ioggstream's picture
Update spaCy pipeline
"description":"English transformer pipeline based on en_core_web_trf plus an entity recognizer based on the ESCO taxonomy. (Transformer(name='roberta-base', piece_encoder='byte-bpe', stride=104, type='roberta', width=768, window=144, vocab_size=50265)). Components: transformer, tagger, parser, ner, attribute_ruler, lemmatizer.",
"author":"[email protected]",
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"OntoNotes 5",
"license":"commercial (licensed by Explosion)",
"author":"Ralph Weischedel, Martha Palmer, Mitchell Marcus, Eduard Hovy, Sameer Pradhan, Lance Ramshaw, Nianwen Xue, Ann Taylor, Jeff Kaufman, Michelle Franchini, Mohammed El-Bachouti, Robert Belvin, Ann Houston"
"name":"ClearNLP Constituent-to-Dependency Conversion",
"license":"Citation provided for reference, no code packaged with model",
"author":"Emory University"
"name":"WordNet 3.0",
"author":"Princeton University",
"license":"WordNet 3.0 License"
"author":"Yinhan Liu and Myle Ott and Naman Goyal and Jingfei Du and Mandar Joshi and Danqi Chen and Omer Levy and Mike Lewis and Luke Zettlemoyer and Veselin Stoyanov",