import base64 from datetime import datetime import hashlib import json import os from typing import Optional, Type import jionlp as jio import requests from lagent.actions.base_action import BaseAction, tool_api from lagent.actions.parser import BaseParser, JsonParser from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode from utils.web_configs import WEB_CONFIGS ''' class DeliveryTimeQueryAction(BaseAction): """快递时效查询插件,用于根据用户提出的收货地址查询到达期限""" def __init__( self, # departure_place: str, # delivery_company_name: str, description: Optional[dict] = None, parser: Type[BaseParser] = JsonParser, enable: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(description, parser, enable) self.departure_place = departure_place # 发货地 # 天气查询 self.weather_query_handler = WeatherQuery(departure_place, WEB_CONFIGS.AGENT_WEATHER_API_KEY) self.delivery_time_handler = DeliveryTimeQuery(delivery_company_name, WEB_CONFIGS.AGENT_DELIVERY_TIME_API_KEY) @tool_api def run(self, query: str) -> ActionReturn: """一个到货时间查询API。可以根据城市名查询到货时间信息。 Args: query (:class:`str`): 需要查询的城市名。 """ # 获取文本中收货地,发货地后台设置 # 防止 LLM 将城市识别错误,进行兜底 city_info = jio.parse_location(query, town_village=True) city_name = city_info["city"] # 获取收货地代号 -> 天气 destination_weather = self.weather_query_handler(city_name) # 获取发货地代号 -> 天气 departure_weather = self.weather_query_handler(self.departure_place) # 获取到达时间 delivery_time = self.delivery_time_handler(self.departure_place, city_name) final_str = ( f"今天日期:{'%m月%d日')}\n" f"收货地天气:{destination_weather.result[0]['content']}\n" f"发货地天气:{departure_weather.result[0]['content']}\n" f"物流信息:{delivery_time.result[0]['content']}\n" "回答突出“预计送达时间”和“收货地天气”,如果收货地或者发货地遇到暴雨暴雪等极端天气,须告知用户快递到达时间会有所增加。" ) tool_return = ActionReturn( tool_return.result = [dict(type="text", content=final_str)] return tool_return ''' ''' class WeatherQuery: """快递时效查询插件,用于根据用户提出的收货地址查询到达期限""" def __init__( self, departure_place: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.departure_place = departure_place # 发货地 # 天气查询 # api_key = os.environ.get("WEATHER_API_KEY", key) if api_key is None: raise ValueError("Please set Weather API key either in the environment as WEATHER_API_KEY") self.api_key = api_key self.location_query_url = "" self.weather_query_url = "" def parse_results(self, city_name: str, results: dict) -> str: """解析 API 返回的信息 Args: results (dict): JSON 格式的 API 报文。 Returns: str: 解析后的结果。 """ now = results["now"] data = ( # f'数据观测时间: {now["obsTime"]};' f"城市名: {city_name};" f'温度: {now["temp"]}°C;' f'体感温度: {now["feelsLike"]}°C;' f'天气: {now["text"]};' # f'风向: {now["windDir"]},角度为 {now["wind360"]}°;' f'风力等级: {now["windScale"]},风速为 {now["windSpeed"]} km/h;' f'相对湿度: {now["humidity"]};' f'当前小时累计降水量: {now["precip"]} mm;' # f'大气压强: {now["pressure"]} 百帕;' f'能见度: {now["vis"]} km。' ) return data def __call__(self, query): tool_return = ActionReturn() status_code, response = self.search_weather_with_city(query) if status_code == -1: tool_return.errmsg = response tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.HTTP_ERROR elif status_code == 200: parsed_res = self.parse_results(query, response) tool_return.result = [dict(type="text", content=str(parsed_res))] tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS else: tool_return.errmsg = str(status_code) tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.API_ERROR return tool_return def search_weather_with_city(self, query: str): """根据城市名获取城市代号,然后进行天气查询 Args: query (str): 城市名 Returns: int: 天气接口调用状态码 dict: 天气接口返回信息 """ # 获取城市代号 try: city_code_response = requests.get(self.location_query_url, params={"key": self.api_key, "location": query}) except Exception as e: return -1, str(e) if city_code_response.status_code != 200: return city_code_response.status_code, city_code_response.json() city_code_response = city_code_response.json() if len(city_code_response["location"]) == 0: return -1, "未查询到城市" city_code = city_code_response["location"][0]["id"] # 获取天气 try: weather_response = requests.get(self.weather_query_url, params={"key": self.api_key, "location": city_code}) except Exception as e: return -1, str(e) return weather_response.status_code, weather_response.json() ''' class DeliveryTimeQuery: def __init__( self, delivery_company_name: Optional[str] = "中通", api_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: # 快递时效查询 # api_key = os.environ.get("DELIVERY_TIME_API_KEY", key) if api_key is None or "," not in api_key: raise ValueError( 'Please set Delivery time API key either in the environment as DELIVERY_TIME_API_KEY="${e_business_id},${api_key}"' ) self.e_business_id = api_key.split(",")[0] self.api_key = api_key.split(",")[1] self.api_url = "" # 快递鸟 self.china_location = jio.china_location_loader() # 快递鸟对应的 DELIVERY_COMPANY_MAP = { "德邦": "DBL", "邮政": "EMS", "京东": "JD", "极兔速递": "JTSD", "顺丰": "SF", "申通": "STO", "韵达": "YD", "圆通": "YTO", "中通": "ZTO", } self.delivery_company_name = delivery_company_name self.delivery_company_id = DELIVERY_COMPANY_MAP[delivery_company_name] @staticmethod def data_md5(n): # md5加密 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(str(n).encode("utf-8")) return md5.hexdigest() def get_data_sign(self, n): # 签名 md5Data = self.data_md5(json.dumps(n) + self.api_key) res = str(base64.b64encode(md5Data.encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") return res def get_city_detail(self, name): # 如果是城市名,使用第一个区名 city_info = jio.parse_location(name, town_village=True) # china_location = jio.china_location_loader() county_name = "" for i in self.china_location[city_info["province"]][city_info["city"]].keys(): if "区" == i[-1]: county_name = i break return { "province": city_info["province"], "city": city_info["city"], "county": county_name, } def get_params(self, send_city, receive_city): # 根据市查出省份和区名称 send_city_info = self.get_city_detail(send_city) receive_city_info = self.get_city_detail(receive_city) # 预计送达时间接口文档; # 请求接口指令 RequestType = "6004" # 组装应用级参数 RequestData = { "ShipperCode": self.delivery_company_id, "ReceiveArea": receive_city_info["county"], "ReceiveCity": receive_city_info["city"], "ReceiveProvince": receive_city_info["province"], "SendArea": send_city_info["county"], "SendCity": send_city_info["city"], "SendProvince": send_city_info["province"], } # 组装系统级参数 data = { "RequestData": json.dumps(RequestData), "RequestType": RequestType, "EBusinessID": self.e_business_id, "DataSign": self.get_data_sign(RequestData), "DataType": 2, } return data def parse_results(self, response): # 返回例子: # { # "EBusinessID" : "1000000", # "Data" : { # "DeliveryTime" : "06月15日下午可达", # "SendAddress" : null, # "ReceiveArea" : "芙蓉区", # "SendProvince" : "广东省", # "ReceiveProvince" : "湖南省", # "ShipperCode" : "DBL", # "Hour" : "52h", # "SendArea" : "白云区", # "ReceiveAddress" : null, # "SendCity" : "广州市", # "ReceiveCity" : "长沙市" # }, # "ResultCode" : "100", # "Success" : true # } response = response["Data"] data = ( f'发货地点: {response["SendProvince"]} {response["SendCity"]};' f'收货地点: {response["ReceiveProvince"]} {response["ReceiveCity"]};' f'预计送达时间: {response["DeliveryTime"]};' f"快递公司: {self.delivery_company_name};" f'预计时效: {response["Hour"]}。' ) return data def __call__(self, send_city, receive_city): tool_return = ActionReturn() try: res =, self.get_params(send_city, receive_city)) status_code = res.status_code response = res.json() except Exception as e: tool_return.errmsg = str(e) tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.API_ERROR return tool_return if status_code == 200: parsed_res = self.parse_results(response) tool_return.result = [dict(type="text", content=str(parsed_res))] tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS else: tool_return.errmsg = str(status_code) tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.API_ERROR return tool_return