[ { "index": 0, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Habita en aguas poco profundas y rocosas.", "generated_answer": "\"Habitats of small freshwater and brackish waters.\"", "expected_answer": "It lives in shallow, rocky water.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Opera principalmente vuelos de cabotaje y regionales de carga.", "generated_answer": "\"Operates primarily with the Vela and Regional vessels.\"", "expected_answer": "It mainly operates regional cabotage and cargo flights.", "history": [] }, { "index": 2, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Para visitar contactar primero con la dirección.", "generated_answer": "For visit, contact first with the direction.", "expected_answer": "To arrange a visit, please contact the management first.", "history": [] }, { "index": 3, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó los estudios primarios en Francia, para continuar luego en España.", "generated_answer": "Realized his studies in France for further studies in Spanish.", "expected_answer": "He completed his primary education in France, and then continued in Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 4, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En los años que siguieron, este trabajo Esparta produjo docenas de buenos jugadores.", "generated_answer": "In those years that followed, this task produced dozens of good players.", "expected_answer": "In the years that followed, this Spartan job produced dozens of good players.", "history": [] }, { "index": 5, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se está tratando de recuperar su cultivo en las islas Canarias.", "generated_answer": "Four hundred", "expected_answer": "The aim is to recover its cultivation in the Canary Islands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 6, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Fue \"\"sacada\"\" de la serie en el episodio \"\"Lead\"\", en que Alexandra Cabot regresó.\"", "generated_answer": "Fedya Saksa from the series in the episode \"Led\" where Alexander Kado returned.", "expected_answer": "It was \"taken\" from the \"Lead\" episode, when Alexandra Cabot returned.", "history": [] }, { "index": 7, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Que va a hacer todo el mal para separar los dos.", "generated_answer": "\"What will separate them?\"", "expected_answer": "What can evil do to separate them.", "history": [] }, { "index": 8, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las lluvias y granizadas son muy frecuentes.", "generated_answer": "The translations are as follows:\n\n1. The translations are as follows:\n2. The translations are as follows:\n3. The translations are as follows:\n4. The translations are as follows:\n5. The translations are as follows:\n6. The translations are as follows:\n7. The translations are as follows:\n8. The translations are as follows:\n9. The translations are as follows:\n10. The translations are as follows:", "expected_answer": "Rain and hail storms are very frequent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 9, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este asesinato sucedía una noche sin luna y muy oscura.", "generated_answer": "This assassination occurred a night without the moon and was very obscure.", "expected_answer": "The murder happened on a moonless, very dark night.", "history": [] }, { "index": 10, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al morir, tras seis a ocho meses de vida, se le desprende la cabeza.", "generated_answer": "After six to eight months of life, the body decomposes.", "expected_answer": "When it dies, after six to eight months of life, it loses its head.", "history": [] }, { "index": 11, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Simplemente los enfrentamos.", "generated_answer": "\"Simply, they encounter.\"", "expected_answer": "We simply confront them.", "history": [] }, { "index": 12, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue de origen belga.", "generated_answer": "Fue de origen Belgica.", "expected_answer": "He was from Belgium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 13, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Limita con la pequeña isla de Rona Sur por su costa norte.", "generated_answer": "Limited to the small island of Rona in the north.", "expected_answer": "It borders the small island of Rona Sur along its northern coast.", "history": [] }, { "index": 14, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Producción Musical: Edwin Arellano.", "generated_answer": "\"Production musical, Edvin Arellano.\"", "expected_answer": "Musical Production: Edwin Arellano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 15, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dicha zona constituye el lindero este del Municipio.", "generated_answer": "Dhaka Zone constitutes the East of the Municipality.", "expected_answer": "This zone forms the boundary of the Municipality.", "history": [] }, { "index": 16, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente Fernando fue hecho prisionero y sería mantenido en cautiverio durante seis años.", "generated_answer": "Pretty much, later, Fernando was a prisoner and was kept in a cell for six years.", "expected_answer": "Fernando was then taken prisoner and held captive for six years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 17, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuvo una sólida formación con orientación neoclásica.", "generated_answer": "Taught a solid formation with orientation Neoclassicism.", "expected_answer": "He received solid training with a neoclassical background.", "history": [] }, { "index": 18, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se desconoce el criterio de selección seguido por el recopilador.", "generated_answer": "She recognizes the criteria for selection followed by the recopilator.", "expected_answer": "The selection criteria followed by the compiler is unknown", "history": [] }, { "index": 19, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al principio formaron esta banda sin significados graves.", "generated_answer": "The band was formed from the beginning with grave signs.", "expected_answer": "In the beginning they formed this group without serious thought.", "history": [] }, { "index": 20, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es probable que Caxton fuera el asesor financiero de la duquesa.", "generated_answer": "\"Only a financial advisor of the court is likely to be involved in this matter.\"", "expected_answer": "It is likely that Caxton was the duchess’s financial advisor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 21, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue capturado por los alemanes, y pasó el resto de la guerra como prisionero.", "generated_answer": "\"Was captured by the Germans and remained as a prisoner for the rest of the war.\"", "expected_answer": "He was captured by the Germans and spent the rest of the war as a prisoner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 22, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Hispania hay escasos testimonios, conocidos por la epigrafía.", "generated_answer": "In Spain, there are cases known as the Epigraph.", "expected_answer": "In Hispania there are few testimonies, recognized by the epigraphy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 23, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es de pequeño tamaño y arena fina.", "generated_answer": "This is a small and narrow arena.", "expected_answer": "It is small in size and made of fine sand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 24, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A raíz de esta teoría se estableció la Teoría de las creaciones sucesivas.", "generated_answer": "The theory of creation is based on subsequent creations.", "expected_answer": "The Theory of successive creations was based on this theory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 25, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En los clásicos rosarinos marcó dos goles.", "generated_answer": "In the classic \"Rosinos\", two goals were marked.", "expected_answer": "He scored two goals in the Rosario derbies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 26, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue un destacado oficial de marina de la Real Armada Española.", "generated_answer": "\"He was a distinguished official of the Spanish Royal Army.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a decorated officer in the Spanish Navy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 27, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La concentración de enzimas constituye el factor limitante.", "generated_answer": "The concentration of Enemas constitutes the factor limit.", "expected_answer": "The concentration of enzymes is a limiting factor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 28, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El hombre que la ayuda es probablemente su marido, Frank E. Butler.", "generated_answer": "The person who helps is probably his husband, Frank D. Boutler.", "expected_answer": "The man helping her is probably her husband, Frank E. Butler.", "history": [] }, { "index": 29, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mientras que su densidad poblacional es de unos veintisiete habitantes por cada kilómetro cuadrado.", "generated_answer": "Yet, the population density of the area is of approximately 207 inhabitants per square kilometer.", "expected_answer": "Whereas its population density is around twenty-seven inhabitants per square kilometer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 30, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los exteriores se rodaron en la provincia de Mendoza.", "generated_answer": "The exterior of the province of Mondoza.", "expected_answer": "The outdoor scenes were filmed in the province of Mendoza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 31, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La princesa María Carolina y la princesa Maria Chiara viven con sus padres Monaco.", "generated_answer": "The Princesses Maria Carolina and Maria Cecilia live with their parents, the Princes.", "expected_answer": "Princess Maria Carolina and Princess Maria Chiara live with their parents in Monaco.", "history": [] }, { "index": 32, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Copias promocionales del álbum nunca se pusieron a disposición.", "generated_answer": "\"Copies of promotional materials for the album 'Never Used' were not disposed of.\"", "expected_answer": "Promotional copies of the album were never released.", "history": [] }, { "index": 33, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hay una partida del presupuesto municipal de cada año destinada a esta finalidad.", "generated_answer": "\"Party of the year\" is a finalist in each municipal party.", "expected_answer": "There is an item in the annual municipal budget set aside for this purpose.", "history": [] }, { "index": 34, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los juegos de jugador cuando uno de seis Rangers.", "generated_answer": "The games of the jougers when one of six ranges.", "expected_answer": "The player games when one of six Rangers", "history": [] }, { "index": 35, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Quinn le dice a Rachel que se aleje de Finn.", "generated_answer": "\"Quince is a type of fruit.\"", "expected_answer": "Quinn tells Rachel to stay away from Finn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 36, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La sonda llevaba los mismos instrumentos que la sonda Venera.", "generated_answer": "The Sonda Veena.", "expected_answer": "The probe is equipped with the same instruments as the Vernera probe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 37, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue rector de la Universidad Experimental de la Fuerza Armada.", "generated_answer": "Fought for the University Experimental of the Armed Forces.", "expected_answer": "He was Dean of the Experimental University of the Armed Forces.", "history": [] }, { "index": 38, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El cual participa en la \"\"Liga Deportiva de Niebla\"\" junto a otros equipos locales.\"", "generated_answer": "The team participates in the Liga de Deportivo Nebla, alongside other local teams.", "expected_answer": "Which participates in the “Liga Deportiva de Niebla” alongside other local teams.", "history": [] }, { "index": 39, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El nombre evolucionó hasta quedar fijado como \"\"Burlada\"\" en castellano.\"", "generated_answer": "\"The name evolved until it was fixed as 'Burlda' in Castilian.\"", "expected_answer": "The name evolved until becoming \"Burlada\" in Spanish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 40, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos de los Oficiales actuales pertenecen a esas pasadas generaciones.", "generated_answer": "Many of those officials belong to the past generations.", "expected_answer": "Some of the current Officials belong to these past generations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 41, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, otros altercados vinieron por parte de simpatizantes de extrema derecha.", "generated_answer": "Despite this, others arrived by sympathetic forces from the extreme right.", "expected_answer": "However, other altercations were caused by extreme right sympathizers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 42, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El mayor de los peligros era el de los asaltos.", "generated_answer": "The major of the threats were the assaults.", "expected_answer": "The biggest danger was the muggings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 43, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La intención de este ataque era dañar la capacidad militar iraquí.", "generated_answer": "The intent of this attack was to target a military facility in Iraq.", "expected_answer": "The aim of this attack was to damage Iraqi military capability.", "history": [] }, { "index": 44, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su trabajo fue y sigue siendo publicado en todo el mundo.", "generated_answer": "Your work is being published worldwide.", "expected_answer": "His work was—and continues to be—published throughout the world.", "history": [] }, { "index": 45, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luego cursó paralelamente teatro y trabajo social.", "generated_answer": "Later, he pursued a career in theater and social work.", "expected_answer": "He studies theater and social work at the same time.", "history": [] }, { "index": 46, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su fichaje por el Valencia Club de Fútbol fue un tanto curioso.", "generated_answer": "\"His goal for the Valencia Football Club was quite curious.\"", "expected_answer": "His signing for Valencia Club de Fútbol was a bit unusual.", "history": [] }, { "index": 47, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue escrita por Kurt Cobain.", "generated_answer": "\"Were written by Gurko.\"", "expected_answer": "It was written by Kurt Cobain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 48, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Betancourt es uno de los pocos lanzadores que han sufrido esta regla mientras lanzaban.", "generated_answer": "\"Betancourt is one of the few who have suffered this regulation, unlike Lanzan.\"", "expected_answer": "Betancourt is one of the few launchers to be affected by this rule while launching.", "history": [] }, { "index": 49, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Compatriotas kenianos fueron segundo y tercero.", "generated_answer": "\"Competitors from Canada were on the second and third.\"", "expected_answer": "Kenyan compatriots came second and third.", "history": [] }, { "index": 50, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es particularmente conocida por su trabajo sobre el fósforo.", "generated_answer": "\"Is particularly known for its post-trauma.\"", "expected_answer": "She is particularly known for her work on phosphorus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 51, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "es Colombia.", "generated_answer": "\"Scolonia.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s Colombia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 52, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las arenas son blanquecinas de grano medio y tiene muy poca asistencia.", "generated_answer": "Las Arenas are Blanquinas of Grano medio and they have very little resistance.", "expected_answer": "Sand is white, with mid-sized grains, and not much assistance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 53, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "aunque solo sea un poco", "generated_answer": "Although only a little.", "expected_answer": "Even just a little", "history": [] }, { "index": 54, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos de sus trabajos periodísticos han significado una gran preparación y entrenamiento físico previos.", "generated_answer": "\"Some of his jobs have signified a great preparation and physical training before.\"", "expected_answer": "Some of his journalistic work required a lot of preparation and previous physical training.", "history": [] }, { "index": 55, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Divisa que acompaña a la salamandra en las armas de Francisco I de Francia.", "generated_answer": "\"Dividing which accompany a Salamander in the arms of Francis, first of France.\"", "expected_answer": "Badge that can be seen next to the salamander in the coat of arms of Francis I of France", "history": [] }, { "index": 56, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las modalidades de tiempo añadido tienen muchas ventajas en el ajedrez actual.", "generated_answer": "The models of time and space have many advantages in actual sports.", "expected_answer": "The added time mode has a lot of advantages in modern chess.", "history": [] }, { "index": 57, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El anillo, además, es notable por su formación estelar.", "generated_answer": "The Ancho, also notable, is formed in a stilted manner.", "expected_answer": "Furthermore, the ring is significant due to its stellar formation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 58, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El producto de la masticación es el bolo alimenticio.", "generated_answer": "The product of the mastication is the bolament.", "expected_answer": "The product of the mastication is the cud.", "history": [] }, { "index": 59, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es cabecera del departamento Orán, en el norte de la provincia.", "generated_answer": "Cáceres is in the Department of Orán in the North of the province.", "expected_answer": "It’s the head of the Oran Department, North of the province.", "history": [] }, { "index": 60, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en las regiones del norte, más allá de la extremidad norte-noroeste.", "generated_answer": "\"It is found in the northern regions, mainly along the northernmost part of the northeast.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s located in the northern regions, beyond the north-northeast border.", "history": [] }, { "index": 61, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cumbre de la colina tiene un bosquecillo de pinos.", "generated_answer": "The Cumbre de la Colina has a pine forest.", "expected_answer": "The hilltop has a small pine forest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 62, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El propio Franco era muy aficionado al cine, y escribió el guion de \"\"Raza\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The Proper Frank was very fond of cinema and wrote a script for 'Racism'.\"", "expected_answer": "Franco himself was an keen movie lover, he wrote the screenplay for “Raza”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 63, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Permaneció luego en la guarnición de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.", "generated_answer": "Permanently reside in the city of Buenos Aires.", "expected_answer": "He later remained at the garrison in Buenos Aires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 64, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bunyan pasó los siguientes treinta años educando a sus tres hijos y criando animales.", "generated_answer": "Boyan passed the subsequent thirty years educating three children and raising animals.", "expected_answer": "Bunyan spent the next 30 years raising her three children and breeding animals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 65, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ambas tramas van convergiendo hasta el misterioso final de la novela.", "generated_answer": "\"Ambasadors\" converging towards the mysterious final of the novel.", "expected_answer": "Both plots coincide along the line, until the mysterious end of the novel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 66, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Gobierno de Ecuador invirtió más de mil millones de dólares en la universidad.", "generated_answer": "The government of Ecuador invested more than $1 million in the university.", "expected_answer": "Ecuador Government invested over a billion dollars in Universities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 67, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se trata de una población de tradición industrial.", "generated_answer": "They treat a population of traditional industrial.", "expected_answer": "It’s a traditionally industrial population.", "history": [] }, { "index": 68, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dos gramáticas que describan el mismo lenguaje se llaman gramáticas equivalentes.", "generated_answer": "\"Two grammatical terms that describe the same thing are called 'synonyms'.\"", "expected_answer": "Two grammars that can describe the same language are called equivalent grammars.", "history": [] }, { "index": 69, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ricardo Sánchez Márquez.", "generated_answer": "\"Clipboard\"", "expected_answer": "Ricardo Sanchez Marquez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 70, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este organismo tiene su sede principal en Pamplona.", "generated_answer": "This organism is primary in the Pampas.", "expected_answer": "This organization has its headquarters in Pamplona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 71, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Enseña a uno\"\", está basado en gran parte en la novela \"\"El Aprendiz\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Enseña uno\" is based in part on the novel \"El aprendiz\".", "expected_answer": "Teach one”, it’s based, greatly, in the novel “El Aprendiz”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 72, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su actual secretario general es Iñigo Claramunt González.", "generated_answer": "\"His actual secretary general is Iñigo Claramud Gózales.\"", "expected_answer": "The current General Secretary is Iñigo Claramunt Gonzales.", "history": [] }, { "index": 73, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por lo tanto esta posible reutilización generaba más flexibilidad en su uso.", "generated_answer": "\"By the way, this possible re-use generated more flexibility in its use.\"", "expected_answer": "Therefore, this possible reutilization gave it a more flexible use.", "history": [] }, { "index": 74, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es decir, el diagrama representa una serie temporal del trabajo pendiente.", "generated_answer": "The diagram represents a series of temporal tasks.", "expected_answer": "Meaning that the diagram represents a temporal arrange of pending work.", "history": [] }, { "index": 75, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Este tour se conoce comúnmente como \"\"cazatalentos\"\", \"\"reconocimientos\"\" o \"\"go-ver\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "This tour is commonly known as \"Casanatellos\", \"Recognitions\" or \"Governors\".", "expected_answer": "This tour is normally know as “headhunting”, “scouting” or “go-ver”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 76, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mascota está viva, y el nombre se va heredando por diferentes animales.", "generated_answer": "The Mascot is alive and in name, they are herding animals.", "expected_answer": "The pet is alive, and its name is passed on from different animals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 77, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Incluso se reúnen y viajan para asistir a los conciertos.", "generated_answer": "Include also, they reunite and travel to assist at the concerts.", "expected_answer": "They even get together and travel to assist in concerts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 78, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta despejado para entrar.", "generated_answer": "\"You are dismissed for entry.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s clear to enter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 79, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue asimismo Caballero de la Orden de la Jarretera, la más alta distinción británica.", "generated_answer": "\"He was as high as a cavalry officer of the Order of the Garter, the highest distinction in Britain.\"", "expected_answer": "Additionally, he was Knight of the Garter Order, the highest honor in Britain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 80, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un cromosoma marcador puede ser heredado o aparece de novo.", "generated_answer": "A C-band marker can be inherited or appear later.", "expected_answer": "A marker chromosome can be inherited or show up as novo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 81, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La estación se encuentra ubicada en el centro del núcleo urbano de Frauenfeld.", "generated_answer": "The station is located in the center of the urban nucleus of Fürnefelde.", "expected_answer": "The station is located at downtown Frauenfeld.", "history": [] }, { "index": 82, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los dedos de los protagonistas son puntiagudos.", "generated_answer": "\"The descendants of the Potuguese are the Portuguese.\"", "expected_answer": "The protagonist’s fingers are sharp.", "history": [] }, { "index": 83, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Figura en puestos de cabeza en rankings científicos internacionales.", "generated_answer": "\"Figure placed in the head of the ranks of the International Centrifugal.\"", "expected_answer": "It shows up leading international scientific rankings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 84, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En estas elecciones provinciales, los órganos del partido suelen vetar gran cantidad de candidatos.", "generated_answer": "In provincial elections, the party's organizational units select a large number of candidates.", "expected_answer": "During the provincial elections, the organizations within the parties tend to veto many candidates.", "history": [] }, { "index": 85, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es licenciado en Arquitectura.", "generated_answer": "He is a graduate in architecture.", "expected_answer": "He has a degree in architecture.", "history": [] }, { "index": 86, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aprovechando la oportunidad de librarse de Juan, el rey lo eligió.", "generated_answer": "Apropos of the opportunity to liberate Juan, the King elected.", "expected_answer": "Using this opportunity to get rid of John, the King chose him.", "history": [] }, { "index": 87, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son visitadas por numerosas especies de insectos y por colibríes.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"They are visited by numerous species of insects and by Colibri.\"", "expected_answer": "They are visited by a great deal of different insects and hummingbirds.", "history": [] }, { "index": 88, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente se encuentra expuesto en el museo Vaticano de Roma.", "generated_answer": "Currently, it is exhibited in the Museum of the Vatican in Rome.", "expected_answer": "At present, it’s being displayed at the Vatican Museum in Rome.", "history": [] }, { "index": 89, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la segunda etapa del periodo colonial, la hacienda sustituyó a la explotación minera.", "generated_answer": "In the second period of colonial rule, the censo replaced a mining exploitation.", "expected_answer": "In the second phase of the colonial period, farms replaced the mining industry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 90, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es originario de Queensland.", "generated_answer": "\"Is original from Queensland.\"", "expected_answer": "He was born in Queensland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 91, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, durante su huida Yaghi-Siyan se cayó del caballo.", "generated_answer": "In contrast, during his stay, Kagei Shiyani died of a horse.", "expected_answer": "However, during his escape, Yaghi-Siyan fell from his horse.", "history": [] }, { "index": 92, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mis amigos y mi familia lo saben desde hace unos de tres años.", "generated_answer": "My friends and family know me for about three years.", "expected_answer": "My friends and family have known for about three years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 93, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los colores del club son rojo y negro.", "generated_answer": "The colors of the club are red and black.", "expected_answer": "The colors of the club are red and black.", "history": [] }, { "index": 94, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cosmic Ark no proporciona un número determinado de vidas.", "generated_answer": "\"Cosmic arc\" is not proportionally determined by the number of days.", "expected_answer": "Cosmic Ark doesn’t provide a fixed number of lives.", "history": [] }, { "index": 95, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "María fue arrestada y luego desterrada de Atenas.", "generated_answer": "\"Mary was arrested and then executed in Athens.\"", "expected_answer": "Maria was arrested and banished from Athens.", "history": [] }, { "index": 96, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es de propiedad del Observatorio Europeo Austral.", "generated_answer": "Is the property of the European Observatory of Australia.", "expected_answer": "It belongs to the European Southern Observatory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 97, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fomentó la edificación o renovación de numerosas iglesias rurales de su diócesis de Plasencia.", "generated_answer": "Fostered the development or restoration of numerous rural churches in his diocese of Placentia.", "expected_answer": "It promoted the building and renovation of many rural churches of his diocese at Plasencia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 98, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se formó en arte musical bajo la dirección del maestro Duarte Lobo.", "generated_answer": "She formed an art-musical group under the direction of Master D.o.l.o.", "expected_answer": "She learned the music arts under the guidance of master Duarte Lobo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 99, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hábitat natural son los matorrales de montaña tropicales.", "generated_answer": "\"Suitability of natural habitats in mountainous tropical regions.\"", "expected_answer": "Its natural habitat are the brushwood of tropical mountains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 100, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Existe un módulo para el Kernel de Linux.", "generated_answer": "Exist a module for the kernel of Linux.", "expected_answer": "There is a module for the kernel in Linux.", "history": [] }, { "index": 101, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Así pues, el movimiento de traslación terrestre es un movimiento uniformemente variado.", "generated_answer": "So, the movement of translation on the terrestrial surface is a uniformly variable movement.", "expected_answer": "Therefore, the Earth’s translation movement is an uniformly varied motion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 102, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dentro de los doce días de Navidad, hay celebraciones tanto seculares como religiosas.", "generated_answer": "\"Within the 12 days of Christmas, there are celebrations that are both secular and religious.\"", "expected_answer": "Within the 12 days of Christmas, there are secular and religious celebrations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 103, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Obras que realiza junto al alarife jerezano Juan de Bargas.", "generated_answer": "\"Operas that were realized by Juan de la Rosa.\"", "expected_answer": "Works made together with the master builder Juan de Bargas, from Jerez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 104, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No faltarán medios de averiguarlo.", "generated_answer": "They are not natural.", "expected_answer": "We will find out one way or the other.", "history": [] }, { "index": 105, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La hora legal se basa en un meridiano y no en un huso horario.", "generated_answer": "\"The legal basis is in Mediterranean, not in a use-hour basis.\"", "expected_answer": "The legal time is based on the meridian and not a time zone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 106, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas prisioneras son Mary Casey, Krystal McCoy, Linda Freedman, Emma Gould y Charlotte Stone.", "generated_answer": "\"The majority of the people are on Mary Pace's side, and in the film, and in the film, and in the film.\"", "expected_answer": "Some of the prisoners are Mary Casey, Krystal McCoy, Linda Freedman, Emma Gould and Charlotte Stone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 107, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este es el primer reconocimiento histórico-legal del cristianismo.", "generated_answer": "This is the first historical legal recognition of Christianity.", "expected_answer": "It’s the first time Christianity was recognized from a historic and legal standpoint.", "history": [] }, { "index": 108, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Naraku es el personaje más odiado en la serie.", "generated_answer": "Naraku is the person most loved in the series.", "expected_answer": "Naraku is the most hated character of the show.", "history": [] }, { "index": 109, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nació en Cartago, Costa Rica.", "generated_answer": "Nacido en Cartagena, Costa Rica.", "expected_answer": "Born in Carthage, Costa Rica.", "history": [] }, { "index": 110, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Contribuciones a la crítica de la sociedad mercantil\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Contributions to the society's mercantile society.", "expected_answer": "Contributions to the criticism towards the commercial society”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 111, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ aún suspiro al recordarlo!", "generated_answer": "\"Aunque respiraremos.\"", "expected_answer": "I still sigh while remembering it!", "history": [] }, { "index": 112, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Perteneció al cuerpo de aduanas de su país, llegando al grado de oficial.", "generated_answer": "Pertained to the corps of aides of his country, reaching the grade of official.", "expected_answer": "He was a part of Customs in his native country, and he achieved the title of Official.", "history": [] }, { "index": 113, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hacer un compromiso de amar a alguien para siempre es algo hermoso.", "generated_answer": "\"A promise to a loved one is forever.\"", "expected_answer": "To taka a vow to love someone for ever is beautiful.", "history": [] }, { "index": 114, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mário de Andrade nació en São Paulo.", "generated_answer": "Mario de Andrade was born in São Paulo.", "expected_answer": "Mario de Andrade was born in Sao Paulo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 115, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El resultado fue la producción en serie de cientos de aeronaves militares.", "generated_answer": "The result was the production of hundreds of military aircraft.", "expected_answer": "The result was the making of hundreds of military airships.", "history": [] }, { "index": 116, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bernd Lange es casado y tiene una hija.", "generated_answer": "Bernard Lance is a case and has a child.", "expected_answer": "Bernd Lange is married with a daughter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 117, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ewing juega normalmente en la posición de guardia.", "generated_answer": "Ewing plays normally in the position of a guard.", "expected_answer": "Ewing’s regular position is guard.", "history": [] }, { "index": 118, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ventaja es que solamente se pagará por los clics realizados en el anuncio.", "generated_answer": "The advantage is that only they pay for the clicks realized in the announcement.", "expected_answer": "The advantage is that they are paid for the clicks made on the add.", "history": [] }, { "index": 119, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El programa de fiestas vale tres euros y medio.", "generated_answer": "The program is valued at three euros and a half.", "expected_answer": "The parties’ program cost three and a half euros.", "history": [] }, { "index": 120, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene un hermano mayor, Alex Cooke, y una hermana menor, Gabrielle Cooke.", "generated_answer": "\"My brother, Alex Cook, and my grandmother, Daryl Cook.\"", "expected_answer": "She has an older brother, Alex Cooke, and a younger sister, Gabrielle Cooke.", "history": [] }, { "index": 121, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Robert Burnham, Jr.", "generated_answer": "Robert Burnham, J.R.", "expected_answer": "Robert Burnham Jr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 122, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este recinto fortificado separa la ciudad vieja de la nueva creada por Ismael Bajá.", "generated_answer": "This facility fortified a city's new created by Ismael Baja.", "expected_answer": "This fortified enclosure separates the old city from the new one, created by Ismael Baja.", "history": [] }, { "index": 123, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue filmada parcialmente en la provincia de Salta.", "generated_answer": "\"A finale in a provincial town.\"", "expected_answer": "It was filmed, in part, in the Salta province.", "history": [] }, { "index": 124, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No vendas la piel de oso antes de haberlo cazado.", "generated_answer": "No vendas el piel de oso antes de tenerlo casado.", "expected_answer": "Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.", "history": [] }, { "index": 125, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En Bayreuth, era conocido como \"\"el Amado\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "In Baiort, they were known as the \"Amad.\"", "expected_answer": "In Bayreuth, he was known as “the loved one”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 126, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nació en Sanlúcar de Barrameda.", "generated_answer": "Nativity in San Lucar of Barrameda.", "expected_answer": "He was born in Sanlucar of Barrameda.", "history": [] }, { "index": 127, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stradivarius apuesta por la moda internacional.", "generated_answer": "\"Estradivarius approves for the international model.\"", "expected_answer": "Stradivarius bets on the international fashion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 128, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Daenerys acude sola a la Casa de los Eternos.", "generated_answer": "Dainneirs accuses a house of the eternal.", "expected_answer": "Daenerys goes to the House of the Undying by herself.", "history": [] }, { "index": 129, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "estas gafas se las ha regalado Julia.", "generated_answer": "These goggles, they have been granted July.", "expected_answer": "Julia gave him these glasses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 130, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se instala cerca de Nueva York en octubre del mismo año.", "generated_answer": "He installed it in the vicinity of New York in October of the same year.", "expected_answer": "It was established in New York, in October of that year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 131, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un año más tarde comenzó a actuar en diferentes encuentros internacionales.", "generated_answer": "A year later, began acting in various international conferences.", "expected_answer": "A year later he started showing to different international meetings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 132, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de Literatura.", "generated_answer": "Actually, he is currently a professor of literature.", "expected_answer": "At this time, he works as a Literature professor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 133, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El número de víctimas es difícil de saber.", "generated_answer": "The number of victims is very difficult to know.", "expected_answer": "It’s hard to know the number of victims.", "history": [] }, { "index": 134, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adicionalmente, las partes preservadas se hallan deformadas.", "generated_answer": "Additionally, the parts preserved are deformed.", "expected_answer": "In addition, the preserved parts are deformed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 135, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue un explorador intenso y dedicado.", "generated_answer": "Fierce and dedicated explorer.", "expected_answer": "He was a dedicated and passionate explorer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 136, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además era muy apreciado entre los integrantes del Cuerpo de Bomberos.", "generated_answer": "\"Also, they were very appreciated among the members of the Bomb Squad.\"", "expected_answer": "He was very loved among the members of the Fire Department.", "history": [] }, { "index": 137, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "necesito pedirte una cosa , padre .", "generated_answer": "I need a cause, father.", "expected_answer": "I need to ask you something, father.", "history": [] }, { "index": 138, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luego van por las casas cantando coplas.", "generated_answer": "\"Then went by the houses singing coplas.\"", "expected_answer": "Later, they go around the houses singing folk songs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 139, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con la desamortización, el templo quedó vacío tras su salida de la ciudad.", "generated_answer": "The temple was left empty after the city's salvation.", "expected_answer": "Because of the seizure, the temple remained empty after it was removed from the city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 140, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí estudia armonía con el abad Nicolas Razo.", "generated_answer": "All study harmony with the Abad Nicolas Raso.", "expected_answer": "She studies harmony with the abbot Nicolas Razo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 141, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La entrada visitante se encuentra por la Av.", "generated_answer": "The visitor is greeted by the entrance.", "expected_answer": "The visitor's entrance is along the Avenue.", "history": [] }, { "index": 142, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Constituye el final del Carril bici Albacete-Valdeganga.", "generated_answer": "The final of the Carrire d'Alcáçote Valdeganga.", "expected_answer": "It’s the end of the bicycle lane at Albacete-Valdeganga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 143, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La sede del condado es Deer Lodge.", "generated_answer": "\"The Cedars of Lebanon.\"", "expected_answer": "Deer Lodge is the main place of business of the county.", "history": [] }, { "index": 144, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hermano se llama Amos.", "generated_answer": "\"His uncle is named Amos.\"", "expected_answer": "His brother’s name is Amos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 145, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él siguió siendo diputado comunista en el Reichstag.", "generated_answer": "\"I am a member of the Democratic Party and a deputy in the State Assembly.\"", "expected_answer": "He kept on being a member of the parliament at the Reichstag.", "history": [] }, { "index": 146, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hermano menor era el reputado compositor de ópera Gaetano Donizetti.", "generated_answer": "\"His son, the renowned composer Giacomo Donizetti.\"", "expected_answer": "His younger brother was the famous opera author, Gaetano Donizetti.", "history": [] }, { "index": 147, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la historia antigua, fue la antigua frontera entre serbios y croatas.", "generated_answer": "In the history of antiquity, there was an ancient border between Serbs and Croats.", "expected_answer": "In ancient history, it was the old country border between Serbians and Croatians.", "history": [] }, { "index": 148, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Licenciado en Historia del Arte, obtuvo el premio extraordinario de carrera.", "generated_answer": "English translation: \"Licensed in history of art, obtained the extraordinary prize for the race.\"", "expected_answer": "As an Art History graduate, he won the award for his extraordinary career.", "history": [] }, { "index": 149, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Y una alta conductancia nos indicará una fuerte carga iónica en la muestra analizada.", "generated_answer": "And a higher Conductance indicates a strong ionic charge in the analyzed material.", "expected_answer": "High conductance indicates a strong ionic charge in the analyzed sample.", "history": [] }, { "index": 150, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ya no te tengo miedo.", "generated_answer": "\"You don't have a million.\"", "expected_answer": "I’m not afraid of you.", "history": [] }, { "index": 151, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se le dio luz verde para crear la serie sin un episodio piloto.", "generated_answer": "She laid the groundwork for the series by creating it in one episode.", "expected_answer": "He was given the green light to began filming the show without a pilot episode.", "history": [] }, { "index": 152, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el Gobierno de Augusto Leguía fue nombrado Ministro de Marina.", "generated_answer": "In the government of Augusto, Leguía was nominated Minister of the Navy.", "expected_answer": "During Augusto Leguía’s mandate, he was named Secretary of the Navy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 153, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El bautismo y algunas prácticas religiosas quedan así recogidas en este código.", "generated_answer": "The text is: \"The Bible and some religious practices are recognized in this code.\"", "expected_answer": "Baptism and other religious practices are gathered in this canon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 154, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus declaraciones abarcan una amplia gama de temas.", "generated_answer": "\"Your declarations encompass a broad spectrum of topics.\"", "expected_answer": "His statements encompass a wide variety of subjects.", "history": [] }, { "index": 155, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "los palacios de Palenque", "generated_answer": "\"The Palace of Malinconico.\"", "expected_answer": "The palaces of Palenque", "history": [] }, { "index": 156, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los restos de todos los pasajeros quedaron carbonizados.", "generated_answer": "The rest of all the passengers were carbonized.", "expected_answer": "All the passengers’ remains were charred.", "history": [] }, { "index": 157, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está presidida por el alcalde.", "generated_answer": "\"Is presided by the Alcalde.\"", "expected_answer": "The Mayor presides over it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 158, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ramas grisáceos y pubescentes.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Ramas Grisas Ipuecentes\" translates to \"Grasshoppers with black legs\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Grey and pubescent branches.", "history": [] }, { "index": 159, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La última planta en la terraza se utiliza como superficie gastronómica con el Sky-Bar.", "generated_answer": "The final plant in the terrace is used for surface gastronomy with the Skybar.", "expected_answer": "The last floor on the terrace is used as a gastronomic surface with the Sky-Bar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 160, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hijo de Pedro Pombo García y de María Antonia Conejo Rodríguez.", "generated_answer": "Hernando Cortes.", "expected_answer": "Son of Pedro Pombo García and Maria Antonia Conejo Rodriguez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 161, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la Edad Moderna tenía una leprosería.", "generated_answer": "During the Modern Age, there was a Leprosy.", "expected_answer": "It had a leper colony during the modern period.", "history": [] }, { "index": 162, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El fusil a partir del cual se desarrolló la familia Arctic Warfare.", "generated_answer": "\"Furst, he was born in the family of Artic Work.\"", "expected_answer": "The rifle on which the Arctic Warfare was based on.", "history": [] }, { "index": 163, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es omnívoro, aunque principalmente frugívoro.", "generated_answer": "\"Isomnivorus, also primarily Srugivorus.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s omnivorous, but mostly a fruit-eater.", "history": [] }, { "index": 164, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El tema principal fue la globalización y la integración regional iberoamericana.", "generated_answer": "The main topic was the globalization and integration of the regional Ibero-American.", "expected_answer": "The main theme was globalization and Ibero-American regional integration.", "history": [] }, { "index": 165, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los portugueses prepararon a fondo el asalto.", "generated_answer": "Portuguese to English: \"The Portuguese are preparing for the assault.\"", "expected_answer": "The Portuguese planned the assault thoroughly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 166, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se educó en una universidad de Constantinopla.", "generated_answer": "She educated in a university of Constantinople.", "expected_answer": "He studied at the Constantinople University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 167, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Quizás no se le conozca bien.", "generated_answer": "Perhaps not well.", "expected_answer": "He may not be well known.", "history": [] }, { "index": 168, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Juan B. Alberdi y Víctor Martínez.", "generated_answer": "\"What is the meaning of 'Quan be al alverde, Victor Martínez'?\"", "expected_answer": "Juan B. Alberdi and Victor Martinez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 169, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remata el respiradero la heráldica de la Hermandad sustentada por dos querubines.", "generated_answer": "\"Remembers the breath, the herald of the Hermandad sustained by two Querubins.\"", "expected_answer": "The ventilation shaft is crowned by heraldry of the Brotherhood, supported by two cherubs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 170, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los años posteriores fueron de un constante crecimiento en cuanto a su fama.", "generated_answer": "The years following were marked by a steady increase in your fame.", "expected_answer": "The later years were marked by his increasing fame.", "history": [] }, { "index": 171, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde entonces crece mucho la complejidad de la escena representada.", "generated_answer": "From then on, much complexity is represented in the scene.", "expected_answer": "The complexity of the scene has been represented since then.", "history": [] }, { "index": 172, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En ella habitan insectos propios de aguas limpias y bien oxigenadas.", "generated_answer": "Insects that inhabit aquatic environments, such as limpets and oxygen-poor waters.", "expected_answer": "Typical clean and well oxygenated water insects can be found in it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 173, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el suelo, da saltos con el cuerpo en posición lateral.", "generated_answer": "In the suleo, the salto with the torso in a lateral position.", "expected_answer": "Jump laterally with the whole body on the floor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 174, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ella sola, lenta , muy lentamente", "generated_answer": "She is very long.", "expected_answer": "She, by herself, slow, very slowly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 175, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La principal aerolínea del aeropuerto es Air Canada.", "generated_answer": "The primary airline of the airport is Air Canada.", "expected_answer": "The most important airline at the airport is Air Canada.", "history": [] }, { "index": 176, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La primera es un movimiento lento.", "generated_answer": "The primary is a movement light.", "expected_answer": "The first one is a slow movement.", "history": [] }, { "index": 177, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es ante todo una fuente mitológica.", "generated_answer": "It is also to a strong and mighty one.", "expected_answer": "It’s, above all, a mythological source.", "history": [] }, { "index": 178, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eu es una bonita localidad muy buen cuidada con casas nobles y mucho encanto.", "generated_answer": "\"Elo is a beautiful local area, well-maintained with noble houses and many attractions.\"", "expected_answer": "Eu is a nice city, well kept, with fine houses and a lot of charm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 179, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Compramos el mejor vino.", "generated_answer": "Comprises the better wine.", "expected_answer": "I bought the best wine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 180, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Santee cuenta con dos escuelas preparatorias.", "generated_answer": "Sant'Este has two preparatory schools.", "expected_answer": "Santee has two high schools.", "history": [] }, { "index": 181, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por tercer año consecutivo lideró la liga en ponches.", "generated_answer": "For the third consecutive year, led the league in Ponches.", "expected_answer": "He led the league strikeout record three years straight.", "history": [] }, { "index": 182, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Inicialmente esta reorganización fue impopular en esas ciudades.", "generated_answer": "\"You\"", "expected_answer": "Initially, this reorganization wasn’t popular in these cities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 183, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este programa se emitió durante cuatro años.", "generated_answer": "This program is emitted during four years.", "expected_answer": "This show was broadcasted for four years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 184, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además trata sobre el orgullo y la arrogancia.", "generated_answer": "\"Also, it discusses the concept of regret and pride.\"", "expected_answer": "It also deals with pride and arrogance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 185, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nació en Niagara Falls, Nueva York.", "generated_answer": "Nation of New York.", "expected_answer": "He was born in Niagara Falls, New York.", "history": [] }, { "index": 186, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Según informaron las autoridades chinas, ninguna de las víctimas eran menores ni profesores.", "generated_answer": "According to authorities in China, none of the victims were minors or professors.", "expected_answer": "According to the Chinese authorities, there were no minors or teachers among the victims.", "history": [] }, { "index": 187, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "los piratas eran fáciles de reconocer", "generated_answer": "\"The pirates were easily recognizable.\"", "expected_answer": "Pirates were easily recognized.", "history": [] }, { "index": 188, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A nivel deportivo, el festejo no fue el esperado.", "generated_answer": "\"An eventful day.\"", "expected_answer": "From a sports standpoint, the festivities didn’t live to expectations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 189, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿ Por qué no contestan?", "generated_answer": "\"Why not contestant?\"", "expected_answer": "Why don’t they answer?", "history": [] }, { "index": 190, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Irun Meets Bristol.", "generated_answer": "\"Ireland means Belfast.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 191, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Página oficial del ministerio del interior", "generated_answer": "\"Ministry of Interior Official.\"", "expected_answer": "Official site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 192, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dos días más tarde, el movimiento adquiere amplitud nacional.", "generated_answer": "The brazas are the expression of human emotion.", "expected_answer": "Two days later, the movement gets national coverage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 193, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Permite a los usuarios participar en la investigación científica con datos reales.", "generated_answer": "\"Permit the participants to participate in a scientific investigation with real data.\"", "expected_answer": "It allows its users to participate in the scientific research with real data.", "history": [] }, { "index": 194, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Incluso se ha reducido a sus justos límites la derrota de la Armada.", "generated_answer": "Including also, they have reduced to their just limit the aroma.", "expected_answer": "It was even reduced to the minimum limits regarding the Navy defeat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 195, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ocasionalmente, esto no ocurriría durante meses.", "generated_answer": "Occasionally, this does not occur during months.", "expected_answer": "Occasionally, this wouldn’t happen for months.", "history": [] }, { "index": 196, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es mi escritor preferido.", "generated_answer": "The text \"The\" is already in English.", "expected_answer": "He is my favorite writer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 197, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estudió Derecho en la Universidad de Amberes y en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina.", "generated_answer": "\"Studied a degree at the University of Ambergris Cayman and the University of Catholic Loyola.\"", "expected_answer": "He went to law school at the Amberes University and the Universidad Católica of Lovaina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 198, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El entonces intendente Alberto Lamberti y el secretario de Bienestar Social Aníbal Sassi.", "generated_answer": "The then-Independent Minister of the Interior and the Secretary of Social Affairs.", "expected_answer": "The then Mayor, Alberto Lamberti, and the Secretary of Welfare, Anibal Sassi.", "history": [] }, { "index": 199, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En general, la expansión fue bien recibida por los críticos de la industria.", "generated_answer": "In general, the expansion was well received by critics of the industry.", "expected_answer": "In general, the expansion was well received by the industry critics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 200, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El álbum \"\"First Love\"\" tiene un total de cinco temas.\"", "generated_answer": "\"First Love\" album has five tracks.", "expected_answer": "Their album “First Love” has a total of five songs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 201, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras cinco ediciones, el torneo fue abandonado.", "generated_answer": "The tournament was abandoned after five rounds.", "expected_answer": "After five editions, the tournament was dropped.", "history": [] }, { "index": 202, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Tan solo quería explicar la historia de \"\"la Moños.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Only explain the history of Lamoins.\"", "expected_answer": "He only wanted to explain the story of “Moños”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 203, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "de pronto se volvió hacia mí con un mohín delicioso:", "generated_answer": "\"He turned towards me with a Moine Delicieux.\"", "expected_answer": "Suddenly he turned his face to me with an unique pout:", "history": [] }, { "index": 204, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Las habitaciones, dando al exterior, están dotadas de un \"\"caldarium\"\" y de una letrina.\"", "generated_answer": "The dwellings are located outside.", "expected_answer": "The rooms facing the exterior of the building were fitted with a “caldarium” and latrines.", "history": [] }, { "index": 205, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Margarita es de religión católica.", "generated_answer": "Márgarita is of religion Catholicism.", "expected_answer": "Margarita is a Catholic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 206, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al no pagar derechos de autor, tuvo problemas legales.", "generated_answer": "\"All rights reserved.\"", "expected_answer": "He had legal troubles for not royalties.", "history": [] }, { "index": 207, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su capital es la ciudad de Sremska Mitrovica.", "generated_answer": "\"His capital is the city of Ternopil.\"", "expected_answer": "Sremska Mitrovica is its capital city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 208, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuenta con cinco módulos que cubren diferentes regiones del país y servicios de transporte.", "generated_answer": "\"Count with five modules that cover different regions of the country and provide transportation services.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s made of five modules across different regions of the country and transport services.", "history": [] }, { "index": 209, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La función principal de la plaza del mercado era el comercio.", "generated_answer": "The primary function of the Plaza de la Market is commerce.", "expected_answer": "The main function of the market square was commerce.", "history": [] }, { "index": 210, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hijo de un pastor, Millán ejerció ese oficio hasta la edad de veinte años.", "generated_answer": "Hijo de un pastor, Miñan ejerció su cargo hasta el año de 1990.", "expected_answer": "Son of a pastor, Millan worked his trade until the age of twenty.", "history": [] }, { "index": 211, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Así, con un solo fotón se tiene acceso a más de dos estados cuánticos.", "generated_answer": "So, as with a single photon, it has access to two quantum states.", "expected_answer": "Thus, with a single photon, we can access more than two quantic states.", "history": [] }, { "index": 212, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante casi un año, las tropas españolas estuvieron allí desplegadas.", "generated_answer": "During nearly a year, the Spanish troops remained stationed in all detachments.", "expected_answer": "For almost a year, the Spanish troops were deployed there.", "history": [] }, { "index": 213, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con similares características se impuso la paulatina extensión del abolicionismo de la esclavitud.", "generated_answer": "On similar characteristics, it impels the Pauletonian extension of the Abolitionism of slavery.", "expected_answer": "With similar characteristics, the slow expansion of the abolitionism was encouraged.", "history": [] }, { "index": 214, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otro proyecto importante es la Iglesia del Jubileo, en Roma.", "generated_answer": "\"Another important project is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Rome.\"", "expected_answer": "Another important project of it was the Jubilee Church, in Rome.", "history": [] }, { "index": 215, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se distribuye por Italia.", "generated_answer": "He was expelled from Italia.", "expected_answer": "It is distributed across Italy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 216, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su verdadero nombre era Margaret Shields, y nació en Fort Davis, Texas.", "generated_answer": "\"Their real names were Mark Chiles and Nancy. They were born in Fort Worth, Texas.\"", "expected_answer": "Her real name was Margaret Shields, born in Fort Davis, Texas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 217, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿ te encuentras bien?", "generated_answer": "\"You are.\"", "expected_answer": "Are you okay?", "history": [] }, { "index": 218, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lugares donde están ubicadas las obras", "generated_answer": "\"Locations where the operations are not located.\"", "expected_answer": "Places where other art works are located.", "history": [] }, { "index": 219, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La organización campesina pasaba en esos años por un momento crucial de su historia.", "generated_answer": "The organization passed in those years for a moment crucial in its history.", "expected_answer": "The peasants organization was going through key times in those years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 220, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su jurisdicción abarca las provincias de Chaco, Formosa, Misiones y el norte de Corrientes.", "generated_answer": "\"His jurisdiction covers the provinces of Chaco Formosa and the northern part of Corrientes.\"", "expected_answer": "Its jurisdiction covers the provinces of Chaco, Formosa, Misiones and northern Corrientes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 221, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese mismo año fue publicada por Debate, España.", "generated_answer": "\"This same year was published by debate, Spain.\"", "expected_answer": "It was published by Debate, Spain, that very same year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 222, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"De forma colectiva, ambos territorios son conocidos como \"\"St.\"", "generated_answer": "\"From the form collective, both territories are known as Saint.\"", "expected_answer": "Collectively, both territories are known as “St.", "history": [] }, { "index": 223, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La historia que crece con nosotros.", "generated_answer": "The history that grows with us.", "expected_answer": "History grows with us.", "history": [] }, { "index": 224, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gracias al equipo he podido conseguir una nueva victoria.", "generated_answer": "\"Thank you, team, for achieving a new victory.\"", "expected_answer": "Thanks to our team, I’ve achieved a new victory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 225, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su riqueza está representada por minerales como el dolomita, arena, arcilla y Piedra.", "generated_answer": "\"Your richness is represented by minerals like Lomita, Arca, Arca, and Pedicia.\"", "expected_answer": "Its wealth is represented by minerals like dolomite, sand, clay and stone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 226, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La sede de condado es Moulton.", "generated_answer": "Murtoma", "expected_answer": "The center of the county is Moulton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 227, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Y me ha ido bien con eso.", "generated_answer": "\"And I have done well with that.\"", "expected_answer": "I’ve done well with that.", "history": [] }, { "index": 228, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se muestra dividida en diferentes secciones donde constan capítulos filosóficos, científicos, autobiográficos, entre otros.", "generated_answer": "\"They are divided into different sections, where there are chapters on philosophical, scientific, autobiographical, and others.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s divided in different sections, with chapters covering philosophy, science, biographies and other subjects.", "history": [] }, { "index": 229, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, se resiste la ley por los que hablen otros idiomas filipinos.", "generated_answer": "\"Police do not resist the law for those who speak other languages.\"", "expected_answer": "However, they oppose law regarding the speaking of other Philippine languages.", "history": [] }, { "index": 230, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estos lagartos rara vez lo superan, como mucho, viven sólo pocos años en cautiverio.", "generated_answer": "\"These Lizards are rare, living only for a short time in the desert.\"", "expected_answer": "These lizards rarely surpass that and, at the most, live just a few years in captivity.", "history": [] }, { "index": 231, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese mismo año fue llamado como profesor al Conservatorio nacional de música.", "generated_answer": "\"This year, he was called to be a professor at the National Conservatory of Music.\"", "expected_answer": "That very same year, he was granted the position of professor at the National Music Conservatory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 232, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Perche", "generated_answer": "\"Lap\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 233, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se confirmó que seguiría un año más.", "generated_answer": "She confirmed that she will continue for another year.", "expected_answer": "It was confirmed to go on for another year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 234, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus fuertes escudos del casco circular desvían y absorben un elevado número de láser.", "generated_answer": "\"Their strongest escorts in the circular formation, they deviate and absorb a large number of lasers.\"", "expected_answer": "The strong circular helmet shields deflect and absorb a high quantity of lasers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 235, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nada más verla Isaac se enamoró de su elegancia y belleza.", "generated_answer": "Nada de ella, Isa, emocionó su eclégence, mejorada.", "expected_answer": "As soon as Isaac saw her, he fell in love with her elegance and beauty.", "history": [] }, { "index": 236, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ellos tuvieron que iniciar una serie de amenazas contra Sony.", "generated_answer": "They began a series of threats against Sony.", "expected_answer": "They had to begin sending a series of threats against Sony.", "history": [] }, { "index": 237, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A caballo corredor y hombre reñidor, poco les dura el honor.", "generated_answer": "\"A cavalier and a man of honor, poor but with honor.\"", "expected_answer": "for a running horse and a strict man the honor lasts very little", "history": [] }, { "index": 238, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Además, los habitantes decidieron cambiar el nombre para el que conocemos ahora, \"\"La Libertad\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, the inhabitants decided to change the name for what we now know as 'Liberty'.\"", "expected_answer": "Besides, the residents decided to change the name of it for the one we now know of “La Libertad”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 239, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comprende buena parte de la isla Margarita.", "generated_answer": "\"Comprende good part of the Island of Margarita.\"", "expected_answer": "It comprises a big part of Margarita Island.", "history": [] }, { "index": 240, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Fútbol sala cuenta con hasta tres categorías en el país.", "generated_answer": "\"Futbol\" translates to \"football\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Futsal has up to three different divisions in the country.", "history": [] }, { "index": 241, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por esta novela ganó el Premio Somerset Maugham.", "generated_answer": "\"For this novel, it won the prize Sommersemester.\"", "expected_answer": "This novel awarded him the Somerset Maugham Award.", "history": [] }, { "index": 242, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A su vez, la crítica destacó el reparto de la tira.", "generated_answer": "The criticism stated the report of the committee.", "expected_answer": "in turn, the critics commended the cast of the show.", "history": [] }, { "index": 243, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras esto, no ha vuelto a competir en el automovilismo.", "generated_answer": "Translation: \"Through this, no have turned to compete in the Automobile.\"", "expected_answer": "After that, he never went back to car racing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 244, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Recientemente, es una especie extracción ha crecido, debido a la elaboración de Mezcal.", "generated_answer": "Recently, a species extraction has increased due to the elaboration of the Mescal.", "expected_answer": "Recent, a type of extraction began, thanks to the production of mezcal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 245, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se rebeló cuando Basilio se convirtió en coemperador, pero fue derrotado, mutilado y exiliado.", "generated_answer": "\"He revealed when Basilio became co-emperor, but he was derelict, mutilated, and exiled.\"", "expected_answer": "It was reveled when Basilio became co-emperor, but he was then defeated, mutilated and exiled.", "history": [] }, { "index": 246, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Imprenta de Frías y compañía.", "generated_answer": "\"Implantation of Fridays and company.\"", "expected_answer": "Frias’ Printing company.", "history": [] }, { "index": 247, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un lugar muy atractivo para un día de campo.", "generated_answer": "\"It is a very attractive place for a day of camping.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a fine day for a picnic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 248, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ian es conocido por sus apariciones inesperadas en los conciertos de bandas amigas.", "generated_answer": "\"Down, twenty-six, ex-\"", "expected_answer": "Ian is known for his unexpected appearances at his friends’ concerts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 249, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Así nació la Red de Mujeres Solidarias.", "generated_answer": "\"So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so", "expected_answer": "That’s how the Women’s Support Network was created.", "history": [] }, { "index": 250, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es magistrada titular de la sección octava de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona.", "generated_answer": "Is the titular magistrate of the eighth section of the provincial audition of Barcelona.", "expected_answer": "She’s the Magistrate of the Eight Audiencia Provincial (provincial court) of Barcelona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 251, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Es inevitable\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Is inevitable.", "expected_answer": "It’s inevitable.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 252, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por primera vez, no se estableció una sede fija para la organización del campeonato.", "generated_answer": "For the first time, no establishment was made for the organization of the competition.", "expected_answer": "It’s the first time a central location won’t be decided for the organization of the championship.", "history": [] }, { "index": 253, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rotonda y Williams fueron descalificados para atacar Koloff, y luego despojado de los títulos.", "generated_answer": "\"Rotondo Williams was de-escalated for attacking Colofon, and subsequently, he was de-monitored of those titles.\"", "expected_answer": "Rotonda and Williams were disqualified for attacking Koloff, and their were stripped of their titles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 254, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto era símbolo de buena fortuna y bendición.", "generated_answer": "This was a symbol of good fortune and blessing.", "expected_answer": "It was a symbol of blessings and good fortune.", "history": [] }, { "index": 255, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El monasterio es asaltado y destruido, y todos los miembros del Kai asesinados.", "generated_answer": "The monastery is attacked and destroyed, and all members of the Cai are assassinated.", "expected_answer": "The monastery was attacked and destroyed, and every member of Kai were murdered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 256, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sobre el busto está el escudo de Arenys.", "generated_answer": "\"On the back is the seal of Ares.\"", "expected_answer": "The Arenys shield rests on top of the bust.", "history": [] }, { "index": 257, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El aeropuerto recibe su nombre del antiguo geógrafo y cartógrafo musulmán Al-Idrisi.", "generated_answer": "The airport receives its name from the ancient Muslim geographer and cartographer Al-Idrisi.", "expected_answer": "The airport is named after the old Muslim geographer and cartographer, Al-Idrisi-", "history": [] }, { "index": 258, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La techumbre del hipogeo tiene forma de techo inclinado.", "generated_answer": "The text \"The Tectum of the Hipotgeo has a form of Inclined Techo\" translates to \"The Tectum of the Hipotgeo has an Inclined Techo\" in English.", "expected_answer": "The hypogeum’s roof is slopped.", "history": [] }, { "index": 259, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otros medios de ignición pueden incluir llamas o pulsos láser.", "generated_answer": "\"Others methods of injection could include lances or punctures.