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// Copyright 2019 GoAdmin Core Team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache-2.0 style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package adapter
import (
// WebFrameWork is an interface which is used as an adapter of
// framework and goAdmin. It must implement two methods. Use registers
// the routes and the corresponding handlers. Content writes the
// response to the corresponding context of framework.
type WebFrameWork interface {
// Name return the web framework name.
Name() string
// Use method inject the plugins to the web framework engine which is the
// first parameter.
Use(app interface{}, plugins []plugins.Plugin) error
// Content add the panel html response of the given callback function to
// the web framework context which is the first parameter.
Content(ctx interface{}, fn types.GetPanelFn, fn2 context.NodeProcessor, navButtons ...types.Button)
// User get the auth user model from the given web framework context.
User(ctx interface{}) (models.UserModel, bool)
// AddHandler inject the route and handlers of GoAdmin to the web framework.
AddHandler(method, path string, handlers context.Handlers)
Static(prefix, path string)
Run() error
// Helper functions
// ================================
SetApp(app interface{}) error
GetConnection() db.Connection
SetContext(ctx interface{}) WebFrameWork
GetCookie() (string, error)
Lang() string
Path() string
Method() string
Request() *http.Request
FormParam() url.Values
Query() url.Values
IsPjax() bool
Write(body []byte)
CookieKey() string
HTMLContentType() string
// BaseAdapter is a base adapter contains some helper functions.
type BaseAdapter struct {
db db.Connection
// SetConnection set the db connection.
func (base *BaseAdapter) SetConnection(conn db.Connection) {
base.db = conn
// GetConnection get the db connection.
func (base *BaseAdapter) GetConnection() db.Connection {
return base.db
// HTMLContentType return the default content type header.
func (*BaseAdapter) HTMLContentType() string {
return "text/html; charset=utf-8"
// CookieKey return the cookie key.
func (*BaseAdapter) CookieKey() string {
return auth.DefaultCookieKey
// GetUser is a helper function get the auth user model from the context.
func (*BaseAdapter) GetUser(ctx interface{}, wf WebFrameWork) (models.UserModel, bool) {
cookie, err := wf.SetContext(ctx).GetCookie()
if err != nil {
return models.UserModel{}, false
user, exist := auth.GetCurUser(cookie, wf.GetConnection())
return user.ReleaseConn(), exist
// GetUse is a helper function adds the plugins to the framework.
func (*BaseAdapter) GetUse(app interface{}, plugin []plugins.Plugin, wf WebFrameWork) error {
if err := wf.SetApp(app); err != nil {
return err
for _, plug := range plugin {
for path, handlers := range plug.GetHandler() {
if plug.Prefix() == "" {
wf.AddHandler(path.Method, path.URL, handlers)
} else {
wf.AddHandler(path.Method, config.Url("/"+plug.Prefix()+path.URL), handlers)
return nil
func (*BaseAdapter) Run() error { panic("not implement") }
func (*BaseAdapter) DisableLog() { panic("not implement") }
func (*BaseAdapter) Static(_, _ string) { panic("not implement") }
// GetContent is a helper function of adapter.Content
func (base *BaseAdapter) GetContent(ctx interface{}, getPanelFn types.GetPanelFn, wf WebFrameWork,
navButtons types.Buttons, fn context.NodeProcessor) {
var (
newBase = wf.SetContext(ctx)
cookie, hasError = newBase.GetCookie()
if hasError != nil || cookie == "" {
user, authSuccess := auth.GetCurUser(cookie, wf.GetConnection())
if !authSuccess {
var (
panel types.Panel
err error
gctx := context.NewContext(newBase.Request())
if !auth.CheckPermissions(user, newBase.Path(), newBase.Method(), newBase.FormParam()) {
panel = template.WarningPanel(gctx, errors.NoPermission, template.NoPermission403Page)
} else {
panel, err = getPanelFn(ctx)
if err != nil {
panel = template.WarningPanel(gctx, err.Error())
tmpl, tmplName := template.Default(gctx).GetTemplate(newBase.IsPjax())
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
hasError = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(buf, tmplName, types.NewPage(gctx, &types.NewPageParam{
User: user,
Menu: menu.GetGlobalMenu(user, wf.GetConnection(), newBase.Lang()).SetActiveClass(config.URLRemovePrefix(newBase.Path())),
Panel: panel.GetContent(config.IsProductionEnvironment()),
Assets: template.GetComponentAssetImportHTML(gctx),
Buttons: navButtons.CheckPermission(user),
TmplHeadHTML: template.Default(gctx).GetHeadHTML(),
TmplFootJS: template.Default(gctx).GetFootJS(),
Iframe: newBase.Query().Get(constant.IframeKey) == "true",
if hasError != nil {
logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("error: %s adapter content, ", newBase.Name()), hasError)