yiff_toolkit / ponyxl_loras_shrunk_2 /by_beksinski-v1e400_frockpt1_th-3.55.json
k4d3's picture
history blame
No virus
22.8 kB
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"modelspec.date": "2024-05-28T20:16:01",
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"modelspec.title": "by_beksinski",
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"2_by_beksinski": {
"a circular dent is integrated into the middle of the structure enhancing the fantastical ambiance.": 1,
"a dramatic and surreal scene featuring a large bird with outstretched wings set against a fiery landscape that suggests destruction or chaos.": 1,
"a dystopian scene with a humanoid figure in a desolate urban environment surrounded by buildings on fire.": 1,
"a fantastical and desolate landscape centered around a glowing mountain-like structure that exudes an otherworldly golden light.": 1,
"a hauntingly surreal landscape anchored by a massive barren tree with sprawling branches that stretch outwards creating an impression of movement or resistance against an unseen force.": 1,
"a hauntingly surreal scene dominated by a large bulbous heart that hangs ominously above an arched doorway radiating a bright yellow light.": 1,
"a mystical and otherworldly landscape centered around an ornate archway resembling intertwined branches or roots opening a portal to another dimension.": 1,
"a painterly style with a limited but striking color palette dominated by reds and blacks.": 1,
"a palette of muted earth tones—browns; greys and the deep blue of the central figure’s drapery—which evoke a sense of antiquity and solemnity.": 1,
"a red bird is seen in the lower left corner adding a stark contrast to the otherwise dark and foreboding scene.": 1,
"a rich; moody palette with dark earth tones and deep blues creating a fantasy illustration vibe.": 1,
"a somber palette dominated by dark earth tones including browns; blacks and subtle greens within the tree’s branches.": 1,
"a striking visual piece that captures a gothic archway in a state of decay with intricate carvings partially obscured by red-leafed plants.": 1,
"a structure with intricate designs anchors the left side while elongated forms hover on the right all set against a barren ground with sparse vegetation and delineating fences.": 1,
"a surreal and atmospheric scene centered around a figure shrouded in blue sitting before an ornately carved wooden cradle.": 1,
"a surreal and fantastical landscape featuring towering mushroom-like structures with thick stems and rounded caps set against a backdrop of tall spire-like formations and vertical elements that resemble ancient ruins or natural pillars.": 1,
"a surreal architectural form resembling a human head with the top part featuring towering buildings that blend into a misty sky.": 1,
"a surreal architectural scene with a dominant structure that have a woven or knitted appearance featuring intricate web-like designs.": 1,
"a surreal cosmic scene centered around a large body of water against a backdrop of a starry night sky.": 1,
"a surreal dark fantasy scene featuring a large skeletal figure with branch-like wings emerging from a tree.": 1,
"a surreal eerie scene with two skeletal figures riding an intricately designed vessel-like structure that stands on long spindly legs.": 1,
"a surreal fusion of human and arboreal forms with a figure that merges human traits with tree-like structures.": 1,
"a surreal humanoid figure at the center surrounded by multiple hands reaching out towards it.": 1,
"a surreal landscape dominated by an island with rocky terrain rendered in various shades of brown and grey.": 1,
"a surreal landscape featuring architectural elements that defy gravity floating amidst a hazy atmosphere.": 1,
"a surreal scene dominated by a large bulbous structure that strongly resembles an incandescent light bulb.": 1,
"a tapestry of warm and cool tones with amber and rust hues imbuing the detailed structure with a sense of antiquity while blues and indigos lend a mystical air to the floating forms.": 1,
"ambiguous gender": 1,
"an abstract depiction of a female figure walking forward.": 1,
"an ethereal blue light emanates from beyond the arches contrasting with the warm dominant tones of the scene.": 1,
"an object resembling a crescent shape lies in the foreground adding to the scene’s otherworldly atmosphere.": 1,
"another smaller figure is seen in the bottom right corner adding to the mysterious and unsettling atmosphere.": 1,
"artistically the image blends biomechanical and gothic elements.": 1,
