--- language: en thumbnail: https://coronacentral.ai/logo-with-name.png?1 tags: - coronavirus - covid - bionlp datasets: - cord19 - pubmed license: mit widget: - text: "Pre-existing T-cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in unexposed healthy controls in Ecuador, as detected with a COVID-19 Interferon-Gamma Release Assay." - text: "Lifestyle and mental health disruptions during COVID-19." - text: "More than 50 Long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis" --- # CoronaCentral BERT Model for Topic / Article Type Classification This is the topic / article type multi-label classification for the [CoronaCentral website](https://coronacentral.ai). This forms part of the pipeline for downloading and processing coronavirus literature described in the [corona-ml repo](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml) with available [step-by-step descriptions](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml/blob/master/stepByStep.md). The method is described in the [preprint](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.12.21.423860) and detailed performance results can be found in the [machine learning details](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml/blob/master/machineLearningDetails.md) document. This model was derived by fine-tuning the [microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract) model on this coronavirus sequence (document) classification task. ## Usage Below are two Google Colab notebooks with example usage of this sequence classification model using HuggingFace transformers and KTrain. - [HuggingFace example on Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cBNgKd4o6FNWwjKXXQQsC_SaX1kOXDa4?usp=sharing) - [KTrain example on Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1h7oJa2NDjnBEoox0D5vwXrxiCHj3B1kU?usp=sharing) ## Training Data The model is trained on ~3200 manually-curated articles sampled at various stages during the coronavirus pandemic. The code for training is available in the [category\_prediction](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml/tree/master/category_prediction) directory of the main Github Repo. The data is available in the [annotated_documents.json.gz](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml/blob/master/category_prediction/annotated_documents.json.gz) file. ## Inputs and Outputs The model takes in a tokenized title and abstract (combined into a single string and separated by a new line). The outputs are topics and article types, broadly called categories in the pipeline code. The types are listed below. Some others are managed by hand-coded rules described in the [step-by-step descriptions](https://github.com/jakelever/corona-ml/blob/master/stepByStep.md). ### List of Article Types - Comment/Editorial - Meta-analysis - News - Review ### List of Topics - Clinical Reports - Communication - Contact Tracing - Diagnostics - Drug Targets - Education - Effect on Medical Specialties - Forecasting & Modelling - Health Policy - Healthcare Workers - Imaging - Immunology - Inequality - Infection Reports - Long Haul - Medical Devices - Misinformation - Model Systems & Tools - Molecular Biology - Non-human - Non-medical - Pediatrics - Prevalence - Prevention - Psychology - Recommendations - Risk Factors - Surveillance - Therapeutics - Transmission - Vaccines