package language |
import "strings" |
var en = LangSet{ |
"managers": "Managers", |
"name": "Name", |
"nickname": "Nickname", |
"role": "Role", |
"createdat": "createdAt", |
"updatedat": "updatedAt", |
"path": "path", |
"new": "New", |
"filter": "Filter", |
"action": "Action", |
"toggle dropdown": "Toggle Dropdown", |
"delete": "Delete", |
"refresh": "Refresh", |
"expand": "Expand", |
"collapse": "Collapse", |
"back": "Back", |
"reset": "Reset", |
"save": "Save", |
"edit": "Edit", |
"operation": "Operation", |
"method": "Method", |
"input": "input", |
"online": "Online", |
"setting": "Setting", |
"sign out": "Sign out", |
"all": "All", |
"confirm password": "Confirm Password", |
"search": "Search", |
"remove": "Remove", |
"goadmin is now running. \nrunning in \"debug\" mode. switch to \"release\" mode in production.\n\n": "GoAdmin is now running. \nRunning in \"debug\" mode. Switch to \"release\" mode in production.\n\n", |
"wrong goadmin version, theme %s required goadmin version are %s": "wrong GoAdmin version, theme %s required GoAdmin version are %s", |
"wrong theme version, goadmin %s required version of theme %s is %s": "wrong Theme version, GoAdmin %s required version of theme %s is %s", |
"adapter is nil, import the default adapter or use addadapter method add the adapter": "adapter is nil, import the default adapter or use AddAdapter method add the adapter", |
"are you sure to delete": "Are you sure to delete", |
"yes": "yes", |
"got it": "got it", |
"cancel": "cancel", |
"refresh succeeded": "Refresh succeeded", |
"reload succeeded": "Reload succeeded", |
"all method if empty": "All method if empty", |
"password does not match": "Password does not match", |
"should be unique": "Should be unique", |
"slug exists": "Slug exists", |
"no corresponding options?": "No corresponding options?", |
"create here.": "Create here.", |
"use for login": "Use for login", |
"use to display": "Use to display", |
"a path a line, without global prefix": "A path a line", |
"slug or http_path or name should not be empty": "slug or http_path or name should not be empty", |
"no roles": "no roles", |
"fixed the sidebar": "Fixed the sidebar", |
"enter fullscreen": "Enter fullscreen", |
"exit fullscreen": "Exit fullscreen", |
"permission manage": "Permission Manage", |
"menus manage": "Menus Manage", |
"roles manage": "Roles manage", |
"operation log": "Operation log", |
"continue editing": "Continue editing", |
"continue creating": "Continue creating", |
"browse": "Browse", |
"avatar": "Avatar", |
"password": "Password", |
"username": "Username", |
"slug": "Slug", |
"permission": "Permission", |
"userid": "UserID", |
"content": "Content", |
"parent": "Parent", |
"icon": "Icon", |
"uri": "Uri", |
"detail": "Detail", |
"admin": "Admin", |
"users": "Users", |
"roles": "Roles", |
"menu": "Menu", |
"dashboard": "Dashboard", |
"home": "Home", |
"initialize configuration": "Initialize configuration", |
"initialize navigation buttons": "Initialize navigation buttons", |
"initialize plugins": "Initialize plugins", |
"initialize database connections": "Initialize database connections", |
"initialize success": "Initialize success🍺🍺", |
"not found": "Not found", |
"internal error": "Internal error", |
"unauthorized": "Unauthorized", |
"plugin setting": "Plugin Setting", |
"plugins": "Plugins", |
"plugin store": "Plugin Store", |
"get more plugins": "Get more plugins", |
"uninstalled": "Uninstalled", |
"second": "second", |
"seconds": "seconds", |
"minute": "minute", |
"minutes": "minutes", |
"hour": "hour", |
"hours": "hours", |
"day": "day", |
"days": "days", |
"week": "week", |
"weeks": "weeks", |
"month": "month", |
"months": "months", |
"year": "year", |
"years": "years", |
"config.domain": "Website Domain", |
"config.language": "Website Language", |
"config.url prefix": "URL Prefix", |
"config.theme": "Theme", |
"config.title": "Title", |
"config.index url": "Home URL", |
"config.login url": "Login URL", |
"config.env": "Env", |
"config.color scheme": "Color Scheme", |
"config.cdn url": "CDN Asset URL", |
"config.login title": "Login Title", |
"config.auth user table": "Auth User Table", |
"config.extra": "Extra Configuration", |
"config.store": "File Store Setting", |
