AZLABS's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
530729e verified
package language
import "strings"
var tc = LangSet{
"managers": "管理員管理",
"name": "用戶名",
"nickname": "暱稱",
"role": "角色",
"createdat": "創建時間",
"updatedat": "更新時間",
"path": "路徑",
"submit": "提交",
"filter": "篩選",
"new": "新建",
"action": "操作",
"toggle dropdown": "下拉",
"delete": "刪除",
"refresh": "刷新",
"back": "返回",
"reset": "重置",
"save": "保存",
"edit": "編輯",
"expand": "展開",
"collapse": "折疊",
"online": "在線",
"setting": "設置",
"sign out": "登出",
"remove": "移除",
"permission manage": "權限管理",
"menus manage": "菜單管理",
"roles manage": "角色管理",
"operation log": "操作日誌",
"method": "方法",
"input": "輸入",
"operation": "操作",
"menu name": "菜單名",
"query time": "查询时间",
"are you sure to delete": "你確定要刪除嗎",
"delete succeed": "刪除成功",
"yes": "確定",
"got it": "知道了",
"cancel": "取消",
"refresh succeeded": "刷新成功",
"avatar": "頭像",
"password": "密碼",
"slug": "標誌",
"permission": "權限",
"userid": "用戶ID",
"content": "內容",
"parent": "父級",
"icon": "圖標",
"uri": "路徑",
"export": "導出",
"home": "首頁",
"all": "全部",
"more": "更多",
"browse": "打開",
"admin": "管理",
"users": "用戶",
"roles": "角色",
"menu": "菜單",
"dashboard": "儀表盤",
"permission denied": "沒有權限",
"error": "錯誤",
"success": "成功",
"fail": "失敗",
"current page": "當前頁",
"confirm": "確認",
"edit fail": "編輯失敗",
"create fail": "新增失敗",
"delete fail": "刪除失敗",
"confirm password": "確認密碼",
"all method if empty": "為空默認為所有方法",
"detail": "詳情",
"username": "用戶名",
"close": "關閉",
"login": "登錄",
"login fail": "登錄失敗",
"user": "用戶",
"continue editing": "繼續編輯",
"continue creating": "繼續新增",
"goadmin is now running. \nrunning in \"debug\" mode. switch to \"release\" mode in production.\n\n": "GoAdmin 啟動成功。\n目前處於 \"debug\" 模式。請在生產環境中切換為 \"release\" 模式。\n\n",
"wrong goadmin version, theme %s required goadmin version are %s": "錯誤的 GoAdmin 版本,當前主題 %s 需要 GoAdmin 版本為 %s",
"wrong theme version, goadmin %s required version of theme %s is %s": "錯誤的主題版本, GoAdmin %s 需要主題 %s 的版本為 %s",
"adapter is nil, import the default adapter or use addadapter method add the adapter": "適配器為空,請先 import 對應的適配器或使用 AddAdapter 方法引入",
"username and password can not be empty": "用戶名密碼不能為空",
"operation not allow": "不允許的操作",
"password does not match": "密碼不壹致",
"should be unique": "需要保證唯壹",
"slug exists": "標誌已經存在了",
"no corresponding options?": "沒找到對應選項?",
"create here.": "在這裏新建壹個。",
"use for login": "用於登錄",
"use to display": "用來展示",
"a path a line, without global prefix": "壹行壹個路徑,換行輸入新路徑,路徑不包含全局路由前綴",
"slug or http_path or name should not be empty": "標誌或路徑或權限名不能為空",
"no roles": "無角色",
"no permission": "沒有權限",
"fixed the sidebar": "固定側邊欄",
"enter fullscreen": "進入全屏",
"exit fullscreen": "退出全屏",
"wrong captcha": "錯誤的驗證碼",
"modify success": "修改成功",
"not found": "找不到記錄",
"internal error": "系統內部錯誤",
"unauthorized": "未認證",
"login overdue, please login again": "登錄信息過期,請重新登錄",
"login info": "登錄信息",
"initialize configuration": "初始化配置",
"initialize navigation buttons": "初始化導航欄按鈕",
"initialize plugins": "初始化插件",
"initialize database connections": "初始化數據庫連接",
"initialize success": "初始化成功🍺🍺",
"plugins": "插件",
"plugin store": "插件商店",
"get more plugins": "獲取更多插件",
"uninstalled": "未安裝",
"plugin setting": "插件設置",
