import gc import hashlib import json import math import os import sys import traceback from io import BytesIO import gradio as gr import launch import modules.shared as shared import numpy as np import safetensors.torch import scripts.mergers.components as components import torch from modules import extra_networks, scripts, sd_models, lowvram from modules.ui import create_refresh_button from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file from scripts.kohyas import extract_lora_from_models as ext from scripts.kohyas import lora as klora from scripts.mergers.model_util import (filenamecutter, savemodel) from scripts.mergers.mergers import extract_super, unload_forge from tqdm import tqdm selectable = [] pchanged = False try: from ldm_patched.modules import model_management forge = True except: forge = False BLOCKID26=["BASE","IN00","IN01","IN02","IN03","IN04","IN05","IN06","IN07","IN08","IN09","IN10","IN11","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] BLOCKID17=["BASE","IN01","IN02","IN04","IN05","IN07","IN08","M00","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] BLOCKID12=["BASE","IN04","IN05","IN07","IN08","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05"] BLOCKID20=["BASE","IN00","IN01","IN02","IN03","IN04","IN05","IN06","IN07","IN08","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08"] BLOCKNUMS = [12,17,20,26] BLOCKIDS=[BLOCKID12,BLOCKID17,BLOCKID20,BLOCKID26] def to26(ratios): if len(ratios) == 26: return ratios ids = BLOCKIDS[BLOCKNUMS.index(len(ratios))] output = [0]*26 for i, id in enumerate(ids): output[BLOCKID26.index(id)] = ratios[i] return output def f_changediffusers(version): launch.run_pip(f"install diffusers=={version}", f"diffusers ver {version}") def on_ui_tabs(): import lora global selectable selectable = [x[0] for x in lora.available_loras.items()] sml_path_root = scripts.basedir() LWEIGHTSPRESETS="\ NONE:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ ALL:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\n\ INS:1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ IND:1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ INALL:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ MIDD:1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0\n\ OUTD:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0\n\ OUTS:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1\n\ OUTALL:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\n\ ALL0.5:0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5" lbwpath = os.path.join(sml_path_root,"scripts", "lbwpresets.txt") lbwpathn = os.path.join(sml_path_root,"extensions","sd-webui-lora-block-weight","scripts", "lbwpresets.txt") sml_lbwpresets="" if os.path.isfile(lbwpath): with open(lbwpath,encoding="utf-8") as f: sml_lbwpresets = elif os.path.isfile(lbwpathn): with open(lbwpathn,encoding="utf-8") as f: sml_lbwpresets = else: sml_lbwpresets=LWEIGHTSPRESETS try: import diffusers d_ver = diffusers.__version__ except: d_ver = None with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) : sml_submit_result = gr.Textbox(label="Message") with gr.Row(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(equal_height=False): sml_cpmerge = gr.Button(elem_id="model_merger_merge", value="Merge to Checkpoint",variant='primary') sml_merge = gr.Button(elem_id="model_merger_merge", value="Merge LoRAs",variant='primary') with gr.Row(equal_height=False): sml_settings = gr.CheckboxGroup(["same to Strength", "overwrite"], label="settings") sml_filename = gr.Textbox(label="filename(option)",lines=1,visible =True,interactive = True) sml_metasettings = gr.Radio(value = "create new",choices = ["create new","create new without output_name", "merge","save all", "use first lora"], label="metadata") with gr.Row(equal_height=False): save_precision = gr.Radio(label = "save precision",choices=["float","fp16","bf16"],value = "fp16",type="value") calc_precision = gr.Radio(label = "calc precision(fp16:cuda only)" ,choices=["float","fp16","bf16"],value = "float",type="value") device = gr.Radio(label = "device",choices=["cuda","cpu"],value = "cuda",type="value") with gr.Column(equal_height=False): sml_makelora = gr.Button(elem_id="model_merger_merge", value="Make LoRA (alpha * Tuned - beta * Original)",variant='primary') sml_extract = gr.Button(elem_id="model_merger_merge", value="Extract from two LoRAs",variant='primary') with gr.Row(equal_height=False): sml_model_a = gr.Dropdown(sd_models.checkpoint_tiles(),elem_id="model_converter_model_name",label="Checkpoint Tuned",interactive=True) create_refresh_button(sml_model_a, sd_models.list_models,lambda: {"choices": sd_models.checkpoint_tiles()},"refresh_checkpoint_Z") with gr.Row(equal_height=False): sml_model_b = gr.Dropdown(sd_models.checkpoint_tiles(),elem_id="model_converter_model_name",label="Checkpoint Original",interactive=True) create_refresh_button(sml_model_b, sd_models.list_models,lambda: {"choices": sd_models.checkpoint_tiles()},"refresh_checkpoint_Z") with gr.Row(equal_height=False): alpha = gr.Slider(label="alpha", minimum=-1.0, maximum=2, step=0.001, value=1) beta = gr.Slider(label="beta", minimum=-1.0, maximum=2, step=0.001, value=1) smooth = gr.Slider(label="gamma(smooth)", minimum=-1, maximum=20, step=0.1, value=1) sml_dim = gr.Radio(label = "remake dimension",choices = ["no","auto",4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,768,1024],value = "no",type = "value") sml_loranames = gr.Textbox(label='LoRAname1:ratio1:Blocks1,LoRAname2:ratio2:Blocks2,...