\"", "expected_answer": "Other ignition methods may include flames or laser pulses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 260, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este fue el período más fecundo de Yeats, el de su madurez y vejez.", "generated_answer": "This was a period of famine and abundance.", "expected_answer": "This was the most fertile period for Yeats, his middle and old age.", "history": [] }, { "index": 261, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Palomino, al lamentar su temprana muerte, alababa su carácter modesto y su mucho estudio.", "generated_answer": "\"Palomino, lamenting her fleeting life, Alababa mourning her modesty and her much study.\"", "expected_answer": "Palomino, although he felt sorry for his early death, praised his modesty and the amount of studying he’d done.", "history": [] }, { "index": 262, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se cobra una tarifa de visita.", "generated_answer": "She pays a visit fee.", "expected_answer": "A visit fee is charged.", "history": [] }, { "index": 263, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Domenico permaneció al servicio del Orfanato el resto de su carrera.", "generated_answer": "Dominic remained in service to the orphanage the rest of his career.", "expected_answer": "Domenico remained at the orphanage's service for the rest of his career.", "history": [] }, { "index": 264, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este tipo de poesía ha continuado hasta hoy aunque en forma esporádica.", "generated_answer": "\"The poetic form has continued until today, although in a sporadic manner.\"", "expected_answer": "This type of poetry has continued up to this day, although on a more occasional basis.", "history": [] }, { "index": 265, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un aparato que suele ocuparse en cocinas a gas.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is: \"It is a device that is used in gas stoves.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a device normally used in gas stoves.", "history": [] }, { "index": 266, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estos, ubicados al final de la cuarta plana, cada vez irán ocupando más espacio.", "generated_answer": "These will be occupying more space.", "expected_answer": "These, located at the end of the fourth page, will start taking more and more space.", "history": [] }, { "index": 267, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se suele pensar que los imanes son el equivalente al rabino o sacerdote.", "generated_answer": "They are often seen as the backbone of society.", "expected_answer": "Magnets are considered the equivalents of rabbis or priests.", "history": [] }, { "index": 268, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Kan Krum intentó una vez más negociar la paz.", "generated_answer": "The Can Crum intended to negotiate the peace.", "expected_answer": "The Kan Krum tried to negotiate the peace one more time.", "history": [] }, { "index": 269, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los extremos de los postes de bambú se pueden unir de diferentes formas.", "generated_answer": "The ends of the posts of bamboo can unite in different forms.", "expected_answer": "The ends of the bamboo sticks can be joined in different ways.", "history": [] }, { "index": 270, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentran desde Costa Rica y Panamá hasta Ecuador.", "generated_answer": "\"He encounters from Costa Rica and Panama until Ecuador.\"", "expected_answer": "They can be found from Costa Rica and Panama to Ecuador.", "history": [] }, { "index": 271, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras algún tiempo, Robinson y Parker lograron tener una relación cordial.", "generated_answer": "Tranquil time, Robinson and Park got a relationship.", "expected_answer": "After some time, Robinson and Parker managed to have a hearty relationship.", "history": [] }, { "index": 272, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mercaderías de todo tipo llegan y salen de y a este puerto.", "generated_answer": "Merchandise of all types comes and goes from and to this port.", "expected_answer": "Goods of all kinds come and go from this port.", "history": [] }, { "index": 273, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente su equipo es el Atenas de la Primera División de Uruguay.", "generated_answer": "Actually, his team is the Athens of the first division in Uruguay.", "expected_answer": "His team right now is Atenas of Uruguay’s first division.", "history": [] }, { "index": 274, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Separación de poderes no esta implementada en la Constitución Española.", "generated_answer": "The separation of powers is not implemented in the constitution of Spain.", "expected_answer": "The separation of powers is not implemented in the Spanish constitution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 275, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Viene el nirvana. El portal místico aguarda .", "generated_answer": "\"Ventured the Nirvana, the mystical guardian.\"", "expected_answer": "Nirvana is coming. The mystical portal awaits.", "history": [] }, { "index": 276, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debutando en Super Mario Bros.", "generated_answer": "\"Debuts in Super Mario Bros.\"", "expected_answer": "Making his debut in Super Mario Bros.", "history": [] }, { "index": 277, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras lograr ascender con el club catalán regresa al Málaga.", "generated_answer": "Tras lograr ascender a la clúbica de Cataluña, regresa a Malaga.", "expected_answer": "After getting a promotion with the club of Catalan, he returns to Malaga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 278, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sólo se contemplan balcones en la fachada principal.", "generated_answer": "They only consider the main facade.", "expected_answer": "Only the balconies in the main façade are considered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 279, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ensalada se sirve fría en un cuenco.", "generated_answer": "The salad is served fresh in a cup.", "expected_answer": "The salad is served cold in a bowl.", "history": [] }, { "index": 280, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A esta mezcla se añade harina y sangre para que quede más viscoso.", "generated_answer": "A mixture of sand and water.", "expected_answer": "Flour and blood are added to this mix to make it more viscous.", "history": [] }, { "index": 281, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En general, la cooperación entre grupos solía unir a musulmanes con croatas.", "generated_answer": "In general, the cooperation between groups unites Muslims with Croats.", "expected_answer": "Generally, the cooperation between groups used to join Muslims and Croatians.", "history": [] }, { "index": 282, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Comarca Oriental se caracteriza por ser de las más áridas de la Región.", "generated_answer": "The Comarca Oriental is characterized by its many arid regions.", "expected_answer": "The main attribute of Comarca Oriental is being one of the most arid of the region.", "history": [] }, { "index": 283, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come larvas de insectos y crustáceos.", "generated_answer": "Crustaceans.", "expected_answer": "It eats larvae and crustaceans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 284, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ya en Deusto se licenció en Filología románica y fue catedrático de Filología Vasca.", "generated_answer": "\"In Deusto, he graduated in Romance Philology and was a Catedratico of Romance Philology.\"", "expected_answer": "In Deusto he licensed in Romantic Philology and he was a professor of Basque Philology.", "history": [] }, { "index": 285, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dispusieron de equipamiento y armamento moderno, que iba desde gases lacrimógenos hasta ametralladoras.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as:\n\n\"Disposed of equipment and armament from modern lasers to ametallodors.\"", "expected_answer": "They prepared modern equipment and weaponry that ranged from tear gas to machine guns.", "history": [] }, { "index": 286, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Escribió el primer diccionario ruso-\"\"macedonio\"\" y trabajó en una gramática \"\"macedonia\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Macedonian\"", "expected_answer": "He wrote the first Russian-Macedonian dictionary and worked on a Macedonian grammar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 287, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La especie se encuentra en las islas de Indonesia desde Java hasta Timor.", "generated_answer": "The species is found in the island of Dominica from the coast of Guadeloupe to the northern part of the island.", "expected_answer": "The species can be found in Indonesian islands from Java to Timor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 288, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Interesada desde pequeña por la interpretación, fue la imagen de varias revistas juveniles.", "generated_answer": "\"Interested from the beginning for the interpretation, was the image of various young people.\"", "expected_answer": "She was always interested in interpreting. She was in the cover of several magazines for the youth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 289, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Localmente se denomina a estos árboles con muchas colonias árbol de las abejas.", "generated_answer": "\"Locally, they are known as 'Arbres de l'Abeau'.\"", "expected_answer": "This tress are locally known Bee Trees, for the amount of colonies they hold.", "history": [] }, { "index": 290, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los trabajos se centraron en la cúpula, la recuperación del claustro y la espadaña.", "generated_answer": "The tasks centered on the Cuptula, the recovery of the Clustro, and the Espadaña.", "expected_answer": "The work was focused on the dome, the recovery of the cloisters and the bell gable.", "history": [] }, { "index": 291, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es decir, cuanta más información haya, menos robusta será la marca de agua.", "generated_answer": "\"In other words, the more information available, the less clear the watermark.\"", "expected_answer": "Which means that, the more information is available, the less solid the watermark will be.", "history": [] }, { "index": 292, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La torre no se derribó y se convirtió en una torre reloj.", "generated_answer": "The tower was not destroyed and it was converted into a tower.", "expected_answer": "The tower was not demolished. It was turned into a clock tower.", "history": [] }, { "index": 293, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es poco común, y su incidencia es similar entre ambos sexos.", "generated_answer": "Is common, and its incidence is similar between both sexes.", "expected_answer": "It’s rare and it occurs in similar rates in both sexes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 294, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Así fue inventada la cerilla de fricción.", "generated_answer": "So was invented a corset of friction.", "expected_answer": "That’s how the friction match was invented.", "history": [] }, { "index": 295, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se diferencia del dinero fiat en que este último no es convertible.", "generated_answer": "The text is: \"He differentiates the money in the final one, which is convertible.\"", "expected_answer": "Unlike fiat money, which can’t be converted.", "history": [] }, { "index": 296, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marco Pantani atravesaba una crisis depresiva.", "generated_answer": "Mark Pantani traveled a depressive crisis.", "expected_answer": "Marco Pantani was suffering from a Depressive episode..", "history": [] }, { "index": 297, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En actualidad, el tramo sigue en funcionamiento con el Civia", "generated_answer": "In actual fact, the tram continues in operation with the city.", "expected_answer": "Nowadays, the line is still functioning with the Civia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 298, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en la cuenca alta del río Amazonas en Perú.", "generated_answer": "\"It is found in the Cuca Altá of the Amazon River in Peru.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s located in the High Amazon Basin in Peru.", "history": [] }, { "index": 299, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue grabado en el Soho Apple Store en Nueva York.", "generated_answer": "\"Was photographed in the SoHo Apple store in New York.\"", "expected_answer": "It was recorded at Soho Apple Story in New York.", "history": [] }, { "index": 300, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kennedy era el único actor de la película cuya voz cantaba.", "generated_answer": "\"Kennedy was the only actor in the movie who sang.\"", "expected_answer": "Kennedy was the only actor who sang in the movie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 301, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Disfruta de un gran reconocimiento en Francia y en Japón.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is:\n\n\"Result of great recognition in France and Japan.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s widely recognized in France and Japan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 302, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ala trasera similar a la anterior; La porción central de la cola es rosada.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is:\n\n\"A traca similar a uma anterior, a parte central da cola é rosa.\"", "expected_answer": "The back wing is similar to the previous one. The center of the tail is pink.", "history": [] }, { "index": 303, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La serie está basada en la serie británica \"\"Camping\"\" creada por Julia Davis.\"", "generated_answer": "The series is based on a British camping series created by Julia Davis.", "expected_answer": "The show is based on the British show called “Camping” created by Julia Davis.", "history": [] }, { "index": 304, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí diseñó programas de liderazgo y desarrollo económico y social para la región.", "generated_answer": "All designed, Programmata, Liderazgo, and Desarrollo economico y social for the region.", "expected_answer": "That’s where he designed leadership and economic and social development programs for the region.", "history": [] }, { "index": 305, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eran los guerreros que contaban con más privilegios y las máximas exenciones.", "generated_answer": "They were the warriors who had more privileges and maximum exemptions.", "expected_answer": "They were the most privileged warriors and they also enjoyed of being exempted.", "history": [] }, { "index": 306, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Juega de centrocampista en Santa Fe de la Categoría Primera A de Colombia.", "generated_answer": "Juego de Centrocampista en Santa Fe, en la categoría Primera A de Colombia.", "expected_answer": "He plays as a midfielder in Santa Fe in the First Category for Colombia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 307, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus numerosas obras, son casi todas instrumentales, concretamente para órgano y piano.", "generated_answer": "\"His numerous works are almost entirely instrumental, particularly for organ and piano.\"", "expected_answer": "His numerous works, almost all instrumental, were specifically created for organ and piano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 308, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ciudad poco a poco va recobrando la calma.", "generated_answer": "The city is rebounding with calm.", "expected_answer": "The city is slowly calming down.", "history": [] }, { "index": 309, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El gobierno turco me da miedo.", "generated_answer": "\"Your government's decision is causing fear.\"", "expected_answer": "I am scared of the Turkish government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 310, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El trofeo pasó a manos de de Selwyn Edge, propietario de Napier Motors.", "generated_answer": "The race passed under the control of Selwyn Edge, the owner of NAPER motors.", "expected_answer": "The trophy went to Selwyn Edge, the owner of Napier Motors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 311, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cerca de sus raíces habitan las nornas.", "generated_answer": "\"Ceasar's Raiders\"", "expected_answer": "Norns live near its roots.", "history": [] }, { "index": 312, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue editor del Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.", "generated_answer": "\"The Boarding of the Tory Parkway.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the bulletin editor of the Torrey Botanical Club.", "history": [] }, { "index": 313, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En estas fechas Llanes, sufrió dos grandes incendios.", "generated_answer": "In those times, Yane suffered two great fires.", "expected_answer": "In this dates, Llanes suffered two great fires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 314, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El antónimo de la revaluación es la devaluación.", "generated_answer": "The Antonym of \"Revolution\" is \"Devaluation\".", "expected_answer": "The antonym of revaluation is devaluation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 315, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El hemiciclo se abre ante el mar.", "generated_answer": "\"The Hemicycle opens against the sea.\"", "expected_answer": "The semicircle opens facing the sea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 316, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas veces el equipo juega en el Estadio Internacional de Alepo.", "generated_answer": "\"Often, the team plays in the International Stadium of Alepo.\"", "expected_answer": "Sometimes, the team plays at Aleppo International Stadium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 317, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finalmente, la deuda pudo reducirse a la mitad en apenas nueve meses.", "generated_answer": "The debt reduced to half in just nine months.", "expected_answer": "The debt could finally be reduced in half in just nine months.", "history": [] }, { "index": 318, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En algunos casos se precisa del empleo de dardos tranquilizantes.", "generated_answer": "In some cases, it is necessary to use Dardos.", "expected_answer": "In some cases, tranquilizing darts are required.", "history": [] }, { "index": 319, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Más ritmos \"\"hip-hop\"\" estaban ahora mezclados con música árabe.\"", "generated_answer": "\"More rhythms, Hip-Hop was now mixed with music from the Caribbean.\"", "expected_answer": "More and more hip-hop rhythms are being mixed with Arabic music.", "history": [] }, { "index": 320, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una de los miembros del Consejo Cultural de Dubai.", "generated_answer": "Is one of those members of the Cultural Council of Dubai.", "expected_answer": "She’s one of the members of Dubai’s Cultural Council.", "history": [] }, { "index": 321, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue hijo del coronel Justo Vargas y de María Cabrera de Vargas.", "generated_answer": "\"Fue hijo de coronel Justo Bárcsa y la María Cabrera Bárcsa.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the son of Colonel Justo Vargas and Maria Cabrera de Vargas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 322, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en Brasil en Brasilia.", "generated_answer": "\"She is located in Brazil in Brazil.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s in Brasil, in Brasilia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 323, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los comandantes trataron de resolver el problema de diferentes formas.", "generated_answer": "\"The commanders tried to solve the problem in various ways.\"", "expected_answer": "The commanders tried to solve the issue in different ways.", "history": [] }, { "index": 324, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene su sede en Tracy.", "generated_answer": "They are in the process of building a new house in Tracy.", "expected_answer": "It’s located in Tracy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 325, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El más conocido y estudiado de este grupo son los poliovirus.", "generated_answer": "The most well-known and studied group among these is the Poliovirus.", "expected_answer": "The most widely known and studied of this group are the poliovirus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 326, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su principal organizador era la Asociación Cultural Amigos de La Lora.", "generated_answer": "\"His main organizer was the Association of Cultural Friends of the Alora.\"", "expected_answer": "The main organizer was Asociación Cultural Amigos de la Lora.", "history": [] }, { "index": 327, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wolcott era viudo y tenía dos hijos pequeños, fruto de su matrimonio anterior.", "generated_answer": "\"Bolkot was a Viud, and he had two children, the offspring of his previous marriage.\"", "expected_answer": "Wolcott was a widower and had two small children born from his previous marriage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 328, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entonces Patricio salta en un barco que va en la cinta.", "generated_answer": "So, Patricio falls into a boat that is in the foreground.", "expected_answer": "Then Patrick jumps on a boat that is on a conveyor belt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 329, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero en los torneos de candidatos no tuvo buenas actuaciones.", "generated_answer": "\"In those tournament of candidates, moved good actions.\"", "expected_answer": "But the candidate tournaments he didn’t perform well.", "history": [] }, { "index": 330, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además de incluirla dentro de las voces más destacadas de los últimos tiempos.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides including her in their voices, she was distinguished in the recent times.\"", "expected_answer": "Aside from including her among the most renown voices in recent times.", "history": [] }, { "index": 331, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Francia ha sido transmitida vía web por Anime Digital Network.", "generated_answer": "\"In France, it has been transmitted via the Web by the animation digital network.\"", "expected_answer": "In France it was broadcasted by Anime Digital Network.", "history": [] }, { "index": 332, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El delantal es demasiado.", "generated_answer": "Elévation is in Macho.", "expected_answer": "The apron is too much.", "history": [] }, { "index": 333, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos ellos son juristas, y no filósofos.", "generated_answer": "\"All of them are lawyers and not philosophers.\"", "expected_answer": "They are all jurists, not philosophers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 334, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Volvió a Bogotá y se dedicó a la enseñanza.", "generated_answer": "\"Vovinho de Bogota e se dedicou uma ensinoção.\"", "expected_answer": "He returned to Bogota and worked as a teacher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 335, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo la convivencia no fue siempre armoniosa.", "generated_answer": "\"In the same vein, the consensus is not always harmonious.\"", "expected_answer": "However, their cohabitation wasn’t always friendly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 336, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este disco fue producido por Matt Allison.", "generated_answer": "\"This disc was produced by Mark Alan.\"", "expected_answer": "This record was produced by Matt Allison.", "history": [] }, { "index": 337, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El propio Lacasa se encontraba entre los que cayeron asesinados por la masa.", "generated_answer": "The property was encountered between those who were killed by the mass.", "expected_answer": "Lacasa himself was among the mass murdered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 338, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El \"\"Berlin Programme\"\" fue creado y dirigido por Goebbels.\"", "generated_answer": "\"The film was created and directed by Coppola.\"", "expected_answer": "The “Berlin Programme” was created and directed by Goebbels.", "history": [] }, { "index": 339, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se desconoce el uso que tenían este tipo de templos circulares.", "generated_answer": "They do not recognize the use that had these type of circular temples.", "expected_answer": "The purpose of these circular temples is unknown.", "history": [] }, { "index": 340, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son característicos los disfraces de muchos de sus participantes.", "generated_answer": "\"On many occasions, the participants' responses were quite revealing.\"", "expected_answer": "The costumes of many of its participants are typical.", "history": [] }, { "index": 341, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo la estructura del edificio no ha sido demasiado alterada.", "generated_answer": "The structure of the building has not been significantly altered.", "expected_answer": "However, the building’s structured wasn’t altered very much.", "history": [] }, { "index": 342, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los centros educativos juegan un papel importante en la formación de nuevos creadores.", "generated_answer": "\"Educational centers play a crucial role in the formation of new creators.\"", "expected_answer": "The educational centers play an important role in the training of new creators.", "history": [] }, { "index": 343, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La promesa de esta recompensa se repite cuatro veces en el Corán.", "generated_answer": "The promise is repeated four times in the Quran.", "expected_answer": "The promise of reward is repeated four times in the Coran.", "history": [] }, { "index": 344, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un padre que teme perder a su hija.", "generated_answer": "One parent is seen as a parent.", "expected_answer": "A father who is afraid to lose her daughter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 345, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gente haciendo cola para comprar un iPhone.", "generated_answer": "\"Entering a Cola store to buy an iPhone.\"", "expected_answer": "People queuing to buy an iPhone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 346, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está muy extendida en todo el Mediterráneo.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"It is very extensive in all of the Mediterranean.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s widely spread throughout the Mediterranean.", "history": [] }, { "index": 347, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dichos caciques obligaron la retirada del líder conquistador español Gonzalo de Ocampo hacia Cumaná.", "generated_answer": "\"Dicen que los Caciques obligaron el retiro de el líder conquistador español, Gonzalo de Acamán.\"", "expected_answer": "Those chiefs forced the Spanish Conqueror leader, Gonzalo Ocampo, to retreat to Cumana.", "history": [] }, { "index": 348, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La plataforma inferior lleva dos vías de ferrocarril de la línea Pekín-Cantón.", "generated_answer": "The platform inferior has two ways of the line Beijing-Katong.", "expected_answer": "The lower deck has two railways of the Beijing-Canton line.", "history": [] }, { "index": 349, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su madre era una judía polaca.", "generated_answer": "\"Her mother was a Jewish Polish woman.\"", "expected_answer": "His mother was a Polish Jew.", "history": [] }, { "index": 350, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parte de su población se encuentra desarrollando cría de pollos y gallinas.", "generated_answer": "Part of the population is developing a culture of eating Pigs and Chickens.", "expected_answer": "Part of its population is currently developing chicken and hen breeding.", "history": [] }, { "index": 351, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos los materiales didácticos están orientados para sensibilizar y capacitar.", "generated_answer": "\"All materials are designed for sensibility and capacity.\"", "expected_answer": "The teaching material is oriented to sensitize and train.", "history": [] }, { "index": 352, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los primeros botones como tales fueron conchas de diversos moluscos, talladas y perforadas.", "generated_answer": "Their initial buttons were of various types, including Conchas of different mollusks, Tallas, and Perforated ones.", "expected_answer": "The first buttons as such were shells from mollusks, carved and perforated.", "history": [] }, { "index": 353, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son los mayores aviones fabricados por Embraer.", "generated_answer": "\"Some of the largest aircraft manufactured by Unai.\"", "expected_answer": "Those are the biggest planes made by Embraer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 354, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era hijo de inmigrantes españoles.", "generated_answer": "They were the children of immigrants from Spain.", "expected_answer": "He was the son of Spanish immigrants.", "history": [] }, { "index": 355, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ella provenía de una de las familias empresariales más importantes de Viena.", "generated_answer": "She was a member of one of the most important families in Vienna.", "expected_answer": "She came from one of the most important entrepreneurial families of Viena.", "history": [] }, { "index": 356, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue uno de los principales teóricos que estudiaron la Información como ciencia.", "generated_answer": "\"Were one of the principal theorists who studied information from science.\"", "expected_answer": "He was one of the main theorists who studied information as a science.", "history": [] }, { "index": 357, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La iglesia pertenecía al antiguo convento de Santa Clara.", "generated_answer": "The Church belonged to the ancient convent of Santa Clara.", "expected_answer": "The church belonged to the old Santa Clara convent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 358, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Palomas tiene escuelas públicas.", "generated_answer": "\"Paloma has public schools.\"", "expected_answer": "Paloma has public schools.", "history": [] }, { "index": 359, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El campeón fue, por segunda vez, la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania.", "generated_answer": "The competitor was, for the second time, the University of France, Spain.", "expected_answer": "The champion was, for the second time, the Pensilvania State University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 360, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él es el veterano y mentor.", "generated_answer": "He is the veteran and mentor.", "expected_answer": "He’s a veteran and a mentor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 361, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los servicios de cercanías entre Madrid y Tres Cantos pasan a usar el bypass.", "generated_answer": "The services of the train between Madrid and three cantons pass through the bypass.", "expected_answer": "The services near Madrid and Tres cantos will use the bypass.", "history": [] }, { "index": 362, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con la isla prácticamente libre de turcos, era un buen lugar de residencia.", "generated_answer": "\"With the island practically free of Turks, it was a good place to reside.\"", "expected_answer": "Since the island practically had no Turks, it was a good place of residence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 363, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se desconoce la fecha de su extinción.", "generated_answer": "They acknowledge the extinction of their species.", "expected_answer": "The specimen’s date of extinction is unknown.", "history": [] }, { "index": 364, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cara, las orejas y la membrana de las alas son negruzcas.", "generated_answer": "The car, the ears, and the membrane of the als are nerugas.", "expected_answer": "Its face, ears and wing membranes are blackish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 365, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El resultado de la unión fue una numerosa prole.", "generated_answer": "The result of the union was a numerous Prole.", "expected_answer": "The result of this reunion was a numerous offspring.", "history": [] }, { "index": 366, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay.", "generated_answer": "\"It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Peru.\"", "expected_answer": "Located in Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.", "history": [] }, { "index": 367, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los signos más simples son barras y puntos.", "generated_answer": "The signs are the simplest: bars and points. The victory of the people of Ecuador over the PANAfico.", "expected_answer": "The most common symbols are bars and points.", "history": [] }, { "index": 368, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los poros son de color ocre.", "generated_answer": "The Poros are of Colore Occhi.", "expected_answer": "The pores are ochre colored.", "history": [] }, { "index": 369, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El álbum fue lanzado con el sencillo promocional \"\"Story of My Life\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The album was launched with the simple promotional \"story of my life\".\"", "expected_answer": "The album was launched with the promotional single “Story of My Life”", "history": [] }, { "index": 370, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Incluso en esta etapa, Carle mostró mucha promesa y potencial como un futbolista.", "generated_answer": "In this era, Carle showed much promise and potential as a footballer.", "expected_answer": "Even at this stage, Carle showed promise and potential as a football player.", "history": [] }, { "index": 371, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Italia intentó nacionalizar el banco, el cual operaba con capital y administradores italianos.", "generated_answer": "Italy intended to nationalize the bank, which operated with capital and Italian administrators.", "expected_answer": "Italy tried to nationalize the bank, which was operating on Italian capital and administrators.", "history": [] }, { "index": 372, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue sentenciado a exilio perpetuo en Siberia.", "generated_answer": "He was sentenced to perpetual exile in Siberia.", "expected_answer": "He was sentenced to a lifelong exile to Siberia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 373, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además crea prototipos científicos y procesamiento de datos.", "generated_answer": "\"Also, create prototypes and process data.\"", "expected_answer": "Besides, it creates scientific prototypes and it processes data.", "history": [] }, { "index": 374, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A día de hoy ninguno de estos proyectos está en ejecución.", "generated_answer": "\"None of those projects are in execution today.\"", "expected_answer": "To this day, none of these projects is being carried out.", "history": [] }, { "index": 375, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el asedio de Acre, fue herido por un golpe de bayoneta.", "generated_answer": "In the second season of \"Acere\", a gun was fired.", "expected_answer": "He was wounded by a bayonet at the Siege of Acre.", "history": [] }, { "index": 376, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El papel de Neil McCormick como un adolescente fue realizado por Joseph Gordon-Levitt.", "generated_answer": "The play \"The Paperboy\" by Nickelback, as a teenager, was released by James Corden.", "expected_answer": "Neil McCormick as a teenager was played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 377, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bay St.", "generated_answer": "Best.", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 378, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Este mismo año grabaron una producción con el título \"\"Una nueva historia\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"This same year, Gorbachev a production with the title \"A New History\".", "expected_answer": "This same year they recorded a production titled “Una Nueva Historia”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 379, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En su juventud tuvo una breve militancia en el Partido Liberal.", "generated_answer": "In your youth, you took a brief liberal activism.", "expected_answer": "During his youth, he had was briefly active in the Liberal Party.", "history": [] }, { "index": 380, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A partir de entonces se inicia una desesperada búsqueda.", "generated_answer": "\"A part of that, then, I begin a desperate search.\"", "expected_answer": "From that moment, a desperate search begun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 381, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En las primeras ediciones, participaban del certamen Grandes Empresas y Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas.", "generated_answer": "The first editions participated in the \"Grands\" and \"Petits\" and \"Moyens\" enterprises.", "expected_answer": "In the first editions, Big corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises participated of the Contest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 382, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Regresó a la Comandancia Militar, convencido de que todo marchaba bien.", "generated_answer": "Regret a a military command, convinced that everything went well.", "expected_answer": "He returned to command the military convinced that everything was going well.", "history": [] }, { "index": 383, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó sus estudios secundarios en el Liceo Manuel de Salas de Santiago.", "generated_answer": "Realized his studies in the secondary school of Elío de Salas in Santiago.", "expected_answer": "She went to secondary school to Liceo Manuel de Salas of Santiago.", "history": [] }, { "index": 384, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los diputados tenían un mandato máximo de cinco años.", "generated_answer": "\"The deputies had a maximum mandate of five years.\"", "expected_answer": "The representatives could only hold the position for up to five years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 385, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además se celebra anualmente un festival cultural sueco.", "generated_answer": "\"Moreover, they celebrate annually a cultural festival.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition, the Swedish culture festival is celebrated annually.", "history": [] }, { "index": 386, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta edición impresa es obtenida de la edición electrónica.", "generated_answer": "This edition is obtained from the electronic edition.", "expected_answer": "This written edition is obtained from the electronic edition.", "history": [] }, { "index": 387, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Charles, condado de Warren y el condado de Franklin.", "generated_answer": "\"Charles, the Count of Warren and the Count of Frankin.\"", "expected_answer": "Charles, the Warren and the Franklin counties.", "history": [] }, { "index": 388, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se cree que murió en algún lugar de Georgia durante la guerra.", "generated_answer": "They believe he died in some place in Georgia during the war.", "expected_answer": "He’s thought to have died somewhere in Georgia during the war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 389, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Obtuvo su doctorado en bioquímica y biofísica molecular en la Universidad de Columbia.", "generated_answer": "Obtained his doctorate in Biochimie and Biophysique Moleculaire at the University of Columbia.", "expected_answer": "She obtained a doctorate in Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Columbia University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 390, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este artículo adapta parte del material de la Wikipedia sueca.", "generated_answer": "This article adapts part of the material from the Wikipedia in Swedish.", "expected_answer": "This article adapts part of the material from the Swedish Wikipedia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 391, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Licenciado en Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.", "generated_answer": "\"Licensed to the University of China.\"", "expected_answer": "Law Licentiate of the University of Chile.", "history": [] }, { "index": 392, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Además, emplea la necesidad de \"\"tiempo razonable\"\" para la entrega de todas las comunicaciones.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, it is necessary to establish a reasonable time for the delivery of all communications.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition, it considers the notion of a “reasonable time” for the delivery of all communications.", "history": [] }, { "index": 393, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus toldos eran refugio de toda clase de fugitivos.", "generated_answer": "\"Their strongholds were refuges for all classes of fugitives.\"", "expected_answer": "His tents were a refuge for all kinds of fugitives.", "history": [] }, { "index": 394, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es el menor condado en extensión territorial del Estado.", "generated_answer": "\"Is the minor Conodo in extension of the State.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s the smallest county of the Estate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 395, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Es un libro de lectura indispensable\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Is a book of literature indispensable?\"", "expected_answer": "It’s an essential reading.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 396, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los frutos son carnosos y de color verde, al madurar se tornan rojos.", "generated_answer": "The fruits are crunchy and have a red color, becoming ripe.", "expected_answer": "Its fruits are green and fleshy and they turn red when they’re ripe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 397, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Varias hojas dísticas dispuesta en forma de abanico.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Various Listica's disposed in form of anic\" translates to \"Various Listica's disposed in form of anic\" in English.", "expected_answer": "A few distich leaves with the shape of a fan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 398, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se exhiben pinturas, esculturas y grabados de autores argentinos.", "generated_answer": "\"He exhibits paintings, sculptures, and drawings by Argentine artists.\"", "expected_answer": "Paintings, sculptures and engravings from Argentine artists are exhibited.", "history": [] }, { "index": 399, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una diosa muy poderosa, hasta el punto de que Júpiter respeta su poder.", "generated_answer": "\"I am a goddess of great power until the point of Jupiters respect for her power.\"", "expected_answer": "She’s such a powerful goddess that even Jupiter respects her power.", "history": [] }, { "index": 400, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Junto a ellos, Marta Ferrer se encarga de la parte informativa del programa.", "generated_answer": "\"Along with them, Marta Feller also carries the part informative of the program.\"", "expected_answer": "Together with them, Marta Ferrer is in charge of the informative section of the program.", "history": [] }, { "index": 401, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero, ¿en que circunstancias se escribieron ambos tratados?.", "generated_answer": "\"However, in what circumstances were both treaties written?\"", "expected_answer": "But under what circumstances were both these treaties written?", "history": [] }, { "index": 402, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todo el mundo vio tus fotografías.", "generated_answer": "\"All the world viewed your photographs.\"", "expected_answer": "Everyone saw your pictures.", "history": [] }, { "index": 403, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos se usan solo con fines de investigación.", "generated_answer": "\"Some use only fine lines for investigation.\"", "expected_answer": "Some are used only for research purposes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 404, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El eco llegó muy lejos.", "generated_answer": "The Echo left very little.", "expected_answer": "The echo travelled very far.", "history": [] }, { "index": 405, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ingresó como actor en la Cía.", "generated_answer": "\"I am entering the room.\"", "expected_answer": "He started as an actor for the company.", "history": [] }, { "index": 406, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su padre fue un exitoso comerciante mientras que su madre fue una conocida sacerdotisa.", "generated_answer": "\"His father was an enthusiastic merchant, while his mother was a well-known sorceress.\"", "expected_answer": "His father was a successful trader while his mother was a known priestess.", "history": [] }, { "index": 407, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Tiene escrito artículos para la revista \"\"Nature\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"They have written articles for the Review of Nature.\"", "expected_answer": "She’s written articles for the “Nature” magazine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 408, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero rápidamente, Gros se decepcionó al no encontrar El Dorado en la región.", "generated_answer": "But quickly, he was deceived and did not find the Dorado in the region.", "expected_answer": "But, quickly, Gros was disappointed for not having found El Dorado in the region.", "history": [] }, { "index": 409, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las semillas son dispersadas por animales, el agua y el viento.", "generated_answer": "The seeds are dispersed by animals, water, and wind.", "expected_answer": "The seeds are spread by animals, water and wind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 410, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es nativa de Sudáfrica y Lesoto.", "generated_answer": "Is native to South Africa and lives in South Africa.", "expected_answer": "Native to South Africa and Lesoto.", "history": [] }, { "index": 411, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese año logró capturar una banca de diputado provincial por el Frente de Todos.", "generated_answer": "The text in English translation is: \"This year, he captured a bank of deputy provincial by the front of both.\"", "expected_answer": "This year, he managed to get a representative’s bench for El Frente de Todos party.", "history": [] }, { "index": 412, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus novelas fueron traducidas en varios idiomas.", "generated_answer": "\"His novels were translated into various languages.\"", "expected_answer": "His novels were translated into several language.", "history": [] }, { "index": 413, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comprende a su vez varias islas.", "generated_answer": "Comprendre ces îles.", "expected_answer": "It also comprises several islands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 414, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un concepto de la teoría del caos.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a concept in the theory of chaos.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a concept of the Theory of Chaos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 415, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí conoció a Erasmo de Róterdam con quien trabó amistad inmediatamente.", "generated_answer": "All known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, with whom he immediately formed an alliance.", "expected_answer": "That’s where he met Erasmo de Rotterdam, who quickly became his friend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 416, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un sentimiento, que más tarde se revelaría como un completo error.", "generated_answer": "\"A sentiment that more late reveals itself as a complete error.\"", "expected_answer": "A feeling that, later, would reveal it’d be a total mistake.", "history": [] }, { "index": 417, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su influencia en la cocina se ha hecho internacional.", "generated_answer": "The influence of the cuisine has been international.", "expected_answer": "His influence in the kitchen has gone international.", "history": [] }, { "index": 418, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Continúan en la actualidad.", "generated_answer": "Continue in the present.", "expected_answer": "Continue to this day.", "history": [] }, { "index": 419, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuando se usan materiales combustibles aumenta el riesgo de accidentes o muertes por incendio.", "generated_answer": "When using combustible materials, the risk of accidents or fatalities from fires increases.", "expected_answer": "When combustible materials are used, the risk of accidents or deaths by fire increases.", "history": [] }, { "index": 420, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las tres naves enemigas fueron hundidas.", "generated_answer": "The three enemy ships were destroyed.", "expected_answer": "The three enemy vessels were sunk.", "history": [] }, { "index": 421, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ambas selecciones conseguían así su primera medalla en un campeonato del mundo.", "generated_answer": "\"Ambassadorial selections succeeded as his first medal in a championship of the world.\"", "expected_answer": "Both national teams got their first medal in a world championship.", "history": [] }, { "index": 422, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se licenció en medicina por la Universidad de Barcelona y se especializó en psiquiatría.", "generated_answer": "She was licensed in medicine by the University of Barcelona and specialized in psychiatry.", "expected_answer": "He licensed in medicine at the University of Barcelona and specialized in psychiatry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 423, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Existen discrepancias sobre quien fue el arquitecto que la construyó.", "generated_answer": "\"Exists a discrepancy regarding who was the architect who constructed it.\"", "expected_answer": "There is a disagreement as to who was the architect that built it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 424, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La carrera televisiva de Enrique Pavón comenzó en realidad detrás de cámaras.", "generated_answer": "The television show of Enrique Pau comes into reality after cameras.", "expected_answer": "Enrique Pavon’s TV career started off camera.", "history": [] }, { "index": 425, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente el Banco, tiene una alianza internacional con la canadiense Scotiabank.", "generated_answer": "Actually, the bank has an international alliance with the Canadian Scotiabank.", "expected_answer": "Nowadays, the bank is allied to the Canadian Scotiabank.", "history": [] }, { "index": 426, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todo lo concerniente a esos estudios es ahora una rama de la psicología.", "generated_answer": "All concerning those studies is now a range of psychology.", "expected_answer": "Everything concerning these studies is now a branch of psychology.", "history": [] }, { "index": 427, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se ha asociado con algunos profesionales para generar diferentes propuestas.", "generated_answer": "They have associated with many professionals to generate different proposals.", "expected_answer": "She has associated with some professionals to generate different proposals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 428, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la Cordillera Cantábrica, en Asturias y en Castilla y León.", "generated_answer": "In the Cantabria, Asturias, and Castile and León.", "expected_answer": "At the Cantabrian Range, Asturias and in Castilla y León.", "history": [] }, { "index": 429, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Stooges", "generated_answer": "\"The Destroyers.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 430, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por ejemplo, considera una pantalla que contiene texto en negro sobre un fondo blanco.", "generated_answer": "For example, consider a panel that contains text in black over a white background.", "expected_answer": "For example, think about a screen that has black text on a white background.", "history": [] }, { "index": 431, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La película tuvo mayormente críticas positivas.", "generated_answer": "The film received mostly negative reviews.", "expected_answer": "The movie was generally positively reviewed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 432, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una imagen de un ser mitológico mitad hombre mitad águila.", "generated_answer": "\"It is an image of a computer and a bird.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s the image of a mythological being, half man, half eagle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 433, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Y solamente en la Casa de Unamuno hay veinte mil recibidas.", "generated_answer": "And only in the case of Unamuno are twenty thousand received.", "expected_answer": "And only in La Casa de Unamuno 20.000 were received.", "history": [] }, { "index": 434, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una vez derrotada, suben a la cima del edificio.", "generated_answer": "One day, he climbed to the top of the building.", "expected_answer": "Once defeated, reach the top of the building.", "history": [] }, { "index": 435, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Louis es un territorio no organizado ubicado en el condado de St.", "generated_answer": "Lois is a territory not organized, located in the Conondo of E.", "expected_answer": "Louis is a non-organized territory located in the St. County.", "history": [] }, { "index": 436, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Varias implementaciones libres se crearon sobre el juego Red Alert.", "generated_answer": "\"Various implementations of the game Red Alert were created.\"", "expected_answer": "A lot of open source freeware was created for the Red Alert game.", "history": [] }, { "index": 437, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parte del equipamiento se llevó al Observatorio Unión en Johannesburgo.", "generated_answer": "Part of the equipment was delivered to the Union Observatory in Johannesburg.", "expected_answer": "Part of the equipment was taken to the Union Observatory in Johannesburg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 438, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Muerte a los Tiranos!\"\"\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Warte für die Titane.\"", "expected_answer": "Death to the tyrants!””.", "history": [] }, { "index": 439, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las edificaciones contiguas se harían en esta última fecha.", "generated_answer": "The translations are:\n\n- \"Las definiciones conectivas son hay en este último febrero.\"", "expected_answer": "The adjacent buildings were to be done on this last date.", "history": [] }, { "index": 440, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Magnus nació en un período de turbulencias en Noruega.", "generated_answer": "Marlis was born during a period of turmoil in Norway.", "expected_answer": "Magnus was born during a turbulent period in Norway.", "history": [] }, { "index": 441, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diputación Provincial de Burgos, Burgos.", "generated_answer": "Deputation provincial of Burgos, Burgos.", "expected_answer": "Burgos province council’s office, Burgos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 442, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con doce años, se incorporó a las categorías inferiores del Real Valladolid.", "generated_answer": "On the twelfth year, he incorporated as the inferior categories of the Real Valdivolta.", "expected_answer": "At his 12 years of age, he joined the youth league of Real Valladolid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 443, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jefe Político en comisión.", "generated_answer": "\"This political issue.\"", "expected_answer": "Political leader in charge..", "history": [] }, { "index": 444, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Antiguamente el lugar era llamado \"\"Canales\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The man was in a state of shock.\"", "expected_answer": "Formerly known as “Canales”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 445, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue el primer deportivo construido por Chevrolet.", "generated_answer": "\"Was the first sports facility built by Chemrolex.\"", "expected_answer": "IT was the first sports car built for Chevrolet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 446, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Selva baja espinosa caducifolia, y selva baja caducifolia al sur de baja california sur.", "generated_answer": "\"The Selva Baja of Espinosa and the Selva Baja of the South are both Cacti.\"", "expected_answer": "Low deciduous thorn-scrub deciduous forest, and low deciduous forest south from Baja California.", "history": [] }, { "index": 447, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizada por Malin Space Science Systems.", "generated_answer": "\"Realized by Mailin Space Systems.\"", "expected_answer": "Created by Malin Space Science Systems.", "history": [] }, { "index": 448, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Erik participó en competiciones numerosas para cantar en su ciudad natal.", "generated_answer": "Eric participated in numerous competitions for painting in his native city.", "expected_answer": "Erik participated of numerous competitions to sing in home town.", "history": [] }, { "index": 449, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El departamento está nombrado en honor a Simón Bolívar.", "generated_answer": "The department is named in honor of Simón Bolívar.", "expected_answer": "The department is named to honor Simon Bolivar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 450, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está disponible en cian brillante, naranja y blanco, junto con negro mate de textura.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"The color is bright, orange, and black, along with a black matte texture.\"", "expected_answer": "Available in bright cyan, orange and white, along with black matte for texture.", "history": [] }, { "index": 451, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Shakedown, hombres enormes que son mucho más fuertes de lo normal.", "generated_answer": "\"Jacksons\" are men who are much stronger than normal.", "expected_answer": "Shakedown, huge men, stronger than normal ones.", "history": [] }, { "index": 452, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La pareja le pisa los talones en vuelo.", "generated_answer": "The parents let the children play in the pool.", "expected_answer": "Their mate steps on their talons midflight.", "history": [] }, { "index": 453, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su profesora musical fue Teresa Carpio.", "generated_answer": "\"Your professor of music was Deresa Carapon.\"", "expected_answer": "Their music teacher was Teresa Carpio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 454, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amadeo retomó sus estudios, formándose en la Universidad de Columbia.", "generated_answer": "Amadeo retorna sus estudios, formando-se em a Universidade de Columbia.", "expected_answer": "Amadeo resumed his studies at Columbia University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 455, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Karin estaba enamorada de Noel y Daisuke de Maria.", "generated_answer": "Karin is remembered by Noel and the Usuki of Maria.", "expected_answer": "Karin was in love with Noel, and Daisuke was in love of Maria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 456, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El sistema actual cuenta con el apoyo de los Asgard.", "generated_answer": "The system actually counts with the support of those Asgar.", "expected_answer": "The current system has the support of the Asgard.", "history": [] }, { "index": 457, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este fue el principio del fin de la Guerra Civil Griega.", "generated_answer": "This was the final principle of the civil war.", "expected_answer": "This was the beginning of the Greek Civil War.", "history": [] }, { "index": 458, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Me da una buena salida para llegar al equipo profesional.", "generated_answer": "I do a good job to get to the professional team.", "expected_answer": "It’s a good step to reach a professional team.", "history": [] }, { "index": 459, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas plantas eran alimento para saurópodos.", "generated_answer": "These plants were food for Sauropods.", "expected_answer": "These plants were the sauropods’ food.", "history": [] }, { "index": 460, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Publicación periódica editada en Barcelona, su director fue Francisco de Paula Oller.", "generated_answer": "\"Publication periodical edited in Barcelona, its director was Francisco de Paula Oyer.\"", "expected_answer": "Journal edited in Barcelona, its director was Francisco de Paula Oller.", "history": [] }, { "index": 461, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como un ave por el cielo", "generated_answer": "\"On the sea for the sky.\"", "expected_answer": "Like a bird in the sky.", "history": [] }, { "index": 462, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El hombre propone y Dios dispone.", "generated_answer": "\"In no way do I agree with the two of you.\"", "expected_answer": "The man asks and God gives.", "history": [] }, { "index": 463, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luis Uribe como el ex esposo de Sara y padre biológico de Chito.", "generated_answer": "\"Louis Uribe, like his ex-spouse of Sara and father biological of Chito.\"", "expected_answer": "Luis Uribe as Sara’s ex husband and Chito’s biological father.", "history": [] }, { "index": 464, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue escenario de muchos de los enfrentamientos entre Portugal y el Reino de Castilla.", "generated_answer": "\"Fictional scenario of many of those encounters between Portugal and the Kingdom of Castile.\"", "expected_answer": "It was the scenery of many confrontations between Portugal and the Kingdom of Castilla.", "history": [] }, { "index": 465, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta localidad debe su nombre al monte en el que está situada.", "generated_answer": "The locality is named after the mountain situated there.", "expected_answer": "This place is named after the hill where it’s located.", "history": [] }, { "index": 466, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante el segundo episodio de la temporada Tariq muere al ser inyectado con veneno.", "generated_answer": "During the second episode of the season, Tarkin dies after being injected with Venom.", "expected_answer": "During the second episode of the season, Tariq dies after being injected with poison.", "history": [] }, { "index": 467, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además de los torneos por equipos, hay competencias individuales.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides the team tournaments, there are individual competitions.\"", "expected_answer": "Aside from the team tournaments, there are individual competitions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 468, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus pasatiempos son el fútbol, el baloncesto, y la música Hip-Hop.", "generated_answer": "\"Soccer, basketball, and hip-hop are his hobbies.\"", "expected_answer": "His hobbies are football, basketball and Hip-Hop music.", "history": [] }, { "index": 469, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Del mortuorio del hospital hasta el cementerio municipal los trasladaban mediante un furgón.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated as: \"From the hospital's mortuary to the municipal cemetery, it was transferred via a truck.\"", "expected_answer": "They transported them in a van from the hospital’s morgue to the municipal cemetery.", "history": [] }, { "index": 470, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La filosofía islámica forma parte de los Estudios islámicos.", "generated_answer": "The philosophy of Islam forms part of Islamic studies.", "expected_answer": "Islamic philosophy is part of Islamic studies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 471, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El tamaño máximo de fichero viene limitado por el tamaño del volumen.", "generated_answer": "The maximum size of a fish is limited by the volume of water.", "expected_answer": "The maximum file size is limited by the volume.", "history": [] }, { "index": 472, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su mensaje era republicano en la cuestión de la forma de estado.", "generated_answer": "Your message was Republican in the question of the form of state.", "expected_answer": "It was a republican message in the form of a State.", "history": [] }, { "index": 473, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No se puede entender la vida prescindiendo de las circunstancias.", "generated_answer": "No, we cannot live without those circumstances.", "expected_answer": "Life can’t be understood if the circumstances aren’t considered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 474, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otras ediciones especiales como de Belleza para hombres y mujeres, Bodas, se realizaron.", "generated_answer": "\"Others special blessings, such as \"beauty for men and women, bodies realized.\"", "expected_answer": "In other special editions such as Beauty for men and women, weddings, it was done.", "history": [] }, { "index": 475, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Cuando en Estados Unidos seguía escalando posiciones, Culture Club lanzó el sencillo \"\"Karma Chameleon\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "When in the United States, they followed the escalator positions, Culture Club launched the Sensible John.", "expected_answer": "When it was climbing positions in United States, Culture club launched the single “Karma Chameleon”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 476, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente milita en el Boca Juniors de Cali de la Categoría Primera B colombiana.", "generated_answer": "Actually, currently, he plays in the Cali Junior B of the first category of Colombia.", "expected_answer": "He currently serves in Boca Juniors of Cali, on the B Division of Colombia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 477, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "David e hicieron una alianza con la bendición del Obispo.", "generated_answer": "David I. signed an alliance with the Bishop.", "expected_answer": "David and made an alliance with the bishop’s blessing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 478, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Porta las llaves que dan acceso a todas las riquezas de la tierra.", "generated_answer": "\"Portal to all the riches of the Earth.\"", "expected_answer": "Carries all the access keys to the fruits of the land.", "history": [] }, { "index": 479, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además se fundó el primer equipo Juvenil del club.", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, he founded the first youth team of the club.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition, the first youth team of the club was created.", "history": [] }, { "index": 480, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Éste está fuertemente armado, pero no es muy móvil.", "generated_answer": "This is strongly armored, but not very mobile.", "expected_answer": "It’s strongly built, but it doesn’t have much mobility.", "history": [] }, { "index": 481, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lukas Koch combina la autenticidad, la soltura, y profesionalismo.", "generated_answer": "\"Lucius Coe combines authenticity, softness, and professionalism.\"", "expected_answer": "Lukas Koch combines authenticity, skill and professionalism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 482, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero la neutralización del movimiento no sería fácil.", "generated_answer": "But the neutralization of the movement is not easy.", "expected_answer": "But the neutralization of the movement wasn’t going to be easy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 483, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El edificio, de grandes dimensiones, está rematado en piedra.", "generated_answer": "The building is reconstructed on stone.", "expected_answer": "The large building is finished in stone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 484, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El acto incluye música, bailes y poesía en árabe.", "generated_answer": "The act included music, ballet, and poetry in Arabic.", "expected_answer": "The performance includes music, dancing and Arabic poetry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 485, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consumido por el dolor de sus camaradas caídos, Blade reanudó su búsqueda solo.", "generated_answer": "Blight re-nudged his bunk alone, consumed by the sorrow of his comrades' deaths.", "expected_answer": "Consumed by the pain of his fallen comrades, Blade continued his search alone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 486, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To es miembro del Concejo de Desarrollo para las Artes de Hong Kong.", "generated_answer": "Tou is a member of the Committee for Cultural Development of Hong Kong.", "expected_answer": "To is a member of the Arts Development Council in Hong Kong.", "history": [] }, { "index": 487, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un arseniato de uranio y cobre o uranilo-arseniato de cobre, hidratado.", "generated_answer": "Is an Arsenic Uranium and Copper or Uranium Arsenide of Copper.", "expected_answer": "It’s an uranium and copper based arsenate, or a uranil-arsenate hydrated copper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 488, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gabrielle decide relajarse llamando a John.", "generated_answer": "Gabriel decided to relax and call John.", "expected_answer": "Gabrielle decides to relax by calling John.", "history": [] }, { "index": 489, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El primer mundial se disputó en Hungría, y el segundo en Argentina.", "generated_answer": "\"He won the first match against No. 1, and the second against No. 2.\"", "expected_answer": "The first world cup was in Hungary, and the second in Argentina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 490, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus habitantes se sentían sin embargo en su mayor parte franceses.", "generated_answer": "Our inhabitants are certainly French in the majority.", "expected_answer": "However, most of its inhabitants felt French.", "history": [] }, { "index": 491, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasa largas temporadas en Segovia pintando junto a su amigo Pablo Uranga.", "generated_answer": "\"Be\" \"passes\" \"long\" \"periods\" \"in\" \"Serbia\" \"painting\" \"along\" \"with\" \"his\" \"friend\" \"Paul\" \"Urando.\"", "expected_answer": "He spends long seasons in Segovia painting together with his friend, Pablo Uranga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 492, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Es justo lo contrario\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Is just the contrary.", "expected_answer": "It’s the exact opposite”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 493, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como solista ha actuado Alvaro Parra en repetidas ocasiones.", "generated_answer": "\"As a soloist, he has acted Alvaro Parra in numerous occasions.\"", "expected_answer": "As a soloist, Alvaro Parra has performed several times.", "history": [] }, { "index": 494, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Quiso ser librero, fue ayudante de dramaturgia y más tarde redactor del Berliner Börsen-Courier.", "generated_answer": "\"Quisque erat aidant de dramaturgia et postea redactor de Berlinale Courrier.\"", "expected_answer": "He wanted to be a book seller, he was an assistant playwright and, later, the assistant of the editor, Berliner Börsen-Courier.", "history": [] }, { "index": 495, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tanto el aparcamiento como los andenes han sido adaptados a las personas con discapacidad.", "generated_answer": "Tanto the parking lot, like the Andes, has been adapted for people with disabilities.", "expected_answer": "Both the parking lot and the platforms were adapted for the disabled.", "history": [] }, { "index": 496, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El pueblo lo considera un incesto y Saga debe morir.", "generated_answer": "The people consider him an insect, Saga died.", "expected_answer": "The town considers it incest and Saga must die.", "history": [] }, { "index": 497, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, España.", "generated_answer": "\"Institution of Spanish Culture, Madrid, Spain.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 498, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta construcción defensiva está ubicada al norte del municipio.", "generated_answer": "\"A construction defensive\" is located at the north of the city.", "expected_answer": "This defensive construction is located North from the municipality", "history": [] }, { "index": 499, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Salgado Macedonio hizo públicas pruebas de actos fraudulentos cometidos durante dicho proceso electoral.", "generated_answer": "Saladino made public proofs of fraudulent acts committed during that electoral process.", "expected_answer": "Salgado Macedonio made public the evidence of fraud committed during that electoral process.", "history": [] }, { "index": 500, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El rotor principal del \"\"Cheyenne\"\" tenía cuatro palas.\"", "generated_answer": "The principal of Chichin had four palaces.", "expected_answer": "The “Cheyenne”’s main rotor had four blades.", "history": [] }, { "index": 501, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está situada en la plaza de la Villa.", "generated_answer": "\"Is situated in the Plaza de la Villa.\"", "expected_answer": "Located at Plaza de la Villa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 502, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el primer día de su administración, el Tratado de Asunción entró en vigor.", "generated_answer": "In the first day of his administration, the Treaty of Assumption entered into force.", "expected_answer": "The Tratado de Asunción was effective on the first day of his administration.", "history": [] }, { "index": 503, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No existe un acta oficial fundacional de la localidad.", "generated_answer": "No official or national act has been made for the local area.", "expected_answer": "There is no founding charter for that place.", "history": [] }, { "index": 504, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se piensa que fue atacado por su condición sexual.", "generated_answer": "She believes she was attacked because of her sexual condition.", "expected_answer": "It is believed that he was attacked for his sexual orientation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 505, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Furioso por su engaño, Gerardo corre a Ana.", "generated_answer": "\"For his crime, Gerardo Correa was sentenced.\"", "expected_answer": "Angered by her deceit , Gerardo kicked Ana out.", "history": [] }, { "index": 506, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ahora es mantenido y operado como un museo por la Sociedad Histórica de Brownsville.", "generated_answer": "Now is maintained and operated as a museum by the society of Downtown.", "expected_answer": "Now is maintained and operated as a museum by the Historical Society of Brownsville.", "history": [] }, { "index": 507, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Profesó como abogado.", "generated_answer": "\"Professor as an advisor.\"", "expected_answer": "He practiced as a lawyer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 508, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Corea del Sur y Japón jugaron con Australia, quedando eliminados.", "generated_answer": "\"South Korea and Japan defeated Australia, eliminating them.\"", "expected_answer": "South Korea and Japan played against Australia and were eliminated.", "history": [] }, { "index": 509, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una subcomarca es Páramos del Esgueva.", "generated_answer": "A Sub-Commarca is \"Paraíso del Este\".", "expected_answer": "A sub-region is Paramos del Esgueva.", "history": [] }, { "index": 510, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La recuperación del cohete se hacía gracias a un sistema de paracaídas.", "generated_answer": "The recovery of the Cobalt is due to a system of parachutes.", "expected_answer": "The recovery of the rocket is possible thanks to a parachute system.", "history": [] }, { "index": 511, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se extiende de este a oeste a lo largo de siete cuadras.", "generated_answer": "He extends from East to West over a length of seven squares.", "expected_answer": "It extends seven blocks from East to West.", "history": [] }, { "index": 512, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sharpe consiguió renombre nacional como un historiador arquitectónico.", "generated_answer": "\"Yarpe received national architect recognition.