import { toRaw, markRaw } from 'vue'; import { fabric } from 'fabric'; import _ from 'lodash'; const IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; class OpenposeKeypoint2D extends fabric.Circle { static idCounter: number = 0; id: number; confidence: number; name: string; connections: Array; selected: boolean; selected_in_group: boolean; constant_radius: number; constructor( x: number, y: number, confidence: number, color: string, name: string, opacity: number = 1.0, constant_radius: number = 2 ) { super({ radius: constant_radius, left: x, top: y, fill: color, stroke: color, strokeWidth: 1, hasControls: false, // Disallow user to scale the keypoint circle. hasBorders: false, opacity: opacity, }); this.confidence = confidence; = name; this.connections = []; = OpenposeKeypoint2D.idCounter++; this.selected = false; this.selected_in_group = false; this.constant_radius = constant_radius; this.on('scaling', this._maintainConstantRadius.bind(this)); this.on('skewing', this._maintainConstantRadius.bind(this)); } addConnection(connection: OpenposeConnection): void { this.connections.push(connection); } updateConnections(transformMatrix: number[]) { if (transformMatrix.length !== 6) throw `Expect transformMatrix of length 6 but get ${transformMatrix}`; this.connections.forEach(c => c.update(this, transformMatrix)); } _set(key: string, value: any): this { if (key === 'scaleX' || key === 'scaleY') { super._set('scaleX', 1); super._set('scaleY', 1); super._set('skewX', 0); super._set('skewY', 0); super._set('flipX', false); super._set('flipY', false); } else { super._set(key, value); } return this; } _maintainConstantRadius(): void { this.set('radius', this.constant_radius); this.setCoords(); } get x(): number { return this.left!; } set x(x: number) { this.left = x; } get y(): number { return!; } set y(y: number) { = y; } get _visible(): boolean { return this.visible === undefined ? true : this.visible; } set _visible(visible: boolean) { this.visible = visible; this.connections.forEach(c => { c.updateVisibility(); }); } get abs_point(): fabric.Point { if ( { const transformMatrix =; return fabric.util.transformPoint(new fabric.Point(this.x, this.y), transformMatrix); } else { return new fabric.Point(this.x, this.y); } } get abs_x(): number { return this.abs_point.x; } get abs_y(): number { return this.abs_point.y; } distanceTo(other: OpenposeKeypoint2D): number { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.x - other.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y - other.y, 2) ); } swap(other: OpenposeKeypoint2D): void { const otherX = other.x; const otherY = other.y; other.x = this.x; other.y = this.y; this.x = otherX; this.y = otherY; this.setCoords(); other.setCoords(); } }; class OpenposeConnection extends fabric.Line { k1: OpenposeKeypoint2D; k2: OpenposeKeypoint2D; constructor( k1: OpenposeKeypoint2D, k2: OpenposeKeypoint2D, color: string, opacity: number = 1.0, strokeWidth: number = 2 ) { super([k1.x, k1.y, k2.x, k2.y], { fill: color, stroke: color, strokeWidth, // Connections(Edges) themselves are not selectable, they will adjust when relevant keypoints move. selectable: false, // Connections should not appear in events. evented: false, opacity: opacity, }); this.k1 = k1; this.k2 = k2; this.k1.addConnection(this); this.k2.addConnection(this); this.updateAll(IDENTITY_MATRIX); } /** * Update the connection because the coords of any of the keypoints has * changed. */ update(p: OpenposeKeypoint2D, transformMatrix: number[]) { const rawGlobalPoint = fabric.util.transformPoint( p.getCenterPoint(), transformMatrix ); const globalPoint = new fabric.Point( rawGlobalPoint.x - p.constant_radius / 4, rawGlobalPoint.y - p.constant_radius / 4 ); if (p === this.k1) { this.set({ x1: globalPoint.x, y1: globalPoint.y, } as Partial); } else if (p === this.k2) { this.set({ x2: globalPoint.x, y2: globalPoint.y, } as Partial); } } updateAll(transformMatrix: number[]) { this.update(this.k1, transformMatrix); this.update(this.k2, transformMatrix); } updateVisibility() { this.visible = this.k1._visible && this.k2._visible; } get length(): number { return this.k1.distanceTo(this.k2); } }; class OpenposeObject { keypoints: OpenposeKeypoint2D[]; connections: OpenposeConnection[]; visible: boolean; group: fabric.Group | undefined; _locked: boolean; canvas: fabric.Canvas | undefined; openposeCanvas: fabric.Rect | undefined; // If the object is symmetrical, it should be flippable. flippable: boolean = false; constructor(keypoints: OpenposeKeypoint2D[], connections: OpenposeConnection[]) { this.keypoints = keypoints; this.connections = connections; this.visible = true; = undefined; this._locked = false; this.canvas = undefined; this.openposeCanvas = undefined; // Negative x, y means invalid keypoint. this.keypoints.forEach(keypoint => { keypoint._visible = this.isKeypointValid(keypoint) && keypoint.confidence === 1.0; }); } isKeypointValid(keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D): boolean { let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; if (this.openposeCanvas !== undefined) { offsetX = this.openposeCanvas?.left!; offsetY = this.openposeCanvas?.top!; }; return keypoint.abs_x - offsetX > 0 && keypoint.abs_y - offsetY > 0; } invalidKeypoints(): OpenposeKeypoint2D[] { return this.keypoints.filter(keypoint => !this.isKeypointValid(keypoint) && !keypoint._visible); } hasInvalidKeypoints(): boolean { return this.invalidKeypoints().length > 0; } addToCanvas(openposeCanvas: fabric.Rect) { this.canvas = openposeCanvas.canvas; this.openposeCanvas = openposeCanvas; this.keypoints.forEach(p => { p.x += openposeCanvas.left!; p.y +=!; this.canvas?.add(p); p.updateConnections(IDENTITY_MATRIX); }); this.connections.forEach(c => { this.canvas?.add(c) }); } removeFromCanvas() { this.keypoints.forEach(p => this.canvas?.remove(toRaw(p))); this.connections.forEach(c => this.canvas?.remove(toRaw(c))); if (this.grouped) { this.canvas?.remove(toRaw(!)); } this.canvas = undefined; } serialize(): number[] { const openposeCanvas = this.openposeCanvas; if (openposeCanvas === undefined) return []; return _.flatten( => p._visible ? [ p.abs_x - openposeCanvas.left!, p.abs_y -!, 1.0 ] : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] )); } makeGroup() { if ( !== undefined) return; if (this.canvas === undefined) throw 'Cannot group object as the object is not on canvas yet. Call `addToCanvas` first.' const objects = [...this.keypoints, ...this.connections].map(o => toRaw(o)); // Get all the objects as selection const sel = new fabric.ActiveSelection(objects, { canvas: this.canvas, lockScalingX: true, lockScalingY: true, opacity: _.mean( => o.opacity)), visible: this.visible, }); // Make the objects active this.canvas.setActiveObject(sel); // Group the objects = markRaw(sel.toGroup()); } ungroup() { if ( === undefined) return; if (this.canvas === undefined) throw 'Cannot group object as the object is not on canvas yet. Call `addToCanvas` first.';; = undefined; this.canvas.discardActiveObject(); // Need to refresh every connection, as their coords information are outdated once ungrouped this.connections.forEach(c => { // The scale/rotation/skew applied on the group will also apply on each connection. // Reset everything to 1 when ungrouping so that connection's behaviour // do not change. c.set({ scaleX: 1.0, scaleY: 1.0, angle: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, flipX: false, flipY: false, }); c.updateAll(IDENTITY_MATRIX); }); } set grouped(grouped: boolean) { if (this.grouped === grouped || this.locked) { return; } if (grouped) { this.makeGroup(); } else { this.ungroup(); } } get grouped(): boolean { return !== undefined; } lockObject() { this.grouped = true;!.set({ selectable: false, evented: false, hasControls: false, hasBorders: false, }); this._locked = true; } unlockObject() { this.grouped = true;!.set({ selectable: true, evented: true, hasControls: true, hasBorders: true, }); this._locked = false; } set locked(locked: boolean) { if (this.locked === locked) return; if (locked) { this.lockObject(); } else { this.unlockObject(); } } get locked() { return this._locked; } flip() { if (!this.flippable) { throw "The object is not flippable."; } const nameMap = _.keyBy(this.keypoints, 'name'); this.keypoints.forEach(keypoint => { const counterpart: OpenposeKeypoint2D | undefined = nameMap['left', 'right')]; if ('left') && counterpart !