library(shiny) | |
shinyServer(function(input, output, session){ | |
# ----------------------- Shadow function ---------------------- | |
shadowtext <- function(x, y=NULL, labels, col='white', bg='black', | |
theta= seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=50), r=0.1, ... ) { | |
xy <- xy.coords(x,y) | |
xo <- r*strwidth('A') | |
yo <- r*strheight('A') | |
# draw background text with small shift in x and y in background colour | |
for (i in theta) { | |
text( xy$x + cos(i)*xo, xy$y + sin(i)*yo, labels, col=bg, ... ) | |
} | |
# draw actual text in exact xy position in foreground colour | |
text(xy$x, xy$y, labels, col=col, ... ) | |
} | |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- | |
output$miplot <- renderPlot({ | |
#----------------------------- Normal --------------------------------- | |
if(input$Distribucion == "Normal"){ | |
if(input$Propede == "Percentil"){ | |
media <- input$Media | |
desvi <- input$Sd | |
proba <- input$Probabilidad | |
percentil <- qnorm(p=proba, mean=media, sd=desvi) | |
k <- 5 # numero de desviaciones | |
curve(dnorm(x, media, desvi), xlim=media+c(-k,k)*desvi, lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n normal', ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(media-k*desvi, media+k*desvi, desvi), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(media-k*desvi, percentil, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(media-k*desvi, secuencia, percentil) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dnorm(secuencia, media, desvi), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='steelblue') | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=0, round(percentil, 2), col="chartreuse", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(X<.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
} | |
else { | |
media <- input$Media | |
desvi <- input$Sd | |
percentil <- input$Percentil | |
proba <- pnorm(percentil, media, desvi) | |
k <- 5 # numero de desviaciones | |
curve(dnorm(x, media, desvi), xlim=media+c(-k,k)*desvi, lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n normal', ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(media-k*desvi, media+k*desvi, desvi), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
if (percentil > media-k*desvi) { | |
secuencia <- seq(media-k*desvi, percentil, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(media-k*desvi, secuencia, percentil) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dnorm(secuencia, media, desvi), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='steelblue') | |
altura <- dnorm(percentil, media, desvi) | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=altura/2, round(proba, 2), | |
col="orchid2", cex=2) | |
} | |
title(sub=bquote(P(X<.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
}} | |
#----------------------------- t-student --------------------------------- | |
if(input$Distribucion == "t-student"){ | |
if(input$Propede == "Percentil"){ | |
df=input$grados | |
proba <- input$Probabilidad | |
percentil <- qt(p=proba, df=df, lower.tail=F) | |
curve(dt(x, df), xlim=c(-5,5), lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n t-student', ylab="", xlab="", | |
axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(-5, 5, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, 5, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, 5) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dt(secuencia, df=df), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='darkolivegreen3') | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=0.01, round(percentil, 2), | |
col="chartreuse", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(t>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
output$perce <- renderText(percentil) | |
} | |
else { | |
df=input$grados | |
percentil=input$Percentil | |
proba <- pt(q=percentil, df=df, lower.tail=F) | |
curve(dt(x, df), xlim=c(-5,5), lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n t-student', ylab="", xlab="", | |
axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(-5, 5, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, 5, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, 5) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dt(secuencia, df=df), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='darkolivegreen3') | |
altura <- dt(x=percentil, df=df) | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=altura/2, round(proba, 2), | |
col="orchid2", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(t>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
} | |
} | |
#----------------------------- F --------------------------------- | |
if(input$Distribucion == "F"){ | |
if(input$Propede == "Percentil"){ | |
proba <- input$Probabilidad | |
df1=input$grados1 | |
df2=input$grados2 | |
percentil <- qf(p=proba, df1, df2, lower.tail=F) | |
max.x <- 3 * percentil | |
curve(df(x, df1, df2), xlim=c(0, max.x), lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n F', ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(0, max.x, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, max.x, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, max.x) | |
cord.y <- c(0, df(secuencia, df1, df2), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='lightsalmon3') | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=0.01, round(percentil, 2), | |
col="chartreuse", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(F>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
} | |
else { | |
df1=input$grados1 | |
df2=input$grados2 | |
percentil=input$Percentil | |
proba <- pf(q=percentil, df1, df2, lower.tail=F) | |
max.x <- 3 * percentil | |
curve(df(x, df1, df2), xlim=c(0, max.x), lwd=3, | |
main='Distribuci贸n F', ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(0, max.x, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, max.x, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, max.x) | |
cord.y <- c(0, df(secuencia, df1, df2), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='lightsalmon3') | |
altura <- df(x=percentil, df1, df2) | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=altura/2, round(proba, 2), | |
col="orchid2", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(F>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
}} | |
#----------------------------- chi --------------------------------- | |
if(input$Distribucion == "chi.cuadrada"){ | |
if(input$Propede == "Percentil"){ | |
proba <- input$Probabilidad | |
df=input$Grados | |
percentil <- qchisq(p=proba, df, lower.tail=F) | |
max.x <- qchisq(p=0.99, df) | |
curve(dchisq(x, df), xlim=c(0, max.x), lwd=3, | |
main=expression('Distribuci贸n' ~ chi^2), ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(0, max.x, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, max.x, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, max.x) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dchisq(secuencia, df), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='yellow3') | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=0, round(percentil, 2), | |
col="chartreuse", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(chi^2>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
} | |
else { | |
df=input$Grados | |
percentil=input$Percentil | |
proba <- pchisq(q=percentil, df, lower.tail=F) | |
max.x <- qchisq(p=0.99, df) | |
curve(dchisq(x, df), xlim=c(0, max.x), lwd=3, | |
main=expression('Distribuci贸n' ~ chi^2), ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE) | |
axis(1, at=seq(0, max.x, by=0.5), pos=0) | |
axis(2, las=1) | |
secuencia <- seq(percentil, max.x, length.out=10000) | |
cord.x <- c(percentil, secuencia, max.x) | |
cord.y <- c(0, dchisq(secuencia, df), 0) | |
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='yellow3') | |
altura <- dchisq(x=percentil, df) | |
shadowtext(x=percentil, y=altura/2, round(proba, 2), | |
col="orchid2", cex=2) | |
title(sub=bquote(P(chi^2>.(percentil))==.(proba)), cex.sub=2) | |
}} | |
}) | |
}) | |