\"", "expected_answer": "Sharpe earned national notoriety as an Architectural historian.", "history": [] }, { "index": 513, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A continuación una lista de los principales aplicaciones.", "generated_answer": "Continuation: A list of primary applications.", "expected_answer": "The list of main applications follows:", "history": [] }, { "index": 514, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Profesor de la Academia de Guerra, fue agregado militar, naval y aeronáutico en Ecuador.", "generated_answer": "Professor of the Academy of Military, Naval, and Aeronautical Sciences in Ecuador.", "expected_answer": "Professor at the War Academy, he was a military, naval and aeronautics attache in Ecuador.", "history": [] }, { "index": 515, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras esta actuación.", "generated_answer": "\"The action is taken.\"", "expected_answer": "After this performance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 516, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debido a ello, las diferencias en la clasificación general rara vez son grandes.", "generated_answer": "\"The difference in the way it is done in France and in Spain is significant.\"", "expected_answer": "Due to this, the differences in the general classification are rarely big.", "history": [] }, { "index": 517, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hay que reseñar la recolección de algas marinas.", "generated_answer": "\"May you research the Recollection of Marine Algae.\"", "expected_answer": "The harvest of see weed needs to be reviewed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 518, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas ideas fueron rápidamente reemplazadas tras la explicación cuántica de Albert Einstein.", "generated_answer": "These ideas were quickly replaced after the explanation of quantum mechanics by Albert Einstein.", "expected_answer": "These ideas were quickly replaced after Albert Einstein’s quantum explanation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 519, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otros llaman a todo el sistema Nervión-Ibaizábal.", "generated_answer": "Others call it the \"Nervous System\".", "expected_answer": "Others call the entire system Nervion-Ibaizabal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 520, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De la construcción original quedan las naves central y laterales.", "generated_answer": "The construction of the original is characterized by the presence of central and laterals navies.", "expected_answer": "Of the original building, some central and side transepts remain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 521, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fueron sepultados cuidadosamente juntos.", "generated_answer": "\"They were carefully joined together.\"", "expected_answer": "They were carefully buried together.", "history": [] }, { "index": 522, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue miembro de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina.", "generated_answer": "Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine.", "expected_answer": "He was a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 523, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De esta manera se aportaba un cierto aliciente en volver a jugar las campañas.", "generated_answer": "They brought a certain alacrity to their campaigns.", "expected_answer": "In this way, there was a certain encouragement to play the campaigns again.", "history": [] }, { "index": 524, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el momento que el sistema sea totalmente autónomo, se podrán realizar observaciones nocturnas.", "generated_answer": "In the moment when the system sees completely autonomous, it could make observations at night.", "expected_answer": "Nocturnal observations will be possible when the system achieves total autonomy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 525, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Poca información existe en cuanto a los mecanismos de esta interacción simbiótica.", "generated_answer": "\"There is limited information available about the mechanisms of this interaction.\"", "expected_answer": "There is little information regarding the mechanisms acting in this symbiotic interaction.", "history": [] }, { "index": 526, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gary Johnson era el candidato presidencial.", "generated_answer": "Garry Johnson was a presidential candidate.", "expected_answer": "Gary Johnson was the presidential candidate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 527, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El teatro se encuentra inscripto en el registro de monumentos históricos.", "generated_answer": "The theatre is inscribed in the historical register.", "expected_answer": "The theater is part of the registry of historical monuments.", "history": [] }, { "index": 528, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene nueve años de experiencia como maestra de Actuación.", "generated_answer": "\"Tienne nine years of experience as a master of activation.\"", "expected_answer": "She has nine years of experience as an acting coach.", "history": [] }, { "index": 529, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde entonces mantiene la imagen actual.", "generated_answer": "From then on, maintain the actual image.", "expected_answer": "She keeps the same image since then.", "history": [] }, { "index": 530, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra generalmente en pisos y pendientes de arcilla.", "generated_answer": "She generally appears in pisos and pendientes of rilla.", "expected_answer": "It can be found in clay floors and slopes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 531, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Guido da Vigevano era el físico personal de la Reina Juana de Borgoña.", "generated_answer": "Gideon of Viebán was the physical person of the Queen of Borgoña.", "expected_answer": "Guido da Vigevano was Queen Joan of Burgundy’s personal physicist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 532, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su segunda mujer fue Isabel de Villalonga.", "generated_answer": "\"Her second husband was Isabel of Villanova.\"", "expected_answer": "His second wife was Isabel of Villalonga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 533, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aparece en los yacimientos de minerales del manganeso.", "generated_answer": "Appearances of minerals in Manganese.", "expected_answer": "It can be found manganese mineral deposits.", "history": [] }, { "index": 534, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era el tercer buque de los cuatro que componían su clase.", "generated_answer": "The third book of the four that composed your class.", "expected_answer": "It was the third out of four ships of its class.", "history": [] }, { "index": 535, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Habita en Paraguay y Argentina.", "generated_answer": "\"Lived in Paraguay and Argentina.\"", "expected_answer": "It lives in Paraguay and Argentina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 536, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, se le incautaron bienes de diferente consideración.", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, he was sentenced to different terms.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition, assets of different value were seized.", "history": [] }, { "index": 537, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "hay tres tipos de hombres: los que se lanzan sin complejos", "generated_answer": "The three types of Omnis are: Complete.", "expected_answer": "there are three types of men: the ones that go ahead without fear", "history": [] }, { "index": 538, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "pues te lanzas. te lanzas .", "generated_answer": "\"Pewesti lansas, Tlaxcalas.\"", "expected_answer": "So you jump. You jump.", "history": [] }, { "index": 539, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasó tres meses en Austin, Texas, rodando la película.", "generated_answer": "Passed three months in Austin, Texas, riding the film.", "expected_answer": "He spent three months shooting the movie in Austin, Texas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 540, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hijo Humberto Peláez es jugador de Fútbol y su especialidad es Portero.", "generated_answer": "His son, Humberto Peláez, is a football player and his specialty is porto.", "expected_answer": "His son, Humberto Pelaez, is a football player, and plays the goalkeeper’s position.", "history": [] }, { "index": 541, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lo largo de la historia se han ido adoptando teorías distintas.", "generated_answer": "\"Throughout history, they have adopted various theories.\"", "expected_answer": "Different theories were formed throughout history.", "history": [] }, { "index": 542, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Pero nos sirvió bien\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "But no served me.", "expected_answer": "But it worked well for us.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 543, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luego estuvo al frente de la Secretaría de Fomento.", "generated_answer": "\"Later, he stood in front of the Secretary of the Cabinet.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the head of the Ministry of Development.", "history": [] }, { "index": 544, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las referencias de la página utilizadas se refieren a la novela El penúltimo peligro.", "generated_answer": "The references to the page referred to the novel \"The Final Peril.\"", "expected_answer": "There references used on the page are from the book The Penultimate Peril.", "history": [] }, { "index": 545, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consisten en una base nitrogenada unida a un esqueleto de azúcar-fosfato.", "generated_answer": "Consists of a base of monosodium glutamate and a mixture of sodium citrate and sodium phosphate.", "expected_answer": "It consists of a nitrogen base attached to a phosphate and sugar group.", "history": [] }, { "index": 546, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cavallón mandó a otra misión en su búsqueda.", "generated_answer": "Cavalryman ordered another mission in his pursuit.", "expected_answer": "Cavallon ordered another search mission.", "history": [] }, { "index": 547, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Monza y Brianza comprende sólo la parte meridional de la región geográfico-histórica de Brianza.", "generated_answer": "Monza and Briansa encompass the entire central part of the region's geographical and historical history of Briansa.", "expected_answer": "Monza and Brianza are just the southern part of the historical and geographical region of Brianza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 548, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Historia de la relación, en Roma, entre Mr.", "generated_answer": "The history of the relationship in Rome between Mister.", "expected_answer": "The story of the relationship, within Rome, of Mr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 549, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasadas las elecciones, Raffo es investigado por delito de peculado.", "generated_answer": "\"After the elections, Raffo is investigated for speculations.\"", "expected_answer": "After the elections, Raffo is investigated for embezzlement.", "history": [] }, { "index": 550, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La actuación de Ewan McGregor como Christopher Robin fue particularmente bien recibida.", "generated_answer": "The action of Ewan McGregor from Christopher Robin was particularly well received.", "expected_answer": "Ewan McGregor’s portrait of Christopher Robin was well received.", "history": [] }, { "index": 551, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El coche fue primero introducido como un modelo solo de exportación.", "generated_answer": "The coach was first introduced as a model only for export.", "expected_answer": "The car was first presented as an export only model.", "history": [] }, { "index": 552, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La portada del disco fue diseñada por Andy Green.", "generated_answer": "The cover of the album was designed by Andy Green.", "expected_answer": "The album cover was design by Andy Green.", "history": [] }, { "index": 553, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En el primer sentido suele a veces tomarse la voz de \"\"malla\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "In the first sense, it often takes the voice of May.", "expected_answer": "In the first sense, it’s sometimes called a “mesh”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 554, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, su duración es poco más de una hora.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides, the duration is less than an hour.\"", "expected_answer": "Besides, it’s duration it’s a bit over an hour.", "history": [] }, { "index": 555, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El tribunal se declaró incompetente.", "generated_answer": "The tribunal is declared incompetent.", "expected_answer": "The court declared itself unfit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 556, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las Escuelas Públicas de Deming gestiona escuelas públicas.", "generated_answer": "The public schools of Deming are governed by the school district.", "expected_answer": "Deming Public School District manage all public schools.", "history": [] }, { "index": 557, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ahora mismo. ¡ no, es una mentirosa!", "generated_answer": "Now, it is a visitor.", "expected_answer": "Right now. No, she is a liar!", "history": [] }, { "index": 558, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "me muero por una ducha. yo he terminado, puedes pasar .", "generated_answer": "\"He died from a stroke, which could pass.\"", "expected_answer": "I am dying for a shower. I am done, you can go.", "history": [] }, { "index": 559, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Buena parte de sus miembros son católicos tradicionalistas.", "generated_answer": "\"Well, a part of our members are traditional Catholics.\"", "expected_answer": "A big part of its members are traditionalist Catholics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 560, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otros inversionistas se fueron sumando conforme transcurría la producción.", "generated_answer": "Others Inverters were removed according to the production.", "expected_answer": "Other investors joined in after the production started.", "history": [] }, { "index": 561, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La apelación fue retirada cuando la Comisión acordó no nombrar hermanos.", "generated_answer": "The appeal was withdrawn when the Commission did not name any co-defendants.", "expected_answer": "The appeal was withdrawn when the committee decided they wouldn’t name any brothers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 562, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era hermano del futbolista Eduardo Robledo.", "generated_answer": "\"Her husband is the footballer Edward Robledo.\"", "expected_answer": "Brother to football player Eduardo Robledo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 563, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Junto a su amiga y colega, la Dra.", "generated_answer": "\"Joining his mother and colleague, the doctor.\"", "expected_answer": "Together with their friend and colleague, Dr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 564, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Panzer V Ausf.", "generated_answer": "\"Panserwe Hauf.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 565, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La actividad en sentido opuesto se denomina \"\"aferente\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The activity in sense opposite is called \"Aferiente\".", "expected_answer": "The backwards activity is named “afferent”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 566, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los comicios fueron ganados por el expresidente Julio María Sanguinetti.", "generated_answer": "\"Their Commissions were won by President Julio Maria Sanguinetti.\"", "expected_answer": "Former president Julio Maria Sanguinetti won the elections.", "history": [] }, { "index": 567, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿ Qué hay en esos regalos ?", "generated_answer": "What is there in those regales?", "expected_answer": "what’s in those gifts?", "history": [] }, { "index": 568, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mami ha sacado un regalo inesperado del armario .", "generated_answer": "Mamie has taken an inexhaustible regale from the armory.", "expected_answer": "Mommy has taken an unexpected gift out of the closet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 569, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Archivo Nacional tiene la carta con la respuesta: un rechazo sin explicación.", "generated_answer": "The National Archive has a card with a response or rejection without explanation.", "expected_answer": "The National Archives has the letter with the answer: a nonsense rejection.", "history": [] }, { "index": 570, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los hijos casados comparten la misma casa con sus padres.", "generated_answer": "The children share the same house with their father.", "expected_answer": "Married children share their home with their parents.", "history": [] }, { "index": 571, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los servicios de banda ancha de Sky no tienen límite y son ilimitados.", "generated_answer": "\"Their services of Bandana Sky do not have limits and are unlimited.\"", "expected_answer": "Broadband services provided by Sky has no limits, they are limitless.", "history": [] }, { "index": 572, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se rompió aquella alma cuando estalló en aquel quejido de dolor.", "generated_answer": "She was killed when she fell from a cliff of despair.", "expected_answer": "The soul broke when that moan of pain was heard.", "history": [] }, { "index": 573, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los principales protagonistas de la película son Jodie Foster y Liam Neeson.", "generated_answer": "\"The main characters in the film are Jody Foster and Liam Neeson.\"", "expected_answer": "The stars of the movie are Jodie Foster and Liam Neeson.", "history": [] }, { "index": 574, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero, estas industrias no emiten compuestos de sulfuro.", "generated_answer": "But, these industries do not emit compounds of sulfur.", "expected_answer": "But these industries don’t emit sulfide compounds.", "history": [] }, { "index": 575, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aquí puede leerse el detalle.", "generated_answer": "Here, you can find the details.", "expected_answer": "The details can be read here.", "history": [] }, { "index": 576, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Museo de Monterrey, exposición colectiva.", "generated_answer": "\"Museum of Montrèy, collective exhibition.\"", "expected_answer": "Monterrey Museum, collective exhibition.", "history": [] }, { "index": 577, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente es obispo de la Diócesis de Puerto Plata.", "generated_answer": "Actually, he is the Bishop of the Diocese of Porto.", "expected_answer": "He is a bishop at the diocese of Puerto Plata at the moment.", "history": [] }, { "index": 578, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comienza en la calle de Prim y acaba en la de Bárbara de Braganza.", "generated_answer": "\"The call begins in the city of Prim and ends in the city of Bragança.\"", "expected_answer": "IT begins at Prim Street and ends at Barbara de Braganza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 579, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cultivó la pintura costumbrista y la de temas religiosos.", "generated_answer": "\"Cultivated the painting of the Costumbrista and the religious themes.\"", "expected_answer": "He practiced Costumbrism and religious themed painting.", "history": [] }, { "index": 580, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su narrativa se centra en las costumbres de origen chino.", "generated_answer": "\"His narrative centers around the customs of China.\"", "expected_answer": "Its narrative is based on Chinese traditions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 581, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La serie es una pre-cuela de la serie \"\"Bonanza\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The series is a prequel to the series Bonanza.", "expected_answer": "The series is a prequel to the TV show “Bonanza”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 582, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el terreno de la carne es muy popular el cordero.", "generated_answer": "In the territory of the corn, it is very popular the Coldu.", "expected_answer": "Lamb is quite popular in the meat business.", "history": [] }, { "index": 583, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ella se ganó un montón de aplausos.", "generated_answer": "She received a lot of praise.", "expected_answer": "She earned a big deal of applauses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 584, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las galardonadas reciben dinero y un diploma.", "generated_answer": "The Calardonas receive money and a diploma.", "expected_answer": "The winners receive money and a certificate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 585, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese comienzo musical le llevó a estudiar piano y solfeo.", "generated_answer": "The beginning of the musical left a study in piano and violin.", "expected_answer": "This musical beginning led her to study piano and music theory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 586, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jugó las siguientes dos temporadas en el Palermo antes de volver a Montevideo.", "generated_answer": "\"Won the subsequent two seasons in Palermo before returning to Monaco.\"", "expected_answer": "He played the next two seasons in Palermo, before going back to Montevideo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 587, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asimismo, escribió cinco libros en co-autoría.", "generated_answer": "Asimilarly, he wrote five books in co-authorship.", "expected_answer": "In addition, he wrote five books as co-author.", "history": [] }, { "index": 588, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue el autor del Estadio Carlos Belmonte de la ciudad española de Albacete.", "generated_answer": "\"Was he the actor of the stage Carlos Belmont of the city of Albaqueta?\"", "expected_answer": "He built the Carlos Belmonte stadium in Albacete, Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 589, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue beneficiario de recolecciones a las puertas de París.", "generated_answer": "\"Félicitations, vous êtes un bénéficiaire des récoltes de Paris.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the beneficiary of all the collections at the gates of Paris.", "history": [] }, { "index": 590, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La aplicación de esta unidad tiene problemas importantes.", "generated_answer": "The application of this unit has important problems.", "expected_answer": "The implementation of this unit comes with some important issues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 591, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Trabaja en una entidad bancaria.", "generated_answer": "\"Work in a bank.\"", "expected_answer": "He works at a bank.", "history": [] }, { "index": 592, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El nombre es continuista con su popular predecesora.", "generated_answer": "The name is continuous with his popular predecessor.", "expected_answer": "The name continues that of its popular predecessor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 593, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tienes tres días para hacerlo.", "generated_answer": "Three days for the task.", "expected_answer": "You’ve got three days to do it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 594, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En relación a la segunda entidad, existen varias descripciones.", "generated_answer": "In relation to the second entity, there are various descriptions.", "expected_answer": "In relation to the second entity, there are several descriptions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 595, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Flores de color rosa-magenta, dispuestas en el ápice.", "generated_answer": "The flowers are of color rose-magenta, displayed in the apiece.", "expected_answer": "Magenta pink colored flowers at the tip.", "history": [] }, { "index": 596, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Soportan climas extremos de veranos calurosos e inviernos bajo cero.", "generated_answer": "\"Supports extreme winter climates, such as those with temperatures below zero.\"", "expected_answer": "They can stand extreme climates, with hot summers and sub-zero temperatures during winter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 597, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se exhiben elementos que usaban los habitantes y hay fotos antiguas.", "generated_answer": "\"They exhibit elements that used to be used by the inhabitants and are old photographs.\"", "expected_answer": "Some elements used by its inhabitants and old pictures are being exhibited.", "history": [] }, { "index": 598, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La situación del Estado era para entonces crítica.", "generated_answer": "The situation of the state was then criticism.", "expected_answer": "At that moment, the country situation was critical.", "history": [] }, { "index": 599, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La clave de un jardín sano es la abundancia de luz y de agua.", "generated_answer": "The garden of San Juan is abundant in light and water.", "expected_answer": "The key to a garden is plenty of sun light and water.", "history": [] }, { "index": 600, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Evolucionó del vanguardismo elitista hacia una cierta ‘dimensión ciudadana’.", "generated_answer": "\"From Vanguardism to a certain dimension of citizenship.\"", "expected_answer": "It evolved from the elitist vanguardism towards adopting some kind of citizen dimension.", "history": [] }, { "index": 601, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fernández Meijide fue designada candidata a gobernadora de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.", "generated_answer": "Fernando Meghide was designated as a candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires.", "expected_answer": "Fernandez Meijide was appointed as candidate to run for Governor of Buenos Aires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 602, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una de las grandes figuras del jazz orquestal moderno.", "generated_answer": "Is one of the largest figures of modern jazz orchestra.", "expected_answer": "He’s one of the biggest stars of modern jazz orchestras.", "history": [] }, { "index": 603, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Erasmus University of Rotterdam.", "generated_answer": "\"Ergos University of Crotondon.\"", "expected_answer": "Erasmus University of Rotterdam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 604, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un endemismo del Norte de Europa y Siberia Occidental.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a member of the Northern European and Iberian Union.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s endemic to Northern Europe and Western Siberia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 605, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desempeña misiones en Colombia, Costa Rica y Argentina.", "generated_answer": "\"Decrease missions in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Argentina.\"", "expected_answer": "They perform missions in Colombia, Costa Rica and Argentina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 606, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La intendencia tiene su sede en la ciudad de Ushuaia.", "generated_answer": "The intention takes its course in the university of Switzerland.", "expected_answer": "The town hall is located in the city of Ushuaia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 607, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De adulto abandonó el cenobio y marchó a vivir de ermitaño.", "generated_answer": "\"From adulthood, he abandoned his niece and went to live in the convent.\"", "expected_answer": "As an adult, he abandoned the monastery and began his life as a hermit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 608, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está en flor en abril y sus semillas maduran de septiembre a octubre.", "generated_answer": "\"It is in flower in April, and its seeds mature from September to October.\"", "expected_answer": "It blooms in April and its seeds mature between September and October.", "history": [] }, { "index": 609, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en Argelia, Líbano, Portugal y España.", "generated_answer": "\"It is located in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.\"", "expected_answer": "It can be found in Algeria, Lebanon, Portugal and Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 610, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus padres eran de creencia judía aunque pronto Jennifer se separaría de esta religión.", "generated_answer": "\"His parents were of the Jewish faith, although soon he separated from this religion.\"", "expected_answer": "Her parents were Jewish, although Jennifer would soon part from that religion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 611, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aunque las autobiografías no abundan, existen ejemplos de ellas de gran valor literario.", "generated_answer": "\"Although autobiographies do not abound, there exist examples of great literary value.\"", "expected_answer": "Even though there aren’t many autobiographies, there are some samples of great literary value.", "history": [] }, { "index": 612, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tori Kelly está preparando una reedición del álbum.", "generated_answer": "Dorothy Kelly is preparing a re-edition of the album.", "expected_answer": "Tori Kelly is preparing a re-edition of the album.", "history": [] }, { "index": 613, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El aprendizaje siempre implica la modificación de los pesos de conexión.", "generated_answer": "The learning process always involves a modification of the connections.", "expected_answer": "Learning always implies modifying the connection weights.", "history": [] }, { "index": 614, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Considera que su educación ha sido occidental.", "generated_answer": "Consider that her education has been Oriental.", "expected_answer": "She thinks she’s had western education.", "history": [] }, { "index": 615, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El peso mosca fue la última de las ocho categorías tradicionales en ser establecida.", "generated_answer": "The Peshmerga were the ultimate of those eight traditional categories established.", "expected_answer": "Flyweight was the last of the eight categories to be established.", "history": [] }, { "index": 616, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Elaboró un libro sobre la intervención.", "generated_answer": "\"Elaborated a book about intervention.\"", "expected_answer": "He elaborated a book about the intervention.", "history": [] }, { "index": 617, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hijo de Osvaldo Montgomery y Mary Soler.", "generated_answer": "The son of Oswald Moog and Mary Soller.", "expected_answer": "Son of Osvaldo Montgomery and Mary Soler.", "history": [] }, { "index": 618, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, la esposa del sastre trabaja para el presidente de Panamá.", "generated_answer": "Additionally, the spouse of Sastri works for the President of Panama.", "expected_answer": "In addition, the tailor’s wife works for the president of Panama.", "history": [] }, { "index": 619, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El estudio solicitó cambios y la producción continuó.", "generated_answer": "The study sought changes in production.", "expected_answer": "The study requested changes and the production continued.", "history": [] }, { "index": 620, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una autoridad en la familia de las bromeliáceas.", "generated_answer": "It is an authority in the family of Brolacas.", "expected_answer": "She’s an authority regarding bromeliads.", "history": [] }, { "index": 621, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Perteneció al Ateneo de Caracas.", "generated_answer": "Pertaining to the Ateneo of Caracas.", "expected_answer": "It belonged to the Ateneo in Caracas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 622, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hubo saqueos tanto en la capital como en el interior del país.", "generated_answer": "\"Ugosakeo\" translates to \"Uganda\" in English.", "expected_answer": "There was plundering both in the capital and in the rest of the country.", "history": [] }, { "index": 623, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El pasado siempre vuelve.", "generated_answer": "The past always returns.", "expected_answer": "Past always comes back.", "history": [] }, { "index": 624, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Baile que en burla empieza, acaba en boda.", "generated_answer": "\"Bale who bursts a piece, comes back a boor.\"", "expected_answer": "Those that start dancing as a joke end up marrying.", "history": [] }, { "index": 625, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él fue al hospital y sobrevivió con quemaduras leves.", "generated_answer": "He died in the hospital and survived with the help of chemotherapy.", "expected_answer": "He went to the hospital and survived with minor burns.", "history": [] }, { "index": 626, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El edificio es considerado un hito de la arquitectura moderna latinoamericana.", "generated_answer": "The monument is considered a modern Latin American architectural note.", "expected_answer": "The buildings is considered a modern Latin American architectural landmark.", "history": [] }, { "index": 627, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la Osa Mayor se encuentran varias enanas amarillas análogas al Sol.", "generated_answer": "In a major oases, there are various types of Anansis, similar to Zoos.", "expected_answer": "Ursa Major contains several yellow dwarves similar to the Sun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 628, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mientras tanto, Lisa se hace \"\"Monitor de bus\"\" y trata de mantener la paz.\"", "generated_answer": "Despite that, Liza makes a monitor of the bus and tries to maintain a pace.", "expected_answer": "In the meantime, Lisa becomes a “bus monitor” and tries to keep the peace.", "history": [] }, { "index": 629, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su madre es música.", "generated_answer": "\"Her mother is music.\"", "expected_answer": "Their mother is a musician.", "history": [] }, { "index": 630, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta se divide en tres partes.", "generated_answer": "\"This is divided into three parts.\"", "expected_answer": "This one is divided in three parts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 631, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las visitas son solo si reserva con el tour.", "generated_answer": "\"As visits are only on a reservation with the tour.\"", "expected_answer": "You can only visit it if you book the tour.", "history": [] }, { "index": 632, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ciudad fue tomada en octubre de ese año.", "generated_answer": "\"Clasidad was taken in October by the year.\"", "expected_answer": "The city was taken on October of that year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 633, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha sido Congresista de la República y Presidente del Gobierno Regional del Loreto.", "generated_answer": "He has been a Congressman of the Republic and the President of the regional government of Loro.", "expected_answer": "He’s been a congressman of the republic and president of the Loreto regional government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 634, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ojeda le dio el nombre de Venezuela a las costas que exploró.", "generated_answer": "Odéa le dió el nombre de Venezuela a las cosas Crixoró.", "expected_answer": "Ojeda named the coasts he explored “Venezuela”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 635, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El servicio es libre para el usuario final en el caso de una emergencia.", "generated_answer": "The service is free for the final.", "expected_answer": "The service is free for the end user in case of an emergency.", "history": [] }, { "index": 636, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comandante capaz, Catilina tuvo una meritoria carrera militar.", "generated_answer": "\"Commander Catilina took a military merit.\"", "expected_answer": "A very skilled Commander, Catilina had a commendable military career.", "history": [] }, { "index": 637, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por su envergadura acabaría dando nombre al concejo.", "generated_answer": "For San Geronimo Cabaray giving number on the Council.", "expected_answer": "Due to its size, it’d end up naming the council.", "history": [] }, { "index": 638, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Fue autor del libro \"\"Los Beatles que amo\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The Book of the Beautiful Ones.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the author of “Los Beatles que amo”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 639, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las ruinas de sus chozas todavía podían verse.", "generated_answer": "The ruins of Sussus Choisas still could be seen.", "expected_answer": "The ruins of their huts could still be seen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 640, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue denominado como rock alternativo por la prensa.", "generated_answer": "\"Was called a rock alternative by the press.\"", "expected_answer": "The press called it “Alternative rock”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 641, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Participa además en la actividad gráfica del Club: ediciones mensuales, almanaques, ilustraciones.", "generated_answer": "Participate in activities of the club, including monthly editions, Almanacks, and illustrations.", "expected_answer": "She also participated on the graphic activities of the club: monthly editions, calendars and illustrations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 642, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Manuel tuvo al menos dos hijas cuya madre no es mencionada.", "generated_answer": "\"Mano and Tu\" translates to \"You\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Manuel had, at least, two daughters whose mother isn’t mentioned.", "history": [] }, { "index": 643, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El pueblo está vacío y en ruinas.", "generated_answer": "The population is vacant and in ruins.", "expected_answer": "The town is empty and in ruins.", "history": [] }, { "index": 644, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasan los años y el atraco queda atrás.", "generated_answer": "Passed away in 2010.", "expected_answer": "The years go by and the robbery is forgotten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 645, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A la mañana siguiente, un mensajero del otro bando arribó al campamento.", "generated_answer": "\"A messenger from the other band arrived at the camp.\"", "expected_answer": "The next morning, a messenger from the other faction arrived at the camp.", "history": [] }, { "index": 646, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ello se debe a que las proteínas codificadas por estos genes están relacionadas funcionalmente.", "generated_answer": "They are all related functionally.", "expected_answer": "That’s because the proteins coded by these genes are functionally related.", "history": [] }, { "index": 647, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El viudo se preocupa de una hija y un hijo.", "generated_answer": "The child is concerned about a girl and a boy.", "expected_answer": "The widower cares for and a son and a daughter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 648, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta película significó el debut de su protagonista infantil, Carlos Julio Manzano.", "generated_answer": "The film marks the debut of its protagonist, Carlos Julian Manzan.", "expected_answer": "This movie meant the debut of their child star: Carlos Julio Manzano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 649, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aparte de los tapones, hay otras formas de evitar el ruido.", "generated_answer": "Apart from those Taps, there are other forms to prevent noise.", "expected_answer": "Aside from ear plugs, there are other ways to avoid sound.", "history": [] }, { "index": 650, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aprenderá a pintar siendo niña, con la ayuda de sus padres.", "generated_answer": "The learner paints with the assistance of his parents.", "expected_answer": "She’ll learn how to paint as a child with the help from her parents.", "history": [] }, { "index": 651, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es licenciado en Física por la Universidad de Zaragoza.", "generated_answer": "Is a Licentiate in Physics from the University of Sao Paulo.", "expected_answer": "He’s a licentiate in Physics of the Universidad de Zaragoza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 652, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Agregar leche, que contiene grasas, es más eficaz.", "generated_answer": "\"Add a leche that contains grains is more effective.\"", "expected_answer": "Add milk, which has fats, to make it more effective.", "history": [] }, { "index": 653, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El lema de campaña de Cámpora fue \"\"Cámpora al gobierno, Perón al poder\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The campaign slogan of the Campaña de Campo was \"Campo, el gobierno, Perón, el poder\".", "expected_answer": "The motto of Campora’s campaign was: “Campora in the government, Peron in Power”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 654, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El líquido refrigerado regresa al motor donde comienza nuevamente el ciclo.", "generated_answer": "The liquid refrigerant regains at the motor where it begins anew the cycle.", "expected_answer": "The refrigerated liquid returns to the engine where the cycle begins anew.", "history": [] }, { "index": 655, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estudió en las Escuelas Primarias Franklin Roosevelt y Pedro Mendoza.", "generated_answer": "\"He studied in elementary schools Franklin, Roserbel and Peter Mendoza.\"", "expected_answer": "He studied a the Franklin Roosevelt and Pedro Mendoza primary schools.", "history": [] }, { "index": 656, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consiste básicamente en poner en evidencia el diálogo interno de la persona.", "generated_answer": "Consists basically in presenting in evidence the internal dialogue of the person.", "expected_answer": "It’s basically to reveal the inner dialog of a person.", "history": [] }, { "index": 657, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue su segunda suspensión.", "generated_answer": "\"Was her second suspension.\"", "expected_answer": "it was their second suspension.", "history": [] }, { "index": 658, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ellos planean casarse.", "generated_answer": "He did not have a car.", "expected_answer": "They plan to marry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 659, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene una cuantiosa población kurda.", "generated_answer": "Tonight, a considerable population of Kurds.", "expected_answer": "They have a numerous Kurdish population.", "history": [] }, { "index": 660, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En pocas y extraordinarias veces ha salido con el apostolado al completo.", "generated_answer": "In some cases, he has received the Apostolic Bull completely.", "expected_answer": "In a few and extraordinary occasions they have gone out with the full apostolate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 661, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Localidad situada en la Ruta de la Lana.", "generated_answer": "The text is already in English.", "expected_answer": "The municipality located in Ruta de la Lana.", "history": [] }, { "index": 662, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Surge de esta manera, la institución orquestal más novel y pujante de Caracas.", "generated_answer": "The institution of the Orquestal more noble and pujante in Caracas.", "expected_answer": "This is how the most novel and important orchestral institution was born.", "history": [] }, { "index": 663, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es la tercera y la menor de sus hermanos.", "generated_answer": "The third and the younger of his brothers.", "expected_answer": "She’s the youngest of all three siblings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 664, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los argelinos comunistas se reagruparon en el Partido de la Vanguardia Socialista.", "generated_answer": "\"The Alsatian Communists reorganized into the Socialist Vanguard.\"", "expected_answer": "Communist Argelians regrouped at the Socialist Vanguard Party.", "history": [] }, { "index": 665, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es licenciado en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense.", "generated_answer": "He is a graduate in the field of information science.", "expected_answer": "He’s a licentiate in Information Science at the Complutense University of Madrid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 666, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ermita es una sencilla construcción neogótica.", "generated_answer": "\"Arms a simple construction Neo-Gothic.\"", "expected_answer": "The chapel is a simple neogothic construction.", "history": [] }, { "index": 667, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Localizado en las cercanías del río St.", "generated_answer": "\"Located in the vicinity of the River S T.\"", "expected_answer": "Located near the river St.", "history": [] }, { "index": 668, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha cambiado la mecánica de su servicio a lo largo de los años.", "generated_answer": "\"He has changed the way he provides his service over the course of his years.\"", "expected_answer": "It has change the mechanics at their service throughout the years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 669, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El programa lo dirigía Antonio Martín Valbuena.", "generated_answer": "\"The program is directed by Antonio Martín Balbuena.\"", "expected_answer": "The program was directed by Antonio Martin Valbuena.", "history": [] }, { "index": 670, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta pequeña iglesia fue transformada en un templo de dos naves.", "generated_answer": "\"A small church was transformed into a temple of two naves.\"", "expected_answer": "This little church was transformed into a two nave temple.", "history": [] }, { "index": 671, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un parque de diversiones, gestionado por el grupo Concord, se encuentra aquí.", "generated_answer": "\"A park of diversions managed by the group Concord features here.\"", "expected_answer": "The amusement park, managed by the Concord group, is here.", "history": [] }, { "index": 672, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La obra se incluyó en la colección \"\"Le Tour du Monde\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The text is translated as: \"The work is included in the collection Le Turdu.\"", "expected_answer": "The play was included in the “Le Tour du Monde” collection.", "history": [] }, { "index": 673, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El paisaje está principalmente compuesto por desiertos con poca agua.", "generated_answer": "The landscape was mainly composed of desert with little water.", "expected_answer": "The landscape is mainly composed of deserts with little water.", "history": [] }, { "index": 674, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luego, el efecto del agente queda usualmente confinado al objetivo.", "generated_answer": "The effect of the entity usually confined to the objective.", "expected_answer": "Later, the effect of the agent is usually confined to the objective.", "history": [] }, { "index": 675, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial volvió a su Rusia natal.", "generated_answer": "During the First World War, Russia was invaded by its own people.", "expected_answer": "During WWI, he returned to his homeland in Russia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 676, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El clima es tropical de Sabana en casi toda su extensión.", "generated_answer": "The climate is tropical almost throughout its entire extension.", "expected_answer": "In almost its whole extension it has a tropical Sabana climate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 677, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tampoco se sabe cuándo falleció.", "generated_answer": "\"Tantopohi\"", "expected_answer": "Nobody knows when he died either.", "history": [] }, { "index": 678, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene varias publicaciones de investigación a su nombre.", "generated_answer": "\"He has published various investigations in his name.\"", "expected_answer": "He has several research articles under his name.", "history": [] }, { "index": 679, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los hermanos son Pablo, Jose, Ángel, Carlos y Frankie.", "generated_answer": "The brothers are Paul, Joseph, Angel, and Charles.", "expected_answer": "The brothers are Pablo, Jose, Angel, Carlos and Frankie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 680, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está enterrado en la basílica de San Pedro.", "generated_answer": "\"He is entombed in the Basilica of Saint Peter.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s buried at the San Peter’s Basilica.", "history": [] }, { "index": 681, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su estado de conservación está en peligro crítico.", "generated_answer": "\"Your conservation status is critical.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s conservation state is in critical state.", "history": [] }, { "index": 682, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese año efectuó un relevamiento hidrográfico da lagoa Pires.", "generated_answer": "This year, an elevation hydrological survey was conducted in the Lagoon Pires.", "expected_answer": "That year there was a hydrographical survey of the Da Lagoa Pires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 683, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en sitios inundados, lagunillas y estepas salinas.", "generated_answer": "\"He is found in areas affected by floods, lagoons, and salt lakes.\"", "expected_answer": "It can be found in flooded locations, small lagoons and saline steppes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 684, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luchó en Don Cristóbal y Sauce Grande en Entre Ríos.", "generated_answer": "Lunch in Don Cristóbal and Sauce Grande in the rivers.", "expected_answer": "He fought at Don Cristobal and Sauce Grande in Entre Rios.", "history": [] }, { "index": 685, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en África subsahariana y Argentina.", "generated_answer": "\"He is located in Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Argentina.\"", "expected_answer": "It can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Argentina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 686, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diversos estudios intentan caracterizar este fenómeno.", "generated_answer": "Diverse studies intend to characterize this phenomenon.", "expected_answer": "Many studies try to characterize this phenomenon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 687, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Deben su nombre al matemático helenístico del siglo I Herón de Alejandría.", "generated_answer": "\"Dedicated to the mathematical-scientific name of the first century, Heron of Alexandria.\"", "expected_answer": "Named after the Hellenistic mathematician of the 1st century, Heron of Alexandria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 688, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo sólo consiguieron tener diez millones para seguir con el proyecto.", "generated_answer": "\"In any case, only ten million dollars were secured for the project to proceed.\"", "expected_answer": "However, they only raised 10 millions to continue with the project.", "history": [] }, { "index": 689, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entra a continuación en el ayuntamiento de Nigrán en dirección Sur.", "generated_answer": "Continuation in the Auction of Nijmegen in direction South.", "expected_answer": "Then, it enters in Nigrans town hall toward the South.", "history": [] }, { "index": 690, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se trata de una casa señorial de grandes dimensiones y planta rectangular.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"It deals with a large-scale residential building and a rectangular-shaped plot.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a one floor rectangular manor of large dimensions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 691, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se destacaba por tener coraje y valentía en la pista.", "generated_answer": "\"He was dedicated to courage and valour in the fight.\"", "expected_answer": "Known for his courage on the tracks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 692, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Más adelante dijo que lo que hizo fue \"\"lamentar que haya presos políticos\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"He lamented that what he did was lamentable that he was a political prisoner.\"", "expected_answer": "Then he said that what he did was to “regret that there were political prisoners.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 693, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Espanyol de LaLiga de España.", "generated_answer": "\"Spanish of the Liga of Spain.\"", "expected_answer": "Espanyol of the LaLiga from Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 694, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vendió cargos y rangos militares.", "generated_answer": "\"Vendeur de cargos et de rangiers militaires.\"", "expected_answer": "Sold positions and military ranks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 695, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está dedicado al sufí murciano andalusí San Abul Abbas al-Mursi, cuya tumba contiene.", "generated_answer": "\"The tomb of the Sufi-Almursi Andalusian Sanabur Apas, containing.\"", "expected_answer": "Dedicated to the Murcian Adalusian Sufi, Saint Abul Abbas al-Mursi, whose grave contains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 696, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se empezó a usar durante la Guerra de Vietnam.", "generated_answer": "He started using during the Vietnam War.", "expected_answer": "It was first used during Vietnam’s war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 697, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es incluso probable que fueran mutuamente inteligibles.", "generated_answer": "It is also probable that you are mutually intelligible.", "expected_answer": "It’s even possible that they were mutually comprehensible.", "history": [] }, { "index": 698, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ver la novela de John Hersey: \"\"Hiroshima\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The novel by John Hersey, Hiroshima.", "expected_answer": "John Hersey’s novel: “Hiroshima”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 699, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un rascacielos en Kowloon, Hong Kong.", "generated_answer": "\"Is an Rascacielos in Conchillos, in the province of Hong Kong.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a skyscraper in Kowloon, Hong Kong.", "history": [] }, { "index": 700, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La obra tiene una inspiración de música de jazz y blues estadounidense.", "generated_answer": "The opera has an inspiration from jazz and blues music of the American South.", "expected_answer": "The play is inspired in American Jazz and Blues music.", "history": [] }, { "index": 701, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hebrón fue uno de los primeros señoríos creados.", "generated_answer": "Hebrón was one of the first generations of the Enro.", "expected_answer": "Hebron was one of the first estates created.", "history": [] }, { "index": 702, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El disco fue producido por Óscar Gómez.", "generated_answer": "The text was translated to English as: \"The album was produced by Oscars Gomes.\"", "expected_answer": "The disc was produced by Oscar Gomez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 703, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Escribió varios libros acerca de patología y la historia de medicina.", "generated_answer": "\"Scribed various books about pathology and the history of medicine.\"", "expected_answer": "He wrote a few books on pathology and the history of medicine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 704, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tenía torres circulares en los ángulos y alguna más en las cerraduras largas.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"Had circular tunnels in all angles and some more in large corridors.\"", "expected_answer": "It had circular towers in the angles and some more in the long keyholes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 705, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los días de verano son aburridos.", "generated_answer": "The days of autumn are aburridos.", "expected_answer": "Summer days are boring.", "history": [] }, { "index": 706, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un minuto. Sólo prendí el cohete .", "generated_answer": "One minute, only pick up the rocket.", "expected_answer": "Hold on, I just light up the rocket.", "history": [] }, { "index": 707, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las orejas son muy largas y redondeadas.", "generated_answer": "The ears are very large and round.", "expected_answer": "Its ears are long and round.", "history": [] }, { "index": 708, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó algunas porcelanas.", "generated_answer": "Realized some Porcelains.", "expected_answer": "Made some stuff in porcelain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 709, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Patrón, de madre francesa, padre peruano y abuelos italianos, nació en Lima.", "generated_answer": "Patron of the French mother, Peruvian father, and Italian abuelos was born in Lima.", "expected_answer": "Boss daughter of a French woman, a Peruvian father and Italian grandparents born in Lima.", "history": [] }, { "index": 710, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El siguiente diagrama muestra a las localidades más próximas a Vinton.", "generated_answer": "The following diagram shows the localities more close to Vinton.", "expected_answer": "The next diagram shows the closest towns to Vinton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 711, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La banda sonora recibió reseñas positivas de la crítica.", "generated_answer": "The banda Sonora received positive reviews from the critics.", "expected_answer": "The OST was positively reviewed by the critics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 712, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No se recibieron más peticiones.", "generated_answer": "No, he received more petitions.", "expected_answer": "No more requests were received.", "history": [] }, { "index": 713, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El lugar sirvió como un campo para prisioneros políticos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.", "generated_answer": "The location served as a camp for political prisoners during the Second World War.", "expected_answer": "The place served as a political prisoner camp during WW2.", "history": [] }, { "index": 714, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuvieron un hijo juntos, Rowan.", "generated_answer": "\"Tuvan\" is translated to \"Tuvan\" in English.", "expected_answer": "They had a son together, Rowan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 715, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El cantante interpretó la canción en varios conciertos de la gira \"\"Quinto piso Tour\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The singer interprets the song in various concerts of the Gira \"Quinto Piso Tour\".", "expected_answer": "The singer sang that song in several concerts of the tour called “Quinto Piso Tour”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 716, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los arreglos multidimensionales pueden ser usados para matemática de matrices.", "generated_answer": "\"The arrangements of multidimensional objects can be used for the mathematics of matrices.\"", "expected_answer": "Multidimensional arrays can be used for matrix math.", "history": [] }, { "index": 717, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Existen diversas modalidades de montaje a la hora de realizar un evento.", "generated_answer": "\"Exists various modes of mounting at a time to realize an event.\"", "expected_answer": "There are different ways to stage an event.", "history": [] }, { "index": 718, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Re:Call\"\", entre otras.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Re, cal, others.\"", "expected_answer": "Re: Call”, among others.", "history": [] }, { "index": 719, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayor o menor rugosidad de una superficie depende de su acabado superficial.", "generated_answer": "The major or minor roughness of a surface depends on its surface roughness.", "expected_answer": "A greater or less roughness of a surface depends on the surface’s finish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 720, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son estas bacterias quienes le dan el color azul característico a sus anillos.", "generated_answer": "These bacteria are known for their characteristic orange color.", "expected_answer": "These bacteria are responsible for the characteristic blue of its rings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 721, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lanzó un disco con temas de cumbia y pop.", "generated_answer": "\"The Lasso\" features songs with themes of \"Reckless\" and \"Pop\".", "expected_answer": "She launched a disc with cumbia and pop songs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 722, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí promovía el diálogo entre cristianos y musulmanes.", "generated_answer": "All Christians and Muslims are encouraged to engage in dialogue.", "expected_answer": "That’s where she promoted the dialog between Christians and Muslims.", "history": [] }, { "index": 723, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras dar el rey su asentimiento se celebró un tedeum.", "generated_answer": "\"Tras el Rey, se celebra un Día de Alegría.\"", "expected_answer": "After the king would give his consent, the Te Deum was celebrated.", "history": [] }, { "index": 724, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se desempeñó como Secretario Privado Parlamentario a Fred Peart, el Ministro de Agricultura.", "generated_answer": "He was appointed as the Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Private Secretary.", "expected_answer": "He worked as Congress private secretary for Fred Peart, the Minister of agriculture.", "history": [] }, { "index": 725, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat fue reelegido para un segundo mandato.", "generated_answer": "Nikabudha Sissnika Mat was re-elected for a second mandate.", "expected_answer": "Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was reelected for a second term.", "history": [] }, { "index": 726, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nació en una familia rica y noble.", "generated_answer": "\"Born into a wealthy and noble family.\"", "expected_answer": "Born from a wealthy and noble family.", "history": [] }, { "index": 727, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Un Modelo Institucional\"\" editado por la H. Cámara de Diputados.\"", "generated_answer": "\"A model institutional edited by the H.C. Camerados.\"", "expected_answer": "An institutional model” edited by the Honorable Chamber of representatives.", "history": [] }, { "index": 728, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El camino de Santiago, en su ramal de la costa, pasa por la comarca.", "generated_answer": "The journey of Sancho, in his Ramal de la Costa, passes through Lago Murta.", "expected_answer": "The way of Saint James, on its route to the coast, goes through the shire.", "history": [] }, { "index": 729, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas de estas montañas están catalogadas como parques nacionales de la República de Honduras.", "generated_answer": "Albanians of these mountains are known for their significant presence in the Apulian region.", "expected_answer": "Some of these mountains are classified as national parks of the Republic of Honduras.", "history": [] }, { "index": 730, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta unión duró hasta el fallecimiento del artista.", "generated_answer": "This union lasted until the artist's death.", "expected_answer": "This bond lasted until the artist died.", "history": [] }, { "index": 731, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El remolino gira en sentido antihorario.", "generated_answer": "The Remolino giro in sentence antihorario.", "expected_answer": "The whirlwind spins anticlockwise.", "history": [] }, { "index": 732, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Semillas reniformes, pardas, testa reticulada.", "generated_answer": "\"Seeds, Reniform, Testa, Reticulated.\"", "expected_answer": "brown reniform seeds, reticulated testa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 733, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, ha colaborado en la grabación de otros veintiún álbumes como artista invitado.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides, he has collaborated in the recording of twenty-one albums, as an invited artist.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition, he has participated as a guest artist for other 21 albums.", "history": [] }, { "index": 734, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Según algunas fuentes, habría nacido en São Paulo, y según otras, en Río.", "generated_answer": "According to some sources, Bravia was born in São Paulo and others say it was born in Rio.", "expected_answer": "Some sources say she might have been born in São Paulo, others say she was born in Rio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 735, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este último grupo estuvo más organizado políticamente y logró gobernar a los anteriores.", "generated_answer": "This final group stood more organized politically and lobbied for all the previous ones.", "expected_answer": "This last group was more politically organized and managed to rule over the others.", "history": [] }, { "index": 736, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras esto, comenzó una rivalidad con Aleister Black.", "generated_answer": "\"After that, began a rivalry with Alexander the Great.\"", "expected_answer": "After this, a rivalry against Aleister Black begun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 737, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en las costas del Pacífico Oriental.", "generated_answer": "\"He is located in the Pacific Ocean coasts.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s located on the West Pacific coasts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 738, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era un poderoso sprinter, participante tanto en pruebas de carretera como de pista.", "generated_answer": "It was a powerful sprinter, participant in races from the circuit to the circuit.", "expected_answer": "He was a powerful sprinter, he participated both in road races as well as on tracks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 739, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él nombra al Gobierno, previa consulta al Consejo Asesor de la Asamblea Nacional.", "generated_answer": "He is a member of the government, a previous consultant of the National Assembly.", "expected_answer": "He named the government, after consulting to the Advisor Council of the national assembly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 740, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí sintió el deseo de consagrarse como religiosa.", "generated_answer": "All senses desire to be a religious person.", "expected_answer": "That’s where she felt the desire to devote herself as a religious woman.", "history": [] }, { "index": 741, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una coproducción entre Ucrania, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a co-production between Ukraine, the United States, and Russia.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a coproduction between Ukraine, United States and the United Kingdom.", "history": [] }, { "index": 742, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su vuelo es rápido y sencillo.", "generated_answer": "\"His hovercraft is rapid and simple.\"", "expected_answer": "Its flight is fast and simple.", "history": [] }, { "index": 743, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está considerado uno de los maestros españoles del paisajismo y del retrato.", "generated_answer": "\"He is considered one of the masters of Spanish paisajismo and landscape painting.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s considered to be one of the Spanish masters of landscaping and portrait.", "history": [] }, { "index": 744, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Escribió numerosos artículos a este respecto sobre lo que vio en Francia.", "generated_answer": "\"Written numerous articles about what you saw in France.\"", "expected_answer": "She wrote numerous articles about this on what she saw in France.", "history": [] }, { "index": 745, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Títulos Internacionales", "generated_answer": "International titles.", "expected_answer": "International Titles", "history": [] }, { "index": 746, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su capital, Bayamo, es considerada Cuna de la Nacionalidad Cubana.", "generated_answer": "Valladolid, the capital of the nation of Cuba.", "expected_answer": "Its capital, Bayamo, is considered the cradle of the Cuban Nationality.", "history": [] }, { "index": 747, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Chodkiewicz no fue el único que murió.", "generated_answer": "\"Shard Key is a key used in the A-FOLONICA key exchange protocol.\"", "expected_answer": "Chodkiewicz wasn’t the only one who died.", "history": [] }, { "index": 748, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las semillas son delgadas, alargadas, con diversas curvas, muchas por lóculo y testa reticulada.", "generated_answer": "The seeds are delicate, elongated, with various curves, often with longitudinal and reticulate patterns.", "expected_answer": "The seeds are thin, long, and have many curves, locules and a reticulated head.", "history": [] }, { "index": 749, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus hábitats naturales son las sabanas y zonas de matorral tropical seco.", "generated_answer": "The natural habitats of the species are the savannas and tropical dry forests.", "expected_answer": "Its natural habitats are savannahs, scrubs and dry tropical areas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 750, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Es un mecenas de la \"\"National Osteoporosis Society\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Is a member of the National Osteoporosis Society.", "expected_answer": "He is a patron of the National Osteoporosis Society", "history": [] }, { "index": 751, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se convirtió en un psiquiatra y una mente maestra criminal.", "generated_answer": "He converted into a psychiatrist of a criminal mind.", "expected_answer": "He became a psychiatrist and a criminal mastermind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 752, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consta de una zona Campeonato y otra de Ascenso.", "generated_answer": "\"The area is a zone of competition and another ascent.\"", "expected_answer": "It has a championship zone and a promotion zone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 753, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mientras que su densidad poblacional es de unos veintiocho habitantes por cada kilómetro cuadrado.", "generated_answer": "\"That their population density is of nearly twenty-eight inhabitants per square kilometer.\"", "expected_answer": "While its population density is 28 inhabitants per squared meter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 754, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El contacto con los ojos puede causar: enrojecimiento, dolor, visión borrosa.", "generated_answer": "The contact with the eyes may cause enrobing, pain, and blurred vision.", "expected_answer": "Contact with the eyes may cause: reddening, pain and blurry vision.", "history": [] }, { "index": 755, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Uh, correcto. Permiso concedido .", "generated_answer": "\"Correct, permission granted.\"", "expected_answer": "Uh, that’s right. Permission granted.", "history": [] }, { "index": 756, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En esto encontró la doncella su salvación.", "generated_answer": "In this, the child found salvation.", "expected_answer": "In this, the maiden found her salvation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 757, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su labor le hizo ser merecedor de diversos premios.", "generated_answer": "\"His labor earned him various rewards.\"", "expected_answer": "His labor made him worthy of various awards.", "history": [] }, { "index": 758, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha compartido sus conocimientos de teatro con generaciones de actores guatemaltecos.", "generated_answer": "\"Have shared their knowledge of theater with generations of Guatemalan actors.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s shared his theater knowledge with generations of Guatemalan actors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 759, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ópera Rock Lo-Fi Atlántica\"\", un álbum compuesto por veinticuatro canciones divididas en seis actos.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Opera ROT \"Lofi\" Atlantic\", an album composed of twenty-four songs divided into six acts.", "expected_answer": "Ópera Rock Lo-Fi Atlántica\", an album composed of 24 songs divided in six acts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 760, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una goleta partió desde Ensenada de Barragán para sumarse a la expedición.", "generated_answer": "A Goleta parted from Ensenada for a mission.", "expected_answer": "A schooner set sail from Ensenada de Barragan to join the expedition.", "history": [] }, { "index": 761, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El hipódromo, alberga diversas modalidades de carreras y competiciones ecuestres.", "generated_answer": "The Hippodrome Alberga offers various modes of transportation and competitions.", "expected_answer": "The racetrack holds different race modes and equestrian competitions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 762, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En deportes como el golf, se utilizan para medir la distancia al green.", "generated_answer": "In sports like golf, they use golf balls to measure distance to the green.", "expected_answer": "In sports such as golf, it’s used to measure the distance to the green.", "history": [] }, { "index": 763, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estos dos últimos residentes en Cuba.", "generated_answer": "\"Their latest recent ones in Cuba.\"", "expected_answer": "These two latest residents in Cuba.", "history": [] }, { "index": 764, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su abuela nació en Irlanda.", "generated_answer": "Her aunt was born in Ireland.", "expected_answer": "His grandmother was born in Ireland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 765, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Soap se convierte en comisario de la policía.", "generated_answer": "\"He became the police chief.\"", "expected_answer": "Soap becomes police sheriff.", "history": [] }, { "index": 766, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El templo esta ubicada en la zona colonial, frente a la plaza Bolívar.", "generated_answer": "The temple is located in the Sao Tomé and Príncipe.", "expected_answer": "The temple is located in the colonial zone, in front of the Bolivar plaza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 767, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adicionalmente, consta de mejoras de seguridad no disponibles en el navegador Firefox.", "generated_answer": "Additionally, it includes security improvements not available in the Firefox browser.", "expected_answer": "In addition, it has the best security measures that are not available for the Firefox browser.", "history": [] }, { "index": 768, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Adoptó el lema \"\"Cristo!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Adapted his Lemma: Christ.\"", "expected_answer": "The motto “Christ!” was adopted.", "history": [] }, { "index": 769, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se envejece de forma natural en cuevas húmedas.", "generated_answer": "She is buried in natural form in caves.", "expected_answer": "In wet caves, the ageing process is natural.", "history": [] }, { "index": 770, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una provincia escasa en producción vitivinícola.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a province in the production of Vitivinícula.