NLP Course documentation


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Original Übersetzung
Abstraction Abstraktion
Account Account
Accuracy Genauigkeit
Artificial General Intelligence künstliche allgemeine Intelligenz
Attention Attention
Attention mask (layer) Attention-Mask (Layer)
Backward Pass Rückwärtsalgorithmus berechnen
Batch Batch
Bias Bias (Voreingenommenheit)
Causal Language Modeling kausale Sprachmodellierung
Chapter Kapitel
Checkpoint(s) Checkpoint(s)
Class Klasse
Classification Klassifizierung
Code Code
Colab Notebook Colab Notebook
Command Befehl
Computer Vision Computer Vision
Configuration Konfiguration
Course Kurs
Decoder Decoder
Dependency Abhängigkeitsbeziehung
Deployment Deployment
Development Entwicklung
Dictionary Dictionary
Distribution Verteilung
Download Download
Encoder Encoder
Extractive question answering Extraktives Question Answering
F1 score F1-Maß
Feature Feature
Fine-tune feintunen
Fine-tuning Feintuning
Folder Ordner
Forward Pass Vorwärtsalgorithmus berechnen
Function Funktion
Generative question answering Generatives Question Answering
Google Google
Hugging Face Hugging Face
Incompatibility Inkompatibilität
Inference Inferenz
Input Input
Input data Input-Daten
Label (verb) labeln (gelabelt), annotieren
Label (subj) Label, das / Labels, die (plur.)
Layer Layer (plur. Layer(n))
Library Bibliothek
Linux Linux
Load laden
Loss function Verlustfunktion
Machine Learning Maschinelles Lernen
macOS macOS
Mask Maskierung
Mask Filling Mask Filling
Mask Token Mask-Token
Masked Language Modeling maskierte Sprachmodellierung
Model Modell
Model Hub Model Hub
Module Modul
Named Entities benannte Entitäten
Named Entity Recognition Eigennamenerkennung
Natural Language Processing Computerlinguistik
Output Output
Package Paket
Package Manager Paketverwaltung
Padding das Padding / auffüllen
Parameter Parameter
Postprocessing Nachverarveitung
Preprocessing Vorverarbeitung
Pretraining Pretraining
Pretrained model vortrainiertes Modell
Prompt Prompt
Python Python
Pytorch Pytorch
Question Answering Question Answering
Save speichern
Sample Sample (auch Stichprobe)
Script Script
Self-Contained in sich abgeschlossen
Sentiment analysis Sentiment-Analyse
Sequence-to-sequence models Sequence-to-Sequence-Modelle
Setup Installation
Speech Processing Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache
Speech Recognition Spracherkennung
Summarization Automatische Textzusammenfassung
Target Zielvariable / vorherzusagende Variable
Task Aufgabe / Aufgabenstellung
TensorFlow Tensorflow
Terminal Terminal
Text generation Textgenerierung
Tokenizer Tokenizer
Train Training
Transfer Learning Transfer Learning
Transformer Transformer
Transformer models Transformer-Modelle
Translation Maschinelle Übersetzung
Virtual Environment Virtuelle Umgebung
Weight Gewicht
Weights Gewichtung
Windows Windows
Working Environment Arbeitsumgebung
Workload Auslastung
Workspace Workspace
Zero-shot classification Zero-Shot-Klassifizierung



Original Übersetzung


Please refer to TRANSLATING.txt for a translation guide. Here are some excerpts relevant to the glossary:

  • Refer and contribute to the glossary frequently to stay on top of the latest choices we make. This minimizes the amount of editing that is required. Add new terms alphabetically sorted.

  • The German language accepts English words especially in modern contexts more than many other languages (i.e. Anglicisms). Check for the correct usage of terms in computer science and commonly used terms in other publications.

  • Don’t translate industry-accepted acronyms. e.g. TPU or GPU.

  • If translating a technical word, keep the choice of German translation consistent. This does not apply for non-technical choices, as in those cases variety actually helps keep the text engaging.

  • Be exact when choosing equivalents for technical words. Package is package. Library is library. Don’t mix and match.

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