import typer import fiftyone as fo from fiftyone import ViewField as F from pathlib import Path from pycocotools.coco import COCO from loguru import logger import cv2 import shutil import os import random from collections import defaultdict import csv DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_NAME = "Ellen" DEFAULT_INS_TRAIN = "instances_Train.json" DEFAULT_INS_TEST = "instances_Test.json" app = typer.Typer() @app.command() def newsplit( in_dir: str, train_json=DEFAULT_INS_TRAIN, test_json=DEFAULT_INS_TEST, exclude_name=DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_NAME, ): """ Merge the train and test datasets, and then split them into new train/test by leaving one person out. """ # load the dataset"Loading datasets...") ds1 = fo.Dataset.from_dir( dataset_type=fo.types.COCODetectionDataset, data_path=Path(in_dir) / "images", labels_path=Path(in_dir) / "annotations" / train_json, ) ds2 = fo.Dataset.from_dir( dataset_type=fo.types.COCODetectionDataset, data_path=Path(in_dir) / "images", labels_path=Path(in_dir) / "annotations" / test_json, )"[Before] Num samples in train: {len(ds1)}")"[Before] Num samples in test: {len(ds2)}") # merge the datasets ds1.merge_samples(ds2) # generate the new split"Excluding name in filepath as train set: {exclude_name}") new_train_view = ds1.match(~F("filepath").re_match(exclude_name)) new_test_view = ds1.match(F("filepath").re_match(exclude_name)) assert len(new_train_view) + len(new_test_view) == len(ds1)"[After] Num samples in train: {len(new_train_view)}")"[After] Num samples in test: {len(new_test_view)}") train_counts = new_train_view.count_values("detections.detections.label") test_counts = new_test_view.count_values("detections.detections.label")"[After] Train counts: {train_counts}")"[After] Test counts: {test_counts}") # export the new split"Exporting new train/test...") new_train_p = Path(in_dir) / "annotations" / f"new_train_no-{exclude_name}.json" new_test_p = Path(in_dir) / "annotations" / f"new_test_{exclude_name}.json" new_train_view.export( dataset_type=fo.types.COCODetectionDataset, labels_path=new_train_p, label_field="segmentations", classes=ds1.default_classes, abs_paths=True, ) new_test_view.export( dataset_type=fo.types.COCODetectionDataset, labels_path=new_test_p, label_field="segmentations", classes=ds2.default_classes, abs_paths=True, )"Exported new train: {new_train_p}")"Exported new test: {new_test_p}") def _normalize(img_size, xy_s): assert len(xy_s) % 2 == 0 normalized_xy_s = [] dw = 1.0 / (img_size[0]) dh = 1.0 / (img_size[1]) for i in range(len(xy_s)): p = xy_s[i] p = p * dw if i % 2 == 0 else p * dh assert p <= 1.0 and p >= 0.0, f"{p} should < 1 and > 0" normalized_xy_s.append(p) return normalized_xy_s def _coco2yolo(coco_img_dir, coco_json_path, out_dir, bbox_only=False, rois=None):"Reading {Path(coco_json_path).name}...") coco = COCO(coco_json_path) cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds()) cats = sorted(cats, key=lambda x: x["id"], reverse=False) assert cats[0]["id"] == 1, f"Assume cat id starts from 1, but got {cats[0]['id']}""{len(cats)} categories: {[cat['name'] for cat in cats]}") img_ids = coco.getImgIds() prefix = Path(coco_json_path).stem.split("_")[-1].lower() # either train or test # create output directories target_txt_r = Path(out_dir) / prefix / "labels" target_img_r = Path(out_dir) / prefix / "images" target_txt_r.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) target_img_r.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)"Num of imgs: {len(img_ids)}") n_imgs_no_annos = 0 num_zero_area = 0 for img_id in img_ids: img = coco.loadImgs(img_id)[0] img_p = Path(coco_img_dir) / img["file_name"] assert img_p.exists(), f"{img_p} does not exist" anno_ids = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img["id"]) annos = coco.loadAnns(anno_ids) new_filename = f"{img['id']}_{img_p.stem}" out_img_p = target_img_r / (new_filename + img_p.suffix) # get roi for the image if any im_cv = cv2.imread(img_p.as_posix()) im_width, im_height = im_cv.shape[1], im_cv.shape[0] roi = rois[(im_width, im_height)] if rois is not None else None has_roi = (rois is not None) and (roi is not None) and len(roi) == 4 if not has_roi: # copy