"second": "秒",
"seconds": "秒",
"minute": "分",
"minutes": "分",
"hour": "小時",
"hours": "小時",
"day": "天",
"days": "天",
"week": "周",
"weeks": "周",
"month": "月",
"months": "月",
"year": "年",
"years": "年",
"config.domain": "網站域名",
"config.language": "網站語言",
"config.url prefix": "URL前綴",
"config.theme": "主題",
"config.title": "標題",
"config.index url": "首頁URL",
"config.login url": "登錄URL",
"config.env": "開發環境",
"config.color scheme": "顏色主題",
"config.cdn url": "cdn資源URL",
"config.login title": "登錄標題",
"config.auth user table": "登錄用戶表",
"config.extra": "額外配置",
"": "文件存儲設置",
"config.databases": "數據庫設置",
"config.general": "通用",
"config.log": "日誌",
" setting": "網站設置",
"config.custom": "定制",
"config.debug": "Debug模式",
" off": "關閉網站",
"config.true": "是",
"config.false": "否",
"config.test": "測試環境",
"": "生產環境",
"config.local": "本地環境",
"config.logo": "Logo",
" logo": "Mini Logo",
"config.bootstrap file path": "引导文件路徑",
"config.go mod file path": "go.mod文件路徑",
"config.session life time": "Session時長",
"config.custom head html": "自定義Head HTML",
"config.custom foot html": "自定義Foot HTML",
"config.custom 404 html": "自定義404頁面",
"config.custom 403 html": "自定義403頁面",
"config.custom 500 html": "自定義500頁面",
"config.hide config center entrance": "隱藏配置中心入口",
"config.hide app info entrance": "隱藏應用信息入口",
"config.hide tool entrance": "隱藏工具入口",
"config.hide plugin entrance": "隱藏插件列表入口",
"config.footer info": "自定義底部信息",
"config.login logo": "登錄Logo",
" limit login ip": "取消限制多IP登錄",
"config.operation log off": "關閉操作日誌",
"config.allow delete operation log": "允許刪除操作日誌",
"config.animation type": "動畫類型",
"config.animation duration": "動畫間隔(秒)",
"config.animation delay": "動畫延遲(秒)",
"config.file upload engine": "文件上傳引擎",
"config.logger rotate": "日誌切割設置",
"config.logger rotate max size": "存儲最大文件大小(m)",
"config.logger rotate max backups": "存儲最多文件數",
"config.logger rotate max age": "最長存儲時間(天)",
"config.logger rotate compress": "壓縮",
" log path": "信息日誌存儲路徑",
"config.error log path": "錯誤日誌存儲路徑",
"config.access log path": "訪問日誌存儲路徑",
" log off": "關閉信息日誌",
"config.error log off": "關閉錯誤日誌",
"config.access log off": "關閉訪問日誌",
"config.access assets log off": "關閉靜態資源訪問日誌",
"config.sql log on": "打開SQL日誌",
"config.log level": "日誌級別",
"config.logger rotate encoder": "日誌encoder設置",
"config.logger rotate encoder time key": "Time Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder level key": "Level Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder name key": "Name Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder caller key": "Caller Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder message key": "Message Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder stacktrace key": "Stacktrace Key",
"config.logger rotate encoder level": "Level字段編碼",
"config.logger rotate encoder time": "Time字段編碼",
"config.logger rotate encoder duration": "Duration字段編碼",
"config.logger rotate encoder caller": "Caller字段編碼",
"config.logger rotate encoder encoding": "輸出格式",
"": "大寫",
"config.capitalcolor": "大寫帶顏色",
"config.lowercase": "小寫",
"config.lowercasecolor": "小寫帶顏色",
"config.seconds": "秒",
"config.nanosecond": "納秒",
"config.microsecond": "微秒",
"config.millisecond": "毫秒",
