--- license: cc --- PhyloGPN is a convolutional neural network that takes encoded DNA sequences as input and outputs rate matrix parameters for [Felsenstein's 1981 model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Models_of_DNA_evolution#F81_model_(Felsenstein_1981)) (the F81 model, for short). It was trained to maximize the likelihood of columns in the [Zoonomia alignment](https://cglgenomics.ucsc.edu/november-2023-nature-zoonomia-with-expanded-primates-alignment/) given a phylogenetic tree. The stationary distribution of the substitution process described by the F81 model indicates the relative viability of each allele at any given locus. As a result, PhyloGPN is formally a genomic language model. It can be used for transfer learning. The following Python snippet shows how to obtain embeddings and log rate parameters from PhyloGPN for each site in a batch of sequences. Note that PhyloGPN is designed as a sliding window function: it takes a batch of \\(b\\) encoded sequences of any given length \\(\ell >= 481\\) as input and yields outputs for the \\(b \times (\ell - 480)\\) central positions. ```python import torch from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer checkpoint = "songlab/PhyloGPN" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint, trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(checkpoint, trust_remote_code=True) # Example data seqs = [ "TATAAA", "GGCCAATCT", "CACGTG", "AGGTCACGT", "GCCAGCC", "GGGGATTTCC" ] # Output length is input length minus 480 (the receptive field size minus 1) pad_token = tokenizer.pad_token pad_size = 481 // 2 pad_sequence = lambda seq: pad_token * pad_size + seq + pad_token * pad_size padded_seqs = [pad_sequence(seq) for seq in seqs] input_tensor = tokenizer(padded_seqs, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)["input_ids"] with torch.no_grad(): padded_embeddings = model.get_embeddings(input_tensor) padded_logits = model(input_tensor) # These are log rate parameters for the F81 model embeddings = [] logits = [] for i in range(len(seqs)): length = len(seqs[i]) embeddings.append(padded_embeddings[i, :length]) logits.append({}) for k in "ACGT": logits[-1][k] = padded_logits[k][i, :length] ```