image to target dir shutil.copy(img_p, out_img_p) else: # crop the image to target dir assert len(roi) == 4, f"ROI should have 4 values, but got {roi}" cropped_img = im_cv[roi[1] : roi[1] + roi[3], roi[0] : roi[0] + roi[2]] cv2.imwrite(out_img_p.as_posix(), cropped_img) # bg imgs: only need to copy img, no need to create label file if len(annos) == 0: n_imgs_no_annos += 1 continue # create the label txt file txt_p = Path(target_txt_r) / (new_filename + ".txt") if txt_p.exists(): logger.warning(f"{txt_p} already exists, {img_p} skipped") txt_f = open(txt_p, "w") img = cv2.imread(img_p.as_posix()) h, w, _ = img.shape # generate txt file for each image for ann in annos: cls_id = ann["category_id"] - 1 # yolov5 uses zero-based class idx # region bbox, for object detection if bbox_only: bbox = ann["bbox"] # convert coco to yolo: top-x, top-y, w, h -> center-x, center-y, w, h bbox_yolo = [ bbox[0] + bbox[2] / 2, bbox[1] + bbox[3] / 2, bbox[2], bbox[3], ] n_bbox_p = " ".join([str(a) for a in _normalize((w, h), bbox_yolo)]) txt_f.write(f"{cls_id} {n_bbox_p}{os.linesep}") continue # endregion # region seg, for instance segmentation seg = ann["segmentation"] if len(seg) > 1: # TODO: Investigate why sometimes there are multiple segs logger.warning(f"Skip {img_p} with {len(seg)} segs of {ann}") continue if len(seg) == 1: xy_s = seg[0] # handle roi if any if has_roi: xy_s = [xy - roi[i % 2] for i, xy in enumerate(xy_s)] w, h = roi[2], roi[3] # remove the points outside of roi new_xy_s = [] for i in range(0, len(xy_s), 2): x, y = xy_s[i], xy_s[i + 1] if x >= 0 and x <= w and y >= 0 and y <= h: new_xy_s.extend([x, y]) xy_s = new_xy_s n_xy_s = _normalize((w, h), xy_s) seg_p = " ".join([str(a) for a in n_xy_s]) txt_f.write(f"{cls_id} {seg_p}{os.linesep}") # endregion # region keypoint, for pose estimation if "keypoints" in ann: # skip area 0 keypoints which could cause yolov8 training error if int(ann["area"]) == 0: num_zero_area += 1 continue kps = ann["keypoints"] bbox = ann["bbox"] # convert coco to yolo: top-x, top-y, w, h -> center-x, center-y, w, h bbox_yolo = [ bbox[0] + bbox[2] / 2, bbox[1] + bbox[3] / 2, bbox[2], bbox[3], ] n_bbox_p = " ".join([str(a) for a in _normalize((w, h), bbox_yolo)]) # normalize x,y of each keypoint and keep visibility as is n_kp = [] for i in range(0, len(kps), 3): n_kp.append(kps[i] / w) n_kp.append(kps[i + 1] / h) n_kp.append(kps[i + 2]) n_kp_p = " ".join([str(a) for a in n_kp]) txt_f.write(f"{cls_id} {n_bbox_p} {n_kp_p}{os.linesep}") # endregion txt_f.close() # remove empty label file which has no annos if txt_p.stat().st_size == 0: txt_p.unlink() n_imgs_no_annos += 1 empty_ratio = 100 * float(n_imgs_no_annos) / len(img_ids) n_imgs_anns = len(img_ids) - n_imgs_no_annos"# imgs w anns: {n_imgs_anns} {(100-empty_ratio):.2f}%")"# imgs w/o anns: {n_imgs_no_annos} {empty_ratio:.2f}%")"# zero area kps: {num_zero_area}") txts = [f for f in target_txt_r.iterdir() if f.is_file()] imgs = [f for f in target_img_r.iterdir() if f.is_file()] assert (len(txts) + n_imgs_no_annos) == len(imgs) == len(img_ids) return target_img_r @app.command(help="Convert COCO dataset to YOLOv5 format") def coco2yolov5( in_dir: str, out_dir: str, split_val_ratio: float = 0.2, seed: int = 42, bbox_only: bool = False, crop_roi_file: str = None, ): """ Convert COCO dataset to YOLOv5 format. Support 3 task types: object detection, instance segmentation, pose estimation. YOLOv5 seg labels are the same as detection labels, using txt files with one object per line. The difference is that instead of "class, xywh" they are "class xy1, xy2, xy3,...". Ref: YOLOv5 keypoint labels is using txt files with one object per line. class cx cy w h x1 y1 v1 ... xn yn vn All coordinates are normalized by image width and height. vn (visibility): 0, 1, or 2 => not labeled, labeled but invisible, labeled and visible Ref: Example: """ if Path(out_dir).exists(): delete = typer.confirm(f"{out_dir} alread exists. Are you sure to delete it?") if not delete:"Not deleting") raise typer.Abort() shutil.rmtree(out_dir)"Deleted {Path(out_dir).name}") ann_dir_p = Path(in_dir) / "annotations" img_dir_p = Path(in_dir) / "images" assert ann_dir_p.exists(), f"{ann_dir_p} does not exist" assert