(":blocks" is option, not necessary)',lines=1,value="",visible =True) sml_dims = gr.CheckboxGroup(label = "limit dimension",choices=[],value = [],type="value",interactive=True,visible = False) with gr.Row(equal_height=False): sml_calcdim = gr.Button(elem_id="calcloras", value="Calculate LoRA dimensions (this may take time for multiple LoRAs)",variant='primary') sml_update = gr.Button(elem_id="calcloras", value="update list",variant='primary') sml_lratio = gr.Slider(label="default LoRA multiplier", minimum=-1.0, maximum=2, step=0.1, value=1) with gr.Row(): sml_selectall = gr.Button(elem_id="sml_selectall", value="select all",variant='primary') sml_deselectall = gr.Button(elem_id="slm_deselectall", value="deselect all",variant='primary') components.frompromptb = gr.Button(elem_id="slm_deselectall", value="get from prompt",variant='primary') hidenb = gr.Checkbox(value = False,visible = False) sml_loras = gr.CheckboxGroup(label = "LoRAs on disk",choices = selectable,type="value",interactive=True,visible = True) sml_loraratios = gr.TextArea(label="",value=sml_lbwpresets,visible =True,interactive = True) = lambda x:gr.update(value = selectable),outputs = [sml_loras]) = lambda x:gr.update(value =[]),outputs = [sml_loras]) with gr.Row(): changediffusers = gr.Button(elem_id=f"change_diffusers_version", value=f"change diffusers version(now:{d_ver})",variant='primary') dversion = gr.Textbox(label="diffusers version",lines=1,visible =True,interactive = True) components.sml_loranames = [sml_loras, sml_loranames, hidenb] fn=f_changediffusers, inputs=[dversion], outputs=[sml_submit_result] ) fn=lmerge, inputs=[sml_loranames,sml_loraratios,sml_settings,sml_filename,sml_dim,save_precision,calc_precision,sml_metasettings,alpha,beta,smooth,gr.Checkbox(value = True,visible = False),device], outputs=[sml_submit_result] ) fn=lmerge, inputs=[sml_loranames,sml_loraratios,sml_settings,sml_filename,sml_dim,save_precision,calc_precision,sml_metasettings,alpha,beta,smooth,gr.Checkbox(value = False,visible = False),device], outputs=[sml_submit_result] ) fn=makelora, inputs=[sml_model_a,sml_model_b,sml_dim,sml_filename,sml_settings,alpha,beta,save_precision,calc_precision,sml_metasettings,device], outputs=[sml_submit_result] ) fn=pluslora, inputs=[sml_loranames,sml_loraratios,sml_settings,sml_filename,sml_model_a,save_precision,calc_precision,sml_metasettings,device], outputs=[sml_submit_result] ) llist ={} dlist =[] dn = [] def updateloras(): lora.list_available_loras() names = [] dels = [] for n in lora.available_loras.items(): if n[0] not in llist:llist[n[0]] = "" names.append(n[0]) for l in list(llist.keys()): if l not in names:llist.pop(l) global selectable selectable = [f"{x[0]}({x[1]})" for x in llist.items()] return gr.update(choices = [f"{x[0]}({x[1]})" for x in llist.items()]) = updateloras,outputs = [sml_loras]) def calculatedim(): print("listing dimensions...") for n in tqdm(lora.available_loras.items()): if n[0] in llist: if llist[n[0]] !="": continue c_lora = lora.available_loras.get(n[0], None) d,t,s = dimgetter(c_lora.filename) if t == "LoCon": if len(list(set(d.values()))) > 1: d = "multi dim" else: d = f"{list(set(d.values()))}" d = f"{d}:{t}" if s =="XL": if len(list(set(d.values()))) > 1: d = "multi dim" else: d = f"{list(set(d.values()))}" d = f"{d}:XL" if d not in dlist: if type(d) == int :dlist.append(d) elif d not in dn: dn.append(d) llist[n[0]] = d dlist.sort() global selectable selectable = [f"{x[0]}({x[1]})" for x in llist.items()] return gr.update(choices = [f"{x[0]}({x[1]})" for x in llist.items()],value =[]),gr.update(visible =True,choices = [x for x in (dlist+dn)]) fn=calculatedim, inputs=[], outputs=[sml_loras,sml_dims] ) def dimselector(dims): if dims ==[]:return gr.update(choices = [f"{x[0]}({x[1]})" for x in llist.items()]) rl=[] for d in dims: for i in llist.items(): if d == i[1]:rl.append(f"{i[0]}({i[1]})") global selectable selectable = rl.copy() return gr.update(choices = [l for l in rl],value =[]) def llister(names,ratio, hiden): if hiden:return gr.update() if names ==[] : return "" else: for i,n in enumerate(names): if "(" in n:names[i] = n[:n.rfind("(")] return f":{ratio},".join(names)+f":{ratio} " hidenb.change(fn=lambda x: False, outputs = [hidenb]) sml_loras.change(fn=llister,inputs=[sml_loras,sml_lratio, hidenb],outputs=[sml_loranames]) sml_dims.change(fn=dimselector,inputs=[sml_dims],outputs=[sml_loras]) ############################################################## ####### make LoRA from checkpoint def makelora(model_a,model_b,dim,saveto,settings,alpha,beta,save_precision,calc_precision,metasets,device): print("make LoRA start") if model_a == "" or model_b =="": return "ERROR: No model Selected" gc.collect() currentinfo = shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(model_a) sd_models.load_model(checkpoint_info) model = shared.sd_model is_sdxl = hasattr(model, 'conditioner') is_sd2 = not model.is_sdxl and hasattr(model.cond_stage_model, 'model') is_sd1 = not model.is_sdxl and not model.is_sd2 print(f"Detected model