== undefined) { keypoint.swap(counterpart); keypoint.updateConnections(IDENTITY_MATRIX); counterpart.updateConnections(IDENTITY_MATRIX); } }); } }; function formatColor(color: [number, number, number]): string { return `rgb(${color.join(", ")})`; } class OpenposeBody extends OpenposeObject { static keypoints_connections: [number, number][] = [ [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [1, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [1, 8], [8, 9], [9, 10], [1, 11], [11, 12], [12, 13], [0, 14], [14, 16], [0, 15], [15, 17], ]; static colors: [number, number, number][] = [ [255, 0, 0], [255, 85, 0], [255, 170, 0], [255, 255, 0], [170, 255, 0], [85, 255, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 255, 85], [0, 255, 170], [0, 255, 255], [0, 170, 255], [0, 85, 255], [0, 0, 255], [85, 0, 255], [170, 0, 255], [255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 170], [255, 0, 85] ]; static keypoint_names = [ "nose", "neck", "right_shoulder", "right_elbow", "right_wrist", "left_shoulder", "left_elbow", "left_wrist", "right_hip", "right_knee", "right_ankle", "left_hip", "left_knee", "left_ankle", "right_eye", "left_eye", "right_ear", "left_ear", ]; /** * @param {Array>} rawKeypoints keypoints directly read from the openpose JSON format * [ * [x1, y1, c1], * [x2, y2, c2], * ... * ] */ constructor(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]) { const keypoints = _.zipWith(rawKeypoints, OpenposeBody.colors, OpenposeBody.keypoint_names, (p, color, keypoint_name) => new OpenposeKeypoint2D( p[0], p[1], p[2], formatColor(color), keypoint_name, /* opacity= */ 0.7, /* constant_radius= */ 4 )); const connections = _.zipWith(OpenposeBody.keypoints_connections, OpenposeBody.colors.slice(0, 17), (connection, color) => { return new OpenposeConnection( keypoints[connection[0]], keypoints[connection[1]], formatColor(color), /* opacity= */ 0.7, /* strokeWidth= */ 4 ); }); super(keypoints, connections); this.flippable = true; } static create(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]): OpenposeBody | undefined { if (rawKeypoints.length < OpenposeBody.keypoint_names.length) { console.warn( `Wrong number of keypoints for openpose body(Coco format). Expect ${OpenposeBody.keypoint_names.length} but got ${rawKeypoints.length}.`) return undefined; } rawKeypoints.slice(0, OpenposeBody.keypoint_names.length); return new OpenposeBody(rawKeypoints); } getKeypointByName(name: string): OpenposeKeypoint2D { const index = OpenposeBody.keypoint_names.findIndex(s => s === name); if (index === -1) { throw `'${name}' not found in keypoint names.`; } return this.keypoints[index]; } }; function hsvToRgb(h: number, s: number, v: number): [number, number, number] { let r: number, g: number, b: number; let i = Math.floor(h * 6); let f = h * 6 - i; let p = v * (1 - s); let q = v * (1 - f * s); let t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); switch (i % 6) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } return [Math.round(r! * 255), Math.round(g! * 255), Math.round(b! * 255)]; } class OpenposeHand extends OpenposeObject { static keypoint_connections: [number, number][] = [ [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [0, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [0, 9], [9, 10], [10, 11], [11, 12], [0, 13], [13, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], [0, 17], [17, 18], [18, 19], [19, 20], ]; static keypoint_names: string[] = [ 'wrist joint', ..._.range(4).map(i => `Thumb-${i}`), ..._.range(4).map(i => `Index Finger-${i}`), ..._.range(4).map(i => `Middle Finger-${i}`), ..._.range(4).map(i => `Ring Finger-${i}`), ..._.range(4).map(i => `Little Finger-${i}`), ]; constructor(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]) { const keypoints = _.zipWith(rawKeypoints, OpenposeHand.keypoint_names, (rawKeypoint: [number, number, number], name: string) => new OpenposeKeypoint2D( rawKeypoint[0] > 0 ? rawKeypoint[0] : -1, rawKeypoint[1] > 0 ? rawKeypoint[1] : -1, rawKeypoint[2], formatColor([0, 0, 255]), // All hand keypoints are marked blue. name )); const connections =, i) => new OpenposeConnection( keypoints[connection[0]], keypoints[connection[1]], formatColor(hsvToRgb(i / OpenposeHand.keypoint_connections.length, 1.0, 1.0)) )); super(keypoints, connections); } static create(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]): OpenposeHand | undefined { if (rawKeypoints.length < OpenposeHand.keypoint_names.length) { console.warn( `Wrong number of keypoints for openpose hand. Expect ${OpenposeHand.keypoint_names.length} but got ${rawKeypoints.length}.