--- tags: - huggan - gan # See a list of available tags here: # https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/blob/main/js/src/lib/interfaces/Types.ts#L12 # task: unconditional-image-generation or conditional-image-generation or image-to-image license: mit --- # Generate face images from the sketch using TediGAN ## Model description [TediGAN model](https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.03308) #### How to use ```python # You can include sample code which will be formatted ``` ## Generated Images ![Example image](https://github.com/IIGROUP/TediGAN/raw/main/asserts/results/free-hand-skt.png) ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex @inproceedings{xia2021tedigan, title={TediGAN: Text-Guided Diverse Face Image Generation and Manipulation}, author={Xia, Weihao and Yang, Yujiu and Xue, Jing-Hao and Wu, Baoyuan}, booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year={2021} } @article{xia2021open, title={Towards Open-World Text-Guided Face Image Generation and Manipulation}, author={Xia, Weihao and Yang, Yujiu and Xue, Jing-Hao and Wu, Baoyuan}, journal={arxiv preprint arxiv: 2104.08910}, year={2021} } ```