type: SDXL: {is_sdxl}, SD2.X: {is_sd2}, SD1.X: {is_sd1}") if forge: unload_forge() else: sd_models.unload_model_weights() if saveto =="" : saveto = makeloraname(model_a,model_b) if not ".safetensors" in saveto :saveto += ".safetensors" saveto = os.path.join(shared.cmd_opts.lora_dir,saveto) dim = 128 if type(dim) != int else int(dim) if os.path.isfile(saveto ) and not "overwrite" in settings: _err_msg = f"Output file ({saveto}) existed and was not saved" print(_err_msg) return _err_msg args = Kohya_extract_args( v2=is_sd2, v_parameterization=True, sdxl=is_sdxl, save_precision=save_precision, model_org=fullpathfromname(model_b), model_tuned=fullpathfromname(model_a), save_to=saveto, dim=dim, conv_dim=None, device=device, no_metadata=False, alpha = alpha, beta = beta ) result = ext.svd(args) sd_models.load_model(currentinfo) return result ############################################################## ####### merge LoRAs def lmerge(loranames,loraratioss,settings,filename,dim,save_precision,calc_precision,metasets,alpha,beta,smooth,merge,device): try: import lora loras_on_disk = [lora.available_loras.get(name, None) for name in loranames] if any([x is None for x in loras_on_disk]): lora.list_available_loras() loras_on_disk = [lora.available_loras.get(name, None) for name in loranames] lnames = loranames.split(",") #LoRAname1:ratio1:Blocks1,LoRAname2:ratio2:Blocks2,. #LoRAname1:ratio1:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,LoRAname2:ratio2:Blocks2,. temp = [] for n in lnames: if ":" in n: temp.append(n.split(":")) else: temp[-1].append(n) lnames = temp loraratios=loraratioss.splitlines() ldict ={} for i,l in enumerate(loraratios): if ":" not in l or not any(l.count(",") == x - 1 for x in BLOCKNUMS) : continue ldict[l.split(":")[0]]=l.split(":")[1] ln, lr, ld, lt, lm, ls = [], [], [], [], [], [] #lm: 各LoRAのマージ用メタデータ #ls: SD-? dmax = 1 for i,n in enumerate(lnames): if len(n) ==2: ratio = [float(n[1])]*26 elif len(n) ==3: if n[2].strip() in ldict: ratio = [float(r)*float(n[1]) for r in ldict[n[2]].split(",")] ratio = to26(ratio) else:ratio = [float(n[1])]*26 elif len(n[2:]) in BLOCKNUMS: ratio = [float(x) for x in n[2:]] ratio = to26(ratio) else: print("ERROR:Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26") ratio = [float(n[1])]*26 c_lora = lora.available_loras.get(n[0], None) ln.append(c_lora.filename) lr.append(ratio) d, t, s = dimgetter(c_lora.filename) if t == "LoCon": d = list(set(d.values())) d = d[0] lt.append(t) ld.append(d) ls.append(s) if d != "LyCORIS" and type(d) == int: if d > dmax : dmax = d # LoRA毎のメタデータを保存 meta = prepare_merge_metadata( n[1], ",".join( [str(n) for n in ratio] ), c_lora ) lm.append( meta ) if filename =="":filename =loranames.replace(",","+").replace(":","_") if not ".safetensors" in filename:filename += ".safetensors" loraname = filename.replace(".safetensors", "") filename = os.path.join(shared.cmd_opts.lora_dir,filename) auto = True if dim == "auto" else False dim = int(dim) if dim != "no" and dim != "auto" else 0 if merge: if "LyCORIS" in ld: if len(ld) !=1: return "multiple merge of LyCORIS is not supported" sd = lycomerge(ln[0], lr[0], calc_precision) elif dim > 0: print("change demension to ", dim) sd = merge_lora_models_dim(ln, lr, dim,settings,device,calc_precision) elif auto and ld.count(ld[0]) != len(ld): print("change demension to ",dmax) sd = merge_lora_models_dim(ln, lr, dmax,settings,device,calc_precision) else: sd = merge_lora_models(ln, lr, settings, False, calc_precision) if os.path.isfile(filename) and not "overwrite" in settings: _err_msg = f"Output file ({filename}) existed and was not saved" print(_err_msg) return _err_msg else: a = merge_lora_models(ln[0:1], lr[0:1], settings, False, calc_precision) b = merge_lora_models(ln[1:2], lr[1:2], settings, False, calc_precision) sd = extract_two(a,b,alpha,beta,smooth) # マージ後のメタデータを取得 metadata = create_merge_metadata( sd, lm, loraname, save_precision,metasets ) save_to_file(filename,sd,sd, str_to_dtype(save_precision), metadata) sd = None del sd gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return "saved : "+filename except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return exc_value def merge_lora_models(models, ratios, sets, locon, calc_precision): base_alphas = {} # alpha for merged model base_dims = {} merge_dtype = str_to_dtype(calc_precision) merged_sd = {} fugou = 1 for model, ratios in zip(models, ratios): keylist = LBLCOKS26 print(f"merging {model}: {ratios}") lora_sd, metadata, isv2 = load_state_dict(model, merge_dtype) # get alpha and dim alphas = {} # alpha for current model dims = {} # dims for current model base_dims, base_alphas, dims, alphas = dimalpha(lora_sd, base_dims, base_alphas) print(f"dim: {list(set(dims.values()))}, alpha: {list(set(alphas.values()))}") # merge print(f"merging...") for key in lora_sd.keys(): if 'alpha' in key: continue lora_module_name = key[:key.rfind(".lora_")] base_alpha = base_alphas[lora_module_name] alpha = alphas[lora_module_name] ratio = ratios[blockfromkey(key, keylist, isv2)] if "same to Strength" in sets: ratio, fugou = (ratio ** 0.5, 1) if ratio > 0 else (abs(ratio) ** 0.5, -1) if "lora_down" in key: ratio = ratio * fugou scale = math.sqrt(alpha / base_alpha) * ratio if key in merged_sd: assert merged_sd[key].size() == lora_sd[key].size(), ( f"weights shape mismatch merging v1 and v2, different dims? " f"/ 重みのサイズが合いません。