import copy |
import math |
import warnings |
from typing import Optional |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from torch import Tensor |
from torch.nn import Dropout, LayerNorm, Linear, Module, ModuleList, Parameter |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
from torch.nn.init import constant_, xavier_uniform_ |
def multi_head_attention_forward(query, |
key, |
value, |
embed_dim_to_check, |
num_heads, |
in_proj_weight, |
in_proj_bias, |
bias_k, |
bias_v, |
add_zero_attn, |
dropout_p, |
out_proj_weight, |
out_proj_bias, |
training=True, |
key_padding_mask=None, |
need_weights=True, |
attn_mask=None, |
use_separate_proj_weight=False, |
q_proj_weight=None, |
k_proj_weight=None, |
v_proj_weight=None, |
static_k=None, |
static_v=None |
): |
r""" |
Args: |
query, key, value: map a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. |
See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details. |
embed_dim_to_check: total dimension of the model. |
num_heads: parallel attention heads. |
in_proj_weight, in_proj_bias: input projection weight and bias. |
bias_k, bias_v: bias of the key and value sequences to be added at dim=0. |
add_zero_attn: add a new batch of zeros to the key and |
value sequences at dim=1. |
dropout_p: probability of an element to be zeroed. |
out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias: the output projection weight and bias. |
training: apply dropout if is ``True``. |
key_padding_mask: if provided, specified padding elements in the key will |
be ignored by the attention. This is an binary mask. When the value is True, |
the corresponding value on the attention layer will be filled with -inf. |
need_weights: output attn_output_weights. |
attn_mask: 2D or 3D mask that prevents attention to certain positions. A 2D mask will be broadcasted for all |
the batches while a 3D mask allows to specify a different mask for the entries of each batch. |
use_separate_proj_weight: the function accept the proj. weights for query, key, |
and value in different forms. If false, in_proj_weight will be used, which is |
a combination of q_proj_weight, k_proj_weight, v_proj_weight. |
q_proj_weight, k_proj_weight, v_proj_weight, in_proj_bias: input projection weight and bias. |
static_k, static_v: static key and value used for attention operators. |
Shape: |
Inputs: |
- query: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- key: :math:`(S, N, E)`, where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- value: :math:`(S, N, E)` where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- key_padding_mask: :math:`(N, S)` where N is the batch size, S is the source sequence length. |
If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions will be ignored while the zero positions |
will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, the positions with the |
value of ``True`` will be ignored while the position with the value of ``False`` will be unchanged. |
- attn_mask: 2D mask :math:`(L, S)` where L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. |
3D mask :math:`(N*num_heads, L, S)` where N is the batch size, L is the target sequence length, |
S is the source sequence length. attn_mask ensures that position i is allowed to attend the unmasked |
positions. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions are not allowed to attend |
while the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, positions with ``True`` |
are not allowed to attend while ``False`` values will be unchanged. If a FloatTensor |
is provided, it will be added to the attention weight. |
- static_k: :math:`(N*num_heads, S, E/num_heads)`, where S is the source sequence length, |
N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. E/num_heads is the head dimension. |
- static_v: :math:`(N*num_heads, S, E/num_heads)`, where S is the source sequence length, |
N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. E/num_heads is the head dimension. |
Outputs: |
- attn_output: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, |
E is the embedding dimension. |
- attn_output_weights: :math:`(N, L, S)` where N is the batch size, |
L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. |
""" |
tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim = query.size() |
assert embed_dim == embed_dim_to_check |
assert key.size() == value.size() |
head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads |
assert head_dim * num_heads == embed_dim, "embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads" |
scaling = float(head_dim) ** -0.5 |
if not use_separate_proj_weight: |
if torch.equal(query, key) and torch.equal(key, value): |
q, k, v = F.linear(query, in_proj_weight, in_proj_bias).chunk(3, dim=-1) |
elif torch.equal(key, value): |
_b = in_proj_bias |
_start = 0 |
_end = embed_dim |
_w = in_proj_weight[_start:_end, :] |
if _b is not None: |
_b = _b[_start:_end] |
q = F.linear(query, _w, _b) |
if key is None: |
assert value is None |
k = None |
v = None |
else: |
_b = in_proj_bias |
_start = embed_dim |
_end = None |
_w = in_proj_weight[_start:, :] |
if _b is not None: |
_b = _b[_start:] |
k, v = F.linear(key, _w, _b).chunk(2, dim=-1) |
else: |
_b = in_proj_bias |
_start = 0 |
_end = embed_dim |
_w = in_proj_weight[_start:_end, :] |
if _b is not None: |
_b = _b[_start:_end] |
q = F.linear(query, _w, _b) |
_b = in_proj_bias |
_start = embed_dim |
_end = embed_dim * 2 |
_w = in_proj_weight[_start:_end, :] |
if _b is not None: |
_b = _b[_start:_end] |
k = F.linear(key, _w, _b) |
_b = in_proj_bias |
_start = embed_dim * 2 |
_end = None |
_w = in_proj_weight[_start:, :] |
if _b is not None: |
_b = _b[_start:] |
v = F.linear(value, _w, _b) |
else: |
q_proj_weight_non_opt = torch.jit._unwrap_optional(q_proj_weight) |
len1, len2 = q_proj_weight_non_opt.size() |
assert len1 == embed_dim and len2 == query.size(-1) |
k_proj_weight_non_opt = torch.jit._unwrap_optional(k_proj_weight) |
len1, len2 = k_proj_weight_non_opt.size() |
assert len1 == embed_dim and len2 == key.size(-1) |
v_proj_weight_non_opt = torch.jit._unwrap_optional(v_proj_weight) |
len1, len2 = v_proj_weight_non_opt.size() |
assert len1 == embed_dim and len2 == value.size(-1) |
if in_proj_bias is not None: |
q = F.linear(query, q_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias[0:embed_dim]) |
k = F.linear(key, k_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias[embed_dim:(embed_dim * 2)]) |
v = F.linear(value, v_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias[(embed_dim * 2):]) |
else: |
q = F.linear(query, q_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias) |
k = F.linear(key, k_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias) |
v = F.linear(value, v_proj_weight_non_opt, in_proj_bias) |
q = q * scaling |
if attn_mask is not None: |
assert attn_mask.dtype == torch.float32 or attn_mask.dtype == torch.float64 or \ |
attn_mask.dtype == torch.float16 or attn_mask.dtype == torch.uint8 or attn_mask.dtype == torch.bool, \ |
'Only float, byte, and bool types are supported for attn_mask, not {}'.format(attn_mask.dtype) |
if attn_mask.dtype == torch.uint8: |
warnings.warn("Byte tensor for attn_mask in nn.MultiheadAttention is deprecated. Use bool tensor instead.") |
attn_mask = attn_mask.to(torch.bool) |
if attn_mask.dim() == 2: |
attn_mask = attn_mask.unsqueeze(0) |
if list(attn_mask.size()) != [1, query.size(0), key.size(0)]: |
raise RuntimeError('The size of the 2D attn_mask is not correct.') |
elif attn_mask.dim() == 3: |
if list(attn_mask.size()) != [bsz * num_heads, query.size(0), key.size(0)]: |
raise RuntimeError('The size of the 3D attn_mask is not correct.') |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("attn_mask's dimension {} is not supported".format(attn_mask.dim())) |
if bias_k is not None and bias_v is not None: |
if static_k is None and static_v is None: |
k = torch.cat([k, bias_k.repeat(1, bsz, 1)]) |
v = torch.cat([v, bias_v.repeat(1, bsz, 1)]) |
if attn_mask is not None: |
attn_mask = pad(attn_mask, (0, 1)) |
if key_padding_mask is not None: |
key_padding_mask = pad(key_padding_mask, (0, 1)) |
else: |
assert static_k is None, "bias cannot be added to static key." |
assert static_v is None, "bias cannot be added to static value." |
else: |
assert bias_k is None |
assert bias_v is None |
q = q.contiguous().view(tgt_len, bsz * num_heads, head_dim).transpose(0, 1) |
if k is not None: |
k = k.contiguous().view(-1, bsz * num_heads, head_dim).transpose(0, 1) |
if v is not None: |
v = v.contiguous().view(-1, bsz * num_heads, head_dim).transpose(0, 1) |
if static_k is not None: |
assert static_k.size(0) == bsz * num_heads |
assert static_k.size(2) == head_dim |
k = static_k |
if static_v is not None: |
assert static_v.size(0) == bsz * num_heads |
assert static_v.size(2) == head_dim |
v = static_v |
src_len = k.size(1) |
if key_padding_mask is not None: |
assert key_padding_mask.size(0) == bsz |
assert key_padding_mask.size(1) == src_len |
if add_zero_attn: |
src_len += 1 |
k = torch.cat([k, torch.zeros((k.size(0), 1) + k.size()[2:], dtype=k.dtype, device=k.device)], dim=1) |
v = torch.cat([v, torch.zeros((v.size(0), 1) + v.size()[2:], dtype=v.dtype, device=v.device)], dim=1) |
if attn_mask is not None: |
attn_mask = pad(attn_mask, (0, 1)) |
if key_padding_mask is not None: |
key_padding_mask = pad(key_padding_mask, (0, 1)) |
attn_output_weights = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(1, 2)) |
assert list(attn_output_weights.size()) == [bsz * num_heads, tgt_len, src_len] |
if attn_mask is not None: |
if attn_mask.dtype == torch.bool: |
attn_output_weights.masked_fill_(attn_mask, float('-inf')) |
else: |
attn_output_weights += attn_mask |
if key_padding_mask is not None: |
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) |
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.masked_fill( |
key_padding_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2), |
float('-inf'), |
) |
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz * num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) |
attn_output_weights = F.softmax( |
attn_output_weights, dim=-1) |
attn_output_weights = F.dropout(attn_output_weights, p=dropout_p, training=training) |
attn_output = torch.bmm(attn_output_weights, v) |
assert list(attn_output.size()) == [bsz * num_heads, tgt_len, head_dim] |
attn_output = attn_output.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim) |
attn_output = F.linear(attn_output, out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias) |
if need_weights: |
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) |
return attn_output, attn_output_weights.sum(dim=1) / num_heads |
else: |
return attn_output, None |
class MultiheadAttention(Module): |
r"""Allows the model to jointly attend to information |
from different representation subspaces. |
See reference: Attention Is All You Need |
.. math:: |
\text{MultiHead}(Q, K, V) = \text{Concat}(head_1,\dots,head_h)W^O |
\text{where} head_i = \text{Attention}(QW_i^Q, KW_i^K, VW_i^V) |
Args: |
embed_dim: total dimension of the model. |
num_heads: parallel attention heads. |
dropout: a Dropout layer on attn_output_weights. Default: 0.0. |
bias: add bias as module parameter. Default: True. |
add_bias_kv: add bias to the key and value sequences at dim=0. |
add_zero_attn: add a new batch of zeros to the key and |
value sequences at dim=1. |
kdim: total number of features in key. Default: None. |
vdim: total number of features in value. Default: None. |
Note: if kdim and vdim are None, they will be set to embed_dim such that |
query, key, and value have the same number of features. |
Examples:: |
>>> multihead_attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(embed_dim, num_heads) |
>>> attn_output, attn_output_weights = multihead_attn(query, key, value) |
""" |
__constants__ = ['q_proj_weight', 'k_proj_weight', 'v_proj_weight', 'in_proj_weight'] |
def __init__(self, embed_dim, num_heads, dropout=0., bias=True, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False, kdim=None, vdim=None): |
super(MultiheadAttention, self).__init__() |
self.embed_dim = embed_dim |
self.kdim = kdim if kdim is not None else embed_dim |
self.vdim = vdim if vdim is not None else embed_dim |
self._qkv_same_embed_dim = self.kdim == embed_dim and self.vdim == embed_dim |
self.num_heads = num_heads |
self.dropout = dropout |
self.head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads |
assert self.head_dim * num_heads == self.embed_dim, "embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads" |
if self._qkv_same_embed_dim is False: |
self.q_proj_weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(embed_dim, embed_dim)) |
self.k_proj_weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(embed_dim, self.kdim)) |
self.v_proj_weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(embed_dim, self.vdim)) |
self.register_parameter('in_proj_weight', None) |
else: |
self.in_proj_weight = Parameter(torch.empty(3 * embed_dim, embed_dim)) |
self.register_parameter('q_proj_weight', None) |
self.register_parameter('k_proj_weight', None) |
self.register_parameter('v_proj_weight', None) |
if bias: |
self.in_proj_bias = Parameter(torch.empty(3 * embed_dim)) |
else: |
self.register_parameter('in_proj_bias', None) |
self.out_proj = Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) |
if add_bias_kv: |
self.bias_k = Parameter(torch.empty(1, 1, embed_dim)) |
self.bias_v = Parameter(torch.empty(1, 1, embed_dim)) |
else: |
self.bias_k = self.bias_v = None |
self.add_zero_attn = add_zero_attn |
self._reset_parameters() |
def _reset_parameters(self): |
if self._qkv_same_embed_dim: |
xavier_uniform_(self.in_proj_weight) |
else: |
xavier_uniform_(self.q_proj_weight) |
xavier_uniform_(self.k_proj_weight) |
xavier_uniform_(self.v_proj_weight) |
if self.in_proj_bias is not None: |
constant_(self.in_proj_bias, 0.) |
constant_(self.out_proj.bias, 0.) |
if self.bias_k is not None: |
xavier_normal_(self.bias_k) |
if self.bias_v is not None: |
xavier_normal_(self.bias_v) |
def __setstate__(self, state): |
if '_qkv_same_embed_dim' not in state: |
state['_qkv_same_embed_dim'] = True |
super(MultiheadAttention, self).__setstate__(state) |
def forward(self, query, key, value, key_padding_mask=None, |
need_weights=True, attn_mask=None): |
r""" |
Args: |
query, key, value: map a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. |
See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details. |
key_padding_mask: if provided, specified padding elements in the key will |
be ignored by the attention. This is an binary mask. When the value is True, |
the corresponding value on the attention layer will be filled with -inf. |
need_weights: output attn_output_weights. |
attn_mask: 2D or 3D mask that prevents attention to certain positions. A 2D mask will be broadcasted for all |
the batches while a 3D mask allows to specify a different mask for the entries of each batch. |
Shape: |
- Inputs: |
- query: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- key: :math:`(S, N, E)`, where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- value: :math:`(S, N, E)` where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is |
the embedding dimension. |
- key_padding_mask: :math:`(N, S)` where N is the batch size, S is the source sequence length. |
If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions will be ignored while the position |
with the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, the positions with the |
value of ``True`` will be ignored while the position with the value of ``False`` will be unchanged. |
- attn_mask: 2D mask :math:`(L, S)` where L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. |
3D mask :math:`(N*num_heads, L, S)` where N is the batch size, L is the target sequence length, |
S is the source sequence length. attn_mask ensure that position i is allowed to attend the unmasked |
positions. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions are not allowed to attend |
while the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, positions with ``True`` |
is not allowed to attend while ``False`` values will be unchanged. If a FloatTensor |
is provided, it will be added to the attention weight. |
- Outputs: |
- attn_output: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, |
E is the embedding dimension. |
- attn_output_weights: :math:`(N, L, S)` where N is the batch size, |
L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. |
""" |
if not self._qkv_same_embed_dim: |
return multi_head_attention_forward( |
query, key, value, self.embed_dim, self.num_heads, |
self.in_proj_weight, self.in_proj_bias, |
self.bias_k, self.bias_v, self.add_zero_attn, |
self.dropout, self.out_proj.weight, self.out_proj.bias, |
training=self.training, |
key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, need_weights=need_weights, |
attn_mask=attn_mask, use_separate_proj_weight=True, |
q_proj_weight=self.q_proj_weight, k_proj_weight=self.k_proj_weight, |
v_proj_weight=self.v_proj_weight) |
else: |
return multi_head_attention_forward( |
query, key, value, self.embed_dim, self.num_heads, |
self.in_proj_weight, self.in_proj_bias, |
self.bias_k, self.bias_v, self.add_zero_attn, |
self.dropout, self.out_proj.weight, self.out_proj.bias, |
training=self.training, |
key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, need_weights=need_weights, |
attn_mask=attn_mask) |
class Transformer(Module): |
r"""A transformer model. User is able to modify the attributes as needed. The architecture |
is based on the paper "Attention Is All You Need". Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, |
Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and |
Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all you need. In Advances in Neural Information |
Processing Systems, pages 6000-6010. Users can build the BERT(https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.04805) |
model with corresponding parameters. |
Args: |
d_model: the number of expected features in the encoder/decoder inputs (default=512). |
nhead: the number of heads in the multiheadattention models (default=8). |
num_encoder_layers: the number of sub-encoder-layers in the encoder (default=6). |
num_decoder_layers: the number of sub-decoder-layers in the decoder (default=6). |
dim_feedforward: the dimension of the feedforward network model (default=2048). |
dropout: the dropout value (default=0.1). |
activation: the activation function of encoder/decoder intermediate layer, relu or gelu (default=relu). |
custom_encoder: custom encoder (default=None). |
custom_decoder: custom decoder (default=None). |
Examples:: |
>>> transformer_model = nn.Transformer(nhead=16, num_encoder_layers=12) |
>>> src = torch.rand((10, 32, 512)) |
>>> tgt = torch.rand((20, 32, 512)) |
>>> out = transformer_model(src, tgt) |
Note: A full example to apply nn.Transformer module for the word language model is available in |
https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/word_language_model |
""" |
def __init__(self, d_model=512, nhead=8, num_encoder_layers=6, |
num_decoder_layers=6, dim_feedforward=2048, dropout=0.1, |
activation="relu", custom_encoder=None, custom_decoder=None): |
super(Transformer, self).__init__() |
if custom_encoder is not None: |
self.encoder = custom_encoder |
else: |
encoder_layer = TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model, nhead, dim_feedforward, dropout, activation) |
encoder_norm = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.encoder = TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_encoder_layers, encoder_norm) |
if custom_decoder is not None: |
self.decoder = custom_decoder |
else: |
decoder_layer = TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model, nhead, dim_feedforward, dropout, activation) |
decoder_norm = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.decoder = TransformerDecoder(decoder_layer, num_decoder_layers, decoder_norm) |
self._reset_parameters() |
self.d_model = d_model |
self.nhead = nhead |
def forward(self, src, tgt, src_mask=None, tgt_mask=None, |
memory_mask=None, src_key_padding_mask=None, |
tgt_key_padding_mask=None, memory_key_padding_mask=None): |
r"""Take in and process masked source/target sequences. |
Args: |
src: the sequence to the encoder (required). |
tgt: the sequence to the decoder (required). |
src_mask: the additive mask for the src sequence (optional). |
tgt_mask: the additive mask for the tgt sequence (optional). |
memory_mask: the additive mask for the encoder output (optional). |
src_key_padding_mask: the ByteTensor mask for src keys per batch (optional). |
tgt_key_padding_mask: the ByteTensor mask for tgt keys per batch (optional). |
memory_key_padding_mask: the ByteTensor mask for memory keys per batch (optional). |
Shape: |
- src: :math:`(S, N, E)`. |
- tgt: :math:`(T, N, E)`. |
- src_mask: :math:`(S, S)`. |
- tgt_mask: :math:`(T, T)`. |
- memory_mask: :math:`(T, S)`. |
- src_key_padding_mask: :math:`(N, S)`. |
- tgt_key_padding_mask: :math:`(N, T)`. |
- memory_key_padding_mask: :math:`(N, S)`. |
Note: [src/tgt/memory]_mask ensures that position i is allowed to attend the unmasked |
positions. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions are not allowed to attend |
while the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, positions with ``True`` |
are not allowed to attend while ``False`` values will be unchanged. If a FloatTensor |
is provided, it will be added to the attention weight. |
[src/tgt/memory]_key_padding_mask provides specified elements in the key to be ignored by |
the attention. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions will be ignored while the zero |
positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, the positions with the |
value of ``True`` will be ignored while the position with the value of ``False`` will be unchanged. |
- output: :math:`(T, N, E)`. |
Note: Due to the multi-head attention architecture in the transformer model, |
the output sequence length of a transformer is same as the input sequence |
