k4d3 commited on
1 Parent(s): 40c0a86

Signed-off-by: Balazs Horvath <[email protected]>

dataset_tools/Create Empty caption Files for Images.ipynb ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ {
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Caption files created successfully.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def create_caption_file(directory):\n",
+ " for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):\n",
+ " for file in files:\n",
+ " if file.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png')):\n",
+ " image_path = os.path.join(root, file)\n",
+ " caption_file = os.path.splitext(image_path)[0] + \".caption\"\n",
+ " if not os.path.exists(caption_file):\n",
+ " with open(caption_file, 'w'):\n",
+ " pass\n",
+ "\n",
+ "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n",
+ " directory = r'C:\\Users\\kade\\Desktop\\training_dir_staging'\n",
+ " create_caption_file(directory)\n",
+ " print(\"Caption files created successfully.\")"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
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+ "display_name": "base",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
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+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.12.2"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
+ }
ponyxl_loras/spaceengine-v1e500.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"ss_keep_tokens": true, "ss_random_crop": true, "ss_v2": true, "sshs_model_hash": "cc0a832092d3fa983e3252f4062612668b136fc4d9fb6c17e7cf805426b831a8", "ss_adaptive_noise_scale": null, "ss_scale_weight_norms": 1.0, "ss_new_sd_model_hash": "IsADirectory", "ss_max_token_length": null, "ss_text_encoder_lr": 0.0001, "ss_loss_type": "l2", "ss_sd_model_name": "", "ss_color_aug": true, "ss_seed": 2333386442, "ss_num_batches_per_epoch": 8, "ss_prior_loss_weight": 1.0, "modelspec.prediction_type": "epsilon", "ss_cache_latents": true, "ss_gradient_checkpointing": true, "ss_batch_size_per_device": 8, "modelspec.implementation": "https://github.com/Stability-AI/generative-models", "ss_min_bucket_reso": 256, "ss_noise_offset_random_strength": "False", "ss_huber_schedule": "snr", "ss_multires_noise_iterations": 10.0, "ss_multires_noise_discount": 0.1, "ss_network_dim": 8.0, "ss_session_id": "705275545", "ss_sd_scripts_commit_hash": "71e2c91330a9d866ec05cdd10584bbb962896a99", "ss_max_train_steps": 500, "ss_num_train_images": 70, "sshs_legacy_hash": "68fcc568", "ss_training_comment": "None", "ss_face_crop_aug_range": "None", "ss_dataset_dirs": {"1_by_spaceengine": {"n_repeats": 1, "img_count": 70}}, "ss_clip_skip": null, "ss_optimizer": "torch.optim.adamw.AdamW", "modelspec.sai_model_spec": "1.0.0", "ss_zero_terminal_snr": true, "ss_lowram": true, "ss_sd_model_hash": "IsADirectory", "ss_reg_dataset_dirs": {}, "modelspec.date": "2024-04-12T14:47:16", "ss_lr_scheduler": "cosine", "ss_network_args": {"preset": "full", "conv_dim": "256", "conv_alpha": "4", "rank_dropout": "0", "module_dropout": "0", "use_tucker": "False", "use_scalar": "False", "rank_dropout_scale": "False", "algo": "locon", "train_norm": "False", "block_dims": "8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8", "block_alphas": "0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625", "dropout": 0.0}, "ss_training_started_at": "2024-04-12 11:29:52.293079", "ss_network_module": "lycoris.kohya", "ss_tag_frequency": {"1_by_spaceengine": {"by spaceengine": 70, "simple background": 3, "black background": 65, "this image beautifully captures the detailed surface of the moon. the moon illuminated against a pitch-black background showcases its craters basins and rocky landscape.": 1, "the numerous impact craters varying in sizes create a textured pattern across the moon\u2019s surface offering a glimpse into its complex geological history.": 1, "the image in black and white highlights the intricate details on the moon\u2019s surface. the moon the sole focus of this image.": 1, "the image portrays a captivating view of a spiral galaxy a celestial spectacle nestled in the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the galaxy with its spiraled arms is a riot of colors ranging from soft whites to pinkish hues indicative of various cosmic elements.": 1, "the surrounding space is a dark canvas dotted with distant stars that shimmer like scattered diamonds.": 1, "the image presents a magnificent view of our planet earth from space.": 1, "it beautifully captures the blend of land and water that characterizes earth.": 1, "the vast expanse of the blue ocean is punctuated by the rugged outlines of continents with white clouds gracefully scattered across different parts.": 1, "the curvature of earth against the backdrop of the dark space underscores the planet\u2019s beauty.": 1, "planet pov": 6, "the image presents a breathtaking view of a sunrise from space illuminating the rugged terrain of a celestial body.": 1, "the sun casts its golden rays across the landscape highlighting the intricate patterns and textures of the surface.": 1, "in the sky other celestial bodies including moons and stars are visible against the backdrop of space adding to the awe-inspiring vista.": 1, "the curvature of this celestial body is prominently displayed with an atmosphere that glows with different hues as it meets the void of space.": 1, "the image presents a mesmerizing view of a starry sky.": 1, "at the center a bright star serves as the focal point emitting radiant beams of light that pierce through the surrounding darkness.": 1, "the backdrop is dominated by a deep red hue adorned with numerous twinkling stars of varying brightness and size.