Jim Lai


AI & ML interests

Experimenting primarily with 7B-12B parameter text completion models. Not all models are intended for direct use, but aim for educational and/or merge purposes.


Posts 13

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I was reading through an abstract and found myself wondering how much LLM performance is being left on the table due to insufficient curation of training datasets: "Instruct-SkillMix: A Powerful Pipeline for LLM Instruction Tuning" by Kaur, Park, Goyal, Arora.
In particular, the observation that "Introducing low quality answers ("shirkers") in 20% of Instruct-SkillMix examples causes performance to plummet..." had me wondering how many ostensibly good datasets out there are in fact populated with a significant number of "shirkers".
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I found this paper to be thought-provoking: "Smaller, Weaker, Yet Better: Training LLM Reasoners via Compute-Optimal Sampling" by Bansal, Hosseini, Agarwal, Tran, and Kazemi.
The direct implication is that smaller models could be used to create cost-effective synthetic datasets. And on that note, in the Gemma terms of use, Google explicitly claims no rights on outputs generated from those models, which means one is free to synthgen from the Gemma line. Meta's Llama 3 licence forbids synthetic generation of outputs if used to improve other models. Relevant Mistral, Qwen, and Yi models under the Apache 2.0 license are unrestricted for this purpose.