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// Copyright 2019 GoAdmin Core Team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache-2.0 style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package auth
import (
const DefaultCookieKey = "go_admin_session"
// NewDBDriver return the default PersistenceDriver.
func newDBDriver(conn db.Connection) *DBDriver {
return &DBDriver{
conn: conn,
tableName: "goadmin_session",
// PersistenceDriver is a driver of storing and getting the session info.
type PersistenceDriver interface {
Load(string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
Update(sid string, values map[string]interface{}) error
// GetSessionByKey get the session value by key.
func GetSessionByKey(sesKey, key string, conn db.Connection) (interface{}, error) {
m, err := newDBDriver(conn).Load(sesKey)
return m[key], err
// Session contains info of session.
type Session struct {
Expires time.Duration
Cookie string
Values map[string]interface{}
Driver PersistenceDriver
Sid string
Context *context.Context
// Config wraps the Session info.
type Config struct {
Expires time.Duration
Cookie string
// UpdateConfig update the Expires and Cookie of Session.
func (ses *Session) UpdateConfig(config Config) {
ses.Expires = config.Expires
ses.Cookie = config.Cookie
// Get get the session value.
func (ses *Session) Get(key string) interface{} {
return ses.Values[key]
// Add add the session value of key.
func (ses *Session) Add(key string, value interface{}) error {
ses.Values[key] = value
if err := ses.Driver.Update(ses.Sid, ses.Values); err != nil {
return err
cookie := http.Cookie{
Name: ses.Cookie,
Value: ses.Sid,
MaxAge: config.GetSessionLifeTime(),
Expires: time.Now().Add(ses.Expires),
HttpOnly: true,
Path: "/",
if config.GetDomain() != "" {
cookie.Domain = config.GetDomain()
return nil
// Clear clear a Session.
func (ses *Session) Clear() error {
ses.Values = map[string]interface{}{}
return ses.Driver.Update(ses.Sid, ses.Values)
// UseDriver set the driver of the Session.
func (ses *Session) UseDriver(driver PersistenceDriver) {
ses.Driver = driver
// StartCtx return a Session from the given Context.
func (ses *Session) StartCtx(ctx *context.Context) (*Session, error) {
if cookie, err := ctx.Request.Cookie(ses.Cookie); err == nil && cookie.Value != "" {
ses.Sid = cookie.Value
valueFromDriver, err := ses.Driver.Load(cookie.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(valueFromDriver) > 0 {
ses.Values = valueFromDriver
} else {
ses.Sid = modules.Uuid()
ses.Context = ctx
return ses, nil
// InitSession return the default Session.
func InitSession(ctx *context.Context, conn db.Connection) (*Session, error) {
sessions := new(Session)
Expires: time.Second * time.Duration(config.GetSessionLifeTime()),
Cookie: DefaultCookieKey,
sessions.Values = make(map[string]interface{})
return sessions.StartCtx(ctx)
// DBDriver is a driver which uses database as a persistence tool.
type DBDriver struct {
conn db.Connection
tableName string
// Load implements the PersistenceDriver.Load.
func (driver *DBDriver) Load(sid string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
sesModel, err := driver.table().Where("sid", "=", sid).First()
if db.CheckError(err, db.QUERY) {
return nil, err
if sesModel == nil {
return map[string]interface{}{}, nil
var values map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(sesModel["values"].(string)), &values)
return values, err
func (driver *DBDriver) deleteOverdueSession() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
var (
duration = strconv.Itoa(config.GetSessionLifeTime() + 1000)
driverName = config.GetDatabases().GetDefault().Driver
raw = ``
if db.DriverPostgresql == driverName {
raw = `extract(epoch from now()) - ` + duration + ` > extract(epoch from created_at)`
} else if db.DriverMysql == driverName {
raw = `unix_timestamp(created_at) < unix_timestamp() - ` + duration
} else if db.DriverSqlite == driverName {
raw = `strftime('%s', created_at) < strftime('%s', 'now') - ` + duration
} else if db.DriverMssql == driverName {
raw = `DATEDIFF(second, [created_at], GETDATE()) > ` + duration
} else if db.DriverOceanBase == driverName {
raw = `unix_timestamp(created_at) < unix_timestamp() - ` + duration
if raw != "" {
_ = driver.table().WhereRaw(raw).Delete()
// Update implements the PersistenceDriver.Update.
func (driver *DBDriver) Update(sid string, values map[string]interface{}) error {
go driver.deleteOverdueSession()
if sid != "" {
if len(values) == 0 {
err := driver.table().Where("sid", "=", sid).Delete()
if db.CheckError(err, db.DELETE) {
return err
valuesByte, err := json.Marshal(values)
if err != nil {
return err
sesValue := string(valuesByte)
sesModel, _ := driver.table().Where("sid", "=", sid).First()
if sesModel == nil {
if !config.GetNoLimitLoginIP() {
err = driver.table().Where("values", "=", sesValue).Delete()
if db.CheckError(err, db.DELETE) {
return err
_, err := driver.table().Insert(dialect.H{
"values": sesValue,
"sid": sid,
if db.CheckError(err, db.INSERT) {
return err
} else {
_, err := driver.table().
Where("sid", "=", sid).
"values": sesValue,
if db.CheckError(err, db.UPDATE) {
return err
return nil
func (driver *DBDriver) table() *db.SQL {
return db.Table(driver.tableName).WithDriver(driver.conn)