"at the center a large blue face is set against a dark backdrop with shades of black and brown.": 1,
"at the island’s center is a striking arched structure within which a red humanoid figure is trapped oozing white fluids; gazing outward.": 1,
"avian": 3,
"bathed in warm tones with a palette comprising yellows; oranges and browns that contribute to its dreamlike and intense aura.": 1,
"beach": 1,
"beak": 1,
"bird": 2,
"black border": 1,
"blood": 2,
"blue and white accents introduce contrast and dimension.": 1,
"blue body": 1,
"bone": 2,
"border": 15,
"building": 3,
"by beksinski": 21,
"city": 3,
"cityscape": 1,
"clothed": 1,
"clothing": 2,
"cloud": 2,
"creepy": 1,
"dark voids replace the eyes surrounded by structural elements suggestive of eye sockets.": 1,
"debris is scattered and an abandoned pushcart is visible.": 1,
"desert": 1,
"detailed": 1,
"detailed background": 13,
"dominated by warm earth tones—browns; oranges and golds—that create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere despite the desolate setting.": 1,
"duo": 1,
"feathered wings": 1,
"feathers": 1,
"female": 1,
"feral": 2,
"fire": 1,
"grass": 1,
"group": 1,
"hair": 2,
"human": 2,
"in the foreground a series of smaller pedestals form a path leading to the main edifice while a tiny silhouette of a cage is discernible in the upper right corner against the luminous sky.": 1,
"landscape": 3,
"lava": 1,
"long hair": 1,
"monster": 1,
"moon": 1,
"mountain": 1,
"night": 3,
"nightmare fuel": 3,
"not furry": 2,
"outside": 15,
"painting \\(artwork\\)": 2,
"plant": 2,
"rating_explicit": 1,
"rating_safe": 20,
"rock": 4,
"ruins": 1,
"sand": 1,
"scattered around the figure are various skeletal remains. the phrase “in hoc signo vinces” looms in the background adding a historical or possibly mystical dimension to the tableau.": 1,
"sculpture": 2,
"sea": 2,
"seaside": 1,
"simple background": 1,
"skeleton": 1,
"sky": 12,
"solo": 10,
"star": 2,
"starry sky": 1,
"statue": 2,
"surreal": 2,
"the art style blends surrealism with elements of gothic and dark fantasy characterized by its highly detailed and ornate central structure the nightmarish quality of the skeletal figures and the striking contrast between the vibrant sky and the shadowy forest.": 1,
"the art style combines classical landscape painting techniques with fantasy elements resulting in a surreal and dreamlike vision.": 1,
"the art style echoes classical painting traditions utilizing soft brushwork and a keen sense of light and shadow to impart an ethereal quality to the landscape.": 1,
"the art style is evocative of traditional painting with textured brushstrokes that impart a tactile sensation and soft edges that reinforce the fantastical ambiance of the scene.": 1,
"the art style is reminiscent of classical landscape painting with a focus on detail; texture and atmospheric perspective yet it incorporates fantasy elements to craft an otherworldly vista.": 1,
"the artist employs a muted palette dominated by dark tones with the sphere exhibiting blue and grey hues.": 1,
"the artwork employs a dark and moody color palette dominated by deep reds; browns and blacks with highlights of orange and yellow for the fire and destruction.": 1,
"the artwork employs a palette of cool blues and greens with gradients adding depth and a sense of volume.": 1,
"the artwork employs a palette of dark and earthy tones with deep browns; muted greens and ochre shades that evoke a sense of antiquity and enigma.": 1,
"the artwork employs a palette of dark earthy tones with browns and blacks suggesting decay and antiquity.": 1,
"the artwork employs a rich palette that conveys mystery and antiquity.": 1,
"the artwork employs a rich palette that creates a vivid contrast between the warm earthy tones of the island and the cool blues of the water.": 1,
"the artwork features a palette dominated by dark blues and blacks conveying the depth of space and the ocean's abyss.": 1,
"the artwork is characterized by its meticulous detail and texture evident in the fine lines and shading that lend dimension to the organic components.": 1,
"the artwork is encased in a simple dark frame with a lighter inner border providing a stark contrast to the painting’s vivid hues.": 1,
"the artwork is of zdzisław beksiński’s style known for his dystopian surrealism and focus on texture and intricate detail.": 1,
"the background features a dark ominous forest silhouetted against a vibrant fiery red sky.": 1,
"the background is a hazy apocalyptic landscape with distant structures.": 1,