"config.databases": "Database Setting", |
"config.general": "General", |
"config.log": "Log", |
"config.site setting": "Site Settings", |
"config.custom": "Customize", |
"config.debug": "Debug Mode", |
"config.site off": "Site Offline", |
"config.true": "On", |
"config.false": "Off", |
"config.logo": "Logo", |
"config.mini logo": "Mini Logo", |
"config.bootstrap file path": "Bootstrap File Path", |
"config.go mod file path": "go.mod File Path", |
"config.session life time": "Session Life Time", |
"config.custom head html": "Head HTML", |
"config.custom foot html": "Foot HTML", |
"config.custom 404 html": "404 Page", |
"config.custom 403 html": "403 Page", |
"config.custom 500 html": "500 Page", |
"config.hide config center entrance": "Hide Config Button", |
"config.hide app info entrance": "Hide App Info Button", |
"config.hide tool entrance": "Hide Tool Button", |
"config.footer info": "Footer Info", |
"config.login logo": "Login Logo", |
"config.no limit login ip": "No Limit Login Multi IPs", |
"config.operation log off": "Operation Log Off", |
"config.allow delete operation log": "Allow Delete Operation Log", |
"config.animation type": "Animation Type", |
"config.animation duration": "Animation Duration(s)", |
"config.animation delay": "Animation Delay(s)", |
"config.file upload engine": "File Upload Engine", |
"config.logger rotate": "Log Rotate Settings", |
"config.logger rotate max size": "Max Size(m)", |
"config.logger rotate max backups": "Max Buckups", |
"config.logger rotate max age": "Max Age(day)", |
"config.logger rotate compress": "Compress", |
"config.info log path": "Info Log File Path", |
"config.error log path": "Error Log File Path", |
"config.access log path": "Access Log File Path", |
"config.info log off": "Info Log Off", |
"config.error log off": "Error Log Off", |
"config.access log off": "Access Log Off", |
"config.access assets log off": "Access Assets Log Off", |
"config.sql log on": "Open SQL Log", |
"config.log level": "Level", |
"config.logger rotate encoder": "Log Encoder Settings", |
"config.logger rotate encoder time key": "Time Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder level key": "Level Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder name key": "Name Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder caller key": "Caller Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder message key": "Message Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder stacktrace key": "Stacktrace Key", |
"config.logger rotate encoder level": "Level Encoder", |
"config.logger rotate encoder time": "Time Encoder", |
"config.logger rotate encoder duration": "Duration Encoder", |
"config.logger rotate encoder caller": "Caller Encoder", |
"config.logger rotate encoder encoding": "Output Format", |
"config.capital": "Capital", |
"config.capitalcolor": "Capital with color", |
"config.lowercase": "Lowercase", |
"config.lowercasecolor": "Lowercase with color", |
"config.seconds": "Seconds", |
"config.nanosecond": "Nanosecond", |
"config.microsecond": "Microsecond", |
"config.millisecond": "Millisecond", |
"config.full path": "Full path", |
"config.short path": "Short path", |
"config.do not modify when you have not set up all assets": "Do not modify when you have not set up all assets", |
"config.it will work when theme is adminlte": "It will work when theme is adminlte", |
"config.language." + CN: "Chinese", |
"config.language." + EN: "English", |
"config.language." + JP: "Japanese", |
"config.language." + strings.ToLower(TC): "Traditional Chinese", |
"config.language." + PTBR: "Brazilian Portuguese", |
"config.modify site config": "Site Configuration Modification", |
"config.modify site config success": "modified success", |
"config.modify site config fail": "modified failed", |
"system.system info": "System And Application Info", |
"system.application": "Application Info", |
"system.application run": "Applications Running Info", |
"system.system": "System Info", |
"system.process_id": "Process ID", |
"system.golang_version": "Golang Version", |
"system.server_uptime": "Server Uptime", |
"system.current_goroutine": "Current Goroutines", |
"system.current_memory_usage": "Current Memory Usage", |