(i.e. target) length of the decode. |
where S is the source sequence length, T is the target sequence length, N is the |
batch size, E is the feature number |
Examples: |
>>> output = transformer_model(src, tgt, src_mask=src_mask, tgt_mask=tgt_mask) |
""" |
if src.size(1) != tgt.size(1): |
raise RuntimeError("the batch number of src and tgt must be equal") |
if src.size(2) != self.d_model or tgt.size(2) != self.d_model: |
raise RuntimeError("the feature number of src and tgt must be equal to d_model") |
memory = self.encoder(src, mask=src_mask, src_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask) |
output = self.decoder(tgt, memory, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, memory_mask=memory_mask, |
tgt_key_padding_mask=tgt_key_padding_mask, |
memory_key_padding_mask=memory_key_padding_mask) |
return output |
def generate_square_subsequent_mask(self, sz): |
r"""Generate a square mask for the sequence. The masked positions are filled with float('-inf'). |
Unmasked positions are filled with float(0.0). |
""" |
mask = (torch.triu(torch.ones(sz, sz)) == 1).transpose(0, 1) |
mask = mask.float().masked_fill(mask == 0, float('-inf')).masked_fill(mask == 1, float(0.0)) |
return mask |
def _reset_parameters(self): |
r"""Initiate parameters in the transformer model.""" |
for p in self.parameters(): |
if p.dim() > 1: |
xavier_uniform_(p) |
class TransformerEncoder(Module): |
r"""TransformerEncoder is a stack of N encoder layers |
Args: |
encoder_layer: an instance of the TransformerEncoderLayer() class (required). |
num_layers: the number of sub-encoder-layers in the encoder (required). |
norm: the layer normalization component (optional). |
Examples:: |
>>> encoder_layer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8) |
>>> transformer_encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_layers=6) |
>>> src = torch.rand(10, 32, 512) |
>>> out = transformer_encoder(src) |
""" |
__constants__ = ['norm'] |
def __init__(self, encoder_layer, num_layers, norm=None): |
super(TransformerEncoder, self).__init__() |
self.layers = _get_clones(encoder_layer, num_layers) |
self.num_layers = num_layers |
self.norm = norm |
def forward(self, src, mask=None, src_key_padding_mask=None): |
r"""Pass the input through the encoder layers in turn. |
Args: |
src: the sequence to the encoder (required). |
mask: the mask for the src sequence (optional). |
src_key_padding_mask: the mask for the src keys per batch (optional). |
Shape: |
see the docs in Transformer class. |
""" |
output = src |
for i, mod in enumerate(self.layers): |
output = mod(output, src_mask=mask, src_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask) |
if self.norm is not None: |
output = self.norm(output) |
return output |
class TransformerDecoder(Module): |
r"""TransformerDecoder is a stack of N decoder layers |
Args: |
decoder_layer: an instance of the TransformerDecoderLayer() class (required). |
num_layers: the number of sub-decoder-layers in the decoder (required). |
norm: the layer normalization component (optional). |
Examples:: |
>>> decoder_layer = nn.TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8) |
>>> transformer_decoder = nn.TransformerDecoder(decoder_layer, num_layers=6) |
>>> memory = torch.rand(10, 32, 512) |
>>> tgt = torch.rand(20, 32, 512) |
>>> out = transformer_decoder(tgt, memory) |
""" |
__constants__ = ['norm'] |
def __init__(self, decoder_layer, num_layers, norm=None): |
super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() |
self.layers = _get_clones(decoder_layer, num_layers) |
self.num_layers = num_layers |
self.norm = norm |
def forward(self, tgt, memory, memory2=None, tgt_mask=None, |
memory_mask=None, memory_mask2=None, tgt_key_padding_mask=None, |
memory_key_padding_mask=None, memory_key_padding_mask2=None): |
r"""Pass the inputs (and mask) through the decoder layer in turn. |
Args: |
tgt: the sequence to the decoder (required). |
memory: the sequence from the last layer of the encoder (required). |
tgt_mask: the mask for the tgt sequence (optional). |
memory_mask: the mask for the memory sequence (optional). |
tgt_key_padding_mask: the mask for the tgt keys per batch (optional). |
memory_key_padding_mask: the mask for the memory keys per batch (optional). |
Shape: |
see the docs in Transformer class. |
""" |
output = tgt |
for mod in self.layers: |
output = mod(output, memory, memory2=memory2, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, |
