import random |
from datetime import datetime |
from pathlib import Path |
import streamlit as st |
from utils.web_configs import WEB_CONFIGS |
st.set_page_config( |
page_title="智能医导大模型", |
page_icon="🛒", |
layout="wide", |
initial_sidebar_state="expanded", |
menu_items={ |
"Get Help": "https://github.com/nhbdgtgefr/Intelligent-Medical-Guidance-Large-Model/tree/main", |
"About": "# 智能医导大模型", |
}, |
) |
from audiorecorder import audiorecorder |
from utils.asr.asr_worker import process_asr |
from utils.digital_human.digital_human_worker import show_video |
from utils.infer.lmdeploy_infer import get_turbomind_response |
from utils.model_loader import ASR_HANDLER, LLM_MODEL, RAG_RETRIEVER |
from utils.tools import resize_image |
def on_btn_click(*args, **kwargs): |
""" |
处理按钮点击事件的函数。 |
""" |
if kwargs["info"] == "清除对话历史": |
st.session_state.messages = [] |
elif kwargs["info"] == "返回科室页": |
st.session_state.page_switch = "app.py" |
else: |
st.session_state.button_msg = kwargs["info"] |
def init_sidebar(): |
""" |
初始化侧边栏界面,展示商品信息,并提供操作按钮。 |
""" |
asr_text = "" |
with st.sidebar: |
st.markdown("## 智能医导大模型") |
st.markdown("[智能医导大模型](https://github.com/nhbdgtgefr/Intelligent-Medical-Guidance-Large-Model)") |
st.subheader("功能点:", divider="grey") |
st.subheader("目前讲解") |
with st.container(height=400, border=True): |
st.subheader(st.session_state.product_name) |
image = resize_image(st.session_state.image_path, max_height=100) |
st.image(image, channels="bgr") |
st.subheader("科室特点", divider="grey") |
st.markdown(st.session_state.hightlight) |
want_to_buy_list = [ |
"我打算买了。", |
"我准备入手了。", |
"我决定要买了。", |
"我准备下单了。", |
"我将要购买这款产品。", |
"我准备买下来了。", |
"我准备将这个买下。", |
"我准备要购买了。", |
"我决定买下它。", |
"我准备将其买下。", |
] |
buy_flag = st.button("加入信息🛒", on_click=on_btn_click, kwargs={"info": random.choice(want_to_buy_list)}) |
Path(WEB_CONFIGS.ASR_WAV_SAVE_PATH).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
st.subheader(f"语音输入", divider="grey") |
audio = audiorecorder( |
start_prompt="开始录音", stop_prompt="停止录音", pause_prompt="", show_visualizer=True, key=None |
) |
if len(audio) > 0: |
save_tag = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".wav" |
wav_path = str(Path(WEB_CONFIGS.ASR_WAV_SAVE_PATH).joinpath(save_tag).absolute()) |
audio.export(wav_path, format="wav") |
asr_text = process_asr(ASR_HANDLER, wav_path) |
st.subheader("TTS 配置", divider="grey") |
st.session_state.gen_tts_checkbox = st.toggle("生成语音", value=st.session_state.gen_tts_checkbox) |
st.subheader(f"数字人 配置", divider="grey") |
st.session_state.gen_digital_human_checkbox = st.toggle( |
"生成数字人视频", value=st.session_state.gen_digital_human_checkbox |
) |
st.subheader(f"Agent 配置", divider="grey") |
with st.container(border=True): |
st.markdown("**插件列表**") |
st.button("结合天气查询到货时间", type="primary") |
st.session_state.enable_agent_checkbox = st.toggle("使用 Agent 能力", value=st.session_state.enable_agent_checkbox) |
st.subheader("页面切换", divider="grey") |
st.button("返回科室页", on_click=on_btn_click, kwargs={"info": "返回科室页"}) |
st.subheader("对话设置", divider="grey") |
st.button("清除对话历史", on_click=on_btn_click, kwargs={"info": "清除对话历史"}) |
return asr_text |
def init_message_block(meta_instruction, user_avator, robot_avator): |
for message in st.session_state.messages: |
with st.chat_message(message["role"], avatar=message.get("avatar")): |
st.markdown(message["content"]) |
if message.get("wav") is not None: |
print(f"Load wav {message['wav']}") |
with open(message["wav"], "rb") as f_wav: |
audio_bytes = f_wav.read() |
st.audio(audio_bytes, format="audio/wav") |
if len(st.session_state.messages) == 0: |
get_turbomind_response( |
st.session_state.first_input, |
meta_instruction, |
user_avator, |
robot_avator, |
session_messages=st.session_state.messages, |
add_session_msg=False, |
first_input_str="", |
enable_agent=False, |
) |
if "button_msg" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.button_msg = "x-x" |
def process_message(user_avator, prompt, meta_instruction, robot_avator): |
with st.chat_message("user", avatar=user_avator): |
st.markdown(prompt) |
get_turbomind_response( |
prompt, |
meta_instruction, |
user_avator, |
robot_avator, |
session_messages=st.session_state.messages, |
add_session_msg=True, |
first_input_str=st.session_state.first_input, |
rag_retriever=RAG_RETRIEVER, |
product_name=st.session_state.product_name, |
enable_agent=st.session_state.enable_agent_checkbox, |
) |
def main(meta_instruction): |
if st.session_state.page_switch != st.session_state.current_page: |
st.switch_page(st.session_state.page_switch) |
st.title("智能医导大模型") |
st.info( |
"本项目是基于人工智能的文字、语音、视频生成领域搭建的智能医导大模型。用户被授予使用此工具创建文字、语音、视频的自由,但用户在使用过程中应该遵守当地法律,并负责任地使用。开发人员不对用户可能的不当使用承担任何责任。", |
icon="❗", |
) |
asr_text = init_sidebar() |
if "messages" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.messages = [] |
message_col = None |
if st.session_state.gen_digital_human_checkbox and WEB_CONFIGS.ENABLE_DIGITAL_HUMAN: |
with st.container(): |
message_col, video_col = st.columns([0.6, 0.4]) |
with video_col: |
st.session_state.video_placeholder = st.empty() |
with st.session_state.video_placeholder.container(): |
show_video(st.session_state.digital_human_video_path, autoplay=True, loop=True, muted=True) |
with message_col: |
init_message_block(meta_instruction, WEB_CONFIGS.USER_AVATOR, WEB_CONFIGS.ROBOT_AVATOR) |
else: |
init_message_block(meta_instruction, WEB_CONFIGS.USER_AVATOR, WEB_CONFIGS.ROBOT_AVATOR) |
hint_msg = "你好,你可以向我提出任何关于就诊的问题,我将竭诚为您服务" |
if st.session_state.button_msg != "x-x": |
prompt = st.session_state.button_msg |
st.session_state.button_msg = "x-x" |
st.chat_input(hint_msg) |
elif asr_text != "" and st.session_state.asr_text_cache != asr_text: |
prompt = asr_text |
st.chat_input(hint_msg) |
st.session_state.asr_text_cache = asr_text |
else: |
prompt = st.chat_input(hint_msg) |
if prompt: |
if message_col is None: |
process_message(WEB_CONFIGS.USER_AVATOR, prompt, meta_instruction, WEB_CONFIGS.ROBOT_AVATOR) |
else: |
with message_col: |
process_message(WEB_CONFIGS.USER_AVATOR, prompt, meta_instruction, WEB_CONFIGS.ROBOT_AVATOR) |
print("into sales page") |
st.session_state.current_page = "pages/selling_page.py" |
if "sales_info" not in st.session_state or st.session_state.sales_info == "": |
st.session_state.page_switch = "app.py" |
st.switch_page("app.py") |
main((st.session_state.sales_info)) |