img_dir_p.exists(), f"{img_dir_p} does not exist" # try to find the json files of train & test in annotations dir train_json_p = None test_json_p = None for f in ann_dir_p.iterdir(): if f.stem.lower().endswith("train"): train_json_p = f"Found train json: {}") elif f.stem.lower().endswith("test"): test_json_p = f"Found test json: {}") # must have train, while test is optional assert train_json_p is not None, f"Cannot find train json in {ann_dir_p}" do_split = False if test_json_p is None: logger.warning("Cannot find test json in [in_dir]/annotations") do_split = typer.confirm("Do you want to split val from train?") # region handle ROIs rois = None if crop_roi_file is not None: roi_csv_p = Path(crop_roi_file) assert roi_csv_p.exists(), f"{roi_csv_p} does not exist" # read ROIs from csv, each image size should have one ROI rois = defaultdict(lambda: [], {}) with open(roi_csv_p, "r") as f: for roi in csv.DictReader(f): ori_width = int(roi["ori_width"]) ori_height = int(roi["ori_height"]) roi_x = int(roi["roi_x"]) roi_y = int(roi["roi_y"]) roi_width = int(roi["roi_width"]) roi_height = int(roi["roi_height"]) key = (ori_width, ori_height) assert key not in rois, f"Duplicate ROI for {key}" rois[key] = [roi_x, roi_y, roi_width, roi_height] # endregion yolo_train_img_dir = None yolo_test_img_dir = None yolo_train_img_dir = _coco2yolo(img_dir_p, train_json_p, out_dir, bbox_only, rois) if test_json_p is not None: yolo_test_img_dir = _coco2yolo(img_dir_p, test_json_p, out_dir, bbox_only, rois) if do_split: yolo_test_img_dir = Path(out_dir) / "val" / "images" # randomly select 20% of train images train_imgs = [f for f in yolo_train_img_dir.iterdir() if f.is_file()] n_test = int(len(train_imgs) * split_val_ratio)"Split ratio {split_val_ratio}: {n_test} test images from train") # set random seed to make sure the same images are selected random.seed(seed) test_imgs = random.sample(train_imgs, n_test) # move test images to val/images yolo_test_img_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for f in test_imgs: shutil.move(str(f), str(yolo_test_img_dir)) # move labels of test images to val/labels yolo_test_label_dir = Path(out_dir) / "val" / "labels" yolo_test_label_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for f in test_imgs: label_f = yolo_train_img_dir.parent / "labels" / f"{f.stem}.txt" if label_f.exists(): shutil.move(str(label_f), str(yolo_test_label_dir)) # region create yaml file"Reading {Path(train_json_p).name}...") train_coco = COCO(train_json_p) train_cats = train_coco.loadCats(train_coco.getCatIds()) num_kps = [ len(c["keypoints"]) for c in train_cats if "keypoints" in c and len(c["keypoints"]) > 0 ] # check if all categories have the same number of keypoints if len(num_kps) > 0: assert len(set(num_kps)) == 1, "Categories have different number of keypoints""Number of keypoints: {set(num_kps)}") train_cats = [c["name"] for c in train_cats] # ensure having the same categories in the json of train & test # test_coco = COCO(test_json_p) # test_cats = test_coco.loadCats(test_coco.getCatIds()) # test_cats = sorted(test_cats, key=lambda x: x["id"], reverse=False) # test_cats = [c["name"] for c in test_cats] # assert ",".join(train_cats) == ",".join(test_cats), "Categories mismatch" out_config_file = Path(out_dir) / "data.yaml" with open(out_config_file, "w") as f: if len(num_kps) > 0: f.write(f"kpt_shape: [{num_kps[0]},3]" + os.linesep) assert num_kps[0] == 1, "Only support 1 keypoint for now" f.write("flip_idx: [0]" + os.linesep) f.write("names:" + os.linesep) for c in train_cats: f.write(f"- {c}" + os.linesep) f.write(f"nc: {len(train_cats)}" + os.linesep) f.write(f"path: {Path(out_dir).absolute()}" + os.linesep) train_rel_path = f"{}/{}" f.write(f"train: {train_rel_path}" + os.linesep) if yolo_test_img_dir is not None: val_rel_path = f"{}/{}" f.write(f"val: {val_rel_path}" + os.linesep)"Config file saved: {out_config_file}") # endregion"Done ✅") @app.command(help="List all image sizes and counts in a directory recursively") def list_img_sizes( in_dir: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Input directory"), ): in_dir_p = Path(in_dir) assert in_dir_p.exists(), f"{in_dir_p} does not exist" assert in_dir_p.is_dir(), f"{in_dir_p} is