import streamlit as st from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew import os from langchain_groq import ChatGroq from fpdf import FPDF import pandas as pd import as px import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tempfile import time # Title and Sidebar st.title("🤖 Patent Insights Consultant") st.sidebar.write( "This Patent Insights Consultant uses a multi-agent system to provide actionable insights and data analysis for the patent domain." ) # User Inputs patent_area = st.text_input('Enter Patent Technology Area', value="Artificial Intelligence") stakeholder = st.text_input('Enter Stakeholder', value="Patent Attorneys") # Advanced Options st.sidebar.subheader("Advanced Options") enable_advanced_analysis = st.sidebar.checkbox("Enable Advanced Analysis", value=True) enable_custom_visualization = st.sidebar.checkbox("Enable Custom Visualizations", value=True) # Optional Customization st.sidebar.subheader("Agent Customization") with st.sidebar.expander("Customize Agent Goals", expanded=False): enable_customization = st.checkbox("Enable Custom Goals") if enable_customization: planner_goal = st.text_area( "Planner Goal", value="Research trends in patent filings and technological innovation, identify key players, and provide strategic recommendations." ) writer_goal = st.text_area( "Writer Goal", value="Craft a professional insights document summarizing trends, strategies, and actionable outcomes for stakeholders." ) analyst_goal = st.text_area( "Analyst Goal", value="Perform detailed statistical analysis of patent filings, growth trends, and innovation distribution." ) else: planner_goal = "Research trends in patent filings and technological innovation, identify key players, and provide strategic recommendations." writer_goal = "Craft a professional insights document summarizing trends, strategies, and actionable outcomes for stakeholders." analyst_goal = "Perform detailed statistical analysis of patent filings, growth trends, and innovation distribution." #================= # LLM Object #================= llm = ChatGroq(groq_api_key=os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY"), model="groq/llama-3.3-70b-versatile") #================= # Crew Agents #================= planner = Agent( role="Patent Research Consultant", goal=planner_goal, backstory=( "You're tasked with researching {topic} patents and identifying key trends and players. Your work supports the Patent Writer and Data Analyst." ), allow_delegation=False, verbose=True, llm=llm ) writer = Agent( role="Patent Insights Writer", goal=writer_goal, backstory=( "Using the research from the Planner and data from the Analyst, craft a professional document summarizing patent insights for {stakeholder}." ), allow_delegation=False, verbose=True, llm=llm ) analyst = Agent( role="Patent Data Analyst", goal=analyst_goal, backstory=( "Analyze patent filing data and innovation trends in {topic} to provide statistical insights. Your analysis will guide the Writer's final report." ), allow_delegation=False, verbose=True, llm=llm ) #================= # Crew Tasks #================= plan = Task( description=( "1. Research recent trends in {topic} patent filings and innovation.\n" "2. Identify key players and emerging technologies.\n" "3. Provide recommendations for stakeholders on strategic directions.\n" "4. Limit the output to 500 words." ), expected_output="A research document with structured insights and strategic recommendations.", agent=planner ) write = Task( description=( "1. Use the Planner's and Analyst's outputs to craft a professional patent insights document.\n" "2. Include key findings, visual aids, and actionable strategies.\n" "3. Align content with stakeholder goals.\n" "4. Limit the document to 400 words." ), expected_output="A polished, stakeholder-ready patent insights document.", agent=writer ) analyse = Task( description=( "1. Perform statistical analysis of patent filing trends, innovation hot spots, and growth projections.\n" "2. Provide structured output with fields 'Category' and 'Values' for visualization.\n" "3. Collaborate with the Planner and Writer to align on data needs." ), expected_output="A detailed statistical analysis with actionable insights for stakeholders.", agent=analyst ) crew = Crew( agents=[planner, analyst, writer], tasks=[plan, analyse, write], verbose=True ) def generate_pdf_report(result, charts=None, table_data=None): """Generate a professional PDF report from the Crew output.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".pdf") as temp_pdf: pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) # Title pdf.set_font("Arial", size=16, style="B") pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Patent Insights Report", ln=True, align="C") pdf.ln(10) # Content pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, txt=result) # Add charts if provided if charts: for chart_path in charts: pdf.add_page() pdf.image(chart_path, x=10, y=20, w=180) # Add tables if provided if table_data: pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=10) for row in table_data: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=str(row), ln=True) # Save PDF pdf.output( return def create_visualizations(analyst_output): """Create visualizations for advanced insights.""" chart_paths = [] if enable_custom_visualization and analyst_output: try: st.markdown("#### Debugging Analyst Output") st.write(analyst_output) # Validate and format analyst output if isinstance(analyst_output, list) and all(isinstance(item, dict) for item in analyst_output): data = pd.DataFrame(analyst_output) if 'Category' in data.columns and 'Values' in data.columns: st.markdown("### Advanced Visualization") # Create a bar chart fig =, x="Category", y="Values", title="Patent Trends by Category") st.plotly_chart(fig) # Save chart to a file for embedding in PDF with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") as temp_chart: fig.write_image( chart_paths.append( else: st.warning("Data does not have the required columns 'Category' and 'Values'.") else: st.warning("Analyst output is not in the correct format for visualization.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to create visualizations: {e}") return chart_paths def display_table(analyst_output): """Display tabular data for detailed insights.""" table_data = [] if analyst_output and isinstance(analyst_output, list): try: st.markdown("#### Debugging Analyst Output for Table") st.write(analyst_output) data = pd.DataFrame(analyst_output) st.markdown("### Data Table") st.dataframe(data) table_data = data.to_dict(orient="records") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to display table: {e}") return table_data if st.button("Generate Patent Insights"): with st.spinner('Processing...'): try: start_time = time.time() results = crew.kickoff(inputs={"topic": patent_area, "stakeholder": stakeholder}) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # Display Final Report (Writer's Output) st.markdown("### Final Report:") writer_output = getattr(results.tasks_output[2], "raw", "No details available.") if writer_output: st.write(writer_output) else: st.warning("No final report available.") # Option for Detailed Insights with st.expander("Explore Detailed Insights"): tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Planner's Insights", "Analyst's Analysis"]) # Planner's Output with tab1: st.markdown("### Planner's Insights") planner_output = getattr(results.tasks_output[0], "raw", "No details available.") st.write(planner_output) # Analyst's Output with tab2: st.markdown("### Analyst's Analysis") analyst_output = getattr(results.tasks_output[1], "raw", "No details available.") st.write(analyst_output) # Generate visualizations if enabled charts = [] if enable_advanced_analysis: charts = create_visualizations(analyst_output) # Display tabular data table_data = display_table(analyst_output) # Display Token Usage and Execution Time st.success(f"Analysis completed in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds.") token_usage = getattr(results, "token_usage", None) if token_usage: st.markdown("#### Token Usage") st.json(token_usage) # Generate PDF Report if writer_output: pdf_path = generate_pdf_report(writer_output, charts=charts, table_data=table_data) with open(pdf_path, "rb") as report_file: st.download_button("Download Report", data=report_file, file_name="Patent_Report.pdf") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred during execution: {e}")