`) return undefined; } rawKeypoints.slice(0, OpenposeHand.keypoint_names.length); return new OpenposeHand(rawKeypoints); } /** * Size of a hand is calculated as the average connection distance * (all visible connections). */ get size(): number { return _.mean(this.connections.filter(c => c.visible).map(c => c.length)); } }; class OpenposeFace extends OpenposeObject { static keypoint_names: string[] = [ ..._.range(17).map(i => `FaceOutline-${i}`), ..._.range(5).map(i => `LeftEyebrow-${i}`), ..._.range(5).map(i => `RightEyebrow-${i}`), ..._.range(4).map(i => `NoseBridge-${i}`), ..._.range(5).map(i => `NoseBottom-${i}`), ..._.range(6).map(i => `LeftEyeOutline-${i}`), ..._.range(6).map(i => `RightEyeOutline-${i}`), ..._.range(12).map(i => `MouthOuterBound-${i}`), ..._.range(8).map(i => `MouthInnerBound-${i}`), 'LeftEyeball', 'RightEyeball', ]; constructor(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]) { const keypoints = _.zipWith(rawKeypoints, OpenposeFace.keypoint_names, (rawKeypoint, name) => new OpenposeKeypoint2D( rawKeypoint[0] > 0 ? rawKeypoint[0] : -1, rawKeypoint[1] > 0 ? rawKeypoint[1] : -1, rawKeypoint[2], formatColor([255, 255, 255]), name )); super(keypoints, []); } static create(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]): OpenposeFace | undefined { if (rawKeypoints.length < OpenposeFace.keypoint_names.length) { console.warn( `Wrong number of keypoints for openpose face. Expect ${OpenposeFace.keypoint_names.length} but got ${rawKeypoints.length}.`) return undefined; } rawKeypoints.slice(0, OpenposeFace.keypoint_names.length); return new OpenposeFace(rawKeypoints); } } enum OpenposeBodyPart { LEFT_HAND = 'left_hand', RIGHT_HAND = 'right_hand', FACE = 'face', }; class OpenposePerson { static id = 0; name: string; body: OpenposeBody | OpenposeAnimal; left_hand: OpenposeHand | undefined; right_hand: OpenposeHand | undefined; face: OpenposeFace | undefined; id: number; visible: boolean; constructor(name: string | null, body: OpenposeBody | OpenposeAnimal, left_hand: OpenposeHand | undefined = undefined, right_hand: OpenposeHand | undefined = undefined, face: OpenposeFace | undefined = undefined ) { this.body = body; this.left_hand = left_hand; this.right_hand = right_hand; this.face = face; =; this.visible = true; = name == null ? `Person ${}` : name; } get isAnimal(): boolean { return this.body instanceof OpenposeAnimal; } addToCanvas(openposeCanvas: fabric.Rect) { [this.body, this.left_hand, this.right_hand, this.face].forEach(o => o?.addToCanvas(openposeCanvas)); } removeFromCanvas() { [this.body, this.left_hand, this.right_hand, this.face].forEach(o => o?.removeFromCanvas()); } allKeypoints(): OpenposeKeypoint2D[] { return _.flatten([this.body, this.left_hand, this.right_hand, this.face] .map(o => o === undefined ? [] : o.keypoints)); } allKeypointsInvisible(): boolean { return _.every(this.allKeypoints(), keypoint => !keypoint._visible); } toJson(): IOpenposePersonJson | number[] { if (this.isAnimal) { return this.body.serialize(); } return { pose_keypoints_2d: this.body.serialize(), hand_right_keypoints_2d: this.right_hand?.serialize(), hand_left_keypoints_2d: this.left_hand?.serialize(), face_keypoints_2d: this.face?.serialize(), } as IOpenposePersonJson; } private adjustHandSize(hand: OpenposeHand, wrist_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D, elbow_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D) { hand.grouped = true; // Scale the hand to fit body size const forearm_length = wrist_keypoint.distanceTo(elbow_keypoint); const hand_length = hand.size * 4; // There are 4 connections from wrist_joint to any fingertips. // Approximate hand size as 70% of forearm length. const scaleRatio = forearm_length * 0.7 / hand_length;!.scale(scaleRatio); } private adjustHandAngle(hand: OpenposeHand, wrist_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D, elbow_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D) { // Ungroup the hand hand.grouped = false; // Calculate the angle const initial_angle = fabric.util.degreesToRadians(90); const angle = Math.atan2( elbow_keypoint.abs_y - wrist_keypoint.abs_y, elbow_keypoint.abs_x - wrist_keypoint.abs_x ); // Rotate each keypoint hand.keypoints.forEach(keypoint => { // Create a point for the current keypoint const point = new fabric.Point(keypoint.x, keypoint.y); // Create a point for the wrist (the rotation origin) const origin = new fabric.Point(wrist_keypoint.x, wrist_keypoint.y); // Rotate