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a province of low wine production.", "history": [] }, { "index": 771, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos estos tipos quedaron obsoletos al llegar la edición no lineal con acceso aleatorio.", "generated_answer": "\"All those types became obsolete as they were replaced by the addition of No Lineal with access to Altea.\"", "expected_answer": "All these types were made obsolete when the non-linear random access edition was available.", "history": [] }, { "index": 772, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Información basada en el Libro de Caleb Ortiz en su tercera edición.", "generated_answer": "\"Information based on the third edition of the book by Kalé Bortiste.\"", "expected_answer": "Information based on Caleb Ortiz’s book, third edition.", "history": [] }, { "index": 773, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come principalmente algas y, ocasionalmente, insectos acuáticos.", "generated_answer": "Comes primarily mainly algae and occasionally occasionally aquatic insects.", "expected_answer": "Its main source of food is algae and, occasionally, water insects.", "history": [] }, { "index": 774, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene un hermano menor, Elvis.", "generated_answer": "\"He has an older brother named Elvis.\"", "expected_answer": "She has a younger brother, Elvis.", "history": [] }, { "index": 775, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta historia se desarrolla en un apacible pueblo perdido entre las montañas.", "generated_answer": "This history is developed in a peaceful village nestled among the mountains.", "expected_answer": "This story takes place in a quiet lost town between the mountains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 776, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por ello, obtuvo la tarjeta para disputar la temporada completa.", "generated_answer": "For all, I have obtained a complete time card.", "expected_answer": "That’s how he got the card that allowed him to play the entire season.", "history": [] }, { "index": 777, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas duran seis meses mientras que otras duran solo un día en floración.", "generated_answer": "\"Some last six months, while others last only one year.\"", "expected_answer": "Some last six months, while others only have one day of bloom.", "history": [] }, { "index": 778, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cámara contenía siete sarcófagos de madera y muchas vasijas grandes de almacenaje.", "generated_answer": "The camera contained seven Sarcocafos de Máquinas, many large Amaceneros.", "expected_answer": "The chamber held seven wooden sarcophagus and many big pots made for storage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 779, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gradius ReBirth", "generated_answer": "\"Gradually.\"", "expected_answer": "Gradius ReBirth", "history": [] }, { "index": 780, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Swift comparó esto con otra de sus canciones, \"\"Picture to Burn\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Swift compared this to another of his songs, 'Picture to Burn'.\"", "expected_answer": "Swift compared this to another of their songs, “Picture to Burn”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 781, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La casa funciona como museo y biblioteca.", "generated_answer": "The house functions as a museum and a library.", "expected_answer": "The house functions both as a Museum and as a Library.", "history": [] }, { "index": 782, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta situación de guerra civil no pasó desapercibida para los fatimíes de Ifriqiya.", "generated_answer": "\"These situations of civil war, which have not been perceived by the Fatahites of Ifrikiya.\"", "expected_answer": "This civil war didn’t go unnoticed to the Fatimids of Ifriqiya.", "history": [] }, { "index": 783, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo se ha debatido mucho al respecto.", "generated_answer": "\"In any case, they have been treated with respect.\"", "expected_answer": "However, there was much debate about this subject.", "history": [] }, { "index": 784, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En primer lugar, la visita fue breve, con una duración de aproximadamente dos semanas.", "generated_answer": "In the first place, the visit was brief, lasting approximately two months.", "expected_answer": "In first place, the visit was brief, lasting approximately two weeks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 785, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La compañía estableció una posición defensiva por la noche.", "generated_answer": "The company established a defensive position for the night.", "expected_answer": "The company established defensive positions during the night.", "history": [] }, { "index": 786, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No era, sin embargo, la lengua habitual en Cataluña.", "generated_answer": "No was, in any case, the language customary in Catalonia.", "expected_answer": "It wasn’t, however, the common tongue of Cataluña.", "history": [] }, { "index": 787, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se puede dividir geográficamente en dos áreas, separadas por una formación montañosa.", "generated_answer": "He could divide geographically into two areas separated by a formation Mountainous.", "expected_answer": "Geographically, it can be divided in two areas, split by a mountain chain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 788, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra justamente al pie de la cordillera de ese nombre.", "generated_answer": "He is located just at the foot of the Corridor of the Nymphe.", "expected_answer": "It sits at the base of the mountain chain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 789, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En el que le implantaron dos \"\"bypass\"\" coronario.\"", "generated_answer": "In that case, I will translate the text to English for you.", "expected_answer": "They grafted two coronary bypasses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 790, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las semifinales y la final se jugaron en The Oval.", "generated_answer": "The semi-finals and the final will be held in Deoband.", "expected_answer": "Both the final and the semifinals were played at the Oval Stadium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 791, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comenzó sus estudios tomando clases de guitarra, natación y gimnasia deportiva.", "generated_answer": "Came to his studies taking classes of guitar, dance, and sports.", "expected_answer": "She began her studies with guitar, swimming and gymnastics lessons.", "history": [] }, { "index": 792, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue fiscal militar en Valdivia y en Valparaíso durante tres años.", "generated_answer": "\"He spent three years in Valparaiso, Chile.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a military prosecutor in Valdivia and Valparaiso for three years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 793, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue hijo único.", "generated_answer": "\"Was he alone?\"", "expected_answer": "He was an only child.", "history": [] }, { "index": 794, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al madurar caen las espiguillas, pero quedan los pelos.", "generated_answer": "\"Al mature, canes, but don't have penes.\"", "expected_answer": "When ripe, the soft bromes fall, but the silk remains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 795, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Criado junto a sus primos, se formó en las categorías inferiores de Independiente.", "generated_answer": "Criado junto aos seus piores, formando as categorias inferiores aos independentes.", "expected_answer": "Raised among his cousins, he trained at the Independiente’s youth academy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 796, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Obtuvo cuatro ministerios y seis secretarías de Estado en el gobierno eslovaco.", "generated_answer": "Four ministries and six secretariats in the government of Slovenia.", "expected_answer": "It had four ministers and six state secretaries at the Slovak government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 797, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un festival de los cerezos en flor se lleva a cabo cada primavera.", "generated_answer": "The Césares in flower celebrate each spring.", "expected_answer": "The cherry blossom festival is held every spring.", "history": [] }, { "index": 798, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eligió completar su bachillerato en Austria.", "generated_answer": "Eligig completed his Bachelor's degree in Austria.", "expected_answer": "He decided to finish high school in Austria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 799, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estación de ferrocarril en la línea de Bilbao La Robla en Arija.", "generated_answer": "Station of Ferrocarril in the line of Bilbao, La Rioja and Narraguiz.", "expected_answer": "The train station of the Bilbao La Robla line, in Arija.", "history": [] }, { "index": 800, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este caza utilizaba un tren de aterrizaje de tipo triciclo.", "generated_answer": "This case used a tri-cyclic train.", "expected_answer": "This fighter jet has a landing gear in the shape of a tricycle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 801, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Doctorado en Planeación Universitaria en la Universidad de California, en Berkeley.", "generated_answer": "Doctorate in Urban Planning at the University of California, Berkeley.", "expected_answer": "A PhD in University Planning at the University of California, in Berkeley.", "history": [] }, { "index": 802, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con flores solitarias, de color blanco cremoso, oscureciendo a naranja-rojo con la edad.", "generated_answer": "\"With solitary flowers of color Black Cremo, they obscure an Anarangro on age.\"", "expected_answer": "With lonely, creamy white flowers, which begin to darken with age, taking an orange and red tint.", "history": [] }, { "index": 803, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ser recordado.", "generated_answer": "\"Recorded.\"", "expected_answer": "To be remembered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 804, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la batalla subsiguiente, Rand Int.", "generated_answer": "\"In the battle, rank follows.\"", "expected_answer": "In the next battle, Rand Int.", "history": [] }, { "index": 805, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dentro del túnel se encuentran dos salas.", "generated_answer": "\"Inside the tunnel, there are two salas.\"", "expected_answer": "We find two rooms within the tunnel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 806, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Tradujo, además, \"\"Hemingway en España\"\" de Edward F. Stanton.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Hemway in Spain\" translated to English is \"Edward Stanton in Spain\".", "expected_answer": "Additionally, he translated “Hemingway en España”, by Edward F. Stanton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 807, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Cross, junto con el resto de supervivientes en \"\"Decay\"\", no se sabe.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Crowe joins the rest of the survivors in Deck 1.\"", "expected_answer": "Cross, together with the rest of the survivors in “Decay”, we don’t know.", "history": [] }, { "index": 808, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Elena es contratada por Alejandro para ayudar a Álex en sus estudios.", "generated_answer": "Elena is contracted by Alexander to assist Alex in his studies.", "expected_answer": "Elena is higher by Alejandro to help Alex with his studies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 809, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha recibido críticas mixtas de los críticos en general.", "generated_answer": "\"Have received mixed reviews from critics in general.\"", "expected_answer": "It received mix reviews among the general critic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 810, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Creo que los juegos tienen que ver con el arte.", "generated_answer": "\"Think that the games are not about the art.\"", "expected_answer": "I believe games have a lot to do with art.", "history": [] }, { "index": 811, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Facultad Libre es una institución de educación no formal.", "generated_answer": "The Faculty of Libre is an educational institution without a formal structure.", "expected_answer": "The Facultad Libre is an informal education institution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 812, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se debe respetar el horario pautado.", "generated_answer": "Respect the local way of life.", "expected_answer": "The schedule must be followed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 813, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La vía es roja, con soportes azules.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is: \"A red jacket with a blue sweater.\"", "expected_answer": "The track is red, with blue supports.", "history": [] }, { "index": 814, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue creada para fomentar la navegación con los territorios españoles en ultramar.", "generated_answer": "\"Was created for the promotion of navigation on the territories of Spain in the Ultra-maritime.\"", "expected_answer": "It was created to encourage sailing among the overseas Spanish territories.", "history": [] }, { "index": 815, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras su retirada como atleta ha ejercido de entrenador hasta la actualidad.", "generated_answer": "Tras su retiro de la atletica, ha participado de entrenador hasta la actualidad.", "expected_answer": "After abandoning his life as an athlete, he worked as a coach to this day.", "history": [] }, { "index": 816, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El núcleo urbano por entonces estaba dividido en dos barrios por la carretera.", "generated_answer": "The urban nucleus was divided into two districts by the street.", "expected_answer": "At that time, downtown was split by the river in two different neighborhoods.", "history": [] }, { "index": 817, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un afluente del río Miño, en su tramo final, por su margen derecha.", "generated_answer": "Is a tributary of the Minho River in its final stretch.", "expected_answer": "It’s a tributary of the Miño river, right at its end, on the right margin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 818, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Juega de defensor y su equipo actual es el Hertha Berlín de Alemania.", "generated_answer": "\"Juego de defensor de su equipo actual es el Hertha Berlin de Alemania.\"", "expected_answer": "He plays defense, and his current team is the Hertha Berlin from Germany.", "history": [] }, { "index": 819, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jugó de portero y desarrolló su carrera principalmente en el Liverpool Football Club.", "generated_answer": "\"Jogger and Devoured his career primarily in the Liverpool Football Club.\"", "expected_answer": "He used to play as a goalkeeper, and he spent most of his career in the Liverpool Football Club.", "history": [] }, { "index": 820, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En conjunto suelen ser profesionales especialistas con un histórico pasado de \"\"trabajadores de base\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"In conjunction with specialists who have a historical past of being laborers.\"", "expected_answer": "As a team, they’re usually specialist professionals with a background as line-level employees.", "history": [] }, { "index": 821, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este proyecto no le fue mejor que a los demás.", "generated_answer": "This project was not better than the others.", "expected_answer": "This project didn’t go much better than the rest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 822, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, no logró puntuar.", "generated_answer": "\"No, I don't understand.\"", "expected_answer": "However, he didn’t score.", "history": [] }, { "index": 823, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Luego siguieron creando como \"\"Penny\"\", sacado a finales de Marzo.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Later, followed by creating 'Penny', which was finalized in March.\"", "expected_answer": "The continued with creations like “Penny, released at the end of March.", "history": [] }, { "index": 824, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "E es paralela a J, a menudo duplicando las descripciones.", "generated_answer": "\"E\" is parallel to \"Ja\", a few duplicating the descriptions.", "expected_answer": "E is parallel to J, often doubling the descriptions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 825, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Varias veces el templo fue reconstruido.", "generated_answer": "The temple was reconstructed several times.", "expected_answer": "The temple was rebuilt several times.", "history": [] }, { "index": 826, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La población nativa tampoco fue abundante.", "generated_answer": "The native population was not abundant.", "expected_answer": "Native population wasn’t abundant either.", "history": [] }, { "index": 827, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La aerolínea experimentó un largo y gran crecimiento con beneficios continuos.", "generated_answer": "The Airline experienced a large and significant growth with continuous benefits.", "expected_answer": "The airline had a big and lasting growth with continuous benefits.", "history": [] }, { "index": 828, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Durante la semana, la \"\"vitrina\"\" se renueva todos los días.\"", "generated_answer": "During the day, the window refreshes every day.", "expected_answer": "The display window is renewed every day during the week.", "history": [] }, { "index": 829, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es barato, abundante por lo que es usado en prácticamente todas las industrias.", "generated_answer": "\"Is barato, agreable por qué se utiliza en casi todos los sectores industriales.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s affordable and abundant, which is why it’s used in almost every industry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 830, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tal es el origen de la institución de los beneficios.", "generated_answer": "The origin of the institution of benefits.", "expected_answer": "That’s the origin of the creation of said benefits.", "history": [] }, { "index": 831, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En las tumbas se hallaron además algunas armas y recipientes.", "generated_answer": "In the tombs, besides numerous sarcophagi, there were also many larnakes.", "expected_answer": "There were also weapons and containers found at the tombs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 832, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Podrían descubrirse poblaciones en otras áreas de Arunachal Pradesh o el vecino Bután.", "generated_answer": "Could discover populations in other areas of Arunachal Pradesh or its neighboring state of Uttar Pradesh.", "expected_answer": "More settlements could be found in other areas around Arunachal Pradesh or its neighbor, Bhutan", "history": [] }, { "index": 833, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El pueblo cuenta con dos líneas de autobuses urbanos que la comunican con Murcia.", "generated_answer": "The population depends on two lines of urban buses that connect to Murcia.", "expected_answer": "The town has two city bus lines connecting it to Murcia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 834, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son un polo de atracción para las mariposas.", "generated_answer": "\"The son is a attraction for the Mariposas.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a center of attraction for butterflies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 835, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus discos eran populares, y a menudo actuaba en festivales y clubes.", "generated_answer": "\"Festivals and clubs were popular, and many acted in them.\"", "expected_answer": "Their albums were popular, and they often performed in festivals and clubs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 836, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finalizado el año el United se dedicó a buscar un nuevo delantero.", "generated_answer": "The United States dedicated the year to finding a new defender.", "expected_answer": "At the end of the year, the United decided to search for a new forward.", "history": [] }, { "index": 837, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue nombrado Gödel en honor al matemático austríaco Kurt Gödel.", "generated_answer": "Fuen nombrado Gódel en honor del matemático austríaco Kár Gódel.", "expected_answer": "He was named Gödel, after the Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 838, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cada símbolo tiene un significado único.", "generated_answer": "\"Each symbol has a unique significance.\"", "expected_answer": "Each symbol has a unique meaning.", "history": [] }, { "index": 839, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por poner sólo algunos ejemplos.", "generated_answer": "For example.", "expected_answer": "Just to set a few examples.", "history": [] }, { "index": 840, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los rumiantes tienen un estómago complejo formada por varias cámaras.", "generated_answer": "The Rumiants have an complex stomach, formed by various chambers.", "expected_answer": "Ruminants have a complex stomach made up of different chambers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 841, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El río se divide en tres secciones diferentes.", "generated_answer": "The river is divided into three sections.", "expected_answer": "The river is split in three different sections.", "history": [] }, { "index": 842, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El poder ejecutivo era ejercido por el Rey, asistido por sus ministros.", "generated_answer": "The power was executed by the King, assisted by his ministers.", "expected_answer": "The executive branch of the government was assisted by the King and his ministers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 843, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su capital es Ciudad Bolívar.", "generated_answer": "\"His capital is the city of Bolivar.\"", "expected_answer": "Its capital is Bolivar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 844, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente fue recuperada de nuevo por la Corona por Alfonso el Magnánimo.", "generated_answer": "\"Previously, it was recovered again by the crown by Alphonso Matamano.\"", "expected_answer": "Afterwards, it was returned to the Crown by Alfonso the Magnanimous.", "history": [] }, { "index": 845, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pertenecía, por tanto, a una familia acomodada.", "generated_answer": "Pertaining to a family of the Acconto.", "expected_answer": "Therefore, it belonged to a well-off family.", "history": [] }, { "index": 846, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su estación corresponde al Ferrocarril General San Martín.", "generated_answer": "\"Her station corresponds to the Arroco Roca terminal in San Martín.\"", "expected_answer": "That station belongs to the General San Martin railroad.", "history": [] }, { "index": 847, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su sello era King Records.", "generated_answer": "\"Successor\"", "expected_answer": "The record label was King Records.", "history": [] }, { "index": 848, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se observan querubines y ángeles que emergen con sendos ramos florales.", "generated_answer": "She observes Quercus and Anguilla that emerge with Ramos Florales.", "expected_answer": "We can see cherubs and angels, each emerging with flower bouquets.", "history": [] }, { "index": 849, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sabía que eras mucho más que un ladrón.", "generated_answer": "\"You are in the right place.\"", "expected_answer": "I knew you were much more than a simple thief.", "history": [] }, { "index": 850, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era una mujer sabia, bien educada, realizada y altamente culta.", "generated_answer": "\"He was a well-educated man, who practiced a strict religious life.\"", "expected_answer": "She was a wise, educated, fulfilled and cultured woman.", "history": [] }, { "index": 851, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El primer programa presentaba tres espectáculos.", "generated_answer": "The first program presented three spectacles.", "expected_answer": "The first outline comprised three shows.", "history": [] }, { "index": 852, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tomó el nombre de sus madrinas.", "generated_answer": "\"Took the name of his mother.\"", "expected_answer": "She took her name after her godmothers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 853, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Encontró al caballero muriendo de sus heridas en el aeropuerto.", "generated_answer": "\"Encountered a cavalryman dying of his wounds in the airfield.\"", "expected_answer": "She found a gentleman dying of his wounds at the airport.", "history": [] }, { "index": 854, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conforme se va avanzando en el juego, se van descubriendo más ingredientes.", "generated_answer": "\"As the game advances, you will discover more ingredients.\"", "expected_answer": "As the game progresses, more ingredients are found.", "history": [] }, { "index": 855, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hablaba acerca de su relación con John Gilbert con gran afecto.", "generated_answer": "\"He had a great affection for John Gilberts.\"", "expected_answer": "She spoke of her relationship with John Gilbert with great affection.", "history": [] }, { "index": 856, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente es presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación.", "generated_answer": "Currently, the President of the National Commission for Accreditation is actually.", "expected_answer": "Nowadays, he’s the President of the National Committee of Certification.", "history": [] }, { "index": 857, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Antes de convertirse en actriz Lindsey trabajó como estilista por casi seis años.", "generated_answer": "Before converting to an actress, Linsay worked as an estilista for nearly six years.", "expected_answer": "Before becoming an actress, Lindsey worked as a stylist for almost six years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 858, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hallazgos arqueológicos sugieren asentamientos humanos anteriores a la dinastía Qin.", "generated_answer": "\"Archaeological findings suggest human settlements dating back to the pre-Kin dynasty.\"", "expected_answer": "Archaeological findings suggest the human settlements predate the Qin Dynasty.", "history": [] }, { "index": 859, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante su historia, el edificio ha sufrido diversas reformas.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"The story begins with various forms.\"", "expected_answer": "Across history, the building suffered many alterations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 860, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Otros lo relacionan directamente con \"\"Velasco\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Others directly connected with Velázquez.", "expected_answer": "Other will remember him as “Velasco”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 861, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por el contrario, los dibujos estuvieron a cargo de Miku Yuki.", "generated_answer": "The text in English is: \"On the contrary, the dibujos stood out against the background of Miyuki.\"", "expected_answer": "On the contrary, the drawings were made by Miku Yuki.", "history": [] }, { "index": 862, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conocer los productos en los que se ha usado amianto puede ayudar a identificarlo.", "generated_answer": "\"The products used in the area could help identify them.\"", "expected_answer": "Knowing which products have been made with asbestos could help identify it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 863, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De su gobierno no se conservan documentos ciertos.", "generated_answer": "\"From the government, no one knows certain documents.\"", "expected_answer": "There are no proper records of its government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 864, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuvieron una corta vida en el mercado.", "generated_answer": "\"Taught a short life in the market.\"", "expected_answer": "They didn’t last long at the market.", "history": [] }, { "index": 865, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se suele emplear como conservante alimentario en el procesado de alimentos para animales.", "generated_answer": "They will use as a conservationalist in the processing of animal foods.", "expected_answer": "It’s used commonly as a preservative in animal food.", "history": [] }, { "index": 866, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ciudad más importante y populosa es Bulawayo.", "generated_answer": "The city of importance and population of Bula.", "expected_answer": "The most important and populated city is Bulawayo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 867, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La principal actividad económica es la agricultura, con una incipiente industria turística.", "generated_answer": "The primary economic activity is agriculture, with a subsequent industry tourism.", "expected_answer": "The main economic activity is agriculture, with an emerging tourist industry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 868, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La frontera fue heredada de la colonización europea.", "generated_answer": "The European colonization of the frontier.", "expected_answer": "The border was inherited since the European colonization.", "history": [] }, { "index": 869, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Porter, entre otros.", "generated_answer": "\"Portier, among others.\"", "expected_answer": "Porter, among others.", "history": [] }, { "index": 870, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuenta con dos andenes laterales, a los que acceden dos vías pasantes.", "generated_answer": "Couteaux avec deux andes lateraux, qui accedent deux chemins passants.", "expected_answer": "It has two different side platforms to which two lines access it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 871, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su verdadero nombre era Marie-Louise Chiba, y nació en Viena, Austria.", "generated_answer": "His real name was Malidus Tiva and he was born in Vienna, Austria.", "expected_answer": "Her real name was Marie-Louise Chiba, born in Vienna, Austria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 872, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Esta canción fue grabada en vivo y ubicada en \"\"The Kids Are Alright\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"This song was recorded live in the studio and was dedicated to the memory of the late Peter Gabriel.\"", "expected_answer": "This song was recorded live, and added to “The Kids Are Alright”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 873, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con el profe torrente llego su debut y se fue consolidando.", "generated_answer": "\"On the \"Profe Torrente\" debut, he consolidated.\"", "expected_answer": "He debuted thanks to Profe Torrente and became established.", "history": [] }, { "index": 874, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Autora de cuentos, se ha vinculado al trabajo de varios grupos feministas.", "generated_answer": "The author of the quotes is involved in the work of various feminist groups.", "expected_answer": "She’s a tale writer who’s been linked to the work of various feminist groups.", "history": [] }, { "index": 875, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El jugador tiene encuentros políticos, económicos y militares con otras naciones.", "generated_answer": "The player has political, economic, and military experiences with other nations.", "expected_answer": "The player has political, economical and military encounters with other nations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 876, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está situada al noroeste de la villa de Tineo, capital del concejo.", "generated_answer": "It is situated in the northeast of the village of Tine, the capital of the Conco.", "expected_answer": "It’s located Northwest of the Tineo municipality, capital of the council.", "history": [] }, { "index": 877, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Trabajó como ayudante en la Escuela de Sordomudos.", "generated_answer": "Translation: \"Trabajo como ayudante en la escuela de los Sordomudos.\"", "expected_answer": "She worked as an assistant at Escuela de Sordomudos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 878, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Diodoro Sículo le da el \"\"praenomen\"\" Manio.\"", "generated_answer": "Diodorus Siculus.", "expected_answer": "Diodoro Siculo gave him the “Praenomen” Manio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 879, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la Dinastía Qing, el concepto de arte occidental no existía en Taiwán.", "generated_answer": "During the Dynasty of King Kung, the concept of Art Occidental does not exist in Taiwan.", "expected_answer": "During the Qing dynasty, the concept of Western art did not exist in Taiwan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 880, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Juega sus partidos como local en el estadio Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz.", "generated_answer": "Juega su partes como local en el estadio Mohamed bin Abdul Aziz.", "expected_answer": "Its home for the games is the Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz stadium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 881, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No está muy claro el rango que se establece, sobre todo el mínimo.", "generated_answer": "No, it is not very clear what range they establish, especially the minimum.", "expected_answer": "The rank established is not clear, especially the lowest one.", "history": [] }, { "index": 882, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus fósiles se han hallado desde Alemania y Inglaterra.", "generated_answer": "\"They have been found from Germany and Italy.\"", "expected_answer": "Its fossils have been found from Germany to England.", "history": [] }, { "index": 883, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre ellos, Vigo, Bilbao y Andalucía fueron las regiones que más vieron este auge.", "generated_answer": "\"Among these, Vigo, Bilbao, and Andalusia were the regions that most witnessed this event.\"", "expected_answer": "Among them, Vigo, Bilbao and Andalusia were the regions that experienced this peak the most.", "history": [] }, { "index": 884, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pequeños mamíferos, aves, reptiles y anfibios se cuentan entre sus alimentos.", "generated_answer": "\"Mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians coexist among their food sources.\"", "expected_answer": "Small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are included in its diet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 885, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de los casos de alcalosis responden bien al tratamiento.", "generated_answer": "The majority of cases of Alkalosis respond well to treatment.", "expected_answer": "Most of the alkalosis cases respond well to treatment.", "history": [] }, { "index": 886, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entertainment no coincidía con su estilo.", "generated_answer": "\"Entertainment\" did not match his style.", "expected_answer": "Entertainment didn’t match their style.", "history": [] }, { "index": 887, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los ejemplos que sobreviven son a menudo hechos de metales preciosos y ricamente decorados.", "generated_answer": "The examples that survive are usually precious metal or richly decorated ones.", "expected_answer": "The samples that remain are often made of highly decorated precious metals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 888, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está formada por dos diques separados por un desaguadero.", "generated_answer": "It is formed by two dikes separated by a drainage.", "expected_answer": "It’s formed by two dams separated by a drain pipe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 889, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La independencia de los jueces está garantizada por la Constitución.", "generated_answer": "The independence of judges is guaranteed by the constitution.", "expected_answer": "The judges’ independence is guaranteed in the constitution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 890, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es apta para el cultivo en el jardín alpino o jardín de rocas.", "generated_answer": "Is suitable for cultivation in the Alpine garden or rock garden.", "expected_answer": "It’s suited for growing in an alpine garden or a rock garden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 891, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diseñar es una tarea compleja, dinámica e intrincada.", "generated_answer": "\"Design is a complex, dynamic, and intricate task.\"", "expected_answer": "Designing is a complex, dynamic and intricate task.", "history": [] }, { "index": 892, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante su vida adulta, Cage tuvo una importante actividad como escritor y profesor.", "generated_answer": "During her adult life, Kate took on the important activities of being a writer and professor.", "expected_answer": "In his adulthood, Cage was very active as a writer and teacher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 893, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era raquítico y sordo.", "generated_answer": "\"He was racy and sordid.\"", "expected_answer": "He was skinny and deaf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 894, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El viaje se iba a realizar en septiembre.", "generated_answer": "The trip will be completed in September.", "expected_answer": "The trip was going to be made on September.", "history": [] }, { "index": 895, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Obtuvo el Gran Premio de escultura artística en la Casa de Velázquez de Madrid.", "generated_answer": "\"Received the grand prize of sculpture art in the Villa de Vallecas in Madrid.\"", "expected_answer": "He was awarded the Great Sculpture price of Casa de Velazquez in Madrid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 896, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este encabezamiento se convirtió en el tercero de toda su carrera en el país.", "generated_answer": "This is the third of all his career in the country.", "expected_answer": "This heading was the third of his career in the country.", "history": [] }, { "index": 897, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La coloración es muy variable.", "generated_answer": "The color is very variable.", "expected_answer": "Their colors may vary a lot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 898, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lamentablemente, falleció prematuramente a causa de un cáncer.", "generated_answer": "Lamentably, he fell prematurely due to a cancer.", "expected_answer": "Sadly, he had an early death due to cancer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 899, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "piti, si Vilma no quiere hacer el amor contigo", "generated_answer": "\"Pitty, civil war, no one loves each other.\"", "expected_answer": "Pity, if Vilma doesn't want to make love to you.", "history": [] }, { "index": 900, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ deseo que me las compres!", "generated_answer": "\"Dice, qui m'aimes.\"", "expected_answer": "I want you to buy it for me!", "history": [] }, { "index": 901, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos estos tres factores alcanzan su máximo al final de la fase de crecimiento.", "generated_answer": "\"All these three factors account for their maximum at the end of the phase of growth.\"", "expected_answer": "All these three factors reach their peak at the growth phase.", "history": [] }, { "index": 902, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Si bien tiene paradas en Rivas-Vaciamadrid, son sólo de bajada en sentido Madrid.", "generated_answer": "If you have parades in Rio de Janeiro facing Madrid, they are only for fun in Madrid.", "expected_answer": "Even though it has stops in Rivas-Vaciamadrid, they’re only to get off on the way to Madrid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 903, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La estación cuenta con dos andenes, uno central y otro lateral.", "generated_answer": "The station contains two wings: one central and one lateral.", "expected_answer": "The station has two platforms: one central platform and one lateral platform.", "history": [] }, { "index": 904, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras todo este tiempo quedan atrás numerosas actuaciones.", "generated_answer": "\"Throughout this time, he has remained steadfast in his actions.\"", "expected_answer": "After all this time, many performances are left behind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 905, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en Tanzania y en Transvaal y Natal en Sudáfrica.", "generated_answer": "She is found in Tanzania, in Tanzania and in Tanzania.", "expected_answer": "It’s found in Tanzania, Transvaal and Natal in South Africa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 906, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ejerció de presidente del Senado y de presidente del Tribunal de Cuentas.", "generated_answer": "Translated to English: \"Delivered to the President of the Senate and the President of the Court of Accounts.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the president of the Senate and president of the Court of Auditors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 907, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Claudia Cardinale es una mujer progresista con convicciones políticas fuertes.", "generated_answer": "Claudia Cardinall is a progressive woman with strong political convictions.", "expected_answer": "Claudia Carinale is a progressive woman with strong political convictions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 908, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al conversar era afable, pero medía cuidadosamente sus palabras.", "generated_answer": "\"All conversation was amiable, but moderately cautious in their words.\"", "expected_answer": "He was good-natured in his conversations, but he measured his words carefully.", "history": [] }, { "index": 909, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coleccionó instrumentos de piedra prehistóricos, fósiles y minerales.", "generated_answer": "Collecting prehistoric instruments, fossils, and minerals.", "expected_answer": "She collected prehistoric stone instruments, fossils and minerals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 910, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A pesar de su corta historia ha tenido diversos nombres.", "generated_answer": "\"Despite her short history, she has had various names.\"", "expected_answer": "Despite being a new competition, it’s had different names already.", "history": [] }, { "index": 911, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es fuertemente migratorio, visto por temporadas en gran parte de la India peninsular.", "generated_answer": "Is fiercely migratory, seen in a large part of the Indian Peninsula.", "expected_answer": "It’s highly migratory. It can be seen in some seasons in a large part of Peninsular India.", "history": [] }, { "index": 912, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el piso superior se expone la historia del Oktoberfest.", "generated_answer": "In the upper part, the history of October is presented.", "expected_answer": "On the upper floor, the story of the Oktoberfest is displayed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 913, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Querían rendir la ciudad, pero los defensores atacaron los tanques con rifles sin retroceso.", "generated_answer": "\"They wanted to destroy the city, but the defenders attacked the tanks with rifles without retreating.\"", "expected_answer": "They wanted to conquer the city, but the defenders attacked the tanks with rifles that had no recoil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 914, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Recibió malas críticas y el grupo se disolvió.", "generated_answer": "\"Received Malas criticisms, and the group dissolved.\"", "expected_answer": "It received poor reviews, so the group was disbanded.", "history": [] }, { "index": 915, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este taxón es un endemismo del centro de la Argentina.", "generated_answer": "This Taxon is an endemic of the center of Argentina.", "expected_answer": "This taxon in endemic to the center of Argentina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 916, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasó los siguientes años como comandante de fronteras de la provincia.", "generated_answer": "Passed the subsequent years as Commander of the Frontiers of the Province.", "expected_answer": "He spent the following years as a commander for the province borders.", "history": [] }, { "index": 917, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El ganador de la clase Copa fue Germán Sánchez Flor.", "generated_answer": "The winner of the Class C Copa was German Sanchez Flores.", "expected_answer": "The winner of the Cup Class was German Sanchez Flor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 918, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es considerada una de las playas más bellas de Menorca.", "generated_answer": "\"Is considered one of the best plays of Mora.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s considered one of the most beautiful beaches of Menorca.", "history": [] }, { "index": 919, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aquel mismo día cambió su formato tradicional.", "generated_answer": "\"Akel changed its traditional format.\"", "expected_answer": "That very same day, the traditional format changed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 920, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se estima que actualmente en el mundo hay aproximadamente un millón de neopaganos.", "generated_answer": "One million million Neopagans.", "expected_answer": "It’s believed that there are approximately one million of neopagans in the world right now.", "history": [] }, { "index": 921, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Por esto a este municipio se le conoce como \"\"La Perla del San Jorge\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"For this, a this municipality is known as the Pearl of San Juan.\"", "expected_answer": "That’s why this municipality is known as “The pearl of Saint George”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 922, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El proyecto aporta una quinta fachada acristalada al primitivo teatro.", "generated_answer": "The project supports a five-stage crystal theater.", "expected_answer": "The project provided a fifth glass façade for the primitive theater.", "history": [] }, { "index": 923, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una línea trabajada desde su juventud y que es la marca característica del artista.", "generated_answer": "The line was traced from his youth, and what is the characteristic of the artist.", "expected_answer": "It’s a line the artist has worked from his youth and it’s his signature characteristic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 924, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stalin recibió información de los planes alemanes por diversas fuentes.", "generated_answer": "Stalin received information about the plans of the Germans from various sources.", "expected_answer": "Stalin received information of the German plans through different sources.", "history": [] }, { "index": 925, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La siguiente tabla contiene la lista de canciones que acompaña el espectáculo coreográfico.", "generated_answer": "The next table contains the list of songs that accompany the choreography.", "expected_answer": "The following table contains the lists of songs that accompany the choreographic show.", "history": [] }, { "index": 926, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se suele elaborar a partir de cortes y molida de bajo costo.", "generated_answer": "They will work on a part of the cuts and moldings at a low cost.", "expected_answer": "It’s usually elaborated from cuts and low price ground meat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 927, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La economía para su estudio se divide en dos campos: microeconomía y macroeconomía.", "generated_answer": "The economy for their study is divided into two camps, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.", "expected_answer": "For studying purposes, economics is divided in two fields: micro and macro economy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 928, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus bombas fueron escogidas como las ideales para combatir en el conflicto.", "generated_answer": "\"Their bombs were seen as ideal for combat in the conflict.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s bombs were picked as suitable to fight during the conflict.", "history": [] }, { "index": 929, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dina Dagan, testigo ocular del sismo", "generated_answer": "\"Dina Dagan, oculist of the earthquake.\"", "expected_answer": "Dina Dagan, ocular witness of the earthquake.", "history": [] }, { "index": 930, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de los fieles de la fe islámica eran sunitas.", "generated_answer": "The majority of the followers of the Islamic faith were Sunnis.", "expected_answer": "Most of the followers of the Islamic faith were Sunni.", "history": [] }, { "index": 931, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La promoción del producto creó confianza entre otros directores y editores.", "generated_answer": "The promotion of the product created confidence among other directors and editors.", "expected_answer": "The product’s advertisement created trust between other directors and editors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 932, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ken Parish Perkins de \"\"Fort Worth Star-Telegram\"\" dio al final una B de calificación.\"", "generated_answer": "\"The fourth world start of the telegram did final a B qualification.\"", "expected_answer": "Ken Parish Perkings of “Fort Worth Star-Telegram” marked it as a B.", "history": [] }, { "index": 933, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las hembras son ligeramente mayores que los machos.", "generated_answer": "The males are larger than the females.", "expected_answer": "Females are slightly bigger than males.", "history": [] }, { "index": 934, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La pista de Vágar requiere una extensión para acomodar correctamente este avión.", "generated_answer": "The Pista de Vaga requires an extension to accommodate the vehicle correctly.", "expected_answer": "Vagar’s landing strip requires a specific length to set the plane right.", "history": [] }, { "index": 935, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nada se conserva de estas pinturas.", "generated_answer": "\"None of these paintings are conserved.\"", "expected_answer": "Nothing remains from these paintings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 936, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una de las notas curiosas de este templo se halla en su baptisterio.", "generated_answer": "One of the curious things about this temple is that it has a baptismal font.", "expected_answer": "One of the curious notes about this temple is found in its baptistery.", "history": [] }, { "index": 937, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con un giro a la derecha, volvía a la Avenida de los Huetos.", "generated_answer": "On a right turn, we veered into the avenue of the Buetos.", "expected_answer": "By turning right, it went back to Avenida de los Huetos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 938, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era una simple cruz griega en blanco o negro perfilada.", "generated_answer": "\"It was a simple blue or black dot in white or green.\"", "expected_answer": "It was a simple Greek cross in a white or black outline.", "history": [] }, { "index": 939, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las siguientes piedras mencionan a gente que pudieron morir en aquella batalla.", "generated_answer": "The subsequent stones mention a person who died in a battle.", "expected_answer": "The following stones mention people that may have died in that battle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 940, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí conoció a figuras importantes españolas, como a Francisco Ayala y a Ricardo Gullón.", "generated_answer": "All recognized important Spanish figures like Francisco Ayala and Ricardo Gullón.", "expected_answer": "That’s where she met very important Spanish figures, such as Francisco Ayala and Ricardo Gullon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 941, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él tuvo un buen rendimiento, en la misma posición de defensor izquierdo.", "generated_answer": "He performed well in the same position as a defender.", "expected_answer": "He had a good performance in the same position as a left defender.", "history": [] }, { "index": 942, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sentí que cada riff estaba escrito\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sensed that each rift stayed written.\"", "expected_answer": "I felt that each riff was already written”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 943, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Llevan la camisa de color vino.", "generated_answer": "Leaves a camisole in the color violet.", "expected_answer": "They’re wearing a wine colored shirt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 944, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Logró un escaño en el Congreso peruano, siendo el más votado de su agrupación.", "generated_answer": "\"He gained a majority in the Peruvian Congress, being the most voted of his group.\"", "expected_answer": "He gained a seat in the Peruvian congress by being the most voted of his team.", "history": [] }, { "index": 945, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este pueblo le sirvió como inspiración tanto para este cuadro como para otros.", "generated_answer": "This village served as inspiration for this painting as well as for others.", "expected_answer": "This town was his inspiration for this painting and for others.", "history": [] }, { "index": 946, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El río Franco, el cual nace en dicha villa, recorre el municipio.", "generated_answer": "The River Franko, which originates in the valley, runs through the municipality.", "expected_answer": "Franco river, which begins in that village, goes around the municipality.", "history": [] }, { "index": 947, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dos leyendas sitúan el origen o la invención del abanico en el Lejano oriente.", "generated_answer": "Two legends place the origin of the Abanico in the East.", "expected_answer": "Two ledengs place the origin or invention of the fan in the far East.", "history": [] }, { "index": 948, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En el circuito de Broadway, Nueva York, actuó en la revista musical \"\"Tickets, Please!\"", "generated_answer": "In the circuit of Brookfield, New York, a musical act performed \"Tickets Please.\"", "expected_answer": "In the Broadway circuit, New York, he performed at the musical revue: “Tickets, please!", "history": [] }, { "index": 949, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"A pesar de tener algunas apariciones esporádicas en \"\"SmackDown!'.\"", "generated_answer": "Despite having some unusual appearances in \"Smashed\".", "expected_answer": "Despite some scattered appearances in “SmackDown!’.", "history": [] }, { "index": 950, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene tres accesos: por escaleras mecánicas, pasillo rodante y ascensor.", "generated_answer": "\"There are three accesses, for mechanical escalators, rotating stairs, and ascenders.\"", "expected_answer": "It has three access points: escalators, a moving walkway and an elevator.", "history": [] }, { "index": 951, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hay autobuses públicos.", "generated_answer": "\"Are there public buses?\"", "expected_answer": "There are public buses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 952, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como bandera histórica de España, cuenta con los máximos honores militares.", "generated_answer": "\"Como bandera histórica de España, contiene sus máximos honores militares.\"", "expected_answer": "It was awarded many military honors as a historic flag of Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 953, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La solidaridad de tales sociedades exige la adaptación al colectivo por parte del individuo.", "generated_answer": "The solidarity of societies requires the adaptation of individuals.", "expected_answer": "The solidarity of such societies demands the collective adaptation of individuals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 954, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas de los salones requieren rastreo con el fin de poder entrar.", "generated_answer": "\"Many of these salons require a power entry.\"", "expected_answer": "Entering to some of the halls requires tracking devices.", "history": [] }, { "index": 955, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Operaba vuelos de cabotaje en el sur de Algeria.", "generated_answer": "\"Operates boats in the south of Algeria.\"", "expected_answer": "It offered domestic flights South of Algeria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 956, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reflejan una realidad cotidiana, quizá prosaica, pero no por ello menos entrañable.", "generated_answer": "Reflects a reality, possibly Prosaic, but not for any reason less entrapping.", "expected_answer": "They reflect an every day reality, maybe common, but equally important.", "history": [] }, { "index": 957, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos afirman que pudo ser un personaje histórico real.", "generated_answer": "\"Many people believe that he could be a historical real person.\"", "expected_answer": "Some claim that he might have been a real historical character.", "history": [] }, { "index": 958, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está afiliada a BirdLife International.", "generated_answer": "\"Is affiliated with the Burn Life International.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a member of BirdLife International.", "history": [] }, { "index": 959, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Muchos escritores en catalán, escribieron sus artículos en español, entre ellos Joan Maragall.", "generated_answer": "Many writers in Catalonia write their articles in Spanish, including Juan Malagal.", "expected_answer": "Many Catalan writers wrote their articles in Spanish, Joan Maragall among them.", "history": [] }, { "index": 960, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Normalmente causa ceguera.", "generated_answer": "Normally causes Célula.", "expected_answer": "It normally causes blindness.", "history": [] }, { "index": 961, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El artículo de Einstein no contiene referencias a otros de la literatura.", "generated_answer": "The article does not contain references to other literature.", "expected_answer": "Einstein’s article does not contain references to others in the literature.", "history": [] }, { "index": 962, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto ocurrió en la Space Station Processing Facility del centro espacial Kennedy.", "generated_answer": "This occurred in the space station processing facility of the Kennedy Space Center.", "expected_answer": "This happened at the Space Station Processing Facility of the Kennedy Space Center.", "history": [] }, { "index": 963, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los otros fueron descendientes de una de estas familias.", "generated_answer": "\"Our ancestors were descendants of one of these families.\"", "expected_answer": "The others were descendants of one of these families.", "history": [] }, { "index": 964, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por ello, los fanáticos del juego son pocos pero muy leales.", "generated_answer": "For all those fans of the game, but very loyal.", "expected_answer": "That’s why the game has a few, but very loyal, fans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 965, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuando la Segunda Guerra Mundial estalla, la familia decide huir.", "generated_answer": "When the second world war ends, the family decides to leave.", "expected_answer": "When WWII broke out, the family decided to run away.", "history": [] }, { "index": 966, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La bóveda fue decorada por diversos artistas que representaron escenas sobre María.", "generated_answer": "The Odeon was decorated by various artists who represented scenes of Maria.", "expected_answer": "The vault was decorated by different artists who represented scenes about Mary.", "history": [] }, { "index": 967, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Una de sus primeras películas es \"\"Fanny Hill\"\", de Russ Meyer.\"", "generated_answer": "\"One of his first films is \"Fancy Hill\", directed by R.M.", "expected_answer": "One of his first movies is Russ Meyer’s “Fanny Hill”,", "history": [] }, { "index": 968, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el siglo I a. C. era una ciudad en decadencia.", "generated_answer": "In the first century before Christ, there was a city in decline.", "expected_answer": "In the 1st century B.C. it was a city in decline.", "history": [] }, { "index": 969, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Montó diversos tipos de motores.", "generated_answer": "\"Monted various types of motors.\"", "expected_answer": "He assembled many types of engines.", "history": [] }, { "index": 970, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El libreto en sueco es obra de Rafael Herzberg.", "generated_answer": "\"The Libreto in Suédo is an opera by Rafael Herseberg.\"", "expected_answer": "The Swedish script was written by Rafael Herzberg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 971, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la serie de televisión Supergirl, Kara, la protagonista, la nombra en varias ocasiones.", "generated_answer": "\"In the series of television Supergirl, the protagonist, Cara, is mentioned in various episodes.\"", "expected_answer": "On the Tv Show “Supergirl”, Kara, the protagonist, says her name a few times.", "history": [] }, { "index": 972, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Escribió varios trabajos sobre temática militar.", "generated_answer": "\"He has done various works on military terminology.\"", "expected_answer": "He wrote a few military papers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 973, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El árbol echa flores de un amarillo intenso dispuestas en panículas terminales.", "generated_answer": "The Elm tree flowers with an intense red fruit, arranged in terminal clusters.", "expected_answer": "The tree blooms bright yellow flowers arranged in panicles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 974, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los flagelos más estudiados son los de espermatozoides.", "generated_answer": "\"The most studied flagellates are those of the Peridiniales.\"", "expected_answer": "The most studied flagella are spermatozoa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 975, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El alma es alada y al caer del camino pierde esas alas.", "generated_answer": "\"The Alarm is Salada, and at the end of the journey, it piers as Salas.\"", "expected_answer": "The soul has wings and when it falls from the road it loses them.", "history": [] }, { "index": 976, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cada jugador sólo puede hablar una vez.", "generated_answer": "\"Each player could only speak once.\"", "expected_answer": "Each player may only speak once.", "history": [] }, { "index": 977, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las actividades se realizan los sábados, en la sede de Pocitos.", "generated_answer": "The activities are realized on Saturdays in the depots.", "expected_answer": "The activities are carried out on Saturday, at the Pocitos headquarters.", "history": [] }, { "index": 978, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Seleccionador: Jan Stirling", "generated_answer": "\"Selector\"", "expected_answer": "Selector: Jan Stirling", "history": [] }, { "index": 979, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Colón, que pensaba que se encontraba en Asia, consideró que eran muy buenas noticias.", "generated_answer": "\"Colomb, who thought he encountered in Asia, considered that were very good news.\"", "expected_answer": "Colon, who thought he was in Asia, thought it was great news.", "history": [] }, { "index": 980, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas juntas dotan de capacidad a los diferentes municipios para resolver problemas ambientales comunes.", "generated_answer": "These junctions are designed to provide capacity to different municipalities for resolving common environmental problems.", "expected_answer": "Together they provide municipalities the capacity to resolve common environmental issues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 981, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asistente de Akari en el centro de investigación.", "generated_answer": "Translation: Assistant of Akari in the center of investigation.", "expected_answer": "Akari’s assistant at the research center.", "history": [] }, { "index": 982, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los síntomas incluyen entumecimiento, náuseas, mareos y vómitos.", "generated_answer": "These symptoms include: Ennui, Nausea, Marasmus, and Vomiting.", "expected_answer": "Symptoms include numbness, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.", "history": [] }, { "index": 983, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es ingerida con el pasto por los rumiantes.", "generated_answer": "Is it served with Pasta for the Romans.", "expected_answer": "It’s ingested with grass by ruminants.", "history": [] }, { "index": 984, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su principal rival sería John Evans Atta Mills, del Congreso Nacional Democrático.", "generated_answer": "\"Your principal rival would be John Evans Atkins, a member of the National Democratic Congress.\"", "expected_answer": "His main rival was John Evans Atta Mills of the National Democrat Congress.", "history": [] }, { "index": 985, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su verdadera explosión vendría en los playoffs.", "generated_answer": "\"Her outrageous explosion happened in the playoffs.\"", "expected_answer": "His first explosion would be during the playoffs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 986, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La siguiente lista, que se cree completa, comprende todas las producciones dirigidas por Florey.", "generated_answer": "The next list that comes is all the productions directed by Loris.", "expected_answer": "The following list, which is thought to be complete, includes all the productions directed by Florey.", "history": [] }, { "index": 987, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como Mr.", "generated_answer": "\"Come, sir.\"", "expected_answer": "As Mr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 988, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto es vital para mejorar la capacidad de la estación.", "generated_answer": "\"Essential for improving the station's capacity.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s vital to improve the station’s capacity.", "history": [] }, { "index": 989, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es la organización política de la juventud de Cuba.", "generated_answer": "The organization's political stance is of the Cuban Youth.", "expected_answer": "It’s Cuba’s youth political organization.", "history": [] }, { "index": 990, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A esta dieta se unen, nuevamente, vegetales recolectados, así como algunos animales marinos.", "generated_answer": "\"This diet consists of newly collected vegetables, as well as some marine animals.\"", "expected_answer": "To their diet are added, again, gathered vegetables and some sea animals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 991, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con los tallos simples.", "generated_answer": "\"With those simple.\"", "expected_answer": "With simple stems.", "history": [] }, { "index": 992, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente pertenece a la colección de Flora Klein-Andreu, de Barcelona.", "generated_answer": "Actually, it belongs to a collection of flora of the city of Barcelona.", "expected_answer": "It’s now part of Flora Klein-Andreu’s collection in Barcelona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 993, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dice Saúl Mendoza.", "generated_answer": "These are the works of Saul Bellow.", "expected_answer": "Saul Mendoza said.", "history": [] }, { "index": 994, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entusiasmados con el gran hallazgo, procedieron a talar el árbol.", "generated_answer": "Entusiastic with the grand joust, they proceeded to the field.", "expected_answer": "Exited about this new finding, they fell the tree.", "history": [] }, { "index": 995, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El resultado buscado era hacer la fachada norte del edificio el aspecto ms importante.", "generated_answer": "The result was to make the northern aspect of the edifice the most important aspect.", "expected_answer": "The result he wanted was to make the North facade look more important.", "history": [] }, { "index": 996, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de los críticos elogiaron la película.", "generated_answer": "The majority of critics praise the film.", "expected_answer": "Most critics praised the movie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 997, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se alimenta de pequeños invertebrados, detritus y vegetación acuática.", "generated_answer": "He provides nutrition for small invertebrates, detritus, and aquatic vegetation.", "expected_answer": "It feeds on small invertebrates, detritus and aquatic vegetation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 998, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al final, Alberto e Isabel Cristina se casan.", "generated_answer": "Albert and Isabel Cristina are seen.", "expected_answer": "In the end, Alberto and Isabel Cristina get married.", "history": [] }, { "index": 999, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Señor Nuncio Apostólico, Mons.", "generated_answer": "\"Your Eminence, Monsignor.\"", "expected_answer": "Mister, Nuncio, Monsignor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1000, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La tropa embarcada nació junto con la Escuadra Nacional.", "generated_answer": "The troop carrier arrived alongside the national squadron.", "expected_answer": "The troop sailed with the National Squadron.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1001, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente está gestionada por una fundación que preside Mario Vargas Llosa.", "generated_answer": "Actually, it is governed by a foundation presided over by Mariano Vargas y Sosa.", "expected_answer": "Now is managed by a foundation directed by Mario Vargas Llosa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1002, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, esto resultó ser sólo la mitad verdad.", "generated_answer": "This result is only half true.", "expected_answer": "However, this was only half the truth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1003, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿ y tu padre? le hemos dicho a la hora de comer", "generated_answer": "And you, your father, have told us a time for eating.", "expected_answer": "And your father? We told him at lunchtime.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1004, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ Alto! ¿ quién anda ahí?", "generated_answer": "\"Alto, Kinnard.\"", "expected_answer": "Stop! Who is there?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1005, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial apareció una nueva generación de artistas abstractos.", "generated_answer": "\"During the Second World War, a new generation of abstract artists emerged.\"", "expected_answer": "After WWII, there was a new generation of abstract artists.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1006, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Procedente del río Arlanza se pueden obtener algunos peces, así como moluscos.", "generated_answer": "\"Following the river Alanza, one can obtain several pieces, such as many nuts.\"", "expected_answer": "Some fish and mollusks may be obtained form the Arlanza river.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1007, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasó sus primeros años en la ciudad de La Plata.", "generated_answer": "Passed their first years in the city of La Plata.", "expected_answer": "She spent her younger years in the city of La Plata.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1008, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los hermanos Stefan y Zbigniew regresan junto a su sirviente Maciej de la guerra.", "generated_answer": "The brothers, Stefan and Spigno, return together to their servant, Messe, of the war.", "expected_answer": "The Stefan and Zbigniew brothers return with their servant Maciej from the war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1009, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es originaria de Bolivia, Brasil, y Perú.", "generated_answer": "\"Is originally from Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s native to Bolivia, Brasil and Peru.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1010, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bard fue co-fundador de Stockholm Records y lleva varios negocios musicales y de internet.", "generated_answer": "Bar was a co-founder of Stockhoul's records and left various musical and internet businesses.", "expected_answer": "Bard was co-founder of Stockholm Records and has several musical and internet businesses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1011, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su primer club fue el Colo-Colo de la Primera División de Chile.", "generated_answer": "\"The primary club was the Colo-Colo, the first edition of the team.\"", "expected_answer": "The first club he played for was Colo-Colo from Chile’s first division.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1012, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La respuesta de Narváez fue acentuar su política autoritaria.", "generated_answer": "The response of Nevarra was centered around her political authoritarianism.", "expected_answer": "Narvaez replied by strengthening his authoritarian policies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1013, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta demostración provee la libertad de contradicción para partes del análisis clásico.", "generated_answer": "This demonstration provides the liberty of contradiction for parts of the classical analysis.", "expected_answer": "This demonstration provides the freedom of contradiction for parts of the classical analysis.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1014, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los escapes de estelas se hacen más estables y durables en alta altitud.", "generated_answer": "The escapes of the Stelas become more stable and durable in higher altitudes.", "expected_answer": "Contrails are more stable and lasting at high altitudes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1015, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La sede del condado es George West.", "generated_answer": "The county seat is George West.", "expected_answer": "The county seat is George West.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1016, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hasta su transformación fue la iglesia del vecindario de San Lorenzo.", "generated_answer": "The transformation of the religious community in the neighborhood of San Lorenzo.", "expected_answer": "Until its transformation, it was the neighborhood church of San Lorenzo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1017, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su padres se llaman Arsenio Acosta y Juana León.", "generated_answer": "\"His parents are named Arlene Acosta and Juan Leon.\"", "expected_answer": "His parents are Arsenio Acosta and Juana Leon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1018, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jugó para el Victoria de la Liga Nacional de Honduras.", "generated_answer": "\"Jugog for the victory of the Liga Nacional of Honduras.\"", "expected_answer": "He played for the Victoria team of the National Honduras league.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1019, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está localizada en la Calle Consistorio de dicha ciudad gaditana.", "generated_answer": "\"Is located in the Calles Conicitario of the city of Granitana.\"", "expected_answer": "Located in Consistorio Street of that city in Cadiz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1020, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene una única hermana llamada Rocío Diana Arjona Baca.", "generated_answer": "\"Has a single mother named Rosiada Arjona Vaca.\"", "expected_answer": "She has a single sister called Rocio Diana Arjona Baca.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1021, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fundaron, además, Factory Productions, un servicio de grabación en Bay Area.", "generated_answer": "\"Funded, also, Factory productions, a service of Gravitation in the Bay Area.