memory_mask=memory_mask, memory_mask2=memory_mask2, |
tgt_key_padding_mask=tgt_key_padding_mask, |
memory_key_padding_mask=memory_key_padding_mask, |
memory_key_padding_mask2=memory_key_padding_mask2) |
if self.norm is not None: |
output = self.norm(output) |
return output |
class TransformerEncoderLayer(Module): |
r"""TransformerEncoderLayer is made up of self-attn and feedforward network. |
This standard encoder layer is based on the paper "Attention Is All You Need". |
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, |
Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all you need. In Advances in |
Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 6000-6010. Users may modify or implement |
in a different way during application. |
Args: |
d_model: the number of expected features in the input (required). |
nhead: the number of heads in the multiheadattention models (required). |
dim_feedforward: the dimension of the feedforward network model (default=2048). |
dropout: the dropout value (default=0.1). |
activation: the activation function of intermediate layer, relu or gelu (default=relu). |
Examples:: |
>>> encoder_layer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8) |
>>> src = torch.rand(10, 32, 512) |
>>> out = encoder_layer(src) |
""" |
def __init__(self, d_model, nhead, dim_feedforward=2048, dropout=0.1, |
activation="relu", debug=False): |
super(TransformerEncoderLayer, self).__init__() |
self.debug = debug |
self.self_attn = MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout) |
self.linear1 = Linear(d_model, dim_feedforward) |
self.dropout = Dropout(dropout) |
self.linear2 = Linear(dim_feedforward, d_model) |
self.norm1 = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.norm2 = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.dropout1 = Dropout(dropout) |
self.dropout2 = Dropout(dropout) |
self.activation = _get_activation_fn(activation) |
def __setstate__(self, state): |
if 'activation' not in state: |
state['activation'] = F.relu |
super(TransformerEncoderLayer, self).__setstate__(state) |
def forward(self, src, src_mask=None, src_key_padding_mask=None): |
r"""Pass the input through the encoder layer. |
Args: |
src: the sequence to the encoder layer (required). |
src_mask: the mask for the src sequence (optional). |
src_key_padding_mask: the mask for the src keys per batch (optional). |
Shape: |
see the docs in Transformer class. |
""" |
src2, attn = self.self_attn(src, src, src, attn_mask=src_mask, |
key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask) |
if self.debug: self.attn = attn |
src = src + self.dropout1(src2) |
src = self.norm1(src) |
src2 = self.linear2(self.dropout(self.activation(self.linear1(src)))) |
src = src + self.dropout2(src2) |
src = self.norm2(src) |
return src |
class TransformerDecoderLayer(Module): |
r"""TransformerDecoderLayer is made up of self-attn, multi-head-attn and feedforward network. |
This standard decoder layer is based on the paper "Attention Is All You Need". |
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, |
Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all you need. In Advances in |
Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 6000-6010. Users may modify or implement |
in a different way during application. |
Args: |
d_model: the number of expected features in the input (required). |
nhead: the number of heads in the multiheadattention models (required). |
dim_feedforward: the dimension of the feedforward network model (default=2048). |
dropout: the dropout value (default=0.1). |
activation: the activation function of intermediate layer, relu or gelu (default=relu). |
Examples:: |
>>> decoder_layer = nn.TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8) |
>>> memory = torch.rand(10, 32, 512) |
>>> tgt = torch.rand(20, 32, 512) |
>>> out = decoder_layer(tgt, memory) |
""" |
def __init__(self, d_model, nhead, dim_feedforward=2048, dropout=0.1, |
activation="relu", self_attn=True, siamese=False, debug=False): |
super(TransformerDecoderLayer, self).__init__() |
self.has_self_attn, self.siamese = self_attn, siamese |
self.debug = debug |
if self.has_self_attn: |
self.self_attn = MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout) |
self.norm1 = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.dropout1 = Dropout(dropout) |
