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import argparse
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import random
import re
from http import HTTPStatus
from pathlib import Path
import dashscope
import requests
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm
def set_api_key(api_type, api_yaml_path):
"""设置 api key
api_type (str): api 类型
api_yaml_path (str): api yaml 文件路径
# 读取 yaml 文件
with open(api_yaml_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
api_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
# 设置 api key
if api_type == "qwen":
api_key = api_yaml["ali_qwen_api_key"]
dashscope.api_key = api_key
elif api_type == "ernie":
api_key = api_yaml["baidu_ernie_api_key"]
raise ValueError("api_type must be qwen or ernie")
return api_key
def call_qwen_message(content_str, model_type=dashscope.Generation.Models.qwen_turbo):
response =, prompt=content_str)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Maybe connect error , try again : {e}")
response =, prompt=content_str)
if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
print("Used token: ", response.usage)
response_str = response.output.text
"Request id: %s, Status code: %s, error code: %s, error message: %s"
% (
response_str = "Error"
return response_str
def call_ernie_message(content_str, access_token):
url = f"{access_token}"
payload = json.dumps(
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": content_str},
"disable_search": False,
"enable_citation": False,
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
# 获取 body 中的数据
response_json = response.json()
print("Used token: ", response_json["usage"])
response_str = response_json["result"]
response_str = "Error"
return response_str
def format_json_from_response(func, content_str, func_args, model_name):
response = func(content_str, func_args)
if "```json" in response:
response = re.findall(r"```json(.*)```", response, flags=re.DOTALL)[0]
# 去掉导致 json 格式化失败的字符
response = response.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("”", '"').replace("“", '"')
if model_name == "qwen":
# qwen 需要检查文案中是否有 " ,并替换为单引号 '
# 查找第一个 output 的字符串
output_start = response.find('"output": "')
if output_start != -1:
# 查找第二个 output 的字符位置
output_end = response.find("}", output_start + 1)
if output_end != -1:
response = list(response)
# 截取第二个 output 的字符串
check_len = len(response[output_start + len('"output": "') : output_end - 10])
for idx in range(check_len):
str_idx = output_start + len('"output": "') + idx
if response[str_idx] == '"':
response[str_idx] = "'"
response = "".join(response)
# 加上 strict=False 解决 decode Invalid control character
format_json = json.loads(response, strict=False)
return format_json, response
def process_request(func, content_str, func_args, model_name):
func (_type_): _description_
content_str (_type_): _description_
func_args (str):
qwen: model_type
ernie: api_key
_type_: _description_
format_json, response = format_json_from_response(func, content_str, func_args, model_name)
except Exception as e:
# 再试一次
print(f"\n Got error, try again <== {e} \n")
if isinstance(e, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
print(f"JSONDecodeError doc 1: {str(e.doc)} \n")
format_json, response = format_json_from_response(func, content_str, func_args, model_name)
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n Got error <== {e} \n")
if isinstance(e, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
print(f"JSONDecodeError doc 2: {str(e.doc)} \n")
with open(f"error-{model_name}.log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f_error:
if isinstance(e, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
f_error.write(f"JSONDecodeError doc: {str(e.doc)} \n")
format_json = {"Error": "Error"}
return format_json
def gen_product_highlights(dastset_yaml_path, api_yaml_path):
"""根据产品的 yaml 文件生成每个产品的特点描述
dastset_yaml_path (str): 数据集的 yaml 文件路径
api_yaml_path (_type_): api 的 yaml 文件路径
# 读取 yaml 文件
with open(dastset_yaml_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
dataset_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
set_api_key("qwen", api_yaml_path)
for _, products in dataset_yaml["product_list"].items():
for product_class, product in products.items():
product_str = str(product).replace("'", "")
print(f"Process: {product_str}")
product_highlights = call_qwen_message(
code_block = re.findall(r"```python(.*)```", product_highlights, flags=re.DOTALL)[0]
if " = " in code_block[:20]:
code_block = code_block.split(" = ")[1]
products[product_class] = eval(re.findall(r"```python(.*)```", product_highlights, flags=re.DOTALL)[0])
# 保存 yaml 文件
with open(f"{dastset_yaml_path}", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
yaml.dump(dataset_yaml, f, allow_unicode=True)
def gen_dataset(dastset_yaml_path: str, api_yaml_path: str, save_json_root: Path, model_name: str, specific_name=""):
# 确保文件夹存在
save_json_root.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# 读取 yaml 文件
with open(dastset_yaml_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
dataset_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
if specific_name != "":
assert (
specific_name in dataset_yaml["role_type"]
), f"{specific_name} not in dataset_yaml['role_type'] ({dataset_yaml['role_type']}), pls check dataset yaml!"
# 设置 api key
api_key = set_api_key(model_name, api_yaml_path)
data_gen_setting = dataset_yaml["data_generation_setting"]
gen_num = data_gen_setting["each_product_gen"]
each_pick_hightlight = data_gen_setting["each_pick_hightlight"]
each_pick_question = data_gen_setting["each_pick_question"]
# qwen 配置调取的模型种类,确保有个一是最强模型
# gen_model_type = [dashscope.Generation.Models.qwen_plus] * (gen_num - 2)
# gen_model_type += [dashscope.Generation.Models.qwen_max] * 2
qwen_model_type = [dashscope.Generation.Models.qwen_max] * gen_num
for role_type, role_character in dataset_yaml["role_type"].items():
if specific_name != "" and role_type != specific_name:
# 只生成特定人物的
print(f"specific_name = {specific_name}, skipping for {role_type}")
gen_json = dict()
save_json_path = save_json_root.joinpath(f"{model_name}_{role_type}_train.json")
bk_json_path = save_json_root.joinpath(f"{model_name}_{role_type}_train.json.bk")
# 加载之前已经有的 json
if save_json_path.exists():
with open(save_json_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
gen_json = json.load(f)
# 加载成功的话,再删除备份的 json
if bk_json_path.exists():
# 遍历所有产品,方便进度条显示
list_product = [
for _, products in dataset_yaml["product_list"].items()
for _, product_name_list in products.items()
for product_name in product_name_list.keys()
# 生成人物性格
character = "、".join(role_character)
pbar = tqdm(total=len(list_product))
# 遍历产品
for _, products in dataset_yaml["product_list"].items():
for _, product_name_list in products.items():
for product, hightlights in product_name_list.items():
if product in gen_json:
# 跳过已经有的
gen_json.update({product: []})
# 生成数据
for idx in range(gen_num):
# 随机抽取 ${each_pick_hightlight} 个产品特性
if each_pick_hightlight >= len(hightlights):
# 超过打乱,增加随机性
hightlights_list = random.shuffle(hightlights)
hightlights_list = random.sample(hightlights, each_pick_hightlight)
hightlight_str = "、".join(hightlights_list)
# 随机抽取 ${each_pick_question} 个提问角度
if each_pick_question >= len(dataset_yaml["customer_question_type"]):
# 超过打乱,增加随机性
customer_question_type = random.shuffle(dataset_yaml["customer_question_type"])
customer_question_type = random.sample(dataset_yaml["customer_question_type"], each_pick_question)
customer_question_str = "、".join(customer_question_type)
# 商品信息
product_info_str = dataset_yaml["product_info_struct"][0].replace("{name}", product)
product_info_str += dataset_yaml["product_info_struct"][1].replace("{highlights}", hightlight_str)
content_str = (
.replace("{role_type}", role_type)
.replace("{character}", character)
.replace("{product_info}", product_info_str)
.replace("{customer_question}", customer_question_str)
.replace("{each_conversation_qa}", str(data_gen_setting["each_conversation_qa"]))
data_gen_setting["dataset_json_format"].replace("{product_info}", product_info_str),
print(f"\n Resquest [ {model_name} ] {idx + 1}/{gen_num} ==> {content_str} \n")
if model_name == "qwen":
format_json = process_request(call_qwen_message, content_str, qwen_model_type[idx], model_name)
elif model_name == "ernie":
format_json = process_request(call_ernie_message, content_str, api_key, model_name)
raise ValueError(f"model_name {model_name} not support")
if "conversation" in format_json and len(format_json["conversation"]) > 0:
# 第一个结果因为节省 token,需要将 system 和 input 放回去
conversation_setting = deepcopy(dataset_yaml["conversation_setting"])
system_str = (
conversation_setting["system"].replace("{role_type}", role_type).replace("{character}", character)
input_str = conversation_setting["first_input"].replace("{product_info}", product_info_str)
# 将第一个对话加入必要信息
format_json["conversation"][0] = {
"system": system_str,
"input": input_str,
"output": format_json["conversation"][0]["output"],
format_json = {"Error": "Error"}
print(f"\n Response [ {model_name} ] {idx + 1}/{gen_num} <== {format_json} \n")
# 备份旧的
if save_json_path.exists():
# 保存 json
with open(save_json_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(gen_json, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
# 如果保存成功,删掉旧的
if bk_json_path.exists():
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 例子:全部人物使用 Qwen api 生成数据
# cd /path/to/Streamer-Sales/dataset/gen_dataset
# python qwen
# 命令行输入参数
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gen Dataset")
parser.add_argument("model_name", type=str, choices=["qwen", "ernie"], help="Model name for data generation")
parser.add_argument("--data_yaml", type=str, default="../../configs/conversation_cfg.yaml", help="data setting file path")
parser.add_argument("--api_yaml", type=str, default="../../configs/api_cfg.yaml", help="api setting file path")
parser.add_argument("--output_dir", type=str, default="./train_dataset/response", help="generation json output dir")
parser.add_argument("--specific_name", type=str, default="", help="Character name for data generation")
args = parser.parse_args()
# 生成产品特性(可选)
# gen_product_highlights(args.data_yaml, args.api_yaml)
# 生成对话数据集
args.data_yaml, args.api_yaml, Path(args.output_dir), model_name=args.model_name, specific_name=args.specific_name