"system.total_memory_allocated": "Total Memory Allocated", |
"system.memory_obtained": "Memory Obtained", |
"system.pointer_lookup_times": "Pointer Lookup Times", |
"system.memory_allocate_times": "Memory Allocate Times", |
"system.memory_free_times": "Memory Free Times", |
"system.current_heap_usage": "Current Heap Usage", |
"system.heap_memory_obtained": "Heap Memory Obtained", |
"system.heap_memory_idle": "Heap Memory Idle", |
"system.heap_memory_in_use": "Heap Memory In Use", |
"system.heap_memory_released": "Heap Memory Released", |
"system.heap_objects": "Heap Objects", |
"system.bootstrap_stack_usage": "Bootstrap Stack Usage", |
"system.stack_memory_obtained": "Stack Memory Obtained", |
"system.mspan_structures_usage": "MSpan Structures Usage", |
"system.mspan_structures_obtained": "MSpan Structures Obtained", |
"system.mcache_structures_usage": "MCache Structures Usage", |
"system.mcache_structures_obtained": "MCache Structures Obtained", |
"system.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained": "Profiling Bucket Hash Table Obtained", |
"system.gc_metadata_obtained": "GC Metadata Obtained", |
"system.other_system_allocation_obtained": "Other System Allocation Obtained", |
"system.next_gc_recycle": "Next GC Recycle", |
"system.last_gc_time": "Since Last GC Time", |
"system.total_gc_time": "Total GC Pause", |
"system.total_gc_pause": "Total GC Pause", |
"system.last_gc_pause": "Last GC Pause", |
"system.gc_times": "GC Times", |
"system.cpu_logical_core": "CPU Logical Core", |
"system.cpu_core": "CPU Physical Core", |
"system.os_platform": "OS Platform", |
"system.os_family": "OS Family", |
"system.os_version": "OS Version", |
"system.load1": "Load1", |
"system.load5": "Load5", |
"system.load15": "Load15", |
"system.mem_total": "Total Memory", |
"system.mem_available": "Available Memory", |
"system.mem_used": "Used Memory", |
"system.app_name": "App Name", |
"system.go_admin_version": "App Version", |
"system.theme_name": "Theme", |
"system.theme_version": "Theme Version", |
"tool.tool": "Tool", |
"tool.table": "Table", |
"tool.connection": "Connection", |
"tool.package": "Package", |
"tool.output": "Output Path", |
"tool.output path is empty": "Output path is empty", |
"tool.field": "Field", |
"tool.title": "Title", |
"tool.field name": "Name", |
"tool.db type": "Database Type", |
"tool.form type": "Form Type", |
"tool.generate table model": "Generate Table Model", |
"tool.primarykey": "Primary Key", |
"tool.field filterable": "Filterable", |
"tool.field sortable": "Sortable", |
"tool.yes": "Yes", |
"tool.no": "No", |
"tool.hide": "Hide", |
"tool.show": "Show", |
"tool.generate success": "Generate Success", |
"tool.hide filter area": "Hide Filter Area", |
"tool.use absolute path": "Use absolute path", |
"tool.display": "Display", |
"tool.basic info": "Basic", |
"tool.table info": "Table", |
"tool.form info": "Form", |
"tool.field editable": "Editable", |
"tool.info field editable": "Editable", |
"tool.extra import package": "Import Package", |
"tool.field can add": "Can Add", |
"tool.field default": "Default", |
"tool.filter area": "Filter Area", |
"tool.new button": "New Button", |
"tool.export button": "Export Button", |
"tool.edit button": "Edit Button", |
"tool.delete button": "Delete Button", |
"tool.detail button": "Detail Button", |
"tool.filter button": "Filter Button", |
"tool.row selector": "Row Selector", |
"tool.pagination": "Pagination", |
"tool.query info": "Query Info", |
"tool.filter form layout": "Filter Form Layout", |
"tool.continue edit checkbox": "Continue Edit Checkbox", |
"tool.continue new checkbox": "Continue New Checkbox", |
"tool.reset button": "Reset Button", |
"tool.back button": "Back Button", |
"tool.generate": "Generate", |
"tool.generated tables": "Generated Tables", |
"tool.description": "Description", |
"tool.label": "Label", |
"tool.image": "Image", |
"tool.bool": "Bool", |
"tool.link": "Link", |
"tool.fileSize": "File Size", |
"tool.date": "Date", |
"tool.icon": "Icon", |
"tool.dot": "Dot", |
"tool.progressBar": "ProgressBar", |
"tool.loading": "Loading", |
"tool.downLoadable": "DownLoadable", |
"tool.copyable": "Copyable", |
"tool.carousel": "Carousel", |