\"", "expected_answer": "They also founded Factory Productions a recording service in Bay Area.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1022, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero no tuvieron hijos.", "generated_answer": "\"But not received children.\"", "expected_answer": "But they didn’t have any children.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1023, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con frecuencia se conoce roca madre.", "generated_answer": "\"On frequency, he knows the mother.\"", "expected_answer": "Also known as parent material.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1024, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La creación de la banda se atribuye al Sr. Tulio Freire, integrante del gobierno.", "generated_answer": "The creation of the band is attributed to Sir Tulio Freire, an integral part of the government.", "expected_answer": "The band creation is attributed to Mr. Tulio Freire, member of the government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1025, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El gobernador de Misiones nunca llegó a asentarse en esta localidad.", "generated_answer": "The governor of missions never settled in this locality.", "expected_answer": "The governor of Misiones never lived in this place.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1026, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Morrison fue un físico teórico, y se interesó en varios aspectos de la ciencia.", "generated_answer": "Morrison was a physicist and was interested in various aspects of the science.", "expected_answer": "Morrison was a theoretical physicist and he was interested in several aspects of science.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1027, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los asientos son metálicos y las papeleras forradas de cobre.", "generated_answer": "The seats are made of metal and the paperweights are made of wood.", "expected_answer": "It has metal seats and the trash cans are lined with copper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1028, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sofisticada y madura para su edad, pronto llama la atención por su carácter rebelde.", "generated_answer": "\"So sophisticated and mature for their age, they immediately attract attention due to their character.\"", "expected_answer": "Sophisticated and mature for her age, she’s soon noticed for her rebellious personality.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1029, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las diferencias entre ellas son cada vez más grandes.", "generated_answer": "The differences between them are always more significant.", "expected_answer": "The differences between them are ever growing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1030, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue profesora de la Escuela Municipal de Música de Barcelona.", "generated_answer": "\"Was professor of the municipal music school of Barcelona.\"", "expected_answer": "She was the teacher of the Municipal School of Music of Barcelona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1031, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oficialmente se informó que Zorrilla estaba enfermo.", "generated_answer": "\"Officially, we inform you that Soria is ill.\"", "expected_answer": "It was officially reported that Zorrilla was sick.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1032, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Se desconoce con exactitud la procedencia el topónimo \"\"Macarena\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "She recognizes the toponym \"Macarena\".", "expected_answer": "The origin of the “Macarena” toponym is uncertain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1033, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue un periodista, político revolucionario y diputado constituyente.", "generated_answer": "\"Was a journalist, politician, revolutionary and deputy.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a journalist, a revolutionary politician and constituent representative.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1034, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las personas son en su mayoría indígenas, ciudadanos de quechua descenso", "generated_answer": "The people are mostly indigenous, descendants of Quechua.", "expected_answer": "The people are predominantly indigenous citizens of Quechua descent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1035, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su forma es casi perfectamente oval.", "generated_answer": "The form is almost perfectly oval.", "expected_answer": "It has the shape of an almost perfect oval.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1036, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Contiene arcos que rematan en una cúpula que constituyen a la base del monumento.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"Contain arches that remain in a cupola that constitute a base of the monument.\"", "expected_answer": "It has arches that end in a dome which are the base of the monument.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1037, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fundó el Hospital real de Santiago.", "generated_answer": "\"Fund the hospital in San Diego.\"", "expected_answer": "He founded the Royal Hospital of Santiago.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1038, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La topología más adecuada es la de estrella.", "generated_answer": "The topology is adequate.", "expected_answer": "The most appropriate topology is the star topology.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1039, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los árboles están cubiertos con musgo y líquenes.", "generated_answer": "The trees stand covered with moss and lichen.", "expected_answer": "The trees are covered in moss and lichen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1040, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son aptos para el vuelo a las cinco semanas.", "generated_answer": "\"Five seasons.\"", "expected_answer": "They’re able to fly at five weeks of age.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1041, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una fortaleza de origen musulmán de planta rectangular.", "generated_answer": "\"A fort of Muslim origin, rectangular in shape.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a Muslim fortress of a single rectangular floor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1042, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una forma de obtener una ligadura de este tipo es incluyendo un potencial.", "generated_answer": "\"A form of obtaining this type is including a potential.\"", "expected_answer": "One way to obtain one of these constraints it’s including a potential.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1043, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El archiduque Luis Salvador nació en el palacio Pitti.", "generated_answer": "\"His Archduke Louis Salvador was born in the Palace of Pite.\"", "expected_answer": "The Archduke Luis Salvador was born in the Pitti palace.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1044, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El lóbulo superior de la aleta caudal es muy prolongado hacia atrás.", "generated_answer": "The superior lumen of the caudate nucleus is very long.", "expected_answer": "The upper lobe of the caudal fin is largely extended towards the backside.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1045, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mexicanos de ascendencia húngara o judeo-húngara han destacado en diversos campos del arte.", "generated_answer": "\"Mexicanos luchan en el entrenamiento de la Universidad de Húngara, Jura y de varios campamentos.\"", "expected_answer": "Mexicans of Hungarian or Judeo-Hungarian descent have had renown in different fields of the arts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1046, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con el tiempo llegó a convertirse en permanente.", "generated_answer": "\"On the time he went to combat in Parma.\"", "expected_answer": "Eventually, it became permanent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1047, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Punta Carnero tiene un gran atractivo.", "generated_answer": "Puntacarne has a great attraction.", "expected_answer": "Punta Carnero is very attractive.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1048, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una ciudad con ascendencia alemana.", "generated_answer": "Is a city with an elevation of 1,000 meters.", "expected_answer": "It’s a city of German descent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1049, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Biblioteca Colombina de la Catedral de Sevilla, España.", "generated_answer": "\"Biblioteca Colombiana de la Catedra de Sevilla, España.\"", "expected_answer": "Colombina library of the Sevilla Cathedral, Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1050, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al mediodía, la acción se desplazó hacia el centro de la línea defensiva confederada.", "generated_answer": "\"At midday, an action was carried out towards the center of the defensive line of the Confederation.\"", "expected_answer": "At noon, the action moved towards the center of the defensive confederate line.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1051, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son hierbas perennifolias con el tallo decumbente o colgante, delgado.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"The herbs with a cylindrical or collinear tail are deliquescent.\"", "expected_answer": "These are evergreen herbs of decumbent or hanging thin stems.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1052, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una fiesta que nació en la calle con la participación de distintos artistas.", "generated_answer": "\"It is a festival that was held in the city, with the participation of different artists.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a party that originated on the streets with the participation of many artists.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1053, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Compañía de galas orientales.", "generated_answer": "Company of the East Coast.", "expected_answer": "Eastern gala company.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1054, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más tarde pasó Balonmano Valladolid.", "generated_answer": "\"More time passed, and the town of Valdolid.\"", "expected_answer": "Then he played for Balonmano Valladolid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1055, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la competencia de campo, se enfrentan dos equipos.", "generated_answer": "In the competition, you face two teams.", "expected_answer": "In the field competition, two teams are faced.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1056, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se fundaron las asociaciones de estudiantes, los departamentos de agricultura y ciencias militares.", "generated_answer": "She founded the associations of students, the departments of agriculture and military sciences.", "expected_answer": "Student associations, agricultural and military sciences departments were founded.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1057, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En \"\"The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire\"\" se acuesta con Loretta, la mujer de Cleveland.\"", "generated_answer": "In the Clive's Loredot, Loredot the wife of Clive.", "expected_answer": "In “The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire” he sleeps with Loretta, Cleveland’s wife.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1058, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los responsables de la rebelión habían huido.", "generated_answer": "The responsible parties of the rebellion had fled.", "expected_answer": "The people responsible for the rebellion had ran away.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1059, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente se instala en la ciudad de Caracas trabajando como obrero textil.", "generated_answer": "\"Later, they install in the city of Caracas, working with a technician.\"", "expected_answer": "Later, he moved to Caracas, where he work in the fabric industry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1060, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Las secciones de Utah y Arizona han sido oficialmente designados como 'Veterans Memorial Highway'.\"", "generated_answer": "\"The sections of Utah and Arizona have been officially designated as veterans' memorials.\"", "expected_answer": "The Utah and Arizona sections have been officially designed as “Veterans Memorial Highway.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1061, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La organización aboga por temas que afectan e impactan a la comunidad judía estadounidense.", "generated_answer": "The organization advocates for issues that affect and impact the Jewish community in the United States.", "expected_answer": "The organization advocates for topics that affect and impact the Jewish community in the United States.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1062, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus capitales fueron primero Livingstone y luego Lusaka.", "generated_answer": "His capital was first Lining Stone and then Saka.", "expected_answer": "Its capitals were Livingstone and then Lusaka.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1063, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha sido internacional a nivel juvenil con la selección de Italia.", "generated_answer": "\"Has been selected for the international level with the selection of Italy.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s played international matches in the National Italian Youth team.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1064, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presidió la Comisión de Economía y Empleo de la Federación Madrileña de Municipios.", "generated_answer": "Presided the Commission of Economy and Employment of the Federal of Municipalities.", "expected_answer": "He chaired the Economy and Employment committee of the Federation of municipalities of Madrid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1065, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No presenta estípulas.", "generated_answer": "No presentes tipulos.", "expected_answer": "It doesn’t have stipules.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1066, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es extraído en las minas como mena del metal de plomo.", "generated_answer": "Is extracted in the mines as metal of lead.", "expected_answer": "It’s extracted from mines as lead metal ore..", "history": [] }, { "index": 1067, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tanto el arco central como el de la izquierda están realizados en ladrillo.", "generated_answer": "\"Tantalized by the central arch, as on the left, are realized in Ladrillo.\"", "expected_answer": "Both the central arch as well as the left one are made of brick.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1068, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amado, en efecto, demostró cierta independencia de criterio.", "generated_answer": "Amado, in effect, demonstrates certain independence of criterion.", "expected_answer": "Amado showed, indeed, independence of judgement.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1069, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Echó a su mujer de casa.", "generated_answer": "She echoed her mother's words.", "expected_answer": "He kicked his wife out of the house.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1070, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es portado por treinta costaleros.", "generated_answer": "Translated to English:\n\nExported by thirty Costaleros.", "expected_answer": "It’s carried by thirty costaleros.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1071, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con suerte, permaneció como invitado de honor y segundo vocalista.", "generated_answer": "On success, he remained as an honorary invite and second vocalist.", "expected_answer": "Luckily he remained as a guest of honor and second singer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1072, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La aplicación detecta la ubicación del usuario y muestra restaurantes abiertos en ese momento.", "generated_answer": "The application detects the user's location and displays nearby restaurants.", "expected_answer": "The application detects the user’s location and shows which restaurants are open at the time.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1073, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El material es la piedra vista.", "generated_answer": "The material is the Plywood.", "expected_answer": "The material is the stone of the facade.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1074, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este logo fue desarrollado simultáneamente con un comercial y un folleto.", "generated_answer": "This logo was developed simultaneously with a commercial and a Folio.", "expected_answer": "This logo was simultaneously developed with a commercial and a flier.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1075, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se reproduce durante el verano.", "generated_answer": "\"They are produced in the Netherlands.\"", "expected_answer": "It reproduces during summer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1076, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se graduó como ingeniero agrónomo en la Universidad de la República.", "generated_answer": "She was born as an engineer at the University of the Republic.", "expected_answer": "He graduated as an Agronomist at the Universidad de la República.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1077, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ne, ne , ne.", "generated_answer": "\"Please translate the text to English.\"", "expected_answer": "Ne, ne, ne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1078, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La abuela se quedaba dormida mientras leía.", "generated_answer": "\"The aunt, Chico, sleeps while Lai.\"", "expected_answer": "Grandmother used to fell asleep while reading.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1079, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La presencia o ausencia de puntos permite la codificación de los símbolos.", "generated_answer": "The presence or absence of points allows the coding of symbols.", "expected_answer": "The presence or absence of points enables the codification of the symbols.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1080, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde entonces y hasta su jubilación ha prestado sus servicios docentes en dicho centro.", "generated_answer": "\"From then until now, they have provided their services as doctors in that center.\"", "expected_answer": "Ever since and until he retired, he’s served as a teacher for that center.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1081, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Continuó trabajando en el teatro, cine y televisión del Reino Unido.", "generated_answer": "Continue working in the theater, cinema, and television in the United States.", "expected_answer": "He continued to work in the theater, the movies and in television of the United Kingdom.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1082, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue cremado y sepultado en un cementerio privado.", "generated_answer": "\"Cremated and buried in a private cemetery.\"", "expected_answer": "He was cremated and buried at a public cemetery.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1083, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La zona fue habitada desde hace largo tiempo.", "generated_answer": "The zone was inhabited for a long time.", "expected_answer": "The zone was fit out long time ago.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1084, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una palmera solitaria con las hojas pinnadas con un robusto estípite espinoso.", "generated_answer": "\"It is a Palmera solitaria with its leaves bearing the characteristic red-brown color of the bark with a smooth, shiny, and dark brown skin.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a solitaire palm with pinnate leaves with a thick thorny stipe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1085, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es árido.", "generated_answer": "Yes.", "expected_answer": "It’s arid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1086, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como profesor, fue un gran pedagogo de la contabilidad.", "generated_answer": "\"From the professor, was a great pedagogue of the contubernium.\"", "expected_answer": "As a teacher, he was a great accounting educator.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1087, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asistía a la escuela nocturna para trabajadores donde aprendió a leer y escribir.", "generated_answer": "Asistir a una escuela nocturna para aprender leer y escritura.", "expected_answer": "He went to a night school for workers where he learned to read and write.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1088, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha habido dos radionovelas de la serie.", "generated_answer": "\"Have had two Radio Novels in the series.\"", "expected_answer": "There’s been two radio soaps based on the series.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1089, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue destituido y puesto en prisión.", "generated_answer": "\"Was executed and imprisoned.\"", "expected_answer": "He was demoted and imprisoned.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1090, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la moda introdujo algunas prendas típicas, en conjunto con otras de corte internacional.", "generated_answer": "In the mode, introduced some typical clothes in conjunction with others of international origin.", "expected_answer": "She introduced some typical garments in fashion, along with some international grade garments.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1091, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cabe destacar que el transcurso de la historia es en tiempo real.", "generated_answer": "\"Ce qui est important, c'est que le temps nous est en train de passer.\"", "expected_answer": "It should be noted that the story progresses in real time.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1092, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero Gatsby se empeña en conseguir el amor que no logró en su juventud.", "generated_answer": "But Gatsbys seek to achieve the love they never found in their youth.", "expected_answer": "But Gasby insists on getting the love he couldn’t get in his youth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1093, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En consecuencia, no costó demasiado trabajo reparar el buque.", "generated_answer": "In consequence, no much work was required to repair the boat.", "expected_answer": "As a result, it didn’t cost much to repair the ship.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1094, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Colaboró en publicaciones como \"\"Vida Leonesa\"\" o \"\"León\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Collaborate in publications like Vida Leonesa or Leones.", "expected_answer": "He made contributions to magazines like “Vida Leonesa” and “Leon”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1095, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente vive en Sao Paulo y París.", "generated_answer": "Currently, I reside in both Salou and Bairro de Barros.", "expected_answer": "Nowadays, he lives in Sao Paulo and Paris.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1096, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el nivel inferior están la cafetería, el restaurante y la sala de espera.", "generated_answer": "In the lower level, there is a cafeteria, a restaurant, and a bar.", "expected_answer": "The cafeteria, restaurant and waiting room are on the lower levels.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1097, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se emite por Latina.", "generated_answer": "\"Please translate to English.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s been broadcasted on Latina.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1098, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Depende directamente de la Gobernación y participa en distintas competiciones a nivel nacional.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is:\n\n\"Depend directly on the government and participate in various national competitions.\"", "expected_answer": "It depends directly from the Government, and it participates in competitions at a national level.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1099, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un arbusto rastrero de crecimiento lento.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Is a Arbusto Rastrero of crecimiento largo.\" translates to \"It is a shrubby arbusto of long growth.\" in English.", "expected_answer": "It’s a slow growing bush.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1100, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ambas canciones fueron producidas y escritas por Gabe Lopez.", "generated_answer": "\"Both songs were produced and written by Gary Lopez.\"", "expected_answer": "Both songs were produced and written by Gabe Lopez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1101, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este modelo tiene un peso mayor.", "generated_answer": "This model has a larger weight.", "expected_answer": "This model weights more.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1102, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las flores se agrupan en racimos terminales y son de color blanco.", "generated_answer": "The flowers are arranged in terminal spikes, with blackish-brown flowers.", "expected_answer": "This are terminal flowers and are the color white.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1103, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se produjeron algunos disturbios y algunas detenciones.", "generated_answer": "They produced numerous disturbances and detentions.", "expected_answer": "There were some riots and arrests.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1104, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un signo clínico que manifiesta el estrechamiento de las vías respiratorias pequeñas.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a clinical sign that manifests the stretching of the respiratory bronchioles.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a clinical symptom that shows a narrowing of the small respiratory tract.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1105, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La decisión fue tomada debido a que se quería renovar las tardes de Telecinco.", "generated_answer": "The decision was taken due to the desire to renovate the days of the calendar.", "expected_answer": "The decision was based on the desire to renew the afternoon shows in Telecinco.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1106, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esperaban abordar la flota que, por verano, salía para el Nuevo Mundo.", "generated_answer": "\"Expectant passengers boarded a flight for the new world.\"", "expected_answer": "They were eager to board the ships sailing towards the New World that summer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1107, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Alberga el Centro Comercial Los Llanos de la capital.", "generated_answer": "\"Albergera the commercial center of the capital.\"", "expected_answer": "It hosts the Los Llanos Commercial Center at the capital.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1108, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un buen ejemplo es el de los agujeros negros masivos en los núcleos galácticos.", "generated_answer": "\"A good example is the agglutinating Neologisms in the Galactic Nuclei.\"", "expected_answer": "Some good examples of it are the massive black holes at the center of the galaxies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1109, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se realizó un plan hídrico integral.", "generated_answer": "She realized a plan for a comprehensive irrigation.", "expected_answer": "A comprehensive water plan was created.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1110, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se utilizó en minería.", "generated_answer": "They are used in mining.", "expected_answer": "It was used in mining.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1111, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lucía, en tanto, es la más adinerada del grupo.", "generated_answer": "Lucia, in turn, is the most Aline among the group.", "expected_answer": "Whereas Lucia is the wealthiest of the group.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1112, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus padres fueron Santiago Romero Cárdenas y Manuela Ramírez.", "generated_answer": "\"His parents were Santi Cardenas and Manula Ramirez.\"", "expected_answer": "Her parents were Santiago Romero Cardenas and Manuela Ramirez.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1113, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto era un espaldarazo muy importante.", "generated_answer": "This was a very important event.", "expected_answer": "That meant great support.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1114, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nueve de ellos morirían en las campañas por la independencia dominicana.", "generated_answer": "\"Nine of them died in the independence campaigns for the Dominican Republic.\"", "expected_answer": "Nine of them would die during the Dominican Independence campaign.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1115, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diariamente, los vecinos argumentaban agresivamente unos contra otros, e incluso contra su propio pueblo.", "generated_answer": "\"Daily, the villagers argue aggressively against others, even against their own people.\"", "expected_answer": "The neighbors would argue daily against one another, even going against their own town.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1116, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente trabaja en su nuevo disco.", "generated_answer": "Currently, he is working on his new album.", "expected_answer": "Currently working on his new album.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1117, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La carlinga, no estaba presurizada.", "generated_answer": "The carlingan did not stand pressure.", "expected_answer": "The cabin wasn’t pressurized.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1118, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como testimonio de su existencia, esta localidad conserva una calle llamada La Calzada.", "generated_answer": "The local area is called the Calle.", "expected_answer": "As a testament to his existence, this town still has a street named La Calzada.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1119, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Toca la guitarra, el piano y la flauta irlandesa.", "generated_answer": "Toca a la guitarra, la piano y la flauta de la España.", "expected_answer": "He plays the guitar, the piano and the Irish flute.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1120, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El disco se vendió junto al periódico \"\"Gara\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The CD was sold alongside the DVD.", "expected_answer": "The album was sold together with the Gara newspaper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1121, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este rechazo es especialmente intenso en Europa en general y Francia en particular.", "generated_answer": "\"It is the most intense expression of Europe in general, and France in particular.\"", "expected_answer": "This rejections is specially strong in Europe in general, and in France in particular.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1122, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Steele es conocida por la temática de moda y maquillaje de su canal.", "generated_answer": "\"Skillet is known for the terminology of mode and makeup in his work.\"", "expected_answer": "Steele is known for her fashion and makeup themes on her channel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1123, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente integra el plantel del Atlanta, de la Primera B Metropolitana.", "generated_answer": "Currently, the team is part of the Atlanta Metropolitan Police Department.", "expected_answer": "At the present, he belongs to the Atlanta team of the B Metropolitan League.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1124, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus ancestros vinieron de las islas Canarias.", "generated_answer": "\"Their ancestors came from the Canary Islands.\"", "expected_answer": "Their ancestors came to the Canary Islands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1125, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El nombre de la compañía, \"\"one time!\"", "generated_answer": "The name of the company is OneTime.", "expected_answer": "Is the name of the company, “One time!”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1126, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estos paradigmas pueden estar relacionados, particularmente en los extremos.", "generated_answer": "\"These paradoxes can be related particularly in the extremes.\"", "expected_answer": "This paradigms can be related, specially at the extremes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1127, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las hembras son de mayor tamaño y presentan coloración azul-verdosa en la zona ventral.", "generated_answer": "Lambs are of major size and present coloration of Auzzero in the dorsal area.", "expected_answer": "Females are bigger and show some blue and green coloration at their ventral area.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1128, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La caza submarina se realiza en las playas de Casma.", "generated_answer": "The Casino Submarine is realized in the waters of Casino.", "expected_answer": "Spearfishing can be done at the Casma beaches.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1129, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son originales de África y Malasia.", "generated_answer": "\"Original from Africa and Malaysia.\"", "expected_answer": "They originated from Africa and Malaysia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1130, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto es especialmente cierto para el escaneo vertical.", "generated_answer": "This is especially true for the Vertical Scan.", "expected_answer": "This is particularly true for the vertical scans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1131, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A menudo es utilizado como motivo artístico.", "generated_answer": "\"A few are used as artistic motivation.\"", "expected_answer": "Often used with artistic purposes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1132, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La historia del Restaurante está íntimamente unida a la familia Arzak.", "generated_answer": "The history of the restaurant is intimately tied to the family Ars.", "expected_answer": "The history of this restaurant is bound to that of the Arzak family.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1133, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su significado etimológico es igual a la palabra homónima, ser \"\"bienvenido\"\", bien recibido.\"", "generated_answer": "\"His significance is equivalent to the word \"benvenuto\", meaning \"welcome\".", "expected_answer": "The etymological meaning its equal to its homonym, to be “welcomed”, to be received.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1134, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un Hito Histórico Nacional.", "generated_answer": "\"Is it historical national?\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a national and historical milestone.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1135, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En dicho corto ya se reflejaban prototipos de los protagonistas de la serie actual.", "generated_answer": "In the series, they have reflected prototypes of the main characters.", "expected_answer": "In short, that was already apparent on the protagonists prototypes of the current show.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1136, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los niveles máximos de intoxicación suelen durar varias horas.", "generated_answer": "The maximum levels of intoxication should last for several hours.", "expected_answer": "The high levels of toxicity can be seen for hours.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1137, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Frank comenzó su carrera en Liberia.", "generated_answer": "Frank comes to play in Liberia.", "expected_answer": "Frank began his career in Liberia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1138, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Creo que escribí esto por experiencia con mis hermanos cuando yo era pequeño.", "generated_answer": "\"I think I wrote this for experience with my friends when I was a kid.\"", "expected_answer": "I think I wrote this out of my experiences with my brothers when I was little.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1139, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El punto \"\"S\"\" se llama el centro del campo.\"", "generated_answer": "The point S is called the center of the field.", "expected_answer": "The “S” point is the center of the field.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1140, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vuelve a su casa transformado.", "generated_answer": "Vole a su casa transformado.", "expected_answer": "Came back home transformed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1141, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El lema de la ciudad es \"\"\"\"La cuna de los Warao\"\"\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The emblem of the city is \"The Cuna of Los Garao\".", "expected_answer": "The motto of the city is “The birth of the Warao”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1142, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los emperadores de las primeras dinastías eran considerados casi como la cabeza del Estado.", "generated_answer": "The Emperors of the first dynasties were considered almost like the head of the state.", "expected_answer": "The emperors of the first dynasties were considered almost as the head of the estate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1143, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus padres eran actores, lo que ejerció una fuerte influencia sobre ella desde niña.", "generated_answer": "\"Her parents were actors, which had a strong influence on her from a young age.\"", "expected_answer": "Her parents were actors, which acted as a huge influence for her at a young age.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1144, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente, estas tiendas han sido reconvertidas en Easy.", "generated_answer": "Actually, these Tindes have been converted into \"Easy\".", "expected_answer": "Nowadays, all these stores are part of Easy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1145, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las partes desnudas son de color negro.", "generated_answer": "The parts are of color black.", "expected_answer": "The naked parts are black.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1146, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene pinturas murales al óleo de Francisco de Goya.", "generated_answer": "\"Their paintings in oil by Francisco de Goya.\"", "expected_answer": "It has oil painted murals belonging to Francisco Goya.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1147, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además con el club anotó seis goles, ejerciendo la posición de portero.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides, the club also plays in the second division.\"", "expected_answer": "He scored six goals with his team while playing as a goalkeeper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1148, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se utilizan allí donde se desplazan masas considerables.", "generated_answer": "They use it wherever they disperse masses considered significant.", "expected_answer": "It’s used where big masses move.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1149, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ganó todos excepto Canción del año.", "generated_answer": "\"Gained all, except the Cannes Film Festival.\"", "expected_answer": "He won all, except for the Song of the Year award.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1150, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante las presentaciones en vivo, Estefan ha tocado la guitarra mientras canta la canción.", "generated_answer": "During their presentations, Stefan took a guitar while singing a song.", "expected_answer": "During his live performances, Estefan plays the guitar while he sings the song.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1151, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Departamental sur.", "generated_answer": "Departmental sur.", "expected_answer": "Southern departmental.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1152, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Parroquia de San Martín está en la parte alta del pueblo.", "generated_answer": "The Parish of Saint Martin is located in the upper part of the Pueon.", "expected_answer": "The Saint Martin’s Parish is at the town’s highest point.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1153, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stan vuelve para estar con ella.", "generated_answer": "\"Steve will visit her.\"", "expected_answer": "Stan goes back to be with her.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1154, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nacaome-Valle, la planta solar que ilumina Honduras", "generated_answer": "Nakamé vallée, le plante solaire qui lumineur du Houdan.", "expected_answer": "Nacaome-Valle is the solar plant providing energy to Honduras.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1155, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pretty Woman es el nombre de la banda sonora de la película.", "generated_answer": "\"Bright woman\" is the name of the song in the film.", "expected_answer": "Pretty Woman is the name of the original score of the movie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1156, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Chris Shinn estuvo de gira con su banda, \"\"Everything is Energy\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Chris Shine\" stayed with his band \"Everything is Energy\".", "expected_answer": "Chris Shinn went on tour with his band, “Everything is Energy.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1157, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto hace pensar que los autores fueron más de uno, que usaban sustantivos distintos.", "generated_answer": "This makes one think that the universities formed many different types.", "expected_answer": "This makes us believe there were more than one author, all using different nouns.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1158, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gran parte de Europa, salvo Islandia y Turquía.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"They are part of Europe, Slovenia and Turkey.\"", "expected_answer": "A big part of Europe, except for Iceland and Turkey.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1159, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En realidad, San Agustín se encuentra en la ladera sur del Volcán Atitlán.", "generated_answer": "In reality, San Agustin is located in the Alameda Sur of the volcano Atitlan.", "expected_answer": "Actually, Saint Augustine is located at the hillside of Atitlan’s volcano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1160, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su actual Decano es Carlos García.", "generated_answer": "\"His actual Decano is, Carlos Garcia.\"", "expected_answer": "The current dean is Carlos Garcia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1161, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuando llega, el lobo está disfrazado de su abuela.", "generated_answer": "When he lands, the Luggage stays disfigured of his aunt.", "expected_answer": "And when she arrives, the wolf is dressed up as her grandma.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1162, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos ellos eran herbívoros.", "generated_answer": "All of them were nervous.", "expected_answer": "All of them were herbivores.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1163, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hildebrand fue contemporáneo de Darwin.", "generated_answer": "Hildegard von Bingen was a contemporary of Charles Darwin.", "expected_answer": "Hildebrand was contemporary of Darwin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1164, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue miembro del Tribunal Supremo del país asiático.", "generated_answer": "\"He was a member of the Supreme Court of the Asian country.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a member of the Supreme Court of the Asian country.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1165, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas bacterias presentan una cápsula.", "generated_answer": "\"Several bacteria present a capsule.\"", "expected_answer": "Some bacteria present capsules.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1166, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cooperación interinstitucional y transparencia.", "generated_answer": "Cooperation and transparency.", "expected_answer": "Interinstitutional cooperation and transparency.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1167, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene tres hermanos menores: Michael Wayans, Cara Mia Wayans y Kyla Wayans.", "generated_answer": "Three men, Michael Waines, Caramia Waines, and Kila Waines.", "expected_answer": "He has three younger siblings: Michael Wayans, Cara Mia Wayans y Kyla Wayans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1168, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unos pocos, como Ana María Simo, abandonaron el país.", "generated_answer": "\"Uns few, like Maria Simo, abandon the country.\"", "expected_answer": "A few of them, such as Ana Maria Simo, left the country.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1169, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se han encontrado notables yacimientos en Sri Lanka, Estados Unidos, Suecia, Rusia y Canadá.", "generated_answer": "They have encountered notable yachting achievements in Sri Lanka, the United States, Sweden, and Canada.", "expected_answer": "Large deposits have been found in Sri Lanka, U.S.A, Sweden, Russia and Canada.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1170, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está dirigido por un prefecto asistido por un secretario y un subsecretario.", "generated_answer": "The text is directed by a Prefect, assisted by a Secretary and a Sub-Secretary.", "expected_answer": "It’s run by a prefect, aided by a secretary and sub-secretary.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1171, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se repartió a cada familia una casa y una parcela, dándoles facilidades de pago.", "generated_answer": "They divided each family a house and a parcel, giving them the possibility of payment.", "expected_answer": "Each family received a house and a plot, as well as installments for the payment.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1172, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De ramas gruesas y rígidas, las flores cortamente pediceladas.", "generated_answer": "The flowers of the Rugosa or Rigid species are short-pedicelled.", "expected_answer": "Think and strong branches, with peduncled flowers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1173, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parte de esta influencia puede verse en sus primeras pinturas de acuarela.", "generated_answer": "Part of this influence can be seen in her first paintings of Correggio.", "expected_answer": "Part of that influence can be seen in his first paintings with aquarelles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1174, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Representa las fuerzas sociales y no la providencia.", "generated_answer": "\"Represent the social forces and not the Provincia.\"", "expected_answer": "It represents social strength, not providence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1175, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se enmarca dentro de los libros de carácter divulgativo.", "generated_answer": "\"He marks inside the books with character divulgative.\"", "expected_answer": "It belongs to the informational books group.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1176, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La última ronda de financiación fue llevada a cabo por Index Ventures.", "generated_answer": "The final round of financing was given up by investors.", "expected_answer": "Last round of founding was done by Index Ventures.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1177, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está separada de la parte continental por los estrechos de Corfú.", "generated_answer": "The Strait of Gibraltar is separated from the continental part by the Corfu.", "expected_answer": "It’s separated from the continent by the Straits of Corfu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1178, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lo mandaron colocar los duques de Osuna y de Benavente.", "generated_answer": "The king ordered the dukes of Osuna and Benevento.", "expected_answer": "It was placed under the orders of the dukes of Osuna and Benavente.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1179, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Trasladada a Sueca y Sagunto, posteriormente sería enviada al frente de Aragón.", "generated_answer": "\"Translated to Augea, previously sent at the front of Argos.\"", "expected_answer": "Moved to Sueca and Sagunto, and afterwards sent to the Aragon frontlines.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1180, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además encabezó las listas de Canadá, Irlanda y Nueva Zelanda.", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, the lists are for Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand.\"", "expected_answer": "He also led the lists in Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1181, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El actual Jefe del Concejo es Eli Malka.", "generated_answer": "The actual chairman of the Council is the Imalac.", "expected_answer": "The current Council Chief is Eli Malka.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1182, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La canción es reproducida para animar a la afición local.", "generated_answer": "The song is reproduced for local fans.", "expected_answer": "The song is played to liven up the local fans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1183, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su vapor forma mezclas explosivas con el aire.", "generated_answer": "\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n\"Your", "expected_answer": "Its vapor creates an explosive mixture with the air.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1184, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está situada al norte de las Hurdes, limitando con la provincia de Salamanca.", "generated_answer": "It is situated at the north of the Uruds, limiting on the province of Salanc.", "expected_answer": "It’s located north of the Hurdes, at the border of the Salamanca province.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1185, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Grabó sus películas en locación o en un sólo set.", "generated_answer": "\"Gravois' films are located in a single set.\"", "expected_answer": "He made his films on location or in just one filming set.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1186, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese día se reparten rocas de pan entre todos los asistentes.", "generated_answer": "They reparted rocks of pan into all the assistants.", "expected_answer": "That day, bread is shared with all the attendees.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1187, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El centro administrativo es la ciudad de Pali.", "generated_answer": "The administrative center is the city of Pali.", "expected_answer": "The administrative center is at the city of Pali.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1188, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Se encuentra ubicado en la esquina que hacen \"\"Viale dei Colli\"\" y \"\"Piazzale Michelangelo\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"He is located in the square where he is, in the Villa of Colli and Piazza Michel Angelo.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s located at the corner of “Viaje de Colli” and “Piazzale Michelangelo”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1189, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Junto con Pericles, emprendió una serie de reformas políticas y sociales.", "generated_answer": "\"In addition to Pericles, the city-state also implements a series of political and social reforms.\"", "expected_answer": "Along with Pericles, he pushed for a series of political and social changes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1190, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otras fuentes indican que era bisexual.", "generated_answer": "Other sources indicate that he was bisexual.", "expected_answer": "Other sources state that he was bisexual.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1191, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es el hermano mayor de los actores Bill Murray, Joel Murray y John Murray.", "generated_answer": "Is the uncle of actors Bill Murray, Yul Brynner, and John Malkovich.", "expected_answer": "He is the older brother of the actors Bill Murray, Joel Murray and John Murray.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1192, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se establecieron las haciendas y ranchos, se introdujo la ganadería.", "generated_answer": "They established the farms and ranches, introduced the agriculture.", "expected_answer": "Some farms and estates were stablished when cattle was introduced.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1193, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Meltdown afecta a una amplia gama de sistemas.", "generated_answer": "\"Newtown affected a lot of systems.\"", "expected_answer": "Meltdown affects a big group of systems.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1194, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wang Jing no tiene la reputación de impulsar esto.", "generated_answer": "Wan Jin is not known for inspiring this.", "expected_answer": "Wang Jin has no reputation to motivate this.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1195, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "creo que es mucho mejor poco a poco", "generated_answer": "\"Think that is much improved occasionally.\"", "expected_answer": "I think is better step by step", "history": [] }, { "index": 1196, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ Bajad, chicos! ¡ es la hora de los juegos !", "generated_answer": "Bahai Chicks is the work of the LDS.", "expected_answer": "Get down, kids! It’s time for the games!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1197, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "vamos a cazar rayos.", "generated_answer": "\"Let's go to the cafe.\"", "expected_answer": "We are going to hunt lightnings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1198, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "he pensado una cosa", "generated_answer": "He thought of a coast.", "expected_answer": "I’ve thought of one thing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1199, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "North Valley Stream se encuentra dentro del pueblo de Hempstead.", "generated_answer": "North Valley Stream is located within the town of Hempstead.", "expected_answer": "North Valley Stream is located within the town of Hempstead.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1200, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La azotea del Círculo de Bellas Artes muestra una perspectiva única de Madrid.", "generated_answer": "The Zona de Bellas Artes in Madrid showcases a unique perspective.", "expected_answer": "The rooftop terrace of the Círculo de Bellas Artes shows a unique view of Madrid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1201, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comprende dos especies originarias de Chile.", "generated_answer": "Comprehend both the original species from Chile.", "expected_answer": "It comprises two species originated in Chile.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1202, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con esto todas sus sospechas quedaron confirmadas y corrió a hablarle a la policía.", "generated_answer": "On the first, their suspicions were confirmed, and they called the police.", "expected_answer": "With this, his suspicions were confirmed, so he ran to talk to the police.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1203, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La portada se abre a un atrio formado por tres arcos apuntados.", "generated_answer": "The portico opens to an atrium formed by three arched apertures.", "expected_answer": "The entrance opens up to an atrium made of three sharp archways.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1204, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eleanor acompañó a su esposo solo hasta Brindisi.", "generated_answer": "Eleanor accompanied her spouse only to Brest.", "expected_answer": "Eleanor went with his husband to Brindisi.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1205, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entretanto, sufría de tuberculosis pulmonar, obligándolo a permanecer en cama por varios años.", "generated_answer": "\"In addition, he suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs, forcing him to remain in a hospital for several years.\"", "expected_answer": "He was also suffering from tuberculosis, which bed-ridden him for many years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1206, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Obtuvieron sendas derrotas por lo que descendieron al Torneo Argentino B", "generated_answer": "\"Obituéntes séndes de d'o que désendido al torneo argentino B.\"", "expected_answer": "Both were defeated, so they got relegated to the Torneo Argentino B.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1207, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La unidad de chasis fue vendida a Federal-Mogul.", "generated_answer": "The unit of the Chassis was sold to Federal Mogul.", "expected_answer": "The chassis unit was sold to Federal-Mogul", "history": [] }, { "index": 1208, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Spock estaba presente pero no como Primer Oficial.", "generated_answer": "\"Spock stayed present, but not as the first official.\"", "expected_answer": "Spock was present, although not as the First Mate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1209, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Fue del mismo tamaño que la revista \"\"L'Illustration\"\" y no poseía suplemento.\"", "generated_answer": "The same size as the illustration and not possessing a signature.", "expected_answer": "It was the same size as \"L'Illustration\" magazine and didn’t have any added sections.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1210, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En los años posteriores, el club continúo compitiendo en el amateurismo.", "generated_answer": "In the previous years, he continued to compete in an amateur tennis tournament.", "expected_answer": "In later years, the club kept competing in amateur tournaments.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1211, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sólo en París había una treintena.", "generated_answer": "\"Only in Paris had a Trinten.\"", "expected_answer": "There were about thirty of them only in Paris.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1212, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mary's City.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Maris sit.\"", "expected_answer": "Mary’s City.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1213, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se ha informado que mejora el crecimiento del cabello y su color.", "generated_answer": "He informed that the growth of the calf's neck and its color have increased.", "expected_answer": "It’s been said that it improves hair growth and color.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1214, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Según lo que Google Inc.", "generated_answer": "\"All right, let's get started.\"", "expected_answer": "According to Google Inc.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1215, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "capítulo veintidós.", "generated_answer": "\"Capitulo 22\"", "expected_answer": "Chapter twenty-two.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1216, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "que conducían numerosos rebaños a las ferias de Grijalba.", "generated_answer": "\"He conducted numerous riots at the festivals of Girona.\"", "expected_answer": "That run several herds to Grijalba fairs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1217, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El cambio en el orden de bateo ayudó a Soriano.", "generated_answer": "The change in the order of the name \"Soria\" aided the development of the city.", "expected_answer": "The change in batting lineup helped Soriano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1218, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son plantas con las hojas amplias.", "generated_answer": "\"Some people with lupus.\"", "expected_answer": "Those are plants with wide leaves.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1219, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El campo está rodeado por una pista.", "generated_answer": "The field is filled with a lot of people.", "expected_answer": "The files is surrounded by a track.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1220, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No queda mucho de la estructura menor.", "generated_answer": "No much of the structure minor.", "expected_answer": "There isn’t much left of the minor structure.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1221, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No obstante, la escapada romántica se vuelve amarga y los dos discuten.", "generated_answer": "No, the Escapade Romantic is turned Amara, and both discuss.", "expected_answer": "However, the romantic escapade becomes bitter, and they both end up arguing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1222, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Podría ser desalentador y alentador con igual falta de lógica.", "generated_answer": "\"Could you be a Desalendador and a Desalendador with equal logic?\"", "expected_answer": "Could be discouraging and encouraging with the same lack of logic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1223, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bajo su administración se instituyó la Unión de Cerveceros de San Petersburgo.", "generated_answer": "After her administration, she established the union of the wine producers of San Pedro.", "expected_answer": "During his administration, the Brewing Union of Saint Petersburg was created.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1224, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su sobrino es el director de fotografía Peter Baumgartner.", "generated_answer": "\"His son is the director of photography, Peter Bungermeister.\"", "expected_answer": "His nephew is the director of photography Peter Baumgartner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1225, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otro músico con el que tocó Miller fue el trompetista Al Hirt.", "generated_answer": "Al Hirt.", "expected_answer": "Al Hirt also played the trumpet with Miller.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1226, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las hembras tienen la espalda marrón.", "generated_answer": "The horses have a maroon-colored saddle.", "expected_answer": "Females have a brown back.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1227, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El sistema de competición es de liguilla.", "generated_answer": "The system of competition is of the Leggi.", "expected_answer": "The competition system follows a league template.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1228, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Viven cerca del lecho marino sobre las rocas del sustrato, en cuevas y grietas.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"Lives near the marine lake, over the rocks of the substrate, in caves and Giarat.\"", "expected_answer": "They live close to the seabed, above the substratum rocks, within caves and cracks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1229, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La pista sirvió como su segundo sencillo oficial.", "generated_answer": "The pista served as his second official.", "expected_answer": "That track was used as his second official single.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1230, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las condiciones generales que producen ese desequilibrio contractual se denominan cláusula abusiva.", "generated_answer": "The general conditions that produce this contractual disequilibrium are called \"Clausula Abusiva\".", "expected_answer": "The general conditions that force that contract unbalance are called abusive clauses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1231, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas titulaciones permiten a los estudiantes a cumplir con metas profesionales y personales.", "generated_answer": "\"These titles allow students to complete with professionals and personal ones.\"", "expected_answer": "These degrees allow students to fulfill their professional and personal goals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1232, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Actuó con la canción \"\"Limits\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"With the song \"Limits\".\"", "expected_answer": "He performed the song “Limits”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1233, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las afinidades fueron impulsadas por visiones respectivas de las instituciones representativas.", "generated_answer": "The finitudes were influenced by visions of representative institutions.", "expected_answer": "The relationships were impulsed by each of the representative institutions’ visions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1234, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El caso fue llevado a los tribunales.", "generated_answer": "The case was led to the tribunals.", "expected_answer": "The case was taken to court.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1235, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus restos fueron incinerados, y sus cenizas dispersadas en el mar.", "generated_answer": "Their remains were incinerated and their cinders dispersed in the sea.", "expected_answer": "Her remains were cremated and her ashes were committed to the sea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1236, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sólo se conoce a partir de restos fósiles.", "generated_answer": "\"Only he knows a part of the fossils.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s only known through its fossil remains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1237, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Produce películas de animación de ordenador.", "generated_answer": "Produced films of animation using a computer.", "expected_answer": "Produces animated movies with a computer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1238, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nati Abascal está considerada como una de las mujeres más elegantes del mundo.", "generated_answer": "Natasha Abakanov is considered one of the most elegant women in the world.", "expected_answer": "Nati Abascal is considered to be one of the most elegant women in the world.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1239, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está deshabitada salvo por expediciones o marinos que desembarcan.", "generated_answer": "\"Is deserted, save for exoduses or marine ones that disembark.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s abandoned, except for the occasional expedition or sailors that disembark there.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1240, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En todo ese tiempo, el Dinamo nunca descendió de la máxima categoría.", "generated_answer": "In all that time, the diamond never descended to the maximum category.", "expected_answer": "All this time, the Dinamo never got relegated from the highest division.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1241, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dio conferencias en el Ateneo.", "generated_answer": "\"Conference held in the Ateneo.\"", "expected_answer": "He gave lectures at the Ateneo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1242, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una de las iglesias más antiguas de La Cepeda.", "generated_answer": "\"One of the oldest of the Céspedes.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s one of the oldest churches of La Cepeda.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1243, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este ha sido montado y expuesto.", "generated_answer": "This has been mounted and exposed.", "expected_answer": "It has been mounted and exposed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1244, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El combate, según el parte oficial, duró alrededor de dos horas.", "generated_answer": "The battle, according to the official, lasted for two hours.", "expected_answer": "the fight, according to the official report, lasted for about two hours.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1245, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es lo que modernamente se conoce como especulación urbanística.", "generated_answer": "Is what modernly is known as urban speculation.", "expected_answer": "It’s what we know these days as speculative urbanism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1246, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se convirtió en canciller de Enrique, obteniendo grandes y lucrativos beneficios gracias al pluralismo.", "generated_answer": "She converted into a Councillor of Enrique, obtaining great and lucrative benefits thanks to the Pluralism.", "expected_answer": "He became chancellor to Henry, which gave him great and lucrative benefits thanks to pluralism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1247, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pese a su indudable calidad actoral, nunca se le permitió dirigir una película.", "generated_answer": "Pesebre a su calidad actoral, nunca se le permitió dirigir un libro.", "expected_answer": "Despite her evident acting qualities, she was never allowed to direct a movie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1248, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este enfoque sistemático ayudará a las organizaciones a establecer sistemas y procesos.", "generated_answer": "This framework helps organizations establish systems and processes.", "expected_answer": "This systematic approach will help organizations stablish their own systems and processes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1249, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus restos nunca fueron encontrados.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is: \"His remains were never found.\"", "expected_answer": "His remains were never found.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1250, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Es el momento del \"\"homenaje a los mayordomos\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Is the moment of the Obon Festival to the major ones.\"", "expected_answer": "Now is the moment for the “Butlers homage”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1251, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es Caballero del Rey Harald V de Noruega.", "generated_answer": "\"Is the captain of the guard, Jarl Pinto de Moré.\"", "expected_answer": "He is a knight to King Harald the Fifth of Norway.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1252, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Publica la \"\"Revista Catalana del Derecho Privado\"\" y la \"\"Revista del Derecho Histórico Catalán\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Publish a Catalan private newspaper and a historical Catalan newspaper.\"", "expected_answer": "They are the “Revista Catalana del Derecho Privado” and the “Revista del Derecho Histórico Catalan” publishers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1253, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De ahí la sangre es impulsada hacia los pulmones, atravesando la válvula pulmonar.", "generated_answer": "The lungs are stimulated by the diaphragm, which moves in and out to expand and contract the chest cavity.", "expected_answer": "From that point on, the blood is moved to the lungs and across the pulmonary valve.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1254, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al sudoeste se halla la roca Castor y la roca Pólux.", "generated_answer": "\"All Southeast Asia has the ROC and the ROC.\"", "expected_answer": "To the south-east, we can find the Castor rock and the Pollux rock.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1255, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bulgaria era uno de los mejores países del mundo en ese aspecto.", "generated_answer": "Bulgaria was one of the best countries in this aspect.", "expected_answer": "Bulgaria is one of the best countries in the worlds in that regard.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1256, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posiblemente habría llegado del lugar de La Cuesta, en las Tierras Altas.", "generated_answer": "\"Perhaps had reached the location of the Cueva in the highlands.\"", "expected_answer": "He may have reached La Cuesta, in the High Lands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1257, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Carmen Mateo.", "generated_answer": "\"Carolina Matteo.\"", "expected_answer": "Carmen Mateo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1258, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La esperanza Australiana Bernard Tomic tuvo trabajo para derrotar a Leonardo Mayer.", "generated_answer": "The Australian, Bernard Tomick, worked for Derret.", "expected_answer": "Bernard Tomic, the great Australian hope, struggled to defeat Leonardo Mayer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1259, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El club jugó sus primeras temporadas en el Soldier Field.", "generated_answer": "The club played their first seasons in the Solider field.", "expected_answer": "The club played the first few seasons at the Soldier Field Stadium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1260, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En un breve momento de lucidez, el Dr.", "generated_answer": "In a brief moment of confusion, the doctor.", "expected_answer": "In a moment of clarity, the doctor", "history": [] }, { "index": 1261, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La capa inferior es de color blanco.", "generated_answer": "The cap is black.", "expected_answer": "The lower layer is white.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1262, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La superficie de esta estructura está recubierta por epitelio que es mayoritariamente glandular.", "generated_answer": "The surface of this structure is covered by Epithelial cells, which are the majority of the Glandular cells.", "expected_answer": "The surface of this structure is covered with a majority of glandular epithelium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1263, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de su flota de campesinos volvió a Noruega.", "generated_answer": "The majority of his flock of campesinos moved to Norway.", "expected_answer": "Most of the peasant fleet returned to Norway.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1264, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Viajó por toda Italia.", "generated_answer": "\"Traveled throughout Italy.\"", "expected_answer": "He traveled all around Italy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1265, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue enterrada en el Cementerio Dahlem de esa ciudad.", "generated_answer": "\"Was entombed in the cemetery of this city.\"", "expected_answer": "It was buried at the Dahlem cemetery from that city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1266, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De ahí, saldrá una nueva publicación, Dome.", "generated_answer": "\"From all sides, a new publication is coming out.\"", "expected_answer": "From there, a new publication would be created: Dome.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1267, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Esta política se convirtió en la piedra angular de la llamada \"\"Doctrina Nixon\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"This policy was converted into the cornerstone of the alleged 'Nixon Doctrine'.\"", "expected_answer": "This policy became the cornerstone of the so called “Nixon Doctrine”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1268, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus lanzadores más robustos, a continuación, se producen a principios de otoño.", "generated_answer": "\"Our Lanzadores, more robust, they are produced at the beginning of October.\"", "expected_answer": "The thickest pitchers, are then produced at the beginning of fall.