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of a celestial body enveloped in radiant rings.": 1, "the planet is shrouded in darkness yet the rings emit a mesmerizing glow illuminating the scene with an ethereal light.": 1, "the rings display intricate layers each glowing with a different intensity and hue ranging from white to gold and faint blue.": 1, "the backdrop of profound darkness accentuates the luminosity of the rings creating a stark contrast that enhances the spectacle.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of mars the fourth planet in our solar system set against the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the planet is beautifully illuminated showcasing its characteristic reddish hue a result of iron oxide or rust on its surface.": 1, "the detailed topography of mars is visible featuring expansive plains punctuated by enormous canyons and impact craters from meteorites silently narrating the history of cosmic events.": 1, "the stark contrast between the dark void of space and the glowing martian surface underscores the planet\u2019s desolate yet majestic beauty.": 1, "the image portrays a serene and mysterious celestial scene.": 1, "the foreground features an uneven rocky terrain possibly a part of a moon or asteroid.": 1, "dominating the middle of the image is a large ringed planet reminiscent of saturn with its thin rings extending horizontally across the image.": 1, "a bright light source possibly a star or sun is present on the right side casting an ethereal glow that illuminates the entire scene.": 1, "the backdrop is filled with numerous stars scattered throughout adding depth to the vastness of outer space.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of a large serene blue planet as seen from the surface of what appears to be a moon or another celestial body.": 1, "the foreground reveals a rugged and barren terrain with various elevations and depressions reminiscent of a lunar surface.": 1, "the background is a stark contrast with its pitch-black color devoid of any stars which accentuates the tranquil blue hue of the planet dominating the backdrop.": 1, "the image portrays a captivating cosmic scene dominated by a black hole.": 1, "the black hole situated at the center exerts a strong gravitational pull bending light around it and drawing in matter.": 1, "this results in a visually stunning spectacle that underscores the enigmatic and powerful nature of these celestial entities.": 1, "surrounding the black hole are illuminated accretion disks that glow brightly displaying intricate patterns formed due to the intense gravitational forces.": 1, "the backdrop is a vast expanse of space speckled with numerous stars of varying sizes and brightness.": 1, "the image is devoid of planets or other celestial bodies.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of a planet with prominent rings set against the backdrop of space.": 1, "the planet is partially illuminated by the radiant light of a distant star casting an ethereal glow that reveals an array of stars scattered across the cosmic canvas.": 1, "the rings of the planet are distinct and beautifully detailed capturing the awe-inspiring complexity and majesty of the universe.": 1, "the scene is adorned with lens flares and subtle hues adding to its ethereal quality and emphasizing the vastness and mystery of the cosmos.": 1, "the image captures the celestial beauty of a moon not earth\u2019s moon but one with a similar rocky and cratered surface.": 2, "the moon is illuminated showcasing its intricate surface details.": 2, "craters of various sizes dot the landscape with some appearing to radiate light giving an ethereal glow against the dark backdrop of space.": 2, "the grey and white hues paint a desolate yet mesmerizing picture of this celestial body.": 2, "it appears desolate and barren yet its detailed textures and features create a captivating visual experience.": 2, "the image displays a celestial body of a planet with a surface covered in numerous craters of varying sizes.": 1, "the craters are illuminated by a light source highlighting the intricate details and textures on the surface.": 1, "the celestial body is set against the dark backdrop of space creating a stark contrast that accentuates its colors and features.": 1, "the coloration varies across the surface with shades of blue brown and orange.": 1, "there is an intense light source illuminating one side of this celestial body creating bright highlights and deep shadows.": 1, "the background is pitch black typical of outer space imagery.