import os import glob from PIL import Image def convert_high_bit_depth_images(root_dir, threshold_bit_depth): print(f"Searching for images in {root_dir} and its subdirectories...") for filepath in glob.iglob(os.path.join(root_dir, '**/*.(jpg|jpeg|png)'), recursive=True): print(f"Found image: {filepath}") with as img: bit_depth = img.bits print(f"Image bit depth: {bit_depth} bits") if bit_depth > threshold_bit_depth: print(f"Converting image to 16-bit: {filepath}") img = img.convert('I;16') print(f"Conversion complete: {filepath}") else: print(f"Image bit depth is already 16-bit or lower: {filepath}") print("Conversion complete!") def main(): root_dir = 'E:\\training_dir' threshold_bit_depth = 16 convert_high_bit_depth_images(root_dir, threshold_bit_depth) if __name__ == "__main__": main()