v1とv2、または次元数の異なるモデルはマージできません" f" {merged_sd[key].size()} ,{lora_sd[key].size()}, {lora_module_name}" ) merged_sd[key] = merged_sd[key] + lora_sd[key] * scale else: merged_sd[key] = lora_sd[key] * scale del lora_sd # set alpha to sd for lora_module_name, alpha in base_alphas.items(): key = lora_module_name + ".alpha" merged_sd[key] = torch.tensor(alpha) print("merged model") print(f"dim: {list(set(base_dims.values()))}, alpha: {list(set(base_alphas.values()))}") return merged_sd def merge_lora_models_dim(models, ratios, new_rank, sets, device, calc_precision): merged_sd = {} fugou = 1 isv2 = False merge_dtype = str_to_dtype(calc_precision) for model, ratios in zip(models, ratios): lora_sd, medadata, isv2 = load_state_dict(model, merge_dtype, device) # merge print(f"merging {model}: {ratios}") for key in tqdm(list(lora_sd.keys())): if 'lora_down' not in key: continue lora_module_name = key[:key.rfind(".lora_down")] down_weight = lora_sd[key] network_dim = down_weight.size()[0] up_weight = lora_sd[lora_module_name + '.lora_up.weight'] alpha = lora_sd.get(lora_module_name + '.alpha', network_dim) in_dim = down_weight.size()[1] out_dim = up_weight.size()[0] conv2d = len(down_weight.size()) == 4 # print(lora_module_name, network_dim, alpha, in_dim, out_dim) # make original weight if not exist if lora_module_name not in merged_sd: weight = torch.zeros((out_dim, in_dim, 1, 1) if conv2d else (out_dim, in_dim), dtype=merge_dtype, device=device) else: weight = merged_sd[lora_module_name] ratio = ratios[blockfromkey(key, LBLCOKS26,isv2)] if "same to Strength" in sets: ratio, fugou = (ratio ** 0.5, 1) if ratio > 0 else (abs(ratio) ** 0.5, -1) # print(lora_module_name, ratio) # W <- W + U * D scale = (alpha / network_dim) if not conv2d: # linear weight = weight + ratio * (up_weight @ down_weight) * scale * fugou else: weight = weight + ratio * (up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) * scale * fugou merged_sd[lora_module_name] = weight lora_sd = None del lora_sd torch.cuda.empty_cache() for key in merged_sd.keys(): merged_sd[key] = merged_sd[key].to(torch.float) # extract from merged weights print("extract new lora...") merged_lora_sd = {} with torch.no_grad(): for lora_module_name, mat in tqdm(list(merged_sd.items())): conv2d = (len(mat.size()) == 4) if conv2d: mat = mat.squeeze() U, S, Vh = torch.linalg.svd(mat) U = U[:, :new_rank] S = S[:new_rank] U = U @ torch.diag(S) Vh = Vh[:new_rank, :] dist =[U.flatten(), Vh.flatten()]) hi_val = torch.quantile(dist, CLAMP_QUANTILE) low_val = -hi_val U = U.clamp(low_val, hi_val) Vh = Vh.clamp(low_val, hi_val) up_weight = U down_weight = Vh if conv2d: up_weight = up_weight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) down_weight = down_weight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + '.lora_up.weight'] ="cpu").contiguous() merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + '.lora_down.weight'] ="cpu").contiguous() merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + '.alpha'] = torch.tensor(new_rank) del merged_sd gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return merged_lora_sd def extract_two(a,b,pa,pb,ps): base_alphas = {} # alpha for merged model base_dims = {} merged_sd = {} alphas = {} # alpha for current model dims = {} # dims for current model base_dims_a, base_alphas_a, dims, alphas_a = dimalpha(a, base_dims, base_alphas) base_dims_b, base_alphas_b, dims, alphas_b = dimalpha(b, base_dims, base_alphas) print(f"dim: {list(set(dims.values()))}, alpha: {list(set(alphas.values()))}") # merge print(f"merging...") for key in a.keys(): if 'alpha' in key: continue lora_module_name = key[:key.rfind(".lora_")] base_alpha_a = base_alphas_a[lora_module_name] base_alpha_b = base_alphas_b[lora_module_name] alpha_a = alphas_a[lora_module_name] alpha_b = alphas_b[lora_module_name] scale_a = math.sqrt(alpha_a / base_alpha_a) scale_b = math.sqrt(alpha_b / base_alpha_b) merged_sd[key] = extract_super(None,a[key] * scale_a,b[key] * scale_b,pa,pb,ps) merged_sd[key] = merged_sd[key] + a[key] * scale_a merged_sd[key] = a[key] * scale_a # set alpha to sd for lora_module_name, alpha in base_alphas.items(): key = lora_module_name + ".alpha" merged_sd[key] = torch.tensor(alpha) print("merged model") print(f"dim: {list(set(base_dims.values()))}, alpha: {list(set(base_alphas.values()))}") return merged_sd def lycomerge(filename,ratios,calc_precision): merge_dtype = str_to_dtype(calc_precision) sd, metadata, isv2 = load_state_dict(filename, merge_dtype) if len(ratios) == 17: r0 = 1 ratios = [ratios[0]] + [r0] + ratios[1:3]+ [r0] + ratios[3:5]+[r0] + ratios[5:7]+[r0,r0,r0] + [ratios[7]] + [r0,r0,r0] + ratios[8:] print("LyCORIS: " , ratios) keys_failed_to_match = [] for lkey, weight in sd.items(): ratio = 1 picked = False if 'alpha' in lkey: continue try: import networks as lora except: import lora as lora fullkey = lora.convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(lkey,isv2) if "." not in fullkey:continue key, lora_key = fullkey.split(".", 1) for i,block in enumerate(LBLCOKS26): if block in key: ratio = ratios[i] picked = True if not picked: keys_failed_to_match.append(key) sd[lkey] = weight * math.sqrt(abs(float(ratio))) if "down" in lkey and ratio < 0: sd[key] = sd[key] * -1 if len(keys_failed_to_match) > 0: print(keys_failed_to_match) return sd ############################################################## ####### merge to checkpoint def pluslora(lnames,loraratios,settings,output,model,save_precision,calc_precision,metasets,device): if model == []: return "ERROR: No model Selected" if lnames == "":return "ERROR: No LoRA Selected" add = "" print("Plus LoRA start") import lora lnames = lnames.split(",") for i, n in enumerate(lnames): lnames[i] = n.split(":") loraratios=loraratios.splitlines() ldict ={} for i,l in enumerate(loraratios): if ":" not in l or not any(l.count(",") == x - 1 for x in BLOCKNUMS) : continue ldict[l.split(":")[0].strip()]=l.split(":")[1] names, filenames, loratypes, lweis = [], [], [], [] for n in lnames: if len(n) ==3: if n[2].strip() in ldict: ratio = [float(r)*float(n[1]) for r in ldict[n[2]].split(",")] ratio = to26(ratio) else:ratio = [float(n[1])]*26 else:ratio = [float(n[1])]*26 c_lora = lora.available_loras.get(n[0], None) names.append(n[0]) filenames.append(c_lora.filename) lweis.append(ratio) modeln=filenamecutter(model,True) dname = modeln for n in names: dname = dname + "+"+n checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(model) print(f"Loading {model}") theta_0 = sd_models.read_state_dict(checkpoint_info.filename,map_location=device) isxl = "conditioner.embedders.1.model.transformer.resblocks.9.mlp.c_proj.weight" in theta_0.keys() isv2 = "cond_stage_model.model.transformer.resblocks.0.attn.out_proj.weight" in theta_0.keys() try: import networks is15 = True except: is15 = False keychanger = {} for key in theta_0.keys(): if "model" in key: skey = key.replace(".","_").replace("_weight","") if "conditioner_embedders_" in skey: keychanger[skey.split("conditioner_embedders_",1)[1]] = key else: if "wrapped" in skey: keychanger[skey.split("wrapped_",1)[1]] = key else: keychanger[skey.split("model_",1)[1]] = key if is15: if shared.sd_model is not None: orig_checkpoint = shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info else: orig_checkpoint = None checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(model) if orig_checkpoint != checkpoint_info: sd_models.reload_model_weights(info=checkpoint_info) theta_0 = newpluslora(theta_0,filenames,lweis,names, isxl,isv2, keychanger) if orig_checkpoint: sd_models.reload_model_weights(info=orig_checkpoint) else: for name,filename, lwei in zip(names,filenames, lweis): print(f"loading: {name}") lora_sd, metadata, isv2 = load_state_dict(filename, torch.float) print(f"merging..." ,lwei) for key in lora_sd.keys(): ratio = 1 import lora fullkey = lora.convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(key,isv2) msd_key, _ = fullkey.split(".", 1) if isxl: if "lora_unet" in msd_key: msd_key = msd_key.replace("lora_unet", "diffusion_model") elif "lora_te1_text_model" in msd_key: msd_key = msd_key.replace("lora_te1_text_model", "0_transformer_text_model") for i,block in enumerate(LBLCOKS26): if block in fullkey or block in msd_key: ratio = lwei[i] if "lora_down" in key: up_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up") alpha_key = key[:key.index("lora_down")] + 'alpha' # print(f"apply {key} to {module}") down_weight = lora_sd[key].to(device="cpu") up_weight = lora_sd[up_key].to(device="cpu") dim = down_weight.size()[0] alpha = lora_sd.get(alpha_key, dim) scale = alpha / dim # W <- W + U * D weight = theta_0[keychanger[msd_key]].to(device="cpu") if len(weight.size()) == 2: # linear weight = weight + ratio * (up_weight @ down_weight) * scale elif down_weight.size()[2:4] == (1, 1): # conv2d 1x1 weight = ( weight + ratio * (up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) * scale ) else: # conv2d 3x3 conved = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(down_weight.permute(1, 0, 2, 3), up_weight).permute(1, 0, 2, 3) # print(conved.size(), weight.size(), module.stride, module.padding) weight = weight + ratio * conved * scale theta_0[keychanger[msd_key]] = torch.nn.Parameter(weight) #usemodelgen(theta_0,model) settings.append(save_precision) settings.append("safetensors") result = savemodel(theta_0,dname,output,settings) del theta_0 gc.collect() return result + add def newpluslora(theta_0,filenames,lweis,names, isxl,isv2, keychanger): import networks as nets nets.load_networks(names) for l, loaded in enumerate(nets.loaded_networks): for n, name in enumerate(names): changed = False if name == lbw(nets.loaded_networks[l],to26(lweis[n]),isv2) changed = True if not changed: "ERROR: {name}weight is not changed" for net in nets.loaded_networks: net.dyn_dim = None for name,module in tqdm(net.modules.items(), desc=f"{}"): fullkey = nets.convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(name,isv2) msd_key = fullkey.split(".")