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of saturn the sixth planet from the sun in our solar system known for its iconic rings.": 1, "the planet\u2019s spherical shape is beautifully illuminated on one side casting a dramatic shadow on the other half and onto the rings.": 1, "the rings themselves are a spectacle displaying intricate details varying levels of transparency and subtle color variations indicative of different materials and particles within them.": 1, "set against the vast expanse of space saturn\u2019s glow and magnificence are accentuated making this image a truly mesmerizing depiction of celestial beauty.": 1, "the image captures the mesmerizing view of mercury a planet in our solar system.": 1, "the surface is heavily cratered indicative of its old age and lack of geological or atmospheric processes to erode these features.": 1, "the grey barren landscape is illuminated by sunlight casting intricate shadows that highlight the planet\u2019s detailed texture and topography.": 1, "the coloration is predominantly grey with variations in shade giving insight into the topographical features.": 1, "there are bright spots where sunlight directly hits the surface.": 1, "shadows cast by craters and other geological features are visible offering a sense of depth and dimensionality.": 1, "there\u2019s no atmosphere apparent hence no weathering or erosional processes are visible.": 1, "the image captures a breathtaking view of earth from space showcasing the planet in its entirety against the backdrop of the vast dark cosmos.": 1, "the earth is illuminated by sunlight highlighting the intricate dance of clouds weaving through the deep blues of the oceans and accentuating the browns and greens that depict landmasses.": 1, "deep blue hues represent oceans with white cloud formations scattered across.": 1, "brown and green tones indicate continents africa is prominently visible.": 1, "the surrounding space is pitch black with no visible stars or celestial bodies.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of jupiter the largest planet in our solar system.": 1, "the planet\u2019s iconic swirling cloud patterns exhibiting a delicate blend of cream and white hues are prominently displayed.": 1, "these intricate designs are a testament to jupiter\u2019s intense storms and jet streams which are driven by the planet\u2019s rapid rotation.": 1, "against the backdrop of the vast expanse of space a small bright speck is visible in the distance one of jupiter\u2019s many moons.": 1, "the spherical curvature of jupiter is clearly visible indicating that the image captures a portion of the planet.": 1, "the image presents a captivating cosmic scene featuring two planets against the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the larger body in the foreground is characterized by an intricate pattern of lines and circles with hues of blue and grey accentuating its textured surface.": 1, "its craters and surface irregularities add depth and complexity to its appearance.": 1, "the smaller celestial body in the background in contrast appears smoother with fewer visible features.": 1, "the image portrays a moon with a surface that is rich in detail and texture.": 1, "the intricate patterns on the surface resemble networks of lines possibly cracks or canyons which hint at complex geological processes.": 1, "the interplay of light and shadow across the surface enhances the depth and complexity of these patterns.": 1, "a subtle glow seems to emanate from the celestial body itself casting a gentle luminescence that accentuates the topographical features and adds to the overall aesthetic appeal.": 1, "the image portrays a captivating cosmic scene featuring two bright spiral galaxies. the galaxy to the left is brilliantly illuminated revealing its swirling arms teeming with stars dust and gas.": 1, "the right one is characterized by its elongated shape and glowing.": 1, "the backdrop is a deep dark expanse which accentuates the luminosity of the galaxies.": 1, "the image captures a breathtaking view of jupiter the largest planet in our solar system.": 1, "the planet\u2019s iconic gas swirls and storms are visible showcasing a mix of beige white and various shades of brown.": 1, "the intricate patterns formed by the gaseous atmosphere highlight jupiter\u2019s dynamic weather systems and fast rotation.": 1, "the image is set against the backdrop of space emphasizing the isolation and grandeur of this massive gas giant.": 1, "the overall mood conveyed by this image is one of solitude and tranquility amidst the vastness of space.": 1, "the surrounding space is pitch black with no visible stars or other celestial bodies making jupiter the sole focus of this image.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of a moon partially lit by a sun\u2019s rays.": 2, "the illumination reveals a cratered and rugged surface highlighting the moon\u2019s stark and majestic beauty.": 1, "the dark side of the moon merges into the surrounding blackness of space emphasizing the solitude and grandeur of this cosmic entity.": 1, "in the distance": 1, "another smaller celestial body can be seen adding depth and intrigue to this cosmic scene.