import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import os # Assuming these are the functions you've defined from main import ( default_dashboard_class, default_dashboard_student, plot_dashboard_class, plot_dashboard_student, ) from download_report import create_pdf # List of student names student_names = ["Brian Freeman", "Eric Wilson", "Charles Carpenter", "Joseph Lara", "Sara Rivera", "Penny White"] # List of available subjects subjects = ['maths', 'computer science', 'reading', 'writing', 'physics'] # Dictionary for options in each mode student_default_options = { "Plot Scores for the student": "Plot Scores for the student", "Plot Individual Semester Progress(Line Plot)": "Plot Individual Semester Progress(Line Plot)", "Plot Individual Semester Progress (Box Plot)": "Plot Individual Semester Progress (Box Plot)", "Improvements and Decline of Marks": "Improvements and Decline of Marks", } class_default_options = { "Scores with respect to gender": "Scores with respect to gender", "Impact of course completion on grades": "Impact of course completion on grades", "Mean Scores": "Mean Scores", "Median Scores": "Median Scores", "Highest Scores": "Highest Scores", "Lowest Scores": "Lowest Scores", } # Streamlit app def main(): st.title("Student Dashboards") dashboard_type ="Choose Dashboard Type", ("Student", "Class")) if dashboard_type == "Student": st.subheader("Student Dashboard") selected_student = st.selectbox("Select Student", student_names) dashboard_mode ="Dashboard Mode", ("Default", "Custom")) st.subheader("Download Student Report") image_folder = './requested_plots/' pdf_bytes = None output_file = None if st.button("Generate Report"): if selected_student and image_folder: output_file = create_pdf(selected_student, image_folder) with open(output_file, "rb") as f: pdf_bytes = if pdf_bytes is not None and output_file is not None: st.download_button(label="Download Report", data=pdf_bytes, file_name=output_file, mime="application/pdf") st.success("Report generated successfully!") if dashboard_mode == "Default": default_dashboard_student(selected_student) else: selected_plots = st.multiselect("Select Plots", list(student_default_options.keys())) plot_dashboard_student(selected_plots, selected_student, subjects) else: # Class dashboard st.subheader("Class Dashboard") class_mode ="Dashboard Mode", ("Default", "Custom")) subject = st.selectbox("Select Subject", subjects) if class_mode == "Default": default_dashboard_class(subject) else: selected_plots = st.multiselect("Select Plots", list(class_default_options.keys())) plot_dashboard_class(selected_plots, subject) st.header("Requested Plots") image_folder = "./requested_plots" if os.path.exists(image_folder): image_files = os.listdir(image_folder) for image_file in image_files: if image_file.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')): image_path = os.path.join(image_folder, image_file) st.image(image_path, caption=image_file, use_column_width=True) else: st.write("Image folder not found.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()