[0] if isxl: if "lora_unet" in msd_key: msd_key = msd_key.replace("lora_unet", "diffusion_model") elif "lora_te1_text_model" in msd_key: msd_key = msd_key.replace("lora_te1_text_model", "0_transformer_text_model") qvk = ["_q_proj","_k_proj","_v_proj","_out_proj"] if msd_key in keychanger.keys(): wkey = keychanger[msd_key] bkey = wkey.replace("weight","bias") if bkey in theta_0.keys(): theta_0[wkey], theta_0[bkey]= plusweights(theta_0[wkey], module, bias = theta_0[bkey]) else: theta_0[wkey], _ = plusweights(theta_0[wkey] ,module) else: if any(x in name for x in qvk): for x in qvk: if x in name: inkey,outkey = name.replace(x,"") + "_in_proj" ,name.replace(x,"") + "_out_proj" bkey = keychanger[outkey].replace("weight","bias") if bkey in theta_0.keys(): theta_0[keychanger[inkey]] ,theta_0[keychanger[outkey]], theta_0[bkey]= plusweightsqvk(theta_0[keychanger[inkey]],theta_0[keychanger[outkey]], name ,module, net, bias = theta_0[bkey]) else: theta_0[keychanger[inkey]] ,theta_0[keychanger[outkey]], _= plusweightsqvk(theta_0[keychanger[inkey]],theta_0[keychanger[outkey]], name ,module, net) else: print(msd_key) gc.collect() return theta_0 def plusweights(weight, module, bias = None): with torch.no_grad(): updown = module.calc_updown( if len(weight.shape) == 4 and weight.shape[1] == 9: # inpainting model. zero pad updown to make channel[1] 4 to 9 updown = torch.nn.functional.pad(updown, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)) if type(updown) == tuple: updown, ex_bias = updown if ex_bias is not None and bias is not None: bias += ex_bias weight += updown return weight, bias def plusweightsqvk(inweight, outweight, network_layer_name, module ,net,bias = None): with torch.no_grad(): module_q = net.modules.get(network_layer_name + "_q_proj", None) module_k = net.modules.get(network_layer_name + "_k_proj", None) module_v = net.modules.get(network_layer_name + "_v_proj", None) module_out = net.modules.get(network_layer_name + "_out_proj", None) if module_q and module_k and module_v and module_out: with torch.no_grad(): updown_q = module_q.calc_updown(inweight) updown_k = module_k.calc_updown(inweight) updown_v = module_v.calc_updown(inweight) updown_qkv = torch.vstack([updown_q, updown_k, updown_v]) updown_out = module_out.calc_updown(outweight) if type(updown_out) is tuple: updown_out,ex_bias = updown_out inweight += updown_qkv outweight += updown_out if bias is not None and ex_bias is not None: bias += ex_bias return inweight,outweight,bias def lbw(lora,lwei,isv2): errormodules = [] blocks = LBLCOKS26 if isv2: blocks[0] = V2ENCODER for key in lora.modules.keys(): ratio = 1 picked = False for i,block in enumerate(blocks): if block in key: if i == 26: i=0 ratio = lwei[i] picked = True if not picked: errormodules.append(key) ltype = type(lora.modules[key]).__name__ set = False if ltype in LORAANDSOON.keys(): setattr(lora.modules[key],LORAANDSOON[ltype],torch.nn.Parameter(getattr(lora.modules[key],LORAANDSOON[ltype]) * ratio)) #print(ltype) set = True else: if hasattr(lora.modules[key],"up_model"): lora.modules[key].up_model.weight= torch.nn.Parameter(lora.modules[key].up_model.weight *ratio) #print("LoRA using LoCON") set = True else: lora.modules[key].up.weight= torch.nn.Parameter(lora.modules[key].up.weight *ratio) #print("LoRA") set = True if not set : print("unkwon LoRA") if errormodules: print("unchanged modules:", errormodules) else: print(f"{}: Successfully set the ratio {lwei} ") return lora LORAANDSOON = { "LoraHadaModule" : "w1a", "LycoHadaModule" : "w1a", "NetworkModuleHada": "w1a", "FullModule" : "weight", "NetworkModuleFull": "weight", "IA3Module" : "w", "NetworkModuleIa3" : "w", "LoraKronModule" : "w1", "LycoKronModule" : "w1", "NetworkModuleLokr": "w1", } def save_to_file(file_name, model, state_dict, dtype, metadata): if dtype is not None: for key in list(state_dict.keys()): if type(state_dict[key]) == torch.Tensor: state_dict[key] = state_dict[key].to(dtype) if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == ".safetensors": save_file(model, file_name, metadata=metadata) else:, file_name) CLAMP_QUANTILE = 0.99 def str_to_dtype(p): if p == 'float': return torch.float if p == 'fp16': return torch.float16 if p == 'bf16': return torch.bfloat16 return None def get_safetensors_header(filename): import json with open(filename, mode="rb") as file: metadata_len = metadata_len = int.from_bytes(metadata_len, "little") json_start = if metadata_len > 2 and json_start in (b'{"', b"{'"): json_data = json_start + return json.loads(json_data) # invalid safetensors return {} def load_state_header(file_name, dtype): """load safetensors header if available""" if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == '.safetensors': sd = get_safetensors_header(file_name) else: sd = torch.load(file_name, map_location='cpu') for key in list(sd.keys()): if type(sd[key]) == torch.Tensor: sd[key] = sd[key].to(dtype) return sd def load_state_dict(file_name, dtype, device = "cpu"): if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == ".safetensors": sd = load_file(file_name,device=device) metadata = load_metadata_from_safetensors(file_name) else: sd = torch.load(file_name, map_location=device) metadata = {} isv2 = False for key in list(sd.keys()): if type(sd[key]) == torch.Tensor: sd[key] = sd[key].to(dtype = dtype, device = device) if "resblocks" in key: isv2 = True if isv2: print("SD2.X") return sd, metadata, isv2 def load_metadata_from_safetensors(safetensors_file: str) -> dict: """ This method locks the file. see If the file isn't .safetensors or doesn't have metadata, return empty dict. """ if os.path.splitext(safetensors_file)[1] != ".safetensors": return {} with