import pickle import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import time def create_data_on_disk(graph_size, num_samples, is_save=True, filename=None, is_return=False, seed=1234): """Generate validation dataset (with SEED) and save """ CAPACITIES = { 10: 20., 20: 30., 50: 40., 100: 50. } depo, graphs, demand = (tf.random.uniform(minval=0, maxval=1, shape=(num_samples, 2), seed=seed), tf.random.uniform(minval=0, maxval=1, shape=(num_samples, graph_size, 2), seed=seed), tf.cast(tf.random.uniform(minval=1, maxval=10, shape=(num_samples, graph_size), dtype=tf.int32, seed=seed), tf.float32) / tf.cast(CAPACITIES[graph_size], tf.float32) ) if is_save: save_to_pickle('Validation_dataset_{}.pkl'.format(filename), (depo, graphs, demand)) if is_return: return, list(graphs), list(demand))) def save_to_pickle(filename, item): """Save to pickle """ with open(filename, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(item, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def read_from_pickle(path, return_tf_data_set=True, num_samples=None): """Read dataset from file (pickle) """ objects = [] with (open(path, "rb")) as openfile: while True: try: objects.append(pickle.load(openfile)) except EOFError: break objects = objects[0] if return_tf_data_set: depo, graphs, demand = objects if num_samples is not None: return, list(graphs), list(demand))).take(num_samples) else: return, list(graphs), list(demand))) else: return objects def generate_data_onfly(num_samples=10000, graph_size=20): """Generate temp dataset in memory """ CAPACITIES = { 10: 20., 20: 30., 50: 40., 100: 50. } depo, graphs, demand = (tf.random.uniform(minval=0, maxval=1, shape=(num_samples, 2)), tf.random.uniform(minval=0, maxval=1, shape=(num_samples, graph_size, 2)), tf.cast(tf.random.uniform(minval=1, maxval=10, shape=(num_samples, graph_size), dtype=tf.int32), tf.float32)/tf.cast(CAPACITIES[graph_size], tf.float32) ) return, list(graphs), list(demand))) def get_results(train_loss_results, train_cost_results, val_cost, save_results=True, filename=None, plots=True): epochs_num = len(train_loss_results) df_train = pd.DataFrame(data={'epochs': list(range(epochs_num)), 'loss': train_loss_results, 'cost': train_cost_results, }) df_test = pd.DataFrame(data={'epochs': list(range(epochs_num)), 'val_сost': val_cost}) if save_results: df_train.to_excel('train_results_{}.xlsx'.format(filename), index=False) df_test.to_excel('test_results_{}.xlsx'.format(filename), index=False) if plots: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9)) ax = sns.lineplot(x='epochs', y='loss', data=df_train, color='salmon', label='train loss') ax2 = ax.twinx() sns.lineplot(x='epochs', y='cost', data=df_train, color='cornflowerblue', label='train cost', ax=ax2) sns.lineplot(x='epochs', y='val_сost', data=df_test, palette='darkblue', label='val cost').set(ylabel='cost') ax.legend(loc=(0.75, 0.90), ncol=1) ax2.legend(loc=(0.75, 0.95), ncol=2) ax.grid(axis='x') ax2.grid(True) plt.savefig('learning_curve_plot_{}.jpg'.format(filename)) def get_journey(batch, pi, title, ind_in_batch=0): """Plots journey of agent Args: batch: dataset of graphs pi: paths of agent obtained from model ind_in_batch: index of graph in batch to be plotted """ # Remove extra zeros pi_ = get_clean_path(pi[ind_in_batch].numpy()) # Unpack variables depo_coord = batch[0][ind_in_batch].numpy() points_coords = batch[1][ind_in_batch].numpy() demands = batch[2][ind_in_batch].numpy() node_labels = ['(' + str(x[0]) + ', ' + x[1] + ')' for x in enumerate(demands.round(2).astype(str))] # Concatenate depot and points full_coords = np.concatenate((depo_coord.reshape(1, 2), points_coords)) # Get list with agent loops in path list_of_paths = [] cur_path = [] for idx, node in enumerate(pi_): cur_path.append(node) if idx != 0 and node == 0: if cur_path[0] != 0: cur_path.insert(0, 0) list_of_paths.append(cur_path) cur_path = [] list_of_path_traces = [] for path_counter, path in enumerate(list_of_paths): coords = full_coords[[int(x) for x in path]] # Calculate length of each agent loop lengths = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(coords, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1)) total_length = np.sum(lengths) list_of_path_traces.append(go.Scatter(x=coords[:, 0], y=coords[:, 1], mode="markers+lines", name=f"path_{path_counter}, length={total_length:.2f}", opacity=1.0)) trace_points = go.Scatter(x=points_coords[:, 0], y=points_coords[:, 1], mode='markers+text', name='destinations', text=node_labels, textposition='top center', marker=dict(size=7), opacity=1.0 ) trace_depo = go.Scatter(x=[depo_coord[0]], y=[depo_coord[1]], text=['1.0'], textposition='bottom center', mode='markers+text', marker=dict(size=15), name='depot' ) layout = go.Layout(title='Example: {}'.format(title), xaxis=dict(title='X coordinate'), yaxis=dict(title='Y coordinate'), showlegend=True, width=1000, height=1000, template="plotly_white" ) data = [trace_points, trace_depo] + list_of_path_traces print('Current path: ', pi_) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) def get_cur_time(): """Returns local time as string """ ts = time.time() return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def get_clean_path(arr): """Returns extra zeros from path. Dynamical model generates duplicated zeros for several graphs when obtaining partial solutions. """ p1, p2 = 0, 1 output = [] while p2 < len(arr): if arr[p1] != arr[p2]: output.append(arr[p1]) if p2 == len(arr) - 1: output.append(arr[p2]) p1 += 1 p2 += 1 if output[0] != 0: output.insert(0, 0.0) if output[-1] != 0: output.append(0.0) return output