--- base_model: qresearch/doubutsu-2b-pt-756 library_name: peft license: apache-2.0 datasets: - google/docci language: - en pipeline_tag: image-text-to-text --- # doubutsu-2b-lora-756-docci An adapter for [qresearch/doubutsu-2b-pt-756](https://huggingface.co/qresearch/doubutsu-2b-pt-756) on DOCCI for 3 epochs. ## Usage ```python import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from PIL import Image model_id = "qresearch/doubutsu-2b-pt-756" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16, ).to("cuda") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, ) model.load_adapter("qresearch/doubutsu-2b-lora-756-docci") image = Image.open("IMAGE") print( model.answer_question( image, "Describe the image", tokenizer, max_new_tokens=128, temperature=0.1 ), ) ``` ## Examples | Image | Examples | | --- | --- | | | **Describe the image.**
A top-down view of a sidewalk with the word "ROW" in orange spray paint on the left side. A red fire lane symbol is below the word in the middle. A line is on the right side of the sidewalk, going up vertically. A metal strip is on the left side of the sidewalk, going horizontally. Dirt is on the ground in front of the sidewalk. | | | **Describe the image.**
A low-angle view of a golden statue of a woman on top of a golden horse and a golden chariot. The woman is facing the right side of the image. She is holding a golden bird in her right hand and a golden shield in her left hand. She is wearing a golden robe with a golden belt around her waist. She is wearing a golden helmet on her head. She is holding a golden staff in her right hand and her left hand is raised up above her head, palm facing forward. The woman is wearing a golden crown on her head. The horse is facing the left side of the image. | ``` .x+=:. z` ^% .uef^" .u . . '88" <888'888k 888E~?888L I888 9888 4888> ' d888 '88%" 8888N=*8888 d888 '88%" 9888 9888 4888> ' 9888 'Y" 888E 888E I888 9888 4888> 8888.+" %8" R88 8888.+" 9888 9888 4888> 9888 888E 888E I888 9888 .d888L .+ 8888L @8Wou 9% 8888L 9888 9888 .d888L .+ 9888 888E 888E `888Nx?888 ^"8888*" '8888c. .+ .888888P` '8888c. .+ 9888 9888 ^"8888*" ?8888u../ 888E 888E "88" '888 "Y" "88888% ` ^"F "88888% "888*""888" "Y" "8888P' m888N= 888> 88E "YP' "YP' ^Y" ^Y' "P' `Y" 888 98> J88" '8 @% ` :" ```