safetensors.safe_open(safetensors_file, framework="pt", device="cpu") as f: metadata = f.metadata() if metadata is None: metadata = {} return metadata def dimgetter(filename): lora_sd = load_state_header(filename, torch.float) alpha = None dim = None ltype = None if "lora_unet_down_blocks_0_resnets_0_conv1.lora_down.weight" in lora_sd.keys(): ltype = "LoCon" if type(lora_sd["lora_unet_down_blocks_0_resnets_0_conv1.lora_down.weight"]) is dict: lora_sd, _, _ = load_state_dict(filename, torch.float) _, _, dim, _ = dimalpha(lora_sd) if "lora_unet_input_blocks_4_1_transformer_blocks_1_attn1_to_k.lora_down.weight" in lora_sd.keys(): sdx = "XL" if type(lora_sd["lora_unet_input_blocks_4_1_transformer_blocks_1_attn1_to_k.lora_down.weight"]) is dict: lora_sd, _, _ = load_state_dict(filename, torch.float) _, _, dim, _ = dimalpha(lora_sd) else: sdx = "" for key, value in lora_sd.items(): if alpha is None and 'alpha' in key: alpha = value if dim is None and 'lora_down' in key: if type(value) == torch.Tensor and len(value.size()) == 2: dim = value.size()[0] elif type(value) == dict: dim = value.get("shape",[0,0])[0] if "hada_" in key: dim,ltype, sdx = "LyCORIS","LyCORIS", "LyCORIS" if alpha is not None and dim is not None: break if alpha is None: alpha = dim if ltype == None:ltype = "LoRA" if dim : return dim, ltype, sdx else: return "unknown","unknown","unknown" def blockfromkey(key,keylist,isv2 = False): try: import networks as lora except: import lora as lora fullkey = lora.convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(key,isv2) if "lora_unet" in fullkey: fullkey = fullkey.replace("lora_unet", "diffusion_model") elif "lora_te1_text_model" in fullkey: fullkey = fullkey.replace("lora_te1_text_model", "0_transformer_text_model") for i,n in enumerate(keylist): if n in fullkey: return i if "1_model_transformer_resblocks_" in fullkey:return 0 print(f"ERROR:Block is not deteced:{fullkey}") return 0 def dimalpha(lora_sd, base_dims={}, base_alphas={}): alphas = {} # alpha for current model dims = {} # dims for current model for key in lora_sd.keys(): if 'alpha' in key: lora_module_name = key[:key.rfind(".alpha")] alpha = float(lora_sd[key].detach().numpy()) alphas[lora_module_name] = alpha if lora_module_name not in base_alphas: base_alphas[lora_module_name] = alpha elif "lora_down" in key: lora_module_name = key[:key.rfind(".lora_down")] dim = lora_sd[key].size()[0] dims[lora_module_name] = dim if lora_module_name not in base_dims: base_dims[lora_module_name] = dim for lora_module_name in dims.keys(): if lora_module_name not in alphas: alpha = dims[lora_module_name] alphas[lora_module_name] = alpha if lora_module_name not in base_alphas: base_alphas[lora_module_name] = alpha return base_dims, base_alphas, dims, alphas def fullpathfromname(name): if hash == "" or hash ==[]: return "" checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(name) return checkpoint_info.filename def makeloraname(model_a,model_b): model_a=filenamecutter(model_a) model_b=filenamecutter(model_b) return "lora_"+model_a+"-"+model_b V2ENCODER = "resblocks" LBLCOKS26=["encoder", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_0_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_1_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_2_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_3_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_4_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_5_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_6_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_7_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_8_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_9_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_10_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_11_", "diffusion_model_middle_block_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_0_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_1_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_2_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_3_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_4_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_5_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_6_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_7_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_8_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_9_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_10_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_11_", "embedders"] ########################################################### ##### metadata def precalculate_safetensors_hashes(tensors, metadata): """Precalculate the model hashes needed by sd-webui-additional-networks to save time on indexing the model later.""" # Because writing user metadata to the file can change the result of # sd_models.model_hash(), only retain the training metadata for purposes of # calculating the hash, as they are meant to be immutable metadata = {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k.startswith("ss_")} bytes =, metadata) b = BytesIO(bytes) model_hash = addnet_hash_safetensors(b) legacy_hash = addnet_hash_legacy(b) return model_hash, legacy_hash def addnet_hash_safetensors(b): """New model hash used by sd-webui-additional-networks for .safetensors format