the point const rotatedPoint = fabric.util.rotatePoint(point, origin, angle - initial_angle); // Update the keypoint coordinates keypoint.x = rotatedPoint.x; keypoint.y = rotatedPoint.y; }); // Update each connection hand.connections.forEach(connection => connection.updateAll(IDENTITY_MATRIX)); } private adjustHandLocation(hand: OpenposeHand, wrist_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D, elbow_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D) { hand.grouped = true; // Move the group so that the wrist joint is at the wrist keypoint const wrist_joint = hand.keypoints[0]; // Assuming the wrist joint is the first keypoint const dx = wrist_keypoint.abs_x - wrist_joint.abs_x; const dy = wrist_keypoint.abs_y - wrist_joint.abs_y;!.left! += dx;!.top! += dy; } private adjustHand(hand: OpenposeHand, wrist_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D, elbow_keypoint: OpenposeKeypoint2D) { this.adjustHandSize(hand, wrist_keypoint, elbow_keypoint); this.adjustHandAngle(hand, wrist_keypoint, elbow_keypoint); this.adjustHandLocation(hand, wrist_keypoint, elbow_keypoint); // Update group coordinates!.setCoords(); } public attachLeftHand(hand: OpenposeHand) { if (!(this.body instanceof OpenposeBody)) { throw "Hand not supported for OpenposeAnimal."; } this.adjustHand(hand, this.body.getKeypointByName('left_wrist'), this.body.getKeypointByName('left_elbow')); this.left_hand = hand; } public attachRightHand(hand: OpenposeHand) { if (!(this.body instanceof OpenposeBody)) { throw "Hand not supported for OpenposeAnimal."; } this.adjustHand(hand, this.body.getKeypointByName('right_wrist'), this.body.getKeypointByName('right_elbow')); this.right_hand = hand; } public attachFace(face: OpenposeFace) { // TODO: adjust face location. this.face = face; } }; class OpenposeAnimal extends OpenposeObject { // Note: the index here is from 1. So we need to shift -1 to get 0-indexed connections. static keypoint_connections: [number, number][] = [ [1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3], [3, 4], [4, 9], [9, 10], [10, 11], [4, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [4, 5], [5, 15], [15, 16], [16, 17], [5, 12], [12, 13], [13, 14], ]; static colors: [number, number, number][] = [ [255, 255, 255], [100, 255, 100], [150, 255, 255], [100, 50, 255], [50, 150, 200], [0, 255, 255], [0, 150, 0], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 150], [255, 50, 255], [255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0], [150, 0, 0], [255, 255, 100], [0, 150, 0], [255, 255, 0], [150, 150, 150], ]; static keypoint_names: string[] = Array.from(Array(17).keys()).map(i => `Keypoint-${i}`); constructor(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]) { console.log(OpenposeAnimal.keypoint_names); const keypoints = _.zipWith(rawKeypoints, OpenposeAnimal.colors, OpenposeAnimal.keypoint_names, (p, color, name) => new OpenposeKeypoint2D( p[0], p[1], p[2] > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0, formatColor(color), name, /* opacity= */ 1.0, /* constant_radius= */ 2 )); const connections = _.zipWith(OpenposeAnimal.keypoint_connections, OpenposeAnimal.colors.slice(0, 17), (connection, color) => { return new OpenposeConnection( keypoints[connection[0] - 1], keypoints[connection[1] - 1], formatColor(color), /* opacity= */ 1.0, /* strokeWidth= */ 4 ); }); super(keypoints, connections); this.flippable = true; } static create(rawKeypoints: [number, number, number][]): OpenposeAnimal | undefined { if (rawKeypoints.length < OpenposeAnimal.keypoint_names.length) { console.warn( `Wrong number of keypoints for openpose body(Coco format). Expect ${OpenposeBody.keypoint_names.length} but got ${rawKeypoints.length}.`) return undefined; } rawKeypoints.slice(0, OpenposeAnimal.keypoint_names.length); return new OpenposeAnimal(rawKeypoints); } } interface IOpenposePersonJson { pose_keypoints_2d: number[], hand_right_keypoints_2d: number[] | null, hand_left_keypoints_2d: number[] | null, face_keypoints_2d: number[] | null, }; interface IOpenposeJson { canvas_width: number; canvas_height: number; people: IOpenposePersonJson[] | undefined; animals: number[][] | undefined; }; export { OpenposeBody, OpenposeConnection, OpenposeKeypoint2D, OpenposeObject, OpenposePerson, OpenposeHand, OpenposeFace, OpenposeBodyPart, OpenposeAnimal, }; export type { IOpenposeJson };