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1269, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además de que consideran ser influenciados por Queen, Muse y Nick Cave.", "generated_answer": "\"Moreover, influenced by Queen, in the key of C.\"", "expected_answer": "They also considered themselves influenced by Queen, Muse and Nick Cave.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1270, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Raleigh tiene un clima subtropical moderado, con temperaturas suaves en primavera, otoño e invierno.", "generated_answer": "Raleigh has a subtropical moderate climate with temperatures ranging from 40°F to 70°F throughout the year.", "expected_answer": "Raleigh has a subtropical climate, with warm temperatures in Spring, Autumn and Summer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1271, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí pronunció un discurso y se reunió con el alcalde de Londres, Boris Johnson.", "generated_answer": "All pronounced a discourse and reunited with Allete of London, Boring Johnson.", "expected_answer": "He made his speech there, together with the mayor of London, Boris Johnson.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1272, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No está claro si la orogenia involucró en algún momento una colisión continental.", "generated_answer": "No, it is not clear if a continental collision involved the Orogenia in some moment.", "expected_answer": "It’s not clear if the orogeny involved some sort of continental collision.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1273, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos ellos murieron, probablemente por una avalancha.", "generated_answer": "\"Both of them probably died by a robbery.\"", "expected_answer": "All of them die, probably due to an avalanche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1274, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su club quedó eliminado en semifinales por el Municipal.", "generated_answer": "\"His club was eliminated in the semifinals by the municipal.\"", "expected_answer": "His club was eliminated at the semifinals by Municipal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1275, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se come en este orden.", "generated_answer": "They come in this order.", "expected_answer": "This is the order it should be eaten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1276, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La chapa de oro estaba adornada con piedras preciosas.", "generated_answer": "The Chape of Gold was adorned with precious stones.", "expected_answer": "The golden plate was decorated with gemstones.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1277, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "las cosas como son, pero no dramaticemos.", "generated_answer": "\"Things come naturally, but don't dramatize.\"", "expected_answer": "The things as they are, but let’s not get carried away.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1278, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se me han muerto todos los rosales del balcón.", "generated_answer": "I died all the roses of the balcony.", "expected_answer": "All the rosebushes on my balcony have died.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1279, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ella acepta el trato dudando completamente si será capaz de enfrentar algo tan oscuro.", "generated_answer": "She accepts the treaty completely if she is capable of facing something more than obscure.", "expected_answer": "She accepted the deal, doubting if she would ever be able to withstand something so dark.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1280, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El efecto es similar a golpear la superficie con un martillo.", "generated_answer": "The effect is similar to a gouging the surface with a Martingale.", "expected_answer": "The effect is similar to hitting the surface with a hammer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1281, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es de tierras llanas.", "generated_answer": "\"They are the Titans.\"", "expected_answer": "It comes from the plains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1282, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bernie White: Mecánico de automóviles de la ciudad de Valerie.", "generated_answer": "\"Bernie White is a mechanic of automobiles in the city of Palerie.\"", "expected_answer": "Bernie White: Auto mechanic from Valerie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1283, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La economía ha sido esencialmente agrícola hasta recientemente.", "generated_answer": "The economy has been essentially agricultural until recently.", "expected_answer": "Until recently, the economy has been mostly agricultural.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1284, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su nombre es debido a la iglesia que se encuentra en el área.", "generated_answer": "\"His name is due to the church that is found in the area.\"", "expected_answer": "Its name comes from the church found in the area.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1285, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No se sabe nada acerca de la polinización de esta especie.", "generated_answer": "No, I do not know anything about the pollination of this species.", "expected_answer": "Nothing is known of the pollination of this species.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1286, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Normalmente pueden producirse varios procesos simultáneos o sucesivos de desmovilización.", "generated_answer": "Normally, it can produce various processes simultaneously or successively of the de-motivation.", "expected_answer": "Commonly, there are a number of simultaneous or consecutive demobilization processes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1287, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó trabajos para la iglesia de Brou, fundada por Margarita de Austria.", "generated_answer": "Realize the troubles for the Church of the Assumption, founded by Margarita of Austria.", "expected_answer": "He make some work for the church in Brou, founded by Margaret of Austria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1288, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se casó con Elena Barriga Silva.", "generated_answer": "She married Elena Barriera Silva.", "expected_answer": "He married Elena Barriga Silva.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1289, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La causa de la frustración puede ser interna o externa.", "generated_answer": "The cause of the frustration could be internal or external.", "expected_answer": "The cause of that frustration can be internal or external.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1290, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El submundo que permitía conocer más de la vida\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The Sub-surface that allowed one to know more about life.", "expected_answer": "It was the underworld that allowed him to know more about life.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1291, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Deben estar balanceados y unos dentro de otros.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"They are balanced and many are inside of them.\"", "expected_answer": "They must be balanced and within one another.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1292, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es considerado uno de los mejores exponentes del estilo neoclásico en la Nueva España.", "generated_answer": "\"Is considered one of the best exponents of the Neoclassical style in New Spain.\"", "expected_answer": "It is considered one of the top examples of neoclassic style in New Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1293, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas impresiones de piel descubiertas sugieren que era lisa, no escamosa.", "generated_answer": "\"Allegations suggest that it was Liza, not Camisa.\"", "expected_answer": "Some imprints found on the skin suggest it was smooth, not scaly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1294, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una nueva amenaza llega a Beach City.", "generated_answer": "Unna is a beach city.", "expected_answer": "A new threat arrives in Beach City.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1295, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parece más apropiado cuando se trata de la crianza de árboles forestales.", "generated_answer": "\"Appropriate\" when referring to the child of foresters.", "expected_answer": "It is more appropriate when talking about the growth of trees destined for forestry.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1296, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Por tanto, la edición americana de \"\"Lullaby\"\" necesitaba incluir nuevos cortes.\"", "generated_answer": "For that reason, the American edition of Lolita needed to include new chapters.", "expected_answer": "Therefore, the American edition of “Lullaby” needed to include some new songs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1297, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde entonces ha ganado todos los títulos posibles.", "generated_answer": "\"During that time, he has gained all possible titles.\"", "expected_answer": "Since then, he has won every possible title.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1298, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se formó en los juveniles del Defensor Lima.", "generated_answer": "\"He was born in the defenders of Rim.\"", "expected_answer": "He began his career at Defensor Lima youth academy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1299, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consta de chaqueta, pantalón y alpargatas.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"Consists of a jacket, pants, and a belt.\"", "expected_answer": "It consists of a jacket, pants and sandals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1300, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Donatella Versace dirige directamente esta línea y diseña un gran número de productos.", "generated_answer": "The company is led by a woman named Verchèse and designs a large number of products.", "expected_answer": "Donatella Versace handles this line herself, and designs a great number of products of it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1301, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En su primer mes como ciclista logró su primera victoria a nivel regional.", "generated_answer": "In her first season on the CYCLE, she won her first victory at a level regional.", "expected_answer": "Within a month of becoming a cyclist, he won his first national victory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1302, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Si se juega con dos jugadores, el botón rojo no estará disponible.", "generated_answer": "If he plays with two opponents, the button is not available.", "expected_answer": "When playing with two players, the red button won’t be available.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1303, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto hizo posible productos prácticos tales como artículos a prueba de agua.", "generated_answer": "This caused possible practical products like Adapters and Adaptors of water.", "expected_answer": "This made plastic waterproof products possible.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1304, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es hijo de Manuel Campos y Ángeles Espinosa.", "generated_answer": "Is the son of Manuel Campo and Angeles Espinosa.", "expected_answer": "He is the son of Manuel Campos and Angeles Espinosa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1305, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Buffy decide no seguir esperando acontecimientos y detener la Ascensión.", "generated_answer": "Buffy decides not to wait for any further occurrences and detains the ascension.", "expected_answer": "Buffy decided to stop waiting for things to happen and to stop the ascension.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1306, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un preso participa en la procesión con cadenas en los pies.", "generated_answer": "\"A prisoner participates in the process with handcuffs on.\"", "expected_answer": "An inmate with his feet chained participates in the procession", "history": [] }, { "index": 1307, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó sus estudios de leyes en la Universidad de Brown.", "generated_answer": "Realized his studies in the law of the University of Brussels.", "expected_answer": "He finished Law School at the Brown University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1308, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este es el punto focal originario del sitio.", "generated_answer": "This is the focal point of the original point from the city.", "expected_answer": "This is the original focus point of the site.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1309, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dicho episodio terminó de romper la relación entre Kinski y Herzog.", "generated_answer": "The episode ended with a breakup between Kinski and Harsch.", "expected_answer": "Said episode marked the end of Kinki and Herzog relationship.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1310, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asimismo en la zona se halla el mayor alcornocal del país.", "generated_answer": "As the same in the zone, we have a major of the country.", "expected_answer": "Likewise, the biggest cork oak forest of the country can be found in that area.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1311, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ Ernesto, Ernesto! que nunca se te olvida esto.", "generated_answer": "\"Ernesto, who never forgets this.\"", "expected_answer": "Ernesto, Ernesto! Never forget this.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1312, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "y a ver si ventilamos un poquito.", "generated_answer": "\"I ever if Ventilamos un poquito.\"", "expected_answer": "And let’s try to ventilate a little.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1313, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se acuñaron dos monedas conmemorativas para esta ocasión.", "generated_answer": "\"She acquired two commemorative coins for this occasion.\"", "expected_answer": "Two commemorative coins were minted for this occasion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1314, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El río permanece helado durante seis meses, normalmente de noviembre a abril.", "generated_answer": "The river remains frozen for six months, typically from November to April.", "expected_answer": "The river remains frozen for six months, usually from November to April.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1315, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente se eligió al ganador del concurso arquitectónico para la Biblioteca Pública.", "generated_answer": "Actually, he is the winner of the Contest of Architectural Design for a Public Library.", "expected_answer": "The winner of the architectural competition for the Public Library was chosen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1316, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra el estilo distinto en las columnas, que parecen a columnas griegas.", "generated_answer": "They have a distinct style in those columns that resemble ancient columns.", "expected_answer": "We can see a different style in the columns, which resemble Greek columns.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1317, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Y ahí llegó la confirmación de Santiago Aragón.", "generated_answer": "And there was a confirmation of Santiagua.", "expected_answer": "Santiago Aragon’s confirmation arrived.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1318, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Muchas organizaciones grandes tienen como máximo cargo administrativo o de gestión, como secretario general.", "generated_answer": "\"Many organizations, large or small, have a Chief Administrative Officer or a Secretary General.\"", "expected_answer": "Many big organizations have a top administrative or management position like the Secretary General.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1319, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luca de Meo es una persona políglota.", "generated_answer": "Lucca de Meo is a person of Poliglot.", "expected_answer": "Luca de Meo is a polyglot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1320, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El acceso se realiza desde el norte por carretera.", "generated_answer": "The access is realized from the north to the street.", "expected_answer": "Access is through the north end of the road.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1321, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿ Qué es? ¿ podéis verlo ?", "generated_answer": "\"Okay, can you go on?\"", "expected_answer": "What is it? Can you see it?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1322, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "porque no puedo.", "generated_answer": "\"What's up?\"", "expected_answer": "Because I can't.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1323, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Buffy hace demasiadas preguntas para gusto de la Dra.", "generated_answer": "Buffy asks many questions for the cost of the doctor.", "expected_answer": "Buffy asks too many questions for the Doctor’s liking.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1324, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este curso se bloqueó por una masa de hielo durante la Edad de Hielo.", "generated_answer": "This course was blocked by a mass of ice during the Ice Age.", "expected_answer": "This way was blocked by a big mass of ice during the Ice Age.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1325, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La frecuencia es de dos trenes diarios en cada sentido.", "generated_answer": "The frequency is two trains daily in each city.", "expected_answer": "The train frequency is of two trains a day in each direction.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1326, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos dispositivos serán severamente afectados, mientras otros no serán afectados en lo absoluto.", "generated_answer": "\"Some people may be affected, while others may not be affected in absolute terms.\"", "expected_answer": "Some devices will be greatly damaged, while others won’t be at all.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1327, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La violencia masculina produce lesiones en aproximadamente seis veces la tasa de violencia femenina.", "generated_answer": "The violence against men produces lesions six times the rate of violence against women.", "expected_answer": "Male violence produce injuries on an average of six times the rate of female violence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1328, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Alrededor de los ojos presenta rayas azules radiales, bordeadas de amarillo.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"Around the eyes, there are rays of azure, bordered with amaranth.\"", "expected_answer": "We can see radial blue lines around the eyes, with a yellow border.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1329, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La \"\"suposición\"\" tiene lugar muchas veces en los diálogos.\"", "generated_answer": "The supposition has often occurred in those dialogues.", "expected_answer": "The “supposition” takes place many times in dialogues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1330, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El trabajo cinematográfico de Compton no es tan conocido como sus actuaciones teatrales.", "generated_answer": "The work of Compton is not recognized as his theatrical activities.", "expected_answer": "Compton’s work in the movie industry isn’t as known as his theatrical performances.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1331, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su planta es rectangular, y presenta dos pisos.", "generated_answer": "The plant is rectangular and has two petals.", "expected_answer": "The floor is rectangular and it has two stories.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1332, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eran los más reconocidos junto a Los Dinámicos de Fernando Latorre y Humberto Monroy.", "generated_answer": "They are the most recognized alongside the dynamic duo of Fernando Latorre and Umberto Monro.", "expected_answer": "They were among the most famous, together with Fernando Latorre and Humberto Monroy’s band, Los Dinamicos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1333, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El torneo fue abandonado y no hubo campeón.", "generated_answer": "The tournament was abandoned and no one won.", "expected_answer": "The competition was cancelled, so no one was crowned champion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1334, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está conectada por ferry a Bissau y tiene una pista de aterrizaje.", "generated_answer": "\"Is connected by ferry, advises that there is a port.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s connected to Bissau by ferry, and it holds a landing strip.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1335, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es posible que aún mantuvieran su antiguo idioma.", "generated_answer": "It is possible that he can maintain his antique.", "expected_answer": "It’s possible they still retained their old language.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1336, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre los panelistas se encontrarán Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Nicole Scherzinger y Jenny McCarthy.", "generated_answer": "\"Others encountered Kenyon, Robin Ticci, Nicholas Chermside, and Jenny McCarthy.\"", "expected_answer": "Among the panelists, we can find Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Nicole Scherzinger y Jenny McCarthy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1337, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las espiguillas varían en color.", "generated_answer": "The Espigillos vary in color.", "expected_answer": "The soft bromes vary in color.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1338, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hábitat natural son: Clima tropical o Clima subtropical, montañas húmedas", "generated_answer": "The natural habitat of the species is tropical or subtropical mountains, humid areas.", "expected_answer": "Its natural habitats are the tropical or subtropical climates, and humid mountains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1339, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Brasil se conoció como White Martins.", "generated_answer": "In Brazil, known as White Markets.", "expected_answer": "It was known as White Martins in Brazil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1340, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se formó con Cattaneo en Ferrara.", "generated_answer": "He was born in Catania, Ferra.", "expected_answer": "He studied with Cattaneo, in Ferrara.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1341, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las colonias son de fundación independiente.", "generated_answer": "The colonies are independent.", "expected_answer": "Colonies are founded independently.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1342, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, dirigió quince películas y cinco telefilmes.", "generated_answer": "\"In addition, he has directed fifteen films and five television films.\"", "expected_answer": "Additionally, he directed fifteen theatrical films and five television films.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1343, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El abaratamiento de los costes de lanzamiento mediante vehículos reutilizables.", "generated_answer": "The allocation of costs for the utilization of reusable vehicles.", "expected_answer": "The reduction in launch costs due to reusable vehicles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1344, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Louis International Film Festival, Estados Unidos.", "generated_answer": "\"Louis International Film Festival, United States.\"", "expected_answer": "Louis International Film Festival, United States.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1345, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pelias estaba hambriento de poder y deseaba obtener el dominio de toda Tesalia.", "generated_answer": "\"Elías stood in a state of great power, desiring to obtain dominion over all of Tessalía.\"", "expected_answer": "Pelias was power hungry and wished to obtain dominion over Thessaly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1346, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este instituto tiene todos los niveles desde el sexto grado hasta el último año.", "generated_answer": "This institution has all levels from sixth grade to the final year.", "expected_answer": "This school holds classes for every level from the sixth grade to the last.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1347, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La alcaldía alegó que eran activistas políticos, y que no trabajaban para la alcaldía.", "generated_answer": "The Alcalde alleged that they were political activists and that they did not work for the Alcalde.", "expected_answer": "The Mayor’s office stated they were political activists and were not employed by the town hall.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1348, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pasión que dejó por unos años luego de irse a estudiar a Londres.", "generated_answer": "Passion that left for many years after his study in London.", "expected_answer": "A passion she abandoned for a few years, after leaving to London for her studies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1349, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "repito. que nadie salga hasta nueva orden .", "generated_answer": "\"Repeat that nobody is given a new order.\"", "expected_answer": "I repeat, let no one go out until a new order.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1350, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "algo extraña resulta, con sus azoteas enchapadas de brillantes azulejos y sus lejanías límpidas", "generated_answer": "\"An unusual result is obtained with his Azotea's Enchanted with bright Azulejos and his Lejanias Limpid.\"", "expected_answer": "Something strange comes, with veneered roofs of bright tiles and clear distances.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1351, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los prelados y el legado Amado de Olorón salieron de la ciudad.", "generated_answer": "\"The Prelates and the Legate of Oloron left the city.\"", "expected_answer": "The prelates and Armado de Oloron’s legates left the city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1352, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra dentro del Bosque nacional Humboldt-Toiyabe.", "generated_answer": "\"It is located within the national park of Humbolt-Toyaf.\"", "expected_answer": "It can be found within the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1353, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es capital del distrito de Levanto en la provincia de Chachapoyas, departamento de Amazonas.", "generated_answer": "The capital of the districts of Levanto in the province of Chachapoyas, in the department of Amazonas.", "expected_answer": "It’s the capital of the Levanto district, in the Chachapoyas province, Amazonas Department.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1354, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Número cromosómico: no estudiado.", "generated_answer": "\"Number of chromosomes not studied.\"", "expected_answer": "Chromosome count: Not analyzed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1355, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ya hemos hablado de eso, ¿ no?", "generated_answer": "\"Yes, we have talked about that, no.\"", "expected_answer": "I have already talked about it, haven’t we?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1356, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "ella también es muy española.", "generated_answer": "She is also very Spanish.", "expected_answer": "She is also very Spanish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1357, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dosso y Gonsalves acusaron a Serrano de corrupción, y luego de hurto.", "generated_answer": "And Gonsalves accused a Serrano of corruption, and then the U.S.", "expected_answer": "Dosso and Gonsalves accused Serrano of corruption and, later on, of theft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1358, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El matrimonio permaneció sin descendencia.", "generated_answer": "The marriage remained in the family.", "expected_answer": "The marriage carried on without a heir.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1359, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La reacción hacia la respuesta uniformada dividió aún más al partido.", "generated_answer": "The response is in form of a dialogue.", "expected_answer": "The reaction to the unanimous answer divided the party even more.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1360, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La concha simboliza la estabilidad del hogar, ensanchando sus fronteras.", "generated_answer": "The Concealment Signals a Stability Level in which Cremieux just wants to be.", "expected_answer": "The shell symbols the stablished home that seeks to enlarge its borders.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1361, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una especie que vive poco tiempo, no sobrepasando los dos años.", "generated_answer": "\"It is a species that lives for a short time, not surpassing two years.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a short lived species, lasting not longer than two years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1362, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su extensión es pequeña.", "generated_answer": "The extension is small.", "expected_answer": "Its extension is small.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1363, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No son venenosas, otra razón para explicar su adopción como mascota.", "generated_answer": "No, other reason for explain adoption as a mascot.", "expected_answer": "They aren’t poisonous, which is another reason to explain its adoption as pets.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1364, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es uno de los mayores asentamientos amerindios en Guyana.", "generated_answer": "\"One of the largest residential areas in Guyana.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s the biggest Native American settlement in Guyana.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1365, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al final del mismo, en la ciudad se habían instalado industrias mecánicas y ferroviarias.", "generated_answer": "The final stage of the city had been equipped with mechanical and railway industries.", "expected_answer": "At the end of it, many mechanics and railroad companies had already settled in the city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1366, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Licenciado en Filología hispánica, trabaja como profesor de literatura en un instituto de bachillerato.", "generated_answer": "Licenciado en filología hispánica, trabajo como burós de literatura en un institución de Bachillerato.", "expected_answer": "Graduated in Hispanic Philology, he works as a Literature professor at a High School.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1367, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue hecho arzobispo al mismo tiempo.", "generated_answer": "\"Fue hecho Arzobispo al mismo tiempo.\"", "expected_answer": "At the same time, he was made archbishop.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1368, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Suelen ser preparados en ensaladas, en revuelto de huevos, en tortilla.", "generated_answer": "\"They are prepared in salads, in a mixture of huetos in tortilla.\"", "expected_answer": "They are commonly used in salads, with scrambled eggs or in a Spanish omelet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1369, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Trabajaba como profesor de literatura y cultura árabes en un instituto local.", "generated_answer": "Translation: \"Worked as a professor of literature and culture in an Arab local institution.\"", "expected_answer": "He works as a teacher of Literature and Arabic Culture at a local school.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1370, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó estudios culturales en la Universidad de Wrocław.", "generated_answer": "She made studies in the University of Wroclaw.", "expected_answer": "She took Cultural Studies at the Wrocław University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1371, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El gusto es muy intenso, ácido.", "generated_answer": "\"He was a millionaire.\"", "expected_answer": "The flavor is strong and acidic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1372, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La palabra japonesa para mono es \"\"saru\"\", otra forma para llamarle es \"\"en\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The Japanese word for 'mono' is 'Sarou', and another form is 'E'.\"", "expected_answer": "The Japanese word for monkey is “saru”, and a different way of saying it is “en”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1373, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "por el amor de Dios , necesito saberlo .", "generated_answer": "For the love of God, know this.", "expected_answer": "For the love of God, I need to know.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1374, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cosas extrañas me suceden", "generated_answer": "\"What a surprise!\"", "expected_answer": "Strange stuff is happening to me.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1375, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Brizuela tuvo que esconderse en las sierras y los bosques.", "generated_answer": "Brisoula was conquered in the mountains and the forests.", "expected_answer": "Brizuela had to hide in mountain ranges and woods.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1376, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Katsura Hoshino", "generated_answer": "Katsurahina.", "expected_answer": "Katsura Hoshino", "history": [] }, { "index": 1377, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es picante al paladar, con un sabor muy parecido al de la pimienta negra.", "generated_answer": "Picante is a Paladar with a flavor very similar to that of the Pimienta Negra.", "expected_answer": "Its taste is pungent, with a flavor that resembles black pepper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1378, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Municipio está ubicado en la parte suroeste de Tamaulipas.", "generated_answer": "The municipality is located in the southeastern part of Tampico.", "expected_answer": "The town is located in the southwestern part of Tamaulipas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1379, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No obstante Yahoo!", "generated_answer": "No, not yet.", "expected_answer": "However, Yahoo!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1380, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un diario de tendencia conservadora.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a conservative daily.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a conservative newspaper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1381, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No indexadas: cuando el monto del pago está definido en pesos.", "generated_answer": "No Indexed when the month of payment is defined in pesos.", "expected_answer": "Not indexed: when the amount of the payment is set in pesos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1382, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "O sería un diminutivo Martin, apodo atribuido al bastón y encontrado en La Fontaine.", "generated_answer": "\"The text is translated as follows: 'The text is attributed to Martin, a minuteman, who was encountered in the field.' \"", "expected_answer": "Or it could be a diminutive of Martin, nickname attributed to the cane found in La Fontaine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1383, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Internacionalista colombiano con estudios en Integración Económica y Comunidades Europeas.", "generated_answer": "Colombian Internationalist with studies in integration and European communities.", "expected_answer": "A Colombian internationalist with studies in Economic Integration and European Communities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1384, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comparte zona de esquí con Zermatt en Suiza.", "generated_answer": "\"Partnership on the ski with Cermera in Switzerland.\"", "expected_answer": "It shares ares of ski resorts with Zermatt in Switzerland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1385, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La policía detuvo a los manifestantes y los empujó hacia los autobuses.", "generated_answer": "The police detained the demonstrators and they rushed towards the buses.", "expected_answer": "The police arrested the protesters and dragged them to the buses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1386, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debido a la fuerte expansión del mercado, Yamaha Motor Co.", "generated_answer": "\"Due to the strong expansion of the market, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.\"", "expected_answer": "Due to the market quick expansion, Yamaha Motor Co.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1387, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Luego entró en combate contra los británicos.", "generated_answer": "\"Later, entered into combat against the British.\"", "expected_answer": "They went to battle against the British later on.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1388, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entones, el rey se convirtió en benefactor del monasterio.", "generated_answer": "Then, the King converted into a Benefactor of the Monastery.", "expected_answer": "So the King became the monastery benefactor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1389, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Para la promoción, se desarrollaron varias otras versiones del personaje, acompañadas de mercancía.", "generated_answer": "For the promotion, various other versions of the character were created, accompanied by merchandise.", "expected_answer": "For the advertising, many other versions of the same character were created, with the proper merchandising.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1390, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El movimiento tuvo apoyo en varias entidades del país.", "generated_answer": "The movement to support various entities in the country.", "expected_answer": "This movement had the support from many of the country’s organizations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1391, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "llevo este traje para que vean que no tenemos malas intenciones.", "generated_answer": "\"Take this for you to see that I have no malicious intentions.\"", "expected_answer": "I wear this suit so you see I don’t have bad intentions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1392, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "yo, espoleado por la curiosidad , salgo tras él.", "generated_answer": "You are curious about him.", "expected_answer": "I, moved by curiosity, go after him.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1393, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La letra cuenta la Parábola del rico y Lázaro.", "generated_answer": "The letter counts a parabola of Ricco and Lazzaro.", "expected_answer": "The lyrics tell the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1394, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El tímpano y frisos de las portadas poseen decoración en relieve.", "generated_answer": "The Tympan of the Portades have decoration in relief.", "expected_answer": "The tympanum and frieze of the portals are decorated in relief.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1395, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El personaje elegido asumía el cargo con el título de Virrey interino.", "generated_answer": "The person elected assumes the role of Vizier Interno.", "expected_answer": "The chosen character would receive the title of acting Viceroy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1396, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era la tercera vez que el partido se jugó en las Twin Cities.", "generated_answer": "The third time they played in the Twin Cities.", "expected_answer": "It was the third time the match would be played at the Twin Cities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1397, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Generalmente, los inmigrantes se situaron en la periferia de las ciudades.", "generated_answer": "Generally, most immigrants are located in the periphery of the cities.", "expected_answer": "Generally speaking, immigrants settled in the outskirts of the cities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1398, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El metanol se ha utilizado en forma más limitada debido a que es tóxico.", "generated_answer": "The Methanol is utilized in a limited form due to its toxicity.", "expected_answer": "Methanol wasn’t used as often due to its toxicity.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1399, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es entonces cuando Mai la resucita dándole respiración de boca a boca.", "generated_answer": "Is then also on Maile, she is resurrected, and the recovery of this.", "expected_answer": "That’s when Mai brings her back to life with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1400, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wight participó en Royal Rumble, pero fue eliminado por Kane.", "generated_answer": "\"Flight is on the verge of becoming a reality for the masses.\"", "expected_answer": "Wight took part in Royal Rumble, but he was eliminated by Kane.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1401, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su nombre de advocación era \"\"Los Santos Reyes\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"His name was the \"Saints' Reyes\".\"", "expected_answer": "Its religious denomination was “The Three Wise Men”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1402, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El ministerio es parte del Consejo de Estado de la República Popular China.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to: \"The Ministry is part of the Conference of the States of the People's Republic of China.\"", "expected_answer": "The ministry is part of the State Council of the Popular Republic of China,.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1403, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posee costas en el Mar Mediterráneo.", "generated_answer": "\"Possess\" in English means \"to have\" or \"to own\".", "expected_answer": "It has part of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1404, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A su vez lanza en Venezuela el canal por suscripción Venevisión Plus.", "generated_answer": "\"As a result, the Church of the Nativity is subscribed to the benediction of the Pope.\"", "expected_answer": "In turn, the subscription based TV channel Venevision Plus launches in Venezuela.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1405, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ambas situaciones se justificaron en un informe publicado en el siguiente artículo.", "generated_answer": "\"Ambs situations are classified in an information published in the following article.\"", "expected_answer": "Both situations were justified on a public report published in the following article.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1406, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto fue eliminado más tarde a petición de los creadores de la serie.", "generated_answer": "This was eliminated more recently, at the request of the creators of the series.", "expected_answer": "This was later removed due to a request from the series creators.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1407, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Patterson a la batería.", "generated_answer": "Paterson a la batière.", "expected_answer": "Patterson on the drums.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1408, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras dejar el taller comienza a interesarse por la obra de Leonardo da Vinci.", "generated_answer": "Tras dejar el taller, comienza a interesarse por el trabajo de Donato di Venezia.", "expected_answer": "After leaving the workshop, he began to find an interest on Leonardo Da Vinci’s work.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1409, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos están a favor de la pitón y otros de la anaconda.", "generated_answer": "Some people support the Pantheon, while others support the Acropolis.", "expected_answer": "Some favor the python, others, the anaconda.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1410, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente es presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral.", "generated_answer": "Currently, she is the President of the National Electoral Council.", "expected_answer": "Currently, she is the President of the National Electoral Council.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1411, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La escena dramática cuenta con muchas obras cómicas universalmente reconocidas.", "generated_answer": "\"The Dramatic Scene\" contains many works universally recognized.", "expected_answer": "Many internationally renown comedic plays were born out of this dramatic scene.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1412, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las actividades recomendadas como óptimas son la pesca submarina y la recreativa.", "generated_answer": "The recommended activities are the Pesca Submarina and the Recreational.", "expected_answer": "The recommended and optimal activities are the underwater spearfishing and scuba diving.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1413, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los personajes, al luchar juntos, pueden desarrollar vínculos emocionales entre sí.", "generated_answer": "\"Singles can form emotional connections with each other.\"", "expected_answer": "The characters, after fighting together, bond emotionally among themselves.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1414, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Federico murió tres años antes que su padre, por lo tanto nunca heredaría Anhalt-Dessau.", "generated_answer": "Frederico died three years before his father, never having heard the call to prayer.", "expected_answer": "Federico died three years before his father, therefore, he would never inherit Anhalt-Dessau.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1415, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No ser arrogante.", "generated_answer": "No, arrogant.", "expected_answer": "To not be arrogant.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1416, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la Academia estuvo a favor de los clásicos y votó contra Víctor Hugo.", "generated_answer": "In the academy, they favored the classics and voted against Victor Hugo.", "expected_answer": "At the academy, he was in favor of the classics, and he voted against Victor Hugo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1417, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El campeonato de marcas se decidió en Cataluña.", "generated_answer": "The championship of marks is decided in Catalonia.", "expected_answer": "The constructors championship winner was decided in Cataluña.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1418, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La canción \"\"Capital City\"\" está basada en \"\"New York, New York\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The song \"City of New York\" is in New York, New York.\"", "expected_answer": "The song “Capital City” is based on “New York, New York”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1419, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al momento de su muerte, había visto el paso de tres siglos.", "generated_answer": "\"At the moment of his death, he had witnessed the passage of three centuries.\"", "expected_answer": "At the time of his dead, he had seen three centuries past.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1420, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El match fue jugado en Lausana, Suiza.", "generated_answer": "The match was held in Lausanne, Switzerland.", "expected_answer": "The match was played at Lausana, Switzerland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1421, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reside en Argentona.", "generated_answer": "Reside in Argentina.", "expected_answer": "He resides in Argentona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1422, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, la respuesta a la crisis mexicana fue diferente en ambos países.", "generated_answer": "The response to the Mexican crisis was different in both countries.", "expected_answer": "However, the solution to the Mexican crisis was different in both countries.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1423, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Raimondi presentó para televisión el programa \"\"Seis arias en busca de un cantante\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Raymondi presented the television program \"Six Areas in Search of a Singer\".", "expected_answer": "Raimondi presented the television show “Six characters in search of a singer”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1424, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La frecuencia media de paso es un tren cada veinte minutos.", "generated_answer": "The medium frequency of the pass is every twenty minutes.", "expected_answer": "The average frequency of the trains is one every twenty minutes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1425, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los representantes de esta raza son particularmente tranquilos y benignos.", "generated_answer": "\"Their representatives are particularly tranquil in the beneficial.\"", "expected_answer": "Those belonging to this race are especially calmed and benign.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1426, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En verano la duración es de unas cuatro semanas.", "generated_answer": "In the spring, the duration is approximately four months.", "expected_answer": "It will last about four weeks this summer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1427, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene la particularidad de ser una estación en curva.", "generated_answer": "The particularity of being a station in a curve.", "expected_answer": "It’s uniqueness reside in it being a curved station.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1428, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la mañana, Salcedo destituyó a Tovar.", "generated_answer": "During the morning, Salcedo stood at the bar.", "expected_answer": "During that week, Salcedo dismissed Tovar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1429, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vanesa nació en el condado de Alameda en Livermore, California.", "generated_answer": "Vanessa was born in the County of Alameda, in the city of Livermore, California.", "expected_answer": "Vanesa was born in the Alameda county, in Livermore, California.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1430, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dejó su casa a temprana edad.", "generated_answer": "\"He left his house at a temporary time.\"", "expected_answer": "He left his home at a young age.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1431, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante los dos años siguientes, viajaron por Nueva Inglaterra, los Grandes Lagos y Mississippi.", "generated_answer": "During the two years following, he traveled to New England, the great lakes, and Mississippi.", "expected_answer": "During the course of the next two years, they traveled across New England, the Grate Lakes and the Mississippi.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1432, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sobre la entrada hay un hueco abierto en forma de triángulo.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the text to English is:\n\n\"Above the entrance, there is a cupboard in the form of a triangle.\"", "expected_answer": "There is an opening in the shape of a triangle above the entrance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1433, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allí ofrece programas de Derecho, Psicología y Administración de empresas.", "generated_answer": "All offer programs of degrees, psychology, and administration of companies.", "expected_answer": "Law, Psychology and Business Administration courses are offered there.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1434, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Magdalena Diaz Conejera asumió el liderazgo de todas las actividades relacionadas con el centenario.", "generated_answer": "Malalena Diaz Conejera assumes leadership of all related to the centennial.", "expected_answer": "Magdalena Diaz Conejera took leadership of all the activities for the centenary celebrations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1435, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Le favorecen especialmente las zonas con tierras inundadas o pantanosas.", "generated_answer": "They particularly favor areas with lands covered in mud or swamps.", "expected_answer": "It favors marshes and flooded areas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1436, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fichó por Everton de Viña del Mar.", "generated_answer": "\"Ficho para Everton Sevilla.\"", "expected_answer": "He was signed by the Everton of Viña del Mar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1437, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Florece y fructifica en Marzo.", "generated_answer": "\"Flower and fruit in March.\"", "expected_answer": "It blossoms and bears fruit in March.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1438, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Estados Unidos, estas posturas están defendidas por el Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos.", "generated_answer": "In the United States, these positions are defended by the Democratic Party.", "expected_answer": "In the United States, these stances are supported by the Democratic Party of the United Estates.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1439, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "el miedo es nuestro peor enemigo.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the text \"The Dilemma\" is \"The Dilemma is most worst in the world.\"", "expected_answer": "Fear is our worst enemy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1440, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "cuando tengas ganas de hacer pis", "generated_answer": "When you get an answer.", "expected_answer": "When you feel like going to the bathroom.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1441, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Haciendo lo mejor que pudo para apoyar a Matt.", "generated_answer": "\"Doing the best you can to support a ban.\"", "expected_answer": "Making his best to support Matt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1442, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuenta con un sistema satelital propio.", "generated_answer": "Custody with a system satellite proper.", "expected_answer": "It has its own satellite system.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1443, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "lo siento mucho, chaval.", "generated_answer": "\"A lot, man.\"", "expected_answer": "I’m very sorry, kid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1444, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "es mejor saltar cuando queramos", "generated_answer": "\"It's better to stand when you want.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s better to jump when we want to.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1445, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más adelante pasa a formar parte de la Compañía del Teatro Nacional de Cámara.", "generated_answer": "\"More recently, it has become part of the National Theatre Company.\"", "expected_answer": "He later went to be a part of the National Chamber Theater Company.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1446, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La peor crisis de su historia había terminado.", "generated_answer": "The peck has ended in his history.", "expected_answer": "The worst crisis of its entire history had passed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1447, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha comisariado múltiples exposiciones centradas en sus líneas de investigación.", "generated_answer": "\"Has attended multiple exhibitions centered around his line of investigation.\"", "expected_answer": "He has organized multiple displays on his lines of research.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1448, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene un olor tan fuerte que puede resultar desagradable.", "generated_answer": "\"Tin can lord\" can result in \"sane day.\"", "expected_answer": "It has a strong smell that may be unpleasant.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1449, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A pesar de los relatos populares, los mexicas no hacían sacrificios humanos cada día.", "generated_answer": "\"A peradventure of those reports.\"", "expected_answer": "Despite popular stories, Aztecs didn’t performed daily human sacrifices.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1450, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un pez de agua dulce y de clima tropical.", "generated_answer": "\"He is a man of water, a tropical plant.\"", "expected_answer": "A freshwater tropical fish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1451, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Detrás de ellos, llegaron los franceses Patrick Fernandez y Olivier Chevallier.", "generated_answer": "Patrick Fernandes and Olivier Chevalier.", "expected_answer": "Right after them came the French Patrick Fernandez and Olivier Chevallier.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1452, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En los parques nacionales y áreas silvestres abundan las aves.", "generated_answer": "In national parks, areas of silviculture, Abundant are aves.", "expected_answer": "Birds are plentiful in national parks and wild areas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1453, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Forma parte de la región de Izúcar.", "generated_answer": "Form part of the region of Istukar.", "expected_answer": "It belongs to the Izucar region.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1454, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está considerada un excelente comestible.", "generated_answer": "\"It is considered an excellent food.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s considered to be a great source of food.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1455, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En primer lugar, esta situación hace que el cerebro se ponga en guardia.", "generated_answer": "In the first place, this situation makes the brain put itself on guard.", "expected_answer": "In the first place, this situation makes the brain defensive.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1456, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El instrumental en sí es lento y cambiante.", "generated_answer": "The instrument in question is long and flexible.", "expected_answer": "The instrumental part in itself is slow and ever changing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1457, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Málaga mantendrá una opción de recompra durante su vinculación contractual.", "generated_answer": "The Malaga maintainer has an option to renegotiate their contract during the contract period.", "expected_answer": "Malaga will retain the re-purchase option while the contract is binding.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1458, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además tres campanas, una más hermosa que las otras, fueron halladas.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides, three campans, a more beautiful one than the others, were held.\"", "expected_answer": "Additionally, three bells, each one more beautiful than the other, were found.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1459, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas van muy decoradas con una gran riqueza ornamental, todo ello en barro.", "generated_answer": "These were very decorated with a great deal of elegance and all in baroque style.", "expected_answer": "They are decorated beautifully with a great ornamental richness, all made in clay.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1460, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miles de intelectuales rusos le debieron sus vidas.", "generated_answer": "Millionaires of intellectuals Russians dedicated their lives.", "expected_answer": "Thousands of Russian intellectuals owe him their lives.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1461, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Por lo tanto, puede traducirse como \"\"Cerro del Dios de la Lluvia\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"For example, it can be translated as \"Cerro del Diablo de la Lluvia\".", "expected_answer": "Therefore, it can be translated as “the Rain God’s mountain”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1462, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Y si es así ¿cómo puede haber vuelto de entre los muertos?", "generated_answer": "If so, how could have turned into them.", "expected_answer": "And if that’s the case, how can he be back from the dead?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1463, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En este equipo fue compañero de su pariente Henry Clark.", "generated_answer": "This equipment was a companion to his parent, Henry Claud.", "expected_answer": "In this team, he was a companion of his relative, Henry Clark.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1464, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue el primer general romano enviado contra Espartaco.", "generated_answer": "Feste was the first General Roman sent against Spain.", "expected_answer": "He was the first Roman General to be sent after Spartacus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1465, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otras son fijas, y apenas es preciso tirar.", "generated_answer": "\"Others are Pizzas, and especially it is precisely Tire.\"", "expected_answer": "Others are fixed, and there is little need to pull.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1466, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vale la pena visitar el mercado.", "generated_answer": "\"Welcoming the visitor to the market.\"", "expected_answer": "Visiting the market is worth it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1467, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es graduado en Ciencias Económicas.", "generated_answer": "He was in charge of the departments of condiments.", "expected_answer": "He graduated in Economics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1468, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está considerado el fundador de las teorías matemáticas y físicas de la geodesia moderna.", "generated_answer": "\"He is considered the founder of the studies of mathematics and physics of the modern era.\"", "expected_answer": "He is considered as the founder of mathematics and physics theories in the modern geodesy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1469, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su esposa tenía treinta ocho años de edad en ese entonces.", "generated_answer": "She was thirty-eight years old in that time.", "expected_answer": "His wife was 38 years old at that time.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1470, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No había nadie ahí.", "generated_answer": "No one had.", "expected_answer": "There was no one there.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1471, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "bueno, ya estamos.", "generated_answer": "\"Well, you're starting.\"", "expected_answer": "Well, we are ready.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1472, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No iremos al baile.", "generated_answer": "No, I'm not all bailed.", "expected_answer": "We aren’t going dancing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1473, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entonces mete a Pirelli en un baúl, cortándole más tarde la garganta.", "generated_answer": "Then, met a Pierelli in a baul, cutting off the gargantua.", "expected_answer": "He then puts Pirelli inside a trunk, to later slit his throat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1474, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de la población está compuesta por ucranianos.", "generated_answer": "The majority of the population is composed of Ukrainians.", "expected_answer": "Most of the population is Ukrainian.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1475, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los trenes tienen salidas cada hora aproximadamente.", "generated_answer": "\"The trains end each hour approximately.\"", "expected_answer": "Trains go out every hour or so.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1476, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es muy buen amigo del actor Christopher Milligan.", "generated_answer": "\"Very good friend of actor Christopher Milligan.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s good friends with the actor Christopher Milligan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1477, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su director fundador es D. Juan Carlos Ocaña Muñoz.", "generated_answer": "\"His director and founder is Juan Carlos Ocaña Muñoz.\"", "expected_answer": "His founding director is Juan Carlos Ocaña Muñoz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1478, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente una calle del municipio de Barreiro lleva su nombre.", "generated_answer": "Actually, a city in the municipality of Barreiro gives its name.", "expected_answer": "Today, one of the streets of Barreiro municipality is named after him.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1479, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los protagonistas son unos animales que combinan gracia con inocencia.", "generated_answer": "The protagonists are some animals that combine grace with innocence.", "expected_answer": "The protagonists are animals that combine grace with innocence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1480, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son nativas de Guyana y norte de Brasil.", "generated_answer": "\"Are native to Guiana and north of Brazil.\"", "expected_answer": "They’re native to Guyana and the North of Brasil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1481, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pionero de la radiología en Aragón, con consulta propia en la ciudad de Zaragoza.", "generated_answer": "Pioneer of radiology in Aragón, with consultation in the city of Saragossa.", "expected_answer": "He was a pioneer in radiology in Aragon, he even had his own practice in the city of Zaragoza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1482, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Están presentes en las hojas, tallos verdes y corteza.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Presentes en las hojas, tallos verdes y cortesas\" translates to \"Present in the leaves, green stems, and cuttings\" in English.", "expected_answer": "They’re present in the leaves, green stems and in the bark.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1483, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una fortaleza dentro de la fortaleza.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a fort within the fort.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a fortress within a fortress.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1484, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La salud del varón difiere de la de las mujeres en muchos aspectos.", "generated_answer": "The health of men differs from that of women in many aspects.", "expected_answer": "The health of males is different from that of females in many aspects.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1485, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dictó seminarios de dirección teatral en el extranjero.", "generated_answer": "\"Dictionaries of direction theater in the external.\"", "expected_answer": "He delivered seminars on theatrical direction overseas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1486, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ese mismo año logró el ascenso a la Liga Premier de Ucrania.", "generated_answer": "\"In the same year, he advanced to the Ligue Premier of Ukraine.\"", "expected_answer": "On that same year it was promoted to the Premier League of Ukraine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1487, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rila es la cuarta montaña en Europa continental en cuanto a aislamiento topográfico.", "generated_answer": "Rila is the fourth mountain in Europe's continental topographical area.", "expected_answer": "Rita is the fourth mountain in Continental Europe as regards topographic isolation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1488, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al final, ganaría la de mejor maquillaje y la mejor dirección artística.", "generated_answer": "The final award went to the best makeup and the best artistic direction.", "expected_answer": "In the end, the winner was the one with beast makeup and artistic direction.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1489, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuenta con una de las fábricas de Volvo más importante.", "generated_answer": "\"Couches with one of the factories of Volvo's most important.\"", "expected_answer": "It has one of the most important Volvo factories.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1490, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue presidente provincial Cardenal Caro de la Democracia Cristiana.", "generated_answer": "\"Was provincial president, Cardinal Car of the democracy Christian.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the Governor of Cardenal Caro of the Christian Democracy party.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1491, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Poco a poco, los doctorados fueron otorgados en tres específicas disciplinas: Derecho, medicina, teología.", "generated_answer": "\"Poco a poco, los doctorados fueron ofrecidos en tres específicas disciplinas: Derecho, Medicina y Teología.\"", "expected_answer": "Little by little, doctorates were awarded in three different fields: Law, medicine and theology.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1492, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El público apoyó el ultimátum de Sarit.", "generated_answer": "The public supported the ultimatum of Sarkozy.", "expected_answer": "The public supported Sarit’s ultimatum.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1493, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Así fue en tiempos de la guerra española, ejecutando a \"\"Walter\"\", acusado de traición.\"", "generated_answer": "So was in times of the Spanish War, executing Walter accused of treason.", "expected_answer": "That how it was during the Spanish Civil War, when “Walter” was executed for treason.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1494, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El sencillo tiene el mismo nombre que el nuevo álbum, \"\"Dead Trees\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The simpleton has the same name as the new album, \"Dead Trees\".", "expected_answer": "Both the single and the new album have the same title: “Dead Trees”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1495, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre los villanos, destaca la sofisticada Belle Smith.", "generated_answer": "Among the Yulans, distinguished is the sophisticated Bill Smith.", "expected_answer": "The villain Belle Smith is distinguished for her sophistication.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1496, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Larry Trainor una vez más volvía a ser un miembro de la Doom Patrol.", "generated_answer": "Larry Trainer, once again, became a member of the original band.", "expected_answer": "Larry Trainor would become again a member of the Doom Patrol.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1497, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al hacerlo, fue capaz de derrotar al Doctor Dynamo.", "generated_answer": "Alas, he was capable of destroying the doctor.", "expected_answer": "And by doing so, he was able to defeat Doctor Dynamo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1498, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El gobierno nacional se organizaba en base al principio de división de poderes.", "generated_answer": "The government national organizes in base on the division of powers.", "expected_answer": "The National Government was organized according to the division of powers principle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1499, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estudió en el Católico de Trinidad Santo en Oakville, Ontario.", "generated_answer": "\"Study at the Catholic College of St. Thomas in Okville, Ontario, Canada.\"", "expected_answer": "She studied at the Holy Trinity Catholic School in Oakville, Ontario.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1500, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jones continuó en la industria musical durante varios años más.", "generated_answer": "\"Jones continued in the music industry for various years.\"", "expected_answer": "Jones continued in the musical industry for a few more years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1501, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estas reflexiones se unen a violentas sátiras culturales y políticas.", "generated_answer": "\"These reflections unite with the unity of a satire, cultural, and political.\"", "expected_answer": "These reflections are linked to violent cultural and political satires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1502, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue admirador de Savonarola.", "generated_answer": "\"Were N'Golo Bis on Bonarola.\"", "expected_answer": "He was an admirer of Savanarola.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1503, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente regresan a Barinas donde vivieron en el Barrio Pepsi Cola.", "generated_answer": "Later, he returned to the village of Pécsicola.", "expected_answer": "Later they returned to Barinas where they lived in the Pepsi Cola neighborhood.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1504, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la Línea mayor se contaba hasta cien y luego se volvía a empezar.", "generated_answer": "In the line major, there were 10 and then we started again.", "expected_answer": "The Elder line would be counted until 100 and then it’d start again.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1505, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La producción desde la última renovación es mínima no cumpliendo las entregas pactadas.", "generated_answer": "The production during the last renovation is minimal, not complying with the entrants' agreements.", "expected_answer": "The production since the last renovation is minimal and it doesn’t meet the agreed deliveries.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1506, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los cuatro bits de más valor permiten un margen suficiente para los cálculos.", "generated_answer": "\"The four bits of more value permit a margin sufficient for calculations.\"", "expected_answer": "The four bits of greater value allow for enough margin for calculations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1507, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Este último, \"\"Party\"\", llegó al Top Five de varios charts musicales.\"", "generated_answer": "This last party went top of various musical charts.", "expected_answer": "The last one, “Party”, reached the Top Five of several Music charts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1508, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cada episodio tiene un ajuste diferente.", "generated_answer": "Each instance has a different adjustment.", "expected_answer": "Each episode has a different setting.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1509, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "King se juega a sí mismo en su lugar.", "generated_answer": "He is similar to the color of Freyja.", "expected_answer": "The King plays himself in his place.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1510, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por estos motivos, para el segundo semestre decide emigrar.", "generated_answer": "\"Now, let's talk about the current situation.\"", "expected_answer": "For these reasons, he decided to migrate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1511, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En resumen la prudencia es la recta razón en las materias.", "generated_answer": "In summary, the prudence is the right reason in those matters.", "expected_answer": "To sum it all, prudence is the right reason in all matters.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1512, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su carrera como compositor la inició desde muy pequeño, cuando cursaba la primaria.", "generated_answer": "Her career as a composer began early, when she started primary school.", "expected_answer": "His career as a composer started when he was very young, while he was still in primary school.