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import streamlit as st
from api_ import ArxivQuery, IEEEQuery, PaperWithCodeQuery
from lrt_instance import *
def __preview__(platforms, num_papers, num_papers_preview, query_input,start_year,end_year):
with st.spinner('Searching...'):
paperInGeneral = st.empty() # paper的大概
paperInGeneral_md = '''# Query Results Preview
We have found following papers for you! (displaying 5 papers for each literature platforms)
if 'IEEE' in platforms:
paperInGeneral_md += '''## IEEE
| ID| Paper Title | Publication Year |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
ieee = IEEEQuery.query(query_input,start_year,end_year,num_papers)
num_papers_preview = min(len(ieee), num_papers_preview)
for i in range(num_papers_preview):
title = str(ieee[i]['title']).replace('\n', ' ')
publication_year = str(ieee[i]['publication_year']).replace('\n', ' ')
paperInGeneral_md += f'''|{i + 1}|{title}|{publication_year}|\n'''
if 'Arxiv' in platforms:
paperInGeneral_md += '''
## Arxiv
| ID| Paper Title | Publication Year |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
arxiv = ArxivQuery.query(query_input, max_results=num_papers)
num_papers_preview = min(len(arxiv), num_papers_preview)
for i in range(num_papers_preview):
title = str(arxiv[i]['title']).replace('\n', ' ')
publication_year = str(arxiv[i]['published']).replace('\n', ' ')
paperInGeneral_md += f'''|{i + 1}|{title}|{publication_year}|\n'''
if 'PaperWithCode' in platforms:
paperInGeneral_md += '''
## Paper with Code
| ID| Paper Title | Publication Year |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
pwc = PaperWithCodeQuery.query(query_input, items_per_page=num_papers)
num_papers_preview = min(len(pwc), num_papers_preview)
for i in range(num_papers_preview):
title = str(pwc[i]['title']).replace('\n', ' ')
publication_year = str(pwc[i]['published']).replace('\n', ' ')
paperInGeneral_md += f'''|{i + 1}|{title}|{publication_year}|\n'''
def render_body(platforms, num_papers, num_papers_preview, query_input, show_preview:bool,start_year,end_year,k):
tmp = st.empty()
if query_input != '':
tmp.markdown(f'You entered query: `{query_input}`')
# preview
if show_preview:
# lrt results
generator = baseline_lrt(query_input,num_papers,start_year,end_year,platforms, best_k=k,loading_ctx_manager= st.spinner,
decorator= st.cache)
for plat in platforms:
clusters, articles = next(generator)