--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 tags: - question-answering datasets: - UCLNLP/adversarial_qa - mbartolo/synQA - squad metrics: - exact_match - f1 model-index: - name: mbartolo/roberta-large-synqa-ext results: - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: adversarial_qa type: adversarial_qa config: adversarialQA split: validation metrics: - type: exact_match value: 53.2 name: Exact Match verified: true - type: f1 value: 64.6266 name: F1 verified: true --- # Model Overview This is a RoBERTa-Large QA Model trained from https://huggingface.co/roberta-large in two stages. First, it is trained on synthetic adversarial data generated using a BART-Large question generator on Wikipedia passages from SQuAD as well as Wikipedia passages external to SQuAD, and then it is trained on SQuAD and AdversarialQA (https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00293) in a second stage of fine-tuning. # Data Training data: SQuAD + AdversarialQA Evaluation data: SQuAD + AdversarialQA # Training Process Approx. 1 training epoch on the synthetic data and 2 training epochs on the manually-curated data. # Additional Information Please refer to https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08678 for full details.