import spaces import gradio as gr from fpdf import FPDF from maincode import * import os from transformers import ( AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoModelForSequenceClassification ) from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient import ast from datetime import datetime import time import gradio as gr chat_history = []'punkt_tab') token = os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN') spc = os.environ.get('SPC') spc2 = os.environ.get('SPC2') dataset_mng = DatasetManager(os.environ.get('DATASET')) tokeniz = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("iarfmoose/t5-base-question-generator") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("iarfmoose/t5-base-question-generator") qabertToken = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("iarfmoose/bert-base-cased-qa-evaluator") qaBertModel = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("iarfmoose/bert-base-cased-qa-evaluator") client = InferenceClient("mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3") class PDF(FPDF): def __init__(self, text): super().__init__() self.add_page() self.set_font("Arial", size=12) self.multi_cell(0, 10, text) def save(self, filename): self.output(filename) api_enabled = True def process_image(image): """ Convert image to text """ extracter = ExtractTextFromImage(image) extracter.process_file() return extracter.get_text() def search_books(text, author, publisher, year, language, count): library = Books() library.search_book(text, author, publisher, year, language) books_result = library.get_result() html = "" for bok in books_result[:count]: html += generate_html(bok, library.get_pdf_link(bok)) return html def generate_qna_html(qna_list): html_code = """
""" old = [] for idx, qa in enumerate(qna_list): if qa['question'].lower() in old: continue old.append(qa['question']) question = qa['question'] answer = qa['answer'] html_code += f"""
Q{idx + 1}. {question}
""" html_code += "
" return html_code @spaces.GPU() def get_qna(input_passage): """ Generate question from input text """ calcu = calculate_questions() calcu.process_paragraph(paragraph=input_passage) count = calcu.calculate() count = int(count / 2) qg = QAGenerator( tokeniz, model, tokenizerEV=qabertToken, modelEV=qaBertModel ) qlist = qg.generate(input_passage, num_questions=count, answer_style="sentences") return generate_qna_html(qlist), qlist def respond( message, history: list[tuple[str, str]], system_message, max_tokens, temperature, top_p, ): messages = [{"role": "system", "content": system_message}] for val in history: if val[0]: messages.append({"role": "user", "content": val[0]}) if val[1]: messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": val[1]}) messages.append({"role": "user", "content": message}) max_tokens = 2048 response = "" for message in client.chat_completion( messages, max_tokens=max_tokens, stream=True, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, ): token = message.choices[0].delta.content response += token yield response def search_question(search_query): result =, "train", "question") return result def evaluate(passage, reference): evl = Evaluvate() return evl.get_result(passage, reference) def generate_html(book_data, link): html_output = """


Author: {Author}

Year: {Year}

Language: {Language}

Publisher: {Publisher}

Pages: {Pages}

Size: {Size}

Download Links:

