<# .SYNOPSIS Formats JSON files from single-line to multi-line format using the jq command-line JSON processor. .DESCRIPTION The Format-JSONFiles function formats JSON files found in a specified directory using the jq command-line JSON processor. It loops through each JSON file in the directory, applies jq formatting, and overwrites the original file with the formatted JSON. .PARAMETER DirectoryPath Specifies the directory path where the JSON files are located. Default value is "E:\yiff_toolkit\ponyxl_loras". .EXAMPLE Format-JSONFiles -DirectoryPath "C:\path\to\json_files" Formats all JSON files in the "C:\path\to\json_files" directory. .NOTES Author: _ka_de Date: 2024-04-20 Version: 1.0 #> function Format-JSONFiles { param ( [string]$DirectoryPath = "E:\yiff_toolkit\ponyxl_loras" ) # Get a list of all JSON files in the specified directory $jsonFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $DirectoryPath -Filter "*.json" # Loop through each JSON file and format it using jq foreach ($file in $jsonFiles) { # Construct the command to format the JSON file from single-line to multi-line $command = "jq '.' '$($file.FullName)' > temp.json" # Execute the command Invoke-Expression -Command $command # Overwrite the original file with the formatted content Move-Item -Path "temp.json" -Destination $file.FullName -Force Write-Host "Formatted $($file.Name) successfully." } }