package main import ( "log" "os" "os/signal" "time" _ "" _ "" _ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { app := gear.New() e := engine.Default() cfg := config.Config{ Env: config.EnvLocal, Databases: config.DatabaseList{ "default": { Host: "", Port: "3306", User: "root", Pwd: "root", Name: "godmin", MaxIdleConns: 50, MaxOpenConns: 150, ConnMaxLifetime: time.Hour, Driver: config.DriverMysql, //Driver: config.DriverSqlite, //File: "../datamodel/admin.db", }, }, Store: config.Store{ Path: "./uploads", Prefix: "uploads", }, UrlPrefix: "admin", Language: language.CN, IndexUrl: "/", Debug: true, AccessAssetsLogOff: true, Animation: config.PageAnimation{ Type: "fadeInUp", }, ColorScheme: adminlte.ColorschemeSkinBlack, BootstrapFilePath: "./../datamodel/bootstrap.go", } template.AddComp(chartjs.NewChart()) // customize a plugin examplePlugin := example.NewExample() // load from golang.Plugin // // examplePlugin := plugins.LoadFromPlugin("../datamodel/") // customize the login page // example: // // template.AddComp("login", datamodel.LoginPage) // load config from json file // // e.AddConfigFromJSON("../datamodel/config.json") if err := e.AddConfig(&cfg). AddGenerators(datamodel.Generators). // add generator, first parameter is the url prefix of table when visit. // example: // // "user" => http://localhost:9033/admin/info/user // AddGenerator("user", datamodel.GetUserTable). AddDisplayFilterXssJsFilter(). AddPlugins(examplePlugin). Use(app); err != nil { panic(err) } // customize your pages e.HTML("GET", "/admin", datamodel.GetContent) go func() { app.Start(":8099") }() quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(quit, os.Interrupt) <-quit log.Print("closing database connection") e.MysqlConnection().Close() }