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of saturn a gas giant planet known for its iconic rings.": 1, "the planet\u2019s spherical shape is accentuated by its pale hues while the intricate details of its rings are clearly visible.": 1, "set against the backdrop of the dark expanse of space a solitary star gleams in the distance adding to the celestial allure of this cosmic spectacle.": 1, "the image portrays a moon with a distinct contrast between a blurred section and a focused area.": 1, "the focused area unveils a textured surface marked by craters and rough terrain suggestive of an extraterrestrial environment.": 1, "the blurred portion while obscuring specific details adds a layer of mystery to the image sparking curiosity about what might be concealed beneath the haze.": 1, "quasar": 1, "star": 1, "the image captures a breathtaking celestial event where a radiant burst of light emanates from the center of a quasar": 1, "illuminating the surrounding space.": 1, "the intense light creates an ethereal glow that highlights the intricate details of cosmic dust and gas clouds.": 1, "stars twinkle in the distant pitch black background adding to the mesmerizing beauty of this astronomical spectacle.": 1, "the colors range from deep reds and oranges to bright blues and whites creating a visually stunning contrast.": 1, "a stunning depiction of the sun in space.": 1, "it radiates intense light and energy highlighting the textured surface patterns caused by nuclear reactions.": 1, "the sun\u2019s entire circumference is surrounded by a bright halo emphasizing its heat and luminosity.": 1, "the background is dark providing a sharp contrast to the glowing presence of the sun.": 1, "no other celestial bodies or objects are visible in this image the focus is solely on the detailed features of the sun.": 1, "the image showcases a celestial spectacle featuring a ringed planet bathed in the radiant light of a nearby star.": 1, "this illumination highlights the grandeur of the planet and its rings standing out against the backdrop of space.": 1, "the background is a vibrant tapestry of colors suggesting the presence of distant galaxies and cosmic phenomena.": 1, "this image beautifully captures a nebula a vast cloud of gas and dust in space illuminated in brilliant hues of red and blue.": 1, "the nebula\u2019s intricate structures weave through the darkness resembling a celestial river flowing amidst the stars.": 1, "each color signifies different elements and temperatures painting a complex portrait of cosmic artistry.": 1, "amidst this awe-inspiring scene countless stars twinkle like diamonds scattered across the velvety expanse of space.": 1, "the image presents a celestial spectacle featuring a radiant neutron star as the central focus.": 1, "this entity emits an intense light illuminating the surrounding space and creating a mystical atmosphere.": 1, "it is encircled by concentric rings of light and energy that extend outward adding to the ethereal aura of the scene.": 1, "in the distance the deep blue backdrop of space is sprinkled with stars and a small planet is visible in the lower right corner.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of saturn with a particular focus on its north pole.": 1, "the planet\u2019s iconic rings are partially visible at the top casting intriguing shadows onto the planet\u2019s surface.": 1, "the most captivating feature is the distinct hexagonal storm pattern at the north pole a unique phenomenon in the solar system due to its geometric shape.": 1, "this storm appears well-defined and is surrounded by various shades and textures of clouds indicating diverse atmospheric conditions.": 1, "the overall color tone ranges from dark to light brown with a hint of blue from the rings adding to the mystique of this celestial body.": 1, "the image features a planet set against the backdrop of the infinite expanse of space.": 1, "the planet is bathed in a warm glow with its surface exhibiting a vibrant mix of yellows oranges and reds suggesting a surface teeming with activity or covered in clouds.": 1, "an ethereal glow outlines the planet enhancing its mystique.": 1, "the surrounding space is dotted with stars of varying sizes and brightness serving as distant beacons in the dark void.": 1, "the image portrays the awe-inspiring spectacle of a planet encircled by its distinctive rings.": 1, "the planet is bathed in light revealing its spherical form and textured surface adorned with subtle patterns and color variations.": 1, "the rings in a graceful dance of light and shadow display intricate layers and a color spectrum ranging from white to purple.": 1, "set against the profound blackness of space this celestial entity radiates a tranquil yet majestic aura.": 1, "the isolation of the planet and its rings against the dark backdrop lends an ethereal quality to the image.": 1, "no stars or other celestial bodies are visible in this isolated view further emphasizing the planet\u2019s solitude in the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the image depicts a celestial scene dominated by a pale cratered moon encircled by delicate rings.": 1, "the celestial body is bathed in light revealing the intricate details of its surface and the surrounding rings.": 1, "the backdrop is a vast expanse of space scattered with stars and nebulous formations that add depth and mystery to the scene.": 1, "this image depicts a striking view of a brown dwarf star set against the backdrop of a star-studded space.": 1, "the star with its deep red and maroon hues exhibits intricate patterns across its surface reminiscent of canyons or ridges.": 1, "it is surrounded by the vastness of space sprinkled with numerous stars that illuminate the dark expanse. the stars vary in size and brightness creating a sense of depth in the image.": 1, "the brown dwarf appears isolated amidst the starry backdrop highlighting its rich and dimming appearance.