files""" hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256() blksize = 1024 * 1024 header = n = int.from_bytes(header, "little") offset = n + 8 for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_sha256.update(chunk) return hash_sha256.hexdigest() def addnet_hash_legacy(b): """Old model hash used by sd-webui-additional-networks for .safetensors format files""" m = hashlib.sha256() m.update( return m.hexdigest()[0:8] def prepare_merge_metadata( ratio, blocks, fromLora ): """ メタデータに ratio, blocks などの情報を付加しておく Parameters ---- ratio : string name:ratio:blocks の ratio 部分 blocks : string name:ratio:bloks の blocks 部分(ラベルではなくて実パラメータ) fromLora : NetworkOnDisk マージ対象のLoRA Returns ---- dict[str, str] メタデータ """ meta = fromLora.metadata meta["sshs_ratio"] = str.strip( ratio ) meta["sshs_blocks"] = str.strip( blocks ) meta["ss_output_name"] = str.strip( ) return meta BASE_METADATA = [ "sshs_ratio", "sshs_blocks", "ss_output_name", "sshs_model_hash", "sshs_legacy_hash", "ss_network_module", "ss_network_alpha", "ss_network_dim", "ss_mixed_precision", "ss_v2", "ss_training_comment", "ss_sd_model_name", "ss_new_sd_model_hash", "ss_clip_skip", "ss_base_model_version" ] MINIMUM_METADATA = [ "ss_network_module","ss_network_alpha", "ss_network_dim","ss_v2","ss_sd_model_name", "ss_base_model_version" ] def create_merge_metadata( sd, lmetas, lname, lprecision, metasets ): """ LoRAマージ後のメタデータを作成する Parameters ---- sd : NetworkOnDisk マージ後のLoRA lmetas : dict[str, str] マージされるLoRAのメタデータ lname : str マージ後のLoRA名 lprecision : str save precision の値 mergeAll : bool メタデータの残し方。ただしタグ情報はディレクトリ名が後勝ちでマージします True 全メタデータを残す。単マージの場合はTrue固定 False 一部のメタデータのみ残す Returns ---- dict[str, str] メタデータ """ metadata = {} networkModule = None if "first" in metasets: # 単なるweightマージならそのままコピー metadata = lmetas[0] elif "new" in metasets: for key in MINIMUM_METADATA: if key in lmetas[0].keys(): metadata[key] = lmetas[0][key] else: # 複数マージの場合はマージしたタグと主要メタデータを保存 metadata = lmetas[0] tags = {} for i, lmeta in enumerate( lmetas ): meta = {} metadata[ f"sshs_cp{i}" ] = json.dumps( lmeta ) # 最初の network_module を保持 if networkModule is None and "ss_network_module" in lmeta: networkModule = lmeta["ss_network_module"] # タグをマージ if "merge" in metasets: if "ss_tag_frequency" in lmeta: ldict = lmeta["ss_tag_frequency"] if "ss_tag_frequency" in metadata: mdict = metadata["ss_tag_frequency"] if type(ldict) is dict and type(mdict) is dict: for key in ldict: if key not in mdict: mdict[key] = ldict[key] # network_moduleからLoRA種別判定する場合が多いため、最初に見つけたものにする if networkModule is not None: metadata["ss_network_module"] = networkModule # output名とprecision、dimは変更された可能性がある if "without" not in metasets: metadata["ss_output_name"] = lname else: if "ss_output_name" in metadata: del metadata["ss_output_name"] metadata["ss_mixed_precision"] = lprecision # metadataで保存できる形式に変換 for key in metadata: if type(metadata[key] ) is not str: metadata[key] = json.dumps( metadata[key] ) # データ変更によりhashが変わるので計算 model_hash, legacy_hash = precalculate_safetensors_hashes( sd, metadata ) metadata[ "sshs_model_hash" ] = model_hash metadata[ "sshs_legacy_hash" ] = legacy_hash return metadata ############################################################## ####### Get loranames from prompt def frompromptf(*args): outst = [] outss = [] prompt = args[1] names, multis, lbws = loradealer(prompt, "", "") for name, multi, lbw in zip(names, multis, lbws): nml = [name,str(multi),lbw] if lbw is not None else [name,str(multi)] outst.append(":".join(nml)) if name in selectable: outss.append(name) global pchanged pchanged = True return outss,",".join(outst), True def loradealer(prompts,lratios,elementals): _, extra_network_data = extra_networks.parse_prompts([prompts]) moduletypes = extra_network_data.keys() outnames = [] outmultis = [] outlbws = [] for ltype in moduletypes: lorans = [] lorars = [] loraps = [] multipliers = [] elements = [] if not (ltype == "lora" or ltype == "lyco") : continue for called in extra_network_data[ltype]: multiple = float(syntaxdealer(called.items,"unet=","te=",1)) multipliers.append(multiple) lorans.append(called.items[0]) loraps.append(syntaxdealer(called.items,"lbw=",None,2)) if len(lorans) > 0: outnames.extend(lorans) outmultis.extend(multipliers) outlbws.extend(loraps) return outnames, outmultis, outlbws def syntaxdealer(items,type1,type2,index): #type "unet=", "x=", "lwbe=" target = [type1,type2] if type2 is not None else [type1] for t in target: for item in items: if t in item: return item.replace(t,"") if index > len(items) - 1 :return None return items[index] if "@" not in items[index] else 1 ############################################################## ####### Extract lora from checkpoints args class Kohya_extract_args: def __init__( self, v2=False, v_parameterization=None, sdxl=False, save_precision=None, model_org=None, model_tuned=None, save_to=None, dim=4, conv_dim=None, device=None, no_metadata=False, alpha = 1, beta = 1 ): self.v2 = v2 self.v_parameterization = v_parameterization self.sdxl = sdxl self.save_precision = save_precision self.model_org = model_org self.model_tuned = model_tuned self.save_to = save_to self.dim = dim self.conv_dim = conv_dim self.device = device self.no_metadata = no_metadata self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta