import os import joblib import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from typing import List, Dict, Any # Constants for directories and file names MODEL_DIR = 'models' DATA_DIR = 'datasets' DATA_FILE = 'cleaned_survey_results_public.csv' MODEL_NAMES = [ 'CatBoost Regressor', 'XGBoost Regressor', 'LGBM Regressor', ] def load_models(model_names: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load machine learning models from disk.""" models = {} for name in model_names: path = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, f"{name.replace(' ', '')}.joblib") try: models[name] = joblib.load(path) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading model {name}: {str(e)}") return models # Load models models = load_models(MODEL_NAMES) # Load dataset data_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, DATA_FILE) df = pd.read_csv(data_path) # Prepare features and target X = df.drop(columns=['Salary']) y = df['Salary'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=123) # Pre-defined input choices input_choices = { 'MainBranch': df.MainBranch.unique().tolist(), 'Country': X.Country.unique().tolist(), 'EducationLevel': X.EducationLevel.unique().tolist(), 'RemoteWork': df.RemoteWork.unique().tolist(), } # Pre-computed statistics for default values default_comp = float(df.CompTotal.mean()) # Default CompTotal max_comp = float(df.CompTotal.max() * 1.5) default_years = 3.0 # Default years of experience max_years = float(df.YearsOfExperience.max() * 1.5) # Precompute predictions for training set y_train_predictions = {name: model.predict(X_train) for name, model in models.items()} def load_and_predict(sample: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Predict salary using loaded models and evaluate statistics.""" results = [] for name, model in models.items(): try: salary_pred = model.predict(sample)[0] results.append({ 'Model': name, 'Predicted Salary': salary_pred, 'R2 Score (%)': r2_score(y_train, y_train_predictions[name]) * 100, }) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error during prediction with model {name}: {str(e)}") return pd.DataFrame(results).sort_values(by='R2 Score (%)', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) # Streamlit UI setup st.set_page_config(page_title="Developer Salary Prediction App", page_icon="🤑", layout="wide") st.title("🤑 **Developer Salary Prediction**") # Sidebar inputs st.sidebar.header("Input Information") mainbranch = st.sidebar.selectbox("**MainBranch**", options=input_choices['MainBranch']) country = st.sidebar.selectbox("**Country**", options=input_choices['Country']) educationlevel = st.sidebar.selectbox("**Education Level**", options=input_choices['EducationLevel']) remotework = st.sidebar.selectbox("**Remote Work**", options=input_choices['RemoteWork']) comptotal = st.sidebar.number_input("**CompTotal**", min_value=0.0, max_value=max_comp, value=default_comp) yearsofexperience = st.sidebar.number_input("**Years of Experience**", min_value=0.0, max_value=max_years, value=default_years) # Handling predictions if st.sidebar.button(label=':rainbow[Predict Salary]'): input_data = pd.DataFrame( [[mainbranch, country, educationlevel, remotework, comptotal, yearsofexperience]], columns=['MainBranch', 'Country', 'EducationLevel', 'RemoteWork', 'CompTotal', 'YearsOfExperience']) results_df = load_and_predict(input_data) if not results_df.empty: st.write("### Prediction Results:") st.dataframe(results_df) # Disclaimer Section st.markdown("---") st.text(''' >> Developer Salary Prediction App << This Streamlit application predicts developer salary using multiple machine learning models including LGBM, XGBoost, and Random Forest regressors. Users can input developer information through a user-friendly interface, which includes fields such as country, education level, and years of experience. > Features: **Input Components**: - **MainBranch**: Select your main area of expertise in development, such as software engineering, data science, or web development. This selection may influence salary expectations based on the branch's demand and trends. - **Country**: Choose your country from the dropdown list. Regions often exhibit varying salary scales due to economic factors, the cost of living, and market demand for tech workers. - **Education Level**: Indicate the highest level of education you have completed. Higher educational qualifications often correlate with higher earning potential in the tech industry. - **Remote Work**: Specify whether you primarily work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid setup. Remote work setups can affect salary offers, especially if hiring companies are based in different geographic areas. - **CompTotal**: Enter your expected total compensation, which includes salary, bonuses, and other benefits. This field is crucial for setting a base for salary predictions and facilitates comparisons. - **Years of Experience**: Provide the number of years you've been in a coding-related job. Generally, more years of experience are associated with higher salaries due to skill accumulation and professional development. **Data Processing**: - The app employs a pre-processed dataset, cleaned and prepared for model training. - It utilizes features including country, education level, and years of experience for predictions. - Models are loaded from disk, obtaining predictions based on user-provided input. **Prediction**: The app performs predictions with loaded models and calculates performance metrics like R2 score. **Results Display**: The predicted salary and model performance metrics are presented in a user-friendly format. > Usage: Fill out the developer information and click "Predict Salary" to derive insights on anticipated salary and model performance. > Disclaimer: This application serves educational purposes. Predictions are not guaranteed to be accurate. ''')