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of a mountainous landscape captured from a high altitude aerial perspective.": 1, "the rugged terrains are intricately detailed with valleys peaks and ridges.": 1, "a radiant sun in the top right corner casts its gleaming rays over the scene illuminating the mountains and casting shadows that accentuate their majestic forms.": 1, "the atmosphere is clear with a deep blue sky providing a serene backdrop to the awe-inspiring vista.": 1, "the image is purely a geological spectacle with no visible presence of vegetation or wildlife.": 1, "the image depicts the planet mars set against the backdrop of space.": 1, "half of the planet is brilliantly illuminated revealing a textured surface marked by craters and valleys while the other half is cast in shadow creating a stark contrast.": 1, "the varying coloration across the surface suggests the presence of different geological materials or features.": 1, "the absence of a visible atmosphere and the blackness of space surrounding the planet underscore its isolation and majesty.": 1, "the image depicts a breathtaking celestial scene.": 1, "a radiant star is prominently featured casting its brilliant light upon a nearby planet and its rings.": 1, "the planet enveloped in shadow contrasts beautifully against the backdrop of the glowing star and the colorful nebulae that adorn the cosmic landscape.": 1, "these nebulae are present in various hues including orange and green adding vibrancy to the scene.": 1, "the ethereal beauty of space is further accentuated by numerous distant stars that twinkle like diamonds scattered across the dark expanse.": 1, "the image is a detailed close-up view of the moon.": 1, "it beautifully showcases the intricate lunar surface marked with numerous craters and basins.": 1, "the moon is illuminated from one side casting shadows that highlight its textured terrain and accentuating the depth and size of the craters.": 1, "the moon\u2019s surface appears in various shades of gray indicating different materials and elevations.": 1, "the stark contrast of the pitch-black background emphasizes the moon\u2019s solitary presence in the vastness of space.": 1, "the image captures a breathtaking view of a planet visible in the background.": 1, "the foreground features numerous asteroids of varying sizes illuminated by light from the left side.": 1, "the celestial body in the background is partially illuminated showcasing a crescent shape with an ethereal blue glow.": 1, "this is a photo of jupiter highlighting its mesmerizing beauty.": 1, "it features the planet\u2019s iconic cloud bands in shades of green white and brown with varying textures and patterns that showcase the turbulent atmosphere.": 1, "the great red spot is also visible as an oval-shaped storm with a lighter center and darker reddish-brown hues around it.": 1, "jupiter\u2019s polar region is hinted at the top covered in a greenish hue with complex swirling patterns.": 1, "the image is illuminated in a way that accentuates these details with an ethereal glow around the edges especially bright at the top left corner.": 1, "this representation of jupiter captures the planet\u2019s magnificent atmospheric dynamics and unique celestial characteristics.": 1, "this photo of uranus is a striking visual with a deep blue hue dominated by a large bright white patch on the right side that gradually fades into the surrounding blue.": 1, "this patch is most intense at its center and becomes less distinct as it extends towards the left.": 1, "the planet\u2019s outline is also highlighted in white contrasting sharply against the blackness of space.": 1, "this portrayal of uranus showcases its unique coloration and atmospheric features providing a glimpse into the dynamic nature of this distant ice giant.": 1, "the image also features uranus' rings around the planet shining with a bright white light.": 1, "the image captures uranus as a celestial spectacle in the night sky.": 1, "it features the planet as a bright white circle with a subtle blueish tint surrounded by concentric circles of its radiant rings.": 1, "the surrounding space is dotted with stars of various sizes and brightness some with pointed rays that add a sparkling effect to the scene.": 1, "the deep black backdrop of space accentuates the luminosity of uranus and the stars creating a mesmerizing and ethereal visual experience.": 1, "this image highlights the beauty and mystery of the distant ice giant and its place among the stars.": 1, "the image captures a mesmerizing view of a galaxy brilliantly illuminated amidst the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the galaxy is characterized by a vibrant mix of colors with a striking interplay of lights and shades that accentuate its spiral structure.": 1, "a multitude of stars varying in sizes and brightness dot the surrounding space.": 1, "the core of the galaxy emanates a radiant glow casting light that highlights the swirling arms filled with a complex mix of star clusters dust lanes and gaseous formations.": 1, "the backdrop is adorned with distant galaxies and celestial bodies each contributing to the enigmatic allure of this cosmic spectacle.