{ "OpenAI API Key Required": "需要 OpenAI API 密钥", "Please set your OpenAI API key in the bottom left of the sidebar.": "请在侧边栏左下角设置您的 OpenAI API 密钥。", "If you don't have an OpenAI API key, you can get one here: ": "如果你没有 OpenAI API 密钥,你可以在此获取:", "Stop Generating": "停止生成", "Prompt limit is {{maxLength}} characters": "提示字数限制为 {{maxLength}} 个字符", "New Conversation": "新的聊天", "System Prompt": "系统提示", "You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Follow the user's instructions carefully. Respond using markdown.": "你是 ChatGPT,一个由 OpenAI 训练的大型语言模型。请仔细遵循用户的指示。使用 Markdown 格式进行回应。", "Enter a prompt": "输入一个提示", "Regenerate response": "重新生成回应", "Sorry, there was an error.": "抱歉,出现了错误。", "Model": "模型", "Conversation": "对话", "OR": "或", "Loading...": "加载中...", "Type a message or type \"/\" to select a prompt...": "输入一条消息或键入 \"/\" 以选择提示...", "Error fetching models.": "获取模型时出错。", "AI": "AI", "You": "你", "Cancel": "取消", "Save & Submit": "保存并提交", "Make sure your OpenAI API key is set in the bottom left of the sidebar.": "请确保您的 OpenAI API 密钥已在侧边栏左下角设置。", "If you completed this step, OpenAI may be experiencing issues.": "如果您已完成此步骤,OpenAI 可能遇到了问题。", "click if using a .env.local file": "click if using a .env.local file", "Message limit is {{maxLength}} characters. You have entered {{valueLength}} characters.": "消息字数限制为 {{maxLength}} 个字符。您已输入 {{valueLength}} 个字符。", "Please enter a message": "请输入一条消息", "Chatbot UI is an advanced chatbot kit for OpenAI's chat models aiming to mimic ChatGPT's interface and functionality.": "Chatbot UI 是一个高级聊天机器人工具包,旨在模仿 OpenAI 聊天模型的 ChatGPT 界面和功能。", "Are you sure you want to clear all messages?": "你确定要清除所有的消息吗?", "Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.": "较高的数值(例如0.8)会使输出更随机,而较低的数值(例如0.2)会使输出更加聚焦和确定性更强。", "View Account Usage": "查阅账户用量", "Temperature": "生成温度", "Precise": "保守", "Neutral": "中立", "Creative": "随性" }