All  HOME ABOUT US LOGIN REGISTER EDITORIAL BOARD ARCHIVES AUTHOR INDEX TITLE INDEX CART 0 Home > Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2017 > Taware MENU Indexing/Abstracting Open Access Subscription or Fee Access Total views : 682 Current Issue Impact of Integrated Yoga Module on Leadership Competencies of Managers Subscription/Renewal Online Subscription of Journals Datta S. Taware 1*, Sony Kumari 2, K. B. Akhilesh 3, H. R. Nagendra 4 Affiliations 1. Research Scholar, Division of Yoga and Management, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Prashanti Kutiram, Jigani Hobli, Bangalore - 560 105, India 2. Associate Professor, Division of Yoga and Management, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Prashanti Kutiram, Jigani Hobli, Bangalore - 560 105, India 3. Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, C V Raman Avenue, Bangalore- 560 012, India 4. Chancellor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Prashanti Kutiram, Jigani Hobli, Bangalore - 560 105, India DOI: 10.17010/pijom/2017/v10i7/116491 Abstract Leadership remains one of the most researched topics, but scientific mechanisms behind the phenomenon are not yet known completely. Leadership competency is considered as a trait of a leader than a process in the organizational context. The purpose of this research was to explore the impact of integrated yoga module on leadership competencies as given in Indian transformational leadership (ITL) and propose a model for the leadership phenomenon. We conducted a randomized control trial study on a total of 126 managers with 90 days of intervention (integrated yoga module (yoga group) (n = 63) and physical exercise (PhyEx group) (n = 63) participants). Experiments revealed that leadership competencies were affected by both integrated yoga module and physical exercise significantly (p < 0.001). RM ANOVA results showed that yoga group showed high effect of size than physical exercise and had a consistent significant effect over repeated measures. The integrated yoga module was found to have a consistent positive impact on most of the leadership competencies with emotional and cognitive domains requiring willpower and self control, while physical exercise had a positive impact only on emotional domains of leadership competencies. Keywords Leadership Competency, Leadership Phenomenon, Indian Transformational Leadership, Willpower, Integrated Yoga Module, Physical Exercise Publishing Chronology D23, I31, J17, M53, Z12 Paper Submission Date : October 28, 2016 ; Paper sent back for Revision : May 10, 2017 ; Paper Acceptance Date : June 15, 2017. Full Text: | (PDF views: 0) References 1. Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60 (1), 421 - 449. 2. Bass, B. 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