tavern / Dockerfile
4PEb6b's picture
Update Dockerfile
6c6bec8 verified
history blame
2.27 kB
FROM node:19.1.0-alpine3.16
# Arguments
ARG APP_HOME=/home/node/app
# Install system dependencies
RUN apk add gcompat tini git jq curl
# Ensure proper handling of kernel signals
ENTRYPOINT [ "tini", "--" ]
# Create app directory
# Set NODE_ENV to production
ENV NODE_ENV=production
# Env
# 是否远程获取下面的参数 是个链接,返回一个json;执行完后关闭这个链接即可保密
# 返回内容:
# {
# "reverse_proxy": "https://onekey.xxx.top/v1",
# "proxy_password": "sk-ssvJn4VQAk596Lvv3548xxx",
# "api_key_makersuite": "AIzaSyAm5S9kl22DDNSXmnd4vgxxx",
# "github_secret": "github_pat_11AIWDQ2A0cLSEdwiwiZNC_10II4TsFExxx",
# "github_project": "bincooo/history"
# }
ENV fetch ""
# 代理转发地址
ENV reverse_proxy ""
# 代理转发token
ENV proxy_password ""
# gemini token
ENV api_key_makersuite ""
# github 项目访问凭证token
ENV github_secret ""
# github 项目名称
ENV github_project ""
# Install app dependencies
# COPY package*.json post-install.js ./
RUN git clone https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern.git --branch 1.12.7 .
echo "*** Install npm packages ***" && \
npm install && npm cache clean --force
# Bundle app source
# COPY . ./
ADD launch.sh launch.sh
RUN curl -JLO https://github.com/bincooo/SillyTavern-Docker/releases/download/v1.0.0/git-batch
RUN chmod +x launch.sh && chmod +x git-batch && ./git-batch -h
echo "*** Install npm packages ***" && \
npm i --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error --no-progress --omit=dev && npm cache clean --force
# Copy default chats, characters and user avatars to <folder>.default folder
rm -f "config.yaml" || true && \
ln -s "./config/config.yaml" "config.yaml" || true && \
mkdir "config" || true
# Cleanup unnecessary files
echo "*** Cleanup ***" && \
mv "./docker/docker-entrypoint.sh" "./" && \
rm -rf "./docker" && \
echo "*** Make docker-entrypoint.sh executable ***" && \
chmod +x "./docker-entrypoint.sh" && \
echo "*** Convert line endings to Unix format ***" && \
dos2unix "./docker-entrypoint.sh"
RUN sed -i 's/# Start the server/.\/launch.sh env \&\& .\/launch.sh init/g' docker-entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod -R 777 ${APP_HOME}
CMD [ "./docker-entrypoint.sh" ]