"the background transitions from yellow to dark brown enhancing the depth and contributing to the overall enigmatic aura.": 1,
"the beach is littered with various objects and debris including trash; jewels; gems and technological waste and a dead red bird.": 1,
"the bird’s blurred motion and the intense red glow of the landscape evoke a sense of urgency and turmoil.": 1,
"the body transitions into tangled roots of bones.": 1,
"the brushstrokes are blended contributing to the dreamlike quality of the artwork.": 1,
"the color palette is dominated by deep yellows and reds creating a foreboding yet mesmerizing atmosphere.": 1,
"the color palette is dominated by intense reds and oranges creating a sense of heat and tension while dark browns and blacks add depth and shadow to the forest and foreground elements.": 1,
"the contrast between organic and mechanical forms adds to the eerie quality of the piece.": 1,
"the dramatic contrast between the dark foreground and the luminous star-filled portal achieved through skillful use of light and shadow draws the viewer’s eye and emphasizes the depth and mystery of the scene.": 1,
"the dramatic use of lighting accentuates the central figure.": 1,
"the dreamlike quality of the art is enhanced by the smooth gradation of colors which contributes to its ethereal and fantastical feel.": 1,
"the entire scene is enveloped in a golden-brown haze adding to the ethereal atmosphere. the artwork is dominated by warm tones of brown; gold and amber creating a simple palette that suggests antiquity and timelessness.": 1,
"the figure is adorned with glowing orbs including one on its head one; in its torso and another held in a pendant.": 1,
"the figure is composed of a vibrant palette predominantly featuring shades of red and purple with touches of blue and white. the lack of sharp definition suggests movement or transformation while the blurred background contributes to the figure’s ethereal appearance.": 1,
"the figure with elongated limbs and a featureless head crouches on all fours adding to the surreal atmosphere.": 1,
"the figure’s torso is intertwined with vines or roots and it is accompanied by mechanical birds perched on its shoulders.": 1,
"the glow from parts of the structure highlights the contrast with the darker architectural features enhancing the overall ethereal atmosphere of the piece.": 1,
"the interplay of light and shadow adds depth and highlights the central structure’s mystical presence while the detailed textures give a realistic impression of the rough stone surfaces against the soft sky backdrop.": 1,
"the motif of light both as a subject and a design element further accentuates the mystical atmosphere of the artwork.": 1,
"the nose is less distinct maintaining the architectural motif.": 1,
"the overall effect is one of a dreamlike vision where every element is rendered with precision yet the scene as a whole defies conventional reality.": 1,
"the overall effect is one of a haunting isolated atmosphere that invites contemplation.": 1,
"the overall effect is one of a traditional painting brought to life with a modern imaginative twist.": 1,
"the overall effect is one of despair and decay.": 1,
"the painted textures provide depth while the blue face adds an abstract and surreal element to the composition.": 1,
"the painterly art style features broad brush strokes that contribute to the chaotic and distressed depiction of the post-apocalyptic setting.": 1,
"the painting employs a palette of warm golds; ambers and sepia tones casting a twilight-like illumination across the scene.": 1,
"the painting employs a rich and varied spectrum to create a dreamlike ambiance.": 1,
"the painting technique appears to blend smooth gradients with detailed brushwork contributing to the overall atmospheric effect.": 1,
"the painting’s texture and the interplay of light and shadow give the orbs a radiant quality contrasting with the darker background.": 1,
"the path leading to this portal is dark soil and rock flanked by ruins enhancing the scene’s enigmatic allure.": 1,
"the piece is dominated by a palette of blues from deep navy to softer tones establishing a cool and contemplative mood.": 1,
"the presence of a red; hanged creature adds a touch of the bizarre to the composition.": 1,
"the realistic art style is characterized by its fine attention to detail seen in the textures of wood; fabric and the ambient lighting that bathes the scene.": 1,
"the reds vary from deep burgundy to bright crimson merging into purples that range from soft lavender to intense violet.": 1,