not a directory" ds = fo.Dataset.from_images_dir(in_dir_p) ds.compute_metadata()"Found {len(ds)} images in {in_dir_p}") # count number of images for each size sizes = defaultdict(lambda: 0, {}) for sample in ds: metadata = sample.metadata width = metadata.width height = metadata.height sizes[(width, height)] += 1 # sort with the most frequent size first sizes = dict(sorted(sizes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) for k, v in sizes.items(): # find one example image for each size sample = ds.match({"metadata.width": k[0], "metadata.height": k[1]}).first() print(f"Size (w, h) {k}: {v} image(s), e.g., {sample.filepath}") @app.command(help="Crop images in a directory recursively with ROIs from csv") def crop_imgs( in_dir: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Input directory"), roi_csv: str = typer.Argument(..., help="CSV file containing ROIs"), ): in_dir_p = Path(in_dir) assert in_dir_p.exists(), f"{in_dir_p} does not exist" assert in_dir_p.is_dir(), f"{in_dir_p} is not a directory" roi_csv_p = Path(roi_csv) assert roi_csv_p.exists(), f"{roi_csv_p} does not exist" # read ROIs from csv, each image size should have one ROI rois = defaultdict(lambda: [], {}) with open(roi_csv_p, "r") as f: for roi in csv.DictReader(f): ori_width = int(roi["ori_width"]) ori_height = int(roi["ori_height"]) roi_x = int(roi["roi_x"]) roi_y = int(roi["roi_y"]) roi_width = int(roi["roi_width"]) roi_height = int(roi["roi_height"]) key = (ori_width, ori_height) assert key not in rois, f"Duplicate ROI for {key}" rois[key] = [roi_x, roi_y, roi_width, roi_height] # read and crop images # write the cropped images to a new directory out_dir_p = in_dir_p.parent / f"{}_cropped" Path(out_dir_p).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) ds = fo.Dataset.from_images_dir(in_dir_p)"Found {len(ds)} images in {in_dir_p}") for sample in ds: img_path = sample.filepath # read and crop the image img = cv2.imread(img_path) width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] roi = rois[(width, height)] cropped_img = img[roi[1] : roi[1] + roi[3], roi[0] : roi[0] + roi[2]] # keep the original folder structure out_img_p = out_dir_p / Path(img_path).relative_to(in_dir_p.absolute()) # create the subfolder if not exist if not out_img_p.parent.exists(): out_img_p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(str(out_img_p), cropped_img)"Cropped images saved to {out_dir_p}") @app.command(help="Count num of images without aorta annotations") def count_n_imgs_no_aorta( in_coco_json_p: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Input coco json file"), aorta_cat_name: str = typer.Argument("aorta", help="Name of aorta category"), ):"Reading {Path(in_coco_json_p).name}...") assert Path(in_coco_json_p).exists(), f"{in_coco_json_p} does not exist" coco = COCO(in_coco_json_p) cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds()) cats = sorted(cats, key=lambda x: x["id"], reverse=False) # find the category id of aorta aorta_cat_id = None for cat in cats: if cat["name"] == aorta_cat_name: aorta_cat_id = cat["id"] break assert aorta_cat_id is not None, f"Cannot find {aorta_cat_name} in {in_coco_json_p}""Found {aorta_cat_name} with id {aorta_cat_id}") n_img_no_aorta = 0 for img_id in coco.getImgIds(): anno_ids = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id) annos = coco.loadAnns(anno_ids) has_aorta = False for anno in annos: if anno["category_id"] == aorta_cat_id: has_aorta = True break if not has_aorta: n_img_no_aorta += 1"Found {n_img_no_aorta} images without {aorta_cat_name}") @app.command(help="Remove non-aorta annotations from a YOLOv5 dataset") def keep_only_aorta_labels_in_yolo( in_dir: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Input label directory"), aorta_class_id: int = typer.Argument(0, help="Class id of aorta"), ): txts = list(Path(in_dir).glob("*.txt"))"Found {len(txts)} txt files in {in_dir}") for txt_p in txts: ori_lines, new_lines = [], [] with open(txt_p, "r") as f: ori_lines = f.readlines() for line in ori_lines: nums = line.split(" ") if int(nums[0]) == aorta_class_id: new_lines.append(line) with open(txt_p, "w") as new_f: new_f.writelines(new_lines) if __name__ == "__main__": app()