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1513, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come gusanos, crustáceos pequeños y plantas.", "generated_answer": "Coming to the garden, little gnomes and plants.", "expected_answer": "It eats worms, small crustaceans and plants.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1514, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las viñetas de Soria han aparecido en exposiciones temáticas con aportaciones de varios autores.", "generated_answer": "The vintages of Soria have appeared in exhibitions with interpretations of various authors.", "expected_answer": "Soria’s strips have appeared in thematic displays with contributions of other authors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1515, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al año siguiente comenzaron las obras.", "generated_answer": "\"In the following year, the works began.\"", "expected_answer": "The following year, the works begun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1516, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue filmada en Maine, Chicago y Wilmington, Carolina del Norte en Estados Unidos.", "generated_answer": "\"Filed in Maine, Chicago, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the United States.\"", "expected_answer": "It was filmed in Maine, Chicago and Wilmington, North Carolina in the United States.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1517, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta era la segunda publicación de Ray Hyman, siendo todavía universitario.", "generated_answer": "Eta was the second publication of Ray H. Man as an author.", "expected_answer": "This was Ray Hyman’s second publication, while he was still a university student.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1518, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha sido traducido a más de treinta lenguas.", "generated_answer": "\"Has been translated into more than thirty languages.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s been translated into more than 30 languages.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1519, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ruta normal es desde Son Moragues.", "generated_answer": "The normal route is from Sonora.", "expected_answer": "The normal route starts in Son Morangues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1520, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coincidieron con el inicio de la Guerra de Sucesión Española.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"Following the start of the Spanish Civil War.\"", "expected_answer": "They were simultaneous with the War of the Spanish Succession.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1521, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La meta es arreglar las bolitas en las seis columnas según su color.", "generated_answer": "The Met is arranging the balloons in the six columns according to their color.", "expected_answer": "The goal is to arrange the balls in six columns depending on their color.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1522, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente hay una calle en su memoria en el barrio de Gamonal.", "generated_answer": "Currently, there is a memorial in her memory in the village of Gamonal.", "expected_answer": "Nowadays there’s a street named after him in the Gamonal neighborhood.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1523, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El objetivo final es hallar el radio \"\"R\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The objective final is to reach the radio \"R\".", "expected_answer": "The final objective is to find the radius “R”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1524, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kid Devil es derrotado y capturado por los Titanes del Terror.", "generated_answer": "King Devil is derelict and captured by the Titans of Terror.", "expected_answer": "Kid Devil is defeated and capture by the Titans of Terror.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1525, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, su estatus taxonómico es controvertido.", "generated_answer": "In fact, his taxonomic status is controversial.", "expected_answer": "However, its taxonomical status is controversial.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1526, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Muchas otras nominaciones fueron para Ryan Gosling por su papel de Dan Dunne.", "generated_answer": "\"Many other nominations were for Ryan Gosling for his role in 'Dunkirk'.\"", "expected_answer": "Ryan Gosling was nominated many times for his role as Dan Dunne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1527, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ferri se volvió uno de los fundadores de la escuela positivista.", "generated_answer": "Ferry turned one of the founders of the school into a positive thinker.", "expected_answer": "Ferri became one of the founders of the positivist school.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1528, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este problema tiene dos tipos que dependen de su origen.", "generated_answer": "This problem has two types that depend on their origin.", "expected_answer": "There are two types of issues for this problem depending on its origin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1529, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al pasar el tiempo, el niño crece y entra a la universidad.", "generated_answer": "The child grows and enters a university.", "expected_answer": "As time goes by, the child grows and goes to college.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1530, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vive deprisa, pelea duro y disfruta la noche.", "generated_answer": "\"Bibere, Pelea, Eez forte.\"", "expected_answer": "Live fast, fight hard and enjoy the night.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1531, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nuestro país llega al día de liberación.", "generated_answer": "Our country is on the path to recovery.", "expected_answer": "Our country reaches its liberation day.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1532, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Iglesia de San Millán, de Úbeda.", "generated_answer": "\"I know of no one.\"", "expected_answer": "San Millan church in Ubeda.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1533, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hijo de.", "generated_answer": "\"I love you.\"", "expected_answer": "Son of a.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1534, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lideró una rebelión contra Pierre Nord Alexis y lo sucedió como presidente.", "generated_answer": "Led a rebellion against Pierre-Notic Alexis and succeeded as President.", "expected_answer": "He led a rebellion against Pierre Nord Alexis and succeeded him as president.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1535, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunos de ellos incluso fueron maltratados.", "generated_answer": "Some of them were even tortured.", "expected_answer": "Some of them were even battered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1536, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No obstante, tienen la dificultad de su gran dificultad de diseño.", "generated_answer": "No, they have the difficulty of their great design.", "expected_answer": "However, the difficulty stems from the design’s complexity.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1537, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A la Comarca no le fue mejor.", "generated_answer": "\"A community did not fare well.\"", "expected_answer": "The shire didn’t improve.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1538, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Desde sus inicios fue reconocida por su fuerza interpretativa \"\"natural\"\" y contundente.\"", "generated_answer": "From his beginnings, he was recognized by his strength, natural interpretation, and concentration.", "expected_answer": "From the beginning of her career, she was renown for her “natural” and convincing interpretative force.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1539, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue oficial mayor en Huancavelica.", "generated_answer": "\"Fue el oficial mayor de Wancabelica.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a Major in Huancavelica.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1540, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finalmente se continúa con la ejecución del módulo principal.", "generated_answer": "Finally, they continue with the execution of the main module.", "expected_answer": "In the end, the principal module is still in execution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1541, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comenzó a rapear tras graduarse en el instituto.", "generated_answer": "\"Began rapping after graduation from the institution.\"", "expected_answer": "He started rapping after finishing high school.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1542, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La línea del medio era dejada por el telson del animal.", "generated_answer": "The middle line was given by the Telson of the animal.", "expected_answer": "The medial line is left by the animal’s telson.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1543, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lewis derrotó a Tyson por nocaut en el octavo asalto.", "generated_answer": "\"Lewis was knocked out by Tyson in the eighth round.\"", "expected_answer": "Lewis defeated Tyson by knockout on the seventh round.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1544, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Curazao hasta rotonda Renault.", "generated_answer": "\"Cura\" means \"care\" or \"attention\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Curazao until Renault’s traffic circle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1545, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sr. Duque de Braganza.", "generated_answer": "\"Your Excellency, the Duke of Dauphin.\"", "expected_answer": "Mr. Duke of Braganza.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1546, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El turismo es otra fuente de ingresos.", "generated_answer": "The tourism industry is another source of income.", "expected_answer": "Tourism is another source of income.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1547, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En algunos sectores se presentan los arbustales magallánicos.", "generated_answer": "In many sectors, they present their Arundinaceous.", "expected_answer": "Some areas have Magellanic shrubland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1548, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los cortes de difusión fueron los dos primeros temas del disco.", "generated_answer": "\"The two primary topics of the Lico were the cuts of diffusion.\"", "expected_answer": "The singles were the first two songs of the record.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1549, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tal pacto habrá de formalizarse por escrito al perfeccionarse el contrato.", "generated_answer": "The contract will be formalized in writing to perfect the contract.", "expected_answer": "That pact will be formalized in writing when the contract is concluded.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1550, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero no solo del dominio público se ha nutrido", "generated_answer": "\"But only the public domain has been nourished.\"", "expected_answer": "But not only the public domain has been nurtured.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1551, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El episodio no recibió buenas calificaciones por parte de la crítica especializada.", "generated_answer": "The episode did not receive good ratings from part of the specialized critics.", "expected_answer": "The episode didn’t get good reviews from the specialized critics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1552, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En este lugar, el mencionado río desemboca en el mar del Norte.", "generated_answer": "In this location, the renowned river is seen in the North Sea.", "expected_answer": "In this place, the aforementioned river runs into the North Sea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1553, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El signo es positivo si la flexión provoca dolor.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is: \"The sign is positive if the flexion causes pain.\"", "expected_answer": "The sign is positive if the flexion causes pain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1554, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una manera diferente de recorrer este bonito lugar.", "generated_answer": "\"It is a different way of experiencing this beautiful place.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a different way to visit this beautiful place.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1555, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El jugador trabaja junto a Catherine Willows en este caso.", "generated_answer": "The player works alongside Catherine Willows in this case.", "expected_answer": "The player works with Catherine Willows in this case.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1556, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el amplio puente llevaba todo tipo de medios ofensivos.", "generated_answer": "In the vast pond, all types of offensive media are present.", "expected_answer": "The wide bridge had all kinds of offensive means.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1557, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Jeep de Aumont fue alcanzado cerca de un puente minado.", "generated_answer": "The ship \"Amon\" was anchored near a point.", "expected_answer": "Aumont’s Jeep was intercepted near a mined bridge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1558, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue Caroline Corr, batería del grupo, quien tuvo la idea.", "generated_answer": "\"Caroline, the battery of the group, who took the idea.\"", "expected_answer": "Caroline Corr, drummer of the band, had the idea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1559, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un golfo en el Mar de Láptev.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a golf course in the Marina del Rey.\"", "expected_answer": "A gulf near the Laptev sea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1560, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es la cabecera del departamento Pilcomayo.", "generated_answer": "Is the head of the Department of Public Instruction.", "expected_answer": "It’s the top place of the Pilcomayo department.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1561, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En el club se practican los deportes waterpolo y natación.", "generated_answer": "In the club, they participate in water polo and natation.", "expected_answer": "Water-polo and swimming are practiced at the club.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1562, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yu nació en Hong Kong y se graduó de la Universidad de Ohio.", "generated_answer": "Yung was born in Hong Kong and graduated from the University of Ohio.", "expected_answer": "Yu was born in Hong Kong and graduated from Ohio University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1563, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está dirigido por Barbara Bilinska-Kepa.", "generated_answer": "\"Directed by Barbara Vila Kepa.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s directed by Barbara Bilinska-Kepa.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1564, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Veamos sus más importantes disposiciones.", "generated_answer": "\"View their most important positions.\"", "expected_answer": "Let’s see its most important resolutions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1565, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una población esencialmente agrícola.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a population essentially agricultural.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a mainly agricultural population.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1566, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El video comienza con escenas de momentos antes de iniciar tales conciertos.", "generated_answer": "The video begins with scenes of moments before the events of the story.", "expected_answer": "The video starts with scenes previous to the beginning of those concerts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1567, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante más de tres siglos se buscó incansablemente la fuente.", "generated_answer": "During most of the last three centuries, he was obsessed with the fountain.", "expected_answer": "The source was relentlessly searched for over three centuries.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1568, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Permitió tres carreras en dos entradas de labor.", "generated_answer": "\"Permitted three cars in two entrances of labor.\"", "expected_answer": "He gave out three earned runs over two innings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1569, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con el tiempo se convirtió en una figura de culto.", "generated_answer": "On the time, she converted into a figure of culture.", "expected_answer": "In time she became a cult personality.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1570, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Construyó otros dos paseos, flanqueados de castaños, a cada lado.", "generated_answer": "Construct other two passageways lined with Castanets.", "expected_answer": "He built two other alleys, lined with chestnuts on each side.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1571, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tras retirarse de la interpretación, se dedicó a la pintura y a la escultura.", "generated_answer": "Translation: After retirement, he dedicated himself to painting and sculpture.", "expected_answer": "After retiring from acting, she concentrated on painting and sculpting.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1572, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las hojas sirven de alimento para algunas orugas de lepidópteros.", "generated_answer": "The Hois serve as food for some Uruguaians of Lepidodoptera.", "expected_answer": "The leaves serve as food for some lepidoptera caterpillars.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1573, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Curry trabajó para varias revistas, incluyendo \"\"Boys Life\"\", \"\"St.\"", "generated_answer": "Curry worked for various magazines, including \"Boys' Life.\"", "expected_answer": "Curry worked for several magazines, including “Boys Life”, “St.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1574, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En paralelo, Taylor se desempeñó como piloto oficial de General Motors en distintas carreras.", "generated_answer": "In parallel, Taylor became a pilot official for General Motors in different car models.", "expected_answer": "Meanwhile Taylor worked as an official pilot for General Motors in different races.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1575, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las letras y la música de todas las canciones fueron compuestas por ellas mismas.", "generated_answer": "The letters, the music, and the lyrics of all the songs were composed by themselves.", "expected_answer": "The lyrics and the music of all their songs were composed by them.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1576, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su aprovechamiento se considera un modelo para generar ingresos del bosque tropical sin destruirlo.", "generated_answer": "His acceptance is considered a model for generating investments in the tropical region, while not destroying it.", "expected_answer": "Its exploitation is a model to generate income from a rainforest without destroying it.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1577, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Si lo fuera, podría tratarse de un poblado de origen franco.", "generated_answer": "If he were French, he could be considered a village of French origin.", "expected_answer": "If it were, it could be a town of Frank descent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1578, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Venezuela nunca ha habido problemas raciales.", "generated_answer": "The Venezuelan people have never faced racial problems.", "expected_answer": "In Venezuela there have never been racial issues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1579, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En las demás regiones, el periódico se distribuye al día siguiente.", "generated_answer": "In other regions, the newspaper is distributed daily.", "expected_answer": "In other regions, the newspaper is distributed on the following day.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1580, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hoy en día solo se conservan algunos restos de lo que fueron sus muros.", "generated_answer": "\"Today, only some remnants of those who were buried in the tombs are preserved.\"", "expected_answer": "Nowadays there are a few remains of what it used to be its walls.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1581, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Étampes fue la capital del condado.", "generated_answer": "Etampes was the capital of the County.", "expected_answer": "Etampes was the county’s capital.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1582, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debates, reuniones y manifestaciones fueron protagonistas de todo.", "generated_answer": "Debates, reunions, and manifestations were the main symbols of everything.", "expected_answer": "Debates, meetings and manifestations were the protagonists.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1583, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Existen organismos que promueven el flag football en varios países americanos y en España.", "generated_answer": "Exists organizations that promote the Flute in various American and Spanish countries.", "expected_answer": "There are organisms that promote flag football in a few American countries as well as in Spain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1584, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hoy solo quedan restos de los que fue el palacio real.", "generated_answer": "\"Only the rest of what was the Real Fane.\"", "expected_answer": "There are a few remains of what it once was the royal palace.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1585, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Traducción de Cristina Rascón.", "generated_answer": "\"Christina Raspa\"", "expected_answer": "Translated by Cristina Rascon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1586, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las oficinas centrales de Vice España se encuentran en Barcelona.", "generated_answer": "The central offices of Visa Spain are located in Barcelona.", "expected_answer": "The central offices of Vice España are located in Barcelona.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1587, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Marina juega al bingo.", "generated_answer": "The Marine played the Bingo.", "expected_answer": "Marina plays bingo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1588, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Julia, ya has hecho bastante.", "generated_answer": "\"Julia is at the most.\"", "expected_answer": "Julia, you've done enough.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1589, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "los Reyes Magos pasan. vamos .", "generated_answer": "\"The Roses are passing, goodbye.\"", "expected_answer": "The three Magi are coming. Go.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1590, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su actividad política se desarrolla sobre todo durante la Segunda República Española.", "generated_answer": "\"His political activity emerged during the second Spanish Republic.\"", "expected_answer": "His political activities developed mostly during the Second Spanish Republic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1591, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ciudad exporta especialmente muebles de calidad internacional.", "generated_answer": "The city exports particularly high-quality international furniture.", "expected_answer": "The city specifically exports international grade furniture.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1592, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Esta disposición permitió a los diseñadores crear \"\"líneas demora\"\" de cualquier longitud deseada.\"", "generated_answer": "This position allowed designers to create lines of any desired length.", "expected_answer": "This arrangement allowed the designers to create “delay lines” of any desired length.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1593, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En abril aguas mil.", "generated_answer": "\"In any case.\"", "expected_answer": "On April there’s a lot of rain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1594, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amores reñidos son los más queridos.", "generated_answer": "Amore's Reni is the most loved.", "expected_answer": "True love never runs smooth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1595, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A la cara más fea, la alegría la hermosea.", "generated_answer": "\"A car is more expensive than a luxury car.\"", "expected_answer": "A glad heart makes a happy face.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1596, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue representado con un denso plumaje y con un comportamiento principalmente nocturno.", "generated_answer": "\"Was represented with a densus and with a posture mainly nocturnal.\"", "expected_answer": "It was represented with a dense plumage and with a mainly nocturnal behavior.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1597, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los cuatro primeros han sido declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.", "generated_answer": "The four firsts have been declared a human heritage by the United Nations.", "expected_answer": "The first four were declared World Heritage Sites by Unesco.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1598, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su filial, CajaSur Banco, utiliza la marca CajaSur.", "generated_answer": "\"Suffian Kahsur Banggo is a mark of Kahsur.\"", "expected_answer": "Its branch, CajaSur Bank, uses the CajaSur brand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1599, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La pareja los persigue, pero Philip todavía no confía en ella.", "generated_answer": "The parents pursue, but Philip still does not believe her.", "expected_answer": "The couple goes after them, but Phillip doesn’t trust her yet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1600, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su anchura es igual a la de los triglifos sobre los que se coloca.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is:\n\n\"His anchor is equal to the one over which he clings.\"", "expected_answer": "Its width is equal to the triglyph on which it’s placed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1601, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Corrieron ríos de sangre francesa.", "generated_answer": "\"Corsair in the rivers of France.\"", "expected_answer": "Fresh blood rivers ran.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1602, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más tarde ambas iniciaron sus carreras en solitario.", "generated_answer": "\"More later, Ambas initiate their careers in solitude.\"", "expected_answer": "Later, both begun their careers on their own.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1603, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las tasas de deriva continental en el Cámbrico pueden haber sido anormalmente elevadas.", "generated_answer": "The tax rates of the Continental in the Cambric could have been normally elevated.", "expected_answer": "The continental drift rate during the Cambrian period may have been abnormally high.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1604, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en una posición central de la Llanura Rumana.", "generated_answer": "She is located in the center of the Roman Anulua.", "expected_answer": "It’s located in the center of the Romanian Grassland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1605, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "National Library of Medicine.", "generated_answer": "National Library of Medicine.", "expected_answer": "National Library of Medicine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1606, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sony Music Communications Inc.", "generated_answer": "\"Sony Music Communications, Inc.\"", "expected_answer": "Sony Music Communications Inc.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1607, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estudió con el escenógrafo, pintor y escultor Luis Muriel y López.", "generated_answer": "\"Studied with the Scenographer, Painter, and Sculptor, Louis Muriel and Lopez.\"", "expected_answer": "He studied with Luis Muriel y Lopez, set designer, painter and sculptor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1608, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Generalmente, no son buenas para las compañías implicadas.", "generated_answer": "\"Generally, no one is good for companies involved.\"", "expected_answer": "They’re generally not good for the companies involved.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1609, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diversos otros músicos han interpretado esta canción en conciertos en vivo.", "generated_answer": "\"Various other musicians have interpreted this song in live concerts.\"", "expected_answer": "Many other musicians have played this song in live concerts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1610, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hay una subespecie parda, sin la coloración púrpura.", "generated_answer": "The text \"He has a subspecies Parda, without the color Puru.\"", "expected_answer": "There’s is a brown subspecies, without the purple coloration.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1611, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Contó con parada de ferrocarril en la línea Castejón-Bilbao.", "generated_answer": "\"Contato com parada de ferrocoerral na linha Castelo-Búo.\"", "expected_answer": "It had a train stop in the Castejon-Biblao line.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1612, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desempeña los papeles preventivo, represivo y educativo, dentro del mercado brasileño.", "generated_answer": "\"Demeaning the protective, repressive, and educational measures within the Brazilian market.\"", "expected_answer": "It has a preventive, repressive and educational role within the Brazilian market.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1613, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los últimos años de su vida estuvieron marcados por las desgracias.", "generated_answer": "The last years of his life were marked by regrets.", "expected_answer": "The last years of his life were marked by tragedy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1614, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Se especializó en temas de \"\"descentralización y fortalecimiento de gobiernos locales y regionales\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Translation: They specialize in the decentralization and fortification of local and regional governments.", "expected_answer": "She specialized in subjects regarding “decentralization and strengthening of local and regional governments.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1615, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En esta situación el riesgo financiero de la empresa se reduce.", "generated_answer": "The financial risk of the company is reduced.", "expected_answer": "In this situation, the financial risk of the company is reduced.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1616, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se encuentra en el sur de Australia.", "generated_answer": "They are located in the southern part of Australia.", "expected_answer": "It’s located in the South of Australia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1617, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sin embargo, \"\"Skylanders\"\" no está relacionado con dicha serie.\"", "generated_answer": "In contrast, Skylanders is not related to this series.", "expected_answer": "However, “Skylanders” is not related to that series.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1618, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se utiliza principalmente para conciertos, boxeo, baloncesto, fútbol sala y voleibol.", "generated_answer": "They are primarily used for concerts, boxing, basketball, volleyball, and football.", "expected_answer": "It’s mainly used for concerts, boxing, basketball, futsal and volleyball.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1619, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tiene once diputados en el Seimas, el parlamento lituano.", "generated_answer": "\"Ties to eleven deputies in the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament.\"", "expected_answer": "It has 11 representatives in the Seismas, the Lithuanian parliament.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1620, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está realizado con temple al huevo sobre tabla.", "generated_answer": "\"St. Isidore of Seville is revered over the altar of the Temple.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s done with egg tempera on a wooden panel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1621, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es Gómez-Moreno el primero en situar su origen en Guadalajara, hoy ampliamente aceptado.", "generated_answer": "Gomes Moreno, the first to situate his origin in Guadarrama, today widely accepted.", "expected_answer": "Gomez-Moreno was the first person to place its origin in Guadalajara, which is now broadly accepted.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1622, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las corrientes intermedias son muy minoritarias: Samson Raphael Hirsch propone un judaísmo ortodoxo moderno.", "generated_answer": "The intermediate currents are very minority, Samuel Rahula proposes a modern Orthodox Judaism.", "expected_answer": "The middle ground schools of thought are a minority. Samson Raphael Hirsch proposes a modern orthodox Judaism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1623, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Cartman responde de manera amenazante al psiquiatra, \"\"No soy gordo, soy de huesos grandes.\"", "generated_answer": "Karman responds in an amenable manner to the psychiatrist, \"No, I'm not a Gordian, I'm a huge one.\"", "expected_answer": "Catman replies the psychiatrist in a threatening tone, “I’m not fat, I have large bones.”", "history": [] }, { "index": 1624, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más tarde inició estudios de Filosofía en el Emmanuel College de Cambridge.", "generated_answer": "More recently, he began studies in philosophy at the University of Cambridge.", "expected_answer": "Later he begun his philosophy studies at the Emmanuel College in Cambridge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1625, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una ciudad industrial, situada en la frontera de Suiza.", "generated_answer": "\"Is a city industrial, situated at the frontier of Switzerland.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s an industrial city located in Switzerland’s border.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1626, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los años siguientes carecieron de fortuna para el atleta.", "generated_answer": "The years that followed were fortunate for the athlete.", "expected_answer": "The following years lacked luck for the athlete.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1627, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la actualidad la marca se ha profesionalizado.", "generated_answer": "In actuality, the market has been professionalized.", "expected_answer": "Currently the brand has professionalized.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1628, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su carne es considerada un excelente alimento y es vendida fresca o congelada.", "generated_answer": "\"Your corn is considered an excellent ingredient and is sold fresh or canned.\"", "expected_answer": "Its meat is considered excellent food and it’s sold fresh or frozen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1629, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Logró una Liga, una Copa y una Supercopa.", "generated_answer": "\"I won a league, a cup, and a supercup.\"", "expected_answer": "He accomplished a League, a Cup and a Super-cup.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1630, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su nombre conmemora al naturalista estadounidense Edward William Nelson.", "generated_answer": "Edward William Delacour", "expected_answer": "His name commemorates the American naturalist Edward Willian Nelson.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1631, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En \"\"cursiva\"\", jugadores que aún participan en la competición.\"", "generated_answer": "In the race, the participants compete.", "expected_answer": "In “italics”, players who still participate in competition.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1632, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Incluye testimonios dolorosos, toques de humor y experiencias reales.", "generated_answer": "\"Include testimonies of sorrow, toasts of sorrow, and real experiences.\"", "expected_answer": "It includes painful testimonies, a touch of humor and real experiences.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1633, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Que fue incluida en el álbum debut del mismo, titulado \"\"The Meaning of Happy\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The Meaning of Happiness\" was included in the album \"Debut\".", "expected_answer": "Which was included in his debut album, titled “The Meaning of Happy”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1634, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En esta serie se añadió un aseo de vacío.", "generated_answer": "In this series, a new episode is aired.", "expected_answer": "In this series a vacuum cleaning was added.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1635, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parte del personal y de los directivos eran miembros del Partido Comunista de Venezuela.", "generated_answer": "Part of the personnel and directors are members of the Communist Party of Venezuela.", "expected_answer": "Part of the staff and the management were members of the Communist Party of Venezuela.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1636, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All India Radio es una de las redes de radio más grandes del mundo.", "generated_answer": "\"Allinger radio\" is one of the largest radio stations in the world.", "expected_answer": "All India Radio is one of the biggest radio networks worldwide.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1637, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El rango exacto de su alcance está aún por determinar.", "generated_answer": "The translation of the given text to English is: \"The range of the exact and the arc is still to be determined.\"", "expected_answer": "The exact range of its reach is yet to be determined.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1638, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se trata de un compuesto astringente.", "generated_answer": "\"The text translates to: \"It is a compound of anastran.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s an astringent compound.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1639, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dando inicio a la inmigración europea en el actual territorio brasileño.", "generated_answer": "\"Starting the European immigration in the territory of Brazil.\"", "expected_answer": "Commencing the European immigration in the current Brazilian territory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1640, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cultura común es otro criterio para la inclusión.", "generated_answer": "The culture common is eight criteria for inclusion.", "expected_answer": "The common culture is another criterion for inclusion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1641, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su madre, Angela, es una servidora pública y su padre, Tony, es un psicólogo.", "generated_answer": "\"His mother, Angella, is a public servant, and his father, Tony, is a psychologist.\"", "expected_answer": "Her mother, Angela, is a public servant, and her father, Tony, is a psychologist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1642, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus días estaban contados.", "generated_answer": "\"His days were counted.\"", "expected_answer": "His days were numbered.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1643, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Representando a todos los no paseriformes con dibujos y mapas.", "generated_answer": "Representing all the Non-Passers-by with documents and maps.", "expected_answer": "Representing all the non-passerines with drawings and maps.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1644, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Paraguay cuenta con la Copa Paraguay, cuyo ganador clasifica a la Copa Sudamericana.", "generated_answer": "Argentina wins the Copa Sudamericana.", "expected_answer": "Paraguay has the Paraguay Cup, whose winner qualifies to the South American Cup.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1645, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una parte interesante de la vida cultural y la herencia histórica son sus museos.", "generated_answer": "\"A part interesting of the life cultural and history are the museums.\"", "expected_answer": "Its museums are an interesting part of the cultural life and the historical heritage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1646, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En julio de ese año retorno a Italia.", "generated_answer": "In July, 1945, he returned to Italy.", "expected_answer": "I return to Italy in July of that year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1647, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue redactor del Reglamento Orgánico de la Escuela Naval.", "generated_answer": "The actor of the regulation of the naval school.", "expected_answer": "He redacted the Organic Regulation of the Naval School.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1648, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Puede producir por unidades o en reducido número.", "generated_answer": "\"Produce or introduce a number.\"", "expected_answer": "It can produce by units or in reduced number.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1649, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vive en las montañas asiáticas del interior.", "generated_answer": "\"In the mountains, in the interior.\"", "expected_answer": "It lives in the inland Asian mountains.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1650, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue Jefe provincial de Izquierda Republicana.", "generated_answer": "Founder of the Republican Party.", "expected_answer": "He was provisional head of the Republican Left.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1651, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto trae como consecuencia el ser activamente investigado por varios personajes.", "generated_answer": "This leads to the investigation of various persons.", "expected_answer": "This results in being actively investigates by various characters.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1652, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él mismo tenia problemas cardiacos.", "generated_answer": "He had cardiac problems.", "expected_answer": "He had heart problems himself.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1653, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un buen número fueron creados en su totalidad para el espectáculo.", "generated_answer": "\"A good number was created in total for the spectacle.\"", "expected_answer": "A large number were created completely for the show.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1654, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En particular, todos los ordinales regulares son cardinales.", "generated_answer": "In particular, all ordinal regulars are cardinal.", "expected_answer": "In particular, all the regular ordinals are cardinals.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1655, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los obreros panaderos la consumían en su almuerzo.", "generated_answer": "The workers at the bakery consumed their meals in the dining room.", "expected_answer": "The bakers consumed it in their lunch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1656, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es, pues, una mezcla de agua y nieve.", "generated_answer": "\"Is\" is a mixture of water and snow.", "expected_answer": "So, it’s a mix of water and snow.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1657, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Agudo posee una vegetación mediterránea, en la que destacan el encinar y la jara.", "generated_answer": "Agudo possesses a Mediterranean vegetation, where the Enchin and Jara are found.", "expected_answer": "Agudo has Mediterranean vegetation, where the holm oak and the cistus stand out.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1658, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Instruida la causa, Serrano de Reyna fue arrestado y enviado a Santiago de Guatemala.", "generated_answer": "\"Serrano de Reina was arrested and sent to Santiago de Gato.\"", "expected_answer": "Once the cause was instructed, Serrano de Reyna was arrested and sent to Santiago de Guatemala.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1659, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se mantuvo como la canción más descargada por tres semanas.", "generated_answer": "\"He remained as the most desacralized song for three seasons.\"", "expected_answer": "It remained as the most downloaded song for three weeks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1660, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lucas Heights es un suburbio atípico ya que no incluye un área residencial.", "generated_answer": "\"Lucius Hays is a suburban area atypical, not including an area residential.\"", "expected_answer": "Lucas Heights is an atypical suburb since it doesn’t include a residential area.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1661, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue tío del político Miguel Primo de Rivera y Urquijo.", "generated_answer": "\"The political party of the middle-ranking politician of Rio and Urqui.\"", "expected_answer": "He was the uncle of the politician Miguel Primo de Rivera y Urquijo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1662, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su carrera se había iniciado como locutora en la radio local.", "generated_answer": "\"Her career began as a local radio locator.\"", "expected_answer": "Her career had begun as an announcer in the local radio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1663, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se necesitan cantidades constantes de humedad para establecer la fruta grande.", "generated_answer": "They need constant quantities of humidity to establish large fruit.", "expected_answer": "Constant amounts of humidity are necessary to stablish the big fruit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1664, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre sus acompañantes musicales figuran Paul Kuhn, Hugo Strasser y James Last.", "generated_answer": "\"Among his companions, musicians include Paul Koon, Ugo Straser, and James Laste.\"", "expected_answer": "Paul Kuhn, Hugo Strasser and James Last are among his musical companions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1665, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Él terminó al pie del podio en el cuarto lugar.", "generated_answer": "He ended at the podium in the fourth round.", "expected_answer": "He finished off the podium in fourth place.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1666, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su uso ha sido prohibido en algunos países.", "generated_answer": "\"His use has been prohibited in some countries. There is no clarity on this matter.\"", "expected_answer": "Its use has been prohibited in some countries.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1667, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ahora bien, el parentesco entre estos tres pensadores va mucho más allá de esto.", "generated_answer": "Now, the relationship between these three persons is much more extensive.", "expected_answer": "Now, the relation between these three thinkers goes well beyond that.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1668, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Describió la canción como \"\"Paris Hilton haciendo karaoke de Sheryl Crow\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Paris Hilton playing the guitar.\"", "expected_answer": "She described the song as “Paris Hilton doing Sheryl Crow’s karaoke”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1669, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sabe tocar el piano.", "generated_answer": "\"Saved the piano.\"", "expected_answer": "He knows how to play the piano.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1670, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde ese momento el comando argentino perdió toda comunicación con la isla Thule.", "generated_answer": "\"Since that time, the Argentine Commandant died without any communication with the island of Tule.\"", "expected_answer": "From that moment the Argentinian command lost all communication with Thule island.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1671, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de la población vive de la agricultura.", "generated_answer": "The majority of the population lives off agriculture.", "expected_answer": "Most of the population lives off farming.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1672, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La canción fue utilizada en la telenovela Rebelde, durante su primera temporada.", "generated_answer": "The song was used in the telenovela \"Rebelde\" during her first season.", "expected_answer": "The song was used in the soap opera Rebel, during its first season.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1673, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Louis, donde apareció por primera vez en público a los seis años.", "generated_answer": "\"Lois, where she appeared for the first time in public at around six years.\"", "expected_answer": "Louis, where he appeared in public for the first time at the age of six.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1674, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debido a sus buenas actuaciones en el Bologna fue transferido al Southampton de Inglaterra.", "generated_answer": "Despite his good actions in the Bulang, he was transferred to Scotland.", "expected_answer": "Due to his good performance in Bologna he was transferred to England’s Southampton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1675, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su sede se encuentra en Pekín.", "generated_answer": "\"His residence is in Beijing.\"", "expected_answer": "Its headquarters are in Pekin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1676, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otras fuentes indican que su presidencia duró cinco años.", "generated_answer": "Other sources indicate that her presidency lasted five years.", "expected_answer": "Other sources show that his presidency lasted five years.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1677, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente comenzó una fase de abandono favorecido por el crecimiento de la ciudad.", "generated_answer": "Posteriorly, commenced a phase of abandonment, favored by the growth of the city.", "expected_answer": "Later, an abandonment phase started, favored by the city’s growth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1678, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Impresionado por el descubrimiento, Wyatt comenzó su carrera de arqueólogo aficionado.", "generated_answer": "Impressed by the discovery, Wyatt began his career as an archeologist.", "expected_answer": "Impressed by the Discovery, Wyatt began his amateur archeologist career.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1679, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Prácticamente se puede realizar las actividades cotidianas, excepto ejercicio.", "generated_answer": "Practically, they can realize their daily activities, including exercise.", "expected_answer": "Basically, everyday activities can be performed, except exercising.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1680, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por este hecho adquirió mayor notoriedad mundial.", "generated_answer": "For this reason, he acquired greater international recognition.", "expected_answer": "He acquired greater worldwide notoriety because of that fact.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1681, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las Preguntas más frecuentes no aceptan la teoría del anarcocapitalismo como parte del anarquismo.", "generated_answer": "\"The most frequent questions accept the theory of Anarcho-Capitalism as part of Anarchism.\"", "expected_answer": "The frequently asked questions don’t accept the theory of the anarcho-capitalism as part of the anarchism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1682, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sea un grupo y \"\"g \"\"un elemento de este grupo.\"", "generated_answer": "\"A group is an element of the group.\"", "expected_answer": "Be a group and “g” an element of this group.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1683, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por último, la disposición en capas de pinturas representa la evolución psicológica.", "generated_answer": "The final disposition of the painting represents a psychological evolution.", "expected_answer": "Lastly, the layout in paint layers represent the psychological evolution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1684, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En este equipo permanece dos temporadas en las que gana dos Ligas.", "generated_answer": "In this team, there remain two periods, during which two games are played.", "expected_answer": "In this team remains two seasons where it won two leagues.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1685, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es reconocida por sus anacronismos y su marcada influencia Renacentista.", "generated_answer": "She was recognized for her Anachronisms and her significant influence in the scientific community.", "expected_answer": "It’s recognized by its anachronisms and its strong Renaissance influence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1686, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lionel Scaloni nació en la ciudad de Pujato, en la provincia de Santa Fe.", "generated_answer": "Lionel Scalloni was born in the city of Pugato, in the province of Santa Fe.", "expected_answer": "Lionel Scaloni was born in the city of Pujato, in the province of Santa Fe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1687, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Autun pasó a Bernardo de Gothia.", "generated_answer": "A.U.T.U.N. passed Bernardo de Goyet.", "expected_answer": "Autun went to Bernard of Gothia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1688, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su presencia es incierta en Tailandia.", "generated_answer": "\"His presence is inescapable in Taiwan.\"", "expected_answer": "His presence in Thailand is uncertain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1689, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "yo no contesté.", "generated_answer": "You did not contest.", "expected_answer": "I did not answer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1690, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "pero cuál no sería mi asombro al ver que la Niña Chole", "generated_answer": "But why can't I see my Asmodeus?", "expected_answer": "But it was a surprise to see that the Chole girl", "history": [] }, { "index": 1691, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "te quiero, Marisa.", "generated_answer": "\"I love you, Maris.\"", "expected_answer": "I love you, Marisa", "history": [] }, { "index": 1692, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue discípulo del poeta Gerardo Diego.", "generated_answer": "\"Was a disciple of the poet Gerardo de Diego.\"", "expected_answer": "He was a disciple of the poet Gerardo Diego.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1693, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los diarios suecos imprimieron una serie de historias sobre Pettersson y sus aventuras.", "generated_answer": "Their diaries show a series of stories about Petersen and his adventures.", "expected_answer": "The Swedish newspapers printed a series of stories about Pettersson and his adventures.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1694, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lo largo de su historia, el Manchester City ha jugado en otros terrenos.", "generated_answer": "Manchester City has been in other territories for a long time.", "expected_answer": "Throughout its history, Manchester City has played in other fields.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1695, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La nueva alianza mostró su debilidad desde su constitución.", "generated_answer": "The new alliance showed his weakness under the new constitution.", "expected_answer": "The new alliance showed its weakness since its creation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1696, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consta de una sola nave, crucero y cabecera cuadrangular.", "generated_answer": "The cost of a single ship, a square-rigged vessel.", "expected_answer": "It features only one nave, cruise and square header.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1697, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miguel murió en Añasco.", "generated_answer": "Mira died in Anasco.", "expected_answer": "Miguel died in Añasco.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1698, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además es un bello ejemplo de estilo gótico.", "generated_answer": "\"Also, it is a good example of Gothic style.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, it’s a beautiful example of gothic style.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1699, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una vez que cumplió los diecisiete años, firmó su primer contrato profesional.", "generated_answer": "One completed his 17th year, formed his first professional contract.", "expected_answer": "Once she turned seventeen, she signed her first professional contract.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1700, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El castillo es de un tipo similar al castillo de Český Krumlov.", "generated_answer": "The castle is similar to the castle of Krumlov.", "expected_answer": "The castle is a of similar kind to Český Krumlov’s castle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1701, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "reina mora . hola .", "generated_answer": "\"Hello.\"", "expected_answer": "Mora queen. Hello.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1702, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¿Qué desea para merendar?", "generated_answer": "What do you mean by \"Merindad\"?", "expected_answer": "Who wants to eat?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1703, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ Ha sido increíble ! Cállate .", "generated_answer": "\"Has been incredible.\"", "expected_answer": "It has been incredible! Shut up.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1704, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El medidor de combo drena constantemente, y el combo se rompe cuando se vacía.", "generated_answer": "The meter of the comb constantly, and the comb roars when it vacates.", "expected_answer": "The combo meter drains constantly, and the combo breaks when it’s empty.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1705, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Comenzó a sentir gusto por el realismo objetivo, frío y decorativo.", "generated_answer": "\"Began to feel a sense of satisfaction towards the realistic objective, cold and decorative.\"", "expected_answer": "He started to like the objective, cold, and decorative realism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1706, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La gama de colores abarca el marrón, verde, crema, azul pálido o gris.", "generated_answer": "The colors above the Maroon, Violet, Cream, Azure, or Pale Gris.", "expected_answer": "The range of colors includes brown, green, cream, pale blue or gray.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1707, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hijo de Manuel Arredondo y de Elvira González.", "generated_answer": "Hijo de Manuel Redondo y Evita González.", "expected_answer": "Son of Manuel Arredondo and Elvira González.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1708, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus actividades están gobernadas por el consejo del Banco.", "generated_answer": "His activities are governed by the Council of the Bank.", "expected_answer": "Its activities are governed by the Bank council.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1709, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su primer matrimonio permaneció sin descendencia, al igual que su hermano Julio Ernesto.", "generated_answer": "His first marriage remained in his lineage, just like his father, Julio Enrique.", "expected_answer": "His first marriage remained without offspring, just like his brother Julio Ernesto.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1710, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rap Latino Fest..", "generated_answer": "\"Rap Latino, fest.\"", "expected_answer": "Rap Latino Fest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1711, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La serie ha recibido una recepción mixta de los críticos.", "generated_answer": "\"The series received a mixed reception from critics.\"", "expected_answer": "The series has received a mixed reception from critics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1712, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oda forma parte del grupo asteroidal de Hilda.", "generated_answer": "Oda forms part of the group Asteroid of Gilda.", "expected_answer": "Ode is a part of Hilda’s asteroid group.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1713, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La mayor parte del argumento está basado en \"\"La casa más divertida de Texas\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The majority of the argument is based on the case of Texas.", "expected_answer": "Most of the argument is based on “The funniest house of Texas”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1714, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No hay diferencia en el grado o en sus características.", "generated_answer": "No difference in the grade or characteristics.", "expected_answer": "There’s no difference in the grade or its characteristics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1715, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La mayor parte de su carrera compitió como \"\"amateur\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The major part of her career competed as an amateur.", "expected_answer": "He competed as an “amateur” for most of his career.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1716, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su plano consiste de un pequeño vestíbulo, una sola nave, coro y sacristía.", "generated_answer": "The plan consists of a small vestibule, a single nave, a choir, and a sanctuary.", "expected_answer": "Its plane consists of a small vestibule, only one nave, chorus and sacristy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1717, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los servicios que proveen los motores de búsqueda son extremadamente buenos.", "generated_answer": "The services that provide motor vehicles for rent are extremely good.", "expected_answer": "The services provided by search engines are extremely good.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1718, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Recibió disparos en la cabeza y el pecho realizados desde una motocicleta.", "generated_answer": "\"Received injuries to the chest and arm from a motorcycle.\"", "expected_answer": "He was shot in the head and chest from a motorcycle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1719, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su elegante prosa está recogida en la obra miscelánea\"\"Viagens na minha terra\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Her elegant pose is recreated in the work \"The Travelers in the Mystical Land\".", "expected_answer": "His elegant prose is collected in the miscellaneous work “Viagens na minha terra”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1720, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante un año fue estudiante de una secundaria en Trenton, Míchigan.", "generated_answer": "During an entire year, he was a student at a secondary school in Trenton, Michigan.", "expected_answer": "He was a student in a middle school in Trenton, Michigan for a year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1721, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Publica habitualmente en Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.", "generated_answer": "\"Publically and in notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.\"", "expected_answer": "He publishes regularly in Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1722, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Suria está formado por dos núcleos o entidades de población.", "generated_answer": "Suriya is formed by two nuclei or entities of population.", "expected_answer": "Suria is formed by two cores or population entities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1723, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En varias ocasiones ha sido promocionada como la primera supermodelo internacional china.", "generated_answer": "In various instances, it has been promoted as the first Supermodel International China.", "expected_answer": "She has been advertised as the first international Chinese supermodel on several occasions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1724, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fábrica de embutidos artesanales.", "generated_answer": "\"Fabrica de Embutidos Artesanal.\"", "expected_answer": "Artisan charcuterie factory.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1725, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Incluso Elvira Powell se disculpa con ella, alegando que Harper había ido demasiado lejos.", "generated_answer": "Even though Elvis Presley disliked her, he accused her of going too far.", "expected_answer": "Even Elvira Powell apologizes to her, arguing that Harper had gone too far.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1726, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las figuras congruentes son aquellas que tienen la misma forma y el mismo tamaño.", "generated_answer": "The figures congruent are those that have the same form and the same size.", "expected_answer": "The congruent figures are those that have the same shape and the same size.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1727, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miguel Pávlovich legó el palacio a su sobrino el gran duque Constantino Nikoláyevich.", "generated_answer": "Miguel Páblovitch left the palace to his son, the Grand Duke Constantine Nikolai Mikhailovich.", "expected_answer": "Miguel Pávlovich left the palace to his nephew, the great duke Constantino Nikoláyevich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1728, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"El vídeo del siguiente sencillo \"\"Rock This Country!\"", "generated_answer": "\"The video of the following simple rock disco.\"", "expected_answer": "The video of the next single “Rock This Country!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1729, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Murió prematuramente de tifus.", "generated_answer": "\"Mortally wounded before the battle.\"", "expected_answer": "He died prematurely of typhus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1730, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su reputación alcanzó toda la nación y el número de practicantes aumentó.", "generated_answer": "\"Their reputation has been raised to the nations, and the number of practice sessions has increased.\"", "expected_answer": "His reputation reached the whole nation and the number of participants increased.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1731, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realmente fue muy importante que alguien como Fidel Gamboa creyera en mí.", "generated_answer": "\"Really, it is very important that someone like Fidel Gamba be involved.\"", "expected_answer": "It was really important that someone like Fidel Gamboa believed in me.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1732, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la isla de Soto hay una población residente de expertos pescadores aymaras.", "generated_answer": "In the island of Soto, there is a population of residents who are experts in fishing.", "expected_answer": "In Soto island there’s a community of expert Aymara fishermen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1733, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En su trayectoria abrió todas las puertas grandes de plazas importantes.", "generated_answer": "In his story, he opened all the large parts of the important things.", "expected_answer": "In his trajectory he opened all the big doors of important plazas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1734, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mientras que Flor Urbina y David Martínez regresaron como jueces.", "generated_answer": "While Flo Urbin and David Martines returned as judges.", "expected_answer": "While Flor Urbina and David Martínez came back as judges.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1735, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dispone de servicios de cercanías que cubren el trayecto Ferrol-Ortigueira.", "generated_answer": "\"Dispose of services of the Cerrajeros de Ferrol.\"", "expected_answer": "It provides commuter services which cover the route Ferrol-Ortigueira.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1736, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nunca dejó de escribir.", "generated_answer": "Never do research.", "expected_answer": "He never stopped writing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1737, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Musicalizó su obra La Calandria de mi barrio entre muchas otras piezas teatrales.", "generated_answer": "\"Musicalized her opera 'The Calandria of my Country' along with many other theatrical pieces.\"", "expected_answer": "He set his play My neighborhood’s Calender to music among many other theatrical pieces.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1738, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su inicio como actor fue en \"\"María Fandango\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "His debut as an actor was in \"María de la Fuente\".", "expected_answer": "His beginnings as an actor were in “María Fandango”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1739, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente es considerada como una película de culto.", "generated_answer": "Actually, it is considered as a cult film.", "expected_answer": "It’s currently considered as a cult movie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1740, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El problema es más frecuente en las naciones pobres.", "generated_answer": "The problem is more frequent in poorer nations.", "expected_answer": "The problem is more frequent in poor nations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1741, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al reemplazo de Squire llegó el guitarrista de sesión Aziz Ibrahim.", "generated_answer": "\"In place of Squire, the guitarist of the band Asis Ibraham.\"", "expected_answer": "The session guitarist Aziz Ibrahim came to replace Squire.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1742, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El edificio está encalado menos el zócalo y los vanos.", "generated_answer": "\"The building is closed, except for the Zocalo and the squares.\"", "expected_answer": "The building is whitewashed except the plinth and the spans.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1743, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "dos horas de camino, señor.", "generated_answer": "Two hours of travel, sir.", "expected_answer": "Two hours way, sir.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1744, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.", "generated_answer": "One image is worth more than a thousand words.", "expected_answer": "An image is worth a thousand words.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1745, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "el canto igual y monótono de un grillo rompía el silencio.", "generated_answer": "The song is equally and monotonously loud, breaking the silence.", "expected_answer": "The monotonous noise of a cricket broke the silence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1746, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jane acaba de mudarse.", "generated_answer": "\"Joan arrived at the party.\"", "expected_answer": "Jane just moved in.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1747, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todo un pronóstico del futuro del país.", "generated_answer": "\"All predictions for the future of the country.\"", "expected_answer": "A whole forecast of the country’s future.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1748, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su localización exacta es Calzada Pedro A. Galván y Aldama.", "generated_answer": "\"His exact location is Calzada, Pedroa, Galván, and Aldam.\"", "expected_answer": "Its exact location is Pedro A. Galván y Aldama road.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1749, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aunque señaló como positivas las anteriores experiencias en Canal Sur.", "generated_answer": "Despite the positive signals from previous experiences in Channel Surf.", "expected_answer": "Although he marked the previous experiences in South Channel as positive.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1750, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por ejemplo empiezan o terminar de cierta forma.", "generated_answer": "For example, begin or end in a certain way.", "expected_answer": "For example, they start or end in a certain way.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1751, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se trata de dos tablas en forma triangular rematadas por una doble voluta.", "generated_answer": "They talk about two tables in the form of a triangular shape, with a double bolt.", "expected_answer": "They’re two boards of triangular shape topped with a double volute.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1752, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sea como fuere, la suerte de los tres jugadores en el Barcelona fue desigual.", "generated_answer": "The success of the three players in Barcelona was not equal.", "expected_answer": "Be that as it may, the luck of the three Barcelona players was unequal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1753, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consiguiendo una lucha verbal.", "generated_answer": "\"Conquering a verbal challenge.\"", "expected_answer": "Getting a verbal fight.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1754, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Toda la isla es propiedad del gobierno federal estadounidense.", "generated_answer": "\"The whole island is owned by the federal government of the United States.\"", "expected_answer": "The whole island is property of the American federal government.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1755, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Aeropuerto de Vigo tiene un clima más frío que la propia ciudad.", "generated_answer": "The airport in Vigo has a colder climate than the city.", "expected_answer": "Vigo’s airport has a colder weather than the city itself.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1756, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además de varios canales regionales privados.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides various regional private channels.\"", "expected_answer": "On top of several private regional channels.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1757, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con estos resultados hubo necesidad de un partido de desempate.", "generated_answer": "On those results, a necessity for a draw was born.", "expected_answer": "With these results a tie-break match was needed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1758, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Libro de la Universidad de la Punta, San Luis.", "generated_answer": "\"Library of the University of La Punta, San Luis.\"", "expected_answer": "Book of the University of Punta, San Luis.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1759, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su poesía apareció en las más importantes antologías de versos de la Guerra Civil.", "generated_answer": "\"Su Poemata\" appeared in the most important Anonymos of verses of the war.", "expected_answer": "His poetry appeared in the most important anthologies of verses of the Civil War.