"config.full path": "完整路徑",
"config.short path": "簡短路徑",
" not modify when you have not set up all assets": "不要修改,當妳還沒有設置好所有資源文件的時候",
" will work when theme is adminlte": "當主題為adminlte時生效",
"config.must bigger than 900 seconds": "必須大於900秒",
"config.language." + CN: "中文",
"config.language." + EN: "英文",
"config.language." + JP: "日文",
"config.language." + strings.ToLower(TC): "繁體中文",
"config.language." + PTBR: "Brazilian Portuguese",
"config.modify site config": "修改網站配置",
"config.modify site config success": "修改網站配置成功",
"config.modify site config fail": "修改網站配置失敗",
"system.system info": "應用系統信息",
"system.application": "應用信息",
"system.application run": "應用運行信息",
"system.system": "系統信息",
"system.process_id": "進程ID",
"system.golang_version": "Golang版本",
"system.server_uptime": "服務運行時間",
"system.current_goroutine": "當前 Goroutines 數量",
"system.current_memory_usage": "當前內存使用量",
"system.total_memory_allocated": "所有被分配的內存",
"system.memory_obtained": "內存占用量",
"system.pointer_lookup_times": "指針查找次數",
"system.memory_allocate_times": "內存分配次數",
"system.memory_free_times": "內存釋放次數",
"system.current_heap_usage": "當前 Heap 內存使用量",
"system.heap_memory_obtained": "Heap 內存占用量",
"system.heap_memory_idle": "Heap 內存空閑量",
"system.heap_memory_in_use": "正在使用的 Heap 內存",
"system.heap_memory_released": "被釋放的 Heap 內存",
"system.heap_objects": "Heap 對象數量",
"system.bootstrap_stack_usage": "啟動 Stack 使用量",
"system.stack_memory_obtained": "被分配的 Stack 內存",
"system.mspan_structures_usage": "MSpan 結構內存使用量",
"system.mspan_structures_obtained": "被分配的 MSpan 結構內存",
"system.mcache_structures_usage": "MCache 結構內存使用量",
"system.mcache_structures_obtained": "被分配的 MCache 結構內存",
"system.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained": "被分配的剖析哈希表內存",
"system.gc_metadata_obtained": "被分配的 GC 元數據內存",
"system.other_system_allocation_obtained": "其它被分配的系統內存",
"system.next_gc_recycle": "下次 GC 內存回收量",
"system.last_gc_time": "距離上次 GC 時間",
"system.total_gc_time": "GC 執行時間總量",
"system.total_gc_pause": "GC 暫停時間總量",
"system.last_gc_pause": "上次 GC 暫停時間",
"system.gc_times": "GC 執行次數",
"system.cpu_logical_core": "cpu邏輯核數",
"system.cpu_core": "cpu物理核數",
"system.os_platform": "系統平臺",
"system.os_family": "系統家族",
"system.os_version": "系統版本",
"system.load1": "1分鐘內負載",
"system.load5": "5分鐘內負載",
"system.load15": "15分鐘內負載",
"system.mem_total": "總內存",
"system.mem_available": "可用內存",
"system.mem_used": "使用內存",
"system.app_name": "應用名",
"system.go_admin_version": "應用版本",
"system.theme_name": "主題",
"system.theme_version": "主題版本",
"tool.tool": "工具",
"tool.table": "表格",
"tool.connection": "連接",
"tool.package": "包名",
"tool.output": "輸出路徑",
"tool.output path is empty": "輸出路徑為空",
"tool.field": "字段名",
"tool.title": "標題",
"tool.field name": "字段名",
"tool.db type": "數據類型",
"tool.form type": "表單類型",
"tool.generate table model": "生成CRUD模型",
"tool.primarykey": "主鍵",
"tool.field filterable": "可篩選",
"tool.field sortable": "可排序",
"tool.yes": "是",
"": "否",
"tool.generate success": "生成成功",
"tool.hide filter area": "隱藏篩選框",
"tool.use absolute path": "使用絕對路徑",
"tool.hide": "隱藏",
"": "顯示",
"tool.display": "顯示",
"tool.basic info": "基本信息",
"tool.table info": "表格信息",
"tool.form info": "表單信息",