self.multihead_attn = MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout) |
self.linear1 = Linear(d_model, dim_feedforward) |
self.dropout = Dropout(dropout) |
self.linear2 = Linear(dim_feedforward, d_model) |
self.norm2 = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.norm3 = LayerNorm(d_model) |
self.dropout2 = Dropout(dropout) |
self.dropout3 = Dropout(dropout) |
if self.siamese: |
self.multihead_attn2 = MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout) |
self.activation = _get_activation_fn(activation) |
def __setstate__(self, state): |
if 'activation' not in state: |
state['activation'] = F.relu |
super(TransformerDecoderLayer, self).__setstate__(state) |
def forward(self, tgt, memory, tgt_mask=None, memory_mask=None, |
tgt_key_padding_mask=None, memory_key_padding_mask=None, |
memory2=None, memory_mask2=None, memory_key_padding_mask2=None): |
r"""Pass the inputs (and mask) through the decoder layer. |
Args: |
tgt: the sequence to the decoder layer (required). |
memory: the sequence from the last layer of the encoder (required). |
tgt_mask: the mask for the tgt sequence (optional). |
memory_mask: the mask for the memory sequence (optional). |
tgt_key_padding_mask: the mask for the tgt keys per batch (optional). |
memory_key_padding_mask: the mask for the memory keys per batch (optional). |
Shape: |
see the docs in Transformer class. |
""" |
if self.has_self_attn: |
tgt2, attn = self.self_attn(tgt, tgt, tgt, attn_mask=tgt_mask, |
key_padding_mask=tgt_key_padding_mask) |
tgt = tgt + self.dropout1(tgt2) |
tgt = self.norm1(tgt) |
if self.debug: self.attn = attn |
tgt2, attn2 = self.multihead_attn(tgt, memory, memory, attn_mask=memory_mask, |
key_padding_mask=memory_key_padding_mask) |
if self.debug: self.attn2 = attn2 |
if self.siamese: |
tgt3, attn3 = self.multihead_attn2(tgt, memory2, memory2, attn_mask=memory_mask2, |
key_padding_mask=memory_key_padding_mask2) |
tgt = tgt + self.dropout2(tgt3) |
if self.debug: self.attn3 = attn3 |
tgt = tgt + self.dropout2(tgt2) |
tgt = self.norm2(tgt) |
tgt2 = self.linear2(self.dropout(self.activation(self.linear1(tgt)))) |
tgt = tgt + self.dropout3(tgt2) |
tgt = self.norm3(tgt) |
return tgt |
def _get_clones(module, N): |
return ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)]) |
def _get_activation_fn(activation): |
if activation == "relu": |
return F.relu |
elif activation == "gelu": |
return F.gelu |
raise RuntimeError("activation should be relu/gelu, not {}".format(activation)) |
class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module): |
r"""Inject some information about the relative or absolute position of the tokens |
in the sequence. The positional encodings have the same dimension as |
the embeddings, so that the two can be summed. Here, we use sine and cosine |
functions of different frequencies. |
.. math:: |
\text{PosEncoder}(pos, 2i) = sin(pos/10000^(2i/d_model)) |
\text{PosEncoder}(pos, 2i+1) = cos(pos/10000^(2i/d_model)) |
\text{where pos is the word position and i is the embed idx) |
Args: |
d_model: the embed dim (required). |
dropout: the dropout value (default=0.1). |
max_len: the max. length of the incoming sequence (default=5000). |
Examples: |
>>> pos_encoder = PositionalEncoding(d_model) |
""" |
def __init__(self, d_model, dropout=0.1, max_len=5000): |
super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__() |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) |
pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model) |
position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) |
div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-math.log(10000.0) / d_model)) |
pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) |
pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) |
pe = pe.unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, 1) |
self.register_buffer('pe', pe) |
def forward(self, x): |
r"""Inputs of forward function |
Args: |
x: the sequence fed to the positional encoder model (required). |
Shape: |
x: [sequence length, batch size, embed dim] |
output: [sequence length, batch size, embed dim] |
Examples: |
>>> output = pos_encoder(x) |
""" |
x = x + self.pe[:x.size(0), :] |
return self.dropout(x) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
transformer_model = Transformer(nhead=16, num_encoder_layers=12) |
src = torch.rand((10, 32, 512)) |
tgt = torch.rand((20, 32, 512)) |
out = transformer_model(src, tgt) |
print(out) |