""".format( Title=book_data.get('Title', 'N/A'), Author=book_data.get('Author', 'N/A'), Year=book_data.get('Year', 'N/A'), Language=book_data.get('Language', 'N/A'), Publisher=book_data.get('Publisher', 'N/A'), Pages=book_data.get('Pages', 'N/A'), Size=book_data.get('Size', 'N/A'), link=link[0], link2=link[1], link3=link[2] ) return html_output def remove_question(question, qlist): if not isinstance(qlist, list): qlist = ast.literal_eval(qlist) for qa in qlist: if question.lower().strip() in qa.get("question").lower().strip(): qlist.remove(qa) return generate_qna_html(qlist), qlist def save_data_to_database(qlist, input_passage): if not isinstance(qlist, list): qlist = ast.literal_eval(qlist) to_save = [] already_added = [] for qa in qlist: try: result ="question"), "train", "question", top_n=10) gr.Info(f"Question already exists in db : {qa.get('question')}") except: if qa.get("question").lower() in already_added: continue already_added.append(qa.get("question").lower()) current_date_time = to_save.append( { "question" : qa.get("question"), "answer" : qa.get("answer"), "refrence" : input_passage, "data" : str(current_date_time.strftime("%d:%m:%Y %H:%M:%S")), "timestamp" : int(time.time()) } ) continue for qas in result: if qas.get("match").lower() == qa.get("question").lower(): continue else: if qa.get("question").lower() in already_added: continue already_added.append(qa.get("question").lower()) current_date_time = to_save.append( { "question" : qa.get("question"), "answer" : qa.get("answer"), "refrence" : input_passage, "data" : str(current_date_time.strftime("%d:%m:%Y %H:%M:%S")), "timestamp" : int(time.time()) } ) if len(to_save) < 1: gr.Info("All question already exists in database") else: dataset_mng.add_to_dataset(to_save, token) gr.Info("Data saved to dataset") def add_new_question(new_question, new_answer, qlist): if qlist == None: qlist = [] if not isinstance(qlist, list): qlist = ast.literal_eval(qlist) qlist.append( { "question" : new_question, "answer" : new_answer } ) return generate_qna_html(qlist), qlist def edit_question_and_answer(real_question, Newquestion, Newanswer, qlist): if not isinstance(qlist, list): qlist = ast.literal_eval(qlist) for qa in qlist: if real_question.lower().strip() in qa.get("question").lower().strip(): newqa = qa if Newquestion: newqa["question"] = Newquestion elif Newanswer: newqa["answer"] = Newanswer else: gr.Info("Nothing to update") qlist[qlist.index(qa)] = newqa break return generate_qna_html(qlist), qlist with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab("Handwritten to Text"): gr.Markdown("OCR") image_input = gr.Image(label="Upload an Image", type="filepath") text_output = gr.Textbox(label="Extracted Text") process_button = gr.Button("Process Image"), inputs=image_input, outputs=text_output) with gr.Tab("Search Books"): gr.Markdown("# Search For Books") text_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter the book name (required)") author_input = gr.Textbox(label="Author (optional)", placeholder="Enter the author name") publisher_input = gr.Textbox(label="Publisher (optional)", placeholder="Enter the publisher name") year_input = gr.Textbox(label="Year (optional)", placeholder="Enter the publication year") language_input = gr.Textbox(label="Language (optional)", placeholder="Enter the language") result_count_slider = gr.Slider(label="Number of Results", minimum=1, maximum=25, step=1, value=5) pdf_links_output = gr.HTML(value="Boooks Result", label="Download Links") generate_pdf_button = gr.Button("Find Book") search_books, inputs=[text_input, author_input, publisher_input, year_input, language_input, result_count_slider], outputs=pdf_links_output ) with gr.Tab("Gen Q&A"): gr.Markdown("# Generate Question and Answer according to the paragraph") text_input_qna = gr.Textbox(label="Enter Paragraph") text_output_qna = gr.HTML(value="Q&A", label="Generated Q&A") generate_qna_button = gr.Button("Generate") text_output_qna_json = gr.Textbox(value="QNA_json", label="Generated Q&A Json", visible=False), inputs=text_input_qna, outputs=[text_output_qna, text_output_qna_json]) save_to_database = gr.Button("Save QNA") remove_question_input = gr.Textbox(label="Question To Remove") remove_q_button = gr.Button("Remove QNA"), inputs=[remove_question_input, text_output_qna_json], outputs=[text_output_qna, text_output_qna_json]), inputs=[text_output_qna_json, text_input_qna]) gr.Markdown(""" ### To Edit the question you must have to enter the real question and here are thing how you can edit question and answer - EDIT QUESTION : To edit question enter the real question first in the question to edit section, Then enter the question in the new question and then click on Edit Q&A button - EDIT ANSWER : To edit answer do same thing enter the real question in the Question to edit textbox then add the new Answer in the New Answer text input and leave New Question empty and click on Edit Q&A button - EDIT BOTH : To edit both thing ans and question just add real question in the question to edit and add new question in New Question and New answer in the New Answer and click on Edit Q&A to edit it. ## These are the methods to edit the question and answer for the dataset """) edit_question_real = gr.Textbox(label="Question To Edit", placeholder="Question to edit") with gr.Row(): edit_question_input = gr.Textbox(label="New Question", placeholder="New Answer (Optional)") edit_answer_input = gr.Textbox(label="New Answer", placeholder="New Answer (Optional)") edit_qna_button = gr.Button("Edit Q&A"), inputs=[edit_question_real, edit_question_input, edit_answer_input, text_output_qna_json], outputs=[text_output_qna, text_output_qna_json]) new_question_input = gr.Textbox(label="New Question", placeholder="New question") new_answer = gr.Textbox(label="New Answer", placeholder="New Answer") button = gr.Button("Add Q&A"), inputs=[new_question_input, new_answer], outputs=[text_output_qna, text_output_qna_json]) with gr.Tab("Evaluate"): gr.Markdown("# Evaluate Texts") text_input_1 = gr.Textbox(label="Passage") text_input_2 = gr.Textbox(label="Reference") marks_input = gr.Number(label="Marks", interactive=False) hardness_range = gr.Slider(label="Hardness", minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=5, interactive=False) html_output = gr.HTML(value="Evaluation text", label="Evaluation Result") evaluate_button = gr.Button("Evaluate"), inputs=[text_input_1, text_input_2], outputs=html_output) def html_to_pdf(html_content): pdf = PDF(html_content)"evaluation_output.pdf") return "evaluation_output.pdf" generate_pdf_button = gr.Button("Get PDF") pdf_output = gr.File(label="Download Evaluation PDF"), inputs=html_output, outputs=pdf_output) with gr.Tab("Search Question"): gr.Markdown("# Search Question") text_input_qna = gr.Textbox(label="Question") text_output_qna = gr.Textbox(value="Question And Answer result", label="Output") generate_qna_button = gr.Button("Find Answer"), inputs=text_input_qna, outputs=text_output_qna) with gr.Tab("Chat"): gr.HTML(f"") with gr.Tab("Image Generation"): gr.HTML(f"") demo.launch()