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1760, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los vocales duran cuatro años en sus funciones, pudiendo ser renovadas sus designaciones.", "generated_answer": "The voices lasted four years in their functions, but were renovated their designations.", "expected_answer": "The spokesmen last four years in their duties, being able to renew their appointments.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1761, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además, tiene un porcentaje alto en el sembrado del lúpulo mundial.", "generated_answer": "\"Additionally, a percentage of the global wealth should be allocated to the Semenrural.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, it has a high percentage in the hops sowing worldwide.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1762, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En sus versos, se presenta con una oposición desesperada frente al cristianismo.", "generated_answer": "In his verses, he presents a desperate position against Christianity.", "expected_answer": "In his verses, it’s presented as a desperate opposition facing against Christianism.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1763, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Freeman and Company.", "generated_answer": "\"Free and equal.\"", "expected_answer": "Freeman and Company.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1764, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nació en Bratislava.", "generated_answer": "Natividad nacida en Brasil.", "expected_answer": "He was born in Bratislava.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1765, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Alterna con el Festival de Cartago.", "generated_answer": "\"Alternate with each other.\"", "expected_answer": "It alternates with Cartago’s Festival.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1766, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto llevó al declive de la literatura en lenguas vernáculas.", "generated_answer": "This goes to the literature in languages.", "expected_answer": "This led to a decline of the literature in vernacular languages.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1767, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los territorios búlgaros fueron administrados en el Eyalato de Rumelia.", "generated_answer": "The territories of Bulgaria were administered in the Eyalet of Rumelia.", "expected_answer": "The Bulgarian territories were managed in the Eyalet of Rumelia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1768, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bibliografía: Juan Carlos Rubio Masa, El Mecenazgo Artístico de la Casa Ducal de Feria.", "generated_answer": "\"Bibliography: Juan Carlos Robuomas, the Mechnical Art of the Castle of Feria.\"", "expected_answer": "Bibliography: Juan Carlos Rubio Masa, The Artistic Patronage of Ducal House of Feria.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1769, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En las zonas de baja altitud existen cactus y agave.", "generated_answer": "In areas of low altitude, there are Cacti in Yalabí.", "expected_answer": "In the low altitude zones there are cactus and agave.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1770, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero el equipo albinegro no logró el ansiado ascenso.", "generated_answer": "But the team Alpinego did not ascend.", "expected_answer": "But the black and white team didn’t achieve the long-awaited promotion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1771, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actualmente es el hogar del Gwangju F. C..", "generated_answer": "Actually, it is the house of the family of Guanghu C.", "expected_answer": "It’s currently the home of Gwangju F. C.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1772, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se han encontrado ejemplares con este uso que datan del Paleolítico superior.", "generated_answer": "\"They have been encountered with this use dating from the Paleolithic superior.\"", "expected_answer": "Specimens with this use dating back to the Upper Paleolithic have been found.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1773, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rosero: Esta bebida se elabora con maíz y frutas.", "generated_answer": "\"Rocero, this beverage is made with milk and fruits.\"", "expected_answer": "Rosero: this drink is prepared with corn and fruits.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1774, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los Incas, Barrios Altos.", "generated_answer": "\"The Incas, high-altitude barracks.\"", "expected_answer": "The Incas, High Neighborhoods.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1775, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero no obtuvieron la renuncia de Falcón.", "generated_answer": "But no one received the renunciation of Falcon.", "expected_answer": "But they didn’t get Falcón’s resignation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1776, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más tarde, los dio en la ciudad.", "generated_answer": "\"More people lived in the city.\"", "expected_answer": "Later, he gave them in the city.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1777, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Interesado en cuestiones humanitarias, trabajó como profesor.", "generated_answer": "\"Interested in humanitarian questions, he works as a professor.\"", "expected_answer": "Interested in humanitarian matters, he worked as a professor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1778, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En cada etapa se otorgan puntos al líder de la clasificación general.", "generated_answer": "In each stage, the leader of the classification general is awarded points.", "expected_answer": "In each stage points are given to the leader of the general ranking.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1779, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El misil estándar se designa por bloques en función de su paquete tecnológico.", "generated_answer": "The missile standard is designated for blocks in accordance with their technological package.", "expected_answer": "The standard missile is designated by blocks according to its technological package.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1780, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Florece en octubre y noviembre.", "generated_answer": "\"Florece in octubre y noviembre.\"", "expected_answer": "It blooms in October and November.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1781, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su comandante original fue el coronel Hugo Martínez Poveda.", "generated_answer": "\"His original commander was the Colonel Hugo Martín Poedera.\"", "expected_answer": "Their original commander was coronel Hugo Martínez Poveda.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1782, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El presidente ha sido plenamente informado.", "generated_answer": "The President has been fully informed.", "expected_answer": "The president has been fully informed.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1783, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vicente Rojo.", "generated_answer": "Vicente Rota.", "expected_answer": "Vicente Rojo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1784, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Alemania recibió asimismo el premio Hesse de traducción.", "generated_answer": "In Belgium, the prize for translation was received.", "expected_answer": "In Germany he also received the Hesse award of translation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1785, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son de forma rectangular y forrados en la parte interior con seda.", "generated_answer": "\"Some of the form is rectangular and framed in a part and in a section.\"", "expected_answer": "They have rectangular shape and they’re wrapped with silk at the bottom.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1786, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una de las más destacadas universidades tailandesas en arte y arqueología.", "generated_answer": "\"One of the most prestigious universities in the field of art and archaeology in Thailand.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s one of the most prominent Thai universities in art and archeology.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1787, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue miembro de la familia Warburg, y padre de Otto Heinrich Warburg.", "generated_answer": "He was a member of the family Warburg, and his father was Otto Warburg.", "expected_answer": "He was a member of the Warburg family, and father of Otto Heinrich Warburg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1788, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ganó varios premios literarios en Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos y Suecia.", "generated_answer": "Gained various literary prizes in Great Britain, the United States, and Sweden.", "expected_answer": "He won several literary awards in Britain, United States and Sweden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1789, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de sus escritos han sido publicados póstumamente.", "generated_answer": "The majority of his writings have been published posthumously.", "expected_answer": "Most of his writings have been published posthumously.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1790, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es usual consumirlo como postre.", "generated_answer": "It is customary to consume it like a postre.", "expected_answer": "It’s common to consume it as dessert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1791, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su nombre completo es \"\"\"\"Catedral e iglesia metropolitana de San Pedro en York\"\"\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"His full name is Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of Saint Peter and Rome.\"", "expected_answer": "Its full name is “Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of Saint Peter in York”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1792, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Uno de sus profesores fue Enrico Betti.", "generated_answer": "One of his professors was Enrique Betti.", "expected_answer": "One of his professors was Enrico Betti.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1793, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cáliz con lóbulos carnosos, triangulares.", "generated_answer": "\"Calis with Lupus Carneus Triangulare.\"", "expected_answer": "Chalice with fleshy, triangular lobes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1794, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Este camino atraviesa, de Norte a Sur, la Sierra de Madrid.", "generated_answer": "This route goes from north to south, passing through the city of Madrid.", "expected_answer": "This path crosses Madrid Mountains north to south.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1795, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Antofagasta: Universidad Católica del Norte.", "generated_answer": "\"Atofagasta, University of the North.\"", "expected_answer": "Antofagasta: Catholic University of the North.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1796, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue criada como católica.", "generated_answer": "\"Was created by the Catholic Church.\"", "expected_answer": "She was raised as a catholic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1797, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Con esta denominación pasó a la historia mato-grossense.", "generated_answer": "\"On this denomination passed the history of Matagorces.\"", "expected_answer": "With this denomination he went down in Mato Grosso’s history.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1798, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las oficinas individuales de la liga se encuentran en Eastwood City en Quezon City.", "generated_answer": "The offices of the individual clubs in the league are located in Ipswich and Quimper.", "expected_answer": "The individual premises of the league are located in Eastwood City in Quezon City.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1799, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lincoln Red Imps y St.", "generated_answer": "\"Lincoln Red Imes\"", "expected_answer": "Lincoln Red Imps and St.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1800, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El granero que aparece junto a la casa ya no existe.", "generated_answer": "The Granary that appears next to the house does not exist.", "expected_answer": "The barn that appears next to the house no longer exists.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1801, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La relación de la poesía infantil y el teatro es más habitual.", "generated_answer": "The relationship between a poem and a play is more likely.", "expected_answer": "The relationship of infant poetry and theater is more common.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1802, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Arquitectura Victoriana está ampliamente distribuida en la lista del registro de cada estado.", "generated_answer": "The Victorian architecture is distributed in the list of register of the state.", "expected_answer": "The Victorian Architecture is widely distributed in the registry’s list of each state.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1803, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos los conciertos fueron gratuitos.", "generated_answer": "\"All concerts were gratuitous.\"", "expected_answer": "All the concerts were free.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1804, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Según su duración, se distingue entre comisiones permanentes y no permanentes.", "generated_answer": "According to her duration, we distinguish between permanent and non-permanent commissions.", "expected_answer": "According to their duration, there are permanent and non-permanent commissions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1805, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El cargo actual está ocupado por la Dra.", "generated_answer": "The car is occupied by the doctor.", "expected_answer": "The current position is occupied by the Dr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1806, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Igualmente es una de las canciones ampliamente conocidas en idioma suajili.", "generated_answer": "\"Similarly, it is one of the most widely known songs in the Swahili language.\"", "expected_answer": "Likewise, it’s one of the best-known songs in Swahili.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1807, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La diferencia entre la primera y segunda clasificadas era la menor de la historia.", "generated_answer": "The difference between the first and second class is a minor part of the history.", "expected_answer": "The difference between the first and second ranked was the least of the story.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1808, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por un entonces, era una aldea más de la villa de Laguardia.", "generated_answer": "\"For a long time, it was an alderman more of the village of the Guardia.\"", "expected_answer": "At the time, it was another village of the town of Laguardia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1809, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha participa en innumerables festivales y encuentros de teatro, nacionales e internacionales.", "generated_answer": "A participates in numerous national and international theater festivals.", "expected_answer": "He has participated in countless festivals and theater meetings, national and international.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1810, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El nombre del pueblo sería el que tomase dicha estación.", "generated_answer": "The name of the people who take this station.", "expected_answer": "The name of the town would be that which said station took.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1811, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La reacción se empleaba en algunos diseños iniciales de los airbags.", "generated_answer": "The reaction is observed in some initial designs of the I-Beams.", "expected_answer": "The reaction was used in some initial airbag designs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1812, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Perú, el año escolar se inicia el primer día hábil de marzo.", "generated_answer": "In Peru, the academic year starts on the first day of March.", "expected_answer": "In Peru, the school year begins the first business day of March.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1813, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El grupo que acabe antes será el ganador.", "generated_answer": "The group that comes before the winner.", "expected_answer": "The first group to finish will be the winner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1814, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las industrias activas son el turismo, la construcción naval y la producción de vino.", "generated_answer": "The active industries are tourism, construction, and wine production.", "expected_answer": "The active industries are tourism, naval construction and wine production.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1815, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tenía cuatro cabezas: de león, de cabra, de serpiente y de toro.", "generated_answer": "They had four heads, one of a lion, one of a zebra, one of a snake, and one of a tiger.", "expected_answer": "It had four heads: lion, goat, snake and bull.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1816, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es rápido y decidido al pensar y actuar.", "generated_answer": "\"He is quick and decisive, thinking and acting.\"", "expected_answer": "He’s fast and determined when thinking and acting.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1817, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se trata del principal centro sanitario de Aragón.", "generated_answer": "\"He is the principal center of the Aragón.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s the main health center of Aragón.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1818, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Acabado el baile, la gente acude al convite que preparan los mayordomos.", "generated_answer": "The guests accepted the invitation to prepare the mayordomos.", "expected_answer": "When the ball ends, people go to the feast prepared by the butlers.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1819, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su base principal es el Aeropuerto Internacional de Kuala Lumpur.", "generated_answer": "The base principal is the international airport of Kuala Lumpur.", "expected_answer": "His main base is Kuala Lumpur International Airport.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1820, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La policía arresta a Bob y Bart regresa con su familia.", "generated_answer": "The police arrest Bob and Bart, and they regret it to their family.", "expected_answer": "The police arrests Bob and Bart goes back to his family.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1821, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gloria viviente del año del centenario aliancista.", "generated_answer": "\"Gloria viviente\" translates to \"Living Glory\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Living glory of the year of the alliance centenary.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1822, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hay dos tipos del combate: cuerpo a cuerpo y con sede en los rompecabezas.", "generated_answer": "\"Have two types of combat, one is in person and the other is by proxy.\"", "expected_answer": "There are two types of combat: hand-to-hand and based in puzzles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1823, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Personaje relevante: Es el Cura Brochero el personaje sobresaliente de la región.", "generated_answer": "\"Cura Brocero\" is the relevant person in the region.", "expected_answer": "Relevant character: Priest Brochero the outstanding character of the region.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1824, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Premiada como película y como la mejor canción del año.", "generated_answer": "\"Premiered as a film and with a better song of the year.\"", "expected_answer": "Awarded as a movie and as best song of the year.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1825, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Usualmente habrá menos candidatos elegidos por cociente que escaños disponibles.", "generated_answer": "Typically, fewer candidates are elected by the public than are available.", "expected_answer": "Usually there will be less elected candidates for available seats ratio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1826, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se mudó a Nashville, Tennessee cuando tenía cinco años.", "generated_answer": "He moved to Nashville, Tennessee, when he was five years old.", "expected_answer": "She moved to Nashville, Tennessee when she was five years old.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1827, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es una piedra de gran tamaño con un Cristo al centro.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Is a Piece of Great Size, with a Christ at the Center.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s a big sized rock with a Christ in the center.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1828, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Capilla mayor con bóveda de crucería estrellada y arco triunfal de medio punto.", "generated_answer": "\"Capitole major\" with \"Bouvée de Crucerie Étélle\" and \"Arc Tûril\" of \"moyen\" point.", "expected_answer": "Major chapel with starred ribbed vault and round triumphal arch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1829, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuvieron dos hijos, Gary y Marilyn.", "generated_answer": "Tuition two children, Gary and Mary.", "expected_answer": "They had two kids, Gary and Marilyn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1830, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "papi , te quiero .", "generated_answer": "\"Papa, te quiero.\"", "expected_answer": "Daddy, I love you.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1831, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "¡ Bien , todos ! ¡ éste es un asalto ! ¡ que nadie se mueva !", "generated_answer": "\"Bien tous, c'est un aarto, et personne ne se mève.\"", "expected_answer": "Ok, everyone! This is an assault! Nobody moves!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1832, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Julia , no vamos a aguantar demasiado tiempo .", "generated_answer": "\"Julia, we cannot delay much longer.\"", "expected_answer": "Julia, we won’t be able to withstand this for long.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1833, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sin embargo, fue este último el que se llamó \"\"Wali-ahd\"\" o príncipe heredero.\"", "generated_answer": "In accordance with this, the last one who was called \"Galiad\" or \"Prince Hereditary.\"", "expected_answer": "Nevertheless, it was the later who was called “Wali-ahd” or heir prince.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1834, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cinta obtuvo el premio Augusto San Miguel de cine ecuatoriano.", "generated_answer": "The Cinecito obtained the prize \"Augusto San Miguel\" for cinema Ecuatorial.", "expected_answer": "The film won the Augusto San Miguel award of Ecuadorian cinema.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1835, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es miembro de El Colegio Nacional.", "generated_answer": "Is a member of the national college.", "expected_answer": "He’s a member of the National College.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1836, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La política industrial y comercial son ahora las responsabilidades específicas del despacho.", "generated_answer": "\"The political, industrial, and commercial sectors now bear the responsibility of these specific duties.\"", "expected_answer": "The industrial and commerce policy are specific responsibilities of the office now.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1837, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El esquema revela entonces la influencia directa de la asiduidad sobre la nota.", "generated_answer": "The influence of the Axiom of Choice on the Notion.", "expected_answer": "The diagram then reveals the direct influence of the frequency on the note.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1838, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conocido como Mauro Giuliani, fue un compositor y guitarrista italiano.", "generated_answer": "\"Known as Maestro Giuliano, was a composer and a violinist Italian.\"", "expected_answer": "Known as Mauro Giuliani, he was an Italian composer and guitarist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1839, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Una veintena de sus trabajos literarios fueron llevados al cine.", "generated_answer": "\"Aventura de su trabajo literario se llevó a la película.\"", "expected_answer": "A score of his literary works were taken to cinema.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1840, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dan es hermano del director Pablo Schneider.", "generated_answer": "\"Dan is the brother of the director Paul Schneider.\"", "expected_answer": "Dan is director Pablo Schneider’s brother.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1841, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La financiación está basada en el diezmo, aunque aceptan apoyo financiero personal y empresarial.", "generated_answer": "The financing is based on Lisez-moi, although it accepts financial personal and personal.", "expected_answer": "The funding is based on the tithe, although they accept personal and corporate financial support.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1842, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Solo estaba disponible con caja de cambios automática de cuatro velocidades.", "generated_answer": "Only available with a Camavel automatic transmission of four speeds.", "expected_answer": "It was only available with automatic four speed gearbox.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1843, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El lago está separado de mar por una estrecha franja de tierra.", "generated_answer": "The Lagoon is separated from the Sea by a stretch of land.", "expected_answer": "The lake is separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1844, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diferentes tiendas y exhibiciones toman lugar durante el evento.", "generated_answer": "Different tandems and exhibitions take place during the event.", "expected_answer": "Different stores and exhibitions take place during the event.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1845, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adaptada por Jorge Marchant Lazcano y Sergio Bravo, y dirigida generalmente por Vicente Sabatini.", "generated_answer": "\"Adapted by George Marzano, Lazzaro and Sergio Bravo, and directed generally by Vincent Sabatini.\"", "expected_answer": "Adapted by Jorge Marchant Lazcano and Sergio Bravo, and usually directed by Vicente Sabatini.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1846, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sin embargo, las playas de arena son muy populares en el verano.", "generated_answer": "The plays are very popular in Verona.", "expected_answer": "However, the sand beaches are very popular in summer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1847, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A continuación su carrera en Hollywood prácticamente desapareció.", "generated_answer": "Continuation, her career in Hollywood practically disappeared.", "expected_answer": "Then her Hollywood career basically vanished.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1848, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La economía de la isla estuvo siempre sujeta a las fluctuaciones del mercado internacional.", "generated_answer": "The economy of the island remained subject to the fluctuations of the international market.", "expected_answer": "The island’s economy is always subject to the international market fluctuations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1849, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En todo el Imperio de Rusia arrestó a campesinos, obreros o desertores.", "generated_answer": "In all of Russia, arrested a campesinos, obreros, or deserters.", "expected_answer": "He arrested farmers, workers or deserters in all the Russian Empire.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1850, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La cadena montañosa forma el límite norte de Darling Downs cerca de Dalby.", "generated_answer": "The Cadna Mountain forms the limit north of Darlin' Down, near Dalby.", "expected_answer": "The mountain range forms the northern boundary of Darling Downs near Dalby.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1851, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Florecen de mediados de marzo a abril.", "generated_answer": "They bloom from mid-March to April.", "expected_answer": "They bloom from mid-March to April.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1852, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La vida parisiense de Cuervo se puede asimilar a una existencia de carácter religioso.", "generated_answer": "The life of the Querévro people may be similar to an existence of religious character.", "expected_answer": "The Parisian life of Crow can assimilate to a religious existence.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1853, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un organismo marino que forma parte del plancton de de los mares tropicales.", "generated_answer": "Is a marine organism that forms part of the Plancton of tropical seas.", "expected_answer": "It’s a marine organism that is part of the tropical seas’ plankton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1854, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eso se hizo en el caso del cambio del procedimiento de asignación del gobernador.", "generated_answer": "So, it was done in the case of the change of procedure for the appointment of the governor.", "expected_answer": "That was done in the case of the change to the governor’s assignment procedure.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1855, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Operó exclusivamente en el Pacífico, con un papel destacado en la guerra de Vietnam.", "generated_answer": "\"Operated exclusively in the Pacific, with a prominent role in the Vietnam War.\"", "expected_answer": "It operated exclusively in the Pacific, with a prominent part in the Vietnam War.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1856, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su corteza es de color gris escamosa.", "generated_answer": "Her coat is of a color gray Esquamosa.", "expected_answer": "Its cortex is squamous gray.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1857, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Shark y otro miembro de la pandilla lo atrapan en un callejón.", "generated_answer": "Shark and other members of the Pandilla are captured in a cellar.", "expected_answer": "Shark and another member of the gang catch him in an alley.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1858, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus influencias son de grupos como Kate Bush, Fugazi, Devo, y The Jam.", "generated_answer": "\"Their influences are of groups like Kate Bush, Fugazi, and the Jam.\"", "expected_answer": "Its influences come from bands like Kate Bush, Fugazi, Devo, and The Jam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1859, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Más tarde, Kitao comenzó a aparecer en eventos de artes marciales mixtas reales.", "generated_answer": "\"More recently, Kitao began appearing in events of mixed martial arts and real-life arts.\"", "expected_answer": "Later, Kitao started to appear in real mixed martial arts events.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1860, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la Guerra Civil fue jefe de la policía interior de las Milicias Vascas.", "generated_answer": "During the civil war, the chief of police in the military was.", "expected_answer": "He was chief of internal police of Basque militia during the Civil War.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1861, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue lanzado como segundo sencillo del álbum en Estados Unidos.", "generated_answer": "\"Lançado como o segundo série do album no Estados Unidos.\"", "expected_answer": "It was released as second single of the album in United States.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1862, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto evita que el intercambio con los sistemas de altavoces de diferentes impedancias.", "generated_answer": "This prevents it from interchanging with systems of ATV's of different types.", "expected_answer": "This prevents the Exchange with the speaker systems of different impedance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1863, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha estado actuando desde los siete u ocho años de edad.", "generated_answer": "He has been acting since those seven or eight years of age.", "expected_answer": "He has been acting since he was seven or eight years old.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1864, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Al retirarse como jugador, decide convertirse en entrenador.", "generated_answer": "\"After retiring as a player, he decided to convert into an entertainer.\"", "expected_answer": "When he retires as player, he decides to become a coach.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1865, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ingresó a la Universidad del Pacífico, donde estudió Economía.", "generated_answer": "\"He graduated from the University of Pacific, where he studied economics.\"", "expected_answer": "He enrolled to the Pacific University, where he studied economics.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1866, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"La policía municipal, análoga a la de cualquier otro municipio, es nombrada como \"\"Guardia\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "The municipal police, analogous to any other municipality, is named \"Guardia\".", "expected_answer": "The municipal police, similar to any other municipality, is called “Guard”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1867, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El coronel Huici, que se había adelantado hasta Trancas, cayó prisionero.", "generated_answer": "The Colonel Wuisi, who was seen at Tranchas, was arrested.", "expected_answer": "Coronel Huici, who went ahead to Trancas, was taken prisoner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1868, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son enzimas de amplia especificidad y catalizan varias reacciones químicas de alta importancia biológica.", "generated_answer": "\"Enzymes of high specificity and catalyze various biochemicals of great biological importance.\"", "expected_answer": "They’re high specificity enzymes and catalyze several chemical reactions of high biological importance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1869, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además de los elementos de su fórmula puede llevar como impureza hierro y níquel.", "generated_answer": "\"Besides those elements in his formula, it could also contain impurity, iron, and nickel.\"", "expected_answer": "In addition to the elements of its formula, it can have iron and nickel as impurities.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1870, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pero el hombre no está muerto.", "generated_answer": "But the man is not dead.", "expected_answer": "But the man is not dead.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1871, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "De esta manera no fue necesario pintar las caras a mano una por una.", "generated_answer": "\"Of this manner, no painting was necessary to paint each car one by one.\"", "expected_answer": "This way it wasn’t necessary to paint the faces manually one by one.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1872, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se reproducen asexualmente mediante gemación.", "generated_answer": "They reproduce asexually through gemmation.", "expected_answer": "They reproduce asexually through budding.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1873, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El comandante de Lazcano es Miguel Treviño Morales.", "generated_answer": "\"The commander of the Lascano is Miguel Treviño Morales.\"", "expected_answer": "Lazcano’s commander is Miguel Treviño Morales.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1874, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Su memoria de prueba se denominó \"\"Caja de Forestación\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Cave of Forestation\"", "expected_answer": "Its test memory was called “Box of Forestry”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1875, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La Fundación Jamestown reportó que sacó un doctorado.", "generated_answer": "The foundation James Stone reported that he took a doctorate.", "expected_answer": "Jamestown Foundation reported that he got a doctorate.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1876, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Si la barra se vacía, Alice volverá al último punto de control.", "generated_answer": "If a bar is vacated, Alice verifies the last point of control.", "expected_answer": "If the bar is emptied, Alice will go back to the last checkpoint.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1877, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En total disputó catorce compromisos y brindó dos asistencias.", "generated_answer": "In total, disputed fourteen compromises and brought two assistants.", "expected_answer": "He disputed fourteen commitments and delivered two assistances.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1878, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Puede significar lo siguiente;", "generated_answer": "\"Could signify the subsequent.\"", "expected_answer": "It can mean the following.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1879, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se retiró a Francfort del Meno, donde recibió el apoyo de sus ciudadanos.", "generated_answer": "She retired to Frankfurt, in the city of Decemebr, where she received the support of her citizens.", "expected_answer": "He retreated to Francfort del Meno, where he received the citizens’ support.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1880, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El teatro romano fue construido en tiempos del emperador Augusto.", "generated_answer": "In the Roman theaters, construction took place during the time of Emperor Augustus.", "expected_answer": "The Roman theater was built in the times of the emperor Augustus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1881, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Habita en regiones templado-cálidas del centro de la argentina.", "generated_answer": "\"Habit in regions of the Temps-Caldas in the center of Argentina.\"", "expected_answer": "It inhabits warm and mild regions of Argentina’s center.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1882, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asturies, como independientes.", "generated_answer": "Pasteuriers are independent.", "expected_answer": "Asturies, as independents.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1883, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su obra se dedicó fundamentalmente a la investigación de la historia local de Elda.", "generated_answer": "\"Her work is dedicated fundamentally to the investigation of the local history of Elda.\"", "expected_answer": "His work as fundamentally dedicated to the investigation of Elda’s local history.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1884, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A falta de caballos que troten los asnos.", "generated_answer": "\"A failure of cavaliers that trample the ants.\"", "expected_answer": "Half a loaf is better than none.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1885, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A Dios, al padre y al maestro, tenga el niño gran respeto.", "generated_answer": "\"Adeo pater et magister, tenebat filium grande respectum.\"", "expected_answer": "To God, to the father and the teacher, have the kid a lot of respect.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1886, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las columnas de la tarjeta sostenían al menos tres tarjetas por lado.", "generated_answer": "The columns of the tablet sustained all nearly three tablets by side.", "expected_answer": "The card’s columns held at least three cards for each side.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1887, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Solo tras la decisión del obispo, un sacerdote podía pasar a la justicia civil.", "generated_answer": "Only through the decision of the Bishop, a canon could pass to the civil justice.", "expected_answer": "A priest could go to civil justice only after the bishop’s decision.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1888, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante la quinta y sexta temporadas formó parte del reparto principal de la serie.", "generated_answer": "During the 5th and 6th seasons, part of the main plot of the series.", "expected_answer": "During the fifth and sixth seasons he was part of the main cast of the series.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1889, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El gueto fue liquidado en tres etapas.", "generated_answer": "The Ghetto was evacuated in three stages.", "expected_answer": "The ghetto was eliminated in three stages.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1890, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Para tratar las convulsiones se pueden utilizar benzodiacepinas, como el Diazepam por vía intravenosa.", "generated_answer": "For treatment of convulsions, we can use Benzodiazepines, such as Diazepam, administered intravenously.", "expected_answer": "Benzodiazepines can be used to treat seizures, like intravenous Diazepam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1891, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El personaje principal es interpretado por el actor Carlos Torres.", "generated_answer": "The character is interpreted by the actor Carlos Torres.", "expected_answer": "The main character is played by the actor Carlos Torres.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1892, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El orden es el siguiente Barrio de los Reyes, La Magdalena y San Miguel.", "generated_answer": "The order is the following: Barrio of the Reyes, the Magalena, and San Miguel.", "expected_answer": "The order is the following Barrio de los Reyes, La Magdalena and San Miguel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1893, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desde entonces, la ciudad ha gozado de un crecimiento ininterrumpido.", "generated_answer": "From then on, the city has grown continuously.", "expected_answer": "Since then, the city has enjoyed uninterrupted growth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1894, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Habita en Ruanda, Etiopía y Kenia.", "generated_answer": "Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya.", "expected_answer": "It lives in Ruanda, Ethiopia and Kenia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1895, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue escrita por su esposo en aquel momento, Sonny Bono.", "generated_answer": "\"Rewritten by his spouse in the present moment, Sonny.\"", "expected_answer": "It was written by her husband at the time, Sonny Bono.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1896, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Lewis estuvo nominado cuatro años al Premio Artista Joven por \"\"Webster\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Lewis was nominated four years as the pre-eminent artist of the year for the Woodstock Festival.\"", "expected_answer": "Lewis was nominated for the Young Artist award four years for “Webster”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1897, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esta casa aún conserva los bellos azulejos taurinos dedicados al torero.", "generated_answer": "\"The Act was only confirmed by the Supreme Court as the election of the State President was not held.\"", "expected_answer": "This house still keeps the beautiful bullfighting tiles dedicated to the bullfighter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1898, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Anne y Jean-Louis se conocen en la escuela de sus respectivos hijos en Deauville.", "generated_answer": "An and Jean Louis are known in the school of their respective children in Dauphin.", "expected_answer": "Anne and Jean-Louis meet at the school of their respective kids in Deauville.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1899, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ensayos e Interpretaciones\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Examinations and interpretations.\"", "expected_answer": "Rehearsals and interpretations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1900, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lamentablemente es muy escasa la información sobre su destino en Canarias.", "generated_answer": "Lamentably, it is very little information about his destiny in Canada.", "expected_answer": "Sadly, the information about his fate in Canary Islands is scarce.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1901, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El pico era fuerte y flexible y pudo tener una bolsa membranosa inferior.", "generated_answer": "The Pigeon is strong, flexible, and can take a lower-jaw bone.", "expected_answer": "The beak was strong and flexible and could have had a lower membranous bag.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1902, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Posteriormente, trabajó en la Agencia de Inteligencia de la Defensa como analista-investigador.", "generated_answer": "\"Later, I worked at the Agency of Intelligence of the Defense as an Analyst Investigator.\"", "expected_answer": "Subsequently, he worked in the Defense Intelligence Agency as an investigator-analyst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1903, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Está ambientada en la inmediata posguerra de la guerra civil española.", "generated_answer": "\"Is intended to be implemented in the immediate post-war period of the Spanish Civil War.\"", "expected_answer": "It’s set in the immediate post-war of the Spanish Civil War. r", "history": [] }, { "index": 1904, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marca el descubrimiento del estilo formal y lenguaje tonal del compositor.", "generated_answer": "The discovery of the formal and tonal style of the composer.", "expected_answer": "It marks the Discovery of the formal style and tonal language of the composer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1905, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "True Love or True Lies?", "generated_answer": "True love or true lies.", "expected_answer": "True Love or True Lies?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1906, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otras construcciones importantes se han hallado en Nippur, Ur y Uruk.", "generated_answer": "Other constructions important in Nīr, Ur, and Uruk.", "expected_answer": "Other important buildings have been found in Nippur, Ur and Uruk.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1907, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estos mecanismos son muy comunes en los sistemas de transmisión automática de automóviles.", "generated_answer": "These mechanisms are very common in automatic transmission systems of automobiles.", "expected_answer": "These mechanisms are very common in cars’ automatic transmission systems.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1908, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consiste en un esqueleto parcial carente de cráneo.", "generated_answer": "The text translates to: \"Consists in a partial cranium.\"", "expected_answer": "It consists of a partial skeleton devoid of skull.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1909, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Puede ser utilizada en cualquier sitio.", "generated_answer": "\"Could be used in any location.\"", "expected_answer": "It can be used anywhere.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1910, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Muchas veces la realidad familiar no coincide con lo que escucha en su mente.", "generated_answer": "\"Often, the reality of the family does not match what one thinks in their mind.\"", "expected_answer": "Many times the family reality doesn’t match what you hear in your mind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1911, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Tanto \"\"Phantom\"\" y \"\"Phantom Pt.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Tanto\" and \"Fantom\" and \"Fantom Pé.\"", "expected_answer": "Phantom as well as Phantom Pt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1912, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Estudió en el Colegio Nacional de San Isidro.", "generated_answer": "\"Studied in the National College of San Isidro.\"", "expected_answer": "She studied in San Isidro’s National College.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1913, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Drama para la televisión.", "generated_answer": "\"Drama for television.\"", "expected_answer": "Drama for television.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1914, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los capiteles son sencillos con hojas verticales acabados en bolas.", "generated_answer": "The Capitoles are simply with vertical holes in balls.", "expected_answer": "The capitals were simple with vertical leaves and balls finishes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1915, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debido a su ubicación, Heraclea fue saqueada por los árabes en varias ocasiones.", "generated_answer": "\"Despite its location, Heraclea was sacked by the Arabs in several instances.\"", "expected_answer": "Due to its location, Heraclea was looted by the Arabs in several occasions.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1916, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Baudin se detuvo en la colonia británica de Sídney para repostar víveres.", "generated_answer": "Boudin left the British colony of Sydney for Reposeville.", "expected_answer": "Baudin stopped at the British neighborhood of Sidney to refuel supplies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1917, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre su población destaca la musulmana, la gitana o la africana.", "generated_answer": "\"Among your population, there is a Muslim, a Gitano, or an African.\"", "expected_answer": "Among its population the Muslim, the gipsy or the African stand out.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1918, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Anciana Iguana: Es una iguana vieja de las historias de Tulio.", "generated_answer": "Anciana Iguana is a species of reptile, belonging to the family Iguanidae.", "expected_answer": "Old Iguana: It’s an old iguana of Tulio’s stories.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1919, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Construye su nido en un árbol.", "generated_answer": "\"Constructs unity in an arbor.\"", "expected_answer": "It builds its nest in a tree.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1920, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presidió la Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges, con sede en Buenos Aires.", "generated_answer": "Presided the foundation International Jorge Luis Borges, with the seat in Buenos Aires.", "expected_answer": "He presided the International Foundation Jorge Luis Borges, with headquarters in Buenos Aires.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1921, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Como muchos otros productores de videojuegos, Mystique dejó el negocio.", "generated_answer": "\"Like many others, Mistic left the negotiation.\"", "expected_answer": "As many other videogame producers, Mystique left the business.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1922, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ante el dilema, Denham empieza a buscar en el vecindario una actriz.", "generated_answer": "At the dilemma, Denam begins a search in the neighborhood for an actress.", "expected_answer": "Before the dilemma, Denham starts searching for an actress in the neighborhood.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1923, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En la localidad hay un obrador de Vialidad Provincial.", "generated_answer": "In the locality, there is an obelisk of the provincial.", "expected_answer": "There’s a Provincial Transportation workroom in town.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1924, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Era un cruce entre un leopardo grande y una leona.", "generated_answer": "\"There was a cross between a Leopard and a Leopardess.\"", "expected_answer": "It was a crossbreed between a big leopard and a lioness.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1925, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conservatorio Profesional de Música de La Rioja.", "generated_answer": "\"Professional of music at the Conservatory of La Rioja.\"", "expected_answer": "La Rioja’s Professional Conservatory of Music.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1926, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ambos han recibido el alta del hospital.", "generated_answer": "Both have received the Alta de Hospital.", "expected_answer": "Both have been discharged from the hospital.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1927, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su ubicación se encuentra entre los pabellones de Alemania y The American Adventure.", "generated_answer": "\"His location is situated between the Paddock of America and the American Adventure.\"", "expected_answer": "Its location is between Germany’s pavilions and The American Adventure.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1928, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Son destacables los sarcófagos antropomorfos elaborados en piedra, oro, plata o madera policromada.", "generated_answer": "\"The Antromorphs are notable in stone, bronze, or terracotta.\"", "expected_answer": "The anthropomorphic sarcophagi made in stone, gold, silver or polychrome wood are noteworthy.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1929, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas escenas están filmadas en Santa Clarita, California.", "generated_answer": "\"Aluns Esteens are filmed in Santa Clara, California.\"", "expected_answer": "Some scenes are filmed in Santa Clarita, California.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1930, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas semanas más tarde la mejora del procedimiento vuelve viable la realización de retratos.", "generated_answer": "The modification of the procedure will make it possible to realize the retreats.", "expected_answer": "A few weeks later the improvement of the procedure made the production of portraits possible.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1931, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El Atom fue elegido por su diseño ligero y eficiente.", "generated_answer": "The atom was elected for its design, efficient.", "expected_answer": "The Atom was chosen for its light and efficient design.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1932, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Algunas tienen así mismo aseos adyacentes.", "generated_answer": "\"Almonds also have a similar taste and texture to Aces and Adipents.\"", "expected_answer": "Some also have adjacent toilets.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1933, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"En Saqqara, realizará calcos de los relieves de las mastabas de \"\"Ti\"\" y \"\"Ptah-hotep\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "In Sakkarā, the reliers of the reliefs of the Maṣāfat of Thī and the Patōṭeb.", "expected_answer": "In Saqqara, it will conduct tracing of the relief of the “Ti” and “Ptah-hotep” mastabas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1934, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El nombre científico conmemora al naturalista alemán Salomon Müller.", "generated_answer": "\"The name of the scientist commemorates an alemman naturalist, Solomon Müller.\"", "expected_answer": "The scientific name commemorates the German naturalist Salomon Müller.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1935, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Encuentra a los dos supervivientes.", "generated_answer": "Encounter a couple of survivors.", "expected_answer": "Find the two survivors.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1936, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sus resultados muestran atributos iguales de múltiples facciones, lo que significa que es Divergente.", "generated_answer": "\"His results show attributes similar to multiple factions, meaning he is diverse.\"", "expected_answer": "The results show similar attributes of multiple features, which means it’s Divergent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1937, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La inflorescencia se desarrolla antes que la planta produzca las hojas.", "generated_answer": "The Inflorescence develops before the plant produces its flowers.", "expected_answer": "The inflorescence is developed before the plant produces leaves.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1938, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Volaba dejando un rastro de fuego y haciendo un sonido aterrador.", "generated_answer": "\"Volta dejando un resto de fuego y haciendo un sonetar.\"", "expected_answer": "It flew leaving a trace of fire and making a terrifying sound.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1939, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además el gobierno ayuda a los deportistas que triunfaron en el exterior.", "generated_answer": "\"Also, the government aids those who triumphed in the external sports.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, the government helps the athletes who succeeded abroad.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1940, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Isabel se negó debido al afecto que sentía por Hunfredo.", "generated_answer": "Isabel felt affected by Fred's behavior.", "expected_answer": "Isabel refused because of the affection she felt for Hunfredo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1941, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cuentan con una doble capa de pelo, que puede a veces ser rizada.", "generated_answer": "Cautious with a double cap of pelt, which can sometimes be seen as a riz.", "expected_answer": "They have a double layer of hair, which can sometimes be curly.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1942, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Antes de que fuera lanzado, se asoció con el rapero Tupac Shakur.", "generated_answer": "Before that, he was associated with the rapper Tupac Shakur.", "expected_answer": "Before it was launched, he partnered with the rapper Tupac Shakur.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1943, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los nidos se construyen en zonas de lava.", "generated_answer": "The text is translated to English as: \"The Nidas are constructed in zones of Lapa.\"", "expected_answer": "The nests are built in lava zones.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1944, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hiller visitó a menudo Inglaterra.", "generated_answer": "\"Clear visitor in English.\"", "expected_answer": "Hiller visited England often.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1945, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Los patronos de la población son los \"\"Santos Ángeles\"\" y de ahí su nombre.\"", "generated_answer": "The patrons of the population are the Saints Angel, Idea, and in their name.", "expected_answer": "The patron saints of the population are the “Saint Angels”, hence their name.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1946, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Renato Casagrande es descendiente de italianos.", "generated_answer": "Renato Casagrande is a descendant of Italian people.", "expected_answer": "Renato Casagrande is of Italian descendance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1947, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Planta muy variable.", "generated_answer": "The text \"Plant very variedly\" in English.", "expected_answer": "Very variable plant.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1948, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha publicado tres colecciones de poesía.", "generated_answer": "\"Have published three collections of poems.\"", "expected_answer": "He has published three poetry collections.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1949, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se publica en formato periódico y en blanco y negro.", "generated_answer": "She publishes in periodic form and in black and white.", "expected_answer": "It’s published in newspaper format and black and white.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1950, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Entre tanto, Alfred cae enfermo, y le diagnostican un cáncer terminal.", "generated_answer": "Alfred is diagnosed with a terminal cancer.", "expected_answer": "Meanwhile, Alfred gets sick and is diagnosed with terminal cancer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1951, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Al actor se le ocurrió lo de \"\"St.\"", "generated_answer": "\"All actors, they occurred no of 'The S.'.\"", "expected_answer": "The actor came up with the “St.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1952, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En los últimos años setenta se retiró del fútbol profesional.", "generated_answer": "In the last seven decades, I retired from professional football.", "expected_answer": "He retired from professional soccer in the late seventies.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1953, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En Las Cañadas y La Zarza de Don Beltrán no constan habitantes censados.", "generated_answer": "In the Canales and the Zarzuela of Don Beltrán, there are no inhabitants.", "expected_answer": "There are no counted inhabitants in Las Cañadas and La Zarza de Don Beltrán.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1954, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante el neolítico, los excedentes de las actividades eran objeto de trueque.", "generated_answer": "During the Neoclassical period, the activities were completely destroyed.", "expected_answer": "During the Neolithic, the surplus of activities was subject to barter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1955, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Todos los temas fueron compuestos por Triumph.", "generated_answer": "\"All those topics were composed by triumph.\"", "expected_answer": "All the songs were composed by Triumph.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1956, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se presenta a menudo asociada a otros minerales como el cuarzo o la calcita.", "generated_answer": "He presents a common association with other minerals, such as the Quartz or Calcite.", "expected_answer": "It’s often associated to other minerals like quartz or calcite.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1957, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adicionalmente, se incrementa la economía de escala así como el retorno de la inversión.", "generated_answer": "Additionally, we increase the economy scale, as well as the return on investment.", "expected_answer": "Additionally, the economy of scale increases as well as the return of investment.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1958, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La interfaz es bastante intuitiva y fácil de manejar.", "generated_answer": "The interface is absolutely intuitive and easy to manage.", "expected_answer": "The interface is pretty intuitive and easy to handle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1959, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su estilo se enmarca en el barroco mexicano.", "generated_answer": "His style is marked in the Barocco Mexican.", "expected_answer": "His style is framed in Mexican baroque.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1960, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los agentes reclamaban aumentos de salario significativos y el derecho de escoger sus jefes.", "generated_answer": "The agents requested a significant salary increase and the right to their pensions.", "expected_answer": "The agents claimed substantial salary raises and the right to choose their bosses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1961, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Por lo tanto, se realizó una nueva elección y resultó elegido Gábor Fodor.", "generated_answer": "For that, an election was held, and the result was Eligibilized Cabor Fodor.", "expected_answer": "Therefore, a new election was carried out and Gábor Fodor was elected.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1962, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Introdujo propuestas en el parlamento de Reino Unido para la reforma de ortografía inglesa.", "generated_answer": "Introduced proposals in the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the reform of English orthography.", "expected_answer": "He introduced proposals for the reform of the English spelling to the United Kingdom parliament.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1963, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Para entonces ostentaba el rango de comandante de artillería.", "generated_answer": "For then, he was the commander of the artillery.", "expected_answer": "By then he was holding the rank of artillery commander.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1964, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Encuentra a un loco Neal atrapado dentro del cuerpo del Señor Gold.", "generated_answer": "Encounter a lone Neal trapped inside the body of the Sir Gold.", "expected_answer": "Find a crazy Neal trapped inside the body of Mr. Gold.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1965, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante su dilatada estancia como presidente del Sevilla, tuvo numerosos directivos en su staff.", "generated_answer": "During his lengthy tenure as President of Venezuela, he took numerous directives in his staff.", "expected_answer": "During his lengthy stay as president of Sevilla, he had numerous executives in his staff.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1966, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La ida es Barrio Capra y la vuelta Gruta de Lourdes.", "generated_answer": "The Ida is the barrio of Capra and the Vuelta de Lurdes.", "expected_answer": "It’s Barrio Capra on the way there and Gruta de Lourdes on the way back.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1967, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mientras tanto, la policía mata a Chick por no pagar los impuestos.", "generated_answer": "Mentally, the police arrested Chik for not paying their taxes.", "expected_answer": "Meanwhile, the police kills Chick for not paying taxes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1968, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Realizó sus estudios de grado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.", "generated_answer": "Realized his studies at the University National of La Plata.", "expected_answer": "He did his graduate studies in the National University of La Plata.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1969, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La mayoría de sus logros fueron con las marcas Dodge y Ford.", "generated_answer": "The majority of their successes were with the brands Torch and Ford.", "expected_answer": "Most of his achievements were with the Dodge and Ford brands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1970, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ha llegado a estudiarse hasta como tratamiento para la diabetes.", "generated_answer": "He studied until treatment for diabetes.", "expected_answer": "It has even been studied as a treatment for diabetes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1971, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Las Aventuras de Baby Boomer en la tierra de \"\"Dark Shadows\"\"!\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"The adventures of Baby Boomer in the world of Dark Swords.\"", "expected_answer": "The adventures of Baby Boomer in the land of “Dark Shadows!”.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1972, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Integró en esta ocasión la Comisión de Higiene y Asistencia Pública.", "generated_answer": "\"Integrated in this case, the Commission of Health and Public Assistance.\"", "expected_answer": "Integrated this time the Hygiene and Public Assistance Commission.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1973, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es originaria de la cuenca del Amazonas en Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y Brasil.", "generated_answer": "The original is from the Cuna del Amazonas in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil.", "expected_answer": "It’s indigenous from the Amazon basin in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1974, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Esto no habría sido escrito de esta manera.", "generated_answer": "\"This has never been written in this manner.\"", "expected_answer": "This wouldn’t have been written this way.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1975, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Un cetáceo muerto en la costa se convierte en foco de contaminación y enfermedades.", "generated_answer": "The death of a Cetacean in the coast converts into a source of contamination and illnesses.", "expected_answer": "A dead cetacean in the shore becomes a source of infection and disease.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1976, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Los estancos más comunes son los del tabaco, naipes, sal, explosivos y licores.", "generated_answer": "\"The most common are those of tobacco, nipa, salt, explosives, and limes.\"", "expected_answer": "The most common prohibitions are tobacco, cards, salt, explosives and liquor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1977, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Corregidor se destaca especialmente por la publicación de libros de tango.", "generated_answer": "\"The Conregidors are especially known for publishing books of Tango.\"", "expected_answer": "Corregidor particularly stands out for the issuance of tango books.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1978, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Otros árboles incluyen el arce, el cerezo silvestre y el abedul.", "generated_answer": "Others include the Arce, the Cercis silistre, and the Aedul.", "expected_answer": "Other threes include maple, wild cherry and birch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1979, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Se destacó por una visión vanguardista del tango.", "generated_answer": "She was a vision of a Tang Dynasty.", "expected_answer": "She stood out for an edgy vision of tango.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1980, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finalmente ofrecen una calidad de sonido de alta fidelidad, claro y prácticamente natural.", "generated_answer": "Finally, offers a high-quality sound of clarity and naturalness.", "expected_answer": "Finally, they offer hi-fi sound quality, clear and basically natural.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1981, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La principal fuente de ingresos es la agricultura.", "generated_answer": "The principal source of income is agriculture.", "expected_answer": "The main source of income is farming.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1982, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Su hijo y sucesor, Mihailo, normalizó sus relaciones con el imperio.", "generated_answer": "\"His son, successor Miaylo, normalized his relations with the Empire.\"", "expected_answer": "His son and successor, Mihailo, normalized their relation with the empire.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1983, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fue Gobernador de Yakarta.", "generated_answer": "He was the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir.", "expected_answer": "He was governor of Djakarta.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1984, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Las fosas sensoriales y los surcos auriculares poseen muchas terminaciones nerviosas.", "generated_answer": "The sensory and auditory nerves possess many terminations.", "expected_answer": "The sensory pits and ear grooves possess many nerve endings.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1985, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Tenga en cuenta que \"\"Mexía\"\" es la ortografía española más antigua del nombre.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Consider that Mejía is the Spanish orthography older than the name.\"", "expected_answer": "Bear in mind that “Mexía” is the oldest Spanish spelling of the name.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1986, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Además el automóvil cumple la Normativa europea sobre emisiones de la Unión Europea.", "generated_answer": "\"Moreover, the automobile complies with the European Union's emission norms.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, the car complies with the European regulation about emissions of the European Union.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1987, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "La infusión de su corteza detiene la diarrea y el dolor estomacal.", "generated_answer": "The infusion of her cortex prevents the diarrhea and the stomach pain.", "expected_answer": "The infusion of its cortex stops the diarrhea and stomach pain.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1988, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Es un carril confinado para bicicletas.", "generated_answer": "Is a carriole confined for bicycles.", "expected_answer": "It’s a lane limited to bicycles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1989, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Terminó la temporada con ocho goles anotados en diecisiete partidos.", "generated_answer": "Eight goals in seventeen parts.", "expected_answer": "The season ended with eight goals scored in seventeen matches.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1990, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Juega de mediapunta o volante ofensivo.", "generated_answer": "\"Juego de medio puntuación o Offensivo.\"", "expected_answer": "He plays as midfielder or attacking midfielder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1991, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fueron unos de los pocos jefes hawaianos que tuvieron una familia tan numerosa.", "generated_answer": "\"Were one of those few Cajuns who provided a lot of food.\"", "expected_answer": "They were some of the few Hawaiian chiefs who had such a numerous family.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1992, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Durante tres minutos el voluntario hará movimientos de los dedos en forma intermitente.", "generated_answer": "During three minutes, the volunteer performs movements of their hands in an intermittent form.", "expected_answer": "The volunteer will move his fingers intermittently for three minutes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1993, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "En aquel entonces, estaban sentados en los árboles.", "generated_answer": "In that time, they were seated in the armchairs.", "expected_answer": "Back then, they sat on trees.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1994, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Allison es hija de John y Jill y tiene un hermano pequeño llamado Ben.", "generated_answer": "Alison is the daughter of John and Hilary, and she has a little brother named Ben.", "expected_answer": "Allison is the daughter of John and Jill, and she has a little brother called Ben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1995, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ako realmente no es una chica del instituto de secundaria.", "generated_answer": "\"Ako, really is not a girl of the secondary school.\"", "expected_answer": "Ako really isn’t a girl of the middle school institute.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1996, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "El río Yuna es el río más caudaloso de la República Dominicana.", "generated_answer": "The Rio de la Plata is the most calcareous river in the Dominican Republic.", "expected_answer": "The Yuna river is the most abundant river in Dominican Republic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1997, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Busqué de arriba a abajo, cariño , todo lo que pude encontrar fue su sombrero.", "generated_answer": "The text in English is: \"Brought to the rear, all I could find was his shadow.\"", "expected_answer": "I looked everywhere, honey, and all we could find was his hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1998, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Arriesgué todo, pero no hubo suerte.", "generated_answer": "\"He had everything, but no success.\"", "expected_answer": "I risked everything, but I had no luck.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1999, "question": "Please translate the text to English. Your response should only include the English translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A ver cuando ordenas la habitación.", "generated_answer": "\"After ordering a meal.\"", "expected_answer": "Well, it's about time you tidy up the room.", "history": [] } ]