admin / modules /db /postgresql.go
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// Copyright 2019 GoAdmin Core Team. All rights reserved.
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package db
import (
// Postgresql is a Connection of postgresql.
type Postgresql struct {
// GetPostgresqlDB return the global postgresql connection.
func GetPostgresqlDB() *Postgresql {
return &Postgresql{
Base: Base{
DbList: make(map[string]*sql.DB),
// Name implements the method Connection.Name.
func (db *Postgresql) Name() string {
return "postgresql"
// GetDelimiter implements the method Connection.GetDelimiter.
func (db *Postgresql) GetDelimiter() string {
return `"`
// GetDelimiter2 implements the method Connection.GetDelimiter2.
func (db *Postgresql) GetDelimiter2() string {
return `"`
// GetDelimiters implements the method Connection.GetDelimiters.
func (db *Postgresql) GetDelimiters() []string {
return []string{`"`, `"`}
// QueryWithConnection implements the method Connection.QueryWithConnection.
func (db *Postgresql) QueryWithConnection(con string, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
return CommonQuery(db.DbList[con], filterQuery(query), args...)
// ExecWithConnection implements the method Connection.ExecWithConnection.
func (db *Postgresql) ExecWithConnection(con string, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return CommonExec(db.DbList[con], filterQuery(query), args...)
// Query implements the method Connection.Query.
func (db *Postgresql) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
return CommonQuery(db.DbList["default"], filterQuery(query), args...)
// Exec implements the method Connection.Exec.
func (db *Postgresql) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return CommonExec(db.DbList["default"], filterQuery(query), args...)
func (db *Postgresql) QueryWith(tx *sql.Tx, conn, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
if tx != nil {
return db.QueryWithTx(tx, query, args...)
return db.QueryWithConnection(conn, query, args...)
func (db *Postgresql) ExecWith(tx *sql.Tx, conn, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
if tx != nil {
return db.ExecWithTx(tx, query, args...)
return db.ExecWithConnection(conn, query, args...)
func filterQuery(query string) string {
queCount := strings.Count(query, "?")
for i := 1; i < queCount+1; i++ {
query = strings.Replace(query, "?", "$"+strconv.Itoa(i), 1)
query = strings.ReplaceAll(query, "`", "")
// TODO: add " to the keyword
return strings.ReplaceAll(query, "by order ", `by "order" `)
// InitDB implements the method Connection.InitDB.
func (db *Postgresql) InitDB(cfgList map[string]config.Database) Connection {
db.Configs = cfgList
db.Once.Do(func() {
for conn, cfg := range cfgList {
sqlDB, err := sql.Open("postgres", cfg.GetDSN())
if err != nil {
if sqlDB != nil {
_ = sqlDB.Close()
db.DbList[conn] = sqlDB
if err := sqlDB.Ping(); err != nil {
return db
// BeginTxWithReadUncommitted starts a transaction with level LevelReadUncommitted.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithReadUncommitted() *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList["default"], sql.LevelReadUncommitted)
// BeginTxWithReadCommitted starts a transaction with level LevelReadCommitted.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithReadCommitted() *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList["default"], sql.LevelReadCommitted)
// BeginTxWithRepeatableRead starts a transaction with level LevelRepeatableRead.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithRepeatableRead() *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList["default"], sql.LevelRepeatableRead)
// BeginTx starts a transaction with level LevelDefault.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTx() *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList["default"], sql.LevelDefault)
// BeginTxWithLevel starts a transaction with given transaction isolation level.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithLevel(level sql.IsolationLevel) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList["default"], level)
// BeginTxWithReadUncommittedAndConnection starts a transaction with level LevelReadUncommitted and connection.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithReadUncommittedAndConnection(conn string) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList[conn], sql.LevelReadUncommitted)
// BeginTxWithReadCommittedAndConnection starts a transaction with level LevelReadCommitted and connection.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithReadCommittedAndConnection(conn string) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList[conn], sql.LevelReadCommitted)
// BeginTxWithRepeatableReadAndConnection starts a transaction with level LevelRepeatableRead and connection.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithRepeatableReadAndConnection(conn string) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList[conn], sql.LevelRepeatableRead)
// BeginTxAndConnection starts a transaction with level LevelDefault and connection.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxAndConnection(conn string) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList[conn], sql.LevelDefault)
// BeginTxWithLevelAndConnection starts a transaction with given transaction isolation level and connection.
func (db *Postgresql) BeginTxWithLevelAndConnection(conn string, level sql.IsolationLevel) *sql.Tx {
return CommonBeginTxWithLevel(db.DbList[conn], level)
// QueryWithTx is query method within the transaction.
func (db *Postgresql) QueryWithTx(tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
return CommonQueryWithTx(tx, filterQuery(query), args...)
// ExecWithTx is exec method within the transaction.
func (db *Postgresql) ExecWithTx(tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return CommonExecWithTx(tx, filterQuery(query), args...)