaned_text = soup.get_text() except ImportError: print("Python module 'BeautifulSoup' was not imported correctly, cannot clean description. Please try to restart or install it manually.") cleaned_text = desc return cleaned_text def make_dir(path): try: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: try: os.makedirs(path, mode=0o777) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: print("Permission denied even with elevated permissions.") else: print(f"Error creating directory: {e}") else: print(f"Error creating directory: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating directory: {e}") def save_model_info(install_path, file_name, sub_folder, sha256=None, preview_html=None, overwrite_toggle=False, api_response=None): filename = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] json_file = os.path.join(install_path, f'{filename}.json') make_dir(install_path) save_api_info = getattr(opts, "save_api_info", False) use_local = getattr(opts, "local_path_in_html", False) save_to_custom = getattr(opts, "save_to_custom", False) if not api_response: api_response = gl.json_data image_path = get_image_path(install_path, api_response, sub_folder) if save_to_custom: save_path = image_path else: save_path = install_path result = find_and_save(api_response, sha256, file_name, json_file, False, overwrite_toggle) if result != "found": result = find_and_save(api_response, sha256, file_name, json_file, True, overwrite_toggle) if preview_html: if use_local: img_urls = re.findall(r'data-sampleimg="true" src=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', preview_html) for i, img_url in enumerate(img_urls): img_name = f'{filename}_{i}.png' preview_html = preview_html.replace(img_url,f'{os.path.join(image_path, img_name)}') match ='(\s*)
', preview_html) if match: indentation = else: indentation = '' css_link = f'' utf8_meta_tag = f'{indentation}' head_section = f'{indentation}{indentation} {utf8_meta_tag}{indentation} {css_link}{indentation}' HTML = head_section + preview_html path_to_new_file = os.path.join(save_path, f'{filename}.html') with open(path_to_new_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(HTML.encode('utf8')) if save_api_info: path_to_new_file = os.path.join(save_path, f'{filename}.api_info.json') with open(path_to_new_file, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(gl.json_info, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) def find_and_save(api_response, sha256=None, file_name=None, json_file=None, no_hash=None, overwrite_toggle=None): for item in api_response.get('items', []): for model_version in item.get('modelVersions', []): for file in model_version.get('files', []): file_name_api = file.get('name', '') sha256_api = file.get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256', '') if file_name == file_name_api if no_hash else sha256 == sha256_api: gl.json_info = item trained_words = model_version.get('trainedWords', []) model_id = model_version.get('modelId', '') if model_id: model_url = f'Model URL: \"{model_id}\"\n' description = item.get('description', '') if description != None: description = clean_description(description) description = model_url + description base_model = model_version.get('baseModel', '') if base_model.startswith("SD 1"): base_model = "SD1" elif base_model.startswith("SD 2"): base_model = "SD2" elif base_model.startswith("SDXL"): base_model = "SDXL" else: base_model = "Other" if isinstance(trained_words, list): trained_tags = ",".join(trained_words) trained_tags = re.sub(r'<[^>]*:[^>]*>', '', trained_tags) trained_tags = re.sub(r', ?', ', ', trained_tags) trained_tags = trained_tags.strip(', ') else: trained_tags = trained_words if os.path.exists(json_file): with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: try: content = json.load(f) except: content = {} else: content = {} changed = False if not overwrite_toggle: if "activation text" not in content or not content["activation text"]: content["activation text"] = trained_tags changed = True if "description" not in content or not content["description"]: content["description"] = description changed = True if "sd version" not in content or not content["sd version"]: content["sd version"] = base_model changed = True else: content["activation text"] = trained_tags content["description"] = description content["sd version"] = base_model changed = True with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(content, f, indent=4) if changed: print(f"Model info saved to \"{json_file}\"") return "found" return "not found" def get_models(file_path, gen_hash=None): modelId = None sha256 = None json_file = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + ".json" if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) if 'modelId' in data: modelId = data['modelId'] if 'sha256' in data and data['sha256']: sha256 = data['sha256'] except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") if not modelId or not sha256 or modelId == "Model not found": if gen_hash: if not sha256: sha256 = gen_sha256(file_path) by_hash = f"{sha256}" else: if modelId: return modelId else: return None try: if not modelId or modelId == "Model not found": response = requests.get(by_hash, timeout=(10,30)) if response.status_code == 200: api_response = response.json() if 'error' in api_response: print(f"\"{file_path}\": {api_response['error']}") return None else: modelId = api_response.get("modelId", "") elif response.status_code == 503: return "offline" elif response.status_code == 404: api_response = response.json() modelId = api_response.get("error", "") if os.path.exists(json_file): try: with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) data['modelId'] = modelId data['sha256'] = sha256.upper() with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") else: data = { 'modelId': modelId, 'sha256': sha256.upper() } with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) return modelId except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print(f"Request timed out for {file_path}. Skipping...") return "offline" except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("Failed to connect to the API. The CivitAI servers might be offline.") return "offline" except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred for {file_path}: {str(e)}") return None def version_match(file_paths, api_response): updated_models = [] outdated_models = [] sha256_hashes = {} for file_path in file_paths: json_path = f"{os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]}.json" if os.path.exists(json_path): with open(json_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: try: json_data = json.load(f) sha256 = json_data.get('sha256') if sha256: sha256_hashes[os.path.basename(file_path)] = sha256.upper() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to open {json_path}: {e}") file_names_and_hashes = set() for file_path in file_paths: file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) file_name_without_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] file_sha256 = sha256_hashes.get(file_name, "") if file_sha256: file_sha256 = file_sha256.upper() file_names_and_hashes.add((file_name_without_ext, file_sha256)) for item in api_response.get('items', []): model_versions = item.get('modelVersions', []) if not model_versions: continue for idx, model_version in enumerate(model_versions): files = model_version.get('files', []) match_found = False for file_entry in files: entry_name = os.path.splitext(file_entry.get('name', ''))[0] entry_sha256 = file_entry.get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256', "") if entry_sha256: entry_sha256 = entry_sha256.upper() if (entry_name, entry_sha256) in file_names_and_hashes: match_found = True break if match_found: if idx == 0: updated_models.append((f"&ids={item['id']}", item["name"])) else: outdated_models.append((f"&ids={item['id']}", item["name"])) break return updated_models, outdated_models def get_content_choices(scan_choices=False): use_LORA = getattr(opts, "use_LORA", False) if use_LORA: content_list = ["Checkpoint", "TextualInversion", "LORA & LoCon", "Poses", "Controlnet", "Hypernetwork", "AestheticGradient", "VAE", "Upscaler", "MotionModule", "Wildcards", "Workflows", "Other"] else: content_list = ["Checkpoint", "TextualInversion", "LORA", "LoCon", "Poses", "Controlnet", "Hypernetwork", "AestheticGradient", "VAE", "Upscaler", "MotionModule", "Wildcards", "Workflows", "Other"] if scan_choices: content_list.insert(0, 'All') return content_list return content_list def file_scan(folders, ver_finish, tag_finish, installed_finish, preview_finish, overwrite_toggle, tile_count, gen_hash, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): global from_ver, from_installed, no_update update_log = getattr(opts, "update_log", True) gl.scan_files = True no_update = False if from_ver: number = _download.random_number(ver_finish) elif from_tag: number = _download.random_number(tag_finish) elif from_installed: number = _download.random_number(installed_finish) elif from_preview: number = _download.random_number(preview_finish) if not folders: if progress != None: progress(0, desc=f"No folder selected.") no_update = True gl.scan_files = False from_ver, from_installed = False, False time.sleep(2) return (gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number)) folders_to_check = [] if 'All' in folders: folders = _file.get_content_choices() for item in folders: if item == "LORA & LoCon": folder = _api.contenttype_folder("LORA") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) folder = _api.contenttype_folder("LoCon", fromCheck=True) if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) elif item == "Upscaler": folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item, "SwinIR") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item, "RealESRGAN") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item, "GFPGAN") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item, "BSRGAN") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item, "ESRGAN") if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) else: folder = _api.contenttype_folder(item) if folder: folders_to_check.append(folder) total_files = 0 files_done = 0 files = list_files(folders_to_check) total_files += len(files) if total_files == 0: if progress != None: progress(1, desc=f"No files in