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of the cosmos.": 1, "a large blue planet with a smooth surface is prominently featured on the right bathed in the light of two radiant stars.": 1, "these stars cast a mystical glow that illuminates an asteroid belt where numerous small rocks float in the vastness of space.": 1, "the stark contrast between light and darkness creates a mesmerizing scene that underscores the mystery and majesty of the universe.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of an alien planet bathed in the ethereal glow of a distant star.": 1, "the planet\u2019s surface is rugged and uneven adorned with darkened craters and valleys that stretch across its expanse.": 1, "a thin atmosphere clings to the surface casting a delicate haze that dances in the star\u2019s light.": 1, "the celestial body illuminates the horizon casting an enigmatic glow that reveals the intricate textures and formations on the planet\u2019s surface.": 1, "stars twinkle in the background their light piercing through the darkness of space to hint at a universe teeming with mysteries waiting to be uncovered.": 1, "the image presents a captivating celestial scene featuring two spherical bodies set against the backdrop of space.": 1, "the larger sphere which is well-illuminated and detailed reveals a surface marked with craters and irregularities suggesting it could be a planet.": 1, "the smaller moon in the background though less distinct adds depth to the scene.": 1, "the overwhelming presence of darkness around these bodies signifies the vastness and emptiness of space.": 1, "the image beautifully showcases jupiter the largest planet in our solar system set against the vast backdrop of space.": 1, "the planet\u2019s iconic gas bands are clearly visible displaying a mesmerizing mix of warm hues including browns tans and whites that swirl together in intricate patterns.": 1, "these colors and patterns reveal the complex atmospheric dynamics at play on this gas giant.": 1, "the image with jupiter as its sole focus conveys a sense of awe and mystery highlighting the grandeur of our solar system.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of mars the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.": 1, "mars is captured in remarkable detail showcasing its iconic reddish-brown surface which is punctuated by darker regions and patches of lighter coloration.": 1, "the martian landscape while barren exudes a unique beauty devoid of any visible life or man-made structures.": 1, "the image provides a comprehensive view of the planet\u2019s surface features offering insights into its geology and the natural processes that have shaped it over billions of years.": 1, "the planet is set against a stark black space background further emphasizing its isolation and majesty.": 1, "the full illumination of the planet suggests that the perspective is one where sunlight is directly facing it.": 1, "the image portrays a captivating cosmic event featuring two black holes engaged in a gravitational dance.": 1, "these black holes dark and enigmatic are surrounded by radiant streams of light that depict the immense gravitational forces they exert.": 1, "these forces manipulate the light into intricate patterns that weave through the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the surrounding stars twinkling like distant spectators illuminate this celestial ballet with their gentle glow.": 1, "the image presents a striking view of a brown dwarf a celestial object that falls between a giant planet and a small star in terms of size.": 1, "the brown dwarf is illuminated revealing its reddish-brown hue against the backdrop of space.": 1, "bands of dying plasma are visible across its surface with some areas glowing more intensely suggesting heat and activity.": 1, "the surrounding space is dark punctuated by distant stars that twinkle like scattered diamonds.": 1, "the detailed texture and the radiant glow give the brown dwarf a sense of depth and dimension making it appear almost three-dimensional.": 1, "the image depicts a breathtaking nebula a vast expanse of gas and dust in space illuminated by the light from nearby stars.": 1, "the nebula is adorned with enchanting shades of red blue and purple creating a surreal visual spectacle.": 1, "stars nestled within and around the nebula twinkle like diamonds strewn across a velvet canvas.": 1, "the dynamic interplay of light