"tool.field editable": "允許編輯",
"tool.field can add": "允許新增",
" field editable": "可編輯",
"tool.extra import package": "導入包",
"tool.field default": "默認值",
"tool.filter area": "篩選框",
" button": "新建按鈕",
"tool.export button": "導出按鈕",
"tool.edit button": "編輯按鈕",
"tool.delete button": "刪除按鈕",
"tool.detail button": "詳情按鈕",
"tool.filter button": "篩選按鈕",
"tool.row selector": "列選擇按鈕",
"tool.pagination": "分頁",
"tool.query info": "查詢信息",
"tool.filter form layout": "篩選表單布局",
"tool.continue edit checkbox": "繼續編輯按鈕",
"tool.continue new checkbox": "繼續新增按鈕",
"tool.reset button": "重設按鈕",
"tool.back button": "返回按鈕",
"tool.generate": "生成",
"tool.generated tables": "生成過的表格",
"tool.description": "描述",
"tool.label": "標簽",
"tool.image": "圖片",
"tool.bool": "布爾",
"": "鏈接",
"tool.fileSize": "文件大小",
"": "日期",
"tool.icon": "Icon",
"": "標點",
"tool.progressBar": "進度條",
"tool.loading": "Loading",
"tool.downLoadable": "可下載",
"tool.copyable": "可復制",
"tool.carousel": "圖片輪播",
"tool.qrcode": "二維碼",
"tool.field hide": "隱藏",
"tool.field display": "顯示",
"tool.table permission": "生成表格權限",
"tool.extra code": "額外代碼",
"tool.field display normal": "顯示",
"tool.field diplay hide": "隱藏",
"tool.field diplay edit hide": "編輯隱藏",
"tool.field diplay create hide": "新建隱藏",
"tool.detail display": "顯示",
"tool.detail info": "詳情頁信息",
"tool.follow list page": "跟隨列表頁",
"tool.inherit from list page": "繼承列表頁",
"tool.independent from list page": "獨立",
"tool.generate table model success": "生成成功",
"tool.generate table model fail": "生成失敗",
"generator.query": "查詢",
" edit form page": "編輯頁顯示",
" create form page": "新建記錄頁顯示",
"generator.edit": "編輯",
"generator.create": "新建",
"generator.delete": "刪除",
"generator.export": "導出",
"plugin.plugin": "插件",
"plugin.plugin detail": "插件詳情",
"plugin.introduction": "介紹",
"": "網站",
"plugin.version": "版本",
"plugin.created at": "創建日期",
"plugin.updated at": "更新日期",
"plugin.provided by %s": "由 %s 提供",
"plugin.upgrade": "升級",
"plugin.install": "安裝",
"": "詳細信息",
"": "下载",
"": "購買",
"plugin.downloading": "下载中",
"plugin.login": "登錄",
"plugin.login to goadmin member system": "登錄到GoAdmin會員系統",
"plugin.account": "賬戶名",
"plugin.password": "密碼",
"plugin.learn more": "了解更多",
" account? click %s here %s to register.": "沒有賬號?點擊%s這裏%s註冊。",
" fail, wrong name": "下載失敗,錯誤的參數",
"plugin.change to debug mode first": "先切換到debug模式",
" fail, plugin not exist": "下載失敗,插件不存在",
" fail": "下載失敗",
"plugin.golang develop environment does not exist": "golang開發環境不存在",
" success, restart to install": "下載成功,重啟程序進行安裝",
"plugin.restart to install": "重啟程序進行安裝",
"plugin.can not connect to the goadmin remote server": "不能連接到GoAdmin遠程服務器,請檢查您的網絡連接。",
"admin.basic admin": "基礎Admin",
"admin.a built-in plugins of goadmin which help you to build a crud manager platform quickly.": "壹個內置GoAdmin插件,幫助您快速搭建curd簡易管理後臺。",
"admin.official": "GoAdmin官方",
"search": "搜索",
"reload succeeded": "載入成功",
"showing <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> entries": "顯示第 <b>%s</b> 到第 <b>%s</b> 條記錄,總共 <b>%s</b> 條記錄",
"site info": "運行信息",
"menus": "菜單",
"tool.code generate tool": "代碼生成器",
"del": "刪除",
"site setting": "網站設置",
"code generate tool": "代碼生成器",
"managers manage": "管理員管理",
" info": "運行信息",
"view": "查看",