selected folder.") no_update = True gl.scan_files = False from_ver, from_installed = False, False time.sleep(2) return (gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number)) updated_models = [] outdated_models = [] all_model_ids = [] file_paths = [] all_ids = [] for file_path in files: if gl.cancel_status: if progress != None: progress(files_done / total_files, desc=f"Processing files cancelled.") no_update = True gl.scan_files = False from_ver, from_installed = False, False time.sleep(2) return (gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number)) file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) if progress != None: progress(files_done / total_files, desc=f"Processing file: {file_name}") model_id = get_models(file_path, gen_hash) if model_id == "offline": print("The CivitAI servers did not respond, unable to retrieve Model ID") elif model_id == "Model not found" and update_log: print(f"model: \"{file_name}\" not found on CivitAI servers.") elif model_id != None: all_model_ids.append(f"&ids={model_id}") all_ids.append(model_id) file_paths.append(file_path) elif not model_id and update_log: print(f"model ID not found for: \"{file_name}\"") files_done += 1 all_items = [] all_model_ids = list(set(all_model_ids)) if not all_model_ids: progress(1, desc=f"No model IDs could be retrieved.") print("Could not retrieve any Model IDs, please make sure to turn on the \"One-Time Hash Generation for externally downloaded models.\" option if you haven't already.") no_update = True gl.scan_files = False from_ver, from_installed = False, False time.sleep(2) return (gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number)) def chunks(lst, n): for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] if not from_installed: model_chunks = list(chunks(all_model_ids, 500)) base_url = "" url_list = [f"{base_url}{''.join(chunk)}" for chunk in model_chunks] url_count = len(all_model_ids) // 100 if len(all_model_ids) % 100 != 0: url_count += 1 url_done = 0 api_response = {} for url in url_list: while url: try: if progress is not None: progress(url_done / url_count, desc=f"Sending API request... {url_done}/{url_count}") response = requests.get(url, timeout=(10, 30)) if response.status_code == 200: api_response_json = response.json() all_items.extend(api_response_json['items']) metadata = api_response_json.get('metadata', {}) url = metadata.get('nextPage', None) elif response.status_code == 503: return ( gr.HTML.update(value=offlineHTML), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) else: print(f"Error: Received status code {response.status_code} with URL: {url}") url = None url_done += 1 except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print(f"Request timed out for {url}. Skipping...") url = None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("Failed to connect to the API. The servers might be offline.") url = None except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") url = None api_response['items'] = all_items if api_response['items'] == []: return ( gr.HTML.update(value=offlineHTML), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) if progress != None: progress(1, desc="Processing final results...") if from_ver: updated_models, outdated_models = version_match(file_paths, api_response) updated_set = set(updated_models) outdated_set = set(outdated_models) outdated_set = {model for model in outdated_set if model[0] not in {updated_model[0] for updated_model in updated_set}} all_model_ids = [model[0] for model in outdated_set] all_model_names = [model[1] for model in outdated_set] if update_log: for model_name in all_model_names: print(f'"{model_name}" is currently outdated.') if len(all_model_ids) == 0: no_update = True gl.scan_files = False from_ver = False return ( gr.HTML.update(value='
No updates found for selected models.
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) model_chunks = list(chunks(all_model_ids, tile_count)) base_url = "" gl.url_list_with_numbers = {i+1: f"{base_url}{''.join(chunk)}" for i, chunk in enumerate(model_chunks)} url_error = False api_url = gl.url_list_with_numbers.get(1) if not url_error: response = requests.get(api_url, timeout=(10,30)) try: if response.status_code == 200: response.encoding = "utf-8" gl.ver_json = json.loads(response.text) highest_number = max(gl.url_list_with_numbers.keys()) gl.ver_json["metadata"]["totalPages"] = highest_number if highest_number > 1: gl.ver_json["metadata"]["nextPage"] = gl.url_list_with_numbers.get(2) else: print(f"Error: Received status code {response.status_code} for URL: {url}") url_error = True except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print(f"Request timed out for {url}. Skipping...") url_error = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("Failed to connect to the API. The servers might be offline.") url_error = True except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") url_error = True if url_error: gl.scan_files = False return ( gr.HTML.update(value=offlineHTML), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) elif from_ver: gl.scan_files = False return ( gr.HTML.update(value='
Outdated models have been found.
