search-patents-datewise / patentwiz /
DrishtiSharma's picture
3491a63 verified
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import os
import requests
import zipfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pickle
def download_weekly_patents(year, month, day, logging):
Download weekly patent files from the USPTO website based on a specific date.
year (int): The year of the patent.
month (int): The month of the patent.
day (int): The day of the patent.
logging (bool): The boolean to print logs
bool: True if the download is successful, False otherwise.
# Check if the "data" folder exists and create one if it doesn't
data_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data")
if not os.path.exists(data_folder):
if logging:
print("Data folder not found. Creating a new 'data' folder.")
directory = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "data", "ipa" + str(year)[2:] + f"{month:02d}" + f"{day:02d}"
if os.path.exists(directory):
print(f"File {directory} already exists. Skipping download.")
return True
if logging:
print("Building the URL...")
base_url = ""
file_url = (
+ "/"
+ str(year)
+ "/ipa"
+ str(year)[2:]
+ f"{month:02d}"
+ f"{day:02d}"
+ ".zip"
if logging:
print(f"URL constructed: {file_url}")
r = requests.get(file_url, stream=True)
if logging:
print("Requesting the file...")
if r.status_code == 200:
if logging:
print("File retrieved successfully. Starting download...")
local_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data", "")
with open(local_path, "wb") as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk:
if logging:
print("File downloaded successfully. Starting extraction...")
with zipfile.ZipFile(local_path, "r") as zip_ref:
zip_ref.extractall(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data"))
if logging:
print("File extracted successfully.")
# Deleting the ZIP file after extraction
if logging:
print(f"ZIP file {local_path} deleted after extraction.")
return True
"File could not be downloaded. Please make sure the year, month, and day are correct."
return False
def filter_rf_patents(patents, keywords=None):
Filters patents based on RF-related keywords.
patents (list): A list of patent descriptions.
keywords (list): Keywords to filter patents.
list: Filtered patents containing RF-related keywords.
if keywords is None:
keywords = [
"RF", "Radio Frequency", "Wireless Communication", "Microwave Antenna", " Microwave Devices", "Antenna",
"Antenna Array", "Beamforming", "Analog beamforming", "Digital Beamforming", "Radiation Pattern",
"Antenna Gain", "Antenna Bandwidth", "5G", "6G", "IoT", "RF Spectrum", "RF Filter", "Power Amplifier",
"High Frequency Oscillator", "RF Mixer", "RF Coupler", "Standing Wave Ratio", "SWR",
"Voltage Standing Wave Ratio", "VSWR", "Transceiver", "Patch Antenna", "Parabolic Antenna", "Dipole Antenna",
"Directional Coupler", "Phased Array Antenna", "Wireless Charging", "Inductive charging", "Transparent Antenna",
"Scattering Parameters", "Smith Chart"
rf_patents = [
patent for patent in patents if any(keyword.lower() in patent.lower() for keyword in keywords)
return rf_patents
def extract_patents(year, month, day, logging):
This function reads a patent file in XML format, splits it into individual patents, parses each
XML file, and saves each patent as a separate txt file in a directory named 'data'.
year (int): The year of the patent file to process.
month (int): The month of the patent file to process.
day (int): The day of the patent file to process.
logging (bool): The boolean to print logs
The function creates a separate XML file for each patent and stores these files in
a directory. The directory is named based on the year, month, and day provided.
If the directory does not exist, the function creates it. The function also prints
the total number of patents found.
directory = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "data", "ipa" + str(year)[2:] + f"{month:02d}" + f"{day:02d}"
saved_patent_names_path = os.path.join(directory, 'saved_patent_names.pkl')
if os.path.exists(directory):
print(f"File {directory} already exists. Skipping extract.")
# Load saved_patent_names from file
with open(saved_patent_names_path, 'rb') as f:
saved_patent_names = pickle.load(f)
return saved_patent_names
if logging:
print("Locating the patent file...")
file_path = os.path.join(
"ipa" + str(year)[2:] + f"{month:02d}" + f"{day:02d}" + ".xml",
if logging:
print("Reading the patent file...")
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
contents =
if logging:
print("Splitting the XML file into individual XMLs...")
temp = contents.split('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
allXmls = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + s.replace("\n", "") for s in temp
# saving only the XMLs that contain a patent
patents = []
for xml_string in allXmls:
start_index = xml_string.find("<!DOCTYPE")
end_index = xml_string.find(">", start_index)
if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1:
doctype_declaration = xml_string[start_index : end_index + 1]
# Extract only the name of the DOCTYPE
doctype_name = doctype_declaration.split()[1]
if doctype_name == "us-patent-application":
if logging:
print(f"Total patents found: {len(patents)}")
print("Writing individual patents to separate txt files...")
saved_patent_names = []
for patent in patents:
root = ET.fromstring(patent)
patent_id = root.find(
file_id = root.attrib["file"]
ipcr_classifications = root.findall(".//classification-ipcr")
if any(ipcr.find("./section").text == "C" for ipcr in ipcr_classifications):
description_element = root.find(".//description")
description_text = get_full_text(description_element)
# Filter RF-relevant content
filtered_description = filter_rf_patents(description_text)
if filtered_description:
description_string = " ".join(filtered_description)
output_file_path = os.path.join(directory, f"{file_id}.txt")
with open(output_file_path, "w") as f:
elif logging:
f"Patent {patent_id} does not belong to section 'C'. Skipping this patent."
except ET.ParseError as e:
print(f"Error while parsing patent: {patent_id}. Skipping this patent.")
print(f"Error message: {e}")
# Save saved_patent_names to file
with open(saved_patent_names_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(saved_patent_names, f)
if logging:
print("Patent extraction complete.")
# Deleting the main XML file after extraction
if logging:
print(f"Main XML file {file_path} deleted after extraction.")
return saved_patent_names
def get_full_text(element):
Recursively parse XML elements and retrieve the full text from the XML tree.
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): The root XML element to start parsing.
list: A list of strings containing the full text from the XML element and its children.
text = []
if element.text is not None and element.text.strip():
for child in element:
if child.tail is not None and child.tail.strip():
return text
def parse_and_save_patents(start_date, end_date, logging=False):
Download weekly patent files from the USPTO website for a range of dates, extract individual
patents from the downloaded file, parse each patent's content, and save the information
as separate text files.
start_date (datetime): The start date of the range.
end_date (datetime): The end date of the range.
logging (bool): The boolean to print logs
list: A list of strings containing the names of saved patent text files.
all_saved_patent_names = []
current_date = start_date
while current_date <= end_date:
year, month, day = current_date.year, current_date.month,
if logging:
print(f"Processing patents for {current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}...")
download_success = download_weekly_patents(year, month, day, logging)
if download_success:
saved_patent_names = extract_patents(year, month, day, logging)
current_date += timedelta(days=7) # USPTO weekly files are organized by week
return all_saved_patent_names