and color gives rise to intricate shapes and forms imparting a sense of depth and dimensionality.": 1, "this celestial masterpiece serves as a vivid testament to the enigmatic beauty that lies beyond our earthly realm.": 1, "the image presents a serene view of a planet set against the infinite expanse of space.": 1, "the planet is distinguished by its vibrant blue and green colors suggesting a rich atmosphere and surface composition.": 1, "it is surrounded by faint rings adding to its mystique.": 1, "to the left of the planet there appears to be a smaller moon.": 1, "the stark blackness of space enhances the luminosity and coloration of these celestial bodies invoking a sense of awe and the boundless scope of the universe.": 1, "this image showcases a vibrant blue-green planet with faint rings underscoring the mysterious and awe-inspiring nature of celestial bodies.": 1, "the image provides a hazy yet captivating glimpse of mars the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.": 1, "the planet\u2019s iconic red coloration is on full display a characteristic attributed to the iron oxide prevalent on its surface.": 1, "only the lower hemisphere of mars is visible in this image revealing a blend of lighter and darker shades that indicate variations in the martian terrain.": 1, "the atmosphere of mars appears hazy in the image adding an element of mystery and intrigue to this celestial body.": 1, "the image portrays bright star radiating intense light that illuminates the surrounding cosmos.": 1, "the backdrop is a vast expanse of space adorned with countless twinkling stars that resemble diamonds scattered across a canvas of deep black.": 1, "adding to the scene\u2019s ethereal charm are nebulous formations painting streaks of blue and red amidst the stellar backdrop.": 1, "the image is a pure depiction of the natural cosmic scene devoid of any artificial objects or human-made structures encapsulating the vastness and mystery of outer space.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of the moon in its waxing gibbous phase brilliantly illuminated against the infinite darkness of space.": 1, "the moon\u2019s surface reveals intricate details with craters and basins showcasing a rugged landscape shaped by billions of years of cosmic events.": 1, "the stark contrast between the moon\u2019s bright surface and the surrounding darkness evokes a sense of solitude and silent majesty.": 1, "this image captures the moon\u2019s detailed surface with no other stars or celestial bodies visible highlighting the moon\u2019s solitary presence in the cosmos.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of a moon in its celestial splendor.": 1, "the moon is partially illuminated showcasing its phases with one side brightly lit and the other shrouded in darkness revealing the moon\u2019s textured surface and craters.": 1, "it is set against a backdrop of a star-filled night sky adding to the tranquility and mystery of the scene.": 1, "this natural cosmic spectacle": 1, "devoid of any human-made objects captures the serene beauty of outer space.": 1, "the image presents ganymede one of jupiter\u2019s moons against the stark blackness of space.": 1, "the visible parts of the moon reveal a complex surface with varied colors \u2014 browns whites and grays \u2014 indicating different geological features.": 1, "the presence of noticeable craters and lines suggests impacts and tectonic activity.": 1, "the varied colors and textures might also hint at the presence of water ice.": 1, "the absence of stars or other celestial bodies in the background further emphasizes the isolation of ganymede in the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the image presents a mesmerizing view of a spiral galaxy with its splendid arms and bright core taking center stage.": 1, "the galaxy is set against the infinite expanse of space which is dotted with distant stars that twinkle like diamonds on a canvas of black velvet.": 1, "the galaxy\u2019s core emanates a radiant glow illuminating the intricate details of the spiral arms teeming with stars gas and cosmic dust.": 1, "the image provides a visually striking representation of a neutron star a celestial body known for its extreme density and gravitational pull.": 1, "the neutron star is depicted as a radiant sphere with an intricate pattern of bright and dark areas illuminating the surrounding space with an intense glow.": 1, "vibrant blue streams of energy emanate from it illustrating the immense power and energy release associated with these stellar remnants.": 1, "the contrasting colors and dynamic patterns highlight the volatile and energetic nature of neutron stars.": 1, "the image captures the mesmerizing beauty of a nebula a vast cloud of gas and dust in space illuminated in radiant hues of pink and purple.": 1, "stars both bright and dim sprinkle the cosmic landscape their light piercing through the colorful gaseous clouds.": 1, "the nebula\u2019s intricate formations are highlighted by varying intensities of light and color creating a dynamic and ethereal visual experience.": 1, "the stark contrast between the illuminated and shadowed regions creates