"the scene exudes an otherworldly aura enhanced by the ethereal glow of the sky contributing to the dreamlike quality of the composition.": 1,
"the scene includes structures resembling buildings and a lone figure in a boat gazing upward.": 1,
"the scene is set at night.": 1,
"the setting evokes a mystical or otherworldly ambiance further accentuated by the misty backdrop.": 1,
"the setting is shrouded in a hazy atmosphere adding a layer of enigma and timelessness to the artwork.": 1,
"the sky is hazy and the scene is devoid of life evoking a sense of ancient mystery.": 1,
"the sky is speckled with stars suggesting a time of twilight or pre-dawn.": 1,
"the stark contrast between the tree’s dark silhouette and the lighter sky draws the viewer’s focus to the central figure while the textured treatment of the surfaces adds a tactile quality to the visual experience.": 1,
"the stark yellow of the doorway contrasts sharply with these somber hues highlighting it as a beacon within the darkness.": 1,
"the style is a blend of fantastical realism;": 1,
"the style is a fusion of dystopian futurism and surrealism merging man-made and organic forms to create a visual narrative that is both unsettling and captivating.": 1,
"the style is abstract prioritizing color and form over precise detail and it resonates emotionally through its gradient colors and soft edges conveying a sense of motion.": 1,
"the style is distinctly surrealistic blending realistic elements with fantastical ones to produce an otherworldly effect.": 1,
"the style is evocative of classical surrealism characterized by dream-like and symbolic elements that challenge reality.": 1,
"the style is evocative of gothic and dark fantasy genres with a clear emphasis on texture and depth that gives a tangible quality to the fantastical elements depicted creating a sense of dread and intrigue in this dystopian tableau.": 1,
"the style is evocative of surrealism characterized by its dreamlike elements and emphasis on fantastical imaginative landscapes.": 1,
"the style is rich in detail and texture merging elements of gothic architecture with organic forms creating a dreamlike visual narrative that straddles the boundary between the man-made and the natural world.": 1,
"the style merges realism in the detailed textures and architecture with fantastical elements such as the unusual lighting creating an otherworldly and haunting atmosphere.": 1,
"the surrounding waters are depicted in deep blues with lighter blue highlights.": 1,
"the terrain is desolate possibly depicting parched earth or a still body of water with a small crescent moon hanging low in the sky.": 1,
"the terrain is rugged and elevated with stone formations creating a pathway leading to the mystical mountain.": 1,
"the terrain is uneven and textured suggesting an organic covering possibly moss contributing to the impression of an alien or prehistoric world.": 1,
"the use of color and the surrealistic approach create a powerful visual impact conveying a sense of foreboding.": 1,
"the vessel has ornate carvings and is adorned with a mask-like face and a pendant.": 1,
"the work of zdzisław beksiński known for his dystopian surrealism and an otherworldly aesthetic.": 1,
"there is an absence of sky or horizon contributing to the dreamlike and enigmatic quality of the scene.": 1,
"these figures appear to be part of or emerging from the textured walls that encase the scene contributing to the overall eerie and otherworldly atmosphere.": 1,
"this central figure is perched atop a cylindrical pedestal set against a backdrop of a cloudy sky painted with strokes of yellow and orange evoking the ambiance of a sunset.": 1,
"this doorway seems to be the focal point drawing various skeletal figures with elongated limbs and claw-like hands towards it.": 1,
"traditional media \\(artwork\\)": 17,
"tree": 2,
"undead": 1,
"warm browns and oranges suggest rust or the decay of autumn while cool blues provide depth and highlight points of interest.": 1,
"warm light accents punctuate the scene with a golden glow highlighting parts of the formations amidst shadowed areas creating a mystical atmosphere.": 1,
"water": 4,
"weapon": 1,
"wings": 2,
"zero pictured": 6
"ss_text_encoder_lr": 0.0001,
"ss_total_batch_size": 96,
"ss_training_comment": null,
"ss_training_finished_at": 1716927361.5894108,
"ss_training_started_at": 1716919209.7411647,
"ss_unet_lr": 0.0001,
"ss_v2": false,
"ss_zero_terminal_snr": false,
"sshs_legacy_hash": "155ea0f3",
"sshs_model_hash": "32ee4affe20020496966f5402728081fc0bd7bf2a0cd5f8c8f5396b08d5ab070"