Please press the button above to load the models into the browser tab
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) elif from_installed: gl.scan_files = False return ( gr.HTML.update(value='
Installed models have been loaded.
Please press the button above to load the models into the browser tab
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) elif from_tag: for file_path, id_value in zip(file_paths, all_ids): install_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(id_value, api_response) preview_html = _api.update_model_info(None, model_versions.get('value'), True, id_value, api_response) sub_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(install_path, gl.main_folder)) save_model_info(install_path, file_name, sub_folder, preview_html=preview_html, api_response=api_response, overwrite_toggle=overwrite_toggle) if progress != None: progress(1, desc=f"All tags succesfully saved!") gl.scan_files = False time.sleep(2) return ( gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) elif from_preview: completed_preview = 0 preview_count = len(file_paths) for file in file_paths: _, file_name = os.path.split(file) name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] if progress != None: progress(completed_preview / preview_count, desc=f"Saving preview images... {completed_preview}/{preview_count} | {name}") save_preview(file, api_response, overwrite_toggle) completed_preview += 1 gl.scan_files = False return ( gr.HTML.update(value='
'), gr.Textbox.update(value=number) ) def save_tag_start(tag_start): global from_tag, from_ver, from_installed, from_preview from_tag, from_ver, from_installed, from_preview = True, False, False, False number = _download.random_number(tag_start) return ( gr.Textbox.update(value=number), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value='
') ) def save_preview_start(preview_start): global from_tag, from_ver, from_installed, from_preview from_preview, from_tag, from_ver, from_installed = True, False, False, False number = _download.random_number(preview_start) return ( gr.Textbox.update(value=number), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value='
') ) def installed_models_start(installed_start): global from_installed, from_ver, from_tag, from_preview from_installed, from_ver, from_tag, from_preview = True, False, False, False number = _download.random_number(installed_start) return ( gr.Textbox.update(value=number), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value='
') ) def ver_search_start(ver_start): global from_ver, from_tag, from_installed, from_preview from_ver, from_tag, from_installed, from_preview = True, False, False, False number = _download.random_number(ver_start) return ( gr.Textbox.update(value=number), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value='
') ) def save_tag_finish(): global from_tag from_tag = False return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False) ) def save_preview_finish(): global from_preview from_preview = False return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False) ) def scan_finish(): return ( gr.Button.update(interactive=no_update, visible=no_update), gr.Button.update(interactive=no_update, visible=no_update), gr.Button.update(interactive=no_update, visible=no_update), gr.Button.update(interactive=no_update, visible=no_update), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=not no_update, visible=not no_update) ) def load_to_browser(content_type, sort_type, period_type, use_search_term, search_term, tile_count, base_filter, nsfw): global from_ver, from_installed if from_ver: model_list_return = _api.update_model_list(from_ver=True, tile_count=tile_count) if from_installed: model_list_return = _api.update_model_list(from_installed=True, tile_count=tile_count) use_LORA = getattr(opts, "use_LORA", False) if content_type: if use_LORA and 'LORA & LoCon' in content_type: content_type.remove('LORA & LoCon') if 'LORA' not in content_type: content_type.append('LORA') if 'LoCon' not in content_type: content_type.append('LoCon') current_inputs = (content_type, sort_type, period_type, use_search_term, search_term, tile_count, base_filter, nsfw) gl.previous_inputs = current_inputs gl.file_scan = True from_ver, from_installed = False, False return ( *model_list_return, gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), gr.HTML.update(value='
') ) def cancel_scan(): gl.cancel_status = True while True: if not gl.scan_files: gl.cancel_status = False return else: time.sleep(0.5) continue