a dramatic visual effect.": 1, "the surface is rugged and uneven with numerous craters and irregularities that are highlighted by the sunlight offering an intricate view of the celestial body\u2019s topography.": 1, "this image captures the viewer\u2019s attention due to its dramatic lighting and intricate topographical details.": 1, "the image portrays a mesmerizing view of two planets set against the vast expanse of space.": 1, "the larger planet on the left is partially lit revealing intricate patterns of swirling clouds and atmospheric phenomena adorned with hues of blue and white.": 1, "the smaller celestial body on the right seems to mirror the grandeur of its larger counterpart albeit on a smaller scale.": 1, "the profound black backdrop of space accentuates their isolation and magnificence creating a serene yet enigmatic depiction of the cosmos.": 1, "the image depicts a captivating asteroid belt scene where numerous asteroids of various sizes are strewn across space.": 1, "they are brilliantly illuminated by a distant light source likely a star which casts a radiant glow and creates striking contrasts of light and shadow.": 1, "this gradient of brightness against the dark void of space adds to the image\u2019s mysterious and awe-inspiring atmosphere inviting viewers to ponder the vastness and wonders of the universe.": 1, "the absence of any visible planets or stars emphasizes the solitude and silent beauty of the asteroid belt.": 1, "the image presents a captivating view of a celestial dance between two planetary bodies set against the backdrop of space.": 1, "a smaller rocky moon with an uneven surface and visible craters is suspended in the foreground casting its shadow against the swirling tumultuous atmosphere of a gas giant that fills most of the frame.": 1, "the gas giant is adorned with intricate patterns formed by clouds displaying a mesmerizing mix of whites and oranges that paint a dynamic fluid landscape.": 1, "the contrast between the solid defined structure of the moon and the ethereal flowing form of the gas giant evokes a sense of cosmic harmony amidst chaos.": 1, "the image presents a tranquil yet awe-inspiring scene of a natural landscape under the celestial spectacle of the night sky on a distant planet.": 1, "the foreground is dominated by the silhouettes of mountains their outlines faintly discernible against the radiant glow emanating from beyond the horizon.": 1, "this ethereal light casts a mysterious illumination hinting at the unseen and evoking a sense of intrigue.": 1, "above": 1, "the vast expanse of the sky is adorned with stars that twinkle like distant echoes of ancient times.": 1, "a mesmerizing display of the aurora borealis graces the heavens its vibrant hues of green and red weaving through the cosmic tapestry with elegance and majesty.": 1, "the image showcases a breathtaking galaxy with a luminous yellowish core at its heart surrounded by a ring of stars and cosmic dust that glows in shades of blue and white.": 1, "the intricate patterns and clusters of stars within the ring shine against the dark backdrop of space while the outer edges of the galaxy gently fade into the surrounding darkness.": 1, "this celestial body with its radiant core and detailed ring structure creates an awe-inspiring spectacle that highlights the vastness and beauty of the universe.": 1, "no other celestial bodies are visible focusing the viewer\u2019s attention solely on the galaxy\u2019s splendor.": 1, "the image portrays a serene celestial scene where a planet and its moon are gracefully suspended in the vastness of space.": 1, "the planet captured in a crescent phase glows with a soft white light that contrasts with the surrounding darkness.": 1, "its nearby moon also bathed in light reveals detailed craters and surface features.": 1, "the image presents a mesmerizing scene of two bright elongated and curved light trails set against a dark backdrop.": 1, "these trails are reminiscent of celestial bodies moving swiftly through space leaving behind a radiant glow that illuminates their paths.": 1, "the light emanates an enigmatic aura casting an intricate dance of brightness and shadow that contrasts starkly with the surrounding darkness.": 1, "the curvature and motion conveyed in the trails evoke a sense of dynamic energy and movement as if capturing a fleeting moment of cosmic ballet frozen in time.": 1, "the image offers a stunning view of earth from space where the planet is partially bathed in sunlight emphasizing the vibrant blues of the oceans and the varied hues of the landmasses.": 1, "the swirling white clouds create dynamic patterns adding to the visual complexity of the scene.": 1, "this natural view of earth set against the vast blackness of space is devoid of any man-made objects highlighting the planet\u2019s serene beauty and its place in the cosmos.": 1}}, "ss_noise_offset": null, "ss_shuffle_caption": true, "modelspec.architecture": "stable-diffusion-xl-v1-base/lora", "ss_unet_lr": 0.0001, "ss_num_reg_images": 0, "ss_caption_tag_dropout_rate": 0.0, "ss_epoch": 500, "ss_gradient_accumulation_steps": 12, 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