"tool.qrcode": "Qrcode", |
"tool.field hide": "Hide", |
"tool.field display": "Display", |
"tool.table permission": "Generate Permissions", |
"tool.extra code": "Extra Code", |
"tool.field display normal": "Normal", |
"tool.field diplay hide": "Hide", |
"tool.field diplay edit hide": "Edit Hide", |
"tool.field diplay create hide": "Create Hide", |
"tool.generate table model success": "generate success", |
"tool.generate table model fail": "generate fail", |
"tool.detail display": "Display", |
"tool.detail info": "Detail Info", |
"tool.follow list page": "Follow List Page", |
"tool.inherit from list page": "Inherit From List Page", |
"tool.independent from list page": "Independent From List Page", |
"generator.query": "Query", |
"generator.show edit form page": "Show Edit Form Page", |
"generator.show create form page": "Show Create Form Page", |
"generator.edit": "Edit", |
"generator.create": "Create", |
"generator.delete": "Delete", |
"generator.export": "Export", |
"plugin.plugin": "Plugin", |
"plugin.plugin detail": "Plugin Detail", |
"plugin.introduction": "Introduction", |
"plugin.website": "Website", |
"plugin.version": "Version", |
"plugin.created at": "Created At", |
"plugin.updated at": "Updated At", |
"plugin.provided by %s": "Provided by %s", |
"plugin.upgrade": "Upgrade", |
"plugin.install": "Install", |
"plugin.download": "Download", |
"plugin.buy": "Buy", |
"plugin.downloading": "Downloading", |
"plugin.info": "Detail", |
"plugin.login": "Login", |
"plugin.login to goadmin member system": "Login to GoAdmin member system", |
"plugin.account": "Account", |
"plugin.password": "Password", |
"plugin.learn more": "Learn more", |
"plugin.no account? click %s here %s to register.": "No account?Click %shere%s to register。", |
"plugin.download fail, wrong name": "Download fail, wrong name", |
"plugin.change to debug mode first": "Change to debug mode first", |
"plugin.download fail, plugin not exist": "Download fail, plugin not exist", |
"plugin.download fail": "Download fail", |
"plugin.golang develop environment does not exist": "Golang develop environment does not exist", |
"plugin.download success, restart to install": "Download success, restart to install", |
"plugin.restart to install": "Restart to install", |
"plugin.can not connect to the goadmin remote server": "Failed to connect the GoAdmin remote server, check your network connection.", |
"admin.basic admin": "Basic Admin", |
"admin.a built-in plugins of goadmin which help you to build a crud manager platform quickly.": "A built-in plugins of GoAdmin which help you to build a crud manager platform quickly.", |
"admin.official": "Official", |
"current page": "Current Page", |
"login": "Login", |
"username and password can not be empty": "Username and password can not be empty", |
"showing <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> entries": "showing <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> entries", |
"code generate tool": "Code Generator", |
"close": "close", |
"fail": "fail", |
"wrong captcha": "incorrect verification code", |
"config.must bigger than 900 seconds": "Must be greater than 900 seconds", |
"permission denied": "permission denied", |
"config.local": "local env", |
"view": "view", |
"site setting": "Site Setting", |
"del": "delete", |
"error": "error", |
"operation not allow": "operation not allowed", |
"config.prod": "production env", |
"edit fail": "edit failed", |
"login info": "Login Info", |
"config.hide plugin entrance": "Hide plugin page entry", |
"submit": "Submit", |
"managers manage": "Managers Manage", |
"menus": "Menu", |
"delete succeed": "delete succeed", |
"query time": "query time", |
"login overdue, please login again": "Login information expired. Please log in again", |
"create fail": "create failed", |
"tool.code generate tool": "Code Generator", |
"user": "user", |
"modify success": "modify success", |
"menu name": "menu name", |
"login fail": "login failed", |
"export": "export", |
"no permission": "no permission", |
"confirm": "confirm", |
"delete fail": "deletion failed", |
"success": "success", |
"system.site info": "Site Info", |
"site info": "Site Info", |
"more": "More", |
"config.test": "test env", |
} |